Presentation of Novikombank
Presentation of Novikombank
Presentation July 2016 2 Contents 1.Highlights 2.Ratings & Rankings 3.Shareholders 4.Board of Directors 5.Management Board 6.Principles & Services 7.NOVIKOMBANK increases assets 8.Financials 9.Assets & Liabilities Structure 10.Corporate Business 11.International Business 12.Cooperation with State Export Credit Agencies of the CIS countries 13.Fund Raising Program 14.International Lending: Syndicated Term Loan Facility 15.Money Market and Capital Market Activity 16.Program of Comprehensive Services for FIs of Russia and CIS 17.Contacts 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-15 16-18 19 20-21 22 23 3 Highlights Established in 1993. Key focus — financing of the real sector of the Russian economy In April 2016 the Rostec’s share was raised to 74,23% and in June 2016 it is planned to grow up to 100% Core customer base — leading enterprises of heavy-machinery, automobile, high-technology industries, aviation and many others 34th among Russian Banks by assets as of 01.04.2016 Assets — USD 4,2 bln, Capital – USD 640 mln as of January 1, 2016 (in acc. with RAS) Asset growth — 15% in 2015 (in acc. with RAS) Profit – USD 37,5 mln. as of January 1, 2016 (in acc. with RAS) Moody‘s: long term B2 rating Fitch: Long term B— rating Current regional network of branches: Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Togliatti Additional Offices: Zentralniy, Zhukovski, Samara, Taganrog. Operational offices in Kazan, Tula IFRS accounts audited by Ernst and Young NOVIKOMBANK is one of the core banks for the Eurasian Economic Union and the CIS 4 Ratings & Rankings International Rating by Fitch January 2016 Individual credit rating--------------------------- B— International Rating by Moody’s November 2015 Individual credit rating----------------------------- B2 36th among Russian Banks in terms of assets as of April 1st, 2016 (by Interfax) 34th among Russian Banks in terms of assets as of April 1st, 2016 (by RusRating) 34th among Russian Banks in terms of net profit as of April 1st, 2016 (by National Rating Agency) NOVIKOMBANK entered the TOP-10 of most dynamically growing Russian banks in terms of asset growth according to THE BANKER. Since 2010 NOVIKOMBANK’s assets have grown more than 3.5 times NOVIKOMBANK’s Assets and Capital (USD mln, RAS) Assets Capital 5215 4300 4224 4200 3100 2020 241 YE2010 304 YE2011 519 YE2012 616 YE2013 513 YE2014 640 YE2015 (*) Assets and capital decrease in USD equivalent is caused by significant currency rate changes as of YE2014 and as of YE2015 5 Shareholders The major shareholder of NOVIKOMBANK is the Group of State Corporation Rostec. Rostec considers the Bank as one of the most important assets. On April 29th, 2016 share of Rostec in capital of the Bank increased to 74.23%. Agreements for increasing share of Rostec in the Bank’s authorised capital to 100% have been concluded and will become effective upon receipt of FAS and Bank of Russia consent in June, 2016. LLC MEGASPECSTROY 8,38% LLC PULSAR 8,23% LLC GRAVILAT 8,11% LLC SEVER ATLANT 1,05% GROUP OF STATE CORPORATION ROSTEC 74,23% 6 Board of Directors Andrey Kondratyev Deputy CEO – CFO, Group of State Corporation Rostec Vladimir Artyakov First Deputy CEO, State Corporation Rostec Boris Aleshin Advisor to the President on Science and Technology, United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Elena Georgieva Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Board of Directors, JSCB NOVIKOMBANK Ilya Gubin Member of the Board of Directors, JSCB NOVIKOMBANK Igor Zavyalov Deputy CEO, State Corporation Rostec Sergey Vorobyev Head of Representative Office in Moscow, ITERA Oil and Gas Company Ltd Petr Fradkov CEO, JSC Russian Export Center 7 Management Board Elena Georgieva – Chairman of the Management Board In JSCB NOVIKOMBANK since 2016; In 1999 graduated from Russian State University for the Humanities with qualification in international economics; 2008—2013 – Deputy Head of investment projects, Head of the Department of investment projects, State Corporation Rostec; 2013—2016 – Head of Treasury Department, State Corporation Rostec; Since 2015 – Member of the Board of Directors, JSC FUNDSERVICEBANK. Elena Georgieva Chairman Anna Zvereva Deputy Chairman Konstantin Piskunov Deputy Chairman Alexey Denisov Deputy Chairman Valery Semenchenkov Deputy Chairman Pavel Loginov Deputy Chairman Tatyana Radchenko Chief Accountant 8 NOVIKOMBANK today: Principles & Services Provides a full range of high-quality reliable banking services to both corporate and private customers Focus on tailor-made services, partnership relations maintenance, efficient riskmanagement Banking Services For Corporate Clients Lending Syndicated Loan Facilities Service Settlement Center for Corporation Accounts & Payments FX & MM Operations Trade finance & Documentary Operations Financing of export from Russia under EXIAR coverage For Financial Institutions For Private Clients Consumer Lending FX & MM Operations Accounts & Payments Bank Cards Accounts & Payments Car Loans Mortgage Programs Settlements (Multicurrency Clearing) FX & MM Operations Syndicated Loan Facilities Financing of Russian and Belorussian export under EXIAR and Beleximgarant Coverage Trade Finance for Partner Banks Banknote Business Brokerage Services Accounts & Payments 9 NOVIKOMBANK increases assets Total assets of JSCB NOVIKOMBANK in 2015 increased by 24.6% and were equal to 297.8 billion rubles in accordance with IFRS. Asset growth is stipulated due to both development of the Bank and active investment policy of its shareholders. Group of State Corporation Rostec together with JSCB NOVIKOMBANK have been implementing a plan designed to enhance the Bank’s capitalization since the beginning of 2016. In particular: In January, there was additional share issue in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles; In April, financial contributions into capital in the total amount of 8 billion rubles were made in order to increase the Bank’s net assets; As a result of the ongoing additional issue of the Bank’s shares, its capital will be raised to around 20 billion rubles by conversion of subordinated loans; Upon the decision of the shareholder, a financial contribution in the amount of about 15 billion rubles will be made before September 2016. Thus, the total amount of investments of Group of State Corporation Rostec into the Bank will exceed 45 billion rubles. 10 Financials in accordance with IFRS USD mln * * * YE 2010 YE 2011 YE 2012 YE 2013 YE 2014 YE 2015 273 182 716 872 0.8 9 6 772 286 503 1 484 0.3 9 8 736 433 511 2 407 0.4 12 7 1 092 521 510 2 999 0.4 12 17 403 504 708 2 591 7 36 449 293 407 2 532 27 874 2 058 3 062 4 106 5 151 4 249 4 582 153 331 405 559 580 211 1 344 238 92 323 1 791 278 128 207 2 549 338 295 68 3 045 792 382 200 2 342 612 294 170 3 118 566 287 Other borrowed funds 9 5 2 - 2 418 Other liabilities Total liabilities 20 11 14 8 21 24 1 856 2 867 3 810 4 854 4 051 4 795 105 3 5 3 86 202 99 2 5 -2 91 195 119 43 6 (0.5) 12 117 297 111 40 6 -5 11 134 297 94 77 4 -67 6 83 198 81 67 4 -16 -349 -212 2 058 3 062 4 106 5 151 4 249 4 582 АSSETS Cash and cash equivalents Placements with banks and other financial institutions Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Loans to customers Investments in associated company Property and equipment Other assets Total assets LIABILITIES Deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions Amounts payable under repurchase agreements Current accounts and deposits from customers Debt securities issued Subordinated loans EQUITY Share capital Share premium Revaluation reserve for property and equipment Revaluation reserve for available-for-sale assets Gains on initial recognition of subordinated loans Retained earnings Total equity Total liabilities and equity * Decrease in USD equivalent is caused by significant currency rate changes as of YE2014 and as of YE2015 (i.e. USD/RUB CBR rate as of YE2013 = 32.6, as of YE2014 = 56.2, as of YE2015 = 65) A negative equity was caused by: 1. A negative impact of FUNDSERVICEBANK’s merger; 2. A bankruptcy of NOVIKOMBANK’s borrower TRANSAERO (8 bln. RUB); 3. A conservative provision’s policy of NOVIKOMBANK’s main shareholder. 11 Assets and Liabilities Structure (IFRS, as of 01.01.16) Assets Structure 1,9% 25,7% Equity and Liabilities Structure 1,77% 10,7% 6,27% 6,96% 12,35% 0,07% 4,54% 6,4% 18,39% 55,3% Cash Loans to banks and financial institutions Loans to customers Fixed income Other 49,66% Deposits received from the CBR Accounts and deposits from banks and other financial institutions Accounts and deposits from corporate customers Accounts and deposits from retail customers Capital Subordinated loan Debt securities issued Other 12 Corporate Business (IFRS, 01.01.2016) Loans to Corporate Customers (USD, bln) Loan Portfolio Structure by Industry 3,1 3,0 2,6 2,5 1,87% 1,21% 6,10% 1,6 3,60% 12,68% 8,67% 1,2 13,88% 8,11% 8,85% YE2010 YE2011 YE2012 YE2013 YE2014 (*) Decrease in the total amount of loans is caused by significant currency rate changes as of YE2014, YE2015 Loan Portfolio Structure 1,21% Retail loans 98,79% Corporate loans 15,55% 9,10% 10,37% YE2015 Trade Financial services Construction Aircraft industry Machine industry Metallurgy Services Scientific&Production Activity, Radio Electronics Agricultural industry Individuals Energy Production Others 13 International Business Cooperation with Financial Institutions Germany USA Austria Switzerland China France Czech-Republic India Turkey Sweden Denmark Norway Italy United Arab Emirates Egypt Singapore Japan 14 International Business Interleasing Ltd., Russia Medicus-Centre Ltd, Kazakhstan LC with ECA LC with PF EUR 8.2 mln RUB 17.7 mln Commerzbank AG NOVIKOMBANK Keller HCW GmBH, Germany OOO Medikal-Onko, Russia SKAT, Russia LC with post-financing EUR 2.53 mln Commerzbank AG, Deutsche Bank AG, BHF-Bank NACCO Materials, Scotland Volgo -Diesel Mamins LC with post-financing USD 10 mln BNP Paribas, Commerzbank AG, VTB Bank Shanghai, Deutsche Bank AG, BHF-Bank Beneficiaries from France, China, Germany Ravis LLC VSP - Leasing LC Loan Facility With ECA USD 0.3 mln USD 9.1 mln Commerzbank AG, Germany Wt Specialty Ingredients Sdn, Malaisia Oberbank, Austria Ingenia GmbH, Austria OOO VLADIMIRSKI LPK Kominvest-AKMT LC with post-financing With Sace cover SBLC USD 0.34 mln USD 0.6 mln UBI Banca Unicredit Bank AG, Germany BONGIOANNI S.R.L. Italy Doppstadt Cable, Germany OJSC«Avtovaz» LC OJSC ‘BYELORUSSIAN STEEL WORKS’ Belorussian Oil Company USD 1.3 mln LC 2 transactions Trade Related Loan Samsung C&T Corporation, Korea USD 7,5 mln Commerzbank AG USD 39 mln HOFFLAND ENVIRONMENTAL. INC TNK-BP, Russia Lukoil,Russia 15 International Business JSC Belshina, Belarus CJSC Belorussian Oil Company LC LC USD 40 mln EUR 8 mln RUE Production Association “Belorusneft”, Belorus JSC «TEHSTROI» LC with ECA USD 2.2 mln Commerzbank, Germany Siegfried Schumaher GmbH, Germany Thai Hua Rubber Pubilc Company Limited, Tailand Aston Martin Moscow Ltd., Russia LC with post-financing EUR 1.3 mln Commerzbank, Germany Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd., UK CHUP ASB Lizing, Belarus LC with post-financing USD 0,8 mln OOO ”Dar-Dar”, Tajikistan LC USD 0.28 mln BCP, Switzerland Commerzbank, Germany Zeppelin Int. AG, Switzerland China Meheco Corporation, China Elektrom LLC, Russia LC with PF Jsc mozyr oil Refinery, Belarus USD 5.45 mln LC VTB Shanghai Commerzbank AG EUR 30 mln Beneficiaries from China JSC TNK-BP, Russia 16 NOVIKOMBANK’s cooperation with Russian State Export Credit Agency EXIAR EXIAR: Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance Activities: Insurance of the export credits against business (commercial) and political risks for Russian exporters Insurance of Russian investments against political risks outside the Russian Federation Since 2012 NOVIKOMBANK has financed 43 deals for the total amount of USD 120 mln in cooperation with EXIAR. Main geographies are Republic of Belarus, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Tajikistan. The main advantages of cooperation with EXIAR for clients: EXIAR indemnifies for up to 95% of losses in case of political risk and up to 90% of losses in case of business (commercial) risk; Competitive interest rates for financing due to low level of risk for bank and possibility to refinance such deals in the Central Bank of Russia; Expansion of geography of export; Possibility to receive financing for insurance premium; Decreasing of collateral load. 17 NOVIKOMBANK’s cooperation with EXIAR JSC “MAGADAN MECHANICAL PLANT” LLC “GAZ-TRADE” Commercial vehicles GAZ GROUP USD 2.5 mln USD 430 thnd USD 2.5 mln Loan to importer Orien-Leasing LLC Loan to different importers Republic of Tajikistan Republic of Uzbekistan PJSC “UAZ” Group of Companies “Sodrugestvo” USD 1.2 mln Loans to different importers Loans to different importers Republic of Tajikistan Republic of Uzbekistan LLC "Russian Buses - GAZ Group“, Pavlovo branch LLC “TD Factory Proletarskaya sloboda” EUR 7.8 mln RUB 81 mln LLC “RUSAVTOPROM” Republic of Belarus RUB 34.5 mln LLC “RUSAVTOPROM” Republic of Belarus Loan to importer OJSC “BSW – Management company of “BMC” holding Republic of Belarus EUR 768 thnd OJSC “BORISOVDREV” Republic of Belarus 18 NOVIKOMBANK’s cooperation with EXIAR ENTECHMACH RPC LLC Trading house “KAMA” AVTOVAZ USD 62.7 mln EUR 1.6 mln Loan to importer BMZ-Belorussian Steel Works EUR 3 mln Loan to importer JSC DNIPROAZOT Loan to importer BOGDAN-AUTO Ukraine Ukraine USD 418.8 thnd AVTOSHIN KOMPLEKT Republic of Uzbekistan Republic of Belarus Moscow design bureau Compas OJSC “AUTODIZEL”, GAZ Group, RF RUB 74.5 mln Loan to importer BMZ-Belorussian Steel Works Republic of Belarus RUB 2 bln USD 10 mln Financing of reconstruction of naval aviation with groun testing training facility OJSC “MAZ” The project risks are covered by EXIAR Republic of Belarus 19 Fund Raising Program Internal market RUB Bonds of NOVIKOMBANK are included in the Lombard List of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation June 2015: RUB Bond Issue June 2015: RUB Bond Issue Borrower NOVIKOMBANK Borrower NOVIKOMBANK Amount Tenor Put option Maturity date Arrangers RUB 2 bln 3 years 12 months 19.06.2018 Gazprombank Bank ZENIT Otkritie FC Bank Sovcombank Amount Tenor Put option Maturity date Arrangers RUB 3 bln 5 years 12 months 12.06.2020 Gazprombank Bank ZENIT Otkritie FC Bank Sovcombank Since November 2010 Novikombank has been successful realizing Fund Raising Program. The total amount of the issued bonds is RUB 15 bln. There are currently 2 issues of bonds in circulation for the total nominal amount of RUB 5 bln. 20 NOVIKOMBANK - Leading Arranger of Syndicated Term Loan Facilities for the CIS Banks Provision of full range of syndicated loan arrangement services for the CIS banks; Participation as Investor in loans (both club and public) granted to the Russian and the CIS banks. Since 2010, NOVIKOMBANK has arranged syndicated loans for the Russian and CIS banks for the total amount of more than USD 2 bln. In 2015, NOVIKOMBANK became a Leader among Russian banks in arranging of syndicated loans for financial institutions of the CIS countries. On Investor’s side in 2015: 21 NOVIKOMBANK - Leading Arranger of Syndicated Term Loan Facilities for the CIS Banks On Investor’s side in 2014: 22 Money Market and Capital Market Activity 0.2% 64.9% Securities portfolio structure (as of 01.01.16) 12.0% 22.9% State bonds Proprietary securities portfolio (January 1, 2016) - USD 709 mln Corporate bonds Eurobonds Fixed income — 99.8% incl. securities from Lombard list — 96% Equities Equities — 0.2% Partners of NOVIKOMBANK Raiffeisen Bank AG Vnesheconombank Commerzbank AG Sberbank Commerzbank AO VTB Uralsib Zenit Loko-bank ICAP Avangard Metallinvestbank Alfa-Bank MDM Bank Globex bank Credit Suisse AG Unicreditbank Otkrytie Gazprombank Promsvyazbank 23 Program of Comprehensive Services for Financial Institutions “Bank for Banks” Creation of infrastructure for supporting clients’ interests in key regions; Creation of single settlements center for the banks from the CIS countries; NOVIKOMBANK is an active player on financial markets of Russia and CIS recognized on the interbank market: the number of partner banks exceeds 381 (as of 01.01.2016). Products for partner banks: Settlements Geography of interests on interbank market in the CIS and Baltic countries Uzbekistan 1% Kyrgyzstan 8% Money market products Banknote business Organization of export-import operations financing through documentary instruments for clients of partner banks Others 28% Belarus 20% Azerbaijan 3% Armenia 2% Kazakhstan 12% Organization of syndicated loans Full range of services on capital markets of Russia International Banking Club Tadzhikistan 15% Latvia 8% Moldova 3% Contact Information Head of International Business Division and Debt Financing Division Ms. Tatyana Dundukova Tel.:+7 (495) 974-71-87 ext. 602 / [email protected] JSCB NOVIKOMBANK 4/4 bld. 2, Yakimanskaya emb., Moscow, 119180, Russia Tel.:+7 (495) 974-71-87 Fax:+7 (499) 246-92-02
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