Student Guide 2015-2016
Student Guide 2015-2016
GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS Student Guide 2015-2016 Graduate Business Programs Student Guide 01/14/2016 Table of Contents Part I. Introduction and Mission 1.1 Saint Mary’s College Graduate and Professional Student Handbook 1.2 Saint Mary’s College Lasallian Mission and Core Principles. . 1.3 Lasallian Core Principles. . . . . . . 1.4 School of Economics and Business Administration Vision and Mission 1.5 Accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 6 8 8 Part II: General Academic Policies . . 2.1 Academic Calendar . . . . 2.2 Grading Policies . . . . 2.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal. 2.4 Attendance Policy/ Missed Classes Sessions. 2.5 Academic Honesty . . . . 2.6 Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy. . 2.7 Students with Disabilities . . . 2.8 Graduation Requirements Policy. . 2.9 Tuition Refund Policy . . . . 2.10 Tuition, Fees and Payment Plans. . . 2.11 Transferring Between Programs . . 2.12 Open Enrollment Policy. . . . 2.13 Course Audit Policy. . . . 2.14 Appeals Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 14 14 15 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 Part III: Common Services/Resources. . . . 3.1 Communications . . . . . 3.2 Financial Aid Office . . . 3.3 VA Benefits . . . . . . 3.4 Business Office . . . . . . 3.5 Library and Online Services . . . . . 3.6 Bookstore . . . . . . . 3.7 Office of Mission and Ministry/CILSA . . 3.8 Accessing SMC Online Services . . . 3.9 Your Personal SMC Account . . . . 3.10 GaelXpress: Grades/Billing/Business Office Holds .. 3.11 Online Registration Using GaelXpress. . . 3.12 ITS-Information and Technology Services. .. . 3.13 Net Impact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 25 26 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 1 3.14 International Students . . . . 3.15 Class Representatives 3.16 Graduate Student Advisory Board. . . . 3.17 Graduation and Commencement . . 3.18 SEBA Graduate Business Alumni Council . . . 3.19 Career Services. . . . . . 3.20 Conference Room/Classroom Reservations on SMC Campus. 3.21 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part IV: Graduate Business Programs 4.1 Executive MBA Program . . . 4.1.1 Program Information . . . 4.1.2 Grading Policy. . . . . 4.1.3 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions 4.1.4 Tuition Refund Policy. . . . 4.1.5 Cohort Communications . . . 4.1.6 Graduation Requirements Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 42 45 46 46 46 4.2 Trans-Global Executive MBA Program . 4.2.1 Program Information . . . . 4.2.2 Grading Policy. . . . . 4.2.3 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions . 4.2.4 Withdrawal and Refund Policy . . 4.2.5 Cohort Communications. . . 4.2.6 Graduation Requirements Policy . . 4.2.7 Lodging. . . . . . 4.2.8 International Travel. . . . 4.2.9 SOSERVMAN Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 48 49 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 4.3 Professional MBA Program. . . . 4.3.1. Program Information . . . 4.3.2 Grading Policy . . . . 4.3.3 Academic Probation/ Dismissal Policy . 4.3.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions. 4.3.5 Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy 4.3.6 Tuition Refund Policy. . . . 4.3.7 Communications. . . . . 4.3.8 Concentrations. . . . . 4.3.9 Waivers/Transfer Credit. . . . 4.3.10 Prerequisites/Suggested Course Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 56 56 56 57 57 58 59 59 59 59 60 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 4.3.14 4.3.15 Course Planning. . . . Graduation Requirements Policy . Course Audit Policy. . . Professional Development Program. GMAN 319-Travel Course. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 60 61 61 62 4.4 Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management 4.4.1 Program Information. . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Grading Policy . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 Academic Probation/Dismissal . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Attendance Policy /Missed Class Sessions . . . . . . 4.4.5 Tuition Refund Policy . . . . . . . . 4.4.6 Cohort Communications . . . . . . . . 4.4.7 Graduation Requirements Policy . . . . . . . 4.4.8 M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management to PMBA Option . 4.4.9 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . 64 64 65 66 66 66 67 67 68 68 4.5 Master of Science in Accounting (Fulltime and Hybrid) 4.5.1 Program Information. . . . . 4.5.2 Grading Policy. . . . . . 4.5.3 Academic Probation/Dismissal. . . . 4.5.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions. . 4.5.5 Tuition Refund Policy. . . . . 4.5.6 Cohort Communications . . . 4.5.7 Graduation Requirements Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 72 72 73 73 74 74 4.6 Master of Science in Business Analytics . . 4.6.1 Program Information. . . . 4.6.2 Grading Policy . . . . 4.6.3 Academic Probation/Dismissal. . . 4.6.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions 4.6.5 Tuition Refund Policy . . . 4.6.6 Cohort Communications. . . . 4.6.7 Graduation Requirements Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 4.7 Master of Science in Management. . . 4.7.1 Program Information. . . . 4.7.2 Grading Policy. . . . . 4.7.3 Academic Probation/Dismissal. . . 4.7.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 79 81 81 82 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7 Tuition Refund Policy . . Cohort Communication. . . Graduation Requirements Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 83 84 . . . . . . 85 Part V: Appendices. . . . . 5.0 Appendix I 5.0.1 Graduate Business Contact Information . . . . . . 86 . . . . . 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 91 93 95 97 99 100 101 102 4.8 Program Locations and Campuses. . 5.1 Appendix II 5.1.1 Academic Calendar . . . . . . 5.1.2 PMBA Program Prerequisites and Suggested Course Sequence. 5.1.3 PMBA Student Course List . . . . . . 5.1.4 Application for Leave of Absence . . . . . 5.1.5 Business Office Monthly Billing Contract. . . . 5.1.6 Graduation FAQ’S . . . . . . . 5.1.7 Candidacy Process Fee and Information Sheet . . . 5.1.8 Audit Policy. . . . . . . . 5.1.9 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) . . . . . . . 5.2 Second Degree Options 5.2.1 Professional MBA to MS-FAIM. . . . 5.2.2 Professional MBA to MS in Business Analytics. . 5.2.3 Executive MBA to MS in Business Analytics. . 5.2.4 Executive MBA to MS-FAIM. . . . 5.2.5 MS-FAIM to Executive MBA. . . . 5.2.6 MS-FAIM to MS in Business Analytics. . . 5.2.7 MS in Business Analytics to Executive MBA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 3 Appendix III 5.3.1 Campus Locations and Directions. 5.3.2 Saint Mary’s College Campus. . 5.3.3 San Francisco Campus. . . 5.3.4 San Ramon Campus. . . 5.3.5 Silicon Valley Campus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 111 111 112 112 1. INTRODUCTION AND MISSION 1.1 Saint Mary’s College Graduate and Professional Student Handbook In tandem with the Graduate Business Student Guide, the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook, is an important tool for students in all Graduate, Doctoral and Professional level programs. The Graduate and Professional Student Handbook contains detailed information on: • • • • Academic Policies The Graduate and Professional Honor Code The Graduate and Professional Student Code of Conduct Community and Student Policies Students are required to adhere to the policies outlined in the Graduate Business Programs Student Guide and the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook for the year they enter their graduate program. Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment will lose graduate standing and may be required to reapply for admission and abide by the policies and requirements set forth by the Guide and Handbook of the year they reenter the program. Please refer to our Leave of Absence and Reinstatement Policy for further details. Both documents should be read carefully to gain an understanding of student rights and responsibilities. The Student Guide and the Student Handbook are linked from the Graduate Business Programs website: It is the responsibility of the student to review the Graduate Student Handbook in detail and become familiar with all general academic policies and procedures. 1.2 Saint Mary’s College Lasallian Mission and Core Principles The foundation for everything we do at Saint Mary's is our mission: To probe deeply the mystery of existence by cultivating the ways of knowing and the arts of thinking. Recognizing that the paths to knowledge are many, Saint Mary's College of California offers a diverse curriculum that includes the humanities, arts, sciences, social sciences, education, business administration and nursing, serving traditional students and adult learners in both undergraduate and graduate programs. As an institution where the liberal arts inform and enrich all areas of learning, it places special importance on fostering the intellectual skills and habits of mind, which liberate persons to probe deeply the mystery of existence and live authentically in response to the truths they discover. This 5 liberation is achieved as faculty and students, led by wonder about the nature of reality, look twice, ask why, seek not merely facts but fundamental principles, strive for an integration of all knowledge and express themselves precisely and eloquently. To affirm and foster the Christian understanding of the human person which animates the educational mission of the Catholic Church. Saint Mary's College holds that the mystery which inspires wonder about the nature of existence is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ giving a transcendent meaning to creation and human existence. Nourished by its Christian faith, the College understands the intellectual and spiritual journeys of the human person to be inextricably connected. It promotes the dialogue of faith and reason: it builds community among its members through the celebration of the church's sacramental life; it defends the goodness, dignity and freedom of each person, and fosters sensitivity to social and ethical concerns. Recognizing that all those who sincerely quest for truth contribute to and enhance its stature as a Catholic institution of higher learning, Saint Mary's welcomes members from its own and other traditions, inviting them to collaborate in fulfilling the spiritual mission of the College. To create a student-centered educational community whose members support one another with mutual understanding and respect. As a Lasallian college, Saint Mary's holds that students are given to its care by God and that teachers grow spiritually and personally when their work is motivated by faith and zeal. The College seeks students, faculty, administrators and staff from different social, economic and cultural backgrounds who come together to grow in knowledge, wisdom and love. A distinctive mark of a Lasallian school is its awareness of the consequences of economic and social injustice and its commitment to the poor. Its members learn to live "their responsibility to share their goods and their service with those who are in need, a responsibility based on the union of all men and women in the world today and on a clear understanding of the meaning of Christianity." (From: The Brothers of the Christian Schools in the World Today: A Declaration). 1.3 Lasallian Core Principles Our Lasallian mission is defined by its five core principles. These are faith in the presence of God; quality education; concern for the poor and social justice; respect for all persons; and inclusive community. 6 Concern for the Poor and Social Justice - We are in solidarity with the poor and advocate for those suffering from injustices. Faith in the Presence of God - We believe in the living presence of God in our students, our community and our world. Quality Education - We engage in quality education together as students, staff and faculty by thinking critically and examining our world in light of faith. Respect for all Persons - We honor and respect the dignity of all individuals. Inclusive Community - We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community. These core Lasallian principles unite and guide the Saint Mary’s community both on and off campus. 7 1.4 School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) Vision and Mission School of Economics and Business Administration Vision: To be an internationally recognized school for developing leaders who think globally and lead responsibly. School of Economics and Business Administration’s Credo: Think Globally. Lead Responsibly. School of Economics and Business Administration Mission: Built upon the Lasallian, Catholic and Liberal Arts traditions of Saint Mary's College, the School of Economics and Business Administration strives to develop business and community leaders with global and responsible perspectives. We prepare our graduates to be professional skilled, culturally aware, socially responsible and ethically principled. As teachers, scholars and mentors, we offer students a rigorous, innovative and diverse learning experience by leveraging on our practice-relevant, pedagogical and discipline-based research. School of Economics and Business Administration’s Core Values and Guiding Principles: Our mission, vision and actions are driven by our core values and guiding principles. Our core principles are to educate current and future leaders and managers to be professionally skilled, ethically principled, socially responsible, and personally fulfilled. • In fulfilling our mission, we are guided by a shared set of values and commitments that shape the character of the education we offer: • Commitment to a Rich Tradition • Individual and Collaborative • Conceptual and Applied • Academic Excellence • Innovative and Enduring • Local and Global 1.5 Accreditation Saint Mary’s College is accredited by W.A.S.C. (Western Associations for Schools and Colleges) the regional accrediting body. The School of Economics and Business Administration is accredited by A.A.C.S.B., the Association to Advance Collegiate Business Schools (International). 8 2. GENERAL ACADEMIC POLICIES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.13 2.14 2.15 Academic Calendar Grading Policies Academic Probation/ Dismissal Academic Honesty/Discipline Policy Attendance Policy/Missed Classes Sessions Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy Tuition Refund Tuition, Fees and Payment Plans Students with Disabilities Graduation Requirement Policy Transferring between Programs Process Open Enrollment Course Audit Policy Appeal Policy 2.1 Academic Calendar The Academic Calendar provides the yearly calendar by which all course schedules are run. Graduate Business courses are held without regard to the holiday schedules. The Academic Calendar for Graduate Business is administered by the Graduate Business Office, see the Graduate Business Contact List in Appendix II. 2.2 Grading Policies 2.2.1 Grading Systems Graduate Business Programs uses two grading systems. “Pass/fail” grading is used in the Executive MBA, the Hybrid EMBA, and the Trans-Global EMBA programs. Traditional “letter” grading is used in the Professional MBA, the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management, the Master of Science in Accounting, the Master of Science in Business Analytics, and the Master of Science in Management. Executive MBA Grading System: Pass/Fail, Marginal Pass, and Honors Passing Grades Pass/Fail grading is intended to encourage students to work cooperatively for understanding rather than competitively for a particular individual grade. The grade of “Pass” (P) encompasses the full range of student performance in a course from “satisfactory” to “excellent”. The minimum requirements for the grade of Pass shall meet the following standard: 9 • • • Demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter of the course. Satisfactory completion of written examinations, Timely and satisfactory completion of all other assignments. Marginal Pass Grades The Graduate Business faculty recognizes that even though a student’s coursework might meet the minimum standard necessary to merit a passing grade, such work might nonetheless demonstrate deficiency. A Marginal Pass (MP) grade letter will be sent by the instructor to the Director of Academic Services giving the basis for the MP grade, that letter will then be forwarded to the student along with our Marginal Performance Policy. The purpose of this MP is to alert students at the time of completion of the course that their work was marginal, but overall the grade is a pass. Once a Marginal Performance letter has been officially placed in a student’s file, it cannot be removed prior to graduation except at the request of the instructor who wrote it. All Marginal Performance letters are removed from a student’s file after graduation. The purpose of a Marginal Performance letter is: 1. Information: To inform the student of identifiable weaknesses in performance so that the student can become aware of them and seek to improve his-her performance. 2. Counseling: To inform the administration of specific concerns with respect to a student’s performance so that students can be appropriately counseled. 3. Evaluation: To serve as part of the legal documentation process when and if it becomes necessary to dismiss a student from the program. Marginal Performance letters should be submitted when either basic learning problems or attitudinal problems are identified even if the students work is of an acceptable quality. Students who accumulate two or more Marginal Performance letters will have their situation taken under review by the Student Performance Review Committee. A record of more than two Marginal Performance Letters, especially if combined with a course failure, will make a student dismissible from the program. Details of the Marginal Pass Letters policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Marginal Pass Grade (revised policy for new students entering in Autumn 2014) The Marginal Pass grade appears on the transcript and indicates that the student has met the minimum overall requirements for the grade of pass, but performance in one or more areas 10 nonetheless demonstrates serious weakness. A note of explanation by the instructor is sent to the student and placed in the student’s file. Students will be placed on academic probation upon receipt of a.) two Marginal Pass grades or b.) one failing grade and one Marginal Pass grade. If in the subsequent quarter there are no further Marginal Passes or failing grades, then Academic Probation is removed. However, the course which was failed must be repeated and completed successfully before the student is allowed to graduate. Students who accumulate two or more Marginal Performance letters will have their situation taken under review by the Student Performance Review Committee. Failing Grades The grade of “Fail” (F) is given to students whose performance falls below an acceptable level for a graduate student. Instructors are encouraged to inform students whose performance in the course puts them at risk of receiving a failing grade as early in the course as feasible. Instructors are also encouraged to write a letter explaining the grounds for a failing grade. A student who fails a required course must repeat that course with a passing grade in order to graduate. A student who fails a course a second time is automatically dismissed from the program. Any student, who accumulates a second failing grade, even though an earlier failed course may have been successfully repeated, is subject to dismissal after review. Full tuition will be charged for all repeated courses at the prevailing rate. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her academic record in the Executive MBA Program. Academic Probation (EMBA programs) Students in P/F programs are subject to disqualification at any time during the duration of the program if they receive a failing grade in a total of two courses, receive a failing grade in addition to two marginal pass grades, or they receive a total three Marginal Pass grades. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Honors Grading The grade of “Honors” (H) is reserved for truly extraordinary student performance. Honors recognition in a course is given to students whose standard of performance and participation significantly exceeds that expected in the course. In submitting an Honors grade for a student, the instructor shall require the student to meet substantially all of the following standards: 11 • Unusual skill in and mastery of the subject area. • Substantial growth in the subject area. • Notable excellence in written assignment and formal presentations. In determining whether to assign an honors grade, the instructor should rely primarily on his or her own observation of the student’s performance. An Honors grade in a class should be regarded by both instructor and student as a very special occurrence. Students who receive five (5) or more Honors grades will be graduated with Honors and this designation will appear on the student’s diploma and final transcript as well as on the Commencement program. Occasionally, however, Commencement proceedings occur a week or two before the end of a student’s program and therefore before final grades have been determined. If a student earns a fifth Honors grade in these circumstances, acknowledgement will be limited to the diploma and final transcript. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her academic record. Failing Grades The grade of “Fail” (F) is to be given to students whose performance falls below an acceptable level for a graduate student. Although it is not required, an instructor should attempt to inform students whose performance in the course puts them at risk of receiving a failing grade as early in the course as feasible. It is recommended that the instructor write a letter explaining reasons for why the student received a failing grade. A student who fails a required course must repeat that course with a passing grade in order to graduate. A student who fails a course a second time is automatically dismissed from the program. Any student who accumulates a second failing grade, even though an earlier failed course may have been successfully repeated, is subject to dismissal after review. Full tuition of the course will be charged for all repeated courses. This tuition will be at the rate of the cohort with whom they are taking the course. Letter Grades In Graduate Business programs with conventional grading, the following shall apply: 12 • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B), as measured at the end of each quarter, to remain in good standing in the program. • A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. • A student on academic probation shall meet with the Program Director. 2.2.2 Incompletes, Grade Changes, and Transcripts • • • • • • • • The mark of Incomplete in a course does not constitute a grade. It is a means of denoting the status of a student who has not completed all requirements for a particular course by the end of an academic quarter. Incompletes will be granted only in cases where the coursework is substantially completed and is of passing quality, and outside events beyond the student’s control compel a delay in submitting final assignments. Before an Incomplete will be authorized, the instructor must confer with the Director to determine the appropriateness of the designation and have an understanding with the student as to what needs to be done to finish the course and when this work must be done. An Incomplete must have an assigned expiration date (a date by when the completed work will be turned into the professor.) If a date is not assigned, then the Incomplete will automatically turn into a Failing grade. The student and the professor must agree on the date and the professor must submit the date with the Incomplete when grades are submitted. When the work has been received and graded, the new grade will take the place of the Incomplete that is currently on the transcript. There are no units or grade points that are assigned or deducted if a student receives an Incomplete. If the student does not complete the work by the agreed upon time, the Incomplete automatically becomes a Fail. Under circumstances in which quick completion of the course cannot be accomplished (because of the illness of the student, for example), the work must be completed no later than the end of the quarter following the issuance of the Incomplete. Students will not be allowed to graduate if there is an Incomplete remaining on their transcript. Change of Grade is at the discretion of the instructor who may petition the Program Director to modify the transcript. All change of grades must be made within one quarter of original submission. The change of grade will be submitted to the Registrar’s office. Grades: Grades may be viewed on GaelXpress under “My Academic Profile.” Grades will not be revealed to students over the phone or by email. 13 Transcripts: Students may request their transcripts by going to the Saint Mary’s College website at 2.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal (letter graded programs) Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the vice provost for graduate and professional studies. Upon notification, PMBA students have two academic terms to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. MS Accounting, MS FAIM, MS BUSAN and MS in Management students who are on academic probation would need to bring their cumulative grade point average up by the end of the term in which their failed courses are offered again. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. Full tuition of the course will be charged for all repeated courses. This tuition will be at the rate of the current term they are taking the course. Any student who accumulates a second failing grade, even though an earlier failed course may have been successfully repeated, is subject to dismissal after review. Details of the Academic and http://www.stmarysDismissal Policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. Any student subject to disqualification is barred from further study at Saint Mary’s College. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 14 2.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions 2.4.1 Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • • • • • Students are required to attend all class sessions. An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions (a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. For online classes, up to 4 online class sessions (a total of 8 hours of online instruction) per quarter may be excused with prior knowledge of and agreement of the instructor. Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. 2.4.1 On -Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on three or more occasions may have their overall class participation grade affected by their tardiness. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook on the website f. Trans-Global Executive MBA: • • • Students missing more than 10% of the monthly class session (more than 4 hours) will not be given credit for the course and will be required to repeat the course. All Trans-Global Executive MBA students are required to attend both overseas modules and be present for their SOSERVMAN Project Presentation. Repeated classes require full payment of the single class fee at the current tuition rate. For any student who has an exceptional circumstance, they must consult with the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for an alternative to making up the class sessions missed. 15 Students who register for a course, and do not attend the course, without notifying the Program Director, Program Manager or Academic Services by phone or email, will be given a failing grade for that course and will be expected to repeat it at the full tuition rate. Details of the Attendance policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. • 2.5 Academic Honesty/Discipline Policy 2.5.1 General Policy Graduate Business Programs requires that students adhere to high professional and academic standards. Academic honesty is at the heart of these standards. Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, will be severely sanctioned. • Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: – Cheating – Plagiarism, copying or paraphrasing work without credit – Providing work to others for improper use – Possessing another’s work without permission – Selling, purchasing, trading or altering class work, student record documents, or another’s work – Furnishing false or incomplete information – Forging signatures of falsifying information on official academic documents 2.5.2 Plagiarism To plagiarize is to pass off as one’s own the words or thoughts of another, that is, to use them without giving due credit to the source. This definition does not, of course, include language and ideas of common currency. Saint Mary’s College has adopted an Honor Code and accompanying set of procedures and sanctions regarding academic dishonesty. This common graduate student policy applies to all students in the Executive MBA, Professional MBA, M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management and the Master of Science in Accounting ,the Master of Science in Business Analytics and the Master of Science in Management programs. The Graduate and Professional Student Honor Code and the Student Code of Conduct are outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook located on the Graduate Business Current Students Student Policies Page. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the terms of the Honor Code and Code of Conduct. 16 2.6 Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy Students who desire to withdraw from a program follow the following steps: 1. Students must call the Director of Academic Services to notify the intent to withdraw. 2. After a conversation with the individual intending to withdraw, the Director of Academic Services refers the individual to the Director of the Program for a further conversation about withdrawal. 3. If the individual elects to withdraw, they notify the Director of Academic Services in writing. 4. The student is then dropped/withdrawn from the course upon receipt of written notification. 5. The Director of Academic Services verifies the last day of attendance in the course(s) and instructs to complete the Leave of Absence Form 6. A student who withdraws for any reason or time period should be aware that re-admission is contingent upon the approval of the Program Director. Please call the Graduate Business Programs office to discuss the process (925-631-4500). All students who re-enter their program will pay the current tuition rate at the time of re-entry. 7. For an academically based withdrawal, if a student has not been successful in meeting the minimum academic requirements of the course to date due to below average performance, the Program Director may refuse withdrawal and with the faculty member’s advice issue a “Fail” (F) grade for the course. The student must repeat the course upon re-entering the program. For the PMBA program, if the student has withdrawn from an elective course, another course may be used to complete the 3 elective course requirement after consultation with the Program Director. 8. It is expected that students will make steady progress toward the completion of their degree. Therefore, students receiving the master’s degree have five years to complete their program. Details of the Completion of Degree are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. 2.7 Students with Disabilities Reasonable and appropriate accommodations are extended to eligible students in an effort to create an equal opportunity to enjoy and participate in Saint Mary’s educational programs and campus life. All student accommodations, including but not limited to, registration, housing, and classroom accommodations are extended through the office of Student Disability Services. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Services Coordinator at (925) 631-4164 to set up a confidential appointment to discuss accommodation guidelines and available services. 17 2.8 Graduation Requirements Policy The requirements for graduation are as follows: • • • • Students must complete all coursework for the degree within five years of matriculation. Extensions may be granted but only in special circumstances. Completion of all program requirements If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded the (I) will convert to a letter grade. The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. Graduation requirements for each specific program are listed in their program sections. Details of the Timely Completion of Degree are available at 2.9 Tuition Refund Policy Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. 2.10 Tuition, Fees and Payment Plans Books and instructional materials purchased separately for all programs. 2.10.1 Fees All students assume financial responsibility for any charges and/or fees posted to his/her account. All students also assume responsibility for understanding Saint Mary’s College’s official policies concerning payment due dates, registration deadlines, financial policies and satisfactory academic progress. 2.10.2 Electronic Bills Tuition bills (known as e-Bills) are sent through e-mail to a student’s Saint Mary’s College e-mail account. Personal e-mail accounts are NOT maintained or stored by the College’s Central Business 18 Office. The e-Bills are sent the last week of the month, the balance is due by the 15th of the following month. Accounts with payments received after the 15th will be charged a $25 Late Payment Fee. 2.10.3 Optional Monthly Payment Plan This plan is available to students in good financial standing. This payment plan allows a student’s quarterly tuition to be divided into three equal payments, each due on the 1st of each month. A $25 contract service fee is charged each quarter. Applications for the Optional Monthly Payment Plan contract must be submitted each quarter. Please refer to the “Overview of Payment Methods” document. 2.10.4 Unpaid Balances Students with unpaid balances may not register for subsequent terms, receive transcripts or diplomas. A “hold” will be placed on the student’s account and monthly late fees will accrue until payment, in full, is received. Students with poor payment histories are required to pay, in full, at the time of registration for any charges related to tuition and fees. Saint Mary’s College further reserves the right to recover all costs involved with collection due to nonpayment of the outstanding balance. If accounts are referred to collection agencies, reasonable collection costs up to 30% on the first agency referral and 40% on the second agency referral may be incurred. Monthly interest will accrue. For more information regarding billing, payment methods, financial policies and other frequently asked questions, please contact the Central Business Office at 925-631-8001or by e-mail at [email protected]. 2.10.5 Tuition Payment Plans Two Payment Plans are available to students: Quarterly Payment Plan Total quarterly tuition to be paid by the 15th of the first month of each quarter. This is the default payment plan. Optional Monthly Payment Plan If this plan is used, a new contract must be submitted each quarter and must be submitted by return mail. Quarterly tuition will be divided into three equal payments, each due on the 1st of each month. • A $25.00 contract service fee is charged each quarter. • If you do not keep your monthly contract current with the College, you will not be eligible for the monthly plan the following quarter. For both payment plan options: 19 All payments received in the Business Office after the fifteenth day of the month will be considered “late” and subject to a $25.00 monthly late payment charge. • Students expecting reimbursements at the end of a quarter must follow the above due dates and may not defer payment until the end of a quarter. • Stafford loan applications must be completed prior to the beginning of a quarter. • Please direct questions regarding payment plan procedures to Bernadette Cox in the Central Business Office at 925-631-8001 or via email at [email protected]. How to Make Your Payments Via E-Mail Through GaelXpress A. To View Your Bill On-Line Type The Following: a. Log in by clicking the Log In button at the top of the page b. Enter User ID and Password c. Click Submit d. Click on Current Students (at the bottom of page) e. Under Bill Payment, select View My Bill/Make a Payment f. Choose from message board menu options view account, make payment, authorize payers, payment history, etc… 1. Paying by check please make sure you are using the correct Routing Number and Account Number. Do not include Check Number. There is NO FEE . 2. To set up Authorized Payer (parents, or spouse) a. From the message board menu, click on Authorize Payers b. Click Add New c. Enter name, login name, password, confirm password, and email d. Click Add 2.11 Transferring between Programs Process Students interested in transferring between programs should call the Admissions and Recruitment Office at 925-631-4500. See Appendix II for more information. 2.12 Open Enrollment Policy Graduate Business courses are not available for open enrollment. 20 2.13 Course Audit Policy Graduate Business students and alumni are welcome to audit any course in the Professional MBA Program, subject to space availability. Classes in the cohort based programs are not available to audit. The expectation is that the audited course is being taken for professional development or personal growth, therefore class participation is limited to a passive role unless directly invited to participate by the faculty. The individual will not participate in group projects or group presentations. It is understood that the needs of the enrolled students come first. • • • • • • • Coursework will not be graded. No final grade will be assigned or credit given for the course. Cost per course is $500, which covers all fees and materials for the course. Payment is due 2 weeks before the beginning of the quarter. Please make checks payable to: Saint Mary’s College of California (SMC) Mail to: Saint Mary’s College of California Graduate Business Programs 380 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556 Intent to enroll in a course must be given in writing to Graduate Business Programs a minimum of 30 days before the beginning of the quarter of enrollment Enrollment must be approved by the Academic Director of the PMBA Program and is subject to availability A limit of no more than two individuals may audit a course at the same time A maximum of two courses may be audited in a three year period Course withdrawal and tuition refund are subject to the Graduate Business Course Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy. This policy is subject to change depending on the needs of Graduate Business Programs 2.14 Appeals Policy 2.14.1 Academic Appeals Process The academic appeal process provides students with an opportunity to have their appeals heard in a predictable, timely, and fair manner. Students are free to pursue any other right or remedy provided by law, but this policy sets forth the exclusive procedures to be followed by a student seeking an administrative resolution to an appeal. 21 2.14.2 Definition An academic appeal is a dispute that involves the application of, or compliance with, the academic policies and procedures of Saint Mary’s College. Appeals governed by this process generally include outcomes directly related to policies described in Part I of the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. An appeal shall not include challenges to or attempts to change State or Federal law, or policies or procedures of Saint Mary’s College. Appeals may involve any of the following: • The interpretation of admissions criteria regarding a particular student’s application; • Probation or disqualification; • The determination of the number of units taken in residence at Saint Mary’s College; • The determination of transfer course or unit eligibility for degrees at Saint Mary’s College; • Grading; • Determinations associated with the continuous enrollment/leave of absence policy • Determinations regarding the deadline for completion of degree; • Determinations regarding the approval of a second master’s degree; • Determination of degree candidacy and conferral of degree; • Or, any other situation related to academic policies (other than the Honor Code). 2.14.3 General Provisions A student who elects to file an appeal shall follow the steps described below within the determined time frame. At each step of the appeal procedure, a colleague or faculty member may accompany the student. Because the appeal process is not a legal process, the student shall not be accompanied or represented by an attorney. Neither the student filing an appeal nor any faculty member or colleague accompanying the student will be disciplined or discriminated against for participating in the appeal procedure. After a formal, written appeal has been filed, the issues of the appeal shall not be added to or altered except with the written permission of the dean of the school. If the process reveals that different or additional issues must be part of the appeal, then the changed appeal must be initiated anew. Comment: Needs to be formatted properly. 2.14.4 Appeals Procedures Grades Step 1 – Informal Resolution with Instructor A student having an appeal should first discuss it with the involved faculty member in order to try to work out a satisfactory solution in an informal manner. If a solution satisfactory to all parties is not accomplished through informal discussion, then the grieving student may follow the directions for step 2. 22 Step 2 – Mediation by Program Director If student cannot find satisfactory resolution by discussing the issue with the faculty member, the student should inform the program director of the desire to appeal the grade. (If the faculty member is the program director, the student should inform the dean of the school, who will carry out the function of the program director for this case.) The program director is then responsible to contact the faculty member and attempt to mediate a resolution. If the appeal is resolved satisfactorily at this step, the program director should document the appeals’ resolution to the dean within twenty business days after the initial written filing of the appeal. If the appeal is not resolved satisfactorily at this step, the program director should initiate the steps described in Step 3. Step 3 – Filing of an Appeal with the Dean. If resolution is not accomplished as a result of steps 1 and 2, the program director should request that the student submit a written appeal to dean of the school. (If the involved faculty member is the dean, the appeal shall be submitted directly to the provost, who will carry out actions attributed to the dean in the process.) The written appeal shall include a statement of the issues involved and a statement of the desired remedy. No later than ten business days after receiving the appeal, the dean shall convene an Appeals Committee (See Appeals Committee and Final Decision, below) 2.14.5 All Other Academic Appeals Step 1 – Informal Resolution A student having an appeal should first discuss it with the program director in order to find a satisfactory solution in an informal manner. If a solution satisfactory to all parties is not accomplished though informal discussion, then the grieving student may follow the directions for Step 2. Step 2 – Filing a Written Appeal The student shall submit a written appeal to the dean of the school, copying the program director, within ten business days of the event precipitating the appeal. The written appeal shall include a statement of the issues involved and a statement of the desired remedy. The program director may respond to the grieving student in writing within ten business days, copying the dean. No later than fifteen business days after the dean has received the student’s appeal, the dean shall discuss the appeal with the student and program director, attempting to come to a resolution. If the appeal is not resolved satisfactorily at this step, the dean shall, no later than ten business days after attempting resolution, convene an Appeals Committee. 23 2.14.6 Appeals Committee and Final Decision The Appeals Committee shall consist of two full-time faculty members (appointed by the dean), the associate dean, who shall act as chairperson of the committee, and a student appointed by the dean to serve on the Committee for a particular appeal. Appeals Committee members: • Shall review the formal, written complaint and all subsequent documentation generated through the Appeal Procedure; • May refuse to take further action after reviewing the written complaint and, if so, shall submit a written report stating its reasons for doing so to the dean; • Shall provide all parties to an appeal the opportunity to be heard by the Committee; • May conduct interviews and make inquiries in order to receive evidence and take testimony; • May interpret established policy as it applies to the specific circumstances of the appeal; • May engage in additional fact-finding and suggest future policy changes to the administration of the College; • Shall come to a consensus in its decision and, except in the event of extraordinary circumstances, the associate dean shall notify the student (except as provided) in writing of its decision within thirty business days after it is convened. • Shall report its findings and decision in writing to the dean; • Shall keep all proceedings of the Committee confidential to the extent possible while carrying out their assigned duty; • Shall keep all meetings closed to the public; • Shall keep minutes and documents pertaining to the appeal in a confidential file separate from the student’s regular file. The Chair of the Appeals Committee (typically the associate dean), shall notify the dean and student in writing of the Committee’s decision. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final. Details of the Appeals policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. 24 3. COMMON SERVICES/RESOURCES 1. Communications 2. Financial Aid 3. Veteran’s Benefits 4. Business Office 5. Library and Online Services 6. Bookstore 7. Office of Missions and Ministry/CILSA 8. Accessing SMC Online Services 9. Your Personal SMC Email Account 10. GaelXpress-Billing/Grades/Business Office Holds 11. Online Registration Using GaelXpress 12. ITS-Information and Technology Services 13. International Students 14. Net Impact Club 15. Class Representatives 16. Graduate Business Student Advisory Board (GBSAB) 17. Graduation and Commencement 18. SEBA Graduate Business Alumni Council 19. Career Services 20. Conference Room/Classroom Reservations on SMC Campus 21. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 3.1 Communications The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. 3.2 Financial Aid Office The Financial Aid office is located on the Saint Mary’s College campus in the Brother Jerome West building. The office hours are 8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday, and there is no need to make an appointment to speak with a counselor. The Saint Mary’s College Financial Aid code is 001302. Graduate students are eligible for a variety of loans, including unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans and the Graduate PLUS Loan. • Student loans are available to qualified U.S. citizens and permanent residents. For more information, contact Financial Aid at (925) 631-4370. 25 • Veterans may qualify for GI Benefits (see section on VA Benefits in this guide, which can be used to defray the costs of a Saint Mary’s education. • Many companies offer tuition reimbursement plans or other student assistance. HOW TO APPLY: Request your Federal Student Aid PIN at Your PIN can be used to e-sign your FAFSA, make corrections to your FAFSA. You can use it each year to apply for federal student aid. 1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at Saint Mary’s FAFSA school code is 001302. 2. OPTIONAL: to apply for the Graduate PLUS loan you must complete a supplemental application. Go to and sign in with your FAFSA PIN to begin the process. For more information about financial aid please contact us: Phone: (925) 631-4370 or (925) 631-4836 Fax: (925) 376-2965 Email: [email protected] or visit the Office of Financial Aid website. 3.3 Veterans Benefits 3.3.1 General Guidelines Eligible students are from one of the following categories • • • • • • Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill-Active Duty) Chapter 32 (Veterans Educational Assistance Program) Chapter 33 (GI Bill) Chapter 35 (Dependents) Chapter 1606 (Montgomery G.I. Bill Selected Reserve) Chapter 33 (Yellow Ribbon) Please visit the Veterans Affairs website to apply for benefit eligibility. To Use Benefits Veterans and Dependents who want to use VA Benefits must contact Lyone Conner in the Office of the Registrar at (925) 631-8004. Students must be enrolled in classes at Saint Mary's to receive benefits. Add/Drops When a student adds or drops a class during the term, she/he must notify the Office of the Registrar 26 and fill out an ADD/DROP NOTICE. The VA pays educational benefits based on your actual attendance in each class. *Caution: "W's": The VA will not pay for educational benefits for courses from which you have withdrawn, unless the VA determines that there were mitigating circumstances How to Apply Apply for any benefit on-line at There is no limit to the number of GI Bill eligible students the College may admit, however, there is a limit to the amount of Yellow Ribbon grants offered by Saint Mary’s (see Post 9-11 Yellow Ribbon). 1. The VA will send you a Certificate of Eligibility (This may take a few weeks to receive from the VA) 2. Send, fax, email or bring in a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility to: Registrar's Office Saint Mary's College of California P.O. Box 4748 Moraga, CA 94575-4748 Filippi Hall, First Floor Phone: (925) 631-4214 AX: (925) 376-7445 Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 3.3.2 Post 9-11 GI Bill What is the Post 9-11 GI Bill? As of August 1, 2011 the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs' GI Education Enhancement Program changed the calculations for the tuition and fee coverage to grant a maximum of $17,500 per academic year to Vets, which is pro-rated based on one’s months of service from September 11, 2001 forward. Sample Tuition Calculations Below are examples of the calculations for one year at Saint Mary’s. The highest annual Ch.33 benefit awarded is $17,500. Some or all of your tuition is covered by the VA based on the percentage of eligibility indicated on your Certificate of Eligibility. The noted percentage refers to what portion of the $17,500 you will receive each year. 27 Because the percentage varies for each student, the examples below are based on 60% eligibility ($17,500 x 60% = $10,500). The sample does not include potential fees. Any fees assessed in a year will be covered with the remaining GI Bill grant or if used up, by the student. Note: The VA will not award unused portions of your grant nor will the grant roll over for future years. Sample Tuition Calculation: Based on enrollment in a minimum of 8 units per quarter (four quarters per academic year). This example is for the Executive MBA program. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. $10,500 (Ch.33 contribution for 60% eligibility) -$9,700 (Autumn quarter tuition charges) $800 (Ch.33 benefits remaining to use) -$9,700 (Winter quarter tuition charges) $8,900 (Winter balance to be paid by student) +$9,700 (Spring quarter tuition charges) +$9,700 (Summer quarter tuition charges) $20,200 (Total balance to be paid by student in one academic year) 3.3.3 Yellow Ribbon Program This program allows you to enter into an agreement with the VA to fund tuition expenses that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate. We can contribute up to 50% of those expenses, and VA will match the same amount. The Yellow Ribbon grant supersedes all our merit and need-based scholarships as well as the Cal Grant. Only individuals entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) may receive this funding. Who May Apply? You may be eligible if: • • • You served an aggregate period of active duty after September 10, 2001, of at least 36 months; You were honorably discharged from active duty for a service connected disability and you served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001; You are a dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post-9/11 GI Bill based on a veteran's service under the eligibility criteria listed above. How We Award Grants? • • • We grant awards based on a first-come-first-served basis You must be admitted to a program according to the status indicated to receive funding. You must apply each year for the grant, however those enrolled in the previous term will receive priority consideration. 28 • • Saint Mary's will award a maximum limit of 17 Yellow Ribbon grants to students in the Graduate School of Business for the 2012-2013 academic year in accordance with the indicated enrollment status. Based on enrollment in a minimum of 8 units per quarter (four quarters per academic year) Sample Tuition Calculations Sample calculations are for one year of each eligible program. YR students will be granted $17,500 each academic year from their Post 9-11 GI Bill. Any remaining tuition and some fee balances will be covered with their YR benefits. The samples do not include potential fees. Any applicable fees assessed in a year will be covered with the remaining GI Bill grant or through the YR grant if the $17,500 is used up. Based on enrollment in a minimum of 8 units per quarter (four quarters per academic year) this example is for the Executive MBA program. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. $17,500 (Ch.33 contribution) -$9,700 (Autumn quarter tuition charges) $7,800 (Ch.33 benefits remaining to use) -$9,700 (Winter quarter tuition charges) $1,900 (Winter balance owed) +$9,700 (Spring quarter tuition charges) +$9,700 (Summer quarter tuition charges) $21,300 (Total balance owed) ÷ 2 (YR Agreement) $10,650 (paid by VA from YR) $10,650 (paid by SMC from YR) $0.00 Total balance owed by student ( 3.4 Business Office The Business Office which is located on the Saint Mary’s College campus on the bottom floor of Filippi Hall, it is open from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Accounts Payable number is 925-631-4209. Students should contact this office directly regarding; regarding questions about student accounts, and any holds that may restrict students from registering, payment plans, or any billing or accounting issue. 29 3.5 Library and On-Line Service There is a dedicated Reference and Business Reference Librarian, Sharon Radcliff available to all students. Her contact information is: Sharon Radcliff, [email protected], 925-631-4413. There is also an On-Line Service, this is located at 3.6 Bookstore Information about the Bookstore can be accessed at Mary’s College Bookstore is located on the main campus: The Saint Saint Mary's College of California Bookstore 1928 St. Mary's Road Moraga, CA 94575-5215 Store telephone: (925)631-4373 Store Hours Monday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Friday 8:30-5:00 PM Tuesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday CLOSED Thursday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM 3.7 Office of Mission and Ministry/CILSA The Mission and Ministry Center (MMC) at Saint Mary’s College provides opportunities for becoming an active Lasallian. The Mission and Ministry Center cultivates our Saint Mary’s College Catholic, Lasallian Culture on campus through a variety of programs and activities that help students become more involved in the community. You can participate in a weekend immersion trip that will expose you to the life of migrant workers, enjoy a retreat at the Russian River to reflect on your spirituality and build community, serve others outside of Saint Mary's working evening dinner service at the Dorothy Day house and engage in coffee and conversation on Friday mornings. You can take a break and visit the beautiful chapel for some quiet time of prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to daily Mass, twice weekly meditation or any of the many prayer opportunities. If you really want to dive into Lasallian life, you can become a member of FIAT (Faith In Action Team) and work with the MMC team on presence, programs and experiences that give spirit and the college’s voice to our Catholic, Lasallian Mission. Each year, the MMC honors our Lasallian Legacy during Spring's De La Salle week in the spring where it celebrates the SMC heritage, enjoys time as a community and honors distinguished Lasallian educators with an honorary doctorate. The Missions and Ministry Center can be accessed at 30 CILSA, the Catholic Institute for Lasallian Social Action is the academic center at SMC promoting a culture of service and social justice education consonant with Catholic social teaching and integrating the three traditions of the college: Catholic, Lasallian and Liberal Arts. More information about CILSA may be found at 3.8 Accessing SMC Online Services The SMC email account, which is the college’s official method of communication, has an individual password and login which are emailed to each student. This login and password will be used for two websites; which allows access their SMCnet and GaelXpress account, and the account. The following lists the purpose and ways to access these accounts. • For and SMCnet: students will use their SMC email login and passwords. This website links to all services on campus, GaelXpress, and room reservations. The link is After logging in, students may choose to go to GaelXpress for their administrative needs, or SMCNet to view other services and resources at the college. • GaelXpress is the administrative account, which includes billing, registration and grading. The login and password for this account is the same as the SMC email account. Students receive their e-bills (quarterly billing) in this account also. Students can access this account by logging into, or going through which is the Graduate Business Click the icon above to access: To search for courses: • • • • • Your SMC Email SMCnet GaelXpress Gael Calendar other student links • • • • • • • • • Click the link above Click the "Current Students" link at the top right Click "Search for Classes" Select "Term" and "Subject" “Course Level” is Graduate to find your courses. By signing in on GaelXpress, you can also: Register for classes Check your grades Pay tuition Access other useful tools 31 website and portal dedicated to the students and faculty of the programs, with academic resources, and online resources. Faculty post their syllabus, assignments and additional resources for their classes on this site. It is required that all students subscribe to this website, it is suggested that students use their SMC email login and password for ease of managing multiple websites. If the student is in a cohort program (all programs except the Professional MBA program) all students will be added to their specific cohort communication email group. Students may have this email forwarded to their personal email account. For technical assistance for this website you may call 925330-8031 or 925-933-8032. 3.9 Your Personal SMC Email Account SMC Email Account and Student ID Card: Each student has a personal SMC Email Account, this is your official means of communications from the college. All emails regarding registration, billing, and program updates will only go this account. Students can have this account forwarded to their personal email accounts for ease of managing. The ITS service desk can assist in this process. If there are questions or difficulties with this account, call the ITS service desk at 925-631-4266. Your Student ID card will be given to you before starting the program. 3.10 GaelXpress-Billing/Grades/Business Office Holds All billing, grading, registration, business office restrictions, e-billing and student account administrative items take place in GaelXpress. The login and password for this account are the same as the SMC email account login and password. Students may access this account through (using the same SMC email account login and password). Students who have not kept up on their billing will not be allowed to register for classes. 3.11 Online Registration Using GaelXpress Please follow the instructions below to register for classes on GaelXpress. Important Note---Prior to registering, it is required that tuition account be paid in full. If a student is not able to register by the deadline, they will need to contact the Graduate Business Programs Office directly at 925.631-4500 for assistance. There will be a $100.00 late fee assessed to the student’s account for registrations processed after the registration deadline. Attention PMBA Students Only: • If you have been granted course waivers, you may need to contact us directly for assistance in registering for a course which has a prerequisite that has been waived for you. • Courses are subject to a minimum of 10 students, if a course does not meet this enrollment minimum, it may be subject to cancellation. 32 Registration Instructions Step 1: Go to Step 2: Under the blue bar “Registration” will be all of the registration directions and information. To be eligible to register, students must be current on their tuition payments. Students should check on their tuition status by logging on to their GaelXpress account Welcome to GaelXpress and look under the heading "Bill Payments and Refunds". Students may also call the SMC Business Office at 925.631-4209 to get an update on the status of their account. Step 3: Registration Confirmation To confirm registration in classes log on to the GaelXpress main page, click on ACADEMIC PROFILE then MY CLASS SCHEDULE then select AUTUMN QUARTER 2015 (for example). Students courses should be listed, this is the registration confirmation. If course are not listed, please contact the Graduate Business Office at 925-631-4500. 3.12 ITS -Information and Technology Services The Information and Technical Services department at SMC offers a full service of online, by phone and by drop in service for technology questions. Call us to report an incident or request a service: (925) 631-4266 Email us: [email protected] Visit us: Saint Albert Hall (Library) Service Desk Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7:30am-12:00pm, (with desktop technician support from 7:30am-7:30pm) Friday, 7:30am-6:00pm (with desktop technician support) Saturday, 7:30am-6:00pm (with phone support only from 7:30am-3:30pm) Sunday, 10:00am-1:00am (open lab) 3.13 Net Impact Club: Our mission: SMC SEBA Net Impact Chapter empowers our students to foster sustainability objectives and CSR initiatives, by partnering with local and global organizations, engaging our community in projects with social and environmental impact thereby promoting the SEBA mission of “think globally, lead responsibly.” Why Net Impact? A network of more than 20,000 new generation leaders committed to using the power of business to improve the world. 33 • • A membership organization that brings MBAs and professionals together to network, and to take action on socially responsible business issues that exist. An organization that educates, inspires its members to use their business skills and specialties for social impact. Membership Net Impact Members and Why join Net Impact? MBA Students are the core members of Saint Mary's College Net Impact Chapter • • • • • • When joining Net Impact members will invest in a movement to shape the future of business and society Members will be able to network with over 20,000 likeminded new generation leaders in person and online Build relationships with Net Impact Members through your local chapter Attend local and global events such as conferences, speaker series, career panels and social activities Stay on top of relevant news and tends related to socially responsible business through Net Impact e-publications Get involved in your community through our impact programs Membership Receive: • • • • SMC Net Impact Newsletter Access to SMC graduate member network Access to networking opportunities with Bay Area professionals Discount on special events Club Event Promotion Process Have the leadership team of the club draft an event flyer that states the value proposition of the event, the agenda and key logistical things (date, time, location, cost, food & beverage) and send it to Rachel Wood, [email protected] 5 weeks in advance of the event. Make sure the flyer stays within the style guidelines. If the club needs a logo email Rachel Wood. 1. The marketing team will use that information to create an event RSVP form and event page on the website. (If someone from the club is available to learn how to do this during business hours the marketing team is happy to train them at the that time .) 2. The marketing team will send the leadership of the club the link to the event page within 5 business days and someone from the club can then publicize it on our Facebook and LinkedIn groups. 34 3. Alumni outreach will include the event in our next events email to all SEBA alumni and current students. (Please note these emails go out at the beginning of each month, so please plan accordingly.) 4. Once the event flyer is finalized with logistics please contact Student Services to have them printed through the print shop. At that point we would recommend reaching out to faculty and asking them to promote the event to their students, as well as handing out event flyers at our other student and alumni events. 3.14 International Students The Center for International Programs offers many wonderful resources for Saint Mary's international students as well. Please explore the links here for more information about your visa and for answers regarding your student insurance, potential F-1 employment options, and what to expect when you arrive in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their office number is 925-6314352. Information for international students can be accessed at Students that are required to enroll in Curricular Practical Training (CPT), are required to contact the International Students office at the number above and refer to Appendix II for the step by step process. 3.15 Class Representatives In all cohort based programs (all programs except the Professional MBA program)the Cohort Class Representative plays an important role in the overall educational experience within the cohort and serves as a communication link between the students and the Graduate Business Programs Administration. The role as a Student Cohort Representative may be challenging at times but also highly rewarding. It will require good communication and listening skills. Former Class Representatives have found it to be a great way to get involved; facilitating solutions of various classcentered issues and thus improving leadership skills through the process. Please note that even though this is a volunteer position, the Graduate Business Program Administration reserves the right to remove a class Representative from his/her position for non-fulfillment or misuse of assigned responsibilities. Following is information regarding your role as a Student Cohort Class Representative: 1. Facilitate discussion of issues of concern for the cohort and participate in generating solutions to problems. 2. Act as a liaison between the cohort and the Graduate Business Programs Administration including clarification of program policies and procedures. The Student Cohort Representative will not be responsible for resolving individual problems between a student and the Graduate Business Program Administration or a faculty member. 35 3. Monitor the cleanliness of the classroom facility by asking students to clean up after themselves and by reporting any deficiencies in the janitorial service to the Graduate Business Programs office at 925-631-4500. Also, alert the Director of Academic Services of heating/cooling problems or other issues that distract from a supportive learning environment. 4. Participate in an exit-interview with the Associate Dean and/Director of Academic Services after completion of the program providing thoughtful feedback on the curriculum and student services. 3.16 Graduate Student Advisory Board The (GBSAB) is a Graduate Business student advisor council created to provide the SEBA administration a regular means of communication with graduate and professional students in order to be cognizant of and responsive to student issues, suggestions and concerns. The purpose of the GBSAB will include: • the continuous education of SEBA administration about the student experience • advice from graduate and professional students to the SEBA administration about various strategic initiatives • improved student engagement in SEBA and campus activities • improved community development across different programs in SEBA and across the schools and programs at the College. The following outlines the structure and expectations of GBSAB members: • The SEBA GBSAB will be co-chaired by a member of the Board and the Associate Dean of Graduate Business and Global Programs. • The GBSAB will consist of a total of ten or more students. They will be selected from each of the graduate programs at Saint Mary’s College. • The GBSAB will meet as a group 3 times a year (once every quarter, except in summer). • 3 students from the SEBA GBSAB will be called to serve on the College Graduate and Professional Students Advisory Council (GPSAC) to represent graduate and professional studies in special meetings and events, and this group will send representatives to the Campus Facilities Committee, Campus Committee on Inclusive Excellence, the Technology Advisory Committee, the Library Committee, Graduate Council, and Alumni Board of Directors. 3.17 Graduation and Commencement As students get closer to their final quarters, information is sent out regarding the graduation process. This process includes the Candidacy form which is sent for completion along with a request for a $120.00 graduation processing fee. All students are required to pay this fee even if they decide that they do not want to attend the Commencement ceremony. The diplomas are mailed to the students after their final grades have been posted to their transcripts and their student accounts have 36 been paid in full. The commencement ceremony is traditionally held in May. See FAQ’s in Appendix II. 3.18 SEBA Graduate Business Alumni Council Once you complete one of our Graduate Business degree programs, you are automatically enrolled as a lifetime member of the SMC family. The SMC community is supportive and strong — from the first day of class through graduation, and beyond. The SEBA Graduate Business Alumni Council’s goals are: • • • NETWORK. We help you stay in touch with your fellow graduates and connect to new people, new opportunities, new resources, and new friends. LEARN. We offer opportunities to continuously develop your professional skills through guest speakers, panel discussions, and online learning. SERVE. We provide opportunities for you to use your knowledge, experience, and skill in service of others needing a hand in their businesses or communities. Welcome to the SMC family. We greatly look forward to your participation, please email us to get involved or share ideas. 3.19 Career Services 3.19.1 SEBA Graduate Career Services SEBA Graduate Career Services offers state-of-the-art employer, industry and salary resource information along with exclusive business graduate job openings available from your desktop. Our career management technology includes the following: • Vault: The premier resource for career, industry and employer research. View and download reports on employers, participate in online forums, prep for interviews. • Saint Mary’s Library (Business): The SMC Library provides access to a rich network of research and data resources, as well as personalized assistance to navigate the vast amounts of information available. Our collection boasts electronic access to many of the top resources in the business field, including Mergent, OneSource, Mintel, Euromonitor and Morningstar. Professional librarians are available to you-without an appointment-for one-on-one consultation more than 70 hours a week in person, or via phone or email. • GaeLink: Bridging the gap between employers looking for Business Graduates and SEBA Graduates looking for employment. GaeLink connects you to Jobs and Internships events and on-campus interviews. You‘ll have access to 24/7 Job/Internship opportunities and employer contacts. Though you are already registered on GaeLink you must complete the profile by adding your program and resume. 37 GaelMentors: Known for its devoted and active alumni, Saint Mary’s College has recently partnered with Edge on College to bring you GAEL MENTORS, an online network that gives students a key advantage by connecting them with professional, experienced alumni in various industries to provide graduates with informational interviews, job shadowing and networking opportunities. • Individual Career Counseling and Direction, Employment Opportunities, Job Finding. Schedule an appointment with a SEBA Graduate Career Counselor for help in clarifying your career goals, selecting a concentration, negotiating salary and planning your I-CAP or Individual Career Action Plan. SEBA Graduate Career Services include: • Interview Preparation: Receive valuable guidance and preparation answering interview questions in all their shapes and styles: panel, phone, informatonal, traditional, behavioral and video interviews. To schedule your interview preparation appointment, contact [email protected]. • Resume and Cover Letter Review and Development: SGCS helps you to create effective an successful business graduate resume. We will review your resume and help you craft competitive content using our SEBA business graduate template. We are also available to review rough drafts of your cover letters. Contact [email protected] • Job-Finding Strategy: While others “search” for jobs, SGCS actually shows you how to find them. You’ll work closely with your SGCG Counselor to create a job-finding strategy that will give you the competitive edge and keep you aware from the online job boards. Contact [email protected] • GaeLink: Bridging the gap between empolyers looking for business graduate and SEBA graduates looking for employment, GaeLink connects you to jobs and internships events and on-campus interviews. You will have access to 24/7 job/internship opportunities and employer contacts. • On-Campus Recruiting: To apply and sign-up for interviews, got to GaeLink, and log into your account using the “Search” option. Select the “Advanced Search” option. Click on “Show Me: On-Campus Interviews.” Click “Search” Then review/research all positions and decide which feels right for you. Our SGCS counselor is available to you in person or through video conferencing for our remote students and alumni. To schedule an appointment in person or video, contact [email protected]. • 3.20 Conference Room/Classroom Reservations on SMC Campus When available, students may reserve classroom or conference space on the SMC campus. To do this, students must reserve at least 48 hours in advance using the SMCnet system. First log into, (using their SMC email and password) then go to SMCnet, then to College Services at the top of the page. Then go to Room Request and complete the Request an Event Form. Make sure that the form is submitted at the end. An email will be generated immediately back 38 to the students SMC email account verifying that a room request has been received. Within 48 hours an email with the location of the activity will be emailed. There are multiple study rooms in the library that are available to our students. You may contact the Library directly to reserve a room. In many cases there are library study rooms available in an impromptu basis. 3.21 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. When do I register for classes? The registration period will last for 2 weeks prior to the start of each quarter. You will be notified of those dates by email to go to GaelXpress to register. There will be instructions on how to register for each program. 2. What is a Business Office hold? If you have not been keeping up on your tuition payments then your registration account will have a Business Office hold put on it. This will prohibit you from registering for classes until your account is paid in full. If you pay your account after the registration period and then you register for classes you will be assessed a $100.00 late fee. 3. Do I really need to use my SMC email? YES. All of the communications that will come from SMC will go to that email address. That includes, course changes, faculty emails, career updates, billing, grading etc. 4. How do I forward my SMC email to my personal email? Please contact ITS (Information and Technology Services) at 925-631-4266 and they will assist you. 5. What is a Saint Mary’s Gael? Also known as a “Galloping Gael”, a Gael is an Irish horseman. 6. What do I do if I lose my student ID card? Please call the Business Office at 925-631-4209 for assistance. 7. How do I check to see if I have a Business Office hold? On GaelXpress there is a section called “My Holds and Allowances” click into this section and you can see if you have a hold on your account. 39 GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS 1. Executive MBA Program 2. Trans Global Executive MBA Program 3. Professional MBA (PMBA) Program 4. Master of Science in Financial Analysis and Investment Management 5. Master of Science in Accounting 6. Master of Science in Business Analytics 7. Master of Science in Management 40 4.1 The Executive MBA Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Program Information Grading Policy Attendance Policy/ Missed Class Sessions Tuition Refund Policy Cohort Communications Graduation Requirements Commencement Process See Appendix II for information regarding the process for transferring between programs) 4.1.1 Program Information • • • • • • • • 18 month program leading to the Master of Business Administration (MBA). 13 Courses are held in Moraga, Silicon Valley or San Ramon. 3 delivery formats: Evening, Saturday, and Hybrid (50% Face-to-Face and 50% Online). Classes meet weekly for quarters of 11 weeks. Cohort based model with 2 classes per week. All students will subscribe to, an internal website for all SMC MBA students and faculty. Transfer credit: Up to two courses or 8 quarter units may be transferred for equivalent course work done at an AACSB-accredited institution. Official transcripts and syllabi from those courses must be sent to the Graduate Business Program Office for review during the admissions process. If accepted, the credits will be added onto the SMC transcript. The criteria that control the transfer of credits are: the credit to be transferred can be no older than 5 years, the credit must be for a course that is virtually identical to the Saint Mary’s course which will not have to be taken if credit is transferred, and the grade earned must be at least a B. The request for the transfer of credit must be made no later than the during the admissions process. Only graduate credit can be transferred. Optional travel courses available. Course Sequence- All courses must be taken in sequence. Quarter 1 GMAN 501-Managing and Leading Contemporary Organizations (4 quarter units) GMAN 502- Management Communication (4 quarter units) Quarter 2 GMAN 503-Economic Analysis (4 quarter units) 41 GMAN 504-Data Analysis in Business (4 quarter units) Quarter 3 GMAN 505-Forecasting and Operations Management (4 quarter units) GMAN 506-Managerial Accounting (4 quarter units) Quarter 4 GMAN 507-Managerial Finance (4 quarter units) GMAN 508-Marketing Management (4 quarter units) Quarter 5 GMAN 509-Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (4 quarter units) GMAN 510-Legal Aspects (2 quarter units) GMAN 511-Ethical and Social Issues in Business (2 quarter units) Quarter 6 GMAN 512- Business Strategy GMAN 513-Managing Global Competition 4.1.2 Grading Policy The Graduate Business Programs uses the “Pass/Fail,” grading in the Executive MBA program and the Trans-Global Executive MBA program. Executive MBA Pass/Fail and Honors Grades Passing Grades Pass/Fail grading is intended to encourage students to work cooperatively for understanding rather than competitively for a particular individual grade. The grade of “Pass” (P) encompasses the full range of student performance in a course from “satisfactory” to “excellent”. The minimum requirements for the grade of Pass shall meet the following standard: • • • Demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter of the course. Satisfactory completion of written examinations, Timely and satisfactory completion of all other assignments. Marginal Performance Grades and Letters The Graduate Business faculty recognizes that even though a student’s coursework might meet the minimum standard necessary to merit a passing grade, such work might nonetheless demonstrate deficiency. An MP grade letter will be sent by the instructor to the Director of Academic Services 42 giving the basis for the MP grade, that letter will then be forwarded to the student along with our Marginal Performance Policy. The purpose of this MP is to alert students at the time of completion of the course that their work was marginal, but overall the grade is a pass. Once a Marginal Performance Letter has been officially placed in a student’s file, it cannot be removed prior to graduation except at the request of the instructor who wrote it. All Marginal Performance Letters are removed from a student’s file after graduation. The purpose of a Marginal Performance Letter is: 1. Information: To inform the student of identifiable weaknesses in performance so that the student can become aware of them and seek to improve his-her performance. 2. Counseling: To inform the administration of specific concerns with respect to a student’s performance so that students can be appropriately counseled. 3. Evaluation: To serve as part of the legal documentation process when and if it becomes necessary to dismiss a student from the program. Marginal Performance Letters should be submitted when either basic learning problems or attitudinal problems are identified. Students who accumulate two or more Marginal Performance Letters will have their situation taken under review by the Student Performance Review Committee. A record of more than two Marginal Performance Letters, especially if combined with a course failure, will make a student dismissible from the program. Details of the Marginal Pass Letters policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Marginal Pass Grades (revised policy for students entering in Autumn 2014) The Marginal Pass grade appears on the transcript and indicates that the student has met the minimum overall requirements for the grade of pass, but performance in one or more areas nonetheless demonstrates serious weakness. A note of explanation by the instructor is sent to the student and placed in the student’s file. Students will be placed on academic probation upon receipt of a.) two Marginal Pass grades or b.) one failing grading and one Marginal Pass grade. If in the subsequent quarter there are no further Marginal Pass or Failing grades, then Academic Probation is removed. Students who accumulate two or more Marginal Performance Letters will have their situation taken under review by the Student Performance Review Committee. However, the course which was failed must be repeated and completed successfully before the student is allowed to graduate. 43 Failing Grades The grade of “Fail” (F) is given to students whose performance falls below an acceptable level for a graduate student. Instructors are encouraged to inform students whose performance in the course puts them at risk of receiving a failing grade as early in the course as feasible. Instructors are also encouraged to write a letter explaining the grounds for a failing grade. A student who fails a required course must repeat that course with a passing grade in order to graduate. A student who fails a course a second time is automatically dismissed from the program. Any student, who accumulates a second failing grade, even though an earlier failed course may have been successfully repeated, is subject to dismissal after review. Full tuition will be charged for all repeated courses at the rate then prevailing. Academic Disqualification Students in P/F programs are subject to disqualification at any time during the duration of the program if they receive a failing grade in a total of two courses, receive a failing grade in addition to two marginal pass grades, or they receive a total three Marginal Pass grades. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Honors Grading The grade of “Honors” (H) is reserved for truly extraordinary student performance. Honors recognition in a course is given to students whose standard of performance and participation significantly exceeds that expected in the course. In submitting an Honors grade for a student, the instructor shall require the student to meet substantially all of the following standards: • • • Unusual skill in and mastery of the subject area. Substantial growth in the subject area. Notable excellence in written assignment and formal presentations. In determining whether to assign an honors grade, the instructor should rely primarily on his or her own observation of the student’s performance. An Honors grade in a class should be regarded by both instructor and student as a very special occurrence. In addition to granting the grade of honors, the instructor shall send a letter to the Director of Academic Services (with a copy to the student) which briefly explains the manner in which the student satisfied the criteria for the grade. Students who receive five (5) or more Honors grades will be graduated with Honors and this designation will appear on the student’s diploma and final transcript as well as on the 44 Commencement program. Occasionally, however, Commencement proceedings occur a week or two before the end of a student’s program and therefore before final grades have been determined. If a student earns a fifth Honors grade in these circumstances, acknowledgement will be limited to the diploma and final transcript. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her academic record. 4.1.3 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions. • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions (a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • For online classes, up to 4 online class sessions (a total of 8 hours of online instruction) per quarter may be excused with prior knowledge of an agreement with the instructor. • Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on three or more occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at f. 4.1.4 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. 45 The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before the first day of the quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% Weeks 4 and beyond 0 4.1.5 Cohort Communications Official communications on all cohort matters are done through email. • • Official communications: The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. Cohort communications: All communications with faculty and your classmates will be done through an email list on smcmba. Students are required to participate, we ask that they use their SMC email for this communication tool. 4.1.6 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • • • • • Students must complete all coursework for the degree within five years of matriculation. Extensions may be granted but only in special circumstances. “Pass” grade on all courses using the Pass/Fail grading system. Completion of all thirteen required courses (48 units). If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded, the (I) will convert to a letter grade. The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. 46 • If the student received 5 or more Honors in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 47 4.2 Trans-Global Executive MBA Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Program Information Grading Policy Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy Cohort Communications Graduation Requirements International Travel Social Services Management (SOSERVMAN) Projects 4.2.1 Program Information • • • The 12-month program has a twice-a-month class format on two consecutive weekends. The classes are held on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30am-5:30pm There are 2 international trips, lasting 10-12 days each during the 12 month program All lodging, group lunches, welcome and farewell dinners, local transportation and course materials are covered by the program’s tuition. Airfare, airport transfers, visas and passport fees are not covered by the programs tuition. The program spans 4 quarters including 12 courses for 48 quarter units. Course Sequence: First Quarter GMAN 702-Orientation Module: Global Management Skills and Global Communication (4 quarter units) GMAN 704-Data Analysis and Research Methods in Global Business (4 quarter units) GMAN 703-Economic Analysis for Global Business (4 quarter units) Second Quarter GMAN 701-Managing and Leading Global Organizations, Travel Course (4 quarter units) GMAN 705- Global Operations and Supply Chain Management (4 quarter units) GMAN 706-Managerial Accounting for Global Decisions (4 quarter units) Third Quarter GMAN 707-Global Managerial Finance (4 quarter units) GMAN 708-Global Operations and Supply Chain Management (4 quarter units) GMAN 711-Ethical and Social Issues in Global Management and Global Corporate Governance (4 quarter units) 48 Fourth Quarter GMAN 712-Global Business Strategy(4 quarter units) GMAN 713-Managing Global Competition and Cooperation, Travel Course-(4 quarter units) GMAN 778-Consulting Project (4 quarter units) Class times: Saturday 8:30-5:30 (lunch from 12:00-1:00) Sunday 8:30-5:30 (lunch from 12:00-1:00) 4.2.2 Grading Policy Graduate Business Programs uses the “Pass/Fail,” grading the Trans-Global Executive MBA program. Trans-Global Executive MBA Pass/Fail and Honors Grades Passing Grades Pass/Fail grading is intended to encourage students to work cooperatively for understanding rather than competitively for a particular individual grade. The grade of “Pass” (P) encompasses the full range of student performance in a course from “satisfactory” to “excellent”. The minimum requirements for the grade of Pass shall meet the following standard: • • • Demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter of the course. Satisfactory completion of written examinations, Timely and satisfactory completion of all other assignments. Marginal Performance Grades and Letters The Graduate Business faculty recognizes that even though a student’s coursework might meet the minimum standard necessary to merit a passing grade, such work might nonetheless demonstrate deficiency. An MP grade letter will be sent by the instructor to the Director of Academic Services giving the basis for the MP grade, that letter will then be forwarded to the student along with our Marginal Performance Policy. The purpose of this MP is to alert students at the time of completion of the course that their work was marginal, but overall the grade is a pass. Once a Marginal Performance Letter has been officially placed in a student’s file, it cannot be removed prior to graduation except at the request of the instructor who wrote it. All Marginal Performance Letters are removed from a student’s file after graduation. The purpose of a Marginal Performance Letter is: 1. Information: To inform the student of identifiable weaknesses in performance so that the student can become aware of them and seek to improve his-her performance. 49 2. Counseling: To inform the administration of specific concerns with respect to a student’s performance so that students can be appropriately counseled. 3. Evaluation: To serve as part of the legal documentation process when and if it becomes necessary to dismiss a student from the program. Marginal Performance Letters should be submitted when either basic learning problems or attitudinal problems are identified. Marginal Performance Letters are appropriate for students judged by a faculty member to have attitudinal problems, even if their required work is of an acceptable quality. Students who accumulate two or more Marginal Performance Letters will have their situation taken under review by the Student Performance Review Committee. A record of more than two Marginal Performance Letters, especially if combined with a course failure, will make a student dismissible from the program. Details of the Marginal Pass Letters policy are available at and should be carefully reviewed by the student. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Marginal Pass Grades (revised policy for students entering in autumn 2014) The Marginal Pass grade appears on the transcript and indicates that the student has met the minimum overall requirements for the grade of pass, but performance in one or more areas nonetheless demonstrates serious weakness. A note of explanation by the instructor is sent to the student and placed in the student’s file. Students will be placed on academic probation upon receipt of a.) two Marginal Pass grades or b.) one failing grading and one Marginal Pass grade. If in the subsequent quarter there are no further Marginal Pass or Failing grades, then Academic Probation is removed. However, the course which was failed must be repeated and completed successfully before the student is allowed to graduate. Failing Grades The grade of “Fail” (F) is given to students whose performance falls below an acceptable level for a graduate student. Instructors are encouraged to inform students whose performance in the course puts them at risk of receiving a failing grade as early in the course as feasible. Instructors are also encouraged to write a letter explaining the grounds for a failing grade. A student who fails a required course must repeat that course with a passing grade in order to graduate. A student who fails a course a second time is automatically dismissed from the program. Any student, who accumulates a second failing grade, even though an earlier failed course may have been successfully repeated, is subject to dismissal after review. Full tuition will be charged for all repeated courses at the rate then prevailing. 50 Academic Disqualification Students in P/F programs are subject to disqualification at any time during the duration of the program if they receive a failing grade in a total of two courses, receive a failing grade in addition to two marginal pass grades, or they receive a total three Marginal Pass grades. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Honors Grading The grade of “Honors” (H) is reserved for truly extraordinary student performance. Honors recognition in a course is given to students whose standard of performance and participation significantly exceeds that expected in the course. In submitting an Honors grade for a student, the instructor shall require the student to meet substantially all of the following standards: • • • Unusual skill in and mastery of the subject area. Substantial growth in the subject area. Notable excellence in written assignment and formal presentations. In determining whether to assign an honors grade, the instructor should rely primarily on his or her own observation of the student’s performance. An Honors grade in a class should be regarded by both instructor and student as a very special occurrence. In addition to granting the grade of honors, the instructor shall send a letter to the Director of Academic Services (with a copy to the student) which briefly explains the manner in which the student satisfied the criteria for the grade. Students who receive five (5) or more Honors grades will be graduated with Honors and this designation will appear on the student’s diploma and final transcript as well as on the Commencement program. Occasionally, however, Commencement proceedings occur a week or two before the end of a student’s program and therefore before final grades have been determined. If a student earns a fifth Honors grade in these circumstances, acknowledgement will be limited to the diploma and final transcript. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her academic record. 51 4.2.3 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy • • • Students missing more than 10% of the monthly class session (more than 4 hours) will not be given credit for the course and will be required to repeat the course. All Trans-Global Executive MBA students are required to attend both overseas modules and be present for their SOSERVMAN Project Presentation. Repeated classes require full payment of the single class fee at the current tuition rate. For any student who has an exceptional circumstance, they must consult with the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for an alternative to making up the class sessions missed. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at Course “No Show” Policy Students who register for a course, and do not attend the course without notifying the Program Director, Program Manager or Academic Services by phone or email, will be given a failing grade for that course and will be expected to repeat it at the full tuition rate. 4.2.4 Trans-Global Executive MBA Program Withdrawals and Refund Policy Students, who wish to withdraw from the program, must give written notification as detailed in the second paragraph of this policy with the exception that the notification of withdrawal is to be provided to the Global Programs Manager and the Director of Academic Services. Ceasing to attend a two day class weekend does not constitute an official withdrawal and notification will have to be provided in writing prior to the non-attendance. Withdrawals from the Trans-Global Executive MBA program require advance notice because of the monthly nature of the concentrated two weekend-amonth class format of the program. Written notice of a withdrawal will have to be provided prior to the start of a class for a student to be eligible for a 100% refund of the tuition for that class. 52 Course Tuition Refunds Tuition refunds in case of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Program Director, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the notification and needs to be received as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. Course Tuition Refund Schedule: Amount Refunded (% of course tuition) Before the first day of the course Withdrawal on the first day of the course Withdrawal after the first day of course 100% 60% 0% A 100% tuition refund will only be given for the upcoming courses dropped before the first day of the course. 4.2.5 Cohort Communications Communications on all cohort matters are done through email. • • Official communications. The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. Cohort communications. All communications with faculty and classmates will be done through an email list on smcmba. Students are required to participate, we ask that they use their SMC email for this communication tool. 4.2.6 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • • • • Students must complete all coursework for the degree within five years of matriculation. Extensions may be granted but only in special circumstances. “Pass” grade on all courses using the Honors/Pass/Fail grading system. Completion of all fifteen required courses (60 units). If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded the (I) will convert to a letter grade. 53 • • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. If the student received 5 or more Honors in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 4.2.7 International Travel All lodging, welcome and farewell dinners, group lunches, breakfast, cultural and academic activities are covered by the Trans-Global Executive MBA tuition. Additional fees expected from each participant are the cost of all airfare, passport and visa fees, personal spending money, meals not covered by the program and any charges related to inoculations. • Students must be in good academic standing to travel • Students must consult a physician and provide written confirmation that appropriate vaccinations were administered prior to international travel. • All current tuition balances must be paid in full prior to travel. • If a student must cancel a trip in advance of 90 days before travel they will complete an Independent Study with the approval from the Academic Director of the program. The notification of the cancellation must be in writing to both the Academic Director and the Global Programs Manager. • If a student must cancel due to an emergency the student will be dropped from the course. The student may petition for a partial refund. Petitions must be done in writing and submitted to the Academic Director and the Global Programs Manager. Refund petitions under these circumstances will be considered after all expenses related to the course have been paid. Any amounts paid on behalf of the student will be deducted prior to the refund. The student will then complete an Independent Study with the approval from the Academic Director of the program. 4.2.8 Social Services Management (SOSERVMAN) Projects Students will be assigned to project teams that will research and recommend a viable solution to a global business problem. The client will be an international company an NGO or a domestic not-forprofit organization with operations located in a developing countries such as India, Thailand, Philippines, Rwanda, Uganda etc. The project’s objective will be to elevate the quality of life and livelihoods in a developing country with the goal of reducing, and ultimately eliminating, world poverty. This real-world project will require the student to apply the concepts, analytical tools, and techniques that they will learn throughout the 12-month program while balancing people, planet and profit. 54 Three to five challenging and worthy projects are selected for each cohort by the Trans-Global Executive MBA faculty based on recommendations submitted by the university partner schools, and other client organizations. Students will be assigned to their social service project within the first two months of starting the Trans-Global Executive MBA program. The students will meet, in person or virtually, with the management team(s) representing the client organization to gather background information about the project objectives. Then the students will complete extensive research, analyze findings, and develop recommendations over the following months with guidance from their assigned project faculty advisor. The project is an integral part of the curriculum allowing students to apply the knowledge and skills from each course in the Trans-Global Executive MBA program to the project objectives. The final detailed written report, its findings and recommendations are presented to the team’s client at the end of the program. For more information please visit: http:/// 55 4.3 Professional MBA (PMBA) Program 1. Program Information 2. Grading Policy 3. Academic Probation/ Dismissal Policy 4. Attendance Policy /Missed Classes Sessions 5. Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy 6. Tuition Refund Policy 7. Class Communications 8. Concentrations 9. Waivers/Transfer Credit 10. Prerequisites/ Suggested Course Sequence 11. Course Planning 12. Graduation Requirements Policy 13. Course Audit Policy 14. Professional Development Program 15. GMAN 319 required travel course 4.3.1 Program Information • • • • • • • 18 courses total; courses are held on the quarter system-11 week 7 Foundation courses (some of which may be waived based on past coursework) 8 Core courses 3 Electives Courses leading to either a concentration in Finance, Marketing, International Business, Entrepreneurship or a general MBA. Program length depends on course load and prior preparation (between 15 and 27 months taking 2 courses per term) Students may take up to 3 courses per term, it is not recommended that more than 3 classes are taken if the students are working fulltime. Students starting the PMBA program in Autumn 2013 and beyond must take the required travel course, GMAN 319. 4.3.2 Grading Policy Letter Grades The PMBA program uses the A to F letter grading system. Grading System • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) at the end of each quarter to remain in good standing in the program. 56 • • A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. A student is on academic probation will meet with the Program Director. If necessary, the student may be dismissed from the program. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Graduation with Honors will be accorded to student in the Professional MBA Program whose cumulative grade point average is 3.75 or better at completion of the program. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her cumulative grade point average in the Professional MBA Program. 4.3.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies. Upon notification, students have two academic terms to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 4.3.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions. • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions ( a total of 8 hours of in class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • Students missing more than the 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. • When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. GMAN 319, the travel course. If for any reason a 57 • student is not able to travel and they have paid their deposit, that deposit is not refundable. Refer to 4.3.15 in this Guidebook for specific policies regarding GMAN 319. Participants who become ill on the GMAN 319 trip and are unable to attend activities will complete a Global Project Thesis. Refer to 4.3.15 in this Guidebook for specific policies regarding GMAN 319. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at 4.3.5 Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy Students in the PMBA program who desire to withdraw from a program follow the following steps: 1. Students must call the Director of Academic Services to notify the intent to withdraw. 2. After a conversation with the individual intending to withdraw, the Director of Academic Services refers the individual to the Director of the Program for a further conversation about withdrawal. 3. If the individual elects to withdraw, they notify the Director of Academic Services in writing. 4. The student is then dropped/withdrawn from the course upon receipt of written notification. 5. The Director of Academic Services verifies the last day of attendance in the course(s) and instructs to complete the Leave of Absence Form: 6. For the PMBA program, if the student has withdrawn from an elective course, another course may be used to complete the 3 elective course requirement after consultation with the Program Director. 7. A student who withdraws for any reason or time period should be aware that readmission is contingent upon the approval of the Program Director. Students are asked to contact the Graduate Business Programs office at 925-631-4500 for more information. All students who re-enter their program will pay the current tuition rate at the time of re-entry. 8. For an academically based withdrawal, if a student has not been successful in meeting the minimum academic requirements of the course to date due to below average performance, the Program Director may refuse withdrawal and with the faculty member’s advice issue a “Fail” (F) grade for the course. The student must repeat the course upon re-entering the program. 58 4.3.6 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before the first day of the quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% 4.3.7 Communications The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. 4.3.8 Concentrations There are 4 concentrations available to students: Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Management and Marketing. Students are asked to declare their concentration upon admission to the program. Students who do not wish to declare a concentration will take 3 elective courses. 4.3.9 Waivers and Transfer Credit Foundation Course Waivers: Students will have their college transcripts assessed during the admissions process to determine if previous college coursework would waive foundation coursework in the PMBA program. A request for a course waiver may only be done during the first quarter of coursework in the program. There is a maximum of seven foundation courses that may be waived on the basis of past coursework. Waivers on the basis of coursework require that the previous courses covered the material in the course to be waived, that the grade received was not lower than a B, and that the course used be no more than five years old. After the first quarter of attendance, the waived courses will be added to the students’ Academic Evaluation on GaelXpress. 59 Transfer Credit: A maximum of 2 courses or 8 quarter units of Core coursework may be transferred into the PMBA program. Official transcripts and syllabi from those courses must be sent to the Graduate Business Program Office for review. If accepted, the credits will be added onto the SMC transcript. The criteria that control the transfer of credits are similar to those associated with waivers: the credit to be transferred can be no older than 5 years, the credit must be for a course that is virtually identical to the Saint Mary’s course which will not have to be taken if credit is transferred, and the grade earned must be at least a B. The request for the transfer of credit must be made no later than the end of the first quarter. Only graduate credit can be transferred. 4.3.10 Prerequisites/Suggested Course Sequence Most of the coursework in the PMBA program has prerequisites. During the registration process it is important to follow the Course Sequence document to determine that all of the prerequisites have been taken to satisfy the courses selected. During the registration process, students will not be able to register for classes if they have not completed the course prerequisites. See Appendix II for the PMBA Program Prerequisites and suggested course sequence. 4.3.11 Course Planning Prior to registration, the Graduate Business Programs Office publishes on the Schedule of Courses that will be offered for that term. The Course Rotation Sheet is also provided for planning coursework for subsequent terms, both of these documents are subject to change. The offering of scheduled courses is dependent on sufficient enrollment. 4.3.12 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) • Completion of program requirements. A total of 18 courses must be taken to complete the PMBA program. • If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded, the (I) will convert to a letter grade. • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. • If the student received a GPA of 3.75 or higher in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 60 4.3.13 Course Audit Policy Graduate Business students and alumni are welcome to audit any course in the Professional MBA Program, subject to space availability. Classes in the cohort based programs are not available to audit. The expectation is that the audited course is being taken for professional development or personal growth, therefore class participation is limited to a passive role unless directly invited to participate by the faculty. The individual will not participate in group projects or group presentations. It is understood that the needs of the enrolled students come first. Other requirements are: • • Coursework will not be graded. No final grade will be assigned or credit given for the course. Cost per course is $500*, which covers all fees and materials for the course. Payment is due 2 weeks before the beginning of the quarter. Please make checks payable to: Saint Mary’s College of California (SMC) Mail to: • • • • • • Saint Mary’s College of California Graduate Business Programs 380 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556 Intent to enroll in a course must be given in writing to Graduate Business Programs a minimum of 30 days before the beginning of the quarter of enrollment. Enrollment must be approved by the Academic Director of the PMBA Program and is subject to availability. A limit of no more than two individuals may audit a course at the same time. A maximum of two courses may be audited in a three year period. Course withdrawal and tuition refund are subject to the Graduate Business Course Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy. Alumni who would like to travel with GMAN 319 will be charged at the full rate. Please call the Associate Director of Academic Services at 925-631-4515 for more information. This policy is subject to change depending on the needs of Graduate Business Programs. 4.3.14 Professional Development Program All PMBA students are required to attend at least 2 Professional Development Workshops during their MBA program. The goal of the Professional Development Program (PDP) is to provide program participants with professional training in key areas of professional development outside the 61 business classroom These workshops are announced to all students during the evenings and on Saturdays. Workshop topics engage students in areas that augment learning in the classroom. Credit for attendance is added to the transcript once the student has completed a Professional Development Workshop. 4.3.15 GMAN 319-Required Overseas Travel Course Students starting the PMBA program in Autumn 2013 and subsequent quarters are required to take one overseas travel course during their time in the program. The travel course (10 days) occurs during the break between the quarters. • All travel courses include academic, cultural, and social networking. • Tuition for GMAN 319 includes: lodging, all breakfasts, some meals, ground transportation, course materials, and other activities unless otherwise noted on individual trips. • Students who desire single occupancy will be charged an additional $700. • Participants will be required to cover the cost of airfare, ground transportation from the airport to the hotel, passport and visa application fees (if required) and required inoculations (if necessary.) • Travel takes place between the winter and spring quarter or between the spring and summer quarter. • Tuition for this course will be charged in the winter or spring quarters depending on the timing of the trip all tuition must be paid in full prior to travel. • A non-refundable travel-fee of $500 is required of all students to hold their place for that specific trip. The fee is applicable towards one specific trip, it cannot be applied towards future travel. • Students must be in good academic standing to travel. • Students admitted in Autumn 2014 and beyond should have completed GMAN 303 and 305 before they travel. • Participants who become ill on the trip and are unable to attend activities complete a Global Project Thesis. • A student who has medical documentation that they are not able to travel take either: GMAN 323 or GMAN 343 in lieu of GMAN 319. • Student must pass GMAN 319 to graduate. • In case of an emergency, a participant not able to travel may petition for a partial refund. Petitions must be done in writing and submitted to the Director of the Professional MBA program. Refund petitions under these circumstances will be considered after all expenses related to the course have been paid. The student will not have their deposit refunded. • Depending on the location, students may be able to bring a guest but will have the following parameters in place: • The student will pay an additional $700 for the single occupancy room • Guests will need to be paid separately for all of their meals 62 Guests are not allowed to attend the classes/lecture or company visits with the student. Family members traveling with students must be 21 years of age or older. • • 63 4.4. Master of Science in Financial Analysis and Investment Management Program (MS-FAIM) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Program Information Grading Policy Academic Probation/ Dismissal Policy Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Tuition Refund Policy Cohort Communications Graduation Requirements Policy Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management to PMBA option FAQs 4.4.1 Program Information • • • • • Specialized Masters of Science in Financial Analysis and Investment Management for working professionals and managers leading to the Master of Science (MS) Degree Program consists of 11 required courses over 5 quarters, which is 15 months (40 quarter units) There are two delivery methods for the MS-FAIM program; face to face in San Francisco or Hybrid which is online Tuesday and Thursday nights and face to face every other Saturday on the Moraga campus. No waivers of courses are offered, with one exception: a student with the CPA designation may waive the accounting course. Graduates of the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management Program may also earn the Professional MBA. The MS-FAIM degree will waive the following courses from the PMBA program: GMAN 301, GMAN 303, GMAN 304, GMAN 312, GMAN 321, GMAN 322 and GMAN 323. Students who want to earn the Professional MBA in addition to the MS-FAIM degree must first complete the MS-FAIM program. Course Sequence 1st Quarter FAIM 601-Accounting (4 quarter units) FAIM 602-Economics (4 quarter units) 2nd Quarter FAIM 603-Quantitative Methods in Financial Analysis (4 quarter units) FAIM 604-Corporate Finance (4 quarter units) 3rd Quarter FAIM 605-Financial Statement Analysis (4 quarter units) 64 FAIM 606-Investment and Equity Analysis (4 quarter units) 4th Quarter FAIM 607-Fixed Income Analysis (4 quarter units) FAIM 608-Derivative Markets (4 quarter units) 5th Quarter FAIM 609-Financial Engineering and Risk (4 quarter units) FAIM 610-Portfolio Management (3 quarter units) FAIM 611-Ethics, Professional Standards and Compliance (1 quarter unit) 4.4.2 Grading Policy Letter Grades The M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management program uses the A to F letter grading system with the grade points shown below. Grading System • • • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) at the end of each quarter to remain in good standing in the program. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. A student is on academic probation will meet with the Program Director. If necessary, the student may be dismissed from the program. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Graduation with Honors will be accorded to student in the Professional MBA Program whose cumulative grade point average is 3.75 or better at completion of the program. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her cumulative grade point average in the Professional MBA Program. 4.4.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies. Upon notification, students have two academic terms 65 to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 4.4.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions. • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions (a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • For online classes, up to 4 online class sessions (a total of 8 hours of online instruction) per quarter may be excused with prior knowledge of an agreement with the instructor. • Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at 4.4.5 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. 66 Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before first day of quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% A 100% tuition refund will only be given for the upcoming quarter courses dropped before the first day of the academic quarter. 4.4.6 Cohort Communications Communications on all cohort matters are done through email. • Official communications. The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. • Cohort communications: All communications with faculty and classmates will be done through an email list on smcmba. Students are required to participate, we ask that they use their SMC email for this communication tool. 4.4.7 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation: • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4). • Completion of program requirements. • If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded the (I) will convert to a letter grade. • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. • If the student received a gpa of 3.75 or higher in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. • The Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management program requires that students complete the 10 courses that make up the program. No waivers of courses are offered, with one exception: a student with the CPA designation may waive the accounting course. 67 • Graduates of the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management Program may also earn the Professional MBA by taking a specified number of courses in the Professional MBA Program in addition to the courses in the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management Program. See MS-FAIM Appendix II for detailed information. 4.4.8 Master of Science in Financial Analysis and Investment to Professional MBA Option Students who have completed the FAIM program may opt to complete the Professional MBA program. Please consult the Graduate Business Admissions and Recruiting office at 925-631-4500 for further information. See Appendix II for the specific course information. Graduation-Students who have completed both the FAIM and the PMBA program will receive 2 diplomas from Saint Mary’s College. Students will need to complete the Graduation and Commencement process mentioned above. 4.4.9 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) How can Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management (Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management) advance my financial career? The Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management (Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management) degree, which teaches the concepts and quantitative skills in the CFA Curriculum, prepares you to excel in financial analysis and portfolio management roles at banks, fund management firms, insurance companies, investment banking firms, brokerage houses, financial advisors, and other institutions. The program instills a deep understanding of economics, quantitative methods, financial statement analysis, corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, equity valuation, fixed income instruments, derivatives, portfolio management, risk management, ethics, and compliance. In addition to building a comprehensive understanding of finance topics, you can start building your network right in the classroom by working with other students to help you study and also to find job openings with the help of students and instructors. Can the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management graduate degree help prepare me for the Level I, II, and III CFA Exams? Yes, the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management curriculum mirrors the knowledge in the CFA Candidate Body of Knowledge or ‘CBOK’. The Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management degree comprises 11 courses which focus on the concepts and quantitative techniques used in financial analysis and portfolio management that are required study for all three levels of the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) exams. The Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management degree gives graduates the knowledge to complete all three CFA exams in 18 months after graduation although many take more time based on personal schedules, requirements of new employment, and career plans. 68 Can I enroll in the MBA Program as well? Yes – several of the core courses in the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management program such as Accounting, Economics, and some Finance courses are also offered in the Saint Mary’s PMBA programs so some Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management coursework will count towards the Saint Mary's PMBA with a concentration in Finance. This allows students to complete the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management degree and the MBA degree concurrently or back-to-back, with concurrent completion times possible (but not easy!) in 15 months. Up to 11 courses in the PMBA program can be added to Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management coursework to earn both degrees. 69 4.5 Master of Science in Accounting Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Program Information Grading Policy Academic Probation/ Dismissal Policy Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Tuition Refund Policy Cohort Communications Graduation Requirements Policy 4.5.1 Program Information • • • • • • Specialized Masters of Science in Accounting for working professionals helps prepare students for professional success in accounting in the public and private sectors while meeting the 150-hour educational requirement newly set by California law for CPA licensure. There are two program formats: the Full-time program and the Hybrid program. Both programs consist of 10 required courses (45 quarter units). Hybrid program: participants take two evening and alternate Saturday courses per quarter, for a total of 10 courses. Classes will be delivered in the hybrid format. Two days a week classes meet via live web conferencing in the evenings for two hours. On alternate Saturdays, students meet face-to-face on Saint Mary’s campus in Moraga. Full-time program: participants meet on the Moraga campus three days a week. The M.S. in Accounting requires that students complete the 10 courses that make up the program. No waivers of courses are offered. Applicants who do not have an undergraduate degree in Accounting (major/minor concentration) must take the foundation courses ACCTG 200 and ACCTG 201. If an undergraduate major/minor in Accounting has a GPA of below 2.75 they must also take the foundation courses listed above. Course Sequence for Hybrid Program 1st Quarter ACCTG 200-Intermediate Accounting I (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 201-Internmediate Accounting II (4.5 quarter units) 2nd Quarter ACCTG 211Accounting Professional Ethics and Responsibilities (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 203-Advanced Managerial Accounting (4.5 quarter units) 3rd Quarter ACCTG 205-Internatoinal Accounting (4.5 quarter units) 70 ACCTG 207-Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, Estates, Gifts and Trusts (4.5 quarter units) 4th Quarter ACCTG 204-Governmental and Non-profit Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 209-Federal Income Taxation of Business Entities (4.5 quarter units) 5th Quarter ACCTG 202*-Corporate Financial Reporting(4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 210-Financial Statement Analysis and Accounting Valuation (4.5 quarter units) 6th Quarter ACCTG 206-Advance Auditing and Forensic Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 208-Advanced Legal Issues and Regulatory Framework (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 212-Internship (4.5 quarter units): Available to students when necessary. Total Number of Units = 45 or 54 units if ACCTG 200 and ACCTG 201 were taken *SMC accounting undergraduates that had the equivalent ACCTG 162 as an undergrad can take a Professional MBA elective or an ACCTG 212 internship to replace ACCTG 202. Course Sequence for Fulltime Program (In class sessions meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on the Moraga campus) 1st quarter ACCTG 211-Accounting Professional Ethics and Responsibilities (May be taken at the beginning or end of program) (4.5 quarter units) 2nd quarter ACCTG 203- Advanced Managerial Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 205- International Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 207- Federal Income Taxation of Individuals, Trusts, Estates and Gifts (4.5 quarter units) 3rd quarter ACCTG 204-Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 208-Advanced Legal Issues and Regulatory Framework (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 209-Federal Income Taxation of Business Entities (4.5 quarter units) 71 4th quarter ACCTG 202* Corporate Financial Reporting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 206-Advanced Auditing and Forensic Accounting (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 210-Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation (4.5 quarter units) ACCTG 211-Accounting Professional Ethics and Responsibilities (4.5 quarter units) *SMC accounting undergrads that had the equivalent ACCTG 162 as an undergrad can take a PMBA elective or an ACCTG 212 internship to replace ACCTG 202 Total Number of Units= 45 4.5.2 Grading Policy Letter Grades The Master of Science in Accounting program uses the A to F letter grade system with the grade points shown below. Grading System • • • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) at the end of each quarter to remain in good standing in the program. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. A student is on academic probation will meet with the Program Director. If necessary, the student may be dismissed from the program. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Graduation with Honors will be accorded to student in the MS in Accounting Program whose cumulative grade point average is 3.75 or better at completion of the program. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her cumulative grade point average in the MS in Accounting Program. 4.5.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the Vice 72 Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies. Upon notification, students have two academic terms to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 4.5.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions. • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions ( a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • For online classes, up to 4 online class sessions (a total of 8 hours of online instruction) per quarter may be excused with prior knowledge of an agreement with the instructor. • Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. • When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. This would be required under any exceptions to the above granted by the administration. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at 4.5.5 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two 73 weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before the first day of the quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% A 100% tuition refund will only be given for the upcoming quarter courses dropped before the first day of the academic quarter 4.5.6 Cohort Communications Communications on all cohort matters are done through email. • • Official communication: The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. Cohort communications: All communications with faculty and classmates will be done through an email list on smcmba. Students are required to participate, we ask that they use their SMC email for this communication tool. 4.5.7 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4). • Completion of program requirements (10 courses). If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded the (I) will convert to a letter grade. • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. • If the student received a GPA of 3.75 or higher in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 74 4.6 Master of Science in Business Analytics Program Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grading Policy Academic Probation/ Dismissal Policy Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Tuition Refund Policy Cohort Communications Graduation Requirements Policy 4.6.1 Program Information • • • • Since the advent of Internet technology, companies have been collecting a lot more data than they can analyze. Over time analyzing large data sets — commonly called big data — has become a key basis of competition, fostering new waves of productivity growth and innovation. However, there is significant scarcity of talent that can elicit managerial implications from this type of comprehensive data. The M.S. in Business Analytics Program aims to develop graduates who can perform sophisticated analytics for actionable business opportunities and decisions. Program consists of 12 required courses over 12 months (44 quarter units). Participants take one 4 hour online course on Tuesday evenings and two face to face courses every Saturday on the Moraga campus. Students who have completed either the Saint Mary’s College EMBA or PMBA degrees may be eligible to have a few courses waived, this must be determined before starting the program. Course Sequence for M.S. in Business Analytics Program 1st Quarter OPS 801-Data Analysis (4 quarter units) OPS 802-Programming for Analytics (4 quarter units) OPS 803-Data Science and Management (4 quarter units) 2nd Quarter OPS 804-Advanced Data Analysis (4 quarter units) MGT 805-Business Communication for Data Analysis (2 quarter units) MGT 806-Ethics in Analytics (2 quarter units) OPS 807-Supply Chain Analytics (4 quarter units) 75 3rd Quarter OPS 808-Business Intelligence and Analytics (4 quarter units) MKT 809-Marketing Analytics (4 quarter units) FIN 810-Finance Analytics (4 quarter units) 4th Quarter OPS 811-Data Visualization and Story Telling (4 quarter units) OPS 812- Practicum (4 quarter units) Total number of quarter units: 44 4.6.2 Grading Policy Letter Grades The Master of Science in Business Analytics program uses the A to F letter grade system with the grade points shown below. Grading System • • • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) at the end of each quarter to remain in good standing in the program. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. A student is on academic probation will meet with the Program Director. If necessary, the student may be dismissed from the program. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Graduation with Honors will be accorded to student in the MS in Business Analytics Program whose cumulative grade point average is 3.75 or better at completion of the program. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her cumulative grade point average in the MS in Business Analytics Program. 4.6.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies. Upon notification, students have two academic terms 76 to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 4.6.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions. • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions (a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • For online classes, up to 4 online class sessions (a total of 8 hours of online instruction) per quarter may be excused with prior knowledge of an agreement with the instructor. • Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction per course per quarter as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at 4.6.5 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. 77 Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before the first day of the quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% A 100% tuition refund will only be given for the upcoming quarter courses dropped before the first day of the academic quarter 4.6.6 Cohort Communications Communications on all cohort matters are done through email. • • Official communication: The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. Cohort communications: All communications with faculty and classmates will be done through an email list on smcmba. Students are required to participate, we ask that they use their SMC email for this communication tool. 4.6.7 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4). • Completion of program requirements (10 courses). If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded the (I) will convert to a letter grade. • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. • If the student received a GPA of 3.75 or higher in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 78 4.7 Master of Science in Management 1. Program Information 2. Grading Policy 3. Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions 4. Tuition Refund Policy 5. Cohort Communications 6. Graduation Requirements 7. Commencement Process 4.7.1 Program Information • 12 month program leading to a Master of Science in Management. This program is designed to meet the needs of pre-working non-business undergraduate majors, who are looking to excel in managerial roles in the for-profit sector (e.g., creative industries, professional services, management consulting, marketing and new product development), the non-profit sector, as well as founding their own business ventures. • 21 courses, a total of 48 quarter units (18 of which are 2 quarter units each, the remaining 3 course are 4 quarter unit field project based courses). • Courses are held at the Moraga campus • 2 Field Projects are required at the end of the program • 1 International Business project is a travel immersion course and is required; tuition is included in the cost of the program • Program length is 4 quarters. In the first three quarters there are 2 modules, each module consists of 3 courses which are 5 weeks long. The last quarter will include the international business travel immersion projext and the two local field projects. . • Each class will be 4 hours with a 30 minute break and will be offered during the evenings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. • There will be 6 required, non-credit half-day professional development and career management workshops as part of the MSM program that will be run by the Associate Director of Career Services. Course Sequence: Quarter 1-Module 1 OPS 401-Spreadsheet Modeling (Excel Basics) (2 quarter units) MGT 402-Business Communications (2 quarter units) 79 ECON 403- Economics (2 quarter units) Quarter 1-Module 2 OPS 404-Data Analysis 1 (2 quarter units) MGT 405-Managing Contemporary Organizations (2 quarter units) ACCTG 406-Financial Accounting (2 quarter units) Quarter 2-Module 3 OPS 407-Data Visualization and Storytelling (Tableau) (2 quarter units) MGT 408-Leadership and Managing Teams (2 quarter units) ACCTG 409-Managerial Accounting (2 quarter units) Quarter 2-Module 4 OPS 410-Data Analysis 2 (2 quarter units) MGT 411-Ethics (2 quarter units) FIN 412- Finance 1 (2 quarter units) Quarter 3-Module 5 OPS 413-Business Analytics (Coding) (2 quarter units) MGT-414 Creativity and Innovation (2 quarter units) FIN-415 Finance 2 (2 quarter units) Quarter 3-Module 6 OPS 416-Supply Chain/Process Analysis (2 quarter units) MGT-417 Business Idea Competition (2 quarter units) MKT-418 Marketing (2 quarter units) Quarter 4-Module 7 MGT-419 International Business (4 quarter units) 80 Quarter 4-Module 8 MGT-420 Field Project 1 (4 quarter units) MKT-421 Field Project 2 (4 quarter units) 4.7.2 Grading Policy Letter Grades The Master of Science in Management uses the A to F letter grading system. Grading System • • • A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) at the end of each quarter to remain in good standing in the program. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. Failed courses must be retaken when available during the subsequent quarters. A student is on academic probation will meet with the Program Director. If necessary, the student may be dismissed from the program. Dissent from Grades and other Academic Appeals: Graduate students follow the appeals process as outlined in the Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. Graduation with Honors will be accorded to student in the Master of Science in Management whose cumulative grade point average is 3.75 or better at completion of the program. A student who is found guilty of an act of academic dishonesty is disqualified from graduating with honors regardless of his or her cumulative grade point average in the Master of Science in Management Program. 4.7.3 Academic Probation/Disqualification/Dismissal Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 (B) average at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation. They are notified of their status in writing by the Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies. Upon notification, students have two academic terms to bring their grade point average up to the 3.0 level. Failure to do so may result in academic disqualification. For more information on the academic disqualification and the dismissal process please review 81 4.7.4 Attendance Policy/Missed Class Sessions Attendance Policy In order to graduate, students are expected to successfully complete all of the required courses in their program of study. If an absence is necessary, then the following guidelines for the number of acceptable missed class sessions should be followed. A class session is defined as an individual class meeting (including online) which is a portion of the course. • Students are required to attend all sessions • An absence of up to 2 four hour in-class sessions (a total of 8 hours of in-class instruction) per quarter is permissible. Students are expected to alert their faculty on these occasions. • Students missing more than a total of 8 hours of instruction as noted above will not be given credit for the course and will have to repeat it. • When exceptional circumstances arise, students must consult with their course instructor, and may be referred to the Academic Program Director and/or the Associate Dean for alternatives to making up the class sessions missed. On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at On-Time Class Attendance Policy In keeping with the Rules of Conduct of the College, it is expected that all students will arrive to class in a timely manner in order for instruction to begin. Students who are more than 15 minutes late on more than three occasions may have their grade reduced by up to a quarter by the faculty. Egregious acts of tardiness could result in dismissal from the program. Please review the Rules of Conduct in the Graduate and Professional Students Handbook at Withdrawal and Leave of Absence Policy Students in the Master of Science in Management program who desire to withdraw from a program follow the following steps: 1. Students must call the Director of Academic Services to notify the intent to withdraw. 2. After a conversation with the individual intending to withdraw, the Director of Academic Services refers the individual to the Director of the Program for a further conversation about withdrawal. 82 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If the individual elects to withdraw, they notify the Director of Academic Services in writing. The student is then dropped/withdrawn from the course upon receipt of written notification. The Director of Academic Services verifies the last day of attendance in the course(s) and instructs to complete the Leave of Absence Form: A student who withdraws for any reason or time period should be aware that readmission is contingent upon the approval of the Program Director. Students are asked to contact the Graduate Business Programs office at 925-631-4500 for information. All students who re-enter their program will pay the current tuition rate at the time of reentry. For an academically based withdrawal, if a student has not been successful in meeting the minimum academic requirements of the course to date due to below average performance, the Program Director may refuse withdrawal and with the faculty member’s advice issue a “Fail” (F) grade for the course. The student must repeat the course upon re-entering the program. 4.7.5 Tuition Refund Policy Quarterly tuition refunds in cases of withdrawal are made according to the schedule below. Action on a withdrawal will take place only when written notification is received by the Graduate Business Programs Office, or contact made by telephone and immediately confirmed in writing. The refund is based on the date of the written notification and needs to be received within two weeks of the last class attended as confirmed by the course professor. Additional documentation may be requested by the Program Director depending on the individual situation. Quarterly Tuition Refund Schedule: Week of Withdrawal Amount Refunded (% of quarterly Tuition) Before the first day of the quarter 100% Weeks 1 and 2 (by Sunday of week 2 at midnight) 80% Weeks 3 (by Sunday of week 3 at midnight) 60% 4.7.6 Cohort Communications The official form of communication from Saint Mary’s College and all of its offices will be through the SMC email account that is given to new students at the beginning of the program. All registration, billing, and program updates are all sent to this email account. 83 4.7.7 Graduation Requirements Policy The following are the requirements for graduation. • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) • Completion of program requirements. A total of 18 courses must be taken to complete the PMBA program. • If a student has earned an incomplete (I) in a course, there will be a deadline assigned by when the assignments/coursework must be completed for the (I) to be removed. When the grade is recorded, the (I) will convert to a letter grade. • The Graduation Candidacy Form must be completed by the student so that the appropriate offices are notified of the students’ intention to graduate. A graduation processing fee will be assessed whether or not the student decides to walk at the ceremony. Updated contact information is essential since the diploma will be mailed to the student’s residence listed on the form. • If the student received a GPA of 3.75 or higher in their courses, then Honors will be listed on the diploma. 84 4.8 Program Locations and Campuses Saint Mary’s Graduate Business Programs are targeted at different student segments. They cater to students in key locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. These locations include: • SMC Campus, Moraga o Executive MBA, Moraga o Executive MBA, Hybrid o Professional MBA o Master of Science in Accounting o Full time Master of Science in Accounting o Master of Science in Business Analytics o Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management, Hybrid o Trans-Global Executive MBA o Masters of Science in Management • San Ramon Valley Conference Center o Executive MBA San Ramon • Plug and Play, Silicon Valley o Executive MBA Silicon Valley • Executive Conference Center in San Francisco o Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management Appendix III provides details on the locations and campuses. 85 4.9 APPENDICES Appendix I Graduate Business Contact Information Appendix II Academic Calendar for all Programs 2015-2017 PMBA Program Prerequisites PMBA Student Course Record Business Office Monthly Billing Contract for all programs Application for Leave of Absence for all programs Graduate Business Programs Graduation FAQ’s Graduation Candidacy Processing Fee and Information Sheet Audit Policy Course Waivers • Executive MBA to M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management • M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management to PMBA program • M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management to EMBA program • EMBA to M.S. in Business Analytics • M.S. in Business Analytics to EMBA program • PMBA to M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management program • PMBA to M.S. in Business Analytics Curricular Planning Training (CPT) Appendix III Locations and Campuses 86 4.9.1 Appendix I GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS OFFICE (Rheem Campus) Rheem Campus, 380 Moraga Road, Moraga, CA 94556 Main Office Phone………………………..925-631-4500 Fax………………………………………….925-376-6521 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday……………………….….….8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday……………………………………….……..8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday…(when classes are in session)…..…8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Note: During quarter breaks, the office closes at 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Saturdays. For a list of holidays and quarter breaks, please view the Academic Calendar at GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS STAFF – Rheem Campus Yung Jae Lee Associate Dean, Graduate Business and Global Programs……..… ………………..………….925-631-8674 Director, PMBA program [email protected] David Bowen Professor and Director, Executive MBA Program……………….….. ..….…………..…………925-631-4702 [email protected] Barry Eckhouse Professor and Director of Technology and Online Programs……..………...………………….925-631-4262 [email protected] Arnav Sheth Director, M.S. in Financial Analysis and Investment Management………………..…..……….925-631-8707 [email protected] Linda Herkenhoff Professor and Director of Trans-Global Executive MBA Program……………………………925-631-4042 [email protected] Kathy Warren Director, Academic Services……..……………………………………….…………………….…925-6318673 [email protected] 87 Janet Amador Associate Director of Academic Services…….……………………………..………..………925-631-4515 [email protected] Tammy Soulsby Director of Admissions and Recruitment…….……..……………….…………………………925-631-4504 [email protected] Joshua Rosenthal Associate Director of Admissions and Recruitment …………………………………………925-631-4503 [email protected] Patrick Daniel Admissions and Recruitment……………………………………………………………………925-631-4685 [email protected] Matt Schermerhorn Recruitment Manager…………………………………………………………………………….925-631-4731 [email protected] Catherine Barbagallo Global Programs Manager….……………………….………………………………………….925-631-8716 [email protected] Rachel (Gordon) Wood Assistant Director Marketing and Outreach ……..………..……………………….…………925-631-4477 [email protected] Andrew Ungs Program Coordinator, Technology and Online Learning…………………….…..…..………925-330-8032 [email protected] Nick Fong Specialist, Technology and Online Programs………………………………………………….925-631-4625 [email protected] Libby Ha Administrative Assistant……………………….…………………….…….…………………….925-631-4501 [email protected] GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS STAFF – Saint Mary’s College Campus Zhan Li Dean, School of Economics and Business Administration.................................................925-631-4604 [email protected] Lynn MacDonald, Executive Director of Finance and Administration…………….…………..………………….925-631-8006 [email protected] 88 Larisa Genin Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Accreditation…………………..…………..925-631-8136 [email protected] Debbie Parrish Administrative Assistant…………………………………………………………………….925-631-4082 [email protected] 89 4.10 Appendix II 4.10.1 Graduate Business Programs Academic Calendar 2015-2017 September 27, Sunday ----------------------------- New Student Orientation September 28, Monday November 26, Thursday December 12, Saturday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter January 5, Tuesday ----------------------------- T-GEMBA New Student Orientation January 10, Sunday ----------------------------- New Student Orientation January 11, Monday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter January 18, Monday ----------------------------- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (classes held) March 26, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter April 3, Sunday ----------------------------- New Student Orientation April 4, Monday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter May 22, Sunday ----------------------------- Thanksgiving Holiday (classes rescheduled) --------- Graduate Commencement May 30, Monday ----------------------------- Memorial Day (classes held) June 18, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter July 10, Sunday ----------------------------- New Student Orientation First Day of ----------------------------Quarter ----------------------------- Labor Day (classes held) July 11, Monday September 5, Monday September 24, Saturday TBD ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter ----------------------------- New Student Orientation October 3, Monday November 24, Thursday December 17, Saturday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter ----------------------------- Thanksgiving Holiday TBD ----------------------------- New Student Orientation January 9, Monday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter January 19, Monday ----------------------------- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (classes held) ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter 90 March 25, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter TBD ----------------------------- New Student Orientation April 10, Monday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter TBD --------- Graduate Commencement May 29, Monday ----------------------------- Memorial Day (classes held) June 24, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter TBD ----------------------------- New Student Orientation First Day of ----------------------------Quarter ----------------------------- Labor Day (classes held) July 10, Monday September 4, Monday September 23, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter TBD ----------------------------- New Student Orientation October 2, Monday ----------------------------- First Day of Quarter November 23, Thursday ----------------------------- Thanksgiving Holiday December 16, Saturday ----------------------------- Last Day of Quarter Subject to Change-please consult with the Program Office for specific questions 925-631-4500 91 Professional MBA Program Course Prerequisites 4.10.2 Course descriptions can be found on Click on the “My Program” button, PMBA and then the course description link. Course Number Course Name Prerequisite(s) Foundation and Core Courses GMAN 301 Financial Accounting None GMAN 304 Quantitative Methods None GMAN 302 GMAN 303 GMAN 305 GMAN 306 GMAN 307 GMAN 311 GMAN 312 GMAN 313 GMAN 314 GMAN 315 GMAN 317 GMAN 319 GMAN 320 GMAN 321 GMAN 322 GMAN 323 GMAN 341 GMAN 342 GMAN 343 Managerial Accounting 301 Managerial Economics None Operations Management Management Communications Legal Aspects of Business Organizational Behavior and Management Managerial Finance Marketing Management International Business Ethical and Social Aspects of Business Business Strategy Doing Business in World Regions Managing Creativity & Innovation Finance Concentration Advanced Financial Management Investments and Financial Markets International Finance Marketing Concentration Marketing Research Advanced Topics in Marketing International Marketing International Management Concentration GMAN 323 International Finance GMAN 351 Strategic Entrepreneurship GMAN 343 GMAN352 GMAN 352 GMAN 354 International Marketing Social Entrepreneurship from a Global Perspective Entrepreneurship Concentration Social Entrepreneurship From A Global Perspective Financing New Ventures 92 GMAN 304 None None None 301, 302, 304 304 303 None 301-311, 312, 313 303, 305 None 301-305, 312 301-305, 312 301-305, 312 301-305, 313 301-305, 313 301-305, 313 301-305, 314 301-305, 314 301-305, 314 301-305 301-305 301-305 4.10.3 Professional MBA Program Student Course List All Foundation and Core Course requirements must be met. Eighteen courses and a minimum of two professional development workshops must be completed to graduate. Foundation Courses Core Courses Course Number/ Course Title ______ GMAN 301 Financial Accounting ______ GMAN 302 Managerial Accounting ______ GMAN 303 Managerial Economics ______ GMAN 304 Quantitative Methods ______ GMAN 305 Operations Management ______ GMAN 306 Management Communication ______ GMAN 307 Legal Aspects of Business ______ GMAN 311 Organizational Behavior and Management ______ GMAN 312 Managerial Finance ______ GMAN 313 Marketing Management ______ GMAN 314 International Business ______ GMAN 315 Ethical and Social Aspects of Business ______ GMAN 317 Global Business Strategy Prerequisites None 301 None None 304 None None None 301, 302, 304 304 303 None 301-311, 312,313 303, 305 ______ GMAN 319 Doing Business in World Regions (travel course) ______ GMAN 320 Managing Creativity and Innovation None All three classes within a concentration must be taken to obtain a specific concentration. Three classes from different concentrations will result in a general MBA. ________ GMAN 321 Advanced Financial Management 301-305, 312 Finance ______ GMAN 322 Investments and Financial Markets 301-305, 312 Concentration ________ GMAN 323 International Finance 301-305, 312 ______ GMAN 341 Marketing Research 301-305, 313 Marketing 301-305, 313 _____ _ GMAN 342 Advanced Topics in Marketing Concentration ______ GMAN 343 International Marketing 301-305, 313 ______ GMAN 323 International Finance 301-305, 314 International ______ GMAN 343 International Marketing 301-305, 314 Management ______ GMAN 352 Social Entrepreneurship From a Global 301-305, 314 Concentration Perspective ______ GMAN 351 Strategic Entrepreneurship 301-305 Entrepreneurship ______ GMAN 352 Social Entrepreneurship From a Global 301-305 Concentration Perspective ______ GMAN 354 Financing New Ventures 301-305 Professional Development (PDP) ___________ ___________ GMAN 363 _________________________________________ GMAN 363 _________________________________________ 93 • • • Petitions for any additional waivers must be submitted by the end of autumn quarter 2015 (Dec 12th) for consideration. Contact PMBA Program Director, Yung-Jae Lee, at [email protected]. PMBA Students should confirm the completion of their program one quarter in advance of graduation to Janet Amador at [email protected]. Course descriptions can be found on by clicking on the “My Program” button and the PMBA bar. 94 4.10.4 Application for Leave of Absence for all Programs A Leave of Absence form is to be submitted by students who plan on returning to Saint Mary’s College after no more than 2 full terms from the start date of the leave. The Leave of Absence will be accepted no later than the end of the Add/Drop period for the term in which you are leaving. If you are leaving the college after the Add/Drop period, you must instead submit a Withdraw from College Form. All fields are required. First Name: Last Name: Student ID#: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Email: Phone (with area code): Students on academic probation MAY NOT request a Leave of Absence. Students requesting to leave after the Add/Drop period must instead complete a Withdrawal from the College form. I request a leave of absence for the following period of time. Mark appropriate box(es): Time Period: Fall Semester only Jan Term Spring Semester only 95 Autumn Quarter Fall Trimester Winter Quarter Spring Quarter Winter Trimester Summer Quarter Summer Trimester Academic Year Reason for Leave: Last date of attendance: Today’s Date: Sep 26, 2012 *Please allow up to two weeks for the Registrar’s Office to obtain signatures from Administrative offices. You will be notified via email the final receipt. 96 4.10.5 GRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS MONTHLY TUITION PAYMENT CONTRACT ______________________________________ ________________________ _____________ NAME (Please Print) STUDENT ID NO. QUARTER ______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________ HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER Total tuition of ____________________ will be divided into three equal payments. A non-refundable $25.00 Contract Service Charge is due with first payment. All payments are due by the 15th of each month. All payments that arrive in the Business Office after the fifteenth day of the month will be considered “late” and subject to a $25.00 late payment charge. I understand that if the balance is not paid in full by the end of this quarter, I may not be eligible to participate in any future monthly payment contracts and I must pay the full tuition upon billing. Students who have an unpaid balance may not register for subsequent terms, receive transcripts or diplomas. A “Hold” will be placed on my account and monthly late fees will accrue until payment, in full, is received. I further understand that if my balance remains unpaid for 90 days or more, my account may be referred to a collection agency where they will charge interest, penalties, and collection costs. The agency will also report me to credit bureaus, negatively impacting my credit standing. If I apply and I am approved for financial aid, the application of my financial aid funds will supersede all College payment plans and contracts. I have read, understand, and agree to all of the terms of this agreement. I hereby guarantee payment of all amounts due to Saint Mary’s College pursuant to this contract. _______________________________________ ________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE Please mail this contract to: Bernie Cox or fax it to 925-376-8497 Business Office P.O. Box 4600 Moraga, CA 94575 APPLICATION DEADLINE: by return mail before the start of the term All applications for the Payment Contract must be submitted EACH QUARTER. Payment due dates are as follows: Summer Quarter Autumn Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter 97 July 15 August 15 September 15 October 15 November 15 December 15 January 15 February 15 March 15 98 May 15 June 15 July 15 4.10.6 Graduate Business Programs Graduation FAQ’s 1. When is the Commencement Ceremony for 2016? Commencement Ceremony for 2016 is on Sunday May 22nd, 2016. The Graduate Business team will send out information via email beginning in January 2014. Please make sure we have your current email address. Send email updates and corrections to [email protected]. 2. Why do you have to pay a graduation candidacy processing fee? The SMC office of the Registrar charges a $120 fee to process your graduation paperwork. This fee is charged to all SMC Graduates in all programs. If you participate in Commencement, no additional fee will be charged for regalia. 3. How long does it take to get my diploma? Upon completion of your program and the final submission of grades, you will receive your diploma 6 to 8 weeks after the completed candidacy form is processed by the Graduate Business team and sent to the Registrar’s Office. 4. Graduation with Honors Honors academic distinction will be listed on your diploma and on your transcripts. Graduates from PMBA, Master of Science in Business Analytics and the Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management Programs with a 3.75 GPA or higher will be awarded Honors. Graduates from Executive MBA Programs receiving Honors distinction in five or more courses will be awarded Honors. 5. How do I get my transcripts? Saint Mary's College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering online. You can order transcripts using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. Transcripts are not printed by the Clearinghouse. Orders will be transmitted electronically to Saint Mary's College and processed by the Registrar's Office, normally within 3-5 business days. Transcripts cost $5 per copy and take approximately 3 to 5 working days to process. Requests are processed in the order that they are received. 6. What do I do if my name is spelled wrong on my diploma? You will need to email the Registrar’s Office with the correct information at [email protected], or call 925-631-4214, and they will mail the corrected diploma back to you. 7. What are some issues that could delay getting my diploma? If you have an account balance on record with the Business Office. If your GPA is below 3.0 or you have one or more incomplete’s “I’s”. 99 4.10.7 Graduation Candidacy Processing Fee and Information Sheet Please complete this Information Sheet and return by______________ 1. Your Name: __________________________________________. 2. Student ID#: __________________________ _______________ . 3. Student Program: ______________________________________ . 4. Current Position/Title: ____________________________________. 5. Current Employer: _______________________________________. 6. Employers Address: ______________________________________. The Office of the Registrar charges a $120 fee for processing your graduation paperwork. This processing fee is due whether or not you choose to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. Please mail your check and this form to: Saint Mary’s College of California Graduate Business – Young Song 380 Moraga Rd Moraga, CA 94556 100 4.10.8 Audit Policy Graduate Business alumni are welcome to audit any course in the Professional MBA Program, subject to space availability. Classes in the cohort based programs are not available to audit. The expectation is that the audited course is being taken for professional development or personal growth, therefore class participation is limited to a passive role unless directly invited to participate by the faculty. The individual will not participate in group projects or group presentations. It is understood that the needs of the enrolled students come first. • • Coursework will not be graded. No final grade will be assigned or credit given for the course. Cost per course is $500*, which covers all fees and materials for the course. Payment is due 2 weeks before the beginning of the quarter. Please make checks payable to: Saint Mary’s College of California (SMC) Mail to: Saint Mary’s College of California Graduate Business Programs 380 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556 • Intent to enroll in a course must be given in writing to Graduate Business Programs a minimum of 30 days before the beginning of the quarter of enrollment • Enrollment must be approved by the Academic Director of the PMBA Program and is subject to availability • A limit of no more than two individuals may audit a course at the same time • A maximum of two courses may be audited in a three year period • Course withdrawal and tuition refund are subject to the Graduate Business Course Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy. • GMAN 319 Doing Business in World Regions: The travel course is not available for auditing. • GMAN 319 will only be available for alumni and guests on a space available basis. This policy is subject to change depending on the needs of Graduate Business Programs 101 4.10.9 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) 1. Student applies and is accepted to program at SMC * Note: Students newly admitted (but have studied in the United States prior to entrance to SMC) must wait one term before they may enroll in CPT. Students who have never studied in the U.S. will need to wait until 1 academic year to be eligible for CPT unless the internship is required by the program. 2. Student must speak to the Academic Director of their MBA program regarding his/her plans for the internship and discusses the academic requirement of the CPT. Pre-approval of the Director is required for the student to continue seeking the job/internship position. 3. Student must get a job offer and obtains a job offer letter from the internship to proceed. 4. To obtain CPT information, students must contact the International Student Coordinator to obtain the CPT information and the forms. These forms will be on-line in the future. 5. The Student completes Section A of the CPT form and provides the form and a copy of the job offer letter to the Academic Director of their MBA program for a signature on their CPT forms. The faculty must complete section B of the form which defines the work to be done in relation to the job [an additional document defining the CPT work to be done may be used] and the program of study, then returns the form to the student and provides a copy to others – Academic Services, International Student Coordinator and the student for their records. 6. Student provides the CPT request form and a copy of the job offer letter to the International Student Coordinator. Student must make an appointment with the coordinator or can accomplish this by email exchange. 7. The coordinator will review the request and approve or deny it. If approved, a CPT I-20 will be provided to the student and a copy will be provided to the Graduate Business program school which will be forwarded to the registrar’s office for input. If denied, reason(s) will be provided to the student. 8. The course will be set up by the Registrar’s office as a .25 credit course. There is no charge to the student. 9. Each quarter that the student advances, work per the CPT must be completed by the student and a new CPT form must be signed off by faculty/director for the new term of study. 102 10. A grade for each term of study under the CPT is submitted to the registrar’s office as a Pass/Fail grade. 11. If the student’s remains in good academic standing then the student can go forward with the program, job/internship, and the CPT process. 12. If a student does not make academic progress – e.g. maintaining a CGPA of 3.0 or higher - and they are dismissed from the program then the coordinator will inform them of the termination of their status and a 24 hour departure requirement. 103 5.0 Second Degree Options 5.1.1 Professional MBA to MS-FAIM program Students who have completed the Professional MBA may have the following courses waived in the MS-FAIM program. SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE First Quarter MS FAIM 601.01 MS FAIM 602.01 *Accounting* *Economics* Second Quarter MS FAIM 603.01 MS FAIM 604.01 *Quantitative Methods in Financial Analysis* *Corporate Finance* Third Quarter MS FAIM 605.01 MS FAIM 606.01 Financial Statement Analysis Investments and Equity Analysis Fourth Quarter MS FAIM 607.01 MS FAIM 608.01 Fixed Income Analysis Derivative Markets Fifth Quarter MS FAIM 609.01 MS FAIM 610.01 Financial Engineering and Risk Management Portfolio Management MS FAIM 611.01 Ethics, Professional Standards and Compliance • • Course Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 Program is offered in two formats: face to face in San Francisco and in a hybrid format on the Moraga campus. *Courses waived: FAIM 601, FAIM 602, FAIM 603, FAIM 604; contact the Graduate Business program office for current tuition and the waiver reduction. 104 5.1.2 Professional MBA to M.S. in Business Analytics Students who have completed the PMBA program may have the following courses waived in the MS in Business Analytics Program. SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE UNITS First Quarter OPS 801 OPS 802 OPS 803 Data Analysis* Programming for Analytics Data Science and Management 4 4 4 Second Quarter OPS 804 MGT 805 MGT 806 OPS 807 Advanced Data Analysis Business Communication for Data Analytics* Ethics in Analytics* Supply Chain Analytics 4 2 2 4 Third Quarter OPS 808 MKT 809 FIN 810 Business Intelligence and Analytics Marketing Analytics Finance Analytics 4 4 4 Fourth Quarter OPS 811 OPS 812 Data Visualization and Story Telling Field Study 4 4 • Online sessions meet on Tuesdays from 6pm-10pm. The first day of classes for each quarter will always be an online session. • In-class sessions meet every Saturday from 8:30am-12:30pm and 1pm to 5pm. • Courses waived: OPS 801, MGT 805 and MGT 806; contact the Graduate Business office for current tuition rates and the waiver reduction. 105 5.1.3 Executive MBA to M.S. in Business Analytics Students who have completed the EMBA program may have the following courses waived in the MS in Business Analytics Program. SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE UNITS First Quarter OPS 801 OPS 802 OPS 803 *Data Analysis* Programming for Analytics Data Science and Management 4 4 4 Second Quarter OPS 804 MGT 805 MGT 806 OPS 807 Advanced Data Analysis *Business Communication for Data Analytics* *Ethics in Analytics* Supply Chain Analytics 4 2 2 4 Third Quarter OPS 808 MKT 809 FIN 810 Business Intelligence and Analytics Marketing Analytics Finance Analytics 4 4 4 Fourth Quarter OPS 811 OPS 812 Data Visualization and Story Telling Field Study 4 4 • Online sessions meet on Tuesdays from 6pm-10pm. The first day of classes for each quarter will always be an online session. • In-class sessions meet every Saturday from 8:30am-12:30pm and 1pm to 5pm. • *Courses waived: OPS 801, MGT 805 and MGT 806; contact the Graduate Business office for current tuition rates and the waiver reduction. 106 5.1.4 EMBA to MS-FAIM Program Students who have completed the EMBA program may have the following courses waived from the MS-FAIM program. COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE UNITS MS FAIM 601 Accounting 4 MS FAIM 602 *Economics* 4 MS FAIM 603 *Quantitative Methods in Financial Analysis* 4 MS FAIM 604 *Corporate Finance* 4 Third Quarter MS FAIM 605 Financial Statement Analysis 4 MS FAIM 606 Investments and Equity Analysis 4 Fourth Quarter MS FAIM 607 Fixed Income Analysis 4 MS FAIM 608 Derivative Markets 4 MS FAIM 610 Portfolio Management 4 MS FAIM 609 Financial Engineering and Risk Management 3 MS FAIM 611 Ethics, Professional Standards and Compliance 1 SCHEDULE First Quarter Second Quarter Fifth Quarter • • Program is offered in two formats; in-class sessions in San Francisco or hybrid format on the Moraga campus. *Courses waived: FAIM 602, FAIM 603 and FAIM 604; contact the Graduate Business office for current tuition rates and the waiver reduction. 107 MS-FAIM to Executive MBA Program 5.1.5 Students who have completed the MS-FAIM program may have the following courses waived in the EMBA program • • SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE COURSE UNITS First Quarter GMAN 501 GMAN 502 Managing & Leading Contemporary Organizations Management Communication 4 4 Second Quarter GMAN 503 GMAN 504 *Economic Analysis* *Data Analysis in Business* 4 4 Third Quarter GMAN 505 GMAN 506 Forecasting and Operations Management Managerial Accounting 4 4 Fourth Quarter GMAN 507 GMAN 508 *Managerial Finance* Marketing Management 4 4 Fifth Quarter GMAN 509 GMAN 510 GMAN 511 Management of Technology and Innovation Legal Aspects & Ethical Social Issues in Business 4 2 2 Sixth Quarter GMAN 512 GMAN 513 Business Strategy Managing Global Competition 4 4 Total Program Units 48 The Executive MBA Program is offered in the following formats: In Moraga-Evening, MoragaSaturdays, San Ramon and Silicon Valley. It is also in a hybrid format on the Moraga campus. *Courses waived: GMAN 503, GMAN 504, GMAN 507; contact the Graduate Business office for current tuition rates and the waiver reduction. 108 5.1.6 M.S. FAIM to M.S. in Business Analytics Program Course Sequence Students who have completed the MS-FAIM program may have the following course waived SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE UNITS QUARTER First Quarter OPS 801 OPS 802 OPS 803 *Data Analysis* Programming for Analytics Data Science and Management *4* 4 4 Summer 2015 (Jul-Sep) Second Quarter OPS 804 MGT 805 MGT 806 OPS 807 Advanced Data Analysis Business Communication for Data Analytics Ethics in Analytics Supply Chain Analytics 4 2 2 4 Autumn 2015 (Sep-Dec) Third Quarter OPS 808 MKT 809 FIN 810 Business Intelligence and Analytics Marketing Analytics Finance Analytics 4 4 4 Winter 2016 (Jan-Mar) Fourth Quarter OPS 811 OPS 812 Data Visualization and Story Telling Field Study 4 4 Spring 2016 (Apr-Jun) Total Number of Units 40 • Online sessions meet on Tuesdays from 6pm-10pm. The first day of classes for each quarter will always be an online session. • In-class sessions meet every Saturday from 8:30am-12:30pm and 1pm to 5pm. • Laptops are required for in-class and online sessions with the following specifications: Windows 7 or later Windows Excel 2010 or later with Data Analysis Toolpak Wi-Fi capability • Course waived; FAIM 603. Contact the Graduate Business program office for current tuition and the waiver reduction. 109 M.S. in Business Analytics to EMBA program 5.1.7 Students who have completed the M.S. in Business Analytics program may have the following courses waived in the EMBA Program. SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE COURSE UNITS First Quarter GMAN 501 GMAN 502 Managing & Leading Contemporary Organizations Management Communication 4 4 Second Quarter GMAN 503 GMAN 504 Economic Analysis *Data Analysis in Business* 4 4 Third Quarter GMAN 505 GMAN 506 Forecasting and Operations Management Managerial Accounting 4 4 GMAN 507 GMAN 508 Managerial Finance Marketing Management 4 4 Fifth Quarter GMAN 509 GMAN 510 GMAN 511 Management of Technology and Innovation *Legal Aspects* *Ethical & Social Issues in Business* 4 2 2 Sixth Quarter GMAN 512 GMAN 513 Business Strategy Managing Global Competition 4 4 Total Program Units 48 Fourth Quarter • Courses waived: GMAN 504, GMAN 510 and GMAN 511; contact the Graduate Business office for current tuition rates and the waiver reduction. 110 5.3 Appendix III Saint Mary’s College Campus Nestled in the East Bay Hills, the picturesque Saint Mary's College Campus provides students easy access to classrooms, computer labs, parking, and a safe, friendly collegiate environment in which to learn. Saint Mary's College Campus in Moraga is also easily accessed from nearby highways 24 and 680, and Oakland International Airport is within a 35-minute drive. Programs offered: PMBA and Executive MBA 1928 Saint Mary's Rd Moraga, CA 94556 (925) 631-4000 San Francisco Campus Centrally located on 55 Fourth Street, the AMA Executive Center provides a state-of-the-art learning environment. The AMA Executive Center is located on the second floor of the downtown San Francisco Marriott, just 15 miles from the San Francisco International Airport, steps away from the Moscone Center and Union Square, and a block from the Powell BART station. Programs offered in the San Francisco: M.S. in Financial Analysis & Investment Management (Master of Science in Financial Analysis & Investment Management) Executive Conference Center 2nd floor of the San Francisco Marriott Hotel 55 Fourth Street 2nd Level San Francisco, CA 94103 BART exit: Powell Station 111 San Ramon Campus The San Ramon Valley Conference Center is close to the corporate headquarters and business parks of Bishop Ranch, Walnut Creek and Livermore/Pleasanton. The facility provides overnight accommodations for the Trans-Global Executive MBA program. This center is easily accessed from nearby highways 680 and 580, and Oakland International Airport is within a 45-minute drive. Programs offered in San Ramon: Executive MBA and Trans-Global Executive MBA San Ramon Valley Conference Center 3301 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94583 Silicon Valley Campus Location is Plug and Play TechCenter Programs offered in Santa Clara: Executive MBA 440 North Wolfe Rd. Sunnyvale, CA 94805 112