Autumn Issue 2004 - Communications Association of Hong Kong


Autumn Issue 2004 - Communications Association of Hong Kong
October 2004
Autumn Issue
Inside this issue:
A Shared History of Innovation
By KRONE Communications Ltd
A historical correlation of two extraordinary
Let’s now use Jules Verne’s time machine to take a trip
network connectivity companies and their en-
back through time and explore the history behind these
during ingenuity.
two pioneering companies. Just like the movie, let’s start
from today and work backwards… ..
On 18 May 2004, the KRONE Group became a
part of ADC Telecommunications Inc. This was
Bursting of the bubble
indeed a major milestone for two companies that
The last five years has been somewhat of a roller coaster
have had a very similar history over the past 70
for the industry and all its players. Both KRONE and
years or so.
ADC have ridden through the turmoil, first growing with
Krone – A share
history …
NWT and Nokia
team up to offer
People –
”Mobile TV”
Sunday - Awarded
“Best-in-Class”… .
Wharf T&T –
Global Video… .
People –
“China Talk Card”
HKNet – IT monitoring service … .
One2Free –
A brand new… .
JAVA Application…
Qualcomm –
3G CDMA … .
Hutchison –
3 Hong Kong … .
Hutchison –
3 video mobile …
SmarTone – ishow…
NWM – The one
for you… .
NWM – Partners
with Disney… ..
ITAHK Corner
the bubble and then coming to grips with the downturn.
If the two founders of the companies, Gustave
In recent times, focusing on their key customers and core
Krone and Ralph Allison, were alive today, I sus-
business, and at the same time managing to provide lead-
pect that they would be pleased, as they were both
ership in the marketplace with such product as
engineers who had a high expectation for quality,
KRONE’s CopperTen 10 Gigabit Ethernet solution, and
performance and value. Both were inventors who
ADC’s Fiber to the Home solution that is currently being
looked outside of the box to find solutions that
deployed by operators in the U.S.
satisfied and exceeded customers’ expectations.
Continued to KRONE Communications Ltd… .
Communications for everyone
KRONE and ADC were experts in the modern filed of materi-
Turning the clock back further to the 70s. This was an era
als such as bakerlite plastics and solder connection technology.
when telephone and communications were changing from a
In the U.S., ADC was building jacks and jackfields for the
luxury item for a few, to a household necessity for everyone.
audio and broadcast industry. Meanwhile, in Germany,
This was also a time when network expansion in the western
KRONE was manufacturing solder blocks and bakerlite tele-
world was at its peak. Both KRONE and ADC were there.
phones for the German Bundespost. Both companies has
KRONE has just invented the renowned LSA-PLUS Module,
reached a level of critical mass, where they had an established
and this product was fast providing the road to productivity
product line, sound engineering and a name in their respective
gains for connecting the mass of cable needed for network
markets. No doubt the founder of each company has a vision
growth in the era. At the same time, ADC had invented the
for the future whereby one day engineering materials would
bantam Jack which in itself is an industry standard and has
progress beyond the bounds of bakerlite.
been used from carrier cross connect systems through to jack-
Founding days
fields and patching in the broadcast industry. This was a pe-
Now we go all the way back to the early 30s where we find to
riod of expansion for both companies in their traditional home
engineers, one in Berlin, Germany and one in Minnersota in
markets of Germany and the United States. It was also a time
the U.S. The furthermost thing in their minds would have been
when they ventured out beyond their traditional borders into
the fact that 70 years later the companies that they each
the world markets and established their global footprint.
founded would merge into a single world leading entity. No
doubt they were both looking for a way to realize their dreams.
Bakerlite EARA
They had both been drawn towards the market for electrical
We now wind back the dial to the Bakerlite Era. These were
apparatus, as they believed that this was the way of the future.
the days when connectors were built like battleships. Both
It is hard to say just what it was that led them to find their successful product starts, but suffice to say they were persistent
and successful.
As the wheel of time continues to turn we are facing yet another exciting era. It would be nice to have a time machine
that looks forward, but alas, we can only look backwards and
reflect on what was. But, what we can carry forward are the
lessons from the past and the combined 145 years of the history and experience of the two companies founded by Gustav
Krone and Ralph Allison, engineers and entrepreneurs extraordinaire!
October 2004
Page 2
NWT and Nokia Team Up to Offer
Biz@nywhere Wireless Solutions to Executives and Mobile Workers
New World Telecommunications Limited ("NWT") announced that it is the
first telecommunications service provider in Asia Pacific to deploy the Nokia
One Business Server for the launch of a new-class of Biz@nywhere wireless
solutions to business executives and mobile workers in Hong Kong.
Biz@nywhere is offered under the banner of NWT's
a brand unifying the company's entire voice and data service portfolio for corporate customers.
Riding on NWT's sophisticated MPLS-based IP Virtual Private Network
(VPN), Biz@nywhere provides busy executives with secure wireless access to
various business applications from virtually any browser-enabled device, over
any GPRS or 802.11 WLAN network. The first of the many applications introduced under Biz@nywhere is collaborative services including corporate emails, attachments, calendars, contacts, tasks, intranet and web-enabled enterprise applications.
Biz@nywhere users benefit from using Nokia technology which automatically reformats and reprioritizes webpage content to fit
in screen size of any mobile devices, and makes it user-friendly to access enterprise applications as well as intranet portals and
Internet sites.
Biz@nywhere revolutionizes how executives use similar services, which are often device-dependent and do not offer any enterprise applications. Devices supported by Biz@nywhere include Internet-enabled PDAs such as HP iPAQ and Palm Treo, mobile
phones and other special purpose devices such as Tablet PCs. With Biz@nywhere, users do not need to be locked into a specific
mobile device, with its inherent limitations and associated high costs. Biz@nywhere is device-independent, works over GPRS
and Wi-Fi network anywhere in Hong Kong and the world with global roaming, and offers access to value-added applications
such as CRM, ERP, and even e-commerce, in addition to emails, calendars and contacts.
In contrast with other similar corporate services, Biz@nywhere only requires a connection with NWT's IP network. NWT's unrivaled services team will deliver total solutions ranging from connectivity, consultation, IT and telecom equipment, system design to installation. Once installed, any handheld device with Internet access will be able to access the corporate network immediately, without hardware investments at the customer's premises. In addition, Biz@nywhere is equipped with Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) and Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) connectivity to ensure maximum security and reliability for any
business-critical applications.
"With Biz@nywhere, we continue to fulfill our vision of connecting businesses, and in the process we help to elevate Hong
Kong's reputation as a connected, modern city," said Peter Hung, Vice President, Marketing of NWT. “Biz@nywhere reinforces
' concept aimed at delivering a host of end-to-end telecommunications and IT solutions. Biz@nywhere
will banner our broad portfolio of business wireless connectivity and our partnership with Nokia, a worldwide leader in connecting people, further reaffirming this vision of connecting businesses in Hong Kong and around the world."
"Nokia believes that business mobility will fundamentally change the way people work. Our approach is to increase enterprise
efficiency and productivity through enhanced mobility," said Daniel Lee, General Manager of Greater China Region, Nokia Enterprise Solutions. "The Nokia One Business Server provides a secure, simple and low cost solution to support Biz@nywhere's
value proposition and NWT's initiative to create a workable mobile environment to maximize the benefits of mobility."
For more information on Biz@nywhere, please call the NWT Corporate Customer Service Hotline at 2133 1133, or go to
October 2004
Page 3
PEOPLES Launches “Mobile TV” Video Service
Offers up to 960 Free Video Clips per Month
By China Resources Peoples Telephone Company Limited
P EOPLES recently launched the “Mobile TV” Video Service. Using the EDGE-enabled handset, Nokia
6230, PEOPLES customers can fully enjoy the fun of high-speed mobile multimedia service and a series of mobile data applications including video streaming.
“Mobile TV” Provides a Rich Portfolio of Video Content
PEOPLES customers can now enjoy a rich array of video contents in an enhanced data speed anytime
by using the “Mobile TV” video streaming application via the COLOR mobile portal(http://color. . “Mobile TV” offers a multitude of the most up -to -date video content including
news, weather report, real-time traffic updates provided by i-Cable and language learning programs
provided by RTHK:
• Local News : 2 4 -hour real-time local and international news
• Financial News : up -to -date financial news
• Weather Report: weather report provided by Hong Kong Observatory
• Entertainment News : updated local entertainment news
• Traffic News: real-time traffic condition report on major roads and tunnels including the entrance
of the Cross Harbour Tunnel(Hong Kong side), the Sham Tseng Interchange of Tuen Mun, Tsuen
Wan Road Bridge and the Kwai Chung Container Terminals.
• Mobile Classroom: language learning programs provided by the RTHK, casting by local celebrities and academic
• Adult Video: erotic adult content (charge applied)
Free Video Content and MMS Offer at Promotional Period
T o enable more customers experience the enhanced data services, free* video content and multi media
message (MMS) ? will be offered to all PEOPLES customers according to their tariff plan value and
VIP status for a period of 12 months. Up to 960 free video content and MMS will be offered per
month with no data transmission charge ♦. Please refer to page 5 for the offer details.
* Thereafter Charge for Extra Video and MMS is $0.5 per item. Free video is not applicable to “Adult Video” content.:
? Free MMS is applicable to send out local MMS. During promotional period, local inter-network surcharge will
b e w a i v e d . $ 3 s u r c h a r g e i s r eq u i r e d f o r s e n d i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l M M S .
Customers are required to pay local GPRS transmission FEE $0.02 PER Kbyte when browsing COLOR and
“Mobile TV”, while viewing video in Hong Kong is free of charge. Roaming GPRS charge apply while viewing
Special Rebate Offer on Nokia 6230 EDGE-enabled handset
Riding on the launch of “Mobile TV”, PEOPLES offers an exclusive benefit to all VIP customers who
purchase Nokia 6230 by rebating them up to a $300 discount according to their VIP status. In addition, the offer can be used in conjunction with the existing instant rebate offer that gives customers a
combined discount value at as high as $500.
With the video capture and playback function of Nokia 6230, PEOPLES customers can enjoy video
streaming as well as ringtone and color wallpaper download service at a faster data transfer rate
through the EDGE network. Nokia 6230 is also equipped with other outstanding features such as a
65,000 TFT color display and a built-in digital camera.
Charles Henshaw, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of PEOPLES, said, “’Mobile TV’
keeps customers entertained with the richest variety of video contents. With the rollout of a rich array
of content and applications brought forth by the service, we believe tha t there are great opportunities
to facilitate our business growth in mobile data service which will further strengthen our competitive
‘edges’ in the mobile communication market.”
Page 4
October 2004
Continued to China Resources Peoples Telephone Co Ltd… .
Newspaper Advertisement
Promotional Leaflet
A p p e n d ix
O f f e r D e t a i l s o f 「 M o b ile T V 」 P r o m o tio n
Service Plan
B a s i c ( I n t e r- n e t w o rk )
F r e e A irtim e
Intra -n e t w o rk
F ree
C u sto m e r s u s i n g
P E O P L E S service less than
6 m o n ths
G o ld V IP
F r e e (1) v i d e o
content or
M M S (2) f o r 1 2
m ths
P latinum V IP
D i a m o n d V IP
Thereafter Charge for Extra Video
and M M S
$ 0 .5/per item
( 1 ) F r e e v i d e o i s n o t a p p l i c a b l e t o “A d u l t V i d e o ” c o n t e n t .
( 2 )F r e e M M S i s a p p l i c a b l e t o s e n d o u t l o c a l M M S . D u r i n g p r o m o t i o n a l p e r i o d , l o c a l
i n t e r-n e t w o r k s u r c h a r g e w ill be w a ived.
$ 3 s u r c h a r g e i s r e q u ired f o r s e n d i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l M M S .
S e r v i c e C h a r g e s o f “ A d u lt V i d e o ”
$3 per video clip
“Adult Video” Package
M o n thly Fee
F r e e V i d e o / M o n th
T h e reafter C h a r g e
October 2004
Page 5
SUNDAY Awarded “Best-in-Class” Customer Service Level Management
media services, SUNDAY's customers should experience im-
Communications Ltd. (SEHK: 0866; NASDAQ: SDAY)
proving Customer Service quality excellence and a suite of
announced today received the “Best-in-Class” award for
comprehensive Customer Care solutions,” said Bruce Hicks,
“Customer Service Level Management” given by the Asia
Group Managing Director, SUNDAY Communications Lim-
Pacific Customer Service Consortium (APCSC).
The consortium introduced the “Best-in-Class” award to
recognise business communities and companies in Asia
SUNDAY is an innovative developer and provider of wireless
Pacific that have performed well in the Regional CRM and
communications and data services in Hong Kong. SUNDAY
Call Center Benchmarking programme, which is organised by
began commercial operations in 1997. The company's core
APCSC annually.
strategy is to capitalise on the convergence of wireless communications and data technologies to develop innovative, rele-
“We are very honoured to receive the “Best-in-Class” Cus-
vant and value-driven services and solutions. Today, SUN-
tomer Service Level Management Award from the Asia Pa-
DAY enhances people’s lives by delivering wireless voice and
cific Customer Service Consortium. In recent years, SUN-
data applications and services to meet the lifestyle needs of
DAY has launched a number of initiatives designed to im-
specific customer segments. Owning a 3G mobile license,
prove quality across all facets of its business. This award rec-
SUNDAY has the increased bandwidth and advanced technol-
ognises the effort we have made to improve overall customers'
ogy to meet the rapidly developing market demand for en-
experience with SUNDAY. As we rollout full-fledged multi-
hanced multimedia services.
October 2004
Page 6
Wharf T&T Forms the Global Video Conference Alliance
“For video conferencing service anywhere, anytime”
By Wharf T&T Limited
Wharf T&T has announced the launch of its Global Video
Conference Alliance, marking a pioneering leap from
traditional video conferencing (VC) service.
This alliance provides customers with a hassle-free solution to
plan and conduct both point-to-point and multipoint video
calls anywhere, anytime. It has all been made possible by
combining the various service capabilities of strategic partners,
including globally renowned hotel groups and business
centres such as the Asia Business Centre, Bridges Executive
Centre, Harbour International, LevelOne Central, The
Cosmopolitan Business and Convention Centre, and The
Executive Centre. Hotel groups comprise of the Marco Polo
Hotel Group and The Novotel Century Hong Kong. In the
near future, Wharf T&T will line up more partners from
different commercially strategic locations to join this Alliance
with an aim to make our service more easily accessible by our
Wharf T&T has secured business partners from different
commercially strategic locations with points-of-presence in
over 200 cities worldwide. This first-of-its-kind alliance
means that Wharf T&T’s video conferencing service is more
than just a call connection service. Customers can always
arrange VC calls with overseas counterparts whenever and
wherever they want. Besides offering a choice of different
conferencing venues, we also provide customers with all the
necessary equipment, live connections and technical support.
That is why setting up a video conference call with Wharf
T&T is literally just a phone call away.
Up until recent years, most people used to consider video
conferencing too exotic and not likely to catch on due to costs,
impracticality and logistics. But our Alliance has made video
conferencing service more affordable and accessible to all.
Hence, more and more companies are able to jump on the
bandwagon by using our affordable and convenient video
conferencing service widely in their day-to-day operations.
VC service will become more popular among corporations.
This alliance also allows Wharf T&T to connect video
conference calls from Asia’s premier business and
telecommunications hub - Hong Kong, to the rest of the world
October 2004
with optimum convenience and ease. Connections from our
platform to overseas are also well supported by various
renowned global carriers, guaranteeing the highest level of
service along with resiliency, stability and reliability. The
result is that Wharf T&T Global Video Conference Alliance
can offer customers a truly seamless data, voice and video
communications service.
Wharf T&T’s Global Video Conference Alliance offers two
different types of conferencing services: GLOBAL MULTIPOINT CONFERENCING and IP MULTI-POINT CONFERENCING
(for web and IP phone).
integrated solution that handles all equipment rental matters
and room reservations to host video conferences with
powerful connections all over the world. We offer carriergrade video conferencing services with top resiliency and
stability, plus a reliable network backbone strongly supported
by world-class carriers everywhere. We also provide
dedicated on-site technical support and all calls are handled
by professionally trained and experienced conferencing
With IP MULTI-POINT CONFERENCING (for web and IP phone)
access is made via our powerful video conferencing platform
on a dedicated IP videophone or PC, allowing real-time video
conferencing of up to eight different parties. The advantage of
an IP connection is that it is a user-friendly “plug ‘n’ play”
solution which users will only take a minute to familiarize
with the application.
Mr. Stephen Ng, Chairman and CEO of Wharf T&T pointed
out that, “Video conferencing has today become a highly effective mode of communications within the commercial sector,
particularly when travelling, time and costs are major concerns and face-to-face conversations are essential. Wharf T&T
is therefore, committed to offering the latest state-of-the-art
video conferencing services while forming alliances with our
business partners. It is all an integral part of our commitment
to provide customers with the most reliable, scalable and convenient video conferencing services.”Wharf T&T is in the
Video Conferencing Business !!
Page 7
Continued to Wharf T&T Limited… … .
Top executives of Wharf T&T and strategic partners joining hands to signify the successful launch of the Global Video Conference Alliance. (from left to right )
Mr Francois Vanvi (Director of Sales & Marketing – The Marco Polo Hotel
Mr Michael Reiner ( Managing Partner – LevelOne Central)
Mr Vincent Ma of Wharf T&T
Mr Stephen Ng of Wharf T&T
Mr Alan Seigrist (Group Director – The Executive Centre)
Mr Maarten Boers ( General Manager – Novotel Century Hong Kong)
Top executives of Wharf T&T and strategic partners were
having a discussion via Video Conference service.
PEOPLES launches “China Talk Card”
Unbeatable Rate on China IDD as low as $0.28 per minutes
By China Resources Peoples Telephone Company Limited
T o meet the changing needs of the customers, P E O P L E S p r e s e n t s a b r a n d n e w
stored value SIM card – “PEOPLES China Talk Card” at the price of only
$ 9 8 . T h e c a r d e n a b l e s customer to enjoy roaming, IDD and local call services
at unbeatable low price with no deposit required.
The brand new “PEOPLES China Talk Card” – Selling at only $98
Requiring no monthly fee and license fee, PEOPLES China Talk Card offers
customer 350 minutes of China IDD call at only $98. With local airtime charge
waived, IDD call to China only cost $0.28 per minute. In addition, if customer
refills $100 or above on the card, up to 30% of extra stored value will be offered and the validity of
the card will be automatically extended further for 180 days.
“PEOPLES China Talk Card” also comes with a variety of value-added services, including call number display (free), missed call alert service (free),
SMS service, call forwarding service, voice & fax mailbox, 24-hour infotainm e n t s e r v i c e , d o wn l o a d s e r v i c e a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l C a l l F o r w a r d S e r v i c e . L o c a l i n t r a - n e t w o r k , l o c a l i n t e r- n e t w o r k a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l S M S a r e p r i c e d a t
o n l y $ 0 . 3 , $ 0 . 7 a n d $ 1 . 8 r e s p e c t i v e l y.
“PEOPLES China Talk Card” starter pack is available at PEOPLES retail outlets, customer service centre and authorized dealers such as CRC Department
Store, Daily Shop, Circle K Convenience Store, China Travel Service Office
a n d B r o a d w a y S h o p . For any enquiries, please call our 24-hour Customer Care Hotline at 2945 8888,
visit, or any PEOPLES shops and customer care centre.
October 2004
Page 8
IT monitoring service prevents network outage before they occur
By HKNet Company Limited
Nowadays, corporations no matter large and small are relying on the
Benefits of HKNet IT monitoring service
Internet for their core operations, such as emails, web-applications, VoIP •
and video conferencing, etc. The list will grow longer as bandwidth be-
Reduce downtime : Resolve IT problems before users are impacted
comes more stable and available, and as more business processes are •
web-enabled. It is of vital importance for IT managers to assure that their
Better resources & capacity planning : On
networks are available not just within office hours, but on a 24 x 7 basis.
identify rarely used equipment
However, there are many challenges to make it a reality. For example
Having a 24 x 7 operation is extremely expensive, especially when
It is very difficult to find IT expert that will excel in managing these
more strategic initiatives such as capacity net-
plied by different vendors and a diverse range of operating systems.
Purchasing the monitoring software and licenses for these devices
will add the operating cost to a daunting amount.
NTT Operation Center, 24/7
Customer Premise
Off-load IT monitoring software patches, upgrades and maintenance, freeing up staff for
heterogeneous networking equipment, server and applications, supŸ
Enhanced ability to meet quarterly audit requirements (ideal for banks and other financial
there is just a handful of networking equipment – very common
among SMEs in Hong Kong.
bandwidth and expensive equipment, and to
work design and customer support
Affordable security scanning service
HKNet IT monitoring service helps corporations in
the following aspects
Assets - infrastructure assets reporting tracks IT assets by IP address, node name and software image
Events/Faults – we continually monitor the client
networks, systems and applications environment, pro-
Data Center
viding alerts that enable rapid identification of problems based on customer-defined threshold limits.
Performance – Hourly, daily and weekly performance reports on key IT metrics, such as CPU, memory
and disk will be reported to reflect the component
Operation overview of HKNet IT monitoring service
Security – we deliver detailed security scanning ca-
IT monitoring service recently offered from HKNet probably can fulfill pabilities, enable rapid identification (via page or
the above requirements of IT managers. Make it simple, it is a total man- email) of potential security vulnerabilities that could
aged service that provides monitoring, on a 24 x 7 basis, to a comprehen- affect critical business operations.
sive range of networking equipment, servers and PCs, as well as applications down to finest details and in great depth. Notifications will be de- We believe IT monitoring is a mandatory requirement
livered via emails or phone calls, depending on the service level chosen. of any company to ensure non-stop and high quality
Customers can also access the web portal for regular reports, or perform commitment environment, to serve their customers
data mining to drill down to the root of problems.
October 2004
and to maintain good business partnership.
Page 9
Continued to HKNet Company Limited… … .
Applicable devices, systems & applications of HKNet IT monitoring service
Network management
–General (router, switch, firewall, etc) : Via SNMP
–Vendor specific : Cisco, Foundry, Cabletron, Nortel, Cisco Pix, Netscreen, Checkpoint, Sonic Wall, WatchGuard
System management
–General : Via SNMP
–Vendor specific : Windows, Solaris, Linux, Novell, HP-UX, AIX, Compaq running Insight Manager, Dell running OpenManage,
–Groupware : Exchange, Notes / Domino
–Database : Sybase, MS-SQL, Oracle
–Patch assessment for Microsoft
Security (Vulnerability) Scan
Event/Fault monitoring
Asset management
Missing Patch for Microsoft
More sample reports from the web
portal of HKNet IT
monitoring service
Network Interface Utilization
System Disk Utilization
System CPU Utilization
Oracle Transaction (Txn)
Sample reports
from the web portal of HKNet IT
monitoring service
October 2004
Page 10
One2Free Launches a Brand New “U gotta be free!” Campaign
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
One2Free has launched a new series of television commer-
a creative approach by using seven distinctive episodes to
cials (TVCs) starring the talented Chinese pop star Jay Chou.
highlight specific value-added services and rate plans.
First broadcasted on 13 September 2004, the new series comprises seven different TVCs, each with the same theme —
This seven-part series includes “Marathon”, “Bumping Car”,
One2Free “U gotta be free!”
“Ah Keung”, “Bus”, “Sneezing”, “Chasing” and “Master”.
Each episode has its own storyline to showcase the theme of
Demonstrates the theme of “U gotta be free!” with seven
“U gotta be free!” with One2Free’s pioneering services –
MP3 Ringtone, Video Message, Video World, 3D Game and
To further enhance One2Free’s innovative brand image and
RingMaster connecting tone – and value-for-money Mass
leading position in multimedia services, the new series adopts
service plans and Student rate plans.
October 2004
“Ah Keung”
“Bumping Car”
Page 11
Continued to Hong Kong CSL Limited… … .
Jay Chou showcases the theme of
“U gotta be free!”
Jay Chou, One2Free’s brand endorser
and main talent of the TVCs, plays
various roles, ranging from a naughty
Marathon runner to a cool lover; from
a student to a mobile gaming fan and
Kung Fu novice. He also composed
and sang the TVCs’ theme song, “Jay
Fair”, which conveys “U gotta be
free!” aspirations.
Publicizes the campaign through a
variety of channels
To increase overall campaign awareness, One2Free is utilizing various
channels to reinforce the theme of “U
gotta be free!” In addition to TV broadcasts at local TV channels, cinemas,
MTR stations, Roadshow and First Vision on the buses, One2Free has placed
advertising in local newspapers, magazines and bus shelters with high traffic.
Outdoor billboards and radio commercials are being employed to draw
customers’ attention.
Previews the new TVC series at
One2Free’s “Jay Chou CM Preview”
One2Free organised “Jay Chou CM Preview” on 10 September 2004 to enable
over 2,000 One2Free customers and
Jay’s fans to be the first to see the TVC
series. The event enabled participants to
get close to Jay. It also let them be the
first to experience One2Free’s innovative
services and experience in real life the
theme of its new commercials – “U gotta
be free!”
Jay played interactive games with several participants on the stage at the CM Preview.
Establishes a new mobile fan club,
“Jay Fair”, for One2Free customers
To make it easier for customers to stay
in touch with Jay, One2Free also established a new mobile fan club, “Jay
Fair”, which Jay unveiled at the CM
preview. Customers who register with
One2Free “Jay Fair” at www.one2free.
com can receive Jay’s latest information and have a chance to join
One2Free’s events for free. They can
also review the new TVC series and
download Jay’s “U gotta be free!” wallpapers and screensavers from
One2Free’s website.
Enhances “Jay Zone” for customers
to download Jay’s content onto their
mobile phones
One2Free has also enriched “Jay Zone”
by providing a variety of Jay-related
mobile content for customers to download. Customers who subscribe to the
$20 “Jay Zone – Unlimited Download”
monthly package can enjoy unlimited
downloads of Jay’s video clips, ringtones, themes, colour wallpapers,
MMS, etc. from Jay Zone. They can
even receive Jay’s latest news, MMS,
polyphonic / monophonic ringtones and
colour wallpaper automatically.
Offers exclusive Jay-related premiums upon service subscription
To tie-in with the new “U gotta be
free!” campaign, One2Free is offering
a series of Jay-related premiums, including posters, postcards and photo
frame as incentives for customers to
join One2Free and / or subscribe to
One2Free’s innovative value-added
services. Customers can also enjoy an
extra $300 handset rebate upon purchase of a video handset and subscription to selected rate plans.
One2Free “U gotta be free!” postcards and posters.
Page 12
October 2004
CSL Offers JAVA Applications Tailored for BlackBerry
By Hong Kong CSL Limited
CSL has recently launched a BlackBerry feature enhance-
Customers can make informed, timely investment decisions
ment – real-time JAVA Finance, Reuters and Apple Daily
with their BlackBerry anytime, anywhere.
News following the launch of BlackBerry supporting Chinese
CSL customers can also enjoy 24-hour access to Reuters Live,
characters in July 2004.
keeping them up to date with authoritative bulletins from one
of the world’s largest news providers.
The Apple Daily
The new JAVA Finance application offer real-time, auto-
JAVA application enables them to check out local and inter-
refreshed stock prices and comprehensive business informa-
national breaking news, financial updates, sports, entertain-
tion, including financial news, key indices, foreign exchange
ment and leisure information when they are on the move.
cross rates, precious metal prices and market commentaries.
“Candle Stick”
My Stock
Reuters World News
Apple Daily
With GPRS roaming coverage in nearly 100 destinations
“push” technology enables email to be automatically delivered
worldwide*, including mainland China, Singapore, the US,
to the handheld device. Durable, reliable and ease-to-use,
the UK, Canada, Australia and more, CSL customers can ac-
BlackBerry keeps users connected to people and information
cess to the latest financial information via BlackBerry when
while on the go. Customers can read and compose Chinese
travelling. Additionally, customers are served by CSL’s dedi-
email and SMS messages with CSL’s BlackBerry service.
cated 24-hour international toll-free hotline and a team of
BlackBerry certified sales and technical experts who are ready
Software with Chinese support for the BlackBerry 7230™ and
to answer any questions that may arise.
BlackBerry 7730™
is available to download from www. or With the new software
Supporting international roaming on GSM/GPRS networks,
loaded, users can type Traditional Chinese with input methods
BlackBerry is the best integrated email and phone solution for
Jyutping and CangJie in the QWERTY keyboard and Simpli-
fied Chinese with Pinyin, CangJie and WuBiHua.
lightweight BlackBerry, complete with email, browser and
organizer, is a wireless extension of work and home.
October 2004
Page 13
Continued to Hong Kong CSL Limited… … .
Customers can read and compose Chinese email and SMS with the BlackBerry
Remark: *Check with CSL for GSM/GPRS roaming arrangements.
Offer from CSL
Special Price
BlackBerry 7730
BlackBerry 7230
BlackBerry mobile email solution for individuals monthly plan
Monthly Free GPRS Data
Thereafter GPRS
Web Email
1 MB
2 MB
Free Service
1O1O customer:
Call Conference feature
One2Free customer:
12-mth Info Channel
Remark: To enjoy the special offer, customers are required to sign a 12-month contract.
Service Charge
Pay as you go
$0.5 / stock request
$0.1 / stock auto-refresh
Unlimited downloads without buy/sell queue
$138 / month
Unlimited downloads with buy/sell queue
$238 / month
Price alert
HK$1.5 / 1 SMS + HK$0.5 per quote
Schedule download
HK$1.5 / 1 SMS + HK$0.5 per quote
Reuters News (JAVA)
& Apple Daily (JAVA)
application download*
*GPRS data transport charges apply.
No service charge for REUTERS NEWS and APPLE DAILY but GPRS charges apply.
October 2004
Page 14
3G CDMA Technology: Here and Now
By Qualcomm International, Inc
There is little doubt that 3G is already a reality – in Asia, Europe and the US. As of August 2004, 104 commercial operators in 46
countries have launched 3G CDMA networks, amassing 128 million (and growing) 3G CDMA subscribers. In 2004 alone, 27 operators spanning from the UK to Indonesia to the Czech Republic have introduced 3G services, providing quality high-speed wireless data services to users.
Here in Hong Kong, 3G has gained momentum since the launch of Hutchison Telecom’s WCDMA service, ‘3’, in December 2003.
With other ‘3’ networks in various parts of Europe and Australia, ‘3’ now offers a variety of compelling applications and services,
including high-resolution videoconferencing, news and entertainment downloads, multimedia messaging and home security-related
services. With other 3G operators all poised to commercially launch their respective services soon, however, Hong Kong is certainly going to anticipate much more in terms of attractive wireless devices, competitive pricing packages and exciting applications.
As a pioneer in the development of 3G CDMA technologies, QUALCOMM is committed to the development of products and solutions that, in turn, enable operators, vendors and application developers around the world to offer compelling products and services
to the consumer, both at a retail and enterprise level. Whether in CDMA2000 ® or WCDMA (UMTS), QUALCOMM is dedicated
to bridging the standards gap and truly enable wireless mobility across the world.
Leader in WCDMA (UMTS) Development
In the area of WCDMA (UMTS) development, QUALCOMM developed the world’s first commercially available, fully integrated
WCDMA (UMTS) chipset solutions and now offers complete solutions to support high-speed WCDMA (UMTS) networks worldwide. With powerful, multimode data-enabled chipsets, QUALCOMM continues to enhance and improve wireless products that
enable GSM and GPRS operators to seamlessly transition to 3G – making the most of existing network investments and reducing
start-up costs.
QUALCOMM’s WCDMA (UMTS) chipset solutions include the Launchpad™ suite of applications and software, a solution widely
adopted by many manufacturers worldwide for CDMA-based systems. Launchpad encompasses advanced multimedia, connectivity,
user interface, storage and Assisted GPS solutions.
Because the QUALCOMM WCDMA (UMTS) solution is built on established CDMA experience – enabling fully-tested, completely integrated technology which is supported by QUALCOMM’s expert team of engineers from design to deployment – we help
minimize development costs and optimize the performance of product offerings as operators move toward WCDMA (UMTS) 3G
networks. QUALCOMM’s WCDMA (UMTS) chipset solutions eliminate the need for separate multimedia companion processors
and memory subsystems, reducing costs while enabling smaller devices.
And our success in delivering products and solutions that provide a valuable point of differentiation to operators and vendors is
clear: QUALCOMM’s WCDMA (UMTS) capabilities are reflected by our unrivalled ability to continue developing partnerships
and alliances. Currently, 21 (and growing) wireless device manufacturers around the world have selected QUALCOMM’s integrated chipsets and system software for their WCDMA (UMTS) deployments – by far the largest customer base in the industry to
work with a single WCDMA (UMTS) wireless chipset provider.
October 2004
Page 15
Continued to Qualcomm International, Inc… … .
CDMA2000® Technology – Proven Success
Indeed, QUALCOMM has also been successful in the development of CDMA2000® technology, which has seen great
achievements throughout the world. Currently more than seventy operators on six continents have selected CDMA2000 1X as
the standard of choice, and many are achieving business profitability.
CDMA2000 technology demonstrates the business viability of 3G: a deft mix of network, devices and applications will drive
3G success. CDMA2000 1xEV-DO, which is a data-optimized evolution of CDMA2000 technology, provides multi-megabit
peak rates and average rates of hundreds of kilobits per second at a lower cost per bit than any other 3G technology available
QUALCOMM supports CDMA2000 1xEV-DO with a broad range of chipsets and system software solutions, such as the
MSM5500TM, MSM6500TM, MSM6550TM, MSM6800TM and MSM7500TM. These highly integrated chipsets, which also supports Launchpad technologies, enable a variety of wireless devices, including wireless handsets, camera phones, PDAs and PC
cards for use in laptop and handheld computers, and an array of applications meeting the needs of businesses and consumers.
The technology is popular among operators: so far eight carriers around the world have chosen CDMA2000 1xEV-DO and
many are already witnessing success. For instance, South Korea’s SK Telecom began to provide its CDMA2000 1xEV-DO
service as early as February 2002 – in addition to its CDMA2000 1X service, launched in October 2000 – and by mid-2003 it
had signed on more than 1 million subscribers. Recently, Verizon Wireless had announced that it has begun progressively deploying its CDMA2000 1xEV-DO service, “BroadbandAccess”, in cities and airports throughout the US after initial commercial trials in San Diego and Washington D.C. earlier this year.
With the proliferation of 3G around the world, opportunities are endless – for vendors and consumers. The convergence of
technologies, and the increasing demand for sophisticated devices will only further drive the wireless industry. And, as we
continue to witness rapidly growing uptake 3G CDMA technologies, QUALCOMM is well positioned to harness such growth,
and continue to drive innovation in the development of 3G technologies.
October 2004
Page 16
3 Hong Kong teamed up with 10 leading mainland content
providers to deliver GoChina channel
by Hutchison Telecommunications (HK) Ltd
3 Hong Kong partnered with 10 major
mainland content providers to deliver
the content-rich GoChina channel on
27 September 2004. The new channel
provides 3 users with up-to-date news covering
business, technology, sports, entertainment and
military as well as live news updates, online share
trading services of China-listed A and B shares,
video and music streaming services, popular Java
games and wallpapers. The offerings will be
introduced to 3-Dualband- and Hutchison
Telecom's Macau mobile phone users soon.
Managing Director of 3 Hong Kong Mrs Agnes Nardi (sixth from left ) and representatives of leading mainland content providers officiate at the launch ceremony of GoChina
Subscribe to GoChina and Enjoy 1st Month Free Subscription
GoChina channel is comprised of nine specific channels., Sina News Centre, Handinweb China Stock Info Service
and MSTAR.TV provide news, entertainment and financial data on Mainland China. Tencent’s QQ provides mobile instant
messaging service, paving a new way for customers to make friends. KongZhong Dream Work and Any8 Color Wallpaper offer colourful pictures and graphics with a tint of Chinese flavour. Digifun and Coolrd boast some of the mainland's hottest and
latest Java games. Another Java games provider will join the duo in future.
Three out of the nine channels under GoChina - Sina News Centre, Handinweb China Stock Info Service and Tencent’s QQ
provide services on a monthly subscription basis. Subscribe to any one of these channels before 26 October, customers will
enjoy free subscription for the first month!
3 Hong Kong Managing Director Mrs Agnes Nardi said 3 Hong Kong was honoured to have joined hands with the ten top mobile content providers of China in launching GoChina channel. From now on, customers can enjoy a variety of Mainland China
information and entertainment via their handsets.
"The social ties between Hong Kong and the mainland are getting closer each day. People commute between both places more
frequently, thus creating a strong demand for up-to-date China information. The launch of GoChina channel has not only enriched 3's mobile information contents, but also provided customers with a quick and easy access to latest China information.
We will continue to identify successful mainland content providers and strive to serve 3 customers even more quickly and efficiently with the most current China information and entertainment," said Mrs Nardi.
October 2004
Page 17
Continued to Hutchison Telecommunications (HK) Ltd… … .
GoChina Channel offers unique content on Mainland China
1. Entertainment - latest from Mainland China,
Hong Kong and Taiwan provides rich entertainment contents. 3 customers can
watch interviews of celebrities of Mainland China, Hong Kong
and Taiwan on their mobile phones. By tuning to the animation
world, they can watch original animated videos produced by mainland designers.
2. Live mainland and worldwide news
Sina News Centre provides 24-hour instant news, allowing customers to monitor real-time mainland and international news, covering finance, technology, sports, military, entertainment and society. News of Sina News Centre is synchronised around-the-clock
3. Friends and contacts - via the QQ interface
Tencent’s QQ is one of the hottest internet instant messaging clients in the mainland. By downloading the Mobile’s QQ client,
users can open up a gateway to 300 million plus QQ users in the
mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Tencent’s QQ provides functions like message sending and receiving. It can make instant
search for QQ contacts in 34 regions.
4. China stock prices and trading - all via mobile
Handinweb China Stock Info Service provides real-time stock
streaming of China-listed A and B shares, chart analysis and trading services. It also provides analysis of stocks, funds and
5. Military and golf fans get latest thrills
MSTAR.TV provides rich military and golf content. Overseas and China's latest military information can be found in video
formats. Air, sea and land weapons, famous military personnel, battles and new military developments also form a major part
of its content. MSTAR.TV also offers golf content highlighting the magic-dose of playing golf.
6. Abundant Chinese style wallpapers
Users can download wallpapers from KongZhong Dream Work and Any8 Color Wallpaper to personalise their handsets.
KongZhong Dream Work provides over 600 colourful wallpapers with themes ranging from traditional Chinese paintings,
Beijing opera masks, scenic spots, animal and plants to trendy Japanese and Korean celebrities and cars. Images are updated
regularly. Any8 Color Wallpaper offers over 1,000 pictures and graphics featuring Chinese star athletes, paintings, cartoons,
beauties, animals and plants, sceneries and the ocean.
7. Hot games add spices to life
Users can easily download popular Java games of Mainland China from DigiFun and Coolrd. DigiFun is characterised by
games requiring strategic thinking and sometimes historical knowledge. Examples are "Sanguo", a tactical game, and
"Devildom", a role-playing game. Coolrd provides interesting and creative games like "Bush Fighting", "Sea Battle" and
"Tarot". Meanwhile, will join the duo in supplying Java games shortly.
October 2004
Page 18
3 video mobile phone provides superiority of
“3G • 2G CROSSOVER” with over 3,300 cell sites
By Hutchison Telecommunications (HK) Ltd
3 Hong Kong pioneered the first 3G service in Hong Kong in
January 2004, leading Hong Kong's telecommunication industry
into a new era. Since early September, 2004, 3 has launched the
superior “3G • 2G CROSSOVER” initiative, connecting
customers with over 3,300 cell sites, which is nearly double the
number supplied by other operators, to give 3 customers a
mobile network coverage unrivalled by other network operators.
3's world-class 3G network now uses high data transfer speed of
384kbps to provide the best quality mobile video content
services in Hong Kong, unmatched by the low transfer speeds of
other technologies such as GPRS or EDGE.
Trade-in 2G handsets for 3 video mobile phones
3 Hong Kong is providing a wide selection of 3G premium
service plans, allowing customers to experience 3G services at
attractive prices. Customers who trade-in for 3 video mobile
phones can enjoy a 3-fold offer. Details are:
1. Customers subscribing to 3 G with existing numbers and
selecting LG 8120, NEC c616V or NEC c616 handsets can
enjoy rebates of up to HK$300.
2. Customers trading in specific models of 2G handsets for 3
video mobile phones enjoy additional rebates of HK$500 and
free multi-media content package (worth $28 per month) for 3
3. Hong Kong prides itself on delivering about 30 video channels, providing a wide spectrum of content on video mobile
phones covering live news and traffic conditions, sports, finance, movie, music, entertainment, fashion, games and weather.
Best network coverage for “3G • 2G CROSSOVER” superiority
3 Hong Kong's 3G and 2G networks provide 99% coverage in populated areas. It possesses the largest number of cell sites in
Hong Kong. The two networks provide quality indoor coverage at the airport, the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre,
most shopping centres, hotels, department stores, restaurants, commercial buildings, karaokes, entertainment spots and public
and private housing estates. Quality 3 coverage is even provided in elevators in major commercial buildings, shopping centres
and entertainment spots.
October 2004
19 19
Page Page
debuts instant posting of MMS on the Internet via
mobile phone anytime anywhere for the world to see
By SmaTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd
SmarTone launched the trend-setting
service, empowering mobile phone users to post MMS on the Internet in-
stantly anytime anywhere in an economical and convenient way. Mobile phone users, regardless of the network they subscribe
to, can simply send from their handsets photos / videos with text / voice clips to be posted instantly on the Internet for the
world to see.
provides a communication means for all Hong Kong people to share everyday moments or observations on the
Internet. It enables easy, instant and up-to-the-minute sharing of one’s feelings / inspiration with the world, thus helping people ‘get closer’.
is accessible via
> >
> >
via handset or on via
personal computer. It welcomes mobile phone users of any network to send photos / videos with text / voice clips as MMS to
the designated number, 6010 0022, so that their submissions can be posted instantly on Senders will be notified
by an SMS with a specific URL where they can view the submitted photos / videos on the Internet, while SmarTone customers
using WAP handsets will receive a WAP push notification and view on via
is an illustration of SmarTone’s innovation by combining the ever popular camera phone and Internet to create a
new addictive service targeting the young and trendy segment. It is believed that
can promote the usage of
camera phone for visual communication. People can share instantaneously any funny, touching, interesting or inspiring moment (even seemingly meaningless things) with others. Trend-setters find
most appealing.
Viewers are able to see the latest postings, which are arranged in a chronological order, from the web site and
mobile portal. Top 20 popular posts will be singled-out and ranked for customer’s easy access.
In addition to viewing and adding comments to others’ submissions via
, SmarTone customers can send
SMS (with a specific URL embedded) to invite friends to view their favourite photos / videos on the Internet. If the invitee is
a SmarTone customer, he / she is entitled to another option of viewing and adding comments to the submitted photos / videos
October 2004
Page 20
New World Mobility Kicked Off ‘The One For You’ Brand Campaign
And Introduced the First
Service in Town
By New World Mobility
New World Mobility (NWM) has launched a large-scale brand campaign to reinforce the message that “New World Mobility is
‘The One for You’, and provides superior mobile services tailored to the needs of individual customer groups.”
Dr. Norman Wai, President & CEO of New World Mobility says, “New World Mobility has always been committed to offering
superb quality mobile network and has made every effort to boost the usage of mobile data services. In the past three years, we
have launched over ten pioneering mobile multi-media services. In the future, we will continue to strive our best to provide
customized mobile services for different customer segments in line with our mission ‘We Satisfy Customers’.”
New World Mobility launched the ‘Better Than You Think’ Brand Campaign towards the end of 2001, reinforcing the mobile
operator’s image as a leading service provider with superb network quality. In November 2003, the operator regrouped its
multi-media services under the brand-new service platform M Kee, giving customers easy access to their desired services with
an icon-based color WAP. New World Mobility has now become one of the top three choices amongst other mobile operators
that consumers most often consider to use, and its subscriber base has surged 70% since the end of 2003 to over 1.2 million.
Ms Melanie Lee, Vice President, Marketing of New World Mobility says, “After almost three years’ effort in boosting the usage of mobile data services, we believe this is the right time to strengthen New World Mobility’s image as an innovative mobile
service provider. Through the new brand campaign, we hope to deliver the message that “New World Mobility offers various
mobile communication services tailored to the needs of different customer segments and we are ‘The One For You’.”
‘The One for You’ brand campaign will ride on the popular Connecting Tone service and the Hong Kong’s first Push to Talk
over Cellular service – Press ’n Talk to prove New World Mobility’s dedication in providing customers from all walks of life
with “simple and user-friendly services that improve their daily lives”.
The new TV commercials features ordinary people in their daily lives to highlight the message. The TV Campaign consists of
two versions with the ‘Connecting Tone’ and the Press ‘n Talk version. Apart from TVC, print advertisements will appear in
major newspapers and magazines from 25 September onwards.
October 2004
Page 21
Continued to New World Mobility… ..
Connecting Tones
Press ‘n Talk
Posters and print advertisements
Connecting Tones
Shop lightbox and banners
Press ‘n Talk
Shop lightbox
October 2004
Page 22
Continued to New World Mobility… ..
In addition, New World Mobility launched Hong Kong’s first Push to Talk over Cellular
service – Press ’n Talk. With designated handsets*, customers can communicate with more
than one mobile phone user instantly through Press ’n Talk, keeping in touch with friends
anytime, anywhere.
Riding on GPRS technology, Press ’n Talk service boasts a much wider coverage
area than the traditional walkie-talkie service, and has no limitation on the communicative
distance. Even while traveling, customers can still use Press ’n Talk service to keep
in touch with family and friends in over 30 overseas countries/ areas that support GPRS
roaming service such as China, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand etc.
Press ’n Talk users can form multiple groups, and select “One-to-one call” or
“Group call” mode according to personal needs. Users can also wait for the other party’s
reply through a “Callback request” function or choose “Do not disturb” function to leave
the Press ’n Talk network temporarily.
From now on, New World Mobility customers can enjoy the following offers upon subscription to the Press ’n Talk service:
Offer One
Enjoy free trial from now on until 30 November 2004. After the promotion period, the monthly service fee will be $12,
with 60 minutes free Press ’n Talk airtime inclusive. With a monthly fee of $168, customers can enjoy unlimited use of the
Offer Two
Upon subscription to Press ’n Talk service, customers can enjoy a $1,000 special offer for every purchase of two or more designated handsets (customers must sign a 12-month fixed term contract, subscribe to Service Plan 80P or above and subscribe
to Press ’n Talk service during the contract period).
Customers who wish to subscribe to Press ’n Talk service can visit any New World Mobility retail shops or call our 24-hour
customer service hotline 178 178 to register. For more details, please visit
*Press ’n Talk service is applicable to various designated handsets including Nokia 6260, Nokia 5140, Nokia 7610 and Nokia
6600. More handsets that support this service will be launched towards the end of this year or the beginning of 2005.
October 2004
Page 23
New World Mobility Partners with Disney
to Launch marie Fantasy
By New World Mobility
In August 2004, New World Mobility (NWM) partnered with the Walt
Disney Internet Group (Disney) to launch marie Fantasy – the first-ever Disney Character mobile prepaid SIM card worldwide, providing young users
with the exclusive content of Marie.
By entering marie Fantasy, a Marie-branded mobile content portal, users can
access a spectrum of exclusive Marie mobile content with their handsets anytime, anywhere. Designed especially for the youth segment, marie Fantasy
boosts a wide range of content, including ‘Lovely Download Zone’, ‘Sweet
Chats’, ‘Fortune Tarot’, ‘Horoscope Lovers’, ‘I Cute Test’, ‘Personality
New World Mobility partners with
Disney to launch marie Fantasy
Tests’, ‘marie Voice Mail’ and many more.
A new Java application for marie Fantasy has been launched since early September whereby
users can enjoy an even better-quality service with Marie animation using designated handsets.
Java application of marie Fantasy –
better-quality service with Marie animation
The marie Fantasy mobile prepaid SIM card is available at HK$100.
Promotional Offers
(i) Free Marie handset strap
Customers can get a free Marie handset strap with every purchase of the $100 marie Fantasy mobile prepaid SIM card.
Available while stock lasts.
(ii) Free Marie 7” plush
A free Marie 7” plush will be given out with every purchase of the marie Fantasy mobile prepaid SIM card plus $50 or
$100 recharge coupon in one single transaction. Available while stock lasts.
(iii) Free Nokia 6230 handsets
The three customers with the highest accumulative spending in marie Fantasy from now until 31 Oct 2004 will get a free
Nokia 6230 handset.
To find out more about New World Mobility’s marie Fantasy mobile prepaid SIM card, please visit any NWM shops, call the 24-hour-hotline (178 178) or
click into
October 2004
Page 24
What’s Up
Upcoming Activities
Luncheon – Freedom of the Internet held at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel on September 17, 2004
Jointly organized by Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association
(HKISPA), Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF) and
Internet & Telecom Association of Hong Kong (ITAHK)
The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Vinton Cerf, Senior Vice President of Technology Strategy for MCI. Dr Cerf's speech covered a range of questions evolving around the law and governance of Internet and how new applications such as IP telephony would challenge Internet freedom while keeping in mind
the regulatory environment and constraints. Also, Dr Cerf
shared his insight on the new IP trend on convergence and optical networking.
Publication of 2005 Official Guide to Telecommunications in Hong Kong
This biennial directory will be published in January 2005. This
publication will be circulated to the local and overseas IT and
Telecom related companies and distributed at the 10th Asian
Telecommunications Industry Exchange (ATIE) Forum. Please
grasp this chance to make your company known to the industry
prominent players.
ITAHK Golf Challenge Autumn 2004
The Challenge will be held at Xili Golf and Country Club on
29th October 2004. As before, we will have 4 prizes for this
challenge, they are “Best Net Score, Best Gross Score, Closest
to the PIN and Longest Drive”. We will report the challenge
result in next publication.
Welcome New Members
Full Member (Since Jul 2004)
- Limited
- MC. Founder Limited
Endorsed Event
Oct 19-20, 2004
Capacity Asia 2004
Organized by TelCap at the Excelsior, Hong Kong
For more information & registration, please visit
Special offer to ITAHK member – less 10% on the Registration Fee
Nov 11–12, 2004
Eighth Asia Pacific Telecommunications Roundtable, Recovery and Revitalisation
Organized by Economist Conferences at Grand Hyatt, Shanghai
For more information & registration, please visit
Special offer to ITAHK member – less 15% on the Registration Fee (please quote code “A5E” on the
registration form); The first 10 ITAHK members to register can bring a second delegate at no extra costs!
Nov 15-19, 2004
3G Congress and Exhibition 2004
Organized by IIR Ltd. at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
For more information & registration, please visit
Special offer to ITAHK member – less 15% on the Registration Fee
Call for Paper
Next Submission Date : January 7,2005
Circulation Date : January 14, 2005
The New Services & Products Bulletin offers excellent opportunities for its members to exchange new information. Paper
should not be more than 1000 words and no Commercial Advertisement is allowed. You are highly encouraged to submit
more photos or graphics in jpeg format to attract viewing.
Please submit your paper by email to [email protected].
ITAHK has the sole right to decide whether to publish the article.
For any enquiry, please contact ITAHK.
: (852) 25042732
: (852) 2504 2752
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Manager : Elky Chan
Admin Assistant : Cookie Ko