

p i
I 2 o o *
i C i t e
9A|OAe I revolve
C i t e
6 0
Sarah Bahnskas, Fine Framing Display
Alternatives 4c Art Services
Baylor Vision/Baylor Collge of Medicine
IHIIIV'S Restaurant
Bernharilt Design
Barbara Kiel
Walt Bisthnc
BlackHorse (.oil ( lub
|ohamia Doylcs
I In brass Maiden
Brazos Bookstore
The 17th annual Rice Design Alliance Gala - RevolvelEvolve; As the City
Turns - celebrated the continuing transformation of downtown Houston.
The party was held November 8, 2003, in one of the city's newest skyscrapers, 1500 Louisiana, designed for Enron by Cesar Pelli Et Associates. Gala
chairs Jane and Ken Rage greeted guests as they arrived via escalators to the
sky bridge level that connects the first Enron building to the new 40-stofy
tower. Underwriters were seated in the circular sky ring over Smith Street
and enjoyed a delicious dinner provided by Jackson and Company.
The evening included a fabulous silent auction, chaired by Judith McClain,
that raised a record $62,500. Houston artists donated pieces that raised
more than $24,000 in the auction. Julie Kinzelman curated the works.
The ROA Award for Design Excellence, a Steuben Glass bowl donated by
Neiman Marcus, was awarded to Central Houston Inc., which has been the
steward of Houston's vision for the redevelopment and revitalization of
downtown since 1983. Central Houston's president, Bob Eury, and its chairman, Richard Everett, accepted the award.
Environment co-chairs Lauren Rottet and Erick Ragni worked with the
fd2s graphic design team to create a sophisticated ambience. A warm orange
glow filled the sky ring, and party guests in the Revolve Lounge danced
under blue and silver lights to the music of El Orbits.
Intell Management and Investment Company's Henry Terech Jr. was
beaming to see so many people - more than 900 - in the building his
company then owned, a building that was designed for entertaining large
groups. Underwriting chairs Kimberly and Tim Debner were also all smiles as
their committee raised $355,000 for RDA programs and Cite.
Robert Shaw Architectural Woodwork
Srudlry, Inc.
II'Industrie s
Tcllepxcil Builders
Trammcll Crow Company
Trione Si GardonfCBRE
l u n i i T ( oust ruction
Wylie & Associates, Inc.
Baker Concrete Construction
Bos I Ighling Design
Brookslouc, I..P.
The Office of [.lines Hurncii
CHPfie Assodata
Carter Sc Burgess, Inc.
Century Development
Coordinated M o v i n g Systems, Inc.
1 A. Elkins Jr. Family
Cirovcr Printing
1). 1 Harvey Builders
1 l a w o r th F M G
Haynes and Boone, LLP
l.ynn cc. Bill I lerbcrt/Leslic ik' Shannon Sasser
Houston A G C
Jimcuc; Contract Services, Inc.
Kinzelman Art Consulting
Kudela 8; Weuiheimcr
The Lent? G r o u p Inc.
M M . Art Management
M i l a m & ( *t. Painting, Inc.
Walter P. Moore
O'Doiuu'll/Siuder Construction, Inc.
Pepper l.iwson Coustriiciion
Perkins iSi W i l l
Vaughn Construction
Vuiso,, & Elkins LLP
John L. Worlham «< Sou. I l l '
Cokinos. ISosien * : Voung
p a n Hank
DeloEme St louche LLP
I F D U N N Construction Houston
Fugro South
lleusel Phelps t oiistructinn Co.
H O A R ( [instruction. LLC
lackson Walker, I LP
M11I West Electric
Mr. and M r s . Louis I I Sknliiiim |i
(101 I..1I.1 Underwriters
Crescent Real Estate Equities, L t d .
[ n u l l M.111.IH111Urit .111J Investment
Jackson .m J Company
A Si F. - Tlie Graphics Complex
Baker Bom I I I'
1 Bob and Gayle Euty and ludith McClain
2 lorn and Laura Bellows
3 Tim and Kimberly Debner
i Richard and Jenny Everell
J Jo and Inn Fuir
G Larry and loyce Lander
I Ken and lane Page wilh Jackson Hicks
S Patrick Peters and tluabeth Gregory
9 Craig Minor and Suiy Robertson
10 Norma and David George
I I Erich Ragm and Lauren Rottet
12. Sarah Bahnskas and Jelt DeBeuec
13 Carrie Rushing and Dennis Carpenler
14 Susan and Bob Boykin
15 11,1'LIM A11H111
16 Yummy dessert buffet by lackson A Company
17 Rice sludenl volunteers
IB. Rice and UH student volunteers
19 Francesca and FiloCastorte
20 Sylvia and Randall Walker
21 Lynn Herbert
W, S, Bellow-, Construction Corp.
Hinswangcr/Ciiuiuc & R I J U I I M H I
Brochstetns lac.
t.eiiteil'ntni Energy! Inc.
Centex Construction t o.
Creative Flooring Resources
D M J M Rottet
Debner + ( ompany
td2s me.
I k P Architects
Fret/ Construction
Gil banc
M.irlt Andradc & Alfred <. Classcll III
Haynes Wli.iley Associates Lnc*
1i< iiriiiiiii, O b a n • Knssabaum
fackaon cc Ryan Architects
Kendall/1 teaton Associates
Stewart Tide
Inhhle c\ Sti pheiis I .instructors, 1 i.l
W.ukiiis f I Ross
Claudia J. Zicglcr
Ticket Underwriters
Willia m M . t b a n
I In- DonglaslGroup
Betsy Sccauch ck Lonnie I loogeboorn
Keattng Killing Architects
(.h.irles 11- M.iynard, Jr.
Mr. .uicl Mrs. S.I. M o r n s
Patrick Peters
William C. Ross, C M
H i l l Swift Architects
Linda and Dick Sylvan
Joe Douglas Webb
Anchorage Fouiidarioii of Texas
Nonya and Jonathan Grenades
Amelia Leigh
loan Millet
lollll I I MoO/
Office Pavilion
Anita Smith
Mrs. Hay Watkin I I . Strange
I' iiiiiiiii: Design Research Corporation
Auelion Donors
A 8c F - The Graphics t .implex
Abrahams Oriental Kugs and Home Furnishings
Alexander's Fine Portrait Design
Alley Theatre I n s i i i u t e o l Architects Hoiisiou
Robbie Austin
Quality Woodwork Interiors
I inns.1 Snide Sarofird
BSL <iolt (Corporation
Nicholas Bakayta
Brent Baker
The Marek Companies
Matrix Structural Engineers, Inc.
McCoy Workplace Solutions
Miner Dcdcrick Constructors, Inc.
M o r r i s Architects
t. A. V i m . i n + Associates, Inc.
Tile O i l s
lean-Louis and Anne Itrcun
Carolyn Brewer
Michael V.. Brichtord
BrOLhsli'ius [nc
Carolyn Brougher
David Brown
1 aim M i x M r s d r i l l
I j l e Toulouse
Carter & Burgess. Inc.
C.isa Caldrroni
( i i i l r . i l Market
I In Children's Museum of Houston
Complete Pictures, Inc.
The Container Store
Contemporary Arts Museum Airlines
Becky Crane
Creative Flooring Resources
CreSCeM Real Estate Equities, Ltd.
( umnngham Art Services, Ini
Da CajneM ol Houston
The Daily Review Cafe
Davcy Large Tree M o v i n g
Davey T r r r
Barbara Davis Galleries
Jeff DcBcvcc
Debner t t>
|ell Dell
Design Link
DF Designs
Digital Photography Innovations
DiverseWorks Art Space
1 Commercial
Environmental Design
Epic Furniture G r o u p
Ergonnmic Concepts
I's Mexican Grille
Ibsen Fspatla
Eye Works at M i d t o w n
FXP Architect!
Patricia Fairfield
Paul Fleming
Four Seasons Hotel
I m m u n e Marketing C r o u p Inc.
G P M , Inc.
I he ( I I . I S M I I School " i A n
M a r i o 1. ( i o n / a l e /
Gremilliou & Co. Fine A r t , Inc.
Virgil ( i r o t f e l d l
Phyllis H a n d Photography
Harriet Hart lesas
Ken Hatfield
H.nvortli, Inc.
Hester > Hardaway Photographers
High Gloss
Sally Hint? 1 lubcr
Hotel Burnliiini
Hotel Derek
I Intel Icon
Hotel Lniipi.i
The Hotel Munich-one
Hotel Paisano
I ]• lusron Ballet
1 Illusion Center lor Contemporary Craft
Houston Grand Opera David Cock Icy,
Cerierat Director
Houston (irand Opera Association
Houston Museum of Natural Science
1 lousion Tcx.tns
1 lugo's
1 lu man scale Corporation
Kerry F. Iiiman
Jriiii.ui Cillerc
Interface Flooring Systems, Inc.
Fhe Invironmcma lists
|i:u Associates
Gertrgtj O, Jackson
[aya Furniture & Accessories
limene/ i ontraci Services
Mick Johnson Contract
k.irr 1 iiiiousiue Service
k.iw M.irvms Photography
Kimball Office
kuizelmaii Art Consulting
k n o l l Studio
k n s p y Krellle DoiigbnUls
( M i r k r u l l Gallery, Santa M o n u . i . I A
k s M Associates
Ilie 1 ancaster Hotel Houston
|ovce Lauder
Willia m 11. I ariig.iu, AIA
I .uiiiei ( ate B( Wine
Lighting Unlimited
Victoria and Marshal 1 ightinan
Eigne Rose!
M C G Inc.
M D I Resources
M 1 A H films
Mackcy Gallery
Ales S. MacLean iV Complete Pictures,
The Magnolia Hotel
M a m Street Impruv, Inc.
M a i n Street Theater
Greg Manteris
M.lru|uit.l Mastcrsun
M c D o n a l d Observatory
McClain Gallery
M c C o y Workplace Solunons
Bryn McKenna Jewelry
M c K l n n o i i Associates
M c M u r t r e y Gallery
The M c n i l Collection
Miele, Inc.
Steven and Sheila M i l l er
M i l h k e n & Company
Miss Saigon i .ile
Moody Gallery
MorningfieLd Framing
Onc/icmc M i ill I oil
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Office Furniture Works
Office Pavilion
OFIS Communications
Ouisie's Table
Peckerwood Garden Conservation
Cesar Pelli, FA1A
Pilates (.onceprs ol Houston
Puissant O'Neal Gallery
La Piierlectla Bou1ii|ue Hotel
The Raven G r i l l
James and Flise Reckling
Dick Reeves
Hue Campus Store
R i n I >esign Alliance
Rice University Athletic Department
K m I mviTsirv School ot Continuing
Don and K i m Richards
Rickshaw Far East Bistro and Bambu
River O a k * Bookstore
Gallery Son|.i Kocsch
Rother"s Bookstore
Khoinl.i Rougeau
Robert Russell
Rvno Glass
Karen Sachar
Saint Arnold Brewing Company
Sam Houston Hotel
S.uulesiin G u l l .mil Reach Resort
|oi s u n . . I .Ml..
SelcnaMade Designs
Julius Shulm.m
Sicardi Gallery
Six Flags Astroworld and Water\V.,iId
Mr. and M r s. Louis I I Skidmore, |r.
Anita and Gerald Smith
Society lor the Performing A n s
Al Sou/a
The Stables Restaurants, Inc.
Si.11 I'i//a LLP
Sleeliase Inc.
Si owe Design Resource
Irish Strangmeyer Photography
strip I louse
Suusel Sellings
Mr, and Mrs. Iaghdisi
Fen Thousand Villages ( ,,i||en
"Ihiimpsou t Garden and Home
Fl Tieinpo Cantma
Anya Tish Gallery
Gabriel Iran Photography
l ' l I Athletic I'ep.iiiment
I ' l l Continaing I d
Corporate Training
Tony and Donna Vallonc
S.llltosll Varilghese
I be Warwick
Watkins ( UIVIT i eiiiluei
M B Wellington Studio, Inc.
Wesiin l ..illeri.i and Westm Oaks Hotels
The Westm La t antera Resort
Weston I .ikes ( o i i n t n ( lub
loan Wich iS: Co. Gallery
Casey Williams
The Women's Institute ol Houston
Rand) Wooduin

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Cover and Table of Contents Mary Swift Marketing Coordinator Sara O. Tovar Accounting Assistant Cathy Bauer Office Assistant Raquel Puccio

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