Clovis Junior Soccer League


Clovis Junior Soccer League
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Clovis Junior Soccer League
Technical Director Proposal
2015-2018 Seasons
By Lee Cullip
January 2015
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Year One, Two & Three
The Future Club
The Professional Structure
Adult Team Addition
The Coaching Structure
Suggested Club Structure
The Future Player
The Future of Pre-Formation
The Future Player
The Future Coach
2015-2016 (Suggested) Calendar
The Coach and Coaching
Coaching Education Program
OnLine Portal
Internal Pathway
External Pathways
International Education
2015-2016 (Suggested) Calendar
New Media
Social media
SMS Marketing
CJSL Camps
College ID Camp
Pre-Season Camp
Residential Camp
Specific Skill Camps
College Camps
Referee camp
Futsal Camp
Considerations for Sponsorship
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The Goalkeeper
Lee Cullip References
Model Sessions
Coaching Education
1st Team
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of
progress, in every society, in every family”.
Kofi Annan
Document Premise
The Clovis Junior Soccer League is looking to hire a Director of Coaching for the League
for 2015-2018 Seasons.
The following proposal of ideas, concepts, methods and suggestions are consistent with
a common goal, philosophy and vision for all avenues of current and future avenues for
CJSL Particulars
CJSL Particulars
Club President
Board Members
Technical Director
Document Contributors
Carmen Saucedo
Carmen Saucedo, Diane Resendez, Kelley Theobald, John
Hancock, Anthony Toto, Craig Steitz, Andrea Lynott,
Craig Young, Brad Moahoney, Becky Cathey, Ken Taylor,
James Rasmussen, Gary Waltz, Ed Llanos,
Angie Neathery, Jill Boe, Kenny Boutte-Nears
To Be Confirmed
50 West Bullard #109
Clovis, CA
(001) 559 325 2575
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
Alex Weaver (Warriors FC – Singapore), Dave Simeone
(US Soccer), Jeff Tipping (NSCAA Director Emeritus),
Patrick Hughes
CJSL Quick Facts
CJSL Contents
Current Contact
Content Expansion
Advanced Rec. FC Clovis
Clovis Crossfire
Carmen Saucedo
Crossfire – 32
FC Clovis – Unknown
Recreation – Approx. 700
6500 Players
[email protected]
U5-U19 Recreation through
Competitive Play
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Number of Players
Coaching Staff
Recruitment Policy
Program Financials
External Partnerships
Overall - 6500
Crossfire – 470
FC Clovis - Unknown
Recreation – Approx 5000
Various City Rentals
Inclusive to Exclusive
Ability Based Play
Gras and Turf Field.
Cal North, US Club Soccer,
US Youth Soccer, US
Soccer, FIFA
FC Clovis –
UnWIred Broadband
Public Information
A Common Vision for Both Business and Football
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here positive vision”
Dalai Lama
We will create a definitive standard of fluidity
within structure within all CJSL systems of
play from 2 a-side play through 11 a-side
We will create and impose a player centric
training environment to develop the technical,
tactical & physical literacy of the player.
It will be equally as important to define winning
both within a score line and an intrinsic understanding of the game for the players, club staff and club membership alike. I would
want to achieve an understanding for all CJSL Players of how to play possession-based
football whilst having ability to implement alternate styles where tactically appropriate.
I would like to implement new programs at CJSL for the purpose of community outreach,
revenue, marketing, exposure and diversifying CJSL.
New Footballing Programs for Consideration (detail on page)
CJSL In School Soccer
One on One with Crossfire
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
CJSL 3 v 3 Soccer Series
Women’s CJSL Team
Men’s CJSL Team
CJSL Futsal Fridays
Camps Series
o College Camps
o Recreational Camp
o Pre Season Camp
o Summer Camp
o Spring Break Camp
o Winter Break Camp
o Pro Camp
o San Jose Earthquakes Camp
o Team Camps
College Showcase
New Non-Footballing Programs for Consideration
Updated Website (see
Sponsorship Acquisition
Annual Golf Tournament
CJSL Community Support
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Technical Director Goals for Years 1-3 by Year
Year One
General Plans:
To implement the Technical Director’s Position and Vision to create new programs for
coach, play and club member development.
Addition of:
1 x Back Office Staff Member (Marketing/Media/TV)
3 x Full Time Coaches (Across CJSL)
Beginning of a fully encompassing educational program at CJSL
Addition of a College Application Process Program
College Signing Day Presentation
Build Relationship with Foreign Club (Suggestions in Annex)
3 v 3 Tournament Execution
Specific Planning:
FC Clovis/Clovis Crossfire
To have all staff obtain at least US Soccer E License Status
To encourage all coaching staff to obtain license above their current one
Move to 550 Players for Crossfire
Move to --- Players for FC Clovis
Establish a clear connection between FC Clovis an Crossfire
o Through Internal Tournaments
o Through Shared Education
o Through Club Awareness Program
Addition of a Local Men’s League Team
Addition of a Local Women’s League Team
To put all coaches through CJSL Internal Education Program
To have a fully encompassing year round camp program available
To grow to a base of 6000 Players throughout the year
To create a true, clear and benefitting relationship from
CJSL Rec. –>FC Clovis –> Clovis Crossfire
- To grow membership by 25% through CJSL Community Awareness Work
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Year Two
General Plans:
We would plan to continue to build on the success of year one. In turn, creating more
roles and responsibilities for staff within the club. This will, in turn create new
programming and more revenue for CJSL. Most importantly this would increase
membership base.
Addition of (From Year One):
1 x Addition of Business Development Manager
1 x Full Time Sports Scientist
6 x Full Time Coaches (Across CJSL – Inclusive of 2 Full Time Director Roles)
Beginning of a fully encompassing educational program at CJSL
Specific Planning:
FC Clovis/Clovis Crossfire
To have all staff obtain at least US Soccer D License Status
Move to 650 Players for Crossfire
Move to --- Players for FC Clovis
Continue to build
o Internal Tournaments at CJSL
o Club Fundraising Opportunities
Men’s Team to Compete in USASA Championship
Women’s League Team to be considered to WPSL Status
Introduction of CJSL Rec. +
To continue to build and put all coaches through CJSL Internal Education
Growth of Specialty Camps for Rec.
To grow to a base of 6500 Players throughout the year
To continue to grow a true, clear and benefitting relationship from
CJSL Rec. –>FC Clovis –> Clovis Crossfire
- To grow membership by an additional 25% through CJSL Community Awareness Work
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Year Three
General Plans:
To think big! To propel off the sturdy platform of work from Years One an Two.
Addition of (From Year One):
1 x Physiotherapist on Staff
1 x Part Time Sports Psychologist on staff
10 x Full Time Coaches (Across CJSL – Inclusive of 4 Full Time Director Roles)
o 1 x Time Adult Soccer Director
Forward movement on Lit CJSL Owned Fields!
Specific Planning:
FC Clovis/Clovis Crossfire
To have ALL staff attend a CJSL Hosted C License
To have ALL Staff Attend NSCAA National Diploma
Move to 750-800 Players for Crossfire
Move to --- Players for FC Clovis
Men’s Team to Compete in USASA Championship/US Open Cup
Women’s League Team to move to WPSL Status
CJSL Rec. + as a Permanent and Continuing Program
To continue to build and put all coaches through CJSL Internal Education
Growth of Residential Camps for Rec.
To grow to a base of 7000 Players throughout the year
To continue to grow a true, clear and benefitting relationship from
CJSL Rec. –>FC Clovis –> Clovis Crossfire
- To grow membership by an additional 25% through CJSL Community Awareness Work
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Adult Team Addition
The addition of the top of a CJSL pyramid would provide evidence that CJSL can
support, implement and successfully run a program with all tiers of the footballing
The addition would provide CJSL with CJSL alumni. This could also spur an alumni
match each season, which could be beneficial to a local charity. The alumni could be
vital not just in the ethos of the vision of the club, but could well provide crucial support in
other areas going forwards as an organization.
I do not believe that immediate entry into a larger market such as MLS, USL, W-League,
WPSL etc. is a necessity for success at the adult level. I believe that the USASA would
provide leagues and competition locally. The teams would share the same vision as the
club philosophy and players would hole the same character traits. As the program builds
there could be realistic consideration for competition within a nationally Recognized
CJSL 1st Team
Colligiate Play (External)
College Process Players
(Suggested) Basic CJSL Development Pyramid
“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to
be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality”.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The need for a purpose of the addition of adult teams that compete during the summers
and post collegiate play is often overlooked in youth sports. We literally develop players
for external programs and most never return to the club they started with.
I believe that the addition of adult level teams gives the youth player something to aspire
too as well as replicate. It can begin to define a system of play that is defined by the
style for the 1st team.
Coaching Structure Within CJSL
The coaching staff especially a happy one are the cornerstone of any sporting
organization. A clear and concise understanding of roles and responsibilities will only ad
to the smooth running and more importantly, common vision of the club.
Suggested CJSL Wide Coaching Structure
CJSL Board &
CJSL Technical
Women's & Girls
FC Clovis
Rec/Rec +
Volunteer &
Coaching Staff
(Volunteer) &
Coaching Staff
Men's & Boys
Clovis Crossfire
Crossfire Girls
Crossfire Boys
Volunteer &
Coaching Staff
Volunteer &
Coaching Staff
CJSL Alumni/
Current Player
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Suggested CJSL Wide Coaching Structure
CJSL Technical
Process Director
CJSL Registrar/
CJSL Match &
Training CoOrdinator
CJSL Marketing
and Media
CJSL Equipment
Overall Brief Summary
All plans should be sought after in order to grow club membership and create a true
internal structure for players, coaches and members to become a part of. The growth of
the club is of the utmost importance. With membership boost will begin to see increase
of programming, revenue and recognition.
We should educate our membership of all programs, clubs and avenues for progression
through the CJSL System.
Below, the graphic illustrates the flow to the central body of CJSL, laying the importance
on the club rather than the surrounding programs. Everything should flow to the central
heart of the organization, in this case the CJSL.
Futbol Club
CJSL Futsal
cess Program
Recreation +
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The Future Player
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“We have to really educate ourselves in a way about who we are, what our real
identity is”.
Deepak Chopra
What is the Identity of the CJSL Player?
Although we have several different levels currently within CJSL and more proposed it
would be definitive of the program to have the same characteristics running through all
our players’ footballing DNA of the CJSL player.
It is important to remember that we have many different levels of ability in CJSL’s vast
array of available programs.
Below are suggestions, in no particular order for the DNA of a CJSL player. Also, please
note that this list is not limited to these characteristics.
On Field DNA
Off Field DNA
Love of the Game
Love of the Game
Intrinsic Ability
Sense of Humor
Technically Literate
Tactically Literate
Positive Attitude
Physically Literate
Mentally Tough
Mentally Tough
Positive Attitude
High Work Rate
Balanced in Life
What is ‘The Future Player’?
The Future Player is self-sufficient, dedicated football loving player.
As an organization it is important not to react to our ever-evolving sport, but to be
proactive about change within the game. This will be with an emphasis on the
technological, physical and psychological components, not forgetting that technically
literacy is the key to this success. Nothing can be achieved if the system is not player
centric and devoted to technical ability.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The future player is one who works deliberately towards a goal of being the finest player
possible within their individual potential. The future player is humble and respects the
game itself.
The below the graphics illustrates the evolution of a fictitious CJSL player through their
career internally. I have also outlined the potential outside of CJSL borders for
Internal Development Pathway
XFire PreFormation
Rec. +
FC Clovis/
CJSL 1st
External Development Pathways
College ID
High School
LA Galaxy
Cal North
San Jose
Earth Quakes
Academy ID
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The Future Coach
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“Soccer is simple, but it is difficult to play simple”
Johan Cruyff
The Future Coach is…?
The Future Coach is one whom looks ahead, has ability to foresee the potential
struggles within the development of their group of players and is proactive in assertion of
the player’s development.
The Future Coach must be able, under the explicit direction of the Technical Director
must be able to plan out the appropriate development stages for the teams. This should
be acquired in developmental phases i.e./. A U7 Team should not travel at all out of local
They should make sure that the plan, edited and considered by the Technical Director is
clear, concise, appropriate and structured in such a manner that the player, parent and
CJSL understand the avenues down which the team will take during a season. See
below a sample (fictitious monthly calendar).
CJSL (Fictitious) Basic Model Monthly Calendar May 2015:
Friendly Match
Match I
Match II
The Role of The Future Coach (Understanding the Bigger Picture)
The coach has an unquestionable role to play within this group of decision-making staff.
The coach or Technical Director is often the one to determine the style of play. They
have to be able to decide when faced with the perennial dilemma of whether to play
entertaining football or whether just to settle for the result. The professionalism now
demanded of the coach and the qualifications that they require to exercise his profession
have served to reinforce their status and his influence on the game. Although the coach
never will be a “miracle-worker”, they will nevertheless be able to exert an influence on
performance-related factors:
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Leadership: A team needs leaders – the coach and one of the players. The latter
is a moral leader with a strong personality who knows how to assert themselves
firmly. They are, as it were, the coach’s intermediaries among his teammates.
Such players are not often found, unfortunately. Consequently, they need to be
molded from their youth onwards.
The Team: We can identify seven different types of player in a team: the leader,
the goal scorer, the energetic livewire (the “lungs” of the team), the creator, the
versatile midfielder, the support player and the protector. The team’s
performance will be enhanced if the interplay between all these functions can be
Tactical Strength: It sometimes happens that teams change their playing system
in the course of a match. For this reason, players in the future will have to be
equipped with an acute sense of tactical awareness. Educating and training
players accordingly is obviously a key part of this development.
Mentality: A lot of work still needs to be done in this area. From now on,
education will have to be based around three axes with equal weight: Technique,
Tactics and Personality.
Coaching: There are basically three types of coaching currently being applied:
free coaching (where no precise instructions are given), directional coaching
(where orders are given), and creative coaching (where suggestions are made,
but not enforced). The football of tomorrow and the future coach will demand an
increase in creative coaching. The idea behind this creative coaching is to
introduce coaching situations and drills that allow for several different solutions;
this will then provoke the players into managing the situation on their own. This
method is therefore much less “hands-on” as far as the coach is concerned, and
the creativity practiced in the training session will inevitably have a knock-on
effect on the match situation.
The Artist (The Genius): Now, more than ever, football has to ensure that great
emphasis is placed on creative players, those players who are capable of
swinging a match in their team’s favor with a simple piece of individual brilliance.
Such players therefore have to be encouraged and their talent has to be allowed
to blossom to the full. In this case, a number is more eloquent than words to
illustrate the supreme value of such players: 30% of goals are either scored or
made as a result of an individual action. But beware! The artist also has to fit in
with the game played by the rest of the team.
The Team Behind the Team: We have already seen that the modern game is not
restricted to what happens on the pitch. There are many other elements to be
taken into account. We can list three categories of people who influence the life
of the team, either at close quarters or from afar:
− The pitch people (players, technical staff, medical staff)
− The directors and senior officials, the sponsors, the media, the supporters
(peripheral factors)
- The Family (Parents and Extended Family)
− the “enemies” of the game and the unwanted distractions
The coach therefore has to…
Surround themselves with an efficient “team behind the team”: the assistant
coaches, fitness coaches, doctors, physios, press spokesmen, kit managers and
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
team secretaries have to protect him and support him by assuming responsibility
for those aspects that are linked to the preparation of the match and to dealings
with people.
Conduct themselves in such a way that, as a result of the excessive media
coverage given to football, they become a seminal figure within the club. This
presupposes that they will be able to give judicious answers in post-match
interviews, that they will be capable of rapid reaction and analysis, and that they
will be able to assert himself as an outstanding coach with a strong and rich
Be an innovator and someone with an enquiring mind.
The concept of education, i.e. the proper education and training of coaches, of
technical staff and even administrative staff, is therefore proving to be a
fundamental building block in the football pyramid of today and for the future.
The Coach Has to Have Knowledge of…
The Role of the Future Coach with Youth Players
The function of training and instructing for a youth coach is not that different from the
same function for a top-level coach, far less than one might imagine. What we can say,
however, is that the role of a youth coach requires considerable mobility of action and
great availability.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Although his principal function is to prepare young footballers to become the high school,
collegiate, semi-professional and professional footballers of the future, they must not
place too much emphasis on the competitive aspect to the detriment of training and
developing the players’ performance-related skills.
The player-coach relationship must be at the core of the activity of the future coach,
thereby ensuring that they can assume their role as the mentor or even parent figure that
youngsters are often looking for at this formative age.
They need reference points and affective security; they need to be understood and
appreciated; they need to be encouraged and stimulated to excel themselves. The
coach/educator cannot even begin to educate unless he himself possesses human
qualities that are recognized and accepted by the youngsters.
The coach/educator must maintain a relationship of confidentiality and trust with the
player’s family and school environment; without such a relationship, nothing worthwhile
can be achieved. It is axiomatic to state that good coaching skills are essential to train
and supervise youngsters and especially to help their personalities blossom to the full.
This notwithstanding, the coach/educator will spend the bulk of their time on the pitch.
The art of the dedicated, dynamic and proficient coach consists in being able to select
training targets that are suited to the players, to plan worthwhile learning activities, to run
their games with passion, to encourage the players to correct their mistakes by
themselves, to praise their success, as well as being able to promote creativity and
discovery by giving precise explanations and demonstrations.
So how do young players view the coach/educator?
An exemplary educator is one who supports, guides and advises:
− They are fair and loyal and is able to demonstrate that he has a sympathetic attitude; −
They know how to listen, and he understands youngsters;
− he encourages, he motivates, and he knows how to get the best out of people;
− he addresses every player and the team with the necessary authority.
What to aim for in the relationship between the coach/educator and young players
undergoing training and development?
(Referencing directly José Peterman, ex-Technical Director and coach of Argentina’s
youth teams that won three World Youth Championships under him)
Never lose sight of the fact that these promising youth players have still not
completed their personal and emotional development; they are not adults.
Help them to develop and refine their technical skills and their tactical
Be able to imagine yourself in their shoes so that you can understand their
problems and their emotions; be able as well to make them feel better about
Contribute to their development without any prejudices.
Make them aware of their responsibilities.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“When working with youngsters, the bulk of the coach’s attention should not be
focused so much on their technique, but on the spirit in which they play the
game…and the pleasure they get from playing it”
Rinus Michels, Former Dutch National Team Coach
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Coaching Education at CJSL
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“Education is the most powerful tool with which you can change the world”.
Nelson Mandela
An overview of potential educational resources at CJSL in the 2015 yearly calendar:
Proposed Educational Pathway for 2015
CJSL Educates
OnLine Portal
An Internal
developed by
CJSL Directors for
the beginner,
novice, advanced
& professional
A CJSL online
education portal
to internally
produced videos
in ine with the
club vision &
philosophy on
An internal
program for
Grade 8-Senior
HS students
specifically focsed
on the pathway to
the college game
Guests of
The recruitment of
world wide
recognized high
level coaches to
present for CJSL
Parent &
A yearly four part
education aimed
at parent
education with the
CJSL model
US Soccer,
The case for an Internal Pathway that I would develop during tenure at CJSL would start
with the creation of a ‘CJSL ‘Player Identity’ (See ‘The Future Player’) in each facet of
the club. I believe that would start with the launch of a new program I have primarily
dubbed ‘CJSL Educates!’
CJSL Educates! would cover all the aspects of footballing education, not just that of the
coaching staff, but reach to the players, coaches and parents alike. Each and every
member of the club should have the opportunity to find an educational program that is
tailored to the learning needs and wants of the member.
The pathways for educational programs are set out in more detail below. All educational
pathways are inclined towards evolution as the game and CJSL develops.
Internal Educational Pathway
The internal educational pathway would be tailored specifically to the characteristics of
(creating the identity of) the CJSL coach. The pathway would take three definitive
pathways that are specialized to the CJSL staff.
CJSL Recreation
FC Clovis
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Clovis Crossfire
CJSL Recreation
Key elements within the educational process for Recreation players:
A play based training Method
o Whole-Part-Whole Method
Psychological elements of young athletes
CJSL Recreational coaches are the absolute corner stone of the CJSL Club
environment. We need to attend carefully to the volunteers that work with our
recreational players.
Our volunteers will need basic education ranging from appropriate attire to recognizing
and recruiting talent and psychological understanding of young children.
FC Clovis
The educational syllabus would consist of a base of continuing emphasis on technical
literacy, with a have a more detailed plan for tactical understanding within 11 v 11 Play.
The plan would focus on the continuing development of player centric training, but
develop session planning skills for the coaches to implement tactical understanding. This
would also be done through the addition of club encompassing set-pieces both attacking
and defensive.
Clovis Crossfire
The elite will need pressured, performance-based and incentivized education.
Considered additions to Crossfire Educational Model (See ‘The Future Coach’):
Internal Club Session Evaluations
We would create a testing phase of all education to prepare the staff for the environment
faced on external coaching courses.
In addition this would serve as a teambuilding process within the staff.
Understanding of the Nuances of 11 v 11 Play (see below).
Teaching Within the Numbers System
Learning to teach within the numbers systems will help with
clarity within a club wide system that all coaches, players
and members understand. This system can be modified,
but always is developed in the best interest of player centric
Here is the suggestion for a varied 1-4-3-3 in the
mold of the 1-4-2-1-3.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Understanding of the Nuances of 11 v 11 Play (see below).
Teaching Within the Numbers System (Continued).
The Numbers system as shown with position structure and brief roles:
1. GK Goalkeeper
o Communicative with back four
o Commands penalty area
o Great footwork and agility
o Ability to distribute proficiently with hands and feet
o Ability to read opposition build
o Always engaged and alert
2. Right Back
! Proficient in 1 v 1 Situations
! Must be Mobile, ability to over/under lap to create numerical
! Can deliver set pieces from the flanks
! Can deliver purposeful aerial balls
! An arsenal of passing to unlock the opposition midfield
! Ability to cross ball to targeted area
! Excels in 1 v 1 defensive situations
! Great timing in the tackle
! Recognizes connection to back four
! Recognizes the time to defend 2 v 1
3. Left Back
! Proficient in 1 v 1 Situations
! Must be Mobile, ability to over/under lap to create numerical
! Can deliver set pieces from the flanks
! Can deliver purposeful aerial balls
! An arsenal of passing to unlock the opposition midfield
! Ability to cross ball to targeted area
! Excels in 1 v 1 defensive situations
! Great timing in the tackle
! Recognizes connection to back four
! Recognizes the time to defend 2 v 1
4. Center Back
! Calm and confident on the ball
! Great arsenal of passing
! Tactically sound, make simplistic decisions on the ball
! Great aerially
! Communicative
! Excels in 1 v 1 situations
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
! Ability to read opposition play as it build
! Ability to disrupt play at correct moments
! Disciplined in the back four
! Tactically sound, make simplistic decisions
Center Back
! Calm and confident on the ball
! Great arsenal of passing
! Tactically sound, make simplistic decisions on the ball
! Great aerially
! Communicative
! Excels in 1 v 1 situations
! Ability to read opposition play as it build
! Ability to disrupt play at correct moments
! Disciplined in the back four
! Tactically sound, make simplistic decisions
Defensive Midfielder
! The starting point of the attack
! Fit, able to cover the entire pitch
! Array of passing skills
! Tactically aware of spacing
! Ability to unlock opposition midfield
! Great timing in the tackle
! Ability to organize players in blocks in front and behind
! Ability to read opposition build up
! Recognition of when to break up attacking play
Right Attacker
! Proficient in 1 v 1 Situations
! Must be Mobile
! Can score from distance
! An arsenal of passing to unlock the opposition back four
! Ability to cross ball to targeted area
! Proficient in 1 v 1 defensive situations
! Ability to adjust to system change
! Recognizes lateral movement in the midfield
! High fitness level to press the opposition in attacking 3rd
! Recognizes the time to defend 2 v 1
Central Midfielder
! The starting point of the attack
! Fit, able to cover the entire pitch
! Array of passing skills
! Tactically aware of spacing
! Ability to unlock opposition back four
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
9. Striker
Great timing in the tackle
Ability to organize players in blocks in front and behind
Ability to read opposition build up
Recognition of when to break up attacking play
Can hold up play to wait for numerical support
Unpredictable in the attack
Fearless in 1 v 1 situations
Ability to delay build up
Recognizes when to press the opposition back four
Recognizes weakness in opposition back four and ‘funnels’ play
that way
10. Attacking Midfielder
! The starting point of the attack
! Fit, able to cover the entire pitch
! Array of passing skills
! Ability to play ‘killer’ pass to unlock opposition back four
! Tactically aware of spacing
! Ability to unlock opposition midfield
! Great timing in the tackle
! Ability to organize players in blocks in front and behind
! Ability to read opposition build up
! Recognition of when to break up attacking play
11. Left Winger
! Proficient in 1 v 1 Situations
! Must be Mobile
! Can score from distance
! An arsenal of passing to unlock the opposition back four
! Ability to cross ball to targeted area
! Proficient in 1 v 1 defensive situations
! Ability to adjust to system change
! Recognizes lateral movement in the midfield
! High fitness level to press the opposition in attacking 3rd
! Recognizes the time to defend 2 v 1
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Off the Field Match Analysis/Use of Technology in Football
How to make use of technology within the game and post game
Pre Match Scouting
Informed understanding of opposition and ability to give information in a clear and
concise manner to the players pre-match. I believe that this can be done in a booklet
style so to keep it from opposition eyes!
In Match Scouting
A structured scouting network that watches and makes assessment of opposition
players, systems and style as well as local players for recruitment purposes.
Comprehensive Set-Piece Routines
This would be the implementation of a comprehensive, distinct, age appropriate setpiece design in fitting with club philosophy.
It would be imperative to design this both inside and outside of the numbers system,
becoming far more team structured from 15 years onwards. The set-pieces should be
simplistic and effective for all the teams, playing at first to the numbers system, whilst
Ethical Recruitment External Players
This would be the practice of keeping a file on the players that cause us damage in the
competitive arena. Also, would be a great use to advertise to the players directly post
match (i.e./. Flyer/Flash drive with all CJSL programs an information on) directly into
oppositions hands. This file would allow us to build additional teams within the club and
progress our existing programs through numbers. Also, this would allow us to strengthen
our existing teams with players that are bought into the CJSL way.
The Definition of Winning
Creating ‘The Win Within’ for all players at every level within the club. Winning is crucial
to development as well as retaining and recruiting of all players at all levels.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Brief Summary
Here are the suggestions for the content and needs of the CJSL staff:
FC Clovis
70 %
70 %
50 %
10 % Tactical
5 % Tactical
20 % Tactical
10 % Physical
5 % Physical
20 % Physical
10 %
20 %
10 %
* - Would change within age brackets as player grows
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Proposed Educational Agenda
May-December Calendar 2015
Camp Staff Education
Crossfire Monthly Education
FC Clovis Monthly Education
State of Affairs Address Pt. I
Syllabus Explanation/Program Agenda
The Future Coach!
The Future Coach!
Observation Report
Lee Cullip +1
Lee Cullip/Xfire DOC
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
Crossfire Monthly Education
FC Clovis Monthly Education
NSCAA Syllabus
Tracking Off Season Development
Technology for the Soccer Player
NSCAA State Staff
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
US Soccer Preparation Course
Preparation for US Soccer E License
Lee Cullip
CJSL Rec. Education
US Soccer E License
Crossfire Monthly Education
FC Clovis Monthly Education
The Coach as a Teacher & Facilitator
NSCAA Syllabus
US Soccer Syllabus
Preparing for Pre Season!
Lee Cullip
NSCAA State Staff
US Soccer Staff
Lee Cullip
Crossfire Monthly Education
Development of CJSL College
Assistance Program
Development of CJSL College
Assistance Program
Useful Tools for the Novice Coach
NSCAA Syllabus
Lee Cullip
The 1-4-3-3 Attacking in Waves
Suitable Systems for Development
Observation/Critical Advancement
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
FC Clovis Monthly Education
CJSL Recreation
NSCAA Non-Res. National Diploma
Crossfire Monthly Education
FC Clovis Monthly Education
Crossfire Monthly Education
FC Clovis Monthly Education
State Of Affairs Address Pt. II
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
Lee Cullip
The educational agenda will increase the foundation of knowledge and resources within
CJSL internally. It should be a consistent ever-evolving program that will become a
cornerstone of the CJSL.
‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’
Benjamin Franklin
I would like to use our coaches as our strength and put them at the forefront of the local
area for education, whilst be able to use them internally as a immediate educational
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Coaches learn in different ways, one is to educate directly while I believe that the
another innovative way of educating coaches is by building a CJSL specific ONLINE
portal as a dedicated resource for our coaches.
The concept would be to have our coaches across the club filmed whilst doing specific
portion of sessions that have a definitive purpose in a state-of-the-art fashion.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The New Media
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
CJSL & Social Media
CJSL should be continuously active on all forms of social media continuously.
Suggested Social Media Sites for CJSL
Google +
The free marketing is endless and the ability to be in the eye of members with
consistent, relevant, internal and external information for little financial investment. The
power of social media is limitless. It reaches the viewer for pertinent information
regarding the CJSL as well as external information regarding soccer on a State,
Regional, National and International basis.
There is a science to what is ‘tweeted’ and ‘facebooked’ and this should not be
overlooked. This is a job in itself that has to be controlled by one entity that gathers
information from all the internal and external sources in order to ‘share’ cross the CJSL
Social Media Network.
The effective use of Social Media networks would be a step towards a state of the art
technological facet of CJSL.
CJSL TV is a concept to have CJSL stand out and ahead of crowd as an organization.
Using a website that can support video will only build the connection between the club
member and the club itself. Video is a far more consumer friendly. The ability to literally
‘click and play’ is simple for all members from 5-100 years of age!
I propose that all traffic run through one website and external websites are those that link
to the following entities only:
Clovis Crossfire
Futbol Club Clovis
CJSL Recreation will be the main program that is attended through on this page.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The ease of navigation, look and feel as well as the video content of the website are the
most important components of the website. The clarity and content are vital to the
success of the user. Functions should include, but not be limited too:
Ability to view individual financial accounts
o Coaches/Employees to see personalized/team accounts
Ability to see club finances
OnLine education portal
Ability to sign up for camp & clinics
Ability to sign up for teams
Ability to see Twitter feed
Ability to sign up for sponsorship
Ability to donate to CJSL
A visible OnLine Calendar for all CJSL programs
Additionally the links to prevalent footballing sites and all sponsorships should be at the
forefront of the website.
The website should be able to run as a mobile site that is easy to navigate and important
Application for Android/iPhone
A better functioning website should also have an mobile application running in tandem
with the CJSL website. It should be mobile ready and be able to hold basic functions
from the website.
SMS Marketing/Information
In the modern era, no one is without a phone and text message is the most common,
non-telephone use method of communication. The average adult between ages 35-64
sends an average of 16.5 texts per day with the younger demographic of teenager’s
rounds to about 109.4 per day (source Aaron Smith
The ability to directly communicate regarding programs, teams events, fundraising, club
functions, promotions and club news so directly and with ease is key to the success of
being a state of the art club on the technological side.
It is the ability to communicate with our membership base that will set us apart from
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
CJSL Camps
(The Concepts)
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended
to with diligence”
Abigail Adams
CJSL Center of Excellence
The Crown Jewel of Excellence at CJSL
CJSL Center of Excellence would offer advanced training to elite male and female
players specific for the 8-12 year age group and provide high-level supplementary
training and education. The CJSL would operate a seasonal and weekly training
sessions at select locations around Clovis, CA.
Futsal Center of Excellence
The Futsal Center of Excellence training program would be a program that operate as
indoor 90 minute, weekly training session, utilizing official Futsal balls that are minimal
bounce balls to promote ball mastery and speed of play.
Access to this program is by tryout only.
Recreation Camps
Recreation Camps would run primarily throughout the CISD Holiday schedule
throughout 2015-2018.
Introduction of Rec. +
Rec. + would be the introduction of professional staff working one of two segments of
Players that wish to continue supplemental training through professional coaching with in
the Rec. + program.
The first would be to give the recreational coaches the opportunity to hire a
professional coach to coach the sessions in conjunction with the CJSL volunteer
The second would be specific supplemental training sessions, in addition to the
player’s team sessions that would be aimed at the development of the
‘enthusiastic’ player.
College ID Camp
CJSL should host College ID Camps for internal players and external 2-3 weekends per
Local, Regional and National College coaches would be invited for the camp where they
would coach, speak and educate the players on the NCAA and NAIA.
Pre-Season Camp
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Each team prior to the season would be offered a one-week camp tailored to the team
within the CJSL philosophy of that particular program.
Residential Camp
To be considered for 2016 Winter and Summer Seasons.
Specific Skill Camps
Supplemental training sessions specific to techniques required for mastering the game.
College Camps (external)
All Local, Regional, National and international Opportunities will be given to all
Formation Aged players within CJSL.
In particular I would want to be able to connect and have long standing relationships with
the local colleges in the Clovis/Fresno area.
Referee Camp
Proposed 2016 venture to bring in NWSL/MLS/NCAA referees to help educate our own
referees as part of CJSL Educates!
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
The Goalkeeper
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
There was a time – not so long ago, in fact – when the role of the goalkeeper was
considered to be less important than that of the other players in the team.
In the modern game this situation has changed considerably and fortunately. In the
modern game, all players are considered to be on an equal footing, irrespective of the
position they occupy.
Despite this, however, there are many specialists who feel that the goalkeeper has a
special place in the team, since they are possibly the only one whose performance can
determine whether their team wins or loses a match.
Even though a goalkeeper must, wherever possible, be given individual training at the
hands of a specialist coach, they also have to take part in training sessions with the
whole team, thereby allowing them to be confronted with real match situations.
One of the most crucial elements to be worked in the training and development of
young players is the role of the goalkeeper in launching an attack.
It happens all too often during goalkeeping training sessions that the coach
simply does not throw or kick enough balls at the goalkeeper.
It is imperative that training replicates real match conditions. The goalkeeper
must be forced to deal with the same tempos of play and the same difficulties, as
they would be in a real match.
The coach must ensure that the goalkeeper can learn how to kick and throw the
ball out properly during training sessions (as they would have to during a match),
by confronting him with real match situations.
Goalkeepers must learn how to deal with back passes played to them from
different angles and anywhere in their penalty area.
The CJSL should acquire the services of specialty coach for goalkeeping that is able to
oversee the specific development of a specific system within for the goalkeeper in the
CJSL development system.
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Sponsorship should be the lifeblood of the CJSL Programs. Our CJSL representatives
should work with local businesses as well as regionally and nationally recognized names
to secure funs to ensure the funds to be able to purchase any new staff, equipment,
uniforms, fields as well as to pay the on-going expenses of the programs that CJSL
The companies that sponsor will do so through a variety of offers that will be based on
an online presence as well as brick and mortar and of course, shirt sponsorship.
Why would a company sponsor CJSL?
Sponsorship of all marketing communication tools has the greatest potential to
allow a company to form a relationship with their customers via a personal
Brand awareness not just in the Clovis community, but in the Northern California
area as well as national events CJSL teams attend.
Sponsors of a youth soccer league, or a part of it, have the potential to gain both
reach and frequency within a very targeted market. This is an integral part of the
marketing message staying with the community.
Sponsorship of a 501c3 company can be considered as a tax write off.
(Rough Draft) Sponsorship Packages
CJSL Platinum
o Cost $50k per year
o 3 year term
o All encompassing, Shirt, website, constant contact, physical signage etc..
o Cost $25k per year
o 3 year term
o All encompassing, Back of Shirt, website, constant contact, physical
signage etc..
CJSL Silver
o Cost $15k per year
o 3 year term
o All encompassing, Shirt, website, constant contact, physical signage etc..
CJSL Bronze
o Cost 10k per year
o 3 year term
o All encompassing, Shorts, website, constant contact, physical signage
CJSL Team Sponsorship
o Cost $5k per year
o 2 year term
o Lower back of shirt, website, constant contact, physical signage etc..
CJSL Business Card Sponsorship
o Cost $500 per year
o 1 year term
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
CJSL Individual Player Sponsorship
o Cost
! Shirt $100
! Shorts $50
! $25
o 2 year term
o Honorable mention on website
o CJSL ‘Recognized’ Donor on website
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
References for Lee Cullip
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to recommend Lee Cullip as Technical Director of CJSL. I have known Lee
both personally and professionally for the past two years. As a colleague, I have
witnessed his organizational and time management skills in addition to his leadership
skills, which are vital components to be a successful Technical Director.
Lee has held high profile positions that have required him to take on a large amount of
accountability. Yet, he has demonstrated the ability to manage many responsibilities
efficiently whilst maintaining high standards and expectations. The true value of his work
revolves around the fact he takes his time to observe players and coaches in action as they
go about their tasks. He has the ability to empower people around him, building a very
good working relationship with each of them. His feedback is specific to each individual
and is always simple to implement.
I can honestly say that I have never met someone so dedicated and passionate about their
work. I would strongly recommend Lee to any club that is looking to implement a
professional structure and organization that empowers a developmental philosophy. Lee
will provide a positive impact on the club and bring tremendous value with his expertise
and experience.
On a personal note, it will be sad to see Lee leave Houston, however, someone of his
ability deserves to be working at the highest level.
If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Darren Back
Soccer Programs Manager
U16 Academy Coach
Houston Dynamo
Tel: 828-315-1211
[email protected]
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
January 12, 2015
Dear Ms. Saucedo:
It gives me great pleasure to write on behalf of Lee Cullip in regards to the Technical Director
position with CJSL. I have personally known and worked with Lee for the past 11 years.
Throughout the time that I have worked with him, Lee has proven to have a significant and
impactful role in the success of each of the soccer programs/organizations he has been a part of.
Lee embodies a strong commitment and passion for anything he gets involved in, which is
contagious and results not only in his own personal successes but matriculates down and out to all
that have the privilege to come in contact with him. He is certainly a team player who possesses a
strong sense of honesty, integrity, and loyalty to his colleagues, the organization with which he is
involved, and the community.
Lee possesses an elite knowledge of the game and this tactical understanding has afforded him
the opportunity to have worked in some of the top organizations in the country. I definitively
believe his commitment to excellence and positive character sets him apart from the masses.
Lee is extremely well organized, efficient, and dedicated to whatever task is at hand. He prides
himself on knowing that he completes every responsibility to the highest standard from both an
extrinsic and intrinsic aspect. His communication skills, both written and verbal are excellent. Lee
has obtained through various roles, responsibilities and community service environments an
outstanding rapport with people of all ages and backgrounds and has an innate ability to create an
environment that makes everyone and anyone feel welcome and thrive. He is truly a one of a kind
person with an infectious demeanor.
In summary, I highly recommend Lee Cullip for the Technical Director position with CJSL. His
personality, experience and knowledge permit him to be a very influential person. An individual
with these respectable characteristics is a phenomenal asset to any organization or program. The
possibilities of the positive influence he would have on the players and fellow staff personnel are
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions or concerns. I would be more than happy
to discuss this in greater detail.
Ileana Moschos
Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach University of Pittsburgh
[email protected]
(970) 222-3041
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Kika Toulouse
4721 Old Dominion Dr
Arlington, VA
[email protected]
December 29, 2014
Carmen Saucedo
Clovis Junior Soccer League
50 W Bullard Ave
Clovis, CA 93612
Dear Ms. Saucedo,
My name is Kika (Gabriella) Toulouse. I am a professional soccer player who had the
privilege of playing under Lee Cullip when he was an assistant coach for the Houston
Dash, a professional women’s soccer team in the NWSL (National Women’s Soccer
League). I am writing to recommend Mr. Cullip for the position of Director of Coaching
for CJSL.
During our season last year, one characteristic that I quickly recognized in Lee was his
absolute passion for soccer. He is a true student of the game and effectively applies his
knowledge to both training and matches. One of his duties as assistant coach of the Dash
was to run our team warm-up at the beginning of training every day. Not only did Lee
mentally and physically prepare us for practice, he also constantly sought our feedback
on how we could improve our preparation for training. Lee could have easily been
content putting us through the same motions day in and day out, but he recognized the
importance of what is a frequently underemphasized aspect of training and aimed to
execute it to the best of his ability. In my 20-year soccer career I’ve found that coaches
like this are few and far between.
This is just one example of the many valuable assets I believe Lee would bring to your
league. I’m confident that Lee possesses the knowledge, experience, energy and passion
necessary to excel at the Director of Coaching position for CJSL. If you would like to
discuss my experience with Lee further, please do not hesitate to contact me through the
email address provided.
Kika Toulouse
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Re: Lee Cullip
To Whom It May Concern,
I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing Lee for at least ten years. Over
the years I have enjoyed observing him in many coaching roles working his
magic with many age levels from U8 ‘s to the women’s university level to
professional players.
His professional organization, work ethic and people skills are admirable.
Having worked alongside Lee with coach’s education, I appreciate his gift
for managing people and he long range vision. When working with coaches,
he sees them not where they are but where they can be.
I have high regard for Lee’s character. He has the integrity you would expect
from a coach and club leader of his caliber. Lee walks the walk. His example
inspires those around him. His impact has made me a better coach as well as
a better person.
Gary J. Pritchard, C.M.C
201 481 7219
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
January 9, 2015
RE: Reference for Lee Cullip
To Whom It May Concern,
It is my pleasure to submit this letter of recommendation on behalf of Lee Cullip, who has applied to serve
as Clovis Junior Soccer League’s Director of Coaching for the 2015-2018 seasons. I consider Lee an
outstanding candidate and an excellent match for CJSL based on my own knowledge of and experience
with CJSL’s desired level of excellence and professionalism. (I previously played soccer in the Clovis area
for Odyssey, Alta Sierra Middle School, Buchanan High School, and the East Fresno United Fusion, before
moving on to the Mexican National Soccer Team, Pepperdine University’s soccer team, and various semipro and pro soccer opportunities. Over my many years in Clovis, I have known handfuls of coaches, office
staff and players from CJSL and it is from this broad perspective that I feel competent to speak about Lee’s
compatibility with all that CJSL stands for and aspires to accomplish.)
I have known Lee Cullip for nearly a year, having met him when I was in residence for approximately two
months as a walk-on at the NWSL’s Houston Dash 2014 pre-season camp in Houston, Texas. Lee was the
Assistant Coach during that inaugural season of the Dash, and he worked alongside the then recently-hired
head coach Randy Waldrum, who is very highly-regarded at the college and professional levels.
Lee and I hit it off from our first meeting in Houston. I found Lee to be very personable, professional,
competent and welcoming. While the Dash’s head coach was more difficult to talk to and less
approachable, Lee was always there to answer questions posed by any of the players. He was always
willing to revisit confusing soccer topics and he was obviously extremely well educated in the ways of
soccer. I appreciate that Lee looks at situations on the pitch in unique ways. He has a fresh perspective on
the game that’s undoubtedly a product of his prior wide experiences coaching at all levels, both in the U.S.
and abroad. In Houston, Lee brought an intoxicating amount of passion and extensive knowledge for the
game -- both of which are priceless qualities in a coach or a Director of Coaching. Whether leading the
team through warm-ups or directing players from the sideline during practice/games, Lee’s demeanor and
direction commanded respect; his advice was sound and constantly sought after by the players and his
coach colleagues.
Though Lee possesses several key qualities that, in my opinion, make him the perfect candidate for the
Director of Coaching position, there is one quality that particularly stands out: Lee cares deeply about
football and about the footballer. I experienced firsthand the quality and care Lee puts into developing his
players and connecting with them. When I was with the Dash during pre-season camp, Lee would go out
of his way to personalize directions and individualize advice to improve my performance. Even after I was
one of the last players cut from the Dash’s preseason roster, Lee continued to stay in communication with
me and ensured that soccer-wise, I was staying on track and not abandoning my dream of a long, successful
professional soccer career. Frankly, it is very rare to find a coach who is willing to put in so much effort
for his individual players – past and present – while always working to improve the team and organization.
Lee is the perfect choice for CJSL Director of Coaching because he genuinely hopes to grow soccer not
only in the Central Valley, but throughout America. As a player who was raised playing in the Clovis area,
I cannot begin to explain how privileged and lucky CJSL would be to have such a qualified, invested, and
knowledgeable individual like Lee Cullip at the helm.
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at my cell
number [(650)793-0427] or through email at [email protected]
Thank you for your anticipated careful consideration of Lee Cullip’s application.
Yours in soccer,
Anisa Guajardo
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Loan Originator
SoFi Lending, One Letterman Drive, Bldg. A, Suite 4700
San Francisco, CA 94120
T 360-813-2866
January 10, 2015
Re: Leigh Cullip, Applicant
To Whom It May Concern:
It gives me great pleasure to write on behalf of Leigh Cullip. I first met Leigh four years ago
when he voluntarily intervened in our soccer training sessions at Olympic College in Bremerton,
Washington. As a young 20-year old French soccer player then, I quickly realized I was fortunate
enough to have the honor and privilege to be around such mentor.
I have played soccer on every continent. From evolving within the French national youth league
to becoming a Pacific-12 student athlete at Oregon State University, I have had the opportunity to
travel the world, to be coached by highly qualified professionals throughout my career since age
six. It is no exaggeration to say that Leigh is one of the most talented coaches I learnt from. His
dedication and professionalism have inspired me as a player and a human being. Indeed, his
passion for the game has no boundary and is felt on and off the field. Leigh has greatly
contributed to my development and it is under his guidance and advice that I had the opportunity
to join the Oregon State men’s soccer squad in 2011. Additionally, he has been a remarkable
coach with both female and male players, which shows his versatility and ability to adjust his
coaching methods. I was also particularly impressed by Leigh’s emotional intelligence and
international awareness, which he may have been able to exploit throughout his rich professional
To reiterate, Leigh Cullip’s skill set includes solid qualification in coaching, varied practical
experience in leadership roles, vital experience living in several countries. He is someone who
can operate cross-culturally and cross-functionally. His record, both as a coach and a mentor,
clearly demonstrates his leadership ability.
And finally, on a personal note, let me add that for all his many achievements and his
cosmopolitan background, there is not an iota of pretension about Leigh. Temperamentally, he
combines personal ambition with a genuine solicitousness and respect for others. To my mind this
is a rare combination that should make Leigh an ideal colleague and an asset to any organization.
I strongly encourage you to give his application your fullest consideration.
Hugo A. Mekaoui
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
To Whom It May Concern,
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Lee Cullip. I worked with
Lee for a number of years as a staff instructor on the National Soccer Coaches
Association of America non-residential coaching program. During this time Leigh
always demonstrated a real passion for his work and has inspired and acted as a
role model for all those fortunate enough to work alongside him.
As a coach, Lee is a natural leader. He has demonstrated all the qualities of an
effective teacher, while possessing a natural enthusiasm and love for the game.
Given his talent and desire for self-improvement, I am confident that Lee will be
successful in any endeavor he pursues. For these reasons I would have no
hesitation in recommending him for your organization.
Simon Nee
Former NSCAA State Technical Coordinator NJ & NYC
New York Red Bulls Academy Coach
Cell Number – (201) 674-9871
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Neil Hull
Players Academy Soccer Skills
21011 Cactus Loop
San Antonio
Texas 78258
Sir / Madam
9 Jan 2015
Lee Cullip – Character reference.
I have been requested as a colleague and associate of Mr. Cullip, in my capacity as a
Nationally recognized coach and Texas State Director for the National Soccer Coaches
Association of America, to write a reference for Coach Cullip. This I do with pleasure.
I have known Lee for over 6 years and he continually expresses a thirst for knowledge
within the world of soccer. He is always looking for outlets to further his knowledge
attending courses and clinics throughout the USA and Europe.
Lee, as an associate staff member of the NSCAA, has taught and educated coaches
throughout Texas: Always providing a polished professional experience for all
Coach Cullip’s coaching experience has taken him across the spectrum of youth, club,
college and the professional game. He has the ability to express himself to, and at, all
levels of play and understanding
I would not hesitate in employing Lee in my Academy if he were in my regional area and
know he would be an asset to the development of any soccer club or program.
Please do not hesitate in contacting me at the above address for any further information
Neil Hull
Director of Coaching
Player’s Academy of Soccer Skills
[email protected]
210 286 3070
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Letter of recommendation for Lee Cullip
To whom this may concern:
I have known Lee for over 10 yrs, both as a friend, colleague and employee. Lee is
incredibly hard working and conscientious. He puts in the hours that are needed to get the
job done.
Lee has a passion for soccer that is a lifelong love. Lee has played professionally in
England and has coached at a professional level here in the US. Lee has a desire to make
youth soccer better in America and has all the tools to take into a youth organization and
move that organization in the right direction.
I was proud to have Lee on my staff a couple of years ago and he was a huge benefit to
the organization that we worked for.
If you have any questions please contact me:
Lee Christie
[email protected]
Lee Christie
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Dianne Silver
[email protected]
My GU16 goalkeeper daughter was fortunate enough to have trained with Coach Lee
Cullip for over a year with the Mission Viejo Pateadores Soccer Club. As a soccer player
for over ten years, she has had many coaches, but few have had the positive impact on
her that Coach Lee did, both in her growth as a soccer player and as a person.
Before training sessions, Coach Lee communicated effectively with the parents and
players, emailing PowerPoint’s with an agenda, detailing expectations for upcoming
sessions and reviewing past sessions. He also provided links to YouTube videos, to
further expand goalkeeper’s knowledge in certain play situations. His technical
knowledge is exceptional, and he was able to share that knowledge at an age-appropriate
level with the goalkeepers he trained.
Coach Lee took a personal interest in the players he coached, and was always available to
offer support and answer questions, both from parents and players.
I know that Coach Lee would be a great asset to CJSL, and give him my highest
recommendation as Technical Director.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
Dianne Silver
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Dear CJSL Board of Directors,
When Lee Cullip asked that I write him a letter of recommendation I was honored by the
request. I was fortunate to have meet Mr. Cullip at a National Soccer Coaches Association of
America coaching course in Seattle, Washington. I was impressed by his readily available
knowledge of the game and his ability to explain this information in a concise and professional
manner all involved in the course. I am currently coaching men’s soccer at Southern New
Hampshire University. I find myself using many of the ideas and methods Mr. Cullip has shared
with me through our professional relationship.
As a native of Southern California, I am fully aware of the unique challenges presented to
a soccer organization in the state. Through first-hand experience and conversations, I believe Mr.
Cullip would be an incredible asset to your organization and the youth of the Central Valley. I
have worked and studied under his direction and having read his current proposal record there is
no question he would excel as the Technical Director of Clovis Junior Soccer League. His
commitment to detail and unique ideas would be an incredible asset to your organization. Mr.
Cullip’s drive and his lifelong commitment to educate and grow players and coaches throughout
the United States presents CJSL a prime opportunity to employ on of the brightest upcoming
talents in America.
Feel free to contact me on the behalf of Lee Cullip.
Simeon Steward
Assistant Men’s Soccer coach
Southern New Hampshire University
2013 Division II National Champions
(909) 831-2102
[email protected]
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Kevin and Tami Hanes
4003 Briar Lane
Magnolia, TX 77354
To whom it may concern;
This letter serves to vouch for the personal character of Leigh Cullip. We have known
him for over 10 years since he was assigned as the trainer for our daughter’s soccer team
at Extreme Soccer Club in The Woodlands, Texas.
We have always known Leigh to be of good character. He is generous, kind, and is a hard
worker. His enthusiasm for the game of soccer and the development of youth in the sport
is contagious. That enthusiasm and his knowledge of the game are extremely evident in
the successes of his teams and the advancement of the individual player’s skill set.
Our daughter has long since left the sport but the acquaintance we had with Leigh during
his time with her has blossomed into a friendship with our entire family.
In our experience, Leigh has proven himself to be an honest, hard-working young man
who take pride in his work and is very personable. We would highly recommend Leigh
for any position in your company.
Kevin and Tami Hanes
Clovis Junior Soccer League
by Lee Cullip
Model Sessions
Coaching Education
Formation/1 Team