Waste Treatment Centre
Waste Treatment Centre
References Book of HERA Group • WASTE TREATMENT CENTRES: • • • • • • Waste Treatment Center : ECOPARCK of Coll Cardús Treatment Facility : Anaerobic Digestion and Compost Tri-Mechanical Biological Sorting Composting Plants: Conporec process Waste Treatment Centres, Selective Sorting CDW, End-of-life tires Waste Treatment Centres in South America Biodiester Integra (BD-i) WTC - Waste Treatment Centre Ecoparck of Vallès Occidental Vacarisses (Barcelona) Spain The WTC (CTR Vallès Occidental) is a BMT sorting facility intended for the recovery of materials and reduction of the amount and volume of landfilled stabilised refusal, to comply with the European Legislation Treatment Capacity : Rest waste 245.000T/y - OFMSW 20.000T/y ECOPARK of COLL CARDUS - Regional Waste Treatment Centre DESCRIPTION LOCATION Coll Cardus ECOPARK Vacarisses- Barcelone -Spain INVESTMENT 90M€ CLIENT Regional Consortium of Vallés Occidental for Waste Management PRODUCTION Compost VALORISATION Paper- metals, plastics. PROJECT Construction and Operation of the BMT Plant OPERATION 15 years NOMINAL CAPACITY 245,000 T/year: municipal and household wastes STARTUP 2010 Installation for the treatment of selective organic fractions ORM and OFMSW : OFMSW,=(Organic Fraction from Municipal Solid Waste). Processing Centre of over 45,000 m² which allows optimal recovery of waste materials and adapted energy recovery, followed by a production of compost. The ECOPARCK is built in a privileged environment which must be preserved. • Three phases of treatment for the selective fractions ORM and OFMSW : Pretreatment First phase of the threes lines of treatment where the large fraction is shredded, separated and valorised. The smaller fraction continues the next selecting process. Stabilization: Anaerobic Digestion and energy production The ORM - OFMSW fractions pre-treated are placed on the stabilization unit and subject to the aerobic decomposition phase which activates and accelerates the process of fermentation for 2-3 weeks. The biogas obtained is sent to the cogeneration engines to produce electricity. Refining The digestate is stabilized through a process of refining and separation of refuses for the production of quality compost. Stabilization of refuse Rejects are treated and stabilized by the appropriate systems and these are later pressed and baled to be landfilled. Treatment of the organic fractions www.heraholding.com [email protected] WTC – Vallés HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Integrated into the environment HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Anaerobic Digestion and Compost Facility - Granollers DESCRIPTION LOCATION Granollers, (Catalonia) Spain INVESTMENT 24,8M€ CLIENT Regional Centre Vallés Oriental STARTUP 2009 PROJECT Conception & Construction PRODUCTION Electricity: 20,13MWh/y. CAPACITY 45,000 Tons PRODUCTION Compost : 9,150 t/y. • Territorial Plan Project of infrastructures for the management of municipal waste in Catalonia, for the period 2005-2012. • Three phases for the treatment of selective organic waste : Pre-treatment: Preparation and refining of the organic matter for the next phases of treatment. Equipment used: Mechanical Shredding machine, Open bags, magnetic separator (ferrous metals ) and Foucault current (non-ferrous). Anaerobic Digestion: The process has two mixer-digesters with a total capacity of 6.400m³, thus producing a total of 3,64Mm3/of biogas. Biogas is recovered by a cogeneration engine and the digestate is intended for composting. Composting: The separated composting building has 12 tunnels for the maturation of the digestate, systems of irrigation and forced ventilation to obtain a quality compost. Residence time: 12 days. The stabilized product goes through the processes of refining and removal of impurities The plant also has a water purification system and a processing system of the gaseous emissions with the use of chemical cleaners and biofilter. Mechanical Pre-treatment www.heraholding.com [email protected] Anaerobic Digestion HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Composting Tunnels HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Sorting-Composting facility in the Region of Tournan-en-Brie France (Conporec SAS France) INVESTMENT 29M€ LOCATION Ozoir-la-Ferrière – FRANCE DESCRIPTION CONTINUOUS BIOREACTOR Patented Technology CLIENT The SIETOM of the Region of Tournan-en-Brie STARTUP 2013 PROJECT of Conporec Europe Turn-Key Population Served 150,000 habitants CAPACITY 65,000 T/year municipal and household waste PRODUCTION Compost 15,000t/year Turn-Key Project carried out by Conporec for the « Modernization of the Composting Unit « of The SIETOM, Syndicat Mixte for the Removal and Treatment of the selective domestic wastes in the region of Tournan-en-Brie, France, who has the authority to collect and treat the waste from its 41 member municipalities. Extension of the site : 20.600m². • The Conporec Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) of the SortingComposting facility is installed inside a processing building of 7.800 m², and the treatment process comprises the following steps: Waste Pre-treatment: Primary reception area, screening, classification of metals, plastic, glass and separation of organic and inorganic material for the subsequent phases. 2 Rotary Bioreactors of 48 m. long. x 4,5m. Ø for accelerated decomposition of the organic mater. Forced Aeration Chamber and automatic turnaround system of the compost Refining Area The stabilized digestate goes through a second triage process of refining and separation of refuses in order to finish the production of quality compost. (Standard NFU 44051) The Compost Maturation is performed in a closed and odor controlled building to ensure the maturation in enclosed storage and the loading of compost. Reception Area www.heraholding.com [email protected] Refining Process HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Rotary Bioreactors HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Sorting-Composting facility of Delaware Country, (U.S.A.) Project of Conporec Inc Canada DESCRIPTION CONTINUOUS BIOREACTOR Patented Technology LOCATION Walton Village Delaware country – New York INVESTMENT 27M€ Ca. CLIENT Delaware Country Department of Public Works PRODUCTION Compost 40% Rejects 30% PROJECT of Conporec Inc Canada Turn-key + supervision Yearly operation Population Served 50,000 habitants CAPACITY 35,000 T/year household waste 6,500 T/year Biosolids START UP 2006 Turn-Key Project of innovative technology made by Conporec for the Project « Design and Build of the Sorting-Composting Facility, including the process of biosolids sludge « for the sorting and composting of municipal and domestic waste of the Delaware Country. Extension of the site: 48,800m². The Conporec Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) of this sorting composting facility is installed inside a closed processing building of 5.800 m², and the treatment process includes the following steps: • Waste reception area, including a pit for biosolids and sludge storage. A rotary bioreactor for accelerated decomposition of the organic material. Primary refining and sorting area for separation or inorganic materials. A set of horizontal windrow composting corridors provided at their base with forced air diffusers. • Advanced secondary refining treatment for maturation of the compost. • Storage, drying-curing area with 90 days of stay of enclosed storage • Extensive odour control system, including a performing Biofilter • • • Sorting Area www.heraholding.com [email protected] Composting corridors HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Rotary Bioreactor HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Sorting- Composting facility of SOREL-TRACY, Quebec Project of Conporec Inc Canada DESCRIPTION CONTINUOUS BIOREACTOR Patented Technology LOCATION Sorel –Tracy , Québec -Canada INVESTMENT 25M$ Ca. CLIENT Regional Municipality (RCM) Bas-Richelieu County PRODUCTION Compost : 49% Refusal : 24% Metals, Plastics PROJECT of Conporec Inc Canada Construction, Operation, Property Population Served 50,000 habitants CAPACITY 35,000 T/year household waste Commissioning 2006 Project of Innovative Technology based on a reactor made by Conporec for "Construction and operation of the composting facility for the production of compost with quality control, from domestic waste in the Sorel-Tracy Region, giving services to the most of municipalities of Bas-Richelieu MRC (Canada). Recent changes made in the plant can treat source separated organics, hazardous waste collected at the collection points, construction and demolition debris, and green waste. • Site Extension: 48.800m ² The sorting-composting facility is installed inside a closed composting building of 5.800 m² and the process includes the following elements: • Waste receiving area for both household and source separated organics. • Rotary Bioreactor to accelerate the decomposition of the organics. • Primary sorting and refining zone for separation of inorganic materials. Area of aerobic composting in windrow corridors under closed building with forced aeration and mechanical-stirring/turning system of compost. • Advanced secondary refining system to finish the compost • Laboratory of quality control to obtain a quality marketable compost .(Norm NFU44051) • Intensive odour control system boostered by a performing Biofilter. Biorreactor www.heraholding.com [email protected] Trommel HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Compost production HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Sorting-Composting facility of the MINDARIE Region (Australia) PROJECT of Conporec Inc Canada INVESTMENT 70M$ Ca. LOCATION Wanneroo Industrial Zone Australia DESCRIPTION CLIENT Mindarie Regional Council (MRC) PRODUCTION Compost: 30.000T PROJECT of Conporec Inc Canada TURN-KEY Operation 20 years Population Served 50,000 habitants CAPACITY 100,000 T/year household waste Commissioning 2010 Turnkey Project made with the patented technology Conporec for the “Construction, operation and exploitation of the sorting-composting facility" for domestic and municipal waste treatment of the Mindarie Regional Council (Australia) . Site Extension: 40,000m² CONTINUOUS BIOREACTOR Patented Technology The Conporec Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) of the sortingcomposting facility is installed inside a closed processing building of 15.000 m², and the treatment process includes the following steps: • Waste receiving area for both household and municipal waste. • Two rotary bioreactors of 48 m. length x 4,5m Ø to accelerate the decomposition of the organics • Primary sorting and refining zone for separation of inorganic materials. Area of aerobic composting in windrow corridors under closed building with forced aeration and mechanical stirring-turning system. • Advanced secondary refining system to finish the compost • Laboratory of quality control to obtain a marketable quality compost. (Norm NFU44051) • Intensive odour control system boostered by a performing Biofiltre. Refining zone www.heraholding.com [email protected] Odour Control HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Composter HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 References Book of HERA Group Construction and Operation of: Waste Treatment Centres in Spain Construction and Operation of: Waste Treatment Centres in South America Waste Treatment Centre : COLL CARDUS (Barcelona) LOCATION Coll Cardus Site - Vacarisses AUTHORIZATIONS: USW (Urban Solid Waste) BIW (Banal Industrial Waste) PROPERTY/ OPERATION: HERA TRATESA STATE In operation since 1985 BIOGAS PRODUCTION 9,150 m3/year of biogas WASTE TREATMENT: 390,000 T/year ELECTRIC PRODUCTION: LEACHATE TREATMENT : Barcelona -Catalonia - Spain 16,77 MWh/year HISTORY Regional Centre for Industrial and Municipal Waste Treatment located in Coll Cardús site, (Barcelona), giving high technology services to the Region of Vallés Occidental, integrating in a single site, the full range of waste treatments: classification, characterisation, recovery, stabilization, leachate treatment, water purification, laboratory of analysis and control. • Technical Aspects 106,323m3/year The installation of 30 HA, has the following differentiated areas: Waste receiving area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Sorting and Recovery: Set of operations to separate evaluable waste and recoverable materials, (paper, plastic, metal) Control in laboratory Characterization of wastes in order to apply the best treatment accordingly with its nature. WTC Security Cell Refused materials unable to be recovered are buried in the landfill security cell. In the CTR priority is given to the recovery of by-products (gas, leachate, etc..) in order to obtain new energy resources: biogas, heat and electricity. Water Treatment Plant The facility has a leachate treatment plant combined with a system of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis, with a processing capacity of 200 m3/day. Wastes reception and control area www.heraholding.com [email protected] Reverse Osmosis HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Biogas filling station HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre in FUENTE ALAMO - Murcia LOCATION Village of Fuente Alamo Murcia -Spain AUTHORIZATIONS BIW- MSW Municipal & Industrial Waste Non hazardous waste PROPERTY OPERATION: HERA Group STATE In operation since 2006 CAPACITY 65,000 Tons/year CLIENT Medioil Levante Waste Treatment Centre in FUENTE ALAMO, located in the Community of Murcia – DESCRIPTION Spain. • The WTC was built taking as reference the Integrated Environmental Authorisation and other European and Spanish regulations in order to keep all environmental guaranties • The installation of 29,9 HA, has the following differentiated areas: Waste receiving area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Control in laboratory Characterization of wastes in order to apply the best treatment accordingly with its nature. WTC Security Cell Refused materials unable to be recovered are buried in the landfill security cell. Water treatment Water and leachate treatment are an integral part of the management scheme. Controlled access www.heraholding.com [email protected] Security Cell HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Water management HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre in PUJALT (Barcelona) DESCRIPTION LOCATION Village of Pujalt (Barcelona) Spain AUTHORIZATIONS: BIW (Banal Industrial Waste) PROPERTY/ OPERATION: HERA TRATESA STATE In operation since 2004 CAPACITY 80,000Tons/year Installation Updated in 2008 Waste Treatment Centre of PUJALT (Barcelona), located in the region of the Anoia, in the Community of Catalonia. The facility is part of the landscape restoration project of an old coal mine. The WTC was built taking as reference the Integrated Environmental Authorisation and other European and Spanish regulations to keep all environmental guaranties. • The installation of 29,9 He has the following differentiated areas: Waste receiving area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Sorting and Recovery: Set of operations to separate evaluable waste and recoverable materials, (paper, plastic, metal) Control in laboratory Characterization of wastes in order to apply the best treatment accordingly with its nature. WTC Security Cell Refused materials unable to be recovered are buried in the landfill security cell Water treatment Water and leachate treatment are an integral part of the management scheme. Landscape site restoration www.heraholding.com [email protected] Security Cell HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Water treatment HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre in ALCAÑIZ – TERUEL LOCATION Alcañiz - Teruel Spain DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZATIONS: USW (Urban Solid Waste) PROPERTY/ OPERATION HERA TRATESA STATE In operation since 2006 CAPACITY/ Yearly treatment : 25,000 Tons/y CLIENT: UTE : Aragonesa of Civil Works – Tratesa Waste Treatment Centre in ALCAÑIZ - (Region of TERUEL), Community of Aragón – Spain, with capacity to treat urban solid waste of industrial sectors and neighboring villages, eliminating in this way, the risk of uncontrolled waste dumping. The installation of 26,4 He, has the following differentiated areas: Waste receiving area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Sorting and Recovery: Set of operations to separate evaluable waste and recoverable materials, (paper, plastic, metal) Control in laboratory Characterization of wastes in order to apply the best treatment accordingly with its nature. WTC Security Cell Refused materials unable to be recovered are buried in the landfill security cell Water treatment Water and leachate treatment are an integral part of the management scheme. . Controlled access www.heraholding.com [email protected] Security Cell HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Water Contention HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre in PANTOJA - Toledo LOCATION PANTOJA Toledo - Spain AUTHORIZATIONS: BIW - USW Industrial NON Hazardous waste PROPRERTY/ OPERATION HERA TRATESA STATE UNDER CONSTRUCTION CAPACITY 65.000 Tons/year CLIENT Recovery Centre of Castilla La Mancha DESCRIPTION The Project of the Treatment Centre for waste management and landscape restoration of the countryside “The Traviesas" located in Pantoja - Toledo, (Community of Castilla-La Mancha) Spain , gives capacity to treat urban and industrial non hazardous solid waste of industries and adjacent villages, avoiding the risk of uncontrolled dumping of waste. The centre of de 6,5 He, has the following differentiated areas : Waste receiving area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Sorting and Recovery: Set of operations to separate evaluable waste and recoverable materials,(paper, plastic, metal) Control in laboratory Characterization of wastes in order to apply the best treatment accordingly with its nature. WTC Security Cell Refused materials unable to be recovered are buried in the landfill security cell Water treatment Water and leachate treatment are an integral part of the management scheme. Site Construction www.heraholding.com [email protected] Waste receiving area HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Security Cell HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre of RCD’S INDUGARBI- Navarre DESCRIPTION LOCATION Muruarte de Reta Navarre- Spain AUTHORIZATIONS: Yearly extensible for: SELECTIVE SORTING OPERATION/MAINTENANCE Indugarbi- GROUP HERA STATE In operation since: 2004 CAPACITY/ Yearly Treatment : 159.000 Tons of Sorting 300.000 Tons of Crushing PRODUCTION Crushed Aggregates for construction CDW (Construction Demolition Waste) Waste treatment centre of INDUGARBI , located in the Community of Navarra, Spain, for admission and treatment of sorted industrial waste and recovery of construction and demolition debris (RCD’s), previously submitted to the process of recovery, valuation, crushing and cleaning of materials. • • The plant of Muruarte de Reta has an area of 27.738 m², and a capacity of separation and selection of 300.000 Tn. year of recyclable and reusable material. The facility is equipped with several automatic and manual processes to ensure optimal recovery and valorisation of wastes The plant produces high quality dry aggregates from sorting and crushing operations with fractions of 20mm and 40mm. These products are subject to quality controls that certify the suitability of this recovered material for construction uses. • Production: Aggregates: Sand-gravel, grits Crushing process www.heraholding.com [email protected] 112.500 Tn./year 142.500 Tn./year Aggregates production HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Control Centre HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Treatment Centre of end-of-life tyres INDUGARBI - Navarra DESCRIPTION LOCATION Murillo el Fruto Navarra - Spain AUTHORIZATIONS: OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Indugarbi NFU’S HERA GROUP STATE In operation since 2011 CAPACITY : 12,000 Tons/year INDUGARBI PNUR Treatment of end of life tyres. CER waste . Worn tires Treatment Centre of INDUGARBI NFU’S, located at the village of Murillo el Fruto, Community of Navarre, (Spain) , for admission, recycling, shredding, recovery and reuse of end-life-tyres, according with the Spanish Royal Decree 1619/2005. Surface area of this facility : 24. 000 m² • October 2012: HERA Group - Indugarbi NFU's got an agreement with the American company Lehigh Technologies to introduce in Europe the micronized technology: Micronized Rubber Powder (MRP) to reuse the rubber particles or rubber powder. • The Indugarbi NFU's plant of the HERA Group has been adapted to this model of technology for the production, commercialisation and sale of granules and powder of recovered rubber for many isolating applications, noise and impacts reduction and as a sustainable raw material to be used in the manufacture process of new tires and products helping to lower cost prices and reducing by 8% the CO2 emission per tire. . Indugarbi NFU offers to his customers the benefits of the Closed - Loop Services for their post manufacturing rubber processes. End-of-life tires www.heraholding.com [email protected] Micronized Rubber powder HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Rubber Tiles HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre of ECOBIO- CHILLAN -Chile DESCRIPTION LOCATION Old Chillan -Chile ECOBIO SITE - CHILE AUTHORIZATIONS: PROPERTY/OPERATION HERA ECOBIO HERA GROUP UNTIL OCTOBER 2011 STATE In operation since 2003 CAPACITY 8,5 Millions. m3 of waste LEACHATE CAPACITY: USW (Urban Solid Waste) BIW (Banal Industrial Waste) 80m3/day The industrial Waste Treatment of Old Chillan - Chile (South America) provides service to different companies in the Bio Bio Region, and specifically in the industrial zone of Conception. The site has been operated by HERA Group until October 2011. • The facility has a surface of 22 Ha, with differentiated zones for: Waste reception area: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone. Physical Chemical Treatment For the treatment of liquid industrial waste, equipped with storage tanks, flotation and solids removal unit. Final disposal cell Solid industrial wastes are buried in a special cell designed with European Standards. Concerning the Urban Wastes plant, the rejects are confined in the landfill security cell. Leachate treatment plant The facility has a reverse osmosis plant for the treatment of leachate and water with a treatment capacity of 80 m3/day Admission area www.heraholding.com [email protected] Leachate Treatment HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Physical Chemical Treatment HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Waste Treatment Centre NOVO MONDOÑEDO - Colombia LOCATION Municipality of Mosquera Colombia AUTHORIZATIONS: CONSTRUCTION/OPERATION HERA GROUP STATE In operation since: 2007 CAPACIY 275,000 Tons/year Domestic Waste. LEACHATE CAPACITY: USW (Urban Solid Waste) BIW (Banal Industrial Waste) 500m3/day INVESTMENT 46.000M. Pesos HISTORY The sanitary landfill for waste disposal of Mondoñedo - Colombia (South America) provides service to more than 47 municipalities located in the region of Mondoñedo, for the treatment and landfilling of non-hazardous waste as part of a project of the Inter-Municipal Department of Cundinamarca. The site was built according with the standards of the Ministry of Environment of Colombia and has received Environmental Authorization for operation. Technical Aspects • The facility has a surface of 17 Ha, with differentiated zones for: Waste Admission: Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone Final disposal cell Solid industrial wastes are buried in a special security cell designed with European Standards. Concerning the Urban Wastes plant, the rejects are confined in the landfill cell. Leachate treatment plant The facility has a combined reverse osmosis and Nano- filtration plant for the treatment of leachate and water produced in the process, with a treatment capacity of 500 m3/day Security Cell Leachate Treatment www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 WASTE TREATMENT CENTRE SAO FRANCISCO do CONDEBrazil LOCATION Sao Francisco do Conde SALVADOR DE BAHÍA Brazil CLIENT: HERA AMBIENTAL CONTRUCTION/OPERATION : GROUP HERA STATE In operation since 2009 CAPACITY 20,000,000 Tons Domestic Waste LEACHATE CAPACITY: 130 m3 /day in 2013 USW (Urban Solid Waste) HISTORY The project for the sanitary landfill of Sao Francisco do Conde , Brazil, was designed to cover the needs of urban waste landfilling disposal in the area of influence of the installation. HERA has performed the works of construction of the Municipal Solid Waste of the site of Sao Francisco do Comte and has operated this waste treatment center since the beginning of its activity. The security cells were built in strict compliance of the Brazilian environmental standards . The activity of this Site started in July 2009 Technical Aspects The process consists of: Admission Zone Reception, weighing and inspection of wastes arrived and later discharged in the assigned zone Water Treatment The treatment of the water stocked in two basins is carried out by a reverse osmosis system. At present, the water-leachate treatment plant treats a capacity of 130m3 day. Training and social awareness Like any other recovery centre of Hera Group, the site has the mission to rise awareness and training of citizens towards the Environment www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Industrial Waste Treatment Complex of PLANALTO NORD Rio Negrinho – Brasil HISTORY LOCATION Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina Brazil CLIENT: HERA SUL OPERATION : GROUP HERA STATE In operation since 2009 CAPACITY 3,000,000 Tons EXTENSIBLE to 5,000,000 Tons INDUSTRIAL WASTE LEACHATE CAPACITY : 80m3/ day HERA acquired the Industrial Waste Treatment complex of Plan Alto North during the year 2009. These facilities have a large portfolio of clients and industries and give services to industries of the area of Planalto North. The landfill site admits waste of class I and class II. This treatment complex is equipped with the following facilities: Laboratory, Covered storage areas, Waste landfilling cells for waste type I and type II. Technical Aspects Waste Transfer zones, under covered structures, Administration Building, Auxiliary Installations The process consists of : Admission area : Reception, weighing and inspection of urban and industrial waste arrived and later discharged into the treatment unit assigned. Physical-Chemical Treatment: The plant has a physical-chemical treatment unit equipped with storage tanks, flotation and solids removal unit, for the process of the incoming chemical industrial liquid waste. Final Disposal Landfill Cell Industrial solid wastes are buried in a special cell designed with European standards. Water treatment plant The facility has a leachate treatment plant with a reverse osmosis system for a treatment capacity of 80 m3/day. www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Industrial Waste Treatment Complex of Buenos Aires - Argentina A HISTORY Technical Aspects LOCATION Zarate –Buenos Aires Argentina INVESTMENT OPERATION : HERA GROUP STATE In operation since 1999 CAPACITY •7,8 Millions m3 • INDUSTRIAL WASTE CLIENT: HERA AILINCO HERA acquired this complex for Special Waste Treatment of Buenos Aires during the year 1999 to provide services to industrial plants in the area of Buenos Aires. This facility has a landfill security cell. The site was built according to the standards of the Ministry of the Environment of Argentina, following the Environmental Authorization for operation. • The installation of 134 hectares, has differentiated zones for incineration, stabilization, treatment of PBC and final disposal cell . Admission and Classification: Receiving, weighing and inspection of the industrial waste arrived. Waste storage to be later sent to the treatment assigned. Incineration Unit: Rotary Kiln: Capacity 1500 kg / hour (for solid, liquid and sludge) Kiln temperature: 950-1200 ° C. Temperature of the secondary combustion chamber: 1050-1250 ° C. Dry and wet Gas purification system Industrial effluent treatment: Physical-chemical processes of : neutralization, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration. Treatment of leachates generated in the landfill cell. Treatment of internal and external industrial effluents . Treatment of PCBs precipitation, Stabilisation unit : Physical changes are caused in/ or the content of the wastes to make them suitable for disposal. Waste Final disposal : Incineration ash. Non-incinerable waste Waste coming from other process Waste final disposal cell www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Degassing of the landfill site of HASARS - Mexico LOCATION Picachos; Municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco; Mexico INVESTMENT CONSTRUCTION : HERA GROUP STATE In operation since: 2009 OPERATED BY: HERA Group until 2011 CAPACITY •800,000 Tons CO2 / 7 years •3,100,000 Tons of waste HISTORY CLIENT: TEAVME (Tecnicas Avanzadas Medioambientales) HERA, through its Mexican subsidiary company TAM, began in 2006 the certification process of a CDM project for degassing the landfill site of Hasars: - Hasars Landfill Gas Project 1240 UNFCCC The drilling of the gas wells and installation of equipments began in 2008 and the inauguration of the facility and commissioning of the plant was completed in 2009. The landfill has been operated by Hera until 2011. Technical Aspects • The degasification system is installed in the landfill of Hasars. This site has an extension of 100 hectares and a minimum mass of 3,100,000 Tons of buried wastes. Civil Works done in these installations Coverage improvement of each closed cells to prevent gas emissions into the atmosphere, the construction of a network of biogas extraction wells, the installation of an active biogas extraction system, installation of a degassing system, and the incineration of biogas. Advantages Optimisation of the biogas production. Reduction of the greenhouse effect by destruction of methane. Commitments The optimization of the control of biogas production. Maintain and increase, if necessary, the extraction wells. Operation of the degassing and incineration system. Change the operating parameters according to the biogas generation. Billing and reimbursement of RECs generated Note: CDM: = Clean Developmentt Mechanism www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 WASTE & LEACHATE TREATMENT FACILITY : DOÑA JUANA- Colombia LOCATION BOGOTA Colombia CLIENT: STL BOGOTA TOWN HALL OPERATION : GROUP HERA STATE In operation since 2007 CAPACITY 8 l/s expandable to 21 l/s LEACHATE CAPACITY: 120m3/day Capacity Extension: 2013 21/s. HISTORY The Bogota Town Hall to solve the problem of leachates generated in the sanitary landfill of Doña JUANA, Colombia, dealing with 6,000 Tons of MSW per day, issued an international tender for the project "Design, construction and operation for the leachate treatment plant of Doña Juana. ' HERA, having won the international tender, carried out the design, construction and operation of the project. Technical Aspects The site has currently completed the extension phase to reach a capacity of 21l/s. The process consists of: Physical-Chemical Treatment: Recovery of heavy metals by chemical precipitation, with fast mixing chambers - flocculation and decantation systems, control of chemical additives and purge of sludge. Biological Treatment : The scheme of this management integrates the process of elimination of organic matter and ammonia recovery under the form of atmospheric nitrogen. The aerobic reactor has a volume of 16.084 m3 distributed in two units. The treatment capacity is 8,400 kg BOD5 /day Air blowers The insufflation of oxygen is carried out through the air blowers with a nominal capacity of 24.150 m3 unit /h. The airflow is distributed through the 6.040 membrane diffusers Sludge Dehydration : The thickened sludge is dried by two centrifuges pumps, releasing a dryness higher than 45%, and disposed in a special cell. sequedad Laboratory Test: For monitoring leachate treatment, the plant is equipped with a complete laboratory of analysis and chromatography. Rejection The treated leachate is discharged into the course of the river Tunjuelo: Removal of BOD5 greater than 99.3%. www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 LANDFILL Site for Municipal and similar Waste in Campana-Argentina HISTORY LOCATION CAMPANA, Buenos Aires Argentina INVESTMENT OPERATION : HERA GROUP STATE CLOSURE CAPACITY • 5,3 Millions m3 Domestic and industrial waste CLIENT: HERA ZARATE CAMPANA HERA acquired the sanitary landfill of Zarate-Campana, in Buenos Aires, during the year 1999 to provide services to the provincial network of Zarate, Campana, Escobar, Pilar, Tortuguitas Garin, for waste disposal from non-hazardous domestic and commercial waste. The landfill site covers an area of 75 hectares, formed by waterproofed cells, built up forming a slope, thus allowing control of the structural stability and avoiding erosion areas. The site was built according to the standards of the Ministry of the Environment of Argentina following the Environmental Authorization for operation and has rendered service until 2003, for: Admission Receiving, weighing and inspection of the domestic and industrial waste arrived. Waste storage and later sent to the treatment assigned. Physical Chemical Treatment For the treatment of industrial liquid waste, equipped with storage tanks, flotation and solids removal. Water Treatment The facility includes ponds for collection of water and leachates that are processed through a reverse osmosis system. Present Status: exhausted capacity: CLOSED Security Cell www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Zarate-Campana Landfill HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 PILOT PLANT : LOW COST BIODIGESTER INTEGRA LOCATION Coll Cardús - Vacarisses ECO-INNOVACIÓN PROJECT BUILD / OPERATION: HERA GROUP STATE UNDER CONSTRUCTION CAPACITY 4 x 2.000Tons. Patented Technology Barcelona - Catalonia -Spain Low Cost Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Technology. Reduced Capex and sustainable Opex Partial Solution, integrated in a large complex of waste with a modular and compact system. Suitable for ORM (or waste with an important organic load) BD-i= (Bio Digester-integra) Design: BD-i Plateau BD-i Valley Treatment Capacity 4 x 2.000 T. 40.000 T Location Top zone of C.L. Treasure Zone Cicle ½ - 1 – 2 years 8 years Investment 200.000€ 400.000€ High 4m 17 m Strata 1 x 3,5 m 4x4m www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 References Book of HERA Group Treatment of sewage sludge and concentrated leachate : ALXIMIX Plant in Spain ALXIMIX Treatment plant for Sludge and Concentrates DESCRIPTION LOCATION COLL CARDUS - Vacarisses Spain INVESTMENT 5M€ CLIENT HERA AMASA START UP 2009 -2010 Treatment CAPACITY: Plant 1:24,000 T/y Sewage Sludge 100 T sludge/day PRODUCTION: NEUTRAL CONSUMATION: LIME Treatment CAPACITY Plant 2: 35,000 T/y leachate 200 m³3/leachate per day ALXIMIX: Patented Technology ALXIMIX is an ecological engineering process to transform sewage sludge and leachate concentrate into new feedstock materials for industries The Alximix flexible system is a unique technology to treat many municipal and industrial wastes: Solid, Pasty, Liquids The sludge are mixed with lime in a first reactor at a high speed, making an homogeneous mixing. Sludge are stabilized in the second reactor, starting to rise in temperature by the simple physicochemical effect of lime. If there was not the third reactor (ALXIMIX), the process would stop giving only simple classic limed sludge Upon entering the ALXIMIX, this mixture during the reaction undergoes an exponential effect that, while vaporizing the water contained in the sludge, consumes all the organic part to deliver immediately at the reactor outlet a fine dry powder, the NEUTRAL, similar to a calcium hydroxide . Photo 2: Obtaining a NEUTRAL product able to be sent to cement plants to be used as a raw material for cement kilns. Photo 3: Lime is stored in silos (depending on the capacity of delivery - Scrubber Filter www.heraholding.com [email protected] NEUTRAL production HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 Stockage silos HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 References Book of HERA Group Management and Operation of: Special hazardous Waste Treatment Centres MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE : RECOVERY OF PRECIOUS METALS LQ LOCATION: SANTANDER Spain SERVICE MANAGER HERA AGRISA CLIENT: AGRISA WASTE TRANSFER CENTRE START UP SERVICE 2010 INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE CAPACITY: >300,000 Kg./ year DESCRIPTION PHOTOCHEMICAL WASTE TREATMENT PLANT HERA provides recovery and valorisation of precious metals from all kinds of waste, such as photographic developing solutions, radiographs and X rays plates, and plastics, PET and polyester recycling AGRISA PLANT, AGRISA is the company that manages this hazardous waste treatment centre, specialized in obtaining photochemical silver through its valorisation and recovery of silver from the silvery plates, through the processes of dissolution of silver salts, melting and refining of silver contained in liquids. Technology applied for the treatment: ELECTROLYSIS PROCESSES AND SILVER REFINING Treatment capacity : www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 >300,000 Kg/year HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE : TRANSFER AND TREATMENT CENTRE LQ LOCATION: CERCEDA GALICIA -Spain SERVICE MANAGER HERA ALANSU CLIENT: ALANSU -WASTE TRANSFER CENTRE START UP SERVICE 2010 INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE CAPACITY: 10,000 Tn/year DESCRIPTION TRANSFER PLAN OF SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE , ALANSU PLANT : FOR LOGISTIC ACTIVITIES OF 7.000 INDUSTRIAL CLIENTS Type of customers: Automotive Car sector, Dry Cleaners, Construction Industries, Mechanization Industries At present HERA has transfer plants in: Madrid, Toledo, Palencia, Seville, Galicia, Gijon (Spain) and in Coronel (Chile). www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 MANAGEMENT OF CHEMICAL WASTE: RECOVERY OF PAINTS AND SOLVENTS LQ LOCATION: Venta de Baños Palencia - Spain SERVICE MANAGER HERA INDURECO RECOVERY CENTRE FOR SPECIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE START UP SERVICE 2008 INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: CHEMICAL CAPACITY: 40,600 T/year DESCRIPTION PLANT FOR STORAGE AND TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL WASTE INDURECO PLANT: INDURECO manages this treatment centre for recovery, storage and special treatment for used and expired paints and solvents, located in the municipality of VENTA DE BAÑOS (Palencia) Technology applied for the treatment: RECOVERY OF PAINTS AND SOLVENTS Treatment capacity: 40,600 Tons/year INDURECO PROCESS : Control and Analysis, Homogenization, Distillation www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 References Book HERA Group Management and Operation of: MANAGEMENT OF STEEL DUST Oxidos Recumet Process STEEL BRIQUETTES Manufacturing Facility in NERVACERO, S.A. LQ LOCATION: Portugalete - BISCAY Spain SERVICE FACTORY HERA - ÓXIDOS RECUMENT CLIENT: CELSA GROUP START UP SERVICE : 2011 SECTOR: STEEL FACTORY PATENTED TECNOLOGY CAPACITY DESCRIPTION Steel Briquette production Plant in Nervacero, S.A. By the introduction of self-reducing briquettes made from steel powder to feed the electric arc furnace, the following advantages are obtained: Minimize the production of steel dust by recovering the iron portion and slagging. Increasing the Zn content in the resulting powder. The implementation of this technology has allowed to declassify as hazardous waste the resulting powder, turning it into a secondary raw material. The briquette factory plant was built on a small plot, next to the fume purification filter. The steel powder collected in the refining system is stored in a silo. From there is carried to the briquette plant, by a conveyor or tanker-trucks www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77 Controlling WAREHOUSE of STEEL BRIQUETTE in NERVACERO, S.A. LQ LOCATION: Portugalete - BISCAY Spain SERVICE FACTORY HERA - ÓXIDOS RECUMENT CLIENT: CELSA GROUP START UP SERVICE : 2011 SECTOR: STEEL FACTORY PATENTED TECNOLOGY CAPACITY DESCRIPTION Steel Briquette production Plant in Nervacero, S.A. By means of a sieve the briquettes are separated from the mixed fines and larger pieces. These are returned to the system for being reprocessed. Slightly raising the temperature of the briquettes is obtained an acceleration in their maturation. For their transportation, the briquettes are loaded into containers to continue in them the maturation process and later be deposited in the warehouse where the maturation process is finished. After maturation they are suitable for being loaded into the additive dosing systems of the steel mill. The powder enhanced through the introduction of briquettes in the arc furnace is collected in the purifying fumes system of the steel mill and removed and translated in containers to the adaptation facilities, where the chloride and fluorides are removed, making them suitable for Oxidos Recumet use them in the production lines of electrolytic zinc. www.heraholding.com [email protected] HERA HOLDING Office in Barcelona c/ Numancia, 185, 6th floor 08034 Barcelona Telf. 93 205 10 10 HERA HOLDING Office in Madrid Isla de Hierro, nº 7, 1st floor 28701 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid Telf. 91 736 21 77