January 3rd - St. Barnabas Church
January 3rd - St. Barnabas Church
Church of Saint Barnabas 409 East 241st Street, Bronx, New York 10470 http://www.stbarnabasbronx.org/ Tel: (718) 324-1478 Fax: (718)324-1479 Website: stbarnabasbronx.org Email: [email protected] Served By: Rev. Msgr. Edward M. Barry, Pastor Rev. Anthony Mizzi-Gili, Parochial Vicar Rev. Benjamin Mariasoosai, Parochial Vicar Deacon Vincent I. Laurato Deacon Cornelius Manning (Retired) Seminarian Mark DeYoung Weekend Assistant: Rev. Kevin O’Reilly The Celebration of the Eucharist THE LORD’S DAY High School Chapel: Saturday Evening 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Main Church: Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:45 AM & 5:00 PM High School Chapel: Sunday 8:45 AM, (Italian) 10:30 AM, 1:00 PM WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE: Main Church: Monday - Friday 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM 7:00 PM (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) Main Church: Saturday 8:30 AM, & 12 noon RECONCILIATION: Monday thru Saturday after the 8:30 AM, Mass (Main Church) Saturdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Lower Church) First Saturday of the Month for walking disabled 4:00 PM (High School Chapel) St. Barnabas Elementary School St. Barnabas High School 413 East 241st St., Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 324-1088 425 East 240th St, Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 325-8800 www.Stbarnabasschool.org www.stbarnabashigh.com Mr. Anthony Puleo, Principal Sr. Joan Faraone, Principal St. Barnabas CCD 413 East 241st St., Bronx, N.Y. 10470 718 324-0865 Ms. Sharon Traditi, Coordinator Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated every Sunday at a 1:00 PM ceremony in the Main Church. Parents must be registered members of the parish as well as regularly attend Mass here. A Baptismal class is required prior to arranging the Baptism. Classes take place normally on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month in the Elementary School Library. Registration for the class is not required. Marriage Engaged couples must make an appointment with the priest you want to perform your marriage at least six months to a year in advance. That priest will guide you through all preparation. Diocesan regulations require a marriage preparation program for all couples. Rosary Recited: Every day after the 8:30AM Mass Adoration: Every Friday 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM First Friday 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Sick Calls & Anointing of the Sick: Anytime by request. Communal Anointing in the Fall. Parish Registration We welcome all new members of our parish family. Please register at the rectory office. We want to know and serve you and hope you become an active part of our parish community. Bulletin: All articles for the Sunday Bulletin must be received at the Rectory no later than 3:00 PM on Monday, for the following Sunday’s bulletin. The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2016 Tithing & Stewardship Weekly Goal $18.000 December 20th Baptismal Instruction Classes Parents wishing to have their children baptized at Saint Barnabas must attend one of the classes that are held normally on the second and fourth Monday of each month prior to arranging the child’s baptism. The classes are held in the Elementary School Library at 8:00pm. No registration necessary. The classes for January will be conducted: Monday, January 11th Monday, January 25th $14,684.20 Thank you for your contributions Second collection next week is combined between the Communications Campaign and Catholic University. Donations toward the Communication Campaign provides funding for Catholic TV, radio, and internet communications across the country. Donations toward Catholic University underwrite the financial aid program. Catholic University is the United States flagship catholic university. Please be as generous as your means permit. Baptisms are conducted every Sunday at 1:00pm in the Main Church Lectio Divina Reflection: Today’s Gospel is Matthew 2:1-12. Do you know anyone who is searching for the light of truth, even though the path they choose is foreign to you? How do you respond to these searchers? Lectio Divina uses scripture to help you discover the joy of God’s love for you. Contact Helen McCullagh 915237-1595 for more information. Join us for a Session on Sunday morning from 9-10:15am in the Considine Center. Your contribution tax statements will be arriving in the mail at the end of the month. Please note that they are in a plain white envelope with the return address listed as: 1221 Walt Whitman Road, Melville N.Y. 11747. PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO THROW THEM OUT. Young Adult Mass TODAY, Sunday, January 3rd Wedding Engagements: The Christmas and New Year holy days are traditional times when romances are solidified with an engagement ring. Recently engaged couples are urged to contact he parish priest of your choice to book your wedding plans as soon as possible. Just call for an appointment. Congratulations to all our new couples. May God bless you. Join other young adults (single and married) in their twenties and thirties for a Mass Today, Sunday, January 3rd at 5 pm. The Mass, led by young people and celebrated by a guest priest, will be followed by a social at The Heritage. Come meet other young adults from the Bronx and Yonkers as we continue to grow this regular monthly gathering. Join us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/groups/yonkersbronx youngadults. WELCOME TABLE The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal would like to thank everyone for their generous donations to their food drive. Your donations are making a big difference in the lives of the people they serve. Next Saturday, January 9th will be our WELCOME TABLE. Please join us with other parishioners in the Elementary School Cafeteria from 12noon to 2:00pm for food and fellowship. Delicious homemade soups, sandwiches and dessert will be served. Anyone interested in providing the soup or helping out in serving and preparing these meals, please contact Pat Moran 646 373-2402. Thanks to everyone for making the Welcome Table a joyful event. The January Monthly Food Collection About Feeding Our Neighbors Feeding Our Neighbors is a united effort to fight hunger. This campaign is a response to Timothy Cardinal Dolan's call that we all do our part to replenish the food pantries and soup kitchens in our community, which so many families in our community rely on to survive. Sponsored by Catholic organizations throughout the Archdiocese of New York and managed by Catholic Charities, 100% of contributions to the campaign will support local food pantries that serve New Yorkers, non-Catholics and Catholics alike. Organizational participants in Feeding Our Neighbors include all Archdiocesan Catholic schools, local parishes, the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education, and the Catholic Charities Federation. There is just one goal for Feeding Our Neighbors: That New Yorkers answer the call to feed those who are suffering in our community We would like to ask all parishioners to participate in an extra food collection in January. We will receive ‘nonperishable “foods on the 3rd weekend in January (January 16th & 17th) after the Masses in the High School Cafeteria. The recipient of the Food Campaign will go the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal as usual. Please do NOT bring food items to the rectory. Thank you Bread and Wine Memorials All 60 daily Masses in one month All 8 Sabbath weekend Masses in one week Four Sabbath weekend Masses in one month All 15 daily Masses in one week One Sabbath Weekend Mass in one week $100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 15.00 The Annual March for Life Sanctuary Lamp Memorial Weekly $10.00 Gifts Of Bread and Wine Week of January 4th Steve McGrath Requested by Patricia & Colleen McGrath Join us on Friday, January 22, 2016 as we leave from St. Barnabas’s parking lot early in the morning to join tens of thousands of people for a peaceful rally and March for Life. The March for Life sends a message to those in Washington, D.C. that each and every human life has dignity. Please call the rectory at 718 324-1478 ext 27 to reserve your spot on the bus. We will be hosting a Saint Patrick’s Celebration on Sunday, March 6th. We plan on a corned beef dinner and some live entertainment. Be ready for a good time! The Altar Rosary will be having their corporate Mass & Communion on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 9:00am in the Main Church followed by recitation of the Scriptural Rosary and then a meeting in the high school cafeteria. New members are always welcome. Any questions, please contact MaryDee McMahon at 914237-7709. PRO LIFE CORNER Pray for an end to abortion so that God’s plan for every life He sends into the world can be fulfilled. Our much anticipated Adult Program for Lent is coming closer. Dinner and Program Reservation Forms are now available at the Doors of the Church. Check off as many as as the seven Sundays you think you will attend. The dates are as follows January 31; February 7, February 14 February 21, February 28, March 12 & 13 Retreat; March 20. TIME: 2:30pm to 4:30pm – in the Main Church 11:00am – 1:30pm 6:00pm – 9:30pm Monday, January 4 8:00am – 10:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 9:00am – 11:00am Playgroup (CC 1-4) 12noon – 2:00pm Playgroup (CC 1-4 1:00pm – 3:00pm Leisure Club (CC 1-6) 3:00pm – 9:00pm Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) 6:00pm – 9:00pm BAC (HS Gym) 6:30pm – 8:00pm AA (CC 2-6) Tuesday, January 5 8:00am – 10:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 9:00am – 11:00am Playgroup (CC 1-4) 12noon – 2:00pm Playgroup (CC 1-4) 3:00pm – 6:00pm BAC (ES Gym) 3:00pm – 9:00pm Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) 3:00pm – 9:30pm BAC (ES Gym) 7:00pm – 9:00pm 12 Steps (CC 2-6) 7:00pm – 9:00pm New Horizons (HS Caf.) 9:00pm – 10:30pm Msgr. Barry Bsktball League (HS Gym) 9:00pm – 11:30pm McNiff Basketball (ES Gym) Wednesday, January 6 8:00am – 10:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 9:00am – 11:00am Playgroup (CC 1-4) 12noon – 2:00pm Playgroup (CC 1-4) 1:30pm – 4:00pm Golden Age (CC 1-6) 3:00pm – 6:00pm BAC (ES Gym) 3:00pm – 6:00pm Greenan Music (CC 2-4) 3:00pm – 8:30pm Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) 6:00pm – 9:00pm BAC (HS Gym) 6:30pm – 9:30pm Boy Scouts (ES Gym) 6:30pm – 9:30pm Bingo (HS Caf.) 7:00pm – 9:30pm A.A (CC 2-6) 9:00pm – 10:30pm Msgr. Barry Bsktball League (HS Gym) Thursday, January 7 8:00am – 10:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 9:00am – 11:00am Playgroup (CC 1-4) 12noon – 2:00pm Playgroup (CC 1-4) 3:00pm – 3:30pm Cherub Choir (CC 2-4) 3:00pm – 6:00pm BAC (ES Gym) 3:00pm – 9:00pm Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Angel Choir (CC2-4) 4:30pm – 5:30pm Teen Choir (CC 2-4) 6:00pm – 9:00pm BAC (HS Gym) 7:00pm – 8:00pm AA Women’s Group (CC 2-6) 7:00pm – 8:30pm AA (CC 2-6) 7:30pm – 9:30pm Adult Choir (CC 2-4) 9:00pm – 10:30pm Murray Basketball (ES Gym) 9:00pm – 10:30pm Msgr. Barry Bsktball League (HS Gym) Friday, January 8 8:00am – 10:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 10:00am – 12noon Crafty Ladies Knitting Club (CC 1-6) 3:00pm – 9:30pm BAC (ES Gym) 3:00pm – 9:00pm Cub Scouts (CC 3-4) 6:00pm – 9:00pm BAC (HS Gym) 7:30pm –9:30pm A.A (CC 2-6) Saturday, January 9 9:00am – 10:00pm Men’s Club (CC 1-6) 9:00am – 11:00am EMS (CC 2-6) 9:00am – 9:00pm Woodlean (ES Gym) 10:00am – 11:30am Respect Life (CC 1-4) 10:30am – 2:30pm Riverdale Children’s Theatre (ES Aud) 11:00am – 1:00pm Brownies (CC 3-6) 12:00pm – 2:00pm Welcome Table (ES Caf.) Sunday, January 10 8:20am – 10:00am CCD (El. Sch.) 9:00am – 10:15am Lectio Divina (CC 1-4) 10:00am – 11:30am RCIA (CC 1-6) CCD (HS Caf.) Woodlean (ES Gym) MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, January 4 6:30 8:30 Biagio & Francesca Ramoni and James Skinner TUESDAY, January 5 6:30 8:30 Bernard & Margaret Sheridan and Edward Flanagan 7:00 Gicelia Bernardini WEDNESDAY, January 6 6:30 8:30 James Fitzgerald 7:00 Paul Shea (2nd ANN) THURSDAY, January 7 6:30 8:30 Matilda Baldi and Evelyn M. Grant 7:00 Mary & John O’Connor FRIDAY, January 8 6:30 James Paul McGovern (12th ANN) 8:30 Joe Gorman SATURDAY, January 9 8:30 Ed Tolan 12:00 Dec. Members of the Levin Family 5:00 Patrick Cremin Sr. & Patrick Cremin Jr. 7:00 John Iannuzzo (2nd ANN) The family of John Egan would like to thank everyone for their kindness, sympathy, prayers and Mass cards during their time of sorrow. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Place: Saint Barnabas High School Cafeteria Time: 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm) Refreshments available Ages 18 and over Banns Of Marriage For the Third Time: Kevin Forde & Yury Pelaz Prayer Requests For The Sick & Endangered Please submit names of all those who are in need of prayer, cut this box out and return to the rectory office. Name:_________________________________________________ Due to limited space, we can only publish for 2 weeks John Brady Catherine Shannon Rest In Peace Let us pray for our deceased parishioners, benefactors, relatives, members of the Armed forces, for those who are most forgotten and for those who recently died especially: Paddy Kelly, Seamus Morris and Thomas Walsh. CHILDREN’S - COLOR PAGE CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERING In Memory Of: Emilio & Emilia Muccin Pasqual & Maria Tagliapietra Louis Tagliapietra Bridget & Patrick McDermott Hugh & Mary McGovern Anthony Milone William Fitzpatrick Lillian Fitzpatrick Matthew McDermott Rosemary McDermott Jim & Kathleen McGowan Michael & Margaret Coyne Michale & Bridy Coyne Friends & Family of DiGiorgio Intentions of John Gorman Edward & Esther Ney Albert Graziani Liam O’Driscoll Gorman Family Francis & Alice Cardamone Dixie Murphy Jasper Murphy Grace Cardamone Nicholas J. Cardamone Carmine Cardamone Carmello H. Cardamone Josephine Cardamone Joseph & Brian Gorman Lucchini & Kelly Families Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGlade Anthony Ferrara Emma Massafra The Rocchio Family Allan Vitello Deceased Members of the Mizzi & Miressi Families Maura Fogarty Bridget & Thomas Moran Helen & Tom Devoy Ana Marie Murphy Andrew Gilhooley Mary A. Gilhooley Andrew J. Gilhooley Thomas Keaveney Margaret Keaveney Pearl Lynch Malachy & Mary Harte Margaret Barrett Clune John, John J & Paul Healy John Healy Jack Healy Bridget Crawley Anne McGillycuddy James & Bridget Crowley Anne McCabe All Souls John Paul & Paul Jr. Crowley Dominic K. & Angeline Abbate Annette Halloran Frances Albero O’Byrne & Gogan Families Patrick & Nora Maguire Andrew Nallen Michael Sheehy Martin Sheehy Patrick Murray Bridget Keohane George Burns Margaret & Patrick Moore Frances & Richard Kelly Hicoletta & Hick Gargano The Cutrone Family Cardamone Family Tom Laudadiio Seraphina DiGiorgi Louise Amorosano & Family Gina Ambrosago Lepore & Al Lepore Nephew of Gina Amorosano Lepore Euphemia & John A. McMahon Helen & Francis Walls Warren Witter John McCheney Mr. & Mrs. Arnold & Dorothy Barbate Anne Montgomery James & Rita White Larkin & McCheasney Families Al Martin William & Frances Alder Robert Parker Foley & McGrath Families Edith & Constantin Toteanu Nora & Hugh McMorrow Catherine & Andrew Houlihan & Families Olga Benante Bernard, Margaret & Brian McMahon Fallon & Pauls Families Rachel Bzencioz John Crean Stefania Pleszak Edward Jarzembowski Daniel & Annette Pisacano William P. Grimes Alma Genet James Walsh Rachel Luciano Family & Friends of The Bolte Family Special Intention Marion Forshey Harold Forshey Jamera Murphy, Jeanne Murphy Thomas Cardamone Francis Cardamone Baby Carmine & Marguerite Cardamone Bridie & Tom Moran Paddy & Jim Hallissey The LaCasse Family John & Dorothy Masselli Michael & Mary Campanaro Alice & Charles Levin Larry Levin Ricuito & McGovern Families Dominick Ventresca Coulter & O’Shea Families Noelle Duffy Ann Moore Noreen Considine Peggy McNamee Sara Fayolle Owen Brennan Rita & Andrew Landi Martin King Walter Franklin Stephen & Andrew Broetsky Kate & Ben Desanges Loreto & Jose DeHonor The Curry, Fangboner, Hinzpeter, Mauro & Zavadil Families Blasetti, Ciciio, Golino & Salmari Families Jack “Clifford” Valentino Angelo Grieco Stanza Famigia & Gregorio Francis McIntyre Bridget Horan Magliulo Family Patrick Flanagan Flanagan Family & Molloy Family Daniel & Mary McFadden Paul & Eugene Riordan Thomas Casey Forde & O’Kane Families Timothy Joseph Murphy Mary Lynch Murphy John Joseph Murphy Sr Helen Dorothy Ames Murphy John Joseph Murphy Jr. Gertrude Anne Dorchak Murphy Michael Euphrasia Patrick Murphy Patrick Noone Salvatore DiMaggio Maximo Mesiona Sr. Thomas Cualing Sr. Josephine Noone Patrick Tallon and Sean Tallon Genoveva Pando Patrick Dineen Noreen Considine James Devane Breda Devane John Crummell James Brofly Mary O’Donnell John J. Maguire Henry J. Lessel Lovett Family Cecilia Rivaldo Bob Famularo O’Rourke Families Sebastian & Antoinette Bimonte Adele Bmonte & Angie Carozza Eileen Fitzsimmons Patrick Fitzsimmons Catherine McGovern Feldmann, Brannelly, Gallagher & McBride Families Philip & Mary Theresa Reilly Margaret & James Donnelly Thomas & Anne Molloy Patrick Martin Thomas Michael Molloy Mary Rudy, Alice Feely Mary Boyd Deceased Members of McCooey Family Reino, Fusco and Scavone Families Louis Scavone Theresa & Rudy Faluotico Margie Moore Jack Coen Louise & Peter Ameduri Frank Graus James J. Moore John Finn & Joan Meehan Kelleher Cleary Troy and Sullivan Families Continued next week….