Detaillibrary päivitetty CD2010
Detaillibrary päivitetty CD2010
DETAIL LIBRARY Detail library TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DETAILS: STEEL FRAME Base/Plinth DP001C Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DY001C Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DY002C Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DY101C Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DY102C External corner DN001C External corner DN002C External corner DN003C External corner DN004C Internal corner (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DN005C Internal corner (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DN105C Lower edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI001C Upper edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI002C Side edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI003C Lower edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI101C Upper edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI102C Side edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI103C 2 DETAILS: WOODEN FRAME Base/Plinth DP001W Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DY001W Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DY002W Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DY101W Eaves (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DY102W External corner DN001W Detail library External corner DN002W External corner DN003W External corner DN004W Internal corner (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DN005W Internal corner (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DN105W Lower edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI001W Upper edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI002W Side edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has not been cut) DI003W Lower edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI101W Upper edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI102W Side edge of a window (MTH Concertto -sheet has been cut) DI103W 3 FLASHINGS Support flashing of the panel CON L100 Storm flashing CON L101 Storm flashing CON L102 Internal corner flashing CON L103 Cover flashing for the internal corner CON L104 Upper edge flashings CON L105 Side edge flashings CON L106 Upper edge flashings CON L107 Side edge flashings CON L108 Base/Plinth flashing CON L109 Eaves flashing for a flat roof CON L110 4 CORNERS Corner flashing CON N10 CON N10 Corner flashing CON N11 CON N11 Corner flashing CON N12 CON N12 Corner 3333 A Corner 444 A CON K3333A CON K444A Corner 66 A CON K66A Corner 12 A CON K12A Detail library 5 SCREWS MTH Concertto screw CON R28A12 6 MOUNTING FRAME Frame 25/80 CON HR25 Frame 50/66 CON HR50 Fixing piece for the adjustable frame CON Sk50 Adjustable frame CON So50 Manufacture, sales and information Metehe Oy Voimakaari 17 54100 JOUTSENO, FINLAND Tel. +358 207 639 640 Fax. +358 207 639 650 [email protected] Detail library 1 DETAILS: STEEL FRAME &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& ! " &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ ! " (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 ! !"$#%'& " # # " $ % &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ ! " (*)#,+ #,&-./0&1 !"$#%'& ! " &('!*) !*$+,-.$ "!#%$ ! " Detail library 2 DETAILS: WOODEN FRAME &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& ! &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ ! (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& # ! $ $ !% ! " &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ ! (*)#,+ #,&-/.01& !"$#%'& ! &('!*) !*$+-,($ "!#%$ ! ! " Detail library 3 FLASHINGS 8 9:9; < A + BCD E,F EF ! "#$%&&'$ ()%*,+)%-%!&*( . /0& *1#234#%567 ?,-:$+*,3@) < ,3=%2> ! "#$ % 5 6 06789 ,--./1023'4 % &'(*)+ !"!# $ 2 . 345 $ %&')(* +%,"-./%&01 ! " + ,-. ! );# 8#<=> 45567(8'90: ! #"$ $% ! &"$'( *) ! /01*23 ) *+*, - %8( 5 9:8 .3+45#./67 ! !" 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