Elevation Measurement Syslem USER GUIDE Tecnruiaex
Elevation Measurement Syslem USER GUIDE Tecnruiaex
Elevation Measurement Syslem USER GUIDE r-l'",-- Tecnruiaex EOEPAPI T'E N +2O' SINGLESET- UPRANGES IlEnk rcu for p.rnasino tE @ ZIPLEWLfl PRO&@ Ete.atiq MsMd Syj&d manub.tu€d bv T(hnidean CoD.E[m l]e $antq Wor^s's ahr m Tehn'd4D coDoEron 1o prdde vtu sh [l5 'nleni Us€ls Gddee Ihatre nEV DmDW etstu rcur dodud neds r^/haev{ut Gme Sdd*'Sinhti&r;f r}F sbnley u,lrtg (bG. it stdld @d as Tshnidan CorD..auon'v'rhees d.€@me'COMPILEvEtD (D6 ntF,alltleana' ZIPLEVEL|'6 ZPLEvELfl PROxtn. Congralulalions on yourpurchaseol a SlanleyTools Conl.aclorGradeCOMPULEVELTM. With it, you ve enteredan excilingnew woridoi elevaiionmeasurement and leveling. . COI\.4PULEVELTM is the tirct instrumentot its kind10let you work aloneand even aroundcornerswith beller lhan 1/8"precisionand coverup to 40'venica y overa 200'circleon a singleset up. . COIvIPULEVELTM direcilydisptaysvertica{ measuremenlsin large,easylo readdigits{unlike conventionalbuildeasand laserlevelsi. you can seleci any of sir scalFsin wh'ch lo worl.for e) lrd uonvenience. Owninga COMPULEVELTM is tikeowningsix 40,rods and an imaginafy20 Aipod,allin one convenienl package. In addition you can: . Usethe CARRYfunction,to lake elevation measurements acloss unlimiledrangeswith multiple sel ups,and wilhoutpaper,pencil,lediouscatculalions 4fl0 enotessefiors. . Atlacha SerialLinkio COI\,4PULEVEL,S bultlin Serial Portand make COMPULEVELI& a powerfutdata gatheing instrumentcapableol downloadingstored measurements lo a PersonalComputerlor analyslsand labulalionorpjots oi profites,sectionsand topographical maps. . Useanyof COMPULEVE|S 15powerfulbuilt ir lunclronsto masterlough elevationmeasuringand le\elingjobsIlomsilep,dnn,ng dnde\cava otl throughoulconstruction lo finalgradingand ranoscaptnq. ' Neveragainworryabolt calibrationbecausethe rugged,waler resistantcoL4ptjLEVELrMis easi{y checkedand quicklyfleldcalibraled_ CarelullyreviewthisUsefs cuide and with a liltlepractice youllsoon cuttime, cost and lrllslrationffom your slte measufement1asks. COMPULEVELfr BAS|CS QuickSlan On/Off, Hold& Zoro LABELED scale & Res Cal FUNCTIONS Rec Mark HIDDEN FUNCTIONS 1-6 7 I 11 13 17 Temp& Adder 1 9 Carry 2 1 RecordData 23 & Initalize 25 InspecvDump Elevalion 27 Monilor 29 AlarmIndicators 30 Display UseTips 31 Accuralely 32 HowToMeasure COMPULEVELTMCATE 33 Trouble Shooting Assislance 35 Maintenance / Product ications Specif coMPULEVELTM To use COMPULEVELM: 1) Securethe BaseUnilonils backat anyconvenient location andpulliromihe reelampleCordlo coverthe areatobe measured. Thecordwillcommunicate elevation inlormalion fromtheBaseUnitto the Measurement Module- 2J lf desked,atlachtheljnipodto thef,,leasurement Moduleto avoidbendingto measure.TheUnipodis nol required for operation, 3) TurnontheunitandzerowiththeZERObuttonal any sitereference or bonchmark withinCOMPULEVELs 200'hor;zontal, and120'verticalrange.Although it is noi necessary fortheBaseUnitlo be tevel,it mustbe moves,youmuslre-zero Nglb: lf theBase.Unil the Measurement Moduleatlhe benchmarkbetoreconlinuing. consistsof cOMPULEvELfl ' Baseunit WHENWAFMED) {TH|SrS EASTER . hand-heldMeaslrementModule . inteaconnecting cord belweenBaseUniland Module Measuaemenl . Unipodror lhe Measurement Module . Stakesto secutethe BaseUnit. Allcamponenls arestoredin lhe BaseUnitwhennol n use, AASEUNIT EASEUNIT The handheldMeasurementfirodule,linkedto lhe Base Unitby iis polymercord,is the COI.,IPULEVELTM componentyouuse lo takelhe actualelevalion measurements. Whenlakingmeasurements, thebotlomandbackoflhe Measurement Modulearetheqoly sidesthalmaybe Holdthe usedinterchangoably lor measuremenls. youwanllo measure. modulelevelatthepoinlwhere Measure nearlhecenlerol eitherthebackoabottom. anyseriesot Olhersides maybe usedthroughout measurem€nts, bul measure onlywilhthesurlaceyou - DoIq! changeone usedto zeroCOMPULEVELft wiihoutre-zeroing the sudaceto anolherlor measuring unit. Neverinverllhe Measurement Modulewilhout (see compensalion illust.ation) unlessii wasinverled whenzeroed.It willnotshowthecoreclelevation- EXASPTC Tomeasurelhe dislancebetweenlhe floor page:fi.si, andceilingin lhe illustration oniheopposile zerotheMeasurement Moduleon itsbackor bottomon theiloor Thenplaceitslop,boltom,or backagainstthe ceilingto takea reading.Togelthecorrect youthenmanually measuremenl, addtheheighlor Moduletothedisplay lhicl(ness ol theMeasurement reading, ordo so automalically usingtheADDER lunction described later H=Dspray Medrcmenl Modue The Use the keypadlo cnntroltheCO[,4PULEVELTM. mostfrequentlyusedfunclions-calledLabeled Functions are prinledon the eighlkeysbelowthe Mod!le. displayon the Measurement COMPULEVE|Smoreadvancedor lesslrequenllyused funclions----called HiddenFunciions-maybe accessed ot two or moreoflhe samekeys. by logicatcombinations Allkeyserccglthe HOLDand ON/OFFkeysmustbe pressFdand heldlor 2 seconds[o a.rivale. This oilhF lunclions minimizesaccidpnlal operJ{ion Allfunctionkeysalsoemil dislinctiveaudiblesignals on the (clicksand beeps)and showvisualindicators quickly with are lurther ease use. use these displayto recognizab'eis nearlystable Examples; when a measurement emilsl.vvo short"Read enoughlo read,COMPULEVELTM Ready"beeps. emitsshorl, Whenstorjnga reading,COMPULEVELTM regula.beeps,andthe display{ashesuntillhe reading is slabrleenoughto store. The unillhen emilsa single 'ong loneXq!e: All mostrecenlsetiingsand stored is medsuremenls onrc po!^rer are relainedindefinitely without installedshutotl and even a ballery Flashes whencalibralion rs ,equked dueror€mperaiu,e--U| M'ipsparpisb .q,;mwa - I ffi-,*rffffg.F RECflet€s inFmoRODDTAturNlir Onwh€ndisplayvalueis irozen. ffiggB83E Clicka& l]eeps fand Gdp Althoughmosl COMPULEVELTM users,willuse ofllythose lunclionsrouljnelynecessaryin lheir work,we recommend lunctionsal leaslonceto lhal you try all CO[.4PULEVELTM becomefamiliarwith ils capabilities.The useof all co[,IPULEVELTM functionsis detailedin thisguide TheseQuickStartpages,howeveashowthe operationol a lew basicfunclionsthat mostuserswillemploy,andlhey will helpyou gainconlidencein workingwilh allof COMPULEVEL s functions. To lake basic elevationmeasutementsu/ilh COMPULEVELT': 1) Raiselhe lowerdoorof the BaseUnit,removethe fireasurement Module,and lay lhe BaseUnilon ils back on the lloor or ground. 2) Pullfromlhe reelampleCordto coverthe areato be pressthe ON/OFFkey to lurn measured.Momentarily lhe unil on. The ON/OFFkey willclickwhenpressed andthe unitwillemit adouble beep. 3) Placethe Measurement Moduleon a nearbyhorizontal surface.Whenthe readinghas setlied,it will emitlwo quickbeeps. Then,pressand holdthe ZEAOkeylot 2 seconds-Keepihe MeasurementModulesleadyuntil lhe numetalzeroappearson lhe display.The unilis now zeroedon lhis referencepoint. 4) Movethe Measuremenil/odule lo a differenlelevation (lroma tableio the Iloor,for example).lt willdisplaythe dillerencein elevationfromthe iirsl localionlo the second. Moveit to a thirdlocationand il willdisplaylhe diflerencein elevationfromthe fi.stlocationto the thkd icurrent)local:on. pressthe ON/OFFkeyto shut o{l lhe !nil. 5) Momentarily Reelin the Cord,dockthe MeasuremenlModulein its sloragecompaaiment and lockthe door. WARNING: READAND UNDEBSTAND THISENTIRE USER'SGUIDEBEFOREUSE. s€dry'whip".!4 sna I obie.ls Thefollowing sectiondescib€showlo operate COI.,IPUL€VEL'S LabeledFunciions.Glanceihrcughall lhe funclionsandtheexampleiliuslrations, thentry eachfunclion on yourCOMPULEVELTM. HOLD can be pressedbeicre [4M is in o6]rion. It wlll ire€ze lhe displayonly when movdnent & bepi o1 Dlsplay do1visibte ON/OFF presslheoN/oFF keylo lurncOIvPULEVELTM Momenlarily is l,,lodule on or o{l-ll no keyis pressed,orlhe Measurement not movedin 4 minutes, the unitpowersdownautomatically. Theunitemilstwolongwarningbeepsafler3 minutesol no movemenl or keypadaclivily,to warnol automalic shuloil. HOLD TheHOLDlunclionis usedlo makeandrelaina measuremenl fromanylocationwh€r€the displayis hardio see,suchas overhead, in adeeptrench,oranytimeyouwanitoholda measuremenl on lhe displaywhibmovingihe lveasuremenl Module.TheHOLDlunclionis toggledon/olfby momentarily pressing the HOLDkey. To osethe HOLDJunclion to lreezea measurement on lhe Measurement Moduledisp{ayi PressHOLDmomeniarily. Theword"Hold"willappearonthe lefisideoflhe displaywindow.To releasethe HOLDfunction, pressthe HOLDkeyagajn.Theword"Hold"will momentarjly no longerappearon lhedisplay. T J plMe OnqrnatHererenLe To l]selhe HOLDfunctionlo obtainandholda measuremenl readinglroma remoteor hard10reachlocalion: 1) P.esslhe HOLDkeymomenlarily $rhiletheMeasuremeni Moduleis slillin motion-Theunilwillbeginto emlla series 2) MovetheMeasurement lvoduleio the location 10be J) A|ow lheunrlros€dlerhpreLnrilil slopcbeepng. 4) Retrieve lhe t\,{easuremenl Module.Thereadingfromlhat localionwillbe retainedon thedisplaywindow.Press HOLDmomenlarily againto exillhe function. ZERO PresstheZEROkeylor 2 secuds 10makethecurrefit Module]thezero elevalion(location ol the l,rleasuremenl relerence or benchmark. 9 10 SCALE Youcan chooseany of six scaleslor measuring 1) ifactionali.ches, 2) elevaiionwith COIMPULEVELT6T: decimalinches,3) leet,4) leei andinches, 5) cenlimelers,6) melers, To choose a measuremenlscale: Pressand holdthe SCALEkey for 2 seconds.Conlinue pressingfte SCALEkeylo sequencelhroughall lhe scales. Releaseon the desiredscale. The currentscale is indicatedon lhe ighl sideof the displaywindow RES Youcan chooseone oilhree level'sol resolutionor measuremenlprecisionin whichto workwilh Bes 1 otler>lhehigl-eslp.ecision. COMPULEVELTM. bul requi.eslongerfora readinglo slabilize.Res 2 providesinlermediateprecisionand takesless lime lo oblaina siablereading Res3 is besl for rough and providesthe iaslestreadings. measurements ,,IN FT F-I f l l"::J 24J- FGctonalInches .24.4 2.03 2';62.0 10.620 Dedrial Ind€s Feet Feer nches cenrimereB Meters sEl€) PCALDISPLAY(oamal Inches -i"' .'' ] 9 fif 5. 1 ! fif 5.f I , ,:,je1"".0," E flEs.r ! , us€io'HiqhesrPre'isi useiorkn€mediareftt p o,F'odlvod<uetr6 , To choose the preferredresolution: Pressandholdlhe RESkey for 2 secondslo enier and continuepressingloseleclthe desiredmeasuremeni resolulion.The cunentlesolltion ievel(i.e.,1/9",1/4"or 1/2",whenusinginchscales)is shownon the display Releaselhe RES key al lhe desiredvalue. 12 CAL ) -J willneed10be calibratedwhenlhere has COMPULEVELIM changeol36 F (20 C) orgreatersince beena temperature signalsthe userthat it ils last calibration-COMPULEVELIM requirescalib.ationby flashingthe word Cal'inthe Modoledisplaywindow Calibralionis done Measurement by the user,in the field,in minules,as describedbelow. To calibrate coMPULEVELTM: 1) Placelhe BaseUnilon its backon a level,flal surface and turn it onModuleon its boltomor back 2) Placethe Measurement side nexl to the BaseUnit- Pressand holdthe CAL key lor 2 seconds. 3) Whenthe displayflashes[0]pressthe CALkey momentarily. 4) Whenl4Slflasheson lhe display,raisethe moduleto 48"abovetheBaseUnitand measuremenl presstheCALkeyagainwhileholdingthe momentarily Modulesteady.do!c: Thetully Measuremenl calib.ated unipod,a plywood sheel,or a tape extended, rulemarkona wallcanbeusedas a calibration standard. andshows"48",the 5) Whenthedisplaystopsllashing unitis calibratedat anylimeduring Ngtes:Youmayexilwilhoulcalibraling andholding iheCALkeyfor2 theprocedure by pressing seconds. byfirsl At anyiime,youmayquicldycheckcalibralion fora48" zeroingbesidetheBaseUnit,andthenchecking readingal anappropriate location abovethezero indicating thal benchmaii(CALmayllashonthedisp{ay re calibration is required. IS CRITICAL FORACCURATE CALIBRATION lor VERTICAL MEASUREMENTS. 11is notrequired leveling operations. 13 I:tHg"" , Slep#1- PressCAL2sec.to sian3 beeptone Slepf2- I av boftoFror bac\ oowI Llobero B;seUnrt& PressCALagan [].------0DisPlaY' Thenl4{llflashes & 2 beeplone. r8". Step#3 Baselo Pre,sCAI aqarn8 holdslFaoy ll*48Dsptay' I n e nn o m d r d r 5 p r rdeys u m ecs , , 1 8 - . I &""n*j.d,* roadrqh,s.h,b@n|"nnd, ,--<A), . ".s" \L". ffi,',lii'l"llillllS.'"l'" Is'**g I @.-;ffiiir*1ri;#:"f U .: tft"'l$i1$""i""'o .lE$r" -\'*' | any COITPULEVELTM canbeusedto recordvirtually ihe numbero{measurements Joajobssuchas calculating fillrequked beneath concrele or prediciing iinallol elevalion. To recordmeasurement data: 1) PressandholdtheRECkeyfor2 seconds to enlerlhe .ecordfunclion.Theword"REC"appears ontheleft sideol thedisplaywindow 2) Allowthe measuremenlmoduleto settleal lhe firsl measuremenllocation.Presslhe HOLDkey momenlaaily 1osloaethe measutement.Whenthe HOLDkey is pressed,the unitwillemita se es ol beeps. Waitunlillhe beepingstopslo movelo ihe next localion. C a nc o m p u laev g ,n i i 8 m a , .e n o ,h o m Calculatesfill neededbelowconcr€te. ZEFO at botom level ior @ncrel€. take as manv measuremer$s6 needed. Ave6oe xA.ea = Volrme. Predictinglot elevation Avg.= Finalelevalion relalivelo benchmark afiercul & Iill 3) Pressthe REC key momentari'y lo displaylhe average, miflimum series. andmatimumlor lhe measuremenl The words"AVG.",'MlN. and "MAX."will appearin the displaywindowas the RECkey is momenlarilypressed. prassandholdllreBECkey Toeyirlhe recordfuncrion. {or 2 seconds.COMPULEVELTM relainscompuled values. Theywillbe replacedwith new valuesonlyit the HOLDkey is pressedallcl re enlryinlolhe record lunclion- 16 MAHK The MARKfunction letsyoucfeateaudibletonesto indicale 1)a selected elevalion, 2) el€valion wilii! a selectedband,or 3i elevalionoulsidea selecledband. . To use lhe MARKfunction:lo crealea tonea!a selecledelevalion: 1) Placethe Measuremenl Moduleal thedesiredelevalion. 2) Pressandholdthe I,IARKkeyfor2 seconds.Holdlhe unitsteadyuntildoublebandlinesllashin thedisplay 3) Presslhe MARKkeymomeotarily andholdlhe unil steadylo setthe audibleIone. . To usetheMARKlunclion: to createa tone insldeihe measurement band: 1) Placethe Measu.emeni Moduleat lhedeskedelevalion. 2) Pressandholdthe IV1ARK keytor 2 seconds.Holdthe unitsleadyunlildoublebandlinesflashjn the display 3i l\rovelhe Measurement lrodulebelowto ihe dosired elevation, halflhe band. 4 Pressthe MARKkeymomentarily whib holdingthe unit sleadyto selihe audibletooe. . To usethe MARKfunclion: lo createaudibletones Oqlsldglhe measurementband: 1) Placethe lreaslrementModuleat lhe desiredelevalion. 2) Pressandholdlhe N.IARK keylor 2 seconds.Holdlhe unitsteadyuntildoublebandlinesflashin lhe display 3 l\,4ove theMeasurement l\4odule aboveto lhe desired halflhe band. elevalion, 4) Presslhe MARKkeymomeniariry whileholdingthe 0nil sleadytoset lhe audibletone. willcreate a solidaudible loneabolc Nq!e: Thisprocedure lhemeasuremenlband ionebcia{ andawa|blingaudible themeasurernenl band.Thefewillbeno lonewilhin the in thedisplay wlndow lo indicale ItqtCS:Thelraclionbarllashes Ihdlyoua'e in rhe[,4AqK lL."r'or. press To exitiheI1,4ARK funciion momentarily andfelainsetlings, lheMARKandON/OFFkeys together. Pressthe MARKkeylof 2 secondslo re'ellter. 't7 Tonescansupplement displayto Jevelor alam at helght limits. 'hidden"functionsmay be accessedby COMPTJLEVEL'S logicalcombinations ol lwo or moreof the labeledkeyson lhe Measurement Modulekeypad. TEMP -,']-*. I srrce \ Selecl bool on orofi Changeonlyif INVERTED: COMPULEVELTM can displaythe ambientlemperatlrreat its localion. To showtemperature, whenturningon lhe unil,pressaad holdihe ON/OFFkey for 2 seconds.Pressany olherkey io exitlhe TE[,4Ptunclion. ADDER TheADDERiunctionautomatically addsthe heightor lhicknesso{ the l\,1easuremenl Modulelor makingaccurate insldemeasuaements. To access theAODERfunclion: 1) Momenlarilypressthe HOLDkey10lreezelhe "BoolOn" or "BoolOff"to Nqte: Youmustseleci indicatewhetheryou are usingthe proleclivebooton the l,,leasuremeni l,loduleand autornaticaily add ils dimensionlo the measurement.To do so: Pressthe CALkey lor2 secondsand releaseat the desired"Bool On or "BoolOIf'2) Pressthe |\,4ARK key for 2 secondsto add lhe Measurement Moduleheiohito ihe measurement, or pressthe RECkey lor 2 secondsto add the Measurement Modulethickness(e.g-floorlo ceiling inveded)lo lhe measuremenl. pressthe HOLDkey3) To exil,momentarily 2A CARRY Can measurethe heightof a mountainor locate an elevation acrosstown- nopencil,paperor calculator needed, COIVPULEVELS CARRYfunclionallowsyou to measure elevationsatvirluallyany localion,no malterhow dislant fromlhe slartingreference. To use the CARRYlunction: 1) At lhe startingbenchmark(reference) , pressand hold the I,ARK key and ZEROkey logelherfor 2 seconds. The word "CAV' willalternatewith [0] on the display. Holdthe L,leasuremenl Modulesteadylo zerolhe CARRYfunclion.Thjs wi{lalsozerothe set up. 2) [,,loveihe Measuremenl[,4odule lo a convenienl locationwithinthe singleseiuplimit- Momentarilypress the HOLDkey to stor€elevalion. 3) Leavingthe Measuremefll[,,todule in placeat its "hold' localion,movethe BaseUniltowardthe final deslinationand establishihe secondseluplocation_ 4i Pressand holdlhe ZEFIOkey lor 2 secondsat the MeasurementModule"hold"spol whilekeepingit sleady. The word 'CAry"will againappearon the display.When"CAry"slopsilashing,you will be in the CARRYiunctionwhereupperdisplay"C 'and measurement displayallernale. f I STEP1 ' srEP (r6s ^e bed{cmnrlon.esase unrc ssded' tl - ' - - i @ 'P.ess2se. RepealSteps2 through4, sequenceoverany numberol selups.Oncein the CARRYiunclion,momenlarilypress the ZEROkeylhereafierwilh each BaseUnitmove To exitlhe CARRylunctionwithinany set up, pressand holdthe ZEROkey ior 2 seconds. Notes: Outsidelhe CARRYfunclion,elevationswillbe reierenced10the HOLD/ZEROelevationlorlhat set'up,but you may re zero anywhere.To re enlerthe CARRY funclionat any elevalionwithinthe set,up,simpiy momenta.ilypressthe HOLDkey,thenpresslhe ZEROkey tor 2 seconds. TheCARRYfunclioncan be usedto quicklyeslablisha remoteelevalionwilh an assislantrnovlnglhe BaseUnit. The BaseUnitrnaybe placedand helduprightii kepl upfight atlerlhe ZEROkeyhas beenpressedlor lhe set up. 21 22 can be usedlo recordmeasuremenldata COI,TIPULEVELIM ror.rpdr'ng conloJror 1D maps e ll'"r wolkingalo'leoI with a Pc. or an S?vesup lo 137measurenents. unlimilednumberwithpocketPC. RECORDDATA fake medsurenrDnrs ov€ra rlr d ol requla s!.lr.c interuahlofa contlu, or 3D maF One sequenc€can defne a prcf le orseclioi. To record dala with COMPULEVELTM: 1) Pressand holdthe RECand MARKkeys logelherlor 2 seconds.The word'REC" will stafi ilashlngin the displaywindow. 2) Momenta.ilypressthe HOLDk€y lo slore each measuremenl, 3) Pressthe MARKkeylor 2 secondsto slarl a new 4) To exil lhe RECORDfuncuon,Pressand hold the REC and [/ARK keyslogetherlor 2 seconds. the displayshowslhat Noles: Wlh each measurement, positionwilhinthe sequence(PXXX)and measurement's lhe sequencenumber(lracliondigits). when the displaywi{lflash"Full"wilh eachnteasuremenl of beingfilled memoryis within20 measurenrenls rq.@ willshowin the The numberol remainingmeasurements iracliondigils. Apockei PC can be connectedlo the SerialPoatto slore, graph,or tabulateeachmeasuiemenlas it is takenfor an unllmilednumtreroi measuremenls.The posiliondisplay memoryis fu]1. willshow (FXXX)afterthe CO[,4PULEVELTM Presslhe ZERO keyior 2 secondsio backstep and cleara pressand previousmeasurement, thenmo.nentariiy releaseloclearaddiiionalmeasurements. Pressthe REC and ZEROkeystogetherlor 2 secondsio clearall measuremenls. ,l,e RfC DATAlunclionda o. L eo wh le in rhe-ARq\ tuncllonto recorddalawitheaclrpressol the HOLOkey. CARFIYdata and normaldala won'l mix s{orlngonewill deleteallothefdata. 23 24 INSPECT or DUMP This lunclionallowsinspeciionof previouslygalhered measurementdataand/ordatalranslerto a PC. P€ss CALandFIEC2sec. lo Ente.or ExillNsPFoT CilckOALandRECnrmenI.dv To use this lunclion: ' Momenlad{y pressthe CALand RECkeystogeiherto dlulrp data lo PC. . Pressand holdthe CALand RECkeyslogelherlor 2 secondsto inspecida1a. ' Momenlarilypressthe MARKkeyto sequenceup throughposil:ons. . Momenlarilypresslhe RECkey to sequencede!!! throughpositions. . To sequenceup or downin mulliolesol l0 posilions, pressthe CALkeylor up andlhe HOLD momentarily Palmlopmounled10lJnirod,or h€ldin lefthandwin d$ay visibl.lDoperalor FECORDING DATA"ONTHEFLY" WhenCompulevel r€gislers lill.FULLwilldisplay indeilniiely. bul RecordDaialo PCcancontinue INITIALIZE This lunclionreselsalluser settingsto detaultvalues. (COMPULEVFIrv mL"l be rp calibrdredIn lhis case. page 13.) Thisfunctionalso returnsthe See Calibration, userirom anyfunclionlo lhe normaldisplaylunctionNqtg: This is a sureway 10recover{roman unwanted lunclionTo INITIALIZE: Pressand holdlhe CAL,REC,MARK,and HOLDkeys logetherlor 2 secondsusingtwo fingersol each hand wilh lhe measuremenlmoduleon ils backon a llal surface. 25 26 ELEV ELEVATION lelsyoupresetthedisplaytoa benchmark elevation in engineers (FT)or melricscaleslor usein the CARRYlunction. Toenteror exitlheELEVfunction, pressandholdthe SCALIandRESkeystogether ior2 seconds. Xgteg lt s beslto setdigilsstarlingwithlhe least significant: presstheHOLDkeyto setthe Momentarily hundredths digit,presstheMARKkey1osellenths,the RECkeyforones,theCALkeyfortens,theSCALEkeytor hundreds, andtheRESkeyforthousands. Presslhe ZEROkeylo selectupordown. AllowsPresetof Elevalion in CafryFunclion. Firslplace Meas.Moduleat benihmark. p"* z"*. {El *lIE) bEnterorE"ir | _ r ( _ _ , Display looks likeCarry Function: Etande Reading: 12469.80(Averyhighe{evalbn!) fi5.trtr Touseyou.ProsetElevation, exitELEVATION andenter CAHRY-(Seep9.21) 27 2a MONITOR CAL The MONITORfunclioncan be used lo keepthe CO[,4PULEVELTM from shultingoff duringperiodsof inactivlty.Il alsocan be usedwilh a se al linkto a PC lor remoiemonitoringor data logging.For example:Placethe base unil on a Styroloamtloatlo iog waler tankor river leve|s. To entertheMONITORlunction,pressand holdthe ON/OFFand CALkeystogelherfor 2 secondswhen lurningon COMPULEVELTM. Periodicflashon lhe displayindicalesre-zero requkeddue to temperaturechange- 8888 Alternateswith displayedelevalionwhenthe MeasuremenlModuleis morelhan 20'aboveor belowlhe Ease Unit- cAUTloN: Over range measurementsmay be in error. ll 8888 {lasheswell wilhinrange,checktroubleshooling chart;check{or corddamageor leakage,and il necessaryreturnfoaseryice. BAT Flasheswhen only a few hoursoi balterylile remain-A fresh 9V Alkalinebatlerycan allowup lo 60 hoursot acliveuse- CORD Flashes,loindicatecordor systemfailure requiringfacloryservice. CAUTION: Measurementsmay be in error. To exit,iurn the unit ott. lunctiondisablestheALJTO-OFF Nqlq: The l\,4ON|TOR lealureand enablescontinuousdatafromthe serialport. CAUTlOl.l: lllONlTOR.educes battery life 15"/.. Remember: Shul off when linished to avoid loss ol baltery. Flashesil unitneedsto be re calibraleddue to temperalurechange. CAL is on constanllywhen unitis outsideol lhe -22F lo + 158Foperating lemperaturerange.CAUTION: Measurementsmay be in error. ' See page6lor illuslralionolAlarm lndicators. 29 30 1) Securethe BaseUnitbeforeremoving the Measurement Module. 2) Extendthe ljnipodlromthetop downandrelracllrom the bottomup. Seep9.14.Alwaystighlenbushings. AvoidOvertightening. Modulein thehandgripareas 3) Holdthe l\,4€asuremenl to therightandbeneathlhe keypad.Forsinglehanded operation, usethelhumb10pressthe mostirequenlly usedbutlons:OIUOFEHOLDandZERO.Thele,l handcanmanipulale the Cord-Releaseorholdsleady whilereading.Seep9.8. 4) ln muddyconditionsuse a rag to wipedownlhe cord beforereelingin. Thiscanaisoremovecordtlvists. 5) Al\raysreelcordthroughcordentryareaby holding lhe BaseUnithandlewilhBaseUnilliltedbackwardat about45' (lorexample,restingagainstthigh).Thiswill easere€ling,reducewearandkeepdockingarea clean.Se€p9.8. or thumbnailtoloosenbatlery 6) L'sea coin,screwdriver doorscrewto replacelhe 9V alkalinebaltery.Liil the le.minalendot batterywiththumbnailorsimplythump Measuremenl Moduleagainstyourhaodandcalchthe battery Nglq The proiectivebool is moreeasily removedwhenwamed 31 COI.,IPULEVELTM is typicallypreciseto wilhin0.2%ol measurements10ft, or less and 0.357oof measuremenls beyond10it. lt cantypicallylevelto within1/8"overa singleselup. 1) For critical levelinotrequently re-checkor re'zero al lhgbClehEalk (CALis not necessarylor leveling). Whenpossibleminimizeheighldiflerencesbetween Cord,BaseUnil & MeasuremenlModule. 2) For critical elevationmeasurements.trequentlv re-checkcalibrationand benchmarkzero. Whenever possibleavoidtemperaluredillerencesbelweenthe Cord and MeasuremenlModule(e-g-sun vs. shade). 3) Whenmovingthe COMPULEVELTM fromone lemperalurelo a muchdiflerenltemperalure,suchas lrom indoorsto ouldoorson a cold day,allow10-15 minutesfor CO[4PULEVELTM to adaptto lhe change4) Avoidviolenllugging,whippingor slompingon lhe cord wilhoulre-chector re-zeroal the benchmark 5) Prompllyzeroor calibratetheCOMPTJLEVELTM whenils displayllashes 0 - or CAL. 6) Alwayssecurethe BaseUnittopreventmovement during - it doesnot needto be levelmeasurements 7) AvoidusingCOMPULEVELTM beyondlhe speciliedranges oi elevationorlemperalure. Thedisplaywillflash8888 whenbeyondlhe +/-20'verticalrangeandthe CALwillbe on sieadyfor lemperatures below-22"For above+ 158'F 8) Occasionally checkthe4' lenglhol thelullyextended Unipodlor wearwilha laperule.Adiustils leogthil n€cessary. 9) As wilhconvenlionalinslruments, additional er.orsmaybe causedduringuseouldoorson sunnyorwindydays. In pulloutonlyas muchCordas is needed suchconditions andavoidunnecessary loopsovetobjects-Measurements are moslaccuratein earlymorning,late aflernoonor when overcasl,in fullshadeor indoors-{l a measuremenl vades whenbreezt lake lhe averagereading- COMPULEVELTU is rugged,durableand designedto provideyearsol reliablepedormancewhenproperly used. Hete are som€guidelines: 1) Avoidexcessivesirainon the Measuremenil\,4odule by guidingthe cordwith lhe lelt handduringuse (seepg.8). 2) Wheneverpossibleuse the prolectiveBooton the Measurement Moduls. Avoiddroppinglhe Measurement Moduleand neveruse as a hammer3) Do not immerselhe MeasuremenlModulein waier or any olher liquidor gas and avoidcontaclwith 4) MinimizeCOI\.4PULEVELTM wearby wipingwilh a damp cloth (avoid scralching display window) or finsinglighllyto removemudanddirt fromthe Base Unit,Coid and M€asuremenlModule.ln extreme cases lhe single screw al lhe back ol the teel can be removedloreleaselhe reelfromthe housinglor a thoroughhosing. 5) KeeplheCord,Measuremenl Moduleor BaseUnil oulol thepalhof vehicletrafficandootofconlact withhot obieclssuchas smolderingcigarettebults, t.eshasphatt or welding. 6) Pack-up lheCOMPULEVELTM whennotin usefor Uoitwon'tlurnonor shutsofl soonatlerturnon, ReplaceBatlery. tjnil won'lturnon or ofl and Batteryis good. RemoveBalteryfor 15 sec. andiry again. AfterinstallingnewBaltery reads8888and display toneis steady. Batlery & make Remove reversepola ty conlact wilhbattery ciips& tryagain- t.lnitissluckinanunclesired lnitializeas describedunder HiddenFunctions lunclion andyoucan't {Page25)howlo es@pe. temembea checkCordandBaseUnit ondisplay or Cordtlashes readingsarenotrepeatable. andretumtolactoryfor repak if damaged. when Relumlo iactory ErrXflashes ondisplay on. unitmayneedservice. unitisswilched Seepage30 for Alarmlndicators. poriods er.tended of time.Neverleaveoutin loul wealheror overnight. Avoidslorageinsidea hot closedvehicleoraunk. 7J COMPULEVELTM contains a nontoxic biodegradable ciearliquid.Intheunlikely eventlhal a damaged unitreleases liquidor il lhecordis cul, bendovercordandwrapwilhlapeorwirelo slop liquidrelease.Wipeupliquidwithabsorbent towels, removeresiduewilhsoapandwalerand relurnlo facloryfor service33 34 SlanleyToolswarrantsConlractorGraderMCompulevelrn fl.\ dlon Measurerenllooldgan,l dercie,l.ieS n materlalsandworkmanship for one yearfromlhe date ol purchase-Delicientproduclsw ll be rep acedor repairedil TECHNIDEA CORPORATION PleaseCall'1.800.805.LEVEL(5383) o. 1.760.480.4740 or visit !444gzipj.9y9Lq94 for shippingaddressand returninstructions. Thefe are addilionalfacisaboutlhis warrantyihatyou shouldknow: SlanleyToolsis noi responsible{or damageresullinglrom wear,abuse,or allerationofthis producl-Wherepermitled by law,Stanleyis not responsiblelor incidentalor Thereis no warranlybeyondthe provisionsslaledhere. Agentsof StanleyToo{s cannotchangethiswarranty. Thiswarraniymay provideyo! wilh additionallegairighls whichvaryby stale.provinceor nalionNormaluseshouldallowyearsoi servicewithoul maintenance or repair.ShouldyourCO[,4PULEVEL'M needservicebeyondihe OneYearWarranlyperiod,relurn it postageprepaidio: tecurtoil conpon-lrolr Sel-up Vertcal Range: 40 (20'aboveand below BaseUnil) Set-up HorizontalRange: 200' diarnelercircle(100' Carry Function Range: No hmit Flangeof Zero or Mark Settings: Fullveriicalrange BeadingBepeatability: 1/8"typrcal LevelingAccuracy: "S lypicdl ElevationAccuracy: The greaterof 1/8 or0.2% of measuremenls10 it. or less and 0.35%o{ measuremenls beyond10 11.lypical RecorclCapacity(Min.lMax./Avg.): i6,384. No practicallimits Record Data Memory Capacity: 137 readings Settings/DataMemory Retentionr Indefinilely, evenwithouibattery Range: 22 Flo+i58"F operalingTemperature Range: 40 Fto+158'F StorageTemperature Module: 5 drop Shock Resistance: l\,4easuremeni lesl on concreie. BaseUnit:3' dropteston Please call!soryisilourwebsiteforshioolnq details. phonenumberanddescrlplion Include address, ol dilficulty. Youwillbecontacled withestimaled repaircharges beiore fepairsarestarted.Warranty repairsy,/lllbedoneal no postageprepaid. chargeandfeturned PRODUCTASSISTANCE ll aller.eadingihis guideyou havedifficullyusingthe pleasecallCuslomerSewiceat COMPULEVELTM 'f.800.805.1EVE1($a3) ot 1.760.4AO.47 40 35 Water Resistance: Bainlighl; not irnmersible 9V Alkaline Battery Life: 60 hoursactiveuse (Aulo shul'offaller 4 minutesinaclive.) U S Paient#4.373297and+5,517,869and+5,726,365p|us additionaPatentsPendn9 36 Tecuxioea^ CATPOPANON CUSTOMEFI SEFIVICE 'r-too,Eto5.LEVEL a53Et3t V:1740.44c .4740 Fi17AOAAA473A 'r/wvvv.ziplevel,com