Club 181 Outdoors Blues Show!
Club 181 Outdoors Blues Show!
Volume IV Issue VII Compliments of WCLM Radio1450AM August 2012 Former Senate Candidate Preston Brown to Host Club 181 Outdoors Blues Show! Dawn Page Ask for Heart & Soul Newspaper Editor for support! This 72 year old Grandmother has Richmond shouting! Former Senate candidate Preston Brown known for his James Brown dance moves will host the Club 181 Outdoors Blues Show featuring Big G and Total Control Band Sept. 15 at King & Queen Ruritan Club Pattie Swamp Rd. St. Stephen Church Saturday Sept. 15, from 3-10pm also on the show Shirley Jones formerly of the Jones Girls and Jesi Terrell. Tickets $15.00 in advance and $20.00 at gate. Call (804) 615-2196 for tickets. Richmond Talk show host filed lawsuit against City of Richmond for $500,000! IN THIS ISSUE Lil’ Blair & Fantastic Heirs are coming to Richmond…. Remembrance Senator Miller..2 Editor Page ………………….3 The Black Vote…..……...4 & 5 Big John Trimble. ……….......7 Hot off the press……………..8 Richmond Gospel…………....9 Bob Law on Black Radio…...10 Sonji Tucker Financial Tips...13 Masons at work……………..14 Talk Show Host Earl Bradley Heart & Soul Newspaper. Its officers, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, in connection with the articles printed and reprinted. Heart & Soul of the City Newspaper makes no claims or representations about accuracy or completeness of the information printed, or for any cause of action related to any content in this paper. This paper is for entertainment purposes. All information printed with permission. IN REMEMBRANCE SENATOR YVONNE B. MILLER 1934-2012 Breaking both gender and color barriers, Yvonne B. Miller was the first African American woman elected to the Virginia State Legislature. Born in Edenton North Carolina, Miller grew up in Norfolk, Virginia where she graduated from the Norfolk Division of Virginia State College. A career educator, Miller taught in Norfolk Public Schools. She earned her Master’s degree from Teacher’s College of Columbia University followed by a doctorate in Education from The University of Pittsburgh. Miller was a professor and served as head of the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education at Norfolk State University where she later retired Professor Emeritus in 2000. Miller was first elected to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates in 1984 and was elected to the Virginia Senate in 1988. Senator Miller has been at the forefront of the fight to make Virginia a better place for children and their families. Miller was the longest serving female in the legislature. “It is important for our children to understand just how valuable they are. They have been made in the image and likeness of God. And, because he makes no junk, we have to let them know that they all are very special. We also need to let them know that they are gorgeous... they are smart... they are talented. They can do anything they set their minds to. I can't help but to remind them of that. Why do I do that? Because it is important to me to serve people.” Senator Yvonne B. Miller Tanya Free and Friends Radio honors the life and legacy of Yvonne B. Miller I invite you to join the conversation on the new Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show every Wednesday at 2:00 pm on the Heart and Soul of the City, WCLM 1450AM. Check out the fully interactive Stay in touch, give me feedback, share your requests and concerns on my blog, respond to my question of the week on Mondays, and tell me what’s on your mind for Wassup? Thursdays, stay in the know with Headline News from Reuters and listen to the Best of the Tanya Free Experience Destination Jazz and Tanya’s Tips 24/7 at Heart & Soul’s Editor Who will get the support in the 8th District City Council race? As a businessman who has managed several small businesses and as Editor of this paper, I have a genuine economic interest in our community. As a servant of the community, I have been recognized as an NAACP Community Service award winner, City of Richmond Minority Business Visionary of the Year, Richmond City Council Community Service Award and was nominated for a National Community Leadership award along with receiving Proclamations from two Mayors of Richmond and Certificate of Recognition from two Governors. I have no problem speaking my mind and have facts to back up what I say. I received a visit from 8th District City Council candidate Dawn Page who is trying to unseat Reva Trammell and she asks for my support. Doing the November 2011 election, I ran as an independent against Senator Henry Marsh. Mrs. Page was part of the Democratic Party pushing for Senator Henry Marsh re-election. She also worked the poll at Branch Church for Senator Henry Marsh and she was one of the ones telling voters not to vote for me because I was a Black Republican. In our meeting we talked about a lot of things including the “Democratic Click” and Senator Henry Marsh who she now says is not involved in her campaign and she is running as an independent just like I did. Also I let her know I have no hard feeling against her or those who did dirty things doing the election because I knew with the amount of money being passed around I would be sold out like they did Jesus Christ. Senator Henry Marsh spend $225,000 to win that seat. I also let her know she was welcome to buy ads in this paper and on WCLM Radio in which she said she would. We talked about the history of the black leadership in Richmond since 1977 and how most of the things Blacks lost in Richmond our Black Elected Officials didn’t stand up and fight. From the Walker /Armstrong Football Classic, to the many businesses to Consolidated Bank are all gone? I will say our Black leaders did stand up for the Slave Trail. We talked about how the Democratic Party crossed Senator Benjamin Lambert who was CoChairman of the finance committee and he always made sure the Black colleges got funding. Now St Paul College is ready to close and other Black colleges have funding problems. Ask yourself did the African American community prosper under a Majority Black City council for 30 years? I ask Mrs. Page to name five Black Elected officials we can trust behind closed doors and she couldn’t, can you? That why I have always said we need a few new leaders because some of the old ones just isn’t working for us, you think about it. I respect Mrs. Page for listening to me, opening her eyes to truth and for trying to get my support. I also let her know if she wins I would have no problem working with her to improve our community. As far as Reva Trammell in the past whenever I call Ms. Trammell she calls me back and she have worked on every issue that someone brought to me about the 8 th District. A few weeks ago when many people didn’t have lights she called me and I delivered bags of ice with Reva to residents in the 8 th district. Over the years she has come to the studios of WCLM Radio and talked to the community on the air live when we have issues to deal with. I have been to and spoken at her district meeting which is the largest in the city. Reva Trammell heart is in the people of the 8th district and if other leaders would start thinking about the people like Reva, lot things would get better for everyone. I will always speak up against poverty, injustice, joblessness, and the many other problems plaguing our community. I possess the common sense and willingness to do the right thing for the communities of our city. I will not be controlled or influenced by big business or money. In short, I will speak up for the needy and not the greedy. We need jobs, we need funds for education, we need better health care, we need to take care of our seniors, as well as our veterans. Many of you reading this article right now are not happy with the condition of some of our communities. Are you ready to speak up, or are you ready to continue paying the price. I am willing to pay the price to speak up and I have. Stop giving your vote away make them earn your vote! 3 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 CAN REPUBLICANS WIN BACK THE BLACK VOTE? By: Frances Rice From the National Black Republican Association (NBRA) “Why Is the Black Vote in the Democrats’ Pocket?” That is the title of an article by Juliette Ochieng which provides an analysis of why Republicans are having very little success attracting more blacks into the Republican Party. The article can be found on the Internet at: Ochieng opines that blacks have been trained by Democrats to expect political parties to provide quid pro quo. In other words, while Republicans want to help blacks pursue happiness (teach blacks how to fish so they can feed themselves for a lifetime), Democrats want to provide happiness to blacks (give them a fish so they can eat for a day). The Democratic Party’s strategy of using handouts to garner the black votes, while working to keep blacks mired in poverty, was described as “plantation politics” by President Barack Obama on page 147 of his book Dreams From My Father. As a result of the politics of poverty practiced by Democrats, including Obama, the firm belief is now deeply rooted in the black community that the government must “do something” for blacks. Democrats have been running black communities for the past 40+ years and turned those communities into economic and social wastelands with their failed socialist policies. Yet, Democrats have the gall to blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions caused by the Democrats. Democrats also accuse Republicans of doing nothing to help poor blacks — a charge that resonates with victim mongers. However, since the beginning of the so-called War on Poverty, over $ 9 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. According to the Washington Post, in one year alone under President George W. Bush, over $500 billion was spent on over 80 poverty-related programs, with little movement in the poverty needle. The problem with black poverty is not money — and it is not the Republican Party. Notably, only 25% of blacks are poor and living in those dilapidated neighborhoods run by Democrats. The remaining 75% of blacks are prosperous and living in the larger society. Shamefully, Democrats consistently fight efforts of Republicans to help poor blacks living in Democrat-controlled neighborhoods get out of poverty. Most egregious is the fight by Democrats to keep Republicans from providing school choice opportunity scholarships so that black parents can get their children out of failing schools. The money belongs to the people, not the buildings controlled by the teachers’ unions that are supporters of the Democratic Party. Further, Democrats, aided by liberal journalists and teachers, hide information about black poverty that is embarrassing to Democrats. For instance, after the Civil War, blacks left the plantations run by Democrats with little more than the ragged clothes on their backs. Today, the combined wealth of blacks is over $1.4 trillion — up from the $644 billion in 2005 — a staggering figure that is equivalent to the GNP of the world’s 16th largest economy. This is an incredible, historic achievement. Whenever Republicans attempt to point out that it is the Democrats who are keeping those inner-city blacks mired in poverty, Democrats resort to playing the race card, falsely accusing the Republican Party of being the party of the racists who denied blacks civil rights during and prior to the 1960s. It was the racist Democrat South that turned on the hoses, blocked schools and civil rights. It was Lincoln, a Republican, who fought slavery with the Civil War. It was Eisenhower, a Republican, who integrated the armed forces. The blatant use of race-baiting by Democrats to win the black vote is why any strategy to attract blacks back into the Republican Party must include not only a focus on economic and social issues, but also information about the true history of civil rights. The NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter that is posted on the Internet at: provides information that helps set the civil rights record straight. Referenced in the newsletter is an article published by the Claremont Institute entitled “The Myth of the Racist Republicans” that can be found on the Internet at: Included in the newsletter are additional references such as “Unfounded Loyalty” by Rev. Wayne Perryman, “Wrong on Race” by Bruce Bartlett and “A Short History of Reconstruction” by Dr. Eric Foner, a renowned liberal historian whose biography can be found on the Internet at: . Perryman wrote his book after conducting years of research and then sued the Democratic Party, demanding an apology for that party’s 150-year history of racism based on the Democratic Party’s “States Rights” claims. The Democrats admitted their racist past under oath in court, but refused to apologize because they know that they can take the black vote for granted. 4 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Can Republican win back the Black Vote.. Part 2 It is frustrating to observe how most black Americans continue to support the Democratic Party, in spite of that party’s reprehensible history of racism and socialism that have caused so much harm to blacks. As author Michael Scheuer stated, the Democratic Party is the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism. At one time in our history, almost all blacks were Republicans because, since its inception in 1854 as the anti-slavery party, the Republican Party has always been the party of freedom and equality for blacks. Studies show that today, still, most blacks share the values of the Republican Party. Those same studies demonstrate that most blacks are very conservative and do not share the values of the Democratic Party that supports same-sex marriage, partial-birth abortion and banning God from the public square. In order to keep blacks from voting their values or for Republicans, every election cycle, Democrats preach hatred against the Republican Party and get blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans, and not a vote for Democrats. The message that Democrats gives to poor blacks is despicable. If you remain poor, uneducated and vote for Democrats, we will celebrate your victimhood. If you get a good education, get a good job and vote for Republicans, we will denigrate you as “acting white”, a “sellout”, an “Uncle Tom”, a “House Negro”, a “House N-word”, a “Lawn Jockey”, and worse. Democrats talk tolerance, but practice intolerance, castigating any black person as a “traitor” to his or her race who does not toe the liberal agenda line. When black Democrat Juan Williams wrote his book entitled “Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-end Movements and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America” that exposed the deplorable conditions in black communities, Williams was denounced on national TV by another black Democrat as a “Happy Negro”. Brazenly, on the left-wing Internet website called “The News Blog,” Democrats posted a doctored photograph of then Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele (now chairman of the RNC) when he was running for a Senate seat, depicting Steele as a “Simple Sambo” with a blackened minstrel-style face, nappy hair and big, think red lips. The cartoon caption read: “Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house”. This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one Democrats used to demean black men during the era of slavery and segregation. In addition to other outrageous racist images of Dr. Condoleezza Rice produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger depicted Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot “mammy”, reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie “Gone with the Wind” about the slave era black woman who remarked: “I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ no babies”. This is the type of racist stereotype Democrats used to demean black women during the era of slavery and segregation. Democrats now love Gen. Colin Powell, but spewed out racist attacks on Powell before he endorsed Obama and embraced the liberal agenda of higher taxes and a bigger government to provide poverty-producing handouts to blacks. A video was shot by WKRN Video Journalist Beau Fleenor at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee that shows Al Sharpton demeaning Gen. Powell and Dr. Rice, when Sharpton was asked to give his opinions about whether Powell and Rice were “House Negroes”. That video can be found on the Internet at: An article that appeared in a Portland, Oregon paper was one of many exposing how hardly a ripple of protest was made by black Democrats when Harry Belafonte publicly denounced Gen. Powell as a “House Negro”. It can be found on the Internet at: The denigration by Democrats of blacks who identify with the Republican Party makes it nearly impossible for the Republican Party to attract blacks into the party, and for black Republicans to get elected to office in black communities. Yet, Democrats have the temerity to point a finger of blame at the Republican Party for there being so few blacks in the Republican Party and for there being so few black Republican elected officials. Notably, the few black Republicans who get elected to public office do so in largely white Republican districts. Those black Americans living in the Democrat-controlled neighborhoods who want to get out of poverty should seize control over their own destiny and stop voting monolithically for Democrats who use “plantation politics” to buy their votes while keeping blacks in poverty. Democrats will forever maintain a “lock” on the black vote, for as long as black Americans — including prosperous blacks who sympathize with poor blacks — continue believing the myth that the Republican Party is a racist party and clinging to the false notion that poor blacks are “victims” who need government handouts to survive. Frances Rice is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, a lawyer and chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She can be contacted at: www.NBRA.Info Heart & Soul’s Ask Yourself “Why should you pay a fee to stop doing business….. Why should you have to pay to close your bank account? It could cost you as much as $55. In a survey of the practices of the 10 largest banks in the country – including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo – policy and advocacy group Consumers Union found that people who want to close their accounts at big banks and switch to a smaller bank can face costly obstacles. "Banks have added all sorts of fees on basic checking accounts, which has raised alarm bells," said Suzanne Martindale, staff attorney for Consumers Union. "But when you hit breaking point and want to move your money, guess what you encounter: more fees." Consumers Union said none of the 10 banks will make a free same-day electronic transfer, and all charge for wire transfers or certified checks. Certified checks can cost up to $10 and wire transfers $30. BB&T and Citibank charge a $25 fee if the account is closed within 90 days, while US Bank, HSBC, and PNC Bank charge customers a $25 fee to close an account that has been open for fewer than 180 days. The survey was commissioned after the public furor over Bank of America's plan to start charging its customers $5 for using debit cards. Bank of America backed off after many organizations, including Consumers Union and Occupy Wall Street protesters, called on Americans to transfer accounts from large banks into smaller community banks. A survey of customers at the top 10 banks by consulting firm CG42 found that one in five customers actively considered switching accounts. Consumers Union said it soon started hearing from its members that wasn't easy: Not only did it cost money, but it also cost a lot of time. Opening an account at another bank can take a few days or up to two weeks for all the paperwork to be completed. Re-routing automatic payments and direct deposits into a new account can take four to six weeks and can be a very intimidating and complicated process for some consumers, the group said. Banks sometimes reopen old accounts after they have been closed by customers. Chase reopens an account if the bank receives a deposit. Consumers Union said that could easily happen if a direct deposit isn't re-routed in a timely manner. Bank of America's policy is to reopen accounts if any activity hits the account. Chicago business owner Mark Henderson said he closed his account about 18 months ago and kept receiving statements with a service charge every month saying there wasn't enough money in the account. After calling several times and telling the bank's customer service representative that the account was closed, Henderson said, he gave up. "Now I just tear the statement when it comes," Henderson said. Bank of America spokeswoman Betty Riess wouldn't comment on Henderson's experience. She said the bank advises customers who are closing accounts to allow time for pending payments and deposits to clear the account. "If we receive a deposit or credit to the account after it has been closed, we may re-open the account to accept the item, and the account could be subject to associated fees. We disclose this to customers," Riess said. Consumers Union warns that customers can end up owing hundreds of dollars in penalty fees or even a monthly maintenance fee if a reopened account falls below what is needed to avoid such a fee. Consumers are at risk of more penalty fees after they switch banks. If merchants and other billers charge for late payments for delays while re-routing automatic payments, the previous bank may charge an overdraft fee on an empty account or for a bounced check. The 10 banks surveyed are Bank of America, BB&T, Chase, Citibank, HSBC, PNC, SunTrust, TD Bank, US Bank and Wells Fargo. As part of the study, the group sent 16 secret shoppers into branches around the country to ask how to close an account and reviewed online fee schedules and account disclosures, tracked news developments, and collected consumer stories. by: Pallavi Gogoi 6 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Richmond Country Legend Mistreated! Big John Trimble dissociates himself from the Country Music Highway Museum in Paintsville, Kentucky. Big John Trimble has reclaimed his awards previously displayed in the country music highway museum, located in his hometown of Paintsville, Kentucky. When John was selected to exhibit the awards there a few years ago, his shipment included more material than the hall had room to display. Regrettably, when the extra articles were sent back to him, three of his four national radio personality of the year trophy’s had been broken. John, who has since had the awards repaired, never mentioned the damaged articles to the museum. Two years ago, John made a special visit to help install Molly O’Day and Little Jimmy Sizemore into the museum. He found the display containing his memorabilia properly presented and the remaining memorabilia in good shape. In June, however, when John and his wife Jean were visiting Paintsville and stopped by the museum, they discovered that John’s memorabilia had been removed from the display case and was scattered about a back room, most article damaged, some beyond repair including chips in the wood on his award presented to John when he was inducted into the Country Disc Jockey Hall of Fame in Nashville. For years, John had produced and aired (for free) commercials that promoted the museum on his popular radio shows heard on WCLM 1450AM and worldwide on “I am very proud of Paintsville and I have always made a point to brag about the area, especially when I’ve had national exposure through TV and large scale publications. I was very hurt and disappointed that I received this kind of treatment in the Country Music Highway Museum. John said, “I still and will always love Paintsville, Kentucky”. For more details contact: Ashley Cruz 804.222.3145 PR –manager for Big John Trimble and the East Coast Opry Shows Order Big John’s autobiography, "Golden Voice" for yourself or someone on your holiday gift list. The hard cover is $ 24.99 and the paper back is $ 14.99 when you order from the publisher, You can call Author House toll free 1- 888 519 5121 extention 5022 to buy by phone. The book can be bought on any of the .com book sales or in major book stores for two dollars more. 7 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 HOT OFF THE PRESS! Senator Henry Marsh has new legal troubles! Willie Earl Bradley and Bradley Development, LLC has named the City of Richmond, Mayor Dwight Jones, (CAO) Byron Marshal Deputy (CAO) Peter Chapman and others in his $500,000 law suit. According to the lawsuit Bradley Company was recruited to purchase, rehabilitate and construct new residential properties as well as manage properties that are targeted to low and very low income community for rental housing. Just like most construction contracts money is issued in stages. Bradley Development received funds to get project started and after getting the project up and running as a model for future projects the city started delaying the funds and Bradley started using his on funds to keep the project rolling. After months of delay and paperwork the city just didn’t do anything. After many meetings with no straight answer Bradley decide to seek justice through the court system. WCLM Radio, Heart & Soul Newspaper, and others to Honor Minister Hasan Zarif September 9 at Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist Church 3700 Midlothian Turnpike Minister Zarif became the first ex-offender in Virginia to serve as a Chaplain at a facility where he once served time. “We have to become the change we want to see” It’s a message of responsibility and redemption that the Richmond native shares as a popular speaker in state and federal prisons, in area churches, at workshops he leads for Goodwill and in the community. A gifted speaker, Minister Zarif hosts a Sunday radio show on WCLM 1450AM, where “We reach, the Bible teaches and God intervenes, he said. Edloe’s Professional Pharmacy 1124 North 24th Street Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 643-5721 For the latest in local and national news checkout Dr. Edloe’s Talk Show Thursday Night 7pm on WCLM Radio 1450AM Also on net at 8 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Richmond Gospel with Kirby CARMICHAEL The Mother of Richmond Gospel Radio Mrs. Missouri Pittman at 72 years old is going strong. Mrs. Pittman is the oldest female Gospel Radio announcer in Richmond. She is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother who also sings and manages the New Golden Jubilees singing group. Mrs. Pittman gospel show comes on WCLM 1450AM every Saturday morning from 7am-Noon and doing the summer months she’s on Mondays and Wednesday from 9am-Noon. Mrs. Pittman plays traditional gospel, quartets and often features local groups on her show along with community announcement. The Bishop Quartet, Lil Blair & the Fantastic Heirs, Fantastic Goldenaires, and Sounds of Joy are coming to Richmond Friday August 17 at New Direction Evangelist Church 9101 Hull Street Road. Doors open 6:30pm $15 advance tickets at Barky’s, BK Music ,WCLM Radio,New Directional Church and Fantastic Goldenaires. Something unique has occurred in the field of Quartet Gospel. It is called the Bishops Quartet. This group of pastors/bishop did not know that they were destined to sing quartet music together. God has an amazing way of bringing things together to further the cause of Christ. They were called into this phase of singing ministry unexpectly. Nevertheless the fire has been rekindled and the passion for gospel singing is burning brightly in their. Titus “Lil’ Blair” Stallworth was given the nickname “Lil’ Blair” by his mentor Robert Earl Blair, while singing with the famed Fantastic Violinaires. Robert Blair said of his young understudy, “Titus sounded so much like me that it was scary”. After the passing of Robert Blair, Titus felt called to carry on in his mentor’s name. The group would now be called, “Lil’ Blair and the Fantastic Violinaires”. However, several other members of Robert Blair’s group wanted to carry on the traditions of the group as well. With two groups, both performing under the name of The Fantastic Violinaires, confusion quickly arose. To remedy this situation while still commemorating the legacy of Robert Blair, Titus, in January of 2009, changed the name of his group to “Lil’ Blair and the Fantastic Heirs”. Close your eyes and listen, and you’ll agree with Robert Blair’s earlier declaration…it really is “scary” to hear that voice coming from “Lil’ Blair” ...still singing the gospel, and memorializing Robert Blair and The Fantastic Violinaires to a whole new generation. 9 The Heart & Soul of the City August/ 2012 Is Black Radio in threat of disappearing? By: Dearda Shuler In April, New York’s KISS-FM radio station was merged into WBLS. “Open Line” a popular talk show was kept, but the Michael Baison Show, also popular, was not, thus the merge did not include all of the KISS-FM programming. Now there is fear that WBLS itself is about to be bought by YMF Partners. This has prompted former WWRL “Night Talk” Show host, Bob Law, to file a petition along with Councilman Charles Barron, Michael North and Betty Dopson of the Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People, asking the FCC to delay the sale of WBLS to YMF since YMF cannot purchase the station without FCC approval. In 1949, WLIB was purchased by the New Broadcasting Company headed by Morris and Harry Novik. Although White-owned, the Novik Brothers served ethnic audiences, targeting the Jewish and African American communities. The station eventually became the voice of the Black community, with the Noviks developing a press room and a Community Affairs department that allowed the Black community to utilize the station for their own public affairs announcements. By the 1950s, disc jockeys such as the late Hal Jackson were part of the on-air staff. The staff also included actor William Marshall and Victor Bozeman. By the 1960s, WLIB was one of several commercial jazz stations in New York featuring radio jocks such as WLIB’s Billy Taylor, Del Shields and Ed Williams who built up a large listening audience and worked together to establish a radio music format that is used to this day. In the 1970s, there was a political outcry by African Americans for a black-owned radio station. Due to political pressure and after years in radio, the Novik brothers were ready to retire. Therefore, the Noviks looked for someone to buy the station that would meet with the approval of the Black Community. Therefore, when Percy Sutton, backed by several black investors came along, the Novik brothers felt Sutton met with the approval of the Black Community so chose Sutton just as much as he chose them. Sutton and his backers bought the station and formed Inner City Broadcasting. Eventually Inner City fell into bankruptcy and now their stations are under threat of being bought by YMF Partners once YMF obtains FCC approval. It is the contention of Messrs. Law, North, Barron and Ms. Dopson, that it was predatory lending and the Arbitron ratings system that helped to reduce advertising revenue (which is oftentimes doled out disportionately to black Media), that brought about the bankruptcy. They are also concerned that once YMF gets the approval from FCC to purchase WBLS, YMF will simply turn around and sell it to a mega corporation that will eliminate the black format for their own format. Thereby effectively wiping out black talk media and thus eliminating the black voice which reflects Black culture in NY. “I am not sure it’s coincidental that there is an effort to silence Black voices and dismantle Black radio,” remarked Law. “This agenda is set to go full steam in this election year. The Million Man March was supported by black radio since there was no popular political support, Black or white, who supported the march. Black Radio told the people to go when the politicos said not to go. Did the people go? So then who had more clout and influence?” stated Bob Law. “As I see it, this may have brought attention to the powers-to-be concerning how influential Black radio is, thus the desire to silence it” stated the community leader. “So what happened next is, Black radio was made unprofitable. This happened via a consistent and deliberate under counting of black listeners in NYC and perhaps across the nation. Arbitron (the ratings company) has been accused of giving out information to the ad industry that under counts black listeners so the radio station cannot get paid for the audiences they actually deliver. No matter how well these stations perform, their performance is being under counted. When Andrew Cuomo was attorney general, he brought a lawsuit against Arbitron here in NY. The language in Cuomo’s indictment said “Arbitron was willingly and knowingly giving out incorrect information to their clients, both ad agencies and radio stations, and they were doing so to the detriment of black radio stations.” Cuomo’s findings said “…that Arbitron’s numbers is so far off and black radio is being so underpaid, that it is actually causing the financial demise of black radio.” In February 2012, the Attorney General in Los Angeles, California, also brought a suit against Arbitron stating nearly the same thing Cuomo said in his litigation. Arbitron settled out of Court, although I have yet to see they corrected what they were doing,” remarked Mr. Law. “There is a thing they do in ad agencies called “Minority Set Aside,” wherein X amount of dollars are set aside for minorities. But all the minorities dip into this same “minority set aside” pot, no matter if one minority station is doing better than the Hispanic or Asian stations, or vice versa. 10 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Black Radio part 2………………………………………………………… Therefore, those whose market numbers may surpass the others still cannot get the money they earned since the amount of money is fixed. This is part of the process of how these minority radio stations are kept poor in spite of their performance,” claimed the former “Night Talk” host. Bob went on to say this is not just a Republican agenda since some Democrats are also involved. “Bill Clinton when he was president authored and pushed through a telecommunications bill which took the limit off of how many stations someone can own and removed all the protections the general public had in how the airwaves were used. Clinton’s legislation said that anyone can have as many stations as they want as long as they can afford to buy them. Who can afford as many stations as they want? Disney can, MS Clear Channel can, CBS can, Fortress can, and all those mega companies can. But the little stand-alone stations cannot afford to compete with these huge corporations. I believe Bill Clinton knew that full well when he authored his bill. I think it was a conscious and deliberate decision on Bill Clinton’s part when he orchestrated this bill. Of course, these smaller stations want to own more radio stations. This puts the smaller stations in the position of having to purchase a cluster of stations in order to attract the advertisers who advertise with the bigger corporations. Since the bigger corporations can approach the advertiser and say advertise with us because we can run your product ads in our “multiple” stations while the smaller station can only run your product in their “one” station. So where do you think the advertiser is going to advertise? Therefore, in order to stay in business, the minority stations and the black owned stations were forced to buy other stations. And, that is when the predatory lenders came along. The predator lenders gave loans insisting that black stations had to allow the lenders veto power in their stations, power to vote on policy, and be involved in the stations’ operation. These bad deals were made because the stations could not get loans from the banks. Therefore, could only hope to pay these predators off as soon as possible. The Black owners found out that they had made a deal with the devil and their loan became a loan to own scheme. The fact that the lenders had insinuated themselves into the daily operations of the station, making policy for the station, made it virtually impossible for the stations to pay the money back. Then of course the predatory lenders began to demand their money and thus forced the stations into foreclosure and into bankruptcy so these lenders could seize the stations. So now what we are looking at — is the loss of black voices from the airwaves, not just in NYC but across the nation,” continued the community activist and author. “Advertisers looked at the Arbitron figures and told Black stations that “Black” doesn’t sell. Yet, advertisers make huge profits from the Black communities even though they do not ask black folks for their money. White advertisers as a whole do not advertise in black newspapers, radio stations, newspapers or businesses. Yet, black folks spend their money with these white advertisers freely. Our FCC petition, we understand, (and we do not stand alone in this petition), may not be granted. We will see. But we think that the FCC will more than likely rule against the people and opt to go with the big money, ignoring our petition no matter how strong our argument is and/or how credible,” said Bob, of what he expects will happen in terms of the petition he and others filed to stop the sale of the last black radio station in NY. Bob discussed what he thinks the Black community must do — not only to keep their radio stations but to secure their position as a culture within the rapidly changing American society. According to Law, Black people are not paying attention. He is concerned that all minorities need to pay attention to the political climate around them that has an impact on them whether they think it does or not. It impacts them via educating their children and surviving economically and culturally. “The Black community as consumers will have to come together. We have been intimidated and embarrassed and made to feel that to mention black is being racist. Some black folks feel that way because others have convinced them that nothing black has any merit. And because they have that mindset, everything is being taken away from Black folks — from our dollars to our vote. It’s time to step up and not be silenced or sidelined. We need to learn critical spending. Begin to spend our money wisely. We do not have to march in the streets, we simply need to go to our pantry and ask ourselves can I do without these products. Look around your homes and determine what you really need and what you can do without. Do you need that pizza, that coke, that beer? You don’t even have to sacrifice that long, just long enough to get the advertisers attention. Tell these advertisers since they are not paying attention to the people or believe that black people for example, are a huge consumer market base, show them you are. Just stop buying and see how long it takes before these mega-corporations start missing your dollars?” concluded the playwright, activist, author and entrepreneur Bob Law 11 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Virginia NAACP Director speaks out The City Audit was cancelled after Live Press conference on WCLM Radio It was reported that City Council President Kathy Graziano, the Chair of the Audit Committee and the City Auditor decided to cancel the July 24, 2012, 2:00 p.m. meeting that would have detailed the Auditor's findings on the DMBD and the Department of made about this debacle the Procurement Audit Report was never mentioned. Did Procurement receive it in time from the Auditor to respond in time? I wrote to City Council President Graziano and asked a few questions, who received a copy of the draft or final report? Did the Mayor's Five Sure Vote Crew all receive a copy? Did the DMBD Advisory Board members receive copies? If so, how could Council and Mayoral appointees receive copies of departmental audits and council members not receive copies? Is there an Advisory Board for the Procurement Department? Has that report been completed? Who on Council have received copies of the same? We are aware that the DMBD Advisory Board members did receive the report. We were told that they were warned not to share the contents of the report with anyone or they would be removed from the Advisory Board. Where is the transparency? Is that policy, procedure of practice for all Advisory Boards of the City or just this one? Council members represent the citizens. City Administrators work for the City and citizenry. The veil of secrecy is what leads to the cesspool of incompetence and corruption that we suffer under. Whenever the Audit Committee meetings are rescheduled (if ever), we ask them to schedule for Council Chambers so that there will be ample space for attendance. Please have it at a time when working people can attend without taking off of work. After 5:00 p.m. would be preferable. It appears that the City Attorney, City Auditor, City Assessor and other Department heads report to Council President Graziano and not the Council. It appears that Council President Graziano as leader of the Five Sure Vote Crew gets deference from these heads and the CAO and his Deputies, when they should be reporting to and giving equal deference to all council members. There comes a time when this allegiance to each other against the best interest of the citizens must end. That time is now! The blind allegiance and consistent affirmative votes for the Jail Contract Awarding in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary that the "procurement process" was violated was damaging to this City. The 53%-minority component that the Crew touted NEVER materialized. This body sat passively as the Administration misleads you again on the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center. This body allocated over $1-million to repair the problems yet the Center sits closed for "no good" reason. Our juveniles are dispersed all over the Commonwealth creating a disparate situation and this body signed off on 6-Memoranda of Understanding with other localities to house our children at our expense. The building of the new schools had a 40%-minority goal affixed to them. The schools at one point did not even have 4%-minority, while our elected and appointed officials brag about the project. We will renovate and rename a concert venue, put away money for a baseball stadium and yet close schools, fire and furlough teachers and other school employees, while 76%-of our RPS students live at or below poverty. We also have at least 1,700-students that are homeless. The Mayor with the blessing of Council President Graziano set up a task force with rich white and black non-vested members that have conflicts of interest to assist the City in resolving our educational and financial crises. The inaction of this body makes me question whether the Five Sure Vote Crew on Council and the Mayor and his D.C. Crew of Administrators are collaborating to continue "the celebration of mediocrity that abounds in Robert E. Lee City of Richmond Virginia. We the People Demand Better! King Salim Khalfani 12 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 Be The Boss—Your Financial Future is up to you…and No One Else by:Sonji”The Boss” Tucker The dictionary defines the word boss as “manager” or one who gives “direction”, over the years I have seen many mistakes made by women that could be avoided if we would just “Be the Boss” of our money and understand that our financial future is really in our hands. Here is one of the best financial tips I can give anyone; you must give direction to your money and tell it where to go…or it will go anywhere, normally out the door. In order to live comfortable and leave a legacy of transferrable assets to our children while we are here as well as when we are gone, we should first plan to take care of ourselves by asking probing questions, visualizing our future and making smart choices with our money for the now and the later. Being The Boss means: That we understand that Social Security income represents two-thirds of income for women 65 and older and an estimated 58% of widows will live in poverty if relying only on this income. Being The Boss means: The more knowledge you have about finances, the more smart choices you are able to make to define and pursue your personal financial goals, business goals and retirement goals. Being The Boss means: You realize that women in general still live longer than their mate and many will live on their own for a decade or more after being divorced or widowed. Being The Boss means: You don’t rely on a man to be your retirement plan. Just because he earns a good salary and wisely invests in his retirement plan, does not mean you can invest less or worse not at all. Your own IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) is not supplemental it is primary, what happens if the relationship ends and you personally end up with a retirement shortfall. Keep putting money into your own retirement accounts. Understand whether you will receive a pension and how much is it. It is never too early to find out how much you will earn in retirement before you actually retire, you may have time to catch-up or invest more wisely to have a more positive outcome. Being The Boss means: You don’t entrust your finances to a reckless spouse or boyfriend you must be careful of giving up financial control to someone who has severe debt problems that they will not resolve, you are not immune to the effects of these problems. Watch what goes on with the money in the bank, the credit cards and investment accounts. The take away: If you don’t want to end up financially dependent on something or someone else, then BE THE BOSS and seek out the financial education that will let you make major money decisions with confidence. Study the basics of investing and estate planning. Follow up by meeting with a financial consultant who can help you put a sustainable strategy into play that makes you the Boss of Your Money. Sonji Rollins Tucker--“The Boss” Financial Advisor/ Principal Registered Representative The Raymond Kendall Group, LLC 804-232-0586 Securities and Advisory services offered through Centaurus Financial, Inc. a Registered Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA and SIPC. This is not an offer to sell securities, which may be done only after proper delivery of a prospectus and client suitability is reviewed and determined. Information relating to securities is intended for use by individuals residing in VA and NC. The Raymond Kendall Group LLC is not an affiliate of Centaurus Financial Inc. 13 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 In and Around Our District \ Prince Hall Masons at work The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia, Free and Accepted Masons, Inc. is a fraternal organization dedicated to the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The organization takes good men and develops them to be better men. They dispense charity, promote family values and are endeavoring to significantly aid in the uplifting of humanity. Edward Jones Lodge # 324 along with Haggai and Knights Templar strive to improve lives and the community spends some of their Saturday morning doing neighborhood cleanup. You are invited to join Edward Jones Lodge #324 at National night out August 7 at the Randolph Community Center, their next cleanup will be August 22 and also on August 25 at Connor Brothers Body Shop 1008 N. Sheppard Street 9am-noon they will be having a car wash. For more information about activities and membership opportunities contact any member of Edward Jones Lodge 324. Edward Jones Lodge 324 is being lead under the leadership of Worshipful Master Mark Wilson. 14 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012 SUPPORT THESE COMMUNITY BUSINESSES Soul Newspaper is copyrighted. The Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Any use or reproduction, in part or whole, is forbidden without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The Heart & Soul columnists and letter writers are their own and no endorsement of their views by the Heart & Soul. Heart & Soul is a member of the Virginia Press Association (VPA). 16 The Heart & Soul of the City August 2012