TABLE OF CONTENTS - WA State Aerospace Directory
TABLE OF CONTENTS - WA State Aerospace Directory
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aerospace Champion Section - Profiles of Success................. 3 2. Categorical Listings................................................................. 13 3. Alphabetical Listings..............................................................123 4. Index of Advertisers................................................................231 Want to reach the our aerospace audiences with your marketing? Please call us at (206) 259-7868 or email [email protected] AEROSPACE CHAMPION SECTION PROFILES OF SUCCESS A&M Precision Measuring Services........................................... 4 ABW Technologies, Inc................................................................ 5 AIM Aerospace, Inc...................................................................... 6 Air Washington........................................................................... 10 Finishing Consultants................................................................. 2 General Plastics Manufacturing Company................................ 7 Greenpoint Technologies............................................................ 8 Service Steel Aerospace Corp.................................................... 9 Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center..........11 Click here to see the entire Advertiser Index........................231 Want to reach the our aerospace audiences with your marketing? Please call us at (206) 259-7868 or email [email protected] ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 3 7030 S. 188th Street Kent WA, 98032 Phone (313) 421-1388 Fax (253) 216-2574 [email protected] Precision Measuring Services Inc. C o M pa n y p r o f i l e : A & M P re c i s i o n M e a s u r i n g S e r v i c e s i s a l e a d i n g s p e c i a l i s t i n t o o l i n g, m a c h i n i n g, a n d m e t ro l o g y s e r v i c e s. A & M ’s e x p e r t i s e i n t h e a e ro s p a c e, a u t o m o t i v e, a n d d e f e n s e i n d u s t r i e s e n s u r e s t h e s u c c e s s f u l c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e m o s t c h a l l e n g i n g p ro j e c t s. A & M h a s b u i l t a b u s i n e s s b y d e v e l o p i n g c l o s e r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h t h e i r c u s t o m e rs a n d e x c e e d i n g t h e i r e x p e c t a t i o n s A&M Precision Measuring Services: Professional. Precise. T o o l i n g C a pa b i l i T i e s A &M Precision Measuring Services was founded by tool builders; this is our core-competence around which we have built our reputation. We take this aspect of our business very personally - it’s what we do and where we excel. From routines, to reworks, to complete packages involving engineering, fabrication, assembly, installation, and inspection, we have the capability to meet your tooling requirements. MeTrology serviCes I nspection: A&M has experienced personnel and a wide variety of the latest equipment to meet your metrology needs. With years of experience in the inspection and tooling industries, our technicians are ready to help with your inspection work. A &M has the equipment and experience to meet your reverse engineering requirements. From collecting the data, to generating a point cloud, to building a CAD model, our staff is available to discuss your next R/E project. Personal. CABIN INTERIORS Seat Shells and Furniture With over 30 years experience, AIM Aerospace is recognized as a leader in supplying quality products to airlines and OEMs worldwide. AIM operates four separate manufacturing facilities comprising over 350,000 sq. ft. in the greater Seattle area. AIM Aerospace designs and manufactures a complete line of aircraft interior products, composite ECS ducting, autoclave cured structural composites and tooling. Monuments We pride ourselves on working with customers from concept to certification and delivering quality products on schedule. The interiors division of AIM Aerospace has a simple goal: To provide customers with a wide range of products enhancing the passenger experience at a competitive cost. Modular Lavatories INTERIOR PRODUCTS INCLUDE: u Crew Rest Compartments u Ceilings u Lavatory Modules u Flight Deck Doors u Closets / Stowages / Doghouses u Life Raft Compartments u Seat Furniture u Cargo Liners u Bar Units u FAA Repair Station u Bulkhead / Class Dividers u Flammability Test Laboratory u Overhead Stowage Bins u Sidewalls Crew Rests 705 southwest 7th street, renton, Wa 98057 | 425.235.2750 | [email protected] 747-8 Lift © Greenpoint Technologies Inc. - 425 828 2777 - Washington State, the Aerospace Training Center of the World, has a total of 26 aerospace and advanced manufacturing education organizations who have joined together to form Air Washington. This consortium offers world class training and education, producing the most highly skilled and trained aerospace and advanced manufacturing experts in the world, including: machinists, mechanics, electricians, technicians, engineers, designers, pilots and much more! Training Offered • Apprenticeship • Certification Training • Contract Training • Degree Programs • Pre-Apprenticeship Training • Short-Term Training Industries • Aerospace • Advanced Manufacturing • Avionics • CAD/CAM • Composites • Engineering • And Much More! USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY CATEGORICAL & ALPHABETICAL LISTINGS 12 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Categorical Index Aerospace and Defense............................................................................14 Aerospace Painting...................................................................................15 Air Framer.................................................................................................15 Aircraft Parts & Supplies..........................................................................16 Aircraft Systems.......................................................................................16 Assembly..................................................................................................17 Avionics....................................................................................................18 Cabins & Interiors.....................................................................................18 Castings....................................................................................................22 Composites Manufacturing.......................................................................22 Education and Training.............................................................................24 Engineering..............................................................................................24 General Aerospace...................................................................................30 Ground Support Equipment....................................................................100 Injection Molding....................................................................................100 Machining...............................................................................................100 Materials.................................................................................................114 Metal Fabrication....................................................................................115 Metal Treatment.....................................................................................115 MRO........................................................................................................115 Paint Finishing Equipment......................................................................117 Professional Services.............................................................................117 Propulsion...............................................................................................118 Space-Related........................................................................................118 Spray Booths, Ovens and Dust Collection..............................................119 Testing & Certifications..........................................................................119 Tooling....................................................................................................120 Welding Services....................................................................................122 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 13 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aerospace and Defense American Autoclave Company Esterline Technologies Corporation Leading Strategies LLC phone:...............................(360) 740-5122 Michael Friesen Founder PO Box 103 Adna, WA 98522 web: LeadingStrategies. net phone:...............................(253) 863-5000 fax:...................................... (253) 863-1770 Sales 7819 Riverside Road E. Sumner, WA 98390 phone:...............................(425) 453-9400 Michelle DeGrand Communication Specialist 500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1500 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: esterline. com Autoclave Manufacturing New and Remanufatured Sizes Large to Small, Controls, Service, Support [email protected] web: americanautoclave. com B/E Aerospace phone:...............................(602) 365-3099 fax:......................................(602) 365.3343 Product Information 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle, P.O. Box 2102-103 Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: com phone:...............................(360) 657-5197 fax:.......................................(360) 657-7761 Trevor Skelly VP/General Manager 6330 31st Avenue N.E. Marysville, WA 98271 web: beaerospace. com Honeywell Aerospace Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 885-3711 Product Information 15001 NE 36th St Redmond, WA 98052 web: honeywell. com LMI Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 929-1007 fax:........................................ 253-833-2779 Diana Ramirez Human Resources Manager 101 Western Street Auburn, WA 98001 web: lmiaerospace. com Modern Machine Company phone:...............................(206) 764-6997 fax:...................................... (206) 764-7094 Jim Nye President 524 S Southern St Seattle, WA 98108 web: modernmachine. us Umbra Cuscinetti, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 743-2577 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0682 Leonard Forte General Manager eInfochips Ltd. 2916 100th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: umbracus. com Dilip Rajpurohit Digital Marketing Manager 1230 Midas Way, Suite# 200 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 14 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers UTC Aerospace Systems Aerostructures Altek Inc Composites Atlantic Limited phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development phone:...............................(425) 923-1800 Judie Hooper Director 2615 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2151 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems Interiors phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:....................................... (425)789-3801 Thomas Farmer 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Landing Gear phone:...............................(425) 261-8700 fax:...................................... (425) 261-8724 Bob Corbeil Director 2701 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2128 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Sensors & Integrated Systems phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:...................................... (425) 789-3801 Bruce Seitz 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Wheels & Brakes phone:...............................(509) 744-6000 fax:...................................... (509) 624-1088 Shelly Davis Manager, Customer Service 11135 West Westbow Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 web: utcaerospacesystems. com 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 AS 9100, ISO 9001, ITAR, UL web: altek-inc. com GKN Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 396-7185 Kevin Nash VP/GM Fuji Heavy Industries USA Inc Skills Inc. 4040 Lake Washington Blvd NE Kirkland, WA 98033 web: 1725 Puyallup St Suite 200 Sumner, WA 98390 phone:...............................(206) 782-6000 Todd Dunnington CEO 715 30th Street N.E. Auburn,, WA 98002 phone:...............................(425) 822-0762 Kahiko Hayakawa Manager Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Inc. USA phone:...............................(425) 889-8636 Yoshiyuki Yamashita General Manager Air Framer 4010 Lake Wahington Boulevard NE Kirkland, WA 98033 Air Spares, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 286-2525 fax:......................................(253) 286-2526 Bernerd Braak Director of Mktg Leonard’s Metal, Inc. [subsidiary or LMI Aerospace] Aviation Partners, Inc. 101 Western Street Auburn, WA 98001 web: lmiaerospace. com 609 N Levee Road Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com phone:............................... (206) 762-1171 fax:...................................... (206) 762-1158 Joe Clark CEO Aerospace Painting A&A Coatings Boeing 2700 South Clinton Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 web: thermalspray. com phone:...............................(425) 348-4100 fax:...................................... (425) 439-7153 John Seguin Vice President 1415 75th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: contouraerospace. com PO Box 81107 Seattle, WA 98108 web: aviationpartners. com phone:...............................(888) 725-0150 fax:...................................... (908) 561-4201 Victoria Lim Administrator Contour Aerospace phone:............................... (253) 887-4751 Mick Norris phone:...............................(253) 939-9553 fax:...................................... (253) 833-2779 Duane Hahn General Manager Nova Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 347-4875 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0603 Gregory Strand President 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: novacomposites. com 18001 Canyon Road East Frederickson, WA 98373 web: boeing. com Park Aerospace Structures Corp Composite Solutions Corp 14926 35th Ave W Ste 100 Lynnwood, WA 98033 web: parkelectro. com phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 fax:...................................... (253) 939-4617 Art Sauls General Manager phone:...............................(425) 248-2204 Greg Strand President 1820 W. Valley Highway N. Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 15 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pentz Cast Solutions / Pentz Design Pattern & Foundry phone:...............................(425) 788-6490 fax:...................................... (425) 788-5757 Larry Dean Pentz President P.O. Box 69- 14823 Main Street Duvall, WA 98019 web: pentzcastsolutions. com Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(602) 365-3099 fax:......................................(602) 365.3343 Product Information 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle, P.O. Box 2102-103 Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: com Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 885-3711 Product Information Rockwell Collins 15001 NE 36th St Redmond, WA 98052 web: honeywell. com 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 TECT Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 437-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0906 Steve Thwaits Operation Manager of TECT Aerospace Everett UTC Aerospace Systems - Landing Gear phone:...............................(425) 261-8700 fax:...................................... (425) 261-8724 Bob Corbeil Director 2701 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2128 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Sensors & Integrated Systems phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:...................................... (425) 789-3801 Bruce Seitz Melfast Fasteners phone:...............................(201) 690-7762 fax:...................................... (973) 227-4024 Victoria Lim Marketing Assistant 19420 84th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: tectcorp. com 18 Passaic Avenue Fairfield, NJ 07004 web: melfast. com Aircraft Parts & Supplies National Precision Bearing Group 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Wheels & Brakes phone:...............................(509) 744-6000 fax:...................................... (509) 624-1088 Shelly Davis Manager, Customer Service 11135 West Westbow Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aero Controls, Inc Aircraft Systems phone:...............................(253) 269-3000 Richard Hickson Director of Parts Trading phone:...............................(800) 426-8038 Aubrey Butler Eastern Regional Sales Leader [email protected] web: aerocontrols. com [email protected] web: nationalprecision. com Atlas Supply, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Aerostructures 1610 20th St NW Auburn, WA 98001 8152 304th Avenue SE Preston, WA 98050 phone:...............................(425) 923-1800 Judie Hooper Director 2615 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2151 web: utcaerospacesystems. com phone:...............................(206) 623-4697 fax:...................................... (206) 382-9319 Amy Anderson Customer Service 611 S. Charlestown St. Seattle, WA 98108 Supplier of: Adhesives, Sealants, Casting Resins, Tapes ABW Technologies, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems Interiors phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:....................................... (425)789-3801 Thomas Farmer 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 ISO 9000 web: abwtec. com Curtiss-Wright Controls [division of Curtiss-Wright Corporation] (Dexter-Wilson Corporation) phone:...............................(425) 355-4422 fax:...................................... (704) 869-4601 Andy Bruno Manager of Market Development 10108 32nd Avenue W Everett, WA 98204 web: cwcontrols. com Representing: Huntsman, Dow Corning, Bostik, 3M, Hardman [email protected] web: atlassupply. com 16 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Custom Hydraulic & Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-4666 fax:...................................... (253) 854-4674 Robert Wolfer President 22911 86th Avenue S Kent, WA 98031 web: customhydraulic. com Eaton Aerospace [Eaton Corp] / Vickers Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 644-5800 fax:......................................(425) 644-6200 Brian Robertson NW District Manager 13205 SE 30th Street, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: aerospace.eaton. com Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(602) 365-3099 fax:......................................(602) 365.3343 Product Information 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle, P.O. Box 2102-103 Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: com Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 885-3711 Product Information 15001 NE 36th St Redmond, WA 98052 web: honeywell. com Messier-Dowty (SAFRAN Group) phone:...............................(253) 867-5555 fax:......................................(253) 867-5560 Scott Perkins 20819 72 nd Avenue S, Suite 500 Kent, WA 98032 web: messier-dowty. com MOOG Aircraft Group phone:...............................(425) 787-8673 Ken Nakashima Office Manager Precision Engines, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 347-2800 fax:...................................... (425) 353-9431 Dave Cort President 3220 100th Street SW Bldg E Everett, WA 98204 web: precisionengines. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: abwtec. com UTC Aerospace Systems Aerostructures phone:...............................(425) 923-1800 Judie Hooper Director 2615 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2151 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems Interiors phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:....................................... (425)789-3801 Thomas Farmer 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Landing Gear phone:...............................(425) 261-8700 fax:...................................... (425) 261-8724 Bob Corbeil Director 2701 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2128 web: utcaerospacesystems. com UTC Aerospace Systems - Sensors & Integrated Systems phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:...................................... (425) 789-3801 Bruce Seitz 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Naverus, Inc. UTC Aerospace Systems - Wheels & Brakes 20415 72nd Ave S, Suit 300 Kent, WA 98032 web: naverus. com ABW Technologies, Inc. ACCRA-FAB 808 134th Street SW Everett, WA 98204 web: moog. com phone:...............................(253) 867-3900 Sergio von Borries VP of Strategic Development Assembly phone:...............................(509) 744-6000 fax:...................................... (509) 624-1088 Shelly Davis Manager, Customer Service phone:...............................(509) 922-3300 Frank Owens P.O. Box 641 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 AS9100C Certification [email protected] web: accrafab. com Aerospace Manufacturing Tehnologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-1119 fax:...................................... (360) 435-1158 Mark Riffle President 20100 71st Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: amtnw. com Altek Inc phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com 11135 West Westbow Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 web: utcaerospacesystems. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 17 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Avionics Machinists Inc. Interpoint Corporation (Crane Electronics, New name) AACO Avionics phone:...............................(206) 722-1571 H. Davis Crone President 9626 Rainier Avenue S Seattle, WA 98118 10201 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: interpoint. com Aerocenter Panasonic Avionics Corp. 16923 B Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 web: aerocenter. com 22333 29th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 phone:...............................(253) 848-9349 Karen Sandberg President phone:...............................(206) 763-0990 Jeff Tomson Marketing 7600 5th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98108 ISO 9001 BAE Systems, Platform Solutions (GEC Marconi Avionics) phone:...............................(425) 883-2525 fax:...................................... (425) 869-3799 Cynthia Marker Site Manager [email protected] web: machinistsinc. com Niltronix Circuits phone:...............................(713) 465-4216 fax:...................................... (713) 465-7246 Hugh Hanley Technical Sales and Support 1765 Upland Drive Houston, TX 77043 web: niltronix. com 8510 - 154 Avenue, N E Redmond, WA 98052 web: baesystems. com/ Ballard Technology phone:...............................(425) 339-0281 fax:...................................... (425) 339-0915 Kevin Christian Customer Services Manager Can-Am Aerospace, LLC phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 ISO 9001:2000; EN/JISQ/AS9100:2004; Nadcap Critical Processes; Non-critical Processes; etc. Primus is a leading Tier II supplier of highly engineered metallic and composite parts, kits, and assemblies to the global aerospace industry. [email protected] web: primusint. com Skills Inc. phone:...............................(877) 523-2945 fax:...................................... (425) 953-1014 3101 111th Street SW Everett, WA web: canamaero. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Uniwest (United Western Tech.) phone:...............................(509) 544-0720 fax:......................................(509) 544-0868 Burt Goranson Manager of Sales and Marketing Cabins & Interiors Adams Rite Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 483-2427 fax:.......................................(714) 278-6510 Joel Reiss Director of Operations 19125 N Creek Parkway, Suite 120 Bothell, WA 98011 web: ar-aero. com Aerostar Engineering, Inc. (Subsidiary of Air Spares) Carlyle, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 251-0700 fax:...................................... (425) 251-8826 Carol-Ann O'Mack President 6801 S 180th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 web: carlyle-inc. com phone:...............................(253) 593-6625 Steve Brown Chairman of the Board 609 N Levee Rd Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com AIM Aerospace, Inc. Crane Electronic Corporation phone:...............................(425) 882-3100 Donna BLISS phone:...............................(206) 782-6000 Todd Dunnington CEO phone:...............................(425) 415-9000 Marvin Johnson 122 S 4th Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 web: uniwest. com 3229 A Pine Street Everett, WA 98201 web: ballardtech. com Primus International, Inc phone:...............................(425) 882-3100 fax:......................................(425) 882-1990 Greg Reese 10201 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 phone:...............................(360) 239-8913 Joe Morgan Director, Sales & Marketing 705 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 web: aim-aerospace. com 715 30th Street N.E. Auburn,, WA 98002 18 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Air Spares, Inc. Carlyle, Inc. Daedalus, Inc. 6801 S 180th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 web: carlyle-inc. com P. O. Box 659 Carnation, WA 98014 web: daedalus-inc. com/ phone:...............................(253) 286-2525 fax:......................................(253) 286-2526 Bernerd Braak Director of Mktg phone:...............................(425) 251-0700 fax:...................................... (425) 251-8826 Carol-Ann O'Mack President Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems Cascade Aviation Services, Inc. Danner Corporation/ ZIP-VAC 9800 Harbour Place, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cascade-aviation. com 307 Oravetz Place SE Auburn, WA 98092 web: danner. net 609 N Levee Road Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com phone:...............................(425) 881-1700 fax:......................................(425) 702-4930 Mark Peabody Exective VP 9845 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: astronicsaes. com The Austin Company phone:...............................(206) 674-8300 fax:...................................... (206) 674-8399 Tami Tedrow Business Development 18000 International Boulevard SeaTac, WA 98188 web: theaustin. com Aviation Spares & Services Intl. Co. phone:...............................(425) 869-7799 fax:...................................... (425) 869-7797 Mohamed Ouijdani General Manager 8920 152nd Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: assic. com Avtech Corporation phone:...............................(206) 695-8000 fax:...................................... (206) 695-8011 Eugene Zipp 3400 Wallingford Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98103 web: avtcorp. com B/E Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 657-5197 fax:.......................................(360) 657-7761 Trevor Skelly VP/General Manager 6330 31st Avenue N.E. Marysville, WA 98271 web: beaerospace. com Bucher Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(425) 355-2202 fax:......................................(425) 355-2204 Martin Burgisser CEO phone:...............................(425) 493-1707 fax:......................................(360) 403-8920 Christopher Stoopman Sales and Marketing Director Clay Lacy Aviation phone:...............................(206) 762-6000 Martin Mollat Assistant General Manager 8285 Perimeter Rd. S. Seattle, WA 98108 web: claylacy. com/ Composite Laminate Specialties phone:...............................(253) 891-6951 Ron Jones Jr. President 210 B Stewart Road SE Pacific , WA 98047 Composite Solutions Corp phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 fax:...................................... (253) 939-4617 Art Sauls General Manager 1820 W. Valley Highway N. Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com Composites Atlantic Limited phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ Crane Aerospace (Eldec Corp., P.L. Porter) phone:...............................(425) 333-6161 fax:......................................(425) 333-6355 Thomas White President phone:...............................(253) 833-5333 fax:......................................(253) 833-4334 Jack Danner CEO Fabriform Plastics phone:...............................(206) 587-5303 fax:...................................... (206) 587-3764 Jim Parkes President 3300 Airport Way S Seattle, WA 98134 web: fabriform. com Filtrona Extrusion / A & B Plastics Inc. phone:...............................(253) 284-8000 Steven Spear President 3110 70th Ave. E Fife, WA 98424 web: filtronaextrusion. com / abplastics. com Flightways Corp phone:............................... (425) 747-6903 Douglas Davis President 5827 167th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98006 web: flightwayscorp. com GCM North American Aerospace phone:............................... (253) 872-7488 fax:...................................... (253) 251-8835 Ken McNew General Manager 21719 84th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: gcmaerospace. com phone:...............................(425) 743-8321 fax:...................................... (425) 743-8234 Jim Hirning Manager 16700 13th Avenue W, P.O. Box 97027 Lynnwood, WA 98046 web: craneae. com 11400 Airport Road Everett, WA 98204 web: bucher-group. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 19 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY General Plastics Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(253) 473-5000 Brian Sweeney Business Development Manager 4910 Burlington Way Tacoma, WA 98409 ISO 9001 & AS9100, FAA Bunsen Burner, FAR 25.853 App.F, Part 1, FAA Seat Cushion Oil Burner Test Where Great Ideas Take Shape GM Nameplate IDD Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(206) 284-2200 Carlo Mears Director of GM Nameplate Aerospace 2040 15th Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 AS9100, ISO 9001:2008 phone:...............................(425) 885-4353 fax:...................................... (425) 883-0387 Beth de Young VP Sales and Marketing 18225 NE 76th Street P.O. Box 97056 Redmond, WA 98052 web: iddaerospacecorp. com Industrial Systems Lab Reaching the stratosphere requires extensive ground support. Enhance your success when you team with GM Nameplate, a trusted supplier of aerospace components for over 50 years. phone:...............................(425) 226-7585 fax:...................................... (425) 226-2210 Jim Dawson Owner [email protected] web: generalplastics. com [email protected] web: gmnameplate. com 58 Logan Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 web: islab. com Geneva Aviation, Inc. Greenpoint Technologies Interaction Research, Corp. phone:...............................(800) 546-2210 fax:......................................(800) 546-2220 Todd Hildebrand Production Manager phone:...............................(425) 828-2777 fax:...................................... (425) 827-6105 Jon Buccola Vice President Gensco, Inc. (Seattle) Harris Corporation, Farinon Division 19717 62nd Ave S Ste E101 Kent, WA 98032 web: genevaaviation. com phone:...............................(206) 682-7591 fax:......................................(206) 682-8359 Tom Piscatelli 1703 6th Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98134 web: gensco. com 4600 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033 web: greenpnt. com/index.xml 3010 29th Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 web: ircprintanddesign. com phone:...............................(206) 340-1015 fax:...................................... (206) 340-0612 Ron Harris 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2200 Seattle, WA 98101 web: harris. com George’s Custom Plastics phone:...............................(253) 939-1575 fax:......................................(253) 288-9564 George Bendo Owner Heath Tecna phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Joseph Corpe Graphic & Website Designer 3250 b Street N. W., # C Auburn, WA 98001 web: geocustomplastic. com/ 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heath. com Global In-flight Products Hexcel Corp phone:...............................(425) 558-2778 fax:...................................... (425) 885-1219 Zine Badissy President & CEO 8918 - 152nd Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: gipusa. com phone:...............................(360) 357-4454 fax:...................................... (360) 943-9780 Trisha Carper-Ferguson President phone:...............................(360) 757-7212 fax:...................................... (360) 757-7214 Dan Johnson Engineering Manager 15062 Steele Rd Burlington, WA 98233 web: hexcel. com Hexcel Structures & Interiors phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com International Aero Interiors, Inc. (Changed name to Volant) phone:............................... (360) 757-2376 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4841 Stacey Mattson VP Technical & Product Support 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA 98233 web: intl-aero. com Jamco America phone:............................... (425) 347-4735 fax:...................................... (425) 355-0237 Dave Nelson VP Operations 1018 80th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: jamco-america. com Kaas Tailored (Kaasco Incorporated) phone:...............................(425) 743-1886 fax:......................................(425) 348-7234 Jeff Kaas President 13000 BEVERLY PARK Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: kaastailored. com Korry Electronics Co. [Esterline] phone:...............................(206) 281-1300 fax:...................................... (206) 281-1365 Gary Dytrt President 901 DEXTER Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109 web: korry. com 20 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Labinal Inc. (SAFRAN Group.) Monaco Enterprises, Inc. Pan Pacific Electronics phone:...............................(425) 438-1378 fax:......................................(425) 423-8648 Rick Freeman General Manager phone:...............................(509) 926-6277 fax:...................................... (509) 924-4980 Eugene Monaco CEO phone:...............................(425) 881-7252 fax:...................................... (425) 881-9508 Edwin Du President Laird Plastics Mustang Survival , Inc. Park Aerospace Structures Corp 7505 Hardeson Road, Suite 100 Everett, WA 98203 web: labinal. com P.O. Box 14129 Spokane, WA 99216 web: monaco. com phone:...............................(206) 623-4900 fax:......................................(206) 623-7929 Jerry Bieker Marketing Manager phone:............................... (360) 676-1782 fax:...................................... (360) 676-5014 Dwight Davies President LifePort Inc NAT Seattle 650 S. Industrial Way Seattle, WA 98108 web: lairdplastics. com phone:.............................. (360) 225-1212 fax:...................................... (360) 225-1214 Gary Darley President and CEO 1620 Heritage Street Woodland, WA 98674 web: lifeport. com Lumicor phone:...............................(425) 255-4000 fax:...................................... (425) 277-1872 Dennis Schober President 1400 Monster Road SW Renton, WA 98057 web: lumicor. com Matsushita Avionics Systems Corp (Panasonic Aviations Corp) phone:...............................(425) 415-9000 fax:...................................... (425) 485-6175 Paul Margis President 22333 29th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: mascorp. com Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America 3870 MUSTANG WAY Bellingham, WA 98226 web: mustangsurvival. com phone:...............................(888) 655-3755 fax:...................................... (425) 424-3380 Robert Rodgers President 22125 17th Avenue SE, Suite 107 Bothell, WA 98021 web: natseattle. com North Star Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 876-1600 Usha Shankar President 1307 W Valley Hwy N # 102 Auburn, WA 98001 web: northstaraerospace. com Northwest Aerospace Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 257-2044 fax:.......................................(425) 258-8974 Paul Sobotta President 2210 Hewitt Avenue, Suite 300 Mukilteo, WA 98201 web: Orcon Corporation phone:...............................(425) 454-0353 Junji Oki 7E7 program project manager phone:...............................(425) 401-9350 fax:...................................... (425) 401-9430 James W. Clyne Jr. Program Manager, New Enterprise Development 1309 114th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98004 web: mitsubishitoday. com 14040 N. e. 8th Street, Suite 221 Bellevue, WA 98007 web: orcon-aerospace. com Mold Rite Inc. Pacific Aero Tech Inc. 21220 87th Ave SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: moldriteinc. com phone:...............................(253) 395-9535 fax:...................................... (253) 395-9541 Karen Odegaard President 23413 66th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pacificaerotech. com 17985 NE 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: pan-pac. com phone:...............................(425) 248-2204 Greg Strand President 14926 35th Ave W Ste 100 Lynnwood, WA 98033 web: parkelectro. com Pentz Cast Solutions / Pentz Design Pattern & Foundry phone:...............................(425) 788-6490 fax:...................................... (425) 788-5757 Larry Dean Pentz President P.O. Box 69- 14823 Main Street Duvall, WA 98019 web: pentzcastsolutions. com Plexsys Interface Products, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 838-2500 fax:......................................(360) 838-2550 4900 N.W. Camas Meadows Dr. Camas, WA 98607 web: plexsysipi. com Plexus Manufacturing Inc. phone:...............................(425) 355-2997 fax:...................................... (425) 348-7445 John R. Thompson President 4416 Russell Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: plexusman. com Precision Aerospace & Composites [Precision Pattern Inc.] phone:...............................(253) 863-7868 fax:...................................... (253) 863-7875 Brian Retslaff Marketing 1516 Fryar Avenue Sumner, WA 98390 web: ppattern. com Quiet Wing Corporation/ DuganAir Technologies Inc. phone:...............................(425) 451-8565 fax:...................................... (425) 451-8606 Peter Swift President 12735 Willows Road NE Kirkland, WA 98034 web: quietwing. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 21 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rainier Industries, LTD. Spencer Aircraft Valley Illuminators, Inc. 16923 Meridian E, #B Puyallup, WA 98375 web: spenceraircraft. com P.O. Box 3001 Federal way, WA 98063 web: valleyilluminators. com phone:...............................(425) 251-1800 fax:...................................... (425) 251-5065 Brian Rowinski VP of Operations phone:...............................(253) 848-9349 fax:...................................... (253) 848-5047 Mark Gilbert Owner Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. Staveley Instruments Inc. [Olympus NDT] 18435 OLYMPIC Avenue S. Tukwila, WA 98188 web: rainierindustries. com phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 fax:......................................(206) 723-2884 James Raisbeck CEO 4411 S. RYAN WAY Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com phone:...............................(509) 736-2751 fax:......................................(509) 735-4672 Tim Hasselbeck President 421 N Quay Street Kennewick, WA 99336 web: staveleyndt. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Stoddard International, LLC Rockwell Collins phone:...............................(425) 823-5788 fax:...................................... (425) 821-2258 Bobby Sturgell Programs Director, Seattle 10801 120th Avenue NE # 586-600 Kirkland , WA 98033 web: rockwellcollins. com phone:...............................(360) 435-6455 fax:......................................(360) 435-0250 Bruce Hamilton General Manager 18660 58TH Avenue N. E. Arlington, WA 98223 web: stoddardintl. com Tool Gauge & Machine Works Inc. Safeair, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 754-5837 fax:......................................(360) 754-1369 Gregory Miller President 1441 W Bay Drive Olympia, WA 98502 web: safeair-usa. com phone:............................... (253) 473-2740 fax:.......................................(253) 473-6374 John Guest Project Manager 4315 S Adams Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: tgmpmp. com Triumph Composite Systems, Inc. Schober Decorative Laminates phone:...............................(425) 255-4000 fax:...................................... (425) 277-1872 1400 Monster Rd., S.W. Renton, WA 98057 web: lumicor. com phone:...............................(509) 623-8100 fax:......................................(509) 623-8099 MaryLou Thomas President P.O. Box 19357 1514 S. Flint Road Spokane, WA 99219 web: triumphgroup. com TTF Aerospace, LLC Sicma Aero Seat Services phone:...............................(425) 806-2066 Rafael Velasquez VP, General Manager 22030 20th Avenue SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: sicma.zodiac. com phone:...............................(253) 520-6920 fax:......................................(253) 520-6835 Tim Morgan President 4204 Auburn Way # 4 Auburn, WA 98002 web: ttfaero. com Spectra Lux Corporation phone:...............................(425) 285-3000 fax:......................................(425) 285-4200 Woody Hertzog CEO 12335 134th Court NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: spectralux. com phone:...............................(253) 833-3016 fax:...................................... (253) 735-5414 Polly Valley Owner Vaupell Industrial Plastics, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 784-9050 fax:...................................... (206) 784-9708 Syd Darlington VP of Marketing 1144 NW 53rd Seattle, WA 98107 web: vaupell. com West Coast Specialties phone:...............................(425) 283-0460 fax:...................................... (425) 283-0461 Scott Locke Customer Service Representative 3290 146th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98007 web: wescospec. com Western Avionics Inc phone:...............................(509) 534-7371 fax:......................................(509) 535-8266 David Hood President PO Box 11835 Spokane, WA 99211 web: pilotsplace. com Castings Pentz Cast Solutions / Pentz Design Pattern & Foundry phone:...............................(425) 788-6490 fax:...................................... (425) 788-5757 Larry Dean Pentz President P.O. Box 69- 14823 Main Street Duvall, WA 98019 web: pentzcastsolutions. com Composites Manufacturing Advanced Thermoplastic phone:...............................(509) 893-4100 Dan Jorgenson President Ultrasonic Arrays, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 481-6611 fax:...................................... (425) 481-4455 John K. Billings CEO 18538 142nd Avenue N. E. Woodinville, WA 98072 web: ultrasonicarrays. com 4008 E Broadway Ave Spokane, WA 99202 Aerocell Inc. [C$D Zodiac, Advanced Composite Division] phone:...............................(360) 653-2600 fax:...................................... (360) 653-1082 Gig Korver 12806 State Avenue Marysville, WA 98271 22 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Aerojet Company phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5743 Roger Meyers General Manager 11411 139th Place NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com AIM Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 239-8913 Joe Morgan Director, Sales & Marketing 705 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 web: aim-aerospace. com American Autoclave Company Composite Laminate Specialties phone:...............................(253) 891-6951 Ron Jones Jr. President 210 B Stewart Road SE Pacific , WA 98047 Composite Solutions Corp phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 fax:...................................... (253) 939-4617 Art Sauls General Manager 1820 W. Valley Highway N. Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com Composites Atlantic Limited phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ phone:...............................(253) 863-5000 fax:...................................... (253) 863-1770 Sales Composites one Fatigue Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-2010 fax:...................................... (206) 244-9886 Bruce Gibson President 401 Andover Park E Seattle, WA 98188 web: fatiguetech. com Heli-Tech phone:...............................(360) 366-0129 Craig Evans CEO 7056 Portal Way Ferndale, WA 98248 web: helitechss. com Hexcel Corp phone:...............................(360) 757-7212 fax:...................................... (360) 757-7214 Dan Johnson Engineering Manager 15062 Steele Rd Burlington, WA 98233 web: hexcel. com phone:...............................(800) 283-0809 Hexcel Structures & Interiors 7819 Riverside Road E. Sumner, WA 98390 19105 63rd Ave. NE Arlington, WA web: compositesone. com Autoclave Manufacturing New and Remanufatured Sizes Large to Small, Controls, Service, Support Danner Corporation/ ZIP-VAC PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com [email protected] web: americanautoclave. com Angeles Composite Technologies, Inc phone:...............................(360) 452-6776 fax:......................................(360) 452-4038 CEO 2138 W 18th St Port Angeles, WA web: Aviation Partners, Inc. phone:............................... (206) 762-1171 fax:...................................... (206) 762-1158 Joe Clark CEO PO Box 81107 Seattle, WA 98108 web: aviationpartners. com C & D Zodiac phone:...............................(360) 653-2211 fax:...................................... (360) 653-2112 Jerry Goodwin VP and General Manager 12810 State Avenue Marysville, WA 98271 web: zodiac. com/eu phone:...............................(253) 833-5333 fax:......................................(253) 833-4334 Jack Danner CEO 307 Oravetz Place SE Auburn, WA 98092 web: danner. net Delta Tooling, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 475-7293 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Paul Winebrenner General Manager 5407 S Madison Tacoma, WA 98409 web: deltatooling. com DynaComp Corporation phone:...............................(360) 366-5442 fax:......................................(360) 366-4252 Craig Evans President 7056 Portal Bay Bld. K Ferndale, WA 98248 web: dynacompcorp. com phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager Innovative Composite Engineering phone:...............................(509) 493-4484 fax:......................................(509) 493-4485 Steven Maier President 139 E Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 web: innovativecomposite. com/ Integrated Technologies, Inc. (INTEC, Inc.) phone:...............................(425) 293-0340 fax:...................................... (425) 293-0341 Maryann Einarson President, CEO 1910 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 web: in-tec. com Janicki Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 fax:...................................... (360) 856-0372 Peter Janicki President 1476 Moore Street Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 23 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jim Suzuki phone:...............................(253) 804-6070 Jim Suzuki Owner 1 30th St NW Ste 4 Auburn, WA 98001 Livingston Molded Products phone:............................... (253) 852-7374 fax:......................................(253) 852-6729 Bob Morganstern President 25 37TH Street N. E. Auburn, WA 98002 Modelworks, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 340-6007 fax:......................................(206) 340-6008 Jon Stamm President 655 S Andover Seattle, WA 98108 web: modelwerks. com Triumph Composite Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 472-2333 fax:...................................... (253) 572-8015 Bennet Fors General Manager phone:...............................(509) 623-8100 fax:......................................(509) 623-8099 MaryLou Thomas President Primex Aerospace Co. (Aerojet (Redmond Operation)) Universal Aerospace Company, Inc. / (Precision Technology) 11411 139th Place N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com 18640-59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: universalaero. com 2620 East G Street Tacoma, WA 98421 web: ppattern. com phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5784 Olwen Morgan Business Development Primus International, Inc P.O. Box 19357 1514 S. Flint Road Spokane, WA 99219 web: triumphgroup. com phone:...............................(360) 435-9577 fax:...................................... (360) 403-1054 Jeff Petit President Education and Training Air Washington North Star Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 876-1600 Usha Shankar President 1307 W Valley Hwy N # 102 Auburn, WA 98001 web: northstaraerospace. com Nova Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 347-4875 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0603 Gregory Strand President 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: novacomposites. com phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 ISO 9001:2000; EN/JISQ/AS9100:2004; Nadcap Critical Processes; Non-critical Processes; etc. phone:...............................(425) 388-9987 Mary Kaye Bredeson Director of the Center of Excellence for Aerospace & Advanced Materials Manufacturing 9711 32nd Place West., Building C-80 Paine Field, Everett, WA 98204 University of Washington Primus is a leading Tier II supplier of highly engineered metallic and composite parts, kits, and assemblies to the global aerospace industry. [email protected] web: primusint. com Nova-Tech Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 245-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 245-7099 Benny Teal CEO 20818 44th Avenue W, Suite 201 Mukilteo, WA 98020 web: ntew. com Park Aerospace Structures Corp phone:...............................(425) 248-2204 Greg Strand President 14926 35th Ave W Ste 100 Lynnwood, WA 98033 web: parkelectro. com Pyrometric Company/ Pyrobond Composite Repair Systems phone:...............................(800) 394-8307 fax:...................................... (206) 763-9459 John Headtke Sales 1312 S 96th Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: pyrometric. com phone:...............................(253) 833-1729 fax:...................................... (253) 804-9739 Michael Calabrese Sales Representative 1316 28th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 TOC Engineering 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 phone:............................... (253) 846-1777 fax:...................................... (253) 846-3897 Dave Manger Complience Manager 19002 50th Avenue E Tacoma, WA 98446 web: torayusa. com Categorical 4311 11th Ave NE, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98105 [email protected] web: Rockwell Collins Profiles of Success phone:...............................(206) 543-9852 Todd A. Cleland Industry Relations Officer - Engineering Discover what's next. It's the Washington Way. Toray Composites (America) Inc. Phoenixx TPC 24 Precision Pattern, Inc. Alphabetical A&M Precision Measuring Services phone:...............................(313) 421-1388 Steve Albrecht Director of Business Development 7030 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: amprecisionmeasuring. com Advertisers Aegis Technologies Group phone:............................... (206) 447-4175 110 Cherry St, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 web: aegisgrp. com Aerosertec USA LLC Altek Inc phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com American Manufacturing and Engineers phone:...............................(253) 520-8849 fax:...................................... (253) 520-9767 Dean Spears Owner phone:...............................(206) 552-1708 2151 N. Northlake Way, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98103 [email protected] web: aerosertec-usa. com/ Aerostar Engineering, Inc. (Subsidiary of Air Spares) phone:...............................(253) 593-6625 Steve Brown Chairman of the Board 609 N Levee Rd Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com 1513 S Central, Suite B Kent, WA 98032 web: amecnc. com The Austin Company phone:...............................(206) 674-8300 fax:...................................... (206) 674-8399 Tami Tedrow Business Development 18000 International Boulevard SeaTac, WA 98188 web: theaustin. com Ballard Technology phone:...............................(425) 339-0281 fax:...................................... (425) 339-0915 Kevin Christian Customer Services Manager 3229 A Pine Street Everett, WA 98201 web: ballardtech. com Boundary Layer Research, Inc. (BLR Aerospace) phone:...............................(425) 353-6591 Robert Desroche Member 9730 29th Ave W Ste 106 Everett, WA 98204 web: blrvgs. com Cascade Aviation Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 493-1707 fax:......................................(360) 403-8920 Christopher Stoopman Sales and Marketing Director 9800 Harbour Place, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cascade-aviation. com B E Meyers & Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 881-6648 fax:...................................... (425) 867-1759 Brad Meyers President 17525 NE 67th Court Redmond, WA 98052 web: bemeyers. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 25 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cascade Engineering Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 895-8617 fax:......................................(425) 895-8620 Bahman Hadi Program Manager 6640 185th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: cascade-eng. com phone:...............................(800) 446-8556 fax:...................................... (360) 695-7198 600 SE Maritime Avenue, Suite 230 Bldg 3 Vancouver, WA 98661 phone:...............................(425) 482-7977 fax:......................................(425) 482-7988 Larry Cook President 15000 Woodinville Redmond Road, Suite B-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 web: cnaflextool. com Composite Solutions Corp phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 fax:...................................... (253) 939-4617 Art Sauls General Manager 1820 W. Valley Highway N. Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com Composites Atlantic Limited phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ D3 Technologies phone:...............................(425) 355-4903 fax:...................................... (425) 355-4401 Scott Hackbarth Regional Director 8223 44th Avenue W; Suite # G Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: d3tech. com Daedalus, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 333-6161 fax:......................................(425) 333-6355 Thomas White President P. O. Box 659 Carnation, WA 98014 web: daedalus-inc. com/ DASSAULT SYSTEMES phone:............................... (978) 442-2740 Philippe FORESTIER 1801 S 93rd Street Seattle, WA 98108 TOC Gemini Engineering phone:...............................(425) 739-6800 Ken KIRKLAND President 8525 120th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 web: Global Aerosystems, LLC. Delta Tooling, Inc. CNA Manufacturing Systems, Inc. / CNA Flexible Tooling Systems 26 Davis Calibration [Davis Inotek Instruments LLC.] (Northwest Calibration Systems, Inc.) phone:...............................(253) 475-7293 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Paul Winebrenner General Manager 5407 S Madison Tacoma, WA 98409 web: deltatooling. com Diamond Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 633-3960 fax:...................................... (206) 632-9674 Glenn Swan President phone:...............................(425) 367-4477 fax:......................................(425) 367-4605 Chuck Rhoden President 10108 32nd Avenue W Everett, WA 98204 web: globalaerosystems. com Hannen Engineering, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 454-5535 fax:......................................(206) 792-1932 William Knorr Management Director 213 N 36th Street Seattle, WA 98103 7 Lake Bellevue Drive, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: hannenengineering. com DLR Group Harper Engineering CO Inc. phone:...............................(206) 461-6000 fax:...................................... (206) 461-6049 Scott Kruse Office Leader 900 4th Avenue Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98164 web: dlrgroup. com 700 SW 7th St. Renton, WA 98057 web: harperengineering. com DynaComp Corporation phone:...............................(360) 366-5442 fax:......................................(360) 366-4252 Craig Evans President 7056 Portal Bay Bld. K Ferndale, WA 98248 web: dynacompcorp. com phone:...............................(425) 348-8090 fax:.......................................(425) 348-0716 Dr. Peter Zieve President 4606 107th Street SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: electroimpact. com phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Joseph Corpe Graphic & Website Designer 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heath. com phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com Industrial Systems Lab GE Aircraft Engines phone:...............................(360) 253-3300 fax:......................................(360) 253-3329 Bob Rowton Manager 4601 NE 77th Avenue,Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: geae. com Categorical Heath Tecna Hexcel Structures & Interiors Electroimpact, Inc. Profiles of Success phone:...............................(425) 255-0414 fax:......................................(425) 228-0889 O. J. Harper President Alphabetical phone:...............................(425) 226-7585 fax:...................................... (425) 226-2210 Jim Dawson Owner 58 Logan Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 web: islab. com Advertisers Interaction Research, Corp. phone:...............................(360) 357-4454 fax:...................................... (360) 943-9780 Trisha Carper-Ferguson President 3010 29th Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 web: ircprintanddesign. com International Aero Interiors, Inc. (Changed name to Volant) phone:............................... (360) 757-2376 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4841 Stacey Mattson VP Technical & Product Support 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA 98233 web: intl-aero. com Jet Parts Engineering Inc phone:...............................(206) 281-0963 Anu Goel President 220 W Mercer St Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98119 web: jetpartsengineering. com Jetseal, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 467-9133 fax:...................................... (509) 467-9133 Gary Meyers President 8102 N Freya Street Spokane, WA 99207 web: jetseal. com Mechanical Products L.L.C. phone:...............................(253) 395-3000 fax:......................................(253) 395-3898 A. Gibb General Manager 8001 194th Street S Kent, WA 98032 Modelworks, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 340-6007 fax:......................................(206) 340-6008 Jon Stamm President 655 S Andover Seattle, WA 98108 web: modelwerks. com NDT Engineering (Olumpus NDT) phone:...............................(253) 872-3565 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0857 Chuck Blanchard Sales & Technical Support 19620 Russell Road Kent, WA 98032 web: ndteng. com Neumeier Engineering, Inc. Onamac Industries, Inc. 22610 88TH Avenue S. Kent, WA 98031 11504 Airport Road Building G. Everett, WA 98204 web: onamac. com phone:...............................(253) 854-3635 fax:......................................(253) 850-7590 Heinz Neumeier President Northrop Grumman PRB Systems, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 743-6676 fax:.......................................(425) 742-2718 Michael Thorburn President Onboard Systems phone:...............................(360) 679-1541 fax:...................................... (360) 675-6765 Tom Lane Site Manager phone:...............................(360) 546-3072 fax:...................................... (360) 546-3073 Karsten Lemmon Director of Marketing 3165 Goldie Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277 web: northropgrumman. com 13915 NW 3rd Court Vancouver, WA 98685 web: onboardsystems. com Northwest Aerospace Technologies, Inc. On-Site Calibration Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 257-2044 fax:.......................................(425) 258-8974 Paul Sobotta President 2210 Hewitt Avenue, Suite 300 Mukilteo, WA 98201 web: Nova-Tech Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 245-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 245-7099 Benny Teal CEO 20818 44th Avenue W, Suite 201 Mukilteo, WA 98020 web: ntew. com NWAES-LLC. Northwest Aviation Engineering Services (NWASG; Northwest Aviation Services Group) phone:...............................(206) 972-1932 fax:.......................................(253) 288-8176 William Knorr Director 3320 W Valley Highway N, Suite 109 Mukilteo, WA 98001 web: nwasg. com Olympic Tool & Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 426-7878 fax:...................................... (360) 427-8359 Fred Rodie President 410 W. Enterprise Road Shelton, WA 98584 web: olympictool. com phone:...............................(425) 883-7880 fax:...................................... (425) 883-8121 Donna M. Hill President 4016 148th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: onsitecal. com Opus Northwest LLC phone:...............................(425) 467-2700 Mike Ruhl 13920 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: opusnw. com Orion Technologies phone:...............................(360) 668-8355 fax:...................................... (425) 668-8102 Bill Husa Owner 20230 82nd Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98296 web: oriontechnologies. net Pacific Metallurgical, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-4241 fax:...................................... (253) 854-4475 Cathy Fallen President P. o. box 399 925 5th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pacmet. com Pacific Testing Laboratories/ PSI Professional Service Industries phone:...............................(253) 589-1804 fax:...................................... (253) 589-2136 Heidi Woolfall Manager 10025 South Tacoma Way, Suite H1 Tacoma, WA 98499 web: psiusa. com/contact_us_main.asp ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 27 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pacific Tool, Inc. Primus International, Inc Quick Precision Inc 15235 NE 92nd Redmond, WA 98052 web: pacifictool. com phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development 108 S 108th St Seattle, WA 98168 phone:...............................(425) 882-1970 fax:...................................... (425) 869-7724 Frank Garbarino President Pacifica Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 315-8040 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8060 Bob Findley President and CEO 12121 Harbour Reach Drive, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: pacifica-engineering. com/ Paine Electronics, LLC phone:...............................(509) 881-2100 fax:...................................... (509) 881-2115 Susan Keating Vice President and Director of Marketing 5545 Nelpar Drive East Wenachee, WA 98802 web: paineelectronics. com Paradigm Technologies Inc phone:...............................(425) 251-8181 fax:...................................... (425) 251-6775 John Horner President 18062 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pdigmtech. com Paterson Labs Inc phone:...............................(253) 872-8113 Jay Paterson President 8714 S 222nd St Kent, WA 98031 web: patersonlabs. com PDS Engineering phone:...............................(206) 767-2773 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3283 James Turcott Vice President 12101 Pacific Highway So. Suite #420 Seattle, WA 98168 web: pdstech. com Precision Circuits, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-4980 fax:...................................... (425) 771-7806 Dave Smart General Manager 18025 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98037 web: precisioncircuits. 28 TOC 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 ISO 9001:2000; EN/JISQ/AS9100:2004; Nadcap Critical Processes; Non-critical Processes; etc. Primus is a leading Tier II supplier of highly engineered metallic and composite parts, kits, and assemblies to the global aerospace industry. [email protected] web: primusint. com Proctor Products Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 822-9296 fax:......................................(425) 634-2396 Harold Rathman General Manager p. o. box 697 210 8th Street So. Kirkland , WA 98083 web: proctorp. com Professional Cad Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 339-3636 fax:...................................... (425) 317-8881 Carlos R. Veliz President 3619 Colby Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: procadservices. com Pyrometric Company/ Pyrobond Composite Repair Systems phone:...............................(800) 394-8307 fax:...................................... (206) 763-9459 John Headtke Sales 1312 S 96th Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: pyrometric. com phone:...............................(509) 458-4558 fax:......................................(509) 458-4555 Maria Riegert Manager 1815 S Lewis Street Spokane, WA 98224 web: quadgroupinc. com Categorical Rainier Industries, LTD. phone:...............................(425) 251-1800 fax:...................................... (425) 251-5065 Brian Rowinski VP of Operations 18435 OLYMPIC Avenue S. Tukwila, WA 98188 web: rainierindustries. com Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 fax:......................................(206) 723-2884 James Raisbeck CEO 4411 S. RYAN WAY Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com Renton Coil Spring Co. phone:...............................(425) 255-1453 fax:...................................... (425) 228-0780 Charles Pepka CEO 425 S 7th Street P.O. Box 880 Renton, WA 98057 web: rentoncoilspring. com Richmond Engineering [Richmond Systems] phone:...............................(360) 956-0384 fax:...................................... (360) 352-1275 George Richmond President 8365 Hogum Bay Lane NE Olympia, WA 98516 web: richmondsystems. com Rocket Engineering Corp. phone:...............................(509) 535-4401 fax:......................................(509) 534-2025 Darwin Conrad Manager Quad Group Profiles of Success phone:...............................(206) 244-5110 fax:...................................... (206) 244-1670 Jack Morris Owner 6427 E Rutter Avenue Spokane, WA 99212 web: rocketengineering. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Alphabetical Advertisers Scanivalve Tecplot, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 891-9970 fax:...................................... (509) 891-9481 Addison Pemberton President phone:...............................(425) 653-1200 fax:......................................(425) 653-9200 Wade Tivke Marketing Coordinator Seattle Aerospace International Tethers Unlimited Inc 17722 n. madson Street Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: scanivalve. com phone:...............................(425) 455-0750 fax:......................................(425) 688-9092 Curtis Palmgren, Jr. President 10655 NE 4th Street, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: seattleaerospace. com Shannon Engineering phone:...............................(206) 767-5447 Jack Shannon Owner PO Box 94206 Seattle, WA 98206 Soloy Corporation phone:...............................(360) 754-7000 fax:...................................... (360) 943-7659 David Stauffer CEO 450 PAT KENNEDY WAY S. W. Olympia, WA 98501 web: soloy. com 3535 Factoria Blvd S.E. Suite 550 Bellevue, WA 98006 web: tecplot. com phone:...............................(425) 486-0100 Robert Hoyt President 11711 N Creek Pkwy S Bothell, WA 98011 web: scienceops. com 3015 112th Avenue NE, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: ssoe. com STI Optronics, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-0460 fax:...................................... (425) 828-3517 Dr. William J. Thayer, III President 2755 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 web: stioptronics. com Structural Integrity Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 493-2828 Matthew Creager President 9700 Harbour Pointe Blvd #217 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: sieinc. com phone:...............................(206) 543-9852 Todd A. Cleland Industry Relations Officer - Engineering 4311 11th Ave NE, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98105 TLG Aerospace, LLC - The Loads Group Discover what's next. It's the Washington Way. [email protected] web: US Castings phone:...............................(206) 859-5061 Steve Muenzberg Vice President and Chief Engineer phone:...............................(509) 784-1001 fax:...................................... (509) 784-1201 John Koegler CEO [email protected] web: tlgaerospace. com Valley Illuminators, Inc. 1700 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 430 Seattle, WA 98109 14351 Shamel Street P.O. Box 678 Entiat, WA 98822 web: us-castings. com phone:...............................(253) 833-3016 fax:...................................... (253) 735-5414 Polly Valley Owner SSOE, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-2950 fax:...................................... (425) 827-8412 Jack Steele Branch Manager University of Washington UGS Corp. / UGS Tecnomatix phone:...............................(425) 452-5800 fax:......................................(425) 452-5858 15395 SE 30th Place Bellevue, WA 98007 web: ugs. com Universal Avionics Systems Corp. Research/ Development/ Engineering Division phone:...............................(425) 602-5000 fax:......................................(425) 556-7808 Frank Hummel Vice President/ General Manager of Engineering/ Research/ Development/ Engineering Division 11351 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: uasc. com P.O. Box 3001 Federal way, WA 98063 web: valleyilluminators. com Viper Aircraft Corp phone:...............................(509) 543-3570 Scott Hanchette President 4020 N Stearman Ave Pasco, WA 99301 web: viper-aircraft. com/ Walker Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 232-5907 fax:...................................... (206) 232-9591 Robert Walker President 6 Wembley Lane Mercer Island, WA 98040 Walter, Dorwin, Teague Associates (Teague) phone:...............................(206) 838-4200 Marian Courtney Administrative Services 2727 Western Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98121 web: teague. com / wdta. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 29 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Western Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-5694 James Giese 607 S Charlotte Ave Bremerton, WA 98312 web: wt-us. com/ A-1 Machining Co. phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development AAA Air Support Ac, Inc. 1085 Jordan Rd Huntsville, AL 35811 web: acincorp. com 235 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: a1machining. com Zetec, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 974-2700 fax:.......................................(425) 974-2701 Dan Pine President phone:...............................(310) 538-1377 Geoffrey Shigenako Sales Executive 8226 Bracken Place SE, Suite 100 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 web: zetec. com 13723 Harvard Pl Gardena, CA 90249 web: aaaairsupport. com General Aerospace Aai Corporation A & B Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 334-2976 Jack Badeau General Manager of Operations 1655 Cota Ave Azusa, CA 90813 web: abaerospace. com A G C Incorporated phone:...............................(203) 235-3361 Jack Callahan Sales Manager 106 Evansville Ave Meriden, CT 6451 web: agcincorporated. com A Wiley & Associates, Inc. phone:............................... (256) 217-4773 Angelia Wiley Senior Vice President, Operations 1013 Putman Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35816 web: awileyassociates. com A. D. Inc. of Milwaukee phone:...............................(419) 529-6195 Melissa McCormic Human Resource Manager 2003 W 4th St Mansfield, OH 44906 web: adinc. us. com A. J. R. Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(847) 439-0380 Pamela Simantz Sales Manager 117 Gordon St Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 web: ajrindustries. com phone:............................... (817) 284-1742 Rick Whitlock Vice President of Sales 1103 Stanley Dr Fort Worth, TX 76040 web: aghindustries. com 30 TOC 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: abwtec. com phone:...............................(202) 358-2088 Jenni Cole Purchasing Agent ACC-Kp, LLC phone:...............................(410) 666-1400 Roxanne Hostetter Manager of Sales and Distribution phone:...............................(713) 396-6245 Andy Heckman Sales Director AAR Aircraft Services, Inc. Accra Manufacturing, Inc. 124 Industry Ln Hunt Valley, MD 21030 web: aaicorp. com 4554 Claire Chennault St Addison, TX 75001 web: meggitt. com phone:...............................(405) 270-0966 Beth Medley Vice President of Operations phone:...............................(425) 424-1000 Mark Gfeller position in Human Resources AAR Corp. Accupaulo Holding Corporation 6611 S Meridian Ave # 59100 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 web: aarcorp. com 17703 15th Ave SE Bothell, WA 98012 web: accramfg. com phone:...............................(630) 227-2000 Kathy Ditch Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(860) 666-5621 Harold Etherington Owner, President AAR Manufacturing, Inc Accurate Grinding and Mfg. Corp. 1100 N Wood Dale Rd Wood Dale, IL 60191 web: aarcorp. com 280 Hartford Ave Newington, CT 6111 web: accuratethreadedproducts. com phone:...............................(256) 830-7000 Nikki Matharu Finance Executive phone:.........................(951) 479-0909 x 3 Hans Nilsen Chief Executive Officer AAR Manufacturing, Inc. Accurus Aerospace Corporation 140 Sparkman Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: summa-tech. com phone:...............................(630) 227-2000 Charles Labudda Marketing Director 500 Gateway Dr Goldsboro, NC 27534 web: aarcorp. com Abbott Industries, Inc. A.G.H. Industries, Inc. ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 223-6420 Mark Stepien Vice President of Sales phone:...............................(918) 756-8320 Rob Seeman Manager-sales and Operations 12900 Smith Rd Okmulgee, OK 74447 web: covingtonaircraft. com Profiles of Success Categorical 807 E Parkridge Ave Corona, CA 92879 web: accurategrindingmfg. com phone:...............................(918) 438-3121 Robert Kirkpatrick Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 12716 E Pine St Tulsa, OK 74116 web: accurusaero. com Ace Clearwater Enterprises, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 538-5380 Richard Potocky Director, National Broker Dealer Sales 19815 Magellan Dr Torrance, CA 90502 web: aceclearwater. com Alphabetical Advertisers Ack Technologies Inc phone:...............................(408) 287-8021 Mike Akatiff Owner 440 W Julian St San Jose, CA 95110 web: ackavionics. com Acpjets, LLC phone:...............................(561) 686-5551 Terry Schutte Director of Operations 4145 Southern Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33406 web: acpjets. com Acromil Corporation phone:...............................(626) 964-2522 Teresa Bach Human Resources Manager 18421 Railroad St City Of Industry, CA 91748 web: acromil. com Acufast Aircraft Products Inc. phone:...............................(818) 365-7077 Ash Aghasi Owner 12445 Gladstone Ave Sylmar, CA 91342 web: acufastap. com Adams Rite Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 278-6340 Jodi Taylor Human Resources Manager 4141 N Palm St Fullerton, CA 92835 web: ar-aero. com Adaptive Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(661) 822-2850 William Mc Cune Owner 20304 W Valley Blvd Ste H Tehachapi, CA 93561 web: adaptaero. com Adel Wiggins Group phone:...............................(805) 484-8884 Morris Skurka Chief Executive Officer 4600 Calle Bolero Camarillo, CA 93012 web: adelwiggins. com Admill Machine Co., LLC phone:...............................(860) 356-0330 Jeff Hiller Sales Agent 150 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: admillmachine. com Adpma LLC phone:...............................(423) 391-8834 Kurt Keller Operations and Aog Support 401 Century CT Piney Flats, TN 37686 web: adpma. com Advance Turning and Manufacturing, Inc. phone:............................... (517) 783-2713 Shelley Zonts Human Resources Manager 4005 Morrill Rd Jackson, MI 49201 web: advanceturning. com Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(520) 547-0860 Carmen Bernal Controller/Human Resources 7800a S Nogales Hwy Tucson, AZ 85756 web: acmtucson. com Advanced Composite Materials, LLC phone:...............................(864) 877-0123 Tom Quantrille President and Chief Executive Officer 1446 S Buncombe Rd Greer, SC 29651 web: acm-usa. com Advanced Concepts and Technologies Advanced Integration Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(972) 423-8354 Karl Williams Director of Operations, Chief Operating Officer 2805 E Plano Pkwy Ste 100 Plano, TX 75074 web: aint. com Advanced Machine & Stretchform International, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 538-3857 George Curtis Sales Manager 224 W Riverview Ave Gardena, CA 80701 web: amsicom. com Advanced Machine & Fabrication Inc. phone:...............................(325) 643-2277 Chris Edwards Operations Manager 4501 Danhil Dr Brownwood, TX 76801 web: barrfabrication. com Advanced Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 942-9002 Linda Downs Sales Associate 119 Creasman Dr Wichita, KS 37398 web: advancedmachine-inc. com AEG Industries, Inc phone:...............................(817) 698-6886 Erasmo Padron Human Resources Manager phone:............................... (707) 575-0697 Peg McIlnay-Moe President Finance 1105 Wooded Acres Dr # 500 Fort Worth, TX 76710 web: act-i. com 1219 Briggs Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95401 web: aegindustries. com Advanced Conversion Technology Inc. Aercap U.S. Global Aviation LLC phone:............................... (513) 874-8741 Tom Carlson Vice President Finance 9990 Princeton Glendale Rd Cincinnati, OH 45246 web: actpower. com Advanced Ground Systems Engineering LLC phone:...............................(562) 906-9300 Diane Henderson Chief Executive Officer 10805 Painter Ave Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 web: agsecorp. com phone:...............................(310) 557-4968 Kemba Mitchell Executive Assistant To The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman 10250 Constellation Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90067 web: aercap. com Aero 8, Inc. phone:...............................(336) 776-9165 Rick Pamell Vice President Sales 820 N Liberty St Winston Salem, NC 27105 web: aero8. net ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 31 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aero Accessories, Inc. Aero Seats Inc 1240 Springwood Church Rd Gibsonville, NC 27249 web: tempestplus. com 340 Thomas Pl Everman, TX 76140 web: airseasystems. com phone:...............................(404) 393-5861 Brian Cox Manager-regional Sales Aerocision, LLC phone:...............................(817) 551-0818 Nigel Evans International Sales Representative phone:...............................(860) 526-9700 Andrew Gibson Chief Executive Officer Aero Brake & Spares, Inc. Aero Systems Engineering AeroControlex Group 6202 Civic Dr Leander, TX 78645 web: aerobrake. com 1112 W Barkley Ave Orange, CA 92868 web: aerosystemsengineering. com phone:...............................(210) 493-3201 Joell McNew Sales Manager Aero Component Services, LLC phone:...............................(860) 291-0417 Tom Carmody Head of Product Marketing 781 Goodwin St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: aerocomponent. com phone:............................... (817) 571-0729 Cory Relling Manager-International Sales 3227 W Euless Blvd Euless, TX 76040 web: aerodynamix. com phone:...............................(323) 269-9181 Pam Sundelius Human Resources Manager Aero Thermo Technology, Inc Aero-Craft Hydraulics, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 922-1141 Donald Pettit Executive Director Operations and Programs Aero Tube Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(860) 289-2520 Scott Robinson Director of Operations 425 Sullivan Ave Ste 5 South Windsor, CT 6074 web: aerotubetech. com Aero Gear Incorporated phone:...............................(860) 688-0888 Lee Welch Director Sales and Marketing 1050 Day Hill Rd Windsor, CT 6095 web: aerogear. com phone:...............................(904) 215-9638 Ken Pfeifer Operations Executive 1845 Town Center Blvd # 140 Fleming Island, FL 32003 web: aero-hose. com phone:.............................. (209) 983-1112 Michelle Cravalho Customer Relations/Inside Sales Representative phone:...............................(571) 203-8360 George Cummings Director of Sales and Business Development 641 S Washington St Sterling, VA 22314 web: aerointl. com Aero Missile Components South phone:...............................(256) 831-1275 Chic Nix Sales Manager 101 Moore St Ste D Oxford, AL 36203 web: aeromissile. com Aero Wash, Inc phone:...............................(909) 596-0053 Jason Averweg Sales Manager Aerocerts, Ltd. phone:...............................(201) 401-7166 Paul Howard President/Owner 2166 Broadway Apt 8c New York, NY 10024 web: aeroconsulting. com phone:...............................(208) 448-0400 Linda Headrick Human Resources, Managerial Accountant Categorical AEROFLUID PRODUCTS phone:...............................(480) 921-0470 Jill Maclennan Purchasing 528 W 21st St Tempe, AZ 85282 web: acme-aero. com phone:...............................(916) 355-4000 Matt Carollo Senior Manager, Finance 1500 Perimeter Pkwy NW # 110 Rancho Cordova, CA 35806 web: aerojet. com phone:...............................(423) 753-1200 Wendell Christian Director Marketing 1367 Old State Route 34 Jonesborough, TN 37659 web: aerojet. com phone:...............................(573) 237-1300 Brian McCaleb Lms Administrator Human Resources Analyst 2001 Aerojet Rd New Haven, MO 95742 web: rocket. com Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. Aerocet, Inc Profiles of Success 392 N Smith Ave Corona, CA 92880 web: aero-craft. com Aerojet Rocketdyne 265 Shannon Ln Priest River, ID 83856 web: aerocet. com TOC phone:........................ (951) 736-4690 x 2 Mike Gunder Purchasing Administrator Aerojet Ordnance Tennessee, Inc. 1935 McKinley Ave Ste F La Verne, CA 91750 web: aerotect. net Aero International Inc PO BOX 22228 Los Angeles, CA 90022 web: aerocontrolex. com Aerojet General Corporation Aero Turbine, Inc 6800 Lindbergh St Stockton, CA 95206 web: Aero Hose Corp. 32 phone:...............................(714) 633-1901 Richard Chae Chief Executive Officer 799 Caxambas Dr Marco Island, FL 34145 web: aerothermo. com Aero Dynamix, Inc. 12a Inspiration Ln Chester, CT 6412 web: aerocision. com Alphabetical phone:...............................(916) 355-4000 Nancie Gari Command Media Specialist 2001 Aerojet Rd Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 web: aerojet. com Advertisers Aeroliant Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 257-1903 Patricia Almaraz Chief Executive Officer 1613 Lockness Pl Torrance, CA 90501 web: amratec. com AEROMARATIME AMERICA phone:...............................(480) 830-7780 Tim Bullis Sales Executive 2710 E Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 web: aeromarusa. com Aeromax Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 701-9500 Richard D Berube Berube Chief Executive Officer/President 9027 Canoga Ave Unit HI Canoga Park, CA 91304 web: aeromax. com AeroMech, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 252-3236 fax:...................................... (425) 257-9756 Anthony Wiederkehr President 1616 Hewitt Ave., Suite 312 Everett, WA 98201 web: aeromechinc. com Aerometals, Inc. phone:...............................(916) 939-6888 John Wallasch Agent Purchasing 3920 Sandstone Dr El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 web: Aeros Aeronautical Systems Corp. phone:...............................(818) 344-3999 Alex Yankelevich General Partner 1734 Aeros Way Montebello, CA 90640 web: aerosml. com Aeros Aeroscraft phone:...............................(818) 344-3999 John Kiehl Chief Executive Officer 6005 Yolanda Ave Tarzana, CA 91356 web: aeroscraft. com Aerosource Inc. phone:...............................(732) 469-9300 Darryl Russo Director of Finance and Administration 390 Campus Dr Somerset, NJ 8873 web: aerosourceinc. com Aerospace Coatings International, LLC Aerospace Filtration Systems, Inc. 370 Knight Dr Oxford, AL 36203 web: aerocoatings. com 17891 Chstrfld Aprt Rd Chesterfield, MO 63005 web: afsfilters. com phone:...............................(256) 241-2750 Adelbert Morsh Owner phone:...............................(636) 300-5050 Jay Foster Manager, Sales and Marketing Aerospace Composite Products Aerospace Machine Supply 78 Lindbergh Ave Livermore, CA 94551 web: acpsales. com 24907 Avenue Tibbitts Ste D Valencia, CA 91355 web: mshinges. com phone:........................ (925) 443-5900 x 1 George Sparr President/Chief Executive Officer Aerospace Consulting The Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(310) 336-1125 David B Kunkee Communications and Information Policy Representative phone:...............................(661) 294-3978 Doug Silva Owner Aerospace Products International phone:............................... (800) 247-2947 Rick Congdon Director of Sales 5700 Treese St Lewisville, TX 75056 web: apiworldwide. com 445 Hoes Ln Piscataway, NJ 8854 web: aero. org Aerospace Products, S.E. Inc. Aerospace Dynamics International, Inc. 2707 Artie St SW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: apseinc. com phone:...............................(661) 257-3535 Cassi Kidd Buyer/Purchasing 25540 Rye Canyon Rd Valencia, CA 91355 web: adi-aero. com Aerospace Engineering & Support, Inc. phone:...............................(801) 394-9565 Ryan Burton Purchase 1307 W 2550 S Ogden, UT 84401 web: aesut. com Aerospace Fabrications of Georgia, Inc. phone:.........................(770) 505-8801 x 1 Adam Grizzle Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Owner, Stkhldr 305 Butler Industrial Dr Dallas, GA 30132 web: afog. com phone:...............................(256) 837-8040 Bill Freeman Director of Sales Aerospace Techniques, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 347-1200 Trudy Craig Purchasing Manager 1100 Country Club Rd Middletown, CT 6457 web: aerospacetechniques. com Aerostatica, Inc. phone:...............................(734) 426-5525 Paul Petrehn Senior Manager-Operations 7399 Newman Blvd Dexter, MI 48130 web: cameronballoons. com Aerotech Engineering, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 267-1371 Mike Hamilton Purchasing 1100 S Pipeline Rd W Euless, TX 76040 web: aerotechholdings. com Aero-Tech Engineering, Inc. phone:.........................(316) 942-8604 x 1 James Timoteo Owner/Chief Executive Officer 5555 N 119th St W Wichita, KS 67101 web: aerotecheng. org ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 33 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aerotech Holdings, Inc. Ah Aero Services, LLC Air Industries Group 1980 Airport Rd A, Wasatch, Heber City, UT, Heber City, UT 84032 web: ok3air. com 1479 N Clinton Ave Bay Shore, NY Bay Shore, NY 11706 web: darrowir. com phone:............................... (817) 267-1371 Janice Hall Sales Executive phone:...............................(435) 654-3962 Danny McPolin Sales Director Aerovel Corporation Ahf-Ducommun Incorporated 1100 S Pipeline Rd, Euless Euless, TX 76040 web: eulessaero. com phone:...............................(541) 490-4103 83 Oak Ridge Road White Salmon, WA web: aerovelco. com 268 E Gardena Blvd Gardena, CA 90248 web: ducommun. com Aerovironment, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 357-9983 John Elverum Aerovironment Advsys Operations Manager 800 Royal Oaks Dr Ste 210 Monrovia, CA 91016 web: avinc. com Aerovision International, LLC phone:.........................(231) 799-9000 x 3 Kathy Richards Director - Operations 620 E Ellis Rd Muskegon, MI 49441 web: aerovi. com Ag-Air Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 385-5051 Peter Warbington Manager-Sales 20690 Carmen Loop Ste 102 Bend, OR 97702 web: kawakaviation. com phone:...............................(208) 209-8200 Don Millikan Human Resources Director 10413 N Aero Dr Hayden, ID 83835 web: agcaerospace. com Aim Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 235-2750 Carlos Soto Founder 705 SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 web: aimseattle. com phone:...............................(435) 586-1200 George Sanders Founder 1215 N Airport Rd Cedar City, UT 84721 web: agrinautics. com Air Capital Interiors, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 633-4790 Terry Crumrine Director of Operations 9424 E 37th St N Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67226 web: aircapitalinteriors. com phone:...............................(703) 373-8000 Vikki Doss Assistant To Chief Executive Officer 2345 Crystal Dr FL 9 Reston, VA 22202 web: agustawestland. com Air One Maintenance & Engineering, LLC 14800 NW 42nd Ave Opa Locka, FL 33054 web: aironemaintenance. com Air Power, Inc phone:............................... (817) 557-5857 Jana Cook Accounts Payable-finance Air Carrier Technologies LLC phone:...............................(253) 535-3201 Philip Lapp Member Air Comm Corporation phone:...............................(724) 935-8777 Keith Biddle Owner 4900 S Collins St Arlington, TX 76018 web: airpowerinc. com Air Tractor, Inc. phone:...............................(940) 564-5616 Valerie Perez Human Resources Manager 4900 S Collins St Olney, TX 76018 web: airtractor. com Airbus Americas Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 299-0100 Ann Maloney Human Resources Business Partner Air Comm Corporation LLC phone:...............................(303) 440-4075 Tim Tribbett Director-finance 1575 W 124th Ave Ste 210 Denver, CO 80234 web: aircommcorp. com Agustawestland Inc. phone:...............................(954) 843-0991 Karen Cruz Finance Director phone:...............................(305) 537-9401 Isis Rodriguez Purchasing Lead 1575 W 124th Ave Ste 210 Baden, PA 80234 web: keithproducts. com Agrinautics, Inc. Air Marshall, Inc. 2870 Stirling Rd Hollywood, FL Hollywood, FL 33020 web: air-marshall. com 1218 122nd Street Ct E Tacoma, WA 98445 AGC Aerospace & Defense 34 phone:...............................(310) 380-5390 Richard Puleri Manager, Marketing phone:...............................(631) 968-5000 Jordan Darrow Founder and President 213 N Mead St Wichita, KS 67202 web: airbus. com Airbus Defense and Space Holdings, Inc. phone:............................... (703) 528-7474 David Dennis Chief Operating Officer Air Direct Solutions phone:...............................(206) 915-6645 Paul Kostek Principal 2550 Wasser Ter Ste 9000 Arlington, VA 20171 web: eads-na. com 8014 Stroud Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 web: airdirectsolutions. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Airbus Defense and Space, Inc. Aircraft Technologies, Inc. Airtech Supply, Inc. 3650 Highpoint St San Antonio, TX 78217 web: aircrafttech. com 242 Fish Hatchery Rd Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 web: airtechsupply. com phone:...............................(949) 859-8999 Marwan Lahoud Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer phone:...............................(210) 590-6858 Ed Riebesehl Owner Airbus Group, Inc. Aircrafters LLC Airtronic Usa, Inc. 2550 Wasser Ter Dunwoody, GA 20171 web: eads-na. com 140 Aviation Way Watsonville, CA 95076 web: aircraftersllc. com 1860 Jarvis Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 web: airtronic. net TEMECULA, CA, USA Irvine, CA 92590 web: eads. com phone:...............................(703) 834-3400 Sherman Banks Technical Sales Engineer Airbus Helicopters Inc phone:............................... (631) 471-7788 Larry Graves Partner phone:...............................(501) 525-7707 Greg Hess Director of Business Operations phone:...............................(847) 766-0090 Troy Campbell Marketing Manager Airforce Turbine Service, Ltd. Aj Associates 11557 Highway 359 Mathis, TX 78368 web: 14712 Sinclair Cir Largo, FL 92780 web: ajflorida. com phone:...............................(703) 834-3405 Pierre-Laurent Mace Vice President, Procurement phone:...............................(361) 547-3386 Mark Hileman Director of Parts Operations Airco Industries, Inc. Airgroup America, Incorporated Alamo Aerospace, LP PO BOX 1353 Marietta, GA 15090 web: airgroupamerica. com 351 Airport Rd Decatur, TX 76234 web: alamoaerospace. com 2701 N Forum Dr Herndon, VA 75052 web: eurocopterusa. com phone:...............................(817) 332-3806 Monty Truitt Director of Sales phone:...............................(724) 779-9500 Steve Grieme President and Chief Executive Officer Aircraft Engine & Accessory Co Inc Air-Lock, Incorporated 5600 Blue Mound Rd Fort Worth, TX 76131 web: photo-etch. com phone:............................... (972) 243-7404 Paul Skelton Owner 2275 Crown Rd Dallas, TX 75229 web: aea-precision. com Aircraft Modifications, Inc. / Turbo Plus phone:...............................(253) 851-6440 fax:......................................(253) 858-2062 Ken Latschaw President 1520 26th Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Aircraft Structural Repair Inc phone:...............................(208) 467-4591 Joe Wheeler Owner 3967 Flying Ln Nampa, ID 59870 web: acsr. net Aircraft Systems Group Inc phone:............................... (727) 376-9292 Robert Gallagher President and Chief Executive Officer 11528 Perpetual Dr Odessa, FL 33556 web: aircraftsystemsgroup. com phone:...............................(727) 258-0994 Adam Zdzierak Purchasing phone:...............................(940) 627-6709 Lisa Sledge Partner Alan Manes Machine, Inc phone:...............................(203) 301-6060 Mike McCarthy Owner phone:...............................(970) 224-3311 Bruce Page Owner Airport Aviation Professionals Albany Engineered Composites, Inc. 108 Gulf St Milford, CT 6460 web: airlockinc. com phone:...............................(773) 948-6632 David Bradel Finance Manager 5757 S Cicero Ave Chicago, IL 60638 web: avairpros. com Airport Technology phone:...............................(813) 818-9852 Bill Mc Gurk Owner of Airport Technology 4000 NW 36th Ave Tampa, FL 33142 web: epsi-america. com Airtech International, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 899-8100 Holly Nguyen Marketing Administrator 5700 Skylab Rd Huntington Beach, CA 92647 web: airtechintl. com 2421 International Blvd Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: manesmachine. com phone:...............................(801) 537-1800 Randy Jones Marketing Executive 1281 N Main St, Boerne Salt Lake City, UT 78006 web: edocombat. com Alcoa Fastening Systems phone:...............................(845) 331-7300 Garvin Wells Operations Manager 44 Campanelli Pkwy Kingston, NY 2072 web: alcoa. com Alcor Inc phone:...............................(210) 349-6491 Nan Hundere Marketing Director and Human Resources Manager 300 Breesport St San Antonio, TX 78216 web: alcorinc. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 35 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Alden O. Sherman Alloy Surfaces Company, Inc. American Helicopters, Inc. 121 N Commerce Dr Aston, PA 19014 web: alloysurfaces. com 10503 Wakeman Dr Manassas, VA 20110 web: americanheli. com phone:...............................(435) 635-2526 Clark Campbell Partner phone:...............................(610) 859-3681 Dana Marie Bonsera Human Resources Admin Alden Sherman Co Inc Altek Inc 237 S 100 W Hurricane, UT 84737 web: aosherman. com phone:............................... (203) 847-5775 Roger Adams Human Resources Compliance Manager 27 Lois St Eastford, CT 6851 web: aosherman. com Alexandria Aircraft LLC phone:...............................(320) 763-4088 Marvin Trana Chief Executive Officer 2504 AGA Dr Alexandria, MN 56308 web: bellanca-aircraft. com Alken Industries Inc. phone:...............................(631) 467-2000 Kimberly Senior Chief Executive Officer and President 2175 5th Ave Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 web: alkenind. com Allen Aircraft Products, Inc. phone:...............................(330) 296-9621 Alicia Gonzalez Human Resources 6168 Woodbine Rd Ravenna, OH 44266 web: allenaircraft. com Alliance Precision Plastics phone:...............................(404) 995-6225 Rocky Butler Chief Executive Officer 1220 Lee Rd 14606 Atlanta, GA 14606 web: allianceppc. com phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com Altius Space Machines, Inc. phone:............................... (303) 827-1574 William Bolton Chief Marketing Officer 3001 Industrial Ln Unit 5 Broomfield, CO 80020 web: altius-space. com phone:...............................(816) 241-8080 David Pack Director of Operations and Sales 1420 Kansas Ave Kansas City, MO 64127 web: alliedmaterials. com Allied Specialty Precision, Inc. American Air Racing LLC 17575 Hwy 79 Middletown, IA 52638 web: aollc. biz The American Parts Company phone:........................ (770) 425-4441 x 1 Damie Lumsden Coordinator Marketing American Turbo Systems Inc phone:...............................(520) 888-1100 Mike Barton Purchasing American Automated Engineering, Inc. Ametek, Inc. 5805 Alpha Ave Reno, NV 89506 web: americanairracing. com phone:.........................(714) 898-9951 x 2 Sheila Meyer Operations Manager 5382 Argosy Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: aaeaerospace. com American Defense Components, L.L.C. 807 Thomas St Stamps, AR 71860 web: americandefensecomponents. com American Drapery And Blind phone:...............................(888) 232-4832 Laurie Cossette Sales Representative 1429 N State St Bellingham, WA 98225 web: american-drapery. com Profiles of Success 4210 N Sullinger Ave Tucson, AZ 85705 web: atstucson. com phone:........................ (623) 465-7356 x 1 Chelsea Todd Awsg Sales Specialist 108 5th Ave NW Phoenix, AZ 55307 web: ametek. com Ammeraal Beltech phone:...............................(401) 732-8131 Michael Wilhelmer Chief Procurement Officer 7501 Saint Louis Ave Cumberland, RI 60076 web: ammeraalbeltech. com AMP Holdings, LLC phone:...............................(480) 606-3130 Larry Batchelor Senior Manager-MRO Sales 4660 177th Ave Se Bellevue Mesa, AZ 98006 web: timken. com Amro Fabricating Corporation phone:...............................(626) 579-2200 Alex Juttner Chief Operating Officer 1430 Adelia Ave South El Monte, CA 91733 web: amrofab. com 815 E Lowell Ave Mishawaka, IN 46545 web: aspi-nc. com TOC phone:............................... (319) 753-7405 Steven Nuss Direct Material and Labot Estimatorpurchasing phone:...............................(775) 677-4860 John Parker Owner phone:......................... (574) 255-4718 x 1 Pam Rubenstein Chief Executive Officer and Owner 36 American Ordnance LLC PO BOX 2408 Kennesaw, GA 30156 web: tapco. com phone:...............................(870) 648-5539 Robert Byrne Operations Manager Allied Materials and Equipment Company, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 368-9599 Ann Rychlik Marketing Executive Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Amsec LLC ARCA Space Corporation As and D, Llc. 1441 E Mesa Ave Spc A Las Cruces, NM 88001 web: arcaspace. com 7000 Muirkirk Meadows Dr #100 Greenbelt, MD 20705 web: asrcms. com phone:...............................(757) 463-6666 Laurel Pohl Manager, Information Technology Operations phone:...............................(575) 640-3609 Dumitru Popescu Founder Anaheim Precision Sheet Metal Mfg Arevo Inc. 5701 Cleveland St Portsmouth, NH 23462 web: hii-amsec. com phone:...............................(714) 282-7339 Christian Rojas Purchasing 341 W Blueridge Ave Orange, CA 92865 web: anaheimprecision. com Apex Engineering International, L.L.C. phone:...............................(316) 262-1494 Karen McFerren Human Resources 1234 N Wellington Pl Wichita, KS 67203 web: aeillc. com Apogee Scientific, Inc phone:...............................(303) 783-9599 Victoria Evangelista Marketing Specialist 2895 W Oxford Ave Unit 1 Englewood, CO 80110 web: apogee-sci. com Applied Aerospace Structures, Corp. phone:...............................(209) 982-0160 John Rule Chief Executive Officer 3437 S Airport Way Stockton, CA 95206 web: aascworld. com Applied Nanotech Holdings, Inc phone:...............................(844) 736-6266 Scott Rickert Chairman of The Board, Chief Executive Officer 3006 Longhorn Blvd Ste 107 Deerfield Beach, FL 78758 web: appliednanotech. net Approved Aeronautics, LLC phone:...............................(951) 200-3730 Chris Ferguson Purchasing 1240 Graphite Dr Corona, CA 92881 web: approvedaeronautics. com phone:...............................(918) 588-7000 Dan Cox Vice President of Operations ASAP Semiconductor phone:...............................(408) 205-1051 Hemant Bheda Chief Executive Officer 2960 Scott Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054 web: arevolabs. com Arkwin Industries, Inc. phone:........................ (516) 333-2640 x 4 Michael Lowerre Director, Product Support Operations 686 Main St Westbury, NY 11590 web: arkwin. com phone:...............................(714) 705-4780 Ryan Pineda Vice President of Sales 16600 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: asapsemi. com Ascent Aviation Inc phone:...............................(801) 399-1594 Prestwich Kimball Human Resources Executive 1884 Eccles Ave Ogden, UT 84401 web: ascent-aviation. com Ascent Aviation Services Corp. Armorstruxx, LLC phone:...............................(209) 914-7977 Julie Eaton Purchasing Inventory Manager 500 S Beckman Rd Lodi, CA 95240 web: armorstruxx. com Armtec Defense Products Co. phone:...............................(760) 398-0143 Randy McGlade Director - Finance 85901 Avenue 53 Coachella, CA 92236 web: armtecdefense. com Arnold Magnetic Technologies phone:............................... (740) 374-8024 Mary Hess Director-Purchasing 300 N West St Marietta, OH 60152 web: arnoldmagnetics. com Arrow Gear Company phone:...............................(630) 353-9313 Amanda Price Human Resources Generalist 2301 Curtiss St Downers Grove, IL 60515 web: arrowgear. com Arrowhead Products Corp. phone:...............................(714) 828-7770 Mike Rinaker Director of Sales North America 4411 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720 web: arrowheadproducts. net phone:...............................(520) 879-4100 Chris Heredia Director of Sales 6901 S Park Ave Tucson, AZ 85756 web: ascentmro. com Ashley Machine & Tool Co. phone:...............................(570) 287-0966 John Fousler Director of Purchasing 1450 Shoemaker Ave Wyoming, PA 18644 web: ashleymt. com Associated Aircraft Manufacturing & Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(954) 772-6606 Carole McLean Human Resources Manager 2735 Nw 63rd Ct Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 web: aamsi. com Associated Painters, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 710-9881 fax:...................................... (425) 836-0796 Rodney Friese President 1512 Airport Rd. Suite #1 Everett, WA 98204 web: AST Bearings, LLC phone:...............................(973) 335-2230 Saddal Said Regional Sales Manager 115 Main Rd Aliso Viejo, CA 7045 web: astbearings. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 37 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Astro Manufacturing & Design phone:.........................(440) 946-8171 x 1 Chris Rawlins Sales Associate 34459 Curtis Blvd Mentor, OH 44095 web: astromfg. com ATACS Products, Inc. Atlas Aerospace, LLC phone:...............................(316) 942-7931 Johnathan Kelly Director of Purchasing phone:...............................(206) 433-9000 fax:......................................(206) 433-6200 Rich Imus General Manager Astro Spar Inc. phone:...............................(626) 965-1511 Ernesto Herrera Manager-marketing 610 Newport Center Dr Ste 950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 web: astrospar. com 850 S Cambridge St Seattle, WA 98178 phone:...............................(407) 381-6062 Jeff McFarland Systems Sales Engineer 130 Commerce Way Alexander, AR 14052 web: ts.eads-na. com [email protected] web: atacs. com phone:...............................(508) 721-7679 Rita Kapur Vice President, Finance 1 Saint Mark St Auburn, MA 1501 web: atechturbine. com Athens Industries, Inc. Astronics Corporation phone:...............................(716) 805-1599 Stephanie Sparkman Director of Finance and Administration 130 Commerce Way East Aurora, NY 14052 web: astronics. com phone:...............................(860) 621-8957 Jennifer Brush Purchasing Manager 220 West St Plantsville, CT 6479 web: athensind. com ATI Specialty Materials Astro-Tek Industries Inc phone:...............................(714) 238-0022 Rosalinda Rivera Human Resources Manager 1198 N Kraemer Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806 web: astro-tek. com phone:...............................(704) 289-4511 Johnathan Balitewicz Marketing Manager 2020 Ashcraft Ave Laporte, IN 28110 web: allvac. com phone:...............................(207) 671-9070 Sven Lee Chief Executive Officer 74 Bayview St Yarmouth, ME 4096 web: astrumbrands. com Asturies Manufacturing Co, Inc. phone:.........................(951) 270-1766 x 1 Leah Perez Owner 611 S. Charlestown St. Seattle, WA 98108 Supplier of: Adhesives, Sealants, Casting Resins, Tapes Representing: Huntsman, Dow Corning, Bostik, 3M, Hardman [email protected] web: atlassupply. com Aurora Flight Sciences Corp phone:...............................(703) 369-3633 John Langford Chairman/Chief Executive Officer Ausco, Inc. phone:...............................(952) 351-3062 Michael Stuart Director Missiles Strategy Business Development and Marketing phone:...............................(858) 812-7300 Donna Raab Human Resources Manager Atk Elkton LLC Auto-Valve, Inc. 55 Thiokol Rd Elkton, MD 21921 web: thiokolfcu. org 1707 Guenther Rd Dayton, OH 45417 web: autovalve. com 7480 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 web: atk. com phone:...............................(410) 392-5660 Karen Porter Chief Executive Officer Atk Space Systems Inc. phone:...............................(662) 423-7700 Rhonda Stringer Human Resources Leader 751 Co Rd 989 Iuka, MS 38852 web: atk. com TOC phone:...............................(206) 623-4697 fax:...................................... (206) 382-9319 Amy Anderson Customer Service 9950 Wakeman Dr Manassas, VA 20110 web: Atk Corporation Astrum brands group 38 Atlas Supply, Inc. Atech Turbine Components, Inc. Astronics 310 Cessna Cir Corona, CA 92880 web: asturiesmanufacturing. com 4330 W May St Wichita, KS 67209 web: pmcwichita. com Profiles of Success Categorical 425 Smith St Farmingdale, NY 11735 web: gmcwave. com phone:...............................(937) 854-3037 Raymond C Clark President/Chief Executive Officer Avalon Advanced Technologies and Repair Inc. phone:.............................. (860) 254-5442 Mathew Mathai Chief Executive Officer 59 Newberry Rd East Windsor, CT 6088 web: avatarhitec. com Alphabetical Advertisers Avco Corporation phone:...............................(570) 327-7001 Jeff Schans Aftermarket Sales Manager 652 Oliver St Williamsport, PA 17701 web: lycoming. com Avenger LLC phone:...............................(703) 573-6445 Grant Leersnyder Regional Manager-marketing 5570 Port Royal Rd Springfield, VA 22151 web: avengerllc. com Aventure Intl Aviation Services phone:...............................(770) 632-7930 Osman Nooruddin Manager of Marketing 108 International Dr Bertram, IA 30269 web: aventureaviation. com Averitt Express, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 360-2592 Cindy Norrod Customer Service-human Resources 1415 Neal St Nashville, TN 38501 web: averittexpress. com Averstar Inc phone:...............................(408) 894-7900 Ed Yang Partner 1593 Spring Hill Rd 22182-2249 Santa Clara, CA 22182 web: idsoftcapital. com Aviat Aircraft Inc. phone:...............................(307) 886-3151 Jim Lawson Chief Operating Officer 672 N Washington St Afton, WY 83110 web: aviataircraft. com Aviation Colleges Flight Training Schools Aviation Scholarships phone:...............................(773) 846-1234 Sedgwick Hines Founder 47 N Cedar Ln Chicago, IL 60425 web: avscholars. com Aviation Covers, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-0342 Joang Shaeffer Chief Executive Officer Aviation Engineering Consultants, Inc. phone:...............................(727) 723-1332 Kan Rouhani Owner 2754 Sunset Point Rd Palm Harbor, FL 33759 web: aec-inc. com Aviation General Inc phone:...............................(573) 332-0880 John Canavan Inventory and Purchasing Manager 7200 Nw 63rd St Bethany, OK 73008 web: commanderpremier. com Aviation Inventory Resources phone:...............................(817) 672-0060 Danny Stoner Director of Operations 7356 Rendon Bloodworth Rd Mansfield, TX 76063 web: avinvres. com Aviation Liaison Service phone:................................. 425.268.2617 Melanie S. Jordan President 612 - 34th Street Everett, WA 98201 web: aviationliaison. com Aviation Material & Technical Support phone:...............................(636) 812-3221 Roberto Muniz International Sales Manager 750 N Beechcraft Ave Mascoutah, IL 63005 web: avmats. com Aviation Partners, Inc. phone:............................... (206) 762-1171 Joe Clark Chief of Executive Officer PO BOX 81107 Seattle, WA 98108 web: aviationpartners. com Aviation Technology Resources, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 271-4747 Jennifer O'HARA 16420 148th Ave SE Renton, WA 98058 Aviation Technology Services Avio Inc. phone:...............................(201) 816-2721 Gian Ongaro Director - Analysis Costi/Marketing/ Research and Development 270 Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs, NJ 7632 web: aviogroup. com Avion Manufacturing, Inc. phone:.........................(636) 745-3677 x 1 Norm Beachum Owner 75 Cooperative Way Wright City, MO 63390 web: avionavtask. com Avionics Group Inc phone:...............................(305) 238-9045 Afrasiab Khan Director Operations 9941 W Jessamine St Miami, FL 33157 web: avionicsgroup. com Aviation Materials Management, Inc. phone:...............................(801) 782-8450 Cody Branz purchasing Manager 2581 Rulon White Blvd Ogden, UT 84404 web: avmat. com Avon Rubber plc phone:...............................(601) 799-1217 Igor Levin Executive Director Sales and Marketing Intelligence 1200 Martin Luther King Blvd Picayune, MS 39466 web: avon-rubber. com Aviation Partners Boeing phone:...............................(206) 830-7699 fax:...................................... (206) 767-0535 John Reimers CEO, President 7299 Perimeter Road S Seattle, WA 98109 web: aviationpartnersboeing. com Avtech Tyee, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 290-3100 Sarah Spears Human Resources Manager 6500 Merrill Creek Pkwy Everett, WA 98203 web: avtechtyee. com 18712 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: aviationcovers. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 39 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY AVX Aircraft Company phone:...............................(817) 731-8003 Mike Cox Director of Communications and media 6310 Southwest Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76109 web: avxaircraft. com Awms (delaware) Inc phone:...............................(646) 274-1420 Damian Manly Manager Aircraft and Marketing Analysis 620 5th Ave Rm 203 New York, NY 10020 web: awas. com Aws Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(513) 932-7941 Nick Westermeyer Purchasing Agent 2600 Henkle Dr Lebanon, OH 45036 web: tomak. com Axis Jet Inc phone:...............................(916) 391-5000 Tricia Bosco Marketing Director 6133 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95822 web: axisjet. com azlaw4u. com phone:...............................(480) 905-3116 Dwane Cates Managing Partner 6617 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 web: azlaw4u. com B A E Systems Inc phone:...............................(781) 273-3388 Alan Willsky Director, Founder 6 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 1803 web: na.baesystems. com B&E Sales and Service Inc phone:............................... (740) 246-4372 Joe Stanley Owner 10952 Township Road 15 Thornville, OH 43076 web: besalesinc. com phone:...............................(480) 926-8969 Ken Grande Purchasing Manager 944 W Guadalupe Rd Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: Aztec Galvanizing Services phone:...............................(620) 231-6900 Keith Ritchey Marketing Executive, Sales Manager PO BOX 268 Pittsburg, KS 66762 web: aztecgalvanizing. com B & B Precision Components Inc. B&W Pantex phone:...............................(806) 477-3000 Jud Simmons Business Communications Manager 20 S Van Buren Ave Barberton, OH 44203 web: pantex. com B/E Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(561) 791-5000 Bill Green Director Operations 3355 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 web: beaerospace. com BAE Systems plc phone:...............................(203) 541-3400 Timothy Harvey Chief Executive Officer Bae Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(423) 534-3662 Geri Erwin Finance Manager Bai, Inc. phone:...............................(650) 872-1700 Jeremy Leffler Chief Operating Officer 21 Airport Blvd South San Francisco, CA 94080 web: bai-inc. com Badger Ordinance phone:...............................(816) 421-4956 Glenn Lass Media Relations Associate 1209 Swift Ave Kansas City, MO 64116 web: badgerordnance. com phone:...............................(260) 434-5362 Todd Rash Director of Fort Wayne Operations 2000 Taylor St K Fort Wayne, IN 46802 web: baesystems. com Bae Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc. phone:...............................(603) 885-7940 Shauna Moore Analyst, Finance 144 Daniel Webster Hwy Merrimack, NH 3054 web: baesystems. com Bailey Industries Inc phone:...............................(352) 326-2898 Elijah Bailey Owner 25256 Terreno Dr Mission Viejo, CA 92691 web: baileyindustries. com Bald Eagle Turbine Sales LLC phone:.............................. (602) 454-1110 Ken Bogart Operations Manager 2105 S 48th St Ste 109 Tempe, AZ 85282 web: baldeagleturbine. com Ball Corporation phone:...............................(205) 486-5281 Steve Chando Chief Operating Officer 10 Longs Peak Dr Haleyville, AL 80021 web: ball. com Barfield, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 894-5375 Frederic Denise Chief Operating Officer 95 Emjay Blvd Brentwood, NY 11717 web: bbprecisioncomponents. com TOC 144 Daniel Webster Hwy Aberdeen, SD 3054 web: baesystems. com 70 Ready Ave NW Kingsport, TN 32548 web: baesystems. com phone:...............................(631) 273-3321 August Bricker Chief Operating Officer 40 phone:...............................(605) 226-2704 Haydn Clulow Director of Human Resources 440 Wheelers Farms Rd Ste 202 Milford, CT 6461 web: perimeterusa. com Bae Systems Controls Inc. Azmark Aero Systems, LLC Bae Systems Land & Armaments L.P. 4101 NW 29th St Miami, FL 33142 web: barfieldinc. com Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Barnes Bullets, LLC phone:...............................(435) 856-1124 Brett Throckmorton Public Relations PO BOX 620 Mona, UT 84645 web: barnesbullets. com Barnes Group Inc. phone:...............................(860) 973-2141 Gregory Rappa Corporate Communications Assistant 123 Main St Bristol, CT 6010 web: bginc. com Barone Defense Firm phone:...............................(248) 538-2900 Jonathan Abrahams Owner 280 N Old Woodward Ave Ste 200 Farmington, MI 48009 web: baronedefensefirm. com Barrett Firearms Manufacturing phone:...............................(775) 513-6043 Kyle Lynch Director of Sales PO BOX 1077 Boulder City, NV 37133 web: barrett. net Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. phone:........................ (615) 896-2938 x 2 Chris G Messina Government and International Sales Manager PO BOX 1077 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 web: barrett. net Barrett Performance Aircraft Inc phone:...............................(918) 835-1089 Larry Dill Finance Manager 2870 N Sheridan Rd B Tulsa, OK 74115 web: bpaengines. com Basler Turbo Conversions LLC phone:...............................(920) 236-7820 Jared Jungwirth Purchasing Agent 255 W 35th Ave Oshkosh, WI 54902 web: baslerturbo. com Battle Comp Enterprises, LLC BE Semiconductor industries 101 Hickey Blvd Ste A South San Francisco, CA 94080 web: battlecomp. com 14 Keewaydin Dr Chandler, AZ 3079 web: besi. com phone:...............................(650) 296-1782 Alan Normandy Chief Executive Officer Battlespace Inc phone:...............................(760) 781-1322 Robin Battlagili Owner 1215 S Clark St Ste 304 Escondido, CA 22202 web: battlespace. com Baumot North America, LLC phone:...............................(248) 979-8037 Heidi McKissick Operations Manager 2118 Wilshire Blvd Southfield, MI 90403 web: baumot. us Bauska Manufacturing Bc Ltd phone:...............................(406) 257-5200 Jack Bauska Owner/President PO BOX 2270 Kalispell, MT 59903 web: bauska. com The Beacon Group Inc phone:...............................(860) 242-3453 Caryn Butterly Director of Operations 85 Granby St Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: beacongroupinc. com Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation phone:...............................(518) 395-6063 Jeff Leveillee CAD-Operations Specialist PO BOX 1072 Alplaus, NY 12301 web: Beechcraft Corporation phone:............................... (316) 517-4138 Jeffrey Thorn Beechcraft Pre-owned Sales 1 Cessna Blvd Wichita, KS 67215 web: txtav. com BEL Composite America Inc. BBA Aviation phone:...............................(808) 368-1052 Cynthia Ramsey Human Resources Manager 200 Rodgers Blvd Honolulu, HI 96819 web: asig. com phone:...............................(920) 788-3524 Ran Gershfeld Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 1222 Old Princeton Rd Little Chute, WI 16101 web: bel-g. com Bell Aviation, Inc. Bbgn, Inc. phone:...............................(909) 946-5959 Ron Snow Chief Executive Officer 283 Corporate Way, Upland Ca Upland, CA 91786 web: ja-vindustries. com phone:...............................(970) 243-9192 Steve Rich Aircraft Sales 2404 Edmund Hwy Grand Junction, CO 29170 web: bellaviation. com Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. Bbmt L.L.C. phone:...............................(770) 841-3619 Robert Morrison Chief Executive Officer 257 Mcever Ln Hoschton, GA 30548 web: segsuppressors. com Bd-Micro Technologies Inc phone:.............................. (541) 444-1343 Richard Karnes Owner 1260 Wade Rd Siletz, OR 97380 web: bd-micro. com phone:...............................(480) 497-6404 Allison Montes Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(817) 280-6888 Roy Dodge Application Development Regional Sales Manager 600 E Hurst Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76053 web: bellhelicopter.textron. com Bell Memphis Inc phone:...............................(901) 947-1102 Annie Low Director-Human Resources PO BOX 13187 Memphis, TN 38113 web: bellmemphis. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 41 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bemsco Inc phone:............................... (801) 487-7455 Jerry Johnson Human Resources Manager 1193 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 web: bemsco. com Beranek, Inc. Big Air Productions phone:...............................(360) 779-9157 Paul Polson Owner PO Box 475 Indianola, WA 98342 web: 3dair. com Binghampton Simulator Company phone:...............................(310) 328-9094 Douglas Beranek Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(732) 382-3400 Paul Barsa Marketing Manager Berger Bullets, LLC Birch Equipment Rental and Sales, Inc. 2340 W 205th St Torrance, CA 90501 web: beranekinc. com phone:...............................(714) 447-5400 Melesia Cisneros Marketing Specialist 4275 N Palm St Fullerton, CA 92835 web: bergerbullets. com 151 Court St Avenel, NJ 13901 web: bsc. com phone:............................... (360) 734-5744 Cara Buckingham Information Director 1619 Kentucky St Bellingham, WA 98229 Berkshire Manufactured Products phone:...............................(978) 462-8161 Don Woodward Director of Operations 116 Parker St Exeter, NH 1950 web: berkshiremfp. com Berry's Manufacturing of Utah, Inc. phone:.........................(435) 674-1682 x 2 Justin Taylor Marketing and Sales Manager 401 N 3050 E Saint George, UT 84790 web: berrysmfg. com Bertrand Products Inc phone:............................... (574) 234-4181 Marty Pingle Sales/Engineering Manager 2323 Foundation Dr South Bend, IN 46628 web: bertrandproducts. com The Birken Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(860) 242-2211 Miriam Greenberg Co-Owner and Secretary, Member Board of Directors, Sec 3 Old Windsor Rd Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: birken. net phone:...............................(817) 265-3367 Bob Austin President Sales Manager 468 Dodson Lake Dr Arlington, TX 76012 web: betaeng. com BLR Aerospace phone:...............................(800) 257-4847 9730 29th Avenue W. C-106 Everett, WA web: blraerospace. com Blue Origin, LLC phone:...............................(253) 437-9300 Robert Millman Sales Manager 21218 76th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: blueorigin. com Bmt Aerospace Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 285-7700 Michael Wilson Chief Operating Officer Vice President 18559 Malyn Blvd Fraser, MI 48026 web: bmtaerospace. com Bishop Aviation Inc 506 Jack Mountain Rd Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 web: bishopaviation. com Boeing Aerospace Operations, Inc. phone:...............................(501) 525-8228 Stephanie Bishop Finance Manager Blackhawk Modifications, Inc. phone:...............................(254) 755-6711 Dale Griffin Partner 200 Price Rd Winsted, CT 6098 web: bnbmfgco. com phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Julie Lee Business Development Tools and Operations 2401 E Wardlow Rd Long Beach, CA 90807 web: boeing. com Boeing Charleston Co Blimp Works Inc phone:...............................(704) 876-2378 Danny Hogan Sales and Service phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Heather Bigley Regional Manager, Talent Acquisition 3455 Airframe Dr North Charleston, SC 29418 web: boeing. com The Boeing Company phone:...............................(360) 779-9157 Paul Polson President and Owner phone:...............................(206) 662-4170 Arnold Johnson 737 Flight Crew Operations 6897 NE Silver Springs Ln Poulsbo, WA 98370 web: 3dair. com 42 121 E Front St Blossom, TX 75416 web: blossommachine. com phone:...............................(860) 379-0783 Dick Iacobucci Sales Executive 156 Barnes Airship Dr Statesville, NC 28625 web: theblimpworks. com Big Air Productions phone:...............................(903) 982-6118 Terry Henderson Purchasing Manager Bnb Manufacturing Co., Inc. 7601 Karl May Dr Waco, TX 76708 web: Beta Engineering, Inc. Blossom Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. 100 N Riverside Plaza Lake Tapps, WA 60606 web: boeing. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 931-1582 A H Williams Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 516 Tampa, FL 63166 web: 748inc. com Boeing Intellectual Property Licensing Company phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Sharon D. Bagent Purchasing Manager 2201 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, CA 90740 web: boeing. com Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. phone:...............................(985) 532-2554 Pete Leboeuf Human Resource/Housing Manager Bollinger Lockport New Construction 8365 Highway 308 Mathews, LA 70374 web: bollingershipyards. com Bombardier Inc. phone:...............................(416) 373-5590 Brian Ceelen Director of Sales 40 Westminster St Providence, RI 2903 web: aero.bombardier. com Borgwarner Inc phone:............................... (317) 328-3100 Ulli Froehn Vice President, Turbocharger Marketing and Product Developmentturbo Systems 3850 Hamlin Rd Indianapolis, IN 48326 web: borgwarner. com Boring Machine Corporation phone:...............................(763) 786-0100 Dennis Cichy Purchasing 7922 Ranchers Rd NE Minneapolis, MN 55432 web: bormac. com Bossa Nova Technologies phone:............................... (310) 577-8110 Samuel Bucourt President and Chief Executive Officer 606 Venice Blvd San Francisco, CA 90291 web: imagine-optic. com BRAHMOS AEROSPACE PVT LTD. Browe Inc. 5415 N Sheridan Rd Chicago, IL 60640 web: brahmos. com 30870 Stephenson Hwy Ste C Minneapolis, MN 48071 web: browe-inc. com phone:...............................(773) 769-4544 Praveen Pathak Business and Marketing Manager Brandstrom Instruments, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 544-9341 Sikkim Seing Sales/Customer 85 Ethan Allen Hwy Ridgefield, CT 6877 web: brandstrominstruments. com Breeze-Eastern LLC phone:...............................(908) 686-4000 Ronald Brozyna Chief Executive Officer 35 Melanie Ln Whippany, NJ 7981 web: breeze-eastern. com Brenner Aerostructures, LLC phone:...............................(215) 638-3884 Joe Salazar Operations Manager 450 Winks Ln Bensalem, PA 19020 web: brenneraero. com Brown Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 746-0533 Roland Brown Director-human Resources 90 Shields Rd Huntsville, AL 35811 web: brownprecisioninc. com Brytam Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 788-3300 Tammy Reed Director of Human Resources Services 229 S Water St Derby, KS 67037 web: brytammfg. com Budney Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 828-0585 Vaughan Newcombe Director-finance 131 New Park Dr Berlin, CT 6037 web: budneyoverhaul. com Bridgeways phone:...............................(425) 355-8668 fax:...................................... (425) 347-4188 8223 Broadway Everett, WA web: bridgeways. org Brigade Gun Leather Inc phone:...............................(913) 755-3139 Troy Harp Owner 33301 Osawatomie Rd Osawatomie, KS 66064 web: brigadegunleather. com BRITISH AIRWAYS INTERIOR ENGINEERING LIMITED phone:...............................(734) 330-2673 Ruoting Sun Principal Product Marketing Manager 123 N Ashley St Ste 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 web: duo. com Broadcast Microwave Services phone:...............................(858) 391-3050 Mike Honsinger Regional Sales Manager 12367 Crosthwaite Cir Magnolia, TX 92064 web: bms-inc. com phone:...............................(612) 843-1400 Brian Browe President/Chief Executive Officer Bulova Technologies Group, Inc. phone:...............................(727) 536-6666 Rory Gintert Director Midwest/West Sales 19337 Us Highway 19 N Ste 525 Clearwater, FL 33764 web: bulovatech. com Bulova Technologies L.L.C. phone:...............................(602) 470-1555 Jennifer Dye Human Resources Manager 19337 Us Highway 19 N Ste 525 Phoenix, AZ 33764 web: bulovatech. com Burnham Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 721-1844 Luke Eck Marketing Executive 4203 W Harry St Wichita, KS 67209 web: burnhamcomposites. com Burris Company, Inc. phone:...............................(970) 356-1670 Dennis Phillips Marketing Manager 331 E 8th St Greeley, CO 80631 web: burrisoptics. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 43 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Butler National Corporation phone:...............................(316) 284-2842 John Marshall Purchasing Agent 19920 W 161st St Newton, KS 66062 web: butlernational. com Bvr Technologies Co phone:............................... (815) 874-2471 Craig Legault Manager of Sales and Marketing 3358 N Publishers Dr Rockford, IL 61109 web: bvraero. com Bwe Firearms phone:...............................(407) 592-3975 Richard Hoffman Master Gunsmith/Owner 145 Sheridan Ave Longwood, FL 32750 web: bwefirearms. com C. F. Roark Welding & Engineering Company, Incorporated phone:............................... (317) 852-3163 Ty Phelps Operations Manager 136 N Green St Brownsburg, IN 46112 web: roarkfab. com phone:...............................(253) 475-1080 fax:.......................................(253) 474-1623 Keith Clarno President PO Box 11372 phone:...............................(505) 503-6153 John Brown Chief Executive Officer 317 Commercial St NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 web: silentfalconuas. com C & K Plastics Inc phone:...............................(281) 352-6761 David Grice Vice President Sales and Marketing 159 Liberty St Spring, TX 8840 web: candkplastics. com C H Industries Inc. phone:............................... (586) 997-1717 Ron Carlton Contractor and Owner 50699 Central Industrial Dr Shelby Township Shelby Township, MI 48315 web: chindustries. net Cad Airwings 19707 NE 105th Ave Battle Ground, WA 98604 phone:...............................(425) 897-4300 Keith Mose Chief Marketing Officer 5701 Bolsa Ave Ontario, CA 92647 web: zodiacaerospace. com phone:...............................(440) 442-3147 James Swaye Owner 11161 Slater Ave Mentor, OH 92708 web: metalcrafters. com phone:...............................(817) 583-8821 Larry Broseh President and Chief Executive Officer 800 S 6th Ave Mansfield, TX 76063 web: camtech. net CAN Manufacturing Systems, Inc. Cad Manufacturing, Inc phone:.............................. (562) 408-1113 John Mburu President/Chief Executive Officer 7320 Adams St Paramount, CA 90723 web: cadmanufacturing. com phone:...............................(425) 482-7977 Larry COOK Sales Manager 15000 Woodinville-Redmond Rd. NE B-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 Canard Aerospace Cal Tech Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 992-4130 Nick Montilepre Director of Operations and Manufacturing Office Phone 1830 N Lemon St Anaheim, CA 92801 web: caltechprecision. com phone:...............................(281) 812-1670 Cindy Harris Director - Sales and Marketing 250 Fuller St S Eden Prairie, MN 55379 web: canardaero. com Capital City Aviation Inc Calliope Media LLC phone:...............................(858) 366-0372 Katie Sage Marketing Manager C&D Zodiac, Inc. 743 Flynn Rd Camarillo, CA 93012 web: camarac. com CAM-Tech Manufacturing, LP phone:...............................(360) 687-1157 Dan Sprague Owner Bye Uas, Inc phone:...............................(805) 389-8944 Homer Garten Founder Camera Ready Cars / Gaffoglio Family Metalcrafters, Inc. Cablecraft 4401 S. Orchard Tacoma, WA 98466 web: cablecraft. com Camar Aircraft Parts Co. 4901 Morena Blvd Ofc San Diego, CA 92117 web: anattorneyforyou. com phone:...............................(614) 459-2541 Darrick Helmuth Assistant Chief Instructor and Operations Manager 2160 W Case Rd Columbus, OH 43235 web: capitalcityaviation. com Capps Manufacturing, Incorporated Calspan Corporation phone:...............................(716) 632-7500 Laura Kavanaugh Director Human Resources 4455 Genesee St Buffalo, NY 14225 web: calspan. com phone:...............................(316) 942-9351 Linda Davis Purchasing Agent 2121 S Edwards St Wichita, KS 67213 web: cappsmfg. com Capre Inc phone:...............................(320) 524-2782 Torbjorn Nilsson Manager-Operations 13393 Aldrich Rd Nw Brandon, MN 56315 web: aquafloat. com 44 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Carbures Usa, Inc. Cavotec Dabico US Inc. Chardam Gear Company, Inc. 5 Hercules Way Greenville, SC 29605 web: carbures. com 2995 Airway Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 web: cavotec. com 40810 Brentwood Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48310 web: chardam. com phone:...............................(864) 312-4290 Kristin Cannon Human Resources Manager Cargo Components, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-7810 Erling Larsen Owner 8645 S 212th Street Kent, WA 98031 Car-Graph, Inc phone:...............................(480) 894-1356 Pat P Fincher Purchasing Manager 1545 W Elna Rae St Phoenix, AZ 85281 web: car-graph. com Car-Graph, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 894-1356 Kip Tague Chief Executive Officer 1545 W Elna Rae St Tempe, AZ 85281 web: phoenix-spring. com Carlisle Interconnect Technologies phone:...............................(714) 549-0336 Stephanie Duarte Purchasing and Production Planning 100 Tensolite Dr Santa Ana, CA 32092 web: carlisleit. com Carolina Metals Inc phone:...............................(828) 667-0876 Steve Cathcart Position In Operations Manager and Sales 1398 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28806 web: carolinametals. com Caspian Arms, Ltd. phone:...............................(802) 472-6454 Gary H Smith Sales Manager 75 Cal Foster Dr Wolcott, VT 5680 web: caspianarms. com Cavallero Plastics phone:...............................(931) 707-7550 Chris Huddleson Development and Marketing Director 1250 North St Crossville, TN 1201 web: cplas. com phone:........................ (714) 545-7900 x 2 Aj Rivera Operations Manager phone:........................ (586) 795-8900 x 1 Dave Terry Engineering-Sales Celestica Inc. Charles Engineering, Inc. 1235 Foxboro Ln Endicott, NY 13760 web: celestica. com PO BOX 368 Clearwater, KS 67026 web: chaseng. com phone:........................ (416) 448-5800 x 8 Lee Rubinoff. Finance Director, Special Projects Cenic Network Operations Website phone:...............................(714) 220-3400 Janis Cortese Manager Publicity and Communications phone:...............................(620) 584-2381 James Charles Owner Charles Pooley phone:...............................(661) 824-4095 Charles Pooley Senior Vice President of Operations 5757 Plaza Dr Ste 205 Cypress, CA 90630 web: cenic. org 16922 Airport Blvd Ste 5 Mojave, CA 93501 web: microlaunchers. com Central Washington Ultra Lites Charlie's Enterprises Inc 2516 Main St Union Gap, WA 98903 95 7th Ave Newport, MN 55055 web: uniqueshotshells. com phone:...............................(800) 442-9054 Michael Muffett President The Cessna Aircraft Company phone:............................... (316) 517-6779 S. McGreevy Admin Sales Operations 1 Cessna Blvd Wichita, KS 67215 web: cessna.textron. com phone:...............................(651) 768-0270 Charles Wright Owner Chase Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(407) 812-4545 Nick Thomas Chief Executive Officer 4493 36th St Orlando, FL 32811 web: chaseaerospace. com Cfan Company phone:...............................(512) 353-2832 Patti Scanlan Human Resources Assistant 1000 Technology Way San Marcos, TX 78666 web: c-fan. com Chemical Cloth Company phone:...............................(360) 582-9684 Barb Johnson Owner P.O. Box 2709 Sequim, WA 98382 web: chemicalcloth. com CFI Blue Sky II LLC phone:...............................(253) 627-1903 fax:...................................... (253) 572-0923 Fran Hooper Bookkeeper 2202 A St Tacoma, WA 98402 web: titaniumhotforming. com/ CFM International phone:...............................(561) 964-2259 Michel Guibert Sales Director, Americas 11416 Sw 110th Ln West Palm Beach, FL 33176 web: snecma-na. com Chemring North America phone:............................... (610) 859-3674 Gerri Ginett Vice President of Human Resources and Administration 90 Commerce Dr Aston, PA 19014 web: chemringgroup. com Cherokee Nation Businesses LLC phone:...............................(800) 760-6700 Katrina Blevins Agent Procurement 777 W Cherokee St Catoosa, OK 74015 web: cn-bus. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 45 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cheytac Usa, LLC phone:...............................(229) 686-3219 Mike Schuck Executive Director of Sales and Marketing 255 Saint Philip St Nashville, GA 29403 web: cheytac. com Chips Inc phone:...............................(602) 233-1335 David Bardin Owner 3701 E University Dr Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: chipsinc. net Churchill Navigation Inc. Climatronics Corporation 1919 14th St Ste 808 Boulder, CO 80302 web: churchillnavigation. com 601 Parkview Way Newtown, PA 18940 web: climatronics. com phone:............................... (850) 748-7471 Erin Murphy Director of Sales CIRCOR International, Inc. phone:...............................(781) 270-1200 Mark Shortback Regional Sales Manager 30 Corporate Dr Walden, NY 1803 web: circor. com Chipton-Ross, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 414-7800 Felicia Lea Human Resources Generalist 343 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: chiptonross. com Choate Machine & Tool Co Inc phone:...............................(501) 724-6193 Garth Choate Owner 116 Lovers Ln Bald Knob, AR 72010 web: riflestock. com Christopher Overseas Corporation phone:...............................(252) 520-7777 Steve Inabinet Vice President of Sales 2340 John Mewborne Road Kinston, NC 28504 web: commerceoverseas. com Chromalloy Component Services, Inc. phone:...............................(706) 882-0133 Leon Green Director of Operations phone:...............................(218) 788-3000 Chris Guare Regional Sales Director 4515 Taylor Cir West Chicago, IL 55811 web: cirrusaircraft. com Cirrus Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(218) 788-3000 Cliff Allen Aircraft Sales Partner 4515 Taylor Cir Duluth, MN 55811 web: cirrusaircraft. com Cirrus Design Corporation phone:.........................(218) 727-2737 x 3 John Gauch Fleet Sales 4515 Taylor Cir Duluth, MN 55811 web: cirrusdesign. com Clark Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 886-2522 Karon Miller Human Resources Manager 1936 N A St Wellington, KS 67152 web: clarkmanufacturing. com Chromalloy Gas Turbine LLC Clearwater Engineering, Inc. 10460 S 119th St W Derby, KS 67026 web: clearwateren. com Chucking Machine Products Inc Cliffdale Mfg. Inc. phone:.........................(847) 678-1192 x 1 Edward Iverson Owner 3550 Birch St Franklin Park, IL 60131 web: chucking. com 46 TOC 140 Wilbur Pl Chatsworth, CA 11716 web: cliffdalemfg. com Categorical 1395 S Lyon St Plano, TX 92705 web: coastcomposites. com phone:...............................(316) 522-4981 Lori Cronwell Administrative Manager of Customer Service and Sales 35 S Service Rd Po Box 6022 Plainview, NY 11803 web: aeroflex. com Cobham Management Services Inc. phone:...............................(703) 414-5300 Don Jeckell Director of Marketing 2121 Crystal Dr Ste 625 Arlington, VA 22202 web: cobham. com Cole Krueger Investments, Inc. phone:...............................(320) 634-4772 Doug Evink President/Chief Executive Officer 18781 County Rd 22 Glenwood, MN 56334 web: tanisaircraft. com Color Craft, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 282-9545 fax:......................................(206) 284-0635 James Kelly Color Tech, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 634-3505 fax:......................................(206) 634-3508 Chuck Hale Manager 462 N 35th Street Seattle, WA 98103 phone:...............................(818) 341-3344 Gerald Lilienthal Marketing Director Profiles of Success phone:...............................(949) 455-0665 Paul Sadesky Sales Representative 1130 Andover Park E Tukwila, WA 98188 phone:...............................(620) 584-5020 Matt McCurry Operations Manager 3999 Rca Blvd Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 web: chromalloy. com Coast Composites Cobham Corporate Cirrus Aircraft 1664 Lukken Indus Dr W, Troup Lagrange, GA 30240 web: chromalloy. com phone:...............................(210) 331-2300 Michael J. Grubach Area Manager, Master Alloy Operations phone:...............................(215) 579-4292 David Katz Vice President, Government Sales Colt Defense LLC phone:...............................(860) 232-4489 John Michael Magouirk Chief Operating Officer 545 New Park Ave West Hartford, CT 6110 web: colt. com Alphabetical Advertisers Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC phone:...............................(860) 236-6311 Alejandro Fuster Head of Marketing Ccs 545 New Park Ave West Hartford, CT 6110 web: colt. net The Columbus Jack Corporation phone:...............................(614) 443-7492 Richard Drexler Chief Executive Officer 2222 S 3rd St Columbus, OH 43207 web: columbusjack. com Combined Systems, Inc. phone:.........................(724) 932-2177 x 1 Donald Smith Chief Executive Officer 388 Kinsman Rd Jamestown, PA 16134 web: combinedsystems. com Command Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 445-0156 Jennifer Allsop Chief Executive Officer 7505 Resource Ct Curtis Bay, MD 21226 web: commandtech. com Commet Precision Products phone:...............................(360) 403-7600 David Kissinger President PO Box 2570 Everett, WA 98213 Comp Turbo Technology Inc phone:...............................(909) 599-5757 Justin Ekholm Director of Sales 221 W Allen Ave San Dimas, CA 91773 web: compturbo. com Competitive Engineering, Inc. phone:............................... (520) 746-0270 Don Martin Chief Executive Officer and President 3371 E Hemisphere Loop Tucson, AZ 85706 web: ceiglobal. com Composite Solutions Corporation phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 Melissa Ricks Director Human Resources 1820 W Valley Hwy N Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com Composites Horizons, Inc. Continental Motors, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 331-0861 Mark Kelly Vice President Sales and Marketing phone:...............................(251) 438-3411 Ed Kernals Procurement Director Composites Unlimited, Inc. Control Products Co 1471 W Industrial Park St Covina, CA 91722 web: chi-covina. com 2039 S Broad St Mobile, AL 36615 web: phone:...............................(503) 543-7031 Larry Hinman Director of Sales phone:...............................(818) 348-2148 George Ertel Partner The Compound LLC Controlled Chaos Arms, LLC 18411 Gothard St Ste E Las Vegas, NV 92648 web: mgvegas. com 8401 Highway S 52 N Baxter, IA 50028 web: controlledchaosarms. com 53770 Airport Rd Scappoose, OR 97056 web: compun. com phone:...............................(702) 778-0067 Esther Truzman Director of Marketing Connecticut Tool & Manufacturing Company, LLC phone:...............................(860) 793-1919 Don Smuda Purchasing Director 133 S Leonard St Plainville, CT 6708 web: cttool. com The Conrad Company phone:...............................(901) 323-5926 Douglas Seymour Partner 1520 W Main St Ste 204 Memphis, TN 23220 web: conrado. com 1724 Lake Dr W Woodland Hills, CA 55317 web: controlproducts. com phone:...............................(641) 227-3939 Michael Ware Chief Executive Officer Controlled Precision Manufacturing, Inc phone:...............................(619) 579-9963 William Hamilton Owner 352 Coogan Way El Cajon, CA 92020 web: cpmi-usa. com Coonan, Inc. phone:............................... (763) 786-1720 Greg White Chief Executive Officer 2033 105th Ave Ne Lino Lakes, MN 55449 web: coonaninc. com Corry Manufacturing Company Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC phone:...............................(806) 477-3000 Jim Haynes Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 30020 Amarillo, TX 79120 web: pantex. com phone:...............................(814) 664-9611 Tammy Williams Director-Purchasing 519 W Main St Corry, PA 16407 web: corrymfg. com CPI Aerostructures, Inc. Continental Graphics Corporation phone:...............................(310) 662-2300 Maddy Dalton Marketing Executive 222 N Sepulveda Blvd Ste 300 El Segundo, CA 90245 web: cdgl. com phone:...............................(631) 586-5200 Ed Fred Chief Executive Officer and President 60 Heartland Blvd Edgewood, NY 11717 web: cpiaero. com Crane Aerospace & Electronics phone:...............................(425) 743-1313 Peter Dussalt Owner 263 Summer St Ste 500 Boston, MA 2210 web: craneae. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 47 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Creative Interiors, Inc. phone:...............................(309) 288-5511 Kim Foes Owner 11701 W Kellogg St Wichita, KS 67209 web: creative-interiors. com Crescent Unmanned Systems phone:...............................(504) 875-3948 Charles Easterling Chief Executive Officer 700 Church Hill Pkwy Avondale, LA 70094 web: crescentuav. com Crimson Trace Corporation phone:...............................(800) 442-2406 Gary Killingsworth Marketing Director 9780 Sw Freeman Dr Wilsonville, OR 97070 web: crimsontrace. com Critical Materials Inc phone:...............................(859) 296-2800 John Cooney Sales Manager 26273 12 Trees Ln NW Ste J Lexington, KY 98370 web: criticalmaterials. com phone:...............................(918) 268-1290 Jon Walkup Director Sales/Customer Support 2020 W Detroit St Broken Arrow, OK 74012 web: csiaerospace. com phone:...............................(585) 657-6161 Jennifer Cooper Product Marketing Coordinator 7629 State Route 5 And 20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 web: crosman. com CTI Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(303) 291-0912 Marco Benetti Sales and Project Consultant 9 W24400 Riverwood Dr 210 Denver, CO 53188 web: ctisystems. com phone:...............................(253) 853-7167 Rick Boehlke President & CEO 1302 26th Ave NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Crossplains Manufacturing Associates phone:...............................(214) 902-0290 Larry Larson Owner 5850 Maple Ave Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75235 web: laenvironmental. com Ctl-Aerospace, Inc. phone:............................... (513) 874-7900 Jim Vose Human Resource Manager 5616 Spellmire Dr Cincinnati, OH 45246 web: ctlaerospace. com phone:...............................(706) 646-2473 David Maskell Owner 3250 W Britt David Rd Thomaston, GA 31909 web: csgaviation. com Curtiss-Wright Controls, Inc. phone:...............................(704) 869-4667 David Adams Chairman, Chief Executive Officer Curtiss-Wright Corporation phone:...............................(704) 869-4600 Dave Schafer Chief Executive Officer 3602 N Kennicott Ave Carson, CA 60004 web: curtisswright. com Cub Crafters Inc phone:...............................(509) 248-9491 fax:...................................... (509) 248-1421 James Richmond President Cub Crafters, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 248-9491 Jill Hargraves Human Resources Manager Cubic Corporation phone:...............................(858) 277-6780 George Greenleaf Information Operations 9333 Balboa Ave Newport, RI 92123 web: cubic. com Cunningham Aircraft Covers Inc phone:...............................(360) 435-0342 fax:...................................... (360) 435-7405 Lynn Cunningham President 19018 59th Dr NE 2 Arlington, WA 98223 web: cunninghamcovers. com Csg Aviation phone:...............................(704) 481-1150 George Nolan Purchasing Projects Supervisor Flight Systems 13925 Ballantyne Corporate Pl Ste 400 Charlotte, NC 28277 web: curtisswright. com 1918 S 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98903 web: cubcrafters. com Crossings Aviation Curtiss-Wright Controls, Inc 13925 Ballantyne Corporate Pl Ste 400 Shelby, NC 28277 web: curtisswright. com 1918 S 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98903 web: cubcrafters. com Crosman Corporation 48 Csi Aerospace Inc Curtis Preston Enterprises, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 999-5400 Sabrina Preston Human Resources Executive Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies phone:...............................(818) 407-6280 David Garduno Division Operations Manager 80 E State Rt 4 Ste 310 Chatsworth, CA 7652 web: cwst. com Custom Aircraft Cabinets Inc. phone:...............................(501) 851-0405 Mike Gueringer Co-Owner/Partner 10015 Firestone Ln North Little Rock, AR 72118 web: cac747. com Custom Aircraft Interiors Inc phone:...............................(562) 426-5098 Curt Erwin Chief Executive Officer 3701 Industry Ave Lakewood, CA 90712 web: customaircraftinteriors. com Custom Embroidery & Promotions Inc. phone:...............................(206) 782-6970 fax:......................................(206) 782-3602 Debby Harris Senior Account Executive 1118 NW Ballard Way Seattle, WA 98107 web: cep-promotions. com 2299 E Winston Rd Anaheim, CA 92806 web: atlasspecialtyproducts. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Custom Print Labels - Cut Sheet Labels phone:...............................(877) 770-9680 Victoria Hertz Marketing Assistant 21 Commerce Park North Bedford, NH 03110 web: cutsheetlabels. com Cuyana, Inc. phone:...............................(888) 993-9092 Shilpa Shah Co-Founder 291 Geary St Fl 2 San Francisco, CA 94102 web: cuyana. com cyberdojang phone:...............................(310) 473-6233 Fernando Ceballos Marketing Executive 1130412 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 web: cyberdojang. com Cz-USA phone:...............................(913) 321-1811 Adam Swarts Assistant Chief, Operating Officer PO BOX 171073 Kansas City, KS 66117 web: cz-usa. com D. S. Arms, Incorporated phone:............................... (847) 277-7258 Yolanda Romero Finance Manager 27W990 Industrial Ave Lake Barrington, IL 60010 web: dsarms. com D.P.I. Labs, Inc. phone:...............................(909) 392-5777 Andrea Kyles Human Resources 1350 Arrow Hwy, La Verne La Verne, CA 91750 web: dpilabs. com Daisy Manufacturing Company phone:............................... (417) 455-0537 Luke Moffet Finance Manager 11823 Lime Kiln Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: daisy. com Dallas Airmotive, Inc. phone:...............................(214) 956-3001 Barbara Bomar Director of Human Resources 3551 Doniphan Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: premierturbines. com Dance Air Inc Dassault/Falcon Jet Corp 1125 12th Ave NW Issaquah, WA 98027 200 River Rd Newcastle, ME 4553 web: falconjet. com phone:...............................(425) 222-6789 Alan Dance President Daniel Defense, Inc. phone:...............................(501) 210-0431 Joseph Sell Cnc Operator I phone:...............................(912) 851-3245 Marsha Grovenstein Assistant To The President and Chief Human Resources Officer Davis Aircraft Products Co., Inc. The Danner Corporation Day and Zimmermann, Incorporated 58 Firefly Dr Ridgeland, SC 29936 web: danieldefense. com phone:...............................(253) 833-5333 Harold Danner Chief Executive Officer and President 307 Oravetz Pl SE Auburn, WA 98092 web: danner. net Danville Metal Stamping Co., Inc. phone:.........................(217) 446-0647 x 2 Megan Hale Human Resources Manager 20 Oakwood Ave Danville, IL 61832 web: danvillemetal. com 1150 Walnut Ave Bohemia, NY 11716 web: davisaircraftproducts. com phone:...............................(620) 421-7400 Mary Paltner Human Resources Manager 23018 Rooks Rd Parsons, KS 67357 web: dayzim. com Day-Ray Products, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 799-3549 Gary Wright Operations Executive 1133 Mission St South Pasadena, CA 91030 web: day-ray. com Da-Pro Rubber Inc phone:...............................(918) 258-9386 Chris Faletra Application Engineer - Sales 601 N Poplar Ave Murrieta, CA 74012 web: daprorubber. com Decrane Cabin Interiors - Canada phone:...............................(614) 848-7700 Terri Isabella Director of Human Resources 1643 S Maize Rd Wichita, KS 67209 web: dcix. com Dara Aviation Inc phone:...............................(425) 415-6052 John Torode President 19825 141st Pl NE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: daraaviation. com Dasco Engineering Corp. phone:...............................(310) 326-2277 Miguel Velasco Operations Executive 24747 Crenshaw Blvd Torrance, CA 90505 web: dascoeng. com DASSAULT SYSTEMES phone:............................... (978) 442-2740 Philippe FORESTIER 1801 S 93rd Street Seattle, WA 98108 phone:...............................(631) 563-1500 Bruce Davis Chief Executive Officer Deklin Technologies phone:...............................(630) 844-1760 Tracy Dendekker President/Chief Executive Officer 413 Chesterfield Ln North Aurora, IL 60542 web: deklintech. com Dela Technology Corporation phone:...............................(301) 881-6292 Larry Newman Owner 5901 Vandegrift Ave Rockville, MD 20851 web: delatechnology. com Deltahawk Engines, Inc. phone:...............................(262) 634-9660 Dean Bergman Vice President of Operations 2903 Golf Ave Racine, WI 53404 web: deltahawkengines. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 49 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Delta-Ray Industries Inc DigEcor 805 Housatonic Ave Bridgeport, CT 6604 web: delta-ray. com 2143 Par Dr Naples, FL 34120 web: digecor. com phone:...............................(203) 367-6910 Tom Vann Owner Dem Jet Incorporated phone:...............................(908) 415-3455 Damian Klinger President and Co-founder 401 Broadway New York, NY 10013 web: jets. com Derivative Airplane Programs phone:............................... (206) 662-0740 Ray Willaford Engineer 9725 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98108 web: boeing. com phone:............................... (859) 745-1757 Craig Brewer Director Sales and Marketing Digital Force Technologies Douglas Equipment International Inc phone:.............................. (858) 546-1244 Dini Du Clos Chief Executive Officer 9455 Waples St Ste 100 Federal Way, WA 92121 web: digitalforcetech. com phone:...............................(847) 999-4851 Joe Lucania Chief Executive Officer 650 Telser Rd Lake Zurich, IL 60047 web: devildogarms. com Dillon Aero, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 333-5466 Aaron Howe Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(905) 760-2223 Andreea Claici Director Human Resources and Administration 830 Proctor Ave Ogdensburg, NY 13669 web: dewengineering. com Discovery Aviation phone:...............................(321) 308-9641 Brett Black Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(909) 930-3600 Cathy Bainbridge Territory Sales Manager 2580 E Philadelphia St Ste C Ontario, CA 91761 web: diagnosticsolutions. org Diversified Industrial Services phone:...............................(425) 355-1253 13008 Beverly Park Rd Mukilteo, WA web: godiversified. com phone:...............................(256) 828-0522 Cathy Lunn Director-human Resources 13887 Highway 231 431 N Hazel Green, AL 35750 web: dixiemetalcraft. com phone:...............................(281) 232-8920 Damon Kuhn Owner 7723 FM 723 Rd, Richmond, TX 77406 web: diamondbackengines. com phone:...............................(703) 450-8200 Philippe Naim Sales Manager Dragonfly Pictures, Inc. phone:...............................(610) 521-6115 Richard Billingslea Co-Founder Draken International, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 936-4079 Dale Snodgrass Chief Pilot/Deployed Operations 3330 Flightline Dr Lakeland, FL 33811 web: drakenintl. com Driessen Aircraft Interior Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 265-2911 Abraham Sarras Sales Director D-J Engineering, Inc. Diamond Back Engines Ltd Dowty USA Holdings, Inc PO BOX 202 Essington, PA 19029 web: dragonflypictures. com Dixie Metalcraft Corporation Diagnostic Solutions International LLC phone:...............................(678) 715-3003 Andrew Elshaw Sales Director 114 Powers Court Sterling, Virginia Sterling, VA 20166 web: messier-bugatti. com 80 Liberty Ship Way Ste 7 Sausalito, CA 94965 web: discavia. com Dew Engineering 50 State Highway 112 Winchester, KY 82720 web: star15. com 8305 Cherokee Blvd Ste B Douglasville, GA 30134 web: douglas-equipment. com 8009 E Dillons Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 web: dillonaero. com Devil Dog Arms, Inc. Double Star Corporation phone:...............................(801) 489-2022 Adam Williams Marketing Director phone:...............................(620) 456-3179 Mark Bechtold Director Human Resources 723 E Spring Ave Conway Springs, KS 67031 web: djgrp. com 21563 Stonetree Ct Garden Grove, CA 20166 web: driessen. com Drone America phone:...............................(775) 473-9998 Mike Richards Chief Executive Officer/President DK Drill I Management Co., LLC phone:............................... (817) 676-9800 Leo Goranov Marketing Manager 3555 Airway Dr Reno, NV 89511 web: droneamerica. com 820 S 6th Ave Mansfield, TX 76063 web: drillking. net 50 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Dry Coolers, Inc. Dusters & Sprayers Supply Inc EaglePicher Technologies PO BOX 766 Chickasha, OK 73023 web: dustersandsprayers. com PO BOX 47 Quapaw, OK 64802 web: eaglepicher. com phone:...............................(248) 628-8831 Gary Miller Finance Executive phone:...............................(405) 224-1201 Robert Novotny Sales Manager Dse, Inc. Dyn Corp International Inc Eaton Corporation 4440 Von Karman Ave Ste 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 web: dyn-intl. com 11642 Old Baltimore Pike Old Baltimore Pike Ellisville, MO 20705 web: eaton. com 575 S Glaspie St Oxford, MI 48371 web: eaton. com phone:...............................(813) 831-0750 Daniel Kim Chief Operating Officer Chief Operating Officer 5201 S West Shore Blvd Tampa, FL 33611 web: dse. net DTL Canyon Park phone:...............................(206) 478-5068 Kendall Jones Lab Manager 2200 222nd St SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: dtl-inc. com Ducommun Aerostructures New York, Inc. phone:...............................(518) 731-2791 Nick Moss Cnc Waterjet Operations-5axis 2 Flint Mine Rd Coxsackie, NY 12051 web: ducommun. com Ducommun Aerostructures, Inc. phone:...............................(620) 423-8900 Michelle Yates Hawaii School Business Sales Manage 3333 Main St Parsons, KS 67357 web: ducommun. com Ducommun Inc. phone:...............................(310) 513-7280 John Everett Manager of Marketing 27 Jackson St Apt 406 Lowell, MA 1852 web: ducommun. com Ducommun Labarge Technologies, Inc phone:............................... (310) 380-5374 Tony Reardon Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 23301 Wilmington Ave Carson, CA 90745 web: labarge. com phone:...............................(817) 567-5385 Glen Lewis Afghanistan Operations Dyna-Empire Inc phone:...............................(918) 673-2201 Jim Curtis Sales Manager phone:...............................(314) 761-8941 Dan McGinnis Account Sales Manager Eaton Industrial Corporation phone:.........................(516) 222-2700 x 1 Syd Crossley Director-operations phone:...............................(440) 605-1020 James Keene President and Owner Dynamic Perspective Echo Commerce, LLC 11 Benevolo Dr Henderson, NV 89011 web: dynamicperspective. com 12453 S 265 W Ste F Draper, UT 84020 web: airgundepot. com 1075 Stewart Ave Garden City, NY 11530 web: dyna-empire. com phone:...............................(702) 564-0687 Peter Morawitz Chief Executive Officer Dynamic Solutions Systems Inc phone:...............................(715) 233-9838 Rich Welsch Sales and Application Manager 2332 La Mirada Dr Ste 100 Vista, CA 92081 web: dssmicro. com 23555 Euclid Ave Euclid, OH 44117 web: keenebuilding. com phone:...............................(801) 312-0086 Scott Thomas Chief Executive Officer Eck & Eck Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 942-5924 Paul A Eck Director-Purchasing 4606 W Harry St Wichita, KS 67209 web: eckeck. com e2v Aerospace & defense inc phone:...............................(408) 737-0992 Tom Graning Sales Manager, Argus Thermal Imaging 765 Sycamore Dr Palatine, IL 95035 web: e2v. com Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(505) 245-7555 Alan Klapmeier Chief Executive Officer 2503 Clark Carr Loop Se Albuquerque, NM 87106 web: EADS North America phone:...............................(952) 426-1644 Jim Brockhaus Technical Sales Engineer - Central Us Entrust Datacard. 1187 Park Place Shakopee, MN 55379 web: eads-na. com Eagle Aviation Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(757) 262-0445 Emitt Wallace Chief Executive Officer 3200 Magruder Blvd Hampton, VA 23666 web: eagleaviationtech. com Eclipse Aviation Corporation Inc phone:...............................(505) 245-7555 Saverio Bellomo Director of International-technical Operations 2503 Clark Carr Loop Southeast Albuquerque, NM 87106 web: eclipseaerospace. net Eco Cartridge Store phone:...............................(425) 820-3570 Stephen Skullerud Owner 11316 Ne 124th St Kirkland, WA 98034 web: ecocartridgestore. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 51 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Edac Technologies LLC Embraer Executive Aircraft, Inc. Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc. 1806 New Britain Ave Farmington, CT 6032 web: edactechnologies. com 276 SW 34th St Melbourne, FL 33315 web: embraer. com 3 Forest Ln Simsbury, CT 6070 web: e-bind. com phone:...............................(860) 677-2603 Joann Dean Director Human Resources Operations Edmo Distributors, Incorporated phone:...............................(509) 535-8280 Ken Ribble Aerospace and Defense Sales Director 12830 E Mirabeau Pkwy Spokane, WA 99216 web: edmo. com Eidetics Corporation phone:...............................(213) 625-8886 Justin J Shrenger Owner 3425 Lomita Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90505 web: eideticscorp. com phone:...............................(321) 426-2601 Phil Krull Chief Operating Officer/Managing Director Emmett W. Johnson Company, Inc. The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation 1495 N Kealy St Lewisville, TX 75057 web: ewjohnson. com 2209 22nd St Menominee, MI 49858 web: enstromhelicopter. com phone:...............................(972) 436-7258 James Horton Chief Executive Officer Empire Jets, LLC phone:...............................(817) 234-6600 Christy Bland Chief Operating Officer PO BOX 629 Muskegon, MI 49443 web: efw. com Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 271-3220 fax:...................................... (425) 277-9333 Ben Ellison President 350 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 web: ellison-fluid-systems. com phone:...............................(800) 480-3391 Daniel Korneev Chief Executive Officer of ELVA-1 Millimeter Wave PO BOX 1090 Solon, OH 95038 web: elva-1. com Embraer Aircraft Holding Inc phone:...............................(407) 898-8223 Rosana Dias Executive Director Network Operations Gulf States 276 SW 34th St Orlando, FL 33315 web: embraer. The Entwistle Company phone:...............................(508) 481-4000 James Entwistle Founder Encore Interiors, Inc. Enviro Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(949) 559-0930 Donna Kustic Human Resources Manager, Purchasing Director 16452 Construction Cir S Irvine, CA 92606 web: compositesunlimited. com Engility Corporation phone:...............................(703) 708-1400 Thomas Knopf Emergency Operations Center Technician 3750 Centerview Dr Charleston, SC 20151 web: engilitycorp. com ELVA-1 phone:...............................(906) 863-1200 John Alecca Director-sales and Marketing phone:...............................(210) 687-1827 Stephanie Duke Director of Finance 9 Devon Wood San Antonio, TX 78257 web: expressjets. com Elbit Systems phone:........................ (860) 843-2000 x 2 Denise M Grant Chief Finance Officer 6 Bigelow St Hudson, MA 1749 web: entwistleco. com phone:...............................(405) 382-0731 Fred Khavari Finance Manager, Manager 12037 N Highway 99 Seminole, OK 74868 web: enviro-ok. com Environmental Tectonics Corporation phone:.........................(215) 355-9100 x 1 Robert Laurent Chief Executive Officer and President 125 James Way Southampton, PA 18966 web: etcusa. com Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation phone:.........................(856) 241-8620 x 4 Kevin Quan Director of United States Sales and Marketing 2550 Market St, Aston Logan Township, NJ 19014 web: zodiacaerospace. com Eon Instrumentation Inc. phone:...............................(818) 781-2185 James Winchester Chief Executive Officer/President 15531 Cabrito Rd Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: eoninstrumentation. com Epic Aircraft, LLC Enginetics Corporation phone:...............................(937) 878-3800 Patrick Lallement Director of Sales and Marketing and Business Development 7700 New Carlisle Pike Dayton, OH 45424 web: enginetics. com phone:........................ (541) 318-8849 x 1 Doug King Chief Executive Officer 22590 Nelson Rd Bend, OR 97701 web: epicaircraft. com Equipment & Supply, Inc. phone:...............................(704) 289-6565 Richard Broome Procurement 4507 W Highway 74 Monroe, NC 28110 web: equipsy. com 52 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Eric Anderson Eur-Pac Corporation Express Aircraft Co LLC 1751 Garrett St Ste A Enumclaw, WA 98022 web: alex-anderson. com 112 Porter St Waterbury, CT 6708 web: eurpaccorp. com 7849 Old Highway 99 SE Tumwater, WA 98501 phone:...............................(360) 825-6500 Eric Anderson Owner Eriks West USA phone:...............................(206) 243-9660 fax:.......................................(206) 243-4718 2230 Lind Ave., SW Renton, WA web: eriks. com Escape Dynamics, Inc. phone:...............................(303) 410-7709 Dmitriy Tseliakhovich Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer 9596 Metro Airport Ave Broomfield, CO 80021 web: escapedynamics. com Essex Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(314) 832-4500 Deanna Sichra Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer 7700 Gravois Rd Saint Louis, MO 63123 web: essexind. com Esterline Technologies Corp phone:...............................(425) 453-9400 Nicole Jorgensen Area Director of Sales and Marketing 500 108th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 web: esterline. com Esterline Technologies Corporation phone:............................... (514) 748-3148 Andrew Krilick Director Marketing and Business Development, Custom Electronics 2200 Northern Blvd Greenvale, NY 11548 web: Eurotec Vertical Flight Solutions, LLC phone:...............................(785) 331-2220 William Raymond Representative-sales 1040 Ocl Pkwy Eudora, KS 66025 web: eurotecvfs. com phone:.........................(203) 756-0102 x 1 Peter Rand Owner everett community college phone:...............................(425) 388-9100 2000 Tower Street Everett, WA web: phone:...............................(360) 352-0560 fax:......................................(360) 352-0553 Roy Davis Member Extra Aircraft LLC phone:...............................(615) 346-9564 Ken Keith Owner, Chief Executive Officer 4040 Windwood Ln Lancaster, PA 37214 web: extraaircraft. com Everett Jet Center phone:...............................(425) 355-6600 Jim WILKINSON President and CEO F & L Tools Corporation excelata 245 Jason Ct Corona, CA 92879 web: fltcorp. com 3220 100th St. SW Bldg. #B Everett, WA 98204 phone:...............................(651) 501-1023 Sue Kondratowicz Partner 541 Commerce Dr Ste 400 Middleboro, MA 55125 web: excelata. com Excelco Developments, Inc. phone:...............................(716) 934-2651 Kari Novelli Human Resources 16 Mechanic St Silver Creek, NY 14136 web: excelco. net Exothermics, Inc. phone:...............................(603) 296-0196 Diana Garcia Purchasing, Accounting 60 State Route 101a Amherst, NH 3031 web: exothermicsinc. com Exotic Metals Forming Company LLC phone:...............................(253) 395-3710 Jennifer McMasters Director, Human Resources 5411 S 226th St Kent, WA 98032 web: exoticmetals. com EXP Aircraft Services Inc. phone:............................... (972) 746-5154 Walt Aronow Owner 1004 Douglas Dr Roanoke, TX 76262 web: expaircraft. com phone:...............................(909) 279-1555 Shawn Wolfe Quality Assurance/Sales F.M.I. Inc. phone:.........................(316) 838-3970 x 2 Brenda Hess Human Resources Manager PO BOX 2 Wichita, KS 7446 web: fmi-incorporated. com Facc Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 425-4046 Brian Harvey Purchasing 2050 S Edwards St Wichita, KS 67213 web: facc. com Falcon Aerospace, Inc phone:...............................(714) 546-5300 Peter Harlow Senior Purchasing Agent 11609 Martens River Cir Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: falcon-aerospace. com Falcon Industries Inc phone:...............................(505) 281-3783 James Mason Marketing/Public Relations 901 Astro Blvd E Moriarty, NM 56228 web: ergogrips. net Fatigue Technology, Inc. phone:.........................(206) 246-2010 x 2 Michael Barber Airlines/Mro-sales Representative 401 Andover Park E Seattle, WA 98188 web: fatiguetech. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 53 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Federal Aviation Administration phone:...............................(609) 485-4000 Kathy?ы Uroff Digital Media Specialist 800 Independence Ave SW Atlantic City, NJ 20553 web: Ferco Tech, LLC phone:............................... (937) 746-6696 Jeff Sapienza Chief Operating Officer 291 Conover Dr Franklin, OH 45005 web: fercotech. com Finmeccanica North America, Inc. Fitzgerald Truck Parts and Sales LLC 1625 I St NW Fl 12 Washington, DC 20006 web: finmeccanica. com 1225 Livingston Hwy Byrdstown, TN 38549 web: fitzgeraldtrucksales. com phone:...............................(202) 292-2620 Monica Dubay Head, Marketing Fiocchi of America, Inc. phone:...............................(202) 416-8000 Tiki Davies Corporate Communications Executive 4758 Warner Rd Washington, DC 44125 web: ferrotherm. com Fh1100 Manufacturing Corp. phone:...............................(850) 256-0026 Remy Van Nevel Vice President Marketing Europe 6080 Industrial Blvd Century, FL 32535 web: fh1100. com phone:...............................(210) 945-8550 Lyman Shannon Sales Consultant Firefly Systems Inc. Flame Engineering, Inc. 1320 Arrow Point Dr Leander, TX 78613 web: fireflyspace. com PO BOX 577 La Crosse, KS 67548 web: flameengineering. com phone:...............................(970) 945-9377 Cheryl Schmidt Sales and Marketing Representative 1420 Devereux Rd Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 web: fiberforge. com Fiberset, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 824-2488 Marie Walker Owner 1046 Poole St Mojave, CA 93501 web: fiberset. com Figeac Aero USA Inc phone:...............................(310) 525-7875 Didier Roux Directeur Operation Production 1000 Brickell Ave Ste 641a Miami, FL 33131 web: figeac-aero. com Fighting Walrus, LLC phone:...............................(415) 269-7252 Maureen Gannon Co-Founder First Aviation Services Inc. phone:...............................(208) 522-0993 Chip Brock Advertising Consultant Flanagan Brothers, Inc. phone:............................... (860) 633-9474 Michael Barber Sales Engineer First Call International Inc. Flap Air Helicopter Service 6329 Airport Fwy Ste G Haltom City, TX 76117 web: firstcallintl. com 15201 Lake Marvin Rd Canadian, TX 79014 web: flap-air. com phone:............................... (817) 506-8715 Karen Croft Procurement Specialist Firstmark Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(919) 956-4200 Brian Harbaugh Sales Representative 1176 Telecom Dr Durham, NC 27522 web: firstmarkaerospace. com 25 Mill St, Glastonbury Glastonbury, CT 6033 web: fillc. com phone:...............................(806) 323-8255 Trey Webb Owner Flash Technology phone:...............................(812) 853-0595 Lisa Johnston Sales Representative 332 Nichol Mill Ln Newburgh, IN 37067 web: dielectric.spx. com Flight Line Products, Inc. Fitz Aerospace, LLC phone:............................... (817) 281-8816 Steve Huey Chief Operating Officer 6625 Iron Horse Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76180 web: fitzmfg. com phone:...............................(661) 775-8360 Agustin Lomeli Director-sales 28732 Witherspoon Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 web: flightlineproducts. com Flint Hills Solutions, LLC phone:...............................(415) 962-7900 Bryan Galusha Co-Founder phone:...............................(316) 775-1118 Roger Powers President and Chief Executive Officer 366 Industrial Way Brisbane, CA 94005 web: fightingwalrus. com 54 306 Anders Ln Kemah, TX 77565 web: fjordav. com phone:...............................(203) 291-7709 Aaron Hollander Chief Executive Officer 101 Charles A Lindbergh Dr Westport, CT 7608 web: firstaviation. com Fiberforge Corporation Fjord Aviation Products, LLC phone:...............................(417) 725-4118 Daniel Golay Purchasing Manager 6930 N Fremont Rd Ozark, MO 65721 web: fiocchiusa. com Ferrotherm Co phone:...............................(931) 964-4885 Jim Bourke Sales Executive 6752 SW Church Rd Augusta, KS 67010 web: fhsllc. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers FLIR Systems, Inc. FNH USA Fredericks Jf Aero LLC 800 Research Pkwy Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 web: flir. com 7918 Jones Branch Dr Ste 400 Tampa, FL 22102 web: fnhusa. com 25 Spring Ln Farmington, CT 6032 web: jfftool. com Flowcal Corp. Forrest Machining Inc. phone:...............................(703) 678-2111 Bruce Cumming Creative Director, Marketing Communications phone:.............................. (206) 842-1295 Gary Harris 7000 Wing Point Road Neast Bainbridge Isle, WA 98110 Fluid Power Inc phone:...............................(330) 653-5107 Tony Ciarlillo Chief Executive Officer 1300 Hudson Gate Dr Hudson, OH 44236 web: fluidpowerohio. com Fluke phone:...............................(425) 347-6100 David Patterson Sales Representative 6920 Seaway Blvd Yorkville, IL 98203 web: flukecal. com Fluke Corp phone:...............................(425) 347-6100 fax:...................................... (425) 446-5116 PO Box 9090 Everett Everett, WA web: us.fluke. com/usen/Home/default.htm Fluke Corporation phone:...............................(435) 615-0428 Allen Sjogren Owner and Bar and Beverage Director 3 110 Lower Evergreen Dr Park City, UT 84098 web: fluke. com Fluor Daniel Hanford phone:............................... (509) 376-7411 fax:...................................... (509) 372-1050 Randy Staudacher Director of Economic Transition 2420 Stevens Center Room 442 Richland, WA 99352 web: fluor. com/ FN America, LLC phone:...............................(803) 736-0522 Jean Vanderstraeten Chief Executive Officer 797 Old Clemson Rd Columbia, SC 29229 web: fnmfg. com phone:............................... (813) 833-7471 Chuck Henz Regional Sales Manager phone:.........................(661) 257-0231 x 1 Joanne Butler Chief Executive Officer, President 27756 Avenue Mentry Valencia, CA 91355 web: forrestmachining. com Fortner Accessory Services Corporation phone:...............................(818) 548-3690 Brett Fortner President/Owner 1740 Flower St Glendale, CA 91201 web: fortneraccessory. org phone:...............................(860) 677-2646 Stacy Brennan Finance Manager Freight Feeder Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(866) 654-3721 Scott Jacox Vice President-marketing 7339 Paseo Del Volcan NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 web: freightfeeder. com Frisbie Co phone:...............................(253) 939-0363 Jerry Frisbie Owner 101 F St NW Auburn, WA 98001 Fryer-Knowles, Inc. 42 West phone:...............................(212) 277-7556 Francis Coppola Owner 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441 web: 42west. net phone:............................... (206) 767-7710 fax:...................................... (206) 764-3370 Susan P. Bittner President 205 S Dawson Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: fryerk. com FS Precision Tech Fossco, Inc. phone:...............................(850) 437-0080 Michelle Foss Territory Sales Manager 520 Airport Dr SW Milton, FL 87121 web: fosscoinc. com Fountain Plating Company, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 781-4651 Amy Daniels Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(419) 628-3861 Steve Manuszak Human Resource Director 3025 E Victoria St Minster, OH 90221 web: fs-precision. com Fuel Systems LLC phone:...............................(508) 393-7660 Richard Wright Public Relations Coordinator 492 Prospect Ave West Springfield, MA 1089 web: fountain-plating. com 6812 Old 28th St SE Ste E Grand Rapids, MI 49546 web: fuelsystemsllc. com Frasca International, Inc. Fuse Science, Inc. phone:...............................(217) 344-9200 Peggy Prichard Advertising and Promotions Manager 906 Airport Rd Urbana, IL 61802 web: frasca. com Frazier Aviation, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 503-3873 Aitan Zacharin Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Information Officer 6135 Nw 167th St Ste E21 Miami, FL 33015 web: fusescience. com phone:...............................(818) 898-1998 Pam Gay Vice President Operations 445 N Fox St San Fernando, CA 91340 web: frazieraviation. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 55 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Fusion Sourcing Group, Inc. phone:...............................(585) 924-9101 Sue Tubbs Inside Sales Manager 95 Brown Rd Victor, NY 14850 web: fusionsourcing. com Future Metals Inc phone:...............................(954) 724-1400 Jorge Ramirez Sales Manager 10401 State St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33321 web: futuremetals. com Gdas-Lincoln Inc phone:...............................(916) 645-8961 Gentry Caulder Human Resources Manager 1501 Aviation Blvd Lincoln, CA 95648 web: gulfstream. com phone:...............................(631) 231-1044 Michael Kohler Director of Sales 25 Corporate Dr Hauppauge, NY 11788 web: gsedynamics. com GE Aviation phone:...............................(425) 454-8190 fax:......................................(509) 452-7022 Simon Prior President phone:...............................(802) 257-5200 George H Schneeberger Partner/Treasurer/Corporate Director 101 John Seitz Dr Brattleboro, VT 5301 web: gsprecision. com GE Aviation Materials, Inc. phone:...............................(214) 960-3409 Jeff Heath Human Resource Manager GE Aviation Systems LLC phone:...............................(949) 250-3123 Renee Austin Human Resources 2040 E Dyer Rd Santa Ana, CA 92705 web: ge. com G.A. Precision LLC phone:...............................(816) 221-1844 Tracey Cunningham Human Resources Manager 1209 Swift Ave Kansas City, MO 64116 web: gaprecision. net Gee Bee Canopies Inc phone:...............................(253) 841-4614 Glen Breitsprecher President 9807 153rd Street Ct E Puyallup, WA 98375 GAIA Converter Inc. phone:...............................(514) 333-3169 Tom Mullen Regional Sales Manager, Us North East 142 Lake Rd Morristown, NJ 7960 web: gaia-converter. com Galley Support Innovations Inc. phone:...............................(501) 833-3700 Lissa Zimmerman Director of Finance 411 Manson Rd Sherwood, AR 72120 web: galleysupport. com Gastrocare LLP phone:........................ (954) 344-2522 x 3 Joni L Brown Chief Operating Officer General Aviation Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 598-4848 Shannon Mauldin Chief Executive Officer 415 Jones Rd Weatherford, TX 76088 web: gaiinc. net 3010 Red Hawk Dr #120 Grand Prairie, TX 75052 web: ge. com G. S. Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(858) 312-2810 Blake Andersen Buyer, Purchasing Department 14200 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 web: ga-asi. com 2720 W. Washington Avenue Yakima, WA 98909 web: smiths-aerospace. com G. S. E. Dynamics, Inc. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Gemini Technologies Inc phone:...............................(208) 939-7222 Tommy Collins Chief Executive Officer 1432 Easton Rd Ste 4h Eagle, ID 18976 web: gem-tech. com General Aviation Modifications, Inc. phone:...............................(580) 436-4833 Kathy Hignite Chief Executive Officer 2800 Airport Rd Ada, OK 74820 web: gami. com General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems phone:...............................(603) 521-9385 Susan Benz Business Development - Sales Manager 24 Simon St Nashua, NH 3060 web: gd-ais. com General Dynamics Aviation Services phone:...............................(703) 876-3000 Ted Thompson Flight Test Operations Manager 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: generaldynamics. com General Dynamics C4 Systems General Atomics Aeronautical Systems phone:...............................(770) 428-9969 Dennis Ubillus Director of Sales 1611 Wimbledon Dr Nw Kennesaw, GA 30144 web: uav. com phone:...............................(256) 835-1660 Steven Pelley Manager Logistics Operations 8201 E Mcdowell Rd Anniston, AL 85257 web: gdc4s. com General Dynamics Corp phone:...............................(618) 985-8211 Jeff Neilson Director of Operations 6658 Route 148 Marion, IL 62959 web: gd-ots. com 2902 N University Dr Coral Springs, FL 33065 web: digestivecareonline. com 56 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY General Dynamics Corporation phone:...............................(703) 876-3000 Maria Sequin Abrams Foreign Military Sales 2941 Fairview Park Dr Ste 100 Falls Church, VA 22042 web: gendyn. com General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(727) 578-8100 Alice J. (toni) Curtis Assistant Vice President Human Resources 11399 16th Ct N Ste 200 Saint Petersburg, FL 33716 web: gd-ots. com General Dynamics Ots (dri), Inc. phone:...............................(603) 864-6300 Ana Sotomayor Human Resources Director phone:...............................(256) 737-5200 Vivian Hackleman Sales Executive General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies, Inc. General Dynamics-Ots, Inc. 23018 Ardmore Park Dr Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081 web: axsys. com 2941 Fairview Park Dr Ste 100 Anniston, AL 22042 web: axsys. com phone:...............................(256) 737-5200 Therese Tutwiler Business Development Sales Specialist phone:...............................(937) 806-2035 Jay Heitz Contracts Manager Springboro Operations 6717 Al Highway 157 Cullman, AL 35057 web: gd-ais. com 2118 Water Ridge Pkwy Springboro, OH 28217 web: gd-ots. com General Dynamics Land Systems General Electric Capital Corporation phone:...............................(425) 885-0617 Stephan Matriotti Marketing, Information Technology 38500 Mound Rd Redmond, WA 48310 web: gdls. com 3850 N Causeway Blvd Ste 700 Atlanta, GA 70002 web: ge. com General Dynamics Mission Systems phone:...............................(651) 686-5401 Cynthia Hatch Owner at Gdais 6717 Al Highway 157 Saint Paul, MN 35057 web: gd-ais. com General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems 11350 137th Pl Ne Redmond, WA General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems phone:...............................(727) 578-8252 Mark Gibson Director of Talent Management 11399 16th Ct N Ste 200 Fairfax, VA 33716 web: gd-ots. com phone:...............................(203) 373-2211 Noel Engelman Technical Application Engineer and GA Sales Manager-T and D General Electric Company phone:...............................(513) 552-3303 Tyler Wilson Agent for Aviation Operations Center 8700 Governors Hill Dr Cincinnati, OH 45249 web: ge. com 3064 NW 72nd Ave Miami, FL 33122 web: generalmroaerospace. com Genuine Machine Products, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 813-3816 Marty Leavitt Operations Manager 1433 N Tech Blvd Ste 101 Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: genuinemachine. com George V Miller phone:...............................(830) 379-3030 George V Miller Owner 10225 S STATE HIGHWAY 123 SEGUIN Seguin, TX 78155 web: conetrol. com Georgia Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing, LLC phone:.............................. (866) 344-4466 Ron Packard Senior Vice President Operations 108 Pine Rd, Newnan Newnan, GA 30263 web: ginngroup. com phone:...............................(703) 327-9844 Ryan Loria Sales and Marketing 40 Wall St New York, NY 10005 web: gezagear. com Gfmi Aerospace & Defense, Inc. General Electric Company Inc phone:...............................(203) 373-2211 Murali Narasimman Leader, Mobile Coe and Search Coe-new Media and Emerging Technology I phone:...............................(714) 361-4444 Stu Kaiden Sales Engineer 17375 Mount Herrmann St Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: gfmiaero. com 3135 Easton Tpke Shelton, CT 6828 web: ge. com Gh Armor Systems Inc. General Machinery & Manufacturing Co Po Box 280 Dover, TN 37058 web: gharmorsystems. com phone:...............................(931) 233-9084 Chris Grado National Sales Manager phone:...............................(773) 235-3700 Stephen II Founder TOC phone:...............................(305) 482-9903 Alexander Kamberger Manager-marketing Geza Gear, Inc. 2634 N Keeler Ave Chicago, IL 60639 web: gmmco. com 57 General Mro Aerospace Inc Profiles of Success Categorical Giddens Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 353-0405 Alyssa Snyder Human Resources Generalist 9205 Airport Rd Everett, WA 98204 web: giddens. com Alphabetical Advertisers GKN Aerospace Bandy Machining, Inc. phone:....................... (+44) 117-317-6500 Jeanette De Castro Human Resources Manager 3420 N San Fernando Blvd Burbank, CA 91504 web: usa.gknaerospace. com GKN Aerospace Chem-Tronics Inc. phone:...............................(619) 448-2320 Michael Worden Director, Operations 1215 Bert Acosta St El Cajon, CA 92020 web: usa.gknaerospace. com GKN Aerospace Monitor, Inc. phone:...............................(631) 957-2300 Raymond Simon Director Engine Services Marketing 1000 New Horizons Blvd Amityville, NY 11701 web: gknaerospace. com GKN Aerospace Newington LLC phone:.......................(+44) 152-751-7715 Lauren Bukowski Human Resources Manager 183, 179 Louis St Newington, CT 6111 web: usa.gknaerospace. com GKN Aerospace Services Structures Corporation phone:...............................(860) 613-7381 Tony Cacace Chief Executive Officer 1000 Corporate Row Cromwell, CT 6416 web: gknats. com GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 653-7910 Bruce Wilson Purchasing Manager 12122 Western Ave Toledo, OH 92841 web: tsusa.gknaerospace. com GKN Westland Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(334) 283-9356 Heather Eckl Human Resources Manager 229 S Tallassee Dr Tallassee, AL 36078 web: usa.gknaerospace. com Glasair Aviation, LLC phone:...............................(360) 435-8533 Harry Delong Sales Manager 18810 59th Ave NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: glasairaviation. com phone:............................... (574) 266-4500 Charlie Cobb Manager-Manufacturing and Tool Purchasing 27217 County Road 6 Elkhart, IN 46514 web: kessington. com Glenair, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 385-3701 Bruce Benedict Couldnt Veirfy Title But On Sales Directory 3463 Edgewater Dr Ste B Orlando, FL 32804 web: glenair. com Global Armour LLC phone:...............................(203) 226-1778 Richard Garland Owner, Chief Executive Officer 299 Riverside Ave Westport, CT 6880 web: globalarmour. com Global Exec Aviation LLC phone:...............................(888) 878-0788 Chris Manriquez Charter Sales Manager 3250 Airflite Way Long Beach, CA 90807 web: geajets. com Global Ground Support, LLC phone:...............................(913) 780-0300 Roger Main Engineering/Technical, Operations 540 E Highway 56 Olathe, KS 66061 web: global-llc. com Globe Engineering Co., Inc. phone:...............................(316) 943-1266 Craig Scribner Director of Purchasing 1539 S Saint Paul St Wichita, KS 67213 web: globeeng. com Gompf Brackets, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 348-5002 Lee GOMPF 12426 Mukilteo Speedway, C Mukilteo, WA 98275 Goodrich phone:...............................(704) 282-2500 Daniel Grant Aftermarket Sales Director, Americas 2730 W Tyvola Rd Ste 600 Monroe, NC 28217 web: goodrich. com Goodrich Corporation phone:...............................(425) 423-3513 Christina McLane Chief Executive Officer 1550 Valley Vista Dr Everett, WA 91765 web: goodrich. com Grace Aerospace, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 732-6617 Steve Bolton Finance Executive 4838 White Settlement Rd Fort Worth, TX 76114 web: f-16. com Green Country Aircraft Exhaust, Inc. phone:............................... (918) 832-1769 Mike Teague President-Chief Executive Officer 1876 N 106th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 web: greencountryaircraft. com Glock, Inc. phone:...............................(770) 432-1202 Betty Richardson Assistant Director - Human Resources 6000 Highlands Pkwy Se Smyrna, GA 30082 web: glock. com GM Nameplate/SuperGraphics phone:...............................(206) 284-2200 Dean Karousos Senior Sales Engineer 2040 15th Ave W Chicago, IL 98119 web: gmnameplate. com Golden-Helvey Holdings, Inc. Green Mountain Custom Barrels Inc phone:...............................(603) 447-1095 Jeff Whiting Owner 153 W Main St Conway, NH 3818 web: gmriflebarrel. com Griffon Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 258-0035 Tonya Horton Human Resources Manager 106 Commerce Cir Madison, AL 35758 web: griffon-aerospace. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 58 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Grimes Aerospace Company Gulfstream Delaware Corp Harper Aviation, Inc phone:...............................(937) 652-1402 Sarah Stallsmith Assistant Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(912) 965-3000 Harry C. C Spearman Founder phone:...............................(817) 467-6846 Rick Harper Founder Groom Aviation Guns 111th Harper Engineering Company 550 OH-55 Urbana, OH 43078 web: honeywell. com 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: gogulfstream. com PO BOX 35 Eagle, ID 83616 web: harper-aviation. com phone:...............................(316) 708-3381 Elizabeth Allenbaugh Marketing Manager phone:...............................(252) 314-6525 Jonathan Peyton Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(425) 255-0414 Thomas J Egbert Purchasing Growth Industries, Inc. GWC, Inc. / (Golden West Communications) Harris Composites, Inc. 1024 N Prairie Creek Rd Andover, KS 67002 web: groomaviation. com phone:............................... (816) 763-7676 Jay Collins Finance Manager 12523 3rd St Grandview, MO 64030 web: growthind. com Growth Strategies phone:...............................(206) 992-9279 6201 Saint Albion Way Mountlake Terrace, WA web: growthstrategies. us phone:...............................(509) 965-8289 fax:...................................... (509) 965-3607 Jim Walker Sales/ Service 130 Abbess Lane Yakima, WA 98908 web: 2gwc. com phone:...............................(805) 527-8605 Thomas Rullman Chief Executive Officer, President 4505 Industrial St Ste 2g Simi Valley, CA 93063 web: gtaeronautics. com H & R Parts Co., Inc. 20 Milburn St Wichita, KS 14212 web: hrpartsco. com phone:...............................(727) 573-1305 Peter Shindo Marketing Manager 820 Port Centre Pkwy Saint Petersburg, FL 23704 web: gtisystemsinc. com H S Munitions phone:...............................(912) 965-8919 Korakot De Graaf Advertising Manager 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: gulfstream. com Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (georgia) H. M. Dunn Company, Inc. 3301 House Anderson Rd Euless, TX 76040 web: hmdunn. com phone:...............................(626) 331-0861 Renee Fahmy Vice President of Finance Harlow Aerostructures LLC phone:...............................(316) 265-5268 Ana Perkins Human Resources Manager Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(904) 230-6322 Viviano Geno Director of Strategic Partners 21 B St E Florida, MA 1247 web: harris. com phone:...............................(313) 537-0490 Cecil Edwards Vice President Sales and Marketing 12700 Marion Redford, MI 48239 web: hart-precision. com phone:...............................(253) 858-8481 fax:......................................(253) 858-8486 Ronald Hart President 3123 56th Street Court NW, Suite 3 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: thetanktender. com Hartwell Corporation Hampson Aerospace 1501 S Mclean Blvd Wichita, KS 67213 web: harlowair. com TOC 600 Holmes Dr Granbury, TX 76048 web: harriscomposites. com Hart Systems, Inc. 1471 W Industrial Park St Covina, CA 91722 web: hampsongroup. com phone:...............................(703) 276-9500 Neil Clark Director, Government Sales Support 1000 Wilson Blvd Ste 2701 Arlington, VA 22209 web: gulfstream. com 4406 Rathbun Ln Stevensville, MT 59870 web: thehuntingshack. com phone:.........................(817) 283-3722 x 3 John Forsgren Director of Human Resources/E.h and S Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(817) 279-9546 Debra Harris Chief Executive Officer Hart Precision Products, Inc. phone:...............................(406) 777-2106 Vicki Ross Director of Operations Gti Systems, Inc. 200 S Tobin St Renton, WA 98057 web: harperengineering. com Harris Corporation phone:...............................(316) 942-6984 Lon Legleiter Chief Executive Officer Gt Aeronautics, LLC 59 224 E Edgefield Dr Summerville, SC 29483 web: guns111th. com Alphabetical phone:...............................(714) 993-4200 James Paige Human Resources Manager 22115 Hufsmith Kohrville Rd Irvine, CA 77375 web: hartwellcorp. com Hartzell Engine Technologies LLC phone:...............................(334) 386-5400 Stacy Smith Human Resources Executive 2900 Selma Hwy Montgomery, AL 36108 web: hartzellenginetech. com Advertisers Hartzell Engine Technologies, Inc. Helicopter Tech, Inc. 2900 Selma Hwy Miami, FL 36108 web: hartzellenginetech. com 452 Swedeland Rd King Of Prussia, PA 19406 web: helicoptertechinc. com phone:...............................(305) 238-6503 Sergio Dearmas Owner Hartzell Propeller Inc. Higher Planes Inc phone:...............................(610) 272-8090 Walter Metzel PROCUREMENT SOURCING phone:............................... (936) 494-1717 Denise Biscamp Sales and Customer Service Heligear Acquisition Co. Highpoint Firearms 513 Bryant Rd Conroe, TX 77303 web: higherplanes. com phone:...............................(937) 778-4201 Jeff Slattery Account Manager- Oem Sales phone:...............................(708) 728-2000 Anthony Kirvyvwski Manager of Human Resources phone:............................... (419) 747-9444 Tom Deeb Owner and Founder Heart of Georgia Metal Crafters, LLC Henry Wisconsin, LLC Hiller, Inc. 702 S Randall Ave Rice Lake, WI 53715 web: henrywisconsin. com 630 N Washington St Wichita, KS 67214 web: hillerinc. com 1 Propeller Pl Piqua, OH 45356 web: hartzellprop. com phone:............................... (478) 374-7766 Cindy Grenade Human Resources Manager 345 Airport Rd Eastman, GA 31023 web: hgmetalcrafters. com Heartland Precision Fasteners, Inc. phone:...............................(913) 829-4447 Beth Burdett Production Control Coordinator/Purchasing 301 Prairie Village Dr New Century, KS 66031 web: heartlandfasteners. com Heath Tecna Inc. phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Andy Parkes Vice President-sales, Europe, Middle East and Africa 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: zodiacaerospace. com Heico Corporation phone:............................... (954) 744-7677 Julie Dobulis Corporate Director of Human Resources and Public Relations at Heico Aerospace 3000 Taft St Hollywood, FL 33021 web: heico. com Helicopter Parts International, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 715-8600 fax:...................................... (360) 715-1300 Harry Niwranski President #2, 3821 Williamson Way Bellingham International Airport Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heliparts. net/ 6006 W 73rd St Chicago, IL 60638 web: pt6t. com phone:...............................(715) 736-3030 Andy Wickstrom Sales and Service Hexcel Corporation phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 Scott Springer Finance Executive 19819 84th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: hexcel. com Hexcel Pottsville Corporation phone:...............................(203) 969-0666 Michael W. Bacal Communications and Investor Relations Manager 281 Tresser Blvd Stamford, CT 6901 web: hexcel. com Hicksville Machine Works Corp. phone:...............................(516) 931-1524 Holly Pasquarella Purchasing Agent 761 S Broadway Hicksville, NY 11801 web: hicksvillemachine. com High Adventure phone:...............................(909) 883-8488 Robert McKenzie Owner 5500 Ben Canyon Rd San Bernardino, CA 92407 web: flytandem. com High Standard Manufacturing Company Inc 1015 Springmill St Mansfield, OH 44906 web: hi-pointfirearms. com phone:...............................(316) 264-8022 Carissa Chase Human Resources Compliance Manager The Hillman Companies, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 933-0163 Alessandra Gonzalez Ook Transitional Sales and Marketing Manager 10590 Hamilton Ave Miami, FL 45231 web: hillmangroup. com Hitco Carbon Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 527-0700 George Hiraga Chief Human Resources Officer 1600 W 135th St Gardena, CA 90249 web: hitco. com Hi-Tech Machining & Engineering, LLC phone:...............................(520) 889-8325 Celia Penn Finance Supervisor 1075 E Wieding Rd Tucson, AZ 85706 web: hi-techmachining. com HOLOEYE Systems Inc phone:...............................(949) 461-7064 Sean Christian Sales and Marketing Manager 3146 Tiger Run Ct Ste 120 Laguna Hills, CA 92010 web: holoeyesystems. com phone:...............................(713) 462-4200 Kimberly Spellman Vice President Operations 5151 Mitchelldale St Houston, TX 77092 web: highstandard. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 60 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Honda Aircraft Company H-S Precision, Inc. 6430 Ballinger Rd Downey, CA 27410 web: com 1301 Turbine Dr Rapid City, SD 57703 web: hsprecision. com phone:....................... (336) 662-0246 x16 Denise Johnson Human Resources Honda Aircraft Company, Inc phone:........................ (336) 662-0246 x 1 Kathy Carter Information Technology Procurement Officer 6430 Ballinger Rd Greensboro, NC 27410 web: com Honeywell phone:...............................(316) 755-0826 Jinny Robinson Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 2245 101 Columbia Road Valley Center, KS 7962 web: honeywell. com Hornady Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(308) 382-1390 Renae Waltemath Director of Sales 3625 W Old Potash Hwy Grand Island, NE 68803 web: hornady. com Horst Engineering & Manufacturing Co phone:...............................(860) 528-1515 Rita Zapor Finance Executive 36 Cedar St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: horstengineering. com Houston Fearless 76 Inc phone:...............................(440) 729-2445 Steven Eisenberg Vice President of Finance 203 W Artesia Blvd Chesterland, OH 90220 web: houstonfearless. com Hubbard Aviation Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(800) 237-4518 Gus Hart President 6912 S 220th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: hovair. com Howe Machine & Tool Corp. phone:...............................(516) 931-5687 Budd Asher Sales Manager 236 Park Ave Bethpage, NY 11714 web: howemachine. com TOC Hydro USA, Co. phone:...............................(253) 876-2100 fax:.......................................(253) 876-2110 Kurt Rose President 1220, 37th Street NW Suite 101 Auburn, WA 98001 web: Hydroform USA Incorporated phone:...............................(651) 642-4591 Bernard Weiss President and Chief Operating Officer phone:...............................(408) 632-6353 Chic Wickwire Sales Manager 3415 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55114 web: hubavtech. com 2848 E 208th St Long Beach, CA 90810 web: hydroformusa. com Huck International, Inc. Hydromach, Inc. phone:...............................(520) 519-7506 Laura Endicott Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(818) 341-0915 Charles Platt Federal Contract Operations 3724 E Columbia St Tucson, AZ 85714 web: alcoa. com 20400 Prairie St Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: hydromach. com Hudson Control Group, Inc. Ices Corporation phone:............................... (973) 376-7400 Scott Vanderwoude Director of Sales and Marketing phone:...............................(918) 358-5446 Alan Dill Human Resources 10 Stern Ave Springfield, NJ 7081 web: hudsoncontrol. com 4470 Rr 4 Box Cleveland, OK 74020 web: ices-core. com Hydra-Electric Company ICF International, Inc. phone:........................(516) 741-7979 x20 Victor Lasalle Owner phone:...............................(305) 594-0848 Brenda Goodman Manager Operations 3151 N Kenwood St Mineola, NY 91505 web: hydraelectric. com 7235 NW 19th St Ste A Miami, FL 33126 web: icgi. com Hydraflow Icon Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 773-2600 Dennis Ullrich Chief Executive Officer 1881 W Malvern Ave Fullerton, CA 92833 web: hydraflow. com phone:...............................(424) 201-3500 Ashlynd Hunter Administrative Assistant To The Vice President of Operations 12511 Beatrice St Los Angeles, CA 90066 web: iconaircraft. com Hydraulics International, Inc. Hovair Systems, Inc. 61 phone:...............................(605) 341-3006 Josh Cluff Director of Sales and Marketing phone:...............................(818) 407-3400 Les Turner Director of Sales 9201 Independence Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: hiipumps. com Hydro Systems USA Inc. IHC phone:...............................(520) 305-4956 Wolf Kirsten Founder 36 S State St Ste 1900 Tucson, AZ 84111 web: wolfkirsten. com phone:...............................(253) 218-0571 Denise Hopkins Director of Human Resources 1220 37th St NW Ste 101 Auburn, WA 98001 web: Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Ihi Turbo America Co. Inflight Warning Systems, Inc 36 Rr 3 Shelbyville, IL 62565 web: ihi-turbo. com 3940 Prospect Ave Ste P Yorba Linda, CA 92886 web: inflightwarningsystems. com phone:............................... (217) 774-9571 Tom Rezinas Operations Manager Ikhana Group, Inc. phone:...............................(951) 600-0009 John Zublin Chief Executive Officer 37260 Sky Canyon Dr Hngr 20 Murrieta, CA 92563 web: ikhanagroup. com Imaginetics Inc phone:...............................(253) 735-0156 3410 A Street SE Auburn, WA web: imagineticsinc. com IMP Canada phone:...............................(902) 482-1600 Sandi Chase-Caron Human Resources Manager 110 National Dr Fl 2 Glastonbury, CT 6033 web: impgroup. com Impresa Aerospace, LLC phone:........................ (310) 354-1200 x 2 Scott Smith Chief Executive Officer 15700 S Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248 web: impresaaerospace. com Indus Aviation, Inc phone:...............................(214) 337-6387 David Morelan Inventory Manager and Purchasing 5681 Apollo Dr Dallas, TX 75237 web: indusav. com IndySoft/ Norfox Software, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 774-9118 fax:...................................... (425) 774-9602 Robert Appleby Manager 3400 188TH Street S. W. SUITE 285 Lynnwood, WA 98037 web: indysoft. com Infinity Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 350-1900 Dale Carruthers Director of Marketing PO BOX 12275 Northridge, CA 92022 web: dukesaerospace. com phone:...............................(714) 993-9394 Ehrick Steve Chief Operating Officer Inityaero Inc phone:...............................(316) 265-0603 Sheila Lary Treasurer, Vice-President, Sales and Marketing 787 N. West St Wichita Wichita, KS 67203 web: midcentral-mfg. com Integrated Aerospace Structure phone:...............................(562) 997-9242 Howard Osborn Operations Executive 2750 Raymond Ave Signal Hill, CA 90755 web: hightechwest. com Integrated Deicing Services, LLC phone:............................... (603) 647-1717 Dan Young Director Sales and Marketing 175 Ammon Dr Manchester, NH 3103 web: Integrity Ballistics LLC Inland Empire Distribution Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 922-0944 fax:...................................... (509) 242-4429 Matt Ewers VP Business Development 3808 N. Sullivan Road, #32 Spokane, WA 99216 web: ieds. net Inlow Finishing Touch phone:...............................(816) 992-0189 Kimberly Inlow Owner 12910 New Market Rd Dearborn, MO 64439 web: impressionsinflight. com Innovative Composite phone:...............................(509) 493-4484 Lori Wolford Human Resources Manager PO BOX 1218 Bingen, WA 98672 web: innce. com phone:...............................(307) 684-7908 Jim Greer Chief Executive Officer 513 E Hart St Boise, ID 82834 web: integrityballistics. com Integrity E.D.M. LLC phone:...............................(765) 675-9687 Mark Berube Director of Sales 604 Maple St Tipton, IN 46072 web: integrityedm. com Intelligrated phone:...............................(651) 426-8558 Rodney Erickson Director of Sales 5650 Hollis St Saint Paul, MN 94608 web: fkilogistex. com Interconnecttek phone:...............................(480) 284-0572 Greg Esselstrom Sales Engineer Insitu Group, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 493-8600 fax:...................................... (509) 493-8601 Steve Sliwa President, CEO 118 E Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 web: insitu. com/ Insitu, Inc. phone:...............................(301) 631-2406 Caitlyin Lynch Marketing and Business Development Manager 118 E Columbia River Way Frederick, MD 98605 web: insitu. com 1216 N Farrell St Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: interconnecttek. com International Business Machines Corporation phone:...............................(562) 240-2189 Lori Powers Tivoli Business Partner Manager 1 New Orchard Rd Long Beach, CA 10504 web: com International Cartridge Corporation phone:...............................(814) 938-6820 Ryan Forsythe Marketing Director RR 3 Box Reynoldsville, PA 15825 web: iccammo. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 62 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY International Component Repair LLC phone:...............................(770) 459-8862 John Mourey Director-operations 40 E Industrial Ct Villa Rica, GA 30180 web: icrr255x. com International Logistic Support Corporation phone:............................... (928) 474-0092 Shephens Dave Chief Executive Officer 700 W Airport Rd Payson, AZ 85541 web: ilsc. biz International Systems, LLC phone:...............................(858) 552-9408 Michael Foley Sales Manager 1901 Butterfield Rd Ste 700 San Diego, CA 60515 web: l-3com. com Interturbine Logistik GMBH phone:...............................(786) 337-8144 Timm Boehmcker Manager Oem Sales 5775 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 240 Miami, FL 33126 web: interturbine. com Isovolta Inc. Jackson Products, Inc. 495 Territorial St Harrisburg, OR 97446 web: isovolta-or. us 801 Corporate Centre Dr Pomona, CA 63368 web: jacksonsafety. com phone:...............................(541) 995-6395 Nicole Hunter Human Resources Manager Ithaca Gun Company phone:...............................(305) 251-8995 Jean Chagnon Marketing Manager 12252 SW 131st Ave Miami, FL 33186 web: introcorp. com Inventory Locator Service, LLC phone:...............................(901) 794-5000 Don Van Eeghen Owner, President 8001 Centerview Pkwy Hayward, CA 38018 web: ilsmart. com phone:............................... (954) 447-4700 Jay Hurley Director of Operations Itron, Inc. Jamco America, Inc. 420 N Warpole St Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 web: ithacagun. com phone:.........................(425) 347-4735 x 1 Rick Werth Director of Sales ITT Corporation Janicki Industries, Inc. 5009 Centennial Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80919 web: itt. com 1476 Moore St Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com 6501 Wildwood Dr Mckinney, TX 75070 web: itron. com phone:...............................(304) 529-4161 Al Bader Operations Executive 1617 Duke St Fort Worth, TX 22314 web: ipmasset. com 7 Centre Dr Orchard Park, NY 14127 web: enidine. com 75 Marc Dr Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 web: jay-em. com J. D. Ott Co., Inc. phone:............................... (206) 749-0777 Rick Sandberg Outplant Purchasing/Machining Coordinator 2244 6th Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 web: jdott. com 7605 128th St N Saint Paul, MN 55110 web: jprifles. com Categorical Jeff Bonner R & D, Inc. phone:...............................(210) 590-3133 Rose Bonner Director-operation Human Resources 10525 Mopac Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 web: jbrnd. com phone:...............................(925) 265-0025 Chris Davis Owner 607B Old Steese Hwy 741 Fairbanks, AK 99701 web: maules. com Jet Aviation Holdings USA, Inc. phone:...............................(251) 990-5960 Gary Zeller Owner Profiles of Success phone:...............................(330) 923-0333 Lauren Stohovitch Purchasing Manager Jeremy Ainsworth The Jack House LLC TOC phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 Peter Janicki Chief Executive Officer and Founder Jay-Em Aerospace Corporation 516 N 16th St Fairhope, AL 62966 web: jackhouse. com 63 1018 80th St Sw Everett, WA 98203 web: jamco-america. com ITT Enidine Inc. phone:.........................(651) 426-9196 x 1 Kathleen Gangl Finance - Operations Manager phone:...............................(877) 439-7343 Sheila McIlnay Chief Executive Officer and Founder 3002 N Commerce Pkwy Hollywood, FL 33025 web: jamaicaaerospace. com phone:...............................(509) 924-9900 Ed May Director Solutions Marketing J. P. Enterprises, Inc. IPMAS Jamaica Bearings Group phone:...............................(419) 294-4113 Isaac Logsdon Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(716) 662-1900 Christine Brooks Aerospace Inside Sales Coordinator Intro Corporation phone:...............................(909) 468-3636 Dean Wilson Sales Executive Alphabetical phone:...............................(818) 909-3104 Lori Thomas Senior Charter Sales Representative 112 Charles A Lindbergh Dr Van Nuys, CA 7608 web: jetaviation. com Advertisers Jet Learning Laboratory, Inc. Jmp Industries, Inc. Kaiser Aircraft Industries, Inc. PO BOX 347185 Cleveland, OH 44134 web: jmpind. com 1943 50th St N Birmingham, AL 35212 web: kaiseraircraft. com phone:...............................(713) 524-6284 Cy Fair Partner phone:...............................(202) 546-2892 Chong Palmer Owner Jet Parts Engineering, Inc. Jormac Aerospace 8236 Kirby Dr Houston, TX 77054 web: jetlearninglaboratory. com phone:...............................(205) 510-4473 Jeff Smith Vice President Finance Kaman Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(206) 281-0963 Nadim Fattaleh Director International Sales phone:.........................(727) 592-0303 x 2 Steve Jourdenais President-chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(860) 242-4461 Darlene Smith Director of Site Operations Jet Procurement Services, LLC JP Aerospace Kaman Corporation 220 W Mercer St Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98119 web: jetpartsengineering. com phone:...............................(650) 794-0155 Jeff Finley Sales Manager 8409 NW 101st St Oklahoma City, OK 73162 web: jetpro. net Jet Support Services Inc. phone:...............................(312) 494-8628 Julie Bourke Owner 547 E Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823 web: jetsupport. com Jeteffect, Inc. phone:...............................(562) 989-8800 Chris Warners Sales Director 3250 Airflite Way Long Beach, CA 90807 web: jeteffect. com Jetpartners phone:...............................(212) 213-5640 Erik Hocoluk Managing Partner 375 Park Ave Ste 2607 New York, NY 10152 web: Jetprop LLC phone:...............................(509) 535-4401 Patrick Carter International Sales 6427 E Rutter Ave Spokane, WA 99212 web: jetprop. com Jewel Art Enterprises Ltd phone:...............................(630) 260-0400 Harbans Singh Partner 460 Randy Road Carol Stream, IL 60188 web: eaglegrips. com 11221 69th St Largo, FL 33773 web: jormac. com 1332 Blue Hills Ave Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: kaman. com phone:...............................(916) 858-0185 Uriah Barnett Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(860) 243-7100 Mark Rumlow Operations Manager K & K Atv Kansas Aviation of Independence LLC 2530 Mercantile Dr Ste I Cameron Park, CA 95742 web: jpaerospace. com phone:...............................(413) 323-7044 Shawn Kirby Owner 641 Daniel Shays Hwy Belchertown, MA 1007 web: kandkatv. com phone:...............................(620) 331-7716 Matt Gillman Director-Operations Indepndence Municpl Arprt Independence, KS 67301 web: kansasaviation. com K W D Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(210) 924-5999 Sara Duano Sales Executive 2230 W Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78211 web: kwdmfg. com Kearfott Corporation phone:...............................(973) 785-6000 Juergen Heberling Director of Infrastructure and Operations 150 Totowa Rd Wayne, NJ 7470 web: kearfott. com Kahr Arms, Inc. phone:...............................(508) 635-1414 Manfred Moik Materials and Purchasing Manager 130 Goddard Memorial Dr Worcester, MA 1603 web: kahr. com Keddeg Company phone:...............................(913) 492-1222 John Runge Operations Director 10700 Pflumm Rd Shawnee Msn, KS 66215 web: keddeg. com Kaiser Aerospace & Electronics Corporation phone:...............................(949) 250-1015 Michael J Simone Human Resources Manager at Rockwell Collins 2701 Orchard Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 web: rockwellcollins. com 1332 Blue Hills Ave Denver, CO 6002 web: kaman. com Keith Consolidated Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 830-8678 Bill Keith Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 2581 White City, OR 97503 web: kcigse. com Kelbly's Rifle Range Inc phone:...............................(330) 683-4674 George Kelbly Owner 7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd North Lawrence, OH 44666 web: kelbly. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 64 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kelly Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(334) 286-8551 Jeff Kelly Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer 2900 Selma Hwy Montgomery, AL 36108 web: kellyaerospace. com Kel-TEC Cnc Industries, Inc phone:...............................(321) 631-0068 Derek Kellgren Marketing Director 1485 Cox Rd Cocoa, FL 32926 web: kel-tec. com Kens Repair Shop phone:............................... (206) 241-8748 Ken Byers Owner 17959 48th Ave S Seattle, WA 98188 KENVOX INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD phone:...............................(503) 656-0653 Mike Wang Sales Manager 11495 Sorrento Valley Rd San Diego, CA 92121 web: kenvox. com Keystone Sporting Arms, LLC phone:............................... (570) 742-2777 Tina Moser Finance Manager 8920 State Route 405 Milton, PA 17847 web: crickett. com phone:...............................(206) 784-9694 fax:......................................(206) 784-0520 1406 NW 51st Street Seattle, WA web: khanmachine. com phone:...............................(252) 246-7153 Wendy Whitley Human Resources Associate 4200 Airport Dr NW Wilson, NC 27896 web: hs.utc. com phone:............................... (973) 471-4710 Jack Kassab Owner 65 TOC 1151 Eagle Dr Santa Ana, CA 80537 web: kilgoremachinecompany. com Kingfisher Systems phone:...............................(703) 820-7970 Pete Howton Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer 2312 S Susan St Arlington, VA 92704 web: kingfishersys. com Kiser Manufacturing Co., Inc. phone:...............................(316) 269-3344 Jerry Kiser Owner PO BOX 315 Argonia, KS 67004 web: kisermfg. net Kongsberg Protech Systems USA phone:...............................(703) 838-8910 Rine Prestegard Corporate Communication Manager, Branding and Graphic Design 1725 Duke St Ste 600 Alexandria, VA 22314 web: kongsberg. com Kongsberg Protech Systems USA Corporation phone:...............................(703) 838-8911 Rune Johannessen Sales Manager 210 Industrial Park Rd Ste 105 Johnstown, PA 15904 web: kongsberg. com Koyo Corporation phone:...............................(214) 370-6510 Virginia Lopez Human Resources Representative 703 Airport Rd Ennis, TX 53105 web: jtekt. com Kit Planes Northwest phone:...............................(360) 403-0679 Brian Rossi President 17415 51st Ave NE Ste B Arlington, WA 98223 web: kitplanesnorthwest. com/ KLM Antennas, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 794-2923 fax:......................................(360) 794-0294 Bruce Scott President Klune Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 503-8100 Vicky Dalton Corporate Communications Executive 7323 Coldwater Canyon Ave North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: klune. com Kidde Technologies Inc. 2202 Parker Ave Passaic, NJ 24592 web: kidpower. org phone:...............................(714) 540-3659 Ian Kenzie Finance Manager p. o. box 694 Monroe, WA 98272 Khan Machine Tool Co Ltd Kidpower Kilgore Machine Company, Inc. Knight's Manufacturing Company Kratos phone:...............................(479) 435-1946 Robert Jackson Co-Owner 3455 E Township St Fayetteville, AR 72703 web: innocon. com Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(858) 812-7300 James Bae Co-founder and Vice President of Products 4820 Eastgate Mall Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 web: kratosdefense. com Kripya LLC 2406 246th PL NE Sammamish, WA 98074 Kulite Semiconductor Products, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 607-9900 Sean Davis Cad Operator phone:...............................(201) 461-0900 Nathaniel Wilson Director of Sensor Operations 701 Columbia Blvd Titusville, FL 32780 web: knightarmco. com 1 Willow Tree Rd Leonia, NJ 7605 web: kulite. com Knots 2u, Ltd. L X O Industries Inc 2900 S Quincy St Ste 300 Burlington, WI 22206 web: knots2u. com 29570 Clemens Rd Tucson, AZ 44145 web: lxoindustries. com phone:...............................(262) 763-5100 Jim Bradshaw Founder Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical phone:...............................(520) 295-9560 Diane Orr Manager of Finance Advertisers L-3 Communications Corporation phone:...............................(212) 697-1111 Mark Mattoon L-3 Communications Unmanned Systems 80 M St SE Ste 700 Washington, DC 20003 web: l-3com. com L-3 Communications Crestview Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(850) 331-4218 Jamie Grant Manager Purchasing Lamar Technologies LLC phone:...............................(360) 651-6666 Renee Trussell Operations Executive 14900 40th Ave NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: lamartech. com Lamar Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(360) 651-6666 fax:...................................... (360) 651-6677 Scott Grafenauer General Manager 14900 - 40th Avenue N.E. Marysville, WA 98271 web: lamartech. com L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. phone:...............................(253) 395-8800 fax:......................................(253) 395-8838 80 M St SE Ste 700 Kansas City, MO 20003 web: l-3com. com L-3 Communications Integrated Systems L.P. phone:...............................(254) 867-4141 David Dreiling Director, Business Operations 7500 Maehr Rd Waco, TX 76705 web: l-3com. com Labinal, LLC phone:...............................(940) 272-5633 Steve Mears Director Sales and Marketing 3790 Russell Newman Blvd Denton, TX 76208 web: labinal-power. com Lafarge & Egge, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-4123 fax:......................................(206) 523-2368 Paul Vezetiusky President 5820 188th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 web: lafargeinc. com Lakes Region Tubular Products, Inc. phone:...............................(603) 528-2838 Don Brewer Director of Marketing 51 Growth Rd Laconia, NH 3246 web: scotia-tech. com phone:...............................(425) 451-0089 fax:...................................... (425) 451-1987 Timothy Riefflin 3055 112th Ave NE, Suite 206 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: lantal. com 1520 E Covell Blvd #233 Crestview, FL 95616 web: l-3com. com phone:...............................(850) 331-4379 Timothy Sims Amg Operations Manager Lantal Textiles, Inc. Lamsco Northwest Inc 833 1st Ave S Kent, WA web: lamsco. com Lamsco West, Inc. phone:....................... (661) 295-8620 x10 Rick Casillas Chief Operations Officer 24823 Anza Dr Valencia, CA 91355 web: lamscowest. com Lancair International Inc. phone:...............................(541) 923-2244 Doug Meyer Marketing and Sales Director 250 SE Timber Ave Redmond, OR 97756 web: lancair. com Landing Gear Technologies, LLC. phone:...............................(305) 688-0550 Raul Cruz-Alvarez Chief Executive Officer 1094 Ali Baba Ave Hialeah, FL 33054 web: landinggeartech. com Landoll Corporation phone:...............................(785) 562-5381 Jamie Meier Ag Division Sales Manager 1900 North St Marysville, KS 66508 web: landoll. com Lane Industries, Inc. phone:........................ (585) 924-5940 x 2 Larry Casey Finance Director Lapeer Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(810) 664-1816 Kristy Howard Program Manager, Purchasing Manager 400 Mccormick Dr Lapeer, MI 48446 web: lapeerind. com Laser Aiming Systems Corporation phone:...............................(800) 990-9390 Brian Hedeen Chief Executive Officer 5929 Baker Rd Ste 440 Minnetonka, MN 55345 web: laseraimingsystems. com Lavi Systems, Inc. phone:........................ (818) 373-5400 x 2 Brent Valerius Operations Manager 13731 Saticoy St Panorama City, CA 91402 web: lavisystems. com Lbz, L.L.C. phone:...............................(417) 667-3600 Amanda Bowman Purchasing Manager 1200 E Highland Ave Nevada, MO 64772 web: platinumaero. com Learjet Inc. phone:...............................(316) 946-2287 Dean Patterson Director L85 Operations 1 Learjet Way Wichita, KS 67209 web: aero.bombardier. com Lee Air, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 524-4622 Linda Hephner Procurement Manager 4603 S Seneca St Wichita, KS 67217 web: leeair. com 20 Keyland Ct Rochester, NY 11716 web: lane-industries. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 66 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lefiell Manufacturing Company Lightspeed Aviation, Inc. phone:...............................(562) 921-3412 Burt Edrozo Director, Marketing Contracts and Purchasing phone:...............................(503) 968-3113 Teresa De Mers Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing Lehigh Defense, LLC Lindstrand Usa, Inc. 130 Penn Am Dr Quakertown, PA 18951 web: lehighdefense. com 2202 Parker Ave South Boston, VA 24592 web: lindstrandusa. com 13700 Firestone Blvd Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 web: lefiell. com phone:...............................(267) 217-3539 Pete Vogel Sales Representative 6135 Jean Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97035 web: lightspeedaviation. com LINPAC Group 5350 30th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 web: leightonengineering. net 810 S Washington St Tullahoma, TN 37388 web: linpac. com phone:...............................(425) 387-1985 Rob Leighton Chief Executive Officer Leonardo Finmeccanica phone:...............................(215) 281-1400 Jeffrey Elliott Procurement Bid Specialist 201 12th St S Ste 704 Arlington, VA 22202 web: selex-sas. com Lift Solutions Inc phone:...............................(360) 862-8328 John Castano President 5225 138th Dr SE Snohomish, WA 98290 Lift Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 249-2512 Tyler Platts Marketing Manager 5225 138th Dr SE Snohomish, WA 98290 web: liftsolutions. net Lightforce Usa, Incorporated phone:........................ (800) 732-9824 x 1 Sean Murphy Project Manager Marketing 2749 Providence Church Rd Lavonia, GA 30553 web: nightforceoptics. com 411 Fountain Lakes Blvd Saint Charles, MO 63301 web: lmiaerospace. com phone:...............................(918) 398-2004 Sherley Defay Human Resources- Assistant 6705 E 81st St Ste 120 Tulsa, OK 74133 web: lmiaerospace. com Loar Group Inc. phone:...............................(931) 455-9585 Joanna Stevenson Marketing Manager at Promega Lionheart Holdings LLC phone:...............................(215) 283-8400 Van Mai Founding Partner, Marketing Director 130 Keystone Dr Montgomeryville, PA 18936 web: lionheartventures. com Liquid Measurement Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(802) 528-8145 Adam Truso Marketing Manager PO BOX 2070 Milton, VT 5468 web: liquidmeasurement. com phone:...............................(212) 210-9348 Dirkson Charles Chief Executive Officer 450 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10017 web: loargroup. com Lockheed Martin / (Orincon Sygenex Incorporated) phone:...............................(425) 649-3500 fax:...................................... (425) 746-1335 Touraj Assefi Admin Manager 13810 SE Eastgate Way S, Suit50 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: lockheedmartin. com Lockheed Martin Corp phone:...............................(703) 466-1915 Efrain Castro Information Technology Staff Procurement 6801 Rockledge Dr Sterling, VA 20817 web: lmco. com Ljutic Industries Inc Lockheed Martin Corporation 732 N 16th Ave Ste 22 Yakima, WA 98902 web: ljuticgun. com 6801 Rockledge Drive Syracuse, NY 20817 web: lockheedmartin. com phone:............................... (509) 248-0476 Craig Richardson Sales and Marketing Director Llamas Plastics, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 362-0371 Cindy Smith Chief Operating Officer/Owner The Lighthouse For The Blind Incorporated phone:...............................(253) 939-9553 Terry Nelson Administrative/Purchasing Supervisor LMI Finishing, Inc. phone:...............................(434) 572-3445 Cheryll Lopez Sales and Marketing/Customer Support Leighton Engineering and Design LMI Aerospace, Inc. 12970 Bradley Ave Sylmar, CA 91342 web: llamasplastics. com phone:...............................(301) 897-6000 Louie Holm Acquisition Manager Purchasing Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications Inc phone:...............................(410) 318-6167 Robin Smith Senior Security Manager, Security Operations 6801 Rockledge Dr Baltimore, MD 20817 web: lockheedmartin. com phone:...............................(206) 436-2149 Robert Hanna Marketing and Communications Manager 4755 Pasture Rd Fallon, NV 89406 web: seattlelh. org 67 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Lockheed Martin Overseas Services Corporation phone:...............................(301) 214-3708 Melissa Verguldi Actuarial Senior Manager Benefits Finance Lord Corporation phone:...............................(814) 868-0924 Tonia Rihel Human Resources Lead for FULLTIME HIRES 6801 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20817 web: lmco. com 1952 W Grandview Blvd Erie, PA 16509 web: lord. com Lockheed Martin Regnl. Recruit Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) phone:...............................(703) 413-5681 Marsha Malone Director, Homeland Security Programs Washington Operations 6801 Rockledge Drive Arlington, VA 20817 web: lmco. com Lockheed Martin Special Products Co Inc phone:...............................(703) 293-4414 William Obrien Vice President, Business Operations phone:...............................(505) 667-9782 Patrick Padilla Procurement Team Leader 1 Los Alamos Lab Ste 403 Santa Fe, NM 87545 web: phone:...............................(480) 998-0001 Lowell Tucker Owner 7043 E Joan De Arc Ave Scottsdale, AZ 85254 web: lowelltucker. com Lockheed Martin Technical Operations Company Lrt, Inc. phone:...............................(719) 622-2139 Tom Venero F35 Business Operations Manager 6801 Rockledge Drive Colorado Springs, CO 20817 web: lmco. com Loki Weapon Systems Inc phone:...............................(580) 927-9070 John Davis Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 383 Atoka, OK 74538 web: lokiweaponsystems. com Loock Manufacturing Company Inc phone:...............................(503) 642-9066 Roger Loock Owner 21210 SW Johnson St Beaverton, OR 97006 web: revelationarms. com Loos & Co., Inc. phone:...............................(239) 643-5667 Maria Baez Human Resources Manager 901 Industrial Blvd Naples, FL 34104 web: loosnaples. com 227 Bellevue Way N.E. #259 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: lunartransportationsystems. com Luxfer Inc. phone:...............................(951) 684-5110 Margaret Brant ABU Procurement Manager 3016 Kansas Ave Bldg 1 Riverside, CA 92507 web: luxfer. net phone:...............................(703) 455-8650 Patrick Bryan Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 7200 Fullerton Rd Ste G Springfield, VA 22150 web: lwrifles. com Lwdn, LLC phone:...............................(425) 337-3344 Karen Austin Purchasing Manager 15712 Mill Creek Blvd Ste 24 Bothell, WA 98012 web: lrt-inc. com phone:...............................(425) 204-0848 Marjorie Langton Owner 16023 126th Ave Se Renton, WA 98058 web: jmmachine. com LWRC International LLC Lsp Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(614) 718-3000 Jeff Dulaney President and Chief Executive Officer 6145 Scherers Pl Dublin, OH 43016 web: lspt. com phone:...............................(410) 901-1348 Gideon Dodge Procurement Manager 815 Chesapeake Dr Salisbury, MD 21613 web: lwrci. com Lwrc International, LLC L-Tech Enterprises Inc phone:...............................(606) 423-9782 Linden Vandyk Vice President Operations 509 Texas School Rd Eubank, KY 42567 web: ltech. com phone:...............................(410) 901-1348 Gary Gaskill Chief Operating Officer 815 Chesapeake Dr Cambridge, MD 21613 web: lwrci. com Lyons Manufacturing Company, Inc. Luma Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(425) 643-4000 Grahm Maxwell Operations and Compliance 13226 SE 30th St Ste b3 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: lumatech. com phone:...............................(505) 522-2838 fax:...................................... (505) 522-2495 Tom Taylor Lwag Holdings, Inc. Lowell Tucker Enterprises 3201 Jermantown Rd Fairfax, VA 22030 web: lmco. com Lunar Transportation Systems phone:...............................(620) 257-2331 Tammy Mullins Purchasing Manager 711 E Main St Lyons, KS 67554 web: lyonsmfg. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 68 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY M & H Research and Development Corp. phone:...............................(607) 734-2346 Heinz Weissenbuehler President/Chief Executive Officer Big Flats, NY 14814, United States Big Flats, NY 14814 web: mandhsoaring. com M & S Machining, Inc. phone:........................ (859) 263-9213 x 3 Paul Price Director of Sales 340 Cutters Hill Ct Lexington, KY 40509 web: mandsmachining. com Macquarie Aerospace Finance US LLC phone:...............................(415) 829-6600 Yvonne Fang Vice President Credit Risk Aviation Finance Embarcadero Dentistry, 2 Embarcadero Center # 200 San Francisco, CA 94111 web: macquarie. com Magaland Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(510) 226-8826 Gary Shing Owner 43408 Mission Siena Cir, Alameda Fremont, CA 94539 web: magaland. com M & W Fiberglass Inc phone:...............................(503) 538-0101 Gary Jackson Chief Operating Officer 20929 NE Niederberger Rd Dundee, OR 97115 web: mwfiberglass. com Magellan Aerospace Corp phone:...............................(908) 931-1525 Scott Readlinger President and Chief Executive Officer 97-11 50th Ave Cranford, NJ 11368 web: haleins. com MacDonald, Dettwiler And Associates (MDA) Ltd. Magellan Aerospace Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(902) 468-3356 Barnard Hurtubise Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(204) 788-2906 Ron Drepaul Director of Corporate Procurement 60 Windmill Ln Somerset, MA 2726 web: mdacorporation. com 20 Computer Dr Haverhill, MA 1832 web: MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. Magellan Aerospace, Bethel, Inc. phone:...............................(902) 468-3356 Harvey Wamboldt Operator 60 Windmill Ln Homewood, IL 2726 web: phone:...............................(203) 798-9373 Carol Jones Finance-Director 159 Grassy Plain St Bethel, CT 6801 web: ambel. net phone:...............................(509) 455-6577 Steven Speer 3608 S Davison Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 phone:...............................(513) 422-2751 Keith Wyman Director-Sales and Marketing 1712 Germantown Rd Middletown, OH 45042 web: Machinetek, LLC phone:...............................(760) 438-6644 Donald Firm Chief Operating Officer 1985 Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, CA 92011 web: machinetek. com Mack Tool & Engineering, Inc. Magnetic Seal Corp. phone:...............................(401) 247-2800 Linda Perry Purchasing Manager 365 Market St Warren, RI 2885 web: magseal. com Profiles of Success MAINtag phone:............................... (617) 217-2801 Christophe Dissaux Vice President Sales and Marketing 3490 Piedmont Rd NE Ste 120 Boston, MA 30305 web: maintag. com Malabar phone:...............................(805) 581-1200 John Carroll Chairman/Chief Executive Officer 220 W Los Angeles Ave Simi Valley, CA 93065 web: malabar. com Malone's Cnc Machining phone:...............................(918) 786-7313 Cindy King Finance Executive 2015 E Industrial 5 Rd Grove, OK 74344 web: malonescnc. com Manchester Paradigm Inc phone:...............................(904) 739-4389 John Parrish Global Sales Vice President 967 Parker St Manchester, CT 6042 web: unisonindustries. com phone:...............................(909) 390-2500 Tyrone Lumley Purchasing Manager 1305 S Wanamaker Ave Ontario, CA 91761 web: maneyaircraft. com phone:...............................(316) 542-0182 Kim Lind Purchasing PO BOX 550 Cheney, KS 67025 web: mdicheney. com Marathon/Norco Aerospace phone:...............................(319) 385-7231 Jeff Oliver Human Resources Benefits Director 8301 Imperial Dr Mount Pleasant, IA 76712 web: mptc. com 2820 Viridian Dr South Bend, IN 46628 web: macktool. com TOC 8226 Beecaves Rd Austin, TX 78746 web: magpul. com Manufacturing Development, Inc. phone:............................... (574) 233-8424 Rob Saltzman Purchasing Manager 69 phone:.........................(877) 462-4785 x 1 Doug Smith Chief Operating Officer Maney Aircraft, Inc. Magellan Aerospace, Middletown, Inc. Machen, Inc. Magpul Industries Corp. Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Marble's Gun Sights, Inc. Mason Electric Co. Matronics 13955 Balboa Blvd Sylmar, CA 91342 web: mason-electric. com PO BOX 347 Livermore, CA 94551 web: matronics. com phone:...............................(906) 428-3710 Mike Sanville Co-Owner phone:...............................(818) 361-3366 Marci Young Human Resources Executive Marino Enterprises, Inc. Masten Space Systems, Inc Maven Engineering Corporation 1570 Sabovich St Mojave, CA 93501 web: 15946 Derwood Rd Rockville, MD 20855 web: mavencorporation. com 420 Industrial Park Dr Gladstone, MI 49837 web: marblearms. com phone:...............................(925) 606-1001 Matt Dralle Owner phone:.........................(909) 476-0343 x 1 Sharon Nevius Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(888) 488-8455 Joel Scotkin Chief Executive Officer Mark Airmotive Master Power Transmission, Inc. Maverick Aerospace, Inc. 3300 10th St Columbus, IN 47201 web: master-pt. com 5050 Warbird Dr Brea, CA 76207 web: kjack. com 10671 Civic Center Dr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 web: gear-tech. com phone:...............................(509) 762-1838 fax:...................................... (509) 762-6721 8790 Turner Rd. N.E. Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: markairmotive. com Martin Tool and Die Incorporated phone:...............................(731) 479-1960 Larry Clifton Sales Engineer 1412 Broadway St South Fulton, TN 38257 web: martin-tool. com Martinic Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(216) 896-3000 Gary Scullion Operations Team Leader 10932 Chestnut Ave Tolleson, AZ 90680 web: parker. com Marton Precision Manufacturing, LLC phone:............................... (800) 871-2871 Tyler Bengard Sales and Marketing 1365 S Acacia Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 web: martoninc. com Marvin Engineering Co., Inc. phone:............................... (310) 674-5030 Echo Zhu Director of Finance and Controller 260 W Beach Ave Inglewood, CA 90302 web: marvineng. com Mas Components and Coatings LLC phone:...............................(731) 645-5755 Judi Mashburn Owner 1172 Curtis Hill Church Rd Bethel Springs, TN 38315 web: mascomponents. com phone:...............................(812) 378-2401 Stephen Knott Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(514) 331-4922 Georges Chaveca Canadian Sales-Railroad phone:............................... (714) 578-1700 Jackie Chalabian Chief Executive Officer Master Swaging Inc Maverick Arms, Inc. 210 Washington St Willard, OH 44890 web: masterswaging. com 1001 Industrial Blvd Eagle Pass, TX 78852 web: maverickarms. com phone:............................... (937) 596-6170 Tisha Helmlinger Manager Sales and Engineering Support Mastercraft Aerospace Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(314) 770-0444 Sherrie Kaiser Procurement 13743 Shoreline Ct E Earth City, MO 63045 web: mastercraftool. com Materion Corporation phone:...............................(216) 486-4200 Don Smith Information Technology Executive, Owner 6070 Parkland Blvd Ste 1 Horace, ND 44124 web: materion. com Matrix Income and Growth 2 VCT Plc phone:...............................(800) 596-0313 Paul Maggi Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 2882 Dublin, CA 94568 web: matrixpe. com phone:...............................(830) 773-9007 Mark Lackey Marketing Staff Mayday Manufacturing Co. phone:...............................(940) 442-5706 James Rivera Human Resources Manager 1500 Interstate 35 W Denton, TX 76207 web: maydaymfg. com MB Aerospace East Granby, Limited Partnership phone:...............................(860) 653-5041 Mark Vogellus Director of Finance and Admin 39 Bradley Park Rd East Granby, CT 6026 web: delta-industries-ct. com MB Westfield, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 568-8676 Bob Zagaja Vice President Sales/Marketing 109 Apremont Way Westfield, MA 1085 web: berkshireindustries. com McFarlane Aviation, Inc. phone:............................... (785) 594-2741 David McFarlane Owner 696 E 1700th Rd Baldwin City, KS 66006 web: mcfarlane-aviation. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 70 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The McGinty Machine Company Inc phone:...............................(316) 269-3344 Lisa Swink Operations/Finance Manager 222 N Hydraulic St Wichita, KS 67214 web: mcgintymachine. com Md3 Industries, Ltd. phone:...............................(817) 685-7122 Matthew Ybarra Director of Operations 1205 Texas Star Pkwy Ste 100 Euless, TX 76040 web: empirepremac. com MDC Aircraft Service McKechnie Aerospace Investments, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 491-2600 Mike Wright Manager of Finance 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: mvcusa. com phone:...............................(214) 637-3770 Willie Lopez Owner 1825 Surveyor Ave Ste 102 Dallas, TX 93063 web: mdcair. com MDS Coating Technologies Corporation Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Kentucky Corporation phone:...............................(859) 936-4617 Randi Carr Director Human Resources Policy and Process 190 Corporate Dr Danville, KY 40422 web: meggitt. com Meggitt Defense Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(949) 465-7700 Gregory Hill Director of Marketing 9801 Muirlands Blvd Irvine, CA 92618 web: meggitt. com Meggitt PLC phone:...............................(203) 375-5685 Beth Austin Accounting/Finance phone:...............................(902) 888-3900 Tracy Rose Director of Marketing and Business Development 915 Honeyspot Rd Stratford, CT 6615 web: mcmellonbros. com 1455 Penn Ave NW Washington, DC 20001 web: mdscoating. com phone:...............................(971) 233-7256 Jerry Switzer Business Development Marketing Manager McNally Group Mears Machine Corp Meggitt-Usa, Inc. 5445 Dtc Pkwy Ste P4 Kent, WA 80111 web: mcnally-group. com 9973 E Us Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123 web: mearsmachine. com 1955 Surveyor Ave Simi Valley, CA 93063 web: meggitt. com MD Helicopters Inc phone:...............................(570) 825-7711 Cataldo Medico President/Owner McMellon Bros., Incorporated phone:...............................(253) 395-9535 Martin Maxfield Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(480) 346-6201 Mike Motahari Chief Operating Officer 4555 E Mcdowell Rd Aurora, CO 85215 web: mdhelicopters. com phone:............................... (317) 271-6041 Roger Mears Co-Owner phone:...............................(480) 346-6300 Dorinda Baker Accounting and Finance 4555 E Mcdowell Rd Mesa, AZ 85215 web: mdhelicopters. com MD International Industries Inc phone:...............................(631) 254-3100 Martin Michie Owner 120 E Jefryn Blvd Deer Park, NY 11729 web: mdiindustries. com phone:...............................(805) 526-5700 Simon Vargeson Sales Engineer Medico Industries, Inc. Mercer Products & Mfg. Co. 1500 Highway 315 Wilkes Barre, PA 18711 web: medicoind. com 401 S Webster Street Seattle, WA 98108 Meggitt (rockmart), Inc. MD Helicopters, Inc. 4607 Se International Way Portland, OR 97222 web: oeco. com phone:........................ (770) 684-7855 x 4 David Hardy Director, Human Resources 669 Goodyear Ave Rockmart, GA 30153 web: meggitt. com Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation phone:...............................(330) 796-4400 Kimberly Falen Director, Regional Human Resources 1204 Massillon Rd Akron, OH 44306 web: meggitt. com phone:...............................(206) 232-7670 fax:......................................(206) 232-0442 Donna Gulliford Mercury Air Services LLC phone:...............................(216) 898-4800 Sheri Knight Director-Human Resources 19601 Five Points Rd Cleveland, OH 44135 web: airservicesusa. com Mesadyne Corporation phone:...............................(714) 545-3332 Zuly Rivera Marketing Communications 1760 Monrovia Ave Ste a14 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 web: mesatactical. com Messier-Bugatti Usa, LLC phone:...............................(859) 817-2941 Tim Krueger Purchasing Agent 1 Carbon Way Walton, KY 41094 web: usa.messier-bugatti. com 71 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Messier-Bugatti-Dowty Inc. (Safran Group) Micro AeroDynamics, Inc. phone:...............................(905) 683-3100 Bryan Teed President and Vice President Finance phone:...............................(800) 677-2370 fax:......................................(360) 293-5499 Charles White President 1111 Saint Charles Ave Saint Charles, MN 55972 web: safranmbd. com 4000 AIRPORT Road, SUITE D Anacortes, WA 98221 web: microaero. com Messier-Dowty (SAFRAN Group) Micro Estimating Systems phone:...............................(253) 867-5555 fax:......................................(253) 867-5560 Scott Perkins phone:...............................(262) 860-0560 Benard Wood Chief Executive Officer 20819 72 nd Avenue S, Suite 500 Kent, WA 98032 web: messier-dowty. com 5027 W North Ave New Berlin, WI 53208 web: microest. com Metal Innovations Incorporated Micro Steel Inc. phone:...............................(503) 678-2807 Kim Wilnes Chief Executive Officer Manager President 22255 Yellow Gate Ln NE Aurora, OR 97002 web: metalinnovations. com 7850 Alabama Ave Canoga Park, CA 91304 web: microsteel. net Metalor Technologies USA Microcosm, Inc. 1003 Corporate Ln Export, PA 15632 web: metalor. com Metro Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(734) 941-4571 Andre Ferland Owner 11977 Harrison Romulus, MI 48174 web: metromachineworks. net Meyer Tool, Inc. phone:...............................(513) 853-4400 Melissa Kitchen Director of Purchasing 3055 Colerain Ave Cincinnati, OH 45225 web: meyertool. com Michelin North America, Inc. phone:...............................(864) 458-5000 John Schueneman Chief Executive Officer 135 Le Baron St Waukegan, IL 60085 web: us.michelin. com Micom Corp phone:...............................(651) 636-5616 Paul Varhol Chief Executive Officer 475 Old Highway 8 NW Tempe, AZ 55112 web: micomcircuits. com phone:...............................(816) 525-9897 Jeff Wagner Regional Sales Manager 1024 6th Ave S Lees Summit, MO 29582 web: midconcables. com Middletown Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(859) 986-0364 Jb Hillard President/Chief Executive Officer 87 Old Wallaceton Rd Berea, KY 40403 web: middletowncomposites. com Midway Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 348-8701 Tova Hersko Finance Executive phone:...............................(508) 699-8800 Karen Ursiny Purchasing Manager Midcon Cables Co phone:...............................(417) 451-4820 Leon Hayden Finance Manager 8023 Gateway Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: midwaymachininginc. com Midwest Aerospace, Ltd. phone:...............................(310) 219-2700 Alice Wertz Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Sec-treas, Treasurer 4940 W 147th St Hawthorne, CA 53208 web: smad. com phone:...............................(219) 365-7250 Dave Parker Director-purchasing 9465 Joliet St Saint John, IN 46373 web: midwestaeroltd. com Midwest Aircraft Products Co Inc Micronav LLC phone:...............................(973) 696-2054 Bo Ljung Partner Wayne - in 32 Hemlock Ter in Wayne, NJ 7470 web: micronav. com Micropump, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 253-2008 fax:......................................(360) 253-8294 Denise Hafenbrack Supply Chain Manager 1402 NE 136th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684 web: micropump. com phone:...............................(419) 884-2164 Chuck Kumisarek Purchasing Manager 125 S Mill St Mansfield, OH 44904 web: midwestaircraft. com Midwestern Helicopter LLC phone:...............................(262) 657-7700 John Parrish Owner 10450 52nd St Kenosha, WI 53144 web: midwesternhelicopter. com Mikro Systems, Inc. Micro-Star International Co., Ltd (MSI) phone:...............................(626) 913-0828 Patrick Lee Channel Development Sales Manager 12200 N Stemmons Fwy Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75234 web: msi. com phone:...............................(434) 244-6480 Al Weisenborn Co-Founder 1180 Seminole Trl Ste 220 Charlottesville, VA 22901 web: mikrosystems. com Mikul, Inc. phone:...............................(979) 968-9528 Jana Kulhanek Sales Manager 390 S Reynolds St La Grange, TX 78945 web: micomachine. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 72 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Milan Tool Corp. Mint Turbines LLC Molon Labe Industries Inc 8989 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44129 web: milantool. com 2915 N Highway 99 Stroud, OK 74079 web: mintturbines. com 2840 W Bay Dr Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770 web: molonlabeindustries. com phone:...............................(216) 661-1078 Robert Rea Purchasing and Engineering Manager Military Systems Group, Inc. phone:...............................(918) 968-9561 Zachary Severson Director Finance Development phone:...............................(727) 282-5223 Mark Leclaire Director of Operations Mission Research Corporation Monaero Engineering Inc 735 State St Goleta, CA 93101 web: missionresearch. com 17011 Industry Pl La Mirada, CA 90638 web: monaero. com phone:...............................(615) 256-4248 Scott France Chief Operating Officer phone:...............................(805) 690-2447 Steve Fafel Chief Executive Officer Milkor USA Inc. Missouri Metals, L.L.C. Moneymaker Guncraft Corp 9970 Page Ave Saint Louis, MO 63132 web: missourimetals. com 1420 Military Ave Omaha, NE 68131 web: moneymakerguncraft. com 736 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 web: milsysgroup. com phone:...............................(520) 888-0203 Richard Solberg Sales Executive phone:...............................(314) 222-7100 Brenda Buelt Accounting/Human Resources Millennium Airship Inc Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation America, Inc. 3735 N Romero Rd Ste 2m Tucson, AZ 85705 web: milkorusainc. com phone:...............................(360) 674-2488 Gil Costin President 8850 State Highway 3 SW Ste 1 Port Orchard, WA 98367 web: millenniumairship. com 4965 Preston Park Blvd Two Preston Park South Plano, TX 75093 web: mitsubishiaircraft. com Millennium Concepts, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 821-9300 Doug Nulik Cnc Programmer/Operator 9050 W Monroe Cir Wichita, KS 67209 web: Millitech, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 665-8849 Robert (bob) White President/Chief Operating Officer 29 Industrial Dr E South Deerfield, MA 1060 web: millitech. com Mil-Spec Industries, Corp. phone:...............................(516) 625-5787 Hardik Patel Marketing and Strategy Manager 10 Mineola Ave Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 web: mil-spec-industries. com Minco Products, Inc. phone:...............................(585) 225-6512 Ken Hugh Regional Sales Manager 550 Whispering Pines Cir Rochester, NY 14612 web: minco. com phone:...............................(469) 573-5816 Noriyuki Kobayashi Director, Sales and Marketing phone:...............................(714) 994-5463 Ajay Pall Engineering and Purchasing phone:...............................(402) 556-0226 Susan Eades Director of Marketing Montana Diamond Aire Inc phone:...............................(406) 752-5092 John Talmage Chief Executive Officer 1893 Airport Rd Kalispell, MT 59901 web: diamondaire. com Moog Inc. MMPEX Systems, LLC phone:...............................(800) 789-3341 Scott Eckert President and Chief Executive Officer X 500 W Silver Spring Dr Ste k200 Milwaukee, WI 53217 web: mmpexsystems. com phone:...............................(716) 652-2000 Lori McCoy Administrative Assistant/Sales PO BOX 40870 Fort Worth, TX 76140 web: moog. com Mooney Airplane Company, Inc. Modern Arms Company LLC phone:...............................(775) 537-1118 Nancy Korica Sales Manager 12913 Us Hwy 12 Packwood, WA 98361 web: ssarmory. com phone:...............................(830) 792-2918 Robert Collier Director Quality and Services Operations 165 Al Mooney Rd Kerrville, TX 78028 web: mooney. com Morgan Aero Products, Inc. Modern Muzzleloading, Inc. phone:...............................(866) 518-4181 Sam Brocato Sales and Marketing Manager 213 Dennis St Athens, TN 37303 web: knightrifles. com phone:...............................(425) 438-9600 Roger Bell Vice President of Operations 1450 80th St SW Everett, WA 98203 web: morganaero. com Mounting Solutions Plus Inc Moeller Mfg. Company, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 373-3431 Jim Downs Psychological Product and Training Marketing Specialist phone:...............................(305) 253-8393 Stephen Scheer Marketing Director 10655 Sw 185th Ter Miami, FL 33157 web: mountsplus. com 7116 Crossroads Blvd Brentwood, TN 37027 web: moellerpunch. com 73 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Mpc Products Corporation phone:...............................(847) 673-8300 Kathleen Keegan Commercial Operations Manager 7320 Linder Ave Skokie, IL 60077 web: woodward. com Mras Maint Blkt Only phone:...............................(410) 682-1210 James Walker Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Finance 103 Chesapeake Park Plaza, Middle River Middle River, MD 21220 web: ge. com MSP Aviation, Inc. phone:........................ (812) 333-6100 x 1 Mickey Kean Operations Manager 239 W Grimes Ln Bloomington, IN 47403 web: msp-aviation. com Mtm Corporation phone:...............................(401) 392-3000 Andrew Irby Director of Marketing 643 Route 6 Andover, CT 6232 web: mtmcorporation. com Mt-Propeller Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(386) 736-7762 David Noad Owner 1180 Airport Terminal Dr Deland, FL 32724 web: mt-propellerusa. com Mtu Aero Engine Components Inc phone:...............................(860) 667-2134 Nancy Caufield Marketing Manager, Engineering and Design Office 275 Richard St Newington, CT 6111 web: mtuusa. com Mulgrew Aircraft Components, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 256-1375 Daryl Sparks Chief Operating Officer 1810 S Shamrock Ave Monrovia, CA 91016 web: mulgrewaircraft. com MULTIROTOR service-drone. com USA, LLC phone:...............................(303) 931-4126 Oliver Knittel Chief Executive Officer - Europe 4845 Pearl East Cir Boulder, CO 80301 web: service-drone. com Nanoracks, LLC phone:...............................(815) 425-8553 Marcia Blount Director, Houston Operations 2313 Via Puerta Laguna Woods, CA 92637 web: nanoracks. com Nasco Aircraft Brake, Inc. Mx Aircraft, LLC phone:...............................(336) 696-2472 Chris Meyer Owner Wilkes County Airport-Ukf, 634 Wood Wallace Dr, North Wilkesboro North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 web: mxaircraft. com Mygoflight. com phone:...............................(303) 364-7400 Charles Schneider Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder phone:...............................(310) 532-4430 Marybeth Buresh Human Resources Manager 13300 Estrella Ave Gardena, CA 90248 web: nascoaircraft. com National Aeronautics and Space Administration phone:...............................(281) 483-4451 Amber Herrington Human Resources Generalist 301 Kalamath St Unit 103 Denver, CO 80223 web: mygoflight. com 300 E St SW Nasa Headquarters Webster, TX 20546 web: N 724db LLC National Circuit Assembly 11 Hog Island Rd Philadelphia, PA 19153 web: phillyjetservice. com 2908 National Dr Plano, TX 75041 web: ncatx. com phone:...............................(215) 492-8992 Martin Quinlan Director of Operations Nabtesco Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 602-8402 Bill Walkling Director of Information Technology Operations 17770 NE 78th Pl Redmond, WA 98052 web: nabtescoaero. com National Juvenile Defender Center phone:...............................(202) 452-0010 Patricia Puritz Executive Director of Finance 3013 Laurel Ave Hyattsville, MD 20785 web: Nabtesco Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 602-8401 fax:......................................(425) 602-8408 Nobutaka Osada 17770 NE 78th Place Redmond, WA 98052 web: nabtescoaero. com Nammo Talley, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 898-2200 John Cybulski Chief Operating Officer PO BOX 34299 Mesa, AZ 85277 web: talleyds. com phone:...............................(972) 596-5511 Tan Tieu Owner National Technical Systems phone:...............................(386) 532-1644 Antonia Mueses Human Resources Executive 24007 Ventura Blvd Ste 200 Orange City, FL 91302 web: dynamiclabs. com NC Dynamics Incorporated phone:...............................(562) 634-7392 Nora Sanchez Human Resources Manager 3400 E 69th St Long Beach, CA 90805 web: ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 74 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Near Space Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(719) 685-8115 John Hawley Chief Executive Officer 8610 Explorer Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80920 web: globalnearspace. com phone:...............................(860) 229-9994 Mark Malkowski Owner/President/Founder 515 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: stagarms. com Neill Aircraft Co. phone:........................ (562) 432-7981 x 2 Victor Paquini Director of Operations 1260 W 15th St Long Beach, CA 90813 web: neillaircraft. com Neill Aircraft Company phone:...............................(801) 364-3607 Calvin Nelson Chief Executive Officer 1260 W 15th St Salt Lake City, UT 90813 web: neillaircraft. com Neilpryde Bikes phone:...............................(510) 444-7900 Mike Rice Owner 3530 Grand Ave Oakland, CA 94610 web: neilprydebikes. com New Era Contract Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 272-3553 fax:...................................... (253) 727-4212 Larry Ramirez President 5838 S Adams Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: necsinc. net phone:...............................(631) 842-8989 Sandra Origoni Sales Manager 8 Reith St Copiague, NY 11726 web: nelljoy. com New Tech Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-1200 fax:...................................... (425) 743-3566 Tom Bigelow President 7911 44th Avenue W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: newtechind. com phone:...............................(918) 622-4493 Tim Clement Owner 9422 E 55th Pl Tulsa, OK 74145 web: neosource. net Networks Electronic Co LLC phone:....................... (818) 341-0440 x26 Andrew Campany Chief Technical Officer and Executive Vice President, Engineering 9750 De Soto Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: networkselectronic. com New Breed Logistics Newport News Shipbuilding 4101 Washington Ave Franklin, VA 23607 web: hii-nns. com 2600 94th St SW Everett, WA web: newbreed. com 24 Locust Ln Syosset, NY 11791 web: niksnaks. com Niles Precision Company phone:...............................(269) 683-0585 Tom O'Neill Manager-purchasing 1308 Fort St Niles, MI 49120 web: nilesprecision. com phone:...............................(715) 483-3079 Tom Luedtke Finance Executive 1105 Pine St Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024 web: noblesmfg. com phone:...............................(623) 582-2261 Greg Chmielewski Manager Human Resources 1620 W Knudsen Dr Phoenix, AZ 85027 web: noranco. com The Nordam Group phone:...............................(918) 401-5000 Rachel Newport Director Marketing and Sales-military Newton Design, LLC 26015 E Admiral Pl Catoosa, OK 74015 web: newton-design. com 2200 W Orangewood Ave Ste 215 Orange, CA 92868 web: nordam. com The Nordam Group Inc phone:...............................(918) 587-4105 Richard Maurice Assistant Vice President Human Resources Nexans S.A. phone:...............................(800) 644-4547 Matt Featherstone Regional Sales Manager-south Central 12122 Flynt Dr Frisco, TX 75035 web: nexans. com Night Vision Technologies Inc phone:...............................(972) 554-3944 Candy Prather Chief Operating Officer phone:...............................(425) 290-5653 phone:...............................(212) 628-0819 Niicole Bendor Owner Noranco Manufacturing USA Ltd phone:....................... (918) 266-6205 x11 Jeanessa Marler Owner Neosource, Inc. Nik's Naks Nobles Worldwide, Inc. phone:...............................(757) 380-2000 William Bell Vice President, Human Resources and Administration Nell-Joy Industries, Inc. 75 New Britain Firearms Holdings LLC 111 N Nursery Rd Irving, TX 75060 web: nightvisiontechnologies. com 6911 Whirlpool Dr Tulsa, OK 74117 web: nordam. com Nordam Transparency Division of Texas Inc phone:...............................(817) 625-4106 Marc Overton Sales and Marketing Director 5101 Blue Mound Rd Fort Worth, TX 76106 web: nordam. com Nor-ral Plastics, Inc phone:...............................(770) 720-0526 Jessica McWhorter Owner 164 Hickory Springs Ind Dr Cartersville, GA 30115 web: norralplastics. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Nor-Ral, Inc. phone:.........................(770) 720-0526 x 2 Matt McWhorter Chief Operating Officer 164 Hickory Springs Ind Dr Canton, GA 30115 web: norral. com Norsk Titanium US Inc. phone:...............................(440) 759-7499 Chuck Kruger Human Resources Director 1350 Avenue Of The Americas Fl 25 New York, NY 10019 web: norsktitanium. com North American Arms, Inc phone:...............................(610) 940-1668 Jessica Boyd Online Marketing Manager 600 W Germantown Pike Ste 400 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 web: naaminis. com North American Rotor Work phone:...............................(206) 763-9392 John Voorhes Owner 11814 44th Ave S Seattle, WA 98178 Northmar, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 524-5170 fax:...................................... (206) 524-0402 Russ Entrop Vice President 1011 NE 69th Street, P.O. Box 15220 Seattle, WA 98115 web: northmar. com Northrop Grumman phone:...............................(253) 584-8944 Dennis Lingo Facility Manager 3620 96th St. SW Lakewood, WA 98499 web: northropgrumman. com/index.html Northrop Grumman Aerospace phone:...............................(321) 951-5000 Gerber Kevin Chief Executive Officer 2000 W Nasa Blvd Walnut Creek, CA 32904 web: is.northropgrumman. com Northrop Grumman Corporation phone:...............................(658) 888-9999 April Oppegard Assistant To The Director of Marketing Communications 2980 Fairview Park Dr Niagara Falls, NY 22042 web: ngc. com Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp. phone:...............................(703) 280-2900 Naomi Dean Senior Human Resources Manager 2980 Fairview Park Dr Carson, CA 22042 web: ngc. com Northrop Grumman Systems Corp phone:...............................(512) 342-3014 Peggy Davis Human Resources Administrator 2980 Fairview Park Dr Buffalo, NY 22042 web: amherst. com Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation phone:...............................(310) 812-5640 Janis Macrae Assistant To Human Resources Vice President 2980 Fairview Park Dr Redondo Beach, CA 22042 web: ngc. com Northrup Corp phone:...............................(310) 553-6262 Donna Dryva Human Resources Manager 101 Continental Blvd #255 El Segundo, CA 90245 web: ngc. com Northstar Machine & Tool Company, Inc. phone:...............................(708) 728-2121 Sonya Sommeres Executive Assistant To Vice-president and General Manager, Chicago Operations 6006 W 73rd St Bedford Park, IL 60638 web: nsaero. com Northwest Propeller Service INC phone:............................... (253) 770-7400 Dick Jacob Owner 16709 Meridian St. E, Unit 3 Puyallup, WA 98375 web: NWPROPELLER. com Northwest Uld, Inc. phone:........................ (503) 434-6845 x 1 Bryan Baker Purchasing Mnanager 11160 SW Durham Ln Suite 1 Mcminnville, OR 97128 web: nwuav. com Northwing Design Inc phone:...............................(509) 886-4605 fax:......................................(509) 886-3435 Kamron Belvins President 3904 Airport Way East Wenatchee, WA 98802 web: northwing. com Nosler, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 382-3921 Bob Boyk Director of Human Resources and Safety 107 SW Columbia St Bend, OR 97702 web: nosler. com Noveske Rifleworks, LLC phone:............................... (541) 479-6117 Mike Aland Chief Marketing Officer 594 Ne E St Grants Pass, OR 97526 web: noveske. com Nsa (chi) Liquidating Corp. phone:...............................(708) 728-2000 Rory Robinson Director Operations Northstar Turbine LLC phone:...............................(603) 736-4892 Betty Audet Partner 1933 Dover Rd Epsom, NH 3234 web: northstarturbine. com Northwest Helicopters phone:...............................(360) 754-7200 fax:.......................................(360) 754-1761 Brian Reynolds Owner 6006 W 73rd St Chicago, IL 60638 web: nsaero. com Nucomm phone:.........................(908) 852-3700 x 3 James Hyman Vice President Broadcast Sales and Imt Sales Support 101 Bilby Rd., Carlisle, PA 7840 web: nucomm. com 1000 85th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 web: nwhelicopters. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 76 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Numet Machining Techniques, Inc. phone:.........................(203) 375-4995 x 1 Mark Roscio President and Chief Executive Officer OMATIVE Systems North America phone:...............................(216) 378-4302 Ariel Nosrat Director of Marketing 235 Edison Rd Orange, CT 6477 web: numet. net 23230 Chagrin Blvd Ste 950 Beachwood, OH 44122 web: omative. com The O' Gara Group, Inc Omb Guns Inc phone:...............................(937) 490-2513 Bill Kostic Deputy Program Manager and Sales 2794 Indian Ripple Rd Dayton, OH 45440 web: ogaragroup. com 15765 S Keeler St Olathe, KS 66062 web: ombguns. com O. F. Mossberg & Sons, Incorporated Omnico AGV 7 Grasso Ave North Haven, CT 6473 web: mossberg. com phone:...............................(248) 814-8800 Don Stockton Chief Executive Officer 3020 Indianwood Rd Lake Orion, MI 48362 web: odysseytooling. com O'Gara Aviation, LLC phone:...............................(770) 955-3554 Matthew Huff Chief Operating Officer and President 1600 Riveredge Pkwy NW Ste 975 Atlanta, GA 30328 web: ogarajets. com phone:...............................(586) 268-7700 Jerry Vanneste Owner 6240 Hughes Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48312 web: omnicoagv. com phone:...............................(360) 546-3072 Brendan Fitzpatrick Account Manager, OEM, Military and Government Sales 13915 NW 3rd Ct Vancouver, WA 98685 web: onboardsystems. com On-Point Defense Technologies LLC phone:...............................(850) 598-5017 Fred Schor General Partner 737 Hollywood Blvd Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 web: onpoint-dt. com Olin Corporation phone:...............................(618) 258-2000 Diana Griffin Operations Manager 427 N Shamrock St East Alton, IL 62024 web: olin. com phone:...............................(800) 228-3471 Nolan Heminger Domestic Sales Representative 624 Old Pacific Hwy SE Olympia, WA 98513 web: olyarms. com Optex Systems phone:...............................(972) 644-0721 Rob Eaton Owner, Finance Executive Opti Manufacturing Corporation phone:...............................(787) 889-2285 Elizabeth Roman Purchasing Agent Rd 992 KM 03 LUQUILLO INDUSTRIAL PARK Luquillo, PR 773 web: optimanufacturing. com Olympic Software, INC. Profiles of Success phone:...............................(818) 503-9273 Krysta Paradis Chief Operating Officer 7115 Laurel Canyon Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: orbitaloutfitters. com Orbital Sciences Corporation phone:...............................(480) 814-6853 Andrea Brazelton Director of Business Development and Marketing 3380 S Price Rd Chandler, AZ 85248 web: orbital. com Orbital Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(608) 827-5000 Pamela Lokken Human Resources Manager 1212 Fourier Dr Madison, WI 53717 web: orbitec. com phone:...............................(440) 205-0677 Gary Scalzo Sales Executive 7895 Division Dr Mentor, OH 44060 web: ordtech. com Otto Instrument Service, Inc. phone:...............................(909) 247-2650 Christopher Buenrostro Administrative Assistant-sales 1441 Valencia Pl Ontario, CA 91761 web: ottoinstrument. com P & J Machining, Inc. 2601 Inter Ave Puyallup, WA 98372 web: pnjmachining. com 4917 28th St. N.W. Gig Harbor, WA 98335 TOC 715 Willowbrook Rd Boulder, CO 80302 web: orbitalmicro. com phone:...............................(253) 841-0500 Paul Hogoboom President and Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(253) 265-2310 fax:......................................(253) 265-2320 Bill McNaughton President 77 phone:...............................(801) 541-9432 William Hosack Chief Executive Officer Ordnance Technology Service, Inc. 1420 Presidential Dr Phoenix, AZ 75081 web: optexsys. com Olympic Arms, Inc. 900 Bob Ehlen Dr Anoka, MN 55303 web: atk. com Orbital Outfitters Onboard Systems, Inc. Odyssey Industries, Incorporated phone:...............................(763) 323-3848 Michael Kinn Accessories Communications Specialist Orbital Micro Systems phone:...............................(913) 322-8414 John Ralph Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(203) 230-5345 Horst Bratke Director of Purchasing Orbital Atk, Inc. Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers P F Fishpole Hoists, Inc. Pacific Continental Engines Palomar Display Products, Inc 151 S Michigan Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: pffishpolehoists. com (Under Construction) 10500 Airpark Way Unit m10 Van Nuys, CA 91331 web: pceonline. com 1945 Kellogg Ave Phoenix, AZ 92008 web: palomardisplays. com P T Products & Services, Inc. Pacific Continental Engines, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 767-3887 fax:...................................... (206) 767-4006 Bill Bishop President phone:...............................(818) 899-5200 Shannon Yamashiro Human Resources Compliance Manager phone:...............................(512) 251-3592 George Howard Owner 20105 Algreg St Pflugerville, TX 78660 web: pt-products. com P.A.R.T.s Inc phone:...............................(678) 325-6950 Michael Black Purchasing phone:...............................(818) 781-4947 John Jackson Owner 10500 Airpark Way Unit m10 Pacoima, CA 91331 web: pceonline. com phone:...............................(818) 841-9258 Carly Steed Owner 18200 Phantom W Valencia, CA 92394 web: aerocomponent. com Pacific Aerospace & Electronics, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 667-9600 Tom O'Grady Human Resources Manager 434 Olds Station Rd Wenatchee, WA 98801 web: pacaero. com Pacific Aerospace Resources & Technologies LLC phone:......................... (760) 530-1767 x 3 De Anna Jervis Public Relations Manager 18200 Phantom West Houston, TX 92394 web: pacificaerospacegroup. com Pacific Bulletproof Co. phone:...............................(888) 358-2309 Tony Diponio Vice President of Operations 4985 E Landon Dr Anaheim, CA 92807 web: pacificbulletproof. com Panasonic Corporation of North America phone:...............................(201) 348-7000 Stephen Robinson Director Field Service Operations and Solution Delivery Pmo 2 River Front Plz Newark, NJ 7102 web: com Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance 6250 Atlantic Blvd Norcross, GA 30071 web: partsinc. net Pacific Aero Components, Inc phone:...............................(760) 931-3200 Kathryn Langmade Owner, Finance Executive, Sales Executive Paragon Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 257-1380 Mike Keithley Finance and Marketing 25620 Rye Canyon Rd Ste A Valencia, CA 91355 web: paragon-precision. com phone:...............................(425) 885-0290 Kevin Steck PNAA Board Chair Para-Phernalia, Inc. Aerospace Without Borders PO Box 3468 19018 59th Drive NE, Unit # 2 Arlington, WA 98223 web: softieparachutes. com #187 - 16625 Redmond Way, Ste. M Redmond, WA 98052 [email protected] web: pnaa. net Pacific Precision Products Mfg Inc phone:...............................(949) 727-3844 Mike Dunham Sales and Marketing 9671 Irvine Center Dr Koll Center 11-Building 6 Irvine, CA 92618 web: phone:...............................(360) 435-7220 fax:...................................... (360) 435-7272 Daniel Taraslevich President Paravion Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(970) 224-3898 Michael Hansen Director-human Resources, General Manager 2001 Airway Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: paravion. com Parker-Hannifin Corporation phone:...............................(818) 768-3700 Tony Barranco Purchasing phone:...............................(269) 384-4032 Alisha Rowe C P M Operations Team Leader Supply Chain Padgett Machine Shop, Inc. PAS Technologies Inc Pacific Sky Supply, Inc 8230 San Fernando Rd Sun Valley, CA 91352 web: pacsky. com phone:...............................(918) 438-3444 David Schell Plant Operations Manager 1226 N 143rd East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 web: padgettmachine. com 2220 Palmer Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49001 web: parker. com phone:...............................(816) 556-4625 Rick Collins Operations Supervisor 1234 Atlantic Ave Danbury, CT 64116 web: pas-technologies. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 78 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pas Technologies Inc. PDS (Pacific Defense Supply) 214 Hobart Dr Hillsboro, OH 45133 web: pas-technologies. com 6549 Mission Gorge Rd Ste 112 San Diego, CA 92120 web: pacificdefensesupply. com phone:...............................(937) 840-1000 Brenda Ferguson Human Resources Consultant Pavco Industries Inc. phone:...............................(714) 895-1522 Frank Lannan Chief Executive Officer 5285 Production Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: pavcoindustries. com phone:...............................(844) 722-7877 Jenny Mique Purchasing Manager Perform Air International Inc phone:.........................(480) 610-3500 x 1 Cindy McGown Owner/Chief Executive Officer 1854 S Macdonald Mesa, AZ 85210 web: performair. com PCA Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 841-1750 Charlotte Cone Director Human Resources 17800 Gothard St Huntington Beach, CA 92647 web: pcaaerospace. com PCC Aerostructures phone:...............................(316) 942-8223 Christole Rohr Human Resources Manager 610 Bellevue Way Ne Ste 200 Wichita, KS 98004 web: syncaero. com phone:.........................(316) 941-4200 x 1 Greta Azember Human Resources Generalist 2520 S Sheridan Ave Wichita, KS 67217 web: pccaero. com phone:...............................(503) 777-3881 Shawna Lewis Acting Manager Human Resources 4600 Se Harney Dr Portland, OR 97206 web: pccstructurals. com Pcx Aerostructures, LLC phone:............................... (860) 666-2471 Charlie Phillips Chief Operating Officer 300 Fenn Rd Newington, CT 6111 web: fennmfg. com phone:...............................(425) 290-7964 13127 Beverly Park Rd Lynnwood, WA web: pinedaprecision. com 7919 Saint Andrews Ave San Diego, CA 92154 web: perf-plastics. com Pioneer Aerofab Co. phone:...............................(619) 591-1608 Lance Brean Human Resources Manager Perkins Aircraft Services, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 877-1966 Patty Hawkins Executive Marketing Manager phone:...............................(509) 248-9166 fax:...................................... (509) 248-4750 2405 S 3rd Ave Union Gap, WA web: filtronaextrusion. com phone:...............................(215) 281-1400 Groce Ursula All Around Customer Service Manager With Purchasing Experience 3050 Red Lion Rd Philadelphia, PA 19114 web: agustawestland. com phone:...............................(909) 937-6900 David Brazeau Owner 4231 E Brickell St Ontario, CA 91761 web: phoenix-arms. com 5911 Mission St Oscoda, MI 48750 web: phoenix-mi. com Categorical phone:............................... (360) 757-4780 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4061 Tim Williamson Manager 15259 Flightline Road Burlington, WA 98233 web: pioneeraerofab. com phone:...............................(772) 567-4361 Geoffrey Berger Chief Executive Officer 2926 Piper Dr Vero Beach, FL 32960 web: piper. com Plano Criminal Defense torney phone:...............................(972) 578-1690 Nancy Kennedy Owner 101 E Park Blvd #107 Plano, TX 75074 web: planocriminallaw. com Plasco Tooling and Engineering Corporation Phoenix Arms Profiles of Success 5068 W Plano Pkwy Ste 300 Ronkonkoma, NY 75093 web: pinolaw. com Piper Aircraft, Inc. Pexco phone:.........................(989) 739-7108 x 2 Dennis Kelly Human Resources Manager TOC Pineda Precision Inc Performance Plastics, Inc. Phoenix Composite Solutions LLC 79 1660 Airport Rd Waterford, MI 48327 web: pifersinc. com phone:...............................(631) 981-1493 Joseph Picariello Owner Philadelphia Agustawestland Corporation PCC Structurals, Inc. phone:...............................(248) 674-0909 Lois Pifer Owner Pino Manufacturing Co Inc 2300 W 6th St Fort Worth, TX 76107 web: perkinsaircraft. com PCC Aerostructures - Precision Castparts Corp. Pifers Airmotive Inc Alphabetical phone:...............................(586) 752-0510 Sandy Zuccarini Human Resources Executive 14951 32 Mile Rd Romeo, MI 48065 web: plascocorp. com Plastic Components Inc phone:...............................(262) 253-0353 Jay Wendi Human Resources Manager n116 Morse Dr w18271 Green Cove Springs, FL 53022 web: plasticcomponents. com Advertisers PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 922-1321 Patrick Murphie President 3921 Pacific Hwy. E Fife, WA 98424 Pma Products, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 762-0844 Imtiaz Kim Procurement Coordinator 6120 Smithwood Rd Liberty, NC 27298 web: pmaproducts. com Pneu-Dart, Inc. phone:.........................(570) 323-2710 x 2 Ray Liddick Marketing Media Information Technology Manager 15223 State Route 87 Williamsport, PA 17701 web: pneudart. com Poclain Hydraulics phone:...............................(262) 344-1978 Kamel Ouaissa Regional Sales Manager - Eastern Coast Usa Stuartevant Po Box 801 Sturtevant, WI 53177 web: poclain. com The Pointe Group Inc phone:...............................(781) 251-9001 Mark Tobin Chief Executive Officer/Partner 2200 NE 38th St Dedham, MA 33064 web: thepointegroup. com Pointe Precision, Inc. phone:.........................(715) 342-5100 x 2 Mark Repinski Inside Sales 2675 Precision Dr Plover, WI 54467 web: pointeprecision. com Polycraft Products, Inc. phone:........................ (513) 353-3334 x 1 Jon Lehn Business Development and Marketing Manager 5511 State Route 128 Cleves, OH 45002 web: polycraftproducts. com Port of Moses Lake phone:...............................(509) 762-5363 Craig L. Baldwin Executive Manager 7810 Andrews Street, NE, Suite 200 Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: portofmoseslake. com Powder River Rifle Company, Inc. phone:...............................(406) 932-4454 Lucinda Klostermier Sales Executive 201 Centennial Dr Big Timber, MT 59011 web: shilohrifle. com Power Flow Systems Inc. phone:...............................(877) 693-7356 Peggy Mitchell Finance Manager 1585 Aviation Center Pkwy Ste 804 Daytona Beach, FL 32114 web: powerflowsystems. com Powill Manufacturing & Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(623) 780-4100 Shane Morra Purchasing Manager 21039 N 27th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85027 web: powill. com Pratt & Whitney phone:...............................(717) 986-1040 Darrell Echard After Market Analyst 1699 S 19th St Harrisburg, PA 17104 web: pw.utc. com Pratt & Whitney Autoair, Inc. phone:...............................(517) 393-4040 John Scanlon Chief Executive Officer 5640 Enterprise Dr Lansing, MI 48911 web: pw.utc. com phone:...............................(860) 565-4321 Michael Jalbert Account Sales Manager 400 Main St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: pw.utc. com Pratt & Whitney Engine Services, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 565-4321 James Nelsen Owner 400 Main St Wichita, KS 6108 web: pw.utc. com Pratt and Whitney Military Aftermarket Services, Inc. , phone:...............................(405) 737-4851 Pamela Green Human Resources Manager 2701 Liberty Pkwy Ste 301 Oklahoma City, OK 73110 web: pw.utc. com Praxis Resources, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 545-1646 Kevin Owens President and Chief Executive Officer 1370 Washington Pike Gilbert, AZ 15017 web: praxisresources. com Pre Metco phone:...............................(253) 735-6490 fax:...................................... (253) 735-6491 Jack Ardmer President 3420 C Street NE, Suite 401 Auburn, WA 98002 web: pre-metco. com Precise Flight, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 382-8684 Jeff Koker Purchasing Manager Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. phone:...............................(450) 677-9411 Michel Lalonde Director Human Resources Global Compensation 6633 Canoga Ave Monterey, CA 91303 web: Pratt & Whitney Engine Services Inc 63354 Powell Butte Hwy Bend, OR 97701 web: preciseflight. com Precise Machining & Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(918) 641-0709 Steve Mosher Chief Executive Officer 12716 E Pine St Tulsa, OK 74116 web: precisemachining. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 80 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Precision Aircraft Components, Inc phone:...............................(937) 278-0264 Emsy Little Chief Executive Officer 2787 Armstrong Ln Dayton, OH 45414 web: precisionaircraftinc. com Precision Airmotive Corp phone:...............................(360) 651-8282 fax:...................................... (425) 355-8412 Alan Jesmer Product Support/ Marketing 14800 40th Avenue NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: precisionairmotive. com Precision Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(972) 406-2100 Ken Frenza Jr. Purchasing Manager Precision Manufacturing Company of San Antonio, Texas Primus International Inc 2024 Puyallup Ave Tacoma, WA 98421 web: pmwinc. com phone:...............................(210) 648-3170 Mary Hicks Sales Manager 4546 Sinclair Rd San Antonio, TX 78222 web: pmcsa. com Precision Piece Parts Inc Precision Airmotive LLC phone:...............................(360) 651-8282 Karen Aadnes Human Resource Manager 14800 40th Ave NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: precisionairmotive. com phone:............................... (574) 255-3185 Larry Cabanaw PUR Sales and Marketing Manager 712 S Logan St Mishawaka, IN 46544 web: ppp-inc. com Precision/Delta Corporation Precision Components International, Inc. phone:...............................(706) 568-5900 Hilton Britt Chief Executive Officer Macon Rd Columbus, GA 31908 web: pciga. com phone:...............................(800) 337-3621 Sam Goss Operations Executive 205 W Floyce St Ruleville, MS 38771 web: precisiondelta. com Predator International Inc Precision Gear Incorporated phone:...............................(718) 321-7200 Ngok Pau Director Manufacturing Operations 11207 14th Ave College Point, NY 11356 web: precisiongearinc. com Precision Gun Works, Inc phone:............................... (870) 445-8746 Ryan Hillaker Vice President-sales phone:...............................(303) 761-1236 Dick Dixon Owner 945 San Ildefonso Rd Trlr 39 Los Alamos, NM 87544 web: predatorpellets. com Premier Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(715) 735-6440 Amanda Derusha Purchasing 110 Sierra Rd Bull Shoals, AR 78028 web: alstechnologies. com 2312 Sherman St Marinette, WI 54143 web: premier-deicers. com Precision Machine Works Press Brake Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 428-8218 David Baublits CEO 2024 Puyallup Avenue East Tacoma, WA 98421 web: pmwinc. com Prime Turbines LLC phone:...............................(253) 272-5119 Janie Pierce Human Resources Director 1615 Diplomat Dr Ste 120 Carrollton, TX 75006 web: primeturbines. com phone:...............................(425) 318-4539 Patricia Blakely Human Resources Manager 6525 240th St Se Woodinville, WA 98072 web: primusint. com Primus Technologies phone:...............................(570) 321-6255 Mike Brennan Purchasing Agent 2333 Reach Rd Wickliffe, OH 17701 web: primus-tech. com Pro-Fab, LLC phone:...............................(405) 495-2131 Mickey Quoetone Manager-Human Resources 910 N Morgan Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73127 web: profab. com Progressive Aerodyne Inc phone:...............................(407) 292-3700 Adam Yang Chief Executive Officer 520 Clifton St Ste 1 Orlando, FL 32808 web: searey. com Prompt Aero Services, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 818-0712 Miguel Riquelme Operations Manager 7800 W 25th Ct Hialeah, FL 33016 web: promptaero. com Proplink, LP phone:...............................(918) 366-7353 Steve Bingaman President/Owner 15120 S 77th East Ave Bixby, OK 74008 web: pressbrakeproducts. com phone:...............................(817) 444-5310 Tom Carlson Owner 2014 Greg St Azle, TX 76020 web: emagair. com Propulsion Technologies International, LLC phone:............................... (954) 874-0274 Oscar Lasalle Director of Sales 15301 SW 29th St Ste 100 Hollywood, FL 33027 web: ptcgrp. com 81 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers The Protective Group Inc Pyramid Space 14100 NW 58th Ct Alpharetta, GA 33014 web: protectmat. com 3807 Sierra Hwy Ste 6 San Diego, CA 93510 web: pyramidspace. com phone:...............................(770) 888-8404 Victor Robertson Chief Executive Officer Proxy Aviation phone:...............................(301) 216-2851 Robert Davis President and Chief Executive Officer 12850 Middlebrook Rd Ste 250 Gaithersburg, MD 20874 web: proxyaviation. com PTI Engineered Plastics Inc. phone:.............................. (858) 554-1140 Eric Heininger Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(407) 382-4000 Cravis Stephens Human Resources Generalist 15301 SW 29th St Ste 100 Winter Park, FL 33027 web: q4services. com QinetiQ North America phone:...............................(858) 618-1080 Simon Close Director of Marketing Pti Technologies Inc. Qualis Corporation phone:...............................(805) 604-3700 Mark Borton Account Sales Manager 501 Del Norte Blvd Oxnard, CA 93030 web: ptitechnologies. com Pulse Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(785) 289-8402 Aaron Lessig Chief Executive Officer 450 N Iowa St Ste A1 Lawrence, KS 66044 web: pulseaero. com Pv Labs (usa), Inc. phone:...............................(888) 667-7202 Grant Bieman Operations Tech and Program Manager 16238 Raymer St Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: pv-labs. com Pynco Inc phone:...............................(812) 275-0900 Stephen Youngquist Director of Marketing 2605 35th St Bedford, IN 47421 web: pynco. com phone:............................... (316) 945-4781 Don Bradley Owner 2518 May St Wichita, KS 67213 web: metalstechnology. com Quality Tech Mfg., Inc. Q4 Services LLC phone:...............................(248) 784-1021 Barbara Wrubel Human Resources Administrator 50900 Corporate Dr Southfield, MI 48044 web: teampti. com Quality Tech Metals 350 2nd Ave San Diego, CA 2451 web: apogen. com phone:............................... (256) 971-1707 Elizabeth Morard President and Chief Executive Officer 5000 Bradford Dr Nw Canton, MA 35805 web: qualis-corp. com Qualiseal Technology phone:...............................(708) 887-6346 John Van Operations Manager 7319 W Wilson Ave Villa Park, IL 60706 web: qualiseal. com Quality Forming, LLC phone:...............................(310) 539-2855 Anita Gnagy Human Resources Manager 22906 Frampton Ave Torrance, CA 90501 web: qfinc. com Quality Honeycomb, L.P. phone:...............................(817) 640-1190 Dan McArthur Chief Operating Officer 624 107th St Arlington, TX 76011 web: qualityhoneycomb. com Quality Replacement Parts Inc phone:...............................(909) 465-9565 Yvette Gutierrez Human Resources Manager 1955 Burgundy Pl Chino, CA 91761 web: qualitytechmfg. com Quest Aircraft Company, L.L.C. phone:.............................. (208) 263-1111 Samuel Hill Chief Executive Officer 1200 Turbine Sandpoint, ID 83864 web: questaircraft. com Quick Turn Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 623-2569 Jessica Rafalowski Marketing Director 1000 Old County Cir Ste 105 Windsor Locks, CT 6096 web: quickturnmfg. com Quiet Technology Venture, Ltd. phone:...............................(305) 687-9808 Sharon Feld Director of Finance 4100 N 29th Ter Hollywood, FL 33020 web: qtaerospace. com R L M Enterprises phone:...............................(540) 269-2220 Roselynda Martinez Owner 10088 6th St D Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 web: rlmenterprises. com R M Equipment Inc phone:...............................(305) 477-9312 Ronald Martin Owner 501 S Main St Miami, FL 19475 web: rm-equipment. com phone:............................... (216) 674-0200 Alan Kuntz Co-Owner 9099 Bank St Cleveland, OH 44125 web: qualityreplacementparts. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 82 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY R. E. Dye Manufacturing Corporation phone:...............................(254) 559-2268 Brenda Roberts Human Resources Manager 207 W Williams St Breckenridge, TX 76424 web: dyemfg. com Radial Bearing Corporation phone:...............................(212) 695-0500 Paul Maguire Internet Marketing Consultant 4401 Rockside Rd Ste 390 Independence, OH 44131 web: tnetohio. com Radiance Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(912) 232-2422 Jeffrey Sottosanti Assistant Vice President, Airborne Systems Operation 350 Wynn Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: radiancetech. com Rapco Fleet Support, Inc. Reliant Worldwide Plastics 445 Cardinal Ln Hartland, WI 53029 web: rapcofleet. com 2800 Dallas Pkwy Ste 101 Frisco, TX 75093 web: reliantplastics. com phone:...............................(262) 367-6210 Rusty Keagle Sales Manager Raytheon Company phone:............................... (978) 440-1773 Richard Curtinv Business Process Manager Sap/Finance 870 Winter St Millis, MA 2451 web: raytheon. com Raytheon Missile Systems Co phone:...............................(520) 889-0539 Richard Reilly Chief Operating Officer 870 Winter St Tucson, AZ 2451 web: raytheon. com Recaro Aircraft Seating Americas, Inc. Rainier Arms, LLC phone:...............................(253) 218-2999 John Hwang Owner 3810 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98002 web: rainierarms. com Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 James Raisbeck Chief Executive Officer/Founder 4411 S Ryan Way Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com phone:............................... (817) 490-9160 Jean Pierre Foulon Chief Executive Officer 2275 Eagle Pkwy Fort Worth, TX 76177 web: recaro-as. com phone:...............................(918) 561-5555 Tray Siegfried Chief Executive Officer 23800 S 369th W Ave Bristow, OK 74010 web: goverticalaero. com Ralc, Inc phone:...............................(951) 693-0098 Rich Cruz Operations Manager 42158 Sarah Way Temecula, CA 92590 web: cnc-mfg. com Regal Prototypes, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 949-6000 Joanne Edwards Vice President of Sales 6633 Diplomat Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48314 web: schallergroup. com phone:...............................(336) 548-8508 Melissa Cofield Chief Human Resources Officer 870 Remington Dr Madison, NC 27025 web: remington. com REMOS Aircraft GmbH phone:...............................(888) 838-9879 Daniela Drygalla Head of Human Resources and Internal Communication 849 Almar Ave Ste C Santa Cruz, CA 95060 web: remos. com Remos Aircraft Inc. phone:...............................(888) 838-9879 Corvin Huber Chief Executive Officer Rentfrow, Incorporated phone:...............................(602) 992-5551 Arlene Colver Owner 2186 Knoll Dr Phoenix, AZ 93003 web: rentfrowinc. com phone:...............................(661) 257-3920 Reza Soltanian Chief Executive Officer 28110 Harrison Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 web: regentaerospace. com Renton Coil Spring Company phone:....................... (425) 255-1453 x23 Andy Knebel III Chief Operating Officer 425 S 7th St Renton, WA 98057 web: rentoncoilspring. com Reliable Manufacturing Company, Incorporated phone:...............................(860) 242-5591 Ruthann Ogden Front Desk and Sales Assistant 35 Corporate Ave Plainville, CT 6062 web: reliablemfg. com Revolver Brewing, LLC phone:...............................(817) 736-8034 Rhett Keisler Chief Executive Officer 5650 Matlock Rd Granbury, TX 76049 web: revolverbrewing. com Rexnord Ram Aircraft, L.P. phone:...............................(414) 643-2527 Dan Schiebel Marketing Support Analyst phone:...............................(254) 752-8381 Scott Hollomon Chief Financial Officer/Human Resources 4701 W Greenfield Ave Milwaukee, WI 53214 web: rexnord. com 7505 Karl May Dr Waco, TX 76708 web: ramaircraft. com 83 Remington Arms Company, LLC 997 Happy Trails Dr Ste D1 Rogers, AR 72756 web: remos. com Regent Aerospace Corporation Rajon, LLC phone:...............................(940) 668-7015 Kyle Crawford Chief Operating Officer TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Richard Manufacturing Co Inc Robotics Engineering Excellence Rolls-Royce Corporation phone:............................... (203) 874-3617 Mike Cowan Purchasing phone:...............................(412) 681-6382 Andrew Mor Co-Founder phone:...............................(740) 393-8888 Kim Tepstad Area Sales Manager Offshore Supply and S Richmond Aircraft Products Rock River Arms, Inc. Rolls-Royce Engine ServicesOakland Inc 250 Rock Ln Milford, CT 6460 web: rmcoonline. com phone:...............................(847) 455-8830 Leslie Friedman Sales Manager 12801 Ann St Franklin Park, IL 90670 web: richmondaircraft. com Ring Welded Products Co phone:...............................(216) 961-3800 Gary Horvath Marketing Executive 2180 W 114th St Cleveland, OH 44102 web: weldedringproducts. com Rkr Technologies, Ltd. phone:...............................(817) 640-5340 Steve Hibbard Sales and Marketing 724 111th St Arlington, TX 76011 web: rocketairsupply. com Robbins Wings Inc phone:...............................(303) 423-7002 Richard Robbins Owner 7087 W 94th Ave Broomfield, CO 80021 web: robbinswings. com Robert Grove phone:...............................(619) 562-1268 Robbie Grove Chief Executive Officer 553 Friendship Rd El Cajon, CA 20758 web: groveaircraft. com Robertson Fuel Systems, L.L.C. phone:...............................(480) 337-7050 Christine Clemons Director Human Resources 1024 E Vista Del Cerro Dr Tempe, AZ 85281 web: robbietanks. com Robinson Helicopter Company, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 539-0508 Rosie Vega Aircraft Sales 4925 Harrison St Pittsburgh, PA 15201 web: resquared. com phone:...............................(309) 792-5780 Steve Mayer Human Resource Executive 1042 Cleveland Rd Colona, IL 61241 web: rockriverarms. com Rocket Direct Communications, Inc. 2001 S Tibbs Ave Indianapolis, IN 46241 web: rolls-royce. com phone:...............................(510) 615-5067 Kristen Denney Head, Projects and Communications 7200 Earhart Rd Oakland, CA 94621 web: rolls-royce. com Rolls-Royce Holdings plc phone:.........................(757) 463-9161 x 3 Gloria Blanchard Finance Executive phone:...............................(860) 767-9061 Donna Labranche Contract Administrator/Human Resources Rocketplane Global, Inc. Rotair Industries, Inc. 532 Central Dr Virginia Beach, VA 23454 web: rocketdirectmail. com phone:...............................(405) 488-1200 George French Owner, President and Chief Executive Officer 4300 Amelia Earhart Lane Will Rogers Airport Oklahoma City, OK 73159 web: rocketplane. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Rockwell Collins, Inc. phone:...............................(937) 426-4300 Bill Hallin Chief Operating Officer 400 Collins Rd NE Dayton, OH 52498 web: arinc. com Rogerson Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(949) 442-2326 Roy Feinberg Director-human Resources 16940 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92606 web: rogerson. com Rohr, Inc phone:...............................(619) 691-4111 Denise Busch Director of Marketing 850 Lagoon Dr Chula Vista, CA 91910 web: goodrich. com 14850 Conference Center Dr Chantilly, VA 20151 web: rolls-royce. com phone:...............................(203) 576-6545 Herb Harrington Owner 964 Crescent Ave Bridgeport, CT 6607 web: rotair. com Rotating Composite Technologies LLC phone:...............................(860) 829-6809 Harrison R. Griswold Vice President Chief of Operations 49 Cambridge Hts Kensington, CT 6037 web: rotatingcomposites. com Rotorcraft Enterprises, LLC phone:...............................(702) 982-7089 Judith Wurth Chief Executive Officer Owner 4357 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 web: startpac. com Royal Engineered Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(308) 832-2760 Denise Jensen Director of Human Resource 1046 E 9th St Minden, NE 68959 web: royalcomposites. com 2901 Airport Dr Torrance, CA 90505 web: robinsonheli. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 84 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Royell Manufacturing Inc. S.I. Defense SAI Industries 2902 Us Highway 93 N Kalispell, MT 59901 web: sonjuind. com 591 E Monticello Pike Glendale, CA 37756 web: standardarmament. com phone:...............................(425) 259-9258 Joseph Diggins Human Resources Executive phone:...............................(406) 752-7979 James Berg Purchasing Rsa Engineered Products, LLC S.T.I. Corporation of Tennessee 3817 Smith Ave Everett, WA 98201 web: royell. com phone:...............................(805) 584-4150 Jonathan Gould Director of Sales and Marketing 110a W Cochran St Simi Valley, CA 93065 web: rsaeng. com RSI Visual Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 510-0350 Jade Horn Chief Executive Officer 1350 Westpark Way Euless, TX 76040 web: rsi-visuals. com Rti Remmele Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(651) 635-4100 Thomas Frister Director of Operations 10 Old Highway 8 SW Saint Paul, MN 55112 web: remmele. com RUAG Electronics AG phone:...............................(860) 828-6531 Christoph Guggisberg Deputy Head of Procurement 119 White Oak Dr Berlin, CT 6037 web: ruag. com russlawaz. com phone:...............................(480) 344-0911 Russell Richelsoph Owner 2266 S Dobson Rd Ste 200 Mesa, AZ 85202 web: russlawaz. com S & L Metal Holding Acquisition Corp phone:...............................(718) 894-4042 Carlos Quintana Media Manager 5829 57th Dr Maspeth, NY 11378 web: slaerospace. com 2234 County Road 719 Berryville, AR 72616 web: wilsoncombat. com phone:...............................(818) 767-5200 Melissa Figueroa Director of Marketing 8255 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: srcncmachining. com TOC Saklax Manufacturing Company Inc phone:...............................(860) 242-2538 Dhiru Bhut Owner 1346 Blue Hills Ave Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: saklax. com S3 International, LLC phone:...............................(414) 351-1506 Jeff Wnuk President/Owner 6110 N Flint Rd Milwaukee, WI 53209 web: s3international. com Saab North America, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 406-7900 Chris Lade Defense Sales Manager 16225 Park Ten Pl Houston, TX 77084 web: saabgroup. com Saf Industries LLC phone:...............................(203) 729-4900 Jonathan Fournier Vice President of Operations and Planning 238 Water St Naugatuck, CT 6770 web: garkenyon. com Safari Helicopter phone:............................... (510) 647-0701 Alfred Garcia Chief Executive Officer 3553 Industrial Park Dr Marianna, FL 32446 web: safarihelicopter. com Saf-T-Flo Industries Corporation phone:...............................(714) 632-3013 David Ballard Technical Sales 4071 E La Palma Ave Ste L Anaheim, CA 92807 web: saftflo. com Sandhills Avionics phone:............................... (828) 286-1474 Russell Hyde Owner 362 Retriever Ln Rutherfordton, NC 28327 web: planewerks. com Santa Monica Propeller Service, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 390-6233 Len Polykov Owner 3135 Donald Douglas Loop S Santa Monica, CA 90405 web: santamonicapropeller. com Santos Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 957-0299 Troy Shooter Director of Operations 2220 S Anne St Santa Ana, CA 92704 web: santosprecision. com Sargent Aerospace & Defense, LLC phone:.........................(520) 744-1000 x 4 Chris Petersen Director Inside Sales 5675 W Burlingame Rd Tucson, AZ 85743 web: sargentaerospace. com Sargent Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(520) 744-1000 Mike Mislan Director of Operations Sagebrush Products S & R Cnc Machining 85 phone:...............................(870) 545-3635 Peter Pi President/Chief Executive Officer phone:.............................. (818) 842-6144 Lars Nilsson Vice President Finance phone:...............................(308) 254-4860 Tiffany Sage Owner 5675 W Burlingame Rd Franklin, IN 85743 web: sargentaerospace. com PO BOX 114 Sidney, NE 69162 web: sageoutfitters. com Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Savage Arms, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 642-4186 Allyson Kane Marketing Specialist 100 Springdale Rd Westfield, MA 1085 web: savagearms. com Sawyer Motorsports & Development LP phone:.........................(817) 926-1517 x 1 Brad Sawyer Chief Executive Officer/Owner 5009 Rondo Dr Fort Worth, TX 76106 web: sawyercomposite. com SC Aviation Inc phone:............................... (800) 416-4176 Danniel Barber Charter Sales Coordinator 1433 Lancaster Ave St Charles, IL 60174 web: scaviation. net Scaled Composites, LLC phone:...............................(661) 824-4541 Bonnie Mills Director of Marketing 1624 Flight Line Mojave, CA 93501 web: scaled. com Sccy Industries, LLC phone:...............................(386) 213-0077 Kaitlyn Hemphill Marketing Manager 1800 Concept Ct Daytona Beach, FL 32114 web: sccy. com Schoeller Electronics phone:...............................(678) 580-1739 Paul Handler Sales Manager, North America 5490 Hampstead Way Duluth, GA 30097 web: se-pcb. com Scientific Applications & Research Associates, Inc. phone:...............................(412) 386-5055 Brian Albin Interactive Media Programmer 626 Cochrans Mill Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15236 web: sa. Scion Aviation, LLC phone:............................... (970) 207-1720 Jim Sampson Chief Executive Officer Screw-Matic Corporation phone:.........................(978) 356-6200 x 1 Sean McCarthy Operations Manager 127 High St Ipswich, MA 1938 web: smcaerospace. com Sea West Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-2942 Debbie Walker Finance Manager 8801 S 228th St Kent, WA 98031 web: seawestproducts. com Sealth Aero Marine Co phone:...............................(425) 481-0727 fax:......................................(425) 338-0822 16001 Mill Creek Blvd Mill Creek, WA web: sealth. com Securaplane Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(520) 297-0844 Kiersten Sutliff Director, Marketing Operations 10800 N Mavinee Dr Tucson, AZ 85737 web: securaplane. com Sequa Corporation phone:...............................(813) 434-4522 Nicole Moulton Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer 3000 Bayport Dr Ste 880 New York, NY 33607 web: sequa. com Ser-Mat International LLC phone:...............................(804) 264-4800 James L Haskell Owner 3200 Nw 27th Ave Ste 106 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069 web: sermat. com Sertco Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(918) 623-0526 Joe Harrington Vice President/Chief Operating Officer 100 Sertco Dr Okemah, OK 74859 web: sertco. com Service & Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 968-9084 Scott Papp President, Operations Sehanson, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 778-1900 Kit Dantes Purchasing 2121 E Via Burton Anaheim, CA 92806 web: acraaerospace. com Select Avionics, LLC phone:...............................(214) 491-1600 Greg White Owner 1500 Industrial Blvd Ste 121 Mckinney, TX 75069 web: selectavionics. com Senior Aerospace Ketema Inc phone:...............................(619) 449-4832 Todd Elliott Marketing Manager 790 Greenfield Dr Santee, CA 92021 web: sfketema. com Senior Operations LLC phone:...............................(316) 942-3208 Carl Best Chief Executive Officer 1853 E 3rd St Tempe, AZ 85281 web: ssi-mfg. com Shadowtech Labs, Inc. phone:...............................(630) 413-4478 Michael Collins Founder 7714 S Grant St Willowbrook, IL 60527 web: shadowtechlabs. com Siemens AG phone:...............................(936) 549-7136 Cindy Blasingame Account Manager Chem Sales 300 New Jersey Ave Nw Ste 1000 Devers, TX 20001 web: siemens. com Sierra Bullets, L.L.C. phone:...............................(660) 827-6300 Loren Harbor Founder 1400 W Henry St Sedalia, MO 65301 web: sierrabullets. com 2700 S Custer Ave Wichita, KS 67217 web: seniorcomposites. com 3693 E County Road 30 Fort Collins, CO 80528 web: scionaviation. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 86 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sierra Industries, Ltd. Silencerco LLC The Skyway Group Inc phone:...............................(830) 278-4481 David Welch Aircraft Sales Manager phone:...............................(801) 417-5384 Jim York Brand Marketing Manager phone:...............................(830) 278-4481 Gary Buchanan Chief Operating Officer Sierra Nevada Corporation Sims Vibration Laboratory, Inc. Small Arms Manufacturing Co 301 W Business Park Loop Shelton, WA 98584 web: limbsaver. com 5312 Thoms Run Rd Bridgeville, PA 15017 web: ershawbarrels. com 122 Howard Langford Dr Uvalde, TX 78801 web: sijet. com 5511 S 6055 W West Valley City, UT 84118 web: silencerco. com phone:...............................(775) 331-0222 Murat Ozbek Contract Finance Manager phone:............................... (877) 257-2761 Terri Frey Event Coordinator/Marketing Sifco Industries, Inc. Sioux Manufacturing Corporation 444 Salomon Cir Sparks, NV 89434 web: sncorp. com phone:...............................(216) 881-8600 Michael Lipscomb Chief Executive Officer 970 E 64th St Cleveland, OH 44103 web: sifco. com Sig Sauer Inc. phone:...............................(603) 772-2365 Amanda Hasevlat Director Global Defense Sales Administration 18 Industrial Dr Exeter, NH 3833 web: sigsauer. com 1115 Dakotah Dr Maddock, ND 58335 web: siouxmanufacturing. com Skill-Metric Machine and Tool, Inc. phone:...............................(561) 272-7624 William Hebding Marketing Manager 1424 Gwenzell Ave Delray Beach, FL 33444 web: skill-metric. com Sigma Tek, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 775-6373 Debbie Micgnius Purchasing Manager 1001 Industrial Rd Augusta, KS 67010 web: sigmatek. com Sky TEC Ltd phone:............................... (817) 573-2250 Les Staples Chief Executive Officer 350 Howard Clemmons Rd Granbury, TX 76048 web: skytecair. com Sika Corporation phone:...............................(248) 577-0020 Barbara Ferraro Marketing Coordinator 30800 Stephenson Hwy Madison Heights, MI 48071 web: sika-corp. com phone:............................... (561) 775-5179 Lisa O'Connor Human Resources Client Manager 6900 Main St Jupiter, FL 6614 web: sikorsky. com Skylock Industries phone:...............................(626) 357-5361 Candy Perez Manager Inside Sales phone:...............................(860) 463-5921 Debarshi Mandal Aftermarket Sales Manager 6900 Main St Stratford, CT 6614 web: sikorsky. com Skytech, Inc. phone:...............................(888) 386-3596 Rick Shepard Operations Department Skytronics, Inc. phone:...............................(424) 290-8779 Earlvin Cruz Chief Accounting and Finance Manager Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(800) 331-0852 Matthew Skutnik Digital Marketing Manager 2100 Roosevelt Ave Springfield, MA 1104 web: smith-wesson. com Smith Enterprise, Inc phone:.............................. (480) 964-1818 Sonja Sommers Owner 1874 Slaughter Rd Ste K Tempe, AZ 35758 web: smith-enterprises. com Smiths Aerospace Components phone:...............................(603) 692-7400 Joe Lazzaro Marketing Executive, Sales Executive smiths Connectors phone:...............................(978) 568-0451 James Demers Sales Manager Snohomish County Airport – Paine Field phone:...............................(425) 353-2110 fax:......................................(425) 355-9883 3220 100th Street SW Everett, WA web: painefield. com 227 Oregon St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: skytronicsinc. com TOC Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation 16 Brent Dr Irvine, CA 1749 web: smithsconnectors. com PO BOX 4942 Rock Hill, SC 21220 web: skytechinc. com Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(412) 221-3636 Chris Murray Sales Executive 366 Route 108 Somersworth, NH 3878 web: smiths-group. com 1290 W Optical Dr Azusa, CA 91702 web: skylock. com Sikorsky Aircraft Corp 87 phone:...............................(701) 766-4211 Julie Sailor Purchasing Manager 1770 Skyplace Blvd Uvalde, TX 78216 web: Snowline Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(530) 283-0222 Matt Warndorf Director of Operations 4261 Business Dr Cameron Park, CA 95682 web: snowlineaerospace. com Alphabetical Advertisers Snowline Manufacturing, Inc. phone:............................... (541) 617-1107 Mark Cunningham Operations Manager 63360 Powell Butte Hwy Bend, OR 97701 web: snowlinemfg. com Sodick American Corporation phone:...............................(408) 943-1693 Koji Yoneda Chief Executive Officer 2180 Bering Dr San Jose, CA 95131 web: sodick-america. com Solid State Cooling Systems phone:...............................(845) 635-5500 David Carreiro Eastern Regional Sales Director 47 Harvard St Dedham, MA 2026 web: sscooling. com Solipsys Corporation phone:...............................(240) 554-8100 Jerry Freeman Owner 8170 Maple Lawn Blvd Irving, TX 20759 web: solipsys. com Soloy, LLC phone:...............................(360) 754-7000 Nick Parkinson Business Development and Sales Executive 450 Pat Kennedy Way SW Tumwater, WA 98501 web: soloy. com Sonex Aircraft, LLC phone:...............................(920) 231-8297 Kerry Fores Technical Communications Manager 511 Aviation Rd Oshkosh, WI 54902 web: sonexaircraft. com Sound Analytical Services phone:...............................(253) 922-2310 Tom Watson Marketing Manager 4813 Pacific Hwy. E Tacoma, WA 98424 Sound Components Supply Co Inc. phone:............................... (253) 850-0746 fax:......................................(253) 852-0885 Suzie McGill 1819 S. Central Avenue, Bldg C-8 Kent, WA 98032 Sound Flight, Inc. Space Exploration Technologies phone:...............................(425) 254-8063 fax:......................................(425) 254-8065 Chris West Manager phone:...............................(254) 840-5559 Jason Jellison Manager, Information Technology Operations 300 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 web: soundflight. net 7265 Kenny Ln Dallas, TX 75230 web: spacex. com Sound Spring, Inc. Space Exploration Technologies Corp. phone:...............................(253) 859-9499 fax:......................................(253) 859-0866 Al Kerns Owner / President 830 3rd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 South East Jet Group Incorporated phone:...............................(310) 363-6000 Maria Lopez Associate Human Resources Analyst 12301 Crenshaw Blvd Hawthorne, CA 90250 web: spacex. com Spaceage Control, Inc. phone:...............................(954) 772-5205 Roger Lima Owner phone:...............................(661) 273-3000 Sandra Winans Finance not Tfl 1631 NW 51st Pl Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 web: southeastjet. com 38850 20th St E Palmdale, CA 93550 web: spaceagecontrol. com Southeast Aero Sales, Inc. Spencer Fluid Power phone:...............................(904) 824-1899 Doug Vayda Director of Sales phone:...............................(253) 796-1100 Jean Knowles General Manager 385 Hawkeye View Ln Saint Augustine, FL 32095 web: southeastaero. com 19308 68th Ave. S. Kent, WA 9803 web: spencerfluidpower. com Southern Gear & Machine, Inc. Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc. phone:...............................(305) 691-6300 Alex Perdoma Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(316) 526-9000 Theresa Liang Regional Sales Manager 3685 NW 106th St Miami, FL 33147 web: southerngear. net 3801 S Oliver St Walnut, CA 67210 web: spiritaero. com Southwest Machine & Plastic Co Inc Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 963-6919 Maxine Dulake Sales Executive 620 W Foothill Blvd Glendora, CA 91741 web: southwestplastics. com Southwind Aviation Supply, L.L.C. phone:...............................(405) 491-0500 George Andrews Partner 5414 N Rockwell Ave Bethany, OK 73008 web: southwindaviation. com phone:...............................(316) 526-9000 Kelvin Woo Asia and Pacific Sales Manager 3801 S Oliver St Wichita, KS 67210 web: spiritaero. com Spirit Aerosystems, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 523-5020 Jim Kobbe Human Resources Business Consultant 3801 S Oliver St Wichita, KS 67210 web: spiritaero. com Spitfire Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 701-2660 Nevada Ryan President/Chief Executive Officer 28437 Us Highway 431 Grant, AL 35747 web: spitfiresolutionsinc. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 88 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sport Copter Inc Starfire Industries LLC Stevens Aviation Inc. 60 Hazelwood Dr Champaign, IL 61820 web: starfireindustries. com 600 Delaware St Greer, SC 29605 web: stevensaviation. com phone:...............................(503) 543-7000 Trenna Johnston Purchasing phone:............................... (217) 721-4165 Matthew Coventry Co-Founder Sport Kites, Inc. Stark Aerospace Inc. 34012 Sky Way Dr Scappoose, OR 97056 web: sportcopter. com phone:...............................(714) 998-6359 Rick Zimbelman Purchasing Agent 500 W Blueridge Ave Orange, CA 92865 web: willswing. com Springfield, Inc. phone:...............................(309) 944-5631 Debbie Williams Advertising Assistant 420 W Main St Geneseo, IL 61254 web: springfield-armory. com ST Electronic Pte Ltd phone:............................... (617) 876-8085 Roselyn Tan Finance Administrator 00 Granite Street, Suite 201 Braintree, MA 2184 web: stee.stengg. com Standard Aero phone:...............................(972) 355-1073 Frank Garcia Sales Manager Major Accounts 7201 Lemmon Ave Flower Mound, TX 75235 web: standardaero. com Standard Aero (alliance) Inc. phone:...............................(865) 983-2992 Jason Junot Supply Sale Leader 1029 Ross Dr Maryville, TN 37801 web: standardaero. com StandardAero phone:...............................(480) 377-3100 Brett Ulrici Regional Sales Manager 1524 W 14th St Ste 110 Mccordsville, IN 85281 web: standardaero. com Stanford Mu Corporation 89 TOC 319 Charleigh Ford Jr Rd Columbus, MS 39701 web: starkaerospace. com Starline, Inc. phone:...............................(660) 827-6640 Jack Hummelman Commercial Sales 1300 W Henry St Sedalia, MO 65301 web: starlinewindows. com phone:...............................(208) 722-7346 Santiago Navarro Chief Operating Officer 1061 Tiffany Dr Saint Paul, MN 55123 web: stavatti. com Steyr Arms, Inc phone:...............................(811) 520-5655 Einar Hoff National Sales Manager STI Firearms, LLC phone:...............................(512) 819-0656 Greg Mooney Chief Executive Officer 114 Halmar Cv Georgetown, TX 78628 web: stiguns. com Steecon, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 895-5313 Julie Erickson Marketing of Manager 5362 Industrial Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: steecon. com Steel Tool & Engineering Co. phone:...............................(734) 692-8580 Barb Beesley Human Resources Executive 22152 Pennsylvania Rd Taylor, MI 48180 web: steeltool. com Stoddard International L.L.C. phone:........................ (360) 435-6455 x 1 Bruce Hamilton Owner 18660 58th Ave NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: stoddardintl. com Strand Products Inc phone:...............................(334) 749-3385 Patty Davis Director of Finance 721 E Yanonali St Opelika, AL 93103 web: strandproducts. com Stein Seal Company phone:...............................(215) 256-1064 Donna Broughan Human Resources Manager PO BOX 316 Industrial Boulevard Kulpsville, PA 19443 web: steinseal. com phone:...............................(781) 593-3000 Rich Cleary Owner 4 Peerless Way Lynn, MA 6082 web: sterlingmachineco. com Categorical phone:...............................(405) 260-0990 Kathy Stewart Chief Executive Officer 7661 Commerce Ln Trussville, AL 35173 web: steyrarms. com Stavatti Corporation Profiles of Success Stewart Industries International, LLC 400 W College Ave Guthrie, OK 73044 web: siiair. com Sterling Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 605-2888 Rena Bunda Finance Manager 20725 Annalee Ave Harbor City, CA 90746 web: stanfordmu. com phone:.........................(662) 798-4075 x 1 Debbie Benefield Buyer/Purchasing phone:...............................(864) 879-6000 Glenn Cothran General Manager of Operation Stratoflight phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Doris Wihmann Human Resource Director 610 Bellevue Way Ne Ste 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: syncaero. com Stretch Forming Corporation phone:...............................(951) 443-0911 Cynthia Cortez Sales Assistant 804 S Redlands Ave Perris, CA 92570 web: stretchformingcorp. com Alphabetical Advertisers Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 259-7843 Michael Jacobi Chief Executive Officer 1 Lacey Pl Southport, CT 6890 web: ruger. com SUHNER phone:...............................(706) 235-8046 Rickey Williams Director of Sales Hwy 411 S Suhner Dr Moreland, GA 30259 web: suhner. com Sungear Inc. phone:.........................(858) 549-3166 x 1 Eugene Ingrao Chief Operating Officer 8535 Arjons Dr Ste G San Diego, CA 92126 web: sungearinc. com Superior Air Parts, Inc. System Studies & Simulation, Inc Tag Engineering, Inc. 615 Discovery Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35806 web: s3inc. com 6707 Whitestone Rd Gwynn Oak, MD 21207 web: tagengineering. com phone:...............................(256) 539-1700 Mark Dexheimer Director of Contracts, Procurement and Administration T J Bartlett Co Inc phone:...............................(270) 685-2432 Tom Bartlett Owner 1309 W 9th St Owensboro, KY 42301 web: gibrass. com TAAL Technologies phone:...............................(806) 730-0200 Kumar Shivashankar Human Resource Business Partner 50 Main St Suite 1000-1015 White Plains, NY 10606 web: taaltech. com Tactair Fluid Controls, Inc phone:...............................(972) 829-4600 Yaron Nemet Owner phone:...............................(315) 451-3928 Ross Landscape General Manager of Operation Supreme Gear Co. Tactical Solutions, LLC 621 S Royal Ln Ste 100 Coppell, TX 75019 web: varcode. com phone:.........................(810) 775-6325 x 1 Kelly Morrin Information Technology/Sales and Marketing 17430 Malyn Blvd Fraser, MI 48026 web: supremegear. com Survival Products Inc phone:...............................(860) 405-0002 Hugh Teel Commercial Contracts and Sales 1116 N Salisbury Blvd Hollywood, FL 21801 web: survivalsystemsinc. com Swissbit AG phone:...............................(208) 258-6252 Kara Kirk Channel Marketing Manager 3000 United Founders Blvd Ste 201 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 web: swissbit. com Symbolic Displays, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 258-2811 Sidney Phadke Director Marketing and Sales 4806 W Taft Rd Auburn, NY 13088 web: tactair. com phone:...............................(208) 333-9901 Stephanie Johnson Accounting and Human Resources Specialist 2181 Commerce Ave Boise, ID 83705 web: tacticalsol. com Tactical Systems Group, LLC phone:.........................(636) 296-5417 x 1 Garrett Kasper Director of Communications and Director of Business Development Vehicle Weapon Systems 3000 Arnold Tenbrook Rd Arnold, MO 63010 web: arnolddefense. com Talon Aviation L.L.C. phone:...............................(253) 840-1012 fax:......................................(253) 840-4999 Ken Sorenson President 17017 Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 web: talonavn. com targetfocustraining. com phone:...............................(206) 686-3469 Tim Larkin Founder 325 E Washington St Sequim, WA 98382 web: targetfocustraining. com TASC phone:...............................(703) 633-8300 Robert Mielke Operations and Site Manager/Usafe/ A3tz, Advanced Programs Senior Technical Advisor 2000 P St Lincoln, NE 68503 web: tasc. com Taser International, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 991-0797 Kelsey Denzer Axon Specialist-inside Sales 17800 N 85th St Scottsdale, AZ 85255 web: taser. com Taskem Corporation phone:...............................(508) 679-0796 Nick Tom Director of Marketing 12 Tickle Rd Westport, MA 2790 web: taskemcorp. com Tag Aviation Usa, Inc. phone:............................... (650) 342-1717 Andrew Pethen Director Compliance Operations 111 Anza Blvd Ste 200 Burlingame, CA 94010 web: tagaviation. com phone:...............................(410) 265-8686 Clare Healey Finance Executive Human Resources Executive Taurus International Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 624-1115 Tim Brandt Director of Marketing 16175 Nw 49th Ave Miami Lakes, FL 33014 web: taurususa. com 1917 E Saint Andrew Pl Santa Ana, CA 92705 web: symbolicdisplays. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 90 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tayco Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 952-2240 Jay Chung Chief Executive Officer 10874 Hope St Cypress, CA 90630 web: taycoeng. com Taylor - Deal Aviation, LLC phone:...............................(214) 420-2716 Preston King King Owner 911 Maryland Dr Dallas, TX 75061 web: tdaviation. com Tect Newington 3368 Turfway Rd Ste 220 Erlanger, KY 41018 web: teamairmro. com 300 S Douglas St Ste 100 Newington, CT 67152 web: tectcorp. com phone:...............................(859) 283-1503 Olga Teuchert Sales Representative Tech Investments, L.L.C. phone:...............................(816) 423-5600 Chip Newell Owner 1200 Main St Ste 4000 Kansas City, MO 64105 web: ti-kc. com TCF Aerovent Company phone:...............................(763) 551-7600 Morris Donati Director International Operations 5959 Trenton Ln N Minneapolis, MN 55442 web: tcf. com Tcom, Limited Partnership A/K/A Tcom, L.P. phone:...............................(410) 312-2400 Barbara Beck Ea To Chief Executive Officer 190 T Com Dr Elizabeth City, NC 27909 web: tcomlp. com phone:...............................(760) 466-1040 Andrew Wagner Chief Operating Officer, Vice President 545 Corporate Dr Escondido, CA 92029 web: tdgaerospace. com Tech Manufacturing, LLC phone:............................... (636) 745-9477 Ian Packard Sales Engineer PO BOX 454 Wright City, MO 63390 web: techmanufacturing. com phone:...............................(972) 222-0415 Sandra Fulenwider Director-Purchasing 900 Airport Blvd Mesquite, TX 75181 web: txdps.state.tx. us TECT phone:...............................(859) 426-0090 Charity Swank Human Resources Generalist phone:...............................(615) 793-2187 Graeme Coates President/Owner 117 Wheeler St La Vergne, TN 37086 web: teamaerospace. com phone:...............................(229) 228-8928 Donna Towell Finance Analyst phone:...............................(847) 397-1199 Joe Wysocki Owner 1325 Wiley Rd Schaumburg, IL 60173 web: team1sales. com phone:...............................(229) 228-2600 Harrison James Director of Finance Tect Aerospace Wellington Inc. phone:...............................(620) 359-5000 Harrison James Director of Finance Tect Hypervelocity, Inc. phone:...............................(229) 228-2600 Andy Ford Operations Manager 5545 North Mill Heights Drive Wichita, KS 67219 web: tectaero. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical 205 W Industry Ct Deer Park, NY 11729 web: tekprecision. com phone:...............................(310) 893-1600 Harry Kellzi Director Marketing 12964 Panama St Los Angeles, CA 90066 web: teledyne. com phone:............................... (310) 765-3761 Andrew Gast Director-purchasing 121 N Mead St Wichita, KS 67202 web: teledyne. com phone:...............................(866) 978-3542 Nancy Drewno General Human Resources PO BOX 67 Sodus, MI 49126 web: teliccorporation. com Tell Tool, Inc. Tect Aerospace Inc. 300 S Douglas St Ste 100 Wellington, KS 67152 web: tectcorp. com Team One Sales & Marketing phone:...............................(631) 242-2033 Sharon Valles Purchasing Manager Telic Corporation TECT Aerospace PO BOX 12264 Wichita, KS 67277 web: tectaero. com Team Aerospace Inc Tek Precision Co., Ltd. Teledyne Technologies Incorporated 300 W Douglas Ave Thomasville, GA 67202 web: tectaero. com Tdps Aircraft phone:...............................(860) 594-5200 John Janitz Chief Operating Officer Teledyne Technologies 5303 Shilshole Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 web: tectcorp. com Tdg Aerospace, Inc. 91 TeamAir MRO Ltd. Alphabetical phone:...............................(413) 568-1671 William Weber Chief Executive Officer Director 35 Turnpike Industrial Rd Westfield, MA 1085 web: telltool. com Tempest Plus Marketing Group phone:...............................(770) 502-9952 John Herman Vice President of Sales and Marketing 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd Sharpsburg, GA 29687 web: tempestplus. com Tens Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(770) 448-9273 Rex Betita Sales Representative 800 Grundy Ave Holbrook, NY 11741 web: tensmachine. com Advertisers Terrafugia, Inc. Textron Systems - Formerly AAI 23 Rainin Rd Woburn, MA 1801 web: terrafugia. com 124 Industry Ln Glen Burnie, MD 21030 web: aaicorp. com phone:...............................(781) 491-0812 Carl Dietrich Chief Executive Officer/Chief Technology Officer Tesla Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(410) 666-1400 Ellen Lord President and Chief Executive Officer, Textron Systems Corporation Textron Systems Corporation phone:...............................(302) 324-8910 Jessica Roberts Inside Sales/Customer Service Manager phone:...............................(410) 628-8710 Sara Marsala Associate Advertising Specialist Tethers Unlimited, Inc. Thales Alenia Space North America, Inc 109 Centerpoint Blvd New Castle, DE 19720 web: teslaind. com phone:...............................(425) 486-0100 Jesse I Cushing Co-Founder 11807 N Creek Pkwy S Bothell, WA 98011 web: tethers. com Texas Pneumatic Systems phone:............................... (717) 764-8288 Susan Jewell Human Resources Executive 3111 Farmtrail Rd York, PA 17406 web: txps. com Textron Aviation phone:...............................(800) 835-4000 Gary Genge Area Sales Manager 1951 Airport Rd Atlanta, GA 30341 web: txtav. com Textron Inc. phone:...............................(401) 421-2800 Peter Tran Associate Analyst - Information Technology Finance 40 Westminster St Ste 500 Providence, RI 2903 web: textron. com Textron Lycoming Corp phone:...............................(401) 421-2800 Shannon Gearry Aftermarket Sales Manager 40 Westminster St Ste 500 Providence, RI 2903 web: lycoming.textron. com 201 Lowell St Wilmington, MA 1887 web: textronsystems. com phone:...............................(408) 973-9845 Eric Blasco Purchasing - Buyer 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014 web: thalesaleniaspace. com Thales Avionics, Inc. phone:...............................(949) 790-2500 Dominique Giannoni Chieef Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer, Thales Inflyt Experience 58 Discovery Irvine, CA 92618 web: us.thalesgroup. com phone:...............................(951) 736-9911 Julia Nunn Director-human Resources 2362 Railroad St Corona, CA 92880 web: thermalstructures. com Thompson Aerospace, LLC phone:...............................(860) 516-0472 Paul Nichols Owner 18 Technology Dr Ste 121 Bristol, CT 92618 web: ptp-inc. com Thrush Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(229) 789-0319 Diane Davis Director Human Resources 300 Old Pretoria Rd Albany, GA 31721 web: thrushaircraft. com Tighitco Inc. phone:...............................(404) 355-1205 Scott Cooper Human Resources 1375 Seaboard Industrial Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30318 web: tighitco. com Titeflex Corporation Thales Group phone:...............................(781) 461-3148 William Matson Chief Human Resources Officer 1 Technology Way Norwood, MA 2062 web: adi-limited. com phone:...............................(603) 527-7664 Steve Genest Director Human Resources, Safety, Environment, and Facilities 93 Lexington Dr Laconia, NH 3246 web: titeflex. com Tobul Accumulator Incorporated thell associates phone:...............................(619) 851-7944 Richard Thell Owner 3089 Clairemont Dr San Diego, CA 92117 web: thellassociates. com Therm, Incorporated phone:...............................(607) 272-8500 Peggy Backner Director of Human Resources 1000 Hudson Street Ext Ithaca, NY 14850 web: pro-therm. com Thermal Structures, Inc. phone:...............................(803) 245-5111 Annette Hill Human Resources Administrator Rte 1 Box 4M Bamberg, SC 29003 web: tobul. com Torch Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 319-6000 Bill Roark Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer 4035 Chris Dr SW Ste C Huntsville, AL 35802 web: torchtechnologies. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 92 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY TORR Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 735-9115 fax:...................................... (253) 735-0437 Greg Lindstrom President 1435 22nd Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: torrtech. com Tovya Group, Inc. phone:...............................(903) 758-1604 Femi Ibitayo Owner 1622 E Whaley St Longview, TX 75601 web: zeftronics. com Tpi Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 305-8910 Todd Altman Director, Transportation Market Development 8501 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 280 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 web: tpicomposites. com phone:...............................(913) 307-9906 Paul Neuburger Owner 9760 Shepard Rd Overland Park, KS 44056 web: tradesmeninternational. com Tradewind Turbines Corporation phone:...............................(806) 335-1400 Joe C Boyd President Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 31930 Amarillo, TX 79120 web: tradewind-bonanza. com phone:...............................(907) 338-8243 Joseph Tolliver Chief Executive Officer, Founder, PresidentChief Executive Officer 201 E 3rd Ave Anchorage, AK 99501 web: trailboss. biz phone:...............................(818) 787-1221 Hugh W Smith Sales Executive 16141 Cohasset St Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: trans-cal. com phone:...............................(248) 583-1911 Richard Engelhardt Sales Manager Transdigm, Inc. Tri-Tech Electronics, Inc. 1301 E 9th St Ste 3000 Cleveland, OH 44114 web: saleskatz. com 1441 Allen Dr Troy, MI 48083 web: tripleinc. com phone:...............................(323) 269-9181 Michael Cox Human Resources Executive phone:............................... (407) 277-2131 Tammy Talley Human Resources Manager Trego Dugan Aviation of Grand Island Inc Tri-Tech Precision, Inc 5000 Triggs St Los Angeles, CA 90022 web: adelwiggins. com phone:...............................(308) 532-5864 Kevin Romero Manager American Eagle Operations 5560 E Lee Bird Dr Grand Island, NE 69101 web: trego-dugan. com phone:...............................(812) 872-2400 Linda Carrithers Purchasing Manager 1055 S Hunt St Terre Haute, IN 47803 web: triaerospace. com Tri Tec Communications, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 251-8777 fax:...................................... (425) 251-0536 Mark Haller 8206 S. 192ND Street Kent, WA 98032 web: tritecco. com Trigon Incorporated Trailboss Enterprises, Inc. Triple, Inc. phone:...............................(888) 519-0360 Ken Zebracki Chief Executive Officer Tri Aerospace, LLC Tradesmen International Trans-Cal Industries, Inc. Transdigm Group Incorporated phone:...............................(724) 941-5540 Melanie Higgins Vice President Finance 640 Lee Rd Canonsburg, PA 19087 web: fpdcompany. com 9480 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32817 web: tri-techelectronics. com phone:....................... (714) 970-1363 x20 Ernie Ted President Chief Executive Officer 5290 E Hunter Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 web: tri-techprecision. com Triumph Accessory Services Grand Prairie, Inc phone:...............................(972) 623-9300 Catherine Hendry Director of Finance, Triumph Actuation Systems-valencia 9314 W Jefferson Blvd Grand Prairie, TX 75211 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Aerospace Systems Newport News, Inc. phone:...............................(757) 873-1344 Missy Sutherland Director-Human Resources 703 Middle Ground Blvd Newport News, VA 23606 web: alliedaerospace. com Triumph Aerospace Systems Group, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 361-2000 Dan Simmons Director Human Resources Trio Avionics 899 Cassatt Rd Ste 210 Nashville, TN 19312 web: triumphgroup. com 1840 Joe Crosson Dr El Cajon, CA 92020 web: trioavionics. com Triumph Aerostructures, LLC phone:...............................(619) 448-4619 Gerald Hansen Marketing Manager/Professional Trio Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 640-6123 Robyn Taylor-Drake Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(772) 220-5301 Lorna Acevedo Director Human Resources 1801 SE Airport Rd Stuart, FL 34996 web: triumphgroup. com 601 Lairport St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: trulok. com 93 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Triumph Air Repairs, Inc phone:...............................(602) 437-1144 Jeff Ryskamp Finance Executive 50 S 56th St Chandler, AZ 85226 web: triumphairrepair. com Triumph Composite Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 623-8600 Patrick Jones Director of Operations Air Control Systems and Flight Deck 1514 S Flint Rd Spokane, WA 99224 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Engine Control Systems, LLC phone:...............................(860) 231-2784 John Abercrombie Vice President, Operations at Triumph Group - Engine Control Systems 1 Charter Oak Blvd West Hartford, CT 6110 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Fabrications - Fort Worth, Inc. phone:.........................(817) 804-9400 x 8 Craig Cooper Chief Procurement Officer Aerospace Structures Segment 7445 E Lancaster Ave Fort Worth, TX 76112 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Fabrications - Hot Springs, LLC phone:...............................(501) 622-4355 Darren Hill Director Purchasing 1923 Central Ave Hot Springs, AR 71901 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Gear Systems - Macomb, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 781-2800 John Heenan Director, Purchasing/Supply Chain, Triumph Gear Systems 15375 23 Mile Rd Macomb, MI 48042 web: triumphgroup. com The Triumph Group Operations Inc phone:...............................(620) 326-2235 Bill Blasi Director Operations Triumph Group, Inc. phone:...............................(215) 616-9245 Nancy Cardenas Administrative Assistant, Purchasing 899 Cassatt Rd Ste 210 Berwyn, PA 19312 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Insulation Systems, LLC phone:...............................(310) 332-1000 Ron Bradfish Human Resources Manager at Triumph Aerostructures - Vought Aircraft Division 2865 Pullman St Hawthorne, CA 92705 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Interiors, LLC phone:...............................(412) 788-4200 Loretta Dimasso Human Resources 1020 McKee Rd Oakdale, PA 15071 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Structures - Everett, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 438-7122 Bruce Rinell Purchasing/Supply Chain 1415 75th St SW Everett, WA 98203 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Structures - Kansas City, Inc. phone:...............................(816) 763-8600 Gina Butler Human Resources Manager 4020 E 138th St Grandview, MO 64030 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Structures - Wichita, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 942-0432 Dave Hensley Director of Operation 3258 S Hoover Rd Wichita, KS 67215 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Structures-Los Angeles, Inc. phone:............................... (714) 674-3300 Darlene McCarthy Purchasing 423 Berry Way Brea, CA 92821 web: triumphgroup. com Triumph Thermal Systems Maryland, Inc. phone:...............................(301) 228-3400 Scott Myers Operations Manager 540 Highland St Frederick, MD 21701 web: fairchildcontrols. com Triumph Thermal Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(419) 273-1107 Robin Miller Director, Operations and Manufacturing, Triumph Thermal Systems 200 Railroad St Forest, OH 45843 web: triumphgroup. com Trojan Lithograph Co. phone:...............................(425) 873-2200 fax:...................................... (425) 873-1022 Dale Sirek Manager of Marketing 800 SW 27th Street Renton, WA 98055 web: trojanlitho. com Tronair phone:...............................(817) 967-3909 Dan Oneill Sales Manager 1740 Eber Rd Ste E Dallas, TX 43528 web: tronair. com Tronair, Inc. phone:...............................(419) 866-6301 Peter Chai Asia Sales Manager Thailand Office 1740 Eber Rd Ste E Holland, OH 43528 web: tronair. com Troy Design & Manufacturing Co. phone:...............................(298) 798-9528 Steve Liberty General Manager of Operations Co Founder 12675 Berwyn Farmington, MI 48239 web: troydm. com Truatlantic Mfg., LLC phone:...............................(336) 235-6093 Mike Hager Purchasing 1125 Spectra Ct Kernersville, NC 27284 web: truatlantic. com 411 N West Rd Wellington, KS 67152 web: triumphgroup. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 94 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Truman Arnold Companies phone:...............................(919) 840-4400 Mike Vaughn Branded Marketing Coordinator 1725 E International Dr Morrisville, NC 27560 web: tacenergy. com Tsc, LLC phone:...............................(661) 824-6600 Joe Brennan Director of Production Operations 1223 Sabovich St Unit A Mojave, CA 93501 web: thespaceshipcompany. com TST Inc phone:...............................(951) 685-2155 Paula Barnes Human Resources Compliance Manager 14510 Lima Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46818 web: tst-corp. com Ttf Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 736-6226 Nichole Schultz Chief Operating Officer 4204 Auburn Way N Ste 4 Auburn, WA 98002 web: ttfaero. com Turbine Airfoil Designs, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 395-0819 Marta Zepeda Chief Executive Officer, President 201 Santa Monica Blvd Fl 620 Santa Monica, CA 90401 web: mzepeda. com Turbine Engine Components Technologies - Utica Corporation phone:...............................(315) 768-8713 Donna Prentice Human Resources Manager 2 Halsey Rd Whitesboro, NY 13492 web: tectcorp. com Turbine Engine Components Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(216) 692-6007 Jeannie Sureck Human Resource 23555 Euclid Ave #106 Euclid, OH 44117 web: tectcorp. com Turbine Engine Components Technologies-Turning Corporation Tuthill Controls Group phone:...............................(316) 925-4023 Jeremy Bodecker Operations Manager phone:...............................(253) 475-1080 fax:.......................................(253) 474-1623 Jay Tuthill CEO 2019 Southwest Blvd Wichita, KS 67213 web: tectcorp. com 4401 S. Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 web: controls.tuthill. com Turbine Engine Resources LLC Twigg Corporation 2015 Mckenzie Dr Ste 106 Dallas, TX 75006 web: terltd. com 659 E York St Martinsville, IN 46151 web: twiggcorp. com Turbine Standard Ltd. phone:............................... (208) 743-7418 Tyler Grainger Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(972) 488-2300 Connie Jones Accounting and Sales phone:...............................(765) 342-7126 Bernice Holder Director of Human Resources Twin River Contract Loading phone:...............................(419) 865-0355 Dan Dunn Chief Operating Officer 10550 Industrial St Holland, OH 43528 web: turbinestandard. com 815 D St Lewiston, ID 83501 web: freedommunitions. com Turbine Technologies Ltd Tyonek Engineering & Agile Manufacturing, LLC 126 Hyde Rd Chetek, WI 6032 web: turbinetechnologies. com 800 Duke Ave Tampa, FL 31093 web: tyonekgroup. com phone:...............................(715) 924-4876 Andy Gerhart Marketing Executive Turbine Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(715) 924-4876 Jill Ricci Human Resources Executive 126 Hyde Rd Farmington, CT 6032 web: turbinetechnologies. com phone:...............................(256) 258-6200 Bill Helms Director of Operations Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc. phone:............................... (907) 272-0707 Bart Garber Chief Executive Officer 1689 C St Ste 219 Anchorage, AK 99501 web: tyonekgroup. com Turbocombustor Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(772) 781-7036 Greg Bennett Chief Executive Officer 3651 SE Commerce Ave Stuart, FL 34997 web: paradigmprecision. com TZ Limited phone:...............................(312) 751-2800 Will Leong Chief Operating Officer 520 W Erie St Chicago, IL 60654 web: tz. net Turbomeca Manufacturing, LLC U.S. Ordnance 815 Airport Rd Monroe, NC 28110 web: turbomeca-tmm. com 300 E Sydney Dr Mccarran, NV 89434 web: usord. com phone:...............................(972) 606-7600 Matthew Nelson Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(775) 356-2380 Desire'E Ewell Director Human Resources UFC Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(253) 840-6951 Jenny Behnke 15307 Main St Puyallup, WA 98372 web: ufcaero. com 95 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Ultra Electronics United Launch Alliance, L.L.C. Unitron phone:...............................(203) 336-4590 Jody Rossi Human Resources Executive phone:...............................(303) 391-4586 Kevin Koessl CES DOSC Operations phone:...............................(214) 221-9094 Mark Delesantos Senior Purchasing Ultra Electronics DNE Technologies United Precision Products Co., Inc. Universal Aerospace Co., Inc. 13127 Kellam Ct San Diego, CA 92130 web: ultra-dne. com 115 Bay State Dr Fairfield, CT 2184 web: measurementsystemsinc. com phone:...............................(203) 697-6615 Ryan Raesemann Sales Engineer Ultrax Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(816) 246-1066 Tammy Fox Buyer and Purchasing 4200 NE Sun Ct Lees Summit, MO 64064 web: ultraxinc. com Umbra Cuscinetti, Incorporated phone:......................... (425) 743-2577 x 1 Robert Bob Collett Chief Executive Officer 6707 Hardeson Rd Everett, WA 98203 web: umbrausa. com Unitech Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(208) 209-8200 Lory Brager Human Resources Manager 10413 N Aero Dr Hayden, ID 83835 web: unitechcomp. com United Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(954) 364-0085 Danny Naranjo Director, Repair Sales 9800 Premier Pkwy Hollywood, FL 33025 web: unitedaerospace. com United Avionics, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 723-1404 Gerry McPherson Sales Manager 38 Great Hill Rd Naugatuck, CT 6770 web: unitedavionicsinc. com United Dynamics, Inc. phone:.........................(405) 275-8041 x 2 Tammy Vanderford Contracts/Procurement Manager 9100 E Mineral Cir Englewood, CO 80112 web: ulalaunch. com 10925 Miller Rd Po Box 38902 Fort Lauderdale, FL 75238 web: unitronlp. com phone:...............................(313) 292-0100 Gary Winkler Sales Manager phone:...............................(360) 435-9577 Jeff Pettit Owner 25040 Van Born Rd Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 web: uppci. com 18640 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: universalaero. com United Space Alliance, LLC Universal Cargo Doors & Service, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 799-7200 Wayne Miller Human Resources Contracts Manager 8550 Astronaut Blvd Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 web: usa-spaceops. com United States Department of the Air Force phone:...............................(661) 277-2673 Ignacio Diaz Chief Executive Officer 5 E Popson Ave Edwards, CA 93524 web: United Tactical Systems, LLC phone:...............................(858) 638-0236 Monte Scott National Sales and Training Director 6540 Lusk Blvd Ste c137 San Diego, CA 92121 web: pepperball. com United Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(888) 850-8325 Pam Ginn Account Manager Service Sales 1 Financial Plz Raleigh, NC 6103 web: carrier.utc. com The United Tool and Die Company phone:...............................(860) 246-6531 Santo Pirrotta Owner 1 Carney Rd West Hartford, CT 6110 web: utdco. com phone:...............................(305) 594-9175 Roy Sandri Chief Operating Officer, General Manager 8490 NW 68th St Miami, FL 33166 web: universalcargodoors. com Universal Machining & Sheet Metal Inc. phone:...............................(316) 425-7610 Paul Wilcox Operations Manager 116 S Lulu St Wichita, KS 67211 web: umsm. net Universal Photonics phone:...............................(516) 935-4000 Michael Dean Director of Marketing 85 Jetson Ln San Jose, CA 11722 web: universalphotonics. com Universal Propulsion Company, Inc. phone:...............................(707) 399-1852 Stacey Treadway Purchasing Supervisor 3530 Branscombe Rd Fairfield, CA 94585 web: goodrich. com Universal Technologies Inc. phone:............................... (931) 649-5171 Wayne Hessey Purchasing Agent 830 William Pitt Way Estill Springs, TN 15238 web: unitechinc. com 41901 Wolverine Rd Shawnee, OK 74804 web: united-dynamics. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 96 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Universal Transport Systems, LLC UTC Aerospace Systems Victaulic Company 1 Financial Plz Hartford, CT 6103 web: utas.utc. com 4803 Bishops Castle Dr Midland, TX 79705 web: victaulic. com phone:...............................(312) 224-8856 David Summers Chief Executive Officer/President phone:...............................(802) 877-4928 William Rublee Business Development and Sales Manager US Aero Services, Inc. V I J Corporation Victor Technologies 1700 Hickory Dr Ft Worth, TX 76117 web: nationalutilities. com 7792 Nw 54th St Doral, FL 33166 web: thermadyne. com 474 N Lake Shore Dr Chicago, IL 60611 web: universaltransportsystems. com phone:...............................(334) 475-4600 Michael Tremlett Business Development Sales and Marketing Manager 2791 Neil Metcalf Rd Enterprise, AL 36330 web: usaerosi. com Valley Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. US Tactical Systems Inc phone:...............................(636) 390-8360 Bruce Bogue Sales Manager 310 W 12th St Washington, MO 63090 web: elitesurvival. com Usairports Services, Inc phone:........................ (585) 328-2280 x 1 Jose Santiago Manager Finance Executive Sales Executive 1 Airport Way Suite 300 Rochester, NY 14624 web: usairports. com Usher Precision Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(503) 992-0015 Karl Usher President and Owner 3863 24th Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 web: usherprecision. com phone:...............................(570) 693-2400 Jeff Norris Marketing and Engineering Director 74 W 6th St Wyoming, PA 18644 web: usmaero. net 1400 Old Main Hl Tooele, UT 84322 web: ext. 97 vandw Visionaire Corporation 22 Prindle Hill Rd Orange, CT 6477 web: valleytl. com 65 Bleecker St New York, NY 10012 web: virgingalactic. com phone:...............................(510) 613-8370 Ronald Valenica Partner phone:...............................(800) 288-1655 Francesco Mascolo General Manager Sales and Marketing Vandyne Superturbo, Inc. Visionsafe Corporation 123 N College Ave Ste 240 Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: vandynesuperturbo. com 46-217 Kahuhipa St Kaneohe, HI 96744 web: visionsafe. com 7677 Oakport St Ste 520 Oakland, CA 94621 web: vandw. com phone:...............................(902) 823-1619 Ed Dyne President and Chief Executive Officer 595 Bell Ave Chesterfield, MO 63005 web: visionaire. com phone:...............................(808) 235-0849 Kurt Poruks Communications Director Vanguard Defense Industries, LLC Vista Outdoor Inc. 25003 Pitkin Rd Spring, TX 77386 web: vanguarddefense. com 938 University Park Blvd Clearfield, UT 84015 web: vistaoutdoor. com phone:...............................(801) 779-4600 Rocky Krivijanski Director of Corporate Communications Van's Aircraft, Inc. Vista Outdoor Sales LLC 14401 Keil Rd NE Aurora, OR 97002 web: vansaircraft. com 900 Bob Ehlen Dr Anoka, MN 55303 web: vistaoutdoor. com phone:...............................(801) 779-4600 Jason Nash Director of Marketing Vermillion, Inc. Vogelsang Corporation 110 Commerce Way Ste 6 Woburn, MA 1801 web: vermillioninc. com 1790 Swarthmore Ave Jackson, NJ 8701 web: vogelsangcorp. com phone:...............................(781) 231-7200 John Tempest Vice President Sales TOC Virgin Galactic LLC phone:................................... (44-) 073132 George Whitesides Chief Executive Officer and President phone:...............................(503) 678-6545 Johnathan Calkins Director of Purchasing phone:...............................(435) 797-3221 Stanley M Guy Community Development Educator phone:...............................(305) 888-0000 Charles Cisneros Owner phone:...............................(203) 799-8800 Mike Murray Operations Executive phone:...............................(281) 298-6672 Hank Kulesza Chief Operating Officer Usm Aerostructures, Corp. Utah State University phone:...............................(817) 222-1313 Joe Chauncey Sales Represenative phone:...............................(610) 559-3300 Trey Bohannon Regional Sales Manager Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical phone:...............................(732) 928-5990 Joerg Vogelsang Human Resources Senior General Advertisers Volt Services Group phone:...............................(206) 441-2929 701 Pike Street Seattle, WA web: volt. com Vulcanium Metals International, LLC phone:...............................(715) 359-3638 Greg Davis Regional Sales Manager 3045 Commercial Ave Fort Wayne, IN 60062 web: vulcanium. com Vx Capital Partners LLC phone:...............................(415) 296-5253 Martin Kooi Partner 915 Front St San Francisco, CA 94111 web: vxcapital. com Walbar, Inc. phone:...............................(602) 232-4000 Piush Mistry Aerospace Sales Manager 3420 S 7th St Phoenix, AZ 85040 web: goodrich. com Wall Colmonoy Corporation phone:........................ (248) 585-6400 x 2 Bill Clark Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 101 W Girard Ave Oklahoma City, OK 48071 web: wallcolmonoy. com Warrior Enterprises Inc phone:...............................(480) 833-5812 Todd Schulte Sales and Marketing Manager 1203 N Main St Mesa, AZ 83642 web: arizonaaircraft. com Wasi, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 219-5862 Dj Marshall Sales Manager 211 E 1st St Wichita, KS 67146 web: wasi. biz Wayne Trail Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(937) 295-2120 Janet Brackman Director-human Resources 203 E Park St Fort Loramie, OH 45845 web: waynetrail. com Weatherby, Inc. phone:...............................(805) 227-2600 Taylor Nahrgang Director Marketing and Development 1605 Commerce Way Paso Robles, CA 93446 web: weatherby. com Weatherford Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 594-5464 Beth Scofield Human Resources 1020 E Columbia St Weatherford, TX 76086 web: weatherfordaerospace. com Webco Air Craft phone:...............................(316) 283-7929 Bob Weber Owner 1134 N Oliver Rd Newton, KS 67114 web: webcoaircraft. com Wencor, LLC phone:...............................(678) 490-0149 Bert Trantham Sales Manager 1625 N 1100 W Peachtree Cty, GA 84663 web: dixieaerospace. com Wesanco Inc. phone:...............................(714) 739-4989 Alex Tinoco Inside Sales Manager 14870 Desman Rd La Mirada, CA 90638 web: wesanco. com West Cobb Engineering & Tool Co., Inc. phone:...............................(866) 489-7370 Chris Meek Marketing Manager 7267 Hiram Douglasville Hwy Douglasville, GA 30134 web: westcobbengineering. com West East Community Access Network, Inc. phone:...............................(323) 293-9845 Eziokwu Washington Owner 4329 Degnan Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90008 web: wecan-foundation. org Western Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 917-0080 fax:...................................... (360) 917-0083 Sales Manager 607 S. Charlotte Avenue Bremerton, WA 98312 web: wtramlights. com Westwind Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 319-0137 Jerry George Vice President Marketing Operations 2901 Wall Triana Hwy SW Suite 200 Huntsville, AL 35824 web: westwindcorp. com Westwood Precision Inc. phone:...............................(425) 742-7011 Mark Lawson Sales Manager Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corporation phone:...............................(800) 768-0240 Dan Klausen Area Sales Manager Whittier Whittier, CA 90601 web: airtechnics. com Wesco Sales Group phone:...............................(604) 760-5000 Cliff Mandell Canadian Field Sales Engineer 1239 120th Ave NE Ste H Bellevue, WA 98005 web: wesco-sales. com 7509 Hardeson Road Everett, WA 98203 web: westwoodprecision. com WG Henschen phone:...............................(480) 368-1998 Judi Parker Finance Executive 7363 E Tierra Buena Ln Ste 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 web: wghco. com Whirl Wind Propellers Corp phone:...............................(619) 562-3725 Jim Russ Owner WEST COAST INDUSTRIES, INC phone:...............................(206) 365-7513 Richard L. Heusser General Manager Gillespie Field, 1800 Joe Crosson Dr El Cajon, CA 92020 web: whirlwindpropellers. com 14900 Whitman Ave. No. Seattle, WA 98133 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 98 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Windham Weaponry, Inc. phone:...............................(207) 893-2223 Jon Clark Ii Marketing Graphics Manager 999 Roosevelt Trl Windham, ME 4062 web: windhamweaponry. com Wings Airways phone:...............................(907) 586-6275 Wayne Love Owner and Chief Pilot 2 Marine Way Ste 175 Juneau, AK 99801 web: wingsairways. com Wipaire, Inc. phone:...............................(651) 451-1205 Brittnie Brink Aircraft Sales 1700 Henry Ave South Saint Paul, MN 55075 web: wipaire. com Wyatt Aerospace Woodland Pattern, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 475-3131 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Randell Theinert President phone:...............................(408) 850-1143 Ofer Bismuth Director of Sales and Marketing 11 Hamelacha St Afek Industrial Park Solon, OH 48091 web: mtiwe. com phone:...............................(918) 272-9567 Ivan Rainbolt Chief Operating Officer 8199 N 116th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 web: wittenco. com Woodward, Inc. 700 E Harrison Ave Pomona, CA 91767 web: xcerra. com phone:...............................(909) 625-9362 Patty Abreu Human Resource Representative phone:............................... (815) 877-7441 Wayne Messman Director - Business Development, Marketing and Commercial Operations 5001 N 2nd St Loves Park, IL 61111 web: woodward. com phone:...............................(253) 848-2020 fax:......................................(253) 840-5843 Sharon Robinson Administrative Assistant 16715 Meridian E, Bldg. H Puyallup, WA 98375 web: spanaflight. com phone:...............................(763) 424-8999 Mark Cerney Controller/Finance 8625 Monticello Ln N Maple Grove, MN 55369 web: worldaerospace. com Worthington Aviation Parts, Inc. Wolfe Engineering phone:...............................(408) 232-2600 Randy Wolfe Owner 3040 N 1st St Morgan Hill, CA 95134 web: e-wolfe. com phone:...............................(651) 994-1600 Mark Harris Chief Operating Officer 2995 Lone Oak Cir Ste 10 Saint Paul, MN 55121 web: worthingtonav. com Woven Electronics Corp Wolfe Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 777-0146 Don Keimig Chief Executive Officer and President 101 Industrial Dr Mulvane, KS 67110 web: wolfemachine. com phone:...............................(864) 239-2267 Peggy Burnett Regional Sales Manager 1001 Old Stage Rd Greenville, SC 29681 web: wovenelectronics. com www. compositealliance. com WomenOnGuard phone:...............................(954) 916-7955 Susan Eaton Co-Owner 1609 Razorbill Ct Oakland Park, FL 28557 web: womenonguard. com TOC 295 Ella Grasso Tpke Windsor Locks, CT 6096 web: indoorairpark. com Xcerra World Aerospace Corporation. Witten Company Inc phone:...............................(860) 623-8898 Maryann Reale Finance Executive 5408 S Proctor Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: woodlandpattern. com/ Wooten & Lloyd (Spanaflight) Wireless Edge Ltd 99 Wood Associates phone:...............................(682) 551-8569 Marc Thimon Director of Sales 6060 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75206 web: compositealliance. com Profiles of Success Categorical Xcor Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 824-0866 Andrew Nelson Chief Operating Officer PO BOX 1163 Mojave, CA 93502 web: xcor. com Xerox Corporation phone:...............................(703) 364-7000 Loneita Fields Account Operations Manager 45 Glover Ave Livonia, MI 6850 web: xerox. com Zenith Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(818) 767-2106 Constance Arroyave Director of Operations 10937 Pendleton St Sun Valley, CA 91352 web: zenithmfg. com Zivko Aeronautics, Inc. phone:...............................(405) 282-1330 Eric Zivko Vice President Operations 502 Airport Rd Guthrie, OK 73044 web: zivko. com Zodiac Aerospace phone:...............................(732) 681-3527 Sean Campbell Chief Executive Officer 6174 Innovation Way Belmar, NJ 92009 web: aircruisers. com Zodiac Inflight Innovations phone:...............................(714) 693-3505 Harry Gray Vice President of Sales and Marketing 2929 E Imperial Hwy Ste 170 Anaheim, CA 92821 web: imsco-us. com Alphabetical Advertisers USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Zodiac Seats US LLC phone:...............................(425) 897-4300 Greg Glenn Director - Global Sales 2000 Weber Dr Gainesville, TX 76240 web: zodiacaerospace. com Modern Machine Company phone:...............................(206) 764-6997 fax:...................................... (206) 764-7094 Jim Nye President 524 S Southern St Seattle, WA 98108 web: modernmachine. us Zodiac US Corporation phone:...............................(732) 681-2359 John O'Donnell Chief Executive Officer, Zodiac Aerosafety 1747 State Route 34 Wall Township, NJ 7727 web: zodiacaerospace. com phone:...............................(714) 528-0066 Nik Saran Owner 1365 N Dynamics St E Anaheim, CA 92806 web: vf-engineering. com Ground Support Equipment ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(989) 731-5083 Brandon Sprotte Marketing Associate 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 ISO 9000 Injection Molding 4712 S 134th Pl Tukwila, WA 98168 web: aemachine. com phone:...............................(425) 226-3400 fax:...................................... (425) 228-6487 Aaron Greenwood Marketing Manager Your complete source for injection molding and machining of metal and plastic [email protected] web: aero-plastics. com Altek Inc 1231 37th Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 A&M Precision Measuring Services A-1 Precision, Inc. phone:............................... (360) 574-8442 fax:...................................... (360) 574-8442 Tom Sprague President phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 AS 9100, ISO 9001, ITAR, UL phone:............................... (360) 734-5744 Cara Buckingham Information Director phone:...............................(253) 887-8433 fax:...................................... (253) 887-1295 Guy Hall Corp Secy 7030 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: amprecisionmeasuring. com American Edge LLC Birch Equipment Rental and Sales, Inc. A & G Machine phone:...............................(313) 421-1388 Steve Albrecht Director of Business Development PO Box 12366 Mill Creek, WA 98082 web: aircraft-support. com/ PO Box 130 Valley, WA 99181 web: ameriedge. com phone:............................... (425) 742-7665 Doreen Atkinson Owner & President phone:...............................(206) 244-2146 Eric Schweiger President Aero-Plastics Aircraft Support Co LLC phone:...............................(509) 937-4404 Karen Odle President A & B Quality Finishers, Inc. A & E Machine Inc web: abwtec. com phone:...............................(425) 485-3443 Jackie Toombs President 9802 E. 58th Street Tulsa, OK 74146 web: seahawkmfg. com 5712 207th Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98290 903 houser way N Renton, WA 98057 Certified ISO 9001 / AS9100 ITAR Registered phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development phone:...............................(918) 884-9770 Holly Dorland Director Sales & Marketing Machining RF System Lab 123 W. Main St. Gaylord, MI 49735 web: rfsystemlab. us Zurich Engineering, Inc Seahawk Manufacturing 8014 NE 19th Court Vancouver, WA 98665 web: A-1precision. com AAA Precise Machine Inc phone:...............................(509) 375-3268 Albert Lemieux President 27305 E Ruppert Rd Benton City, WA 99320 [email protected] web: altek-inc. com 1619 Kentucky St Bellingham, WA 98229 100 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Absolute Manufacturing, Inc. AccuDUCT Manufacturing 6914 204th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: absolutemfg. com 316 Ellingson Road Algona, WA 98001 web: accuduct. com phone:...............................(360) 435-1116 fax:......................................(360) 435-2336 Andy Lubresky President ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:............................... (253) 939-7741 fax:......................................(253) 939-9936 Jeff Hermanson President Accurate Machining ACRO Machining, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 ISO 9000 web: abwtec. com ACCRA Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 424-1000 fax:...................................... (425) 424-1031 Mark Henderson Marketing Manager 17703 15th Avenue SE Bothell, WA 98036 web: accramfg. com ACCRA-FAB phone:...............................(360) 653-1492 fax:......................................(360) 653-6934 Dan Edmond President 3817 168th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 phone:............................... (425) 742-3917 fax:...................................... (425) 609-1021 Joann Britt VP of Sales 17611 OK Mill Road Snohomish, WA 98290 web: agmco. net Aero Mac, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 348-4140 fax:...................................... (425) 745-5960 Kimbery Tucker President phone:...............................(253) 851-6440 Ken Latschaw President 1724 26th Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Aero Precision Inc. [email protected] web: accrafab. com 903 houser way N Renton, WA 98057 Certified ISO 9001 / AS9100 ITAR Registered Your complete source for injection molding and machining of metal and plastic [email protected] web: aero-plastics. com Air Metal Fabricators, Inc. phone:............................... (509) 923-2274 fax:...................................... (509) 923-2371 Kenneth Orford President 28 Buckhorn Mountain Road Pateros, WA 98846 Aero Manufacturing, Inc P.O. Box 641 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 AS9100C Certification phone:...............................(425) 226-3400 fax:...................................... (425) 228-6487 Aaron Greenwood Marketing Manager Action Grinding & Machining Corp. 4602 Chennault Beach Road, Suite D Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: aeromacinc. com phone:...............................(509) 922-3300 Frank Owens Aero-Plastics phone:...............................(253) 858-2970 fax:...................................... (253) 858-2976 Scott Dover Vice President 3416 B 57th Street Court NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: api-cnc. com Aeroform phone:...............................(360) 659-4044 fax:......................................(360) 653-2544 Roger Kindler Manager 15008 Smokey Point Boulevard,Suite E Marysville, WA 98271 Alaskan Copper Companies phone:...............................(206) 623-5800 fax:......................................(206) 382-7335 Kermit Rosen President 3223 6TH Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98134 web: alaskancopper. com/ Alpha Precision Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 395-7381 fax:.......................................(253) 395-7476 Dean Conti President 19652 70th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: alphapre. com Alpha Technologies phone:...............................(360) 647-2360 Vanessa OLIVER-NIELSEN 3767 Alpha Way Bellingham, WA 98226 Altek Inc phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 101 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY American Manufacturing and Engineers phone:...............................(253) 520-8849 fax:...................................... (253) 520-9767 Dean Spears Owner 1513 S Central, Suite B Kent, WA 98032 web: amecnc. com Belair Composites Inc Buyken Metal Products, Inc. 3715 E Longfellow Ave Spokane, WA 99217 web: belaircomposites. com 1216 N. 4TH Avenue Kent, WA 98032 web: buyken. com phone:...............................(509) 482-0442 fax:......................................(509) 482-0448 Mary Avery Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(253) 852-0634 fax:......................................(253) 859-3585 Mark DeLaurenti President Blackies Grinding Services C N C Diversified Mfg Inc 4333 Harbour Pointe Boulevard Suite A Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: ametekaerospace. com 3402 C Street NE, Suite 211 Auburn, WA 98002 7020 S 238th St Kent, WA 98032 web: cncdiversified. com Associated Aircraft & Marine phone:...............................(425) 347-1944 fax:...................................... (425) 355-1001 Jack Giddens President Ametek Aerospace Products phone:...............................(425) 315-0645 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8375 Jon Howe phone:...............................(253) 631-3082 Janet/Charles Gundlach Owner phone:...............................(253) 735-1835 fax:...................................... (253) 735-4781 Tomas Ordan President Blue Streak Finishers PO Box 8052 Kent, WA 98042 1520 80th Street, SW BldgA Everett, WA 98203 web: bluestreak-finishers. com Atlas Castings & Technology / Atlas International BMG Industries phone:............................... (253) 473-8721 fax:...................................... (253) 471-7029 Duane Britschgi President 3021 S Wilkeson Tacoma, WA 98409 web: atlasfoundry. com phone:...............................(360) 907-0888 Marci Aldred Principal 35004 NE 185th Ave Yacolt, WA 98675 phone:...............................(253) 939-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 939-3578 Clyde Hall President 3260 B Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 Baker Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 840-8610 fax:...................................... (253) 840-8763 Tony Baker President 11121 Valley Avenue E Puyallup, WA 98372 web: bakermfginc. com 19111- 61st Av NE No 2 Arlington, WA 98223 phone:...............................(253) 840-8610 11121 Valley Ave East Puyallup, WA 98372 web: bakermfginc. com TOC phone:...............................(360) 757-0997 Greg HILL 337 Pease Road Burlington, WA 98233 phone:...............................(253) 627-1903 fax:...................................... (253) 572-0923 Raela Guernsey President 2202 A Street Tacoma, WA 98402 web: carlsonformetec. org Cascade Aviation Services, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 736-1513 Richard Bogert Owner 3606 N Swallow Ave Pasco, WA 99301 web: bogert-av. com phone:...............................(360) 435-5005 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5277 Randy Bellon President 17301 51st Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: bowmanmfg. com Brewster Manufacturing phone:...............................(509) 923-2264 Victor BAILEY 62 Bailey Way Brewster, WA 98812 Brooks Tactical Systems Baker Mfg Inc 102 phone:...............................(360) 435-3928 fax:......................................(360) 435-7962 Mike Berg Owner Bowman Manufacturing Co., Inc. B & H Machine, Inc. Cadillac Cables, LLC Carlson-Formetec, Inc. Bogert Aviation Aviation Innovations LLC phone:...............................(253) 852-6869 fax:.......................................(253) 852-7476 John Ferry President phone:...............................(253) 549-2866 Brooks Speier Owner phone:...............................(425) 493-1707 fax:......................................(360) 403-8920 Christopher Stoopman Sales and Marketing Director 9800 Harbour Place, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cascade-aviation. com Cascade Columbia Distribution Co. phone:...............................(206) 282-6334 fax:......................................(206) 282-6330 Gary Miller Office Manager 6900 Fox Avenue S Seattle, WA 98108 web: cascadecolumbia. com Cascade Gasket phone:.............................. (253) 854-1800 fax:...................................... (253) 854-1921 Michael Moran General Manager 8825 S. 228th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: cascadegasket. com 296 N Shore Boulevard Fi Fox Island, WA 98333 web: brookstactical. com Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Cascade Machinery & Electric, Inc phone:...............................(206) 762-0500 fax:...................................... (206) 767-5122 Brian Hayward Vice President 4600 E. Marginal Way S, P.O. Box 3575 Seattle, WA 98134 web: cascade-machinery. com Cashmere Manufacturing phone:...............................(509) 888-2141 fax:...................................... (509) 888-2142 Randy Adams Manager of Operations and Manufacturing 3759 Airport Way East Wenatchee, WA 98802 web: cashmeremfg. com Centerline Machine phone:...............................(253) 864-7432 Terry Brown Owner 17202 110th Ave. E Puyallup, WA 98374 CNA Manufacturing Systems, Inc. / CNA Flexible Tooling Systems phone:...............................(425) 482-7977 fax:......................................(425) 482-7988 Larry Cook President 15000 Woodinville Redmond Road, Suite B-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 web: cnaflextool. com Coleman machine Compass Aerospace Northwest [Synchronous Aerospace] / Modern Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 478-2313 fax:...................................... (253) 373-0027 Don Camillo Director of Operations 833 First Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: compassaerospace. com Component Products Corp. phone:...............................(425) 355-6800 John R. Stone President 11623 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cpc-web. com Composites Atlantic Limited Damar Machine phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development phone:.............................. (360) 794-4448 fax:...................................... (360) 794-8144 Dan Millar Marketing Manager Contour Aerospace Delta Tooling, Inc. 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ 14767 -- 172nd Drive SE Monroe, WA 98272 web: damarmachine. com phone:...............................(425) 348-4100 fax:...................................... (425) 439-7153 John Seguin Vice President phone:...............................(253) 475-7293 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Paul Winebrenner General Manager Covlet Machine & Design Inc Deyoung Mfg., Inc. 1415 75th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: contouraerospace. com phone:...............................(360) 658-1977 Robert Rawe President 14219 Smokey Point Blvd # 1 Marysville, WA 98271 Curtis Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 862-9256 Curtis Satterthwaite Owner 21515 112th St. E Sumner, WA 98390 Custom Metal Spinning Co. phone:............................... (206) 762-2707 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3338 Ken Burke Owner 9330 15 Avenue S. # C Seattle, WA 98108 Custom Sheet Metal & Fabrication phone:...............................(206) 243-4861 fax:.......................................(206) 241-5140 Bruce Lansciardi 18703 4th Avenue S Seattle, WA 98148 Cutting Specialists, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-4911 fax:...................................... (206) 246-2036 Don Engstrom President 6400 S. 143Road Place Tukwila, WA 98168 Daedalus, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 823-4798 fax:...................................... (425) 821-8633 Martin Deyoung President 12920 NE 125th Way Kirkland, WA 98034 web: deyoungmfg. com/ Diamond Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 633-3960 fax:...................................... (206) 632-9674 Glenn Swan President 213 N 36th Street Seattle, WA 98103 Dylan Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 333-8260 fax:...................................... (253) 333-8261 James HL Cowan Quality Assurance Manager 1702 Pike Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: dylanmfg. com Earle M. Jorgensen Company (EMJ) phone:...............................(253) 872-0100 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8552 Mark White District Manager 22011 76th AvenueS Kent, WA 98032 web: emjmetals. com EDCO, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 333-6161 fax:......................................(425) 333-6355 Thomas White President P. O. Box 659 Carnation, WA 98014 web: daedalus-inc. com/ 5407 S Madison Tacoma, WA 98409 web: deltatooling. com phone:...............................(360) 424-6600 fax:...................................... (360) 424-6625 Mark Vorobik President 14508 Ovenell Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 web: edcoonline. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 103 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDJ Precision Machine, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 745-3937 fax:...................................... (425) 745-3606 Edward Mack President 13317 Ash Way B-1 Everett, WA 98204 web: edjprecision. com EDM Department Inc. phone:...............................(630) 736-0531 fax:...................................... (630) 736-0531 Ada Filipek Marketing Intern 2161 Humbracht Circle Ste A Bartlett, IL 60103 web: edmdept. com George’s Custom Plastics phone:...............................(253) 284-8000 Steven Spear President phone:...............................(253) 939-1575 fax:......................................(253) 288-9564 George Bendo Owner 3110 70th Ave. E Fife, WA 98424 web: filtronaextrusion. com / abplastics. com 3250 b Street N. W., # C Auburn, WA 98001 web: geocustomplastic. com/ Fixture Engineering Inc GIVON USA phone:...............................(360) 671-9052 fax:...................................... (360) 671-6637 Robert Johnston President 1600 Kentucky St Ste AW7 Bellingham, WA 98229 web: fixture-eng. com/ EDM Department Inc. phone:...............................(630) 736-0531 fax:......................................(630) 736-0530 Erin Marketing 1261 Humbracht Circle Bartlett, IL 60103 web: edmdept. com Electroimpact, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 348-8090 fax:.......................................(425) 348-0716 Dr. Peter Zieve President 4606 107th Street SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: electroimpact. com Excell Aerofab phone:...............................(360) 403-8994 fax:......................................(360) 435-2323 Al Hoye Owner 19222 62nd Avenue Arlington, WA 98223 web: excellaerofab. com Exotic Metals Forming Co. phone:...............................(253) 395-3710 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8033 Bill Binder President 5411 S. 226TH Street Kent, WA 98032 web: exoticmetals. com/ Four Star Die and Mold phone:...............................(360) 829-5022 fax:......................................(360) 829-5023 Joseph Leitner President phone:...............................(206) 587-5303 fax:...................................... (206) 587-3764 Jim Parkes President 3300 Airport Way S Seattle, WA 98134 web: fabriform. com TOC phone:...............................(425) 355-3330 VAS KOZOREZOV SHOP FLOOR MANAGER 2300 MERRILL CREECK PARKWAY EVERETT, WA 98203 web: HRGIVON. com Global Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 403-8432 fax:...................................... (360) 435-6387 Brad Stuczynski Partner 27601 96th Street E Buckley, WA 98321 19130 59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: globalmachineworks. com GCM North American Aerospace Globe International, Inc. phone:............................... (253) 872-7488 fax:...................................... (253) 251-8835 Ken McNew General Manager phone:...............................(253) 383-2584 fax:...................................... (253) 572-9672 Jack Sherman Sales Manager 21719 84th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: gcmaerospace. com 902 East E. Street Tacoma, WA 98407 web: globelifts. com GE Aircraft Engines Greenpoint Technologies phone:...............................(360) 253-3300 fax:......................................(360) 253-3329 Bob Rowton Manager phone:...............................(425) 828-2777 fax:...................................... (425) 827-6105 Jon Buccola Vice President 4601 NE 77th Avenue,Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: geae. com 4600 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033 web: greenpnt. com/index.xml GE Polymershapes /(Cadillac Plastic and Chemical Co.) H & H Machine phone:...............................(206) 575-1462 fax:...................................... (206) 575-8351 Louise Reed Aerospace Specialist 18292 Andover Park W Seattle, WA 98188 web: gepolymershapes. com Fabriform Plastics 104 Filtrona Extrusion / A & B Plastics Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-7591 fax:......................................(206) 682-8359 Tom Piscatelli 1703 6th Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98134 web: gensco. com Categorical 22824 85th Place W. Edmonds, WA 98026 web: hhmachine. netfirms. com Hallidie Machinery Co., Inc. Gensco, Inc. (Seattle) Profiles of Success phone:...............................(425) 776-1994 Rod Hutchinson Owner Alphabetical phone:...............................(253) 939-9020 fax:...................................... (253) 939-9019 Scott Hanson President 2002 W Velley Highway, Suite #400 Auburn, WA 98002 web: hallidie. com Advertisers Hamburg Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 256-7658 fax:......................................(360) 256-0209 Fred Hamburg Owner 13213 NE Kerr Road #1 Vancouver, WA 98682 Harbor Island Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-7637 Michael DEFACCIO President 3431 11th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98134 Haskins Steel Co., Inc. phone:...............................(509) 535-0657 fax:...................................... (509) 535-8167 Rick Pickel Sales Manager E. 3613 Main Avenue PO Box 4219 Spokane, WA 99202 web: haskinssteelinc. com Heatcon Composite Systems phone:...............................(206) 575-1333 fax:...................................... (206) 575-0856 Howard Banasky President 600 ANDOVER PARK E. Seattle, WA 98188 web: heatcon. com Heath Manufacturing phone:............................... (360) 474-0666 Zak Heath Owner 18650 59th Dr NE 1 Arlington, WA 98223 Helicopters Northwest phone:...............................(206) 767-0508 Rich Carter Owner 8500 Perimeter Rd S Ste 2 Seattle, WA 98108 web: helicoptersnw. com Hexcel Structures & Interiors phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com High Energy Metals phone:...............................(360) 683-6390 fax:...................................... (360) 683-6375 Don Butler President 293 Business Park Loop Sequim, WA 98382 web: highenergymetals. com Hirschler Mfg., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-9384 fax:.......................................(425) 827-1874 Grant Shneider President 915 6TH Street S. Kirkland, WA 98033 web: hirschler. com Hobart Machined Products, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 432-3440 fax:......................................(425) 432-3486 Rosemary Brester President/CEO 28819 SE 208th Street P.O. Box 7 Hobart, WA 98025 web: hobartmachined. com I.G.I. (Industrial Gasket, Inc.) phone:...............................(360) 694-1785 fax:...................................... (360) 694-1795 Dena Rasmussen Executive Vice President 4601 NE 77th Street, Suite 180 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: cutparts. com IDL Precision Machining phone:...............................(425) 315-8080 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8070 11600-T 49th Place W. #B Mukilteo, WA 98275 Industrial Rubber & Supply, Inc./ Comfor Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 922-1148 fax:...................................... (253) 383-7154 Jay Smalling President 2105 51st Avenue E, Suite 200 Fife, WA 98424 Infinity Fabrication, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-7460 fax:...................................... (360) 403-0748 Richard Roeber Owner&President 19225 62nd Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 Inland Northwest Metallurgical Services, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 922-7663 fax:...................................... (509) 922-7626 Dan Tabish President 16203 E. Marietta Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 web: inlandmet. com Innovative Composite Engineering phone:...............................(509) 493-4484 fax:......................................(509) 493-4485 Steven Maier President 139 E Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 web: innovativecomposite. com/ Innovative Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 258-4773 fax:......................................(425) 339-8089 Jim Phillips President 3318 Hill Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: innovativetechnologies. biz Integrated Technologies, Inc. (INTEC, Inc.) phone:...............................(425) 293-0340 fax:...................................... (425) 293-0341 Maryann Einarson President, CEO 1910 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 web: in-tec. com International Aero Interiors, Inc. (Changed name to Volant) phone:............................... (360) 757-2376 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4841 Stacey Mattson VP Technical & Product Support 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA 98233 web: intl-aero. com J & M Machine, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 204-0848 fax:......................................(425) 204-0850 Scott Wallance Operations Manager 1703 NE 43rd Street Renton, WA 98056 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 105 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY J & R Metalcraft Fabricators Inc. phone:...............................(206) 284-0632 fax:......................................(206) 284-0634 Elaine King President 15 Nickerson Street Seattle, WA 98109 web: jrmetalinc. com J & S Fabrication, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 385-3003 fax:...................................... (360) 379-9229 Larry Solheim Manager 419 Haines Place Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: jsfab. com Jetseal, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 467-9133 fax:...................................... (509) 467-9133 Gary Meyers President 8102 N Freya Street Spokane, WA 99207 web: jetseal. com phone:............................... (206) 749-0777 Bill Cook Vice President 2244 6th Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 web: jdott. com Jevco phone:...............................(253) 858-2605 Kelly Koontz General Manager 915 26th Ave NW, Building A Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: jevco. com phone:...............................(206) 824-7650 Jeff Cissell President PO Box 98488 Des Moines, WA 98198 phone:...............................(360) 653-8124 Gary Richardson 14608 Smokey Point Boluevard, Suite 5 Marysville, WA 98271 phone:...............................(425) 355-3330 fax:......................................(425) 355-9856 Shari Mcwhorter Office Manager 12310 Highway 99 # 114 Everett, WA 98204 web: jlmfg. com/ Jorgensen Forge Corporation Jesse Engineering Co. phone:...............................(253) 922-7433 fax:......................................(253) 922-1998 Emlyn Jones Director of Technical Sales 5225 7th Street E Tacoma, WA 98424 web: jesse-wallace. com Jet City Laser / ID Integration, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 623-4949 fax:...................................... (206) 623-4951 Jim Wright President 22825 164th Avenue S. E. Kent, WA 98042 web: laseitman. com Kent Manufacturing phone:............................... (360) 435-5742 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5478 Kent Johnson Owner 5919 195th St NE Unit 1 Arlington, WA 98223 JL Manufacturing JC Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(425) 743-1886 fax:......................................(425) 348-7234 Jeff Kaas President 13000 BEVERLY PARK Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: kaastailored. com Jitco-Llc J D Ott Co Inc Kaas Tailored (Kaasco Incorporated) King Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 743-5464 fax:...................................... (425) 347-3654 Larry King President 11710 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275 Koch Machine & Tool Co phone:............................... (360) 474-8017 Dwight Koch Owner 19010 66th Ave NE Unit 3 Arlington, WA 98223 phone:...............................(206) 762-1100 fax:...................................... (206) 763-0848 Ron Altier VP 8531 E. Marginal Way S. Seattle, WA 98108 web: jorgensenforge. com/ JWD Machine phone:...............................(253) 922-3806 Chris Kirsop General Manager 5111 4th St E Fife, WA 98424 web: jwdmachine. com K & T Machine Jet Parts Engineering Inc phone:...............................(206) 281-0963 Anu Goel President phone:............................... (425) 347-2157 fax:...................................... (425) 347-7509 Ken Rowe President 12315 Mukiteo Parkway Lynnwood, WA 98037 220 W Mercer St Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98119 web: jetpartsengineering. com 106 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers KOLLMAR SHEET METAL Lacroix Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-8541 fax:...................................... (253) 872-7909 Phil Lacroix CEO 5416 S 226TH Street Kent, WA 98032 web: lacroixindustries. com Laird Plastics phone:...............................(206) 623-4900 fax:......................................(206) 623-7929 Jerry Bieker Marketing Manager 650 S. Industrial Way Seattle, WA 98108 web: lairdplastics. com phone:...............................(253) 735-5277 fax:...................................... (253) 735-5271 Jim Ferguson Sales Manager 3205 C Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 web: lcnw. com Our reputation is stainless! [email protected] web: kollmarsheetmetal. com Korry Electronics Co. [Esterline] phone:...............................(206) 281-1300 fax:...................................... (206) 281-1365 Gary Dytrt President 901 DEXTER Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109 web: korry. com L & M Precision Fabrication, Inc. phone:.............................. (509) 244-5446 fax:...................................... (509) 244-6341 Ken Logan President 13026 W McFarland Road, Bldg. D1-4 Airway Heights, WA 99001 web: lmprecfab. com 25 37TH Street N. E. Auburn, WA 98002 Lord Corporation phone:...............................(425) 488-3292 fax:...................................... (425) 488-0571 Mike Kerlee Account Manager 1230 - 233rd Place SW Bothell, WA 98021 web: lord. com phone:...............................(425) 743-1300 Daniel Lowell President 3506 124th Street NE Marysville, WA 98271 LRT, Inc. Laz Tool and Fabricators 941 S. NEBRASKA ST SEATTLE, WA 98136 phone:............................... (253) 852-7374 fax:......................................(253) 852-6729 Bob Morganstern President Lowell Industries, Inc. Laser Cutting NW phone:...............................(206) 283-2330 CORRINE JAMES PRESIDENT Livingston Molded Products phone:............................... (360) 568-5749 fax:......................................(360) 568-9555 Peggy Zimmerman President 14816 Roosevelt Road Snohomish, WA 98290 web: laztool. com phone:...............................(425) 742-0333 fax:...................................... (425) 337-3311 Larry Toombs Vice President 15712 Mill Creek Boulevard, Suite 1 Mill Creek, WA 98012 web: lrt-inc. com Lukas Machine Inc. Leonard’s Metal, Inc. [subsidiary or LMI Aerospace] phone:...............................(253) 939-9553 fax:...................................... (253) 833-2779 Duane Hahn General Manager 101 Western Street Auburn, WA 98001 web: lmiaerospace. com Lighthouse for the Blind phone:...............................(206) 324-1388 fax:...................................... (206) 329-3397 Kirk Adams General Manager of Administration 2501 S Plum Street P O Box C-14119 Seattle, WA 98114 web: seattlelighthouse. org Lindmark Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 624-0777 Garg Lindmark President phone:...............................(206) 763-9282 fax:...................................... (206) 763-1981 Brenda Lukas President 707 S Riverside Drive Seattle, WA 98108 web: lukas1. com Luke Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(360) 651-9281 fax:...................................... (360) 651-9283 Edward Lukasunis President 4700 56th Pl NE Ste A Marysville, WA 98270 web: lukemfg. com Machines & Methods, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 746-1656 fax:...................................... (425) 746-0600 Tony Parr President 1603 149th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98007 web: machinesandmethods. com 49 S Spokane Street Seattle, WA 98134 web: lindmarkmachineworks. com/ ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 107 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Marketech International, Inc. phone:.................................(360) 385-300 Bill Juran Vice President/Sales & Quoting 192 N. Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Small Business, Woman Owned, HUBZone Certified, Envirostar Supplying advanced materials and machined components worldwide Metal Motion phone:...............................(206) 340-6007 fax:......................................(206) 340-6008 Jon Stamm President Metal Tech, Inc. Monroe Machined Products, Inc. 19003 59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: metalmotion. com phone:...............................(360) 794-1945 Holly McEwen General Manager 14792 172nd Street SE Monroe, WA 98272 Mechanical Products L.L.C. phone:...............................(253) 395-3000 fax:......................................(253) 395-3898 A. Gibb General Manager 8001 194th Street S Kent, WA 98032 Mechanical Specialties LLC phone:...............................(360) 273-7604 Brian Reynolds Member Morel Industries / Ballard Brass & Aluminum Inc. Microform Corp. 943 NW.50th P.O. Box 70561 Seattle, WA 98127 web: ballardbrass. com 7302 44th Ave NE Ste B Marysville, WA 98270 web: microfinishing. com phone:...............................(253) 859-1424 fax:......................................(253) 854-7962 Mark Robinson General Manager 4418 AUBURN WAY N. SUITE 5 Auburn, WA 98002 web: microformedm. com Merlyn Products Inc Microjet (Ryerson) P O Box 605 Monroe, WA 98272 Miller Fabrication, Inc. web: merlynproducts. com Metal Benders, Inc. 1008 N 9th Avenue Yakima, WA 98902 phone:...............................(253) 833-5400 fax:...................................... (253) 833-1451 Jerry Miller President 1435 R Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 phone:...............................(253) 939-7340 Roy Johnson MTI phone:...............................(206) 763-3161 fax:...................................... (206) 764-4670 Martin Lyman President 7709 5th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 web: mfgtech. com phone:...............................(425) 489-4366 fax:...................................... (425) 833-4414 Bridget Brewer President 23518 63 rd Avenue SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: nicmfg. com Millers Radiator Inc Neumeier Engineering, Inc. 422 4th St Raymond, WA 98577 TOC 1450 80th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: morganaero. com 3400 Academy Dr. SE, Suite E Bothell, WA 98092 phone:...............................(360) 942-2961 Michael Miller President 108 Morgan Aero Products/ Morgan Bros of Everett, Inc. National Industrial Concepts Miller Screw Products, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 453-3326 Harley Menard phone:...............................(206) 784-0855 fax:......................................(206) 789-6485 Mark Morel Owner phone:...............................(425) 438-9600 fax:...................................... (425) 438-1907 Virgil Morgan President phone:...............................(360) 805-9400 fax:......................................(360) 805-9449 Ken Piel President 7500 W Park Dr Spokane, WA 99224 phone:...............................(206) 242-4898 fax:...................................... (206) 242-9551 Bhrett Monroe President phone:...............................(360) 651-0831 fax:......................................(360) 258-4652 Ronald Patterson President 1000 85th Ave SE Olympia, WA 98501 phone:...............................(509) 838-7500 fax:...................................... (509) 838-7501 Suzanne Evans President 655 S Andover Seattle, WA 98108 web: modelwerks. com 1422 S. 192ND Seattle, WA 98148 web: monroemachinedproducts. com Micro Finishing Inc [email protected] web: mkt-intl. com Modelworks, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 403-7330 fax:......................................(360) 403-7550 Mike Davidson General Manager Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(253) 854-3635 fax:......................................(253) 850-7590 Heinz Neumeier President 22610 88TH Avenue S. Kent, WA 98031 Alphabetical Advertisers Newell Corporation phone:...............................(360) 435-8955 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5012 Eric Wiebusch PO Box 477 6922 204th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: newellcorp. com Norfil Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-0557 fax:......................................(253) 863-5889 Phyllis Norwood President 1335 Valentine Avenue SE Pacific, WA 98047 web: norfilmfg. com Northway Products, Inc. Nova Composites, Inc. Orbit Industries, Inc. 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: novacomposites. com 778 S. 27TH Street Washougal, WA 98671 web: orbitindustries. com phone:...............................(425) 347-4875 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0603 Gregory Strand President NOVATEC LLC phone:...............................(425) 349-3656 fax:......................................(425) 356-2852 Robert Feldmann, Jr Consultant Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: novatecomp. com Nova-Tech Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 742-4498 fax:......................................(425) 493-9363 David Armintrout President phone:...............................(425) 245-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 245-7099 Benny Teal CEO Northwest Assembly and Machining Olympic Tool & Engineering, Inc. 11027 47th Avenue W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 phone:...............................(253) 471-0508 fax:...................................... (253) 472-2820 Connie Peterson President phone:...............................(360) 426-7878 fax:...................................... (360) 427-8359 Fred Rodie President 410 W. Enterprise Road Shelton, WA 98584 web: olympictool. com Northwest Dynamics Inc OMAX Corp. 6709 NE 131st Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 web: dynamicsnorthwest. com Northwest Etch Technology phone:...............................(253) 572-2401 fax:......................................(253) 383-8325 Carl Whinery President 2601 S Hood Street Lakewood, WA 98409 web: nwetch. com Northwest Wire EDM phone:...............................(509) 893-0885 fax:......................................(509) 893-0696 Forrest Renslow President 1620 N. Mamer Road, Bldg C-300 Spokane, WA 99216 web: northwestwireedm. com/ Orcon Corporation phone:...............................(425) 401-9350 fax:...................................... (425) 401-9430 James W. Clyne Jr. Program Manager, New Enterprise Development 14040 N. e. 8th Street, Suite 221 Bellevue, WA 98007 web: orcon-aerospace. com Orion Industries 20818 44th Avenue W, Suite 201 Mukilteo, WA 98020 web: ntew. com 3011 S Chandler Street Lakewood, WA 98409 web: norwestassy. com phone:...............................(360) 253-3656 William Kelly President phone:...............................(360) 835-8526 fax:......................................(360) 835-8890 Mike Burnett General Manager phone:...............................(253) 661-7805 Sean Dwyer Business Development Manager 33926 Ninth Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 AS9100, ISO 9001, ITAR, CATIA V5 Precision Aerospace Fabrication, Machine and Assembly Since 1957 phone:...............................(253) 872-2300 fax:...................................... (253) 872-6190 John Cheung President 21409 72nd Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 web: omax. com Onamac Industries, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 743-6676 fax:.......................................(425) 742-2718 Michael Thorburn President 11504 Airport Road Building G. Everett, WA 98204 web: onamac. com Onboard Systems phone:...............................(360) 546-3072 fax:...................................... (360) 546-3073 Karsten Lemmon Director of Marketing 13915 NW 3rd Court Vancouver, WA 98685 web: onboardsystems. com [email protected] web: orionquality. com Orion Technologies phone:...............................(360) 668-8355 fax:...................................... (425) 668-8102 Bill Husa Owner 20230 82nd Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98296 web: oriontechnologies. net P & J Machining, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 841-0500 fax:...................................... (253) 840-1695 Paul Hogoboom President 2601 Inter Avenue Puyallup, WA 98372 web: pnjmachining. com Pacific Aerospace & Electronics phone:...............................(509) 667-9600 fax:......................................(509) 664-6868 Lew Wear President 434 Old Station Road Wenatchee, WA 98801 web: pcth. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 109 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pacific Rim Aerospace Corp. phone:...............................(425) 284-7300 fax:...................................... (425) 284-7337 Jill M McCallum President 11321 NE 120th ST Kirkland, WA 98034 web: pacrimaero. com/ Pentz Cast Solutions / Pentz Design Pattern & Foundry phone:...............................(425) 788-6490 fax:...................................... (425) 788-5757 Larry Dean Pentz President P.O. Box 69- 14823 Main Street Duvall, WA 98019 web: pentzcastsolutions. com Pacific Sheet Metal, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-5354 fax:...................................... (206) 682-4702 Nick Zaknich VP 111 S Spokane Street Seattle, WA 98134 Phoenixx TPC phone:...............................(253) 833-1729 fax:...................................... (253) 804-9739 Michael Calabrese Sales Representative 1316 28th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 Pacifica Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 315-8040 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8060 Bob Findley President and CEO 12121 Harbour Reach Drive, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: pacifica-engineering. com/ Paine Electronics, LLC phone:...............................(509) 881-2100 fax:...................................... (509) 881-2115 Susan Keating Vice President and Director of Marketing 5545 Nelpar Drive East Wenachee, WA 98802 web: paineelectronics. com Phyl-Mar Swiss Products, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 881-7252 fax:...................................... (425) 881-9508 Edwin Du President 17985 NE 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: pan-pac. com phone:...............................(206) 767-2773 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3283 James Turcott Vice President 12101 Pacific Highway So. Suite #420 Seattle, WA 98168 web: pdstech. com Pederson Bros., Inc. phone:...............................(360) 734-9180 fax:......................................(360) 734-9649 Steve Pederson owner 3974 Bakerview Spur Bellingham, WA 98226 web: pedersonbros. com TOC Precision Logistics LLC/ Skypac Parts & Supply phone:...............................(360) 652-3333 fax:.......................................(425) 740-0118 Stacy Wilcutt General Manager PO Box 430, 1318 Pioneer Highway Silvana, WA 98287 web: skypac. com Premium Machine 37116 S. E. Sunset View Road Washougal, WA 98671 1315 112th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 Pioneer Industries Pressco Products phone:............................... (206) 762-7737 fax:...................................... (206) 762-1982 Timothy Harlow Senior Vice President phone:...............................(253) 852-6911 fax:...................................... (253) 852-1068 Sean McHugh President Plastic Injection Molding, Inc. Primex Aerospace Co. (Aerojet (Redmond Operation)) phone:...............................(509) 375-4260 fax:...................................... (509) 375-0853 Kenneth Williams Vice President Polaris Machining and Sheet Metal phone:...............................(360) 653-7676 fax:......................................(360) 659-4452 Mike Bontatibus President 103 Cedar Avenue Marysville, WA 98270 web: polarismachining. com Precision Aerospace & Composites [Precision Pattern Inc.] phone:...............................(253) 863-7868 fax:...................................... (253) 863-7875 Brian Retslaff Marketing Profiles of Success Categorical 22617 85th Place S Kent, WA 98031 phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5784 Olwen Morgan Business Development 11411 139th Place N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com 1516 Fryar Avenue Sumner, WA 98390 web: ppattern. com 110 2120 W Casino Road Everett, WA 98204 web: precisionautomatics. com phone:...............................(253) 537-4227 Ron Nyholm Owner 2695 Battelle Boulevard Richland, WA 99352 web: moldingjobs. com/ PDS Engineering phone:...............................(425) 353-2270 fax:...................................... (425) 353-2270 Franklin D. Williver President phone:...............................(360) 835-7927 fax:...................................... (360) 835-7927 Allen Kor President 7000 Highland Park Way SW Seattle, WA 98106 web: pioneersheetmetal. com Pan Pacific Electronics Precision Automatics Inc Primus International, Inc phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 ISO 9001:2000; EN/JISQ/AS9100:2004; Nadcap Critical Processes; Non-critical Processes; etc. Primus is a leading Tier II supplier of highly engineered metallic and composite parts, kits, and assemblies to the global aerospace industry. [email protected] web: primusint. com Alphabetical Advertisers Pro Tool Manufacturing phone:...............................(425) 353-0763 fax:......................................(425) 353-6663 Bob Anderson President 12414 Highway 99 S., Unit 4, Everett, WA 98204 Everett, WA 98204 web: ptmcorp. com ProCam Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 485-9889 fax:......................................(425) 488-6554 Will McCallister President 18421 Suite 150 Bothell Everett Highway Mill Creek, WA 98012 web: procammachine. com Proctor Products Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 822-9296 fax:......................................(425) 634-2396 Harold Rathman General Manager p. o. box 697 210 8th Street So. Kirkland , WA 98083 web: proctorp. com Production Machine Tools phone:...............................(425) 881-1200 fax:...................................... (425) 861-9027 Steve Caddy Manager 4170 148TH Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: pmtnw. com Proto Design, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 558-0600 fax:...................................... (425) 558-0700 Sean Blechschmidt Systems Manager 17824 N. E. 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: proto-design. com PSF Industries phone:...............................(206) 622-1252 fax:...................................... (206) 682-1070 Stanely Miller President 65 S. HORTON Street Seattle, WA 98134 web: psfindustries. com Qnc Machine Inc phone:...............................(206) 282-5854 Kaz Zawitkowski President PO Box 99304 Seattle, WA 98139 QPM Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 233-6170 fax:...................................... (425) 233-6179 Michael Dunlop President & Owner 10500 NE 8th Street Suite 875 Bellvue, WA 98004 web: qpm2000. com Qual-Fab phone:............................... (206) 762-2117 fax:...................................... (206) 762-2111 John Williams General Manager 1705 S. 93rd Street Bldg. F Unit 1 Seattle, WA 98108 web: qual-fab. com Quality Metal Spinning Co. phone:...............................(206) 242-6751 fax:...................................... (206) 242-6751 Douglas Vincent Owner 4031 S. 168TH Street Seatac, WA 98188 Rainier Rubber Company / Porter Seal Company phone:...............................(425) 227-4500 fax:...................................... (425) 227-4300 Steve Smolinske President 15660 Nelson Place S Seattle, WA 98188 web: rainierrubber. com Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 fax:......................................(206) 723-2884 James Raisbeck CEO 4411 S. RYAN WAY Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com RAM Technologies phone:...............................(425) 347-9200 fax:...................................... (425) 347-9265 Susie Wright Sales Manager Quality Stamping & Machine 4605 116th Street SW P.O. Box 27 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: ramtechnologies. com 1907 137th Avenue E. Sumner, WA 98390 Reynold Grey Machining & Services Inc. (Reynold Grey & Associates) phone:...............................(253) 863-5770 Chuck Girtz President Quest Integrated, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-9500 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8967 Al Chau President 1012 Central Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032 web: qi2. com 321 N Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: rgmachineshop. com Richmond Engineering [Richmond Systems] Quick Precision Inc phone:...............................(206) 244-5110 fax:...................................... (206) 244-1670 Jack Morris Owner 108 S 108th St Seattle, WA 98168 Quiet Wing Corporation/ DuganAir Technologies Inc. phone:...............................(425) 451-8565 fax:...................................... (425) 451-8606 Peter Swift President 12735 Willows Road NE Kirkland, WA 98034 web: quietwing. com phone:...............................(360) 385-1167 fax:...................................... (360) 385-3212 Greg Mika phone:...............................(360) 956-0384 fax:...................................... (360) 352-1275 George Richmond President 8365 Hogum Bay Lane NE Olympia, WA 98516 web: richmondsystems. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Rogers Dierks Inc phone:...............................(360) 293-2663 fax:......................................(360) 293-8238 Kevin Sulley President PO Box 699 Anacortes, WA 98221 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 111 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ronald Bird phone:...............................(253) 850-7370 Ronald Bird Owner 9207 S 239th St Kent, WA 98031 Rotary Wing Services LLC phone:...............................(253) 862-6609 Michael Davenport Member 3514 Deer Island Dr E Sumner, WA 98390 Royell Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 259-9258 fax:......................................(425) 252-2634 Jamie Yelle General Manager 3817 Smith Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: royell. com Schneider-Simpson Sheet Metal & Blower Company, Inc. phone:...............................(251) 472-4461 fax:...................................... (253) 475-8864 Marilyn Vorecen 1551 S. Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 web: schneidersimpson. com phone:...............................(360) 435-9092 Ronald Powers President 19010 66th Ave NE Unit 3B Arlington, WA 98223 S & S Welding, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-3833 fax:......................................(253) 395-0254 Thomas Stucke President P O Box 1505 22131 68Th Avenue S Kent, WA 98035 web: ssweld. com Sea West Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-2942 fax:......................................(253) 854-6759 Cecil Green President 8801 S. 228th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: seawestproducts. com phone:...............................(206) 723-5600 fax:......................................(206) 723-6869 Robert Bogue General Manager, Products & Sales Seacast Inc. 6130 31st Avenue NE Marysville, WA web: seacast. com Silicon Designs Co. phone:...............................(425) 391-8329 fax:...................................... (425) 391-0446 John Cole President 1445 N. W. MALL Street Issaquah, WA 98027 web: silicondesigns. com SKCAC Industries 19731 Russell Rd S Kent, WA 98032 web: skcac. com/ Skills Inc. phone:...............................(206) 782-6000 Todd Dunnington CEO phone:...............................(360) 600-5349 Tom Stillman Owner Sky-Riders Northwest 508 NE 134th St Vancouver, WA 98685 Soloy Corporation phone:...............................(360) 754-7000 fax:...................................... (360) 943-7659 David Stauffer CEO 450 PAT KENNEDY WAY S. W. Olympia, WA 98501 web: soloy. com TOC Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(360) 455-8284 fax:...................................... (360) 413-5484 George M. Richmond, P.E. President Spectra Lux Corporation phone:...............................(425) 285-3000 fax:......................................(425) 285-4200 Woody Hertzog CEO Spoilers Inc phone:............................... (253) 851-1769 Jeffrey Shapiro President 1724 26th Ave NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: powerpacspoilers. com Sandvik Special Metals Corporation 112 8300 S. 206th Kent, WA 98032 web: specialtymetalscorp. com 12335 134th Court NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: spectralux. com 715 30th Street N.E. Auburn,, WA 98002 43507 S Piert Road P. O. BOX 6027 Kennewick, WA 99337 web: sandvik. com phone:...............................(253) 872-8000 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0437 James Stice Owner 8401 Hogum Bay Lane NE Olympia, WA 98516 web: richmondsystems. com 3711 S. Hudson Street Seattle, WA 98118 web: furon. com phone:...............................(509) 586-4131 fax:......................................(509) 582-3552 Örjan Blom Manager 13244 NE 108th Street Redmond, WA 98052 Specialty Steel Fabricators, Inc. [Richmond Systems] phone:...............................(253) 395-1240 Mark Kantonen Executive Director Saint Gobain Performance Plastics / Engineered Thermoforming and Composites phone:...............................(425) 822-2071 fax:...................................... (865) 828-2483 Arlene Howe Specialty Metals Corp. phone:...............................(360) 653-9388 fax:......................................(360) 653-6044 Rti Manufacturing Inc Spartan Industries Alphabetical Spokane Industries, Metal Products Div. phone:...............................(509) 928-0720 fax:...................................... (509) 927-0826 Greg Tenold President 3808 N Sullivan Road Bldg #1 Spokane , WA 99216 web: spokaneindustries. com SSI Cable Corporation phone:...............................(360) 426-5719 fax:...................................... (360) 426-5912 Russell Williams President 820 E. Hiawatha Boulevard Shelton, WA 98584 web: ssicable. com Advertisers Steel-Fab, Inc. Sunshine Metals phone:...............................(360) 435-5564 fax:......................................(360) 435-2663 Rob Matter CEO phone:...............................(206) 575-4066 fax:...................................... (253) 813-8363 David Haywood Vice President , International Sales Stewart Industries, Inc. Synergy Machine Co. 6525 188TH Street N. E. suite B Arlington, WA 98223 web: steel-fab. com 40 - 42nd Street, NE Auburn, WA 98002 web: sunshinemetals. com Tethers Unlimited Inc phone:...............................(425) 486-0100 Robert Hoyt President 11711 N Creek Pkwy S Bothell, WA 98011 web: scienceops. com Thompson Metal Fab, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 696-0811 fax:...................................... (360) 693-1017 Gregg Blomgren Sales Manager phone:...............................(206) 652-9110 fax:...................................... (206) 652-9123 Larry Burris General Manager phone:...............................(253) 872-8869 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8669 Eric Scheider President 19621 70th Avenue S, Unit K Kent, WA 98032 3000 S.E. Hidden Way, Building 40, Bay 6 Vancouver, WA 98668 web: tmfab. com STI Optronics, Inc. T C Systems, Inc. Tool Gauge & Machine Works Inc. 16 S Idaho Street Seattle, WA 98134 phone:...............................(425) 827-0460 fax:...................................... (425) 828-3517 Dr. William J. Thayer, III President 2755 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 web: stioptronics. com Streich Bros., Inc. phone:...............................(253) 383-1491 fax:...................................... (253) 272-3205 John Streich Vice President 1650 Marine View Drive Tacoma, WA 98422 web: streichbros. com Subsea Air Systems phone:...............................(360) 563-2400 Wallace Haworth Partner 2610 Bickford Ave Snohomish, WA 98290 Summerville Steel Company phone:...............................(425) 251-5280 fax:...................................... (425) 251-5993 Rick Slye Sales manager 7010 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: sumsteel. com Sunset Castings, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-5110 fax:...................................... (253) 872-5506 Leo Powers President 8228 S 206th Street Kent, WA 98032 phone:...............................(425) 258-4055 fax:......................................(425) 252-6855 Charles Souder General Manager 1028 W. MARINE VIEW Drive Everett, WA 98201 T N T Enterprises phone:............................... (425) 742-8210 fax:......................................(425) 485-3823 Richard Twedt Co-President 17121 3RD Avenue S. E. Bothell, WA 98012 web: tntsheetmetal. com phone:...............................(206) 763-2082 7675 Perimeter Rd S Seattle, WA 98108 Talon Manufacturing phone:...............................(360) 403-8910 fax:...................................... (360) 403-8710 David Pearson President 17617 49th Place NE Hangar D Arlington, WA 98223 Technic Machine Co Inc phone:...............................(253) 862-7429 Guy Delduca President 21917 34th Street Ct E Sumner, WA 98391 phone:...............................(253) 437-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0906 Steve Thwaits Operation Manager of TECT Aerospace Everett 19420 84th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: tectcorp. com 4315 S Adams Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: tgmpmp. com Toolcraft Inc phone:...............................(360) 794-5512 fax:......................................(360) 794-5883 Karl Niemela President 17700 147th St SE Ste E Monroe, WA 98272 Tag Aviation USA Inc TECT Aerospace phone:............................... (253) 473-2740 fax:.......................................(253) 473-6374 John Guest Project Manager Total Performance phone:...............................(360) 853-8510 Henry Young Owner PO Box 655 Concrete, WA 98237 Transtar Metals phone:...............................(425) 251-8550 fax:...................................... (425) 251-9065 Renee LaViers Branch Manager 20826 68th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: transtarmetals. com Turning Point Machining phone:...............................(425) 252-7300 fax:...................................... (425) 653-8110 Bob Evans President 710 ASH Avenue Marysville, WA 98270 Turtle Airships Inc phone:............................... (360) 357-4727 Darrell Campbell President 4940 Orvas Ct SE Olympia, WA 98501 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 113 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tyee Aircraft, Inc. Vaupell Industrial Plastics, Inc. Westwood Manufacturing 1144 NW 53rd Seattle, WA 98107 web: vaupell. com 1701 W Valley Highway n., suite#6 Auburn, WA 98001 phone:...............................(425) 290-3100 fax:.......................................(425) 513-6474 Bob Collett President phone:...............................(206) 784-9050 fax:...................................... (206) 784-9708 Syd Darlington VP of Marketing United Stars Aerospace VM Products, Inc 3008 100TH Street S. W. Everett, WA 98204 web: tyeeaircraft. com phone:...............................(253) 859-4540 fax:......................................(253) 859-4833 Richard Harig President 1217 4th Avenue N Kent, WA 98032 web: unitedstarsaerospace. com Universal Aerospace Company, Inc. / (Precision Technology) phone:...............................(360) 435-9577 fax:...................................... (360) 403-1054 Jeff Petit President 18640-59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: universalaero. com phone:...............................(206) 784-8000 fax:......................................(206) 784-8004 Conrad Scheffler President 840 NW 45th Street Seattle, WA 98107 web: universityswaging. com US Castings phone:...............................(509) 784-1001 fax:...................................... (509) 784-1201 John Koegler CEO 14351 Shamel Street P.O. Box 678 Entiat, WA 98822 web: us-castings. com phone:...............................(253) 841-2939 Dave Brown Owner 11208 62nd Ave. E Puyallup, WA 98373 web: VMPRODUCTS. net phone:...............................(425) 226-5040 fax:...................................... (425) 226-6181 Victor Dalosto President 12221 164th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 web: vmshop. com Vulcan Products Company phone:...............................(425) 806-6000 fax:......................................(425) 806-6006 Dave McCarrell Sales 6210 234th Street SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: vulcanproducts. com phone:...............................(253) 852-5130 fax:......................................(253) 854-3506 Scott Miller President 1819 Central Ave S Ste 16 Kent, WA 98032 TOC Woodford Phoenix Aerospace Manufacturing phone:...............................(360) 736-9689 fax:......................................(360) 736-0604 Trefford Woodford Owner/General Manager 112 E 1st Street Centralia, WA 98531 phone:...............................(206) 232-5907 fax:...................................... (206) 232-9591 Robert Walker President Xactex Corp. phone:...............................(509) 545-6364 fax:...................................... (509) 545-6597 Richard Smith President and GM 6 Wembley Lane Mercer Island, WA 98040 3704 Stearman Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 web: xactex. com Weldon Tool [Talboy Holdings] / Advanced Tooling Company Materials phone:...............................(360) 450-9237 fax:...................................... (360) 450-9237 Russ Johnson 15308 NE 2nd Street Vancouver, WA 98684 web: endmills. com phone:...............................(206) 762-8344 fax:...................................... (206) 767-4539 Ethel Woods President 7696 PERIMETER Road Seattle, WA 98108 web: wmpseattle. com 835 6th Street S p. o. box 909 Kirkland, WA 98033 web: wptube. com/ Categorical phone:...............................(425) 353-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 347-5785 Angeles Composite Technologies, Inc phone:...............................(360) 452-6776 fax:......................................(360) 452-4038 CEO 2138 W 18th St Port Angeles, WA web: phone:...............................(425) 822-8271 fax:......................................(425) 828-6669 Surin Malhotra President Profiles of Success Achilles USA. INC. 1407 - 80th Street S.W. Everett, WA web: achillesusa. com Western Pneumatic Tube Company Valley Upholstery & Fabric phone:...............................(509) 928-9441 fax:...................................... (509) 924-5923 Roy Dugger Vice President 10025 E MONTGOMERY Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Western Metal Products Valley Machine Shop 114 Wilson Tool & Mfg Co. Walker Engineering, Inc. University Swaging Corp.(Primus) phone:...............................(253) 833-8241 fax:......................................(253) 833-8298 Brenda Westwood Co-owner Alphabetical Avchem phone:...............................(253) 261-6595 Ken Crabtree 19819 84th Avenue S. Suite A Kent, WA 98032 web: avchem. com/ Advertisers Castle Metals [A.M. Caitle & Co.] (Cutter Precision Metal) phone:...............................(253) 372-5640 fax:...................................... (253) 854-7401 Dave Baker District Manager Metal Fabrication Pacific Metallurgical Apex Industries 1208 N 4th Avenue Kent, WA 98032 web: amcastle. com Fairchild Fasteners (Alcoa Fastening) phone:...............................(253) 288-1100 2306 B Street NW Auburn, WA web: alcoa. com Non-Ferrous Metals, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 762-3600 fax:...................................... (206) 763-0606 Jeff McGee President 230 S. Chicago Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: nfmetals. com Port Townsend Foundry phone:...............................(360) 385-6425 fax:...................................... (360) 385-1947 Peter Langley Owner 251 Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: porttownsendfoundry. com PRC-DeSoto International, Inc. [PPG Aerospace] phone:...............................(425) 483-3999 fax:......................................(425) 483-3993 Paul Bowman Business manager 14126 NE 190th Street Woodinville, WA 98072 web: ppg. com/prc-desot Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Sandvik Special Metals Corporation phone:...............................(509) 586-4131 fax:......................................(509) 582-3552 Örjan Blom Manager 43507 S Piert Road P. O. BOX 6027 Kennewick, WA 99337 web: sandvik. com phone:...............................(509) 928-8450 fax:......................................(509) 928-8532 Steve Ferris Sales Manager 3808 N. Sullivan Bldg. 14 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 phone:...............................(253) 854-4241 Derek Fallen V.P. 925 5th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Quality Heat Treating web: pacmet. com/ [email protected] web: apexlaser. com Highwood Global LP phone:...............................(509) 655-7711 Chuck Zigmund Project Manager 2425 E. Magnesium Rd Spokane, WA 99217 web: highwoodglobal. com phone:...............................(215) 721-1502 Lori Anne Atkinson Marketing Coordinator 1969 Clearview Road Souderton, PA 18964 web: solaratm. com Metal Treatment Esterline Technologies /Hytek Finishes Company phone:...............................(253) 796-4528 fax:...................................... (253) 872-7214 Clif Johnson President 8127 S 216th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: hytekfinishes. com Solar Atmospheres Vector Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 347-6696 fax:...................................... (425) 347-9140 Jack Giddens President 1520 - 80th Street SW, Bldg B Everett, WA 98203 web: vectorindustries. com MRO A And R Aviation Services Inc 7843 Old Hwy 99 Olympia, WA Absolute Aviation Services Inc phone:............................... (509) 747-2904 8122 West Pilot Drive Spokane, WA Ac Propeller Service Inc 925 Nebraska Street S Seattle, WA Acuren Inspection Inc 3101 111th Street S.W. Everett, WA Aero Maintenance Inc 101ae Reserve St Vancouver, WA ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 115 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aero-Controls Inc The Boeing Company Executive Flight Inc Aero-Mech Inc Cannon Aircraft Interiors-Cai Avionics Fisher Broadcasting Inc 1610 20th Street Nw Auburn, WA 1901 Oakesdale Ave. Sw Renton, WA 1616 Hewitt Avenue Everett, WA Aerospace Machining Specialists 20325 71st Avenue Ne. Arlington, WA One Campbell Parkway E. Wenatchee, WA 10108 32nd Avenue W, Unit 4 Everett, WA Four Star Accessory Overhaul Inc Cannon Avionics Inc Arlington Municipal Airport (17725 48th Drive Ne, Hangar A & B) Arlington, WA Air Time Aviation Inc 1800 S. 341st Place Federal Way, WA Carey, Brian Dewey 40055 226th Ave. Se Enumclaw, WA Aircraft On Ground Inc 3121 109th Street Sw Everett, WA 140 4th Avenue North Seattle, WA 7711 New Market Street Sw Tumwater, WA Ge Aviation Systems Llc 2808 West Washington Ave Yakima, WA General Electric Company Cascade Aerospace Usa Inc 7500e Marginal Way S, Gate C39 Seattle, WA Airtech Instrument Company Inc Go Lightly Inc Apph Aviation Services Ltd Hill,Steven Atlas Supply, Inc. Hra Inc 8490 Perimeter Rd. S Seattle, WA 17128 Se Covington-Sawyer Rd. Kent, WA 1 Rokeby Court Runcorn, WA 1704 South 341 St Pl, Bldg WFederal Way, WA phone:...............................(604) 626-2662 David Schellenberg Chief Executive Officer 8520 West Electric Avenue Spokane, WA phone:...............................(206) 623-4697 fax:...................................... (206) 382-9319 Amy Anderson Customer Service 611 S. Charlestown St. Seattle, WA 98108 Supplier of: Adhesives, Sealants, Casting Resins, Tapes Representing: Huntsman, Dow Corning, Bostik, 3M, Hardman [email protected] web: atlassupply. com Cascade Airframe Repair Inc 8500 A-4 Perimeter Road South Seattle, WA Crown Aviation Llc 10300-28th Ave. W. Everett, WA Custom Control Concepts Inc 6020 S. 190th St Kent, WA Avionics Communication Systems 14515 Cascadian Way Lynnwood, WA Big Bend Community College 7662 Chanute Street Moses Lake, WA TOC 19428 66th Avenue So. Kent, WA 14 N. E. Knox Wilbur, WA 18820 59th Drive N.E. Arlington, WA 6321 Ne 175th Street Kenmore, WA 6987 Perimeter Rd South Seattle, WA Lkd Aerospace Inc 8026 Bracken Place Se Snoqualmie, WA Majestic Aerotech Inc 324 West Bay Drive Nw, Suite 20 Olympia, WA Eldec Corp 16700 13th Ave West Lynnwood, WA Categorical Jet Link International Inc Kenmore Air Harbor Inc Duncan Aviation Inc Profiles of Success 4110 Stearman Ave. Pasco, WA Keating, Roy E 19240 Des Moines Memorial Driv Seatac, WA 7023 Perimeter Rd. S. Seattle, WA Inter Avionics Inc Jet Systems Inc Driessen Services Inc Aviators Choice Llc 116 [email protected] web: cascadeaerospace 4151 Mitchell Way Bellingham, WA 1725 E Street Ne Auburn, WA Hytek Finishes Company 8127 So. 216th St. Kent, WA Definitive Avionics Llc Auburn Flight Service Inc 1124 Ainsworth Street Pasco, WA Mcbride, James L 19106 22nd Ave. Nw Arlington, WA Alphabetical Advertisers Mccormick Air Center Llc 2108 W. Washington Ave. Yakima, WA Measurement Systems International Inc 14240 Interurban Ave South Seattle, WA Midstate Aviation Inc 1101 Bowers Rd. Ellensburg, WA Mistras Group Inc 7820 South 210th Street Kent, WA Northwest Heli Structures Inc 3911 Spur Ridge Lane Bellingham, WA Olympia Avionics Inc 7708 Henderson Blvd. Olympia, WA Team Aero Services Inc 13630 52nd Street East Sumner, WA 2811 South 102 Street Seattle, WA Volant Aerospace Llc 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA Wings West Governor Exchange And Overhaul Inc 7217 236th St. E. Puyallup, WA 10626 13th Ave W. Everett, WA Worldwind Maintenance Inc 800 Perimeter Road West, Suite Renton, WA Pavco Inc Zodiac Inc Pearson Air Inc phone:...............................(800) 514-0095 fax:...................................... (877) 318-1185 Jeff LaSorella President Wise Welding Young, Robert D 1110 26th Avenue N. W. Gig Harbor, WA Finishing Consultants Thales Avionics Inc P M Testing Laboratory Inc 3921 Pacific Hwy. East Tacoma, WA Paint Finishing Equipment 720 132nd Street SW Suite 201 Everett, WA 98204 Efficient Equipment Solutions [email protected] web: finishingconsultants. com 8223 44th Avenue West Mukilteo, WA 18225 Ne 76th Street Redmond, WA Professional Services Aero Law Group PLLC 7849 Old Highway 99 Se Tumwater, WA Regional Air Center Llc Pierce County Airport Puyallup, WA RF System Lab phone:...............................(989) 731-5083 Brandon Sprotte Marketing Associate 123 W. Main St. Gaylord, MI 49735 web: rfsystemlab. us phone:...............................(425) 456-1800 Kevin Austin 11120 NE 2nd Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98296 Our mission is to provide the highest quality transactional legal services to airlines and aircraft owners and operators – worldwide. web: Rma Inc 3727 So. Davison Blvd. Spokane, WA Safran Electronics Usa Inc 7501 Hardeson Road Everett, WA Southwest Aero Inc 659 Strander Blvd. Tukwila, WA Stiffler, Phillip M 9906 Airport Way Bldg 20 Snohomish, WA ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 117 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ID Integration University of Washington Space-Related Aerojet Company phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5743 Roger Meyers General Manager 11411 139th Place NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com phone:...............................(425) 438-2533 Gary Moe President 13024 Beverly Park RD #104 Mukilteo, WA 98275 ATA SPEC 2000 and IUID phone:...............................(206) 543-9852 Todd A. Cleland Industry Relations Officer - Engineering 4311 11th Ave NE, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98105 Discover what's next. It's the Washington Way. [email protected] web: [email protected] web: com Propulsion Inland Empire Distribution Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 922-0944 fax:...................................... (509) 242-4429 Matt Ewers VP Business Development 3808 N. Sullivan Road, #32 Spokane, WA 99216 web: ieds. net Monroe Associates phone:...............................(425) 260-5173 John Monroe President 3820 Kromer Avenue Everett, WA 98201 Silicon Forest Electronics, Inc. Aircraft Propulsion Systems phone:...............................(425) 413-4127 Betty Nelson President Autoclave Manufacturing New and Remanufatured Sizes Large to Small, Controls, Service, Support Aviation Development Corp Andrews Space, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 546-3011 Gordon Bruer President 1305 NW 200th St Seattle, WA 98177 web: aviationdevelopment. com GE Company - Aircraft Engine Field Service Pratt and Whitney phone:...............................(360) 448-4962 Jay Schmidt VP-Business Development phone:...............................(206) 655-8924 Rick Silva Making a positive and profound impact. Contract manufacturer of printed circuit boards and electro-mechanical assemblies. Rockwell Collins 4020 Lake Washington Boulevard, Suite 312 Kirkland, WA 98033 web: pratt-whitney. com 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(206) 342-9934 fax:......................................(206) 342-9938 Jason Andrews President/CEO 3415 S. 116th Street, Ste 123 Tukwila, WA 98104 web: andrews-space. com Blue Origin LLC phone:...............................(253) 872-0411 21218 76th Ave S Kent, WA Boeing phone:............................... (253) 887-4751 Mick Norris 18001 Canyon Road East Frederickson, WA 98373 web: boeing. com General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems phone:...............................(509) 762-5381 fax:...................................... (509) 762-3124 Brian McDermott 9256 Randolph Rd NE Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: generaldynamics. com [email protected] web: siliconforestelectronics. com TOC 7819 Riverside Road E. Sumner, WA 98390 [email protected] web: americanautoclave. com 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 230 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: geae. com 6204 E. 18th St. Vancouver, WA 98661 AS9100 phone:...............................(253) 863-5000 fax:...................................... (253) 863-1770 Sales PO Box 629 Ravensdale, WA 98051 phone:...............................(425) 462-8600 Herb Sales/Marketing Manager 118 American Autoclave Company Alphabetical Advertisers Interpoint Corporation (Crane Electronics, New name) phone:...............................(425) 882-3100 fax:......................................(425) 882-1990 Greg Reese Spray Booths, Ovens and Dust Collection Finishing Consultants 10201 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: interpoint. com phone:...............................(520) 977-9987 Benjamin Swem President 12815 53rd Dr SE Everett, WA 98208 Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 705 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 web: aim-aerospace. com phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Joseph Corpe Graphic & Website Designer phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 fax:...................................... (360) 856-0372 Peter Janicki President Reusable Space Exploration phone:...............................(360) 239-8913 Joe Morgan Director, Sales & Marketing Heath Tecna Janicki Industries, Inc. 1476 Moore Street Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com AIM Aerospace, Inc. 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heath. com phone:...............................(800) 514-0095 fax:...................................... (877) 318-1185 Jeff LaSorella President J R Engineering 720 132nd Street SW Suite 201 Everett, WA 98204 Efficient Equipment Solutions [email protected] web: finishingconsultants. com phone:...............................(425) 337-9472 John R. Alberti President/ Principal Engineer Testing & Certifications A&M Precision Measuring Services phone:...............................(313) 421-1388 Steve Albrecht Director of Business Development 7030 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: amprecisionmeasuring. com 1902 120th Place SE Ste 202 Everett, WA 98208 Three Licensed PE's, 2 DER's on staff Specializing in aircraft noise and performance certification since 1984 [email protected] web: quietlysuperior. com Metaltest Inc. Accutac, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 823-2803 fax:......................................(425) 823-2803 Robert McMurtrie President 14327 123rd Avenue NE, Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 web: antronics. com/accutac/ Aeronautical Testing Service phone:...............................(360) 435-8859 fax:...................................... (360) 435-8870 Paul Robertson President 18820 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: aerotestsvc. com phone:...............................(206) 707-5931 Nancie Weston VP of Sales & Marketing 1205 5th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 The Material Testing Experts [email protected] web: metaltest-inc. com/ ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 119 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development phone:.............................. (425) 640-1840 Raphael Madison Marketing Director 3008 100th St. SW Everett, WA 98204 [email protected] web: washingtonaerospace. com 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 ISO 9000 web: abwtec. com ACRO Machining, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 653-1492 fax:......................................(360) 653-6934 Dan Edmond President 3817 168th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 Air Spares, Inc. Willrich Precision Instrument Company phone:............................... (866) 945-5742 fax:...................................... (201) 567-1411 Victoria Tan Administrator 80 Broadway Cresskill, NJ 07626 web: willrich. com phone:...............................(253) 286-2525 fax:......................................(253) 286-2526 Bernerd Braak Director of Mktg 609 N Levee Road Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com phone:...............................(425) 398-7329 fax:...................................... (425) 424-2310 Mike Jerome Offfice Manager 22745 29th Drive SE Suite 220 Bothell, WA 98021 web: aint. com A&M Precision Measuring Services Altek Inc phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com 7030 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 Taking tooling to a new level of precision. [email protected] web: amprecisionmeasuring. com 8223 44th Avenue W; Suite # G Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: d3tech. com Dylan Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 333-8260 fax:...................................... (253) 333-8261 James HL Cowan Quality Assurance Manager 1702 Pike Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: dylanmfg. com EDCO, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 424-6600 fax:...................................... (360) 424-6625 Mark Vorobik President 14508 Ovenell Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 web: edcoonline. com Electroimpact, Inc. 4606 107th Street SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: electroimpact. com Farwest Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 568-1707 fax:...................................... (253) 927-3478 Jay Marshall President 1415 Meridian Ave E/P.O. Box 1889 Edgewood, WA 98371 web: farwestair. com Flow International Corporation Apache Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(313) 421-1388 Steve Albrecht Director of Business Development phone:...............................(425) 355-4903 fax:...................................... (425) 355-4401 Scott Hackbarth Regional Director phone:...............................(425) 348-8090 fax:.......................................(425) 348-0716 Dr. Peter Zieve President AIT Design Inc. Tooling D3 Technologies phone:...............................(425) 349-5800 fax:...................................... (425) 349-1827 Ginny Jackson Controller 9700 Harbour Place Suite 223 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: apacheaerospace. com phone:...............................(253) 850-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 813-9377 Charley Brown President and CEO 23500 64th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: flowcorp. com GE Aircraft Engines Cascade Aviation Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 493-1707 fax:......................................(360) 403-8920 Christopher Stoopman Sales and Marketing Director phone:...............................(360) 253-3300 fax:......................................(360) 253-3329 Bob Rowton Manager 4601 NE 77th Avenue,Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: geae. com 9800 Harbour Place, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cascade-aviation. com 120 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Giddens Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 353-0405 fax:......................................(425) 353-0404 John Seguin Director of Sales, Marketing and Contracts Bomarc Industrial Park 2600 94th Street SW Suite 150 Everett, WA 98204 web: giddens. com Goodrich-Aircraft Wheels and Brakes, Carbon Operations phone:...............................(509) 744-6000 Joel Casebier Director of Operations 11135 W Wbow Lane, P.O. Box 19210 Spokane, WA 99224 web: wheelsandbrakes.goodrich. com Hexcel Structures & Interiors phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com Industrial Automation Inc. phone:...............................(206) 763-1025 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3226 Tom McKown Sales Manager 1421 S. 93RD Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: iagse. com/ Janicki Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 fax:...................................... (360) 856-0372 Peter Janicki President 1476 Moore Street Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com Jet City Laser / ID Integration, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 623-4949 fax:...................................... (206) 623-4951 Jim Wright President 22825 164th Avenue S. E. Kent, WA 98042 web: laseitman. com Koch Machine & Tool Co phone:............................... (360) 474-8017 Dwight Koch Owner 19010 66th Ave NE Unit 3 Arlington, WA 98223 Laz Tool and Fabricators phone:............................... (360) 568-5749 fax:......................................(360) 568-9555 Peggy Zimmerman President 14816 Roosevelt Road Snohomish, WA 98290 web: laztool. com phone:...............................(206) 682-2752 fax:......................................(206) 623-7952 Dan Vallerie Vice President 3670 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98134 web: nicholsonmfg. com LRT, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 742-0333 fax:...................................... (425) 337-3311 Larry Toombs Vice President 15712 Mill Creek Boulevard, Suite 1 Mill Creek, WA 98012 web: lrt-inc. com M L Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 869-8357 fax:...................................... (425) 869-8477 Mike Sanborn President 6975 176th Avenue NE #310 Redmond, WA 98052 Machines & Methods, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 746-1656 fax:...................................... (425) 746-0600 Tony Parr President 1603 149th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98007 web: machinesandmethods. com Modelworks, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 340-6007 fax:......................................(206) 340-6008 Jon Stamm President 655 S Andover Seattle, WA 98108 web: modelwerks. com Modern Machine Company phone:...............................(206) 764-6997 fax:...................................... (206) 764-7094 Jim Nye President 524 S Southern St Seattle, WA 98108 web: modernmachine. us MTI Nicholson Manufacturing Company Omega Fastener Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 888-9700 fax:...................................... (425) 888-9701 Debera Karolides President 43403 S. E. 128TH Place North Bend, WA 98045 Orion Technologies phone:...............................(360) 668-8355 fax:...................................... (425) 668-8102 Bill Husa Owner 20230 82nd Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98296 web: oriontechnologies. net Pacifica Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 315-8040 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8060 Bob Findley President and CEO 12121 Harbour Reach Drive, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: pacifica-engineering. com/ Pan Pacific Electronics phone:...............................(425) 881-7252 fax:...................................... (425) 881-9508 Edwin Du President 17985 NE 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: pan-pac. com PDS Engineering phone:...............................(206) 767-2773 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3283 James Turcott Vice President 12101 Pacific Highway So. Suite #420 Seattle, WA 98168 web: pdstech. com phone:...............................(206) 763-3161 fax:...................................... (206) 764-4670 Martin Lyman President 7709 5th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 web: mfgtech. com ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 121 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Primus International, Inc Exotic Tool Welding, Inc. phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 ISO 9001:2000; EN/JISQ/AS9100:2004; Nadcap Critical Processes; Non-critical Processes; etc. Primus is a leading Tier II supplier of highly engineered metallic and composite parts, kits, and assemblies to the global aerospace industry. phone:...............................(425) 353-3040 Scott M. Lathrop President 2909 Seaway Blvd., Suite B Everett, WA 98203 Boeing, Nadcap, General Dynamics, UTC Aerospace Systems, GE Engines [email protected] web: exotictoolwelding. com [email protected] web: primusint. com Rockwell Collins 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Weissert Tool & Design, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 835-7256 fax:......................................(360) 835-8422 Jeffrey Weissert President 540 17th Street Washougal, WA 98671 web: weissert. com Wilson Tool & Mfg Co. phone:...............................(509) 928-9441 fax:...................................... (509) 924-5923 Roy Dugger Vice President 10025 E MONTGOMERY Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Welding Services ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 ISO 9000 web: abwtec. com 122 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers ALPHABETICAL Index A...................................................................................124 N...................................................................................189 B...................................................................................139 O...................................................................................194 C...................................................................................144 P...................................................................................195 D...................................................................................152 Q...................................................................................203 E....................................................................................155 R...................................................................................204 F....................................................................................158 S...................................................................................208 G...................................................................................162 T....................................................................................216 H...................................................................................166 U...................................................................................223 I.....................................................................................170 V...................................................................................225 J.....................................................................................173 W.................................................................................226 K...................................................................................175 X...................................................................................229 L.................................................................................... 177 Z...................................................................................229 M..................................................................................182 ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 123 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY A A & B Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 334-2976 Jack Badeau General Manager of Operations 1655 Cota Ave Azusa, CA 90813 web: abaerospace. com General Aerospace A & B Quality Finishers, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 742-7665 Doreen Atkinson Owner & President 5712 207th Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98290 Machining A & E Machine Inc phone:...............................(206) 244-2146 Eric Schweiger President 4712 S 134th Pl Tukwila, WA 98168 web: aemachine. com Machining A&A Coatings A-1 Precision, Inc. 2700 South Clinton Avenue South Plainfield, NJ 07080 web: thermalspray. com Aerospace Painting 8014 NE 19th Court Vancouver, WA 98665 web: A-1precision. com Machining phone:...............................(888) 725-0150 fax:...................................... (908) 561-4201 Victoria Lim Administrator A&M Precision Measuring Services phone:...............................(313) 421-1388 Steve Albrecht Director of Business Development 7030 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: amprecisionmeasuring. com Engineering, Machining, Testing & Certifications, Tooling A. D. Inc. of Milwaukee phone:...............................(419) 529-6195 Melissa McCormic Human Resource Manager 2003 W 4th St Mansfield, OH 44906 web: adinc. us. com General Aerospace A & G Machine phone:...............................(253) 887-8433 fax:...................................... (253) 887-1295 Guy Hall Corp Secy 1231 37th Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 Machining A And R Aviation Services Inc 7843 Old Hwy 99 Olympia, WA MRO phone:...............................(203) 235-3361 Jack Callahan Sales Manager 106 Evansville Ave Meriden, CT 6451 web: agcincorporated. com General Aerospace A. J. R. Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(847) 439-0380 Pamela Simantz Sales Manager 117 Gordon St Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 web: ajrindustries. com General Aerospace A.G.H. Industries, Inc. 1103 Stanley Dr Fort Worth, TX 76040 web: aghindustries. com General Aerospace AAA Precise Machine Inc phone:...............................(509) 375-3268 Albert Lemieux President 27305 E Ruppert Rd Benton City, WA 99320 Machining phone:...............................(206) 722-1571 H. Davis Crone President 9626 Rainier Avenue S Seattle, WA 98118 Avionics 124 Industry Ln Hunt Valley, MD 21030 web: aaicorp. com General Aerospace AAR Aircraft Services, Inc. phone:...............................(405) 270-0966 Beth Medley Vice President of Operations 235 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: a1machining. com General Aerospace 6611 S Meridian Ave # 59100 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 web: aarcorp. com General Aerospace AAR Corp. phone:...............................(630) 227-2000 Kathy Ditch Chief Executive Officer 1013 Putman Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35816 web: awileyassociates. com General Aerospace 124 13723 Harvard Pl Gardena, CA 90249 web: aaaairsupport. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(410) 666-1400 Roxanne Hostetter Manager of Sales and Distribution phone:...............................(860) 223-6420 Mark Stepien Vice President of Sales phone:............................... (256) 217-4773 Angelia Wiley Senior Vice President, Operations phone:...............................(310) 538-1377 Geoffrey Shigenako Sales Executive Aai Corporation A-1 Machining Co. A Wiley & Associates, Inc. AAA Air Support AACO Avionics phone:............................... (817) 284-1742 Rick Whitlock Vice President of Sales A G C Incorporated phone:............................... (360) 574-8442 fax:...................................... (360) 574-8442 Tom Sprague President 1100 N Wood Dale Rd Wood Dale, IL 60191 web: aarcorp. com General Aerospace TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers AAR Manufacturing, Inc Ac, Inc. Accurate Grinding and Mfg. Corp. phone:...............................(256) 830-7000 Nikki Matharu Finance Executive phone:...............................(202) 358-2088 Jenni Cole Purchasing Agent phone:.........................(951) 479-0909 x 3 Hans Nilsen Chief Executive Officer AAR Manufacturing, Inc. ACC-Kp, LLC Accurate Machining 140 Sparkman Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: summa-tech. com General Aerospace 1085 Jordan Rd Huntsville, AL 35811 web: acincorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(630) 227-2000 Charles Labudda Marketing Director phone:...............................(713) 396-6245 Andy Heckman Sales Director Abbott Industries, Inc. ACCRA Manufacturing, Inc. 500 Gateway Dr Goldsboro, NC 27534 web: aarcorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(918) 756-8320 Rob Seeman Manager-sales and Operations 12900 Smith Rd Okmulgee, OK 74447 web: covingtonaircraft. com General Aerospace Absolute Aviation Services Inc phone:............................... (509) 747-2904 8122 West Pilot Drive Spokane, WA MRO Absolute Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-1116 fax:......................................(360) 435-2336 Andy Lubresky President 6914 204th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: absolutemfg. com Machining ABW Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 618-4400 Aimee Dura Business Development 6720 191st PL NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: abwtec. com Aircraft systems, Assembly, Ground Support Equipment, Machining, Other, Tooling, Welding Services Ac Propeller Service Inc 925 Nebraska Street S Seattle, WA MRO 4554 Claire Chennault St Addison, TX 75001 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 424-1000 fax:...................................... (425) 424-1031 Mark Henderson Marketing Manager 17703 15th Avenue SE Bothell, WA 98036 web: accramfg. com Machining Accra Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 424-1000 Mark Gfeller position in Human Resources 17703 15th Ave SE Bothell, WA 98012 web: accramfg. com General Aerospace 807 E Parkridge Ave Corona, CA 92879 web: accurategrindingmfg. com General Aerospace Machining Accurus Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(918) 438-3121 Robert Kirkpatrick Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 12716 E Pine St Tulsa, OK 74116 web: accurusaero. com General Aerospace Accutac, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 823-2803 fax:......................................(425) 823-2803 Robert McMurtrie President 14327 123rd Avenue NE, Suite C Kirkland, WA 98034 web: antronics. com/accutac/ Testing & Certifications Ace Clearwater Enterprises, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 538-5380 Richard Potocky Director, National Broker Dealer Sales ACCRA-FAB phone:...............................(509) 922-3300 Frank Owens P.O. Box 641 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: accrafab. com Assembly 19815 Magellan Dr Torrance, CA 90502 web: aceclearwater. com General Aerospace Achilles USA. INC. phone:...............................(425) 353-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 347-5785 AccuDUCT Manufacturing phone:............................... (253) 939-7741 fax:......................................(253) 939-9936 Jeff Hermanson President 316 Ellingson Road Algona, WA 98001 web: accuduct. com Machining Accupaulo Holding Corporation phone:...............................(860) 666-5621 Harold Etherington Owner, President 280 Hartford Ave Newington, CT 6111 web: accuratethreadedproducts. com General Aerospace 1407 - 80th Street S.W. Everett, WA web: achillesusa. com Materials Ack Technologies Inc phone:...............................(408) 287-8021 Mike Akatiff Owner 440 W Julian St San Jose, CA 95110 web: ackavionics. com General Aerospace Acpjets, LLC phone:...............................(561) 686-5551 Terry Schutte Director of Operations 4145 Southern Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33406 web: acpjets. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 125 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACRO Machining, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 653-1492 fax:......................................(360) 653-6934 Dan Edmond President Adaptive Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(661) 822-2850 William Mc Cune Owner 3817 168th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 Machining, Tooling 20304 W Valley Blvd Ste H Tehachapi, CA 93561 web: adaptaero. com General Aerospace Acromil Corporation Adel Wiggins Group phone:...............................(626) 964-2522 Teresa Bach Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(805) 484-8884 Morris Skurka Chief Executive Officer 4600 Calle Bolero Camarillo, CA 93012 web: adelwiggins. com General Aerospace Action Grinding & Machining Corp. Admill Machine Co., LLC 17611 OK Mill Road Snohomish, WA 98290 web: agmco. net Machining phone:...............................(860) 356-0330 Jeff Hiller Sales Agent 150 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: admillmachine. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(818) 365-7077 Ash Aghasi Owner 12445 Gladstone Ave Sylmar, CA 91342 web: acufastap. com General Aerospace 401 Century CT Piney Flats, TN 37686 web: adpma. com General Aerospace Adams Rite Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 483-2427 fax:.......................................(714) 278-6510 Joel Reiss Director of Operations 19125 N Creek Parkway, Suite 120 Bothell, WA 98011 web: ar-aero. com Cabins & Interiors Adams Rite Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 278-6340 Jodi Taylor Human Resources Manager phone:............................... (513) 874-8741 Tom Carlson Vice President Finance 9990 Princeton Glendale Rd Cincinnati, OH 45246 web: actpower. com General Aerospace Advanced Ground Systems Engineering LLC 10805 Painter Ave Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 web: agsecorp. com General Aerospace Advanced Integration Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(972) 423-8354 Karl Williams Director of Operations, Chief Operating Officer phone:............................... (517) 783-2713 Shelley Zonts Human Resources Manager 3101 111th Street S.W. Everett, WA MRO 4141 N Palm St Fullerton, CA 92835 web: ar-aero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(423) 391-8834 Kurt Keller Operations and Aog Support Advance Turning and Manufacturing, Inc. Acuren Inspection Inc Advanced Conversion Technology Inc. phone:...............................(562) 906-9300 Diane Henderson Chief Executive Officer Adpma LLC Acufast Aircraft Products Inc. phone:...............................(817) 698-6886 Erasmo Padron Human Resources Manager 1105 Wooded Acres Dr # 500 Fort Worth, TX 76710 web: act-i. com General Aerospace 18421 Railroad St City Of Industry, CA 91748 web: acromil. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (425) 742-3917 fax:...................................... (425) 609-1021 Joann Britt VP of Sales Advanced Concepts and Technologies 4005 Morrill Rd Jackson, MI 49201 web: advanceturning. com General Aerospace 2805 E Plano Pkwy Ste 100 Plano, TX 75074 web: aint. com General Aerospace Advanced Machine & Stretchform International, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 538-3857 George Curtis Sales Manager Advanced Ceramics Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(520) 547-0860 Carmen Bernal Controller/Human Resources 7800a S Nogales Hwy Tucson, AZ 85756 web: acmtucson. com General Aerospace 224 W Riverview Ave Gardena, CA 80701 web: amsicom. com General Aerospace Advanced Machine & Fabrication Inc. Advanced Composite Materials, LLC phone:...............................(864) 877-0123 Tom Quantrille President and Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(325) 643-2277 Chris Edwards Operations Manager 4501 Danhil Dr Brownwood, TX 76801 web: barrfabrication. com General Aerospace 1446 S Buncombe Rd Greer, SC 29651 web: acm-usa. com General Aerospace 126 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Advanced Machine, Inc. Aero Brake & Spares, Inc. Aero Law Group PLLC 6202 Civic Dr Leander, TX 78645 web: aerobrake. com General Aerospace 11120 NE 2nd Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98296 web: Professional Services phone:...............................(316) 942-9002 Linda Downs Sales Associate phone:...............................(210) 493-3201 Joell McNew Sales Manager Advanced Thermoplastic Aero Component Services, LLC 4008 E Broadway Ave Spokane, WA 99202 Composites Manufacturing 781 Goodwin St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: aerocomponent. com General Aerospace 119 Creasman Dr Wichita, KS 37398 web: advancedmachine-inc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 893-4100 Dan Jorgenson President AEG Industries, Inc phone:............................... (707) 575-0697 Peg McIlnay-Moe President Finance 1219 Briggs Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95401 web: aegindustries. com General Aerospace Aegis Technologies Group phone:............................... (206) 447-4175 110 Cherry St, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 web: aegisgrp. com Engineering Aercap U.S. Global Aviation LLC phone:...............................(310) 557-4968 Kemba Mitchell Executive Assistant To The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman 10250 Constellation Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90067 web: aercap. com General Aerospace Aero 8, Inc. phone:...............................(336) 776-9165 Rick Pamell Vice President Sales 820 N Liberty St Winston Salem, NC 27105 web: aero8. net General Aerospace Aero Accessories, Inc. phone:...............................(404) 393-5861 Brian Cox Manager-regional Sales 1240 Springwood Church Rd Gibsonville, NC 27249 web: tempestplus. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 291-0417 Tom Carmody Head of Product Marketing Aero Controls, Inc phone:...............................(253) 269-3000 Richard Hickson Director of Parts Trading 1610 20th St NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: aerocontrols. com Aircraft Parts & Supplies Aero Mac, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 348-4140 fax:...................................... (425) 745-5960 Kimbery Tucker President 4602 Chennault Beach Road, Suite D Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: aeromacinc. com Machining Aero Maintenance Inc 101ae Reserve St Vancouver, WA MRO Aero Manufacturing, Inc Aero Dynamix, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 571-0729 Cory Relling Manager-International Sales 3227 W Euless Blvd Euless, TX 76040 web: aerodynamix. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 851-6440 Ken Latschaw President 1724 26th Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Machining Aero Missile Components South Aero Gear Incorporated phone:...............................(860) 688-0888 Lee Welch Director Sales and Marketing 1050 Day Hill Rd Windsor, CT 6095 web: aerogear. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(256) 831-1275 Chic Nix Sales Manager 101 Moore St Ste D Oxford, AL 36203 web: aeromissile. com General Aerospace Aero Precision Inc. Aero Hose Corp. phone:...............................(904) 215-9638 Ken Pfeifer Operations Executive 1845 Town Center Blvd # 140 Fleming Island, FL 32003 web: aero-hose. com General Aerospace Aero International Inc phone:...............................(571) 203-8360 George Cummings Director of Sales and Business Development 641 S Washington St Sterling, VA 22314 web: aerointl. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 456-1800 Kevin Austin Founding Attorney phone:...............................(253) 858-2970 fax:...................................... (253) 858-2976 Scott Dover Vice President 3416 B 57th Street Court NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: api-cnc. com Machining Aero Seats Inc phone:...............................(817) 551-0818 Nigel Evans International Sales Representative 340 Thomas Pl Everman, TX 76140 web: airseasystems. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 127 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aero Systems Engineering phone:...............................(714) 633-1901 Richard Chae Chief Executive Officer 1112 W Barkley Ave Orange, CA 92868 web: aerosystemsengineering. com General Aerospace Aero Thermo Technology, Inc phone:...............................(256) 922-1141 Donald Pettit Executive Director Operations and Programs 799 Caxambas Dr Marco Island, FL 34145 web: aerothermo. com General Aerospace Aero Tube Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(860) 289-2520 Scott Robinson Director of Operations 425 Sullivan Ave Ste 5 South Windsor, CT 6074 web: aerotubetech. com General Aerospace Aerocerts, Ltd. Aeroform 2166 Broadway Apt 8c New York, NY 10024 web: aeroconsulting. com General Aerospace 15008 Smokey Point Boulevard,Suite E Marysville, WA 98271 Machining phone:...............................(201) 401-7166 Paul Howard President/Owner Aerocet, Inc phone:...............................(208) 448-0400 Linda Headrick Human Resources, Managerial Accountant 265 Shannon Ln Priest River, ID 83856 web: aerocet. com General Aerospace phone:.............................. (209) 983-1112 Michelle Cravalho Customer Relations/Inside Sales Representative 6800 Lindbergh St Stockton, CA 95206 web: General Aerospace Aerocision, LLC phone:...............................(860) 526-9700 Andrew Gibson Chief Executive Officer 12a Inspiration Ln Chester, CT 6412 web: aerocision. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(909) 596-0053 Jason Averweg Sales Manager 1935 McKinley Ave Ste F La Verne, CA 91750 web: aerotect. net General Aerospace Aerocell Inc. [C$D Zodiac, Advanced Composite Division] phone:...............................(360) 653-2600 fax:...................................... (360) 653-1082 Gig Korver 12806 State Avenue Marysville, WA 98271 Composites Manufacturing Aerocenter phone:...............................(253) 848-9349 Karen Sandberg President phone:...............................(323) 269-9181 Pam Sundelius Human Resources Manager PO BOX 22228 Los Angeles, CA 90022 web: aerocontrolex. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(916) 355-4000 Matt Carollo Senior Manager, Finance Aerojet Ordnance Tennessee, Inc. phone:...............................(423) 753-1200 Wendell Christian Director Marketing Aerojet Rocketdyne 1610 20th Street Nw Auburn, WA MRO Aero-Craft Hydraulics, Inc. phone:........................ (951) 736-4690 x 2 Mike Gunder Purchasing Administrator 392 N Smith Ave Corona, CA 92880 web: aero-craft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(573) 237-1300 Brian McCaleb Lms Administrator Human Resources Analyst 2001 Aerojet Rd New Haven, MO 95742 web: rocket. com General Aerospace Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. AEROFLUID PRODUCTS phone:...............................(480) 921-0470 Jill Maclennan Purchasing 528 W 21st St Tempe, AZ 85282 web: acme-aero. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Aerojet General Corporation 1367 Old State Route 34 Jonesborough, TN 37659 web: aerojet. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(916) 355-4000 Nancie Gari Command Media Specialist 2001 Aerojet Rd Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 web: aerojet. com General Aerospace Aeroliant Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 257-1903 Patricia Almaraz Chief Executive Officer 1613 Lockness Pl Torrance, CA 90501 web: amratec. com General Aerospace 16923 B Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 web: aerocenter. com Avionics 128 phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5743 Roger Meyers General Manager 1500 Perimeter Pkwy NW # 110 Rancho Cordova, CA 35806 web: aerojet. com General Aerospace Aero-Controls Inc Aero Wash, Inc Aerojet Company 11411 139th Place NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com Composites Manufacturing, Space-related AeroControlex Group Aero Turbine, Inc phone:...............................(360) 659-4044 fax:......................................(360) 653-2544 Roger Kindler Manager Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers AEROMARATIME AMERICA phone:...............................(480) 830-7780 Tim Bullis Sales Executive 2710 E Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 web: aeromarusa. com General Aerospace Aeromax Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 701-9500 Richard D Berube Berube Chief Executive Officer/President 9027 Canoga Ave Unit HI Canoga Park, CA 91304 web: aeromax. com General Aerospace Aeros Aeronautical Systems Corp. phone:...............................(818) 344-3999 Alex Yankelevich General Partner 1734 Aeros Way Montebello, CA 90640 web: aerosml. com General Aerospace Aeros Aeroscraft phone:...............................(818) 344-3999 John Kiehl Chief Executive Officer 6005 Yolanda Ave Tarzana, CA 91356 web: aeroscraft. com General Aerospace Aerosertec USA LLC AeroMech, Inc. 2151 N. Northlake Way, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98103 web: aerosertec-usa. com/ Engineering phone:...............................(425) 252-3236 fax:...................................... (425) 257-9756 Anthony Wiederkehr President 1616 Hewitt Ave., Suite 312 Everett, WA 98201 web: aeromechinc. com Other Aerometals, Inc. phone:...............................(916) 939-6888 John Wallasch Agent Purchasing 3920 Sandstone Dr El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 web: General Aerospace Aeronautical Testing Service phone:...............................(360) 435-8859 fax:...................................... (360) 435-8870 Paul Robertson President 18820 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: aerotestsvc. com Testing & Certifications Aero-Plastics phone:...............................(425) 226-3400 fax:...................................... (425) 228-6487 Aaron Greenwood Marketing Manager 903 houser way N Renton, WA 98057 web: aero-plastics. com Aerospace and Defense, Machining phone:...............................(661) 257-3535 Cassi Kidd Buyer/Purchasing 25540 Rye Canyon Rd Valencia, CA 91355 web: adi-aero. com General Aerospace Aero-Mech Inc 1616 Hewitt Avenue Everett, WA MRO Aerospace Dynamics International, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 552-1708 Aerosource Inc. phone:...............................(732) 469-9300 Darryl Russo Director of Finance and Administration 390 Campus Dr Somerset, NJ 8873 web: aerosourceinc. com General Aerospace Aerospace Coatings International, LLC phone:...............................(256) 241-2750 Adelbert Morsh Owner 370 Knight Dr Oxford, AL 36203 web: aerocoatings. com General Aerospace Aerospace Engineering & Support, Inc. phone:...............................(801) 394-9565 Ryan Burton Purchase 1307 W 2550 S Ogden, UT 84401 web: aesut. com General Aerospace Aerospace Fabrications of Georgia, Inc. phone:.........................(770) 505-8801 x 1 Adam Grizzle Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Owner, Stkhldr 305 Butler Industrial Dr Dallas, GA 30132 web: afog. com General Aerospace Aerospace Filtration Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(636) 300-5050 Jay Foster Manager, Sales and Marketing 17891 Chstrfld Aprt Rd Chesterfield, MO 63005 web: afsfilters. com General Aerospace Aerospace Machine Supply Aerospace Composite Products phone:........................ (925) 443-5900 x 1 George Sparr President/Chief Executive Officer 78 Lindbergh Ave Livermore, CA 94551 web: acpsales. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(661) 294-3978 Doug Silva Owner 24907 Avenue Tibbitts Ste D Valencia, CA 91355 web: mshinges. com General Aerospace Aerospace Machining Specialists The Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(310) 336-1125 David B Kunkee Communications and Information Policy Representative 20325 71st Avenue Ne. Arlington, WA MRO 445 Hoes Ln Piscataway, NJ 8854 web: aero. org General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 129 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aerospace Manufacturing Tehnologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-1119 fax:...................................... (360) 435-1158 Mark Riffle President 20100 71st Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: amtnw. com Assembly Aerostatica, Inc. Ag-Air Systems, Inc. 7399 Newman Blvd Dexter, MI 48130 web: cameronballoons. com General Aerospace 20690 Carmen Loop Ste 102 Bend, OR 97702 web: kawakaviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(734) 426-5525 Paul Petrehn Senior Manager-Operations Aerotech Engineering, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 267-1371 Mike Hamilton Purchasing Aerospace Manufacturing Tehnologies, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-1119 fax:...................................... (360) 435-1158 Mark Riffle President 1100 S Pipeline Rd W Euless, TX 76040 web: aerotechholdings. com General Aerospace 20100 71st Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: amtnw. com Assembly Aero-Tech Engineering, Inc. Aerospace Products International 5555 N 119th St W Wichita, KS 67101 web: aerotecheng. org General Aerospace 5700 Treese St Lewisville, TX 75056 web: apiworldwide. com General Aerospace Aerotech Holdings, Inc. Aerospace Products, S.E. Inc. 1100 S Pipeline Rd, Euless Euless, TX 76040 web: eulessaero. com General Aerospace 2707 Artie St SW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: apseinc. com General Aerospace Aerovel Corporation phone:.........................(316) 942-8604 x 1 James Timoteo Owner/Chief Executive Officer phone:............................... (800) 247-2947 Rick Congdon Director of Sales phone:............................... (817) 267-1371 Janice Hall Sales Executive phone:...............................(256) 837-8040 Bill Freeman Director of Sales phone:...............................(860) 347-1200 Trudy Craig Purchasing Manager 1100 Country Club Rd Middletown, CT 6457 web: aerospacetechniques. com General Aerospace Aerostar Engineering, Inc. (Subsidiary of Air Spares) 609 N Levee Rd Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering 130 TOC 83 Oak Ridge Road White Salmon, WA web: aerovelco. com Other Aerovironment, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 357-9983 John Elverum Aerovironment Advsys Operations Manager 800 Royal Oaks Dr Ste 210 Monrovia, CA 91016 web: avinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 593-6625 Steve Brown Chairman of the Board Aerovision International, LLC phone:.........................(231) 799-9000 x 3 Kathy Richards Director - Operations 620 E Ellis Rd Muskegon, MI 49441 web: aerovi. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical AGC Aerospace & Defense phone:...............................(208) 209-8200 Don Millikan Human Resources Director 10413 N Aero Dr Hayden, ID 83835 web: agcaerospace. com General Aerospace Agrinautics, Inc. phone:...............................(435) 586-1200 George Sanders Founder 1215 N Airport Rd Cedar City, UT 84721 web: agrinautics. com General Aerospace Agustawestland Inc. phone:...............................(703) 373-8000 Vikki Doss Assistant To Chief Executive Officer 2345 Crystal Dr FL 9 Reston, VA 22202 web: agustawestland. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(541) 490-4103 Aerospace Techniques, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 385-5051 Peter Warbington Manager-Sales Ah Aero Services, LLC phone:...............................(435) 654-3962 Danny McPolin Sales Director 1980 Airport Rd A, Wasatch, Heber City, UT, Heber City, UT 84032 web: ok3air. com General Aerospace Ahf-Ducommun Incorporated phone:...............................(310) 380-5390 Richard Puleri Manager, Marketing 268 E Gardena Blvd Gardena, CA 90248 web: ducommun. com General Aerospace Aim Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 235-2750 Carlos Soto Founder 705 SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 web: aimseattle. com General Aerospace Alphabetical Advertisers AIM Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 239-8913 Joe Morgan Director, Sales & Marketing 705 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 web: aim-aerospace. com Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing, Testing & Certifications Air Capital Interiors, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 633-4790 Terry Crumrine Director of Operations 9424 E 37th St N Ste 300 Wichita, KS 67226 web: aircapitalinteriors. com General Aerospace Air Carrier Technologies LLC phone:...............................(253) 535-3201 Philip Lapp Member 1218 122nd Street Ct E Tacoma, WA 98445 Other Air Comm Corporation phone:...............................(724) 935-8777 Keith Biddle Owner 1575 W 124th Ave Ste 210 Baden, PA 80234 web: keithproducts. com General Aerospace Air Comm Corporation LLC phone:...............................(303) 440-4075 Tim Tribbett Director-finance 1575 W 124th Ave Ste 210 Denver, CO 80234 web: aircommcorp. com General Aerospace Air Direct Solutions phone:...............................(206) 915-6645 Paul Kostek Principal 8014 Stroud Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 web: airdirectsolutions. com Other Air Industries Group phone:...............................(631) 968-5000 Jordan Darrow Founder and President 1479 N Clinton Ave Bay Shore, NY Bay Shore, NY 11706 web: darrowir. com General Aerospace Air Marshall, Inc. Air Washington 2870 Stirling Rd Hollywood, FL Hollywood, FL 33020 web: air-marshall. com General Aerospace 9711 32nd Place West., Building C-80 Paine Field, Everett, WA 98204 Education and Training phone:...............................(954) 843-0991 Karen Cruz Finance Director phone:...............................(425) 388-9987 Mary Kaye Bredeson Director of the Center of Excellence for Aerospace & Advanced Materials Manufacturing Air Metal Fabricators, Inc. Airbus Americas Engineering, Inc. 28 Buckhorn Mountain Road Pateros, WA 98846 Machining 213 N Mead St Wichita, KS 67202 web: airbus. com General Aerospace Air One Maintenance & Engineering, LLC Airbus Defense and Space Holdings, Inc. phone:............................... (509) 923-2274 fax:...................................... (509) 923-2371 Kenneth Orford President phone:...............................(316) 299-0100 Ann Maloney Human Resources Business Partner phone:...............................(305) 537-9401 Isis Rodriguez Purchasing Lead phone:............................... (703) 528-7474 David Dennis Chief Operating Officer 14800 NW 42nd Ave Opa Locka, FL 33054 web: aironemaintenance. com General Aerospace 2550 Wasser Ter Ste 9000 Arlington, VA 20171 web: eads-na. com General Aerospace Air Power, Inc Airbus Defense and Space, Inc. 4900 S Collins St Arlington, TX 76018 web: airpowerinc. com General Aerospace TEMECULA, CA, USA Irvine, CA 92590 web: eads. com General Aerospace Air Spares, Inc. Airbus Group, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 557-5857 Jana Cook Accounts Payable-finance phone:...............................(253) 286-2525 fax:......................................(253) 286-2526 Bernerd Braak Director of Mktg 609 N Levee Road Puyallup, WA 98371 web: airspares. com Air Framer, Cabins & Interiors, Tooling Air Time Aviation Inc 1800 S. 341st Place Federal Way, WA MRO Air Tractor, Inc. phone:...............................(940) 564-5616 Valerie Perez Human Resources Manager 4900 S Collins St Olney, TX 76018 web: airtractor. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(949) 859-8999 Marwan Lahoud Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer phone:...............................(703) 834-3400 Sherman Banks Technical Sales Engineer 2550 Wasser Ter Dunwoody, GA 20171 web: eads-na. com General Aerospace Airbus Helicopters Inc phone:...............................(703) 834-3405 Pierre-Laurent Mace Vice President, Procurement 2701 N Forum Dr Herndon, VA 75052 web: eurocopterusa. com General Aerospace Airco Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 332-3806 Monty Truitt Director of Sales 5600 Blue Mound Rd Fort Worth, TX 76131 web: photo-etch. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 131 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aircraft Engine & Accessory Co Inc phone:............................... (972) 243-7404 Paul Skelton Owner 2275 Crown Rd Dallas, TX 75229 web: aea-precision. com General Aerospace Aircraft Modifications, Inc. / Turbo Plus phone:...............................(253) 851-6440 fax:......................................(253) 858-2062 Ken Latschaw President 1520 26th Avenue NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Other phone:...............................(210) 590-6858 Ed Riebesehl Owner 3650 Highpoint St San Antonio, TX 78217 web: aircrafttech. com General Aerospace Aircraft Propulsion Systems phone:...............................(425) 413-4127 Betty Nelson President PO Box 629 Ravensdale, WA 98051 Propulsion Aircraft Structural Repair Inc phone:...............................(208) 467-4591 Joe Wheeler Owner 3967 Flying Ln Nampa, ID 59870 web: acsr. net General Aerospace Aircraft Support Co LLC phone:...............................(425) 485-3443 Jackie Toombs President PO Box 12366 Mill Creek, WA 98082 web: aircraft-support. com/ Ground Support Equipment Aircraft Systems Group Inc phone:............................... (727) 376-9292 Robert Gallagher President and Chief Executive Officer 11528 Perpetual Dr Odessa, FL 33556 web: aircraftsystemsgroup. com General Aerospace TOC Aircrafters LLC phone:............................... (631) 471-7788 Larry Graves Partner 140 Aviation Way Watsonville, CA 95076 web: aircraftersllc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(501) 525-7707 Greg Hess Director of Business Operations 242 Fish Hatchery Rd Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 web: airtechsupply. com General Aerospace Airtronic Usa, Inc. Airgroup America, Incorporated phone:...............................(724) 779-9500 Steve Grieme President and Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 1353 Marietta, GA 15090 web: airgroupamerica. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(847) 766-0090 Troy Campbell Marketing Manager 1860 Jarvis Ave Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 web: airtronic. net General Aerospace AIT Design Inc. Air-Lock, Incorporated phone:...............................(203) 301-6060 Mike McCarthy Owner 108 Gulf St Milford, CT 6460 web: airlockinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 398-7329 fax:...................................... (425) 424-2310 Mike Jerome Offfice Manager 22745 29th Drive SE Suite 220 Bothell, WA 98021 web: aint. com Tooling Aj Associates Airport Aviation Professionals phone:...............................(773) 948-6632 David Bradel Finance Manager 5757 S Cicero Ave Chicago, IL 60638 web: avairpros. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(727) 258-0994 Adam Zdzierak Purchasing 14712 Sinclair Cir Largo, FL 92780 web: ajflorida. com General Aerospace Alamo Aerospace, LP Airport Technology phone:...............................(813) 818-9852 Bill Mc Gurk Owner of Airport Technology 4000 NW 36th Ave Tampa, FL 33142 web: epsi-america. com General Aerospace Categorical 5700 Skylab Rd Huntington Beach, CA 92647 web: airtechintl. com General Aerospace Airtech Supply, Inc. 11557 Highway 359 Mathis, TX 78368 web: General Aerospace Profiles of Success 8490 Perimeter Rd. S Seattle, WA MRO phone:...............................(714) 899-8100 Holly Nguyen Marketing Administrator phone:...............................(361) 547-3386 Mark Hileman Director of Parts Operations 3121 109th Street Sw Everett, WA MRO Airtech Instrument Company Inc Airtech International, Inc. Airforce Turbine Service, Ltd. Aircraft On Ground Inc 132 Aircraft Technologies, Inc. Alphabetical phone:...............................(940) 627-6709 Lisa Sledge Partner 351 Airport Rd Decatur, TX 76234 web: alamoaerospace. com General Aerospace Advertisers Alan Manes Machine, Inc phone:...............................(970) 224-3311 Bruce Page Owner 2421 International Blvd Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: manesmachine. com General Aerospace Alaskan Copper Companies phone:...............................(206) 623-5800 fax:......................................(206) 382-7335 Kermit Rosen President 3223 6TH Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98134 web: alaskancopper. com/ Machining Albany Engineered Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(801) 537-1800 Randy Jones Marketing Executive 1281 N Main St, Boerne Salt Lake City, UT 78006 web: edocombat. com General Aerospace Alcoa Fastening Systems phone:...............................(845) 331-7300 Garvin Wells Operations Manager 44 Campanelli Pkwy Kingston, NY 2072 web: alcoa. com General Aerospace Alcor Inc phone:...............................(210) 349-6491 Nan Hundere Marketing Director and Human Resources Manager 300 Breesport St San Antonio, TX 78216 web: alcorinc. com General Aerospace Alden O. Sherman phone:...............................(435) 635-2526 Clark Campbell Partner 237 S 100 W Hurricane, UT 84737 web: aosherman. com General Aerospace Alden Sherman Co Inc phone:............................... (203) 847-5775 Roger Adams Human Resources Compliance Manager 27 Lois St Eastford, CT 6851 web: aosherman. com General Aerospace Alexandria Aircraft LLC phone:...............................(320) 763-4088 Marvin Trana Chief Executive Officer 2504 AGA Dr Alexandria, MN 56308 web: bellanca-aircraft. com General Aerospace Alken Industries Inc. phone:...............................(631) 467-2000 Kimberly Senior Chief Executive Officer and President 2175 5th Ave Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 web: alkenind. com General Aerospace Alpha Precision Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 395-7381 fax:.......................................(253) 395-7476 Dean Conti President 19652 70th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: alphapre. com Machining Alpha Technologies phone:...............................(360) 647-2360 Vanessa OLIVER-NIELSEN 3767 Alpha Way Bellingham, WA 98226 Machining Allen Aircraft Products, Inc. phone:...............................(330) 296-9621 Alicia Gonzalez Human Resources Altek Inc phone:...............................(509) 252-5720 Rick Taylor VP of Sales & Supply 6168 Woodbine Rd Ravenna, OH 44266 web: allenaircraft. com General Aerospace 22819 East Appleway Avenue Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: altek-inc. com Aerospace Painting, Assembly, Engineering , Injection Molding, Machining, Other, Tooling Alliance Precision Plastics Altius Space Machines, Inc. 1220 Lee Rd 14606 Atlanta, GA 14606 web: allianceppc. com General Aerospace 3001 Industrial Ln Unit 5 Broomfield, CO 80020 web: altius-space. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(404) 995-6225 Rocky Butler Chief Executive Officer Allied Materials and Equipment Company, Inc. phone:...............................(816) 241-8080 David Pack Director of Operations and Sales 1420 Kansas Ave Kansas City, MO 64127 web: alliedmaterials. com General Aerospace Allied Specialty Precision, Inc. phone:......................... (574) 255-4718 x 1 Pam Rubenstein Chief Executive Officer and Owner 815 E Lowell Ave Mishawaka, IN 46545 web: aspi-nc. com General Aerospace Alloy Surfaces Company, Inc. phone:...............................(610) 859-3681 Dana Marie Bonsera Human Resources Admin 121 N Commerce Dr Aston, PA 19014 web: alloysurfaces. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (303) 827-1574 William Bolton Chief Marketing Officer American Air Racing LLC phone:...............................(775) 677-4860 John Parker Owner 5805 Alpha Ave Reno, NV 89506 web: americanairracing. com General Aerospace American Autoclave Company phone:...............................(253) 863-5000 fax:...................................... (253) 863-1770 Sales 7819 Riverside Road E. Sumner, WA 98390 web: americanautoclave. com Aerospace and Defense, Space-Related American Automated Engineering, Inc. phone:.........................(714) 898-9951 x 2 Sheila Meyer Operations Manager 5382 Argosy Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: aaeaerospace. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 133 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY American Defense Components, L.L.C. phone:...............................(870) 648-5539 Robert Byrne Operations Manager 807 Thomas St Stamps, AR 71860 web: americandefensecomponents. com General Aerospace American Drapery And Blind phone:...............................(888) 232-4832 Laurie Cossette Sales Representative 1429 N State St Bellingham, WA 98225 web: american-drapery. com General Aerospace The American Parts Company phone:........................ (770) 425-4441 x 1 Damie Lumsden Coordinator Marketing PO BOX 2408 Kennesaw, GA 30156 web: tapco. com General Aerospace American Turbo Systems Inc phone:...............................(520) 888-1100 Mike Barton Purchasing 4210 N Sullinger Ave Tucson, AZ 85705 web: atstucson. com General Aerospace Ametek Aerospace Products American Edge LLC phone:...............................(509) 937-4404 Karen Odle President PO Box 130 Valley, WA 99181 web: ameriedge. com Ground Support Equipment phone:...............................(425) 315-0645 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8375 Jon Howe 4333 Harbour Pointe Boulevard Suite A Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: ametekaerospace. com Machining Ametek, Inc. American Helicopters, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 368-9599 Ann Rychlik Marketing Executive 10503 Wakeman Dr Manassas, VA 20110 web: americanheli. com General Aerospace American Manufacturing and Engineers phone:...............................(253) 520-8849 fax:...................................... (253) 520-9767 Dean Spears Owner 1513 S Central, Suite B Kent, WA 98032 web: amecnc. com Engineering , Machining phone:........................ (623) 465-7356 x 1 Chelsea Todd Awsg Sales Specialist 108 5th Ave NW Phoenix, AZ 55307 web: ametek. com General Aerospace 17575 Hwy 79 Middletown, IA 52638 web: aollc. biz General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 282-7339 Christian Rojas Purchasing 341 W Blueridge Ave Orange, CA 92865 web: anaheimprecision. com General Aerospace Andrews Space, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 342-9934 fax:......................................(206) 342-9938 Jason Andrews President/CEO 3415 S. 116th Street, Ste 123 Tukwila, WA 98104 web: andrews-space. com Space-related Angeles Composite Technologies, Inc 7501 Saint Louis Ave Cumberland, RI 60076 web: ammeraalbeltech. com General Aerospace Apache Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(401) 732-8131 Michael Wilhelmer Chief Procurement Officer phone:...............................(425) 349-5800 fax:...................................... (425) 349-1827 Ginny Jackson Controller 4660 177th Ave Se Bellevue Mesa, AZ 98006 web: timken. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(626) 579-2200 Alex Juttner Chief Operating Officer Profiles of Success Categorical 9700 Harbour Place Suite 223 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: apacheaerospace. com Tooling Apex Engineering International, L.L.C. Amro Fabricating Corporation TOC Anaheim Precision Sheet Metal Mfg 2138 W 18th St Port Angeles, WA web: Composites Manufacturing, Materials 1430 Adelia Ave South El Monte, CA 91733 web: amrofab. com General Aerospace 134 5701 Cleveland St Portsmouth, NH 23462 web: hii-amsec. com General Aerospace Ammeraal Beltech phone:...............................(480) 606-3130 Larry Batchelor Senior Manager-MRO Sales phone:............................... (319) 753-7405 Steven Nuss Direct Material and Labot Estimatorpurchasing phone:...............................(757) 463-6666 Laurel Pohl Manager, Information Technology Operations phone:...............................(360) 452-6776 fax:......................................(360) 452-4038 CEO AMP Holdings, LLC American Ordnance LLC Amsec LLC Alphabetical phone:...............................(316) 262-1494 Karen McFerren Human Resources 1234 N Wellington Pl Wichita, KS 67203 web: aeillc. com General Aerospace Advertisers Apex Industries phone:...............................(509) 928-8450 fax:......................................(509) 928-8532 Steve Ferris Sales Manager 3808 N. Sullivan Bldg. 14 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 web: apexlaser. com Metal Fabrication Apogee Scientific, Inc phone:...............................(303) 783-9599 Victoria Evangelista Marketing Specialist 2895 W Oxford Ave Unit 1 Englewood, CO 80110 web: apogee-sci. com General Aerospace Apph Aviation Services Ltd 1 Rokeby Court Runcorn, WA MRO Applied Aerospace Structures, Corp. phone:...............................(209) 982-0160 John Rule Chief Executive Officer 3437 S Airport Way Stockton, CA 95206 web: aascworld. com General Aerospace Applied Nanotech Holdings, Inc Arevo Inc. As and D, Llc. 2960 Scott Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054 web: arevolabs. com General Aerospace 7000 Muirkirk Meadows Dr #100 Greenbelt, MD 20705 web: asrcms. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(408) 205-1051 Hemant Bheda Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(918) 588-7000 Dan Cox Vice President of Operations Arkwin Industries, Inc. ASAP Semiconductor 686 Main St Westbury, NY 11590 web: arkwin. com General Aerospace 16600 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: asapsemi. com General Aerospace phone:........................ (516) 333-2640 x 4 Michael Lowerre Director, Product Support Operations phone:...............................(714) 705-4780 Ryan Pineda Vice President of Sales Armorstruxx, LLC Ascent Aviation Inc 500 S Beckman Rd Lodi, CA 95240 web: armorstruxx. com General Aerospace 1884 Eccles Ave Ogden, UT 84401 web: ascent-aviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(209) 914-7977 Julie Eaton Purchasing Inventory Manager phone:...............................(801) 399-1594 Prestwich Kimball Human Resources Executive Armtec Defense Products Co. Ascent Aviation Services Corp. 85901 Avenue 53 Coachella, CA 92236 web: armtecdefense. com General Aerospace 6901 S Park Ave Tucson, AZ 85756 web: ascentmro. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(760) 398-0143 Randy McGlade Director - Finance phone:...............................(520) 879-4100 Chris Heredia Director of Sales Arnold Magnetic Technologies Ashley Machine & Tool Co. 3006 Longhorn Blvd Ste 107 Deerfield Beach, FL 78758 web: appliednanotech. net General Aerospace 300 N West St Marietta, OH 60152 web: arnoldmagnetics. com General Aerospace 1450 Shoemaker Ave Wyoming, PA 18644 web: ashleymt. com General Aerospace Approved Aeronautics, LLC Arrow Gear Company Associated Aircraft & Marine PO Box 8052 Kent, WA 98042 Machining phone:...............................(844) 736-6266 Scott Rickert Chairman of The Board, Chief Executive Officer phone:............................... (740) 374-8024 Mary Hess Director-Purchasing phone:...............................(951) 200-3730 Chris Ferguson Purchasing phone:...............................(630) 353-9313 Amanda Price Human Resources Generalist 1240 Graphite Dr Corona, CA 92881 web: approvedaeronautics. com General Aerospace 2301 Curtiss St Downers Grove, IL 60515 web: arrowgear. com General Aerospace ARCA Space Corporation Arrowhead Products Corp. phone:...............................(575) 640-3609 Dumitru Popescu Founder 1441 E Mesa Ave Spc A Las Cruces, NM 88001 web: arcaspace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 828-7770 Mike Rinaker Director of Sales North America 4411 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720 web: arrowheadproducts. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(570) 287-0966 John Fousler Director of Purchasing phone:...............................(253) 631-3082 Janet/Charles Gundlach Owner Associated Aircraft Manufacturing & Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(954) 772-6606 Carole McLean Human Resources Manager 2735 Nw 63rd Ct Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 web: aamsi. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 135 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Associated Painters, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 710-9881 fax:...................................... (425) 836-0796 Rodney Friese President 1512 Airport Rd. Suite #1 Everett, WA 98204 web: Other Astro-Tek Industries Inc phone:...............................(714) 238-0022 Rosalinda Rivera Human Resources Manager 1198 N Kraemer Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806 web: astro-tek. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(973) 335-2230 Saddal Said Regional Sales Manager 115 Main Rd Aliso Viejo, CA 7045 web: astbearings. com General Aerospace Astro Manufacturing & Design phone:.........................(440) 946-8171 x 1 Chris Rawlins Sales Associate 34459 Curtis Blvd Mentor, OH 44095 web: astromfg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(952) 351-3062 Michael Stuart Director Missiles Strategy Business Development and Marketing 7480 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 web: atk. com General Aerospace Astrum brands group AST Bearings, LLC Atk Corporation phone:...............................(207) 671-9070 Sven Lee Chief Executive Officer 74 Bayview St Yarmouth, ME 4096 web: astrumbrands. com General Aerospace Asturies Manufacturing Co, Inc. phone:......................... (951) 270-1766 x 1 Leah Perez Owner 310 Cessna Cir Corona, CA 92880 web: asturiesmanufacturing. com General Aerospace ATACS Products, Inc. Atk Elkton LLC phone:...............................(410) 392-5660 Karen Porter Chief Executive Officer 55 Thiokol Rd Elkton, MD 21921 web: thiokolfcu. org General Aerospace Atk Space Systems Inc. phone:...............................(662) 423-7700 Rhonda Stringer Human Resources Leader 751 Co Rd 989 Iuka, MS 38852 web: atk. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(626) 965-1511 Ernesto Herrera Manager-marketing phone:...............................(206) 433-9000 fax:......................................(206) 433-6200 Rich Imus General Manager Atlas Aerospace, LLC 850 S Cambridge St Seattle, WA 98178 web: atacs. com Other 4330 W May St Wichita, KS 67209 web: pmcwichita. com General Aerospace Astronics Atech Turbine Components, Inc. Atlas Castings & Technology / Atlas International Astro Spar Inc. 610 Newport Center Dr Ste 950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 web: astrospar. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(407) 381-6062 Jeff McFarland Systems Sales Engineer 130 Commerce Way Alexander, AR 14052 web: ts.eads-na. com General Aerospace Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems phone:...............................(425) 881-1700 fax:......................................(425) 702-4930 Mark Peabody Exective VP 9845 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: astronicsaes. com Cabins & Interiors 1 Saint Mark St Auburn, MA 1501 web: atechturbine. com General Aerospace Athens Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 621-8957 Jennifer Brush Purchasing Manager 220 West St Plantsville, CT 6479 web: athensind. com General Aerospace ATI Specialty Materials Astronics Corporation phone:...............................(716) 805-1599 Stephanie Sparkman Director of Finance and Administration 130 Commerce Way East Aurora, NY 14052 web: astronics. com General Aerospace 136 phone:...............................(508) 721-7679 Rita Kapur Vice President, Finance TOC phone:...............................(704) 289-4511 Johnathan Balitewicz Marketing Manager 2020 Ashcraft Ave Laporte, IN 28110 web: allvac. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(316) 942-7931 Johnathan Kelly Director of Purchasing phone:............................... (253) 473-8721 fax:...................................... (253) 471-7029 Duane Britschgi President 3021 S Wilkeson Tacoma, WA 98409 web: atlasfoundry. com Machining Atlas Supply, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 623-4697 fax:...................................... (206) 382-9319 Amy Anderson Customer Service 611 S. Charlestown St. Seattle, WA 98108 web: atlassupply. com Aircraft Parts & Supplies, Other Auburn Flight Service Inc 1725 E Street Ne Auburn, WA MRO Alphabetical Advertisers Aurora Flight Sciences Corp Avenger LLC Aviation Development Corp 5570 Port Royal Rd Springfield, VA 22151 web: avengerllc. com General Aerospace 1305 NW 200th St Seattle, WA 98177 web: aviationdevelopment. com Propulsion phone:...............................(703) 369-3633 John Langford Chairman/Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(703) 573-6445 Grant Leersnyder Regional Manager-marketing Ausco, Inc. Aventure Intl Aviation Services 9950 Wakeman Dr Manassas, VA 20110 web: General Aerospace phone:...............................(858) 812-7300 Donna Raab Human Resources Manager 425 Smith St Farmingdale, NY 11735 web: gmcwave. com General Aerospace The Austin Company phone:...............................(206) 674-8300 fax:...................................... (206) 674-8399 Tami Tedrow Business Development 18000 International Boulevard SeaTac, WA 98188 web: theaustin. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering Auto-Valve, Inc. phone:...............................(937) 854-3037 Raymond C Clark President/Chief Executive Officer 1707 Guenther Rd Dayton, OH 45417 web: autovalve. com General Aerospace Avalon Advanced Technologies and Repair Inc. phone:.............................. (860) 254-5442 Mathew Mathai Chief Executive Officer 59 Newberry Rd East Windsor, CT 6088 web: avatarhitec. com General Aerospace Avchem phone:...............................(770) 632-7930 Osman Nooruddin Manager of Marketing 108 International Dr Bertram, IA 30269 web: aventureaviation. com General Aerospace Averitt Express, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 360-2592 Cindy Norrod Customer Service-human Resources 1415 Neal St Nashville, TN 38501 web: averittexpress. com General Aerospace Averstar Inc phone:...............................(408) 894-7900 Ed Yang Partner 1593 Spring Hill Rd 22182-2249 Santa Clara, CA 22182 web: idsoftcapital. com General Aerospace Aviat Aircraft Inc. phone:...............................(307) 886-3151 Jim Lawson Chief Operating Officer 672 N Washington St Afton, WY 83110 web: aviataircraft. com General Aerospace Aviation Colleges Flight Training Schools Aviation Scholarships 19819 84th Avenue S. Suite A Kent, WA 98032 web: avchem. com/ Materials 47 N Cedar Ln Chicago, IL 60425 web: avscholars. com General Aerospace Avco Corporation Aviation Covers, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-0342 Joang Shaeffer Chief Executive Officer 18712 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: aviationcovers. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(727) 723-1332 Kan Rouhani Owner 2754 Sunset Point Rd Palm Harbor, FL 33759 web: aec-inc. com General Aerospace Aviation General Inc phone:...............................(573) 332-0880 John Canavan Inventory and Purchasing Manager Aviation Innovations LLC phone:...............................(360) 907-0888 Marci Aldred Principal 35004 NE 185th Ave Yacolt, WA 98675 Machining Aviation Inventory Resources phone:...............................(817) 672-0060 Danny Stoner Director of Operations 7356 Rendon Bloodworth Rd Mansfield, TX 76063 web: avinvres. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 261-6595 Ken Crabtree 652 Oliver St Williamsport, PA 17701 web: lycoming. com General Aerospace Aviation Engineering Consultants, Inc. 7200 Nw 63rd St Bethany, OK 73008 web: commanderpremier. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(773) 846-1234 Sedgwick Hines Founder phone:...............................(570) 327-7001 Jeff Schans Aftermarket Sales Manager phone:...............................(206) 546-3011 Gordon Bruer President Aviation Liaison Service phone:................................. 425.268.2617 Melanie S. Jordan President 612 - 34th Street Everett, WA 98201 web: aviationliaison. com Other Aviation Material & Technical Support phone:...............................(636) 812-3221 Roberto Muniz International Sales Manager 750 N Beechcraft Ave Mascoutah, IL 63005 web: avmats. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 137 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aviation Materials Management, Inc. Avio Inc. phone:...............................(801) 782-8450 Cody Branz purchasing Manager phone:...............................(201) 816-2721 Gian Ongaro Director - Analysis Costi/Marketing/ Research and Development 2581 Rulon White Blvd Ogden, UT 84404 web: avmat. com General Aerospace 270 Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs, NJ 7632 web: aviogroup. com General Aerospace Aviation Partners Boeing Avion Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 830-7699 fax:...................................... (206) 767-0535 John Reimers CEO, President 7299 Perimeter Road S Seattle, WA 98109 web: aviationpartnersboeing. com Other phone:.........................(636) 745-3677 x 1 Norm Beachum Owner 75 Cooperative Way Wright City, MO 63390 web: avionavtask. com General Aerospace Avionics Communication Systems Aviation Partners, Inc. phone:............................... (206) 762-1171 fax:...................................... (206) 762-1158 Joe Clark CEO PO Box 81107 Seattle, WA 98108 web: aviationpartners. com Air Framer, Composites Manufacturing Aviation Partners, Inc. phone:............................... (206) 762-1171 Joe Clark Chief of Executive Officer PO BOX 81107 Seattle, WA 98108 web: aviationpartners. com General Aerospace Aviation Spares & Services Intl. Co. phone:...............................(425) 869-7799 fax:...................................... (425) 869-7797 Mohamed Ouijdani General Manager 8920 152nd Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: assic. com Cabins & Interiors Aviation Technology Resources, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 271-4747 Jennifer O'HARA 16420 148th Ave SE Renton, WA 98058 Other Aviation Technology Services 14515 Cascadian Way Lynnwood, WA MRO Avionics Group Inc phone:...............................(305) 238-9045 Afrasiab Khan Director Operations 9941 W Jessamine St Miami, FL 33157 web: avionicsgroup. com General Aerospace Avon Rubber plc phone:...............................(601) 799-1217 Igor Levin Executive Director Sales and Marketing Intelligence 1200 Martin Luther King Blvd Picayune, MS 39466 web: avon-rubber. com General Aerospace Avtech Corporation phone:...............................(206) 695-8000 fax:...................................... (206) 695-8011 Eugene Zipp 3400 Wallingford Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98103 web: avtcorp. com Cabins & Interiors Avtech Tyee, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 290-3100 Sarah Spears Human Resources Manager 6500 Merrill Creek Pkwy Everett, WA 98203 web: avtechtyee. com General Aerospace AVX Aircraft Company phone:...............................(817) 731-8003 Mike Cox Director of Communications and media 6310 Southwest Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76109 web: avxaircraft. com General Aerospace Awms (delaware) Inc phone:...............................(646) 274-1420 Damian Manly Manager Aircraft and Marketing Analysis 620 5th Ave Rm 203 New York, NY 10020 web: awas. com General Aerospace Aws Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(513) 932-7941 Nick Westermeyer Purchasing Agent 2600 Henkle Dr Lebanon, OH 45036 web: tomak. com General Aerospace Axis Jet Inc phone:...............................(916) 391-5000 Tricia Bosco Marketing Director 6133 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95822 web: axisjet. com General Aerospace azlaw4u. com phone:...............................(480) 905-3116 Dwane Cates Managing Partner 6617 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 web: azlaw4u. com General Aerospace Azmark Aero Systems, LLC phone:...............................(480) 926-8969 Ken Grande Purchasing Manager 944 W Guadalupe Rd Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: General Aerospace Aztec Galvanizing Services phone:...............................(620) 231-6900 Keith Ritchey Marketing Executive, Sales Manager PO BOX 268 Pittsburg, KS 66762 web: aztecgalvanizing. com General Aerospace Other Aviators Choice Llc 7023 Perimeter Rd. S. Seattle, WA MRO 138 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers B B & B Precision Components Inc. phone:...............................(631) 273-3321 August Bricker Chief Operating Officer 95 Emjay Blvd Brentwood, NY 11717 web: bbprecisioncomponents. com General Aerospace B & H Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 939-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 939-3578 Clyde Hall President 3260 B Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 Machining B A E Systems Inc phone:...............................(781) 273-3388 Alan Willsky Director, Founder 6 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 1803 web: na.baesystems. com General Aerospace B E Meyers & Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 881-6648 fax:...................................... (425) 867-1759 Brad Meyers President 17525 NE 67th Court Redmond, WA 98052 web: bemeyers. com Engineering B&E Sales and Service Inc phone:............................... (740) 246-4372 Joe Stanley Owner 10952 Township Road 15 Thornville, OH 43076 web: besalesinc. com General Aerospace B&W Pantex phone:...............................(806) 477-3000 Jud Simmons Business Communications Manager 20 S Van Buren Ave Barberton, OH 44203 web: pantex. com General Aerospace B/E Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 657-5197 fax:.......................................(360) 657-7761 Trevor Skelly VP/General Manager 6330 31st Avenue N.E. Marysville, WA 98271 web: beaerospace. com Aerospace and Defense B/E Aerospace - Services phone:...............................(360) 657-5197 Dede SMYTH Corporate Marketing Director 2653 151st Place NE Redmond, WA 98052 Cabins & Interiors B/E Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(561) 791-5000 Bill Green Director Operations 3355 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 web: beaerospace. com General Aerospace Badger Ordinance phone:...............................(816) 421-4956 Glenn Lass Media Relations Associate 1209 Swift Ave Kansas City, MO 64116 web: badgerordnance. com General Aerospace Bae Systems Controls Inc. phone:...............................(260) 434-5362 Todd Rash Director of Fort Wayne Operations 2000 Taylor St K Fort Wayne, IN 46802 web: baesystems. com General Aerospace Bae Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc. phone:...............................(603) 885-7940 Shauna Moore Analyst, Finance 144 Daniel Webster Hwy Merrimack, NH 3054 web: baesystems. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(203) 541-3400 Timothy Harvey Chief Executive Officer 440 Wheelers Farms Rd Ste 202 Milford, CT 6461 web: perimeterusa. com General Aerospace Bae Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(423) 534-3662 Geri Erwin Finance Manager 70 Ready Ave NW Kingsport, TN 32548 web: baesystems. com General Aerospace BAE Systems, Platform Solutions (GEC Marconi Avionics) phone:...............................(425) 883-2525 fax:...................................... (425) 869-3799 Cynthia Marker Site Manager 8510 - 154 Avenue, N E Redmond, WA 98052 web: baesystems. com/ Avionics Bai, Inc. phone:...............................(650) 872-1700 Jeremy Leffler Chief Operating Officer 21 Airport Blvd South San Francisco, CA 94080 web: bai-inc. com General Aerospace Bailey Industries Inc phone:...............................(352) 326-2898 Elijah Bailey Owner 25256 Terreno Dr Mission Viejo, CA 92691 web: baileyindustries. com General Aerospace Baker Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 840-8610 fax:...................................... (253) 840-8763 Tony Baker President 11121 Valley Avenue E Puyallup, WA 98372 web: bakermfginc. com Machining Bae Systems Land & Armaments L.P. phone:...............................(605) 226-2704 Haydn Clulow Director of Human Resources 144 Daniel Webster Hwy Aberdeen, SD 3054 web: baesystems. com General Aerospace BAE Systems plc Baker Mfg Inc phone:...............................(253) 840-8610 11121 Valley Ave East Puyallup, WA 98372 web: bakermfginc. com Machining ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 139 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bald Eagle Turbine Sales LLC Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Bauska Manufacturing Bc Ltd PO BOX 1077 Boulder City, NV 37133 web: barrett. net General Aerospace PO BOX 2270 Kalispell, MT 59903 web: bauska. com General Aerospace phone:.............................. (602) 454-1110 Ken Bogart Operations Manager phone:...............................(775) 513-6043 Kyle Lynch Director of Sales Ball Corporation Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. 2105 S 48th St Ste 109 Tempe, AZ 85282 web: baldeagleturbine. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(205) 486-5281 Steve Chando Chief Operating Officer 10 Longs Peak Dr Haleyville, AL 80021 web: ball. com General Aerospace PO BOX 1077 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 web: barrett. net General Aerospace Ballard Technology phone:...............................(425) 339-0281 fax:...................................... (425) 339-0915 Kevin Christian Customer Services Manager 3229 A Pine Street Everett, WA 98201 web: ballardtech. com Avionics, Engineering phone:...............................(305) 894-5375 Frederic Denise Chief Operating Officer 4101 NW 29th St Miami, FL 33142 web: barfieldinc. com General Aerospace Barrett Performance Aircraft Inc phone:...............................(918) 835-1089 Larry Dill Finance Manager phone:...............................(435) 856-1124 Brett Throckmorton Public Relations PO BOX 620 Mona, UT 84645 web: barnesbullets. com General Aerospace Basler Turbo Conversions LLC phone:...............................(920) 236-7820 Jared Jungwirth Purchasing Agent phone:...............................(860) 973-2141 Gregory Rappa Corporate Communications Assistant 123 Main St Bristol, CT 6010 web: bginc. com General Aerospace Barone Defense Firm phone:...............................(248) 538-2900 Jonathan Abrahams Owner 280 N Old Woodward Ave Ste 200 Farmington, MI 48009 web: baronedefensefirm. com General Aerospace TOC 200 Rodgers Blvd Honolulu, HI 96819 web: asig. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(909) 946-5959 Ron Snow Chief Executive Officer 283 Corporate Way, Upland Ca Upland, CA 91786 web: ja-vindustries. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(770) 841-3619 Robert Morrison Chief Executive Officer 257 Mcever Ln Hoschton, GA 30548 web: segsuppressors. com General Aerospace Bd-Micro Technologies Inc Battle Comp Enterprises, LLC phone:...............................(650) 296-1782 Alan Normandy Chief Executive Officer 101 Hickey Blvd Ste A South San Francisco, CA 94080 web: battlecomp. com General Aerospace Barnes Group Inc. phone:...............................(808) 368-1052 Cynthia Ramsey Human Resources Manager Bbmt L.L.C. 255 W 35th Ave Oshkosh, WI 54902 web: baslerturbo. com General Aerospace Barnes Bullets, LLC BBA Aviation Bbgn, Inc. 2870 N Sheridan Rd B Tulsa, OK 74115 web: bpaengines. com General Aerospace Barfield, Inc. 140 phone:........................ (615) 896-2938 x 2 Chris G Messina Government and International Sales Manager phone:...............................(406) 257-5200 Jack Bauska Owner/President Battlespace Inc phone:...............................(760) 781-1322 Robin Battlagili Owner 1215 S Clark St Ste 304 Escondido, CA 22202 web: battlespace. com General Aerospace phone:.............................. (541) 444-1343 Richard Karnes Owner 1260 Wade Rd Siletz, OR 97380 web: bd-micro. com General Aerospace BE Semiconductor industries phone:...............................(480) 497-6404 Allison Montes Human Resources Manager 14 Keewaydin Dr Chandler, AZ 3079 web: besi. com General Aerospace The Beacon Group Inc Baumot North America, LLC phone:...............................(248) 979-8037 Heidi McKissick Operations Manager phone:...............................(860) 242-3453 Caryn Butterly Director of Operations 85 Granby St Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: beacongroupinc. com General Aerospace 2118 Wilshire Blvd Southfield, MI 90403 web: baumot. us General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation phone:...............................(518) 395-6063 Jeff Leveillee CAD-Operations Specialist PO BOX 1072 Alplaus, NY 12301 web: General Aerospace Beechcraft Corporation phone:............................... (316) 517-4138 Jeffrey Thorn Beechcraft Pre-owned Sales 1 Cessna Blvd Wichita, KS 67215 web: txtav. com General Aerospace BEL Composite America Inc. phone:...............................(920) 788-3524 Ran Gershfeld Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 1222 Old Princeton Rd Little Chute, WI 16101 web: bel-g. com General Aerospace Belair Composites Inc phone:...............................(509) 482-0442 fax:......................................(509) 482-0448 Mary Avery Chief Executive Officer 3715 E Longfellow Ave Spokane, WA 99217 web: belaircomposites. com Machining Bell Aviation, Inc. phone:...............................(970) 243-9192 Steve Rich Aircraft Sales 2404 Edmund Hwy Grand Junction, CO 29170 web: bellaviation. com General Aerospace Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. phone:...............................(817) 280-6888 Roy Dodge Application Development Regional Sales Manager 600 E Hurst Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76053 web: bellhelicopter.textron. com General Aerospace Bell Memphis Inc phone:...............................(901) 947-1102 Annie Low Director-Human Resources PO BOX 13187 Memphis, TN 38113 web: bellmemphis. com General Aerospace Bemsco Inc Big Air Productions phone:............................... (801) 487-7455 Jerry Johnson Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(360) 779-9157 Paul Polson Owner Beranek, Inc. Big Air Productions 1193 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 web: bemsco. com General Aerospace PO Box 475 Indianola, WA 98342 web: 3dair. com Other phone:...............................(310) 328-9094 Douglas Beranek Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(360) 779-9157 Paul Polson President and Owner Berger Bullets, LLC Big Bend Community College 2340 W 205th St Torrance, CA 90501 web: beranekinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 447-5400 Melesia Cisneros Marketing Specialist 4275 N Palm St Fullerton, CA 92835 web: bergerbullets. com General Aerospace 7662 Chanute Street Moses Lake, WA MRO Binghampton Simulator Company Berkshire Manufactured Products phone:...............................(978) 462-8161 Don Woodward Director of Operations 116 Parker St Exeter, NH 1950 web: berkshiremfp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(732) 382-3400 Paul Barsa Marketing Manager 151 Court St Avenel, NJ 13901 web: bsc. com General Aerospace Birch Equipment Rental and Sales, Inc. Berry's Manufacturing of Utah, Inc. phone:.........................(435) 674-1682 x 2 Justin Taylor Marketing and Sales Manager 401 N 3050 E Saint George, UT 84790 web: berrysmfg. com General Aerospace Bertrand Products Inc phone:............................... (574) 234-4181 Marty Pingle Sales/Engineering Manager 2323 Foundation Dr South Bend, IN 46628 web: bertrandproducts. com General Aerospace Beta Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 265-3367 Bob Austin President Sales Manager 468 Dodson Lake Dr Arlington, TX 76012 web: betaeng. com General Aerospace 6897 NE Silver Springs Ln Poulsbo, WA 98370 web: 3dair. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (360) 734-5744 Cara Buckingham Information Director 1619 Kentucky St Bellingham, WA 98229 Ground Support Equipment The Birken Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(860) 242-2211 Miriam Greenberg Co-Owner and Secretary, Member Board of Directors, Sec 3 Old Windsor Rd Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: birken. net General Aerospace Bishop Aviation Inc phone:...............................(501) 525-8228 Stephanie Bishop Finance Manager 506 Jack Mountain Rd Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 web: bishopaviation. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 141 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Blackhawk Modifications, Inc. phone:...............................(254) 755-6711 Dale Griffin Partner 7601 Karl May Dr Waco, TX 76708 web: General Aerospace Blackies Grinding Services phone:...............................(253) 735-1835 fax:...................................... (253) 735-4781 Tomas Ordan President 3402 C Street NE, Suite 211 Auburn, WA 98002 Machining Blue Streak Finishers The Boeing Company 1520 80th Street, SW BldgA Everett, WA 98203 web: bluestreak-finishers. com Machining The Boeing Company phone:...............................(425) 347-1944 fax:...................................... (425) 355-1001 Jack Giddens President phone:...............................(206) 662-4170 Arnold Johnson 737 Flight Crew Operations BMG Industries phone:...............................(360) 435-3928 fax:......................................(360) 435-7962 Mike Berg Owner 19111- 61st Av NE No 2 Arlington, WA 98223 Machining Blimp Works Inc phone:...............................(704) 876-2378 Danny Hogan Sales and Service 156 Barnes Airship Dr Statesville, NC 28625 web: theblimpworks. com General Aerospace Bmt Aerospace Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 285-7700 Michael Wilson Chief Operating Officer Vice President 18559 Malyn Blvd Fraser, MI 48026 web: bmtaerospace. com General Aerospace Blossom Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 379-0783 Dick Iacobucci Sales Executive 121 E Front St Blossom, TX 75416 web: blossommachine. com General Aerospace 200 Price Rd Winsted, CT 6098 web: bnbmfgco. com General Aerospace BLR Aerospace Boeing phone:...............................(800) 257-4847 9730 29th Avenue W. C-106 Everett, WA web: blraerospace. com Other phone:...............................(253) 872-0411 21218 76th Ave S Kent, WA Space-related Blue Origin, LLC phone:...............................(253) 437-9300 Robert Millman Sales Manager 21218 76th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: blueorigin. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (253) 887-4751 Mick Norris Boeing Aerospace Operations, Inc. phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Julie Lee Business Development Tools and Operations 2401 E Wardlow Rd Long Beach, CA 90807 web: boeing. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Heather Bigley Regional Manager, Talent Acquisition Profiles of Success Categorical PO BOX 516 Tampa, FL 63166 web: 748inc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(312) 544-2000 Sharon D. Bagent Purchasing Manager 2201 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, CA 90740 web: boeing. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 736-1513 Richard Bogert Owner 3606 N Swallow Ave Pasco, WA 99301 web: bogert-av. com Machining phone:...............................(985) 532-2554 Pete Leboeuf Human Resource/Housing Manager Bollinger Lockport New Construction 8365 Highway 308 Mathews, LA 70374 web: bollingershipyards. com General Aerospace Bombardier Inc. Boeing Charleston Co TOC phone:...............................(800) 931-1582 A H Williams Chief Executive Officer Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. 3455 Airframe Dr North Charleston, SC 29418 web: boeing. com General Aerospace 142 Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Inc. Bogert Aviation 18001 Canyon Road East Frederickson, WA 98373 web: boeing. com Air Framer, Space-related Blue Origin LLC 100 N Riverside Plaza Lake Tapps, WA 60606 web: boeing. com General Aerospace Boeing Intellectual Property Licensing Company Bnb Manufacturing Co., Inc. phone:...............................(903) 982-6118 Terry Henderson Purchasing Manager 1901 Oakesdale Ave. Sw Renton, WA MRO Alphabetical phone:...............................(416) 373-5590 Brian Ceelen Director of Sales 40 Westminster St Providence, RI 2903 web: aero.bombardier. com General Aerospace Advertisers Borgwarner Inc phone:............................... (317) 328-3100 Ulli Froehn Vice President, Turbocharger Marketing and Product Developmentturbo Systems 3850 Hamlin Rd Indianapolis, IN 48326 web: borgwarner. com General Aerospace Boring Machine Corporation phone:...............................(763) 786-0100 Dennis Cichy Purchasing 7922 Ranchers Rd NE Minneapolis, MN 55432 web: bormac. com General Aerospace Bossa Nova Technologies phone:............................... (310) 577-8110 Samuel Bucourt President and Chief Executive Officer 606 Venice Blvd San Francisco, CA 90291 web: imagine-optic. com General Aerospace Boundary Layer Research, Inc. (BLR Aerospace) phone:...............................(425) 353-6591 Robert Desroche Member 9730 29th Ave W Ste 106 Everett, WA 98204 web: blrvgs. com Engineering Bowman Manufacturing Co., Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-5005 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5277 Randy Bellon President 17301 51st Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: bowmanmfg. com Machining BRAHMOS AEROSPACE PVT LTD. phone:...............................(773) 769-4544 Praveen Pathak Business and Marketing Manager 5415 N Sheridan Rd Chicago, IL 60640 web: brahmos. com General Aerospace Brandstrom Instruments, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 544-9341 Sikkim Seing Sales/Customer 85 Ethan Allen Hwy Ridgefield, CT 6877 web: brandstrominstruments. com General Aerospace Breeze-Eastern LLC Brooks Tactical Systems 35 Melanie Ln Whippany, NJ 7981 web: breeze-eastern. com General Aerospace 296 N Shore Boulevard Fi Fox Island, WA 98333 web: brookstactical. com Machining phone:...............................(908) 686-4000 Ronald Brozyna Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(253) 549-2866 Brooks Speier Owner Brenner Aerostructures, LLC Browe Inc. 450 Winks Ln Bensalem, PA 19020 web: brenneraero. com General Aerospace 30870 Stephenson Hwy Ste C Minneapolis, MN 48071 web: browe-inc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(215) 638-3884 Joe Salazar Operations Manager Brewster Manufacturing phone:...............................(509) 923-2264 Victor BAILEY 62 Bailey Way Brewster, WA 98812 Machining Bridgeways phone:...............................(425) 355-8668 fax:...................................... (425) 347-4188 8223 Broadway Everett, WA web: bridgeways. org Other Brown Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 746-0533 Roland Brown Director-human Resources 90 Shields Rd Huntsville, AL 35811 web: brownprecisioninc. com General Aerospace Brytam Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 788-3300 Tammy Reed Director of Human Resources Services Brigade Gun Leather Inc phone:...............................(913) 755-3139 Troy Harp Owner 33301 Osawatomie Rd Osawatomie, KS 66064 web: brigadegunleather. com General Aerospace BRITISH AIRWAYS INTERIOR ENGINEERING LIMITED phone:...............................(734) 330-2673 Ruoting Sun Principal Product Marketing Manager 123 N Ashley St Ste 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 web: duo. com General Aerospace 229 S Water St Derby, KS 67037 web: brytammfg. com General Aerospace Bucher Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(425) 355-2202 fax:......................................(425) 355-2204 Martin Burgisser CEO 11400 Airport Road Everett, WA 98204 web: bucher-group. com Cabins & Interiors Budney Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 828-0585 Vaughan Newcombe Director-finance Broadcast Microwave Services phone:...............................(858) 391-3050 Mike Honsinger Regional Sales Manager 12367 Crosthwaite Cir Magnolia, TX 92064 web: bms-inc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(612) 843-1400 Brian Browe President/Chief Executive Officer 131 New Park Dr Berlin, CT 6037 web: budneyoverhaul. com General Aerospace Bulova Technologies Group, Inc. phone:...............................(727) 536-6666 Rory Gintert Director Midwest/West Sales 19337 Us Highway 19 N Ste 525 Clearwater, FL 33764 web: bulovatech. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 143 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bulova Technologies L.L.C. phone:...............................(602) 470-1555 Jennifer Dye Human Resources Manager 19337 Us Highway 19 N Ste 525 Phoenix, AZ 33764 web: bulovatech. com General Aerospace Bye Uas, Inc phone:...............................(505) 503-6153 John Brown Chief Executive Officer 317 Commercial St NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 web: silentfalconuas. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(316) 721-1844 Luke Eck Marketing Executive 4203 W Harry St Wichita, KS 67209 web: burnhamcomposites. com General Aerospace Burris Company, Inc. phone:...............................(970) 356-1670 Dennis Phillips Marketing Manager 331 E 8th St Greeley, CO 80631 web: burrisoptics. com General Aerospace Cablecraft C & D Zodiac phone:...............................(360) 653-2211 fax:...................................... (360) 653-2112 Jerry Goodwin VP and General Manager 12810 State Avenue Marysville, WA 98271 web: zodiac. com/eu Composites Manufacturing phone:...............................(316) 284-2842 John Marshall Purchasing Agent 19920 W 161st St Newton, KS 66062 web: butlernational. com General Aerospace 159 Liberty St Spring, TX 8840 web: candkplastics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 852-0634 fax:......................................(253) 859-3585 Mark DeLaurenti President 1216 N. 4TH Avenue Kent, WA 98032 web: buyken. com Machining C H Industries Inc. 50699 Central Industrial Dr Shelby Township Shelby Township, MI 48315 web: chindustries. net General Aerospace phone:............................... (815) 874-2471 Craig Legault Manager of Sales and Marketing 3358 N Publishers Dr Rockford, IL 61109 web: bvraero. com General Aerospace C N C Diversified Mfg Inc 7020 S 238th St Kent, WA 98032 web: cncdiversified. com Machining phone:...............................(407) 592-3975 Richard Hoffman Master Gunsmith/Owner TOC 19707 NE 105th Ave Battle Ground, WA 98604 Other phone:.............................. (562) 408-1113 John Mburu President/Chief Executive Officer 7320 Adams St Paramount, CA 90723 web: cadmanufacturing. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 757-0997 Greg HILL 337 Pease Road Burlington, WA 98233 Machining Cal Tech Precision, Inc. C&D Zodiac, Inc. 1830 N Lemon St Anaheim, CA 92801 web: caltechprecision. com General Aerospace 5701 Bolsa Ave Ontario, CA 92647 web: zodiacaerospace. com General Aerospace Calliope Media LLC phone:...............................(858) 366-0372 Katie Sage Marketing Manager 4901 Morena Blvd Ofc San Diego, CA 92117 web: anattorneyforyou. com General Aerospace 145 Sheridan Ave Longwood, FL 32750 web: bwefirearms. com General Aerospace 144 phone:...............................(360) 687-1157 Dan Sprague Owner phone:...............................(714) 992-4130 Nick Montilepre Director of Operations and Manufacturing Office Phone phone:...............................(425) 897-4300 Keith Mose Chief Marketing Officer Bwe Firearms PO Box 11372 Cadillac Cables, LLC phone:...............................(253) 852-6869 fax:.......................................(253) 852-7476 John Ferry President Bvr Technologies Co 4401 S. Orchard Tacoma, WA 98466 web: cablecraft. com Other Cad Manufacturing, Inc phone:............................... (586) 997-1717 Ron Carlton Contractor and Owner Buyken Metal Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 475-1080 fax:.......................................(253) 474-1623 Keith Clarno President Cad Airwings C & K Plastics Inc phone:...............................(281) 352-6761 David Grice Vice President Sales and Marketing Butler National Corporation phone:............................... (317) 852-3163 Ty Phelps Operations Manager 136 N Green St Brownsburg, IN 46112 web: roarkfab. com General Aerospace C Burnham Composites, Inc. C. F. Roark Welding & Engineering Company, Incorporated Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Calspan Corporation phone:...............................(716) 632-7500 Laura Kavanaugh Director Human Resources 4455 Genesee St Buffalo, NY 14225 web: calspan. com General Aerospace Camar Aircraft Parts Co. phone:...............................(805) 389-8944 Homer Garten Founder 743 Flynn Rd Camarillo, CA 93012 web: camarac. com General Aerospace Camera Ready Cars / Gaffoglio Family Metalcrafters, Inc. phone:...............................(440) 442-3147 James Swaye Owner 11161 Slater Ave Mentor, OH 92708 web: metalcrafters. com General Aerospace CAM-Tech Manufacturing, LP phone:...............................(817) 583-8821 Larry Broseh President and Chief Executive Officer 800 S 6th Ave Mansfield, TX 76063 web: camtech. net General Aerospace CAN Manufacturing Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 482-7977 Larry COOK Sales Manager 15000 Woodinville-Redmond Rd. NE B-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 Other Can-Am Aerospace, LLC phone:...............................(877) 523-2945 fax:...................................... (425) 953-1014 3101 111th Street SW Everett, WA web: canamaero. com Avionics Canard Aerospace phone:...............................(281) 812-1670 Cindy Harris Director - Sales and Marketing 250 Fuller St S Eden Prairie, MN 55379 web: canardaero. com General Aerospace Cannon Aircraft Interiors-Cai Avionics 10108 32nd Avenue W, Unit 4 Everett, WA MRO Cannon Avionics Inc Arlington Municipal Airport (17725 48th Drive Ne, Hangar A & B) Arlington, WA MRO Capital City Aviation Inc phone:...............................(614) 459-2541 Darrick Helmuth Assistant Chief Instructor and Operations Manager 2160 W Case Rd Columbus, OH 43235 web: capitalcityaviation. com General Aerospace Capps Manufacturing, Incorporated phone:...............................(316) 942-9351 Linda Davis Purchasing Agent 2121 S Edwards St Wichita, KS 67213 web: cappsmfg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(480) 894-1356 Pat P Fincher Purchasing Manager 1545 W Elna Rae St Phoenix, AZ 85281 web: car-graph. com General Aerospace Car-Graph, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 894-1356 Kip Tague Chief Executive Officer 1545 W Elna Rae St Tempe, AZ 85281 web: phoenix-spring. com General Aerospace Carlisle Interconnect Technologies phone:...............................(714) 549-0336 Stephanie Duarte Purchasing and Production Planning 100 Tensolite Dr Santa Ana, CA 32092 web: carlisleit. com General Aerospace Carlson-Formetec, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 627-1903 fax:...................................... (253) 572-0923 Raela Guernsey President Capre Inc phone:...............................(320) 524-2782 Torbjorn Nilsson Manager-Operations 13393 Aldrich Rd Nw Brandon, MN 56315 web: aquafloat. com General Aerospace 2202 A Street Tacoma, WA 98402 web: carlsonformetec. org Machining Carlyle, Inc. Carbures Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(864) 312-4290 Kristin Cannon Human Resources Manager 5 Hercules Way Greenville, SC 29605 web: carbures. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 251-0700 fax:...................................... (425) 251-8826 Carol-Ann O'Mack President 6801 S 180th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 web: carlyle-inc. com Avionics, Cabins & Interiors Carolina Metals Inc Carey, Brian Dewey 40055 226th Ave. Se Enumclaw, WA MRO Cargo Components, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-7810 Erling Larsen Owner 8645 S 212th Street Kent, WA 98031 Other Car-Graph, Inc phone:...............................(828) 667-0876 Steve Cathcart Position In Operations Manager and Sales 1398 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28806 web: carolinametals. com General Aerospace Cascade Aerospace Usa Inc phone:...............................(604) 626-2662 David Schellenberg Chief Executive Officer 8520 West Electric Avenue Spokane, WA web: cascadeaerospace MRO ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 145 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cascade Airframe Repair Inc 8500 A-4 Perimeter Road South Seattle, WA MRO Cascade Aviation Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 493-1707 fax:......................................(360) 403-8920 Christopher Stoopman Sales and Marketing Director 9800 Harbour Place, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cascade-aviation. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering , Machining, Tooling Cascade Columbia Distribution Co. phone:...............................(206) 282-6334 fax:......................................(206) 282-6330 Gary Miller Office Manager 6900 Fox Avenue S Seattle, WA 98108 web: cascadecolumbia. com Machining Cascade Engineering Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 895-8617 fax:......................................(425) 895-8620 Bahman Hadi Program Manager 6640 185th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: cascade-eng. com Engineering Cashmere Manufacturing phone:...............................(509) 888-2141 fax:...................................... (509) 888-2142 Randy Adams Manager of Operations and Manufacturing 3759 Airport Way East Wenatchee, WA 98802 web: cashmeremfg. com Machining phone:.............................. (253) 854-1800 fax:...................................... (253) 854-1921 Michael Moran General Manager Caspian Arms, Ltd. phone:...............................(802) 472-6454 Gary H Smith Sales Manager 75 Cal Foster Dr Wolcott, VT 5680 web: caspianarms. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 372-5640 fax:...................................... (253) 854-7401 Dave Baker District Manager 1208 N 4th Avenue Kent, WA 98032 web: amcastle. com Materials phone:...............................(206) 762-0500 fax:...................................... (206) 767-5122 Brian Hayward Vice President 4600 E. Marginal Way S, P.O. Box 3575 Seattle, WA 98134 web: cascade-machinery. com Machining 146 TOC phone:........................ (714) 545-7900 x 2 Aj Rivera Operations Manager 2516 Main St Union Gap, WA 98903 Other 1 Cessna Blvd Wichita, KS 67215 web: cessna.textron. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(512) 353-2832 Patti Scanlan Human Resources Assistant 1000 Technology Way San Marcos, TX 78666 web: c-fan. com General Aerospace CFI Blue Sky II LLC phone:........................ (416) 448-5800 x 8 Lee Rubinoff. Finance Director, Special Projects 1235 Foxboro Ln Endicott, NY 13760 web: celestica. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success phone:...............................(800) 442-9054 Michael Muffett President Cfan Company Cavotec Dabico US Inc. Celestica Inc. Central Washington Ultra Lites phone:............................... (316) 517-6779 S. McGreevy Admin Sales Operations phone:...............................(931) 707-7550 Chris Huddleson Development and Marketing Director Cascade Machinery & Electric, Inc phone:...............................(253) 864-7432 Terry Brown Owner The Cessna Aircraft Company Cavallero Plastics 2995 Airway Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 web: cavotec. com General Aerospace Centerline Machine 17202 110th Ave. E Puyallup, WA 98374 Machining Castle Metals [A.M. Caitle & Co.] (Cutter Precision Metal) 8825 S. 228th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: cascadegasket. com Machining phone:...............................(714) 220-3400 Janis Cortese Manager Publicity and Communications 5757 Plaza Dr Ste 205 Cypress, CA 90630 web: cenic. org General Aerospace 1250 North St Crossville, TN 1201 web: cplas. com General Aerospace Cascade Gasket Cenic Network Operations Website phone:...............................(253) 627-1903 fax:...................................... (253) 572-0923 Fran Hooper Bookkeeper 2202 A St Tacoma, WA 98402 web: titaniumhotforming. com/ Other CFM International phone:...............................(561) 964-2259 Michel Guibert Sales Director, Americas 11416 Sw 110th Ln West Palm Beach, FL 33176 web: snecma-na. com General Aerospace Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Chardam Gear Company, Inc. Cherokee Nation Businesses LLC Chromalloy Gas Turbine LLC phone:........................ (586) 795-8900 x 1 Dave Terry Engineering-Sales phone:...............................(800) 760-6700 Katrina Blevins Agent Procurement phone:...............................(210) 331-2300 Michael J. Grubach Area Manager, Master Alloy Operations Charles Engineering, Inc. Cheytac Usa, LLC Chucking Machine Products Inc 40810 Brentwood Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48310 web: chardam. com General Aerospace 777 W Cherokee St Catoosa, OK 74015 web: cn-bus. com General Aerospace 3999 Rca Blvd Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 web: chromalloy. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(620) 584-2381 James Charles Owner phone:...............................(229) 686-3219 Mike Schuck Executive Director of Sales and Marketing phone:.........................(847) 678-1192 x 1 Edward Iverson Owner Charles Pooley Chips Inc Churchill Navigation Inc. PO BOX 368 Clearwater, KS 67026 web: chaseng. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(661) 824-4095 Charles Pooley Senior Vice President of Operations 16922 Airport Blvd Ste 5 Mojave, CA 93501 web: microlaunchers. com General Aerospace Charlie's Enterprises Inc phone:...............................(651) 768-0270 Charles Wright Owner 95 7th Ave Newport, MN 55055 web: uniqueshotshells. com General Aerospace Chase Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(407) 812-4545 Nick Thomas Chief Executive Officer 4493 36th St Orlando, FL 32811 web: chaseaerospace. com General Aerospace Chemical Cloth Company phone:...............................(360) 582-9684 Barb Johnson Owner P.O. Box 2709 Sequim, WA 98382 web: chemicalcloth. com Other Chemring North America phone:............................... (610) 859-3674 Gerri Ginett Vice President of Human Resources and Administration 90 Commerce Dr Aston, PA 19014 web: chemringgroup. com General Aerospace 255 Saint Philip St Nashville, GA 29403 web: cheytac. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(602) 233-1335 David Bardin Owner 3701 E University Dr Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: chipsinc. net General Aerospace Chipton-Ross, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 414-7800 Felicia Lea Human Resources Generalist 343 Main St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: chiptonross. com General Aerospace Choate Machine & Tool Co Inc phone:...............................(501) 724-6193 Garth Choate Owner 116 Lovers Ln Bald Knob, AR 72010 web: riflestock. com General Aerospace Christopher Overseas Corporation phone:...............................(252) 520-7777 Steve Inabinet Vice President of Sales 2340 John Mewborne Road Kinston, NC 28504 web: commerceoverseas. com General Aerospace Chromalloy Component Services, Inc. phone:...............................(706) 882-0133 Leon Green Director of Operations 1664 Lukken Indus Dr W, Troup Lagrange, GA 30240 web: chromalloy. com General Aerospace 3550 Birch St Franklin Park, IL 60131 web: chucking. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (850) 748-7471 Erin Murphy Director of Sales 1919 14th St Ste 808 Boulder, CO 80302 web: churchillnavigation. com General Aerospace CIRCOR International, Inc. phone:...............................(781) 270-1200 Mark Shortback Regional Sales Manager 30 Corporate Dr Walden, NY 1803 web: circor. com General Aerospace Cirrus Aircraft phone:...............................(218) 788-3000 Chris Guare Regional Sales Director 4515 Taylor Cir West Chicago, IL 55811 web: cirrusaircraft. com General Aerospace Cirrus Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(218) 788-3000 Cliff Allen Aircraft Sales Partner 4515 Taylor Cir Duluth, MN 55811 web: cirrusaircraft. com General Aerospace Cirrus Design Corporation phone:.........................(218) 727-2737 x 3 John Gauch Fleet Sales 4515 Taylor Cir Duluth, MN 55811 web: cirrusdesign. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 147 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clark Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 886-2522 Karon Miller Human Resources Manager 1936 N A St Wellington, KS 67152 web: clarkmanufacturing. com General Aerospace Cobham Corporate phone:...............................(316) 522-4981 Lori Cronwell Administrative Manager of Customer Service and Sales 35 S Service Rd Po Box 6022 Plainview, NY 11803 web: aeroflex. com General Aerospace Clay Lacy Aviation phone:...............................(206) 762-6000 Martin Mollat Assistant General Manager 8285 Perimeter Rd. S. Seattle, WA 98108 web: claylacy. com/ Cabins & Interiors Clearwater Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(620) 584-5020 Matt McCurry Operations Manager 10460 S 119th St W Derby, KS 67026 web: clearwateren. com General Aerospace Cliffdale Mfg. Inc. phone:...............................(818) 341-3344 Gerald Lilienthal Marketing Director 140 Wilbur Pl Chatsworth, CA 11716 web: cliffdalemfg. com General Aerospace Cobham Management Services Inc. phone:...............................(703) 414-5300 Don Jeckell Director of Marketing 2121 Crystal Dr Ste 625 Arlington, VA 22202 web: cobham. com General Aerospace Cole Krueger Investments, Inc. phone:...............................(320) 634-4772 Doug Evink President/Chief Executive Officer 18781 County Rd 22 Glenwood, MN 56334 web: tanisaircraft. com General Aerospace 601 Parkview Way Newtown, PA 18940 web: climatronics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 482-7977 fax:......................................(425) 482-7988 Larry Cook President 15000 Woodinville Redmond Road, Suite B-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 web: cnaflextool. com Engineering , Machining Coast Composites phone:...............................(949) 455-0665 Paul Sadesky Sales Representative 1130 Andover Park E Tukwila, WA 98188 Other 2222 S 3rd St Columbus, OH 43207 web: columbusjack. com General Aerospace Combined Systems, Inc. phone:.........................(724) 932-2177 x 1 Donald Smith Chief Executive Officer 388 Kinsman Rd Jamestown, PA 16134 web: combinedsystems. com General Aerospace 7505 Resource Ct Curtis Bay, MD 21226 web: commandtech. com General Aerospace Commet Precision Products phone:...............................(360) 403-7600 David Kissinger President phone:...............................(206) 634-3505 fax:......................................(206) 634-3508 Chuck Hale Manager 462 N 35th Street Seattle, WA 98103 Other PO Box 2570 Everett, WA 98213 Other Comp Turbo Technology Inc phone:...............................(909) 599-5757 Justin Ekholm Director of Sales Colt Defense LLC phone:...............................(860) 232-4489 John Michael Magouirk Chief Operating Officer 545 New Park Ave West Hartford, CT 6110 web: colt. com General Aerospace 221 W Allen Ave San Dimas, CA 91773 web: compturbo. com General Aerospace Compass Aerospace Northwest [Synchronous Aerospace] / Modern Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 478-2313 fax:...................................... (253) 373-0027 Don Camillo Director of Operations 1395 S Lyon St Plano, TX 92705 web: coastcomposites. com General Aerospace 148 phone:...............................(614) 443-7492 Richard Drexler Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(860) 445-0156 Jennifer Allsop Chief Executive Officer Machining Color Tech, Inc. CNA Manufacturing Systems, Inc. / CNA Flexible Tooling Systems The Columbus Jack Corporation Command Technology, Inc. Coleman machine phone:...............................(206) 282-9545 fax:......................................(206) 284-0635 James Kelly phone:...............................(215) 579-4292 David Katz Vice President, Government Sales phone:...............................(860) 236-6311 Alejandro Fuster Head of Marketing Ccs 545 New Park Ave West Hartford, CT 6110 web: colt. net General Aerospace Color Craft, Inc. Climatronics Corporation Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC 833 First Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: compassaerospace. com Machining TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Competitive Engineering, Inc. phone:............................... (520) 746-0270 Don Martin Chief Executive Officer and President 3371 E Hemisphere Loop Tucson, AZ 85706 web: ceiglobal. com General Aerospace Component Products Corp. phone:...............................(425) 355-6800 John R. Stone President 11623 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: cpc-web. com Machining Composite Laminate Specialties phone:...............................(253) 891-6951 Ron Jones Jr. President 210 B Stewart Road SE Pacific , WA 98047 Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing Composite Solutions Corp phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 fax:...................................... (253) 939-4617 Art Sauls General Manager 1820 W. Valley Highway N. Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com Air Framer, Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing, Engineering Composite Solutions Corporation phone:...............................(253) 833-1878 Melissa Ricks Director Human Resources 1820 W Valley Hwy N Auburn, WA 98001 web: compositesolutions. com General Aerospace Composites Atlantic Limited phone:...............................(253) 852-4055 fax:...................................... (253) 854-8041 Kevin Steck VP, Business Development 8407 S 259th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: compositesatlantic. com/ Air Framer, Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining Composites Horizons, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 331-0861 Mark Kelly Vice President Sales and Marketing 1471 W Industrial Park St Covina, CA 91722 web: chi-covina. com General Aerospace Composites one phone:...............................(800) 283-0809 19105 63rd Ave. NE Arlington, WA web: compositesone. com Composites Manufacturing Composites Unlimited, Inc. phone:...............................(503) 543-7031 Larry Hinman Director of Sales 53770 Airport Rd Scappoose, OR 97056 web: compun. com General Aerospace The Compound LLC phone:...............................(702) 778-0067 Esther Truzman Director of Marketing 18411 Gothard St Ste E Las Vegas, NV 92648 web: mgvegas. com General Aerospace Connecticut Tool & Manufacturing Company, LLC phone:...............................(860) 793-1919 Don Smuda Purchasing Director 133 S Leonard St Plainville, CT 6708 web: cttool. com General Aerospace Continental Motors, Inc. phone:...............................(251) 438-3411 Ed Kernals Procurement Director 2039 S Broad St Mobile, AL 36615 web: General Aerospace Contour Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 348-4100 fax:...................................... (425) 439-7153 John Seguin Vice President 1415 75th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: contouraerospace. com Air Framer, Machining Control Products Co phone:...............................(818) 348-2148 George Ertel Partner 1724 Lake Dr W Woodland Hills, CA 55317 web: controlproducts. com General Aerospace Controlled Chaos Arms, LLC phone:...............................(641) 227-3939 Michael Ware Chief Executive Officer 8401 Highway S 52 N Baxter, IA 50028 web: controlledchaosarms. com General Aerospace The Conrad Company phone:...............................(901) 323-5926 Douglas Seymour Partner 1520 W Main St Ste 204 Memphis, TN 23220 web: conrado. com General Aerospace Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC Controlled Precision Manufacturing, Inc phone:...............................(619) 579-9963 William Hamilton Owner 352 Coogan Way El Cajon, CA 92020 web: cpmi-usa. com General Aerospace Coonan, Inc. phone:...............................(806) 477-3000 Jim Haynes Chief Executive Officer phone:............................... (763) 786-1720 Greg White Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 30020 Amarillo, TX 79120 web: pantex. com General Aerospace 2033 105th Ave Ne Lino Lakes, MN 55449 web: coonaninc. com General Aerospace Continental Graphics Corporation Corry Manufacturing Company 222 N Sepulveda Blvd Ste 300 El Segundo, CA 90245 web: cdgl. com General Aerospace 519 W Main St Corry, PA 16407 web: corrymfg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(310) 662-2300 Maddy Dalton Marketing Executive phone:...............................(814) 664-9611 Tammy Williams Director-Purchasing ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 149 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Covlet Machine & Design Inc phone:...............................(360) 658-1977 Robert Rawe President 14219 Smokey Point Blvd # 1 Marysville, WA 98271 Machining CPI Aerostructures, Inc. phone:...............................(631) 586-5200 Ed Fred Chief Executive Officer and President 60 Heartland Blvd Edgewood, NY 11717 web: cpiaero. com General Aerospace Crane Aerospace (Eldec Corp., P.L. Porter) Crimson Trace Corporation Csi Aerospace Inc 9780 Sw Freeman Dr Wilsonville, OR 97070 web: crimsontrace. com General Aerospace 2020 W Detroit St Broken Arrow, OK 74012 web: csiaerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(800) 442-2406 Gary Killingsworth Marketing Director Critical Materials Inc CTI Systems, Inc. 26273 12 Trees Ln NW Ste J Lexington, KY 98370 web: criticalmaterials. com General Aerospace 9 W24400 Riverwood Dr 210 Denver, CO 53188 web: ctisystems. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(859) 296-2800 John Cooney Sales Manager phone:...............................(585) 657-6161 Jennifer Cooper Product Marketing Coordinator Crane Aerospace & Electronics Crossings Aviation 7629 State Route 5 And 20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 web: crosman. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 853-7167 Rick Boehlke President & CEO Crane Electronic Corporation Crossplains Manufacturing Associates phone:...............................(425) 882-3100 Donna BLISS 10201 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 Avionics Creative Interiors, Inc. phone:...............................(309) 288-5511 Kim Foes Owner 11701 W Kellogg St Wichita, KS 67209 web: creative-interiors. com General Aerospace Crescent Unmanned Systems phone:...............................(504) 875-3948 Charles Easterling Chief Executive Officer 700 Church Hill Pkwy Avondale, LA 70094 web: crescentuav. com General Aerospace 150 phone:............................... (513) 874-7900 Jim Vose Human Resource Manager 5616 Spellmire Dr Cincinnati, OH 45246 web: ctlaerospace. com General Aerospace Cub Crafters Inc phone:...............................(425) 743-1313 Peter Dussalt Owner 263 Summer St Ste 500 Boston, MA 2210 web: craneae. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(303) 291-0912 Marco Benetti Sales and Project Consultant Ctl-Aerospace, Inc. Crosman Corporation phone:...............................(425) 743-8321 fax:...................................... (425) 743-8234 Jim Hirning Manager 16700 13th Avenue W, P.O. Box 97027 Lynnwood, WA 98046 web: craneae. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(918) 268-1290 Jon Walkup Director Sales/Customer Support 1302 26th Ave NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Other phone:...............................(509) 248-9491 fax:...................................... (509) 248-1421 James Richmond President 1918 S 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98903 web: cubcrafters. com Other Cub Crafters, Inc. phone:...............................(214) 902-0290 Larry Larson Owner phone:...............................(509) 248-9491 Jill Hargraves Human Resources Manager 5850 Maple Ave Ste 100 Dallas, TX 75235 web: laenvironmental. com General Aerospace 1918 S 16th Ave Yakima, WA 98903 web: cubcrafters. com General Aerospace Crown Aviation Llc Cubic Corporation Csg Aviation 9333 Balboa Ave Newport, RI 92123 web: cubic. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(858) 277-6780 George Greenleaf Information Operations 10300-28th Ave. W. Everett, WA MRO phone:...............................(706) 646-2473 David Maskell Owner 3250 W Britt David Rd Thomaston, GA 31909 web: csgaviation. com General Aerospace Cunningham Aircraft Covers Inc phone:...............................(360) 435-0342 fax:...................................... (360) 435-7405 Lynn Cunningham President 19018 59th Dr NE 2 Arlington, WA 98223 web: cunninghamcovers. com Other TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Curtis Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 862-9256 Curtis Satterthwaite Owner 21515 112th St. E Sumner, WA 98390 Machining Curtis Preston Enterprises, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 999-5400 Sabrina Preston Human Resources Executive 2299 E Winston Rd Anaheim, CA 92806 web: atlasspecialtyproducts. com General Aerospace Curtiss-Wright Controls [division of Curtiss-Wright Corporation] (Dexter-Wilson Corporation) phone:...............................(425) 355-4422 fax:...................................... (704) 869-4601 Andy Bruno Manager of Market Development 10108 32nd Avenue W Everett, WA 98204 web: cwcontrols. com Aircraft systems Curtiss-Wright Controls, Inc phone:...............................(704) 481-1150 George Nolan Purchasing Projects Supervisor Flight Systems 13925 Ballantyne Corporate Pl Ste 400 Shelby, NC 28277 web: curtisswright. com General Aerospace Curtiss-Wright Controls, Inc. phone:...............................(704) 869-4667 David Adams Chairman, Chief Executive Officer 13925 Ballantyne Corporate Pl Ste 400 Charlotte, NC 28277 web: curtisswright. com General Aerospace Curtiss-Wright Corporation phone:...............................(704) 869-4600 Dave Schafer Chief Executive Officer 3602 N Kennicott Ave Carson, CA 60004 web: curtisswright. com General Aerospace Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies Custom Print Labels - Cut Sheet Labels 80 E State Rt 4 Ste 310 Chatsworth, CA 7652 web: cwst. com General Aerospace 21 Commerce Park North Bedford, NH 03110 web: cutsheetlabels. com Other phone:...............................(818) 407-6280 David Garduno Division Operations Manager Custom Aircraft Cabinets Inc. phone:...............................(501) 851-0405 Mike Gueringer Co-Owner/Partner 10015 Firestone Ln North Little Rock, AR 72118 web: cac747. com General Aerospace Custom Aircraft Interiors Inc phone:...............................(562) 426-5098 Curt Erwin Chief Executive Officer 3701 Industry Ave Lakewood, CA 90712 web: customaircraftinteriors. com General Aerospace Custom Control Concepts Inc 6020 S. 190th St Kent, WA MRO Custom Embroidery & Promotions Inc. phone:...............................(206) 782-6970 fax:......................................(206) 782-3602 Debby Harris Senior Account Executive 1118 NW Ballard Way Seattle, WA 98107 web: cep-promotions. com Other Custom Hydraulic & Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-4666 fax:...................................... (253) 854-4674 Robert Wolfer President 22911 86th Avenue S Kent, WA 98031 web: customhydraulic. com Aircraft systems phone:...............................(877) 770-9680 Victoria Hertz Marketing Assistant Custom Sheet Metal & Fabrication phone:...............................(206) 243-4861 fax:.......................................(206) 241-5140 Bruce Lansciardi 18703 4th Avenue S Seattle, WA 98148 Machining Cutting Specialists, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-4911 fax:...................................... (206) 246-2036 Don Engstrom President 6400 S. 143Road Place Tukwila, WA 98168 Machining Cuyana, Inc. phone:...............................(888) 993-9092 Shilpa Shah Co-Founder 291 Geary St Fl 2 San Francisco, CA 94102 web: cuyana. com General Aerospace cyberdojang phone:...............................(310) 473-6233 Fernando Ceballos Marketing Executive 1130412 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 web: cyberdojang. com General Aerospace Cz-USA phone:...............................(913) 321-1811 Adam Swarts Assistant Chief, Operating Officer PO BOX 171073 Kansas City, KS 66117 web: cz-usa. com General Aerospace Custom Metal Spinning Co. phone:............................... (206) 762-2707 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3338 Ken Burke Owner 9330 15 Avenue S. # C Seattle, WA 98108 Machining ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 151 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY D Damar Machine D. S. Arms, Incorporated phone:............................... (847) 277-7258 Yolanda Romero Finance Manager 27W990 Industrial Ave Lake Barrington, IL 60010 web: dsarms. com General Aerospace phone:.............................. (360) 794-4448 fax:...................................... (360) 794-8144 Dan Millar Marketing Manager 14767 -- 172nd Drive SE Monroe, WA 98272 web: damarmachine. com Machining phone:...............................(909) 392-5777 Andrea Kyles Human Resources 1350 Arrow Hwy, La Verne La Verne, CA 91750 web: dpilabs. com General Aerospace D3 Technologies phone:...............................(425) 355-4903 fax:...................................... (425) 355-4401 Scott Hackbarth Regional Director 8223 44th Avenue W; Suite # G Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: d3tech. com Engineering , Tooling phone:...............................(425) 222-6789 Alan Dance President phone:...............................(425) 333-6161 fax:......................................(425) 333-6355 Thomas White President P. O. Box 659 Carnation, WA 98014 web: daedalus-inc. com/ Cabins & Interiors, Engineering , Machining Daisy Manufacturing Company phone:............................... (417) 455-0537 Luke Moffet Finance Manager 11823 Lime Kiln Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: daisy. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(214) 956-3001 Barbara Bomar Director of Human Resources 3551 Doniphan Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: premierturbines. com General Aerospace Daniel Defense, Inc. DASSAULT SYSTEMES phone:...............................(912) 851-3245 Marsha Grovenstein Assistant To The President and Chief Human Resources Officer 58 Firefly Dr Ridgeland, SC 29936 web: danieldefense. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 833-5333 Harold Danner Chief Executive Officer and President 307 Oravetz Pl SE Auburn, WA 98092 web: danner. net General Aerospace Danner Corporation/ ZIP-VAC phone:...............................(253) 833-5333 fax:......................................(253) 833-4334 Jack Danner CEO 307 Oravetz Place SE Auburn, WA 98092 web: danner. net Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing phone:.........................(217) 446-0647 x 2 Megan Hale Human Resources Manager 20 Oakwood Ave Danville, IL 61832 web: danvillemetal. com General Aerospace Categorical phone:...............................(501) 210-0431 Joseph Sell Cnc Operator I 200 River Rd Newcastle, ME 4553 web: falconjet. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(631) 563-1500 Bruce Davis Chief Executive Officer 1150 Walnut Ave Bohemia, NY 11716 web: davisaircraftproducts. com General Aerospace Davis Calibration [Davis Inotek Instruments LLC.] (Northwest Calibration Systems, Inc.) phone:...............................(800) 446-8556 fax:...................................... (360) 695-7198 600 SE Maritime Avenue, Suite 230 Bldg 3 Vancouver, WA 98661 Engineering Day and Zimmermann, Incorporated phone:...............................(918) 258-9386 Chris Faletra Application Engineer - Sales Profiles of Success 1801 S 93rd Street Seattle, WA 98108 Engineering , Other Davis Aircraft Products Co., Inc. Da-Pro Rubber Inc TOC phone:............................... (978) 442-2740 Philippe FORESTIER Dassault/Falcon Jet Corp 601 N Poplar Ave Murrieta, CA 74012 web: daprorubber. com General Aerospace 152 phone:...............................(310) 326-2277 Miguel Velasco Operations Executive 24747 Crenshaw Blvd Torrance, CA 90505 web: dascoeng. com General Aerospace Danville Metal Stamping Co., Inc. Dallas Airmotive, Inc. 19825 141st Pl NE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: daraaviation. com Other 1125 12th Ave NW Issaquah, WA 98027 Other The Danner Corporation Daedalus, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 415-6052 John Torode President Dasco Engineering Corp. Dance Air Inc D.P.I. Labs, Inc. Dara Aviation Inc Alphabetical phone:...............................(620) 421-7400 Mary Paltner Human Resources Manager 23018 Rooks Rd Parsons, KS 67357 web: dayzim. com General Aerospace Advertisers Day-Ray Products, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 799-3549 Gary Wright Operations Executive 1133 Mission St South Pasadena, CA 91030 web: day-ray. com General Aerospace Decrane Cabin Interiors - Canada phone:...............................(614) 848-7700 Terri Isabella Director of Human Resources 1643 S Maize Rd Wichita, KS 67209 web: dcix. com General Aerospace Definitive Avionics Llc 4151 Mitchell Way Bellingham, WA MRO Deklin Technologies phone:...............................(630) 844-1760 Tracy Dendekker President/Chief Executive Officer 413 Chesterfield Ln North Aurora, IL 60542 web: deklintech. com General Aerospace Dela Technology Corporation phone:...............................(301) 881-6292 Larry Newman Owner 5901 Vandegrift Ave Rockville, MD 20851 web: delatechnology. com General Aerospace Delta Tooling, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 475-7293 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Paul Winebrenner General Manager 5407 S Madison Tacoma, WA 98409 web: deltatooling. com Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining Deltahawk Engines, Inc. phone:...............................(262) 634-9660 Dean Bergman Vice President of Operations 2903 Golf Ave Racine, WI 53404 web: deltahawkengines. com General Aerospace Delta-Ray Industries Inc phone:...............................(203) 367-6910 Tom Vann Owner 805 Housatonic Ave Bridgeport, CT 6604 web: delta-ray. com General Aerospace Dem Jet Incorporated phone:...............................(908) 415-3455 Damian Klinger President and Co-founder 401 Broadway New York, NY 10013 web: jets. com General Aerospace Derivative Airplane Programs phone:............................... (206) 662-0740 Ray Willaford Engineer 9725 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98108 web: boeing. com Other Devil Dog Arms, Inc. phone:...............................(847) 999-4851 Joe Lucania Chief Executive Officer 650 Telser Rd Lake Zurich, IL 60047 web: devildogarms. com General Aerospace Dew Engineering phone:...............................(905) 760-2223 Andreea Claici Director Human Resources and Administration 830 Proctor Ave Ogdensburg, NY 13669 web: dewengineering. com General Aerospace Deyoung Mfg., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 823-4798 fax:...................................... (425) 821-8633 Martin Deyoung President 12920 NE 125th Way Kirkland, WA 98034 web: deyoungmfg. com/ Machining Diagnostic Solutions International LLC phone:...............................(909) 930-3600 Cathy Bainbridge Territory Sales Manager 2580 E Philadelphia St Ste C Ontario, CA 91761 web: diagnosticsolutions. org General Aerospace Diamond Back Engines Ltd phone:...............................(281) 232-8920 Damon Kuhn Owner 7723 FM 723 Rd, Richmond, TX 77406 web: diamondbackengines. com General Aerospace Diamond Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 633-3960 fax:...................................... (206) 632-9674 Glenn Swan President 213 N 36th Street Seattle, WA 98103 Engineering , Machining DigEcor phone:...............................(801) 489-2022 Adam Williams Marketing Director 2143 Par Dr Naples, FL 34120 web: digecor. com General Aerospace Digital Force Technologies phone:.............................. (858) 546-1244 Dini Du Clos Chief Executive Officer 9455 Waples St Ste 100 Federal Way, WA 92121 web: digitalforcetech. com General Aerospace Dillon Aero, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 333-5466 Aaron Howe Purchasing Manager 8009 E Dillons Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 web: dillonaero. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 153 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Discovery Aviation phone:...............................(321) 308-9641 Brett Black Purchasing Manager 80 Liberty Ship Way Ste 7 Sausalito, CA 94965 web: discavia. com General Aerospace Diversified Industrial Services phone:...............................(425) 355-1253 13008 Beverly Park Rd Mukilteo, WA web: godiversified. com Other phone:...............................(678) 715-3003 Andrew Elshaw Sales Director 8305 Cherokee Blvd Ste B Douglasville, GA 30134 web: douglas-equipment. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(256) 828-0522 Cathy Lunn Director-human Resources 13887 Highway 231 431 N Hazel Green, AL 35750 web: dixiemetalcraft. com General Aerospace Dowty USA Holdings, Inc 114 Powers Court Sterling, Virginia Sterling, VA 20166 web: messier-bugatti. com General Aerospace Dragonfly Pictures, Inc. phone:...............................(610) 521-6115 Richard Billingslea Co-Founder D-J Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(620) 456-3179 Mark Bechtold Director Human Resources 723 E Spring Ave Conway Springs, KS 67031 web: djgrp. com General Aerospace DK Drill I Management Co., LLC phone:............................... (817) 676-9800 Leo Goranov Marketing Manager 820 S 6th Ave Mansfield, TX 76063 web: drillking. net General Aerospace PO BOX 202 Essington, PA 19029 web: dragonflypictures. com General Aerospace Draken International, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 461-6000 fax:...................................... (206) 461-6049 Scott Kruse Office Leader 900 4th Avenue Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98164 web: dlrgroup. com Engineering 50 State Highway 112 Winchester, KY 82720 web: star15. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(813) 831-0750 Daniel Kim Chief Operating Officer Chief Operating Officer 5201 S West Shore Blvd Tampa, FL 33611 web: dse. net General Aerospace DTL Canyon Park phone:...............................(206) 478-5068 Kendall Jones Lab Manager 2200 222nd St SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: dtl-inc. com Other Ducommun Aerostructures New York, Inc. Driessen Aircraft Interior Systems, Inc. Ducommun Aerostructures, Inc. 3330 Flightline Dr Lakeland, FL 33811 web: drakenintl. com General Aerospace 21563 Stonetree Ct Garden Grove, CA 20166 web: driessen. com General Aerospace 2 Flint Mine Rd Coxsackie, NY 12051 web: ducommun. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(620) 423-8900 Michelle Yates Hawaii School Business Sales Manage 3333 Main St Parsons, KS 67357 web: ducommun. com General Aerospace Ducommun Inc. Driessen Services Inc Drone America phone:............................... (859) 745-1757 Craig Brewer Director Sales and Marketing 575 S Glaspie St Oxford, MI 48371 web: eaton. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(518) 731-2791 Nick Moss Cnc Waterjet Operations-5axis 19240 Des Moines Memorial Driv Seatac, WA MRO Double Star Corporation phone:...............................(248) 628-8831 Gary Miller Finance Executive phone:...............................(800) 936-4079 Dale Snodgrass Chief Pilot/Deployed Operations phone:...............................(714) 265-2911 Abraham Sarras Sales Director DLR Group Dry Coolers, Inc. Dse, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 450-8200 Philippe Naim Sales Manager Dixie Metalcraft Corporation 154 Douglas Equipment International Inc phone:...............................(775) 473-9998 Mike Richards Chief Executive Officer/President phone:...............................(310) 513-7280 John Everett Manager of Marketing 27 Jackson St Apt 406 Lowell, MA 1852 web: ducommun. com General Aerospace 3555 Airway Dr Reno, NV 89511 web: droneamerica. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Ducommun Labarge Technologies, Inc phone:............................... (310) 380-5374 Tony Reardon Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 23301 Wilmington Ave Carson, CA 90745 web: labarge. com General Aerospace Duncan Aviation Inc 6987 Perimeter Rd South Seattle, WA MRO Dusters & Sprayers Supply Inc phone:...............................(405) 224-1201 Robert Novotny Sales Manager PO BOX 766 Chickasha, OK 73023 web: dustersandsprayers. com General Aerospace Dylan Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 333-8260 fax:...................................... (253) 333-8261 James HL Cowan Quality Assurance Manager 1702 Pike Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: dylanmfg. com Machining, Tooling Dyn Corp International Inc phone:...............................(817) 567-5385 Glen Lewis Afghanistan Operations 4440 Von Karman Ave Ste 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 web: dyn-intl. com General Aerospace DynaComp Corporation phone:...............................(360) 366-5442 fax:......................................(360) 366-4252 Craig Evans President 7056 Portal Bay Bld. K Ferndale, WA 98248 web: dynacompcorp. com Composites Manufacturing, Engineering Dyna-Empire Inc phone:.........................(516) 222-2700 x 1 Syd Crossley Director-operations 1075 Stewart Ave Garden City, NY 11530 web: dyna-empire. com General Aerospace Dynamic Perspective phone:...............................(702) 564-0687 Peter Morawitz Chief Executive Officer 11 Benevolo Dr Henderson, NV 89011 web: dynamicperspective. com General Aerospace Dynamic Solutions Systems Inc phone:...............................(715) 233-9838 Rich Welsch Sales and Application Manager 2332 La Mirada Dr Ste 100 Vista, CA 92081 web: dssmicro. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 872-0100 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8552 Mark White District Manager 22011 76th AvenueS Kent, WA 98032 web: emjmetals. com Machining Eaton Aerospace [Eaton Corp] / Vickers Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 644-5800 fax:......................................(425) 644-6200 Brian Robertson NW District Manager 13205 SE 30th Street, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: aerospace.eaton. com Aircraft systems E e2v Aerospace & defense inc phone:...............................(408) 737-0992 Tom Graning Sales Manager, Argus Thermal Imaging 765 Sycamore Dr Palatine, IL 95035 web: e2v. com General Aerospace Eaton Corporation phone:...............................(314) 761-8941 Dan McGinnis Account Sales Manager 11642 Old Baltimore Pike Old Baltimore Pike Ellisville, MO 20705 web: eaton. com General Aerospace EADS North America phone:...............................(952) 426-1644 Jim Brockhaus Technical Sales Engineer - Central Us Entrust Datacard. 1187 Park Place Shakopee, MN 55379 web: eads-na. com General Aerospace Eagle Aviation Technologies, LLC phone:...............................(757) 262-0445 Emitt Wallace Chief Executive Officer 3200 Magruder Blvd Hampton, VA 23666 web: eagleaviationtech. com General Aerospace EaglePicher Technologies phone:...............................(918) 673-2201 Jim Curtis Sales Manager PO BOX 47 Quapaw, OK 64802 web: eaglepicher. com General Aerospace Earle M. Jorgensen Company (EMJ) Eaton Industrial Corporation phone:...............................(440) 605-1020 James Keene President and Owner 23555 Euclid Ave Euclid, OH 44117 web: keenebuilding. com General Aerospace Echo Commerce, LLC phone:...............................(801) 312-0086 Scott Thomas Chief Executive Officer 12453 S 265 W Ste F Draper, UT 84020 web: airgundepot. com General Aerospace Eck & Eck Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 942-5924 Paul A Eck Director-Purchasing 4606 W Harry St Wichita, KS 67209 web: eckeck. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 155 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(505) 245-7555 Alan Klapmeier Chief Executive Officer 2503 Clark Carr Loop Se Albuquerque, NM 87106 web: General Aerospace Eclipse Aviation Corporation Inc phone:...............................(505) 245-7555 Saverio Bellomo Director of International-technical Operations 2503 Clark Carr Loop Southeast Albuquerque, NM 87106 web: eclipseaerospace. net General Aerospace EDM Department Inc. Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. 1261 Humbracht Circle Bartlett, IL 60103 web: edmdept. com Machining 350 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 web: ellison-fluid-systems. com Other phone:...............................(630) 736-0531 fax:......................................(630) 736-0530 Erin Marketing Edmo Distributors, Incorporated phone:...............................(509) 535-8280 Ken Ribble Aerospace and Defense Sales Director 12830 E Mirabeau Pkwy Spokane, WA 99216 web: edmo. com General Aerospace Eco Cartridge Store phone:...............................(425) 820-3570 Stephen Skullerud Owner 11316 Ne 124th St Kirkland, WA 98034 web: ecocartridgestore. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 677-2603 Joann Dean Director Human Resources Operations 1806 New Britain Ave Farmington, CT 6032 web: edactechnologies. com General Aerospace Eidetics Corporation phone:...............................(213) 625-8886 Justin J Shrenger Owner phone:...............................(360) 424-6600 fax:...................................... (360) 424-6625 Mark Vorobik President 14508 Ovenell Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 web: edcoonline. com Machining, Tooling eInfochips Ltd. Dilip Rajpurohit Digital Marketing Manager phone:............................... (425) 745-3937 fax:...................................... (425) 745-3606 Edward Mack President 13317 Ash Way B-1 Everett, WA 98204 web: edjprecision. com Machining EDM Department Inc. Embraer Aircraft Holding Inc phone:...............................(407) 898-8223 Rosana Dias Executive Director Network Operations Gulf States Embraer Executive Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 426-2601 Phil Krull Chief Operating Officer/Managing Director 1230 Midas Way, Suite# 200 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Aerospace and Defense phone:...............................(817) 234-6600 Christy Bland Chief Operating Officer PO BOX 629 Muskegon, MI 49443 web: efw. com General Aerospace 276 SW 34th St Melbourne, FL 33315 web: embraer. com General Aerospace Emmett W. Johnson Company, Inc. phone:...............................(972) 436-7258 James Horton Chief Executive Officer Eldec Corp EDJ Precision Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 480-3391 Daniel Korneev Chief Executive Officer of ELVA-1 Millimeter Wave 276 SW 34th St Orlando, FL 33315 web: embraer. General Aerospace Elbit Systems EDCO, Inc. ELVA-1 PO BOX 1090 Solon, OH 95038 web: elva-1. com General Aerospace 3425 Lomita Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90505 web: eideticscorp. com General Aerospace Edac Technologies LLC phone:...............................(425) 271-3220 fax:...................................... (425) 277-9333 Ben Ellison President 16700 13th Ave West Lynnwood, WA MRO 1495 N Kealy St Lewisville, TX 75057 web: ewjohnson. com General Aerospace Electroimpact, Inc. Empire Jets, LLC phone:...............................(425) 348-8090 fax:.......................................(425) 348-0716 Dr. Peter Zieve President 4606 107th Street SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: electroimpact. com Engineering , Machining, Tooling phone:...............................(210) 687-1827 Stephanie Duke Director of Finance 9 Devon Wood San Antonio, TX 78257 web: expressjets. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(630) 736-0531 fax:...................................... (630) 736-0531 Ada Filipek Marketing Intern 2161 Humbracht Circle Ste A Bartlett, IL 60103 web: edmdept. com Machining 156 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Encore Interiors, Inc. phone:...............................(949) 559-0930 Donna Kustic Human Resources Manager, Purchasing Director 16452 Construction Cir S Irvine, CA 92606 web: compositesunlimited. com General Aerospace Engility Corporation phone:...............................(703) 708-1400 Thomas Knopf Emergency Operations Center Technician 3750 Centerview Dr Charleston, SC 20151 web: engilitycorp. com General Aerospace Engineered Arresting Systems Corporation phone:.........................(856) 241-8620 x 4 Kevin Quan Director of United States Sales and Marketing 2550 Market St, Aston Logan Township, NJ 19014 web: zodiacaerospace. com General Aerospace Enginetics Corporation phone:...............................(937) 878-3800 Patrick Lallement Director of Sales and Marketing and Business Development 7700 New Carlisle Pike Dayton, OH 45424 web: enginetics. com General Aerospace Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc. phone:........................ (860) 843-2000 x 2 Denise M Grant Chief Finance Officer 3 Forest Ln Simsbury, CT 6070 web: e-bind. com General Aerospace The Enstrom Helicopter Corporation phone:...............................(906) 863-1200 John Alecca Director-sales and Marketing 2209 22nd St Menominee, MI 49858 web: enstromhelicopter. com General Aerospace The Entwistle Company phone:...............................(508) 481-4000 James Entwistle Founder 6 Bigelow St Hudson, MA 1749 web: entwistleco. com General Aerospace Enviro Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(405) 382-0731 Fred Khavari Finance Manager, Manager 12037 N Highway 99 Seminole, OK 74868 web: enviro-ok. com General Aerospace Environmental Tectonics Corporation phone:.........................(215) 355-9100 x 1 Robert Laurent Chief Executive Officer and President 125 James Way Southampton, PA 18966 web: etcusa. com General Aerospace Eon Instrumentation Inc. phone:...............................(818) 781-2185 James Winchester Chief Executive Officer/President 15531 Cabrito Rd Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: eoninstrumentation. com General Aerospace Epic Aircraft, LLC phone:........................ (541) 318-8849 x 1 Doug King Chief Executive Officer 22590 Nelson Rd Bend, OR 97701 web: epicaircraft. com General Aerospace Equipment & Supply, Inc. phone:...............................(704) 289-6565 Richard Broome Procurement 4507 W Highway 74 Monroe, NC 28110 web: equipsy. com General Aerospace Eric Anderson phone:...............................(360) 825-6500 Eric Anderson Owner Eriks West USA phone:...............................(206) 243-9660 fax:.......................................(206) 243-4718 2230 Lind Ave., SW Renton, WA web: eriks. com Other Escape Dynamics, Inc. phone:...............................(303) 410-7709 Dmitriy Tseliakhovich Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer 9596 Metro Airport Ave Broomfield, CO 80021 web: escapedynamics. com General Aerospace Essex Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(314) 832-4500 Deanna Sichra Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer 7700 Gravois Rd Saint Louis, MO 63123 web: essexind. com General Aerospace Esterline Technologies /Hytek Finishes Company phone:...............................(253) 796-4528 fax:...................................... (253) 872-7214 Clif Johnson President 8127 S 216th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: hytekfinishes. com Metal Treatment Esterline Technologies Corp phone:...............................(425) 453-9400 Nicole Jorgensen Area Director of Sales and Marketing 500 108th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 web: esterline. com General Aerospace Esterline Technologies Corporation phone:............................... (514) 748-3148 Andrew Krilick Director Marketing and Business Development, Custom Electronics 2200 Northern Blvd Greenvale, NY 11548 web: General Aerospace 1751 Garrett St Ste A Enumclaw, WA 98022 web: alex-anderson. com Other ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 157 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Esterline Technologies Corporation Excell Aerofab Express Aircraft Co LLC 500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1500 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: esterline. com Aerospace and Defense 19222 62nd Avenue Arlington, WA 98223 web: excellaerofab. com Machining 7849 Old Highway 99 SE Tumwater, WA 98501 Other Eurotec Vertical Flight Solutions, LLC Executive Flight Inc phone:...............................(425) 453-9400 Michelle DeGrand Communication Specialist phone:...............................(785) 331-2220 William Raymond Representative-sales 1040 Ocl Pkwy Eudora, KS 66025 web: eurotecvfs. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 403-8994 fax:......................................(360) 435-2323 Al Hoye Owner Extra Aircraft LLC phone:...............................(615) 346-9564 Ken Keith Owner, Chief Executive Officer One Campbell Parkway E. Wenatchee, WA MRO Exothermics, Inc. phone:...............................(603) 296-0196 Diana Garcia Purchasing, Accounting Eur-Pac Corporation phone:.........................(203) 756-0102 x 1 Peter Rand Owner 112 Porter St Waterbury, CT 6708 web: eurpaccorp. com General Aerospace 60 State Route 101a Amherst, NH 3031 web: exothermicsinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 388-9100 2000 Tower Street Everett, WA web: Other Exotic Metals Forming Co. 5411 S. 226TH Street Kent, WA 98032 web: exoticmetals. com/ Machining phone:...............................(425) 355-6600 Jim WILKINSON President and CEO F phone:...............................(909) 279-1555 Shawn Wolfe Quality Assurance/Sales 245 Jason Ct Corona, CA 92879 web: fltcorp. com General Aerospace F.M.I. Inc. Exotic Metals Forming Company LLC Everett Jet Center 4040 Windwood Ln Lancaster, PA 37214 web: extraaircraft. com General Aerospace F & L Tools Corporation phone:...............................(253) 395-3710 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8033 Bill Binder President everett community college phone:...............................(360) 352-0560 fax:......................................(360) 352-0553 Roy Davis Member phone:...............................(253) 395-3710 Jennifer McMasters Director, Human Resources phone:.........................(316) 838-3970 x 2 Brenda Hess Human Resources Manager PO BOX 2 Wichita, KS 7446 web: fmi-incorporated. com General Aerospace 5411 S 226th St Kent, WA 98032 web: exoticmetals. com General Aerospace Fabriform Plastics 3220 100th St. SW Bldg. #B Everett, WA 98204 Other excelata Exotic Tool Welding, Inc. 3300 Airport Way S Seattle, WA 98134 web: fabriform. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining 541 Commerce Dr Ste 400 Middleboro, MA 55125 web: excelata. com General Aerospace 2909 Seaway Blvd., Suite B Everett, WA 98203 web: exotictoolwelding. com Welding Services Excelco Developments, Inc. EXP Aircraft Services Inc. phone:...............................(651) 501-1023 Sue Kondratowicz Partner phone:...............................(716) 934-2651 Kari Novelli Human Resources 16 Mechanic St Silver Creek, NY 14136 web: excelco. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 353-3040 Scott M. Lathrop President phone:...............................(206) 587-5303 fax:...................................... (206) 587-3764 Jim Parkes President Facc Solutions, Inc. phone:............................... (972) 746-5154 Walt Aronow Owner 1004 Douglas Dr Roanoke, TX 76262 web: expaircraft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(316) 425-4046 Brian Harvey Purchasing 2050 S Edwards St Wichita, KS 67213 web: facc. com General Aerospace Fairchild Fasteners (Alcoa Fastening) phone:...............................(253) 288-1100 2306 B Street NW Auburn, WA web: alcoa. com Materials 158 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Falcon Aerospace, Inc Ferrotherm Co 11609 Martens River Cir Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: falcon-aerospace. com General Aerospace 4758 Warner Rd Washington, DC 44125 web: ferrotherm. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 546-5300 Peter Harlow Senior Purchasing Agent Falcon Industries Inc phone:...............................(505) 281-3783 James Mason Marketing/Public Relations 901 Astro Blvd E Moriarty, NM 56228 web: ergogrips. net General Aerospace Farwest Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 568-1707 fax:...................................... (253) 927-3478 Jay Marshall President 1415 Meridian Ave E/P.O. Box 1889 Edgewood, WA 98371 web: farwestair. com Tooling Fatigue Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-2010 fax:...................................... (206) 244-9886 Bruce Gibson President 401 Andover Park E Seattle, WA 98188 web: fatiguetech. com Composites Manufacturing Fatigue Technology, Inc. phone:.........................(206) 246-2010 x 2 Michael Barber Airlines/Mro-sales Representative 401 Andover Park E Seattle, WA 98188 web: fatiguetech. com General Aerospace Federal Aviation Administration phone:...............................(609) 485-4000 Kathy?ы Uroff Digital Media Specialist 800 Independence Ave SW Atlantic City, NJ 20553 web: General Aerospace Ferco Tech, LLC phone:............................... (937) 746-6696 Jeff Sapienza Chief Operating Officer 291 Conover Dr Franklin, OH 45005 web: fercotech. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(202) 416-8000 Tiki Davies Corporate Communications Executive Fh1100 Manufacturing Corp. phone:...............................(850) 256-0026 Remy Van Nevel Vice President Marketing Europe 6080 Industrial Blvd Century, FL 32535 web: fh1100. com General Aerospace Finishing Consultants phone:...............................(800) 514-0095 fax:...................................... (877) 318-1185 Jeff LaSorella President 720 132nd Street SW Suite 201 Everett, WA 98204 web: finishingconsultants. com Paint Finishing Equipment, Spray Booths, Ovens and Dust Collection Finmeccanica North America, Inc. phone:...............................(202) 292-2620 Monica Dubay Head, Marketing Fiberforge Corporation phone:...............................(970) 945-9377 Cheryl Schmidt Sales and Marketing Representative 1420 Devereux Rd Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 web: fiberforge. com General Aerospace Fiberset, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 824-2488 Marie Walker Owner 1046 Poole St Mojave, CA 93501 web: fiberset. com General Aerospace 1625 I St NW Fl 12 Washington, DC 20006 web: finmeccanica. com General Aerospace Fiocchi of America, Inc. phone:...............................(417) 725-4118 Daniel Golay Purchasing Manager 6930 N Fremont Rd Ozark, MO 65721 web: fiocchiusa. com General Aerospace Firefly Systems Inc. phone:...............................(415) 269-7252 Maureen Gannon Co-Founder Figeac Aero USA Inc phone:...............................(310) 525-7875 Didier Roux Directeur Operation Production 1000 Brickell Ave Ste 641a Miami, FL 33131 web: figeac-aero. com General Aerospace 1320 Arrow Point Dr Leander, TX 78613 web: fireflyspace. com General Aerospace First Aviation Services Inc. phone:...............................(203) 291-7709 Aaron Hollander Chief Executive Officer Fighting Walrus, LLC phone:...............................(415) 962-7900 Bryan Galusha Co-Founder 366 Industrial Way Brisbane, CA 94005 web: fightingwalrus. com General Aerospace Filtrona Extrusion / A & B Plastics Inc. 101 Charles A Lindbergh Dr Westport, CT 7608 web: firstaviation. com General Aerospace First Call International Inc. phone:............................... (817) 506-8715 Karen Croft Procurement Specialist 6329 Airport Fwy Ste G Haltom City, TX 76117 web: firstcallintl. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 284-8000 Steven Spear President 3110 70th Ave. E Fife, WA 98424 web: filtronaextrusion. com / abplastics. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 159 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Firstmark Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(919) 956-4200 Brian Harbaugh Sales Representative 1176 Telecom Dr Durham, NC 27522 web: firstmarkaerospace. com General Aerospace Fisher Broadcasting Inc phone:............................... (817) 281-8816 Steve Huey Chief Operating Officer 6625 Iron Horse Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76180 web: fitzmfg. com General Aerospace 15201 Lake Marvin Rd Canadian, TX 79014 web: flap-air. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(931) 964-4885 Jim Bourke Sales Executive 1225 Livingston Hwy Byrdstown, TN 38549 web: fitzgeraldtrucksales. com General Aerospace Fixture Engineering Inc phone:...............................(360) 671-9052 fax:...................................... (360) 671-6637 Robert Johnston President 1600 Kentucky St Ste AW7 Bellingham, WA 98229 web: fixture-eng. com/ Machining Fjord Aviation Products, LLC phone:...............................(210) 945-8550 Lyman Shannon Sales Consultant 306 Anders Ln Kemah, TX 77565 web: fjordav. com General Aerospace 332 Nichol Mill Ln Newburgh, IN 37067 web: dielectric.spx. com General Aerospace Flight Line Products, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 775-8360 Agustin Lomeli Director-sales 28732 Witherspoon Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 web: flightlineproducts. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (425) 747-6903 Douglas Davis President 5827 167th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98006 web: flightwayscorp. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(316) 775-1118 Roger Powers President and Chief Executive Officer phone:.............................. (206) 842-1295 Gary Harris phone:...............................(330) 653-5107 Tony Ciarlillo Chief Executive Officer 1300 Hudson Gate Dr Hudson, OH 44236 web: fluidpowerohio. com General Aerospace Fluke phone:...............................(425) 347-6100 David Patterson Sales Representative 6920 Seaway Blvd Yorkville, IL 98203 web: flukecal. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 347-6100 fax:...................................... (425) 446-5116 PO Box 9090 Everett Everett, WA web: us.fluke. com/usen/Home/default.htm Other phone:...............................(435) 615-0428 Allen Sjogren Owner and Bar and Beverage Director 3 110 Lower Evergreen Dr Park City, UT 84098 web: fluke. com General Aerospace Fluor Daniel Hanford FLIR Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 678-2111 Bruce Cumming Creative Director, Marketing Communications Categorical Flowcal Corp. Fluke Corporation Flint Hills Solutions, LLC Profiles of Success 23500 64th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: flowcorp. com Tooling Fluke Corp Flightways Corp 800 Research Pkwy Ste 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 web: flir. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(253) 850-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 813-9377 Charley Brown President and CEO Fluid Power Inc Flash Technology 6752 SW Church Rd Augusta, KS 67010 web: fhsllc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(208) 522-0993 Chip Brock Advertising Consultant Flow International Corporation 7000 Wing Point Road Neast Bainbridge Isle, WA 98110 Other phone:...............................(812) 853-0595 Lisa Johnston Sales Representative Fitzgerald Truck Parts and Sales LLC 160 25 Mill St, Glastonbury Glastonbury, CT 6033 web: fillc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(806) 323-8255 Trey Webb Owner Fitz Aerospace, LLC PO BOX 577 La Crosse, KS 67548 web: flameengineering. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (860) 633-9474 Michael Barber Sales Engineer Flap Air Helicopter Service 140 4th Avenue North Seattle, WA MRO Flame Engineering, Inc. Flanagan Brothers, Inc. Alphabetical phone:............................... (509) 376-7411 fax:...................................... (509) 372-1050 Randy Staudacher Director of Economic Transition 2420 Stevens Center Room 442 Richland, WA 99352 web: fluor. com/ Other Advertisers FN America, LLC phone:...............................(803) 736-0522 Jean Vanderstraeten Chief Executive Officer 797 Old Clemson Rd Columbia, SC 29229 web: fnmfg. com General Aerospace FNH USA phone:............................... (813) 833-7471 Chuck Henz Regional Sales Manager 7918 Jones Branch Dr Ste 400 Tampa, FL 22102 web: fnhusa. com General Aerospace Forrest Machining Inc. phone:.........................(661) 257-0231 x 1 Joanne Butler Chief Executive Officer, President 27756 Avenue Mentry Valencia, CA 91355 web: forrestmachining. com General Aerospace Fortner Accessory Services Corporation phone:...............................(818) 548-3690 Brett Fortner President/Owner 1740 Flower St Glendale, CA 91201 web: fortneraccessory. org General Aerospace 42 West phone:...............................(212) 277-7556 Francis Coppola Owner 300 Via Archimedes Geyserville, CA 95441 web: 42west. net General Aerospace Fossco, Inc. phone:...............................(850) 437-0080 Michelle Foss Territory Sales Manager 520 Airport Dr SW Milton, FL 87121 web: fosscoinc. com General Aerospace Fountain Plating Company, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 781-4651 Amy Daniels Human Resources Manager 492 Prospect Ave West Springfield, MA 1089 web: fountain-plating. com General Aerospace Four Star Accessory Overhaul Inc Fryer-Knowles, Inc. Four Star Die and Mold 205 S Dawson Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: fryerk. com Other 7711 New Market Street Sw Tumwater, WA MRO phone:...............................(360) 829-5022 fax:......................................(360) 829-5023 Joseph Leitner President 27601 96th Street E Buckley, WA 98321 Machining Frasca International, Inc. phone:...............................(217) 344-9200 Peggy Prichard Advertising and Promotions Manager 906 Airport Rd Urbana, IL 61802 web: frasca. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(818) 898-1998 Pam Gay Vice President Operations 445 N Fox St San Fernando, CA 91340 web: frazieraviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(419) 628-3861 Steve Manuszak Human Resource Director 3025 E Victoria St Minster, OH 90221 web: fs-precision. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(508) 393-7660 Richard Wright Public Relations Coordinator 6812 Old 28th St SE Ste E Grand Rapids, MI 49546 web: fuelsystemsllc. com General Aerospace Fuji Heavy Industries USA Inc Fredericks Jf Aero LLC phone:...............................(860) 677-2646 Stacy Brennan Finance Manager 25 Spring Ln Farmington, CT 6032 web: jfftool. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 822-0762 Kahiko Hayakawa Manager 4040 Lake Washington Blvd NE Kirkland, WA 98033 web: Air Framer Fuse Science, Inc. Freight Feeder Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(866) 654-3721 Scott Jacox Vice President-marketing 7339 Paseo Del Volcan NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 web: freightfeeder. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 939-0363 Jerry Frisbie Owner 101 F St NW Auburn, WA 98001 Other FS Precision Tech Fuel Systems LLC Frazier Aviation, Inc. Frisbie Co phone:............................... (206) 767-7710 fax:...................................... (206) 764-3370 Susan P. Bittner President phone:...............................(305) 503-3873 Aitan Zacharin Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Information Officer 6135 Nw 167th St Ste E21 Miami, FL 33015 web: fusescience. com General Aerospace Fusion Sourcing Group, Inc. phone:...............................(585) 924-9101 Sue Tubbs Inside Sales Manager 95 Brown Rd Victor, NY 14850 web: fusionsourcing. com General Aerospace Future Metals Inc phone:...............................(954) 724-1400 Jorge Ramirez Sales Manager 10401 State St Fort Lauderdale, FL 33321 web: futuremetals. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 161 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY G Gdas-Lincoln Inc G. S. E. Dynamics, Inc. phone:...............................(631) 231-1044 Michael Kohler Director of Sales 25 Corporate Dr Hauppauge, NY 11788 web: gsedynamics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(916) 645-8961 Gentry Caulder Human Resources Manager 1501 Aviation Blvd Lincoln, CA 95648 web: gulfstream. com General Aerospace GE Aircraft Engines G. S. Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(802) 257-5200 George H Schneeberger Partner/Treasurer/Corporate Director 101 John Seitz Dr Brattleboro, VT 5301 web: gsprecision. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 253-3300 fax:......................................(360) 253-3329 Bob Rowton Manager 4601 NE 77th Avenue,Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: geae. com Engineering , Machining, Tooling GE Aviation G.A. Precision LLC phone:...............................(816) 221-1844 Tracey Cunningham Human Resources Manager 1209 Swift Ave Kansas City, MO 64116 web: gaprecision. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 454-8190 fax:......................................(509) 452-7022 Simon Prior President 2720 W. Washington Avenue Yakima, WA 98909 web: smiths-aerospace. com Other GE Aviation Materials, Inc. GAIA Converter Inc. phone:...............................(514) 333-3169 Tom Mullen Regional Sales Manager, Us North East 142 Lake Rd Morristown, NJ 7960 web: gaia-converter. com General Aerospace Galley Support Innovations Inc. phone:...............................(501) 833-3700 Lissa Zimmerman Director of Finance 411 Manson Rd Sherwood, AR 72120 web: galleysupport. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(214) 960-3409 Jeff Heath Human Resource Manager 3010 Red Hawk Dr #120 Grand Prairie, TX 75052 web: ge. com General Aerospace Ge Aviation Systems Llc 2808 West Washington Ave Yakima, WA MRO GE Aviation Systems LLC phone:...............................(949) 250-3123 Renee Austin Human Resources Gastrocare LLP phone:........................ (954) 344-2522 x 3 Joni L Brown Chief Operating Officer 2902 N University Dr Coral Springs, FL 33065 web: digestivecareonline. com General Aerospace GCM North American Aerospace phone:............................... (253) 872-7488 fax:...................................... (253) 251-8835 Ken McNew General Manager 2040 E Dyer Rd Santa Ana, CA 92705 web: ge. com General Aerospace GE Polymershapes /(Cadillac Plastic and Chemical Co.) phone:...............................(206) 575-1462 fax:...................................... (206) 575-8351 Louise Reed Aerospace Specialist 18292 Andover Park W Seattle, WA 98188 web: gepolymershapes. com Machining Gee Bee Canopies Inc phone:...............................(253) 841-4614 Glen Breitsprecher President 9807 153rd Street Ct E Puyallup, WA 98375 Other Gemini Engineering phone:...............................(425) 739-6800 Ken KIRKLAND President 8525 120th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 web: Engineering Gemini Technologies Inc phone:...............................(208) 939-7222 Tommy Collins Chief Executive Officer 1432 Easton Rd Ste 4h Eagle, ID 18976 web: gem-tech. com General Aerospace General Atomics Aeronautical Systems phone:...............................(770) 428-9969 Dennis Ubillus Director of Sales 1611 Wimbledon Dr Nw Kennesaw, GA 30144 web: uav. com General Aerospace General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. GE Company - Aircraft Engine Field Service phone:...............................(425) 462-8600 Herb Sales/Marketing Manager 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 230 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: geae. com Propulsion phone:...............................(858) 312-2810 Blake Andersen Buyer, Purchasing Department 14200 Kirkham Way Poway, CA 92064 web: ga-asi. com General Aerospace 21719 84th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: gcmaerospace. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining 162 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers General Aviation Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 598-4848 Shannon Mauldin Chief Executive Officer 415 Jones Rd Weatherford, TX 76088 web: gaiinc. net General Aerospace General Aviation Modifications, Inc. phone:...............................(580) 436-4833 Kathy Hignite Chief Executive Officer 2800 Airport Rd Ada, OK 74820 web: gami. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems phone:...............................(603) 521-9385 Susan Benz Business Development - Sales Manager 24 Simon St Nashua, NH 3060 web: gd-ais. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Aviation Services phone:...............................(703) 876-3000 Ted Thompson Flight Test Operations Manager 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: generaldynamics. com General Aerospace General Dynamics C4 Systems phone:...............................(256) 835-1660 Steven Pelley Manager Logistics Operations 8201 E Mcdowell Rd Anniston, AL 85257 web: gdc4s. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Corp phone:...............................(618) 985-8211 Jeff Neilson Director of Operations 6658 Route 148 Marion, IL 62959 web: gd-ots. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Corporation phone:...............................(703) 876-3000 Maria Sequin Abrams Foreign Military Sales 2941 Fairview Park Dr Ste 100 Falls Church, VA 22042 web: gendyn. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems 23018 Ardmore Park Dr Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081 web: axsys. com General Aerospace 11399 16th Ct N Ste 200 Fairfax, VA 33716 web: gd-ots. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(603) 864-6300 Ana Sotomayor Human Resources Director General Dynamics Global Imaging Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 737-5200 Therese Tutwiler Business Development Sales Specialist 6717 Al Highway 157 Cullman, AL 35057 web: gd-ais. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Land Systems phone:...............................(425) 885-0617 Stephan Matriotti Marketing, Information Technology 38500 Mound Rd Redmond, WA 48310 web: gdls. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Mission Systems phone:...............................(651) 686-5401 Cynthia Hatch Owner at Gdais 6717 Al Highway 157 Saint Paul, MN 35057 web: gd-ais. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(727) 578-8252 Mark Gibson Director of Talent Management General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(727) 578-8100 Alice J. (toni) Curtis Assistant Vice President Human Resources 11399 16th Ct N Ste 200 Saint Petersburg, FL 33716 web: gd-ots. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Ots (dri), Inc. phone:...............................(256) 737-5200 Vivian Hackleman Sales Executive 2941 Fairview Park Dr Ste 100 Anniston, AL 22042 web: axsys. com General Aerospace General Dynamics-Ots, Inc. phone:...............................(937) 806-2035 Jay Heitz Contracts Manager Springboro Operations 2118 Water Ridge Pkwy Springboro, OH 28217 web: gd-ots. com General Aerospace General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems 11350 137th Pl Ne Redmond, WA Other General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems phone:...............................(509) 762-5381 fax:...................................... (509) 762-3124 Brian McDermott 9256 Randolph Rd NE Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: generaldynamics. com Space-related General Electric Capital Corporation phone:...............................(203) 373-2211 Noel Engelman Technical Application Engineer and GA Sales Manager-T and D 3850 N Causeway Blvd Ste 700 Atlanta, GA 70002 web: ge. com General Aerospace General Electric Company 7500e Marginal Way S, Gate C39 Seattle, WA MRO General Electric Company phone:...............................(513) 552-3303 Tyler Wilson Agent for Aviation Operations Center 8700 Governors Hill Dr Cincinnati, OH 45249 web: ge. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 163 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY General Electric Company Inc Genuine Machine Products, Inc. Giddens Industries, Inc. 1433 N Tech Blvd Ste 101 Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: genuinemachine. com General Aerospace 9205 Airport Rd Everett, WA 98204 web: giddens. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(203) 373-2211 Murali Narasimman Leader, Mobile Coe and Search Coe-new Media and Emerging Technology I phone:...............................(480) 813-3816 Marty Leavitt Operations Manager General Machinery & Manufacturing Co George V Miller 3135 Easton Tpke Shelton, CT 6828 web: ge. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(773) 235-3700 Stephen II Founder 2634 N Keeler Ave Chicago, IL 60639 web: gmmco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 353-0405 Alyssa Snyder Human Resources Generalist Giddens Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(830) 379-3030 George V Miller Owner 10225 S STATE HIGHWAY 123 SEGUIN Seguin, TX 78155 web: conetrol. com General Aerospace George’s Custom Plastics phone:...............................(425) 353-0405 fax:......................................(425) 353-0404 John Seguin Director of Sales, Marketing and Contracts Bomarc Industrial Park 2600 94th Street SW Suite 150 Everett, WA 98204 web: giddens. com Tooling phone:...............................(253) 939-1575 fax:......................................(253) 288-9564 George Bendo Owner GIVON USA phone:...............................(305) 482-9903 Alexander Kamberger Manager-marketing 3064 NW 72nd Ave Miami, FL 33122 web: generalmroaerospace. com General Aerospace 3250 b Street N. W., # C Auburn, WA 98001 web: geocustomplastic. com/ Cabins & Interiors, Machining General Plastics Manufacturing Company Georgia Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing, LLC GKN Aerospace General Mro Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(253) 473-5000 Brian Sweeney Business Development Manager phone:.............................. (866) 344-4466 Ron Packard Senior Vice President Operations 4910 Burlington Way Tacoma, WA 98409 web: generalplastics. com Cabins & Interiors 108 Pine Rd, Newnan Newnan, GA 30263 web: ginngroup. com General Aerospace Geneva Aviation, Inc. Geza Gear, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 546-2210 fax:......................................(800) 546-2220 Todd Hildebrand Production Manager 19717 62nd Ave S Ste E101 Kent, WA 98032 web: genevaaviation. com Cabins & Interiors Gensco, Inc. (Seattle) 1703 6th Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98134 web: gensco. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:...............................(703) 327-9844 Ryan Loria Sales and Marketing 40 Wall St New York, NY 10005 web: gezagear. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 361-4444 Stu Kaiden Sales Engineer 17375 Mount Herrmann St Fountain Valley, CA 92708 web: gfmiaero. com General Aerospace Gh Armor Systems Inc. phone:...............................(931) 233-9084 Chris Grado National Sales Manager Po Box 280 Dover, TN 37058 web: gharmorsystems. com General Aerospace 164 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical 2300 MERRILL CREECK PARKWAY EVERETT, WA 98203 web: HRGIVON. com Machining phone:...............................(206) 396-7185 Kevin Nash VP/GM 1725 Puyallup St Suite 200 Sumner, WA 98390 Aerospace Painting GKN Aerospace Bandy Machining, Inc. Gfmi Aerospace & Defense, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-7591 fax:......................................(206) 682-8359 Tom Piscatelli phone:...............................(425) 355-3330 VAS KOZOREZOV SHOP FLOOR MANAGER Alphabetical phone:....................... (+44) 117-317-6500 Jeanette De Castro Human Resources Manager 3420 N San Fernando Blvd Burbank, CA 91504 web: usa.gknaerospace. com General Aerospace GKN Aerospace Chem-Tronics Inc. phone:...............................(619) 448-2320 Michael Worden Director, Operations 1215 Bert Acosta St El Cajon, CA 92020 web: usa.gknaerospace. com General Aerospace GKN Aerospace Monitor, Inc. phone:...............................(631) 957-2300 Raymond Simon Director Engine Services Marketing 1000 New Horizons Blvd Amityville, NY 11701 web: gknaerospace. com General Aerospace Advertisers GKN Aerospace Newington LLC Global Armour LLC Glock, Inc. 299 Riverside Ave Westport, CT 6880 web: globalarmour. com General Aerospace 6000 Highlands Pkwy Se Smyrna, GA 30082 web: glock. com General Aerospace phone:.......................(+44) 152-751-7715 Lauren Bukowski Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(203) 226-1778 Richard Garland Owner, Chief Executive Officer GKN Aerospace Services Structures Corporation Global Exec Aviation LLC GM Nameplate 3250 Airflite Way Long Beach, CA 90807 web: geajets. com General Aerospace 2040 15th Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 web: gmnameplate. com Cabins & Interiors 183, 179 Louis St Newington, CT 6111 web: usa.gknaerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 613-7381 Tony Cacace Chief Executive Officer 1000 Corporate Row Cromwell, CT 6416 web: gknats. com General Aerospace GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 653-7910 Bruce Wilson Purchasing Manager 12122 Western Ave Toledo, OH 92841 web: tsusa.gknaerospace. com General Aerospace GKN Westland Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(334) 283-9356 Heather Eckl Human Resources Manager 229 S Tallassee Dr Tallassee, AL 36078 web: usa.gknaerospace. com General Aerospace Glasair Aviation, LLC phone:...............................(360) 435-8533 Harry Delong Sales Manager 18810 59th Ave NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: glasairaviation. com General Aerospace Glenair, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 385-3701 Bruce Benedict Couldnt Veirfy Title But On Sales Directory 3463 Edgewater Dr Ste B Orlando, FL 32804 web: glenair. com General Aerospace Global Aerosystems, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 367-4477 fax:......................................(425) 367-4605 Chuck Rhoden President 10108 32nd Avenue W Everett, WA 98204 web: globalaerosystems. com Engineering phone:...............................(888) 878-0788 Chris Manriquez Charter Sales Manager phone:...............................(770) 432-1202 Betty Richardson Assistant Director - Human Resources phone:...............................(206) 284-2200 Carlo Mears Director of GM Nameplate Aerospace Global Ground Support, LLC GM Nameplate/SuperGraphics 540 E Highway 56 Olathe, KS 66061 web: global-llc. com General Aerospace 2040 15th Ave W Chicago, IL 98119 web: gmnameplate. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(913) 780-0300 Roger Main Engineering/Technical, Operations phone:...............................(206) 284-2200 Dean Karousos Senior Sales Engineer Global In-flight Products Go Lightly Inc 8918 - 152nd Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: gipusa. com Cabins & Interiors Golden-Helvey Holdings, Inc. Global Machine Works, Inc. 27217 County Road 6 Elkhart, IN 46514 web: kessington. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 558-2778 fax:...................................... (425) 885-1219 Zine Badissy President & CEO phone:...............................(360) 403-8432 fax:...................................... (360) 435-6387 Brad Stuczynski Partner 19130 59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: globalmachineworks. com Machining Globe Engineering Co., Inc. phone:...............................(316) 943-1266 Craig Scribner Director of Purchasing 1539 S Saint Paul St Wichita, KS 67213 web: globeeng. com General Aerospace Globe International, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 383-2584 fax:...................................... (253) 572-9672 Jack Sherman Sales Manager 902 East E. Street Tacoma, WA 98407 web: globelifts. com Machining 17128 Se Covington-Sawyer Rd. Kent, WA MRO phone:............................... (574) 266-4500 Charlie Cobb Manager-Manufacturing and Tool Purchasing Gompf Brackets, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 348-5002 Lee GOMPF 12426 Mukilteo Speedway, C Mukilteo, WA 98275 Other Goodrich phone:...............................(704) 282-2500 Daniel Grant Aftermarket Sales Director, Americas 2730 W Tyvola Rd Ste 600 Monroe, NC 28217 web: goodrich. com General Aerospace Goodrich Corporation phone:...............................(425) 423-3513 Christina McLane Chief Executive Officer 1550 Valley Vista Dr Everett, WA 91765 web: goodrich. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 165 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Grace Aerospace, Inc. Growth Industries, Inc. Guns 111th 4838 White Settlement Rd Fort Worth, TX 76114 web: f-16. com General Aerospace 12523 3rd St Grandview, MO 64030 web: growthind. com General Aerospace 224 E Edgefield Dr Summerville, SC 29483 web: guns111th. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (817) 732-6617 Steve Bolton Finance Executive Green Country Aircraft Exhaust, Inc. phone:............................... (918) 832-1769 Mike Teague President-Chief Executive Officer 1876 N 106th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 web: greencountryaircraft. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (816) 763-7676 Jay Collins Finance Manager Growth Strategies phone:...............................(206) 992-9279 6201 Saint Albion Way Mountlake Terrace, WA web: growthstrategies. us Other phone:...............................(603) 447-1095 Jeff Whiting Owner phone:...............................(805) 527-8605 Thomas Rullman Chief Executive Officer, President 4505 Industrial St Ste 2g Simi Valley, CA 93063 web: gtaeronautics. com General Aerospace 153 W Main St Conway, NH 3818 web: gmriflebarrel. com General Aerospace Gti Systems, Inc. Greenpoint Technologies 820 Port Centre Pkwy Saint Petersburg, FL 23704 web: gtisystemsinc. com General Aerospace 4600 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033 web: greenpnt. com/index.xml Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:...............................(256) 258-0035 Tonya Horton Human Resources Manager 106 Commerce Cir Madison, AL 35758 web: griffon-aerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(937) 652-1402 Sarah Stallsmith Assistant Human Resources Manager 550 OH-55 Urbana, OH 43078 web: honeywell. com General Aerospace 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: gulfstream. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(316) 708-3381 Elizabeth Allenbaugh Marketing Manager 1024 N Prairie Creek Rd Andover, KS 67002 web: groomaviation. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(425) 776-1994 Rod Hutchinson Owner 22824 85th Place W. Edmonds, WA 98026 web: hhmachine. netfirms. com Machining phone:...............................(316) 942-6984 Lon Legleiter Chief Executive Officer 20 Milburn St Wichita, KS 14212 web: hrpartsco. com General Aerospace H S Munitions phone:...............................(703) 276-9500 Neil Clark Director, Government Sales Support 1000 Wilson Blvd Ste 2701 Arlington, VA 22209 web: gulfstream. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(406) 777-2106 Vicki Ross Director of Operations 4406 Rathbun Ln Stevensville, MT 59870 web: thehuntingshack. com General Aerospace H. M. Dunn Company, Inc. Gulfstream Delaware Corp Groom Aviation 166 Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (georgia) Grimes Aerospace Company H H & R Parts Co., Inc. phone:...............................(912) 965-8919 Korakot De Graaf Advertising Manager Griffon Aerospace, Inc. 130 Abbess Lane Yakima, WA 98908 web: 2gwc. com Other H & H Machine phone:...............................(727) 573-1305 Peter Shindo Marketing Manager phone:...............................(425) 828-2777 fax:...................................... (425) 827-6105 Jon Buccola Vice President GWC, Inc. / (Golden West Communications) phone:...............................(509) 965-8289 fax:...................................... (509) 965-3607 Jim Walker Sales/ Service Gt Aeronautics, LLC Green Mountain Custom Barrels Inc phone:...............................(252) 314-6525 Jonathan Peyton Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(912) 965-3000 Harry C. C Spearman Founder phone:.........................(817) 283-3722 x 3 John Forsgren Director of Human Resources/E.h and S 3301 House Anderson Rd Euless, TX 76040 web: hmdunn. com General Aerospace 500 Gulfstream Rd Savannah, GA 31408 web: gogulfstream. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Hallidie Machinery Co., Inc. Harper Engineering CO Inc. phone:...............................(253) 939-9020 fax:...................................... (253) 939-9019 Scott Hanson President phone:...............................(425) 255-0414 fax:......................................(425) 228-0889 O. J. Harper President Hamburg Precision, Inc. Harper Engineering Company 2002 W Velley Highway, Suite #400 Auburn, WA 98002 web: hallidie. com Machining 700 SW 7th St. Renton, WA 98057 web: harperengineering. com Engineering phone:...............................(360) 256-7658 fax:......................................(360) 256-0209 Fred Hamburg Owner phone:...............................(425) 255-0414 Thomas J Egbert Purchasing 13213 NE Kerr Road #1 Vancouver, WA 98682 Machining 200 S Tobin St Renton, WA 98057 web: harperengineering. com General Aerospace Hampson Aerospace Harris Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 331-0861 Renee Fahmy Vice President of Finance phone:...............................(817) 279-9546 Debra Harris Chief Executive Officer 1471 W Industrial Park St Covina, CA 91722 web: hampsongroup. com General Aerospace 600 Holmes Dr Granbury, TX 76048 web: harriscomposites. com General Aerospace Hannen Engineering, LLC. Harris Corporation phone:...............................(425) 454-5535 fax:......................................(206) 792-1932 William Knorr Management Director 7 Lake Bellevue Drive, Suite 210 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: hannenengineering. com Engineering Harbor Island Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-7637 Michael DEFACCIO President phone:...............................(904) 230-6322 Viviano Geno Director of Strategic Partners 21 B St E Florida, MA 1247 web: harris. com General Aerospace Harris Corporation, Farinon Division phone:...............................(206) 340-1015 fax:...................................... (206) 340-0612 Ron Harris 3431 11th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98134 Machining 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2200 Seattle, WA 98101 web: harris. com Cabins & Interiors Harlow Aerostructures LLC Hart Precision Products, Inc. Hartwell Corporation phone:...............................(714) 993-4200 James Paige Human Resources Manager 22115 Hufsmith Kohrville Rd Irvine, CA 77375 web: hartwellcorp. com General Aerospace Hartzell Engine Technologies LLC phone:...............................(334) 386-5400 Stacy Smith Human Resources Executive 2900 Selma Hwy Montgomery, AL 36108 web: hartzellenginetech. com General Aerospace Hartzell Engine Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 238-6503 Sergio Dearmas Owner 2900 Selma Hwy Miami, FL 36108 web: hartzellenginetech. com General Aerospace Hartzell Propeller Inc. phone:...............................(937) 778-4201 Jeff Slattery Account Manager- Oem Sales 1 Propeller Pl Piqua, OH 45356 web: hartzellprop. com General Aerospace Haskins Steel Co., Inc. phone:...............................(509) 535-0657 fax:...................................... (509) 535-8167 Rick Pickel Sales Manager E. 3613 Main Avenue PO Box 4219 Spokane, WA 99202 web: haskinssteelinc. com Machining Heart of Georgia Metal Crafters, LLC phone:...............................(313) 537-0490 Cecil Edwards Vice President Sales and Marketing phone:............................... (478) 374-7766 Cindy Grenade Human Resources Manager 1501 S Mclean Blvd Wichita, KS 67213 web: harlowair. com General Aerospace 12700 Marion Redford, MI 48239 web: hart-precision. com General Aerospace 345 Airport Rd Eastman, GA 31023 web: hgmetalcrafters. com General Aerospace Harper Aviation, Inc Hart Systems, Inc. Heartland Precision Fasteners, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 265-5268 Ana Perkins Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(817) 467-6846 Rick Harper Founder PO BOX 35 Eagle, ID 83616 web: harper-aviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 858-8481 fax:......................................(253) 858-8486 Ronald Hart President 3123 56th Street Court NW, Suite 3 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: thetanktender. com Other phone:...............................(913) 829-4447 Beth Burdett Production Control Coordinator/Purchasing 301 Prairie Village Dr New Century, KS 66031 web: heartlandfasteners. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 167 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Heatcon Composite Systems phone:...............................(206) 575-1333 fax:...................................... (206) 575-0856 Howard Banasky President 600 ANDOVER PARK E. Seattle, WA 98188 web: heatcon. com Machining Helicopter Tech, Inc. phone:...............................(610) 272-8090 Walter Metzel PROCUREMENT SOURCING 452 Swedeland Rd King Of Prussia, PA 19406 web: helicoptertechinc. com General Aerospace Helicopters Northwest Heath Manufacturing phone:............................... (360) 474-0666 Zak Heath Owner phone:...............................(206) 767-0508 Rich Carter Owner 18650 59th Dr NE 1 Arlington, WA 98223 Machining 8500 Perimeter Rd S Ste 2 Seattle, WA 98108 web: helicoptersnw. com Machining Heath Tecna Heligear Acquisition Co. phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Joseph Corpe Graphic & Website Designer phone:...............................(708) 728-2000 Anthony Kirvyvwski Manager of Human Resources 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heath. com Engineering 6006 W 73rd St Chicago, IL 60638 web: pt6t. com General Aerospace Heath Tecna Inc. Heli-Tech phone:...............................(360) 738-2005 Andy Parkes Vice President-sales, Europe, Middle East and Africa 3225 Woburn St Bellingham, WA 98226 web: zodiacaerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 366-0129 Craig Evans CEO 7056 Portal Way Ferndale, WA 98248 web: helitechss. com Composites Manufacturing Henry Wisconsin, LLC Heico Corporation phone:............................... (954) 744-7677 Julie Dobulis Corporate Director of Human Resources and Public Relations at Heico Aerospace 3000 Taft St Hollywood, FL 33021 web: heico. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(715) 736-3030 Andy Wickstrom Sales and Service 702 S Randall Ave Rice Lake, WI 53715 web: henrywisconsin. com General Aerospace Hexcel Corp Helicopter Parts International, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 715-8600 fax:...................................... (360) 715-1300 Harry Niwranski President #2, 3821 Williamson Way Bellingham International Airport Bellingham, WA 98226 web: heliparts. net/ Other phone:...............................(360) 757-7212 fax:...................................... (360) 757-7214 Dan Johnson Engineering Manager 15062 Steele Rd Burlington, WA 98233 web: hexcel. com Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing Hexcel Corporation phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 Scott Springer Finance Executive Hexcel Pottsville Corporation phone:...............................(203) 969-0666 Michael W. Bacal Communications and Investor Relations Manager 281 Tresser Blvd Stamford, CT 6901 web: hexcel. com General Aerospace Hexcel Structures & Interiors phone:...............................(253) 872-7500 fax:...................................... (253) 395-4794 Russ Thurman General Manager PO Box 97004 Kent, WA 98064 web: hexcel. com Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining, Tooling Hicksville Machine Works Corp. phone:...............................(516) 931-1524 Holly Pasquarella Purchasing Agent 761 S Broadway Hicksville, NY 11801 web: hicksvillemachine. com General Aerospace High Adventure phone:...............................(909) 883-8488 Robert McKenzie Owner 5500 Ben Canyon Rd San Bernardino, CA 92407 web: flytandem. com General Aerospace High Energy Metals phone:...............................(360) 683-6390 fax:...................................... (360) 683-6375 Don Butler President 293 Business Park Loop Sequim, WA 98382 web: highenergymetals. com Machining High Standard Manufacturing Company Inc phone:...............................(713) 462-4200 Kimberly Spellman Vice President Operations 5151 Mitchelldale St Houston, TX 77092 web: highstandard. com General Aerospace 19819 84th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: hexcel. com General Aerospace 168 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Higher Planes Inc Hitco Carbon Composites, Inc. Honeywell 1600 W 135th St Gardena, CA 90249 web: hitco. com General Aerospace P.O. Box 2245 101 Columbia Road Valley Center, KS 7962 web: honeywell. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (936) 494-1717 Denise Biscamp Sales and Customer Service phone:...............................(310) 527-0700 George Hiraga Chief Human Resources Officer Highpoint Firearms Hi-Tech Machining & Engineering, LLC 513 Bryant Rd Conroe, TX 77303 web: higherplanes. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (419) 747-9444 Tom Deeb Owner and Founder 1015 Springmill St Mansfield, OH 44906 web: hi-pointfirearms. com General Aerospace Highwood Global LP phone:...............................(509) 655-7711 Chuck Zigmund Project Manager 2425 E. Magnesium Rd Spokane, WA 99217 web: highwoodglobal. com Metal Fabrication Hill,Steven 1704 South 341 St Pl, Bldg WFederal Way, WA MRO Hiller, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 264-8022 Carissa Chase Human Resources Compliance Manager 630 N Washington St Wichita, KS 67214 web: hillerinc. com General Aerospace The Hillman Companies, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 933-0163 Alessandra Gonzalez Ook Transitional Sales and Marketing Manager 10590 Hamilton Ave Miami, FL 45231 web: hillmangroup. com General Aerospace Hirschler Mfg., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-9384 fax:.......................................(425) 827-1874 Grant Shneider President 915 6TH Street S. Kirkland, WA 98033 web: hirschler. com Machining phone:...............................(520) 889-8325 Celia Penn Finance Supervisor 1075 E Wieding Rd Tucson, AZ 85706 web: hi-techmachining. com General Aerospace Hobart Machined Products, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 432-3440 fax:......................................(425) 432-3486 Rosemary Brester President/CEO 28819 SE 208th Street P.O. Box 7 Hobart, WA 98025 web: hobartmachined. com Machining HOLOEYE Systems Inc phone:...............................(949) 461-7064 Sean Christian Sales and Marketing Manager 3146 Tiger Run Ct Ste 120 Laguna Hills, CA 92010 web: holoeyesystems. com General Aerospace Honda Aircraft Company phone:....................... (336) 662-0246 x16 Denise Johnson Human Resources 6430 Ballinger Rd Downey, CA 27410 web: com General Aerospace Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(602) 365-3099 fax:......................................(602) 365.3343 Product Information 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle, P.O. Box 2102-103 Phoenix, AZ 85034 web: com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems Honeywell Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 885-3711 Product Information 15001 NE 36th St Redmond, WA 98052 web: honeywell. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems Hornady Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(308) 382-1390 Renae Waltemath Director of Sales 3625 W Old Potash Hwy Grand Island, NE 68803 web: hornady. com General Aerospace Horst Engineering & Manufacturing Co phone:...............................(860) 528-1515 Rita Zapor Finance Executive 36 Cedar St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: horstengineering. com General Aerospace Houston Fearless 76 Inc Honda Aircraft Company, Inc phone:........................ (336) 662-0246 x 1 Kathy Carter Information Technology Procurement Officer 6430 Ballinger Rd Greensboro, NC 27410 web: com General Aerospace phone:...............................(316) 755-0826 Jinny Robinson Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(440) 729-2445 Steven Eisenberg Vice President of Finance 203 W Artesia Blvd Chesterland, OH 90220 web: houstonfearless. com General Aerospace Hovair Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 237-4518 Gus Hart President 6912 S 220th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: hovair. com Other ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 169 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Howe Machine & Tool Corp. phone:...............................(714) 773-2600 Dennis Ullrich Chief Executive Officer Hra Inc Hydraulics International, Inc. 236 Park Ave Bethpage, NY 11714 web: howemachine. com General Aerospace 1881 W Malvern Ave Fullerton, CA 92833 web: hydraflow. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(818) 407-3400 Les Turner Director of Sales 1124 Ainsworth Street Pasco, WA MRO H-S Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(605) 341-3006 Josh Cluff Director of Sales and Marketing 1301 Turbine Dr Rapid City, SD 57703 web: hsprecision. com General Aerospace 9201 Independence Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: hiipumps. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(651) 642-4591 Bernard Weiss President and Chief Operating Officer 3415 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55114 web: hubavtech. com General Aerospace Huck International, Inc. phone:...............................(520) 519-7506 Laura Endicott Human Resources Manager 3724 E Columbia St Tucson, AZ 85714 web: alcoa. com General Aerospace Hydro Systems USA Inc. 1220 37th St NW Ste 101 Auburn, WA 98001 web: General Aerospace phone:............................... (973) 376-7400 Scott Vanderwoude Director of Sales and Marketing 10 Stern Ave Springfield, NJ 7081 web: hudsoncontrol. com General Aerospace Hydro USA, Co. phone:...............................(253) 876-2100 fax:.......................................(253) 876-2110 Kurt Rose President 1220, 37th Street NW Suite 101 Auburn, WA 98001 web: Other Hydroform USA Incorporated 2848 E 208th St Long Beach, CA 90810 web: hydroformusa. com General Aerospace phone:........................(516) 741-7979 x20 Victor Lasalle Owner 3151 N Kenwood St Mineola, NY 91505 web: hydraelectric. com General Aerospace 4601 NE 77th Street, Suite 180 Vancouver, WA 98662 web: cutparts. com Machining Ices Corporation 4470 Rr 4 Box Cleveland, OK 74020 web: ices-core. com General Aerospace ICF International, Inc. 7235 NW 19th St Ste A Miami, FL 33126 web: icgi. com General Aerospace Icon Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(424) 201-3500 Ashlynd Hunter Administrative Assistant To The Vice President of Operations 12511 Beatrice St Los Angeles, CA 90066 web: iconaircraft. com General Aerospace ID Integration phone:...............................(425) 438-2533 Gary Moe President Hydromach, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 341-0915 Charles Platt Federal Contract Operations Hydra-Electric Company phone:...............................(360) 694-1785 fax:...................................... (360) 694-1795 Dena Rasmussen Executive Vice President phone:...............................(305) 594-0848 Brenda Goodman Manager Operations phone:...............................(408) 632-6353 Chic Wickwire Sales Manager Hudson Control Group, Inc. I.G.I. (Industrial Gasket, Inc.) phone:...............................(918) 358-5446 Alan Dill Human Resources phone:...............................(253) 218-0571 Denise Hopkins Director of Human Resources Hubbard Aviation Technologies, LLC I Hydraflow phone:...............................(516) 931-5687 Budd Asher Sales Manager 13024 Beverly Park RD #104 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: com Professional Services 20400 Prairie St Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: hydromach. com General Aerospace IDD Aerospace Corporation Hytek Finishes Company 18225 NE 76th Street P.O. Box 97056 Redmond, WA 98052 web: iddaerospacecorp. com Cabins & Interiors 8127 So. 216th St. Kent, WA MRO phone:...............................(425) 885-4353 fax:...................................... (425) 883-0387 Beth de Young VP Sales and Marketing IDL Precision Machining phone:...............................(425) 315-8080 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8070 11600-T 49th Place W. #B Mukilteo, WA 98275 Machining 170 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers IHC phone:...............................(520) 305-4956 Wolf Kirsten Founder 36 S State St Ste 1900 Tucson, AZ 84111 web: wolfkirsten. com General Aerospace Ihi Turbo America Co. phone:............................... (217) 774-9571 Tom Rezinas Operations Manager 36 Rr 3 Shelbyville, IL 62565 web: ihi-turbo. com General Aerospace Ikhana Group, Inc. phone:...............................(951) 600-0009 John Zublin Chief Executive Officer 37260 Sky Canyon Dr Hngr 20 Murrieta, CA 92563 web: ikhanagroup. com General Aerospace Imaginetics Inc phone:...............................(253) 735-0156 3410 A Street SE Auburn, WA web: imagineticsinc. com Other IMP Canada phone:...............................(902) 482-1600 Sandi Chase-Caron Human Resources Manager 110 National Dr Fl 2 Glastonbury, CT 6033 web: impgroup. com General Aerospace Impresa Aerospace, LLC phone:........................ (310) 354-1200 x 2 Scott Smith Chief Executive Officer 15700 S Figueroa St Gardena, CA 90248 web: impresaaerospace. com General Aerospace Indus Aviation, Inc phone:...............................(214) 337-6387 David Morelan Inventory Manager and Purchasing 5681 Apollo Dr Dallas, TX 75237 web: indusav. com General Aerospace Industrial Automation Inc. Inflight Warning Systems, Inc 1421 S. 93RD Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: iagse. com/ Tooling 3940 Prospect Ave Ste P Yorba Linda, CA 92886 web: inflightwarningsystems. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 763-1025 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3226 Tom McKown Sales Manager Industrial Rubber & Supply, Inc./ Comfor Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 922-1148 fax:...................................... (253) 383-7154 Jay Smalling President 2105 51st Avenue E, Suite 200 Fife, WA 98424 Machining Industrial Systems Lab phone:...............................(425) 226-7585 fax:...................................... (425) 226-2210 Jim Dawson Owner 58 Logan Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 web: islab. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering IndySoft/ Norfox Software, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 774-9118 fax:...................................... (425) 774-9602 Robert Appleby Manager 3400 188TH Street S. W. SUITE 285 Lynnwood, WA 98037 web: indysoft. com Other Infinity Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 350-1900 Dale Carruthers Director of Marketing PO BOX 12275 Northridge, CA 92022 web: dukesaerospace. com General Aerospace Infinity Fabrication, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-7460 fax:...................................... (360) 403-0748 Richard Roeber Owner&President 19225 62nd Avenue NE Arlington, WA 98223 Machining phone:...............................(714) 993-9394 Ehrick Steve Chief Operating Officer Inityaero Inc phone:...............................(316) 265-0603 Sheila Lary Treasurer, Vice-President, Sales and Marketing 787 N. West St Wichita Wichita, KS 67203 web: midcentral-mfg. com General Aerospace Inland Empire Distribution Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 922-0944 fax:...................................... (509) 242-4429 Matt Ewers VP Business Development 3808 N. Sullivan Road, #32 Spokane, WA 99216 web: ieds. net Other Inland Northwest Metallurgical Services, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 922-7663 fax:...................................... (509) 922-7626 Dan Tabish President 16203 E. Marietta Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 web: inlandmet. com Machining Inlow Finishing Touch phone:...............................(816) 992-0189 Kimberly Inlow Owner 12910 New Market Rd Dearborn, MO 64439 web: impressionsinflight. com General Aerospace Innovative Composite phone:...............................(509) 493-4484 Lori Wolford Human Resources Manager PO BOX 1218 Bingen, WA 98672 web: innce. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 171 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Innovative Composite Engineering Integrated Technologies, Inc. (INTEC, Inc.) International Aero Interiors, Inc. (Changed name to Volant) 1910 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 web: in-tec. com Composites Manufacturing, Machining 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA 98233 web: intl-aero. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(509) 493-4484 fax:......................................(509) 493-4485 Steven Maier President phone:...............................(425) 293-0340 fax:...................................... (425) 293-0341 Maryann Einarson President, CEO Innovative Technologies, Inc. Integrity Ballistics LLC 139 E Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 web: innovativecomposite. com/ Composites Manufacturing, Machining phone:...............................(425) 258-4773 fax:......................................(425) 339-8089 Jim Phillips President 3318 Hill Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: innovativetechnologies. biz Machining 513 E Hart St Boise, ID 82834 web: integrityballistics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 493-8600 fax:...................................... (509) 493-8601 Steve Sliwa President, CEO 118 E Columbia River Way Bingen, WA 98605 web: insitu. com/ Other phone:...............................(765) 675-9687 Mark Berube Director of Sales 604 Maple St Tipton, IN 46072 web: integrityedm. com General Aerospace Intelligrated Insitu, Inc. phone:...............................(301) 631-2406 Caitlyin Lynch Marketing and Business Development Manager 118 E Columbia River Way Frederick, MD 98605 web: insitu. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(651) 426-8558 Rodney Erickson Director of Sales 5650 Hollis St Saint Paul, MN 94608 web: fkilogistex. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(562) 997-9242 Howard Osborn Operations Executive 2750 Raymond Ave Signal Hill, CA 90755 web: hightechwest. com General Aerospace Integrated Deicing Services, LLC phone:............................... (603) 647-1717 Dan Young Director Sales and Marketing 175 Ammon Dr Manchester, NH 3103 web: General Aerospace 4110 Stearman Ave. Pasco, WA MRO Interaction Research, Corp. phone:...............................(360) 357-4454 fax:...................................... (360) 943-9780 Trisha Carper-Ferguson President 3010 29th Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 web: ircprintanddesign. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering phone:...............................(480) 284-0572 Greg Esselstrom Sales Engineer Categorical phone:...............................(814) 938-6820 Ryan Forsythe Marketing Director RR 3 Box Reynoldsville, PA 15825 web: iccammo. com General Aerospace International Component Repair LLC International Logistic Support Corporation phone:............................... (928) 474-0092 Shephens Dave Chief Executive Officer 700 W Airport Rd Payson, AZ 85541 web: ilsc. biz General Aerospace International Systems, LLC Interconnecttek Profiles of Success International Cartridge Corporation 40 E Industrial Ct Villa Rica, GA 30180 web: icrr255x. com General Aerospace 1216 N Farrell St Gilbert, AZ 85233 web: interconnecttek. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(562) 240-2189 Lori Powers Tivoli Business Partner Manager phone:...............................(770) 459-8862 John Mourey Director-operations Inter Avionics Inc Integrated Aerospace Structure International Business Machines Corporation 1 New Orchard Rd Long Beach, CA 10504 web: com General Aerospace Integrity E.D.M. LLC Insitu Group, Inc. 172 phone:...............................(307) 684-7908 Jim Greer Chief Executive Officer phone:............................... (360) 757-2376 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4841 Stacey Mattson VP Technical & Product Support Alphabetical phone:...............................(858) 552-9408 Michael Foley Sales Manager 1901 Butterfield Rd Ste 700 San Diego, CA 60515 web: l-3com. com General Aerospace Advertisers Interpoint Corporation (Crane Electronics, New name) phone:...............................(425) 882-3100 fax:......................................(425) 882-1990 Greg Reese 10201 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: interpoint. com Avionics, Space-related Interturbine Logistik GMBH phone:...............................(786) 337-8144 Timm Boehmcker Manager Oem Sales 5775 Blue Lagoon Dr Ste 240 Miami, FL 33126 web: interturbine. com General Aerospace Intro Corporation phone:...............................(305) 251-8995 Jean Chagnon Marketing Manager 12252 SW 131st Ave Miami, FL 33186 web: introcorp. com General Aerospace Inventory Locator Service, LLC phone:...............................(901) 794-5000 Don Van Eeghen Owner, President 8001 Centerview Pkwy Hayward, CA 38018 web: ilsmart. com General Aerospace IPMAS phone:...............................(877) 439-7343 Sheila McIlnay Chief Executive Officer and Founder 1617 Duke St Fort Worth, TX 22314 web: ipmasset. com General Aerospace Isovolta Inc. phone:...............................(541) 995-6395 Nicole Hunter Human Resources Manager 495 Territorial St Harrisburg, OR 97446 web: isovolta-or. us General Aerospace Ithaca Gun Company phone:...............................(419) 294-4113 Isaac Logsdon Human Resources Manager 420 N Warpole St Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 web: ithacagun. com General Aerospace Itron, Inc. J D Ott Co Inc phone:...............................(509) 924-9900 Ed May Director Solutions Marketing phone:............................... (206) 749-0777 Bill Cook Vice President ITT Corporation J R Engineering 6501 Wildwood Dr Mckinney, TX 75070 web: itron. com General Aerospace 2244 6th Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 web: jdott. com Machining phone:...............................(304) 529-4161 Al Bader Operations Executive phone:...............................(425) 337-9472 John R. Alberti President/ Principal Engineer ITT Enidine Inc. J. D. Ott Co., Inc. 5009 Centennial Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80919 web: itt. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(716) 662-1900 Christine Brooks Aerospace Inside Sales Coordinator 7 Centre Dr Orchard Park, NY 14127 web: enidine. com General Aerospace 1902 120th Place SE Ste 202 Everett, WA 98208 web: quietlysuperior. com Testing & Certifications phone:............................... (206) 749-0777 Rick Sandberg Outplant Purchasing/Machining Coordinator 2244 6th Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 web: jdott. com General Aerospace J J. P. Enterprises, Inc. J & M Machine, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 204-0848 fax:......................................(425) 204-0850 Scott Wallance Operations Manager 1703 NE 43rd Street Renton, WA 98056 Machining phone:.........................(651) 426-9196 x 1 Kathleen Gangl Finance - Operations Manager 7605 128th St N Saint Paul, MN 55110 web: jprifles. com General Aerospace The Jack House LLC J & R Metalcraft Fabricators Inc. phone:...............................(206) 284-0632 fax:......................................(206) 284-0634 Elaine King President 15 Nickerson Street Seattle, WA 98109 web: jrmetalinc. com Machining phone:...............................(251) 990-5960 Gary Zeller Owner 516 N 16th St Fairhope, AL 62966 web: jackhouse. com General Aerospace Jackson Products, Inc. J & S Fabrication, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 385-3003 fax:...................................... (360) 379-9229 Larry Solheim Manager 419 Haines Place Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: jsfab. com Machining phone:...............................(909) 468-3636 Dean Wilson Sales Executive 801 Corporate Centre Dr Pomona, CA 63368 web: jacksonsafety. com General Aerospace Jamaica Bearings Group phone:............................... (954) 447-4700 Jay Hurley Director of Operations 3002 N Commerce Pkwy Hollywood, FL 33025 web: jamaicaaerospace. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 173 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jamco America phone:............................... (425) 347-4735 fax:...................................... (425) 355-0237 Dave Nelson VP Operations 1018 80th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: jamco-america. com Cabins & Interiors Jamco America, Inc. Jeremy Ainsworth phone:...............................(206) 281-0963 Nadim Fattaleh Director International Sales Jesse Engineering Co. Jet Procurement Services, LLC 607B Old Steese Hwy 741 Fairbanks, AK 99701 web: maules. com General Aerospace phone:.........................(425) 347-4735 x 1 Rick Werth Director of Sales phone:...............................(253) 922-7433 fax:......................................(253) 922-1998 Emlyn Jones Director of Technical Sales Janicki Industries, Inc. Jet Aviation Holdings USA, Inc. 1018 80th St Sw Everett, WA 98203 web: jamco-america. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 fax:...................................... (360) 856-0372 Peter Janicki President 1476 Moore Street Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com Composites Manufacturing, Space-related, Tooling Janicki Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 856-5143 Peter Janicki Chief Executive Officer and Founder 1476 Moore St Sedro Woolley, WA 98284 web: janicki. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(330) 923-0333 Lauren Stohovitch Purchasing Manager 75 Marc Dr Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 web: jay-em. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(818) 909-3104 Lori Thomas Senior Charter Sales Representative 112 Charles A Lindbergh Dr Van Nuys, CA 7608 web: jetaviation. com General Aerospace Jet City Laser / ID Integration, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 623-4949 fax:...................................... (206) 623-4951 Jim Wright President Jet Learning Laboratory, Inc. phone:...............................(713) 524-6284 Cy Fair Partner 8236 Kirby Dr Houston, TX 77054 web: jetlearninglaboratory. com General Aerospace JC Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(206) 824-7650 Jeff Cissell President PO Box 98488 Des Moines, WA 98198 Machining Jet Link International Inc 19428 66th Avenue So. Kent, WA MRO phone:...............................(210) 590-3133 Rose Bonner Director-operation Human Resources 10525 Mopac Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 web: jbrnd. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(206) 281-0963 Anu Goel President 220 W Mercer St Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98119 web: jetpartsengineering. com Engineering , Machining Profiles of Success Categorical 220 W Mercer St Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98119 web: jetpartsengineering. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(650) 794-0155 Jeff Finley Sales Manager 8409 NW 101st St Oklahoma City, OK 73162 web: jetpro. net General Aerospace Jet Support Services Inc. phone:...............................(312) 494-8628 Julie Bourke Owner 547 E Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823 web: jetsupport. com General Aerospace Jet Systems Inc 14 N. E. Knox Wilbur, WA MRO Jeteffect, Inc. phone:...............................(562) 989-8800 Chris Warners Sales Director 3250 Airflite Way Long Beach, CA 90807 web: jeteffect. com General Aerospace Jetpartners phone:...............................(212) 213-5640 Erik Hocoluk Managing Partner 375 Park Ave Ste 2607 New York, NY 10152 web: General Aerospace Jetprop LLC Jet Parts Engineering Inc Jeff Bonner R & D, Inc. 174 5225 7th Street E Tacoma, WA 98424 web: jesse-wallace. com Machining 22825 164th Avenue S. E. Kent, WA 98042 web: laseitman. com Machining, Tooling Jay-Em Aerospace Corporation Jet Parts Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(925) 265-0025 Chris Davis Owner Alphabetical phone:...............................(509) 535-4401 Patrick Carter International Sales 6427 E Rutter Ave Spokane, WA 99212 web: jetprop. com General Aerospace Advertisers Jetseal, Inc. Jorgensen Forge Corporation phone:...............................(509) 467-9133 fax:...................................... (509) 467-9133 Gary Meyers President phone:...............................(206) 762-1100 fax:...................................... (206) 763-0848 Ron Altier VP Jevco Jormac Aerospace 8102 N Freya Street Spokane, WA 99207 web: jetseal. com Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(253) 858-2605 Kelly Koontz General Manager 915 26th Ave NW, Building A Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: jevco. com Machining Jewel Art Enterprises Ltd phone:...............................(630) 260-0400 Harbans Singh Partner 460 Randy Road Carol Stream, IL 60188 web: eaglegrips. com General Aerospace Jim Suzuki phone:...............................(253) 804-6070 Jim Suzuki Owner 1 30th St NW Ste 4 Auburn, WA 98001 Composites Manufacturing Jitco-Llc 8531 E. Marginal Way S. Seattle, WA 98108 web: jorgensenforge. com/ Machining phone:.........................(727) 592-0303 x 2 Steve Jourdenais President-chief Executive Officer 11221 69th St Largo, FL 33773 web: jormac. com General Aerospace 14608 Smokey Point Boluevard, Suite 5 Marysville, WA 98271 Machining JL Manufacturing phone:...............................(425) 355-3330 fax:......................................(425) 355-9856 Shari Mcwhorter Office Manager 12310 Highway 99 # 114 Everett, WA 98204 web: jlmfg. com/ Machining Jmp Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(202) 546-2892 Chong Palmer Owner PO BOX 347185 Cleveland, OH 44134 web: jmpind. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(210) 924-5999 Sara Duano Sales Executive 2230 W Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78211 web: kwdmfg. com General Aerospace Kaas Tailored (Kaasco Incorporated) phone:...............................(425) 743-1886 fax:......................................(425) 348-7234 Jeff Kaas President 13000 BEVERLY PARK Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: kaastailored. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining JP Aerospace phone:...............................(916) 858-0185 Uriah Barnett Human Resources Manager 2530 Mercantile Dr Ste I Cameron Park, CA 95742 web: jpaerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 922-3806 Chris Kirsop General Manager 5111 4th St E Fife, WA 98424 web: jwdmachine. com Machining Kaiser Aerospace & Electronics Corporation phone:...............................(949) 250-1015 Michael J Simone Human Resources Manager at Rockwell Collins Kaiser Aircraft Industries, Inc. K & K Atv phone:...............................(413) 323-7044 Shawn Kirby Owner 641 Daniel Shays Hwy Belchertown, MA 1007 web: kandkatv. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(205) 510-4473 Jeff Smith Vice President Finance 1943 50th St N Birmingham, AL 35212 web: kaiseraircraft. com General Aerospace Kaman Aerospace Corporation phone:............................... (425) 347-2157 fax:...................................... (425) 347-7509 Ken Rowe President 12315 Mukiteo Parkway Lynnwood, WA 98037 Machining phone:...............................(508) 635-1414 Manfred Moik Materials and Purchasing Manager 2701 Orchard Pkwy San Jose, CA 95134 web: rockwellcollins. com General Aerospace K K & T Machine Kahr Arms, Inc. 130 Goddard Memorial Dr Worcester, MA 1603 web: kahr. com General Aerospace JWD Machine phone:...............................(360) 653-8124 Gary Richardson K W D Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 242-4461 Darlene Smith Director of Site Operations 1332 Blue Hills Ave Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: kaman. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 175 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kaman Corporation Kelbly's Rifle Range Inc Keystone Sporting Arms, LLC 1332 Blue Hills Ave Denver, CO 6002 web: kaman. com General Aerospace 7222 Dalton Fox Lake Rd North Lawrence, OH 44666 web: kelbly. com General Aerospace 8920 State Route 405 Milton, PA 17847 web: crickett. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 243-7100 Mark Rumlow Operations Manager Kansas Aviation of Independence LLC phone:...............................(620) 331-7716 Matt Gillman Director-Operations phone:...............................(330) 683-4674 George Kelbly Owner Kelly Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(334) 286-8551 Jeff Kelly Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Indepndence Municpl Arprt Independence, KS 67301 web: kansasaviation. com General Aerospace 2900 Selma Hwy Montgomery, AL 36108 web: kellyaerospace. com General Aerospace Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Inc. USA Kel-TEC Cnc Industries, Inc phone:...............................(425) 889-8636 Yoshiyuki Yamashita General Manager 4010 Lake Wahington Boulevard NE Kirkland, WA 98033 Air Framer phone:...............................(973) 785-6000 Juergen Heberling Director of Infrastructure and Operations 150 Totowa Rd Wayne, NJ 7470 web: kearfott. com General Aerospace 1485 Cox Rd Cocoa, FL 32926 web: kel-tec. com General Aerospace 6321 Ne 175th Street Kenmore, WA MRO Kent Manufacturing phone:...............................(913) 492-1222 John Runge Operations Director 10700 Pflumm Rd Shawnee Msn, KS 66215 web: keddeg. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (360) 435-5742 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5478 Kent Johnson Owner 5919 195th St NE Unit 1 Arlington, WA 98223 Machining KENVOX INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD Keith Consolidated Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 830-8678 Bill Keith Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 2581 White City, OR 97503 web: kcigse. com General Aerospace 1406 NW 51st Street Seattle, WA web: khanmachine. com Other phone:...............................(252) 246-7153 Wendy Whitley Human Resources Associate 4200 Airport Dr NW Wilson, NC 27896 web: hs.utc. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (973) 471-4710 Jack Kassab Owner 2202 Parker Ave Passaic, NJ 24592 web: kidpower. org General Aerospace 17959 48th Ave S Seattle, WA 98188 Other Keddeg Company phone:...............................(206) 784-9694 fax:......................................(206) 784-0520 Kidpower phone:............................... (206) 241-8748 Ken Byers Owner 18820 59th Drive N.E. Arlington, WA MRO 176 phone:...............................(321) 631-0068 Derek Kellgren Marketing Director Kens Repair Shop Keating, Roy E Khan Machine Tool Co Ltd Kidde Technologies Inc. Kenmore Air Harbor Inc Kearfott Corporation phone:............................... (570) 742-2777 Tina Moser Finance Manager phone:...............................(503) 656-0653 Mike Wang Sales Manager 11495 Sorrento Valley Rd San Diego, CA 92121 web: kenvox. com General Aerospace Kilgore Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 540-3659 Ian Kenzie Finance Manager 1151 Eagle Dr Santa Ana, CA 80537 web: kilgoremachinecompany. com General Aerospace King Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 743-5464 fax:...................................... (425) 347-3654 Larry King President 11710 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275 Machining Kingfisher Systems phone:...............................(703) 820-7970 Pete Howton Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer 2312 S Susan St Arlington, VA 92704 web: kingfishersys. com General Aerospace TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Kiser Manufacturing Co., Inc. phone:...............................(316) 269-3344 Jerry Kiser Owner PO BOX 315 Argonia, KS 67004 web: kisermfg. net General Aerospace Kit Planes Northwest phone:...............................(360) 403-0679 Brian Rossi President 17415 51st Ave NE Ste B Arlington, WA 98223 web: kitplanesnorthwest. com/ Other KLM Antennas, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 794-2923 fax:......................................(360) 794-0294 Bruce Scott President p. o. box 694 Monroe, WA 98272 Other Klune Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 503-8100 Vicky Dalton Corporate Communications Executive 7323 Coldwater Canyon Ave North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: klune. com General Aerospace Knight's Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(321) 607-9900 Sean Davis Cad Operator 701 Columbia Blvd Titusville, FL 32780 web: knightarmco. com General Aerospace Knots 2u, Ltd. phone:...............................(262) 763-5100 Jim Bradshaw Founder 2900 S Quincy St Ste 300 Burlington, WI 22206 web: knots2u. com General Aerospace Koch Machine & Tool Co phone:............................... (360) 474-8017 Dwight Koch Owner KOLLMAR SHEET METAL phone:...............................(206) 283-2330 CORRINE JAMES PRESIDENT 941 S. NEBRASKA ST SEATTLE, WA 98136 web: kollmarsheetmetal. com Machining Kongsberg Protech Systems USA phone:...............................(703) 838-8910 Rine Prestegard Corporate Communication Manager, Branding and Graphic Design 1725 Duke St Ste 600 Alexandria, VA 22314 web: kongsberg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(703) 838-8911 Rune Johannessen Sales Manager 210 Industrial Park Rd Ste 105 Johnstown, PA 15904 web: kongsberg. com General Aerospace Korry Electronics Co. [Esterline] phone:...............................(206) 281-1300 fax:...................................... (206) 281-1365 Gary Dytrt President 901 DEXTER Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109 web: korry. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining 4820 Eastgate Mall Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 web: kratosdefense. com General Aerospace Kripya LLC 2406 246th PL NE Sammamish, WA 98074 Other phone:...............................(201) 461-0900 Nathaniel Wilson Director of Sensor Operations 1 Willow Tree Rd Leonia, NJ 7605 web: kulite. com General Aerospace L L & M Precision Fabrication, Inc. phone:.............................. (509) 244-5446 fax:...................................... (509) 244-6341 Ken Logan President 13026 W McFarland Road, Bldg. D1-4 Airway Heights, WA 99001 web: lmprecfab. com Machining L X O Industries Inc Koyo Corporation phone:...............................(214) 370-6510 Virginia Lopez Human Resources Representative 703 Airport Rd Ennis, TX 53105 web: jtekt. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(520) 295-9560 Diane Orr Manager of Finance 29570 Clemens Rd Tucson, AZ 44145 web: lxoindustries. com General Aerospace L-3 Communications Corporation phone:...............................(479) 435-1946 Robert Jackson Co-Owner 3455 E Township St Fayetteville, AR 72703 web: innocon. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(858) 812-7300 James Bae Co-founder and Vice President of Products Kulite Semiconductor Products, Inc. Kongsberg Protech Systems USA Corporation Kratos Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(212) 697-1111 Mark Mattoon L-3 Communications Unmanned Systems 80 M St SE Ste 700 Washington, DC 20003 web: l-3com. com General Aerospace 19010 66th Ave NE Unit 3 Arlington, WA 98223 Machining, Tooling ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 177 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY L-3 Communications Crestview Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(850) 331-4218 Jamie Grant Manager Purchasing Lafarge & Egge, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-4123 fax:......................................(206) 523-2368 Paul Vezetiusky President 1520 E Covell Blvd #233 Crestview, FL 95616 web: l-3com. com General Aerospace 5820 188th Street SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 web: lafargeinc. com Other L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. phone:...............................(206) 623-4900 fax:......................................(206) 623-7929 Jerry Bieker Marketing Manager phone:...............................(850) 331-4379 Timothy Sims Amg Operations Manager 80 M St SE Ste 700 Kansas City, MO 20003 web: l-3com. com General Aerospace L-3 Communications Integrated Systems L.P. phone:...............................(254) 867-4141 David Dreiling Director, Business Operations 7500 Maehr Rd Waco, TX 76705 web: l-3com. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 438-1378 fax:......................................(425) 423-8648 Rick Freeman General Manager 7505 Hardeson Road, Suite 100 Everett, WA 98203 web: labinal. com Cabins & Interiors 650 S. Industrial Way Seattle, WA 98108 web: lairdplastics. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:...............................(940) 272-5633 Steve Mears Director Sales and Marketing 3790 Russell Newman Blvd Denton, TX 76208 web: labinal-power. com General Aerospace Lakes Region Tubular Products, Inc. phone:...............................(603) 528-2838 Don Brewer Director of Marketing 51 Growth Rd Laconia, NH 3246 web: scotia-tech. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 872-8541 fax:...................................... (253) 872-7909 Phil Lacroix CEO 5416 S 226TH Street Kent, WA 98032 web: lacroixindustries. com Machining phone:...............................(360) 651-6666 Renee Trussell Operations Executive 14900 40th Ave NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: lamartech. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 651-6666 fax:...................................... (360) 651-6677 Scott Grafenauer General Manager 14900 - 40th Avenue N.E. Marysville, WA 98271 web: lamartech. com Other phone:...............................(253) 395-8800 fax:......................................(253) 395-8838 833 1st Ave S Kent, WA web: lamsco. com Other Categorical 1900 North St Marysville, KS 66508 web: landoll. com General Aerospace phone:........................ (585) 924-5940 x 2 Larry Casey Finance Director 20 Keyland Ct Rochester, NY 11716 web: lane-industries. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 451-0089 fax:...................................... (425) 451-1987 Timothy Riefflin 3055 112th Ave NE, Suite 206 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: lantal. com Other phone:...............................(810) 664-1816 Kristy Howard Program Manager, Purchasing Manager 400 Mccormick Dr Lapeer, MI 48446 web: lapeerind. com General Aerospace Laser Aiming Systems Corporation phone:....................... (661) 295-8620 x10 Rick Casillas Chief Operations Officer Profiles of Success phone:...............................(785) 562-5381 Jamie Meier Ag Division Sales Manager Lapeer Industries, Inc. Lamsco West, Inc. TOC 1094 Ali Baba Ave Hialeah, FL 33054 web: landinggeartech. com General Aerospace Lantal Textiles, Inc. 24823 Anza Dr Valencia, CA 91355 web: lamscowest. com General Aerospace 178 phone:...............................(305) 688-0550 Raul Cruz-Alvarez Chief Executive Officer Lane Industries, Inc. Lamsco Northwest Inc Lacroix Industries, Inc. 250 SE Timber Ave Redmond, OR 97756 web: lancair. com General Aerospace Landoll Corporation Lamar Technologies, LLC Labinal, LLC phone:...............................(541) 923-2244 Doug Meyer Marketing and Sales Director Landing Gear Technologies, LLC. Laird Plastics Lamar Technologies LLC Labinal Inc. (SAFRAN Group.) Lancair International Inc. Alphabetical phone:...............................(800) 990-9390 Brian Hedeen Chief Executive Officer 5929 Baker Rd Ste 440 Minnetonka, MN 55345 web: laseraimingsystems. com General Aerospace Advertisers Laser Cutting NW Lefiell Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(253) 735-5277 fax:...................................... (253) 735-5271 Jim Ferguson Sales Manager phone:...............................(562) 921-3412 Burt Edrozo Director, Marketing Contracts and Purchasing 3205 C Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 web: lcnw. com Machining 13700 Firestone Blvd Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 web: lefiell. com General Aerospace Lavi Systems, Inc. Lehigh Defense, LLC phone:........................ (818) 373-5400 x 2 Brent Valerius Operations Manager phone:...............................(267) 217-3539 Pete Vogel Sales Representative 13731 Saticoy St Panorama City, CA 91402 web: lavisystems. com General Aerospace 130 Penn Am Dr Quakertown, PA 18951 web: lehighdefense. com General Aerospace Laz Tool and Fabricators Leighton Engineering and Design phone:............................... (360) 568-5749 fax:......................................(360) 568-9555 Peggy Zimmerman President 14816 Roosevelt Road Snohomish, WA 98290 web: laztool. com Machining, Tooling Lbz, L.L.C. phone:...............................(417) 667-3600 Amanda Bowman Purchasing Manager 1200 E Highland Ave Nevada, MO 64772 web: platinumaero. com General Aerospace Leading Strategies LLC phone:...............................(360) 740-5122 Michael Friesen Founder PO Box 103 Adna, WA 98522 web: LeadingStrategies. net Aerospace and Defense Learjet Inc. phone:...............................(316) 946-2287 Dean Patterson Director L85 Operations 1 Learjet Way Wichita, KS 67209 web: aero.bombardier. com General Aerospace Lee Air, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 524-4622 Linda Hephner Procurement Manager 4603 S Seneca St Wichita, KS 67217 web: leeair. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 387-1985 Rob Leighton Chief Executive Officer 5350 30th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 web: leightonengineering. net General Aerospace Leonard’s Metal, Inc. [subsidiary or LMI Aerospace] phone:...............................(253) 939-9553 fax:...................................... (253) 833-2779 Duane Hahn General Manager 101 Western Street Auburn, WA 98001 web: lmiaerospace. com Air Framer, Machining Leonardo Finmeccanica Lift Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 249-2512 Tyler Platts Marketing Manager 5225 138th Dr SE Snohomish, WA 98290 web: liftsolutions. net General Aerospace Lightforce Usa, Incorporated phone:........................ (800) 732-9824 x 1 Sean Murphy Project Manager Marketing 2749 Providence Church Rd Lavonia, GA 30553 web: nightforceoptics. com General Aerospace The Lighthouse For The Blind Incorporated phone:...............................(206) 436-2149 Robert Hanna Marketing and Communications Manager 4755 Pasture Rd Fallon, NV 89406 web: seattlelh. org General Aerospace Lighthouse for the Blind phone:...............................(206) 324-1388 fax:...................................... (206) 329-3397 Kirk Adams General Manager of Administration 2501 S Plum Street P O Box C-14119 Seattle, WA 98114 web: seattlelighthouse. org Machining Lightspeed Aviation, Inc. phone:...............................(215) 281-1400 Jeffrey Elliott Procurement Bid Specialist phone:...............................(503) 968-3113 Teresa De Mers Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing LifePort Inc Lindmark Machine Works, Inc. 201 12th St S Ste 704 Arlington, VA 22202 web: selex-sas. com General Aerospace phone:.............................. (360) 225-1212 fax:...................................... (360) 225-1214 Gary Darley President and CEO 1620 Heritage Street Woodland, WA 98674 web: lifeport. com Cabins & Interiors Lift Solutions Inc phone:...............................(206) 624-0777 Garg Lindmark President 49 S Spokane Street Seattle, WA 98134 web: lindmarkmachineworks. com/ Machining Lindstrand Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 862-8328 John Castano President 5225 138th Dr SE Snohomish, WA 98290 Other 6135 Jean Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97035 web: lightspeedaviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(434) 572-3445 Cheryll Lopez Sales and Marketing/Customer Support 2202 Parker Ave South Boston, VA 24592 web: lindstrandusa. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 179 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY LINPAC Group phone:...............................(931) 455-9585 Joanna Stevenson Marketing Manager at Promega 810 S Washington St Tullahoma, TN 37388 web: linpac. com General Aerospace LMI Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 929-1007 fax:........................................ 253-833-2779 Diana Ramirez Human Resources Manager 101 Western Street Auburn, WA 98001 web: lmiaerospace. com Aerospace and Defense Lionheart Holdings LLC phone:...............................(215) 283-8400 Van Mai Founding Partner, Marketing Director 130 Keystone Dr Montgomeryville, PA 18936 web: lionheartventures. com General Aerospace Liquid Measurement Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(802) 528-8145 Adam Truso Marketing Manager phone:...............................(253) 939-9553 Terry Nelson Administrative/Purchasing Supervisor 411 Fountain Lakes Blvd Saint Charles, MO 63301 web: lmiaerospace. com General Aerospace LMI Finishing, Inc. phone:...............................(918) 398-2004 Sherley Defay Human Resources- Assistant 6705 E 81st St Ste 120 Tulsa, OK 74133 web: lmiaerospace. com General Aerospace Livingston Molded Products Loar Group Inc. phone:............................... (253) 852-7374 fax:......................................(253) 852-6729 Bob Morganstern President 25 37TH Street N. E. Auburn, WA 98002 Composites Manufacturing, Machining Ljutic Industries Inc phone:............................... (509) 248-0476 Craig Richardson Sales and Marketing Director 732 N 16th Ave Ste 22 Yakima, WA 98902 web: ljuticgun. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(212) 210-9348 Dirkson Charles Chief Executive Officer 450 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10017 web: loargroup. com General Aerospace Lockheed Martin / (Orincon Sygenex Incorporated) phone:...............................(425) 649-3500 fax:...................................... (425) 746-1335 Touraj Assefi Admin Manager 13810 SE Eastgate Way S, Suit50 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: lockheedmartin. com Other Lkd Aerospace Inc 8026 Bracken Place Se Snoqualmie, WA MRO Lockheed Martin Corp Llamas Plastics, Inc. 6801 Rockledge Dr Sterling, VA 20817 web: lmco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(703) 466-1915 Efrain Castro Information Technology Staff Procurement phone:...............................(818) 362-0371 Cindy Smith Chief Operating Officer/Owner 12970 Bradley Ave Sylmar, CA 91342 web: llamasplastics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(410) 318-6167 Robin Smith Senior Security Manager, Security Operations 6801 Rockledge Dr Baltimore, MD 20817 web: lockheedmartin. com General Aerospace LMI Aerospace, Inc. PO BOX 2070 Milton, VT 5468 web: liquidmeasurement. com General Aerospace Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications Inc Lockheed Martin Overseas Services Corporation phone:...............................(301) 214-3708 Melissa Verguldi Actuarial Senior Manager Benefits Finance 6801 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20817 web: lmco. com General Aerospace Lockheed Martin Regnl. Recruit phone:...............................(703) 413-5681 Marsha Malone Director, Homeland Security Programs Washington Operations 6801 Rockledge Drive Arlington, VA 20817 web: lmco. com General Aerospace Lockheed Martin Special Products Co Inc phone:...............................(703) 293-4414 William Obrien Vice President, Business Operations 3201 Jermantown Rd Fairfax, VA 22030 web: lmco. com General Aerospace Lockheed Martin Technical Operations Company phone:...............................(719) 622-2139 Tom Venero F35 Business Operations Manager 6801 Rockledge Drive Colorado Springs, CO 20817 web: lmco. com General Aerospace Loki Weapon Systems Inc phone:...............................(580) 927-9070 John Davis Chief Executive Officer Lockheed Martin Corporation phone:...............................(301) 897-6000 Louie Holm Acquisition Manager Purchasing PO BOX 383 Atoka, OK 74538 web: lokiweaponsystems. com General Aerospace 6801 Rockledge Drive Syracuse, NY 20817 web: lockheedmartin. com General Aerospace 180 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Loock Manufacturing Company Inc phone:...............................(503) 642-9066 Roger Loock Owner 21210 SW Johnson St Beaverton, OR 97006 web: revelationarms. com General Aerospace Loos & Co., Inc. phone:...............................(239) 643-5667 Maria Baez Human Resources Manager Lowell Tucker Enterprises Luma Technologies, LLC 7043 E Joan De Arc Ave Scottsdale, AZ 85254 web: lowelltucker. com General Aerospace 13226 SE 30th St Ste b3 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: lumatech. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(480) 998-0001 Lowell Tucker Owner Lrt, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 337-3344 Karen Austin Purchasing Manager 901 Industrial Blvd Naples, FL 34104 web: loosnaples. com General Aerospace 15712 Mill Creek Blvd Ste 24 Bothell, WA 98012 web: lrt-inc. com General Aerospace Lord Corporation LRT, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 643-4000 Grahm Maxwell Operations and Compliance Lumicor phone:...............................(425) 255-4000 fax:...................................... (425) 277-1872 Dennis Schober President 1400 Monster Road SW Renton, WA 98057 web: lumicor. com Cabins & Interiors Lunar Transportation Systems phone:...............................(425) 488-3292 fax:...................................... (425) 488-0571 Mike Kerlee Account Manager phone:...............................(425) 742-0333 fax:...................................... (425) 337-3311 Larry Toombs Vice President 1230 - 233rd Place SW Bothell, WA 98021 web: lord. com Machining 15712 Mill Creek Boulevard, Suite 1 Mill Creek, WA 98012 web: lrt-inc. com Machining, Tooling Lord Corporation Lsp Technologies, Inc. Luxfer Inc. 6145 Scherers Pl Dublin, OH 43016 web: lspt. com General Aerospace 3016 Kansas Ave Bldg 1 Riverside, CA 92507 web: luxfer. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(814) 868-0924 Tonia Rihel Human Resources Lead for FULLTIME HIRES 1952 W Grandview Blvd Erie, PA 16509 web: lord. com General Aerospace Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) phone:...............................(505) 667-9782 Patrick Padilla Procurement Team Leader 1 Los Alamos Lab Ste 403 Santa Fe, NM 87545 web: General Aerospace Lowell Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 743-1300 Daniel Lowell President 3506 124th Street NE Marysville, WA 98271 Machining phone:...............................(614) 718-3000 Jeff Dulaney President and Chief Executive Officer L-Tech Enterprises Inc phone:...............................(606) 423-9782 Linden Vandyk Vice President Operations 509 Texas School Rd Eubank, KY 42567 web: ltech. com General Aerospace Lukas Machine Inc. phone:...............................(505) 522-2838 fax:...................................... (505) 522-2495 Tom Taylor 227 Bellevue Way N.E. #259 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: lunartransportationsystems. com Other phone:...............................(951) 684-5110 Margaret Brant ABU Procurement Manager Lwag Holdings, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 455-8650 Patrick Bryan Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 7200 Fullerton Rd Ste G Springfield, VA 22150 web: lwrifles. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 763-9282 fax:...................................... (206) 763-1981 Brenda Lukas President Lwdn, LLC Luke Manufacturing Inc LWRC International LLC 707 S Riverside Drive Seattle, WA 98108 web: lukas1. com Machining phone:...............................(360) 651-9281 fax:...................................... (360) 651-9283 Edward Lukasunis President 4700 56th Pl NE Ste A Marysville, WA 98270 web: lukemfg. com Machining phone:...............................(425) 204-0848 Marjorie Langton Owner 16023 126th Ave Se Renton, WA 98058 web: jmmachine. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(410) 901-1348 Gideon Dodge Procurement Manager 815 Chesapeake Dr Salisbury, MD 21613 web: lwrci. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 181 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Lwrc International, LLC phone:...............................(410) 901-1348 Gary Gaskill Chief Operating Officer 815 Chesapeake Dr Cambridge, MD 21613 web: lwrci. com General Aerospace Lyons Manufacturing Company, Inc. phone:...............................(620) 257-2331 Tammy Mullins Purchasing Manager 711 E Main St Lyons, KS 67554 web: lyonsmfg. com General Aerospace M MacDonald, Dettwiler And Associates (MDA) Ltd. phone:...............................(902) 468-3356 Barnard Hurtubise Purchasing Manager phone:...............................(415) 829-6600 Yvonne Fang Vice President Credit Risk Aviation Finance MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. Magaland Technology, Inc. 60 Windmill Ln Somerset, MA 2726 web: mdacorporation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(607) 734-2346 Heinz Weissenbuehler President/Chief Executive Officer Big Flats, NY 14814, United States Big Flats, NY 14814 web: mandhsoaring. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(510) 226-8826 Gary Shing Owner 60 Windmill Ln Homewood, IL 2726 web: General Aerospace 43408 Mission Siena Cir, Alameda Fremont, CA 94539 web: magaland. com General Aerospace Machen, Inc. Magellan Aerospace Corp 3608 S Davison Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 Other Machines & Methods, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 746-1656 fax:...................................... (425) 746-0600 Tony Parr President M & S Machining, Inc. phone:........................ (859) 263-9213 x 3 Paul Price Director of Sales 340 Cutters Hill Ct Lexington, KY 40509 web: mandsmachining. com General Aerospace 1603 149th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98007 web: machinesandmethods. com Machining, Tooling Machinetek, LLC phone:...............................(760) 438-6644 Donald Firm Chief Operating Officer M & W Fiberglass Inc phone:...............................(503) 538-0101 Gary Jackson Chief Operating Officer 20929 NE Niederberger Rd Dundee, OR 97115 web: mwfiberglass. com General Aerospace 1985 Palomar Oaks Way Carlsbad, CA 92011 web: machinetek. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 763-0990 Jeff Tomson Marketing phone:...............................(425) 869-8357 fax:...................................... (425) 869-8477 Mike Sanborn President 6975 176th Avenue NE #310 Redmond, WA 98052 Tooling 7600 5th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98108 web: machinistsinc. com Tooling Mack Tool & Engineering, Inc. phone:............................... (574) 233-8424 Rob Saltzman Purchasing Manager 2820 Viridian Dr South Bend, IN 46628 web: macktool. com General Aerospace 182 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(908) 931-1525 Scott Readlinger President and Chief Executive Officer 97-11 50th Ave Cranford, NJ 11368 web: haleins. com General Aerospace Magellan Aerospace Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(204) 788-2906 Ron Drepaul Director of Corporate Procurement 20 Computer Dr Haverhill, MA 1832 web: General Aerospace Magellan Aerospace, Bethel, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 798-9373 Carol Jones Finance-Director 159 Grassy Plain St Bethel, CT 6801 web: ambel. net General Aerospace Machinists Inc. M L Industries, Inc. Embarcadero Dentistry, 2 Embarcadero Center # 200 San Francisco, CA 94111 web: macquarie. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(902) 468-3356 Harvey Wamboldt Operator phone:...............................(509) 455-6577 Steven Speer M & H Research and Development Corp. Macquarie Aerospace Finance US LLC Magellan Aerospace, Middletown, Inc. phone:...............................(513) 422-2751 Keith Wyman Director-Sales and Marketing 1712 Germantown Rd Middletown, OH 45042 web: General Aerospace Magnetic Seal Corp. phone:...............................(401) 247-2800 Linda Perry Purchasing Manager 365 Market St Warren, RI 2885 web: magseal. com General Aerospace Alphabetical Advertisers Magpul Industries Corp. Manufacturing Development, Inc. 8226 Beecaves Rd Austin, TX 78746 web: magpul. com General Aerospace PO BOX 550 Cheney, KS 67025 web: mdicheney. com General Aerospace phone:.........................(877) 462-4785 x 1 Doug Smith Chief Operating Officer MAINtag phone:............................... (617) 217-2801 Christophe Dissaux Vice President Sales and Marketing 3490 Piedmont Rd NE Ste 120 Boston, MA 30305 web: maintag. com General Aerospace Majestic Aerotech Inc 324 West Bay Drive Nw, Suite 20 Olympia, WA MRO Malabar phone:...............................(805) 581-1200 John Carroll Chairman/Chief Executive Officer 220 W Los Angeles Ave Simi Valley, CA 93065 web: malabar. com General Aerospace Malone's Cnc Machining phone:...............................(918) 786-7313 Cindy King Finance Executive 2015 E Industrial 5 Rd Grove, OK 74344 web: malonescnc. com General Aerospace Manchester Paradigm Inc phone:...............................(904) 739-4389 John Parrish Global Sales Vice President 967 Parker St Manchester, CT 6042 web: unisonindustries. com General Aerospace Maney Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(909) 390-2500 Tyrone Lumley Purchasing Manager 1305 S Wanamaker Ave Ontario, CA 91761 web: maneyaircraft. com General Aerospace Martinic Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 542-0182 Kim Lind Purchasing phone:...............................(216) 896-3000 Gary Scullion Operations Team Leader Marathon/Norco Aerospace Marton Precision Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(319) 385-7231 Jeff Oliver Human Resources Benefits Director 8301 Imperial Dr Mount Pleasant, IA 76712 web: mptc. com General Aerospace Marble's Gun Sights, Inc. phone:...............................(906) 428-3710 Mike Sanville Co-Owner 420 Industrial Park Dr Gladstone, MI 49837 web: marblearms. com General Aerospace Marino Enterprises, Inc. phone:.........................(909) 476-0343 x 1 Sharon Nevius Human Resources Manager 10671 Civic Center Dr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 web: gear-tech. com General Aerospace Mark Airmotive phone:...............................(509) 762-1838 fax:...................................... (509) 762-6721 8790 Turner Rd. N.E. Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: markairmotive. com Other phone:............................... (800) 871-2871 Tyler Bengard Sales and Marketing 1365 S Acacia Ave Fullerton, CA 92831 web: martoninc. com General Aerospace Marvin Engineering Co., Inc. phone:............................... (310) 674-5030 Echo Zhu Director of Finance and Controller 260 W Beach Ave Inglewood, CA 90302 web: marvineng. com General Aerospace Mas Components and Coatings LLC phone:...............................(731) 645-5755 Judi Mashburn Owner 1172 Curtis Hill Church Rd Bethel Springs, TN 38315 web: mascomponents. com General Aerospace Mason Electric Co. phone:...............................(818) 361-3366 Marci Young Human Resources Executive Marketech International, Inc. phone:.................................(360) 385-300 Bill Juran Vice President/Sales & Quoting 192 N. Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: mkt-intl. com Machining Martin Tool and Die Incorporated phone:...............................(731) 479-1960 Larry Clifton Sales Engineer 1412 Broadway St South Fulton, TN 38257 web: martin-tool. com General Aerospace 10932 Chestnut Ave Tolleson, AZ 90680 web: parker. com General Aerospace 13955 Balboa Blvd Sylmar, CA 91342 web: mason-electric. com General Aerospace Masten Space Systems, Inc phone:...............................(888) 488-8455 Joel Scotkin Chief Executive Officer 1570 Sabovich St Mojave, CA 93501 web: General Aerospace Master Power Transmission, Inc. phone:...............................(812) 378-2401 Stephen Knott Human Resources Manager 3300 10th St Columbus, IN 47201 web: master-pt. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 183 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Master Swaging Inc Maven Engineering Corporation McFarlane Aviation, Inc. 210 Washington St Willard, OH 44890 web: masterswaging. com General Aerospace 15946 Derwood Rd Rockville, MD 20855 web: mavencorporation. com General Aerospace 696 E 1700th Rd Baldwin City, KS 66006 web: mcfarlane-aviation. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (937) 596-6170 Tisha Helmlinger Manager Sales and Engineering Support Mastercraft Aerospace Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(514) 331-4922 Georges Chaveca Canadian Sales-Railroad Maverick Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(314) 770-0444 Sherrie Kaiser Procurement 13743 Shoreline Ct E Earth City, MO 63045 web: mastercraftool. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (714) 578-1700 Jackie Chalabian Chief Executive Officer 5050 Warbird Dr Brea, CA 76207 web: kjack. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(216) 486-4200 Don Smith Information Technology Executive, Owner 6070 Parkland Blvd Ste 1 Horace, ND 44124 web: materion. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(830) 773-9007 Mark Lackey Marketing Staff 1001 Industrial Blvd Eagle Pass, TX 78852 web: maverickarms. com General Aerospace Mayday Manufacturing Co. Matrix Income and Growth 2 VCT Plc phone:...............................(800) 596-0313 Paul Maggi Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 2882 Dublin, CA 94568 web: matrixpe. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(940) 442-5706 James Rivera Human Resources Manager 1500 Interstate 35 W Denton, TX 76207 web: maydaymfg. com General Aerospace MB Aerospace East Granby, Limited Partnership Matronics phone:...............................(925) 606-1001 Matt Dralle Owner PO BOX 347 Livermore, CA 94551 web: matronics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 653-5041 Mark Vogellus Director of Finance and Admin 39 Bradley Park Rd East Granby, CT 6026 web: delta-industries-ct. com General Aerospace MB Westfield, Inc. Matsushita Avionics Systems Corp (Panasonic Aviations Corp) phone:...............................(425) 415-9000 fax:...................................... (425) 485-6175 Paul Margis President 22333 29th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: mascorp. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(413) 568-8676 Bob Zagaja Vice President Sales/Marketing 109 Apremont Way Westfield, MA 1085 web: berkshireindustries. com General Aerospace Mcbride, James L 19106 22nd Ave. Nw Arlington, WA MRO Profiles of Success Categorical McKechnie Aerospace Investments, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 491-2600 Mike Wright Manager of Finance 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: mvcusa. com General Aerospace McMellon Bros., Incorporated phone:...............................(203) 375-5685 Beth Austin Accounting/Finance 915 Honeyspot Rd Stratford, CT 6615 web: mcmellonbros. com General Aerospace McNally Group phone:...............................(253) 395-9535 Martin Maxfield Chief Executive Officer 5445 Dtc Pkwy Ste P4 Kent, WA 80111 web: mcnally-group. com General Aerospace MD Helicopters Inc phone:...............................(480) 346-6201 Mike Motahari Chief Operating Officer MD Helicopters, Inc. 2108 W. Washington Ave. Yakima, WA MRO TOC phone:...............................(316) 269-3344 Lisa Swink Operations/Finance Manager 4555 E Mcdowell Rd Aurora, CO 85215 web: mdhelicopters. com General Aerospace Mccormick Air Center Llc 184 The McGinty Machine Company Inc 222 N Hydraulic St Wichita, KS 67214 web: mcgintymachine. com General Aerospace Maverick Arms, Inc. Materion Corporation phone:............................... (785) 594-2741 David McFarlane Owner phone:...............................(480) 346-6300 Dorinda Baker Accounting and Finance 4555 E Mcdowell Rd Mesa, AZ 85215 web: mdhelicopters. com General Aerospace Alphabetical Advertisers MD International Industries Inc Mechanical Specialties LLC Meggitt-Usa, Inc. 120 E Jefryn Blvd Deer Park, NY 11729 web: mdiindustries. com General Aerospace 1000 85th Ave SE Olympia, WA 98501 Machining 1955 Surveyor Ave Simi Valley, CA 93063 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(631) 254-3100 Martin Michie Owner Md3 Industries, Ltd. phone:...............................(817) 685-7122 Matthew Ybarra Director of Operations 1205 Texas Star Pkwy Ste 100 Euless, TX 76040 web: empirepremac. com General Aerospace MDC Aircraft Service phone:...............................(214) 637-3770 Willie Lopez Owner 1825 Surveyor Ave Ste 102 Dallas, TX 93063 web: mdcair. com General Aerospace MDS Coating Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(902) 888-3900 Tracy Rose Director of Marketing and Business Development 1455 Penn Ave NW Washington, DC 20001 web: mdscoating. com General Aerospace Mears Machine Corp phone:............................... (317) 271-6041 Roger Mears Co-Owner 9973 E Us Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123 web: mearsmachine. com General Aerospace Measurement Systems International Inc 14240 Interurban Ave South Seattle, WA MRO Mechanical Products L.L.C. phone:...............................(253) 395-3000 fax:......................................(253) 395-3898 A. Gibb General Manager 8001 194th Street S Kent, WA 98032 Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(360) 273-7604 Brian Reynolds Member Medico Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(570) 825-7711 Cataldo Medico President/Owner 1500 Highway 315 Wilkes Barre, PA 18711 web: medicoind. com General Aerospace Meggitt (rockmart), Inc. phone:........................ (770) 684-7855 x 4 David Hardy Director, Human Resources 669 Goodyear Ave Rockmart, GA 30153 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation phone:...............................(805) 526-5700 Simon Vargeson Sales Engineer Melfast Fasteners phone:...............................(201) 690-7762 fax:...................................... (973) 227-4024 Victoria Lim Marketing Assistant 18 Passaic Avenue Fairfield, NJ 07004 web: melfast. com Aircraft Parts & Supplies Mercer Products & Mfg. Co. phone:...............................(206) 232-7670 fax:......................................(206) 232-0442 Donna Gulliford 401 S Webster Street Seattle, WA 98108 Other Mercury Air Services LLC phone:...............................(330) 796-4400 Kimberly Falen Director, Regional Human Resources phone:...............................(216) 898-4800 Sheri Knight Director-Human Resources 1204 Massillon Rd Akron, OH 44306 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace 19601 Five Points Rd Cleveland, OH 44135 web: airservicesusa. com General Aerospace Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Kentucky Corporation Merlyn Products Inc phone:...............................(859) 936-4617 Randi Carr Director Human Resources Policy and Process 190 Corporate Dr Danville, KY 40422 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace Meggitt Defense Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(949) 465-7700 Gregory Hill Director of Marketing 9801 Muirlands Blvd Irvine, CA 92618 web: meggitt. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 838-7500 fax:...................................... (509) 838-7501 Suzanne Evans President 7500 W Park Dr Spokane, WA 99224 web: merlynproducts. com Machining Mesadyne Corporation phone:...............................(714) 545-3332 Zuly Rivera Marketing Communications 1760 Monrovia Ave Ste a14 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 web: mesatactical. com General Aerospace Messier-Bugatti Usa, LLC Meggitt PLC phone:...............................(971) 233-7256 Jerry Switzer Business Development Marketing Manager 4607 Se International Way Portland, OR 97222 web: oeco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(859) 817-2941 Tim Krueger Purchasing Agent 1 Carbon Way Walton, KY 41094 web: usa.messier-bugatti. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 185 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Messier-Bugatti-Dowty Inc. (Safran Group) phone:...............................(905) 683-3100 Bryan Teed President and Vice President Finance 1111 Saint Charles Ave Saint Charles, MN 55972 web: safranmbd. com General Aerospace Messier-Dowty (SAFRAN Group) phone:...............................(253) 867-5555 fax:......................................(253) 867-5560 Scott Perkins 20819 72 nd Avenue S, Suite 500 Kent, WA 98032 web: messier-dowty. com Aircraft systems, Other phone:...............................(206) 707-5931 Nancie Weston VP of Sales & Marketing 1205 5th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 web: metaltest-inc. com/ Testing & Certifications Metro Machine Works, Inc. phone:...............................(734) 941-4571 Andre Ferland Owner 11977 Harrison Romulus, MI 48174 web: metromachineworks. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 453-3326 Harley Menard 1008 N 9th Avenue Yakima, WA 98902 Machining Metal Innovations Incorporated phone:...............................(503) 678-2807 Kim Wilnes Chief Executive Officer Manager President 22255 Yellow Gate Ln NE Aurora, OR 97002 web: metalinnovations. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(513) 853-4400 Melissa Kitchen Director of Purchasing 3055 Colerain Ave Cincinnati, OH 45225 web: meyertool. com General Aerospace Michelin North America, Inc. phone:...............................(864) 458-5000 John Schueneman Chief Executive Officer 135 Le Baron St Waukegan, IL 60085 web: us.michelin. com General Aerospace Metal Motion phone:...............................(360) 403-7330 fax:......................................(360) 403-7550 Mike Davidson General Manager 19003 59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: metalmotion. com Machining Micom Corp phone:...............................(651) 636-5616 Paul Varhol Chief Executive Officer 475 Old Highway 8 NW Tempe, AZ 55112 web: micomcircuits. com General Aerospace Micro AeroDynamics, Inc. Metal Tech, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 794-1945 Holly McEwen General Manager 14792 172nd Street SE Monroe, WA 98272 Machining Metalor Technologies USA 1003 Corporate Ln Export, PA 15632 web: metalor. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(800) 677-2370 fax:......................................(360) 293-5499 Charles White President 4000 AIRPORT Road, SUITE D Anacortes, WA 98221 web: microaero. com Other phone:...............................(508) 699-8800 Karen Ursiny Purchasing Manager Micro Estimating Systems phone:...............................(262) 860-0560 Benard Wood Chief Executive Officer 5027 W North Ave New Berlin, WI 53208 web: microest. com General Aerospace TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Micro Finishing Inc phone:...............................(360) 651-0831 fax:......................................(360) 258-4652 Ronald Patterson President 7302 44th Ave NE Ste B Marysville, WA 98270 web: microfinishing. com Machining Micro Steel Inc. phone:...............................(818) 348-8701 Tova Hersko Finance Executive 7850 Alabama Ave Canoga Park, CA 91304 web: microsteel. net General Aerospace Meyer Tool, Inc. Metal Benders, Inc. 186 Metaltest Inc. Microcosm, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 219-2700 Alice Wertz Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Sec-treas, Treasurer 4940 W 147th St Hawthorne, CA 53208 web: smad. com General Aerospace Microform Corp. phone:...............................(253) 859-1424 fax:......................................(253) 854-7962 Mark Robinson General Manager 4418 AUBURN WAY N. SUITE 5 Auburn, WA 98002 web: microformedm. com Machining Microjet (Ryerson) phone:...............................(360) 805-9400 fax:......................................(360) 805-9449 Ken Piel President P O Box 605 Monroe, WA 98272 Machining Micronav LLC phone:...............................(973) 696-2054 Bo Ljung Partner Wayne - in 32 Hemlock Ter in Wayne, NJ 7470 web: micronav. com General Aerospace Micropump, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 253-2008 fax:......................................(360) 253-8294 Denise Hafenbrack Supply Chain Manager 1402 NE 136th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98684 web: micropump. com Other Alphabetical Advertisers Micro-Star International Co., Ltd (MSI) phone:...............................(626) 913-0828 Patrick Lee Channel Development Sales Manager 12200 N Stemmons Fwy Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75234 web: msi. com General Aerospace Midcon Cables Co phone:...............................(816) 525-9897 Jeff Wagner Regional Sales Manager 1024 6th Ave S Lees Summit, MO 29582 web: midconcables. com General Aerospace Middletown Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(859) 986-0364 Jb Hillard President/Chief Executive Officer 87 Old Wallaceton Rd Berea, KY 40403 web: middletowncomposites. com General Aerospace Midstate Aviation Inc 1101 Bowers Rd. Ellensburg, WA MRO Midway Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(417) 451-4820 Leon Hayden Finance Manager 8023 Gateway Dr Neosho, MO 64850 web: midwaymachininginc. com General Aerospace Midwest Aerospace, Ltd. phone:...............................(219) 365-7250 Dave Parker Director-purchasing 9465 Joliet St Saint John, IN 46373 web: midwestaeroltd. com General Aerospace Midwest Aircraft Products Co Inc phone:...............................(419) 884-2164 Chuck Kumisarek Purchasing Manager 125 S Mill St Mansfield, OH 44904 web: midwestaircraft. com General Aerospace Midwestern Helicopter LLC Millennium Concepts, Inc. phone:...............................(262) 657-7700 John Parrish Owner phone:...............................(316) 821-9300 Doug Nulik Cnc Programmer/Operator Mikro Systems, Inc. Miller Fabrication, Inc. 1180 Seminole Trl Ste 220 Charlottesville, VA 22901 web: mikrosystems. com General Aerospace 1435 R Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 Machining 10450 52nd St Kenosha, WI 53144 web: midwesternhelicopter. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(434) 244-6480 Al Weisenborn Co-Founder Mikul, Inc. phone:...............................(979) 968-9528 Jana Kulhanek Sales Manager 390 S Reynolds St La Grange, TX 78945 web: micomachine. com General Aerospace 9050 W Monroe Cir Wichita, KS 67209 web: General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 833-5400 fax:...................................... (253) 833-1451 Jerry Miller President Miller Screw Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 939-7340 Roy Johnson 3400 Academy Dr. SE, Suite E Bothell, WA 98092 Machining Millers Radiator Inc Milan Tool Corp. phone:...............................(216) 661-1078 Robert Rea Purchasing and Engineering Manager 8989 Brookpark Rd Cleveland, OH 44129 web: milantool. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 942-2961 Michael Miller President 422 4th St Raymond, WA 98577 Machining Millitech, Inc. Military Systems Group, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 256-4248 Scott France Chief Operating Officer 736 Fesslers Ln Nashville, TN 37210 web: milsysgroup. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(413) 665-8849 Robert (bob) White President/Chief Operating Officer 29 Industrial Dr E South Deerfield, MA 1060 web: millitech. com General Aerospace Mil-Spec Industries, Corp. Milkor USA Inc. phone:...............................(520) 888-0203 Richard Solberg Sales Executive 3735 N Romero Rd Ste 2m Tucson, AZ 85705 web: milkorusainc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(516) 625-5787 Hardik Patel Marketing and Strategy Manager 10 Mineola Ave Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 web: mil-spec-industries. com General Aerospace Minco Products, Inc. Millennium Airship Inc phone:...............................(360) 674-2488 Gil Costin President 8850 State Highway 3 SW Ste 1 Port Orchard, WA 98367 web: millenniumairship. com Other phone:...............................(585) 225-6512 Ken Hugh Regional Sales Manager 550 Whispering Pines Cir Rochester, NY 14612 web: minco. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 187 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Mint Turbines LLC phone:...............................(918) 968-9561 Zachary Severson Director Finance Development 2915 N Highway 99 Stroud, OK 74079 web: mintturbines. com General Aerospace Mission Research Corporation phone:...............................(805) 690-2447 Steve Fafel Chief Executive Officer 735 State St Goleta, CA 93101 web: missionresearch. com General Aerospace Monaco Enterprises, Inc. 655 S Andover Seattle, WA 98108 web: modelwerks. com Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining, Tooling P.O. Box 14129 Spokane, WA 99216 web: monaco. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(206) 340-6007 fax:......................................(206) 340-6008 Jon Stamm President Modern Arms Company LLC phone:...............................(775) 537-1118 Nancy Korica Sales Manager 12913 Us Hwy 12 Packwood, WA 98361 web: ssarmory. com General Aerospace Missouri Metals, L.L.C. phone:...............................(314) 222-7100 Brenda Buelt Accounting/Human Resources 9970 Page Ave Saint Louis, MO 63132 web: missourimetals. com General Aerospace Modern Machine Company phone:...............................(206) 764-6997 fax:...................................... (206) 764-7094 Jim Nye President 524 S Southern St Seattle, WA 98108 web: modernmachine. us Ground Support Equipment Mistras Group Inc 7820 South 210th Street Kent, WA MRO phone:...............................(469) 573-5816 Noriyuki Kobayashi Director, Sales and Marketing 4965 Preston Park Blvd Two Preston Park South Plano, TX 75093 web: mitsubishiaircraft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(866) 518-4181 Sam Brocato Sales and Marketing Manager 213 Dennis St Athens, TN 37303 web: knightrifles. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 454-0353 Junji Oki 7E7 program project manager 1309 114th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98004 web: mitsubishitoday. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(615) 373-3431 Jim Downs Psychological Product and Training Marketing Specialist 7116 Crossroads Blvd Brentwood, TN 37027 web: moellerpunch. com General Aerospace 500 W Silver Spring Dr Ste k200 Milwaukee, WI 53217 web: mmpexsystems. com General Aerospace Molon Labe Industries Inc phone:...............................(727) 282-5223 Mark Leclaire Director of Operations Profiles of Success Categorical Moneymaker Guncraft Corp phone:...............................(402) 556-0226 Susan Eades Director of Marketing 1420 Military Ave Omaha, NE 68131 web: moneymakerguncraft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 260-5173 John Monroe President 3820 Kromer Avenue Everett, WA 98201 Professional Services phone:...............................(206) 242-4898 fax:...................................... (206) 242-9551 Bhrett Monroe President 1422 S. 192ND Seattle, WA 98148 web: monroemachinedproducts. com Machining 1893 Airport Rd Kalispell, MT 59901 web: diamondaire. com General Aerospace 2840 W Bay Dr Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770 web: molonlabeindustries. com General Aerospace TOC 17011 Industry Pl La Mirada, CA 90638 web: monaero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(406) 752-5092 John Talmage Chief Executive Officer 21220 87th Ave SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: moldriteinc. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(800) 789-3341 Scott Eckert President and Chief Executive Officer X phone:...............................(714) 994-5463 Ajay Pall Engineering and Purchasing Montana Diamond Aire Inc Mold Rite Inc. MMPEX Systems, LLC Monaero Engineering Inc Monroe Machined Products, Inc. Moeller Mfg. Company, Inc. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America phone:...............................(509) 926-6277 fax:...................................... (509) 924-4980 Eugene Monaco CEO Monroe Associates Modern Muzzleloading, Inc. Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation America, Inc. 188 Modelworks, Inc. Alphabetical MOOG Aircraft Group phone:...............................(425) 787-8673 Ken Nakashima Office Manager 808 134th Street SW Everett, WA 98204 web: moog. com Aircraft systems Advertisers Moog Inc. phone:...............................(716) 652-2000 Lori McCoy Administrative Assistant/Sales PO BOX 40870 Fort Worth, TX 76140 web: moog. com General Aerospace Mooney Airplane Company, Inc. phone:...............................(830) 792-2918 Robert Collier Director Quality and Services Operations 165 Al Mooney Rd Kerrville, TX 78028 web: mooney. com General Aerospace Morel Industries / Ballard Brass & Aluminum Inc. phone:...............................(206) 784-0855 fax:......................................(206) 789-6485 Mark Morel Owner 943 NW.50th P.O. Box 70561 Seattle, WA 98127 web: ballardbrass. com Machining Morgan Aero Products, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 438-9600 Roger Bell Vice President of Operations Mpc Products Corporation phone:...............................(847) 673-8300 Kathleen Keegan Commercial Operations Manager 7320 Linder Ave Skokie, IL 60077 web: woodward. com General Aerospace Mras Maint Blkt Only phone:...............................(410) 682-1210 James Walker Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of Finance 103 Chesapeake Park Plaza, Middle River Middle River, MD 21220 web: ge. com General Aerospace MSP Aviation, Inc. phone:........................ (812) 333-6100 x 1 Mickey Kean Operations Manager 239 W Grimes Ln Bloomington, IN 47403 web: msp-aviation. com General Aerospace MTI phone:...............................(206) 763-3161 fax:...................................... (206) 764-4670 Martin Lyman President 1450 80th St SW Everett, WA 98203 web: morganaero. com General Aerospace 7709 5th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 web: mfgtech. com Machining, Tooling Morgan Aero Products/ Morgan Bros of Everett, Inc. Mtm Corporation phone:...............................(425) 438-9600 fax:...................................... (425) 438-1907 Virgil Morgan President 1450 80th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: morganaero. com Machining Mounting Solutions Plus Inc phone:...............................(305) 253-8393 Stephen Scheer Marketing Director 10655 Sw 185th Ter Miami, FL 33157 web: mountsplus. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(401) 392-3000 Andrew Irby Director of Marketing 643 Route 6 Andover, CT 6232 web: mtmcorporation. com General Aerospace Mt-Propeller Usa, Inc. phone:...............................(386) 736-7762 David Noad Owner 1180 Airport Terminal Dr Deland, FL 32724 web: mt-propellerusa. com General Aerospace Mtu Aero Engine Components Inc phone:...............................(860) 667-2134 Nancy Caufield Marketing Manager, Engineering and Design Office Mulgrew Aircraft Components, Inc. phone:...............................(626) 256-1375 Daryl Sparks Chief Operating Officer 1810 S Shamrock Ave Monrovia, CA 91016 web: mulgrewaircraft. com General Aerospace MULTIROTOR service-drone. com USA, LLC phone:...............................(303) 931-4126 Oliver Knittel Chief Executive Officer - Europe 4845 Pearl East Cir Boulder, CO 80301 web: service-drone. com General Aerospace Mustang Survival , Inc. phone:............................... (360) 676-1782 fax:...................................... (360) 676-5014 Dwight Davies President 3870 MUSTANG WAY Bellingham, WA 98226 web: mustangsurvival. com Cabins & Interiors Mx Aircraft, LLC phone:...............................(336) 696-2472 Chris Meyer Owner Wilkes County Airport-Ukf, 634 Wood Wallace Dr, North Wilkesboro North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 web: mxaircraft. com General Aerospace Mygoflight. com phone:...............................(303) 364-7400 Charles Schneider Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder 301 Kalamath St Unit 103 Denver, CO 80223 web: mygoflight. com General Aerospace N N 724db LLC phone:...............................(215) 492-8992 Martin Quinlan Director of Operations 11 Hog Island Rd Philadelphia, PA 19153 web: phillyjetservice. com General Aerospace 275 Richard St Newington, CT 6111 web: mtuusa. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 189 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Nabtesco Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 602-8402 Bill Walkling Director of Information Technology Operations 17770 NE 78th Pl Redmond, WA 98052 web: nabtescoaero. com General Aerospace National Aeronautics and Space Administration phone:...............................(281) 483-4451 Amber Herrington Human Resources Generalist 300 E St SW Nasa Headquarters Webster, TX 20546 web: General Aerospace Nabtesco Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 602-8401 fax:......................................(425) 602-8408 Nobutaka Osada 17770 NE 78th Place Redmond, WA 98052 web: nabtescoaero. com Other phone:...............................(480) 898-2200 John Cybulski Chief Operating Officer PO BOX 34299 Mesa, AZ 85277 web: talleyds. com General Aerospace Nanoracks, LLC phone:...............................(815) 425-8553 Marcia Blount Director, Houston Operations 2313 Via Puerta Laguna Woods, CA 92637 web: nanoracks. com General Aerospace National Circuit Assembly phone:...............................(972) 596-5511 Tan Tieu Owner phone:...............................(310) 532-4430 Marybeth Buresh Human Resources Manager 13300 Estrella Ave Gardena, CA 90248 web: nascoaircraft. com General Aerospace National Industrial Concepts phone:...............................(425) 489-4366 fax:...................................... (425) 833-4414 Bridget Brewer President 23518 63 rd Avenue SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: nicmfg. com Machining phone:...............................(888) 655-3755 fax:...................................... (425) 424-3380 Robert Rodgers President 22125 17th Avenue SE, Suite 107 Bothell, WA 98021 web: natseattle. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(562) 634-7392 Nora Sanchez Human Resources Manager 3400 E 69th St Long Beach, CA 90805 web: General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 872-3565 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0857 Chuck Blanchard Sales & Technical Support 19620 Russell Road Kent, WA 98032 web: ndteng. com Engineering Near Space Systems, Inc. National Juvenile Defender Center 3013 Laurel Ave Hyattsville, MD 20785 web: General Aerospace phone:...............................(719) 685-8115 John Hawley Chief Executive Officer 8610 Explorer Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80920 web: globalnearspace. com General Aerospace Neill Aircraft Co. National Precision Bearing Group phone:...............................(800) 426-8038 Aubrey Butler Eastern Regional Sales Leader NAT Seattle 20415 72nd Ave S, Suit 300 Kent, WA 98032 web: naverus. com Aircraft systems NDT Engineering (Olumpus NDT) phone:...............................(202) 452-0010 Patricia Puritz Executive Director of Finance Nasco Aircraft Brake, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 867-3900 Sergio von Borries VP of Strategic Development NC Dynamics Incorporated 2908 National Dr Plano, TX 75041 web: ncatx. com General Aerospace Nammo Talley, Inc. Naverus, Inc. 8152 304th Avenue SE Preston, WA 98050 web: nationalprecision. com Aircraft Parts & Supplies phone:........................ (562) 432-7981 x 2 Victor Paquini Director of Operations 1260 W 15th St Long Beach, CA 90813 web: neillaircraft. com General Aerospace Neill Aircraft Company National Technical Systems phone:...............................(386) 532-1644 Antonia Mueses Human Resources Executive 24007 Ventura Blvd Ste 200 Orange City, FL 91302 web: dynamiclabs. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(801) 364-3607 Calvin Nelson Chief Executive Officer 1260 W 15th St Salt Lake City, UT 90813 web: neillaircraft. com General Aerospace Neilpryde Bikes phone:...............................(510) 444-7900 Mike Rice Owner 3530 Grand Ave Oakland, CA 94610 web: neilprydebikes. com General Aerospace 190 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Nell-Joy Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(631) 842-8989 Sandra Origoni Sales Manager 8 Reith St Copiague, NY 11726 web: nelljoy. com General Aerospace Neosource, Inc. phone:...............................(918) 622-4493 Tim Clement Owner 9422 E 55th Pl Tulsa, OK 74145 web: neosource. net General Aerospace Networks Electronic Co LLC phone:....................... (818) 341-0440 x26 Andrew Campany Chief Technical Officer and Executive Vice President, Engineering 9750 De Soto Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 web: networkselectronic. com General Aerospace Neumeier Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-3635 fax:......................................(253) 850-7590 Heinz Neumeier President 22610 88TH Avenue S. Kent, WA 98031 Engineering , Machining New Breed Logistics phone:...............................(425) 290-5653 2600 94th St SW Everett, WA web: newbreed. com Other New Britain Firearms Holdings LLC phone:...............................(860) 229-9994 Mark Malkowski Owner/President/Founder 515 John Downey Dr New Britain, CT 6051 web: stagarms. com General Aerospace New Era Contract Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 272-3553 fax:...................................... (253) 727-4212 Larry Ramirez President 5838 S Adams Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: necsinc. net Other New Tech Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-1200 fax:...................................... (425) 743-3566 Tom Bigelow President 7911 44th Avenue W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: newtechind. com Other Newell Corporation phone:...............................(360) 435-8955 fax:...................................... (360) 435-5012 Eric Wiebusch PO Box 477 6922 204th Street NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: newellcorp. com Machining Newport News Shipbuilding phone:...............................(757) 380-2000 William Bell Vice President, Human Resources and Administration 4101 Washington Ave Franklin, VA 23607 web: hii-nns. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(972) 554-3944 Candy Prather Chief Operating Officer 111 N Nursery Rd Irving, TX 75060 web: nightvisiontechnologies. com General Aerospace Nik's Naks phone:...............................(212) 628-0819 Niicole Bendor Owner 24 Locust Ln Syosset, NY 11791 web: niksnaks. com General Aerospace Niles Precision Company phone:...............................(269) 683-0585 Tom O'Neill Manager-purchasing 1308 Fort St Niles, MI 49120 web: nilesprecision. com General Aerospace Niltronix Circuits Newton Design, LLC phone:....................... (918) 266-6205 x11 Jeanessa Marler Owner 26015 E Admiral Pl Catoosa, OK 74015 web: newton-design. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(713) 465-4216 fax:...................................... (713) 465-7246 Hugh Hanley Technical Sales and Support 1765 Upland Drive Houston, TX 77043 web: niltronix. com Assembly Nobles Worldwide, Inc. Nexans S.A. phone:...............................(800) 644-4547 Matt Featherstone Regional Sales Manager-south Central 12122 Flynt Dr Frisco, TX 75035 web: nexans. com General Aerospace Nicholson Manufacturing Company phone:...............................(206) 682-2752 fax:......................................(206) 623-7952 Dan Vallerie Vice President 3670 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98134 web: nicholsonmfg. com Tooling Night Vision Technologies Inc phone:...............................(715) 483-3079 Tom Luedtke Finance Executive 1105 Pine St Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024 web: noblesmfg. com General Aerospace Non-Ferrous Metals, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 762-3600 fax:...................................... (206) 763-0606 Jeff McGee President 230 S. Chicago Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: nfmetals. com Materials Noranco Manufacturing USA Ltd phone:...............................(623) 582-2261 Greg Chmielewski Manager Human Resources 1620 W Knudsen Dr Phoenix, AZ 85027 web: noranco. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 191 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Nordam Group phone:...............................(918) 401-5000 Rachel Newport Director Marketing and Sales-military 2200 W Orangewood Ave Ste 215 Orange, CA 92868 web: nordam. com General Aerospace The Nordam Group Inc phone:...............................(918) 587-4105 Richard Maurice Assistant Vice President Human Resources 6911 Whirlpool Dr Tulsa, OK 74117 web: nordam. com General Aerospace Nordam Transparency Division of Texas Inc phone:...............................(817) 625-4106 Marc Overton Sales and Marketing Director 5101 Blue Mound Rd Fort Worth, TX 76106 web: nordam. com General Aerospace Norfil Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-0557 fax:......................................(253) 863-5889 Phyllis Norwood President 1335 Valentine Avenue SE Pacific, WA 98047 web: norfilmfg. com Machining phone:...............................(610) 940-1668 Jessica Boyd Online Marketing Manager 600 W Germantown Pike Ste 400 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 web: naaminis. com General Aerospace North American Rotor Work phone:...............................(206) 763-9392 John Voorhes Owner 11814 44th Ave S Seattle, WA 98178 Other phone:...............................(770) 720-0526 Jessica McWhorter Owner 164 Hickory Springs Ind Dr Cartersville, GA 30115 web: norralplastics. com General Aerospace Nor-Ral, Inc. phone:.........................(770) 720-0526 x 2 Matt McWhorter Chief Operating Officer 164 Hickory Springs Ind Dr Canton, GA 30115 web: norral. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(440) 759-7499 Chuck Kruger Human Resources Director 1350 Avenue Of The Americas Fl 25 New York, NY 10019 web: norsktitanium. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(360) 679-1541 fax:...................................... (360) 675-6765 Tom Lane Site Manager 3165 Goldie Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277 web: northropgrumman. com Engineering Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp. North Star Aerospace, Inc. 2980 Fairview Park Dr Carson, CA 22042 web: ngc. com General Aerospace 1307 W Valley Hwy N # 102 Auburn, WA 98001 web: northstaraerospace. com Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing Northrop Grumman Systems Corp Northmar, Inc. 2980 Fairview Park Dr Buffalo, NY 22042 web: amherst. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 876-1600 Usha Shankar President phone:...............................(206) 524-5170 fax:...................................... (206) 524-0402 Russ Entrop Vice President 1011 NE 69th Street, P.O. Box 15220 Seattle, WA 98115 web: northmar. com Other phone:...............................(253) 584-8944 Dennis Lingo Facility Manager 3620 96th St. SW Lakewood, WA 98499 web: northropgrumman. com/index.html Other phone:...............................(512) 342-3014 Peggy Davis Human Resources Administrator Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation phone:...............................(310) 812-5640 Janis Macrae Assistant To Human Resources Vice President 2980 Fairview Park Dr Redondo Beach, CA 22042 web: ngc. com General Aerospace Northrup Corp Northrop Grumman Aerospace phone:...............................(310) 553-6262 Donna Dryva Human Resources Manager 2000 W Nasa Blvd Walnut Creek, CA 32904 web: is.northropgrumman. com General Aerospace Northstar Machine & Tool Company, Inc. phone:...............................(321) 951-5000 Gerber Kevin Chief Executive Officer Northrop Grumman Corporation Norsk Titanium US Inc. Northrop Grumman PRB Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(703) 280-2900 Naomi Dean Senior Human Resources Manager Northrop Grumman Nor-ral Plastics, Inc 192 North American Arms, Inc phone:...............................(658) 888-9999 April Oppegard Assistant To The Director of Marketing Communications 2980 Fairview Park Dr Niagara Falls, NY 22042 web: ngc. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical 101 Continental Blvd #255 El Segundo, CA 90245 web: ngc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(708) 728-2121 Sonya Sommeres Executive Assistant To Vice-president and General Manager, Chicago Operations 6006 W 73rd St Bedford Park, IL 60638 web: nsaero. com General Aerospace Advertisers Northstar Turbine LLC phone:...............................(603) 736-4892 Betty Audet Partner 1933 Dover Rd Epsom, NH 3234 web: northstarturbine. com General Aerospace Northway Products, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 742-4498 fax:......................................(425) 493-9363 David Armintrout President 11027 47th Avenue W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 Machining Northwest Aerospace Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 257-2044 fax:.......................................(425) 258-8974 Paul Sobotta President 2210 Hewitt Avenue, Suite 300 Mukilteo, WA 98201 web: Cabins & Interiors, Engineering Northwest Assembly and Machining phone:...............................(253) 471-0508 fax:...................................... (253) 472-2820 Connie Peterson President 3011 S Chandler Street Lakewood, WA 98409 web: norwestassy. com Machining Northwest Dynamics Inc phone:...............................(360) 253-3656 William Kelly President 6709 NE 131st Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 web: dynamicsnorthwest. com Machining Northwest Etch Technology phone:...............................(253) 572-2401 fax:......................................(253) 383-8325 Carl Whinery President 2601 S Hood Street Lakewood, WA 98409 web: nwetch. com Machining Northwest Helicopters phone:...............................(360) 754-7200 fax:.......................................(360) 754-1761 Brian Reynolds Owner 1000 85th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 web: nwhelicopters. com Other Northwest Propeller Service INC phone:............................... (253) 770-7400 Dick Jacob Owner 16709 Meridian St. E, Unit 3 Puyallup, WA 98375 web: NWPROPELLER. com Other Northwest Uld, Inc. phone:........................ (503) 434-6845 x 1 Bryan Baker Purchasing Mnanager 11160 SW Durham Ln Suite 1 Mcminnville, OR 97128 web: nwuav. com General Aerospace Northwest Wire EDM phone:...............................(509) 893-0885 fax:......................................(509) 893-0696 Forrest Renslow President 1620 N. Mamer Road, Bldg C-300 Spokane, WA 99216 web: northwestwireedm. com/ Machining Northwing Design Inc phone:...............................(509) 886-4605 fax:......................................(509) 886-3435 Kamron Belvins President 3904 Airport Way East Wenatchee, WA 98802 web: northwing. com Other Nosler, Inc. phone:...............................(541) 382-3921 Bob Boyk Director of Human Resources and Safety 107 SW Columbia St Bend, OR 97702 web: nosler. com General Aerospace Nova Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 347-4875 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0603 Gregory Strand President 14926 35th Avenue W Mukilteo, WA 98087 web: novacomposites. com Air Framer, Composites Manufacturing, Machining NOVATEC LLC phone:...............................(425) 349-3656 fax:......................................(425) 356-2852 Robert Feldmann, Jr Consultant Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: novatecomp. com Machining Nova-Tech Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 245-7000 fax:...................................... (425) 245-7099 Benny Teal CEO 20818 44th Avenue W, Suite 201 Mukilteo, WA 98020 web: ntew. com Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining Noveske Rifleworks, LLC phone:............................... (541) 479-6117 Mike Aland Chief Marketing Officer 594 Ne E St Grants Pass, OR 97526 web: noveske. com General Aerospace Nsa (chi) Liquidating Corp. phone:...............................(708) 728-2000 Rory Robinson Director Operations 6006 W 73rd St Chicago, IL 60638 web: nsaero. com General Aerospace Nucomm phone:.........................(908) 852-3700 x 3 James Hyman Vice President Broadcast Sales and Imt Sales Support 101 Bilby Rd., Carlisle, PA 7840 web: nucomm. com General Aerospace Northwest Heli Structures Inc 3911 Spur Ridge Lane Bellingham, WA MRO ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 193 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Numet Machining Techniques, Inc. phone:.........................(203) 375-4995 x 1 Mark Roscio President and Chief Executive Officer 235 Edison Rd Orange, CT 6477 web: numet. net General Aerospace NWAES-LLC. Northwest Aviation Engineering Services (NWASG; Northwest Aviation Services Group) phone:...............................(206) 972-1932 fax:.......................................(253) 288-8176 William Knorr Director 3320 W Valley Highway N, Suite 109 Mukilteo, WA 98001 web: nwasg. com Engineering phone:...............................(913) 322-8414 John Ralph Chief Executive Officer Olympia Avionics Inc Omega Fastener Co., Inc. 427 N Shamrock St East Alton, IL 62024 web: olin. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(937) 490-2513 Bill Kostic Deputy Program Manager and Sales 2794 Indian Ripple Rd Dayton, OH 45440 web: ogaragroup. com General Aerospace Olympic Arms, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 228-3471 Nolan Heminger Domestic Sales Representative 624 Old Pacific Hwy SE Olympia, WA 98513 web: olyarms. com General Aerospace 4917 28th St. N.W. Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Other phone:...............................(360) 426-7878 fax:...................................... (360) 427-8359 Fred Rodie President phone:...............................(203) 230-5345 Horst Bratke Director of Purchasing 7 Grasso Ave North Haven, CT 6473 web: mossberg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(248) 814-8800 Don Stockton Chief Executive Officer 3020 Indianwood Rd Lake Orion, MI 48362 web: odysseytooling. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(770) 955-3554 Matthew Huff Chief Operating Officer and President 1600 Riveredge Pkwy NW Ste 975 Atlanta, GA 30328 web: ogarajets. com General Aerospace TOC 6240 Hughes Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48312 web: omnicoagv. com General Aerospace Onamac Industries, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 743-6676 fax:.......................................(425) 742-2718 Michael Thorburn President 11504 Airport Road Building G. Everett, WA 98204 web: onamac. com Engineering , Machining Onboard Systems OMATIVE Systems North America 13915 NW 3rd Court Vancouver, WA 98685 web: onboardsystems. com Engineering , Machining 23230 Chagrin Blvd Ste 950 Beachwood, OH 44122 web: omative. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 546-3072 fax:...................................... (360) 546-3073 Karsten Lemmon Director of Marketing Onboard Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 546-3072 Brendan Fitzpatrick Account Manager, OEM, Military and Government Sales OMAX Corp. O'Gara Aviation, LLC Omnico AGV 410 W. Enterprise Road Shelton, WA 98584 web: olympictool. com Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(216) 378-4302 Ariel Nosrat Director of Marketing Odyssey Industries, Incorporated 43403 S. E. 128TH Place North Bend, WA 98045 Tooling phone:...............................(586) 268-7700 Jerry Vanneste Owner Olympic Tool & Engineering, Inc. O. F. Mossberg & Sons, Incorporated 15765 S Keeler St Olathe, KS 66062 web: ombguns. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 888-9700 fax:...................................... (425) 888-9701 Debera Karolides President 7708 Henderson Blvd. Olympia, WA MRO phone:...............................(253) 265-2310 fax:......................................(253) 265-2320 Bill McNaughton President The O' Gara Group, Inc Omb Guns Inc phone:...............................(618) 258-2000 Diana Griffin Operations Manager Olympic Software, INC. O 194 Olin Corporation phone:...............................(253) 872-2300 fax:...................................... (253) 872-6190 John Cheung President 13915 NW 3rd Ct Vancouver, WA 98685 web: onboardsystems. com General Aerospace 21409 72nd Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 web: omax. com Machining Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers On-Point Defense Technologies LLC phone:...............................(850) 598-5017 Fred Schor General Partner 737 Hollywood Blvd Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 web: onpoint-dt. com General Aerospace On-Site Calibration Services, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 883-7880 fax:...................................... (425) 883-8121 Donna M. Hill President 4016 148th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: onsitecal. com Engineering Optex Systems phone:...............................(972) 644-0721 Rob Eaton Owner, Finance Executive 1420 Presidential Dr Phoenix, AZ 75081 web: optexsys. com General Aerospace Opti Manufacturing Corporation phone:...............................(787) 889-2285 Elizabeth Roman Purchasing Agent Rd 992 KM 03 LUQUILLO INDUSTRIAL PARK Luquillo, PR 773 web: optimanufacturing. com General Aerospace Opus Northwest LLC phone:...............................(425) 467-2700 Mike Ruhl 13920 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98005 web: opusnw. com Engineering Orbit Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 835-8526 fax:......................................(360) 835-8890 Mike Burnett General Manager 778 S. 27TH Street Washougal, WA 98671 web: orbitindustries. com Machining Orbital Atk, Inc. phone:...............................(763) 323-3848 Michael Kinn Accessories Communications Specialist 900 Bob Ehlen Dr Anoka, MN 55303 web: atk. com General Aerospace Orbital Micro Systems Orion Industries 715 Willowbrook Rd Boulder, CO 80302 web: orbitalmicro. com General Aerospace 33926 Ninth Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 web: orionquality. com Machining phone:...............................(801) 541-9432 William Hosack Chief Executive Officer Orbital Outfitters phone:...............................(818) 503-9273 Krysta Paradis Chief Operating Officer 7115 Laurel Canyon Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: orbitaloutfitters. com General Aerospace Orbital Sciences Corporation phone:...............................(480) 814-6853 Andrea Brazelton Director of Business Development and Marketing 3380 S Price Rd Chandler, AZ 85248 web: orbital. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 661-7805 Sean Dwyer Business Development Manager Orion Technologies phone:...............................(360) 668-8355 fax:...................................... (425) 668-8102 Bill Husa Owner 20230 82nd Avenue SE Snohomish, WA 98296 web: oriontechnologies. net Engineering , Machining, Tooling Otto Instrument Service, Inc. phone:...............................(909) 247-2650 Christopher Buenrostro Administrative Assistant-sales 1441 Valencia Pl Ontario, CA 91761 web: ottoinstrument. com General Aerospace P Orbital Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(608) 827-5000 Pamela Lokken Human Resources Manager 1212 Fourier Dr Madison, WI 53717 web: orbitec. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 841-0500 fax:...................................... (253) 840-1695 Paul Hogoboom President Orcon Corporation phone:...............................(425) 401-9350 fax:...................................... (425) 401-9430 James W. Clyne Jr. Program Manager, New Enterprise Development 14040 N. e. 8th Street, Suite 221 Bellevue, WA 98007 web: orcon-aerospace. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining Ordnance Technology Service, Inc. phone:...............................(440) 205-0677 Gary Scalzo Sales Executive 7895 Division Dr Mentor, OH 44060 web: ordtech. com General Aerospace P & J Machining, Inc. 2601 Inter Avenue Puyallup, WA 98372 web: pnjmachining. com Machining P & J Machining, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 841-0500 Paul Hogoboom President and Chief Executive Officer 2601 Inter Ave Puyallup, WA 98372 web: pnjmachining. com General Aerospace P F Fishpole Hoists, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 767-3887 fax:...................................... (206) 767-4006 Bill Bishop President 151 S Michigan Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: pffishpolehoists. com (Under Construction) Other P M Testing Laboratory Inc 3921 Pacific Hwy. East Tacoma, WA MRO ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 195 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY P T Products & Services, Inc. phone:...............................(512) 251-3592 George Howard Owner 20105 Algreg St Pflugerville, TX 78660 web: pt-products. com General Aerospace P.A.R.T.s Inc phone:...............................(678) 325-6950 Michael Black Purchasing 6250 Atlantic Blvd Norcross, GA 30071 web: partsinc. net General Aerospace Pacific Aero Components, Inc phone:...............................(818) 841-9258 Carly Steed Owner 18200 Phantom W Valencia, CA 92394 web: aerocomponent. com General Aerospace Pacific Aero Tech Inc. phone:...............................(253) 395-9535 fax:...................................... (253) 395-9541 Karen Odegaard President 23413 66th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pacificaerotech. com Cabins & Interiors Pacific Aerospace & Electronics phone:...............................(509) 667-9600 fax:......................................(509) 664-6868 Lew Wear President 434 Old Station Road Wenatchee, WA 98801 web: pcth. com Machining Pacific Aerospace & Electronics, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 667-9600 Tom O'Grady Human Resources Manager 434 Olds Station Rd Wenatchee, WA 98801 web: pacaero. com General Aerospace 196 Pacific Aerospace Resources & Technologies LLC Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance 18200 Phantom West Houston, TX 92394 web: pacificaerospacegroup. com General Aerospace #187 - 16625 Redmond Way, Ste. M Redmond, WA 98052 web: pnaa. net Other phone:......................... (760) 530-1767 x 3 De Anna Jervis Public Relations Manager Pacific Bulletproof Co. phone:...............................(888) 358-2309 Tony Diponio Vice President of Operations 4985 E Landon Dr Anaheim, CA 92807 web: pacificbulletproof. com General Aerospace Pacific Continental Engines phone:...............................(818) 899-5200 Shannon Yamashiro Human Resources Compliance Manager 10500 Airpark Way Unit m10 Van Nuys, CA 91331 web: pceonline. com General Aerospace Pacific Continental Engines, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 781-4947 John Jackson Owner 10500 Airpark Way Unit m10 Pacoima, CA 91331 web: pceonline. com General Aerospace Pacific Metallurgical phone:...............................(253) 854-4241 Derek Fallen V.P. 925 5th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 web: pacmet. com/ Metal Treatment phone:...............................(253) 854-4241 fax:...................................... (253) 854-4475 Cathy Fallen President Categorical phone:...............................(949) 727-3844 Mike Dunham Sales and Marketing 9671 Irvine Center Dr Koll Center 11-Building 6 Irvine, CA 92618 web: General Aerospace Pacific Rim Aerospace Corp. phone:...............................(425) 284-7300 fax:...................................... (425) 284-7337 Jill M McCallum President 11321 NE 120th ST Kirkland, WA 98034 web: pacrimaero. com/ Machining Pacific Sheet Metal, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 682-5354 fax:...................................... (206) 682-4702 Nick Zaknich VP Pacific Sky Supply, Inc phone:...............................(818) 768-3700 Tony Barranco Purchasing 8230 San Fernando Rd Sun Valley, CA 91352 web: pacsky. com General Aerospace Pacific Metallurgical, Inc. Profiles of Success Pacific Precision Products Mfg Inc 111 S Spokane Street Seattle, WA 98134 Machining P. o. box 399 925 5th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pacmet. com Engineering TOC phone:...............................(425) 885-0290 Kevin Steck PNAA Board Chair Alphabetical Pacific Testing Laboratories/ PSI Professional Service Industries phone:...............................(253) 589-1804 fax:...................................... (253) 589-2136 Heidi Woolfall Manager 10025 South Tacoma Way, Suite H1 Tacoma, WA 98499 web: psiusa. com/contact_us_main.asp Engineering Advertisers Pacific Tool, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 882-1970 fax:...................................... (425) 869-7724 Frank Garbarino President 15235 NE 92nd Redmond, WA 98052 web: pacifictool. com Engineering Pacifica Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 315-8040 fax:...................................... (425) 315-8060 Bob Findley President and CEO 12121 Harbour Reach Drive, Suite 205 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: pacifica-engineering. com/ Engineering , Machining, Tooling Padgett Machine Shop, Inc. phone:...............................(918) 438-3444 David Schell Plant Operations Manager 1226 N 143rd East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 web: padgettmachine. com General Aerospace Paine Electronics, LLC phone:...............................(509) 881-2100 fax:...................................... (509) 881-2115 Susan Keating Vice President and Director of Marketing 5545 Nelpar Drive East Wenachee, WA 98802 web: paineelectronics. com Engineering , Machining Palomar Display Products, Inc phone:...............................(760) 931-3200 Kathryn Langmade Owner, Finance Executive, Sales Executive 1945 Kellogg Ave Phoenix, AZ 92008 web: palomardisplays. com General Aerospace Pan Pacific Electronics phone:...............................(425) 881-7252 fax:...................................... (425) 881-9508 Edwin Du President 17985 NE 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: pan-pac. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining, Tooling Panasonic Avionics Corp. Panasonic Corporation of North America phone:...............................(201) 348-7000 Stephen Robinson Director Field Service Operations and Solution Delivery Pmo 2 River Front Plz Newark, NJ 7102 web: com General Aerospace Paradigm Technologies Inc phone:...............................(425) 251-8181 fax:...................................... (425) 251-6775 John Horner President 18062 72nd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: pdigmtech. com Engineering Parker-Hannifin Corporation phone:...............................(269) 384-4032 Alisha Rowe C P M Operations Team Leader Supply Chain 2220 Palmer Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49001 web: parker. com General Aerospace PAS Technologies Inc phone:...............................(816) 556-4625 Rick Collins Operations Supervisor 1234 Atlantic Ave Danbury, CT 64116 web: pas-technologies. com General Aerospace Pas Technologies Inc. Paragon Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(661) 257-1380 Mike Keithley Finance and Marketing 25620 Rye Canyon Rd Ste A Valencia, CA 91355 web: paragon-precision. com General Aerospace Para-Phernalia, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-7220 fax:...................................... (360) 435-7272 Daniel Taraslevich President PO Box 3468 19018 59th Drive NE, Unit # 2 Arlington, WA 98223 web: softieparachutes. com Other Paravion Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(970) 224-3898 Michael Hansen Director-human Resources, General Manager 2001 Airway Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: paravion. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(937) 840-1000 Brenda Ferguson Human Resources Consultant 214 Hobart Dr Hillsboro, OH 45133 web: pas-technologies. com General Aerospace Paterson Labs Inc phone:...............................(253) 872-8113 Jay Paterson President 8714 S 222nd St Kent, WA 98031 web: patersonlabs. com Engineering Pavco Inc 1110 26th Avenue N. W. Gig Harbor, WA MRO Pavco Industries Inc. phone:...............................(714) 895-1522 Frank Lannan Chief Executive Officer 5285 Production Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: pavcoindustries. com General Aerospace Park Aerospace Structures Corp phone:...............................(425) 248-2204 Greg Strand President 14926 35th Ave W Ste 100 Lynnwood, WA 98033 web: parkelectro. com Air Framer, Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing PCA Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 841-1750 Charlotte Cone Director Human Resources 17800 Gothard St Huntington Beach, CA 92647 web: pcaaerospace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 415-9000 Marvin Johnson 22333 29th Dr. SE Bothell, WA 98021 Avionics ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 197 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY PCC Aerostructures phone:...............................(316) 942-8223 Christole Rohr Human Resources Manager 610 Bellevue Way Ne Ste 200 Wichita, KS 98004 web: syncaero. com General Aerospace Pederson Bros., Inc. phone:...............................(360) 734-9180 fax:......................................(360) 734-9649 Steve Pederson owner 3974 Bakerview Spur Bellingham, WA 98226 web: pedersonbros. com Machining PCC Aerostructures - Precision Castparts Corp. phone:.........................(316) 941-4200 x 1 Greta Azember Human Resources Generalist 2520 S Sheridan Ave Wichita, KS 67217 web: pccaero. com General Aerospace Pentz Cast Solutions / Pentz Design Pattern & Foundry phone:...............................(425) 788-6490 fax:...................................... (425) 788-5757 Larry Dean Pentz President P.O. Box 69- 14823 Main Street Duvall, WA 98019 web: pentzcastsolutions. com Air Framer, Cabins & Interiors, Castings, Machining PCC Structurals, Inc. phone:...............................(503) 777-3881 Shawna Lewis Acting Manager Human Resources 4600 Se Harney Dr Portland, OR 97206 web: pccstructurals. com General Aerospace Perform Air International Inc phone:.........................(480) 610-3500 x 1 Cindy McGown Owner/Chief Executive Officer 1854 S Macdonald Mesa, AZ 85210 web: performair. com General Aerospace Pcx Aerostructures, LLC phone:............................... (860) 666-2471 Charlie Phillips Chief Operating Officer 300 Fenn Rd Newington, CT 6111 web: fennmfg. com General Aerospace PDS (Pacific Defense Supply) phone:...............................(844) 722-7877 Jenny Mique Purchasing Manager 6549 Mission Gorge Rd Ste 112 San Diego, CA 92120 web: pacificdefensesupply. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 767-2773 fax:...................................... (206) 763-3283 James Turcott Vice President 12101 Pacific Highway So. Suite #420 Seattle, WA 98168 web: pdstech. com Engineering , Machining, Tooling Performance Plastics, Inc. phone:...............................(619) 591-1608 Lance Brean Human Resources Manager 7919 Saint Andrews Ave San Diego, CA 92154 web: perf-plastics. com General Aerospace 3050 Red Lion Rd Philadelphia, PA 19114 web: agustawestland. com General Aerospace Phoenix Arms phone:...............................(909) 937-6900 David Brazeau Owner 4231 E Brickell St Ontario, CA 91761 web: phoenix-arms. com General Aerospace Phoenix Composite Solutions LLC phone:.........................(989) 739-7108 x 2 Dennis Kelly Human Resources Manager 5911 Mission St Oscoda, MI 48750 web: phoenix-mi. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 833-1729 fax:...................................... (253) 804-9739 Michael Calabrese Sales Representative 1316 28th Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 Composites Manufacturing, Machining Phyl-Mar Swiss Products, Inc. Perkins Aircraft Services, Inc. phone:............................... (817) 877-1966 Patty Hawkins Executive Marketing Manager phone:...............................(360) 835-7927 fax:...................................... (360) 835-7927 Allen Kor President 37116 S. E. Sunset View Road Washougal, WA 98671 Machining Pifers Airmotive Inc Pexco phone:...............................(509) 248-9166 fax:...................................... (509) 248-4750 2405 S 3rd Ave Union Gap, WA web: filtronaextrusion. com Other phone:...............................(248) 674-0909 Lois Pifer Owner 1660 Airport Rd Waterford, MI 48327 web: pifersinc. com General Aerospace Pineda Precision Inc phone:...............................(425) 290-7964 Pearson Air Inc 13127 Beverly Park Rd Lynnwood, WA web: pinedaprecision. com Other 7849 Old Highway 99 Se Tumwater, WA MRO 198 phone:...............................(215) 281-1400 Groce Ursula All Around Customer Service Manager With Purchasing Experience Phoenixx TPC 2300 W 6th St Fort Worth, TX 76107 web: perkinsaircraft. com General Aerospace PDS Engineering Philadelphia Agustawestland Corporation TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Pino Manufacturing Co Inc phone:...............................(631) 981-1493 Joseph Picariello Owner 5068 W Plano Pkwy Ste 300 Ronkonkoma, NY 75093 web: pinolaw. com General Aerospace Pioneer Aerofab Co. Plastic Components Inc phone:...............................(262) 253-0353 Jay Wendi Human Resources Manager n116 Morse Dr w18271 Green Cove Springs, FL 53022 web: plasticcomponents. com General Aerospace Plastic Injection Molding, Inc. Poclain Hydraulics phone:...............................(262) 344-1978 Kamel Ouaissa Regional Sales Manager - Eastern Coast Usa Stuartevant Po Box 801 Sturtevant, WI 53177 web: poclain. com General Aerospace The Pointe Group Inc phone:............................... (360) 757-4780 fax:...................................... (360) 757-4061 Tim Williamson Manager phone:...............................(509) 375-4260 fax:...................................... (509) 375-0853 Kenneth Williams Vice President phone:...............................(781) 251-9001 Mark Tobin Chief Executive Officer/Partner 2695 Battelle Boulevard Richland, WA 99352 web: moldingjobs. com/ Machining 2200 NE 38th St Dedham, MA 33064 web: thepointegroup. com General Aerospace Pioneer Industries Plexsys Interface Products, Inc. Pointe Precision, Inc. 15259 Flightline Road Burlington, WA 98233 web: pioneeraerofab. com Other phone:............................... (206) 762-7737 fax:...................................... (206) 762-1982 Timothy Harlow Senior Vice President 7000 Highland Park Way SW Seattle, WA 98106 web: pioneersheetmetal. com Machining Piper Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(772) 567-4361 Geoffrey Berger Chief Executive Officer 2926 Piper Dr Vero Beach, FL 32960 web: piper. com General Aerospace Plano Criminal Defense torney phone:...............................(972) 578-1690 Nancy Kennedy Owner 101 E Park Blvd #107 Plano, TX 75074 web: planocriminallaw. com General Aerospace Plasco Tooling and Engineering Corporation phone:...............................(586) 752-0510 Sandy Zuccarini Human Resources Executive 14951 32 Mile Rd Romeo, MI 48065 web: plascocorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 838-2500 fax:......................................(360) 838-2550 4900 N.W. Camas Meadows Dr. Camas, WA 98607 web: plexsysipi. com Cabins & Interiors Plexus Manufacturing Inc. phone:...............................(425) 355-2997 fax:...................................... (425) 348-7445 John R. Thompson President 4416 Russell Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: plexusman. com Cabins & Interiors PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 922-1321 Patrick Murphie President 3921 Pacific Hwy. E Fife, WA 98424 Other Pma Products, Inc. phone:...............................(800) 762-0844 Imtiaz Kim Procurement Coordinator 6120 Smithwood Rd Liberty, NC 27298 web: pmaproducts. com General Aerospace Pneu-Dart, Inc. phone:.........................(715) 342-5100 x 2 Mark Repinski Inside Sales 2675 Precision Dr Plover, WI 54467 web: pointeprecision. com General Aerospace Polaris Machining and Sheet Metal phone:...............................(360) 653-7676 fax:......................................(360) 659-4452 Mike Bontatibus President 103 Cedar Avenue Marysville, WA 98270 web: polarismachining. com Machining Polycraft Products, Inc. phone:........................ (513) 353-3334 x 1 Jon Lehn Business Development and Marketing Manager 5511 State Route 128 Cleves, OH 45002 web: polycraftproducts. com General Aerospace Port of Moses Lake phone:...............................(509) 762-5363 Craig L. Baldwin Executive Manager phone:.........................(570) 323-2710 x 2 Ray Liddick Marketing Media Information Technology Manager 7810 Andrews Street, NE, Suite 200 Moses Lake, WA 98837 web: portofmoseslake. com Other 15223 State Route 87 Williamsport, PA 17701 web: pneudart. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 199 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Port Townsend Foundry phone:...............................(360) 385-6425 fax:...................................... (360) 385-1947 Peter Langley Owner 251 Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: porttownsendfoundry. com Materials Powder River Rifle Company, Inc. phone:...............................(406) 932-4454 Lucinda Klostermier Sales Executive 201 Centennial Dr Big Timber, MT 59011 web: shilohrifle. com General Aerospace Pratt & Whitney Engine Services Inc Pre Metco 400 Main St East Hartford, CT 6108 web: pw.utc. com General Aerospace 3420 C Street NE, Suite 401 Auburn, WA 98002 web: pre-metco. com Other Pratt & Whitney Engine Services, Inc. Precise Flight, Inc. phone:...............................(860) 565-4321 Michael Jalbert Account Sales Manager phone:...............................(860) 565-4321 James Nelsen Owner 400 Main St Wichita, KS 6108 web: pw.utc. com General Aerospace Power Flow Systems Inc. phone:...............................(877) 693-7356 Peggy Mitchell Finance Manager 1585 Aviation Center Pkwy Ste 804 Daytona Beach, FL 32114 web: powerflowsystems. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(623) 780-4100 Shane Morra Purchasing Manager 21039 N 27th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85027 web: powill. com General Aerospace Pratt and Whitney phone:...............................(206) 655-8924 Rick Silva Pratt and Whitney Military Aftermarket Services, Inc. , phone:...............................(405) 737-4851 Pamela Green Human Resources Manager 2701 Liberty Pkwy Ste 301 Oklahoma City, OK 73110 web: pw.utc. com General Aerospace Pratt & Whitney phone:...............................(717) 986-1040 Darrell Echard After Market Analyst 1699 S 19th St Harrisburg, PA 17104 web: pw.utc. com General Aerospace Praxis Resources, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 545-1646 Kevin Owens President and Chief Executive Officer 1370 Washington Pike Gilbert, AZ 15017 web: praxisresources. com General Aerospace Pratt & Whitney Autoair, Inc. phone:...............................(517) 393-4040 John Scanlon Chief Executive Officer 5640 Enterprise Dr Lansing, MI 48911 web: pw.utc. com General Aerospace Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. phone:...............................(450) 677-9411 Michel Lalonde Director Human Resources Global Compensation phone:...............................(541) 382-8684 Jeff Koker Purchasing Manager 63354 Powell Butte Hwy Bend, OR 97701 web: preciseflight. com General Aerospace Precise Machining & Manufacturing, LLC 4020 Lake Washington Boulevard, Suite 312 Kirkland, WA 98033 web: pratt-whitney. com Propulsion Powill Manufacturing & Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 735-6490 fax:...................................... (253) 735-6491 Jack Ardmer President phone:...............................(918) 641-0709 Steve Mosher Chief Executive Officer 12716 E Pine St Tulsa, OK 74116 web: precisemachining. com General Aerospace Precision Aerospace & Composites [Precision Pattern Inc.] phone:...............................(253) 863-7868 fax:...................................... (253) 863-7875 Brian Retslaff Marketing 1516 Fryar Avenue Sumner, WA 98390 web: ppattern. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining Precision Aircraft Components, Inc phone:...............................(937) 278-0264 Emsy Little Chief Executive Officer PRC-DeSoto International, Inc. [PPG Aerospace] phone:...............................(425) 483-3999 fax:......................................(425) 483-3993 Paul Bowman Business manager 14126 NE 190th Street Woodinville, WA 98072 web: ppg. com/prc-desot Materials 2787 Armstrong Ln Dayton, OH 45414 web: precisionaircraftinc. com General Aerospace Precision Airmotive Corp phone:...............................(360) 651-8282 fax:...................................... (425) 355-8412 Alan Jesmer Product Support/ Marketing 14800 40th Avenue NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: precisionairmotive. com Other 6633 Canoga Ave Monterey, CA 91303 web: General Aerospace 200 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Precision Airmotive LLC Precision Gun Works, Inc Precision Piece Parts Inc 110 Sierra Rd Bull Shoals, AR 78028 web: alstechnologies. com General Aerospace 712 S Logan St Mishawaka, IN 46544 web: ppp-inc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 651-8282 Karen Aadnes Human Resource Manager phone:............................... (870) 445-8746 Ryan Hillaker Vice President-sales Precision Automatics Inc Precision Logistics LLC/ Skypac Parts & Supply 14800 40th Ave NE Marysville, WA 98271 web: precisionairmotive. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 353-2270 fax:...................................... (425) 353-2270 Franklin D. Williver President 2120 W Casino Road Everett, WA 98204 web: precisionautomatics. com Machining Precision Circuits, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 778-4980 fax:...................................... (425) 771-7806 Dave Smart General Manager 18025 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98037 web: precisioncircuits. Engineering Precision Components International, Inc. phone:...............................(706) 568-5900 Hilton Britt Chief Executive Officer Macon Rd Columbus, GA 31908 web: pciga. com General Aerospace Precision Engines, LLC. phone:...............................(425) 347-2800 fax:...................................... (425) 353-9431 Dave Cort President 3220 100th Street SW Bldg E Everett, WA 98204 web: precisionengines. com Aircraft systems Precision Gear Incorporated phone:...............................(718) 321-7200 Ngok Pau Director Manufacturing Operations 11207 14th Ave College Point, NY 11356 web: precisiongearinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 652-3333 fax:.......................................(425) 740-0118 Stacy Wilcutt General Manager PO Box 430, 1318 Pioneer Highway Silvana, WA 98287 web: skypac. com Machining Precision Machine Works phone:...............................(253) 428-8218 David Baublits CEO 2024 Puyallup Avenue East Tacoma, WA 98421 web: pmwinc. com Other phone:............................... (574) 255-3185 Larry Cabanaw PUR Sales and Marketing Manager Precision/Delta Corporation phone:...............................(800) 337-3621 Sam Goss Operations Executive 205 W Floyce St Ruleville, MS 38771 web: precisiondelta. com General Aerospace Predator International Inc phone:...............................(303) 761-1236 Dick Dixon Owner 945 San Ildefonso Rd Trlr 39 Los Alamos, NM 87544 web: predatorpellets. com General Aerospace Precision Machine Works, Inc. Premier Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc. 2024 Puyallup Ave Tacoma, WA 98421 web: pmwinc. com General Aerospace 2312 Sherman St Marinette, WI 54143 web: premier-deicers. com General Aerospace Precision Manufacturing Company of San Antonio, Texas Premium Machine phone:...............................(253) 272-5119 Janie Pierce Human Resources Director phone:...............................(210) 648-3170 Mary Hicks Sales Manager 4546 Sinclair Rd San Antonio, TX 78222 web: pmcsa. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(715) 735-6440 Amanda Derusha Purchasing phone:...............................(253) 537-4227 Ron Nyholm Owner 1315 112th St E Tacoma, WA 98445 Machining Press Brake Products, Inc. Precision Pattern, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 472-2333 fax:...................................... (253) 572-8015 Bennet Fors General Manager 2620 East G Street Tacoma, WA 98421 web: ppattern. com Composites Manufacturing phone:...............................(918) 366-7353 Steve Bingaman President/Owner 15120 S 77th East Ave Bixby, OK 74008 web: pressbrakeproducts. com General Aerospace Pressco Products phone:...............................(253) 852-6911 fax:...................................... (253) 852-1068 Sean McHugh President 22617 85th Place S Kent, WA 98031 Machining ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 201 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Prime Turbines LLC phone:...............................(972) 406-2100 Ken Frenza Jr. Purchasing Manager 1615 Diplomat Dr Ste 120 Carrollton, TX 75006 web: primeturbines. com General Aerospace Primex Aerospace Co. (Aerojet (Redmond Operation)) phone:...............................(425) 885-5000 fax:...................................... (425) 882-5784 Olwen Morgan Business Development ProCam Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 485-9889 fax:......................................(425) 488-6554 Will McCallister President 18421 Suite 150 Bothell Everett Highway Mill Creek, WA 98012 web: procammachine. com Machining Proctor Products Co., Inc. phone:...............................(425) 822-9296 fax:......................................(425) 634-2396 Harold Rathman General Manager 11411 139th Place N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 web: rocket. com Composites Manufacturing, Machining p. o. box 697 210 8th Street So. Kirkland , WA 98083 web: proctorp. com Engineering , Machining Primus International Inc Production Machine Tools phone:...............................(425) 318-4539 Patricia Blakely Human Resources Manager 6525 240th St Se Woodinville, WA 98072 web: primusint. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 881-1200 fax:...................................... (425) 861-9027 Steve Caddy Manager 4170 148TH Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: pmtnw. com Machining Primus International, Inc phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Larry Loudamy VP of North America Business Development Pro-Fab, LLC phone:...............................(405) 495-2131 Mickey Quoetone Manager-Human Resources 910 N Morgan Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73127 web: profab. com General Aerospace Primus Technologies phone:...............................(425) 339-3636 fax:...................................... (425) 317-8881 Carlos R. Veliz President 2333 Reach Rd Wickliffe, OH 17701 web: primus-tech. com General Aerospace Pro Tool Manufacturing phone:...............................(425) 353-0763 fax:......................................(425) 353-6663 Bob Anderson President 12414 Highway 99 S., Unit 4, Everett, WA 98204 Everett, WA 98204 web: ptmcorp. com Machining 202 TOC 3619 Colby Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: procadservices. com Engineering Proplink, LP phone:...............................(817) 444-5310 Tom Carlson Owner 2014 Greg St Azle, TX 76020 web: emagair. com General Aerospace Propulsion Technologies International, LLC phone:............................... (954) 874-0274 Oscar Lasalle Director of Sales 15301 SW 29th St Ste 100 Hollywood, FL 33027 web: ptcgrp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(770) 888-8404 Victor Robertson Chief Executive Officer 14100 NW 58th Ct Alpharetta, GA 33014 web: protectmat. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 558-0600 fax:...................................... (425) 558-0700 Sean Blechschmidt Systems Manager 17824 N. E. 65th Street Redmond, WA 98052 web: proto-design. com Machining Proxy Aviation Progressive Aerodyne Inc phone:...............................(407) 292-3700 Adam Yang Chief Executive Officer 520 Clifton St Ste 1 Orlando, FL 32808 web: searey. com General Aerospace Categorical 7800 W 25th Ct Hialeah, FL 33016 web: promptaero. com General Aerospace Proto Design, Inc. Professional Cad Services, Inc. Profiles of Success phone:...............................(305) 818-0712 Miguel Riquelme Operations Manager The Protective Group Inc 610 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: primusint. com Assembly, Composites Manufacturing, Engineering, Machining, Tooling phone:...............................(570) 321-6255 Mike Brennan Purchasing Agent Prompt Aero Services, Inc. Alphabetical phone:...............................(301) 216-2851 Robert Davis President and Chief Executive Officer 12850 Middlebrook Rd Ste 250 Gaithersburg, MD 20874 web: proxyaviation. com General Aerospace Advertisers PSF Industries phone:...............................(206) 622-1252 fax:...................................... (206) 682-1070 Stanely Miller President 65 S. HORTON Street Seattle, WA 98134 web: psfindustries. com Machining PTI Engineered Plastics Inc. Pyrometric Company/ Pyrobond Composite Repair Systems phone:...............................(800) 394-8307 fax:...................................... (206) 763-9459 John Headtke Sales 1312 S 96th Street Seattle, WA 98108 web: pyrometric. com Composites Manufacturing, Engineering Q phone:...............................(248) 784-1021 Barbara Wrubel Human Resources Administrator Qual-Fab phone:............................... (206) 762-2117 fax:...................................... (206) 762-2111 John Williams General Manager 1705 S. 93rd Street Bldg. F Unit 1 Seattle, WA 98108 web: qual-fab. com Machining Qualis Corporation phone:............................... (256) 971-1707 Elizabeth Morard President and Chief Executive Officer 50900 Corporate Dr Southfield, MI 48044 web: teampti. com General Aerospace Q4 Services LLC 5000 Bradford Dr Nw Canton, MA 35805 web: qualis-corp. com General Aerospace Pti Technologies Inc. 15301 SW 29th St Ste 100 Winter Park, FL 33027 web: q4services. com General Aerospace Qualiseal Technology 501 Del Norte Blvd Oxnard, CA 93030 web: ptitechnologies. com General Aerospace QinetiQ North America 7319 W Wilson Ave Villa Park, IL 60706 web: qualiseal. com General Aerospace Pulse Aerospace, Inc. 350 2nd Ave San Diego, CA 2451 web: apogen. com General Aerospace Quality Forming, LLC 450 N Iowa St Ste A1 Lawrence, KS 66044 web: pulseaero. com General Aerospace Qnc Machine Inc 22906 Frampton Ave Torrance, CA 90501 web: qfinc. com General Aerospace PO Box 99304 Seattle, WA 98139 Machining Quality Honeycomb, L.P. phone:...............................(805) 604-3700 Mark Borton Account Sales Manager phone:...............................(785) 289-8402 Aaron Lessig Chief Executive Officer Pv Labs (usa), Inc. phone:...............................(888) 667-7202 Grant Bieman Operations Tech and Program Manager 16238 Raymer St Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: pv-labs. com General Aerospace Pynco Inc phone:...............................(812) 275-0900 Stephen Youngquist Director of Marketing 2605 35th St Bedford, IN 47421 web: pynco. com General Aerospace Pyramid Space phone:.............................. (858) 554-1140 Eric Heininger Chief Executive Officer 3807 Sierra Hwy Ste 6 San Diego, CA 93510 web: pyramidspace. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(407) 382-4000 Cravis Stephens Human Resources Generalist phone:...............................(858) 618-1080 Simon Close Director of Marketing phone:...............................(310) 539-2855 Anita Gnagy Human Resources Manager phone:...............................(206) 282-5854 Kaz Zawitkowski President phone:...............................(817) 640-1190 Dan McArthur Chief Operating Officer QPM Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 233-6170 fax:...................................... (425) 233-6179 Michael Dunlop President & Owner 10500 NE 8th Street Suite 875 Bellvue, WA 98004 web: qpm2000. com Machining Quad Group phone:...............................(509) 458-4558 fax:......................................(509) 458-4555 Maria Riegert Manager 1815 S Lewis Street Spokane, WA 98224 web: quadgroupinc. com Engineering phone:...............................(708) 887-6346 John Van Operations Manager 624 107th St Arlington, TX 76011 web: qualityhoneycomb. com General Aerospace Quality Metal Spinning Co. phone:...............................(206) 242-6751 fax:...................................... (206) 242-6751 Douglas Vincent Owner 4031 S. 168TH Street Seatac, WA 98188 Machining Quality Replacement Parts Inc phone:............................... (216) 674-0200 Alan Kuntz Co-Owner 9099 Bank St Cleveland, OH 44125 web: qualityreplacementparts. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 203 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Quality Stamping & Machine phone:...............................(253) 863-5770 Chuck Girtz President 1907 137th Avenue E. Sumner, WA 98390 Machining Quality Tech Metals phone:............................... (316) 945-4781 Don Bradley Owner 2518 May St Wichita, KS 67213 web: metalstechnology. com General Aerospace Quality Tech Mfg., Inc. phone:...............................(909) 465-9565 Yvette Gutierrez Human Resources Manager 1955 Burgundy Pl Chino, CA 91761 web: qualitytechmfg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(305) 687-9808 Sharon Feld Director of Finance 4100 N 29th Ter Hollywood, FL 33020 web: qtaerospace. com General Aerospace Quiet Wing Corporation/ DuganAir Technologies Inc. phone:...............................(425) 451-8565 fax:...................................... (425) 451-8606 Peter Swift President 12735 Willows Road NE Kirkland, WA 98034 web: quietwing. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:.............................. (208) 263-1111 Samuel Hill Chief Executive Officer 1200 Turbine Sandpoint, ID 83864 web: questaircraft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 872-9500 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8967 Al Chau President 1012 Central Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032 web: qi2. com Machining phone:...............................(540) 269-2220 Roselynda Martinez Owner 10088 6th St D Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 web: rlmenterprises. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(305) 477-9312 Ronald Martin Owner 501 S Main St Miami, FL 19475 web: rm-equipment. com General Aerospace R. E. Dye Manufacturing Corporation Quick Precision Inc phone:...............................(206) 244-5110 fax:...................................... (206) 244-1670 Jack Morris Owner 108 S 108th St Seattle, WA 98168 Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(254) 559-2268 Brenda Roberts Human Resources Manager 207 W Williams St Breckenridge, TX 76424 web: dyemfg. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 623-2569 Jessica Rafalowski Marketing Director 1000 Old County Cir Ste 105 Windsor Locks, CT 6096 web: quickturnmfg. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(212) 695-0500 Paul Maguire Internet Marketing Consultant 4401 Rockside Rd Ste 390 Independence, OH 44131 web: tnetohio. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical 350 Wynn Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35805 web: radiancetech. com General Aerospace Rainier Arms, LLC phone:...............................(253) 218-2999 John Hwang Owner 3810 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98002 web: rainierarms. com General Aerospace 18435 OLYMPIC Avenue S. Tukwila, WA 98188 web: rainierindustries. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering Rainier Rubber Company / Porter Seal Company phone:...............................(425) 227-4500 fax:...................................... (425) 227-4300 Steve Smolinske President 15660 Nelson Place S Seattle, WA 98188 web: rainierrubber. com Machining Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 fax:......................................(206) 723-2884 James Raisbeck CEO 4411 S. RYAN WAY Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering , Machining Raisbeck Engineering, Inc. Radial Bearing Corporation Quick Turn Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(912) 232-2422 Jeffrey Sottosanti Assistant Vice President, Airborne Systems Operation phone:...............................(425) 251-1800 fax:...................................... (425) 251-5065 Brian Rowinski VP of Operations R R M Equipment Inc Quest Integrated, Inc. Radiance Technologies, Inc. Rainier Industries, LTD. R L M Enterprises Quest Aircraft Company, L.L.C. 204 Quiet Technology Venture, Ltd. Alphabetical phone:...............................(206) 723-2000 James Raisbeck Chief Executive Officer/Founder 4411 S Ryan Way Seattle, WA 98178 web: raisbeck. com General Aerospace Advertisers Rajon, LLC phone:...............................(918) 561-5555 Tray Siegfried Chief Executive Officer 23800 S 369th W Ave Bristow, OK 74010 web: goverticalaero. com General Aerospace Ralc, Inc phone:...............................(951) 693-0098 Rich Cruz Operations Manager 42158 Sarah Way Temecula, CA 92590 web: cnc-mfg. com General Aerospace Ram Aircraft, L.P. phone:...............................(254) 752-8381 Scott Hollomon Chief Financial Officer/Human Resources 7505 Karl May Dr Waco, TX 76708 web: ramaircraft. com General Aerospace RAM Technologies phone:...............................(425) 347-9200 fax:...................................... (425) 347-9265 Susie Wright Sales Manager 4605 116th Street SW P.O. Box 27 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: ramtechnologies. com Machining Rapco Fleet Support, Inc. phone:...............................(262) 367-6210 Rusty Keagle Sales Manager 445 Cardinal Ln Hartland, WI 53029 web: rapcofleet. com General Aerospace Raytheon Company phone:............................... (978) 440-1773 Richard Curtinv Business Process Manager Sap/Finance 870 Winter St Millis, MA 2451 web: raytheon. com General Aerospace Raytheon Missile Systems Co phone:...............................(520) 889-0539 Richard Reilly Chief Operating Officer 870 Winter St Tucson, AZ 2451 web: raytheon. com General Aerospace Recaro Aircraft Seating Americas, Inc. REMOS Aircraft GmbH phone:............................... (817) 490-9160 Jean Pierre Foulon Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(888) 838-9879 Daniela Drygalla Head of Human Resources and Internal Communication 2275 Eagle Pkwy Fort Worth, TX 76177 web: recaro-as. com General Aerospace 849 Almar Ave Ste C Santa Cruz, CA 95060 web: remos. com General Aerospace Regal Prototypes, Inc. Remos Aircraft Inc. phone:...............................(586) 949-6000 Joanne Edwards Vice President of Sales phone:...............................(888) 838-9879 Corvin Huber Chief Executive Officer 6633 Diplomat Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48314 web: schallergroup. com General Aerospace 997 Happy Trails Dr Ste D1 Rogers, AR 72756 web: remos. com General Aerospace Regent Aerospace Corporation Rentfrow, Incorporated phone:...............................(661) 257-3920 Reza Soltanian Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(602) 992-5551 Arlene Colver Owner 28110 Harrison Pkwy Valencia, CA 91355 web: regentaerospace. com General Aerospace 2186 Knoll Dr Phoenix, AZ 93003 web: rentfrowinc. com General Aerospace Regional Air Center Llc Renton Coil Spring Co. Reliable Manufacturing Company, Incorporated 425 S 7th Street P.O. Box 880 Renton, WA 98057 web: rentoncoilspring. com Engineering Pierce County Airport Puyallup, WA MRO phone:...............................(860) 242-5591 Ruthann Ogden Front Desk and Sales Assistant 35 Corporate Ave Plainville, CT 6062 web: reliablemfg. com General Aerospace Renton Coil Spring Company phone:....................... (425) 255-1453 x23 Andy Knebel III Chief Operating Officer Reliant Worldwide Plastics phone:...............................(940) 668-7015 Kyle Crawford Chief Operating Officer 2800 Dallas Pkwy Ste 101 Frisco, TX 75093 web: reliantplastics. com General Aerospace 425 S 7th St Renton, WA 98057 web: rentoncoilspring. com General Aerospace Reusable Space Exploration phone:...............................(520) 977-9987 Benjamin Swem President Remington Arms Company, LLC phone:...............................(336) 548-8508 Melissa Cofield Chief Human Resources Officer 870 Remington Dr Madison, NC 27025 web: remington. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 255-1453 fax:...................................... (425) 228-0780 Charles Pepka CEO 12815 53rd Dr SE Everett, WA 98208 Space-related Revolver Brewing, LLC phone:...............................(817) 736-8034 Rhett Keisler Chief Executive Officer 5650 Matlock Rd Granbury, TX 76049 web: revolverbrewing. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 205 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rexnord Ring Welded Products Co Robotics Engineering Excellence 2180 W 114th St Cleveland, OH 44102 web: weldedringproducts. com General Aerospace 4925 Harrison St Pittsburgh, PA 15201 web: resquared. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(414) 643-2527 Dan Schiebel Marketing Support Analyst phone:...............................(216) 961-3800 Gary Horvath Marketing Executive Reynold Grey Machining & Services Inc. (Reynold Grey & Associates) Rkr Technologies, Ltd. Rock River Arms, Inc. 724 111th St Arlington, TX 76011 web: rocketairsupply. com General Aerospace 1042 Cleveland Rd Colona, IL 61241 web: rockriverarms. com General Aerospace 4701 W Greenfield Ave Milwaukee, WI 53214 web: rexnord. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 385-1167 fax:...................................... (360) 385-3212 Greg Mika 321 N Otto Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 web: rgmachineshop. com Machining phone:...............................(817) 640-5340 Steve Hibbard Sales and Marketing Rma Inc RF System Lab phone:...............................(989) 731-5083 Brandon Sprotte Marketing Associate 123 W. Main St. Gaylord, MI 49735 web: rfsystemlab. us Ground Support Equipment Richard Manufacturing Co Inc phone:............................... (203) 874-3617 Mike Cowan Purchasing 250 Rock Ln Milford, CT 6460 web: rmcoonline. com General Aerospace Richmond Aircraft Products phone:...............................(847) 455-8830 Leslie Friedman Sales Manager 12801 Ann St Franklin Park, IL 90670 web: richmondaircraft. com General Aerospace Richmond Engineering [Richmond Systems] 8365 Hogum Bay Lane NE Olympia, WA 98516 web: richmondsystems. com Engineering , Machining phone:...............................(309) 792-5780 Steve Mayer Human Resource Executive Rocket Direct Communications, Inc. 3727 So. Davison Blvd. Spokane, WA MRO phone:.........................(757) 463-9161 x 3 Gloria Blanchard Finance Executive Robbins Wings Inc phone:...............................(303) 423-7002 Richard Robbins Owner 7087 W 94th Ave Broomfield, CO 80021 web: robbinswings. com General Aerospace 532 Central Dr Virginia Beach, VA 23454 web: rocketdirectmail. com General Aerospace Rocket Engineering Corp. Robert Grove phone:...............................(619) 562-1268 Robbie Grove Chief Executive Officer 553 Friendship Rd El Cajon, CA 20758 web: groveaircraft. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 535-4401 fax:......................................(509) 534-2025 Darwin Conrad Manager 6427 E Rutter Avenue Spokane, WA 99212 web: rocketengineering. com Engineering Rocketplane Global, Inc. Robertson Fuel Systems, L.L.C. phone:...............................(480) 337-7050 Christine Clemons Director Human Resources 1024 E Vista Del Cerro Dr Tempe, AZ 85281 web: robbietanks. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 956-0384 fax:...................................... (360) 352-1275 George Richmond President phone:...............................(412) 681-6382 Andrew Mor Co-Founder phone:...............................(405) 488-1200 George French Owner, President and Chief Executive Officer 4300 Amelia Earhart Lane Will Rogers Airport Oklahoma City, OK 73159 web: rocketplane. com General Aerospace Rockwell Collins Robinson Helicopter Company, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 539-0508 Rosie Vega Aircraft Sales 2901 Airport Dr Torrance, CA 90505 web: robinsonheli. com General Aerospace 25316 74th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Air Framer, Aircraft systems, Avionics, Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing, Engineering , Machining, Materials, Other, Propulsion, Space-related, Tooling Rockwell Collins phone:...............................(425) 823-5788 fax:...................................... (425) 821-2258 Bobby Sturgell Programs Director, Seattle 10801 120th Avenue NE # 586-600 Kirkland , WA 98033 web: rockwellcollins. com Cabins & Interiors 206 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Rockwell Collins, Inc. phone:...............................(937) 426-4300 Bill Hallin Chief Operating Officer 400 Collins Rd NE Dayton, OH 52498 web: arinc. com General Aerospace Rogers Dierks Inc phone:...............................(360) 293-2663 fax:......................................(360) 293-8238 Kevin Sulley President PO Box 699 Anacortes, WA 98221 Machining Rogerson Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(949) 442-2326 Roy Feinberg Director-human Resources 16940 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92606 web: rogerson. com General Aerospace Rohr, Inc phone:...............................(619) 691-4111 Denise Busch Director of Marketing 850 Lagoon Dr Chula Vista, CA 91910 web: goodrich. com General Aerospace Rolls-Royce Corporation phone:...............................(740) 393-8888 Kim Tepstad Area Sales Manager Offshore Supply and S 2001 S Tibbs Ave Indianapolis, IN 46241 web: rolls-royce. com General Aerospace Rolls-Royce Engine ServicesOakland Inc phone:...............................(510) 615-5067 Kristen Denney Head, Projects and Communications 7200 Earhart Rd Oakland, CA 94621 web: rolls-royce. com General Aerospace Rolls-Royce Holdings plc phone:...............................(860) 767-9061 Donna Labranche Contract Administrator/Human Resources 14850 Conference Center Dr Chantilly, VA 20151 web: rolls-royce. com General Aerospace Ronald Bird phone:...............................(253) 850-7370 Ronald Bird Owner 9207 S 239th St Kent, WA 98031 Machining Rotair Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 576-6545 Herb Harrington Owner 964 Crescent Ave Bridgeport, CT 6607 web: rotair. com General Aerospace Rotary Wing Services LLC phone:...............................(253) 862-6609 Michael Davenport Member 3514 Deer Island Dr E Sumner, WA 98390 Machining Rotating Composite Technologies LLC phone:...............................(860) 829-6809 Harrison R. Griswold Vice President Chief of Operations 49 Cambridge Hts Kensington, CT 6037 web: rotatingcomposites. com General Aerospace Rotorcraft Enterprises, LLC phone:...............................(702) 982-7089 Judith Wurth Chief Executive Officer Owner 4357 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas, NV 89118 web: startpac. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 259-9258 fax:......................................(425) 252-2634 Jamie Yelle General Manager 3817 Smith Avenue Everett, WA 98201 web: royell. com Machining Rsa Engineered Products, LLC phone:...............................(805) 584-4150 Jonathan Gould Director of Sales and Marketing 110a W Cochran St Simi Valley, CA 93065 web: rsaeng. com General Aerospace RSI Visual Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(817) 510-0350 Jade Horn Chief Executive Officer 1350 Westpark Way Euless, TX 76040 web: rsi-visuals. com General Aerospace Rti Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(360) 435-9092 Ronald Powers President 19010 66th Ave NE Unit 3B Arlington, WA 98223 Machining Rti Remmele Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(651) 635-4100 Thomas Frister Director of Operations 10 Old Highway 8 SW Saint Paul, MN 55112 web: remmele. com General Aerospace Royal Engineered Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(308) 832-2760 Denise Jensen Director of Human Resource 1046 E 9th St Minden, NE 68959 web: royalcomposites. com General Aerospace Royell Manufacturing Inc. phone:...............................(425) 259-9258 Joseph Diggins Human Resources Executive 3817 Smith Ave Everett, WA 98201 web: royell. com General Aerospace Royell Manufacturing, Inc. RUAG Electronics AG phone:...............................(860) 828-6531 Christoph Guggisberg Deputy Head of Procurement 119 White Oak Dr Berlin, CT 6037 web: ruag. com General Aerospace russlawaz. com phone:...............................(480) 344-0911 Russell Richelsoph Owner 2266 S Dobson Rd Ste 200 Mesa, AZ 85202 web: russlawaz. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 207 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY S S & L Metal Holding Acquisition Corp phone:...............................(718) 894-4042 Carlos Quintana Media Manager 5829 57th Dr Maspeth, NY 11378 web: slaerospace. com General Aerospace SAI Industries 16225 Park Ten Pl Houston, TX 77084 web: saabgroup. com General Aerospace 591 E Monticello Pike Glendale, CA 37756 web: standardarmament. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(703) 406-7900 Chris Lade Defense Sales Manager Saf Industries LLC phone:...............................(203) 729-4900 Jonathan Fournier Vice President of Operations and Planning S & R Cnc Machining phone:...............................(818) 767-5200 Melissa Figueroa Director of Marketing 8255 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91605 web: srcncmachining. com General Aerospace 238 Water St Naugatuck, CT 6770 web: garkenyon. com General Aerospace Safari Helicopter phone:............................... (510) 647-0701 Alfred Garcia Chief Executive Officer S & S Welding, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 872-3833 fax:......................................(253) 395-0254 Thomas Stucke President P O Box 1505 22131 68Th Avenue S Kent, WA 98035 web: ssweld. com Machining 3553 Industrial Park Dr Marianna, FL 32446 web: safarihelicopter. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(406) 752-7979 James Berg Purchasing 2902 Us Highway 93 N Kalispell, MT 59901 web: sonjuind. com General Aerospace Safeair, Inc. 1441 W Bay Drive Olympia, WA 98502 web: safeair-usa. com Cabins & Interiors 7501 Hardeson Road Everett, WA MRO phone:...............................(870) 545-3635 Peter Pi President/Chief Executive Officer 2234 County Road 719 Berryville, AR 72616 web: wilsoncombat. com General Aerospace Saf-T-Flo Industries Corporation phone:...............................(714) 632-3013 David Ballard Technical Sales 4071 E La Palma Ave Ste L Anaheim, CA 92807 web: saftflo. com General Aerospace S3 International, LLC phone:...............................(414) 351-1506 Jeff Wnuk President/Owner 6110 N Flint Rd Milwaukee, WI 53209 web: s3international. com General Aerospace Sagebrush Products phone:...............................(308) 254-4860 Tiffany Sage Owner Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(206) 723-5600 fax:......................................(206) 723-6869 Robert Bogue General Manager, Products & Sales 3711 S. Hudson Street Seattle, WA 98118 web: furon. com Machining Saklax Manufacturing Company Inc 1346 Blue Hills Ave Bloomfield, CT 6002 web: saklax. com General Aerospace Sandhills Avionics 362 Retriever Ln Rutherfordton, NC 28327 web: planewerks. com General Aerospace Sandvik Special Metals Corporation phone:...............................(509) 586-4131 fax:......................................(509) 582-3552 Örjan Blom Manager 43507 S Piert Road P. O. BOX 6027 Kennewick, WA 99337 web: sandvik. com Machining, Materials PO BOX 114 Sidney, NE 69162 web: sageoutfitters. com General Aerospace TOC Saint Gobain Performance Plastics / Engineered Thermoforming and Composites phone:............................... (828) 286-1474 Russell Hyde Owner Safran Electronics Usa Inc S.T.I. Corporation of Tennessee phone:.............................. (818) 842-6144 Lars Nilsson Vice President Finance phone:...............................(860) 242-2538 Dhiru Bhut Owner phone:...............................(360) 754-5837 fax:......................................(360) 754-1369 Gregory Miller President S.I. Defense 208 Saab North America, Inc. Santa Monica Propeller Service, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 390-6233 Len Polykov Owner 3135 Donald Douglas Loop S Santa Monica, CA 90405 web: santamonicapropeller. com General Aerospace Alphabetical Advertisers Santos Precision, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 957-0299 Troy Shooter Director of Operations 2220 S Anne St Santa Ana, CA 92704 web: santosprecision. com General Aerospace Sargent Aerospace & Defense, LLC Scanivalve phone:...............................(509) 891-9970 fax:...................................... (509) 891-9481 Addison Pemberton President 17722 n. madson Street Liberty Lake, WA 99019 web: scanivalve. com Engineering Sccy Industries, LLC phone:.........................(520) 744-1000 x 4 Chris Petersen Director Inside Sales phone:...............................(386) 213-0077 Kaitlyn Hemphill Marketing Manager 5675 W Burlingame Rd Tucson, AZ 85743 web: sargentaerospace. com General Aerospace 1800 Concept Ct Daytona Beach, FL 32114 web: sccy. com General Aerospace Sargent Aerospace Inc Schneider-Simpson Sheet Metal & Blower Company, Inc. phone:...............................(520) 744-1000 Mike Mislan Director of Operations 5675 W Burlingame Rd Franklin, IN 85743 web: sargentaerospace. com General Aerospace Savage Arms, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 642-4186 Allyson Kane Marketing Specialist 100 Springdale Rd Westfield, MA 1085 web: savagearms. com General Aerospace Sawyer Motorsports & Development LP phone:.........................(817) 926-1517 x 1 Brad Sawyer Chief Executive Officer/Owner 5009 Rondo Dr Fort Worth, TX 76106 web: sawyercomposite. com General Aerospace SC Aviation Inc phone:............................... (800) 416-4176 Danniel Barber Charter Sales Coordinator 1433 Lancaster Ave St Charles, IL 60174 web: scaviation. net General Aerospace Scaled Composites, LLC phone:...............................(661) 824-4541 Bonnie Mills Director of Marketing 1624 Flight Line Mojave, CA 93501 web: scaled. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(251) 472-4461 fax:...................................... (253) 475-8864 Marilyn Vorecen 1551 S. Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 web: schneidersimpson. com Machining Schober Decorative Laminates phone:...............................(425) 255-4000 fax:...................................... (425) 277-1872 1400 Monster Rd., S.W. Renton, WA 98057 web: lumicor. com Cabins & Interiors Screw-Matic Corporation phone:.........................(978) 356-6200 x 1 Sean McCarthy Operations Manager 127 High St Ipswich, MA 1938 web: smcaerospace. com General Aerospace Sea West Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-2942 fax:......................................(253) 854-6759 Cecil Green President 8801 S. 228th Street Kent, WA 98031 web: seawestproducts. com Machining Sea West Products, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 854-2942 Debbie Walker Finance Manager 8801 S 228th St Kent, WA 98031 web: seawestproducts. com General Aerospace Seacast Inc. phone:...............................(360) 653-9388 fax:......................................(360) 653-6044 6130 31st Avenue NE Marysville, WA web: seacast. com Machining Seahawk Manufacturing Schoeller Electronics phone:...............................(678) 580-1739 Paul Handler Sales Manager, North America 5490 Hampstead Way Duluth, GA 30097 web: se-pcb. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(918) 884-9770 Holly Dorland Director Sales & Marketing 9802 E. 58th Street Tulsa, OK 74146 web: seahawkmfg. com Injection Molding Sealth Aero Marine Co Scientific Applications & Research Associates, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 481-0727 fax:......................................(425) 338-0822 626 Cochrans Mill Rd Pittsburgh, PA 15236 web: sa. General Aerospace Seattle Aerospace International phone:...............................(412) 386-5055 Brian Albin Interactive Media Programmer Scion Aviation, LLC phone:............................... (970) 207-1720 Jim Sampson Chief Executive Officer 3693 E County Road 30 Fort Collins, CO 80528 web: scionaviation. com General Aerospace 16001 Mill Creek Blvd Mill Creek, WA web: sealth. com Other phone:...............................(425) 455-0750 fax:......................................(425) 688-9092 Curtis Palmgren, Jr. President 10655 NE 4th Street, Suite 400 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: seattleaerospace. com Engineering ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 209 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Securaplane Technologies, Inc. Sertco Industries, Inc. Sierra Industries, Ltd. phone:...............................(520) 297-0844 Kiersten Sutliff Director, Marketing Operations phone:...............................(918) 623-0526 Joe Harrington Vice President/Chief Operating Officer phone:...............................(830) 278-4481 David Welch Aircraft Sales Manager Sehanson, Inc. Service & Sales, Inc. Sierra Nevada Corporation 1853 E 3rd St Tempe, AZ 85281 web: ssi-mfg. com General Aerospace 444 Salomon Cir Sparks, NV 89434 web: sncorp. com General Aerospace 10800 N Mavinee Dr Tucson, AZ 85737 web: securaplane. com General Aerospace 100 Sertco Dr Okemah, OK 74859 web: sertco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 778-1900 Kit Dantes Purchasing phone:...............................(480) 968-9084 Scott Papp President, Operations Select Avionics, LLC Shadowtech Labs, Inc. 2121 E Via Burton Anaheim, CA 92806 web: acraaerospace. com General Aerospace 122 Howard Langford Dr Uvalde, TX 78801 web: sijet. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(775) 331-0222 Murat Ozbek Contract Finance Manager Sifco Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(214) 491-1600 Greg White Owner phone:...............................(630) 413-4478 Michael Collins Founder phone:...............................(216) 881-8600 Michael Lipscomb Chief Executive Officer Senior Aerospace Ketema Inc Shannon Engineering Sig Sauer Inc. 790 Greenfield Dr Santee, CA 92021 web: sfketema. com General Aerospace PO Box 94206 Seattle, WA 98206 Engineering 1500 Industrial Blvd Ste 121 Mckinney, TX 75069 web: selectavionics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(619) 449-4832 Todd Elliott Marketing Manager phone:...............................(206) 767-5447 Jack Shannon Owner Sicma Aero Seat Services Senior Operations LLC phone:...............................(316) 942-3208 Carl Best Chief Executive Officer 2700 S Custer Ave Wichita, KS 67217 web: seniorcomposites. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 806-2066 Rafael Velasquez VP, General Manager 22030 20th Avenue SE Bothell, WA 98021 web: sicma.zodiac. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(813) 434-4522 Nicole Moulton Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer 3000 Bayport Dr Ste 880 New York, NY 33607 web: sequa. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(936) 549-7136 Cindy Blasingame Account Manager Chem Sales 300 New Jersey Ave Nw Ste 1000 Devers, TX 20001 web: siemens. com General Aerospace Sierra Bullets, L.L.C. Ser-Mat International LLC phone:...............................(804) 264-4800 James L Haskell Owner 3200 Nw 27th Ave Ste 106 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069 web: sermat. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(660) 827-6300 Loren Harbor Founder 1400 W Henry St Sedalia, MO 65301 web: sierrabullets. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical 970 E 64th St Cleveland, OH 44103 web: sifco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(603) 772-2365 Amanda Hasevlat Director Global Defense Sales Administration 18 Industrial Dr Exeter, NH 3833 web: sigsauer. com General Aerospace Sigma Tek, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 775-6373 Debbie Micgnius Purchasing Manager 1001 Industrial Rd Augusta, KS 67010 web: sigmatek. com General Aerospace Siemens AG Sequa Corporation 210 7714 S Grant St Willowbrook, IL 60527 web: shadowtechlabs. com General Aerospace Sika Corporation phone:...............................(248) 577-0020 Barbara Ferraro Marketing Coordinator 30800 Stephenson Hwy Madison Heights, MI 48071 web: sika-corp. com General Aerospace Sikorsky Aircraft Corp phone:............................... (561) 775-5179 Lisa O'Connor Human Resources Client Manager 6900 Main St Jupiter, FL 6614 web: sikorsky. com General Aerospace Alphabetical Advertisers Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation phone:...............................(860) 463-5921 Debarshi Mandal Aftermarket Sales Manager 6900 Main St Stratford, CT 6614 web: sikorsky. com General Aerospace Silencerco LLC phone:...............................(801) 417-5384 Jim York Brand Marketing Manager 5511 S 6055 W West Valley City, UT 84118 web: silencerco. com General Aerospace Silicon Designs Co. phone:...............................(425) 391-8329 fax:...................................... (425) 391-0446 John Cole President 1445 N. W. MALL Street Issaquah, WA 98027 web: silicondesigns. com Machining Silicon Forest Electronics, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 448-4962 Jay Schmidt VP-Business Development 6204 E. 18th St. Vancouver, WA 98661 web: siliconforestelectronics. com Professional Services Sims Vibration Laboratory, Inc. phone:............................... (877) 257-2761 Terri Frey Event Coordinator/Marketing 301 W Business Park Loop Shelton, WA 98584 web: limbsaver. com General Aerospace Sioux Manufacturing Corporation phone:...............................(701) 766-4211 Julie Sailor Purchasing Manager 1115 Dakotah Dr Maddock, ND 58335 web: siouxmanufacturing. com General Aerospace SKCAC Industries phone:...............................(253) 395-1240 Mark Kantonen Executive Director 19731 Russell Rd S Kent, WA 98032 web: skcac. com/ Machining Skill-Metric Machine and Tool, Inc. phone:...............................(561) 272-7624 William Hebding Marketing Manager 1424 Gwenzell Ave Delray Beach, FL 33444 web: skill-metric. com General Aerospace Skytronics, Inc. phone:...............................(424) 290-8779 Earlvin Cruz Chief Accounting and Finance Manager 227 Oregon St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: skytronicsinc. com General Aerospace The Skyway Group Inc Skills Inc. phone:...............................(206) 782-6000 Todd Dunnington CEO phone:...............................(830) 278-4481 Gary Buchanan Chief Operating Officer 715 30th Street N.E. Auburn,, WA 98002 Aerospace Painting, Machining 1770 Skyplace Blvd Uvalde, TX 78216 web: General Aerospace Skills Inc. Small Arms Manufacturing Co phone:...............................(206) 782-6000 Todd Dunnington CEO phone:...............................(412) 221-3636 Chris Murray Sales Executive 715 30th Street N.E. Auburn,, WA 98002 web: skillsinc. com Aerospace Painting, Machining 5312 Thoms Run Rd Bridgeville, PA 15017 web: ershawbarrels. com General Aerospace Sky TEC Ltd Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation phone:............................... (817) 573-2250 Les Staples Chief Executive Officer 350 Howard Clemmons Rd Granbury, TX 76048 web: skytecair. com General Aerospace Skylock Industries phone:...............................(626) 357-5361 Candy Perez Manager Inside Sales 1290 W Optical Dr Azusa, CA 91702 web: skylock. com General Aerospace Sky-Riders Northwest phone:...............................(360) 600-5349 Tom Stillman Owner 508 NE 134th St Vancouver, WA 98685 Machining Skytech, Inc. phone:...............................(888) 386-3596 Rick Shepard Operations Department PO BOX 4942 Rock Hill, SC 21220 web: skytechinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(800) 331-0852 Matthew Skutnik Digital Marketing Manager 2100 Roosevelt Ave Springfield, MA 1104 web: smith-wesson. com General Aerospace Smith Enterprise, Inc phone:.............................. (480) 964-1818 Sonja Sommers Owner 1874 Slaughter Rd Ste K Tempe, AZ 35758 web: smith-enterprises. com General Aerospace Smiths Aerospace Components phone:...............................(603) 692-7400 Joe Lazzaro Marketing Executive, Sales Executive 366 Route 108 Somersworth, NH 3878 web: smiths-group. com General Aerospace smiths Connectors phone:...............................(978) 568-0451 James Demers Sales Manager 16 Brent Dr Irvine, CA 1749 web: smithsconnectors. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 211 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Snohomish County Airport – Paine Field phone:...............................(425) 353-2110 fax:......................................(425) 355-9883 3220 100th Street SW Everett, WA web: painefield. com Other phone:...............................(360) 754-7000 fax:...................................... (360) 943-7659 David Stauffer CEO 450 PAT KENNEDY WAY S. W. Olympia, WA 98501 web: soloy. com Engineering , Machining Snowline Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(530) 283-0222 Matt Warndorf Director of Operations 4261 Business Dr Cameron Park, CA 95682 web: snowlineaerospace. com General Aerospace Snowline Manufacturing, Inc. phone:............................... (541) 617-1107 Mark Cunningham Operations Manager 63360 Powell Butte Hwy Bend, OR 97701 web: snowlinemfg. com General Aerospace Sodick American Corporation phone:...............................(408) 943-1693 Koji Yoneda Chief Executive Officer 2180 Bering Dr San Jose, CA 95131 web: sodick-america. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(215) 721-1502 Lori Anne Atkinson Marketing Coordinator 1969 Clearview Road Souderton, PA 18964 web: solaratm. com Metal Treatment Solid State Cooling Systems phone:...............................(845) 635-5500 David Carreiro Eastern Regional Sales Director 47 Harvard St Dedham, MA 2026 web: sscooling. com General Aerospace Solipsys Corporation phone:...............................(240) 554-8100 Jerry Freeman Owner 8170 Maple Lawn Blvd Irving, TX 20759 web: solipsys. com General Aerospace South East Jet Group Incorporated phone:...............................(954) 772-5205 Roger Lima Owner 1631 NW 51st Pl Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 web: southeastjet. com General Aerospace Soloy, LLC phone:...............................(360) 754-7000 Nick Parkinson Business Development and Sales Executive 450 Pat Kennedy Way SW Tumwater, WA 98501 web: soloy. com General Aerospace Southeast Aero Sales, Inc. phone:...............................(904) 824-1899 Doug Vayda Director of Sales 385 Hawkeye View Ln Saint Augustine, FL 32095 web: southeastaero. com General Aerospace Southern Gear & Machine, Inc. Sonex Aircraft, LLC phone:...............................(920) 231-8297 Kerry Fores Technical Communications Manager 511 Aviation Rd Oshkosh, WI 54902 web: sonexaircraft. com General Aerospace Sound Analytical Services phone:...............................(253) 922-2310 Tom Watson Marketing Manager 4813 Pacific Hwy. E Tacoma, WA 98424 Other Solar Atmospheres 212 Soloy Corporation Sound Components Supply Co Inc. phone:............................... (253) 850-0746 fax:......................................(253) 852-0885 Suzie McGill 1819 S. Central Avenue, Bldg C-8 Kent, WA 98032 Other Sound Flight, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 254-8063 fax:......................................(425) 254-8065 Chris West Manager 300 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 web: soundflight. net Other phone:...............................(305) 691-6300 Alex Perdoma Human Resources Manager 3685 NW 106th St Miami, FL 33147 web: southerngear. net General Aerospace Southwest Aero Inc 659 Strander Blvd. Tukwila, WA MRO Southwest Machine & Plastic Co Inc phone:...............................(626) 963-6919 Maxine Dulake Sales Executive 620 W Foothill Blvd Glendora, CA 91741 web: southwestplastics. com General Aerospace Southwind Aviation Supply, L.L.C. phone:...............................(405) 491-0500 George Andrews Partner 5414 N Rockwell Ave Bethany, OK 73008 web: southwindaviation. com General Aerospace Space Exploration Technologies Sound Spring, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 859-9499 fax:......................................(253) 859-0866 Al Kerns Owner / President phone:...............................(254) 840-5559 Jason Jellison Manager, Information Technology Operations 7265 Kenny Ln Dallas, TX 75230 web: spacex. com General Aerospace 830 3rd Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 Other TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Space Exploration Technologies Corp. phone:...............................(310) 363-6000 Maria Lopez Associate Human Resources Analyst Spencer Aircraft phone:...............................(253) 848-9349 fax:...................................... (253) 848-5047 Mark Gilbert Owner 12301 Crenshaw Blvd Hawthorne, CA 90250 web: spacex. com General Aerospace 16923 Meridian E, #B Puyallup, WA 98375 web: spenceraircraft. com Cabins & Interiors Spaceage Control, Inc. Spencer Fluid Power phone:...............................(661) 273-3000 Sandra Winans Finance not Tfl phone:...............................(253) 796-1100 Jean Knowles General Manager 38850 20th St E Palmdale, CA 93550 web: spaceagecontrol. com General Aerospace 19308 68th Ave. S. Kent, WA 9803 web: spencerfluidpower. com Other Spartan Industries Spirit AeroSystems Holdings Inc. phone:...............................(425) 822-2071 fax:...................................... (865) 828-2483 Arlene Howe 13244 NE 108th Street Redmond, WA 98052 Machining Specialty Metals Corp. phone:...............................(253) 872-8000 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0437 James Stice Owner 8300 S. 206th Kent, WA 98032 web: specialtymetalscorp. com Machining Specialty Steel Fabricators, Inc. [Richmond Systems] phone:...............................(360) 455-8284 fax:...................................... (360) 413-5484 George M. Richmond, P.E. President 8401 Hogum Bay Lane NE Olympia, WA 98516 web: richmondsystems. com Machining Spectra Lux Corporation phone:...............................(425) 285-3000 fax:......................................(425) 285-4200 Woody Hertzog CEO 12335 134th Court NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: spectralux. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:...............................(316) 526-9000 Theresa Liang Regional Sales Manager 3801 S Oliver St Walnut, CA 67210 web: spiritaero. com General Aerospace Spirit Aerosystems Holdings, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 526-9000 Kelvin Woo Asia and Pacific Sales Manager 3801 S Oliver St Wichita, KS 67210 web: spiritaero. com General Aerospace Spirit Aerosystems, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 523-5020 Jim Kobbe Human Resources Business Consultant 3801 S Oliver St Wichita, KS 67210 web: spiritaero. com General Aerospace Spitfire Solutions, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 701-2660 Nevada Ryan President/Chief Executive Officer 28437 Us Highway 431 Grant, AL 35747 web: spitfiresolutionsinc. com General Aerospace Spoilers Inc phone:............................... (253) 851-1769 Jeffrey Shapiro President Spokane Industries, Metal Products Div. phone:...............................(509) 928-0720 fax:...................................... (509) 927-0826 Greg Tenold President 3808 N Sullivan Road Bldg #1 Spokane , WA 99216 web: spokaneindustries. com Machining Sport Copter Inc phone:...............................(503) 543-7000 Trenna Johnston Purchasing 34012 Sky Way Dr Scappoose, OR 97056 web: sportcopter. com General Aerospace Sport Kites, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 998-6359 Rick Zimbelman Purchasing Agent 500 W Blueridge Ave Orange, CA 92865 web: willswing. com General Aerospace Springfield, Inc. phone:...............................(309) 944-5631 Debbie Williams Advertising Assistant 420 W Main St Geneseo, IL 61254 web: springfield-armory. com General Aerospace SSI Cable Corporation phone:...............................(360) 426-5719 fax:...................................... (360) 426-5912 Russell Williams President 820 E. Hiawatha Boulevard Shelton, WA 98584 web: ssicable. com Machining SSOE, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-2950 fax:...................................... (425) 827-8412 Jack Steele Branch Manager 3015 112th Avenue NE, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: ssoe. com Engineering 1724 26th Ave NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 web: powerpacspoilers. com Machining ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 213 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ST Electronic Pte Ltd Starline, Inc. 00 Granite Street, Suite 201 Braintree, MA 2184 web: stee.stengg. com General Aerospace 1300 W Henry St Sedalia, MO 65301 web: starlinewindows. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (617) 876-8085 Roselyn Tan Finance Administrator Standard Aero phone:...............................(781) 593-3000 Rich Cleary Owner Stavatti Corporation Stevens Aviation Inc. 1061 Tiffany Dr Saint Paul, MN 55123 web: stavatti. com General Aerospace 600 Delaware St Greer, SC 29605 web: stevensaviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(972) 355-1073 Frank Garcia Sales Manager Major Accounts phone:...............................(208) 722-7346 Santiago Navarro Chief Operating Officer Standard Aero (alliance) Inc. Staveley Instruments Inc. [Olympus NDT] 7201 Lemmon Ave Flower Mound, TX 75235 web: standardaero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(865) 983-2992 Jason Junot Supply Sale Leader 1029 Ross Dr Maryville, TN 37801 web: standardaero. com General Aerospace StandardAero phone:...............................(480) 377-3100 Brett Ulrici Regional Sales Manager 1524 W 14th St Ste 110 Mccordsville, IN 85281 web: standardaero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(310) 605-2888 Rena Bunda Finance Manager 20725 Annalee Ave Harbor City, CA 90746 web: stanfordmu. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (217) 721-4165 Matthew Coventry Co-Founder 60 Hazelwood Dr Champaign, IL 61820 web: starfireindustries. com General Aerospace phone:.........................(662) 798-4075 x 1 Debbie Benefield Buyer/Purchasing 319 Charleigh Ford Jr Rd Columbus, MS 39701 web: starkaerospace. com General Aerospace 214 421 N Quay Street Kennewick, WA 99336 web: staveleyndt. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(714) 895-5313 Julie Erickson Marketing of Manager Steel Tool & Engineering Co. phone:...............................(734) 692-8580 Barb Beesley Human Resources Executive phone:...............................(360) 435-5564 fax:......................................(360) 435-2663 Rob Matter CEO 6525 188TH Street N. E. suite B Arlington, WA 98223 web: steel-fab. com Machining Stein Seal Company phone:...............................(215) 256-1064 Donna Broughan Human Resources Manager Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(864) 879-6000 Glenn Cothran General Manager of Operation Stewart Industries International, LLC phone:...............................(405) 260-0990 Kathy Stewart Chief Executive Officer 400 W College Ave Guthrie, OK 73044 web: siiair. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 652-9110 fax:...................................... (206) 652-9123 Larry Burris General Manager 16 S Idaho Street Seattle, WA 98134 Machining Steyr Arms, Inc phone:...............................(811) 520-5655 Einar Hoff National Sales Manager 7661 Commerce Ln Trussville, AL 35173 web: steyrarms. com General Aerospace STI Firearms, LLC Steel-Fab, Inc. PO BOX 316 Industrial Boulevard Kulpsville, PA 19443 web: steinseal. com General Aerospace TOC 4 Peerless Way Lynn, MA 6082 web: sterlingmachineco. com General Aerospace Stewart Industries, Inc. Steecon, Inc. 22152 Pennsylvania Rd Taylor, MI 48180 web: steeltool. com General Aerospace Starfire Industries LLC Stark Aerospace Inc. phone:...............................(509) 736-2751 fax:......................................(509) 735-4672 Tim Hasselbeck President 5362 Industrial Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 web: steecon. com General Aerospace Stanford Mu Corporation Sterling Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(660) 827-6640 Jack Hummelman Commercial Sales Alphabetical phone:...............................(512) 819-0656 Greg Mooney Chief Executive Officer 114 Halmar Cv Georgetown, TX 78628 web: stiguns. com General Aerospace STI Optronics, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 827-0460 fax:...................................... (425) 828-3517 Dr. William J. Thayer, III President 2755 Northup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 web: stioptronics. com Engineering , Machining Advertisers Stiffler, Phillip M 9906 Airport Way Bldg 20 Snohomish, WA MRO Stoddard International L.L.C. phone:........................ (360) 435-6455 x 1 Bruce Hamilton Owner 18660 58th Ave NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: stoddardintl. com General Aerospace Stoddard International, LLC phone:...............................(360) 435-6455 fax:......................................(360) 435-0250 Bruce Hamilton General Manager 18660 58TH Avenue N. E. Arlington, WA 98223 web: stoddardintl. com Cabins & Interiors Strand Products Inc phone:...............................(334) 749-3385 Patty Davis Director of Finance 721 E Yanonali St Opelika, AL 93103 web: strandproducts. com General Aerospace Stratoflight phone:.............................. (425) 688-0444 Doris Wihmann Human Resource Director 610 Bellevue Way Ne Ste 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 web: syncaero. com General Aerospace Streich Bros., Inc. phone:...............................(253) 383-1491 fax:...................................... (253) 272-3205 John Streich Vice President 1650 Marine View Drive Tacoma, WA 98422 web: streichbros. com Machining Stretch Forming Corporation phone:...............................(951) 443-0911 Cynthia Cortez Sales Assistant 804 S Redlands Ave Perris, CA 92570 web: stretchformingcorp. com General Aerospace Structural Integrity Engineering, Inc. Sunshine Metals phone:...............................(425) 493-2828 Matthew Creager President phone:...............................(206) 575-4066 fax:...................................... (253) 813-8363 David Haywood Vice President , International Sales 9700 Harbour Pointe Blvd #217 Mukilteo, WA 98275 web: sieinc. com Engineering 40 - 42nd Street, NE Auburn, WA 98002 web: sunshinemetals. com Machining Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Superior Air Parts, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 259-7843 Michael Jacobi Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(972) 829-4600 Yaron Nemet Owner 1 Lacey Pl Southport, CT 6890 web: ruger. com General Aerospace 621 S Royal Ln Ste 100 Coppell, TX 75019 web: varcode. com General Aerospace Subsea Air Systems Supreme Gear Co. phone:...............................(360) 563-2400 Wallace Haworth Partner 2610 Bickford Ave Snohomish, WA 98290 Machining phone:.........................(810) 775-6325 x 1 Kelly Morrin Information Technology/Sales and Marketing 17430 Malyn Blvd Fraser, MI 48026 web: supremegear. com General Aerospace SUHNER phone:...............................(706) 235-8046 Rickey Williams Director of Sales Hwy 411 S Suhner Dr Moreland, GA 30259 web: suhner. com General Aerospace Summerville Steel Company phone:...............................(425) 251-5280 fax:...................................... (425) 251-5993 Rick Slye Sales manager 7010 S. 188th Street Kent, WA 98032 web: sumsteel. com Machining Survival Products Inc phone:...............................(860) 405-0002 Hugh Teel Commercial Contracts and Sales 1116 N Salisbury Blvd Hollywood, FL 21801 web: survivalsystemsinc. com General Aerospace Swissbit AG phone:...............................(208) 258-6252 Kara Kirk Channel Marketing Manager 3000 United Founders Blvd Ste 201 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 web: swissbit. com General Aerospace Sungear Inc. phone:.........................(858) 549-3166 x 1 Eugene Ingrao Chief Operating Officer 8535 Arjons Dr Ste G San Diego, CA 92126 web: sungearinc. com General Aerospace Symbolic Displays, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 258-2811 Sidney Phadke Director Marketing and Sales 1917 E Saint Andrew Pl Santa Ana, CA 92705 web: symbolicdisplays. com General Aerospace Sunset Castings, Inc. Synergy Machine Co. 8228 S 206th Street Kent, WA 98032 Machining 19621 70th Avenue S, Unit K Kent, WA 98032 Machining phone:...............................(253) 872-5110 fax:...................................... (253) 872-5506 Leo Powers President phone:...............................(253) 872-8869 fax:...................................... (253) 872-8669 Eric Scheider President ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 215 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY System Studies & Simulation, Inc Tactical Solutions, LLC 615 Discovery Dr NW Huntsville, AL 35806 web: s3inc. com General Aerospace 2181 Commerce Ave Boise, ID 83705 web: tacticalsol. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(256) 539-1700 Mark Dexheimer Director of Contracts, Procurement and Administration T phone:...............................(208) 333-9901 Stephanie Johnson Accounting and Human Resources Specialist Tactical Systems Group, LLC T C Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 258-4055 fax:......................................(425) 252-6855 Charles Souder General Manager 1028 W. MARINE VIEW Drive Everett, WA 98201 Machining phone:.........................(636) 296-5417 x 1 Garrett Kasper Director of Communications and Director of Business Development Vehicle Weapon Systems 3000 Arnold Tenbrook Rd Arnold, MO 63010 web: arnolddefense. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 763-2082 phone:...............................(270) 685-2432 Tom Bartlett Owner 1309 W 9th St Owensboro, KY 42301 web: gibrass. com General Aerospace 7675 Perimeter Rd S Seattle, WA 98108 Machining phone:............................... (650) 342-1717 Andrew Pethen Director Compliance Operations phone:............................... (425) 742-8210 fax:......................................(425) 485-3823 Richard Twedt Co-President 17121 3RD Avenue S. E. Bothell, WA 98012 web: tntsheetmetal. com Machining 111 Anza Blvd Ste 200 Burlingame, CA 94010 web: tagaviation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(806) 730-0200 Kumar Shivashankar Human Resource Business Partner 50 Main St Suite 1000-1015 White Plains, NY 10606 web: taaltech. com General Aerospace Tag Engineering, Inc. 6707 Whitestone Rd Gwynn Oak, MD 21207 web: tagengineering. com General Aerospace Talon Aviation L.L.C. Tactair Fluid Controls, Inc phone:...............................(253) 840-1012 fax:......................................(253) 840-4999 Ken Sorenson President phone:...............................(315) 451-3928 Ross Landscape General Manager of Operation 4806 W Taft Rd Auburn, NY 13088 web: tactair. com General Aerospace 17017 Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 web: talonavn. com Other Talon Manufacturing phone:...............................(360) 403-8910 fax:...................................... (360) 403-8710 David Pearson President TOC Profiles of Success Categorical phone:...............................(703) 633-8300 Robert Mielke Operations and Site Manager/Usafe/ A3tz, Advanced Programs Senior Technical Advisor 2000 P St Lincoln, NE 68503 web: tasc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(480) 991-0797 Kelsey Denzer Axon Specialist-inside Sales Taskem Corporation phone:...............................(508) 679-0796 Nick Tom Director of Marketing Taurus International Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(305) 624-1115 Tim Brandt Director of Marketing 16175 Nw 49th Ave Miami Lakes, FL 33014 web: taurususa. com General Aerospace Tayco Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(714) 952-2240 Jay Chung Chief Executive Officer 10874 Hope St Cypress, CA 90630 web: taycoeng. com General Aerospace 17617 49th Place NE Hangar D Arlington, WA 98223 Machining 216 TASC 12 Tickle Rd Westport, MA 2790 web: taskemcorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(410) 265-8686 Clare Healey Finance Executive Human Resources Executive TAAL Technologies 325 E Washington St Sequim, WA 98382 web: targetfocustraining. com General Aerospace 17800 N 85th St Scottsdale, AZ 85255 web: taser. com General Aerospace Tag Aviation Usa, Inc. T N T Enterprises phone:...............................(206) 686-3469 Tim Larkin Founder Taser International, Inc. Tag Aviation USA Inc T J Bartlett Co Inc targetfocustraining. com Alphabetical Taylor - Deal Aviation, LLC phone:...............................(214) 420-2716 Preston King King Owner 911 Maryland Dr Dallas, TX 75061 web: tdaviation. com General Aerospace Advertisers TCF Aerovent Company phone:...............................(763) 551-7600 Morris Donati Director International Operations 5959 Trenton Ln N Minneapolis, MN 55442 web: tcf. com General Aerospace Tcom, Limited Partnership A/K/A Tcom, L.P. phone:...............................(410) 312-2400 Barbara Beck Ea To Chief Executive Officer 190 T Com Dr Elizabeth City, NC 27909 web: tcomlp. com General Aerospace Tdg Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(760) 466-1040 Andrew Wagner Chief Operating Officer, Vice President 545 Corporate Dr Escondido, CA 92029 web: tdgaerospace. com General Aerospace Tdps Aircraft phone:...............................(972) 222-0415 Sandra Fulenwider Director-Purchasing 900 Airport Blvd Mesquite, TX 75181 web: txdps.state.tx. us General Aerospace Team Aero Services Inc 13630 52nd Street East Sumner, WA MRO Team Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(615) 793-2187 Graeme Coates President/Owner 117 Wheeler St La Vergne, TN 37086 web: teamaerospace. com General Aerospace Team One Sales & Marketing phone:...............................(847) 397-1199 Joe Wysocki Owner 1325 Wiley Rd Schaumburg, IL 60173 web: team1sales. com General Aerospace TeamAir MRO Ltd. phone:...............................(859) 283-1503 Olga Teuchert Sales Representative 3368 Turfway Rd Ste 220 Erlanger, KY 41018 web: teamairmro. com General Aerospace Tech Investments, L.L.C. phone:...............................(816) 423-5600 Chip Newell Owner 1200 Main St Ste 4000 Kansas City, MO 64105 web: ti-kc. com General Aerospace TECT Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 437-3500 fax:...................................... (253) 872-0906 Steve Thwaits Operation Manager of TECT Aerospace Everett 19420 84th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: tectcorp. com Air Framer, Machining Tect Aerospace Inc. phone:...............................(229) 228-2600 Harrison James Director of Finance PO BOX 12264 Wichita, KS 67277 web: tectaero. com General Aerospace Tech Manufacturing, LLC Tect Aerospace Wellington Inc. PO BOX 454 Wright City, MO 63390 web: techmanufacturing. com General Aerospace 300 S Douglas St Ste 100 Wellington, KS 67152 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace phone:............................... (636) 745-9477 Ian Packard Sales Engineer phone:...............................(620) 359-5000 Harrison James Director of Finance Technic Machine Co Inc Tect Hypervelocity, Inc. 21917 34th Street Ct E Sumner, WA 98391 Machining 5545 North Mill Heights Drive Wichita, KS 67219 web: tectaero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 862-7429 Guy Delduca President Tecplot, Inc. phone:...............................(229) 228-2600 Andy Ford Operations Manager phone:...............................(425) 653-1200 fax:......................................(425) 653-9200 Wade Tivke Marketing Coordinator Tect Newington TECT Tek Precision Co., Ltd. 5303 Shilshole Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace 205 W Industry Ct Deer Park, NY 11729 web: tekprecision. com General Aerospace 3535 Factoria Blvd S.E. Suite 550 Bellevue, WA 98006 web: tecplot. com Engineering phone:...............................(859) 426-0090 Charity Swank Human Resources Generalist TECT Aerospace phone:...............................(229) 228-8928 Donna Towell Finance Analyst 300 W Douglas Ave Thomasville, GA 67202 web: tectaero. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 594-5200 John Janitz Chief Operating Officer 300 S Douglas St Ste 100 Newington, CT 67152 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(631) 242-2033 Sharon Valles Purchasing Manager Teledyne Technologies phone:...............................(310) 893-1600 Harry Kellzi Director Marketing 12964 Panama St Los Angeles, CA 90066 web: teledyne. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 217 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Teledyne Technologies Incorporated phone:............................... (310) 765-3761 Andrew Gast Director-purchasing 121 N Mead St Wichita, KS 67202 web: teledyne. com General Aerospace Tethers Unlimited Inc Textron Systems Corporation 11711 N Creek Pkwy S Bothell, WA 98011 web: scienceops. com Engineering , Machining 201 Lowell St Wilmington, MA 1887 web: textronsystems. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 486-0100 Robert Hoyt President Tethers Unlimited, Inc. Telic Corporation phone:...............................(866) 978-3542 Nancy Drewno General Human Resources PO BOX 67 Sodus, MI 49126 web: teliccorporation. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 486-0100 Jesse I Cushing Co-Founder 11807 N Creek Pkwy S Bothell, WA 98011 web: tethers. com General Aerospace Texas Pneumatic Systems Tell Tool, Inc. phone:...............................(413) 568-1671 William Weber Chief Executive Officer Director 35 Turnpike Industrial Rd Westfield, MA 1085 web: telltool. com General Aerospace Tempest Plus Marketing Group phone:...............................(770) 502-9952 John Herman Vice President of Sales and Marketing 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd Sharpsburg, GA 29687 web: tempestplus. com General Aerospace Tens Machine Company, Inc. phone:...............................(770) 448-9273 Rex Betita Sales Representative phone:............................... (717) 764-8288 Susan Jewell Human Resources Executive 3111 Farmtrail Rd York, PA 17406 web: txps. com General Aerospace Textron Aviation phone:...............................(800) 835-4000 Gary Genge Area Sales Manager 1951 Airport Rd Atlanta, GA 30341 web: txtav. com General Aerospace Textron Inc. phone:...............................(401) 421-2800 Peter Tran Associate Analyst - Information Technology Finance Terrafugia, Inc. Textron Lycoming Corp phone:...............................(302) 324-8910 Jessica Roberts Inside Sales/Customer Service Manager 109 Centerpoint Blvd New Castle, DE 19720 web: teslaind. com General Aerospace 218 TOC phone:...............................(401) 421-2800 Shannon Gearry Aftermarket Sales Manager 40 Westminster St Ste 500 Providence, RI 2903 web: lycoming.textron. com General Aerospace 124 Industry Ln Glen Burnie, MD 21030 web: aaicorp. com General Aerospace Categorical Thales Avionics Inc 2811 South 102 Street Seattle, WA MRO phone:...............................(949) 790-2500 Dominique Giannoni Chieef Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer, Thales Inflyt Experience 58 Discovery Irvine, CA 92618 web: us.thalesgroup. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(781) 461-3148 William Matson Chief Human Resources Officer 1 Technology Way Norwood, MA 2062 web: adi-limited. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(619) 851-7944 Richard Thell Owner 3089 Clairemont Dr San Diego, CA 92117 web: thellassociates. com General Aerospace Therm, Incorporated phone:...............................(410) 666-1400 Ellen Lord President and Chief Executive Officer, Textron Systems Corporation Profiles of Success 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014 web: thalesaleniaspace. com General Aerospace thell associates Textron Systems - Formerly AAI Tesla Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(408) 973-9845 Eric Blasco Purchasing - Buyer Thales Group 40 Westminster St Ste 500 Providence, RI 2903 web: textron. com General Aerospace 23 Rainin Rd Woburn, MA 1801 web: terrafugia. com General Aerospace Thales Alenia Space North America, Inc Thales Avionics, Inc. 800 Grundy Ave Holbrook, NY 11741 web: tensmachine. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(781) 491-0812 Carl Dietrich Chief Executive Officer/Chief Technology Officer phone:...............................(410) 628-8710 Sara Marsala Associate Advertising Specialist Alphabetical phone:...............................(607) 272-8500 Peggy Backner Director of Human Resources 1000 Hudson Street Ext Ithaca, NY 14850 web: pro-therm. com General Aerospace Advertisers Thermal Structures, Inc. phone:...............................(951) 736-9911 Julia Nunn Director-human Resources 2362 Railroad St Corona, CA 92880 web: thermalstructures. com General Aerospace Thompson Aerospace, LLC phone:...............................(860) 516-0472 Paul Nichols Owner 18 Technology Dr Ste 121 Bristol, CT 92618 web: ptp-inc. com General Aerospace Thompson Metal Fab, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 696-0811 fax:...................................... (360) 693-1017 Gregg Blomgren Sales Manager 3000 S.E. Hidden Way, Building 40, Bay 6 Vancouver, WA 98668 web: tmfab. com Machining Thrush Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(229) 789-0319 Diane Davis Director Human Resources 300 Old Pretoria Rd Albany, GA 31721 web: thrushaircraft. com General Aerospace Tighitco Inc. phone:...............................(404) 355-1205 Scott Cooper Human Resources 1375 Seaboard Industrial Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30318 web: tighitco. com General Aerospace Titeflex Corporation phone:...............................(603) 527-7664 Steve Genest Director Human Resources, Safety, Environment, and Facilities 93 Lexington Dr Laconia, NH 3246 web: titeflex. com General Aerospace TLG Aerospace, LLC - The Loads Group TORR Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 859-5061 Steve Muenzberg Vice President and Chief Engineer phone:...............................(253) 735-9115 fax:...................................... (253) 735-0437 Greg Lindstrom President 1700 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 430 Seattle, WA 98109 web: tlgaerospace. com Engineering 1435 22nd Street NW Auburn, WA 98001 web: torrtech. com Other Tobul Accumulator Incorporated Total Performance phone:...............................(803) 245-5111 Annette Hill Human Resources Administrator phone:...............................(360) 853-8510 Henry Young Owner Rte 1 Box 4M Bamberg, SC 29003 web: tobul. com General Aerospace PO Box 655 Concrete, WA 98237 Machining Tool Gauge & Machine Works Inc. phone:...............................(903) 758-1604 Femi Ibitayo Owner phone:............................... (253) 473-2740 fax:.......................................(253) 473-6374 John Guest Project Manager 4315 S Adams Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: tgmpmp. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining Toolcraft Inc phone:...............................(360) 794-5512 fax:......................................(360) 794-5883 Karl Niemela President 17700 147th St SE Ste E Monroe, WA 98272 Machining Tovya Group, Inc. 1622 E Whaley St Longview, TX 75601 web: zeftronics. com General Aerospace Tpi Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 305-8910 Todd Altman Director, Transportation Market Development 8501 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 280 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 web: tpicomposites. com General Aerospace Tradesmen International Toray Composites (America) Inc. phone:............................... (253) 846-1777 fax:...................................... (253) 846-3897 Dave Manger Complience Manager 19002 50th Avenue E Tacoma, WA 98446 web: torayusa. com Composites Manufacturing Torch Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 319-6000 Bill Roark Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer 4035 Chris Dr SW Ste C Huntsville, AL 35802 web: torchtechnologies. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(913) 307-9906 Paul Neuburger Owner 9760 Shepard Rd Overland Park, KS 44056 web: tradesmeninternational. com General Aerospace Tradewind Turbines Corporation phone:...............................(806) 335-1400 Joe C Boyd President Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 31930 Amarillo, TX 79120 web: tradewind-bonanza. com General Aerospace Trailboss Enterprises, Inc. phone:...............................(907) 338-8243 Joseph Tolliver Chief Executive Officer, Founder, PresidentChief Executive Officer 201 E 3rd Ave Anchorage, AK 99501 web: trailboss. biz General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 219 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Trans-Cal Industries, Inc. phone:...............................(818) 787-1221 Hugh W Smith Sales Executive 16141 Cohasset St Van Nuys, CA 91406 web: trans-cal. com General Aerospace Trigon Incorporated phone:...............................(724) 941-5540 Melanie Higgins Vice President Finance 640 Lee Rd Canonsburg, PA 19087 web: fpdcompany. com General Aerospace Transdigm Group Incorporated Trio Avionics 1301 E 9th St Ste 3000 Cleveland, OH 44114 web: saleskatz. com General Aerospace 1840 Joe Crosson Dr El Cajon, CA 92020 web: trioavionics. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(888) 519-0360 Ken Zebracki Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(619) 448-4619 Gerald Hansen Marketing Manager/Professional Trio Manufacturing, Inc. 5000 Triggs St Los Angeles, CA 90022 web: adelwiggins. com General Aerospace 601 Lairport St El Segundo, CA 90245 web: trulok. com General Aerospace Transtar Metals phone:...............................(425) 251-8550 fax:...................................... (425) 251-9065 Renee LaViers Branch Manager 20826 68th Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 web: transtarmetals. com Machining Trego Dugan Aviation of Grand Island Inc phone:...............................(308) 532-5864 Kevin Romero Manager American Eagle Operations 5560 E Lee Bird Dr Grand Island, NE 69101 web: trego-dugan. com General Aerospace Tri Aerospace, LLC phone:...............................(812) 872-2400 Linda Carrithers Purchasing Manager 1055 S Hunt St Terre Haute, IN 47803 web: triaerospace. com General Aerospace Tri Tec Communications, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 251-8777 fax:...................................... (425) 251-0536 Mark Haller 8206 S. 192ND Street Kent, WA 98032 web: tritecco. com Other 220 TOC phone:...............................(757) 873-1344 Missy Sutherland Director-Human Resources 703 Middle Ground Blvd Newport News, VA 23606 web: alliedaerospace. com General Aerospace Transdigm, Inc. phone:...............................(323) 269-9181 Michael Cox Human Resources Executive Triumph Aerospace Systems Newport News, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 640-6123 Robyn Taylor-Drake Chief Executive Officer Triumph Aerospace Systems Group, Inc. phone:...............................(615) 361-2000 Dan Simmons Director Human Resources 899 Cassatt Rd Ste 210 Nashville, TN 19312 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Aerostructures, LLC phone:...............................(772) 220-5301 Lorna Acevedo Director Human Resources Triple, Inc. phone:...............................(248) 583-1911 Richard Engelhardt Sales Manager 1441 Allen Dr Troy, MI 48083 web: tripleinc. com General Aerospace 1801 SE Airport Rd Stuart, FL 34996 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Air Repairs, Inc phone:...............................(602) 437-1144 Jeff Ryskamp Finance Executive Tri-Tech Electronics, Inc. phone:............................... (407) 277-2131 Tammy Talley Human Resources Manager 9480 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32817 web: tri-techelectronics. com General Aerospace 50 S 56th St Chandler, AZ 85226 web: triumphairrepair. com General Aerospace Triumph Composite Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(509) 623-8100 fax:......................................(509) 623-8099 MaryLou Thomas President Tri-Tech Precision, Inc P.O. Box 19357 1514 S. Flint Road Spokane, WA 99219 web: triumphgroup. com Cabins & Interiors, Composites Manufacturing 5290 E Hunter Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 web: tri-techprecision. com General Aerospace Triumph Composite Systems, Inc. phone:....................... (714) 970-1363 x20 Ernie Ted President Chief Executive Officer Triumph Accessory Services Grand Prairie, Inc phone:...............................(972) 623-9300 Catherine Hendry Director of Finance, Triumph Actuation Systems-valencia phone:...............................(509) 623-8600 Patrick Jones Director of Operations Air Control Systems and Flight Deck 1514 S Flint Rd Spokane, WA 99224 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace 9314 W Jefferson Blvd Grand Prairie, TX 75211 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Triumph Engine Control Systems, LLC phone:...............................(860) 231-2784 John Abercrombie Vice President, Operations at Triumph Group - Engine Control Systems 1 Charter Oak Blvd West Hartford, CT 6110 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Fabrications - Fort Worth, Inc. phone:.........................(817) 804-9400 x 8 Craig Cooper Chief Procurement Officer Aerospace Structures Segment 7445 E Lancaster Ave Fort Worth, TX 76112 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Fabrications - Hot Springs, LLC phone:...............................(501) 622-4355 Darren Hill Director Purchasing 1923 Central Ave Hot Springs, AR 71901 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Gear Systems - Macomb, Inc. phone:...............................(586) 781-2800 John Heenan Director, Purchasing/Supply Chain, Triumph Gear Systems 15375 23 Mile Rd Macomb, MI 48042 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace The Triumph Group Operations Inc phone:...............................(620) 326-2235 Bill Blasi Director Operations 411 N West Rd Wellington, KS 67152 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Group, Inc. phone:...............................(215) 616-9245 Nancy Cardenas Administrative Assistant, Purchasing 899 Cassatt Rd Ste 210 Berwyn, PA 19312 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Insulation Systems, LLC phone:...............................(310) 332-1000 Ron Bradfish Human Resources Manager at Triumph Aerostructures - Vought Aircraft Division 2865 Pullman St Hawthorne, CA 92705 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(301) 228-3400 Scott Myers Operations Manager 540 Highland St Frederick, MD 21701 web: fairchildcontrols. com General Aerospace Triumph Interiors, LLC phone:...............................(412) 788-4200 Loretta Dimasso Human Resources 1020 McKee Rd Oakdale, PA 15071 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Structures - Everett, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 438-7122 Bruce Rinell Purchasing/Supply Chain 1415 75th St SW Everett, WA 98203 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Structures - Kansas City, Inc. phone:...............................(816) 763-8600 Gina Butler Human Resources Manager 4020 E 138th St Grandview, MO 64030 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Structures - Wichita, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 942-0432 Dave Hensley Director of Operation 3258 S Hoover Rd Wichita, KS 67215 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Structures-Los Angeles, Inc. phone:............................... (714) 674-3300 Darlene McCarthy Purchasing 423 Berry Way Brea, CA 92821 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Triumph Thermal Systems Maryland, Inc. Triumph Thermal Systems, Inc. phone:...............................(419) 273-1107 Robin Miller Director, Operations and Manufacturing, Triumph Thermal Systems 200 Railroad St Forest, OH 45843 web: triumphgroup. com General Aerospace Trojan Lithograph Co. phone:...............................(425) 873-2200 fax:...................................... (425) 873-1022 Dale Sirek Manager of Marketing 800 SW 27th Street Renton, WA 98055 web: trojanlitho. com Other Tronair phone:...............................(817) 967-3909 Dan Oneill Sales Manager 1740 Eber Rd Ste E Dallas, TX 43528 web: tronair. com General Aerospace Tronair, Inc. phone:...............................(419) 866-6301 Peter Chai Asia Sales Manager Thailand Office 1740 Eber Rd Ste E Holland, OH 43528 web: tronair. com General Aerospace Troy Design & Manufacturing Co. phone:...............................(298) 798-9528 Steve Liberty General Manager of Operations Co Founder 12675 Berwyn Farmington, MI 48239 web: troydm. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 221 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Truatlantic Mfg., LLC phone:...............................(336) 235-6093 Mike Hager Purchasing 1125 Spectra Ct Kernersville, NC 27284 web: truatlantic. com General Aerospace Turbine Engine Components Technologies - Utica Corporation phone:...............................(315) 768-8713 Donna Prentice Human Resources Manager 2 Halsey Rd Whitesboro, NY 13492 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace Truman Arnold Companies phone:...............................(919) 840-4400 Mike Vaughn Branded Marketing Coordinator 1725 E International Dr Morrisville, NC 27560 web: tacenergy. com General Aerospace Tsc, LLC phone:...............................(661) 824-6600 Joe Brennan Director of Production Operations 1223 Sabovich St Unit A Mojave, CA 93501 web: thespaceshipcompany. com General Aerospace Turbine Engine Components Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(216) 692-6007 Jeannie Sureck Human Resource 23555 Euclid Ave #106 Euclid, OH 44117 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(951) 685-2155 Paula Barnes Human Resources Compliance Manager 14510 Lima Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46818 web: tst-corp. com General Aerospace Turbine Engine Components Technologies-Turning Corporation 2019 Southwest Blvd Wichita, KS 67213 web: tectcorp. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 736-6226 Nichole Schultz Chief Operating Officer 4204 Auburn Way N Ste 4 Auburn, WA 98002 web: ttfaero. com General Aerospace Turbine Engine Resources LLC 2015 Mckenzie Dr Ste 106 Dallas, TX 75006 web: terltd. com General Aerospace 4204 Auburn Way # 4 Auburn, WA 98002 web: ttfaero. com Cabins & Interiors Turbine Airfoil Designs, Inc. phone:...............................(310) 395-0819 Marta Zepeda Chief Executive Officer, President 10550 Industrial St Holland, OH 43528 web: turbinestandard. com General Aerospace TOC 3651 SE Commerce Ave Stuart, FL 34997 web: paradigmprecision. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(972) 606-7600 Matthew Nelson Chief Executive Officer 815 Airport Rd Monroe, NC 28110 web: turbomeca-tmm. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 252-7300 fax:...................................... (425) 653-8110 Bob Evans President 710 ASH Avenue Marysville, WA 98270 Machining 4940 Orvas Ct SE Olympia, WA 98501 Machining Tuthill Controls Group phone:...............................(253) 475-1080 fax:.......................................(253) 474-1623 Jay Tuthill CEO Turbine Technologies Ltd 4401 S. Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 web: controls.tuthill. com Other 126 Hyde Rd Chetek, WI 6032 web: turbinetechnologies. com General Aerospace Twigg Corporation phone:...............................(715) 924-4876 Andy Gerhart Marketing Executive phone:...............................(765) 342-7126 Bernice Holder Director of Human Resources 659 E York St Martinsville, IN 46151 web: twiggcorp. com General Aerospace 201 Santa Monica Blvd Fl 620 Santa Monica, CA 90401 web: mzepeda. com General Aerospace 222 phone:...............................(772) 781-7036 Greg Bennett Chief Executive Officer phone:............................... (360) 357-4727 Darrell Campbell President phone:...............................(419) 865-0355 Dan Dunn Chief Operating Officer phone:...............................(253) 520-6920 fax:......................................(253) 520-6835 Tim Morgan President Turbocombustor Technology, Inc. Turtle Airships Inc Turbine Standard Ltd. TTF Aerospace, LLC 126 Hyde Rd Farmington, CT 6032 web: turbinetechnologies. com General Aerospace Turning Point Machining phone:...............................(972) 488-2300 Connie Jones Accounting and Sales Ttf Aerospace, Inc. phone:...............................(715) 924-4876 Jill Ricci Human Resources Executive Turbomeca Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(316) 925-4023 Jeremy Bodecker Operations Manager TST Inc Turbine Technologies, Inc. Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers Twin River Contract Loading phone:............................... (208) 743-7418 Tyler Grainger Chief Executive Officer 815 D St Lewiston, ID 83501 web: freedommunitions. com General Aerospace Tyee Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 290-3100 fax:.......................................(425) 513-6474 Bob Collett President 3008 100TH Street S. W. Everett, WA 98204 web: tyeeaircraft. com Tyonek Engineering & Agile Manufacturing, LLC phone:...............................(256) 258-6200 Bill Helms Director of Operations 800 Duke Ave Tampa, FL 31093 web: tyonekgroup. com General Aerospace Tyonek Manufacturing Group, Inc. phone:............................... (907) 272-0707 Bart Garber Chief Executive Officer 1689 C St Ste 219 Anchorage, AK 99501 web: tyonekgroup. com General Aerospace UGS Corp. / UGS Tecnomatix phone:...............................(425) 452-5800 fax:......................................(425) 452-5858 15395 SE 30th Place Bellevue, WA 98007 web: ugs. com Engineering Ultra Electronics phone:...............................(203) 336-4590 Jody Rossi Human Resources Executive 115 Bay State Dr Fairfield, CT 2184 web: measurementsystemsinc. com General Aerospace Ultra Electronics DNE Technologies 300 E Sydney Dr Mccarran, NV 89434 web: usord. com General Aerospace UFC Aerospace Inc phone:...............................(253) 840-6951 Jenny Behnke 15307 Main St Puyallup, WA 98372 web: ufcaero. com Other 9800 Premier Pkwy Hollywood, FL 33025 web: unitedaerospace. com General Aerospace United Avionics, Inc. 13127 Kellam Ct San Diego, CA 92130 web: ultra-dne. com General Aerospace 38 Great Hill Rd Naugatuck, CT 6770 web: unitedavionicsinc. com General Aerospace Ultrasonic Arrays, Inc. United Dynamics, Inc. phone:...............................(425) 481-6611 fax:...................................... (425) 481-4455 John K. Billings CEO 18538 142nd Avenue N. E. Woodinville, WA 98072 web: ultrasonicarrays. com Cabins & Interiors 4200 NE Sun Ct Lees Summit, MO 64064 web: ultraxinc. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(775) 356-2380 Desire'E Ewell Director Human Resources phone:...............................(954) 364-0085 Danny Naranjo Director, Repair Sales phone:...............................(203) 723-1404 Gerry McPherson Sales Manager 520 W Erie St Chicago, IL 60654 web: tz. net General Aerospace U.S. Ordnance United Aerospace Corporation phone:...............................(203) 697-6615 Ryan Raesemann Sales Engineer Ultrax Aerospace, Inc. U phone:...............................(208) 209-8200 Lory Brager Human Resources Manager 10413 N Aero Dr Hayden, ID 83835 web: unitechcomp. com General Aerospace TZ Limited phone:...............................(312) 751-2800 Will Leong Chief Operating Officer Unitech Composites, Inc. phone:...............................(816) 246-1066 Tammy Fox Buyer and Purchasing Umbra Cuscinetti, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 743-2577 fax:...................................... (425) 347-0682 Leonard Forte General Manager 2916 100th Street SW Everett, WA 98203 web: umbracus. com Aerospace and Defense Umbra Cuscinetti, Incorporated phone:......................... (425) 743-2577 x 1 Robert Bob Collett Chief Executive Officer 6707 Hardeson Rd Everett, WA 98203 web: umbrausa. com General Aerospace phone:.........................(405) 275-8041 x 2 Tammy Vanderford Contracts/Procurement Manager 41901 Wolverine Rd Shawnee, OK 74804 web: united-dynamics. com General Aerospace United Launch Alliance, L.L.C. phone:...............................(303) 391-4586 Kevin Koessl CES DOSC Operations 9100 E Mineral Cir Englewood, CO 80112 web: ulalaunch. com General Aerospace United Precision Products Co., Inc. phone:...............................(313) 292-0100 Gary Winkler Sales Manager 25040 Van Born Rd Dearborn Heights, MI 48125 web: uppci. com General Aerospace United Space Alliance, LLC phone:...............................(321) 799-7200 Wayne Miller Human Resources Contracts Manager 8550 Astronaut Blvd Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 web: usa-spaceops. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 223 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY United Stars Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 859-4540 fax:......................................(253) 859-4833 Richard Harig President 1217 4th Avenue N Kent, WA 98032 web: unitedstarsaerospace. com Machining United States Department of the Air Force phone:...............................(661) 277-2673 Ignacio Diaz Chief Executive Officer 5 E Popson Ave Edwards, CA 93524 web: General Aerospace United Tactical Systems, LLC phone:...............................(858) 638-0236 Monte Scott National Sales and Training Director 6540 Lusk Blvd Ste c137 San Diego, CA 92121 web: pepperball. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(360) 435-9577 fax:...................................... (360) 403-1054 Jeff Petit President 18640-59th Drive NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: universalaero. com Composites Manufacturing, Machining Universal Avionics Systems Corp. Research/ Development/ Engineering Division phone:...............................(425) 602-5000 fax:......................................(425) 556-7808 Frank Hummel Vice President/ General Manager of Engineering/ Research/ Development/ Engineering Division 11351 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052 web: uasc. com Engineering Universal Cargo Doors & Service, Inc. United Technologies Corporation phone:...............................(888) 850-8325 Pam Ginn Account Manager Service Sales 1 Financial Plz Raleigh, NC 6103 web: carrier.utc. com General Aerospace The United Tool and Die Company phone:...............................(860) 246-6531 Santo Pirrotta Owner 1 Carney Rd West Hartford, CT 6110 web: utdco. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(305) 594-9175 Roy Sandri Chief Operating Officer, General Manager 8490 NW 68th St Miami, FL 33166 web: universalcargodoors. com General Aerospace Universal Machining & Sheet Metal Inc. phone:...............................(316) 425-7610 Paul Wilcox Operations Manager 116 S Lulu St Wichita, KS 67211 web: umsm. net General Aerospace phone:...............................(214) 221-9094 Mark Delesantos Senior Purchasing 10925 Miller Rd Po Box 38902 Fort Lauderdale, FL 75238 web: unitronlp. com General Aerospace Universal Aerospace Co., Inc. phone:...............................(360) 435-9577 Jeff Pettit Owner 18640 59th Dr NE Arlington, WA 98223 web: universalaero. com General Aerospace TOC Universal Technologies Inc. phone:............................... (931) 649-5171 Wayne Hessey Purchasing Agent 830 William Pitt Way Estill Springs, TN 15238 web: unitechinc. com General Aerospace Universal Transport Systems, LLC phone:...............................(312) 224-8856 David Summers Chief Executive Officer/President 474 N Lake Shore Dr Chicago, IL 60611 web: universaltransportsystems. com General Aerospace University of Washington phone:...............................(206) 543-9852 Todd A. Cleland Industry Relations Officer - Engineering 4311 11th Ave NE, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98105 web: Education and Training, Engineering, Professional Services University Swaging Corp.(Primus) phone:...............................(206) 784-8000 fax:......................................(206) 784-8004 Conrad Scheffler President 840 NW 45th Street Seattle, WA 98107 web: universityswaging. com Machining Uniwest (United Western Tech.) phone:...............................(509) 544-0720 fax:......................................(509) 544-0868 Burt Goranson Manager of Sales and Marketing 122 S 4th Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 web: uniwest. com Avionics Universal Photonics Unitron 224 Universal Aerospace Company, Inc. / (Precision Technology) phone:...............................(516) 935-4000 Michael Dean Director of Marketing 85 Jetson Ln San Jose, CA 11722 web: universalphotonics. com General Aerospace Universal Propulsion Company, Inc. US Aero Services, Inc. phone:...............................(334) 475-4600 Michael Tremlett Business Development Sales and Marketing Manager 2791 Neil Metcalf Rd Enterprise, AL 36330 web: usaerosi. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(707) 399-1852 Stacey Treadway Purchasing Supervisor 3530 Branscombe Rd Fairfield, CA 94585 web: goodrich. com General Aerospace Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers US Castings phone:...............................(509) 784-1001 fax:...................................... (509) 784-1201 John Koegler CEO 14351 Shamel Street P.O. Box 678 Entiat, WA 98822 web: us-castings. com Engineering , Machining US Tactical Systems Inc phone:...............................(636) 390-8360 Bruce Bogue Sales Manager 310 W 12th St Washington, MO 63090 web: elitesurvival. com General Aerospace Usairports Services, Inc phone:........................ (585) 328-2280 x 1 Jose Santiago Manager Finance Executive Sales Executive 1 Airport Way Suite 300 Rochester, NY 14624 web: usairports. com General Aerospace Usher Precision Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(503) 992-0015 Karl Usher President and Owner 3863 24th Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 web: usherprecision. com General Aerospace Usm Aerostructures, Corp. phone:...............................(570) 693-2400 Jeff Norris Marketing and Engineering Director 74 W 6th St Wyoming, PA 18644 web: usmaero. net General Aerospace Utah State University phone:...............................(435) 797-3221 Stanley M Guy Community Development Educator 1400 Old Main Hl Tooele, UT 84322 web: ext. General Aerospace UTC Aerospace Systems phone:...............................(802) 877-4928 William Rublee Business Development and Sales Manager 1 Financial Plz Hartford, CT 6103 web: utas.utc. com General Aerospace UTC Aerospace Systems Aerostructures Valley Illuminators, Inc. 2615 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2151 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems P.O. Box 3001 Federal way, WA 98063 web: valleyilluminators. com Cabins & Interiors, Engineering UTC Aerospace Systems Interiors Valley Machine Shop phone:...............................(425) 923-1800 Judie Hooper Director phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:....................................... (425)789-3801 Thomas Farmer 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems UTC Aerospace Systems - Landing Gear phone:...............................(425) 261-8700 fax:...................................... (425) 261-8724 Bob Corbeil Director 2701 94th Street, S.W. Everett, WA 98204-2128 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems UTC Aerospace Systems - Sensors & Integrated Systems phone:...............................(425) 789-3800 fax:...................................... (425) 789-3801 Bruce Seitz 6700 Hardeson Road, Suite 104 Everett, WA 98203 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems UTC Aerospace Systems - Wheels & Brakes phone:...............................(509) 744-6000 fax:...................................... (509) 624-1088 Shelly Davis Manager, Customer Service 11135 West Westbow Boulevard Spokane, WA 99224 web: utcaerospacesystems. com Aerospace and Defense, Aircraft Systems V V I J Corporation phone:...............................(425) 226-5040 fax:...................................... (425) 226-6181 Victor Dalosto President 12221 164th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98059 web: vmshop. com Machining Valley Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. phone:...............................(203) 799-8800 Mike Murray Operations Executive 22 Prindle Hill Rd Orange, CT 6477 web: valleytl. com General Aerospace Valley Upholstery & Fabric phone:...............................(253) 852-5130 fax:......................................(253) 854-3506 Scott Miller President 1819 Central Ave S Ste 16 Kent, WA 98032 Machining vandw phone:...............................(510) 613-8370 Ronald Valenica Partner 7677 Oakport St Ste 520 Oakland, CA 94621 web: vandw. com General Aerospace Vandyne Superturbo, Inc. phone:...............................(902) 823-1619 Ed Dyne President and Chief Executive Officer 123 N College Ave Ste 240 Fort Collins, CO 80524 web: vandynesuperturbo. com General Aerospace Vanguard Defense Industries, LLC phone:...............................(817) 222-1313 Joe Chauncey Sales Represenative 1700 Hickory Dr Ft Worth, TX 76117 web: nationalutilities. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(253) 833-3016 fax:...................................... (253) 735-5414 Polly Valley Owner phone:...............................(281) 298-6672 Hank Kulesza Chief Operating Officer 25003 Pitkin Rd Spring, TX 77386 web: vanguarddefense. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 225 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Van's Aircraft, Inc. phone:...............................(503) 678-6545 Johnathan Calkins Director of Purchasing 14401 Keil Rd NE Aurora, OR 97002 web: vansaircraft. com General Aerospace Vaupell Industrial Plastics, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 784-9050 fax:...................................... (206) 784-9708 Syd Darlington VP of Marketing 1144 NW 53rd Seattle, WA 98107 web: vaupell. com Cabins & Interiors, Machining phone:................................... (44-) 073132 George Whitesides Chief Executive Officer and President 65 Bleecker St New York, NY 10012 web: virgingalactic. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(425) 347-6696 fax:...................................... (425) 347-9140 Jack Giddens President 1520 - 80th Street SW, Bldg B Everett, WA 98203 web: vectorindustries. com Metal Treatment phone:...............................(781) 231-7200 John Tempest Vice President Sales 110 Commerce Way Ste 6 Woburn, MA 1801 web: vermillioninc. com General Aerospace Visionaire Corporation phone:...............................(800) 288-1655 Francesco Mascolo General Manager Sales and Marketing 595 Bell Ave Chesterfield, MO 63005 web: visionaire. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(808) 235-0849 Kurt Poruks Communications Director 46-217 Kahuhipa St Kaneohe, HI 96744 web: visionsafe. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(610) 559-3300 Trey Bohannon Regional Sales Manager 4803 Bishops Castle Dr Midland, TX 79705 web: victaulic. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(801) 779-4600 Rocky Krivijanski Director of Corporate Communications 938 University Park Blvd Clearfield, UT 84015 web: vistaoutdoor. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(305) 888-0000 Charles Cisneros Owner 7792 Nw 54th St Doral, FL 33166 web: thermadyne. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(801) 779-4600 Jason Nash Director of Marketing 900 Bob Ehlen Dr Anoka, MN 55303 web: vistaoutdoor. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(509) 543-3570 Scott Hanchette President 4020 N Stearman Ave Pasco, WA 99301 web: viper-aircraft. com/ Engineering TOC 11208 62nd Ave. E Puyallup, WA 98373 web: VMPRODUCTS. net Machining phone:...............................(732) 928-5990 Joerg Vogelsang Human Resources Senior General 1790 Swarthmore Ave Jackson, NJ 8701 web: vogelsangcorp. com General Aerospace Categorical 6210 234th Street SE Woodinville, WA 98072 web: vulcanproducts. com Machining Vulcanium Metals International, LLC 3045 Commercial Ave Fort Wayne, IN 60062 web: vulcanium. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(415) 296-5253 Martin Kooi Partner 915 Front St San Francisco, CA 94111 web: vxcapital. com General Aerospace Walbar, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 841-2939 Dave Brown Owner Profiles of Success phone:...............................(425) 806-6000 fax:......................................(425) 806-6006 Dave McCarrell Sales W Vogelsang Corporation Viper Aircraft Corp Vulcan Products Company Vx Capital Partners LLC VM Products, Inc Victor Technologies 701 Pike Street Seattle, WA web: volt. com Other phone:...............................(715) 359-3638 Greg Davis Regional Sales Manager Vista Outdoor Sales LLC Victaulic Company 11817 Westar Lane Burlington, WA MRO phone:...............................(206) 441-2929 Vista Outdoor Inc. Vermillion, Inc. Volant Aerospace Llc Volt Services Group Visionsafe Corporation Vector Industries, Inc. 226 Virgin Galactic LLC phone:...............................(602) 232-4000 Piush Mistry Aerospace Sales Manager 3420 S 7th St Phoenix, AZ 85040 web: goodrich. com General Aerospace Walker Engineering, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 232-5907 fax:...................................... (206) 232-9591 Robert Walker President 6 Wembley Lane Mercer Island, WA 98040 Engineering , Machining Alphabetical Advertisers Wall Colmonoy Corporation Weatherford Aerospace, Inc. Wesco Sales Group 1020 E Columbia St Weatherford, TX 76086 web: weatherfordaerospace. com General Aerospace 1239 120th Ave NE Ste H Bellevue, WA 98005 web: wesco-sales. com General Aerospace phone:........................ (248) 585-6400 x 2 Bill Clark Chairman and Chief Executive Officer phone:...............................(817) 594-5464 Beth Scofield Human Resources Walter, Dorwin, Teague Associates (Teague) Webco Air Craft 101 W Girard Ave Oklahoma City, OK 48071 web: wallcolmonoy. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(206) 838-4200 Marian Courtney Administrative Services 2727 Western Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98121 web: teague. com / wdta. com Engineering phone:...............................(316) 283-7929 Bob Weber Owner 1134 N Oliver Rd Newton, KS 67114 web: webcoaircraft. com General Aerospace Weissert Tool & Design, Inc. phone:...............................(480) 833-5812 Todd Schulte Sales and Marketing Manager phone:...............................(360) 835-7256 fax:......................................(360) 835-8422 Jeffrey Weissert President 1203 N Main St Mesa, AZ 83642 web: arizonaaircraft. com General Aerospace 540 17th Street Washougal, WA 98671 web: weissert. com Tooling Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center Weldon Tool [Talboy Holdings] / Advanced Tooling Company Warrior Enterprises Inc phone:.............................. (425) 640-1840 Raphael Madison Marketing Director phone:...............................(360) 450-9237 fax:...................................... (360) 450-9237 Russ Johnson 3008 100th St. SW Everett, WA 98204 web: washingtonaerospace. com Testing & Certifications 15308 NE 2nd Street Vancouver, WA 98684 web: endmills. com Machining Wasi, Inc. Wencor, LLC phone:...............................(316) 219-5862 Dj Marshall Sales Manager phone:...............................(678) 490-0149 Bert Trantham Sales Manager 211 E 1st St Wichita, KS 67146 web: wasi. biz General Aerospace 1625 N 1100 W Peachtree Cty, GA 84663 web: dixieaerospace. com General Aerospace Wayne Trail Technologies, Inc. Wesanco Inc. 203 E Park St Fort Loramie, OH 45845 web: waynetrail. com General Aerospace 14870 Desman Rd La Mirada, CA 90638 web: wesanco. com General Aerospace Weatherby, Inc. Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corporation phone:...............................(937) 295-2120 Janet Brackman Director-human Resources phone:...............................(805) 227-2600 Taylor Nahrgang Director Marketing and Development 1605 Commerce Way Paso Robles, CA 93446 web: weatherby. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(604) 760-5000 Cliff Mandell Canadian Field Sales Engineer WEST COAST INDUSTRIES, INC phone:...............................(206) 365-7513 Richard L. Heusser General Manager 14900 Whitman Ave. No. Seattle, WA 98133 Other West Coast Specialties phone:...............................(425) 283-0460 fax:...................................... (425) 283-0461 Scott Locke Customer Service Representative 3290 146th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98007 web: wescospec. com Cabins & Interiors West Cobb Engineering & Tool Co., Inc. phone:...............................(866) 489-7370 Chris Meek Marketing Manager 7267 Hiram Douglasville Hwy Douglasville, GA 30134 web: westcobbengineering. com General Aerospace West East Community Access Network, Inc. phone:...............................(323) 293-9845 Eziokwu Washington Owner 4329 Degnan Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90008 web: wecan-foundation. org General Aerospace phone:...............................(714) 739-4989 Alex Tinoco Inside Sales Manager Western Avionics Inc phone:...............................(509) 534-7371 fax:......................................(509) 535-8266 David Hood President PO Box 11835 Spokane, WA 99211 web: pilotsplace. com Cabins & Interiors phone:...............................(800) 768-0240 Dan Klausen Area Sales Manager Whittier Whittier, CA 90601 web: airtechnics. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 227 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Western Metal Products WG Henschen phone:...............................(206) 762-8344 fax:...................................... (206) 767-4539 Ethel Woods President phone:...............................(480) 368-1998 Judi Parker Finance Executive Western Pneumatic Tube Company Whirl Wind Propellers Corp 7696 PERIMETER Road Seattle, WA 98108 web: wmpseattle. com Machining phone:...............................(425) 822-8271 fax:......................................(425) 828-6669 Surin Malhotra President 835 6th Street S p. o. box 909 Kirkland, WA 98033 web: wptube. com/ Machining Western Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(206) 246-5694 James Giese 607 S Charlotte Ave Bremerton, WA 98312 web: wt-us. com/ Engineering phone:...............................(619) 562-3725 Jim Russ Owner Gillespie Field, 1800 Joe Crosson Dr El Cajon, CA 92020 web: whirlwindpropellers. com General Aerospace Willrich Precision Instrument Company phone:............................... (866) 945-5742 fax:...................................... (201) 567-1411 Victoria Tan Administrator 80 Broadway Cresskill, NJ 07626 web: willrich. com Testing & Certifications Western Technology, Inc. phone:...............................(360) 917-0080 fax:...................................... (360) 917-0083 Sales Manager 607 S. Charlotte Avenue Bremerton, WA 98312 web: wtramlights. com Other Westwind Technologies, Inc. phone:...............................(256) 319-0137 Jerry George Vice President Marketing Operations 2901 Wall Triana Hwy SW Suite 200 Huntsville, AL 35824 web: westwindcorp. com General Aerospace Wilson Tool & Mfg Co. phone:...............................(509) 928-9441 fax:...................................... (509) 924-5923 Roy Dugger Vice President 10025 E MONTGOMERY Drive Spokane, WA 99206 Machining, Tooling Windham Weaponry, Inc. phone:...............................(207) 893-2223 Jon Clark Ii Marketing Graphics Manager 999 Roosevelt Trl Windham, ME 4062 web: windhamweaponry. com General Aerospace Westwood Manufacturing phone:...............................(253) 833-8241 fax:......................................(253) 833-8298 Brenda Westwood Co-owner 1701 W Valley Highway n., suite#6 Auburn, WA 98001 Machining Westwood Precision Inc. phone:...............................(425) 742-7011 Mark Lawson Sales Manager 7509 Hardeson Road Everett, WA 98203 web: westwoodprecision. com Other 228 7363 E Tierra Buena Ln Ste 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 web: wghco. com General Aerospace TOC phone:...............................(907) 586-6275 Wayne Love Owner and Chief Pilot 2 Marine Way Ste 175 Juneau, AK 99801 web: wingsairways. com General Aerospace Wings West Governor Exchange And Overhaul Inc 7217 236th St. E. Puyallup, WA MRO Categorical phone:...............................(651) 451-1205 Brittnie Brink Aircraft Sales 1700 Henry Ave South Saint Paul, MN 55075 web: wipaire. com General Aerospace Wireless Edge Ltd phone:...............................(408) 850-1143 Ofer Bismuth Director of Sales and Marketing 11 Hamelacha St Afek Industrial Park Solon, OH 48091 web: mtiwe. com General Aerospace Wise Welding 10626 13th Ave W. Everett, WA MRO Witten Company Inc phone:...............................(918) 272-9567 Ivan Rainbolt Chief Operating Officer 8199 N 116th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 web: wittenco. com General Aerospace Wolfe Engineering phone:...............................(408) 232-2600 Randy Wolfe Owner 3040 N 1st St Morgan Hill, CA 95134 web: e-wolfe. com General Aerospace Wolfe Machine, Inc. phone:...............................(316) 777-0146 Don Keimig Chief Executive Officer and President 101 Industrial Dr Mulvane, KS 67110 web: wolfemachine. com General Aerospace Wings Airways Profiles of Success Wipaire, Inc. WomenOnGuard phone:...............................(954) 916-7955 Susan Eaton Co-Owner 1609 Razorbill Ct Oakland Park, FL 28557 web: womenonguard. com General Aerospace Wood Associates Other Alphabetical Advertisers Woodford Phoenix Aerospace Manufacturing phone:...............................(360) 736-9689 fax:......................................(360) 736-0604 Trefford Woodford Owner/General Manager 112 E 1st Street Centralia, WA 98531 Machining Woodland Pattern, Inc. phone:...............................(253) 475-3131 fax:...................................... (253) 475-3130 Randell Theinert President 5408 S Proctor Street Tacoma, WA 98409 web: woodlandpattern. com/ Other Woodward, Inc. phone:............................... (815) 877-7441 Wayne Messman Director - Business Development, Marketing and Commercial Operations 5001 N 2nd St Loves Park, IL 61111 web: woodward. com General Aerospace Wooten & Lloyd (Spanaflight) Woven Electronics Corp Xerox Corporation 1001 Old Stage Rd Greenville, SC 29681 web: wovenelectronics. com General Aerospace 45 Glover Ave Livonia, MI 6850 web: xerox. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(864) 239-2267 Peggy Burnett Regional Sales Manager phone:...............................(703) 364-7000 Loneita Fields Account Operations Manager Z www. compositealliance. com phone:...............................(682) 551-8569 Marc Thimon Director of Sales 6060 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75206 web: compositealliance. com General Aerospace Wyatt Aerospace phone:...............................(860) 623-8898 Maryann Reale Finance Executive 295 Ella Grasso Tpke Windsor Locks, CT 6096 web: indoorairpark. com General Aerospace Zenith Manufacturing Inc phone:...............................(818) 767-2106 Constance Arroyave Director of Operations 10937 Pendleton St Sun Valley, CA 91352 web: zenithmfg. com General Aerospace Zetec, Inc. phone:............................... (425) 974-2700 fax:.......................................(425) 974-2701 Dan Pine President 8226 Bracken Place SE, Suite 100 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 web: zetec. com Engineering X Xactex Corp. phone:...............................(253) 848-2020 fax:......................................(253) 840-5843 Sharon Robinson Administrative Assistant phone:...............................(509) 545-6364 fax:...................................... (509) 545-6597 Richard Smith President and GM Zivko Aeronautics, Inc. 16715 Meridian E, Bldg. H Puyallup, WA 98375 web: spanaflight. com Other 3704 Stearman Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 web: xactex. com Machining World Aerospace Corporation. Xcerra Zodiac Aerospace phone:...............................(405) 282-1330 Eric Zivko Vice President Operations 502 Airport Rd Guthrie, OK 73044 web: zivko. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(763) 424-8999 Mark Cerney Controller/Finance phone:...............................(909) 625-9362 Patty Abreu Human Resource Representative 8625 Monticello Ln N Maple Grove, MN 55369 web: worldaerospace. com General Aerospace 700 E Harrison Ave Pomona, CA 91767 web: xcerra. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(732) 681-3527 Sean Campbell Chief Executive Officer Worldwind Maintenance Inc Xcor Aerospace, Inc. Zodiac Inc Worthington Aviation Parts, Inc. PO BOX 1163 Mojave, CA 93502 web: xcor. com General Aerospace 800 Perimeter Road West, Suite Renton, WA MRO phone:...............................(651) 994-1600 Mark Harris Chief Operating Officer 2995 Lone Oak Cir Ste 10 Saint Paul, MN 55121 web: worthingtonav. com General Aerospace phone:...............................(661) 824-0866 Andrew Nelson Chief Operating Officer 6174 Innovation Way Belmar, NJ 92009 web: aircruisers. com General Aerospace 18225 Ne 76th Street Redmond, WA MRO Zodiac Inflight Innovations phone:...............................(714) 693-3505 Harry Gray Vice President of Sales and Marketing 2929 E Imperial Hwy Ste 170 Anaheim, CA 92821 web: imsco-us. com General Aerospace ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 229 USA AEROSPACE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Zodiac Seats US LLC phone:...............................(425) 897-4300 Greg Glenn Director - Global Sales 2000 Weber Dr Gainesville, TX 76240 web: zodiacaerospace. com General Aerospace Zodiac US Corporation phone:...............................(732) 681-2359 John O'Donnell Chief Executive Officer, Zodiac Aerosafety 1747 State Route 34 Wall Township, NJ 7727 web: zodiacaerospace. com General Aerospace Zurich Engineering, Inc phone:...............................(714) 528-0066 Nik Saran Owner 1365 N Dynamics St E Anaheim, CA 92806 web: vf-engineering. com General Aerospace 230 TOC Profiles of Success Categorical Alphabetical Advertisers ADVERTISER Index A&M Precision Measuring Services...........................................................................4, 120 ABW Technologies, Inc...............................................................5, 16, 100, 101, 120, 122 Accra-Fab, Inc............................................................................................................17, 101 Aero Controls, Inc.............................................................................................................. 16 Aero Law Group PLLC...................................................................................................... 117 Aero-Plastics........................................................................................................... 100, 101 Aerosertec USA LLC........................................................................................................... 25 AIM Aerospace, Inc...............................................................................................................6 Air Washington................................................................................................................... 10 Altek Inc.................................................................................................................... 15, 100 American Autoclave Company...........................................................................14, 23, 118 Apex Industries................................................................................................................ 115 Atacs Products, Inc........................................................................................................... 38 Atlas Supply, Inc................................................................................................. 16, 38, 116 Cascade Aerospace USA Inc........................................................................................... 116 Esterline Technologies Corporation................................................................................. 14 Exotic Tool Welding, Inc.................................................................................................. 122 Finishing Consultants........................................................................................ 2, 117, 119 General Plastics Manufacturing Company.................................................................. 7, 20 GM Nameplate................................................................................................................... 20 Greenpoint Technologies.....................................................................................................8 ID Integration................................................................................................................... 118 JR Engineering................................................................................................................. 119 Kollmar Sheet Metal........................................................................................................ 107 Machinists Inc................................................................................................................... 18 Marketech International, Inc.......................................................................................... 108 Marlyn Products Inc........................................................................................................ 108 Metaltest Inc.................................................................................................................... 119 National Precision Bearing Group.................................................................................... 16 Orion Industries............................................................................................................... 109 OrionPacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance.................................................................... 78 Pacific Metallurgical....................................................................................................... 115 Primus International, Inc................................................................... 18, 24, 28, 110, 122 Service Steel Aerospace Corp.............................................................................................9 Silicon Forest Electronics, Inc........................................................................................ 118 TLG Aerospace, LLC - The Loads Group............................................................................ 29 University of Washington............................................................................ 24, 25, 29, 118 Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center......................................... 11, 120 Want to reach the our aerospace audiences with your marketing? Please call us at (206) 259-7868 or email [email protected] ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY TOC 231 THANK YOU FOR USING OUR DIRECTORY! Want to reach the our aerospace audiences with your marketing? Please call us at (206) 259-7868 or email [email protected]
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