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1:250 000 - IIS Windows Server - Northern Territory Government
NORTHERN TERRITORY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1:250 000 Geological Map Series Explanatory Notes MOUNT DRUMMOND SE 53-12 DJ RAWLINGS, IP SWEET and PD KRUSE 135°00' 17°00' 139°30' 17°00' CALVERT HILLS WALHALLOW SE 53-07 SE 53-11 SE 54-05 SE 53-08 BOXER 6261 BRUNETTE DOWNS WESTMORELAND BENMARA CLEANSKIN 6361 6461 MOUNT DRUMMOND LAWN HILL SE 54-09 SE 53-12 MITTIBAH MITCHIEBO CARRARA 6260 6360 6460 CAMOOWEAL SE 54-13 NT RANKEN SE 53-16 20°00' 135°00' QLD ALROY SE 53-15 20°00' 139°30' DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRY, FISHERIES AND MINES MINISTER: Hon Chris Natt, MLA CHIEF EXECUTIVE: John Carroll NORTHERN TERRITORY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIRECTOR: Ian Scrimgeour Rawlings DJ1, Sweet IP2 and Kruse PD Mount Drummond, Northern Territory. 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes, SE 53-12 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Rawlings DJ, Sweet IP and Kruse PD, 2008. Mount Drummond, Northern Territory. 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes, SE 53-12. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin. (1:250 000 geological map series, ISSN 0814-7485) Bibliography ISBN: 978-0-7245-7162-8 Keywords: Northern Territory, Mount Drummond, Murphy Inlier, Lawn Hill Platform, South Nicholson Basin, Georgina Basin, Dunmarra Basin, geological mapping, sedimentary geology, stratigraphy, structural geology, economic geology, geochemistry, geophysics, Palaeoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, Cambrian, Cretaceous, Cenozoic. EDITORS: TJ Munson and KJ Johnston Northern Territory Geological Survey 3rd floor Paspalis Centrepoint Building Smith Street Mall, Darwin GPO Box 3000 Darwin NT 0801, Australia Arid Zone Research Institute South Stuart Highway, Alice Springs GPO Box 8760 Alice Springs NT 0871, Australia For further information contact: Minerals and Energy Information Centre Phone +61 8 8999 6443 Website: http://www.minerals.nt.gov.au/ntgs Email: [email protected] 1 2 Centre for Ore Deposit Research, University of Tasmania, GPO Box 252-79, Hobart TAS 7001. Currently at: Toro Energy Ltd, 3 Boskenna Ave Norwood SA 5067 (formerly Northern Territory Geological Survey). 31 Courtice Close, Fadden ACT 2904. © Northern Territory Government, April 2008 Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in Mount Drummond 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of its information. The Northern Territory of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in Mount Drummond 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes, or that it is suitable for your intended use. You should not rely upon information in this publication for the purpose of making any serious business or investment decisions without obtaining independent and/or professional advice in relation to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaims any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for loss or damage caused by any use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication. ii CONTENTS Border Waterhole Formation (_Cmo) ........................ 64 Currant Bush Limestone (_Cmc) ............................... 64 Barkly Group ................................................................ 65 Wonarah Formation (_Cmw) ..................................... 65 Ranken Limestone (_Cmk) ........................................ 66 Camooweal Dolostone (_Cmd) .................................. 66 Mesozoic: Dunmarra Basin .............................................. 68 Undivided Cretaceous (Kl) ....................................... 68 Cenozoic........................................................................... 68 Cleanskin beds (Tl)................................................... 68 Palaeogene–Neogene (Cz, Czl, Czm, Czs, Czb, Czz) ....... 69 Quaternary (Qa)........................................................ 70 Geophysics....................................................................... 70 Structure.......................................................................... 71 Economic geology ........................................................... 73 Iron ............................................................................... 73 Base metals ................................................................... 73 Manganese.................................................................... 74 Phosphate...................................................................... 75 Diamonds...................................................................... 75 Petroleum...................................................................... 76 Other commodities ....................................................... 77 Groundwater ................................................................. 77 Geochemistry .................................................................. 77 Geological history ........................................................... 77 Acknowledgements ......................................................... 78 References ....................................................................... 78 Appendix 1 – New and revised stratigraphic names ... 86 Appendix 2 – Whole-rock geochemistry ..................... 102 Appendix 3 – Stream sediment geochemistry ............ 102 Abstract ............................................................................. v Introduction ...................................................................... 1 Location, access and land use ......................................... 1 Physiography .................................................................. 1 Climate and vegetation ................................................... 2 Previous geoscientific investigations.............................. 3 Methodology................................................................... 3 Related publications and datasets ................................... 3 Terminology ................................................................... 4 Mapping conventions...................................................... 5 Regional geological setting ............................................... 5 Stratigraphy ...................................................................... 8 Palaeoproterozoic (Orosirian): Murphy Inlier .................... 8 Murphy Metamorphics (L Plm) ..................................... 8 Connelly Volcanics (P Llc)............................................ 8 Palaeoproterozoic (Statherian)–Mesoproterozoic (Calymmian): Lawn Hill Platform.................................... 10 Carrara Range Group.................................................... 11 Don Creek Sandstone (P Lcd)...................................... 12 Mitchiebo Volcanics (P Lcm) ...................................... 13 Gator Sandstone (P Lcg).............................................. 13 Top Rocky Rhyolite (P Lct)......................................... 14 Benmara Group............................................................. 17 Breakfast Sandstone (P Lbr) ........................................ 17 Buddycurrawa Volcanics (P Lbb)................................ 17 Unassigned to group ..................................................... 19 Surprise Creek Formation (L Pr).................................. 19 McNamara Group ......................................................... 21 Drummond Formation (L Pmd) ................................... 21 Brumby Formation (L Pmb)......................................... 24 Shady Bore Quartzite (L Pms) ..................................... 26 Bullrush Conglomerate (L Pmu) .................................. 26 Plain Creek Formation (L Pma) ................................... 27 Lawn Hill Formation (L Pmh) ..................................... 29 Synthesis of McNamara Group................................. 30 Fickling Group.............................................................. 30 Doomadgee Formation (L Pfd) .................................... 31 Age and correlations of Surprise Creek Formation and McNamara and Fickling groups ........... 32 Mesoproterozoic (Calymmian): South Nicholson Basin................................................................................. 34 Caulfield beds ........................................................... 34 South Nicholson Group ................................................ 36 Wild Cow Subgroup ..................................................... 37 Playford Sandstone (P Lsa).......................................... 37 Bowgan Sandstone (L Psb) .......................................... 42 Crow Formation (P Lso) .............................................. 43 Accident Subgroup ....................................................... 50 Constance Sandstone (L Psc) ....................................... 50 Mittiebah Sandstone (P Lsi)......................................... 54 Mullera Formation (P Lsm) ......................................... 57 Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) to Cambrian: Georgina Basin ................................................................. 60 Kiana Group ................................................................. 60 Bukalara Sandstone (P Lu) .......................................... 60 Kalkarindji Volcanic Group.......................................... 61 Helen Springs Volcanics (_Clp)................................. 62 Narpa Group ................................................................. 63 FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Location of MOUNT DRUMMOND ........................... 1 Geomorphic provinces .................................................. 2 Regional geological setting........................................... 6 Regional tectonic framework ........................................ 7 Stratigraphic columns ................................................... 9 Murphy Metamorphics: metasiltstone and metagreywacke ........................................................... 11 7. Murphy Metamorphics: banded iron formation .......... 11 8. Summary of stratigraphic nomenclature for Lawn Hill Platform ............................................................... 12 9. Don Creek Sandstone: quartzose sandstone................ 13 10. Mitchiebo Volcanics: peperite breccia........................ 14 11. Top Rocky Rhyolite: lithophysae ............................... 16 12. Top Rocky Rhyolite: stacked quartz folia................... 16 13. Top Rocky Rhyolite: autobreccia ............................... 16 14. Top Rocky Rhyolite: boulder conglomerate ............... 17 15. Buddycurrawa Volcanics: debris-flow facies ............. 19 16. Buddycurrawa Volcanics: chertified carbonate .......... 19 17. Buddycurrawa Volcanics: chert in ferruginous sandstone and siltstone................................................ 20 18. Surprise Creek Formation: coarse pebble to cobble conglomerate............................................................... 20 19. Surprise Creek Formation: sublithic sandstone........... 21 20. Drummond Formation: stromatolitic chert ................. 23 21. Drummond Formation: shale outcrop ......................... 24 iii 22. Brumby Formation: type section in Carrara Range..... 25 23. Plain Creek Formation: alternating mudstone and sandstone beds ..................................................... 28 24. Plain Creek Formation: tool marks and flute casts ..... 28 25. Thickness summary for McNamara Group................. 31 26. Doomadgee Formation: load casts .............................. 32 27. Gamma ray log summary from Carrara Range measured sections with interpreted correlations ......... 33 28. Caulfield beds: strongly banded outcrop..................... 34 29. Caulfield beds: pebbly sandstone................................ 35 30. Caulfield beds: tor-like outcrop habit ......................... 35 31. Wangalinji Member of Playford Sandstone: pseudomorphs, probably after gypsum ...................... 41 32: Top Lily Sandstone Member of Playford Sandstone: very large-scale cross-beds ......................................... 41 33. Top Lily Sandstone Member of Playford Sandstone: convolute bedding....................................................... 41 34. Contact between Top Lily Sandstone and No Mans Sandstone members of Playford Sandstone ............... 42 35. Unconformity between Crow Formation and Constance Sandstone .................................................. 44 36. Tobacco Member of Crow Formation: deepshelf facies .................................................................. 44 37. Crow Formation: thinly bedded siltstone and sandstone..................................................................... 44 38. Crow Formation: polymict pebble conglomerate........ 46 39. Crow Formation: granule to pebble conglomerate...... 46 40. Crow Formation: sandstone turbidite facies................ 46 41. Tobacco Member of Crow Formation: shallowwater sandstone facies................................................. 47 42. Crow Formation: parting (current) lineations in sandstone ................................................ 47 43. Tobacco Member of Crow Formation: quartzose sandstone with amalgamated HCS.............................. 47 44. Tobacco Member of Crow Formation: lithic micaceous sandstone with HCS .................................. 48 45. Crow Formation: saprolite .......................................... 48 46. Mittiebah Sandstone: large-scale planar cross-bed ..... 55 47. Mittiebah Sandstone: outcrop habit of subunit 2 ....... 56 48. Mittiebah Sandstone: large-scale sigmoidal cross-bed .................................................................... 57 49. Mullera Formation: banded hematite/goethite in ‘upper ironstone bed’ .................................................. 58 50. Mullera Formation: shaly facies ................................. 59 51. Mullera Formation: gutter casts .................................. 59 52. Middle Creek Member of Mullera Formation: silicified quartzose sandstone...................................... 60 53. Lower Bukalara Sandstone: conglomerate and lithic sandstone ........................................................... 62 54. Massif of Helen Springs Volcanics capped by Wonarah Formation .................................................... 63 55. Contact between Helen Springs Volcanics and Wonarah Formation .................................................... 63 56. Infilled vertical fissure at top of Helen Springs Volcanics .................................................................... 63 57. Border Waterhole Formation: creek bank exposure ... 64 58. Currant Bush Limestone: bioclast floatstone .............. 65 59. Wonarah Formation: brecciated chert ........................ 66 60. Camooweal Dolostone: siliceous nodules in dolosparstone .............................................................. 67 61. Mesa of Cretaceous sandstone and claystone ............. 69 62. Blacksoil (clay-rich soil) plains ................................. 69 63. First vertical derivative of aeromagnetic data ............. 70 64. Chevron folds and boxfolds in Crow Formation......... 72 65. Distribution of microdiamonds and kimberlitic/ lamproitic pipes in north-central Australia ................. 76 TABLES 1. Geomorphic provinces in Gulf of Carpentaria region... 3 2. Summary of previous geoscientific investigations........ 4 3. Stratigraphy of Murphy Inlier, Carrara Range Group and Benmara Group .................................................... 10 4. Stratigraphy of Surprise Creek Formation, McNamara Group and Fickling Group ....................... 22 5. Stratigraphy of South Nicholson Group and Caulfield beds ....................................................... 38, 39 6. Stratigraphy of Georgina Basin................................... 61 iv ABSTRACT MOUNT DRUMMOND 1 is situated adjacent to the Queensland border, on the northern margin of the Barkly Tableland in the Northern Territory. The sheet area is composed of resistant sandstone ranges, including the Carrara, Canyon and Mittiebah ranges, surrounded by topographically depressed, recessive shaly units and Cenozoic alluvium and colluvium. Geologically, MOUNT DRUMMOND is located in the central part of the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic North Australian Craton. More specifically, it lies at the southern edge of the Murphy Inlier and includes the western part of the Lawn Hill Platform, a part of the Mount Isa Inlier, and the overlying South Nicholson Basin succession. It is presumed to be contiguous in the subsurface with the McArthur Basin to the northwest. The oldest exposed strata are the Murphy Metamorphics, a mainly turbiditic succession that was metamorphosed and deformed during the Barramundi Orogeny at ca 1870 Ma. The Murphy Metamorphics are overlain by the felsic Connelly Volcanics of ca 1850 Ma age. Resting unconformably on the igneous and metamorphic basement is the ca 1790–1720 Ma Carrara Range Group, which has a combined thickness of 2500 m. It comprises a basal fluvial quartzose sandstone and flood basalt succession, overlain unconformably by subaerial rhyolitic volcanic and proximal alluvial epiclastic rocks. An unconformity divides the Carrara Range Group from a thin siliciclastic veneer of Surprise Creek Formation. Another unconformity marks the base of the overlying ca 1670–1590 Ma McNamara Group, a mixed succession of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks deposited in a variety of shallow-marine settings. The lower two formations include shallow-marine sandstone, red beds, peritidal stromatolitic and evaporitic dolostone and chert. The upper formations comprise mainly deeper-marine finer-grained rocks – storm-dominated shelf to basinal mudstone, siltstone and minor dolostone. Shallowmarine to fan delta sandstone and conglomerate at the base of the upper interval preserve evidence of major faulting and uplift during development of the Lawn Hill Platform. Carbonate sediments of the Fickling Group, exposed in the northeastern corner of MOUNT DRUMMOND, are probably contiguous with the McNamara Group to the south in the Carrara Range. Siliciclastic rocks and intermediate volcanics of the Benmara Group unconformably overlie basement in the northwestern corner of the mapsheet, but their age is uncertain. They are tentatively interpreted to be the thin (400 m) volcanic expression of the McNamara Group at the northern basin margin. The unconformably overlying ca 1500–1400 Ma South Nicholson Group occupies a large proportion of the overall outcrop area in MOUNT DRUMMOND and ranges up to 6500 m thick. It comprises two subgroups (Wild Cow and overlying Accident subgroups), each containing a couplet of: (i) fine-grained shelf tempestites and shales; and (ii) coarsegrained fluvial and shallow-marine siliciclastic rocks. This group exhibits the characteristic features of a medial to proximal foreland basin, including coarsening- and shallowing-upward sequences, and localised, coarse fan-delta deposits. A thin cover of coarse-grained fluvial to shallow-marine siliciclastic rocks of the late Neoproterozoic Bukalara Sandstone occurs in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, representing the basal deposits of the Georgina Basin. Along the margins of the ranges in southern and western MOUNT DRUMMOND, the basal deposits of the basin are the younger (Early Cambrian) Helen Springs Volcanics, which correlate with a cratonic-scale flood basalt event in northern Australia. The overlying, Middle Cambrian, shallow-marine carbonate-dominated succession underlies most of the blacksoil (clay-rich soil) plains in southern and western MOUNT DRUMMOND. Small outliers of Cretaceous shallow-marine and terrestrial sedimentary rocks, part of the Mesozoic Dunmarra Basin, are locally preserved. A thin veneer of Cenozoic sand, alluvium, blacksoil, laterite and other soil covers large parts of MOUNT DRUMMOND. All Proterozoic and Palaeozoic units in this region are deformed to some extent. The most significant tectonic feature in MOUNT DRUMMOND is the southwesterly extension of the Murphy Inlier (or ‘Tectonic Ridge’) in the northwestern corner of the mapsheet, which is controlled to some extent by the arcuate, northeast-trending Benmara Fault. The eastern half of the mapsheet is characterised by a series of east-northeast-trending strike-slip and reverse fault systems, including the Mitchiebo, Little Range, Wild Cow and Rocky Creek faults. Broad-scale open folding is evident in map patterns, mainly in the South Nicholson Group, and the present edge of the Georgina Basin appears to have been structurally reactivated. Lateral thickness and facies variations in a number of formations indicate that early movement on some of the faults was synsedimentary, resulting in the shedding of debris into adjacent downthrown areas. Many of the faults in MOUNT DRUMMOND were apparently reactivated at various times later during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic. In some cases, coarse fan-delta sediments are interdigitated with fine-grained marine shelf sediments, providing an exploration play for sediment-hosted base metals. Diamondiferous magmatic pipes were emplaced within the Murphy Inlier immediately to the north at Coanjula in CALVERT HILLS. A tract of microdiamond and indicator mineral anomalism, accompanied by unusual intermediate volcanics of the Benmara Group, stretches southward along the Benmara Fault, providing potential for diamonds in MOUNT DRUMMOND. The South Nicholson Group contains several ironstone units which correlate with the large Constance Range iron deposits in adjacent Queensland. The iron mineralisation process involved early synsedimentary iron being remobilised and locally concentrated by basinal fluid movement along faults and by Cenozoic lateritisation. Also present in the South Nicholson Group are organic-rich source rocks with low to high maturity, and potential hydrocarbon reservoir formations. Significant phosphorite resources have been delineated near the base of the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin in adjacent mapsheets, along a major north-trending palaeotopographic corridor, the Alexandria–Wonarah Basement High, which extends into southern MOUNT DRUMMOND. 1 Names of 1:250 000 and 1:100 000-scale mapsheet areas are given in large and small capitals respectively, eg MOUNT DRUMMOND, CLEANSKIN. v is restricted to pastoral properties at Mittiebah and Connells Lagoon and the Aboriginal outstation Wangalinji; the population is less than 100. The mapsheet incorporates parts of the adjoining Brunette Downs, Alexandria, Gallipoli and Benmara properties, as beef cattle raising is the main industry in the region. The Waanyi/Garawa (Nicholson) Aboriginal Land Trust covers the remaining 5200 km 2 northeastern portion of the mapsheet, incorporating Cleanskin, northern Carrara and Mitchiebo, and eastern Benmara. Airstrips suitable for light aircraft at Mittiebah and Wangalinji are serviced by a weekly mail run from Mount Isa. Introduction Location, access and land use These explanatory notes and accompanying Second Edition 1:250 000-scale geological map describe the geology, geophysics and mineral resources of MOUNT DRUMMOND, an area bounded by latitudes 18°00'S and 19°00'S, and longitudes 136°30'E and 138°00'E in the Northern Territory (Figure 1). The area is bounded to the east by the Queensland border and covers 17 100 km 2. Access to MOUNT DRUMMOND is via the Barkly Stock Route, a major gravel road linking the sealed Tablelands and Barkly Highways that service the Gulf Region and Top End of Australia, respectively (Figure 1). Well maintained gravel access roads to Aboriginal outstations and pastoral properties, and station tracks and fencelines provide dry seas on four-wheel-drive access to most of Carrara, Mitchiebo and Mittiebah, and to limited parts of northern MOUNT DRUMMOND. The remaining scrubby and rocky terrain is accessible only via cross-country four-wheeldrive vehicle or helicopter. Tennant Creek, 400 km to the southwest, and Mount Isa, 300 km to the southeast, are the main service and supply centres. MOUNT DRUMMOND is very sparsely inhabited and poorly developed. At the time of writing, human habitation Physiography MOUNT DRUMMOND encompasses parts of the Gulf Fall and Barkly Tablelands physiographic divisions, defined by Stewart (1954) and Yates (1963). The Gulf Fall includes dissected hilly country surrounding the Gulf of Carpentaria, where the principal drainage is toward the coast. The Barkly Tablelands incorporates the low-relief area inland of the Gulf Fall, where drainage is mostly to the south. Aldrick and Wilson (1990) defined six geomorphic provinces in the Gulf Fall and Coastal Plains of the western Gulf of Carpentaria region, four of which are recognised in MOUNT DRUMMOND (Figure 2, Table 1). The areas of highest relief (including the Carrara, Bluff, Little, Mittiebah 136°30' 135°00' 17°00' WALHALLOW 138°00' CALVERT HILLS 139°30' 17°00' WESTMORELAND Klana Wollogorang Roadhouse Greenbank Calvert Hills Walhallow oad Benmara Doomadgee 18°00' MOUNT DRUMMOND LAWN HILL dd Bu urr yc AN k lla DS ee Cr re Co Fish Brunette Downs Corella Lake Creek Hole ON a Creek EL BL aw TA Tarrabool Lake LS HO IC Wangalinji N H UT SO QUEENSLAND BRUNETTE DOWNS RIVER 18°00' ert R Calv NORTHERN TERRITORY Anthony Lagoon Lawn Hill BA RK LY Lake Sylvester Mittiebah Lake De Burgh K OC ST ALROY HIGHW A Y 19°00' PL AY FO RD RANKEN 19°00' CAMOOWEAL Alexandria ER V RI ROU TE Alroy Downs ER EN RIV RANK ER RB HE T BA LY RI RK Cre Gunpowder R ne Lor VE ek HI Barkly GH W Homestead A Y Camooweal 20°00' 135°00' 136°30' 02 Major road 20°00' 139°30' 138°00' 55 07 Minor road 5 100 km Hydrology Camooweal Town, settlement A07-224.ai Figure 1. Location of MOUNT DRUMMOND. and Canyon ranges) are in central-eastern, northeastern and northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, where Proterozoic sedimentary rocks are being actively incised by major watercourses and a dendritic drainage network (the Gulf Fall, Provinces G2, G3 and G5). Elevated plains at ca 150 m above sea level may be relicts of a once widespread lateritic surface (Stewart 1954, Province G1). The eastflowing Nicholson River, the South Nicholson River, and Buddycurrawa, Carrara, and Musselbrook creeks drain the Gulf Fall, whereas the south-flowing Playford River and southwest-flowing Fish Hole and Peaker Piker creeks drain the Barkly Tableland. temperature that ranges from 38°C in January to 27°C in July (Bureau of Meteorology 1988). Most watercourses are strictly seasonal, with scattered waterholes remaining during the dry season. The Nicholson River, which has a large catchment and is fed partly by springs, flows year round. Vegetation in MOUNT DRUMMOND reflects the seasonal monsoonal climate, but pronounced geological control is also evident. Much of the lowland area is covered by open eucalypt woodland, with stands of native pine (Callistris spp) and Acacia (including lancewood) near the ranges. These areas generally have sandy, well drained soils, supporting sparse annual grasses and spinifex (Triodia spp). Major watercourses are lined by tall eucalypts and locally, by paperbarks (Melaleuca spp). The Barkly Tableland is characterised by blacksoil (clayrich soil) plains, with Mitchell and Flinders grasses, and rare stands of low shrubs or trees. The perennial species are generally fire resistant and much of the annual growth, particularly near communities and roads, is burnt using traditional Aboriginal fire lighting practices during the dry season. Vegetation in the Gulf Fall and Barkly regions has been described by Perry and Christian (1954) and Aldrick and Wilson (1990). Climate and vegetation MOUNT DRUMMOND has a humid monsoonal climate, with a distinct wet season from about November to April, during which time most of the annual rainfall occurs and unsealed roads are generally impassable, and a dry season from about May to November. Skies are clear during the dry months and rain is rarely recorded. There are no meteorological stations in the sheet area. Based on adjacent recording stations, mean annual rainfall is approximately 450 mm, accompanied by a mean daily maximum 135°00' Rope r 136°00' 137°00' River GULF OF CARPENTARIA er Riv 15°00' Hodgson Co x River Sir Edward Pellew Group G5 G6 G6 G3 G3 r G4 r n R iv Rive River son bin AY G4 Calve rt Ro TAB LELANDS 17°00' G3 HIGHW G1 rya AY HW HIG r RIA Riv e CARPENTA G5 che G2 We a Mc Art hu r Borroloola Foels 16°00' er ve Ri r e Nicholson Riv G5 G1 G2 G4 G1 For description of geomorphic provinces refer to Table 1 on ols ch Ni South G3 River 18°00' G2 G3 G5 19°00' G6 MOUNT DRUMMOND Survey boundary 0 50 100 km A07-225.ai Figure 2. Geomorphic provinces recognised in Gulf of Carpentaria region and MOUNT DRUMMOND (modified after Aldrick and Wilson 1990). Previous geoscientific investigations Methodology Geoscientific investigations before the 1960s were reported by Smith and Roberts (1963). It was their mapping of MOUNT DRUMMOND in 1959 that resulted in publication of the First Edition geological map and explanatory notes. They were part of a team from the Bureau of Mineral Resources [BMR, now Geoscience Australia (GA)], which developed the first systematic regional appraisal of the McArthur Basin and established the current lithostratigraphic framework. Further BMR and Geological Survey of Queensland mapping took place in and to the east/northeast of MOUNT DRUMMOND during 1972–1977, and led to the publication of First Edition 1:100 000-scale geological maps and explanatory notes for Seigal and H edleys Creek (Sweet et al 1981), Carrara R ange R egion (Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984), and Lawn H ill R egion (Sweet and Hutton 1982), and a map only of the Constance R ange R egion (Slater and Mond 1980). Revised 1:250 000-scale maps were also produced for WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979), and LAWN HILL (Hutton and Grimes 1983). Mapping for the present Second Edition 1:250 000 map and explanatory notes took place at the latter stages of a systematic program to examine major mineral provinces and upgrade geological maps of the McArthur Basin by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS). CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), immediately to the north of MOUNT DRUMMOND, was mapped as a part of this program. First Edition maps and explanatory notes are available for other adjacent Northern Terrritory mapsheets, including WALHALLOW (Plumb and Rhodes 1964), BRUNETTE DOWNS (Randal 1966a) and ALROY (Randal 1966b). Second Edition map and explanatory notes are available for RANKEN (Kruse and Radke 2008). Mineral exploration and geoscientific investigations in MOUNT DRUMMOND since 1950 are chronicled and briefly summarised in Table 2. Geological mapping for the Second Edition of MOUNT DRUMMOND was undertaken by DJ Rawlings and IP Sweet (NTGS) in 2001–2002. PD Kruse also undertook a study of the Georgina Basin portion in 2003. The geology for the part of MOUNT DRUMMOND that falls within the Nicholson Land Trust was interpreted from 1:82 630-scale black-and-white RC9 aerial photographs, flown in 1968. The remainder was interpreted from 1:50 000-scale colour aerial photographs, the ‘Mittiebah/Mount Drummond/Alexandria’ and ‘Walhallow Leases’ surveys, flown in 1991 and 1994, respectively. Field observations were plotted directly onto aerial photographs and were also collected as GPS waypoints. A suite of representative hand specimens, hard rock geochemical samples and opportunistic stream sediment geochemical samples was collected during the mapping. Airborne magnetic and radiometric images, together with Landsat data, were used to interpret the geology of remote areas and areas under thick Cenozoic cover. Geological data were plotted onto 1:50 000-scale and 1:82 630-scale planimetric bases, which were rectified from the existing Mount Drummond 1:250 000 topographic map using a network of GPS waypoints and Landsat imagery. The drainage and road network on the accompanying map is therefore considered to be accurate at the published scale. Geological data on the compilation sheets were then captured digitally in MicroStation and generalised for 1:250 000-scale map production. These explanatory notes were prepared by a compilation of data from field notebooks and subsequent laboratory-based studies, literature reviews and interpretation of remotely sensed data (aerial photographs, Landsat, aeromagnetic and radiometric images). Related publications and datasets Detailed information associated with mapping in MOUNT DRUMMOND is presented in Rawlings and Sweet (2004). Geomorphic province Main characteristics Rate of natural erosion Rate of sediment removal G1* Intact areas of mature laterite on old, stable erosional surfaces and areas of old, mature claypans Slow to very slow (very old stable drainage network; low to very low relief, and permeable) Slow to very slow (little sediment produced due to very low relief; streams have low competence) G2* Escarpments, low hills, foot-slopes and gentle plains where laterite, clay or sandstone cap rock has been incised, exposing softer underlying materials Rapid (soft rock with high relief) Rapid (high relief and low competence streams) G3* High-level rocky plateaux and ridges of resistant sandstone and igneous rock Slow (erosion-resistant rocks) Rapid (high relief and high stream competence; however, little sediment available for transport) G4 Areas where a series of linear sandstone ridges across the direction of drainage impose strong structural control and cause local accumulation of sediment Slow to moderate (local base levels and sediment accumulation lead to broad, shallow valleys; only upper parts of relief are subject to strong erosion, but these are mostly resistant rocks) Slow to moderate (local base levels slow stream incision and inhibit sediment removal; sediment accumulates) G5* Gentle erosional slopes on coastward side of sandstone ridges that influence G4 Slow to moderate (low relief) Moderate (low relief and low stream competence) G6 Almost flat coastal terrace Very slow (very low relief with a very young, immature, weakly developed drainage pattern, and permeable soils) Very slow (very low relief and low stream competence, disintegrated stream patterns) Table 1. Factors defining and characterising geomorphic provinces recognised in Gulf of Carpentaria region (after Aldrick and Wilson 1990). Provinces marked by * are present in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Year Comments References 1950–1960 Exploration and evaluation of iron deposits in South Nicholson Group in CLEANSKIN and Constance Range in Queensland Carter and Zimmerman (1960), Harms (1965) 1959–1963 MOUNT DRUMMOND mapped as part of Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) 1958–1963 McArthur Basin mapping project; publication of First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND 1:250 000 geological map and explanatory notes Smith and Roberts (1963) 1965–1970 Data collected from 11 km regional grid of gravity stations in McArthur Basin and environs Whitworth (1970) 1966–1967 Base metals exploration in Carrara Range by Australian Geophysical Dechow (1967) 1967–1976 Phosphate exploration south of Carrara Range by ICI and Australian Geophysical McMahon (1969), Perrino (1970), Hackett (1977) 1977–1982 Geological mapping by BMR in Lawn Hill Platform, including publication of 1:100 000 scale geological map Carrara Range Region Sweet (1982, 1983, 1984, 1985), Sweet et al (1984) 1980 Base metals and uranium exploration in Carrara Range by Afmeco Orridge (1981) 1983–present Diamond exploration throughout MOUNT DRUMMOND and at adjacent Coanjula prospect by Ashton Mining, Australian Diamond Exploration (ADX), Redfire Resources, Aberfoyle Exploration, Stockdale Prospecting, CRA Exploration and BHP Minerals Ashton Mining (1984, 1989), Mitchell (1988), Ong (1995), Rogers (1996b), Kammermann (1997), Reddicliffe (1998), Pang (1998) and others 1990 Stream sediment sampling for gold in Canyon Range Hitchman (1991) 1990–1992 Assessment of petroleum potential of South Nicholson Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND and drilling of stratigraphic hole DD92SN1 Lanigan (1993) 1991–1994 Aerial photo survey flown by NT Government This report 1990–2000 Base metals and diamonds exploration in Carrara Range area by CRA Exploration and Rio Tinto, including drilling of numerous RAB holes Stegman (1992), Moody and Stegman (1993), MacKay (1996), Walker (2000), Walker and Johnson (2001) and others 1995–1997 Measurement of geological sections in Carrara Range by NABRE project and publication of various articles relating to Lawn Hill Platform Bradshaw et al (1996, 2000), Juodvalkis and Barnett (1997), Page and Sweet (1998), Domagala et al (2000), Krassay et al (2000), Page et al (2000), Southgate et al (2000) 2001 Barkly airborne magnetic and radiometric survey by Tesla Airborne Geoscience for NTGS Tesla (2001), this report 2001–2003 Geological mapping of MOUNT DRUMMOND by NTGS Rawlings and Sweet (2004), this report Table 2. Summary of previous geoscientific investigations and principal mineral and petroleum exploration in MOUNT DRUMMOND since 1950. Full listing of open file company reports available from NTGS on request. use of Folk’s (1974) terminology for classification (eg sublitharenite). The term ‘blacksoil’ refers to soil types with abundant grey–black expanding clays (vertosols). The abbreviation ‘HCS’ is used throughout for ‘hummocky cross-stratification’. Proterozoic carbonate rock terminology is based mainly on grainsize. Dololutite is composed of mudsized dolomite grains, dolarenite of sand-size dolomite grains and dolorudite of dolomite grains larger than 2 mm. The modifiers ‘sandy’ and ‘muddy’ refer to the presence of small (5–25%) quantities of sand- and mudsized siliciclastic components (mainly quartz), eg sandy dolarenite. For Phanerozoic carbonate rocks, in which textures are better preserved, the classification of Wright (1992) has been employed. Dolostone is a general term for a rock composed mainly of the mineral dolomite and is not necessarily of intraclastic origin. Because many carbonate rock outcrops are totally leached and/or silicified, it is often not possible to determine the former composition (ie whether dolostone or limestone). In these cases, the non-specific term ‘carbonate’ is often used in descriptions. Definitions and classification of volcanic rocks follow the QAPF scheme set down by the International Union of Geological Sciences (Le Maitre et al 1989). The compositional/textural terms, basalt, microdolerite and dolerite, are used in a non-genetic sense and do not imply an extrusive or intrusive origin. The terms lava, flow, Digital, generalised, geological mapping data, comprising linework and field data points, are available on request from NTGS at any scale in MicroStation (dgn) and MapInfo formats, or as hard copy. Multi-element geochemical analyses of representative rock units and NTGS-generated stream sediment data are available from the NTGS geochemical database. Hand specimens are available for viewing at the NTGS core facility in Darwin and a listing of coordinates and related data is available from the NTGS rock sample database; this is tabulated in Rawlings and Sweet (2004). Airborne magnetic, radiometric and DTM data for the ‘Barkly survey’ (400 m line spacing, north–south orientation and 80 m terrain clearance) were acquired by Tesla Airborne Geoscience on behalf of the Northern Territory Government in 2001 (Tesla 2001). These datasets can be obtained from NTGS in digital format, or can be viewed online at the NTGS website using Image Web Server technology (http://www.dme.nt.gov.au/ecw/ProdNT_wide.htm). Terminology For consistency, the terminology used for description of rock types in MOUNT DRUMMOND follows that of MOUNT YOUNG (Haines et al 1993). Field classification of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks is based essentially on grainsize and probable composition (eg medium-grained lithic sandstone). Later petrological studies allow the dyke and sill are used to infer origins. The descriptions and classification of volcanic and volcanogenic deposits follows the schemes of McPhie et al (1993) and Cas and Wright (1987). The Proterozoic geological timescale proposed by the International Union of Geological Sciences (Plumb 1991) has been adopted for the chronostratigraphy of this sheet area. northwest trend from Cloncurry to Doomadgee near the Queensland–Northern Territory border, and in a series of discontinuous outcrops westwards to northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. It is bounded to the northwest by older Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the Murphy Inlier. The most comprehensive studies of the Inlier are provided by Blake (1987), Stewart and Blake (1992) and Southgate (2000). Several tectonic elements, which variously controlled sedimentation and deformation, are identified within the Mount Isa Inlier (Figure 4, Plumb and Derrick 1975, Plumb et al 1980, 1990). Of these, only the Lawn Hill Platform – the less deformed equivalents of rocks around Mount Isa – extends into MOUNT DRUMMOND. The Murphy Tectonic Ridge controlled deposition within the Lawn Hill Platform at various times (Plumb et al 1990, Bradshaw et al 2000). The sedimentary succession of the Mount Isa Inlier was deposited largely in shallow-water, marginal marine, fluvial, and lacustrine intracratonic settings (Blake 1987). Integrated geochemical, geochronological, geophysical and sequence stratigraphic studies show that it can be divided into four depositional packages (Scott et al 1998, Bradshaw et al 2000, Krassay et al 2000a, b, Southgate et al 2000); all are represented in MOUNT DRUMMOND. These packages are designated ‘superbasins’, using sequence-stratigraphic terminology, and replace terminology introduced by Blake (1987), in which rocks in the Inlier were assigned to basement and ‘cover sequences’ 1 to 3. The Leichhardt Superbasin (ca 1800–1750 Ma; Jackson et al 2000a), the oldest succession, unconformably overlies basement terranes in the Murphy and Mount Isa inliers (Figure 3). It comprises a regionally extensive platform cover of shallow-marine to fluvial sandstone and lesser mudstone, conglomerate, dolostone, and bimodal volcanic and high-level intrusive rocks, up to ca 15 km thick (Derrick 1982, Blake 1987). Major stratigraphic units are the Bottletree Formation, Haslingden Group (including Myally Subgroup), and Quilalar Formation in the Leichhardt River Fault Trough, and Kamarga Volcanics, lower Peters Creek Volcanics, and lower Carrara Range Group in the Lawn Hill Platform. The Leichhardt Superbasin was terminated by uplift and erosion at about 1750–1740 Ma (Jackson et al 2000a), and was succeeded by a new phase of volcanic and siliciclastic sedimentation – the Calvert Superbasin. Major lithostratigraphic units assigned to this superbasin phase are the Bigie Formation and Fiery Creek Volcanics and their correlatives, the overlying Surprise Creek Formation (Jackson et al 2000), and the lowermost McNamara Group (Torpedo Creek Quartzite and lower Gunpowder Creek Formation). Although developed in both the Mount Isa Inlier and McArthur Basin, the Calvert Superbasin succession is relatively thin – the volcanics, although extensive, are rarely more than a few hundred metres thick, whereas the Surprise Creek Formation ranges from zero to over 2000 m thick. The Isa Superbasin (ca 1670–1595 Ma; Page et al 2000) is a stromatolitic and evaporitic dolostone-sandstonemudstone succession, deposited in environments ranging from shallow-water, marginal marine, peritidal shelf and/ Mapping conventions The map datum is GDA94 and the Map Grid of Australia (MGA) zone is 53K. Grid references are quoted as UTMs and are generally accurate to ± 50 m (eg Mittiebah at 719950mE 7919500mN). Polygons on the accompanying map that contain more than one unit (eg ‘L P sat, P Lso’) indicate where several small polygons have been combined for clarity at map scale, or where boundaries have been difficult to assign to rock units in areas of flat-lying strata, or where sparse scattered outcrops cannot be differentiated sensibly from surrounding areas of alluvium (eg ‘L Pso, Czs’). In all cases, the dominant unit is listed first. In some map areas, the rock unit underlying extensive tracts of low-relief regolith can be indicated. It is often possible to identify the underlying rock unit with confidence, based on a combination of untransported rock fragments in skeletal soils, the composition of residual soils, geomorphology, or the geophysical signature. In these cases, unique symbology is used to indicate regolith covering the rock unit (eg ‘Czl/_Cmp’). Regional geological setting The geological setting of MOUNT DRUMMOND is depicted in Figure 3. Five principal tectonostratigraphic components of the North Australian Craton are represented in the mapsheet area: the Murphy Inlier, Lawn Hill Platform, and South Nicholson, Georgina and Dunmarra basins. Basement in the mapsheet is represented by small pockets of the Palaeoproterozoic Murphy Inlier, which forms a large east-trending outcrop belt, immediately to the north in CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989). Turbidites of the Murphy Metamorphics were multiply deformed and metamorphosed to greenschist facies during the Barramundi Orogeny at about 1880–1870 Ma (Page and Williams 1988, Rawlings 2002). There are currently no age constraints for their deposition. A comagmatic felsic volcanic and intrusive suite (Cliffdale Volcanics and Nicholson Granite) was then emplaced at about 1860–1845 Ma (Page et al 2000). MOUNT DRUMMOND lies at the western limit of exposure of the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic Mount Isa Inlier (Figure 4). This is a thick ‘platform cover’ succession of unmetamorphosed to polydeformed and metamorphosed sedimentary and lesser volcanic rocks, deposited on the North Australian Craton (Plumb 1979). The Murphy Inlier separates the Mount Isa Inlier from the southeastern part of the coeval McArthur Basin (Rawlings 1999), immediately to the north in CALVERT HILLS. Exposures of the Mount Isa Inlier cover an area of some 50 000 km 2 (Blake 1987), in a roughly north- 136°30' 138°00' M10 M10 K WESTMORELAND d6 M6b Westmoreland Prospect M6 K M10 18°00' BRUNETTE DOWNS Y5 MOUNT DRUMMOND C1b r ma a Be n Y4 LAWN HILL BAUHINIA DOME K K L7 MALONEY CREEK INLIER L7 C1b Carrara Range Region ALROY RANKEN 18°00' K L9 K Fa ult hiebo Mitc 19°00' L7 L8 L7 L9 Cz g5 L6b L8 M10 Fa ult L7 SW extension of Murphy Range f6 g5 L6 Y4 L9 C2 Eva Au-U M6 g5 Coanjula Y5 L6 Alexandria L7 Little Range Fault Constance Range Highland C1b Plains f6 L6b K Y4 C2 Cz L9 136°30' C2 g5 Century NORTHERN TERRITORY M6 M6 L6b 19°00' QUEENSLAND CALVERT HILLS WALHALLOW CAMOOWEAL 138°00' A07-226.ai Cz Sand, clay, calcrete and lacustrine limestone f6 Top Rocky Rhyolite K Cretaceous L6b Mitchiebo Volcanics (and equivalents) C2 Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin L6 Carrara Range Group (and equivalents) C1b Helen Springs Volcanics (and equivalents) Y5 Cliffdale Volcanics (and equivalents) M10 Neoproterozoic Georgina Basin (Bukalara Sst) g5 Nicholson and Yeldham granites L9 South Nicholson Group Y4 Murphy Metamorphics L8 upper Fickling Group (Doomadgee Fm) L7 McNamara, Benmara and Fickling Groups (and equivalents) M6b Tawallah Group mafic volcanic rocks M6 Tawallah Group siliciclastic rocks Mineral occurrence with name and commodity Diamonds Phosphate Zinc-lead Iron ore Uranium Figure 3. Regional geological setting of MOUNT DRUMMOND. or continental sabkha, to deep basinal settings (Domogala et al 2000, Southgate et al 2000, Krassay et al 2000a, b). In the Mount Isa Inlier, it includes the Mount Isa Group, and all except the lowermost McNamara Group and Fickling Group. The inclusion of the lowermost Mount Isa and McNamara groups in the underlying Calvert Superbasin resulted from recognition of a significant hiatus in sedimentation between about 1690 and 1670 Ma (Southgate et al 2000). The Roper Superbasin (ca 1500–1400 Ma) is the youngest succession in the McArthur–Mount Isa region, comprising a widely distributed cyclic succession of fine- and coarse-grained siliciclastic rocks, deposited in predominantly shallow-marine, nearshore to shelf, and minor basinal environments (Powell et al 1987, Jackson et al 1987, 1988, 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). It includes the ca 6.5 km-thick South Nicholson Group, best developed in MOUNT DRUMMOND, and the 2–5 km-thick Roper Group to the northwest of MOUNT DRUMMOND, overlying the McArthur Basin succession. The rocks are typically gently dipping, and are concealed southwest of the McArthur region in the Beetaloo Subbasin (Plumb and Wellman 1987), and south and west of MOUNT DRUMMOND. The Roper Superbasin overlies all older basin packages with regional unconformity, with an apparent hiatus of nearly 100 my. Its age is constrained 133°00' 137°00' ARAFURA SEA GOVE Arafura Basin Coast Pine Creek Inlier Bu lm Fa t NORTHERN Arnhem Shelf Arnhem Inlier Range ul an Caledon Shelf McARTHUR Fault 14°00' BASIN Walker Fault Zone Urapunga KATHERINE GULF OF CARPENTARIA Fault Hells Gate Hinge Line Batten Fault Zone SOUTHERN Bauhinia Shelf h Tawalla DALY BASIN lt Fau h ya un t ap ul all Fa M McARTHUR BORROLOOLA BASIN a Emu F Beetaloo Sub-basin (undercover) McArthur River Mine Wearyan Shelf ult Ca lve rt REDBANK Fa ult Peters Creek Volcanics MURPHY INLIER WISO BASIN SOUTH NICHOLSON BASIN MOUNT MOUNT DRUMMOND Tennant Region QUEENSLAND GEORGINA BASIN Ewen Block NORTHERN TERRITORY LAWN HILL PLATFORM TENNANT CREEK 18°00' CARPENTARIA BASIN Century Mine ISA Mary Kathleen Fold Belt Mount Isa Mine Malbon Block MOUNT ISA Leichhardt River Fault Zone Arunta Region 0 200 km INLIER KalkadoonLeichhardt Block 22°00' A07-227.ai Basement units post-McArthur Basin-Mount Isa Inlier units Figure 4. Regional tectonic framework for Mount Isa Inlier, Lawn Hill Platform and McArthur Basin. Box shows location of MOUNT DRUMMOND. between ca 1324 Ma (Derim Derim Dolerite; Jon ClaouéLong, GA, pers comm 1997) and ca 1590 Ma (Nathan Group, Jackson et al 2000b). Deposition also postdates the 1590–1500 Ma Isan Orogeny in the Mount Isa Inlier (O’Dea et al 1997), and a depositional age of 1492 ± 4 Ma for the Mainoru Formation (Jackson et al 1999) indicates that deposition in the superbasin probably began at around 1500 Ma. A Rb-Sr age of 1429 ± 31 Ma for the McMinn Formation, near the top of the Roper Group (Kralik 1982), may date diagenesis rather than deposition, but provides a tentative minimum age for deposition. Several models have been proposed to explain the nature of tectonic processes during deposition of the Isa Superbasin and the McArthur and South Nicholson basins, and the resulting stratigraphic and structural imprint. Derrick (1982), Plumb (1987), Plumb and Wellman (1987), Blake (1987), Etheridge and Wall (1994), O’Dea et al (1997) and Betts et al (1998) interpreted basin evolution in terms of a series of extensional phases, separated by hiatuses involving deformation and uplift. Scott et al (1998, 2000) and Rawlings (2002) interpreted the cover sequences of north-central Australia in terms of diverse mantle-dynamic, thermal, flexural and isostatic processes, inboard of, and geodynamically linked to an evolving convergent margin in central Australia. Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic successions in northern and central Australia include the Georgina Basin, a part of which outcrops along the southern and western parts of MOUNT DRUMMOND, where it onlaps Proterozoic basement of the Lawn Hill Platform and South Nicholson Basin. Only a thin remnant of late Neoproterozoic fluvial to shallow-marine Bukalara Sandstone is recognised there. The remainder of the succession is Cambrian in age. Thin remnants of marine and terrestrial Cretaceous deposits are recognised throughout northern Australia (Skwarko 1966, Frakes et al 1987). In MOUNT DRUMMOND, these comprise the Mesozoic Dunmarra Basin. Laterite/ferricrete, soil, colluvium and alluvium now form a thin cover over much of the Gulf of Carpentaria and Barkly Tablelands regions, and constitute about half the area of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Murphy Metamorphics (L Plm) The Murphy Metamorphics (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989) outcrop in two main areas: in the headwaters of Benmara and Murphy Creeks in northeastern Boxer; and as small inliers along the southern margin of the Carrara Range in Carrara. In both cases, distribution appears to be controlled by major fault systems, the Benmara and Little Range faults, respectively. In most areas, the Murphy Metamorphics are composed of ferruginised outcrop and float of red/brown to purple or yellow, finely-laminated micaceous metasiltstone (phyllite), metagreywacke (Figure 6) and quartz-mica schist. Minor rock types include metaquartzite and calc-silicate rock. Locally present is a ca 5 m-thick horizon of banded iron formation (eg at 704350mE 7992200mN, Figure 7), with intricate banding of iron-rich and silica-rich domains. In some cases, outcrop of the Murphy Metamorphics is poor, comprising white saprolitic siltstone, usually containing abundant quartz veins. This resembles the ‘whiterock’ style of weathering of the Crow Formation along Murphy Creek. The grade of metamorphism is lower greenschist facies. Metagreywacke has at least one good cleavage, parallel to bedding. A second, steeply dipping cleavage is locally developed. Epithermal-style quartz veins, with or without hematite or pyrite, are generally abundant as tension gashes, but locally, they are scarce and are developed only along bedding planes. Folding on a centimetre to decimetre scale is common, the most common style being open to closed symmetric folds with upright or inclined axes and angular hinges (chevron style, Figure 7). Locally developed are asymmetric boxfolds and microfaults, particularly in the banded iron formation. The lithology of the Murphy Metamorphics is consistent with deposition as turbidites, and pelagic and minor chemical sediments on a deep submarine fan or shelf. The geometry of the former enclosing water body is unknown, but is thought to have been extensive (Rawlings 2002). The age of sedimentation is unknown, but must predate the onset of deformation and high-temperature metamorphism associated with the 1880–1870 Ma Barramundi Orogeny (Page and Williams 1988). Similar ‘flysch’ sedimentation in the Pine Creek Inlier only marginally predates this orogeny. Stratigraphy The lithostratigraphy of MOUNT DRUMMOND is described in terms of five principal tectonostratigraphic units – the Murphy Inlier, Lawn Hill Platform, and South Nicholson, Georgina and Dunmarra basins – each of which is described separately below and summarised in Figure 5. Palaeoproterozoic (Orosirian): Murphy Inlier The Murphy Inlier is a narrow, elongate, east–westoriented outcrop belt, which separates the McArthur Basin in the north from the Isa Superbasin in the south (Figures 3, 4). It is likely that this basement belt acted as a depositional barrier or ‘tectonic ridge’ between the two basins during much of their history (Plumb et al 1990). In CALVERT HILLS, the Murphy Inlier consists of the Murphy Metamorphics, Nicholson Granite and comagmatic Cliffdale Volcanics (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989). Immediately southward in MOUNT DRUMMOND, it incorporates a number of small outcrops of Murphy Metamorphics and a restricted belt of altered felsic igneous rocks, the Connelly Volcanics (Figure 5, Table 3). The latter probably correlate with the ca 1850 Ma Cliffdale Volcanics to the north. These are overlain unconformably by various younger cover successions, mainly the Benmara and South Nicholson groups. Connelly Volcanics (P Llc) The Connelly Volcanics (new name, see Appendix 1) is only exposed in a small area of northeastern Boxer (710000mE 8007000mN), near the boundary with CALVERT HILLS. It is a recessive unit of red/brown ‘brick’-coloured, altered/weathered porphyritic rhyolite or rhyodacite, which generally has a mottled and highly weathered appearance, here termed ‘redrock’. Outcrop is characterised by locally abundant epithermal-style quartz veins and clay-rich slickenside surfaces, defining a crude foliation. In thin section, the Connelly Volcanics are composed of equant and euhedral K‑feldspar and subhedral to anhedral embayed quartz phenocrysts of ca 3 mm diameter in a recrystallised, equigranular, ferruginous quartzofeldspathic groundmass. There are no recognisable primary ferromagnesian minerals and CROW FORMATION BOWGAN SANDSTONE MITTIEBAH SANDSTONE Pso t L P L so P L sb T OBACCO MBR CROW FORMATION _Clp 510 Ma BUKULARA SANDSTONE Pu L MULLERA FORMATION Psm L CAULFIELD BEDS NO MANS SST MBR WANGALINJI MBR 1590 Ma Pbb L Pbr L ? Pc L PLAYFORD SANDSTONE (L Psa) MULLERA FORMATION MULLERA FORMATION CONSTANCE SANDSTONE PANDANUS SILTST MBR Psc p L ? Pso s L Pso L CROW FORMATION Psa n L NO MANS SST MBR Psa t L TOP LILY SST MBR Psa w L WANGALINJI MBR Pmh w L WIDDALLION SST MBR CONSTANCE SANDSTONE CROW FORMATION PLAYFORD SANDSTONE Psm 2 L Pmu L CONSTANCE SANDSTONE Psc L WIDDALLION SST MBR Pmh L LAWN HILL FORMATION PLAIN CREEK FORMATION Pma L PLAIN CREEK FORMATION Pms L SHADY BORE QUARTZITE Pmb L BRUMBY FORMATION Pmd L DRUMMOND FORMATION BULLRUSH CONGLOMERATE Pr L 1725 Ma DOMINANT DEPOFACIES CONNELLY VOLCANICS MURPHY METAMORPHICS P L lc Plm L TOP ROCKY RHYOLITE Pcg L GATOR SANDSTONE Pcd L MITCHIEBO VOLCANICS DON CK SANDSTONE Plm L MURPHY METAMORPHICS Mafic volcanic rocks MURPHY INLIER WALLIS SILTST MBR BURANGOO SST MBR PANDANUS SILTST MBR HEDLEYS SST MBR L sc s P Psc w L Psc b L Psc p L Psc h L Pfd L DOOMADGEE FORMATION FICKLING GROUP 1590 Ma McNAMARA GROUP 1640 Ma SURPRISE CREEK FORMATION Pct L Pcm L Felsic volcanic rocks MULLERA FORMATION SCHULTZ SST MBR 1450 Ma LAWN HILL FORMATION DRUMMOND FORMATION ? Psm m L Psm 1 L WIDDALLION SST MBR BENMARA GROUP 1640 Ma 1850 Ma MIDDLE CREEK SANDSTONE MBR MULLERA FORMATION Psc L CONSTANCE SANDSTONE Psi L TOP LILY SST MBR BUDDYCURRAWA VOLCANICS BREAKFAST SANDSTONE _Cmo NEOPROTEROZOIC TO CAMBRIAN BORDER W.HOLE FORMATION ? MITTIEBAH SANDSTONE 1450 Ma CURRANT BUSH LIMESTONE _Cmd _Cmc MESOPROTEROZOIC _Cmd _Cmk _Cmw MULLERA FORMATION? TOBACCO MBR CAMOOWEAL DOLOSTONE ACCIDENT SUBGROUP HELEN SPRINGS VOLCANICS NORTHEAST (Nicholson River) SOUTHEAST (Carrara Range) CONSTANCE SANDSTONE 510 Ma EAST-CENTRAL (Maloney Creek Inlier) CENTRAL (Mitchiebo Waterhole) WILD COW SUBGROUP CAMOOWEAL DOLOSTONE RANKEN LIST WONARAH FORMATION NORTH-CENTRAL (Bauhinia Dome) 1725 Ma CARRARA RANGE GROUP PALAEOPROTEROZOIC SOUTHWEST (Mittiebah Range) SOUTH NICHOLSON GROUP NORTHWEST (Benmara) 1850 Ma Shelf dolostone and shale Shelf mudstone and fine sandstone Marine debris flow Shallow marine or fluviatile sandstone Disconformity or erosional surface Other unconformity Figure 5. Stratigraphic columns for MOUNT DRUMMOND. A07-230.ai Unit, (map symbol), thickness Lithology Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationships Buddycurrawa Volcanics (P Lbb) up to 300 m Ferruginous coarse sandstone, massive and brecciated trachyte, poorly sorted immature lithic sandstone and pebble conglomerate, mature sandstone, ferruginous siltstone and fine sandstone; minor stromatolitic chert Braided fluvial, shallow lacustrine and/or marine (fine sediments); lava flows; marginal ephemeral alluvial and debris flow (coarse sediments) Conformable on Breakfast Sandstone; probably unconformably overlain by Bowgan Sandstone and Crow Formation Breakfast Sandstone (P Lbr) up to 80 m White to pink, medium- ± coarse-grained silicified sublithic sandstone; thin basal pebble or cobble conglomerate; rare chertified stromatolitic carbonate Braided fluvial and/or shallow marine Unconformable on Murphy Metamorphics; conformably overlain by Buddycurrawa Volcanics Top Rocky Rhyolite (P Lct) up to 400 m Lower: pink, porphyritic (K-feldsparquartz), massive to flow banded, spherulitic to microgranophyric rhyolite; local autobreccia, peperite and hyaloclastite. Upper: poorly sorted matrix-supported pebble to boulder conglomerate Moderate-aspect-ratio lava flow(s); marginal ephemeral alluvial and debris flows Unconformable on Gator Sandstone; unconformably overlain by Surprise Creek Formation and locally, by Bullrush Conglomerate Gator Sandstone (P Lcg) up to 700 m Pink to purple, fine- to medium-grained, variably ferruginous, sublithic to lithic sandstone with local beds of very coarse and pebbly sandstone; minor basalt and microdolerite Braided fluvial with sporadic intertidal marine inundation and mafic lava flows Conformable on Mitchiebo Volcanics; unconformably overlain by Top Rocky Rhyolite Mitchiebo Volcanics (P Lcm) 500–1000 m Weathered and/or altered, massive to vesicular or microvesicular basalt and microdolerite; lesser sandstone, mudstone and peperite Subaerial lava flows and invasive flows Conformable between Don Creek Sandstone and Gator Sandstone Don Creek Sandstone (P Lcd) 400–500 m White to pale maroon, silicified to friable, medium ± coarse-grained, locally pebbly lithic to quartzose sandstone Braided fluvial Unconformable on Murphy Metamorphics; conformably overlain by Mitchiebo Volcanics Connelly Volcanics (P Llc) Red/brown, altered/weathered porphyritic rhyolite or rhyodacite (‘redrock’) with locally abundant quartz veins Probably extrusive volcanic Probably unconformable on Murphy Metamorphics. Unconformably overlain by Benmara and South Nicholson groups Murphy Metamorphics (P Llm) Purple micaceous metasiltstone (phyllite), metagreywacke and quartz-mica schist with locally abundant quartz veins; minor metaquartzite, banded iron formation and calc-silicate rock Submarine fan or shelf Base not observed. Unconformably overlain by Benmara and South Nicholson groups Benmara Group Carrara Range Group Murphy Inlier Table 3. Stratigraphy of Murphy Inlier, Carrara Range Group and Benmara Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND. the rock is significantly altered to ferruginous material, suggesting that they may have been obliterated. Euhedral zircons are abundant. At 711900mE 8010800mN, the Connelly Volcanics are intensely altered to a white clayrich rock and contain abundant quartz veins; this area is interpreted as a small epithermal alteration zone. Field relationships cannot discriminate an intrusive versus extrusive origin for the Connelly Volcanics and there are no preserved microscopic textures indicative of a pyroclastic or lava mode of emplacement. The Volcanics were formerly included within the Murphy Metamorphics (Smith and Roberts 1963). However, owing to their distinctive lithology and the lack of a definitive cleavage and folding, the Connelly Volcanics are thought to be younger than the metamorphic rocks and are therefore excised from them. The boundary between these two units is very poorly exposed, the best locality being at 707400mE 8009250mN, where there is a juxtaposition of ‘redrock’ (Connelly Volcanics) and grey psammitic schist (Murphy Metamorphics). In the contact zone, the ‘redrock’ becomes progressively more foliated westward over a few tens of metres and grades into schist. The Connelly Volcanics most likely correlate with the Cliffdale Volcanics in CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), which are in the age range 1860–1845 Ma (Page et al 2000). Palaeoproterozoic (Statherian) – Mesoproterozoic (Calymmian): Lawn Hill Platform The Lawn Hill Platform (LHP), the western part of the Mount Isa Inlier, comprises the ‘less deformed equivalents’ (Plumb and Derrick 1975) of rocks in the Leichhardt River Fault Trough. It is a composite tectonostratigraphic unit, and includes elements of the Leichhardt, Calvert and Isa superbasins (Jackson et al 2000, Southgate et al 2000). It lies on rocks affected by the Barramundi Orogeny – mainly Murphy Metamorphics – and is overlain by the South Nicholson Basin, an element of the Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999). Within the LHP, rocks of the Carrara Range Group, within which there is a pronounced unconformity (Sweet 1985), are assigned to the Leichhardt (Don Creek Sandstone, Mitchiebo Volcanics, 10 which underlies the Haslingden Group in the Leichhardt River Fault Trough. The Eastern Creek Volcanics, near the base of the Haslingden Group, are correlated with the Mitchiebo Volcanics in MOUNT DRUMMOND (Jackson et al 2000). The Top Rocky Rhyolite, the only dated unit in MOUNT DRUMMOND, is 1725 ± 3 Ma (Page et al 2000), providing an age range for the Carrara Range Group, and a maximum age for the overlying Surprise Creek Formation and McNamara Group. The McNamara Group ranges in age from about 1690 Ma to 1595 Ma (Page et al 2000 – see discussion on sequence stratigraphy and correlations after McNamara Group descriptions herein). Gator Sandstone) and Calvert (Top Rocky Rhyolite) superbasins. The overlying Surprise Creek Formation is also assigned to the Calvert Superbasin. The McNamara Group in the Lawn Hill region (Sweet and Hutton 1982), and the Fickling Group farther north (Sweet et al 1981), components of the Isa Superbasin, extend westward into MOUNT DRUMMOND. The Fickling Group is present in a single anticlinal structure in northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Rocks in the Bauhinia Dome in central northern MOUNT DRUMMOND, previously mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as Fickling beds (Group), are now assigned to newly recognised elements of the younger South Nicholson Group in the South Nicholson Basin (Roper Superbasin). The various elements of the LHP in MOUNT DRUMMOND are summarised in Figure 5. Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature (Figure 8) are discussed in the text dealing with each formation or group. The age of the LHP cover in MOUNT DRUMMOND ranges from around 1790 Ma to 1595 Ma, based on isotopic age determinations. The maximum age limit is imposed by the 1790 Ma Bottletree Formation (Blake and Stewart 1992), Carrara Range Group The Carrara Range Group (Sweet 1982) constitutes the basal portion of the western Lawn Hill Platform and outcrop is confined to the Carrara Range in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND (Sweet 1984, Figure 3). It lies unconformably on Orosirian basement units of the Murphy Inlier and is, in turn, unconformably overlain by the Figure 6. Steeply-dipping foliated metasiltstone (phyllite) and metagreywacke outcrop that typifies the Murphy Metamorphics. Boxer, 704250mE 7992200mN, Whiterock Creek. Figure 7. Banded iron formation (BIF) of Murphy Metamorphics, showing intricate interlamination of iron-rich and silica-rich bands. Boxer, 704550mE 7992150mN, Whiterock Creek. 11 Don Creek Sandstone (P Lcd) Statherian to Calymmian Surprise Creek Formation and McNamara Group (Figure 5). It is internally constrained by a SHRIMP U‑Pb zircon date of 1725 ± 3 Ma for the Top Rocky Rhyolite at the top of the group (Page et al 2000). The lithostratigraphic components of the Carrara Range Group are summarised in Table 3 and Figure 5. Lithological comparisons were used by Sweet (1984) to suggest that the Carrara Range Group is a correlative of the Peters Creek Volcanics in the eastern Murphy Inlier, and this has been confirmed by isotopic geochronology by Page et al (2000). Geochronology has also confirmed correlations with the Tawallah Group in the southern McArthur Basin (Page and Sweet 1998, Page et al 2000, Rawlings 2002) and the Eastern Creek Volcanics through to Fiery Creek Volcanics on the eastern Lawn Hill Platform and Leichhardt River Fault Trough (Jackson et al 2000). Its temporal relationship with the Benmara Group in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND is difficult to establish, but we prefer the scenario that the Benmara Group is younger (Figure 5). The Carrara Range Group is dominated by braided fluvial and perhaps minor shallow-marine sandstone, with lesser mudstone and bimodal (basalt-rhyolite) volcanic and high-level intrusive rocks up to 2500 m thick. Resistant, steeply dipping sandstone ranges with recessive valleys occur in a narrow east–west belt stretching over 50 km from No Mans Creek to Don Creek near the Queensland– Northern Territory border. The group is largely concealed by younger units, and is therefore thought to have a significantly wider extent in the subsurface. It may be contiguous with coeval packages in the Tennant Creek and Mount Isa inliers. Smith and Roberts (1963) The Don Creek Sandstone (Sweet 1982) is the basal unit of the Carrara Range Group and is exposed as strike ridges and a broad anticline, north of the Little Range Fault, in the headwaters of Fish Hole and Boomerang Creeks, near 781000mE 7930000mN (Carrara, Sweet 1982, 1984, Sweet et al 1984). It lies unconformably on the Murphy Metamorphics, although the contact is not exposed, and is in turn, conformably overlain by the Mitchiebo Volcanics. At the type section, outcrop is composed of 400–500 m of white to pale maroon, silicified to friable, medium– coarse-grained, lithic to quartzose sandstone. It also includes rare to common intervals of coarse to very coarse sandstone with scattered, rounded, quartz, ‘quartzite’ and metasedimentary pebbles or cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter. Conglomerate is rare. Bedding is generally very thick, with individual beds containing up to ten stacked decimetre-scale trough cross-bed sets. A typical bed appears to coarsen upward from pebble-free sandstone to pebble/cobble-rich sandstone (Figure 9). Mudstone intraclasts are a local phenomenon in discrete beds. The overall upward stratigraphic trend of the formation is toward finer grainsize and more lithic composition, with a gradual decrease in clast size, average grainsize and the number of coarser beds. However, cyclicity on a 10–50 m scale is also evident. The Don Creek Sandstone is locally deformed with diffuse bedding, hydraulic breccia, quartzfilled tension gashes and cataclasite bands. The depositional setting for this formation is envisaged to be braided fluvial, not unlike that of its probable correlatives, the Westmoreland Conglomerate and Yiyintyi Sweet (1984) This report Widdallion Sst Mbr Widdallion Sst Mbr Lawn Hill Formation Plain Creek Formation L Pma5 McNamara Group Bluff Range beds McNamara Group Lawn Hill Formation Plain Creek Formation Shady Bore Quartzite Bullrush Cgl Brumby Formation Drummond Formation Musselbrook Formation Surprise Creek Formation unnamed volcanic unit L Pcm5 Mitchiebo Volcanics Don Creek Sandstone Figure 8. Summary of past and present stratigraphic nomenclature for Lawn Hill Platform. 12 Top Rocky Rhyolite Carrara Range Group Carrara Range Formation Carrara Range Group Top Rocky Rhyolite Gator Sandstone Mitchiebo Volcanics Don Creek Sandstone A07-231.ai Sandstone in the southern McArthur Basin (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989, Haines et al 1993). sandstone, mudstone and peperite. Sandstone interbeds, 1–5 m thick, are white to maroon, medium grained and sublithic to lithic, with small trough cross-beds. Mudstone is purple to red/brown, micaceous and possibly dolomitic, as it is typically associated with caliche in the soil profile. Peperite comprises blocky to lobate vesicular basalt clasts in a silicified red mud ± sand matrix (Figure 10), not unlike that described by Rawlings (1993). In many cases, peperite forms a cap to coherent basalt units. The main valley in which the Mitchiebo Volcanics occur (the headwaters of Boomerang Creek, centred on 780000mE 7932000mN) is composed largely of gravel float with scattered inliers of in situ basalt, sandstone or peperite. The Mitchiebo Volcanics are lithologically and geochemically indistinguishable from the widespread ‘Seigal flood basalt succession’ recognised in the McArthur Basin (Seigal and Nungbalgarri volcanics, Rawlings 2002); and to the Eastern Creek Volcanics and Buddawadda Basalt (Sweet et al 1981) to the northeast and southeast in the Mount Isa Inlier. Correlation between these formations is considered highly likely (Rawlings 1994). The basalt was probably emplaced as a series of lava flows and shallow invasive flows in a subaerial to shallow-water lacustrine setting. Rawlings (2002) has documented an emplacement model, based on the Gold Creek Volcanics in the southern McArthur Basin. Mitchiebo Volcanics (P Lcm) The Mitchiebo Volcanics (Sweet 1982) are exposed mainly north of the Little Range Fault in the headwaters of Fish Hole and Boomerang Creeks, near 780000mE 7932000mN (Carrara; Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984). Small outcrops are present to the northwest in the headwaters of Rocky Creek (near 768000mE 7935000mN) and Wild Cow Creek (immediately north of the Wild Cow Fault near 758000mE 7939000mN). The Mitchiebo Volcanics mapped here include only the lower volcanic part of the formation (L Pcm b ), defined and mapped by Sweet (1984). The upper sandstone part of the formation (L Pcms , Sweet 1984) is now excluded and is defined as a new unit, the Gator Sandstone. As such, the type section for the Mitchiebo Volcanics, originally defined by Sweet (1984), is modified slightly here – from (base) 783800mE 7930250mN to (top) 785100mE 7931150mN. In most cases, the Mitchiebo Volcanics lie conformably between the Don Creek and Gator sandstones. However, in the Wild Cow Creek area, the overlying Gator Sandstone and Top Rocky Rhyolite have been removed by erosion and the Mitchiebo Volcanics are unconformably overlain by the Surprise Creek Formation. The Mitchiebo Volcanics are composed largely of brown, grey, pink or red weathered and/or altered, massive to vesicular or microvesicular basalt and microdolerite; they total 500–1000 m in thickness. Fresh black pyritic basalt and microdolerite, and minor examples of porphyritic basalt with K‑feldspar phenocrysts up to 1.5 cm in diameter (?xenocrysts), are similar to that in the middle of the Seigal Volcanics type section in the McArthur Basin (Jackson et al 2000). Basalt contains a ubiquitous centimetre- to decimetre-spaced joint set and there is local brecciation and veining, with quartz, carbonate, hematite or K‑feldspar infill. The main form of alteration appears to be of orthoclasechlorite type, as is common in the southern McArthur Basin (Pietsch et al 1991, Cooke et al 1998). Mafic rock tends to form 5–30 m-thick ‘flow’ units within thinner intervals of Gator Sandstone (P Lcg) The Gator Sandstone (new name, see Appendix 1) is exposed mainly as narrow strike ridges north of the Little Range Fault in the headwaters of Fish Hole and Boomerang creeks (centred on 777000mE 7932000mN, Carrara). It also occurs to the northwest in the headwaters of Rocky Creek around 770000mE 7934000mN. It incorporates what was formerly mapped by Sweet et al (1984) as the ‘upper sandstone member’ of the Mitchiebo Volcanics (L Pcms ). This is clearly a distinct and mappable unit and has been given formation status herein. The Gator Sandstone lies conformably on the Mitchiebo Volcanics and is unconformably overlain by the Top Rocky Rhyolite (Sweet Figure 9. Thick-bedded quartzose sandstone of Don Creek Sandstone, containing stacked, decimetre-scale, trough cross-bed sets and scattered quartz pebbles. Carrara, 783700mE 7929550mN, Boomerang Creek. 13 1983). Locally, the Gator Sandstone and overlying Top Rocky Rhyolite have been removed by erosion preceding the Surprise Creek Formation (eg at Wild Cow Creek). In the vicinity of 786000mE 7931000mN (the type section), the Gator Sandstone is ca 150–200 m thick, comprising lower and upper sandstone subunits separated by a thin recessive volcanic interval. Neither of these subunits is sizeable enough or of adequate lateral extent to be distinguished on the MOUNT DRUMMOND mapface, but both are shown on Carrara R ange region (Sweet et al 1984). The lower sandstone subunit is about 25 m thick, comprising pink to purple, fine- to medium-grained, sublithic sandstone with local beds of coarse, very coarse and granule sandstone. It is medium to very thickly bedded, with planar bedding and low-angle planar cross-beds 20–80 cm thick. The overlying recessive (volcanic) subunit is about 20 m thick and contains minor loose float of vesicular basalt and brown, laminated, lithic sandy mudstone (?volcaniclastic sandstone). The upper sandstone subunit is about 100–150 m thick and is composed of pink to pale purple, medium- to very coarsegrained (mostly medium-grained) sublithic sandstone, with scattered quartz granules and pebbles up to 2 cm in diameter and minor local beds or laminae of mudstone intraclasts and brown oxidised ?basalt clasts 0.1–1 cm in diameter. Sandstone is thickly to very thickly bedded, with decimetre-scale (5–50 cm amplitude) low-angle trough cross-beds, planar bedding, parallel lamination and lesser, large-scale planar cross-beds. Along the remainder of the outcrop belt, the middle basaltic subunit appears to be absent and the Gator Sandstone is a homogeneous sandstone interval 100–700 m thick, with a gradual increase in thickness from east to west. Around 770000mE 7934000mN (Rocky Creek headwaters, the reference area), a thicker and marginally different sequence is evident. There, the Gator Sandstone incorporates a lower, white, resistant sandstone subunit and an upper, dark, moderately recessive, ferruginous sandstone subunit. The lower subunit is ca 200–400 m thick, and comprises thickly bedded, white to pink, fineto medium-grained quartzose sandstone with trough cross-beds. The upper subunit is ca 100–150 m thick and is dominated by red/brown to pink, friable, fine-grained, ferruginous lithic sandstone. It is thin to medium bedded with trough cross-beds, symmetric ripples and mudclasts. The middle ca 20 m of the subunit is distinctly muddier and more ferruginous than sandstone above and below, with chocolate brown sandstone interbedded with micaceous siltstone and mudstone. Mudstone intraclasts, desiccation cracks and cross-lamination with 10 cm wavelength are prolific. This facies closely resembles the ‘redbeds’ of the Wununmantyala Sandstone in the southern McArthur Basin (Jackson et al 1987, Pietsch et al 1991). The upper few tens of metres of sandstone are pink and notably more silicified than that below. The Gator Sandstone is locally deformed with diffuse bedding, quartz-filled tension gashes and cataclasite bands. The depositional setting for this formation is envisaged to be braided fluvial, with sporadic supratidal marine inundation and mafic volcanism. Based on stratigraphic position and lithology, the Gator Sandstone is correlated with the Sly Creek Sandstone in the southern McArthur Basin, which also contains a local basalt interval (Haines et al 1993). Top Rocky Rhyolite (P Lct) The Top Rocky Rhyolite (Sweet 1982) is exposed mainly as narrow strike ridges, within a broad anticline bordering the Little Range Fault in the headwaters of Fish Hole and Boomerang creeks (centred on 777000mE 7933000mN, Carrara; Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984). A small inlier has also been mapped along Moloney Creek in the Maloney Creek Inlier (778200mE 7955800mN). The Top Rocky Rhyolite unconformably overlies the Gator Sandstone; however, the base of the rhyolite cuts down hundreds of metres through the underlying sandstone along strike, so that it locally sits on Mitchiebo Volcanics (Sweet 1983). Although there is obvious discordance at aerial photograph and map scale, there is no evidence of outcrop-scale discordance, nor of a basal conglomerate or obvious erosional surface. There appears to be partial Figure 10. Peperite breccia in Mitchiebo Volcanics, comprising blocky to lobate vesicular basalt clasts in pale silicified red mud ± sand matrix. Carrara, 783600mE 7931100mN, Boomerang Creek. 14 structural control of this contact also, with rhyolite draping some faults that truncate the underlying Gator Sandstone. The sandstone also appears to be more deformed than the Top Rocky Rhyolite. These relations are similar to those of the Tanumbirini Rhyolite–Warramana Sandstone contact in the southern McArthur Basin (Rawlings 2002). The Top Rocky Rhyolite is unconformably overlain by the Surprise Creek Formation along its length. In one area, the unconformity has removed a thickness of 150 m of rhyolite over a distance of 1 km. In the Maloney Creek Inlier, the Top Rocky Rhyolite is unconformably overlain by the Bullrush Conglomerate (middle McNamara Group), indicating a highly irregular palaeotopography in that area during McNamara Group time. The Top Rocky Rhyolite is up to 400 m thick and, in many areas, comprises a lower coherent rhyolite unit, overlain by a conglomerate unit. These constituent units are too thin to be differentiated on the mapface of MOUNT DRUMMOND, but are mapped in Carrara R ange region (Sweet et al 1984). texture, set in a massive pink silicified mudstone matrix. Clasts range considerably in size (up to 30 cm in diameter) and shape (from concavo-convex to blocky and irregular), and there is no evidence of stratification or reworking. This breccia closely resembles peperite of the Fagan Volcanics in the northern McArthur Basin (Rawlings et al 1997). Conglomerate unit The conglomerate unit (L P ctc of Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984) is up to 200 m thick and is discontinuous along strike. It is composed of poorly sorted pebble to boulder conglomerate (Figure 14) and is largely matrix-supported, with subangular to subrounded, locally imbricated clasts set in a pink lithic gravel-sand-mud matrix. At stratigraphically lower levels, clasts are on average pebble sized, and together with the matrix, are composed entirely of rhyolite-derived material (ie no exotic clasts). The unit gradually coarsens upwards to comprise mainly cobbles, with scattered boulder-sized clasts up to 0.5 m in diameter. Clasts become progressively more polymict, and large silicified sandstone clasts are present, comprising up to 10% of the rock volume. In general, the conglomerate is crudely horizontally stratified and ungraded, but there are local horizons of trough crossbedded or planar bedded, white to red, medium- to coarsegrained lithic sandstone infilling palaeochannels and as sheets. This facies is identical to that of the lower Pungalina Member of the southern McArthur Basin (Rawlings 2002). A flood cycle debris flow mechanism probably dominated during deposition. Coherent rhyolite unit Coherent rhyolite (L Pctr of Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984) occurs as a continuous unit up to 350 m thick, composed of bouldery to blocky outcrop of hard, silicified or crumbly, weathered pink, purple or orange porphyritic rhyolite. It contains euhedral to subhedral K‑feldspar (ca 25%) and quartz (<5%) phenocrysts up to 1 cm diameter, set in a cryptocrystalline quartzofeldspathic groundmass. Many samples are altered/weathered to some extent to clay or low-temperature orthoclase-hematite. A SHRIMP U‑Pb zircon date of 1725 ± 3 Ma has been obtained for coherent rhyolite (Page et al 2000). The texture of the basal 20–50 m of the unit varies considerably and non-systematically along strike, including: (i) massive; (ii) intensely flow-banded and/or lithophysaespherulite bearing; (iii) massive with scattered lithophysae or spherulites (up to 2 cm diameter); (iv) massive with decimetre-spaced quartz folia; and (v) autobrecciated. Lithophysae are up to 10 cm in diameter and sometimes contain an open star-shaped cavity or are infilled with quartz crystals (Figure 11). They tend to form chains parallel to flow banding, which is locally contorted and complexly folded. Quartz folia are centimetre- to decimetre-spaced, 5–15 cm-long, subparallel, discontinuous foliated stringers of amorphous quartz (Figure 12), perhaps formed by the collapse of vesicles (Rawlings 2002). Autobreccia is composed of randomly oriented, centimetre- to decimetresized (up to 1 m) rhyolite clasts, with variable internal texture, set in a massive to crudely banded rhyolite matrix (Figure 13). Above the basal section, the bulk of the unit is composed of massive microgranophyric rhyolite, with or without quartz folia; only minor flow banding is present and no lithophysae have been identified. Rare mafic mineral clots and red mudstone clasts have been identified locally. Where preserved, the upper 5–10 m of the coherent rhyolite unit is distinctly different, with the development of vesicular zones (vesicles 2–3 mm in diameter with quartz infill), autobreccia and hydroclastic breccia (peperite). The latter comprises angular pink rhyolite clasts with varied internal Overall setting The coherent rhyolite is interpreted to have originally formed a horizontal sheet, about 300 m thick, with an aerial extent of at least 20 km (Sweet 1983). Although the local presence of peperite would suggest minimal removal of material at the top of the sheet, the top is visibly irregular and eroded along strike. The dominance of debris flow facies and the local and ubiquitous rhyolitic provenance of the overlying conglomerate indicate that the coherent rhyolite formed a high-relief body that dominated the landscape. Loose material was quickly stripped off and redeposited, before it was possible to entrain ‘basement’ sandstone into the depositional system. This implies a close temporal and spatial link between rhyolite emplacement, relief development, erosion, conglomerate deposition and burial. A similar relationship is evident in most rhyolitic units and their immediately overlying epiclastic deposits in the Tawallah and Donydji groups of the McArthur Basin (eg Hobblechain Rhyolite and Pungalina Member, Rawlings 2002). The emplacement model proposed here is much the same, involving the rapid eruption of a single or composite lava dome, with physical properties appropriate for long-term rheomorphic flow and development of a widespread lava sheet. There is no evidence to support an ignimbrite origin, although this cannot be ruled out (eg Sweet 1983). Epiclastic conglomerate formed at the margins of the flow, during and soon after emplacement, under the influence of sporadic and large-scale flood events. Local structure played an important role in the localisation of the magmatic conduit (yet to be identified) and the development of topography prior to extrusion, to 15 Figure 11. Lithophysae within massive Top Rocky Rhyolite. These spherical devitrification features are up to 10 cm in diameter and form during rapid cooling of glassy felsic magmas. Carrara, 772100mE 7925900mN, Fish Hole Creek. Figure 12. Stacked quartz folia within massive Top Rocky Rhyolite. These centimetre- to decimetre-scale, discontinuous foliated stringers of amorphous quartz are interpreted to have formed by the collapse of vesicles or the central gas cavity of lithophysae. Carrara, 792050mE 7932800mN, Don Creek. Figure 13. Autobreccia of Top Rocky Rhyolite, composed of randomly oriented, centimetre- to decimetre-scale rhyolite clasts with variable internal textures, set in massive to crudely banded rhyolite matrix. Carrara, 771650mE 7933750mN, Carrara Range. 16 which also contain abundant felsic volcanics and shallow intrusive rocks. However, an alternative age closer to 1660–1580 Ma could be implied by their compositional similarity to magmatic rocks in the Coanjula area (see Buddycurrawa Volcanics), leading to a possible correlation with the McNamara Group. generate the unconformity at the base of the Top Rocky Rhyolite. An isotopic age of 1725 ± 3 Ma for the Top Rocky Rhyolite is identical to the ages of intrusive phases of the Peters Creek Volcanics south of the Murphy Inlier, and to the Hobblechain Rhyolite and Packsaddle Microgranite of the southeastern McArthur Basin (Page et al 2000), and indicates a regional event. Jackson et al (2000), in discussing this, discounted the likelihood of rifting as a driving mechanism. Breakfast Sandstone (P Lbr) The Breakfast Sandstone (new name, see Appendix 1) comprises a resistant, banded strike ridge of white to maroon or pink, medium- to coarse-grained, silicified sublithic sandstone, up to 80 m thick in northeastern Boxer. The base is rarely exposed, but at some localities (eg 707200mE 8000900mN), the lower few metres contain abundant quartz pebbles and lesser cobbles, where it rests on Murphy Metamorphics with extensive quartz veining. The unit tends to fine upwards, with small-scale (decimetrewavelength) trough cross-beds, planar bedding, symmetric ripples, desiccation cracks and current lineation becoming increasingly common. Otherwise, it is medium to thickly bedded, with mudclasts, scattered quartz granules and small pebbles, and white angular silicified mudstone (‘chert’) clasts up to 5 cm diameter. The unit also contains rare laminae or thin beds of chertified mudstone and chertified carbonate with relict domical stromatolites. The depositional setting is interpreted to have been moderate- to high-energy braided fluvial and/or shallow marine. The Breakfast Sandstone was largely mapped as part of (ie not differentiated from) the ‘Benmara beds’, and partly mismapped as Constance Sandstone by Smith and Roberts (1963). Benmara Group The Benmara Group (Table 3, Figure 5, and redefinition in Appendix 1) incorporates most of the outcrops formerly mapped as Benmara beds by Smith and Roberts (1963). It includes a basal sandstone (Breakfast Sandstone), overlain by a recessive interval containing a trachyte sheet and various clastic rocks (Buddycurrawa Volcanics). In some areas, it is difficult to distinguish these two units, in which case outcrop is assigned to undifferentiated Benmara Group. Outcrop is restricted to a northeast-trending belt in northeastern Boxer, where it unconformably overlies the Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics. The contact with the overlying South Nicholson Group is poorly exposed and the relationship cannot be resolved with any certainty. Pinching out of the Benmara Group to the north near 705000mE 8007000mN is consistent with both an unconformity and a low-angle structural boundary (detachment) dividing the Benmara and South Nicholson groups. Geochronological studies have failed thus far to establish the absolute age of the Buddycurrawa Volcanics. If the Benmara Group is of similar age to (and is therefore contiguous with) the South Nicholson Group, then a conformable boundary can be invoked. However, an older age is implied by the presence of volcanics in the Benmara Group, which are notably absent from the South Nicholson Group and correlatives in northern Australia, supporting an unconformable contact (our preference; see Bowgan Sandstone). The obvious interpretation is that the Buddycurrawa Volcanics are the same age as the Carrara Range Group and Peters Creek Volcanics (ca 1725 Ma), Buddycurrawa Volcanics (P Lbb) The Buddycurrawa Volcanics (new name, see Appendix 1) form recessive to mildly resistant outcrops in northeastern Boxer. The formation comprises a basal ferruginous sandstone unit, overlain by a mixed interval of coherent trachyte, debris flow sandstone and conglomerate, mature sandstone, ferruginous siltstone/fine sandstone and minor but distinctive stromatolitic chert. The thickness of this Figure 14. Boulder conglomerate of Top Rocky Rhyolite, composed of poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded rhyolite clasts in pink lithic sandstone matrix. Cleanskin, 778200mE 7955800mN, Moloney Creek. 17 and Mitchiebo volcanics, or the Top Rocky Rhyolite. Instead, the trachyte has affinities with alkaline volcanics and shallow intrusive rocks from Coanjula, about 20 km to the north, which are probably no older than ca 1665 Ma (Ong 1991, Lee et al 1994). Correlation with the older igneous units implies an age that immediately precedes the McNamara Group. Correlation with the younger units implies contemporaneity with the upper McNamara Group. The Buddycurrawa Volcanics have a moderately strong magnetic response, presumably due to the component trachytic sheet(s). This implies the presence of primary magnetite phenocrysts, as seen in the Fagan Volcanics in the northern McArthur Basin (Rawlings et al 1997). The Buddycurrawa Volcanics also exhibit a strong radiometric response, most notably in the potassium channel. formation is difficult to determine, but a maximum of 300 m is inferred from outcrop width and dips. The basal ferruginous sandstone itself is 10–20 m thick. Clastic facies resemble those of the upper Wollogorang Formation in the southern McArthur Basin (Jackson et al 1987), although no correlation is suggested here. The Buddycurrawa Volcanics rest conformably on the Breakfast Sandstone and are overlain by the Bowgan Sandstone and, locally, Crow Formation of the South Nicholson Group. As discussed above, the upper contact is not well exposed and relationships and age are speculative. Ferruginous sandstone This facies forms a discrete basal unit, which has been described in the field as ‘ironstone’. It is a red/brown or chocolate brown, coarse-grained and pebble-bearing, poorly sorted lithic sandstone, with elevated Fe content (9% Fe2O3; n=1). A close spatial and temporal association with overlying debris flow sandstone is evident. A shallow supratidal or fluvial depositional setting is suggested. Debris-flow sandstone This facies comprises brown, massive to crudely bedded, poorly sorted, coarse-grained pebbly lithic sandstone and pebble/cobble conglomerate, with a distinct volcanic provenance (Figure 15). It is characterised by planar bedding (horizontal stratification) or small trough cross-beds, but locally there are thin siltstone interbeds with desiccation cracks. The debris-flow facies exhibits a close spatial and temporal association with the coherent trachyte, from which it was probably derived. The depositional model proposed thus involves rapid deposition of fluvial-modified talus and debris aprons at the margins of trachyte lava bodies, during and immediately following their emplacement (cf Pungalina Member, Rawlings 2004). Trachyte Trachyte is massive to amygdaloidal, porphyritic and red/ brown to pink in colour, with K‑feldspar and minor quartz phenocrysts set in a microcrystalline quartzofeldspathic groundmass. Outcrop is universally altered or weathered to an assemblage of clay-sericite-quartz-hematite. Locally common are quartz-agate-lined vesicles and rare vugs up to 20 cm in diameter. The unit also contains occasional ‘baked’ red/brown mudstone veins/dykes and zones of heterogeneous mudstone-rhyolite breccia (peperite; cf Rawlings 1993). Due to poor outcrop and the possibility of structural complexity, it is difficult to determine whether the Buddycurrawa Volcanics comprises more than one igneous sheet. At 703400mE 7991900mN, a single trachyte sheet ca 30–40 m thick is exposed, the top of which has about 10 m of local erosional relief. The outcrop pattern is very similar to that of the Top Rocky Rhyolite. The emplacement model proposed here involves lava flows with peripheral zones of peperite, where these intermingled with wet unconsolidated sediments. Attempts have been made to date the trachyte using SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology. However, the rock samples have proven to contain only minor zircon and are weathered (Rawlings and Sweet 2004). Geochemically, the Buddycurrawa Volcanics are very unusual, because they are characterised by ‘intermediate’ concentrations of SiO2 (ave 57.6wt%, n=4), high Al2O3 (ave 17.3%), high K 2O (ave 13.5%), high Nb (55 ppm), high Y (50 ppm) and high Zr (330 ppm). Samples classify geochemically as trachyte and phonolite, but the latter appears to be at odds with the presence of modal quartz. One sample, in particular, has anomalously high Zr (1500 ppm), accompanied by high Nb (210 ppm), U (16 ppm) and rare earths (eg Ce = 750 ppm, La = 270 ppm). These high Zr concentrations, in concert with heavy rare earths, appear to be at odds with the sparsity of zircon in the samples. Perhaps the zircon is very fine grained and difficult to separate. Importantly, the geochemical characteristics of the trachyte are completely unlike those of any igneous unit of the regional 1700–1860 Ma timeframe, such as the Cliffdale, Peters Creek Mature sandstone and mudstone These include fine- to coarse-grained, yellow to red/brown, lithic to sublithic ferruginous sandstone, with planar bedding, trough cross-beds, mudclasts, desiccation cracks and thin mudstone laminae. They were probably deposited in a moderate-energy fluvial setting, in the absence of active volcanism. Ferruginous siltstone/fine sandstone This facies includes flaggy to slabby outcrop of red/brown to purple or yellow micaceous siltstone and fine sandstone with parallel lamination. A shallow lacustrine setting is suggested, based on a close association with terrestrial facies, such as debris flow sandstone. Stromatolitic chert or dolostone Within the Buddycurrawa Volcanics are several discrete units of white, partly brecciated chert, with well preserved stratiform and domical bioherms, 1–2 m in diameter, bearing internal digitate microbial lamination (Figure 16). These resemble the ‘beehive stromatolites’ of the Wollogorang Formation in the southern McArthur Basin (Jackson et al 1987). Other horizons contain conical stromatolites or massive textureless chert. Chert is interbedded with yellow to red/brown, dirty, lithic medium–coarse sandstone with trough cross-beds. In places (eg 702550mE 7993100mN), fresh dolostone rather than chert is present. At 712300mE 8010100mN, chert is interbedded at various scales with ferruginous sandstone and siltstone, forming parallel laminae, through to decimetre-scale beds, many of which 18 have been fractured, desiccated and/or boudinaged into articulated clasts or nodules (Figure 17). Chert is parallel to wavy laminated and apparently contains occasional, small, relict domical or button stromatolites. A shallow, intertidal, marine depositional setting is suggested for the various chert facies. distinct angular unconformity by younger components of the former Musselbrook Formation, eg, in the western Carrara Range, at 754920mE 7939110mN; and (ii) the base of the overlying Drummond Formation at the same locality is marked by a 2 m conglomeratic layer. In other outcrops, the overlying Drummond Formation is concordant with the Surprise Creek Formation. The base of the Surprise Creek Formation is a regional angular unconformity, as it overlies progressively older formations of the Carrara Range Group from east to west (Sweet 1984). The Surprise Creek Formation (Figure 5, Table 4) includes basal lenses and beds of pebble to boulder conglomerate, intertonguing with and overlain by sublithic to quartz sandstone. The formation ranges from 300 m thick in the east, where there is no conglomerate, to 350–450 m in the central and western Carrara Range. The thicker conglomerate beds, mapped out by Sweet et al (1984) as mb1a, range from 0 to 200 m in thickness, but are generally too thin to distinguish on the accompanying 1:250 000 mapsheet. The conglomerate consists of sub-rounded to well rounded pebbles and cobbles, and scattered boulders to Unassigned to group Surprise Creek Formation (L Pr) The Surprise Creek Formation is widespread in the Mount Isa region, where it is overlain by the Mount Isa and McNamara groups, either conformably or with minor disconformity. It was defined by Derrick et al (1980) and has been assigned to the Calvert Superbasin, of which it is the uppermost unit (Jackson et al 2000). Sweet (1984) did not recognise the Surprise Creek Formation in the Carrara Range Region, but mapped it as units L Pmb1a and L Pmb1b of the now obsolete Musselbrook Formation. It is now recognised as a separate unit for two reasons: (i) it is overlain with Figure 15. Debris-flow facies of Buddycurrawa Volcanics, comprising brown, massive to crudely bedded, poorly-sorted, coarse-grained, pebbly lithic sandstone with a distinct volcanic provenance. Boxer, 703250mE 7991350mN, Whiterock Creek. Figure 16. Chertified carbonate of Buddycurrawa Volcanics with well preserved digitate stromatolites. Boxer, 702600mE 7992150mN, Whiterock Creek. 19 30 cm, of quartz, pink quartzite and quartz sandstone, set in a matrix of coarse-grained to granule lithic sandstone. A few rhyolite clasts were noted in interbedded pebbly sandstone and conglomerate, immediately above a well exposed unconformable contact with the underlying Top Rocky Rhyolite at 771340mE 7926420mN. Eight kilometres north, at 772010mE 7934290mN, is the thickest (150–200 m) conglomeratic section, comprising interbedded pebble to boulder conglomerate (Figure 18), pebbly sandstone and medium- to very coarse-grained sublithic to quartzose sandstone. The contact with the underlying Top Rocky Rhyolite is a well exposed angular unconformity. The conglomerate is poorly sorted and largely matrixsupported, with locally imbricated and rounded clasts of quartz, quartzite and minor rhyolite set in a pink mediumto coarse-grained sublithic sandstone matrix. Bedding is very thick and the main bedforms are amalgamated trough cross-beds, planar cross-beds and planar bedding. There is an overall trend toward a decreasing grainsize and clast content up-section, although with significant vertical and lateral variability. Rhyolite clasts are present near the base, whereas the proportion of quartz clasts increases upwards. Above the ca 150 m level, pebble-free sandstone dominates, but there are sporadic beds of conglomerate or trains of cobbles and pebbles, indicating a somewhat arbitrary boundary with the remainder of the formation. The remainder of the Surprise Creek Formation consists of white to pink, thickly to very thickly bedded, sublithic to quartz sandstone. Grainsize is mainly medium to coarse, with some very coarse to granule sandstone containing pebbly intervals and rare scattered cobbles. The easternmost outcrops, north of Boomerang Creek, are fine to medium grained. Bedforms include amalgamated small trough cross-beds, planar cross-beds, planar bedding, parallel lamination with current lineation, and HCS with 5–20 cm wavelength (Figure 19). The basal conglomeratic rocks are proximal deposits, laid down in either a braided fluvial or locally alluvial fan setting. The sandstone component of the formation is probably a braided fluvial deposit, as it appears to grade up from, or intertongue with the conglomerates, and forms a continuous sheet. Figure 17. Articulated clasts/nodules of chert in ferruginous sandstone and siltstone of Buddycurrawa Volcanics. Coanjula (CALVERT HILLS), 712300mE 8010100mN, northern Canyon Range. Figure 18. Very thick bed of coarse pebble to cobble conglomerate in the Surprise Creek Formation. Carrara, 772150mE 7934600mN, headwaters of Rocky Creek. 20 stratigraphic studies in the Mount Isa region. As part of this study, a reconnaissance of the Carrara Range led to somewhat improved correlation with the type area of the McNamara Group and recognition of the Shady Bore Quartzite at the base of the Plain Creek Formation. Our mapping has led to a further refinement of links between the two regions, and a modification of the nomenclature: ‘Musselbrook Formation’ is abandoned and split into the Surprise Creek Formation (which is excluded from the McNamara Group), the Drummond Formation, and Pmb3), the Brumby an upper unit (formerly L Pmb2 and L Formation (Figure 8). McNamara Group The McNamara Group includes sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, shale and various carbonate rocks, commonly silicified to chert in outcrop (Table 4). Its topographic expression ranges from steep ridges associated with the sandstones, to more subdued ridges, undulating terrain and plains over some of the finer-grained and dolomitic units. It lies disconformably, or locally with angular unconformity, on the Surprise Creek Formation, except in the Maloney Creek Inlier, where it is unconformable on Top Rocky Rhyolite. The group was mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as the Bluff Range beds (Figure 8). Following a re‑examination of these rocks in 1977, Sweet (1984) included them in the McNamara Group, the main outcrops of which lie to the east in LAWN HILL, from where the stratigraphy was defined (Sweet and Hutton 1982, Hutton et al 1981). Three formations were recognised: the Musselbrook Formation, consisting of several sandstone units overlain by mixed siliciclastic and carbonate rocks (much of which is altered to chert); the Plain Creek Formation, a mainly siltstone and shale unit with minor sandstone; and the Lawn Hill Formation, also predominantly siltstone and shale, but with minor carbonate rocks and a distinctive sandstone member (Widdallion Sandstone Member) at the top. Only the Lawn Hill Formation can be traced from its type area in LAWN HILL, the two lower units being newly named because a one-for-one equivalence with the other eight formations in LAWN HILL could not be established. Sweet (1984: figure 4) attempted broad correlations of the units in the two regions. Further work in central MOUNT DRUMMOND, in the Maloney Creek Inlier north of the Carrara Range, led Sweet (1985) to also include the Maloney Formation in the McNamara Group, rocks previously mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as part of the overlying South Nicholson Basin succession. Present mapping shows that the succession is thinner than in the Carrara Range, and a fourth formation, the Bullrush Conglomerate, has been identified. Southgate et al (2000) erected a new chronostratigraphic framework for the Isa Superbasin following sequence Drummond Formation (L Pmd) The Drummond Formation (new name, see Appendix 1) is dominated by sandstone, but includes minor chert, siltstone, claystone and dolomitic rocks. It forms several resistant ridges, and lower ridges and undulating terrain, in the Carrara Range and Maloney Creek Inlier. The formation is divided into units L Pmd1 to L Pmd4 [formerly L Pmb1c to L Pmb1f , respectively, of the now abandoned Musselbrook Formation of Sweet (1984)] in the Carrara Range. These units are too thin to be shown on the accompanying 1:250 000 mapsheet, but are identified herein for descriptive purposes. Sweet (1985) recognised only a lower sandstone ‘member’ and an upper conglomerate ‘member’ in the Musselbrook Formation in the Maloney Creek Inlier. The lower unit is assigned to the Drummond Formation and the upper unit to the newly named Bullrush Conglomerate. The thickness of the Drummond Formation is 350–400 m in outcrops north of Boomerang Waterhole; perhaps only 300 m in the central Carrara Range; 550–600 m west of the type section, in the headwaters of Wild Cow Creek; and at least 400 m in the Maloney Creek Inlier. Part of the type section of the now-obsolete Musselbrook Formation is retained as the type section for the Drummond Formation (see Appendix 1), where it is about 460 m thick. A composite section measured by McConachie and Krassay (1997), 6 km east of the type section, is 420 m thick. Figure 19. Intermediate-scale hummocky cross-stratification (HCS) in finegrained sublithic sandstone of Surprise Creek Formation. Carrara, 792300mE 7933400mN, Carrara Range. 21 Unit, (map symbol), thickness Lithology Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationships Marine shelf, ranging from basinal, through storm-dominated shoreface to shallow peritidal environments. Base not seen, but conformable on Mount Les Siltstone to the north in SEIGAL. Overlain disconformably and with low-angle unconformity by South Nicholson Group. Fickling Group Doomadgee Formation (P Lfd) 200–250 m P Lfd 3: Coarsening-up cycles from grey and green carbonaceous? shale, through flaggy red brown to maroon, dolomitic, micaceous, fi ne-grained sandstone and siltstone, to white to grey sublithic fi ne-grained sublithic sandstone and medium to coarse sandstone with scattered granules and pebbles; minor lithic sandstone. Thin and medium beds of dololutite, dolarenite and sandy dolarenite; minor dolomitic sandstone and intraclast breccia. P Lfd 2: Poorly exposed carbonaceous shale and siltstone. Deeper-water marine shelf. Widdallion Sandstone Member (P Lmhw) 50–370 m Greyish red to brown, purple-weathering, highly lithic and micaceous fi ne to coarse sandstone; minor glauconite; siltstone and claystone. Inner shelf – high energy shoreface environment. Conformable on lower Lawn Hill Formation; overlain disconformably, or locally with angular unconformity, by South Nicholson Group. Lawn Hill Formation (excluding L P mhw) (P Lmh) 125–2600 m Interlaminated and thinly interbedded red, grey and brown siltstone and fi negrained sandstone; green to grey shale and siltstone, dolomitic siltstone, laminated and intraclastic dolostone. Storm-dominated shelf. Conformable on Plain Creek Formation; overlain conformably by Widdalion Sandstone Member; overlain disconformably or locally with angular unconformity by South Nicholson Group. Plain Creek Formation (P Lma) 400–1000 m Micaceous siltstone and shale, fine- to coarsegrained lithic and sublithic sandstone; minor pebble conglomerate, graded sandstone beds, and pebble- to boulder-bearing mudstone– turbidite and mass flow sediments. Shallow to deep marine basin, including fan deltas. Both lower and upper contacts concordant and conformable. Bullrush Conglomerate Polymict granule, pebble and cobble (P Lmu) 50–500 m conglomerate, cross-bedded sandstone; clasts of quartzite, quartz sandstone, quartz, chert, brown porphyritic rhyolite and claystone set in lithic sand-granule matrix; stromatolitic chert and chert-clast conglomerate, fi ne-grained lithic sandstone and siltstone. Alluvial fan to fan delta. Unconformable on Top Rocky Rhyolite and Drummond Formation; overlain conformably by Plain Creek Formation. Shady Bore Quartzite (P Lms) up to 50 m White, very fi ne- to medium-grained lithic and sublithic sandstone; prominently waverippled bedding surfaces. Shallow marine. Conformable on Brumby Formation; overlain conformably by Plain Creek Formation. Brumby Formation (P Lmb) 350–800 m Interbedded fi ne- to medium-grained, rarer coarse to granule sandstone; laminated, brecciated and stromatolitic chert; chert-clast breccia and conglomerate with sandstone matrix; siltstone and shale dominate upper part. Intertidal to supratidal, including sabhka environments; deeper shelf in upper part. Both lower and upper contacts concordant and conformable. Drummond Formation (P Lmd) 350–600 m Pmd1: Thin polymict conglomerate overlain by thin- to medium-bedded, fi ne-grained lithic sandstone, laminated siltstone, red beds of brown lithic dolomitic sandstone and chertified dolostone; cauliflower chert; dark grey medium-bedded pyritic coarse sandstone. Pmd 2 and Pmd4: White to brown, medium- to thick-bedded, fi ne to medium sublithic to quartzose sandstone; scattered coarse and granule laminae; minor grey chert. Pmd 3: Laminated kaolinised and chertified claystone (altered carbonate rocks?), fi ne ferruginous sandstone, siltstone, and stromatolitic chert; fi ne, sublithic siltstone and sandstone. Shallow marine, from shoreface to intertidal; peritidal mud- and carbonate-flats, and fluvial. Unconformable on Surprise Creek Formation; overlain conformably by Brumby Formation, and unconformably by Bullrush Conglomerate in Maloney Creek Inlier. Local pebble to boulder conglomerate at base; clasts of quartz, quartzite and rhyolite in matrix of pink, medium- to coarse-grained sublithic sandstone; remainder is white to pink, thick- to very thick-bedded, medium- to coarse-grained, sublithic to quartz sandstone. Mainly braided fluvial, with local alluvial fan deposits at base. Unconformable on Top Rocky Rhyolite, and locally on older formations of Carrara Range Group; unconformably overlain by Drummond Sandstone (McNamara Group). McNamara Group Unassigned to group Surprise Creek Formation (P Lr) 300 to 450 m Table 4. Stratigraphy of Surprise Creek Formation, McNamara Group and Fickling Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND. 22 P Lmd1 (previously P Lmb1c ) This unit, although sandstone dominated, is a mainly recessive interval at the base of the Drummond Formation. It contains a variety of sandstone types in the lower part and finer grained, more thinly bedded rocks in the upper part; it is around 100 m thick throughout the region. Outcrops in the headwaters of Wild Cow Creek, at 754830mE 7939110mN, reveal a 2 m-thick conglomeratic layer at its base, at a stratigraphic level where truncation of the underlying Surprise Creek Formation occurs. The conglomerate contains subangular to subrounded pebbles and cobbles, and rare boulders to 30 cm of quartzite or sandstone, set in a brown sandstone matrix. The upper contact is rarely exposed, but in eastern outcrops, appears to be gradational into L Pmd 2. The best outcrop of L Pmd1 is north of Boomerang Creek around 786700mE 7932040mN, where there is up to 80 m of flaggy facies, a slabby, mottled, yellow, lithic fine sandstone with planar bedding. The top 10–20 m, a redbed facies, consists of brown lithic, possibly dolomitic sandstone, with interbeds of white, rubbly, chertified stromatolitic dolostone (Figure 20), sandy dolarenite, peloid grainstone and dolorudite. Irregular clast-like chert nodules are cauliflower shaped, apparently after evaporites. At Wild Cow Creek, the basal conglomerate is overlain by brown, thinly bedded fine sandstone and medium-bedded, dark grey, sulfidic coarse sandstone. Much of the remainder of the unit is not exposed, except the uppermost 2–3 m; this consists of laminated coarse siltstone to very fine sandstone, the laminae of which are wavy, probably small HCS. This appears to belong to the flaggy facies; redbeds were not observed. ridge that is commonly strongly banded and has several subsidiary benches, reflecting the arrangement of the sandstones as a series of cycles. Its thickness is estimated at nearly 200 m in the Wild Cow Creek outcrops, but only 50–70 m to the east. In the east, the redbed facies of L Pmd1 grades up into the basal beds of L Pmd 2; the basal 10–20 m contains thin chert beds and laminae, and is more lithic and ferruginous than the overlying rocks. Elswhere, this is not observed and near Wild Cow Creek, where outcrop is poor, the lowest rocks observed are laminated light grey chert and sandy chert with small circular stromatolitic forms. Resistant mediumbedded sandstone is observed only near the top of the unit. P Lmd3 (previously P Lmb1e ) Sweet (1984) described L Pmd3 as consisting mainly of siltstone and shale, and assigned to it a 170 m-thick interval in eastern Carrara Range outcrops. Our estimate of the thickness of this section is 100–150 m. The rocks include white to purple, laminated, kaolinised and chertified ?claystone, probably altered carbonate rocks, fine ferruginous sandstone, siltstone, and massive stromatolitic chert. In relatively good exposures 4 km northwest of Boomerang Waterhole, 30 m of redbed facies is overlain by 50 m of flaggy facies, which in turn, is overlain by another 40–60 m of redbeds. These are very similar to the facies in L Pmd1; the redbeds include knobbly, chertified and ferruginised dolostone and mottled brown dolomitic sandstone with discontinuous, irregular, contorted chert beds. The chert is parallel laminated, or with some domical and ‘button’ stromatolites. The flaggy facies is grey to white, fine sublithic sandstone and siltstone, with parallel and sinuous lamination and HCS. In outcrops to the west, the recessive interval mapped as L Pmd3 is thinner (around 80 m) and outcrop is sparse. At 772660mE 7935560mN, exposures of the upper part are mainly flaggy facies – centimetre-thick beds of grey to white, parallel-laminated siltstone and sandstone, with crosslamination, lenticular bedding, HCS, flutes, tool marks, gutter casts and rare load casts (Figure 21). A section measured by McConachie and Krassay (1997), 8 km to the northwest, reveals 100 m of L Pmd3 , with a similar poorly exposed lower half and better outcropping, flaggy fine sandstone in the upper half. P Lmd2 (previously P Lmb1d ) P Lmd2 includes white, pink, brown or mottled maroon, friable to silicified, medium to thickly bedded, fine to medium sublithic to quartzose sandstone, and grey chert. Mudclasts are very common and the unit displays parallel lamination, planar bedding, and small trough cross-beds, which commonly display a herringbone pattern with one current direction dominant. L Pmd2 forms a resistant Figure 20. Stromatolitic chert, closely associated with redbeds in lower Drummond Formation. Carrara, 792300mE 7933400mN, Carrara Range. 23 P Lmd4 (previously P Lmb1f ) This is a white, medium- to thickly bedded, fine- to medium-grained sublithic to quartzose sandstone, with scattered coarse laminae and granules. Sedimentary structures include planar bedding, trough cross-bedding, current lineations, wave ripple marks and mudclasts. L Pmd4 is similar to L Pmd 2, although generally more lightly coloured, and ranges from 40 to 100 m thick. It appears to grade upwards from L Pmd3. McConachie and Krassay (1997) reported hematite clots at several stratigraphic levels and interpreted them as pseudomorphs after gypsum. south of Bullrush Spring, there are good exposures of dark purple to red, laminated and structureless mudstone, with scattered coarse sand grains, and metre-scale interbeds of mauve, medium and thickly bedded, medium to coarse lithic sandstone; this is commonly poorly sorted and has linguoid current ripples and scattered mudclasts. Some outcrops weather in a fashion suggesting the presence of dolomitic rocks, although none was identified in outcrop. These reddish mudstone, siltstone and sandstone interbeds Pmd3 to probably equate to the redbeds in units L Pmd1 and L the south in the Carrara Range, although no subdivision into units is possible. The base of the Drummond Formation is not exposed and the top may be eroded, so the estimated thickness of 400 m by Sweet (1985) for the Maloney Inlier is a minimum. Based on the range of rock types preserved, depositional environments for the Drummond Formation are inferred to have been: shallow marine, from shoreface to intertidal, and dominated by siliciclastic facies; peritidal mud- and carbonate flats (sabkhas); and fluvial. The association of recessive redbeds, carbonate rocks and chert with resistant, better-sorted cross-bedded sandstone suggests that the formation was built up of a succession of prograding cycles across a shallow-marine shelf, culminating in largely supratidal environments. Maloney Creek Inlier Sweet (1985) recognised two informal ‘members’ (Pmbs and L Pmbc ) in the now abandoned Musselbrook Formation in the Maloney Creek Inlier. The lower unit, L Pmd (previously L Pmbs ), is assigned to the Drummond Formation, although it is possible that the upper part extends into the Brumby Formation. The four-fold subdivision of the formation in the Carrara Range is not applicable in the Inlier. The conglomerate interval (previously L Pmbc ) is assigned to a new unit, the Bullrush Conglomerate (discussed below). The base of the Drummond Formation is not exposed in the Inlier; the oldest beds lie in the core of an anticline near Moloney Creek and are faulted at other localities. The upper contact is sharp and overlain by conglomerate of the Bullrush Conglomerate; it is interpreted as an unconformity. The Drummond Formation in the Maloney Creek Inlier is characterised by pink, medium to thickly bedded, fine to medium sandstone (Sweet 1985). Decimetre-scale coarser beds include granules and pebbles of chert, sandstone and quartz up to 2 cm across. Sweet (1985) noted the presence of oolitic dolostone pebbles near the base of the exposed section. Sedimentary structures include planar bedding, medium-scale trough cross-bedding, wave and current ripples, and mudclasts. Recessive intervals up to 10 m thick consist of thinly to medium bedded, red-brown to maroon, medium-grained sandstone and white to purple siltstone with carbonate nodules (‘caliche’). Outcrop is poor in the western part of the Maloney Creek Inlier, between George and Little Cleanskin creeks, due a pervasive, resistant weathering crust of ?Cenozoic age (Sweet 1985). However, Brumby Formation (L Pmb) The Brumby Formation (new name, see Appendix 1) consists of siltstone, shale, sandstone and granule conglomerate, laminated and stromatolitic chert, dolostone, and chert-clast conglomerate and breccia. The carbonate and fine siliciclastic rocks are generally highly weathered or altered, and Sweet (1984) considered this to be mainly due to the effects of Cenozoic deep weathering, silicification and lateritisation, and to a lesser extent, to their inferred dolomitic nature. The formation outcrops as subdued strike ridges, flanking the more resistant ridges of the underlying Drummond Formation throughout the Carrara Range. The uppermost parts are very poorly exposed in undulating low rises. The Brumby Formation comprises the unnamed former ‘members’ L Pmb2 and L Pmb3 Figure 21. Shale outcrop in upper Drummond Formation (L Pmd 3 ). Carrara, 772650mE 7935550mN, 10 km north of Fish-Hole Waterhole. 24 of the now abandoned Musselbrook Formation of Sweet (1984). Although the two-fold subdivision remains valid, it is not shown on the accompanying 1:250 000 mapsheet. The formation overlies the Drummond Formation conformably, the contact being placed at the stratigraphic level at which chert and fine siliciclastics dominate over sandstone. The Shady Bore Quartzite overlies the formation throughout the Carrara Range. Although the contact is not exposed, the quartzite is interpreted as the uppermost part of a shallowing-up cycle, and is therefore believed to lie conformably on the Brumby Formation. The Brumby Formation is absent from the Maloney Creek Inlier, where Bullrush Conglomerate unconformably overlies Drummond Formation. The Brumby Formation is 725 m thick in the now obsolete type section of the Musselbrook Formation nominated by Sweet (1982). It thins to 350 m in a new type section, 6.5 km to the east (Figure 22), and thickens to nearly 800 m, 5.5 km to the west of the old type section. Sweet (1984) inferred a thickening eastwards from the former Musselbrook type section, but this cannot be substantiated and may be due to fault repetition of the succession. Sandstone, conglomerate, and chert are common in the lower half of the type section of the Brumby Formation (L Pmb2), exceeding the proportion of siltstone and shale, whereas the latter dominate in the upper half (L Pmb3). The rare outcrops of the fine siliciclastic rocks are invariably leached or limonitic, and sedimentological information is lacking. Coarser siliciclastic rocks include both sandstone and conglomerate. Sandstones are more thinly bedded and finer grained than those in the Drummond Formation, and are therefore less resistant to weathering. They include grey to pink, well sorted quartz arenites, and some that are purple and more hematitic. Most sandstones are fine grained, ranging into medium and less common coarsegrained varieties with scattered granule and pebble lags, and are thinly to medium bedded and planar or trough cross-bedded. Many bedding surfaces are rippled; sinuous-crested asymmetric forms are most common. McConachie and Krassay (1997) reported that many of the sandstones have a matrix, or thin laminae, of chert intimately associated with sand grains, but much of this could be secondary, replacing mudstone or carbonate laminae. Hematite clots, interpreted by them as probable gypsum pseudomorphs, are present. Thicker units of chert are closely associated with sandstone in the lower 200 m of the Brumby Formation. At least ten bands of laminated and stromatolitic chert were recognised by McConachie and Krassay (1997, Figure 22), ranging in thickness from 1 to 12 m. They include pink laminated chert, chert breccia with circular (stromatolitic) laminae, hematitic and cherty sandstone with vague stromatolite-like structures, and clearly stromatolitic rocks, in which the forms range from small columns, 1–5 cm diameter and several centimetres high, to broad domes up to 25 cm across. Much of the chert has a high quartz sand content, or ranges into cherty sandstone, indicating a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate lithology prior to silicification. Many chert layers are highly brecciated and primary structures have been largely obliterated, due to silicification and weathering. Key to symbols trough cross-beds asymmetric ripples 300 pseudomorphs after gypsum domical stromatolites columnar stromatolites hematitic cement chert-clast conglomerate/breccia sandstone pebble-cobble conglomerate/breccia silicified carbonate rocks 200 100 0 silt, mud vf mvc p A07-233.ai Figure 22. Type section of Brumby Formation in Carrara Range, 11 km northwest of Mount Drummond; base of section is at 766720mE 7938870mN [generalised from unpublished NABRE measured section, archival material summarised in McConachie and Krassay (1997)]. Proportion of carbonate rocks is underestimated because of silicification; outcrop is poor to absent in upper part of section. 25 Sedimentary chert breccia and conglomerate are also common, occurring as intervals up to a few metres thick throughout the lower half of the formation. Beds range from 1 to 5 m thick, and comprise angular to subrounded, white to pink chert clasts, 1–10 cm in diameter, set in cherty or fine to medium sandy matrix; they are generally associated with sandstone beds. Rarely, breccias are associated with stromatolitic chert layers. The upper part of the Brumby Formation is unexposed in the type section (Figure 22) and is poorly exposed elsewhere. Sweet (1984) reported that the rocks are predominantly siltstone, much of which is possibly dolomitic. Rare outcropping beds include a stromatolitic chert with columnar stromatolites up to 10 cm diameter. Near the top of the formation is a flaggy to blocky, thin to medium bedded, medium to coarse sandstone with granulerich bands, overlain by a conglomerate in which the clasts are tabular angular chert and claystone clasts, 10–20 cm across. The mixed siliciclastic/carbonate/chert association that characterises the lower Brumby Formation appears to represent a carbonate ramp environment, similar to that of the Paradise Creek and Esperanza formations, but given the higher proportion of siliciclastic material, in a more proximal position relative to sediment source. Much of the chert, particularly that associated with quartz sand in conglomerate and breccia layers, resulted from early lithification and silicification, and was reworked into the coarse clastic layers. This suggests that there were repeated episodes of exposure and silicification, followed by erosion and renewed inundation, placing the depositional environment in very shallow water, probably intertidal and supratidal. The upper Brumby Formation, which is dominated by fine-grained rocks, is likely to represent deeper water (shelf) environments, but no analysis of these is possible. The Shady Bore Quartzite consists of white, thinly to thickly bedded, fine- and medium-grained lithic and sublithic sandstone, displaying some cross-bedding and prominent wave ripple marks on bedding surfaces. In exposures in the headwaters of No Mans Creek, at 754376mE 7940724mN, the formation consists of at least five to six major cycles of upward-thickening beds. Mudstone partings are present in the lower parts of the cycles, indicating a subtle upwardcoarsening trend as well. Above the uppermost thick sandstone bed is an abrupt thinning of beds and a trend to very fine-grained lithic sandstone, over some 5 m, marking a rapid transition into lower-energy facies of the overlying Plain Creek Formation. A ridge of similar fine-grained lithic sandstone, bearing extensive ripple-covered bedding surfaces, between Bull and Wild Cow Creeks at 758038mE 7934706mN, is reinterpreted as Shady Bore Quartzite rather than middle Musselbrook Formation, as mapped by Sweet et al (1984). Thus, the succession above it to the west comprises the Plain Creek and Lawn Hill formations. The Shady Bore Quartzite in MOUNT DRUMMOND represents a series of upward-shallowing cycles in a wavedominated, marine shoreline environment. Bullrush Conglomerate (L Pmu) The Bullrush Conglomerate (new name, see Appendix 1) replaces the former unnamed conglomerate ‘member’ L Pmbc, the upper part of the now obsolete Musselbrook Formation, as described by Sweet (1985) in the Maloney Creek Inlier. It overlies the Drummond Formation in most outcrops, but also overlies a small inlier of Top Rocky Rhyolite in Moloney Creek, around 778127mE 7955860mN. The contacts with both are interpreted as unconformable. The conglomerate is overlain by the Plain Creek Formation, probably conformably. Sweet (1985) estimated the thickness of the Bullrush Conglomerate to be 500 m in the type section, north of the confluence of Moloney Creek and the South Nicholson River. It thins rapidly westward to 50 m or less, 1.5 km southwest of Bullrush Spring, where it appears to truncate underlying redbeds of the Drummond Formation. Sweet (1985) described the unit as consisting of polymict granule, pebble and cobble conglomerate in units up to 20 m thick, alternating with cross-bedded sandstone. Conglomerates are massive or crudely planar bedded, trough cross-bedded or graded. They are largely clast supported, comprising clasts of quartzite or quartz sandstone, quartz, chert, brown porphyritic rhyolite, and claystone (probably altered/weathered dolomitic rocks), set in a matrix of lithic sand to granules. Subangular to well rounded clasts of pink quartzose to brown ferruginous sandstone account for up to 50% of all clasts in most outcrops. However, some beds are richer in angular to subangular chert and claystone clasts. Our investigations show that the range of rock types is broader than that presented by Sweet (1985); carbonate interbeds are present in the lower part of the section, and sandstone and siltstone are present throughout. The carbonates are massive, white and chalky (altered) chert with relict stratiform, domical, conical and digitate stromatolites, and parallel lamination. These are overlain Shady Bore Quartzite (L Pms) The Shady Bore Quartzite outcrops extensively in the Lawn Hill Platform in LAWN HILL and CAMOOWEAL (Hutton et al 1981, Sweet and Hutton 1982, Hutton and Wilson 1985), 100 km east of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Mapped by Sweet et al (1984) as an unnamed basal sandstone ‘member’ (L Pmas) of the Plain Creek Formation in Carrara R ange R egion, it was nevertheless considered by Sweet (1984: 14) as being equivalent to the Shady Bore Quartzite, a view supported by McConachie and Krassay (1997). The name therefore now replaces the former L Pmas in MOUNT DRUMMOND. The formation forms a distinctive upstanding ridge, flanked on either side by recessive rocks. Contacts are not observed, but in a measured section at 767706mE 7939459mN (McConachie and Krassay 1997), stromatolitic chert is present 3 m below the lowest sandstone bed, and the contact is likely to be conformable. The upper contact is conformable, and is marked by an abrupt upward fining of the sandstone. A thickness of around 50 m was estimated by Sweet (1984: 13) for the Shady Bore Quartzite in the Plain Creek Formation type section (767727mE 7944567mN). In the section measured by McConachie and Krassay (1997), 5 km to the south, it is 40 m thick. 26 by matrix- to clast-supported chert-clast conglomerate, comprising white to blue-grey and pink chert clasts, and lesser rounded sandstone clasts, in a pale brown chert– quartz sand matrix that lacks obvious stratification. Clasts average 2–5 cm, but are up to 35 cm in diameter, and are angular and ungraded. This unit may be a palaeoregolith on the carbonate unit. The sandstone is white, silicified, medium- to very thickly bedded, fine- to very coarsegrained, and sublithic; it is trough cross-bedded and contains scattered pebbles and cobbles. Finer siliciclastics, similar to the flaggy facies in the Drummond Formation to the south, form 10–50 m-scale interbeds. They include redbrown to fawn, fine-grained lithic sandstone and siltstone. Sedimentary structures include small trough cross-beds, planar lamination, current lineation, mudclasts, symmetric ripples (sinuous and interference types with wavelengths to 10 cm), and probable HCS. The apparent superposition of several contrasting facies types is puzzling, as is the considerable variation in clast composition between conglomerates in the succession. Assuming that there are not unrecognised strike-parallel faults within the succession, it is likely that major eastnortheast-trending mapped faults have been reactivated along older basement fractures. These may represent sites of strike-slip faulting at local sub-basin margins, and could account for the variable composition of clasts in the conglomerates. The Brumby Formation, which overlies the Drummond Formation to the south in the Carrara Range, is absent from the Maloney Creek Inlier, implying that substantial erosion took place before the Bullrush Conglomerate was laid down. Clast types in the conglomerate suggest that a lower McNamara Group terrane, mainly of Drummond and Brumby formations, with minor outcrop of the underlying Carrara Range Group, was rapidly eroded. Sweet (1985) interpreted the overlying rocks (now Plain Creek Formation) as fan delta deposits, and this model also fits the Bullrush Conglomerate; the coarse clastic beds are most likely alluvial fans, and the intercalated finer beds, with a range of sedimentary structures including wave ripples and HCS, indicate that they are probably marine. Alluvial fans were building out into a standing body of water, leading to an alternation of marine and non-marine environments. The Bullrush Conglomerate was deposited in dominantly subaerial environments, whereas the Plain Creek Formation was predominantly subaqueous. the recessive interval below it are now included in the Plain Creek Formation. The Plain Creek Formation is dominantly siltstone and shale, but contains several sandstone units, resulting in a series of parallel ridges and valleys in outcrop. This distinguishes it from the overlying, predominantly recessive Lawn Hill Formation. The lower contact, with the Shady Bore Quartzite, is conformable and gradational; in the headwaters of No Mans Creek, at 754370mE 7940730mN, it grades upward over 5 m, from thickly bedded white sandstone of the Shady Bore Quartzite to thin beds of very fine-grained lithic sandstone, and then into siltstone or shale. The upper boundary is not exposed, but is placed at the top of the uppermost topographically resistant unit and is also presumed to be conformable. In the Bluff Range around 784030mE 7946170mN, the Plain Creek Formation is overlain with angular unconformity by the Constance Sandstone. The formation ranges in thickness from less than 400 m north of Bullrush Spring in the Maloney Creek Inlier and about 500 m near No Mans Creek, to nearly 1000 m in the Bluff Range, although it is possible that there is fault repetition in this section. Sweet (1984) estimated the type section as 550 m thick (excluding the Shady Bore Quartzite). Sweet (1984) described the Plain Creek Formation as mainly micaceous siltstone and shale, with interbeds of flaggy to blocky, fine- to medium-grained, wellsorted quartz-rich sandstone with micaceous partings. Observations from the present survey reveal that most of the sandstone units are of a distinctive type; they are arranged in cycles, a few metres thick, of upward-thickening and -coarsening beds, which are stacked to form the resistant units observed during mapping (Figure 23). The bases of the cycles are shale or laminated siltstone, grading up through laminated and thinly bedded, very fine-grained lithic sandstone to thin to medium beds of very fine or fine-grained sandstone. Rarely, medium to coarse-grained sandstone, some with mudstone intraclasts, is present in the upper parts of cycles. The thicker and coarser beds range from 20 to 40 cm thick, and some are individual hummocky cross-stratified units. Most of the finer rocks are parallel laminated, although minor lenticular or rippled forms are present. In the thick Bluff Range section, the lowest resistant ridge is of this type, whereas the next ridge is of medium-bedded, coarse- to very coarse-grained lithic sandstone. Bedding is undulating, with shallow troughs, gently inclined laminae and planar bedding, suggesting swaley cross-stratification. Within 15 m stratigraphically above this level is a 1 m thick, internally structureless grey chert bed. Higher in the same section the sandstones are mainly fine-grained, and locally, are convolute laminated. In the Maloney Creek Inlier, unit P Lmh t and the finegrained rocks below it, mapped by Sweet (1985) as Lawn Hill Formation, are now recognised as Plain Creek Formation; P Lmht is not delineated on the map. Sweet (1985) described four lithofacies in the formation in the Inlier. Facies 1 (fine-grained clastics) includes shale, siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone as described above. Desiccation cracks (not synaeresis cracks) were observed in one outcrop of this facies. Facies 2 (crossbedded sandstone and conglomerate) is a 1 m bed of Plain Creek Formation (L Pma) The Plain Creek Formation was defined by Sweet (1982) on the basis of mapping in the Carrara Range region (Sweet 1984), where it is a mainly recessive unit punctuated by several upstanding sandstone ridges. A sandstone unit previously included as a basal unit of the formation is now excluded, and is instead recognised as Shady Bore Quartzite (L Pms). The remainder of the Plain Creek Formation is therefore redefined (see Appendix 1), and although the type section is retained, a reference section is nominated at the location of the section measured by McConachie and Krassay (1997), 5 km south of the type section. Sweet (1985) mapped a turbidite unit, L Pmh t within the Lawn Hill Formation in the Maloney Creek Inlier, but this unit and 27 well sorted pebble conglomerate grading up into pebbly cross-bedded sandstone. Clasts include quartzite, chert and claystone (altered carbonate?). Facies 3 and 4 are, respectively, graded coarse to fine clastic rocks and pebbly mudstone; both are present in Pmh t. The coarse beds are 2 cm to 0.5 m thick, with sharp bases bearing tool marks and flute casts (Figure 24). Facies 4, which also occurs as interbeds below P Lmh t, contains clasts up to 0.3 m, set in a structureless sandy mudstone matrix. Thin films and veins of manganese and iron oxides are common throughout the Plain Creek Formation in the region, particularly in the No Mans Creek section. Unusual, irregularly and wavy-bedded, granular porous rocks are interbedded with the lowest sandstone unit in this locality; these may be intraclast conglomerates, perhaps containing carbonate, but their origin is unknown. The upper resistant ridges in this section are either structureless silicified siltstone/claystone, or very fine-grained sandstone; no coarse sandstones were observed. The combination of mainly fine-grained siliciclastic rocks, and cycles of upward-thickening and -coarsening beds, with associated hummocky and swaley cross- stratification and minor intraclast conglomerates and ripples, points to a storm-dominated shelf environment, with the coarsest rocks indicating shoreface facies. The convoluted beds indicate that there was some gravitational instability and slumping, due perhaps to a combination of high depositional slopes and the water content of newly deposited sediments. The thin succession in the Maloney Creek Inlier contains both very shallow-water sands with evidence of desiccation, and graded and massive rocks (facies 3 and 4), which are turbidites and mass flow (slump) deposits, respectively, suggestive of deeper water and relatively steep or unstable depositional slopes. These facies are consistent with rapid changes in water depth, due perhaps to the existence of small fault-generated sub-basins, into which subaerial fans were building. The coarse rocks are not fan deposits, but rather gravity flow deposits generated beyond the toe of fans, which may have built out into standing water rather than being subaerial; ie they fit the description of a fan delta, as proposed by Sweet (1985). Turbidites may also be present outside of the Maloney Creek Inlier, although the poor outcrop and alteration of the rocks precludes definite identification of these. Figure 23. Alternating mudstone and sandstone beds in Plain Creek Formation. Recessive beds are laminated to thinly interbedded shale, siltstone and very fine sandstone; white to grey, well indurated beds are very fine to fine sandstone with HCS. Cleanskin, 814800mE 7956420mN, headwaters of Right Creek, 2 km west of NT/Queensland border. Figure 24. Tool marks and flute casts on base of sandstone bed in Plain Creek Formation, Maloney Creek Inlier. Cleanskin, 778120mE 7960770mN, 15 km northeast of Murun Murula. 28 Lawn Hill Formation (L Pmh) Hill Formation is much thinner in the Maloney Creek Inlier north of Bullrush Spring; depending on the assumed dip, it is between 300 m and 450 m, including the Widdallion Sandstone Member. The lower recessive part of the formation is only 125–200 m thick, indicating a substantial northward thinning overall. Subdivision of the Lawn Hill Formation into units L Pmh1 to L Pmh6, as introduced by Sweet and Hutton (1982) in the Lawn Hill region 100 km to the east, is not possible in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Only a lower fine-grained component and an upper coarse one, the Widdallion Sandstone Member (L Pmh5), are recognised. It is also unclear whether the lower fine-grained rocks are equivalent to units L Pmh1 to L Pmh6, as the base of the formation cannot be traced from the Lawn Hill area. The lower unit consists, in outcrop, of grey, green and red, variably leached, laminated shale, siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone. Sweet (1984) observed concretions at 802930mE 7946660mN and regarded these as an indicator of likely equivalence to L Pmh1 at Lawn Hill, as this unit contains similar concretions (Sweet and Hutton 1982: 22). However, the outcrops are isolated, and on the basis of regional structure, it is possible that these rocks could be as old as upper Brumby Formation. Data on the lithology of the Lawn Hill Formation have come from base metals exploration by Rio Tinto in 2000–2001 (Walker 2000, Walker and Johnson 2001). Cuttings are available from an extensive grid of RAB holes drilled over areas named Brumby and Monsoon, in the lower reaches of Brumby and Western Creeks, respectively. The cuttings are overwhelmingly of siltstone and range in colour from oxidised red, yellow and brown, through to grey. They are commonly interlaminated with finegrained sandstone on a sub-centimetre scale. Dolostone is present in several of the holes in an area 2–3 km south and southwest of the confluence of Brumby and Western creeks, and dolomitic siltstone occurs 13 km to the southwest. All of these occurrences appear to be from stratigraphically low levels in the formation. In contrast, the only dolostone occurrences in outcrop have been recorded from near the top of the formation in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, in the Border Waterhole section. There, Sweet (1984) and McConachie and Krassay (1997) recognised laminated and intraclastic dolostone and dolomitic siltstone in the upper 100 m of the approximately 800 m-thick exposed section. Shale dominates the lithology in most of that section. The fine-grained rocks of the Lawn Hill Formation are characteristic of a marine shelf environment, mainly below wave-base, although the interbedded sandstone indicates some slightly higher-energy conditions above wave base, consistent with storm influence. Previously mapped as Bluff Range beds by Smith and Roberts (1963), the Lawn Hill Formation was recognised in the Carrara Range Region by Sweet (1984) on the basis of a broad similarity with the formation in its type area in LAWN HILL to the east (Sweet and Hutton 1982). A particularly distinctive feature is the presence of a sandstone unit (Widdallion Sandstone Member) at its top. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, most areas underlain by the Lawn Hill Formation are recessive. They are mantled by a thin veneer of Cenozoic sand and gravel, and outcrops are largely confined to creek beds and gullies. The exception is southwest of Border Waterhole, where the formation is exposed in low hills and benches. The Widdallion Sandstone Member is more resistant and forms a low strike ridge in most outcrops. The lower boundary of the Lawn Hill Formation is conformable and is placed at the top of the uppermost resistant sandstone of the Plain Creek Formation. The upper contact is invariably unconformable; the Playford Sandstone lies disconformably, or with angular unconformity on the Widdallion Sandstone Member in most outcrops. However, in eastern outcrops, the Constance Sandstone lies with a gentle angular unconformity on the lower Lawn Hill Formation, and indeed truncates the underlying Plain Creek Formation in an east-northeast-trending belt from 784030mE 7946170mN. Both the Lawn Hill and Plain Creek formations are truncated by Cambrian rocks south of Border Waterhole, at the eastern margin of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Sweet (1984) estimated a thickness of 1000–1500 m for the Lawn Hill Formation in an east-northeast-striking belt paralleling the course of Western Creek. Given that the Widdallion Sandstone Member is now recognised to be more restricted than previously believed (see below) and that dips may be lower than assumed by Sweet, a maximum of 1000 m for this section is now estimated. The outcropping section southwest of Border Waterhole, which lacks any Widdallion Sandstone Member, includes 780 m of Lawn Hill Formation (McConachie and Krassay 1997). A very thick section of subcrop and a local depocentre is inferred to exist to the west of Wild Cow Creek, on the basis of measured dips and outcrops of the surrounding units (Wild Cow Sub-basin). To the east of this sub-basin, rocks previously mapped (Sweet et al 1984) as Musselbrook Formation, and reinterpreted as Plain Creek Formation, dip west at 20–50°. Sandstone, 2.5 km northwest of Wild Cow Creek, dips at 40° northwest and is now recognised as Widdallion Sandstone Member rather than lower Musselbrook Formation. These outcropping rocks are separated by a 4 km-wide nonoutcropping zone, potentially underlain by the Lawn Hill Formation. Depending on the assumed dip, this yields an inferred thickness of between 1400 and 2600 m for the finegrained lower part, or between 1700 and 3000 m including the Widdallion Sandstone Member, which is substantially more than elsewhere in the region. The limits of the Wild Cow Sub-basin are not known, as Proterozoic rocks are overlain by Cambrian rocks to the southwest, but the possibility exists that the thicker section extends west-southwest into the covered area south of Mitchiebo Waterhole. The Lawn Widdallion Sandstone Member (L Pmh w ) The Widdallion Sandstone Member, the second-youngest mappable member of the Lawn Hill Formation in LAWN HILL (Sweet and Hutton 1982), was defined from that area by Hutton et al (1981). It was subsequently recognised in the Carrara Range Region by Sweet (1984, 1985), on the basis of stratigraphic position and lithological similarity to the type area. The member forms low banded strike ridges in most outcrops. Present mapping has shown that the upper parts of the unit, as mapped by Sweet (1984), are best assigned 29 to the overlying Playford Sandstone, and the Widdallion Sandstone Member is thus thinner than previously stated. The youngest component of the Lawn Hill Formation in the type area, L Pmh6 (Sweet and Hutton 1982), is absent from MOUNT DRUMMOND. The lower contact of the Widdallion Sandstone Member is not exposed, as the recessive part of the Lawn Hill Formation below it is invariably soil-covered, but it is presumed to be conformable. An angular unconformity with the overlying Wangalinji Sandstone Member of the Playford Sandstone is evident 7 km southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole, at 717100mE 7932300mN. Elsewhere, the contact is concordant, but an abrupt change from lithic sandstone to white granule- to pebblerich sandstone (Wangalinji Sandstone Member) has led to our interpretation of a disconformable relationship. The Widdallion Sandstone Member is about 50 m thick in the Western Creek–Mitchiebo Waterhole outcrops, although this is a minimum estimate, given the unexposed lower contact and the likelihood of erosion of the top. It is between 175 and 250 m thick in the Maloney Creek Inlier, and even thicker (around 370 m) in the Wild Cow Subbasin, 3 km northwest of Wild Cow Creek, at 749230mE 7936900mN. The characteristic lithology of the Widdallion Sandstone Member is grey-red to brown, purple-weathering, highly lithic and micaceous, fine-, medium- and less commonly coarse-grained sandstone. Beds are medium to very thick (up to several metres) and are commonly arranged in cycles from 5 to 20 m thick; cycles typically become coarser, better sorted, slightly less lithic and lighter coloured upwards. Scattered granules and small pebbles of quartz and sandstone occur in the upper parts. Western outcrops are all of sandstone, whereas laminated siltstone and claystone occur to the east. Lower parts of cycles display large low-angle cross-beds, and an outcrop north of Bullrush Springs at 766820mE 7961830mN is hummocky cross-stratified, in places, transitional into angle-of-repose foresets. Upper parts of cycles are trough cross-bedded on a medium to large scale, and in the westernmost outcrop, 7 km southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole, the sandstone appears to be glauconitic. Wave and interference ripple marks and primary current lineation are common on bed tops and in foreset laminae, respectively. In northern outcrops, 1.5 km northwest of Bullrush Spring, a 10 mthick band of sandstone is cross-bedded on a very large scale. The character of the sedimentary cycles in the Widdallion Sandstone Member, and the presence of HCS, large cross-beds, and wave ripples indicate repeated progradational episodes in a high-energy shoreface environment. The highly lithic nature of the sandstone suggests that sedimentation was rapid and was derived from an actively uplifting source terrain. • A very thin section in the Maloney Creek Inlier (columns 4, 5). There, the whole section is condensed, but in addition, much of the lower part of the section has been eroded or not deposited and the facies reflect a much more active depositional setting and instability in that area. • The relatively thin lower units (Drummond and Brumby formations) in the central Carrara Range; these may thicken slightly into the Wild Cow Sub-basin. • Units above the Shady Bore Quartzite that thicken slightly towards the east and markedly into the Wild Cow Sub-basin, and thin markedly to the north into the Maloney Creek Inlier. Overall the range of facies is somewhat broader than those in the equivalent units to the east in LAWN HILL. For instance: • Coarse sandstone and chert breccia in the Brumby Formation suggest greater subaerial exposure, silicification and possibly a more proximal position relative to the sediment source, than in the Paradise Creek–Esperanza formations. • Conglomeratic rocks of the Bullrush Conglomerate in the Maloney Creek Inlier are unlike facies seen elsewhere and indicate active uplift and local erosion of older units of the McNamara Group and underlying Carrara Range Group. • The Plain Creek Formation is not as thick and contains a lower proportion of turbiditic sandstone, compared with the Riversleigh and Termite Range formations, although more proximal facies (pebbly mudstone– slump deposits) indicate steeper depositional slopes locally. • The Lawn Hill Formation lacks carbonaceous shales in the observed outcrops, although the imputed thickening of both this and the Plain Creek Formation into the Wild Cow Sub-basin offers the possibility that such facies may exist locally. Fickling Group The Fickling Group, in northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, is an extension of a wide belt of outcrop which extends from Hedleys Creek, in Queensland, westsouthwest into Seigal. In mapping Seigal, to the north of Cleanskin, Sweet et al (1981) raised the status of the Fickling beds of Carter (1959) to Fickling Group, and recognised four formations: from base to top, Fish River Formation, Walford Dolomite, Mount Les Siltstone and Doomadgee Formation. The Doomadgee Formation was divided into three informal ‘members’ and of these, the upper two, units L Pfd 2 and L Pfd3, extend south into Cleanskin, where they include shale and siltstone, dolostone, and a range of sandstones from fine-grained lithic through to coarsegrained and granule-rich quartz-dominated varieties. Bradshaw et al (2000) demonstrated that the Doomadgee Formation to the west of the Gorge Creek area in Hedleys Creek, and therefore in Seigal, differs from that to the east. Since both the Mount Les Siltstone and Doomadgee Formation are defined from the western area, it appears Synthesis of McNamara Group Estimates of thickness made by Sweet (1984, 1985), supplemented by new data, including that of McConachie and Krassay (1997), are summarised in Figure 25. Although the data are incomplete, notable features include: 30 by Sweet et al (1981: 18). The original thickness of the unit is not known, as the uppermost strata were eroded before being overlain disconformably or with gentle angular unconformity by the South Nicholson Group. The contact is locally concordant in Cleanskin, but the angular nature of the unconformity is quite clear in Seigal, where the basal member of the Constance Sandstone truncates progressively lower units of the Fickling Group northward towards the Murphy Inlier. that useage of the name Doomadgee Formation in MOUNT DRUMMOND remains appropriate, although a further reappraisal of the stratigraphy in Hedleys Creek is likely to lead to further changes in the stratigraphic nomenclature. Doomadgee Formation (L Pfd) The presence of informal unit L Pfd3 in a northeast-trending anticline in northeastern Cleanskin is based on its continuity of outcrop from Seigal (Sweet et al 1981). Outcrop consists of low rubbly rises and terraced low hills, except for a ridgeforming resistant sandstone bed in the lower part. This bed, near the anticlinal axis, is cut by a northeast-trending fault on the southeastern limb, resulting in two horseshoeshaped ridges open to the southeast. It is interpreted as the basal sandstone of L Pfd3, and recessive beds in the core of the anticline are therefore mapped as L Pfd 2. Only a few tens of metres of L Pfd 2 are present, whereas L Pfd3 is at least 200 m thick, perhaps up to 250 m at the northern margin of Cleanskin, but less than the 400 m ‘south of Seigal’ stated Unit P L fd3 In L Pfd3, four distinct lithofacies, interbedded on a 10–100 m scale, and totalling over 200 m, are recognised. The dominant flaggy facies, consists of flaggy, red-brown to maroon, dolomitic, micaceous, fine-grained sandstone MALONEY CREEK INLIER 4 5 w h a Unit P L fd2 P L fd2 is not exposed, but is assumed to consist of a few tens of metres of carbonaceous shale and siltstone, based on descriptions by Sweet et al (1981: 18). h u a d u d w 3 w w h a a h d r 7 a h h b 6 a s CARRARA RANGE REGION b d 2000 r Little a e R a ng F au lt 1500 metres 1 2 s 1000 500 b 0 South Nicholson Basin Lawn Hill Platform and basement Formation incomplete fault or unconformity contact Formation boundary present 1 Wild Cow 2 Carrara west 3 Carrara central 4 Bullrush Spring 5 10 w Widdallion Sandstone Member h Lawn Hill Formation a Plain Creek Formation Moloney Creek s Shady Bore Quartzite 6 Bluff Range u Bullrush Conglomerate 7 Border Waterhole b Brumby Formation d Drummond Formation r Surprise Creek Formation A07-232.ai Cambrian and younger 5 kilometres Figure 25. Thickness summary for McNamara Group. Fence diagram showing seven sections of parts of the group. Carrara central section is based on measured sections by McConachie and Krassay (1997); other sections are calculated from outcrop widths, aerial photographs and measured dips. 31 individual formations (Southgate 2000). These studies, and a sequence stratigraphic reconnaissance in MOUNT DRUMMOND by McConachie and Krassay (1997), permit meaningful estimates to be made for the age and correlations of the formations in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Figure 27 summarises the correlations we prefer and minor differences with the scheme of McConachie and Krassay (1997). In addition to the overall similarities in lithofacies, which led to the broad correlations made by Sweet (1984), sequence stratigraphic studies rely on the recognition of significant surfaces within the stratigraphic succession. These include subtle unconformities (sequence boundaries), which are in part recognised on the basis of detailed lithological and gamma logs of measured sections (Southgate et al 2000). Several surfaces, labelled A to H, were recognised during initial studies in the Lawn Hill region (Southgate et al 1997). Although they have largely been replaced by supersequence boundaries, they are shown on Figure 27, as they were the basis for correlation of the Carrara Range rocks by McConachie and Krassay (1997). The age of the Top Rocky Rhyolite, 1725 ± 3 Ma (Page et al 2000), provides a maximum limit to the age of the overlying Surprise Creek Formation and McNamara Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Southgate et al (2000) and Page et al (2000) showed that there are two elements to the Surprise Creek Formation in the Leichhardt River Fault Trough: one is a little more than 1700 Ma in age and is assigned to the Big Supersequence; the younger component is a little less than 1700 Ma (based on an age of 1694 ± 3 Ma for tuffs from the overlying Gunpowder Creek Formation) and is assigned to the Prize Supersequence. Detailed evidence is lacking, but the Surprise Creek Formation in MOUNT DRUMMOND is considered likely to belong to the Prize Supersequence. McConachie and Krassay (1997) designated informal unit L Pmd 2 of the Drummond Formation as an equivalent of the Torpedo Creek Quartzite in the lower McNamara Group section, but we interpret all of the Drummond Formation as equivalents of the Gunpowder Creek Formation and lower Paradise Creek Formation, ie the Gun Supersequence (Figure 27). The lengthy hiatus between the Prize and Gun supersequences, documented by and siltstone with abundant cross-lamination, parallel lamination, small wave ripples, HCS, parting lineation, tool marks, and flute, gutter and load casts (Figure 26). Rare beds of medium-bedded, fine- to medium-grained sandstone with small trough cross-beds are present. The dolostone facies includes dololutite, dolarenite and sandy (siliciclastic) dolarenite with small trough cross-beds, cross-lamination and parallel lamination, and some dolomitic sandstone, dolorudite and flat-pebble intraclast breccia. Coarser beds contain chert and quartz clasts in a recrystallised dolomitic matrix. The sandstone facies is present in units up to 10 m thick, and consists of white to grey sandstone of variable grainsize. It includes fine-grained sublithic sandstone with parting lineations and planar bedding, medium and coarse sandstone with scattered granules and small pebbles of chert and quartz, and lithic sandstone with trough crossbeds, ripples and synaeresis cracks. A resistant sandstone unit observed in a small anticlinal dome near the base of the exposed section at 805270mE 8001870mN is delineated on the map as L Pfd3s, and is inferred to be the basal sandstone of L Pfd3. The poorly exposed shale facies consists of red-brown to green and grey (?carbonaceous) fissile shale. The various facies appear to be arranged in upwardcoarsening cycles from shale, through flaggy, to sandstone facies. These are punctuated by the dolostone facies, which represents areas of low siliciclastic input within the shallower-water sandstone facies. The flaggy facies bears many of the hallmarks of a storm-dominated shoreface environment, and we conclude that the whole unit represents repeated episodes of progradation across a storm-dominated shelf, culminating with shallow-water, probably intertidal sands and carbonate sediments. Age and correlations of Surprise Creek Formation and McNamara and Fickling groups Regional sequence stratigraphic studies, covering most of the major outcrops in the Lawn Hill Platform and Leichhardt River Fault Trough, with associated isotopic geochronology based on dating of tuffaceous layers, have allowed a very detailed understanding of the age and correlations of Figure 26. Load casts in flaggy facies (laminated to thinly interbedded siltstone and fine sandstone) in uppermost Doomadgee Formation. Cleanskin, 803900mE 8002600mN, 14 km west of NT/Queensland border. 32 Southgate et al (2000), is equated to the unconformity at the base of the Drummond Formation. It can also be inferred that the Drummond Formation is around 1660 Ma in age, based on a series of dates around 1658–1654 Ma for the lower Paradise Creek Formation (Page et al 2000). Carbonate–chert–conglomerate facies that constitute the lower Brumby Formation are Paradise Creek– Esperanza Formation equivalents. The upper, finergrained part of the Brumby Formation correlates with the Lady Loretta Formation, ie the Loretta Supersequence. The Gun–Loretta and Loretta–River supersequence boundaries can only be inferred because of a paucity of outcrop in the upper Brumby Formation. No such problem exists at the equivalent time in the Maloney Creek Inlier, where the beginning of the River Supersequence is marked by the Bullrush Conglomerate lying unconformably on the Drummond Formation, and marked local uplift resulted in erosion of all of the Loretta and part of the Gun supersequences. A correlation between the Plain Creek Formation and the Riversleigh Siltstone and Termite Range Formation (Sweet 1984) was maintained by McConachie and Krassay (1997), who pointed out that the upper Plain Creek Formation may include lower Lawn Hill Formation equivalents. For instance, it is a plausible interpretation that the uppermost Plain Creek Formation sandstone unit is equivalent to the Bulmung Sandstone Member rather than to the Termite Range Formation. Page et al (2000) obtained dates of 1611 ± 4 Ma and 1616 ± 5 Ma for a lower unit in the Lawn Hill Formation (Lawn Supersequence) and 1595 ± 6 Ma for the mudstone beneath the Widdallion Sandstone Member, in the Wide Supersequence. On this basis, it is clear that the McNamara Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND spans the same time range as in the type area of the group to the LAWN HILL Super- Thickness sequence (m) MOUNT DRUMMOND McConachie and Krassay (1997) 2400 South Nicholson Group This report Symbol Formation Constance Sandstone L Psc Constance Sandstone None known L Psa Playford Sandstone Widdallion Sandstone Member ‘Murraburra Sandstone’ L Pmhw Wide Group South Nicholson Group 2000 H Lawn Hill Formation Lawn Lawn Hill Formation L Pmh Lawn Hill Formation Term 1200 800 Termite Range Formation E Riversleigh Siltstone Shady Bore Quartzite Lady Loretta Formation Esperanza Formation D Gun B Gunpowder Creek Formation A' Torpedo Creek Quartzite A* Prize Shady Bore Quartzite L Pms L Pmu Shady Bore Bullrush Quartzite Conglomerate Brumby Formation (upper) Lady Loretta Formation Esperanza Formation L Pmb Paradise Creek Formation Gunpowder Creek Formation Surprise Creek Formation Plain Creek Formation Riversleigh Siltstone Paradise Creek Formation C 400 Termite Range Formation L Pma F? River Loretta G? McNamara Group 1600 Surprise Creek Formation Brumby Formation (lower) L Pmd4 L Pmd3 L Pmd2 Drummond Formation L Pmd1 L Pr Surprise Creek Formation Not grouped A07-234.ai Figure 27. Gamma ray log summary from Carrara Range measured sections by McConachie and Krassay (1997), with interpreted correlations with the type area for the McNamara Group in LAWN HILL, Queensland [from McConachie and Krassay (1997) and this report]. Columns on the right show MOUNT DRUMMOND stratigraphy used in this report. 33 The rocks are flat lying to gently dipping (Figure 28) and are not metamorphosed or significantly deformed. The base of the Caulfield beds and underlying units are not exposed. The beds are unconformably overlain by the Constance Sandstone of the South Nicholson Group (Figure 5), with only minor discordance at the contact. The Caulfield beds are informally divided into two parts with a cumulative thickness of at least 600 m; they are not distinguished on the mapface. The lower part is at least 500 m thick and comprises coarse lithic sandstone and conglomerate, with minor intercalated carbonate and siltstone. The upper part is approximately 100 m thick and consists of interlayered 10–30 m-thick units of fine- to medium-grained sublithic sandstone, chert and siltstone. east, except that there is no evidence of the existence of the youngest, Doom Supersequence. Intrusive rhyodacites in the Peters Creek Volcanics at 1729 ± 4 Ma are indistinguishable in age from the Top Rocky Rhyolite, and provide a maximum age for the Fickling Group (Page et al 2000). Sweet et al (1981: 22) made very general lithostratigraphic correlations between the Fickling Group and the McNamara Group, and these correlations have been much refined using U–Pb isotope geochronology (Page and Sweet 1998, Page et al 2000) and sequence and seismic stratigraphy (Bradshaw et al 2000). Unit L Pdf 2 of the Doomadgee Formation containing tuffs of 1613 ± 5 Ma (Page and Sweet 1998), is equated to the middle Lawn Hill Formation (units L Pmh3, lower L Pmh4; Page et al 2000), ie the Lawn Supersequence (Bradshaw et al 2000), whereas the upper Doomadgee Formation is equated to the upper unit L Pmh4 of the Lawn Hill Formation, dated at 1595 ± 6 Ma by Page and Sweet (1998), and is assigned to the Wide Supersequence. Lower Caulfield beds Three sedimentary facies are recognised in the lower Caulfield beds. The dominant coarse facies consists of yellow to red-brown or pink, lithic, micaceous, coarse- to very coarse-grained, poorly sorted, lithic-pebble-bearing sandstone (Figure 29) and pebble to boulder conglomerate. Subrounded clasts up to 40 cm diameter include mudstone, silicified sandstone (fine- to medium-grained quartzite), quartz, micaceous metapelite and felsic ?volcanic rock; these are consistent with a sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic-felsic igneous provenance. Conglomerate and coarse sandstone, in beds 0.5–8 m thick, outcrop as a series of benches. The beds generally lack internal stratification, but in the upper part of the easternmost outcrops, they display lighter-coloured, better-sorted upper surfaces. Crude bedding is locally present. Neither chert nor carbonate appear as clasts in this facies. The massive character of the coarse facies results in tor-like outcrops (Figure 30) of distinctive brown colour, often with a honeycombed weathering surface. Fine facies occurs as minor thin intervals of fine- to medium-grained, highly micaceous lithic sandstone and siltstone, with small- to medium-scale trough cross-beds, planar bedding, parting lineation and interference ripples. This facies is sometimes amalgamated with the massive beds and sometimes forms discrete beds. Olive shale is also recognised locally in the lower Caulfield beds. Mesoproterozoic (Calymmian): South Nicholson Basin The term South Nicholson Basin was introduced by Smith and Roberts (1963), following their mapping of MOUNT DRUMMOND and the combining of the Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation into the South Nicholson Group. Until the present mapping, this group was regarded as the only constituent of the South Nicholson Basin. However, the Caulfied beds are herein also assigned to the basin, as they are tentatively correlated with older parts of the South Nicholson Group. Caulfield beds The Caulfield beds (new name, see Appendix 1) are restricted to north-central MOUNT DRUMMOND and incorporate outcrops in the Bauhinia Dome that were previously mapped as Fickling beds by Smith and Roberts (1963). This recessive unit forms the low-relief core of the Bauhinia Dome, which is centred on 755000mE 8000000mN (northeastern Benmara) and drained by Norris and Little Pandanus creeks. The structural setting is an anticlinal dome with a principal east- to east-northeast-trending axis. Figure 28. Aerial view of strongly banded outcrop in Caulfield beds, eastern Bauhinia Dome. Banding results from alternating very thick beds of pebble conglomerate and pebbly sandstone, and poorly exposed finer siliciclastic rocks. Benmara, 751600mE 8001200mN, 37 km north-northwest of Wangalinji. 34 Carbonate facies occurs as small discontinuous patches of fresh, locally brecciated dolostone; it accounts for less than 5% of the lower Caulfield beds. Rock types include interbedded sandy and pebbly dolarenite, dolorudite (including flat-pebble breccia), dololutite and dolomitic-lithic sandstone. Microbial lamination is locally present. This facies appears to be genetically related to the interbedded sandstone; however, contacts are not well exposed and it is possible that individual carbonate outcrops actually represent allochthonous blocks or large clasts within the sandstone. 30 cm thick of red-brown to green or yellow micaceous siltstone, fine- to very fine-grained lithic sandstone, and shale. Bedding is planar or lenticular with common parallel lamination. Interpretation and correlation The contrasting mix of facies that characterises the Caulfield beds is unusual and is indicative of sedimentation coeval with tectonism. The principal sources of siliciclastic detritus were the Murphy Metamorphics, Nicholson Granite and Cliffdale Volcanics, and possibly remnants of the Westmoreland Conglomerate. We interpret sedimentation to have been coincident with foreland development and uplift of the Murphy Inlier, 20 km to the north (Murphy Tectonic Ridge, Plumb et al 1990). During periods of tectonism, sand and gravel originating in uplands coincident with the tectonic ridge were rapidly transported and deposited by gravity flows to form massive sandstone and conglomerate beds. The total lack of stratification or grading in most beds indicates that the flows were debris flows rather than turbidites. Better sorted, less lithic tops to some beds show that they were subaqueous, and were subjected to winnowing Upper Caulfield beds Three lithofacies are recognised in the upper Caulfield beds. Sandstone facies is a yellow, fine- to medium-grained, quartzose to sublithic, silicified micaceous sandstone, with small trough cross-beds, planar bedding and a parting lineation. It is not unlike the overlying Constance Sandstone in appearance, but is devoid of mudclasts and quartz pebbles/ granules. Chert facies occurs as white featureless chert, lacking stratification and any discernible features. It could be altered claystone, but is most likely chertified dolostone. Fine facies consists of shaly outcrop or tabular beds up to Figure 29. Pebbly, highly lithic, very coarse-grained sandstone in Caulfield beds. Clasts are of sandstone/quartzite and quartz. Benmara, 761070mE 8002560mN, eastern Bauhinia Dome, 35 km north of Wangalinji. Figure 30. Tor-like outcrop habit of Caulfield beds from same locality as Figure 29. 35 the Fickling and McNamara groups appears less likely, but cannot be ruled out, as somewhat similar facies are present in the middle McNamara Group (Bullrush Conglomerate) and in the overlying Plain Creek Formation in the Maloney Creek Inlier. A problem in correlating the Caulfield beds with either the Fickling Group or the Crow Formation is that, during that time, it is likely that the nearest parts of the Murphy Tectonic Ridge were blanketed by sediments. The Walford Dolomite is present 10–20 km directly north of the Caulfield beds, but basement metamorphic and igneous rocks are present to the northeast. To the northwest, basement is obscured by the South Nicholson Group, but could have been exposed at the time of deposition of the Caulfield beds, regardless of their age. Thus, we tentatively correlate the Caulfield beds with the Crow Formation. by wave or current action after deposition. During times of tectonic quiescence, sedimentation took place under the influence of waves and currents in a shallow-marine shelf environment, forming carbonate and depositing fine-grained siliciclastic sediments, and reworking minor amounts of the debris flow facies. These processes are best interpreted in terms of a fan delta. The advent of finer-grained and better-sorted sandstones and beds of dolostone higher in the section indicates that traction current and chemical deposition became more important upwards, with a waning of tectonism. The lack of turbidites and conglomerate in the upper Caulfield beds indicates a cessation of tectonism. The age and absolute stratigraphic position of the Caulfield beds are difficult to constrain, thus necessitating the status of ‘beds’. They are obviously older than the Constance Sandstone, but are presumed to be considerably younger than the Nicholson Granite and Cliffdale Volcanics in the Murphy Inlier, dated by Page et al (2000) at about 1850 Ma. Sweet (1985) followed Smith and Roberts (1963) in assigning them to the Fickling beds (Group), and regarded the facies as similar to those in the Maloney Creek Inlier, interpreting them as alluvial fan deposits shed from faults bounding the Murphy Tectonic Ridge. We interpret the environment as subaqueous, rather than subaerial, but agree that the likely source is the ridge to the north. An alternative source to the south (ie between the Bauhinia Dome and the Maloney Creek Inlier) is also possible, in an area now concealed beneath a thick cover of South Nicholson Group, but insufficient data are available to assess this. Facies in the Caulfield beds are quite proximal, implying that fault scarps were close. The east-northeast-trending Fish River Fault lies 9 km north of the nearest Caulfield beds outcrops, but is poorly expressed in the Walford Dolomite (Fickling Group) in that area (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989). A more prominent unnamed east-southeast-trending fault cuts the Constance Sandstone within 4 km of the northeastern extremity of outcrops. The latest movement on these faults is clearly post-South Nicholson Group, but many faults in the region have been reactivated and the most recent movement is not necessarily the major activity on them. The Fish River Fault, for instance, has been shown to be active during deposition of the Mount Les Siltstone. Rohrlach et al (1998: 65–66) stated that this movement led to the development of submarine talus breccias, described as ‘a series of allochthonous, interdigitating clast-supported dolomite breccia [which] extend several hundred metres basinwards where they grade into matrix-supported dolomite debrisflow sedimentary breccias beyond the base of the Fish River Fault palaeoscarp’. Thus, a mechanism exists that could explain the coarse facies in the Caulfield beds, perhaps of Fickling Group age. However, the problem of the source terrain remains, as it is difficult to demonstrate that there was exposed basement to the north at the time. An alternative correlation with the Crow Formation (South Nicholson Group) is considered more likely. The Caulfield beds contain coarse-grained mass flow facies similar to the Crow Formation in the Benmara–Canyon Range area. In addition, the contact with the overlying Constance Sandstone (a probable correlative of the Mittiebah Sandstone, Figure 5) is essentially concordant and may represent only a minor hiatus. Correlation with South Nicholson Group The South Nicholson Group overlies rocks of the western Lawn Hill Platform in western Queensland and eastern Northern Territory. It occupies the largest areal extent of any group in MOUNT DRUMMOND, accounting for some 80% of all outcropping strata. It lies unconformably on the McNamara Group in the Carrara Range region (Figure 3), and unconformably on the Murphy Metamorphics and probably unconformably on the Benmara Group in Boxer. It is, in turn, unconformably overlain by the Bukalara Sandstone, Helen Springs Volcanics, Wonarah Formation and an assortment of Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks and sediments. Satisfactory radiometric dating is currently unavailable for any part of the South Nicholson Group, and its age is therefore internally unconstrained. A shale total-rock Rb-Sr date of 1510 ± 120 Ma from presumed Mullera Formation from Brunette Downs-1 is unreliable, as the possibility of inclusion of detrital material, principally micas, cannot be discounted (Plumb and Derrick 1975). Additionally, it is possible that the rocks dated were from the Crow Formation, not the Mullera Formation, based on the revised stratigraphy presented below. Page et al (2000) analysed zircons from a basal feldspathic sandstone in the Constance Sandstone, 20 km south of the Century Deposit in LAWN HILL, and concluded that the age of 1591 ± 10 Ma represents reworked tuffaceous material from the underlying Lawn Hill Formation, thus providing a maximum age for the Constance Sandstone. A similar maximum age of 1595 ± 6 Ma comes directly from the Lawn Hill Formation in the same area (Page and Sweet 1998). No minimum age constraints are imposed by overlying units, apart from late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian units of the Georgina Basin. The interpreted age range for the group, of 1500–1400 Ma, is based on its correlation with the Roper Group of the southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966), with which it makes up the Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from the lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for the age of the lower part of that group, and hence, for the lower South Nicholson Group. The lithostratigraphic components of the South Nicholson Group are summarised in Table 5 and Figure 5. The group is divided into two subgroups, the Wild Cow and 36 • The ‘Mitchiebo belt’, an east-northeast-trending outcrop belt between Mitchiebo Waterhole and Western Creek, except for outcrops south of Western and No Mans creeks, which were shown by Sweet (1984) to belong to the McNamara Group. • Several structural domes between the Mitchiebo and Benmara faults, including those in the headwaters of Waterfall and Breakfast Creeks and the Playford River, but not the northernmost anticline at the confluence of Murphys and Benmara Creeks. Accident subgroups, based on the presence of an intervening disconformity. Outcrops mapped in the Maloney Creek Inlier as ‘Maloney Formation’ and included in the South Nicholson Group by Smith and Roberts (1963) were excluded by Sweet (1985) and assigned to various formations in the underlying McNamara Group. The South Nicholson Group is dominated by braided fluvial and shallow-marine sandstone, siltstone, shale and minor conglomerate and ironstone, and is up to 6500 m thick. Structurally, it is gently folded with an intricate domeand-basin map pattern. Sandstones outcrop as resistant ranges (mostly ‘domes’ and east-trending strike ridges) with moderate dips, rarely exceeding 30°. Finer-grained units tend to be recessive, occupying low-relief sand-covered plains bounding the ranges, and hence, are poorly exposed and their internal stratigraphy poorly constrained. In the type area for the Wild Cow Subgroup, around Mitchiebo Waterhole, the Playford Sandstone outcrops strongly as a series of alternating strike ridges and narrow valleys, reflecting the presence of finer-grained rocks interbedded with the sandstone. Elsewhere, outcrops are predominantly low sandstone ridges and plateaux. The formation has been divided into three named members: the basal Wangalinji Member consists of a basal sandstone overlain by siltstone and sandstone, the Top Lily Sandstone Member is predominantly fine-grained lithic sandstone with minor siltstone, ironstone and stromatolitic carbonate rocks; and the No Mans Sandstone Member is a prominent, coarse-grained to granule-bearing, cross-bedded sandstone unit, recognisable only in the Mitchiebo belt. Because all outcrops of the Playford Sandstone have been subdivided into these members, detailed lithological descriptions are given under the appropriate headings below. The Playford Sandstone is 390 m thick in the type section, 4 km southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, but at least 1400 m in the Playford Anticline and more than 1300 m in the Ten Mile Anticline. Wild Cow Subgroup The Wild Cow Subgroup (new name, see Appendix 1) is restricted to the western half of MOUNT DRUMMOND. It incorporates three formations, the Bowgan and Playford sandstones and an overlying recessive siltstone- and sandstone-dominated unit, the Crow Formation (Table 5, Figure 5). The correlation of the two sandstone formations is uncertain, but both represent the base of the South Nicholson Group in their respective areas (see below) and are overlain by the Crow Formation. The Wild Cow Subgroup unconformably overlies the Murphy Metamorphics and McNamara Group. The contact with the Benmara Group is poorly exposed and the relationship cannot be resolved with any certainty (see Bowgan Sandstone), but a partly reactivated unconformity is favoured. The Wild Cow Subgroup is in turn overlain disconformably, and locally with angular unconformity, by the Accident Subgroup. Rocks now assigned to the Wild Cow Subgroup were originally mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as younger components of the South Nicholson Group (Constance Sandstone, Mullera Formation, Mittiebah Sandstone; now Accident Subgroup). Recognition of an unconformity within the group north of No Mans Creek has enabled us to demonstrate that the rocks beneath the unconformity surface (Wild Cow Subgroup) occupy much of western MOUNT DRUMMOND, whereas the younger formations dominate outcrops in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and LAWN HILL. The Mittiebah Sandstone, which overlies the Wild Cow Subgroup concordantly, is a probable equivalent of the Constance Sandstone. Wangalinji Member (P Lsa w ) The Wangalinji Member of the Playford Formation (new name, see Appendix 1) comprises a lower, coarse-grained to granule and pebbly sandstone, overlain by interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone. It was formerly mapped as part of the Constance Sandstone in outcrops stretching west-southwest from the headwaters of Moloney Creek in central southern MOUNT DRUMMOND: the ‘Mitchiebo belt’. Several other outcrops occur in a 50 km belt immediately north of the Mitchiebo Fault, from the exact centre of the sheet area west to the headwaters of Waterfall Creek. The member forms a low ridge corresponding to the basal sandstone and an adjacent valley or undulating terrain corresponding to the upper, finer-grained part. An angular unconformable relationship with the underlying Widdallion Sandstone Member of the Lawn Hill Formation is evident at 717310mE 7932910mN, 6.5 km southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole. In other exposures to the east, the units are concordant, and the contact is a disconformity. The contact is marked by an abrupt change from purple-brown lithic sandstone of the Widdallion Sandstone Member, to white, blocky, very coarse-grained to granule-bearing quartz-rich sandstone of the basal Wangalinji Member. In the type section, 4 km southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole at 724360mE 7934820mN, the basal sandstone is 25 m thick and consists of a lower 4 m of white, thickly bedded, coarse-grained cross-bedded sandstone, fining upward over 5 m to medium-grained sandstone with current ripples and primary current lineation; this is overlain by Playford Sandstone (P Lsa) The Playford Sandstone (new name, see Appendix 1) forms the base of the South Nicholson Group, from Moloney Creek in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, westwards to the western limit of Proterozoic outcrop around Waterfall Creek in Mittiebah, and north to an isolated exposure in the headwaters of Benmara Creek in Boxer. North of the Benmara Fault, the basal unit of the South Nicholson Group is the Bowgan Sandstone. The formation now includes much of the Constance Sandstone mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) in: 37 Unit, (map symbol), thickness Lithology Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationships Mullera Formation (P Lsm) >1100 m (includes (P Lsmm) Green or red/brown to maroon, micaceous, locally ferruginous siltstone, shale and finegrained, lithic to quartzose sandstone; minor ironstone, organic-rich shale and mediumgrained quartzose sandstone. Shallow-marine shelf, partly above storm wave-base (‘tempestite facies’) and partly below (‘organic ’ and ‘shalerich facies’). Conformable on Constance Sandstone; top not exposed, but unconformably overlain by Georgina Basin. Middle Creek Sandstone Member (P Lsmm) up to 70 m White, silicified, fine ± medium-grained, sublithic glauconitic sandstone with distinctive decimetre-scale amalgamated trough cross-beds defined by hematite dustings on foresets. Shallow marine intertidal and shoreface, above fair-weather wave-base. Conformable within Mullera Formation. South Nicholson Group Accident subgroup Constance Sandstone (L Psc) 75–1100 m; subdivided into five members Schultz Sandstone Member (P Lscs) 120–600+ m White to brown, friable, medium-, coarse- and very coarse-grained to granule sandstone; thick intercalated unit of platy, thinly laminated, very fine-grained sandstone. Shallow marine: upper shoreface to intertidal; may include braided fluvial. Disconformable on Wallis Siltstone Member; overlain conformably by Mullera Formation. Wallis Siltstone Member (P Lscw) 0–200 m Green-brown-weathering, very fine- to finegrained laminated sandstone with micaceous partings; minor siltstone and shale; interbed of white, well sorted, coarse- to very coarsegrained quartz sandstone with large mudstone intraclasts. Deeper marine: lower shoreface and storm-dominated shelf. Conformable on Burangoo Sandstone Member; overlain disconformably, and locally with subtle angular unconformity by Schultz Sandstone Member. Burangoo Sandstone Member (P Lscb) 35–150 m White to pale yellow, silicified to friable, fine- to coarse-grained, quartzose to sublithic sandstone with minor scattered granules and rare small pebbles of quartz. Shallow marine: upper shoreface to intertidal; may include braided fluvial. Conformable between Pandanus and Wallis Siltstone members. Pandanus Siltstone Member (P Lscp) 20–50 m Flaggy, brown, micaceous, lithic fine-grained sandstone; minor siltstone and shale. Deeper marine: lower shoreface and storm-dominated shelf. Conformable within Constance Sandstone, between Hedleys and Burangoo Sandstone members. Hedleys Sandstone Member (P Lsch) 10–15 m White, silicified to friable, thick to very thick bedded, fine- to medium-grained sublithic and quartzose sandstone with mudclasts, and minor granules and small pebbles of quartz. Shallow marine: upper shoreface to intertidal; may include braided fluvial. Unconformable on Fickling Group in northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and on Caulfield beds in central part of mapsheet; overlain conformably by Pandanus Siltstone Member. Mittiebah Sandstone (P Lsi) 450–2200 m Fine- to coarse-grained, quartzose to lithic sandstone; minor interbeds of pebble or cobble conglomerate and siltstone. Alternating shallow storminfluenced marine and braided fluvial. Conformable to disconformable on Crow Formation; top not exposed but probably conformably overlain by Mullera Formation. Interbedded lithic micaceous siltstone and fine-grained sandstone, red/brown to grey shale, chalky white claystone, fine- to mediumgrained, quartzose to sublithic sandstone; minor local red/brown, poorly sorted, feldspathic, micaceous, ferruginous and lithic, medium- to very coarse-grained sandstone, pebbly sandstone and matrix-supported conglomerate. Shallow- to deep-marine shelf (tempestite and parallellaminated facies), with development of fan delta in northwest adjacent to tectonic uplift (localised interdigitated turbidite and debris flow facies). In northwest: conformable on Bowgan Sandstone; locally unconformable on Benmara Group; conformably overlain by Tobacco Member or Mittiebah Sandstone. White silicified, fine- to very coarse-grained ± pebbly, quartzose to lithic, often glauconitic sandstone and localised pebble-cobble conglomerate; minor interbedded white flaggy shale and siltstone. Shallow intertidal to storminfluenced marine shelf. Conformable at top of Crow Formation in west; overlain disconformably or with angular unconformity by Mittiebah Sandstone. Wild Cow Subgroup Crow Formation (P Lso) up to 2500 m Tobacco Member (P Lsot) 300–600 m In south and east: conformable on Playford Sandstone; overlain disconformably or with angular unconformity by Constance Sandstone (or Mittiebah Sandstone in south). Table 5. Stratigraphy of South Nicholson Group and Caulfield beds in MOUNT DRUMMOND (continued next page). 38 Unit, (map symbol), thickness Bowgan Sandstone (P Lsb) up to 100 m Lithology Maroon, variably ferruginous, lithic to sublithic, fine- to coarse-grained ± pebbly sandstone; possible rare chertified digitate stromatolites; local basal chert clast conglomerate or breccia. Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationships Braided fluvial to shallow marine intertidal. Probably unconformable on Murphy Metamorphics and Benmara Group; conformably overlain by Crow Formation; locally absent. Playford Sandstone (P Lsa) composite 390–1400+ m; subdivided into three members No Mans Sandstone Member (P Lsan) 130–200 m Medium to coarse-grained sandstone with granule to pebble lags; sublithic to quartz-rich; strongly trough cross-bedded. Fluvial or intertidal marine. Sharp, erosive but conformable base on Top Lily Sandstone Member; conformably overlain by Crow Formation. Top Lily Sandstone Member (P Lsat) 140–1100 m White, pink, and darker pink-red, thickly to very thickly bedded, very fine- to fine-grained, well sorted lithic sandstone; minor, more thinly bedded, ferruginous very fine-grained sandstone and siltstone, and hematitic siltstone to ironstone. Marine shelf to shoreline, and possibly tidal channel; minor supratidal, including aeolian. Conformable on Wangalinji Member; overlain conformably by No Mans Sandstone Member, or by Crow Formation. Wangalinji Member (P Lsaw) 115–750 m Basal, white, thickly bedded, medium- to coarsegrained, silicified to friable, locally pebbly, sublithic to quartzose sandstone; overlain by laminated shale, thinly bedded siltstone, very fine-grained lithic sandstone, and interbeds of coarser white sandstone similar to basal beds. Basinal, through stormdominated shelf, to shoreface or marginal marine. Overlies Widdallion Sandstone Member, disconformably in most outcrops; angular unconformity southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole; overlain conformably by Top Lily Sandstone Member. Coarse-grained, poorly sorted lithic sandstone and matrix-supported conglomerate; minor intercalated carbonate, chert and siltstone. Debris flows and sandy turbidites in shallow to deep marine shelf setting (fan-delta); syntectonic deposition. Base not exposed; unconformably overlain by Constance Sandstone. Unassigned to group Caulfield beds (P Lc) >600 m Table 5. Stratigraphy of South Nicholson Group and Caulfield beds in MOUNT DRUMMOND (continued from previous page). 20 m of fine- to medium-grained sandstone with similar structures. The uppermost beds become thinly bedded over 2 m and apparently grade upwards into mudstone of the upper Wangalinji Member. The basal sandstone is 10–20 m thick in most exposures and is locally conglomeratic, containing lags and scattered granules and pebbles, mainly of quartz. In an outcrop 2 km southwest of the type section, it is a thickly bedded, white quartz arenite with scattered clay (lithic?) grains and mudstone intraclasts. The sandstone is strongly planar cross-bedded on a medium scale, and medium-grained with granule to pebbly layers. Elsewhere, ripple cross-lamination and small-scale trough (possibly herringbone) cross-bedding is evident. The remainder of the member is not exposed in the type section, but based on measured dips in adjacent units, it is about 90 m thick, yielding a total of 115 m. It is well exposed and at least 750 m thick in the Playford Anticline. The dominant rock types are laminated shale with thinly bedded siltstone and very fine-grained lithic sandstone interbeds. Highly ferruginous and manganiferous, rather gossanous weathering crusts suggest that some of the mudstones are pyritic. At least two white, quartz-rich, more thickly bedded, coarser-grained sandstone layers, a few metres thick and similar to the basal sandstone, are present. The younger of these contains moulds of probable bladed gypsum crystals (Figure 31). Towards the top of the Member, soils and weathered rock are red in colour, and calcrete in the soil and a loose block of stromatolitic chert indicates that carbonates are present in the section. Similar rocks are present in the core of the Ten Mile Anticline, where the uppermost 200–300 m of the member is exposed, but the total thickness is not known. An interval of purple-red mudstone with discontinuous disrupted laminae, ubiquitous mudflakes, and desiccation cracks indicates a period of shallow-water deposition with periodic emergence. Within the member on the eastern limb of the anticline are well exposed upwardcoarsening and -thickening beds several metres thick. Wavily interlaminated shale-siltstone on a sub-centimetre scale are overlain by several sharp-based interbeds of sublithic, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone packed with shale intraclasts. The thinnest is 0.3 m thick; the top one is greater than 1 m thick. The surface of the uppermost sandstone is strongly wave rippled, with scattered granules and small pebbles of quartz. A similar sandstone near the core of the anticline contains weathered out grains which may have been glauconite. The basal coarser sandstone is a trangressive deposit, which is succeeded by finer sand, indicating a rapid deepening of the environment. The association of shale (some of it pyritic), siltstone and fine-grained sandstone with intervals of coarser sandstone beds in the upper Wangalinji Member is consistent with a series of upwardshallowing cycles from relatively deep basinal, through storm-shelf facies, to shoreface or marginal marine sand environments. Occasional emergence is indicated by desiccation cracks and gypsum pseudomorphs. The appearance of carbonate rocks towards the top indicates an overall shallowing of the basin. The marked increase in thickness north of the Mitchiebo Fault suggests that there may have been syndepositional movement during Playford Sandstone time. 39 Top Lily Sandstone Member (P Lsat ) The Top Lily Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1) is the dominant component of the Playford Sandstone. It outcrops as a series of ridges and plateaux, particularly in the Playford and Ten Mile anticlines, although in both areas, outcrop is surprisingly poor, as the plateau surfaces are deeply weathered and the sandstone has been altered to ferruginous and silicified sandstone rubble. The member also forms the southern part of the ridge forming the ‘Mitchiebo belt’ in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Excellent outcrops are preserved in this belt, both southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole and in the type section, 4 km southeast of the waterhole. The member is 143 m thick in the type section, where lower and upper intervals of fine-grained lithic sandstone, each 50–60 m thick, are separated by a slightly recessive 20 m interval of finer-grained, more thinly bedded, dark red ferruginous sandstone. It thickens north of the Mitchiebo Fault to 750 m in the Playford Anticline and to 1100 m in the western limb of the Ten Mile Anticline. The middle recessive zone is present at all localities, but its composition is poorly known because of a lack of good exposures. At least 300 m of the member is preserved in the northernmost outcrops, in an anticline in the headwaters of Benmara Creek, although the exposure is not complete. The lower contact is not exposed in the type section, but the member is concordant with the Wangalinji Member and is presumed to be conformable on it, as it is clearly gradational in the Ten Mile Anticline. The upper contact with the No Mans Sandstone Member in the type section is sharp and erosive. Although it may be locally disconformable, on a regional scale, it is concordant and essentially conformable. Away from the type section, the No Mans Sandstone Member becomes finer grained, thinner and lenses out, and the Top Lily Sandstone Member is overlain with an abrupt transition by the Crow Formation, with which it is inferred to be conformable. The dominant facies in the Top Lily Sandstone Member is a distinctive, white to pink or darker pink-red, thickly to very thickly bedded, fine-grained, well sorted micaceous and lithic sandstone. Grainsize occasionally extends to medium-grained, and rarely, to coarse-grained, granulebearing and pebbly. White clay grains, either weathered lithic fragments or feldspar, constitute up to 30% of the volume of the rock. Cross-beds range from a metre up to several metres thick (Figure 32), include both gentlycurved troughs and tabular forms, and display thin foreset bedding that is commonly deformed (Figure 33). Massive beds with erosive bases and crude upward grading are present; these also display convolute bedding. A second facies, somewhat finer grained than the dominant one and interbedded with it, is prominently parallel laminated and primary current lineated. In some outcrops, curved surfaces with current lineation and long-wavelength truncations are evident, suggesting large-scale HCS. Straight-crested and interference ripples are also present. Exposure is generally poor, because of intense weathering of the plateau surface in the Ten Mile Anticline, except near creek level, which is below the weathered zone. The lower contact is well exposed at 686250mE 7936660mN, where red to grey laminated siltstone grades up into very fine- to fine-grained sandstone with few siltstone interbeds. The siltstone beds are packed with mudstone intraclasts, and the sandstone displays desiccation cracks and small ripple marks. Straight and sinuous-crested ripples on nearby beds are probably of wave origin. The sandstone immediately above the contact is cyclic on a dekametre scale, suggesting a series of upward-shallowing cycles. Rare good outcrop of the middle recessive interval at 689950mE 7932570mN includes thinly to medium bedded, fine-grained, slightly porous, highly ferruginous sandstone. Iron oxides are present as grains as well as interstitially, indicating either altered glauconite or other sedimentary iron minerals. In the western limb of Ten Mile Anticline, rubble of dark purple-red pure hematite is present at several localities at the base of the recessive zone. It thus appears to be a sedimentary layer, rather than being fault or veinrelated. A single displaced block of stromatolitic chert near the middle of the member, at 686900mE 7940950mN, shows that minor carbonate is present. The gradational contact with the underlying Wangalinji Member and the presence of upward-shallowing and ‑coarsening cycles indicate that the Top Lily Member is a shallow-marine or shoreline deposit. The fine grainsize, good sorting and large cross-beds are consistent with non-marine (aeolian) environments, but the presence of granules and pebbles is more indicative of a subaqueous environment. A shallow-marine shelf, dominated by tidal sandwaves, is considered most likely. The occurrence of massive beds and convolute foreset lamination in the Mitchiebo Waterhole area may indicate deposition in a tidal or fluvial channel system, where sedimentation was more rapid and the deposits more unstable, or even in deeper-water channels as massflow deposits, although the dominance of cross-bedded sandstone points to a mainly shallow-water setting. The highly ferruginous beds and stromatolitic chert are suggestive of minor peritidal environments with low siliciclastic input. No Mans Sandstone Member (P Lsan ) The No Mans Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1) is recognised only in the Mitchiebo belt, where it outcrops strongly in the northern part of a long ridge of outcrop, previously mapped as Constance Sandstone by Smith and Roberts (1963) and Sweet (1984). The member is 130 m thick at the type section and may thicken to as much as 200 m, further east in the Mitchiebo belt. It is tentatively recognised in the Playford Anticline, where some 50 m of sandstone above typical Top Lily Sandstone Member rocks is subtly coarser-grained and more quartzrich than the rocks below, reflecting a feather edge of the No Mans Sandstone Member in that area. The lower contact is regionally conformable, but is sharp in the type section; typical Top Lily facies are overlain by strongly trough cross-bedded, very coarse-grained to pebbly, quartz-rich sandstone with a clearly erosive contact (Figure 34). The upper contact is conformable and is a rapid transition from thickly bedded to more thinly bedded sandstone, then into mudstone of the Crow Formation. Exposure in the type section approaches 100%, and consists mainly of coarse-grained sandstone with granule to pebble lags. Several fine-grained intervals also display similar coarse lags. The sandstone is trough cross-bedded 40 Figure 31. Blade-like pseudomorphs, probably after gypsum, in white quartz sandstone interbed in Wangalinji Member of Playford Sandstone, Playford Anticline. Mitchiebo, 710660mE 7943350mN, 21 km north of Mount Morgan. Figure 32. Very large-scale cross-beds in Top Lily Sandstone Member. Sandstone is mainly coarse-grained, with granule and pebble intervals; toeset beds display prominent downward-migrating current ripples. Regional bedding (dipping right at shallow angle) visible at top. Mitchiebo, 722000mE 7937000mN, 200 m south of Mitchiebo Waterhole. Figure 33. Convolute bedding, possibly prolapsed foresets, in medium to thickly bedded Top Lily Sandstone Member. Mitchiebo, 731200mE 7938200mN, 10 km east of Mitchiebo Waterhole. 41 throughout, at a medium to large scale. Although foreset measurements have not been treated quantitatively, a clear south-to-north palaeocurrent pattern is evident. Primary current lineation is present in the finer-grained sandstone, and mudstone intraclasts were recorded in the uppermost beds. Most pebbles are less than 1 cm, but range up to 5 cm. White quartz sandstone and vein quartz dominate, but scattered chert pebbles and flat pebbles of fine-grained lithic sandstone suggest erosion and local transport of the underlying Top Lily Sandstone Member. The No Mans Sandstone Member in the western limb of the Playford Anticline is mapped as such, because there is a sudden switch from fine-grained sandstone to medium and coarse varieties, with a corresponding change to more massive character. The ubiquitous trough cross-bedded sandstone facies of the No Mans Sandstone Member is very similar to the tidal platform sandstone facies in the Roper Group (Sweet 1986, Abbott and Sweet 2000). It differs in having a higher granule and pebble content, and this, combined with the unidirectional palaeocurrents, suggest that it is a fluvial sandstone body. In sequence stratigraphic terms, the upper contact is a conformable, Roper-type sequence boundary, with a rapid transition into deeper-water facies. The member can be assigned to the uppermost part of a highstand systems tract, and the basal contact may be an intrasequence erosion surface of the type described as being typical of the Roper Group (Abbott and Sweet 2000). Alternatively, the sequence boundary may be at the base of the member, which is a lowstand fluvial deposit. Murphy Metamorphics and Benmara Group is poorly exposed and either a low-angle unconformity or a layerparallel fault can be invoked. The latter could imply that the Benmara and South Nicholson groups were once stratigraphically contiguous and conformable, but are now structurally juxtaposed. An unconformity is favoured herein, based on the consistent stratigraphic position of the discontinuity and the different facies of the two groups (eg volcanics occur in the Benmara Group, but not in the South Nicholson Group; see also Buddycurrawa Volcanics). The Bowgan Sandstone is conformably overlain by the Crow Formation, but the contact is not well exposed, due to the recessive nature of the transition zone. The Bowgan Sandstone is generally thin (<100 m, average ca 10 m) and is locally absent, particularly in the north (eg around 705000mE 8008000mN, near the MOUNT DRUMMOND–CALVERT HILLS boundary). It is composed of maroon to pink or red-brown, variably ferruginous, lithic to sublithic, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone, with occasional laminae of quartz granules and small pebbles. In hand specimen, the sandstone has a notably ‘speckled’ appearance, due to the presence of white lithic fragments in a pink ferruginous background. It is mediumto thickly bedded with planar bedding, parting lineations, small-scale trough cross-beds and mudstone intraclasts. Subtle large bedforms may also be present. Chert pebbles and cobbles have been recognised in the basal sandstone at some localities (eg 702650mE 7992300mN). At 701850mE 7989650mN, possible chertified digitate stromatolites are interbedded with white claystone and sandstone in the upper few tens of metres of the formation. At 705200mE 8081800mN, a thin interval of polymict breccia at the base of the formation consists of angular clasts of sandstone, claystone and ?chert in a coarse-grained sandstone matrix. In most instances, the upper contact with the Crow Formation is marked by the development of a distinctive chert horizon, secondary ironstone or clay-rich saprolite. Overall, facies present in the Bowgan Sandstone resemble the upper siliciclastic portion of the Buddycurrawa Volcanics, and in many cases, discrimination of the two is difficult or impossible. This has led to uncertainty as Bowgan Sandstone (P Lsb) The Bowgan Sandstone (new name, see Appendix 1) is the basal sandstone of the South Nicholson Group in the Benmara–Canyon Range area, northwest of the Benmara Fault, in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Outcrop stretches along a north-northeasterly belt on the eastern fringe of the Canyon Range, from the headwaters of Benmara Creek in the south (695000mE 7982000mN) to Pandanus Creek in the north (705000mE 8012000mN, CALVERT HILLS). The boundary with the underlying Figure 34. Sharp, erosive contact between pink-brown, fine-grained lithic sandstone of Top Lily Sandstone Member (below), and medium- to coarse-grained and pebbly cross-bedded sandstone of No Mans Sandstone Member (above). Type section for both members. Mitchiebo, 724230mE 7935820mN, 3 km eastsoutheast of Mitchiebo Waterhole. 42 to whether they are part of the same succession. In one area (702500mE 7992600mN), these two units could not be differentiated and have been mapped collectively. The Bowgan Sandstone is also similar to the Warramana Sandstone in the southern McArthur Basin (Pietsch et al 1991), which is interpreted as a braided fluvial to shallowmarine intertidal deposit. A similar setting is envisaged for the siliciclastic and carbonate rocks of the Bowgan Sandstone. The Bowgan Sandstone is interpreted to be a lateral equivalent of the Playford Sandstone, principally because they both underlie the Crow Formation and mark the base of the South Nicholson Group. If this is so, then there is a substantial change in facies and thickness across the Benmara Fault. For example, in the headwaters of Benmara Creek, the Bowgan Sandstone is <10 m thick to the west of the fault (696100mE 7977900mN), whereas the Playford Sandstone is >300 m thick to the east of the fault (698800mE 7974700mN). The latter is typified by sublithic and quartzose sandstone, whereas the Bowgan Sandstone is typically more lithic. These changes take place over a distance of only 5 km, implying either depositional growth or subsequent juxtaposition of differing parts of the succession across the Benmara Fault. One explanation is that the ‘Murphy Tectonic Ridge’ and associated fault systems (including the Benmara Fault) were active at the initiation of the South Nicholson Group, and basal sandstone deposition onlapped (thinned) northward onto the faults and tectonic ridge. This is consistent with trends evident in the overlying Crow Formation, which is notably more lithic and debris-flow dominated on the western side of the Benmara Fault. Uplifted Murphy Inlier rocks along this fault may have provided large volumes of coarse labile detritus to the Bowgan Sandstone and ‘coarse-grained’ Crow Formation. This detritus was reworked into more distal settings to the southeast to form the Playford Sandstone and ‘fine-grained’ Crow Formation. by a variety of other unusual rock types (see below). Locally, the Bowgan Sandstone is absent and the Crow Formation sits directly on the Benmara Group and Murphy Metamorphics (eg around 705000mE 8008000mN, near the MOUNT DRUMMOND–CALVERT HILLS boundary). South and east of Benmara Fault, the Crow Formation conformably overlies the Playford Sandstone. In the Canyon and Mittiebah ranges, the Crow Formation is conformably or disconformably overlain by the Mittiebah Sandstone. Elsewhere, it is overlain disconformably or with angular unconformity by the Constance Sandstone (Figure 35). The Mittiebah and Constance sandstones are tentatively correlated. West and southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole and along strike to the east near No Mans Creek (755000mE 7944000mN), the Crow Formation pinches out, probably due to erosion. There, in the absence of the Crow Formation, the Constance Sandstone sits unconformably on the Playford Sandstone. The Crow Formation is composed of up to 2500 m (maximum thickness, see below) of interbedded siltstone, sandstone, shale and lesser conglomerate. These rock types can be divided into several facies that appear to be restricted to specific areas, although the lack of good outcrop does not enable a complete assessment of facies distribution, or a subdivision of the formation into mappable members (apart from the Tobacco Member). Each facies is described separately below, and their distribution and thickness variations collectively summarised. Deep-shelf facies This facies comprises fissile to flaggy outcrop of white clayey siltstone and fine-grained lithic micaceous sandstone, redbrown to grey shale and leached, chalky white or maroon, mottled porcellanous claystone (Figure 36). The shale is interpreted to have a carbonaceous and/or pyritic component, based on the presence of mottled ferruginous and saprolitic weathering products, but this has not been demonstrated in outcrop or by drilling. Local features in outcrop include massive bedding (claystone), parallel lamination and rare current lineations (siltstone). There is generally no evidence of traction current deposition, indicating a probable belowstorm-wave-base marine-shelf depositional setting. Some claystone may have a tuffaceous component. Crow Formation (P Lso) The Crow Formation (new name, see Appendix 1) is a largely recessive unit that outcrops poorly throughout the western two-thirds of MOUNT DRUMMOND. It encompasses about half of the outcrops that were formerly mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as the Mullera Formation, a unit now recognised only in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND; the remainder is now recognised as Constance Sandstone. The Crow Formation also incorporates a narrow strip of moderately resistant outcrop at the northern edge of the Mittiebah Range that was previously mapped as Mittiebah Sandstone. This Mittiebah Range outcrop, plus a similar narrow strip of Crow Formation along the Canyon Range, are identified here as a separate upper member of the Crow Formation (Tobacco Member). The Crow Formation also includes a small anticlinal area of outcrop in the Canyon Range (710000mE 7995000mN, Whiterock Creek), which was incorrectly mapped as Benmara beds by Smith and Roberts (1963). The Crow Formation lies conformably on the Bowgan Sandstone in the Canyon Range area, on the northwestern side of the Benmara Fault. The base of the formation is poorly exposed and is locally altered to saprolite or covered Storm shelf facies The storm shelf facies is composed of flaggy white, fawn, red-brown or purple micaceous siltstone and fine- to medium-grained quartzose to sublithic (± micaceous) sandstone (Figure 37). Sedimentary structures include planar, wavy and lenticular bedding, cross- and parallel lamination, HCS, small-scale trough cross-bedding, symmetric ripples, mudclasts, flute moulds, tool marks, current lineation, runzel marks, load casts and convolute bedding. Siltstone is locally ferruginous and there are minor beds of vuggy, mottled or spotted, medium- to coarse-grained glauconitic sandstone. Drillhole DD92SN1 (Lanigan 1993), in central MOUNT DRUMMOND, intersected a monotonous succession of interlaminated and interbedded mudstone, siltstone and sandstone, with planar to wavy bedding, probably equating to storm shelf facies. These rock types are arranged into 0.5–3 m-thick upwardcoarsening cycles, comprising: (i) a basal lag of mudclasts 43 Figure 35. Unconformity between Crow Formation (recessive unit in foreground) and Constance Sandstone (resistant ridge in background). Note truncation of shallowly west-dipping sandstone bed of Crow Formation at unconformity. Mitchiebo, 745000mE 7947000mN, No Mans Creek, looking south. Figure 36. Parallel-laminated siltstone and shale forming deep-shelf facies of Tobacco Member of Crow Formation. Mittiebah, 692350mE 7918850mN, central Mittiebah Range. Figure 37. Lenticular thinly-bedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone of Crow Formation, with low-angle truncations probably associated with hummocky cross-stratification. Storm shelf facies. Boxer, 699950mE 7958200mN, Top Lily Waterhole. 44 crudely planar-bedded, parallel laminated or cross-bedded (with small-scale trough cross-beds). The sandstone turbidite facies merges with the debris flow facies in its characteristics. It forms beds 5–100 cm thick that are interbedded within other facies or form amalgamated packages up to 30 m thick. These graded beds are sometimes seen to initiate upon a sharp erosional base and grade upward from coarse-grained, poorly sorted sandstone into fine-grained sandstone, capped by laminated siltstone and shale (Figure 40). They were probably deposited as sand-rich, high-density turbidity currents, deposited below fair-weather wave-base. and/or quartz granules; (ii) a lower interval of dark grey interlaminated mudstone and siltstone, or very fine-grained sandstone as centimetre-scale upward-fining cycles with sand-filled shrinkage cracks; (iii) a middle interval of dark greenish grey mudstone and siltstone with locally massive or chaotic bedding; and (iv) an upper interval of pale grey, very fine- to medium-grained sandstone with planar to massive bedding and sporadic coarse-grained glauconitic sandstone beds. Storm shelf facies of the Crow Formation closely resembles that of the Mainoru and Cottee formations in the McArthur Basin (Pietsch et al 1991, Haines 1997). Sedimentary structures are typical of ‘tempestite facies’ (Ager 1974), involving storm-influenced deposition below fair-weather wave-base in a marine shelf setting. Shallow-water sandstone facies The shallow-water sandstone facies takes on a variety of forms within the Crow Formation and is likely to include a number of different, but overlapping variants. Most commonly, this facies is composed of thick units of white to red-brown or maroon, silicified, fine- to very coarse-grained quartzose to lithic sandstone, with locally abundant rounded pebble (plus rare cobble) trails and localised, poorly sorted pebble–cobble conglomerate. Clasts are generally less than 3 cm, but range up to 20 cm in diameter, and include rounded silicified sandstone, quartzite, quartz, chert and mudstone. Sandstone is locally ferruginous, micaceous and glauconitic, particularly in coarser beds, with hematitedefined laminations and mottled oxidation spots (Figure 41), not unlike the Middle Creek Sandstone Member of the Mullera Formation. Bedding is medium to very thick, with planar and trough cross-beds of various dimensions, planar bedding, current lineation (Figure 42), mudclasts, synaeresis cracks and rare symmetric ripples of 10–20 cm wavelength and 3–5 cm amplitude. Large and small bedforms with both concave- and convex-up laminae have also been recognised locally, and are interpreted as HCS, not unlike that seen in the Crawford Formation of the McArthur Basin (Jackson et al 1987, Figures 43, 44). Bedforms, composition and grainsize are consistent with high-energy traction-current deposition, perhaps in a shallow intertidal or storm-influenced marine environment, but including braided fluvial settings in some instances. Thus, it is likely that this facies encompasses a variety of nearshore and coastal depositional environments. Debris flow facies This facies is composed of red-brown, orange, pink, white or yellow, poorly sorted, feldspathic, micaceous, ferruginous and lithic, medium- to very coarse-grained sandstone, pebbly sandstone and lesser matrix-supported conglomerate (Figure 38). These constitute beds up to several metres thick, but generally 10–100 cm thick, which occur within stacked cycles and as sporadic entities within ‘background’ shelf facies. Beds are massive or crudely parallel laminated and generally assume the outcrop appearance of weathered porphyritic granite (‘whiterock’) or basalt/dolerite (‘redrock’). Sporadic, diffuse low-angle cross-beds have been recognised, and may be large-scale hummocky or swaley cross-stratification, or even antidunes. Beds are generally ungraded, but crude normal grading is locally evident within individual beds (eg 709950mE 7992450mN). In this respect, they merge with sandstone turbidite facies (see below). Clasts comprise up to 40% by volume of some of the beds and are up to 5 cm in diameter. They include angular to subrounded vein quartz, K‑feldspar fragments and whole crystals, rounded lithic fragments (of metamorphic, granitic and sedimentary provenances), chert (some with microbial lamination) and coarse muscovite flakes. These are set in a clay-rich ferruginous lithic sandstone matrix of variable grainsize. Platy clasts are generally oriented parallel to bedding. Conglomerate is generally more thickly bedded than sandstone with a more obvious sedimentary texture (Figure 39). It is quite variable in composition. At some localities, the conglomerate comprises well rounded cobbles of quartz and quartzite in a coarse ferruginous sandy matrix, and in other places, it is dominated by clasts formed of single, subrounded, pink K‑feldspar crystals, and lacks clasts of quartz and quartzite. The debris flow facies is interpreted to have been deposited by sand- and gravel-rich debris flows (mass flows), perhaps by coarse turbidity flows into a marine environment below fair-weather wave-base. Saprolite ‘ facies’ Recessive intervals in the Crow Formation are locally covered by or altered to a veneer of surficial material, including knobbly massive ferruginous chert, silcrete and calcareous clayey saprolite. The latter has the appearance of a quartz-phyric volcanic rock (‘redrock’ and ‘whiterock’; eg 710000mE 7995000mN, Whiterock Creek). This is interpreted to be the result of surficial weathering of carbonaceous and/or pyritic shale, or the breakdown of the labile component in siltstones and sandstones. Saprolitic deposits are notably common at the very base of the Crow Formation in the Canyon Range area (eg 704950mE 7999900mN and Figure 45) and are a useful mapping aid for the lower part of the formation. Sandstone turbidite facies This facies is composed of white to grey, silicified, fine- to coarse-grained, sublithic to lithic sandstone with locally abundant rounded pebble (plus rare cobble) trails. Clasts include rounded silicified sandstone, quartz, chert and mudstone. Sandstone is thinly to thickly bedded, massive to Lateral facies and thickness characteristics Canyon Range The Canyon Range area incorporates outcrop north and west of Benmara Fault. The Crow Formation outcrops well in this 45 Figure 38. Massive, poorly sorted, polymict pebble conglomerate of Crow Formation. Clasts are of subrounded quartz and K-feldspar. Debris flow facies. Boxer, 703950mE 8000200mN, Murphys Creek. Figure 39. Massive to streakily planarbedded granule to pebble conglomerate in Crow Formation. Clasts are mainly of K-feldspar and quartz. Boxer, 703700mE 8008220mN, Canyon Range. Figure 40. Decimetre-scale beds of grey massive, poorly sorted lithic micaceous sandstone interdigitated with thin intervals of white laminated claystone and siltstone of Crow Formation. Sandstone turbidite facies. Boxer, 710000mE 7992500mN, Whiterock Creek. 46 Figure 41. Scattered oxidation spots, possibly after glauconite or evaporites, in medium-grained lithic sandstone, Tobacco Member of Crow Formation. Shallow-water sandstone facies. Mittiebah, 699300mE 7915650mN, eastern Mittiebah Range. Figure 42. White, fine-grained sublithic sandstone with stacked horizons of parting (current) lineations, middle Crow Formation. Mitchiebo, 724000mE 7952100mN, Flemington Racecourse. Figure 43. Silicified fine-grained quartzose sandstone with amalgamated hummocky cross-stratification, Tobacco Member of Crow Formation. Mittiebah, 697800mE 7916750mN, eastern Mittiebah Range. 47 area, due to recent erosional incision of the Canyon Range and relatively steep dips. Based on measured outcrop width and dips, the thickness of the formation (including Tobacco Member) is estimated to range from ca 1500 m in the north near the boundary with CALVERT HILLS, to ca 2200 m approximately 30 km to the south, near the inflection of the Benmara Fault. However, structural repetition appears likely along the Canyon Range, so these nominal thicknesses may not reflect true thickness variations (see Structure). In the Canyon Range, the Crow Formation is characterised by the presence of interdigitated deep-shelf, storm shelf, sandstone turbidite, debris flow and shallowwater sandstone facies. The scale of interdigitation varies, but is generally in the order of 1–20 m. Overall, the formation in this area is moderately more resistant and is notably coarser and more locally sourced than areas to the south and east of Benmara Fault. This is the only area where debris flow and sandstone turbidite facies are prolific, although these facies may be concealed in other areas, where exposure is poorer. The Crow Formation appears to gradually coarsen upwards in the Canyon Range. Evidence of traction current deposits and the interpreted energy level of the depositional environment also appear to increase upwards. In contrast, the grainsize of turbidite beds appears to decrease upwards. The basal ca 500 m of the formation is very recessive and poorly exposed, and is locally represented by saprolite along creeks. The lowermost 20–50 m is sometimes an interval of massive ferruginous cherty outcrop, perhaps after sulfidic or carbonaceous shale. Where genuine outcrop is recognised, this part of the formation is dominated by the the deepshelf and storm shelf facies. Sandstone turbidite and debris flow facies appear to be concentrated into the middle 1000–1500 m, where they are interbedded with the finer shelf facies. The shallow-water sandstone facies is only present in the banded, resistant upper 300–500 m of the formation (Tobacco Member), where it is interlayered with the storm shelf facies. Crow Creek The Crow Creek area encompasses a large flat area of poor outcrop, stretching north from Eight Mile Creek to the headwaters of Benmara Creek, and centred on Crow Creek (693000mE 7960000mN). The Crow Formation thickens westward from Flemington Racecourse Claypan to an Figure 44. Friable, fine-grained, lithic micaceous sandstone with hummocky cross-stratification, Tobacco Member of Crow Formation. Mittiebah, 699600mE 7915950mN, eastern Mittiebah Range. Figure 45. Saprolite: white, highly leached ?carbonaceous shale in lower Crow Formation. Boxer, 704480mE 8008236mN, Canyon Range. 48 shelf facies make up the bulk of the formation, the thickness for which is impossible to estimate. Shallow-water sandstone facies and minor interbedded storm shelf facies constitute the 400–600 m-thick banded resistant Tobacco Member (see below). estimated 1500–2500 m. This is a gross estimate, because outcrop is poor and measurable dips are rare. From the small amount of outcrop investigated, the formation appears to be dominantly of deep-shelf and storm shelf facies, with sparse outcrop of sandstone turbidite facies. In the probable middle of the Crow Formation are occasional anomalous decimetrescale beds of coarse red-brown ferruginous lithic sandstone with small trough cross-beds (eg 698300mE 7949850mN) and vuggy fenestral chert that may be of tuffaceous origin (eg 698000mE 7950950mN). These beds may be lateral equivalents of the major intervals of sandstone turbidite and debris flow facies in the Canyon Range area and/or L Psos to the west. The succession appears to coarsen upwards overall, although this is poorly constrained. Tobacco Member (P Lso t ) The Tobacco Member (new name, see Appendix 1) is mapped at the top of the Crow Formation in the Canyon and Mittiebah Ranges. Locally, including in the Crow Formation type section, this Member cannot be differentiated from the Crow Formation. Outcrop consists of banded white to pale red-brown, resistant strike ridges that are clearly visible on aerial photographs. Banding is due to sedimentary cyclicity and the interlayering of diverse facies with alternating oxidation state, much like the Rosie Creek Sandstone in the southern McArthur Basin (Haines et al 1993). Due to the presence of fine recessive intervals and the prominence of feldspathic labile components, it is designated as a member of the Crow Formation rather than the overlying Mittiebah Sandstone. The Tobacco Member also has a high background gamma ray signature relative to the underlying and overlying packages on radiometric images, making it generally easy to distinguish. Total thickness is in the order of 300–600 m, with the thicker intervals restricted to the Mittiebah Range. The Tobacco Member is a composite of stacked sandstone units; the thickest are about 80 m, but most are in the range 5–30 m. The dominant facies is resistant (ridge-forming), shallow-water sandstone facies with lesser recessive storm and deep-shelf facies (as described above, Figure 36). In the Mittiebah Range, the shallow-water sandstone facies consists of interbedded: (i) medium to very thickly bedded, diffusely bedded, quartzose to lithic, locally ferruginous and micaceous (± glauconitic), fine- to medium-grained sandstone with amalgamated low-angle trough and HCS (Figures 43, 44), as seen in the lower Aquarium Formation, southern McArthur Basin (Rawlings 2002); (ii) mediumto coarse-grained glauconitic sandstone, containing small red/brown mudstone flakes, pits after evaporites and trough cross-beds (Figure 41); and (iii) minor decimetre-scale beds of very coarse to granule-bearing, pebbly lithic sandstone, with parallel lamination. Interlayering of facies up into the overlying Mittiebah Sandstone indicates a conformable gradational contact. A shallow intertidal to storm-influenced marine shelf depositional setting is likely for this unit. The cycles represent repeated progradation of shallow-water sands over the deeper shelf facies. Flemington Racecourse Claypan This area includes the west-southwest-trending belt of outcrop north of the Mitchiebo Fault and Mitchiebo Waterhole, centred on 720000mE 7952000mN. It is an area of poor exposure, with a broad sand and laterite cap. The only part of the Crow Formation that is well exposed is a narrow ridge of shallowwater sandstone facies belonging to P Lsos, in about the middle of the formation (see mapface). Information for the recessive parts of the succession is limited. Drillhole DD92SN1 (Lanigan 1993) intersected the lower third of the formation below P Lsos within a large recessive belt, and penetrated 458.6 m of the South Nicholson Group, of which 430 m is herein interpreted as the lower Crow Formation. The drillhole intersected a monotonous interval of storm shelf facies, indicating that this facies dominates at least in the lower part of the formation. Sparse outcrops of sandstone turbidite facies are also recognised. Thicknesses in this area are estimated to be: 800–1200 m for the complete Crow Formation; 500–700 m for the lower P Lso; ca 100 m for P Lsos; and 200–400 m for upper P Lso. The top of the formation is not exposed and a degree of uncertainty exists for these thicknesses. Mitchiebo Waterhole This area includes the narrow valley of Crow Formation that stretches east-northeast from Mitchiebo Waterhole to No Mans Creek, centred on 735000mE 7942000mN. The succession is thin (up to 800 m), but this is probably due to erosion at the Constance Sandstone unconformity. The true thickness may also be structurally modified by splays of the Mitchiebo Fault (Rawlings and Sweet 2004). The Crow Formation is generally not well exposed here, but appears to be dominated by storm shelf facies with lesser deep-shelf facies. It also contains a few well exposed sandstone and conglomerate units [eg Figure 35, one of which (L Psos ) is thick enough to be represented on the mapface (at 748000mE 7947000mN)]. The contact with the overlying Constance Sandstone is often strongly ferruginised in this area (see Economic Geology). Unnamed subunit (L Psos ) This subunit is recognised in two areas, where it serves as a useful but relatively restricted marker: (i) east-northeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, around 748000mE 7947000mN; and (ii) 15 km north of Mitchiebo Waterhole, around 720000mE 7952000mN. It occurs as a low discontinuous strike ridge within valleys of otherwise recessive Crow Formation. It is up to 150 m thick, with a poorly exposed, probably erosional base and conformable top. East-northeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, L Psos comprises yellow to pale orange, mottled, shallow-water sandstone facies (as described above), locally dominated by pebble Mittiebah Range This area includes the west- to southwest-trending belt of outcrop immediately north of Mittiebah Range. It includes a recessive lower part (undivided Crow Formation) and moderately resistant upper part (Tobacco Member). From the small amount of outcrop investigated, deep- and storm 49 Metamorphics?) or by K‑feldspar-rich granite (Nicholson Granite Complex). Beyond the Canyon Range, Murphy Inlier uplift was manifested as a gradual shallowing of the depositional environment, either due to increasing sediment supply or reduced accommodation space. The upper part of the Crow Formation (Tobacco Member) shows evidence for a greater tractional influence, with current-laid sandstone facies dominant, suggesting further shallowing over time. This is consistent with a conformable relationship with the overlying Mittiebah Sandstone, which presumably represents high-energy fluvial or shallow-marine deposition, possibly also sourced from the Murphy Tectonic Ridge. There is a gradual overall coarsening and shallowing of facies upward through the Crow Formation, consistent with foreland basins in general (DeCelles and Giles 1996). Abbott and Sweet (2000) have proposed a foreland model for the Roper Superbasin, but have not stipulated the location or general direction of the foreland(s). The Murphy Tectonic Ridge has generally not been thought to have been active at the time of deposition of the South Nicholson or Roper groups (Plumb et al 1990). However, an alternative interpretation is that the ridge was part of a regional set of small foreland flexures that affected local development of the basin in different areas and at different times. conglomerate (eg 746000mE 7947300mN). Lithological character and grainsize vary significantly both vertically and laterally, and a complex intertidal/shallow-marine/ fluvial setting (braid or fan delta) is envisaged. North of Mitchiebo Waterhole, L Psos is composed of three distinct facies, which are interbedded on a dekametre scale: (i) a shallow-water sandstone facies that is mottled, lithic and micaceous, with trough and swaley cross-beds (ca 10–50 cm wavelength) and discrete convoluted beds; (ii) a shallow-water sandstone facies that is more quartzose with a prominent parting lineation (Figure 42); and (iii) a storm shelf facies that is notably micaceous, ferruginous and silty. It is likely that these three facies belong to a single storm shelf setting, with a higher than normal, but variable sediment supply. L Psos has overall upward-coarsening and -thickening beds. Notably, the upper few decimetres to metres of this unit contain numerous cobbles (up to 40%); centimetreto decimetre-scale, yellow, silicified/chertified mudstone interbeds; and large (2–10 cm diameter), angular to rounded, ellipsoidal pebbles and cobbles. Locally capping the immature beds is a thin (<2 m) blanket of white, blocky, fine-grained sublithic sandstone, with prominent current lineations. This is overlain by poorly exposed shale and siltstone (deep-shelf facies) of undivided Crow Formation. Accident Subgroup Interpretation The facies, provenance, palaeogeographic setting and depositional architecture of the Crow Formation clearly have a spatial relationship with the Murphy Inlier. The restriction of immature debris flow and sandstone turbidite facies to the Canyon Range area indicates that this area was proximal to the principal sediment source. A close relationship with the Murphy Inlier becomes more pronounced if the debris flow-rich Caulfield beds are correlated with the Crow Formation. Elsewhere, more distal sedimentation prevailed and deposition was not greatly influenced by these rapid and proximal processes. Based on this, we have developed a general model for deposition of the Crow Formation. The model involves turbidites and debris flows entering a marine shelf setting adjacent to an active tectonic province (Murphy Tectonic Ridge, Plumb et al 1990). Coarse detritus was supplied rapidly from a beach and fluvial setting at the edge of the ridge (ie fan or braid delta). The adjacent shelf environment alternated between below and above storm wave-base (background parallel lamination and tempestite overprint, respectively). The stratigraphic succession within the Crow Formation can also be explained in terms of this model. Persistent and widespread deep-shelf facies in the lower part of the formation indicates that the setting was probably below the influence of tractional currents for the most part and no single sediment source is apparent. Midway through the formation, tectonism and uplift of the nearby palaeotopographic high initiated the deposition of debris flow and sandstone turbidite facies in the Canyon Range area. This was manifested as localised and repeated interruptions to background shelf sedimentation by influxes of coarse clastic material. The spatially restricted clast assemblage and provenance suggests that this tectonic high was locally dominated by quartzite and quartz (Murphy The Accident Subgroup (new name, see Appendix 1, Table 5) is introduced to describe that part of the South Nicholson Group that overlies the newly recognised Wild Cow Subgroup in central and western MOUNT DRUMMOND. As the Wild Cow Subgroup is absent from eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Accident Subgroup comprises the whole of the South Nicholson Group in that area. The contact between the two subgroups is conformable in the west, but disconformable and even an angular unconformity in the central parts of the sheet area. In the east, where the Wild Cow Subgroup is absent, the Accident Subgroup overlies the McNamara and Fickling groups with a disconformity or angular unconformity. In the Bauhinia Dome, it unconformably overlies the Caulfield beds. The Accident Subgroup is unconformably overlain by various units of late Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic age, including the Georgina Basin succession. The subgroup incorporates four formations: the Constance and Mittiebah sandstones at the base, an overlying mainly recessive shaly unit, the Mullera Formation (Figure 5), and the Tidna Sandstone, which is present only in LAWN HILL in Queensland (Carter and Zimmerman 1960, Hutton and Grimes 1983). Correlation between the two basal sandstone formations is uncertain, but both represent the base of the Accident Subgroup in their respective areas (see below). Constance Sandstone (L Psc) The Constance Sandstone, defined by Carter et al (1961), has been mapped across a broad area within MOUNT DRUMMOND and the adjacent mapsheets CALVERT HILLS (Roberts et al 1963, Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979, Sweet et al 1981), and LAWN HILL (Carter and Öpik 1961, Hutton and 50 and southwest, including the belt of rocks from Border Waterhole through the Bluff Range to Moloney Creek, the formation consists of a single sandstone unit. It has not been assigned to a named member, although preliminary studies in LAWN HILL suggest that it may incorporate the Burangoo Sandstone and/or Schultz Sandstone members. On this basis, these sandstone members and the intervening Wallis Siltstone Member are recognised from outcrops west of Moloney Creek to outcrops 4 km northeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole. Grimes 1983). As a result of the present mapping program, the Constance Sandstone in western MOUNT DRUMMOND, as mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) and Sweet (1984), has been split; the lower part is now recognised as the Wild Cow Subgroup (see above). The key to this revised subdivision is the recognition of an angular unconformity at 750000mE 7946600mN, where Sweet (1984) mapped a conglomerate lens and a tongue of Constance Sandstone (now mapped as Burangoo Sandstone Member) extending to the west within fine-grained rocks then mapped as Mullera Formation. However, these fine-grained rocks are now mapped as Crow Formation and the lens of conglomerate at the top of this older unit is clearly overlain with angular unconformity by the tongue of Burangoo Sandstone Member. The revised Constance Sandstone can be traced to the southwest to the Mitchiebo Waterhole area, where it also appears to lie with angular unconformity on the Crow Formation and Playford Sandstone; faults cutting the Playford Sandstone extend into the Crow Formation but do not appear to be present in the Constance Sandstone, and the Crow Formation thins, or is absent locally, presumably due to pre-Constance Sandstone erosion. In southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Constance Sandstone oversteps the Wild Cow Subgroup, to lie with angular unconformity directly on various formations within the McNamara Group. A similar relationship is seen between the Constance Sandstone and the Fickling Group in the northeast of the mapsheet, although the angular nature of the unconformity is very subtle and best seen further to the north, in Seigal. The dominant rock type in the sandstone members of the Constance Sandstone is a thickly bedded, crossbedded, medium- to coarse-grained, granule-rich and occasionally pebbly, quartz or sublithic sandstone. Interbedded red and grey to grey-green, very finegrained sandstone and siltstone dominate in the siltstone members, which also contain coarser-grained sandstone interbeds and minor shale. Details of the lithology are discussed below. Considerable lateral thickness variation of members is evident within the formation, and this is discussed following the descriptions of the individual members. Overall, the formation ranges from 100 m to 1100 m thick in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Two siltstone members are recognised within the Constance Sandstone: the Pandanus and Wallis Siltstone Members, which were first recognised in CALVERT HILLS by Roberts et al (1963). A third siltstone member (Bowthorn Siltstone Member), defined by Sweet (1981) in Hedleys Creek and Bowthorn, is now abandoned, and the siltstone lenses absorbed into the Schultz Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1). The intervening sandstone members were not named, but were identified by Sweet et al (1981) as, from oldest to youngest, L Psc1, L Psc2, L Psc3 and L Psc4. These have been assigned names herein: L Psc1 is the Hedleys Sandstone Member (L Psch ), L Psc2 becomes the Burangoo Sandstone Member (L Pscu ), and L Psc3 and L Psc4, and at least two thin siltstone lenses, become the Schultz Sandstone Member (L Pscs ). All members, both sandstone and siltstone, are present in MOUNT DRUMMOND, although not all members are present in all outcrops. The most complete and thickest sections are in the northeast, where all members are recognised. In outcrops to the south Hedleys Sandstone Member (L Psch ) The Hedleys Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1), previously identified as L Psc1 by Sweet et al (1981) in Hedleys Creek and Seigal, and by Slater and Mond (1980) in the Constance R ange region, is that part of the Constance Sandstone below the Pandanus Siltstone Member. It is now recognised in northeastern and central MOUNT DRUMMOND, and around the Bauhinia Dome in the north. In the northeast, it is 10–15 m thick and consists of white, thickly to very thickly bedded, fine- to mediumgrained sublithic and quartzose sandstone, which contains mudclasts and minor granules and small pebbles of quartz. The basal few decimetres of the member is medium- to coarse-grained, and contains flat siltstone pebbles. In this area, the unit lies unconformably on the Doomadgee Formation (Fickling Group). Fifty kilometres to the west, in the Bauhinia Dome, the lithology and thickness are similar and the unit can be seen to lie with slight angular unconformity on the Caulfield beds, truncating 100 m of underlying strata along strike in the western part of the dome. Quartz pebbles to 1 cm in size are present in the basal beds. Pandanus Siltstone Member (P Lscp ) Defined by Roberts et al (1963) in CALVERT HILLS, the Pandanus Siltstone Member was traced southwards into MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963), and later recognised to the east in WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979, Sweet et al 1981) and LAWN HILL (Constance R ange region; Slater and Mond 1980). In northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, it comprises 50 m of flaggy, brown, micaceous, lithic fine-grained sandstone with parting lineations, HCS, small trough cross-beds, parallel lamination, slumping and convolute bedding, and lesser siltstone and shale. It is present around at least the southern perimeter of the Bauhinia Dome in northern MOUNT DRUMMOND, but is there mapped with the Hedleys Sandstone Member, as it is only 20 m thick and too thin to distinguish at 1:250 000 scale. Burangoo Sandstone Member (P Lscu ) The Burangoo Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1) is that part of the Constance Sandstone between the Pandanus and Wallis Siltstone Members and was informally designated L Psc2 by Sweet et al (1981). It outcrops in northeastern and northern MOUNT DRUMMOND, and is tentatively recognised in the Mitchiebo belt in central MOUNT DRUMMOND. It is the thickest member in the Constance Sandstone, and in areas of low dip, forms extensive rocky plateaux, commonly with pseudokarstic 51 by the overlying Schultz Sandstone Member, due to faulting prior to deposition of that member, rather than stratigraphic thinning of the Wallis Siltstone Member. In a complete section 2 km west of Border Creek, at 814640mE 7995040mN, the unit is at least 200 m thick, its greatest recorded thickness. Although poorly exposed, recessive rocks in the lower part include green-brown-weathering, very fine- to fine-grained laminated sandstone, with highly micaceous partings and faint sole marks. About 130 m above the base, a resistant sandstone unit consists of at least two thick beds of white, well sorted, coarse- to very coarse-grained quartz sandstone. These beds are lenticular, thinning from 2–3 m to less than 0.5 m over 200 m of strike-length. Bed surfaces are littered with moulds of large shale ripup clasts (up to 10 cm). Only red-brown siltstone rubble is exposed in the upper 70 m of the formation. The member is present north and east of the Bauhinia Dome, where it appears to consist of similar thinly bedded sandstone and siltstone as in the northeast, but there it is less than 100 m thick. Rocks in the Mitchiebo belt that were previously mapped as Mullera Formation by Sweet (1984) are now interpreted as Wallis Siltstone Member, since they are similar in lithology to that member elsewhere and overlie the basal sandstone unit in that area. This member is up to 100 m thick and can be traced west-southwestward to 725000mE 7939000mN. Although it is present in the arcuate outcrops to the north and southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole, it is not delineated on the mapface due to its thickness being as little as 5 m in outcrops 6 km to the southwest of the waterhole. The member consists of flaggy to fissile, red-brown to maroon, micaceous, lithic, fine-grained sandstone and siltstone, interbedded on a centimetre to decimetre scale. Locally, the lower part of the unit is highly ferruginous over a thickness of greater than 7 m, apparently due to secondary enrichment and discordant pisolite development. This concentration of iron may have occurred during Cretaceous or Cenozoic deep weathering, rather than being a primary iron-rich horizon. Above this zone, the rocks are less ferruginous and paler coloured (locally grey and tuffaceous looking), with parallel and wavy lamination, cross-lamination, HCS, synaeresis cracks, mudclasts, and prominent (but not common) current lineations and low- to high-relief gutter casts. A similar facies at 723931mE 7954022mN, 13 km southeast of the Flemington Racecourse Claypan, contains large gutter casts; these are up to 20 cm across and 10 cm deep, with smooth bases bearing tool marks. Flute moulds and multidirectional drag and tool marks are also present. The member has been mapped as a lens in this area, but may be more extensive. weathering surfaces. It overlies the Pandanus Siltstone Member with a sharp, but presumably conformable contact, and is overlain equally abruptly by the Wallis Siltstone Member in outcrops near Border Creek, around 814700mE 7995000mN. At the northern sheet boundary, it is overlain by the Wallis Siltstone Member, but this cuts out within 0.5 km to the south, where the Burangoo Sandstone Member is overlain disconformably by the Schultz Sandstone Member. The member is 130–150 m thick in the northeast, depending on the dip estimate used in making the calculations, but is only 35 m in the tentatively recognised outcrops in central MOUNT DRUMMOND. In the northeast, the member consists of fine- to coarsegrained, lithic, sublithic and quartzose sandstone. The uppermost beds at 813800mE 7994990mN are coarse grained and contain quartz granules and pebbles up to 1 cm diameter, whereas the upper beds 10 km to the northwest at 805230mE 7999460mN are medium grained and lack pebbles. Beds are very thick and are generally trough crossbedded in sets up to 1 m thick; there are also some planar cross-beds. The member is tentatively recognised in the Mitchiebo belt in central MOUNT DRUMMOND, where a supposed tongue of Constance Sandstone in the Mullera Formation was mapped by Sweet (1984). This 35 m-thick ‘tongue’ can be traced westwards from the basal Constance Sandstone overlying the Crow Formation in the Western Creek area, around 769500mE 7949000mN, and is clearly the basal Constance Sandstone to the west. It is almost horizontal (<2°) and the unconformity with the Crow Formation is planar to broadly sinuous. The unit forms a resistant ridge, displaying pseudokarstic weathering in part, of white to pale yellow, fine- and medium-grained, silicified, quartzose to sublithic sandstone, with minor scattered granules and rare small pebbles of quartz. It is medium to very thickly bedded with planar bedding, decimetre-scale trough crossbedding, scattered symmetric ripples and mudclasts. The base is locally medium- to coarse-grained. Toward the top, the unit grades up into thin- to medium-bedded, flaggy to slabby, fine-grained sandstone, with abundant mudclasts, and small trough cross-beds, planar bedding, current lineations, symmetric ripples and synaeresis cracks (both randomly and parallel-oriented types). This facies is similar to that in the Constance Sandstone at Flemington Racecourse (722703mE 7953214mN) and may be a good regional marker. Wallis Siltstone Member (P Lscw ) The Wallis Siltstone Member was defined by Roberts et al (1963) in CALVERT HILLS, where it comprises about 90 m of micaceous and glauconitic siltstone and fine-grained sandstone (Sweet et al 1981). Both lower and upper contacts are sharp. The lower contact is conformable, but the contact with the overlying Schultz Sandstone Member is clearly erosional, at least locally, and is deemed to be disconformable or to have a very subtle angular discordance. The member thins southwards and pinches out 0.5 km into MOUNT DRUMMOND, at 801130mE 8007160mN, only to reappear abruptly 10 km to the southeast, south of the Border Creek Fault Zone. This is interpreted as a structural effect and it is probably the result of minor uplift, erosion and truncation Schultz Sandstone Member (P Lscs ) The Schultz Sandstone Member (new name, see Appendix 1) is that part of the Constance Sandstone above the Wallis Siltstone Member. As noted above, its contact with the underlying Wallis Siltstone Member is erosional at the northern sheet margin: a local disconformity or subtle angular unconformity. It is overlain by the Mullera Formation, apparently conformably, in northern MOUNT DRUMMOND and in CALVERT HILLS. The Bowthorn Siltstone Member, mapped in WESTMORELAND by Sweet et al (1981) and in Constance R ange region by 52 thick at that locality and is directly overlain by the Mullera Formation. In the Mitchiebo belt, the rocks range from fine to coarse grained, although medium-grained sublithic and lithic sandstone dominate. In the headwaters of George Creek, the member contains elongate, parallel, inclined, planar or tubular features superficially similar to the trace fossil Skolithos; these are probably water-escape structures. Bedding is commonly very thick and bedforms include generally large-scale (2–3 m amplitude), lowangle trough and planar cross-beds (some sigmoidal), planar bedding and HCS. The rocks north of Mitchiebo Waterhole include a succession of medium to very thickly bedded, amalgamated hummocky units, individual beds becoming thicker and of higher amplitude upward, over tens of metres. These beds include HCS, swaley crossstratification, and angle-of-repose cross-beds, indicating that either grainsize or current strength were at a threshold level for a switch from HCS to cross-bedding. In places, the HCS beds bear a striking resemblance to the Crawford Formation in the Roper Group. Southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole, the member is about 230 m thick and is virtually all medium to coarse-grained, thickly bedded, brown clayey/lithic sandstone. It displays little clear internal stratification, but there are hints of large crossbeds, possibly some HCS, and one prolapsed foreset. There is a clear depositional cyclicity on a <20 m scale, based on resistant and recessive zones of sandstone. The uppermost beds are whiter weathering, and are thickly bedded, coarse to very coarse grained and strongly cross-bedded, locally with well sorted granule-rich layers. Slater and Mond (1980), is herein abandoned, the beds assigned to that member being subsumed into the Schultz Sandstone Member. Although the upper contact is sharp, it is presumed to be conformable (see Discussion). A notable feature of the member is the outcrop style of the basal beds; they form spectacular, bare rocky platforms cut by deeply eroded joints, a form of pseudokarstic weathering, and giant displaced blocks commonly litter scarp slopes underlain by the Wallis Siltstone Member. The Schultz Sandstone Member is up to 300 m thick in its type section in LAWN HILL and is substantially thicker, at least 450 m and possibly up to 600 m, in a well exposed section northeast from 814940mE 7995040mN, near Border Creek in MOUNT DRUMMOND. The basal beds at this section reveal the nature of the massive outcrops referred to above. They are white to brown, medium, coarse- and very coarse-grained to granule sandstone. Internal lamination results from medium-grained through to granule sandstone, with planar bedding and cross-bedding on a 2–5 cm (ripple) to 0.2–0.3 m (cross-bed) scale, giving a distinctive streakily bedded appearance. The sandstone lacks bedding partings; ie there are no mudstone laminae separating sandstone intervals, suggesting no pauses in sedimentation. It is this feature that has resulted in the weathering out of very large blocks. At the top of the interval, bedding planes appear and are commonly surfaced with faint interference ripples. Most of the member consists of light brown-weathering, very friable, medium to coarse sandstone, cross-bedded on a medium scale (to 0.5 m), amalgamated into very thickly bedded units. Faint wave ripples and mudstone intraclasts, some densely packed on bedding planes, were observed. The now-obsolete Bowthorn Siltstone Member, named and mapped from mapsheets to the east and north (Sweet 1981, Sweet et al 1981), forms a recessive interval in the Schultz Sandstone Member around 815786mE 7995800mN, in the Border Creek section. It is 220 m thick and consists of poorly outcropping, platy, thinly laminated very finegrained sandstone. Low in the interval is an interbed of medium to coarse sandstone with a marked lamination, due to the weathering out of grains of iron oxides. These may have originally been glauconite or another iron mineral and the bed is of identical facies to ferruginous beds in the Middle Creek Sandstone Member of the Mullera Formation. The upper part of the interval does not outcrop, indicating a continuation of fine-grained rocks. The rocks above the former Bowthorn Siltstone Member (L Psc4 of Sweet et al 1981), now also included in the Schultz Sandstone Member, outcrop in the Border Creek section around 817000mE 8096000mN. Only the lowermost 50 m is exposed and this is of the same facies type as the sandstone below it: very thick bedded white, sublithic or quartzose sandstone. It is cross-bedded on a large (>1 m) scale, and displays a range of grain-sizes, both between and within foresets, from coarse or very coarse in basal/toeset laminae, through to fine-grained in individual laminae. The upper part of the member, exposed in the bed of the Nicholson River at 782680mE 8005430mN, is a well indurated pink to brown, coarse- to very coarse-grained to granule sandstone, trough and planar cross-bedded throughout, and with patches of rippled sandstone on undulating bedding planes. The member is 120–130 m Undivided Constance Sandstone The sandstone members within the Constance Sandstone are recognisable only by virtue of the presence of intervening siltstone members. Since the siltstones are lenticular, or are truncated by overlying sandstone members, the Constance Sandstone is mapped as a single unit, P Lsc, where siltstones are absent. This is the situation in the Bluff Range; eastwards into LAWN HILL; north, west and east of the Maloney Creek Inlier; and in the northwest of the sheet area. In these areas, the Constance Sandstone lies with a pronounced angular unconformity on various formations of the McNamara Group and disconformably on the Wild Cow Subgroup. In the northwest, it is faulted against the Connelly Volcanics and Murphy Metamorphics. Its thickness in the Bluff Range is difficult to estimate, as it is flat lying to gently dipping and is strongly jointed and faulted. An uninterrupted succession occurs in only one section, to the east of the Maloney Creek Inlier from 784500mE 7961000mN, where a thickness range of 70– 150 m can be estimated. There, the unit includes white, silicified fine-grained quartzose sandstone and trough cross-bedded, pebbly coarse-grained sandstone which is more lithic. The pebbles range up to 2 cm (mostly 0.2– 0.5 cm) and are of quartz. An angular unconformity with the McNamara Group is evident in the Bluff Range at 787960mE 7954650mN, where the moderately dipping Widdallion Sandstone Member is overlain by horizontal Constance Sandstone. At this locality, the unit consists of white, thickly bedded, strongly trough cross-bedded, 53 fining upward over tens of metres to medium-grained white sandstone. Mudclasts are common and desiccation cracks were observed near the top. coarse-grained to granule sandstone with pebble layers; the sandstone is quartz-rich with a minor clay/lithic component. Pebbles up to 4 cm diameter, of fine-grained lithic sandstone, are present in basal, very thickly bedded, cross-bedded, medium-grained to granule sandstone at 776404mE 7950550mN. Sweet (1984) reported local conglomeratic bands, up to 8 m thick, containing ‘angular to well rounded pebbles of quartz, quartzite, and chert set in a poorly sorted, fine to coarse, silicified quartz sandstone’ and ‘boulder conglomerate containing well rounded quartz clasts up to 45 cm’. Such lenses are present, but those shown on the Carrara R ange region map (Sweet et al 1984) are benches of sandstone, not conglomerate. In the easternmost outcrops, around 802862mE 7946445mN, the sandstone is white to pale yellow, blocky and medium to thickly bedded, fine- to medium-grained, silicified, and quartzose to sublithic, with planar bedding and decimetrescale trough cross-bedding. It contains minor scattered granules and rare small pebbles of quartz. Desiccation cracks, current lineation and mudclasts are present. The upper part contains interbeds of flaggy ferruginous siltstone and sandstone, suggesting a conformable gradation into the Mullera Formation. The Constance Sandstone is now recognised in central MOUNT DRUMMOND, south and southeast of Flemington Racecourse Claypan, in areas previously mapped as Mullera Formation. There, it is the youngest outcropping part of a generally north-dipping succession, the thickness of which cannot be determined. Although the bulk of the rocks may be the Burangoo Sandstone Member, this is not distinguished on the map because of poor outcrop and uncertain stratigraphic relations. The best outcrop is south of the claypan at 715261mE 7963214mN, where an isolated 10 m-thick interval is exposed. It comprises metre-scale interbeds of: (i) thickly bedded, medium- to coarse-grained (some granule-bearing) sublithic sandstone with planar bedding; (ii) flaggy to fissile, red-brown or white, chalky micaceous siltstone and claystone with parallel lamination; and (iii) decimetre-thick beds of fine-grained micaceous lithic sandstone with planar lamination, convolute bedding, load casts, cross-lamination and current lineations. Interbedded sandstone and finer-grained rocks such as these have only been observed in the siltstone members, leading us to speculate that this outcrop may be of Wallis Siltstone Member. Northwestern outcrops of the Constance Sandstone demonstrate the reason for equating it with the Mittiebah Sandstone. A folded series of sandstones between Murphys and Benmara creeks, south from 710000mE 7998000mN, overlies the Crow Formation and the facies are identical to those in the Mittiebah Sandstone further west. The oldest beds contain pink lithic sandstone with very largescale (several metres-thick) cross-beds. Near the base, at 708050mE 7993976mN, is an interbed of conglomerate, in which the clasts are cobbles and pebbles of sandstone, chert, pebble conglomerate with chert and quartz clasts, and white coarse-grained orthoquartzite. An outcrop of Constance Sandstone at the northern sheet boundary is an east-dipping succession 380 m thick, faulted against older rocks on its western side. It includes pink, coarse-grained and granule to pebbly cross-bedded sandstone at the base, Discussion The Constance Sandstone varies substantially in thickness, from less than 100 m in the southeast, where no siltstone members are present, to at least 1000 m in the northeast, where the section is incomplete. It is up to 400 m thick in the Mitchiebo belt, and if the Mittiebah Sandstone is indeed a correlative (see below), it is up to 2200 m thick in the west. Of the several facies types recognised, two dominate the formation in most outcrops: • Thickly bedded, strongly trough or planar crossbedded, sublithic and quartz-rich sandstone of variable grainsize, mostly in the medium to very coarse range, with laminae and scattered granules and pebbles. Minor structures include wave and interference ripples, and scattered mudstone intraclasts. This facies is very similar to the major sandstone facies in the Roper Group (Sweet 1986, Abbott and Sweet 2000) and is interpreted as indicating shallow-marine tide-dominated environments. The lack of textural maturity of many sandstones is also consistent with fluvial deposits, perhaps a braided fluvial system, and it is possible that there are some non-marine intervals represented. More detailed studies would be needed to resolve the internal stratigraphy of the sandstone members and to determine whether both marine and non-marine facies are present. • Laminated and thinly bedded, micaceous, very fine- to fine-grained sandstone and siltstone, with minor shale and interbeds of coarser sandstone. This facies indicates much lower-energy environments, most likely marine shelf to lower shoreface. The predominance of very finegrained sandstone and siltstone, and the paucity of shale indicates that it was deposited above wave base. This is similar to the storm-dominated shelf facies documented by Abbott and Sweet (2000) at various levels in the Roper Group, and to those in the Crow Formation (see above). The stacking pattern of coarser, tide-dominated sandstones, and lower-energy, deeper-water micaceous sandstone and siltstone (storm-dominated shelf facies) is remarkably similar to the Roper Group, which has been interpreted as a series of third-order depositional sequences (Abbott and Sweet 2000). It may be possible to make detailed correlations between the Constance Sandstone members and parts of the Roper Group in the future, provided that more adequate age controls can be established for the South Nicholson Group. Mittiebah Sandstone (P Lsi) The Mittiebah Sandstone (Smith and Roberts 1963, Randal 1966a) is a strongly resistant unit that constitutes the bulk of the Canyon and Mittiebah ranges in northwestern and southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, respectively. Small dome-shaped inliers within the 54 136°47'E, extending from 688100mE 7916100mN (lower boundary stratotype) to 689400mE 7908850mN (top of formation not exposed). Georgina Basin are also present in adjoining northern Ranken, eastern Brunette Downs and southern CALVERT HILLS. The formation encompasses most of the outcrop formerly mapped as Mittiebah Sandstone by Smith and Roberts (1963), with the exception of a narrow strip at the northern edge of the Mittiebah Range, which is now assigned to the Tobacco Member of the Crow Formation. The Mittiebah Sandstone lies conformably to disconformably on the Tobacco Member of the Crow Formation, the contact being gradational over several tens of metres in most areas. The top of the Mittiebah Sandstone is persistently covered by Georgina Basin rocks or Cenozoic sediments, and its relationship with any overlying Mesoproterozoic rocks cannot be determined; therefore, it is difficult to determine its relationship with the Mullera Formation. We suspect that Mullera Formation equivalents are present, and a conformable boundary, as seen between the Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation in the east, is likely. Outcrops of recessive beds above the Mittiebah Sandstone around 702000mE 8007000mN, in the western Canyon Range, are tentatively assigned to the Mullera Formation, but were not ground checked. The composite thickness of the Mittiebah Sandstone is at least 2200 m in the Mittiebah Range, with the top not exposed. In the Canyon Range, its thickness appears to be in the range 450–1700 m, in part due to structural complications. A rapid thinning is most apparent in the northern Canyon Range, near 703500mE 8007000mN, which is evident on the mapface. The formation is composed mostly of fine- to coarse-grained, quartzose to lithic sandstone, with minor interbeds of conglomerate and siltstone. Several informal subunits are apparent; these could not be universally differentiated on aerial photographs and thus do not appear on the mapface. They are described below from the Mittiebah Range in ascending stratigraphic order. The depositional setting probably alternated between shallow storm-influenced marine and braided fluvial. A type section is nominated herein for the central Mittiebah Range near latitude 18°52'S longitude Mittiebah Range P Lsi1 (granule facies) This 200–260 m-thick facies appears to conformably and gradationally overlie the Tobacco Member. The base is commonly marked by a break in slope or a scarp and the beginning of pseudokarstic weathering. The boundary coincides with the disappearance of fine recessive intervals and small bedforms from the succession. Instead, sandstone in the basal 30–40 m of L Psi1 is consistently fine to medium grained, pale yellow-orange or white (locally red-brown ferruginised), silicified to friable, lithic to sublithic, and medium to very thickly bedded, with large (up to 5 m amplitude), moderate- to high-angle planar and lesser trough cross-beds and small-scale trough cross-beds. Some beds contain randomly scattered quartz granules and small pebbles, whereas others have laminae defined by grainsize, including granule laminae. Compared to the underlying Tobacco Member, bedforms are much larger and grainsize gradually increases upwards. Above the 30–40 m level, sandstone becomes medium- to very coarse-grained, with scattered granules and pebbles up to 1 cm diameter (average 0.2 cm diameter). Bedforms are equally as large as in the lower 40 m (Figure 46). Palaeocurrents are mostly to the east and east-northeast (060–090°). A measured section through this unit is presented in Rawlings and Sweet (2004). P Lsi2 (fine-grained facies) Conformably overlying L Psi1 is a prominent dipslope and change in airphoto pattern that coincides with a uniformly fine- to medium-grained, medium- to very thickly bedded, white to pale pink or yellow, sublithic to quartzose sandstone, which is bland and textureless on aerial photographs and monotonous in outcrop (Figure 47). It is only possible to speculate on bedforms from rare in situ outcrops; it is deduced that they include large planar cross-beds (with lowto moderate-angle foresets) and small-scale trough cross- Figure 46. Large-scale planar cross-bed in lower Mittiebah Sandstone. Mittiebah, 699850mE 7915350mN, Mittiebah Range. 55 consists of white-yellow, quartzose to sublithic, coarse- to very coarse-grained sandstone, with beds or laminae of quartz granules and small pebbles; pebbles are generally <1 cm, but are rarely up to 3 cm in diameter. This facies is similar to L Psi3, with thick bedding and large-scale trough bedforms. Based on dips and outcrop width, si4 is at least 800 m thick. The top of the subunit is not exposed. beds. Individual beds are silicified and diffusely laminated or massive. There are no ripples, pebbles or granules present, but mudclasts and liesegang banding are locally abundant. The lower contact with si1 is not exposed, as it is covered by scree from the overlying ridge; it may or may not be a recessive interval. Notably, there are rare laminae of quartz granules in the basal few metres of si2, suggesting that the contact with si1 is conformable and gradational. Based on average dips and outcrop widths, si2 is 500–600 m thick. Canyon Range In this area, the Mittiebah Sandstone outcrops as resistant banded ridges. It is typically composed of pale yellow to pink, fine- to medium-grained (± coarse-grained) quartzose to lithic sandstone. The basal 20 m of the unit is generally of medium to coarse sandstone, with scattered pebbles and cobbles of chert, quartzite and quartz up to 15 cm in diameter. Interbedded sandstone and conglomerate are locally developed. The overlying 100–200 m is medium to very thickly bedded and commonly pseudokarstically weathered. It contains planar bedding and large-scale planar and trough cross-beds, bearing curved tabular, sigmoidal (Figure 48) or concavo-convex foresets (cf swaley cross-stratification). Overall, grainsize decreases gradually upsection and bedforms become larger and are dominated by planar cross-beds up to 5 m thick. Westerly directed palaeocurrents are apparent, but there is considerable variability. This facies closely resembles L Psi1 in the Mittiebah Range. Above this, outcrop is very poor and the only demonstrable bedforms are millimetrescale grainsize lamination, planar bedding, rare shortwavelength symmetric ripples and parting lineations. As in the Mittiebah Range, large planar cross-beds are possibly prolific in this part of the formation, but are difficult to distinguish. There is also at least one thin (<50 m) interval of recessive red/brown siltstone within the middle Mittiebah Sandstone near 691700mE 7985800mN. In the Canyon Range, the base of the Mittiebah Sandstone is not appreciably discordant with the underlying Crow Formation and there is no obvious unconformity surface. On the contrary, conglomeratic beds in the upper Crow Formation and lower Mittiebah Sandstone are similar, suggesting a continuation of sedimentation without a significant break. si3 (pebbly facies) Apparently conformably overlying si2 is a subunit of yellow, very coarse-grained (locally pebbly or quartz granule-bearing), silicified or friable, quartzose to lithic sandstone, with minor interbeds of fine- to mediumgrained sandstone. Pebbles average 0.2 cm and are up to 4 cm in diameter. The sandstone is very thickly bedded, with large planar and trough cross-beds and local, smallscale trough cross-beds. In general, pebbly and non-pebbly sandstone are interdigitated on a 5–20 cm scale, and are not necessarily divided by erosional surfaces. Instead, they appear to represent grainsize variations within individual cross-bed foresets. In contrast, individual cross-bed sets are divided by high-angle or smooth low-relief erosional surfaces. Overall, there is an apparent fining upward of this subunit, with decreasing pebble content and average grainsize. si3 is commonly pseudokarstically weathered, spectacularly so in the centre of the Mittiebah Range around 688600mE 7912300mN. This subunit is approximately 500–600 m thick. si4 (mixed facies) Gradationally overlying si3 is an interlayered (at 10–50 m scale) ‘fine facies’ and ‘coarse facies’. The fine facies is pinkorange with white specks and consists of medium- to finegrained, lithic to sublithic sandstone with local scattered quartz granules. It is medium to very thickly bedded, with diffuse planar bedding or low-angle planar crossbeds, symmetric ripples (sinuous and interference types) and crude current lineations. The fine facies is similar in character to the planar-bedded Warramana Sandstone in the McArthur Basin (Rawlings 2002). The coarse facies Figure 47. Loose outcrop habit of subunit 2 of Mittiebah Sandstone, with probable disguised large-scale planar cross-beds. Mittiebah, 699900mE 7915350mN, Mittiebah Range. 56 Correlation On the following grounds, the Mittiebah and Constance sandstones are herein tentatively correlated: The Mullera Formation lies conformably on the Constance Sandstone in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and Benmara. Its relationship with the Mittiebah Sandstone is uncertain, as there is no demonstrable South Nicholson Group overlying the Mittiebah Sandstone to the west of the Canyon Range in Boxer or south of the Mittiebah Range in Mittiebah. The top of this sandstone is generally covered by Georgina Basin rocks or Cenozoic sediments. Outcrop of recessive beds around 702000mE 8007000mN (western Canyon Range) is tentatively assigned to the Mullera Formation, but was not ground checked. Based on a number of lines of evidence, it is probable that the Mullera Formation conformably overlies the Mittiebah Sandstone in this area (see Mittiebah Sandstone). The Mullera Formation is overlain conformably by the Tidna Sandstone in LAWN HILL (Carter and Zimmerman 1960), but this sandstone is absent from MOUNT DRUMMOND, where fine-grained Mullera Formation is the youngest component of the South Nicholson Group. Thickness estimates for the Mullera Formation in MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963) were all based on sections which are now mapped as Crow Formation or Constance Sandstone. Because the formation is gently dipping in most outcrops, our thickness estimates are approximate: 200–300 m below the Middle Creek Sandstone Member, up to 50 m for the sandstone member, and 100 m or more above the member, for a total of 350–450 m. Should it be demonstrated that the Mullera Formation is present above the Mittiebah Sandstone, there would be potential for thicker sections to be preserved in the subsurface, west and south of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Carter and Zimmerman (1960) recorded a figure of up to 1800 m for the original type area in Queensland, where both facies and thickness are quite variable. The formation is composed mostly of shale, siltstone and minor fine to medium sandstone. One sandstone unit, the Middle Creek Sandstone Member, is substantial enough to map as a separate entity. Fine-grained rocks below the sandstone member are identified on the mapface as L Psm1, and those above as L Psm 2. These two informal intervals are of identical facies, and are identifiable only by virtue of the presence of the Middle Creek Sandstone Member. The lower Mullera • Both formations overlie the Crow Formation with a similar facies transition. This contact appears to be relatively conformable in the case of the Mittiebah Sandstone and disconformable, or an angular unconformity, in the case of the Constance Sandstone. • Facies and lithology of the two formations are similar. Although the Constance Sandstone has several mappable siltstone intervals in central and northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND (eg Pandanus Siltstone Member), these are lenticular and discontinuous. Recessive interval(s) are largely absent in the Mittiebah Sandstone to the west, except in the Canyon Range. Recessive intervals in the lower Constance Sandstone also potentially correlate with intercalated sandstone and siltstone of the Tobacco Member of the Crow Formation, with the mainly resistant upper Constance Sandstone being equivalent to the Mittiebah Sandstone. There are some problems with this interpretation, such as the significant thickness difference between the two sandstone formations, and the requirement for substantial erosion or non-deposition of the Wild Cow Subgroup in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Mullera Formation (P Lsm) The Mullera Formation, defined by Carter (1959) and initially mapped in western LAWN HILL, Queensland (Carter and Zimmerman 1960), is a strongly recessive unit that outcrops in northern and eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and southern CALVERT HILLS. The distribution on the Second Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND map is substantially revised from that shown by Smith and Roberts (1963) on the First Edition: the formation now only encompasses outcrop formerly mapped as Mullera Formation in Cleanskin, Carrara and northern Benmara. The remainder, in Boxer, Mittiebah, Mitchiebo and southern Benmara, is now assigned to the Crow Formation and Constance Sandstone. Figure 48. Large-scale sigmoidal crossbed in lower Mittiebah Sandstone. Amplitude of cross-bed is about 5 m. Boxer, 702000mE 8000600mN, Murphys Creek headwaters. 57 7941300mN (RN31196) appears to have penetrated only green and red shale. The remainder of the Mullera Formation comprises flaggy to fissile, green or red-brown to maroon and grey, micaceous, locally ferruginous siltstone, shale and finegrained lithic to quartzose sandstone, interbedded on a centimetre to metre scale (Figure 50). Bedding is characteristically thin, with parallel, lenticular and wavy lamination, cross-lamination, HCS, symmetric ripples, gutter casts (Figure 51), synaeresis cracks, runzel marks, mudclasts and current lineations (‘tempestite facies’; Ager 1974). Locally, shale is altered to a surficial saprolite, as described for the basal Crow Formation. The formation also contains several thin sandstone intervals (1–5 m thick), comprising white to grey, fine- to medium-grained, medium- to thickly bedded quartzose sandstone, with small trough cross-beds, ripples and mudstone intraclasts. A mappable interval with a high proportion of sandstone beds is mapped as the Middle Creek Sandstone Member. Some intervals in the Mullera Formation (eg 783400mE 7989200mN) are composed only of red and green shale, with little sand or silt component and no evidence of traction current deposition. Organic-rich shale, tentatively assigned to Mullera Formation, has been intersected in a pastoral waterbore near 703000mE 7922000mN (‘Hydrocarbon Bore’, drilled in 2000, see Economic Geology). The cuttings are rich in hydrocarbons [Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ca 10%] and exhibit low thermal maturity (submature with T Max 372°C), which contrasts with shale from the lower Crow Formation (TOC <1.5% and T Max ca 460°C; Lanigan 1993). This suggests that there is a fundamental difference between Mullera and Crow Formation source rocks [high versus low TOC, respectively], which essentially precludes their correlation. There is also a discrepancy in their thermal maturity and implied burial depth, as determined by T Max. The Crow Formation is highly mature and was buried to a relatively deep level compared to the low-maturity Mullera Formation. Therefore, it appears most likely that Crow Formation underlies a thick basin package (Mittiebah–Constance Sandstones), whereas the Mullera Formation overlies it. Formation also contains several ironstone intervals that were the focus of exploration in Queensland (Carter and Zimmerman 1960): the Constance Range deposits (Harms 1965). The main ferruginous beds were grouped together as the Train Range Ironstone Member in Bowthorn and Musselbrook (Carter and Zimmerman 1960, Harms 1965, Slater and Mond 1980). Such ferruginous rocks appear to have thinned into MOUNT DRUMMOND, although locally, they are up to 10 m thick. The conformable lower contact with the Constance Sandstone is exposed at about 712600mE 8007800mN, adjacent to the Benmara–Wangalinji road in northwestern Benmara. In this area, the contact is a sharp interface, distinguished by bulbous load casts, between sandstone below and mudstone above. A thin (15 cm) basal layer of mudstone-clast conglomerate is overlain by >15 m of claystone. The basal part of the claystone is white, but the colour merges up through mottled purple, then red-brown and deep maroon, into highly ferruginous rock. This dark hematitic rock constitutes the ‘lower ironstone bed’ in this area. It is separated from a second 4–5 m-thick ‘upper ironstone bed’ by a 10–20 m covered interval. Liesegang banding is spectacular in places in the upper bed (Figure 49). Above this level, the only rocks exposed are white, red-brown to purple-grey, finely laminated, thinly to medium-bedded, flaggy, fine-grained sandstone and siltstone. Mudstone is notably ferruginous immediately below the Middle Creek Sandstone Member at a number of localities in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and contains some horizons of ironstone concretions. The iron-rich rocks may correlate with some of the ironstone deposits to the east in Queensland (Harms 1965). The lowermost Mullera Formation is also well exposed north of Mitchiebo Waterhole, near 722800mE 7941000mN, where it rests conformably on the Constance Sandstone. It comprises a >100 m-thick interval of upward-fining and -thinning beds, consisting of red-brown shale, flaggy, parallel- and wavy-laminated micaceous siltstone, and chocolate brown, flaggy to slabby, fineto medium-grained, micaceous lithic sandstone with ripples and cross-lamination. Above the stratigraphic level of these outcrops, a waterbore at 722600mE Figure 49. Banded hematite/goethite in ‘upper ironstone bed’ of Mullera Formation. Banding appears to be of liesegang ring-like structures formed by mobility of iron oxides. Benmara, 712850mE 8007815mN, 7 km northwest of Connelly Waterhole. 58 Middle Creek Sandstone Member (P Lsmm ) The Middle Creek Sandstone Member, defined by Carter and Zimmerman (1960) in LAWN HILL to the east, is exposed only in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, principally in Cleanskin. It was defined as the Mistake Creek Sandstone Member by Smith and Roberts (1963), but was subsequently revised to Middle Creek Sandstone Member by Sweet (1984). It is well exposed in a large syncline, centred on 806000mE 7944000mN in the headwaters of Musselbrook Creek. There, it is ca 150 m above the base of the Mullera Formation and comprises two distinct sandstone intervals. The lower sandstone unit is 20–30 m thick, whereas the upper is ca 5 m thick. These are shown as separate units in Carrara R ange region (Sweet et al 1984), but are not distinguished on the Second Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND mapface. The position of this member above the base of the Mullera Formation also appears to vary, suggesting that it is diachronous, or that there are local depocentres in the lower Mullera Formation leading to thicker mudstone sections. To the north, the thickness of the sandstone member ranges up to 70 m, whereas elsewhere, it locally pinches out. Two kilometres east of Big Bend Waterhole, at 798320mE 7975140mN, a 30 m-thick section consists of at least four cycles of sandstone and interbedded mudstone. The lowest two beds, totalling 8–10 m, are thickly bedded, medium-grained, and trough cross-bedded; ferruginous laminae highlight the foreset laminae in striking fashion. The uppermost sandstone is also thickly bedded, but whiter, cleaner and fine grained. Outcrop of the Middle Creek Sandstone Member is of blocky or bouldery, medium to thickly bedded, white silicified, fine- to medium-grained, sublithic and ferruginous sandstone. It is characterised by mudclasts, synaeresis cracks and distinctive decimetre-scale trough cross-beds, in which the laminae are defined by hematitic grains (‘festoon’ cross-beds, Figure 52). The hematite is interpreted as an alteration product of glauconite grains. Cross-beds are locally of herringbone type, with alternation of foreset dip directions. Symmetric ripples (including interference type), planar laminations and parting lineations are also locally present, particularly at the top of thick sandstone bodies. More thickly bedded bench-forming sandstone is typically Figure 50. Outcrop habit of typical shaly facies of Mullera Formation. Cleanskin, 788950mE 7959400mN, Spring Creek. Figure 51. Grey shale of lower Mullera Formation, with lenticular interbeds of fine-grained lithic sandstone, some of which have gutter-casted bases. Cleanskin, 798330mE 7974640mN, 2 km east of Big Bend Waterhole. 59 By comparison, NTGS00/1 (southern RANKEN), sited on the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High, penetrated only 223 m of Cambrian rocks, including 32 m of Lower Cambrian volcanic rocks (see Helen Springs Volcanics). MOUNT DRUMMOND includes portions of the northern end of the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High and northern margin of the Undilla Sub-basin (Figure 5, Table 6). Southgate and Shergold (1991), in a sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Middle Cambrian succession in the Georgina Basin, recognised an early Middle Cambrian (Ordian–early Templetonian) sequence 1 (including a surmounting, tectonically enhanced subsequence 1a) and a succeeding sequence 2 (late Templetonian–Floran to early Mindyallan), spanning the remainder of the Middle Cambrian. Gravestock and Shergold (2001) modified this scheme by transferring subsequence 1a to basal sequence 2. They subsequently reassigned the Bronco Stromatolith Bed and correlative lower Beetle Creek Formation of the northeastern Georgina Basin, as well as the ‘probably contemporaneous Burton beds’ of the central Georgina Basin (Gravestock and Shergold 2001: 124), to basal sequence 2. interbedded on a metre scale with recessive, thinly bedded, flaggy fine-grained sandstone, claystone and siltstone, showing wavy and parallel lamination. Interpretation The depositional setting of the Mullera Formation is interpreted as a marine shelf, partly above storm wavebase (‘tempestite facies’) and partly below (‘organicand shale-rich facies’). Periodic shallowing above fairweather wave-base is manifested as more thickly bedded, shoreface to intertidal sandstone, most notably the Middle Creek Sandstone Member, which is interpreted as a series of prograding sandstone bodies, related to repeated shallowing events. The thickness and iron content of the sandstone member varies markedly laterally, and it is possible that the highly ferruginous lower beds in some outcrops are equivalent to the Train Range Ironstone Member to the east. Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) to Cambrian: Georgina Basin The Georgina Basin is one of the most extensive geological regions in the Northern Territory. Its accumulated sedimentary and minor volcanic rocks mantle a region bounded by the South Nicholson and McArthur basins to the north, Tennant Region to the west, Arunta Region to the south, and Mount Isa Inlier to the east in western Queensland. The succession is most complete in the south, adjacent to the Arunta Region, where rocks of Neoproterozoic to Devonian age are preserved in basinal depocentres. The more platformal succession north of latitude 21°S (including MOUNT DRUMMOND) is much thinner, and restricted in age to the Ediacaran to Middle Cambrian. This platformal region is transected by the meridionally oriented Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High, separating the Undilla Sub-basin on the east from the Barkly Sub-basin on the west. Drillhole NTGS01/1 (southern RANKEN) intersected 440 m of Undilla Subbasin rocks before penetrating the South Nicholson Group, and drillhole NTGS02/1 (BRUNETTE DOWNS) encountered a 343 m-thick Barkly Sub-basin succession above South Nicholson Group equivalents (Kruse 2003). Kiana Group This new group name comprises the Bukalara Sandstone and in HODGSON DOWNS–MOUNT YOUNG, the conformably overlying Cox Formation (see Appendix 1). It groups all putative Neoproterozoic formations on the northern margin of the Georgina Basin. Bukalara Sandstone (P Lu) The Bukalara Sandstone (Smith and Roberts 1963) is a coarse siliciclastic succession that locally represents the basal unit of the northern Georgina Basin. In northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, it rests unconformably on various Proterozoic units, most notably the South Nicholson Group. No overlying unit is present in MOUNT DRUMMOND, but the unfossiliferous Cox Formation conformably overlies it in MOUNT YOUNG (Haines et al 1993). Sandstone dykes of the Bukalara Sandstone were reported to project into the overlying Nutwood Downs Volcanics of the Georgina Figure 52. Fine-grained silicified quartzose sandstone of Middle Creek Sandstone Member of Mullera Formation, showing hematite-defined cross-bed laminations. Cleanskin, 791800mE 7988550mN, No Return Creek. 60 Basin in HODGSON DOWNS (Dunn 1963). A concordant, but probably disconformable relationship with the younger, Middle Cambrian Top Springs Limestone is known from BAUHINIA DOWNS (Pietsch et al 1991). The Bukalara Sandstone is estimated to be up to 50 m thick in MOUNT DRUMMOND, but is over 200 m thick in southwestern ROBINSON RIVER to the north (Rawlings 2004) and 300 m in BAUHINIA DOWNS to the northwest (Smith 1964). The age of this unit remains uncertain. Pietsch et al (1991), following Muir (1980), suggested a tentative Early Cambrian age, based largely on the presence of vertical and inclined tubelike structures, interpreted as the trace fossil Skolithos. In addition, its relationship with the Nutwood Downs Volcanics (see above) suggests conformity and, hence, an Early Cambrian age and this is consistent with a late Early Cambrian 513 ± 12 Ma age for a probable feeder dyke for the coeval Antrim Plateau Volcanics (Hanley and Wingate 2000). However, the presence of Skolithos has not been confirmed in MOUNT DRUMMOND and this ichnofossil is relatively long ranging and unsuitable for accurate correlation. Other observations (see Helen Springs Volcanics) suggest that the HODGSON DOWNS sandstone dykes may derive from a lag or regolith mantling the Nutwood Downs Volcanics, rather than from the Bukalara Sandstone or from the volcanics themselves. Rawlings et al (1997) recognised a disconformity at this level in the correlative Arafura Basin, and reinterpreted the ‘trace fossils’ as non-biogenic dewatering structures. Unit, (map symbol), thickness On this basis, they assigned the Bukalara Sandstone and correlatives to the late Neoproterozoic. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Bukalara Sandstone consists of isolated mesas and incised plateaux with a characteristic strongly jointed photopattern. Outcrop comprises mainly pseudokarstically weathered, pink or yellow, friable, medium- to coarse-grained lithic sandstone and lesser fine-grained sandstone (Figure 53). Pebbly (quartz) sandstone and pebble to cobble conglomerate are also common near the base. There is an abundance of chert fragments up to 3 cm diameter; however, clasts of metamorphic rocks, sandstone and vein quartz are also common. Sandstone is thickly to very thickly bedded, with planar and lenticular bedding, diffuse large-scale planar and trough cross-beds, and occasional symmetric ripple pavements and desiccation cracks in finer-grained lithofacies. Reconnaissance analysis suggests north- to northwest-directed palaeocurrents. Outcrop appears very gently warped on a 100–500 m scale, but is essentially flatlying overall. The Bukalara Sandstone is interpreted to have been deposited in a high-energy braided fluvial to shallowmarine environment (Rawlings 2004). Kalkarindji Volcanic Group This new group, named after the Kalkarinji Continental Flood Basalt Province of Glass (2002), encompasses all Lower Cambrian continental volcanic rocks in northern Australia (see Appendix 1). Lithology Depositional environment Stratigraphic relationships Barkly Group Camooweal Dolostone (–Cmd) 167+ m in RANKEN Pale microbial dololaminite with nodular chert, dolosparstone; minor peloid and ooid dolostone, conglomerate, dolomitic limestone, marl; lower high-energy interval of quartzic, intraclast and ooid dolograinstone and quartz sandstone. Peritidal to restricted and open shallow subtidal marine. Conformably overlies Currant Bush Limestone; unconformably overlain by Cretaceous rocks in sheet area. Ranken Limestone (–Cmk) notionally 80 m Pervasively chertified fossiliferous bioclast and bioclast-ooid rudstone. High-energy shallow subtidal marine. Discontinuous within lower highenergy interval of Camooweal Dolostone. Wonarah Formation (–Cmw) 36+ m; 146 m in RANKEN Pervasively chertified fossiliferous limestone, shale and siltstone; minor phosphorite; basal sandstone. Shallow marine. Disconformable on Helen Springs Volcanics; conformably overlain by Camooweal Dolostone. Currant Bush Limestone (–Cmc) 50–75 m Partially dolomitised foetid argillaceous, quartzic and bioclast limestone; interbeds of ooid grainstone, sandstone, shale, siltstone and marl. Shallow marine. Apparently conformable on Border Waterhole Formation; conformably overlain by Camooweal Dolostone. Border Waterhole Formation (–Cmo) 30–180 m Siliceous shale, siltstone, chertified limestone, bedded to nodular chert; basal quartz-lithic sandstone, granule to pebble conglomerate. Shallow marine. Overlies McNamara Group with angular unconformity; apparently conformably overlain by Currant Bush Limestone. Variably altered, locally amygdaloidal basalt and microdolerite; thin basal pebbly sandstone and conglomerate. Subaerial lava flows and invasive flows. Unconformable on South Nicholson Group; relationship with Bukalara Sandstone unknown; disconformably overlain by Wonarah Formation. Pink or yellow, friable, medium- to coarsegrained lithic (chert) sandstone; minor finegrained sandstone; basal pebbly sandstone and pebble ± cobble conglomerate. Braided fluviatile to shallow intertidal. Unconformable on South Nicholson Group; no overlying units of Kiana Group present in sheet area. Narpa Group Kalkarindji Volcanic Group Helen Springs Volcanics (–Clp) 156 m Kiana Group Bukalara Sandstone (P Lu) up to 50 m Table 6. Stratigraphy of Georgina Basin in MOUNT DRUMMOND. 61 _ Helen Springs Volcanics (Clp) of variably altered basalt and microdolerite that is locally amygdaloidal (with clay, chlorite or celadonite infill). Rare slickenside surfaces indicate minor deformation of the Cambrian succession. At 710500mE 7916700mN, the base of the Helen Springs Volcanics is a thin (<15 m) pebbly sandstone and conglomerate, unconformable on the Mittiebah Sandstone, comprising cobbles of silicified sandstone in a ferruginous, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone matrix. At 722800mE 7941000mN, the base of the volcanics is a 10– 100 cm-thick bed of ‘baked’, massive, pebbly lithic sandstone, overlain by weathered basalt. Dykes of this baked sandstone protrude up into the base of the basalt. The uppermost ca 5 cm of mudstone of the underlying Mullera Formation is also contorted and silicified (‘baked’). The upper contact is well exposed at 691250mE 7925700mN in ridges to the south of Peaker Piker Creek (Figure 54), where maroon-brown amygdaloidal basalt bearing an intensely weathered reddish cap is succeeded by shale of the basal Wonarah Formation (Figure 55). Thin maroon-brown sandstone interbeds are preserved within the upper Helen Springs Volcanics. Nearby, at 691300mE 7925750mN, a 10 cm-wide vertical fissure in the volcanics is infilled by quartz sandstone from the overlying Wonarah Formation (Figure 56). More typically, in most areas where Helen Springs Volcanics are mapped, outcrop is confined to sporadic basalt corestones in the soil profile. Their presence in the shallow subsurface is indicated by dark red-brown pisolitic sandy soils, with a float of massive featureless ferruginous rock (eg areas mapped as mp, Czl and Czl/ mp in western MOUNT DRUMMOND). Although the Helen Springs Volcanics exhibit a characteristic dark red-brown phototone, their distribution in the subsurface is most easily discerned using airborne geophysics. The radiometric signature, in particular, is very pronounced for both the volcanics and the pisolitic soils developed immediately above them. Similarly, the sparsity of magnetic units in the underlying stratigraphy makes it relatively simple to track the base of the Helen Springs Volcanics to great depths throughout the mapsheet. A linear magnetic high characterises the boundary of the Georgina Outcrop of Early Cambrian volcanic rocks in MOUNT DRUMMOND was assigned to the Peaker Piker Volcanics by Smith and Roberts (1963). Recently acquired NTGS airborne magnetic data indicate that there is contiguity of subcrop beneath the central Georgina Basin between this region and the Helen Springs Volcanics on the eastern flank of the Tennant Region. The two volcanic units are therefore synonymised as Helen Springs Volcanics. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Helen Springs Volcanics outcrop in the western sheet area with an estimated thickness of 40 m. The distinctive aeromagnetic signature of the volcanics can be traced through eastern BRUNETTE DOWNS into southeastern ALROY, where the formation attains a maximum known thickness of 156 m in cored drillhole AY06DD01 (Kruse in prep). These expressions coincide with the AlexandriaWonarah Basement High (Perrino in Howard 1972), which separates the Undilla Sub-basin to the east from the Barkly Subbasin (Brunette Sub-basin of Howard 1990) to the west. Where contacts have been observed, the Helen Springs Volcanics in this region unconformably overlie sandstone and mudstone attributed to the South Nicholson Group. They are in turn overlain by the Wonarah Formation in MOUNT DRUMMOND and RANKEN. Based primarily on the reported interbedding of volcanic rocks with mudstone of the overlying Wonarah Formation (Smith and Roberts 1963), the former Peaker Piker Volcanics were regarded as early Middle Cambrian up to 1990 (eg Smith 1972, Freeman et al 1990). Subsequent sequence stratigraphic studies (Southgate and Shergold 1991) have relegated the Volcanics to the Early Cambrian. Thus, together with other Georgina Basin volcanic units, they are considered to be correlative with the Antrim Plateau Volcanics, corresponding to a continent-scale flood basalt event. A probable feeder dyke of this latter unit in Western Australia has been dated at 513 ± 12 Ma (late Early Cambrian) by Hanley and Wingate (2000), and the Helen Springs Volcanics have been directly dated at 508 ± 2 Ma by Glass and Phillips (2002). Smith and Roberts (1963) reported basalt, trachyte and minor dolerite, and a basal sandstone from the former Peaker Piker Volcanics. The current study indicates the presence Figure 53. Cobble conglomerate and planar stratified coarse-grained lithic sandstone of lower Bukalara Sandstone. Nicholson River (CALVERT HILLS), 713800mE 8009650mN, Pandanus Creek. 62 Figure 54. View to west showing massif of Helen Springs Volcanics capped by Wonarah Formation. Mittiebah, 691250mE 7925700mN, Peaker Piker Creek. Basin, where it meets Proterozoic basement, in particular along the Little Range Fault. This boundary may represent a feeder system for volcanism, as suggested by Smith and Roberts (1963), or it may simply be an edge effect generated by the margin of the volcanic sheet or by upturned volcanics along a structurally reactivated contact (see Geophysics). Narpa Group The Narpa Group (Kruse in Dunster et al 2007) embraces all Middle to medial Upper Cambrian units in the eastern and southern Georgina Basin, including formations in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Figure 55. Contact of intensely weathered red basalt of Helen Springs Volcanics (below) and maroon-purple ferruginous micaceous shale of basal Wonarah Formation (above). Hammer head marks contact. Mittiebah, 691250mE 7925700mN, Peaker Piker Creek. Figure 56. Vertical fissure at top of Helen Springs Volcanics infilled by quartz sandstone of overlying Wonarah Formation. Mittiebah, 691300mE 7925750mN, Peaker Piker Creek. 63 _ Border Waterhole Formation (Cmo) conglomerate, with granules to small pebbles of quartz and chert, taken to be the basal Border Waterhole Formation. This sandstone passes upward into more typical pale grey chert and minor, possibly precursor white claystone. Fossils reported from the formation, but as yet undocumented, include the trilobites Redlichia, Xystridura, Lyriaspis, Pagetia and Peronopsis, the molluscs Stenotheca and Helcionella, hyoliths attributed to Biconulites (Öpik 1960, Carter and Öpik 1961, de Keyser 1969) and sponge spicules; the trilobites are indicative of an early Middle Cambrian (Ordian) age. In contrast to the correlations of earlier authors, such as Smith (1972), de Keyser and Cook (1972) and Howard (1986), but in accord with de Keyser (1969), Southgate and Shergold (1991) assigned the Border Waterhole Formation to their sequence 1 and the remaining Middle Cambrian formations of MOUNT DRUMMOND to sequence 2. The Border Waterhole Formation hosts the Highland Plains phosphate deposit, which straddles the Northern Territory-Queensland border (see Economic geology). The Border Waterhole Formation (Öpik 1960) is the oldest lithostratigraphic unit of a Middle Cambrian succession exposed in the Lancewood Creek area of easternmost MOUNT DRUMMOND. It is unconformable on the Plain Creek Formation and Lawn Hill Formation of the McNamara Group, and is overlain by the Currant Bush Limestone. Like overlying units in the area, the Border Waterhole Formation extends eastward into LAWN HILL. It comprises 30–180 m (Shergold and Druce 1980) of siliceous shale, siltstone, grey and black chertified limestone (including bioclast floatstone and rudstone), irregularly bedded to nodular chert, chert breccia, chert conglomerate and a basal pebble conglomerate (Carter and Öpik 1961, Smith and Roberts 1963, McMahon 1969). Quartzite, and white and kaolinised siltstone, mapped as Border Waterhole Formation by McMahon (1969), are here regarded as Cretaceous. The formation is typically obscured by a regolith of chert breccia and pebbles, so that outcrop is mainly limited to creek beds (Figure 57). However, the basal beds are better exposed. At 813750mE 7936800mN for example, flat-lying Border Waterhole Formation rests with angular unconformity on shallow-dipping Lawn Hill Formation. A 6 m-thick stratigraphic gap of sandstone scree separates purple slate of that unit from gently eastdipping, orange-brown-weathering medium sublitharenite above. Among the intervening sandstone scree are blocks of dark brown-purple coarse sublitharenite to granule _ Currant Bush Limestone (Cmc) Apparently conformable between the Border Waterhole Formation and Camooweal Dolostone is the Currant Bush Limestone (Öpik 1956a, 1960). Shergold et al (1976) inferred a type area near Currant Bush Creek, 16 km southwest of Thorntonia homestead (CAMOOWEAL). In MOUNT DRUMMOND, the contact with the underlying Border Waterhole Formation is not exposed, and additionally, is complicated by the fault zone along Lancewood Creek (McMahon 1969). Eastward in LAWN HILL, the contact is not affected by faulting. Given the sequence stratigraphic assignments of Southgate and Shergold (1991), this lower formation contact may be disconformable. The Currant Bush Limestone is a unit of bedded grey and tan, partially dolomitised foetid argillaceous, quartzic and bioclastic limestone, with interbeds of ooid grainstone, shale, siltstone and marl. It is 50–75 m thick in MOUNT DRUMMOND (McMahon 1969), but thickens eastward to 116 m in drillhole Morstone-1 in CAMOOWEAL (Stewart and Hoyling 1963). Occasional ellipsoidal concretions are characteristic. This lithological suite represents ramp carbonates of stratigraphic sequence 2 (Southgate and Shergold 1991). In eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, these limestone beds are composed of partially dolomitised, grey-tan, centimetrescale, wavy- to nodular-bedded ribbon limestone (mainly bioclast floatstone), outcropping parallel to Lancewood Creek as low cuestas up to 1 m high (Figure 58). Minor friable sandstone and leached and deeply lateritised siltstone and shale, named the Lancewood Shale by Öpik (1960), were included in the upper Currant Bush Limestone by Smith and Roberts (1963), as foreshadowed by Carter and Öpik (1961). This view is provisionally adopted herein, despite the reinstatement of the Lancewood Shale by Shergold et al (1985). De Keyser (1969) nominated a yellow gritty dolostone containing angular chert fragments and rounded carbonate pellets as the uppermost bed of the expanded Currant Bush Limestone, conformable beneath the Camooweal Figure 57. Creek bank exposure of Border Waterhole Formation, comprising silicified dolomudstone and bioclast dolofloatstone. Carrara, 814600mE 7936150mN, tributary of Lancewood Creek. 64 Figure 58. Partly dolomitised grey/ tan, wavy- to nodular-bedded bioclast floatstone of Currant Bush Limestone. Carrara, 815800mE 7935050mN, Lancewood Creek. Limestone (Narpa Group) in the central and northern Georgina Basin. Dolostone. This formation contact is exposed in a 4 mthick section at the state border (in LAWN HILL, Zone 54, base at 183550mE 7935150mN, top at 183650mE 7935100mN), where it consists of the following beds, from base to top: ribbon limestone, typical of the Currant Bush Limestone; then a medium bed of otherwise similar rocks, but with a ‘sandy’ (quartzic) aspect (cf uppermost Currant Bush Limestone bed of de Keyser (1969); then medium to thickly bedded, non-quartzic, light yellow-grey dolostone with locally preserved wavy-nodular bedding; then thickly bedded yellow-brown quartzic dolostone forming a 1 m‑high scarp (cf de Keyser 1969); then centimetre-scale bedded, partially to completely dolomitic grey carbonate sparstone of undoubted Camooweal Dolostone. The contact is transitional and therefore conformable. The formation becomes more extensive eastward in Queensland, from where a diverse fauna of trilobites, bradoriides, brachiopods, molluscs, cystoid echinoderms and sponge spicules has been recorded (Öpik 1960, 1970, 1979, 1982, Carter and Öpik 1961, Jell 1975, Runnegar and Jell 1976, McKenzie and Jones 1979, Jones and McKenzie 1980, Henderson and MacKinnon 1981), to which hyoliths are here added. The trilobites are indicative of the Acidusus atavus to Goniagnostus nathorsti zones (Shergold et al 1985). More recently, the former basal beds of the Currant Bush Limestone in CAMOOWEAL have been renamed the Gowers Formation by Southgate (1986), thus restricting the Currant Bush Limestone there to late Euagnostus opimus Zone and younger (late Floran to late Undillan). In MOUNT DRUMMOND, the formation has yielded species of the agnostine trilobites Euagnostus, Peronopsis, Hypagnostus, Onymagnostus and Rhodotypiscus (Öpik 1979), the nepeid Penarosa (Öpik 1970) and the dolichometopids Horonastes, Fuchouia and Itydeois (Öpik 1982). These denote a briefer time interval, represented by the Acidusus atavus and Euagnostus opimus Zones. _ Wonarah Formation (Cmw) Unconformably overlying the Helen Springs Volcanics and South Nicholson Group is the Wonarah Formation (Wonarah beds of Öpik 1956a, b), which outcrops widely in western MOUNT DRUMMOND and extends southward along the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High, via western RANKEN and eastern ALROY, into AVON DOWNS and FREW RIVER. Following Kruse and Radke (2008), the Wonarah Formation subsumes the former Burton beds of Smith and Roberts (1963), Alexandria beds of Öpik (1956b) and Alroy Downs beds of David (1932). The formation comprises limestone, shale, siltstone (all typically chertified or ferruginised), minor phosphorite and a basal sandstone. Randal (1966b) estimated a thickness of 90+ m for the unit in RANKEN; a 36 m section is exposed at the ‘old well’ near Alexandria homestead (Öpik 1956b, Smith 1972), and a complete 146 m was intersected in cored drillhole NTGS01/1 (Kruse 2003). A reported thickness of 535 m in Alexandria No 1 Bore (Smith 1972) spans the entire Cambrian succession and may also include other formations. Smith and Roberts (1963) reported a thickness of 23+ m in MOUNT DRUMMOND. It is difficult, if not impossible to distinguish between the Wonarah Formation and a regional silcrete horizon on aerial photographs. The lower contact is well exposed at 691250mE 7925700mN in ridges to the south of Peaker Piker Creek. There, the Wonarah Formation overlies intensely weathered Helen Springs Volcanics. The unconformity is a sharp, planar to sinuous surface with decimetre-scale relief and minor ravinement to 2–5 cm depth. It is not deeply erosional and there is no apparent development of a palaeoregolith. The base of the Wonarah Formation is a 5 m interval of dark maroon-purple, ferruginous and micaceous shale, with trains of very fine quartz sand. Interbeds of light yellow-brown sandstone increase upward through this interval, and sandstone also penetrates cavities and vertical fissures in the underlying Barkly Group The Barkly Group (Kruse and Radke 2008) comprises all Middle Cambrian units other than the Thorntonia 65 _ Ranken Limestone (Cmk) volcanic pile (Figure 56). The sandstone is a mediumgrained to granule sublitharenite, with subordinate chert and siltstone lithic grains. Overlying shale (3 m thick) is yellow-brown and passes upward into yellowbrown chert, which is more typical of the formation in the mapsheet. At 676550mE 7962700mN, the base of the Wonarah Formation is a thin (5–10 cm) band of brown, ferruginous, medium to coarse lithic sandstone. Overlying the sandstone is ca 30 cm of flinty, red-brown mottled silicified claystone, with elongate clayey blebs (tuffaceous?). This is in turn overlain by a 10 cm interval of pebbly ferruginous lithic sandstone, thence by chert. In most areas, outcrop of the Wonarah Formation is strongly silicified, comprising yellow-brown bouldery outcrop and low cliffs of white to blue-grey, crudely bedded and partly brecciated chert, with relict parallel lamination and rare ovoid concretions (Figure 59). The chert breccia consists of randomly-oriented angular chert fragments in a siliceous splintery matrix (silcrete). Clasts are porcelainous and range up to cobble size. Iron-manganese oxides and liesegang banding are prominent. In places, coherent chert rock is interlayered with beds of rotated chert breccia, suggesting that the brecciation process took place in the subsurface and not as part of the surface regolith development. Chertified rocks are moderately fossiliferous. A fauna of trilobites, bradoriides, brachiopods, hyoliths, molluscs, echinoderms and sponge spicules indicates an early Middle Cambrian age (Öpik 1956b, 1968, 1975, Öpik and GilbertTomlinson in Smith and Roberts 1963, Shergold 1969, Jell 1975). The trilobite Xystridura is common. Öpik (1975) assigned a Templetonian age to the fauna. This was refined to early Templetonian by Shergold and Druce (1980), but was subsequently reassigned as late Templetonian/Floran by Southgate and Shergold (1991; sequence 2). Trilobite identifications by Laurie (2005) from material collected in adjacent RANKEN and AVON DOWNS indicate a latest Ordian to earliest Templetonian age, in terms of the stage definitions of Laurie (2006). Fossils locally occur as bioclast coquinas, and ooids are also discernible in the recrystallised carbonate rocks. Subeconomic phosphorite has been delineated in the Wonarah Formation in adjacent RANKEN (see Economic geology). Following the remapping of adjacent RANKEN by Kruse and Radke (2008), the Ranken Limestone (Öpik 1956a, b) is now recognised as a bioclastic lithofacies within the basal high-energy interval of the Camooweal Dolostone (which see). The Ranken Limestone is now mapped northward from its previously known occurrences around Soudan homestead (northern AVON DOWNS–southern RANKEN), along the eastern side of the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High, as far as the Mittiebah homestead area in southern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Subcrop in the Mittiebah homestead area is highlighted by a distinctive red soil phototone. There, it comprises pebbles and cobbles of high-energy bioclast and bioclastooid rudstone, typically red-brown and chertified. Bioclasts include common hyoliths and trilobites, and occasional molluscs. Two such mollusc taxa were described from southern RANKEN by Kruse (1998). The thickness of the formation is not known, but the Ranken Limestone lithofacies is scattered throughout an 80 m cored interval in drillhole BMR GRG 16 (southern RANKEN; Milligan 1963). With the recognition (Kruse and Radke 2008) that the Ranken Limestone overlies the latest Ordian–Templetonian Wonarah Formation, rather than underlying it as proposed by Öpik (1956a, b), the Ranken Limestone is clearly younger than the Ordian (earliest Middle Cambrian) age deduced by Öpik (1968). _ Camooweal Dolostone (Cmd) The Camooweal Dolostone (Camooweal Dolomite of Öpik 1954, 1956a) conformably overlies the Currant Bush Limestone, as well as the Wonarah Formation in southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. This is an extensive unit, occupying large areas of MOUNT DRUMMOND, LAWN HILL, CAMOOWEAL, RANKEN, AVON DOWNS, MOUNT ISA and URANDANGI. Öpik (1954) nominated a type area along the Georgina River between Lake Mary and Lake Francis, respectively north and south of Camooweal, with neither the lower, nor the upper boundary included. The Camooweal Dolostone is Figure 59. Typical brecciated chert outcrop of Wonarah Formation. Mittiebah, 696300mE 7925900mN, Peaker Piker Creek. 66 notionally 240–300 m thick (Shergold et al 1976). The entire 430 m thickness of carbonate rocks intersected in drillhole Cattle Creek-1 in AVON DOWNS (see figure 25 of Smith 1972) has been attributed to the formation, but this interval includes underlying units. Drillhole reports of identifiable fossils (eg Gatehouse 1968, references in Öpik et al 1973) may equally be from older strata. Planar microbial dololaminite is common, implying a peritidal depositional environment (de Keyser and Cook 1972, Shergold and Druce 1980). Local cross-beds and intraformational conglomerates denote brief higherenergy episodes. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Camooweal Dolostone outcrops extensively along the valley of Carrara Creek in the southeast, and as isolated outcrops and subcrop adjacent to the Wonarah Formation in the southwest. Intervening plains conceal the unit beneath grey-black clay-rich soil (blacksoil). The basal contact is exposed at the state border in the Lancewood Creek area (see Currant Bush Limestone). Prominent beds above the formation boundary in this area consist of grey, thickly bedded dolosparstone, at least some after original intraclast or intraclast-ooid grainstone, bearing bedding-parallel trains of red siliceous nodules (Figure 60). Strata slightly higher in the formation are exposed in the Carrara Creek area. Rippled dolomudstone outcrops in the bed of the creek, where it is crossed by the Gallipoli– Border Waterhole track (805600mE 7914700mN). Among grey dolomudstone beds on the north bank at this locality is a quartzic intraclast dolograinstone, with rounded to subrounded, fine sand- to fine pebble-sized intraclasts bearing micrite envelopes. A minority of the grains are ooids. Admixed quartz is of coarse silt to medium sand size. South of the creek, at 806100mE 7914600mN, a similar but non-quartzic bed of grey intraclast dolograinstone is distinctive within the more typical pale cream to beige dolomudstone of the formation. The dolograinstone comprises rounded to subangular, very fine sand- to granule-sized intraclasts in an idio- to hypidiomorphic dolospar mosaic. Many intraclasts show textures suggestive of reworked precursor intraclast grainstone and/or calcimicrobial boundstone. High-energy lithofacies, corresponding to those exposed in Lancewood and Carrara creeks, have been intersected in cored drillhole NTGS01/1 (southern RANKEN), where a 63 m-thick interval of lower Camooweal Dolostone includes more or less recrystallised, light grey intraclast dolograinstone and oncoid dolofloatstone. A total of 167 m of the formation (incomplete) is preserved in this drillhole (Kruse 2003). This same basal interval is also exposed, together with bioclastic lithofacies assigned to the Ranken Limestone (which see), along the eastern flank of the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High in western RANKEN (Kruse and Radke 2008). Oncoid dolorudstone, ooid dolograinstone, quartzic dolostone and quartz sandstone also contribute to the basal interval in this tract, which extends into southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND as far as Mittiebah homestead. Individual basal lithofacies, separately mapped in this area, include grey intraclast dolograinstone ( _Cmdb ) and brown quartz sandstone essentially unfossiliferous and bears a close similarity to parts of the Thorntonia Limestone; consequently, its age has been disputed. Öpik (1956a) erroneously believed it to underlie the Middle Cambrian successions exposed around the margins of the Undilla Sub-basin and assigned it to the Late Precambrian–Early Cambrian, viewing it as a barrier separating the Northern Territory and Queensland portions of the Georgina Basin. Randal and Brown (1962), Smith and Roberts (1963) and others subsequently corrected the stratigraphic relations of the unit, recognising it as Middle Cambrian or younger (see de Keyser 1973). Öpik (in Öpik et al 1973) has countered that the unit is Ordian (early Middle Cambrian) or perhaps Early Cambrian to Ordian, and that ‘the area allotted to the Camooweal Dolomite on maps includes outliers of younger strata which have no bearing on the concept of that formation’ (Öpik 1976). However, the area in question closely coincides with that originally indicated by him (figures 1 and 2 of Öpik 1956a, figure 2 of Öpik 1956b). The formation includes white, cream, buff and light brown dolostone (including dolosparstone and minor peloid and ooid dolostone), dolomitic limestone with nodular chert, minor marl and a basal quartzic dolostone and quartz sandstone (Carter and Öpik 1961, Brown 1962, Randal and Brown 1962, de Keyser 1969). It is Figure 60. Camooweal Dolostone, comprising red siliceous nodules in thickly bedded grey dolosparstone after original intraclast or intraclast-ooid grainstone. Musselbrook (LAWN HILL, Zone 54), 184075mE 7934777mN, Lancewood Creek. 67 ( _Cmds ). The intraclast dolosparstone is locally cross-bedded and may be recrystallised to dolosparstone, or partially or completely silicified to red-brown chert. These lower rocks are associated with subcrop areas of grey, planar to crinkly microbial dololaminite, which is typical of the bulk of the formation. As elsewhere, the dololaminite bears red-brown, early diagenetic, spheroidal and lobate chert nodules, which locally accumulate to dominate individual subcrop areas. The Camooweal Dolostone has been observed to laterally interdigitate with the Age Creek Formation in CAMOOWEAL and to overlie the Currant Bush Limestone in LAWN HILL and MOUNT DRUMMOND (Randal and Brown 1962, Smith and Roberts 1963). This implies an age ranging from the late Euagnostus opimus Zone to the Goniagnostus nathorsti or Lejopyge laevigata Zone (late Floran to late Undillan or early Boomerangian; Shergold et al 1985, Southgate and Shergold 1991). The upper age limit conforms well with the observation that the formation is overlain by the Late Cambrian Arrinthrunga Formation (Meeta Beds of Randal 1966c) in AVON DOWNS. The Camooweal Dolostone has also been postulated to laterally interdigitate with the Currant Bush Limestone and even with the Border Waterhole Formation in MOUNT DRUMMOND (Sweet 1984), and with the Thorntonia Limestone elsewhere. The recognition of a sequence-bounding disconformity surface at the top of the Thorntonia Limestone in CAMOOWEAL (Southgate 1986) casts doubt on this proposed interdigitation, which would extend the time range of the Camooweal Dolostone down to the late Ordian. Southgate and Shergold (1991) limited the formation to the highstand systems tract of their Middle Cambrian stratigraphic sequence 2 (ie late Templetonian/ Floran or younger). to Aptian age, and an Albian marine fauna in overlying beds. Pelecypods identified by Dickins (1960) from western MOUNT DRUMMOND are within this age span. On the basis of detailed studies, Cretaceous rocks along the western and southwestern margins of the Gulf of Carpentaria in ARNHEM BAY–GOVE (Rawlings et al 1997), BLUE MUD BAY (Haines et al 1999), MOUNT MARUMBA (Sweet et al 1999), and ROPER REGION (Abbott et al 2001) that were originally assigned to the ‘Mullaman beds’ by Skwarko (1966), have been subdivided into the Walker River and Yirrkala formations, of Aptian to Cenomanian age, by Krassay (1994). These two Carpentaria Basin formations have not been differentiated in MOUNT DRUMMOND, but similar units appear to be present. The succession in northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND typically comprises yellow to red-brown, mottled porcelainous claystone and clayey lithic medium sandstone with sporadic burrows. This facies is likely to be mostly of shallow-marine shelf origin. Rocks are variously friable to silicified and hard (even flinty). Alternating claystone and sandstone give rise to metre-scale prominent benches. There is a local basal conglomerate a few decimetres thick, containing rounded quartzite clasts in a ferruginous lithic sandstone matrix. Locally, the succession also includes beds or trains of pebbly/cobbly sandstone at several levels. Clasts are of well rounded sandstone and some have the appearance of dropstones, implying a glacial input. Mesas are capped by pisolitic ferricrete, which has given rise to the prolific growth of lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) in thickets on the flanks, a characteristic feature of lateritised Cretaceous regolith in the region. The anomalously high mesa at 785300mE 7974500mN is an erosional remnant of a formerly widespread sheet of Cretaceous rocks over MOUNT DRUMMOND that has survived Cenozoic incision (Figure 61). Sandstone and minor siltstone comprise the Cretaceous section in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, around Lancewood Creek. The sandstone is brown, variably ferruginous, medium- to coarse-grained, friable and quartzose, and supports a discontinuous scatter of ferruginised, dark maroon-brown ironstone pebbles on plateau tops. Rare Cretaceous exposures in western MOUNT DRUMMOND are composed of white, medium-grained (± pebbly) quartzose sandstone, with large planar cross-beds and with basal beds of silicified chert-clast conglomerate. Smith and Roberts (1963) identified Neocomian marine fossils, including a belemnite rostrum, in this area. This facies is likely to be fluvial to shallow marine in origin. Mesozoic: Dunmarra Basin Undivided Cretaceous (Kl) Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Dunmarra Basin are exposed sporadically in mesas and plateaux across much of the northern part of the Northern Territory. They form a flat-lying, uplifted, but undeformed siliciclastic coastalplain to shelf succession, resting on mainly Proterozoic rocks. The Dunmarra Basin succession is a relatively thin remnant of originally much more laterally extensive Cretaceous strata, thicker sections of which are preserved in the mostly offshore Money Shoal, Arafura and Carpentaria basins. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, Cretaceous rocks of the Dunmarra Basin are exposed mostly as weathered outcrop along the flanks of laterite-capped ridges and mesas in the northeastern part of the mapsheet. The basal unconformity is variable in elevation, and displays a relief that is little less than that of the present surface. Small mesas of the upper Constance Sandstone are surrounded or abutted by Cretaceous strata sitting at a lower elevation, for instance, at 817860mE 7983460mN at the border with LAWN HILL. The Cretaceous section reaches a maximum thickness of 50–70 m in prominent mesas in Cleanskin, but is generally much thinner (<10 m). Known fossils within the Cretaceous section are entirely Early Cretaceous in age. Skwarko (1966) identified a basal non-marine flora of ?Neocomian Cenozoic Cenozoic deposits cover more than half of MOUNT DRUMMOND. These deposits have been, as far as possible, subdivided into (genetically) unique units that can be identified on aerial photographs and Landsat imagery. Cleanskin beds (Tl) The Cleanskin beds (Smith and Roberts 1963) comprise loose scattered blocks of white, porous unfossiliferous 68 Palaeogene–Neogene (Cz, Czl, Czm, Czs, Czb, Czz) limestone and saprolitic limestone along narrow blacksoil plains, including near Wangalinji, Tin Creek, Fish Hole Creek and Crow Creek. Pores and ?vugs in the limestone are commonly infilled by banded chalcedony. This unit was originally widely mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963). However, during Second Edition mapping, many previously mapped ‘outcrops’ were found to be composed solely of clay-rich soil, with no evidence of limestone. These authors appear to have extrapolated small areas of known Cleanskin beds throughout these isolated areas of clay-rich soil. Certainly, it is very difficult to distinguish outcrop from clay-rich soil on aerial photographs. The Cleanskin beds may be synonymous with very similar Cenozoic limestone occurring in adjacent mapsheets (Noakes and Traves 1954), including the Brunette Limestone in BRUNETTE DOWNS, ALROY and RANKEN, and the Austral Downs Limestone in AVON DOWNS (Kruse and Radke 2008). The unit may also correlate with Cenozoic limestone further afield (eg Golliger beds on BAUHINIA DOWNS, Pietsch et al 1991). Undifferentiated Cenozoic deposits (Cz) include predominantly sandy to gravelly skeletal soils. Other Palaeogene and Neogene deposits, which have not been differentiated at the map scale, are also included in this unit. Pisolitic and massive ferricrete and laterite (Cz1), formed under conditions of intense chemical weathering, are widespread (Sweet 1984). These deposits have formed at various times during the Cenozoic and are well developed over extensive areas where the topography is flat-lying to undulating. They are probably mainly underlain by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and the Helen Springs Volcanics. Unconsolidated residual sand deposits (Czs) are extensive along the plateaux and plains bounding the ranges in MOUNT DRUMMOND, where they overlie Cretaceous and Proterozoic sandstone units. The most widespread Cenozoic unit in the mapsheet area is a clayrich soil, ‘blacksoil’ (Czb), which blankets the carbonates of the Georgina Basin (Figure 62). It is a characteristic greyblack, organic-rich clayey to silty soil with a high carbonate Figure 61. View of incised landscape from mesa of Cretaceous sandstone and claystone. Cleanskin, 785300mE 7974500mN, No Return Creek. Figure 62. Aerial view of gently undulating blacksoil (clay-rich soil) plains near Mittiebah homestead, southcentral MOUNT DRUMMOND. 69 radiometric data were obtained largely during the NTGS Barkly survey (Tesla 2001). This survey had north–southoriented flight lines, with a line spacing of 400 m and a mean survey elevation of 80 m above ground. Other highresolution company data have also been incorporated into the magnetic and radiometric stitches covering MOUNT DRUMMOND. Full details of NTGS surveys are accessible at http://www.nt.gov.au/dpifm/Minerals_ Energy/Geoscience/. The data are available in various digital formats or may be viewed online at the NTGS website using Image Web Server technology. The gravity dataset is from the Australia-wide regional gravity survey conducted by GA at a station spacing of 11 km. These data are available from NTGS in digital form and as contour maps of Bouguer and Free Air Anomalies. Airborne geophysical images define a number of features in MOUNT DRUMMOND: component. It is a vertosol (clay soil that cracks when dry) in the classification of Isbell (1996). It supports a thick cover of Mitchell grass, the basis for the cattle raising industry of the Barkly Tableland. Czb is locally associated with loose scattered blocks of dolostone or saprolite, belonging to either the Georgina Basin or Cleanskin beds. Brecciated, light grey, surficial silcrete deposits (Czz) are common on some carbonate units of the Georgina Basin, such as the Wonarah Formation. Siliceous and clayey saprolite is also a common feature over the recessive lower Crow Formation and lower Mullera Formation in the Benmara area. However, silcrete is generally not distinguished from the underlying unit on the mapface of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Quaternary (Qa) Alluvial gravel, sand, silt and clay (Qa) are found in active drainage channels, floodplains and outwash sheet deposits around ranges and plateaux. Fine-grained deposits formed in local depressions, such as ephemeral playas and swamps, are included in this category. Areas of Qa flanking major rivers and creeks fan laterally towards the Barkly Tableland where they intermingle with blacksoil. • Edge of Georgina Basin. The basal Georgina Basin is generally highly magnetic, due to the presence of the Helen Springs Volcanics, which has a pronounced signature on images (Figure 63). In some areas, there is a single high-frequency band, consistent with an edge effect, indicating a steep basinward dip of the volcanics away from the basement on which it onlaps. An example is at the southern edge of the Proterozoic outcrop between Mitchiebo Waterhole (713000mE 7932000mN) and Wild Cow Creek (753000mE 7933000mN). A less likely possibility is that the basin margin was the site Geophysics MOUNT DRUMMOND is covered by regional gravity, aeromagnetic and radiometric datasets. The magnetic and 136°30' 18°00' 138°00' 18°00' BG HSV SNG SNG ? MG CRV MG HSV SNG CRV MG MG CRV HSV SNG HSV GB 19°00' 136°30' HSV = Magnetic Georgina Basin with thick basal volcanic rocks (Helen Springs Volcanics) GB = Non-magnetic Georgina Basin with no basal volcanic rocks SNG = Non-magnetic South Nicholson Group MG = Non-magnetic McNamara Group BG = Magnetic Benmara Group (± Murphy Inlier) CRV = Magnetic Carrara Range Group 19°00' 138°00' A07-236.ai Figure 63. First vertical derivative of aeromagnetic data for MOUNT DRUMMOND, overlaid with annotated solid geology. 70 • • • • • • these areas of volcanic rock, as they are reasonably well represented in the total count. of magma extrusion. In other areas, the volcanic rocks are probably flat-lying and covered by a thin Georgina Basin veneer, leading to the development of a complex high-frequency pattern that probably depicts original volcanic flow architecture. An example is the large, blacksoil-covered area centred on Fish Hole Creek (670000mE 7954000mN). Mafic volcanic rocks of Carrara Range Group. The highly magnetic Mitchiebo Volcanics are responsible for the majority of the magnetic pattern in the Carrara Range. They can be traced east–west across the outcrop belt at two levels or latitudes, divided by a large stratigraphy-repeating fault. East–west structure in Carrara Range. The overall east-oriented faulting evident on the geological map is also readily apparent in the airborne magnetic image (Figure 63). This takes the form of truncated magnetic markers, such as the Mitchiebo Volcanics, and more subtle gradients sourced from covered basement. Volcanic rocks in Benmara Group. A semi-continuous trail of magnetic highs in the Benmara–Murphys Creek area between 696000mE 7978000mN and 704000mE 8008000mN is probably due to the presence of a magnetic igneous unit, the Buddycurrawa Volcanics (Figure 63). The discontinuous nature and variable intensity of the anomalies may be due to local faulting against magnetically transparent basement and the South Nicholson Group along the Benmara Fault. At least part of the southern end of this magnetic band may be due to the presence of banded iron formation in the Murphy Metamorphics. Small isolated magnetic highs. High-frequency magnetic anomalies, some of which may relate to dipolar magnetic sources, are evident in a number of places. However, the most notable is a cluster of anomalies near the Flemington Racecourse Claypan, centred on 721000mE 7959000mN (Figure 63). This cluster appears to be contained in the shallow subsurface of the South Nicholson Group and is probably due to the presence of maghemite in the weathering profile. Subtle magnetic ‘layering’ in sandstone units. Fine parallel banding, which is consistent with established dips and strikes, is present in a number of clastic units in the South Nicholson Group (Figure 63). The most notable banding is within the Playford Sandstone (eg Ten Mile Creek, 689000mE 7940000mN), Mittiebah Sandstone (eg Mittiebah Range, 688000mE 7913000mN) and Crow Formation (eg Crow Creek, 690000mE 7954000mE). Banding is probably due to variable and alternating heavy mineral concentrations in the stratigraphic section, including hematite, rutile, ilmenite and titanomagnetite. This most likely relates to simple lithofacies variations (mudstone and sandstone) and quartzite palaeoplacers. In some cases, it relates to the presence of weakly magnetic sedimentary ironstone, of the ‘Constance Range style’. Radiometric response of Helen Springs Volcanics. In most areas, these volcanic rocks are covered by a thin veneer of sand and laterite and their presence is difficult to substantiate in the field. Radiometric data were used extensively, in concert with aeromagnetic data, to map Structure An easterly- to east-northeasterly structural grain is readily apparent in the eastern half of MOUNT DRUMMOND, parallel to the outline and grain of the Murphy Inlier to the north. This structural fabric is most notable in the Carrara Range, where there is abundant faulting in this orientation, juxtaposing the Carrara Range, McNamara and South Nicholson groups. The Georgina Basin is also in apparent faulted contact with Proterozoic rocks at the southern margin of the Carrara Range. The main faults (Little Range, Mitchiebo, Rocky Creek, Maloney, Brumby and Wild Cow faults) all show north-side-up displacement and straight to mildly sinuous plan profiles. Structural repetition and thickening are recognised locally, particularly in the Brumby and Drummond formations, along numerous, small to large strike-parallel faults (many are unmapped or ‘blind’). Freshwater springs are common along some of these faults. At least two episodes of uplift and deformation are evident from the unconformities at the base of the Top Rocky Rhyolite and McNamara Group, the latter truncating a fault set in the Carrara Range Group. There is evidence for stratal growth and fault talus deposition in the middle–upper McNamara Group to the north of the Maloney Fault within the Maloney Creek Inlier. This is an elliptical inlier of coarse-grained facies of the McNamara Group within the South Nicholson Group that is bounded to the south by the Maloney Fault and is internally truncated by splays of the Mitchiebo Fault. There is also a suspicion of depositional growth north of the Rocky Creek Fault in the Wild Cow Sub-basin at a similar time. The current structural geometry is thus interpreted to reflect compressional inversion of earlier faults. Some of these early faults were compressional and some were normal faults, the latter associated with either extension or transtensional strike-slip deformation, analogous with the Emu Fault at McArthur River (Hinman 1995). Inversion appears to have involved partly thrust (north-over-south) and partly strike-slip geometries. The Little Range Fault, in particular, is notably linear, indicating a predominance of strike-slip displacement. In terms of timing, the youngest fault movement in the Carrara Range at least postdates the South Nicholson Group. In the case of the Little Range and Mitchiebo faults, the last movement demonstrably postdates the Georgina Basin, suggesting a number of inversion events, stretching between the Mesoproterozoic and Phanerozoic. The timing of the main inversion event is difficult to constrain, but may correlate with the post-Roper deformational event in the McArthur Basin (Rogers 1996a, Rawlings and Sweet 2004). The western half of MOUNT DRUMMOND is dominated by dome-and-basin folding in the South Nicholson Group, an example being the Mittiebah Range. Folds of 5–20 km wavelength have subhorizontal to shallow-plunging axes with inconsistent strike. The axes of many folds plunge shallowly in opposite directions to form doubly-plunging synclines and anticlines. The only major structure that continues across from the eastern half 71 from Benmara homestead toward Fish Hole Creek. This conclusion differs from Plumb et al’s tectonic framework interpretation, which shows the ridge continuing to the west from Benmara homestead and Coanjula in CALVERT HILLS. West of the Benmara Fault, mudstone and sandstone of the Crow Formation (South Nicholson Group) are folded in spectacular fashion within a north-northeast-trending belt encompassing the headwaters of Murphys and Benmara creeks (centred on 700000mE 7990000mN). Kilometrescale, upright symmetric folds with open to tight northnortheast-oriented axes are visible on aerial photographs. In contrast, folds in outcrop at dekametre scale exhibit axial planes in various orientations, including vertical, reclined, inclined and recumbent (ie disharmonic folding). Folds are open to tight, with angular hinges (chevron type) and boxfolds developed in places (Figure 64). Dip reversals and structural repetitions of the Crow Formation are common in this outcrop belt, occurring locally across subvertical strikeparallel faults that have developed at fold hinges. Folding and faulting have led to the apparent rapid southward thickening and northward thinning of the formation, as seen on the mapface. This thickness variation and the inconsistent nature of the base of the South Nicholson Group in the northern zone (705000mE 8007000mN) may be related to a detachment in the lower Crow Formation. In support of this is the pinching out of the Benmara Group in this northern area. Another large concealed structure is implied in southern MOUNT DRUMMOND, about 5 km north of Mittiebah Range. The main valley immediately north of the range contains outcrop of the Crow Formation, dipping to the south under the >2000 m-thick Mittiebah Sandstone. In contrast, organic-rich source rocks recovered ca 2 km north of this outcrop at ‘Hydrocarbon Bore’ (703000mE 7922200mN), under thin Georgina Basin cover, are geochemically inconsistent with the Crow Formation (see Economic geology). Instead, the data indicate significantly less burial of this concealed source rock and a possible correlation with the Mullera Formation. Although there is no surface or geophysical expression of a fault, the geochemical data of MOUNT DRUMMOND is the Mitchiebo Fault, which gradually decreases in throw to the west. The presence of proximal debris flows in the South Nicholson Group and Caulfield beds in the far north suggests possible active tectonism and uplift of the Murphy Tectonic Ridge, from which immature detritus was shed into adjacent zones of subsidence to the south. This tectonism may relate to foreland basin development in the South Nicholson Basin, coincident with movement along east-trending faults in the Carrara Range. The presence of a minor unconformity and the local absence of the Wallis Siltstone Member suggests the possibility of minor uplift on old, reactivated, fault systems in northeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, possibly on the Nicholson River or Border Creek faults. The principal structure in the northwestern corner of the mapsheet is the Benmara Fault, which is arcuate in profile, juxtaposing the Murphy Metamorphics against the South Nicholson Group. West-side-up displacement is consistent along its length and local kinematic indicators suggest west-over-east thrusting. A strike-slip component is also apparent in places. Proximal debris flows in the South Nicholson Group adjacent to this fault suggest it was active at an earlier time as a synsedimentary growth structure. Synchronous faulting and sedimentation may also explain the radical difference in thickness of the basal sandstone of the South Nicholson Group across the Benmara Fault. This sandstone is <10 m thick west of the Benmara Fault (mapped as Bowgan Sandstone; 696100mE 7977900mN) and >300 m thick east of the fault (mapped as Playford Sandstone; 698800mE 7974700mN). In the far north around Pandanus Creek (712000mE 8008000mN), rocks adjacent to the Benmara Fault have been intensely silicified, ferruginised, brecciated, folded and quartz ± hematite veined. Iron enrichment becomes extreme at some points along the fault, culminating in the development of massive ironstone (see Economic geology). The presence of basement immediately to the west of the north-northeast-trending Benmara Fault, and the absence of various cover units adjacent to it (eg Carrara Range and McNamara groups), suggests that the ‘Murphy Tectonic Ridge’ (Plumb et al 1990) extended southwestward Figure 64. Irregular 0.5–10 m-scale chevron folds and boxfolds in flaggy facies of Crow Formation. Boxer, 693700mE 7985250mN, Benmara Creek. 72 related to the movement of Fe‑rich fluids along large, eaststriking bedding-parallel faults (conduits?) in the South Nicholson Group. Mudstone of the Crow Formation also becomes increasingly altered and ferruginous upwards beneath mesas of laterite along the valley. This close association is also evidenced by veins of pisolitic laterite within massive or laminated Crow Formation ironstone. Rock sampling indicates that economic concentrations of iron are restricted to laterite that represents a residual deposit from the weathering of Proterozoic ironstone. In this instance, economic iron resources would be restricted to a near-surface layer about 2–5 m thick at the top of the laterite mesas. No detailed mapping or drilling has been carried out on these iron occurrences. could be explained by the presence of a large, probably east-oriented offset of the Crow Formation in the south and Mullera Formation in the north. Economic geology Although there are no operating mines in MOUNT DRUMMOND, there are a number of significant mineral systems and plays, outlined below. Previous exploration is summarised in Table 2. Iron Moderate-grade iron deposits occur within the South Nicholson Group east of MOUNT DRUMMOND in Queensland: the Constance Range iron deposits (Carter and Zimmerman 1960, Harms 1965). Although iron-rich sediments occur at several stratigraphic levels, the greatest concentrations are in the Train Range Ironstone Member, which contains three or four iron-rich beds that reach ore grade. Fourteen separate deposits are recognised (labelled from A to N), and published reserves, of 362 Mt at grades ranging from 42 to 57% Fe (Harms 1965). The mineralisation consists of oolitic hematite, siderite and chamosite beds, and is of the ‘Wabana (Newfoundland) type’ (Harms 1965). Similar-style iron mineralisation is present in the South Nicholson Group in MOUNT DRUMMOND. The main iron occurrences identified during First and Second Edition mapping of MOUNT DRUMMOND have not been properly assessed by exploration companies, and their economic and resource status are unknown. Although several new iron occurrences are indicated on the Second Edition map, these were discovered by good fortune; numerous other such occurrences may be expected. At least part of this mineralisation relates to primary depositional processes, as recognised by Ferenczi (2001) in the Sherwin Ironstone Member of the Roper Group in the McArthur Basin and by Harms (1965) for the Train Range Ironstone Member occurrences. However, local surficial supergene enrichment and fault-related fluid movement has also affected some of the ironstone bodies and led to higher iron concentrations. Most occurrences occur within siltstone and claystone of the Mullera and Crow formations, although there are also occurrences within the Playford and Constance sandstones. Minor and probably insignificant mineralisation occurs in the Murphy Metamorphics and Breakfast Sandstone. Ironstone occurs as stratiform bodies 5–20 m thick and 100s to 1000s of metres long. Hematite is typically fine grained, massive, and destructive to bedding. Several examples are briefly documented below. Benmara Fault In the northeastern corner of Boxer (Pandanus Creek, 712000mE 8008000mN), a variety of sedimentary rocks of the South Nicholson Group have been replaced by massive ironstone adjacent to the Benmara Fault. Ironstone is locally discordant and irregular, lacks deformation or sedimentary fabrics, and replaces cataclasite and sandstone breccia, indicating that it postdates deposition of the South Nicholson Group and its subsequent deformation. The iron content in the Constance Sandstone is up to 71.1% Fe203 (ave 54.2%, n=3), but decreases rapidly away from the fault zone. Ironstone also occurs as a series of discrete stratiform horizons in the lower Mullera Formation, up to several kilometres east of the fault (eg 712800mE 8007800mN and 713300mE 8009850mN). The two main intervals (‘lower and upper ironstone beds’) range up to 10 m thick, but are generally about 4–5 m. They are semi-continuous along strike, but vary in hematite content, up to 84.7% Fe203 (ave 65.2%, n=6). It is speculated here that iron has been remobilised from sedimentary rocks of the South Nicholson Group by oxidised basinal fluids and channelled along firstand second-order fault systems, to precipitate in porous iron-rich beds of the Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation. Murphy Metamorphics Interstratified within turbidites of the Murphy Metamorphics in the Canyon Range is a 2–10 m-thick, laterally continuous interval of banded iron formation (eg 704350mE 7992200mN, Figure 7). Grades were not assessed systematically during Second Edition mapping, but the one sample analysed contains 51.3% Fe203. Base metals No established base metal prospects or deposits have yet been discovered in MOUNT DRUMMOND, but the world-class Century Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, 60 km to the east in Queensland, lies within rocks of the upper McNamara Group (Broadbent et al 1998), a group that is well represented in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. The host succession (carbonate, sandstone and shale of the ca 1000 m-thick Lawn Hill Formation) extends westward into Mount Drummond (Sweet 1984, Sweet et al 1984, McConachie and Dunster 1998). It is widely distributed at surface and can be extrapolated into the subsurface under the Georgina Basin, Mitchiebo Waterhole The upper part of the Crow Formation is extensively ferruginised adjacent to the overlying Constance Sandstone over a strike length of more than 10 km, east-northeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole. This culminates in the development of blocky to slabby outcrop of subeconomic ironstone, including the Fe occurrences marked on the First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND. The iron content in the Crow Formation is up to 42.5% Fe203 (ave 33.3%, n=6). Iron enrichment appears to be a secondary phenomenon, perhaps 73 flows that emanated from an active (synsedimentary) ‘growth’ fault scarp into shallow- to deep-water environments (fandelta, Sweet 1985). In this respect, they are analogous with the Barney Creek Formation and Cooley Dolostone at the McArthur River deposit. There, stratiform base metal sulfide mineralisation is interpreted to have formed by exhalation of metalliferous saline basinal fluids into a localised deepwater brine pool along a regional strike-slip fault system (Large et al 1998). Ore intervals are interlayered with talus breccia and turbidite beds, indicating synchronous fault-scarp development, sedimentation and brine exhalation. south and west of the Little Range Fault. In the northeastern corner of MOUNT DRUMMOND is a narrow east-trending belt of Fickling Group, including shale and carbonate of the Doomadgee Formation, flanking the southern edge of the Murphy Inlier. The Walford Creek Pb–Zn prospect (Rohrlach et al 1998), with similar characteristics to the McArthur River deposit (Williams 1978a, 1978b), occurs 30 km east along strike in Queensland, at the faulted northern margin of the Lawn Hill Platform. In addition to the close spatial and temporal relationship with known base metals deposits of the ‘Carpentaria zinc belt’, MOUNT DRUMMOND is prospective on other grounds: Little Range Fault Probable lower McNamara Group is mapped immediately south of the Little Range Fault, abutting the Murphy Metamorphics and Carrara Range Group. The exact position of the fault is difficult to determine, due to the presence of a thick onlapping section of Georgina Basin. The large stratigraphic juxtaposition and linear nature of the fault system (ie strike-slip) suggests that the southern edge is a potential target for McArthur River-type base metals deposits. • It contains the appropriate host rock package in terms of contained lithology, namely a ‘reduced’ fine-grained, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic package with variable permeability (eg Plain Creek, Doomadgee and Lawn Hill formations; cf Bull 1998). • The underlying Carrara Range Group has suitable characteristics to be the ‘engine room’ for a large regional-scale metallogenic system, with the potential to form a spectrum of deposits in the overlying or adjacent successions (eg McArthur River, Kupferschiefer and MVT styles). This includes a thick ‘oxidised’ sandstone package with intervals of mafic and felsic volcanic rocks (cf Cooke et al 1998, 2000, Garven et al 2001). • It contains faults with similar geometry and features to the Termite Range and Emu faults, the implied feeders for Century and McArthur River, respectively. Large stratigraphic juxtapositions are evident along several major faults and there is local evidence for stratigraphic growth and for talus and debris flow deposition adjacent to fault scarps (‘tectonic facies’; cf Logan et al 1990, Hinman 1995). • The prospectivity of the Northern Territory side of the Lawn Hill Platform has not been rigorously tested by exploration. Wild Cow Sub-basin The Wild Cow Sub-basin is an elliptical area of largely alluvium-covered upper McNamara Group in the headwaters of Wild Cow Creek, centred on 754000mE 7936000mN. Based on dips and outcrop widths, the Lawn Hill Formation is postulated to thicken to as much as 3000 m there (see Lawn Hill Formation). The sub-basin is bounded to the north by the Wild Cow Fault and perhaps to the south by a westerly extension of the Rocky Creek Fault; however, the polarity of the sub-basin is unknown. The faulted juxtaposition with the Carrara Range Group in the north would be the most logical target zone for McArthur Rivertype base metals deposits, but due to poor outcrop, the exact position of the fault is difficult to ascertain. The westerly extent of the sub-basin is unknown; it may extend west to the area south of Mitchiebo Waterhole, where several faults may indicate large displacements of the succession. In Mount Drummond, a ‘McArthur River subbasin model’ (Large et al 1998) can be applied to the upper McNamara Group, adjacent to major east-oriented fault systems such as the Little Range and Mitchiebo faults. A ‘Century hydrocarbon-metalliferous brine model’ (Broadbent et al 1998, Hobbs et al 2000) can be applied to areas of regional-scale folding (hydrocarbon traps) distal to these primary faults, adjacent to second-order faults (metalliferous fluid pathways). The South Nicholson Group also has some potential. Several specific areas of enhanced prospectivity are suggested. Bauhinia Dome and Canyon Range The Crow Formation and Caulfield beds, adjacent to the Murphy Inlier in the Canyon Range and Bauhinia Dome, respectively, contain clear evidence of debris flow and talus breccia deposition, accompanied by substantial lateral facies and thickness variation. Large fault structures, such as the Benmara Fault, with implied synsedimentary movement and sub-basin development, are present. Recessive shaly parts of these units are rarely exposed and may contain blind base metals deposits, perhaps of SEDEX or MVT style. Currently, there are no significant stream sediment geochemical grids over the South Nicholson Group, apart from recent reconnaissance NTGS data, suggesting that further testing is warranted. Maloney Creek Inlier In this partly fault-bounded inlier, ‘tectonic facies’ is interdigitated with ‘background clastic facies’ adjacent to the Mitchiebo and Maloney faults. Initial shallow-water fault-scarp and sub-basin development was accompanied by deposition of massive polymict breccia, conglomerate and sandstone beds of the Bullrush Conglomerate. The overlying Plain Creek Formation comprises an unusual facies association, with coarse-grained sandstone and conglomerate interbedded with sub-wave-base carbonaceous shale and siltstone. The facies in these two formations are interpreted as turbidites and debris Manganese Surficial manganese is locally developed in the region and is particularly common as a weathering crust on the Plain Creek Formation (eg 755800mE 7937600mN). Although the economic significance of the manganese occurrences has not 74 DRUMMOND, the sheet area is considered to have excellent potential, as shown by the extent of previous exploration (Table 2). It lies within a broad west-northwest-trending swath of anomalous surficial microdiamond concentrations in the northern half of the Northern Territory (Smith et al 1990, Figure 65). An exploration campaign in 1985, based on the distribution pattern of microdiamonds depicted in Figure 65, led to the discovery of Coanjula in CALVERT HILLS to the north (Smith et al 1990, Lee et al 1998). In this area, there are a number of intrusive alkali basaltic diatremes (Ong 1995). They consist of magmatic and brecciated diatreme facies rocks and pyroclastic, air-fall, crater-facies lapilli tuffs, which are constrained in age by a K-Ar age of 1665 Ma for a kaersutite megacryst in pipe CJ12 (Ong 1991, Lee et al 1994) and by the unconformably overlying South Nicholson Group (1490–1430 Ma). However, these diatremes are barren of diamonds and bear no spatial coincidence with the diamondiferous deposits. Rather, abundant non-transported microdiamonds are hosted exclusively within Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary bedrock of the Murphy Metamorphics. Diamond-associated litharenites in this area have yielded a U-Pb SHRIMP maximum depositional age of 1867 ± 7 Ma, (Hanley 1996). Non-diamond-associated litharenites in the same region have yielded a less well constrained, but overlapping depositional age of 1870 ± 25 Ma. However, these contain a higher proportion of older, detrital zircon grains with concordant age peaks at 2698 ± 20 Ma and 2171 ± 14 Ma (Hanley 1996). Drilling has established two main deposits, comprising up to kilometre-scale discontinuous irregular ‘pods’ of elevated microdiamond concentrations. However, high microdiamond concentrations are correlated with the occurrence of thin veins of rocks of mica lamprophyric composition, which yielded a maximum intrusive age of 1861 ± 10 Ma (Hanley 1996). This coincided with the discovery of a microdiamond-rich mica lamprophyre dyke in Canada. The mechanism by which the microdiamonds were transported from the mantle to the surface and incorporated into metasediments is unknown. Lee et al (1994) suggested that the microdiamond distribution pattern in northern Australia (Figure 65) is largely due to the dispersal of diamonds from Coanjula by southwesterly drainage and northwesterly prevailing winds. This interpretation impacts substantially on the validity of microdiamond sampling and mapping in the exploration for macrodiamond deposits in northern Australia. Clusters of diamondiferous kimberlite pipes also occur 150 km to the northwest at the Merlin field (Lee et al 1998) and in BAUHINIA DOWNS (E.Mu pipes; Atkinson et al 1990, Smith et al 1990). The Merlin field was openpit mined during 1998–2003 by Ashton Mining Ltd/Rio Tinto Ltd and produced 507 000 ct of diamonds, including the largest individual diamond ever found in Australia (ca 105 ct). North Australian Diamonds Ltd (formerly Striker Resources NL) acquired the Merlin project from Rio Tinto in 2004 and, at the time of writing, the field was undergoing feasibility studies prior to the resumption of mining. Probable ore reserves, combined with indicated and inferred resources, are 19.45 Mt @ 18 cpht (ct per hundred tonnes), representing a total of 3.5 Mct (North been properly assessed by drilling, it is unlikely to extend deeply into the host rock (cf Ferenczi 2001). Phosphate The Georgina Basin has a long history of phosphorite exploration (eg de Keyser 1969, Howard 1990, Khan et al 2007), although there are currently no operating mines in its Northern Territory portion. Apart from Highland Plains (see below), known deposits of the basin in the NT are located along the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High (Howard 1972), which extends southward from southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND as far as northeastern FREW RIVER. Two subeconomic phosphorite deposits have been delineated in the Wonarah Formation in adjacent RANKEN and ALROY: Alexandria with 15 Mt @ 10% P2O5, and Alroy with 14 Mt @ 20% P2O5 (Driessen in Shergold and Southgate 1986; see also Howard 1972, Cook in Shergold and Southgate 1986, Freeman et al 1990). Further south on the high is the Wonarah deposit, which is centred in northeastern FREW RIVER and extends into immediately adjacent sheet areas. Wonarah is much larger, with an estimated resource of 72 Mt @ 23% P2O5 (AKD Ltd, Australian Stock Exchange announcement 24 January 2002), based on that portion of the deposit subjected to closely spaced drilling by Rio TintoAKD in 2000. Phosphatisation is concentrated at the base of the Wonarah Formation, directly above the Helen Springs Volcanics. The deposit was briefly described by Howard (1971, 1972), Howard and Perrino (1976), Howard and Hough (1979) and Cook in Shergold and Southgate (1986), and has been reviewed by Freeman et al (1990) and Khan et al (2007). All three deposits are concealed beneath blacksoil. In southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, the Border Waterhole Formation hosts the Highland Plains deposit, which straddles the Northern Territory–Queensland border. McMahon (1969) delineated two major tabular phosphatic intervals in the lower part of the formation. The lower of these intervals (thickness 1.5–17 m) is at the base of the formation. The upper interval (1.5–11 m thick) is some 7–17 m stratigraphically higher in the succession and grades 16–30% P2O5. Phosphate occurs as pelletal collophane, dispersed within friable siltstone and fine sandstone. McMahon (1969) ‘conservatively’ calculated total indicated and inferred reserves of 81 Mt @ approximately 20% P2O5. Cook and Shergold (1979) cited a published figure of 84 Mt @ 13.4% P2O5. Shergold and Druce (1980) reported an overall thickness of 6–38 m for the phosphorite intervals and, additionally, noted the presence of non-pelletal collophane mudstone. No additional significant concentrations of phosphate were recognised in MOUNT DRUMMOND during Second Edition mapping, either from radiometric or from reconnaissance hand-held scintillometer surveys. However, there is potential for further phosphorite occurrences beneath blacksoil mantling the Alexandria-Wonarah Basement High in the southwestern sheet area. Diamonds Although no kimberlitic or lamproitic intrusions or diamondiferous deposits have been identified in MOUNT 75 Australian Diamonds Ltd, Australian Stock Exchange Quarterly Report 30 September 2007). Formation and abandoned the South Nicholson project, partly due to discouraging petrological data obtained from DD92SN1. On the basis of new mapping, we suggest that they inadvertently drilled the Crow Formation rather than the Mullera Formation. The Mullera Formation therefore remains untested, unless it is the hydrocarbonrich formation present in ‘Hydrocarbon Bore’ near Peaker Piker Creek (703000mE 7922200mN). These rocks are very rich (TOC 10.6%), below the oil window (T Max 372°C; Rawlings and Sweet 2004), and are substantially less mature than those in DD92SN1. Other RockEval pyrolysis data for the ‘Hydrocarbon Bore’ sample include: S1=23.77; S2=65.93; S3=1.9; PI=0.26; PC=7.47; HI=621; OI=17, where S1 = amount of free hydrocarbons; S2 = amount of hydrocarbons generated through thermal cracking of nonvolatile organic matter; S3 = amount of CO2 (in milligrams CO2 per gram of rock) produced during pyrolysis of kerogen; PI = production index; PC = pyrolysable carbon; HI = hydrogen index; OI = oxygen index. Petroleum Petroleum exploration in MOUNT DRUMMOND has been very limited and includes an evaluation of stratigraphy and structure by Pacific Oil and Gas in the early 1980s. Only one drillhole was completed: DD92SN1 (Lanigan 1993) near Flemington Racecourse Claypan (723500mE 7951200mN), which intersected 430 m of the lower Crow Formation, thought to have some source rock potential. Organic intervals comprise ca 15% of the drill intersection, but TOC is generally less than 1% and hydrocarbons were found to be beyond the oil window (T Max 460–470°C). Permeability and porosity are also very low. This formation is therefore considered to have low prospectivity for oil or gas. Based on the knowledge at the time, Pacific Oil and Gas had assumed this interval to be the Mullera 129°00' 11°00' TIMOR 138°00' 11°00' SEA DARWIN GULF OF CARPENTARIA Katherine 15°00' 15°00' TIMBER CREEK ARGYLE ABNER RANGE MERLIN COANJULA 19°00' 19°00' Tennant Creek WESTERN AUSTRALIA Mount Isa NORTHERN TERRITORY QUEENSLAND 22°00' 22°00' A07-235.ai 129°00' 138°00' Contours showing microdiamond frequency 0 200 400 km MERLIN high medium Macrodiamond-bearing kimberlite/lamproite low Microdiamond anomaly Figure 65. Distribution of microdiamonds and kimberlitic/lamproitic pipes in north-central Australia (modified after Smith et al 1990). Box outlines MOUNT DRUMMOND. 76 in watercourses are largely derived from groundwater discharge from Georgina Basin aquifers. Based on these data, the sections intersected in ‘Hydrocarbon Bore’ and DD92SN1 are unlikely to correlate, unless they were buried to vastly different extents by overlying strata. This appears implausible, because the overlying Mittiebah Sandstone is >2000 m thick near ‘Hydrocarbon Bore’, implying deeper burial than at DD92SN1, not shallower. This interpretation has significant implications for oil and gas exploration, as genuine Mullera Formation source rock can now be regarded as untested in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Geochemistry Two main geochemical datasets have been generated from Second Edition mapping in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Firstly, a total of 73 rock samples were submitted for major and minor element geochemistry, for the purposes of identifying petrological characteristics, correlating igneous units and quantifying the grade of a number of iron and manganese occurrences. The results and interpretations of these analyses are discussed in the appropriate sections of this document and are summarised in Appendix 2 (Excel spreadsheet). Secondly, a total of 132 stream sediment samples were submitted for selected analyses to establish baseline geochemical characteristics in the region. Most of these were collected outside the area covered by previous company stream sediment geochemical sampling, hence broadening the extent of first-pass sampling in the region. No interpretation of these data is alluded to here. The results of these surveys are included in Appendix 3 (Excel spreadsheet). Other commodities Quartz veining (partly epithermal) is ubiquitous and clay alteration zones have been recognised locally within the Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics. The Murphy Inlier is also characterised by regionally anomalous Au stream sediment values (Hitchman 1991). The Carrara Range Group includes a 500–1000 m-thick flood basalt, not unlike the Eastern Creek Volcanics in the Mount Isa Inlier. Base metal anomalism is common in stream sediment samples draining these volcanic rocks along the Little Range Fault, suggesting that they have potential for small Redbank-style Cu-Co-Ni deposits (cf Rawlings 2002). Localised rhyolite domes, cryptodomes and epiclastic aprons of the Top Rocky Rhyolite have epithermal Au–Ag–U prospectivity, based on the likelihood of abnormally high emplacement temperatures and the naturally radiogenic nature of the rocks. However, rhyolite has anhydrous (‘dry’) or A-type geochemistry, so hydrothermal systems would have needed to rely upon the surrounding groundwater system. Infill stream sediment geochemical data collected by NTGS indicate broad base metal anomalism in the lower Wonarah Formation, with Zn values up to 450 ppm and Pb up to 52 ppm. Geological history The geological history of MOUNT DRUMMOND is summarised below in chronological order. Small temporal breaks relating to condensed intervals or minor sequence boundaries are omitted. All age ranges are approximate only: • ?2100–1880 Ma: deposition of Murphy Metamorphics in turbidite basin of unknown extent. • 1880–1860 Ma: metamorphism of Murphy Metamorphics to lower greenschist facies. • 1860–1850 Ma: cooling, rapid uplift and unconformity development. • 1850–1840 Ma: emplacement of felsic Connelly Volcanics and comagmatic Cliffdale Volcanics– Nicholson Granite to form regional basement (Murphy Inlier). • 1840–1790 Ma: uplift and unconformity development. • 1790–1740 Ma: deposition of fluvial sandstone and flood basalt of lower Carrara Range Group. • 1740–1725 Ma: hiatus. Deformation, uplift, erosion and unconformity development, possibly related to magmatism. • 1725 Ma: emplacement of rhyolitic volcanic and epiclastic rocks of upper Carrara Range Group (Top Rocky Rhyolite). • 1725–1700 Ma: hiatus and unconformity development. • 1700–1690 Ma: deposition of shallow-marine siliciclastic sediments of Surprise Creek Formation. • 1690–1670 Ma: period of local deformation and uplift along faults; regional erosion. • 1670–1590 Ma: deposition of carbonate and siliciclastic units of the McNamara and Fickling groups in environments ranging from fluvial, through shallowmarine peritidal settings, and fan delta to deeper marine. Local synsedimentary faulting along Little Range, Groundwater Groundwater exploration in MOUNT DRUMMOND is limited to the blacksoil plains of the Barkly Tableland, where a viable beef cattle industry operates. Operating bores have been drilled on an approximately 10–15 km grid and produce large volumes of groundwater suitable for stock use. All of the outstations and communities also rely on bore water for consumption and minor crop growing. The groundwater system in the remaining rocky and scrubby country is still very much underutilised. Aquifers occur in cavernous and fractured limestone of the Georgina Basin, and in fractured Proterozoic and Georgina Basin siliciclastic rocks (Tickell 2003). The limestone aquifers are regionally very extensive and can yield moderately large quantities of groundwater. Aquifer depths mostly range from 75 to 125 m below the surface, with depths to the near-horizontal watertable controlled by elevation. Fractured-rock aquifers, on the other hand, tend to be localised and yields are mostly low. Groundwaters are predominantly fresh (Tickell 2003), with low Total Dissolved Solids (<1500 mg/L), low sulfate (<250 mg/L) and low fluoride (<0.25 mg/L). The general direction of flow is easterly towards springs on the edge of the Georgina Basin in Queensland. Dry season flows 77 • • • • • • • • • • Mitchiebo and Wild Cow faults, differential uplift and sub-basin development. Probable deposition of siliciclastic sediments and intermediate volcanic rocks of Benmara Group and possibly coeval emplacement of diamondiferous magmatic bodies in Coanjula–Canyon Range zone. 1590–1500 Ma: hiatus and unconformity development (Isan Orogeny). 1500–1400 Ma: deposition of fine- to coarse-grained siliciclastic sediments of South Nicholson Group in shallow- to deep-marine shelf, braided fluvial and localised fan-delta environments. Probable synsedimentary faulting adjacent to Benmara Fault. Several episodes of stratiform iron deposition. 1400–?1300 Ma: major deformation event: extensive faulting and gentle folding, which affected Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic rocks throughout much of northern Australia, resulting in the current regional structural pattern. 1300?–600? Ma: lengthy period of erosion, with period(s) of coaxial folding and faulting; remobilisation of iron in basin. Ediacaran: deposition of the fluvial to shallow-marine Bukalara Sandstone (regional initiation of Georgina Basin). Early Cambrian: emplacement of Helen Springs Volcanics during cratonic-scale flood basalt event. Middle Cambrian: carbonate-dominated part of the Georgina Basin deposited in open to restricted shallow-marine settings. Phosphorites deposited along topographic highs. Late Cambrian to Jurassic: lengthy hiatus and minor reactivation of older faults. Cretaceous: deposition of thin onlapping blanket of sandstone and mudstone of Dunmarra Basin. Cenozoic: deposition of colluvium and alluvium and development of groundwater table, laterite surfaces and modern soil profile. References Abbott ST and Sweet IP, 2000. Tectonic control on thirdorder sequences in a siliciclastic ramp-style basin: an example from the Roper Superbasin (Mesoproterozoic), northern Australia. 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Fieldwork in the more remote areas was facilitated by Jayrow Helicopters (Darwin). The cooperation of the Northern Land Council and all associated Aboriginal outstations is appreciated, in particular Jack and Irene Hogan at Wangalinji. Pastoral property managers at Mittiebah (John Mora), Alexandria (Ross Peatling) and Benmara (Ernie and June Holt) were helpful, hospitable and knowledgeable. John Mora is specifically thanked for allowing us access to facilities at Mittiebah on recreation days, and for helping us out by supplying an array of essential goods and services not normally found in the bush. Linda Glass (NTGS) contributed to the section on Diamonds. Figures for this explanatory notes were drafted by Michael Burt and Kathy Johnston. Kathy Johnston also formatted the manuscript. 78 Shady Bore Quartzite-Riversleigh Siltstone transition in the ‘NABRE’-hood of Riversleigh, northwest Queensland. AGSO Research Newsletter 25, 21–23. 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Carrara Range region, Northern Territory (First Edition). 1:100 000 geological map commentary, portions of 6360 and 6460. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia, Canberra. Sweet IP, 1985. Relationship of the Maloney Creek Inlier to other elements of the western Lawn Hill Platform Cover, northern Australia. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 9, 329–338. Sweet IP, 1986. Recognition of tidal environments in the Abner and Bessie Creek Sandstones, McArthur Basin, Northern Territory. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 15, 185–186. Sweet IP, Brakel AT, Rawlings DJ, Haines PW, Plumb KA and Wygralak AS, 1999. Mount Marumba, Northern 85 by Neoproterozoic Bukalara Sandstone in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, and by Cambrian Georgina Basin succession in southern MOUNT DRUMMOND and western LAWN HILL. Age: Isotopic dating currently unavailable for any part of South Nicholson Group and age therefore internally unconstrained. Maximum age of 1595 ± 6 Ma is that of Lawn Hill Formation at top of underlying McNamara Group (Page and Sweet 1998). No minimum age constraints imposed by overlying units, apart from late Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic Georgina Basin. Interpreted age range of Accident Subgroup of 1500-1400 Ma based on correlation of South Nicholson Group with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin, which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for South Nicholson Group, including Accident Subgroup. Correlatives: Middle to upper Roper (Jackson et al 1999) and Renner groups (Hussey et al 2001). Comments: This package of rocks has been accorded subgroup status because a disconformity has been recognised within the South Nicholson Group. The lower and upper parts (both now subgroups) also have distinct facies patterns and depocentres. Although the Mittiebah Sandstone is remote from the main outcrop belt, which is in Queensland and eastern NT, it is included in the subgroup on the basis of its firm correlation with the Constance Sandstone, the basal formation of the subgroup. Appendix 1 – New and revised stratigraphic names Accident Subgroup (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Accident Creek, passing through 18°05'S, 138°20'E, an east-flowing tributary of Gregory River in northwestern LAWN HILL, Queensland. Synonymy: Incorporates all of South Nicholson Group mapped in Queensland (LAWN HILL and WESTMORELAND), ie Constance Sandstone, Mullera Formation and Tidna Sandstone (Carter and Zimmerman 1960, Carter et al 1961), in southeastern quarter of CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), and in eastern third of MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Also includes all Mittiebah Sandstone, Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation mapped in western two-thirds of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Small areas of Mittiebah Sandstone on northern RANKEN, eastern BRUNETTE DOWNS and southwestern CALVERT HILLS also included. Parent unit: South Nicholson Group. Constituent units: From base to top: Constance Sandstone and its members, Mittiebah Sandstone, Mullera Formation and its members, Tidna Sandstone. Distribution: Outcrops throughout MOUNT DRUMMOND, southeastern quarter of CALVERT HILLS, northeastern BRUNETTE DOWNS, northwestern RANKEN (all in Northern Territory), and in southwestern WESTMORELAND and western LAWN HILL (Queensland). Total area of outcrop and known shallow subcrop approaches 16 000 km2. Type section: As defined for each constituent formation. Reference section: Complete section in an area of relatively high dips, and therefore geographically compact, located south of Elizabeth Creek (LAWN HILL), from Constance Range escarpment in east, westwards for 8 km to core of a syncline. Section extends from base of Constance Sandstone, at 18°14'41"S, 138°23'28"E (224125mE 7980770mN), southwest for 1.7 km to top of Constance Sandstone, at 18°14'57"S, 138°22'37"E (222623mE 7980270mN), then west for 6.4 km to youngest beds in Tidna Sandstone in centre of syncline, at 18°14'57"S, 138°18'56"E (216123mE 798017m0N). Thickness: Minimum 400 m in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, up to 3350 m in Constance Range region in western LAWN HILL. Lithology: Sandstone, siltstone, shale; minor conglomerate and sedimentary ironstone. Depositional environment: Mainly shallow marine, ranging to deeper water, including storm-dominated shelf and shoreface environments; possibly minor fluvial. Geomorphic expression: Resistant ridge-forming in sandstone-dominated basal part, alternating ridge-forming and recessive upper part (siltstone- and shale-dominated unit with sandstone and ironstone interbeds). Relationships: Disconformably overlies Wild Cow Subgroup in west; unconformably overlies McNamara and Fickling groups in east; unconformably overlies Caulfield beds in Bauhinia Dome. Unconformably overlain Benmara Group (revised definition) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Benmara Creek, a tributary of Nicholson River in MOUNT DRUMMOND (18°12'S, 137°E). Synonymy: Benmara beds of Smith and Roberts (1963). Constituent units: Breakfast Sandstone, Buddycurrawa Volcanics. Distribution: Northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Thickness: 0–380 m. Lithology: Mixed succession of sandstone, mudstone, conglomerate, stromatolitic chert, trachyte and volcaniclastic sandstone. Geomorphic expression: Recessive to weakly resistant. Relationships: Unconformably overlies Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics. Contact with overlying South Nicholson Group poorly exposed and relationship cannot be resolved with any certainty. Pinching out of Benmara Group to north near 705000E 8007000N is consistent with both an unconformity and a low-angle structural boundary (detachment) dividing Benmara and South Nicholson groups, although a partly reactivated unconformity is favoured. Age: Constrained only by underlying Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics basement (>1845 Ma; Page et al 2000) and by probable overlying South Nicholson Group 86 (maximum age 1500 Ma by correlation with Roper Group; Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Geochronological studies have failed thus far to establish absolute age of Buddycurrawa Volcanics, because the trachyte contains too few zircons and is highly weathered. Simplest interpretation is that Buddycurrawa Volcanics are same age as Carrara Range Group and Peters Creek Volcanics (1725 Ma), as these also contain abundant felsic volcanic and shallow intrusive rocks. However, an age closer to 1660–1580 Ma can be implied from their compositional similarity to magmatic rocks in Coanjula area. Correlatives: Uncertain. Comments: This package of rocks has been accorded group status because its stratigraphic position is now better established and it is unlikely to belong to South Nicholson Group. In addition, two distinct formations have been recognised within what was previously known as ‘Benmara beds’, making group status necessary. sandstone, with occasional laminae of quartz granules and small pebbles. In hand specimen, sandstone has notable ‘speckled’ appearance, due to presence of white lithic fragments in pink ferruginous background. Unit medium to thickly bedded with planar bedding, a parting lineation, small-scale trough cross-beds and mudstone intraclasts. Subtle large bedforms may also be present. Chert pebbles and cobbles recognised near base at some localities (eg 702650mE 7992300mN). At 705200mE 8081800mN, a thin interval of polymict breccia is recognised at base of formation, comprising angular clasts of sandstone, claystone and ?chert in coarse-grained sandstone matrix. Depositional environment: Braided fluvial to shallow-marine intertidal. Geomorphic expression: Mildly resistant and ridge forming with white phototones. Relationships: Unconformably overlies Murphy Metamorphics and Benmara Group. Base not exposed, but breccia with polymict clasts recognised at some localities. Contact either low-angle unconformity or layer-parallel fault. Latter could imply that Benmara and South Nicholson groups were once stratigraphically contiguous and conformable, and subsequently became structurally bound. Unconformity is favoured herein, based on consistent stratigraphic position of the discontinuity, and the different facies of the two groups (eg volcanic in Benmara Group but not in South Nicholson Group). Conformably overlain by Crow Formation, but contact not well exposed, due to recessive nature of rock types in transition zone. In most instances, contact marked by development of distinctive chert, secondary ironstone or clay-rich caliche, perhaps after sulfidic shale. At 701850E 7989650N, possible chertified digitate stromatolites are interbedded with white claystone and sandstone at contact. Age: Maximum age constrained only by underlying Cliffdale Volcanics basement (>1845 Ma; Page et al 2000). Immediately underlying Buddycurrawa Volcanics undated, but could potentially be in range 1725–1580 Ma. Minimum age is that of overlying late Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic Georgina Basin. Based on correlation of South Nicholson Group with Roper Group, probable age range of 1500-1400 Ma can be proposed for South Nicholson Group, and hence for Bowgan Sandstone (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Correlatives: Probably Playford Sandstone, which forms base of South Nicholson Group south and southeast of Benmara Fault in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Comments: Age likely to be near older end of range for Roper Group (1500–1400 Ma). Bowgan Sandstone (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Bowgan Creek, in northwestern corner of MOUNT DRUMMOND. This creek appears on old 1:250 000-scale topographic and geological maps (Smith and Roberts 1963), but has been changed to Creswell Creek on new 1:250 000- and 1:100 000-scale topographic sheets. Name Bowgan Waterhole still used for a small waterbody on Creswell Creek in BRUNETTE DOWNS, at 18°6'S, 136°15'E. Synonymy: Previously mapped within (ie not differentiated from) Constance Sandstone in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Parent units: South Nicholson Group, Wild Cow Subgroup. Distribution: Northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND and southwestern CALVERT HILLS, in Canyon Range (name newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia). Outcrop extends along north-northeasterly belt on eastern fringe of Canyon Range, from headwaters of Benmara Creek in south (695000mE 7982000mN in MOUNT DRUMMOND) to Pandanus Creek in north (705000mE 8012000mN in CALVERT HILLS). Type locality: Narrow strike ridge at 17°59'S, 137°E (705200mE 7999800mN) along Murphys Creek in Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Locality lies along main outcrop belt and is therefore most representative of formation, but difficult to access. In this area, Bowgan Sandstone overlies Buddycurrawa Volcanics of Benmara Group. Reference section: Narrow isolated strike ridge at 18°5'S, 136°56'E (712400mE 8009850mN) along Pandanus Creek in northern Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Outcrop adjacent to Benmara–Wangalinji road and reasonably easy to access, but may not be representative of whole formation. At this locality, 50 m of Bowgan Sandstone overlies Breakfast Sandstone of Benmara Group, with basal lithified palaeoregolith. Thickness: Up to 100 m, but generally about 10 m. Lithology: Maroon to pink or red-brown, variably ferruginous, lithic to sublithic, fine- to coarse-grained Breakfast Sandstone (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Breakfast Creek, around 18°20'S, 137°00'E, a tributary to Buddycurrawa Creek in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped within (ie not differentiated from) Benmara beds in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963). Breakfast Sandstone also incorrectly mapped in part as Constance Sandstone by same authors. Parent unit: Benmara Group. 87 Distribution: Northwestern corner of MOUNT DRUMMOND and southwestern corner of CALVERT HILLS, in Canyon Range (name newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia). Type section: Strike ridge along small hill at 18°9'S, 136°55'E in headwaters of Whiterock Creek (name newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia) in Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from 703850mE 7992050mN (lower boundary) to 703500mE 7991950mN (upper boundary). At this section, 60 m of Breakfast Sandstone overlies Murphy Metamorphics. Reference area: Area 1: Strike ridge along crest of small hill at 707300mE 8000700mN, in headwaters of Murphys Creek in Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. At this locality, 80 m of Breakfast Sandstone overlies Murphy Metamorphics. Area 2: Narrow isolated strike ridge at 18°5'S, 136°56'E (712400mE 8009850mN), along Pandanus Creek in northern Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Outcrop adjacent to Benmara–Wangalinji road and reasonably easy to access, though not fully representative of formation. At this locality, 15 m of Breakfast Sandstone overlies Connelly Volcanics, but base not exposed. It is apparently overlain by Bowgan Sandstone of South Nicholson Group (also a reference area). Thickness: Up to 80 m. Lithology: Resistant, banded strike ridge of white to maroon or pink, medium- ± coarse-grained silicified sublithic sandstone. Lower few metres contain abundant quartz pebbles and lesser cobbles. Succession tends to fine upwards, with small-scale (decimetre-wavelength) trough cross-beds, planar bedding, symmetric ripples, desiccation cracks and current lineation becoming increasingly common. Otherwise, it is medium- to thickly bedded with mudclasts, scattered quartz granules and small pebbles, and white angular silicified mudstone (‘chert’) clasts up to 5 cm diameter. Unit also contains rare laminae or thin beds of chertified mudstone and chertified carbonate with relict domical stromatolites. Depositional environment: Moderate- to high-energy braided fluvial and/or shallow marine. Geomorphic expression: Mildly to strongly resistant and ridge forming with white banded phototones. Relationships: Unconformably overlies Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics. Base rarely exposed, but at some localities, lower few metres contain abundant vein quartz pebbles where it rests on extensively quartzveined Murphy Metamorphics. Conformably overlain by Buddycurrawa Volcanics, boundary marked by transition from relatively well sorted quartzose sandstone into poorly sorted ferruginous sandstone and ironstone. Age: Constrained only by underlying Cliffdale Volcanics basement (>1845 Ma; Page et al 2000) and overlying South Nicholson Group (maximum age 1500 Ma by correlation with Roper Group; Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Unable to date conformably overlying Buddycurrawa Volcanics, which could potentially be in range 1725– 1580 Ma. Correlatives: Uncertain. Brumby Formation (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Brumby Creek, a minor tributary of South Nicholson Creek which drains north in area around 18°35'S, 137°37'E in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Mapped as part of Bluff Range beds (now superseded) by Smith and Roberts (1963) in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND; subsequently mapped as upper part of also superseded Musselbrook Formation (units L Pmb2 and L Pmb3 in Carrara Range region; Sweet 1984). Parent unit: McNamara Group. Distribution: Confined to Carrara Range and adjacent plains, in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type section: Across strike ridges and valleys in central Carrara Range, from 18°37'33"S, 137°31'36"E (766600mE 7938700mN; base) to 18°37'11"S, 137°31'50"E (767000mE 7939360mN; top). Thickness: 350 m in type section, thickening to northwest and west to up to 800 m. Lithology: Heterogeneous unit includes laminated and stromatolitic chert and possibly dolostone, chertclast conglomerate and breccia, sandstone and granule conglomerate, siltstone and shale. Depositional environment: Mainly shallow marine, ranging from supratidal to subtidal; some non-marine intervals (fluvial conglomerates and breccias); deeper-marine, lowenergy environments in upper part of formation. Geomorphic expression: Low hills and plains adjacent to main ridges of Carrara Range. Relationships: Conformable on Drummond Formation, contact at point where chert and fine siliciclastics become dominant over sandstone. Upper contact, with Shady Bore Quartzite, not exposed, but is sharp and probably conformable. Both upper and lower contacts correspond to marked topographic changes, which facilitates their mapping from aerial photographs. Age: Maximum age constrained by Top Rocky Rhyolite, dated at 1725 ± 3 Ma (Page et al 2000). Younger limit established by correlation with McNamara Group in Lawn Hill region to east: eg, ages of 1658–1653 Ma for Paradise Creek Formation (Page et al 2000), with which Brumby Formation in part correlates (see below). Correlatives: On lithostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic grounds, Brumby Formation is correlated with Paradise Creek, Esperanza, and Lady Loretta formations in Lawn Hill region, 100 km to east. Comments: Poor exposure makes detailed analysis of internal stratigraphy of formation very difficult. Buddycurrawa Volcanics (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Buddycurrawa Creek, around 18°10'S, 137°07'E, a tributary to Nicholson River in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped within (ie not differentiated from) Benmara beds on First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND 88 units, although Bullrush Conglomerate is still included in McNamara Group. Parent unit: McNamara Group. Distribution: Restricted to area known (geologically) as Maloney Creek Inlier (Sweet 1985), in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, in headwaters of South Nicholson River and one of its tributaries, Moloney Creek. Type section: From south to north, base at 18°25'53"S, 137°37'55"E (778030mE 7960060mN) in Moloney Creek, past confluence with South Nicholson River to 18°26'27"S, 137°37'42"E (777630mE 7959010mN). Section accessible via rough track from Wangalinji Outstation, a small settlement 20 km west of type section. Thickness: Maximum of 500 m in type section, to 50 m near Bullrush Spring, 10 km west of type section. Lithology: Polymict granule, pebble and cobble conglomerate in units up to 20 m thick, alternating with cross-bedded sandstone, minor silicified carbonate rocks and red-brown to fawn, fine-grained lithic sandstone and siltstone. Carbonate beds have been altered to chert, with relict stratiform, domical, conical and digitate stromatolites, and parallel lamination. Depositional environment: Alluvial fan and fan delta, depositing into background sedimentation representing shallow-marine and peritidal carbonate flat. Geomorphic expression: Series of ridges in type section, narrowing to single small ridge to west. Relationships: Overlies Drummond Formation and Top Rocky Rhyolite unconformably; contact sharp and marked by abrupt change to conglomerate. Overlain by Plain Creek Formation, probably conformably. Age: Maximum age constrained by Top Rocky Rhyolite, dated at 1725 ± 3 Ma (Page et al 2000). Younger limit established by correlation with McNamara Group in Lawn Hill region to east: eg ages of 1647 ± 8 Ma and 1644 ± 8 Ma for Riversleigh Siltstone (Page et al 2000), which overlies Shady Bore Quartzite, the probable Bullrush Conglomerate correlative (see below). Correlatives: Probable equivalent of Shady Bore Quartzite in Carrara Range to south, and in Lawn Hill region 100 km to east. Comments: This lithofacies is not present in McNamara Group at any other locality. It is stratigraphic position of the Bullrush Conglomerate, in roughly the middle of the McNamara Group and at the transition from dominantly carbonate environments below, to deeper-marine siliciclastic-dominated environments above, which allows its correlation as described above. by Smith and Roberts (1963). Also partly incorrectly mapped as Constance Sandstone by same authors. Parent unit: Benmara Group. Distribution: Northwestern corner of MOUNT DRUMMOND, in Canyon Range (newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia). Type locality: Along small low-relief hill at 18°8'S, 136°55'E, in headwaters of Whiterock Creek (newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia) in Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from 703500mE 7991950mN (base) to approximately 702600mE 7992200mN (top). Thickness: Up to estimated maximum 300 m, implied from outcrop width and dip calculations. Basal ferruginous sandstone 10–20 m thick. Lithology: Interval of ferruginous sandstone (basal unit), overlain by mixed succession of coherent trachyte, debrisflow sandstone and conglomerate, mature sandstone, ferruginous siltstone/fine sandstone and minor but distinctive stromatolitic chert horizon(s). Geomorphic expression: Recessive to mildly resistant with dark brown phototones. Relationships: Rests conformably on Breakfast Sandstone; boundary marked by transition from relatively well sorted quartzose sandstone into poorly sorted ferruginous sandstone and ironstone. Overlain by Bowgan Sandstone and, locally, by Crow Formation of South Nicholson Group. This contact poorly exposed and relationships speculative. Pinching out of Benmara Group to north near 705000mE 8007000mN is consistent with either unconformity or low-angle structural boundary (detachment) at base of South Nicholson Group; a slightly reactivated unconformity is favoured herein. Age: Constrained only by underlying Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics basement (>1845 Ma; Page et al 2000) and probable overlying South Nicholson Group (maximum age 1500 Ma, by correlation with Roper Group; Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Attempts to date the contained trachyte have been unsuccessful due to lack of zircons and strong weathering. The obvious interpretation is that Buddycurrawa Volcanics are same age as Carrara Range Group and Peters Creek Volcanics (1725 Ma), as these also contain abundant felsic volcanics and shallow intrusives. However, age closer to 1660–1580 Ma can be implied from compositional similarities with magmatic rocks in Coanjula area. Correlatives: Uncertain, but see discussion on age, above. Bullrush Conglomerate (new name) Burangoo Sandstone Member (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Bullrush Spring, a small spring in Little Cleanskin Creek, at 18°41'S, 137°53'E, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as Maloney Formation (South Nicholson Group) in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963), and as lower Musselbrook Formation (McNamara Group) by Sweet (1985). Both Maloney and Musselbrook formations are now obsolete Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Burangoo, or Connellys Waterhole, in Nicholson River, centred on 17°53'S, 138°15'E, in WESTMORELAND, Queensland. Synonymy: Previously undifferentiated from remainder of Constance Sandstone in First Edition LAWN HILL (Carter and Öpik 1959), WESTMORELAND (Carter 1959), CALVERT HILLS (Roberts et al 1963) and MOUNT 89 Wangalinji Outstation in Nicholson Land Trust, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as Fickling beds in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963). This was subsequently revised to Fickling Group (Sweet 1984). Distribution: Bauhinia Dome in north-central MOUNT DRUMMOND, centred on 755000mE 8000000mN, which is drained by Norris and Little Pandanus creeks. Type area: Recessive outcrop along Pandanus Creek in western Bauhinia Dome around 18°6'S, 137°23'E in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Best outcrops between 749500mE 7994400mN and 749000mE 799280mN. Thickness: Up to 600 m. Lithology: Dominated by yellow to red-brown, lithic, micaceous, coarse- to very coarse-grained, pebble-bearing sandstone and pebble to boulder conglomerate. These are poorly sorted with very high lithic component and dominantly metamorphic-felsic igneous provenance. They form 0.5–8 m-thick benches/beds, generally lacking internal stratification. Interbedded with coarse facies is minor fineto medium-grained lithic sandstone and micaceous siltstone with small- to medium-scale trough cross-beds, planar bedding, parting lineation and interference ripples. Also interbedded (or forming allochthonous blocks) are sandy and pebbly dolarenite, dolorudite, dololutite and dolomitic-lithic sandstone. Top 100 m of unit comprises chertified dolostone and yellow, fine- ± medium-grained, quartzose to sublithic, silicified, micaceous sandstone with small trough crossbeds, planar bedding and parting lineation. Also present are tabular beds up to 30 cm thick of red-brown to green or yellow, micaceous siltstone, fine- to very fine-grained lithic sandstone and shale. Bedding planar or lenticular with common parallel lamination. Depositional environment: Probably marine, possibly fandelta debris-flow and submarine talus. Geomorphic expression: Recessive with dark, moderately banded phototones. Relationships: Basal relationship unknown, as underlying rocks not exposed. Unconformably but concordantly overlain by Constance Sandstone of South Nicholson Group. Age: Maximum age constrained by lack of metamorphism and deformation of Caulfield beds (therefore younger than nearby >1845 Ma Cliffdale Volcanics basement; Page et al 2000). Minimum age constrained by correlation of overlying Constance Sandstone into Mesoproterozoic Roper Superbasin, which is 1500–1400 Ma (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Rocks above probable equivalent of Constance Sandstone in Roper Group yield date of 1493 ± 4 Ma, suggesting that Caulfield beds are about, or greater than 1500 Ma in age. Correlatives: Tentatively correlated with Crow Formation (South Nicholson Group) because it contains similar coarsegrained gravity-flow deposits in Benmara–Canyon Range area. In addition, contact with overlying Constance Sandstone (probable correlative of Mittiebah Sandstone, South Nicholson Group) is essentially concordant, and may represent a relatively minor hiatus. Correlation with Fickling and McNamara groups appears less likely, because they only rarely contain similar DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Distinguished as L Psc2 in Second Edition LAWN HILL (Hutton and Grimes 1983), WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979) and CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), following scheme of Sweet et al (1981), who designated undifferentiated sandstones of Constance Sandstone L Psc1, L Psc2, L Psc3 and L Psc4 during mapping of Seigal and Hedleys Creek. Parent units: Constance Sandstone, Accident Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Distribution: Outcrops north of Elizabeth Creek in northern LAWN HILL, south of Hedleys Creek in southwestern WESTMORELAND, and in adjacent parts of southeastern CALVERT HILLS and northeastern and central MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type section: Along northern side of Nicholson River, from 17°53'46"S, 138°15'41"E (209700mE 8021700mN; base) in westerly to west-southwesterly direction to 17°53'45"S, 138°14'19"E (207300mE 8019000mN; top), in WESTMORELAND, Queensland. Section accessible from Bowthorn station and a tourist track to Burangoo Waterhole. Thickness: Estimated 320 m in type section, based on dip of 5°; 130-300 m in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Lithology: Fine- to coarse-grained, lithic, sublithic and quartzose sandstone, with scattered grains and layers of quartz granules and pebbles up to 1 cm in diameter; strongly trough cross-bedded in many outcrops; also planar crossbeds, planar bedding and hummocky cross-stratification. Depositional environment: Mainly shallow marine, intertidal to upper shoreface; possibly minor braided fluvial. Geomorphic expression: In areas of low dip forms extensive rocky plateaux, commonly with pseudokarstic weathering surfaces; in rarer steeply dipping outcrops forms sharp ridges. Relationships: Lower boundary, with Pandanus Siltstone Member, sharp but apparently conformable; upper contact, with Wallis Siltstone Member, similarly conformable. In northern MOUNT DRUMMOND, Schultz Sandstone Member truncates Wallis Siltstone Member to lie disconformably on Burangoo Sandstone Member. Age: Interpreted age range for whole South Nicholson Group of 1500–1400 Ma based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966), which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for South Nicholson Group. Age of Burangoo Sandstone Member judged to lie near middle of this age range. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstone units in middle Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Caulfield beds (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Caulfield Clay Flats, around 18°20'S, 137°25'E, a group of perennial clay lakes 10 km north of 90 Synonymy: Encompasses about half of outcrop formerly mapped as Mullera Formation by Smith and Roberts (1963) in western half of First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND. Also incorporates narrow strip of moderately resistant outcrop at southern edge of Mittiebah Range formerly mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963) as Mittiebah Sandstone. This Mittiebah Range outcrop, plus similar narrow strip of Crow Formation along Canyon Range, are reassigned to constituent Tobacco Member. Crow Formation also includes small anticlinal outcrop area in Canyon Range (710000mE 7995000mN) incorrectly mapped as Benmara beds by Smith and Roberts (1963). Parent units: Wild Cow Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Constituent units: Tobacco Member. Distribution: Widespread in western half of MOUNT DRUMMOND, and small part of adjoining southwestern CALVERT HILLS. Type section: North-striking valley of moderately resistant outcrop at 18°5'S, 136°55'E, in headwaters of Murphys Creek in Canyon Range, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from 705200mE 8000000mN (lower boundary) to 702000mE 8000600mN (upper boundary). In this area, Crow Formation conformably overlies Bowgan Sandstone and is, in turn, conformably overlain by Mittiebah Sandstone. Tobacco Member not differentiated at this locality, so the type section includes correlative section of Tobacco Member, designated as reference section. Reference areas: Area 1: Recessive outcrop at 18°39'S, 137°6'E (721500mE 7937800mN) along small creek that feeds into Mitchiebo Waterhole, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Outcrop adjacent to Mittiebah–Wangalinji road and reasonably easy to access, although it only covers small portion of succession and is not fully representative of the formation. In this area, Crow Formation conformably overlies Playford Sandstone and is, in turn, unconformably overlain by Constance Sandstone. Area 2: Narrow strike ridge at 18°30'S, 137°7'E (724000mE 7952100mN), 15 km north of Mitchiebo Waterhole in MOUNT DRUMMOND, containing unnamed sandstone unit L Psos. Thickness: Up to 2500 m. This is a gross estimate, because exposures are poor and measurable dips rare. There are also structural complications. Lithology: Interbedded siltstone, sandstone, shale and lesser conglomerate, which can be divided into several facies. Shelf facies present throughout outcrop belt and comprises shaly to flaggy, white, clayey micaceous siltstone and fineto medium-grained quartzose to sublithic (± micaceous) sandstone, red-brown to grey shale and leached, chalky white or maroon, mottled porcelainous claystone. Shale interpreted to have a carbonaceous and/or pyritic component, based on presence of mottled ferruginous and saprolitic weathering products, but this has not been demonstrated in outcrop or by drilling. Bedding ranges from massive to parallel laminated to ‘tempestite’ textured, including wavy and lenticular bedding, hummocky cross-stratification, flute moulds, tool marks and current lineation. Debris-flow and sandstone turbidite facies recognised particularly in Canyon Range area and composed of mottled white to brown, poorly sorted, feldspathic, micaceous, ferruginous and lithic, medium- to very coarse-grained sandstone, pebbly sandstone and lesser lithofacies. However, middle to upper McNamara Group in Maloney Creek Inlier includes mixed coarse-grained siliciclastic and carbonate facies (Sweet 1985), and correlation with this part of McNamara Group cannot be ruled out. Comments: Age, relationships and absolute stratigraphic position difficult to constrain, thus necessitating status of ‘beds’. Connelly Volcanics (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Connellys Waterhole, on Buddycurrawa Creek, near 18°07'S, 137°08'E, a tributary to Nicholson River in MOUNT DRUMMOND and CALVERT HILLS. Synonymy: Previously mapped within (ie not differentiated from) Murphy Metamorphics in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963) and CALVERT HILLS (Roberts et al 1963). Distribution: Exposed in small area of Canyon Range (newly approved by Committee for Geographic Names in Australasia) near 18°S, 136°58'E at boundary of northern MOUNT DRUMMOND and southern CALVERT HILLS. Type area: Low discontinuous exposures in vicinity of 18°S, 136°58'E (710000mE 8007000mN). Thickness: Unknown. Lithology: Red-brown, ‘brick’-coloured, altered/weathered porphyritic rhyolite or rhyodacite, which generally has mottled and highly weathered appearance herein termed ‘redrock’. Geomorphic expression: Recessive with white or dark redbrown phototones. Relationships: Field relationships cannot demonstrate an extrusive origin for Connelly Volcanics and there are no preserved microscopic textures indicative of pyroclastic or lava mode of emplacement. Boundary between Murphy Metamorphics and Connelly Volcanics very poorly exposed, best locality being 707400mE 8009250mN, where there is juxtaposition of ‘redrock’ (Connelly Volcanics) and grey psammitic schist (Murphy Metamorphics). In contact zone, ‘redrock’ becomes progressively more foliated westwards over a few tens of metres and grades into schist. Connelly Volcanics unconformably overlain by various units, including Breakfast Sandstone (Benmara Group), and Bowgan Sandstone and Crow Formation (South Nicholson Group). Age: Constrained only by underlying Murphy Metamorphics [minimum age 1870 Ma (age of Barramundi Orogeny); Page and Williams 1988] and overlying South Nicholson Group (maximum age 1500 Ma, by correlation with Roper Group; Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Most likely to be 1845–1860 Ma, based on correlation with Cliffdale Volcanics (dated by Page et al 2000). Correlatives: Probably Cliffdale Volcanics in CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989). Crow Formation (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Crow Creek, western MOUNT DRUMMOND, near 18°27'S, 136°50'E. 91 Constituent units: Four informal units recognised in type Pmd4. area, from oldest to youngest L Pmd1 to L Distribution: Carrara Range, in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, and to north around Soak Creek and headwaters of South Nicholson Creek. Type section: Across series of strike ridges in northwestern Carrara Range, from south to north: base at 18°37.3'S, 137°28.0'E (760262mE 7939244mN); top at 18°36.8'S, 137°28.0'E (760275mE 7940166mN). Thickness: 460 m in type section. Thickens to 600 m to west and thins to 300 m to east in central Carrara Range. Minimum 400 m thick, 20 km north of type section, in Maloney Creek Inlier. Thickness ranges: L Pmd1 = 100 m; L Pmd2 = 50–200 m; L Pmd3 = 100–150 m; L Pmd4 = 40–200 m. Lithology: Four readily mapped units, from base to top L Pmd1 to L Pmd4. L Pmd1: Thin polymict conglomerate overlain by thin- to medium-bedded, fine-grained lithic sandstone, laminated siltstone, redbeds of brown lithic dolomitic sandstone and chertified dolostone; cauliflower chert; dark grey mediumbedded pyritic coarse sandstone. L Pmd2: White to brown, medium- to thick-bedded, fine to medium, sublithic to quartzose sandstone; minor grey chert. L Pmd3: Laminated kaolinised and chertified claystone (altered carbonate?), fine ferruginous sandstone, siltstone and stromatolitic chert; fine, sublithic siltstone and sandstone. L Pmd4: White, medium- to thick-bedded, fine to medium, sublithic to quartzose sandstone, with scattered coarse laminae and granules. Depositional environment: Shallow marine and fluvial; redbeds and carbonate rocks may represent sabkha environments. Geomorphic expression: Forms many of higher ridges and intervening valleys throughout Carrara Range; low hills in northern outcrops. Relationships: Sharp lower contact, marked in places by conglomerate and angular discordance, and therefore unconformable on Surprise Creek Formation. Gradational conformable contact with overlying Brumby Formation. Overlain unconformably by Bullrush Conglomerate in Maloney Creek Inlier. Age: Maximum age constrained by Top Rocky Rhyolite, dated at 1725 ± 3 Ma (Page et al 2000). Younger limit established by correlation with McNamara Group in LAWN HILL to east, eg ages of 1658–1653 Ma for Paradise Creek Formation (Page et al 2000). Drummond Formation is likely very close to this age. Correlatives: Equates to upper Gunpowder Creek and lower Paradise Creek formations in Lawn Hill region, ie Gun Supersequence. Comments: Although the informal units are recognisable in many exposures, their thinness, faulting and variable quality of outcrop preclude their formal recognition. matrix-supported polymict conglomerate. These constitute decimetre-scale beds that are massive or crudely parallel or cross-laminated, graded, with typical turbidite features. Shallow-water sandstone occurs as discrete localised units within Crow Formation, one of which is mapped informally (L Psos); it entails a number of different but overlapping lithofacies, most commonly white to maroon, fine- to very coarse-grained, quartzose to lithic sandstone with locally abundant rounded pebbles and localised, poorly sorted, pebble-cobble polymict conglomerate. Sandstone locally ferruginous, micaceous and glauconitic. Bedding medium to very thick, with planar and trough cross-beds of various dimensions, planar bedding, current lineations, mudclasts, synaeresis cracks and hummocky cross-stratification. Geomorphic expression: Recessive with variably white to dark phototones. Relationships: Conformable on Bowgan Sandstone in Canyon Range area, on northwestern side of Benmara Fault; base poorly exposed and locally covered by saprolite. Locally, Bowgan Sandstone is absent and Crow Formation rests directly on Benmara Group and Murphy Metamorphics (eg around 705000mE 8008000mN). Conformable on Playford Sandstone south and east of Benmara Fault. In Canyon and Mittiebah Ranges, conformably or disconformably overlain by Mittiebah Sandstone. Elsewhere, disconformably or unconformably overlain by Constance Sandstone. Crow Formation pinches out immediately west of Mitchiebo Waterhole and along strike to east near No Mans Creek (755000mE 7944000mN), due to erosion, depositional onlap and/or faulting. Age: Radiometric dating currently unavailable for any part of South Nicholson Group and age therefore internally unconstrained. Maximum age of 1595 ± 6 Ma is that of Lawn Hill Formation at top of underlying McNamara Group (Page and Sweet 1998). No minimum age constraints imposed by overlying units, apart from late Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic Georgina Basin. Interpreted age range of Crow Formation of 1500-1400 Ma based on correlation of South Nicholson Group with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin, which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Correlatives: Tentatively equivalent to part of Mainoru Formation, Roper Group. Drummond Formation (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Mount Drummond, prominent hill at southern margin of Carrara Range, at 18°42'S, 137°36'E (MOUNT DRUMMOND). Synonymy: Mapped as undifferentiated sandstone within Carrara Range Formation and Bluff Range beds (both superseded) by Smith and Roberts (1963) in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND; incorrectly mapped as Constance Sandstone in places in that map; subsequently mapped as part of now superseded lower Musselbrook Formation (units L Pmb1b to L Pmb1f in First Edition Carrara Range region; Sweet 1984). Parent unit: McNamara Group. Gator Sandstone (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Gator Waterhole, around 18°29'S, 137°32'E, a permanent waterhole in George Creek, MOUNT DRUMMOND. 92 Synonymy: Previously mapped within (ie not differentiated from) Carrara Range Formation in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Subsequently mapped by Sweet (1984) as upper sandstone part of Mitchiebo Volcanics in Carrara Range region; identified informally as L Pcms on mapface. Parent unit: Carrara Range Group. Distribution: Carrara Range in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type locality: Narrow parallel strike ridges at 18°42'S, 137°43'E, along northern edge of Little Range Fault in headwaters of Boomerang Creek, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from 786200mE 7930950mN (base) to 786300mE 7931200mN (top). Thickness: 100–700 m, with gradual increase from east to west. Lithology: Silicified, pink to purple, fine- to very coarsegrained, quartzose to sublithic sandstone, with scattered quartz granules and pebbles up to 2 cm in diameter and minor local beds or laminae of mudstone intraclasts and brown oxidised ?basalt clasts 0.1–1 cm in diameter. Medium to very thickly bedded with planar bedding and low-angle planar and trough cross-beds 10–80 cm thick. Overall, succession tends to coarsen upwards. Locally, contains thin recessive volcanic interval with loose float of vesicular basalt and brown laminated lithic sandy mudstone (?volcaniclastic sandstone). In reference area, marginally different succession incorporates lower, white, resistant sandstone subunit and upper, dark, moderately recessive, ferruginous sandstone subunit. Lower sandstone subunit comprises thickly bedded, white to pink, fine- to mediumgrained quartzose sandstone with trough cross-beds. Upper subunit dominated by red-brown to pink, friable, fine-grained, ferruginous lithic sandstone, with thin to medium-bedding, trough cross-beds, symmetric ripples and mudclasts. Middle 20 m of succession distinctly muddier and more ferruginous than above and below, and contains chocolate brown sandstone interbedded with micaceous siltstone and mudstone. Mudstone intraclasts, desiccation cracks and cross-lamination with a 10 cm wavelength are prolific. Upper few dekametres of sandstone is pink and notably more silicified than below. Depositional environment: Moderate- to high-energy braided fluvial and/or shallow marine. Geomorphic expression: Strongly resistant and ridge forming with white phototones. Relationships: Conformable on Mitchiebo Volcanics; unconformably overlain by Top Rocky Rhyolite. Locally removed by erosion preceding Surprise Creek Formation. Age: Constrained by underlying Murphy Inlier basement (>1845 Ma; Page et al 2000) and overlying Top Rocky Rhyolite (SHRIMP U-Pb zircon date of 1725 ± 3 Ma; Page et al 2000). Correlatives: Based on stratigraphic position and lithology, Gator Sandstone is correlated with Sly Creek Sandstone in southern McArthur Basin (Rawlings 1999), which also contains a local basalt interval (Haines et al 1993). Hedleys Sandstone Member (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Hedleys Creek, an east-southeastflowing tributary of Nicholson River; confluence of these watercourses at 18°52'30"S, 137°24'30"E in WESTMORELAND, Queensland. Synonymy: Not differentiated from remainder of Constance Sandstone in First Edition LAWN HILL (Carter and Öpik 1959), WESTMORELAND (Carter 1959), CALVERT HILLS (Roberts et al 1963) and MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Distinguished as L Psc1 in Second Edition LAWN HILL (Hutton and Grimes 1983), WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979) and CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), following scheme of Sweet et al (1981), who designated the undifferentiated sandstones of Constance Sandstone L Psc1, L Psc2, L Psc3 and L Psc4 in Seigal and Hedleys Creek. Parent unit: Constance Sandstone, Accident Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Distribution: Outcrops north of Elizabeth Creek in northern LAWN Hill, south of Hedleys Creek in southwestern WESTMORELAND, and in adjacent parts of southeastern CALVERT HILLS and northeastern and central MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type locality: South of Wire Creek, in WESTMORELAND, Queensland. Base at 17°50'04"S, 138°09'01"E (197822mE 8025670mN), top 1.2 km to southeast at 17°50'27"S, 138°09'38"E (198922mE 8024970mN). Thickness: Around 90 m in type section, thinning westwards. As thin as 1 m in western Seigal, and 10–50 m to south in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Lithology: In type section, unit is cross-bedded, friable, medium- and coarse-grained quartz-rich sandstone with scattered granule and pebble bands. Conglomeratic lenses at base consist of well rounded pebbles and cobbles of white quartz and quartzite, and subangular to subrounded clasts of stromatolitic and oolitic chert, all set in matrix of coarse-grained quartz sandstone (Sweet et al 1981: 19). In MOUNT DRUMMOND, unit is subtly finer grained, and lacks conglomerate interbeds. Depositional environment: Shallow marine, mostly intertidal; possibly minor fluvial component. Geomorphic expression: Ranges from low narrow ridge where unit is thin or steeply dipping, to broad rocky ridges and plateaux where unit is thicker or gently dipping. Relationships: Unconformable on Fickling Group in type area. Disconformable on Doomadgee Formation throughout Hedleys Creek, but to west, in Seigal, unit progressively truncates older formations in Fickling Group westwards (Sweet et al 1981). In MOUNT DRUMMOND, unit disconformably overlies Caulfield beds in north and Doomadgee Formation in northeast. Upper boundary, with Pandanus Siltstone Member, sharp but apparently conformable and placed at an abrupt upward change from fine- or medium-grained quartz sandstone to laminated or thinly interbedded shale, siltstone and fine-grained lithic sandstone. 93 Age: Interpreted age range for whole South Nicholson Group of 1500–1400 Ma based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966), which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for South Nicholson Group. Age of Hedleys Sandstone Member judged to lie near middle of this age range. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstone units in middle Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: Hedleys Sandstone Member is that part of Constance Sandstone lying beneath Pandanus Siltstone Member, ie the basal sandstone unit within the formation. It can only be recognised where Pandanus Siltstone Member is also present, and thus, is mapped only north of Elizabeth Creek Fault Zone. maximum 156 m in cored drillhole AY06DD01 in ALROY, beneath central Georgina Basin (Kruse in prep). Colless Volcanics: probable minimum of 60 m (Carter 1959). Type section: Type sections of constituent named units. Antrim Plateau Volcanics: Spring Creek in DIXON RANGE, Western Australia (Mory and Beere 1985); Helen Springs Volcanics: 234.9–243.8 m depth (including basal Muckaty Sandstone Member) in cored drillhole NTGS96/1 in HELEN SPRINGS (Hussey et al 2001); Colless Volcanics: at about 18˚38'55"S, 138˚18'30"E in western LAWN HILL, Queensland (Carter 1959); Kinevans Sandstone: scarp 1 km northeast of Kinevans yard, WATERLOO (Sweet et al 1974). None designated for Jarong Conglomerate or Jindare Formation. Lithology: Partly vesicular or amygdaloidal tholeiitic basalt, dolerite and andesite; minor trachyte, microdolerite, basaltic flow breccia, peperite, pyroclastic deposits, quartz sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, sedimentary breccia, limestone, chert. Geomorphic expression: Prominent plateaux to minimal. Relationships: Within group, all volcanic units considered coeval. Antrim Plateau Volcanics concordantly underlain by Kinevans Sandstone north of Ord Basin and by Jarong Conglomerate on southwestern margin of Daly Basin. Jindare Formation overlies and interdigitates with Antrim Plateau Volcanics on northern margin of Daly Basin. Extrusive constituents unconformably overlie variety of Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic terranes. Youngest known underlying units are Neoproterozoic and include Moonlight Valley Tillite and Bukalara Sandstone. Moonlight Valley Tillite is correlated with Marinoan glacial event (late Cryogenian–early Ediacaran) in Adelaide Rift and underlies Antrim Plateau Volcanics in AUVERGNE (Dunster et al 2000); possibly younger (late Neoproterozoic; Rawlings et al 1997) Bukalara Sandstone underlies Antrim Plateau Volcanics in HODGSON DOWNS. In general, group is unconformably overlain by early Middle Cambrian (Ordian; sequence 1 of Southgate and Shergold 1991) carbonate units: Tarrara Formation of Bonaparte Basin, Headleys Limestone of Ord Basin, Montejinni Limestone of Wiso Basin, Tindall Limestone of Daly Basin, Top Springs Limestone of northern Georgina Basin, Gum Ridge Formation of Barkly Sub-basin (central Georgina Basin) and Thorntonia Limestone of Undilla Sub-basin (central and eastern Georgina Basin). It is also unconformably overlain by later Middle Cambrian (early sequence 2) Wonarah Formation on AlexandriaWonarah Basement High (central Georgina Basin, Kruse 2003). Depositional environment: Continental extrusive, high-level intrusive; sedimentary constituents fluviatile to lacustrine or shallow marine. Age and evidence: Stratigraphic relationships constrain age to Ediacaran–Early Cambrian. Among radiometric dates of varying validity, a probable feeder dyke of Antrim Plateau Volcanics in Western Australia has been dated by SHRIMP U-Pb on zircon at 513 ± 12 Ma (late Early Cambrian) by Hanley and Wingate (2000); Antrim Plateau Volcanics in LIMBUNYA have been dated by Ar-Ar on plagioclase separates at 504 ± 2 Ma by Glass and Phillips (2002); and Helen Springs Volcanics in HELEN SPRINGS have Kalkarindji Volcanic Group (new name) Proposer: PD Kruse. Derivation of name: Kalkarindji township (also known as Wave Hill), located adjacent to Antrim Plateau Volcanics in WAVE HILL. Synonymy: None for group; coincides with geological region termed Kalkarinji Continental Flood Basalt Province by Glass (2002). Synonymy for constituent units: Antrim Plateau Basalts (David 1932), Antrim Plateau Basalt (McLeod 1965), Antrim Volcanics (Beattie and Brown 1984), Nutwood Downs Volcanics (Dunn 1963), Peaker Piker Volcanics (Smith and Roberts 1963). Constituent units: Antrim Plateau Volcanics (Traves 1955) including Malley Spring Member and Mount Close Chert Member (both Mory and Beere 1985), Bingy Bingy Basalt Member and Blackfella Rockhole Member (both Sweet et al 1974); Jarong Conglomerate (Pontifex and Mendum 1972); Kinevans Sandstone (Sweet et al 1974); Jindare Formation (Needham and Stuart-Smith 1984); Helen Springs Volcanics (Noakes and Traves 1954), including Muckaty Sandstone Member (Kruse in Hussey et al 2001); Colless Volcanics (Carter 1959); ‘Mount Ramsay dolerite’, ‘Boondawari dolerite/Dolerite’, ‘Milliwindi dolerite’ and other geochemically similar Early Cambrian volcanic bodies intruding Halls Creek and King Leopold orogens and Kimberley Basin of Western Australia (Hanley and Wingate 2000, Glass 2002). Distribution: Northern Western Australia (intruding Halls Creek and King Leopold orogens and Kimberley Basin, and rimming and underlying Ord and Bonaparte basins); northern Northern Territory (rimming and underlying Ord, Daly, northern Wiso and northern and central Georgina basins); northwestern Queensland (rimming and underlying northeastern Georgina Basin). Thickness: Antrim Plateau Volcanics: maximum 1100 m adjacent to Ord Basin in DIXON RANGE, northern Western Australia (Mory and Beere 1988). Helen Springs Volcanics: 94 been dated by Ar-Ar method on plagioclase separates at 508 ± 2 Ma by Glass and Phillips (2002). Correlatives: Mount Wright Volcanics and Cymbric Vale Formation (both Gnalta Group) of Gnalta Shelf, western New South Wales; Truro Volcanics of Stansbury Basin, South Australia: all biostratigraphically dated as late Early Cambrian (Botoman stage of Siberia; Jago et al 1984, Jenkins and Hasenohr 1989, Gravestock 1995, Kruse and Shi in Brock et al 2000). Possibly Mooracoochie Volcanics (Gatehouse 1983), which are unconformable beneath Middle Cambrian Kalladeina Formation of Warburton Basin, South Australia. Possibly Table Hill Volcanics (Peers 1969), together with their probable synonym Kulyong Volcanics (Jackson and van de Graaff 1981, but see Walter et al 1995: figure 2), although Major and Teluk (1967) and Stevens and Apak (1999) have reported Early Ordovician ages for these formations. Comments: NTGS airborne magnetic data confirm that, in addition to their mapped outcrop areas, Early Cambrian volcanic rocks are extensive in the subsurface beneath Palaeozoic sedimentary basins of the northern Northern Territory. An extensive contiguous body flooring the Ord, Daly, northern Wiso and northern Georgina basins and abutting the western flank of the Tennant Region includes rocks referred to Antrim Plateau Volcanics and Nutwood Downs Volcanics (latter in HODGSON DOWNS), and these two names are here synonymised as Antrim Plateau Volcanics. A second contiguous body abutting the eastern flank of the Tennant Region is extensive beneath the central Georgina Basin. The names Helen Springs Volcanics and Peaker Piker Volcanics have been applied to this body; these are here synonymised as Helen Springs Volcanics. Colless Volcanics is a further distinct body beneath the eastern Georgina Basin in Queensland. interbedded micaceous siltstone and shale; minor shale, conglomerate and possible carbonate rocks. Geomorphic expression: Strongly jointed plateaux (Bukalara Sandstone); low hills and rubbly rises (Cox Formation). Relationships: Unconformably overlies various units of McArthur Basin, Murphy Inlier and South Nicholson Basin, youngest being topmost units of Mesoproterozoic Roper Group (McArthur Basin) and South Nicholson Group (South Nicholson Basin). Unconformably overlain by Early Cambrian Kalkarindji Volcanic Group, or where this is absent, by Top Springs Limestone of Barkly Group (Kruse and Radke 2008), or where these are absent, by Cretaceous sandstone. Depositional environment: High-energy braided fluviatile, shallow (including storm-influenced) marine. Age and evidence: Age stratigraphically constrained to Ectasian–earliest Cambrian. Carbonaceous macrofossil Chuaria in coeval Raiwalla Shale of Wessel Group, Arafura Basin (Haines 1998) favours a Neoproterozoic age (Rawlings et al 1997). Absence of glacial deposits in Wessel Group, in conjunction with its undisturbed, flatlying attitude and stratigraphic position immediately below fossiliferous Middle Cambrian rocks, suggests post-glacial Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) age for it and coeval Kiana Group. Correlatives: Buckingham Bay Sandstone and Raiwalla Shale of Wessel Group (Arafura Basin). Comments: This group unites all putatively Neoproterozoic rocks along northern margins of Georgina and Dunmarra basins. No Mans Sandstone Member (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: No Mans Creek, which drains western Carrara Range in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously included in Constance Sandstone in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963), and in Carrara Range region (Sweet 1984). Parent units: Playford Sandstone, Wild Cow Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Distribution: Forms west- to west-southwest-trending outcrop belt in southeastern and central Mount Drummond, from headwaters of Moloney Creek in east, to 7 km southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole in west. Type section: Three kilometres east-southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, continuing on from Top Lily Sandstone Member type section. Base at 18°39'25"S, 137°7'33"E (724230mE 7935810mN), top 450 m to north at 18°39'10"S, 137°7'33"E (724230mE 7936260mN). Thickness: 130 m in type section, and up to 200 m to east. Thins to north across Mitchiebo Fault, and only 50 m thick, 17 km to northwest in Playford Anticline; absent in outcrops of Playford Sandstone further north and west. Lithology: Very coarse-grained to granule and pebbly, quartz-rich sandstone, and minor fine-grained sandstone with coarse to pebbly lags. Strongly trough cross-bedded on medium to large scale throughout. Kiana Group (new name) Proposers: PD Kruse, DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Kiana property in northeastern WALLHALLOW–northwestern CALVERT HILLS. Synonymy: Robinson Beds (Noakes 1956). Constituent units: Bukalara Sandstone, Cox Formation (Dunn 1963). Distribution: Along northern margin of Georgina and Dunmarra basins in MOUNT DRUMMOND, CALVERT HILLS, ROBINSON RIVER, WALLHALLOW, BAUHINIA DOWNS, MOUNT YOUNG, TANUMBIRINI and HODGSON DOWNS. Thickness: Maximum 300 m in Abner Range (BAUHINIA DOWNS; Smith 1964). Type section: Type sections of constituent named units. Bukalara Sandstone: boundary stratotypes at 15˚50.5'S, 135˚12.9'E (base) and 15˚49.0'S, 135˚8.6'E (top) in southeastern MOUNT YOUNG (Kruse in Pietsch et al 1992); Cox Formation: type locality surrounding 15˚55'S, 135˚01'E in southeastern MOUNT YOUNG (Haines et al 1993). Lithology: Thinly to thickly bedded, very fine to very coarse quartz sandstone, commonly feldspathic, some micaceous; 95 Depositional environment: Braided fluvial and possibly shallow marine (intertidal). Geomorphic expression: Forms single low rocky ridge or narrow plateau up to 0.5 km wide. Relationships: Lower contact, with Top Lily Sandstone Member, sharp and probably erosive in type section, placed at a change from fine-grained, pink lithic sandstone to coarse-grained and granular to pebbly quartz sandstone. Upper contact also abrupt; sandstone beds become thinner upwards and are overlain by mudstone of Crow Formation. Both contacts conformable. Age: Maximum age of 1591 ± 10 Ma for Playford Sandstone as a whole, based on reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation (Page et al 2000) in LAWN HILL, or 1595 ± 6 Ma, based on tuffs in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). Interpreted age range of 1500–1400 Ma for South Nicholson Group based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966, Plumb and Derrick 1975). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for Playford Sandstone and its members. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstones low in Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: Playford Sandstone and its members, including No Mans Sandstone Member, have been recognised and excluded from Constance Sandstone, as they lie unconformably beneath Constance Sandstone as defined in LAWN HILL to east. Lithology: Cycles of shale or laminated siltstone, grading up through laminated and thinly bedded, very fine-grained lithic sandstone to thin to medium beds of very fine or fine-grained sandstone. Rarely, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, some with mudstone intraclasts, present in upper parts of cycles. Thin to thick graded sandstone and cobbleto boulder-bearing pebbly mudstone interbeds in northern outcrops. Depositional environment: Storm-dominated shelf, and probable fan-delta facies in northern outcrops. Geomorphic expression: Forms plains and undulating low hills. Several sandstone interbeds form higher ridges in some sections. Relationships: Overlies Shady Bore Quartzite, apparently conformably; boundary sharply gradational over a few metres. Upper contact, with Lawn Hill Formation, invariably concealed, but concordant and presumed to be conformable. Age: Palaeoproterozoic, late Statherian. Based on correlations (see below), age is around 1640–1630 Ma. Correlatives: Riversleigh Siltstone and Termite Range Formation in Lawn Hill region, 100 km to east (Sweet 1984). These formations yield ages in range 1647 ± 8 Ma to 1630 ± 5 Ma (Page et al 2000). Comments: This revised definition is necessary as the basal sandstone, L Pmas, mapped by Sweet (1984), has been excluded from the formation and is now mapped separately as Shady Bore Quartzite. Revised Plain Creek Formation consists of those rocks above Shady Bore Quartzite, and retains/maintains the essential character of the unit: a predominantly fine-grained, siliciclastic formation. Plain Creek Formation (revised definition) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Playford River, which drains southwards from Mitchiebo Waterhole area in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as Constance Sandstone in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND by Smith and Roberts (1963). Most of it also mapped as Constance Sandstone by Sweet (1984) in Carrara Range region, except for basal part adjacent to Western Creek, which was included in underlying Widdallion Sandstone Member of Lawn Hill Formation, McNamara Group. Parent units: Wild Cow Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Constituent units: Subdivided into three members in type section: from oldest to youngest Wangalinji Member, Top Lily Sandstone Member, and No Mans Sandstone Member. The two older members can be traced through most outcrops, but No Mans Sandstone Member recognised only in type section and outcrops east of it. Distribution: South-central and southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, and one isolated outcrop in northwest in headwaters of Benmara Creek. Type section: Area 4 km southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, MOUNT DRUMMOND, easily accessible from Mittiebah– Wangalinji access road. Section runs from south to north: Playford Sandstone (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet, after Sweet (1982, 1984). Derivation of name: Plain Creek, a minor creek which drains north from Carrara Range in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as part of Bluff Range beds in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Delineated and mapped as Plain Creek Formation in Carrara Range region (Sweet 1984). Parent unit: McNamara Group. Distribution: Southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, in Carrara Range, and 10 km to north, between South Nicholson River and Cleanskin Creek. Type section: Location unchanged from that nominated by Sweet (1982), but base begins approximately 50 m stratigraphically higher, at top of Shady Bore Quartzite. Base now at 18°34.3'S, 137°32.1'E (767626mE 7944717mN), whereas top remains at 18°33.9'S, 137° 32.0'E (767426mE 7945467mN). Thickness: 550 m in type section; 400 m in Maloney Creek Inlier, 16 km north of type section; 1000 m in Bluff Range, although there is possibility of fault repetition in that section. 96 base at 18°39'57"S, 137°7'38"E (724360mE 7934820mN); top 1.4 km to north, at 18°39'10"S, 137°7'33"E (724230mE 7936260mN). Thickness: From 390 m in type section, to at least 1450 m in Playford Anticline, 13 km to northwest. Lithology: Very coarse-grained to granule quartz-rich sandstone at base, overlain by interbedded laminated shale with thinly bedded siltstone and very fine-grained lithic sandstone; coarse-grained quartz sandstone interbeds. Thickly to very thickly bedded, large-scale cross-bedded, very fine- to fine-grained, well sorted lithic sandstone, minor ferruginous sandstone, ironstone and stromatolitic carbonate rocks, and strongly trough-cross-bedded, fine- to coarsegrained quartz-rich sandstone with granule to pebble lags. Depositional environment: Shallow-marine shelf, mainly tide dominated and nearshore; minor deeper-water, stormdominated facies. Geomorphic expression: Series of low sandstone ridges with intervening valleys underlain by finer-grained components of formation. Relationships: Rests with angular unconformity on Widdallion Sandstone Member of Lawn Hill Formation, 6.5 km southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole (717310mE 7932906mN), and disconformably on same formation over strike length of some 50 km to east of Mitchiebo Waterhole outcrops. Contact placed at change from highly lithic, dark-coloured sandstone below, to light-coloured, coarse to granule-rich or pebbly, sublithic sandstone (Playford Sandstone) above. Overlain conformably in virtually all outcrops by Crow Formation; contact is rapid transition over a few metres into fine-grained siliciclastic rocks. Age: Maximum age of 1591 ± 10 Ma, based on reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation (Page et al 2000) in LAWN HILL, or 1595 ± 6 Ma, based on tuffs in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). Interpreted age range of 1500–1400 Ma for South Nicholson Group based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966, Plumb and Derrick 1975). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for Playford Sandstone and its members. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstones low in Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: Basal formation of Wild Cow Subgroup, and of South Nicholson Group as a whole. DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963). Distinguished Psc4 in Second Edition LAWN HILL (Hutton as L Psc3 and L and Grimes 1983), WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet (1979) and CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), following scheme of Sweet et al (1981), who designated undifferentiated sandstones of Constance Sandstone L Psc1, L Psc2, L Psc3 and L Psc4 in Seigal and Hedleys Creek. Bowthorn Siltstone Member, identified as L Psc3 by Sweet et al (1981), is now obsolete, as it has been absorbed into Schultz Sandstone Member. Parent units: Constance Sandstone, Accident Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Distribution: Outcrops north of Elizabeth Creek in northern LAWN HILL, south of Hedleys Creek in southwestern WESTMORELAND, and in adjacent parts of southeastern CALVERT HILLS and northeastern and northern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type section: South of Bowthorn homestead, in northwestern LAWN HILL, Queensland. Base, accessed from station track leading south from Accident Creek, at 18°9'7"S, 138°21'E (219620mE 7990970mN), thence 5.9 km to top of a siltstone interbed at 18°8'39"S, 138°17'43"E (213820mE 7991770mN), then a further 9.9 km to top, at 18°9'55"S, 138°12'16"E (204230mE 7989270mN). Reference section: Adjacent to, but southwest of Gorge Creek, from 190600mE 8012800mN (base) to 190700mE 8012050mN (top), in southwestern WESTMORELAND. Uppermost beds faulted out, but this locality features a geographically compact section of most of member. Thickness: 140–300 m in type section, depending on dip assumed (actual dips in range 1–5°); at least 500 m in reference section. Lithology: Basal beds massive, yellow to white, subfriable medium- to coarse-grained, well sorted quartz sandstone; some granule layers present. Sandstone becomes medium grained up-section. Very pure medium-grained quartz sandstone with siliceous cement continues virtually to top of formation. Cross-bedded throughout. Depositional environment: Shallow marine: upper shoreface to intertidal; may include braided fluvial. Geomorphic expression: In areas of low dip, forms extensive rocky plateaux, commonly with pseudokarstic weathering surfaces; in rarer, more steeply dipping outcrops, forms banded rocky ridge. Basal beds massive, and form bare rocky platforms cut by deeply eroded joints. Relationships: Lower boundary, with Wallis Siltstone Member, sharp but apparently conformable. Upper contact, with Mullera Formation, sharp but conformable. In northern MOUNT DRUMMOND, unit truncates Wallis Siltstone Member to rest disconformably, or with subtle angular unconformity, on Burangoo Sandstone Member. Age: Interpreted age range for whole South Nicholson Group of 1500–1400 Ma based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966), which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for South Schultz Sandstone Member (new name) Proposer: IP Sweet. Derivation of name: Schultz Creek in WESTMORELAND, Queensland. Synonymy: Previously undifferentiated from remainder of Constance Sandstone in First Edition LAWN HILL (Carter and Öpik 1959), WESTMORELAND (Carter 1959), CALVERT HILLS (Roberts et al 1963) and MOUNT 97 Nicholson Group. Age of Schultz Sandstone Member judged to lie near middle of this age range. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstones low in Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: Schultz Sandstone Member incorporates the now obsolete Bowthorn Siltstone Member of Sweet (1981). The obsolete member consisted of at least two thin lenses within the newly defined (Schultz) member in its type area and further north, in WESTMORELAND. Because these ‘siltstones’ include a substantial proportion of very finegrained sandstone and several coarser sandstone interbeds, and because the new Schultz Sandstone Member consists entirely of sandstone in most of its outcrops, the lithological term ‘sandstone’ is incorporated into the name. It extends from base of Constance Sandstone at 18°14'41"S, 138°23'28"E (224125mE 7980770mN), southwest for 1.7 km to top of Constance Sandstone at 18°14'57"S, 138°22'37"E (222623mE 7980270mN), thence west for 6.4 km to youngest beds of Tidna Sandstone in centre of the syncline at 18°14'57"S, 138°18'56"E (216123mE 7980170mN). Thickness: Carter and Zimmerman (1960) quoted maximum figure of 11 000 feet (3350 m) in LAWN HILL, and this remains best estimate for thickness of the group in east (Accident Subgroup only). In western MOUNT DRUMMOND, where underlying Wild Cow Subgroup may reach 4500 m in thickness and only component of Accident Subgroup (Mittiebah Sandstone) is about 2000 m, total is up to 6500 m. If an equivalent of Mullera Formation is present stratigraphically above Mittiebah Sandstone but in subsurface, as appears likely, total could be substantially more. In central and southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, the group is as little as 1000–1500 m thick. Lithology: Wide range of siliciclastic rock types: very fineto coarse-grained, granule-rich and pebbly sandstones, ranging from lithic to quartzose; most are sub-lithic. Most sandstones trough cross-bedded. Very fine sandstones associated with siltstone and shale intervals. Planar bedding, current lineation and current and wave ripples common; desiccation features rare. Highly ferruginous sandstone and oolitic ironstone, including hematitic, chamositic and sideritic varieties (Harms 1965), occur in upper part of group, particularly in Queensland outcrops. Carbonate rocks rare, known only in upper part of Playford Sandstone. Depositional environment: Shallow-marine, intertidal or storm-dominated shelf. Geomorphic expression: Varies widely, from deeply incised ridge and valley terrain in LAWN HILL to plains and very low hills in central and southern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Where incision sufficient, alternating sandstone and mudstone units are highlighted; ridges and rocky plateaux alternate with valleys or plains, reflecting alternating coarseand fine-grained rock units, respectively. Relationships: Playford Sandstone rests disconformably, or with angular unconformity on McNamara Group in southeastern MOUNT DRUMMOND, whereas its equivalent, Bowgan Sandstone, is unconformable on Benmara Group in northwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND. Where Wild Cow Subgroup is absent, Constance Sandstone forms base of South Nicholson Group. Overlies McNamara Group disconformably or with angular unconformity in eastern MOUNT DRUMMOND and western LAWN HILL. Youngest constituent of group in LAWN HILL (Tidna Sandstone) is unconformably overlain only by Cretaceous rocks. In MOUNT DRUMMOND, youngest observed rocks are Mullera Formation, overlain unconformably by Late Neoproterozoic or Cambrian rocks of Georgina Basin, or by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Age: Satisfactory radiometric dating currently unavailable for any part of South Nicholson Group, and age therefore internally unconstrained. A shale total-rock Rb–Sr date of 1510 ± 120 Ma for Mullera Formation (R Harding, BMR, unpublished) is unreliable, as possibility of inclusion of detrital material, principally micas, cannot be discounted (Plumb and Derrick 1975). Page et al (2000) analysed zircons South Nicholson Group (revised definition) Proposer: IP Sweet, after Smith and Roberts (1963). Derivation of name: South Nicholson River, which drains northeastern quarter of MOUNT DRUMMOND, flowing northwards into Nicholson River in southeastern CALVERT HILLS. Synonymy: None. Constituent units: From base to top: Wild Cow Subgroup and Accident Subgroup. Wild Cow Subgroup comprises Playford Sandstone, including Wangalinji Member, Top Lily Sandstone Member and No Mans Sandstone Member; Bowgan Sandstone; and Crow Formation, including Tobacco Member. Accident Subgroup comprises Constance and Mittiebah sandstones (probable correlatives); Mullera Formation; and Tidna Sandstone. Constance Sandstone includes, from base to top, Hedleys Sandstone Member, Pandanus Siltstone Member, Burangoo Sandstone Member, Wallis Siltstone Member and Schultz Sandstone Member. Mullera Formation includes Train Range Ironstone Member and Middle Creek Sandstone Member. Distribution: Widespread outcrops in MOUNT DRUMMOND and adjacent sheet areas: southern CALVERT HILLS (Ahmad and Wygralak 1989), WESTMORELAND (Grimes and Sweet 1979) and northwestern quarter of LAWN HILL (Hutton and Grimes 1983, Slater and Mond 1980) in Queensland; minor outcrops to west and south of MOUNT DRUMMOND, in WALHALLOW, BRUNETTE DOWNS and RANKEN. Outcrop and shallow subcrop cover 20 000 km2, and deeper subcrop under Barkly Tableland covers potentially much more. Type section: As defined for each constituent formation. Reference sections: Wild Cow Subgroup: incorporates type section of Playford Sandstone, and a reference section of Crow Formation around 18°39'S, 137°6'E from Mitchiebo Waterhole at 721222mE 7937170mN (base), for 1.8 km to northeast, to 722522mE 7938570mN (top), MOUNT DRUMMOND. Accident Subgroup: complete section in area of relatively high dips, and therefore compact, located south of Elizabeth Creek (LAWN HILL, Queensland), from Constance Range escarpment in east, westwards for 8 km to core of a syncline. 98 from a basal feldspathic sandstone in Constance Sandstone 20 km south of Century deposit in LAWN HILL, and concluded that the age, 1591 ± 10 Ma, represents reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation and thus, provides maximum age for Constance Sandstone. Similar maximum age of 1595 ± 6 Ma comes directly from tuff in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). No minimum age constraints imposed by overlying units, apart from late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian units of Georgina Basin. Interpreted age range for whole South Nicholson Group of 1500–1400 Ma based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966), which together comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott and Sweet 2000, Abbott et al 2001). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of lower part of that group, and hence, for South Nicholson Group. Correlatives: Roper Group (Dunn et al 1966, Plumb and Derrick 1975), based on overall lithological and tectonostratigraphic similarity. Renner Group also likely to be largely equivalent (Hussey et al 2001). Comments: Although main constituent units of group, Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation, were named by Carter et al (1961) from LAWN HILL, the group was named by Smith and Roberts (1963) and Roberts et al (1963) on the basis of extension of these units westward into MOUNT DRUMMOND and CALVERT HILLS, respectively. Revision of the definition became desirable following Second Edition remapping of MOUNT DRUMMOND, which led to recognition that much of group in western MOUNT DRUMMOND is older than formations previously recognised by Carter et al (1961) and Carter and Zimmerman (1960) in LAWN HILL. Older part of group, previously all included in Constance Sandstone, is now designated Wild Cow Subgroup. Additionally, several unnamed units of Constance Sandstone, recognised by Sweet et al (1981) in eastern outcrop areas, ie in areas first mapped by Carter et al (1961), have been formally defined and named as members. 7916800mN (base) to 688100mE 7916100mN (top). In this area, Tobacco Member conformably overlies lower Crow Formation and is, in turn, conformably overlain by Mittiebah Sandstone. However, base is not exposed in type section, so lower boundary stratotype proposed at eastern end of Mittiebah Range at 18°14'29"S, 136°52'49"E (698000mE 7917350mN). Thickness: 300–600 m. Lithology: Dominant facies resistant (ridge-forming), shallow-water sandstone, with lesser recessive storm shelf facies. In type section, shallow-water sandstone facies comprises interbedded: (i) medium- to very thickly bedded, diffusely bedded, quartzose to lithic, locally ferruginous and micaceous (± glauconitic) fine ± medium-grained sandstone with amalgamated low-angle trough and hummocky crossstratification; (ii) medium- to coarse-grained glauconitic sandstone, containing small red-brown mudstone flakes, pits after evaporites and trough cross-beds and; (iii) minor decimetre-scale beds of very coarse to granular, pebbly lithic sandstone with parallel lamination. Storm-shelf facies composed of flaggy white, fawn, red-brown or purple, micaceous siltstone and fine- to medium-grained quartzose to sublithic (± micaceous) sandstone. Sedimentary structures include wavy and lenticular bedding, hummocky crossstratification, symmetric ripples, mudclasts, flute moulds, tool marks, current lineations, runzel marks, load casts and convolute bedding. Geomorphic expression: Moderately resistant with well developed, banded white and dark brown phototones. Relationships: Lies conformably on lower Crow Formation and is, in turn, conformably overlain by Mittiebah Sandstone. Member not differentiated in areas where Crow Formation is overlain by Constance Sandstone. Age: Maximum age of 1591 ± 10 Ma, based on reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation (Page et al 2000) in LAWN HILL, or 1595 ± 6 Ma based on tuffs in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). Interpreted age range of 1500-1400 Ma for South Nicholson Group based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966; Plumb and Derrick 1975). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for Crow Formation, including Tobacco Member. Tobacco Member (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Tobacco Waterhole along Playford River at eastern end of Mittiebah Range, southern MOUNT DRUMMOND, near 18°53'S, 137°5'E. Synonymy: Encompasses narrow strip of moderately resistant outcrop at northern edge of Mittiebah Range that was formerly mapped as Mittiebah Sandstone by Smith and Roberts (1963) in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND. Also incorporates similar narrow strip of moderately resistant outcrop along Canyon Range that was formerly mapped as Mullera Formation. Parent units: Crow Formation, Wild Cow Subgroup, South Nicholson Group. Distribution: Canyon Range and Mittiebah Range in northwestern and southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, respectively. Type section: Central Mittiebah Range at 18°50'S, 136°47'E in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from 687300mE Top Lily Sandstone Member (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Top Lily Waterhole, in Fish Hole Creek at 18°26'S, 136°53'E, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as Constance Sandstone in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963) and in Carrara Range region (Sweet 1984). Parent unit: Playford Sandstone. Distribution: Forms west- to west-southwest-trending outcrop belt in central to southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, from headwaters of Moloney Creek in east, to Waterfall Creek in southwest. Outcrops most extensively 99 in ranges forming watershed of Eight Mile, Ten Mile and Waterfall creeks. An isolated outcrop occurs in northwest, east of headwaters of Benmara Creek. Type section: Upper part of Playford Sandstone type section, 4 km southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from south to north: base at 18°39'39"S, 137°7'29"E (724130mE 7935360mN), top about 500 m to north, at 18°39'25"S, 137°7'33"E (724230mE 7935810mN). Section easily accessed from Mittiebah homestead–Wangalinji track. Thickness: 143 m in type section, 750 m in Playford Anticline 17 km to west-northwest, and 1100 m in westernmost outcrops of Ten Mile Anticline. Lithology: White to pink or darker pink-red, thickly to very thickly bedded, very fine- to fine-grained, well sorted lithic sandstone; scattered granules and pebbles; trough crossbedded on large to giant scale; current ripples and primary current lineations common. Geomorphic expression: Series of low ridges and plateaux. Relationships: Lower contact conformable and gradational with Wangalinji Member and placed where shale and siltstone give way to pink, fine-grained lithic sandstone over 10–15 m. Upper contact, with No Mans Sandstone Member, sharp and locally erosive in type section, but essentially conformable. In outcrops other than type section and environs, No Mans Sandstone Member is absent, and Top Lily Sandstone Member is overlain, apparently conformably, by Crow Formation. Boundary placed at an abrupt transition from fine-grained lithic and quartz sandstone into shale. Age: Maximum age of 1591 ± 10 Ma, based on reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation (Page et al 2000) in LAWN HILL, or 1595 ± 6 Ma based on tuffs in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). Interpreted age range of 1500–1400 Ma for South Nicholson Group based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966; Plumb and Derrick 1975). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for Playford Sandstone and its members. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstones low in Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: Middle of three members comprising Playford Sandstone in its type section. Wangalinji Member (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Wangalinji Outstation, an Aboriginal settlement in Waanyi/Garawa (Nicholson River) Land Trust, at 18°23'41", 137°28'04", MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Previously mapped as Constance Sandstone in First Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND (Smith and Roberts 1963) and in Carrara Range region (Sweet 1984). Some outcrops included in Lawn Hill Formation by Sweet (1984). Parent unit: Playford Sandstone. Distribution: Forms west- to west-southwest-trending outcrop belt in central to southwestern MOUNT DRUMMOND, from headwaters of Moloney Creek in east, to Waterfall Creek in southwest. An isolated outcrop occurs in northwest, east of headwaters of Benmara Creek. Type section: 4 km southeast of Mitchiebo Waterhole, MOUNT DRUMMOND. Section extends from south to north: base at 18°39'57"S, 137°7'38"E (724360mE 7934820mN); top about 300 m to north, at 18°39'34"S, 137°7'34"E (724130mE 7935360mN). Thickness: 390 m in type section, 750 m in Playford Anticline 11 km to northwest. Lithology: Basal white, thickly bedded, medium- to coarsegrained cross-bedded sandstone, with current ripples and primary current lineations, scattered mudstone intraclasts, and granule and pebbly layers; clasts mainly of quartz. Remainder of formation laminated shale with thinly bedded siltstone and very fine-grained lithic sandstone interbeds, interbedded with medium to thick beds of white, crossbedded, sublithic, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone; minor purple-red mudstone with discontinuous disrupted laminae, ubiquitous mudflakes and desiccation cracks, and rare stromatolitic chert and carbonate rocks. Geomorphic expression: Low ridge or rubble-strewn rise corresponding to basal sandstone and an adjacent valley or undulating terrain corresponding to upper, finer-grained part. Relationships: Overlies Widdallion Sandstone Member of Lawn Hill Formation disconformably in outcrops between Mitchiebo Waterhole and Western Creek, a distance of about 50 km. Southwest of Mitchiebo Waterhole, an angular unconformity exists between the two units. Boundary marked by abrupt change from purple-brown, highly micaceous and lithic sandstones of Widdallion Sandstone Member to lighter coloured (white, light brown or pink), more quartz-rich granule to pebbly sandstone of Wangalinji Member. Upper boundary, with Top Lily Sandstone Member, conformable, marked by rapid transition from interbedded siltstone and shale to thickly bedded, pink to brown, fine-grained lithic sandstone of Top Lily Sandstone Member. Age: Maximum age of 1591 ± 10 Ma, based on reworked tuffaceous material from underlying Lawn Hill Formation (Page et al 2000) in LAWN HILL, or 1595 ± 6 Ma based on tuffs in Lawn Hill Formation in same area (Page and Sweet 1998). Interpreted age range of 1500–1400 Ma for South Nicholson Group based on correlation with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin (Dunn et al 1966, Plumb and Derrick 1975). Ages of 1492 ± 4 Ma and 1493 ± 4 Ma for tuffaceous material from Mainoru Formation in lower Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) provide the most reliable estimate for age of that group, and hence, for Playford Sandstone and its members. Correlatives: None known, but likely that sandstones low in Renner Group (Hussey et al 2001) and Roper Group (Jackson et al 1999) are in part correlative, given overall correlation between these groups. Comments: The concordant nature of the contact led Sweet (1984) to include the member in the underlying Widdallion 100 Relationships: Unconformably overlies Murphy Metamorphics, and McNamara and Benmara groups. Contact with Benmara Group poorly exposed and relationship cannot be resolved with any certainty, but partly reactivated unconformity favoured. Disconformably overlain by Accident Subgroup, except in west, where contact with Mittiebah Sandstone may be conformable. Locally, unconformably overlain by Georgina Basin succession. Age: Meaningful radiometric dating currently unavailable for any part of South Nicholson Group and its age therefore internally unconstrained. Maximum age of 1595 ± 6 Ma is that of Lawn Hill Formation at top of immediately underlying McNamara Group (Page and Sweet 1998). No minimum age constraints imposed by overlying units, apart from late Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic Georgina Basin. Interpreted age range of whole South Nicholson Group, and by default for Wild Cow Subgroup, of 1500-1400 Ma, based on correlation of South Nicholson Group with Roper Group of southern McArthur Basin. These two groups, combined, comprise Roper Superbasin (Jackson et al 1999, Abbott et al 2001). Correlatives: Lower Roper and Renner groups and possibly Caulfield beds. Comments: This package of rocks has been accorded subgroup status because a disconformity, locally an angular unconformity, has been recognised within the South Nicholson Group. The Wild Cow Subgroup constitutes all of the South Nicholson Group below that unconformity. The upper South Nicholson Group (Accident Creek Subgroup) also has distinctly different facies patterns and depocentres from the Wild Cow Subgroup. Sandstone Member in eastern outcrops, adjacent to Western Creek. Wild Cow Subgroup (new name) Proposer: DJ Rawlings. Derivation of name: Wild Cow Creek (18°38'S, 137°25'E), which drains southward from western Carrara Range in MOUNT DRUMMOND. Synonymy: Parts of Constance Sandstone and Mullera Formation as mapped by Smith and Roberts (1963), and subsequently by Sweet (1984). These two formations substantially revised in Second Edition MOUNT DRUMMOND. Parent/constituent units: Lower of two subgroups forming South Nicholson Group. Includes Playford and Bowgan sandstones, and overlying Crow Formation. Distribution: Western half of MOUNT DRUMMOND. Type locality: As defined for each constituent formation. Reference section provides convenient location for overview of subgroup. Reference section: Composite section from south to north in Mitchiebo Waterhole area, around 18°39'S, 137°6'E: from Mitchiebo Waterhole, at 721222mE 7937170mN (base), thence 1.8 km to northeast to 722522mE 7938570mN (top); this includes Playford Sandstone type section and separate segment covering Crow Formation and is convenient representation of subgroup. Thickness: Up to 4500 m in western MOUNT DRUMMOND. Lithology: Mixed succession of sandstone, siltstone, shale and minor conglomerate and rare carbonate rocks. Geomorphic expression: Resistant ridge-forming basal part (sandstone-dominated units) and recessive upper part (siltstone and shale-dominated unit). Appendix 2 – Whole-rock geochemistry Appendix 3 – Stream sediment geochemistry 101