MODBOD Guidebook


MODBOD Guidebook
MODBOD Guidebook
MODBOD Guidebook
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
What is ModBod
| 4-5
Chapter 2:
How Does it Work?
| 6-11
Chapter 3:
ModBod Products
| 12-17
Chapter 4:
Getting Started
| 18-21
MODBOD Guidebook
Welcome to the ModBod Guidebook,
a roadmap to help guide you along
your path to weight loss.
Protein Cookies
MODBOD Guidebook
Thermogenics Natural
Health Product
Protein Shakes
The starting point is you, now. The end point is you a month
from now, three months from now, a year from now.
It’s the lighter, healthier version of you. You 2.0. Or maybe
it’s the ‘classic’ version of you, before the spare tires and
love handles. This guidebook provides you with turn-by-turn
directions to get you from where you are to where
you want to be.
Because ModBod is designed to be flexible, that line
from point A to point B can be the squiggly, scenic route
or as straight as the express lanes through downtown.
It’s all up to you, but we’ll get to that later. For now,
let’s start at the start.
ModBod: Fills you up,
satisfies and burns fat
so you can lose weight.
MODBOD Guidebook
ModBod Works!
ModBodTM is a system designed to
fill you up, keep you satisfied
and burn fat so you can lose weight.
Sounds simple, right? It is!
Kasandra B. Lost 23 pounds in 60 Days!*
This was the easiest weight management endeavor I have ever
experienced. I had increased energy on day one that continued through
the afternoon; unlike coffee which usually lets me down mid-day.
I slept better but required less sleep to feel refreshed.
I took the protein shake daily, usually for breakfast, and noticed that
I was satisfied for longer than other products I’ve tried. Overall,
23 pounds lost with a pleasurable, easy-to-follow diet makes me
one satisfied customer.
Thanks Univera, for another great product!
*This statement reflects the actual experience of a ModBod user
during a 60-day U.S. clinical trial, is anecdotal only, and may not be typical.
MODBOD Guidebook
• P articipants lost as much
as 35 pounds
• 88% of users lost fat mass
• U sers lost more than twice
as much fat than muscle
• 3 0% of users
gained muscle mass
• 73% of users decreased
belly mass
These statements reflect
the actual experience of ModBod
users during a 60-day U.S. clinical
trial, are anecdotal only, and may
not be typical.
ModBod consists of a trio of easy-to-use products
which help you to lose weight through appetite
control and food flexibility.
First, we’d like to tell you about the products.
The ModBod family consists of protein shakes,
protein cookies and Thermogenics, a natural
health product approved by Health Canada with
an NPN (Natural Product Number). They’re
designed to provide everything you need to
transform your body into a fat-burning machine.
Protein Cookies
The protein shakes and protein cookies work
on the principle of satiety. That means they satisfy
and fight hunger longer through the combination
of a unique tri-blend protein with healthy fibre.
The Thermogenics natural health product not only
helps to increase metabolism, but it helps your
body to use fat for fuel. All of this combined with
healthy eating and exercise equals weight loss,
plain and simple.
Protein Shakes
Natural Health Product
MODBOD Guidebook
Three key mechanisms:
• Appetite Control
• Unique Tri-Blend Protein
• Food Flexibility
MODBOD Guidebook
Ever notice how some foods fill you up more than
others? When you’re nourished, you’re satisfied,
or to be fancy about it, satiated. Satiety is a form
of appetite control that comes not from suppressing
the appetite, but by feeding your body the right
types of foods so that you feel full, longer. If you’re
not hungry all the time, it stands to reason that
you’ll eat less, right?
When you examine foods which create
the highest levels of satiety, you will find
two things in common; protein and fibre.
High-protein foods increase satiety to a greater extent than
carbohydrates or fat. Protein is relatively energy-inefficient
which means you actually burn more calories digesting
proteins than you do carbs or fats. Also, high protein diets
have been shown to help increase lean muscle mass.
More satiety, more calorie burning, more lean muscle;
what’s not to love?!
Fibre-rich foods help increase satiety in two ways. First, by
absorbing water, which creates a bulking effect, or feeling of
fullness in the stomach. Secondly, by slowing the movement
of food through the digestive tract, which means you feel
satisfied longer. Even better – when protein and fibre are
eaten together, they are digested more slowly than when
eaten alone or when compared to a meal consisting of simple
carbohydrates, such as white bread or pasta.
A daily serving of the ModBod Protein Cookies and Protein
Shakes (when prepared with water) will provide you
with 32 g of protein and 32% of the recommended
Daily Value (DV) of fibre. You’ll feel more satisfied,
less hungry and nearly impervious to the siren calls
of the num-num snack factory that is the office
vending machine.
MODBOD Guidebook
Most people have a vague notion that protein is
good for them, that it helps to repair and build
muscle and it satisfies. However, most people
incorrectly assume that protein is protein.
Not so!
Different types of proteins are digested
and absorbed by the body at different
rates. The scientific term for this is
protein kinetics, but we like to think
of it as protein gears, like the gears
on a bicycle.
The unique protein blend used in both the
ModBod Protein Shakes and Protein Cookies
consists of three protein gears; fast, medium
and slow.
MODBOD Guidebook
Soy Protein
the medium gear
Amino Acid (Protein)
Whey Protein
the fast gear
Whey protein - the fast gear
Whey protein comes from milk and is one of
the richest sources of proteins available. Whey is
More on Protein Kinetics
quickly and easily digested by the body which means
How do our three protein gears work
it is particularly helpful post-exercise for speeding
together? Think of each form of protein
essential amino acids directly to tired muscles.
as a wave. The first wave of protein
is whey, followed by soy and finally pea.
Because these proteins are digested
Soy protein - the medium gear
at different rates, in effect what you have
is a gradual delivery of amino acids into
Our Soy protein is a non-GMO, purified isolate from
the bloodstream. More amino acids over
soy beans and is also easily digested and absorbed
a longer period of time are a good thing.
by the body but at a slower rate relative to whey.
All repair functions of the body, not just
So, while whey is fast-acting and provides your
muscle building, require amino acids.
body with immediate fuel and nourishment, soy has
The three-gear effect also contributes
a more sustained release. It will continue to feed
to satiety benefits better than whey
your muscles after whey has peaked.
alone and supports the maintenance
of muscle mass.
Pea Protein
the slow gear
Pea protein - the slow gear
Our Pea protein is also a non-GMO purified isolate
of garden peas and is even more slowly digested
and absorbed by the body than soy.
MODBOD Guidebook
The basic ModBod program is simple:
1.Have one meal per day which consists of a ModBod
Protein Shake and healthy food.
2.Have one serving of the ModBod Protein Cookies
as an in-between meal snack or whenever hunger rears
its head.
3.Incorporate daily use of the ModBod Thermogenics
to burn fat and increase metabolism.
You could do just these three things and expect to lose
some weight, but the truth is you won’t experience your full
potential or the potential of the program without also focusing
on one of the reasons you’re here in the first place; your diet.
The key to any successful weight loss program is healthy
eating. Always has been, always will be. Most diets go
astray by being restrictive and focusing on what you can’t
eat. Instead, ModBod focuses not on food type, but on
food quality. We offer three meal plans focused on healthy
food choices.
Our flexible meal plans were designed with the help of Dr. Kristine Clark, Ph.D.,
Registered Dietician and Director of Sports Nutrition at Penn State University.
Dr. Clark is an internationally-known sports nutritionist who teaches her clients
about the importance of smart food choices. She often recommends high protein
and fibre-rich foods like the ModBod Protein Cookies and Protein Shakes to
nourish and help manage appetite. For her, weight management is a balancing act
of energy in versus energy out. She emphasizes the equal roles that healthy eating
and exercise play in successful weight management.
10 MODBOD Guidebook
You don’t have to count calories!
Our Flexible Meal Plans are colour-coded for fat loss; Green (Accelerated),
Yellow (Moderate) and Orange (Gradual). Each meal plan outlines seven days of
breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to keep you on track. Not only will you not go
hungry on the ModBod Diet, but you are allowed the freedom to choose which meal
plan best fits your lifestyle and weight loss goals. Should you need to change meal
plans mid-stream, weight loss isn’t stopped; it just slows or accelerates depending
upon your eating choices. You hold the power!
You will even find a handy calculator at which takes basic
information combined with your personal weight loss goals to show how much
weight you can expect to lose with each meal plan. Visit today
to determine which meal plan works for you!
Here’s a sample of what one day on the Green, Yellow and Orange meal plans look like:
• ¾ cup cooked oatmeal
• 1 cup skimmed milk
• 2 tbsp. raisins
• 1 small banana
• Coffee
• 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt
• 1 cup cooked oatmeal
• Coffee
• 1 ModBod Protein Shake
• ½ large grapefruit
Morning Snack
• 1 ModBod Protein Cookie
• 1 ModBod Protein Shake
• 1 cup minestrone soup
• Wheat crackers
• 1 cup skimmed milk
• 1 apple
• Turkey breast sandwich
w/ whole grain bread, lettuce,
tomato & cucumber
• Reduced fat dressing
• 1 cup baby carrots
• 1 fat-free, sugar-free yogurt cup
Afternoon Snack
• 1 ModBod Protein Cookie
• 1 medium apple
• 1 medium apple
• 2 ModBod Protein Cookies
• Grilled or baked salmon fillet
• 1 Baked potato w/ reduced
fat sour cream
• 1 cup green beans
• 1 cup skimmed milk
• Baked or
grilled chicken breast
• Sautéed yellow squash,
spinach & mushrooms
• 1 cup brown & long-grain
wild rice
• Broiled or grilled white fish (tilapia, cod)
• 1 medium baked sweet potato
w/ cinnamon
• 2 cups spinach leaf salad
w/ mandarin oranges
• Olive oil & vinegar dressing
Evening Snack
• 1 sugar-free pudding cup
• 2 ModBod Protein Cookies
• 1 sugar-free chocolate pudding cup
• 1 cup celery
• 2 tbsp. peanut butter
• 1 ModBod Protein Shake
• 1 cup skimmed milk
• 1 whole grain bagel
• 2 tsp. fat-free cream cheese
MODBOD Guidebook 11
Protein Shakes
Fill me up!
Product Benefits
Product Features
• Controls appetite by increasing satiety
• Healthy weight management control
• Excellent source of protein
• Very high source of dietary fibre
• Source of energy
• Ideal protein to carbohydrate ratio
• Only 150 calories
(when prepared with water)
• 20 grams of tri-blend protein
• 7 grams of fibre
• 11 grams grams of net carbs
• Non-GMO Soy and Pea Protein
• Gluten-free
• Cholesterol-free
• No artificial flavours or colours
12 MODBOD Guidebook
Mix it up!
What is it?
ModBod Protein Shakes taste great, fill you up,
fight hunger and keep you booming throughout
the day.
How does it work?
Whey, Soy and Pea protein. These proteins
represent different “gears” or speeds at which
they are digested and absorbed by the body.
(See the section on Protein Kinetics on page 8 for
more details). By providing a blend of fast, medium,
and slow-acting proteins, ModBod Protein Shakes
ensure that your body is nourished now and later.
When combined with seven grams of healthy fibre,
not only are you nourished, you’re satisfied, which
isn’t always the case with other protein shakes.
Many people prefer to start their day with a
ModBod Protein Shake because it’s healthy, full of
protein and convenient for those hectic mornings.
Berry Delicious Shake
Calories –
290 (with skimmed milk) /
275 (with water)
• 2 full scoops of ModBod Protein
Shake (Chocolate or Vanilla)
• 250 mL (8 oz) of water or skimmed milk
• 1 cup fresh or frozen berries
• Ice (unless using frozen berries)
Combine all ingredients in a blender
and blend until smooth.
Chocolate Peppermint Shake
Calories – 250
• 2 full scoops of ModBod
Chocolate Protein Shake
• 250 mL (8 oz) skimmed milk
• 1 tsp. peppermint extract
• Ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender
and blend until smooth.
Rise and Shine Shake
Calories – 245
• 2 full scoops of ModBod Vanilla Protein Shake
• 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
• ¾ tsp. vanilla extract
• ¾ cup of non-fat dry milk powder
• Ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender
and blend until smooth.
Chocolate Almond Shake
Calories – 260
• 2 full scoops of ModBod
Chocolate Protein Shake
• 250 mL (8 oz) skimmed milk or plain almond milk
• 1 tsp. almond extract
• Ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender
and blend until smooth.
MODBOD Guidebook 13
Protein Cookies
Satisfy me!
Product Benefits
Product Features
• Controls appetite by increasing satiety
• Fights hunger, longer
• Supports healthy weight management
• High source of protein
• Only 120 calories
• 12 grams of tri-blend protein
• 1 gram of fibre
• 13 grams of net carbs
• Non-GMO Soy and Pea Protein
• Gluten-free
• Cholesterol-free
• No artificial colours
Jessica F. Lost 35 Pounds in 60 Days!*
I was so far away from the “me” I remembered; it was hard for me
to figure out where or how to start. I can honestly say ModBod was
the push in the right direction I needed. The program provided me
with an easy and nutritious meal, a tasty snack, and made me aware
how poor some of the “healthy” choices I was making really were.
My clothes started to fit better, I felt better, found I was less stressed,
tired, hungry and had fewer cravings. But more importantly, I realized
I was adding quality and length to my life… and it didn’t hurt that I was able
to fit into clothes I hadn’t been able to wear for years! Actually, that part
is pretty awesome.
*This statement reflects the actual experience of a ModBod user during a 60-day U.S. clinical trial,
is anecdotal only, and may not be typical.
14 MODBOD Guidebook
What are they?
ModBod Protein Cookies are zesty tasty delights, convenient, hunger-fighting,
orange-cranberry satisfaction.
How does it work?
ModBod Protein Cookies feature our unique tri-blend of Whey, Soy and Pea protein
and are packed with 12 grams of protein, and fibre which means they have the same
three protein gears; fast, medium and slow, appetite control and satiety benefits
as our protein shakes. They deliver protein and fibre in a tasty treat to keep you
satisfied, longer!
How do I use them?
ModBod Protein Cookies are perfect for healthy in-between meal snacking.
The serving size is two per day and they can be used whenever you need hunger
control the most. If you’re a nibbler, you can savour them throughout the day. If 3 pm
seems to be when you’re most tempted to grab for the sweets, then have them then!
Because each serving is individually-wrapped, you can throw one in your briefcase,
purse or gym bag for unexpected snack attacks. To maximize your satisfaction, we
recommend drinking a full glass of water.
MODBOD Guidebook 15
Product Benefits
Natural Health Product
Health Canada approved NPN
(Natural Product Number): 80042191
Burn my fat!
• Helps to increase metabolism
• Helps your body to use fat for fuel
• Targeted fat burning
• Supports healthy weight management
Product Features
• Proprietary dual-pathway thermogenic
• Combines the traditional ingredient
of green tea with the cutting edge green
coffee bean
What is it?
Our science experts wanted to call it a ‘dual-pathway thermogenic’. The marketing gurus
thought ‘fat-incinerating metabolism igniter’ sounded way cooler. Simply, it helps to do two
things; helps to increase metabolism and support the utilization of fat for fuel.
How does it work?
We maximized the synergistic effects of traditional and cutting edge ingredients to boost
metabolism and incinerate fat at the cellular level.
The first part of our one-two fat-fighting punch comes from green tea extract, one of the
most studied and proven fat loss ingredients in history.
Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in
Asia from Japan and South Korea to the Middle East. Clinical studies have shown that
green tea extract boosts metabolism and helps burn fat. One study confirmed that the
16 MODBOD Guidebook
combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight
loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately
obese individuals. Researchers believe that substances
in green tea known as polyphenols, specifically the
catechins (primarily EGCG), are responsible for the
herb’s fat-burning effect. The power of this ingredient
lies in its naturally-occurring fat-burning compounds.
What it means for you is natural appetite reduction
and an increased metabolism.
The second round of the one-two punch provided
by ModBod Thermogenics comes from green coffee bean
extract. But what are green coffee beans?
Green coffee beans are only regular coffee beans that have
not yet been roasted. Did you know that the hard, brown,
kernels you grind up to make your morning coffee actually
start out as beautiful, light green beans?
On Caffeine
A naturally occurring compound that is
found in both green tea and green coffee
bean is caffeine. That’s right, the dreaded
But guess what?
Research has repeatedly shown that when
used in responsible amounts, caffeine
can be a powerful asset in the weight
loss battle. What we don’t do is pump our
product full of synthetic caffeine to make
you feel jittery and try to demonstrate
that the product is “doing something”.
Sound familiar?
Our caffeine is naturally occurring, meaning
it’s not been added, and the amount per day
is only about 150 mg. That’s equivalent to a
short (250 mL) cup of coffee at your friendly
neighbourhood coffee shop. For reference,
a 250 mL is the one that looks like a large
shot glass. Most people don’t even know a
250 mL exists!
Coffee is typically made from roasted coffee beans because
it tastes better, but the process also damages and destroys
chlorogenic acid, the polyphenol that helps burn fat and aids
weight loss. High quality green coffee bean extract contains
50% of chlorogenic acids, which maximize your weight loss.
How do I use it?
We recommend that you always follow the dosage on the
label: (Adults) Take one tablet 2 times a day with food.
MODBOD Guidebook 17
The first thing to do is to visit There, you will find detailed instructions
on how to order your ModBod products. Once you’ve placed your order, you can
immediately get to work before the products have even arrived!
First use the handy ModBod Calculator at
to find the colour of the Flexible Meal Plan that is right for
you. You simply provide a few details such as your age,
height, weight and weight loss goals, and the ModBod
calculator will show you how much weight you can expect
to lose by following each plan.
Then it’s only a matter of choosing the plan which is the best
match, printing it out, and getting started! Each meal plan is
available as a free, downloadable PDF on the website and
includes a recommended shopping list to make your trip to
the grocery store that much easier.
18 MODBOD Guidebook
Here’s the deal: if you want the most
success from your weight loss program,
you’ll have to move a little.
Exercise improves:
• Mood
• Energy
• Digestion
• Elimination
• Bone Density
This doesn’t mean joining a gym, hiring a trainer
or working out six hours a day, but our bodies
are designed to move and everything works better
with consistent exercise.
• Range of Motion
• Body Weight
• Body Composition
• Sleep Quality
Where do I start?
How about something you’ve done since you were a toddler? Walking.
The American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease
Control suggest walking 10,000 steps a day as a guideline. Most people walk
somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000 steps a day, so you can see that
by doubling that number, you’d be getting a fair amount of exercise. Moderate
exercise. You can add steps by parking in the space furthest from the office
or grocery store instead of driving around for fifteen minutes searching
for a closer space. You can take a morning walk for fifteen minutes before
you get ready for work. Even taking the stairs instead of the elevator or pacing
while you’re on the phone will add steps to your day, and all these steps add up
to quicker success for you and your commitment to lose weight.
MODBOD Guidebook 19
Stepping it Up
Altering your daily habits to include at least 10,000 steps is a great start, but you’ll
see results much faster if you incorporate regular physical activity into your lifestyle.
As you start to shed pounds, not only will you look better, but you’ll FEEL better too!
Exercise enhances your mood, boosts energy and promotes better sleep. Who doesn’t
want that?
Pick your activity and get moving!
Typically, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardiorespiratory
exercise 5 days a week, which can be broken down into two 15 minute sessions
or increased to 60 minutes. Here’s a bit of a guide to help you gauge how many calories
you can burn whether you work out for 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour.
15 Minutes
30 Minutes
60 Minutes
M = Male
F = Female
Activities based on 35 year old men 195 lbs. and 35 year old women 165 lbs.
Individual results may vary.
20 MODBOD Guidebook
Strength Training
In order to maximize the benefit of exercise, we need
to increase muscle mass. If you do not do that, you
could be consigned to a life-long struggle with your
weight. Building muscle requires exercise; ultimately
including resistance training of some kind. We’re not
talking about the pumping-iron kind of muscles. We’re
primarily talking about building muscle tone.
At, you will find a section on
Exercise. There, we have provided sample strength
training exercise which you can download and follow
to get you started.
Triceps extension
Upright row
We highly recommend visiting
where you will find much of the information included
in this guidebook as well as tons of helpful information
like exercise tips, full downloadable meal plans and
shopping lists, product nutritional facts and ingredient
listings, FAQs and more.
Lateral raise
Steve B. lost 22 pounds in 60 Days!*
I love these products! My appetite control is much improved
and I have better sustained energy throughout the day.
I played soccer with my grandkids and could not believe how
much energy I had! It was very motivating when the pounds
started to fall off – I need new clothes to fit the smaller me!
Bench fly
The products were easy to take and tasted great. I would
highly recommend ModBod to anyone and plan to stay
on the products forever!
*This statement reflects the actual experience of a ModBod user during a 60-day
U.S. clinical trial, is anecdotal only, and may not be typical.
MODBOD Guidebook 21
Fill me up! Satisfy me! Burn my fat!
Customer Care: 800.363.1890
52 Hymus Blvd., suite 101
Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1C9 •
Please Recycle
ModBod™ is a trademark of Univera Canada Ltd.
Copyright © 2013 Univera Canada Ltd. All rights reserved.
22 MODBOD Guidebook
Item #: 108535 V1 (08.13)