Skybot Scheduler User Guide
Skybot Scheduler User Guide
Skybot Scheduler User Guide Skybot Scheduler User Guide -1- Copyright © Copyright 2014. Skybot Software is a division of Help/Systems, LLC. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Skybot Software, Skybot Scheduler, and Robot/SCHEDULE are registered trademarks of Help/Systems, LLC in the United States and other countries. IBM and AIX are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Windows, SQL Server, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Macintosh, Mac, and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. SAP NetWeaver and ABAP are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. Informatica, PowerCenter, and Informatica Cloud are registered trademarks of Informatica Corporation. Oracle and the Oracle logo are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Skybot Scheduler User Guide -2- About this Help This user guide is for operators who set up and manage the job schedule on your enterprise and system administrators who manage users, security, and access to your network. This user guide is meant to be used as a reference while you work. Therefore, it is organized so the help topics match the options in the product. The topics within each chapter basically follow the order of the Skybot Scheduler product. The descriptions provide detailed information on valid values, the function of each field, and any additional information that can help you when using Skybot Scheduler. Additional Support If you don't find the answers you need in this user guide, try Skybot Software Support. Here you can find support through Live Chat, Help/FACTS, Support Request form, an FAQ, and phone numbers to contact a Technical Consultant. Copyright Information © Copyright 2014. Skybot Software is a division of Help/Systems, LLC. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Skybot Scheduler User Guide -3- About Skybot Scheduler Skybot Scheduler is a web-based user interface that lets you build and manage an event-driven schedule across all your systems for enterprise scheduling, coordinated batch processing, and cross-system monitoring. Skybot Scheduler works across all your servers to: Monitor essential services and daemons Schedule batch jobs Monitor file arrival and directory creation or modification Coordinate event-driven scheduling across different platforms Capture output from agent systems for troubleshooting Control the user and working directory on the server Provide reporting for today’s stringent regulations Notify you for Service Level Agreements Automate your custom scripts Skybot Scheduler gives you complete access and control of your job scheduling functions and options. Setting up jobs couldn't be easier. You select the job type, enter the times it should run, then select the days of the week or month it should run. That's all there is to it. Skybot Scheduler User Guide -4- Skybot Scheduler Home Page The Skybot Scheduler Home page helps you get started with the product and provides a quick status of the product, a brief job history, and actions that are required by the operator. You also can quickly access the Dashboard from this page. Getting Started The Getting Started section guides you through a few important steps for setting up Skybot Scheduler. Option Enter License Description Skybot Scheduler requires a valid license code (primary or trial) for full functionality. This section lets you know right away if your license code is valid and provides a link to enter a new code. Install and License Agents You must install our agent software to run jobs and manage processes on your agent systems (connected servers). An Agent is the service that runs on your agent systems and connects to Skybot Scheduler on your Enterprise Server. You must have at least one agent system configured to run jobs. This section lets you know how many agents you have configured and provides links to downloading agent software and viewing configured agents. Configure Email NotiYou can configure Skybot Scheduler to notify you through email of important job statuses, agent fication events, or other system events. To use this feature, you must configure Skybot Scheduler so it can connect to your email server. This section lets you know if an email server is configured and provides a link to configure your email server. Configure Users Each user who accesses the system should have an individual user profile allowing their actions are distinctly audited. Also, at least one user should be configured to be notified of system events.This section provides a link to the page where you can add or edit users. Define Jobs Jobs are the basic unit of work in Skybot Scheduler. Jobs contain commands, environment variables, scheduling options, and other important information related to scheduling and executing the task you want to perform. This section lets you know how many jobs you have defined and provides links to creating a new job, or viewing existing jobs. Hiding the Getting Started Click Hide Getting Started to hide this section. It will remain hidden each time you visit the page until Section you click Show Getting Started at the top of the page. Current Status The Current Status section displays the status of key Skybot Scheduler areas: Option Job Scheduler Description This lets you know if the job scheduler is running. If it is running or starting, the background is green. If it's stopped or failed, the background is red. Auditing History Purge If the job scheduler has been down for some time, when it's restarted, the job scheduler will have a starting status until all missed jobs have been managed. This lets you know if there are locked job queues. If there are, the background is red. If not, the background is green. This lets you know if SNMP Monitoring is on. If it is, the background is green. If not, the background is red. This lets you know if Auditing is on. If it is, the background is green. If not, the background is red. This lets you know the status of history purging on your system. Standby Server On: All history purges are enabled (green background) x Disabled: Where x is any number of purges that are disabled (yellow background) Off: All history purges are disabled (red background) This lets you know the status of your standby server. Job Queues SNMP Monitoring Active: You have configured your HA environment and your standby server is connected and replicating the master server's database (green background). Inactive: You have configured your HA environment, but your standby server is not connected (red background). Not Configured: You have not configured your HA environment (yellow background) Skybot Scheduler User Guide -5- Note: The underlined statuses are links to the page where you can change that status. For example, if the Job Scheduler status is "Stopped," you can click the status to go to the page where you can restart the Job Scheduler. Job Activity Summary The Job Activity Summary section summarizes job activity over the last 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Activity Initiated Queued Running Completed Failed Canceled Error Skipped Description How many jobs were initiated during the selected time range. How many jobs are waiting in the job queue. How many jobs are currently running. How many jobs completed during the selected time range. How many jobs failed during the selected time range. How many jobs were canceled during the selected time range. How many jobs resulted in error during the selected time range. How many jobs were skipped during the selected time range. You can change the time range by clicking the hours (6h, 12h, 24h, 48h). Action Required The Action Required section shows recent events or schedule irregularities that need your attention. Select an option from the left to see related information. Option Pending Messages Missed Jobs Held Agent Job Queues Offline Agents Today's Failed Jobs Today's Skipped Jobs Unlicensed Agents Description View recent system messages and provides a link to the System Messages page. View recent jobs that did not run because the server was not running and provides a link to the Manage Missed Jobs page View currently held agent job queues and provides a link to the Agents page. View agents that are currently offline, the status for why it's offline, and a link to the Agents page. View jobs that have failed today, the reson why they failed, and a link to the Job History page with only today's failed jobs listed. View jobs that were skipped today, the reason why they were skipped, and a link to the Job History page with only today's skipped jobs listed. View connected agent systems that do not have points allocated and provides a link to the Agents page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide -6- Profile Settings Use the My Profile Settings page to select your default language, change your password, or view a summary of your profile. Preferences Click Edit to change your preferences. Language: Select the language for Skybot Scheduler to use. Show dates on history pages: Unchecking this option will hide dates that match the date filters on the history screens. Password Click Edit to set a new password for the profile you are logged in as. Old password: Enter your existing password. New password: Enter a new password. Confirm new password: Re-enter your new password. Summary The Summary section provides a brief summary of your account. Click Save to save your new language and password changes. Skybot Scheduler User Guide -7- Filtering Columns Some columns can be filtered by unique values of your choosing. To filter in this way, click the drop-down list in the desired column and point to Filters. Type the prefix you want to filter by. When typing unique characters for this filter, there are two wildcards that can be used: "%" (percent) - This is a wildcard for one or more characters of any value. "_" (underscore) - This is a wildcard for one character of any value. Note: If you do not want the character to be treated as a wildcard, it must be prefixed with "\\" (see image below). For example, if you want to find objects prefixed by "my_value" : Using a filter value of "my_value" will consider the underscore a wildcard. Using a filter value of "my\\_value" will force an exact prefix match of "my_value". Skybot Scheduler User Guide -8- Product Security Skybot Scheduler’s role-based security ensures that your users have access to only the parts of the product they need to perform their jobs. It also makes management of user privileges easier for your system administrators, because they can change privileges for a large group of users on one page. Skybot Scheduler provides a virtually limitless combination of security options. You could segregate jobs by department, division, geographic location, or customer. Managed service providers, cloud computing applications, and large organizations can all benefit from Skybot Scheduler’s role-based security. For example, one role could have the ability to access Job History and Audit History, but not be able to manage missed jobs, create new jobs, or create Return Codes. Another role could create new jobs, but not have access to modify any job on the system. You can even manage it down to a lower level, by giving a role access to only specific jobs, agent event monitors, or agents. You could even have a role that is excluded from everything in the product except the ability to view one job. In addition to ensuring that only authorized users have access to the correct jobs and objects, Skybot Scheduler also protects you from outside threats. All conversations across your network are encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Skybot Scheduler User Guide -9- Creating Jobs Use the Job settings page to create new and edit existing jobs. Note: You must have at least one agent configured to schedule a basic job. If you want to use other scheduling options, such as Shared Agent Environments, Return Codes, Calendars, Date Lists, Skybot Variables, or Shared Command Sets, you must configure those before you set up your job. The Job settings page uses the following sections to define your job: General Job Settings Use the General section to set basic job information. Agents, agent groups, and non-standard (fiscal) calendars must be defined before you create a job that uses them. Name: Provide a unique name for your job. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for your job. Agent/Group: Select whether you want the job to run on a specific agent or on an agent group. Then, select the name from the dropdown list. Priority: Type or select an agent queue priority for this job. Number 1 is the highest priority. For example, if two jobs are submitted to an agent queue at the same time, the job with a priority of 25 will run before the job with a priority of 99. Calendar: Select a calendar to use with the job. Note: To select a non-standard calendar, you must set it up before you create the job. See Calendars for help on creating calendars. Time Zone: This option lets you schedule the job according to the time zone of either the agent or the server. The time zone affects all time calculations related to this job, including schedule exceptions and special instances. Note: If you selected a Preferred Agent or Utilization Balanced agent group (above), you'll only be able to select the server time zone. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this job. Scheduling the Job Use the Schedule section to schedule run times for the job. Select the type of schedule you want to use for this job. The type of schedule you select determines the other options you can set in this section of the Job settings page. See detailed descriptions of each scheduling type This example shows you how to create a basic Day of Week job schedule. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 10 - Select Day of Week from the drop-down list, then click Add Schedule. Schedule a job that runs every day at 5:00 a.m. Click OK to save the schedule. You can add multiple schedules for a job. This example shows a second schedule that runs the same job every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. Click Add Schedule. Select Weekly from the Repeats drop-down list, select 21:00 as the time, and Wed as the day of the week to run. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 11 - Click OK to save the schedule. Each scheduled time is now visible (highlighted in blue) and easy to edit or delete. This job now runs every day at 5:00 a.m. and every Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. Once you have established a schedule type and times to run, use the Schedule Exceptions section if you want the job to run outside of the normal schedule. Creating Exceptions to the Normal Schedule Use the Schedule Exceptions section to create exceptions to the job's regular schedule. For example, you can schedule a job to run every Monday and Wednesday, then use a Date List to tell the job not to run on certain dates such as holidays. The job runs on every Monday and Wednesday—except those specified in the Date List. For those exceptions, you can also specify if the job should run on the preceding working day, on the following working day, or not run at all. Run Time Range Allowed: Set the From and To times to create a time range that this job can run during. If the job is scheduled to run during this time, it will be skipped. Non-Working Days: Use this option when you use a scheduling option where you do not know what day of the week a job will run. For example, the Day of Period option lets you run a job on the first day of the month. But, if the first day is a Saturday, use the NonWorking Days option to tell Skybot Scheduler what to do. You can: Run the job on all days it's scheduled, regardless of it if it lands on a non-working day. Run the job only on working days. If the job is scheduled to run on a non-working day, it will be skipped. Run the job on the preceding working day. This option runs the job on the last working day before it's schedule to run. Run the job on the following working day. This option runs the job on the first working day after it's scheduled to run. Omit Date Lists: Click the drop-down list to select a Date List for a list of dates that the job will not run on. Setting an Agent Environment Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 12 - Use the Agent Environment section to assign the environment type, working path, and add environment variables for your job. You can use a shared Agent Environment (defined under Scheduling Objects), or set up a private environment that only this job uses. See detailed information about setting agent environments. For this example, we'll use a Shared Agent Environment. The username, working path, and variables (if any exist) populate automatically once you select an environment from the Agent Environment drop-down list. Adding Commands to a Job Use the Commands section to set up the task you want the job to perform. You can use a Shared Command Set or a set of commands unique to this job. Note: To use a Shared Command Set, you must have one set up before creating a job. If you use a Shared Command Set, you will not be able to move or change the commands in the set from this page. See Command Sets for help on creating new Command Sets or editing existing ones. For this example, we'll set up manual commands for just this job. See detailed information about each of the available Command options. 1. Click Add and select Command. 2. Enter the command or script in the Command column. Notes: The exit system command should be used with caution on Windows. When exit is used in a command, it immediately ends the current process before Skybot Scheduler is finished evaluating the results. Using the parameter /b can help. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 13 - The Windows timeout command should be avoided when writing commands in Skybot Scheduler. It will prevent the job from completing. The timeout command waits for user input (even if the '/NOBREAK' option is used) and this interferes with Skybot Scheduler determining when a command has completed. If you're adding a call to vlaunch.exe, consider using the Windows Desktop Application Command window instead of manually adding it here. The advantage is that the Windows Desktop Application Command window automatically builds the correct syntax for doing the call. However, if you must add it here, use the following syntax: windows path\vlaunch.exe" "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This passes the command string, including all parameters, to the Skybot Agent Transponder for execution, and continues with the next job command without waiting for the results. windows path\vlaunch.exe" /W "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This stops and waits for the command to execute via the Skybot Agent Transponder, and gets a return code from the command that can be tested. 3. Click the value in the Return Code column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Return Code window. You can enable and select a shared Return Code, or create an individual return code for this command. Click here for return code guidelines. 4. Click the value in the Fail Action column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Failed Action window. Select an item from the When command fails list. You can choose: Fail Job (the job will end and show a status of Failed), Continue to next Command (this command will fail, but the job will continue to run with the next command), Retry command before Failing Job, and Retry command before continuing to next Command. If you select either of the "retry" choices, you must enter the Number of Retries and the time to Wait Between Retries in seconds. Click Save when you're finished. 5. Repeat for each command you need to add manually. You can also use Skybot Scheduler's built-in command builders to write commands for file transfers, running an Informatica Cloud task, running an Informatica PowerCenter workflow, managing an Oracle concurrent request, running an SAP job, event, or variant, managing a SQL Server job, sending a request to a web server, or launching a desktop application. See the following for help setting up these type of commands. File Transfer Jobs Informatica Cloud Tasks Informatica Workflows Oracle Concurrent Request Jobs SAP NetWeaver Events SAP NetWeaver Jobs SAP NetWeaver Process Chains SAP NetWeaver Variants SQL Server Jobs Web Service Request Jobs Windows Desktop Application Jobs Handling Missed Run Times Use the Missed Run Time Options section to set the action to perform when missed run times occur for the job. Click the drop-down menu to select an action. Note: The missed run time option does not apply to jobs using the Run Intercepted Job schedule option. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 14 - You can select from the following options: Manually manage all missed run times. Run all missed run times. Ignore all missed run times. Choosing this option may result in the job appearing as Canceled in the Job History. This will occur only if the job has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job has not been queued, no record of the job will appear in the Job History. Mark all missed run times as Failed. Mark all missed run times as Completed. Run the first missed run time, manually manage others. Run the first missed run time, Ignore others. Choosing this option may result in the job appearing as Canceled in the Job History. This will occur only if the job has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job has not been queued, no record of the job will appear in the Job History. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Failed. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Completed. Logging Options Use the Logging section to save the job log to your server. Managing Job History Purging Use the Job History Purge section to define purging for the job's history. You can use defaults set by the product or define purge settings specifically for one job. Use Defaults: Select this option if you want to use the system defaults for purging job logs for this job. The defaults are defined in the Job History section of System Settings. Purge: Select this option if you want to define purge settings specifically for the job. Runs to Keep: Set the default number of runs to keep for the job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 15 - General Job Settings Use the General section to set basic job information. Agents, agent groups, and non-standard (fiscal) calendars must be defined before you create a job that uses them. Name: Provide a unique name for your job. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for your job. Agent/Group: Select whether you want the job to run on a specific agent or on an agent group. Then, select the name from the dropdown list. Priority: Type or select an agent queue priority for this job. Number 1 is the highest priority. For example, if two jobs are submitted to an agent queue at the same time, the job with a priority of 25 will run before the job with a priority of 99. Calendar: Select a calendar to use with the job. Note: To select a non-standard calendar, you must set it up before you create the job. See Calendars for help on creating calendars. Time Zone: This option lets you schedule the job according to the time zone of either the agent or the server. The time zone affects all time calculations related to this job, including schedule exceptions and special instances. Note: If you selected a Preferred Agent or Utilization Balanced agent group (above), you'll only be able to select the server time zone. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 16 - Job Scheduling Unscheduled Job Unscheduled Job scheduling lets you create a job and run manually or in reaction to another job or event on your enterprise. Unscheduled Job should be used when the job does not run at specific times or days. Unscheduled jobs can be initiated by a user with the Run Job Now option. They can also be initiated with reactivity as soon as prerequisites are met. Day of the Week Day of Week scheduling lets you specify a specific day of the week to run a job. You can set how often the job repeats (Daily or Weekly), and what time to run the job. After selecting Day of Week as the type, click Add Schedule to create a time for this job to run. When you select Daily, the job will run every day at the time you set in the At field. For example, a job set to run at 0:00 runs every day at midnight. When you select Weekly, the job will run on the week of the month that you specify (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last). You also can specify which day(s) of that week the job should run. Using weekly you can also schedule the job like it was a daily job. Click OK to save the schedule. You can add multiple Day of Week run times for each job. Date List Date List scheduling lets you specify dates that a job should run. Select a Date List from the Add Date List drop-down menu. You can select multiple date lists. Click Add Run Time to specify what times the job should run on each day in the Date List. Day of Period Day of Period scheduling lets you schedule jobs that will routinely run on the given days relative to the start or end of a specific period. You can set how many days after the period starts or before a period ends, set the type of period (month, quarter, half-year, year), and the time of day to run the job. Count: When calculating the run time for a job, only count the selected type of days. You can select from all days, working days, or non-working days. For example, 5 days after the start of a period could be different if you are not counting non-working days. Working/Non-working days are determined by the Calendar assigned to the job. Click Add Schedule to create times for this job to run. Run on day: Select the number of days you want to count from the beginning or before the end of a period. If you select 1 days, the job will run on the first or last day, depending on your Counting days setting. Of the: Set the type of period (month, quarter, semester, year). Counting days: Select if you want to count from the beginning of the period or from the end of the period. For example, if you know you need a job to always run a week after the start of a period, you would enter 7 in the Run setting and "after the start" in the Run on day setting. At: Set the time of day to run the job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 17 - Click OK to save the schedule. You can add multiple schedules for each job by clicking Add Schedule. Timed Interval Timed Interval scheduling lets you schedule jobs that will routinely run and will be automatically rescheduled to run again in a specific time interval. Run Every: Enter the interval number (hours or minutes). Select hours or minutes from the second drop-down menu. Run on Non-Working days: Check this option if you want the job to run on a non-working day. On Save: Click this option to cause the first instance of the new job to be scheduled approximately one minute from the time the job is initially saved. Subsequent maintenance of the job continues running using the previously submitted time to calculate the next runtime. Changing the base date/time during maintenance will cause the job to re-schedule at the new base date/time instead of staying on the current interval schedule. Base Date: Set a date for this job to start running. Base Time: Set a time for this job to start running. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 18 - Add Run Time Range: Click Add Run Time Range if you want to add a time range for the job to run. Click the Run drop-down menu Daily: Select this option to set a time range that the job can run in every day. Weekly: Select this option to run the job during the time range you select and on the week of the month that you specify (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last). You also can specify which days of that week the job should run. Nightly: Select this option to run the job during an overnight time range. The From time must be greater than the until time. For example, From 23:00 until 3:00 would be 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. the next day. Overnight: Select this option to run the job during the overnight time range you select and on the week of the month that you specify (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last). You also can specify which days of that week the job should run. Daily Interval Daily Interval scheduling lets you run a job with a set number of days between each run. Count: When calculating the run time for a job, only count the selected type of days. You can select from all days, working days, or non-working days. For example, 5 days after the start of a period could be different if you are not counting non-working days. Run every: Set the number of days between run times. Start run date: Set the date of the first job run. This date should equal or be greater than today. Run time: Set the time each day this job is supposed to run. Start run date: Set the date of the first job run. This date should equal or be greater than today. React only during Day of Week range The Day of Week Range option lets you narrow the job time to a time range for every day that you want to run the job. React all day: Check this option if you want the job to be reactive during the entire day. You also can select a time range. Every: Choose which week of the month the job will be reactive. You can select from Every Week, First Week, Second Week, Third Week, Fourth Week, Fifth Week, or Last Week. You also can specify which days of that week the job should be reactive. React only during Date List range The Date List Range option lets you add a time range to jobs that run on a specified Date List. More than one Date List can be selected. On days specified in the Date Lists, the job runs at every runtime specified. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 19 - React only during Day of Period range Day of Period Range scheduling lets you add a time range to jobs that will routinely run on the given days relative to the start or end of a specific period. Count: When calculating the run time for a job, only count the selected type of days. You can select from all days, working days, or non-working days. For example, 5 days after the start of a period could be different if you are not counting non-working days. React all day: Check this option if you want the job to be reactive during the entire day. You also can select a time range. Run on day: Select the number of days you want to count from the beginning or before the end of a period. If you select 1 days, the job will run on the first or last day, depending on your Counting days setting. Of the: Set the type of period (month, quarter, semester, year). You also can select a time range. Run Intercepted Job The Run Intercepted Job option lets you automatically scan a defined SAP system for intercepted jobs and run them as a Skybot Scheduler job. You can create Run Intercepted jobs from scratch or by using the Intercepted Job History page. Note: You must have at least one agent or agent group configured to schedule a basic job (you cannot define a 'run intercepted job' to the All Agents group). Also, the Poll Intercepted Jobs option must be selected in the SAP NetWeaver system definition. If you want to use other scheduling options, such as tags, shared agent environments, return codes, calendars, date lists, Skybot variables, or shared command sets, you must configure those before you set up your job. This option is not available for scheduling job suites. Run Time Range Allowed: Set the From and To times to create a time range that this intercept job can run. Restricted Days: Restricted days indicate what days that this time range applies to. Having them all checked, or none checked has the same results (the time range applies to all days). Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 20 - Intercept Criteria: Select a system definition to be used with this intercept job, and define the combination of job name, job owner, and client this job will scan for in the intercepted job history An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard. Cron Expression Use the Cron Expression schedule type to create UNIX-type Cron Expressions. Click here for more information on setting up a Cron Expression type job. The following options are available for each scheduling type: Option Skip if running Generate history when skipping Hold on Failure Description Check this box so if the previous submission of the job is still active (running, on the queue, or checking conditions), it skips the next submission of the job. If the job is assigned to an agent group, the job will be skipped only on the agents where it is active. Check this box so if the job is skipped for any reason, Skybot Scheduler keeps a record of the instance. Check this box so if the previous submission of the job run fails, it holds the job. This lets you diagnose the problem and release the job when you are ready, instead of having the scheduler continue to submit a job that repeatedly fails. If the job is assigned to an agent group, the job will be held only for the agents where it has failed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 21 - Adding Exceptions to the Normal Schedule Use the Schedule Exceptions section to create exceptions to the job's regular schedule. For example, you can schedule a job to run every Monday and Wednesday, then use a Date List to tell the job not to run on certain dates such as holidays. The job runs on every Monday and Wednesday—except those specified in the Date List. For those exceptions, you can also specify if the job should run on the preceding working day, on the following working day, or not run at all. Run Time Range Allowed: Set the From and To times to create a time range that this job can run during. If the job is scheduled to run during this time, it will be skipped. Non-Working Days: Use this option when you use a scheduling option where you do not know what day of the week a job will run. For example, the Day of Period option lets you run a job on the first day of the month. But, if the first day is a Saturday, use the NonWorking Days option to tell Skybot Scheduler what to do. You can: Run the job on all days it's scheduled, regardless of it if it lands on a non-working day. Run the job only on working days. If the job is scheduled to run on a non-working day, it will be skipped. Run the job on the preceding working day. This option runs the job on the last working day before it's schedule to run. Run the job on the following working day. This option runs the job on the first working day after it's scheduled to run. Omit Date Lists: Click the drop-down list to select a Date List for a list of dates that the job will not run on. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 22 - Agent Environment Use the Agent Environment section to assign the environment type and working path, and to add environment variables for your job. You can use a shared Agent Environment (defined under Scheduling Objects), or set up a private environment that only this job uses. The following environment types are available: Environment Type Shared Agent Environment Description Select this option to use an Agent Environment that you created in Scheduling Objects. See Managing Agent Environments for help creating new Agent Environments. The Username, Working Path, and Environment Variables fill in automatically. You can overwrite the Working Path and Environment Variables fields to create an Agent Environment that merges settings from the Scheduling Object with custom settings for this job. This does not change the original Scheduling Object. User Name and Password Select this option to enter a valid username and password for the agent, and a working path. Run as Agent's User Select this option to run jobs as the agent's user, without specifying the user name and password. You must still enter a working path. Note: Agents running jobs with this Agent Environment must have "Allow Jobs to Run as Agent's User" turned on under General Agent Settings. 'setuid' (UNIX Agents only) Select this option to run jobs as a user on the UNIX agent. Note: This environment type is secured by running the script on your UNIX agent. See the Help/FACTS Installing Agents on UNIX and Linux Servers for more detailed instructions. Adding Environment Variables (optional) Select Add Variable to add an environment variable or select a variable to edit it. Enter the name and value of the environment variable. Notes: For UNIX and Linux users who want to emulate the behavior of a clean environment with a full login sequence (su - someuser), instead of an inherited environment (su someuser), use the following Environment Variable: "__PROCESS_LOGIN=true". When a Skybot Scheduler job is started with the clean environment (su -), environment variables from the agent's shell are not passed into the process. If your FTP server only accepts active transfers, create the following Environment Variable and use it when you create the File Transfer job: "set SKYBOT_FTP_LOCAL_MODE=active". If your FTP server is configured to use preferred authentications, create the following Environment Variable and use it when you create the File Transfer job: "SKYBOT_SFTP_PREFERRED_AUTH". See Configuring Agent Environments for more information on creating Environment Variables. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 23 - Handling Missed Run Times Use the Missed Run Time Options section to set the action to perform when missed run times occur for the job. Click the drop-down menu to select an action. Note: The missed run time option does not apply to jobs using the Run Intercepted Job schedule option. You can select from the following options: Manually manage all missed run times. Run all missed run times. Ignore all missed run times. Choosing this option may result in the job appearing as Canceled in the Job History. This will occur only if the job has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job has not been queued, no record of the job will appear in the Job History. Mark all missed run times as Failed. Mark all missed run times as Completed. Run the first missed run time, manually manage others. Run the first missed run time, Ignore others. Choosing this option may result in the job appearing as Canceled in the Job History. This will occur only if the job has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job has not been queued, no record of the job will appear in the Job History. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Failed. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Completed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 24 - Cron Expression Overview A Cron expression is a string of fields separated by white space that represents a set of times, used to schedule tasks. The Cron Expression schedule type lets you create jobs on your UNIX, Linux, and Windows servers with cron-type scheduling. Notes: This does not create a Cron job. Since not all versions of Cron work the same, we make no guarantees that this schedule type will work with your system. Daylight Saving Time considerations: In the spring, on the night when the system clock is moved ahead from 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM, any job scheduled with a Cron expression to run between 2:00 AM and 2:59 AM will not run. In the fall, on the night when the system clock is moved back from 2:00 AM to 1:00 AM, any job scheduled with a Cron expression to run between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM will not run twice. It will run at the designated time after the change back to Standard Time. Field Name Minute Hour Day of Month Month Weekday Year (optional) Allowed Values 0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 or JAN-DEC 1-6 or MON-SAT; 0,7 or SUN empty, 1970-100 years from now Allowed Special Characters ,-*/ ,-*/ ,-*?/LW ,-*/ ,-*?/L# ,-*/ Skybot Scheduler Job Setup Screen The '*' character is used to specify all values. For example, "*" in the minute field means "every minute." The '?' character is allowed for the day of month and weekday fields. It is used to specify 'no specific value.' This is useful when you need to specify something in one of the two fields, but not the other. The '-' character is used to specify ranges For example "10-12" in the hour field means "the hours 10, 11 and 12." The ',' character is used to specify additional values. For example "MON,WED,FRI" in the weekday field means "the days Monday, Wednesday, and Friday." The '/' character is used to specify increments. For example "0/15" in the minute field means "the minutes 0, 15, 30, and 45". And "5/15" in the minute field means "the minutes 5, 20, 35, and 50". Specifying '*' before the '/' is equivalent to specifying 0 is the value to start with. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 25 - Essentially, for each field in the expression, there is a set of numbers that can be turned on or off. For minutes, the numbers range from 0 to 59. For hours, 0 to 23, for days of the month 0 to 31, and for months 1 to 12. The "/" character simply helps you turn on every "nth" value in the given set. Thus "7/6" in the month field only turns on month "7", it does NOT mean every 6th month, please note that subtlety. The 'L' character is allowed for the day of month and weekday fields. This character is short-hand for "last", but it has different meaning in each of the two fields. For example, the value "L" in the day of month field means "the last day of the month" - day 31 for January, day 28 for February on non-leap years. If used in the weekday field by itself, it simply means "6" or "SAT". But if used in the weekday field after another value, it means "the last xxx day of the month" - for example "5L" means "the last friday of the month". When using the 'L' option, it is important not to specify lists, or ranges of values, as you'll get confusing results. The 'W' character is allowed for the day of month field. This character is used to specify the weekday (Monday-Friday) nearest the given day. As an example, if you were to specify "15W" as the value for the day-of-month field, the meaning is: "the nearest weekday to the 15th of the month". So if the 15th is a Saturday, the trigger will fire on Friday the 14th. If the 15th is a Sunday, the trigger will fire on Monday the 16th. If the 15th is a Tuesday, then it will fire on Tuesday the 15th. However if you specify "1W" as the value for day of month, and the 1st is a Saturday, the trigger will fire on Monday the 3rd, as it will not 'jump' over the boundary of a month's days. The 'W' character can only be specified when the day of month is a single day, not a range or list of days. The 'L' and 'W' characters can also be combined for the day of month expression to yield 'LW', which translates to "last weekday of the month." The '#' character is allowed for the weekday field. This character is used to specify "the nth" XXX day of the month. For example, the value of "5#3" in the day-of-week field means the third Friday of the month (day 5 = Friday and "#3" = the 3rd one in the month). Other examples: "1#1" = the first Monday of the month and "3#5" = the fifth Wednesday of the month. Note that if you specify "#5" and there is not 5 of the given day-of-week in the month, then no firing will occur that month. If the '#' character is used, there can only be one expression in the day-of-week field ("3#1,5#3" is not valid, since there are two expressions). The legal characters and the names of months and days of the week are not case sensitive. Overflowing ranges is supported - that is, having a larger number on the left hand side than the right. You might do 22-2 to catch 10 o'clock at night until 2 o'clock in the morning, or you might have NOV-FEB. It is very important to note that overuse of overflowing ranges creates ranges that don't make sense and no effort has been made to determine which interpretation CronExpression chooses. An example would be "0 0 14-6 ? * FRI-MON." Skybot Scheduler supports an asterisk ('*') in either or both the day of month and weekday fields . When it is found, it (or one) is replaced internally with a '?' Examples: ('* * * * 6-7 *') is internally converted to ('* * ? * 6-7 *'). ('* * 3 * * *') is internally converted to ('* * 3 * ? *'). ('* * * * * *') is internally converted to ('* * * * ? *'). When both day of month and weekday fields are explicitly set ('* * 3 * 6-7 *'), internally we check both and return whichever comes first. In the example above, the result today (4/20/2011) returns 4/20/2011 (this Friday). If it was set to ('* * 21 * 6-7 *'), it would return 4/21 (the 21st of the month). Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 26 - Commands Use the Commands section to set up commands and return codes for the job. You can use a shared command set, manually enter a command, or use Skybot Scheduler's built-in command builder. Manual Command If you don't want to use a shared Command Set or a built-in command builder, you can manually add a new command to the job. 1. Click Add and select Command. 2. Enter the command or script in the Command column. Notes: The exit system command should be used with caution on Windows. When exit is used in a command, it immediately ends the current process before Skybot Scheduler is finished evaluating the results. Using the parameter /b can help. The Windows timeout command should be avoided when writing commands in Skybot Scheduler. It will prevent the job from completing. The timeout command waits for user input (even if the '/NOBREAK' option is used) and this interferes with Skybot Scheduler determining when a command has completed. If you're adding a call to vlaunch.exe, consider using the Windows Desktop Application Command window instead of manually adding it here. The advantage is that the Windows Desktop Application Command window automatically builds the correct syntax for doing the call. However, if you must add it here, use the following syntax: windows path\vlaunch.exe" "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This passes the command string, including all parameters, to the Skybot Agent Transponder for execution, and continues with the next job command without waiting for the results. windows path\vlaunch.exe" /W "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This stops and waits for the command to execute via the Skybot Agent Transponder, and gets a return code from the command that can be tested. 3. Click the value in the Return Code column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Return Code window. You can enable and select a shared Return Code, or create an individual return code for this command. Click here for return code guidelines. 4. Click the value in the Fail Action column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Failed Action window. Select an item from the When command fails list. You can choose: Fail Job (the job will end and show a status of Failed), Continue to next Command (this command will fail, but the job will continue to run with the next command), Retry command before Failing Job, and Retry command before continuing to next Command. If you select either of the "retry" choices, you must enter the Number of Retries and the time to Wait Between Retries in seconds. Click Save when you're finished. 5. Repeat for each command you need to add manually. File Transfer (FTP) You can use the command builder to add a File Transfer command to the job. Select File Transfer from the drop-down list. The File Transfer Command window opens. Note: You must create a File Transfer System before you can add an FTP command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 27 - File Transfer System: Select a File Transfer System to work with. Direction: Select file transfer direction. Push means you send a job to the remote system. Pull means you will retrieve a file from the remote system. Remote File Name: Enter the name of the file on the remote system you want to work with. Agent File Name: Enter the name of the file on the agent system you want to work with. Replace existing target file: Select if you want to replace an existing file. If you do not select this option, and there is a duplicate file, it causes an error. Delete the source file after transfer: Select if you want the source file in the FTP directory deleted after the transfer is complete. Transfer Type: Select the FTP mode. Select Binary when transferring applications or other information you don’t want encoded. Select Text when transferring text. SITE command: Enter FTP specific commands to the remote FTP server. Click Save to save your file transfer command. Skybot Scheduler writes the FTP syntax for you automatically. Notes: IBM Power Systems (System i, iSeries, AS/400) servers with IFS require the following SITE commands in order to successfully complete the file transfer: listfmt 1; namefmt 1. File Transfer commands use the following return codes: 0 - return code for successful completion 1 - return code for any failure of file transfer 2 - return code only for failure to delete source file (not for file transfer failure) Informatica Cloud Task You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs an Informatica Cloud task. Select Informatica Cloud® Task from the drop-down list. The Informatica Cloud Task Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica Cloud server definition before you can add an Informatica Cloud task command. Server Definition: Select the Informatica Cloud server definition to connect to. Task Type: Select task type code from the list, or type it in the box if it's not listed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 28 - Task Name: Type the name of the task or task flow that this command should run. Continue Immediately: Select this if you want this task started, but don't need Skybot Scheduler to monitor or wait for the task to complete. Click Save to save your Informatica Cloud Task command. Informatica Workflow You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs an Informatica workflow. Select Informatica® Workflow from the drop-down list. The Informatica Workflow Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica PowerCenter® system definition before you can add an Informatica Workflow command. System Definition: Select the Informatica PowerCenter® system definition to connect to. Integration Service Name: Select the Integration Service to use inside the repository. Folder Name: Select the folder within the selected repository. Workflow: Select the Workflow to execute. Task Instance Path: To start the Workflow at a specific task, enter the path to the task. The Task Instance Path is period delimited, so you may specify tasks that are nested in worklets. For example, "w1.task1" would run 'task1' in worklet 'w1' inside of the selected workflow. If you do not enter a path, the job runs the entire Workflow. Check the box to only run the task specified above. Operating System Profile: Enter the operating system user for the Workflow. Run Instance Name: Enter a run instance name for running the Workflow. Retrieve Log: Select this check box if you want to include the Workflow log in the Skybot job log. Parameters: To pass parameters to the Workflow, provide the name of an existing parameter file or create a new parameter list. If you are creating a new parameter list: You must enter a value in the Scope column. Do not add [brackets] around the value you enter for the scope. The Informatica web service adds the brackets to whatever is passed in for the scope. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 29 - Click Save to save your Informatica Workflow command. Oracle Concurrent Request You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs an Oracle Concurrent Request. Select Oracle® Concurrent Request from the drop-down list to add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. The Oracle® Concurrent Request Command window opens. Note: You must create an Oracle System Definition before you can add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. System Definition: Select an Oracle System Definition for this Concurrent Request. Wait: Select the Yes check box if you want Skybot to wait until the submitted Concurrent Request is completed before marking the Skybot job as complete. Program Application Shortname: Enter the application shortname from Oracle. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 30 - Concurrent Program: Enter the name of the Oracle Concurrent Program to be used for this request. Program Name: Enter the program name you want to give this concurrent request. Or, you can leave this blank to use: Skybot Job Name(run number). How a job displays in Oracle depends on what, if anything, is entered into this box. If you enter a program name, it will display in Oracle as: "Program Name (Concurrent Program Name)". If you leave this box blank, it will display as: "Skybot Job Name(run number) (Concurrent Program Name)". Notice that the run number is only displayed if you leave this box blank. To add the parameters for this Concurrent Request, click Add Parameters. Then, enter the parameter Name (which can be anything) and the Value (which must be a legitimate parameter value). The order of the parameters must match the requirements for the Oracle application. You can add more than one parameter. To delete a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. In the following example, FND is the shortname for the Application Object Library, FNDCPPGS is the Concurrent Programs Report, and the parameter value of FND limits the report to Concurrent Programs in the FND (Application Object Library). Once the request in this example is submitted on the Oracle system, it will have a Name of "Skybot Job (Concurrent Programs Report)." Click Save to save your Oracle Concurrent Request command. SAP NetWeaver Event You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that raises an event on an SAP system. This allows you create reactivity in your network based on an SAP Event occurring. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 31 - Select SAP NetWeaver™ Event from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Event Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Event command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Event ID: Add the ID of the SAP event you want to trigger. Event Parameters: Add event parameters, if necessary. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Event command. SAP NetWeaver Job You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs an SAP NetWeaver job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Job from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Job Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Job command. Filtering Job Definitions: Use System Definition and System Environment to limit the available Job Definitions to choose from. Job Definition: Select a Job Definition to run in this Skybot Scheduler job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Job command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 32 - SAP NetWeaver Process Chain You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs a process chain on an SAP system. This allows you create reactivity in your network based on an SAP process chain running. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Process Chain from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Process Chain Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Process Chain: Type or select the SAP process chain you want to run. Note: This must match the technical name of a process chain in the SAP system selected above. Long Description: Type or select the long description from the process chain you want to run. Note: If you begin typing the first few letters of either the process chain or the long description, you can click the down arrow and select from a list of available items that are pulled from SAP based on what you typed. Also, if you enter the name of a process chain, the long description associated with it is automatically pulled from SAP. The reverse is also true; if you enter a valid long description, the corresponding process chain name is pulled from SAP. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. SAP NetWeaver Variant You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that modifies an SAP ABAP Variant. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Variant from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Variant Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Variant command. System Definition: Select the SAP NetWeaver System Definition to use for this command. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you defined in the System Definition. Program: Enter the name of the SAP ABAP program. Variant: Select or enter the variant. If the ABAP program entered doesn't contain any variants, the list will be empty. Parameters: Click Add Parameters to add additional variant parameters to be changed by this command. Click OK to save the parameter. You can add multiple parameters, but only existing parameters may be entered. This command doesn't add new parameters to a variant. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 33 - Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Variant command. SQL Server Job You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs a SQL Server Job. Select SQL Server® Job from the drop-down list to add a SQL Server Job command. The SQL Server Job Command window displays. Note: You must create a SQL Server definition before you can add a SQL Server Job command. SQL Server Definition: Select a SQL Server Definition to work with. Job Name: Enter a SQL Server job name that is valid with the Server Instance defined in the SQL Server Definition. Use Verbose Logging: Select this option to use verbose logging to help with troubleshooting. Click Save to save your SQL Sever Job command. Web Service Request Select Web Service Request from the drop-down list to add a web service request command. The Web Service Request Command Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 34 - window displays. The information you enter in this window will vary greatly depending on which web service you're trying to access. See the documentation for that web service for additional help. Note: You must create a web server definition before you can add a web service request command. Web Server Definition: Select the web server definition to which you're going to send the request. Description: Enter a description of what this request does. Keep in mind that what you enter will be included in the command text. Runtime Environment Variables: Type the name of a runtime environment variable that you want to use as a parameter in this command and press Enter. You can use system variables, Skybot variables, and agent environment variables. Repeat for each variable you want to use as a parameter. This allows you to take advantage of variables that have already been created. To remove a variable from the list, click the X next to it. Base URL: This is automatically displayed when you select a web server definition. If what's showing is incorrect, you must edit the web server definition in order to change it. Application URL: If necessary, enter a URL segment to be appended to the base URL for this web service request. Request Method: Select the method (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) for this web service request. Header Properties: Click Add to add a header property for this request. In the Name column, select or type the header name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value of this header property (max length is 1024 characters). You can add more than one header. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the header lines. To remove a header, click the X at the end of the row. Request Parameters: Click Add to add the parameters for this request. In the Name column, type the parameter name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value for this parameter (max length is 1024 characters). You can use the runtime environment variables. Also, you can add more than one parameter. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the parameters. To remove a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. Message Body Override: If you are using either a POST or PUT method, you can create an override for the message body. Select one of the following. None: Select this if you don't want to override the message body. String: Select this to replace the message body with a particular XML string. Then, type the string you want used. Select the box to URL Encode the string. Note: If you select URL Encode, you must define a 'Content-Type' header property. If you fail to do so, one is automatically added at runtime on the agent so that the web service request can run. File Content: Select this to replace the message body with the contents of a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Response Handling: Log Body to Console/Joblog: Select an option. Allowing the response body to be logged to the console/joblog may provide extended information about any errors that were generated. Note: The response headers are always logged. Send Body to File: Select this box if you want the response body sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 35 - Send Headers to File: Select this box if you want the response headers sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Note: The response headers may contain cookies that need to be parsed out in order to submit subsequent requests (for example, log on to a server, get an authorization cookie, then send a request using that cookie). Click Save to save your web service request command. Windows Desktop Application Select Windows® Desktop Application from the drop-down list to add a command to launch a GUI application on a Windows agent system. The Windows Desktop Application Command window displays. Enter a valid command to open a GUI application from your Skybot Scheduler browser session. For example, notepad.exe. Notes: You must have the Agent Transponder running on the agent system for this command to work. See more information here. The command must be an executable file (.exe, .bat, etc.) and include any required parameters. Only executable files that require interaction with a GUI window should be defined with this type of command. Commands that do not require interaction with the desktop environment should be added as standard commands. Managing the Commands Table When you are finished adding a command, you should adjust the Return Code and Fail Action settings, if necessary. To make other changes to the commands you have created: Select a command to edit it. To delete a command from the job, click the red X at the end of the row. Select a command and click the up or down arrows to change the order in which the job runs the command. The first command listed runs first; the second command runs next, and so on. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 36 - File Transfer Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add a file transfer to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select File Transfer from the drop-down list. The File Transfer Command window opens. Note: You must create a File Transfer System before you can add an FTP command. File Transfer System: Select a File Transfer System to work with. Direction: Select file transfer direction. Push means you send a job to the remote system. Pull means you will retrieve a file from the remote system. Remote File Name: Enter the name of the file on the remote system you want to work with. Agent File Name: Enter the name of the file on the agent system you want to work with. Replace existing target file: Select if you want to replace an existing file. If you do not select this option, and there is a duplicate file, it causes an error. Delete the source file after transfer: Select if you want the source file in the FTP directory deleted after the transfer is complete. Transfer Type: Select the FTP mode. Select Binary when transferring applications or other information you don’t want encoded. Select Text when transferring text. SITE command: Enter FTP specific commands to the remote FTP server. Click Save to save your file transfer command. Skybot Scheduler writes the FTP syntax for you automatically. Notes: IBM Power Systems (System i, iSeries, AS/400) servers with IFS require the following SITE commands in order to successfully complete the file transfer: listfmt 1; namefmt 1. File Transfer commands use the following return codes: 0 - return code for successful completion 1 - return code for any failure of file transfer 2 - return code only for failure to delete source file (not for file transfer failure) Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 37 - Informatica Cloud Task Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an Informatica Cloud task to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select Informatica Cloud® Task from the drop-down list. The Informatica Cloud Task Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica Cloud server definition before you can add an Informatica Cloud task command. Server Definition: Select the Informatica Cloud server definition to connect to. Task Type: Select task type code from the list, or type it in the box if it's not listed. Task Name: Type the name of the task or task flow that this command should run. Continue Immediately: Select this if you want this task started, but don't need Skybot Scheduler to monitor or wait for the task to complete. Click Save to save your Informatica Cloud Task command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 38 - Informatica Workflow Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an Informatica Workflow to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select Informatica® Workflow from the drop-down list. The Informatica Workflow Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica PowerCenter® system definition before you can add an Informatica Workflow command. System Definition: Select the Informatica PowerCenter® system definition to connect to. Integration Service Name: Select the Integration Service to use inside the repository. Folder Name: Select the folder within the selected repository. Workflow: Select the Workflow to execute. Task Instance Path: To start the Workflow at a specific task, enter the path to the task. The Task Instance Path is period delimited, so you may specify tasks that are nested in worklets. For example, "w1.task1" would run 'task1' in worklet 'w1' inside of the selected workflow. If you do not enter a path, the job runs the entire Workflow. Check the box to only run the task specified above. Operating System Profile: Enter the operating system user for the Workflow. Run Instance Name: Enter a run instance name for running the Workflow. Retrieve Log: Select this check box if you want to include the Workflow log in the Skybot job log. Parameters: To pass parameters to the Workflow, provide the name of an existing parameter file or create a new parameter list. If you are creating a new parameter list: You must enter a value in the Scope column. Do not add [brackets] around the value you enter for the scope. The Informatica web service adds the brackets to whatever is passed in for the scope. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 39 - Click Save to save your Informatica Workflow command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 40 - Oracle Concurrent Request Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an Oracle concurrent request to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select Oracle® Concurrent Request from the drop-down list to add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. The Oracle® Concurrent Request Command window opens. Note: You must create an Oracle System Definition before you can add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. System Definition: Select an Oracle System Definition for this Concurrent Request. Wait: Select the Yes check box if you want Skybot to wait until the submitted Concurrent Request is completed before marking the Skybot job as complete. Program Application Shortname: Enter the application shortname from Oracle. Concurrent Program: Enter the name of the Oracle Concurrent Program to be used for this request. Program Name: Enter the program name you want to give this concurrent request. Or, you can leave this blank to use: Skybot Job Name(run number). How a job displays in Oracle depends on what, if anything, is entered into this box. If you enter a program name, it will display in Oracle as: "Program Name (Concurrent Program Name)". If you leave this box blank, it will display as: "Skybot Job Name(run number) (Concurrent Program Name)". Notice that the run number is only displayed if you leave this box blank. To add the parameters for this Concurrent Request, click Add Parameters. Then, enter the parameter Name (which can be anything) and the Value (which must be a legitimate parameter value). The order of the parameters must match the requirements for the Oracle application. You can add more than one parameter. To delete a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. In the following example, FND is the shortname for the Application Object Library, FNDCPPGS is the Concurrent Programs Report, and the parameter value of FND limits the report to Concurrent Programs in the FND (Application Object Library). Once the request in this example is submitted on the Oracle system, it will have a Name of "Skybot Job (Concurrent Programs Report)." Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 41 - Click Save to save your Oracle Concurrent Request command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 42 - SAP NetWeaver Event Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an SAP NetWeaver event to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Event from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Event Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Event command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Event ID: Add the ID of the SAP event you want to trigger. Event Parameters: Add event parameters, if necessary. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Event command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 43 - SAP NetWeaver Job Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an SAP NetWeaver job to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Job from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Job Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Job command. Filtering Job Definitions: Use System Definition and System Environment to limit the available Job Definitions to choose from. Job Definition: Select a Job Definition to run in this Skybot Scheduler job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Job command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 44 - SAP NetWeaver Process Chain Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an SAP NetWeaver process chain to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Process Chain from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Process Chain Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Process Chain: Type or select the SAP process chain you want to run. Note: This must match the technical name of a process chain in the SAP system selected above. Long Description: Type or select the long description from the process chain you want to run. Note: If you begin typing the first few letters of either the process chain or the long description, you can click the down arrow and select from a list of available items that are pulled from SAP based on what you typed. Also, if you enter the name of a process chain, the long description associated with it is automatically pulled from SAP. The reverse is also true; if you enter a valid long description, the corresponding process chain name is pulled from SAP. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. Note: If an attempt is made to cancel a process chain while it's waiting on an interrupt condition to be filled, the cancel will likely fail. If the condition is never filled, the process chain may remain in an active state. If the interrupt’s condition is subsequently filled, this may result in the process chain continuing to completion. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 45 - SAP NetWeaver Variant Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add an SAP NetWeaver variant to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Variant from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Variant Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Variant command. System Definition: Select the SAP NetWeaver System Definition to use for this command. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you defined in the System Definition. Program: Enter the name of the SAP ABAP program. Variant: Select or enter the variant. If the ABAP program entered doesn't contain any variants, the list will be empty. Parameters: Click Add Parameters to add additional variant parameters to be changed by this command. Click OK to save the parameter. You can add multiple parameters, but only existing parameters may be entered. This command doesn't add new parameters to a variant. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Variant command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 46 - SQL Server Job Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add a SQL Server job to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select SQL Server® Job from the drop-down list to add a SQL Server Job command. The SQL Server Job Command window displays. Note: You must create a SQL Server definition before you can add a SQL Server Job command. SQL Server Definition: Select a SQL Server Definition to work with. Job Name: Enter a SQL Server job name that is valid with the Server Instance defined in the SQL Server Definition. Use Verbose Logging: Select this option to use verbose logging to help with troubleshooting. Click Save to save your SQL Sever Job command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 47 - Web Service Request Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add a web service request to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select Web Service Request from the drop-down list to add a web service request command. The Web Service Request Command window displays. The information you enter in this window will vary greatly depending on which web service you're trying to access. See the documentation for that web service for additional help. Note: You must create a web server definition before you can add a web service request command. Web Server Definition: Select the web server definition to which you're going to send the request. Description: Enter a description of what this request does. Keep in mind that what you enter will be included in the command text. Runtime Environment Variables: Type the name of a runtime environment variable that you want to use as a parameter in this command and press Enter. You can use system variables, Skybot variables, and agent environment variables. Repeat for each variable you want to use as a parameter. This allows you to take advantage of variables that have already been created. To remove a variable from the list, click the X next to it. Base URL: This is automatically displayed when you select a web server definition. If what's showing is incorrect, you must edit the web server definition in order to change it. Application URL: If necessary, enter a URL segment to be appended to the base URL for this web service request. Request Method: Select the method (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) for this web service request. Header Properties: Click Add to add a header property for this request. In the Name column, select or type the header name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value of this header property (max length is 1024 characters). You can add more than one header. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the header lines. To remove a header, click the X at the end of the row. Request Parameters: Click Add to add the parameters for this request. In the Name column, type the parameter name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value for this parameter (max length is 1024 characters). You can use the runtime environment variables. Also, you can add more than one parameter. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the parameters. To remove a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. Message Body Override: If you are using either a POST or PUT method, you can create an override for the message body. Select one of the following. None: Select this if you don't want to override the message body. String: Select this to replace the message body with a particular XML string. Then, type the string you want used. Select the box to URL Encode the string. Note: If you select URL Encode, you must define a 'Content-Type' header property. If you fail to do so, one is automatically added at runtime on the agent so that the web service request can run. File Content: Select this to replace the message body with the contents of a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 48 - Response Handling: Log Body to Console/Joblog: Select an option. Allowing the response body to be logged to the console/joblog may provide extended information about any errors that were generated. Note: The response headers are always logged. Send Body to File: Select this box if you want the response body sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Send Headers to File: Select this box if you want the response headers sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Note: The response headers may contain cookies that need to be parsed out in order to submit subsequent requests (for example, log on to a server, get an authorization cookie, then send a request using that cookie). Click Save to save your web service request command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 49 - Windows Desktop Application Command Use the Command section of the Job settings page to add the launch of a Windows application to a Skybot Scheduler job. Select Windows® Desktop Application from the drop-down list to add a command to launch a GUI application on a Windows agent system. The Windows Desktop Application Command window displays. Enter a valid command to open a GUI application from your Skybot Scheduler browser session. For example, notepad.exe. Notes: You must have the Agent Transponder running on the agent system for this command to work. See more information here. The command must be an executable file (.exe, .bat, etc.) and include any required parameters. Only executable files that require interaction with a GUI window should be defined with this type of command. Commands that do not require interaction with the desktop environment should be added as standard commands. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 50 - Running Jobs Based on Conditions Use the Conditions page to add conditions that must be met before a job will run. General Settings The General Settings section lets you enable a condition and set attributes to determine what the job should do if conditions are not met. Enable: Select this option if you want to set attributes for the conditional job. Retry if not met: Select this option if you want to retry running the job if conditions are not met. Retry count: Set how many times you want to retry running the job. Retry interval: Set how often you want to retry running the job. Use the up/down arrows to set the number, then select hours, minutes, or seconds. Condition Fail Action: Set which status you want the job to go to if conditions are not met: Fail, Cancel or Run anyway. Select the Run anyway option to run the job, even when conditions are not met after your set number of retries. Conditions Use the Conditions section to specify the type of condition you want to use for the job. Click Add Condition to add a condition for the job. The default option is Process. Directory The Directory option lets you run your job if a specified directory is present or not present. Enter the full path to the directory that you want Skybot Scheduler to check before running the job. Wildcard(*) characters are allowed in the final directory name, but not in the leading path. Select if you want the directory to be present or not present for the condition to be met. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. File The File option lets you run your job if a specified file is present or not present. Enter the full path to the file that you want Skybot Scheduler to check before running the job. Wildcard(*) characters are allowed in the final file name, but not in the leading path. Select if you want the file to be present or not present for the condition to be met. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. File Transfer System The File Transfer System option lets you run your job if a specified File Transfer System is in a required state. You must have the File Transfer System configured in Skybot Scheduler before adding it to a job condition. Named: Enter the name of the File Transfer System.. Is: Select if you want the File Transfer System to be active or not active for the condition to be met. Timeout: Set the number of seconds for the signal to wait for the availability of the specified File Transfer System. The default time is set by the agent's operating system. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. Minimum Drive Space The Minimum Drive Space option lets you run your job if a specified minimum amount of hard drive space is available or not available in a specified directory. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 51 - of: Enter the minimum amount of hard drive space you want Skybot Scheduler to check for. Units: Specify the units of hard drive space. is: Select if you want the amount of hard drive space to be available or not available for the condition to be met. in: Enter the full path to the directory that you want Skybot Scheduler to check before running the job. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. Process The Process option lets you run your job if a specified process is in a required state. Search for a process that begins with, contains, or ends with the text you enter. Search for a username that contains, begins with, is, or is not the text you enter. Select if you want the process to be active or not active for the condition to be met. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. TCP Server or Service The TCP Server or Service option lets you use the availability of a specified TCP server or service name and port number as a condition to run a job. Named: Enter the name of the server or service. At Port: Enter a port number or use the drop-down menu to select from a list of standard port numbers. Is: Select which status you want the job to be in to fulfill the condition (available or not available) Timeout: Set the number of seconds for the signal to wait for the availability of the specified TCP server or service. The default time is set by the agent's operating system. Click OK to add the condition. Click Save to save the conditions for the job, or use the Add Condition drop-down menu to add more conditions. You can add multiple conditions to a job. When you have two conditions set up, select AND to connect two or more prerequisites in a set; select OR to separate prerequisite sets. You also can group conditions together to create more complex job conditions. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 52 - Reactivity Overview Many jobs performed by computer systems must happen in a distinct order when jobs require input from other sources. Skybot Scheduler can help you manage and enforce these requirements when you define them as prerequisites for submitting a job or job suite. Jobs can be defined to be immediately submitted as soon as the prerequisites have occurred. To do this, create an unscheduled job and define the prerequisites and Skybot Scheduler will take over from there. Basic Reactive Job Stream Complex Reactive Job Stream Jobs also can be defined to run at specifically scheduled times, as long as the prerequisites have also occurred. To do this, create a job with a schedule, then define the prerequisites, and Skybot Scheduler takes over. Note: For this topic, the term "job" refers to jobs and job suites, unless otherwise noted below. Tip: Use Job Flow Diagrams to create a visual representation of your reactive job schedule. Initiating Reactivity There are multiple ways to initiate reactivity to start or continue (if it has stopped during the job stream). Use the Jobs or Job Suites page to initiate reactivity using the following options. Creating Prerequisites for a Job Use the Prerequisites page to schedule reactive jobs, which run only after certain prerequisite conditions occur. A prerequisite can be another Skybot Scheduler job, Job Suite, Member Job, Job Monitor, Job Suite Monitor, Member Job Monitor, Agent Event Monitor, or an SNMP Trap Monitor. You can also use jobs or group jobs on a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server as prerequisites to Skybot Scheduler jobs and job suites. Use the Prerequisites page to add and edit prerequisites, change the react-to status, and more. Tip: See Adding Prerequisites to a Job for step-by-step instructions on creating reactivity in your job stream. Use the "Run When" drop-down list to select the type of event you want to act as the prerequisite to your job. The default option is Job. You can add multiple prerequisites to a job. When you have two prerequisites set up, select AND to connect two or more prerequisites in a set; select OR to separate prerequisite sets. Tip: See Prerequisite Options for a list of objects that you can use as prerequisites. Changing the Status of Prerequisite Jobs The Prerequisite Statuses page lets you view and change the status of a prerequisite for a job or job suite. For example, if a job is set to run when the status of Job A is "Failed," you can force the job to react by changing the status of Job A to "Failed." To change the status of a prerequisite job: Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 53 - 1. Right-click the job or job suite and select Prerequisite Statuses. 2. For most prerequisites, click the Change Status drop-down list and select a new status. If the prerequisite is defined to an All Agents group, click Change Statuses. In the dialog box that opens, click in the Current Status column for each agent and select a status from the drop-down list. Then, click OK. 3. Click Clear All to reset all prerequisite statuses. The Current Status will display as none. Sending Job Status Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a job run has reached this status. This does not actually run the job, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this job. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent job status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want to run a job on a given day, but have reactive jobs that need this job to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite job. To change the status of a job, right-click the job, point to Send Status, and select Submitted, Skipped, Running, Failed, Completed, Canceled, or Condition Retry-Wait. Sending Job Monitor Event Use the Send Monitor Event option to tell reactivity that a Job Monitor has reached this status. This does not actually invoke the event, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this event. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent Event Monitor status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want an event to occur, but have reactive jobs that need this event to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite event. To change the status of a Job Monitor, right-click the event, point to Send Monitor Event, and select Job Underrun, Job Overrun, or Late Start. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 54 - Using Reactivity to Start Jobs You can set up jobs to start as soon as defined prerequisites have occurred. To do this, simply create an unscheduled job, then define the prerequisites. Jobs also can be defined to run at scheduled times, as long as the prerequisites have also occurred. To do this, create a job with a schedule, then define the prerequisites. Use these instructions to add a prerequisite to a Skybot Scheduler job. A prerequisite can be a another job, a Job Suite, a Member Job from any Job Suite, a Job Monitor, a Job Suite Monitor, a Member Job Monitor, an Agent Event Monitor, an SNMP Trap Monitor, or a remote event coming from a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. See Prerequisite Options for a list of objects that you can use as prerequisites. Note: You must have jobs, Agent Events, Job Monitors, or SNMP Trap Monitors created before you can use them as prerequisites. If you are going to use remote events as prerequisites, you must have a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server created and registered. From the Jobs page, right-click the Job, point to Edit Job, and select Prerequisites. In the example below, we're adding reactivity to a job called SampleReactiveJob. For this example, select Insert Before. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 55 - Notes: You cannot change the Time Zone on the Prerequisites page. You can only do that by editing the job. The Add Robot/SCHEDULE Prerequisite button is for adding events from a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server as prerequisites to your job. You will only see this button if your Skybot Administrator used the System Settings to show the remote server configuration, and if your role has the appropriate authorities. Use the Prerequisites section to select the object that you want to use to initiate reactivity. For this example, let's use another job as the prerequisite. See a complete list of prerequisite options. Select Job from the "Run when" drop-down list. Select a job from the "named" drop-down list. Select a job status from the "is" drop-down list. For this example, we'll start reactivity when the job named SampleBasicJob is completed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 56 - Click OK to save the prerequisite. You can add multiple prerequisites for a job. For this example, let's add a second prerequisite using an SNMP Trap Monitor. Both prerequisites are now visible. When you have two or more prerequisites, select AND to connect two or more prerequisites in a set, or select OR to separate prerequisite sets. In this example, both the job named SampleBasicJob must complete, and the SNMP Trap Monitor named SampleTrap must occur to start reactivity to run the SampleReactiveJob. Click Save to save your prerequisites and return to the Jobs page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 57 - Prerequisite Options Note: For this topic, the term "job" refers to jobs and job suites, unless otherwise noted below. Using Jobs as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Job to use a Skybot Scheduler job as the prerequisite. Named: Click the drop-down list and select the job. Is: Select which status you want the job to be in to fulfill the prerequisite (Completed, Failed, Canceled/Completed/Failed, Canceled, Running, Submitted, Skipped, Condition Retry-Wait). During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the job, archive_database, must complete before the job can be initiated. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Jobs on Remote Servers as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Robot/SCHEDULE Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Note: You must have a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server created and registered before following these instructions. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Job to use a job on a remote server as the prerequisite to a Skybot Scheduler job or job suite. On: Click the drop-down list to select the remote server where the job you want to use as the prerequisite resides. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the remote job. Is: Select which status you want the remote job to be in to fulfill the prerequisite (Completed, Failed, Canceled/Completed/Failed, Running, Submitted, Skipped). Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the job, DLTHSTLOG, on the remote server, tyran, must complete before the Skybot Scheduler job or job suite can be initiated. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 58 - Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Job Suites as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Job Suite to use a Skybot Scheduler job suite as the prerequisite. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the Job Suite. Is: Select which status you want the Job Suite to be in to fulfill the prerequisite (Completed, Failed, Canceled/Completed/Failed, Canceled, Running, Skipped). During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the Job Suite, JobSuite1, must complete before the job can be initiated. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Member Jobs as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 59 - Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Member Job to use a Skybot Scheduler member job as the prerequisite. In: Select the Job Suite that the Member Job is in. Note: If the monitored Member Job belongs to multiple Job Suites, it is important to choose the correct Job Suite to ensure that the appropriate reactivity occurs. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the Member Job. Is: Select which status you want the member job to be in to fulfill the prerequisite (Completed, Failed, Canceled/Completed/Failed, Canceled, Running, Submitted, Skipped, Condition Retry-Wait). During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the Member Job, SampleMemberJob, in JobSuite1 must complete before the job can be initiated. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Group Jobs on Remote Servers as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Robot/SCHEDULE Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Note: You must have a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server created and registered before following these instructions. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Group Job to use a group job on a remote server as the prerequisite to a Skybot Scheduler job or job suite. On: Click the drop-down list to select the remote server where the group job you want to use as the prerequisite resides. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the remote group job. Is: Select which status you want the remote group job to be in to fulfill the prerequisite (Completed, Failed, Canceled/Completed/Failed, Running). Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the group job, PMCGROUP, on the remote server, tyran, must complete before the Skybot Scheduler job or job suite can be initiated. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 60 - Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Job Monitors as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Job Monitor1 to use a Skybot Scheduler job monitor as the prerequisite. On: Click the drop-down list to select a Job Monitor from an existing job. Triggers: Select which type of Job Monitor you want to use as a trigger for your prerequisite. During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the job, archive_database, must trigger the job monitor, Job Underrun, before the job will run. 1Job Monitors let you know if a job runs long, ends early, or starts late. You set the details for each type of monitor, including how to be notified if something happens. Job Monitors can be used as prerequisites for reactivity. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 61 - Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Job Suite Monitors as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Job Suite Monitor1 to use a Skybot Scheduler job suite monitor as the prerequisite. On: Click the drop-down list to select the Job Suite. Triggers: Select which type of Job Monitor you want to use as a trigger for your prerequisite. During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the job suite, JobSuite1, must trigger the job suite monitor, Job Overrun, before the job can run. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Member Job Monitors as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Member Job Monitor2 to use a Skybot Scheduler member job monitor as the prerequisite. On: Click the drop-down list to select a Member Job Monitor from an existing Member Job. Triggers: Select which type of Job Monitor you want to use as a trigger for your prerequisite. Don't overwrite: Select this option to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows the Member Job, SampleMemberJob, must trigger the member job monitor, Job Overrun, before the job can run. 1Job Suite Monitors let you know if a Job Suite runs long, ends early, or starts late. You set the details for each type of monitor, including how to be notified if something happens. Job Suite Monitors can be used as prerequisites for reactivity. 2Member Job Monitors let you know if a Member Job runs long, ends early, or starts late. You set the details for each type of monitor, including how to be notified if something happens. Member Job Monitors can be used as prerequisites for reactivity. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 62 - Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using Agent Event Monitors as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. Run when: Click the drop-down list and select Agent Event Monitor1 to use a Skybot Scheduler agent event monitor as the prerequisite. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the Agent Event Monitor. During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows that the Agent Event Monitor, FileChange, must occur before the job can run. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Using SNMP Trap Monitors as Prerequisites On the Prerequisites page, click Add Prerequisite, then either Insert Before or Insert After. Then, follow the instructions below. 1Agent Event Monitors let you know when something has happened on one of your servers. You can monitor for events, such as changes to a file or directory, when a process starts or ends, or your own user-defined events. You can use these Agent Event Monitors in Skybot Scheduler as prerequisites for reactive jobs or Job Suites. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 63 - Run when: Click the drop-down list and select SNMP Trap Monitor to use a Skybot Scheduler SNMP trap monitor as the prerequisite. Named: Click the drop-down list to select the SNMP Trap Monitor. During: Select a pre-defined Special Instance. Don't clear: Set this option if you don't want to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. This example shows that the SNMP Trap Monitor, SampleTrap, must be received before the job can run. Click OK to save the prerequisite. If you are done setting up prerequisites, click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 64 - Special Instances A Special Instance is a separately scheduled run of a job or Job Suite outside of its normal schedule. Use Special Instances when you don't want a reactive job to run every time the prerequisite job runs. In the example below, we want Job B to run in reaction to Job A, but not every time Job A runs. So we set up a Special Instance of Job A, and use it as a prerequisite to Job B. Notes: Special instances are based on the scheduled date/time of scheduled jobs or Job Suites. For unscheduled jobs or Job Suites, the special instances are based on the submitted date/time. Jobs and Job Suites that run over midnight are still considered instances for the date/time they were started. Special instances defined for Agent Event Monitors and SNMP Trap Monitors use the date/time the events are received as the date/time considered for the special instance. Special instances are defined on the prerequisite object and can be shared on multiple reactive jobs or Job Suites. Using Special Instances with Job Suites and Member Jobs Using a Special Instance on a Job Suite has the same effect as using it on a normal job. That is, it will run the full Job Suite as scheduled. However, by using the Skip Special Instance option in a Job Suite, you also can run a Special Instance of your Job Suite, but exclude a Member Job during the Special Instance. For example, you have a Job Suite that runs every day at 8:00, but you also want to run it every Saturday at 12:00. Normally, you can just schedule this in the Member Job settings. But, if you don't want a Member Job (or multiple Member Jobs) to run on Saturday, you can choose to not run specific Member Jobs during the Special Instance run. Click here to see how to set this up. Note: You can apply multiple Special Instances to a Job Suite, and share them across all Member Jobs assigned to the Job Suite to create a more complex Job Suite schedule. Managing Special Instances The Special Instances page lets you create, edit, or remove special instances for a job or Job Suite. You can sort special instances based on name or description. Option Creating New Special Instances Editing Special Instances Copying Special Instances Deleting Special Instances Description To create a new Special Instance, click Create Special Instance. The Special Instances settings page displays. To edit an existing Special Instance, right-click the Special Instance and select Edit. The Special Instances settings page displays. You can create a new Special Instance based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Special Instance and select Copy Special Instance. The Special Instances settings page displays. To delete a Special Instance, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Special Instance and select Delete Special Instance. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Special Instance. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 65 - Show Audit History Where Used To view audit history of a Special Instance, right-click the Special Instance and select Show Audit History. To see where a Special Instance is being used in your schedule (for example, as a prerequisite to another job), right-click the Special Instance and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 66 - Special Instance Where Used The Special Instance Where Used page shows what jobs are currently using the Special Instance that you selected. From the Special Instance Where Used window, you can edit a job's properties or delete a job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 67 - Creating Special Instances Use the Special Instances settings page to create or edit Special Instances. The available fields vary if you are creating a new Special Instance or editing an existing one. General Use the General settings section to set general attributes for the Special Instance, including name, description, and tags. Name: Provide a unique name for your Special Instance. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for your Special Instance. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this Special Instance. During Use the During section to determine when you want the Special Instance to occur. This acts as a filter to react to a subset of the instances of the prerequisite. Example: Job A Runs Every Day. You want Job B to run after the Wednesday and Friday instance of Job A. You can create a special instance that selects Wednesday and Fridays as valid days to react to instances of the prerequisite. Use the drop-down list to select Day of Week, Date List, or Day of Period. Day of Week The default option is Day of Week. Click Add Instance to add a Special Instance based on day of week scheduling. Daily and Weekly are used if you want to react to prerequisites that are scheduled at specific times. The specified times must match exact scheduled times. For example, you may have a job that is scheduled to run at 06:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00 on a given day and you only want to react to the 12:00 and 20:00 instances. Use the Repeats drop-down menu to select Daily, Daily Range, Weekly, or Weekly Range. Option Daily Daily Range Description The Daily option lets you narrow the event time to a specific time every day. Enter a valid time and click OK. The Daily Range option lets you narrow the event time to a time range every day. It is used when the prerequisite occurs at unscheduled or random times. Such as when the prerequisite is reactive, is a Agent Event Monitor, or is an SNMP trap monitor. Specify a time range with a starting time larger than the ending time will result in an over-midnight time range. For example: "Friday between 20:00 and 03:00" will be a time range from Friday @ 20:00 to Saturday @ 03:00. Weekly Weekly Range Enter a valid time range and click OK. The Weekly option lets you narrow the event time to a specific time on a specific day or days once every week or during one week every month. Enter a valid time range, select which week of the month you want it to run, and which days you want it to run. Click OK. The Weekly Range option lets you narrow the event time to a time range on a specific day or days once every week, or during one week every month. Enter a valid time, select which week of the month you want it to run, and which days you want it to run. Click OK. Date List When the special instances of a prerequisite cannot be selected using a standard Day of Week pattern, you can define the specific days to react to in a Date List. You can use a preset list of days to run the event using Date Lists from your scheduling objects. Option Add Date List Description When the special instances of a prerequisite cannot be selected using a standard Day of Week pattern, you can define the specific days to react to in a Date List. Click the drop-down list to select a Date List. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 68 - React all Day Select this option if you want the Special Instance to run all day during the days listed in the selected Date List. If you do not check this option, you can set a time range to run the Special Instance using the 'Between' and 'and' fields. Day of Period When the special instances of a prerequisite cannot be selected using a standard Day of Week pattern, you can define day of period scheduling instead. Click Add Instance to add a Special Instance based on day of period scheduling. For example, you may have a job that is scheduled to run at 06:00 on the first day of the month, and you only want to react to the instance that runs on the first day of the quarter. Option Count Run on day Of the Counting days Run time range Description Select the type of days to be counted when defining the special instance. You can choose to count all the days, only working days, or only non-working days. (Working and non-working days are determined by the Calendar assigned to the job or job suite.) Select or type the number of days to be counted when determining the instance. Select the period to be used. You can choose from month, quarter, half-year, or year. Select how the days should be counted: from the start of the period or from the end of the period (backwards). You can narrow the event time. Enter a valid time range for the Special Instance using the 'Run time' and 'At' fields. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 69 - Using Variables with SAP Commands Occasionally you may need to dynamically pass information to your Skybot Scheduler jobs. You can use the Event Parameters section of the Add SAP NetWeaver Event command option, or the Add Parameter section of the Add SAP NetWeaver Variant command to call an environment variable. Adding a Variable to an SAP Event Command 1. In the Agent Environment section of a job, add an Environment variable with the Skybot Variable you want to use (or use a Agent Environment scheduling object with the proper variables). Note the variable name, as you will use it in the next steps. For this example, we are using "nextdate" as the name of the variable, and it calls the Skybot Variable QL_Dynamic. QL_Dynamic passes a date that is 4 working days from the current date and uses the yyyymmdd format. 2. In the Command section of the job, click the Add drop-down arrow and select SAP NetWeaver Event. The Variant dialog appears. 3. Select the System Definition, System Environment, and Event ID you want to work with. Note: You must know the Event ID, there is no option to select it from this dialog. 4. Enter the environment variable name in the Event Parameters field. Include percentage signs on each side of the name (see picture above). You can also add additional text to this field, which is passed on to the job. For example, if you entered "The next date is %nextdate%" then the phrase would pass through, with the variable dynamically filling in the date for the nextdate variable. 5. Click Save to return to the Job setup page. Skybot Scheduler writes the syntax to include the Environment variable that contains the Skybot Variable. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 70 - Since the Skybot Variable inserts a date 4 working days from the current working date, the output in the joblog would be as follows: If the job ran on Monday, October 1st, the joblog would read: "Successfully Raised SAP Event: 12335 with parameters '20121005' on SAP System Animal-pcarr." Adding a Variable to an SAP Variant Command 1. In the Agent Environment section of a job, add an Environment variable with the Skybot Variable you want to use (or use a Agent Environment scheduling object with the proper variables). Note the variable name, as you will use it in the next steps. For this example, we are using "nextdate" as the name of the variable, and it calls the Skybot Variable QL_Dynamic. QL_Dynamic passes a date that is 4 working days from the current date, and uses the yyyymmdd format. 2. In the Command section of the job, click the Add arrow and select SAP NetWeaver Variant from the list. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 71 - 3. Select the System Definition, System Environment, Program, and Variant you want to work with. 4. Click Add Parameter to display the parameter options. 5. Enter the Name of the parameter. Note: You must know the name of the parameter you want to use. There is no option to select it from this dialog. 6. Enter the environment variable name in the Low or High field. Include percentage signs to each side of the name (see picture above). The parameter will then check against the data that is dynamically filled in during the job. 7. Click OK to save the parameter. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 72 - 8. Click Save to return to the Job setup page. Skybot Scheduler writes the syntax to include the SAP Variant that contains the Skybot Variable. Since the Skybot Variable inserts a date 4 working days from the current working date, the output in the joblog would be as following: If the job ran on Monday, October 1st, the joblog would read: "About to process SAP Variant Action: Change SAP Variant HSTEST1 in Program ZVARI Adding variant change for: TYPE(PARAMETER) NAME(NextDate) SIGN(I) OPTION(EQ) LOW(20130405) HIGH()" Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 73 - Jobs Jobs are the basic unit of work in Skybot Scheduler. Jobs contain commands, environment variables, the assigned agent system, the schedule, and other important information related to scheduling and executing the task you want to perform. Managing Jobs The Jobs page lets you create, edit, or delete jobs from your schedule. You can sort jobs based on many of the columns, including name, description, agent, or hold status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of jobs, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the "Jobs" Secured Object. To create jobs, you must have Use authority to the "Create Jobs" Secured Action. To edit or delete a job, you must have Change authority to the "Jobs" Secured Object (or to the specific job itself). Option Creating new jobs Editing Existing Jobs Description To create a new Job, click Create Job. The Job settings page displays. To edit basic settings for a job, double-click the job or right-click the job, point to Edit Job, and select Job. The Job settings page displays. To edit advanced options for a job, right-click the job, point to Edit Job, and select the option you want to edit: Copying Jobs Deleting Jobs Running a Job Holding a Job Releasing a Job Viewing Histories for a Job Job Monitors Prerequisites Conditions Status Notification Output Distribution Job Note Special Instances Forecast Schedule You can create a new job based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a job and select Copy Job. The Job settings page displays. To delete a job, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Job and select Delete Job. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Job. To force a job to start, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Run Job Now. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs to run. The Run Job Now Options window displays. You can hold a job to prevent it from running. To hold a job, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Hold Job. The Hold Job Options window displays. To release a held job, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Release Job. A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes to release the job to the normal run times. To view a type of history for a job, right-click the job, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view: Job History Job Monitor History Output Distribution History Server History Exporting jobs To export a job, right-click the job and select Export Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs. The Export Jobs window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a job, right-click the job and select Show Audit History. Where Used To see where a job is being used in your schedule (for example, as a prerequisite to another job), right-click the job and select Where Used. The Job Where Used page displays. Prerequisite Statuses To view or change the current status of prerequisites for a job, right-click the job and select Prerequisite Statuses. The Prerequisite Statuses page displays. Clear All Prerequisite Sta- To reset the status of all prerequisites for a job, right-click the job and select Clear All Prerequisite Statuses tuses. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs. Choose Yes to confirm. This resets all prerequisite statuses for the job to None. If you selected more than one job, the Clear All Prerequisite Statuses window displays the results for each job you selected. You can see if Skybot Scheduler was unable to clear the prerequisite statuses Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 74 - for any of the jobs. Next Scheduled Run Time To see when a job is next scheduled to run, right-click the job and select Next Scheduled Run Time. Skybot Scheduler displays the next scheduled run time in a message window. The message window indicates if the job is not scheduled to run again. Send Status Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a job run has reached this status. This does not actually run the job, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this job. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent job status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want to run a job on a given day, but have reactive jobs that need this job to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite job. Send Monitor Event To change the status of a job, right-click the job, point to Send Status, and select Submitted, Skipped, Running, Failed, Completed, Canceled, orCondition - Retry Wait. Use the Send Monitor Event option to tell reactivity that a Monitor Event has reached this status. This does not actually invoke the event, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this event. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent Event Monitor status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want an event to occur, but have reactive jobs that need this event to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite event. To change the status of a Monitor Event, right-click the event, point to Send Status, and select Job Underrun, Job Overrun, or Late Start. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 75 - Hold Job Options The Hold Job Options window lets you set attributes for holding a job. You can choose to hold a job until released or until a date and time have been reached. For some jobs, you can also hold it for a specified number of runs. If you set the status for the held job, it displays how many holds are left before it runs again. Note: Held jobs continue to be processed by the scheduler. If you have a Time Interval job that runs every minute and is held, the scheduler still evaluates the job every minute. You can save resources by deleting jobs that are no longer needed instead of holding the job. Only job runs that are automatically submitted by the scheduler for reactivity are subject to the held job settings, and count toward the held run count when applicable. Job runs that are submitted with Run Job Now or restarting of ended jobs are not subject to the held job settings. Until a Date and Time: Select this option to hold the job until a specific date and time. For Specified Run Times: Select this option and designate the number of runs you want the job to skip. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 76 - Job Status Notification Use the Status Notification page to set notification preferences for various statuses of a Job or Member Job, including: Submitted Status Notification Skipped Status Notification Running Status Notification Completed Status Notification Failed Status Notification Canceled Status Notification Retry Wait Status Notification For Member Jobs, this page will be "View-Only" if any of the Job Suites that this Member Job is assigned to are being edited. Changes to the Job Suite Members page must be saved or canceled before you can edit this page for the Member Job. Note: See Job Statuses for a description of each job status. Specify the actions that Skybot Scheduler should take for each of the statuses you want to know about. You can select to send an SNMP trap and/or send an email to a specified recipient or to a Notification List. Send SNMP Trap: Select the check box to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email Send Job Log: Select this box if you want to send the job logs via email for that status. Note: This is only available for Failed, Completed, and Canceled status notifications. This allows you to specify whether or not to send job logs via email for these three statuses. To Notification List: Select this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the status monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the status monitor. Advanced Email Options: Click Edit by this option to set up a custom email message to be sent to the Notification List or Users. Type the Custom Subject and the Custom Text in the boxes. Variables that you can use in the subject or body text are listed below the boxes. If you want to reset the email options so that the normal message generated by Skybot is sent instead of the custom message, click Reset. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 77 - Adding Unscheduled Jobs or Job Suites to Forecasts Unscheduled jobs or job suites, and jobs or job suites that react to events, such as file arrivals or SNMP traps, do not appear in forecasts. Use the Forecast Schedule option to create a schedule that the Forecast Model can use to add unscheduled or reactive jobs or Job Suites to your Forecast. For example, if you manually run an unscheduled job every Monday and Friday at 1:00, but don't want to schedule the job, you can use the Forecast Schedule to make the job appear in your Forecast. Note: To see the Forecast Schedule option, go to the Jobs or Job Suites page and right-click the job or job suite you want to add to the forecast. Then, hover over Edit Job (or Edit Job Suite) and click Forecast Schedule. Forecast Schedule Options Forecast Schedule Use the Forecast Schedule section to select a Calendar or Schedule type. Schedule Exceptions The Schedule Exceptions section lets you create exceptions to the job or Job Suite's regular schedule as displayed in a Forecast. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 78 - Monitoring Job Statuses Job Monitors let you know if a job, Job Suite, or Member Job runs long (overrun), ends early (underrun), or starts late. You set the details for each type of monitor, including how to be notified if something happens. Job Monitors can be used as prerequisites for reactivity. Click a monitor type below to see configuration options. Note: For this topic, the term "job" refers to jobs, Job Suites, or Member Jobs, unless otherwise noted below. Overrun Options The overrun option lets you specify what actions Skybot Scheduler should take if a job, Job Suite, or Member Job runs longer than it should. Use the following settings to control overruns. Do not monitor: Select this option if you want to ignore all overruns. Maximum Duration: Select Maximum Duration to monitor a Job Suite based on how long it takes to complete. Then, enter the maximum time (in hours and minutes) the job can take to complete. Must complete by: Select Must complete by to monitor a job based on a time by which the job should finish. Then, enter the time by which the job should have completed. Note: This option is not available for Member Jobs. The must complete by time is limited to jobs that only have a single scheduled runtime.Jobs with multiple scheduled runtimes should use the maximum duration option. Due to the sporadic nature of manually started jobs or Job Suites, the Must Complete by Time is not honored when a job is started using the Run Job Now or Run Job Suite Now option, restarted from job history, or started from the Manage Missed Jobs page. Send SNMP Trap: Select the checkbox to send an SNMP trap when an overrun occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down menu to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down menu to select a user name to add to the overrun notification. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them. Advanced Email Options: Click Edit by this option to set up a custom email message to be sent to the Notification List or Users. Type the Custom Subject and the Custom Text in the boxes. Variables that you can use in the subject or body text are listed below the boxes. If you want to reset the email options so that the normal message generated by Skybot is sent instead of the custom message, click Reset. Note: The variable {STATUS} returns the type of job monitor: overrun, underrun, or late start. End the Job/Job Suite/Member Job: Select this option to automatically end the job if an overrun occurs. Ending the job ends all submitted, queued, and running Member Jobs with a Canceled status under job history. Jobs not yet queued or submitted do not generate a job history. Underrun Options The underrun option lets you specify what actions Skybot Scheduler should take if a job, Job Suite, or Member Job completes too quickly. Do not monitor: Select this option if want to ignore all underruns. Minimum Duration: Enter the minimum time (in hours and minutes) the job should run before completing. Note: You must enter a minimum duration if you select underrun monitoring. Send SNMP Trap: Select the checkbox to send an SNMP trap when this underrun occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down menu to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down menu to select a user name to add to underrun notification. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them. Advanced Email Options: Click Edit by this option to set up a custom email message to be sent to the Notification List or Users. Type the Custom Subject and the Custom Text in the boxes. Variables that you can use in the subject or body text are listed below the boxes. If you want to reset the email options so that the normal message generated by Skybot is sent instead of the custom message, click Reset. Note: The variable {STATUS} returns the type of job monitor: overrun, underrun, or late start. Late Start Options There are multiple reasons jobs may start late: Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 79 - The scheduler is stopped so jobs are not being submitted. Submitted jobs are waiting on an agent job queue because the agent is back-logged or stopped, or the agent job queue is held. Submitted Member Jobs are waiting on an agent job queue because the agent is back-logged or stopped, or the agent job queue is held (Job Suites only). Note: Held jobs that are released will not generate a Late Start record for that instance of the Job Suite. Instances of the Job Suite that were submitted before it was held will report a Late Start if they are still on the queue at the Late Start time. If the "Do not monitor" option (see below) is selected, no instances of the Job Suite, including Job Suites already on the queue, will report a Late Start. The Late Start section lets you specify what actions Skybot Scheduler should take if a Job Suite starts later than its scheduled run time. Do not monitor: Select this option if you do not want to monitor this job for late starts. Later than scheduled by: Select Later than scheduled by (jobs and Job Suite monitors only) and enter the maximum time (in hours and minutes) after its scheduled run time that Late Start monitor is enabled. Later than Job Suite start time by: Select this option (Member Jobs monitors only) and enter the maximum time (in hours and minutes) after the Job Suite starts before the Late Start monitor is enabled. Must start by: Select Must start by (job and Job Suite monitors only) to monitor a job based on a time by which the job should start. Then, enter the time by which the job should have started. Due to the sporadic nature of jobs manually started with the Run Job Now or Run Job Suite Now option, restarted from job history, or started from the Manage Missed Jobs page, Must Start by Time is not honored when a job is started that way. Send SNMP Trap: Select the checkbox to send an SNMP trap when this late start occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down menu to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down menu to select a user name to add to the late start notification. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them. Advanced Email Options: Click Edit by this option to set up a custom email message to be sent to the Notification List or Users. Type the Custom Subject and the Custom Text in the boxes. Variables that you can use in the subject or body text are listed below the boxes. If you want to reset the email options so that the normal message generated by Skybot is sent instead of the custom message, click Reset. Note: The variable {STATUS} returns the type of job monitor: overrun, underrun, or late start. End the Job/Job Suite/Member Job: Select this option to automatically end the job if it starts late. Ending the job ends all submitted, queued, and running jobs with a Canceled status under job history. Jobs not yet queued or submitted do not generate a job history. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 80 - Configuring Output Distribution Jobs that complete normally on an agent system may generate files that should be returned to the Enterprise Server for additional processing, reporting, archiving, or other distribution. These files can be copied to the Enterprise Server, emailed to a Notification List, or emailed to select Skybot Scheduler users. Use the Output Distribution option to tell Skybot Scheduler how to handle reports generated by agent systems. To access output distribution options for a job, right-click the job, point to Edit Job (or Edit Member Job), and select Output Distribution. The Output Distribution page displays. Note: For Member Jobs, this page will be "View-Only" if any of the Job Suites that this Member Job is assigned to are being edited. Changes to the Job Suite Members page must be saved or canceled before you can edit this page for the Member Job. Use the following sections to set up output distribution for your job: Logging The Logging section lets you control log creation and distribution for a job. You can send a job log to a notification list or to Skybot Scheduler users. Save Job Log: Select this option to save the log for this job on the server. Send Job Log Options To Notification List: Select this box to send the job log to a notification list. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 81 - Add User: Use the drop-down list to select specific Skybot Scheduler users to send the job log to. The Agent File Distribution section lets you configure output distribution options. You can specify a directory and file name of a file, a type of report to send, copy a file to the Enterprise Server, and email output files. To create a file distribution, click Add File Distribution. You can add multiple file distributions for one job. Filter Options Enter the directory path to a file or a set of files to be distributed. The file path and name may be case-sensitive, depending on the agent operating system. You can use an asterisk (*) as a generic character to copy one or more files. The Agent File Distribution section lets you configure output distribution options. You can specify a directory and file name of a file, a type of report to send, copy a file to the Enterprise Server, and email output files. Copy to Server Options Copy to Server: Select this box to copy the distributed file to the Enterprise Server. Duplicate Handling: Select an option to handle duplicate files. Append a counter to the file name with the first available value being used. Replace existing files without warning or notification. If the file already exists, terminate the job to stop dependent jobs and notify any appropriate party. Purge Handling: Select an option to handle purging of the file. Manually remove the distributed file. Remove the file when history is purged. Remove the file when "Days to Keep" setting is reached. Days to Keep: If you select "Use Days to Keep" for Purge Handling, set the number of days to keep the file. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 82 - The Agent File Distribution section lets you configure output distribution options. You can specify a directory and file name of a file, a type of report to send, copy a file to the Enterprise Server, and email output files. Email File Options Email File: Select this option to email the output file. To Notification List: Select this option to send the output file to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Add User: Use the drop-down list to select Skybot Scheduler users to send the output file to. Fail Job on Missing File: Select this box if you want the job to fail when the file is not present. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 83 - Changing Status of Prerequisite Jobs The Prerequisite Statuses page lets you view and change the status of a prerequisite for a job or job suite. For example, if a job is set to run when the status of Job A is "Failed," you can force the job to react by changing the status of Job A to "Failed." For most prerequisites, click the Change Status drop-down list and select a new status. If the prerequisite is defined to an All Agents group, click Change Statuses. In the dialog box that opens, click in the Current Status column for each agent and select a status from the drop-down list. Then, click OK. Click Clear All to reset all prerequisite statuses. The Current Status will display as "None". Click Save when you're finished. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 84 - Run Job Now Options The Run Job Now Options window lets you set attributes for manually running the job (or jobs) you selected. Do not perform reactivity: Select this option if you do not want the job to act as a dependency for a reactive job. Dependent jobs that run based on a status of this job will not be triggered. For example, when selected, if you run Job B, it means that Job C will not start when Job B completes. Clear the current prerequisite statuses: Select this option to clear the status on the job when it is submitted. For example, when selected, if you run Job D, it will cause Job D's prerequisite status (the current status of Job A) to be cleared. This is helpful in a couple of ways: If you want to run Job D early, provided it has satisfied prerequisites and a future scheduled runtime. If Job D has multiple prerequisites (Jobs A1, A2, and A3) that are partially satisfied (Jobs A1 and A2), and you want to run Job D and reset the prerequisites for the next planned runtime. Ignore job monitors: If the job has Job Monitors set up, you can select this option to ignore Job Monitors when this job runs. Ignore job conditions: If the job has Job Conditions set up, you can select this option to ignore Job Conditions when this job runs. Priority: Type or select an agent queue priority for this job. Number 1 is the highest priority. Run on: You'll only see this option for jobs that are assigned to an agent group. You can allow Skybot Scheduler to select the agent for the job, like it normally would for the agent group. Or, you can select a specific agent yourself. Note: The only agents available to choose from are those in the agent group. Select Starting Command: If the job has multiple commands, select which command you want to start the job with. This is helpful if a job was partially completed and you don't need to re-run every command. Run Job Now for Intercepted Jobs Keep the following in mind if you are running an intercepted job: Run Job Now runs all scheduled intercepted SAP jobs that matched the Skybot job when they were intercepted. The job log of the Skybot job shows all the intercepted SAP jobs that were released. When only one intercepted SAP job is released, it is monitored for completion and any failure is reported in Skybot. When more than one intercepted SAP job is released, they are not monitored for completion, so they may fail on SAP; but, this will not cause the Skybot job to fail. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 85 - Adding Notes to Jobs Use the Notes page to record and store additional information for the object that the note has been assigned to. For example, a Job Note may contain logs, updates, procedures, contact information, and any other text documentation. Each object may have a single note attached. To add or edit existing notes to a Job, right-click the job, point to Edit Job, and the Job Note. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 86 - Importing Jobs Use these instructions to move existing Skybot Scheduler Jobs or Scheduling Objects from one server to another, such as from a test server to a production server. For instructions on exporting jobs, see the Export Jobs topic. Note: If you are importing jobs from a different job scheduling tool into Skybot Scheduler: Use the Formatting Import Files topic to create the file, then skip to the Uploading the Skybot Import File section of this topic. Before you Import After you export your jobs or Scheduling Objects, a file appears in the server/output/export folder. Copy the file from the export folder into the server/output/import folder. The file appears on the Import Center listing page. Mapping Agents If the Agent names on your export system do not match the Agents on your import system, use the alias field under General Agent Settings to map the agents. In the example below: Any objects referencing TestAgent1 would automatically be mapped to ProdAgent1. Any exported objects referencing TestAgent2 or TestAgent3 would automatically be mapped to ProdAgent2. Test Server TestAgent1 TestAgent2 Production Server ProdAgent1 Aliases: TestAgent1 ProdAgent2 Aliases: TestAgent2, TestAgent3 TestAgent3 Note: You can change the Agent name in the export file with a text editor, however, if you routinely move data from a test system with a test agent(s) to a production system with a production agent(s), defining the alias(s) will work every time automatically. Accessing the Import Center page From the home page, point to Admin. Select Import Center from the drop-down menu. The Import Center page displays. Uploading the Skybot Import File Choose Skybot Import as the Import Type. Any files in the server/output/import folder appear in the listing below. If your file is not listed: Locate the file in the server/output/export folder. Copy it into the server/output/import folder. Click the refresh button (bottom left) on the Import Center page. Importing the File Right-click the file and select Import to Skybot. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 87 - The Import to Skybot page displays. Import Options Use the Import Options section to set basic information about the job(s) and Scheduling Objects that will be created from the import. Hold Imported Jobs: Check this option to hold jobs after import. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for the new job(s) and Scheduling Objects. Objects to Import The Objects to Import section displays the number of valid objects, the number of duplicates, and the number of invalid objects for each type of scheduling object or job that will be imported. The source of the Invalid object is displayed in the Errors section. To remove duplicates: Locate the file in the server/output/import folder. Open the file with a text editor. Remove duplicate items. Click Refresh to view your changes. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 88 - Note: You can continue the import with duplicate values. A confirmation dialog asks if you want to replace existing items with import values. Errors The Errors section displays the errors and warnings found in your file. To see only the error messages, clear the check mark in the Show warning messages check box. To correct errors: Update your file to remove errors. Click Refresh to view your changes. Note: Errors regarding missing Agent names can be corrected by mapping external agents using the alias field under General Agent Settings. See the Mapping Agents section above for detailed instructions. Click Import to finish importing the file. The imported jobs are accessible from the Jobs page. The imported Scheduling Objects are accessible from their designated Scheduling Objects page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 89 - Exporting Jobs The Export option lets users export Skybot Scheduler jobs into a file. This is helpful for users moving jobs from a test server to a production server. Import the files into Skybot Scheduler with the Import Center. You can export each scheduling object separately, or you can export a job and the export will pull all of the scheduling objects assigned to the job. The export file will not include agents or roles. Use the Export Jobs window to name your export file. If the selected job is using additional scheduling objects, the Export Jobs window displays a list of those scheduling objects. File Name: Enter a file name for your export. The drop-down lets you choose previous exports and replace them with the current one. Items used by Jobs: Select the scheduling objects you want to include in your export. Click Export. A dialog confirms the job has exported successfully. The exported file is located in your server/output/export directory. To import, copy the file from the export folder into the server/output/import folder. The file will appear on the Import Center listing page. See Importing Jobs for detailed instructions. Note: The Export option should not replace backing up the Skybot Scheduler database. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 90 - Why Jobs are Skipped There are two scenarios that generate skipped jobs or Job Suites: If a job or Job Suite is already active at the time of submission and the "Skip if Running" option is selected. If it is a scheduled job or Job Suite with prerequisites and the prerequisites are not met at the scheduled run time. If you do not select "Skip if Running," but select "Generate history when skipping" a history is generated for jobs in the second scenario only. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 91 - Job Where Used The Job Where Used page shows what jobs and job suites are currently dependent on the job that you selected. It also shows the remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers that have jobs or groups jobs that are dependent on this job. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all jobs using this job as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all job suites using this job as a prerequisite Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Remote Server Dependencies Click Edit to view all remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers using this job as a prerequisite Right-click a server to edit its properties, edit the Skybot jobs or job suites it uses as prerequisites, or delete it. Click Close to return to the Jobs page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 92 - Job Suites Overview Job Suites are a grouping of jobs that are connected by a common starting point. Jobs that are assigned to a Job Suite are called Member Jobs. Job Suites contain the schedule, schedule exceptions, missed run time options, job history purge options, and prerequisites for all Member Jobs assigned to the Job Suite. Use the Job Suites page to manage Job Suites. See Creating Job Suites to set attributes for new or existing Job Suites. The job flow in a Job Suite may be set up in multiple ways: serial, parallel, complex. Job Suite Method Serial Parallel Complex Description Each Member Job runs one after the other, with the first Member Job initiated by the Job Suite schedule. See example Member Jobs run concurrently and independently of one another. All Member Jobs are started at the same time by the Job Suite schedule. See example Some Member Jobs run concurrently, while other Member Jobs are initiated by the completion of a previous Member Job. See example Regardless of flow, all Member Jobs are tied directly or indirectly to the initiation of the Job Suite. Member Jobs can run immediately when the Job Suite is initiated or react to the completion of one or more other Job Members.This differentiates Job Suites from a grouping of jobs that are initiated independently, but referred to by one name. Using Job Suites Job Suites let you group many jobs and refer to them as one process. This makes it easier to understand the relationships between processes. In the example below, the job names help us understand the relationships. In a real situation, job names are less likely to be descriptive and the flow also may be more complex, making it difficult to understand the process. By organizing the daily and weekly processes into Job Suites, you can eliminate the 'OR' connector and replace eight boxes with two. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 93 - Running a Job Suite Job Suites can be initiated with the following: A schedule In reaction to prerequisites A schedule and prerequisites By choosing the Run Job Suite Now option Job Suite Statuses Once initiated, that instance of the Job Suite has a Running status. The Job Suite has a Completed status if and when all Job Members complete successfully. If one or more Job Members end in a Failed or Canceled state, the Job Suite has a Failed or Canceled status. If you have a Member Job that failed and you would like to restart the Job Suite, click the Jobs menu, then Member Jobs. Right-click the Member Job that failed, go to History, and click Member Job History. Right-click the job run that failed, go to End Job, and click Completed. This will give the Member Job a status of Completed - Ended Manually and it will restart the Job Suite at the next job. Note: Individual jobs can react to the statuses of a Job Suite or the statuses of Member Jobs. See Job Suite Status Notification for details. Reactivity in Job Suites Job Suites reduce the number of reactivity relationship lines. In the example below, Job Suites eliminated four relationship lines by showing that the Inv Reports Suite reacts to the completion of the Inv Analysis Suite. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 94 - Job Suites also reduce the number of 'OR' reactivity relationships. Using the above example, if you want to have job ERR run if Step 1 or Step 2 or Step 3 or Step 4, etc. fails, you can have Job ERR run if the Inv Analysis Suite fails. Job Suite Maintenance Job Suites reduce the maintenance required to implement changes to job flows. If you add Step 7 to the Inv Analysis job flow in the above example: Without Job Suites: You have to change all five of the Rpt jobs to react to Step 7 instead of Step 6. With Job Suites: Since the Rpt jobs run when the Inv Analysis Suite completes, simply add Step 7 to the Inv Analysis Suite. No changes to the Rpt jobs are needed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 95 - Creating Job Suites Use the Job Suites settings page to create new and edit existing job suites. Note: If you want to use scheduling objects, such as tags, calendars, or date lists, you must configure those before you set up your job suite. The Job Suite settings page uses the following sections to define your job. General Job Suite Settings Use the General section to set basic information, including name, description, calendar, and tags. Note: To select a different calendar, you must set it up before you create the job suite. See Managing Calendars for help on creating calendars. Name: Provide a unique name for your job suite. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for your job suite. Calendar: Select the calendar to use with the job suite. Tags: Enter one or more tags for this job suite. Skybot Variable Base Date: Select whether to use the member job's scheduled time or the job suite's scheduled time as the base date for the dynamic date Skybot variable calculation. Scheduling the Job Suite Use the Schedule section to set times for the job suite to run. For this example, we'll create a basic Day of Week schedule (see detailed descriptions of each scheduling type). Select Day of Week, then click Add Schedule. This job suite runs on the last Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Click OK to save the schedule. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 96 - You can add multiple schedules to a job suite. For this example, let's add a second schedule that runs the same job suite every Wednesday at 5:00 a.m. Click Add Schedule. Select Weekly from the Repeats drop-down list, select 5:00 as the time, and Wed as the day of the week to run. Click OK to save the schedule. Each schedule is now visible and easy to edit or delete. This job suite runs every Wednesday at 5:00 a.m. and on the last Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Skip if running: Check this box so if the previous submission of the job suite is still active (running, on the queue, or checking conditions), it skips the next submission. Generate history when skipping: Check this box so if the job suite is skipped for any reason, Skybot Scheduler keeps a record of the instance. Hold on Failure: Check this box so if the previous submission of the job suite fails, it holds the job. Creating Exceptions to the Normal Schedule Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 97 - Use the Schedule Exceptions section to create exceptions to the job suite's regular schedule. For this example, we'll set the Run Time Range Allowed to allow the job suite to run only during non-office hours. Run Time Range Allowed: Set the From and To times to create the time range during which this job suite can run. Non-Working Days: Determine if this job suite should run on a non-working day, if it's schedule falls on one. You can: Run the job suite on all days it's scheduled, regardless of whether or not it lands on a non-working day. Run the job suite only on working days. If the job suite is scheduled to run on a non-working day, it will be skipped. Run the job suite on the preceding working day. This option runs the job suite on the last working day before it's scheduled run. Run the job suite on the following working day. This option runs the job suite on the first working day after it's scheduled run. Omit Date Lists: Click the drop-down list to select a date list. This gives you a list of dates on which the job suite will not run. Handling Missed Run Times Use the Missed Run Time Options section to set the action to perform when missed run times occur for the job suite. Manually manage all missed run times. Run all missed run times. Ignore all missed run times. Choosing this option may result in the job suite appearing as Canceled in the Job Suite History. This occurs only if the job suite has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job suite has not been queued, no record of the job suite will appear in the Job Suite History. Mark all missed run times as Failed. Mark all missed run times as Completed. Run the first missed run time, manually manage others. Run the first missed run time, Ignore others. Choosing this option may result in the job suite appearing as Canceled in the Job Suite History. This occurs only if the job suite has already been queued at the missed run time. If the job suite has not been queued, no record of the job suite will appear in the Job Suite History. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Failed. Run the first missed run time, mark others as Completed. Managing Job History Purging Use the Job History Purge section to define purging for the history for the member jobs in the job suite. You can use defaults set by the product or define purge settings specifically for this job suite. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 98 - Use Defaults: Select this option if you want to use the system defaults for purging logs for this job suite. The defaults are defined in the Job History section of System Settings. Purge: Select this option if you want to define purge settings specifically for this job suite. Runs to Keep: Set the default number of runs to keep for the member job in this job suite. Click Save to save your job suite. For step-by-step instructions on how to add member jobs to your job suite, see Creating Member Jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 99 - Job Suites The Job Suites page lets you create, edit, or delete Job Suites. You can sort Job Suites based on many of the columns, including name, description, hold status, or editing status. The Editing Member Jobs? column on this page shows the name of the user who's currently editing the member jobs that are in the job suite. To clear it, right-click the job suite, click Edit Job Suite, then Member Jobs. On the Job Suite Members page, you must click either Save or Cancel, even if no changes have been made. Note: To see the list of Job Suites, you must have View, Change, or Execute authority to the "Job Suites" Secured Object. To create Job Suites, you must have Use authority to the "Create Job Suites" Secured Action. To edit or delete a Job Suite, you must have Change authority to the "Job Suites" Secured Object (or to the specific Job Suite itself). Managing Job Suites Option Creating New Job Suites Description To create a new Job Suite, click Create Job Suite. See Creating Job Suites for step-by-step instructions. Editing Existing Job Suites To edit settings for a Job Suite, double-click the Job Suite or right-click the Job Suite, point to Edit Job Suite, and select Job Suite. The Job Suite Settings page displays. To edit advanced scheduling options for a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite, point to Edit Job Suite, and select the option you want to edit: Member Jobs Job Suite Monitors Prerequisites Status Notification Job Suite Note Special Instances Copying Job Suites Deleting Job Suites Running a Job Suite Holding a Job Suite Releasing a Job Suite Viewing Histories for a Job Suite Forecast Schedule You can create a new Job Suite based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Job Suite and select Copy Job Suite. The Job Suite Settings page displays. To delete a Job Suite, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Job Suite and select Delete Job Suite. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Job Suite. To force a Job Suite to start, right-click the Job Suite, point to Job Suite Control, and select Run Job Suite Now. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple job suites to run. The Run Job Suite Now Options window displays. You can hold a Job Suite to prevent it from running. To hold a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite, point to Job Suite Control, and select Hold Job Suite. The Hold Job Suite Options window displays. Note: All Member Jobs in a Job Suite are treated as a single object. Holding or releasing a Job Suite holds all of the Member Jobs. To release a held Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite, point to Job Suite Control, and select Release Job Suite. A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes to release the Job Suite to the normal run times. To view a type of history for a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view: Job Suite History Job Suite Monitor History Exporting a Job Suite Show Audit History Where Used Server History To export a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite and select Export Job Suite. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple Job Suites. The Export Job Suites window displays. Note: Member Jobs can be exported separately from the Job Suite. See Member Jobs for details. To view audit history of a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite and select Show Audit History. To see where a Job Suite is being used in your schedule (for example, as a prerequisite to a job or another Job Suite), right-click the Job Suite and select Where Used. The Job Suite Where Used page Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 100 - displays. To view or change the current status of prerequisites for a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite and select Prerequisite Statuses. The Prerequisite Statuses page displays. Clear All Prerequisite Sta- To reset the status of all prerequisites for a job suite, right-click the job suite and select Clear All Pretuses requisite Statuses. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple job suites. Choose Yes to confirm. This resets all prerequisite statuses for the job suite to None. Prerequisite Statuses If you selected more than one job suite, the Clear All Prerequisite Statuses window displays the results for each job suite you selected. You can see if Skybot Scheduler was unable to clear the prerequisite statuses for any of the job suites. Next Scheduled Run Time To see when a Job Suite is next scheduled to run, right-click the Job Suite and select Next Scheduled Run Time. Skybot Scheduler displays the next scheduled run time in a message window. The message window indicates if the Job Suite is not scheduled to run again. Send Status Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a Job Suite run has reached this status. This does not actually run the Job Suite, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this Job Suite. The initiation data for any reactive jobs or Job Suites that react to this manually sent Job Suite status indicates that it happened for Job Suite run number zero. Use this option when you do not want to run a Job Suite on a given day, but have reactive jobs or Job Suites that need this Job Suite to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity without actually running the prerequisite event. Send Monitor Event To change the status of a Job Suite, right-click the Job Suite, point to Send Status, and select Skipped, Running, Failed, Canceled, or Completed. Use the Send Monitor Event option to tell reactivity that a Monitor Event has reached this status. This does not actually invoke the event, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this event. The initiation data for any reactive jobs or Job Suites that react to this manually sent Event Monitor status indicates that it happened for Job Suite run number zero. Use this option when you do not want an event to occur, but have reactive jobs or Job Suites that need this event to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity without actually running the prerequisite event. To change the status of a Monitor Event, right-click the Job Suite, point to Send Monitor Event, and select Job Suite Underrun, Job Suite Overrun, or Late Start. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 101 - Member Jobs Member Jobs are the jobs assigned to a Job Suite and serve the same function as normal jobs. Member Jobs contain commands, job priority, agent system, and Agent Environment information. Member Jobs can be used across multiple Job Suites. Job Suites can contain Member Jobs that run on different agent systems or Agent Groups. Member Jobs cannot run on their own, and can only be started by the Job Suite they belong to. Member Jobs run when the Job Suite is initiated or by reactivity to the completion of one or more other Job Members within the same Job Suite. Skipping Member Jobs Since Member Jobs are always tied to a group of other jobs, there may be times when you don't want a particular job to run as part of the Job Suite. There are multiple ways to skip Member Jobs: If you temporarily do not need or want a member job to run as part of a Job Suite, use the Skip Member Job option. If the Job Suite that a Member Job belongs to has a Special Instance assigned to it, you can choose to skip the runtimes for that Member Job that occur during the Special Instance run. Alternatively, you can also choose to skip the Member Job runtimes that do not match the Special Instance. Managing Member Jobs The Member Jobs page lets you edit or delete Member Jobs. You can sort Member Jobs based on many of the columns, including name, description, agent/group, priority, or Job Suite. Note: To see the list of Member Jobs, you must have View, Change, or Execute authority to the "Member Jobs" Secured Object. To create Member Jobs, you must have Use authority to the "Create Job Suites" Secured Action. To edit or delete a Member Job, you must have Change authority to the "Member Jobs" Secured Object. Option Editing Existing Member Jobs Description To edit basic settings for a Member Job, double-click or right-click the Member Job, point to Edit Member Job, and select Member Job. The Member Job Settings page displays. To edit advanced options for a Member Job, right-click the Member Job, point to Edit Member Job, and select the option you want to edit: Deleting Member Jobs Viewing Histories for a Member Job Job Monitors Conditions Output Distribution Status Notification Member Job Note To delete a Member Job, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Member Job and select Delete Member Job. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Member Job. To view a type of history for a Member Job, right-click the Member Job, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view: Member Job History Member Job Monitor History Output Distribution History Exporting a Member Job Show Audit History Where Used Server History Member Jobs can be exported separately from the Job Suite they are a part of. To export a Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Export Member Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple Member Jobs. The Export Member Jobs window displays. To view audit history of a Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Show Audit History. To see where a Member Job is being used in your schedule (for example, as a prerequisite to job or another Job Suite), right-click the Member Job and select Where Used. The Member Job Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 102 - Creating Member Jobs Use these instructions to create a new Member Job for your Job Suite. Note: If you arrived here from the Member Job page, you can skip to the General section. Accessing the Job Suite Members Page To access the Job Suite Members page: 1. From the Jobs drop-down menu, click Job Suites. 2. Right-click the Job Suite that the new Member Job will be assigned to. 3. Point to Edit Job Suite and select Member Jobs. The Job Suite Members page displays. 4. From the Job Suite Members page, do one of the following: To create a new Member Job for this Job Suite, click Create, then click New Member Job. Or, right-click the Job Suite Members page, click Create, then click New Member Job. To create a new Member Job for this Job Suite by copying the common attributes of an existing job, click Create and then click Copy From Individual Job. Or, right-click the Job Suite Members page, click Create and then click Copy From Individual Job. The Select a Job page displays. Find the job you want to copy and click it (you can use Tags to filter the list). Then, click Select. The Member Job settings page displays. Use the following sections. General Job Settings Use the General section to set basic job information. Agents and agent groups must be defined before you create a member job that uses them. Name: Provide a unique name for your member job. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for your member job. Agent/Group: Select whether you want the member job to run on a specific agent or on an agent group. Then, select the name from the drop-down list. Priority: Type or select an agent queue priority for this member job. Number 1 is the highest priority. For example, if two jobs are submitted to an agent queue at the same time, the job with a priority of 25 will run before the job with a priority of 99. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this member job. Setting an Agent Environment Use the Agent Environment section to assign the environment type, working path, and add environment variables for your job. You can use a shared Agent Environment (defined under Scheduling Objects), or set up a private environment that only this job uses. See detailed information about setting agent environments. For this example, we'll use a Shared Agent Environment. The username, working path, and variables (if any exist) populate automatically once you select an environment from the Agent Environment drop-down menu. v Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 103 - Adding Commands to a Job Use the Commands section to set up the task you want the job to perform. You can use a Shared Command Set or a set of commands unique to this job. Note: To use a Shared Command Set, you must have one set up before creating a job. If you use a Shared Command Set, you will not be able to move or change the commands in the set from this page. See Command Sets for help on creating new Command Sets or editing existing ones. For this example, we'll set up manual commands for just this job. See detailed information about each of the available Command options. 1. Click Add and select Command. 2. Enter the command or script in the Command column. Notes: The exit system command should be used with caution on Windows. When exit is used in a command, it immediately ends the current process before Skybot Scheduler is finished evaluating the results. Using the parameter /b can help. The Windows timeout command should be avoided when writing commands in Skybot Scheduler. It will prevent the job from completing. The timeout command waits for user input (even if the '/NOBREAK' option is used) and this interferes with Skybot Scheduler determining when a command has completed. If you're adding a call to vlaunch.exe, consider using the Windows Desktop Application Command window instead of manually adding it here. The advantage is that the Windows Desktop Application Command window automatically builds the correct syntax for doing the call. However, if you must add it here, use the following syntax: windows path\vlaunch.exe" "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This passes the command string, including all parameters, to the Skybot Agent Transponder for execution, and continues with the next job command without waiting for the results. windows path\vlaunch.exe" /W "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This stops and waits for the command to execute via the Skybot Agent Transponder, and gets a return code from the command that can be tested. 3. Click the value in the Return Code column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Return Code window. You can enable and select a shared Return Code, or create an individual return code for this command. Click here for return code guidelines. 4. Click the value in the Fail Action column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Failed Action window. Select an item from the When command fails list. You can choose: Fail Job (the job will end and show a status of Failed), Continue to next Command (this command will fail, but the job will continue to run with the next command), Retry command before Failing Job, and Retry command before continuing to next Command. If you select either of the "retry" choices, you must enter the Number of Retries and the time to Wait Between Retries in seconds. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 104 - Click Save when you're finished. 5. Repeat for each command you need to add manually. You can also use Skybot Scheduler's built-in command builders to write commands for file transfers, running an Informatica Cloud task, running an Informatica PowerCenter workflow, managing an Oracle concurrent request, running an SAP job, event, or variant, managing a SQL Server job, sending a request to a web server, or launching a desktop application. See the following topics for help setting up these type of commands. File Transfer Jobs Informatica Cloud Tasks Informatica Workflows Oracle Concurrent Request Jobs SAP NetWeaver Events SAP NetWeaver Jobs SAP NetWeaver Process Chains SAP NetWeaver Variants SQL Server Jobs Web Service Request Jobs Windows Desktop Application Jobs Logging Options Use the Logging section to save the job log to your server. Click Save to save your Member Job. If you are on the Job Suite Members page, after you save your Member Job, it displays on the Job Suite Members page and in the list of Member Jobs in the left pane. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 105 - You can add more Member Jobs by: Dragging existing member jobs from the Members Jobs list. Clicking Create, then New Member Job. Or, by right-clicking the Job Suite Members page, clicking Create, then New Member Job. Clicking Create, then Copy From Individual Job. Or, by right-clicking the Job Suite Members page, clicking Create, then Copy From Individual Job. The Select a Job page displays. Find the job you want to copy and click it (you can use Tags to filter the list). Then, click Select. Click Save to save your Job Suite. Note: You must click either Save or Cancel any time you leave the Job Suite Members page—even if you did not make any changes. See Using the Job Suite Members Page for more information on using this page to plan your Job Suite. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 106 - Using the Job Suite Members Page Use the Job Suite Members page to define your Job Suite by adding Member Jobs and building reactivity within your Job Suite. Note: You must click either Save or Cancel before you leave the Job Suite Members page—even if you did not make any changes. Navigating the Diagram To navigate a diagram, right-click anywhere on the diagram, hold the mouse down, and move your mouse to move the diagram. You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in or out. To quickly view information about a Member Job, hover your mouse over the job and a tooltip appears. Member Job Options Option Description Adding Member Jobs to a There are three ways to add a Member Job to a Job Suite: Job Suite To create a new Member Job for this Job Suite, click Create and then click New Member Job. Or, you can right-click the screen, click Create and then click New Member Job. The Member Job settings page displays. To create a new Member Job for this Job Suite by copying the common attributes of an existing job, click Create and then click Copy From Individual Job. Or, you can right-click the screen, click Create and then click Copy From Individual Job. The Select a Job page displays. Find the job you want to copy and click it (you can use Tags to filter the list). Then, click Select. The Member Job settings page displays. To add a Member Job from another Job Suite, drag the Member Job from the Member Jobs list (on the left side of the page) to the editing window. Editing Existing Member Jobs By default, Member Jobs are initiated by the Job Suite. To add reactivity within a Job Suite, see the Setting Prerequisite Member Job section below. To edit basic settings for a Member Job, double-click or right-click the Member Job, point to Edit Member Job, and select Member Job. The Member Job Settings page displays. To edit advanced options for a Member Job, right-click the Member Job, point to Edit Member Job, and select the option you want to edit: Job Monitors Conditions Output Distribution Status Notification Member Job Note Copying Member Jobs Undoing Changes Made to a Member Job When you change a member job after it After you save the changes to a member job, the To create a new Member Job based on an existing one, right-click the Member Job and select Copy Member Job. The Member Job Settings page displays. If a Member Job was changed, either via this Job Suite Members page or one for a different Job Suite, a "Yes" is displayed in the Edited? column in the Member Job list. Additionally, in the diagram, the Member Job name will have an asterisk by it. Note: This only happens when the changes to the Member Job were saved when it was edited, but the Job Suite Members page has not yet been saved or canceled. You can clear the "Yes" in two ways: Skipping Member Jobs Temporarily If you want to keep the changes made to the Member Job, click Save or Cancel on this Job Suite Members page. If you don't want to keep the changes made to the Member Job, right-click it in the diagram and click Undo Editing Changes. This will undo those saved changes. Occasionally you may temporarily not need or want a member job to run as part of a Job Suite. For these circumstances, you can choose to skip a Member Job. To skip a Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Skip Member Job. The Skip Member Job Options window displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 107 - Skipped Member Jobs display on the Job Suite Members screen. To include a Skipped Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Include Member Job.The Skipping Member Jobs During Special Instance Run Setting Prerequisite Member Job Sending Member Job Status icon disappears. If the Job Suite that a Member Job belongs to has a Special Instance assigned to it, you can choose to skip the Member Job runtimes that either match or don't match the Special Instance run. To skip a Member Job during a Special Instance run of the Job Suite, right-click the Member Job and select Skip Special Instances. The Skip Special Instance window displays. Add the Special Instances, select the Skip Options, and click OK. Note: To reverse this so that the Member Job is not skipped during the special instance run, right-click the Member Job and select Skip Special Instance. Then, click the X to remove each special instance during which the Member Job should run. Member Jobs with Skipped Special Instances display By default, Member Jobs are initiated by the Job Suite. on the Job Suite Members screen. To make one Member Job react to the completion of another Member Job, right-click the Member Job, mouse overSet Prerequisite Member Job, and select a Member Job from the list, or you can select Start if the job is not dependent upon the completion of any other job. For detailed instructions on building reactive Job Suites, see the Building Reactive Job Suites topic. Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a Member Job run has reached this status. This does not actually run the Member Job, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this Member Job. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want to run a Member Job or its Job Suite on a given day, but have reactive jobs that need this Member Job to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite job. To change the status of a Member Job, right-click the Member Job, point to Send Status, and select Running, Failed, Canceled, Completed, Submitted, Skipped, or Condition Retry-Wait. Sending Member Job Mon- Use the Send Monitor Event option to tell reactivity that a Monitor Event has reached this status. This itor Event does not actually invoke the event, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this event. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent Event Monitor status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want an event to occur, but have reactive jobs that need this event to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite event. To change the status of a Event Monitor, right-click the event, point to Send Status, and select Member Job Underrun, Member Job Overrun, or Late Start. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 108 - Job Suite Status Notification Use the Status Notification page to set notification preferences for various statuses of a Job Suite, including: Skipped Status Notification Running Status Notification Completed Status Notification Member Failed Status Notification Member Canceled Status Notification Note: See Job Statuses for a description of each status. Specify the actions that Skybot Scheduler should take for each of the statuses you want to know about. You can select to send an SNMP trap and/or send an Email to a specified recipient or to a Notification List. Send SNMP Trap: Select the check box to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email Send Job Log: Select this box if you want to send the job logs via email for that status. Note: This is only available for the Member Failed and Member Canceled status notifications. This allows you to specify whether or not to send job logs via email for either of those statuses. To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the status monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the status monitor. Advanced Email Options: Click Edit by this option to set up a custom email message to be sent to the Notification List or Users. Type the Custom Subject and the Custom Text in the boxes. Variables that you can use in the subject or body text are listed below the boxes. If you want to reset the email options so that the normal message generated by Skybot is sent instead of the custom message, click Reset. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 109 - Run Job Suite Now Options The Run Job Suite Now Options window lets you set attributes when manually running the Job Suite (or Job Suites) you selected. Do not perform Job Suite or Member Job reactivity: Select this option if you do not want the Job Suite or its Member Jobs to act as a dependency for a reactive job. Dependent jobs that run based on a status of this Job Suite will not be triggered. For instance, when selected, if you run Job Suite B, it means that Job C will not start when Job Suite B completes. Clear the current prerequisite statuses: Select this option to clear the status on the Job Suite when it is submitted. For example, when selected, if you run Job Suite D, it will cause Job Suite D's prerequisite status (the current status of Job A) to be cleared. This is helpful in a couple of ways: If you want to run Job Suite D early, provided it has satisfied prerequisites and a future scheduled runtime. If Job Suite D has multiple prerequisites (Jobs A1, A2, and A3) that are partially satisfied (Jobs A1 and A2), and you want to run Job Suite D and reset the prerequisites for the next planned runtime. Ignore Job Suite and Member Job Monitors: If the job has Job Monitors set up, you can select this option to ignore Job Monitors when this job runs. Select Starting Command: If the job has multiple commands, select which command you want to start the job with. This is helpful if a job was partially completed and you don't need to re-run every command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 110 - Hold Job Suite Options The Hold Job Suite Options window lets you set attributes for holding a Job Suite. You can choose to hold a Job Suite until released, until a date and time have been reached or for a specified number of runs. If you set the status for the held job, it displays how many holds are left before it runs again. Note: Held Job Suites continue to be processed by the scheduler. If you have a Time Interval Job Suite that runs every minute and is held, the scheduler still evaluates the Job Suite every minute. You can save resources by deleting Job Suites that are no longer needed instead of holding the job. Only Job Suite runs that are automatically submitted by the scheduler or reactivity are subject to the held Job Suite settings, and count towards the held run count when applicable. Job Suite runs that are submitted with Run Job Suite Now or restarting of ended Job Suites are not subject to the held Job Suite settings. Until a Date and Time: Select this option to hold the Job Suite until a specific date and time. For Specified Run Times: Select this option and designate the number of runs you want the Job Suite to skip. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 111 - Building Reactive Job Suites Use the Job Suite Members page to build a Job Suite with reactivity between its Member Jobs. Accessing the Job Suite Members screen From the Jobs drop-down menu, click Job Suites. Right-click the Job Suite. Point to Edit Job Suite and select Member Jobs. The Job Suite Members screen displays. Building Reactivity To build reactivity: 1. Add a Member Job to the Job Suite; see Creating Member Jobs for more information. 2. Right-click the Member Job, point to Set Prerequisite Member Job and select a Member Job from the list. In the example below, we are setting the completion of SampleMemberJob1 as a prerequisite for SampleMemberJob3. Note: You can add multiple Member Jobs as prerequisites. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 112 - To complete reactivity, you must remove the reactivity line from Start to SampleMemberJob 3. Click the reactivity line to select it and press the Delete key. To simplify the flow, drag SampleMemberJob3 below SampleMemberJob1 or click Layout Diagram. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 113 - Click Save to save your Job Suite flow. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 114 - Skipping Member Jobs Temporarily Occasionally you may temporarily not need or want a member job to run as part of a Job Suite. In these circumstances, you can choose to skip a Member Job. To skip a Member Job: 1. On the Job Suite Members page, right-click the Member Job and select Skip Member Job. The Skip Member Job Options window displays: 2. Select a Skip option: Until Included: Select this option to hold the Member Job until you include it. You can include a Member Job by right-clicking it and selecting Include Member Job. For Specified Run Times: Select this option and designate the number of runs you want to skip. Until a Date and Time: Select this option to hold the Member Job until a specific date and time. 3. Click OK to save the Skip Member Job Options. Skipped Member Jobs display on the Job Suite Members page. In this example, the Member Job named print_payroll will now be skipped whenever the Job Suite runs. To include the skipped Member Job in the next run of the Job Suite, right-click it and select Include Member Job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 115 - Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 116 - Skipping Member Jobs During Special Instance If the Job Suite that a Member Job belongs to has a Special Instance assigned to it, you can choose whether or not to run that Member Job during the Special Instance run. The Member Job still runs during the Job Suite's normally scheduled runs. To skip a Member Job during a Special Instance run of the Job Suite it belongs to: 1. Right-click the Member Job and select Skip Special Instances. The Skip Special Instance window displays: 2. Select the Special Instance that will skip the Member Job from the Add Special Instance drop-down list. You can select multiple Special Instances. 3. Select the Skip Option that you want to use. You can choose one of the following: Skip member job runtimes that match special instances. Skip member job runtimes that do not match special instances. 4. Click OK to save the Skip Special Instance. Member Jobs with Skipped Special Instances display on the Job Suite Members screen. In this example, the Member Job named process_payroll_r-55 will not run when the Job Suite is running under the Special Instance that was chosen in step 2 above. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 117 - Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 118 - Using Reactivity to Start Job Suites You can set up Job Suites to start as soon as defined prerequisites have occurred. To do this, simply create an unscheduled Job Suite, define the prerequisites. Job Suites also can be defined to run at scheduled times, as long as the prerequisites have also occurred. To do this, create a Job Suite with a schedule, then define the prerequisites. Use these instructions to add a prerequisite to a Skybot Scheduler Job Suite. A prerequisite can be a job, another Job Suite, a Member Job from any Job Suite, a Job Monitor, a Job Suite Monitor, a Member Job Monitor, an Agent Event Monitor, an SNMP Trap Monitor, or a remote event coming from a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. See Prerequisite Options for a list of objects that you can use as prerequisites. Note: You must have jobs, Agent Events, Job Monitors, or SNMP Trap Monitors created before you can use them as prerequisites. If you are going to use remote events as prerequisites, you must have a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server created and registered. From the Job Suites page, right-click the Job Suite, point to Edit Job Suite, and select Prerequisites. Click Add Prerequisite to add an object as a prerequisite to this Job Suite. For this example, select Insert Before. Note: The Add Robot/SCHEDULE Prerequisite button is for adding events from a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server as prerequisites to your job suite. You will only see this button if your Skybot Administrator used the System Settings to show the remote server configuration, and if your role has the appropriate authorities. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 119 - Use the Prerequisites section to select the object. For this example, let's use a Member Job as the prerequisite. Select Member Job from the "Run when" drop-down list. See a list of other prerequisites you can use. Select the Member Job's Job Suite from the "in" drop-down list. Select the Member Job from the "named" drop-down list. Select a job status from the "is" drop-down list. For this example, we'll start reactivity when the Member Job named SampleMemberJob is failed. Check "Don't overwrite" to ignore all subsequent non-matching statuses after receiving a matching status. Check "Don't clear" to tell Skybot Scheduler not to clear the status at scheduled runtimes when the prerequisites are not met. Click OK to save the prerequisite. You can add multiple prerequisites for a Job Suite. For this example, let's add a second prerequisite using an SNMP Trap Monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 120 - Both prerequisites are now visible. When you have two or more prerequisites, select AND to connect two or more prerequisites in a set, or select OR to separate prerequisite sets. In this example, both the job named SampleMemberJob must complete and the SNMP Trap Monitor named SampleTrap must occur to run JobSuite1. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 121 - Click Save to save your prerequisites and return to the Job Suites page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 122 - Job Suite Where Used The Job Suite Where Used page shows what jobs or job suites are currently dependent on the job suite that you selected (or its jobs or member jobs). It also shows the remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers that have jobs or groups jobs that are dependent on this job suite. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all jobs using the job suite as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Dependencies as Member Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using a member job of this job suite as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all job suites using this job suite as a prerequisite Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies as Member jobs Click Edit to view all job suites using a member job of this job suite as a prerequisite Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Remote Server Dependencies Click Edit to view all remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers using this job suite as a prerequisite. Right-click a server to edit its properties, edit the Skybot jobs or job suite it uses as prerequisites, or delete it. Click Close to return to the Job Suites page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 123 - Member Job Where Used The Member Job Where Used page shows which Job Suites are using the selected Member Job, and which Jobs and Job Suites are currently dependent on the selected Member Job.It also shows the remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers that have jobs or groups jobs that are dependent on this job suite. Job Suites Click Edit to view all job suites using this member job. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit its member jobs, or delete it. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all jobs using this member job as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all job suites using this member job as a prerequisite Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Remote Server Dependencies Click Edit to view all remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers using this member job as a prerequisite Right-click a server to edit its properties, edit the Skybot jobs or job suites it uses as prerequisites, or delete it. Switch Member Job Use the Switch Member Job section when you want to replace this member job with a different member job in a job suite. Before you can switch member jobs, edit the job suites section to select the job suite you want to switch. Caution: Switching the member job switches the member job in all job suites that are using the member job. It also switches the member job for all job dependencies and job suite dependencies that are using the member job. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the member job to switch to. Click Switch to switch to the new member job. Click Close to return to the Member Jobs page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 124 - Scheduling Objects Skybot Scheduler lets you create scheduling objects that can be shared by multiple jobs, on any of your connected agent systems. By using shared scheduling objects, you save time when it’s necessary to update your jobs. Instead of updating the settings for every job, you update the object once. Defining these objects on hundreds or thousands of jobs is cumbersome, especially when many of the jobs use identical settings. Scheduling Object Agent Environments Agent Event Monitors Agent Groups Calendars Command Sets Date Lists File Transfer Systems Informatica Cloud® Server Definitions Informatica® PowerCenter® System Definitions Notification Lists Oracle® System Definitions Remote Servers Return Codes Skybot Variables SNMP Trap Monitors SQL Server® Definitions Web Server Definitions Description Agent environments contain attributes to run your jobs, including which user to run the job as, password, working directories, and environment variables. Agent event monitors that let you know when something has happened on one of your servers. You can monitor for events such as changes to a file or directory, when a process starts or ends, or your own user-defined events. Agent groups let you run a job on multiple agent systems, on the agent system with the lowest utilization percentage, or on a preferred agent system with others as failover in case the preferred system is unavailable. See Agent Groups for a detailed explanation of the different types of agent groups. Calendars define weekly work days and non-working days, define specific non-working dates such as holidays, and allow users to specify a fiscal calendar. A command set is a group of commands that can be used by many different jobs. Date lists allow you to select the exact dates to run a job. File transfer systems let you define remote systems in one spot, then quickly point to the remote system when creating FTP jobs. Informatica Cloud server definitions let you define Informatica Cloud servers, then quickly point to the definition when creating Informatica Cloud Task jobs in Skybot Scheduler. Informatica PowerCenter system definitions let you define Informatica PowerCenter servers, then quickly point to the definition when creating Informatica workflow jobs in Skybot Scheduler. Notification lists let you create groups of users or email addresses to send notifications to. Oracle system definitions let you define Oracle servers, then quickly point to the definition when creating Oracle Concurrent Request jobs in Skybot Scheduler. Remote servers let you define remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers and register Skybot Scheduler to them. After you do this, you can set jobs and group jobs on the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server as prerequisites to Skybot Scheduler jobs and job suites. You can also do the reverse: set Skybot Scheduler jobs, job suites, and member jobs as prerequisites to jobs and group jobs on the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. When commands are executed on remote systems, each command ends with a numeric return code. This code determines if a job completed successfully or not. Skybot variables can be used to store values that will be inserted into runtime environment variables for jobs. Skybot Scheduler can monitor for SNMP traps coming from other applications. SQL Server definitions store information about your Microsoft SQL Server installations. Web server definitions store information about the web servers to which you can send web service requests using Skybot Scheduler jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 125 - Agent Environments Skybot Scheduler lets you create named groups of job control defaults called Agent Environments. Agent environments contain attributes to run your jobs, including which user to run the job as, password, working path, and environment variables. Agent environments make job creation easier now and job changes easier later because you can set up attributes in one place and share it across multiple jobs. If something changes, you change it in one place, not every job. Managing Agent Environments Use the Agent Environments page to create, edit, or delete Agent Environments that you can define to jobs. You can sort Agent Environments based on name or description. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Agent Environments, you must have View or Change authority to the “Agent Environments” Secured Object. To create Agent Environments, you must have Use authority to the "Create Agent Environments" Secured Action. To edit or delete an Agent Environments, you must have Change authority to the “Agent Environments” Secured Object (or to the specific agent environment itself). Option Creating New Agent Environments Editing Existing Agent Environments Copying Agent Environments Deleting Agent Environments Exporting Agent Environment Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new Agent Environment, click Create Agent Environment. The Agent Environment settings page displays. To edit an existing Agent Environment, double-click the Agent Environment or right-click the Agent Environment and select Edit Agent Environment. The Agent Environment settings page displays. You can create a new Agent Environment based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick an Agent Environment and select Copy Agent Environment. The Agent Environment settings page displays. To delete an Agent Environment, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Agent Environment and select Delete Agent Environment. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Agent Environment. To export an Agent Environment, right-click the agent environment and select Export Agent Environment. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple agent environments. The Export window displays. To view audit history of an Agent Environment, right-click the environment and select Show Audit History. To quickly see what jobs are currently using an Agent Environment, right-click the Agent Environment and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 126 - Configuring Agent Environments Use the Agent Environment settings page to create or edit agent environments. The available fields vary if based on the environment type you choose. All fields are described in the sections below. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Agent Environment. Name: Provide a unique name for the Agent Environment, with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description of this Agent Environment. Tags: Select from defined Tags or enter a new one. Environment Type: Select the environment type for this agent environment. You have three choices: Username and Password: Select this option to ensure that jobs using this agent environment will only run if the user name and password are correct. You must provide a valid user name and password for the agent. Run as Agent's User: Select this option to run jobs as the agent's user, without specifying a username and password. Note: Agents running jobs with this agent environment must have " Allow Jobs to Run as Agent's User" turned on under General Agent Settings. 'setuid' (UNIX Agents only): Select this option to run jobs as a user on the UNIX agent without specifying a password. Note: This environment type is secured by running the script on your UNIX agent. See the Help/FACTS Installing Agents on UNIX and Linux Servers for more detailed instructions. Username, Password, and Confirm Password: Depending on what you select for Environment Type, these fields may or may not be displayed. If they're available, enter the appropriate information for the agent that the jobs using this environment will run on. Enter a working path for this agent environment. Environment Variables Use the Agent Environment Variables section to enter variables for your environment. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 127 - Enter a name for the variable. Enter the value for the variable. Enter a Skybot Variable. You must define at least one Skybot Variable before you can apply it as an Agent Environment variable. See Managing Skybot Variables for more help on creating Skybot Variables. Notes: For UNIX and Linux users who want to emulate the behavior of a clean environment with a full login sequence (su - someuser), instead of an inherited environment (su someuser), use the following Environment Variable: "__PROCESS_LOGIN=true". When a Skybot Scheduler job is started with the clean environment (su -), environment variables from the agent's shell are not passed into the process. If your FTP server only accepts active transfers, create the following Environment Variable and use it when you create the File Transfer job: "set SKYBOT_FTP_LOCAL_MODE=active". If your FTP server is configured to use preferred authentications, create the following Environment Variable and use it when you create the File Transfer job: "SKYBOT_SFTP_PREFERRED_AUTH". See Configuring Agent Environments for more information on creating Environment Variables. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 128 - Agent Environment Where Used The Agent Environment Where Used page shows what jobs and member jobs are currently using the agent environment that you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using this agent environment. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs using this agent environment. Right-click a member job to edit its properties or delete it. Switch Agent Environment Use the Switch Agent Environment section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different agent environment. Before you can switch agent environments, edit the above sections to select the objects that you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the agent environment to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the agent environment you chose. Click Close to return to the Agent Environments page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 129 - Agent Event Monitors Many of the scheduling needs on Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems are based on file arrival information. Typically, a file arrives from an external source, such as a retail point-of-sale machine, and a job needs to be launched to handle the file. Skybot Scheduler includes Agent Event Monitors that let you know when something has happened on one of your servers. You can monitor for events such as changes to a file or directory, when a process starts or ends, or your own user-defined events. You can use these Agent Event Monitors in Skybot Scheduler as prerequisites for reactive jobs. Types of Event Monitors There are four types of agent event monitors. You can create monitors for manual events, file events, directory events, and process events. The following table describes them. Monitor Type Manual Events Description Manual Events are used to send generic application events from agents to invoke job reactivity on the Skybot Scheduler server (they let Skybot Scheduler know the event has been fired). Use the Prerequisites page for a job to react to an event being fired. You can set up multiple manual Agent Event Monitors for a single agent if needed. Configuring a Manual Agent Event Monitor File and Directory Events Note: To initiate the firing of a manual event, you must call the fireevent shell script (shipped with Skybot Scheduler) from your program or script; see Firing an Event for details. File Events and Directory Events monitor for file activity on the agent that may invoke job reactivity on the Skybot Scheduler server. You can check to see if a file or directory has been created, modified, or deleted. You also can check to see if a file or directory has increased or decreased past a threshold level. Configuring a File Agent Event Monitor Configuring a Directory Agent Event Monitor Process Events Using Event Data Variables Process Events monitor for the starting and/or stopping of agent processes that may invoke job reactivity on the Skybot Scheduler server. By using reactivity to system events in your jobs, you can create an event-driven schedule based on file arrival, directory updates, and services or daemons starting or stopping. Configuring a Process Agent Event Monitor Managing Agent Event Monitors The Agent Event Monitors page lets you create, edit, or delete Agent Event Monitors. You can sort the Agent Event Monitors by name, description, agent, type, or status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Agent Event Monitors, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the “Agent Event Monitors” Secured Object. To create agent event monitors, you must have Use authority to the "Create Agent Event Monitors" Secured Action. To edit or delete an agent event monitor, you must have Change authority to the “Agent Event Monitors” Secured Object (or to the specific agent event monitor itself). Option Description Creating New Agent Event To create a new agent event monitor, click the button for the type of event monitor you want to create: Monitors Manual Event, File Event, Directory Event, or Process Event. Create Agent Event Monitor. The settings page for the type of event monitor you select displays: Manual, File, Directory, or Process. Editing Existing Agent To edit an existing agent event monitor, double-click the event monitor or right-click the event monitor Event Monitors and select Edit Agent Event Monitor. The settings page for the type of monitor you select displays: Manual, File, Directory, or Process. Copying Agent Event Mon- You can create a new agent event monitor based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightitors click an event monitor and select Copy Agent Event Monitor. The settings page for the type of monitor you select displays: Manual, File, Directory, or Process. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 130 - Deleting Agent Event Mon- To delete an agent event monitor, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the event monitor itors and select Delete Agent Event Monitor. A confirmation dialog displays. Exporting Agent Event To export an agent event monitor, right-click the event monitor and select Export Agent Event Monitors Monitor. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple event monitors. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view the audit history of an agent event monitor, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using an agent event monitor, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Agent Event Monitor His- To access the history for an agent event monitor, right-click it and select Agent Event Monitor History. tory The Agent Event Monitor History page displays. Enabling or Disabling When an agent event monitor is created, it's automatically enabled. You can see whether an event Agent Event Monitors monitor is enabled or disabled by looking at the Status column. To quickly enable or disable an agent event monitor, right-click it and select either Enable Agent Event Monitor or Disable Agent Event Monitor. Use the A confirmation dialog box displays. Special Instances To view special instances defined to an agent event monitor, right-click it and select Special Instances. The Special Instances page for the selected event monitor displays. You can view and edit existing special instances for the event monitor or create new ones. Send Agent Event To Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 131 - Configuring Process Agent Event Monitors Use the Agent Event Monitor settings page to create or edit Process Agent Event Monitors. The available fields vary if you are creating a new event monitor or editing an existing event monitor. All fields are described in the sections below. General Section Use the General section to set attributes for the process event monitor. Enter a unique name for your agent event monitor. Do not use spaces or dashes. Enter a useful description for your environment. Select a defined Tag or enter a new one. Select whether you want to monitor events on a specific Agent or on an Agent Group. Then, select the name from the drop-down list. Select if you want to use the time where the server is located or the time zone where the agent system is located when checking event time. The Event Type field is populated automatically when choosing the type of event from the Agent Event Monitors page. Use the second part of the General section to set purging and notification information for the event monitor. Agent Event Monitor History Purge Use Defaults: Check this option to use the Agent Event Monitor History Purge default values in System Settings. Days to keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Send SNMP Trap: Select the checkbox to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below.\ To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 132 - Event Monitor Cycle Information Use the Event Monitor Cycle Information section to control when the Agent Event Monitor runs, how often it runs, and the directory to monitor. From and To: Set the times that this monitor is allowed to run. If both times are set to 0:00, the monitor can run any time it occurs. The monitor will continue to run during off times, but any events generated during the off time do not trigger reactivity. Process Event Properties The available fields vary depending on the type of event type you select. The example below uses the Process Started type. Process Started Command: Select if you want the process command to start with, contain, or end with the certain characters, and enter the characters in the second box. Username: Select if you want the username to start with or contain certain characters, and enter the characters in the second box. You can also select if the password Is or Is Not the same as what you enter in the second box. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 133 - Fire event after process active for (minutes): Enter the number of minutes to automatically fire this event after being active. Process Ended Command: Select if you want the a process command to start with, contain, or end with the certain characters, and enter the characters in the second box. Username: Select if you want the username to start with or contain certain characters, and enter the characters in the second box. You can also select if the password Is or Is Not the same as what you enter in the second box. Click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 134 - Configuring Directory Agent Event Monitors Use the Agent Event Monitor settings page to create or edit Directory Agent Event Monitors. The available fields vary if you are creating a new event monitor or editing an existing event monitor. All fields are described in the sections below. General Section Use the General section to set attributes for the directory event monitor. Enter a unique name for your agent event monitor. Do not use spaces or dashes. Enter a useful description for your monitor. Select a defined Tag or enter a new one. Select whether you want to monitor events on a specific Agent or on an Agent Group. Then, select the name from the drop-down list. Select if you want to use the time where the server is located or the time zone where the agent system is located when checking event time. The Event Type field is populated automatically when choosing the type of event from the Agent Event Monitors page. Use the second part of the General section to set purging and notification information for the event monitor. Agent Event Monitor History Purge Use Defaults: Check this option to use the Agent Event Monitor History Purge default values in System Settings. Days to keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Send SNMP Trap: Select the check box to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 135 - Event Monitor Cycle Information Use the Event Monitor Cycle Information section to control when the directory event monitor runs, how often it runs, and the directory to monitor. From and To: Set the times that this monitor is allowed to run. If both times are set to 0:00, the monitor can run any time it occurs. The monitor will continue to run during off times, but any events generated during the off time do not trigger reactivity. Event Monitor Cycle (in seconds): Set how often in seconds you want this event monitor to run. Directory Event Properties Use the Directory Event Properties section to define the type of event you want to monitor for and the directory information. The available fields vary depending on the type of event type you select. Event Type: Specify the type of directory event monitor: Added, Removed, Changed, or Threshold. This example uses the Directory Added type. Path: Enter a directory and filename to monitor. You can use a wildcard (*) if any directory or filename can be used to trigger the Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 136 - event. Note: This is only an example of one type of directory event monitor setup. Click here for information about all event types. Click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 137 - Directory Event Properties When you set up a directory agent event monitor, you can choose from several event types in the Directory Event Properties section. The available event types are described below. Directory Added Has not changed in: Set the length of time that a directory must be unchanged before the event monitor is fired. Directory Removed When you select this option, only the Event Type and Path fields are available. Use the Path field to monitor for removal of a directory. Directory Changed Increased: Select this check box to monitor directory size increase. Decreased: Select this check box to monitor directory size decrease. Date/Time Changed: Select this check box to monitor directory date or time changed. Directory Threshold Greater Than: Select this check box to monitor when a file grows past a specified size. Enter a value to set a minimum threshold criteria Less Than: Select this check box to monitor when a file shrinks below a certain size. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 138 - Configuring Agent Event Monitors Use the Agent Event Monitor settings page to create or edit File Agent Event Monitors. The available fields vary if you are creating a new event monitor or editing an existing event monitor. All fields are described in the sections below. General Section Use the General section to set attributes for the file event monitor. Enter a unique name for your agent event monitor. Do not use spaces or dashes. Enter a useful description for your monitor. Select a defined Tag or enter a new one. Select whether you want to monitor events on a specific Agent or on an Agent Group. Then, select the name from the drop-down list. Select if you want to use the time where the server is located or the time zone where the agent system is located when checking event time. The Event Type field is populated automatically when choosing the type of event from the Agent Event Monitors page. Use the second part of the General section to set purging and notification information for the event monitor. Agent Event Monitor History Purge Use Defaults: Check this option to use the Agent Event Monitor History Purge default values in System Settings. Days to keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Send SNMP Trap: Select the check box to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 139 - Event Monitor Cycle Information Use the Event Monitor Cycle Information section to control when the file event monitor can run and how often it runs. From and To: Set the times that this monitor is allowed to run. If both times are set to 0:00, the monitor can run any time it occurs. The monitor will continue to run during off times, but any events generated during the off time do not trigger reactivity. Event Monitor Cycle (in seconds): Set how often in seconds you want this event monitor to run. File Event Properties Use the File Event Properties section to specify what type of file event you want to monitor for. You can choose from File Added, File Removed, File Changed, and File Threshold (learn about each type). The fields in this section vary depending on what type of file event you are setting up. Event Type: Specify the type of file event monitor: Added, Removed, Changed, or Threshold. This example uses the File Added type. Enter the path to monitor. To monitor files with unknown file names, use a wildcard(*) character in the file name. To set up reactive jobs based on specific agent event instances with unknown file names, see the Using Event Data Variables topic. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 140 - Set the length of time that a file must be unchanged before the event monitor is started. Select the type of encoding this file uses for the end-of-file marker (EOF). Select NONE if you do not want this monitor to check the EOF marker. Note: This is only an example of one type of File Event Monitor setup. Click here for information about all event types. Click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 141 - File Agent Event Monitor Properties When you set up a file agent event monitor, you can choose from several event types in the File Event Properties section. The available event types are described below. File Added Has not changed in: Set the length of time that a directory must be unchanged before the event monitor is fired. End of File Marker: Select the type of encoding this file uses for the end-of-file marker (EOF). Select NONE if you do not want this monitor to check the EOF marker. Text EOF Marker Enter an end-of-file marker value to check a text encoded end-of-file marker. Agent Encoding: Select an encoding option to use for this EOF marker. Each agent has a default encoding. File Encoding: Select an encoding scheme. HEX EOF Marker Select Hex EOF marker from the End-of-File Marker drop-down menu. Provide the EOF marker in hex representation. File Removed When you select this option, only the Event Type and Path fields are available. Use the Path field to monitor for removal of a file in a specific directory. File Changed Increased: Select this check box to monitor directory size increase. Decreased: Select this check box to monitor directory size decrease. Date/Time Changed: Select this check box to monitor directory date or time changed. File Threshold Greater Than: Select this check box to monitor when a file grows past a specified size. Enter a value to set a minimum threshold criteria Less Than: Select this check box to monitor when a file shrinks below a certain size. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 142 - Configuring Manual Agent Event Monitors Use the Agent Event Monitor settings page to create or edit Manual Agent Event Monitors. The available fields vary if you are creating a new event monitor or editing an existing event monitor. All fields are described in the sections below. Note: To initiate the firing of a manual event, you must call the fireevent shell script (shipped with Skybot Scheduler) from your program or script; see Firing an Event for details. General Section Use the General section to set attributes for the manual event monitor. Enter a unique name for your agent event monitor. Do not use spaces or dashes. Enter a useful description for your environment. Select a defined Tag or enter a new one. Select whether you want to monitor events on a specific Agent or on an Agent Group. Then, select the name from the drop-down list. Select if you want to use the time where the server is located or the time zone where the agent system located when checking event time. The Event Type field is populated automatically when choosing the type of event from the Agent Event Monitors page. Use the second part of the General section to set purging and notification information for the event monitor. Agent Event Monitor History Purge Use Defaults: Check this option to use the Agent Event Monitor History Purge default values in System Settings. Days to keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Send SNMP Trap: Select the check box to send an SNMP trap when this monitor occurs. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down list to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 143 - Event Monitor Cycle Information Use the Event Monitor Cycle Information section to control when the Agent Event Monitor runs, how often it runs, and the directory to monitor. From and To: Set the times that this monitor is allowed to run. If both times are set to 0:00, the monitor can run any time it occurs. The monitor will continue to run during off times, but any events generated during the off time do not trigger reactivity. Click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 144 - Using Event Data Variables When an Agent Event Monitor is triggered, Skybot Scheduler automatically creates environment variables out of the event data. The variables, such as the file name or directory name, can be passed to a dependent job during run time. Event data is listed in the Agent Event Monitor History page: The variables created are dependent on the type of Agent Event Monitor created. The names of these variables are listed here: File Event File name including entire path: SKYBOT_file_event_name_DATA File name only: SKYBOT_file_event_name_FILE Path to directory where file exists: SKYBOT_file_event_name_PATH Directory Event Path to directory: SKYBOT_directory_event_name_DATA Process Event Process PID, User, Command: SKYBOT_process_event_name_DATA Process PID only: SKYBOT_process_event_name_PID Process command only: SKYBOT_process_event_name_COMMAND Process user only: SKYBOT_process_event_name_USER Example Scenario 1 You have customer files that arrive daily on your FTP server, you may want the arrival to trigger a job. Here's the problem: The customer appends the date and time to the name of the file. Because the time stamp includes time down to the second, it's impossible to predict the file name. Here's the solution: Create an Agent Event Monitor with a wildcard in the file name (shown below). Create a job to process the incoming file and use the File Event Monitor as a prerequisite. In the job's command line, use any of the environment variables created by the event as a parameter in the command. This example copies the original file using the variable file name to a new file in another directory, while preserving the original file name. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 145 - Example Scenario 2 The same process could be done using a File Transfer Command. Use the variable created by the file event as the parameter for the Agent File Name. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 146 - Agent Event Monitor Where Used The Agent Event Monitor Where Used page shows what jobs and job suites are currently using the agent event monitor that you selected as a prerequisite. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all jobs using this agent event monitor as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit its prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all job suites using this agent event monitor as a prerequisite. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit its prerequisites, or delete it. Click Close to return to the Agent Event Monitors page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 147 - Agent Groups Agent Groups let you run a job on all agents in the group, or on only one agent (the agent is determined when the job starts). This reduces set up and maintenance time. First, create an agent group, then assign jobs to that group. Use the Agent Groups settings page to define new or edit existing agent groups. Learn about using reactivity with jobs that use the All Agents group. Balancing the Job Load between Agents There are three types of agent groups. The type of group you choose depends on how you want to balance the job load between the agents in the group. Agent Group Type All Agents Group Utilization Balanced Group Preferred Agent Group Description A job submitted to this group will run on every agent in the group. Also, an agent event monitor that's enabled and is assigned to this group will monitor every agent in the group. A job submitted to this group will run on only one agent in the group. The agent that runs the job is determined by the lowest utilization percentage (based on each agent's current job count and maximum active job limit). Jobs submitted to this group will run on only one agent in the group. The agent that runs the job is determined by the agent's priority and availability. If the highest priority agent is offline, the next highest priority agent is used. If that agent is unavailable, the next agent in the list is used. And so on. This allows you to create a failover for important jobs that must run. Managing Agent Groups Use the Agent Groups page to create, edit, or delete Agent Groups. You can sort the Agent Groups by name, description, or type. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Agent Groups, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the “Agent Groups” Secured Object. To create agent groups, you must have Use authority to the "Create Agent Groups" Secured Action. To edit or delete an agent group, you must have Change authority to the “Agent Group” Secured Object (or to the specific agent group itself). Option Creating New Agent Groups Editing Existing Agent Groups Copying Agent Groups Deleting Agent Groups Exporting Agent Groups Show Audit History Where Used Agent Group History Description To create a new agent group, first determine which type of group you need (see above for a description of the three different types). Then, click All Agents Group, Utilization Balanced Group, or Preferred Agent Group. The Agent Group settings page displays. To edit an existing agent group, double-click the group or right-click it and select Edit Agent Group. The Agent Group settings page displays. You can create a new agent group based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click the group and select Copy Agent Group. The Agent Group settings page displays. To delete an agent group, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the group and select Delete Agent Group. A confirmation message displays. To export an agent group, right-click it and select Export Agent Group. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple groups. The Export window displays. To view audit history of an Agent Group, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To quickly see what jobs and agent event monitors are currently using an agent group, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. You can view Agent Event Monitor history, all job history, or active job history for an agent group. To access history for an Agent Group, right-click the Agent Group, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view. The corresponding history page displays. For more information, see: Agent event monitor history Display Jobs Job history To see a list of all the jobs that are assigned to an agent group, right-click it and select Display Jobs. The list is displayed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 148 - Display Agent Event Mon- To see a list of all the agent event monitors that are assigned to an agent group, right-click it and select itors Display Agent Event Monitors. The list is displayed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 149 - Configuring Agent Groups Use the Agent Group settings page to create or edit agent groups. General Section Use the General section to set general attributes for the agent group. Type: The type is already entered for you based on what you selected: All Agents Group, Utilization Balanced Group, or Preferred Agent Group. For information on the different types, see Agent Groups. Name: Enter a unique name for the agent group. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this agent group. Agents Section Use the Agents section to manage the agent systems in your agent group. Click the Add Agent drop-down list to select agents to add to the group. Each agent you select appears in the Agent List Editor. If you're working with a Preferred Agent group (pictured above), use the up and down arrows to place the agents in the order you want them used. A job assigned to this agent group will run on the agent at the top of the list. If that agent is unavailable, the job will run on the next agent in the list. If that agent is unavailable, it will move to the next agent in the list. And, so on. Use the Excluded column to temporarily exclude an agent system from running jobs as part of the group. You can include an agent system (default), exclude an agent system until a specific date and time, or exclude an agent system from running jobs in this group until you choose to include it again. Select Include from the Exclude drop-down list to make the agent active in this agent group. To exclude an agent from running jobs, select Until Included. This leaves the agent in your agent group, but it will not run Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 150 - jobs assigned to the group. To exclude an agent from running jobs until a specific date and time, click Until a Date and Time, then choose a date from the calendar icon and a time (as shown below). Once this date and time is reached, the agent will run jobs as part of the agent group. This is useful when you need to temporarily take a system down for maintenance, or if you're adding a new agent and you know when it will be available to run jobs. Note: The date and time for the exclusion is based on whatever time zone was selected for the job (the time zone is selected in the General section when creating or editing a job). When you're working with jobs defined to an agent group, the Excluded indicator in the Agents list (when viewing the settings for the agent group) will not be cleared until a job runs after the "excluded until" date and time has passed in the time zone selected for that job. Notes: Excluding an agent does not disable or cancel other jobs or processes assigned to the agent. It only excludes it from running jobs as part of the agent group. Prerequisite jobs or agent event monitors using an agent group with an ignored agent will not require the status/event to occur on ignored agents to satisfy the prerequisite of the group. Click Save to save your agent group. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 151 - The All Agents Group and Reactivity Jobs or agent event monitors on one All Agents group can be set up as prerequisites for reactive jobs for the same agent group, for individual agents, or for another All Agents group. The following are common scenarios were you could use reactivity with the All Agents group. Scenario 1: All Agents Group to Individual Agent If a prerequisite job is assigned to an All Agents group, all agents must complete the job before the reactive job will start. In this example, Job 2 will run only after Job 1 completes on all agents in agent group A. If Job 1 completes on A1 and A2, but not A3 in agent group A, Job 2 will not run on A4. Scenario 2: Same All Agents Groups If reactive jobs are assigned to the same All Agents group, each agent may complete and initiate subsequent jobs individually. In this example, Job 2 starts on each agent immediately after Job 1 completes on the same agent. Both Job 1 and Job 2 may run and complete on A5 before A6 and A7 complete Job 1. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 152 - Scenario 3: Different All Agents Groups If reactive jobs are assigned to a different All Agents group, it will only run on shared agents. In this example, Job 2 will not run on A5, A8, or A9, because there is no prerequisite job on the agents to initiate it. If you want A9 to run Job 2 after Job 1 completes for Agent Group B, you will have to assign a separate job to the individual agent. Scenario 4: Agent to Server Time Zones If agents in an All Agents group have agent time zone assigned, a scheduled group job will start according to each agent's time zone. In this example, Job 1 will h start at 9 a.m. agent time, but it will not complete on all agents until 11 a.m. server time because of the time zone difference. Reactive Job 2 can not run on A4 until Job 1 has completed for Agent Group D. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 153 - Note: If a reactive job is waiting for the scheduled group job to complete, it may take longer than expected due to the time zone difference. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 154 - Agent Group Where Used The Agent Group Where Used page shows what jobs, member jobs, and agent event monitors currently use the agent group you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using this agent group. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs using this agent group. Right-click a member job to edit its properties or delete it. Agent Event Monitors Click Edit to view all agent event monitors using this agent group. Right-click and agent event monitor to edit its properties or delete it. Switch Agent Group Use the Switch Agent/Group section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different agent group or assign them to an individual agent. The drop-down list shows all agents and agent groups. Before you can switch agents or agent groups, edit the above sections to select the objects that you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the agent or agent group to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the agent or agent group you chose. Click Close to return to the Agent Groups page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 155 - Calendars Calendars serve the following purposes: Define Weekly Work Days and Non-Working days Define specific non-working dates such as holidays Allow user to specify a Fiscal Calendar A Calendar object named STANDARD is automatically created and is available for all users. The STANDARD Calendar uses standard Gregorian month and year ends. Use the Calendar settings page to set attributes for new or existing standard Calendars. Click here for step-by-step instructions for creating a new Calendar. Use the Fiscal Calendar settings page to set attributes for new or existing Fiscal Calendars. Click here for step-by-step instructions for creating a new Fiscal Calendar. Managing Calendars Use the Calendars page to create, edit, or remove Calendars. You can sort the Calendars by name, description, or calendar type. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Calendars, you must have View or Change authority to the “Calendars” Secured Object. To create Calendars, you must have Use authority to the "Create Calendars" Secured Action. To edit or delete a calendar, you must have Change authority to the “Calendars” Secured Object (or to the specific calendar itself). Option Creating New Calendars Description To create a new Calendar, click Create Calendar. The Calendar settings page displays. Click here for step-by-step instructions for creating a new Calendar. To create a new Fiscal Calendar, click Create Fiscal Calendar. The Fiscal Calendar settings page displays. Click here for step-by-step instructions for creating a new Fiscal Calendar. Editing Existing Calendars To edit an existing Calendar, double-click the Calendar or right-click the Calendar and select Edit Calendar. The settings page for the selected type of calendar displays (standard Calendar or Fiscal). Copying Calendars You can create a new Calendar based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a calendar and select Copy Calendar. The settings page for the selected type of Calendar displays (standard Calendar or Fiscal). Deleting Calendars To delete a Calendar, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Calendar and select Delete Calendar. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Calendar. Exporting Calendars To export a Calendar, right-click the calendar and select Export Calendar. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple calendars. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a Calendar, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using a Calendar, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 156 - Configuring Standard Calendars Use the Calendar settings page to create and edit standard Calendars. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Calendar. Provide a unique name for the Calendar, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this Calendar. Enter a Tag or tags for this object. Click the Notify of Calendar Expiration checkbox if you want to be notified when the last day of a Calendar is approaching. Weekly Work Days Use the Weekly Work Days section to set the working days for the week. Click the check box next to each day that you want to define as a work day. Non-Working Days Use the Non-Working Days section to set the dates you want the calendar to consider non-working days, such as holidays. Click an individual date to set it as a non-working day. Click it again to deselect it. Use the Forward and Back buttons to navigate to future or past years. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 157 - Click Save to save the Calendar. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 158 - Configuring Fiscal Calendars Use the Fiscal Calendar settings page to create new and edit existing Fiscal Calendars. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Calendar. Provide a unique name for the Calendar, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this Calendar. Enter a Tag or tags for this object. Click the Notify of Calendar Expiration checkbox if you want to be notified when the last day of a Calendar is approaching. Weekly Work Days Use the Weekly Work Days section to set the working days for the week. Click the check box next to each day that you want to define as a work day. Fiscal Year Use the Fiscal Year section to set number of the fiscal year for this calendar (for example, 2012), including when the year begins and each period throughout the year. Enter the number of the fiscal year you want to create a Calendar for. Enter the date your fiscal year will begin. Enter the end dates periods of the year you want to create. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 159 - Click OK to save your year dates. Non-Working Days Use the Non-Working Days section to set the dates you want the calendar to consider non-working days, such as holidays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 160 - Click an individual date to set it as a non-working day. Click it again to deselect it. Use the Forward and Back buttons to navigate to future or past years. Click Save to save the Fiscal Calendar. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 161 - Calendar Where Used The Calendar Where Used page shows what jobs, job suites, Skybot variables, and forecast schedules are currently using the calendar you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using this calendar. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Job Suites Click Edit to view all job suites using this calendar. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties or delete it. Skybot Variables Click Edit to view all Skybot variables using this calendar. Right-click a Skybot variable to edit its properties or delete it. Job Forecast Schedules Click Edit to view all job forecast schedules using this calendar. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit its forecast schedule, or delete it. Job Suite Forecast Schedules Click Edit to view all job suite forecast schedules using this calendar. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit its forecast schedule, or delete it. Switch Calendar Use the Switch Calendar section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different calendar. Before you can switch calendars, edit the above sections to select the objects that you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the calendar to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the calendar you chose. Click Close to return to the Calendars page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 162 - Command Sets You can use Skybot Scheduler to create Command Sets, which are groups of commands that can be used by many different jobs. A shared Command Set lets you update a Command Set in one place rather than for every job that uses the Command Set. When you modify the properties of a command set, all jobs that share the Command Set are updated automatically. Managing Command Sets Use the Command Sets page to create, edit, or delete Command Sets that you can define to jobs. You can sort command sets by name and description. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Command Sets, you must have View or Change authority to the “Command Sets” Secured Object. To create Command Sets, you must have Use authority to the "Create Command Sets" Secured Action. To edit or delete a Command Set, you must have Change authority to the “Command Sets” Secured Object (or to the specific Command Set itself). Option Creating New Command Sets Editing Existing Command Sets Copying Command Sets Description To create a new Command Set, click Create Command Set. The Command Set settings page displays. To edit an existing Command Set, double-click the Command Set or right-click the Command Set and select Edit Command Set. The Command Set settings page displays. You can create a new Command Set based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Command Set and select Copy Command Set. The Command Set settings page displays. Deleting Command Sets To delete a Command Set, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Command Set and select Delete Command Set. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Command Set. Exporting Command Sets To export a Command Set, right-click the command set and select Export Command Set. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple command sets. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of Command Set, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using a Command Set, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 163 - Configuring Command Sets Use the Command Set settings page to create new or edit existing command sets. General Command Settings Use the General section to set basic information about the command set. Provide a unique name for the command set, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this command set. Enter a tag or tags for this object. Adding Commands Use the Commands section to set up commands and return codes for the command set. You can manually enter a command or use one of the Skybot Scheduler command builders. Manual Commands If you don't want to use a command builder, you can manually add a new command to the command set. 1. Click Add and select Command. 2. Enter the command or script in the Command column. Notes: The exit system command should be used with caution on Windows. When exit is used in a command, it immediately ends the current process before Skybot Scheduler is finished evaluating the results. Using the parameter /b can help. The Windows timeout command should be avoided when writing commands in Skybot Scheduler. It will prevent the job from completing. The timeout command waits for user input (even if the '/NOBREAK' option is used) and this interferes with Skybot Scheduler determining when a command has completed. If you're adding a call to vlaunch.exe, consider using the Windows Desktop Application Command window instead of manually adding it here. The advantage is that the Windows Desktop Application Command window automatically builds the correct syntax for doing the call. However, if you must add it here, use the following syntax: windows path\vlaunch.exe" "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This passes the command string, including all parameters, to the Skybot Agent Transponder for execution, and continues with the next job command without waiting for the results. windows path\vlaunch.exe" /W "command.exe parm1 parm2 parm3 This stops and waits for the command to execute via the Skybot Agent Transponder, and gets a return code from the command that can be tested. 3. Click the value in the Return Code column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Return Code window. You can enable and select a shared Return Code, or create an individual return code for this command. Click here for return code guidelines. 4. Click the value in the Fail Action column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Failed Action window. Select an item from the When command fails list. You can choose: Fail Job (the job will end and show a status of Failed), Continue to next Command (this command will fail, but the job will continue to run with the next command), Retry command before Failing Job, and Retry command before continuing to next Command. If you select either of the "retry" choices, you must enter the Number of Retries and the time to Wait Between Retries in seconds. Click Save when you're finished. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 164 - 5. Repeat for each command you need to add manually. File Transfer (FTP) You can use the command builder to add a file transfer command to the command set. Select File Transfer from the drop-down list. The File Transfer Command window opens. Note: You must create a File Transfer System before you can add an FTP command. File Transfer System: Select a File Transfer System to work with. Direction: Select file transfer direction. Push means you send a job to the remote system. Pull means you will retrieve a file from the remote system. Remote File Name: Enter the name of the file on the remote system you want to work with. Agent File Name: Enter the name of the file on the agent system you want to work with. Replace existing target file: Select if you want to replace an existing file. If you do not select this option, and there is a duplicate file, it causes an error. Delete the source file after transfer: Select if you want the source file in the FTP directory deleted after the transfer is complete. Transfer Type: Select the FTP mode. Select Binary when transferring applications or other information you don’t want encoded. Select Text when transferring text. SITE command: Enter FTP specific commands to the remote FTP server. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 165 - Click Save to save your file transfer command. Skybot Scheduler writes the FTP syntax for you automatically. Notes: IBM Power Systems (System i, iSeries, AS/400) servers with IFS require the following SITE commands in order to successfully complete the file transfer: listfmt 1; namefmt 1. File Transfer commands use the following return codes: 0 - return code for successful completion 1 - return code for any failure of file transfer 2 - return code only for failure to delete source file (not for file transfer failure) After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. Informatica Cloud Task You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs an Informatica Cloud task. Select Informatica Cloud® Task from the drop-down list. The Informatica Cloud Task Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica Cloud server definition before you can add an Informatica Cloud task command. Server Definition: Select the Informatica Cloud server definition to connect to. Task Type: Select task type code from the list, or type it in the box if it's not listed. Task Name: Type the name of the task or task flow that this command should run. Continue Immediately: Select this if you want this task started, but don't need Skybot Scheduler to monitor or wait for the task to complete. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 166 - Click Save to save your Informatica Cloud Task command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. Informatica Workflow You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs an Informatica workflow. Select Informatica® Workflow from the drop-down list. The Informatica Workflow Command window displays. Note: You must create an Informatica PowerCenter® system definition before you can add an Informatica Workflow command. System Definition: Select the Informatica PowerCenter® system definition to connect to. Integration Service Name: Select the Integration Service to use inside the repository. Folder Name: Select the folder within the selected repository. Workflow: Select the Workflow to execute. Task Instance Path: To start the Workflow at a specific task, enter the path to the task. The Task Instance Path is period delimited, so you may specify tasks that are nested in worklets. For example, "w1.task1" would run 'task1' in worklet 'w1' inside of the selected workflow. If you do not enter a path, the job runs the entire Workflow. Check the box to only run the task specified above. Operating System Profile: Enter the operating system user for the Workflow. Run Instance Name: Enter a run instance name for running the Workflow. Retrieve Log: Select this check box if you want to include the Workflow log in the Skybot job log. Parameters: To pass parameters to the Workflow, provide the name of an existing parameter file or create a new parameter list. If you are creating a new parameter list: You must enter a value in the Scope column. Do not add [brackets] around the value you enter for the scope. The Informatica web service adds the brackets to whatever is passed in for the scope. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 167 - Click Save to save your Informatica Workflow command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. Oracle Concurrent Request You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs an Oracle concurrent request. Select Oracle® Concurrent Request from the drop-down list to add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. The Oracle® Concurrent Request Command window opens. Note: You must create an Oracle System Definition before you can add an Oracle Concurrent Request command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 168 - System Definition: Select an Oracle System Definition for this Concurrent Request. Wait: Select the Yes check box if you want Skybot to wait until the submitted Concurrent Request is completed before marking the Skybot job as complete. Program Application Shortname: Enter the application shortname from Oracle. Concurrent Program: Enter the name of the Oracle Concurrent Program to be used for this request. Program Name: Enter the program name you want to give this concurrent request. Or, you can leave this blank to use: Skybot Job Name(run number). How a job displays in Oracle depends on what, if anything, is entered into this box. If you enter a program name, it will display in Oracle as: "Program Name (Concurrent Program Name)". If you leave this box blank, it will display as: "Skybot Job Name(run number) (Concurrent Program Name)". Notice that the run number is only displayed if you leave this box blank. To add the parameters for this Concurrent Request, click Add Parameters. Then, enter the parameter Name (which can be anything) and the Value (which must be a legitimate parameter value). The order of the parameters must match the requirements for the Oracle application. You can add more than one parameter. To delete a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. In the following example, FND is the shortname for the Application Object Library, FNDCPPGS is the Concurrent Programs Report, and the parameter value of FND limits the report to Concurrent Programs in the FND (Application Object Library). Once the request in this example is submitted on the Oracle system, it will have a Name of "Skybot Job (Concurrent Programs Report)." Click Save to save your Oracle Concurrent Request command. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 169 - After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. SAP NetWeaver Event You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that raises an event on an SAP system. This allows you create reactivity in your network based on an SAP Event occurring. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Event from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Event Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Event command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Event ID: Add the ID of the SAP event you want to trigger. Event Parameters: Add event parameters, if necessary. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Event command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. SAP NetWeaver Job You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs an SAP NetWeaver job. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Job from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Job Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Job command. Filtering Job Definitions: Use System Definition and System Environment to limit the available Job Definitions to choose from. Job Definition: Select a Job Definition to run in this Skybot Scheduler job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 170 - Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Job command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. SAP NetWeaver Process Chain You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs a process chain on an SAP system. This allows you create reactivity in your network based on an SAP process chain running. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Process Chain from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Process Chain Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. System Definition: Select an SAP System Definition. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you set up in the System Definition. Process Chain: Type or select the SAP process chain you want to run. Note: This must match the technical name of a process chain in the SAP system selected above. Long Description: Type or select the long description from the process chain you want to run. Note: If you begin typing the first few letters of either the process chain or the long description, you can click the down arrow and select from a list of available items that are pulled from SAP based on what you typed. Also, if you enter the name of a process chain, the long description associated with it is automatically pulled from SAP. The reverse is also true; if you enter a valid long description, the corresponding process chain name is pulled from SAP. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Process Chain command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. SAP NetWeaver Variant Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 171 - You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that modifies an SAP ABAP variant. Select SAP NetWeaver™ Variant from the drop-down list. The SAP NetWeaver Variant Command window opens. Note: You must create an SAP system definition before you can add an SAP NetWeaver Variant command. System Definition: Select the SAP NetWeaver System Definition to use for this command. System Environment: Select an environment to use with the System Definition. If you have not defined an environment for this definition, it uses the default environment that you defined in the System Definition. Program: Enter the name of the SAP ABAP program. Variant: Select or enter the variant. If the ABAP program entered doesn't contain any variants, the list will be empty. Parameters: Click Add Parameters to add additional variant parameters to be changed by this command. Click OK to save the parameter. You can add multiple parameters, but only existing parameters may be entered. This command doesn't add new parameters to a variant. Note: You can use the Event Parameters option with Skybot variables to pass information through during a job. Click Save to save your SAP NetWeaver Variant command. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. SQL Server Job You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs a SQL Server job. Select SQL Server® Job from the drop-down list to add a SQL Server Job command. The SQL Server Job Command window displays. Note: You must create a SQL Server definition before you can add a SQL Server Job command. SQL Server Definition: Select a SQL Server Definition to work with. Job Name: Enter a SQL Server job name that is valid with the Server Instance defined in the SQL Server Definition. Use Verbose Logging: Select this option to use verbose logging to help with troubleshooting. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 172 - Click Save to save your SQL Sever Job command. After you add a command, you should adjust the Return Code and Fail Action settings. See Managing the Commands Table below for instructions. Web Service Request You can use the command builder to create a Skybot Scheduler command that runs a web service request. Select Web Service Request from the drop-down list to add a web service request command. The Web Service Request Command window displays. The information you enter in this window will vary greatly depending on which web service you're trying to access. See the documentation for that web service for additional help. Note: You must create a web server definition before you can add a web service request command. Web Server Definition: Select the web server definition to which you're going to send the request. Description: Enter a description of what this request does. Keep in mind that what you enter will be included in the command text. Runtime Environment Variables: Type the name of a runtime environment variable that you want to use as a parameter in this command and press Enter. You can use system variables, Skybot variables, and agent environment variables. Repeat for each variable you want to use as a parameter. This allows you to take advantage of variables that have already been created. To remove a variable from the list, click the X next to it. Base URL: This is automatically displayed when you select a web server definition. If what's showing is incorrect, you must edit the web server definition in order to change it. Application URL: If necessary, enter a URL segment to be appended to the base URL for this web service request. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 173 - Request Method: Select the method (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) for this web service request. Header Properties: Click Add to add a header property for this request. In the Name column, select or type the header name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value of this header property (max length is 1024 characters). You can add more than one header. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the header lines. To remove a header, click the X at the end of the row. Request Parameters: Click Add to add the parameters for this request. In the Name column, type the parameter name (max length is 128 characters). In the Value column, type the value for this parameter (max length is 1024 characters). You can use the runtime environment variables. Also, you can add more than one parameter. Use the up and down arrows by each row to change the order of the parameters. To remove a parameter, click the X at the end of the row. Message Body Override: If you are using either a POST or PUT method, you can create an override for the message body. Select one of the following. None: Select this if you don't want to override the message body. String: Select this to replace the message body with a particular XML string. Then, type the string you want used. Select the box to URL Encode the string. Note: If you select URL Encode, you must define a 'Content-Type' header property. If you fail to do so, one is automatically added at runtime on the agent so that the web service request can run. File Content: Select this to replace the message body with the contents of a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Response Handling: Log Body to Console/Joblog: Select an option. Allowing the response body to be logged to the console/joblog may provide extended information about any errors that were generated. Note: The response headers are always logged. Send Body to File: Select this box if you want the response body sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Send Headers to File: Select this box if you want the response headers sent to a file. Then, type the file path (including the file name). Note: The response headers may contain cookies that need to be parsed out in order to submit subsequent requests (for example, log on to a server, get an authorization cookie, then send a request using that cookie). Click Save to save your web service request command. Windows Desktop Application Select Windows® Desktop Application from the drop-down list to add a command to launch a GUI application on a Windows agent system. The Windows Desktop Application Command window displays. Enter a valid command to open a GUI application from your Skybot Scheduler browser session. For example, notepad.exe. Notes: Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 174 - You must have the Agent Transponder running on the agent system for this command to work. See more information here. The command must be an executable file (.exe, .bat, etc.) and include any required parameters. Only executable files that require interaction with a GUI window should be defined with this type of command. Commands that do not require interaction with the desktop environment should be added as standard commands. After you add a command, you should set the Return Code and Fail Action values. See below for instructions. Managing the Commands Table To change or delete the commands: Select a command to edit it. To delete a command from the job, click the red X at the end of the line. Select a command and click the up or down arrows to change the order in which the job runs the command. The first command listed runs first; the second command runs next, and so on. When you're finished adding the command, you should adjust the return codes and fail action, if necessary. Click the value in the Return Code column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Return Code window. You can enable and select a shared Return Code, or you can create an individual Return Code for this command. Click here for Return Code guidelines. The guidelines include information about the specific return codes that should be used with the various built-in command builders available in Skybot Scheduler. Click the value in the Fail Action column, then click the pencil ) next to the value to open the Select Failed Action window. Select an item from the When command fails list. You can choose: Fail Job (the job will end and show a status of Failed), Continue to next Command (this command will fail, but the job will continue to run with the next command), Retry command before Failing Job, and Retry command before continuing to next Command. If you select either of the "retry" choices, you must enter the Number of Retries and the time to Wait Between Retries in seconds. Click Save when you are finished. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 175 - Command Set Where Used The Command Set Where Used page shows what jobs and member jobs are currently using the command set you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view the jobs using this command set. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view the member jobs using this command set. Right-click a member job to edit its properties or delete it. Switch Command Set Use the Switch Command Set section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different command set. Before you can switch command sets, edit the above sections to select the objects that you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the command set to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the command set you chose. Click Close to return to the Command Sets page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 176 - Date Lists Date Lists are used when the schedule for the job is not regular and cannot be defined by scheduling rules. Date Lists allow you to select the exact dates to run a job. Date Lists are very flexible for scheduling, because you are specifying the exact dates. Date Lists need to be maintained to stay current. A Date List is only valid until all of the selected dates are exhausted. Scheduling jobs with a rule-based schedule (for example, Run Second Friday) runs perpetually without maintenance. Date lists can be used to: Schedule a job to run on the selected days in the Date List. (Date List schedule type). Not run an otherwise scheduled job on selected dates in the Date List (Omit Date Lists in Schedule Exceptions). Identify a subset of days that a job will trigger reactivity when it is defined as a prerequisite of other reactive jobs (Special Instances). Date Lists are created under the Scheduling Objects menu. You can use one Date List with multiple jobs. Managing Date Lists Use the Date Lists page to create, edit, or delete Date Lists. You can sort date lists by name or description. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Date Lists, you must have View or Change authority to the “Date Lists” Secured Object. To create Date Lists, you must have Use authority to the "Create Date Lists" Secured Action. To edit or delete a Date List, you must have Change authority to the “Date Lists” Secured Object (or to the specific Date List itself). Option Description Creating New Date Lists To create a new Date List, click Create Date List. The Date List settings page displays. Editing Existing Date Lists To edit an existing Date List, double-click the Date List or right-click the Date List and select Edit Date List. The Date List settings page displays. Copying Date Lists You can create a new Date List based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Date List and select Copy Date List. The Date List settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied Date List. Deleting Date Lists To delete a Date List, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Date List and select Delete Date List. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Date List. Exporting Date Lists To export a Date List, right-click the date list and select Export Date List. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple date lists. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a Date List, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using a Date List, right-click the Agent Environment and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 177 - Configuring Date Lists Use the Date List settings page to create new or edit existing Date Lists. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Date List. Provide a unique name for the Date List, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this Date List. Enter a Tag or tags for this object. Click Notify of Date List Expiration if you want to be notified when a Date List is nearing expiration. Run Dates Section Use the Run Dates section to set run dates for the Date List. Click dates that you want to add to the Date List. Click Forward to move to the next year. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 178 - Click Save to save the Date List. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 179 - Date List Where Used The Date List Where Used page shows what jobs, job suites, special instances, or forecast schedules are currently using the date list you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs currently using this date list. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Job Suites Click Edit to see all job suites using this date list. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties or delete it. Special Instances Click Edit to see all special instances using this date list. Right-click a special instance to edit its properties or delete it. Job Forecast Schedules Click Edit to view all job forecast schedules. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit its forecast schedule, or delete it. Job Suite Forecast Schedules Click Edit to view all job suite forecast schedules. Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit its forecast schedule, or delete it. Switch Date List Use the Switch Date List section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different date list. Before you can switch date lists, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the date list to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the date list you chose. Click Close to return to the Date Lists page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 180 - File Transfer Systems Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to securely transfer files to any remote system. File transfer systems let you define remote systems in one spot, then quickly point to the remote system when creating jobs or command sets. For example, if you have one remote system that 50 different jobs need to send files to, you don't need to enter the remote system information in every job. You just select which file transfer system you want the agent to send or receive the file from, and Skybot Scheduler does the rest. Managing File Transfer Systems Use the File Transfer Systems page to create, edit, or delete file transfer systems. You can sort file transfer systems by name, description, remote system name, or user. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of file transfer systems, you must have View or Change authority to the “File Transfer Systems” Secured Object. To create file transfer systems, you must have Use authority to the "Create File Transfer Systems" Secured Action. To edit or delete a file transfer system, you must have Change authority to the “File Transfer Systems” Secured Object (or to the specific file transfer system itself). Option Creating New File Transfer Systems Editing Existing File Transfer Systems Copying File Transfer Systems Description To create a new file transfer system, click Create File Transfer System. The File Transfer System settings page displays. To edit an existing file transfer system, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit File Transfer System. The File Transfer System settings page displays. You can create a new file transfer system based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick a file transfer system and select Copy File Transfer System. The File Transfer System settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied file transfer system. Deleting File Transfer Sys- To delete a file transfer system, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the file transfer systems tem and select Delete File Transfer System. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete it. Exporting File Transfer To export a file transfer system, right-click it and select Export File Transfer System. Use the Shift or Systems Ctrl keys to select multiple file transfer systems. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a file transfer system, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using a file transfer system, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 181 - Configuring File Transfer Systems Use the File Transfer System settings page to configure file transfer systems. Skybot Scheduler supports three types of file transfer protocols: FTP, FTPS, and SFTP. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the file transfer system. The information you'll need to provide varies depending on the selections you make. Name: Provide a unique name for the file transfer system, with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description of this file transfer system. Tags: Enter a tag or tags to apply to this file transfer system. Protocol: Select a file transfer protocol from the list: FTP, SFTP, or FTPS. Remote Server Name: Enter the system name or IP address of the remote file server. Authentication Type: Select the type of authentication you want to use: username/password or public/private key. Use Passphrase: SSH allows for private keys to be protected with a passphrase. If you selected Public/Private Key as the authentication type, select Use Passphrase to protect the key with a passphrase. Username: Enter a valid user for the system. Password (or Passphrase): Enter and then re-renter the password for the user entered above. If you are using passphrase mode for your authentication, enter and then re-enter the passphrase for the private key specified in the path below. Private Key File Path on Agent: If you are using a private key for the SFTP authentication, enter the path to the key file. Note: This is the path to the private key on the agent, not on the remote file server. Port: Provide a port number to connect to (range from 1 to 65535). Select the Accept Unknown Host Keys box, if applicable. See the notes below for additional information. Select the Use Implicit FTPS connection box to use an implicit, rather than an explicit, security mode. See the notes below for addi- Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 182 - tional information. After the file transfer system is set up, you can use it in command sets and when setting up commands for jobs. Click Save to save your file transfer system. Notes: Skybot Scheduler uses the SSH known_hosts file, which is shared with other applications on your system. If the file does not exist, Skybot Scheduler creates it based upon the Accept Unknown Host Keys check box. The known_hosts file is located in the .ssh directory of the home directory of the user identified by the Agent Environment of the job executing the file transfer. If an agent environment user/agent combination does not already have a known_hosts file entry, do the following: Check the Accept Unknown Host Keys check box. Save the File Transfer System object. Perform a file transfer using this File Transfer System object. Remove the check mark and save the File Transfer System object. Skybot Scheduler supports FTP, FTPS, and SFTP: FTP: FTP is less secure and uses unencrypted data. This requires the remote server to be running an FTP server. FTPS: Extends FTP and adds encryption with SSL. Also known as FTP-SSL or FTP over SSL. The remote system can be running an FTP server that has been configured for either explicit or implicit SSL/TLS transfers. SFTP: SSH File Transfer Protocol. This requires the remote system to be running an SSH server. The Enterprise Server does not run an FTP or SSH server. By default, Skybot Scheduler only does passive transfers. If your FTP server only accepts active transfers, you must set up an Environment Variable for the active mode and add it to the File Transfer job. See Configuring Agent Environments for more information on creating Environment Variables. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 183 - File Transfer System Where Used The File Transfer System Where Used page shows what command sets, jobs, conditions, member jobs, and member job conditions are currently using the File Transfer System you selected. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets using this File Transfer System. Right-click a command set to edit its properties or delete it. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using this File Transfer System. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Job Conditions Click Edit to view all job conditions using this File Transfer System. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit its conditions, or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs using this File Transfer System. Right-click a member job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Job Conditions Click Edit to view all member job conditions using this File Transfer System. Right-click a member job to edit its properties, edit its conditions, or delete it. Switch File Transfer System Use the Switch File Transfer System section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different File Transfer System. Before you can switch File Transfer Systems, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the File Transfer System to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the File Transfer System you chose. Click Close to return to the File Transfer Systems page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 184 - Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to include Informatica Cloud® tasks in your enterprise schedule. Informatica Cloud tasks can be set up to run in reaction to system events, the status of other jobs, or as part of a job suite with jobs across multiple servers. Skybot Scheduler connects directly to your Informatica Cloud® server for secure and fast access to your tasks. Informatica Cloud server definitions let you create your server definitions in one spot, then quickly point to the definition when creating jobs or command sets. For example, if you have 50 different jobs that use the same server definition, you don't need to enter information for every job. You just select which Informatica Cloud server definition you want the agent to connect to, and Skybot Scheduler does the rest. Managing Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Use the Informatica Cloud Server Definitions page to create, edit, or delete Informatica Cloud server definitions. You can sort the server definitions by name, description, base URL, or user. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Informatica Cloud server definitions, you must have View or Change authority to the “Informatica Cloud Server Definitions” Secured Object. To create Informatica Cloud server Definitions, you must have Use authority to the "Create Informatica Cloud Server Definitions" Secured Action. To edit or delete an Informatica Cloud server definition, you must have Change authority to the “Informatica Cloud Server Definitions” Secured Object (or to the specific system definition itself). Option Creating New Informatica Cloud Server Definition Editing Existing Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Copying Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Deleting Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Exporting Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new Informatica Cloud server definition, click Create Server Definition. The Informatica Cloud Server Definition settings page displays. To edit an existing Informatica Cloud server definition, double-click the server definition or right-click it and select Edit Server Definition. The Informatica Cloud Server Definition settings page displays. You can create a new Informatica Cloud server definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click an Informatica Cloud server definition and select Copy Server Definition. The Informatica Cloud Server Definition settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied server definition. To delete an Informatica Cloud server definition, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the server definition and select Delete Server Definition. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the server definition. To export an Informatica Cloud server definition, right-click it and select Export Informatica® Cloud® Server Definition. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple server definitions. The Export window displays. To view audit history of an Informatica Cloud server definition, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To quickly see what jobs are currently using an Informatica Cloud server definition, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 185 - Configuring Informatica Cloud Server Definitions Use the Informatica Cloud® Server Definition settings page to define Informatica Cloud servers for use in Skybot Scheduler. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Informatica Cloud server definition. Provide a unique name for the Informatica Cloud server definition, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this server definition. Select a defined tag or enter a new one. Server Information Section Use the Server Information section to enter the base URL and user information for the Informatica Cloud server definition. Base URL: Enter the base URL for the Informatica Cloud server. The generally used URL of https// has been entered by default. You can change it if necessary. User ID: Enter the user ID that should be used to connect with the Informatica Cloud server. Password: Enter and then re-enter the password for the above user. Verbose Logging: Check this box if you want additional information in the log file. It could include additional information on errors. Polling Configuration Section When Skybot Scheduler submits a job to the Informatica Cloud server, a job ID is not immediately returned. Therefore, Skybot Scheduler polls the server for the job ID. Use the Polling Configuration section to define how Skybot Scheduler polls the server for the job ID and for the job status. Initial Polling Interval: Enter the number of milliseconds between attempts to detect that the process has begun. You can enter values from 500 to 30000. Initial Polling Attempts: Enter the maximum number of attempts allowed to detect the process has begun. You can enter values from 5 to 1000. Status Polling Interval: Enter number of milliseconds between attempts to get the status for running tasks. You can enter a zero (0) or values from 500 to 1200000. Note: Entering a zero automatically sets up dynamic polling intervals that start out small (2-second intervals for the first 30 seconds) and slow down over time (10-second intervals from 30 seconds to 5 minutes; then, 20-second intervals after 5 minutes). Click Save to save your Informatica Cloud server definition. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 186 - Informatica Cloud Server Definition Where Used The Informatica Cloud Server Definition Where Used page shows what jobs, member jobs, and command sets are currently using the Informatica Cloud server definition that you selected. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs currently using this Informatica Cloud server definition. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs currently using this Informatica Cloud server definition. Right-click a member job to edit or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets that include this Informatica Cloud server definition. Right-click a command set to edit or delete it. Switch Informatica Cloud Server Definition Use the Switch Informatica Cloud Server Definition section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different Informatica Cloud server definition. Before you can switch Informatica Cloud server definitions, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the Informatica Cloud server definition to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the definition that you chose. Click Close to return to the Informatica Cloud Server Definitions page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 187 - Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to include Informatica® workflows, worklets, and individual tasks in your enterprise schedule. Informatica workflows can be set up to run in reaction to system events, the status of other jobs, or as part of a job suite with jobs across multiple servers. Skybot Scheduler connects directly to your Informatica PowerCenter® Web Services Hub for secure and fast access to your workflows. Informatica PowerCenter system definitions let you define your system definitions in one spot, then quickly point to the system definition when creating jobs or command sets. For example, if you have 50 different jobs that use the same system definition, you don't need to enter information for every job. You just select which Informatica PowerCenter system definition you want the agent to connect to, and Skybot Scheduler does the rest. Managing Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions Use the Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions page to create, edit, or delete Informatica PowerCenter system definitions. You can sort the system definitions by name, description, system name, repository name, domain, or user. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Informatica PowerCenter system definitions, you must have View or Change authority to the “Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions” Secured Object. To create Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions, you must have Use authority to the "Create Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions" Secured Action. To edit or delete an Informatica PowerCenter system definition, you must have Change authority to the “Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions” Secured Object (or to the specific system definition itself). Option Creating New Informatica System Definition Editing Existing Informatica System Definitions Description To create a new Informatica PowerCenter system definition, click Create System Definition. The Informatica PowerCenter System Definition settings page displays. To edit an existing Informatica PowerCenter system definition, double-click the system definition or right-click it and select Edit System Definition. The Informatica PowerCenter System Definition settings page displays. Copying Informatica Sys- You can create a new Informatica PowerCenter system definition based on an existing one by using tem Definitions the copy option. Right-click an Informatica PowerCenter system definition and select Copy System Definition. The Informatica PowerCenter System Definition settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied system definition. Deleting Informatica Sys- To delete an Informatica PowerCenter system definition, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or righttem Definitions click the system definition and select Delete System Definition. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the system definition. Exporting Informatica Sys- To export an Informatica PowerCenter system definition, right-click it and select Export Informatica® tem Definitions PowerCenter® System Definition. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple system definitions. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of an Informatica PowerCenter system definition, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs are currently using an Informatica PowerCenter system definition, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 188 - Configuring Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions Use the Informatica® PowerCenter® System Definition settings page to define Informatica PowerCenter servers for use in Skybot Scheduler. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Provide a unique name for the Informatica PowerCenter system definition, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this system definition. Select a defined Tag or enter a new one. System Definition Section Use the System Definition section to enter network information about the Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Enter the system name or IP address. Enter the web service hub port number. Enter the name of the repository as defined on the Informatica PowerCenter server. Enter a valid user for the domain. Enter the correct password for the user entered above. Re-enter the password for verification. Enter the security domain for the user entered above. Click Save to save your Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 189 - Informatica PowerCenter System Definition Where Used The Informatica PowerCenter System Definition Where Used page shows what jobs, member jobs, and command sets are currently using the Informatica PowerCenter system definition that you selected. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs currently using this Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs currently using this Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Right-click a member job to edit or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets that include this Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Right-click a command set to edit or delete it. Switch Informatica System Definition Use the Switch Informatica System Definition section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different Informatica PowerCenter system definition. Before you can switch Informatica PowerCenter system definitions, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the Informatica PowerCenter system definition to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the definition that you chose. Click Close to return to the Informatica PowerCenter System Definitions page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 190 - Oracle® System Definitions Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to manage jobs on your connected Oracle® servers. Create a concurrent request job in Skybot Scheduler. Skybot submits the concurrent request to Oracle to run concurrent programs. You can use all your favorite Skybot Scheduler tools to view and manage Concurrent Request jobs across your Oracle servers. Managing Oracle System Definitions Use the Oracle® System Definitions page to create, edit, or delete Oracle System Definitions. You can sort Oracle System Definitions by name, description, Oracle Username, Responsibility Application Shortname, Responsibility Name, or Username. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Tip: See Configuring Oracle System Definitions and Creating Oracle Concurrent Request Jobs for step-by-step instructions on creating and using Oracle System Definitions. Note: To see the list of Oracle System Definitions, you must have View or Change authority to the “Oracle System Definitions” Secured Object. To create Oracle System Definitions, you must have Use authority to the "Create Oracle System Definitions" Secured Action. To edit or delete an instance of Oracle System Definition, you must have Change authority to the “Oracle System Definitions” Secured Object (or to the specific Oracle System Definition itself). Option Creating New Oracle System Definitions Editing Existing Oracle System Definitions Copying Oracle System Definitions Deleting Oracle System Definitions Exporting Oracle System Definitions Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new Oracle System Definition, click Create System Definition. The Oracle System Definition settings page displays. To edit an existing Oracle System Definition, double-click the Oracle System Definition or right-click the Oracle System Definition and select Edit System Definition. The Oracle System Definition settings page displays. You can create a new Oracle System Definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click the Oracle System Definition and select Copy System Definition. The Oracle System Definition settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied Oracle System Definition. To delete the Oracle System Definition, click the red "X" at the end of the row, or right-click the Oracle System Definition and select Delete System Definition. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Oracle System Definition. To export an Oracle System Definition, right-click the definition and select Export Oracle® System Definition. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple Oracle System Definitions. The Export window displays. To view audit history of a specific Oracle System Definition, right-click the Oracle System Definition and select Show Audit History. To quickly see what Command Sets or jobs are currently using a specific Oracle System Definition, right-click the Oracle System Definition and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 191 - Configuring Oracle® System Definitions Use the Oracle® System Definition settings page to configure Oracle System Definitions. Once the Oracle System Definition is set up, you can use it in Command Sets and when setting up a Oracle Concurrent Request command in a job. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Oracle System Definition. Name: Provide a unique name for the Oracle System Definition, with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description of the Oracle System Definition. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this Oracle System Definition. Oracle Username: Enter a valid username that exists in the Oracle system. Password: Enter the correct password for the user entered above. Confirm Password: Re-enter the password for verification. Environment Settings Use the Environment Settings section to identify the application environment for this Oracle System Definition. Environment file path: Provide the full path for the Oracle application environment file. The application environment file is executed prior to running the Oracle commands to establish the necessary environment variables. On a UNIX system: The file is an .env file and is typically located in a folder such as /d01/oracle/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl which is also known as $APPL_ TOP. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 192 - The file name is typically APPS + system name + _ + host name (in lower case). For example, on a system (database SID) named VIS on a host named BRAVO, the env file is: /d01/oracle/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSVIS_bravo.env On a Windows system: The file is a .cmd file and is typically located in a folder such as c:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl which is also known as %APPL_ TOP%. The file name is typically APPS + system name + _ + host name (in lower case). For example, on a system named VIS on a host named ELLARRO, the cmd file is: c:\oracle\VIS\apps\apps_st\appl\APPSVIS_ellarro.cmd Application Settings Use the Application Settings section to specify additional information about the Oracle instance for which you are creating this Oracle System Definition. Responsibility Application Shortname: Enter the Responsibility Application Short Name of the application associated with the responsibility that can do concurrent requests. Responsibility Name: The name of the Responsibility that allows concurrent requests in the Oracle environment. Username: Enter the Oracle Username of the person who submits the concurrent request. Click Save to save your Oracle System Definition. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 193 - Oracle System Definition Where Used The Oracle System Definition Where Used window shows what jobs, member jobs, and Command Sets are currently defined to the Oracle System Definition you selected. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all Skybot Scheduler jobs using this Oracle System Definition. Right-click a job to edit it or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs currently using this Oracle System Definition. Right-click a member job to edit it or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets that include this Oracle System Definition. Right-click a command set to edit its properties or delete it. Switch Oracle System Definition Use the Switch Oracle System Definition section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different Oracle System Definition. Before you can switch Oracle System Definitions, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the Oracle System Definition you want to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the Oracle System Definition you chose. Click Close to return to the Oracle System Definitions page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 194 - Notification Lists Notification Lists let you create groups of users or e-mail addresses to send notifications to. This is helpful when you want certain jobs to always notify the same group of people, including non-Skybot Scheduler users. For example, you could set up a job to send an email to everyone on the accounting team when it has completed. Notification Lists also can be used for Job Monitors, Agent Event Monitors, SNMP Trap Monitors, and Agents. Managing Notification Lists Use the Notification Lists page to create, edit, or delete Notification Lists. You can sort notification lists by name or description. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Notification Lists, you must have View or Change authority to the “Notification Lists” Secured Area. To create, edit or delete Notification Lists, you must have Change authority to the "Notification Lists” Secured Area. Option Creating New Notification Lists Editing Existing Notification Lists Copying Notification Lists Description To create a new Notification List, click Create Notification List. The Notification List settings page displays. To edit an existing Notification List, double-click the Notification List or right-click the Notification List and select Edit Notification List. The Notification List settings page displays. You can create a new Notification List based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Notification List and select Copy Notification List. The Notification List settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied Notification List. Deleting Notification Lists To delete a Notification List, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Notification List and select Delete Notification List. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Notification List. Exporting Notification Lists To export a Notification List, right-click the notification list and select Export Notification List. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple notification lists. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a Notification List, right-click the Notification List and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs, Agent Event Monitors, SNMP Trap Monitors, or Agents are currently using a Notification List, right-click the Notification List and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 195 - Configuring Notification Lists Use the Notification List settings page to configure Notification Lists. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the Notification List. Provide a unique name for the Notification List, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this Notification List. Enter a Tag or tags for this object. Email Contacts Section Use the Email Contacts section to add email addresses to a Notification List. Email Contacts to Notify: This field lists email address in the Notification List. Click the "x" next to an email address to remove it. Add Email Contact: Enter an email address and press Enter. The email address appears in the above field. Note: Since most cell phones have an email address, you also can use this field to send an SMS message to a cell phone. For example, if you are using a T-Mobile cell phone, and your phone number is 612-555-1212, you would enter the following email address in the Add Email Contact field: [email protected]. Refer to your cell phone carrier's Web site to determine the email address for your company's cell phones. Users Section Use the Users section to add Skybot Scheduler users to a Notification List. Users to Notify: This field lists Skybot Scheduler users in the Notification List. Click the "x" next to a user to remove it. Add User: Click the drop-down menu to select a Skybot Scheduler user. The user appears in the above field Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 196 - Click Save to save your Notification List. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 197 - Notification List Where Used The Notification List Where Used window shows you what agents, monitors, status notifications, and output distributions are currently using the notification list you selected. Agents Click Edit to view all agents using this notification list. Right-click an agent to edit or delete it. Agent Event Monitors Click Edit to view all agent event monitors using this notification list. Right-click an agent event monitor to edit or delete it. Job Monitors Click Edit to view all jobs using this notification list in a job monitor. Right-click a job to edit the job, edit the monitor, or delete the job. Job Status Notifications Click Edit to view all jobs using this notification list in a job status notification. Right-click a job to edit the job, edit the status notification, or delete the job. Job Output Distributions Click Edit to view all job using this notification list in an output distribution. Right-click an output distribution to edit the job, edit the output distribution, or delete the job. Job Suite Monitors Click Edit to view all job suites using this notification list in a job suite monitor. Right-click a job suite to edit the job suite, edit the monitor, or delete the job suite. Job Suite Status Notifications Click Edit to view all job suites using this notification list in a job suite status notification. Right-click a job suite to edit the job suite, edit the status notification, or delete the job suite. Member Job Monitors Click Edit to view all member jobs using this notification list in a member job monitor. Right-click a member job to edit the member job, edit the job monitor, or delete the member job. Member Job Status Notifications Click Edit to view all member jobs using this notification list in a member job status notification. Right-click a member job to edit the member job, edit the status notification, or delete the member job. Member Job Output Distributions Click Edit to view all member jobs using this notification list in an output distribution. Right-click a member job to edit the member job, edit the output distribution, or delete the member job. SNMP Trap Monitors Click Edit to view all SNMP trap monitors using this notification list. Right-click an SNMP trap monitor to edit or delete it. Switch Notification List Use the Switch Notification List section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different notification list. Before you can switch notification lists, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 198 - Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the notification list to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the notification list you chose. Click Close to return to the Notification List page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 199 - Remote Servers Skybot Scheduler allows you to set up reactivity between your Skybot Scheduler server and remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers.This allows you to set jobs (or group jobs) on the Robot/SCHEDULE server as prerequisites for Skybot Scheduler jobs and job suites. The reverse is also true: Skybot Scheduler jobs, job suites, and member jobs can be set as prerequisites for Robot/SCHEDULE jobs and group jobs. Before you can begin creating this reactivity, there are a few things that must be done: You must have a valid Skybot Scheduler license for the Robot/SCHEDULE interface. A Skybot Administrator must go to Admin > System Settings, and under Configure Features, clear the check mark from Hide Remote Server Configuration. You will not be able to access any of the Remote Server features if this is not done. You must register your Skybot server with the Remote Servers you are going to use. Managing Remote Servers Use the Remote Servers page to create, view, edit, and delete remote servers that you want to use for reactivity with Skybot Scheduler. You can sort remote servers by name (used in Skybot Scheduler), description, actual remote server name, type of remote server (currently only Robot/SCHEDULE), or the server's registration status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of remote servers, you must have View, Change, or Execute authority to the “Remote Servers” Secured Object. To create a remote server, you must have Use authority to the "Create Remote Servers" Secured Action. To edit or delete a remote server, you must have Change authority to the “Remote Servers” Secured Object (or to the specific server itself). Option Creating New Remote Servers Editing Existing Remote Servers Copying Remote Servers Deleting Remote Servers Viewing Remote Events Used as Skybot Prerequisites Remote Event History Viewing Skybot Events Used as Remote Prerequisites Skybot Event History Show Audit History Register Description To create a new Remote Server, click Create Remote Server. The Remote Server settings page displays. To edit an existing Remote Server, double-click the Remote Server or right-click the Remote Server and select Edit Remote Server. The Remote Server settings page displays. You can create a new Remote Server based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Remote Server and select Copy Remote Server. The Remote Server settings page displays. To delete a Remote Server, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Remote Server and select Delete Remote Server. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Remote Server. Note: To unregister a Remote Server, you must delete it. To view the events (job and group job status changes) that are used as prerequisites in Skybot Scheduler, right-click a remote server and select Remote Events used as Skybot Prerequisites. The Remote Events page displays. You can only view this information for registered Remote Servers. To view the history of events (job and group job status changes) that Skybot Scheduler has received from the Remote Server, right-click the server and select Remote Event History. The Remote Event History page displays. You can only view this information for registered Remote Servers. To view the dependent Skybot Scheduler events (job, job suite, and member job status changes) that are sent to the remote server, right-click a remote server and select Skybot Events used as Remote Prerequisites. The Remote Dependencies page displays. You can only view this information for registered Remote Servers. To view the history of events (job, job suite, and member job status changes) that Skybot Scheduler has sent to the Remote Server, right-click the server and select Skybot Event History. The Skybot Event History page displays. You can only view this information for registered Remote Servers. To view the audit history of a Remote Server, right-click the server and select Show Audit History. To register Skybot Scheduler with a Remote Server so that reactivity can be set up between the two, right-click the Remote Server and select Register. You will be asked if you want to register the server. Click Yes. Note: You can have Skybot registered to more than one Remote Server. To unregister a Remote Server, you must delete it. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 200 - Configuring a Remote Server Use the Remote Server page to add or edit remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers. Accessing the Remote Server Page To access the Remote Server page, click Scheduling Objects, then Remote Servers. To add a new server, click Create Remote Server. To edit an existing server, right-click the server and select Edit Remote Server. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. Provide a unique name for the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server, with no spaces. This is the name that will display in Skybot Scheduler for this Remote Server. Provide a useful description of this server. Select one or more defined Tags or enter new ones. Currently, the Server Type is always Robot/SCHEDULE. Remote Server Information Section Use the Remote Server Information section to enter network information about the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. Enter the DNS server name or the IP address. Enter a valid Username for the server. Enter the correct password for the user entered above. Re-enter the password for verification. Click Test Connection to make sure that the information you entered above will allow Skybot Scheduler to connect with the Remote Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 201 - Server. Click Save to save your Remote Server. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 202 - Remote Dependencies A Remote Dependency exists when a Skybot Scheduler job, job suite, or member job is a prerequisite for a job or group job on the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. But, creating the remote dependency in Skybot Scheduler is only half of the task. After you create the remote dependency, you must go to the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server and define a user job as a prerequisite to the reactive Robot/SCHEDULE job or group job. Managing Remote Dependencies The Remote Dependencies page lets you create, edit, or delete remote dependencies - on the Skybot Scheduler side. You can also view the history for any of the remote dependencies (the Skybot Scheduler objects that are dependent to the remote server). You can sort remote dependencies based on the Skybot object name, description, type, or the job name override. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of remote dependencies, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the "Jobs," "Job Suites," and "Remote Servers" Secured Objects. To create remote dependencies, you must have Use authority to the "Create Remote Servers" Secured Action. To edit or delete a remote dependency, you must have Change authority to the "Jobs," "Job Suites," and "Remote Servers" Secured Objects (or to the specific job or job suite). Option Creating New Remote Dependencies Editing Existing Remote Dependencies Description To create a new remote dependency, click Create Remote Dependency. The Remote Dependency settings page displays. To edit the User Job Name Override defined to a remote dependency, double-click the remote dependency, or right-click it and click Edit Remote Dependency. The Remote Dependency settings page displays. Deleting Remote Depend- To delete a remote dependency, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the remote dependencies ency and select Delete Remote Dependency. You are asked to confirm the deletion. Note: When you delete a remote dependency on this page, it does not alter the user job on the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server that uses this remote dependency as a prerequisite. If you don't remove the reactivity in Robot/SCHEDULE, the reactive job or group job will not run because the prerequisite for the user job will never be met. Viewing the Skybot Event To view the Skybot Event History page for the Skybot Scheduler job, job suite, or member job that has History the remote dependency, right-click the remote dependency and click Skybot Event History. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 203 - Creating Remote Dependencies A remote dependency exists when a Skybot Scheduler job, job suite, or member job is a prerequisite for a job or group job on a remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. Use the Remote Dependency settings page to create new and edit existing remote dependencies. After you create a remote dependency in Skybot Scheduler, you must go to the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server and create a user job (for the remote dependency) and set it as a prerequisite to the reactive Robot/SCHEDULE job or group job. General Remote Dependency Settings Use the General section to identify the Skybot Scheduler job, job suite, or member job that will be used as the prerequisite on the remote server. If the Skybot Scheduler job, job suite, or member job name is more than 10 characters, when the status is sent to Robot/SCHEDULE the name will be set to use upper-case letters and will be truncated to only 10 characters. To avoid this, you can enter a name of your choosing (10 characters maximum) in the User Job Name Override field. Type: When creating a new remote dependency, select Job, Job Suite, or Member Job. This field cannot be edited on existing remote dependencies. Object: When creating a new remote dependency, select the object that you want used as a prerequisite on the remote server. The list of objects you can choose from depends on the Type you chose above. This field cannot be edited on existing remote dependencies. Note: You may want to avoid choosing a job that uses the All Agents group because each agent in the group will trigger reactivity on the remote server as the job executes. User Job Name Override: Statuses from Skybot Scheduler are sent to the remote server as Robot/SCHEDULE User Jobs. The User Job name in the status will match the Skybot object name; set in upper-case letters and truncated to 10 characters. If you don't want to use the truncated form of the Skybot object name, enter the User Job name you want used instead. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 204 - Remote Events (Used as Skybot Prerequisites) A remote event is the change in status of a job or group job on a registered remote Robot/SCHEDULE server. You set up remote events as prerequisites for your Skybot Scheduler jobs and job suites. Accessing the Remote Events Page You can access the Remote Events page by clicking Scheduling Objects, then Remote Servers. Right-click the appropriate registered remote server and select Remote Events used as Skybot Prerequisites. Managing Remote Events Remote events are created when you define them as a prerequisites for Skybot jobs or job suites. After you create remote events, you can use this page to manage them. You can see where the remote event is used, view the remote event history, and send a status for the remote event to Skybot Scheduler. You can sort remote events based on the name, description, object type, or ID. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of remote events, you must have View, Change, or Execute authority to the “Remote Servers” Secured Object. To work with the remote event, you must have Change authority to the “Remote Servers” Secured Object (or to the specific server itself). Option Where Used Viewing Remote Event History Send Status Description To see where a Remote Event is being used as a prerequisite for a Skybot Scheduler job or job suite, right-click the Remote Event and select Where Used. The Remote Event Where Used page displays. To view the history of Remote Events (job or group job status changes) that Skybot Scheduler has received from the Remote Server, right-click the Remote Event and select Remote Event History. The Remote Event History page displays. Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a Remote Event (a Robot/SCHEDULE job run or group job run) has reached this status. This does not actually run the remote job, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all Skybot job or job suite that have this remote event as a prerequisite. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent job status indicates that it was a user event status. Use this option when you do not want to run a remote job on a given day, but have reactive Skybot jobs that need this remote event to have completed. You can also use it for testing reactivity while setting up Skybot jobs without actually running the prerequisite remote job. To change the status of a remote job, right-click the Remote Event, point to Send Status, and select the status you want to send. Click Refresh to refresh the list of remote events. Click Close to return to the Remote Servers page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 205 - Remote Event Where Used The Where Used window shows which Skybot jobs and job suites refer to the selected remote event as a prerequisite. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all jobs using this remote event as a prerequisite. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all job suites using this remote event as a prerequisite Right-click a job suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Click Close to return to the Remote Events page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 206 - Return Codes Return codes are used to determine whether or not a job completed successfully. You can use a shared return code or a private (unique) return code in a command. There are two types of return code matching used in Skybot Scheduler: numeric and text. When you modify a return code, all jobs and command sets that use that return code are updated automatically. Note: Some of the built-in command builders in Skybot Scheduler have their own custom return codes. For example, if you're using the command builder to write a command for file transfers, there are specific returns codes you should use. For details, see Configuring Return Codes. Numeric Matching When commands are executed on remote systems, each command ends with a numeric return code. This code determines if a job completed successfully or not. Commands normally return the same value to indicate successful completion of the command (0=success). For this case, a STANDARD return code is provided. Some commands return different (or multiple) values that will indicate successful completion of the command. Return codes can be defined as needed to determine whether commands succeed or fail. Numeric return codes can represent individual numbers, ranges of numbers, or both. Valid return code numbers are -32768 to 32767. Text Matching When commands are executed on remote systems, a job log is created. If you have set up a return code that matches text, the job log is scanned for matches. Textual return codes can be set to match any or all of the text. They can also be set to either contain or not contain the text, and to use or not use regular expressions. Managing Return Codes You can sort the return codes by name, description, or return type. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of return codes, you must have View or Change authority to the “Return Codes” Secured Object. To create return codes, you must have Use authority to the "Create Return Codes" Secured Action. To edit or delete a return code, you must have Change authority to the “Return Codes” Secured Object (or to the specific return code itself). Option Creating New Return Codes Editing Existing Return Codes Copying Return Codes Deleting Return Codes Exporting Return Codes Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new return code, click Create Return Code. The Return Code settings page displays. To edit a return code, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit Return Code. The Return Code settings page displays. To create a new return code based on an existing one, right-click the existing one and select Copy Return Code. The Return Code settings page displays. To delete a return code, click the red "X" at the end of the row, or right-click it and select Delete Return Code. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the return code. To export a return code, right-click the return code and select Export Return Code. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple return codes. The Export window displays. To view audit history of a return code, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To show a list of jobs and command sets using a return code, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 207 - Configuring Return Codes Use the Return Code settings page to create and edit return codes. General Section Use the General settings section to set a name and description for the return code. Enter a unique name for the return code. The name cannot be blank and cannot contain spaces. Enter a useful description for the return code. Apply a Tag or tags to the return code. Values Use the Values section to define the type of return code and set the return code values. The values you set can be numeric (to match a number or a range of numbers), textual (for a text match), or both. Normally, a return code of zero (0) indicates successful completion of the command, and the predefined “STANDARD” return code can (and should) be used. If you are scheduling commands that use other values to indicate the command has completed successfully, you need to define a custom return code that allows Skybot Scheduler to determine when a command has failed. When you modify the settings of a return code, all jobs that share that return code are updated automatically. Action: Select the type of return code list you want to create. A pass list requires at least one return code. A fail list does not require a return code, as every code is considered a passing code. For numeric return code values: Select the Match any of these numeric codes or ranges box. Click the arrow by the Add button and click Add Number. Type the number in the box. Click the arrow by the Add button and click Add Range. Type the upper and lower limits of the range in the appropriate boxes. Note: If you also set an individual number that falls within a range you have specified, it does not show up separately in the list. To remove an individual number or a range of numbers, click the red 'X' at the end of the row. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 208 - For textual return code values: Select the Search log for text box. Select either Match Any or Match All, depending on how you want to match the text. Click the Add button. In the Type column, select either Contains or Does not contain. In the Text to match column, type either a text string that you want to match or a regular expression. Note: The regular expressions used in return codes in Skybot Scheduler are case-sensitive. See "Regular Expression Samples" to view samples of regular expressions that you might use. For additional guidance on writing regular expressions, see the "Java Tutorial for Regular Expressions" on the Oracle website. Select either True or False in the Regular Expression column. If you set this to True, be sure to use Java-based regular expressions in the Text to match column. To remove a text string or regular expression, click the red 'X' at the end of the row. Click Save to save the return code. Additional Information about Return Codes for the Skybot Scheduler Command Builders You can use the command builders in Skybot Scheduler to write commands for file transfers, running an Informatica Cloud task, running an Informatica workflow, managing an Oracle concurrent request, running an SAP job, event, or variant, managing a SQL Server job, sending web service requests, or launching a desktop application. Some of those commands have their own custom return codes that you should use. They are described below. Use the following return codes for File Transfer commands: 0 - success 1 - any failure of the file transfer Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 209 - 2 - only for failure to delete the source file (not for any other file transfer failure) Use the following return codes for Informatica Cloud Task commands: 0 - success 1 - general failure of the Informatica Task 2 - the Informatica Task completed with warnings 2 - the Informatica Task completed with failures Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 210 - Regular Expression Samples When creating Return Codes to use in commands, regular expressions can be used when there is an identifiable pattern to the text that can change in the results being scanned. Note: The information below only illustrates a couple of examples. For complete guidance on writing regular expressions, see the "Java Tutorial for Regular Expressions" on the Oracle website. Example: The regular expressions used in return codes in Skybot Scheduler are case-sensitive. There are two ways to write a regular expression with mixed cases. [mM][iI][xX][eE][dD][cC][aA][sS][eE] will find any "MixEdCASe" string. Therefore, [sS]econd will match "second" or "Second". If you are looking for an occurrence of a word, but only want to look for the common patterns of mixed characters, you can use the grouping meta-character: (mixedcase|Mixedcase|MixedCase|MIXEDCASE) Example: You can search for characters at certain positions in a line: ^Start will look for "Start" at the beginning of a line, end$ will look for "end" at the end of a line. Example: You can detect failure based on an error count in the text: This program ended with 0*[1-9]\d* error It works like this: *0 is a way to allow for the possibility of leading zeros. It says that zero or more zeros can be found. [1-9] indicates that a numeric digit from 1-9 must be found. \d* is a way to allow for multiple additional numeric digits. It says zero or more numeric digits can be found. Everything else is simple text matching. Results: "This program ended with 0 errors" will not match. "This program ended with 1 error" matches. "This program ended with 2 errors" matches. "This program ended with 123 errors" matches. "This program ended with 0123 errors" matches. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 211 - Return Code Where Used The Where Used window shows what Command Sets, jobs and Member Jobs are currently using the Return Code that you right-clicked. Command Sets Click Edit to view all Command Sets. Right-click a Command Set to edit its properties or delete it. Jobs Click Edit to view the jobs currently using the Return Code. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view the Member Jobs currently using the Return Code. Right-click a Member Job to edit its properties or delete it. Switching Return Codes Use the Switch Return Code section when you want all or some of the jobs or Command Sets using a specific Return Code to use a different Return Code. Click Edit to see a list of available Return Codes. Click a Return Code. Click Switch to reassign jobs and command sets to the Return Code that you selected. Click Close to return to the Return Codes page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 212 - Skybot Variables Programs often require you to enter dynamic values, such as the system date and time. Such global values apply to jobs throughout the system. Skybot Scheduler provides an easy way to automate this process. All you do is insert Skybot Variables into your job. Skybot Scheduler replaces the variables with the corresponding global values before it runs the job. Skybot Variables can be specified when defining environment variables in Agent Environments (shared or private). There are two types of Skybot Variables: Static: A static Skybot Variable is a key/value pair. Create static Skybot Variables to meet your needs. Utility functions are provided to retrieve and modify the value of a static Skybot Variable. Use the static Skybot Variable settings page to set attributes for new or existing static Skybot Variables. Dynamic: The substitution value is computed. This will generate the current date in place of the Skybot Variable. Use the dynamic Skybot Variable settings page to set attributes for new or existing dynamic Skybot Variables. See Using Variables with SAP Events for an example of how you can use a Skybot Variable in an SAP Event kicked off by Skybot Scheduler. Managing Skybot Variables Use the Skybot Variables page to create, edit, or delete Skybot Variables. You can sort Skybot Variables by name or description. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of Skybot variables, you must have View or Change authority to the “Skybot Variables” Secured Area. To create, edit or delete Skybot variables, you must have Change authority to the " Skybot Variables” Secured Area. Option Creating New Skybot Variables Editing Existing Skybot Variables Description To create a new static Skybot Variable, click Create Static Skybot Variable The static Skybot Variable settings page displays. To edit an existing Skybot Variable, double-click the Skybot Variable or right-click the Skybot Variable and select Edit Skybot Variable. The Skybot Variable settings window for the variable type that you selected displays (Static or Dynamic). Copying Skybot Variables You can create a new Skybot Variable based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Skybot Variable and select Copy Skybot Variable. The settings window appears for the type of variable you are copying (Static or Dynamic). You must provide a new, unique name for the copied variable. Deleting Skybot Variables To delete a Skybot Variable, click the red "X" at the end of the line. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Skybot Variable. Exporting Skybot VarTo export a Skybot Variable, right-click the variable and select Export Skybot Variable. Use the Shift iables or Ctrl keys to select multiple variables. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a Skybot Variable, right-click the Skybot Variable and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs or Agent Environments are currently using a Skybot Variable, right-click the Skybot Variable and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 213 - Configuring Static Skybot Variables Use the Static Skybot Variable settings page to set general attributes and values for Static Skybot Variables. General Section Use the General section to set a name and description for a Static Skybot Variable. Enter a unique name for the Skybot Variable. The name cannot be blank and cannot contain spaces. Enter a useful description for the Skybot Variable. Apply a Tag or tags to the Skybot Variable. Static Properties Section Use the Static Properties section to enter the value(s) for your variable. Click the Allow External Updates option to allow external commands to update the value. Enter the value(s) you want to use in this variable. Click Save to save your static Skybot Variable. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 214 - Configuring Dynamic Skybot Variables Use the Dynamic Date Skybot Variable settings page to set general attributes and values for dynamic Skybot Variables. General Section Use the General section to set a name and description for a Dynamic Skybot Variable. Enter a unique name for the Skybot Variable. The name cannot be blank and cannot contain spaces. Enter a useful description for the Skybot Variable. Apply a Tag or tags to the Skybot Variable. Dynamic Properties Section Use the Dynamic Properties section to set date properties for your Dynamic Skybot Variable. Select a Calendar to use with this variable. Enter or select the number of days from the current date. Click the drop-down menu to select the offset day type. Click the drop-down menu to select a date format. Click Save to save the Dynamic Skybot Variable. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 215 - Skybot Variable Where Used The Where Used page shows what Agent Environments, jobs, and Member Jobs are currently using the Skybot Variable that you selected. Agent Environments Click Edit to view all Agent Environments. Right-click an Agent Environment to edit its properties or delete it. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all Member Jobs. Right-click a Member Job to edit its properties or delete it. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 216 - SNMP Trap Monitors Skybot Scheduler can monitor for SNMP traps coming from other applications. You can then use the SNMP trap as a prerequisite to launch a job. Managing SNMP Trap Monitors Use the SNMP Trap Monitors page to create, edit, or delete SNMP Trap Monitors. You can sort SNMP Trap Monitors by name, description, or status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of SNMP Trap Monitors, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the “SNMP Trap Monitors” Secured Object. To create SNMP Trap Monitors, you must have Use authority to the "Create SNMP Trap Monitors" Secured Action. To edit or delete an SNMP trap monitor, you must have Change authority to the “SNMP Trap Monitors” Secured Object (or to the specific SNMP trap monitor itself). Option Creating SNMP Trap Monitors Editing Existing SNMP Trap Monitors Copying SNMP Trap Monitors Description To create a new SNMP Trap Monitor, click Create SNMP Trap Monitor. The SNMP Trap Monitor settings page displays. To edit an existing SNMP Trap Monitor, double-click the SNMP Trap Monitor or right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select Edit SNMP Trap Monitor. The SNMP Trap Monitor settings page displays. You can create a new SNMP Trap Monitor based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick a SNMP Trap Monitor and select Copy SNMP Trap Monitor. The SNMP Trap Monitor settings page displays. Deleting SNMP Trap Mon- To delete an SNMP Trap Monitor, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Skybot Varitors iable and select Delete SNMP Trap Monitor. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the SNMP Trap Monitor. Exporting SNMP Trap To export an SNMP Trap Monitor, right-click the monitor and select Export SNMP Trap Monitor. Use Monitors the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple SNMP Trap Monitors. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of an SNMP Trap Monitor, right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what objects are currently using a SNMP Trap Monitor, right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. SNMP Trap Monitor His- To view the history of an SNMP Trap Monitor, right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select SNMP Trap tory Monitor History. Enabling an SNMP Trap To enable or disable an SNMP Trap Monitor, right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select Enable Monitor SNMP Trap Monitor or Disable SNMP Trap Monitor. Special Instances Special instances let you define reactivity based on a subset of the different times that a prerequisite is scheduled to run. To set up a Special Instance on a monitor, right-click it and select Special Instances. The Special Instances page displays. Send Trap Event To manually send an SNMP Trap Event, right-click the SNMP Trap Monitor and select Send Trap Event. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 217 - Configuring SNMP Trap Monitors Use the SNMP Trap Monitor settings page to create and edit SNMP Trap Monitors. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the SNMP Trap Monitor. Provide a unique name for the SNMP Trap Monitor, with no spaces. Provide a useful description of this SNMP Trap Monitor. Enter a Tag or tags for this object. Email Use the Email subsection to select a Notification List or individual Skybot Scheduler users to notify when this SNMP Trap occurs. Check the To Notification List option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down menu to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. Use the Add User drop-down menu to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. SNMP Trap Monitor Event History Purge Use the SNMP Trap Monitor Event History Purge subsection to set up Click the Use Defaults option to use the SNMP Trap Monitor Event History Purge default values in System Settings. If you uncheck the Use Defaults option, use the Days to Keep option to set the number of days to keep history entries before delet- Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 218 - ing them. Event Valid Use the Event Valid subsection to set the From and To fields create a valid range of time for this SNMP Trap Monitor. Filter Criteria List Use the Filter Criteria List section to define the fields and values of the SNMP Trap you are monitoring. Enter the ID (OID) or field name that you want to monitor for. The available options are: Agent Address Command Community Enterprise OID Generic Type Port Request ID Specific Type Select whether you want the value to be equal to, start with, or contain the values in the field or ID you are monitoring. Enter the value you want to monitor for. Click Save to save your SNMP Trap Monitor. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 219 - Special Instances for SNMP Trap Monitors Special Instances let you define reactivity based on a subset of the different times that a prerequisite is scheduled to run. You can set up multiple Special Instances for one SNMP Trap Monitor. General Settings The General section lets you set the name, description, and Tags for the Special Instance. Name: Enter a unique name for your environment. Do not use spaces. Description: Enter a useful description for your environment. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this event monitor. Determining When the Special Instance Should Occur Use the During section to determine when you want the Special Instance to occur. Use the drop-down list to select Day of Week, Date List, or Day of Period. Day of Week The default option is Day of Week. Click Add Instance to add a Special Instance based on day of week scheduling. Use the Repeats drop-down list to select Daily Range or Weekly Range. Daily Range: The Daily Range option lets you narrow the event time to a time range every day. Enter a valid time range and click OK. Weekly Range: The Weekly Range option lets you narrow the event time to a time range on a specific day or days once every week, or during one week every month. Enter a valid time, select which week of the month you want it to run, and which days you want it to run. Click OK. Date List You can use a preset list of days to run the event using Date Lists from your scheduling objects. Add Date List: Click the drop-down menu to select a Date List. React all Day: Select this option if you want the Special Instance to run all day during the days listed in the selected Date List. If you do not check this option, you can set a time range to run the Special Instance using the 'Between' and 'and' fields. Day of Period You can use the Day of Period option to run the special instance on a specific day of a period. For example, the last day of the quarter. Count: Select the type of days to be counted when defining the special instance. You can choose to count all the days, only working days, or only non-working days. Run on day: Select or type the number of days to be counted when determining the instance. Of the: Select the period to be used. You can choose from month, quarter, half-year, or year. Counting days: Select how the days should be counted: from the start of the period or from the end of the period (backwards). Run time range: You can narrow the event time. Enter a valid time range for the Special Instance using the 'Between' and the 'and' fields. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 220 - SNMP Trap Monitor Where Used The Where Used page shows what job dependencies and Job Suite dependencies are currently using the SNMP Trap Monitor that you selected. Job Dependencies Click Edit to view all job dependencies using the selected SNMP Trap Monitor. Right-click a job to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Job Suite Dependencies Click Edit to view all Job Suite dependencies using the selected SNMP Trap Monitor. Right-click a Job Suite to edit its properties, edit the prerequisites, or delete it. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 221 - SQL Server® Definitions Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to manage jobs on your connected servers that are running Microsoft SQL Server. Use Microsoft SQL Server to create your jobs, then use Skybot Scheduler to schedule them and manage them. You can use all your favorite Skybot Scheduler tools to view and manage Microsoft SQL Server jobs across your Windows servers. Managing SQL Server Definitions Use the SQL Server Definitions page to create, edit, or delete SQL Server Definitions. You can sort SQL Server Definitions by name, description, server instance, Trusted Connection, or user. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Tip: See Configuring SQL Server Definitions and Creating SQL Server Jobs for step-by-step instructions on creating and using SQL Server Definitions. Note: To see the list of SQL Server Definitions, you must have View or Change authority to the “SQL Server Definitions” Secured Object. To create SQL Server Definitions, you must have Use authority to the "Create SQL Server Definitions" Secured Action. To edit or delete an instance of SQL Server Definition, you must have Change authority to the “SQL Server Definitions” Secured Object (or to the specific SQL Server Definition itself). Option Creating New SQL Server Definitions Editing Existing SQL Server Definitions Copying SQL Server Definitions Description To create a new SQL Server Definition, click Create Server Definition. The SQL Server Definition settings page displays. To edit an existing SQL Server Definition, double-click the SQL Server Definition or right-click the SQL Server Definition and select Edit Server Definition. The SQL Server Definition settings page displays. You can create a new SQL Server Definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick the SQL Server Definition and select Copy Server Definition. The SQL Server Definition settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied SQL Server Definition. Deleting SQL Server Def- To delete the SQL Server Definition, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the SQL Server initions Definition and select Delete Server Definition. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the SQL Server Definition. Exporting SQL Server Def- To export a SQL Server Definition, right-click the definition and select Export SQL Server® Definition. initions Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple SQL Server Definitions. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a specific SQL Server Definition, right-click the SQL Server Definition and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what Command Sets or jobs are currently using a specific SQL Server Definition, rightclick the SQL Server Definition and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 222 - Configuring SQL Server® Definitions Use the SQL Server Definition settings page to configure SQL Server Definitions. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the SQL Server Definition. Name: Provide a unique name for the SQL Server Definition, with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description of the SQL Server Definition. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for this SQL Server Definition. Server Instance: If you have multiple SQL Server instances on the agent system, specify which instance you want to use with this definition. If you leave this blank, it will use the SQL Server default instance. Trusted Connection: Select this option to use the username and password from the Agent Environment associated with the job. Selecting this option disables the username and password fields below. Username: Enter a valid user for the system. Password: Enter the correct password for the user entered above. Confirm Password: Re-enter the password for verification. Once the SQL Server Definition is set up, you can use it in Command Sets and when setting up a SQL Server command in a job. Click Save to save your SQL Server Definition. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 223 - SQL Server Where Used The Where Used window shows what Command Sets, jobs, and Member Jobs are currently using the SQL Server® Definition that you selected. Command Sets Click Edit to view all Command Sets that use the selected SQL Server Definition. Right-click a Command Set to edit its properties or delete it. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using the selected SQL Server Definition. Right-click a job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all Member Jobs using the selected SQL Server Definition. Right-click a Member Job to edit its properties or delete it. Switching SQL Server Definitions Use the Switch SQL Server Definition section when you want all or some of the jobs or Command Sets to use a different SQL Server Definition. You must first expand the Command Set and Job sections and click the check box next to the Command Sets and/or jobs that you want to switch. Click Edit to see a list of available SQL Server Definitions. Select a SQL Server Definition from the drop-down. Click Switch to reassign jobs to the SQL Server Definition that you selected. Click Close to return to the SQL Server Definition page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 224 - Web Server Definitions With Skybot Scheduler, you can create jobs that will send service requests to other web servers. In order to do so, you must create a definition for each web server that you want Skybot Scheduler to communicate with. Managing Web Server Definitions Use the Web Server Definitions page to create, edit, or delete web server definitions. You can sort the definitions by name, description, base URL, or authentication type. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Tip: See Configuring Web Server Definitions and Creating Web Service Request Jobs for step-by-step instructions on creating and using web server definitions. Note: To see the list of web server definitions, you must have View or Change authority to the “Web Server Definitions” Secured Object. To create web server definitions, you must have Use authority to the "Create Web Server Definitions" Secured Action. To edit or delete a web server definition, you must have Change authority to the “Web Server Definitions” Secured Object (or to the specific web server definition itself). Option Creating New Web Server Definitions Editing Existing Web Server Definitions Copying Web Server Definitions Description To create a new web server definition, click Create Web Server Definition. The Web Server Definition settings page displays. To edit an existing web server definition, double-click the definition or right-click the definition and select Edit Web Server Definition. The Web Server Definition settings page displays. You can create a new web server definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick the definition and select Copy Web Server Definition. The Web Server Definition settings page displays. You must provide a new, unique name for the copied web server definition. Deleting Web Server Def- To delete a web server definition, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the definition and initions select Delete Web Server Definition. A confirmation dialog box displays. Exporting Web Server Def- To export a web server definition, right-click the definition and select Export Web Server Definition. initions Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple definitions. The Export window displays. Show Audit History To view the audit history of a specific web server definition, right-click the definition and select Show Audit History. Where Used To quickly see what jobs or command sets are currently using a specific web server definition, rightclick the definition and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 225 - Configuring Web Server Definitions Use the Web Server Definition settings page to configure web server definitions. General Section Use the General section to set basic information about the web server definition. Name: Provide a unique name for the web server definition, with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description of the web server definition. Tags: Enter a tag or tags for this web server definition. http:/, Base URL: Enter the portion of the web server URL that will be consistent throughout the various commands you'll create. Consider the following: The base URL for the above is "". Ignore Invalid Certificate Errors: Select this option to have Skybot Scheduler ignore any invalid security certificate errors sent from this web server. Character Set: Select a character set. This is the format Skybot Scheduler will use when sending web service requests to this web server. Authentication Type: Select the type of http authentication used on the web server. If you select Basic Authentication, enter a user name and password for the web server. User: Enter a valid user for the web server. Password: Enter the correct password for the user entered above. Enter the password again to confirm it. Once the web server definition is set up, you can use it in command sets and when setting up a call to the web service in a job. Click Save. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 226 - Web Server Where Used The Where Used window shows what jobs, member jobs, and command sets are currently using the web server definition that you selected. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets that use the selected web server definition. Right-click a command set to edit it or delete it. Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using the selected web server definition. Right-click a job to edit it or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs using the selected web server definition. Right-click a member job to edit it or delete it. Switching Web Server Definitions Use the Switch Web Server Definition section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different web server definition. Before you can switch web server definitions, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the web server definition to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the web server definition you chose. Click Close to return to the Web Server Definitions page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 227 - Export The Export option lets users export various objects into a file. This is helpful for users moving objects from a test server to a production server. Use the Export window to name your export file. If the selected object is using additional scheduling objects, the Export window displays a list of those scheduling objects. File Name: Enter a file name for your export. The drop-down lets you choose previous export files and replace them with the current one. Items used by: Select the scheduling objects you want to export. This option may not be available depending on the type of object you're exporting. Click Export. A dialog confirms the object has exported successfully. The exported file is located in your server/output/export directory. To import, copy the file from the export folder into the server/output/import folder. The file then appears on the Import Center listing page. See Importing Jobs for detailed instructions. Note: The export option should not replace backing up the Skybot Scheduler database. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 228 - SAP NetWeaver™ Overview Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to: Create, schedule, and run SAP jobs that run one or more ABAP steps. Change existing variants on ABAP programs. Raise events on the SAP system. Reschedule intercepted jobs on the SAP system. The first step is to create an SAP system definition. System definitions tell Skybot Scheduler how to connect to the SAP systems. The connections may be direct (customer application server) or load balanced via a message server (group/server connection). You can also configure a system definition to periodically register Skybot Scheduler with your SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD). After the SAP system definition has been created and the connection to the SAP system verified, you can do the following: Create additional system environments for each SAP system definition to allow running processes under different SAP users, client codes, and language settings. Create SAP ABAP step sets which are used in SAP job definitions. Create Skybot SAP job definitions, which are used in Skybot job commands, to run on the SAP system. Create or modify Skybot job to add commands for running SAP jobs, changing variants, or raising events. Turn on polling of SAP jobs to get an overview of jobs and job history on the SAP system (like SM37) and to enable the import of SAP jobs into Skybot SAP job definitions. Turn on polling of SAP intercepted jobs and enable the easy creation of Skybot Run Intercept jobs from the listed intercepted jobs. Change criteria on the SAP system simply by editing the corresponding criteria presented in the Skybot SAP system definition (the changes are sent to the SAP system when the changes to the system definition are saved). Create a Skybot Run Intercept job to ensure that any future intercepted jobs that match the criteria will be rescheduled on the SAP system according to the Skybot job’s settings. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 229 - SAP NetWeaver Job Overview The SAP NetWeaver™ Job Overview page displays jobs on your connected SAP systems (as defined in System Definitions). Jobs only show up here if you have polling turned on. Managing SAP NetWeaver Jobs Use the SAP NetWeaver™ Job Overview page to view SAP job details and run, copy, delete, or cancel SAP jobs. You also can quickly create a new Job Definition based on an SAP job. You can sort jobs by name, job count, System Definition, Job Status, start time, event identifier, periodic status, start date, end date, duration, delay time (in seconds), or initiator. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Option Viewing Job Details Copying Jobs Deleting Jobs Canceling Jobs Viewing the job log Creating Job Definition based on SAP job Run Job Now Description Right-click a job and select Show Job to view scheduling details, job count, system definition, and other details of the job. You can create a new SAP job based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a job and select Copy Job. The SAP NetWeaver Job Copy page displays. Enter a new job name and click Copy to save the new job on the SAP system listed in the System Definition field. To delete a job, right-click the job and select Delete Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs to delete. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the job. To cancel an SAP job, right-click the job and select Cancel. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to cancel the Job. To view the SAP job log for a job, right-click the job and select Show SAP NetWeaver™ Joblog. To create a Job Definition based on an SAP NetWeaver job, right-click the job and select Create Job Definition. The SAP NetWeaver Job Definition settings page displays. You can then use the Job Definition in a Skybot Scheduler job, which lets you include your SAP jobs in your enterprise-wide scheduling. To run an SAP job immediately, right-click the job and select Run Job Now. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 230 - System Definitions Skybot Scheduler makes it easy to manage SAP jobs on SAP systems in your enterprise. Use System Definitions to define the location of your SAP NetWeaver jobs and locate ABAP Step Sets. Managing System Definitions Use the System Definitions page to create, edit, and delete SAP System Definitions from your Enterprise Server. You can sort SAP System Definitions many of the columns on this page, including name, description, Application Server, System ID, Routers, SLD Registration, and polling status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Option Creating New System Definitions Editing Existing System Definitions Copying System Definitions Deleting System Definitions Exporting System Definitions View Available Environments Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new System Definition, click Create System Definition. The SAP NetWeaver System Definition settings page displays. To view or edit an existing System Definition, right-click it and select Edit System Definition. The SAP NetWeaver System Definition settings page displays. You can create a new System Definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a System Definition and select Copy System Definition. The SAP NetWeaver System Definition settings page displays. To delete a System Definition, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click it and select Delete System Definition. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete it. To export a System Definition, right-click the definition and select Export SAP NetWeaver™ System Definition. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple System Definitions. The Export window displays. To create, edit, view, or delete System Environments, right-click the System Definition you want to work with and select View Available Environments. The System Environments page displays. To view audit history of a System Definition, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To see where a System Definition is being used in your schedule (for example, which System Environment is using it), right-click the job and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 231 - Creating System Definitions Use the SAP System Definition settings page to set SAP system information, apply Tags, and define settings for network communication, polling and interception, the audit level, and the default environment. General System Definition Settings The General section displays information about the SAP system, such as the name of the Application Server, System Instance, System ID, and Router String. Enter or select the following information: Name: Enter a name for the system definition. This is the name that appears in Skybot Scheduler. Description: Enter a useful description of this system definition. Tags: Use this field to set Tags for this system definition. Connection Type: Select the connection type for this SAP system definition. You can choose Custom Application Server or Group/Server Selection. Message Server: Enter the name or IP address of the server that's acting as the message server. This is only available if you chose a Group/Server Selection connection type. Group/Server: Enter the name of the Group/Server definition from SAP. This is only available if you chose a Group/Server Selection connection type. Note: You can find this information in SAP on the CCMS: Maintain Logon Groups page. Use the SMLG shortcut to get to that page. Application Server: Enter the name of the SAP server that this instance defines. Instance Number: Enter a system number for the SAP server. System ID: Enter the System ID for the SAP server. Router String: Enter a router string for the system definition, if required for your network. Time Zone: Enter the time zone of the SAP server that's polling jobs. Defining the Default System Environment Use the Default System Environment Settings section to define basic user information for the system definition. Note: You can create additional system environments from the System Definitions page by right-clicking a definition and selecting View Available Environments. Then, click Create System Environment. Intercepted Jobs Settings (Configuring Polling Options) Click the Enabled option to activate the poll system for intercepted jobs. Then, use the Hours and Minutes options to define how often to poll for intercepted jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 232 - Next, enter criteria to search for when intercepting jobs. The criteria that displays by default is taken directly from the SAP system. If you make any modifications, additions, or deletions, the criteria on the SAP system also changes. Note: You can view and work with intercepted jobs on the Intercepted Job History page. Configuring Polling Options for Jobs Click the Enabled option to activate the poll system for jobs. Then, use the Hours and Minutes options to define how often to poll for jobs. Note: SAP has an enhancement and a fix in the form of SAP Notes which improve polling performance: SAP Note 1736859 adds a new READ_ONLY_STATUS import parameter to the BAPI_XBP_JOBLIST_STATUS_GET function. This allows for obtaining a reduced amount of information on the status of SAP jobs which greatly improves Skybot performance when checking for changes to the status of existing SAP jobs. SAP Note 1729156 improves the BAPI_XBP_JOB_SELECT function by returning status I (INTERCEPTED) instead of P (SCHEDULED) for jobs that are already in the Intercepted status. This improvement reduces the load on the Skybot process which collects any updated information on existing SAP jobs when the status has changed. Setting XMI Audit Level Skybot Scheduler sets the level of communication (logging level) with the SAP system in this definition. Select an option from the dropdown list to set the XMI auditing level. In SAP, you can see the available logs by using the rz15 shortcut to go to the XMI Log Management screen. Registering SLD Information You can define your system so that the Skybot Scheduler server connects to your SAP System Landscape Directory (SLD) directly and registers Skybot Scheduler. The Skybot Scheduler registers all such system definitions (ones with Register selected) daily at 04:00 to keep the SLD updated. To activate SLD registration, select the Register check box. Then, enter the following information: Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 233 - Local System Name: Typically the name of your SAP system. Computer Name: The name of the system that Skybot Scheduler is running on. This should be filled in automatically. Host: The host name where the SLD resides. Enter the host name only; for example: Port: The default port is 80. You can enter a different one if need be. Username: The username for the SLD. Password: Enter and confirm the password for the above user. Finishing Up When you are finished adding or editing the SAP system definition, click Validate to check the validity of the settings in the General and Default System Environment Settings sections. Note: Use Server History and the Server Diagnostic Log to troubleshoot any problems with the SLD registration. Click Save to save the definition or Cancel to exit without saving. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 234 - System Definition Where Used The System Definition Where Used page shows what system environments, ABAP step sets, run intercepted jobs, command sets, Skybot jobs, and Skybot member jobs are currently using the system definition that you selected. System Environments Click Edit to view all system environments that have been defined to this system definition. Right-click a system environment to edit it, delete it, or view its Where Used page. ABAP Step Sets Click Edit to view all ABAP step sets using this system definition. Right-click an ABAP step set to edit or delete it. Run Intercepted Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs of the type "Run Intercepted Job," and with intercept criteria defined to this system definition. Right-click a job to edit or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all command sets using this system definition. Right-click a command set to edit or delete it. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all jobs using this system definition. Right-click a job to edit or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs using this system definition. Right-click a member job to edit or delete it. Switch System Definition Use the Switch System Definition section when you want all or some of the above objects to use a different SAP system definition. Before you can switch system definition, edit the above sections to select the objects you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the SAP system definition to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the system definition you chose. Click Close to return to the System Definitions page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 235 - System Environments All System Definitions include a default environment defining SAP information such as client code, username, and password. You can create additional environments for System Definitions, and select these environments when you run an SAP job. To access the System Environments for a System Definition, right-click the System Definition and select View Available Environments. Managing System Environments Use the System Environments page to create, edit, and delete System Environments for your System Definitions. You can sort by name, description, client code, and language. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: System Environments are only defined to one System Definition. Option Creating New System Environments Editing Existing System Environments Copying System Environments Deleting System Environments Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new System Environments, click Create System Environment. The System Environment settings page page displays. To view or edit an existing SAP System Definition, right-click it and select Edit System Environment. The System Environment settings page page displays. You can create a new system environment based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick a system environment and select Copy System Environment. The System Environment settings page displays. To delete a system environment, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the system environment and select Delete System Environment. A confirmation message displays asking if you want to delete the system environment. To view audit history of a system environment, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To see where a system environment is being used in your schedule (for example, which job definitions are using it), right-click the system environment and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 236 - Creating System Environments Use the System Environments page to create new or edit existing System Environments for a System Definition. To view the System Environments page, select System Definitions from the SAP NetWeaver menu. Then, right-click on any of the definitions, and click View Available Environments. General System Environment Settings The General section displays information about the SAP system, such as the name of the Application Server, System Instance, System ID, and Router String. Name: Enter a name for the System Environment. Description: Enter a useful description of this System Environment. Tags: Use this field to set Tags for this System Environment. Client Code: Enter a valid client code. Language: Select a language to use with the system. User Profile Settings Enter a valid SAP username and password to use with this System Environment. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 237 - System Environment Where Used The System Environment Where Used page shows what Job Definitions, Skybot jobs, and Command Sets are currently using the System Environment that you selected. Job Definitions Click Edit to view all Job Definitions. Right-click a Job Definition to edit its properties or delete it. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all Skybot jobs. Right-click a Skybot job to edit its properties or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all Command Sets. Right-click a Command Set to edit its properties or delete it. Switching System Environments Use the System Environment section when you want all or some of the above objects using a specific System Environment to use a different System Environment. Click Edit to see a list of available System Environments. Select a System Environment from the Switch To drop-down menu. Click Switch to reassign jobs to theSystem Environment that you selected. Click Close to return to the System Environment page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 238 - ABAP Step Sets An ABAP Step Set is a collection of defined ABAP Steps that you use with your SAP NetWeaver jobs. Managing ABAP Step Sets Use the ABAP Step Sets page to create, edit, and delete ABAP Step Sets. You can sort ABAP Step Sets by name, description, or the System Definition . See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Option Creating New ABAP Step Sets Editing Existing ABAP Step Sets Copying ABAP Step Sets Deleting ABAP Step Sets Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new ABAP Step Set, click Create ABAP Step Set. The ABAP Step Sets settings page displays. To view or edit an existing SAP System Definition, right-click it and select Edit System Definition. The ABAP Step Sets settings page displays. You can create a new ABAP Step Set based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click an ABAP Step Set and select Copy ABAP Step Set. The SAP System Definition settings page page displays. To delete a ABAP Step Set, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the ABAP Step Set and select Delete ABAP Step Set. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the ABAP Step Set. To view audit history of an ABAP Step Set, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To see where an ABAP Step Set is being used in your schedule (for example,which Job Definition is using it), right-click the ABAP Step Set and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 239 - Creating ABAP Step Sets Use the ABAP Step Set page to create new or edit existing ABAP Step Sets. General ABAP Step Settings Use the General section to specify basic information for the ABAP Step Set. Name: Enter a unique name for this ABAP Step Set. Description: Enter a useful description of this ABAP Step Set. Tags: Use this field to set Tags for this ABAP Step Set. System Definition: Choose a System Definition that can run the ABAP steps you select below. Note: Choosing a System Definition here does not determine which SAP system this ABAP Step Set runs on, it is used for finding steps below. Adding ABAP Steps Use the Steps section to define the program name, variants, language, username, and print settings. Click Add Step to add an ABAP Step to the table. Enter the ABAP Program Name. The program name begins to automatically fill after 4 keystrokes. Note: The program must exist on the SAP system you are connecting to (see above). If the program has more than one variant, select a variant from the Program Variant Name column. Note: You can change variant parameters when running a job by creating a Skybot Scheduler job that uses the SAP NetWeaver Variant command option. Select the language to use for this ABAP program. Note: On Windows servers, you can use the script file, add_language_code.bat, to add a new language code and description to the Skybot Scheduler server. The script file is located in the root Skybot Scheduler program directory. Supported ISO 639-1 Language Codes are documented on the SAP web site ( Enter the username that will be used to run the steps. If left blank, it uses the default user. Click in the cell under the Print Parameter column for the step you want to add print parameters to. The Add Print Parameters window displays. See your SAP documentation for print spool information. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 240 - ABAP Step Set Where Used The ABAP Step Set Where Used page shows what Job Definitions are currently using the ABAP Step Set that you selected. Job Definitions Click Edit to view all Job Definitions. Right-click a Job Definition to edit its properties or delete it. Switching ABAP Step Sets Use the Switch ABAP Step Set section when you want all or some of the Job Definitions using a specific ABAP Step Set to use a different ABAP Step Set. Click Edit to see a list of available ABAP Step Sets. Select an ABAP Step Set from the Switch To drop-down menu. Click Switch to reassign jobs to the ABAP Step Set that you selected. Click Close to return to the ABAP Step Set page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 241 - SAP NetWeaver Job Definitions SAP NetWeaver job definitions (referred to as job definitions in this user guide) let you define SAP jobs to run on SAP systems. You can then create Skybot Scheduler jobs that use those job definitions. Managing SAP NetWeaver Job Definitions Use the SAP NetWeaver™ Job Definitions page to create, edit, and delete job definitions. You can sort job definitions by name, description, system definition used, system environment used, job class, spool list recipient, whether it's set to start immediately, whether it's scheduled in a Skybot job, or whether it's set to wait for its child jobs to finish. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Note: To see the list of job definitions: You must have View, Change or Execute Authority to the “Create SAP NetWeaver Job Definitions” Secured Object. To create an SAP NetWeaver Job Definition: You must have Use Authority to the “CreateSAP NetWeaver Job Definition" Secured Action. Option Creating New Job Definitions Editing Existing Job Definitions Copying Job Definitions Deleting Job Definitions Exporting Job Definitions Show Audit History Where Used Description To create a new job definition, click Create Job Definition. The SAP NetWeaver Job Definition settings page displays. To view or edit an existing job definition, right-click it and select Edit Job Definition. The SAP NetWeaver Job Definition settings page displays. You can create a new job definition based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a job definition and select Copy Job Definition. The SAP NetWeaver Job Definition settings page displays. To delete a job definition click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click it and select Delete Job Definition. A confirmation dialog box displays. To export a job definition, right-click it and select Export SAP NetWeaver™ Job Definition. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple job definitions. The Export SAP NetWeaver™ Job Definitions window displays. Type a name for the export file and select the boxes by all the job definitions you want to export. Then, click Export. To view audit history of a job definition, right-click it and select Show Audit History. To see where a job definition is being used in your schedule (for example, which Skybot job is using it), right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 242 - Creating Job Definitions Use the SAP NetWeaver Job Definition settings page to create the job definitions that can be used in Skybot jobs to run SAP jobs. Use Job Definitions in the Commands section to create a Skybot Scheduler job that runs tasks on your SAP system. General Job Definition Settings Use the General section to specify basic definition information and SAP-specific functionality. Option Name Description Tags System Definition System Environment Job Class Exec. Target Recipient Type Send Confirmation Spool List Recipient Description Enter a name for the Job Definition. This is the name that appears on the SAP system. Enter a useful description of this Job Definition. Use this field to set Tags for this Job Definition. Choose a System Definition that can run the ABAP steps you select below. Select the System Environment to use for this Job Definition. If you have not created any environments, the default that you set while creating the System Definition is used. Select a job class (priority). Enter the name of the application server you want to run the job on. Leave blank for load balancing or enter a specific server in the SAP system for this job to run on. Select either Email Address or SAP User as the type of recipient for the reports generated in SAP. If you selected Email Address as the recipient type, select one of the following: Default: Sends delivery and read confirmations via email regardless of failure or success. Always report send status: Sends delivery and read confirmations. Report send status if error: Only sends if there is a failure; a bad email address, for example. Never report send status: No confirmations are sent, even if it fails. Depending on what you selected as the recipient type, enter either an email address or an SAP user name (for the system definition selected above). This is who the spool file of the job will be sent to. Then, select one or more of the options below: Copy Express Blind Copy No forwarding Start Immediately Wait for Child Jobs Note: You cannot select both Copy and Blind. Also, if the recipient is an email address, you cannot select No forwarding. Select this option to use the starting option of immediately vs. asap. The SAP Job fails if the necessary resources are not available on the system to start the job. Select this to have a job definition scheduled in a Skybot Job wait for any child SAP jobs that were submitted to complete before marking the Skybot job as complete. To activate parent-child functionality on your SAP system: 1. Use SAP transaction sa38 (ABAP: Program Execution) in the SAP GUI. 2. Enter Program INITXBP2. 3. Execute the program to reveal the “Initialization Program for Background Processing Interface XBP 2.0.” 4. In the Parent-Child Functions section, select Switch On and execute the program. Adding ABAP Steps Click the Enable option to use a shared ABAP Step Set. This automatically enters steps to the table below. Only ABAP Step Sets defined for the system definition selected in the General section are available here. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 243 - If you do not want to use a shared ABAP Step Set: Click Add Step to add an ABAP Step. Enter the ABAP Program Name. The program name begins to automatically fill after 4 keystrokes. Note: The program must exist on the SAP system you are connecting to (see above). If the program has more than one variant, select a variant from the Program Variant Name column. Note: You can change variant parameters when running a job by creating a Skybot Scheduler job that uses the SAP NetWeaver Variant command option. Select the language to use for this ABAP program. Note: On Windows servers, you can use the script file, add_language_code.bat, to add a new language code and description to the Skybot Scheduler server. The script file is located in the root Skybot Scheduler program directory. Supported ISO 639-1 Language Codes are documented on the SAP web site ( Enter the username that will be used to run the steps. If left blank, it uses the SAP user defined in the selected system environment. Click in the cell under the Print Parameter column for the step you want to add print parameters to. The Add Print Parameters window displays. See your SAP documentation for print spool information. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 244 - SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Where Used The SAP NetWeaver™ Job Definition Where Used page shows what Skybot jobs and Command Sets are currently using the Job Definition that you selected. Skybot Jobs Click Edit to view all Skybot jobs. Right-click a Skybot job to edit its properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all Member Jobs. Right-click a Member Job to edit its properties or delete it. Command Sets Click Edit to view all Command Sets. Right-click a Command Set to edit its properties or delete it. Switching Job Definitions Use the Switch Job Definition section when you want all or some of the objects above using a specific Job Definition to use a different Job Definition. Click Edit to see a list of available Job Definitions. Select a Job Definition from the Switch To drop-down list. Click Switch to reassign jobs to the Job Definition that you selected. Click Close to return to the Job Definition page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 245 - Intercepted Job History The Intercepted Job History page displays all jobs intercepted on defined SAP systems. You can create new Skybot Scheduler jobs based on the criteria, then run them. The Intercepted Job History page displays each instance of the SAP intercepted job, and when the corresponding Skybot Scheduler job ran to process the SAP intercepted job. Intercepted Job History Options Option Creating Skybot Scheduler Jobs to Run Intercepted Jobs Focusing History on an Intercepted Job Delete Job Description To create a new Skybot Scheduler job to run SAP intercepted jobs, right-click a history entry, and select Create Run Intercept Skybot Job. The Job settings page displays with the interception criteria automatically filled in. See Creating an SAP Run Intercept Job for an example of setting up a Skybot Scheduler job with schedule type of Run Intercepted Job. If you have a Skybot Scheduler job created to run an SAP intercepted job, you can quickly view the history by right-clicking the intercepted job entry and selected Focus History on this Job. To delete a history entry, right-click it and select Delete Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple job histories to delete. A confirmation dialog displays, notifying you that information will be removed in both Skybot Scheduler and SAP NetWeaver. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the deletion. Display Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option or use the Date Filter to change the time period. Use the Date Filter to filter Job History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is 168 hours. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history from a specific time. Note: The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Note: The Skybot Job Status column reflects the current state of the job and a reason code for that status. See Job Statuses for a description of each job status. See Reason Codes for an explanation of each reason code. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down menu (Active Jobs, Ended Jobs, Failed and Error Jobs). Selecting a Tag from the drop-down menu. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Use the individual column filters available by clicking the drop-down menu of a column and pointing to Filters. See the Filtering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Some columns, like the Job and Agent columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filers. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 246 - Run Intercepted Jobs The Run Intercepted Jobs page displays jobs that were created based on SAP intercepted job criteria. Use the Intercepted Job History page or the job settings page to create new Skybot Scheduler jobs with the schedule type of Run Intercepted Job. Note: To see the list of jobs, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the "Jobs" Secured Object. To create jobs, you must have Use authority to the "Create Jobs" Secured Action. To edit or delete a job, you must have Change authority to the "Jobs" Secured Object (or to the specific job itself). Option Creating Skybot Scheduler Jobs to Run Intercepted Jobs Editing Existing Intercept Jobs Description To create a new job to run intercepted jobs, click Create Job. The Job settings page displays. When creating the job, be sure to select a Schedule type of Run Intercepted Job. To edit basic settings for an intercept job, double-click the job or right-click the job, point to Edit Job, and select Job. The Job settings page displays. To edit advanced options for a job, right-click the job, point to Edit Job, and select the option you want to edit: Copying Jobs Deleting Jobs Running a Job Holding a Job Releasing a Job Viewing Histories for a Job Job Monitors Prerequisites Conditions Status Notification Output Distribution Job Note Special Instances Forecast Schedule You can create a new intercept job based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a job and select Copy Job. The Job settings page displays. To delete a Job, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Job and select Delete Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Job. To force a job to start, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Run Job Now. The Run Job Now Options window displays. Notes: Run Job Now runs all scheduled intercepted SAP jobs that matched this Skybot job when they were intercepted. The joblog of the Skybot job shows all the intercepted SAP jobs that were released. When only one intercepted SAP job is released, it is monitored for completion and any failure is reported in Skybot. When more than one intercepted SAP job is released, they are not monitored for completion, so they may fail on SAP; but, this will not cause the Skybot job to fail. You can hold a job to prevent it from running. To hold a job, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Hold Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs. The Hold Job Options window displays. To release a held job, right-click the job, point to Job Control, and select Release Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs.A confirmation dialog displays. Click Yes to release the job to the normal run times. To view a type of history for a job, right-click the job, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view: Job History Job Monitor History Output Distribution History Server History Exporting jobs To export a job, right-click the job and select Export Job. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple jobs. The Export Jobs window displays. Show Audit History To view audit history of a job, right-click the job and select Show Audit History. Where Used To see where a job is being used in your schedule (for example, as a prerequisite to another job), right-click the job and select Where Used. The Job Where Used page displays. Prerequisite Statuses To view or change the current status of prerequisites for a job, right-click the job and select Prerequisite Statuses. The Prerequisite Statuses page displays. Clear All Prerequisite Sta- To reset the status of all prerequisites for a job, right-click the job and select Clear All Prerequisite StaSkybot Scheduler User Guide - 247 - tuses tuses. Choose Yes to confirm. This resets all prerequisite statuses for the job to none. Next Scheduled Run Time To see when a job is next scheduled to run, right-click the job and select Next Scheduled Run Time. Skybot Scheduler displays the next scheduled run time in a message window. The message window indicates if the job is not scheduled to run again. Send Status Use the Send Status option to tell reactivity that a job run has reached this status. This does not actually run the job, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this job. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent job status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want to run a job on a given day, but have reactive jobs that need this job to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite job. Send Monitor Event To change the status of a job, right-click the job, point to Send Status, and select Submitted, Running, Failed, Completed, Canceled, or Retry Wait. Use the Send Monitor Event option to tell reactivity that a Monitor Event has reached this status. This does not actually invoke the event, but reactivity will occur as if it did. This status will be received by any/all prerequisites that refer to this event. The initiation data for any reactive jobs that react to this manually sent Event Monitor status indicates that it happened for job run number zero. Use this option when you do not want an event to occur, but have reactive jobs that need this event to have completed. You also can use it for testing reactivity while setting up jobs without actually running the prerequisite event. To change the status of a Event Monitor, right-click the event, point to Send Status, and select Job Underrun, Job Overrun, or Late Start. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 248 - Dashboard The Dashboard lets you quickly identify and understand trends in your job schedule, event monitoring, and product setup. The Dashboard contains charts and graphs based on recent, accurate information from your schedule. The chart data is collected independently of the history for jobs and events. Purging job and event history does not affect the dashboard statistics. See Customizing the Dashboard for information about customizing your view. Notes: The charts showing 7 days show the current day and the previous 6 days. The charts showing the previous 16 hours show the current hour and the previous 15 hours. For the charts that drill down to the Job History page, you may see a discrepancy between the number of records on the Dashboard chart and the number of records in Job History. That's because job suite history records are not included in the Dashboard charts. Chart Description Automation Index - 7 Days This number is calculated as a percentage of the number of jobs automatically submitted by the scheduler or started by the reactivity monitor over the total number of jobs started. The only jobs that do not count as being automatically submitted are jobs that are started with the “Run Job Now” option under the “Job Control” menu on the Jobs list. This percentage shows a total percentage from the last 7 days. The daily chart breaks down the automation index and shows the percentage of automatically run jobs for each individual day. This helps you pinpoint the days that the manual job submission took place. Notes: Completed Jobs Terminated Jobs Click Daily to see a daily breakdown of jobs that were automatically started by the server. Click Breakdown to see a pie chart of the percent amount and the count. The Completed Jobs chart shows the number of completed jobs for each of the last 7 days. This count includes jobs that run and complete, missed jobs that are automatically marked complete at server startup, and missed jobs that were marked complete by a user. Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the completed jobs for that date. The Terminated Jobs chart shows the number of jobs that ended unsuccessfully during the last 7 days. The chart includes a legend for jobs that were canceled, failed, or ended in error. It lets you spot trouble areas in a weekly schedule, or notice a gradual increase in jobs ending in Failed or Error. This count includes jobs that run and get canceled or fail, missed jobs that are automatically marked canceled or failed at server startup, and missed jobs that were marked canceled or failed by a user. Note: Use the legend below the chart to filter it by canceled jobs, failed jobs, and jobs that ended in error. Simply click a status to include or exclude it. Statuses that are dimmed are not included in the chart. Jobs Submitted Jobs Started Jobs Ended Top Agents - Job Runs 7 Days Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the terminated jobs (failed, canceled, and/or ended in error) for that date. The Jobs Submitted chart shows the number of jobs that were submitted during the last 16 hours. Too many jobs running at once can clog queues and affect performance, and this chart allows identification of job submission clustering. Clicking a data point in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the submitted jobs for that point in time. The Jobs Started chart shows the number of jobs that were started during the last 16 hours. This chart helps with identifying start time clustering. Clicking a data point in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the jobs that were started at that point in time. The Jobs Ended chart shows the number of jobs that were started during the last 16 hours. Too many jobs ending at once can cause problems, especially if you are uploading output from the jobs (reports created by the jobs). Clicking a data point in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the jobs that were ended at that point in time. The Top Agents Job Runs chart shows the number of jobs that ran on your busiest agents. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 249 - Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the completed jobs for that agent for the last 7 days. Top Agents - Job Duration The Top Agents Job Duration chart shows the length of job duration in minutes, broken down by agent. - 7 Days It helps you identify the busiest agents. Agent Events Processed Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the Job History page, filtered for the completed jobs for that agent for the last 7 days. This chart shows a count of agent events processed over the last 7 days. This does not include agent events that were received but not processed because of agent events that occur outside the allowed time range for an event. The count does not include usage of the “Send Agent Event” option on the Agent Event Monitors list. Note: Use the legend below the chart to filter it by agent event type: manual, file, directory, or process. Simply click a type to include or exclude it. Agent event types that are dimmed are not included in the chart. SNMP Trap Events Processed Job Monitor Events Processed Clicking a section of a bar in the chart takes you to the Agent Event History page, filtered for the event types (manual, file, directory, or process) for that date. This chart shows a count of SNMP trap events processed over the last 7 days. This does not count traps received that do not match an SNMP Trap Monitor. The count does not include usage of the “Send Trap Event” option on the SNMP Trap Monitors list. Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the SNMP Trap Monitor History page, filtered for that day. This chart shows a count of Job Monitor events processed over the last 7 days. This could be an indicator of serious problems as it shows that important jobs are not completing in their allotted time window. The count does not include usage of the “Send Monitor Event” option on the Jobs list. Note: Use the legend below the chart to filter it by job monitor type: overrun, underrrun, or late start. Simply click a type to include or exclude it. Job monitor types that are dimmed are not included in the chart. Object Change Count 7 Days Clicking a bar in the chart takes you to the Job Monitor History page, filtered for job monitor type (overrun, underrun, and/or late start) for that day. This chart shows a count of changes made to audited Skybot Scheduler objects over the last 7 days. Therefore, it displays the relative stability of your setup. When there are many changes, you're more likely to see jobs that fail or end in error. This chart lets you know that changes are underway, because instability may follow. Notes: If Audit History is shut off (under System Settings), you will not see this chart. You must enable Audit history to see it. The only objects shown in the chart are those that have changed in the past 7 days. To see all the objects, click the button in the upper right corner of the Object Change Count chart. Then, click Show all objects. You can drill down several levels in this chart. On the Dashboard page, click any bar on the chart to see a breakdown of changes for the selected bar type for today and the previous 6 days. On the pop-up window that opens, click any bar on the chart to go to the Audit History page, filtered for the information you were drilling down to. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 250 - Customizing the Dashboard Use the Dashboard Settings page to personalize your view of the Dashboard, so your Dashboard will be just the way you want it every time you log on. Chart Size Use the Chart Size section to determine how large or small the display will be. Configure Charts Use the Configure Charts section to specify which charts you want to see on the Dashboard and the order in which they should display. Use the up and down arrows to arrange the charts in the order you want them to appear. The order you choose will go from left to right when displayed on the Dashboard. Select the boxes in the Use column for the charts you would like to include on the Dashboard. Remove the check mark for charts you want to exclude. Click Reset to select all the charts and rearrange them in the default order. Click Save to save your settings. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 251 - Job Flow Diagrams Job Flow Diagrams display jobs, event monitors, and other objects that are dependent on each other. The diagrams show the entire chain of prerequisite jobs, not just the prerequisites of the job you currently see on the Job Prerequisites page. You can place sets of jobs with similar functions, or sets of related jobs, into a layout that helps you understand the schedule. You can add notes and other documentation to the diagrams. Managing Job Flow Diagrams The Job Flow Diagram page lets you create, edit, or delete Job Flow Diagrams. Note: To see the list of Job Flow Diagrams, you must have View or Change authority to the “Job Flow Diagrams” Secured Object. To create Job Flow Diagrams, you must have Use authority to the "Create Job Flow Diagrams" Secured Action. To edit or delete a Job Flow Diagram, you must have Change authority to the “Job Flow Diagrams” Secured Object. To see the Remote Event tab in the Jobs and Events window, you must have View or Change authority to the “Remote Servers” Secured Object. Option Creating Job Flow Diagrams Editing Job Flow Diagrams Copying Job Flow Diagrams Deleting Job Flow Diagrams Show Audit History Description To create a new Job Flow Diagram, click Create Job Flow Diagram. The Job Flow Diagram editing page displays. To edit an existing Job Flow Diagram, double-click the Job Flow Diagram or right-click the Job Flow Diagram and select Edit Job Flow Diagram. The Job Flow Diagram editing page displays. You can create a new Job Flow Diagram based on an existing one by using the copy option. Rightclick a Job Flow Diagram and select Copy Job Flow Diagram. The Job Flow Diagram editing page displays. To delete a Job Flow Diagram, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Job Flow Diagram and select Delete Job Flow Diagram. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Job Flow Diagram. To view audit history of a Job Flow Diagram, right-click the Diagram and select Show Audit History. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 252 - Creating Job Flow Diagrams Use these instructions to create or edit a Job Flow Diagram. Accessing the Job Flow Diagrams Page From the Skybot Scheduler Home page, point to Analysis Tools and click Job Flow Diagrams. Click Create Job Flow Diagram. The New Job Flow Diagram dialog displays. Enter a name, description, and Tag for the Job Flow Diagram. Click OK. The Job Flow Diagram editing page displays. Job Flow Diagrams Editing Page Use the Job Flow Diagrams editing page to add jobs and events, labels, containers, and comments to your diagram. Click Insert and click Jobs and Events. Use the tabs to select what type of object you want to add to your diagram. For this example, drag a job to add it to the editing area. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple objects. Note: You will only see the Remote Server and Remote Event tabs if your Skybot Administrator has used System Settings to show the Remote Server Configuration, and if your Skybot role has the appropriate authorities. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 253 - Click Close to return to the diagram editing page. Hover your mouse over the job to display the green arrows. Clicking an arrow adds prerequisites and dependencies related to the job or event that you placed in the diagram. The down arrow shows prerequisites, if any. The up arrow shows dependencies, if any. For this example, we want to view jobs that are dependent on the job named rbt_prep_backups. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 254 - All jobs dependent on the job named rbt_prep_backups appear in the editing page. Use your mouse to rearrange the objects to your liking. The diagram automatically adds directional arrows with labels to help you visualize your job flow. Right-click a job or event to modify it. Click Diagram Key for an explanation of theicons, colors, and shapes. It also includes some helpful hints to streamline creating and editing Job Flow Diagrams. You can add to your diagram by clicking the arrows next to any job or event to add prerequisites and dependencies. Grouping Jobs and Events You can create containers to put jobs and events into logical groups. For example, you could create a container named Accounting, and put all the accounting jobs into it. You can minimize containers to make them use less space on the screen. When you drag a container, Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 255 - all the items inside it move as well. Click Insert, then select Container to create a new container. Double-click the title bar of a container to change the name. Drag jobs and events to the container to add them. To save your Job Flow Diagram, select Save from the Job Flow Diagram File menu. Comments and Labels Use labels and comments to describe areas of your diagram. Labels put text directly on the background of the diagram. To insert a label, click Insert and select Label. To edit the content of a label, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit. To adjust the font color or formatting, right-click the label, point to Format, and select the formatting option. To resize the label, click a square and drag to resize. To delete a label, right-click it and click Remove Shape, or select it and press the Delete key. Comments are useful for adding information, instructions, or shapes that represent parts of a process that are performed outside of Skybot Scheduler. To insert a shape, click Insert and select Comment Shapes. To add the shape, you can double-click it or click and drag it to the diagram. Once you have your shapes on the diagram, click Cancel to close the Choose Comment Shape window. To edit the content of a shape, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit. To adjust the font color or formatting, right-click the shape, point to Format, and select the formatting option. To resize the shape, click a square and drag to resize. To delete a comment, right-click the shape and click Remove Shape, or select it and press the Delete key. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 256 - Using Job Flow Diagrams This help topic describes the tools that help you set up, navigate, and view your Job Flow Diagram. For general information about Job Flow Diagrams, see Job Flow Diagrams. For information on creating and editing Job Flow Diagrams, see Creating Job Flow Diagrams. Adding and Arranging Objects The menus help you manage your Job Flow Diagram: Use the File menu to perform administrative tasks for your Job Flow Diagrams, such as changing the name or description of a diagram, saving changes, or printing a diagram. Use the Edit menu to perform standard editing functions to your diagram (undo, redo) or delete objects. Use the Insert menu to insert jobs and events, labels, containers, or comment shapes into your diagram. To assure that your objects line up properly in your diagram, you can activate the snap-to-grid option. The snap-to-grid options allow shapes to be dragged at a set number of pixels, instead of 1 pixel at a time. Click Grid and select Snap to Grid. To adjust the number of pixels you can move an object before it snaps to the grid, Grid, and select Grid Size. The default distance is 10 pixels. The key describes the shapes and icons that are used in a Job Flow Diagram. To view the key, click the Diagram Key button (with the blue "i" icon on it). Navigating the Diagram To navigate a diagram, right-click anywhere on the diagram, hold the mouse down, and move your mouse to move the diagram. Zoom Levels There are several methods for controlling the zoom level: Use the Zoom menu to select a zoom percentage, zoom in, zoom out, or set to actual size. You also can set a custom zoom level based on pixel spacing. You can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in or out. Printing Use the Print feature to see what your diagram will look like when it prints on standard sized paper or to create a multi-page poster. Click File and select Print. The preview opens in a new browser window. To print the diagram, select Print from your browser's File menu. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 257 - Forecast Models Forecasts show you the schedule for all jobs over a specified time, including start time, expected run time, and prerequisite (dependent) jobs. The forecast chart makes it easy to find opportunities to plan outages for maintenance or rescheduling jobs. Managing Forecast Model Use the Forecast Models page to create and edit Forecast Models. Note: To see the list of Forecast Models, you must have View or Change authority to the “Forecast Models” Secured Object. To create Forecast Models, you must have Use authority to the "Forecast Models" Secured Action. To edit or delete an Forecast Models, you must have Change authority to the “Forecast Models” Secured Object (or to the specific Forecast Model itself). Option Creating Job Forecast Models Editing Existing Forecast Models Copying Forecast Models Description To create a new Forecast Model, click Create Forecast Model.The Forecast Model settings page displays. To edit an existing Forecast Model, double-click the Forecast Model or right-click it and select Edit Forecast Model. The Forecast Model settings page displays. You can create a new Forecast Model based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a Forecast Model and select Copy Forecast Model. The Forecast Model settings page displays. Deleting Forecast Models To delete a Forecast Model, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the model and select Delete Forecast Model. A confirmation dialog displays asking if you want to delete the Forecast Model. Show Audit History To view audit history of a Forecast Model, right-click it and select Show Audit History. Viewing Forecasts To view the last forecast of a Forecast Model, right-click it and select View Last Forecast. The Forecast page for the selected Forecast Model displays. Generating Forecasts To view all available forecasts for a Forecast Model, right-click it and select View Available Forecasts. The Available Forecasts page displays. Use the Forecast Models page to generate new forecasts and access available forecasts. To generate a forecast based on a model, right-click the model and select Generate Forecast. To view the last forecast of a Forecast Model, right-click it and select View Last Forecast. The Forecast page for the selected Forecast Model displays. To view all available forecasts for a Forecast Model, right-click it and select View Available Forecasts. The Available Forecasts page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 258 - Creating Forecast Models Use these instructions to create a Forecast Model used for generating Forecasts of your job schedule. Accessing the Forecast Models Page From the Skybot Scheduler Home page, point to Analysis Tools and click Forecast Models. Click Create Forecast. The Forecast Model page displays. General Section Use the General section to set general attributes for the Forecast Model, including name, description, tags, start date, start time, and how long you want to forecast for. Name: Enter a unique name for your forecast. Do not use spaces. Description: Enter a useful description for your forecast. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags to for this Forecast Model. Start Date: Determine what date you want to start the forecast. You can use Today, Tomorrow, or enter a specific date. Start Time: Determine what time you want to start the forecast. You can start it immediately (after you save your Forecast Model), or enter a specific time for the forecast to start (on the date you selected above). Forecast for: Enter how far out you want to forecast. Select a number and either Days or Hours. Excluded Jobs Section Use the Excluded Jobs section to exclude types of jobs (timed or daily interval) or create a list of specific jobs to exclude. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 259 - Exclude Timed Interval: Select this option to excluded timed interval jobs from your forecast. Exclude Daily Interval: Select this option to excluded daily interval jobs from your forecast. Exclude Job: Select jobs from the drop-down list to add them to your exclusion list. Jobs that you select here do not appear in your forecast. Purging Section Use the purge section to define purging for the Forecast Model. You can use defaults set by the product or define purge settings specifically for one Forecast Model. Use Defaults: Select this option if you want to use the system defaults for purging older forecasts. The defaults are defined in the Forecast Defaults section of System Settings. Purge: Select this option if you want to define purge settings specifically for the forecast. Days to Keep: Set the default number of days to keep a forecast run. Click Save to save your forecast model. The Forecast Model page displays, showing the new model. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 260 - Viewing Forecasts Once a forecast has been generated, you can view it in Skybot Scheduler. There are two ways to view a forecast: On the Forecast Models page, right-click a model and select View Last Forecast. On the Available Forecasts page, right-click any forecast for a model and select View Forecast. The Forecast page displays a chart of the Forecast Model that you selected. The left column displays all jobs that are in the current forecast. The right column lists every instance where the job is predicted to run. You can hover over an instance to get detailed information. Zooming Use the Zoom menu to expand or narrow the forecast view. If you have a lot of jobs that run more often, you should use a shorter window so they are easier to identify on the chart. Information Click Information to see the start and end times for the forecast. Sorting Chronologically Click Sort Chronologically to sort the forecasted jobs based on when they are projected to run. Viewing Reactivity Click Reactivity to show reactivity between jobs displayed in the forecast view. This setting is off by default. Show List This view shows all every instance of every job predicted to run during the forecast. You can sort the view by job name, agent name, start time, end time, job duration, initiation code, or whether its held or skipped. You can also use Tags to view only jobs that share tags. Note: An agent name beginning with "TBD@" indicates that the job is defined to a Preferred Agent or Utilization Balanced agent group. With either of these types of agent groups, the agent is not selected until the job is run; therefore, the forecast cannot show the specific agent it will run on. Show Exclusions This window shows held jobs, inactive agents, held agent queues, jobs not forecasted, and forecast messages. Held Jobs: This table shows jobs that are currently held. These jobs are still included in the Forecast. Agents: This table shows inactive agents. Jobs on these agents are still included in the Forecast. Jobs Not Forecasted: This table shows unscheduled jobs and reactive jobs where prerequisites are not met. These jobs do not appear in the Forecast chart or the list of forecasted jobs. You can use the Forecast Schedule option to make an unscheduled or reactive job appear in your forecast. Forecast Messages: This table shows error messages to help troubleshoot your Forecast. For example, if a job uses an expired Date List, the Forecast cannot calculate the next time the job will run. These jobs do no appear in the Forecast chart or the list of forecasted jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 261 - Available Forecast Models Use the Available Forecasts page to view generated forecasts for a Forecast Model. Forecasts that have been purged do not appear in this list. To generate a new forecast for the selected model, click Generate Forecast. Once the new forecast is ready for viewing, the Status changes to Completed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 262 - Schedule Activity Monitor The Schedule Activity Monitor (SAM) is a gantt chart that illustrates your current schedule. SAM displays four subsections: Forecasted Jobs, Queued Jobs, Running Jobs, and Recently Completed on a single, graphical display. By default, SAM displays only the outlying jobs in each subsection, but the view can be customized to show all jobs (see customizing the SAM view below). Note: The dotted line shows current server time. Forecasted Jobs Forecasted Jobs are jobs that are coming up or may have been missed. Click or hover over a forecasted job to see the assigned agent, the forecast scheduled time, forecast running time, forecast completion time and the initiation code. Right-click a forecasted job to hold the job, release the job, check off the job as acknowledged, edit the job, run the job, or view or change its prerequisite statuses. If you want to see all forecasted jobs, click Forecasted Jobs. The Forecast Activity Monitor window displays. Forecast data is also available for queued and running jobs. It will display as a yellow bar for all jobs. Queued Jobs Queued Jobs are the jobs currently on assigned agent queues. Click or hover over a queued job to see the assigned agent, server initiated time, forecasted running time, forecasted completion time, and the initiation code. Right-click a queued job to view the job history details, hold the job, release the job, end the job, edit the job, or view the server history. If you want to see all queued jobs, click Queued Jobs. The Queued Activity Monitor window displays. The white bar represents the total time the job is expected to be on the queue and to run . This is determined from the server initiated time, the forecasted queued duration, and the forecasted run duration. Note: It is possible for SAM to display white (queued duration) and yellow (forecasted duration) bars that begin or end at different times. For example, if a job is submitted 5 minutes before the internal forecast expects it, the white bar will end 5 minutes before the yellow forecasted bar. This is helpful for recognizing variations in your forecast. Running Jobs Running Jobs are the jobs currently running on agents. Click on or hover over running jobs to see server initiated time, server running time, and forecasted completion time and the initiation code. Right-click a running job to view the job history details, hold the job, release the job, end the job, edit the job, or view the server history. If you want to see all running jobs, click Running Jobs. The Running Activity Monitor window displays. The blue bar represents the total time the job is expected to run. This is determined from the server initiated time and the forecasted run duration. Note: It is possible for SAM to display blue (run duration) and yellow (forecasted duration) bars that begin or end at different times. For example, if a job leaves the queue 5 minutes before the internal forecast expects it, the blue bar will end 5 minutes before the yellow forecasted bar. This is helpful for recognizing variations in your forecast. Recently Completed Hover over completed jobs to see server initiated time, server running time, server ended time and the initiation code. Right-click a recently completed job to view the job history details, hold the job, release the job, edit the job, view the server history, download the job log, view the output distribution history, or restart the job. If you want to see all recently completed jobs, click Recently Completed. The Recent Activity Monitor window displays. Customizing the SAM View There are multiple ways to customize your SAM view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 263 - Use the Preferences menu to view more or less jobs for each category (forecasted, queued, running, and recently completed), how many hours of completed jobs to show, or how to change how often SAM automatically refreshes. Under the Preferences menu, you can choose to show either outlying jobs or all jobs in each category. Outlying jobs include held jobs, jobs in a retry wait status, jobs with job monitor events, and jobs that are running, starting or ending at an abnormal time. Use the Zoom menu to change the detail of the timeline. Choose from timeline increments of 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, or 12 hours. If you have many jobs in each category, use the Jump To menu to scroll to the beginning of the category you choose. Click the blue triangle if you want to temporarily hide a category. Click it again to display the category. You can filter the display by the columns in the list. See Filtering Columns for more information. Note: An agent name beginning with "TBD@" indicates that the job is defined to a Preferred Agent or Utilization Balanced agent group. With either of these types of agent groups, the agent is not selected until the job is run; therefore, the forecast cannot show the specific agent it will run on. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 264 - Outlying Jobs Outlying jobs are jobs that are occurring outside of the expected forecast. The Schedule Activity Monitor displays all outlying jobs by default. Outlying jobs for each subsection are defined below. Forecasted Jobs: Held jobs Missed jobs Jobs assigned to inactive agents Queued Jobs: Jobs with Job Monitor events Jobs that don't have a forecast record because they were run by the user (labeled as Unanticipated) Jobs that are on the queue longer than expected Jobs with a retry wait status All jobs if the queues are locked Running Jobs Jobs with Job Monitor events Jobs that don't have a forecast record because they were run by the user (labeled as Unanticipated) Jobs that are running longer than expected Jobs with a retry wait status Recently Completed Jobs with Job Monitor events Jobs that don't have a forecast record because they were run by the user (labeled as Unanticipated) Jobs that completed with a non completed status Jobs assigned to inactive agents Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 265 - Forecast Activity Monitor The Forecast Activity Monitor shows all forecasted jobs in your schedule. By default, the Forecast Activity Monitor shows jobs in the next 24 hours. Click Preferences to change how many days you would like to see in your view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 266 - Queued Activity Monitor The Queued Activity Monitor shows all queued jobs in your schedule. By default, the Queued Activity Monitor shows jobs in the next 24 hours. Click Preferences to change how many days you would like to see in your view. Note: The Queued Activity Monitor stores a maximum number of 1000 records at a time. If you try to select more than the amount at a time, Skybot Scheduler will auto-correct by removing the records selected and not stored. The following warning appears: Some records have been moved off the Queued Activity Monitor. The records that you have selected may have been de-selected. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 267 - Running Activity Monitor The Running Activity Monitor shows all running jobs in your schedule. By default, the Running Activity Monitor shows jobs in the next 24 hours. Click Preferences to change how many days you would like to see in your view. Note: The Running Activity Monitor stores a maximum number of 1000 records at a time. If you try to select more than the amount at a time, Skybot Scheduler will auto-correct by removing the records selected and not stored. The following warning appears: Some records have been moved off the Running Activity Monitor. The records that you have selected may have been de-selected. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 268 - Recent Activity Monitor The Recent Activity Monitor shows all recently completed jobs in your schedule. By default, the Recent Activity Monitor shows jobs in the last 24 hours. Click Preferences to change how many days you would like to see in your view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 269 - Job History The Job History page gives you instant information on all jobs now running or completed. Skybot Scheduler creates a status record each time a job is submitted so that you have a history of each batch job run, and updates this status record when the job enters a job queue, when it starts running, and at completion time. You see the description of the job, when it ran, how long it took to run, whether it completed normally or terminated, and the history of the times it ran. You get the job information you need, when you need it. And, if there is a problem with a job, you can find it and fix it quickly. This page shows the name of the job, and the agent, at the time the history record was created. This is true even if you subsequently change either name. Note:To see Job History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Job History" Secured Area. Job History Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto-refresh option, to filter by date or time, or to exclude timed interval jobs. Use the Date Filter to filter Job History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours. To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is 168 hours. Last x days: The default is 1 day. The limit for this filter is 999 days. It is not possible to disable the Date Filter; so, if you want to see as much history as possible, set this to the full 999 days. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history starting from a specific time the previous day. Between: Use this to see only the history that falls within a date/time range that you specify. Note: The auto-refresh and exclude timed interval jobs options are disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Note: The Job Status column reflects the current state of the job and a reason code for that status. See Job Statuses for a description of each job status. See Reason Codes for an explanation of each reason code. Displaying Columns You can choose which columns are displayed in the Job History by selecting or deselecting them in the Columns drop-down list. By default, several columns are hidden from view: Agent Scheduled Time, Server Submitted Time, Server Running Time, Queued Duration, Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 270 - Running Duration, Total Duration, and Priority. To add or remove columns from the Job History page, mouse over a displayed column to highlight the heading and click the drop-down arrow that appears, then mouse over Columns. From the Columns drop-down list, check the columns you wish to see. Remove the check mark by columns you want to hide. Note: The Agent Scheduled Time column displays the time that the job ran according to the agent's time. These times will display as bold if the job has "agent" selected as the Time Zone when they were initiated. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down list (Active Jobs, Ended Jobs, Failed and Error Jobs). Select a Tag from the drop-down list. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Use the individual column filters available by clicking a column's drop-down list and pointing to Filters (example below). See the Filtering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Some columns, like the Name and Agent columns, allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking the drop-down list and pointing to Filers. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Job History Details To view details of a specific job, right-click the job and select Job History Details. The Job History details page displays. Focusing History on One Job To see all the job history records for a single job, right-click the job and select Focus History on this Job. Deleting Job History To delete history for a job, right-click the job and select Delete Job History. A confirmation dialog displays before the job history is deleted. Server History Server history can contain additional information and scheduler messages for a job. It can also contain information about job history that has been purged. To see the server history for a job, right-click the job and select Server History. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 271 - Download Job Log The job log contains the commands that were ran on the agent and the output captured when the commands executed. By default, job logs are only created for jobs that fail; however, you can configure the job to always create the job log. To display the contents of the log for a selected job, right-click the job and select Download Job log. Output Distribution History To see the output distribution history for a job run, right-click it and select Output Distribution History. Editing Jobs To edit a job's properties, right-click the job and select Edit Job. The Job settings page displays. Running Jobs that Have Conditions To run a job immediately even though it has unmet conditions attached to it, right-click the job and select Run now, ignore conditions. A confirmation dialog displays before the job is run. Ending Jobs You can only end jobs that are submitted (still on an agent job queue) or running. The status code you use when ending the job determines how reactivity for other jobs that react to the job ending are processed. For example, if you have other jobs that react to the normal completion or failure of the job, you can end the job with a canceled status. If you have other jobs that react to normal completion, which you still want to react, you can end the job with a completed status. To end a job, right-click the job and select End Job. Select the status code you want to end the job from: Completed, Canceled, or Failed. Click Yes to end the job or No to cancel. A confirmation window displays. Restarting Jobs Jobs that ended with Failed, Canceled, or Error statuses can be restarted. One benefit of restarting a job is documentation of handling failed jobs through job history attributes. The restarted jobs also inherit the scheduling attributes of the original job, such as the scheduled date and time, which is important for reactivity to Special Instances of jobs. To restart a job, right-click the job and select Restart Job. The Restart Options window displays. Ignore job monitors: Select this option if you want to ignore Job Monitors associated with this job. Ignore job conditions: Select this option if you want to ignore the related job conditions that normally need to be met before this job can run. Priority: Choose a number between 1 and 99 to set the priority for this restarted job. Run on: You'll only see this option for jobs that are assigned to an agent group. You have three choices. You can restart the job on the same agent it just attempted to run on. You can allow Skybot Scheduler to select the agent for the job, like it normally would for the agent group. Or, you can select a specific agent yourself. Note: The only agents available to choose from are those in the agent group. Select which command in the job you want the job to start with. For example, if you know the first three commands completed successfully, you can start with the fourth command. Click Restart Job to restart the job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 272 - Job History Details The Job History details page displays all of the attributes for the job history record. Some of the useful information available includes starting command for the job and prerequisite initiation data that caused a reactive job to be submitted. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 273 - Job Statuses When a job is submitted, the job history record tracks its progress. As the job processes, its status changes. These statuses are used to reflect the current state of the job. If a job doesn't complete normally (Examples: Canceled or Skipped), the Job Status is followed by a reason code (see example below). Reason Codes give an indication of why the job ended in that particular status. Jobs can have the following Job Statuses: Submitted (Queued): A job is in the submitted status while it is waiting for agent resources to become available. Unless an agent is busy or the agent job queue is held, jobs will be in this status for a very short time. Error: The job was initiated, but something prevented the job from running. This will be unusual. Running: The job has started running on the agent. Completed: The job has finished successfully. Note: If the status of a Member Job is "Completed - Ended Manually," this means that someone manually ended the job by going to the Member Job History page and manually marking the job as completed. Doing this will allow the Job Suite to automatically restart at the next job. Failed: The job ended abnormally. Canceled: The job was scheduled to run but a user chose to stop the job before it started running. This allows a job to be tracked that it did not run but NOT have reactivity respond to terminated or completed status for the job. Retry Wait: The Retry Wait status displays when a job has been initiated but has not yet run. For example, the job could be waiting on a condition to be checked or met before running. Skipped: The job did not run because another instance was already running or prerequisites were not met. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 274 - Reason Codes Reason Codes can be found under the Job Status column on the Job History page. Reason Codes give an indication of why the job ended in that particular status. If a job doesn't complete normally (Examples: Canceled or Skipped), the Job Status is followed by a Reason Code (see Skipped Job Status below). Jobs can have the following Job Statuses and corresponding Reason Codes: Job Status Reason Code Explanation Troubleshooting Completed Managed Job Action A user set the Job Status to Completed on a Job that had "Manually manage all missed run times" option selected (the job did not actually run). To determine which user set the Job Status, check the Server History for that Job History. A user set the Job Status to Completed on a Job that was on a queue (the job did not actually run). To determine which user set the Job Status, check the Server History for that Job History. Ended Manually Removed Man- A user removed the Job from the ually Agent queue before it could run on the Agent. Missed Action Failed To determine which user set the Job Status, check the Server History for that Job History. The Scheduler set the status to Com- Check the Server Diagnostic Log to pleted because the job was missed see if the Scheduler was down. (the job did not actually run). Removed Man- A user removed the Job from the ually Agent queue before it could run on the Agent. To determine which user stopped the Job, check the Server History for that Job History. Ended Manually A user stopped the Job while it was running on the Agent. To determine which user stopped the Job, check the Server History for that Job History. Initiated A Job failed while setting up the Agent Environment on the Agent. Check the Job Log for details about the User and Password. Check that the Agent system isn't out of resources. Agent Ended The Agent unexpectedly failed while the job was running. Check the System Logs on the Agent system, check the Agent Diagnostic Logs for that system. Command Failure One of the Job commands failed. Check the Job Log for details about the command failure (starting path, environment variables, job commands). Condition Not Met One of the Job Conditions was not met. To determine which user set the Job Status, check the Server History for that Job History. Managed Job Action A user set the Job Status to Failed on To determine which user set the Job a Job that had "Manually manage all Status, check the Server History for missed run times" option selected. that Job History. Missed Action The scheduler set the status to Failed Check the Server Diagnostic Log to Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 275 - Canceled Skipped because the job was missed. see if the Scheduler was down. Job Monitor Action A Late Start Monitor or Job Overrun Monitor ended the job. Check the Job Log for more details. Check the Server History for the Job for more details. Condition Not Met One of the Job Conditions was not met. Check the Job Log for more details. Check the Server History for the Job for more details. Managed Job Action A user set the Job Status to Canceled Check the Server History for that Job on a Job that had "Manually manage History to determine the user who all missed run times." option stopped the job. selected. Ended Manually Job was stopped by a user while run- Check the Server History for that Job ning on the Agent. History to determine the user who stopped the job. Removed Man- Job was removed from the Agent ually queue by a user before it could run on the Agent. Check the Server History for that Job History to determine the user who stopped the job. Already Active Check the Job History for running instances of this job. The Job did not run because it was already running or queued. Prerequisite Not The Job did not run because its preMet requisites were not met. Check the Prerequisite Statuses of this job Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 276 - Job Suite History The Job Suite History page display all instances of the selected Job Suite and its Member Jobs currently running or completed. Skybot Scheduler creates a status record each time a Job Suite is submitted and updates this status record when its Member Jobs enter a job queue, when they start running, and at completion time. You see the name and run number of the Member Jobs, and the name and run number of the Job Suite. You also can see when the Job Suite ran, how long it took to run, whether it completed normally or terminated, and the history of the times it ran. This page shows the name of the job suite, and the agent, at the time the history record was created. This is true even if you subsequently change either name. Note:To see Job Suite History, you need View or Change authority to the "Job History" Secured Area. Accessing Job Suite History From the Jobs drop-down menu, click Job Suites. Right-click the Job Suite whose History you want to see. Point to History and select Job Suite History. The Job Suite History screen displays. Job Suite History Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option.The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click the drop-down arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Note: The Status column reflects the current state of the Job Suite or its Member Jobs and a reason code for that status. See Job Suite Statuses for a description of each status. Displaying Columns You can choose which columns are displayed in the History by selecting or deselecting them in the Columns drop-down menu. By default, several columns are hidden from view: Agent Scheduled Time, Server Submitted Time, Server Running Time, Queued Duration, Running Duration, Total Duration, and Priority. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 277 - To add or remove columns from the History, mouse over a displayed column to highlight the heading and click the drop-down arrow that appears, then mouse over Columns. From the Columns drop-down menu, check the columns you wish to see. Unchecked columns will be hidden from view. Note: The Agent Scheduled Time column displays the time that the job ran according to the agent's time. These times will display as bold if the job has "agent" selected as the Time Zone when they were initiated. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down menu (Active Jobs, Ended Jobs, Failed, and Error Jobs). Selecting a Tag from the drop-down list. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the individual column filters available by clicking the drop-down menu of a column and pointing to Filters (example below). See the Filtering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Some columns, like the Job and Agent columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking the drop-down menu and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Job History Details To view details of a Job Suite or Member Job instance, right-click the Job Suite or Member Job and select Job History Details. The Job History details page displays. Focusing History on One Job To see all the job history records for a single Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Focus History on this Job. The Member Job History page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 278 - Deleting Job History To delete history for a Job Suite or Member Job, right-click the Job Suite or Member Job and select Delete Job History. A confirmation dialog displays to delete the history. Server History Server history can contain additional information and scheduler messages for a Member Job or Job Suite. It can also contain information about job history that has been purged. To see the server history for a Member Job or Job Suite, right-click and select Server History. Download Job Log The job log contains the commands that were run on the agent and the output captured when the commands executed. By default, job logs are only created for jobs that fail; however, you can configure the Member Job to always create the job log. To display the contents of the log for a selected job, right-click the job and select Download Job log. Output Distribution History To see the output distribution history for a Member Job run, right-click it and select Output Distribution History. Editing Jobs To edit a Job Suite or Member Job's properties, right-click and select Edit Job. Ending Jobs You can only end Job Suites and Member Jobs that are submitted (still on an agent job queue) or running. The status code you use when ending the job determines how reactivity for other jobs or Job Suites that react to the job ending are processed. For example, if you have other jobs that react to the normal completion or failure of the job, you can end the job with a canceled status. If you have other jobs that react to normal completion, which you still want to react, you can end the job with a completed status. To end a Member Job or Job Suite, right-click and select End Job. Select the status code you want to end the job from: Completed, Canceled, or Failed. Click Yes to end the job or No to cancel. A confirmation window displays. Restarting Jobs Job Suites and Member Jobs that ended with Failed, Canceled, or Error statuses can be restarted. One benefit of restarting a job is documentation of handling failed jobs through job history attributes. The restarted jobs also inherit the scheduling attributes of the original job, such as the scheduled date and time, which is important for reactivity to Special Instances of jobs. To restart a Member Job, right-click the job and select Restart Job. The Restart Options window displays. Ignore member job monitors: Select this option if you want to ignore Job Monitors associated with this Member Job. Ignore job conditions: Select this option if you want to ignore job conditions related that normally need to be met before this Member Job can run. Select which command in the job you want the job to start with. For example, if you know the first three commands completed successfully, you can start with the fourth command. Click Restart Member Job to restart the job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 279 - Job Suite Statuses When a Job Suite is submitted, Skybot Scheduler tracks both the Job Suite and its Member Jobs. As the Job Suite processes, its status changes. These statuses are used to reflect the current state of the Job Suite. If a Member Job ends abnormally, both it and the Job Suite enter a Failed status. Reactive Member Jobs will also have a Failed status. However, independent Member Jobs from the same Job Suite may have a Completed status. If a Job Suite doesn't complete normally (Examples: Canceled or Failed), the Job Status is followed by a reason code (see example below). Reason Codes give an indication of why the job ended in that particular status. Job Suites can have the following Statuses: Running: The Job Suite enters a Running state when initiated. Member Failed: At least one Member Job is in a Failed or Error state, but one or more Member Jobs are still running. When no Member Jobs are running, the Job Suite will complete with a Failed status. Failed: At least one Member Job is in a Failed state and there are no other Member Jobs running. Member Canceled: At least one Member Job is in a Canceled state, but one or more Member Jobs are still running. When no Member Jobs are running, the Job Suite will complete with a Canceled status. Canceled: At least one Member Job is in a Canceled state and there are no other Member Jobs running. Completed: All Member Jobs have completed successfully or have been skipped. Note: Member Jobs have the same status options as jobs that run outside of a Job Suite. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 280 - Job Suite Monitor History Use the Job Suite Monitor History page to review and troubleshoot Job Suite Monitors. Note: To see Job Suite Monitor History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Job Suites" Secured Object. Organizing Job Suite Monitor History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option.The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down menu (Last 2 Day's Activity (Time Detected), Today's Activity (Time Detected), Last 2 Day's Activity (Scheduled Time), Today's Activity (Scheduled Time)). Use the individual column filters available from click the drop-down menu from a column and pointing to Filters (see below). See theFiltering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Certain columns, like the Job and Suite Name columns will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 281 - Member Job History The Member Job History page displays all instances of the selected Member Job currently running or completed. Skybot Scheduler creates a status record each time a Member Job is submitted and updates this status record when the Member Job enters a job queue, when it starts running, and at completion time. You see the name and run number of the Member Job, and the name and run number of the Job Suite it belongs to. You also can see when it ran, how long it took to run, whether it completed normally or terminated, and the history of the times it ran. This page shows the name of the member job, and the agent, at the time the history record was created. This is true even if you subsequently change either name. Note: To see Member Job History, you need View or Change authority to the "Job History" Secured Area. Accessing Member Job History From the Jobs drop-down menu, click Member Jobs. Right-click the Member Job whose History you want to see. Point to History and select Member Job History. The Member Job History screen displays. Member Job History Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option.The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click the drop-down arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Note: The Status column reflects the current state of the Member Job and a reason code for that status. See Job Statuses for a description of each status. See Reason Codes for an explanation of each reason code. Displaying Columns You can choose which columns are displayed in the Job History by selecting or deselecting them in the Columns drop-down menu. By default, several columns are hidden from view: Agent Scheduled Time, Server Submitted Time, Server Running Time, Queued Duration, Running Duration, Total Duration, and Priority. To add or remove columns from the Job History , mouse over a displayed column to highlight the heading and click the drop-down arrow that appears, then mouse over Columns. From the Columns drop-down menu, check the columns you wish to see. Unchecked columns will be hidden from view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 282 - Note: The Agent Scheduled Time column displays the time that the job ran according to the agent's time. These times will display as bold if the job has "agent" selected as the Time Zone when they were initiated. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down menu (Active Jobs, Ended Jobs, Failed and Error Jobs). Selecting a Tag from the drop-down list. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the individual column filters available by clicking the drop-down menu of a column and pointing to Filters (example below). See the Filtering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Some columns, like the Job and Agent columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Job History Details To view details of a specific Member Job, right-click the Member Job and select Job History Details. The Job History details page displays. Deleting Job History To delete history for a Member Job, right-click the job and select Delete Job History. A confirmation dialog displays to delete the job history. Server History Server history can contain additional information and scheduler messages for a Member Job. It can also contain information about job history that has been purged. To see the server history for a Member Job, right-click the job and select Server History. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 283 - Download Job Log The job log contains the commands that were ran on the agent and the output captured when the commands executed. By default, job logs are only created for jobs that fail; however, you can configure the Member Job to always create the job log. To display the contents of the log for a selected job, right-click the job and select Download Job log. Output Distribution History To see the output distribution history for a Member Job run, right-click it and select Output Distribution History. Editing Jobs To edit a Member Job's properties, right-click the Member Job and select Edit Job. Ending Jobs You can only end jobs with statuses of Initiated, Submitted, Running, Condition Retry-Wait, Condition Check, or Failed. The status code you use when ending the job determines how reactivity for other jobs or Job Suites that react to the job ending are processed. For example, if you have other jobs that react to the normal completion or failure of the job, you can end the job with a canceled status. If you have other jobs that react to normal completion, which you still want to react, you can end the job with a completed status. If you have a Member Job that failed, you can end it with a Completed status code; doing this will restart the Job Suite with the next job. To end a Member Job, right-click the job and select End Job. Select the status code you want to end the job from: Completed, Canceled, or Failed. Click Yes to end the job or No to cancel. A confirmation window displays. Restarting Jobs Member Jobs that ended with Failed, Canceled, or Error statuses can be restarted. One benefit of restarting a job is documentation of handling failed jobs through job history attributes. The restarted jobs also inherit the scheduling attributes of the original job, such as the scheduled date and time, which is important for reactivity to Special Instances of jobs. To restart a Member Job, right-click the job and select Restart Job. The Restart Options window displays. Ignore member job monitors: Select this option if you want to ignore Job Monitors associated with this Member Job. Ignore job conditions: Select this option if you want to ignore job conditions related that normally need to be met before this Member Job can run. Select which command in the job you want the job to start with. For example, if you know the first three commands completed successfully, you can start with the fourth command. Click Restart Member Job to restart the job. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 284 - Member Job Monitor History Use the Member Job Monitor History page to review and troubleshoot Job Monitors. Note: To see Member Job Monitor History, you need View or Change authority to the "Job Monitor History" Secured Area. Organizing Job Monitor History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option. The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Use the Defined Filters drop-down menu (Last 2 Day's Activity, Today's Activity). Selecting a Tag from the drop-down menu. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the individual column filters available from click the drop-down menu from a column and pointing to Filters (see below). See the Filtering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Certain columns, like the Job and Agent columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 285 - Agent Event Monitor History Use the Event Monitor History page to review and troubleshoot Agent Event Monitors. The Event Data column displays unique values, such as the path and filename, for each event. Event Data variables are helpful for creating reactive jobs based on specific agent event instances. See the Using Event Data Variables topic for step-by-step instructions. Note: To see Agent Event Monitor History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Agent Event Monitor History" Secured Area. Organizing Agent Event Monitor History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option or use the Date Filter to change the time period. Use the Date Filter to filter Agent Event Monitor History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is168 hours. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history from a specific time. Note: The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Selecting a Tag from the drop-down menu. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Use the individual column filters available from click the drop-down menu from a column and pointing to Filters (see example Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 286 - below). Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Certain columns, like the Event Name and Agent Name columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filers Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 287 - Job Monitor History Use the Job Monitor History page to review and troubleshoot Job Monitors. Note: To see Job Monitor History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Job Monitor History" Secured Area. Organizing Job Monitor History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option or use the Date Filter to change the time period. Use the Date Filter to filter Job Monitor History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is 168 hours. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history from a specific time. Note: The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Selecting a Tag from the drop-down menu. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Use the individual column filters available from click the drop-down menu from a column and pointing to Filters (see below). See theFiltering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Certain columns, like the Job and Agent columns, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 288 - Output Distribution History Use the Output Distribution History page to review and troubleshooting output distribution for a job. Note: To see Output Distribution History, you must have View or Change authority to the "Output Distribution History" Secured Area. Organizing Output Distribution History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option or use the Date Filter to change the time period. Use the Date Filter to filter Output Distribution History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is 168 hours. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history from a specific time. Note: The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Selecting a Tag from the drop-down menu. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Use the individual column filters available from click the drop-down menu from a column and pointing to Filters (see below). See theFiltering Columns page. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Certain columns, like the File Name column, will allow you to create your own filter values using characters after clicking on the drop-down menu and pointing to Filers Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 289 - Remote Event History The Remote Event History page gives you instant information about the job status changes being received from the remote server. You see the remote event history ID, name, type (for Robot/SCHEDULE events, the types are job or group job), status, the remote server the job runs on, when the status was received by the Skybot Scheduler server, and the timestamp from the remote server. There are two ways to get to this page: To see the history for the remote server: Click Scheduling Objects > Remote Servers. Then, right-click a remote server and select Remote Event History. To see the history for a remote dependency: Click Scheduling Objects > Remote Servers. Right-click a remote server and select Remote Events used as Skybot Prerequisites. Then, right-click a remote event and select Remote Event History. Note:To see Remote Event History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Remote Server" Secured Object. Remote Event History Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto-refresh option. Note: The auto-refresh is disabled by default. Sorting Columns Click a column heading to sort by that column. You can also mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click the dropdown arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Displaying Columns You can choose which columns are displayed in the Remote Event History by selecting or deselecting them in the Columns drop-down list. By default, all the columns are displayed. To show or hide columns in the Remote Event History, mouse over a column heading, click the drop-down arrow, then mouse over Columns. From the Columns list, select the names of the columns you want displayed. Clear the check mark by columns you want to hide. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows one week's worth of history. To filter your view, use the individual column filters by clicking a column's drop-down list and pointing to Filters (example below). Some columns, like the Name and Remote Server columns, allow you to create your own filter values after clicking the drop-down list and pointing to Filters. See the Filtering Columns page for more details on how to filter columns. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 290 - Click Clear Filters to return to the default view. Deleting Remote Event History To delete the history for a remote event, right-click the event and select Delete Remote Event History. You are asked to confirm the deletion. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 291 - Skybot Event History The Skybot Event History page gives you instant information about the job, job suite, and member job status changes being sent to the remote server. You see the Skybot Scheduler object name, type (for Skybot Scheduler objects, the types are job, job suite, or member job), status being sent, timestamp on the Skybot Scheduler server when the status was sent, timestamp on the remote server when the status was received, remote server name, source history ID (the Skybot Scheduler run number), source information (if the status was sent manually, the user name of who sent it), the user job name (the user job name, overridden name, or truncated name that is used by the remote server), and whether the queued notifications have been canceled. There are two ways to get to this page: To see the history for the remote server: Click Scheduling Objects > Remote Servers. Then, right-click a remote server and select Skybot Event History. To see the history for a remote dependency: Click Scheduling Objects > Remote Servers. Right-click a remote server and select Skybot Events used as Remote Dependencies. Then, right-click a remote dependency and select Skybot Event History. Note:To see Skybot Event History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the "Job," Job Suite," and "Remote Server" Secured Objects. Skybot Event History Options Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto-refresh option. Note: The auto-refresh is disabled by default. Sorting Columns Click a column heading to sort by that column. You can also mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click the dropdown arrow that appears. You can sort with filters on most columns. See Filtering Columns for detailed instructions on filtering by unique values. Displaying Columns You can choose which columns are displayed in the Skybot Event History by selecting or deselecting them in the Columns drop-down list. By default, all the columns are displayed. To show or hide columns in the Skybot Event History, mouse over a column heading, click the drop-down arrow, then mouse over Columns. From the Columns list, select the names of the columns you want displayed. Clear the check mark by columns you want to hide. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows one week's worth of history. There are multiple ways to filter your view (depending on whether you're viewing the Skybot event history at the remote server level or the remote dependency level): Select a Tag from the drop-down list. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the individual column filters by clicking a column's drop-down list and pointing to Filters (example below). See the Filtering Col- Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 292 - umns page for more details. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Some columns, like the Name and Remote Server columns, allow you to create your own filter values after clicking the drop-down list and pointing to Filters. Click Clear Filters to return to the default view. Deleting Skybot Event History To delete the history for a Skybot event, right-click the event and select Delete Skybot Event History. You are asked to confirm the deletion. Canceling Notifications To cancel queued notifications for a Skybot event so they don't get sent to the remote Robot/SCHEDULE server, right-click the event and select Cancel Notification. You are asked to confirm the cancellation. You might want to do this in a situation like the following: the Skybot event is the prerequisite event and communication with the remote server went down. You decided to manually start the dependent event on the remote server. You'd need to cancel the Skybot notifications so that once communications are restored, they don't restart the event that you manually started. You can see which events have had their notifications canceled by looking at the Canceled column on this page (you may have to scroll to see it). Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 293 - SNMP Trap Monitor History Use the SNMP Trap Monitor History page to review and troubleshoot SNMP Trap Monitors. Note: To see SNMP Trap Monitor History, the user's Role needs View or Change authority to the SNMP Trap Monitor History Secured Area. Organizing SNMP Trap Monitor History Preferences Use the Preferences menu to enable the auto refresh option or use the Date Filter to change the time period. Use the Date Filter to filter SNMP Trap Monitor History by: Day: By default, the Date Filter is set to Day with the current day's date selected. Last x hours: The default is 6 hours To see the history from the night before, select this option and set the range to 12 hours. The limit for this filter is 168 hours. Since HH:MM Yesterday: This option lets you display the history from a specific time. Note: The auto refresh option is disabled by default. Sorting Columns You can use the column headings to sort history. Mouse over a column to highlight the column heading and click on the drop-down arrow that appears. Filtering Views By default, Skybot Scheduler shows the current day's history. There are multiple ways to filter your view: Select a Tag from the drop-down list. You can use multiple Tags to filter. To remove a Tag, click the 'x' next to it. Use the calendar to view history from a specific date. Click the arrow in a column heading and point to Filters (see below). See the Filtering Columns page for more information on using Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 294 - filters. Note: You can combine any of the above filtering options for complete control of your view. Click Clear Filters to return to the normal view. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 295 - Reports Skybot Scheduler Reports help you manage, monitor, and maintain your job schedule and manage the tools that you use for job scheduling. To create a new report, point to Reports, and click the type of report you want to generate: Good Morning Audit History Forecast Server History Job Setup SAP NetWeaver System Definition SAP NetWeaver Job Definition SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Job History Agent Event History Job Monitor History Output Distribution History SNMP Trap Monitor History Security To schedule a report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 296 - Scheduling Reports Skybot Scheduler provides report commands to help you schedule your reports. Report commands are located in the install directory of the agent as .bat files. For example: Skybot Scheduler Agent\reports\goodmorningreport.bat Scheduling your Report Job When scheduling a job to run a report, use the commands section to point to the .bat file and include parameters, such as date and time, agents, or users, for the report. The .bat file tells Skybot Scheduler to run the report using the specified parameters. Example Parameters: -dateRange (Report on a duration between two timestamps) [start_date/yyyymmdd] [start_time/hhmm] [end_date/yyyymmdd] [end_time/hhmm] Example 1: Report on the duration between Sept 1 18:00 and Sept 2 06:00. Command: agenteventhistoryreport.bat -dateRange 20110901 1800 20110902 0600 [start_date/yyyymmdd] [start_time/hhmm] Example 2: Report on the duration between Sept 1 18:00 and run time. Command: agenteventhistoryreport.bat -dateRange 20110901 1800 -userName (Specify the user name who will generate the report) [userName] - If no -userName option is given the report will be generated by administrator user. Example 1: Specify the user name who generates the report for the duration 3 days prior to run time. Command: goodmorningreport.bat -userName username -endDateDuration 3 -emailToCurrentUser (Specify that the report should be sent to the person who is generating the report) Example 1: Generate the report for the duration 7 days prior to runtime and email the report to the person who generated it. Command: agenteventhistoryreport.bat -emailToCurrentUser yes -endDateDuration 7 Note: A comprehensive list of the required and optional parameters for each report are in the .bat files of the report commands. See Accessing Help in Report Commands section below for more information. Accessing your Report After the job has completed, the report displays under the administrator's My Files page by default. To change the user under which the report is generated: Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 297 - Specify the user with the user parameter in the command (see the -userName example above). After the job has completed, log in as the defined user to see the report under My Files. Accessing Help in Report Commands Help is included in each .bat file. The help lists the required and optional parameters and includes examples. To access the help simply run the report command with the -h, /h, -? or /? option at the end of the command. This can be done in the commands section the first time you set up the scheduled report job. See the example below: Under Logging, make sure the checkbox to save the job log on the server is selected. After you run the job, the help displays in the job log: Access the job log from the Job History page. Right-click the job and select Download Job Log. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 298 - Viewing Saved Reports Use the My Files page to view or delete reports. Skybot Scheduler automatically redirects you to the My Files page after generating a new report. If a report you just created doesn't appear immediately, click the refresh button in the lower left corner. Viewing Reports To view a report in your browser, right-click it and select Download File. Depending on the file type and your browser configuration, the file will open in your browser or be available as a download. This makes it easy to save and print your reports. Deleting Reports To delete a report, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Report and select Delete File. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 299 - Good Morning Report The Good Morning Report summarizes the job processing during a specific time period. The report includes the total number of jobs that ran during the specified time range, the number of jobs that completed normally and abnormally, Job Monitor Events that occurred during the time period, manually managed jobs, and more. To schedule a Good Morning Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Good Morning Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 300 - Audit History Report The Audit History Report summarizes changes to the database via the user interface, such as changes to Jobs, Agent Event Monitors, or security settings. To schedule an Audit History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Audit History Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 301 - Forecast Report The Forecast Report lists the job name, agent the job ran on, server start and end times, actual run time (duration), initiation code, and an indication of whether the job was held or skipped for all jobs in the forecast at the time of the report generation. Use the Forecast Report page to generate a new report. To schedule a Forecast Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the parameters for your Forecast report. Forecast Model: Use the drop-down menu to select a Forecast Model. This populates the Completed Forecast drop-down menu. Completed Forecast: Use the drop-down menu to select a Completed Forecast. Type: Select PDF or CSV Text File for the format of your report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Forecast Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 302 - Server History Report The Server History Report lists all jobs, agent groups, and agent names assigned to the server at the time of the report generation. Use the Server History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule a Server History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report by specific objects. You can select individual jobs or agents. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add Job/Job Suite: Use the drop-down list to add Jobs or Job Suites to the job list field. Click the "X" next to an item to remove it from the list. Add Agent: Use the drop-down list to add agents to the agent list field. Click the "X" next to an agent to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Server History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 303 - Job Setup Report The Job Setup Report lists details about the jobs you define in the setup page. To schedule a Job Setup Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the Job Setup Report page to generate a new report. You can select individual jobs, all jobs from specific Agent Systems, or all jobs using specific Tags. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add Job/Job Suite: Use the drop-down list to add Jobs or Job Suites to the job list field. Click the "X" next to a job or job suite to remove it from the list. Add Agent: Use the drop-down list to add agents and agent groups to the agent list field. Click the "X" next to an agent or agent group to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add Tags to the tag list field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. If you add one or more tags and also want to see the untagged jobs, check the box to Include all untagged jobs in report. If you don't add any tags, it's not necessary to check this box. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Job Setup Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 304 - SAP NetWeaver System Definition Report The SAP NetWeaver System Definition Report displays basic information about specific SAP NetWeaver system definitions that have been created in Skybot Scheduler. To schedule an SAP NetWeaver System Definition Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the SAP NetWeaver System Definition Report page to generate a new report. You can choose to filter the report by individual SAP NetWeaver system definitions and definitions that use specific Tags. You can also include all untagged system definitions. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add System Definition: Use the drop-down list to add System Definitions to the System Definition List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add tags to the Tag List field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Check the box to Include all untagged System Definitions in report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new SAP NetWeaver System Definition Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 305 - SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Report The SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Report displays basic information about specific SAP NetWeaver job definitions that have been created in Skybot Scheduler. To schedule an SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Report page to generate a new report. You can choose to filter the report by individual SAP NetWeaver job definitions, system definitions, system environments, ABAP step sets, ABAP programs, and by job definitions that use specific tags. You can also include all untagged job definitions. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add Job Definition: Use the drop-down list to add job definitions to the Job Definition List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add System Definition: Use the drop-down list to add system definitions to the System Definition List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add Environment: Use the drop-down list to add system environments to the System Environment List field. Click the "X" next to an environment to remove it from the list. Add ABAP Step Set: Use the drop-down list to add ABAP Step Sets to the ABAP Step Set List field. Click the "X" next to a step set to remove it from the list. Add ABAP Program: Use the drop-down list to add ABAP programs to the ABAP Program List field. Click the "X" next to a program to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add tags to the Tag List field. Click the "X" next to a tag to remove it from the list. Check the box to Include all untagged Job Definitions in report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new SAP NetWeaver Job Definition Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 306 - SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set Report The SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set Report displays basic information about specific SAP NetWeaver ABAP step sets that have been created in Skybot Scheduler. To schedule an SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set Report page to generate a new report. You can choose to filter the report by individual SAP NetWeaver ABAP step sets, system definitions, ABAP programs, and by ABAP steps sets that use specific tags. You can also include all untagged ABAP step sets. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add ABAP Step Set: Use the drop-down list to add ABAP Step Sets to the ABAP Step Set List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add System Definition: Use the drop-down list to add System Definitions to the System Definition List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add ABAP Program: Use the drop-down list to add ABAP Programs to the ABAP Program List field. Click the "X" next to a program to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add tags to the Tag List field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Check the box to Include all untagged ABAP Step Sets in report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new SAP NetWeaver ABAP Step Set Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 307 - SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Report The SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Report displays information about Skybot Scheduler jobs that were set to run SAP intercepted jobs. Use the SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule an SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. You can set the range based on the planned start of the intercepted job and on the Skybot scheduled release date. Planned Start You have two choices when setting the time range based on the planned start of the intercepted job. Select Planned Start Relative Duration to include intercepted jobs that were planned to start within a set number of days and hours relative to a date and time you specify. Days: Enter the number of days (1-365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Select Planned Start Date/Time Range to include intercepted jobs that were planned to start within a time range that you specify Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "End" time when you generate the report. Skybot Schedule Release You can also include intercepted jobs that have a Skybot scheduled release date on the report. Select Skybot Scheduled Release to include intercepted jobs based on their Skybot scheduled release date. Then, you have two choices (see below). Select Skybot Scheduled Release Relative Duration to include intercepted jobs that are scheduled to be released within a set number of days and hours relative to a date and time you specify. Days: Enter the number of days (1-365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Select Skybot Scheduled Release Start Date/Time Range to include intercepted jobs that are scheduled to be released within a time range that you specify Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "End" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report by specific objects. You can select individual system definitions, Skybot jobs, Skybot agents, SAP job names, SAP job owners, and SAP clients. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add System Definition: Use the drop-down list to add specific SAP system definitions to the System Definition List field. Click the "X" next to a definition to remove it from the list. Add Skybot Job: Use the drop-down list to add Skybot jobs that are scheduled to run intercepted jobs to the Job List field. Click the "X" next to an item to remove it from the list. Add Skybot Agent: Use the drop-down list to add Skybot agents to the Agent List field. Click the "X" next to an agent to remove it from the list. Add Job Name: Use the drop-down list to add SAP job names to the Job Name List field. Click the "X" next to a job name to remove it from the list. Add Job Owner: Use the drop-down list to add SAP job owners to the Job Owner List field. Click the "X" next to a job owner to remove it from the list. Add Client Name: Use the drop-down list to add SAP client names to the Client List field. Click the "X" next to a client to remove it Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 308 - from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add tags to the Tag List field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new SAP NetWeaver Intercepted Job History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 309 - Job History Report The Job History Report lists the job run number, job name, initiation code, agent the job ran on, scheduled run time, server start and end times, total duration, and job status at the time of the report generation. Use the Job History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule a Job History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report by specific objects. You can select individual jobs, all jobs from specific Agents, or all jobs with a specific Job Status or using specific Tags. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add Job/Job Suite: Use the drop-down list to add Jobs or Job Suites to the job list field. Click the "X" next to a job or job suite to remove it from the list. Add Job Status: Use the drop-down list to add a job status to the job status list field. Click the "X" next to a job status to remove it from the list. Add Agent: Use the drop-down list to add agents and agent groups to the agent list field. Click the "X" next to an agent or agent group to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add Tags to the tag list field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 310 - Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Job History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 311 - Agent Event History Report The Agent Event History Report lists the event ID, event name,agent that processed the event, time the event was processed (agent and server times), the event type, notes, and event data. Use the Agent Event History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule an Agent Event History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report by specific objects. You can select individual Agent Event Monitors, agent event types, all agent events from specific Agent Systems, or all agent events using specific Tags. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add Agent Event Monitor: Use the drop-down list to add Agent Event Monitors to the agent event monitor list field. Click the "X" next to an Agent Event Monitor to remove it from the list. Add Agent Event Type: Use the drop-down list to add Agent Event Types to the agent event type list field. Click the "X" next to an Agent Event Type to remove it from the list. Add Agent: Use the drop-down list to add agents and agent groups (only All Agents groups are allowed) to the agent list field. Click the "X" next to an agent or agent group to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add Tags to the tag list field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 312 - Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Agent Event History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 313 - Job Monitor History Report The Job Monitor History Report lists job run number, job name, description, agent the job ran on, server start and end times, actual run time, job status at time of report generation, and monitor type. Use the Job Monitor History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule a Job Monitor History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report by specific objects. Add Job/Job Suites: Use the drop-down list to add Jobs or Job Suites to the job list field. Click the "X" next to a job or job suite to remove it from the list. Add Job Monitor Type: Use the drop-down list to add Job Monitors to the job monitor list field. Click the "X" next to a job monitor to remove it from the list. Add Agent: Use the drop-down list to add agents and agent groups to the agent list field. Click the "X" next to an agent or agent group to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down list to add Tags to the tag list field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 314 - Click Generate Report to create a new Job Monitory History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 315 - Output Distribution History Report The Output Distribution History Report lists server copied time, file name, distribution type, status, run number, job, and agent. Use the Output Distribution History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule an Output Distribution History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Output Distribution History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 316 - Security Report The Security Report lists all the Roles that have been set up in Skybot Scheduler. For each role, it shows the Users who are assigned to that role, It also shows the Role's settings for Secured Areas, Actions, and Objects. Use the Security Report page to generate a new report. To schedule a Security Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the parameters for your Security Report. Add Role: Use the Add Role drop-down list to select the Roles you want to include in the report. As you click each role, it's added to the Roles List. When you're finished selecting roles, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new Security Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 317 - SNMP Trap Monitor History Report The SNMP Trap Monitor History Report lists server time, monitor name, IP address, event ID, notes, and the first 100 characters of event data from the trap. Use the SNMP Trap Monitor History Report page to generate a new report. To schedule an SNMP Trap Monitor History Report, see the Scheduling Reports topic. General Use the General section to set the time range for your report. Choose Relative Duration or Date/Time Range. Relative Duration Days: Enter the number of days (1 - 365) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Hours: Enter the number of hours (1-23) relative to a specified date that will display in your report. Choose Before or After and the relative calendar date and time from which your report will be generated. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the relative date and time when you generate the report. Date/Time Range Start: Enter the date and time you want the report to start from. End: Enter the date and time you want the report to stop. Select Use Current Date/Time to have Skybot Scheduler automatically set the "to" time when you generate the report. Objects Filtering Use the Objects Filtering section to filter your report. You can select individual SNMP Trap Monitors or all SNMP Trap Monitors using specific Tags. You can use multiple parameters from each filtering option. Add SNMP Trap Monitor: Use the drop-down menu to add SNMP Trap Monitors to the SNMP trap monitor list field. Click the "X" next to an SNMP Trap Monitor to remove it from the list. Add Tag: Use the drop-down menu to add Tags to the tag list field. Click the "X" next to a Tag to remove it from the list. Send Report Options: You have three choices. You can send this report to a Notification List, to specific Users, or to the current user. Note: You can also send the report to the current user even if you are sending it to a Notification List or to specific Users. To send this report to a Notification List, select the To Notification List check box. Then, select a Notification List from the dropdown list. To send this report to a list of Users, use the Add Users drop-down list to select the Users who should receive this report. As you click each user, it's added to the To Users list . When you're finished selecting users, click anywhere outside of the list box to close the list. To send this report to the user who is currently logged on, check the Send report to current user box. Save Report Options: In the Report File Path box, type the path to the directory where you want to save this report. In the Report File Name box, type the name you want to give this report. Click Generate Report to create a new SNMP Trap Monitor History Report. The My Files page displays. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 318 - Managing Agents An agent is the service or daemon that runs on your agent system and connects to Skybot Scheduler on your enterprise server. Managing Agents Use the Agents page to view, edit, and delete agents from your Enterprise Server. You can sort agents by status, name, description, jobs on queue, active jobs, max active jobs, or queue status. See the Filtering Columns page to sort by custom filters. Agents that are configured to connect to your Enterprise Server automatically appear on the Agents page. If a recently installed agent does not appear, click the refresh button in the lower left corner of the browser. You can set the Agents page to auto-refresh. To do so, click the Preferences button. Then, check the Auto Refresh box, set the time interval for the refresh, and click OK. If you see a warning icon in the Agent Rel/Mod column, it means that the version of Skybot Scheduler installed on that agent is older than the version installed on the Skybot Scheduler server. We recommend that you update the agent so that its release/modification level is at least the same as that of the Skybot Scheduler server. Note: To see the list of agents, you must have View, Change or Execute authority to the “Agents” Secured Object. To edit or delete an agent, you must have Change authority to the “Agents” Secured Object (or to the specific agent itself). Option Editing Agents Deleting Agents Viewing Audit History See Where an Agent is Used Replacing Agents Stopping and Restarting Agents Viewing History Description To view or edit an agent, double-click it or right-click it and select Edit Agent. The Agent settings page displays. To remove an agent from the Enterprise Server, right-click it and select Delete Agent. Deleting an agent does not uninstall the Skybot Scheduler agent software from the system. An agent cannot be removed from the system if it has jobs or Agent Event Monitors defined to it To view an audit of any changes that have been made to the agent, right-click the agent and select Show Audit History. To see what jobs are connected to an agent, right-click it and select Where Used. The Where Used window displays. To replace an agent permanently, double-click the agent or right-click it and select Replace. The Replace Agent page displays. To stop or restart an agent, right-click it and select Stop Agent or Restart Agent. Note: You must start inactive agents from the remote system. When the stop action is performed for an agent, a confirmation is presented to the user. The logged-in user must have “Use” authority to agent Start/Stop to stop the agent. An informational message will be presented to the user upon completion of the action to indicate the status of the shutdown, for example, if active jobs or Agent Event Monitors are being processed. To view a type of history for a Agent, right-click the Agent, point to History, and select the type of history you want to view: Agent Event Monitor History Job History - All Jobs Job History - Active jobs Server History Displaying Jobs To see all jobs assigned to an agent, right-click it and select Display Jobs. Displaying Agent Event To see all agent event monitors assigned to an agent, right-click it and select Display Agent Event Monitors Monitors. Managing Job Queues on To display, hold, or release a job queue on an agent, right-click it and select Display Job Queue, Hold Agents Job Queue, or Release Job Queue. Display Agent Diagnostic To view the diagnostic log for an agent system, right-click it and select Agent Diagnostic Log. The log Log appears in a new screen. To download the log as a text file, click Download. Display Agent Diagnostic To view the diagnostic Web page for an agent system, right-click it and select Agent Diagnostic Page. Page A new browser window displays. Update Agent To update the agent to current version of Skybot Scheduler software, right-click it and select Update Agent. A new browser window displays for confirmation. Note: To update all agents in your Skybot Scheduler network, click the Update All Agents button on Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 319 - Agent Update Log the top left of the Agents page. To view the agent update log for an agent system, right-click it and select Agent Update Log. The log appears in a new screen. To download the log as a text file, click Download. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 320 - Configuring Agents Use the Agent settings page to view agent information, set notification and diagnostic preferences, and apply Tags. General Agent Settings The General section displays information about the agent, such as port number, IP address, and the operating system. You can also set Tags for the agent from this page. Option Name Description Tags Aliases Job Shell Limit Number of Active Jobs Agent Rel/Mod Listen Port IP Address Operating System CPU Information Time Zone Allow Jobs to Run as the Agent's User Allow agent name clustering Description This field displays the name of the agent and can only be modified from the Skybot Scheduler Agent Manager on the agent system this agent is running on. Enter a useful description of this agent. Use this field to set Tags for this agent. Use this field to add the names of other external agents that should be mapped to this agent. Note: This is helpful when moving jobs or scheduling objects from a test server to a production server using Skybot Scheduler's Export and Import options. Enter the shell name to use by default when running jobs on this agent. Skybot Scheduler has internal defaults it will use if you don't specify one. Note: This is optional and only for UNIX/Linux agents. Skybot Scheduler automatically regulates how many jobs are running on an agent. When you enable this option, you can set the maximum number of jobs that can run on this agent. The release version of the Skybot Scheduler agent software running on this agent. Note: This information comes directly from the agent system and cannot be modified. The port number that the agent is connecting through. Note: This can only be modified from the Skybot Scheduler Agent Manager on the system this agent is running on. The IP address of the agent system. Note: This can only be modified from the Skybot Scheduler Agent Manager on the system this agent is running on. The operating system on the agent system. Note: This information comes directly from the agent system and cannot be modified. The processor type on the agent system. Note: This information comes directly from the agent system and cannot be modified. The time zone of the agent. Note: This information comes directly from the agent system and cannot be modified. Check this option to allow jobs with the environment type "Run as Agent's User" to run on this agent. These jobs run without a specified password. Check this option to allow connecting agents with the same name to share the same agent definition. This supports agent clustering and high availability. Setting Offline Notification Occasionally, agent systems may disconnect unexpectedly. The Offline Notification section lets you configure how or if you want to be notified of this event. SNMP Trap: Check this box if you want to send an SNMP Trap notification when an agent goes offline unexpectedly. Email To Notification List: Check this option to send an email to a Notification List. Use the drop-down list to select a Notification List. Enabling this option disables the To Users option below. To Users: Use the Add User drop-down menu to select a user name to add to the event monitor. The names appear in the Email to Users section. Click the 'X' next to a user name to remove them from the event monitor. Setting Log Levels Use the Diagnostic section to set the level at which the agent system logs system information. The logs that the agent system creates are helpful for troubleshooting your system. There are three types of logging levels. Option Informational Debug Description The enterprise server logs Info level messages. This is the default logging level. The enterprise server logs Debug and Info level information. This option is useful for problem inves- Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 321 - Trace tigation. The enterprise server logs Trace, Debug, and Info level information. Standby Server Override Use the Standby Server Override section to override the default network address and listen port for the standby server that this agent connects to. Option Standby Server Address Standby Port Description If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments where an individual agent may need to look for a network address other than the default. If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments. Note: The default network address and listen port for the standby server is stored in the Standby Server section under System Settings. You can override the standby server's default network address and listen port for all agents by editing this section. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 322 - Replacing Offline Agents Use the Replace Agent page to replace an offline agent with a new, unused agent. The unique hardware ID of the new agent replaces the offline agent's record in the Skybot Scheduler database and maintains the offline agent's history. This is helpful for moving a virtual server, a network card failure, or a port change. Note: The old agent must be offline. The new agent must not be in use. If the replacing agent has already been assigned objects, such as Jobs, Agent Event Monitors, or Agent Groups, an error will occur. Select the new agent from the drop-down list. Click Replace to replace the current agent. Replace Agent retains current jobs on the agent queue. Jobs will start immediately after you click Replace. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 323 - Agent Commands Skybot Scheduler includes commands that you can use to complete basic scheduling and maintenance tasks on your agent systems. To run these commands, use a command prompt that has access to the agent system, or access the agent system directly. Note: Examples in this help system show the Windows commands, which use the .bat extension. Unless otherwise noted, use .sh as the extension on UNIX and Linux agent systems. Common Parameters The agent commands described in this section share the following characteristics: [ ] are optional parameters < > are required parameters when the flag preceding it is used. An -h parameter to list help for the command. The commands end with a status code of 0 when they are successful and a status code of 1 when they fail. The commands require the agent process to be active. -v Enable verbose logging mode [-f <config_file>] specifies the agent if you are not using the default (agent.xml). Change Agent Configuration This command changes an agent’s configuration information, including name of the agent file, port information, and server address. Note: You also can use the Windows Agent Manager to change these settings on Windows servers. See the Skybot Scheduler Agent online help for more information. Example: config -f - lp<listenport> -sa<serveraddress> -sp <serverport> -lp Sets the number for the listen port. -sa Sets the server address to which this Agent should connect. -sp Sets the server port to which this Agent should connect. Fire an Event The FIREEVENT command starts a Java process which connects to an agent and instructs it to fire a named/manual event that was previously defined in Skybot Scheduler. Use this command to fire manual events to make Skybot Scheduler aware than an event happened on this agent. Skybot Scheduler can use manually fired events to perform reactive jobs. Usage: fireevent.bat [-f <config_file>] <eventName> ["event data"] <event name> The event name as defined in Skybot Scheduler. ["event data"] The data to send along with the fired event. Optional parameter. Examples: FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT "Boot complete" FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT "Backup complete" FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT "SECURED" FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT "READY" FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT "READY" FIREEVENT -f Payroll.xml PAYROLL_EVT FIREEVENT PAYROLL_EVT Where Payroll.xml is your agent configuration and PAYROLL_EVT is your event name. You can enter similar commands in your batch or script files on your Windows Server to let Skybot Scheduler know what events are happening. Your reactive jobs can react to the data passed. Get Agent Activity Information Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 324 - This command displays the active processes for the agent system, including jobs that are running, files that are in transfer (from or to the Enterprise Server), and Agent Event Monitors. The agent does not need to be connected to an active Enterprise Server for this command to work. Example: getactivity [-f <config_file>] [-j] [-m] [-t] [-v] -j Returns active job information -m Returns active event monitor information -t Returns current file transfer information -v Enable verbose logging mode No parameters returns all information Get Agent Status This command checks the status of an agent. Use this command when you need to know if an agent is active. For example, you cannot run a backup while the agent is active. Example: getstatus [-f <config_file>] Get Skybot Variables The GETSV command retrieves the value of a Skybot Variable from Skybot Scheduler. The value is written to the standard output stream. Examples: getsv.bat var1 getsv.bat -v VAR3 getsv.bat -f agent2.xml var1 getsv.bat -f agent2.xml -v Var2 Send Message The SENDMSG command allows a user to send a message via email or an SNMP Trap. Usage: sendmsg.bat [-f <config_file>] -m <message_type> -m <type> Required Message Type: EMAIL or TRAP -r <recipient> Recipient: Based upon the -m type -m EMAIL <recipient> Must be a valid email address -t <text> The message text you wish to send. -c <code> The SNMP Trap severity code: AT, WR, or IN (See product documentation for explanation of codes) -s The email message subject. Required when type is EMAIL Sending a Message to an Email Address Usage: sendmsg.bat [-f <agent config file>] -m EMAIL -r <email address> -t <message text> [-s <subject>] Option: -s <subject> allows you to set the email subject Example: sendmsg.bat -m EMAIL -r [email protected] -t "Your important message here." -s "The required subject" where [email protected] is your intended recipient Sending an SNMP Trap Usage: sendmsg.bat [-f <config_file>] -m TRAP -c <severity code> -t <message text> Required: -c <severity code> is one of the following codes: AT, WR, or IN Example: sendmsg.bat -m TRAP -c AT -t "Your important message here." Set Skybot Variables The SETSV command instructs an Agent to set the value of a Skybot Variable on the Skybot Scheduler based on constants or current values of the environment variable with the same name. The Skybot Variable must exist on the Skybot Scheduler. Usage: SETSV [-h] [-f config_file] [-v] <varname1[=value1]> Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 325 - <varname> The name of the variable to be set. Quotes must be used when setting a value: "name=value" When the Skybot Variable is specified without a value, the value is taken from the environment variable with the same name. Note: Skybot Variable names are case-sensitive while environment variable names are not case-insensitive. Assign the value of an environment variable to a Skybot Variable: set var1=12/12/2009 setsv VAR1 Skybot Variable "VAR1" is assigned the value "12/12/2009". The value of Skybot Variables "Var1", etc., are not changed. Assign a Skybot Variable a literal value: SETSV "DAILY_LINEUP=24,13,17,901" SETSV "Pcodes=PAY1 PAY2" More Examples: SETSV -f agent2.xml "VAR1=test" SETSV -v "VAR1=test" SETSV -f agent2.xml -v "VAR1=test" Start or Launch an Agent This command connects to the Agent Service on the local machine and instructs it to start the agent with the given name. Note: This command is named on UNIX and Linux agent systems and uses different parameters. See examples below. Examples: LAUNCH [-f <config_file>] [service_listen_port] [service_listen_port] The "LocalListenPort" value in the "agentService.config" file, default is 57470. -f <config file> Stop Agent The STOP command instructs an agent to stop. If jobs are running, the agent ends when processing finishes, unless the optional parameter "now" is used. Using "now" terminates all Skybot Scheduler jobs running on the agent. Example: stop [-f <config_file>] [now] now indicates that the agent should terminate immediately. Any jobs currently running are terminated. Switch Agent The SWITCH command instructs an agent to switch to a different Enterprise server by modifying configuration information, including the name of the agent file, port information, and the server address. Example: switch [-f <config_file>] ipaddress port ipaddress specifies the IP address of the Enterprise Server port port is the port number of the Enterprise Server (usually 7472) Write Diagnostics File This command writes diagnostics information to a file on your agent system that is useful for researching problems. Example: diag [-f <config_file>] Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 326 - Standby Server Override Use the Standby Server Override section to override the default network address and listen port for the standby server that this agent connects to. Standby Server Address: The default standby server address is stored here once your standby server is connected. If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments where an individual agent may need to look for a network address other than the default. Standby Port: The default standby port is stored here once your standby server is connected. If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments. Note: The default network address and listen port for the standby server is stored in the Standby Server section under System Settings. You can override the standby server's default network address and listen port for all agents by editing this section. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 327 - Agent Where Used The Agent Where Used page shows what jobs, member jobs, agent event monitors, and agent groups are currently defined to the agent you selected. Jobs Click Edit to view the jobs defined to this agent. Right-click a job to edit a job's properties or delete it. Member Jobs Click Edit to view all member jobs defined to this agent. Right-click a member job to edit its properties or delete it. Agent Event Monitors Click Edit to see all agent event monitors defined to this agent. Right-click an agent event monitor to edit its properties or delete it. Agent Groups Click Edit to view all agent groups that include this agent. Right-click an agent group to edit its properties or delete it. Switch Agent Use the Switch Agent section when you want all or some of the above objects to be assigned to a different agent or agent group. The drop-down list shows all agents and agent groups. Before you can switch agents or agent groups, edit the above sections to select the objects that you want to switch. Click Edit. Click the Switch To drop-down list and select the agent to switch to. Click Switch to reassign the selected objects to the agent you chose. Click Close to return to the Agents page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 328 - Skybot Agent Transponder If you want to launch a GUI application on your Windows agent systems from the Skybot Scheduler browser, you must be running the Skybot Agent Transponder. Before You Start the Skybot Agent Transponder The user starting the Agent Transponder must have an Administrator role on the agent system. The user starting the Agent Transponder must have the following user rights in the Local Security Policy for the agent system: Act as part of the operating system Replace a process level token If you are an Administrator on the system, but do not have the above rights, you will see a message asking if you want to set the rights for the user who is currently logged on. Click OK to set the rights. Then, you must log off and log back on before starting the Agent Transponder again. To learn more, see the Help/FACTS: "Skybot Agent Transponder Overview." The user running the Agent Transponder must stay logged on to a running GUI otherwise the Skybot Scheduler jobs with Windows Desktop Application commands fail to run. Starting the Skybot Agent Transponder There are two ways to start the Agent Transponder on your Windows agent systems. The easiest is to: Click the Start menu. Then, click All Programs, Skybot, Skybot Agent Transponder. Otherwise, you can follow these steps to start the Agent Transponder: 1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Skybot\Skybot Scheduler Agent\bin\Win32. On 64-bit Windows systems, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Skybot\Skybot Scheduler Agent\bin\Win32 2. Double-click Skybot Agent Transponder.exe. A system tray icon appears when the Agent Transponder is running. Notes: You may see a message letting you know that two user rights are needed. To assign the rights, click OK. The Agent Transponder runs under the user name that starts it. You can stop the Agent Transponder by right-clicking the system tray icon and selecting Exit Agent Transponder. If you plan on running Windows Desktop Application jobs regularly, we recommend that you start the Agent Transponder automatically when Windows starts. These steps show you how to add it to your startup options. 1. 2. 3. 4. Right-click Skybot Agent Transponder.exe, point to Send to then select Desktop (create shortcut). Click Start and point to Programs. Right-click Startup and select Open. Copy the shortcut to Transponder.exe to the Startup folder. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 329 - Skybot Scheduler Web Service Overview Skybot Scheduler implements a RESTful (REpresentational State Transfer) web service on your Skybot Scheduler server. To access the Skybot Scheduler web service, you need to use a REST client/library that can construct the URI, header, method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), and body of the requests. The base URI for the Skybot Scheduler web service is: http://myserver:8008/skybot-scheduler/ws/ Before You Begin By default the web service is turned off. A Skybot Scheduler Administrator can enable it by selecting Allow Web Service Requests under Configure Features in System Settings. Skybot Scheduler does not need to be restarted to enable/disable this feature. Getting Help on the Skybot Scheduler Web Service There are two places where you can get help on using the Skybot Scheduler web service: by running the web service .bat files (or .sh files on UNIX and Linux), or by viewing the Help/FACTS: "Running the Skybot Scheduler Web Service." To run the .bat (or .sh) files: Windows: The files are located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Skybot\Skybot Scheduler Agent\webservices\ Run agentservice.bat and jobservice.bat via a command line without specifying any parameters UNIX and Linux: The files are located at /opt/skybot/agent/ Run ./ and ./ without specifying any parameters Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 330 - Managing Missed Jobs The Manage Missed Jobs page displays a list of jobs that did not run. You can view the missed jobs by Run Number, Job Name, Agent name, Agent Group, Server Scheduled Time, Server Initiated Time, and Server Submitted Time, if applicable. View Details Right-click a missed job and select Details to view more information about a missed job. Delete Missed Jobs To delete the missed job (job history entry), right-click the job and select Delete. A confirmation dialog displays. Ending a Missed Job If you have a reactive job that is dependent on a missed job completing successfully, you can emulate a job ending by right-clicking on it, pointing to End Job, and selecting a status (Completed, Canceled, Failed). This generates a Job History record and initiates reactivity for all jobs that use the missed job as a prerequisite. Start Job To start a job that did not run, right-click it and select Start. The Start Managed Job window displays. If a missed job has multiple commands, and you do not want to run them all, you can select which command to restart the job with. You can also choose to disable reactivity and ignore job monitors and job conditions: Do not perform reactivity: If other jobs are dependent on the missed job, you can select this option to disable reactivity when this job runs. Ignore job monitors: If the job has Job Monitors set up, you can select this option to ignore Job Monitors when this job runs. Ignore job conditions: If the job has Job Conditions set up, you can select this option to ignore Job Conditions when this job runs. Priority: Type or select an agent queue priority for this job. Number 1 is the highest priority. Select Starting Command: If the job has multiple commands, select which command you want to start the job with. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 331 - High Availability High Availability (HA) protects you from long-term , unscheduled downtime of the Skybot Scheduler server. When the server is experiencing downtime, agents do not run scheduled jobs and monitored events do not trigger reactive jobs. Unscheduled downtime can occur for a number of reasons, including network or power outages, physical damage to a computer, failed hard disks, viruses, operator error, and hardware or software upgrades. Skybot Scheduler supports high availability with a master server1 and a standby server2 . In order to run successfully, the master server must hold two valid licenses in its database. Contact your Skybot Software Sales Rep about licensing for high availability. Use the Help/FACTS Setting up your HA Environment to configure your Skybot Scheduler HA environment. Use the Help/FACTS Switching to a Standby Server to switch your standby server to a master server. Once configured, database information is copied from the master server to the standby server at short intervals. This ensures that data on the standby server is as current as possible in the event of a master failure. Standby Server Functions The standby server performs the following functions: Copies files from master to standby. Note: Import and export files and diagnostic logs are not copied. Checks replication to ensure it is running. Monitors master server. If the master server goes offline, the standby server notifies the appropriate email address. Use the Standby Server section under System Settings to set up email notification if the master server fails. Manual Activation of Standby Server Skybot Scheduler supports a manual switchover from master to standby. Activation of the standby server is a manual step for the operator. Since it is difficult to differentiate short-term or temporary downtime versus long-term or permanent downtime, an automatic switchover has high potential for error. If an automatic switchover occurs and the original master server comes back on, it can cause duplicated jobs or splitting the agents between multiple active master servers. Automatic Agent Switchover All agents have the network address (IP or DNS) of the standby server. This is stored in the Standby Server section under System Settings. You can override the standby server's default network address and listen port for all agents by editing this section. To override the network address and listen port for individual agents, use the Standby Server Override section under Agent Settings. If the master server is not responding, the agents will attempt to connect to the standby server. Once the manual activation script has been run on the standby, agents consider the standby the new master and will no longer attempt to connect to the old master. Note: If the master server goes down, the master's agent is also down. Jobs scheduled on the master agent have to be assigned to a different agent. This can be handled automatically by using the Preferred Agent group. See Agent Groups for details. 1A fully functional Skybot Scheduler server that is aware of and allows a standby server to replicate its database. All Skybot Scheduler servers are master servers by default. 2A separate piece of hardware (preferably in a different location) with the Skybot Scheduler server installed. Skybot Scheduler does not run on the standby server and the user interface is not accessible. The standby server replicates the database of the master server and stands ready to take its place in the event of a failure. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 332 - Troubleshooting Skybot Scheduler allows you to easily troubleshoot your servers from a central location. You can quickly access diagnostic logs for the Skybot Scheduler server, and export these as a text file for easy viewing and sharing. You can review system messages, stop the server software, and manage missed jobs. You never even have to leave your desk—you can troubleshoot your entire enterprise from your desktop. And, since you are managing your servers from a Web browser, you can easily share troubleshooting information with your operations team by copying text from Skybot Scheduler windows and pasting it into an e-mail message or a report. You can satisfy your auditors, management, and operations team. Skybot Scheduler includes logs for the scheduling portion of the product and for administrative tasks in the product. The Scheduler Diagnostic Log records details of your job schedule. The Server Diagnostic Log records details of the Skybot Scheduler software. The Server Diagnostic Page lets you access information for your Enterprise Server and connected agent systems through your Web browser. Enabling Javascript Many newly installed operating systems have Active Scripting disabled by default. Scripting must be enabled for Skybot Scheduler to work properly. To enabled scripting for Internet Explorer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Tools and select Options (Internet Options on IE 9) Click the Security tab. Click Custom Level. Scroll down to Script and select the Enable option. Click OK. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 333 - Job Scheduler Status The Job Scheduler page shows you the current status of the Skybot Scheduler and allows you to stop or start the software. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 334 - System Messages Use the System Messages page to manage messages generated by Skybot Scheduler. You can view messages by date, message contents, if they are acknowledged, which user acknowledged them, or the date they were acknowledged. Acknowledging a message lets the system and other users know that you have read a message. To acknowledge a message, select it and click Acknowledge. You can use the Control key to select multiple messages to acknowledge. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 335 - Server History The Server History page displays events that happen on your Enterprise Server. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 336 - Server Properties The Server Properties page provides information about your version of Skybot Scheduler, the ports in use, and hardware information that could be helpful when troubleshooting. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 337 - Scheduler Diagnostic Log The Scheduler Diagnostic log records details of your job schedule. It helps determine why jobs ran or did not run. The logs display the last 5,000 lines within the product. If you wish to see more, download and view the log as a text file. To download a log file, select it from the drop-down menu and click Download. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 338 - Server Diagnostic Logs The Server Diagnostic Log records details of the Skybot Scheduler. The logs display the last 5,000 lines within the product. If you wish to see more, download and view the log as a text file. To download a log file, select it from the drop-down menu and click Download. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 339 - Server Diagnostic Page You can access information for your Enterprise Server and connected Agent Systems through your Web browser. The Web pages provide information for troubleshooting problems. This information includes configuration, status, and history logs for the systems. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 340 - Reports Server Diagnostic Log The Reports Diagnostic Log is useful when a report fails during creation. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 341 - Reports Server Diagnostic Page If you run many reports at once, use the Reports Diagnostic Page to see queueing. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 342 - Downloads The Downloads page provides quick links to download agent installation software. You can download an .exe installer for Windows agent systems or a .tar file for UNIX and Linux agent systems. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 343 - Import Center Use the Import Center to import crontabs or jobs and scheduling objects from a different server into Skybot Scheduler. Note: Jobs and scheduling objects must be in a .json format. You also can use a .json format to import jobs from another job scheduling tool into Skybot Scheduler. See Formatting Import Files for more information. Crontabs Importing crontabs to Skybot Scheduler To have a crontab appear in the Import Center, run the import command on the agent system that contains the Cron job that you want to import. Click here for more information on the import command. See Importing Crontabs for step-by-step instructions on importing crontabs as Skybot Scheduler jobs. To import a crontab to Skybot Scheduler, select Cron from the Import Type drop-down menu. Your crontabs appear in the list below. Right-click the crontab you want to import and select Import to Skybot. The Import to Skybot page displays. Deleting Uploaded crontabs To delete a crontab, click the red 'X' at the end of the line or right-click the crontab and select Delete. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the crontab. Jobs and Scheduling Objects Importing Skybot Import files to Skybot Scheduler To have a Skybot Import file appear in the Import Center, copy your file into the server/output/import directory. See Importing Jobs for step-by-step instructions on importing jobs and scheduling objects into Skybot Scheduler. To import a file to Skybot Scheduler, select Skybot Import from the Import Type drop-down list. Your files appear in the list below. Right-click the file you want to import and select Import to Skybot. The Import to Skybot page displays. Deleting Uploaded Skybot Import Files To delete a file, click the red 'X' at the end of the line or right-click the file and select Delete Import File. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the imported file. Creating a Validation Report Use the Import Validation Report to troubleshoot your file before you import. To create a validation report, right-click the file and select Create Validation Report. The My Files page displays, showing your new report. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 344 - Import Cron Command The import cron command lets you upload crontabs to the Import Center, where you can import them into Skybot Scheduler. Note: This command does not delete, modify, or disable your existing cron jobs. See Importing Crontabs for step-by-step instructions on importing crontabs as Skybot Scheduler jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 345 - Import Cron to Skybot Use the Import to Skybot page to import the uploaded crontab file as a Skybot Scheduler job(s). Importing Crontabs See Importing Crontabs for step-by-step instructions on importing crontabs as Skybot Scheduler jobs. Import Options The Import Options section lets you set basic information about the job(s) that will be created from the crontab import. Hold Imported Jobs: Check this option to hold jobs after creation. Job Name Prefix: Enter the prefix for the new Skybot Scheduler jobs. A unique suffix will be added for each job created by the import. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for the new jobs. Cron Format: If your crontab has username information, this option helps determine and parse the username from the command information for each line of your crontab. If one option does not correctly identify your usernames, try the other option. Cron Commands The Cron Commands section lets you review and verify the commands from the imported crontab. Select the records you want to import. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple lines. Each line of a crontab is imported as an individual Skybot Scheduler job. Agent Environment The Agent Environment section lets you associate the new jobs with an Agent Environment. You can use environment information pulled from the imported crontab, or use a shared Agent Environment. Enabled: Select this option to use a shared Agent Environment. Agent Environment: Select an Agent Environment from the drop-down menu. Working Path: Set the working path for the environment. If you do not use a Shared Agent Environment, a tilda (~) represents the home directory on the agent system for the user defined in the imported crontab. Maintain user passwords: Use this table to manage user names and passwords imported with the crontab commands, Environment Variables: Use this table to add an environment variable or select a variable to edit it. Enter the name and value of the environment variable. Click Import to finish converting the imported crontab or .json file to a Skybot Scheduler job(s). The imported crontab job(s) use the Cron Expression schedule type and are accessible from the Jobs page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 346 - Importing Crontabs Use these instructions to import crontabs as Skybot Scheduler jobs. The imported job(s) use the Cron Expression schedule type. Uploading the Crontab File On the system that contains the crontab, go to the directory where you installed the Skybot Agent. Run the Import Cron Command with the path and name of your crontab. Once you execute the command, the Import Environment displays. A confirmation message lets you know the command completed normally. To specify an xml other than the default agent.xml, use the -f parameter to choose the alternate xml. Example: Note: The -h paramater lists help for this command. After running the command, the crontab appears in the Import Center. Importing the Crontab File Use the Import Center to import crontabs into Skybot Scheduler. Open Skybot Scheduler, point to Admin and select Import Center. From the Import Center, right-click the uploaded crontab and select Import to Skybot. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 347 - The Import Options page displays. Import Options Use the Import Options section to set basic information about the job(s) that will be created from the crontab import. Hold Imported Jobs: Check this option to hold jobs after creation. Job Name Prefix: Enter the prefix for the new Skybot Scheduler jobs. A unique suffix will be added for each job created by the import. Tags: Enter a Tag or tags for the new jobs. Cron Format: Select the crontab file format. If your crontab has username information, this option helps determine and parse the username from the command information for each line of your crontab. If one option does not correctly identify your usernames, try the other option. Cron Commands The Cron Commands section lets you review and verify the commands from the imported crontab. (Each line of a crontab is imported as an individual Skybot Scheduler job.) Select the records you want to import. Use the Ctrl key to select multiple lines or click Select All to import all the jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 348 - Agent Environment The Agent Environment section lets you associate the new jobs with an Agent Environment. You can use environment information pulled from the imported crontab, or use a shared Agent Environment. The shared Agent Environment must exist before you can select it. Enabled: Select this option to use a shared Agent Environment. Agent Environment: Select an Agent Environment from the drop-down list. Working Path: Set the working path for the environment. Maintain user passwords: Use this table to manage user names and passwords imported with the crontab commands. Environment Variables: Use this table to add an environment variable or select a variable to edit it. Enter the name and value of the environment variable. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 349 - Click Import to finish converting the imported crontab to a Skybot Scheduler job or jobs. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 350 - Import Skybot File to Skybot Use the Import to Skybot page to import Skybot Import Files as Skybot Scheduler jobs. Importing Skybot Files See Importing Jobs for step-by-step instructions on importing jobs and scheduling objects into Skybot Scheduler. Import Options The Import Options section lets you set basic information about the jobs and scheduling objects that will be added from the import. Hold Imported Jobs: Check this option to hold jobs after import. Tags: Enter a tag or tags for the new jobs or scheduling objects. Objects to Import The Objects to Import section displays the number of valid objects, the number of duplicates, and the number of invalid objects for each type of scheduling object or job that will be imported. The source of the invalid object is displayed in the Errors section. Update your file to remove duplicate items. Click Refresh to view your changes. Note: You can continue the import with duplicate values. A confirmation dialog asks if you want to replace existing items with import values. Errors The Errors section displays the errors found in your file. Use this section to troubleshoot errors. Update your file to remove errors. Click Refresh to view your changes. Note: Errors regarding missing agent names can be corrected by mapping external agents using the alias field under General Agent Settings. See the Mapping Agents section under Importing Jobs for detailed instructions. Click Import to finish importing the file. The imported jobs are accessible from the Jobs page. The imported scheduling objects are accessible from their designated Scheduling Objects page. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 351 - Formatting Import Files Use these instructions to import non-Skybot Scheduler jobs into Skybot Scheduler. In order to import existing jobs and their shared objects into Skybot Scheduler, they must be in a .json formatted file. If you are converting from an existing job scheduling tool, you can export job information to a .csv file. Use a conversion program to map the data correctly for Skybot Scheduler's file format. For assistance with conversion, contact [email protected]. Supported Fields The following is a list of the supported field names and requirements that can be used: Supported Field Requirements Name name Required Must be a valid job name No spaces Up to 20 characters description Must be unique when created Required target_type Up to 50 characters Required target_name Valid values: AGENT or AGENT_GROUP Required tags Must be a valid Agent or Agent Group (based on target_type) Optional Must be a valid tag name Leading and trailing spaces will be removed calendar_name Values will be converted to lowercase Required Must be a valid Calendar time_zone Default value is STANDARD Optional Default value is SERVER schedule_type agent_environment Valid values: SERVER or AGENT Optional Default value is UNSCHEDULED Required user_profile Valid values: *PRIVATE or a valid Agent Environment name Required when agent_environment is *PRIVATE password Must be blank if agent_environment is not *PRIVATE Required when agent_environment is *PRIVATE Note: Value is also used for confirm_password working_path agent_envi- Must be blank if agent_environment is not *PRIVATE Required when agent_environment is *PRIVATE Must be blank if agent_environment is not *PRIVATE Optional Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 352 - ronment_variables Format is name value command_set Multiple variables can be separated with a "+" Required command_list Valid values: *PRIVATE or a valid Command Set Name Required when command_set is *PRIVATE Must be blank if command_set is not *PRIVATE missed_job_ option Multiple commands can be separated with a "+" Default value is MANAGE create_joblog Valid values: MANAGE, RUN, IGNORE, FAIL, or COMPLETE Default value is NO hold_status Valid values: NO or YES Default value is HELD Valid values: HELD or RELEASED Minimum Requirements This example contains the minimum requirements to successfully import into Skybot Scheduler. It uses a private environment and private commands. The only “shared” objects are the calendar and the agent. {"Job":{ "name":"kfrom_import", "description":"this is a simple job from import specs.", "agent_environment":{ "user_profile":"myUserName", "password":"davej", "working_path":"c:\\myPath" }, "calendar_name":"STANDARD", "command_set":{ "commands":[ {"command_string":"echo command 1","line_number":1}, {"command_string":"echo command 2","line_number":2}] }, "target_type":"Agent", "target":{"name":"aHS2109_DEFAULT"}}} Once you have created your file, place the file into the server/output/import folder. The file will appear on the Import Center listing page. See Importing Jobs for step-by-step instructions on importing files into Skybot Scheduler. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 353 - Reset the Admin Password Use these instructions to reset the Skybot Scheduler Administrator password. Skybot Scheduler includes executable files that will reset the Administrator's password to Scheduler1 and force the user to change it again upon log on. For additional security, the executable files are shipped and installed without execute authority. The System Administrator needs to make the following files executable depending on the install platform: /opt/skybot/server/ C: \Program Files (x86)\Skybot\Skybot Scheduler\resetadmin.bat For Windows execution: Run resetadmin.bat via a command line For Linux or AIX execution: su – Skybot ./ Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 354 - Managing Users Users manage jobs, Scheduling Objects, and agents defined to your system. By default, an Administrator role is created during product installation. The Administrator can then create new users and set permissions for your system. The Users page displays a list of users defined to the product. You can sort the list by name, description, username, enabled, password last changed, role, or last logged in. Notes: To see the list of users, you must have View or Change authority to the “Users and Roles” Secured Area. To create, edit, or delete users, you must have Change authority to the “Users and Roles” Secured Area. The Security Report lists all the users who are assigned to specific Roles and shows details of the Secured Areas, Actions, and Objects they have access to. Managing Skybot Scheduler Users Option Edit Existing Users Creating New Users Copying Users Changing Passwords Deleting Users Show Audit History Description To edit an existing user, double-click the user or right-click the user and select Edit User. The User settings page displays. To create a new user, click Create User. The User settings page displays. You can create a new role based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a role and select Copy Role. The Role settings page displays. To change the password of a user, right-click the user and select Change Password. The Change User's Password window displays. Enter a new password, confirm the password, and click Save. To delete a role, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the role and select Delete Role. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the role. To view the audit history for a role, right-click the role and select Show Audit History. The Audit History window displays. From the Audit History window, double-click an entry to see the details. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 355 - Configuring Users Use the User page to create and edit users. The available fields vary if you are creating a new user or editing an existing user. All fields are described in the sections below. General User Settings Use the General section to set up basic user information, including name, description, and the option for this user to automatically receive notification for important system events. Configuring User Details Use the User Details section to set up details for this user. Create a unique username. Enter the user's email address (this is used for automatic notification). Note: If the Authentication Configuration (in System Settings) is set to "Use LDAP Authentication with User Authorization," you will also see an Update Email Address check box. Clear the check mark if this user's notification email address needs to be different than the user's email address on the LDAP server. If you clear the check mark, be sure to enter the correct email address for notifications in the Email Address field. Assign a Role to this user: User, Operator, Administrator. To create additional roles, see Managing Roles. By default, this user account is enabled. If you do not want it to be enabled right away, uncheck the Enabled option. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 356 - Set password information. Check the Password Expired option to force the user to change the password the next time they log in. Click Save to save your user. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 357 - Role-Based Security Skybot Scheduler’s role-based security ensures that your users have access to only the parts of the product they need to perform their jobs. It also makes management of user privileges easier for your system administrators, because they can change privileges for a large group of users on one page. By default, there are three roles created during product installation: Administrator, Operator, and User. Skybot Scheduler provides a virtually limitless combination of security options. You could segregate jobs by department, division, geographic location, or customer. Managed service providers, cloud computing applications, and large organizations can all benefit from Skybot Scheduler’s role-based security. For example, one role could have the ability to access Job History and Audit History, but not be able to manage missed jobs, create new jobs, or create Return Codes. Another role could create new jobs, but not have access to modify any job on the system. You can even manage it down to a lower level, by giving a role access to only specific jobs, agent event monitors, or agents. You could even have a role that is excluded from everything in the product except the ability to view one job. The Roles page lets you view, create, or modify roles for your enterprise. You can sort the roles by name or description. Notes: To see the list of roles, you must have View or Change authority to the “Users and Roles” Secured Area. To create, edit or delete roles, you must have Change authority to the “Users and Roles” Secured Area. The Security Report lists all the users who are assigned to specific Roles and shows details of the Secured Areas, Actions, and Objects they have access to. Managing Roles Option Creating New Roles Edit Existing Roles Copying Roles Deleting Roles Show Audit History Description To create a new role, click Create Role. The Role settings page displays. To edit an existing role, double-click the role or right-click the role and select Edit Role. The Role settings page displays. You can create a new role based on an existing one by using the copy option. Right-click a role and select Copy Role. The Role settings page displays. To delete a role, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the role and select Delete Role. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the role. To view the audit history for a role, right-click the role and select Show Audit History. The Audit History window displays. From the Audit History window, double-click an entry to see the details. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 358 - Configuring Roles Use the Role settings page to create roles for your users. You can create a virtually limitless variety of roles. You could create roles based on department, division, geographic location, or customer. For example, one role could have the ability to access Job History and Audit History, but not be able to manage missed jobs, create new jobs, or create Return Codes. Another role could create new jobs, but not have access to modify any job on the system. You can even manage it down to a lower level, by giving a role access to only specific jobs, Agent Event Monitors, or agents. You could even create a role that is excluded from everything in the product except the ability to view one job. The available fields vary if you are creating a new user or editing an existing user. All fields are described in the sections below. General Role Settings Use the General section to create or edit role names and descriptions. Name: Create a unique role name with no spaces. Description: Provide a useful description for this role. Adding and Removing Users Use the Users section to add to a role or remove them from a role. Role Members: This field displays current users of a role. To remove a user, click the "X" next to the member name. Add User: Enter the user name you want added. To search for a role, you must enter at least 4 characters. Note: When you add a user to a new role, they lose their current role. For example, if User A is currently in the Operator role, and you assign him to a new Manager role, he will lose any privileges he had with the Operator role that aren't also in the Manager role. Note: If the Skybot Scheduler System Settings have been configured to use the LDAP User Authorization, you will not need to add role members individually. Instead, you will need to map the LDAP Groups to Skybot Roles using the LDAP Skybot Group field. See below. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 359 - Setting Privileges for Secured Areas Use the Secured Areas section to set privileges for areas that a role can access in the product. For example, you could create a role that is allowed to access Job History, but not allowed to view Agent Event Monitor History. Change View Exclude Users with Change authority to an area can view and modify that area. For example, a user with Change authority to Job History is allowed to delete job history for a job. Users with View authority to an area can view the specified area, but not modify it. For example, a user with View authority to Audit History is allowed to see that area, but may not modify it. Users with Exclude authority to an area cannot modify or view that area. If a user with Exclude authority to the System Settings area tries to view System Settings, they will receive an error stating they do not have access to that area. Setting Privileges for Secured Actions Use the Secured Actions section to set privileges for actions that a role can perform in the product. For example, you could create a role that is allowed to create Agent Environments, but not allowed to create Date Lists. Use Exclude Users with Use authority to an action are allowed to perform that action. Users with Exclude authority to an action cannot modify or view that action. For example, if a user with Exclude authority to Create Calendars tries to perform this action, they will receive an error stating they do not have access to that action. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 360 - Setting Privileges for Secured Objects Use the Secured Objects section to set privileges for objects that a role can access in the product. For example, you could create a role that is allowed to change Agent Environments, but not allowed to change Agents. Change Users with Change authority to an object can view and modify that object. For example, a user with Change authority to Command Sets is allowed to change them. Execute Users with Execute authority can execute that object, but not change it. For example, you could have a role that can execute jobs (run, hold, release), but not change them. View Users with View authority to an object can view secured objects, but not modify them. For example, a user with View authority to the Return Codes object is allowed to see a set of return codes, but may not modify them. Exclude Users with Exclude authority to an object cannot modify or view that object. If a user with Exclude authority to the Security object tries to view System Settings, they will receive an error stating they do not have access to that object. Exceptions If you want to allow a role access to one object (for example, the ability to change, execute, or view one job, but no other jobs), you can create an exception. Click the green "plus" sign next to the object you want to create an exception for. The exception has the same options (Change, Execute, View, Exclude) as the other objects. You also can use this to create a very sophisticated role where the user can have access to change some jobs, execute some jobs, view some jobs, or be excluded from some jobs. In this example, the Accounting role that we created has only view authority to Date Lists, but can make changes to the SampleDateList. The role also has only execute authority for running jobs, but has the authority to change the SampleBasicJob. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 361 - Click Save to save your role. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 362 - Agent Install Configurations Agent Install Configurations simplify UNIX and Linux agent installation by letting you set up answers to the installer questions ahead of time. During agent installation, you can select to manually configure the agent to connect to the Enterprise Server and automatically answer questions during the installation based on a pre-defined agent configuration. You can create multiple agent install configurations for your different types of agent systems (such as "oracle_aix" or "linux_web_servers"). Note: See the Help/FACTS Installing Agents on UNIX and Linux Servers for instructions on using Agent Install Configurations during your UNIX and Linux agent installations. The Agent Install Configurations page lets you view, create, or modify configuration files for installing UNIX or Linux agents. Note: To see the list of Agent Install Configurations, you must have View or Change authority to the “Agent Install Configurations” Secured Area. To create, edit or delete agent install configurations, you must have Change authority to the “Agent Install Configurations” Secured Area. Managing Agent Install Configurations Option Description Creating New Agent To create a new Agent Install Configuration, click Create Agent Install Configuration. The Agent Install Configurations Install Configuration settings page displays. Edit Existing Agent Install To edit an existing role, double-click the role or right-click the Agent Install Configuration and select Configurations Edit Agent Install Configuration. The Agent Install Configuration settings page displays. Copying Agent Install Con- You can create a new Agent Install Configuration based on an existing one by using the copy option. figurations Right-click an Agent Install Configuration and select Copy Agent Install Configuration. The Agent Install Configuration settings page displays. Deleting Agent Install Con- To delete an Agent Install Configuration, click the red "X" at the end of the line, or right-click the Agent figurations Install Configuration and select Delete Agent Install Configuration. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the Agent Install Configuration. Show Audit History To view the audit changes for an Agent Install Configuration, right-click the Agent Install Configuration and select Show Audit Changes. The Audit History window displays. From the Audit History window, double-click an entry to see the details. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 363 - Configuring Agent Install Configurations Use the Agent Install Configuration settings page to create configuration settings for installing agents on UNIX and Linux servers. The information entered here is used to automatically answer questions during the UNIX or Linux agent installation process. Notes: Skybot Scheduler ships with a default Agent Install Configuration file named Unix_default. You can can customize or copy this file, but you cannot delete it. The names of the Agent Install Configuration entries must be unique and are not case sensitive. For example, UNIX_server is the same as unix_server. While accessing the Agent Install Configuration information on the server during installation, your syntax is also not case sensitive. For example, you could enter Unix_server, unix_server, or even UNIX_SERVER, and they'll all resolve to the same Agent Configuration Settings file. The Agent Configuration Settings names may only contain alphanumeric characters, plus dashes and underscores. General Section Use the General section to set general attributes for the Agent Install Configuration. Name: Enter a unique name for your configuration. Do not use spaces. Description: Provide a useful description. Create Skybot User: Check this option to create a user named Skybot on the agent system. Install Local Java: Check this option to install Java on the agent system. Java Home: Enter the path to the Java home if not using a local copy. Base Install Directory: Enter the path where you want to install the agent software to. Default is /opt/skybot. Local Listening Port: Provide a port number for the agent software to use to connect to the Enterprise Server. Click Save to save the configuration and return to the Agent Install Configurations page. Once you have at least one Agent Install Configuration file, you can use it when installing agent software on your UNIX servers. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 364 - Tags Tags help organize your job schedule. You can apply a tag to various objects, including Jobs, Agents, Calendars, Date Lists, and Skybot Variables. You can filter objects based on the tag. The Tags page lets you view, create, and edit Tags for your jobs. You can tag many different objects, including jobs, agents, Calendars, Date Lists, and Skybot Variables. You can apply multiple tags to one item. Note: To see the list of tags, you must have View or Change authority to the “Tags” Secured Area. To create, edit or delete tags, you must have Change authority to the “Tags” Secured Area. Managing Tags Option Creating New Tags Editing Existing Tags Deleting Tags Show Audit History Description To create a new tag, click Create Tag. Tag names: Must be unique Cannot contain more than 30 characters May not contain blanks Are converted to lowercase automatically To edit an existing Tag, double-click the Tag, or right-click the Tag and select Edit Tag. The Tag window displays. Modify the Tag name and click Save to save the change. ClickCancel to return without saving the change. To delete a Tag, click the red 'X' at the end of the line or right-click the Tag and select Delete. A confirmation window displays asking if you want to delete the Tag. To view audit history for a tag, right-click and select Show Audit History. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 365 - Audit History Skybot Scheduler's auditing provides an enormous boost for reaching compliance with today’s regulation requirements—SarbanesOxley (SOX), PCI, and HIPAA. It tracks who created a new job and who changed the job setup or commands. The Audit History page provides the audit trail of jobs required by SOX auditors. Skybot Scheduler’s audit history makes passing your audits easy. The Audit History page lets you track changes to the database via the user interface, such as changes to Tags and security settings. Viewing Audit Details: To view the details of an audit entry, double-click it. A window displays details of the audit entry on your Enterprise Server. You can sort the view by clicking the Field or Value columns. Filtering Audits: To filter the audits view, select a Tag from the drop-down list. To display all audit history records, click Clear Filters. You can also use the columns to sort the Audit History records. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 366 - Entering the Product License You can access the Licenses page from the Getting Started section of the Home page. Or by clicking the Admin menu, then Licenses. License Information The License Information section displays information about your Skybot Scheduler licenses. Click any of the items (Server Information, License # (Primary or Standby), or Trial License) to view information about it. The symbols at the end of each row show the status of the license for that item. A green check mark means a valid license code has been entered. A yellow triangle means that either the license is valid, but not for this hardware (Standby), or that this is the second, valid license and it's not being used. A red X means that the license code is expired or, if it's displayed only by the Server Information, no license has been entered. Click Enter by any of the items to enter its license code. Click Clear by any of the items to remove its license code. Server Information: Under Server Information, you can see the server's hardware ID. You can also see information about your licensed agents (how many agents you have registered in each tier, how many agent licenses you have, how many have been used, and how many are still available). License #: For each primary and standby license you have purchased, you can view information about it including the license code, status, agent licenses (points information), and which features are licensed. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 367 - Trial License: If you have a trial license, you can see its status and information about it. Agent License Allocation The table in the Agent Allocation section displays all your defined agent systems. For each agent, you can see whether or not it's been licensed, its name, description, OS/CPU, and the tier it's in. Right-click an individual agent system and then click License Agent or Unlicense Agent to apply or remove a license. Click License All to license all connected agent systems or Unlicense All to remove the license from all agent systems. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 368 - Configuring System Settings Use the System Settings page to set general system settings. Note: To see the system settings, you must have View or Change authority to the System Settings Secured Area. To modify system settings, you must have Change authority. By default, only users with an Administrator role can change the values on this page. The System Settings page provides the following settings. Click a setting to see the configuration options. User Authentication Use the User Authentication section to set required values for user passwords. Minimum length: Enter the minimum number of characters for user passwords. Requires numbers: Select this option to require at least one number in user passwords. Requires symbols: Select this option to require at least one character in user passwords. Requires mixed case: Select this option to require at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter in user passwords. Require New Passwords to be Unique Enabled: Select this option to require that new user passwords do not repeat a previous one Number of unique passwords: Set how many unique passwords the users must provide before reusing one. Disable User on Invalid Login Enabled: Select this option to disable a user account after a set number of failed logins. Attempts Allowed: Set the number of failed login attempts before the user account is disabled. Expire User Passwords Enabled: Select this option to force users to create new passwords after a set number of days. Expiration interval: Set the number of days before users must create a new password. Password Expiration Notification Enabled: Select this option to notify users a set number of days before their password expires. Days Before: Set the number of days before a password expires to notify the user. Note: To reset the Administrator password, see Resetting the Admin Password for detailed instructions. Authentication Configuration Use the Authentication Configuration section to set the authentication type: The Use Skybot Authentication option maintains all Skybot Scheduler user profiles and passwords within Skybot Scheduler. The Use LDAP Authentication option configures Skybot Scheduler to verify passwords for user profiles using your LDAP server1. Administrators still need to create users and assign roles within Skybot Scheduler when using this authentication type. The password for the user is the only external component. The Use LDAP Authentication with User Authorization option configures Skybot Scheduler to verify users and passwords using your LDAP server. Administrators are unable to create users in Skybot Scheduler when using this authentication type. Use the Role Settings page to map Skybot Scheduler roles to LDAP groups.Once linked, these users are automatically maintained from your LDAP server. Users are not able to set passwords under their Skybot Scheduler profile. When a user logs in to Skybot Scheduler, their LDAP group is mapped to a Skybot Scheduler role, and the user is listed on the Users page. When configuring Active Directory groups that map to Skybot Scheduler roles, create new Security groups, rather than using existing Security or Distribution groups. Distribution groups are not security-enabled, which means that they cannot be listed in discretionary access control lists (DACLs). If you need a group for controlling access to shared resources, create a security group. If a user is a member of multiple LDAP groups that map to different Skybot Scheduler roles, Skybot Scheduler maps the user 1Skybot Scheduler supports LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) or AD (Active Directory). LDAP sup- port lets you use your existing user profiles and passwords to log in to Skybot Scheduler. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 369 - to the first Skybot Scheduler role, as listed alphabetically. To avoid this issue, you should create Skybot-specific LDAP groups and only allow users to belong to one group. Note: The default Administrator profile is excluded from the LDAP Authentication and LDAP Authentication with User Authorization rules. The Administrator profile always follows the Skybot Scheduler rules defined in the User Authentication section above. If the LDAP server is down, the Administrator can still log in to Skybot Scheduler under admin. User Session Use the User Session section to set the required length of time before the user is logged out automatically. By default, only users with an Administrator role can change the values in this section. Inactivity timeout: Set the number of minutes before a user session times out. History and Message Purge Use the Logging section to manage how long to retain history entries. By default, only users with an Admin role can change the values on this page. Time to Start Purge: Time of day to run purge process. Agent Event Monitor History Purge: Select Enabled to purge Agent Event Monitor entries. Set the number of days to keep agent event entries before deleting them. Audit History Purge: Select Enabled to purge audit entries. Set the number of days to keep audit entries before deleting them. Job History Purge: This option to enable purging of Job History records on your Enterprise Server. If this option is not enabled, no Job History records will be purged, even if you define purging options for an individual job in the Job History Purge section of the Job settings page. Job Monitor Event History Purge: Select Enabled to purge Job Monitor Event entries. Set the number of days to keep job monitor event logs before deleting them. Remote History Purge: Select Enabled to purge both the Remote Event History and Skybot Event History entries. Set the number of days to keep the remote history entries before deleting them. Server History Purge: Select Enabled to purge schedule log entries. Set the number of days to keep schedule log entries before deleting them. SNMP Trap Monitor Event History Purge: Select Enabled to purge SNMP Trap Monitor log entries. Set the number of days to keep SNMP Trap Monitor log entries before deleting them. System Message Purge: Select Enabled to purge system messages. Set the number of days to keep system messages before deleting them. SAP Intercepted Job History Purge: Select Enabled to purge SAP Intercepted Job History entries. Set the number of days to keep the entries before deleting them. Job Defaults Use the Job Defaults section to set up purging attributes for new jobs. By default, when you create a new job, it uses the default system settings for purging. Note: When you make changes to this section, it affects EVERY job that uses the default settings. Purge Job History: Select this option to automatically purge job history entries on all jobs that use the default system settings for purging. Days to Keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Forecast Defaults Use the Forecast Defaults section to set up purging attributes for new Forecast Definitions. By default, when you create a new Forecast Definition, it uses the default system settings for purging. Note: When you make changes to this section, it affects EVERY Forecast Definition that uses the default settings. Purge Forecasts: Select this option to automatically purge older forecasts on all Forecast Definitions that use the default system settings for purging. Days to Keep: Set the number of days to keep history entries before deleting them. Audit History Use the Audit History section to record changes to Jobs, Scheduling Objects, and System Settings. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 370 - Select the Track User Changes option to record changes to Jobs, Scheduling Objects, and System Settings. Turn on to track these changes or leave off to not track any changes on the system. Email Notification Use the Email Notification section to define email server settings and user authentication. Address: Enter the IP Address or DNS name for the SMTP server. Port: Enter the port number used by the SMTP server. Use SSL: Check this option to use SSL Encryption when communicating with the server. Timeout: Enter the number of seconds to wait for the SMTP server to respond before timing out. Authentication Required: Check this option if you want authentication to be required for sending emails. User Name: If you require authentication, enter a valid user name. Password: If you require authentication, enter a valid password for the user name entered above. Confirm Password: Re-enter the password. Sender Email Address: Enter an email address for the 'From:' field for emails sent by this system. Maximum Email Attachment Size: Set the maximum file size (in megabytes) of an email attachment. SNMP Notification Use the SNMP Notification section to define who you want to receive outbound SNMP Traps. Click Add Trap Manager to add a new destination for your SNMP Traps. SNMP Trap Monitor Use the SNMP Trap Monitor section to enable the following: Monitor for SNMP Traps: Select this option to enable SNMP Trap monitoring. Port: Set the port used to listen for inbound SNMP traps. Standby Server Use the Standby Server section to set up email notification if the master server fails. Notify Email: Enter the email address that will be notified if the master server fails. Standby Server Address: The default standby server address is stored here once your standby server is connected. If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments where your agents may need to look for a network address other than the default. Standby Port: The default standby port is stored here once your standby server is connected. If needed, you can change the network address of the static server. This is helpful in cases of VPN or other advanced network environments. Note: You can override the standby server's default network address and listen port for individual agents by editing the Standby Server Override section under Agent Settings. Configure Features Use the Configure Features section to show or hide the menu items and other information for SAP NetWeaver®, Microsoft SQL Server®, Informatica® (both Informatica Cloud® and Informatica PowerCenter®), Oracle®, the Skybot Scheduler web service, and remote Robot/SCHEDULE servers. Let's say for example, you selected the box to Hide Oracle® Interface Configuration. All the Oracle-related menu items, such as Oracle System Definitions under Scheduling Objects, would be hidden and any Oracle data would not be displayed on the page or in reports. Diagnostic The Diagnostic section lets you set the logging level for the product. The logs that the Enterprise Server creates are helpful for troubleshooting your system. Informational: The Enterprise Server logs INFO level and higher severity information. This option is useful for problem investigation. This is the default logging level. Debug: Logs Debug level and higher severity problems. Trace: The Enterprise Server logs Trace level and higher information. Skybot Scheduler User Guide - 371 -