Issue 64 - Starfleet Command
Issue 64 - Starfleet Command
ElTAFIFLEET CDMMUNICATIDN Official Newsletter of Starfleet Command ISSUE #82 STARFLEET COMMUNICATIONS Table of Cont;ent;s Page - Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 1: CFO article 2: Hailing Frequencies 3: Chief of Operations 4: Financial Statement 5: By the Numbers 6 & 7: Renewals 8 - 12: Command Staff 13: Personnel Changes 14 & 15: Starbase 06 Page Page Page Page Page 16: USSIOWA 17: Romulan Empire 18: Recruiting 19: Fan Run Cons 20: Bio Support Admiralt;y Board Guadrant; 01 FADM Mark A. Bischoff Chief of Fleet Operations 6643 Earlswood Drive Indianapolis, IN IN 46217-9376 [email protected] ADM Russell Simson Chief of Staff 7737 Savannah Drive Indianapolis, IN 46217-4358 [email protected] ADM Andy Sams Chief of Operations PO Box 356 Carmel, IN 460B2-0356 [email protected] ADM Kim Huff Chief of Communications 9352 Helmsdale Drive Indianapolis, IN 46256- 1116 [email protected] Vacant Chief of Records PO Box 33565 Indianapolis, IN 46203-0565 [email protected] ADM Tim Shell Commandant, Starfleet Academy 9713 River Trail Drive Louisville, KY 40229-5224 [email protected] ADM Lillian Sams Chief of Personnel PO Box 356 Carmel, IN 46082-0356 [email protected] ADM Tony Scott Chief of Finance 1263 Lancashire Dr. Union, KY41091-7606 [email protected] AB Special St;aff ADM Roseann Packer Chief Advisor 2923 Angelina Dr Indianapolis, IN 46203-6720 [email protected] LTCDRStacy Mulder Staff Adjutant 2503 E. 4th St. Anderson, IN 46012-3705 [email protected] Contents Copyright © 2004 by Storlleet Commond. Storlleet Commond recognizes Paromount Pictures, and its licensees as having sole authority to create profit from the Star Trek trodemork(s). The Storlleet Command copyright in no way intends to infringe upon or eam profit from copyrights held by Paromount Pictures Corporation. Storlleet Commond reserves the right to edit all submissions for vulgar language and space availability. Storlleet Command does not censor arlicles. Any opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Storlleet Command. ( ) ~ ~ Chief of Operations, 011 Greetings to the Fleet! As usual, we're off to a busy start here. We are currently reviewing and creating policies and procedures in regards to the AFED. As always, we are looking for your input. An updated version of the P&Pand the business plan will be available at the Midyear meeting. As many of you already know, VADM David Hicks has resigned. Dave just didn't have the time available that the position requires. As many of you know, Dave is getting married this year over thanksgiving weekend and along with some other personal issues, he just doesn't have the time. I thank Dave for his honesty and forthrightness. Therefore, I am accepting applications for the Chief of Records Admiralty Board position. Please refer to the AFED for minimum requirements; the applicant must have good computer skills, experience with Excel and possibly Access and be able to respond in a timely manner. Current Policies and Procedures requires a 48-hour turnaround time to requests for information. Must be able to play well with others! I will make a decision from the applicants and hope to have the new person in place by the Midyear meeting at InConJunction. Some other changes with regard to the AB include ADM Tony Scott taking the place as the Chief of Finance and LTjg Diane Carpenter as the Acting Deputy Chief of Records. If you need to email Tony, you will find his contact information on the first page included in the list of AB members. Those of you that have questions for Diane can email [email protected]. Also, Starfleet Command's 30'h anniversary celebration will be held at the new Starbase Indy's Dinner with the Stars. Price for the dinner is $50 or you can get an allinclusive weekend ticket so that you can enjoy the convention as well. We are planning a formal gala Starfleet uniform or black-tie. Details to follow in future emails and newsletters! In closing, I'd like to continue to encourage the Fleet to recruit new members and to retain the ones we have. The Admiralty Board will be looking at a new award this year that will go to the unit who maintains the greatest retention of it's members for the year. Kindest Regards, FADM Mark A Bischoff Chief of Fleet Operations Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( I PAGE: 001 ) Hailing Frequencies II Greetings Fleet! I would like to toke a moment to updote you on a few things that are going on in the Communications Deportment. As you can see, the newsletter has a new look. Joseph Campbell and Sue Phillips have agreed to become a port of the Communications Deportment. FCAPTCampbell has been on asset to the orgnization for a number of years now. He took it upon himself to host online games of Starfleet Command IIIwhich were warmly received. We greatly appreciate him stepping up to toke on this responsibility. Although Lt. Phillips has only been with us a short time, her experience in the RWin proofing and writing should help make the newsletter even better. We would like to thank Joe and Sue for joining our team. Contact Joe at [email protected] and Sue at [email protected]. The Fleet website is now being hosted on a new dedicated server. This means that there are fewer sites being hosted on the original server which means everything runs a little foster. This new server also gives us options for SPAMfilters which will hopefully help everyone with the amount of SPAMreceived. When everything was switched over to the new server this meant all new email addresses. In the post, the passwords were either all the some or very easy to hock. SO, I have created new passwords for everyone. If you have not received information regarding your account, please contact either myself or RoyJackson. Another thing I wonted to talk about is the website Message Boord. I have received a few messages from Quadrant Two regarding our message board. I guess they have been shocked by the lock of participation Quadrant One has hod on its own board. I explained that many people soy they don't understand how the whole message board system works. We have been working on something that will help people room around the boord, but it really is very easy. At a glance you will notice that the board is separated in chapters or areas of discussion. You can click on a section and read the posts mode or you can click on "New Topic" and post one of your own. One thing to remember is that the default is to show the lost 30 days of discussion. You might need to change that to show all posts. This option should be located just below the lost posting. I would like to see more discussion on the Boord since this allows everyone including potential members to see some of what we discuss. Please try to get familiar with the Fleet Message Boord and toke a moment to talk to other TREKfans. Finally, I wonted to talk to the various Starbases out there. The Fleet website offers a web page for all Starbases and gives you the ability to make changes online. If you were unaware of this or not sure how to access these services, I would like for you to contact either myself or RoyJackson, the Fleet web designer. Fleet has also assigned email addresses for each Starbase and its commanding officer and first officer. Again, if you have not been given this information, be sure to contact someone in the Communications Deportment. Respectfully, ADM Kim Huff Chief of Communications Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( PAGE:DD2~ ) ~ Chief of Operations, 0.1 Greetings Fleet, Wow what a start to the year. Things are going on everywhere in Fleet. This year Starbases IV;V and VI are planning on Fleet meetings in their area. I am also working on the SPARIII, updating the SPARI and II; Creation of Starbase 2, and other activities. VADM Vince Williams and I created and launched the SPARIII report to roll up what the starbases and ships have been reporting. We think we have the revisions to the SPAR I and lis to where we like them that will help in combining the fleet's vision into our reporting. It will also help us focus on them better. The reports are available on my website as well as uploaded to my operations, Starbases and the Fleet Iistserves. Vince and I combine your reports, SPARI and II, into a SPAR III, that report is then emailed to the Admiralty Board and the Fleet. For historical purposes it is vitally important that the Starbase commanders submit their ships SPAR I reports with their SPAR lis. The reason is that after VADM Vince Williams writes up the SPARIII and submits that to me for my comments and approval he then combines it all together and sends it to the Fleet Archives. So please fill them out correctly and send them forward. Before I go into some of the great activities I would like to talk about the creation of Starbase 2. I am recommissioning Starbase Two for the New England area of the United States. This Starbase will service all the states north of north Carolina and east/Northeast of Ohio and Kentucky. Initially this Starbase will have five ships and outposts. I have contacted all the Ship Captains and sent an email advertising the position to the listserve. I will announce the new commander at the MARCON convention at the end of May. This has been under discussion for several years and now is the time. This is exciting and opens the door for more growth and opportunities for the Northeast! As a result Starbase Three, Four and One were modified and resulted in no ships transferring commands. On to Activities. Oh my gosh! Activities. Anyone that has or has played Starfleet Battles will enjoy the computer version. Thanks to FCAPTCampbell, of Starbase 4 and Captain of the USS Churchill, everyone can now enjoy it together online. I have played a few times myself and joining the gang in the fleet actions and the free for ails have been great! We need more participants though. So go out and buy the Starfleet Command III game and join us. Right now we are playing almost every Thursday night. Watch the Iistserve for exact times etc ... Also on my agenda is to attend MARCON and Starbase 5's meeting and Dragon"Con and Starbase 4's meeting. Watch the next newsletter for activities going into the rest of the year. Sincerely, ADM Andy Sams Chief of Operations Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( I PAGE: 003 ) BEGINNING BALANCE OPERATIONS COMMUNICATIONS PERSONNEL COMMAND S803 S804 PINS TOTAL FINANCE RECORDS STAFF INCOME NONE S801 OTHER E ( 0.00 $733.00 $483.00 $132.00 $0.00!o$733.00 $98.00 $20.00 $0.00 $1,503.51 $2,236.51 , PAGE: 004 ) ~ PERSCNNELCHANGES It is my pleasure to announce that LTCDRStacy Mulder has accepted the position of acting Deputy Chief of Personnel. LTCDRMulder has served as Assistant Chief of Personnel since May of 2003, and immediately became an indispensable asset by taking over the processing of all new Cadet and Midshipman packets. Since that time she has eagerly taken on additional duties and proven to be exceptionally productive and possessed of amazing organizational skills. I feel very fortunate to serve with her in the Office of Personnel. Please welcome Stacy in her new position. She can be reached at dcop@) ADM Lillian Sams Chief of Personnel Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] THANK YOU I would like to take the time to thank all of you that contributed to the last newsletter. For those that put it together and those who said all those nice things about Paul. I knew that Paul was well liked in Fleet as well as Fandom and as a person but you really don't know how much until something like this happens. Paul had a rich and wonderful life both in Fleet and out. He made so many friends who became extended family. I had always heard that no one is an Island as long as he has friends and that is one thing I say about Paul; he wasn't an island. It was also nice to see how much Paul has touched the lives of so many different people. Again Thanks to all who contributed to the last newsletter. Sandy Sundstrom ( PAGE: 0051 ) The following members will expire with this current Newsletter Issue #62. If your name is listed below, please utilize the renewal form located in this Newsletter to renew and retain your current position in SFC aboard the unit to which you are assigned. Your continued presence in this organization is important to us. Be sure to note any address changes. If your rank is incorrect, contact your CO so information can be included in the next SPARfor chain of command notification. For those names not listed below, check your address label for you expiration issue. If the expiration issue matched the current Starfleet Communications issue, you need to pay your dues immediately to avoid a lapse in membership. Expired members cannot be promoted and will lose other membership privileges. Members of the Admiralty Board, Command Staff Support and Starbase/Unit Commanders may lose their position if they fail to renew. If you have already sent in your renewal form and the proper amount for renew we at SFC thank you. Rank ( ~ DeniseA. Adventure Robert Blair Eric Brandon Hicks James Susan USS Churchill SB03 Unit Name Jade Mark IndiaChimera E.K. Arnold Bismarck Barnett Jeff Paul Deborah Hamilton Dearth Gunderman Andrew Elena Erin Ashcraft Ashcraft Ronald E. Freeze Station Defiant Melissa First Name A. Last Kline Bower Name USS Jennifer Hali Green Wyatt George Daryl Douglas J. Knapke Joseph Campbell Allyssa Cathy Stephen Brady G. Huang Holly Delya J. Hogue Phillips Hisey ~ PAGE: 008 ) Heather Watson Chris Roseann A. M. Packer Mat Kevin A. M. Rose Tatum McCann Aaron Iwo Tatum Kirsten Denton USS L. Bennett Keith Hlas McLemore Ladd Briana Brian Steven Kristin L. M. K. Mateika Lawson Breitweiser Bennett Gavin Kratzsch Constance David Hicks Colleen Paula D. Defiant Chandra Josh Kaleena Marlinda A. IwoJima A. B Merritt Bartlett Johnson artlett Rose Cassandra John Keara Martha Ladd Jima Daniel Beth Corbin USS A. Iwo Defiant Melbourne Proffitt Ina Yorktown Sanders DefiantjHQ MDSHM Tony Angie Hogue Farragut Connelly Indianapolis Stephenson Rethmeyor AmyG. USS Halsey Halsey/HQ Lipscombe WendyG. Anthony Christopher F. J.Jima Corey A. William Wendy Emily A. (Tony) Thompson Stephen Bethany E.Hensley Acting Deputy Chief of Records PAGE: 0071 ) Chief of Security Fleet Quartermaster RADM Stephen Brown Peru IN COMM Mike Riley Hanover IN E-mail: sfcreliant@) E-mail: Deputy Chief of Security Deputy Fleet Quartermaster CAPT Mary Franceschini Indianapolis IN E-mail: shadowpiper@) LTCDR Richard Hatfield Middletown OH Chief of Engineering Chief of Scientific Research RADM James McCoy Floro IN RADM Rycharde Wey Columbia City IN E-mail: mstrpoet@) E-mail: SFCQ1CFE@) E-mail: Rh310@) Deputy Chief of Engineering Deputy Chief of Scientific Research CMDR Rusty Harrell Avon IN E-mail: cronowerxz@) COMM Dianna Wey Columbia City IN E-mail: mstrpoet@) Surgeon General Chief of Intelligence CAPT David Miller GroverMO CAPT Anne Zecca Gainesville FL E-mail: dtamnet@) E-mail: Deputy Surgeon General Deputy Chief of Intelligence VACANT FCAPT Joseph Campbell East Point GA Chief, Space Activities Committee FCAPT Constance Belevue KY E-mail: annesb04@) bishop04@) Sanders Fleet Resource Officer E-mail: consan@) COMM Cheryl Harris Peru IN Deputy Chief, Space Activities Committee E-mail: Tserl1864c@) LT Amy Grubb Flora IN E-mail: Deputy Fleet Resource Officer LTjg Robert Barnett Peru IN ussreliantnewsletter@) E-mail: Space Activities Committee Member(s) Acting Chief of Recruiting COMM Kathleen Plainfield IN Surprise AZ E-mail: NCC13424@) E-mail: ( miriley@) Hohman coyotecafe@) LTCDR Eric Morelli KHohmanST@) I PAGE: 008 ) Deputy Chief of Recruiting VACANT Deputy Fleet Listserv Administrator Fleet Chaplain LTCyndi Jackson Alexandra IN E-mail: [email protected] CAPT Esther Russell-Fenner Wilmington OH E-mail: [email protected] Deputy Fleet Chaplain VACANT Fleet Webmaster CMDR James Jackson Alexandra IN E-mail: [email protected] Operations Information Officer Deputy Fleet Webmaster CAPT Cecil Davis Brooksville FL E-mail: [email protected] CMDR Jeremy Mills Wilmington OH E-mail: [email protected] Deputy Operations Information Officer Director, Fleet Archives CMDR Franklin Rogers Ft Walton Beach FL E-mail: [email protected] FADM Donald Dailey Georgetown IN E-mail: [email protected] Inspector General Deputy Director, Fleet Archives COMM Lisa Johnson Middletown OH E-mail: [email protected] FCAPT Catherine Dailey Georgetown IN E-mail: [email protected] Deputy Inspector General Fleet Public Affairs Officer VADM Vincent Williams Scott AFB Belleville IL E-mail: [email protected] VACANT Deputy Fleet Public Affairs Officer VACANT Fleet Adjunct LTCDRStacy Mulder Alexandria IN E-mail: [email protected] Starfleet Academy Newsletter Editor VACANT Fleet Listserv Administrator CMDR James Jackson Alexandra IN E-mail: [email protected] ( PAGE: DDDI ) Starbase 01 Flag Ship: USS Willa mette, NX-97305 FCAPT David Cline Parnell MO E-mail: usswiliameHe(ci) USS Andromeda, NCC-2756A CMDR George Krivovich Madison WI E-mail: andromeda(ci) USS Antonio Maria Valsalva, NCC4101 CAPT David A. Miller, MD GroverMO E-mail: dtamnet(ci) USS Blockbuster, NCC-36561 LTjgChris Corteen Lake Grove NY E-mail: cjcl067(ci) USS Callisto, NCC-42800 No Commanding Barneget NJ E-mail: None .•I Officer at this time USS Cochrane, NCC-59318 LTCDRBarbara McCardell Silver Spring MD E-mail: mccardell(ci) USS Hypatia, NCC-370415 CMDR Brian Peterson Wallingford CT E-mail: QHTU46A(ci) USS Iowa, NCC-567 COMM Sharon Boren Onawa IA E-mail: shaelis(ci) USSWarlock, NCC-2751A CAPT Colin Starkey Parry Sound ONT E-mail: None USS Willa mette, NX-97305 ENS Virgil Babcock Parnell MO E-mail: None USSWilliam Wallace, NCC-2555 RADM Raymond Brown JoplinMO E-mail: raybrown(ci) Starbase 02 Flag Ship: USS Callisto, NCC-42800 CMDR Luz Cavallone Barneget NJ E-mail: Icavallone(ci) ( Starbase 03 Flag Ship: COMM James Ap Wyvern Buena Park CA E-mail: None 155 PO 5A, #317 CMDR Patrick O'Sullivan Everett WA E-mail: issop(ci) USS Farragut, NCC-1702 CAPT Colleen Connelly Mesa AI. E-mail: None USS Quindar, NCC-1736A CAPT Dee Horn Bakersfield CA E-mail: qu indarscapta in(ci)earthlink. net USS Wasp, NCC-9107 CAPT Mike Griffin Las Vegas NV E-mail: trekfannevada(ci) I PAGE: 010 ) Starbase 04 Starbase 05 Flag Ship: USSTranquility, NCC-1602 Flag Ship: USS New Jersey, NCC-1999 COMM Chris Brinkman Niceville FL FCAPT Kelley Fenner Wilmington OH E-mail: E-mail: starbase04co@) ussnewjersey1999@) Beta-Ceriani 2, #109 LTjg Carl Canfield Whiteville NC E-mail: betaceriani2@) Deep Space 99, DS99 FCAPT Matthew Hudson Middletown OH E-mail: matorren@) USS Armory, NCC-52138A LTjg Jason York Tampa FL E-mail: unfated@) USS Bismarck, NCC-1797D COMM Anthony Day Middletown OH E-mail: Unidragn@) USS Babylon, NCC-75014A CMDR Christine Murphy Bastrop LA E-mail: cmmurphy2000@) USS Melbourne, NCC-62043 CAPT Miriam Laver Cold Spring KY E-mail: miriam7759@) USS Churchill, NCC-2714 FCAPT Joseph Campbell East Point GA USS New Jersey, NCC-1999 E-mail: Wilmington OH E-mail: None bishoo04@) CAPT Esther Russell-Fenner USS Eclipse, NCC-75439 CAPT Anne Zecca Gainsville FL E-mail: sb04@) USSYorktown, NCC-1704A COMM Christina Cincinnati OH Boehm E-mail: yorktownco@) USS Farstar, NCC-4242 LTCDR Eric Bindewald Wilmington NC E-mail: farstar4242@) USS Nimitz, NCC-1941 E LTjg Lydia McDermott Dayton Beach FL E-mail: LtCmdrDatafan@) Starbase 06 Flag Ship: USS Adventure, NCC-22024 COMM Jeff Wolfe West Lafayette IN E-mail: sb06co@) USS Tranquility, NCC-1602 CMDR Franklin Rogers Ft Walton Beach FL E-mail: starbase04sxo@) ( PAGE: on I ) Chimera Station, CS317 USS Indiana, NCC-46151 CAPT Ronald Freeze CMDR Rusty Harrell Avon IN Indianapolis IN E-mail: CapnRahn@) E-mail: cronowerxz@) USS Adventure, NCC-22024 USS Indianapolis, COMM Kathleen Hohman Plainfield IN CAPT Gene Adams E-mail: KHohmanST@) NCC-1945D Indianapolis IN E-mail: captadamsl@) USS Arizona, NCC-2139 USS Iwo Jima, NCC-1775E CAPT Jeffrey Winchester Richmond IN FCAPT William Hlas E-mail: wizard47374@) Indianapolis IN E-mail: whlas@) USS Brightstar, NCC-1880 USS Oklahoma, NCC-2137 CAPT Debra Henderson RADM Darren Merritt McCordsville IN Indianapolis IN E-mail: Deora337@) E-mail: sfcussoklahoma@) USS Defiant, NCC-1630E USS Phaethon, NCC-4802 RADM Gary Bartle Marion IN LTCDR David Bloomfield E-mail: mindbender2@) Indianapolis E-mail: IN dbloomfield58@) USS Endeavour, NCC-1508 CMDR James Jackson Alexandria IN E-mail: rjackson35@) USS Reliant, NCC-1864C RADM Stephen Brown Peru IN E-mail: sfcreliant@) USS Faraway Quest, NCC-1721 LTCDR Marshall Elkhart IN Sherman E-mail: Mrshll@) USS Starfire, NCC-1892D CAPT Kip Krueger Indianapolis IN E-mail: shadowerie@) USS Gorkon, NCC-40512 LT Bryan Detamore Gas City IN E-mail: usgorkon@) USS Halsey, NCC-2868A FCAPT Catherine Dailey Georgetown IN E-mail: cdstarfleet@) ( I PAGE: 012 ) A PERSONNEL CHANGES It is my pleasure to announce that LTCDRStacy Mulder has accepted the position of acting Deputy Chief of Personnel. LTCDRMulder has served as Assistant Chief of Personnel since May of 2003, and immediately became an indispensable asset by taking over the processing of all new Cadet and Midshipman packets. Since that time she has eagerly taken on additional duties and proven to be exceptionally productive and possessed of amazing organizational skills. I feel very fortunate to serve with her in the Office of Personnel. Please welcome Stacy in her new position. She can be reached at dcoD(Q) ADM Lillian Sams Chief of Personnel Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] THANK VOU I would like to take the time to thank all of you that contributed to the last newsletter. For those that put it together and those who said all those nice things about Paul. I knew that Paul was well liked in Fleet as well as Fandom and as a person but you really don't know how much until something like this happens. Paul had a rich and wonderful life both in Fleet and out. He made so many friends who became extended family. I had always heard that no one is an Island as long as he has friends and that is one thing I say about Paul; he wasn't an island. It was also nice to see how much Paul has touched the lives of so many different people. Again Thanks to all who contributed to the last newsletter. Sandy Sundstrom ( PAGE:013t ) II Starbase STARBASE 06 NEWS 06 Making a DiHerence in 2004 Starbase 06 is under new leadership and has been working hard this year. Even though the year has been moving fast, the Starbase 06 Staff has been working hard to build a solid support system for you and your ships so that you can have resources available to help you manage and grow your respective units. For those who may not know the Starbase 06 Staff, I'd like to introduce them. These staff members are here for you and your ships to provide what help you may need to continue to grow and be successful as ships. I'm very proud of the staff you have at your disposal. The 2004 Starbase 06 Staff includes: Commanding OHicer: Commodore Jeff Wolfe (sb06co(ci) First OHicer: Rear Admiral Gary Bartle (mind bender 2(ci)hotmail.coml Executive OHicer: Vice Admiral Jerome Eller (jerell(ci)iquest.netl Finance OHicer: LTjg Diane Carpenter (dcor(ci) Quartermaster: Captain Gene Adams (captadams 1(ci) Chief Security OHicer: Fleet Captain William Hlas (wlhas(ci) Listserv Administrator: Commander Roy Jackson (rjackson35(ci) Webmaster: Vice Admiral Jerome Eller (jerell(ci) Chief Medical OHicer: Commodore Kathy Hohman (KHohmanST(ci) This is an incredible staff with a cumulative Starfleet Command experience of over 25 years. I'm very proud of the work this staff has begun. Each person has been working hard in their respective areas to help make Starbase 06 a success. Within a few short weeks, Starbase 06 will be announcing some exciting 2004 activities and projects designed to continue ship support, provide activities for family fun for all of Starbase 06, and, new this year, special activities for Starfleet Member children. As for now, I can tell you a few items that are in the planning stages and will be part of the announcement in the next few weeks: Starbase 06 Annual Picnic (tentative scheduling is early August of this year) Recruitment Activities at 'nConJunction Convention (to promote and recruit for all ships in Starfleet Command and Starbase 06 Ships) Recruitment Activities at Starbase 'ndy: The Next Generation Convention (to promote and recruit for all ships in Starfleet Command and Starbase 06 Ships Starbase 06 Annual Hayride at Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis (tentatively scheduled for October) Annual Starbase 06 Meeting at Starbase Indy: The Next Generation Convention (for annual Starbase 06 Awards) ( I PAGE: 014 ) Many of our ships within Starbase 06 are geographically close to one another. As a result some ships have begun sponsoring multi-ship activities. In March, the USS Adventure hosted a Wine Tasting Party and invited members of the USS Endeavor and the USS Halsey. It was a wonderful experience and a great time was had by all. I can tell you from my attendance it was a pleasure to meet Starfleet members from other ships, find out what their ship activities are for the year, and to generally socialize and meet new friends within the Starfleet family. As each of you plan ship activities this summer, I would encourage each of you to consider planning multi-ship activities. Finally, I'd like to announce that Starbase 06 has a new official website ( Our Webmaster is currently working hard at making the navigation menu a bit more user friendly. On this site you'll find out a huge amount of information that will help you become more familiar with Starbase 06. Recent additions to the website include: Personal Biographies for Senior Staff (CO, FO, XO) SFC Experience History for Senior Staff (CO, FO, XO) Job Descriptions for Senior Staff (CO, FO, XO) Current Starbase 06 Rankings SPAR-1 Scheduled Due Dates for 2004 Recent Starbase 06 News for 2004 And Much More In closing, I would encourage each of you to take time to view the website and learn about your Starbase 06. We're in the process of developing a Starbase 06 Calendar which will list Starbase 06 sponsored activities, local conventions, and allow your ship to submit to the calendar its multi-ship events. I am very much looking forward to serving you and your ship this year as we make 2004 the year for Starbase 06. As one of the largest Starbases within Starfleet, you and your ships are the ones who really make a difference. Your dedication and hard work shows through your monthly meetings, your ships' dedication to Fleet Sponsored Projects such as SETI, Pop-Tab Contest, and "Make a Difference Day". Without you (the ships), Starbase 06 would not exist. COMM Jeff Wolfe Starbase 06 Commander Starfleet Command, Q 1 [email protected] ICQ 10: 210-824-746 ( PAGE: 015' ) UBB IOWA NCC~&7B Greeting Fleet, As announced in previous newsletters, Hailing Frequencies, will be profiling a ship from every region in SFC beginning with Starbase 01. The Starbase Commanding Officer of each region nominates units for consideration. Each Starbase CO sets their own criteria for nomination, however we suggest timely SPARreporting, charity works, & publication of a unit newsletter, be among the criteria used in nominating ships to be profiled. Ships selected for profiling represent the finest in SFC and their particular region. Once chosen for profiling that unit in no longer eligible to be profiled in future issues. Bysharing what other ships are doing, we can all learn from one another. The communication department hopes these articles will help to foster unity amongst every ship and all members of SFC. The communication's department is pleased to announce 576, has been selected to be profiled from Starbase 01. the USS IOWA, NCC- Starbase01 is under the command of, FCAPT David Cline. Commanding the USS IOWA is, Commodore Sharon Boren. A small ship with a big heart, the USS IOWA and her crew have won numerous awards from SFC, pride themselves on their charity work, and try hard to make a difference in their community, region and Starbase. They are a shinning example how every ship in fleet can make a difference no mater the crews compliment. Earth coordinates for The USS IOWA are Western lowa35 miles south of Sioux City, IA62 miles north of Omaha, NE. Currently the USS IOWA has 4 Starfleet Officers assigned to her. Her First Officer is, Commander Honey Davis. Some of the special commendations and awards won by the USS IOWA and her crew include: 1999 Second placeSmall ship of the Year; 1999 First Place Newsletter of the Year; (for the Perihelion published bi-monthly,) 2001 First PlaceSmall Ship of the Year; 2002, Honorable MentionSmall Ship of the Year, 1999 Honorable mention Recruiter of the Year; 2003 "Open Channel" Award. The USS IOWA'S main charity is: the Sienna Francis House (Homeless Shelter), Omaha, NE. These commendations and awards, and her charity work, prove that by hard work, dedication to duty, and heart, every unit in SFC can be a shining example of excellence. Congratulations to the USS IOWA and her crew. Well done. NCC-578 ( The Romulan Star Empire International, (RSE)was founded in 1990 by Cheryl Whitmore, who became the club's first President or Praetor. During Praetor Aidoann's tenure, the RSEcreated it's first website, began publication of its newsletter, Star Path, and established a reputation for itself as an up and coming Star Trek fan organization. In 1997, the presidency was passed to Praetor Ceridwen, Trisha Rohal. Organizational materials were updated, and their distribution improved, so that in less than two years membership had tripled. In late 2000, Trisha Rohal stepped down and for the next three years, the basic structure and administrative guidelines of the RSEwere scrutinized and rewritten by all those who were dedicated to ensuring a secure future for the club. These included Ryan Bauer (Rameus Ryannius), Janson Thomas (Tarsus vandor), Charles Hooper, Kyle Starosiak, Selessa Pitts and Trisha Rohal. Today, the RSEhas established itself as THE Romulan fan club including a credit in "Trekkies" and a piece of it's logo, the Decobird, shown in The Last Unicorn Role-playing Game-The Romulans. The club is restructuring once again as more members have expressed their interest in forming local chapters and in taking leadership positions outside of role-play. The Imperial Academy offers citizens educational and cultural training. Online real-time role-play has just been launched and with it a unique opportunity to create a fictional character and interact with other club members. As friends and affiliates, I'd like to remind everyone that you also have the opportunity to participate and learn more about the RSEand The Rihannsu Way. Please feel free to contact me or another RSE member, if you'd like m information on how to become involved. Nuhir t'Ralaa Imperial Subpraetor AKA Fleona Dysast'ar [email protected] ( PAGE: 017' ) read several times in SPARs and in emails the comment that a ship or person is recruiting yet I don't see results in numbers for that ship in growth. When I dig a little, I find that the reason is that the recruiting activity consisted of putting out flyers asking people to join. Flyers are placed in gaming stores, conventions or in movie theaters that are showing a Science Fiction movie. These are all great ideas and they do get our name and 'face' out there in the form of name recognition, but they are not successful in getting that new member to sign on the line, write a new membership check and mail it in. I encourage other ships like the Endeavour, the Bismarck, the Adventure and more to also write articles on effective recruiting methods and tools to achieve growth for SFC. Not that everyone wants to get as big as they are. Most long term successful ships tend to have a membership size of between 10 30 members. The question is how to get there. The easiest way may seem to advertise or to put out flyers like I mentioned at the start of this article and they probably are ...the easiest. The most effective though are far from that and I can argue that it isn't anyone thing, but a combination of ideas that work the best. What is the best and easiest recruiting tool? YOU! That's who. Getting that reluctant co-worker or friend to come to a ship outing or away mission is the best most successful way to get new members. Not only that, but those members will be the best seeds for future success and growth that you can imagine. Why? Simple, they were your friends to begin with. Employers and high paid corporate recruiters will tell you that the best new employee is the one referred from an existing employee. Another great way is to go where the people are that share your common interests. Conventionsl Setting up an effective and powerful convention table or room is also very successful, but requires work and money. If there ever was a day that setting down a stack of flyers on an unattended table netted one new member I'd like to hear it. During my tenure as the Captain of the Adventure we never did. When we first started recruiting we set up a table put our flyers and sat behind it with a nice poster with pictures on it from our picnics, away missions, and meetings on it. You must man the table the whole time it is up. Obviously your there for the convention too, so develop shifts for the crew to man. Manning it throughout is only part of it however, you need to engage people when they come up to your table. Whenever anyone would come by our table to look at our flyers and pictures we were right there saying," Hello," asking them if they ever joined a fan club and then walking them through the pictures like you would a friend through a photo album. What I'm saying here is don't just man the table. Engage them and you will know pretty quickly if a.) They are interested, b.) You are interested in them, and c.) If you want to offer them a membership on your ship. That gives you a couple of good ideas, recruit your friends and co-workers, and sponsor a well planned convention table. Go out there, engage other fans and help them feel welcome in the best fan based club in the world! ADM Andy Sams Chief of Operations Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( I PAGE: 018 ) I Fan Run Cans If you have never been to a fan run Con you really need to try and make at least one! Marcon is a pillar convention for the Midwest. It has it all, panel sessions, parties, a costume competition, parties, filking, dances, fan group tables, (did I mention parties?) and gaming. If I missed something I apologize, but there is just so much to do and see. I really like them because I get the opportunity to meet friends, members of fleet and fans of Trek and other cool science fiction. I mentioned parties quite often and I know not everyone does them, but they are an integral part of a successful Con. Most fan based cons will have several room parties that fellow fans have for everyone to meet and greet and generally have a great time. At Marcon the party ruler is the UBS Casual. They are a ship of Trek fans that specialize in planning and throwing parties. This sounds weird, but they have it down to a science to ensure everyone a great and safe party time. The panel sessions are also very educational and entertaining. This year I went to a panel on 'What are the EPAimplications on the death of Godzilla?" What a hoot! The panel had a consultant from one of the Godzilla movies, the convention's Science Guest of Honor and even a representative from the EPA. The discussion on what do with the remains of the radioactive monster made me a bit nervous as I thought some in the audience were serious. The poor guy from the EPAtried to do everything he could to give his answers with a straight face. The kicker was the Science Guest of Honor whose science fact and fiction responses were delivered with rapid fire british wit. Needless to say I was very well entertained for the hour or so of the panel discussion. There are panel times set for filking, a whole series of How To sessions from writing to making costumes, but one that brought both together was the costume contest or aptly named Masquerade. This is another must see event because it is so much more. At the fan run conventions that I've been to which include but are not limited to Marcon, InConJunction, and Conglomeration, comedic skits and music are often included to spotlight the creativity and workmanship of the costumes. At the Marcon Masquerade this year they included some filking by some of the greats in business that kept us well entertained while the judges decided on the winners. If you've never been there are many award categories which is probably why it takes so long as the awards can be as creative as the costumes! In my book they are all winners for having the nerve to dress up in some of the craziest outfits I've ever seen and parade in front of hundreds of other science fiction fans. Gaming and fan tables were plentiful. I personally am not a big gamer anymore, but fan run cons are great if you are! Marcon had space available about the size of at least two regulation NBA basketball courts, and on top of that a good size room full of computer based games for all to play. Fan tables were everywhere for your ship to set up and get new members. ADM Andy Sams Chief of Operations Starfleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( PAGE: 0191 ) B.lO & .lohn Trimble ~ Bio and John Trimble It was absolutely wonderlul to meet Bjo Trimble and her husband John. If you don't know who they were either you have your head buried in Star Trek sand or you're just too young. OUCH! Am I that old? Bjo was instrumental in flat out saving Star Trek. She and a close nit group of Trekkers did a letter writing campaign that pushed the Original Star Trek series to its "magical" third season. Why is this important? Well if it didn't make it a third season it wouldn't qualify for syndication which we all know is what kept Trek going on into cartoons, conventions and then into the movies which ..... Well you know 4 more series shows and 10 movies! Take that Star Wars! *#$%&! Just kidding! Bjo and John were 'Fan Guests of Honor' at Marcon 39 this year and they were by far the best ones I've ever seen at any convention I've been to yet. She talked of those early days, but also told us of stories of visiting all the series sets! She has in essence been our voice and Paramount's eyes and ears for Trek fandom. Her fondest memory was of the last episode of Deep Space 9. She and her family, one in a wheel chair, were invited in to the rarest of opportunities to witness the taping of the series finale. The cast and staff ensured that they got the best vantage points to see each scene and joined them for lunch and stayed with them all the way into the night when they finally finished shooting. She even saw the saddest part of the day when they started taking down the set for the Promenade. If you ever see the opportunity to go to a convention where she is in attendance it is a must see! Bjo and John Trimble were approached by ADM Lillian Sams to be SFC Honorary Captains and they eagerly accepted! ADM Andy Sams Chief of Operations Starlleet Command, Ql [email protected] ( I PAGE: 020 ) Name: Address: l _ Clty: State: Phone:L--J E-Mail: Blrthdate: __ / __ / Zip Code: _ Dlvlslon: _ (Division options: Communications, Engineering, Medical, Operations, Science, Security, Marines, or Command) Recruited by: _ Family members are defined as those individuals residing at the same address. Individuals no longer residing at the membership address, must obtain separate renewals. Annual Initial Membership Pledge Individual Member $15.00 Household of 2 $24.00 Household of 3 or more $30.00 (Maximum family membership $30.00) 2 Year Initial Membership Individual Member Household of 2 Household of 3 or more Pledge $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 Annual Pledge Renewal Individual Member $12.00 Household of 2 $20.00 Household of 3 or more $24.00 (Maximum family membership $24.00) 2 Year Extended Renewal Individual Member Household of 2 Household of 3 or more $22.00 $35.00 $42.00 5 Year Renewal Individual Member Household of 2 Household of 3 or more $50.00 $80.00 $95.00 10 Year Renewal Individual Member Household of 2 Household of 3 or more $100.00 $160.00 $190.00 SEND TD: Starfleet Command P.D. Box 33565 Indianapolis,IN 462D3-D565 [Make checks payable tooStoarfleeto Command] ( )
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