FS Weekly Letter - The Oxford School Dubai


FS Weekly Letter - The Oxford School Dubai
FS 1- My Sixth Weekly Letter -Theme- Senses- Sense of Smell, Touch & Hearing
19th October – 23rd October 2014
Communication and
1. Demonstration- To begin to listen
and follow directions. To respond to
2. Role play- To identify the Sense of
smell, touch and hearing through
practical demonstrations.
To discuss:
The smells in the environment.
Culinary smells, perfumes, medicinal
smells, the smell of garbage.
The good and bad smells.
The various textures through touch such
as, rough and smooth, soft and hard.
The sounds in the environment, the
sound of silence, the sound of music.
Physical Development
1. Exploring the play pen - learning to
move freely in a range of different
ways- moving like a cat ; crawling like
an ant , running like an ostrich, walking
on the sensory path, circle and square.
Using movements to develop their
motor skills - making big and small
circles, playing ring games.
2. Free Flow Activity Area- Using their
senses to explore the free flow activity
3. Gymnasium- Exercising on the
various equipment of their choice.
4. Snack time- Showing awareness of
the sense of smell which is also
associated with the sense of taste. As
it is the good smell of the food that
creates an appetite immediately.
Encouraging them to use correct hand
washing procedures before and after
snack time.
5. Sand Play- Using their sense organs
to work in the sand area.
6. Water play- Using the water area to
explore the texture of various
materials- sponge, rubber, pebbles,
stones and check out which floats and
which sinks
Personal, Social and Emotional
1. Demonstration- To begin to seek and
delight in new experiences in their
classroom environment.
2. Role Play- To have a positive approach
to school as they mingle and make
1.Introduction of the sound “d”; Activities
pertaining to the letter “d” – Making a
paper plate duck, an origami dog and
finger painting daffodils.
Introducing them to the character Dippy
Duck in Letter land through the song
3. To develop a sense of trust as the class
teacher makes them feel secure and
comfortable in school.
2. Associating pictures and words with a
sound from the Emergent Reader on the
letter “d”
4. Reviewing the sense organs and
Learning the songs on the senses-
3. Introduction to the formation of “d”
through the formation song and the
CA- Workbook pages 21 and 22
Learn the phonic sounds through
alpha blocks-
OLA Activity- Painting ‘d’ in the water
play area, writing ‘d’ on the sand and
drawing pictures associated with the a
sound on the black board with chalk
Home Assignment : Revision of sound d
-page 23
The children will begin to learn the
numeral and the quantity of number
2.They will learn concepts such as,
matching and grouping.
Understanding The World
Introducing the sense of smell
through the smelling jars.
Learn ing to list en to soun ds with t heir
ears; learn ing to make s ounds with t heir
hands by c lapping , sna pping their
fingers, ta pping on t he ba ck of their
palms; tapping on the tab le; learn ing to
make sounds w ith their f eet b y stamping,
hopping jogging ; learn ing to
diff er entiate b etween loud a n d soft
Revising the song – two little Dicky
Introducing The Sense of touch
through the rough and smooth
boards, fabrics, hard and soft
objects, thermal bottles – hot and
Work book page 18, 21, 23, 24.
Introducing the sense of hearing:
Home Assignment :
Expressive Arts and Design
Through the sound boxes, musical
instruments, loud and soft sounds
using bells, whistles, etc.
songs on the senseshttp://youtu.be/MtwV9Mi_aNk
Home Assignment :
Workbook Pages 24, 25
2. Music and movement – children
move to the music and according to
the beat
Parent’s Involvement
Thanking you all for the wonderful support
that you have been providing us.
Send objects that begin with ‘d’ for Show
and Tell
Kindly do the following activities to reenforce sound d- encourage your child to
eat dates ; to learn the address of his/her
-Kindly download the “d” booklet from
starfall.com and complete
Literacy –Revision of ‘d’ on page 23
UW - Complete pages 24 and 25
Revise Emergent Reader on “d”.