Step Up to Writing
Step Up to Writing
Grades K–12 Step Up to Writing Overview For General Education, Gifted/Talented, Title I, Remedial, Special Education, and ELL Classrooms by Maureen Auman :[[ZXi^kZ!Bjai^hZchdgn Lg^i^c\!GZVY^c\!A^hiZc^c\! VcYHeZV`^c\HigViZ\^Zh [dg6aa8dciZci6gZVh Hdeg^hLZhi ® 8IBUBSFUIFCFOFGJUTPG Step Up to Writing? t-FBETUPJODSFBTFEXSJUJOHQSPĕDJFODZUISPVHIFYQMJDJUIBOETPOSFTFBSDIWBMJEBUFETUSBUFHJFT t1SPWJEFTUFBDIFSTXJUIDIFDLMJTUTBOEEFUBJMFETDPSJOHHVJEFTGPSPOHPJOHQSPHSFTTNPOJUPSJOH t$PNQMFNFOUTBOZXSJUJOHDVSSJDVMVNBOEBMJHOTXJUIUIF5SBJU¥NPEFM Idea Development:5PPMTBOESFBEJOHMJTUFOJOHTUSBUFHJFTGPSTUVEFOUTUPHBUIFSJOGPSNBUJPO TPSUJEFBTBOEBQQMZXIBUUIFZIBWFMFBSOFE rganization:/VNFSPVTUPPMTBOETUSBUFHJFTUPIFMQTUVEFOUTPSHBOJ[FJEFBT O GPSĕDUJPOBOEOPOĕDUJPOXSJUJOHJOBMMTVCKFDUBSFBT Sentence Fluency: 5PPMTBOETUSBUFHJFTGPSMFBSOJOHQSBDUJDJOHBOENBTUFSJOHTFOUFODF XSJUJOHJOPSEFSUPDSFBUFDMFBSJOUFSFTUJOHBOEĘVFOUUFYU ord Choice:5PPMTBOETUSBUFHJFTGPSEFWFMPQJOHBSJDIWPDBCVMBSZVTJOHXPSETTUVEFOUTBMSFBEZ W LOPXBOEMFBSOJOHBDBEFNJDWPDBCVMBSZ Voice: 5PPMTTUSBUFHJFTBOEJOTUSVDUJPOGPSMFBSOJOHUPTFMFDUBQQSPQSJBUFTUZMFTGPSXSJUJOH EFQFOEJOHPOUIFQVSQPTFBVEJFODFNFTTBHFBOEDPOUFYUGPSXSJUJOHMFBSOJOHBCPVUBDUJWF BOEQBTTJWFWPJDFBTXFMMBTWPJDFTUZMF Conventions:5PPMTBOETUSBUFHJFTUPFNQPXFSTUVEFOUTUPDPNQMFUFFSSPSGSFFĕOBMESBęT resentation:5PPMTBOETUSBUFHJFTUPFNQPXFSTUVEFOUTUPQSPEVDFQVCMJTIĕOBMESBęTUIBUBSF P WJTVBMMZBQQFBMJOHBOEBDDVSBUFBOEUIBUDPOWFZUIFJOUFOEFENFTTBHF t*NQSPWFTMJUFSBDZTLJMMTBOEDSFBUFTBDPNNPOMBOHVBHFBDSPTTDPOUFOU BSFBTBOEHSBEFMFWFMT t0ČFSTBWBSJFUZPGSFBEJOHDPNQSFIFOTJPOTUSBUFHJFT t1SPWJEFTTUSBUFHJFTGPSSFBEJOHXSJUJOHMJTUFOJOHBOETQFBLJOH t1SPWJEFTUPPMTGPSUFBDIJOHUIFXSJUJOHQSPDFTT t*ODMVEFTOVNFSPVTTBNQMFTUPIFMQBMMTUVEFOUTSFBDIQSPĕDJFOUBOEBEWBODFEMFWFMTJOXSJUJOH t1SFQBSFTTUVEFOUTGPSXSJUJOHPOIJHITUBLFTTUBUFBOEOBUJPOBMUFTUT Please visit for correlations, state content standards, alignments to curricula, research, and more 2 )PXStep Up to Writing"MJHOT XJUI8SJUJOH/FYU 8SJUJOH/FYUSFMFBTFEJO0DUPCFSCZUIF"MMJBODFGPS&YDFMMFOU&EVDBUJPO PVUMJOFTTUSBUFHJFTUPJNQSPWFUIFXSJUJOHPG,oTUVEFOUTStep Up to WritingBEESFTTFT UIFFTTFOUJBMFMFNFOUTPGFČFDUJWFXSJUJOHJOTUSVDUJPOBOEBMMPXTGPSBQQMJDBUJPOPG EBUBQSPDFTTJOH Meta-Analysis of Research: Effective Writing Instruction t8SJUJOH4USBUFHJFT t1SFXSJUJOH t4VNNBSJ[BUJPO t*ORVJSZ"DUJWJUJFT t$PMMBCPSBUJWF8SJUJOH t8SJUJOH1SPDFTT t4QFDJmD1SPEVDU(PBMT t4UVEZPG.PEFMT t8PSE1SPDFTTJOH t8SJUJOHGPS$POUFOU-FBSOJOH t4FOUFODF.BTUFSZ 3 Step Up toWriting"U"(MBODF From the Author Step Up to Writing FNFSHFEGSPNBVUIPS .BVSFFO"VNBOT DPODFSOTBCPVUDIJMESFO XIPXFSFTUSVHHMJOHXJUI XSJUJOH4IFSFDPHOJ[FE UIBUTUVEFOUTOFFEFE IBOETPOFČFDUJWF QSBDUJDBMXSJUJOHTUSBUFHJFT UIBUDPVMECFBQQMJFE BDSPTTBMMHSBEFTBOE DPOUFOUBSFBT Step Up to Writing Research ćFSFTVMUTGSPNStep Up to WritingQSPHSBN FWBMVBUJPOTTIPX TUBUJTUJDBMMZTJHOJĕDBOUBOE FEVDBUJPOBMMZNFBOJOHGVM HBJOTJOXSJUJOH Step Up to Writing Components Step Up to WritingPČFSTBDPNQMFUFTFUPGBHFBQQSPQSJBUFUPPMT BOEFYBNQMFTUPTVQQPSUFBDITUSBUFHZ$PNQPOFOUTJODMVEF t5FBDIFST(VJEFT t)BOEZ1BHFT t$VTUPNJ[BCMF5PPMTBOE#POVT.BUFSJBMT t1PTUFST Handy Pages ® Percent of Fourth Grade Students Who Met or Exceeded Standards on the WASL Writing Assessment After Step Up to Writing Implementation Met or Exceeded Standards 2003–2004 (P 8SJUFBUPQJDTFOUFODF 4MPX %PXO (JWFBLFZTUBSJEFB SFBTPOEFUBJMPSGBDU 6TFBUSBOTJUJPO Two ® &YQMBJO 4UPQ ® Middle End 3FNJOEUIFSFBEFSPG Secondary Level ZPVSUPQJD #BDL Two Kinds of Writing Expository ess Introduction 1. Prewrite Body 2. Plan Conclu sion Proc The Writing Maureen E. Auman 3. Draft 4. Revise End 5. Edit Expository Introduction Intermediate Level The Writing Proce ss 1. Prewrite 2. Plan 3. Draft 4. Revise 5. Edit 6. Write final copy 7. Proofread 8. Share and/or publish Maureen E. Auman 6. Write final copy Body 7. Proofread Conclusion 2004–2005 Narrative Beginning HJWFBOFYBNQMF s Handy Page (P Middle 46% Handy Pages Kinds of Writing Narrative Beginning 54% Primary Level 5SBGGJD-JHIU$PMPST or 8. Share and/ publish Maureen E. Auman 35% 65% 2005–2006 24% 76% Maureen Auman, MA Page 6 4 Page 7 Pages 8–13 $BNCJVN-FBSOJOHJTUIFMFBEJOHFEVDBUJPOBMDPNQBOZGPDVTFE FYDMVTJWFMZPOBUSJTLBOETQFDJBMTUVEFOUQPQVMBUJPOT Differentiation and Implementation Step Up to WritingJT BMJHOFEUPUIF/BUJPOBM 8SJUJOH4UBOEBSET 8SJUJOH/FYUTQFDJĕD TUBUFTUBOEBSETBOEPUIFS XSJUJOHGSBNFXPSLT Step Up to WritingIBT UIFBCJMJUZUPBEBQUUP TQFDJĕDTDIPPMBOE EJTUSJDUOFFET%JTUSJDU TDIPPMBOEDMBTTSPPN JNQMFNFOUBUJPOTBSF FČFDUJWFJOJODSFBTJOH XSJUJOHQSPĕDJFODZ BNPOHBMMTUVEFOUT The Steps of Writing Step Up to Writing QSFQBSFTTUVEFOUTGPSB WBSJFUZPGXSJUJOHUBTLT 'SPN1SJNBSZUISPVHI 4FDPOEBSZUIFStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFTHVJEF TUVEFOUTBTUIFZPSHBOJ[F QMBODSFBUFBOEXSJUF Step Up to Writing in the Classroom Scoring Guides and Rubrics .BUFSJBMTBDSPTTBMMUISFF MFWFMTJODMVEF)BOEZ1BHFT BOE5PPMTUIBUSFJOGPSDF UIFStep Up to Writing TUSBUFHJFTBOETFSWFBT FBTZUPVTFSFGFSFODFUPPMT BOEQSBDUJDFBDUJWJUJFT 5PCFDPNFQSPĕDJFOU XSJUFSTTUVEFOUTNVTUCF BCMFUPSFWJTFDPOĕEFOUMZ BOEFďDJFOUMZćFStep Up to WritingTDPSJOHHVJEFT NPUJWBUFBOEFNQPXFS TUVEFOUTUPFOHBHFJOUIJT LJOEPGSFWJTJPO Below Basic 4 5 Basic 6 7 8 9 Proficient Advanced 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pages 28–30 Professional Development y Writing Str nsor ate ise gie ult s M OUFODFT "DUJPOUPQJDTF HFTUQMBOFUT POFPGUIFCJH FEBCPVU4BUVSO 0VSDMBTTMFBSO UIFJSIPNFT BUFSJBMTUPCVJME FOUN QJHTVTFEEJGGFS OUFODFT OJOHUPQJDTF IBUT)BQQF IFOQMVT8 8IFSFPS8 Multisensory W riti ng 8IFSF XFIB UIFMJCSBSZ BQQFOJOH 8IBUT) PVUBHSFBUCPPLGSPN DLFE *DIF 8IFO -BTUXFFL Pages 18–21 Handy Pagesr BJO SPWFPSFYQM PVXBOUUPQ BEFSXIBUZ 5FMMZPVSSF ies eg at tr Mu ltis en 12 Pages 14–17 BQQFOJOH 8IBUT) BOZQMBDFTUPQMBZ WFN PPE *ONZOFJHICPSI S trategies ng S riti W ry o s 5IFUISFFMJUUMF Proficient Writers K–12 0VSUSBJOJOHNPEFMJTCVJMU POEFWFMPQJOHZPVSMPDBM SFTPVSDFTGPSTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ BOEDPOUJOVFEHSPXUI ces Topic Senten PRIMARY Pages 22–27 Page 31 5 'SPNUIF"VUIPS .BVSFFO Maureen Auman, Author Step Up to Writing Dunedin, Florida What’s the philosophy behind Step Up to Writing? ćFUPPMTBOEQSBDUJDBMNVMUJTFOTPSZTUSBUFHJFTBSFNFBOUUPCFVTFEUISPVHIPVUUIF ZFBSCZBMMTUVEFOUTJOBMMTVCKFDUTćFZFTUBCMJTIBDPNNPOMBOHVBHFBOEDPNNPO HPBMT*MJLFUPDPNQBSFUIFNUPUPPMTJOBLJUDIFOZPVEPOUTBZZPVSFHPJOHUPVTF UIFQPUBUPQFFMFSJO+VOFZPVVTFJUXIFOZPVOFFEJU How did Step Up to Writing evolve? *UTBMXBZTCFFOHSBTTSPPUTUIFDIBQUFSTHSFXPVUPGRVFTUJPOTOFFETJEFBTBOE BQQMJDBUJPOTUIBUUFBDIFSTTIBSFEEVSJOHUSBJOJOH*UTOPUBNBUUFSPGEFEJDBUJOH BOIPVSBEBZUPStep Up to WritingUFBDIFSTVTFUIFTUSBUFHJFTUPNBLFUIFJSPXO JOTUSVDUJPOCFUUFS*UTWFSZSFXBSEJOHUPIFBSGSPNUFBDIFSTUIBUUIFTUSBUFHJFTXF TIBSFSFBMMZEPJOTQJSFBOEIFMQUIFNJOUIFDMBTTSPPN What do the Step Up to Writing strategies have in common? "MMUIFTUSBUFHJFT TBWFUJNFGPSUFBDIFSTBOEUIFJSTUVEFOUT BSFQSBDUJDBMBOE FČFDUJWF CVJMETLJMMTBOE IFMQTUVEFOUTTVDDFFE My teaching style has always been … WFSZBDUJWFIBOETPOBOEWJTVBM'PSFYBNQMF*EJEOUXBOUNZTUVEFOUTDPVOUJOH TFOUFODFTTP*EFNPOTUSBUFECZQVMMJOHNZIBOETBQBSUBOECBDLUPHFUIFSIPX QBSBHSBQITDBOCFMPOHPSTIPSU0OFTUVEFOUTBJEJUMPPLFEMJLF*XBTQMBZJOHBO BDDPSEJPOBOEUIFUFSNiBDDPSEJPOQBSBHSBQIwXBTDPJOFE I]ZhVbZhiVcYVgYh[dglg^i^c\!gZVY^c\!a^hiZc^c\!VcYheZV`^c\ XVcZm^hi^cVaahjW_ZXi"VgZVXaVhhZh[dgVaahijYZcih# —Maureen Auman 6 Step Up to Writing3FTFBSDI Percent of Fourth Grade Students Who Met or Exceeded Standards on the WASL Writing Assessment After Step Up to Writing Implementation 2003–2004 2004–2005 54% 2005–2006 35% Met or Exceeded Standards 24% 46% 65% 76% Did Not Meet Standards ćFStep Up to WritingDVSSJDVMVNXBTJNQMFNFOUFEEVSJOHUIFoTDIPPMZFBSBU,FOSPZ&MFNFOUBSZ 4DIPPMJO8FOBUDIFF8BTIJOHUPOćFTDIPPMIBEBUISFFZFBSHPBMPGJODSFBTJOHUIFOVNCFSPGTUVEFOUTXIP QBTTFEUIF8BTIJOHUPO"TTFTTNFOUPG4UVEFOU-FBSOJOH8"4- %VSJOHUIFĕSTUUISFFZFBSTPGStep Up to Writing JNQMFNFOUBUJPOUIFOVNCFSPGGPVSUIHSBEFTUVEFOUTXIPNFUPSFYDFFEFETUBOEBSETPOUIF8"4-XSJUJOH BTTFTTNFOUJODSFBTFEQFSDFOU Average Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) Score %VSJOHUIFoTDIPPMZFBSB QSPHSBNFWBMVBUJPOPGStep Up to Writing XBTDPOEVDUFEBU&NFSTPO.JEEMF 4DIPPMJOUIF-PT"OHFMFT6OJĕFE4DIPPM %JTUSJDU&NFSTPO.JEEMF4DIPPMTFSWFE BQQSPYJNBUFMZTUVEFOUTGSPNTJYUI UPFJHIUIHSBEFćFTDIPPMIBEBMBSHF QSPQPSUJPOPGFUIOJDNJOPSJUZTUVEFOUT BQQSPYJNBUFMZXFSF)JTQBOJD XFSFCMBDLXFSFXIJUF BOEXFSF"TJBO Step Up to Writing Intervention & Comparison Students: Changes in SAT-9 Writing Scores Percentile Rank 60 54 50 55 52 40 30 Pre-test Post-test 29 20 10 0 Intervention Group Emerson Middle School Comparison Group Bancroft Middle School Step Up to Writing Intervention Subgroup Growth on SAT-9 Writing Emerson Middle School Fall 2001 Spring 2002 80 70 65 60 50 40 30 52 38 55 51 38 28 20 10 44 39 All Students n = 205 General Education n = 174 Special Education n = 31 English Learners n = 67 52 Average Range Gifted Students n = 56 All Fall to Spring differences are statistically significant (p < .001) 43 31 Free/Reduced Lunch Recipients n = 64 7 Step Up to Writing$PNQPOFOUT Primary Level Grades K–3 Three Levels to Meet Students’ Distinct Needs 1SJNBSZStep Up to WritingJOUSPEVDFTTUVEFOUTUPUIF MBOHVBHFPGXSJUJOHBOEJODPSQPSBUFTSFDPHOJ[BCMF TZNCPMTJOUPJOTUSVDUJPOUSBďDMJHIUIBQQZGBDFTFUD ćF1SJNBSZ-FWFM t0ČFSTJOTUSVDUJPOBMNFUIPETUPVTFXJUI LJOEFSHBSUFOTUVEFOUT t1SPWJEFTTPMJETFOUFODFXSJUJOHBDUJWJUJFT In every class, students have a range of writing skills. 0OFVOJRVFGFBUVSF PGStep Up to WritingJTUIBUJUDBOCF VTFEXJUITUVEFOUTXIPBSFQFSGPSNJOH BUCFMPXCBTJDUISPVHIBEWBODFETLJMM MFWFMT"HFBQQSPQSJBUFUPPMTBOE FYBNQMFTTVQQPSUFBDITUSBUFHZ t0VUMJOFTIPXUPXSJUFPSHBOJ[FEQBSBHSBQIT BOETUPSJFT t4IPXTTUVEFOUTIPXUPHFUBDUJWFMZJOWPMWFE XJUISFBEJOH Primary Tools 3–1a Sentences and Fragments Ideas for Themes # F !## S # S F # S #" F when the grass turns green F ! S © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. 8 Sentence Mastery $# Tool 3-1a Intermediate Level Secondary Level Grades 3–6 Grades 6–12 *OUFSNFEJBUFStep Up to WritingOPUPOMZQSPWJEFT CBTJDXSJUJOHJOTUSVDUJPOCVUBMTPNPWFTJOUPHSBEF MFWFMBTTJHONFOUTBOENPSFBEWBODFEXSJUJOHUBTLT *OUFSNFEJBUFStep Up to WritingTUVEFOUTXJMMEJTDVTTUIFJS XSJUJOHXJUIQFFSTBOECFDPNFFOHBHFEJOSFBEJOH8IJMF VTJOHUIFTBNFXSJUJOHMBOHVBHFBTUIF1SJNBSZ-FWFMUIF *OUFSNFEJBUF-FWFM 4FDPOEBSZStep Up to WritingQSPWJEFTBSBOHFPG XSJUJOHTUSBUFHJFTGPSTFDPOEBSZMFBSOFSTXJUICBTJD PSBEWBODFETLJMMT4FDPOEBSZTUVEFOUTFYQMPSFIPX TUSVDUVSFBOEQFSTQFDUJWFDBOBČFDUNFBOJOH8IJMF VTJOHUIFTBNFXSJUJOHMBOHVBHFBTUIF1SJNBSZBOE *OUFSNFEJBUFMFWFMT4FDPOEBSZStep Up to Writing t&YQMBJOTIPXUPXSJUFNPSFDPNQMFYTFOUFODFT t5FBDIFTTUVEFOUTUPXSJUFTUSVDUVSFEQBSBHSBQITGPS WBSJPVTQVSQPTFTBOEBVEJFODFT t1SPWJEFTTUSBUFHJFTGPSXSJUJOHNVMUJQBSBHSBQI FYQPTJUPSZBOEOBSSBUJWFQJFDFT t1SPNQUTTUVEFOUTUPSFTQPOEUPSFBEJOHXJUIXSJUJOH t5FBDIFTUIFUSBJUTPGXFMMXSJUUFOFYQPTJUPSZ OBSSBUJWFBOEQFSTPOBMOBSSBUJWFQJFDFT t4IPXTTUVEFOUTIPXUPFOIBODFUIFJSXSJUJOH XJUIJNQPSUBOUEFUBJMTBOEDSFBUFDPNQMFY XSJUUFODPNQPTJUJPOT t1SPWJEFTTUSBUFHJFTGPSTUVEFOUTUPDPPQFSBUFXJUI QFFSTUPSFWJTFBOEFEJUXPSL t"TLTTUVEFOUTUPUIJOLDSJUJDBMMZBCPVUXIBUUIFZ SFBEBOESFTQPOEUPMJUFSBUVSFUISPVHIXSJUJOH Intermediate Tools 3–1a Complete Sentences Complete Sentences Fragments Example 1 LQthebox E\herbed Fragments Complete Sentences 0HJKLGtheGLDU\LQtheboxE\ herbed. Example 2 EHFDXVHP\IULHQG ,UHDGtheERRNEHFDXVHP\IULHQG WROGmeDERXWLW WROGmeDERXWLW Example 3 HDWLQJFRRNLHV DQGGULQNLQJPLON ZLWKherJUDQGPD © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. Secondary Tools 3–1a -DQHZDVHDWLQJFRRNLHVDQG GULQNLQJPLONZLWKherJUDQGPD Complete Sentences Example 1 ! ! Example 2 ! ! Example 3 ! ! ! Sentence Mastery Tool 3-1a © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. Sentence Mastery Tool 3-1a 9 Step Up to Writing$PNQPOFOUT Teacher’s Guides t1SPWJEFSFTFBSDICBDLHSPVOEBOE JOTUSVDUJPOBMNPEFMT t)PVTFBMMTUSBUFHJFTBOEBDUJWJUJFT t*EFOUJGZXIJDISFQSPEVDJCMFTUPVTFXJUIFBDIBDUJWJUZ t1SPWJEFTUFQTGPSFBDIBDUJWJUZ t*ODMVEFBMMTDPSJOHHVJEFTBOETUVEFOUTBNQMFT t0ČFSJNQMFNFOUBUJPOTVQQPSUGPSTDIPPMXJEFBOE DMBTTSPPNJNQMFNFOUBUJPOT Handy Pages ® 5SBGGJD-JHIU$PMPST Primary Level Handy Pages Two Kinds ® 4MPX %PXO (JWFBLFZTUBSJEFB Two Kinds of Writin g SFBTPOEFUBJMPSGBDU 6TFBUSBOTJUJPO Narrative 4UPQ &YQMBJO HJWFBOFYBNQMF Handy Pages (P #BDL of Writing 2. Plan dle ss 1. Prewrite Beginning 2. Plan Middle 3. Draft End 3FNJOEUIFSFBEFSPG Expository ZPVSUPQJD Introduction End 3. Draft 4. Revise Expository Introductio n 5. Edit Body Conclusion 6. Write fi nal copy 7. Proofre ad 5. Edit 6. Write final copy Body Conclusion 7. Proofread Secondary Level The Writing 8. Share and publish /or Maureen E. Aum an 8. Share and/or publish Maureen E. Auman CD-ROMs: Customizable Tools and Bonus Materials t&OBCMFUFBDIFSTUPDVTUPNJ[FLFZSFQSPEVDJCMFUFNQMBUFT PSi5PPMTwJOStep Up to WritingBOEQSPWJEFBEEJUJPOBM i5PPMTwUPTVQQPSUBDUJWJUJFT t*ODMVEFCPOVTNBUFSJBMTFYUSBBDUJWJUJFTTDPSJOHHVJEFT TBNQMFTUFNQMBUFTBOEQSBDUJDBMHVJEFT t1SPWJEFXSJUJOHQSPNQUT Writing Accordion Essays and Reports Stretch into separate paragraphs. Tools Accordion Report The Benefits of Exercise Introductor y Paragraph with Topic Sentence Transition Topic Sentence ćFTFDPOUBJOBMMSFQSPEVDJCMFTPWFSIFBENBTUFSTGPSBDUJWJUJFT BOEBMJHOEJSFDUMZXJUIUIF5FBDIFST(VJEFT Explain Sentences Transition Topic Sentence Explain Sentences Tool 5-22b Conclusion Paragraph Ever notice how after a long run or an hour on the basketball court you feel more energy—both physical and mental—than when you started? That’s because exercise benefits both our bodies and our minds. We all know that regular exercise strengthens our bodies. Not only do muscles, heart, and bones get stronger, internal organs function better as well. Studies show that regular exercise boosts our immune system’s ability to ward off illness. Sweating during exercise also helps flush our bodies of toxins. Regular exercise also makes us think more clearly and uplifts our moods. Because exercise increases blood flow, the synapses in our brains respond more quickly. That’s why people who exercise regularly say they do it to “clear their head.” Exercise releases endorphins, chemicals that enhance mood, making us feel more positive. A 2004 study by the University of Texas’ Southwestern Medical Center found that 30 minutes of aerobic workouts three to five times a week cut mild depression symptoms in half. Exercise wards off both physical and mental ailments. It’s an easy prescription to good health. Intermediate Tools, Expository Writing Intermedia te Tools, Personal N arrative 10 Process 1. Prewrit e Intermediate Level Mid The Writing Proce 4. Revise Maureen E. Auman Handy Pa ges Narrative Beginning 8SJUFBUPQJDTFOUFODF (P %FTJHOFETQFDJĕDBMMZGPSTUVEFOUVTFUIFTFFBTZUPVTFSFGFSFODFT QSPWJEFSFNJOEFSTGPSLFZStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFT ® Posters ćFTFWJTVBMMZSFJOGPSDFUIFStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFT,FZTUSBUFHJFTBSFPVUMJOFEPOFBDIQPTUFS Primary Intermediate Secondary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Planning a Story A Story Accordion Paragraphs Kinds of Topic Sentences Closing Your Paragraph Transitions Summary Paragraph Planning a Paragraph Two Kinds of Writing—A Story Two Kinds of Writing—Information Practice Guide—6-Sentence Paragraph 12. Two-Column Notes 13. Practice Guide—7-Sentence Paragraph 14. The E’s—The Reds 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 15. Write Great Sentences 14. Summary Method 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Accordion Paragraphs Organize Your Ideas First Topic Sentences—Occasion/ Position Statements Topic Sentences—And, But, and Or Statements Topic Sentences—Action Topic Sentences Planning a Story Writing a Story Transitions The E’s Conclusions Reading Response Starters Stretch Your Accordion Paragraph Easy Two-Column Notes 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Writing Paragraphs and Essays Organize Your Ideas First Topic Sentences—Occasion/ Position Statements Topic Sentences—And, But, and Or Statements Topic Sentences—Get Their Attention/Action Topic Sentences—The List Statement Topic Sentences—However Statements Transitions The E’s Conclusions Bibliography Cards—Print Bibliography Cards—Media Note Cards Summary Method How to Order Step Up to Writing t Step Up to WritingNBUFSJBMTBSFBWBJMBCMFJOUISFFMFWFMT1SJNBSZ,oHSFFO *OUFSNFEJBUFoSFE BOE 4FDPOEBSZoCMVF t ćJSEBOETJYUIHSBEFUFBDIFSTIBWFUXPDIPJDFTXIFOUIFZTFMFDUB$MBTTSPPN4FUPSB5FBDIFST(VJEFQMVT NBUDIJOH5PPMT)BOEZ1BHFTBOE1PTUFST t 6OMFTTUIJSEHSBEFTUVEFOUTIBWFBMSFBEZCFFOJOUSPEVDFEUPBOEBSFVTJOHStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFT UFBDIFSTTIPVMEQVSDIBTF1SJNBSZ-FWFMNBUFSJBMT-JLFXJTFTJYUIHSBEFUFBDIFSTXJMMXBOU*OUFSNFEJBUF -FWFMNBUFSJBMTVOMFTTUIFJSJODPNJOHTUVEFOUTIBWFBTUSPOHCBDLHSPVOEJOStep Up to Writing t "MMMFWFMTPGStep Up to WritingTIBSFUIFTBNFFYDJUJOHNVMUJTFOTPSZTUSBUFHJFTPOMZUIF5PPMTXSJUJOH FYBNQMFTTDPSJOHHVJEFTUFBDIJOHBDUJWJUJFTBOEHFOFSBMUFBDIFSJOTUSVDUJPOTWBSZ NOTE: If you purchase the Teacher’s Guide, you will also need the Tools or the Tools CD-ROM. 11 Step Up to Writing$PNQPOFOUT Writing to Improve Reading and Listening Comprehension S ECTION Step Up to WritingUSFBUTSFBEJOHBOEXSJUJOHBTSFDJQSPDBM TLJMMTXSJUJOHIFMQTTUVEFOUTJOUFSQSFU BOEBOBMZ[FSFBEJOHSFBEJOHQSPWJEFTNPEFMTPG RVBMJUZXSJUJOHBOEFYDFMMFOUXSJUJOHDPOUFOU 4USBUFHJFTGSPNUIJTTFDUJPOJODMVEF t.BLJOHDPOOFDUJPOT t$SFBUJOHRVFTUJPOT SECTION Sentence Mastery 4FOUFODFXSJUJOHJTUIFGPVOEBUJPOGPSNPSFTPQIJTUJDBUFE XSJUJOHTLJMMTStep Up to WritingQSPWJEFTUBSHFUFE TFOUFODFJOTUSVDUJPOXJUIBDUJWJUJFTTVDIBT t&YBNJOJOHTFOUFODFTUSVDUVSF t*OUFHSBUJOHTFOUFODFWBSJFUZ t&ODPVSBHJOHVTFPGWJWJEBDUJPOWFSCT t%FWFMPQJOHTVNNBSJFT t"OBMZ[JOHUFYU SECTION S ECTION Vocabulary 7PDBCVMBSZJTBOFTTFOUJBMMJUFSBDZTLJMMUIBUJNQSPWFTXPSE DIPJDFBOESFBEJOHDPNQSFIFOTJPOBOEBMMPXTTUVEFOUTUP HFOFSBUFBOEDMFBSMZBSUJDVMBUFJEFBT8SJUJOHTUSBUFHJFTJO 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WritingTVQQPSUTUIJTCZPČFSJOHTUSBUFHJFTTVDIBT t&YBNJOJOHUIFQBUUFSOPGQFSTPOBMOBSSBUJWFT t1SFQBSJOHUPXSJUFQFSTPOBMOBSSBUJWFT t4IBSJOHBOEQVCMJTIJOHQFSTPOBMOBSSBUJWFT SECTION Assessment and High Standards *NNFEJBUFGFFECBDLBOEPOHPJOHBTTFTTNFOUBSFFTTFOUJBM UPUIFXSJUJOHQSPDFTTStep Up to WritingQSPWJEFT t4UVEFOUGSJFOEMZTDPSJOHHVJEFTXJUIEFUBJMFESVCSJDT t.PEFMTPGXSJUJOHUIBUNBUDIFBDISVCSJDMFWFM t5PPMTUPHVJEFTUVEFOUTJOFEJUJOHBOESFWJTJOHUIFJSXPSL 13 %JGGFSFOUJBUJPOBOE*NQMFNFOUBUJPO 4DIPPMEJTUSJDUTBOETUBUFTUBOEBSETEJDUBUFXIBUTUVEFOUTTIPVME MFBSOStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFTBOEUPPMTFYQMBJOIPX Proficient Writers K–12 S ies eg at tr Mu lt i s en 14 14 Multisenso r y W ri t i n g trategies S g n riti yW r so sory Writing Stra n e teg is ies ult M Customized to meet your state standards Step Up to Writing"EBQUTUP 4QFDJGJD4UBUFBOE%JTUSJDU/FFET Step Up to WritingJTVOJRVFJOJUTBCJMJUZUPBEBQUUPTQFDJĕDTDIPPMBOEEJTUSJDUOFFET 'SPNDMBTTSPPNUPEJTUSJDUMFWFMJNQMFNFOUBUJPOStep Up to WritingTFSWFTBTBO 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Learners "MMPGUIFStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFTCFOFĕUNPTU TUVEFOUTBOEDFSUBJOGFBUVSFTBSFQBSUJDVMBSMZCFOFĕDJBM UPEJČFSFOUTUVEFOUHSPVQT Gifted and Talented t0SHBOJ[JOHJOGPSNBUJPOTUSBUFHJDBMMZBOEDMFBSMZUP NBLFUIFNPTUJNQBDU t$MFBSMZBSUJDVMBUJOHDPNQMFYUIPVHIUTBOEDPOUFOU &ČFDUJWFXSJUJOHJOTUSVDUJPOSFRVJSFTUIF DBSFGVMMZQMBOOFEFYQMJDJUJOTUSVDUJPOGPVOE JOStep Up to Writing t6OEFSTUBOEJOHTIBEPXTPGNFBOJOHXJUIJOXPSET “Typical” Students—The Forgotten Middle t4USBUFHJFTUPCPPTUTUVEFOUXSJUJOHUPQSPĕDJFOUBOE BEWBODFEMFWFMT t4PMJETUSVDUVSFGPSNBOZUZQFTPGXSJUJOHBTTJHONFOUT t3FWJTJPOHVJEBODF t.BOZPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSQSBDUJDFVTJOHDPOTJTUFOU TUSBUFHJFT At-Risk and Special Education t4USBUFHJFTUPNBLFBCTUSBDUDPODFQUTDPODSFUF t3FBEJOHDPNQSFIFOTJPOTUSBUFHJFT t.VMUJTFOTPSZBQQSPBDI t$POĕEFODFCVJMEJOHUISPVHITUFQCZTUFQTUSBUFHJFT t0SHBOJ[BUJPOBOEQMBOOJOHTLJMMT English Language Learners (ELLs) t0SBMMBOHVBHFEFWFMPQNFOU t%FWFMPQNFOUPGBDBEFNJDWPDBCVMBSZ t"DUJWFTUVEFOUJOWPMWFNFOU t3FMBUJOHBOEPSHBOJ[JOHJOGPSNBUJPO 1MFBTFTFFUIFJOUSPEVDUJPOPGUIF5FBDIFST(VJEFGPS TQFDJĕDTUSBUFHJFTGPS&--T 16 Supports National Standards and Expectations Step Up to Writing teaches students to: t1MBOBOEXSJUFPSHBOJ[FEĘVJEBOEPSJHJOBM QBSBHSBQITSFQPSUTBOEFTTBZT Step Up to WritingIFMQTTDIPPMT NBLFBEFRVBUFZFBSMZQSPHSFTT ":1 CZJODPSQPSBUJOHTUBUF TUBOEBSETBOEFYQFDUBUJPOTGPS HSBEFT,oJOUPUIFTUSBUFHJFT t8SJUFDPIFSFOUJOUFSFTUJOHTFOUFODFT t"OBMZ[FBOETVNNBSJ[FUIFXSJUJOHT PGPUIFST t$PNQSFIFOEUFYUT t3FDPHOJ[FTUPSZFMFNFOUT t6TFSFBEJOHTUSBUFHJFT t6UJMJ[FBOEVOEFSTUBOEBDBEFNJDWPDBCVMBSZ t3FĕOFXPSEDIPJDF D EA BA K i Step Up to Writing supports writing and learning across the content areas with strategies that address: t3FBEJOHDPNQSFIFOTJPO N I Supports Content-Area Learning Step Up to Writing QSPWJEFTUFBDIFST XJUIHVJEBODFPOIPXUPJOUFHSBUF LFZTUSBUFHJFTBDSPTTDPOUFOUBSFBT &WFSZTFDUJPOPGUIF5FBDIFST(VJEF JODMVEFTBO*EFB#BOLXJUITQFDJGJD DPOUFOUBSFBTVHHFTUJPOT t/PUFUBLJOHTUVEZHVJEFT t"OTXFSJOHRVFTUJPOT t7PDBCVMBSZTUSBUFHJFT t4QFBLJOH t*OGPSNBUJPOFYQPTJUPSZXSJUJOH 17 5IF4UFQTPG8SJUJOH Step Up to WritingQSFQBSFTTUVEFOUTGPSBEWBODFEFYQPTJUPSZXSJUJOHUBTLT.VMUJQBSBHSBQI FYQPTJUPSZFTTBZTBSFPęFOSFRVJSFEGPSDMBTTSPPNBTTJHONFOUTTUBOEBSEJ[FEUFTUTBOEIJHI TDIPPMFYJUFYBNTBOEDBOMFBEUPNPSFBEWBODFEXSJUJOH'SPN1SJNBSZUISPVHI4FDPOEBSZ UIFStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFTHVJEFTUVEFOUTBTUIFZPSHBOJ[FQMBOXSJUFJOUSPEVDUJPOT EFWFMPQCPEZQBSBHSBQITDSFBUFTNPPUIUSBOTJUJPOTBOEGPSNQPXFSGVMDPODMVTJPOT $PMPSDPEJOHFOBCMFTTUVEFOUTUPWJTVBMJ[FXSJUJOHPSHBOJ[BUJPOCZVTJOHUIFDPMPSTPGBUSBďD MJHIU4UVEFOUTGPMMPXUIFTFTUFQT Topic Sentence t(SFFONFBOTiHPw t(SFFOBTLTUIFXSJUFSUPEFDJEF i8IBUBN*HPJOHUPQSPWF w i8IBUBN*HPJOHUPFYQMBJO w i8IBUJOGPSNBUJPOXJMM*TIBSF w Reason/Details/Facts t:FMMPXNFBOTiTMPXEPXOw t*OUSPEVDFLFZDPODFQUTUPTVQQPSUUIFUPQJD TFOUFODF Explain t3FENFBOTiTUPQBOEFYQMBJOw t1SFTFOUFWJEFODF t1SPWJEFFYQMBOBUJPOBOEFYBNQMFT Conclusion t(SFFONFBOTiHPCBDLUPZPVSUPQJDw t3FTUBUFUIFUPQJDBOEUIFQPTJUJPO t%POPUJOUSPEVDFOFXJOGPSNBUJPO t6TFTZOPOZNTBOEMFBWFZPVSSFBEFSXJUI TPNFUIJOHUPSFNFNCFS 18 Step 1 Construct an Informal Outline Step Up to WritingQSPWJEFTTUVEFOUTXJUITPMJEQSFXSJUJOHBOEQMBOOJOHTUSBUFHJFT5ZQJDBMMZQSPĕDJFOU XSJUFSTTQFOENVDINPSFUJNFJOUIFQMBOOJOHTUBHFPGXSJUJOHUIBOQPPSXSJUFSTEPNPTUHPPEXSJUFST CSBJOTUPSNBOEPSHBOJ[FUIFJSJEFBTBOEVTFUFDIOJRVFTTVDIBTPVUMJOJOHTLFUDIJOHSFBEJOHUPMPDBUF JOGPSNBUJPOBOETFNBOUJDXFCCJOH 5SPJB(SBIBN Step 1 Construct an Informal Outline 4UVEFOUTMFBSOUIFJNQPSUBODFPGQSFXSJUJOH TUSBUFHJFT4QFOEJOHUIFUJNFUPTUSVDUVSF BOEQMBDFJEFBTSFTVMUTJODPIFTJWFPSHBOJ[FE QBSBHSBQIT Topic = Why I should learn to swim Safety reasons help yourself help others Recreation reasons pool parties vacations water sports Conclusion = Benefits of being a great swimmer 5SPJB("(SBIBN4 ćFFČFDUJWFOFTTPGBIJHIMZFYQMJDJUUFBDIFSEJSFDUFETUSBUFHZJOTUSVDUJPOSPVUJOF$IBOHJOHUIFXSJUJOH QFSGPSNBODFPGTUVEFOUTXJUIEJTBCJMJUJFTJournal of Learning Disabilities, 35 o 19 5IF4UFQTPG8SJUJOH Step 2 Convert Outline to Sentences 6TJOHDPMPSFETUSJQTPGQBQFSTUVEFOUTGPMMPXUIFJSJOGPSNBMPVUMJOF4UFQ UPXSJUF POFTFOUFODFBUBUJNF Step 2 Convert Outline to Sentences Title = Reasons for Learning to Swim -FBSOJOHUPTXJNJTBOFTTFOUJBMTLJMMGPSBMMDIJMESFO 0OFSFBTPOUPMFBSOUPCFBTUSPOHTXJNNFSJTTBGFUZ *GZPVBSFJOBEBOHFSPVTTJUVBUJPOTVDIBTJOBTJOLJOHSBęPSCPBUZPVDBOTXJNUPTIPSF *GZPVBSFBHPPETXJNNFSZPVDBOBMTPIFMQTBWFPUIFSTXIPNBZCFESPXOJOH #FJOHBCMFUPTQFOEUJNFXJUIPUIFSTJTBOPUIFSSFBTPOGPSMFBSOJOHUPTXJN #JSUIEBZBOETDIPPMZFBSFOEQBSUJFTBSFPęFOMPDBUFEBSPVOEUIFQPPM .BOZQFPQMFQMBOUIFJSWBDBUJPOTGPSXBSNFSDMJNBUFTTPUIBUUJNFNBZCFTQFOUTQMBTIJOHJOUIF PDFBO ćFIFBUPGTVNNFSNBLFTVTBMMXBOUUPDPPMPČCZFOKPZJOHXBUFSTQPSUTTVDIBTXBUFSTLJJOH EJWJOHBOETVSĕOH -FBSOJOHUPCFBHSFBUTXJNNFSDBODMFBSMZNBLFZPVSMJGFTBGFSBOENPSFFOKPZBCMF 20 20 Step 3 Compile the Paragraph -BTUMZTUVEFOUTPSHBOJ[FUIFJSTFOUFODFTJOUPQBSBHSBQITVTJOHUIFUSBďDTJHOBMHVJEF Step 3 Compile the Paragraph Learning to swim is an essential skill for all children. One reason to learn to be a strong swimmer is safety. If you are in a dangerous situation, such as in a sinking raft or boat, you can swim to shore. If you are a good swimmer, you can also help save others who may be drowning. Being able to spend time with others is another reason for learning to swim. Birthday and school year-end parties are often located around the pool. Many people plan their vacations for warmer climates so that time may be spent splashing in the ocean. The heat of summer makes us all want to cool off by enjoying water sports, such as waterskiing, diving, and surfing. Learning to be a great swimmer can clearly make your life safer and more enjoyable. 21 Step Up to WritingJOUIF$MBTTSPPN 4FOUFODFTBSFUIFCVJMEJOHCMPDLTPGXSJUJOHXIJDIJTXIZStep Up to WritingQSPWJEFT TFOUFODFXSJUJOHJOTUSVDUJPOGPSBMMHSBEFMFWFMT4USBUFHJFTUFBDITUVEFOUTIPXUPNPWF GSPNTJNQMFTFOUFODFDPOTUSVDUJPOUPTFOUFODFTUIBUBSFSJDIJODPOUFOUSFĘFDUHPPEXPSE DIPJDFBOETIBSFJOGPSNBUJPOJOJOUFSFTUJOHBOEBDDVSBUFXBZT Sentences at the Primary Level: nces Topic Sente TFOUFODFT "DUJPOUPQJD UT JHHFTUQMBOF POFPGUIFC U4BUVSO BSOFEBCPV 0VSDMBTTMF 5IFUISF SIPNFT UPCVJMEUIFJ UNBUFSJBMT VTFEEJGGFSFO FMJUUMFQJHT UFODFT JOHUPQJDTFO FO Q Q B ) T U IB IFOQMVT8 8IFSFPS8 8IFSF PSIPPE *ONZOFJHIC 8IFO -BTUXFFL BQQFOJOH Z 8IBUT) NBOZQMBDFTUPQMB XFIBWF 5FMMZPV Handy Pages Primary 22 SFYQMBJO OUUPQSPWFP UZPVXB SSFBEFSXIB 12 SZ BQQFOJOH PNUIFMJCSB 8IBUT) PVUBHSFBUCPPLGS *DIFDLFE r PRIM AR Y ages Handy P Primary Handy Pages 4/16/07 1:28:44 PM %FWFMPQJOHBUPQJDTFOUFODFDBOCFBDIBMMFOHFGPSNBOZTUVEFOUTStep Up to WritingQSPWJEFT WBSJPVTUPQJDTFOUFODFTUSVDUVSFPQUJPOTUPIFMQTUVEFOUTHFUTUBSUFE Sentences at the Intermediate and Secondary Levels: Strategies for Topic Sentences Occasion/P osition Stat ements An occasio n/ begins wi position stateme nt (comp th one of lex senten these wo Occasio rds or ph ce) n introd uces rases. Position states wh your reason for wr iting. at you pl In order tha an to pr ove or ex t Before plain. While As Whether If Even if So that When Eve n though Until After Because Whenever Even Although Where Since Wherever As long as As if Unless Though As soon as Topic Sentences There are many types of topic sentences. Power (Num be Occasion = Reason for writing Starter Words Position = What you plan to prove or explain After Although As Before Even though If Since Unless Until Where Whenever While Power (Number) Statements several a number of a couple And, But, an d some a few many -BTUZFBS*XSPUFUISFFJOUFSFTUJOHSFQPSUTBCPVUUIFIJTUPSZPG.FYJDP yet but 10 so or 5PTUBZIFBMUIZXFOFFEUPFBUUIFSJHIUGPPETTPXFTIPVMENBLFTNBSUEFDJTJPOTBCPVUUIF TOBDLTXFDIPPTF StepUp_HP 5IFHJSMTXFSFEFUFSNJOFEUPXJOUIFHBNFCVUUIFZLOFXJUXPVMEOPUCFFBTZ 10 ents b = but f = for o = or y = yet a = and n = nor s = so And, But, and Or Statements and nor Or Statem Create a compound sentence With the . coordinat ing conju so, yet, an nctio d for—yo u can easil ns—and, but, or Always pla , nor, y write a topic sent ce a comma ence. before a Use the wo conjunctio rd n. these conju s BOY FANS to help you nctions. remember 5IFUIJSEHSBEFSTMFBSOFETFWFSBMXBZTUPKVNQSPQF Conjunctions Example se ntences: is one of several co will help nj you orga nize your unctive adverbs sentence that th or a thes is stateme oughts into a topic Try othe nt. r conjunct ive adverb your topic s . The list of conjun as you think abou In fact ctive adve t rbs includ next likewise es: instead meanwhile still as a result therefore otherwise #FGPSF*XSJUFQBSBHSBQITPSSFQPSUT*BMXBZTUBLFUJNFUPPSHBOJ[FNZJEFBT two three four ts 1. Tour ist s travelin g to Rom to visit th ew ree spec tacular sig ill want 2. The ar hts. chitect pr esented the comm se ve ral optio ittee. ns to However Se ntences However 8IFOTUVEFOUTXSJUFQBSBHSBQITUIFZNVTUTUBSUXJUITUSPOHUPQJDTFOUFODFT Number Words r) Statemen A senten ce Helpful nu that contains a nu mber wo mber wo rd. rds: two many three a couple of some four a number of a few several a myriad numerous various Occasion/Position Statements Handy Pages dd 10 r SECO ND Example se ntences: 1. A lthou gh m wonderfu y family and I ha ve taken l vacatio ns many exciting than our , none was more fu camping Canyon. tr ip to th n and e Grand 2. Even though bi ke helmet unfashion s are able, all cyclists sh sometimes ould wear them. Example se ntences: 1. Our cla ss enjoye d ever yt however, hing at th th e zoo; entertaini e monkeys were the most ng. 2. Comm uters in m y city ofte traffic, ro n grumbl ad rage, e about an instead, they shou d lack of parkin g; ld explor the bene e fits of pu blic tran sportatio n. Example se ntences: 1. Some people fi nd it di DV D play er, but m fficult to prog ra ma ost w ill su just rem ember to cceed if th follow th ey 2. My gr ese guid andmothe el in es. r likes to voluntee help othe rs at the rs, so sh hospital e and at m y school. ARY Seconda ry Hand y Pages Handy PagesrINTERMEDIATE Intermediate Handy Pages 23 Step Up to WritingJOUIF$MBTTSPPN 3FBEJOHBOEXSJUJOHBSFSFDJQSPDBMTLJMMTQSPHSFTTJOPOFBSFBUSBOTMBUFTUPQSPHSFTTJOUIF PUIFSStep Up to WritingUFBDIFTTUVEFOUTUPSFTQPOEUPXIBUUIFZSFBEUISPVHIXSJUJOH "TPMJEDPMMFDUJPOPGDMBTTSPPNQSPWFOSFBEJOHBOEMJTUFOJOHFYFSDJTFTFODPVSBHFT TUVEFOUTBUBMMHSBEFMFWFMTUPHPCFZPOEUIFXPSETPOUIFQBHFUPBQQMZBOBMZ[F TZOUIFTJ[FBOEFWBMVBUFUFYU 4UVEFOUTMFBSOUP t5BLFNFBOJOHGVMOPUFTGSPNUFYU tćJOLBOESFTQPOEDSJUJDBMMZ UPXIBUUIFZSFBEBOETUVEZ t3FTQPOEDMFBSMZUPFTTBZRVFTUJPOT t8SJUFDMFBSTVDDJODUTVNNBSJFT Application in the Social Studies Classroom: ols, Section Secondary To 1 Secondary Tools, Section 1 uotations Selecting Q I quote? What should ng that: hi et m Choose so NJOBUJPO HBOHFSEFUFS JO FM GF B JUT MJD t& VTUSBUJPO FYDJUFNFOUGS PV t4VSQSJTFTZ SXPS UITIBSJOH t:PVDPOTJEF BHSFFXJUI FXJUIPSZPV t:PVEJTBHSF JPO SPOHJOGPSNBU t:PVGFFMJTX XBZ VOVTVBMDBUDIZ t*TTBJEJOBO QMFUPLOPX UGPSPUIFSQFP BO SU QP JN *T t SJUFBCPVU LFUPUBMLPSX t:PVXPVMEMJ UVBUJPO PGBTJNJMBSTJ t3FNJOETZPV B NFBOmOEJOH UBUJPOEPFTOPU OHB 4FMFDUJOHBRVP UBUJPONBSLT*UNFBOTmOEJ RVP PSXJUIPVU UI XJ DF TFOUFODFXJUI FO SQBS UPGBTFOU PSEBOE GVMMTFOUFODFP DPQZXPSEGPSX LTUIBUZPV BS N O JP BU PU RV S FPSJHJOBMXSJUF BUUSJCVUFUPUI n Comprehensio SZ and Listening UJOHt4FDPOEB ove Reading 4UFQ6QUP8SJ Writing to Impr 24 24 M4FSWJDFT FTU&EVDBUJPOB ª4PQSJT8 Tool 1-7a :47 AM 4/9/07 11:16 4UVEFOUT3FĕOF8PSE$IPJDFJOćFJS8SJUJOH 7PDBCVMBSZJTDSJUJDBMUPBDBEFNJDTVDDFTTBOETUSPOHMZSFMBUFEUPSFBEJOHQSPĕDJFODZBOEPWFSBMM TDIPPMBDIJFWFNFOU #FDL.D,FPXO,VDBO Step Up to WritingQSPWJEFTQSBDUJDBMTUSBUFHJFT UPJODSFBTFTUVEFOUTWPDBCVMBSZ#FHJOOJOHBUUIF1SJNBSZ-FWFMBOENPWJOHUISPVHI4FDPOEBSZ Step Up to WritingTVQQPSUTUFBDIFSTJOQSPWJEJOHGPDVTFEWPDBCVMBSZJOTUSVDUJPO Application in the Math Classroom: Math Sample VXPDÀQDODQVZHUWRDQDGGLWLRQDOSUREOHPLQPDWKHPDWLFV Effective, Multisensory Writing Strategies – sum DQVZHU 12 ÀQDO + 12 LQDGGLWLRQ Improves: t Writing t3FBEJOH t-JTUFOJOH t4QFBLJOH For information on Step Up to Writing in Math, visit stepuptowriting 24 Application in the Science Classroom: Primary Handy Pages Primary Handy Pages Writing About a Science Experiment Writing About a Science Experiment Part One: Lab Process Part Two: Lab Conclusion First Use a verb. 5IFFYQFSJNFOU that we did with a balloon Next First 8SJUFBUPQJDTFOUFODF1PXFS/VNCFS 4UBUFNFOUTXPSLXFMM Write a three-part IVF topic sentence. Identify the lab. shows Finish the thought. how static FMFDUSJDJUZJTNBEF 5PQJD4FOUFODF8FOPUJDFEUXPUIJOHTXIFOXFEJEUIFFYQFSJNFOU /FYU .BLFBOJOGPSNBMPVUMJOF TXFBUFS _________ Add the fact outline. – MFTTSVCT ____________________________ – balloon 5TIJSU ____________ – rub on sweater – EJEOUXPSL __________________________ – OPUGV[[Z ____________________________ – stick to wall – Last – NPSFSVCT___________________________ Last Use the topic sentence and the fact outline to write the first paragraph. 6TFUIFUPQJDTFOUFODFBOEUIFJOGPSNBMPVUMJOFUPXSJUF UIFDPODMVTJPOQBSBHSBQI Static 8FOPUJDFEUXPUIJOHTXIFOXFEJEUIFFYQFSJNFOU8FTBX Static UIBUUIFNPSFXFSVCCFEUIFCBMMPPOPOUIFTXFBUFSUIFCFUUFSJU 5IFFYQFSJNFOUUIBUXFEJEXJUIBCBMMPPOTIPXTIPX TUBUJDFMFDUSJDJUZJTNBEF'JSTUXFCMFXVQBCBMMPPO/FYUXFSVCCFE TUVDLUPUIFXBMM*GXFSVCCFEJUKVTUPODFPSUXJDFJUTUVDLUPUIFXBMM CVUSPMMFEEPXOUPUIFnPPS8FBMTPMFBSOFEUIBUXPPMXPSLTCFTUGPS UIFCBMMPPOPO4IBSPOTTXFBUFSCFDBVTFJUXBTNBEFPGXPPM5IFO SVCCJOHCBMMPPOT5IJTJTCFDBVTFXPPMJTOBUVSBMIBJSBOEJTGV[[Z8F XFIFMEUIFCBMMPPOCZUIFXBMM5IFCBMMPPOTUVDLUPUIFXBMMXIFO USJFESVCCJOHUIFCBMMPPOPO0OHT5TIJSUCVUUIFCBMMPPOXPVMEOU we let it go. TUJDL.S8BMLFSFYQMBJOFEUIBUJUJTCFDBVTFB5TIJSUJTOUGV[[Z © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. Specific Writing Assignments 4UFQ6QUP8SJUJOHt1SJNBSZ Tool 9-12a © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. Specific Writing Assignments 4UFQ6QUP8SJUJOHt1SJNBSZ Tool 9-12b #FDL*.D,FPXO.,VDBO- Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction. /FX:PSL(VJMGPSE1SFTT 25 Step Up to WritingJOUIF$MBTTSPPN Teacher’s Guide SECTION Objectives let teachers know the main skills or concepts they will reinforce in each subsection. Transitions for Key/Star Ideas Transitions are an important aid for organization. They help both the writer and the reader. Students learn about transitions by imitating what they read and by following directions they receive in guided and interactive writing lessons. Grade-level suggestions help teachers decide which strategies are appropriate for their students. Primary only. Strategy overview tables give a snapshot of each strategy so teachers can quickly decide if a strategy will be helpful. Strategies are organized by concept, so that strategies dealing with different aspects of a particular task or concept can all be found together. RESOURCES: Posters contain important information that students can use as an aid for many strategies. Objectives : : Teach students to write effective transitions Improve students’ knowledge of the variety of transitions they can use Suggested Grades Page Tools Learning the function of transitions and how they help organize writing K–3 184 4-22a, 4-22b 4-23 Transition Sets Developing transition sets 1–3 185 4-23a, 4-23b 4-24 Playing with Transitions Learning to choose different transitions for different purposes K–3 187 4-24a 4-25 Obvious and Not-So- Exploring how to use obvious and not-soobvious transitions 3 188 4-25a, 4-25b 4-26 Transitions in Reports Visualizing how transitions function in multiparagraph essays or reports 2–3 189 4-26a Strategy Strategy Description 4-22 Definition and Function of Transitions Obvious Transitions and Essays Consider using the Posters with the strategies in this section. T # *+-$ 2 Primar y 26 183 t4USBUFHJFTFBTJMZJEFOUJĕFE t3FTPVSDFTDBMMFEPVUBUQPJOUPGVTF t4QFDJBMJ[FELJOEFSHBSUFOBQQMJDBUJPOT SECTION Prerequisites let teachers know whether a strategy builds on concepts first introduced elsewhere. Grade-level suggestions help teachers decide which strategies are appropriate for their students. Primary only. 4-22 Definition and Function of Transitions Grades K–3 Transitions are words and phrases writers use when they move from one key/star idea to another. Students can use this strategy to learn or review transitions for information paragraphs. Handy Pages Prerequisite: 4-6 Color-Coding and the Five Elements of Information Writing Before Class Before Class information tells teachers what they need to do to prepare to teach a strategy. : Make transparencies and student copies of To ols 4 -22a and 4 -22b . Bonus To ol 4 -22-1 gives an additional example. During Class 1. Display To ol 4 -22a . Read and discuss the definition in the top box with your class. If your students have completed 4-13 Train of Thought, remind them that transitions are the connectors between the boxcars. Have them mark important words as they read. RESOURCES: Bonus Tools, found on the CD-ROM, provide additional examples, templates, and overheads. Transitions for Information Writing Transitions introduce new ideas connect reasons, details, or facts signal a change Find the Transitions Transitions are also called: connectors signal words Traffic Light Colors Soccer !+"''%&$.&""$% &&$!%&"!%$+") %'&%"$% +("$& $%& ") !%-%")")!0 &*$%$'!"&& &#$&)$+ Slow down and use a transition when +"'%$"!"+"'$+%&$% ($%&")!+$!%$!"&$$%"!#+%"$ &"%'##"$&+"'$&"#%!&! (!"!&% & "$&)"+$%($+"! &%"!#+&"&$(!)!)$!"&& Transitions help with organization $!%&"!%"$!"$ &"!)$&!"$!, #$&"%&"%"$'% ""&& &+%&$%"$&)$&$!$$ ($+"!)&+"'&& & "%&"%"$% Examples + one First another Next %& To ol 4 -22a 2. Point out the next box and discuss with your students some of the other names for transitions. To ol 4 -22b 3. Direct your students to the next box. Explain that yellow is used for the transition sentences when students use the Traffic Light colors. The yellow reminds them to slow down and present key/star ideas to support their topic sentences. Transitions are considered the glue that holds the ideas together in a paragraph, essay, or report. The yellow bottle of glue is a reminder of the importance of transitions as the paragraph grows. for organization. 4. Point to the last box and explain that transitions are often easy to recognize and include words like first, second, third, also, in addition, and finally. Let your 44)4407 students know that transitions are often the first word in a transition sentence but can be buried in&78;**0496(1&776*&)8-6**,44)'4407.678;*6*&)8-*7846= the text. A longer list of transitions and additional instruction on the 4+41).14(07"*&16*&)=03*;8-*7846='988-*'440-&);43)*6+915.(896*7 types of transitions used for information writing is given in 4-23 Transition Sets. !-*3;*6*&)&'440&'498'&'=*1*5-&387!-*6*;*6*14874++&(87&'498 Kindergarten adaptations offer ideas for creating a foundation that students will build upon as they emerge as readers and writers. Primary only. 5. Emphasize;-&88-*=*&8&3);-*6*8-*=1.:*"*&174? that information transitions are not used when they write stories. Stories have their own kinds of transitions. (See Section 6.) 6. Display Tool 4-22b. Find the transitions in the text with your students and highlight Additional Ideas them in yellow. Discuss how transitions support the organization of the paragraph. indercolor garten andTraffic Writers For KThen theand restOther of theBeginning paragraphReaders using the Light colors. Provide With guidancemodels from the and other beginning writerstransitions can learn additional as teacher, needed, kindergarteners but use only paragraphs containing obvious about transitions and how they areintroduced used. In oral “show and tell”transitions. activities, for until your students have been to not-so-obvious Seeexample, 4-25 students will more organized if they. (See use transitions. Obvious andbeNot-So-Obvious Transitions Bonus Tool 4-22-1 for an additional paragraph.) 184 RESOURCES: Handy Pages contain important information that students can use as an aid for many strategies. Teacher instructions give teachers a stepby-step process for introducing and guiding practice of each strategy. Examples illustrate concepts covered in Step Up to Writing strategies and give teachers a visual picture of the strategy. T # *+-$ 2 Primar y 27 4DPSJOH(VJEFTBOE3VCSJDT ćFQSJNBSZQVSQPTFPGUIF-FWFM8JUI5SBJUT4DPSJOH(VJEFTJTUPHJWFTUVEFOUTDMFBSEJSFDUJPO POXIBUUIFZOFFEUPEPUPSFBDIQSPĕDJFOUBOEBEWBODFEMFWFMTJOUIFJSXSJUJOH4BNQMFTGPS4UVEFOU 8SJUFSTBDDPNQBOZFBDITDPSJOHHVJEFćFTDPSJOHHVJEFTBOEUIFGPVSTBNQMFTPOFBUFBDIMFWFM #FMPX#BTJD#BTJD1SPĕDJFOUBOE"EWBODFE HJWFTUVEFOUTUIFTQFDJĕDJOGPSNBUJPOUIFZOFFEUP NBLFHPPEEFDJTJPOTBCPVUUIFJSXSJUJOH 5PCFDPNFQSPĕDJFOUXSJUFSTTUVEFOUTNVTUCFBCMFUPSFWJTFDPOĕEFOUMZBOEFďDJFOUMZćFStep Up to WritingTDPSJOHHVJEFTNPUJWBUFBOEFNQPXFSTUVEFOUTUPFOHBHFJOUIJTLJOEPGSFWJTJPO ćFMBOETDBQFGPSNBUXJUIQBSBMMFMEFTDSJQUPSTNBLFTUIFHVJEFTFBTZUPSFBEBOEFBTZUPVTF"T TUVEFOUTBOEUIFJSUFBDIFSTDPNQBSFBMMGPVSMFWFMTUIFZDSFBUFBQMBOGPSJNQSPWJOHUIFJSXSJUJOH Samples for Student Writers – Expository/Information Paragraphs Summer Proficient Give Me Sunshine Advanced In the fall I enjoy the costumes and the holidays. In the winter I look forward to skating and sledding. In the spring I watch the flowers and trees come to life. But in the summer, my favorite season, I wake up each morning ready to soak in the sun. My friends and I live on our bikes during June, July, and August. We meet early in the morning at the park. After catching up on the latest news, we ride the trail through town. We stop about half way down the trail to look for the fox and squirrels living near the playground. After we get drinks from the fountain at the end of the trail, we race back to our neighborhood. Later in the day, we ride to the city pool where we join other friends who also love swimming. Most of us have been Sa swimming together since we joined the swim team mptwo lesyears for Student Writ ers – Expository/ ago in third grade. Our city pool is new. It's huge. This Information Para Belo w Basic without graphs means we can race, dive, and just mess around getting into trouble. The water is always cool and Basic How winter is. Firs t, thewe refreshing. Of course we get hot and sweaty again when snow, the cold. The cold white snow. It cold and freezing. You Fall is my favorit bike home, but no one seems to care. Like fee me,lsmy friends can make a snow man e season. Leaves You can roll a sma fall from the . trees. They are ll ball and a big ball are just happy to have so much freedom and so much colorful. You can . Next, the day can at skate city. It collect them. Wh be leaves fall I is cool. Last, is the en the sunshine. try to catch them. It is smell of snow. Now you know about wint fun to catch them. It makes my heart pum er. p fast. Truly, I love Below fall. Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Summer is definitely my favorite season. Summertime just happens to be my birthday. My family always takes me camping and swimming at the reservoir. We cook out, take hikes, and swim. Summertime is also the best time to be active. My friends and I ride bikes and play soccer every day. We sometimes swim at the pool and dive to see who can go down the deepest. The part I like best about summer is going to visit my grandparents. They live in Chicago. We visit all of my cousins and we go to some of the big museums. Since I live in a very small town, this is my only chance to see the art, history, and science displays. Summer is the best. Below Basic 4 5 Basic 6 7 8 9 Proficient 10 11 12 13 14 Advanced 15 16 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Intermediate Tools, Models of Writing Assessment and High Standards Prompt: Write a paragraph that expl ains and describe favorite season. s your Tool 10-2b Below Basic 4 5 Basic 6 7 8 9 Proficient 4 Section 10 Intermediate Tools, Mo Intermediate dels of Writing 28 Below Basic Advanced 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 Basic 6 7 8 9 Proficient Advanced 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ćFTFDPOEQVSQPTFPGUIF-FWFM8JUI5SBJUT4DPSJOH(VJEFTJTUPTBWFUFBDIFSTUJNF XIFOUIFZBTTFTTXSJUJOHPOUIFJSPXOPSJOBDPOGFSFODFTFTTJPOXJUIBTUVEFOU 4BWJOHUJNFNFBOT t.PSFJNNFEJBUFIFMQGVMGFFECBDLUPTUVEFOUTBCPVUUIFJSXSJUJOH t.PSFPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSTUVEFOUTUPXSJUFBOEIPOFUIFJSTLJMMTJOMBOHVBHFBSUTBTXFMM BTBMMDPOUFOUBSFBT t$MFBSNPEFMTBOETJNQMFZFUFČFDUJWFUPPMTGPSBMMUFBDIFSTUPVTFJOBTTFTTJOHTUVEFOUT XSJUUFOXPSLDPOTJTUFOUMZ 4DPSJOHHVJEFTSFĘFDUUIFTUSBUFHJFTUPPMTBOEJOTUSVDUJPOUIBUTUVEFOUTSFDFJWFJODMBTT*OTUFBEPG NBLJOHSFWJTJPOKVTUiBOPUIFSHPPEUSZwTUVEFOUTBQQMZXIBUUIFZIBWFMFBSOFEćFZNBLFDIBOHFT VTJOHTUSBUFHJFTGPSPSHBOJ[BUJPOTFOUFODFWBSJFUZĘVFODZXPSEDIPJDFBOETUBOEBSEDPOWFOUJPOT CBQJUBMJ[BUJPOUTBHFPVODUVBUJPOBOESQFMMJOH #FDBVTFUIFTDPSJOHHVJEFTBSFTUVEFOUGSJFOEMZUIFZDBOCFVTFEGPSQFFSFEJUJOHBOEXJUIGBNJMZ NFNCFSTMPPLJOHGPSXBZTUPIFMQTUVEFOUTJNQSPWFUIFJSBDBEFNJDQFSGPSNBODF Expository/Information Paragraph Scoring Guide Topic/Prompt___________________________________________________________ Organization Name: _________________________________________ Basic (2 points) Proficient (3 points) Advanced (4 points) Little or no attempt at a plan Attempts a plan; plan sketchy Clear plan Thorough plan with useful details __ Topic sentence is absent or unclear __ Attempts a topic sentence __ Topic sentence clearly fits the prompt, task, or topic __ __ Reasons, details, facts are unclear or not related to the topic No transitions or transitions not used correctly __ Reasons, details, facts are clear __ __ __ __ No examples and/or explanations to support the topic No or inappropriate conclusion __ __ Some good examples; clear explanations support the topic Solid conclusion restates topic sentence All information relates to prompt, task, topic Examples and explanations help reader clearly understand the topic __ Not enough information; information unclear Examples inaccurate, confusing, or omitted Use of ordinary transitions; transitions may not be used effectively Few/weak examples and explanations; some off topic Weak conclusion; mostly repeats the topic Information sometimes repeated or wanders from prompt, task, topic Examples and explanations are incomplete; need further clarification Accurate reasons, details, facts strongly support topic Transitions (specific or subtle) fit the paragraph’s purpose No clear connection to prompt, task, topic Many fragments and/or run-on sentences; several short, choppy sentences Repeated words or phrases; many words used incorrectly __ Accurate, but prompt, task, topic not developed enough Mostly simple sentences or sentences that begin the same way __ Clearly addresses the prompt, task, topic Different sentence structures; variety in the way sentences begin __ __ Basic words and descriptions __ Familiar/ordinary words fit the topic; descriptive words used effectively __ No clear purpose __ Style of paragraph fits the purpose but needs development __ Style of paragraph accurately answers and fits the prompt, task, topic __ Filled with errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling that interfere with reading; no look or sense of paragraphing Shows lack of language skills Not readable __ Several errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling that slow down the reader; attempts to create look of a paragraph Some problems with language Not neat; still readable __ Some errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling, but they do not interfere with reading or understanding; accurate paragraphing Correct use of language Neat, readable __ __ __ Content __ __ __ Assessment and High Standards Style __ GMP* Date: ____________________ Below Basic (1 point) __ __ __ * G = Grammar __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ M = Mechanics __ __ P = Presentation __ __ __ __ Score Strong topic sentence addresses the prompt, task, topic in a compelling and highly interesting way Compelling reasons, details, facts shared with confidence and emphasis Varied or subtle transitions enhance the flow of the piece Many exceptional examples; significant evidence and elaboration Strong conclusion addresses the topic sentence again in a new way Quality and quantity of information educates and/or entertains the reader Intriguing or highly interesting examples, evidence, explanations bring prompt, task, topic to life Fully develops prompt, task, topic A variety of simple, compound, and complex sentences Rich words, content vocabulary, and/or figurative language create mental pictures; engage reader Style of paragraph accurately addresses prompt, task, or topic, but uses specific words, phrases and/or sentence structures that enhance the paragraph and its purpose Very few errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling; obvious paragraphing Skilled use of language Exceptionally neat; obvious effort to engage the reader Total Score (16 possible) Intermediate Tools, Expository/Information Paragraph Rubric 29 4DPSJOH(VJEFTBOE3VCSJDT ćFUIJSEQVSQPTFPGUIF-FWFM8JUI5SBJUT4DPSJOH(VJEFTJTUPIFMQTUVEFOUT QSFQBSFGPSMPDBMTUBUFBOEOBUJPOBMBTTFTTNFOUTUIBUVTFGPVSĕWFTJYPSNPSFMFWFMT JOUIFJSTDPSJOHHVJEFTPSSVCSJDT Step Up to WritingTDPSJOHHVJEFTTFUIJHITUBOEBSETXJUIDMFBSFYQFDUBUJPOTćFTF TUBOEBSETNBUDIBOESFJOGPSDFUIFFYQFDUBUJPOTJODMVEFEJOSVCSJDTPSTDPSJOHHVJEFTVTFEBUUIF TUBUFMFWFMPSGPSOBUJPOBMFYBNT 3VCSJDTVTFEBUTUBUFPSOBUJPOBMMFWFMTPęFODPOUBJOMBOHVBHFJOUFOEFEGPSBOBEVMUBVEJFODF ćJTJODMVEFTQSPGFTTJPOBMFEVDBUPSTBTXFMMBTUIPTFSFDSVJUFEUPBDUVBMMZTDPSFTUVEFOUXPSL ćFMBOHVBHFQISBTJOHBOEQSFTFOUBUJPOPGFYQFDUBUJPOTJOUIFStep Up to WritingHVJEFTIPXFWFS BSFNPSFVTFGVMBOEVOEFSTUBOEBCMFGPSTUVEFOUT Understanding and Using Scoring Guides Directions: Your work will be scored by using the four headings listed below. Use these questions as well as the text of the Scoring Guides to assess your own work before you submit it for grading. Keep in mind the fact that the purpose of each Scoring Guide is to give you specific information about how to revise and improve what you have written so that you can reach the Proficient or Advanced Level. Organization 1 Is there a clear plan and purpose for my writing? 1 Are the sections of my writing presented in a clear order? 1 Are the sections of my writing in the right order? 1 Do I have a clear beginning, middle, ending for narrative/story writing? 1 Do I have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion for expository/information writing? Content 1 Is my purpose obvious? 1 Have I achieved my purpose? 1 Have my ideas been developed? 1 Is the content accurate, detailed, interesting, and/or appropriate? 1 Have I included strong content that supports my purpose? 1 Will the reader understand what I wrote? Style 1 Have I written in the right tone and mood? Does my point of view fit the assignment? 1 Am I using the appropriate style and voice for this assignment? 1 Have I revised to add more detail, delete unnecessary details, and/or rearrange details? 1 Have I revised to improve my word choice and sentence structures? 1 Does my writing have fluency? Does it sound smooth and clear? Does it include high points? Do all the parts fit and have a purpose? Grammar, Mechanics, Presentation 1 Have I checked for accuracy in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling? 1 Have I edited and fixed mistakes? 1 Have I used good spacing and margins? 1 Have I kept the reader in mind? 1 Does my final copy show that I have spent time and effort on this assignment? © 2008 Sopris West Educational Services. Intermediate Tools, Student Scoring Guide 30 Assessment and High Standards Tool 10-1a 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU Step Up to WritingTVQQPSUTUFBDIFSTXJUIIJHIRVBMJUZQSPGFTTJPOBMEFWFMPQNFOU5SBJOJOH HSFBUMZFOIBODFTUIFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGStep Up to Writing#PUIJOJUJBMBOEGPMMPXVQ USBJOJOHTBSFBWBJMBCMFBOEDBOCFDVTUPNJ[FEUPNFFUUIFOFFETPGBTDIPPMPSEJTUSJDU*O BEEJUJPOPQFOUSBJOJOHTBSFBWBJMBCMFJONBOZTUBUFT&EVDBUPSTSFUVSOUPUIFDMBTTSPPNXJUI BTUSPOHGPVOEBUJPOUIBUBMMPXTUIFNUPFČFDUJWFMZUFBDIFBDIDPNQPOFOUPGUIFDVSSJDVMVN 5FBDIFSTHBJO t"TPMJEVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGStep Up to WritingTSFTFBSDICBTF t#BDLHSPVOEJOJNQMFNFOUBUJPONPEFMTUIBUIBWFCFFOQSPWFOFČFDUJWF t)BOETPOFYQFSJFODFXJUIStep Up to WritingTUSBUFHJFT t,OPXMFEHFPGUIFQSPHSBNTVOJRVFNVMUJTFOTPSZBQQSPBDI t"DMFBSVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGIPXUPJNQMFNFOUStep Up to WritingGPSNBYJNVN TUVEFOUBDIJFWFNFOU Step Up to WritingUSBJOJOHJTEFTJHOFEGPSLJOEFSHBSUFOQSJNBSZJOUFSNFEJBUFTFDPOEBSZ BOETQFDJBMFEVDBUJPOUFBDIFSTBTXFMMBTDPOUFOUTQFDJBMJTUT Please visit for more information. 31 8VbW^jbAZVgc^c\Hdeg^hLZhihas developed an array of educational materials,Vaa\gdjcYZY^cgZhZVgX] VcYYZh^\cZYid]ZaegV^hZi]ZVX]^ZkZbZciaZkZah of our most challenged students. With a history of translating research into practice, theseZk^YZcXZ"WVhZYegd\gVbh have become nationally recognized as key components of Hdeg^hLZhi 4093 Specialty Place Longmont, CO 80504 (800) 547-6747 ® Z303_PO/163281/6-09/COLI/7M/.72 closing the achievement gap.