President`s Corner Al Potter
President`s Corner Al Potter
April/May 2015 YOUR PRIMARY VOICE ON LAKE ISSUES With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations. [email protected] (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA Al Hartley, Safety Wally Sayko Carol Warfel HALIFAX COUNTY, NC Jeff Dowhan Mozine Lowe MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA Bill Lindenmuth, Environment Al Potter, President NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC Clarence Drumgoole, Nomination, Lake Clean-Up Linda Hedgepeth Jack Saunders, Treasurer WARREN COUNTY, NC Don Carson Bill Heflin, Vice President Marketing & Membership Tony Moran, Secretary Ron Skow, Government Relations President’s Corner The LGA tries to be aware of and responsive to member's priorities. We strive for guest speakers at our monthly meetings which will interest you, the member. Sometimes we do well, other times it appears not so well. Recently we had the property assessors from Halifax and Northampton Counties, we had a good turnout. Our committees work on issues and problems identified as member priorities and we coordinate with other organizations and elected officials to voice your concerns and insure your concerns receive the correct weighted consideration. With over 1,800 members, we are a substantial proportion of the community. It is time once again to help us by telling us, your board of directors, what your interests and concerns are. Every three years since 2003 we have presented a survey for you to identify those areas of interest and concern. The top three items each year have been weeds, water quality and taxes, not always in the same ranked order. This year you once again need to tell us your thoughts and ideas for the direction of the association. And possibly identify emerging issues. The mission of this organization is to identify lake issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations. The board of directors are your neighbors and have most of the same concerns as you, but, we need your confirmation. The 2015 survey will be posted on our website by the end of April and a notification emailed to you with the link to the survey. For our members without email, you will receive a copy of the survey via US mail. The 2012 survey listed lake water quality as the number one ranked issue, followed by taxes. Our 2009 survey indicated taxes as first and weed control second. An issue recently receiving attention is a new ranking for primary education facilities in NC. The local NC counties in our lake area are not rated well in the state, bottom ten percent in quality and student achievement. Perhaps the education issue should move up our priority list, what do you think? In May, our monthly meeting will welcome the Presidents from three of our local community colleges as guest speakers. Our board of directors are a great group of people committed to and willing to work for the betterment of our local community. Our executive director works tirelessly for the Lake Gaston Association. We need your help in setting the agenda and if you can commit time and effort , to come and join us as a director. Complete and submit your survey today, volunteer and become involved with us tomorrow. Al Potter Page 2 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Volunteers needed for two Environment Committee projects There are two events coming up in the next few months that we must be prepared to handle. The LGA has been the lead organization for these in the past, and this year will be a major effort from all of our valuable volunteers. We will need your support during the summer months … 1. Lake Gaston ReVegetation: We will be coordinating with NC Wildlife with this project. The focus will be to move the native vegetation process from one that is research based to an operational one. This will include expanding the exclosures at the Flats, Poplar Creek and other locations. We will most likely have to farm the plants from existing locations and complement those with purchased ones. We expect this to take place over several days in June and July. We will be building wire exclosures, harvesting plants and planting them. You would plan on spending a number of hours in the water about waste deep. Please contact Wally Sayko ([email protected]) if you wish to participate and what physically you would be able to do. 2. Fall Lake Gaston Survey: This year Bruce Johnson will coordinate this event beginning in Sept and through Oct. He will work with the NC State Extension person assigned to Lake Gaston. We would like to have about 50 volunteers to complete this assignment, and the area we are always short on people is the segment above Poplar Creek. So if you live anywhere from buoy 14 to the Kerr Dam then we need you. But any place you live I am sure Bruce can work out an area to be surveyed. Please respond to a communication to be published at a later date for volunteer support. The good news is that Jack Saunders is working to get us updated equipment to utilize to capture our data. Thanks to the LGA for funding this upgrade. We look forward to your participation. Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected] Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks Display Saturday, July 4, 2015 The Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks display is Saturday, July 4 (rain date July 5) at dark, at Eaton Ferry Bridge. It’s an event that draws boats from east and west of the bridge by the hundreds. And depending on your preference for the best spot, you may leave home early enough to be up by the bridge. It’s definitely an experience – watching the fireworks from a boat, and to see the amount of boats that turn out for the event. You may not realize that Longbridge Volunteer Fire Department organizes this event and that they rely on donations to fund the fireworks display. Donations can be made any time of the year. Checks should be mailed to Longbridge VFD, 1678 Eatons Ferry Road, Littleton NC 27850, Memo: Fireworks. For more information you can contact Robert Haislip (252) 532-3543 or Bruce Dunlevy (252) 532-5225. LGA Monthly Committee Meetings: Committee Meeting Day Time Location Public Safety 2 Friday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Government Relations 3 Tuesday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Environment 3rd Wednesday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Marketing & Membership 3rd Thursday 8:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** Lake Clean-Up Last Wednesday 10:30 am Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill ** nd rd ** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 3 Government Relations Committee update The Government Relations Committee continued to support the membership on issues pertaining to local, state and federal government activities. County budget letters have been prepared and delivered to four of the county Boards of Commissioners/ Supervisors pertaining to their budget planning for FY 2015-2016. The final letter is scheduled for delivery to the Mecklenburg Board of Supervisors in April. These letters are tailored to the needs of the members of each county and are delivered in person by a LGA Director. Annual Five County Forum was held on March 19 at the Lake Gaston Lions Club. Each of the five counties sent representatives. The agenda included presentations and discussions on Noxious Weed Control, Hazardous Materials Collection, Abandoned Trailers, 2015 Lake Clean-Up Day, Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce and Property Taxes. Members and the public attended. Minutes from the meeting were emailed to the participants subsequent to the meeting. Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected]. Safety Committee’s upcoming Community projects The Home Fire Safety Awareness event sponsored by the Lake Gaston Association Safety Committee in February in concert with participating hardware/home improvement stores, to encourage area citizens to check/install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors was a “qualified success”. Then since the detectors had nothing to do with ice removal, sales waned quickly. The Committee has decided to sponsor another event in the Fall to coincide with the time change back to standard time. The Second Community Paper Shred will be held April 25. The collection will be accomplished in the lower parking area at the Roanoke-Wildwood Volunteer Fire Department at 790 Lizard Creek Rd. Items to be shredded can include any old paper records; staples and paper clips need not be removed. No three ring binders. The collection will commence at 9:15 a.m. and end at 11:45 a.m. We can accept any amounts that can be processed in the time period; the truck mounted shredder consumes about 10 book boxes/cases of paper every 8 minutes. People can stand and watch while the paper is shredded. The shredding is professional grade and is the same level of shredding contracted by banking institutions. Last bulletin, the Safety Committee recommended regular chimney inspections and cleaning to avoid chimney fires which can result in a major house fire. Many households use wood burning stoves as either the primary or supplemental home heating source in the winter. With the warming weather, use of wood burning stoves will soon diminish and both wood and electrical costs will decline for several months. It might be of great benefit to take money not used for fuel or energy and to get the chimney cleaned for the next season in advance. The Committee is still pursuing sponsorship of drives to collect “hazardous” liquids which should not be placed in normal garbage including paints, solvents, poisons, fertilizers, flammables including “old” gasoline; fluorescent lights and lights with mercury; and means to collect expired pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter (OTC) medications. One other item we had not considered before is safe disposal of unused/old ammunition. Because there was not a consistent approach to handling these materials between the counties, the Committee decided we would propose the collection of such materials as a subject for the Five County Forum. Brunswick County has a very good arrangement with the company Clean Harbors allowing the county to hold periodic Household Hazardous Waste Collection events at no additional cost to the county. The other counties do not have this asset. Efforts are being made to identify what companies and costs could be discussed with the officials at the Five County Forum. Two inquiries have been made to the NC Attorney General’s Office regarding its program for pharmaceutical drops. The only County around the lake with a continuous drop point is Halifax at its Sheriff’s Office in Halifax, NC. There is data available to recommend alternatives to hazardous chemicals for many purposes around the home. Some of these will be published on the website and in later bulletins this year. Monthly Public Safety Committee meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected] Page 4 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Lake Clean-Up planning continues The Lake Clean-Up Committee continues to work on plans that will make our Fifth Annual Take Pride in Lake Gaston Lake Clean-Up event on May 30th the most participated in event ever. We need your help! There are many ways to join this effort. If you own waterfront property, clean along your shoreline. Consider cleaning along your subdivision shoreline as an individual or neighborhood activity. You can cover a lot of ground in a canoe or kayak. Many communities schedule their own clean-up activities in the Spring, join them. Keep a trash bag in your boat and pick up debris you spot while cruising. If you are really proud of the Lake and would like to clean up an untended stretch of shoreline, contact the Clean-Up Committee. We can direct you to areas that could use some support. Please let us know if you are planning to participate in this year’s Lake Clean-Up – it doesn’t have to be on May 30 – if it’s more convenient for you to participate at an earlier date, or even at a later date, your efforts will still be counted. Trash bags are available for individuals and groups at the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Trash bags will also be available the day of the event at the two staffed dumpster sites. (We've had them at our May LGA monthly meeting too) Two staffed dumpster sites for this event will be at Washburn’s Marina and Morningstar Marina. Volunteers will be on hand at these sites from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to assist you as necessary. (You can also take it to your local convenience center if it's closer.) Please take pictures and let us know how much trash you collected in support of the Clean-Up Day. The Lake Clean-Up Day gets great support from many organizations: The Lake Gaston Striper Club collects trash from several of our islands. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is on the water in case of emergency. We also get support from Dominion, the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, the FABS, many subdivisions/ Home Owners Associations and area Correction Facilities. Third year of the Continual Clean-up program is underway Consistent feedback we have received from our previous events is that more needs to be done throughout the year to keep our area free of litter and debris, especially along our main thoroughfares. Last year, the Committee instituted a new program to do just that. We are asking businesses along Lizard Creek/Eaton Ferry Road to keep the areas in front of and alongside their storefronts free of litter. So far, Food Lion, Lake Gaston Storage, Mary Sherwood Lake Living, Pit Stop, Sunset Realty, Wildwood Nursery, Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer, and Ace Hardware of Lake Gaston have signed up to participate. Others are expected to join the effort soon. Look for a Certificate of Participation displayed by each business. If you don’t see one, ask them to join the effort. We expect to expand this effort along other major lake roads in the upcoming months. Monthly Lake Cleanup Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. The meeting is open to everyone and we encourage you to bring your ideas on making this the biggest Lake Clean-up event ever. Contact us at [email protected]. Lake Gaston water level change - Fish Spawning season 1 thru June 15 Effective March 1 Dominion is operating under fish spawning operations. This means that Lake Gaston can be raised an extra foot (199-201 feet) to provide storage in support of spawning flows as necessary. Dominion has stated that they don’t expect to raise the water level much more than a couple inches over 200 feet. Nevertheless, experience has taught us to be prepared. We know that once we get above 200 feet we begin to encroach on many of our docks. You are reminded to make sure that any items that are on your docks are securely tied down including canoes and paddle boats. Items sitting on the floor of boat house sheds should be moved up to prevent the possibility of water damage. Boats in docks should be securely tied and boats in lifts should be raised and tied. Dominion will operate under spawning conditions until June 15. If you have questions, email [email protected] . Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Contact them at [email protected] April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 5 News from the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council !! ATTENTION !! Lake Gaston Homeowner Associations Many of you have these signs in your subdivisions at your boat ramps or near your public areas. They are in need of updating with new/changed information. Please contact Jack Saunders at (252) 578-5780 or [email protected] to arrange an exchange for an updated sign ATTENTION Are YOUR CHILDREN SAFE ON THE WATER? U. S. Coast Guard Regulations require persons under 13 years of age wear life jackets on boats underway. Life Jackets for Children must be the Proper Size by weight. Life jackets in children’s sizes are available for loan at these locations: • Americamps Bracey, VA • Holly Grove Marina • Poplar Pointe Marine • The Club Gasburg, VA • Washburn’s Marina Henrico, NC • Sherwood Forest • Morningside Marina Littleton, NC • Outdoor World • Stonehouse Timber Lodge NC & VA BOATER SAFETY TRAINING LAWS IN EFFECT ALL BOAT AND PWC OPERATORS Both States require PWC operators ages 14 to 16 to possess a Certificate of boater safety training with valid ID North Carolina – Any person born after January 1, 1988 must complete a NASBLA approved boating education course before operating any vessel propelled by a motor of 10 HP or greater. Virginia - Requires a certificate of boater safety training : For All Ages to Operate a PWC Effective July 1, 2012 To Operate a Motorized Vessel with greater than 10hp – Age 50 or younger, effective – 1 July 2015 All Ages – 1 July 2016 Approved Life Jackets must be worn at all times when occupying a PWC Approved Boating Safety Courses to test for certificates are available from the NASBLA, US Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. For On-Line boater safety training certification courses info Please visit Courtesy of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council Life Jackets Float People Don’t Provided courtesy of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s 2015 Safety Trailer Schedule Date Event Location May 2nd May 16th May 17th May 23th May 30th June 6th June 13th June 20th June 27th July 11th Aug 1st Aug 8th Sept 5th Children’s Miracle Network Nat'l Safe Boating Week Nat'l Safe Boating Week Battle of the BBQ Poplar Pointe Marina NC Boat Brokers Sherwood Forest Lake Gaston Resort AFWake Big Air Fair Americamps Outdoor World The Crossing Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival LGRCofC/The Corner Lot Washburn's Marina Morningstar Marina Lake Gaston Lions Club Poplar Creek bridge/Hwy 903 Henrico Henrico Gasburg South Shore Realty Bracey Littleton Watersview area Littleton Page 6 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2015 Training Dates April 11, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, & September 19 America's Boating Safety Courseis an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth as well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina. Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating Course. Phase 7 begins 1 July 2015. All PWC Operators regardless of age, and Motor Boat Operators 50 years of age or younger operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater, must meet these requirements by 1 July 2015. North Carolina Law New North Carolina law requires that all PWC and Motor Boat Operators who were born after 1 January 1988 have proof of taking a Boating Course, if they are operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater. The fee for the course is $30. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Courses are taught at the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, 1/4 mile west of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from 8:30am to 5:00pm, with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. It is a busy day - but rewarding. Remember – Preregistration and Prepayment are required. For more information on these classes, or to register, please contact the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce, 2475 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850. Phone (252) 586-5711. Email: [email protected] On-line courses & Classroom by NC Wildlife & VADGIF: For North Carolina Boating Safety course options go to For Virginia Boating Safety course options go to Free Vessel Safety Check Flotilla 93 will perform a free Vessel Safety Check on your boat at your home. The boat can be in the boat lift or on a trailer and does not need to be running. To receive a free safety check, call Tom Van Petten at (252) 586-5853. Now is the time to get your boat checked as the boating season begins. Flotilla 93 will also provide a Vessel Examiner at your Home Owners Association Meeting to inspect boats after your business meeting. Call Tom Van Petten. In addition Flotilla 93 will conduct vessel safety checks 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Morning Star Marina on the following dates: April 25, May 24, June 27, July 25, Aug 29, and Sep 29 Need a Children’s Loaner Life Jacket? The PERFECT solution when guests show up and you don’t have children’s life jackets of the correct size for all of them. The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s FREE loaner program makes children’s sizes available at the following locations: Bracey, VA Holly Grove Marina (434) 636-3455 Poplar Pointe Marine (434) 636-2175 Americamps (434) 636-2668 Gasburg, VA The Club (434) 577-2935 Henrico, NC Washburn’s Marina (252) 537-1335 Sherwood Forest (252) 537-2526 Littleton, NC Morningstar Marina (252) 586-4661 Outdoor World (252) 586-4121 Stonehouse Timber Lodge (252) 586-3012 April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 7 From the Desk of the Executive Director Since our last Bulletin our weather has been even more changeable at the lake. We recently had 8 inches of snow and less than two days later it was 70 o! I still had a backyard of snow at that temperature. Not to forget cars covered in ice – on another occasion. Brrr!! For those of our members who like to plan a vacation at the lake around July 4th, you’ll see an article on the Annual Fireworks Display at Eaton’s Ferry Bridge. Fireworks are set for Saturday, July 4th. It’s been awhile since the display has been on a Saturday. rain date is the following. See the article on page 2 for details. You probably noticed that in Al Potter’s President’s Corner he mentioned that our membership stands at over 1,800. If you saw our February/March 2015 Bulletin, you would have noticed that when we went to press which was before the end of January our membership total stood at 2,007. The reason for the drop in totals is that on January 31st our renewal grace period ends which means on February 1st all members paid thru December 31, 2015 and beyond are members in good standing. As our members renew for 2015 their membership services are restored. If you haven’t shared your email address with us and you do have an email address, you may want to consider putting in your membership record. We promise to keep it confidential. In between the Bulletins you are receiving via US mail every other month, we do send out about three emails a month on information that cannot wait until the next Bulletin, such as pending high water levels, alerts regarding “hot” issues (tax debates, area insurance rate hikes, safety issues, etc.) Just email me at [email protected] I’ll add your email address to your membership record and you’ll then get emails and the interactive online version of the Bulletin. From time to time a member will ask us to include an additional email address in their membership record. At this time our database membership record has a field that only takes one email address. You are probably saying, why don’t you make the field take two email addresses? Well, our total membership email address list is currently at 1,527 and growing as new members come in which is a large list to distribute an email to at one email per membership record of those members that have an email address. So, at this time we have to keep to one email address per membership record. Whenever I receive a member request to add their spouse’s email address as well, my response is to suggest that they forward the email they received from the LGA to their spouse. Or, I can change the email address to their email address and they do the forwarding. I recently found out that another alternative can be, and this may vary by internet carrier providing your email service, is that under rules, you could say that, on the subject line if it says LGA: automatically forward it to the 2nd email address you want to have receive LGA emails. (With all emails from us the subject line starts with LGA: and then the subject) As you know we are trying to grow our membership numbers and the more members we have the bigger our email list will grow with just one email address per household/business. We are looking at alternatives but we definitely want to avoid having to break up the membership distribution list into smaller sections which would entail sending the same email multiple times using many email lists to get the email to all of our members. You’ve probably read in this issue about the upcoming Community Projects that the Safety Committee is organizing and I can’t wait to get another batch of papers from my home to the shredding machine on April 25th. I was there last year and it’s amazing how the shredder devours everything you feed it. Tell your family friends, organizations you belong to that it’s a great free service and their documents will get shredded on the spot. See the full article with the details on page 3. Moira A few good men and women needed! The LGA currently has 14 directors, and we are now in need of eleven more directors to give us five directors for each county because in June 2014 three directors came off the Board having completed their terms. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. How do you know if being an LGA director is for you? First step - try us. Get involved in a couple of our committees. Choose from Environment, Government Relations, Lake Clean-Up, Public Safety or Marketing & Membership. Check the meeting grid in the Bulletin for when they meet. All LGA directors are asked to serve on two committees because that’s where all the work is done. Directors are currently needed in Brunswick (2 vacancies), Halifax (3), Mecklenburg (3), Northampton (2) and Warren counties (1). Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, [email protected] . Page 8 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Bird Deaths Associated with Hydrilla Lakes The impacts of hydrilla and other invasive species are many, as many of you with the LGA have become aware over the past years, but recent research has shed light on the potentially "deadly" impact of such aquatic plants. That’s right folks, I said deadly. In 1995, researchers noticed the sudden isolated deaths of various birds including the bald eagle around a small lake in Arkansas. Although unknown at the time, the cause was Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM), a neurological disease that affects mainly birds and their predators. I have discussed AVM on various occasions, but this article is meant to go into a little more depth for those who are interested. AVM primarily affects American Coots and Bald Eagles in the Southeastern United States. The disease often causes birds to display neurological impairment including difficulty swimming, flying and a loss of the ability to "right" themselves. Birds often see rapid progression of the disease from the first symptoms to ultimate death in less than a week. Other than the obvious strange nature of affected birds, there are no other visible signs to the disease. Only microscopic investigation of the affected animals will reveal the true culprit (AVM) where lesions in the animals brain are a tell-tale sign. AVM has since found its way into four other states including Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina and to date is responsible for the death of over 100 bald eagles and thousands of coots. (Two locations in North Carolina – 1 in Raleigh, 1 in the Southern Pines area.) So where exactly did this mystery disease come from? Could it be a man-made compound or a natural occurrence? Well researchers have ruled out any possibility of man-made compounds as the site specific, seasonal occurrence (late fall-winter) and rapid onset of the disease suggests actual environmental causes. Lab and field studies have determined that the cause is actually a toxin produced by a previously unknown cyanobacterium. The potentially deadly epiphytic (attached to plants) cyanobacteria is ingested when waterbirds like coots consume large amounts of vegetation. As coots begin to show symptoms of the disease, predatory birds like the bald eagle discover the easy meal and thus contract the disease themselves. So what does hydrilla have to do with such a horrific disease? Well, researchers have shown that AVM only exists in water bodies with dense populations of invasive submersed plant species, mainly hydrilla. The toxin actually accumulates in such plants, which is the direct pathway to affected birds. Large amounts of submersed vegetation common in hydrilla infested lakes present a real threat to waterfowl and predatory birds in the southeast. While the disease has only been shown fatal in birds, it also has produced lesions in fish and turtles which feed on the submersed plants. Herbivorous fish like the grass carp have developed lesions in both lab and field studies. Turtles in lab trials which fed on hydrilla with the cyanobacteria showed the same neurological impairments seen in birds. So far no mammals have been affected by the disease but the potential for public health concern is still very real until more tests can be completed. Currently, one of the only management strategies to reduce AVM is to control invasive aquatic plant species like hydrilla on which the toxin producing algae makes it's home. Lakes like Lake Gaston, with such large amounts of hydrilla, could be at great risk for the disease in the future. While impacts of invasive plant species are not often associated with life and death, the discovery of AVM and its causes proves to be one of which we should pay close attention. NC State is working with Dr. Susan Wilde at the University of Georgia in collecting samples to look for any sign of the toxic cyanobacteria. If you see strange behavior exhibited by waterfowl or other birds on the lake, please contact NC Wildlife Resources or NC State University at [email protected] . Need to know who are your Government Elected Officials Lake Gaston NC & Lake Gaston VA US, State and County LGA Government Relations Committee keeps this page on our website updated for you. (It’s the best kept secret under Committees, Government Relations. Check out who represents you at the lake and email them direct from our website. Telephone #s are listed as well. Use the link above to check out this information. You can also get to the County websites from the same page.) April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 9 April 1, 2015 - LGA monthly meeting 9:30 a.m. at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church (1 mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge on Hwy 903) Guest Speakers: Jim Thornton, Technical Consultant & Will Miller Reservoir Supervisor both from Dominion Generation. Topic: Overview of the results of the 2014 Gaston-Roanoke Rapids 6-year recreation survey project; the 5-year review of the Lake Gaston Shoreline Management Plan is underway and what that entails; fishery management; and hear questions or concerns from the LGA board and members/guests. Q&A will follow. Also: Got a lake-related issue or concern that the LGA should be working on? There will be time allotted on the agenda to present those concerns to the LGA Board. And, catch up with what the Committees are working on. The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so gather up your neighbors and come join the LGA for an informative meeting. For more information contact [email protected] or call (252) 586-6577 or toll free 1-888-586-6577. Make a date to join us on April 1 A Message From the Nominating Committee The Nominating committee will be nominating the following individuals for terms as Directors of the Lake Gaston Association at the annual meeting in June: Brunswick: John Cataldo as a 1st term director Halifax: Mozine Lowe & Jeff Dowhan as 1st term directors Northampton: Jack Saunders as a 1st term director Warren: Don Carson as a 1st term director Additional names of candidates may be nominated by petition bearing the genuine signatures of a least 15 members in good standing. Petitions must reach the chairman of the Nominating Committee by June 4. Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, [email protected] . There are also other Director vacancies in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton, and Warren counties. LGA Annual Meeting Set for Saturday, June 13 You are invited to attend the LGA’s annual meeting which will be held on Saturday, June 13 at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church on Hwy 903, 1 mile north of Eaton’s Ferry Bridge. Refreshments and sign in will start at 9:30 a.m. with meeting commencing at 10 a.m. Meeting will conclude by noon. Special Presentations at Annual Meeting We plan to allow time during the meeting for comments from those present at the meeting, i.e. questions, observations about lake activities, suggestions for LGA involvement or lack of involvement in lake issues, etc. However, if any member would like to make a special presentation they must notify the LGA by June 2, 2015. This notification must be submitted in writing, stating the topic of the presentation to Bill Heflin, 117 Hickory Point, Littleton, NC 27850 or [email protected]. This is required by the LGA By-Laws and helps in developing the meeting agenda and allocating time for the meeting. LGA welcomes 3 new businesses Mike Dotti, Assoc. Broker, Long & Foster at Lake Gaston; Tom King – Builder; Lake Gastronomy Membership Goal: 2,500 Current Members: 1,821 (Households: 1,730 / Businesses: 91 Page 10 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN 2014 LGA Financial Review Letter April/May 2015 January 27,2015 Al Potter President, Lake Gaston Association P.O. Box 656 Littleton, NC 27850 Al: As requested in Jack Sanders January 8, 2015 e-mail, a review of the Association's financial records for the fiscal year January 1 through December 31,2014 was accomplished on January 27,2015. Our review included an examination of accounts maintained by the Association, bank statements, receipts, expenditures, accounting procedures and associated records and reports. The Association Treasurer, Jack Saunders, arranged for us to meet at his home to complete the review, and had all appropriate records available. All appeared to be in order with zero finding. During the review, Jack indicated that on a regular basis, he is backing up the records using a thumb drive. As in the past and again still holds true, Jack is doing an outstanding job in maintaining the Association' s financial records. Sincerely, LGA Financial Review Committee Calendar notes … Apr 1 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 Apr 1 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 Apr 4 – “Natures Invaders,” 2 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Apr 9 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 Apr 11 – Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. – 11 a.m., Littleton Lions Den, Ransom St. (252) 586-5959 Apr 14 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 Apr 17,18,19*,24,25,26* - “Smoke on the Mountain” (Musical) 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 Apr 24 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 Apr 25 – 2nd Community Paper Shred, 9:15 – 11:45 a.m., Roanoke-Wildwood VFD (252) 586-6577 Apr 25 – “Medoc Mtn Star Party,” 2 p.m. Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588 Apr 29 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 May 1 – John 3:16 Annual Golf Competition Lake Gaston Golf Club, sign-up/more info (252) 586-1800 May 2 – Ham Dinner Roanoke-Wildwood VFD, 790 Lizard Creek Rd. (252) 586-7811 May 2,3*,8,9,10* - “25th Annual Putnam Co. Spelling Bee” 8 p.m., *2:30 p.m. Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170 May 6 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 May 6 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112 May 8,9 – “Renaissance Feaste” 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 May 9 - Second Saturday Hike, 9 a.m., Roanoke Canal Museum Trail (252) 537-2769 May 12 -Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091 May 14 - Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228 May 22 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268 May 22,23,24*,29,30 – “Girls Night Out,” 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124 May 27 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705 May 30 – 5th Annual Lake Clean-up Day, Lake Gaston (252) 586-6577 July 4 – Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks, at dark, Eaton Ferry Bridge (252) 532-3543 Medoc Mountain State Park website (Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link) April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members ... Visit their websites at Page 11 Page 12 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Business Members Continued... Visit their websites at [email protected] St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 31 Ebony Road, Ebony, VA 23845 Pastor: Rev. Anthony Mpungu Rectory: 434.636.7782 Office: 434.636.6277 Masses: Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am PEGGY LIGHT, MANAGER LAKE GASTON CAMPGROUND 561 FLEMING DAIRY ROAD, LITTLETON, NC 27850 PHONE: (252) 586-4121 FAX: (252) 586-5704 April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at ~ featuring ~ Cabinetry, Countertops, Hardware and Fixtures 252.529.4668 Page 13 Page 14 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at Jim Moye More Than Just A Pet Cremation Service David Boswell (252) 537-6144 Office (252) 537-6953 Fax P.O. Box 698 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued... Visit their websites at C-Line graphics Custom Design anD Printing PO Box 7 • 4446 Christanna Highway Valentines, Virginia 23887 434.577.9289 • 800.833.8430 Email: [email protected] Page 15 Page 16 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at 1591 NC HWY 903 LITTLETON, NC 27850 Futrell Pharmacy of Littleton 250 Smith Church Road • Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 535-8011 • 123 East South Main Street, Littleton, NC 27850 Pharmacist: Mike Jackson Hours: Mon - Fri 9:30 - 5:30, Sat 9:30 - noon 252-586-3414 “Your Community Pharmacy” April/May 2015 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at LINDA HEDGEPETH ABR,SFR,CSSS,SMMC REALTOR® / BROKER ASSOCIATE (757) 635-7388 CELL (252) 586-2470 BUSINESS (252) 586-4314 FAX 2457 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850 [email protected] DAVID WILLIAMS OWNER & PRESIDENT Mon-Wed 8 am - 5 pm • Thurs 7 am -3 pm Page 17 Page 18 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Business Members Continued ... Visit their websites at L AkeLAND T heATre C OMPANy & C uLTurAL C eNTer 252-586-3124 411 Mosby Avenue 252-586-5577 P.O. Drawer 130 1-800-330-0574 Littleton, NC 27850 [email protected] www.lakelandtheatr 7:30 am - 5:00 pm M-F • SAT. 7:30 am til noon Page 19 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Visit their websites at Business Members Continued... LGA APPLICATION Renewal E-Mail Change Full-time Lot only Part-time Business $50 Dues are for Calendar Year (January-December) PLEASE INDICATE: New Member Address Change PAYMENT FOR (Select one): $20 Sponsor Membership* $25 General Membership $50 Bronze $100 Silver $250 Lifetime *Sponsored by Lake Resident House Name Lake Property Multiple properties Number of adults in household Subdivision County LAKE ADDRESS: (#/Street/City/State/Zip) MAILING ADDRESS: (If different) Home: PHONE @ Lake: E-Mail: Circle how you first heard of the LGA i.e., newspaper, LGA Bulletin, neighbor, brochure, website, radio, billboard & magazine, other Mail with payment to: LGA, P.O. Box 656, Littleton, NC 27850 THANK YOU! Page 20 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN April/May 2015 Business Members Continued... Visit their websites at CHECK: If the information on the label below is incorrect, please advise. By Web:, By Email: [email protected] or By Mail: Member Records at the address below. Thanks! U.S. Postage PAID PRSRT STD Permit No. 2 Henrico, NC P.O. Box 656 ~ Littleton, NC 27850 Or Current Resident