Names from City Directories, 1876-1889
Names from City Directories, 1876-1889
City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1888 1880 1883 1886 1884 1887 1887 1889 1887 1884 1883 1882 1887 1879 1876 1882 1884 Surname Aab Aaron Abberger Abbey Abbey Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abbott Abel Abel Abel Abeles Given Thomas A. Christopher B. Simon Ashahel M. Charlotte A. Adoniram J. Benjamin V. Charles H. Charles M. Fred. L. John B. Luman S. Augustus Walter S. Bernard Lester Sarah B. Henry 1884 1885 1880 1879 1887 1876 1888 1885 1884 1879 Abell Abels Abercrombie Abey Abner Abrams Absom Acer Achilles Achilles Joseph Joseph Archibald Harry T. Edward George William Murray Charles B. Charles P. 1888 1881 1888 1884 1886 1876 1885 1885 1885 1883 1877 1889 1888 1881 1884 Achilles Acker Acker Acker Acker Acker Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackes Adair Adams Adams Adams Henry L., Jr. Daniel F. Jacob Jacob B. Jacob B. John H. Frank Leslie W. Philip M. Philip S. Jacob Peter Charles Charles K. Charles M. Month Day Year 6 Age Removed: to Poughkeepsie to Erie, Pa. 1879 to Kansas City, Mo. to Kankakee, Ill. to Geneseo to New York City to Chicago, Ill. from city to Syracuse to Geneseo 11 9 1882 to Eau Claire, Wis. to Gananoque, Can. to Fowlerville from city to Greece from city to San Francisco, Cal. 12 21 1884 39 from city to Schroon Lake to Brooklyn from city to Cincinnati, Oh. from city to Palatka, Fla. 9 20 1878 to Tacoma, Washington Territory from city to Bellville, Canada to Rome to Ovid, N. Y. to Troy 12 31 1884 23 to Ogdensburg to Gates 11 15 1882 to California to St. Louis, Mo. to Syracuse to Mass. to Weedsport, N. Y. Page 1 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1889 1880 1885 1884 1889 1887 1885 1878 1876 1889 1881 1881 1882 1880 1888 1878 1888 1877 1879 1884 1889 1887 1885 1876 1881 1880 1884 1880 1885 1888 1885 1887 1883 1883 1883 1883 1878 1876 1884 1883 1880 1883 Surname Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adderly Adelaide Adelman Ades Adkins Adlam 1881 Adler Given Cortland Delbert D. Edward L. Emma L. Emma M. Frederick K. Harriet J. Aaron J. Q. John John E. John W. Joseph Joseph Laura K. Letitia Maria L. Myron H. Nathaniel Robert Robert M. Robert P. Samuel Samuel R. Samuel W. Thomas Walter W. William William F. William H. William H. William J. William L. A. Asher Henry Isaac M. William Sarah, Mrs. Sister Francis A. Robert Agnes E. Walter Age Removed: to Waterbury,Conn. to Honeoye Falls to Bradford, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. to Seneca Falls to California 1886 76 to Chicago, Ill. from city 1875 to Morristown, N. J. to Kansas City, Mo. to Toronto, Can. to Chicago, Ill. to Evansville, Ind. to Syracuse to Lockport to Orange, Cal. to West Greece to Spencerport from city 1888 57 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Scranton, Pa. from city to Auburn to New York City 1884 94 to St. Louis, Mo. to Victor to Syracuse to Memphis, Tenn. to Syracuse to Michigan to Belfast, Ireland to Dakota to Kansas City, Mo. 1878 to Geneva to Batavia, N. Y. 1883 from city to Brighton married Morris M. Meyer Month Day Year 8 21 4 6 21 5 18 1 2 Fannie Page 2 9 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1885 1889 1880 1883 1887 1889 1879 1881 1889 1883 1883 1880 Surname Adler Adler Adler Adler Adler Adolph Adolph Adsit Adwen Adwen Adwen Aebersold Agne Given Harris B. Jacob Julia Moses A. Moses A. Frank Joseph Samuel Joseph Mary Wm. A. Charles H. John 1877 1880 1889 1887 1882 1884 Agne Agne Agne Agnes Agnia Aha John F. John F. John F. Clara Mary, Sister Daniel Andrew 1881 1884 1887 1885 1886 1885 1881 1883 1883 1876 1887 1883 1888 1882 1888 1886 1887 1881 1887 1882 Aha Ahrens Aikenhead Ainley Ainsworth Ainsworth Aishton Aitken Aitken Aiton Akeley Albert Albert Albertson Albrecht Albrecht Albrecht Albright Albright Albro Victoria A. Frederick Mary Henry Eugene D. George Sarah James John James Clarence E. Edward W. James Charles S. Frederick H. Frank Matthias, 2nd Aquilla E. Henry Amanda 1886 Albro 1886 Albro 1877 Alden Month Day Year 10 2 1888 7 22 1888 10 4 1 1883 8 1887 4 10 1883 6 1875 6 3 15 1882 1 1888 Age Removed: from city to Alma, Col. 67 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Lockport 57 from city to Cleveland, Oh. married to Minneapolis, Minn. to Buffalo to New York City to Fort Laramie, Wyoming to New York City to Auburn from city to Chili to Gates married Joseph A. Weber 25 79 to Canada to Saratoga to Perry to Canada to Paterson, N. J. to Milwaukee, Wis. 50 to Port Byron 4 29 1888 66 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. 3 11 nd 8 1881 23 1886 nd nd 57 married Horace E. Adams Josephine A. Mary A. Frank S. 5 10 1885 51 to Cleveland, Oh. Page 3 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1886 1878 1883 1878 Surname Alden Aldrich Aldrich Aldrich Aldridge Given Sidney Adam Allen Lucius C. George W. 1887 Aldridge 1878 Aldridge Lura E. Sarah A. 1882 1887 1889 1883 1884 1887 1883 1886 1886 1889 1884 1885 1889 1884 1884 1876 1876 1888 Aldridge Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alger Alhart Allaire Allan Allcock Alleene Allen Allen Allen Allen Sarah E. Clara G. George H. Henry Henry E. James E. H. Raymond W. Thomas William P. George Frank James Mary A. Virginia B. Arvine K. Calvin Charles N. Charles T. 1884 1878 1885 1886 1879 1887 1884 1878 1889 1884 1880 1883 1878 1886 1886 1881 1876 Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Cora Daniel P. Daniel P. Dennis H. Elias Elias Elizabeth C. Eugene H. Fannie V. Frank H. Frank P. Fred. S. Geo. E. George W. Hattie E. Henry N. Howard O. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 1 1883 1 10 1886 70 to Columbus, Oh. to Massachusetts 12 8 1877 to Talladega, Alabama 12 26 1877 married Wm. W. Ordway to Toronto, Can. 3 3 1889 27 to New York City 1 6 1884 to Charlotte to Buffalo to Fort Worth, Texas to Troy 12 3 1888 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Albany 11 19 1888 81 from city to Chili to Lakeside to Colorado to Long Branch, N. J. married Seth Braggins to Machias, N. Y. 8 10 1884 57 to Gettysburg, Pa. to Kansas 4 8 7 1887 18 1883 54 88 from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Bath from city to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. to Oswego to Fairhaven, Vt. 3 12 1881 to Mendon Page 4 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1889 1879 1879 1883 1876 1880 1878 1883 1879 1885 1889 1883 1878 1886 1884 1879 Surname Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Given John John John A., Jr. John G. John W. Lauren P. Leonard L. Lewis Mary Newell Nicholas Orlando M. P. Ripley, Jr. Peter A. Preston H. Ray Rebecca P. 1885 1889 1886 1879 1887 1889 1887 1884 1877 1882 1882 1882 1889 1886 1887 1884 1887 1876 1889 1887 1883 1877 1882 1886 1877 1876 1879 Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allerton Alleyn Alleyn Alleyn Alling Alling Alling Allison Allman Allyn Almstead Almsted Almy Aloysius Alston Stella Susan Thomas W. Harn Wellington William William A. William W. George W. Kitty W. Marvin L. Robert Anna Emma S. R. Maria Rebecca W. David C. Edward D. Lewis H. John A. George F. Alonzo S. Charles David S. Elmer E. Sister Louis Month Day Year 3 7 Age Removed: to Clyde to New York City to Geneva to New York City to Clyde from city to Mumford from city 28 1883 23 1878 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo to Penfield from city to Canada 6 12 1878 married Frederick Newman 3 21 1889 69 to Sydney, Ohio nd nd nd to Webster 9 10 10 12 8 2 8 12 1888 1886 1883 1876 58 45 from city from city 1 27 1882 from city 5 2 8 1 18 4 27 2 1886 1887 1883 1887 58 58 82 3 3 26 1889 8 1887 75 45 to Michigan to Buffalo to Delta, Canada from city from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Geneva to Syracuse Page 5 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1885 1880 1886 Surname Alston Alt Alten Althoff Given Mary A. George Charles Julius 1878 1881 1889 1884 1879 1886 1884 Altman Altpeter Altpeter Altpeter Altpeter Altpeter Alverson Emel Charles J. Christian, Jr. Daniel John John Elmer J. 1884 1886 1882 1887 1886 1880 1888 Alward Aman Aman Aman Aman Aman Aman Anna Agatha, Mrs. Barney Benedict George M. Joseph Mary 1877 1886 1876 1889 1878 1887 1885 1880 1887 1878 1878 1878 1885 1883 1884 1883 1885 1885 1876 1881 1884 1879 1881 1884 Aman Aman Amberg Amey Amidon Amie Amish Ammering Amos Amsden Amsden Amsden Andersen Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Oscar A. Oscar A. Samuel Catharine Nelson Jay C. August, Jr. Jacob James N. Christopher T. Henry F. Joel F. Peter C. Andrew Anthony Charles Charles Charles O. Chas. E. Edmund Edwin E. Elizabeth P. George A. George R. Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 22 1886 55 12 9 1884 55 to Canandaigua from city to Magdeburg, Prussia from city to Chicago, Ill. to Sandy Creek from city 7 27 1885 to Buffalo to Grand Rapids, Mich. 6 29 1885 63 to Canada from city nd nd nd to Irondequoit 6 17 1887 30 to Heidelberg, Germany 1 4 1886 31 to Germany to Canada to Clarkson to Jamestown to Kansas 6 6 1879 11 11 1877 to Buffalo to Hornellsville to Hornellsville to Buffalo 1 18 1883 to Pennsylvania from city to Boston to New York City to Pontiac, Ill. 5 4 2 27 1880 19 1884 14 1879 31 to Chicago, Ill. from city Page 6 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1889 1889 1888 1876 1879 1881 1882 1889 1888 1880 1879 1876 1889 1883 1884 1883 1884 1879 1877 1889 1886 1888 1886 1888 1880 1884 1879 1889 1877 1884 1882 1878 1889 1886 1877 1879 1889 1882 1887 1879 1883 1878 1888 Surname Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andews Andr Andras Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Given Henry Henry M. Herbert A. Jacob Jeremiah N. John John John John John T. Joseph M. Louis C. Martin Mary Sarah Stephen P. Wilbur H. Wilson H. Wm. Randall William Nicholas Adna G. D. R. Florence George C. George E. George H. George H. James James S. John Jos. E. Julius T. Luther P. Monroe Newton E. Patience H. Andrews Andrews Andrus Angele Angell Angell Thomas Wakeman Y. Hiram O. Wilbert Edward B. Lewis H. Age Removed: from city to Columbus, Oh. from city 1888 89 to Canada from city to Macedon from city from city to Chelsea, Mass. 1879 1878 1875 1888 75 to Troy, Pa. to Ithaca to Le Roy to Lafayette, Ind. 1879 1877 from city 1886 66 1888 86 from city from city to Fulton to Granville, Oh. to Buffalo to Clarkson from city 1883 83 1882 to Hamilton, Ont. 1889 79 1885 52 1876 to Buffalo 1889 66 to Travers City, Michigan 1886 from city to Ithaca from city to S. New Berlin Month Day Year Page 7 1 23 10 6 12 7 20 15 5 3 10 17 1 2 7 3 10 2 6 14 1 12 11 7 7 1 11 11 1 13 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1887 1883 1883 1886 1885 1885 1889 1877 1889 1889 1889 1886 1888 1881 1876 1882 1883 1882 1879 1883 1885 1880 1888 1884 1885 1884 1877 1889 1879 Surname Angerbower Angevine Angevine Angevine Angevine Angie Angle Angle Angle Angles Angles Anglin Anker Anna Annett Annin Annis Annis Annis Ansell Anslinger Antes Anthony Anthony Anton Apfel Appel Appel Appel Appel Given Fred. J. Edward L. Mary Oliver L. Oliver L. Morris B. James M. James M. Lovisie M. Jesse W. Warner A. John F. Amelia Sister James A. J. Byron Elmer H. Elmer H. Myron H. P. Edmund John H. Susan Lucy William G. Walter George Barbara John John Joseph A., 2nd 1888 1886 1881 1889 1886 1880 1882 1877 1889 1878 1886 1889 1879 1887 Appel Appel Apple Aqui Aquinas Arand Archambault Archer Archer Archer Arden Arden Arden Ardrey Joseph J. William John Louis Mary, Sister Bernart Obila Eliza Stephen D. Wm. W. Alonzo F. Charles Milton Robert M. Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 15 1884 45 from city 4 10 1883 to Tuscarora 3 27 1886 82 5 28 1885 24 to Charlotte to Los Angeles, Cal. 12 3 1876 to Reading, Pa. to Reading, Pa. 12 4 1888 35 married Julian Schuff to New York City to St. Paul, Minn. 10 1875 to Denver, Col. 6 17 1882 to Livonia from city to Palmyra 10 3 1884 39 4 2 1880 5 3 1888 53 to New York City to Penfield 9 29 1883 56 to Germany 7 30 1888 from city to Tacoma, Washington Territory to Louisville, Ky. from city to Greece to Ithaca to New York City to Peterboro', Can. 11 8 1876 to St. Louis, Mo. to Canada to Oswego 2 6 1889 54 from city to Buffalo Page 8 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1880 1887 1882 1887 1877 1877 1885 1876 1884 1884 1885 1876 1889 1876 1882 1878 1887 1886 1885 1878 1887 1889 1889 1884 1883 1880 1889 1883 1877 1889 1888 1889 1887 1885 1888 1889 1876 1880 1876 1881 1886 1879 1883 Surname Arensmeier Arensmeyer Arensmeyer Arensmeyer Arink Arkland Arkland Armbruster Armbruster Armitage Armitage Armitage Armour Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arnett Arnholt Arnold Given Gottfried John Joseph Susan Gerard Ezra Henry D. Casper Lorenzo Alice A. Charles F. Joseph C. William Charles Charles W. David A. Edmund W. Edward W. Fanny G. Frank H. George Henry S. Luman W. S. B., Mrs. Sidney E. Will M. William J. Benjamin J. Phillip Alfred W. Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold August Catharine B. Clarence H. E. S. Edna L. Edward C. Eva M. Frank Frank George P. James James W. John John Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 15 1882 1 9 1880 to Elmira 11 5 1881 8 28 1886 73 to Buffalo to Buffalo 11 2 1884 58 5 7 1875 12 10 1883 68 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Clyde to Hamlin to Greece to New York City from city 8 14 1877 to Chicago, Ill. 10 3 1885 88 to Geneseo from city to Rome 10 1 1888 47 from city to Fairport to Indianapolis, Ind. to Chicago, Ill. 10 11 1888 72 from city to Buffalo to Miles City, Montana 6 30 1887 26 to Bergen from city to Buffalo 9 7 4 25 1887 12 1888 9 1876 61 64 from city to Oakland, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. to Cincinnati, Oh. 3 4 Page 9 27 1879 11 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1876 1884 1876 1885 1885 1882 1881 1876 1888 1878 1888 1886 1881 1879 1889 1886 1881 1883 1883 1884 1883 1889 1883 1879 1886 1878 1883 1883 1881 1883 1885 1885 1887 1889 1882 Surname Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnoldt Arnoldt Arnot Aronson Aronson Arrowsmith Arrowsmith Arrowsmith Arth Arthur Ash Ashbaugh Ashby Ashdown Ashdown Ashdown Asher Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashlin Ashman Given Mary Nathaniel Susan C. W. Frank William E. William F. Wm. Julius W. Richard V. Harry A. Mitchell Rudolph Eliza Frank Nelson George W. David Marshall John W. Edward Arthur E. Jemima John Albert F. Charles O. Charles O. Clarence George B. Isaac Lucretia William H. William H. William H., Jr. William W. Thomas Frederick C. 1880 1884 1886 1876 1877 1883 1882 1877 Ashton Ashton Ashton Askew Aspall Aspenleiter Aspenleiter Astels Nellie Samuel William Robert A. James R. Thomas Valentine John W. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 30 1889 69 from city to Reed City, Mich. to Mt. Morris 12 3 1884 75 to Philadelphia, Pa. to New Haven, Conn. to Denver, Col. to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. to Penn Yan 9 24 1887 63 4 2 1886 76 to Mumford 7 25 1878 8 10 1888 to New York City to Detroit, Mich. 4 13 1883 10 9 1882 from city 1 25 1883 12 14 1888 57 to Springfield, Mass. to Le Roy from city 1 1 1878 to Boston, Mass. 5 3 1883 10 21 1880 to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo to Buffalo from city from city to Irondequoit married Henry A. Winden 12 10 1883 75 from city to England to Syracuse to Detroit, Mich. to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. Page 10 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1883 1889 1877 1877 1885 1876 1880 1878 1876 1882 1880 1888 1884 1878 1889 1877 1881 1887 1885 1885 1882 1883 1889 1876 1886 1888 1878 1886 1885 1878 1881 1876 1883 1882 1880 1881 1880 1882 1882 1884 1884 1882 1878 Surname Atchinson Atherall Atherall Athridge Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Attridge Attridge Attridge Atwater Atwater Atwater Atwater Atwell Atwood Atwood Atwood Atwood Aubel Aubel Aubel Auchampaugh Auchter Auer August August August Ault Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Given Geo. A. Isaac Mary A. Month Day Year 3 2 Age Removed: to Michigan 11 1883 15 1889 to St. Catharines, Canada Wm. G. Alvin S. Charles S. John R. John R. Mary Richard Charles E. John Thomas William William A. James John Mary Edward W. Frederick T. Harley Lyman J. Oliver Amasa S. Charles E. Charles H. Charles H. Henry C. Henry C. Mary Clarence A. George T. Henry Eli Gottfried Leopold George N. Charles C. Edwin Edwin, Mrs. Eugene C. Fannie George Louis A. 12 1876 to Lockport to Philadelphia from city 7 4 19 1877 1 1876 to Indianapolis, Ind. to Albany 6 15 1887 69 from city to Elmira 1888 to Buffalo 6 1880 to Batavia to Chicago, Ill. from city to New York City to Ontario to Batavia to New York City to Newark 3 3 1888 38 from city to Webster 3 13 1885 65 to Syracuse to Lyons to Milwaukee, Wis. to Cleveland, Oh. 1881 to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to Penn Yan to Penn Yan from city 4 15 1884 45 to Mumford to Syracuse Page 11 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1888 1876 1885 Surname Austin Austin Austin Austin Given Louisa A. Milton R. Orville Philemon L. 1889 1884 1880 1879 1887 1882 1889 1889 1889 1888 1882 1876 1887 1886 1885 Austin Austin Auten Averell Averill Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avril Avril Ayer Ruth M. Sile W. John G. William H. Thomas Charles A. James M. M. Eugene Mary A. Merritt R. Wm. H. H. Charles B. August Frank Charles A. 1887 1880 1880 1878 1880 1882 1884 1885 1889 1879 1876 1882 1889 1883 1886 1884 1876 1879 1879 1876 1879 1881 Ayer Ayers Ayers Aylsworth Aylsworth Aylsworth Ayres Ayres Ayson Baas Babbage Babbitt Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Babcock Delila, Mrs. Charles B., Mrs. Frank J. Abel Isaac L. Isaac L. George E. George E. Alexander Casper Edward F. Frank B. Alexander H. Augustus R. DeGrand D. Edwin H. Horace J. Horace J. James John H. John P. Samuel W. 1876 Babcock Age Removed: to Newburg to Auburn from city to Michigan married Sherman W. Harris from city from city to Ogdensburg 19 1886 34 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Newark 13 1889 77 to Bradford, Pa. to Mason City, Iowa from city from city to Denver, Col. from city Month Day Year 12 2 to Salt Lake City, Utah married D. Wing 11 1 1879 to Buffalo to Brockport to Brockport 1 1884 56 to Victor to Charlotte to New York City to Natick, Mass. to New York City from city from city 10 9 1885 45 to Albany to Lockport to New York City to Oneida to Cleveland to Clifton Springs to Avon Ulysses D. to San Francisco, Cal Page 12 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1885 1877 1882 1876 1887 1879 1888 1888 1888 1883 1880 1887 1878 1883 1888 Surname Babcock Babcock Babcock Babst Bach Bach Bach Bachle Bachman Bachman Bachmann Bachmann Bachmann Bachmann Bachmann Bachmann Given Ulysses D. William A. Wm. R. Caroline John Leonard William Jacob Charles Martin J. Conrad Frederick George George, Jr. John Mary 1876 1877 1884 1885 1887 1884 1884 1884 1881 1881 1884 1886 1885 1884 1877 1885 1880 1885 1887 1887 1884 1877 1889 1885 1877 1881 1879 1882 Bachmann Back Backus Backus Backus Backus Backus Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon Bader Badger Badger Badger Badgley Badhorn Badhorn Baer Baer Baer Baetzel Baetzinger Bagley Bagley Bagley Bahler Simon Arthur T. Edward Fred. F. Fred. F. Harry Ogden Byron Edward George E. Herbert A. William B. Julius A. M., Mrs. B. H. Edward R. Edwin D. Andrew Robert Henry Louis Max A. Anna M. Jacob Amos Burton D. Johnson Peter B. Month Day Year 8 6 18 1878 15 1887 Age Removed: to Ohio from city to Pittsford to Scrantom, Pa. to Holley to Irondequoit 27 to Erie, Pa. to Ann Arbor, Mich. 10 12 2 9 11 27 4 2 28 30 1882 1879 1887 1877 1882 76 married Leo Glienke to Munchen, Germany from city to Batavia to Buffalo to Toronto, Can. to Batavia to Utica to Syracuse to New York City to New York City 11 1 8 1883 27 1886 2 1884 33 85 to Buffalo to Fond du Lac, Wis. to Brockport from city 6 20 1884 60 to Minnesota to Buffalo to New York City from city 8 5 1888 9 12 1876 69 to Irondequoit to Buffalo to Phelps nd Page 13 nd nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1882 1882 1878 1883 1882 1882 1887 1880 1885 1886 1889 1876 1889 1876 1887 1878 1886 1877 1879 1879 1883 1881 1882 1888 1876 1884 1888 1883 1886 1885 1884 1882 1885 1881 1888 1888 1885 1884 1881 1879 1878 1885 1889 1884 Surname Bahls Bahm Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bainbridge Baine Baine Baines Baird Baird Baird Baird Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Given I. Frederick Augustus Betsey M. Chas. H. David A. Emily A. Frank W. Fred. J. Geo. W. George George H. George I. George W. Howard Jacob G. James H. James W. Jane John R. Richard C. Samuel Dorcas William William C. William James John Robert H. C. Susan F. C. Waldo Caroline Charles Charles A. Charles A. Charles E. Charles H. Christina C. David F. Elizabeth Elizabeth Elmer D. Emma L. Floyd E. Floyd E. Francis A. Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: from city to Syracuse 18 1882 to Henrietta to Burlington N. J. 4 21 1882 to Springfield, Mass. to Denver, Col. to Bancroft, Mich. 7 11 1 1884 30 1885 50 54 from city to Mishawaka, Ind. to Kearney, Neb. from city from city from city 2 24 1886 59 to Canada from city to Canada 1 29 1883 to Oneida to Chicago, Ill. from city to Geneva, N. Y. 11 30 1883 65 to England to Syracuse to Buffalo 11 9 1884 58 to Chicago, Ill. to Omaha, Nebr. to Columbia, Dak. to Troy to Minneapolis, Minn. to Clifton Springs 4 2 10 10 14 26 22 17 1885 1884 1880 1878 72 87 from city from city to New York City to Chicago, Ill. Page 14 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1887 1884 1879 1886 1877 1878 1881 1885 1882 1884 1876 1876 1888 1889 1882 1876 1886 1878 1877 1876 1877 1879 1879 1881 1885 1879 1878 1887 1888 1882 1876 1879 1879 1884 1889 1883 1880 1880 1876 1880 1883 1889 1888 Surname Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Given Frank Frank C. Frank R. Fred H. Fred. A. Geo. L. Geo. L. George A. George A. George L. George O. George Stuart George W. Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Grace E. Harriet Henry H. Henry J. Isaac C. Isaac F. James James F. James F., Mrs. John John E. John H. John T. Joseph M. Judah Lawrence Leigh Y. Louis H. Lucius B. Marcus L. Margaret Michael Michael Michael J. Peter E. Robert Robert C. Robert I. Sarah F., Mrs. Sarah S. Sarah U. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: from city from city to Brighton to Middleport to Syracuse to Gates to Buffalo to Buffalo to Angelica to New York City to E. Saginaw, Mich. to Batavia 24 1876 married Wm. H. O'Connor 9 9 5 1888 28 1881 81 6 2 23 1885 1878 81 4 25 1876 to Garbuttsville to Charlestown, Wis. to Bergen from city from city to Buffalo to Springfield, Mass. 10 8 1879 11 1877 9 1886 86 to Ann Arbor, Mich. to Troy to St. Lawrence 4 9 3 3 8 7 11 1 23 26 1879 1878 1884 1888 1882 37 43 to New York City 2 10 1880 from city to Watertown from city 2 2 1889 71 from city Page 15 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1883 1878 1889 1887 1878 1881 1881 1876 1879 1885 1885 1877 1888 1882 1885 1879 1889 1879 1886 1885 1887 1878 1878 1886 1883 1889 1878 1881 1881 1878 1884 1888 1885 1887 1886 1880 1880 1885 1880 1889 1877 1883 1886 Surname Baker Baker Baker Baker Baldry Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Balfour Balke Balke Balkhaus Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ballantine Ballard Ballard Balliett Ballinger Ballintine Ballintine Ballou Ballou Ballou Bamber Bamberger Bancker Bancroft Bandlitz Bangs Bangs Banister Banker Banker Banker Given Sylvester B. William F. William H. William Y. Ambrose Charles J. Frank W. Frederick P. George C. John Laura George Christian Christian, Jr. Fred Ferdinand J. George B. Gilbert Hattie L. James John C. John F. Patrick William E. Margaret A. Samuel W. Sidney E. Andrew H. John C. Evaline P., Miss Mattie E., Miss George H. George H. Henry S. John H. John John Morris V. Emil Ellen A. Henry E. Noble T. Benajah Charlotte Sarah Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: to Galva, Ill. to Fairport to Buffalo 24 1878 to England to Granville, Ohio to Elmira from city to Bennington, Vt. 4 6 4 11 25 9 9 28 1875 1878 1885 1884 75 63 to New York City to Germany to Syracuse from city to Chicago, Ill. married C. F. Dean 9 1878 to Oberlin, Oh. to Elmira 10 6 27 1886 9 1877 70 to New Orleans, La. to New York City to Detroit, Mich. 2 8 11 1889 20 1877 to Leroy to Chili to Detroit, Mich. to California to California to Naples to Buffalo to New York City to Medina to Buffalo 11 4 22 1884 15 1880 39 to Chicago, Ill. 8 8 4 1876 16 1882 from city Page 16 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1886 1879 1877 1884 1880 1886 1887 1883 1881 1883 1876 1879 1888 1877 1881 1877 1886 1877 1881 1885 1880 1884 1877 1887 1878 1881 1878 1881 1889 1886 1888 1889 1884 1886 1877 1876 1878 1884 1876 1880 1886 1877 1884 1880 Surname Banks Banks Bannard Banning Bannister Bannister Bannister Bannister Bansbach Banta Banta Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Barber Bardeen Bardeen Bardeen Bardwell Bardwell Bardwell Barend Barg Barham Barhydt Barhydt Barhydt Barhydt Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Given John W. John W. Eleanor William A. Louis H. Lucy Marshall Willis A. John Aaron William C. Augustus H. C. James Edwin N. George George George H. Gilbert P. Samuel A. Samuel B. W. Frank Walter Walter William William A. Amy, Mrs. Amy, Mrs. Ferdinand Butler Grace James John, Jr. Frederick C. John S. D. Amelia Eliza James A. James A. Charles Ida M., Miss James James W. John Malley Mary Month Day Year 8 5 1876 1 7 1 1880 24 1885 Age Removed: to Chili to Massachusetts to Chicago, Ill. to Gates 40 to Los Angeles, Cal. 4 8 12 5 1882 14 1880 2 1882 to California to Detroit, Mich. to Clyde to Texas to Fairport 12 3 1876 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Hughes, Col. to Denver, Col. 3 1885 to New York City to Europe to Boston from city to Rhode Island from city to Rhode Island 2 18 1881 to Penn Yan to Syracuse 10 8 17 1887 12 1888 4 6 22 1886 1876 34 to New York City 45 from city to Buffalo to Syracuse to Greece to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City from city 9 16 1883 83 to Cleveland, Oh. Page 17 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1889 1884 1888 1883 1882 Surname Barker Barlie Barlow Barlow Barlow Barlow Given Orrin Hugh Betsey Mary G., Mrs. William William 1886 1882 1876 1880 1887 1880 1880 1878 1882 1883 1883 1887 1878 1879 1885 1884 1881 1876 1879 1889 1876 1885 1880 1884 1884 1878 1882 1885 1884 1880 1882 1883 1888 1889 1877 1884 1888 1878 Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnehl Barnell Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnes Barnett Barnett Barney Barney Barney Barney Barnhart Barnhart Barns Barnsdale Barnum Annie E. Delia Elbert J. Elbert J. Elizabeth Ella, Miss Geo. T. George B. Henry H. Henry H. Margaret Thomas John M. Sophia Joseph E. Albert M. Alexander Alonzo Charles Ezra L. Hiram M. John E. Mary C. Oscar R. Thomas Thomas L. William R. Henry Julius Charles H. Charles H. Charles H. Charles H. Alpheus C. Emma C. Chas. F. Stephen H. Esther Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 31 1879 from city 5 2 1884 100 to New York City to Alexandria to Alexandria married John Coppin, Jr. 8 7 1881 to Dubuque, Ia. to Colorado to Mt. Morris from city 4 5 1880 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city 3 26 1883 4 22 1887 12 15 1877 6 8 1878 from city from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Brockport to Syracuse 3 22 1889 55 to Sodus to Chicago, Ill 8 7 1879 to Dakota Ter. 6 22 1883 61 to Corry, Pa. from city 12 30 1884 78 to New York City to Lockport to Brockport to Brockport to Buffalo from city from city 8 8 1883 31 from city 11 1877 Page 18 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1880 1881 1889 1886 1889 1886 1887 1887 1877 1877 1888 1883 1876 1877 1876 1880 1879 1880 1888 1882 1879 1878 1888 1886 1883 1880 1886 1884 1887 1888 1879 1889 1882 1883 1883 1883 1879 1888 1880 1882 1877 1882 1882 1884 Surname Barnum Barnum Barnum Barnum Baron Baron Baron Baron Barons Barons Barons Barr Barr Barr Barr Barr Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Barringer Barron Barron Barron Barron Barron Barrow Barrow Barrows Barrows Barry Barry Barry Barry Given Eugene E. John T. Nathaniel C. William H. Hugh John C. Michael Patrick Caroline James Thomas C. Edward Y. George Isabella, Mrs. Joseph Joseph A. Arthur S. Charles H. Chas. J. Edgar L. Edmund Edward S. Frank C. John E. Joseph J. Patrick Philander Thomas Ward F. William H. William H. Frederick P. Bertha H. Hugh Michael H. Orrin Wesley David L. Frederick W. James W. Melvin Charles A. David Dennis Edmund P. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: to Waterport to Minneapolis, Minn. to Divide, Mont. 30 1889 from city to Webster to Farmington 7 13 1886 68 from city to Hastings, Canada to Niagara Falls to California to Ogdensburg to Albion to Lockport to New York City to Buffalo to Lockport from city to Newark 2 11 1882 to St. Louis, Mo. to Detroit, Mich. to Schenectady from city 11 5 1882 to E. Webster to Brighton from city to Chicago, Ill. from city 6 25 1878 to Brooklyn to Farmington to Farmington 10 29 1882 from city 8 29 1878 to Sing Sing to Dansville to Avon, Ohio from city 7 25 1881 to Gates to Boston, Mass. Page 19 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1886 Barry 1884 1881 1881 1882 1889 1882 1884 1888 1888 1888 1876 1884 1876 1885 1888 1881 1884 1881 1882 1876 1883 1885 1887 1886 1880 1889 1881 1882 1879 1889 1876 1880 1880 1881 1880 1881 1886 1886 1876 1884 1879 1887 1888 Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barsdale Barse Barson Barstnais Bartels Bartels Bartels Barth Barth Barth Barth Barthauer Barthelmann Bartholf Bartholf Bartholf Bartholick Bartholoma Bartholomay Bartholomay Bartl Bartl Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Given Edward Month Day Year Ella M. James James John John John A. John H. Joseph D. Joseph M. Maggie Robert Thomas Thomas F. Charles F. Charles Phenice Frank Frederick Frederick T. Mary Charles Mary Peter Samuel Lewis C. Valentine Edwin Hannah Stephen George A. George Cornelius Philip Frank Ignatz Alfred Charles W. Edward J. Ezra A. George George W. George W. Harry 9 19 1880 7 2 14 1881 10 1889 Age Removed: to Lyons married Thomas Finnican from city 63 to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City from city to Boston, Mass to Kansas City, Mo. to Vermont 10 17 1883 ND ND ND 83 to Gates to Chicago, Ill. 11 1880 to Canada 7 11 26 1880 3 1881 from city from city 1 9 26 1885 3 1886 67 54 from city to Buffalo from city to Chicago, Ill. 6 4 7 12 13 16 7 21 1881 1879 1888 1875 82 to Ithaca to Chicago, Ill. to Columbus, Oh. to Columbus, Oh. to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Brighton to Albany to Fairport to Batavia to Meadville, Pa. to Boston, Mass Page 20 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1882 1883 1889 1880 1881 1879 1879 1878 1888 1884 1888 1884 1885 1879 1881 1881 1876 1886 1889 1876 1881 1882 1884 1884 Surname Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartlett Bartley Bartley Barto Given Henry C. Joseph Martin Richard Thomas E. Henry, Jr. Joseph R. Henry D. Barto Bartold Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Barton Kate T. Nicholas Alvin L. Ann Edward H., Jr. Edward M. Frank Frank L. George E. George P. Hannah Henry Henry E. Henry E. James Joseph L. Nehemiah 1888 Barton Zodie J. 1876 1881 1880 1880 1886 1877 1887 Bascom Bascom Basford Basford Bashford Basler Basler Chauncey H. Truman Attie Wm. Henry H. Silas D. August August 1887 1886 1889 1883 1884 1880 1888 1888 Bassett Bassett Bassett Bassette Bastable Bastable Bastable Bastedo Cornelia E. Lois S. Wayland G. Jesse H. Charles Fred. J. Fred. J. Elme Month Day Year 8 Age Removed: to Webster 1881 to New York City to Webster 1 11 1880 from city to New York City to Auburn to Trumansburgh, N. Y. 5 6 2 29 1887 21 1884 11 1888 83 43 89 4 7 1885 36 to Albany from city to New York City from city to Chicago 12 9 1885 83 to Westfield, Mass. to Burlington, Ia. to Troy 3 15 1882 to Chicago, Ill. from city married Wm. E. McGuire to Burlington, Vermont to Waterloo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Menlo Park, Cal. from city to Los Angeles, Cal. married Alfred E. Wayte 9 25 1885 61 to New York City to Augusta, Me. 6 22 1883 60 to Lyons to Belleville, Ont. 12 Page 21 6 1887 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1884 1884 1889 1883 1889 1884 1878 1889 1889 1888 1883 1886 1886 1878 1878 1884 1883 1884 1877 1884 1883 1886 1886 1884 1877 1878 1885 1885 1886 1888 1883 1882 1880 1884 1878 1880 1884 1887 1883 1883 1882 1883 1884 1879 Surname Bastedo Bastendorf Bastian Bastian Bastian Bateman Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bath Bath Bath Batt Battelle Battelle Battershill Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauer Bauerlein Bauerlein Bauerschmidt Baule Baule Bauman Given James Frank Francis Herman Louis Ann Charles P. Frank DeW. Hannah Harriett I. Thomas C. Herman Joseph Nicholas Margaret Ernest Wm. H. Fred. August August F. L. Charles, Jr. George George George Gottfried John John John John John F. John G. John, Jr. Joseph Louis F. Margaret Michael Susan William William Charles D. Nicholas P. Adam M. Charles Stephen John Age Removed: to Spencerport from city to Boston, Mass. 1888 27 to New York City 1889 from city to Hamilton, Ont. to Utica to Utica 1887 74 to Hamilton, Canada from city from city 1878 to Brooklyn to Minneapolis, Minn. from city from city from city to Batavia to Savannah, Ga. 1886 56 to Buffalo 1883 81 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Utica to Mt. Morris 1885 33 to Gates 1887 73 to Buffalo 1881 1880 1883 91 1877 to Germany from city 1886 49 to Batavia to Syracuse 1882 from city from city 1878 Month Day Year Page 22 8 25 2 7 11 10 1 1 3 1 10 19 5 5 12 16 6 1 10 7 24 11 3 1 17 10 7 2 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1887 1885 1889 1883 1882 1883 1889 1884 1880 1883 1882 1882 1884 1884 1876 1881 1877 1887 1877 1879 1889 1877 1880 1878 1886 1888 1884 1887 1882 1882 1889 1888 1883 1888 1889 1877 1886 1883 1887 1883 1876 1888 Surname Bauman Baumann Baumberger Baumgartner Baumis Baumstark Bausch Given Magdalena Theodore John R. Fred. Fred. T. Elizabeth George Bausch Bausch Bausum Baxendale Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Bayer Bayer Bayer Baylies Bayliss Bayliss Bayliss Baylor Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beachner Beadle Beagley Beagley Beagley Beal Beal Beam Bean Bean Beans Beard Beard Beardslee John G. Robert George F. William J. Elisha W. Francis K. Henry Mary Herman John Jr. Lioba Catharine Charles G. Henry W. Jas. H. John J. Albert H. Charles Charles H. Charles R. Charles W. Fred. G. Lafayette Charles B. Charles J. Alfred Elizabeth John H. Jeannette A. Mark B. George A. Elvyn L. Frank Barney, Jr. Frank A. Henry K. Charles M. Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 16 1886 66 from city to Buffalo from city from city 6 17 1882 to Syracuse to Gross Suessen, Wurtemberg to St. Louis, Mo. to Pierre, Dak. Ter. to Cleveland, Oh. to Syracuse to Utica to Corning to Elyria, Oh. to Michigan 8 1875 1 23 1881 to Boston, Mass. to Elgin, Ill. to Worcester, Mass. to Minneapolis, Minn. from city from city 9 21 1879 to Albion 2 10 1886 63 to Cleveland, Oh. to Albion 2 15 1887 52 10 20 1881 to Lima to England 7 5 1887 90 to Sibley, Iowa to E. Wilson to Albion, Mich. to Dundee to Boston, Mass. from city 8 1886 to Palmyra to Canada to Boston, Mass. Page 23 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1885 1879 1881 1888 1888 1883 Beardslee Beardsley Beardsley Beardsley Beardsley Beardsley Eva M. Edward Frank R. Helen M. Henry W. Wm. N. 1887 1888 1886 1888 1886 1882 1880 1888 1880 1888 1882 1880 1878 1876 1878 1881 1887 1877 1876 1880 1889 1881 1881 1881 1879 1888 1876 1885 1888 1887 1884 1881 1876 1887 1887 1889 1888 Beasley Beattie Beattie Beattie Beattie Beatty Beauchamp Beaudry Beaumont Bebee Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Becker Beckett Beckler Beckler Beckwith Beckwith Beckwith Beckwith Beckwith Beckwith Beckwith Bedard J. Harvey Ann Emmet J. Emmett J. William E. Leonard Joseph Adolph Wm. Maria A. Adolph Anthony David George George George John Margaret Martin Marx Agnes Charles F. John Joseph A. Joseph M. Louis Thomas H. Mark A. Martin Arthur F. Charles H. Edward H. Francis X. Frank M. Louisa Silas J. Joseph Month Day Year Age Removed: married Albert M. Reed to Kansas City, Mo. to Buffalo to Owego to Owego to Bergen to Grand Rapids, Mich. 10 1 1887 78 to Wichita, Kan. to Wichita, Kan. to Wichita, Kan. from city 11 1879 to New York City to Kalamazoo, Mich. 10 23 1887 70 to New Jersey to South Livonia to Michigan to Charlotte from city 7 5 1880 6 1886 14 1876 26 to Dayton, Oh. from city to Cohocton to Denver, Col. 7 11 1880 3 9 3 1879 9 1887 to Detroit, Mich. 37 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to St. Louis, Mo. to Washington, D. C. to Rome to Gates from city from city to Omaha, Neb. from city Page 24 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1883 1885 1887 1879 1887 1888 1878 1889 1881 1888 1889 1886 1889 1887 1884 1883 1882 1883 1883 1876 1887 1885 1876 1887 1888 1884 Surname Bedell Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedwin Bedwin Bedwin Beebe Beebee Beecher Beedham Beemer Beemer Beers Beers Beesch Begg Begg Begy Begy Begy Beha Behan Behn Behnke Behrens Given Ossian Edward W. Edward W. Edward W. Henry R. Ann Charles A. Thomas Aaron Ashman William John E. Frank Frank Horace J. William G. Jacob M. Robert J. William T. George A. Joseph A. Joseph F. John Thomas J. E. H. William Henry 1889 1877 1881 1877 1880 1884 1883 1878 1888 1876 1889 1887 1884 1879 1880 1881 1878 Beikirch Beilman Beimler Beir Beisheim Beisheim Beisheim Beisiegel Beisiegel Beisiegel Beisiegel Belanger Belcher Belden Belden Belden Belden Katharine Henry J. Isabella David Henry Henry L. Jacob David Henry L. Jacob Magdalena Frederick William Amos Frank S. Janette C. Louis Age Removed: to Grand Island to Lockport from city to Lockport from city 1887 57 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. from city 1880 to Genesis, Tenn. to Bergen to New York City to Chicago, Ill 1887 52 to Canada to Albion to Boston, Mass. to Watertown 1882 from city to Irondequoit 1884 38 to Buffalo to Buffalo 1887 58 1883 38 married George Finegan to Buffalo 1880 to New York City to Crown Point from city 1882 to Texas to Cleveland, Oh. to Cincinnati, Oh. 1889 57 from city to Oil City, Pa. to Holley to Huntington, Mass. 1881 from city Month Day Year Page 25 2 6 11 24 1 17 8 24 11 11 7 12 28 2 8 9 11 19 3 14 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1883 1876 1877 1876 1880 1877 1879 1889 1889 1882 1882 1889 1886 1887 1879 1876 1886 1881 1883 1884 1889 1888 1879 1883 1888 1877 1885 1877 1878 1887 1880 1883 Belden Belding Belding Belding Beldue Belknap Belknap Belknap Belknap Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bellamy Bellew Bellew Bellew Rosette Almon V. Emerson E. Lorinda Mrs. Peter H. George E. Isadora A. Mary Sarah David Eliza A. Elizabeth Frank H. Hannah Henry Hugh V. Jacob D. James R. John John H. John H. Martha A. Nellie, Miss P. W. Sarah Thomas E. William Henry Joseph W. Bridget Francis Margaret 1888 1880 1878 1887 1883 1887 1887 1889 1886 1883 1885 Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellinger Bellmont Bellows Bellows Bellsmith Belmont Belton Belville Chas. F. E. Dutton John P. Morton J. Leopold James Mary Harold S. Louis A. Henry Daniel Month Day Year Age Removed: married Jas.F. Anthony to Tonawanda to Syracuse to Tonawanda to Bergen from city from city 1 20 1889 1 11 1882 90 from city to Scottsville 12 8 9 6 28 25 8 18 1888 1885 1886 1878 85 27 70 to Philadelphia 3 4 1886 74 to Baltimore, Md. to Palmyra to Port Hope, Ont. to Lindsay, Ohio 10 10 1887 24 to Auburn from city 3 16 1888 90 7 2 1884 61 to Scottsville from city to Buffalo 1 5 17 1886 9 1879 53 from city to San Francisco, Cal. to New York City from city to Toronto, Can. to Irondequoit to Mandan, Dakota to Mandan, Dakota to London, Eng. to Webster to Elmira to Ogdensburg Page 26 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1877 1888 1887 1877 1882 1882 1877 1877 1878 1883 1885 1885 1889 1889 1886 1887 1889 1883 1883 1883 1886 1886 1886 1880 1880 1888 1880 1876 1888 1876 1877 1881 1881 1878 1881 1884 1877 1885 1888 1884 1877 1887 Surname Bembel Bement Bemis Bemis Bemish Bemus Bend Bender Bendinger Bendinger Bendon Bendon Bendon Benecke Benedict Given Frederick Rhoda Frank Samuel Richard W. James E. Samuel, Jr. Henry P. John Louis George W. Mate B. Ralph S. H. A. L. Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Benedict Bengel Bengtson Benham Benham Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benner Benner Bennett Abraham Arthur J. Clare A. Elizabeth C. Frances Goold S. Lucretia Lucy L. Lyman E. Mary A. Oliver M. William Carl J. Luke William G. Arthur E. Eliza H. Frederick L. R. M. J. Marcus G. Moses Moses Reuben Sophia Walter W. Henry Jacob, Jr. Albertus R. Year Age Removed: 1885 63 1888 81 1877 1888 84 to Columbus, Oh. to Brockport from city 6 1881 to Lockport to Lockport to Erie, Pa. from city 27 1885 57 to Europe to Buffalo Month Day 9 10 1 12 2 5 1 11 5 to Ann Arbor, Michigan to London, Eng. to Chicago, Ill. 2 5 11 2 16 13 25 17 1889 1882 1882 1883 81 married A. Jannary to St. Louis, Mo. 12 20 1885 to New York City to Richmond, Va. to California 3 1880 from city to Boston, Mass. to Canandaigua 2 28 1877 to Friendship to Friendship to Wetherford, Texas to Spencerport 2 9 4 24 1884 1876 13 1885 30 65 to Elmira 1 20 1884 64 to Greece 8 Page 27 13 1886 71 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1885 1885 1884 1888 1877 1881 1886 1881 1884 1881 1888 1883 1883 1879 1876 1886 1879 1887 1877 1886 1881 1881 1885 1877 1886 1881 1883 1877 1879 1879 1879 1882 1885 1885 1876 1886 1887 1888 1885 1884 1888 1881 1882 1882 Surname Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennetzen Bennetzen Benning Benoit Benoit Benson Benson Benswanger Bent Bentley Bentley Bentley Bentley Bentley Bentley Given Alfred G. Arthur A. Asahel M. C. James Charles B. Charles E. Charles E. Cordelia B. Edmund M. Ensign Frank Frank Fred. George George D. Harry L. Hileno F. Ira S. J. Aubrey J. H. James H. Joel B. John W. Judith Lauren R. Nancy M. Rhoda Samuel Wm. H. Wm. M. Benedix Nis Chas. David F. Joseph B. George Sarah Samuel Edward David Dell Elizabeth J. Henry M. John F. Norman Age Removed: from city to Ohio 15 1885 48 to Auburn to Nunda to Michigan to New York City from city from city to Buffalo to Brockport 18 1887 26 to Lynn, Mass. to Johnstown from city from city 10 1885 to Tonawanda to Omaha, Neb. to Elmira to Dakota 8 1881 to Philadelphia, Pa. 16 1884 84 to Lyons 9 1886 74 17 1880 to Sodus to Ballston to Medina to Denmark to Denmark to Syracuse to Boston, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Brockport to Erie, Pa. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Rose 13 1885 46 to Churchville married A. J. Brewer 13 1881 nd nd to Batavia Month Day Year 3 12 8 3 6 5 5 4 2 nd Page 28 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1885 1889 1876 1881 1883 1877 1882 1876 1878 1888 1876 1885 1878 1880 1884 1880 1885 1888 1884 1889 1885 1886 1881 1879 1879 1886 1888 Surname Bentley Bentley Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Benz Berdel Berdett Berdrow Berg Bergen Berger Berger Bergh Bergin Bergman Bergman Bergman Bergmann Bergmann Bergmann Bergmann Bergmann Bergmann Given Uriah William J. Amanda Charles W. Edward F. Edward R. Henry Maria Reuben P. John G. Henry Edwin E. Louis A. Morris Anna V. John N. Mary Frederick W. Ettie George O. Henrich Henry Bernhardt Henry Michael Philip Philip Philip 1888 1888 1888 1881 1884 1883 1884 1884 1885 1876 1885 1889 1882 1882 1882 1882 Berl Berl Berl Berman Berna Berna Berna Berna Berna Bernboum Berneike Bernhard Berns Berry Berry Berry Carolina Charles Henry August Anthony M. John John, Jr. Nicholas F. Nicholas F. Abram Rudolph A. John Otto A. Charles Dorpha John 8 2 29 4 11 19 9 30 7 12 28 8 21 7 24 8 15 Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. to Cory, Pa. 1888 48 1876 to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. 1876 1882 1875 from city 1887 38 to Syracuse from city to Germany 1879 1883 married W. H. Killip 1884 62 married John Short to New York City 1888 29 to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Constableville to Batavia to Buffalo from city 1887 34 4 2 10 1 4 4 23 9 22 20 1888 1887 1880 1884 1883 Month Day Year married Joseph Kessel 22 52 23 to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. 4 25 1885 29 from city from city 9 15 1888 26 to Norwalk, Ohio to Buffalo to Geneseo from city Page 29 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1877 1883 1880 1889 1879 1883 1889 1883 1884 1888 1878 1881 1877 1889 1877 1886 1880 1883 1887 1883 1887 1884 1876 1877 1879 1879 1888 1888 1877 1883 1877 1876 1880 1881 1888 1886 1889 1876 1886 1888 1883 1884 1883 1883 Surname Berry Berthrong Bertoni Bertoni Bertram Bertram Bertram Bertram Bertram Bertru Bertru Bertsch Besmohn Best Bestwick Beth Beth Betteridge Bettinger Bettinger Bettner Betts Betts Bettys Beuckman Beuckman Beuckman Beuning Bevan Beven Bevier BeVier Beyer Beyerman Bezenah Bialystoker Bibbiana Bice Bickford Bickford Bickford Bicknell Bicknell Biddle Biden Given William Ithamar P. Aneshotto Jovani George Jacob Jacob John G. Philip Francois Mary Geo. M. Otto John P. Fred H. Joseph Joseph James E. Geo. K. George K. Thomas Alonson J. Charles L. Miranda Barney Barney John Joseph B. Anna M. William Andrew J. Orville D. Conrad Edward R. Genevieve Julius Mary, Sister Louis F. Albert L. James, Jr. Samuel R. Abigail P. Albert P. William T. Honoria Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. to Caledonia to Baltimore, Md. to Michigan 1888 52 to Syracuse to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. 1883 1883 40 married Wm. Kehoe from city from city 1877 from city to Victor to Victor to Caledonia to Lawrence, Kan. to Oswego Falls to Clarkson to Jordon to Rolla, Mo. to Penfield to Auburn from city from city to Brooklyn married Chas. A. Hull to East Bloomfield to Bradford, Pa. to Suspension Bridge to Canada from city to Clayton to Detroit, Mich. 1886 from city from city 1885 59 to New York City 1883 to Boston, Mass. from city 1882 Month Day Year 7 24 3 12 18 31 4 Page 30 3 24 6 14 4 7 10 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1876 1881 1889 1884 1885 1883 1879 1883 1880 1885 1881 1880 1879 1880 1888 1879 1882 1887 1883 1881 1876 Surname Bidlack Bidwell Bidwell Bidwell Bieck Bieck Bieck Bieder Biegler Biehler Biehler Biel Biener Given Benjamin L. Jeanette Nathan D. Tryphena Anthony George A. George M. John Charles A. Christopher Lewis Anton Henry Bierbruer Bierbruer Bierman Biesenback Bietry Bietzke Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Barbara Philip J. David H. Peter A. Mary Charles Abner P. Henry John May, Miss 1886 Bigelow Myron T. 1888 1876 1883 1876 1889 1889 1883 1879 1880 1879 1879 1877 1887 1888 1889 1884 1882 1877 Irving G. S. C. Charles K. Louis A. Edward J. Louisa August H. William William Charles E. Ellsworth Oscar L. William Julius Valentine George Walter Herman Bigford Bigford Biggs Biggs Bilger Bilger Bilhardt Billica Billinghurst Billings Billings Billings Bills Binder Bindnagel Bing Bing Bingemer Month Day Year 7 3 11 15 1880 21 1889 29 1883 8 16 1882 4 3 1883 Age Removed: to Irondequoit married to Jordan 54 27 to Chicago, Ill. to St. Paul, Minn. to Syracuse 8 15 1884 37 to Irondequoit married Joseph Bradley to DeKalb, Ill. to Newark, N. J. to St. Paul, Minn. 7 12 1878 29 1881 to New York City from city 1 21 1881 to Indianapolis, Ind. to Grand Rapids, Michigan to Tacoma, Washington Territory to Canada to Canada to Washington, D. C. to Freemont, Ohio to Freemont, Ohio 4 1882 to Buffalo 3 4 1880 to Perry to Hornellsville from city to Walworth 6 8 3 6 10 1887 28 1888 22 1884 1881 80 57 to Georgia Page 31 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1889 1885 1878 1882 1876 1879 1876 1879 1887 1877 1883 1883 1882 1881 1881 1887 1885 1882 1885 1883 1882 1880 1886 1888 1889 1887 1889 1888 1879 1884 1886 1885 1883 1877 1878 1886 1881 1886 1879 1883 1878 1880 1878 1888 Bingham Bingham Bingham Bingham Binke Binnard Binnard Binnard Binney Binney Binney Binswanger Binswanger Binswanger Binswanger Birchler Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird Birdsey Birdsey Birdsey Birdsey Birdsey Birdsey Birkholz Birmingham Bischoff Bischoff Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Given Age Removed: to Tacoma, Washington, Ter. to Buffalo to Lancaster from city to Germany from city to Auburn from city 1887 62 from city 1882 to New York City to New York City to New York City 1880 to Syracuse to Minneapolis, Minn. from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Ann Arbor, Mich. to Wisconsin to Fairport to California 1887 52 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Kansas 1888 1887 62 to Buffalo 1884 1886 25 to New York City to Michigan to LeRoy to New Haven, Conn. to Boston, Mass. 1881 to Chicago, Ill. 1879 1883 from city to Reading, Pa. 1877 1887 45 Month Day Year George E., Jr. Henry Henry H. Kleber W. Martin Aaron S. James James Omar Omer William C. Edward Max Samuel Sophia E. John S. James H. John John John H. William R. Arthur J. George George Thomas William William John John J. Fred Louis H. Chas. Frank E. George George H. George H. John H. John H. Rebecca Richard W. Robert Thomas P. Wilbur L. William Page 32 4 28 6 2 8 1 7 19 11 5 19 20 6 3 12 5 20 2 3 9 25 11 10 28 1 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1882 1881 1885 1883 1877 1889 1878 1881 1876 1882 1880 1889 1880 1878 1882 1881 1889 1880 1884 1888 1889 1889 1878 1883 1888 1885 1876 1882 1884 1876 1889 1889 1889 1877 1888 1883 1878 1883 1876 1884 1885 1889 1889 Surname Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Bisnett Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissell Bissing Bittiger Bittiger Bittner Bittner Bittschofsky Bitzke Bixby Black Black Black Black Given William H. Wm. Wm. M. Wm. M. Adolphus Artemas Caroline S. Daniel F. Daniel L., Jr. Edward H. Julia May G., Miss Oscar S. Thomas J. John H. Louis Mary John, Jr. Thomas B. Julius Charles Elmer B. Allen H. Ann John L. Mathew W. Black Black Black Black Blackall Blackall Blackford Blackford Blackford Blackman Blackman Blackman Blackman Blackmer Blackmore Blackmore Blackmore Blackstock Sarah A. William William William Mary Robert H. Edward Edward P. Edward, Jr. Anne Charles M. Elijah Newton M. Sarah, Miss Harvey William H. William W. George, Mrs. Age Removed: from city to Irondequoit from city 1884 62 to Brighton from city to Denver, Col. to Syracuse to Dansville to Richmond, Va. 1881 to Palmyra to Denver, Col. to Corning 1877 to Painesville, Ohio 1880 to Scottsville from city to Cleveland, Oh. nd from city to Geneseo 1877 1883 1887 69 married Henry Campbell from city from city 1884 32 to Racine, Wis. to Oneonta to Toronto, Can. to Canada from city 1887 47 1882 1878 to Baltimore, Md. to Sodus 1883 1884 79 to Rush 1889 Month Day Year 10 15 8 17 10 4 9 16 nd Page 33 nd 11 5 11 25 3 5 29 10 12 3 4 5 12 12 22 4 9 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1885 1877 1884 1884 1877 1878 1884 1887 1879 1878 1886 1882 1888 1885 1879 1889 1876 1889 1878 1888 1880 1880 1880 1878 1881 1881 1881 1886 1876 1876 1885 1876 1883 1887 1884 1887 1884 1883 1880 1882 1884 1884 1887 1884 Surname Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell Blackwood Blair Blair Blair Blair Blair Blake Blake Blakeney Blakeney Blakeney Blakeney Blakeney Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blanchard Blank Blasi Blasi Blasy Blauw Blauw Blauw Blauw Blazey Blazey Blazey Blazo Blazo Blazo Bleecker Blennerhassett Blennerhassett Blesser Blesser Blessner Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Given Diana John E. Spencer S. W. James Albert L. Benjamin S. Charles R. Lucius W. J. Lucius W. J. James William H. Isaac W. Mary J. Rodney William H. William J. Emily Eugene R. I. Millard Phila William P. Lucas Louisa Peter John August Charles Frederick Frederick A. Charles F. John John Alfred M. Benjamin K. Benjamin K. Charles W. Laura Robert Albert H. Charles A. Gustave Alfred C. Alonzo O. Charles H. Chester T. Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 16 1884 57 12 25 1884 29 to California to Chicago, Ill. from city from city from city to New York City to Kansas to Hemlock Lake 9 15 1877 8 21 1885 42 4 14 1882 to Buffalo from city to Columbus, Oh. to Clyde from city to N. Adams, Mass. 6 13 1877 to Greece to California married J. G. Jacobs 10 26 1879 from city to Kansas City, Mo. to New York City to Kansas City, Mo. 6 17 1885 26 to Victor to Victor to Victor from city from city 12 7 1886 46 from city 2 2 1887 71 6 2 1884 80 9 25 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Michigan from city 1 31 1887 47 7 27 1883 75 Page 34 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1886 1886 1877 1879 1879 1884 1887 1878 1882 1879 1878 1884 1883 1886 1877 1879 1889 1886 1884 1888 1888 1882 1889 1877 1882 1879 1879 1885 1888 1880 1887 1876 1889 1882 1876 1880 1879 1881 1876 1887 1878 1882 1882 Surname Bliss Bliss Bliss Blodgett Given John F. Mary I., Miss Nancy B. Isaac C. Blodgett Blondeau Blondin Bloodgood Bloom Bloss Bloss Bloss Blosser Blossom Blosson Bloxsom Bloxsom Bloxsom Bloxsom Blue Blue Bluett Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blum Blumenstiel Blumenstiel Blumenthal Bly Bly Blyth Blyth Blyth Boardman Boardman Boardman Boas Boas Isaac C. Gaston Wm. H. Frank Joseph I. Charles Mary William W., Jr. Wilbur F. Emily A. Nat. Albert H. Albert H. Augustus C. Josiah H. David S. John G. William H. Adam Anna M. Anthony Anthony George John Joseph Mary B. Albert Alexander Louis Celia Charles H. Douglass Edward E. Elijah K. William J. Herbert Robert O. Wm. E. George F. Millard F. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Wisconsin to Yonkers to Yonkers from city to Steamboat Rock, Iowa from city to Toronto, Canada 1887 to Syracuse from city 2 20 1879 to Kansas to Lockport to Albany to Missouri to Unionville to New York City 10 1 3 4 1888 3 1886 18 1884 42 66 28 to Wisconsin to Watertown to Cleveland, Oh. 6 2 1888 70 to Dansville 12 22 1881 to Fairport to Cleveland, Oh. 10 11 12 9 1884 15 1887 8 1879 77 79 to Vicksburg, Miss. to Chicago, Ill. to Germany to Hamilton, Canada 5 10 1876 3 6 1879 12 1875 to Havana, Cuba to New York City to Rushford to Minneapolis, Minn. from city from city Page 35 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1884 1889 1881 1886 1889 1881 1888 1889 1889 1884 1887 1882 1876 1884 1887 1884 1888 1881 1888 1889 1882 1888 1877 1879 1877 1884 1887 1889 1879 1884 1882 1889 1888 1883 1883 1886 1886 1886 1882 1884 1879 1876 1884 Surname Boblitz Bock Bodamer Boddy Boddy Boddy Boden Bodenstein Bodenstein Bodensteiner Bodle Boedicker Boehly Boehly Boehm Boehm Boehm Boehm Boehm Boehme Boehmerly Boeppel Boerner Boerner Boettcher Boettcher Boettcher Bogan Bogardus Bogart Bogart Bogen Given Herman Michael L. Frederich J. Alfred J. Henry W. Thomas Abraham John John Leonhard Ambrose W. Hermann Frank George George A. George H. John John Michael Fred E. Gottlieb Charles Frederick Nicholas Adolphus H. Frank W. Mary J. Mary Nettie Agnes Jacob Alice C. M. Month Day Year Bogen Bogert Bogner Bogner Bohachek Bohan Bohan Bohan Bohannan Bohen Bohle Bohm Margaret Edward Langdon Joseph F. Louis Albert Bridget James Wm. George John Henry Fredericka 1 8 7 4 9 27 16 7 23 24 1884 1888 1880 1886 1888 Age Removed: to New York City 33 43 68 to Paterson, N. J. to Sodus Point to New Jersey to Buffalo to Buffalo from city 11 16 1881 to Webster to St. Louis, Mo. 1 1 11 12 1887 20 1884 28 1887 23 64 68 to Missouri to Canada from city to Cleveland, Oh. 10 8 2 1887 20 1876 56 to Henrietta from city to Penfield from city 6 4 Page 36 9 1888 3 1879 43 to Gates to Fargo, Dak. married John Diegelmann to New York City to Henry, Ill. to Buffalo to Troy 5 13 1885 2 8 1882 72 from city from city to Kelly's Island, Oh. from city 4 11 77 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1887 1876 1887 1877 1878 1884 1886 1886 1888 1883 1885 1879 Surname Bohnert Bohrer Bohrer Bohrer Bohrer Bohrer Bois Boisvert Bolan Boland Boland Boland Boldt Given John Herman Louis Louis, Jr. Philip Xavier J. Melville Ludger J. James H. Augustus John John M. Charles 1889 1876 1882 1889 1883 1882 1882 1889 1876 1879 1876 1888 1884 1884 1888 1879 1883 1887 1881 1880 1879 1882 1878 1881 1887 1887 1884 1883 1887 1877 1876 1880 Boldt Bolender Boll Boll Bolles Bollmann Bolster Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bones Bonesteel Bonham Bonham Bonnar Bonstein Bontecu Bontiel Boon Boor Boore Boorman Boorman Boorman Boorman Boorman William William George John Elisha T. Francis Robert George W. Hiram Hiram James James E. James R. Laura A., Mrs. William H. Matilda James R. Anna S. Eliza C. Van W. David A. Frederick Daniel Isaac Norman P. Charles E. Lewis A. Charles Friend F. George James G. Sarah A. Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 1882 from city to Osage City, Kan. from city from city 3 13 1878 from city to Geneva nd nd nd 1 1 1888 57 12 18 1882 to Syracuse from city to Bowling Green, Oh. from city to Charlotte 11 nd 9 1888 nd nd 29 to Baltimore, Md. to Coburg, Canada 5 6 27 1889 1875 28 3 1876 8 26 1883 66 9 10 7 1887 12 1878 32 10 31 1886 89 to New York City to Canada to Hornellsville to Dakota to Buffalo to Buffalo to Davidsonville, Md. to Buffalo to New York City from city to Livonia 3 22 1887 28 to Niagara Falls to Coldwater 2 11 1887 49 from city to North Ridge, Ont. to Le Roy Page 37 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1879 1884 1888 1888 1881 1889 1883 1883 1884 1880 1880 1888 1883 1888 1887 1885 1889 1887 1889 1885 1879 1880 1880 Surname Boos Boos Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Boothe Borchard Borchard Borden Borden Borden Bordwell Bordwell Borland Borland Born Borneman Borneman Bornstein Given Frank Margaret Abial D. Abial D. Arthur E. Cyrus B. Ezra B. George A. Henry W. Jonathan L. Edmund D. Frederick Herman Chas. J. Clarence O. William A. Harry G. Lavern Judson I. Washington I. August Henry John C. Adolph 1879 Borradaile Griffith C. 1879 Borradaile John 1879 1876 1884 1882 1887 1878 R. Sarah Theodore John Adam Albert 1888 1886 1884 1886 1886 1880 1878 1884 Borradaile Borradaile Borradaile Bosch Bosche Bosche Bosche Boschert Bosdyk Bosold Bosold Bosold Boss Boss Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: to Salamanca 4 1879 to Sweden to Brockport from city to Chicago, Ill. 6 16 1888 83 to Troy to Newark 7 28 1883 60 to Ontario 7 1879 to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City from city to Rhode Island to New York City to Oil City, Pa. to Webster to Webster from city to London, Can. 6 29 1879 to Newark, N. J. to St. Catherines, Canada to St. Catherines, Canada to St. Catherines, Canada 7 24 1875 7 6 4 1881 11 1886 to Lyons 69 to Louisville, Ky. married Preston Steffy, New Orleans, La. to Clifton Springs from city Lillie Albert James A. Catharine Eliza J. Henry Geo. W. James M. 4 27 1886 74 married Andrew Maid to Gates to Cincinnati, Oh. 5 Page 38 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1878 1887 1883 1887 1887 1884 1878 1887 1885 1884 1877 1877 1888 1886 1885 1884 1882 1878 1889 1881 1888 1887 1881 1879 1885 1886 1888 1885 1885 1883 1880 1885 1887 1880 1887 1889 1886 1881 1882 1877 1884 1885 1882 1882 Surname Boss Bosse Bossert Bossman Boston Bostwick Bostwick Bostwick Bosworth Bosworth Botham Botsford Botsford Botsford Bott Bott Bottomley Bottum Boucher Boughton Boughton Boughton Boughton Boughton Boughton Bould Bourban Bourne Bourne Bouskill Boutall Bow Bowans Bowden Bowden Bowden Bowden Bowden Bowditch Bowe Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Given Joseph, Jr. Henry John George Wm., Jr. J. Benson James A. Lyman, Mrs. Seth W. William H. Belle S., Mrs. David Edmund M. Wade Caspar Herman A. Catharine B. Elijah Emery Anna Augusta Egbert H. George G. Romeyn Seymour William H. Joseph, Jr. Elizabeth Samuel William John Wallace E. Adrian Earnest A. J. Henry J. James Jane Robert Henry S. Patrick Clinton Effa Frank B. John J. John J. Age Removed: to Buffalo from city 1887 49 to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. to Texas to New York City 1877 1887 80 1885 52 from city 1876 from city from city 1885 29 to Wilmington, Del. 1883 51 1881 1877 1888 87 1880 1888 59 to West Brighton 1881 to Pittsford to Buffalo to Gilmore, Ia. married 1885 from city to Kansas City, Mo. to Syracuse 1885 68 to Geneva to Geneva 1886 64 to Syracuse to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city from city to West Brighton to Auburn to New York City 1881 from city Month Day Year 2 11 10 4 1 28 14 11 Page 39 10 16 10 7 9 11 7 5 10 29 14 4 25 23 5 10 1 12 4 11 8 3 8 19 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1889 Bowen 1886 1889 1876 1887 1881 1887 1889 1880 1883 1883 1877 1883 1885 1884 1884 1884 1888 1878 1886 1886 1883 1885 1886 1877 1886 1888 1883 1882 1886 1885 1882 1877 1877 1878 1878 1880 1881 1887 1885 1879 1877 1878 1885 Bowen Bowen Bower Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowes Bowes Bowes Bowes Bowes Bowker Bowler Bowley Bowley Bowley Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman Bown Bowne Bownes Box Boyce Boyce Boyce Boyce Boyce Boyce Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Given John J. Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. married David J. Kirkpatrick 1889 92 1875 from city to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Greece from city from city to Brockport from city to Toledo, Ohio 1883 80 from city from city from city to Avon married August Vogel to Cleveland, Ohio to Middleport to Billerica to Buffalo 1876 to Cleveland, Ohio to Penfield to Minneapolis, Minn. 1881 1886 47 to Kansas to Pennsylvania to New York City 1876 to New York City to New York City 1879 1880 to Poughkeepsie 1884 73 from city 1876 1878 to New York City Month Day Year Kittie A. Laura S. William H. Conrad Henry Henry, Jr. Samuel A. Daniel Lida R. William William A. William A. Henry Elizabeth George Harvey Harvey Charles A. Cora Edgar L. Eli Henry H. John G. Lewis F. William L. Andrew H. Wm. A. Edward Margaret Harriet M. Henry M. Isabella John Louis D. Mary A. Armstrong Elizabeth D. George D. James James A. James, Jr. John Joseph H. 4 8 27 9 11 6 Page 40 11 5 7 26 6 5 8 8 25 5 11 2 12 5 1 15 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1881 1882 1884 1879 1882 1885 1888 1887 1882 1876 1881 1876 1886 1888 1881 1877 1887 1887 1888 1887 1888 1884 1883 1888 1880 1881 1876 1889 1878 1881 1879 1877 1879 1879 1878 1887 1888 1883 1876 1888 1889 1877 1880 Surname Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyd Boyer Boylan Boylan Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Boyle Boylen Boylen Boynton Brace Brace Brace Brachold Bracken Brackett Brader Bradfield Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradler Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Given Samuel J. Thomas W. Joseph William James F. John Nicholas F. Charles Edward L. John Thomas Thomas Thomas, Jr. William Wm. Bernard George George W. Blanche B. Lamont Stella B. Edward Bridget Andrew J. Anthony John Edward P. George A. George A. Frank X. Almon Alonzo Ann J., Miss Anna G. Charles S. Cyrus David Hannah Hugh John H. Joseph H. Laura C., Mrs. Sarah E. William Month Day Year 2 Age Removed: to Albion to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 1879 to Mumford 10 4 1884 58 to Buffalo to Oswego to Canada 9 1875 2 3 1876 30 1886 to Auburn to Canandaigua to Buffalo to Canada from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Buffalo to Minneapolis, Minn. 6 8 29 1887 27 1883 35 73 to Sodus Point 4 1 8 4 1888 10 1880 1 1880 75 to Philadelphia to Pennsylvania 4 4 16 1878 25 1881 from city to Dublin, Ireland 9 30 1878 from city to Mt. Morris 12 8 5 12 1886 15 1887 6 1883 47 90 to Pennsylvania to Auburn to Boston, Mass. to Dublin, Ireland to Webster Page 41 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1884 1888 1885 1886 1889 1888 1881 1885 1889 1884 1879 1880 1882 1881 1887 1879 1888 1884 1887 1876 1881 1885 1888 1876 1889 1876 1883 1885 1883 1885 1881 1878 1888 1881 1888 1884 1876 1887 1884 1883 1886 1888 1885 1876 Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradstreet Bradt Bradtke Brady Brady Brady Braggins Braggins Braik Brainard Brainard Brainard Brainard Brairton Braithwaite Braman Braman Branch Brandel Brandenburger Brandenburger Brandenstein Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandt Brandt Brandt Brannigan Brasch Brasch Brasch Brasch Brasser Brast Brast Brauch Braun Given Month Day Year William William T. Wm. R. Alfred Elizabeth Fannie C. Edward G. Harry Reinold Charles A. Michael William H. George F. Seth James Leonard L. Rhoda Waldo E. Warren G. James Mary Elias M. Oscar A. William Frank X. Andrew August B. Martin V. Robert M. Robert R. Adolphus Louis Louis W. William P. Adam Adam F. Charles Valentine Christian George J. Jacob W. Peter Conrad Age Removed: to Washington, Kansas from city 10 30 1884 27 2 18 1889 54 1 26 1881 to Toledo, Oh. married R. R. Gay to New York City to New York City 2 28 1884 36 to Meadville, Pa. to Pueblo, Col. to Cleveland, Oh. to Georgia to Buffalo to Rome, N. Y. 2 9 4 3 12 1 17 14 6 17 1888 1883 1887 1876 1880 72 20 75 5 15 1888 24 10 11 1888 to Brockport from city to Scottsville from city from city to Canisteo to Albany to Pittsburg, Pa. to New York City to Michigan 4 3 4 11 15 24 19 22 1881 1888 1884 1875 21 70 to New York City 4 6 19 1884 15 1882 to Albion to Palmyra 7 3 Page 42 9 1884 21 1876 52 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1883 1886 1885 1876 1886 1888 Surname Braun Braun Brautigam Bravat Bray Bray Brayer Given John, Jr. Thomas Henry Isaac, Jr. George W. James Emma M. 1886 1884 1880 1888 1882 1887 1886 1885 Brayer Brayer Brayer Brayer Brayer Brayer Brayer Brayer Fannie George H. Jacob John C. John M. Margaret Michael Stephen 1886 1877 1881 1877 1883 1876 1882 1886 1879 1877 1888 1883 1888 Brayer Brayshaw Brayton Brayton Brayton Brayton Breck Breck Breck Breck Breck Breck Brede William J. James Julia Julius F. William William M. George James James Martin B. Mary Susan E. Lizette 1884 1885 1883 1878 Breen Breen Breen Breese John John C. John D. John H. 1881 1879 1880 1883 1882 1886 1882 1888 1879 Breese Breese Breicher Breidenbach Breidenbach Breimaier Breithaupt Breithaupt Brennan Mary F. William A. John George Henry Fred. George Peter Andrew Month Day Year 7 8 24 1882 16 1885 Age Removed: to Buffalo 63 to West Brighton to Canada to Pittsford married married Charlie K. Dietz to Chicago, Ill. 10 7 13 1879 8 1887 41 to Ohio 2 5 5 18 1887 13 1886 22 1885 77 64 79 to San Francisco, Cal. to Canada to Hornellsville to Brockton, Mass. from city 5 1875 to New York City to California to St. Paul, Minn. 10 4 5 1 1876 15 1888 10 1883 15 1888 64 to Washington Territory to Buffalo to Hopworth, Can. 8 1877 to San Francisco, Cal. to Buffalo from city 4 11 24 1883 30 1881 from city 8 23 1881 to Canandaigua 7 Page 43 14 1878 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1880 1877 1883 1877 1887 1877 1884 1889 1882 1883 1877 1884 1880 1886 1888 1882 1882 1887 1882 1887 1889 1887 1877 1886 1884 1884 1881 1883 1876 1878 1885 1877 1884 1882 1889 1883 1876 1877 1889 1886 1882 1881 1877 Surname Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brennan Brenner Brenner Brenner Brenner Brereton Brereton Brerton Given Andrew T. Austin D. Edward J. Frank X. John John E. John H. John H. John J. Marshall A. Martin H. Michael Michael Nellie Patrick Thomas F. Adam Fred. G. John Joseph Mary P. Joseph James Brett Brettell Breu Breum Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewster Wm. C. George F. Jacob Fred. Charles Y. Cornelius Erastus A. Geo. E. Heman S. Joel C. Kate Myron Parisot William H. Edward Henry James T. John O. Roscoe A. William J. Wm., Mrs. Month Day Year nd nd nd Age Removed: to Newark, N. J. to Lafayette, Md. to Silverton, Col. to Bergen 3 27 1887 30 to Bergen to Bergen 8 12 4 2 1888 31 1881 3 1882 1877 4 1884 64 1 24 1886 25 4 8 1882 9 24 1886 6 8 1885 10 1888 5 1886 to Avon to Buffalo to Elmira 77 from city 28 26 to San Francisco, Cal. from city 8 2 1883 68 to Los Angelos, Cal. from city to East Syracuse to Syracuse to Niagara Falls from city to Clifton Springs to Dansville to Newark, N. J. from city to Penfield 2 2 8 1876 22 1877 18 1888 67 to Newark to Unadilla to Ellicottville to San Diego, Cal. Page 44 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1889 1876 1885 1877 1879 1889 1878 1888 1876 1884 1883 1883 1885 1886 1889 1882 1889 1880 1884 1886 1876 1883 1887 1877 1876 1878 1882 1889 1876 1881 1882 1884 1876 1884 1877 1878 1878 1876 1886 1882 1885 1881 1884 1884 Surname Brice Brichler Brichler Brichler Brickel Brickner Brickner Bridenbecker Bridgeman Bridgeman Brielmeyer Briemer Brien Brier Brier Brierley Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Brigham Brill Brinckman Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff Given Edward Charles Joseph Joseph Wm. Henrietta Samuel Arthur M. David Harry William Aloys Thomas Ethelbert Harriet John B. Amanda, Mrs. Charles Charles E. Delos A. Delos D. Edward Enoch B. Frederick W. Gilbert Hiram D. James B. James H. James W. John John Lizzie, Mrs. Martin Sofia F., Mrs. Stewart William William H., Jr. William S. George H. Samuel Frederick Catherine M. Cornelius R. Gertrude William H. Month Day Year Age Removed: from city to Boston, Mass. 1876 to Ithaca to Sandusky, Oh. 6 28 1878 to New York City to Seneca Falls 7 16 1887 1 4 7 12 7 8 1884 17 1883 24 1882 1884 7 1885 72 to Churchville 33 to Canada to Nebraska 2 6 24 1889 7 1879 65 to New York City from city to Cleveland, Oh. to Scottsville to Olean from city to Grafton, Oh. 6 18 1877 to Philadelphia, Pa. 11 26 1888 85 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 12 5 24 1883 20 1875 75 from city to Auburn 5 12 1877 to Chicago, Ill to Syracuse to Auburn to Buffalo 10 3 11 1884 18 1881 65 to New York City to Lynn, Mass. Page 45 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1888 1880 1885 1877 1888 1879 1880 1876 1884 1883 1887 1882 1888 1888 1889 1883 1883 1889 1881 1884 1888 1879 1877 1885 1880 1877 1884 1884 1882 1877 1880 1887 1879 1878 1878 1878 1886 1877 1888 1879 Surname Brister Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristow Britinham Britt Britton Britton Britton Britton Britton Britton Given Thomas H. Lavius F. Martin F. Martin F. Mary G. William Edwin Mary Albert R. Albert R. Alonzo Alonzo Alonzo L. Alonzo L. Britton Britz Britz Britz Brizee Brizee Broadbooks Broadbridge Brock Brock Brock Brockway Brockway Brodde Brogan Bromley Bromley Bronis Bronk Bronner Bronner Bronner Bronner Bronson Bronson Bronson Bronson Cora B. John John, Jr. Peter J. Christopher Martin W. William H. Jules Harry C. James W. William L. Hiram William William C. Mary A. Byron S. Daniel H. Sigismund John S. Charles Henry M. Isreal Roland Albert C. Amon Amon Ann E. 1887 Bronson 1888 Bronson Age Removed: to Moravia from city to Indianapolis, Ind. to Gainesville to Canandaigua 1887 43 to Lyons 1880 to Irondequoit 1884 from city to Eureka, Kansas to Eureka, Kan. to Chicago, Ill. married Valentine J. Ruppert 1889 1883 1883 from city to Pontiac, Mich. 1883 1887 to New York to Buffalo to New York City from city to Albion from city to Canandaigua to Churchville 1876 to Warsaw to Shortsville to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to New York City 1876 from city 1878 married Wm. H. Wright, Jr. 1887 70 Month Day Year Annie Loemma E. Page 46 7 16 4 3 2 9 3 2 3 31 11 28 6 11 26 9 30 7 28 12 26 10 29 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1889 1876 1877 1880 1883 1881 1884 1883 1884 1882 1883 1889 1881 1876 1880 1876 1878 1877 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1887 1878 1885 1880 1881 1881 1880 1880 1887 1889 1877 1888 1885 1883 1884 1887 1888 1888 1879 1884 Surname Brook Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Given William H. Amelia Arthur Chester P. E. Sherman Elizabeth, Mrs. Fanny Frank E. George F. Henry Herbert E. Homer James H. James S. John G. John M. Joseph D. Lewis Margaret, Mrs. Mary Brooks Brooks Brooks Broom Brophy Brophy Brost Brothers Brothers Brothers Brothers Brothers Brotz Brough Brousky Brouwer Brower Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Mary Matthew C. Thomas Richard John J. William Charles John S. Peter R. Peter R., Jr. Thomas H. Wm. E. Joseph Willet C. Harris Cornelius T. John C. Addison G. Alanson Alexander R. Alfred R. Alfred T. Amelia Ann Age Removed: from city 1889 60 to Syracuse from city 1879 1882 married from city to New York City 1883 20 to Salamanca from city to Fulton 1880 to Eden, Oh. 1880 to Providence, R. I. 1877 to Niagara Falls 1880 Month Day Year 2 17 10 6 9 12 8 18 1 29 8 9 12 4 to Lancaster, England from city 5 7 1882 from city from city 5 5 14 1877 18 1885 62 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. from city 3 8 1889 30 4 8 21 1888 12 1884 80 24 to New York City to New York City 6 17 1883 64 2 28 1888 47 to West Brighton to Auburn from city 5 Page 47 24 1884 79 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1888 1885 1888 1887 1888 1877 1883 1884 1884 1882 1877 1882 1887 1886 1883 1887 1881 1884 1887 1887 1881 1889 1887 1883 1888 1889 1884 1878 1879 1888 1883 1879 1886 1878 1882 1878 1885 1882 1884 1881 1877 1886 1885 1884 Surname Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Given Anna Anson C. Benjamin Caroline Caroline L. Catharine Charles A. Charles A. Charles A. Charles B. Charles W. Charlotte H. Daniel Dyer D. S. Edward Edward C. Edwin F. Edwin H. Elizabeth E. Emily M. Emma Emma F. Eugene F. F. Wayland Ferdinand Florence Fortune C. Frank Frank C. Frank F. Frank H. Frederick W. George George George H. George N. George W. Gove Hamilton A. Henry H. Henry O. Hiram Horace W. Ira James Month Day Year 9 3 1 11 1887 10 1885 18 1888 12 26 1887 2 4 1884 5 27 1881 Age Removed: to Charlotte 72 54 36 to Canandaigua 47 to LeRoy to New York City 48 from city to Fond du Lac, Wis. to Buffalo 1 11 1887 67 to Charlotte 12 30 1882 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to N. Chili 7 14 1886 55 from city married 5 9 18 1889 1 1885 46 5 6 30 1887 27 1888 25 74 from city to Batavia from city to Penfield to Honeoye Falls to Philadelphia, Pa. 10 18 1878 from city to Ithaca from city 10 17 1877 12 12 1881 from city to N. Chili to Buffalo from city to E. Troupsburg to Honeoye Falls 8 Page 48 8 1883 65 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1888 1879 1883 1888 1886 1889 1886 1878 1884 1884 1887 1885 1888 1888 1885 1885 1886 1886 1889 1887 1882 1882 1883 1887 1882 1877 1887 1882 1884 1884 1885 1887 1885 1884 1879 1882 1888 1888 1881 1880 1876 1884 1880 1880 Surname Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Given James James D. James M. Jane Jay John John H. John W. Joseph Joseph W. Lawrence LeGrand Louisa Mahlon W. Margaret Mary A. Mary A. Melville F. Meta C. Michael Mortimer Olive H. Oscar E. Phebe L. Purlina P. Sarah Sarah H. Susanna T. Edwin Walter H. William E. William E. William G. William J. William L. William M. William S. William S. William W. Wm. W. Briant C. Edward Edwin H. Everett A. Harry C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 16 1886 72 to Brockport 1 6 1879 7 28 1882 to De Witt to Charlotte 12 22 1888 47 from city 7 25 1877 to Olean 8 17 1883 26 to Scottsville to Glenwood to Buffalo to Spencerport to Brockport to Elmira from city to New Haven, Conn. 4 15 1889 73 from city 6 21 1881 to Buffalo 10 12 1882 married William Thorn 3 22 1882 1 1877 1 23 1887 49 to Providence, R. I. to Brighton to Batavia to N. Bloomfield to Buffalo 9 17 1884 31 to Cleveland, Oh. 12 3 1878 to Chili Station to Elmira to North Chili to Howard City, Mich. 9 6 1879 to Toronto, Ont. to Dansville nd nd nd to Colorado Page 49 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1880 1878 1880 1876 1880 1880 1876 1879 1879 1885 1881 1879 1885 1879 1879 1889 1883 1878 1879 1880 1878 1879 1889 1889 1886 1886 1886 1887 1884 1886 1889 1877 1888 1880 1889 1878 1884 1889 1884 1888 1888 1882 1877 1883 Surname Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownell Brownlee Brownlee Brownlee Brownyard Brownyard Broxholm Broxholm Broxholm Broxholm Broxup Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruck Given J. Jay, Mrs. Jane John H. John S. Mahlon W. Reuben L. William R. Wm. Annie D. Aurelia C. Morse Edwin P. Ephraim Fannie M. Fay E. George A. George A. Gerritt Henry W. J. Augustus Mary E. Myron S. Polly William George Robert C. Sanford H. Catharine William H. Christopher Christopher Thomas Thomas, Jr. Lewis Alexander Alexander M. David David W. Isabella Leverett W. Mary Sarah William H. Wm. A. William Month Day Year 3 6 Age Removed: from city 16 1880 26 1877 to Penfield to Prescott, Ont. from city nd nd nd to Toronto, Ont. to Middleport 1 18 1879 from city 12 4 1 5 1880 23 1879 29 1885 77 to Middleport from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 14 1882 to Towanda, Penn. to Middleport from city from city 8 nd 13 1878 nd nd to Buffalo from city to Corning 3 30 1886 53 to Elmira to Cleveland, Oh. to Geneva from city from city from city 3 4 2 3 12 21 16 27 12 17 1879 1889 1878 1884 1888 77 72 27 1887 20 1888 39 90 from city 8 2 to Washington, D. C. to Chicago to New York City Page 50 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1888 1876 1889 1879 1887 1888 1882 1884 1876 1877 1886 1880 1881 1888 1889 1883 1876 1885 1879 1889 1885 1880 1879 1887 1882 1888 1882 1881 1886 1880 1886 1887 1880 1886 1888 1886 1880 1880 1882 1881 1885 1886 1880 Surname Brueck Bruegger Bruegger Bruehl Bruff Bruff Bruff Brugger Bruins Bruman Brumby Brundage Brundage Brunn Bruno Bruno Brunswick Brunton Brutsche Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Given George Charles Victor Albert Ellen James L. William W. Gootlieb William J. Chauncey Charles Ozias C. William H. Sarah R. Pascal Teresa, Mrs. Carrie Crawford Minrad Charles V. Elisha W. Frederick F. Geo P. James C. William Daniel W. Harry G. Jonathan P. Parsons Bryant Bryant Bryce Brydon Bryson Bubel Bubel Bubel Buchan Buchan Buchanan Buchanan Bucher Bucher Buchhecker Sarah Silas William C. Charles F. James Jacob Jacob John Elizabeth A. Emily John T. Sarah E. Joseph Salome Frederick Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 26 1887 45 12 1 1887 56 1875 6 28 1888 64 2 28 1879 to New York City 2 16 1888 66 to Minneapolis, Minn. 9 20 1883 to Avon to England 4 29 1886 77 from city to Ohio from city to Pittsburgh, Pa. married Julius Steefel from city 11 11 1884 61 to Detroit, Mich. 12 14 1888 79 9 30 1884 30 12 4 1879 to Canandaigua 10 13 1886 29 12 26 1881 nd nd nd 6 18 1881 from city married Samuel Daymon to Bay City, Mich. to Greenville, Conn. to Boston, Mass. from city to Gates to Cleveland, Oh. to Gates to Oswego 2 1880 2 11 1882 9 3 1880 1 31 1885 48 married John Bucher 1 1 1880 Page 51 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1885 1877 1889 1885 1878 1885 1877 1879 1886 1879 1889 1883 1883 1885 1884 1885 1877 1887 1880 1885 1877 1884 1881 1885 1881 1884 1882 1885 1883 1878 1878 1880 1888 Surname Buchmüller Buchterkirch Buchterkirch Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buck Buckland Buckland Buckland Buckland Buckler Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Given John Armin Mary Alexis C. Daniel R. George George Henry L. Henry R. Henry R. Jackson M. Orrin C. Walter E. Walter S. Abner M. Amos B. Mehetable R. J. W. William H. Charles Charles S. Daniel Daniel Esther James James F. James F. James W. James W. Jennie E., Mrs. Johanna John John Julia 1888 Buckley 1877 Buckley Maggie I. Michael J. 1884 1884 1882 1885 1879 1880 1883 Regina A. Rodger A. Thomas Thomas A. Thomas R., Jr. Thomas R. Frederick Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckley Buckly Buckmann Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 10 1889 53 from city 12 1876 to Auburn to St. Louis, Mo. to Bradford, Pa. 8 26 1884 43 to Buffalo to Scottsville 9 28 1885 to Syracuse to Auburn to Williamsport, Pa. to Auburn from city 6 23 1884 80 3 31 1885 75 1876 10 18 1886 43 4 1880 to Buffalo 1 1877 3 7 1883 47 12 28 1880 8 24 1884 78 to Bradford, Pa. to Bradford, Pa. to Fisher's from city to Grand Island, Neb. 9 21 1877 3 4 1878 6 16 1879 11 30 1887 82 married Eugene Hammill to Boston, Mass. married William Boston, Jr. 6 5 1883 42 to Nebraska from city to Clyde 12 28 1879 12 1882 Page 52 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1889 1876 1884 1877 1881 1877 1878 1885 1877 1883 1885 1885 1880 1882 1879 1885 1883 1885 1889 1880 1889 1884 1883 1885 1878 1878 1888 1889 1884 1878 1888 1888 1881 1887 1886 1878 1885 1877 1884 1885 1878 1887 Surname Buckner Buckout Budd Budd Budd Budd Budd Budd Budlong Budlong Budlong Buedingen Bueg Buel Buel Buell Buell Buell Buell Buell Buelte Buelte Bueren Buerge Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buffington Buhl Buhler Buhr Buker Bulger Bulger Bulger Bulger Bulger Bulger Bulger 1886 Bulkley Given Frederick W. Peter Alden T. Delman D. Frank D. Hiram Isabella James Clara S. Samuel J. Sarah A. Albert John Thomas B. Thomas B. Eben N. Isaac P. Mary W. Mortimer Rebecca R. Frederick Joseph Otto Henry Enos Geo. Geo., 2nd John Louis Louis, Jr. Michael, Jr. Henry C. Lawrence Joseph Frederick Mabel O. Andrew T. Edward J. James H. John C. Michael Patrick William K. Age Removed: to Leipsic, Germany 1888 76 to Greece to Greece to Detroit, Mich. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Chicago 1877 to Scottsville 1876 1883 to Paris, France to Irondequoit to New York City to New York City 1878 to Sioux City, Iowa 1882 1885 76 1889 88 from city 1889 74 to Buffalo from city 1885 55 to Hamilton, Ont. to Michigan 1887 24 1889 78 1883 1878 to Macon City, Mo. to Parma 1880 1886 54 to Colorado 1878 1884 21 to Hamilton, Can. 1883 to Toronto, Can. 1877 to Chicago, Ill. Month Day Year 12 25 12 George N. 9 3 8 7 11 6 1 3 26 28 14 3 22 5 4 12 1 7 4 23 2 11 12 30 23 3 9 28 29 9 14 8 25 10 to Grand Rapids, Mich. Page 53 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1881 1879 1879 1882 1882 1885 1883 1881 1876 1889 1888 1888 1878 1885 1876 1888 1883 1887 1887 1883 1876 1883 1887 1877 1886 1885 1879 1884 1889 1889 1877 1881 1885 1876 1884 1878 1885 1885 1883 1887 1887 1878 1885 1886 Surname Bulkley Bulkley Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bullard Bullard Bullard Bullard Bullinger Bullinger Bullingham Bullis Bulloch Bulloch Bulloch Bullock Bump Bunce Bundy Bunker Bunker Bunnel Bunnel Burbank Burbank Burbank Burbott Burbott Burch Burch Burch Burch Burchard Burchard Burdick Burdick Burgard Burgdorf Burgelin Burgelin Given Josiah Mason Charles H. Clifton B. James E. Joseph R. Joseph R. Martha, Mrs. Samuel Fisher, Mrs. George F. John H. Lucy A. H., Mrs. Balthasor, Jr. Henry J. Joseph Fannie E., Mrs. Alexander John W. W. Frank Asa E. Amos S. George C. Sarah J. Ann Mary Eliza S. Reuben A. Geo. D. Mary Solomon M. Charlotte George Charles Henry Henry S. Peter R. Charles H. Melvin Alexander J. Frank A. George Etta E. Ernst Ernst Month Day Year 3 10 Age Removed: to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Buffalo to Toronto, Can. to New Haven, Conn. to Canada to St. Thomas, Can. 13 1881 1875 to Westboro, Mass. to Winfred, Da. to Winfred, Da. 11 12 1877 to Chicago, Ill. 1876 from city to Oswego to Cohocton to Cohocton to Honeoye Falls to Greece from city 7 3 4 12 1 29 2 12 7 13 1886 1877 1886 1884 1879 7 12 12 4 1888 14 1888 18 1876 65 79 77 to Mt. Vernon, Me. 82 73 to Adams' Basin from city 3 7 1876 to Brooklyn to Syracuse, N. Y. 7 2 1884 36 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Livonia 11 30 1886 to Marshall, Mich. to Pittsford 10 Page 54 9 1885 29 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1880 1885 1886 1889 1883 1876 1887 1880 1886 1886 1885 1888 1880 1883 1878 1883 1882 1882 1883 1883 1887 1888 1882 1884 1877 1884 1885 1885 1889 1879 1888 1877 1889 1886 1883 1887 1883 1882 1886 1876 1878 1886 1877 1878 Surname Burger Burger Burger Burger Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgess Burgess Burghardt Burghardt Burgher Bürgi Burgie Burgmaster Burgund Burgweger Burhans Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Given Charles John John Lena Amanda M. Closson P. George William William S. Charles P. Edward H. Frank Fred. Daniel John Maximilian Leonard A. Eugene Alexander Alexander Dennis Edward L. Edward P. James James John John John John John John F. John H. Joseph Lawrence Louisa S. Maggie Michael Michael H. Patrick Patrick Peter Peter Y. Richard Sarah A., Mrs. Stephen Age Removed: to New York City to Lyons 22 1885 74 29 1885 74 to Albion to Cincinnati, Oh. to Troy 16 1887 48 1880 to Stockbridge, Mass. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Mt. Tabor, Vt. from city 13 1880 to New York City to Cincinnati, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. from city to Chicago, Ill. 16 1882 27 1882 nd nd 31 1888 27 to Buffalo from city from city to Chicago, Ill. to Fort Scott, Kansas 6 1884 24 1 1888 64 30 1878 to Buffalo to Henrietta 15 1888 24 30 1885 75 to Chicago, Ill. to Canandaigua 27 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Medina 31 1877 17 1885 41 to Fairport to Chicago, Ill. Month Day Year 4 8 2 3 8 8 nd 3 10 6 8 1 9 10 5 6 Page 55 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1881 1888 1883 1885 1886 1882 1888 1889 1881 1881 1889 1883 1885 1880 1881 1888 1879 1889 1886 1878 1886 1881 1885 1877 1884 1884 1885 1887 1877 1883 1877 1877 1879 1887 1889 1881 1884 1888 1879 1887 1885 1877 1876 Surname Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burket Burkhardt Burkhart Burkstrom Burleigh Burley Burley Burley Burley Burley Burlingame Burlingame Burlingame Burman Burn Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnham Burnham Burnham Burnham Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Given Thomas William William William Wm. J. Robert T. Emil Simon Frank Oscar G. George James H. John T. Michael Minor G. Chas. A. George T. James T. Caleb Fred W. A. H. Clara A. Elizabeth Frank J. Frank J. Phebe William H. Wm. H. Guy Lorenzo Marcus O. Martin V. B. Alexander Andrew Ann Ann Bessie Bridget Catharine Charles Chas. Chas. C. Daniel J. Frank Hannah Month Day Year Age Removed: from city from city 3 6 16 1881 4 1887 20 1 4 1885 22 3 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Indian Ter. to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to Buffalo to Buffalo from city 12 3 4 1882 26 1885 85 to Amesbury, Mass. to Sylvania, Oh. to Pittsford from city to Seattle, W. T. to Cuba to Buffalo 1 19 1886 68 to Albion to Albion 9 1876 from city from city to Pavilion 4 22 1887 71 to Denver, Col. to Saratoga from city from city 10 8 9 1878 19 1886 21 to Cazenovia 11 12 7 15 1880 26 1883 23 1887 68 29 to Little Rock, Ark. to New York to LeRoy to Buffalo 9 Page 56 24 1875 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1879 1881 1884 1884 1876 1876 1876 1880 1883 1884 1886 1881 1876 1882 1882 1882 1880 1881 1883 1881 1884 1879 1884 1887 1884 1888 1888 1885 1884 1882 1885 1889 1876 1889 1879 1880 1882 1888 1885 1880 1887 1885 1887 Surname Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Given Helen James James James T. James T. John John John John John John John John A. G. John C. Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr Burrell Burrell Burrell Burris Burris Burritt Burritt Burrough Burroughs Burroughs Burroughs Maggie T. Margaret Martin Mary Michael Michael Patrick Peter Robert Theodore Thomas William William P. Edwin S. Everett D. Frank E. Frederick George John E. Charles F. Henry T. James Charles D. Charles D. Stephen D. William J. Augustus C. Alfred P. Augustus C. J. Edmund Month Day 3 27 1 3 11 3 30 7 11 24 12 9 30 12 Year Age Removed: 1887 91 1879 1881 to Utica 1884 24 to E. Saginaw, Mich. 1875 from city 1879 to Saginaw, Mich. 1883 38 1885 62 to Syracuse to Syracuse married Frank Hartnett to Buffalo to Pullman, Ill. 5 19 1879 6 1 6 16 1882 20 1881 19 1883 from city 49 to St. Louis, Mo. to Buffalo from city to Buffalo to Johnstown to W. Henrietta to New York City to Elmira to Buffalo to Geneseo to Fairport to Denver, Col. from city 1 4 1879 to Harrisburg, Pa. from city to Canada to Omaha, Neb. to New Jersey to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to Buffalo Page 57 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1882 1877 1880 1888 1889 1882 1885 1886 1889 1885 1886 1884 1885 1880 1888 1879 1886 1887 1881 1889 1883 1889 1883 1881 1887 1887 1879 1888 1889 1880 1880 1878 1885 1877 1885 1885 1884 1880 1883 1887 1887 1876 1882 1887 Surname Burroughs Burrows Burrows Burrows Burrows Burrows Burt Burt Burt Burt Burtis Burtless Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Busby Busby Busby Busby Busch Busch Busch Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bushey Bushfield Bushnell Bushnell Bushnell Bushnell Bushner Given Lamora E., Mrs. George E. Jennie A. Phebe Walter E. Wellington E. Alfred W. Charles A. Charles W. Henry C. Amanda E. S. Adelbert Everett A. Everett A. Orsemus D. Selden G. Seldon G. Joseph C. Joseph C. Miriam William Charles Lena Simon Alexander Cicero M. Clarinda Elizabeth George Gregory J. James Jacob H. James H. Janse John F. Julia S. Robert W. Samuel T. Henry V. Theodore E. Anna John H. Orsemus William Eliza Age Removed: to Dansville to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Brighton to Cleveland, Oh. from city to New York City to Honeoye Falls from city to Cohoes to Auburn to Charlotte 25 1885 24 to Auburn to Boston, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Philadelphia, Pa. 6 1886 49 25 1881 29 1888 80 13 1882 married W. J. Brayer 17 1882 from city 25 1886 35 18 1886 59 14 1879 5 1888 88 1888 to Elmira to Cleveland, Oh. to Boston, Mass. from city to Florida to Elmira to Elmira 6 1884 from city from city to Manvis, Canada to Almena, Kansas to Brooklyn 21 1882 24 1886 82 Month Day Year 3 8 3 8 8 5 11 7 2 5 10 6 1 7 Page 58 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1886 1889 1876 1884 1887 1882 1877 1882 1882 1881 1882 1884 1887 1877 1887 1879 1877 1883 1888 1887 1878 1885 1887 1876 1877 1889 1882 1879 1884 1887 1877 1887 1883 1880 1883 1888 1886 1878 1879 1886 1882 1888 1882 Surname Busley Busley Buss Bussey Bussey Bussey Busteed Butcher Butcher Butiger Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butrick Butrick Butter Butterfield Butterfield Butterfield Given Jerome William Fred. J. Albert E. Edwin F. George H. Ida Charles Henry Charles P. Benjamin F. Benjamin F. Charles Charles Charles W. Edward Francis J. James John John C. John T. Joseph M. A. Mary A. Samuel P. Sylvanus F. Thomas Wallace M. William William G. William H. William W. Charles W. Wallace H. Robert Edward F. Jerome E. William C. Button Button Button Button Button Button Alphonzo Elsie, Miss Richard Thomas Thomas William A. Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: from city to Gates from city 1875 to Syracuse to Brighton from city from city from city from city to Chicago, Ill. 1 4 1882 to Fairport 1886 to Canandaigua 8 7 2 1886 27 1878 80 from city to Los Angelos, Cal. 3 6 1888 28 to Geneva to Lynn, Mass. to Olean 6 13 1886 1 8 1877 8 1888 60 from city 85 to Detroit, Mich. 2 5 1879 to New York City from city from city to Hornellsville to New Haven, Conn. to St. Louis, Mo. to Syracuse to Livonia to Pottsville, Pa. to East Saginaw, Mich. from city to Fairport to Maidstone, Eng. 1887 from city Page 59 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1884 1879 1889 1888 1889 1889 1888 1880 1885 1877 1889 1887 1881 1885 1883 1885 1882 1889 1886 1881 1883 1885 1885 Surname Butts Butts Butts Butts Butz Buxton Byam Byam Byam Bycroft Byer Byers Byers Byington Byington Byington Byland Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrne Byrnes Byrnes Given Frank C. James Mary Nathan O. Rosa Fred. A. Asa Eber C. William W. Thomas John M. Lyman J. William A. A. Homer Electa F. George M. Valentine Edward John John M. Michael Michael Daniel J. Edward 1887 1885 1883 1884 1886 1884 Byrnes Byrnes Byrnes Byvoet Cady Cady John H. Patrick Thomas J. John W. Clayton Walter C. 1885 1879 1881 1886 1881 1881 1888 1882 1883 1883 Cager Cahill Cahill Cahn Cain Cain Caine Caire Cairns Cairns Jennie Catharine Daniel Frank Elizabeth James L. William D. Adam Joseph H. Thomas A. 1889 Calder 1884 Caldwell Month Day Year 12 2 9 31 1878 17 1889 28 1887 Age Removed: to Brockport to Buffalo 57 72 to Dansville from city 7 24 1887 63 to Tigerville, Da. to England 7 1876 to Bellevue, Ohio to Belleville, Can. from city 8 18 1884 76 to Greece from city to Syracuse 10 12 9 25 1888 18 1885 1880 nd nd 56 47 9 11 1884 28 nd to Lima to San Francisco, Cal. 7 16 1884 76 from city to New York City to Spencerport from city married William Carroll 1 5 22 1879 18 1880 1 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Oswego to New York City to Canandaigua from city to Ireland married George Glasgow to Albany Anna Charles H. Page 60 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1886 1889 1877 1885 1880 1883 1886 Surname Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Cale Given Charles M. Frank E. Hugh E. John Lightle Mary L. William Hume H. 1886 1880 1878 1877 1889 1882 1883 1886 1889 1887 1882 1888 1881 1886 1889 1877 1888 1881 1886 1877 1879 1889 1888 1882 1885 1884 1888 1882 1882 1881 1889 1884 1877 1888 1878 1878 Caley Caley Caley Caley Calhoon Calhoun Calhoun Calhoun Calhoun Calihan Calihan Calihan Calihan Calkins Calkins Calkins Calkins Callaghan Callaghan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callahan Callen Callery Callery Callery Callery Alice T. George E. James William Charles John John John C. Thomas W. Henry Lewis Matthias J. Thomas F. Benjamin F. E. Kirby Moses T. Robert Eugene Michael Catharine Daniel Elizabeth J. Joseph James James John John D. Martin B. Mary Michael A. Thomas Thomas D. Bernard Michael Michael J. Patrick Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: from city to Clifton Springs to Tacoma, W. T. to Canada to Chicago, Ill. 21 1880 from city to New York City married Thomas Wright to Brighton 10 1877 to Canada to Detroit, Mich. to Shortsville to Canada 8 8 6 28 1885 28 1888 14 1886 71 35 62 from city to Denver, Col. 12 5 1880 to Tonawanda to Batavia from city from city to Cleveland, Oh. 9 22 1885 52 to Cleveland, Oh. to Kansas 7 21 1888 12 10 10 15 1881 21 1884 14 1883 66 to Buffalo 53 35 to Cleveland, Oh. to Bloomington, Ill. 4 17 1882 to Winona, Minn. 4 24 1889 71 to Cleveland, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. 6 1 14 1887 1878 83 to Chicago, Ill. Page 61 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1882 1883 1878 1889 1888 1883 1886 1879 1885 1887 1882 1878 1880 1882 1887 1877 1876 1884 1885 1889 1879 1876 1877 1889 1880 1885 1879 1876 1877 1887 1882 1876 1889 1878 1887 1882 1876 1878 1886 1889 1877 1881 1883 1881 Surname Callery Callister Callon Calvet Cambeis Camburn Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Camier Camier Camp Camp Camp Camp Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Given Patrick Thomas John Alfred Barbara Joseph H. Angus Angus Donald Donald Duncan D. Robert L. Simon James J. Kate Daniel Dwight Helen, Mrs. Maggie Alex. Andrew Ann Charles Charles A. Christian David C. Donald B. Emerson Frank A. George W. Harry Harry J. J. Clark J. Oscar James James James R. Jane Jerome John John A. Joseph B. Joseph B. M. Elizabeth Maud Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Palmyra 2 1882 to Palmyra to New York City married August Fink from city to Caledonia to Caledonia from city 7 30 1884 38 to Caledonia to Chicago, Ill. 2 22 1877 to New York City to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Attica to Alton married Julius Thiele 8 2 30 1884 7 1889 93 79 to Batavia to Denver, Col. from city from city 6 25 1879 from city to Buffalo to Canandaigua from city to Columbus, Oh. from city 9 1875 from city to England 12 3 1886 70 to Brooklyn 9 1875 from city to Lee, Mass. 7 16 1888 80 to Shreveport, La. to East Kendall to Half Way from city Page 62 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1884 1881 1876 1879 1885 1886 1877 1876 1886 1880 1886 1882 1885 1881 1878 Surname Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campin Campin Campin Candee Canfield Cannaby Cannaby Given Peter Rachael Samuel M. Thomas William S. William S. William S. Wm. D. Wm. H. Frank J. James James, Mrs. Henry O. John W. Gertrude Nancy J. 1882 Cannan 1889 Cannell 1889 Cannon Ida E. William S. Alfred 1886 1881 1877 1876 1881 1882 1889 1883 1878 1878 1883 1888 1877 1885 1882 1889 1884 1887 1889 1888 1887 1876 1880 1889 Alice Ellen James Daniel John W. Albert A. James Martin Frances M. Milton R. Fred. A. Lottie J. Edwin C. J. William John E. John E. Michael Edward H. Nicholas Phineas N. Andrew Robert G. George James Cannon Canny Cantlon Canty Cape Capeling Capozzi Cappon Capron Capron Capwell Capwell Caraboin Carberry Carberry Carberry Carberry Carbine Carbone Cardoso Cardy Carew Carey Carey Age Removed: to Erie, Pa. 1883 72 from city to Syracuse to Batavia to Batavia to Newfield to Buffalo to Philadelphia to Florida 1879 to Florida to Washington, D. C. 1885 46 to Buffalo to Buffalo married to Chas. F. Nicholson 1888 29 1888 married William Fulligan married 1876 to Boston, Mass. from city to Stockbridge to Italy to Elmira from city from city 1882 to Brooklyn from city to Chicago, Ill. to Utica to Utica to Michigan 1886 28 to Italy 1888 89 to Canada to New York from city from city Month Day Year 8 1 11 21 2 27 11 11 9 9 12 Page 63 12 17 6 19 3 9 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1887 1889 1877 1889 1880 1887 1885 1882 1887 1884 1888 1889 1881 1888 1879 1881 1888 1888 1884 1889 1878 1883 1888 1877 1878 1876 1883 1887 1888 1881 1881 1889 1889 1886 1886 1881 1876 1883 1883 1882 1881 1881 1889 Surname Carey Carey Carey Carey Cargil Cargill Carhart Caring Caring Carle Carlin Given Martin J. Mary Mary Patrick Frank H. Edwin D. Sylvester L. Barbara William Andrew John H. Carlin Carlin Carlin Carlin Carlisle Carlton Carman Carman Carmichael Carmichael Carmichael Carmody Carmody Carnall Carnall Carnall Carney Carney Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Lizzie F. Nellie Patrick Thomas Charles B. John H. John C. May Archibald W. Archibald W. Hiram Patrick F. Patrick F. Henry S. Samuel H. William F. William William C. Asa L. Clifton C. Elias Ellsworth Frederick A., Mrs. Geo. W. Ira H. Isaac Paul D. William P. Charles, Mrs. Charlotte Ebbin Watson Edward Irvin Age Removed: from city 1886 76 married C. F. Cullen from city to Newark Valley 1880 to Chicago, Ill. 1884 58 1881 from city 1883 26 married Robert Attridge to Elkhart, Ind. from city 1888 73 from city to St. Louis, Mo. to Ohio to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Le Roy 1877 to New York City to St. Louis, Mo. 1876 1878 to Syracuse 1883 from city to Hiawatha, Kan. from city 1881 from city to Portland, Me. to Dakota to Troy to Auburn to Pittsford to Stafford to St. Thomas, Can. married John Allman 1881 from city to Oneonta Month Day Year Page 64 7 24 7 8 12 10 12 29 4 23 11 16 6 4 3 1 19 2 25 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1887 Carr 1881 1885 1884 1876 1887 1876 1879 1879 1881 1887 1877 1887 1881 1880 1881 1885 1888 1889 1881 1886 1886 1886 1883 1884 1888 1889 1876 1880 1886 1881 1881 1885 1876 1887 1882 1882 1886 1887 1878 1886 1881 1889 1888 Carr Carr Carr Carr Carrance Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrigan Carrigan Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carron Carruth Carson Carson Carson Carson Carson Given John Martha L. A. Patrick Whitman Patrick William James B. Nathaniel W. Wm. A. James Peter Alonzo Ann Charles Charles E. Dennis, Jr. Dennis, Jr. James M. John John C. John H. John H. Joseph H. Matthew Maurice W. Michael H. Philip Robert Robert S. Stephen B. Stephen D. Thomas Thomas C. Thomas P. William J. Cornelius J. John F. Thomas H. Fred. P. John B. John Q. Marshall S. Marshall S. Samuel H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 13 1886 27 married Chas. J. Lester to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. from city from city from city to Bath to New York City 11 30 1880 to Ireland 12 16 1876 2 6 1887 80 to Oswego to Erie, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to New York City 1889 from city to Detroit, Mich. 1 11 1886 61 to Webster to New York City 5 28 1884 29 to Chicago, Ill. 9 21 1888 60 to Greece to Charlotte from city to East Bloomfield 12 30 1880 to Buffalo to Buffalo 8 3 1886 66 to Cold Water 5 4 1882 to Trumansburgh to Orange, Mass. to Hannibal, Mo. to California from city 1888 to Denver, Col. Page 65 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1877 1883 1889 1877 1884 1888 1884 1888 1885 1889 1887 Surname Carson Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Given Thomas A. Agnes M. Alvah A. Antoinette Charles Charles D. V. Francis Geo. H. Giles Hulda Ilus F. John V. B. 1889 1882 1885 1879 1887 1876 1889 1877 1879 1886 1876 1884 1884 1879 1879 1879 1877 Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carton Cartter Cartter Cartwright Cartwright Cartwright Cartwright Carver Carver Carver Cary Mary F. Nathan S. Peter L. Samuel R. William H. William Thomas Charles F. David K. Jerome Matthew Robert Robert H. Frank Philetus S. S. Otis Charles 1888 1888 1882 1878 1881 1884 1889 1878 1881 1886 1885 1888 1879 1889 Cary Cary Cary Casazza Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Charles A. Edward Henry W. Giocomo Alfred Charles H. Charles V. Clarence W. Edward A. George W. Henry M. Hiram A. John A. Mary Month Day Year 12 9 Age Removed: to Hall's Corners 1876 14 1882 married 10 1876 to Buffalo from city 1 9 12 1884 4 1888 24 1884 11 1888 76 82 72 to Geneva married Joseph McDonald from city to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. to Utica to Scottsville to Chicago, Ill. 11 4 1876 to Riga Centre to Syracuse to Buffalo to Stamford, Conn. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Connecticut to Connecticut to Connecticut from city to San Francisco, Cal. to Fox Ridge to Brockport to Buffalo to Bath 4 16 1884 53 to Canandaigua from city 3 9 1881 1 10 7 1885 16 1887 from city 59 72 to Buffalo 12 Page 66 6 1888 79 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1888 1883 1876 1880 1888 1889 1880 1889 1884 1881 1885 1885 1889 1887 1882 1888 1886 1882 1889 1883 1883 1888 1885 1889 1884 1880 1889 1883 1887 1883 1884 1883 1877 1887 1879 1884 1887 1888 1882 1887 1881 1886 1884 Surname Case Case Case Case Case Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Cashan Cashman Caspar Casper Casper Casper Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Cassman Given Myron H. Samuel S. Wm. H. Alfred Charles W. Anna Bartholomew Daniel Frank J. H., Mrs. James F. John H. Margaret Roger Thomas Thomas, Jr. William Ann Herman George Herman Matthew Richard Catharine Lodaska Margaret Sanford M. Sarah L. John N. Casson Casson Castle Castle Castle Castle Castleman Castleman Castleman Castleman Castner Caswell Cater Caton Caton Elizabeth H. Walter J. B. Frank Charles D. George P. John W. Henry V. Henry V. Jacob Mary Hermon A. Samuel S. William H. Harry V. John Month Day Year 10 7 5 1879 26 1887 Age Removed: to Dallas, Texas from city to Geneva, N. Y. to Avoca 76 to Springfield, Mass. to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. 12 22 1883 to Buffalo 4 1 4 5 1885 31 1885 9 1889 52 34 80 from city to Chicago, Ill. 1 5 11 22 1888 7 1886 6 1881 87 to Lawrence, Mass. to Cleveland, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to Lawrence, Mass. 12 3 1884 43 6 16 1883 74 to Winter Park, Fla. to Canisteo to Winter Park, Fla. to Batavia to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Minneapolis, Minn. 2 22 1884 26 to Seneca Point from city 4 2 1887 66 to Buffalo to Buffalo 2 23 1887 1 26 1882 75 married to Henrietta 11 1880 from city 9 Page 67 22 1883 74 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1880 1877 1877 1889 1886 1883 1887 1880 Surname Caudle Cauffman Caufield Cauley Cauley Caulkins Caulkins Caulkins Cavallierri Given Charles Caroline Patrick John Margaret Russell William R. R. Linnaeus Theodore Cavanagh Cavanagh Cavanaugh Cecil Cento Cerat Chadband Chadbourne Chaddock Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chadwick Chaffee Challus Chamberlain Delia Sylvester Mathew Samuel Frank Nelson Fred. A. Benj. L. George W. Charles E. David I. Frank A. Warner M. Julia A. William George F. 1881 Chamberlain 1879 Chamberlain 1887 Chamberlain George S. Jenny E. Tryphela 1881 1887 1887 1880 1882 1882 1884 1877 1884 1887 1884 1885 1881 1882 William A. William A. Henry G. Francis J. John John Thomas C. Charles Court T. Jefferson Edward George V. John H. Walter M. 1884 1880 1876 1876 1887 1884 1883 1878 1879 1882 1877 1877 1885 1889 1882 1876 Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlin Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambers Champagne Champeney Champion Champney Chandler Chandler Chandler Month Day Year 7 6 Age Removed: to Gates 1 1879 1876 to Niagara Falls 10 25 1888 72 to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. married Daniel D. Granberger 12 1879 from city from city from city to Canada from city to Boston, Mass. to Le Roy 6 6 1881 1876 to Syracuse to Spencerport to Oswego to Lima 1873 to East Saginaw, Mich. 6 18 1879 from city to East Saginaw, Mich. to Buffalo to St. Joseph, Mo. 4 29 1879 to Manitoba, Can. to New York City 5 27 1884 36 to Williamsport, Pa. to Corning to Brighton to California 6 4 22 1884 1880 58 to Dillon, Cal. Page 68 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1882 1878 1879 1882 1883 1889 1879 1889 1882 1886 1881 1889 1887 1889 1889 1880 1888 1880 1882 1881 1876 1884 1878 1882 1887 1884 1876 1876 1885 1879 1878 1888 1884 1888 1888 1885 1882 1888 1884 1888 1889 1887 1884 Surname Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapin Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Chappell Charbonneau Charbonneau Charles Charles Charles Charlesworth Chartrain Chase Chase Given Alexander H. Charles H. Edward D. Edwin B. Frederick E. Harlow F. William K. Arthur Bradley C. Charles H. E. Augusta B. Emmet Eunice Grace Herbert W. Hobart M. Julius Smith Susan Frank George H. Oscar Wales H. Wm. N. Joseph Joseph Elmer E. James M. William W. Joseph E. Hector Arvilla Charles A. Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Charles A., Jr. Charles C. Daniel W. Delia R. W. Eugene P. Eugene P. Frank D. Frank F. Frank W. George B. George C. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Wolcott 16 1882 to Syracuse to Chili to Illinois to Bergen 3 3 30 1889 23 1879 1 17 1882 to Webster from city to Bradford 11 7 16 1888 27 1886 83 25 to Syracuse 6 6 9 1 1888 27 1879 14 1887 36 86 from city 1 27 1882 from city to Penfield 11 6 1883 31 to New York City to Montreal, Can. to Canada to Arcade from city to Hornellsville 1884 26 to Buffalo to Spencerport to Waukesha, Wis. to Laramie City, Wyoming from city 5 26 1888 74 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Mt. Clement, Mich. from city from city to Lincoln, Kansas 12 1888 to Utica to St. Paul, Minn. Page 69 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1881 1878 1882 1884 1878 1876 1880 1880 1876 1880 1887 1886 1883 1888 1883 1877 1883 1884 1889 1889 1879 1886 1888 1876 1889 1886 1885 1885 1884 1885 1882 1877 1883 1882 1876 1889 1886 1885 1887 1880 1887 1883 1880 Surname Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chase Chatfield Chatfield Chatterton Chatterton Chatterton Chauncey Cheesman Cheesman Cheever Cheevers Cheevers Chenet Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Given John C. Martin V. B. Miller W. Olivia C. S. Everett Samuel Edward Jane M. John H. Louisa Mary Ann Charles E. Hiram H. Bradley D. Harvey William B. William G. Andrew E. George Mary Arthur J. Nicholas Alfred A. Cole James E. James E. James E., Jr. Polly Wellington M. Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Chesebrough Chessman Chester Chester Chester Chichester Child Cora A. Frederick D. George James James James A. Sabra William E., Jr. Elon P. A. Ewart M. Anson G. Fred. H. E. Emily Jonathan H. Month Day Year 5 Age Removed: to Fairport to Augusta, Me. 20 1877 married P. B. Viele to California 5 25 1877 to Newark, N. J. to Martinsburg, W. Va. to Indianapolis, Ind. to Newark, N. J. to Syracuse to Syracuse 6 12 1885 67 to Irondequoit to Canada to Irondequoit 2 4 1877 5 1883 to Philadelphia, Pa. 11 30 1888 to Buffalo 7 1878 from city to Naples Landing to Lancaster, Oh. 3 5 3 16 1889 1 1886 24 1885 67 29 86 from city married to Frank M. Talling to Albany to Syracuse from city to Syracuse to Toronto, Can. 5 7 1876 to Albion to Syracuse to Galveston, Texas to New York to Minneapolis, Minn. to New York from city to Geneva Page 70 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1883 1881 1881 1881 1886 1877 1881 1877 1879 1882 1886 1883 1889 1884 1876 1879 1885 1886 1889 1880 1884 1884 1887 1881 1889 1881 1885 1887 1881 1886 1884 1887 1884 1884 1878 1880 1883 1889 1882 1876 1888 1877 1885 Surname Childs Childs Childs Chillson Chipman Chipman Chipps Given Edgar V. Frank B. James E. C. V. Albert E. Deborah M. Joseph K. Chisholm Chisholm Chism Chittenden Choquet Chrisman Christ Christ Christ Christiaansen Christian Christian Christian Christian Christie Christie Christie Christie Christilaw Christmann Christy Christy Chrysler Chrysler Chubb Chubbeck Chubbuck Chubbuck Chumasero Chumasero Church Church Church Church Churchill Churchill Churchill William R. Wm. Mary Eli Ambrose Matthew W. Johanna Louis Mary J. John Ann J. Caesar Thomas Robert Edward A. James F. Jennie, Mrs. John, 2nd Maggie A. Philip Arthur Thomas A. Guy R. Pembroke G. Hoddinott Alva Lynott B. R. W., Mrs. Henry C. John C. Francis A. Frank W. Frederick H. Rudolph B. Annie B. Caroline John Age Removed: to North Parma to Mississippi to Middletown to Macedon to Ithaca to Michigan from city to Corpus Christi, Texas to New York City to Williamsport, Pa. to Greece to Plattsburgh from city married 1884 20 to San Diego, Cal. 1879 1884 81 to Chicago, Ill. to Minnesota 1879 from city to St. Louis, Mo. to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. married J. P. O'Byrne 1880 from city to Buffalo 1881 1885 63 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Syracuse to Syracuse to Chicago to Chicago, Ill. from city to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Newark, N. J. to Schenectady to Chicago, Ill. to Watkins Month Day Year Page 71 6 12 4 6 23 31 5 26 12 5 5 6 21 13 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1884 1882 1883 1881 1889 1883 1876 1882 1881 1883 1885 1887 1876 1877 1877 1876 1889 1886 1884 1887 1886 1889 1889 1885 1882 1887 1881 1883 1884 1882 1882 1879 1880 1883 1886 1881 1877 1882 1885 1887 Surname Churchill Churchill Churchill Churchill Churchill Cilletti Clack Clackner Claffey Claffey Claffey Claffey Clague Clancey Clancey Clancey Clancy Clancy Clancy Clancy Clancy Clancy Clapper Clarey Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark 1883 Clark 1888 Clark 1882 Clark Given Lewis K. Louis P. Patrick Philena William Pasquale Mary E. Fred E. Elizabeth Ellen A. Ellen A. Thomas C. Daniel John John John M. Charles A. John Margaret Michael J. Thomas P. William George F. Margaret Aaron Alfred E. Almary Almary, Mrs. Amanda M., Mrs. Catherine Charles Charles Charles A. Charles A. Charles E. Charles H. Charles W. Eber R. Edward Edward C. Electa S. Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth O. Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 24 1878 to Springfield, Mass. from city 6 15 1882 12 29 1880 to Italy to Auburn to Brockport 3 23 1882 from city to Sandwich, N. H. to Chicago, Ill. 2 19 1887 76 8 1875 9 1876 2 5 1877 to Philadelphia to Olean to Guelph, Can. from city 8 19 1886 62 3 22 1886 21 to Geneseo married M. J. Casey 9 9 1884 86 from city 4 17 1887 79 to Toledo, Oh. to Spencerport 12 13 1883 64 to Scottsville to Canadice from city from city from city to Chicago, Ill. from city to Albion to Cincinnati, Oh. to Gaines 11 14 1886 90 married Milton E. Blakeslee 2 15 1888 59 married Walter Wright Page 72 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1877 1886 1888 1882 1883 1885 1887 1889 1882 1880 1878 1886 1881 1883 1888 1880 1877 1879 1885 1881 1877 1885 1884 1882 1877 1881 1886 1886 1876 1876 1889 1889 1880 1889 1883 1880 1886 1886 1882 1878 1876 1884 1885 1886 Surname Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Given Ezra C. Frank Frederick W. Fredinand W. Gates A. George George H. George V. George W. Herbert L. Herbert W. Holloway J. Ion L. J. Wayland J. Wayland J. Wayland James James A. John John John T. John, Jr. Joseph A. Joseph H. Joseph M. Julia Louisa C. Mary Mary Mary J. Morris W. Myron D. Orpha Paris G. Samuel Samuel C. Thomas Thomas D. Warren R. William F. William H. William O. Wm. T. Asa Arthur M. Age Removed: to Spencerport to Minneapolis, Minn. to Greece 1887 50 to Iowa 1882 1885 66 to Bainbridge nd 1881 to Waterloo to Avon from city from city to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. from city to Livonia from city from city to Milwaukee, Wis. to Guilford, N.Y. to New Mexico to Detroit, Mich. to Auburn to Holyoke, Mass. married 1885 70 1885 to Penfield from city 1888 32 1889 78 to Unadilla from city to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1885 to Plainfield, N. J. from city from city to Penfield 1883 66 to Johnstown from city Month Day Year 12 28 7 5 7 22 5 nd 30 11 8 18 17 9 3 16 4 6 2 7 2 nd Page 73 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1883 1884 1880 1885 1889 1888 1888 1884 1888 1885 1881 1877 Surname Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Given Charles H. Edward F. Edward S. Edward W. Elias A. F. DeWitt Fannie Freeman George M. Harry G. John John T. S. Joseph E. 1888 Clarke 1876 Clarke Mary S. Roswell 1886 1879 1887 1877 1885 1879 1886 1884 Thomas William C. Wm. F. Alonzo R. Henry J. Stella John M. Elizabeth Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarkson Clary Clasby Clasgens Claus Month Day Year 5 7 6 27 1889 26 1887 23 1887 10 13 1884 5 1875 4 28 1879 Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo to Atlanta, Ga. from city from city 50 68 78 to Indianapolis, Ind. to New York City 65 to New York City to Auburn married Samuel Swanton to Barnard's Crossing to St. Louis, Mo. to Buffalo from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Utica 2 2 1884 64 1886 Claus Elizabeth married Marmaduke Haggerty 1881 Claver Bertha to Grand Rapids, Mich. 1880 1882 1887 1888 1887 1883 1884 1879 1889 1882 1879 1889 1884 1877 1877 John C. Charles O. James A. James E. Michael Harry B. Isaac Thomas Ella G. Joseph C. Richard Sarah J. John Lucia, Mrs. Thomas to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Canada to Buffalo from city Claver Clay Cleary Cleary Cleary Cleeves Cleggett Cleland Clement Clement Clement Clement Clements Clements Clements 12 nd 6 1886 nd nd 5 31 1884 55 to New York City to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Buffalo 9 4 1883 75 from city 9 Page 74 27 1876 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1887 Clements 1878 Clements Given Thomas W. Hill 1880 1883 1889 1887 1883 1887 1885 1882 1886 1884 1881 1889 1882 1878 1883 1877 1876 1882 1879 1876 1889 1888 1877 1880 1881 1876 1880 Cleminson Cleminson Clemons Clemons Clerc Cliff Clifford Clifton Clinch Clinch Clinch Cline Clonick Cloonin Cloonin Cloonin Cloonin Close Close Close Closs Clotilda Clough Clough Clough Clough Cloutier Mary A. Mary A. Anna S. Samuel P. George Frederick W. Uriah Edward Edward J. Peter Peter B. John A. Joseph Daniel Daniel James Matthew Hugh Jacob James E. Esther M. M. Sister Charles O. W. Thomas A. Rosalie K., Mrs. Henry 1877 1889 1885 1877 1888 1885 1885 1885 1878 1879 1884 1877 1880 1877 Clunan Clune Cluney Clute Clymer Coake Coake Coakley Coakley Coakley Coakley Coapman Coates Coates James Patrick J. Martin J. Charles W. Virgil H. Cornelius Cornelius, Jr. Johanna D. Michael J. Nellie, Mrs. Patrick John A. George John R. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Hornellsville married G. E. LeGacy 4 12 1 12 7 18 10 15 1883 1888 1887 1882 71 72 from city from city to Buffalo 10 3 25 1885 3 1884 21 47 6 3 1888 86 to Toledo, Ohio to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 3 29 1883 to Bergen to Buffalo to Denver, Col. from city from city 7 5 1888 68 to Charlotte to Brockport to Syracuse from city to Sacremento, Cal. from city to St. Catharines, Canada to Auburn to Troy 11 1876 7 5 3 25 1884 6 1884 20 1885 to Syracuse 65 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Yonkers 7 10 Page 75 13 1879 1876 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1889 1876 1877 1877 1885 1876 1880 1888 1882 1876 1877 1882 1881 1883 1884 1888 1880 1888 1884 1878 1877 1883 1884 1884 1880 1876 1884 1884 1889 1889 1880 1885 1887 1886 1876 1883 1883 1881 1889 1882 1882 1882 1886 1889 Surname Coats Coats Coats Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobb Cobleigh Cochenour Cochoy Cochran Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cochrane Cock Cockayne Cocker Cocklin Codding Codding Codding Codding Coddington Coddington Cody Cody Cody Coe Coerper Coffay Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffin Given Russell Russell Thomas E. Charles Cullen R. Frank R. John F. A. M. William M. Rudolph Jos. E. Charles Charles B. James C. James E. John Joseph Michael W. Robert H. Charles A. Peter John John Louisa Milo D. Thayer H. Wm. T. Edward J. James R. Abram S. Bridget Jane Holland S. Henry Jeremiah Edward Edward James E. Margaret Catherine John Samuel B. Timothy William J. Kelsey B. Month Day Year nd nd Age Removed: to Geneva to Dansville from city from city to Victor from city from city nd to Bridgeport, Conn. 8 3 1881 to Meadville, Pa. from city to Atchison, Kan. 1 25 1881 from city 2 8 4 1884 30 1887 36 73 from city to Denver, Col. to Auburn to Hamilton, Ont. to Canada 6 7 9 3 1882 6 1883 27 1883 40 68 to Connecticut 3 12 1876 from city to Elmira to Michigan 9 5 12 1888 19 1879 70 to Jamestown to Chicago, Ill. 1 28 1886 4 30 1883 5 3 12 5 1881 4 1889 17 1881 28 to Palmyra from city 68 from city from city from city to Nunda Page 76 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1876 1885 1889 1883 1878 1885 1878 1883 1889 1878 1886 1889 1876 1881 1883 1884 1880 Surname Coffin Coffin Coffrain Coffrain Coggins Coghlan Cogswell Cogswell Cogswell Cogswell Cogswell Cohen Cohn Cokely Colbath Colbert Colburn Colby Given Walter S. William H. Edward S. Emeline E. Peter Allen Jane Thomas G. Thomas G. William A. William N. Anna Bernard John James M. John Frank E. Charles E. 1885 1876 1886 1889 1883 1885 1881 1883 1889 1886 1883 1880 1876 1887 1883 1877 1885 1876 1881 1885 1889 1884 1883 1878 1885 1881 Colby Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Zaccheus, Jr. Abraham Charles M. Daniel D. Delos Delos Edwin B. Frank Frank M. Frank W. George W. Gregory, Jr. Horace John John D. John E. Peter Richard D. Samuel M. William Benjamin Byron S. Charles Jacob Jacob D. James Month Day Year 11 8 4 1875 5 1884 18 1889 Age Removed: to New York City 72 to Buffalo to Denver, Col. 7 9 1884 81 to Penfield 1 8 1883 18 1888 47 to Europe from city 10 8 9 1888 1875 78 to Cincinnati, Oh. 10 28 1882 to Elmira from city to Spokane Falls, Washington Ter. to Montrose, Pa. to Canada 11 9 1888 16 to Gates to Gates to South America to Ithaca to Redwood from city to Buffalo to Toronto, Can. to Syracuse 5 9 1887 8 1876 from city to Gates to Irondequoit to Auburn to Gates 5 3 1889 39 from city from city to Toronto, Ont. from city from city Page 77 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1882 1879 1888 1885 1882 1877 1880 1882 1884 1889 1889 1883 1879 1885 1876 1889 1886 1883 1880 1883 1881 1877 1880 1877 1886 1883 1883 1887 1887 1889 1885 1880 1880 1884 1887 1888 1879 1887 1888 1881 1887 Surname Coleman Coleman Coleman Collamer Coller Coller Collet Collet Collet Collier Collier Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collinson Collinson Collinson 1882 Collister 1876 Collister Given James Stephen Stephen G. William G. Charles A. Martha Charles Peter Peter L. Peter F. Samuel J. Agnes B. Benjamin G. Charles H. Clarence E. Daniel J. Daniel M. Elihu B. Ella Parish Fitch B. Frederick Frederick W. Hiram L. Horace James James John F. John G. Joseph D. Montie Nancy Nicholas E. Richard D. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas B. William Z. William William, Jr. Wm. J. Month Day Year 4 2 Age Removed: from city 1 1882 27 1879 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Flint Creek 1 30 1882 7 31 1879 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to New York City to Spencerport to Edgartown, Mass. to Berlin, Wisc. to Fairfield, Neb. 4 17 1876 to Brooklyn 6 30 1885 69 to Denver, Col. to Buffalo to Michigan 4 1 2 1881 1877 to Red House 4 7 11 1877 20 1885 46 to Hamilton, Can. to Chicago, Ill. to New York from city 9 5 1888 5 5 1879 81 to Syracuse to Leadville, Col. from city from city 2 11 17 1888 6 1878 61 from city 10 16 1887 79 to Oneida to Hazelton, Pa. to Poncho Springs, Col. to Kansas Charles J. Lyman Page 78 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1887 1889 1884 1888 1886 Surname Colliton Colman Colnon Colson Colt Colt Given William J. James H. Redmond S. George H. Emily S. Irving 1889 1880 1882 1877 1888 1879 1877 1888 1884 Colter Colton Columbus Colvin Colvin Colvin Colvin Colvin Colwell Ettie C. Reuben W. George Aldrich Chloe Stephen R. William M. Zorada J. Charles A. 1879 1886 1877 1880 1882 1886 1885 1889 1881 1888 1881 1879 Colwell Combs Combs Combs Comerford Comerford Comerford Comfort Compton Compton Comstock Comstock John A. Charles G. Mary J. William H. John Joseph F. William Lewis M. Arthur F. Ira G. James W. Orville 1886 1883 1883 1888 1877 1880 1885 1886 1886 1877 1887 1878 1889 1887 1888 Condlin Condon Condon Cone Cone Cone Cone Cone Cone Cone Conegan Cones Congdon Conheady Conkey Daniel A. Benjamin David David P. Edward A. George M. George M. John C. Sarah E. Wm. H. Bernard T. A. H. Charles H. Thomas J. Esther D. Age Removed: to Lockport to Boston to St. Louis, Mo. 1883 77 to Kansas City, Mo. to Aurora married M. G. Bridgeford to Dayton, Oh. 1881 to Henrietta 1887 87 to Cleveland, Oh. 1877 1888 80 to Pennsylvania Month Day Year 9 6 10 15 2 12 5 4 14 24 to Sault St. Mary, Mich. nd nd nd from city to Denver, Col. 12 10 1881 to Buffalo to New York City to Mt. Morris to Auburn to South Barre 10 3 16 1880 8 1879 to San Francisco, Cal. from city from city 5 3 8 1888 29 1877 35 to Scottsville to Minneapolis, Minn. to Vernon to Vernon to New York City 11 28 1886 74 from city from city from city from city Page 79 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1886 1880 1888 1882 1885 1878 1887 1876 1882 1888 1879 1877 1877 1886 1886 1884 1876 1882 1885 1878 1877 1883 1876 1880 1884 1885 1878 1877 1882 1889 1882 1887 1878 1887 1886 1887 1887 1876 1878 1877 1885 1878 1884 Surname Conkey Conklin Conklin Conklin Conklin Conkling Conlan Conley Conlin Connal Connaughton Connell Connell Connell Connelly Connelly Connelly Conner Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connolly Connor Connor Connor Given Sarah A. George F. S. Louise Stoddard H. William L. Mary S. Elizabeth, Miss Frank E. Daniel Robert M. Patrick A. Charles H. Dixon R. John Edward Frank H. James Morris H. James John John C. Joseph Michael Morris Patrick Thomas F. Ann Charles G. Frank Connor Connor Connor Connor Connor Connor Connor Connor Connor Connors Connors Connors Connors Connors Connors Helen E. Hugh Joseph J. Mary Matilda Sarah Thomas Walter William R. Daniel Ellen James James John M. Mary Age Removed: to East Orange. N. J. from city from city to Elmira to Charlotte 12 1885 56 to Gainsville to Buffalo to Spencerport to Greece 20 1888 52 from city to Brockport from city 1886 39 to Atchison, Kan. to Syracuse from city 5 1881 to Hamilton, Can. 9 1877 from city 27 1882 30 1876 8 1880 to Geneva 22 1885 77 2 1877 1877 married James F. Gallery 16 1888 to Cleveland, Oh. 10 1886 52 29 1877 20 1887 39 to Fairport to Boston to New York from city 28 1877 to Jackson, Mich. from city to Syracuse to Auburn Month Day Year 3 3 2 6 9 8 4 1 5 9 3 7 12 6 2 5 Page 80 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1879 1883 1882 1889 1889 1887 1888 1880 1881 1883 1881 1883 1886 1882 1887 1885 1879 1885 1887 1882 1885 1882 1885 1882 1879 1888 1878 1889 1889 1886 1878 1884 1881 1886 1880 1880 1883 1879 1886 1887 1884 1882 1886 Surname Connors Connors Connors Connors Conolly Conolly Conrad Conrad Conrad Conroy Conroy Conroy Consadine Consaul Consler Consler Consollas Contant Content Conter Contois Convey Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Conway Given Patrick J. Thomas Timothy William Henry John Julius Philip N. Sarah A. Margaret Mary Patrick C. Catharine Hiram Joseph Thomas Joseph Mary Zotique Edmond Edmond Michael Andrew Catharine Daniel Frank B. Frederick E. Henry Margaret Conway Coogan Coogan Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Martin Dennis James A. Harley Albert P. Alfred Charles Charles D. Charles E. Cornelius Edward Edward W. Elisha H. Elizabeth Emily J., Mrs. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Brighton from city 1883 to Topeka, Kan. to Boston 10 2 20 1888 12 1886 79 72 to Perkinsville 6 28 1879 12 13 1882 11 1 1882 4 4 5 1882 6 1887 to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. to Batavia 88 to Bradford, Pa. 8 28 1878 to Montreal, Canada to Canada to Montreal, Can. 1 11 1885 29 3 11 15 1885 5 1881 25 to Buffalo to New York City to Boson, Mass. nd nd 8 nd 5 1888 68 to San Francisco, Cal. 12 6 11 2 1885 3 1877 29 1883 62 to Cleveland, Oh. to Halifax, N. S. from city to Syracuse 2 20 1883 to Bath to New York City to Cleveland, Ohio 9 2 18 1883 24 1882 to Olean Page 81 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1883 1878 1888 1882 1878 1886 1880 1887 1883 1886 1879 1880 1877 1889 1877 1889 1886 1886 1887 1881 1887 1877 1881 1879 1887 1878 1888 1887 1883 1888 1886 1876 1888 1889 1880 1879 1884 1887 1883 1878 1879 1889 1881 Surname Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Given Frank G. Franklin C. Frederick Frederick George H. Henrietta Jenny John John John C. John C. John O. Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cookingham Cookingham Cookingham Cooksley Cooledge Cooledge Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Cooley Coolidge John T. Levi Louis P. Peter Robert H. Samuel Sheldon N. Thomas William F. William J. Wm. Elizabeth P. Joseph G. Kate S. J. James Theodore A. Wm. J. Thomas Fred. A. George A. Andrew Ange E., Mrs. Frederick Henry J. James James James John O. Lester L. D. William Wm. Cassius M. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to New York City 28 1883 from city nd nd nd from city 6 7 16 1877 12 1885 29 to Pittsford to Toronto, Can. to Palmyra to Olean to Charlotte to Martinsburg, W. Va. 7 1876 from city to Cleveland, Oh. to Brooklyn to Chittenango to Lockport 5 22 1887 71 to Buffalo to LeRoy to Wyoming Territory to Brockport to New York City 11 13 1886 54 from city to Homer to Cortland 8 1882 to Chili to Ontario to Detroit, Mich. to Chicago, Ill. 8 18 1888 31 to Byron to Buffalo to Holley from city to Warsaw to Hornellsville to Brockport to Clifton Springs to New York City Page 82 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1888 1879 1877 1889 1886 1882 1889 1883 1880 1888 1876 1876 1882 1879 Surname Coolidge Cooman Coombs Coon Coon Coon Coonan Cooney Cooney Cooney Coonradt Coons Cooper Cooper Cooper Given John E. Frank J. John C. Samuel A. Sarah William W. Michael E. Daniel E. John H. Mary Othello D. Charles S. Albert G. Alford Charles D. 1883 1876 1879 1887 1883 1889 1878 1883 1887 1877 1889 1880 1876 1878 1881 1880 1888 1878 1882 1889 1884 1876 1886 1885 1886 1881 1887 1879 1884 Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Coopman Coots Cope Cope Copeland Copeland Copeland Christina Daniel M. Daniel M. David M. George W. George W. James James D. John Julius H. Liston Margaret Robert S. Robert S. Robert S. Simeon O. Thomas William William C. William J. William N. William, Jr. Richard Charles Alexis D. S. Charles D. David Frank M. Month Day Year 4 11 1888 3 6 4 1889 15 1885 8 2 1888 12 nd nd 24 1887 10 5 9 1875 5 1882 16 1878 nd Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. 21 to Chicago, Ill. from city 83 23 from city 44 to Wayland 38 from city married John Creelman to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. to Washington, D. C. from city to Greece 10 1 1877 to Auburn 5 12 1887 93 to Syracuse to Georgia 12 15 1879 to Brighton to Brighton to Livermore, Iowa 9 16 1879 to Topeka, Ka. 12 10 1877 to Ogdensburg nd nd nd to Brooklyn to Clinton to Denver, Col. 1 15 1885 43 to Peterborough, Can. from city 8 6 4 1886 10 1878 50 to Lima Page 83 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1881 1886 1876 1882 1882 1888 1881 1877 1882 1884 1887 1885 1881 1883 1879 1889 1888 1884 1886 1886 1879 1888 1884 1882 1886 1876 1885 1883 1884 1887 1881 1886 1881 1885 1878 1876 1878 1886 1877 1879 1877 1889 1877 1881 Surname Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copenhagen Copenhagen Copithorn Copithorn Copp Copp Copp Coppard Coppejohn Coppinger Copsey Copson Corbet Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbin Corby Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Corcoran Cordwell Given George E. George S. Herbert W. John A. Will W. William E. William W. John Theodore Thomas R. Thomas R. Milton W. Monroe N. Peter Henry James P. Eleanor M. Albert Jesse Frederick Charlotte John John Lawrence A. Mary Nellie Patrick Patrick W. Thomas William S. William S. Maria A. Hartwell V. Samuel Catherine Jeremiah Johanna John John Margaret Richard Timothy Timothy F. William Ann, Mrs. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 7 1878 10 8 1880 from city to Warsaw to New York City 5 10 1882 to New York City nd nd nd to Sandusky, Oh. to New York City from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Elm Hall, Mich. to Brockport to Spencerport to Irondequoit from city to Charlotte to Brighton 1 23 1886 3 17 1886 73 12 2 1878 to Trumansburg to Buffalo nd nd nd 6 23 1885 57 6 1875 to Mendon to Victor to Seneca Falls to Erie, Pa. married A. Fordham from city to Henrietta 3 27 1885 48 from city 3 1876 from city 7 19 1885 80 6 8 1876 from city from city to Buffalo 6 1876 5 20 1880 Page 84 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1885 1880 1880 1883 1889 1888 1878 1882 1877 1880 1888 1876 1889 1879 1882 1883 1876 1886 1877 1887 1881 1884 1888 1884 1889 1888 1887 1876 Surname Core Core Cork Cork Corkhill Corkhill Corkhill Corl Corl Corlett Cormode Cornell Cornell Cornell Cornell Cornes Cornforth Cornforth Corning Cornish Cornish Cornish Cornwall Cornwall Cornwell Cornwell Cornwell Cornwell Cornwell Given Albert S. Arthur S. Lewis C. Zilpha A. Henry R., Jr. John Thomas Ellen Levi John Catharine Abram C. Charles James Stephen James P. Harry John William, Jr. Clemence C. George H. Richard J. Byron John Altamont Clara S. Franklin D. M. E. Samuel D. 1888 1887 1883 1877 1877 1879 1883 1883 1880 1883 1883 1878 1881 1888 1885 Corrigan Corrigan Corrigan Corrigan Corrigan Corris Corris Corris Corris Corris Corris Corson Corwall Cosby Cosgrove Catharine James John Patrick Philip H. George S. John F. Sidney T. Sydney William William W. Benjamin F. Elizabeth Edwin Catharine Age Removed: to New York City to Valhalla to Mansville to Mansville to Batavia 23 1889 81 12 1887 80 4 1878 31 1881 to Leavenworth, Kan. 1880 to Boston, Mass. to Lyons to Webster 1 1878 to Brockport to St. Thomas, Can. from city 16 1885 36 to Fairport from city from city to New York City 8 1888 66 to Wyoming 28 1888 48 from city to Wolcott 1875 married Anthony Coleman to Canada to Buffalo 1877 from city to Illinois to Kankakee, Ill. to St. Paul, Minn. to St. Paul, Minn. to Kankakee, Ill. to Kankakee, Ill. to Minnesota 20 1880 to Westfield, Mass. 7 1885 87 Month Day Year 2 6 4 10 1 6 11 1 7 6 3 7 4 Page 85 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1885 1880 1887 1884 1888 1876 1889 1882 1879 1885 1888 1880 1882 1878 1881 1877 1880 1882 1884 1881 1887 1883 1883 1880 1887 1879 1889 1887 1886 1882 1889 1884 1880 1880 1887 1880 1889 1886 1883 1881 1883 1884 1888 1888 Surname Cosgrove Cosgrove Cosgrove Cossitt Cossitt Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costello Costich Costikyan Cote Cotter Cotter Cotter Cottier Cottman Cottman Cottman Cotton Couch Couch Couch Couch Coughlin Coughlin Coughlin Coulson Coulson Coulson Coulter Counsel Counsel Counsell Given Thomas Thomas Wm. B. Franklin M. Lincoln Bernard Francis C. Frederick J. Hannora James John John John J. John J. Julia Michael Thomas Thomas J. Thomas S. William Peter A. Siragan S. Joseph Dennis John Mary Robert G. Evangeline Sallie L. Wm. B. Fanny L. Frank G. Harry John M. Roda S. Edward L. Thomas S. William, Jr. Edwin Thomas Thomas P. John John John Julia E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 27 1878 11 8 1884 68 to Newark, N. J. to New York City to Geneva 10 13 1887 60 to Williamstown to Massachusetts to Canada to New York 11 20 1884 29 12 16 1887 53 to Virginia City, Nev. to Chicago, Ill. 11 22 1877 to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Chapinville to Dakota Ter. to Nunda to Chicago, Ill. 5 22 1883 6 3 1882 4 16 1880 6 13 1886 64 to Detroit, Mich. to Camden, N. J. from city 7 6 1885 to New York City to New York City to Syracuse from city 2 1880 5 9 1887 23 to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to England to Lindenville to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. to California 11 24 1887 87 to Ottawa, Kan. Page 86 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1889 1888 1882 1877 1883 1884 1884 Surname Counter Countryman Courneen Coursen Coursen Courter Courtney Covell Given Edmond Alfred James K. Albert P. Isaac D. Howard Thomas Edward 1884 1884 1884 1889 1887 1882 1884 1886 1885 1887 1883 1883 1887 1884 1879 Covell Coveney Coventry Cover Cover Covert Covert Covert Covey Covill Covill Cowan Cowan Cowell Cowen Harry H. Daniel John Benjamin F. Chancy D. Charles Frank H. Harry Manly H. Darius L. Selby D. Burt James S. Wm. J. William W. 1887 1880 1887 1888 1889 1889 1887 1883 1883 1888 1880 1877 1880 1879 1882 1876 1879 1882 1887 1877 Cowing Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowles Cowley Cowley Cowman Cowman Cox Cox Cox Cox Marshall Charles H. Charles H. Charles H. E. Wanzer Eber A. Elizabeth Jessie L. John John Norman Wm. H. Abram John Fred. H. John Alexander H. Alfred F. Archie G. Edward Age Removed: to Canada to Brooklyn 1887 48 to Syracuse 1877 from city 1883 74 1884 39 to East Hampton, Mass. to Buffalo 1884 to Saratoga Springs to Albany to Brockport from city to Williamsport, Pa. to Buffalo to Victor from city to Union Springs to Buffalo from city to Dallas, Texas to Council Grove, Kansas to Pittston, Pa. to Somerset 1888 47 1888 50 1888 67 1887 82 married I. D. Marshall to Albany 1888 71 1880 to Erie, Pa. to Avon from city to Lima to Detroit to Canandaigua to Sioux City, Iowa 1886 1877 Month Day Year 7 31 8 1 8 3 5 7 4 12 7 4 24 5 23 28 4 5 28 1 7 5 Page 87 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1877 1883 1881 1876 1885 1889 1884 1889 1886 1876 1879 1879 1881 1882 1880 1879 1881 1883 1881 1883 1880 1878 1881 1882 1881 1888 1882 1877 1887 1882 1881 1887 1884 1888 1882 1881 1878 1889 1882 1885 1883 1885 1879 1878 Surname Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Coxon Coxon Coy Coykendall Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyle Coyne Coyne Coyne Cozzens Crabb Craddock Craft Craft Craft Cragg Crahan Crahan Crahan Crahan Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Craig Given George W. Henry M. Hugh W. James John John John M. John, Jr. Joseph Lizzie Michael Mordicak William William R. Charles W. Fred W. George James Ford Andrew B. Ann Frances T. John John James E. Thomas Thomas J. John G. Rebecca William T. Andrew J. Edward Judson John Bernard J. John Martin Martin T. Charles Henry James W. John R. Joseph A. Mary Rodie Month Day Year 5 9 Age Removed: to New York City to Potsdam to Chapinville to Liverpool, Eng. from city to Cleveland, Ohio from city from city to New York City to Miller's Corners 8 1876 17 1878 to Illinois to Worcester, Mass. to Gates to Honeoye Falls 6 3 21 1878 12 1881 to New York City from city to Toronto, Can. married from city 2 3 5 19 1881 1882 8 1881 8 14 1881 to Batavia to Batavia to Fairport to Buffalo 1 14 1881 from city to Baltimore, Md. to Detroit, Mich. to Colorado to Denver, Col. from city to Toronto, Canada to Lyons to New Orleans, La. 3 17 1883 3 6 16 1879 9 1877 to Boston, Mass. Page 88 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1885 1877 1885 1886 1886 1885 1888 1886 1876 1876 1887 1884 1880 1882 1880 1889 1885 1881 1882 1880 1882 1884 1881 1881 1887 1887 1885 1879 1885 1881 1889 1881 1881 1881 1880 1884 1881 Surname Craig Craig Craighead Craigie Cram Cram Cram Cramer Cramer Cramer Cramond Cramond Crampton Crandall Crandall Crandall Crandall Crandall Crandall Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Cranston Cranston Cranston Cranston Cranston Cranston Crapo Crary Crathorne Given William A. William R. John, Jr. Henry Ambrose J. Frank Mary Alfred Hannah John A. George T. Robert W. John H. Caton J. Henry John D. Philander M. Seamore A. Sherman Alonzo J. Charity W. D. Smith Edward Edwin S. Elias W. George Gilbert Joseph M. Mary J. William E. Euphemia Geo. B. James W. Jas. W. Thomas Wm. Angelo Byron N. Francis Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: to Phelps 3 1879 to Savannah, Ga. to Australia 7 13 1884 76 to Greece to Greece to Batavia 8 24 1887 76 from city to Lansing, Michigan to Lansing, Michigan to Jamestown from city 9 1879 3 21 1880 to Buffalo to Tacoma, W. T. from city to Kent, Ohio from city 7 5 13 1879 22 1881 from city to Wyoming from city 1 8 5 1887 17 1886 77 84 to Cleveland, Ohio to Kansas City, Mo. 4 17 1885 2 24 1889 to Bradford, Pa. to Bradford, Pa. to Bradford, Pa. 8 18 1880 to Weedsport to Auburn to Michigan 1879 Craven Jane to San Francisco, Cal. 1879 Craven 1876 Crawford 1881 Crawford Mary Clarence L. I. D. to San Francisco, Cal. to Hamilton, Ont. to Chicago, Ill. Page 89 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1889 1889 1881 1880 1885 1878 1888 1876 1878 1878 1884 1883 1878 1880 1882 1888 1883 1887 1884 1877 1883 1881 1889 1885 1880 1877 1883 1884 1884 1886 1879 Surname Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawley Crawley Cray Crayon Creary Crebbin Credit Credit Credit Cree Creed Creegan Creegan Creegan Creegan Creegan Creelman Creelman Crego Creighton Creighton Crelier Crennell Crennell Creore Cressy Criddle Criggal Crippen Given Morris O. William William A. George Margaret Frank L. Michael Jeremiah John Peter Peter, Jr. Peter, Jr. William E. William H. Hugh Hugh John John, Jr. John, Jr. Matthew Peter W. Ellsworth E. John G. Martin Louis Daniel Robert Willis Henry W. Joseph W. Thomas W. Emily 1887 1884 1885 1886 1876 1887 1882 1889 1881 1880 1885 1885 Crisp Crissey Crissy Crissy Critchley Critchley Crittenden Crittenden Crittenden Crittenden Crittenden Crittenden James H. Theron W. Albert J. Mary Dora Samuel Addie, Mrs. Ardelle B. Cotton M. Julius G. Melinda Sarah, Mrs. Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: to Sodus from city to Canada 4 1880 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo 4 24 1888 76 to Michigan to Albion, N. Y. to Albion, N. Y. from city to Binghamton to Paola, Kan. to Fowlerville from city 10 5 1887 73 from city to Bradford, Pa. 1 5 1884 89 to Buffalo to Albion 7 1 3 1880 24 1888 3 23 1880 70 from city to Honeoye Falls to Minneapolis, Minn. from city to Springfield, Mass. 12 8 16 1885 31 1878 33 to Punxsutawney, Pa. to Buffalo from city married M. Gore 6 1875 1 1887 48 from city to Webster 11 8 6 2 1880 8 1879 2 1885 33 to Henrietta Page 90 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1884 1884 1889 1876 1884 1879 1884 1887 1887 1880 1878 1881 1882 1887 1882 1880 1889 1883 1886 1888 1880 1877 1876 1876 1882 1884 1880 1882 1881 1881 1886 1879 1881 1883 1888 1876 1878 1884 1876 1879 1886 Surname Crittenden Crittenden Crittenden Crobaugh Crocker Crocker Crocker Crocker Crocker Crocker Crocker Crocker Croft Croft Croly Crombach Crombie Cromer Cromer Cromer Cron Cronan Cronise Cronise Cronk Cronk Cronk Crook Crooke Crooke Crosby Crosby Crosby Crosgrove Crosgrove Crosier Crosier Crosier Crosman Cross Cross Cross Cross 1885 Cross Given Sluman C. William W. Wm. F. Frank Charles P. Daniel Fred. W. Henry James B. Newall Nicholas W. William Henry W. Wm. W. Edwin H. August H. Charles John A. Joseph P. Mary A. Edward Michael Simon Wm. H. John Sarah A., Miss William Fred. A. George George Frederick H. Maude William S. Walter S. William Eliza E. Eliza E. Frank H. C. F., Mrs. George John B. Margaret Margaret Month Day Year 12 Age Removed: to Buffalo to W. Brighton to Irondequoit to Waterloo to Newark, N. J. 12 1875 to Michigan to Texas to Canandaigua from city 1 17 1887 3 1 4 1878 19 1881 62 to Denver, Col. to Syracuse 10 4 1886 1882 9 5 11 1888 25 1882 to Penn Yan to Syracuse to Oswego to Lyons from city to Victor to New York City 12 24 1881 to Syracuse to St. Paul, Minn. to St. Paul, Minn. to Texas to Lake George to Boston, Mass. to Westfield to Jamestown from city to Macedon to Clyde 9 1877 to England to Blood's station 2 8 9 1879 27 1885 69 married R. W. Chambers Mary L. Page 91 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1882 1877 1886 1886 1881 1887 1881 1888 1887 1889 1887 1883 1877 1888 1888 1883 1887 1883 1882 1888 1882 1886 1881 1887 1882 1885 1876 1888 1887 1879 1885 1888 1876 1878 1886 1887 1880 1876 1878 1879 1881 1876 1887 Surname Cross Cross Crossett Crossett Croston Crouch Crouch Crouch Crouch Crouchen Crowe Crowe Crowe Crowell Crowell Crowle Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Crowley Cruickshank Crum Crumb Crumley Crumley Crutchfield Given Oliver M., Jr. Ralph John William M. Chas. H. Chas. E. Frederick James H. Mary A., Mrs. William H. Charles Michael Thomas J. Henry M. Nellie John E. Edwin Jeremiah Jerome John William F. James L. George Wm. M. Henry Hugh S. Reuben E. Crye Cuisack Culhane Culhane Culhane Culhane Cull Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen William Mary A. John S. Margaret Maurice William T. William Abby, Miss Ann James James F. John John K. Joseph P. Julia Margaret Martie Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 26 1881 to St. Louis, Mo. nd nd nd nd nd nd to Mt. Morris to South Bend, Ind. to Wyoming Ter. to Lincoln, Neb. 10 17 1887 63 from city from city 2 3 1887 to Boston, Mass. to Wilkesbarre, Pa. to Fairport nd nd nd to Cleveland, Oh. 1 1886 to Cleveland, Oh. 2 14 1882 to Syracuse to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Jamestown to Dakota, Ter. 5 21 1884 to San Francisco, Cal. married 2 19 1887 to Detroit, Mich. to Mendon to California to Brighton 3 11 1 30 1878 24 1885 24 1887 70 88 from city from city 4 17 1878 to Detroit, Mich. 3 3 16 1881 1876 from city Page 92 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1889 1889 1888 1882 1888 1885 1880 1880 1886 1885 1881 1879 1885 1881 1889 1879 1885 1883 1878 1878 1884 1879 1884 1879 1879 1888 1882 1885 1886 1881 1878 1879 1877 1880 1888 1883 1886 1884 1879 1879 1886 1878 1884 Surname Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullen Cullerton Culross Culross Culross Culross Culross Culross Given Mary Michael C. Richard Thomas F. Thomas Anna David Henry P. James R. Newman Phoebe J. Culver Culver Culver Culver Culver Culver Cumber Cumber Cumings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cundey Cunliff Cunliffe Cunnean Cunnean Cunnean Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Madison Marvin P. Celinda Phebe A. W. Mortimer William M. Emma George Wm. H. Cornelius Frank M. Fred. A. Geo. W. Henry Sarah William Edward W. Edward Alfred Ann Michael Thomas H. Charles E. Charles E. Francis James James John John C. Kate Lyman Lyman M. Marian H. Age Removed: from city to Chicago, Ill. 27 1889 67 from city to Toronto, Can. 8 1887 93 to San Gabriel, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. 23 1880 30 1886 26 7 1885 26 to East Hampton, Mass. from city 30 1884 89 25 1881 to Tacoma, W. T. to Central City, Neb. from city 4 1883 to Buffalo 15 1877 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Ontario, N. Y. 24 1878 20 1878 from city to Oil City, Can. 14 1884 to Canada 26 1881 16 1877 to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. to Newark, N. J. 26 1888 from city 15 1886 72 16 1883 26 18 1878 to Riga to Crafts from city to Mont Clair, N. J. Month Day Year 1 12 4 1 5 9 1 3 8 8 11 12 3 12 2 5 10 9 Page 93 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1888 1879 1884 1884 Surname Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Given Mary Mary Michael Perry W. Philander 1884 1881 1889 1888 1878 1882 1879 1877 1877 1880 1881 1885 1889 1876 1882 1886 1881 1888 1884 1887 1888 1878 1888 1884 1884 1887 1882 1878 1888 1889 1887 1880 1885 1888 1889 1882 1877 1879 1877 Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Curlett Curlett Curlett Curran Curran Curran Curran Curran Curran Curran Currie Currie Currier Currier Currin Curry Curtice Curtice Curtice Curtin Curtin Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Thomas Vincent W. William H. Edward John Thomas Amelia J., Mrs. James James James James S. John Michael John Robert George W. Herbert M. John P. William Albin B. Elmina Ziba C. Dennis Thomas Anna L. Charlotte E. Cyrus H. E. E., Miss Edward F. Elmer E. Fred. W. George C. George C., Mrs. George H. George M. Henry Henry R. Jabez B. James Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 2 1882 married John Fisher to Chicago, Ill. from city 2 7 1884 64 to Teeswater, Canada 8 5 2 20 1880 14 1888 18 1888 40 33 from city 4 13 1882 to Montgomery, Ala. from city 11 11 29 1876 13 1879 to Canada 3 3 16 1885 7 1889 56 42 to Scotland to Brockport 2 28 1886 74 to Penfield from city to Medina 12 3 21 1886 26 1888 49 75 to Penfield to Chicago, Ill. to Sodus Point to Key West, Fla. to Mt. Morris to Greece from city to Syracuse 4 23 1889 28 to Aspinwall, Panama 10 13 1879 to Texas to Athens, Pa. to Greece to Greece to New York City 1 1879 to Hornellsville Page 94 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1883 1888 1881 1884 1886 1887 1880 1881 1879 1881 1882 1876 1880 Surname Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Curtiss Given James James C. Jennie A. John L. Joseph William Caroline Charles E. Daniel F. George G. Jennie A., Mrs. John J. Lewis F. Walter E. 1889 Cushing 1886 Cushing Alfred D. Charles W. 1889 1887 1881 1880 1882 1880 1883 1883 1882 1884 1885 1880 1876 1886 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 1881 1878 1886 1882 1887 1885 1883 1887 Charles W. Abram H. Charles K. Orinda Alfred J. Homer L. J. Warren Jeremiah Pemberton W. P., Mrs. Edward A. John Miles G. William Daniel J. Carl Heinrich Gilbert A. Emma Lena, Miss John E. David Michael Max Leon E. Frank Harry J. Cushing Cushman Cushman Cushman Cusson Cutler Cutler Cutler Cutler Cutler Cutting Cutting Cutting Cutting Cuykendall Czadzeck Czadzeck Dabell DaBelle Dabelstein Dagge Daggs Dahl Dahlman Daigler Dailey Dailey Month Day Year 6 9 5 2 1880 14 1883 12 1886 24 1887 Age Removed: from city to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 66 78 81 from city 11 22 1880 to Brooklyn to Buffalo to Greece to Syracuse from city to Wheeling, West Virginia to Lockport to Wheeling, West Virginia to New York to Batavia 8 23 1879 to Canada to Irondequoit to Buffalo 1 11 1883 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Raleigh, N. C. 2 28 1885 to West Bloomfield to Mendon to Pittsford to Auburn 8 15 1887 66 to E. Bloomfield to Churchville to New York City to Elmira 5 20 1878 7 3 21 1881 20 1887 to Batavia to Williamsport to Indiana 3 Page 95 1886 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1887 1888 1876 1880 1883 1879 1886 1886 1888 Surname Dailey Dailey Dailey Dailey Dake Dake Dake Dake Dake Dake Given Joseph Mary Ann Matthew Stephen Americus E. Charles M. Dumont C. Horace M. Jabez W. L. Embury 1885 1878 1879 1885 1885 1888 1887 Dake Dake Dake Dakin Dale DaLee Daley M. Ella Orpha Wm. H. Timothy J. F. T. Frederick A. Charles 1877 1889 1879 1888 1876 1886 Daley Daley Daley Dalquest Dalrymple Dalrymple Cornelius Eugene B. Timothy Noack Augustus John W. 1885 1884 1884 1876 1883 1881 1884 1876 1876 1883 1888 1881 1881 1879 1889 1886 1887 1879 1879 Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Bridgit T. Edward James Mary Mary Michael Patrick Peter Sarah William J. Ann, Mrs. Bartholomew Dennis Frank J. James John John H. Joseph Joseph J. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: to Geneseo 1886 to Mt. Morris from city to Baltimore, Md. to Buffalo to New York City to Missouri 2 1 1886 56 to Trumansburg married Chas. W. Butterick 2 16 1878 to Denver, Col. to Ithaca from city to Tonawanda to Lima to Peterborough, Canada to Penfield to Penn Yan from city nd nd nd to Perry married Joseph Fleckenstein to Clifton Springs 5 29 1883 5 19 1882 from city to Auburn to New York City to Auburn from city 1882 from city 8 14 1880 to New York City from city 2 7 8 1889 3 1885 29 72 from city to St. Louis, Mo. from city Page 96 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1883 1888 1885 1885 1886 1877 1888 1885 1883 1887 1881 1886 1879 1879 1879 1889 1876 1888 1877 1888 1877 1884 1880 1881 1883 1883 1884 1882 1879 1883 1876 1882 1882 1877 1889 1885 1877 1885 1884 1879 1881 1884 1886 Surname Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Daly Dalzell Damler Damon Damon Damon Damon Damon Dana Dana Dana Dana Danby Danby Danforth Danforth Given M. Herbert Maurice Patrick Raighley A. Richard Rose A. Thomas Thomas Thomas A. Thomas E. William H. Henry D. William J. C. John Albert N. Edward H. Edward H. John H. William T. C. Frank Charles C. Martin V. B. William H. David John Charles A. Elizabeth E. Danforth Danforth Danforth Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniell Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Dank Dank Dank Dank Danks Eunice Frances E. Halsey J. George P. John R. John R. William E. Eli H. Eugene George Howard C. Matilda L. August Henry T. Henry T. William C. Bernard B. Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Brighton from city to Minneapolis, Minn. 18 1884 67 to Lockport to New York City from city 24 1885 38 to Canada 2 1887 27 17 1880 15 1886 31 to Henrietta to PennYan to Colorado to Greece to Massachusetts to Buffalo to Clifton Springs to New Jersey to California to Michigan to Minneapolis, Minn. 17 1880 from city to Irondequoit married George Hodges married John E. Swift to New York to Canada 31 1876 to Wisconsin to Wisconsin to Spencerport to St. Louis, Mo. 6 1884 43 nd nd 5 1884 65 to Newark, N. J. to Lansing, Mich. from city to Chicago, Ill. 28 1885 26 Month Day Year 7 1 5 11 5 3 3 8 nd 12 6 Page 97 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1882 1887 1881 1889 1889 1878 1882 1888 1879 1883 1877 1878 1886 1889 1888 1880 1886 1879 Surname Danks Dann Danolds Danzer Danzer Danzer Danzer Danzer Darby Dare Darley Darling Darling Darling Darling Darlington Darnell Darragh Darrah Darrin Given Daniel E. Underhill David H. Casper Henry Joseph Rosanna Stephen Charles A. Charles Thomas Augustus Richard A. Robert H. Wm. John Frank J. Hugh B. Ann E. Frank Knapp 1887 Darron 1888 Darron 1884 Darrow Emma Jacob M. Wm. J. 1889 1881 1889 1889 1879 1880 1883 1882 1881 1889 1879 1878 1882 1879 1877 1881 1877 1876 1888 1884 Lewis E. C. A. James F. Wm. T. Frank H. Frank H. Frank H. Henry M. John H. John H. Thomas Thomas L. William Rebecca D. William H. Abiathia Adam D. Alexander Henry Bruce B. Dart Dartt Dartt Dashley Dates Dates Dates Dates Dates Dates Dates Dates Daubert Davenport Davenport Davidson Davidson Davidson Davies Davis Age Removed: to Utica from city to Eagle Harbor to Illinois to Sing Sing 9 1888 30 3 1888 54 17 1877 to Haverhill, Mass. to Owego 25 1878 from city to Brighton to Gates to Canisteo to Canada to Buffalo 30 1879 to Haverhill, Mass. from city to West Branch, Michigan to Michigan 4 1883 36 to Colorado Springs, Col. to Wellsborough, Pa. to Washington, D. C. to Syracuse to Buffalo to Westfield from city from city to Irondequoit to Philadelphia, Pa. to East Henrietta to Detroit, Mich. to Canandaigua 1878 from city to Springfield, Mass. to Elmira to Syracuse to Michigan from city Month Day Year 11 10 6 7 5 11 8 Page 98 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1877 1878 1876 1882 1883 1878 1884 1879 1876 1881 1878 1886 1888 1883 1889 1888 1882 1881 1889 1886 1887 1885 1879 1876 1883 1877 1881 1883 1888 1887 1886 1879 1877 1879 1887 1888 1886 1879 1885 1877 1879 1887 1877 Surname Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davison Davison Davison Davison Davison Davison Davisson Dawe Dawe Dawes Given Charles Charles R. D. P. Daniel P. Edward J. Fred. J. Frederick George C. Herbert W. Horace W. Irwin T. Jane John John John H. John M. John T. John W. Joseph W. Justin B. Laura Lewis E. Mary L. Mary, Mrs. Milton H. Spellman U. Watts N. William William William William A. William C. William J. William W. Wm. D. Belle Cornelia L. Fred. J. Peter Solomon W. William A. W. Herbert J. Jabez Harrison J. Age Removed: to Geneseo 1888 73 to Boston, Mass. 1877 to Toronto, Ont. to Brockport to Charlotte to Lynn, Mass. from city to Detroit, Mich. to Hartford, Ct. 1880 from city 1885 82 to Washington, D. C. to Honeoye Falls to California 1887 54 to Kansas to Albany 1889 47 to California married Edgar Gillis to Toronto, Can. 1878 from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to South Bend, Ind. to Little Falls to Lockport to Denver, Col. to Philadelphia, Pa. 1885 27 to New York City to Lima to Chicago, Ill. 1886 63 from city to Ontario to Port Hope, Canada to Lima to Chicago, Ill. from city 1886 74 to Boston, Mass. Month Day Year 4 1 6 Page 99 11 1 7 27 11 22 2 7 11 9 5 31 12 7 8 12 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1885 1878 1880 1889 1889 1884 1878 1882 1887 1883 1887 1876 1888 1880 1881 1886 1887 1880 1884 1886 1881 1879 1876 1880 1880 1876 1878 1882 1876 1881 1879 1880 1882 1880 1879 1882 1882 1881 1880 1882 1879 1882 1882 1879 Surname Dawes Dawley Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Dawson Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Dayton De Bruyn De Forrest De Gan De Garmo De Garmo De Jongh De Kempeneer De Kroyft De Kroyft De Lano De Lano De Lano De Lano De Mallie De Marce De Mouche De Neve De Puit De Puit De Puy De Puy De Ridder De Rojer Given Walter James J. W. Elizabeth V. Margaret Roy E. Thomas Wm. Wm. H. Alfred E. Hart Forshaw Frank L. Hannah, Mrs. Hattie L. James James S. Joseph P. Mahlon Nettie, Miss Richard C. William B. John John Richard James H. Peter William J. Henry D. Charles C. Abraham William V. Frank C. Frederick Lura Olive O. Isaac, Jr. Lawrence, Jr. Louis P. Joseph C. A. Anthony Magdaline Teneyck William H. James L. Carlos Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: from city to N. Bloomfield to Clyde, Kan. to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo from city 20 1877 to Buffalo to Clifton Springs from city 1886 1875 11 to Seneca Falls from city from city to Washington, D. C. to New York to Canandaigua 9 11 26 1883 4 1885 42 to Chicago, Ill. to Holland, Mich. to Whitewater, Wis. to Philadelphia, Pa. 3 19 1880 from city to Texas to Australia 5 1875 to Minneapolis, Minn. 5 1 4 1879 19 1880 19 1882 to Watertown to Buffalo to New Haven, Conn. to Binghamton nd nd nd 2 28 1880 8 13 1881 to Toronto, Can. nd nd nd to Penn Yan to New York City Page 100 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1880 1879 1876 1880 1878 1881 1882 1881 1879 1887 1885 1884 1887 1885 1889 1880 1882 1878 1886 1878 1887 1881 1881 1885 1881 1884 1887 1885 1882 1885 1886 1882 1877 1884 1885 1889 1885 1885 1884 1881 1888 1887 Surname De Schenes De Vinny De Vinny De Visser De Voe De Voll De Witt De Young Given Joseph Hannah Richard A. Jacob Daniel Allen P. Charles Andrew M. De Young De Young Deady Deady Dealing Dean Dean Dean Dean Nettie Samuel M. George M. William Edward H. Augustus W. Charles F. Charles W. Daniel Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dearman Deavenport Debotts Deboys DeBruyn DeBruyn DeBruyn Debus Debus Debus DeCeu Deceuninck DeChamp Dechmann Decke Decker Decker Month Day Year 4 6 Age Removed: from city to Avon 18 1879 1875 to Lyons to Phelps, N. Y. from city 1 9 1882 married Thos. F. McCarthy to Fairport to Bad Axe, Mich. to Bad Axe, Mich. to Syracuse to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city to South America 6 10 1879 married Wm. H. Parsonson to New York City to New York City Eliza M. Fred M. George C. Henry W. Micajah C. Owen M. Thomas Thomas Robert W. Alson Edwin Edwin Thomas Adrian Edith M. John A. George L. Joseph S. Philip Robert J. Charles Julia E. Nicholas, Jr. Henry Andrew J. Charles 1 13 1878 from city to LeRoy to Batavia to St. Louis, Mo. 1 17 1881 from city to New Orleans, La. to Newark to Elmira 6 9 26 1884 9 1885 74 20 to Chicago, Ill. 7 5 4 1876 24 1884 24 1885 51 to Batavia to St. Paul, Minn. to California 4 6 1884 22 to Lansing, Mich. to Brighton to Brockport Page 101 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1888 1883 1887 1882 1876 1885 1876 1884 1879 1886 1877 Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker Decker DeClercq Frances A. Frank Frank George C. Jacob Jennie John C. John L. Marshall Richard Hubert 1889 1885 1886 1882 1884 1888 1877 1883 DeCook Dedrick Dee Deer Deering Defendorf Defendorf Defendorf Nellie Benjamin W. Ellen Adam Richard Hiram Maria Nelson 1885 Defendorf 1886 DeForest 1884 Degan Nelson George Edward 1888 1884 1886 1885 1884 1887 1889 1883 1877 1883 1884 1884 1889 1887 1878 1885 Jennie Theron F. William Laura Charles Anna William H. Wm. H. Abram W. Louisa Charles John C. Edward F. Daniel John F. Joseph T. DeGarmo DeGarmo DeGraaf DeHammer Deichelborer Deiner Deitz Deitz DeKroyft Del Ree Delahant Delahant Delahunty Delaney Delaney Delaney 1885 Delano 1887 Delavan Month Day Year Age Removed: married Geo. A. Sabey to Cincinnati, Oh. to New York 6 30 1881 to Canandaigua 1884 to Bergen to Chicago, Ill. from city 7 17 1885 52 to Canada married Barton L. Blair to Minneapolis, Minn. 7 1 29 1885 28 1882 77 10 1 22 1887 26 1877 69 from city to Michigan to Grand Rapids, Mich. from city from city married David McCullough to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Ohio to Rome to Chicago, Ill. 7 21 1886 76 to Albany to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo 10 13 1882 to Trumansburg to Trumansburg 6 7 1 16 1888 17 1886 20 1878 21 35 to Chicago, Ill. married H. G. Chamberlin Flora Mary 9 Page 102 22 1886 79 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1884 1882 1877 1885 1883 1883 1889 1883 1887 1886 1884 1886 1880 1879 1882 1888 1887 1889 1883 1877 1886 1880 Surname Delavau Delavau Delaware Delby Given George S. John George J. Benjamin Delitz Dell Dell DeLong Delongy DeMallie DeMallie DeMarce DeMarce Demarrow Demary Demary DeMay Dembitz Demenint Demer Demer DeMille Deming Johanna F. Augusta M. James H. Edward E. Frank John M. Philip Joseph Lawrence Francis Andrew J. Andrew J. Jacob Leopold Daniel George Lorence J. H. Hobart D. D. 1882 Demmery 1883 Demmery 1884 1883 1880 1884 1883 1885 1883 1882 1878 1889 1877 1884 1889 1888 1887 1889 1883 DeMoll DeMond Demorest Demorest Demorest DeMound Dempsey Dempsey Dempsey Dempsey Dempsey Demusy Demusy DeNeve Denges Dengler Dengler Age Removed: to Syracuse 17 1884 84 to Manitoba, Can. to E. Webster Month Day Year 3 married Thos. Walker married Frank Amey to Batavia to Smethport, Pa. to Hannaway Falls from city to Gates to New York City 4 19 1886 75 to Chicago, Ill. to Bergen to Auburn to Chicago, Ill. to New York to Ontario to Cleveland, Oh. 10 1876 to Hamilton to Syracuse married Henry H. Fleischer Mary E. Thomas 7 27 1882 married John B. Faulstich to Buffalo to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Youngstown, Ohio from city to E. Palmyra Mina J. William Albert H. Isaac E. Wm. R. Clinton M. Edwin E. Henry James John W. Michael Edward W. Edward W. Cornelius P. John Catherine John 10 1877 to Marmora, Canada to California to Irondequoit 4 1 18 1889 24 1888 26 54 2 5 12 1889 13 1883 82 to Melrose Page 103 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1883 1879 1884 1883 1882 1882 1877 1878 1889 1888 1877 1886 1889 1889 1885 1889 1882 1876 1881 1885 1886 1876 1881 1888 1878 1877 1884 1885 1885 1889 1879 1886 1881 1888 1881 1876 1883 1887 1882 1888 1881 1887 1887 Surname Dengler Denio Denio DeNise Denison Dennie Dennie Denninger Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennison Dennstedt Dennstedt Denny Denny Densmore Densmore Dent Dent Dentinger Dentinger Denzer Derby Given Michael Abel V. Erastus M. Don A. Oscar E. Frank Mary, Mrs. Andrew Harry S. John Samuel William Noble Carl Emma John W. William Aden, Jr. Ephraim Eliza Samuel, Jr. Carrie Louis C. Henry Dewitt D. Derham Derick DeRidder Deright DeRoller Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick Derrick Derx Desales Desanroth Deschermeyer DeSette DeSham Desmond Desmond DesRochers Stephen Frank M. James L. James J. George Ella C. Frank Frank M. Thomas William H. Michael Mary Joseph Anthony Thomas Joseph Daniel Daniel William T. M. Month Day 12 15 5 12 12 3 15 8 10 6 11 8 12 12 18 3 5 10 29 17 25 3 17 Year Age Removed: 1883 75 1883 1878 from city to Buffalo to Saginaw, Mich. to Saginaw, Michigan 1877 to Canada 1888 77 1877* 29 1876 1885 to Buffalo 1889 1885 60 1888 87 to Colorado from city 1881 from city married Frank Bauer to Champlain, Ill. to Sing Sing from city to St. Catharines, Ont. from city to Penn Yan to Marion, N. Y. to Chicago, Ill. married to Syracuse to Minneapolis, Minn. to Utica from city to Rome 7 2 1875 4 1883 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Union City, Ind. to New York City 11 2 Page 104 10 1886 27 1887 89 31 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1888 1881 1879 1882 1878 1881 1883 1877 1885 1885 1885 1876 1880 1882 1887 1887 1888 1884 1887 1889 1879 1889 1882 1882 1884 1884 1884 1882 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1889 1876 1882 1884 1887 1883 1886 1885 1889 1882 1889 Detmers Dettinger Dettman Dettman Deuchler Deuel Deuel Deuel Deuerlein Deuter Deuter Deutsch Deutsch Deutschler Devendorf Devendorf DeVere Devereaux Devereaux Devereaux Devereux DeVin Devin Devine DeVinney DeVinny DeVinny DeVisser DeVisser Devitt Devitt Devitt Devlin Devlin Devlin DeVos DeVos DeVos Dewer Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Given Helena John John William Ernst Edwin A. John W. Prudence R. John M. Henry Wilhelmina Joseph William H. August Daniel D. Fred. B. Thomas John John C. John C. T. Meredith Dinah John Ann Michael Clifford L. Thomas Cornelius Cornelius Edward Frank Timothy Henry William William J. Abraham, Jr. Jacob Jacob J. William Anna Chester, Mrs. Dellon M. Frederick W. George H. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: married John R. Ungerland 24 1880 to Batavia 8 23 1881 from city from city to Albany to Esperance to Corning to Detroit, Mich. to Detroit, Mich. to Charlotte to Denver, Col. to Buffalo to Oswego to Oswego nd nd 1 nd 4 1884 60 to Montreal, Canada from city from city married 4 4 4 4 1882 22 1882 23 1884 22 to Stockton, Cal. to Alpena, Mich. to Marion 4 9 1883 24 from city from city from city to Buffalo 11 1888 20 to Ohio from city 6 8 1884 to New York 8 7 1 1 4 29 30 25 17 12 1882 1885 1885 1889 1881 67 83 69 to Bennington, Vt. Page 105 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1882 1878 1882 1888 1887 1883 1877 1876 1877 1889 1887 1877 1881 1878 1877 1889 1876 1878 1885 1889 1877 1877 1885 1884 1884 1888 1881 1881 1881 1879 1888 1878 1886 1883 1883 1878 1883 1880 1887 1884 1886 1877 1889 1876 Surname Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt DeWitt Dey Dey Dey Dey Deyo Deyo Deyo Deyoe DeYoung Diamond Diamond Diamond Dibble Dibble Dibble Dick Dick Dick Dick Dickerson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Dickinson Given Melvin M. Samuel B. Samuel B., Jr. Samuel B., Mrs. Tryphena Aaron E. Adrian Charles S. David W. Homer S. Homer S. Sebastian Charles Charles George Robert Charity George H. Theodore W. Freeman Samuel M. Addison H. James Louis Fred. B. John B. Merton C. James James N. Joseph A. Peter John W. Charles A. Edward H. Emma Etta Henry B. John B. Lemuel Levi A. Loretta, Mrs. Louisa A. Oliver P. Orland N. Rowland H. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Syracuse 3 1882 to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. 8 9 4 1887 27 1886 88 39 to Brighton from city nd Page 106 nd nd to Buffalo from city 1 1 1887 57 to Elmira to Hornellsville to Elmira to Elmira 2 23 1889 5 13 1878 81 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Fairport from city from city from city from city from city to Bergen to Manitoba, Can. 11 2 10 1881 10 1880 to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Toledo, Oh. from city to Geneseo 9 18 1882 to Elmira 6 22 1882 to Texas 5 19 1886 4 29 1886 37 from city to Penn Yan from city 3 1876 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1889 1876 1879 1877 1888 1887 1885 1887 1886 1881 1880 1888 1879 1888 1886 1880 1883 1880 1885 1880 1882 1876 1876 1889 1880 1879 1886 1886 1882 1879 1889 1879 1879 1883 1881 1885 1881 1885 1880 Surname Dickleman Dickson Diclo Diebel Diefendorf Diefendorf Diefendorf Given Louis N. Wm. F. Oliver Christopher Byron G. Byron J. Martha Diefendorf Dieffenbacher Diegel Diehl Diehl Diehl Diekert Diel Diel Diem Dies Dietrich Dietrich Mary E. Theodore C. Frances Christian C. John William Reinhold John Peter E. Christopher Amarilla Adam George Dietrich Dietrich Dietrich Dietrich Dietrich Dietrich Dietz Dietzer Diggs Dignin Dignin Dignum Dikeman Dildine Dilger Dill Dill Dill Dill Dill Dill Age Removed: from city 13 1885 30 to Canisteo 1875 to Boston, Mass. from city 5 1888 68 Month Day Year 5 12 2 married J. F. Ganthner from city to Newark to Syracuse 6 4 9 1880 18 1879 from city to Canandaigua to New York City 1886 from city from city 10 30 1879 married Nicholas Eberle to Waterloo Gertrude John John John, Jr. Joseph Peter F. Charles Charles L. Daniel William J. Wm. J. 11 5 11 1881 26 1875 11 2 1888 to Chicago 30 from city to Buffalo to Auburn to Greece from city to Frodsham, Cheshire Co., England William H. Mary S. Clark C. Wilbert Benjamin F. Charles DeWitt W. Frank M. Joseph P. Joseph P. 2 13 1889 66 to Barnes' Corners to Glasgow, Scotland to Chicago, Ill. 2 17 1881 to Castile to Penfield Centre 6 2 1885 31 to Greece Page 107 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1880 1884 1879 1878 1877 1877 1886 1884 1889 1877 1889 1888 1883 1879 1880 1877 1888 1887 1886 1881 1877 1884 1887 1876 1876 1889 1877 1884 1883 1885 1884 1888 1885 1888 1877 1877 1889 1883 1888 1880 1883 1886 1881 1885 Surname Dillenbeck Dillman Dimpfl Dinan Dinan Dinan Dinehart Dingman Dingman Dingwell Dinkelspiel Dinkelspiel Dirschel Disbrow Dissett Dissett Dissett Ditner Dittenhoefer Dittenhoefer Dittman Dittman Ditton Diven Divine Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Doane Doane Doane Doane Doane Dobbertin Dobbertin Dobbertin Dobbertin Dobbs Dobkins Dobson Dobson Dobson Dobson Given Arie V. Christian John James John Thomas Wm. H. Charles Nelson Alexander Abraham Max John Sanford Edward M. Theresa M. Thomas John T. George, Jr. Peter Christiana Philip William Wm. C. Edwin H. Aaron H. Archie J. Frank John Joseph K. Edmund M. Emily C. Franklin M. Rollin C. Sarah Albert Chas. Fred. William Merritt Norman W. Anderson Ann E., Mrs. Charles A. Isaac J. Month Day Year 8 7 1879 14 1883 Age Removed: to Utica 39 to Ireland 8 1 1877 to Brighton from city to Geneva, Oh. to Clyde 4 17 1888 54 to Lockport to Cincinnati, Ohio to Buffalo 12 9 1882 to Albion to Buffalo 1 28 1877 9 12 1886 10 11 20 1880 1876 to Cleveland, Oh. 23 to Nebraska from city from city to Utica to Auburn 2 10 1889 24 to Canada from city from city to Jersey City, N. J. 11 14 1883 67 from city to Wisconsin from city to St. Louis to St. Louis to Georgia to Chicago, Ill. to Charlotte nd 8 nd nd 31 1882 to Brockport to Canada 10 Page 108 16 1884 72 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1886 1888 1887 1880 Surname Dockray Dockstader Dodd Dodd Dodd Given Joseph William Frank J. James John E. 1881 1880 1883 1881 1889 1887 1880 1884 1879 1883 1883 Dodds Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodson Doe Doering Doerr Doescher Florence E. Arnold A. Cyrus A. Henry, Jr. Joseph H. Loudon U. Silas John C. John Philip August C. 1888 1887 1888 1887 1889 1878 Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doherty Doig Catharine Charles Charles J. James Mary A. George 1888 1876 1884 1882 1885 1887 1880 1882 1886 1888 1884 1880 1881 1885 1879 1888 1884 1884 1880 1876 Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolan Dolanty Dolanty Dolanty Dolbeer Dolbeir Dold Doll Doll Dolley Dolley Dollie Dollinger Dolphin Catherine John John John T. Michael Peter H. William F. Byron M. Byron M. Byron M. Wm. George Thomas Frederick Wm. H. Charles S. John James August C. Mathew F. 3 1 Age Removed: from city 14 1886 73 28 1888 46 to Genoa to St. Louis, Mo. 5 15 1880 Month Day Year married Edward Stone to Syracuse to Parma to Buffalo 3 26 1887 47 to New York City 7 3 4 24 1883 5 1879 3 1883 67 from city to Milktown, Malbay, Ireland 5 15 1886 27 to Canada to Warsaw married P. Daly 5 12 1878 married Thomas Daly to Byron 2 24 1884 9 23 1884 to Lockport 31 to Marquette, Mich. to St. Louis, Mo. to Salamanca to Albion to Salamanca to Mendon 1 1 9 1880 21 1881 to Bergen to Syracuse to Philadelphia, Pa. to Brighton to Coburg, Canada nd nd nd from city Page 109 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1885 1888 1889 1889 1882 1885 1887 1888 1881 1880 1888 1879 1889 1881 1882 1884 1882 1887 1877 1881 1886 1876 1881 1881 1879 1879 1884 1883 1881 1886 1883 1879 1881 1880 1881 1880 1883 1879 1886 Surname Domke Donahoe Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donahue Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Donhauser Donigan Donivan Donke Donleavy Donlon Donlon Donlon Donn Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donner Donner Donner Donner Donoghue Donoghue Donoghue Donoghue Given Friederich John F. John John Kittie Michael Michael Patrick Andrew J. Hugh Mary Mary William Alois John William S. Henry Michael Frank Patrick Patrick Maurice Charles C. Edward George W. James John John Joseph Mary Robert J. Samuel Anthony Frederick Joseph Theresa James John L. Timothy Timothy F. 1876 1878 1880 1889 Donoghue Donovan Donovan Donovan William Cornelius Cornelius Daniel Age Removed: to Germany to Sandusky to Toledo, Ohio to Nyack married E. O. Pigeon to Buffalo 18 1884 71 to Punxsutawney, Pa. 23 1887 31 1 1881 to Buffalo 21 1887 59 to New York City to Albany to Friendship to Buffalo from city from city 29 1887 21 1876 to Cleveland, Oh. to New Haven, Conn. 1875 4 1881 1881 8 1878 7 1878 8 1884 87 to Minneapolis, Minn. 26 1880 27 1886 65 11 1883 from city to Germany 1879 1 1880 to Cleveland, Oh. to Batavia to Geneseo 22 1886 to Virginia City, Nevada to Kalamazoo, Mich. to Buffalo 6 1889 Month Day Year 9 10 2 12 4 8 3 5 9 11 2 10 2 1 12 8 2 4 Page 110 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1887 1885 1886 1880 1883 1882 1877 1879 1885 1888 1886 1887 1883 1884 1886 1881 1887 1886 1880 1884 1889 1882 1888 1887 1880 1880 1887 1877 1883 1881 1886 1879 1887 1887 1887 1887 1878 1881 1876 1887 1883 1879 1877 Surname Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donsbach Donsbach Donsbach Doody Doody Doody Doody Doody Dooley Dooley Doolin Doolin Doolittle Doolittle Given Dennis John John J. Patrick Paul Thomas Timothy Timothy, Jr. Wm. J. Anthony Anthony Joseph Ann Michael J. Michael J. Peter Thomas Mary Matthew John John Charles A. Charles J. Doolittle Doolittle Doolittle Dopkins Dopp Doran Doran Doran Doran Dorman Dorn Dorn Dorn Dorn Dorntee Dorntee Dorr Dorr Dorschell Dorschell Dorschell Ellen Filiofeete Willard Norman W. Charles L. Ellen Patrick Peter S. Gregor Elizabeth Charles H. Fred. R. Rufus H. W. Wallace George W. Louis S. Cornelius Horatio, Jr. Frederick W. John Joseph H. Age Removed: to Toronto, Ont. 1886 50 from city 1886 1879 from city 1881 to Toronto, Canada from city 1884 49 to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1886 59 from city 1884 1885 35 to Brighton to Syracuse to New York City to Buffalo 1884 67 to St. Louis, Mo. to Lake City, Minn. Month Day Year 11 23 2 10 28 27 8 12 7 27 12 14 6 5 24 14 2 24 6 1 2 13 1886 22 1880 10 1880 3 1877 nd to Williamstown, Mass. 83 to Buffalo nd nd to Chicago, Ill. to New York City 3 28 1879 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Los Angeles, Cal. to Los Angeles, Cal. to Los Angeles, Cal. to New York City to Boston, Mass. to Syracuse from city 1 24 1883 to Buffalo to Albion Page 111 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1877 1884 1889 1884 1876 1881 1889 1879 1879 1880 1885 1887 1885 1879 1878 1879 1884 1876 1881 1887 1879 1885 1889 1881 1886 1888 1883 1877 1880 1880 1883 1876 1881 1885 1879 1886 1876 1879 1886 1883 1876 1883 1877 Surname Dorschell Dorsey Dorsey Dorsey Dorst Dorward Dory Doser Doser Doser Doser Dossenbach Dossenbach Dossenbach Doty Doty Doty Doty Doty Doty Doty Doty Dotzour Given Pastor Edward Edward Henry E. Jacob William Lawrence Barbara John A. Joseph Louis Adolph Matthias Otto Calista Emily Harriet Harry James H. Josiah Josiah Mary Andrew Doud Doud Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Douglas Florence A. William Augustus Charles Charles C. Daniel D. Edward J. Felix Felix R. Frank Frank James, Jr. John John B. John F. John J. Joseph E. Mary Owen Thomas Franklin Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 22 1884 66 from city from city from city from city to Arbroath, Scotland to Rush married to Canada 7 1879 from city to New York City 1 28 1887 69 to New York City to New York City 11 28 1877 to New York City from city from city to Hornellsville 10 1 1886 94 to New York City from city married Charles Davis to Sennett to New York City to Syracuse 11 15 1887 24 to St. Louis, Mo. from city from city to Brockport to Lyons 1875 to Chicago, Ill. to Sandwich, Canada to New York City to Wyoming from city 1 10 1879 from city 3 30 1883 10 20 1875 3 9 1883 from city Page 112 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1888 1882 1878 1880 1883 1889 1887 1888 1878 1879 1889 1880 1882 1887 1884 1888 1878 1880 Surname Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglass Douglass Douglass Dove Dove Dow Dow Dow Dow Dow Dow Dow Dowd Dowd Dowd Dowling Given George Jonathan H. Sarah T. Isaac Sylvester William W. John Thomas Benjamin F. Frederick A. Frederick A. George C. George E. George E. George E. Ann Bernard S. Patrick John W. 1886 1889 1877 1880 1885 1889 1878 1885 1879 1882 1886 Dowling Dowling Dowling Dowling Down Downer Downey Downey Downey Downey Downing Kate T. Mary A. Mary E. Patrick J. Edward O. Joseph G. John B. Joseph Mary Wm. J. Cornelius 1889 1882 1888 1883 1877 1886 1876 1877 1889 1877 1882 1882 1889 Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downs Downs Doxtater Doxtater Doyle Elizabeth Francis T. Hale S. Josephine L. E. Fraser, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas Wm. H. Michael Truman H. Chauncey Harriet E. Caleb S. Age Removed: to Buffalo 1887 71 1882 1878 to Michigan to New York City to Lyons 1886 73 to Fowlerville to Utica 1879 to Buffalo to Fowlerville from city to Batavia 1884 64 to Washington, D. C. 1878 from city married Stephen Doody 1888 55 to New York City 1879 to Marion 1888 96 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. 1879 to Chicago, Ill. 1885 39 married George Ruland to Pueblo, Col. to New York City to Utica from city to Syracuse from city from city 1888 27 1877 1882 married Thos. Cook to Toronto, Canada Month Day Year Page 113 7 2 2 12 22 12 3 1 2 3 17 4 18 10 4 12 19 6 22 1 20 7 11 7 18 3 8 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1885 1880 1887 1889 1888 1883 1877 1885 1886 1883 1880 1887 1882 1886 1884 1877 1884 1886 1886 1885 1876 1885 1881 1886 1878 1886 1883 1888 1879 1889 1879 1876 1880 1883 1886 1877 1884 1879 1884 1883 1884 1878 1876 1876 Surname Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Drager Drager Draime Drake Drake Dransfield Draper Draude Draude Draude Drecoll Drecoll Dreessen Drefahl Dreher Dreier Dreier Dreimiller Dremel Dresbag Dreschler Dresselmeyer Dresser Dressman Drew Drew Drew Given Charles E. Christian James James James James P. John John J. Lizzie A. Louisa F. Margaret Mary Mary Jane Patrick Richard M. Thomas William J. Wm. B. Andrew Henry William C. Charles W. E. A. Richard Henry S. Augustin Elizabeth George Charles F. John Fred Charles Wendelin Chris Henry Frank Joseph John M. Magdalene August George B. George Bridget Charles S. John Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 6 1888 39 from city to Canada 4 16 1887 29 3 14 1889 75 to New York City 1 6 1883 to Erie, Pa. 3 17 1885 26 married 12 4 1882 to Oswego 8 29 1886 76 5 2 1881 7 28 1885 33 from city to Auburn 4 24 1884 74 to Brighton from city to Palmyra to New York to Bradford, Pa. 5 7 1881 4 1886 10 29 1877 11 27 1885 46 2 15 1883 5 13 1888 21 to Macedon from city 9 27 1878 4 1875 to Illinois 6 12 1882 to New York City to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. 12 1 1878 from city to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. 1 1878 to Detroit from city Page 114 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1887 1876 1889 1886 1880 1879 1887 1883 1886 1885 1880 1885 1885 1884 1885 1886 1884 1887 1883 1883 1882 1880 1887 1882 1887 1889 1887 1887 1884 1889 1876 1883 1879 1877 1876 1887 1887 1884 1881 1877 1887 1879 Surname Drew Drew Drexelius Drexelius Drexler Drexler Dreyer Dreyer Dreyer Dreyfuss Dries Dries Dries Dries Driffill Driffill Driscoll Driscoll Dritschel Drown Drown Drum Given John John B. Charles W. Joseph Adolf George Bernard John Michael Maurice George J. Michael Nicholas Nicholas Herbert A. James A. Dennis Frederick Valentine John A. Thomas Albert Drummond Drummond Drury Drury Drury Dryer Dryer Dryer Drysdale Dubelbeiss Dubelbeiss Dublyn Duboc Dudeney Dudley Dudley Dudley Dudley Dudley Duell Duerkes Duerr Ann A. Wm. C. Fanny Marshall S. Peter Henry W. Charles Wm. R. James S. Edward J. P. Samuel Charles A. Henry A. Henry Alfred W. H. Estelle Harmony S. Walter R. William H. Leonard William Adam Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 26 1878 to Buffalo 10 14 1886 27 from city to Buffalo 1 10 1886 41 from city 9 12 1878 12 18 1886 22 to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City from city to New York City to New York 10 27 1884 to Pomona, Cal. to Pennsylvania to New York City 5 2 1884 55 to Rose to Jackson, Mich. to New York City married James Hutchinson to Detroit, Mich. 3 6 1887 74 10 28 1881 2 24 1887 66 to Keystone, Kan. to Victor to Victor to Stratford, Can. 12 15 1888 24 7 4 1875 to Utica to Tonawanda to Canada to Albany to Meridian to Meridian to Syracuse to St. Paul, Minn. to Texas nd nd nd to Syracuse Page 115 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1879 Duerr Given Charles F. 1884 Duerr Louisa 1881 1887 1881 1881 1879 1876 1883 1880 1884 1876 1881 1889 1889 1879 1884 1889 1877 1880 1882 Duffett Duffey Duffey Duffield Dufft Duffus Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy William H. Hugh Nettie William F. Charles A. John Bridget Catharine A. Cornelius J. Frank V. James James James F. John John John Mary Mary Mary 1880 1887 1889 1889 1882 1885 1882 1879 1886 1881 1886 1880 1886 1889 1884 1887 1880 1881 Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Dufrense Dugan Dugan Dugan Dugan Dugan Dugan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duggan Duguid Sarah E. William H. William H. William J. Arthur Catherine Daniel John John M. Lawrence Willian B. Alice B. Andrew J. Patrick J. Thomas Thomas Timothy Alexander 1876 Duke Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 22 1879 married Joseph Hoehn to Leavenworth, Kansas to Cleveland, Oh. married 12 15 1880 from city from city 4 3 1883 5 12 8 15 1884 27 1875 13 1880 1888 5 1888 married 9 32 25 to Ireland from city 2 11 1889 40 to New York City married 12 26 1881 married to H. W. Averill to Avon 12 12 1888 60 from city to St. Paul, Minn. 7 20 1884 51 from city to Chicago, Ill. 2 3 8 1886 10 1881 32 from city to New York City from city to Worcester, Mass. from city to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to New York City John to St. Catharines, Ont. Page 116 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1876 1881 1889 1882 1876 1888 1886 1877 Duke Dukelow Dukelow Dukelow Dulany Düll Dulmage Dulohery Thos. Grace James Mary William T. Adam William Michael 1881 1877 1879 1881 1877 1885 1887 1887 1886 1877 1888 1885 1886 1887 1887 1881 1887 1885 1884 1889 1879 1884 1889 1886 1884 1885 1886 1876 1885 1877 1885 1878 1883 1889 1877 Dumerese Dumerese Dumerese Dummer Dummer Dummer Dummer Dummer Dumond DuMouchell Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Dunckleburg Dunham Dunham Dunham Dunham Dunhere Dunklee Dunlap Dunlap Dunlap Dunlap Dunlay Augusta Frank Gustav Adolph Adolph, Jr. Christian Mary William Frank V. L. A. Alex. James William H. Bridget Harry James James Jane John A. Margaret Richard Robert Samuel W. Isaac M. Adelbert J. George W. Morton R. Ralph Emanuel James Andrew Belinda E. Martha Nancy William Month Day Year Age Removed: to St. Catharines, Ont. from city 4 8 21 1889 4 1881 80 from city 4 7 8 1888 10 1885 55 to Buffalo married Frank Dumresi from city 6 15 1878 to Buffalo to Buffalo 9 11 9 4 1884 24 1886 25 1886 33 30 43 to New York City to Albany to Scotland to Irondequoit to Fairport 6 4 1886 61 to Syracuse to New York City from city 11 30 1884 76 to Florida to Poughkeepsie to Pittsford 6 20 1884 to Haverhill, Mass. to Springwater to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. 4 22 1886 5 4 1885 75 to Mt. Morris from city to Syracuse 2 5 3 9 1878 18 1882 3 1889 56 to Holley Page 117 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1888 1889 1885 1885 1877 1882 1885 1889 1889 1889 1888 1888 1889 1882 1888 1884 1877 1887 1880 1883 1884 1881 1883 1883 1883 1882 1876 1878 1879 1888 1876 1883 1881 1887 1883 1884 1877 1876 1888 1887 1884 1877 1882 1887 Surname Dunlevy Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunne Dunne Dunning Dunning Dunning Dunning Dunning Dunshee Dupleix Duplenty Dupree Durand Durdel Durfee Durfee Durgin Durgin Given Thomas Agnes W. Anastasia Ann Annie J. Christopher Edward Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellen Frank P. Harriet N. Helen N. Hiram James James W. Jane Jonathan Joseph Mary Mary A. Mary A. Patrick Patrick, Jr. Samuel Thad William Frank P. John Michael Egbert B. Eliza Eugene H. Hiram Hiram Cornelius E. William Joseph Cornelius John S. William Addison W. Andrew J. Elmer E. Elmer E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 11 1888 70 to Wm. L. Ramsay 1 29 1889 8 3 1884 53 to Eddytown from city 12 3 1881 4 13 1885 33 5 11 1889 84 9 2 1888 63 to Avon 3 7 1888 65 to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city 8 3 1881 from city 5 10 1884 22 to Canada to Fairport 12 6 1879 to Irondequoit 3 5 1884 21 5 7 1880 to Bradford, Pa. 11 10 1882 to Spencerport 4 1881 to Syracuse to Ireland to Ireland 2 15 1888 78 to Lafayette, Ind. to Colorado to Buffalo to St. Augustine, Fla. 5 24 1883 to Canada to Brockport to Patterson to New York City 6 23 1886 30 1 9 1884 64 to Buffalo to Fargo, Dak. from city Page 118 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1889 Durgin 1877 Durham 1879 1884 1886 1889 1887 1884 1886 1877 1884 1878 1879 1877 1877 1885 1883 1886 1879 1887 1879 1884 1880 1889 1884 1885 1888 1880 1884 1877 1881 1883 1880 1880 1879 1888 1886 1886 1877 1884 1886 1888 1884 1879 Durham Durkee Durkee Durkee Durkin Durkin Durkin Durkin Durkin Durkin Durney Durnherr Durnherr Durnherr Duryee Duryee Duryee Duryee Duryee Duryee Dusch Dusenberry Dusinberre Dutcher DuTremblay Dutton Dutton Dutton Dutton Dutton Dutton Dutton Duval Duvall Duvall Dwinell Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Dwyer Given Elmer E. Robert Month Day Year Stephen John W. John W. Vernon J. Bridget A. James James John John Michael Wm. W. Annie Emanuel Emanuel Chauncey A. Ella H. Harriet D. Joseph Paulina William H. Otto J. Sebastian Samuel B. Libbie E. Jules Geo. R. Harry B. Jennie C. Josie M. Leon Marvin O. William B. Charles Clayton M. John Eliza E. Bridget Francis M. Jeremiah John John H. Martin 9 Age Removed: to Kansas City, Mo. to Canada to St. Catherines, Canada to Oak Orchard to Oak Orchard to Jackson, Mich. 27 1886 from city from city to Texas to Chili 6 12 4 1 1877 15 1878 27 1877 4 6 1885 12 1 28 1885 1879 to Switzerland 59 from city from city to Moscow from city 6 3 22 1879 30 1889 44 to Geneva to Somerset to Boston, Mass. to Honeoye Falls to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. married to Savannah, Ga. to Poughkeepsie from city from city to Buffalo to Peterborough, Can. 9 6 28 1885 1876 74 to Buffalo to Penn Yan to Lynn, Mass. to Hudson to Brooklyn Page 119 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1884 1876 1877 1877 1879 1886 1883 1885 1889 1877 1882 1885 1882 1889 1884 1887 1879 1877 Surname Dwyer Dycer Dyer Dyer Dyer Dyer Dyer Dyer Dyett Dyett Dyett Dygert Dygert Dykins Dykins Dykins Dyslin Dyson Dyson Dyson Given Mary Henry Elvira James John John T. John T., Mrs. Walter W. James James H. James H. James H. John Fred. W. Philip Philip Hannah Charles H. Esther John 1878 1880 1880 1880 1882 1888 1886 1878 1881 1876 1884 1883 1878 1876 1876 1889 1877 1886 Dyson Eagan Eagan Eagan Eagan Eagle Eakin Eamons Earl Earle Earle Earle Earley Early East East East East Thomas Daniel Joseph R. Stephen Stephen Frederick William Claron R. Albert Charles Charles L. George W. William James M. George W. George W. Henry R. William 1885 1887 1877 1882 1889 Easterwood Easton Eastwood Eathcott Eaton Frank K. Ida M. Ruth, Mrs. Ann Carl Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 12 1885 from city 1 21 1884 77 1875 nd nd nd to Chicago, Ill. from city to New York City to Rome to Utica from city to Utica from city to Denver, Col. to Bath to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Chili from city 5 1876 to St. Catharines, Ont. to Watertown to New York City to New Haven, Conn. to Medina 10 13 1887 60 from city 3 7 1878 to Lyons from city to Buffalo nd nd nd to Waterloo to Buffalo to San Francisco to Menominee, Mich. to Titusville, Pa. 1886 to Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter. to Cooperstown to Mt. Morris 5 12 1881 from city Page 120 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1883 1879 1877 1881 1877 1884 1879 Surname Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Given George F. George M. Gilbert C. Henry Hiram James Joel L. H. 1881 Eaton 1883 Eaton 1881 Eaton Marilla G. Mary A. Mary Ann 1889 1887 1877 1887 1889 1883 1888 1889 1886 1885 Eaton Ebberle Ebel Ebel Ebel Eberle Eberle Eberly Ebert Ebert Samuel C. Josephine Christopher David Eugene Balthasar Henry J. Jacob Nicholas William 1885 1883 1877 1883 1876 1886 1888 1881 1888 1879 1886 1887 1880 1877 1880 1881 1882 1882 1886 1876 1880 Ebertz Ebertz Eberwein Eberwein Ebi Ebi Ebner Ebner Eccleston Eck Eck Eckel Eckel Eckert Eckert Eckes Eckhardt Eckrich Eckrich Eddy Eddy Margaret Margaret L. John Joseph V. Frank J. Jacob Edward Louis Joseph W. Joseph Mary Barbara Stewart Charles George E. Frank Caspar Frank Lorenzo A. Theodore Albert M. Month Day Year 6 Age Removed: to New York to New York City 8 1878 to Springville from city to Florida 5 30 1883 83 from city married Chas. A. Capell to Jamestown 11 17 1880 10 20 1886 to Santa Barbara, Cal. to Germany to Canada from city 7 24 1882 7 11 12 1888 22 1885 to Avon 49 from city married John Bubel, Jr. 4 1882 to Henrietta to Corning 3 10 4 3 12 25 19 8 1876 1885 1888 1881 60 69 to Chicago, Ill. 3 1 9 19 1879 26 1886 2 1886 69 from city to New York City to New York City to Batavia 6 6 3 23 1881 5 1881 12 1886 to Chicago, Ill to St. Louis, Mo. Page 121 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1885 1888 1886 1887 1886 1881 1887 1884 1886 1889 1879 1876 1878 1886 1886 1877 1886 1888 1885 1877 1880 1886 1888 1881 1876 1889 1877 1877 1888 1888 1884 1881 1884 1887 1876 1885 1884 1885 1885 1884 1885 1886 1881 1884 Surname Eddy Eddy Eddy Eddy Eddy Edel Edelheim Eden Edgar Edgar Edgar Edgar Edgecumbe Edgecumbe Edgecumbe Edgecumbe Edgecumbe Edgell Edgerton Edlington Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmunds Edridge Edson Edson Edson Edson Edson Edward Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Given Arthur A. Charles H. Edmund L. Thomas Thomas H. Bernhard, Jr. George J. Jacob H. Annie J. Isaiah E. Joseph Mathew Alice Charles W. Charles W. Emma E. James O. Matilda S. George B. Isaac Catharine Catharine Harry E. James H. Frederick Charles F. Dan. Elijah Elijah H. Elijah H. Adam C. Alexander Charles A. Charles A. Charles A. George Harry Henry Henry W. Henry W., Jr. Henry, Jr. James M. James W. Jas. W. John F. Age Removed: to St. Louis, Mo. to Rome 23 1887 39 30 1886 83 to Greece to Wellsville to New York City from city to Washington, D. C. to New York City 5 1889 19 1878 1875 to Spencerport to Blue Wing, N. C. to Michigan to California 6 1886 50 to Batavia to Penn Yan to New York City 19 1880 to Corning to Buffalo 6 1881 to Napoleon, Ohio 22 1889 75 to Shortsville to Shortsville to Wellsville to Massena to Buffalo from city to Pennsylvania to Buffalo from city to Churchville to Philadelphia, Pa. to Greece to Greece to Philadelphia, Pa. to Dansville to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. to England Month Day Year 9 3 4 6 6 5 4 2 2 Page 122 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1883 1887 1881 1885 1888 1884 1883 1877 1876 1881 1883 1881 1883 1881 1889 1885 1888 1882 1883 1885 1887 1884 1885 1886 1885 1883 1883 1878 1879 1877 1879 1878 1876 1888 1888 1884 1889 1887 1885 1889 1888 1886 1886 Surname Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Effing Effrige Egan Egan Egan Egan Egan Given John W. John W. Mary A. Susan, Mrs. William William Wm. F. Henry John Dennis James John E. John J. Joseph R. Egan Egan Ege Ege Ege Egerer Egerer Egerer Eggel Eggelston Eggert Eggleston Eglington Eglington Egloff Ehde Ehde Ehde Ehinger Ehinger Ehmann Ehrgott Ehrhardt Ehrhart Ehrig Ehrle Ehrmantraut Ehrmentrout Ehrstein Ehrstein Julia William John Peter J. Peter, Jr. Joseph L. Leonard Leonard Louis John John H. George W. James A. Margaret Leopold Augusta D., Mrs. Frederic Hannah, Miss Charles Frank Adam Oscar J. A. Mary John N. John William William G. Charles Antony Christina Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 22 1881 to Waterloo from city 5 27 1880 from city 2 17 1888 68 to Toronto, Canada 7 9 1882 from city 12 1875 6 1880 to Canandaigua to Livonia to New York City married Michael Culligan 10 10 1888 34 to Troy, N. Y. to Chicago, Ill. to St. Paul, Minn. 11 10 1882 to Montreal, Canada 7 21 1886 21 2 7 1884 21 to Dansville 1885 45 9 27 1884 60 to Utica 12 25 1882 from city from city 3 1877 from city 9 1877 to Pittsford from city from city 6 24 1883 76 10 9 1888 48 9 29 1886 11 27 1884 28 to Chicago, Ill. 7 26 1887 59 4 6 1886 74 married Wm. Grolling Page 123 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1877 1881 1879 1888 1887 1886 1883 1880 Surname Ehrstein Eibler Eibler Eich Eichel Eichelman Eichelman Eicher Eichhorn Given Mary A. Mary William Veronika August Emil William F. Fred. A. Richard 1883 1884 1889 1889 1887 1881 1881 1885 1889 1878 1878 Eichorn Eickart Eickart Eickert Eilers Eilinger Eilinger Eimert Einstein Eipper Eipper Johanna Charles John Charles W. Joseph H. Charles S. Frederick Frederick Myer Augustus H. Thomas C. 1876 1876 1883 1878 1877 1885 1883 Eisele Eisele Eiseman Eisemann Eisen Eisenberg Eisenberg Adolph Albert Louis J. John Adolph John William 1888 1881 1883 1886 1881 1886 1883 1884 Eisenhauer Eisenhauer Eisenhauer Eisenhauer Eisenhauer Eisenmann Eismann Eismann Anna Joseph Joseph Joseph Louis Philip Barthol Catherine 1889 1883 1878 1888 1884 1880 Elam Elder Eldredge Eldridge Eldridge Eldridge Alfred E. Henry W. Louis P. Alfred L. Charles W. Louis P. Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 6 1880 2 1877 to Michigan to Germany from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Kenosha, Wis. to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo married August Wegman from city 11 23 1888 68 3 29 1888 28 to Lockport to Palmyra to Hornellsville to Chicago, Ill. to Dunkirk to Batavia to Buffalo to Villengen, Germany to Cleveland, Ohio to Greece to Chicago to Europe 1 18 1884 58 to New Jersey married to John Häfele to Greece to Michigan from city 3 12 4 4 4 16 24 26 1881 1885 1883 1884 30 53 to San Francisco, Cal. to New York City to Denver, Col. 4 11 1888 22 to Lostant, Ill. to Denver, Col. Page 124 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1882 1887 1888 1884 1879 1876 1887 1880 1877 1889 1882 1878 1882 1881 1886 1876 1877 1876 1887 1884 1884 1880 1886 1879 1887 1876 1881 1889 1883 1883 1885 1883 1880 1879 1879 1882 1883 1877 1881 1886 1889 1881 1876 1884 Surname Eldridge Eldridge Eldridge Eldridge Eleamounge Eleson Eletson Elgar Eli Elias Eliassof Ellers Ellery Ellery Elliboat Elliboat Elliot Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellison Ellison Ellison Ellmore Ellsworth Ellsworth Given Louis P. P. Griffin Philip Selathial Walter Oscar C. Charles Thomas Perry John, Jr. Harry N. Charles Richard A. Richard A. John J. John J. David F. Charlotte E. Frank A. James Joseph J. Lyman F. Mary Ann Sarah William A. Adda R. Angus M. Charles M. Frank J. George George H. Harvey Henry G. James H. James M. John Minerva, Miss Wesley J. William H. Frank T. George W. Kate E. Susan David E. G. Edward Franklyn Month Day Year Page 125 5 21 1881 1 14 1888 Age Removed: to Minneapolis, Minn. to Zanesville, Oh. 68 to New York City to Medina to California to Fredonia to Walkerton, Ont. to Pittsford to Albany to Alden to Toronto, Ont. 5 16 1882 from city to Detroit, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. 3 31 1877 to Buffalo 7 31 1886 65 to Bellevue from city to Canada 1 3 1886 55 to LeRoy from city to Henrietta to Boston, Mass. 1889 to New York City 2 28 1883 9 12 1882 from city to Port Huron, Mich. from city to Livonia Station 4 18 1882 from city to Buffalo to New York City 4 1 1886 35 to New York City to Denver, Col. to Batavia to Flint Ridge, Kan. City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1884 1885 1886 1884 1881 1877 1877 1883 1885 1888 1876 1878 1885 1886 1884 1884 1882 1885 1880 1882 1881 1877 1881 1886 1886 1879 1884 1876 1881 1885 1876 1881 1884 1883 1877 1886 1887 1877 1877 1883 1880 1887 1882 1883 Surname Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellsworth Ellwanger Ellwanger Ellwood Elmer Elmore Elmore Elmore Elmore Elsheimer Elsheimer Elter Elwiss Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Ely Elz Emblow Embry Embury Emens Emer Emerich Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emerson Emery Emery Given Ira James Thomas Edward W. Henry B. Frances M. Lizzie Anthony Joseph W. Joseph W. Joseph W. Daniel C. Louis P. Joseph F. Solomon Andrew, Jr. Angeline Catherine Edward T. Enos Erastus U. Jennie Joseph A. Lorenzo D. Samuel D. William P. William W. Jacob G. Charles Herbert H. John E. Henry G. Anthony Joseph E. Charles A. Charles H. Elizabeth E. G. Frank N. John B. Sarah Ann Selim Willard J. Willard J. James B. Levi Age Removed: to Webster to Webster to Toronto, Can. to Buffalo 1883 32 married G. J. Michel to Middletown 1877 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Utica from city from city to Orange, Cal. to New Mexico 1884 70 1882 1885 34 to Albany to Boston, Mass. to Syracuse to Orange Valley, N.J. 1881 to Three Oaks, Mich. to Lyons 1879 to Boston, Mass. 1876 to Buffalo to Geneva to Ogden from city to Ithaca from city to Salisbury 1886 71 to Florida to Salisbury 1876 to Watertown to Colorado to Florida to Ft. Clark, Tex. 1883 Month Day Year 8 7 1 4 1 4 16 12 12 5 23 3 27 2 19 2 27 10 1 Page 126 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1877 1887 1886 1880 1887 1886 1887 1876 1889 1882 1882 1882 1889 1877 1878 1886 1876 1884 1887 1881 1885 1885 1889 1886 1877 1879 1884 1889 1877 1877 1889 1878 1887 1889 1888 1885 1879 1882 1889 1882 1883 1876 1882 Surname Emo Emrich Emrich En Earl End End End Enders Enders Enders Enders Endler Endler Given Frank J. Edward, Jr. Gustavus Henry M. Ferdinand Joseph G. Charles W. J. Andrew Konrad Martin Mary A. Frank Joseph P. EnEarl Engel Engel Engel Engel Engel Engelhardt Engelhardt Engelhardt Engelmor Engelmor Engemann Engert Engert Engle Englehardt Englehardt Englehardt Engler Engler Engler Engler Englert Englert Englert Englert Englert Englert Englert Englert Englert Grace Charles, Jr. Charles, Jr. Leo Louis Paul B. Frank S. Geo. W. John John Mary Henry Barney J. John S. John Edward C. Henry John Charles E. August E. August Henry, Jr. Charles, Jr. George Jacob Jacob Jacob John John V. Martin Peter A., Jr. Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to New York to Warsaw from city to Foochow, China to Los Angeles, Cal. 1886 62 1876 1888 45 1882 from city to Dansville married Walter P. Gorsline to Lebanon, Mo. 1877 1885 39 to Greece to New York City 1887 24 to Toledo, Ohio 1884 34 1884 married George Frank 1885 44 1876 1878 1884 32 to New York City from city to Germany to Murray to Texas to Minneapolis, Minn. to Montana to Chicago, Ill. 1884 60 to Lansing, Mich. to Toronto, Can. to Toronto, Can. 1881 to Syracuse 1876 1881 Month Day Year Page 127 7 3 9 4 21 10 7 3 7 2 13 7 11 11 21 7 9 9 1 6 30 26 7 13 7 20 1 11 9 20 10 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1881 1878 1886 1889 1889 1889 1881 1880 1889 1886 1880 1880 1884 1885 1885 1885 1883 1876 Surname English English English English English English Ennis Enos Enos Enos Enright Enright Enright Enright Enright Ensel Ensign Ensminger Eppel Given Alban T. J. Grandin James W. Nathan Richard Robert B. Peter Eben E. Mary William H. Annie M. Daniel John F. Patrick Timothy August Hermon L. John Martin 1888 1879 1885 1878 1883 1876 1878 1882 1883 Epping Epstein Epstein Erb Erbach Erbach Erbach Erbacker Erbe Barbara Edward H. George H. John F. Henry Henry Jacob Frank Paul 1888 1880 1876 1887 1884 1877 1882 1889 1883 1881 1887 1878 1880 1883 1879 Erbland Erbshauser Erdle Erdle Ereth Ereth Ereth Ereth Ereth Erhardt Erhardt Erhardt Erickson Eriksson Erkenbrack Kate Edward Marcia William V. Antoine Frank Frank Margarette William Frederick C. Henry P. Rosa Aaron Nils Fred C. Age Removed: to New York to Avon to New York to Chicago, Ill. from city 1888 74 1888 nd 1880 to Canada to New York City 1879 1879 1883 50 to Avon 1885 41 to New York City to Albany from city married Chas. V. Bogart from city to Albany to Detroit, Mich. to Syracuse to Madison, Wis. to Buffalo to Baden, Germany from city married Rogers Hasenauer to Denver, Col. to Canandaigua 1887 20 1883 to Michigan to Michigan 1888 from city 1880 1886 30 to Bradford, Pa. 1880 to New York City from city Month Day Year 11 5 nd 9 1 nd 4 Page 128 9 11 6 16 18 25 5 11 1 8 14 19 11 4 9 10 19 25 1 27 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1887 1884 1879 1877 1888 1880 1888 1885 1886 1882 1876 1887 1876 1888 1877 1888 1883 1877 1882 1881 1876 1879 1881 1885 1879 1877 1876 1888 1882 1876 1886 1885 1885 1887 1879 1881 1888 1883 1883 1885 1882 1888 1885 Surname Erler Erler Ernest Ernisse Ernisse Ernisse Ernisse Ernisse Given J. Edward William Charles Isaac James James John Magdalene Ernst Ernst Ertl Ervin Ervin Erwin Erwin Eseman Esse Esser Estee Ester Esterhilt Estes Etheridge Ets Etson Ettenheimer Ettle Etts Etts Etts Etz Eugenia Euphrasia Eustace Eustace Eustace Eustace Eustace Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Frederick Simon John Samuel Samuel E. Augustus M. John A. Gustavus Kate Emil J. William C. Conrad Eliza Stephen R. O. Hamlet Peter C. Frank Moses George Cornelius Garrett Norris George S. Mary, Sister Mary, Sister Alice Alice Annie Stephen William Ann Edward Evan George Helen M. Henry F. 12 Age Removed: from city 21 1886 65 27 1884 62 to Wisconsin to Baltimore, Md. to Redlands, Cal. to Mt. Morris 21 1887 49 10 26 1885 Month Day Year 12 1 to Antsinsheim, Baden 64 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Chicago to Syracuse 3 27 1888 24 to Chicago, Ill. married to Kansas City, Mo. to Chicago, Ill. 1 6 1 1882 26 1880 4 18 1879 to Reed's Corners to Cleveland, Oh. to Avon 8 11 1878 from city 8 5 1 1875 2 1888 21 1882 56 to Portland, Maine to Dansville to Geneva 4 6 2 27 1885 28 1886 1879 68 28 12 3 27 1887 12 1883 48 5 7 31 1885 26 1881 76 to Bellville, Canada to Toronto, Can. married Fred Thomas to Canisteo Page 129 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1880 1878 1889 1889 1877 1889 1879 1883 1878 1883 1884 1881 1882 1885 1886 1885 1883 1879 Surname Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evanson Eveland Evens Everest Given Herbert G. James J. John M. Judson F. Lydia A. Margaret Powell R. Harry Robert H. Robert T. Robert T. Sarah William William C. William H. Charles John R. Earl Horace D. 1877 1887 1886 1882 1878 1881 1884 1887 1885 1883 1888 1886 Everets Everhart Everton Eves Eves Eves Eves Ewald Ewart Ewart Ewart Ewing Hattie Forest H. Lorenzo Charles M. Charlotte, Mrs. William William Albert Frank S. William William J. Elizabeth 1883 1883 1883 1880 1880 1877 1888 1884 1885 1879 1881 1882 Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Ewing Eyer Eyres Ezekiel Faas Faas Hannah A. James James T. Robert William William P. William W. Martin William J. Samuel Jakoba John Age Removed: to Toronto, Canada to California to Baltimore, Md. 27 1888 27 6 1888 73 to Canada to Buffalo from city from city to Osage City, Kan. from city 28 1884 35 to New York City 12 1881 4 1885 49 to Chicago, Ill. to New York City from city to Perry Month Day Year 10 9 1 10 5 to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Syracuse to Buffalo 4 1 17 1882 6 1878 to Macedon to Minnesota to New York to Syracuse from city to Brockport to East Henrietta married James LeLievre from city 5 20 1883 to Palmyra 4 20 1880 to Kansas to New York City from city to Chicago, Ill. to New York 1880 to Irondequoit Page 130 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1884 1878 1878 1880 1877 1881 1885 1886 1881 Surname Faber Faber Faber Faber Faber Fable Fable Fable Fable Fabling Given Albert A. Frederika Gottfried Louis William Calvin L. Charles J. Charles J. Louis C. Samuel T. 1885 1885 1883 1882 1883 1878 1882 1888 1883 1876 1877 1887 1884 1886 1883 1886 1889 1881 1884 1881 1876 1876 Fabricius Fabrig Facey Facey Fackler Fagan Fagat Fahrer Fahrne Fahy Fahy Fahy Fahy Failing Fairbanks Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Louis John Charles Frederick John P. William Charles William Jacob Margaret Martin Timothy Timothy G. K. William Harlan C. B. Charles B. Edwin W. George Henry A. Henry L. Jas. W. 1888 1882 1878 1877 1889 1882 1888 1888 1886 1885 1881 Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairfield Fairfield Fairman Faist Fake Falck Falcon Falconer L. DeEtta, Mrs. Mary E. Myron S. Clara A. Thomas L. David Joseph John J. George Kate William Age Removed: to Penn Yan 1884 76 1878 to Fairport to Oneida to Chicago, Ill. to Kansas to Kansas City, Mo. 1886 33 1880 to Hamburgh, Germany 1885 79 to Dakota, Ter. to Dakota Ter. 1882 to New York City to Brooklyn to Buffalo 1882 1876 1876 1887 49 1883 1886 81 to Boston, Mass. to Cleveland, Ohio to Buffalo 1881 to St. Louis, Mo. 1881 to California to E. Bloomfield Month Day Year 4 4 17 14 5 7 25 9 4 6 5 7 9 1 11 2 10 25 2 1 4 21 1 27 12 married Victor Dermont 6 25 1881 to Macedon to Chelsea, Mass. to Cleveland, Oh. 5 3 3 2 12 5 25 22 16 1882 1888 1888 1886 1884 47 67 63 to Auburn Page 131 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1884 1887 1886 1876 1886 1884 1884 1888 1882 1883 1881 1885 1888 1885 1888 Surname Faller Fallon Fallon Falls Falls Falls Falls Falsz Falvey Fancey Fanning Fanning Fanning Fanning Fanning Fanning Given Paul Edward G. Mary Abigail K. Judith Michael Wm. S. Heinrich John George Burrell Francis James James H. John John 1888 1881 1889 1886 1886 Fanning Fanning Farber Farber Farber Mary Thomas Christian C. George W. Mary E. 1882 1880 1889 1877 1885 1881 1881 1887 1887 1887 1880 1878 1879 1887 1884 1883 1881 1884 1877 1884 1886 1878 Farbridge Farbridge Farewell Farley Farley Farley Farley Farley Farley Farley Farley Farmer Farmer Farnham Farquharson Farquharson Farquharson Farrar Farrar Farrar Farrell Farrell Catharine Charles Robert Augustus S. Charles Ellen J. Scudder John F. Joseph Patrick J. Scott A. Thomas William H. Harry P. Duncan S. James B. John Elizabeth, Miss Lysander Melissa M. Ann Edward Age Removed: to Canandaigua to New York City 9 1886 62 12 1886 67 14 1876 to Gates 27 1884 70 10 1883 83 to Erie, Pa. from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Brighton from city from city from city 8 1887 71 married Thomas H. Brown nd nd from city to Louisville, Ky. 20 1885 80 married Henry Versprelle 22 1879 from city to Haverill, Mass. nd nd 7 1881 to New York City from city 27 1887 73 to Utica to Buffalo 26 1878 from city to New Haven, Conn. 23 1884 60 to Toronto, Can. 23 1880 to Wyoming 25 1876 to Wyoming 3 1886 88 to Albion Month Day Year 10 3 5 4 6 7 nd 9 7 nd 5 3 1 4 5 12 3 Page 132 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1877 1886 1882 1880 1885 1885 1884 1886 1884 1882 1887 1887 Surname Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrell Farrow Farthing Farthing Farthing Farthing Given Frederick James H. James H. Margaret Mary E. Michael J. Thomas J. William A. John W. George A. John Margaret Sarah B. 1885 1889 1887 1881 1884 1883 1882 1884 1888 1879 1881 1889 Farwell Fassott Faucher Fauerbach Faul Faul Faulkner Faulkner Faulkner Faulstich Faulstich Faurie Lulu B. John Adolphus D. Julius M. Anton Ephraim S. Addison L. Lewis K. Mary A. John, Jr. Mary Edmond 1882 1885 1884 1878 1877 1885 1877 1876 1879 1883 1884 1883 1885 1889 1888 1879 1885 1880 Faust Faust Favour Favreau Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fay Fearns Fearns Elizabeth Leonard G. Horace H. Alphonse Edward Eliza J. Henry C. J. Otis Jay Jay John L. Matthew Richard U. Grant William William J. Fletcher John F. Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: from city to Michigan from city 14 1881 to Wisconsin from city from city 8 30 1883 40 from city to Auburn from city 12 12 1886 62 to Cleveland, Oh. married Robert D.Kellogg, Jr. 2 13 1889 to Redbank, N. J. from city 5 31 1883 60 from city to Cazenovia 11 1 1883 83 married to Cincinnati, Oh. married Peter Folz from city married George Smith 1 19 1885 29 to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. from city to Milwaukee, Wis. to Buffalo 4 24 1876 to St. Paul, Minn. to New York City to Wellsboro, Pa. from city to New York City to Lowell, Mass. to Buffalo 8 1878 to New York City to New York City Page 133 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1889 1880 1882 1885 1877 1880 1887 1878 1885 1881 1888 1887 1881 1879 1882 1876 1888 1887 1878 1876 1889 1886 1876 1886 1879 1883 1883 1877 1878 1884 1883 1886 Surname Feasler Fechter Fedder Fee Fee Fee Feehery Feek Feely Feeney Feeney Feeney Feeney Feeny Fegan Fegan Fegne Fehrenbach Feig Feiock Feiock Feiser Feist Feit Feith Feldhoff Feldt Felgenhauer Felger Felix Fell Fell Fell Given Anna M. Joseph A. John W. John Margaret Owen F. Patrick Andrew J. Margaret James John Josephine Lizzie Charles Peter Thomas Susan John Guido John John Nicholas George Maier Catharine Louisa Frederick Paul Edward Theresa Abraham Abraham Frederick A. Fell Fellers Fellman Fellows Fellows John A. Margaret Louis Charles E. George 1882 Felt 1884 Feltz Carrie M. Louis 1883 Fender 1877 Fender James Peter B. Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 1875 to Syracuse from city 2 21 1882 3 26 1882 11 8 1881 5 10 1889 107 to Syracuse 5 4 1882 from city to Pennsylvania married John Cook to Olean from city 6 16 1884 42 7 24 1880 married 2 8 1887 61 from city to Victor to Lyons 6 5 1875 4 11 1888 67 9 16 1886 2 18 1878 5 1875 5 7 1889 65 from city to Ohio 9 14 1885 82 to Philadelphia, Pa. from city to Buffalo to Grand Rapids, Mich. 4 19 1878 to Buffalo to Batavia to Oregon married Wm. H. Lotheridge to Hamlin to St. Catharines, Ontario to Oil City, Pa. Page 134 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1883 1888 1879 1881 1885 1876 1881 1889 1889 1883 1887 1884 1884 1881 1880 1883 1889 1880 1887 1878 1879 1887 1886 1884 1877 1876 1876 1880 1884 1883 1886 1889 1887 1879 1886 1884 1884 1888 1882 1889 1886 1878 1887 1883 Surname Fenn Fenn Fenn Fenn Fenn Fenner Fenner Fenner Fennessy Fennessy Fennessy Ferge Ferge Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Fergusson Ferner Ferner Ferner Fero Ferreira Ferren Ferren Ferren Ferren Ferrick Ferrick Ferris Ferris Ferris Ferry Ferster Fetterly Fetzer Given Charles H. Frank C. Harvey C. Henrietta E. William W. Edward Oren L. Theodore Edward M. Richard J. Thomas P. Anna Martha Edward James James H. James H. James H. John John Junius H. Nancy Thomas Thomas P. Thos. W. William Wesley A. Charles L. Charles P. John A. Adelbert D. Margaret M. Joseph Kimball Thad. H. Thaddeus H. James John, Jr. Fannie H. George A. Wm. C. Louis S. Benedict William John J. Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 10 1877 to Minneapolis, Minn. 6 14 1887 84 3 21 1879 to Rome 5 28 1885 30 10 1875 to Chicago, Ill. 1 9 1888 23 to Keokuk, Iowa to Albany 2 10 1887 8 12 1883 83 to Hamilton, Canada 1 31 1881 to Buffalo to Buffalo 8 4 1888 46 to Indianapolis, Ind. to Honeoye Falls to Medina 7 20 1878 3 13 1887 64 from city 11 28 1883 26 11 1876 from city to Syracuse 7 15 1879 11 13 1883 to Utica 11 9 1885 58 4 6 1889 59 11 16 1886 39 to De Witt 10 31 1885 27 to Clayville to Clayville 7 10 1887 24 to Attica to Greece to New Haven, Conn. to Detroit, Mich. to Martinsburg __ 11 18 1882 Page 135 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1878 1876 1887 1883 1878 1889 1885 1882 1882 1884 1885 1880 1887 1888 1884 1885 1886 1879 1887 1881 1887 1888 1883 1884 1882 1880 1886 1889 1878 1876 1882 1889 1880 1882 1887 1886 1887 1887 1887 1878 1889 1878 1882 1886 Surname Feuchtinger Feuchtinger Few Fey Fey Fiax Fichter Fichtner Fichtner Fickett Fickett Fiedler Fiedler Fiedler Fiedler Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Field Fielding Fien Fien Fien Fien Fieser Fife Fifield Filer Filer Filer Filer Filkins Filkins Filkins Filkins Filkins Filmore Finch Finch Finch Finch Given George George, Jr. William W. Henry Stephen Charles J. George August Frederick Franklin F. Sarah Catherine George Moritz Morris C. D., Mrs. Emma C. James Joseph Warren B. William William G. William G. James Anthony Bernard John Louis Mary William Caroline Alvah C. Charlotte Emiel Emiel Charles O. Constant F. George Morgan L. Welcome L. Esther Cyrenius H. John B. John C. Miranda Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: from city from city to St. Louis, Mo. to Hornellsville 31 1882 to Buffalo to Syracuse 2 1 11 1885 10 1882 26 12 2 8 1883 15 1885 87 81 from city to Denver, Col. 10 23 1886 53 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. to North Java 8 1 9 1885 27 1879 67 from city to North Java to Omaha, Neb. to Jersey Shore, Pa. to Corning to Massachusetts 5 15 1881 to Sing Sing to Chicago, Ill. 3 27 1889 69 from city to Michigan from city 7 31 1888 73 from city to Iowa to Jamestown, Pa. to Webster from city to Jamestown, Pa. to Jamestown, Pa. to Gates 4 30 1889 56 to Lincoln, Neb. to Buffalo 1 Page 136 16 1886 82 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1887 1877 1884 1885 1877 1886 1889 1884 1886 1886 1877 1879 1879 1886 1886 1880 1886 1882 1889 1889 1883 1876 1884 1880 1889 1878 1885 1889 1885 1878 1883 1883 1880 1880 1878 1881 1889 1888 1883 1879 1876 1889 1877 1881 Surname Finding Finding Finding Findlay Finegan Finein Fineren Fink Fink Fink Fink Finkle Finkle Finkle Finlay Finlay Finley Finley Finley Finn Finn Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Finnelly Finnerton Finnican Finnican Finnican Finnigan Finnimore Finucan Finucane Finucane Finzer Finzer Finzer Finzer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Given Eleanor Fred. T. Joseph John Joseph B. Edward John Christian George Kate C. Rebecca Finley Finley George W. Charles Richard P. Edward J. William P. Terrence Augusta C. Thomas Adam Andrew James Mary William C. James Clara Edward M. Josephine James Henry Patrick Cornelius John John F. Magdalena Martin F. Valentine Andrew V. August Conrad Frank J. George J. Henry Month Day 5 23 2 20 3 3 12 5 11 25 5 15 11 21 9 24 1 4 11 3 2 17 10 16 31 8 23 2 Page 137 Year Age Removed: 1883 1887 39 1877 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city from city 1888 39 1884 55 to Fort Davis, Texas 1885 68 to Webster to Walworth to Walworth 1885 66 1886 from city to Welland, Can. to Brockport 1888 21 to Ireland from city to Spencerport from city married to Albany from city to Erie, Pa. to Cleveland, Oh. to Addison to Seneca Falls to Toronto, Can. from city to Charlotte to Denver, Col. 1878 1881 1888 1888 71 1883 to Philadelphia, Pa. 1875 from city 1877 to Geneva City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1886 Fischer 1884 Fischer Given Lena Margaret 1885 1885 1883 1883 1885 1883 1885 1883 1882 1885 1876 1883 1884 1882 Fischer Fischer Fischnaler Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Margaret William C. Joseph Benjamin Ezra Fred. R. Henry L., Jr. Henry N. John C. Sarah M. Bernard Charles Charles Edward 1889 1884 1886 1877 1879 1876 1878 1879 1884 1877 1884 1888 1886 Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Elizabeth George W. Henry S. J. Napoleon J. Napoleon Jacob James Jane, Mrs. John L. L. M. Lavina Louis B. Margaret 1878 1885 1881 1879 1888 1882 1883 1885 1888 1882 Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisk Fisk Fisk Nathan Otto H. Samuel Simon Thomas J. Veronica William C. Edward D. Elizabeth N. Lyman B. 1876 Fiske 1878 Fiske Age Removed: from city 1883 81 married John H. Hulbert to East Evans to Austria 1882 from city to Rome to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. to Cincinnati, Oh. from city to Iowa to Sodus Point to Greece 1881 married Wm. A. Mullane to Sterling, Kan. from city to Cohoes to St. Louis, Mo. 1876 1877 to Albany 1884 65 to White Plains 1883 to Bridgeport, Conn. 1885 Month Day Year 1 15 12 3 12 7 4 8 13 3 18 9 9 7 to San Francisco, Cal. 9 8 7 7 1884 13 1880 23 1878 38 to Buffalo 2 7 1882 from city 7 4 14 1884 30 1888 21 65 to Boston, Mass. Asa S. Luther E. to San Francisco, Cal. 7 Page 138 5 1877 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1888 1884 1878 1889 1877 1885 1879 1876 1883 1889 1883 1884 Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitch Fitt Fitz Simmons Fitz Simons Fitzenburger Fitzenburger Fitzgerald A. Norton Charles Henry L. Mary William A. Winfield S. James Alice Alice Christina Frederick Bridget 1889 1884 1883 1886 1876 1879 1886 1887 1888 1878 1880 1889 1880 1884 1883 1882 1877 1884 1886 1878 1878 1884 1877 1884 1888 1876 1885 1889 1889 1882 1885 Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgibbon Fitzgibbon Fitzgibbons Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick FitzSimons FitzSimons Flack Flad Flagler Charles W. Frank R. James James James C. James C. John John John John P. Michael Michael Milton Patrick Patrick J. Peter William William Wm. John John W. Geo. H. John John John Michael Charles Charles Daniel Charles A. Cornelius E. Age Removed: to Tacoma, Washington Territory from city from city 1889 88 to Elmira to Fairport to Batavia 1876 1883 1889 78 1883 1883 74 Month Day Year 4 1 2 2 3 8 25 23 3 29 to San Francisco, Cal. from city to Canada 5 20 1886 34 to Auburn to Charleston, S. C. 8 11 1 12 4 8 31 10 5 5 11 19 1885 1886 1888 1877 1880 1888 53 36 32 64 7 22 1883 31 5 5 1882 to Toronto, Can. to Batavia to Avon to Avon 12 8 21 1885 19 1877 75 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. 12 5 17 1883 22 1888 55 from city from city 7 10 4 20 1888 1 1888 2 1882 44 to Henrietta Page 139 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1884 1883 1882 1889 1880 1886 1884 1888 1885 1880 1887 1886 1883 1878 1888 1883 1883 1881 1877 1888 1878 1885 1889 1876 1888 1889 1889 1882 1886 1880 1889 1884 1882 1883 1883 1882 1882 1881 1878 1883 1882 1877 1888 1884 Surname Flagler Flagler Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flaherty Flake Flamm Flamm Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanagan Flanders Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flanigan Flannery Flannery Flannery Flannigan Flansburg Fleckenstein Fleckenstein Fleckenstein Fleckenstein Flegel Fleig Fleischer Fleischer Fleischer Given Emma B. William Charles John W. Joseph Patrick Henry Jacob Jacob Bridget Catharine James John John F. Margaret Martin Patrick Richard J. Thomas Thomas W. Timothy L. Merchant Edward F. Edward F. Elizabeth B James John Mary Mortimer M. Mortimer M. William Edward T. William T. William Thomas Mary E. Geo. Margaret Otto Valentine John Bernhard Henry P. Louis Wm. C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 12 1888 82 3 31 1884 83 to Mt. Morris to Gettysburg, Pa. 2 27 1889 53 4 9 1880 3 12 1886 63 2 33 1884 21 10 2 1887 62 7 24 1884 55 1 1880 to Detroit, Mich. 8 9 1885 27 from city to Venice, Oh. 1 19 1888 38 7 18 1882 to Buffalo to Ireland to New York to New York City to Holly from city to New York City 1 23 1876 to Syracuse to New York City 12 21 1888 80 to New York City to New York City 11 30 1879 5 1889 40 8 15 1883 to Erie, Pa. to Brockport to Groton, Dakota to Baltimore, Md. 1 10 1882 12 25 1880 5 12 1878 from city from city from city to Erie, Pa. 3 23 1884 47 Page 140 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1882 1880 1881 1883 1886 1884 1877 1889 1877 1877 1881 1883 1876 1881 1886 1888 1888 1888 1883 1887 1887 1876 1885 1876 1888 1883 1883 1885 1877 1880 1879 1881 1886 1878 1889 1876 1882 1883 1884 1887 1877 1880 Surname Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Fleming Flesch Flesch Flesch Fletcher Fletcher Fletcher Fletcher Flett Flewett Flicker Fling Flint Flint Flinter Floesch Floesch Flood Flood Flora Flora Given Edward H. Henry Lorenzo D. Margaret I. William Charles John Philip Samuel B. Thomas C. Thomas T. Wm. W. William James E. Catharine Syrel D. John F. William A. Joseph William William Catharine Patrick John W. Joseph W. Florack Florack Flowerday Flowerday Floyd Floyd Floyd Fluck Antoinette Frank J. Edward Edward A. Ward Elizabeth A. Ward A. George Flügel Flusky Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Month Day Year 4 27 1881 2 1 1886 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Baltimore, Md. to New York City to Canada 59 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Buffalo from city to Cleveland, Oh. to Buffalo to New York City to Buffalo to Canada 10 1 13 1880 9 1886 60 to Elmira from city to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. to New York 5 5 4 8 1886 1875 4 1885 75 24 from city married Heinrich Schamine to New York City to Henrietta to West Brighton to Albion 1 9 1880 to Albion 12 25 1880 married Michael J. Feist to Detroit, Mich. Mary John Abel C. James John John John John Joseph Maurice, Jr. 6 1888 to Germantown, Ky, to Brockport 3 1 10 26 1883 31 1884 23 1886 28 35 to New York City from city Page 141 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1882 1889 1884 1889 1889 1883 1887 1884 1886 Surname Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Flynn Fobes Foehner Foehner Given Michael Michael Michael Michael L. Robert E. Thomas Timothy J. Edward E. John C. Joseph R. 1888 1887 1880 1880 1881 1884 1878 1883 1877 1881 1889 1882 1876 1877 1889 1889 1876 1887 Foerderer Fogarty Fogarty Fogerty Fogerty Fogerty Fogerty Fogg Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Foley Follett Follett Folmer Folsom Hannah Martin J. Michael L. John John John H. Patrick Lucinda Alice Edward Mary Thomas William Wm. E. Algernon P. William M. Joseph Edna L. 1889 1878 1878 1889 1881 1885 1881 1877 1882 1886 1876 1887 1884 1887 1876 Folsom Folz Folz Fonda Fonda Fone Fontaine Foos Foos Foos Foote Foote Foote Foote Foote Huldah Matthew Peter Daniel I. H. A. George J. Amedee Joseph Joseph Joseph Avery L. Edward M. Frank W. Israel Orlando K. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Germantown, Ky, to Brooklyn 3 4 1889 28 1884 43 12 13 1888 29 to Clyde to Auburn from city to Detroit, Mich. 2 12 1886 32 married Jno. Knuth, Jr. to Cold Water to New York City from city 3 16 1881 from city 5 25 1878 to Ogdensburg to Buffalo to Holley married Simon Miller to Denver, Col. 11 28 1875 to Buffalo to Brockport from city 4 9 1876 to Haverhill, Mass. to Center Sandwich, N. H. 3 1 1878 from city to Le Roy to Gloversville from city to Hoboken, N. J. to Greece to Ohio to Gates to Parma to Sioux City, Iowa to Campore, Ind. from city to Morrissville Page 142 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1883 1885 1886 1889 1878 Surname Foote Foote Footner Forbes Forbes Forbes Given Orlando K. Orlando K. Harold J. Charles James H. John 1882 1881 1878 1879 1879 1887 1889 1887 1885 1886 1881 1877 1888 1882 1882 1882 1882 1885 1885 1881 1888 1889 1879 1882 1880 1882 1882 1886 1880 1884 1883 1889 1882 1881 1885 1883 1881 1876 Forbes Forbes Forbes Forbes Force Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Fordyce Fordyce Fordyce Foreman Foreman Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Forge Forge Forkel Forkel Forkel Forkel Forman Forman Forncrook Forner Julia Margaret Steuben S. Victor E. Isaac Abbey Day L. George E. James K. James K. John Joseph Michael Moses H. Mary E. N. Horton Nathaniel H. Charles W. Edward R. Anna R. Fereol Frederick T. Isaac Joseph Joseph I. Louie Nazaire Oliver Anthony A. Eliza Christopher George Kunigunda William B. Daniel R. William H. Christopher H. Carl Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. from city to New York to St. Paul, Minn. 1888 41 1878 married Robert Richard 1880 1878 to New York City to Iowa 1886 80 from city to Jamestown to Canada to Canada 1880 1877 1887 48 to Detroit, Mich. from city from city to Scipio to Lima to Lima from city 1887 22 to Paris, France to Dakota Territory to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. to Taunton, Mass. to Taunton, Mass. from city 1879 married Charles Held from city to Denver, Col. 1881 to Utica to Irondequoit 1883 1880 1876 Month Day Year Page 143 11 5 9 2 11 4 2 8 7 31 6 5 7 1 15 20 8 26 7 13 12 27 5 6 5 29 2 10 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1882 1885 1889 1879 1882 1881 1889 1879 1889 1881 1883 1880 1889 1884 1888 1889 1882 1888 1878 1888 1876 1883 1886 1885 1883 1885 1884 1886 1884 1883 1888 Surname Forner Forschler Forster Forster Forster Forsyth Forsyth Fortier Fortune Fortune Fortune Forward Fosdick Fosmire Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Given Charles J. George H. Adam Hutson J. Joseph L. Hattie Joseph W. Wm. M. Joseph H. Randolph P. Sarah J. James H. Lucy H., Miss Frank L. Albert J. Cassie J., Mrs. Charles Charles E. Charles H. Edgar W. Edward F. Edward J. Edward J. Edward P. Edward W. Eugene Frank B. George H. Henry Huldah G. James John 1878 1877 1883 1884 1876 1880 1882 1878 1889 1879 1882 1880 Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Fothergill Foulkes Fouquet Fowler Fowler John, Jr. Lemuel E. Lucy Seth O. Wendell F. William Wm. H. Joseph Thomas L. Philip Charles A. Charles C. Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: to Springfield, Mass. from city to Detroit, Mich. to Buffalo to Toronto, Can. to Canada from city to Detroit, Mich. 5 1878 to New York City married J. Hyland 2 11 1883 to Troy to New York City from city to California 11 8 1888 74 to Buffalo to Canandaigua to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Lyons to Oil City, Pa. 2 28 1886 39 from city to Detroit, Mich. from city 4 25 1884 61 1 22 1884 80 from city to Elmira from city to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Batavia 4 6 3 1883 9 1883 40 to Greenfield, Mass. to Brighton to Bridgeport, Conn. from city 8 12 1888 49 to Buffalo to Auburn to Auburn Page 144 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1879 1889 1883 1887 1877 1884 1879 1885 1886 1877 1886 1885 1886 1887 1876 1876 1882 1883 Surname Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowles Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Foz Given Eliza A. George B. Henry James Sidney A. Sophronia William H. Olivia Charles H. Charles P. Edwin R. Edwin R. Ernest Henry J. Jacob Joseph H. B. Peter Willard Emma J., Mrs. 1888 1889 1889 1876 1882 1888 1886 1886 1885 1886 1876 Fraass Fragel Fraleigh Fraley Fralick Frame Frame Frame Frame Francis Francis Carrie I. August Philip E. George W. Wm. Frederick H. Jennie Robert William J. Alfred O. Amy J. 1883 1889 1877 1876 1885 1885 1884 1880 1886 1878 1877 1881 1885 Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Franey Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Carrie E. David H. Geo. Jay Prissler Robert H. Charles J. Adolph Andrew Barbara Charles Dominick Edward O. Month Day Year 1 8 16 1883 19 1886 Age Removed: to Canada to Detroit, Mich. to Geneva 39 from city from city 8 29 1878 6 14 1885 from city 18 to Hilton Head, S. C. to El Paso, Tex. from city 6 8 14 1885 2 1886 20 54 to Michigan from city from city to New York City married Chas. M. Piper 2 15 1889 62 to Red Hook to Penfield to Kingston, Canada 9 8 1887 6 27 1885 married Elias Avery 54 to Buffalo to New York City 10 1875 married William Skuse 12 7 24 1888 27 1876 50 7 8 1884 66 to California from city from city to Buffalo from city 11 11 16 1877 1876 to Dubuque, Iowa to Buffalo Page 145 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1880 1884 1877 1888 1881 1888 1879 1888 1887 1885 1887 1876 1876 1884 1880 1876 1881 1881 1888 1876 1876 1876 1882 1882 1887 1888 1887 1882 1884 1884 1885 1878 Surname Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Franke Frankenberg Frankenberg Frankenstein Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franks Franks Franks Frantz Franzen Franzoise Fraris Frasch Fraser Fraser Given Frederick Gregor Henry Jacob John John Joseph Peter, 2nd. Philip Robert G. Thomas William William Ernest Fred W. Victor Carl C. A. Edward Z. Elizabeth Joseph Leo Mary E. William A. Edward S. Helen J., Mrs. Leonard K. John J. John E. Jacob Robert Frederick J. Anna F. Hattie, Mrs. Age Removed: to Philadelphia, Pa. 4 1885 39 to Denver, Col. 5 1884 44 1877 to Greece 14 1881 to Philadelphia, Pa. 16 1878 to Kansas City, Mo. from city 4 1884 36 to West Brighton to Irondequoit to Buffalo to St. Paul, Minn. 1880 from city from city to Brighton 20 1887 64 to Europe 1876 to Syracuse from city from city from city to Geneva to New York nd nd to Geneva 22 1883 40 married H. B. Corbin from city Month Day Year 2 1 1 1 7 10 12 3 nd 5 1887 Fraser James to San Francisco, Cal. 1877 1886 1877 1884 1879 1889 1880 1883 Jas. C. Simon W. Thomas William C. Philip Philip Joseph Lawrence J. to San Francisco, Cal. from city Fraser Fraser Fraser Fraser Frasier Frasier Frauel Frauel 3 9 1877 to Canada to Scottsville to Scottsville 12 2 Page 146 30 1879 11 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1881 1885 1879 1878 1883 1888 1888 1876 1877 1881 1880 1878 1882 1888 1882 1880 1884 1889 1878 1886 1880 1879 1889 1882 1885 1888 1888 1888 1885 1883 1887 1877 1886 1878 1878 1876 1883 1876 1882 1888 1876 1885 1889 Surname Frauel Frauenberger Fraumene Fraunberger Frawley Given Victor Frederick A. Joseph Eugene John Frazer Frazer Frazer Frazer Frazier Freadler Frear Freas Freatman Frederick Free Freedman Freedman Freelove Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freer Freer Freese Freiday Freligh French French French French French French French French French French Harry R. John John William Philip John John M. John Margaret Edward Susan Andrew Benjamin Frank N. Augustus H. Benjamin S. Elias George H. Harry A. Herbert P. James W. Jefferson Samuel Simon J. E. Fred. John Frederick Karl Peter Alfred A. Alvah R. Arthur S. Hattie J. Milton James H. James M. John John H. John H. Month Day Year 11 4 20 1878 29 1878 2 9 11 17 1888 27 1887 1 1875 Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. from city to Italy to East Saginaw, Mich. 32 74 to Scottsville to Chicago, Ill. to Binghamton to Buffalo 8 7 12 1881 17 1887 26 to Brooklyn 10 30 1879 to Michigan to Gates to Scottsville from city to South Carolina to Kansas to Minneapolis, Minn. to Brighton 7 25 1884 62 to Bradford, Pa. to Bradford, Pa. to Bradford, Pa. to Gates to Penn Yan 2 22 1887 39 to Mendon to Boston, Mass. to Mt. Morris to Cleveland, Oh. to Sag Harbor, L. I. to Lancaster 10 1875 from city to Dakota to England 12 12 Page 147 22 1884 23 1888 72 64 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1888 1888 1881 1883 1876 1879 1880 1878 1888 1883 1878 1878 1889 1883 1883 1879 1879 1883 1877 1883 1889 1884 1882 1887 1883 1878 1878 1888 1877 1880 1881 1882 1878 1889 1881 1889 1879 1888 1882 1881 1884 1888 1888 1884 Surname French French French French Frettz Freudenvoll Freudenvoll Freund Freund Freund Freund Freund Freund Frey Fribolin Fricker Fricker Friday Friederich Friederich Friederich Friedlander Friedley Friedley Friedlick Friedmann Friedrich Friedrich Friend Friery Frisbie Frisch Frisch Frisch Frisch Frisch Frischholz Frischholz Frischholz Fritchie Fritscher Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Given Joseph L. Martha J. Robert T., Jr. Sanford W. Charles Henry Josephine Charles T. J. W. Richard Sebastian William William A. Jacob A. Louis Emma A. Samuel Magdalena Henry John H. John J. L. Julius H. Albert M. Maria Jacob A. Andrew Philip J. Sabina Julius Joseph Fred S. Enoch John M. F. Lowrenz Lowrenz Matthias F. Charles J. Joseph W. Thomas Lewis H. Adelbert Catharine Catharine E. Francisco John Age Removed: to Colorado 1887 49 to Buffalo 1880 to Buffalo 1875 to New Haven, Conn. to Geneva to New York City to Erie, Pa. 1882 to New York City to New York City to New York City to Buffalo married Marx Englert to Arrou, Switzerland 1879 to Colorado 1876 to Dansville from city to Chicago, Ill. 1882 to Indianapolis, Ind. to Gates to New York 1877 to Syracuse 1876 from city 1880 to New York City from city 1888 79 1880 to New York City 1878 1888 60 1881 to Medina 1884 68 1887 53 nd 1883 49 Month Day Year nd Page 148 10 18 4 18 8 1 12 8 2 24 8 8 11 17 8 6 4 21 11 4 8 7 25 12 3 10 2 6 nd 7 18 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1884 1876 1889 1889 1888 1888 1876 1888 1882 1888 1877 1884 1883 1887 1887 1877 1889 1885 1888 1887 1881 1886 1879 1886 1876 1888 1877 1887 1880 1883 1887 1884 1882 1879 1884 1888 1878 1877 1889 1877 1882 1880 1887 Surname Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritz Fritzsche Fritzsche Froehlich Froehlich Fromherc Fromholzer Frossard Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Given John G. Margaret Peter John A. Tiebold Martin C. Otto John Joseph Albert Kasper Eugene Albert G. Harriet J. Joseph W. Mary T. Minerva A. William C. Frothingham Frothingham Frothingham Frueh Fruends Frutchey Frutchey Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Fry Frye Frye Frye Fryers Fuchs Fuchs Fulford Fullagar Fullam Mary Mary A. Thomas Charles J. Richard Peter G. William J. R. Charles Charles E. Christian Edward, Jr. George George George Milton Peter W. Susan E. Edward A. Edward A. Nellie, Miss Richard Charles F. Julius C. Stanley Charles Alexina Month Day 12 6 12 7 4 nd Page 149 6 nd 17 4 2 11 13 5 4 15 1 10 30 9 20 4 12 7 3 15 2 6 8 Year Age Removed: 1886 60 1883 93 1876 to Gates nd 1887 26 from city to Pennsylvania to Buffalo to Dunkirk to Geneseo from city to Chicago, Ill. to Boston, Mass. from city 1887 80 1877 to Chicago, Ill. married Oscar A. Aman 1888 72 1887 to Buffalo to Erie, Pa. to Livonia to Camden, N. J. 1875 to Greece 1876 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. from city 1887 41 to Boston, Mass. to Brighton to Canada to Brockport to Lockport to Brockport 1876 1889 61 to Detroit, Mich. to Montana Ter. to Pennsylvania 1886 74 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1886 Fullam 1887 Fullenwarth 1882 1883 1881 1886 1876 1887 1883 1879 1889 1888 1879 1886 1884 1879 1889 Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fullington Given Ardella A. George Month Day Year Alice Charles M. Charles W. Dana L. Elizabeth Frank Frank E. James N. Jesse W. Joseph Robert C. Roxanna Sarah E. Joseph A. Henry 1888 Fullreader Caroline 1888 1877 1884 1884 1889 1885 1885 1886 1879 1887 1881 1877 1887 Fullreader Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Fulton Funk Funkenstein Furlong Furlong Furlong Furlong Eliza Addie L., Mrs. Charles Harry Levi S. William B. William R. Michael Levi James M. Mary Michael William 1889 1880 1881 1887 1884 1885 1885 1879 1888 1881 Furlong Furman Furman Furman Furman Furmidge Furstenburg Futherer Futter Futterer William M. Charles A. Charles E. Robert H. W. Mortimer Samuel George Frank Helen William 3 Age Removed: married E. Pratt Buell to Buffalo married William Rowley to Michigan to Medina from city 30 1876 to Seneca Falls to East Brighton to St. Louis, Mo. to Wayland Depot 10 21 1887 3 6 7 1886 17 1883 47 to New York City 89 from city to Elmira married Herman A. Grunst married Howard Williams from city from city 8 11 1883 22 to Flint, Michigan 2 8 1885 57 to Caledonia to Charlotte 8 12 1878 to Seneca Falls 5 4 1880 1876 from city to Grand Rapids, Michigan from city 6 10 1880 to San Diego, Cal. from city to Hamilton, Can. to Pittsford to Minnesota 12 7 Page 150 21 1887 5 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1881 1880 1883 1883 1885 1883 1889 1886 Surname Fyfe Fyler Gabel Gabler Gabriel Given David G. Ada C. John Christian Mary, Sister Gadrell Gadsby Gaeb Gaebelmann Julia George John C. Dankmar 1889 Gaenzler 1876 Gaertner 1886 Gaffin Month Day Year 9 12 Gaffin Gaffin Gaffin Gaffney Gaffney Gaffney Gaffney Gaffney Gaffney Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gagner Mary Jane Thomas Thomas H. Charles D. Henry James Lawrence M. William William P. Flora A., Mrs. Franklin B. George A. Lyman W. Samuel A. Joseph 1887 1879 1885 1885 1876 Gagner Gagner Gagnon Gagnon Galatian Rosanna Thelesphore Frank D. Louis G. Samuel 1887 1883 1887 1887 1880 1889 1882 1877 Galbrecht Galbrecht Galbrecht Galentine Gall Gall Gall Gall Augusta Henry Louis O. T. William A. Alexander John Lawrence Matthias 30 1879 28 1882 to New York City married Frank T. Brown to Cleveland, Oh. 9 16 1888 61 to New York City married Emil Schoenherr Mary K. Wendelin Catherine 1888 1881 1876 1883 1878 1877 1888 1877 1889 1884 1882 1877 1889 1876 1882 Age Removed: from city to Syracuse 12 5 1875 14 1886 80 married John H. Nunnold 3 3 5 27 1881 1876 20 1883 from city to Greece to California to Montana to Buffalo to Fairport from city to Kenton, Oh. 9 18 1888 66 to Darien, N. Y. to Montreal, Can. married Richard Dunphy from city to Ithaca to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. married Franz Triechel 8 2 1882 19 1887 8 11 8 3 1879 9 1888 19 1881 38 to Kansas City, Mo. 35 to Victor Page 151 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1876 1882 1879 1881 1880 1880 1878 1887 1880 1882 1885 1878 1884 1878 1889 1885 1886 1876 1879 1882 1876 1884 1885 1887 1882 1886 1879 1877 1881 1889 1879 1880 1881 1889 1883 1884 1883 1882 1887 1889 1885 1889 1881 Surname Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher Gallaher Gallaher Galland Galland Galland Gallaschick Gallery Gallery Galley Galli Given George S. James James James M. John John E. Sarah Thomas Thomas William D. Christine John E. Ignatius Ignatz Joseph Pauline Frank B. Frank B. Henry Christian Galli Galliger Galloway Galloway Galloway Galloway Gallows Galluser Gally Gally Galpin Galster Galusha Galusha Galvin Galvin Galvin Galvin Galvin Gamble Gamble Gamble Gamble Game Christian George W. Frank Hannah James L. Zachariah William Rudolph Merritt Wm. A. Harry T. Martin Charles Charles C. James James E. John John P. Michael Amelia Edmund H. Richard William Emma Month Day Year 4 12 6 3 6 1881 1880 10 1879 13 1877 5 1887 11 14 1881 Age Removed: to Minneapolis, Minn. to Brockport from city from city 27 to Denver, Col. to Ithaca to Detroit, Mich. 1 29 1884 69 to Detroit, Mich. 3 8 1889 to Greece 8 29 1885 41 to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Wellington, Kansas 9 1875 to Toronto, Canada to Clifton Springs to Sacket's Harbor 5 18 1881 to New York City from city to New York City to New York City to Palmyra to West Henrietta from city 3 1881 12 1 3 1882 14 1883 from city 40 from city to Jamestown 1 13 1887 80 to Batavia to Detroit, Mich. to New York City to New York City Page 152 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1885 1884 1881 1880 1889 1888 1885 1886 1887 1885 1886 1877 1877 1885 1884 1889 1887 1889 1876 1877 1876 1878 1880 1886 1884 1885 1883 1888 1886 1886 1881 1880 1876 1887 1885 1882 1883 1887 1884 1878 1887 1877 1883 Surname Gamel Gammasche Gammon Gando Ganey Gangloff Gangloff Gangros Gangross Ganiard Given Nicholas Louis Joseph Charles Thomas Frank X. Xavier Frank Frank George I. Gannon Gannon Gannon Gannon Gannon Gansel Gansher Gant Ganue Ganyard Ganyard Garber Garber Garber Garden Gardiner Gardiner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Anna L. James Martin Michael Michael K. Frank Charles James Orlezim Enos, Mrs. Henry O. Joseph Joseph Joseph Fred. Addison Charles Abner Alexander Ambrose C. Charles E. C. Elmer R. Everett F. George Hannah B. James T. John L. Edward Laura B. Locky Ann Mitchell C. Murray B. Thomas William H. Month Day 5 9 5 8 10 9 Page 153 11 9 5 5 29 3 9 9 7 7 11 19 3 30 9 16 6 6 5 29 5 30 1 4 2 24 6 28 1 10 3 20 10 26 3 11 4 12 Year Age Removed: 1881 1885 58 1883 22 to Brighton to Victor 1888 33 1887 69 1885 66 1885 66 to New York married Augustus Luttringer to California 1876 1876 1884 40 to Germany to New York City to Elmira to Scottsville to Boston, Mass. to Bergen from city from city 1879 from city 1883 86 1884 to Utica 1887 76 to Florida to Buffalo to Mason, West Va. 1880 to Elmira 1887 78 to Buffalo 1881 to Minneapolis, Minn. 1887 78 1883 83 1878 to Oakfield 1877 1882 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1881 1880 1878 1887 1881 1880 1879 1879 1889 1884 1879 1888 1876 1879 1876 1889 1888 1880 1885 1888 1878 1889 1886 1887 1884 1881 1883 1880 1882 1888 1884 1888 1886 1884 1880 1884 1883 1882 1885 1883 1876 1877 1878 1884 Surname Gardner Gargan Gargler Garin Garin Garland Garmonsway Garnryck Garretsee Garrett Garrigus Garriott Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrity Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garson Garvey Garvin Gascoigne Gascoigne Gascoigne Gaskill Gaskin Gassenfeld Gassner Gast Gatchell Gatens Gatens Given William R., Jr. Jane A, Nicholas Mary Patrick Peter J. Margaret Francis W. John R. Harrison H. Cyrus Edward B. Addison Charles B. Daniel P. Helen Jacob S. Thomas Patrick Charles H. Charles H. David M. Eli M. Hiram H. Isaac M. Jacob Jacob L. Jacob L. Marcus L. Marcus L. Maurice Moses H. Andrew Frank J. Ann Edward J. Sylvester F. Clarence E. Napoleon Henry George J. Henry Nathan B. Daniel, Jr. Daniel, Jr. Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 13 1883 married to Buffalo 9 1877 1 4 1887 39 to Albany 12 27 1879 to Troy, N. Y. to Spencerport from city 1 14 1884 77 to Pittsburg, Pa. to Athens, Pa. to Troy to Gates 5 1875 1 19 1889 70 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Cleveland, Ohio to Cleveland, Oh. to Buffalo to Albany to New York City from city 6 22 1883 87 to Denver, Col. to Buffalo from city to Buffalo to Albany to Cleveland, Oh. 2 22 1888 58 from city 2 28 1884 87 from city to Geneva 5 26 1882 from city to Jackson, Tenn. to Chicago, Ill. to Greece from city to Pennsylvania to Chicago, Ill. Page 154 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1885 1882 1888 1877 1884 1878 1880 1878 Surname Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates Gattner Given Alfred B. Alonzo E. Elias Elizabeth, Mrs. Emma L., Mrs. Fay L. Henry P. Henry P. Christian 1877 1882 1877 1884 1881 Gauger Gault Gault Gavan Gavigan Martin William E. Wm. E. Anna Hugh V. 1880 1876 1884 1883 1879 1887 1884 1878 1876 1880 1881 1887 1876 1877 1885 1889 1888 1881 1884 1886 1883 1880 1886 1876 1888 Gavin Gavin Gawne Gawne Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gayford Gaylord Gaylord Gaynor Geare Geare Gebbing Gebhard Gebhardt Gebhardt Gebhardt Catharine John Mary Wm. Y. R. Azel Charles Charles, Jr. Frank Frank W. Frank W. Fred H. John S. William E. John Fred. Leonard J. Mary E. John Charles W. Emma Henry Frank Edward F. John M. John M. 1887 Geddes 1880 Geddes 1889 Geddes Month Day Year 4 10 23 1882 15 1887 Age Removed: to Worcester, Mass. to Webster 50 to New York to Albany to Gates from city to Bath to Wirtemberg, Germany to Galena, Kan. to Kalamazoo, Mich. to Michigan from city married Joseph Haefner to Louisville, Ky. 1 23 1884 12 23 1878 32 to Central City, Neb. to Syracuse to Syracuse to West Webster to Illinois to Syracuse to Massachusetts 9 3 1886 44 to Chili to Chicago from city 5 12 1 1889 18 1887 45 48 9 2 13 27 53 82 from city 1 4 5 6 1884 1886 1882 1879 from city to Parma to Batavia Joseph Robert S. William H. to San Francisco, Cal. 7 11 Page 155 17 1879 26 1888 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1882 1882 1884 1887 1889 1882 1887 1879 1889 1879 1887 1889 1880 1876 1880 1888 1883 1879 1876 1878 1886 1879 1889 1885 1886 1884 1876 1887 1883 1886 1886 1886 1882 1879 1885 1885 1877 1884 1888 1883 1878 1878 Surname Geddis Gee Gehres Gehres Gehrich Gehrich Gehrig Gehweiler Geib Given Robert Sam Charles P. George W. Frederick Louis Laurence Joseph John, Jr. Geib Geib Geier Geier Geiger Geiger Geiger Geiger Geimer Geimer Geimer Geimer Geisenhof Geisenhoff Geisler Geisler Geismar Geismar Geiwitz Gelbach Gelenk Gelenk Geminder Gemrot Gemroth Gender Genereux Genkel Gennett Genthner Genthner Gentle George George Louisa Valentine John G. R. Valentine Edward Edward J. Ernestine George Andrew Elizabeth George Jacob Anna M. John John D. Wm. H. Leo Leon John Charles G. Charles F. Wm. H. John Josephine John Casper C. Joseph, Jr. John James Louisa C. Rudolph William Charles W. Frederick Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 4 1880 to Ohio to Brockport to Buffalo 8 1886 1888 1 17 1882 7 8 1886 3 12 1879 married Christopher Bowers to Denver, Col. to Gates 12 22 1888 58 from city to Philadelphia, Penn. married from city 8 4 1882 8 19 1878 4 1875 9 25 1877 12 15 1885 82 3 1879 to Allentown, Pa. to Albany, N. Y. to Texas from city to Germany to Buffalo to Medina nd nd nd to Bath 6 16 1885 38 6 2 1881 from city to Canada 12 20 1884 to Montreal, Can. to Williamsport, Pa. 4 10 1888 43 2 15 1883 to Chicago, Ill. 10 8 1877 Page 156 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1884 George Harvey L. 1885 1883 1881 1880 1882 1888 1885 1886 1881 1883 1878 1880 1879 1883 1878 1883 1877 1885 1877 1887 1884 1887 1889 1888 1884 1879 1879 1880 1883 George George Georger Georger Georger Geraghty Geraghty Geraghty Geraghty Geraghty Geraux Geraux Gerber Gerbracht Gerger Gerhard Gerkin Gerlach Gerlach Gerlack Gerlack Gerling Gerling German German German German German Germond Josephine Nicholas George John B. Martin Eliza Patrick J. Thomas Thos. B. Thos. B. Gideon W. Gideon W. George J. Theodore George Daniel Fred. George George A. C. Charles F. John Richard Valentine George James Wilment Wilmot Wilmot Strachan 1876 1878 1876 1881 1879 1880 1883 1888 1888 1888 1883 1877 Germyn Gernandt Gerndt Gerner Gernerd Gerow Gerow Gerow Gerrety Gerson Gerson Gerstner Thomas Geo. W. Andrew Helena, Miss Andrew G. W. William William H. Lawrence E. Bertha Julius S. Amon Month Day Year Age Removed: to Colorado Springs, Col. married Frank X. Mayer to Buffalo 9 9 1880 7 10 2 1881 4 1887 59 5 14 1886 71 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. from city to La Fargeville 1880 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. from city 8 5 1882 6 2 2 8 1884 1877 4 1887 to New York 28 to Brighton to Troy 12 6 1888 39 to Batavia to Syracuse to Syracuse to Canada 5 22 1879 to Chicago, Ill. to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to New York City to New York City 3 9 13 1881 15 1878 to Colorado from city to Canada from city to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. to Henrietta Page 157 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1876 1881 1877 1883 1879 1889 1886 1876 1885 1885 1888 1886 1885 1887 1879 1880 1883 1886 1883 1889 1889 1883 1882 1880 1876 1885 1876 1878 1881 1877 1884 1882 1886 1884 1881 1886 1880 1883 1883 1889 1884 1880 1881 Surname Gerstner Gerstner Gervais Gesell Gesell Gessner Gessner Gessner Getsinger Getsinger Getsinger Geyer Geyer Given Armand, Jr. Joseph George E. George John S. John John Stephen George George Sarah, Mrs. Jacob Mary A. Gfrörer Gfrörer Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbons Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Giddings Giddings Giddings Giddings Giebel Giebel Carrie Earnest Frederick S. James James James J. Montgomery Montgomery Washington Asgill Charles M. George George D. George W. James Lewis H. Lovell Robert Sarah Walter William L. Anna P., Mrs. John T. Law S. William R. Abbie A. Armanda Arthur J. Gordon H. Christopher Leopold Month Day Year nd nd Age Removed: to Niagara Falls nd to Buffalo from city to Doniphan, Mo. to Perkinsville 1 3 5 1889 12 1886 33 29 to New York City from city to New York City to Germany 12 1885 married Frederick Boehm to Gates 2 21 1879 to Albany to Albany to Utica to Livonia to Buffalo to Buffalo 10 19 1882 to Auburn to Seneca Falls to Medina from city 7 4 19 1875 11 1878 to Greece 7 1876 to Albany to Illinois to Cincinnati, Oh. to Buffalo from city 2 21 1886 52 from city to Lincoln, Neb. to Lincoln, Neb. to Buffalo to Syracuse to Chili to Wayland Page 158 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1881 1876 1881 1886 1884 1885 1880 1885 1888 1880 1877 1879 1880 1881 1889 1876 1888 1881 1884 1886 1883 1885 1877 1886 1880 1879 1879 1886 1882 1888 1885 1888 1885 1886 1878 1877 1888 1883 1886 1889 1876 1889 1883 1886 Surname Giebel Giering Giering Giering Giffen Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gifford Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilchrist Gilde Gildea Gildea Gilder Giles Gilgan Gilgunn Gilkeson Gill Gill Gill Gill Gillam Gillam Given Valentine Anna Joseph X. Joseph X. Robert Charles Charles H. Chas. H. David David M. Edgar R. Filmore Foster C. Josephine A. William L. Albert J. Benjamin Charles G. Edwin W. Fred. W. Fred. W. Grove S. Grove S. John P. John P. John W. Richard Richard F. Thomas William John P. John Bernard Caspar M. Lewis William H. Peter Anna R. Benjamin F. Calvin B. J. Franklin James M. Jennie E., Mrs. Frank Harvey E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 18 1879 from city to Penfield to Harrisburg, Pa. to London, Eng. to Lyons to Port Hope, Canada to Jamestown from city 8 9 1887 22 to California from city to California from city 3 14 1881 to Syracuse 4 1876 3 21 1888 62 to Auburn to New York City nd nd nd to Jackson, Mich. 3 23 1885 79 to Palmyra to Lyons to Colorado to Churchville to Churchville to Chicago, Ill. 4 1882 to Fairport 12 5 1884 72 1 18 1888 83 to Auburn from city to Ohio to Lansing, Mich. 2 8 1888 28 3 7 1883 10 19 1885 49 to Lockport to Illion to Auburn to Washington, D. C. 2 14 1886 73 Page 159 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1884 Gillam Given Mollie J., Mrs. 1885 1880 1882 1888 1878 1884 Gillard Gillett Gillett Gillette Gillette Gillette Thomas S. Frank W. Octavia Charles Geo. M. George A. 1888 1878 1880 1885 1887 1878 1888 1888 1885 1884 1887 1883 1885 1879 1886 1885 1877 1885 1882 1877 1881 1884 1884 1880 1879 1889 1880 1881 1882 1887 1880 1879 Gillies Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gilligan Gillin Gillman Gillman Gillmour Gillson Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilman Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilroy Gilshion Gilson Gilson Gin Ginter Ginter Ginther Margaret John Joseph J. Mary Patrick Barney Charles John C. Wm. J. Etta Alpha Clarence E. Edward D. Frances A. James James A. L. C. Mary A. Samuel Addison Franklin S. Helen M. Martha M. William, Jr. William M. Charles Caroline Charles F. Chong Frederick A. Frederick, 3rd. George C. 1884 Girard 1885 Giroux 1877 Givens Month Day Year 8 11 12 26 1879 5 1881 9 1887 Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Harbor Grace, Newfoundland 74 to Dallas, Texas to Santa Rosa, Cal. married Charles A. Pettit 11 11 1877 8 17 1884 to Marquette, Mich. 65 from city from city 5 3 11 1888 2 1888 19 65 6 7 13 1883 3 1886 30 70 from city to Belfast to Wyoming Co. 10 1 2 1878 1886 88 from city from city 6 5 6 1885 6 1882 to Warner, N. H. from city to Syracuse 4 11 1883 23 1879 from city to Barryville to Massachusetts 1880 from city from city to Bismark, Dakota to Buffalo married Chrysostome Kirchhoff to Niagara Falls to Canada Catharine William R. James Page 160 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1886 1887 1887 1880 1883 1878 1878 1877 1878 1878 1881 1886 1888 1885 1886 1880 1877 1881 Surname Givens Glading Glaser Glaser Glaser Glasner Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glasser Glasser Glassford Glatt Glavin Glavin Glavin Gleason Given Thomas Harry C. George W. Joseph Sebastian Ferdinand Albert Albert B John H. Wm. Wm., Jr. George Louis N. Thomas John Edward Patrick William Antoinette J., Mrs. 1885 1883 1881 1879 1880 1881 1883 1887 1883 1881 1883 1877 1885 1887 1885 1887 1876 1883 1880 1889 1877 1886 1882 1889 1883 Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gleason Gledhill Gledhill Gledhill Gleeson Gleeson Gleichauf Gleisle Glen Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Ardelle B. Bridget Caroline F. Edward George G. Irving W. James John J. Mary Mattie A. Thomas C. Thomas F. William David Joseph Joseph J. Henry James John Frederick C. G. Smith Catherine James H. John John E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 2 1880 to Philadelphia, Pa. 10 10 1886 32 1 9 1887 2 1880 from city from city from city to Gates from city to New York City from city to E. Henrietta 7 11 1887 60 7 11 1884 62 10 21 1885 75 6 13 1879 2 1877 to Cherokee, Iowa married George H. Hyne from city to Detroit, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Detroit, Mich. to Cherokee, Iowa 8 21 1882 to Clyde 3 18 1883 to Cherokee, Iowa 5 1882 11 1 1876 to Troy to England to England to England 1875 nd nd nd 11 3 1879 from city to Baltimore, Md. 5 4 1886 42 to Pa. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Batavia Page 161 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1888 1887 1880 1880 Surname Glenn Glenn Glick Glick Glick Given Joseph F. Mary J. Frank J. John W. Valentine 1883 1882 1877 1888 1889 Gliddon Glitch Glitch Glooer Glosser Augustus M. Catharine Sebastian Jacob Charles D. 1889 1884 1878 1885 1886 1883 1881 1880 1879 1877 1884 1888 1885 1888 1879 1888 1878 1889 1886 1876 1876 1886 1876 1886 1885 1885 1884 1888 1889 1883 1889 1889 1884 Glotzbach Glover Glover Glover Glover Glover Glover Glover Glueck Glunz Gnaedinger Goddard Goddard Goddard Goddard Godfrey Godfrey Godin Godley Godley Godley Godley Godwin Goebel Goebel Goebel Goedtel Goeheringer Goenner Goerdten Goers Goetz Goetz John, Jr. A. Lou Charles Charles F. Edward C. Edwin A. Henry James M. Fred. H. Caspar Andrew Clementine John L. John L. W. B. George W. James M. Eugene Lester M. Lilla A., Miss Pierson M. Sophia B. Anson George Joseph Martin Charles Valentine Charles Ferdinand Robert W. Bartholomay Frances Month Day Year 12 6 Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. married to Webster to Oneida to Oneida to Southhampton, England 19 1881 20 1877 to Webster to Chicago, Ill. to Tacoma, Wash. Ter. from city 4 1878 to Clifton Springs to Denver, Col. 4 2 1883 to Chicago, Ill. to New York City 1 6 1879 to Buffalo to Brockport 10 21 1887 77 to Jamestown to Buffalo to Philadelphia, Pa. 3 1 27 1888 27 1878 70 from city to Scottsville to Ludlowville 12 1875 6 1 1 1875 28 1886 19 1885 63 59 9 3 7 28 1883 18 1888 9 1888 37 42 32 to Scottsville to Cohocton to New York City to Syracuse 10 3 Page 162 12 1888 28 1884 77 73 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1877 1880 1880 1881 1876 1887 1876 1878 1878 1877 Surname Goetz Goetz Goetze Goetze Goetzmann Goff Goff Goffronn Goggin Goggin Goggin 1884 Goit 1876 Golberg 1885 1889 1883 1886 1887 1881 1889 1880 1882 1887 1888 1888 1886 1878 1886 1876 1889 1889 1884 1876 1877 1888 1885 1876 1886 1879 1881 1886 1877 1885 Goldbach Goldbach Goldbach Goldbach Goldbach Goldbach Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golder Goldie Goldsmith Goldsmith Goldstein Goldstein Goldwater Golley Gommenginger Gommenginger Gommenginger Gommenginger Gommenginger Gonyai Given George M. Louis Charles Charles, Jr. Frederick G. Charles W. Mary E. William Edward George William E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 30 1885 24 to Sandusky, Oh. to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. to Denver, Col. 1 26 1876 3 10 1887 31 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo 1 1876 Carrie L. Simon married David O'Brien 10 1875 married George J. Miller Catharine Chas. Heronimus Joseph J. Joseph J. Otilia Max Samuel Samuel Daniel Daniel Eliza James Michael Samuel Walter B. Adelbert G. Arthur B. D. Bernard Joseph A. David Nathan Sander Henry Ellen Jacob G. Jacob L. John J. Lewis William 4 9 29 1889 26 1882 25 to New York City 7 12 30 1886 29 1880 30 to Canada to New York City to Baltimore, Md. to Denver, Col. 12 7 1887 72 married P. Greek to Akron, Oh. 12 2 24 1877 13 1886 39 from city to Seneca Falls to Canada from city to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City to New York City 5 20 1885 69 to Buffalo 11 1885 to Brighton to Buffalo from city 7 1876 to Pennsylvania Page 163 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1877 1882 1889 1877 1889 1879 1888 1876 1887 1886 1884 1888 1886 1878 1882 1879 1889 1886 1879 1877 1878 1876 1876 1877 1883 1879 1886 1889 1879 1885 1882 1880 1877 1887 1887 1878 1883 1888 1888 1884 1876 1878 1876 1885 Surname Good Good Good Goodale Goodale Goodell Goodell Goodell Goodenough Goodenough Goodenough Goodfriend Goodger Goodger Goodheart Goodhue Goodhue Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodnow Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodrich Goodstate Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodwin Goodyear Goodyear Goossen Gordinier Gordinier Gordon Gordon Gordon Given Adam James James Cassius M. Frederick W. Ann Eliza Charles Frank E. David George H. Mason Michael Caroline P. Henry Edward Allan J. Nathaniel P. Abram Charlotte George W. Louis Mary George S. Alfred L. Frederick Jane Margery William William P. Napoleon S. Anna Frank E. Henry E. Louisa, Miss Mary Thomas Virgil C. Frank Frank B. Peter E. Dayton Nicholas Addison J. Alexander Alexander F. Month Day Year 2 Age Removed: to Michigan to Michigan 15 1882 from city from city 9 29 1888 77 from city from city 4 1 1876 to Rushford to Greece from city married A. C. Ream 3 20 1886 72 from city to Wahpeton, Dak. to Akron, Oh. from city 4 13 1886 73 from city to Albion 9 29 1877 to Hudson, Michigan to Rio Janerio, S. A. 5 12 9 8 1877 2 1882 18 1878 to Sandy Hill to Boston, Mass. to Phila., N. Y. 10 2 1884 25 to Worcester, Mass. to Syracuse to California 1 14 1887 9 4 1877 95 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo 10 3 3 5 1887 7 1884 6 1876 5 2 1876 48 27 to Penn Yan to Caledonia Page 164 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1886 1886 1876 1878 1887 1887 1884 1877 1882 1878 1881 1883 1888 1886 1886 1886 1882 1880 1883 1888 1881 1882 1884 1882 1889 1886 1886 1887 1883 1889 1880 1882 1887 1882 1880 1878 1882 1876 1878 1882 1880 1880 1880 Surname Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Given Charles F. Donald Edward Y. George V. James James F. James H. Jane E. Janet Jennett John John John John Lewis G. Martin Mary A. Peter Gordon Gordon Gordon Gore Gore Gore Gore Gore Gorham Gorham Gorham Gorman Gorman Gormly Gormly Gorres Gorsli Gorsline Gorsline Gorton Gorton Gorton Gory Gosnell Gosnell Gosnell Prudie H. Robert H. William H. Agnes Augustus W. Luke Maria Michael E. Charles J. Gertrude, Mrs. Henry E. Mary Patrick F. Hannah M. John John J. Rosanna Ambrose R. Aurelia Francis John Warren Anais, Mlle. James James, Jr. John Age Removed: to Williamsport, Pa. to Brooklyn from city from city to Buffalo 20 1886 43 to Philadelphia, Pa. 19 1884 62 19 1876 4 1881 from city to Bloomington, Ill. from city 10 1887 38 to Brockport from city to Syracuse from city married Geo. M. Forbes 16 1882 18 1888 45 17 1881 to New York City to Pittsford to New York City to Mt. Morris to Elbridge to Elbridge to Canandaigua 19 1882 to Smethport, Pa. 22 1879 to Dakotah 8 1886 18 1881 to New York City 1877 1 1882 25 1875 to Medina to Philadelphia, Pa. to Webster to Webster 1879 Month Day Year 7 1 6 8 7 11 1 2 9 6 9 5 11 6 8 10 Page 165 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1888 Gosnell 1888 Gosnell 1888 1887 1877 1880 1881 1880 1889 1888 1883 1889 1876 1887 1881 1886 1877 1888 1885 1888 1881 1886 1884 1880 1886 1886 1878 1889 1878 1887 1882 1886 1882 1882 1885 1889 1885 1887 1876 1884 1876 1883 1887 1889 Goss Goss Goss Gosselin Gosson Gosson Gott Gottermeyer Gottlieb Gottry Gottschalk Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Goulding Gove Gove Gove Gove Gove Gow Gowe Graaf Grab Grace Grace Gracey Gracey Given Mattie Samuel G. Month Day Year Anna C. Herbert N. Samuel John Thomas William J. Henry E. Maggie Simon Jacob S. Carl L. Charles Charles G. Edgar G. Fred. E. Frederick George Grace G. Guilford D. Herbert T. James Jonathan L. Martin Phineas Roscius K. Susan William William T. Thomas L. Charles C. Chas. C. Eunice Lizzie E. Samuel C. Matthew W. John N. George George John Michael John T. Wm. Adolphe 10 3 11 Age Removed: married to Syracuse married John Lohwasser to Philadelphia, Pa. 17 1876 30 1880 8 1880 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Buffalo from city to Brooklyn 6 12 1875 to West Walworth to Conneaut, Oh. to Auburn to Avon to Boston, Mass. 1 27 1885 80 to Boston, Mass. to Conneaut, Oh. to New York City to Corning from city to Bath from city 6 2 23 1877 11 1889 67 7 21 1886 36 to Buffalo from city to North Parma to New York City to Charlotte to New Hampshire to Auburn to Chicago, Ill. from city to New York City from city to Susquehanna, Pa. to Weedsport to Buffalo to Elmira Page 166 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1879 Gradl Given Andrew 1880 Gradl Anna 1886 1883 1888 1889 Gradl Gradl Gradl Gradl Christina Mary Philip Rosa 1881 1885 1880 1884 1880 1884 1876 1888 1885 1885 1881 1879 1884 1888 1878 1883 1887 1882 1889 1888 1878 1879 1884 1880 1886 1889 1879 1888 1888 1878 1889 1884 1888 1885 1880 1885 Gradl Grady Graebe Graf Graf Graf Graf Graffin Graffin Graft Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Grahl Grainger Gramlich Granger Granger Granger Granger Walburga Richard O. William Frederick Henry Henry Moritz George W. James W. John Albert George W. Gregg Hugh James James J. James J. John John John A. John C. John R. Margaret, Miss Mary J. Rosa A. Rosa A. W. Harry William William H. Henry John C. Valentine Charles Harrison W. Henry R. Phebe Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 2 1878 married Theodore Mensing married Andrew Stadtmiller married Conrad Ruf 12 3 1887 26 married Fred. Brine married Nicholas Tuschong from city 11 1879 1 13 1884 60 from city to Colorado 3 1876 to Catasauqua, Pa. to Canisteo from city from city from city to Canada 5 25 1888 75 from city 4 21 1883 to Buffalo from city to Philadelphia, Pa. 9 14 1887 69 from city 3 16 1879 to Hamilton, Canada 3 1880 10 20 1885 27 9 2 1888 70 to Hamilton, Can. to Philadelphia, Pa. to LeRoy to New York City to Ellsworth, Kansas 1884 1 14 1888 64 to New York City 6 18 1879 12 20 1884 71 Page 167 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1884 1884 1879 1887 1884 1880 1885 1883 1878 1883 1877 1886 1879 1880 1876 1879 1887 1889 1889 1880 1886 1880 1883 1877 1881 1876 1879 1877 1876 1876 1888 1877 1881 1888 1882 1880 1881 1886 1889 1887 1880 1878 1887 1880 Surname Granger Granger Graning Graning Grannan Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grantman Grantman Grantsynn Grantsynn Grapp Grashof Grashof Grashof Gratton Grau Grauwiller Graves Graves Graves Graves Graves Grawitz Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Given Rachel E. Seth Frederick J. John Margaret Elizabeth Fred. L. J. G. J. P. Judson Peter Winfield S. Jacob F. John William S. Wm. S. Jacob August Christina Herman Thomas Maurice David T. Austin Edson H. Eli R. John F. William J. Adam Catharine Edmund S. Eva George H. George H. James C. John G. Joseph C. Joseph S. Joseph W. Ruth Samuel H. Samuel J. Thomas Thomas William Month Day 7 10 5 23 6 30 9 15 2 11 1 15 6 8 28 26 1 3 2 1 11 7 Page 168 12 4 1 30 Year Age Removed: 1881 1883 77 1884 1878 1887 71 1883 74 to New York City to Hinsdale from city from city from city to Stamford 1885 37 1878 from city to Greece from city 1886 48 married from city from city to New York City to Michigan to East Syracuse to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1879 to Buffalo 1875 1875 married to Kansas, City, Mo. from city 1887 47 to Gates to Erie, Pa. 1881 from city to Greigsville to New York to Kansas City, Mo. to Geneva to Auburn to Kansas City, Mo. City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1888 1889 1887 1888 1889 1886 1878 1879 1878 1883 1877 1876 1881 1879 1881 1885 1885 1881 1876 1880 1878 1886 1889 1878 1889 1886 1884 1889 1886 1888 1883 1888 1889 1884 1885 1877 1877 1878 1887 1881 1881 1880 1877 Surname Gray Gray Greb Greeley Given William William E. Michael Lillis Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Greenauer Greenberg Greene Greene Greene Greene Greenfield Greenhalgh Greenhalgh Greenleaf Greenleaf Adell S. Ann Anson, Mrs. Charles W. Charles W. Daniel E. Edwin T. Eliza James James James H. James L. Job John H. Joshua Luther Michael Mortimer H. Philip Rachael Richard Seth Thomas Vina, Mrs. Walter R. William C. William H. Willoughby S. William A. John Bennett Edward M. Frank L. Frederick J. Walter D. Joseph C. Albert E. Theophilus Chas. B. Eliza M. Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 20 1886 69 from city 10 19 1888 52 10 15 1886 66 married Alfred L. Pease 7 12 1888 71 from city 12 28 1877 1 10 1879 to Akron, Oh. 3 27 1883 3 28 1877 from city 5 30 1880 2 1 1879 from city from city to New York City to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Brighton 9 21 1885 43 1 19 1889 77 to Hamilton, Ont. 8 20 1888 71 1 27 1886 60 from city to Ohio to Buffalo to New York City to Buffalo to Toronto, Ca. 11 9 1888 27 to New York City to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Boston, Mass. to Perry to Atlanta, Ga. to New York City to New York City from city to Mass. Page 169 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1883 1889 1877 1878 1889 Surname Greenlees Greennagel Greenstone Greenstone Greenstone Gregory Given John G. George Abram Julius Michael M. E. J., Miss 1889 1878 1882 1876 1886 1876 1876 1886 1886 1887 1886 1888 1887 1888 1885 1882 1883 1888 1876 1889 Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Greim Greis Grell Grell Grenier Grenner Gressens Greunke Greve Greve Grey Gribbon Griebel Fannie B. Isaac M. James H., Mrs. John John S. Richard Walter P. Barbara Fannie Henry C. Johanna Alfred J. Rudolph John F. William F. Henry W. John David W. John D. Libbie 1888 1884 1879 1889 1889 1884 1883 1877 1883 1884 1883 1883 1883 1878 1884 1882 1883 Grievson Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffing Griffing Griffing Griffis Griffith Griffith Griffith John Edward, Jr. Henry Henry John P. Lewis V. Margaret Perry O. Thomas M. Wilbur E. Charles L. Frank B. Sarah A. King H. H. Etta Henry E. Mary Month Day Year 8 Age Removed: to New York City 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Corry, Pa. to Corry, Pa. from city married Fred E. Drake to Buffalo 11 6 1881 to England to Poughkeepsie 5 1876 3 25 1886 to Newark, N. J. married Henry Pasch to Montgomery, Ala. married Louis Engel to Syracuse 3 9 1887 50 1 28 1885 43 7 5 19 1882 2 1888 to Penfield to Philadelphia, Pa. 35 to New York City to Lyons to Claremont Wharf, Va. to Cleveland, Oh. to New York City to Fairport 6 7 11 2 1888 4 1884 20 1882 42 59 to Niles, Mich. to Henrietta from city to Irondequoit to St. Paul, Minn. married Alfred Lavlot from city 11 3 Page 170 1883 20 1881 11 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1876 1885 1888 1889 1888 1876 1876 Surname Griffith Griffiths Grimble Grimes Grimm Grinder Griswold Griswold Given William G. Ebenezer Eaton Patrick Conrad James Clarence A. Edgar D. 1886 1880 1877 1881 1884 1876 1887 1878 1884 1883 1881 1885 1885 Griswold Griswold Griswold Griswold Griswold Griswold Grivet Grivet Grivet Groark Groat Groat Groat Frederick A. Henry S. Jarvis Samuel B. Thaddeus M. Wm. G. Eugene Jerome Mary, Mrs. Patrick Frank Frank A. William S. 1886 1888 1884 1876 1881 1876 1883 1880 1889 1886 Groh Groh Groh Groh Grolling Grosbusch Grosch Grosheink Gross Gross Charles John Joseph Joseph A. Bernard John Joseph B. Henry August Francis 1889 1889 1882 1879 1889 1876 1883 1883 1883 1883 Grosser Grossman Grossman Grossman Grossru Grosz Grosz Grosz Grosz Grosz Mary C. Bernard Joseph Max Simon Albert M. Albert M. Alois P. Louis Martin J. Age Removed: to Auburn to Brooklyn L. I. from city 23 1887 32 to Philadelphia, Pa. 17 1888 53 to Chicago, Ill. 1875 to Weathersfield, Conn. from city 11 1876 to Hartford, Conn. to Westfield, Mass. from city 9 1886 28 2 1878 20 1883 56 1883 to Leadville, Col. to Batavia to Batavia Month Day Year 10 1 5 7 8 3 11 to Buffalo Bluff, Florida 2 11 2 1888 22 1883 11 9 30 1880 14 1875 66 37 from city from city to Webster 8 23 1888 25 from city married John Bodensteiner from city 6 15 1881 to Penn Yan to Cincinnati, Ohio to Illinois to Greenville, Ill. to Greenville, Ill. to Greenville, Ill. to Greenville, Ill. Page 171 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1884 1889 1881 1882 1889 1885 1882 1889 1879 1888 1876 1886 1886 1885 1885 1887 1876 1885 1889 Groszhans Grover Grover Groves Groves Groves Grow Gruber Gruber Gruber Gruber Grubert Grubert Grue Grugel Grugel Grunauer Gruppe Guard Mary Elihu H. Priscilla Geo. W. John B. L. John Joseph Frank Leopold Peter William Arthur John Louis Joseph Sophia Joseph, Jr. Herman F. Henry 1885 1884 1887 1886 Guck Guck Gucker Gucker Anna M. Lawrence George W. J. George 1884 1888 1886 1887 1884 1880 1884 1889 1877 1889 1888 1881 1883 1879 1877 1884 1879 1886 1884 Gucker Guebelle Guebelle Guehlen Guelph Guenther Guenther Guenther Guenther Guenther Guerinot Guerinot Guernsey Guernsey Gugelman Guggenheim Guggenheim Guggenheim Guggenheim Month Day Year 9 12 1888 4 1880 3 30 1889 3 9 1882 Age Removed: married Frank Kirchgesner to Indianapolis, Ind. 58 to Chicago, Ill. to South Bend, Oh. nd nd nd 1 27 1888 40 5 3 1886 63 5 6 2 13 1885 25 1884 17 1887 52 51 82 to New York City to Elmira to Oil City, Pa. to Cohocton to Seattle, W. T. married Edward A. Geier to Chicago, Ill. 7 9 31 1886 12 1885 46 to Wittemberg, Germany to Alleghany City, Pa. to New York City to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Brockport to Newark, N. J. to Chicago from city to Toronto, Canada Martin Camille A. Mina Albert V. Charles P. Benjamin F. Ferdinand John Samuel Samuel Bernard Peter Edward Electa Jacob George C. Isaac Isaac Sigmund 12 9 5 17 1888 30 1887 16 1880 35 74 to Binghamton 7 20 1878 to Lockport to Cleveland, Oh. to New York to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. Page 172 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1879 1877 1886 1885 1887 1889 1884 1884 1881 1881 1877 1885 1880 1884 1888 1877 1879 Surname Guggenheim Guggenheim Guile Guillet Guinan Guinan Guiteau Gulick Gundel Gundlach Gundlach Gunkler Gunn Gunn Gunn Gunn Gunn Gunnell Given Sigmund William Jeremiah K. Sarah C. Bernard Peter George H. George C. John Ernst Louis George M. Charles C. George D. John W. Minnie E. Stephen J. Edward 1887 Gunning 1885 Gunning 1884 Gunsaul Agnes John George M. 1884 1886 1883 1888 1889 1886 1877 1885 1886 1877 Guppy Guppy Gurnett Gurnett Gurney Gurney Gurry Gusley Gutberlet Gutfreund Ada F. Horace L. Richard Richard Harry E. Thomas C. Edward W. Henry O. George A. Emil C. 1883 1880 1883 1884 1887 1876 1886 1888 1877 1889 1876 Guth Guth Guth Guth Guthberlet Gutheil Guthrie Guthrie Guthrie Gutknecht Gutland Catherine Joseph Louis C. Mary A. Andrew John, Jr. James John P. Patrick Anton Charles F. Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to New York City to Utica 19 1876 to Toronto, Can. 7 4 16 1884 16 1886 34 from city to Palatine Bridge 3 22 1884 73 to Hartford, Conn. from city 7 15 1876 to Bergen to Syracuse from city married John Murphy to Buffalo to Buffalo married John Berrigan 7 23 1884 52 to Fairport married George Brown to DeWitt from city to Los Angeles, Cal. to Little Valley to Milwaukee, Wis. from city 12 19 1884 49 from city to Texas married Wm. D. Schoenmann 6 11 7 6 6 6 30 30 22 8 29 17 1879 1882 1883 1886 1875 1885 65 65 25 to New York City to Buffalo 9 21 1888 63 to Syracuse Page 173 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1884 1888 1881 1882 1879 Gutman Gutmann Gutstadt Gutzmer Guy Albert Andrew Abram H. Henry A. A. 1887 1876 1881 1887 1877 1881 1887 1887 1882 1881 1880 1880 1885 1882 1885 1884 1879 1884 1879 1879 1889 1889 1880 1876 1882 1886 1876 1884 1876 1887 1885 1887 1884 1882 1886 1884 1887 1883 Guy Guy Guyer Guyer Gyatt Gyet Haag Haag Haag Haag Haag Haag Haag Haag Haag Haas Haas Haas Haas Haberbosch Haberbosch Haberlin Habert Habich Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackett Hackyus Hackyus Hadden Hadley Hadley Hadley Anna Maggie Richard N. Richard N. William Clovis Andrew Apollonia George C. George J. Jacob Nicholas Peter Peter A. William C. Caspar G. Warner Martin J. Michael Frank Lewis C. Nora Joseph Augustus C. Alfred J. George Horatio B. Hugh H. John Patrick M. Thomas Walter Conrad, 2nd. Conrad, Jr. George R. Charles H. Charles H. Jonathan B. Month Day Year Age Removed: to San Francisco, Cal. 12 9 1887 54 to Syracuse from city to Oshkosh, Wis. married DeVillo W. Selye from city to Mt. Pleasant, Ia. from city to Greece to Brighton from city 11 14 1886 44 to Colorado to New York City 1 7 10 7 1880 6 1879 1884 22 1881 84 to Chicago, Ill. 11 24 1883 80 from city to Buffalo 9 2 22 1878 17 1879 to Buffalo from city 12 25 1879 to Chicago 6 15 1881 to Brooklyn 11 1875 to Phelps 2 2 1876 to Buffalo to Durhamville to Hartford, Conn. 6 1883 to Elmira to Florida to Penn Yan to Canandaigua from city Page 174 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1883 1882 1878 1887 1880 Surname Hadley Hadley Haefner Haefner Haentges Haettich Given Nelson D. William P. Albert C. Martin Joseph H. Lottie 1882 1885 1881 1885 1887 1883 1883 1884 1878 1876 1882 1885 1877 1884 1888 1877 1880 1881 1880 1887 1884 1876 1884 1883 1888 1889 1888 1878 1878 1889 1887 1876 1888 1889 1882 1885 1878 1876 Hafner Hafner Hafner Hafner Hafner Hafner Hafner Hagadorn Hagaman Hagaman Hagan Hagart Hagart Hagel Hagele Hagen Hager Hager Hager Hagerty Hagerty Hagerty Hagerty Hagerty Haggerty Haggerty Haggerty Haggerty Hagle Hagmann Hagner Hagreen Hagreen Hagreen Hague Hahlbeck Hahle Hahn Ann Annie Anthony Frank Fred. G. Jacob John Frank Frederick O. Howland S. Rosanna George W. James R. Frank Gottfried Benjamin Fannie Mary William A. Alice Dennis James Joseph Thomas J. Harry C. Heath J. John Wm. J. John C. Gotlieb M. Geo. Charles H. James I. James I. Pelham Edward Wm. H. Frank A. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: to Penn Yan from city from city 14 1877 from city to Scrantom, Pa. married Frederick Kiefer 7 7 3 20 1884 22 1880 4 1885 4 3 15 1883 10 1883 76 55 to Omaha, Neb. to New York City from city to Batavia to Batavia from city to Medina from city 4 25 1888 63 from city to St. Lawrence Co. 4 29 1880 from city 4 20 1887 69 to Milwaukee, Wis. to Jamestown, Iowa to Milwaukee, Wis. to Elmira to Binghamton to Buffalo from city 5 nd 12 1878 nd nd to Parma Center from city 11 2 1875 11 25 1888 to Irondequoit to New Haven, Conn. from city to Honeoye Falls 5 Page 175 1875 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1879 1888 1876 1889 1876 1887 1881 1889 1877 1889 1882 1885 1886 1880 1884 1887 1885 1883 1886 Surname Hahn Hahn Hahn Hahn Hahn Haiges Haigh Haight Haight Haight Haight Haight Haight Haight Haight Haight Haines Hake Hake Haldeman Given George John Joseph C. Louis William Frederick George Catharine T. Emeline Hilen R. Hilen R. Isaac Isaac Isaac, Mrs. Joseph A. Seth W. Isaac T. John Lawrence I. Lawrence 1882 Halden Eva 1884 1889 1882 1880 1880 1882 1882 1880 1880 1883 1888 1880 1887 1886 1887 1879 1881 1884 1882 1883 1876 1880 Anna E. Anthony Charles R. Chas. C. Corelynne Elias E. Fred. C. Frederick A. John A. Marie L., Miss Mary E. Sarah A. William S. Adelbert D. Benjamin Frank John H. Michael Peter J. Robert Alexander Alfred Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Hale Halenbeck Haley Haley Haley Haley Haley Haley Hall Hall Month Day 7 28 8 18 11 3 12 27 5 5 28 nd 7 12 5 5 7 1 14 7 8 31 nd Page 176 Year Age Removed: 1877 1878 1887 35 1875 to Germany to Buffalo to England 1881 1888 50 to Pennsylvania to San Diego, Cal. to Fort Scott, Kansas 1885 85 nd to Michigan from city 1886 76 to Gates to Gates to Media, Pa. married Charles Hurlbert married Edward Wellington to Parma to Palmyra from city from city to Denver, Col. to Palmyra to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. from city to New York City to Watertown to Waterloo to Oswego 1886 90 1878 1880 to Detroit, Mich. to Buffalo 1882 1875 to Buffalo City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1885 1884 1877 1881 1884 1888 1888 1884 1876 1885 1886 1884 1880 1881 1886 1884 1889 1876 1881 1881 1885 1886 1877 1882 1886 1886 1881 1882 1886 1877 1882 1876 1883 1878 1885 1886 1882 1886 1882 1878 1880 1889 1878 Surname Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hallenbeck Haller Given Alfred Ambrose Ann Asa B. August August Benajah T. Caroline Catharine Celia A. Celia A., Miss Charles Charles L. Charles S., Jr. D. W. Edward Edward C. Edward W. Frank J. George F. George F. George W. George W. Georgiett Harvey Harvey Henry C. Horatio James E. Jane Joseph E. Maria Martin V. Newman Osmand L. Rebecca Samuel F. Samuel W. William B. William E. William J. John Mary De Witt Julius Age Removed: to England 19 1887 48 9 1885 75 2 1884 80 1876 11 1881 26 1883 65 11 1887 83 2 1887 68 to Fairport to Fairport to Holley 1886 from city from city from city to Minneapolis, Minn. from city 30 1889 73 to Syracuse to New York City from city to Fairport to Fair Mount to New York City 11 1881 from city to Albion 8 1880 5 1881 from city to Salisbury, N. C. to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. from city 27 1877 from city 27 1886 55 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Derby, England to Addison, Penn. to Geneva to Canandaigua Month Day Year 11 5 4 11 4 4 12 11 1 6 10 9 5 4 Page 177 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1882 1888 1882 1882 1876 1889 1882 1883 1883 1877 1886 1883 1882 1882 1884 1885 1885 1882 1884 1888 1886 1889 1886 1888 1885 1880 1883 1876 1882 1885 1885 1877 1885 1886 1886 1878 1880 1879 1884 1884 1877 1880 1886 Surname Hallet Hallett Hallett Halloran Halloran Halloran Halloran Halloran Halloran Hallowell Halpin Halpin Halpine Halsal Halsey Halsey Halstead Halsted Halsted Halsted Ham Ham Ham Hamann Given James John William Ann Anna R. Charles Cornelius Michael Patrick William R. James H. Thomas Elizabeth William James R. William L. Samuel H. Jessie S. Perry Perry Annie C., Mrs. Mary E. Mary E. Christian Hamber Hamberger Hamblet Hambleton Hambuger Hamer Hamer Hamerich Hamill Hamill Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Gusta Charles George Samuel Lewis E. John John John Robert Robert O. Amanda Annie Charles H. Charles H. Elizabeth T. Emma Franklyn D. Henry G. Henry G. James Month Day Year Age Removed: 1876 to Mendon 1 30 1888 22 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 11 9 1888 from city to Buffalo 6 14 1882 3 10 1877 from city to Sycamore, Ill. 7 18 1881 from city 2 6 1884 49 to California from city from city from city to Boston, Mass. to Piermont married 5 29 1885 married John B. Bishop to Aberdeen, Dakota to Buffalo from city from city to Utica to Macedon 5 9 1885 75 to Brighton from city 9 16 1885 83 9 10 1885 20 to Clyde to New York City 8 21 1878 9 6 1883 45 to New York City from city to Denver, Col. from city Page 178 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1880 1877 1876 1885 1877 1878 1880 1882 1882 1877 1880 1884 1889 1878 1884 1881 1880 1886 1884 1889 1887 1885 1877 1889 1880 1886 1886 1886 1887 1883 1882 1879 1884 1885 1882 1886 1876 1889 1884 1887 1883 1885 1886 Surname Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamlin Hamm Hamm Hammatt Hammatt Hammel Hammen Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammerschmiedt Given James S. Nancy Rachel Samuel Thomas Wade William George W. Julia M. Morgan E. Orrin Wm. P. Geo. C. Julius Edward R. Edwin R. Charles Calvin Amelia August Edward E. John J. John M. John Hammes Hammill Hammill Hammon Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond Hamner Hamp Hamp Hamp Hamp Hampshire Hampton George W. John Patrick Annie L. Burt Calvin S. Elizabeth James John I. John I. Lydia Mary William C. John August H. Henry John C. John P. Elmer F. Willis L. Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 1878 nd nd nd to Detroit, Mich. 1 26 1876 10 16 1884 81 1 1877 to Savannah to Wisconsin to Auburn from city to Wisconsin to New Haven, Conn. to Starke, Florida 7 13 1888 49 to Tallahasse, Fla. to Buffalo from city to Greece 8 1 1885 54 to Chicago, Ill. from city 1 5 1887 55 to Washington, D. C. 10 1876 to San Francisco, Cal. 10 4 11 1879 26 1886 56 to Auburn to Buffalo 3 15 1887 9 28 1881 68 to Ionia, Mich. to Denver, Col. to California 5 7 6 1885 27 1881 89 from city to Parma 10 1888 31 1883 65 from city to Auburn to St. Paul, Minn. 1885 Page 179 39 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1886 1884 1881 1877 1884 1883 1882 1889 1885 1876 1881 1889 1877 1877 1889 1878 1877 1878 1882 1889 1876 Surname Hance Hanchell Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hand Hand Hand Handy Handy Hane Hanford Hanford Hanford Hanford Hanks Hanks Hanks Hanley Hanley Hanley Given George B. John Byron F. Charles Charles J. Edla C. Havelock E. John S. Mary Elijah F. Sophronia G. John Catherine Chas. M. H. Clay William I. B. M., Mrs. Byron M. Caleb S. John John Mary A. 1883 1884 1882 1879 Hanlin Hanlon Hanlon Hanna Catharine Daniel David P. James E. 1887 1883 1888 1885 1883 1884 1881 1889 1889 1876 1877 1884 1882 1885 1881 1884 1886 Hanna Hannah Hannahs Hannahs Hannan Hannan Hannas Hanneman Hanrahan Hanrahan Hanratty Hans Hansell Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanshew Mary A. Nancy Charles A. Charles L. James Mary James M. Frederick Dennis Thos. P. Peter M. Lawrence Dell Frank H. Hannah William J. C. Elisha Age Removed: to Canada to Rome to Buffalo to Amsterdam to Denver, Col. to Buffalo to St. Paul, Minn. to Worcester, Mass. married L. Line 1885 72 1875 1880 to Charlotte to Kenton, Oh. to Kenton, Oh. 1889 80 to West Henrietta 1877 to West Henrietta 1881 from city to Albion married Wm. H. McKelvey to Buffalo to Buffalo to Corning married Frederick Peck to Brighton to Charlotte to Charlotte 1883 1884 to Syracuse to Brighton 1888 to Memphis, Tenn. to Elmira from city from city to Atlantic City, N. J. 1880 from city from city Month Day Year Page 180 2 11 7 3 13 3 11 5 21 11 27 3 4 4 28 8 5 9 25 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1889 1876 1886 1889 1883 1879 1882 1885 1887 1887 1876 1878 1883 1889 1889 1884 1886 1889 1886 1887 1889 1889 1878 1888 1888 1887 1883 1879 1888 1885 1885 1886 1881 1877 1878 1881 1889 1879 1876 1889 1889 1884 1882 1888 Surname Hansis Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanss Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Hanvey Happ Happit Harcourt Hardegg Hardenbergh Hardick Harding Hardwick Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hare Hargarter Hargarter Hargarter Hargarter Hargarter Hargather Harison Hark Harlacher Harmon Harmon Harmon Harned Harned Harnisfeger Harold Harper Given Frederick James H. John Sarah Valentine Dell S. Fannie J. Margaret Margaret Margaret S. Minnie L. Nellie A., Miss Nellie A., Miss Thomas William S. Louis P. Lillian Allan G. William L. Emma Frank W. John James E. Charles W. John Lucy Wm. H. Geo. E., Jr. Elizabeth John, 2nd John, Jr. Joseph Michael J. Matthias J. Richard Frank W. Veronicka George S. Herbert N. John M. Frank A. Samuel L. John John A. Alexander Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 7 1888 23 to Buffalo to Canada 8 20 1885 37 9 20 1888 58 5 12 1883 to Lancaster 1 25 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Boston, Mass. to Indianapolis, Ind. to Indianapolis 9 22 1882 6 11 1888 29 to Gates married J. E. Morey to Lockport 3 21 1889 75 10 18 1885 53 to Medina to Irondequoit to New York City to Bradford, Pa. to England 4 3 1888 73 to Buffalo to Kansas City, Mo. 10 30 1878 3 1888 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Idaho to Greece to Newark, N. J. to Canisteo 11 1880 to Syracuse to Palmyra to Waterloo to Brooklyn to Brooklyn 2 10 1884 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo Page 181 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1880 1886 1885 1888 1883 1880 1883 1885 1879 1884 1877 1879 1878 1887 1884 1889 1877 1878 1879 1879 1889 1884 1876 1881 1878 1881 1877 1884 1883 1884 1887 1880 1889 1886 1881 1886 1881 1887 1883 1886 1881 1878 1877 1883 Surname Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harries Harrigan Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Given David George James M. John John Mary A. Rebecca Joseph John Charles F. Daniel Eugene George H. George W. Hiram Huldah H. James Michael Michael Patrick Wm. H. Abe B. Frank Daniel Della, Miss Edwin L. Fidelia Frank L. George B. George H. Gorton A. Gorton A. Hugh James A. James B. Joseph Locina Mary Orrin Oscar Raiman Samuel B. Sluman W. Soloman Thomas Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 25 1885 53 2 1880 to St. Paul, Minn. from city 7 2 1887 60 7 14 1882 from city from city 5 31 1884 to New York City 1 9 1884 72 to Pittsford 4 12 1879 from city 2 27 1887 58 from city from city 3 16 1877 from city to Boston, Mass. to New York City to Warsaw to Chicago, Ill. from city to St. Paul, Minn. from city nd nd nd to Churchville 5 18 1884 63 to Canada from city to Louisiana 3 18 1880 to Fairport from city to Gates 8 31 1885 67 11 23 1880 5 1887 88 4 15 1882 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Brunswick, Ga. 3 28 1877 6 30 1882 Page 182 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1879 1883 1883 1888 1877 1887 1878 1885 1886 1885 1878 1876 1885 1879 1879 1880 1879 1883 1880 1884 1884 1884 1889 1886 1882 1881 1880 1881 1887 1889 1889 1882 1884 1882 1879 1883 1886 1880 1888 1882 1881 1884 1884 1879 Surname Harris Harrisburg Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrity Harrold Harrold Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harsh Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Given William L. Frederick Charles D. B. George George N. Henry B. Henry W. Huldah James Mark H. Stephen William William Wm. H. Charles Frank E. Mary E. Louis C. Paul John Paul Wm. C. William H. Andrew E. Archie W. Arthur Bridget Catharine T., Mrs. Edward P. Elizabeth A. Felix Frank J. Fred. G., Mrs. Geo. S. George L. Henry Henry C. J. George James M. Jennie A., Miss Jerome John John G. Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 26 1879 to New York to Buffalo 11 15 1882 9 26 1887 24 from city 5 1887 1 1878 1 1885 66 11 27 1885 78 4 13 1885 25 1 11 1878 from city to Chicago, Ill. 9 3 1878 from city to New York City to England to Utica from city to Dakota to Dakota to Dakota to Elmira to Three Oaks, Mich. from city to Lyons 4 5 1880 to Michigan to New York 10 2 1888 83 3 17 1889 68 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. 5 9 1882 12 1878 from city 4 2 1886 84 8 27 1879 to Boston, Mass. from city to Michigan 8 18 1883 to Lockport, N. Y. 7 5 1878 Page 183 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1880 Hart Given Joseph Age Removed: from city married William G. Davis 1884 79 1883 to Lockport to Honeoye Falls 1879 1877 to Denver, Col. 1883 1882 to New York City from city 1889 30 1884 from city from city to Point Arena, Cal. to Newark, N. J. 1881 1888 19 from city to Livonia to Brighton from city 1875 Month Day Year 1886 1885 1883 1884 1885 1879 1878 1880 1883 1883 1876 1887 1889 1884 1877 1885 1879 1883 1882 1888 1888 1888 1889 1877 1876 Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Harte Hartel Hartel Hartel Hartell Hartell Hartell Harter Harter Harter Louisa Louisa A. Michael Michael F. Peter V. Roman V. Romanta Ross Roswell Ruth Sylvester Sylvester Thomas F. Wilbur A. Emma M. Charles T. Geo. A. J. Alexander John Frederick George A. Philip Alexander Andrew Balthasar 1889 1881 1889 1881 1883 1887 1886 1881 1877 1880 1888 1877 1881 1888 1881 1885 Harter Harter Hartery Hartford Hartigan Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartley Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Charles H. Henry Gertrude A., Mrs. Wm. H. Patrick Charles David David, Jr. Hamilton James Mary Richard V. Frank J. George Gustave Henry 11 2 9 2 2 11 22 11 4 12 20 17 3 6 2 1 8 1 13 6 5 Page 184 to San Antonio, Texas to Brighton married John Eckhart from city 6 2 11 9 14 18 3 21 1882 1887 1885 1880 54 62 from city to Spencerport 11 22 1887 54 from city to Chicago, Ill. 3 22 1888 85 to Webster to Chicago, Ill. City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1878 1877 1880 1889 1884 1879 1884 1885 1885 1878 1887 1879 1877 1885 1879 1876 1886 1881 1880 1881 1880 1884 1885 1889 1882 1884 1877 1881 1884 1884 1885 1889 1878 1881 1877 1881 1878 1886 1886 1885 1881 1876 1880 1887 Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartmann Hartnett Hartney Hartney Hartshorn Hartt Hartt Hartung Hartupee Hartupee Hartwell Hartwig Hartwigh Harty Harty Harty Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Hasfurder Hasfurder Haskill Haskin Haskin Haskin Haskin Haskin Haskins Haskins Hasler Hasnauer Hason Hason Hason Hassan Given Month Day Year John J. Louis, Jr. William A. J. Frederick Thomas W. Dennis W. Patrick William N. William A. Wm. A. John W. Andrew W. Wm. F. Francis W. Ralph Ralph Charles E. Joseph Peter Charles A., Jr. Frances Frank G. John H. John H. Reuben William A. William F. William H. Anna Helena Josephus Herbert P. Ira Jennie, Mrs. Mary, Miss Sarah George Neville E. John A. Rogers John Thomas Thomas William B. Age Removed: to Grand Rapids, Mich. from city to Penn Yan to Buffalo to St. Louis, Missouri to Canada from city from city to Tucson, Arizona to Signal, Arizona to Easton, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. 1 25 1877 from city to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. from city to Emporium, Pa. 11 24 1879 to Washington, D. C. married to New York City to Watkins from city to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. 1 1876 9 18 1883 to Toronto, Can. married John Dalitz to Watertown to Philadelphia, Pa. 1 26 1878 to Fairport to Clarkson to Fairport to New York City to Milwaukee, Wis. from city to Chili to Buffalo from city 4 1880 to Delaware Page 185 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1877 Hasslinger 1885 Hastings Given Joseph Albert M. 1888 1889 1888 1880 1888 1888 1889 1882 1888 1885 1887 1888 1881 1886 1881 1880 1887 1887 1877 1884 1882 1885 Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hathaway Hathaway Hathaway Hathaway Hathaway Hatmaker Antoinette Arthur C. Catharine Charles S. Dennis J. William T. Adelaide Elizabeth Hiram H. John N. Lemuel J. Charles B. Frederick A. Frederick A. Julia, Mrs. Walter M. David C. Harry S. John B. Katie Samuel B. Harry P. 1884 1879 1885 1886 1885 Hattas Hatterscheit Hatton Hattrich Hatz Hattie Peter William O. Eugene G. George 1883 1888 1887 1877 Hatz Hauck Hauck Hauck Susan George H. Jacob John 1888 1876 1884 1887 1886 1888 1881 1884 Hauck Haughton Haumeiller Haungs Haupt Haus Hauser Hausswirth Mary Wm. A. Fred Joseph Hermann Simon Henry J. Anthony Age Removed: to New York City 30 1885 55 Month Day Year 1 to Butte City, Montana to Niagara Falls 6 20 1887 to New York City to Coldwater to Syracuse 10 10 1 4 9 21 2 21 9 11 1888 1881 1888 1885 1886 77 83 65 24 to Boston, Mass. to Gates 12 27 1885 42 to Suspension Bridge to New York 4 3 3 18 1887 22 1887 17 1877 5 5 1882 74 22 to Arkport from city married J. H. Camburn 11 18 1878 to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Greece married Abraham Lapham 1 7 5 1888 6 1886 62 33 to Syracuse married Peter Longdo to Cleveland, Oh. from city 7 8 1886 39 to Buffalo 12 1887 to Palmyra to Henrietta Page 186 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1879 1886 1882 1885 1876 1876 1884 1877 1880 1879 1879 1879 1888 1882 1885 1885 1887 1889 1888 1884 1889 1876 1887 1888 Surname Haven Haven Havens Havens Havens Haver Haver Havill Havill Havill Havill Havill Havill Havlin Havlin Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawes Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Given Albert R. Wm. A. Addison M. George W. Merinda Albert A. George Edward U. Harold H. Harold H. Susan Thomas Ula E. William William, Jr. John J. Luman N. Luman N. Samuel J. Ebenezer Geo. B. George Jeremiah John John 1888 Hawkins 1884 Hawkins 1881 Hawkins Lizzie Morris Salome 1879 1882 1883 1880 1881 1889 1885 1884 1885 1881 1878 1883 1889 1885 1885 Emma L. Thomas Celia A. Cyrus M. Frank G. Frederick A. Frederick C. George Ira F. Lamartine A. Nelson G. Newman Si L. Alfred W. William A. Hawks Hawks Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawley Hawthorn Hawthorn Month Day Year 9 3 19 1881 20 1885 Age Removed: from city to Buffalo from city 65 to Detroit, Mich. 6 1875 to Bath to Lake City, Cal. to Bath 7 4 4 1878 28 1879 to Buffalo 2 8 7 1888 14 1881 52 from city to Binghamton to Binghamton from city 12 6 1 11 12 2 31 1887 4 1884 1889 1875 31 1886 6 1888 71 68 56 57 married Henry L. Farley to Palmyra 12 23 1880 to New Brunswick, N. J. 10 4 1881 from city from city to Westfield, Mass. from city to Canandaigua to Dakota Ter. to Farmington to Westfield, Mass. 3 1 1878 to Albany to Cincinnati, Ohio to Irondequoit from city Page 187 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1881 1887 1887 1883 1878 1883 1885 1888 1878 1884 1884 1877 1885 1879 1884 1877 1889 1888 1889 1877 1889 1880 1878 1883 1879 1881 1877 1877 1886 1887 1878 1877 1880 1886 1879 1885 1880 1881 1880 1885 1884 1883 Surname Hawthorne Hax Hay Hay Hay Hay Hayd Hayd Hayde Hayden Hayden Hayden Hayden Hayden Haydon Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Given Ruth J., Mrs. J. Philip Ellis R. John Robert G. William Frederic John R. Richard Charles J. Henry D. James E. Julia Walter M. Frank W. Charles A. Charles H. Eliza Gordon Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayken Hayner Haynes Haynes Haynes Haynes Hays Hays Hays Hays Hayward Henrietta Hiram W. James James B. James F. James M. Michael H. P. Harold Patrick J. Richard T. Thomas William William William H. Martin Ira W. Lewis E. Roscoe S. Roscoe S. William A. Isaac I. M. Maurice S. Morris S. Solomon Edwin S., Jr. Age Removed: to Avon to Penfield to Batavia 1886 57 to Brooklyn 1882 1878 1883 1884 30 1888 72 1877 1883 61 to Clifton Springs to Buffalo to Watertown from city 1883 60 nd 1889 87 Month Day Year 8 12 9 3 3 1 4 7 6 27 23 14 4 9 7 16 6 nd 15 nd 3 26 married Arthur E. Cole to Toledo, Ohio 8 11 1876 8 1888 to Buffalo from city from city to Geneva 8 14 1880 to Tonawanda from city 9 9 30 1885 3 1886 31 44 to Lynn, Mass. to Michigan from city to Orlando, Fla. from city to Lyons from city to St. Louis, Mich. to Clyde to Cleveland, Ohio to Indianapolis, Ind. to Dakota Page 188 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1877 1883 1883 1889 1884 1881 1882 1887 1881 1880 1886 1877 1877 1882 1880 1887 1880 1885 1878 1885 1878 1877 1880 1885 1886 1885 1884 1878 1877 1877 1876 1876 1882 1882 1887 1882 1877 1877 1883 1880 1879 1883 1886 1876 Surname Hayward Hayward Hayward Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazel Hazelbaker Hazelgrove Hazelgrove Hazeltine Hazen Head Headley Heafee Heal Healy Healy Healy Healy Heaney Heaney Heaney Heaphy Heard Heath Heath Heath Heath Heath Heath Heath Given Fannie C. George C. Nathaniel Charles T. Harry L. John Prudence Thomas F. Ann Dora J. James James John John R. John R. Kate Mary A. Richard Thomas Samuel Z. J. Fred. George George Charles D. Frank J. Alzina Michael J. Edward John Patrick Thomas William E. James P. James P. James P. John Walter Edwin S. George H. James D. James L. James L. Jennette B. Nathan B. Month Day Year 1 6 Age Removed: from city from city 15 1883 14 1882 from city from city 5 5 5 9 1881 31 1882 2 1887 65 married from city 12 30 1885 70 to Utica from city from city married 4 9 14 1887 8 1879 66 to Medina from city from city from city to Florida to New York City to Kendall to Lebanon to Chili from city from city from city to Providence, R. I. 6 6 1875 to Buffalo 8 1 1881 to Troy to Peoria, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. to Canandaigua from city to South America to Buffalo to Elmira to Auburn 3 22 1886 66 to Livonia Page 189 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1879 1881 1879 1881 1886 1878 1878 1886 1885 1888 1886 1880 1880 1882 1884 1886 1888 1888 1876 1881 Surname Heath Heath Heath Heath Heavey Heavey Heavey Heavey Heavey Hebard Hebard Hebard Hebard Hebard Hebbard Heberger Heberger Heberger Heberger Heberger Heberger Given Nathan B. Thomas Wm. F. John C. Geo. H. Michael Peter H. William J. William J. Benj. S. Charles W. George Robert Samuel Alvah George M. Jacob Jacob John J. Martin Martin G. 1884 1878 1880 1886 1876 1886 1882 1882 1887 1880 1884 1885 1883 1885 1886 1878 1885 1885 1884 1887 1887 1882 1880 Heberger Heberger Heberger Heberle Heberle Heberle Heberle Heberling Hebing Hechinger Hechinger Hechler Heckel Heckel Heckel Heckel Heckel Heckroth Hedditch Hedge Hedges Hedley Hedley Martin, 2nd Martin, Jr. Mary U. Frederick Joseph Joseph Lawrence Elizabeth A. Christina Isador Ludwig George August Charles A. John John C. William Geo. Robert Edward J. William F. Edward E. Elizabeth C. Age Removed: to Elmira to Fargo, Dakota Ter. from city from city to Leavenworth, Kan. 1886 61 from city from city from city to Buffalo to Henrietta to Duluth, Minn. 1879 to Ithaca 1881 1883 68 1885 68 1888 42 1887 41 1875 from city Month Day Year 1 21 11 23 10 11 2 10 9 16 13 17 14 to San Francisco, Cal. to Dansville 2 13 1880 to Irondequoit to Holly 1 3 23 1886 25 1882 60 1 7 2 4 6 15 20 17 55 to Scottsville 1887 1879 1884 1885 47 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Ohio 10 23 1877 to Bay City, Mich. 4 7 1885 72 to Charlotte from city 3 13 1886 33 to New York City to Chicago, Ill. Page 190 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1878 Hedley Given George H. 1886 1881 1877 1885 1879 1879 1881 Hedley Hedley Heech Hefferan Heffron Heffron Heffron James Mary P. Jacob Michael, 2nd Adelbert A. William A. William A. 1886 1884 1889 1889 1882 1880 1880 1881 1876 1884 1881 1883 1885 1885 1878 1879 1881 1885 1878 1889 1881 1887 1888 1888 1884 1881 1877 1889 1876 1884 1883 1889 1885 1886 Hegnauer Hehn Hehr Heiber Heiber Heiby Heichelbech Heidelmein Heider Heidweiller Heil Heil Heilbronn Heilbronn Heilbronn Heilenmann Heiligensetzer Heiligenthaler Heim Heimbach Heimburger Heindl Heine Heinelein Heinelein Heinemann Heinle Heinold Heinrich Heinsler Heintz Heinz Heinzelmann Heise Lena Charles Frederick E. Jacob John Louis Jean B. Conrad Charles F. Philip Louis Rudolph Frederick F. Lena Lewis Rudolph W. Edward Christian John P. George A. Edward Nicholas J. William Carrie M. George Wm. Christian Frederick J. William Theodore George Edward P. Michael John Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Medina to Brooklyn Village, Oh. to Medina to Miller's corners to Minnesota to Colorado to Nebraska to Beatrice, Neb. married Geo. Logemann to Irondequoit to Binghamton to Chicago, Ill. 16 1882 to Chicago, Ill. from city 2 4 11 1880 1876 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Colorado to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. 11 24 1877 to New York City to Chicago, Ill. 11 4 24 1884 27 1877 27 from city from city 1 19 1887 36 to Los Angeles, Cal. married George Wolf to Henrietta to Scottsville to Cleveland, Oh. 3 14 1889 48 to Brockport from city to Dayton, Oh. 12 9 6 1888 24 1884 26 47 to Albany Page 191 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1888 1886 1883 1876 1877 1888 1880 1882 1880 1883 1882 1889 1877 1876 1883 1887 1887 1887 1886 1888 1880 1887 1882 1881 1884 1887 1888 1886 1886 1884 1883 1885 1880 1881 1887 1884 1886 1883 1877 1881 1885 1885 1885 Heisel Heisel Heisel Heisel Heisel Heisig Heisinger Heislein Heisler Heisler Heisler Heisner Heiter Heiter Heitzman Helberg Helberg Helbert Held Held Held Held Held Held Held Held Held Held Helfer Helfer Helfer Helfer Hellems Hellems Heller Heller Helling Hellis Hellyar Helmbold Helmer Helmer Helt Given Month Day Year Annie M. Christina Henry Henry M. John Theodore Joseph Frank Anthony J. George W. Lorenz Charles Charles Charles F. John Albertina Frederick Mary T. Alois Charles J. George J. Harry F. Henry Herman Jacob Jacob Joseph Joseph A. George Jacob John A. John A. Frank Isaac Joseph William H. Fred. John Thomas William F. DeSalvo Fred. D. Franklin A. 11 12 Age Removed: married Geo. J. Steinhauer 1885 1 1882 from city to Buffalo from city from city to Williamsport, Pa. from city to Erie, Pa. 5 8 8 4 2 1882 27 1888 1876 29 1876 4 2 18 1887 26 1887 43 to Irondequoit 64 38 married James Prindeville to Germany to Oak Harbor, Oh. to Milwaukee, Wis. to Chicago, Ill. to Canandaigua to New York City 12 12 nd 5 1883 1886 nd nd 11 27 1885 61 62 to Belleville, Ill. 5 17 1884 56 to Rome 3 24 1885 41 to Syracuse 6 2 11 1880 19 1887 from city to Troy to Irondequoit to Holley to Irondequoit to Atlanta, Ga. to Montreal, Canada to Dansville Page 192 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1880 1884 1882 1889 1885 1880 1880 1885 1889 1876 1880 1888 1886 1889 1889 1889 1883 1888 1877 1878 1877 1887 1888 1876 1878 1882 1887 1876 1882 1879 1880 1882 1880 Surname Hemaen Hemingway Hemingway Hemingway Hemmann Hemmerich Hemmler Hemphill Hempsted Henault Henchen Henchen Henchen Henchen Henckell Hendee Hendee Henderburg Hendersholt Hendershott Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Hendrick Hendrick Hendrick Hendrick Hendricks Henion Henion Henkel Given Frederick Harvey C. Henry N. Lydia E. Herman Joseph Annie Wm. I. John Q. A. Philip Francis George George W. Joseph William Burt Eliza J. George Edward Fred E. Ann E. Edward H. B. George L. Henry S. William T. William T. Andrew M. Horace H. Thomas A. Thomas, Jr. Henry J. Ann Egbert B. Farnk 1888 1878 1886 1885 1882 1887 1880 1879 1879 1887 Henkel Henn Henn Hennegan Hennekey Hennemann Hennessey Hennessey Hennessey Hennessey Mary F. Joseph Wm. Mary George Sebastian Alonzo Esther John John Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 24 1883 24 to New York City to Auburn to Hartford, Conn. to New York City 5 9 1885 married to St. Louis, Mo. to New York City to Woonsocket, R. I. 8 1875 4 25 1879 to Buffalo 5 7 1886 78 to New York City to Canandaigua to Canandaigua to Brighton to Fairport nd nd nd 7 19 1877 to Brighton to Pittsfield, Mass. from city to Port Hope, Ont. to Port Hope, Ont. to Chicago, Ill. to Hartford, Conn. to Charlotte to Chicago, Ill. to Colorado to Syracuse to Brockport 11 24 1879 married Anthony Bösel from city 1 9 6 5 1 11 9 9 3 3 2 10 1886 1884 1881 1887 1880 1878 46 71 70 from city 10 Page 193 23 1886 77 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1882 Hennessey 1881 Hennessey 1888 1881 1887 1876 1888 1886 1881 1878 1884 1883 1884 1889 1888 1884 1880 1885 1883 1888 1881 1882 1883 1888 1879 1887 1882 1881 1887 1889 1884 1888 1876 1886 1889 1885 1887 1889 1886 1878 1882 1885 1887 1883 Hennessey Hennessey Hennessey Hennessey Hennessy Hennessy Hennison Henricus Henricus Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Hensel Hensel Henshaw Hensler Hensler Hensley Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbst Herbst Herbst Herdt Herdt Herdt Given John E. Martin Month Day Year 2 Mary A. Michael Patrick Thomas John Maggie E. Jacob Christina C. Louis Christina Emma L., Mrs. Fritz Hill Isaac James James James M. James O. Joseph Joseph Mary Minnie William William J. Julius A. Paul A. Charles H. Frederick William George H. Alexander C. Catherine Franc L. Henry P. Justin P. Rosa L. George Louis Simon Charles J. Charles J. John Age Removed: to Philadelphia, Pa. 21 1881 married Jacob Lanson to Auburn 9 3 1886 58 6 14 1887 24 to New York City married Geo. Lays from city 10 9 12 29 1877 23 1883 5 1882 to Buffalo from city 3 18 1888 61 to Dakota Ter. 4 1880 to California from city to Texas 5 13 1880 3 19 1883 to Canada married to Long Pond 1 21 1887 24 to New York City to Milwaukee, Wis. to Cleveland, Oh. from city from city to England to Canandaigua 3 12 1886 80 2 2 1885 40 married to New York married to Webster to Holley 7 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. 1 Page 194 25 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1883 1887 1879 1885 1877 1881 1878 1889 1884 1886 1881 1881 1887 1879 Surname Herendeen Herig Herlan Herle Herle Herlihy Herlihy Given Louis D. Andreas Edward John Margaret S. Michael Michael Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Herman Hermance Hermann Charles George Gottlieb Henry Isreal W. Meyer S. George Henry 1887 1885 1876 1883 1887 1884 1881 1880 1885 1879 1889 1876 1885 1881 1883 1879 1880 1886 1880 1884 1884 1884 1876 Hermann Hermle Herms Herold Herold Herr Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrick Herrieng Herring Herring Herring Herring Herrington Herrmann Herrmann Herrmann Herron Herron Hert Kate L. Julius Louis George George J. Nancy Elijah P. James Moses Rufus L. Stephen S. Joachim Ann Gustav James B. Joseph Eliza Elizabeth, Mrs. John K. Joseph David Walter B. Benedict 1882 1879 1886 1883 Hertel Hertel Hertel Hertel Bertha Frederick, 2nd Frederick, 2nd. George Month Day Year Age Removed: to Farmington 1882 to California 5 1 13 1878 26 1885 68 to New York City from city to Weatherford, Texas 6 2 3 1889 16 1884 from city to Hanover, Ger. to Sandusky, Oh. to Avon 9 17 1878 married Henry A. Schaefer to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Cincinnati, Oh. to Ohio married Chas. Cook from city to Albany from city to Cincinnati, Oh. 11 16 1888 70 7 27 1884 80 from city to Irondequoit 6 12 4 2 1882 22 1878 17 1880 to Scrantom, Pa. 1 27 1880 from city to Newark to Elmira 5 6 1875 married Frank Hamilton to Illinois from city 3 Page 195 4 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1880 1882 1884 1885 1876 Surname Herthe Herzberger Herzberger Hesler Hess Hess Given John George Henry Albert P. Ernst George A. 1880 1887 1885 1885 1877 Hess Hess Hess Hess Hess George A. Joseph Lawrence Lewis C. Philip 1876 1883 1881 1876 1887 1882 1889 1884 1882 1879 1889 1887 1889 1877 1878 1882 1883 1878 1876 1881 1884 1884 1889 1881 1881 1881 1878 1884 1881 1882 1882 1880 Hessdorffer Hettig Hettig Hettrich Hetu Hetu Hetu Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzel Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Hetzler Heuart Heuer Heughes Heusler Heusner Heusner Heusner Francis Emil E. Gustav H. John Arcade Louis Louise, Mrs. Albert H. C. William Charles F. Charles F. Henry Henry J. John P. Matthias Wm. F. Charles Geo. A. Henry Henry F. John John Mary A. Matthias Sebastian John Henry C. James A. John G. Charles F. George F. Louis D. Month Day Year 12 3 1879 6 3 16 1883 20 1885 Age Removed: from city to Denver, Col. 33 58 to Ontario, Co. to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Carlton 2 1 25 1885 17 1885 37 45 from city to Nazareth, Montgomery Co., Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to New York City 5 1875 from city to Lachine, Canada to Canada to Clyde to Sandusky, Oh. 8 2 10 5 10 3 28 1878 9 1889 24 1886 1889 27 1876 7 1878 1 4 7 12 1883 24 1878 1875 33 48 to Cleveland, Oh. to Syracuse 10 11 16 1883 15 1883 52 married to Chicago, Ill. 4 1880 to New York City to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. nd nd nd to Ithaca to Detroit, Mich. to Suspension Bridge Page 196 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1889 1876 1878 1887 1878 1887 1877 1883 1883 1878 1886 1880 1886 1880 1884 1884 1877 1877 1883 1888 1889 1884 1884 1886 1889 1876 1880 1886 1884 1878 1880 1885 1885 1878 1883 1878 1883 1886 1878 Surname Hevoron Hewer Hewes Hewitt Hewitt Hewitt Hewitt Hewlitt Hey Heydler Hibbard Hibbard Hibbard Hibbard Hibbard Hibbard Hibbard Hichborn Hichborn Hickernell Hickey Hickey Given Thomas William H. Charles A. Edwin Richard Samuel A. William G. Robert Moses Ernest C. Charles J. Horace James W. Oliver T. Sarah Sarah A. William C. Henry C. Robert H. Eugene E. John John F. Hickey Hickey Hickman Hickox Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Kate Patrick Abram J. Elton Albert R. Albert R. Albert R., Mrs. Caroline Clinton C. Delbert P. DeWitt C. Edward H. Elias Elias Frank B. Frank B. George W. John 1887 Hicks 1883 Hicks 1877 Hicks Month Day Year 4 1877 9 22 1882 Age Removed: from city to Chicago, Ill. to Virginia to Des Moines, Iowa to Buffalo from city from city from city to Boston, Mass. 8 26 1885 52 to Fairport to Detroit, Mich. 6 8 9 1879 10 1883 44 to St. Louis, Mo. to Reading, Pa. to Reading, Pa. to Erie, Pa. to Buffalo from city married Henry J. Cleary from city from city to Henrietta to Hornellsville to Brighton to Fairport 5 1 1883 67 to Medina to Chicago, Ill. 9 4 1884 79 to Phelps to Medina to Macedon to Medina to Macedon from city from city Lizzie M. Sylvester B. Thomas married Patrick Welch from city to Troy Page 197 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1877 1885 1878 1878 1877 1887 1886 1889 1876 1884 1884 1889 1888 1878 1877 1884 1888 1881 1883 1887 1887 1883 1885 1888 1889 1887 1887 1881 1881 1884 1879 1881 1882 1889 1887 1889 1882 1887 1880 1884 1884 1889 1886 Surname Hicks Hickson Hickson Hickson Hickson Higbie Higby Higginbotham Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higgins Higinbotham Hilbert Hilbert Hilbert Hilbert Hilbourn Hildebrand Hildebrand Given William B. Elliott Fred. A. Frederick A. Margaret William H. Charles A. John H. Charles R. Cornelius H. James James John Michael C. Rachel William Wm. H. Mary George George John John F. Theodore O. Ernest C. Ernest C. Hildebrand Hildreth Hildreth Hildreth Hildreth Hildreth Hilfinger Hilfinger Hilfinger Hilgendorf Hilgendorf Hilgendorf Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Lena John Theodore A. Willam A. William William A. Christian Christian George E. Albert Ella H. F. E. Alton W. Charles Charles B. Charles J. Charles R. Clementina Edward U. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to New York City to London, Can. to Greece to London, Ont. to Buffalo from city from city to St. Louis, Mo. from city 1876 to Chicago, Ill. to Hamilton, Canada to Buffalo 12 3 14 1887 5 1878 40 to Greece to Kokomo, Indiana 4 23 1887 66 to Rush 1 8 15 1883 25 1886 38 to New York to Chelsea, Mass. to New Haven, Conn. to Syracuse married Wm. O'Grady from city to Winona, Minn. from city nd nd nd to Sodus from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Brockport 4 1888 to Buffalo 3 24 1889 25 to Arcade to New York to Chicago, Ill. 7 19 1883 87 1 16 1889 49 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Buffalo Page 198 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1882 1889 1889 1883 Surname Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Given Ella L. Emma J. Fred. A. Gilbert C. Jemima 1889 1883 1889 1888 1881 1881 1883 1889 1882 1884 1880 1883 1889 1885 1882 1889 1878 1877 1882 1883 1882 1888 1882 1888 1888 1888 Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hillangas Hillangas Hilleary Hilleary Hiller Hillhouse Hilliard Hilliard Hillis Hillman Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills Julia R., Mrs. Kate S. Richard Salome M. Squire W. Talmy Wilbur M. William W. Adam Elizabeth John B. Mary Jacob F. Root Allen Allen D. Isaac Frank W. Ammi Caroline Edmund Herbert M. Isaac Isaac Jane M. William H. 1888 1889 1880 1883 1888 1878 1878 1877 Hilmer Hilmer Hilsdorf Hilsdorf Hilton Hilts Hilts Hilts Annie Frank, Jr. William, Jr. William, Jr. George F. Frank M. George S. John H. 1886 Hilts 1877 Hilts 1889 Hiltz Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: from city to Chili to Olean to Spencerport 17 1883 married E. Huntington married E. Jackson to Canada 7 4 1887 86 to Rome to Bloods to Fairport to Buffalo 4 4 4 1882 1884 1880 11 9 1888 from city 56 from city to Mondovi, Wis. 7 10 9 5 31 1888 26 1877 1876 21 1881 59 to New York City to Sodus Point to Auburn 9 10 1881 2 5 1888 to Nantucket, Mass. 78 from city married Edward Finger from city to Lyons to Syracuse from city to Auburn to Auburn to Springfield, Mo. Sarah Thomas E. James R. married Julius Wagner 5 2 1877 to Denver, Col. Page 199 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 Himmel 1877 Himmel Given Augustus Joseph 1880 1881 1886 1878 1887 1876 1876 1876 1883 1880 1885 1886 1884 1881 1880 1882 1885 1885 1887 1882 1878 1886 1888 1886 1887 1884 Himmel Himmel Himmel Hinchcliff Hinds Hinds Hine Hinemann Hines Hines Hines Hinett Hingston Hinkston Hinman Hinman Hinsdale Hinsdale Hipp Hirsch Hirschfield Hirschler Hirschman Hirshfield Hirt Hiscock Margaret J. William William John Martha Sarah A. Noble J. Frederick Adolphus Annie Edward James Samuel E. Frederick P. Clara Fred. W. Cornelius Peter B. George George Aaron J. John John Baptist Harry Edward Arthur W. 1886 1884 1889 1879 1879 1879 1881 1888 1881 1883 1885 1884 1879 1885 1888 Hiser Hiser Histon Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchcock Hitchens Hitzel Hitzel Hitzfeld Frank Julius F. Thomas, Jr. Frederick A. Gilbert S. Henry H. James Joseph Norman P. William William Edward R. Jacob Philip H. Catharine Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 1 1885 80 10 26 1876 married Michael Hynes to Estin, Mich. 4 6 3 5 1886 18 1877 3 1887 6 1875 40 91 to Greece to Connecticut 12 20 1882 married to New York City 5 10 1886 59 to New York City from city to West Bloomfield to Batavia from city to Chicago, Ill. 4 7 7 1887 17 1881 47 to Detroit, Mich. 4 3 1886 27 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Bergen to Chamberlain, Dakota to Michigan to Indianapolis, Ind. 1878 to Bloomfield from city 1 5 1 1881 30 1888 20 to Detroit, Mich. from city to Geneva to Canada to Gardenville to Buffalo married Page 200 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1887 1876 1878 1884 1888 1886 1887 1877 1889 1882 1881 1885 1884 1886 1887 1883 1884 1878 1878 1876 1889 1884 1883 1887 1889 1889 1880 1889 1881 1886 1885 1887 1876 1887 1882 1887 1879 1889 1883 1889 1889 1880 Surname Hitzfeld Hitzfeld Hitzfeld Hitzler Hitzler Hixson Hixson Hixson Hoag Hoag Hoag Hoagland Hoagland Hoare Hoarer Hobbie Hobbie Hobbs Hobbs Hobbs Hobirker Hobson Hobson Hoch Hochsteter Hochstetter Hochstetter Hockeborn Hodecker Hodge Hodge Hodges Hodges Hodgman Hodgman Hodgman Hodgson Hodgson Hodgson Given Elizabeth Joseph Joseph John Mary E. Alfred G. Fred. R. Henry Daniel L. George H. Lamorie D., Mrs. Charles E. Fred. C. Richard J. James Chester D. U. Hendrick V. Lucius H. Lucius N. Silas W. Joseph H. John Martha A. Charles George G. Maurice Maurice G. Chas. P. Frederick Joseph Thomas H. Arthur Nelson Archie Asa Thomas M., Jr. James S. John John W. Hoefer Hoefle Hoefle Hoefler Hoehn Louisa Anthony George Caroline John Month Day 5 16 12 3 12 24 6 5 18 8 2 10 nd 29 2 11 10 30 8 9 26 nd nd nd nd nd Page 201 Year Age Removed: 1884 88 1878 1886 27 1875 to Europe 1884 29 to Clarkson to Iowa from city to Albion to Macedon Centre 1881 to Albany to Nashville, Tenn. to Pennsylvania to Yonkers to Irondequoit nd 1883 75 to South Greece to Chili to Whitby to Canada 1884 45 1882 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Auburn to Attica from city to Canada from city from city to Redfield, Dak. to Canada to Lincoln, Neb. to Baltimore, Md. 1886 1878 married Charles Webber to Jackson, Mich. nd married Chris. Bardo nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1880 1884 1884 1889 1880 1876 1885 1885 1884 1889 1882 1886 1887 1885 1876 1881 1884 1888 1877 1888 1880 1880 1877 1884 1886 1882 1879 1888 1886 1882 1886 1887 1882 1877 1883 1888 1885 1884 1885 1889 1877 1881 1885 Surname Hoekstra Hoekstra Hoelscher Hoenner Hoeret Hoeret Hoeret Hoerlein Hoernlein Hoernlein Hoey Hof Hofer Hofer Hoff Hoff Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Given Jacob A. Sietske Victor Nicholas A. Albert L. M. Augustus L. Leonard Henry A. John Mary Isabella C. Louis Jacob John John W. Henry Andrew G. Balkus J. Edward A. Edward S. Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffner Hoffner Hofheinz Hofman Hofmeister Hofmeister Hofschneider Hofschneider Hofschneider Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Elizabeth Frank M. Henry E. John John John Joseph Lawrence Mary Philip Valentine J. Andrew George B. Rudolph Christian Adolph George Geo. Leopold Leopold Alice Bridget Bridget Dennis Month Day Year 4 26 1880 6 23 1883 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Baltimore, Md. to Tacoma, W. T. to Brockport 5 1875 from city to Buffalo 7 10 10 nd 13 18 nd 8 14 1883 1888 1881 nd 1886 63 73 to Canandaigua to Canandaigua to Buffalo to Germany 7 31 1887 31 to Mt. Morris married Vincent Schmid to New York City to Denver, Col. 11 1 1876 from city to Detroit, Mich. 9 25 1881 1 3 1888 to Lancaster 65 from city from city from city to Denver, Col. to Vienna, Austria to St. Louis to Clarkson from city to Baltimore, Md. from city to Baltimore, Md. 7 30 1888 2 22 1881 35 to Ireland to Chicago, Ill. Page 202 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1880 1883 1888 Surname Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Given James F. James F. James F. John F. 1888 1886 1882 1888 1885 1880 1886 1885 1876 1888 1889 Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Kittie E. Maggie E. Mary Mary A. Michael Patrick Philip Thomas William William William 1889 1879 1877 1884 1884 Hogenboom Hogestyn Hogestyn Hogg Hogg Minnie Anthony T. Thomas, Mrs. Alfred H. Wilson T. 1888 1884 1876 1879 1883 1881 1884 1884 1884 1883 1876 1879 1881 1876 1885 1878 1885 1887 1882 1888 1881 1881 Hogie Hogle Hohm Hohman Hohman Holahan Holbrook Holcomb Holcomb Holcomb Holdeker Holden Holden Holden Holden Holden Holdrich Holdridge Holdridge Holdridge Holfood Holihan Cora B. Frank M., Jr. Anthony Isaac Louis Michael Daniel Arthur A. Charles O. Louis Jacob Caleb Edward Henry John H. Thomas Hiram Ruhamah Samuel E. Theron A. Frederick Eliza Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: from city 3 1879 to Cleveland, Oh. to Dakota married Gustavus E. Emrich 4 10 8 2 3 20 1886 8 1881 10 1887 1884 24 1880 3 1886 24 68 54 from city to Albany from city to Waterloo married Peter A. White to Chicago, Ill. 5 1876 to Canada from city married Chas. W. Cooper from city 9 1875 to Irondequoit to Brockport 7 9 25 1880 28 1883 62 to Buffalo to Geneseo to Brighton to Henrietta from city to Greece 3 10 8 6 1 20 6 16 1876 1885 1877 1884 1886 35 68 58 from city to Penfield to Brighton to Auburn Page 203 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1887 1884 1887 1884 1886 1883 1884 1887 1877 1889 1888 1883 1880 Surname Holihan Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Hollenbeck Hollenbeck Holler Holleran Holleran Holley Holley Holliday Given John Ann Arthur Benjamin Charles J. Charles W. F. Edward Frank Frank James John Byron Byron, Jr. George 1888 Holling Mary S. 1876 1879 1886 1879 1886 1889 1884 1888 1878 1881 1888 1876 Hollins Hollis Hollis Hollis Hollister Hollister Hollister Holloway Holloway Hollowell Hollway Holly George Robert William William D. Helen E. Monroe M., Jr. Ray B. Benjamin D. George Austin Arthur H. Robert 1884 1880 1882 1880 1880 1883 1886 1881 1882 1887 1884 1884 1876 1882 1885 Holmberg Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holt Holt Charles F. C. Mason Catherine Edgar Geo. W. George George W. James James Jane A. John F. Michael A. F. Wm. F. John M. Newell B. Age Removed: to Toronto, Ontario 7 1886 62 from city from city to Canada 20 1886 51 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Montreal, Canada 3 1877 to New York City to Columbia, S. C. to Darien, Ga. 14 1880 married Oliver M. Cross Month Day Year 9 1 4 3 to St. Catherines, Ont. from city 5 9 1886 69 to Montreal, Canada to Yonkers to Tonawanda to Toronto, Canada 5 6 7 1888 13 1877 2 11 1888 to Fairport 49 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Stockholm, Sweden to Chicago, Ill. 7 18 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Avon to Lockport to Batavia 10 6 1880 to Canada 2 1 16 1887 7 1884 75 to Macedon 3 19 1876 to Livonia from city Page 204 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1885 1888 1884 1881 1877 1885 1879 1885 1877 1886 1886 1889 1876 1886 1877 1883 1881 1878 1889 1888 1879 1878 1889 1881 1889 1883 1889 1887 1880 1881 1888 1876 1879 1885 1883 1880 1878 1886 1877 1885 1883 1883 1884 1889 Surname Holt Holt Holtfoht Holton Holton Holtz Holtz Holtz Holtz Holtzschuh Holz Holzeland Holzeland Holzeland Holzer Holzer Holzschuh Holzwarth Holzwarth Homann Hommel Hommel Hommel Honan Hondorf Honeybone Hood Hood Hoogenstyn Hook Hook Hook Hook Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hoolehan Hooley Hooper Hooper Hoot Hooton Given Peter E. William D. Mary C. Alfred L. Chisholm A. Andrew Lipman Margaret Solomon Peter Gottlieb August John Wm. Edward Lawrence Peter Andrew, Jr. August Edmund Edward George Simon Martin John George Chas. N. James Govert Edward K. Fred. C. George W. Joseph D'Arcy O. Fannie Henry E. James Martin Warren Patrick Jerry Belle W. George Wm. B. Ferdinand D. Month Day Year 5 25 1884 9 1876 2 1879 Age Removed: to Eldora, Iowa to Chili married to Clinton, Iowa from city to Geneva to Sandusky, Oh. nd nd nd to Toronto, Can. to Irondequoit from city from city 12 1 27 1876 21 1883 to Syracuse from city to Irondequoit to Syracuse 3 11 1879 to Detroit, Mich. to Charlotte to Gates to Charlotte to Knowlesville from city 7 7 1886 86 to Wyoming Co. to Wyoming Co. to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Buffalo to Syracuse 4 12 1883 to Galesburgh, Ill. to Barrow, England to Oswego to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Chicago, Ill. to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. from city Page 205 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1886 1880 1883 1886 1878 1877 1888 1882 1883 1889 1888 1881 1887 1884 1888 1884 1883 1888 1886 1887 1879 1878 1888 1887 1882 1887 1887 1886 1882 1880 1886 1886 1879 1879 1878 1889 1888 1882 1882 1883 1888 1881 1885 1889 Surname Hoover Hop Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hoppe Hoppe Hoppe Hopwood Horcheler Horcheler Horgan Horig Horn Horn Horn Horn Horn Horn Horn Hornaday Horner Horner Horner Horning Horsburgh Horsey Horsey Horst Horth Horth Horth Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Given Martin Lee Charles Charles S. Charles S. Heman N. Herman H. John P. Martin D. Stephen C. F. William Gustave C. F. W. John N. Elizabeth Samuel John, Jr. Andrew Albert Andrew C. Caroline George Jacob John William William T. Frank John John C. Edward B. Robert H. Edwin Wm. M. Elizabeth Edson J. James Marcus Charles A. Charles T. Charles T. Frank D. James E. Joseph P. Stephen K. Sylvester F. Month Day Year 4 4 1 1 1881 10 1887 20 1884 24 1888 Age Removed: to Brownville to China to Troy to Geneva to Wilkesbarre, Pa. to Medina from city from city to Springwater to Geneva to Pittsfield, Mass. to New York City 44 85 27 to LeRoy 11 17 1882 from city to Chicago, Ill. 10 5 1886 52 to Buffalo 4 4 11 3 1878 1888 10 1886 42 42 to Washington, D. C. to Hamilton, Can. 5 10 12 1887 5 1885 10 28 1879 52 48 to Columbus, Oh. to Buffalo to Buffalo 10 20 1878 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Canisteo to Watertown 3 5 1888 42 from city 3 7 1 1882 30 1882 to Washington, D. C. 6 1880 to Kent, Eng. 6 Page 206 21 1888 37 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1887 1877 1887 1879 1878 1879 1877 1876 1881 1883 1886 1883 1882 1888 1876 1885 1881 1886 1888 1888 1881 1877 1882 1884 1884 1878 1879 1879 1883 1886 1886 1887 1877 1882 1883 1881 1881 1885 1887 1886 1882 1878 1889 1878 Hose Hoskin Hosmer Hosmer Hotchkin Hotchkin Hotchkiss Hotchkiss Hotchkiss Hotchkiss Hotchkiss Hottes Hottes Hottes Houckelman Hough Hough Hough Houghtaling Houghtaling Houghton Houghton Houlihan Hourigan Housam House House House House House House House House House House Houser Houser Houser Houseworth Houssais Houston Houston Houston Houston Given Month Day Year Lena B. Joseph Alfred Thomas B. George W. Jas. W. Charles Cyrus I. John John R. Levi C. Frederick Elizabeth George Joseph Eugene K. Susan Sylvester E. Eloise A. Minnie S. Alfred George A. Thomas John Jane E. J. Frederick G. George George George W. James O. John John P. John P. Walter G. Andrew Frank Frederick John Jeanne Blanche Elizabeth John John John, Jr. Page 207 Age Removed: married Frank W. Skinner to Waltham, Mass. 1886 from city to Albion to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. 3 7 6 8 1876 1 1880 16 1882 17 1885 66 to Ithaca 10 11 11 1881 28 1887 65 from city from city 7 11 1880 to New York City married 5 1888 from city to Terre Haute, Ind. from city 5 12 31 1884 31 1884 57 77 to Lockport to Ithaca to Little Falls 1 25 1883 to Toronto, Can. to Arkansas 1 22 1887 52 to Toledo to Easton, Pa. to Denver, Col. from city to Detroit, Mich. from city to New York to Yonkers 5 3 1882 to Geneseo to Belleville, Canada to Geneseo City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1884 Houston Given Mary Ann 1888 1876 1886 1883 1886 1880 1887 1879 1889 1883 1883 1885 1884 1881 1877 1883 1878 1886 1876 1886 1883 1877 1882 1881 1880 1878 1881 1881 1884 1876 1889 1888 1880 1881 1887 Hovestadt Hovey Hovey Hovey Hovey Hovey Hovey Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howd Howden Howe Joseph Albert R. Douglas Frederick L. Jacob P. Luther Luther H. A. Adelbert D. Alice E. Annesley I. Blanche Elvira Hamilton H. Henry M. Herbert A. Isaac I. Jacob Jas. John John F. John P. Joseph I. Margaret Michael Patrick Patrick Sidney H. Theodore S. Thomas Thomas Willis J. Sanford E. John H. Benjamin F. 1877 1888 1882 1880 1885 Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Edwin G. Elizabeth George J. Milton Jacob 1885 Howe Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 1 1883 75 to Luxenburg, Germany from city 2 8 1886 60 to Brighton to Idaho 10 21 1879 11 27 1886 71 to Minnesota nd nd nd 6 6 1883 from city from city 6 5 1883 70 4 13 1881 12 22 1877 to Buffalo 11 30 1877 to Batavia 11 1875 1 3 1886 38 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 8 1881 7 28 1880 8 3 1879 to Buffalo to Honeoye to Flint, Mich. 1 25 1884 40 from city to England to Irondequoit from city from city to Providence, R. I. to Fort Laramie, Wyoming Terr. 1 14 1888 89 from city from city 12 31 1884 74 Mary married V. G. Foehner Page 208 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1881 1882 1886 1883 1882 1880 1880 1880 1885 1889 1881 1887 1876 1880 1887 1885 1886 1883 1876 1882 1883 1880 1888 1886 1882 1884 1887 1888 1889 1887 1887 1877 1879 1879 1887 1886 1887 1879 1888 1889 1876 1886 1884 1885 Surname Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howe Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howk Howland Howland Howland Howland Howland Howlett Hoxie Hoxie Hoyle Hoynes Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hub Hubachek Hubachek Hubachek Hubachek Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Given Merwin G. Ralph P. Richard Thaddeus H. Thomas F. Wm. H. Charles A. Charles T. Frederick Harry B. Richard D. Albert F. Charles E. Chauncey W. Edgar J. Edgar J. Jabez B. John H. Orrin Wm. L. John Michael J. Alfred Catharine E. Charles Charles B. Charles B. E. Foster George M. Herbert W. James G. Phebe Sarah William E. William M. Wm. B. Adam Charles A. Henry G. Henry G. Lottie A. Benjamin L. Elizabeth Frederick B. Geo. Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: to New York from city 7 1881 to Boston, Mass. 10 10 1882 from city from city from city to Kansas to New York City 10 20 1888 82 to Omaha, Neb. to St. Louis, Mo. to Geneva to Minnesota to W. Springfield, Pa. to Syracuse from city to Storm Lake, Iowa to Cayuga to Spencerport to Cincinnati, Oh. 8 7 13 1879 1 1887 70 from city to New York City to New York City 8 10 19 1886 1 1887 69 32 to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. 5 7 6 1886 23 1876 88 to Boston, Mass. 1879 to Philadelphia, Pa. 7 1 1884 to Cleveland, Oh. to Detroit, Mich. 3 10 4 7 7 1888 25 1888 1876 2 1885 32 26 45 to Chili 10 Page 209 22 1884 21 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1877 1880 1883 1886 Surname Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Given M. E. Walter E. William A. William H. William H. 1889 1886 1881 1878 1882 1882 1888 1877 1888 1876 1878 1879 1876 1882 1883 1889 1889 1883 1882 1883 1884 1883 1879 1882 1888 1889 1884 1883 1886 1889 1889 1888 1884 1889 1877 1885 1877 1881 1887 Hubbard Hubbell Hubbell Hubbell Hubbell Hubbell Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Huber Hubert Hubert Huberta Huberth Hubertus Hubertus Hubner Hubner Hubner Hubregise Hübsch Huck Huck Huck Huck Huck Huck Huck Hucknall Huddy Huddy Huddy Hudon Hudon William H. Edward Harry S. Mary A. Napoleon C. W. Clay Andreas Charles F. Eliza John J. Joseph Michael Philip Valentine William J. Phillip A. Phillip A. L. Mary, Sister Peter J. Gertrude John John William M. William M. Abraham Elizabeth Anthony Edward John L. John L. Julia Julia L. William H. Thomas Mary Nellie Richard B. Eugene Oliver Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 27 1889 65 from city from city to Buffalo to Auburn to San Francisco, Cal. to Corning to Amsterdam to Albany to New York City from city 8 11 1887 71 14 1 2 15 15 1 65 to Wheatland 5 10 2 6 11 2 1887 1875 1878 1878 1875 1882 to Lockport to Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania to New York City 12 15 1881 nd nd 5 8 1883 1 7 1 26 1882 19 1887 5 1889 nd to Charlotte to Avon 74 62 to Texas to Syracuse from city to Ithaca 12 3 19 1888 24 1888 79 74 to Texas to Albion 7 1876 to Bloomfield to West Bloomfield to Cincinnati, Oh. 12 Page 210 23 1886 63 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1887 1878 1876 1876 1877 1888 1880 1889 1889 1883 1884 1886 1889 1884 1888 1877 1879 1878 1886 1883 1877 1877 1884 1885 1881 1882 1884 1889 1886 1880 1888 1883 1882 1883 1886 1888 1877 1883 1880 1885 1881 1881 1876 1878 Surname Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Huebeler Hufeland Hufeland Huff Huff Huff Huff Huftelen Huggenberger Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Huhn Huhn Huiskamp Huiskamp Hulbert Hulbert Hulbert Hulbert Hulbert Hulbert Hulett Hulett Hulin Hull Hull Huls Hultenschmidt Hultenschmidt Humburch Given Bryant T. Bryant T. Charles B. Frederick G. Harry B. J. William Charles John F. Otto J. Adam S. Daniel James James Homer Herman Elizabeth James John Juliette Margaret L. Nancy Nelson Peter Peter William William H. Bernard Edward Gerard L. Henry J. Claude C. Frank George H. Harry C. Moses H. Osmer Alfred D. John Truman Addison E. Dora M. John B. Augustus Charles Jr. Albert Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. to New York to Brooklyn to Connecticut from city to Salina, Kansas to Canandaigua from city to New York City to Canada from city from city to Kasoag to Scottsville to Chicago, Ill. 1888 55 to Texas 1878 1878 to New York City 1882 to Elmira from city 1884 56 1884 78 1881 1881 1883 30 to Keokuk, Iowa to Keokuk, Iowa from city to Syracuse to Waterloo 1881 1883 1886 66 to Denver, Col. 1877 to West Henrietta from city to Norwich 1881 to Hammondsport 1875 to Bradford, Ont. Month Day Year 5 2 12 1 22 14 10 31 1 11 1 7 11 11 15 23 7 1 3 1 16 3 6 1 4 10 Page 211 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1883 1885 1876 1881 1880 1876 1885 1886 1888 1877 1877 1878 1889 1881 1885 1881 1883 1877 1878 1880 1878 1879 1884 1886 1884 1880 1876 1879 1879 1879 1880 1889 1877 1885 1881 1882 1888 1888 1888 1886 1885 1886 1886 1883 Surname Humburch Humburch Humburch Humburch Hummel Hummel Hummel Hummel Hummel Hummel Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Hungerbuehler Hungerbuehler Hungerbuehler Hungerford Hungerford Hungerford Hungerford Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunn Hunnam Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Given Albert Frederick C. Frederick C. George Charles G. Emma John Ludwig Matthew Seligman Frank S. Harvey Wm. H. Frederick George George W. Cortland Sarah P. Susan Thomas A. David L., Jr. David L., Rev. Francis E. Francis S. Francis S. George W. Joseph S. Tiffany Wilbur S. William C. Francis S. Henry D. George A. Alfred B. George W. George, Jr. George, Jr. Henry James James James M. John Joseph Richard William J. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Erie, Pa. from city to Buffalo to Buffalo 16 1880 to Mount Morris to Milwaukee, Wis. to Scranton, Pa. from city 7 8 1887 65 from city 5 1 1877 to Schenectady 8 1888 to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York City to Lockport 4 11 4 5 1883 1876 3 1878 to Fairport to Pittsford to New Haven, Conn. to Omaha, Neb. from city to New Haven, Conn. to New Haven, Ct. 4 6 1876 to New Haven, Conn. to Abilene, Kan. to New Haven, Conn. to Williamsport, Pa. 5 12 1889 25 4 1884 54 to Buffalo from city to Syracuse 3 7 12 2 8 4 8 1 Page 212 23 1 22 1 30 10 22 22 1888 1887 1887 1886 1884 1886 1885 1883 32 83 40 32 59 76 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1879 Hunter Given Andrew 1889 1887 1886 1880 Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Bell J. David John John E. 1884 1877 1877 1888 1877 1877 1885 1880 1884 1883 1879 1883 1877 1888 1888 1886 1877 1889 1889 1886 1885 1887 1876 1879 1887 1886 1882 1880 1880 1879 1883 1884 1883 1879 1888 1879 1878 1886 Hunter Hunter Hunter Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurdley Hurford Hurlbert Hurlburt Hurlburt Hurlbut Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurley Hurrell Hursh Hurtt Husband Husbands Huser Huson Huson Huss Joseph R. Josephine Thomas M. Ann J. Calvin G. G. Clark George Henry Ward Charles W. Darwin E. Effie L. George F. Daniel W. James H. Lora E. Alfred Frank B. Charles F. Ellen Frank J. Frank J. George L. George L. Matthew Michael Patrick E. Thomas F. Walter S. Servington Henry J. George W. Thomas B. Richard Albert Hobart John R. Max Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. married John F. French 27 1886 55 1 1885 46 to New York City Month Day Year 12 12 to San Francisco, Cal. 9 1876 12 19 1887 to Hamilton, Canada 57 to Fort Scott, Kansas to Brooklyn, L. I. to Fort Scott, Kansas to Dundee to Hiattville, Kansas from city to Syracuse to Syracuse 7 1876 31 1887 to PennYan from city to Michigan to Elgin, Illinois to Elmira to Syracuse from city to Central America to Covington, Ky. to Pueblo, Col. to Toronto, Can. to Pennsylvania to Colorado 2 6 1880 to Pueblo, Col. to England 7 7 1882 to Logansport, Ind. to Jamestown to Syracuse to Providence, R. I. to Kansas from city to Mt. Vernon Page 213 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1882 1882 1885 1889 1887 1886 1887 1883 1882 1876 1886 1877 1888 1885 1888 1885 1885 1886 1889 1886 1883 1877 1889 1887 1889 1889 1889 1880 1880 1880 1887 1888 1882 1878 1889 1879 1880 1883 1885 1886 1888 1889 1885 1885 Surname Huss Hussey Hussey Hussey Hussey Hussey Hutchings Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Huther Hutter Hutter Hutter Huveler Huxley Huyck Huyck Huyler Hyatt Hyatt Hyatt Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyde Hyland Hyland Hyland Hyland Hyland Hyne Hyne Hyne Given Theodore Charles G. John John John H. Thomas M. George W. Charles D. Alfred J. George S. Hannah James Lorin Maria L. Mary A. Joseph Arnold F. Frederick Henry Peter Jewel M. Frances C. Philip P. Geo. W. Arda M. Arda M. Sara Ambrose Charles Edwin S. Elisha F. James Jed. C. John H. Joseph F. Peter L. Robert John John John John Michael Jacob Lewis F. Lewis H. Age Removed: to Brockport to Canandaigua to Canandaigua to Canandaigua to Springfield, Ill. 1887 60 to New York City to Atchison, Kan. to London, England to Albion 1876 1885 70 1876 1887 61 1885 60 to Kansas City, Mo. 1884 52 1884 from city to New York City to Webster to LeRoy 1877 1888 36 to New Hampshire to New Hampshire to Victor 1888 1880 to Lockport 1879 1886 67 from city from city to Albany from city to Chicago, Ill. to Patterson, N. J. to Elmira from city from city 1887 72 1888 82 to Chicago, Ill. 1884 27 Month Day Year Page 214 2 23 5 6 9 5 2 22 15 7 7 30 28 1 8 21 11 3 1 22 6 8 7 23 8 7 13 19 8 26 2 1 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given Age Removed: to Silver Star, Montana Territory to Buffalo to Suspension Bridge to Buffalo to Hornellsville to Newark, N. J. from city to Omaha, Neb. to New York City from city 16 1886 80 6 1880 23 1887 48 Month Day Year 1876 1882 1878 1882 1884 1881 1884 1880 1888 1887 1887 1880 1888 Hynes Hysner Hysner Hysner Iak Iffland Ihle Ihrig Ihrig Imeson Immel Immel Ineson William J. Fred. John W. Julius John Henry Valentine George W. George W. Benjamin H. Barbara John George S. 1888 1885 1885 1885 1881 1888 1884 1885 1879 1885 1884 Ineson Ingalls Ingalls Ingalls Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Inglis Nellie Edward E. Green W. J. Frank Gurdon I. Hobert F. Jared B. Maud M. Orton Robert B. James T. married Charles Hines to Oxford to Syracuse to Syracuse to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. from city from city to Trinidad, Col. to Cincinnati, Oh. to New York City 1878 1885 1879 1887 1889 1889 1880 1884 1876 1885 1888 1884 1877 1885 1888 1883 1884 1889 Inglis Inglis Inglis Ingram Inman Inman Inslee Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Irena Irons Irons Irvine John S. Peter Peter L. Frank Gilbert H. Horace John R. George B. Henry O. James W. James W. Mary C., Miss John R. Frank Mary, Sister William William Alice R. to San Francisco, Cal. to Boston, Mass. to Dallas, Texas 8 1 8 11 7 1886 to Amsterdam to Amsterdam to Lyons to Olean to Auburn to Chicago, Ill. 5 7 2 22 1887 31 1883 28 1877 23 38 from city to Baltimore, Md. to Scottsville 11 1883 to Chicago, Ill. Page 215 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1884 1887 1880 1878 1884 1883 1880 1876 1877 1888 1885 1883 1887 1888 1876 1888 1883 1889 1888 1888 1878 1884 1878 1879 1877 1885 1889 1887 1888 1877 1887 1886 1883 1879 1877 1880 1878 1877 1879 1877 Surname Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irving Irving Irving Irving Irwin Irwin Irwin Irwin Irwin Isbell Isbester Isbester Isbister Isenman Isenman Isenman Ives Ives Ives Ives Ives Ives Ives Ives Iwig Jackman Jackman Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Given David George S. John D. Mary D. Robert Thomas William James James G. Jane Joseph Cyrene David James C. Nancy William Herve Christiana M. Tunis John H. Ferdinand John Meinard Charles Elmira Geo C. Harry A. Henry A. Henry C. James R. Martin F. Catharine George C. William G. Abram Augustus B. Charles M. Edward A. George F. James H. Joel John John C. John C. Joseph H. B. Month Day Year 8 Age Removed: to Canada to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Charlotte to Canada to New York City to Batavia 6 1883 to New York City married to Troy to Canada 12 30 1887 69 to Buffalo to Amenia to Lithgow Tunis to Evanstown, Ill. to Niagara Falls to Seneca Falls to Irondequoit 10 22 1888 68 to Knowlesville 4 15 1888 69 to Syracuse to Vernon, Ind. to Syracuse 1 11 1879 4 9 28 1885 11 1888 to Chicago 73 from city from city to Buffalo from city to Buffalo to Pennsylvania 2 1 1879 4 9 1879 to Brockport to Lockport to Niagara Falls from city to New York City Page 216 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1880 1881 1887 1876 1876 1888 1888 1887 1884 1885 1888 1882 1879 1881 1876 1888 1882 1877 1880 1877 1888 1883 1879 1886 1879 1885 1887 1884 1880 1887 1881 1877 1881 1878 1886 1889 1884 1886 1882 1882 1881 1877 1880 1879 Surname Jackson Jackson Jacobi Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs Jacobus Jacobus Jacobus Jacques Jaecksch Jager Jager Jäger Jagoe James James James James James James James James James James Jameson Jameson Jameson Janes Janes Janes Janes Janes Janes Given Richard S. William John Charles B. Charles S. Erastus N. Erastus N. Gustave F. Harlan A. Hugo B. John John G. John H. John R. John R. Paul G. William W. Charles H. Peter Peter T. S. George H. Dorothea George John Alice Archibald Frederick Henry Isaiah James J. Newton A. Thomas E. Wm. H. John John Henry M. John Thomas Abbie N. Alvin Elizabeth W. Henry Robert William S. Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Mt. Clemens, Mich. to Omaha, Neb. to Victor from city 11 1887 68 to Petersburg, Va. to Syracuse to Riverside, W. Va. to Syracuse 26 1887 30 14 1881 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Detroit, Mich. to Ottawa, Kan. to Cleveland, Oh. to Storm Lake, Iowa 4 1879 from city to Dayton, Oh. 4 1882 29 1879 11 1885 36 18 1879 28 1884 70 from city from city 23 1880 29 1887 68 to Greece to Syracuse 3 1880 30 1878 to Oakfield to Buffalo to Detroit, Mich. to Buffalo 1882 3 1882 10 1880 to Batavia to Kentucky 14 1879 Month Day Year 7 11 11 6 6 1 12 1 8 1 5 6 4 2 5 7 1 Page 217 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1885 1888 Surname Janes Janneck Jansen Given Wm. P. Charles Oscar W. 1888 1884 1880 1886 1876 1881 1884 1889 1885 1881 1883 1889 1889 1888 1889 1878 1889 1877 1886 1876 1883 1881 1883 1887 1880 1882 1886 1888 1883 1876 1881 1882 1877 1889 1887 1884 1876 1879 1881 1887 1889 Jaquith Jardine Jarrard Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jarvis Jaschke Jeens Jeffers Jeffords Jeffords Jeffres Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkinson Jenkinson Jennett Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jenny Jenny Lottie M. John Robert Frank Frederick Isaac John Joseph E. Lucina Theodore William John Arthur E. Patrick Charles A. Elsie John H. Elizabeth, Mrs. Happy S. Jehiel B. Jehiel B. Edmund P. J. Bennett J. Bennett James B. James J. William B. John Joshua B. James Alfred C. Betsy, Miss Conrad L. Edward Egbert B. George E. James Jr. John Saul Benedict George C. Age Removed: to West Bloomfield 19 1884 32 from city Month Day Year 11 married E. C. Whitney 6 5 20 1883 9 1880 72 from city to Fairport to Brighton 7 29 1883 21 11 16 1884 76 11 7 1883 8 6 10 31 1888 2 1887 2 1888 48 70 12 15 1888 60 to North Greece to Michigan from city to Nunda to Canada 1 24 1886 84 to Detroit, Mich. to Waverly from city from city from city to Detroit, Mich. 12 22 1881 from city 1 21 1888 69 from city to Montreal, Can. to New York City 1 10 1882 to Virginia 1 1 4 30 1889 9 1887 8 1884 75 47 50 to Penn Yan to Allen's Creek to Seneca Falls 10 21 1886 72 to Buffalo Page 218 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1883 1889 1887 1884 1876 1885 1889 1889 1884 1881 1880 1882 1881 1877 1882 1884 1884 1883 1889 1887 1888 1876 1877 1877 1886 1884 1879 1883 1888 1888 1889 1889 1881 1886 1887 1886 1880 1880 1878 1880 1879 1882 1887 Surname Jentz Jeremiah Jeremiah Jerome Jerome Jerome Jesserer Jewell Jewell Jewhurst Jiff Jobes Given Frederick Charles H. William Charles W. Frank Walter W. Andrew J. Edwin S. Sarah G. Fred. J. May Catharine Jockle Joerger Joerger Johns Johns Johns Johns Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Barbara Felix Felix A. Jacob Josiah Michael F. Rachel Adelbert G. Alexander L. Almira Andrew L. Ann August Byron David Forest Frank Frank A. Frank C. Fred. A. George George F. George W. Hamilton Harry B. Herbert E. Horace Isaac James E. Jas. E. John L. Laura Age Removed: from city from city to Ocala, Fla. 6 1886 54 from city to Mont Clair, N. J. from city to Chicago, Ill. 23 1889 84 1883 10 1880 1879 married John J. Schoen from city to Marblehead, Oh. to Wayland to Albion 6 1883 22 22 1882 to Williamson to Gloversville 2 1887 87 to Castile to Corning 13 1876 to Oshkosh, Wis. 31 1884 78 to Boston, Mass. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Canandaigua from city to Palmyra 10 1888 27 to Buffalo 12 1886 37 to Buffalo to Livonia from city from city to Brockport to Bridgeport, Ct. to Colorado from city to Syracuse Month Day Year 8 2 7 8 10 10 10 1 6 1 Page 219 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1879 1879 1885 1884 1880 1884 1877 1884 1882 1878 1878 1878 1889 1883 1889 1885 1877 1889 1888 1876 1887 1879 1876 1877 1880 1882 1887 1882 1882 1887 1881 1879 1876 1886 1882 1883 1880 1879 1889 1885 1877 1883 1877 Surname Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnstone Jolley Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Given Leonard Martha A. Mary Mary Mary Dale, Mrs. Mary L. Newell D. Reuben Thomas Wilhelmina William William William William William A. William A. William C. William H. William J. William W. Wm. Wm. E. Wm. J. Wm. T. Andrew Andrew Catharine Daniel L. George E. Wm. K. Andrew Gustavus Albert J. Allen C. Ann E. Benedict Benjamin Beverley W. Beverly W. Charles H. Jones Jones Jones Jones Charles L. David Edward Edward A. Month Day Year 9 nd 16 nd 3 22 6 3 1878 nd 1885 1884 Age Removed: to Savannah, Ga. 54 married to Boston, Mass. 11 14 1876 12 1 14 1881 1878 to England to Greece to Ogden from city to Lima from city to Wayland 3 1877 to Buffalo to Brooklyn 11 1875 to Brockport to New York City to Brooklyn, L. I. to Philadelphia to Canandaigua 2 8 8 1882 12 1886 40 to Bloomington, Ill. to St. Louis, Mo. to Philadelphia to Syracuse from city from city 6 11 8 1886 6 1881 from city 9 7 1879 to Denver, Col. from city to Council Bluffs, Iowa 6 11 1 Page 220 1876 20 1882 28 1877 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1884 1886 1883 1882 1880 1879 1884 1887 1886 Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 21 1883 57 12 7 1883 57 from city 10 2 1882 from city 8 3 1879 from city to Webster from city to Michigan Surname Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Given Edwin Eleanor Elijah W. Eliza Eugene A. Ezra F. Kenyon Fred. S. Frederick B. Frederick H. 1876 1885 1883 1889 1888 1879 1884 1877 1888 1888 1880 1880 1879 1887 1878 1883 1888 1882 1880 1888 1888 1888 1877 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Frederick S. Geo. George C. George D. George H. Hannah Hannah M. Harris S. Harry O. Henry Horatio P. Hubbard W. Isaiah James John B. John B. John B. John F. John J. Julia N. Laura Lewis B. Mary A. 1885 1884 1876 1888 1885 1884 1882 1881 1885 1877 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Mary A. Mary J. Percival K. Prudence A., Mrs. Rosetta Rowland Samuel Sarah Theodore T. Thomas to Grand Rapids, Mich. 10 2 1884 48 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Corea to Chicago, Ill. 7 11 30 1883 1876 46 1 21 1888 57 to Colorado to Churchville 9 14 1879 to Detroit, Mich. 6 4 2 1 7 1 7 12 Page 221 27 1886 1878 11 1883 10 1888 3 1881 23 1880 16 1887 7 1887 85 88 70 to Chicago, Ill. to Central City, Col. married George Barnes 2 4 1884 70 to New York to Minneapolis, Minn. married T. L. Mingle 5 5 9 11 1884 24 1881 1880 70 to Spencerport to Cleveland, Oh. City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1878 1880 1886 1887 1889 1877 1876 Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Jordan Thomas Thomas Thomas S. Thomas V. Willis P. Charles M. Christopher 1888 1878 1883 1888 1887 1877 1878 1883 1878 1885 1876 1889 1882 1877 1880 1877 1889 1889 1879 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Joris Joseph Joseph Joseph Joslyn Jostlem Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joyce Emma Henry A. James A. James A. John A. Matthew William L. Edward Johanna Mary, Sister Mary Maria M. George Clarence E. Jason Linus Roxy Sidney L. Daniel B. 1886 1886 1885 1888 1883 1880 1880 1883 1884 1876 1886 1882 1883 1885 1881 1883 Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyce Joyes Juby Judd Judd Judd Judson Judson Judson Judson Judson Maggie Mary Mary I. Patrick Richard J. John Frederick E. Mitchell Clark D. Ethan A. Katherine Albert David E. David E. James H. William A. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Grand Rapids, Mich. from city to Buffalo to Chicago to Buffalo 3 3 1877 14 1876 married Marshall R. Dutton from city from city to Utica 4 4 1887 55 from city 5 21 1878 from city to Stamford to Auburn to Geneva 7 nd 19 1888 nd nd 57 from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 1876 to Washington, D. C. to Lockport to Connecticut married J. S. Williamson married William Fay to Oswego 2 7 1888 1 19 1880 48 to Albany to Lynn, Mass. to Canada from city to Ontario, Canada to Canada 12 14 1881 to Minneapolis, Minn. from city to So. Pueblo, Col. to Detroit, Mich. Page 222 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1879 1879 1888 1883 1883 1882 1888 1878 1885 1885 1883 1883 1879 1876 1877 1889 1884 1884 1884 1887 1883 1884 1882 1877 1880 1883 1881 1881 1889 1888 1879 1884 1878 1877 1889 1878 1886 1886 1880 1881 1884 1885 1886 1889 Surname June June Junker Jursky Justice Justin Kaegi Kaelber Kahler Kahse Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kaiser Kalb Kalb Kalb Kalb Kalb Kalb Kalb Kalbfleisch Kalbfleisch Kalbfleisch Kallmeier Kalmbach Kalmbach Kaltenbach Kammer Kammerer Kammerloher Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Given Angeline Charles John Herman Frances Josiah Jacob J. George Jacob Paul H. Caspar Charles Charles W. Ferdinand P. John John John Michael William William F. Francis J. John John John J. John, Jr. Lawrence Rosana Edwin A. J. Clifford John H. Andrew John Louis Andrew Henry Anna Andrew Ann Ann James James James James H. M. James W. John Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to Phelps 1 1878 to Langford from city 5 17 1882 to Suspension Bridge to Milwaukee, Wis. to Denver, Col. 6 5 1877 11 1885 27 to Buffalo 5 16 1883 to Cleveland, Oh. to Philadelphia, Pa. to France to Lyons from city 12 1883 to Michigan to Michigan 1 11 12 1887 22 1882 68 to Brighton to Montana Ter. from city to Chicago, Ill. 1 31 1883 to Cleveland, Oh. to Suspension Bridge 10 9 1888 60 to Avon to Greece to Irondequoit to Niagara Falls 9 19 1876 married Frank Miller from city 5 1 1886 75 to Charlotte 3 7 1880 11 5 1883 to St. Louis, Mo. 36 to St. Louis, Mo. to Caledonia to Belding, Mich. Page 223 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1884 1881 1885 1887 1884 1886 1876 1888 1876 1888 1883 1876 1885 1883 1888 1883 1889 1881 1880 1882 1888 1877 1885 1888 1886 Surname Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kane Kannagh Kannagh Kannelley Kany Kapp Kapp Kappler Karch Karl Karle Karle Karmy Karnes Karnes Given John T. Julia Mary Michael Michael Patrick Robert Thomas Thomas William William William F. James W. John James Anthony August Philipp Sebastian Geo. Mrs. Henry L. Michael Anthony B. Edward William J. 1888 1889 1882 1879 1879 1879 1886 1883 1883 1887 1886 1885 Karp Karp Karp Karp Karp Karp Karr Karwaeck Karwaeck Kasacque Kasbohm Kase Emma F. Frank Jacob Jacob, Jr. Julius Theresa David Albert William Charles Lawrence Jacob 1886 1882 1888 1878 1886 Kase Kase Kase Kase Kasseall John Joseph J. Nicholas Peter Anthony H. Month Day Year 11 Age Removed: from city to Deadwood, Dak. 4 1880 to Jamestown 1 9 10 21 1887 16 1883 9 1885 78 76 35 from city 7 7 1887 44 6 14 1887 59 6 1875 to Philadelphia to Scottsville to Chicago, Ill. from city 11 19 1887 69 to Elmira 2 nd 7 1889 1880 nd nd 37 from city to Buffalo 7 18 1877 from city to Brooklyn to Brooklyn married William E. King 12 20 1888 76 from city to Bird Island, Minn. to Buffalo to Bird Island, Minn. from city to Buffalo from city from city 7 18 1885 to Gates to San Francisco, Cal. 4 3 1882 2 11 1876 26 1885 from city Page 224 42 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1881 1881 1881 1881 1884 1882 1877 1885 1885 1881 1876 1877 1886 1877 1883 1879 1879 1882 1882 1881 1881 1887 1877 1879 1880 1882 1877 1884 1884 1885 1886 1883 1884 1880 1889 1886 1888 1889 1886 1884 1886 1880 1882 Surname Kast Kast Kast Kastendieck Kastner Kastner Katon Katz Katz Kaub Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufman Kaufmann Kaulfuss Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanagh Kavanaugh Kavanaugh Kavanaugh Kavanaugh Kay Keady Keamey Kearle Kearn Kearnes Kearney Kearney Given B. Clark Frank Louis G. Henry Anthony John Maurice Adolph B. William Frank E. Bernard Bernardt Christopher Christopher Isaac Mary J. Jacob John A. Charles L. Francis O. Frank E. George John Mary A. Michael Patrick Patrick Timothy Daniel W. John T. Michael William Peter William H. Alice Robert William George H. Cornelius C. John T. Kearney Kearney Kearney Kearney Nellie Nicholas J. Patrick Peter Month Day Year 12 Age Removed: from city from city to St. Louis, Mo. to Schnectady 1880 to Auburn to Lima to Germany 4 10 1885 45 to New York City to Germany to Buffalo to Bergen 7 23 1885 51 to Cincinnati 4 30 1883 to Omaha to Albany to Toronto, Can. to Toronto, Can. to Toronto, Can. to Toronto, Can. from city to New York City 6 1 5 1878 28 1880 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Auburn to Ohio 10 15 1884 72 to Spencerport to Canada to Geneseo 8 15 1879 to San Leandro, Cal. to Gates 3 14 1888 from city 10 13 1885 27 married R. Augustus Heinberger from city 12 22 1879 from city Page 225 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1876 1883 1888 1883 1877 1884 1879 1883 1889 1889 1877 1885 1886 1880 1882 1882 1882 1887 1885 1885 1885 1877 1888 1881 1888 1886 1887 1876 1887 1876 1878 1876 1889 1888 1889 1889 1883 1878 1881 1882 1882 1880 1885 Surname Kearney Kearns Kearns Kearns Given Thomas E. Dennis James Richard Kearns Kearns Keating Keays Keck Kedie Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefe Keefer Keefer Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keegan Keehn Keel Keeler Keeler Keeler Keeler Keeler Keeler Keeley Keeley Keely Keenan Keenan Keenan Keenan Keene Keener Thomas William M. Philip Richard Martin Charlotte F. Dennis Gregory James James Sebastian Walter Olivia F., Mrs. T. Jefferson Annie Hubert Hugh Hugh Hugh, Jr. James M. Matthew Patrick J. Wm. John J. Philip Daniel George George H. Theodore J. V. Thomas A. Unie John, Jr. Philip D. Edward James W. John Michael Patrick Wm. Jacob Month Day Year 8 1875 12 3 1887 Age Removed: to Syracuse to Ashdad, Canada 71 to Grand Rapids, Mich. 10 5 14 1876 28 1884 4 3 17 1883 17 1889 1 1877 76 to Canada 88 to Boston, Mass. from city from city from city to Detroit, Mich. to Brookmere from city 10 3 1886 31 3 10 20 1885 21 1884 59 35 to Ireland to Albion 9 27 1887 31 from city to Los Angeles, Cal. to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. to Williamson 5 4 21 1886 1876 45 to Elmira from city from city married from city to Brooklyn to Clarendon to New York City 10 4 7 31 1880 8 1882 16 1881 from city to Charlotte Page 226 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1889 1883 1877 1881 1888 1879 1882 1886 1886 1887 1882 1889 1889 1889 1885 1885 1887 1888 1882 1882 1878 1886 1885 1878 1888 1888 1880 1879 1876 1876 1886 1880 1879 1881 1889 1883 1889 1881 1876 1879 1889 1885 1883 1879 Surname Keener Kegelmeier Kehl Kehl Kehl Kehoe Kehoe Kei Keim Keiser Keiser Keleher Keleher Kelleen Kelleher Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Kellets Kelletts Kelletts Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelligrue Kellogg Kellogg Given John Joseph Barbara John John Daniel Michael John Henry G. Charles John G. Daniel Michael Edward Margaret Andrew Catharine Clemens Ferdinand Frederick M. John A. John G. Julius Karl Martin Milas O. Veronica Xavier Wm. H. Samuel Wm. H. Betsey Daniel James A. James L. John Martin Robert William William H. William T. Wm. J. Carl W. Fidelia B. John G. Age Removed: to Dansville 1889 68 1882 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1879 1881 to Williamsburg to Chili from city from city to Geneva to Auburn to Geneva 1884 59 1884 54 1886 62 1887 36 from city 1882 from city 1886 34 1884 44 to Philadelphia, Pa. from city 1888 57 to Dayton, Oh. 1878 to Cleveland, Oh. to Cleveland, Oh. 1886 86 1880 from city from city to Denver, Colorado 1882 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Kansas to Denver, Colorado to Connecticut 1883 from city Month Day Year Page 227 4 7 3 24 4 9 21 21 6 9 9 12 25 27 24 19 3 14 2 6 19 28 11 10 1 3 1 11 22 4 13 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1877 1879 1882 1886 1879 1882 1885 1886 1876 1884 1879 1882 1878 1886 1883 1876 1888 1882 1882 1887 1888 1881 1880 1883 1887 1889 1889 1887 1888 1876 1881 1882 1881 1885 1881 1883 1882 1884 1888 1889 1877 1878 1889 Surname Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Given Joseph A. Joseph M. S. Burt Samuel A. Samuel A. William W. Anton Catharine Catharine Edward Eliza, Mrs. Ellen Francis D. L. Franics Frank J. George Henry Henry T. James James James James A. James W. John John John John John John E. John O. John R. John R. Joseph Josephine Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Julia Katie Margaret F. Mary Melgrove E. Michael Michael Patrick Patrick Patrick Month Day Year nd 4 12 12 nd nd 19 1885 24 1885 1875 Age Removed: to Meriden, Conn. to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to St. Paul, Minn. to Buffalo to Syracuse 85 76 to Charlotte 6 7 12 1878 17 1881 to Cohocton to California 5 5 1883 to Waterloo to San Jose, Cal. to Lynn, Mass. to Palmyra from city to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to LeRoy from city 7 8 8 10 25 18 7 23 1886 1888 1888 1886 76 31 47 to Baldwin, Mich. to Avon to Avon to Baltimore, Md. married married Hildreth Servis from city to New York City 3 4 1882 3 6 10 1888 21 1888 11 12 15 1877 3 1888 to Charlotte 85 72 from city Page 228 80 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1877 1878 1885 1883 1887 1877 1889 1880 1877 1883 1886 1888 1888 1889 1881 1886 1886 1885 1882 Surname Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelp Kelsey Kelsey Kelso Kelso Keltz Kemmer Kemnitz Kemp Kemp Given Peter Robert Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas E. Thomas F. William William H. William W. Wm. H. Lawrence S. Charles Sardius P. James H. Maggie A. Edward Peter Frederick Etta B. James 1889 Kemp Martha 1887 1887 1888 1876 1883 1886 1884 Sarah M. Wm. R. Peter, Jr. Frank Otto Harry D. Edward J. Kemp Kemp Kemper Kempf Kempner Kempton Kendall Month Day Year Age Removed: from city from city 1877 to Isle of Man to Canandaigua to Sodus Point to Chicago, Ill. to Utica to Rome to Middleport to Buffalo to Victor to Minneapolis, Minn. 4 13 1887 70 from city married to Little Falls 11 1885 77 to N. Parma to Minneapolis, Minn. to Fergus Falls, Minn. married to C. K. Brown married Geo. W. Werth 3 2 1887 52 to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York City to Cleveland, Ohio to Canada 1878 Kendall Eugene M. to Grand Rapids, Mich. 1880 1880 1885 1887 1880 1881 1887 1877 1887 1888 1886 Mary A. Thomas J. Walter B. George E. John R. Agnes Patrick Sidney R. Thomas William Will R. to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Cincinnati, Oh. from city to Henrietta to Orleans, Co. Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendrick Kendrick Kenealy Kenealy Kenison Kennah Kennah Kennard 10 1881 14 1886 75 to Jackson, Mich. to St. Louis, Mo. 8 29 1887 42 to Germany Page 229 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1881 1888 1876 1885 1884 1877 1885 1876 1879 1879 Surname Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Given Ann Bridget Daniel J. Donald Emily M. Francis H. James R. James R. John W. John W. Mary 1887 1884 1880 1889 1886 Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Mattie A. Michael Michael J. Patrick J. Thomas 1889 1882 1877 1877 1876 1881 1889 1878 1882 1882 1884 1884 1877 1879 Kennedy Kennedy Kennelly Kennelly Kennelly Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenney Kenngott Kenngott Kenngott Kenngott Thomas Thomas J. Edward M. Michael H. John Agnes Andrew John H. John W. William Charles Fred., Jr. Frederic, Jr. Frederic, Jr. 1882 Kenning 1876 Kenning Caroline Herman 1878 1888 1887 1878 1883 1887 1883 1883 1888 John E. Theodore C. Matthew James Albert Daniel T. Cornelia R. Andrew J. Clayton A. Kenning Kenning Kenny Kensey Kent Kent Kentner Kenyon Kenyon Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 25 1879 3 23 1881 to New York City to Clarendon 3 3 1885 49 9 2 1883 24 to Avon to Geneva from city from city from city married Fred W. Curtis 4 2 1884 65 to Colburn, Can. from city 9 21 1885 64 to Great Falls, Montana to Canada to Buffalo to Buffalo to Charlotte from city nd nd 10 nd 1877 to Buffalo from city to Milwaukee, Wis. to Milwaukee, Wis. to Chicago from city married Wm H. Anderson 2 1876 to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Minneapolis, Minn. 9 30 1886 51 to Mansfield, Mass. from city 11 21 1886 39 to Turin to Newark to Los Angeles, Cal. Page 230 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1877 1888 1889 1878 1883 1885 1884 1883 1887 1879 1881 1882 1883 Surname Kenyon Kenyon Kenyon Keogh Keough Keough Keppler Kerber Kerber Kerman Kerman Kermode Kermode Kermode Given George J. George W. Iris Edward F. James James Jacob Frederick, Jr. George H. George W. William G. William William William Age Removed: to Ithaca to Penn Yan to Ionia, Mich. 1888 78 to Seneca County from city to Charlotte from city 1883 1887 30 to Canada to Montrose, Pa. to Victor 1883 Month Day Year 9 18 5 4 3 12 2 26 1883 Kern Charles to San Francisco, Cal. 1884 1882 1889 1877 1884 1879 1883 1884 1876 1889 1882 1881 1888 1878 1889 1880 1885 1885 1885 1876 1876 1879 1888 1885 1883 1887 1883 1883 Edward W. Thomas Maggie G. Jacob Moses John William G. Clarence W. Frances M. Anna James Margaret Frederick Nicholas Edward J. John William H. Louisa Wesley Allen J. Charles H. Charles Elizabeth Catharine Martha Mary Prudentia M. Samuel J. to San Francisco, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. married to Denver, Col. to E. Saginaw, Mich. Kern Kernan Kerner Kerngood Kerngood Kerr Kerr Kerrick Kershaw Kerwin Kerwin Kerwin Kesel Kesselring Kessler Kessler Kessler Kester Kester Ketcham Ketcham Kettle Kewley Keyes Keyes Keyes Keyes Keyes 4 3 22 1879 24 1883 4 1875 to Towanda, Pa. to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. 4 3 2 26 1881 20 1888 2 1878 52 to New York City from city from city to Buffalo to Batavia to Clarkson 5 nd nd 1875 nd to Coldwater to California to Mendon to Rush to Mendon from city Page 231 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given Month Day Year Age Removed: 1882 Keys 1885 Keys Carrie George A. married Robert Schutte to Canada 1883 1884 1888 1879 1880 1884 1889 1888 1885 1887 Lottie Mary C., Mrs. Jennie William George Andrew Charles John Herman George married Barnard Hysel to Batavia Keys Kibbee Kidd Kidd Kidman Kiefer Kiefer Kiefer Kielbech Kiesel 1883 1887 1886 1886 Kiesow Kiessel Kiessel Kilbourne Amelia Christian William Eliza 1886 1889 1886 1882 1879 1879 1882 1879 1878 1889 1880 1880 1884 1877 1882 1883 1876 1884 1889 1878 1887 1885 1887 Kiley Kiley Kilgore Killacky Killacky Killacky Killip Killip Kilner Kilpeck Kilroy Kilroy Kilwell Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimball Kimbell Esther George A. William F. Dennis James Thomas Charles John John F. Martin Daniel Mary John Edward J. Eugene B. Eugene B. Frank E. Henry W. Rebecca Solomon F. William J. Wm. H. William H. 1881 Kimberly 10 1887 18 to New York City to South Bristol from city to Gates 3 16 1888 73 to Arapahoe, Neb. 3 15 1887 31 married Herman Stritzel 3 6 1887 28 10 26 1885 68 to Gates married J. H. Douglass to Hazelton, Pa. to Ireland from city to Batavia to Charlotte from city 1 23 1879 2 9 1889 to Medina 59 from city from city to Buffalo to Mine La Motte, Mo. to New York City 8 2 1882 to Troy to Brockport 7 2 7 10 1 Edward 7 4 13 16 26 1888 1878 1886 1884 1887 61 64 32 59 to Indianapolis, Indiana Page 232 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1882 1887 1883 1887 1889 1878 1876 1878 1887 1877 1888 1880 1883 1889 1881 1880 1877 1879 1882 1885 1885 1884 1884 1881 1883 1885 1888 1881 1877 1886 1885 1884 1876 1886 1883 1877 1883 1886 1876 1885 1882 1880 1882 1889 Surname Kimberly Kimble Kimmel Kimmel Kimmel Kimpal Kimpel Kimpel Kimpel Kimpel Kimpel Kimpton Kinde Kinde Kinde Kiner King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Given R. R. Charles A. Johanna John Joseph M. George A. George C. John N. Joseph C. Margaret Philip Truman H. Frederick W. John Minnie Augusta Charles Charles E. Charles E. Charles H. Charles W. Eaulia E. V. Edward J. Ellen Emily Frank Frank J. Frank J. Geo. C. George A George B. George C. Henry N. Horace J. L. James A. John John John D. John R. Joseph Lucian B. Lyman Moses Myron A. Month Day Year 9 2 12 9 2 2 11 26 28 5 1881 1887 1882 1886 1889 Age Removed: to Auburn 72 32 68 to New York City to New York City to New York to Buffalo to Buffalo to New York City to Canandaigua to Canandaigua to Germany married nd nd nd to Denver, Col. 9 10 8 1878 5 1881 to Newark to Long Island from city 8 12 11 1883 1 1880 56 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo from city from city from city from city to Chapinville 1 1 1876 from city from city to Greece to Greece 9 12 1885 44 to Elmira to Philadelphia, Pa. 12 7 7 21 1881 9 1879 5 1881 to Wyoming Page 233 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1886 1889 1881 1878 1882 1889 1876 1888 1884 1878 1889 1881 1885 1889 1885 1883 1877 1877 1876 1884 1878 1888 1879 1879 1884 1881 1881 1886 1888 1883 1880 1883 1883 1882 1881 1885 1878 1881 1886 1880 1880 1889 1884 1884 Surname King King King King King King King King Kingdon Kingman Kingsbury Kingsley Kingsley Kingsley Kingsley Kingsley Kingsley Kingston Kingston Kinleyside Kinne Kinne Kinne Kinnear Kinneman Kinney Kinney Kinney Kinney Kinning Kinsella Kinsella Kinsella Kinsett Kinsey Kinsey Kinsey Kinsey Kinsey Kinsey Kinsky Kinsky Kinsky Kinzle Kipfinger Given Orlo C. Peter Seymour Seymour T. Thomas William Winfield B. George W. Henry John A. Henry D. Charles R. Freeman A. Freeman A. George H. Newton A. Wm. L. John E. Richard Elizabeth Clarence J. Cyrus C. George C. John Augusta James H. John F. John P. Willet Ann J. Edward John Mary James F. Edwin F. Frank J. Frank W. James T. Josiah J. Luke Frank John Peter, Jr. Isabell Charles Month Day Year 8 11 Age Removed: to Dansville to Ludlow, Kentucky to E. Buffalo to Buffalo 10 1877 2 1881 to Canaseraga from city to Clifton Springs from city from city to Milwaukee, Wis. to Rome 8 26 1884 61 from city from city to New York City to Churchville to Churchville 4 1875 1 1 14 1878 2 1888 to Salamanca to Lynchburg, Va. to Humbolt, Kan. to Canada to Albany to Westfield, Mass. to St. Louis, Mo. 7 18 1887 64 from city 2 7 1880 to Auburn to Detroit, Mich. to Columbus, Oh. to Buffalo to Syracuse to Fitchburgh, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. 8 6 1885 54 to Buffalo from city to Utica 6 18 1883 to Pendleton Page 234 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1880 1889 Surname Kipp Kipphut Kirby Given Theodore John John L. 1889 1882 1878 1881 1888 1884 1883 1878 1883 1889 1884 1878 1881 1880 1883 1881 1883 1879 1879 1889 1882 1886 1884 1880 1889 1877 1876 1888 1881 1878 1885 1883 1886 Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirch Kirchenbauer Kirchenbauer Kircher Kircher Kirchgessner Kirchhofer Kirchhoff Kirchner Kirchner Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirkham Kirkland Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick Kirley Kirley Kirley Kirley Kirley Kirley Kirley Kirsch Kirsten Kirsten John S. Micajah W. Thomas Thomas Amelia Charles Ernst Albert F. Julius C. E. Barnard Louis George George Joseph Charles L. Henry Henry R. John M. Philip R. M. Frances Joseph Robert William J. Andrew J. Andrew J. Charles P. James Philip William J. Wm. J. Martha Charles F. Charles F. 1888 1877 1882 1883 Kirsten Kirsten Kirsten Kirsten Elizabeth G. Henry Herman Herman 1885 Kirsten 1889 Kissel Age Removed: to Peoria, Ill. from city 1889 27 to Queensland, Australia nd to Buffalo 1880 to Little Falls to Kansas from city to Ithaca to Chicago, Ill. 1889 1883 49 to Buffalo from city 1879 to Chicago, Ill. to Colborne, Ont. to New York City 1878 to Hornellsville 1888 50 to Toronto, Can. 1885 from city from city 1888 41 to Madison, Ga. to Cleveland, Oh. 1888 83 1880 to Madison, Ga. married Peter Vay 1883 from city married John Neubauer 1876 to East Rush 1882 Month Day Year 3 nd 8 nd 7 5 4 7 12 3 10 21 11 25 6 25 7 26 9 10 5 8 3 25 3 27 4 8 Matilda Valentine 25 married Charles Gauch 5 Page 235 10 1889 25 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1889 1885 1885 1888 1888 1887 1883 1880 1885 1889 1879 1881 Surname Kittlinger Kittridge Kitts Kitzel Kitzel Kitzel Klahn Klar Klasen Klasen Klauck Klausen Kleber Given George Alexander W. Mary J. George Josephine Valentine Chas. H. George John Louis C. John Charles John 1886 1889 1882 1888 1882 1882 1888 1877 1879 1879 1889 1880 1878 1889 1884 1889 Kleh Klehammer Klehammer Klehammer Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Louisa Louis Richard Sigmund Charles Charles A. Emil G. Eugene Eugene George W. Jacob John John C. John L. Julius Klass 1886 1887 1879 1885 1889 1880 1883 1883 Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Klein Louisa Maria, Mrs. Mary A. Mary A. Peter C. Samuel Jerome Lawrence 1883 1883 1881 1880 1888 Klein Klein Kleindienst Kleinhans Kleinhans Lizzie Louisa K. Jacob George W. George W. Age Removed: to Philadelphia, Pa. to Canada to Denmark 11 1885 79 13 1887 81 to Buffalo 13 1886 30 to Charlotte 22 1879 8 1885 21 14 1888 51 13 1879 24 1880 married Theodore Jacobs 31 1888 45 to Irondequoit 14 1887 76 to Chicago, Ill. nd nd 18 1887 45 to Buffalo to New York City 18 1878 18 1889 50 to Oneida to Buffalo 16 1889 26 12 1884 34 12 1888 65 Month Day Year 2 12 10 9 1 7 3 11 8 10 nd 7 6 1 4 4 12 married August Gress to Valparaiso, S. A. 4 1 5 8 1879 7 1885 28 1888 30 46 to Buffalo 4 4 8 1883 4 1883 married D. Webster Redding married George Begy to Buffalo to Colorado to Buffalo Page 236 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1881 1888 1884 1879 1881 1886 1885 1888 1882 1886 1876 1877 1888 1879 1889 1879 1881 1883 1880 1888 1880 1882 1883 1885 1885 1885 1884 1887 1878 1885 1889 1880 1884 1881 1881 1879 1884 1876 1886 1886 1887 1883 Surname Kleinhaus Kleisle Klem Klem Klem Klem Klem Klem Klem Kleppe Kless Klimm Klinck Kline Kling Klingelhoefer Klingelhoefer Klingelscmidt Klingenberg Klingler Klinkert Klinkhammer Klinzing Klinzing Klipp Kloberg Klock Klos Klotz Kluepfel Klug Klug Klug Knabe Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp 1883 Knapp Given Anna M. Simon Albert F. Alphons Barnard Henry Magdalena Peter A. Peter A. Fred. O. William A. Joseph Owen K. Charles W. Ignatz Conrad J. Conrad John Ole John M. William Henry Louis Marie Philip George John John Benjamin Hypolith Adam John Nicholas Henry F. Ann Eveline Frank Frank Frederick M. Hiram E. J. Edward Jane Lawrence J. Lovisa S. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 8 1880 3 10 1881 to Detroit, Mich. to Webster 1 21 1879 to Irondequoit 10 21 1885 75 to Detroit, Mich. to Detroit, Mich. from city to Clifton Springs from city to Lyons 11 28 1887 32 to New Orleans, La. 7 27 1888 50 from city 5 13 1881 to Wellsville from city 7 16 1887 45 to Chicago, Ill. 6 6 1881 2 8 1883 5 19 1885 60 from city to St. Louis, Mo. to Scottsville 2 16 1887 62 4 7 1878 3 17 1885 58 to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Buffalo to Arizona married John Keohoe 12 12 1880 to Ithaca 1 12 1884 26 7 21 1875 9 26 1885 26 to Brockport 5 25 1887 5 1882 married Frank H. Clement Page 237 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1876 1883 1884 1883 1876 1883 1876 1876 1881 1889 1889 1886 1886 1878 1883 1884 1886 1886 1879 1885 1884 1876 1883 1887 1876 1888 1881 1880 1876 1889 1889 1887 1886 1889 1879 1876 1888 1881 1877 1882 1876 1880 1884 Surname Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knapp Knauff Knauss Kneale Knebel Knecht Knecht Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Knickerbocker Kniffin Kniffin Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knipf Knipf Knipper Knittel Knittel Knitter Knobles Knobles Knobloch Knoller Knoller Knop Given Mary A. Peter Philip Royal C. Samuel J. William H. Christopher W. Charles H. William C. Christian Adam Jacob Annie Hiram James H. Mary Sarah E. Robert B. Tamar A. Adam Adam Cameron Elizabeth Fannie E. Fred. James A. John Mary Robert Walter William Wm. A. Jacob Martin F. Peter Magdalen Victor Caroline David Henry George, Jr. Charles L. Charles L. Herman Month Day 8 9 6 27 7 8 9 13 12 25 10 2 10 nd 7 nd 12 17 11 19 1 22 11 5 Page 238 7 4 3 11 5 15 4 3 Year Age Removed: 1887 76 1875 1882 1883 75 1882 to Rochester, Minn. from city to Clifton Springs to Bergen 1880 from city 1888 72 nd 1885 60 to New York City 1882 from city to Patterson, N. J. 1886 82 to South Bend, Ind. to Cleveland, Ohio from city 1875 to Algonac, Mich. to Tonawanda from city to Portland, Oregon to Emporium, Pa. from city 1875 from city to Arcade 1886 82 1886 27 to Greece 1878 to Lyons 1888 59 to Syracuse 1876 to Chicago, Ill. to Medina to New York City from city City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1886 1881 1889 1887 1888 1889 1884 1885 1886 1887 1883 1883 1879 1884 1885 1881 Knop Knop Knopf Knopf Knopf Knorr Knowles Knowles Knowlton Knowlton Knox Knox Knuth Kober Kober Koch Given Month Day Year Lena Paul George J. John John Frederick Isaac Samuel Asa B. William H. James H. Walter P. John George George F. Ambrose 1889 Koch Annie L. 1889 1883 1883 1878 1887 1889 1882 1884 1885 1885 1882 Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Koch Catharine Charles Christian Christiana Fred. Geo. F. George, Jr. Henry John John John, Jr. 1882 1876 1876 1885 1876 1888 1886 1885 1886 1883 1888 1888 1889 Koch Koch Koch Koch Kochems Kodisch Kodisch Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler Koehler Louisa Michael Michael Moses Joseph Fred John Edward M. Fred. J. Fredericka Jacob John W. Magdalena Age Removed: married Jacob Meyers 8 25 1880 to Denver, Col. to Detroit, Mich. 3 21 1888 64 to Utica to Chicago, Ill. to Greece 11 19 1885 66 to Buffalo from city to Haverhill, Mass. 8 5 2 2 27 23 2 16 1878 1884 1885 1881 63 25 married Joseph Heisinger married Edward Kimmerling from city to Aberdeen, Dak. 3 5 3 1878 6 1887 31 to New York City to Toledo, Ohio to Cleveland, Oh. 8 24 1884 62 to Gates to California married Samuel Cooper to Penfield from city to Cleveland, Ohio to Buffalo 6 10 1 9 1887 21 1885 17 1885 31 63 23 to New York City married John Winters 10 20 1887 73 to Seneca Falls 10 Page 239 16 1888 84 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1889 Koenig 1881 Koenig 1883 1887 1889 1877 1883 1878 1880 1879 1886 1882 1880 1882 1885 1889 1884 1887 1888 1882 1885 1884 1889 1882 1878 1885 1880 1884 1881 1883 1882 1878 1885 1885 1882 1881 1887 1887 1884 1879 1879 1879 1880 1882 Koepke Koepke Koerner Koerner Koerner Koester Koesterer Koesterer Koesterer Koeth Koeth Koeth Koeth Kogler Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohler Kohler Kohler Kohler Kohler Kohlman Kohlman Kohlmeir Kohlmeir Kohlmeir Kohlmetz Kohn Kohn Kohn Kolb Kolb Kolb Kolb Kolb Kolb Kollofski Kollofski Konantz Konath Kondolf Given Frederick Louis Caroline Christopher George D. Mary, Miss Wm. Casper Francis J. Henry Robert J. Augustus M. Geo. H. John Michael Henry K. Dominick Joseph Philip Catharine Charles S. Emil John Louis Joseph Nicholas Jacob John Margaret August C. Charles Edward Frank F. Elizabeth George G. George M. Jacob Joseph Philip H. Alexander Alexander C. Henry E. Ernestina Henry Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 9 1888 79 8 5 1880 married Herman Ansmeyer 4 11 1887 64 2 1 1889 74 3 3 1877 to Jackson, Mich. 1 14 1878 to Canada 9 22 1878 to Milwaukee, Wis. to Greece to Wilmington, N. C. 10 13 1881 4 6 1885 73 to Geneva 3 10 1884 35 to Medina to Chicago, Ill. 7 9 1881 to Catasaugua, Pa. from city 10 8 1888 78 from city 7 26 1877 5 10 1885 37 9 1 1879 to Flint, Mich. married John Laforce 3 22 1883 from city to Bradford, Pa. to Buffalo 5 25 1885 67 from city 1 14 1881 4 18 1887 24 5 22 1887 63 9 14 1883 38 to Le Roy to Syracuse to Brockport 11 12 1879 1 8 1882 Page 240 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1887 Kondolf 1881 1881 1881 1887 1884 1885 1877 1888 1882 1889 1888 1878 1883 1876 1883 1879 1888 1878 1884 1886 1884 1889 1881 1882 1884 1886 1885 1876 Kondolf Konitz Konrad Kooman Kooman Koomer Kooms Koons Koons Kopp Kopp Kopp Kopp Koretz Korn Kortakauer Kortakauer Kortright Kosboub Koser Koser Koser Koslowsky Kostbahn Kostbahn Kracht Kraemer Kraft Given Henry Lucy Herman Frank John Peter, 2nd. John William D. Albert A. Charles Frederick M. Arthur Rudolph William Frank William George George John W. Herman Barbara J. George Thomas E. Jacques St. Gustav, Jr. Gustav, Jr. Joseph Frederick George 1881 Kraft 1889 Kramb 1878 Kramer Hannah M. Joseph J. Adam 1887 1888 1881 1884 1883 1884 1877 1877 1882 1884 Carrie Frank E. George John Joseph, 2nd Valentine Henry Varonesa, Mrs. August, Jr. George A. Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramich Kramp Krank Krank Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 6 1886 76 married Fred Odenbach to Syracuse to Spencerport to Troy to Cohoes 5 14 1885 45 to St.Louis to Catasauqua, Pa. 6 11 1881 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Chemnitz, Saxony 12 1877 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo to Chapinsville to Chapinville 1877 9 8 1883 60 married 7 17 1883 60 to Harrisburgh, Pa. from city to New York City from city to Brighton to Texas 9 10 1875 married Edward English 7 5 1888 23 5 19 1877 married Charles Laiddolf to Williams, Arizona 6 10 1880 10 17 1883 21 5 17 1882 4 25 1884 63 7 1 1876 11 1876 to Elizabeth, N. J. 5 22 1883 Page 241 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1883 Krank 1888 Krapf Given Henry Casper Age Removed: to Albany 19 1887 72 Month Day Year 10 1878 Krapp 1885 Krapp Ernest Helmuth C. to Grand Rapids, Mich. 1878 Krapp John F. 1881 1878 1888 1881 1885 1888 1877 1886 1888 1889 1887 1881 1885 1886 1876 1889 1889 1884 1884 1881 1882 1886 1888 1881 1876 1884 1880 1885 1876 1880 1882 1879 Krapp Kratz Krauch Kraus Kraus Kraus Kraus Kraus Krause Krause Krause Krause Kraushaar Krausneck Krauss Kraut Krautwurst Krautwurst Krebs Krebs Krebs Krebs Kreckman Kreckman Krein Kreiser Kreiser Kreiser Kress Kress Kretschmer Kreuser John F. Charles H. Frederick R. Catharine Catherine Margaret Michael Peter J. Albert Ernestina Frederick Reinhardt Edward Martin John Elizabeth J., Mrs. John John, Jr. Charles H. Frank John John P. Chas. A. Minnie Stephen John Julius A. Mary A. George, Jr. Valentine Satie Catharine 1883 1889 1888 1878 Krewer Kreyer Krieg Krieg Peter Kennard C. August Augustus 4 6 1885 65 to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Grand Rapids, Mich. 2 1878 to Denver, Col. 7 1 4 2 5 1880 11 1885 10 1888 1876 5 5 9 5 1888 14 1888 8 1886 73 to St. Louis, Mo. 26 48 from city to Springwater 11 16 1885 60 to New York City to Pennsylvania 3 24 1889 59 to Oneonta to Chicago 7 5 5 5 1880 1882 18 1885 from city married from city 11 4 1 1883 20 1879 70 from city to California 7 27 1879 to New York City 2 1879 to St. Wendle, Germany to Germany 5 4 1887 to Milwaukee, Wisc. Page 242 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1879 1882 1878 1878 1885 1884 1881 1881 1885 1878 1886 1884 1885 1882 1888 1886 1882 1876 1882 1883 1887 Surname Krieg Krieg Krieger Krieger Krischke Krockenberger Krogman Krohn Krohn Krouss Krueger Krug Krug Krug Kruger Kruger Krumbein Krumbein Krumbein Krumbein Krumm Kubitz Given Constantine Valentine Ernest John G. John Jacob Joseph Abraham Miles Nicholas John Frederick Henry J. George Lena Catharine William Freidericke Jacob C. Rudolph Rudolph H. Joseph Ferdinand 1889 1878 1883 1883 1883 Kubitz Kuder Kuder Kuebel Kuefer Johanna George George J. Joseph Benedict 1888 1887 1881 1882 1877 1883 1880 1882 1880 1885 1882 1882 1885 1882 1888 1887 Kuefer Kuefer Kuehne Kuenemann Kuenemann Kuenemann Kuenzel Kuenzer Kuenzi Kuenzi Kuenzi Kuenzli Kugler Kugler Kuhlman Kuhlman Louisa William J. Hugo G. John John T. Mary L. Herman Charles Henry Henry John G. Charles George George, Jr. Charles John, Mrs. Month Day Year 9 1 Age Removed: from city 11 1878 1882 to Washington, D. C. to Henrietta to Greece to Philadelphia, Pa. to Utica to St. Louis, Mo. to Detroit, Mich. to Cleveland, Oh. 11 10 2 1885 28 1883 2 5 1882 27 from city to Buffalo to Penfield 7 13 1881 to Bath to Bath from city nd nd nd married Herman Wandtke 4 12 1877 to Toledo, Oh. 2 4 16 1883 26 1883 married William Schmidt to Chicago, Ill. from city to Chicago, Ill. 7 8 1876 12 1882 4 11 1882 to Europe to Columbus, Oh. to Milwaukee, Wis. 12 3 1881 to Brooklyn to Utica to Indiana to Hornellsville nd Page 243 nd nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1879 1885 1885 1887 1885 1879 1880 1888 1876 1883 1882 1882 1882 Surname Kuhman Kuhman Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhn Kuhnert Kuichling Kuiper Kummerow Kummerow Given Dora Peter Albert Frank Frank Herman Jacob Mary Ann Peter Fred W. Louis Albert R. Alfred G. William H. 1887 1886 1884 1888 1878 1877 1882 1882 1886 1882 1885 Kundert Kunow Kunow Kuntz Kuntz Kuntz Kuntz Kuntze Künzel Kunzer Kunzmann Eliza August Rudolph Barnard David Frederick John Henry George Frank J. Geo., Jr. 1884 1881 1878 1885 1889 1884 1883 1883 1888 1879 1882 1887 1889 1879 1886 1887 1883 1876 Kunzmann Kupper Kupper Kupperschmidt Kursch Kurtz Kurtz Kurtz Kurtz Kurtz Kurtz Kuschel Kuschel Kuster Kusterer Kutschke Kuttruff Kuttruff George Barbara Henry Matthias Abram Conrad Fidu Freeman T. Johanna John John M. August Frederick Caspar, Jr. J. Fred. Friedrich Albert Charles Month Day 10 21 4 15 3 13 nd Page 244 2 6 19 24 5 10 6 10 4 26 3 1 1 8 10 13 4 1 3 16 8 11 9 21 7 1 6 9 6 12 16 6 9 2 4 7 18 11 15 1 nd 12 10 Year Age Removed: 1888 44 1879 1885 32 to Greece 1887 23 1884 48 to Syracuse 1879 to Irondequoit to Irondequoit 1883 1881 to Pike to Pike married Christian Kamm 1886 46 from city 1888 39 1877 1876 nd 1881 to Louisville, Ky. from city to Washington Ter. to Washington Territory married 1878 1885 58 to New York City 1883 84 1882 to Fairport 1887 78 to Detroit, Mich. 1881 1886 50 1888 51 to Chicago, Ill. 1885 1887 60 1883 1875 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1880 1887 1882 1879 1882 1882 1887 1877 1879 1882 1889 1889 1882 1885 1879 1888 1880 1881 1882 1886 1886 1883 1883 1883 1879 1878 1880 1888 1876 1882 1882 1878 1880 1884 1883 1881 1876 1876 1876 1889 1882 1886 1889 Surname Kuttruff Kuttruff Kyte La Duque La Duque La Force La Schaume Labegan Labegan Labegan Labegan LaBossiere LaBossiere Lace Lacey Lacey Lacey Lacey Lacy Lacy Lacy lacy Laden Laden Laden Laden Ladue Ladue Ladwig Lafferty Laffin Laging Laging Laging Laidlaw Given Sarah Stephen George J. Adolphus T. Edward P. John A. August L. Benedict George George John Joseph Joseph, Jr. John J. Eunice M. Jackson W. John T. Robert Frederick D. Peter Robert Walter S. Celia John W. Luke H. Patrick Oliver Oliver L. Reka Patrick Thomas E. Charles P. Geo. Henry Adam Laidlaw Laidlaw Laile Laing Laing Laird Laird Laird Laird Jennie, Mrs. Martha Ferdinand Edward Emily E., Mrs. Archibald J. James James R. John Age Removed: married Harvey York to East Henrietta to California to Cincinnati, Oh. from city to Irondequoit to Yonkers 1886 63 from city 1878 from city from city from city to Williamsport, Pa. 1884 71 to Syracuse to Pendleton, Oregon to Corning to New York City 1881 to Corning from city 1883 to Boston, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Worcester, Mass. 1877 to Crittenden 1888 72 from city to New York City to Arizona to Canada 1880 to Phoenixville, Pa. to Mono Centre, Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Newark, N. J. to Honeoye Falls 1875 to Ridgetown, Can. to Canada to Canada 1889 44 Month Day Year 10 24 12 17 9 2 12 10 3 9 7 5 5 2 3 9 5 Page 245 5 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1881 1887 1878 1881 1878 1881 1878 1881 1876 1877 1885 1879 1877 1884 1886 1884 1884 1885 1882 1885 1878 1884 1884 1885 1876 1883 1886 1880 1880 1879 1881 1882 1886 1882 1886 1888 1884 1888 1877 1877 1885 1881 1877 1885 Surname Lake Lake Lake Lally Lalor Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambier Lambley Lament Lameris Lamey Lamont Lamont Lamont Lamont Lamont LaMont Lamoreaux Lamoree Lamoureaux Lamoureaux Lamoureaux Lampanius Lampert Lampert Lampert Lamphier Lamport Lamson Lamson Lancaster Lander Landers Landers Landon Lane Lane Lane Given Egbert W. Eva L. Stephen D. John William C. Lewis Carrie Walter W. Walter W. William J. Henry H. James Wilson Francis William James H. Frank W. William G. Alexander Ann Charles James Johnston Rose V. James B. Charles David Hannah Wm. E. Emma Bernhard, Jr. Henry John John A. Albert G. Daniel Ward Nellie Irwin J. Frederick J. Alfred John J. Charles Alfred S. Allen L. Ambrose N. Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 25 1888 58 married to Syracuse from city to Greece to Farmersville, Ont. to Albion to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. 5 1876 11 1876 1 28 1885 70 8 22 1878 3 1877 to London, England to Utica to Boston, Mass. from city 5 18 1885 26 8 21 1881 9 2 1884 24 1 4 1878 12 5 1883 31 to Cincinnati, Oh. 2 27 1885 53 to Oswego from city 1 25 1886 79 from city from city from city 6 10 1880 from city to Buffalo to Syracuse from city 5 27 1887 63 from city to Syracuse to Sandusky, Oh. from city to Brockport 3 25 1881 from city to Muskegon, Mich. Page 246 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1889 1882 1887 1885 1884 1880 1883 1885 1889 1883 1884 1888 1887 1883 1887 1885 1885 1884 1889 1888 1885 1885 1883 1883 1889 1877 1884 1880 1883 1876 1878 1889 1883 1885 1876 1878 1876 1883 1877 1878 1881 1884 1877 1876 Surname Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Laney Lang Lang Lang Lang Langdon Langdon Langdon Langemann Langenberger Langenberger Langevil Langford Langham Langie Langie Langknecht Langknecht Langlois Langlois Langlois Langlois Langnecht Langslow Langslow Langstaff Langtry Langworthy Langworthy Given Beatrice Charles Charles T. A. Cuthbert Daniel Frederick A. Frederick H. George Harriet S. Isaac B. James John R. Mary Patrick Richard William James Carl W. Charles F. W. Joseph E. Sophie Edwin M. George W. John A. Frederick W. Adam John, Jr. Abednego James John Eugene Eugene Mary Nicholas Frank Henry C. Henry C. Thomas Michael Henry R. Rose Joseph K. Samuel A. Elizabeth Althea Age Removed: married Perry Young to New York City to Buffalo to New York to Franklinville from city to New York City to Michigan to Muskegon, Mich. 1889 41 1883 to Oswego 1887 66 1887 45 1883 1886 66 1885 45 1884 60 from city 1888 48 married 1885 55 to Mercer, Pa. from city from city from city to Buffalo to Watertown from city 1883 to New York to Buffalo 1889 to Chicago, Ill. to Albany to Lyons to Baltimore to Hamilton, Ont. 1882 1876 to Loomis, Mich. 1880 to New York City 1876 1875 Month Day Year Page 247 5 1 3 16 11 5 2 11 3 7 25 5 3 29 1 20 11 5 2 16 1 30 1 22 11 3 12 9 8 8 8 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1882 1880 1885 1888 1877 Surname Langworthy Langworthy Langworthy Lanigan Lanksbury Lanksbury Given Henry H. Henry N. Lyman B. Geo. T. James L. William P. 1888 1887 1886 1882 1881 1882 1889 1876 1884 1884 1885 1880 1888 1882 1877 1876 1876 1884 1884 1881 1885 1881 1888 1884 1884 1888 1881 1882 Lannin Lannin Lannin Lanphere Lansing Lansing Lansing Lanxon Lapham LaPierre LaPlante Lapp Laragy Large Large Large Lark Larkin Larmore Larouche Larson Larson Larson Larsson Lary Lasher Latham Lathrop Fannie Fred. J. Wm. N. John C. Douglass W. Lewis W. William V. K. Richard George P. Clovis Claude D. James W. James Ellen Mary, Mrs. William J. Samuel Thomas Mary D. Joseph George George M. Martha G. August Valentine L. John C. Frank S. Aldwin 1887 1884 1881 1881 Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop Anna W. Charles H. Clara C. Edward F. 1887 1882 1879 1882 Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop Edward F. Eleanor H. George M. Harry E. Month Day 2 5 9 22 3 26 5 2 2 10 12 8 9 4 25 7 21 10 17 Year Age Removed: 1889 61 1881 1880 from city to Denver, Col. 1877 married George W. Hooker 1887 to Chicago, Ill. to Medina to Utica to Ree Heights, Dak. 1888 66 1875 to Macedon to Montreal, Can. to Avon 1880 1888 84 to Camilla, Canada to Linden to Kenosha, Wis. 1875 to Greece to Warsaw to Minneapolis, Minn. to Chicago, Ill. from city 1887 82 to Chicago, Ill. to Binghamton to Detroit, Mich. from city from city married W. R. Barnum to Buffalo to Syracuse to Batavia to Parkersburgh, W. Va. 5 2 4 1881 1879 to Batavia Page 248 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1876 1877 1881 Surname Lathrop Lathrop Lathrop LaTrace Given J. Alden James M. William E. George 1884 1878 1878 1880 1884 1876 1886 1883 1887 1888 1878 1889 1876 1885 1884 1879 1885 1881 1883 1883 1885 1877 1884 1887 1886 1887 1884 1877 1888 1880 1881 1886 1884 1882 Lattime Latz Latz Latz Laubenstein Laudenbach Lauder Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauer Lauerau Laufer Laughlin Laughlin Laurer Laurer Lauter Lauterbach Lauterbach Lauterbach Laux Laux Lavenguth Laverty Laverty Laverty Laverty Lavery Lavery George W. Charles Henry William H. Isaac William Frederick George George J. Jacob M. John C. Joseph Louis Matthew Peter Joseph Frank W. Michael Willard R. Anthony Louis Felix Henry Henry John Edward A. George George George James James P. Mary E. James Terrence F. 1888 1888 1878 1886 1885 Lavey Lavigne Lavigne Lawder Lawler Caroline Alfred Edward Frederick W. Edward F. Month Day Year 4 11 Age Removed: from city to Chicago, Ill. 22 1877 12 1880 to Newburyport, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to Albion 2 23 1880 to Michigan from city to Lindsay, Canada to Pennsylvania to Boston 7 8 30 1887 1877 54 to Utica to New York City 4 8 5 1885 4 1883 36 73 to New York City to Buffalo from city to Phelps from city from city 3 1877 to Irondequoit 7 15 1886 7 1886 12 10 15 1876 24 1887 40 to Irondequoit to Auburn 37 from city 7 19 1880 to Avon 5 31 1884 from city married A. C. Lockhart to Greece to Clayton to Lindsay, Ont. to Chicago, Ill. Page 249 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1884 1882 1885 1882 1882 1885 1888 1877 1878 1888 1877 1883 1889 1889 1888 1886 1877 1880 1884 1885 1887 1884 1886 1879 1887 1884 1884 1889 1885 1877 Surname Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawler Lawless Lawless Lawless Lawless Lawless Lawrance Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Given Elizabeth A. James John H. John T. Margaret J. Mary Ann Michael J. Michael J. Patrick H. Patrick W. Catharine Edward Margaret Mary A. William Benjamin R. Ann E. Charles David T. Eleanor Frederick S. George W. Harry F. Henry E., Mrs. Henry F. John H. Maria Nellie Rolland L. Samuel G. Smith 1881 1876 1882 1884 1877 1885 1877 1883 1885 1888 1889 1886 1885 Lawrence Lawson Lawson Lawther Lawton Lawton Lawton Lawton Lawton Lay Lay Lay Layer Wm. G. Henry John John Albert L. Albert L. Arthur W. Arthur W. Arthur W. Ethel Margaret A. R. Oscar August Age Removed: from city 1884 65 to Cleveland, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to E. Kendall 1881 to Syracuse to Cleveland, Oh. to San Diego, Cal. from city 1887 64 1876 1883 1888 28 from city to New York City to Pennsylvania from city from city 1883 85 to Syracuse to New York 1884 34 1885 to St. Louis, Mo. to W. Brighton 1883 84 from city 1889 47 to Kansas 1876 Month Day Year 3 13 9 5 9 9 5 12 10 2 8 27 12 11 1 9 28 22 12 6 3 14 9 to Traverse City, Mich. from city to Hornellsville from city from city to Lockport from city to New York City to Lockport from city 9 12 7 1888 27 1885 52 48 to Russia Page 250 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1887 1886 1887 1881 1888 1877 1882 1877 1877 1877 1877 1884 1877 1888 1880 1883 1878 1882 1880 1883 1879 1884 1886 1884 1884 1880 1888 1878 1889 1878 1887 1884 1884 1878 1880 1880 1884 1876 1889 1883 1888 1880 1879 1882 Surname Lays Lays Layton Layton Lazarus Lazarus Le Clear Le Moyne Le Roy Le Roy Le Roy Le Roy Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leach Leadley Leahy Leahy Leak Leap Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leask Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Leavenworth Given Butterfield Maggie Arthur Aruna M. Henry Solomon Albert A. William M. Althe Frank James Peter Arthur S. Della, Miss Ella H. F. Henry F. John P. Patrick Paul A. Robert Robert E. Romine W. Samuel A. William William A. Wm. Frank D. John John Thomas J. Benjamin B. Daniel, Jr. Edward B. James James, Jr. Julia A. Thomas James Elizabeth Frank B. Frank B. Frank H. Fred A. Gideon Age Removed: to Canton 1887 23 to Albany to Newark from city to New York City to Batavia 1881 to Holland to Holland to E. Brighton to Holland to Buffalo from city married to Hornellsville to Castile to Kansas to Watertown to Rome to Kansas to Kansas to Buffalo to Topeka, Kan. to Buffalo from city to New Jersey to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1889 to Buffalo 1886 82 to Florida to Brockport 1877 to Honeoye Falls to Honeoye 1883 76 to Hornellsville to Michigan to California to Orange, Cal. to Detroit, Mich. to Wolcott to Louisville, Ky. Month Day Year Page 251 3 4 9 13 4 15 7 15 7 28 12 1 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1876 1888 1884 1883 1876 1880 1884 1885 1879 1885 1888 1878 1886 1884 1878 1884 1887 1883 1876 1884 1886 1876 1878 1889 1888 1888 1887 1884 1880 1888 1885 1885 1884 1877 1880 1885 1883 1881 1881 1881 1889 1877 1880 1885 Surname Leavenworth Leavitt LeBeau Lechleiter Lechleitner Leckinger Leckinger Leckinger Leckinger LeDuke Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Leedy Leflat Lefmann Lefrois Leggat Leggett Legler Given Mary A. James E. Lewis Frances Anton George George M. J. William Jacob P. Julius Albert E. Caroline V. Charles M. Edwin R. Frank Frank C. Frank H. Franklin C. Frederick C. George George George A. George B. George R. Hing J. Charles John Lewis E. Louis A. Mary Mary W. Samuel Samuel Thomas G. Wah Wilberforce William J. William M. Sarah J. Frank Louisa Joseph W. A. George W. John Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 3 1888 82 to Buffalo to Missoula, Montana 11 10 1883 to Lancaster, Pa. 9 1875 5 14 1880 5 27 1883 3 18 1885 70 from city to Sodus to Charlotte 12 25 1877 to Brockton, Mass. to Buffalo to Baltimore, Md. 11 1 1883 27 9 23 1886 35 from city from city to Bath to Buffalo to Mechanicsville to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Nebraska 12 21 1887 46 to New York from city from city 2 28 1888 45 to Port Hope, Canada to Detroit, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. from city to Canada to Cleveland, Ohio to Buffalo to Ohio to Chicago, Ill. married J. F. Brayer to Brighton from city 2 1880 from city Page 252 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1886 1886 1886 1880 1885 1888 1885 1886 1882 1882 1877 1887 1879 1886 1884 1883 1887 1884 1880 1889 1884 1889 1884 Surname Legler Lehman Lehman Lehmann Lehmann Lehn Lehnen Lehnen Lehner Lehnkering Lehnkering Leibach Leicht Leidecker Leidecker Leidel Leight Leight Leighton Leighton Leimburger Leimester Leimester Leimester Given Matthias Frederic Justina Benedict Frederick John John J. Philip H. Sarah Aletta Carrie Frances Joseph Frank Fred. Emil G. John John Edwin Peter Herman Frank Frank Magdalena, Mrs. 1886 1886 1877 1884 1885 1884 1881 1889 1887 1882 1877 1876 1882 1886 1889 1887 1887 1886 Leimgruber Leimgruber Leimgruber Leipold Leis Leis Leisch Leisengang Leisenring Leist Leister Leland Lembeck Lemieux Lemieux Lemieux Lemieux Lemieux Kate Louis C. Max John Christian J. John John Charles J. H. Daniel Lewis C. Robert John F. Henry F. Alma Alma David Louis A. Louis N. 1888 Lemieux Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 1876 to Minneapolis, Minn. 10 15 1885 70 3 3 1886 54 to Switzerland from city to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to Buffalo to Holland to Holland from city to Syracuse 3 19 1879 1 23 1886 21 to New York City to Oswego to Chicago, Ill. from city to Canandaigua to California from city 3 12 1889 29 from city married William Jones nd nd nd to Pennsylvania 7 3 12 10 12 1 29 13 1883 1885 1883 1880 35 51 from city to Webster to St. Louis, Mo. 11 1876 to Colorado to Watkins to Montreal, Can. to Montreal, Canada to Montreal, Canada to Montreal, Canada 7 Mary L. 28 1885 45 married Z. St. Maurice Page 253 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1876 1881 1886 1886 1877 1881 1880 1880 1880 1885 1877 1889 1885 1883 1886 1888 1883 1879 1884 1884 1887 1889 1882 1882 1888 1877 1884 1878 1885 1887 1886 1877 1887 1889 1889 1882 1883 1882 1886 1882 1887 1885 1884 1884 Surname Lemley Lemmon Lemon Lemon LeMon Lemon Lemon Lemon Lempert Lempert Lempert Lemrow Lemunyon Lenahan Lengeman Lengeman Lengeman Lenihan Lenihan Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennon Lennox Lennox Lensing Lent Lent Lent Lenz Leo Leon Leon Leon Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Given Cuyler John Alia M. Jane E. John Samuel M. Samuel M. William George Julius H. Ralph James Annie Anthony F. Edward W. Edward W. John George F. John Anna Bernard A. Bernard A. Bernard A. Charles James Wm. John Archibald F. Walter S. Barney Frank O. Frederick E. George W. Hermann Julia Harry William William Andrew Benjamin F. Benjamin F., Jr. Bernard Edward Frank Ira G. Month Day Year nd nd Age Removed: to Mt. Morris from city nd to Yonkers to New York City to Buffalo to Buffalo 4 5 1880 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo to New York City from city to New York City to Cincinnati, Oh. to Rome 9 2 14 1887 22 1883 57 to Michigan 5 14 1883 66 to Chicago, Ill. to New York to New York City 5 3 5 1881 5 1882 to Cleveland, Oh. from city 10 22 1883 35 7 9 17 1884 25 1886 62 23 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Elmira to Syracuse to Albion married John Schrote 2 20 1889 47 from city 4 4 1883 from city 1 29 1886 71 to Webster to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Frankfort 4 Page 254 26 1884 72 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1877 1888 1889 1877 1876 1883 1889 1884 1887 1879 1888 1880 1886 1882 1882 1879 1882 1886 1883 1882 1883 1889 1884 1889 1888 1887 1884 1886 1883 1878 1884 1880 1889 1882 1887 1877 1876 1877 1878 1888 1883 1888 1889 Surname Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leopold LePine Lepine Lerch Lerch Given James John John John John E. John H. John H. John W. Kate Matthew J. Michael B. Richard E. Thomas Thomas William E. William H. William H. John Theophile W. W. Theophile Anthony Anthony Lerch Lerch LeRoss Leroy LeRoy Lesangang Leschander LeSeur Leslie Leslie Lesser Lesser Lester Lester Lester Lester Letterer Lettington Lettington Letts Leudecke Leuvielle Emma M. Joseph Thomas N. Alta Frank Frank Peter James A. George A. Wm. H. Herman Rachel Emma Flora A. Geo. E. Michael Christopher George W. George W. Lydia John H. Marcel Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 20 1882 from city from city to Spencerport to Massachusetts 11 12 1875 to Parma to Kansas City, Mo. to Buffalo 1 4 1887 54 to Elmira to Vancouver, B. C. to Worcester, Mass. 10 19 1885 73 to Chicago, Ill. to Brockport to Allen's Creek to Fairport 8 11 1885 53 1 16 1883 from city 4 21 1883 married George Young 3 29 1884 31 from city to Brighton from city to Auburn 12 19 1884 to Mendon to Kemptville, Ont. to Buffalo to Marion 12 7 1 7 1888 19 1881 16 1887 5 28 1875 81 22 to Huges, Col. to Toronto from city 9 3 15 1887 28 1883 37 to Ohio from city Page 255 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1889 1885 1886 1887 1877 1878 1888 1888 1878 1877 1877 1888 1884 1887 1880 1877 1879 1884 1883 1888 1879 1881 1881 1885 1876 1885 1878 1889 1880 1888 1880 1879 1876 1877 1886 1887 1886 1888 1877 1880 1884 1882 1879 Surname LeValley LeValley Levandusky Levelle Leverenz Levey Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi Levile Levis Levis Levis Levison Levison Levison Levy Levy Levy Levy Lew Lew Lewenicht Lewerenz Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Given Harry R. Oscar W. Vincent Chas. R. Frederick C. George A. Adam Barnard Edwin J. Harris Henry Soloman Harriet Patience Richard B. William Albert Max Paul Abraham Achille Alexander Jacob H. Charles H. William H. Fred. Joseph Alice, Mrs. Arlington Charles J. Edward T. Frances Fred B. Fred H. Fred. George E., Jr. Griffith H. Harris James James James W. John C. Joseph H. Josephine Lottie Month Day Year Age Removed: to Pittsford to Naples to Albion 1884 to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Peru, Ind. to New York City 6 1877 to Albany to California 2 1 9 10 1888 5 1884 4 1886 40 27 69 from city to Boston, Mass. to New York City 2 27 1884 27 from city to Albany 10 24 1878 to Ogden City, Utah to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo from city from city from city to Lexington, Ky. to Buffalo to Geneva to Lockport 3 9 1 1879 1875 to Middleport to Illinois to Baltimore, Md. to Utica 11 1887 to Clarendon from city to Brockport to New York City from city Page 256 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1885 1881 1889 1877 1881 1886 1885 1884 1888 1888 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1882 1888 1886 1886 1886 1884 1880 Surname Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis L'Hommedieu L'Hommedieu Libby Libby Lichtenstein Lick Liddell Liddell Liddell Liddell Lidster Liebline Lieders Lieders Lieders Liegel Liek Given Lucinda Percy D. Sylvester Sylvester Wm. H. S. Francis Charles Nelson Edgar H. Edwin F. Harry Jacob J. John B. Walter Walter, Jr. William T. Henry A. George Charles Hugo Siegfried Jacob M. Charles W. 1889 1888 1882 1877 1887 1883 1887 1883 1885 1877 1885 1886 1889 1886 1883 1883 1879 1886 1880 1876 1876 Liese Liese Lietzenmayer Lifeber Light Light Light Lightfoot Lightfoot Lightfoot Lightfoot Lightfoot Lightowler Lilia Lill Lilley Limb Limb Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Annie E. Frederick Lena Abraham Charles W. George E. Harvey E. John S. Robert H. Sophia Thomas Wm. G. George Samuel P. Joseph William Charles J. John A. Anna Charton W. Clarence P. Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 16 1888 66 to Brockport to Wyoming 2 29 1889 71 to Brockport to Wyoming to Kansas 3 20 1885 58 from city to Batavia to Ashland, Wis. 8 1876 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Milwaukee, Wis. to Gates to Detroit to Detroit to Detroit to Arkport from city married Ernest Rimback 1 4 1888 33 to Canandaigua from city to Pittsford to Cincinnati, Oh. to Pittsford to Buffalo to Toronto, Can. to Denver, Col. to England to Canandaigua from city to Elmira 2 22 1883 to Charlotte 4 17 1879 to Denver, Col. from city to Penfield to Los Angelos, Cal. Page 257 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1877 1877 1888 1888 1884 1889 1887 1881 1876 Surname Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lindau Lindberry Lindeman Lindner Lindner Lindsay Given Frank H. George W. Henry D. Wallace G. Dora L. Albert Simon Hermann Ida David 1886 1885 1884 1885 1885 1879 1878 1885 1880 1876 1883 Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay Line Line Line Ling Linge Lingham David Fred. Henry Paris W. K. Frederick S. Isaac L. Isaac L. Robert Adam George 1889 1887 1881 1883 1887 1887 1888 1881 1886 1886 1880 1880 1885 1882 1885 1883 1878 1877 1882 1877 1888 1877 Linley Linley Linnen Linscott Linscott Linsin Lintz Lintz Lintz Lipe Lipe Lipp Lippe Lipper Lippert Lippert Lippla Lipsis Lipsitz Lipski Lipski Liscom Favaretta George Adam Hattie Philip John John Nicholas Victoria Jasper H. Joseph W. George P. Ignatz Charles John A. Michael Elizabeth Seymour Abraham Jacob Judah William A. Month Day Year 5 Age Removed: to Oil City, Pa. from city 27 1877 to Bradford, Pa. married to Kentucky to Cincinnati, Ohio to Kansas City, Mo. married 12 18 1875 to San Francisco, Cal. from city 10 17 1883 57 to Brockport to Utica to Chicago, Ill. to Clifton to Zurich to Charlotte 2 3 1876 12 1883 married Duane L. Simmons 10 5 1886 to Spencerville, Can. to New Haven, Conn. 7 6 1886 69 to Planewell, Mich. to San Jose, Cal. nd nd nd 4 10 1886 9 23 1885 20 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Buffalo 8 1884 68 to Denver, Col. to Charlotte 3 9 1883 to Lansing, Mich. from city from city to St. Louis, Mo. 6 11 1887 72 to Detroit, Mich. Page 258 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1886 1882 1877 1881 1888 1882 1888 1887 1879 1885 1888 1879 1887 1887 1881 1883 1888 1880 1888 1887 1886 1880 1881 1879 1886 1889 1887 1888 1888 1888 1883 1879 1884 1887 1877 1883 1879 1881 1879 1885 Surname Lisle Listmann Litster Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Littlefield Littlefield Littley Litz Litz Litz Given Thomas Charles H. John Anne Eugene Francis W. Frank R. Judson Julia E. Margaret Sabrah William Charles S. Charles A. Silas James R. Catharine George B. John Litz Livermore Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Lloyd Loasby Loasby Loasby Loasby Loasby Loavenbruck Lobdell Lobdell Lobdell Lochner Lochner Lochner Lochner Wilhelmina Darwin O. Charles Edmund H. Edwin John S. Richard Richard Campbell D. Albert Ann Herbert A. Samuel William Theresa Gilbert R. James H. Julia H., Mrs. Charles David Joseph Louis 1885 Lochte 1883 Lockhart Age Removed: to Greece 1885 33 1882 1877 to Boston, Mass. to Hartford, Conn. to Chicago, Ill. 1887 18 1887 78 1878 1884 79 to Buffalo to Canada to Albion from city to Salamanca 1882 to Detroit, Mich. 1879 married Bernard Young to California from city from city to Albany to Brockport to Charlotte 1888 41 1886 58 1887 28 to New York City to New York City 1883 to New York married Geo. Fisher to Buffalo to Detroit, Mich. from city to Columbus, Neb. 1881 1878 1885 31 to Windsor Beach, Irondequoit from city Month Day Year Henry C. J. Edward T. Page 259 6 5 5 2 10 3 11 6 10 22 18 7 11 1 11 9 1 8 10 10 15 7 5 2 3 10 4 15 27 10 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1877 1879 1888 1887 1879 1882 1882 1876 1889 1876 1886 1882 1881 1887 1880 1878 1885 1878 1887 1885 Surname Lockhart Lockhart Lockhart Lockhart Lockhart Lockhart Lockhart Lockley Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Loder Loebs Loebs Loebs Loefer Loewkamp Given Francis Isabella John John William William J. William J. Edward Charles H. Edward D. Horace Horace S. John T. R. Margaret Wm. V. Eliza Albert H. Frederick Frederick C. John C. John 1888 1884 1877 1881 1884 1880 1882 1881 1885 Lofthouse Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Logemann Logie Maria Catherine James John John Patrick Thomas George Lester 1885 1877 1883 1887 1881 1889 1883 1882 1883 1876 1884 1887 1889 Lohmann Lohmiller Lohmiller Lohouse Lomb Lombardo Lombleson Lommel Long Long Long Long Long Augusta John Joseph Arthur F. Ferdinand Luigi George Louis Adam A. Charles W. F. George George W. Jacob C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 1884 1876 from city 8 2 1887 40 to Spearville, Kan. to Buffalo 11 22 1881 to Fairview to Wolcott to Washington Ter. to Webster Corners to Webster from city 10 28 1880 from city from city to Middletown 3 8 1885 56 to St. Louis, Mo. to Webster to Cincinnati, Oh. to Santa Barbara, Cal. 12 8 1883 81 to Divide, Montana 4 12 8 3 24 25 5 8 1880 1883 1879 1882 62 from city from city married Robert T. Hayes 9 4 1876 30 1883 3 16 1881 to Buffalo to Warsaw to Chicago, Ill. from city to Batavia to Port Huron, Mich. from city 2 nd Page 260 25 1887 nd nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1887 1879 1882 1876 1878 1876 1876 1882 1877 1877 1886 1886 1879 1877 1883 1885 1887 1884 1882 1878 1881 1876 1886 1885 1876 1879 1886 1885 1887 1880 1887 1888 1888 1884 1884 1882 1884 1887 1876 1880 1880 1876 1876 1884 Surname Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Longbottum Longheed Longley Longmore Longmore Longmore Longmore Longmore Lonsbarry Look Loomis Loomis Loomis Loomis Loomis Loomis Loomis Loop Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Given James James John Joseph Lawrence Louis Mary Patrick Robert Thomas William Benedict Joseph W. Samuel Charles H. Francis Frank Louis, Jr. Nelson Nelson, Jr. Fred. James A. Byron E. D. K. Howard G. Ira E. John F. Victor O. William C. William R. David S. Edward E. Frank N. Frank N., Jr. Geo. D. George D., Jr. George W. George W. Henry Henry F. J. William Jarvis Jotham Lewis L. Wm. H. Age Removed: from city 1886 38 nd 1882 from city to Toronto, Ont. to Lockport nd to Medina to New York City to Syracuse to Gates to England from city to Hartford, Ct. to Toledo, Oh. to Toledo, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to Toledo, Oh. to Toledo, Ohio to Victory 1881 to Woodland, Cal. from city from city from city nd from city to Batavia 1886 from city to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to Washington, D. C. to New York City to New York City to Macedon Centre 1883 35 to New York from city from city to Pittsford to Massachusetts to Meadeville, Pa. to Dundee Month Day Year 8 6 1 nd 26 nd nd nd 2 nd Page 261 15 nd 11 13 7 7 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1879 1888 1889 1881 1887 1885 1888 1877 1879 1878 1877 1882 1884 1885 1885 1886 1889 1886 1879 1884 1879 1887 1885 1887 1881 1883 1885 1889 1882 1876 1881 1879 1877 1880 1883 1880 1887 1878 1877 1889 1889 1877 1877 1887 Surname Lorey Lorey Loring Loritz Loritz Loritz Loritz Lorson Lorson Lorson Lorson Lortscher Loser Losey Loss Loss Lothridge Lotz Lotz Loughborough Loughborough Loughlin Loughnana Louisa Louk Lourette Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Lovecraft Lovecraft Lovecraft Lovejoy Lovell Lovely Loveney Loveridge Loveridge Lovett Lovett Lovick Given Frank J. William F. George S. Jacob J. Martin Martin J. Richard Barbara John John Peter Jacob Barbara John B. Charles E. William B. Jane A. Timotheus Timothy S. Margaret William S. Kate Philip Sister Mary A. Abram Archie J. Archie J. Elizabeth F. Frank W. Patrick Robert Stephen T. John F. Joseph William Andrew Emma, Mrs. Richard George F. Washington I. Wilbur George A. William Frederick W. Month Day Year 2 10 Age Removed: to Canandaigua to Alabama to Chili 18 1889 16 1879 to Brooklyn 7 4 12 25 1884 28 1888 14 1876 34 72 to Penfield to Buffalo to California 12 6 1881 to Sloan, Iowa to Buffalo to Cleveland, Ohio to Henrietta to Chicago, Ill. to Geneva to Pittsford from city to Providence, R. I. to Geneva 12 4 1 26 1884 9 1887 23 1881 79 to Elmira to Buffalo 7 31 1888 4 1876 84 to St. Paul, Minn. to Buffalo 10 4 11 9 4 31 16 7 26 10 1878 1877 1879 1882 1880 from city 5 1 1877 to Brockport to New York City to Baltimore, Md. to Buffalo to Buffalo to Jamestown Page 262 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1887 1876 1887 1886 1882 1888 1883 1881 1883 1884 1877 1889 1878 1878 1883 1889 1883 1878 1888 1883 1887 1882 1883 1883 1883 1882 1882 1889 1883 1882 1885 1876 1882 1877 1877 1886 1877 1884 1877 1886 1883 1884 1879 Surname Low Low Low Low Lowe Lowe Lowell Lowell Lowell Lowenguth Lowenstein Lowenthal Lowenthal Lowery Lowery Loweth Loweth Lowther Loy Given Adam Charles L. Fenwick Herbert L. Amelia F. John Azubia, Mrs. C. Ardelle William M. Emil J. Julius David E. Sophia John William Charles W. William G. Philip H. Peter Loyd Loyd Loysen Loysen Loysen Loysen Lozier Lozier Lrukli Lübbert Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Luce Luchsinger Lucier Lucier Luck Luckenbach Luckey Luckey Luckhurst Caroline, Mrs. Samuel H. Abraham Daniel D. Jacob Jacob, Jr. David John R. Jacob Henry Alexander Frederick A. George H. Henry G. Jane A. John Sophia, Miss Matthias Abraham Abraham Henry J. Fred. C. Maria Samuel M. Edwin F. Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 14 1879 to Detroit, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Hamilton, Mo. nd nd nd to Chicago, Ill. 10 21 1887 69 to Nunda 12 9 1880 to Chicago, Ill. to N. Carolina to Syracuse 4 9 1889 91 7 1877 from city 10 26 1882 6 19 1888 45 from city 3 28 1877 married Wm. Bingham 12 11 18 1882 28 1886 76 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. from city nd nd nd to Buffalo to Utica 12 29 1882 to Washington, D. C. from city 1 2 1876 to Hamilton, Canada to Michigan to Tarrytown 4 27 1886 26 to Europe 6 10 1883 to Toledo, Oh. to Perry 8 12 17 1882 15 1883 59 from city Page 263 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1880 1888 1877 1884 1881 1880 1878 1882 1876 1886 1878 1878 1884 1886 1883 1878 1877 1877 1887 1881 1888 1889 1887 1889 1880 1883 1881 1888 1889 1886 1888 1886 1885 1889 1876 1876 1885 Surname Lucksey Luddington Ludewig Ludington Ludlam Ludlam Ludlam Ludlow Ludlow Ludwig Luethy Luff Lugero Luig Luitweiter Luitweller Luitwieler Luitwieler Luitwieler Luke Luke Luke Luke Lukens Luker Luker Lull Lull Lumbard Lumsden Lundy Lundy Lung Lung Lung Luscher Luscher Lush Given John A. Austin E. George Cornelius S. J. Robert Joseph E. Joseph R. Walter W. Walter W. Charles Charles Henry Angelo Caspar Charles E. Charles E. James H. Maria Samuel W. Henry G. John Robert M. Theodore J. Charles M. John M. Martin Julia Orrin Azro C. Frances Daniel S. Ellen Augustus H. Charles J. Edward B. August Emil G. William 1882 Lush William J. 1886 1886 1885 1883 Wm. F. Henry J. Jane John H. Lush Lusink Lusink Lusink Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Bradford, Pa. 1887 47 to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. 1881 to Geneva from city to Elmira 1875 1885 56 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Trumansburgh from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Los Angeles, Cal. 1876 to California from city to Germany from city to Charlotte to Syracuse from city to Michigan 1883 1880 1888 married E. O. Frank 1885 1887 78 1886 59 to Jamestown to Chicago, Ill. from city to Lyons to Sing Sing to Colorado Springs, Col. to Colorado Springs, Col. 1886 55 1885 81 to Buffalo Month Day Year Page 264 12 24 1 8 12 11 8 7 5 7 1 6 28 6 7 1 11 16 3 5 4 4 2 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1877 1879 1879 1885 1883 1887 1884 1877 1887 1882 1882 1888 1883 1884 1877 1889 1876 1887 1882 1887 1877 1882 1885 1887 1886 1888 1880 1886 1877 1889 1881 1886 1883 1884 1885 1877 1887 1884 1886 1880 1882 1884 1884 1882 Lusink Lusink Lusk Lutes Lutes Lutes Luther Luther Luther Lutt Luttringer Luttringer Lutwiller Lutwiller Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lux Lyall Lych Lyddon Lyle Lyle Lynaught Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Given Age Removed: to Black Hills, Wyoming from city from city 16 1884 58 to Chicago, Ill. 4 1887 71 to Syracuse from city 28 1886 83 to Chicago, Ill. 10 1881 16 1887 26 5 1882 1883 to Germany 7 1889 57 1875 to Detroit, Mich. to Buffalo to Clyde from city to Syracuse to Kansas to Cleveland, Oh. to Woodbridge, N. J. 1888 18 1880 to Brockport from city to Boston, Mass. from city 13 1886 60 to New York City 21 1884 28 to Utica from city to Geneva 20 1883 84 to Brockport from city 28 1882 20 1883 37 2 1883 19 1882 Month Day Year Richard William Alfred D. Ellen, Mrs. John John Anna David William Edward G. Augustus Delles A. Frederick L. Henry W. Felix Jacob John John John W. Ernst Charles D. John George D. Alexander Robert W. Margaret David Elizabeth Ellen Frank T. George Hannah Henry P. Henry P. James F. James H. Jerry M. John Julia B. Michael Owen Patrick J. Robert Thomas 9 1 8 7 6 7 7 4 12 2 1 2 1 8 1 8 8 1 Page 265 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1887 1877 1889 1882 1879 1885 1889 1881 1885 1883 1881 1877 1886 1886 1889 1888 1883 1884 1878 1889 1880 1879 1887 1876 1883 1884 1882 1880 1887 1880 1889 1884 1885 1889 1888 1883 1887 1888 1880 1877 1884 1881 1884 1885 Surname Lynch Lynch Lyness Lyness Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyon Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lysaght Maas Mabbett Mabley Mabus Mabus Macaulay Macauley MacAvoy MacCallum MacDonald MacDonald MacDougall Mace Mace Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfarlane MacGarry MacGowan Macgregor Given Thomas Thomas Frances George Anna E. C. F. Harry Jessie A. Thomas S. Walter S. William B. Edmund Edward L. Elizabeth Emanuel Fay F. Frederick E. George E. Ella James S. John J. Lucy Mary Patrick J. James Julius John F. Fred. John E. William Antoinette Lizzie A. Frank A. John H. Alexander W. Katie Hugh Augustus M. Susan B., Mrs. Edward O. James James Charles B. James S. H. Douglas Month Day 8 12 3 25 3 7 24 11 15 4 26 5 9 12 6 7 Page 266 9 16 2 22 2 28 Year Age Removed: 1881 1887 22 1877 1888 60 to Boston, Mass. from city to St. Paul, Minn. to Redlands, Cal. 1880 to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. 1880 to Detroit, Mich. to Brooklyn 1886 70 from city to Buffalo to Westbury to Chicago, Ill. to Piffard to Buffalo 1879 to Lockport 1886 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Buffalo from city to Sing Sing 1886 21 to Wisconsin 1888 22 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Canada married Robert Day to Colorado 1887 49 to New York City from city to Syracuse to Buffalo from city to Batavia to Cleveland, Ohio City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1877 1883 1886 1880 1877 1882 1877 1878 1888 1876 1882 1876 1889 1889 1882 1887 1887 1881 1883 1884 1881 1886 1877 1883 1886 1888 1885 1886 1884 1880 1883 1879 1889 1887 1888 1887 1880 1879 1886 1885 Surname Macharlain Machiea Machin Mack Mack Mack Mack Mack Mack Mack Mackay Mackay Mackert Mackey Mackey Mackey Mackey Mackie Mackin Mackintosh MacMahon Macnab Macomber Given Henry Max Charles A. Elisha H. Elisha H., Jr. Frank M. George John J. Royal L. Royal L. Geo. George, Mrs. John Charles L. Edward C. Lawrence William Thomas W. Wm. David R. Michael J. Blankenburg William Macorquodale Macpherson MacPherson MacPherson Macrow Macrow MacSweeney Macy Macy Madarasz Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Hugh Alexander B. Charles A. Gilbert G. Sarah Wm. John P. Geo. H. Philander Louis Edward Francis J. Garrett A. Henry Jennie John John John C. 1885 Madden 1876 Madden Mary Michael Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 14 1884 74 from city from city to Erie, Pa. to Williamsport, Pa. to Weedsport to Syracuse to Oswego to Weedsport 3 10 1888 68 12 12 1875 11 1881 9 1875 to Poughkeepsie 3 26 1889 58 2 1882 to Buffalo from city to Bismarck, Da. Ter. to California to Elmira from city to Buffalo to Yorkville, Ont. Canada to Winnipeg, Canada to London, Eng. from city to Kingston, Can. from city from city to New York City 1 16 1883 to Manchester, N. H. to Corning to Fairport 11 22 1887 87 to New York to Elmira to Cleveland, Oh. 6 1886 from city married Edward B. Lennon from city Page 267 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1882 1887 1888 1878 1883 1887 1884 1879 1888 1885 Surname Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Madden Maddock Maddock Mader Madigan Given Michael Michael Michael L. Mortimer J. Patrick J. R. Marshall Robert H. Elizabeth Josie, Miss Joseph John J. 1889 1884 1883 1884 1877 1877 1881 1889 1885 1880 1884 1881 1888 1882 1877 1884 1884 1888 1889 1887 1887 1887 1889 1884 1881 1877 1878 1883 1880 1879 1888 1882 1878 Madison Madsen Maeck Maeder Maeder Maeder Maeder Maeder Maffet Magdelin Magee Magerle Magill Magill Magin Magin Magin Magin Maginn Magson Maguire Mahaney Mahaney Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Fred. H. Harold William Catharine Ernest Lawrence Lawrence Mary A. Frederick W. Edmond C. John L. William A. Joseph P. Patrick H. Conrad George M. Joseph Joseph G. Thomas Elizabeth Charles F. Cornelius J. Daniel M. Anthony Daniel Edward Edward Edward F. Edward J. James James James E. John Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 24 1878 to Trumansburgh to Gardiner, Maine to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago from city from city to Padonia, Kan. from city 10 29 1887 67 to Brighton to Spokane Falls, Washington Terr. to New York City from city married John Krane from city to Bay City, Mich. to Bay City, Mich married Joseph Miller 11 17 1884 to London, Eng. from city to Kent, Ohio to Chicago, Ill. 10 20 1881 to Dansville to Syracuse to Stanley to Spencerport 12 21 1888 10 6 1886 81 4 16 1887 24 to New York from city to Canada to Greece from city 5 7 1878 from city 1 16 1880 3 2 1879 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. 11 1 1877 Page 268 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1878 1888 1883 1883 1882 1888 1876 1888 1881 1883 1888 1877 1883 1889 1882 1886 1884 1886 1881 1886 1881 1885 1879 1881 1889 1879 1882 1885 1882 1885 1886 1879 1883 1881 1888 1877 1877 1878 1886 1885 1880 1881 1876 Surname Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Maher Mahle Mahle Mahler Mahon Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Mahoney Maid Maid Maier Maier Maier Maier Maierhofer Mains Major Major Given John J. Thomas F. Thomas F. William William William F. Louis Mary John U. Patrick Edward Fannie L. Hannah C. John John John C. Mary Michael Timothy Frank Lawrence F. Ferdinand John John U. Leonhart, 2nd George John George C. William H. Malam Malampy Malay Malben Malcom Male Male Malican Malican Malican Malle Malley Mallie Mallie Malloch Mary Michael William W. George John Charles S. James Francis Michael J. Thomas Henry Thomas Isaac D. John Isabella Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 5 1880 8 1877 to Buffalo 3 3 1882 to New York City to Chicago, Ill. 6 6 1888 60 6 1875 3 1 1888 45 2 1 1881 9 13 1883 to Tonawanda 1 1877 from city 2 20 1889 57 to Parma 6 27 1885 95 4 1884 from city to New Mexico to New York City 3 1881 4 25 1885 41 8 21 1878 to Toledo, Ohio 4 29 1889 45 4 22 1879 9 26 1881 from city married Christian Hetzel 11 25 1884 44 to Victor to Springfield, Oh. 2 16 1883 3 1 1881 to Allegheny, Pa. to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Chili from city to Iowa 6 25 1875 Page 269 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1877 1882 1880 1882 1882 1885 1887 1884 1889 1886 1876 1885 1883 1878 1887 1881 1876 1885 1882 1887 1880 1882 1885 1889 1882 1888 1880 1887 1889 1885 1886 1882 1881 1879 1889 1881 1881 1882 1887 1886 1884 1884 1876 1884 Surname Malloch Mallon Mallory Mallory Mallory Mallory Mallory Mallory Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Maloney Maloney Maloney Maloney Maloy Maloy Maltby Maltby Maltby Maltby Mamarow Managan Managan Managan Manchester Mandell Mandeville Mandeville Mandeville Mandeville Mandeville Mandle Mangan Mangan Mangham Manley Manley Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Given Maggie Edward J. Albert B. Frank Frank Frank R. Orlando P. J. Edward Edward T. Hannah Henry Luke J. Mary Michael M. Patrick Thomas John Michael Charles H. George B. George W. John W. Henry Eugene Eugene J. Margaret J. Louisa William D. Austin Charles H. Fred. A. Libbie M. Lucius M. Joseph James C. Michael J. Thomas Henry William Angus C. David S. Florence P. Frank F. Fred. H. Age Removed: from city to New York City from city to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Lima to Gates to Canandaigua 16 1883 27 from city 30 1885 56 to Lockport to New Orleans, La. to Niagara Falls to Duro, Canada 9 1886 to Minnesota 1875 to Michigan to Buffalo to Omaha, Neb. to Buffalo to Dunkirk to E. Kendall 29 1888 32 to Saratoga Springs 29 1887 68 to Fairport to Greenfield, Mass. 31 1888 68 11 1885 37 to New York City 12 1881 3 1881 to Portland, Oregon to California 2 1880 to Herkimer Co. to Geneva to New York to Washington, D. C. to Lansing, Mich. to Lansing, Mich. to Bath, N. Y. to Flint Ridge, Kan. Month Day Year 5 7 7 9 6 8 8 6 7 3 11 Page 270 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1881 1887 1885 1882 1886 1887 1883 1882 1887 1880 1887 1880 1884 1884 1886 Surname Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Manneer Mannel Mannes Mannheimer Manning Given G. Edward George A. George A. Harry C. Herman Horace Nathaniel Parker Robert Thomas E. William John W. Henry Caspar Siegmund E. Theo. 1889 1884 1884 1877 1886 1884 1887 1889 Manning Manning Manning Manning Mannix Mannix Manny Manseau Eliza Jerome B. Joseph Patrick M. Amelia Anna L. Chas. O. Anthony E. 1889 1879 1880 1883 1885 1884 1882 1886 1888 1884 1885 1879 1885 1878 1889 1889 1884 1888 1889 Manseau Manser Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansing Mansing Mansing Mansing Manson Mantion Manzler Mapes Mapes March March Marchand Marchand Ernestine James Bula James Mary William Garrett Hiram J. Hiram J. Maurice Martin A. John John W. Charles Welling D. Frank, Jr. Frederick C. Frad. G. Frances Age Removed: to Brighton to Chicago, Ill. 1887 61 to Batavia 1881 to Osceola, Fla. 1887 83 to Nantucket, Mass. to Irondequoit 1886 to Brighton from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Syracuse to Cincinnati, Oh. from city married W. S. Reynolds to Irondequoit to Dakota Ter. from city 1885 55 married E. L. Lee from city 1888 60 Month Day Year 1 26 10 2 4 22 7 11 17 9 24 married Alois E. Ulrich to Newark 10 4 1 21 1879 15 1883 3 1884 1 27 1882 75 to Lyons to Erie, Pa. to Erie, Pa. to Erie, Pa. nd nd nd to Tremont, Oh. to Oneida to Kansas to Canandaigua from city 3 29 1884 33 to Chicago, Ill. 7 Page 271 9 1888 55 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1888 1879 1881 1888 1887 1888 1881 1880 Surname Marcher Marcille Marcille Marck Marcley Marcotte Marcotte Marcotte Marcuson Marean Given Robert Ezeb Fred. Adam Kason Frank D. Joseph Mary Moss Willis A. 1885 Margrander Fred. O. 1885 Margrander Frederica 1885 1886 1881 1881 1876 1889 1876 1886 1886 1882 1878 1887 1883 1881 1880 1889 1881 1887 1879 1882 1887 1887 1887 1877 1878 1882 1880 John L. Lewis Effie, Miss Edward E. Edward T. Frank H. James John A. William L. Wm. L. William Arille A. Spencer S. Charles N. John Arthur P. Mary A. Elizabeth Francis W. Frank Henry I. Hugh John P. John R. Lewis S. Morris Samuel Margrander Margrander Maring Marion Marion Marion Marion Markard Markell Markell Markes Markham Markham Markle Markle Markley Marklinger Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks 1877 Marlatt 1877 Marlett Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to New York City to Canada to Utica 18 1879 from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York married to Cincinnati, Oh. to Denver, Col. to National City, California to National City, California to National City, California to Buffalo from city to Brighton from city from city to Chili 3 17 1886 77 from city to Baltimore, Md. to Chicago to Albion to St. Lawrence, Dak. to Lockport 12 29 1879 to Buffalo 2 1 1881 9 1887 1 6 1882 2 10 1887 7 19 1876 48 to Detroit, Mich. to Elmira 50 to Elmira to Marion, Ind. to Buffalo 8 29 1879 to Edwardsburgh, Canada Harvey Richard 5 Page 272 9 1877 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1886 1889 1876 1878 1882 1886 1883 1885 1888 1884 1878 1887 1881 1883 1879 1882 1883 1885 1882 1883 1883 1888 1888 1883 1884 1888 1881 1876 1888 1886 1881 1886 1889 1876 1880 1885 1879 1881 1887 1887 1885 1884 1889 Surname Marling Marquart Marriott Marriott Marriott Marriott Marron Marron Marsden Marsden Marsden Marsden Marsh Marsh Given Vincent William B. Bridget Edward W. Joseph Richard J. James John Frank Frederick William William H. Catharine Edwin T. Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshallsay Marsielje Marsielye Marson Martenis Marthage Martin Emma J. James A. John John Joseph W. Seth W. William David Davis C. Edward Edward S. Elizabeth Ella E. Francis H. George Harry E. Isaac D. James E. Mary M. Rebecca R. Simon Torrance William Edward Peter Peter Walter G. Jacob W. Saviour Albert E. Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: from city to Owego 21 1888 to Syracuse 4 27 1877 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Utica to Philadelphia, Pa. to Utica from city 7 8 1886 51 to South Gates married P. P. Dickinson from city 1882 to New York City to Brooklyn to Watseka, Ill. to Manchester, Eng. 3 10 24 1883 4 1887 57 to Buffalo from city 4 5 5 28 1884 28 1887 6 1881 89 to Cleveland, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Elkhart, Ind. 1 2 20 1885 7 1889 91 71 to Parma to Tonawanda from city to Denver, Col. to Sheboygan, Wis. 4 9 1887 42 to Minneapolis, Minn. to New York City to Utica from city Page 273 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1889 1876 Surname Martin Martin Martin Given Andrew Anthony H. Charles F. 1888 1884 1882 1877 1879 1887 1887 1889 1889 1885 1885 1882 1886 1885 1882 1882 1887 1879 1883 1883 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Charles M. Chas. J. Clinton H. Conrad David David David F. Durward B. Elizabeth Ferdinand Frank Frank E. George George H. George W. Jacob James James A. James B. James H. 1887 1884 1884 1877 1883 1883 1885 1888 1881 1886 1881 1877 1885 1886 1876 1879 1885 1881 1888 1879 Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin James H. James S. James T. James W. Jay B. John John John John F. John F. John H. John M. John W. Joseph Leonard Lewis P. Mary Mary A. Mary J. Nehemiah C. Age Removed: to Philadelphia, Pa. 2 1889 55 13 1876 Month Day Year 2 3 to Fort Sumpter, S. C. from city to Minneapolis, Minn. from city to Scottsville to Brockport 4 21 1887 63 6 10 1888 72 to Conesville from city from city to Brockport from city from city 4 11 1882 2 2 1887 to Salamanca 53 to Port Hope, Can. 3 18 1883 from city to San Francisco, Cal. 6 17 1883 24 to London, England to Ontario from city 2 12 12 1883 26 1884 27 1887 65 37 from city from city from city from city from city 8 7 8 8 1885 30 1875 1 1878 36 to Syracuse 11 11 11 Page 274 5 1880 2 1887 16 1878 70 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1884 1882 1881 1888 1876 1879 1889 1881 1882 1888 1878 1880 1878 1887 1887 1889 1884 1885 1876 1881 1887 1883 1886 1886 1887 1889 1885 1888 1877 1876 1877 1879 1881 1883 1886 1876 1877 1885 1877 1883 1886 1882 Surname Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martindale Martindale Martineau Martinez Marts Martyn Marvin Marvin Given Peter Philip Samuel Sarah Solomon G. Thomas Thomas E. Thomas J. Henry S. John H. Frank W. Pedro P. William, Jr. B. Franklin Newton R. Sidney S. Marx Marx Marx Marx Marzhauser Marzluff Marzluff Marzluff Marzluff Maser Maslin Maslin Maslin Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Masserman Masseth Masseth Julia Lisa, Miss Mary Nicholas John Ferry F. Frederick M. John John W. Charlotte Frank George William, Jr. Frank B. Geo. A. George W. John John John C. Lucy R. Melancthon W. Persis Rosa William J. Michael Barbara Frank X. Month Day Year 11 17 1880 10 29 1875 Age Removed: from city from city to Canada to Canada from city to Niagara Falls to Iowa 12 13 1881 to New York City to New York from city 9 3 1877 to Jersey City, N. J. from city married Fred. Zimmer married Henry Will married John Wiles 2 5 1 5 1876 26 1880 25 1887 to Albany to Glen's Falls to Chicago, Ill. 11 4 1886 82 to Watertown to Greece to Denver, Col. from city to Albany from city 7 28 1878 to Buffalo 4 16 1883 to Scottsville 6 3 1875 19 1877 11 1876 married John Taylor to New York City to Kalamazoo, Mich. 5 Page 275 25 1882 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1885 1887 1884 1886 1882 1880 Masseth Massey Masten Masten Masten Masters Ruth M. J. Albert Cornelius S. Vincent M. William E. Alfred J. 1877 1889 1881 1888 1886 Masters Masters Masterson Mastin Matchett Charles F. John, Jr. John J. William F. James N. 1885 1881 1887 1878 1886 1877 1877 1885 1883 1880 1889 1889 1884 1878 1884 1882 1889 1881 1881 1880 1886 1876 1885 1888 1886 1883 1887 1881 1888 1888 Matheis Matheis Mather Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathews Mathewson Mathis Matimoure Mattaie Mattei Mattern Mattern Mattern Mattern Matteson Matteson Matteson Matthai Matthes Matthes Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Libbie Peter Frank D. Andrew J. Annie Frank J. J. Sims James Robert Sylvester J. Andrew J. Joseph John Romeo Romeo Charles John Joseph Marcus James N. John R. Judiah H. Otto Clara E. P. Paul C. H. Abraham M. Catharine Charles B. Emma M. John Age Removed: married Byron M. Gardner 7 1886 68 to Illinois to Buffalo to Wheeling, W. Va. to Toronto, Can. Month Day Year 8 to Melbourne, Australia to Buffalo to New York City to New York City to Australia married Christian Bohrer 9 3 1880 from city from city married R. J. Punch from city to Oswego to Buffalo from city to Auburn 6 5 29 1888 19 1889 60 to Canada to Oswego 9 1 1883 15 1881 5 1889 66 to Elmira to Elmira 7 11 23 1879 29 1885 52 to Buffalo from city from city from city from city 3 13 1887 47 to Buffalo married 12 Page 276 11 1887 73 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1889 1889 1884 1883 1883 1879 1878 1882 1885 1882 1886 1888 1888 1877 1887 1887 1889 1886 1886 1886 1887 1881 1885 1882 1877 1884 1877 1880 1886 1883 1887 1889 1881 1884 Matthews Matthewson Mattle Mattle Mattle Mattley Maud Mauder Mauder Mauder Maul Maul Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurer Maurhofer Mausnest Mausnest Mausnest Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield Maxon Maxon Maxson Maxson Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell May Jane George B. John Joseph A. Nicholas Joseph Robert Frederick J. John W. Moses C. John John Charles B. Charles H. George J. Jacob G. Jacob N. Annie Conrad Geo. F. Leonard Charles A. Leverett William George L. Willard J. Benjamin Frank W. Elizabeth George E. George E. George E. John John H. 1883 1881 1887 1887 1880 1885 1883 1882 1882 May May Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer Mayer Louisa Michael George George George H. Gertrude Henry John John Month Day Year 2 3 5 1882 12 1885 Age Removed: married James Rossney to Albany to Irondequoit to Cleveland, Oh. from city from city to Windsor, Conn. 21 to Kalamazoo, Mich. to Buffalo 3 5 1888 59 to Niagara Falls to Pittsford 4 5 11 6 11 11 7 21 1887 1887 9 1888 11 1885 29 1885 11 1885 27 1886 36 29 70 28 23 58 to Oneida to New York City to Syracuse from city to Warsaw to Greece to Buffalo 12 11 1885 68 from city to Mt. Morris to Jamestown to Malden from city married Joseph H. Schlitzer to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 10 24 1886 36 to Baltimore, Md. nd nd nd nd 1882 nd to Buffalo 1 nd Page 277 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1876 1882 1878 1888 1876 1884 1878 1884 1885 1877 1876 1878 1884 1886 1881 1877 1878 1877 1881 1885 1882 1889 1880 1884 1876 1881 Surname Mayer Mayer Mayer Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Maynard Mayo Mayo Mazuret Mazuret Mazuret Mazurett Mazurette Mc Entee McAllister McAllister McAllister McAlroy McAnally Given John Martin S. Romeo Emmett A. Frank H. Guillermo B. Isadore John B. John D. John G. Ortensia M., Mrs. Ransom Theophilus William B. Herbert T. William G. Alexander Mary Peter L. Matilda Alexander Sylvester Charles T. Frank Lewis Milton Michael J. 1889 1886 1886 1886 1882 1881 1876 1886 1877 1887 1889 McAnarney McAnarney McAnarney McArdle McArdle McArdle McArthur McArthur McArthur McAvinney McAvinney Anna M. John H. Thomas W. Bridget Catherine Patrick Daniel Jr. George Malcolm Bernard Esther 1888 1889 1884 1889 1886 McAvinney McAvinney McAvoy McBeth McBeth Mary A. Philip Wm. H. Charles G. William J. Month Day Year Age Removed: 1886 to Buffalo to Syracuse to South Butler 1 17 1888 57 to Albany to Canada to Canada to Paris, France to St. Louis, Mo. to Albany 2 11 1876 to Medina from city to New York City to Newark, N. J. from city to Montreal, Can. to New York City 2 14 1880 to Syracuse to Bradford, Pa. to New York City to Batavia to Texas to Chicago 6 11 1880 married John Modigan to New York City to Watkins 12 13 1885 90 to Weedsport to Avon to Buffalo to Pittsford from city 8 31 1886 48 married Wm. Eagan married Thomas J. Everitt 3 11 1889 53 from city to Denver, Col. nd Page 278 nd nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1881 1888 1888 1885 1879 1889 1888 1885 1882 1881 1876 1881 1881 1889 1885 1880 1882 1878 1886 1886 1888 1885 1876 1881 1882 1885 1886 1888 1883 1876 1889 1885 1884 1887 1885 1881 1881 1883 1877 1887 1886 1886 1877 Surname McBeth McBrayer McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBrien McBurney McBurney McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCabe McCaffery McCaffrey McCaffrey McCaffrey McCaffrey McCain McCall McCall McCall McCall McCall McCallum McCalvey McCammon McCandles Given William J. Agnes Asa D. Bernard Charles James H. John Patrick H. Ann Harvey F. Mary, Miss Bernard Charles Charles James John John J. Michael Patrick F. M. Edward Patrick Stephen M. William John Annie John John John W. Wallace Mary, Mrs. Gustavus David G. Samuel McCann McCann McCann McCarn McCarten McCartey McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy Cassie James Kate Sarah J. Philip Frank Albert Ann Ann Catharine M. Age Removed: to New York City to Joliet, Ill. to Irondequoit to Duluth, Minn. from city to Lockport to Abilene, Kansas 10 1888 55 3 1884 44 16 1881 married Robt. Perrin 1875 17 1880 to Biddeford, Me. 26 1888 21 to Sodus Point 10 1879 to Toronto, Can. to Utica to Albany to Lynn, Mass. 19 1888 79 from city to Newark 21 1880 to Oregon 10 1884 72 24 1885 60 17 1888 29 to Rushford to Brooklyn, L. I. to Illinois to Chicago, Ill. 6 1883 married Daniel Callahan to Waterloo married to Stanfordville from city from city to Buffalo married Henry Jones 8 1886 75 6 1877 Month Day Year 5 11 10 7 10 9 7 4 8 9 7 1 7 2 2 Page 279 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1876 1883 1888 1883 1889 1880 1889 1889 1886 1887 1881 1885 1877 1881 1886 1884 1886 1886 1880 1879 1884 1889 1887 1888 1888 1888 1876 1877 1885 1887 1888 1879 1885 1886 1886 1877 1886 1882 1881 1877 1882 1882 1887 Surname McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy Given Dennis D. Dennis H. Elizabeth Ellen Eugene Jerome S. John John John McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCarthy McCartney McCartney McCartney McCarty McCarty McCarty McCarty McCauley McCaw McChesney McClain McClain McClann McClaren McClary McClasky McClaue McClellan McClelland McClelland McCloy McCloy McClure McClure McCluskey McClusky McClusky Margaret Mary C. Patrick Peter Thomas Thomas Timothy Wm. Archibald R. George Samuel Daniel John, Jr. John, Jr. Peter T. John C. Thomas R. Herbert R. James William William William George H. Susan Geo. F. J. C. William J. Wm. G. Daniel Fred. M. Frank D. Samuel John H. John Thomas Month Day Year 2 4 20 1883 7 1888 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Niagara Falls 67 from city from city from city to Holley 9 10 1888 23 married Richard Gullen to Elmira 12 11 22 1880 2 1884 22 to Gates from city to Albion 4 1 1884 55 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Los Angeles, Cal. 9 1 1879 13 1878 to Buffalo to Auburn 1 20 1887 48 to Brooklyn to Ashford to Newark, N. J. to Greece to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Canada 9 10 16 1887 1878 92 to Chicago, Ill. from city 10 14 1885 26 to Baltimore, Md. to Detroit, Mich. to New York City from city 4 15 1876 from city from city 4 Page 280 22 1887 45 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1876 1889 1888 1880 1889 1879 1883 1883 1876 1884 1883 1879 1883 1886 1888 Surname McClusky McCoart McCollough McComb McConkey McConnele McConnell McConnell McCook McCool McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick Given William A. Elizabeth Anna William Samuel Clinton Archibald B. William L. John, Jr. Daniel Ada Catharine E. Charlotte E. Ebenezer Ebenezer Ebenezer 1877 McCormick 1884 McCormick Edward Elizabeth 1877 1883 1884 1882 1887 1888 1882 1884 1888 1883 McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick James James, Jr. John John H. Martin J. Matthew Patrick Patrick Samuel Samuel, Jr. 1881 1876 1887 1885 1884 1878 1887 1889 1884 1876 1886 1888 1885 1883 McCormick McCormick McCort McCourt McCourt McCoy McCoy McCracken McCracken McCracken McCracken McCrahon McCrea McCrea Sarah A. Thomas James H. Hugh Jeremiah Evey J. Horace Anna Hugh James B. Robert Michael F. George W. Walter Age Removed: from city to Canada to New York City 4 1887 75 to Scottsville to Buffalo to Nunda to Dakota from city to Buffalo to E. Bloomfield 12 1882 19 1878 to Corfu from city to New York City Month Day Year 6 10 9 to Peterboro', Canada 6 9 1883 84 to Peterboro', Canada from city 4 24 1884 76 to Buffalo to Palmyra from city 5 8 20 1881 1883 15 1887 from city married Daniel Flearey to Washington, D. C. to Buffalo 8 10 28 1884 9 1883 74 to Cleveland, Oh. 1 10 6 1887 8 1888 56 72 to New York City from city to Coburg, Can. to Walston, Pa. to Geneva to Elmira Page 281 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1887 1876 1883 1883 1889 1880 1880 1879 1884 1882 1881 1877 1885 1881 1881 1888 1879 1889 1889 1886 1888 1888 1880 1882 1882 1887 1877 1888 1886 1888 1882 1886 1882 1876 1889 1881 1884 1886 1877 1876 1881 1889 1888 1887 Surname McCready McCready McCrehon McCrehon McCrohan McCruden McCue McCue McCullen McCullen McCulloch McCulloch McCulloch McCulloch McCulloch McCullouch McCullough McCullough McCullough McCune McCurdy McCusker McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDermott McDill McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald Given Bernard, Jr. Patrick Alexander Bridget James John E. Ann Patrick Bridget Thomas Alexander Isabella James James Sarah M., Mrs. James H. David A. Robert Thomas Harry Charles Michael Charles George E. James E. James E., Mrs. John H., Jr. John J. P. Joseph Mary Patrick Patrick A. William Wm. Wm. E. Chas. S. Alexander Angus Angus Anna M., Mrs. Barney Catharine Charles Cordelia Cornelius J. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: from city to Chicago, Ill. from city 2 1883 to Albion to California 8 5 10 1 29 15 1 30 1879 1880 1878 1884 from city married to Nunda from city from city 1 24 1881 to Penn Yan 2 22 1879 to Canandaigua from city 4 1 5 1886 19 1888 76 from city to Brighton 7 10 1881 to Nebraska from city to Portland, Oregon 1 16 1888 39 4 4 13 1888 2 1882 78 married Jacob Spies to New York City 7 27 1881 to Portland, Or. to Kansas City, Mo. 10 2 23 1880 10 1884 66 to Hastings, Neb. to Lyons to Geneva to Canada 2 18 1889 60 married 1 Page 282 11 1887 26 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1881 1883 1884 1879 1881 1880 1885 1881 1884 1889 1883 1887 1879 1888 1876 1881 1887 1877 1876 1881 1884 1887 1878 1887 1881 1883 1885 1884 1885 1881 1876 1877 1886 1878 1876 1876 1879 1883 1876 1877 1889 1876 1880 1879 Surname McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonell McDonough McDowell McDowell McDowell McDowell McElhinny McElhinny McElliott McElrone McElrone McElroy McElroy McElroy McElroy Given Cynthia Dora Edward Edward Edward J. Elizabeth, Miss Evan Evan Frank George George B. Henry M. Henry M. James James H. John John John K. John, Jr. Joseph Lock Martin Martin Mary Maurice Sarah Thomas Thomas Willard W. William A. James John Andrew Jane John Thomas James J. John W. Patrick John John Colin James Robert William Month Day Year 2 7 Age Removed: to Montreal, Canada 1881 31 1882 to Chicago, Ill. 7 26 1878 to Buffalo to Albany to Albany to Buffalo from city to Syracuse to Ferry, Dakota Ter. to New York to Canada 4 12 15 1888 19 1875 21 to Buffalo 9 4 23 1886 1877 32 to Cleveland, Oh. to New Haven, Ct. 7 14 1883 1 1 10 1878 25 1887 62 to Buffalo 70 to Greenup, Ill. 6 12 1882 to Albany to Pierre, Dakota Ter. to Troy 1881 to Geneva to Michigan to Bridgeport, Conn. 9 29 1877 to Pembroke to DeWitt 11 12 9 18 1878 1882 1875 from city to Williamsport, Pa. to Springfield, Mo. to Meadville, Pa. to Cincinnati, Oh. Page 283 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1885 1887 1877 1876 1888 1882 1879 1878 1887 1889 1883 1887 1885 1883 1880 1888 1885 1886 1881 1887 1886 1881 1888 1883 1888 Surname McElwain McEntee McEntee McEntee McEntee McEntee McEntee McEntegart McEvoy McEvoy McEwen McEwen McEwen McEwen McFadden McFarlan McFarland McFarland McFarlane McFarlin McFarlin McFarlin McFarlin McFarren McFaul McGahan McGahey Given Samuel M. James, Jr. John Mary Patrick Sylvester Thomas H. John John William Peter H. Peter I. Peter J. Peter J. Thomas Peter Andrew J. James William J. Benjamin Michael Philip William J. William R. Louis John J. William 1888 1885 1884 1884 1877 1886 1884 1887 1886 1884 1884 1888 1884 1887 1889 1881 1879 McGann McGann McGannan McGarry McGarry McGarry McGary McGear McGeary McGee McGee McGee McGiffert McGill McGill McGill McGill Edward W. Thomas Michael Daniel P. Edward J. Edward J. Edward J. James Mary James Michael Patrick William D. David George F. James John Month Day Year nd nd Age Removed: to Buffalo from city nd to Minneapolis, Minn. to Toronto to Philadelphia, Pa. to Canada to Worcester, Mass. 8 7 1878 18 1877 from city to Syracuse to Buffalo to Boston to Penfield 4 12 1882 from city to Buffalo to Utica 4 19 1886 77 from city to Bergen from city to Dansville to Buffalo to Albion to Chicago, Ill. to New Brunswick, N. J. from city from city to Chicago, Ill. to California to New York City to Michigan to New York to Greece 12 3 31 1883 19 1884 65 59 to Minnesota to Boston, Mass. to Scotland to Kansas City, Mo. to Pennsylvania to Jersey City, N. J. Page 284 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1876 1881 1883 Surname McGill McGill McGill McGill Given Michael Peter Robert Robert H. 1881 1877 1881 1880 1882 1885 1885 1882 1876 1886 1886 1888 1887 1877 1887 1889 1888 1884 1888 1882 1882 1881 1889 1881 1889 1886 McGill McGill McGill McGill McGill McGillick McGinn McGinn McGinnis McGinty McGlachlin McGlachlin McGlachlin McGladdery McGlashan McGlennon McGlinn McGlue McGlue McGlynn McGlynn McGoey McGonegal McGonegal McGonegal McGonegal Sarah M. William William William H. Joseph P. John Edward M. Patrick Elizabeth John A. Ambrose C. Ambrose C. Henry F. James Robert Fred. Margaret Anastasia Mary Bridget Patrick Thomas Daniel M. George E. Henry B. John 1889 1882 1887 1887 1887 1883 1889 1888 1885 1885 1877 1887 1889 McGonegal McGonegal McGorray McGorray McGorray McGovern McGovern McGoveron McGoveron McGoveron McGoveron McGoveron McGowan Lizzie A. Maria John A. Katie E. Lawrence John Wm. Kate A. Lizzie Mary G. Thomas Thomas Cecilia Month Day Year Age Removed: to Oswego to Williamstown, Pa. from city to Albany married Geo. Campbell from city 4 30 1880 to St. Louis, Mo. to Buffalo 3 18 1885 to Parma from city to Brooklyn, L. I. to Conesus to Baltimore, Md. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. 4 1877 from city to Colborne, Ont. 6 13 1887 71 1 1 1888 72 1 28 1882 to Canandaigua to Chili to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Texas 7 6 1888 67 to Detroit, Mich. married Martin V. Sayles 8 6 25 1881 20 1886 56 to Decatur, Ill. to Brooklyn from city 4 1 1889 65 married Jacob Mühl to New York to New York 11 4 8 Page 285 1 1876 3 1887 5 1888 85 27 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1887 1885 1884 1877 1885 1882 1886 1884 1881 1888 1884 1887 1887 1885 1878 1877 1880 1882 1876 1880 1884 1888 1888 1888 1878 1876 1881 1877 1878 1884 1886 1879 1885 1888 1889 1884 1885 1879 1888 1881 1881 1887 1886 1876 Surname McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowan McGowen McGrady McGrady McGrady McGrady McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGrath McGraw McGraw McGraw McGraw McGrayan McGrayan McGreal McGreal McGreal McGreevey McGregor McGregor McGregor McGuckin McGuckin McGuckin McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire Given Daniel John M. John, 2nd. Michael John J. James John Owen Peter Daniel, 2nd Daniel, Jr. Dennis Frederick James H. Jeremiah John John, 2nd Martin Thomas Anna, Miss Katie John John J. Lawrence L. James B. Rush Elizabeth Nellie, Mrs. Edward Edward Edward Anna Charles H. Charles J. Charles J. George F. George M. George W. Hugh J. Isabella James James James James C. Jas. F. Age Removed: to Providence, R. I. from city 22 1884 24 to Syracuse to Buffalo to LeRoy from city 3 1885 75 to Bridgeport, Ct. to Bradford, Pa. to Fairport to Brighton to Chicago, Ill. from city to Fairport 1877 25 1876 9 1879 to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. to New York City to Fairport to Los Angeles, Cal. to Los Angeles, Cal. from city to New York 1876 from city 1876 to Batavia 31 1883 68 10 1886 50 1879 to Greece to Webster from city to St. Paul, Minn. to Cleveland, Ohio 5 1878 17 1887 71 to California 16 1880 15 1886 60 to Toronto, Can. to Arcade N. Y. Month Day Year 10 9 4 12 11 1 11 8 2 5 10 11 8 6 Page 286 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1878 1886 1884 1888 1876 1882 1887 1887 1877 1883 1887 1882 1889 1880 1886 1879 1880 1885 1877 1888 1889 1883 1877 1881 1889 1886 1888 1883 1888 1878 1884 1878 1884 1885 1884 1879 1889 1884 1889 1882 1889 1886 1889 Surname McGuire McGuire McGuire Given John John John McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGuire McGukin McGurn McHale McHenry McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh McHugh McIncrow McInerney McInerney McInerney McInerney McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre McIntyre Mary Mary J. Michael Patrick Rosa Susan Thomas Thomas Thomas John Joseph James H. James James S. James V. James V. Kate, Mrs. Michael J. Patrick John H. James John Maggie Wm. V. Cyrus D. James D. Jeanet John Peter E. Alonzo A. Charles Duty James James A. James D. John Kate, Mrs. Patrick Robert Sarah M. William F. Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 1875 1877 to Penfield married Joseph H. Brodeur married J. P. Rickard 2 29 1876 to Charlotte 12 20 1886 70 nd nd nd to Ireland to Irondequoit from city 9 26 1881 from city 12 9 1879 from city to Portland, Or. from city 11 14 1884 69 to Iowa 3 19 1888 30 from city to Corning to New York City to Elmira 7 13 1888 24 4 30 1886 33 to Cayuga 9 8 1882 4 14 1888 to Cincinnati, Oh. from city from city to Buffalo from city from city to New York City to Kingston from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 5 1881 3 10 1889 73 from city from city Page 287 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1884 1880 1881 Surname McKale McKay McKay McKay Given Jane David Hugh Stanley A. 1880 1887 1877 1885 1878 1886 1881 1881 1880 1883 1883 1886 McKearney McKearney McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKee McKelvey McKelvey Agnes Patrick David C. David E. Edwin S. George A. James S. Jane, Miss Jay D. William Charles E. James 1884 1882 1880 1885 1886 1886 1888 1884 1889 1885 1877 1876 1877 1881 1876 1876 1881 1876 1883 1886 1881 1889 1882 1877 1889 1879 1876 McKelvey McKelvey McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenna McKenney McKenney McKenny McKenny McKenzie McKenzie McKenzie McKenzie McKeon McKeon McKeon McKernan McKerroll McKevitte McKevley McKeylee McKeytrick Martha, Miss Robert J. Ann, Miss George F. James P. Joseph Joseph J. Patrick Philip Thomas B. James H. Solon A. Edward D. John Joseph R. Letitia, Miss William Wm. J. Arthur James A. Peter F. Edward James Wm. H. James Theodore Emily, Mrs. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 9 1884 55 1 16 1884 72 to Webster to Lyons married Wm. Garaghty 4 18 1887 56 to Corning from city to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo to Woonsocket, R. I. from city to Canandaigua 5 17 1883 Hamilton, Ont. to Oregon City, Oregon to Denver, Col. to Hornellsville to New York City 3 6 1886 45 to Fairport to England to New York City to Denver, Col. 8 19 1884 42 to Pennsylvania to Lockport from city to Chicago, Ill. to Scotland to Leeds, England to St. Louis, Mo. to Leeds, England to Macedon 9 6 1885 24 to Buffalo to Middletown from city 1876 to England 6 3 1878 to Winona, Mich. Page 288 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1886 1876 1886 1888 1876 1888 1884 1882 1883 1882 Surname McKeytrick McKibben McKibben McKibbin McKibbin McKillip McKillip McKillop McKindley McKindley McKindley Given Peter John Leverett K. Hannah B. John H. Monroe William P. George James W. John J. William H. 1883 1877 1876 1876 1878 1888 1877 1882 1886 1879 1883 McKinley McKinley McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney George John James James P. John Louie O. Merritt G. Patrick Patrick Robert Robert 1885 1878 1886 1876 1886 1878 1881 1883 1880 1881 1882 1876 1886 1887 1878 1887 1887 1879 1879 1886 1887 McKinnon McKinster McKissick McKissick McKissick McKissock McKnight McKnight McLachlan McLane McLarney McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin Christiana J. Gilbert G. Catharine A. David C. Mary L. John W. Edwin Edwin William S. Owen William Bernard Dorsey E. Edward Emma Eudora A. George J. Bernard James James B. James C. Age Removed: to Winona, Mich. 1886 74 to Penfield to Howard to Auburn 1875 1887 53 1883 37 1881 to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to St. Catharines, Canada to Canada 1875 to Mississippi 1877 1888 30 to Texas 1881 1885 70 to Kelly's Island, Oh. to Cleveland, Oh. married William Tunbridge 1877 to Salamanca from city to Salamanca to Lindsay, Ont. to Middleport to Middleport from city 1880 from city to Brighton to Jamestown, Kan. 1886 89 to Henrietta to Randolph to California from city to Mendon to New York City to Fairport Month Day Year 6 7 7 8 12 9 4 12 2 5 Page 289 11 4 25 12 10 28 5 7 13 11 8 1 12 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1879 1879 1884 1887 1879 1878 1888 1883 1879 1884 1882 1883 1886 1886 1882 1885 1886 1889 1883 1882 1884 1889 1889 1885 1884 1885 1883 1882 1879 1883 Surname McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLaughlin McLean Given John John John John LeRoy M. Michael Patrick Phebe R. William J. Wm. Aaron M. McLean McLean McLean McLean McLean McLean McLean McLee McLeese McLeish McLellan McLellan McLeod McLoon McLoon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon Aaron R. Arthur George W. Hector L. John A. John H. Neil Theris James T. John T. Andrew J. Andrew J. Gordon J. Annie Ellen Anna F. Bryant C. Catharine Henry E. John 1884 McMahon 1886 McMahon Joseph Martin B. 1886 1883 1889 1889 1877 1881 1879 1880 1883 Mary J. Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick, 2nd Philip Josie Thomas Hugh A. McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMahon McMann McMann McMannis Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: to Penn Yan to Buffalo 1879 from city to Randolph 9 5 5 4 1878 20 1878 8 1887 76 to Phelps to Kansas to New York City to Chippewa Falls, Wis. from city to Lancaster 11 7 1885 77 to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. nd nd nd to Detroit, Mich. to Boston, Mass. to Montreal, Can. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Denver, Col. to Chicago, Ill. married Dennis Haley 12 7 1883 78 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. 11 12 11 1881 22 1878 to Oneida to La Delicious, Senora, Mexico to S. Greece married Anthony Callahan from city 9 9 4 1888 6 1888 7 28 1880 61 70 from city to Charlotte from city to New York City Page 290 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 McMannis Given James P. 1877 1878 1887 1886 1888 1887 1887 1878 1880 1878 1883 1880 1883 1884 1886 1879 1886 1877 1881 1885 1879 1888 1887 1886 1882 1883 1887 1879 McMannis McMannis McMannis McMannis McMannis McMannis McMaster McMaster McMaster McMaster McMath McMath McMenomy McMenomy McMenony McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillen McMullen McMullen McMullen McMullen James T. Jennie Joseph P. Patrick William J. William T. Alonzo D. Joseph M. Joseph M. Samuel O. Edwin A. B. Caroline Edward J. Patrick J. Michael Duncan James James John Margaret A. Richard B. Solomon D. Theron S. David H. Bridget James H. Mabel Mary, Miss 1886 1887 1887 1882 1878 1877 1880 1889 1887 1885 1889 1885 1878 1880 McMullen McMullen McMurray McMurrich McNab McNab McNab McNair McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally Minnie Peter Samuel John B. Jas. H. John C. John C. Jennie Catharine Catharine Edward Frank T. Fred. Frederick J. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to San Francisco, Cal. to Avon 4 6 1887 24 to San Rafael, Cal. to Walston, Pa. to New York 3 23 1887 75 to Camden, N. J. to Camden, N. J. from city to Farnsworth, Kan. to Webster 12 1 9 1882 14 1884 47 to Oregon to Michigan to Syracuse 5 1 1877 from city from city 10 1878 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Springfield, Oh. from city 1 13 1883 to Canada to Canandaigua married Jno. McDonald 8 20 1886 49 to Hopewell Centre to Oswego to Kentucky to Cleveland, Oh. to Penn Yan to Lexington, Ky. 3 27 1887 78 to Batavia to Dansville 9 1884 to New York City to Kansas Page 291 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1880 1880 1887 1879 1884 1886 1882 1882 1880 1882 1887 1888 1883 1879 1889 1888 1889 1881 1887 1886 1886 1876 1886 1888 1882 1876 1882 1880 1880 1882 1883 1886 1880 1877 1882 1889 1882 1882 1881 1882 1884 1877 1884 Surname McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNally McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNary Given Henry D. James E. John Joseph Owen William A. Wm. Ann Owen Bridget James John John Mary Patrick Thomas F. John McNaugh McNaughton McNaughton McNaughton McNaughton McNaughton McNaughton McNaughton McNeal McNeese McNeese McNeese McNeil McNeil McNeill McNeill McNeill McNerney McNerney McNett McNickle McNulty McNulty McNulty McOmber McOrmond McPhail Lottie Charles S. Christie Donald Jameson Jemison William William Laura E. Anthony Hannah William Benjamin F. Charles W. James James Mary Lot Thomas Silas Isabella George E. J. Edward John J. Isaac Henry Henry H. Month Day Year 2 Age Removed: to Glenwood, Pa. to Watertown 2 1880 to New York 11 2 22 1878 25 1884 2 8 9 9 15 1882 3 1881 17 1879 1881 26 to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. 4 2 14 1883 24 1879 12 17 1887 to Geneva 47 married Wm. Whitmore to Colorado 8 8 19 1886 30 1885 77 28 to Canada to Mumford to Buffalo 3 6 1888 24 to Woodstock, Can. 2 nd 28 1876 nd nd 8 26 1879 to New York City from city to Michigan to Michigan 1 27 1880 to New York City to Canandaigua to Bath 9 4 1881 to Irondequoit 8 nd 14 1880 nd nd 2 27 1884 85 to Clinton, Mass. to Toronto, Canada Page 292 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1876 1886 1887 1882 1886 1885 1881 1883 1885 1882 1885 1882 1878 1876 1883 1884 1883 1883 1885 1881 1882 1877 1877 1879 1878 1881 1889 1885 1882 1883 1878 1882 1884 1885 1888 1888 1889 1883 1887 1879 1882 1886 1880 1886 Surname McPhee McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McQuade McQuain McQuain McQuain McQuain McQuatters McQueen McQuillen McQuillen McQuillen McQuillen McQuillen McQuillen McQuivey McReedy McRoden McSweeney McTaggart McTaggart McTaggart McTaggart McTaggart McVay McVay McVean McVean McVean McVean McVean McWade McWade McWade McWain McWain McWhorter McWhorter Mea Mead Mead Given Duncan Alexander Mary A. Sylvanus Tryphenie C. William D. Philip Carlos S. Charles A. Mary B. Terrence William James, Jr. Edward John H. Patrick Sarah Sarah, Mrs. Thomas A. Hannah J. Alexander John H. Eliza Daniel Daniel Daniel, Jr. Hannah John E. Mary Patrick Catharine Howard S. John A. Malcom Peter J. Bernard Timothy William E. Wallace W. Wallace W. James A. Samuel T. Edwin L. Alfred M. Emma D. Month Day Year 6 5 1 20 1885 16 1885 26 1881 11 3 1 18 1884 7 1882 26 1885 Age Removed: to Auburn to Michigan to Santa Cruz, Cal. from city from city 28 to Chili 65 69 from city to Bradford, Pa. to Dunkirk, Pa. to Minneapolis, Minn. 3 1 3 3 30 16 16 26 1884 1883 1883 1885 54 to Chili from city 1 11 1877 to California 9 1878 to California 5 26 1880 from city to Holley 3 28 1882 to LeRoy to Scottsville to Ottawa, Can. to Greece to Batavia to Albany to Canada to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. to Cleveland, Oh. to Scottsville 6 17 1881 to Charlotte to Victor from city Page 293 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1881 1879 1882 1884 1880 1884 1885 1884 1882 1888 1886 1888 1884 1885 1882 1884 1889 1886 1883 1884 1876 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1882 1882 1879 1885 1882 1886 1889 1886 1877 1889 1882 1878 1888 1880 1884 1877 1877 1889 Surname Mead Mead Mead Mead Mead Mead Mead Mead Meade Meagher Meagher Meagher Mealy Means Meanwell Mears Mechs Mecorney Medbery Medbery Medcalf Medcalf Medd Meddaugh Meddaugh Meding Medlar Medrow Mee Meech Meehan Meehan Meek Meek Meek Meek Meek Meeker Meeker Meeker Meeker Meeker Meere Megerle Megerle Given Frances Fred. A. Hannah John Mary Ralph A. M. William B., Mrs. William H. Patrick J. John K. Martin Michael M. Thomas Lillie B. Charles George J. Henry A. Isaac E. Anna H. Joseph Charles Frederick Edward Andrew Belden Gottfried Zach Paul C. Charles I. J. Edward E. Thomas F. Charles Clarence Helen L. Sarah Susan M. Abel George R. Rhoda Seeley William D. Michael George William A. Month Day Year 1 4 Age Removed: to Alden from city 29 1879 10 1882 to Lyons from city to Toronto, Can. to Watertown to New York City from city 4 1 19 1888 22 1886 75 54 from city from city to England to Livonia 1 9 1884 31 8 10 3 1885 21 1882 75 to Batavia to Owego to Portage, N. Y. 12 12 1886 30 to Elmira to Illinois 4 12 1887 65 to Fort Jackson to Chicago, Ill. to Attica to Albany from city 3 11 1882 to Dansville to Dakota to Hornellsville to Canada to Toledo, Ohio 7 1 1881 to Geneseo 12 8 1887 83 10 23 1883 58 6 13 1876 from city to Ireland to Charlotte Page 294 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1886 1887 1885 1887 1876 1883 1879 1883 1880 Surname Mehen Mehl Mehl Mehl Mehle Mehne Meibaum Meier Meier Meier Given Margaret Amos E. George Louis Nicholas Frederick Henry Leonhart Magdalena Simon 1880 1879 1876 1882 1888 1876 1886 1880 1888 1881 1881 1885 1880 1883 1888 1883 1886 1877 1888 Mein Mein Mein Meinhard Meinhardt Meinhardt Meinig Meinig Meinzer Meisch Meisch Meise Meisenzahl Meisenzahl Meiser Meislohn Meismer Meister Melarkey Dina Henry Robert Peter Max H. Peter Ernest Otto Jacob C. Charles John B. Carrie Albert Charles John Henry M. George Charles Peter 1885 1881 1887 1879 1881 1884 1884 1885 1876 1889 1889 1882 1886 1886 Meldola Meldola Meldola Melling Mellon Mellon Melody Melville Melvin Melvin Melvin Mender Mender Mendonsa Bertha Minnie Theodore Mary Anna Michael J. Bridget Thomas Alexander G. Edmund A. James Jacob John Bridget Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 26 1888 69 to Syracuse to Rome to West Brighton 8 20 1886 51 to Albion to Irondequoit to Leadville, Col. 11 21 1882 from city married Henricus Kolkman 12 14 1878 to Constantine, Mich. to Brockport to Buffalo to Brockport to Brooklyn to Sing Sing to Syracuse to Penfield to Penfield to Jordan to Irondequoit to Detroit, Mich. 10 30 1887 29 to Kansas 9 13 1885 72 to Fisher's Station 8 12 1887 married Lawrence Peiffer married Jacob Pfeifer 10 18 1886 79 5 13 1879 3 28 1881 to Erie, Pa. 4 3 1884 2 13 1885 84 4 9 1876 to Fairport 9 14 1888 65 2 14 1882 from city 8 1885 Page 295 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1884 1878 1888 1877 1889 1879 1889 1887 1887 1886 1886 1887 1880 1887 1880 1879 1886 1880 1881 1883 1883 1881 1889 1880 1885 1888 1883 1876 1888 1877 1881 1882 1888 1886 1878 1877 1888 1886 1886 1879 1882 1888 1879 1886 Surname Mendonsa Mendonsa Meng Meng Meng Mengerink Mengerink Mengerkink Menihan Menninger Menninger Menor Menor Mensing Mensing Mensing Mensing Mensing Mentz Menzie Menzies Mercer Merchant Merchant Merchant Merick Merk Merk Merk Merk Merk Merkel Merkel Merkel Merkel Merkel Merkel Merkel Merkley Merlau Merlau Merlau Merlau Merrell Merrell Given Frank S. Manuel S. John D. John D. Peter G. William Wm. Johanna G. John E. Catherine John Frank Louisa Hiram J. John D. A. Maurice Theodore W. Theodore W. Robert John C. Robert J. John Edward Joseph Julia Eldridge J. Jacob Joseph Matthias Matthias, Jr. Modest Albert Christopher F. John Joseph Michael Simon William J. Harry C. A. Christina Henry A. Margaret Sarah E. Augustus H. Charles T. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: from city to Portugal 21 1877 to Helena, Montana from city to Brighton 9 29 1878 married 8 6 3 1886 26 1886 17 1886 85 76 11 8 1886 70 2 2 1887 62 to Conesus to Newark, N. J. to Newark, N. J. to Gates to Gates to New Jersey to Caledonia to Canada 7 7 28 1882 3 1880 to Greece to Chili from city 10 17 1887 32 from city to Bergen, N. Y. to Buffalo to Germany from city to Albion 10 5 1887 51 from city 3 1877 from city from city to Avon 5 1 1 24 1885 10 1879 4 1882 1887 77 to Denver, Col. to Gates Page 296 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1886 1885 1888 1884 Surname Merrell Merrell Merrell Merriam Merriam Given Dwight W. Henry P. John H. Fannie A. Harriet S. 1880 1879 1877 1878 1886 1883 1881 1880 1886 1884 1888 1885 1881 1883 1889 1883 1883 1882 1885 1882 1879 1877 1881 1881 1883 1877 Merriam Merriam Merriam Merriam Merrick Merrick Merrill Merrill Merrill Merrill Merriman Merriman Merritt Merritt Merritt Merritt Merry Merry Mersen Mersereau Mertz Merz Merz Merz Merz Merz Hattie A. Henry H. John W. Samuel B. John William J. Benjamin W. Carleton E. Edward W. George B. Corydon C. Maurice H. C. N. Henry J. William C. William J. James Walter Anna Theodore T. Anton Jacob Jacob John John F. Michael 1888 1876 1879 1888 1886 1887 1889 1886 1879 1884 1878 1886 Merz Mesick Messenger Messinger Messman Messman Messmer Messmer Messner Messner Mestler Meszmer Reca James E. Jacob Charles O. Fred. John George M. J. J. Jacob John William Louis William Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Colorado to Colorado to Philadelphia, Pa. 14 1884 married Orson M. Cooley from city 7 3 1876 to Johnstown to Palmyra to Indianapolis, Ind. from city from city 5 21 1886 21 from city to Chicago, Ill. to Springfield, Mo. to Friendship from city to Buffalo 2 28 1883 from city to Brockport to Milwaukee, Wis. to Anderson to Wayland to Middleport from city 3 1 1881 1883 to Brighton married Christian H. Hummel from city to South Sodus 7 11 6 3 4 7 24 6 1887 1885 1886 1889 80 80 43 28 to Baltimore, Md. to Texas to Buffalo to Lyons to Buffalo Page 297 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1889 1887 1887 1877 1876 1878 1882 1879 1878 1884 1889 1881 1876 1880 1880 1887 1876 1879 1883 1886 1881 1885 1877 1877 1886 1884 1889 1879 1881 1883 1889 1888 1879 1886 1879 1887 1888 1888 1881 1886 1877 1888 1883 Surname Metcalf Metcalf Metcalfe Metherell Metherell Mets Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzger Metzinger Metzinger Metzinger Metzinger Metzinger Metzinger Metzinger Metzler Metzler Given Louis Sarah S. Richard Thomas William Peter A. Balthasar C. Christian Clara Frederick Frederick J. John Margaret William William A. Catharine Frank Jacob Jacob John John G. Peter John Peter Meulendyk Meulendyk Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer James, Jr. Peter Albert Albert L. Balzar Balzar Benjamin S. Catharine Charles F. Christian Christian Elizabeth Elizabeth Elmira Ernst Francis A. Frank J. Frederick Frederick A. Frederick E. Month Day Year 1 3 nd Age Removed: to Shelby to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to W. Brighton to Brighton to Buffalo 13 1878 12 1882 nd nd to Canada to Buffalo 7 11 15 1888 29 1880 73 to Ohio from city 7 21 1879 to Janesville, Wis. to Pine Hill to Pine Hill to Auburn to Jamestown, Wis. from city to St. Louis, Mo. 7 1876 to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Ithaca 10 22 1883 8 9 22 1878 4 1880 2 5 28 1889 23 1888 23 to Tacoma, W. T. to Chicago, Ill. 34 to Webster 9 10 9 1885 16 1878 45 12 10 7 9 9 26 13 19 60 40 married James Tuttle 1887 1887 1880 1885 40 to Buffalo to Syracuse from city Page 298 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1882 1880 1881 1882 1883 1886 1877 1886 1876 1889 1879 1885 1888 1882 1888 1889 1882 1878 1881 1884 1889 Surname Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Given George Jacob John John John John John A. John B. John B. John H. Joseph Louis Marcus Margaret Martin Martin Martin Samuel Sebastian Sophia Ulysses Veronica 1889 1880 1888 1889 1877 1883 1883 1876 1876 1888 1887 1876 1878 1882 1886 1884 1876 1889 1884 1888 1884 1886 Meyering Meyering Meyering Meyers Meyers Meyn Meyn Meyn Meyn Mezger Mezger Miannay Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michaels Michel Michels Michelsen Michelson Celia J. Frederick W. Margaret August Henry Frank Herman Louis Robert Lena Louis Eugene Henry, Jr. Isaac John John F. C. William William B. Edward Mechel Paul, 2nd Henry Month Day Year 5 Age Removed: to Denver, Col. 9 1882 to Oneida from city to Detroit, Mich. 3 5 7 1883 9 1886 49 to Castle Rock, Mo. from city to Florida 3 4 18 1889 25 1879 23 to Kentucky 2 11 1888 61 to Irondequoit 1 6 5 1 8 5 12 14 1888 8 1888 13 1881 1878 24 1880 24 1884 17 1888 27 69 78 married W. F. Rampe 11 2 27 1879 7 1888 8 1876 60 from city to Waterloo to Watertown 5 11 1876 to Constantine, Mich. married from city to New York City to Texas to Wisconsin to Indianapolis, Ind. 6 7 1883 25 from city to Philadelphia, Pa. from city 1 14 1888 50 to Detroit, Mich. 4 Page 299 12 1886 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1889 1885 1885 1886 1879 1877 1887 1882 1888 Surname Mickle Middlebrook Middleton Mierke Mildahn Mildahn Mildahn Mildahn Miles Miles Given William Augusta Wylie E. Henry J. Charles Christian John John Catharine Edward F. 1887 1889 1881 1877 1886 1880 1878 1885 1884 1887 1882 1888 1878 1883 1886 1881 1876 1882 1889 Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Milford Millard Millen Millener Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Etta C. Eugene S. Frank E. Henry Lewis Mary A. Richard Samuel Amanda M. Mitty Sarah A. Frederick Abel Adam Adelbert D. Albert A. Aldo Alexander W. Alice 1887 1889 1888 1888 1884 1877 1887 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Annie L. August August M. Augustus Barbara Benjamin W. Bernard K. 1889 1881 1885 1877 1887 1878 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Caroline Charles Charles Charles A. Charles F. Christian Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Port Hope, Ontario 29 1889 from city to Rome 9 9 1885 40 from city 7 10 3 21 1876 15 1886 14 1882 76 from city married Lorin E. Mason 2 12 1889 31 to Chicago, Ill. from city 10 6 1885 64 to Kingston to Watertown 6 11 9 16 1884 3 1883 6 1886 79 66 90 to Honeoye to LeRoy 7 1 1877 to Canada to Lyons to Buffalo from city 3 7 28 1882 2 1888 38 married H. L. Conway to Canada 4 8 1888 69 to Chicago, Ill. 10 10 1 1883 1876 30 to Buffalo married Geo. L. Schauz 10 7 1880 14 1884 31 to Buffalo to Buffalo 5 Page 300 19 1878 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1876 1885 1879 1888 1887 1886 1889 1887 1877 1881 1885 1878 1889 1885 1887 1889 1883 1881 1881 1877 1881 1884 1884 1889 1889 1882 1889 1881 1879 1886 1887 1877 1889 1882 1885 1885 1882 1882 1886 1882 1889 1889 1881 Surname Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Given Christian Clark Clark Conrad Conrad Daniel H. Dietrich Dorcas E. Theo. Edward Edward Edward Edward F. Edward H. Edward P. Elbert H. T. Elizabeth Emma H. Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Emma L. Ernest L. Frank Frank Frank Frank H. Frank J. Frank J. Frank W. Fred. Frederick Frederick J. George George George A. George J. George W. Happelonia Harry Heman Henry Henry B. Henry C. Henry S. Hermann Irving D. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 23 1880 from city 8 17 1884 60 from city 2 24 1888 59 10 28 1886 22 11 12 1885 51 5 5 1889 86 6 9 1887 40 to England from city to Gates 4 8 1878 to Newark, N.J. to St. Paul, Minn. to Scottsville 2 13 1889 76 from city married Frank G. Wagner from city to Columbus, Oh. 11 30 1880 from city from city to Attica 1 24 1888 38 to New York City from city to Hamlin to Lockport 8 26 1885 35 12 12 1886 48 to Columbia County 7 27 1888 27 to New York City 3 24 1885 80 4 1885 10 24 1881 7 21 1881 from city to Erie, Pa. 2 20 1889 38 to Clyde to Utica Page 301 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1878 1885 1889 1877 1879 1880 1881 1889 1889 1882 1889 1878 1887 1885 1876 1877 1888 1879 1878 1882 1889 1879 1888 1888 1884 1887 1881 1876 1879 1876 1888 1886 1884 1877 1889 1884 1887 1884 1886 1887 1882 1889 1888 Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Given Month Day Year J. Wm. Jacob James John John John John John John John A. John C. John H. John H. John I. John Jr. Joseph Joseph Joseph B. Louis Lucas Magdalena Magdalene Margaret Mary Mary A. Mary A. Michael P. Morris, Mrs. Oliver A. Peter Peter Peter J. Philip Philip S. Phillip A. Putnam Richard Robert Sally Samuel Sigmund G. Solomon I. Stephen O. Age Removed: to Santa Barbara, Cal. 8 1 6 1884 17 1889 28 74 to New York City to Lyons to Denver, Col. from city 11 11 14 1888 9 1888 26 59 to New York City to Irondequoit 4 5 1878 to Ridgeland from city to Los Angeles, Cal. to Hammondsport 6 12 1888 52 to Buffalo 12 1 2 1 1877 23 1882 22 1889 1879 62 married Alfred Schreiner 2 11 26 1888 5 1883 48 52 to Buffalo to Brighton to Germany to Pennsylvania 6 12 1875 19 1887 26 to Lockport from city to California to Springwater from city 2 24 1887 71 6 10 1886 66 from city to Connecticut nd nd nd to New York City 5 Page 302 7 1888 55 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1886 1889 1878 1888 1881 1884 1885 1888 1889 1878 1877 1889 1880 1883 1889 1881 1884 1889 1888 1880 1877 1883 1882 1881 1877 1888 1889 1881 1884 1881 1888 1883 1887 1885 1887 1889 1885 1887 1889 1883 1887 1886 1881 Surname Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Millichamp Millichamp Millichamp Millichamp Millidge Milligan Milligan Milligan Given Theodore Thomas A. H. Walter William William William J. William R. William V. Willson Wm. Anna M., Mrs. Christian, Jr. Charles H. Henry Joseph Stephen W. Charles W. Andrew, Jr. Charles Harriet Milligan Milligan Milligan Milligan Milligan Milliken Milliken Milliman Milliman Milliman Milliman Milliner Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Millington Mills Mills Louisa Morris Nathan C. Philo Stanley W. D. William D. Frances Henry C. N. Ervin Silas W. Frederick J. Arthur Arthur Frank Frank C. Helen, Mrs. Hiawossee R. H. F. Ruth Samuel A. Sarah Augustus R. Charles Month Day 6 9 5 2 1 23 3 8 Page 303 1 12 11 27 6 30 1 31 6 29 10 4 4 28 Year Age Removed: 1887 40 1886 49 1889 64 1878 to Canada 1881 to Irondequoit from city 1887 51 to Utica to Buffalo to Ohio to Seattle, W. T. to Bradford, Pa. 1882 from city to Buffalo to Buffalo from city to Canada married Chas. H. Rogers to Syracuse 1883 to Buffalo to Brighton, Canada to Holley 1887 50 married from city to Avon from city to LeRoy to Pennsylvania to Montana to Atlanta, Ga. to Detroit, Mich. to Detroit, Mich. to S. Carolina to Birmingham, Ala. to Detroit, Mich. 1882 to Birmingham, Ala. to Utica 1881 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1889 1884 1887 1878 1882 1883 1880 1882 1880 1888 1882 1880 1884 1887 1882 1885 1876 1889 1882 1888 1886 1883 1879 1882 1885 1878 1885 1882 1885 1884 1888 1885 1877 1881 1880 1885 1881 1889 1885 1889 1883 1878 1880 1876 Surname Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Millspaugh Milne Milo Milow Milson Milstead Mimmack Minard Mincer Mindnich Minen Miner Miner Miner Miner Mines Mines Mines Minges Minges Minges Minges Minges Minges Minges Mingous Minihan Mink Minnamon Minnis Minor Minot Given Charles M. Charles M. Dale Frank H. Geo. George B. James M. John Joseph Sarah William H. William J. William T. Alexander H. James S. Frank X. Christina Henry S. Theodore H. Charles B. Wesley J. Solomon Martin Henry John M. Levi A. Oscar D. William James James Robert Balthazer Henry Jacob, Jr. John John H. Martin Mary A. Frank Henry Ezra Frank C. Robert Curtis J. Jonathan Month Day Year 6 10 Age Removed: to St. Louis, Mo. to New York City to Canisteo to Webster to Kingston, Ont. from city to Groveland to Philadelphia, Pa. to Kingston, Canada to Schenectady to Ottawa, Can. 27 1881 17 1879 to Penn Yan to Buffalo to Seneca Falls 6 9 3 1885 1875 69 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. 9 14 1887 48 to Texas from city 1878 to Leslie, Mich. from city to Watkins to Cleveland, Ohio to Youngstown, Oh. to Hamilton, Can. from city 4 12 4 1888 6 1885 2 25 1881 8 10 15 1884 26 1880 70 77 to Seneca Falls to Chicago, Ill. 48 to Corning to Livonia 3 25 1889 59 to Pittsford to Long Branch, N. J. to Columbus, Oh. from city Page 304 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1889 1879 1887 1877 1886 1882 1877 1888 1879 Surname Minouge Mirick Misfeld Misfeld Misler Misson Mitchel Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Given Patrick J. Nelson C. Charles Ludwig Louis George John C. Adelia C. Amos August 1886 1889 1879 1885 1884 1878 1880 1883 1885 1882 1880 1888 1887 1877 1883 1885 1882 1888 1882 1888 1888 1881 1881 1887 1880 1884 1888 1881 1884 1883 1877 1886 1877 1887 Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mittenthal Mix Mix Mix Mix Mixer Mock Mock Mock Moehling Moehling Moehling Moehling Moehling Moeller Moerdyke Moerdyke Moerdyke Moffat Bert E. Burton Celia M. Edward Flora A. Frank B. Frederick R. J. Guernsey Joseph Levi D. Lewis E. Lillian M. Mary Thomas William H. Joseph Emmett H. George W. John Mary Albert H. Albert, 2nd Jacob Leopold Charles F. Charles F. Charles F. Wm. F. Wm. F. Joseph Abram Charles Cornelius Patrick Month Day Year 2 3 6 23 1882 7 1877 23 1887 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Lyons to Brockport to Irondequoit from city to Port Hope, Can. 35 to New York City to San Francisco, Cal. from city 1 27 1879 to Syracuse to North East, Pa. to New York to Colorado to Paris, France to Ithaca 5 6 1882 from city to New York City 2 9 15 1887 1876 82 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Laramore, Dak. 10 5 1 1 1887 22 1881 2 1888 56 40 to Chicago, Ill. from city 9 6 26 1880 1887 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. 2 29 1888 31 to Lima to Chicago, Ill. from city 12 7 4 27 1876 17 1885 25 1876 24 to Brockport Page 305 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1887 1884 1884 1886 1883 1879 1883 1886 1889 1885 1884 1888 1881 1883 1885 1888 1877 1879 1886 1880 1887 1879 1880 1877 1877 1886 1877 1882 1876 1877 1881 1889 1887 1887 1889 1888 1882 1879 1879 1889 1876 1889 1885 Surname Moffett Moffitt Moffitt Mogler Mogler Mohr Mohr Molden Molenaar Moll Moll Molle Molle Moller Moller Möller Möller Molloy Moloney Molony Molton Molz Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan Monahan Money Given James F. Michael J. William H. Henry William Peter Philipina James Peter Alfred Charles H. August August Henry Theodore Amanda John John Michael Thomas Washington John Anna David David D. James James C. Mary J. Michael Patrick Patrick Peter G. Catharine Mack William T. Monk Monks Monks Monna Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Mary Patrick H. Thomas F. Justin Alexander Elizabeth P. George H. George H. James Age Removed: to Auburn 28 1886 25 to Buffalo 29 1883 40 30 1885 63 to Newark 18 1879 29 1883 from city to New York City to Utica to Denver, Col. from city to New York City to Hornellsville married C. V. Riess 2 1887 44 from city 1878 9 1885 69 31 1879 21 1886 4 1878 11 1879 from city 1876 from city from city 22 1882 1875 11 1877 from city 12 1888 74 to Troy from city married Martin A. Hoppe to Detroit, Mich. to Brighton to Greece to Toronto, Can. 23 1889 63 to Leroy to Jamestown 27 1885 65 Month Day Year 8 8 6 2 5 11 12 11 12 7 6 8 5 1 12 8 8 4 2 Page 306 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1883 1885 1877 1885 1879 1881 1882 1887 1877 1888 1887 1884 1877 1884 1885 1886 1885 1881 1886 1881 1885 1887 1885 1883 1889 1889 1877 1883 1877 1880 1888 1887 1881 1888 1884 1886 1880 1888 1888 1883 1886 1883 1880 1881 Surname Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Montclair Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Moody Moody Moody Moody Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Given James H. James S. Mary Robert B. William William J. Emil L. Alexander J. Andrew Ann Clair L. David Fred. D. Frederick Guy R. Harvey F. Jane Myron S. Seeley A. William David John John H. Thomas Ann, Mrs. C. L., Mrs. Frank T. James John B. Mary. J., Mrs. Peter Thomas Ann Annie J. Burr A. Burton F. Charles Charles E. Charles K. Charles T. Charles U. Charlotte F. Chester J. David N. Edward Month Day Year 3 1 10 20 1883 10 1885 11 1876 Age Removed: to New York City 28 from city from city from city to Charlotte 2 4 21 1887 1 1877 71 to Phoenix, Arizona from city to Buffalo from city to Minneapolis, Minn. 11 12 8 1884 26 1886 66 73 from city from city to Cincinnati, Oh. 3 20 1881 to Toronto, Can. 2 4 1887 45 to Northfield, Mass. from city to Brighton from city to Pennsylvania 1 27 1883 1 8 1880 3 8 1887 to Syracuse to Brockport 60 married to Syracuse to Webster nd nd nd from city to Romulus 9 9 12 16 1887 24 1882 16 1885 62 90 from city to Medina from city Page 307 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1884 1887 1883 1887 1888 1886 1879 1887 1885 1876 1879 1878 1886 1884 1886 1882 1887 1885 1877 1885 1888 1884 1881 1885 1888 1889 1883 1883 1884 1879 1881 1887 1886 1887 1888 Surname Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moorehead Given Eramus R. Francis B. Francis E. Frederick Frederick Frederick Frederick P. George George P. Henry E. B. Henry J. Henry N. & Co. J. Gilbert James John John O. John S. Joseph C. Joseph H. Lewis Mary Mary Orin W. Samuel Samuel P. Sarah R. Susie A. Thomas Willard J. William William H. William T. Wm. H. Wm. J. Samuel T. George 1886 1886 1884 1886 1888 1887 1889 1889 Moorhead Moorhead Moorhouse Moos Moran Moran Moran Moran Robert I. Robert I., Jr. John F. John Bernard E. Daniel Eliza George E. Month Day Year nd nd Age Removed: from city from city to Buffalo nd to Buffalo to Ridgeland to New York City to Bath from city from city to Victor, N. Y. from city to Chicago, Ill. to Braddocks Bay 4 12 28 1884 14 1885 70 85 to New York City from city 5 20 1885 38 8 5 7 8 27 31 30 25 1884 1888 1883 1880 46 93 62 5 22 1888 61 to Ohio to Boston, Mass. married nd nd nd from city 3 2 17 1884 22 1879 62 7 25 1886 72 to Albion to New Haven, Conn. to Altoona, Pa. to London, Ca. to San Francisco, Cal. to Denver, Col. to Minneapolis, Minn. 6 11 8 10 4 17 6 22 1885 1887 1886 1888 34 39 67 68 to Brownville Page 308 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1889 1880 1886 1886 1877 1876 1882 1889 1882 1883 1880 1884 1884 1880 1876 1881 1876 1878 1887 1882 1877 1885 1888 1887 1883 1886 1884 1887 1881 1886 1878 1889 1882 1884 1878 1888 1887 1881 1889 1878 1882 1882 1887 Surname Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Moran Mordean Mordoff Mordoff Mordoff Mordyke More More Morehouse Morehouse Morel Morey Morey Morey Morey Morey Morey Morf Morf Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Given James James James W. John Mary Patrick Thos. Allen H. Carlos W. Maria B. Mortimer C. Caroline Edward Thomas Edward L. Henry L. Charles Andrew F. Clarence E. Clarence E. Clarence E. Clayton L. Robert Emil Gottlieb Charlotte C. Ellen Frank W. Frederick F. George Henry James E. John John S. Lewis H. Mary E. Owen Owen Walter H. Wilbur William William A. William H. William W. Howard Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 1 1886 61 3 24 1887 80 from city 12 24 1879 11 1 1885 85 11 23 1885 75 to Ireland to Ontario, Canada to Bradford, Pa. 4 5 1889 76 to Scottsville 8 14 1882 from city to Ireland to Buffalo to New York City to Auburn to Penfield to Chili to Scottsville to Cleveland, Oh. to Warrensburgh to Brockport to Chicago, Ill. to Denver, Col. to Waterloo 1 1 1883 to Chicago, Ill. to France to Veitsburg, Kan. to Toronto, Can. from city to Clarendon 12 19 1888 41 12 17 1881 12 1 1883 62 to Clarendon to Syracuse to Waterloo from city 9 14 1888 85 8 2 1877 to New York City 4 4 1882 to Cleveland, Oh. Page 309 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1880 1884 1877 1886 1881 1876 1881 1878 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1889 1887 1889 1887 1887 1877 1880 1884 1885 1889 1883 1879 1878 1881 1884 1882 1882 1883 1876 1888 1883 1889 1889 1889 1885 1885 1881 1881 1888 Surname Moriarty Moriarty Moriarty Morley Morley Morley Morley Morphet Morphy Morrice Morrice Morrice Morrill Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Given Giles D. John Michael J. John H. John J. Mary William Eleanor John Alexander Alexander, Jr. William Silas H. Adeline Deborah Edward Edward C. Edward C. Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morris Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Eliza Elizabeth Jabez John M., Jr. Joseph E. Lavina Paul W. Walter William S. Edward A. Elizabeth Frank A. George W. Hamilton James John John John L. John T. Malcolm Margaret Richard Thomas Thomas J. Thomas W. Vincent Age Removed: to Boston to Syracuse to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Baldwinsville 1885 62 to Sodus Point 1875 1881 to Detroit, Mich. to Canada to Canada to Canada to Geneva 1882 1884 85 to Syracuse to Elmira to Chicago, Ill. married Willis P. Whitney 1887 82 to Ontario, Canada to Gates to Brooklyn from city to Tacoma, Wash. T. to Canandaigua to Buffalo 1878 1881 to Hamilton, Canada to Canada 1881 to Toronto, Can. 1875 1888 62 from city 1888 62 from city married W. Macey 1884 67 1885 67 1881 to Michigan 1887 Month Day Year Page 310 8 22 11 5 22 5 1 23 8 1 15 5 7 6 21 7 1 19 6 9 7 7 3 1 31 31 19 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1887 1884 1889 1883 1884 1883 1886 1883 1887 1886 1883 1877 1882 1882 1887 1889 1877 1887 1888 1887 1887 1884 1882 1880 1881 1880 1886 1883 1882 1887 1876 1883 1883 1880 1879 1888 1888 1878 1888 1889 1889 1876 1883 Surname Morrison Morrison Morrissey Morrow Morrow Morrow Morsch Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Morse Mortimer Mortimer Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Moschau Given William William L. Bridget Edwin R. James H. Wm. E. Peter Alson E. Charles E. David R. Edward Edward W. Eugene T. G. Percy George E. George R. Henry R. Lewis N. Soap Co. Waldo G. Alfred L. Frederick C. Blanche Charles S. Fremont D. George C. George E. George E. John Rudolph Moseley Moser Moser Moser Moser Moser Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Mosher Mosher H. Montague Albert Alexander M. August Edward A. Emil America Eliza Fred A. Job Lena Schuyler George A. Howell Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to Hamilton, Ont. to Boston, Mass. 27 1883 to Dresden, Oh. from city to Chicago, Ill. 9 1882 to Fremont, Ohio to Buffalo to Syracuse from city to Fort Scott, Kansas to Cincinnati, Oh. to Eaton to Eaton to New York 1 30 1889 61 to Vermont to Toronto, Can. to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York 7 9 1884 to Chicago, Ill. to Geneva from city to Clifton, Ill. from city 3 23 1883 to Bath to Spokane Falls, Washington Terr. to Cleveland, Oh. 4 28 1883 to Detroit, Mich. 10 20 1879 to New York City to Mt. Morris to Mt. Morris from city 7 27 1887 73 from city 3 13 1889 90 to Wolcott to Shelbyville, Ind. Page 311 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1885 1878 1885 1885 1878 1885 1878 1884 1882 1882 1887 1885 1880 1880 1886 1885 1886 1882 1881 1889 1883 1882 1889 1876 1885 1885 1887 1885 1889 1880 1888 1884 1881 1888 1884 1886 1886 1878 1883 1881 1879 1877 1882 1884 Surname Mosher Mosher Moshier Mosier Mosler Moss Moss Moss Most Mosure Motley Mott Mott Mott Mott Mott Mott Moul Mount Mountain Mountfort Mountfort Mowry Mowry Mowry Mowry Moxley Moyes Moylan Moyle Moynihan Moynough Muchemore Muchemore Muehlhaeuser Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller Muhl Muhl Given Jane William Isaac V. Wm. H. Moses Thomas Thomas William H. Adam John George A. P. Adelma F. C. Spearling Charles Chas. L. Dexter Richard A. Charles J. B. Celia F. Charles G. Walter S. Delos C. DeWitt J. George W. George W. Edwin Edward A. Bernhard E. Sybella George W. Bridget G. Joseph S. Warren J. Ida Albert G. A. Charles George J. Herman Isaac John Joseph E. Nicholas George Philip Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 31 1889 from city 5 30 1878 to Paw Paw, Mich. to New York City to Irondequoit to Irondequoit from city 8 4 1883 64 from city 12 24 1881 to Montreal, Canada to Buffalo to New York City from city from city from city to Victor 3 29 1882 3 1881 to Tonawanda to Savannah, Ga. to Elmira to Geneva to Geneva to Geneva to Schoharie Co. 1 19 1887 39 from city to Paris, Can. 8 26 1879 to Toronto, Can. to New York City to Boston, Mass. 5 9 1888 74 to Chicago, Ill. 4 16 1886 64 11 23 1885 29 5 21 1878 6 14 1882 to Pittsford from city from city to Paris, France to Sodus Page 312 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1879 1879 1876 1876 1889 1881 1886 1888 1887 1887 1888 1884 1882 1888 1886 1884 1881 1885 1889 1881 1883 1887 1887 1886 1888 1887 Surname Mühleisen Muir Muir Muisau Muisau Muiso Mulcahey Mulcahy Mulchay Muldaur Mulford Mulford Mulford Mulkern Mullen Mullen Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Muller Müller Müller Müller Müller Given Rachel A. Christina William C. August Charles August Patrick E. James G. Martin Emilie H. Charles H. Charlotte A. Thomas W. Martin J. Martha Robert Andrew Charles Ernest P. R. Emile Theresa W. Farley William Anna M. Carlena Christian Edward 1887 1885 1888 1886 1888 1888 1886 1887 1888 1881 1884 1883 1880 1877 1879 1886 1881 Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Müller Mulley Mulligan Mulligan Mulliger Mulliger Mullins Mulqueen Mulqueen Mulqueen Mulroony Helena Henry John Michael Paul O. Peter Philip William, Jr. Bridget James Catherine John, Jr. James James Maurice Maurice V. Edward W. Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 19 1886 93 8 1 1878 to Minnesota to Buffalo 4 1875 9 1 1888 41 4 26 1880 to New York City to New York City to New York 3 28 1887 22 8 17 1887 79 to Utica from city 2 4 1888 61 4 5 1886 49 3 7 1884 from city to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. 9 26 1880 to New York City from city 4 15 1887 78 to Coldwater 4 18 1888 57 11 12 1886 84 married F. W. Voelker to New York City 11 6 2 1887 20 1885 to Brooklyn nd 9 nd nd 17 1885 9 12 6 1887 3 1880 to Waxford, Can. 63 to Decatur, Ind. 6 19 1882 from city from city to Detroit, Mich. from city from city Page 313 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1876 1879 1884 1881 1884 1887 1886 1876 1888 1876 1880 1884 1877 1889 1884 1877 1878 1880 1886 1882 1887 1887 1877 1886 1877 1881 1885 1887 1882 1888 1886 1885 1882 1885 1879 1881 1883 1888 1881 1883 1877 1879 1884 Surname Mulryan Mulryan Mulryan Mulryan Mulryan Mulryan Mulryan Mulvey Mumford Mumford Mumford Munce Munden Mundey Mundy Mundy Munger Munger Munger Munger Mungovan Mungovan Munn Munn Munro Munro Munroe Munroe Munroe Munroe Munsing Munsing Munson Munson Munson Muntz Munz Munz Mura Mura Given Jeremiah Martin Martin Michael Michael J. Michael J. William Elizabeth Geo. H., Mrs. George S. Jacob John Matthew Edward Emma Johnson M. Arthur D. Fred. W. Geo. G. Lyman E. James James Frances Frederick George A. Henry L. Amelia, Miss Betsey Thomas F. William C. Frank George D. Charles E. James H. James H. Jacob John L. Meta Frank A. Justine, Miss Mura Mura Murch Murcutt Katie Theresa Henry Chas. Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 1875 to Philadelphia, Pa. 3 15 1879 10 10 1883 25 to Boston, Mass. to Lynn, Mass. from city married O. J. Brock 5 7 1876 to New York City 8 1875 from city to New York City to New York City to England from city to Grass Lake, Mich. 9 26 1877 to New York City 6 5 1886 9 29 1881 11 29 1886 1886 to Wyoming Terr. from city to Avon to England 10 3 1884 88 from city to Pultneyville 8 1887 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to Boston, Mass. 4 5 1879 to Brockport from city to Charlotte married John Meiser married Albert Stebbins to Boston from city to England Page 314 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1876 1886 1889 1886 1880 1882 1889 1880 1878 1888 1881 1884 1884 1876 1887 1888 1886 1881 1882 1885 1887 1889 1876 1880 1881 1876 1888 1876 1881 1887 1889 1888 1889 1881 1877 1883 1886 1887 1884 1889 1889 1884 1887 Surname Murdock Murdon Murenberg Murnane Murney Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murr Murray Murray Given Hiram Edward Morris Patrick Frank J. Bartholomew W. Bridget Bridget Bridget E. Cornelius David Edward J. Edward J. Eliza James James James James B. Jennie M. Jeremiah John John John John J. John V. Joseph Julian L. Margaret Martin Mary Mary Michael Patrick A. Peter Richard Sanford W. Sylvester Thomas Thomas P. William William H. George Alice J. Ann Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 25 1878 1876 9 7 1885 67 2 24 1889 82 from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 7 1881 2 20 1889 69 to Buffalo to Syracuse to Lynn, Mass. to Rome to Pittsburgh, Pa. 9 18 1883 23 7 1875 to Dayton, Oh. 8 27 1887 75 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 11 10 1881 10 19 1884 32 7 17 1886 65 12 28 1888 60 to Fairport to Ireland 8 2 1880 to Florida 12 17 1887 79 from city 3 25 1881 1 2 1887 65 8 19 1888 24 to Lynn, Mass. to New York City from city from city 3 1883 to Syracuse from city to Niagara Falls to Chicago, Ill. 5 2 1889 44 to New York City 4 1 1887 75 Page 315 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1881 1876 1878 1887 1888 1886 1887 1877 1879 1878 1879 1880 1881 1888 1889 1876 1879 1883 1883 1880 1879 1882 1887 1877 1888 1880 1879 1886 1885 1884 1882 1882 1884 1877 1883 1889 1880 1881 1876 1889 1886 1881 1889 1888 Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murtha Murthea Murty Murty Musk Muss Mussmaecher Mutschler Mutschler Mutschler Mutschler Mutschler Mutti Mutz Myers Myers Given Month Day Year Annie Bernard Charles Edward B. Francis Frank L. Freeman Herman R. Hugh James James James James A. James B. James C. Jane, Miss John John G. John L. Julia A. Margaret Margaret Miah Peter W. Robert Thomas William A. William S. James Patrick Charles Michael William Charles Matthew Albert Henry Herman John G. Mary Christian Gustave Allen L. Henry Age Removed: married Philip McArdle 10 3 4 1875 16 1878 8 1887 22 to Charlotte to New York City to Oak Orchard to St. Louis, Mo. 7 1878 1877 1 19 1880 4 16 1888 to Fairport to Cleveland, Oh. 25 from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 5 1878 to Syracuse to Utica 1 11 12 13 1880 11 1878 23 1881 from city from city to Chicago, Ill. 7 18 1879 to Buffalo from city to Warsaw to Philadelphia, Pa. to New Haven, Conn. to New Haven, Conn. to Chicago, Ill. to Mass. to Geneseo to Sterling, Ill. to Lansing, Mich. 2 19 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Sterling, Ill. from city from city from city 12 Page 316 23 1887 87 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1877 1882 1884 1882 1889 1882 1884 1883 1885 1885 Surname Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Given Howard W. J. Hiram Jacob Laura T. Marcus H. Peter Robert A. Robert A. Sarah E. Thomas C. Wm. J. 1886 Mylacraine 1878 Mylacraine Maria Wm. 1888 1888 1886 1878 1877 1885 1881 1884 1877 1887 1885 Myles Myles Myron Naber Naber Naber Naber Naber Nadaje Nadig Nagel Matie Sarah Joseph Anthony George J. George J. Joseph W. Joseph W. John Jerome Jeremiah 1889 1879 1876 1882 1882 1882 1888 1878 1887 1879 1886 1883 1886 1880 1878 1887 1887 1888 Nagel Nagle Nagle Nahouse Naitzki Nalton Naramore Naramore Nares Narkursky Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Nash Joseph George Jacob William Charles Fannie B. Frank John Charles Hannah Andrew L. E. Charles I., Jr. Charles W. Clara S. Clarence H. Cora B. Emmet H. Isabella W. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Freemont, Oh. 9 10 21 1881 30 1883 85 8 9 1888 47 to Blossburgh, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Mendon to Buffalo to Fairport married J. H. Richards 7 26 1877 married Owen S. Coxe from city to Ottawa, Ont. 4 24 1877 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Denver, Col. 5 12 1884 to New York City 8 1886 from city to Wurtemberg, Germany to Colorado 1875 from city to Preizen, Germany from city to Nashville to Canada to Watkins Glen to Poland 12 17 1885 58 to New York City to Tuscarora to Webster from city to Cleveland, Oh. to Bradford, Pa. 4 Page 317 8 1888 70 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1885 1887 1886 1877 1877 1884 1889 1885 1882 1878 1882 1887 1882 1886 1884 1880 Surname Nash Nash Nason Nass Nass Nass Nathaway Naylor Naylor Naylor Neale Neary Needham Neefus Neely Neener Neener Given William Wm. C. John M. Clara, Mrs. Joseph Joseph J. Charles Amos. James James, Jr. Shadrach John E. Michael Peter W. David Henry Margaret 1889 1878 1888 1881 Neer Neerpasch Neerpasch Neff Clara B. John John Conrad 1887 1888 1881 1888 Neff Neff Neff Nefzger Minnie A. Samuel Wendelin Adolph 1877 1886 1883 1879 1881 1876 1878 1878 1885 1884 1879 1886 1886 1889 1882 1883 1876 Negele Negus Negus Neider Neidinger Neiner Nelder Nelder Nelligan Nelligan Nelligan Nelligan Nelligan Nelligan Nellis Nellis Nelson Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. to Dansville to Buffalo to Schenectady to Michigan 26 1876 to Ohio from city to Canada to Oil City, Can. 7 6 1877 from city to Buffalo to Mt. Morris 4 24 1886 9 1879 92 to Pennsylvania married E. H. Livingston from city from city 5 27 1881 married John E. Baker 5 1 11 3 1888 23 1881 20 1887 49 20 to Black Hills, Wyoming to Brockport to Brockport from city Dominick Nelson P. R. D., Mrs. Jacob Eve C. George Henry Louisa, Miss George P. James Lawrence Margaret, Mrs. Morris B. William Jacob P. James H. Charles 11 7 1880 from city to Brockport to England to Hamilton, Ont. 11 9 4 15 1883 2 1878 22 1886 44 from city to Holley to Rose to Skaneateles to Buffalo Page 318 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1883 1877 1884 1884 1882 1881 1876 1883 1884 1889 1889 1887 1883 1887 Surname Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nenning Nesbit Nesbit Nessel Given Charles Charles N. Edward Edward H. Elmer E. Fred. John John F. John F. John F. William S. Katharina James M. Thomas E. Karl C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 8 1887 45 to Topeka, Kan. from city from city to Kansas from city to Batavia to New York City from city from city to Boston, Mass. to Syracuse 11 28 1886 76 to St. Louis, Mo. to Syracuse 1886 Nessel Mary to San Francisco, Cal. 1886 1880 1888 1885 1888 1888 1878 1888 1882 1882 1883 1877 1879 1885 1880 1882 1883 1877 1880 1884 1888 1888 1888 1878 1887 1876 1883 Peter John E. John George Jacob G. George M. John J. Catharine Edward Henry Frederick G. Gottlob Emil Emil Michael Gustave Fred. Alfred A. Philip Augustine E. Augusta Charles George Mary George S. Charles H. Maria to San Francisco, Cal. Nessel Nesser Neth Neubauer Neubauer Neubert Neubert Neuer Neuer Neuer Neuffer Neuffer Neuhart Neuhart Neuhart Neumann Neun Neuner Neusch Neuville Nevergool Nevergool Nevergool Neville Nevin New Newbegin 2 4 1 2 20 10 5 18 1880 1888 1885 1888 36 51 20 to Brooklyn to New York 11 9 1887 62 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Pennsylvania 12 1876 to Irondequoit 10 26 1884 34 to Irondequoit from city from city to Poughkeepsie nd nd nd from city to Webster to Webster from city 1877 to Utica to Penn Yan to Ottawa, Can. Page 319 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1876 1884 1883 1880 1886 1888 1888 1884 1880 1883 1884 1877 1888 1881 1877 1881 1884 1888 1885 1877 1880 1876 1884 1885 1883 1888 1886 1876 1886 1884 1886 1876 1880 1888 1884 1886 1887 1880 1877 1889 1879 1876 Surname Newbegin Newburger Newbury Given Robert G. Louis Moses H. Newbury Newbury Newcomb Newcomb Newcomb Newcomb Newcomb Newcomb Newdale Newell Newell Newhafer Newkirk Newkirk Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newman Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Niblack Niblack Niblock Nichol Nicholas Nicholas Nicholds Robert Robert, Jr. Aaron N. Bridget Hiram M. Jerome B. Patrick Robert H. Edward T. Andrew C. Nellie Isaac David Hawley A. Albert E. Charles Charles C. Charles H. John A. Katy Lewis Louis R. Robert Samuel B. Wilson J. Albert R. Arthur M. Geo. L. Jarvis O. Jarvis O. John Laura H. Lyman M. William A. Albert S. Susan H. John J. James John G. Wilson Alphonzo N. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city to Indianapolis, In. to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Michigan to Buffalo 4 14 1886 58 7 11 9 1 1887 19 1883 14 1879 70 60 to Townsend to New York City 5 3 1884 47 to Syracuse to Syracuse from city to Canandaigua to Albany 4 15 1884 62 to Omaha, Neb. to Buffalo 5 19 1876 married to Medina to Texas 6 28 1884 74 from city to Syracuse 2 1886 from city to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to Elmira from city 1 8 1880 to Chicago, Ill. to LeRoy 3 12 3 1886 25 1886 5 5 31 1877 11 1889 27 to Leadville, Col. 52 from city to Rockford, Ill. Page 320 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1885 1885 1882 1885 1876 1879 1883 1880 1884 1885 1883 1883 1889 1881 1885 1886 1885 1879 1887 1879 1877 1878 1881 1889 1881 1886 1876 1887 1889 1885 1876 1878 1882 1885 1886 1887 1887 1883 1881 1887 1887 1877 1888 Surname Nicholls Nicholls Nicholls Given Abram M. Charles D. David Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nichoson Nickel Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Nicol Nicoll Nicolls Nicoud Niebling Nied Niefernecher Nientimp Nientimp Nier Nier Nier Nier Nieser Nieser Niess Bella Eliza A. Geo. W. George Harry Harvey N. Henry James E. Julia A. Kate Warren William Wm. G. Arthur T. Catharine Eliza A. George William S. Wm. Wm. S. Albert G. Plate Line Charles M. J. Clifford Livingston B. Jonathan William Murney E. Simon A. R. John V. Martin Jacob Ignatz Joseph J. Edward E. George J. Norman S. Philip Elizabeth John Chas. J. Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 20 1878 to Mumford to Geneseo married Wm. F. Freeman 3 2 1885 74 to Battle Creek, Mich. from city from city to Garnett, Kan. from city to New York City to Kansas City, Mo. to Kansas City, Mo. from city from city to New York City to Philadelphia, Pa. 7 22 1884 81 8 13 1878 to New York 11 9 1877 7 28 1876 11 9 1877 to New York City to Buffalo to Lansingburgh 6 20 1885 24 to Hemlock Lake 8 12 1886 63 to Boston, Mass. from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to South Bend, Ind. 6 6 1881 to Irondequoit 10 24 1885 52 to Albany to New York 8 29 1882 to West Webster 7 20 1886 58 11 20 1886 61 3 3 1877 to Rome Page 321 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1878 1880 1887 1876 1880 1885 1876 1878 1884 1887 1885 1884 1885 1882 1886 1889 1882 Surname Niewerde Niewerde Niggli Niggli Nigham Nippert Nirdlinger Nisbet Nisbet Nissen Nissen Nitsch Nitz Nitz Niven Niven Niven Niven Given Frederick Herman J. Bertha Emil James Mary M. Albert H. Ebenezer William E. Gustav Gustave August August George P. Benjamin M. Elizabeth McP. J. Renwick John A. 1886 1889 1876 1888 1882 1886 1889 Niven Nixon Noack Noah Noah Noake Nobb John D. Frank W. William Mary A. William G. Charles P. Edwin A. 1886 1880 1885 1878 1878 1885 1889 1887 1888 1885 1888 1881 1877 1881 1884 1888 1886 1887 Noble Noble Noble Noce Nodecker Nodecker Noeth Noffke Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Alice M. Irving John Antonio Christian George Michael Charles Charles W. George A. George A. James James, 2nd John John John Patrick Robert Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 28 1878 1878 married John Niggli 3 2 1887 40 7 1875 6 23 1879 10 21 1884 37 to Montreal to Buffalo from city to Homer to Canada 7 25 1883 from city to West Point 10 4 1885 27 11 7 1888 33 to Laredo, Tex. to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Avon to Germany 4 9 24 1888 25 1881 80 from city from city to East Granby, Conn. to Buffalo to Charlotte 1 1877 from city 3 7 7 11 4 18 26 7 1885 1888 1886 1887 48 70 22 20 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Auburn from city to Buffalo 1 5 4 3 Page 322 11 27 5 20 1884 1887 1886 1887 58 28 58 25 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1888 1888 1888 1880 1884 1880 1888 1888 1881 1888 1880 1886 1878 1877 1881 1886 1887 1878 1885 1885 1881 1876 1877 1884 1888 1882 1882 1885 1876 1880 1877 1889 1886 1886 1889 1888 1878 1880 1886 1883 1885 1883 1889 1888 Surname Nolan Nolan Nolan Nold Noldt Noldt Noldt Noonan Noonan Noonan Noonan Norman Norman Norman Normington Norr Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Northam Northrop Northrop Northrop Northrop Northrop Northrop Northrop Northrup Northrup Northway Northwood Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Norton Given Month Day Terrence 2 10 Thomas 7 15 Thomas D. 3 23 Henry L. Louis Louis William Dennis C. Mary R. Patrick Sarah Charles 9 4 James 8 4 Joseph Mark 7 29 Frank Althea E., Mrs. Charles E. James C. James C. Lodewick T. Minard E. Andrew G. 10 9 Burr 5 3 Emeline Isaac B. Isaiah B. Nehemiah B., Mrs. 10 27 Sarah R. 4 7 Edmund James L. William R. Annie Benjamin Charles D. Dwight Edward J. Eliza 8 8 Frank M. George J. Henry O. James M. John D. Patrick 6 23 Samuel S. 3 3 Page 323 Year Age Removed: 1889 62 1887 36 1888 36 to Massillon, Oh. from city from city from city to New York City married J. A. Kress to Buffalo to Marion 1879 1885 30 to Buffalo 1876 to Buffalo to Waterloo to Canada to Wisconsin to Brockport to Waterloo to Buffalo 1875 1877 to Parma to Minneapolis, Minn. to Wooster, Oh. 1881 1885 83 to Ithaca to Mt. Morris to Chicago, Ill. from city to Chicago, Ill. to New York City to Springwater to Denver, Col. 1877 from city from city to Toledo, Oh. from city to Toledo, Oh. 1888 67 1888 69 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1882 1883 1881 1889 1881 1883 1878 1883 1889 1885 1887 1887 1883 1881 1888 1887 1879 1876 1881 1877 1882 Surname Norton Nostrant Notebaert Nothnagle Nott Nott Nouch Nourse Nowakowsky Noyes Given William B. Samuel Prudence George Edwin A. Sarah L. Teresa William G. August E. R., Mrs. Nuesslein Nugent Nugent Nunn Nunn Nunnold Nunnold Nunnold Nunnold Nuno Nursey Nusbickel Joseph Bridget John J. Joseph A. Peter J. Jacob Louis E. Mary Peter James Walter F. John 1876 Nussbaum Aaron 1881 1886 1881 1886 1887 1881 1878 1882 1876 1881 1885 1889 1887 1883 1880 1876 1882 1877 1881 Annie Catharine Fred. John A. Sarah Fred. P. George H. J. Emerson Andrew C. Alfred Charles J. Edward V. George M. Joseph L. Y. Newton Alphonzo A. Barnard Geo. George Nusser Nusser Nusslin Nutt Nutt Nutting Nutting Nutting Nycum Oakley Oakley Oakley Oakley Oakley Oakley Oaks Oaks Oaks Oaks Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to Mt. Vernon, Oh. to Bath to Belgium 1880 from city to Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Canada to Fairport to Würtenberg, Germany 11 5 1886 2 3 5 14 1883 16 1881 9 1888 50 from city 53 to Seneca Falls to Germany 1 1875 to Buffalo to Buffalo 2 19 1882 to San Francisco, Cal. married John M. Nusser 8 3 4 10 1885 21 1881 20 1886 79 65 to Gaines to Albany, Oregon to Oregon to Dell Rapids, Dak. from city to New York City 8 22 1884 30 1 2 25 1887 1883 21 to Buffalo to Middletown, Conn. to Dansville 9 12 1881 to Hamilton, Ont. to Brighton Page 324 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1886 1884 1879 1887 1887 1883 1888 1883 1889 1877 1880 1878 1881 1885 1883 1884 1876 1886 1878 1884 1889 1884 1882 1878 1879 1886 1876 1888 1887 1889 1879 1886 1883 1881 1889 1889 1878 1887 1884 1885 1878 1876 1879 Surname Oaks Oaks Oaks Oatley Oatley Oatman Oatman Given John F. Joseph A. Joseph B. Ebenezer T. William R. Amos A. Edward A. Oberdorf Oberfelder Oberg Oberlies Oberlies Oberst Obert Obie O'Braker O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien Ona Martin Charles O. Damian Lawrence J. Geo. B. George Charles William Ann Bridget Catherine Cornelius Edward J. Edward J. Elizabeth Henry Humphrey James James A. James V. James W. Jeremiah P. John John C. John C. John W. Kitty A. Maggie Malachy Martin Matthew H. Patrick Patrick Patrick J. Thomas Thomas Month Day Year 1 9 Age Removed: from city to Buffalo to Geneseo 6 1879 20 1886 to Suspension Bridge to Walworth married Robert J. Kelso from city to Chicago, Ill. to Canandaigua to Newark, N. J. 5 7 1878 to Syracuse from city to Palmyra 3 13 1884 86 to New York 3 30 1886 73 from city to Canandaigua to Buffalo 10 18 1883 7 11 3 1877 20 1878 50 to Newark, N. J. to Spencerport to New York 5 16 1888 43 to Oswego from city from city 5 2 1886 40 from city married married T. Leddy 7 23 1888 66 to Iowa to Penfield to Hinsdale 10 10 3 1884 22 1877 60 to New York to Fremont, Oh. Page 325 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1888 1883 1889 1888 1889 1880 1885 Surname O'Brien O'Brien O'Brien O'Byrne O'Callaghan Ochs O'Connell O'Connell Given Thomas, Jr. William William J. John J. Wm. F. Frank A. Dennis Ella G. 1882 1876 1882 1880 1884 1877 1885 1886 1886 1887 1885 1883 1888 1888 1886 1886 1881 1884 1888 1884 1877 1876 1880 1889 1889 1882 1884 1883 1885 1878 1881 1888 1884 1887 1878 1884 O'Connell O'Connell O'Connell O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor O'Connor Ocorr Ocorr Ocumpaugh Ocumpaugh Ocumpaugh O'Dea O'Dea O'Dea Odell Odenbach Odenbach Mary E. Michael Patrick Andrew Ann Charles A. Daniel Hanora James James P. James T. John John John John J. John M. Julia F. Martin Mary Michael Stephen William William William H. William J. Arthur F. Sheldon Julius C. Moses Wallace C. John H. John H. Michael F. George S. Peter Peter Age Removed: to New York City 19 1887 70 to Ann Arbor, Mich. 25 1888 48 to New York City 9 1888 4 1880 to Baltimore, Md. married Joseph J. Bendon 1876 9 1881 to Attleboro, Mass. 15 1883 44 22 1876 to Portland, Mich. 19 1886 55 16 1886 50 to Erie, Pa. from city 26 1882 6 1887 45 from city 4 1886 18 1886 29 married John Burns 8 1883 62 31 1887 53 6 1883 67 17 1876 1875 25 1879 to Albion to Rondout from city 16 1884 56 to Syracuse to E. Henrietta to St. Louis, Mo. to Titusville, Pa. 13 1887 38 to Los Angelos, Cal. 18 1887 68 24 1877 17 1883 81 Month Day Year 9 10 11 4 3 12 6 8 2 2 6 10 4 1 7 8 12 12 11 4 11 5 5 10 Page 326 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1881 1879 1882 1885 1880 1886 1879 1881 1883 1877 1882 1889 1885 1885 1879 1876 1884 1883 1888 1879 1884 1889 1883 1882 1876 1884 1879 1886 1880 1884 1888 1881 1881 1887 1878 1876 1889 1888 1877 1884 1880 Surname O'Donaghue O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donnell O'Donoghue O'Donohoe Oehmke Oemke Given Timothy Edmund Geo. George H. William H. Nellie M. Thomas J. Herman Frederick Oemke Oenicke Oesterheld Oettinger Oettlein Oettlein Oetzel O'Farrell O'Farrell O'Flynn O'Flynn Ogden Ogden Ogley Ogley Ogley O'Gorman O'Grady O'Grady O'Grady O'Grady O'Grady O'Grady O'Halloran O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara O'Hara Sophia Max August Solomon Bernard Gertrude Martin Edward J. Michael M. John Michael D. Daniel L. Edwin L. Charles John Lewis W. Andrew Austin Austin, Jr. Daniel Edward John Thomas Thomas Bernard Bernhard Felix John John B. Joseph E. Patrick Stephen Thomas 1885 O'Hern Month Day Year Age Removed: 1877 3 17 1881 to Boston, Mass. to Stoughton, Mass. to Avon to Toronto, Can. to Syracuse to Irondequoit 10 1880 married Frederick Brocker to New York to Amsterdam 6 20 1888 from city from city to Denver, Col. to Addison from city 3 26 1883 8 7 1887 25 from city from city to Chicago, Ill. 10 23 1882 to Cleveland, Oh. from city 8 13 1883 68 to New York City 5 25 1886 62 to Buffalo 6 7 1884 42 from city from city to Mexico 11 14 1886 30 12 16 1877 8 1 1875 to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. to Lansing, Mich. 6 30 1883 24 9 19 1879 Bertha married George Krapf Page 327 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1886 1877 1880 1877 1876 1876 1885 1883 1884 1881 1879 1883 1888 1878 1878 1876 1887 1884 1884 1884 1877 1882 1882 1884 1880 1881 1877 1881 1886 1884 1889 1885 1883 1883 1889 1888 1877 1881 1880 1887 1889 1883 1877 Surname O'Hern Ohlson Ohr O'Kane O'Kane O'Kane O'Kane O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Keefe O'Kelly O'Kelly O'Lander Olcott Olcott Oldfield Oldfield Oldfield O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary O'Leary Olhausen Olin Olin Olive Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Olmstead Olmsted Given Kittie John David F. James James A. John, Jr. Joseph Arthur A. Daniel Jennie John Margaret Margaret Nellie Sarah C. Thomas Month Day Year 11 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Brooklyn from city 29 1879 1876 to Chicago, Ill. 11 26 1875 from city to Cuylerville from city 3 11 1881 10 12 1882 to Baltimore, Md. married to Pittsburgh, Pa. 3 15 1878 to West Meriden, Conn. to Buffalo from city William C. Dudley Thomas P. Gustav George B. James B. Bridget John H. John H. Arthur Daniel Jeremiah Jeremiah Margaret Isaac John William George Horace G. Jabus B. John B. John H. Mary William A. William A. William H. George H. Anson W. 10 4 24 1883 4 1883 5 14 1882 23 38 to Willink to Montreal, Can. to Providence, R. I. from city to Olean 5 4 6 30 1876 1881 11 1886 92 from city to Perry to Ithaca to Canada to Auburn from city 5 11 1887 52 to Clifton Springs 8 11 1880 to Penn Yan to Penn Yan from city to Canton to LeRoy Page 328 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1889 1887 1885 1888 1879 1876 1876 1881 1883 1889 1883 1885 1876 1883 1885 1883 1879 1882 1882 Surname Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted O'Loughlin O'Loughlin O'Loughlin O'Loughlin O'Loughlin O'Loughlin Olsen Olvitt O'Mara O'Meara O'Meara O'Neil O'Neil Given Anson W. Charles H. Clarissa George W. Howard William C. Wm. G. James P. John John John Michael Michael Ole A. Leonard S. Frank Michael Patrick Alicia Arthur 1886 O'Neil 1880 O'Neil 1882 O'Neil Catherine Daniel James T. 1886 1886 1881 1889 1883 1889 1882 1882 1876 1881 1889 1881 1882 1881 O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neil O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill O'Neill Kate Maggie Mary Patrick Thomas H. William P. Edward C. James John John Margaret Thomas H. Timothy William 1884 1882 1886 1881 1886 O'Neill Oothout Oppenheimer Oppenheimer Oppenheimer William S. Henry Abram Levi Levi Month Day Year 10 5 12 30 1886 28 1885 18 1887 Age Removed: from city to Charlotte 65 37 to New York City to Canada 12 2 21 1875 5 1881 from city to Canada to Minnesota to Elmira to Onawa, Iowa to Palmyra to Philadelphia, Pa. 1 6 30 1883 24 1878 to Leslie, Mich. 1 1 1882 married Chas. Larning to Chicago, Ill. 12 28 1881 married John J. Hayes from city to Auburn 9 10 1888 12 30 1888 53 from city to Niagara Falls to Canada to Greece to Burlington, Vt. 6 3 1888 to Auburn 12 18 1881 to Burlington, Vt. to San Francisco, Cal. to Kansas from city to Kalamazoo, Mich. to Syracuse Page 329 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1880 1877 1885 1879 1887 1888 1882 1883 1885 1883 1888 1876 1881 1880 1880 1888 1877 1884 1880 1879 1882 1889 1885 1882 1884 1882 1885 1888 1882 1884 1881 1885 1883 1885 1880 1888 1885 1888 1886 1887 1888 1880 1889 Surname Oppenheimer Orange Orb Orchard Orcutt Given Myer Abram John Frank Chas. N. Orcutt Orcutt Ordas Ordway O'Regan O'Regan O'Reilly O'Reilly O'Reilly O'Reilly O'Reilly O'Reilly Oriel O'Riley Ornstein O'Rorke O'Rorke O'Rorke O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Rourke O'Rourke Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Orth Orth Ortman Ortner Osborn Osborn Osborn Emma E. Geo N. August William W. Edward F. John C. Anna T. James P. James P. Patrick Patrick J. Thomas Charles E. Michael Lewis Bernard Mary Thomas Hugh Jeremiah John Patrick Stephen F. Carr W. David David Jane Mary Mary E., Mrs. Robert Sarah Wm. G. Charles W. George A. Louis Charles Albert S. Charles Clara Month Day Year Age Removed: 11 26 1880 to Mankato, Minn. to Chicago to Lyons to Syracuse married Elbert H. Van Schuyver to Hornellsville to Chicago, Ill. to Honeoye Falls to St. Paul, Minn. from city to LeRoy to Chicago 4 1881 3 11 1880 to Utica 5 7 1888 45 to New York City to Elmira to Chicago, Ill. to Detroit, Mich. 11 28 1881 10 26 1888 63 3 9 1885 65 to Chicago, Ill. to Ogden from city 3 24 1885 28 10 2 1887 63 from city to New York City 10 18 1880 3 10 1885 to Chicago, Ill. to Wilkesbarre, Pa. 11 4 1879 to New York City 9 29 1884 31 from city to Gates to Kansas City, Mo. to Buffalo 1 25 1880 from city Page 330 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1889 1888 1884 1884 1889 1880 1886 1889 1889 1883 1884 1886 1881 1883 1888 1887 1889 1889 1885 1877 1889 1889 1889 1877 1889 1888 1889 1884 1884 1877 1877 1884 1885 1883 1877 1880 1882 1881 1880 1881 1889 1878 1882 1876 Surname Osborn Osborn Osborn Osborn Osborn Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osburn Osburn Osburn Osburn Osden Osgood Osgood Osgood Osgoodby O'Shaughnessy O'Shaughnessy O'Shaughnessy O'Shaughnessy O'Shea O'Shea Osmann Oster Oster Oster Ostrander Ostrander Ostrander Ostrone O'Sullivan Otis Otis Otis Ott Ottenberg Ottenberg Ottenberg Ottman Ottnat Ottnat Given Ellen J. George John D. Nathaniel P. Wm. H. Charles H. George J. James M. Sarah E. Thomas W. William Charles Chauncey Decorus C. John H. Lozene M. Charles W. Scott William H. Harry E. Edward Edward Frank B. Patrick R. Edward L. Elizabeth John Charles Jacob H. Joseph G. Alvah M. Chas. M. Francis A. John Dennis E. George T. Sarah Sarah Albert M. Henry Isaac Isaac Joseph Albert John A. Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 24 1877 to Charlotte 5 7 1888 66 10 20 1883 73 to Columbus, Oh. from city to Seneca Falls to Chicago, Ill. married to Hartford, Conn. to Canada to Canisteo to Geneseo 4 9 1881 to Geneseo to Westfield to Brockport 5 9 *1899 52 2 7 1889 23 8 16 1884 23 from city 3 16 1889 55 to Albion 10 9 1888 from city to Chicago, Ill. 5 7 1888 75 4 25 1888 57 12 11 1883 38 1 13 1884 24 to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Brockport to Belleville, Canada to Buffalo to Gates from city 8 17 1881 7 10 1880 from city to New York City to New York City 5 26 1877 from city 11 1875 Page 331 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1878 1880 1889 1883 1877 1881 1888 1885 1888 1879 1884 1883 1887 1886 1884 1885 1884 1882 1876 1887 1887 1880 1882 1878 1878 1884 1878 1878 1888 1876 1879 1877 1880 1880 1885 1888 1885 1887 1889 1879 Surname Ottnat Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Otto Ottoway Ousey Ovenburg Ovenburg Ovenburg Oviatt Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen Owens Owens Owens Owler Owler Oyman Pace Packard Packard Packard Packard Packer Paddock Paddock Paddock Paddock Padley 1881 Padley 1884 Padley 1888 Padlow Given John, Jr. Catharine, Miss Emil H. Frank X. Fred. R. Frederick Frederick Frederick Henry F. Herman Joseph R. Robert Edmund R. James Anna John Roman, Jr. Rosillie D. Edward G. Gilson Orange Polley Samuel William J. Charles C. Francis Lillie Charles A. Frank M. Jacob Stephen C. Bert. G. Charles H. Horton J. Loron John Frank A. Harriet Jennie Ralph S. Alfred Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 1881 12 16 1877 to Tonawanda 2 8 1889 45 to Saginaw, Mich. 10 1876 to Omaha, Nebr. 3 15 1888 79 10 20 1884 27 from city to Syracuse to Germany 4 1883 to England married John Farrell to Boston, Mass. from city 1 10 1884 65 11 2 1881 4 1876 4 11 1887 83 11 17 1886 86 12 24 1879 from city to Springfield, Mass. from city to Dakota to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. to Colorado 8 1875 from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Westfield, Mass. from city to California to Wolcott 12 1 1884 75 to Buffalo to Batavia 4 21 1879 Charles A. John A. Catharine, Mrs. to Council Bluffs, Iowa from city to Charlotte Page 332 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1889 1884 1886 Surname Padten Paff Pagan Page Given Charles E. Charles Louis, Mrs. C. Irving 1888 1879 1887 1888 1877 1878 1883 1884 1878 1889 1880 1877 1884 1886 1885 1879 1882 1887 1888 1878 1889 1876 1879 1883 1884 1886 1887 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Pagels Paige Paige Paine Paine Paine Paine Paine Paine Paine Paine Painter Painton Painton Painton Carrie A. Clark D. Frank W. George K. George T. John H. Louise H. William A. William M. William Y. Charles I. David P. Henry A. A. Bennett Jane E. Charles H. Charles H. Edwin C. George H. J. D. Roswell B. Seth W. Theodore S. James James E. James E. Joseph G. 1888 1877 1885 1877 1886 1879 1878 1880 1881 1884 1879 1880 Pallas Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Minnie A. Porteus Aaron Benjamin R. Burton F. Caroline H. Charles E. Charles W. Edward H. Edward H. Edward S. Edwin Age Removed: from city 1889 38 to Toronto, Can. to Florida married Daniel G. Hawthorn from city to Bartow, Fla. to Perry to Greece 1877 1883 to Batavia to Geneseo to Avon from city from city 1883 72 to Riga to Pierre, Dak. from city 1882 1887 27 to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city 1888 85 to Ontario, Canada from city 1882 from city to Syracuse from city married Rudolph Schroeder 1876 1884 74 to Greece to Chicago, Ill. 1878 1877 1879 to Detroit, Mich. to Geneva 1879 to Fairport Month Day Year Page 333 4 26 12 5 31 4 12 5 1 1 18 19 9 4 6 5 10 9 22 6 8 7 9 3 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1881 1883 1879 1883 1884 1889 1877 1878 1885 1881 1884 1888 1882 1879 1881 1884 1881 1888 1889 1884 1876 1888 1883 1880 1882 1882 1881 1883 1885 1887 1876 1881 1889 1885 1887 Surname Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Pamment Pancost Pangburn Papmaier Pappin Paradis Paradis Paradis Paradis Paradis Paramore Parce Pardee Pardee Pardee Pardee Pardee Given Ernest C. Frank C. Frank C. Franklin D. Fred. D. George H. George H. George W. George W. Grant Jerome Mary F. Melicent S. Minerva Nathaniel L. Nellie William H. William J. Wm. L. Margaret Julia M. George C. Henry George Antoine George E. Julia Peter R. William Heber S. Walter A. Charles L. Henry John M. John S. Margaret P. 1886 Paris Agnus 1881 1880 1889 1880 1877 1880 Elizabeth A. John Sarah M. Edwin O. Mark Mark Paris Paris Paris Parish Parish Parish Month Day Year 3 11 8 1884 14 1887 Age Removed: from city to Indianapolis, Ind. to Indianapolis, Ind. to Kansas from city to Belleville, Can. from city to Chicago, Ill. to St. Louis, Mo. to Parma to Kansas City, Mo. 82 to Elmira to Kansas to Williamson to Chicago, Ill. from city to Scottsville to Canandaiqua 12 11 1883 67 to Greece 10 17 1887 28 to Brockport to Buffalo 1 20 1882 1 17 1881 to Canada to Chicago, Ill. from city to Fairport 9 2 1875 18 1881 to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Charlotte 5 6 1887 71 married Charles Ludwig married Fred. W. Wagner 3 25 1880 to Denver, Col. to Lyons from city to Albany Page 334 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1885 1885 1886 1882 1887 Surname Park Park Parke Parker Parker Parker Given Mary P. Merit E. Chester A. Lindsley Frank Frank 1883 1886 1889 1881 1878 1878 1882 1885 1889 1882 1888 1880 1880 1887 1879 1889 1888 1884 1885 1886 Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parkes Parkhurst Parkhurst Parkinson Parkinson Parks Parks Geo. F. George W. Hiram J. I. W. John John Josiah Mary Oscar E. Oscar W. Remington H. Richard M. Theodore H. Reuben George B. George B. Geo. W. Mary A. Henry Henry 1883 Parks Lizzie 1883 1884 1881 1886 1877 1878 1878 1880 1886 1889 1889 1881 1880 1882 1878 Lizzie H. Loren J. Samuel H. Susan B. Florence A. Wm. H. Charles H. George N. Hal. E. Hiland R. James C. Robert D. William I. Wm. G. Almira Parks Parks Parks Parks Parliaman Parmale Parmele Parmele Parmele Parmele Parmelee Parmelee Parmelee Parmelee Parmely Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 6 1885 76 to E. Mendon from city from city from city to Trenton, N. J. to Hoffingham, England 6 30 1885 58 to Boston, Mass. to Parma 3 17 1878 to Syracuse 6 3 1882 4 9 1885 75 1 31 1889 49 to Brockport to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Boston, Mass. to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Elgin, Ill. 2 3 1888 32 to Albany 3 23 1885 to Palmyra married Samuel McAuliff married James B. Given to Syracuse to Buffalo to Pearl Creek from city 4 1878 to Buffalo from city to Chili to Bloomfield to Tacoma, W. T. to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. to Buffalo to Fenton, Mich. Page 335 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1884 1884 1883 1888 1881 Surname Parmely Parnell Parnell Parr Parr Parr Given Daniel Eva Thomas A. Aramine Felix John 1889 1882 1882 1879 1886 1883 1887 1880 1881 1885 1878 1879 1889 1879 1881 1878 1886 1878 1880 1889 1885 1886 1884 1888 1888 1881 1885 1884 1885 1880 1884 1887 1877 1888 1881 1889 1888 1884 Parry Parry Parry Parry Parry Parshall Parshall Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Parsons Partelow Partridge Paschke Pastoret Patchin Paterson Patric Patrick Patrick Patten Patten Patten Patten Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Frank G. John Thomas E. William F., Jr. William T. Daniel S. Nelson C. Benjamin F. Charles B. Chauncey Clifford W. D. Edgar Edward D. Erastus Ezra M. Frank G. Frank H. George T. James James Theron E. Alanson L. John C. Augusta John H. James M. Thomas J. Charles E. Harry William H. Alfred Charles E. James William A. Agnes, Mrs. C. Venton Charles D. Charlotte Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 1875 to Salamanca to Salamanca 9 14 1882 to Connecticut to New York City to Washington territory 6 4 14 1881 3 1882 to Kansas City, Mo. from city nd nd nd to Brooklyn from city from city 1 9 1885 86 to Detroit, Mich. from city to Canandaigua 1 3 7 1879 17 1881 to Addison from city to New York City 12 21 1879 to Ionia, Mich. to New York City to Auburn to Chicago, Ill. nd nd nd to Philadelphia, Pa. 3 4 28 1881 1885 to Springfield, Oh. from city to Baltimore, Md. to Gates to Brockton, Mass. to Buffalo from city to Brooklyn to New York City to New York City from city Page 336 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1879 1886 1885 Surname Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Given Effie F. Elias C. George B. McC. George T. 1888 1886 1886 1887 1889 1880 1888 1889 1877 1878 1884 1878 1888 1880 1882 1883 1882 1883 1885 1886 1885 1876 1883 1885 1883 1877 1886 1879 1885 1877 1889 1884 1885 1886 1878 1880 1885 1886 1889 1887 Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Pattison Patton Pauckner Pauckner Paul Paul Paul Paul Pausch Pawsey Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Peabody Peabody Peabody Harry W. Howard E. John John John John E. Margaret Peter J. Rebecca Richard Robert M. Rufus J. Sanford W. Sophia Thomas H. William H. Rebecca James Gertrude Leonard Christian George Mary William C. Jacob John David M. Frank W. Fred. A. Geo. George C. George W. John John John B. Thomas William Frank George M. William L. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Dansville 24 1879 to Albion to Metcalfe, Canada to Spokane Falls, Wash, Ter. to Chicago, Ill. from city to Canada 9 4 1888 69 to St. Louis 7 21 1887 82 from city nd nd 7 nd 7 1877 to Angelica to Cleveland, Oh. 11 1 1887 34 to Brighton to Auburn 6 1882 from city to Buffalo 8 10 9 7 1 10 30 20 1884 1885 1884 1875 26 40 to Rome to Buffalo 11 27 1882 from city to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Medford, Eng. to Buffalo 4 8 18 1884 26 1884 60 62 to Boston, Mass. from city from ctiy to Troy to Toronto, Can. to Tallapoosa, Ga. to Norwich Page 337 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1879 1888 1882 1883 1883 1883 1876 1878 1877 1889 1879 1889 1885 1883 1882 1885 1878 1876 1886 1882 1882 1889 1880 1876 1885 1880 1886 1878 1882 Surname Peace Peacock Peake Pearce Pearce Peard Pearl Pearse Pearson Pearson Peart Peart Peart Pease Pease Pease Pease Pease Pease Pease Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Peck Given Washington S. Isaac H. Mason E. William G. William J. Matthew R. Elmer E. George P. Thomas Wm. Maranda Richard William H. Ada C. Dwight Edward Emery T. Mary A. S. Wilder Seth M. Alice B. Alice L. Charles B. Frederick H. George George P. H. Nelson Harriet N. Hiram M. Isaac C. 1887 1883 1887 1877 1877 1883 1886 Peck Peck Peech Peeling Peer Peer Peer Kate Wm. E. James Geo. Egbert George W. John W. 1887 1876 1885 1882 1885 1876 Peer Peer Peer Peeso Peet Peet Sarah L. Stanley A. William Francis Henry Herbert F. Age Removed: from city from city 1888 22 1882 to Canada 1883 to Sodus Point to Albion to Utica from city 1888 1878 1888 49 from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Kansas City, Mo. 1884 36 1878 to Santa Monica, Cal. to New York City 1881 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Batavia to Denver, Col. 1876 1885 43 to Ontario nd to Texas from city married Charles E. VanLaer to New York City from city to Illinois 1877 1883 1886 25 Month Day Year 5 3 15 10 4 10 9 10 12 23 4 8 3 10 19 12 2 2 4 30 nd nd 2 1 1 28 12 2 married John C. Oliver to Buffalo to Watertown to Syracuse from city to Brockport Page 338 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1879 1882 1886 Surname Peet Peet Peeter Peeter Given Joshua G. Ralph A. John John G. Age Removed: to Charlotte to West Webster from city 28 1885 60 Month Day Year 5 1881 Peeters Henry P. to San Francisco, Cal. 1887 Peeters Henry P. to San Francisco, Cal. 1887 1889 1883 1879 1878 1878 1884 1880 1883 1886 1887 1885 1888 1887 1884 1886 Peeters Peiffer Pell Pelling Pelling Pelling Pellow Pells Pells Peloquin Pember Pendleton Pendleton Penfield Pennie Penny Wm. J. Caroline John G. Elizabeth Esther William H. Wm. H. Abram V. Edgar Z. Severin Elmer E. Harvey S. Joseph H. Charles R. William Benjamin F. 1885 1880 1876 1879 1881 1887 1881 1877 1886 1885 1886 1886 1878 1883 1887 1886 1878 1889 1879 Penny Penny Pentecost Pentecost Pentecost Pentland Penyear Penzlien Peoples Peotter Peper Percival Percival Percival Percy Percy Percy Perdue Perham Elizabeth E. Wilbur D. James R. Jane John R. Frances Byron Fred. J. C. James S. Charles A. Minnie William J. Wm. A. Wm. J. Arthur Thomas William T. Edmond John to San Francisco, Cal. 4 12 1889 5 11 11 6 1879 6 1877 1877 3 10 1880 84 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Medina to France to Caldwell, Kan. from city from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Irondequoit married Albert Bostwick to Denver, Col. 3 5 1876 8 1879 to Burlington, Kans. to New York to Cleveland, Oh. 10 12 1876 16 1885 68 4 4 1886 98 to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to Cattaraugus, Co. from city to Chicago, Ill. 9 2 1885 63 4 2 6 1889 4 1879 26 to Pennsylvania Page 339 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1876 1877 1887 1888 1889 1887 1880 1884 1885 1885 1887 1881 1885 1883 1889 1876 1881 1885 1880 1879 1882 1881 1885 1889 1885 1880 1886 1889 1880 1889 1885 1881 1876 1887 1877 1885 1889 1886 1884 1887 1888 1886 1878 Surname Perhamus Perin Perina Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perkins Perriard Perrin Perrin Perrin Perrin Perrin Perrine Perrine Perrine Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Given Frank A. Louis Ignatz Benjamin G. Benjamin G. Charles G. Clement Emma E. Emma H. Fred. W. George George L. James Jenckes W. Joseph H. Mabel M. Jewett J. Joseph P. Abraham David Robert Robert Wm. H. Arthur S. Charles C. Robert Albert D. Arthur C. Charles David Edwin H. Ellen Frank B. Fred. C. George A. P. Henry E. Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Persohn Peter Peter Horace P. A. James H. John Oscar T. Phebe Sebastian Alice John Month Day Year 5 Age Removed: from city 1875 from city to St. Louis, Mo. 9 2 4 1887 16 1889 1886 64 54 to Belvidere, Ill. married H. W. Morris to Ridgeway, Pa. from city to Chicago, Ill. to Pultney to Syracuse 9 1882 to Lima from city 6 3 3 1881 14 1885 79 to Chatham, Ont. to Watkins to Chatham, Can. from city to New York City to Penn Yan 3 28 1885 from city to Worcester, Mass. from city 3 21 1880 to Tacoma, W. T. 1 4 1885 54 from city from city from city from city to St. Thomas, Canada to Ridgeway 1 1 7 30 1886 29 1884 30 1886 8 2 1885 7 1878 89 51 75 to Albany Page 340 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1879 1883 1884 1885 1889 1883 1879 1885 1888 Surname Peter Peter Peter Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Given Mary A. Peter Vincent Alois J. Andrew Ann Anthony Charles Christian Christian 1888 1885 1876 1888 1882 1880 1887 1877 1878 1879 1878 1878 1889 1883 Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Petersen Petersen Petersen Peterson Etta Frank George Hiram Joseph A. Joseph F. Mary T. Reece Samuel K. William A. Adolph Lucy Theodore Gilbert 1887 1888 1885 1886 1886 1885 1887 1882 1886 1889 1888 1880 1884 1886 1876 1889 1879 1883 1880 Peterson Peth Peth Pethke Pethke Petitt Petrie Petrie Pettengill Pettinger Pettinger Pettinger Pettingill Pettis Pettit Petty Peuss Pfab Pfab Jennie R. Fred. Henrietta Ferdinand John Frank A. Charles C. George N. James O. David B. Richard S. William Proctor C. Chauncey B. Frederick J. Edward Julius C. Elizabeth John Month Day 7 6 6 7 8 12 4 27 2 8 6 13 22 12 Page 341 5 24 2 6 3 24 1 11 Year Age Removed: 1881 1879 1881 to Omaha, Neb. 1884 43 1889 72 to New York City to Germany 1884 76 1887 52 married Chas. C. Cherry to Wabash, Ind. from city to Norristown, Pa. to Utica from city to Brooklyn 1876 from city to Dunkirk to Utica to Utica 1889 to Buffalo married Alfred Lawrence to Syracuse 1885 45 to Wisconsin to Wisconsin to Chicago, Ill. to New York to Buffalo 1886 to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. to Colorado to Utica to Chicago, Ill. to California to Victor to Avon married John Kempf 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1878 1882 1886 1887 1876 1886 1889 1878 1888 1881 1888 1883 1886 1884 1880 1889 1878 1886 1887 1882 1882 1884 1889 1881 1887 1879 1876 1883 1888 1876 1877 1883 1882 1881 1880 1886 1880 1888 1882 1884 1883 1877 1884 1889 Surname Pfaefflin Pfaff Pfaudler Pfaudler Pfaudler Pfaudler Pfaudler Pfeffer Pfeifer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pfenninger Pfirrmann Pfistner Pfotzer Pfrang Pfrommer Pfuhl Phalon Phelan Phelan Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Phelps Pheteplace Philbrick Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Given Louis Frederick W. Barbara Caspar Charles Michael William Charles R. John Henry H. John John Albert Charles Chas. W. William John John Henry R. Edward E. J. F. Leo Thomas A. Alexander A. Della C. Edward S. Emily E. George W. Henry Mary E. Mary J. Myron A. Napoleon B. Sarah J. Vincent A. Daniel S. A. M. Andrew F. Charles Charles E. Cyrus D. Elizabeth B. George L. George W. James W. John F. Month Day 9 1 11 5 5 31 7 2 2 9 2 14 27 3 3 12 23 2 21 3 2 Page 342 6 9 11 12 9 8 9 22 1 9 Year Age Removed: 1886 42 1877 1882 to Buffalo 1886 34 1876 to Naperville, Ill. 1888 49 1878 to Churchville 1881 1888 to Henrietta from city to Honeoye Falls to Buffalo to Buffalo to Germany to Brooklyn from city to New York City to New York City to Lima from city to Worcester, Mass. 1887 57 to New York City 1876 1883 married to Buffalo to New York City to New York City to New York City 1880 to Albany to Lincoln, Neb. from city to Fairport 1881 1883 78 1882 to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. 1889 53 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1886 1879 1877 1884 1878 1879 1884 1878 1882 1886 1885 1886 1881 1877 1879 1884 1888 1887 1879 1880 1884 1884 1880 1881 1884 1884 1887 1877 1880 1884 1884 1882 1887 1885 1883 1887 1889 1880 1887 1888 1880 1880 1883 1884 Surname Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phinney Phinney Phippany Phipps Pick Pickard Pickard Pickard Pickens Pickersgill Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickup Picot Picot Pidduck Pidduck Pidrick Pidrick Piehler Piehler Piehler Piehler Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Given John W. Mary P., Mrs. Oliver Philip S. Sarah B. Solomon G. Thomas William Wm. Frank D. Hattie Luzern C. Wm. Bernhard Augustin Daniel L. Edwin Jennie M. John M. S. S. Howard Tirzah Elizabeth Henry Sarah J. George A. James R. William Wm. H. Andrew Anna L. Anthony J. Sebastian Andrew J. Annie H. Caleb Cassius M. Clara T. Fred. L. Henry S. James W. Joseph W. Josephine Julia A. LaFayette Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 5 1883 11 26 1885 from city to Elmira to Chili 11 1 1877 from city to Detroit to Buffalo to Rangoon, Burmah to Rangoon, Burmah to Lyndonville from city to Pittsburgh, Pa. 3 18 1877 9 12 1878 to Shipley, England to Parma from city from city to Buffalo 8 7 1883 76 to Greece to Leadville, Col. 12 5 1880 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. 8 4 1886 59 to Kansas City, Mo. to New York City 7 24 1883 61 to Buffalo 7 1 1881 to Racine, Wis. to Warsaw 7 19 1882 from city 6 1880* from city to Canandaigua to Indiana 8 1879 1 1 1880 to Pierce's to Chili Page 343 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1888 1883 1884 1885 1884 1883 1889 1882 1883 1888 1878 1883 1882 1880 1883 1881 1887 1879 1887 1885 1888 1878 1882 1888 1888 1884 1879 1887 1880 1877 1876 1882 1883 1888 1879 1879 1886 1889 1882 1878 1884 1886 1885 1882 Pierce Pierce Pierpont Pierpont Pierrot Pierrot Pierson Pierson Pifer Pigage Pigorsch Pike Pike Pimm Pinckney Pinckney Pingel Pingree Pinnock Pinovsky Piotter Piper Piper Piper Piper Piper Piper Pisano Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitkin Pitkin Pitkin Pitkin Pitts Pitts Pixley Pixley Place Place Plaice Plaisted Plant Given Month Day Year Mollie Robert C. Edward A. Louis E. Frank Joseph F. Ellen C. Erasmus D. Peter George Albert Andrew S. Jane Catharine Andrew C. Olin W. Charles John T. Stephen, Jr. Rebecca August Augustus M. C. S. Hannah John John A. Samuel Joseph Charity Hiram D. John G. James M., Jr. John P. John P. William Jennie B., Mrs. John D. Albert Starr K. Frank F. Frank F. Warrington D. Arthur W. George W. 12 Age Removed: married J. Mortimer Harding 27 1882 to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo 11 21 1883 to Buffalo from city to Syracuse 10 24 1882 to New York City to Detroit 1 9 12 10 1883 23 1881 9 1879 to Pontiac, Ill. to Palmyra to Germany to Auburn to Gates 5 1885 69 to Brighton to Canada to Boston, Mass. 5 30 1888 71 to Canada 5 23 1884 52 to Syracuse to Elmira married from city to Irondequoit to Newark to Portageville to Portageville to Ithaca 1 15 1879 to Hubbard City, Tex. from city to Gates to Jamestown 2 20 1884 26 from city to Elmira to Delphi, Ind. Page 344 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1882 1879 1885 1887 1886 1889 1888 1882 1885 1883 1889 1889 1885 1881 1881 1888 1879 1887 1880 1877 1886 1883 1877 1877 1884 1886 1889 1884 1879 1881 1879 1876 1889 1880 1887 1878 1880 1883 1882 1876 1884 1886 1880 Surname Plant Plant Plant Plass Plass Platt Platt Platt Platt Platts Player Playter Playter Plenderleith Pleovets Plimpton Pluemer Plumb Plummer Plummer Plummer Given Henry M. Joseph Julius Elizabeth Jane Everest W. Philip F. William H. Wm. H., Jr. William C. Thomas Holowell Isaac H. James M. Bernard Arthur W. Theodore F. George Charles H. John E. Maria Plunkett Plunkett Plunkett Plunkett Plunkett Poensgen Pohl Poiner Poinier Poinier Polacco Poleni Poleni Polland Polland Pollard Polley Polley Polley Polley Polley Polley Pollock Libbie Michael Patrick Thomas Thomas Anthony Herman Henry W. Arthur O. Arthur O. John Oscar Theodore C. R. M. William J. Emma Alexander H. Alexander H. George W. James William Wm. James B. Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. to Delphi, Ind. to Mt. Morris 1885 49 1887 to London, Can. to Ogden from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Middleport 1882 1889 1889 29 to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. to Mumford to Chicago, Ill. to Fairport to Syracuse to New York City 1876 Month Day Year 5 5 22 11 8 3 4 22 2 12 married Jas. F. Murray to Buffalo to St. Louis from city to New Orleans nd nd nd to Cincinnati, Oh. to E. Saginaw, Mich. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Louisville, Ky. to Coburgh, Canada to Detroit nd nd nd married to Niagara Falls to Riga to Boulder, Col. to Minneapolis, Minn. 8 26 1881 from city to Irondequoit to Brockville, Ont. 1 Page 345 1 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 Pomeroy Given Alexander 1888 Pomeroy Bertha J. 1879 Pomeroy 1887 Pomeroy 1886 Pomeroy Carter P. Charles T. Daniel 1879 1877 1879 1889 1877 1884 1885 1888 1880 1882 1876 1883 1876 1888 1885 1877 1876 1876 1883 1884 1888 1876 1886 1884 1877 1880 1882 1884 1888 1883 1878 1884 Pomeroy Pomeroy Pomeroy Pomeroy Pomeroy Pomeroy Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pond Pool Pool Pool Pool Poole Poole Poole Poormon Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Popkiss Howard N. Ira John N. L. Ernest McC. Rhea B. Simeon Agnes Anson W. Edward L. Edward L. Elbert Fred. A. J. Dickinson J. Dickinson Sarah G. Charles A. Herbert W. Richard William R. Richard Robert William R. Herbert F. Ella R. Frederick W. Henry R. John M. Lucy R. Thomas William Wm. O. Edward 1888 1879 1885 1886 Popkiss Popkiss Popp Popp Emily A. Harriet Leonhard Mary Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 24 1885 married DeWitt Hallenbeck to San Francisco, Cal. to Leavenworth, Kan. to Albany to San Francisco, Cal. 1876 from city to Canada to Newark 1 3 1884 74 to California 8 6 1887 83 to Albany to Albany 11 1875 to Toledo, Oh. from city 1 3 5 1888 27 1885 53 73 to New York City to Oswego to Auburn to Buffalo 10 9 28 1883 3 1887 47 68 to Buffalo to Syracuse to Pierre, Dakota to Ontario to Denver, Col. to Cincinnati, Oh. to St. Louis, Missouri 4 9 19 1887 29 1882 73 to Penfield 7 4 1883 49 married Edward Taylor 1 4 22 1879 12 1885 59 to Cincinnati, Ohio Page 346 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1879 1889 1882 1876 1880 1880 1885 1877 1879 1883 1884 1876 1889 1877 1880 1878 1879 1883 1881 1881 1885 1883 1882 1889 1883 1888 1888 1888 1878 1887 1881 1887 1886 1882 1889 1887 1889 1882 1881 1887 1882 1889 1884 Surname Poppel Poppen Poppink Poppino Poppy Poppy Porter Given Edward Henry Bernard A. G. Dudley Alfred Annie E. Almira B. Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Post Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Anna Charles E. Charles S. Chas. W. Dall Edward Elizabeth D. Henry Herbert O. Isabella J. Lillian Mary D. Samuel Samuel D. Ward S. Wm. H. Zaccheus B. Amy, Mrs. Isaac T. Jacob K., 2nd John A. Joseph Julius A. Libbie E. William Alexander B. Alvin Clara E. Darwin Edward W. Emma J., Mrs. Frank H. Frank W. Frank W. George Harry L. Henry S. Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 13 1883 from city 10 21 1888 47 10 12 1882 from city 5 4 1880 9 20 1879 to San Francisco, Cal. to Buffalo to Fairport to Minneapolis, Minn. 5 1884 9 18 1888 to Brockport 72 from city to Ohio 9 6 1877 to Parma 3 3 3 1 31 7 6 18 1883 1881 1881 1884 20 to Washington, D. C. 11 1 6 17 1881 29 1889 4 1883 86 to Charlotte to Charlotte to Charlotte to Ithaca to Syracuse 5 9 31 1881 22 1886 46 to Canada 5 25 1881 to New York City to New Haven, Conn. from city to Buffalo to Churchville to Churchville 2 13 1882 to New York City 1 Page 347 9 1884 85 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1881 1885 1888 1887 1889 1884 1885 1885 1877 1886 1889 1885 1885 1878 1886 1877 1876 1876 1887 1883 1883 1881 1881 1885 1884 1889 1889 1887 1887 1887 1882 1887 1886 1884 1876 1883 1880 1876 1879 1881 1887 1885 1889 1887 Surname Potter Potter Potter Potter Potter Potts Poulton Pousland Povall Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Power Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powers Powis Pownall Poyzor Praedel Prange Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Given Hiram John T. Otis R. Permelia William A. Jennie C. H. L., Mrs. Fred. G. Joseph L. Amanda Daniel Eliza J. Malachi Samuel, Jr. William William D. William J. William, Jr. Emmett A. Bridget Charles J. Edward Frank James James John Michael Peter Robert Thomas Venus, Mrs. William William B. Winnie Henry James Robert F. John Louis F. Adelbert S. Adelbert S. C. M. Charles B. Daniel, Jr. Edward H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 1 1876 from city 9 2 1885 63 to Almira from city to Chicago, Ill. 9 24 1883 53 to Boston, Mass. from city to Seneca Falls 3 3 1886 24 8 21 1888 27 from city from city 3 1878 to Boston, Mass. to Churchville 10 27 1875 from city 11 23 1886 66 8 27 1882 nd nd nd to New York City to Canandaigua to Chicago, Ill. 8 7 1883 12 4 1888 35 8 8 1888 74 to New York to Canada to Ogalla, Neb. to Brockport to Ogalla, Neb. married Frank Drake 4 2 1884 77 from city to Canandaigua 9 24 1879 to Buffalo from city to Lowell, Mass. to St. Louis, Mo. to California from city to Fredonia Page 348 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1876 1883 1886 1883 1876 1880 1880 1884 1887 1886 1876 1888 1883 1889 1876 1885 1879 1880 1883 1876 1883 1880 1882 1882 1878 1880 1882 1884 1877 1882 1886 1883 1887 1876 1879 1883 1880 1876 1879 1885 1888 1887 1882 1876 Surname Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pratt Pray Preas Preas Predmore Preistly Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentice Prentis Prentiss Prentiss Prentiss Prescott Prescott Prescott Prescott Prestin Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Preston Prevotel Price Price Price Price Price Price Given Emeline J., Miss George A. George A. George F. Ira Jane, Mrs. Jared Joseph W. Miner G. Silas W. William S. Willis C. Edward W. Fred. John Elizabeth Isaac Alexander Alexander, Jr. George W. Louis M. Vincent George W. John B. Sarah A. John C. Robert, Jr. Robert, Jr. Robert, Jr. Frederick Alfred L. Austin J. Charles D. Louis D. Lucy R. Charles Willard H. Willard T. Isidore Albert L. Anner Benjamin M. Etta Frank B. Richard B. Age Removed: to New York City to Palmyra, N. Y. from city 1886 68 1883 to Newark to Corning to Kingston 1884 84 1886 53 1885 65 to Illinois 1888 65 from city 1888 1876 1885 to Waynesville, Ga. to Indianapolis, Ind. from city from city to New York City to West Bloomfield to Syracuse to Canada 1878 from city to Albion from city to Mendon Centre to Cleveland, Oh. to Denver, Col. to Michigan to Groton to Dansville nd 1882 1879 to Canada to Colorado 1884 84 to Buffalo from city from city to Dublin, Ireland Month Day Year 4 5 25 2 4 11 9 18 1 18 2 10 12 5 1 17 5 4 5 nd Page 349 nd 2 11 5 7 11 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1889 1889 1881 1885 1876 1889 1882 1877 1885 1883 1879 1883 1876 1876 1881 1889 1876 1877 1880 1878 1886 1883 1885 1883 1881 1889 1889 1888 1884 1877 1888 1883 1881 1881 1887 1880 1886 1876 1878 1876 1883 1888 1883 1880 Surname Price Prichard Prichard Pricher Prien Prime Prime Prince Prince Prince Pring Pringle Pringle Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Pritchard Prius Probasco Probst Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Prong Propping Propping Protz Prouty Prouty Prussia Pruyne Pryor Pryor Pryor Pryor Publow Given Wilson S. James D. Wells H. Edward W. Max Benjamin William C. Charles H. M. John William William George George Alfred R. David James John John W. Susan Thomas H. Thomas W. Joseph Floyd Rudolph Benjamin Charles A. Frederick F. Helen I. Louisa Mary E. Thomas Truman A. Henry Ferdinand Moritz F. Otto Cyrus A. W. M. Frank B. Charles E. Frank S. George Thomas Thomas P. William A. Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to Ithaca from city from city to Binghamton from city 22 1875 to Oneida Castle to Virginia to Greece to Victor to Buffalo to Portage to Pittsford 3 1876 to New York City to Fairport to Scranton, Pa. 5 1875 1876 to Fergus Falls, Minn. to Milwaukee, Wisc. 12 22 1885 52 to Newark to British Columbia to England 8 27 1880 9 9 1888 1 1 1884 to Albany 45 married to Canada 9 8 1 1887 15 1882 67 to New Ulm, Minn. to New Ulm, Minn. 7 2 1886 33 to Buffalo from city to Dansville to Syracuse to Buffalo to Garfield, Pa. 7 27 1887 64 to Greece to New York City Page 350 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1882 1885 1885 1886 1888 1889 1877 1882 1877 1889 1883 1887 1885 1882 1884 1883 1879 1886 1885 1887 1882 1877 1888 1889 Surname Puffer Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugsley Pugsley Pulford Pullis Puls Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Pulver Punch Punnett Purcell Purcell Purcell Purcell Given Charles E. David J. David J. Starr K. Watson E. Alvin G. H. Sarah Catharine Charles F. Charles B. Clinton D. Guy L. Henry H. Martin B. Martin B. Mary E., Mrs. Myron Myron Joseph Reuben Agnes Edward B. John John T. 1888 1889 1882 1876 Purcell Purcell Purcell Purcell Margaret T. Matthew J. Thomas William F. 1886 1889 1887 1876 1878 1878 1889 1889 1884 1878 1889 1888 1884 1880 Purcell Purchas Purchas Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Purdy Purple Purroy Pursell Purssell Pusey Putnam William M. Ada M. Fred. W. E. Albert E. Alexander M. Edwin B. Elihu B. James Eugene G. Charles Neal H. Francis Frank E. Chas. W. Month Day Year 8 5 Age Removed: from city to Buffalo to Elmira to Brooklyn to Brooklyn to Ellicottsville from city 1876 22 1882 from city to Fort Scott, Kansas to Dakota to Jamestown to Waltham, Mass. to Waterloo to Henrietta to Irondequoit to Brighton to Macedon Centre to Chicago, Ill. 11 21 1886 74 married J. S. Moore nd nd 5 nd 6 1887 75 to Buffalo married Geo. Harrison to Albany 1 5 1882 to New York City to San Francisco, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. to Charlotte to Warsaw to Palmyra to Chili 11 14 1888 to Scranton, Pa. 11 6 1883 43 to New York City to Springwater to England to Canada to New Albany, Ind. Page 351 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1881 1881 1878 1889 1879 1877 1882 1876 1877 1878 1885 1880 1884 1889 1883 1887 1884 1881 1886 1882 1887 1888 1876 1877 1883 1877 1888 1884 1883 1879 1880 1882 1881 1884 1877 1881 1882 1884 1884 1883 1880 1879 1884 1884 Surname Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Pyatt Pye Pye Pye Pyne Pyne Pyne Quackenbush Quackenbush Quackenbush Qualtrough Qualtrough Qualtrough Quanz Quayle Quell Quenzer Quenzer Quenzer Queru Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quetschenbach Quigley Quigley Quigley Quigley Quigley Quigley Quigley Quinby Quine Quine Given Edward E. Herbert B. John H. Joseph Joseph E. W. Emory William M. John W. David W. David W. John J. John Thomas Thomas Albert D. Ivan James A. Benjamin F. Edward F. Frank John William Henry Charles John Wm. J. Edmond Adam Conrad, Jr. Ignatz Michael V. Sebastian Valentine Wolfe Wolfe Charles H. John M. Roxie A. Thomas Thomas L. William F. William H. Thos. W. Robert William W. Month Day Year 10 Age Removed: from city from city from city 1 1877 to Ann Arbor, Mich. from city to Buffalo 4 6 1882 3 9 8 1877 23 1877 1884 to Greece 62 to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. to Middleport to Albany 11 8 1886 46 to Wyoming Territory to Washington, D. C. to Wichita, Kansas from city from city 11 3 28 1887 8 1876 26 to Buffalo to Minnesota to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Irondequoit from city from city to Chicago, Ill. from city to Detroit, Mich. to Auburn 10 10 1880 22 1881 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Erie, Pa. to Auburn to Chicago, Ill. to Mass. 5 28 1884 to Henrietta Page 352 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 Quinlan 1878 Quinlan 1880 1886 1888 1886 1886 1876 1883 1879 1878 1884 1881 1880 1886 1885 1885 1882 1881 1880 1882 1881 1884 1879 1888 1883 1884 1880 1887 1884 1881 1882 1884 1884 1880 1887 1886 1884 1877 1886 1881 1887 1883 1882 Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Quinlaven Quinlaven Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinzer Quirk Quirk Quirk Quirk Quirk Quirk Quniby Quwanz Raab Raab Raab Raab Raab Given John Joseph Maria Michael William J. Wm. E. James Michael Bridget Catharine Charles E. Charles E. Christopher John John John P. Joseph J. Joseph J. Mark, Jr. Michael Michael Michael J. Michael J. Michael R. Peter Robert J. Robert J. Terence Thomas William Michael Jeremiah Michael J. Nicholas J. Patrick J. Patrick M. Thomas Isaac H. John Andrew George Gottlieb F. John M. Margaretta Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 6 1885 65 1877 married Dennis Connors to Syracuse to Canandaigua to Syracuse from city to Cleveland, Oh. 2 5 1883 3 26 1879 to Baltimore, Md. to New York City to Brockport 9 3 1879 11 23 1885 78 to Rome, Italy from city from city to Portage 7 5 1879 9 19 1881 from city to Lynn, Mass. 4 26 1879 2 28 1888 62 to Cleveland, Oh. to Buffalo 3 23 1880 9 16 1886 66 from city 2 21 1881 from city from city to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. from city to Henrietta to Buffalo from city 10 29 1885 34 8 28 1880 8 27 1886 29 to New York City 2 1 1882 Page 353 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1877 1888 1887 1876 1879 1889 1883 1884 1888 1885 1889 1887 1884 1883 1882 1889 1882 1883 1883 1884 1886 1883 1887 1888 1881 1885 1877 1880 1886 1881 1889 1881 1888 1885 1877 1879 1883 1889 1884 1884 1876 1885 1889 1887 Surname Raas Rabbitt Rabe Rach Radcliffe Radcliffe Radcliffe Rader Radigan Radtke Rae Raeppel Raeppel Rafferty Raftery Ragan Ragan Ragan Ragan Ragan Ragan Ragelsberger Ragon Rahn Rahner Rahrer Raichle Raines Raines Raines Raines Raines Raines Raines Raisner Raisner Raisner Raker Ramback Ramble Ramish Rampe Ramsay Ramsay Ramsay Given Rosa Edward D. Ludwig Henry Benjamin S. Charles T. Charles T. Louis H. Wm. H. Carl David Louise Philip Wm. N. Edward C. Catharine Catharine John John John T. Michael Anthony James Henry Josephine Eli Earnest Eugene Eugene John, Jr. Mary R. Mary R. Mary, Miss William G. Adolph Louis Theodore John B. Anthony Susan Lewis Wm. F. David John H. W. Age Removed: to West Henrietta to New York City to New York City 1886 47 to Bergen 1878 1889 41 to Bedford, Mich. 1883 to Penn Yan to Toronto, Can. 1889 79 1886 76 to New York City to New York City 1881 1888 70 1882 1883 1882 1883 75 to Gates 1882 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Germany to Denver, Col. to Cleveland, Ohio to Elmira 1879 to Canandaigua to Canandaigua 1889 73 to Canandaigua to Washington, D. C. 1885 22 from city 1878 1882 to Cincinnati, Oh. 1883 72 to Palmyra to Niagara Falls 1884 50 to Renfrew, Canada to Palatine Bridge Month Day Year 11 3 12 1 5 23 9 11 10 23 20 12 7 3 1 10 10 20 23 1 23 28 8 6 6 10 Page 354 4 18 5 20 8 4 3 20 8 10 12 5 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1888 1886 1888 1884 1888 1889 1878 1876 1887 1888 1877 1882 1885 1888 1876 1886 1889 1889 1888 1886 1884 1885 Surname Ramsdell Ramsdell Ramsdell Rand Rand Rand Rand Rand Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randles Randles Randles Given Emma Gideon Louisa David W. Mary G. Robert W. Robert W. Stella Almeron W. Andrew A. Ella B. F. S. Henry S. Henry S. John S. Nathan B. Nathaniel B. Robert B. Van Rensselaer William A. William B. James Mary E. Thomas H. 1887 1887 1877 1883 1876 Randles Randolph Randolph Rankin Rankin Thomas H. Edward Samuel N. Andrew Dugal 1880 1888 1888 1884 1881 1888 1883 1884 1885 1888 1880 1882 1888 1881 Rankin Ranney Ranney Ransom Rantz Raphael Rapp Rapp Rapp Rapp Rapp Rapp Rapp Ratcliffe Julian H. Arthur W. Julius A. Henry S. Anthony Sister Charles Charles W. Frederick George Jacob John William Wm. L. Month Day Year nd nd nd 1 17 1888 Age Removed: from city 68 from city to Watkins to Lyons, Iowa 10 21 1887 78 to Pittsford from city to Somerset married John Clark from city to Buffalo 5 20 1881 to Vanderbilt, Mich. from city to E. Palmyra 12 nd 7 1885 nd 57 21 1887 26 1886 24 53 nd to Pittsfield, Mass. 9 4 married William Irving from city to Muskoka Falls, Ontario from city to Michigan to Canada to Toronto, Ont. to San Francisco, Cal. to Black River, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. 4 20 1884 38 to Indiana to New York City from city to Brockport 4 22 1885 74 to Nashville, Tenn. to Chicago, Ill. 10 1 1881 14 1888 58 to Elmira Page 355 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1876 1883 1888 1887 1876 1881 1881 1884 1887 1880 1889 1884 1879 1887 1881 1885 1887 1879 1883 1880 1884 1883 1885 1883 1877 1883 1884 1883 1888 1886 1885 1887 1887 1882 1881 1878 1886 1883 1885 1887 1888 1884 1881 Surname Rathbun Rathbun Rathbun Rathbun Ratnour Rau Rau Rau Rau Rauber Rauber Rauber Rauber Rauber Rauber Rauber Rauch Rauch Rauch Raufeisen Rauh Raum Raum Rausch Rausch Rausch Rauschenberg Rauschenberg Rauschenberg Given Allen F. Lavega Wilbert E. Wm. P. Leward L. Francis J. George E. Gustavus Herman C. Christina Jacob John Lena W. Nicholas Nicholas Stephen, 2nd Frederick John Wm. Catharine Salome Conrad John Anna John Michael Adam August Helaeraus Rauschenbusch Rauschenbusch Rauscher Rauscher Rautenstrauch Rawlins Rawson Rawson Rawson Rawson Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Augustus Walter Alfred E. Fred. J. Chas. A. Mary J. Edmund G. George W. Ira G. Marietta A. Jay Edward George E. George H. Mary Ann Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 24 1883 from city from city from city to Newark, N. J. to Germany to Chicago, Ill. to Irondequoit to St. Louis, Mo. 7 29 1886 68 12 28 1879 to Dansville married Wm. Morris 1 5 1879 2 14 1887 61 from city 9 26 1884 69 2 20 1887 68 to Danville, Pa. 1 26 1883 8 22 1879 from city to Chicago, Ill. 7 4 1884 51 9 8 1882 8 1876 1 6 1883 to St. Louis, Missouri 5 16 1883 to Hamburg, Germany to New York City to Albany to Albany to Newport, Ky. to Chicago, Ill. to Albany 12 13 1877 from city 6 28 1882 to Syracuse to Batavia to Baltimore, Md. from city 1 Page 356 11 1881 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1881 1878 1876 1887 1882 1885 1884 1880 1879 1879 1886 1889 1887 1887 1881 1880 1881 1879 1876 1884 1887 1879 1888 1882 1885 1882 1882 1887 1880 1877 1877 1882 1879 1880 1888 1883 1888 1882 1882 1876 1884 1879 1880 Surname Ray Ray Raycroft Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Rayner Raze Rea Rea Read Read Read Readshaw Ready Ready Ready Given Milan Phebe James M. Arthur W. Charles A. Charles J. Charles J. Edward J. Edward L. Eugene C. George F. Thomas A. Michael C. Marinda F. Charles J. P. Thomas Carrie T. Mary William G. William J. John Sarah Thomas Reagan Reaner Reardon Reardon Reardon Reardon Reardon Reas Reayner Rebasz Rebhan Rebhan Rebholz Recailje Rechtsteiner Reckhow Reckhow Reddan Reddick Reddy Reddy Bertha Charles Bridget Dennis Dennis, Jr. James Margaret Joseph Jeremiah William M., Jr. Rudolph Rudolph Frank Peter C. Joseph Charles Isaac Ignatius Jerusha A. Edward William H. Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Auburn 15 1881 to Galveston, Texas to Norfolk, Va. to Kingsville, Oh. to North Collins to Albany 10 9 1883 34 to Denver, Col. to Colorado from city to New York City 12 23 1888 37 to Niagara Falls to Erie, Pa. 7 7 5 17 1880 2 1879 12 1880 from city to Dansville to Greece married William Tripp to Buffalo married Adam H. Trost 2 10 1882 2 1884 70 to Gates to Gates 3 6 4 1887 26 1879 7 1876 46 to Charlotte to Minneapolis, Minn. to Buffalo 12 6 4 14 1879 16 1887 17 1883 63 to Port Jervis from city to Toronto, Can. from city to Gates from city 10 Page 357 20 1879 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1883 1888 1886 1878 1880 1882 1884 1882 1883 1882 1889 1886 1880 1887 1876 1881 1876 1876 1878 1889 1889 1880 1883 1881 1887 1884 1881 1883 1885 1880 1879 1889 1885 Surname Reddy Redemske Redemskey Redfern Redfield Redfield Redhead Redhead Redhead Redhead Redhead Redinger Redington Redington Redman Redman Redman Redman Redman Redman Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redner Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed 1887 Reed 1888 Reed 1882 Reed 1889 1889 1878 1882 1880 1876 Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Given John Reinhold L. August F. Fred L., Mrs. William John John John T. Joseph C. Wm. A. Lawrence Henry V. Patrick Ambrose C. Henry S. Isaiah C. Julia A. Wm. J. Wm. W. Cornelius P. David J. Johanna Moses P. Owen Peter David W. Edward Francis James James N. John John Joseph O. Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: from city to Ionia, Mich. to Warsaw to Marion 1877 to Victor to Hemlock Lake 12 14 1883 to Hemlock Lake to Hemlock Lake to Hemlock Lake to Holley to Adams 5 5 12 1880 31 1887 28 from city to Kansas City, Mo. to Jamestown to Canada to Clarkson to Cleveland 3 7 11 1889 23 1879 32 to Utica from city to Ontario from city from city 2 8 10 26 1883 27 1884 5 1879 92 to Detroit, Mich. to Sanford to Auburn Kate E. Louis M. Michael married Peter Faulkner to Chicago, Ill. 8 25 1881 married Arthur E. Sutherland Nellie S. Robert Thomas C. Thomas D. Charles A. William W. 9 9 1888 87 to New York City to Utica from city to Pittsford Page 358 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1882 1886 1879 1886 1889 1885 Surname Reeder Reeder Reedy Reeg Reeg Rees Rees Given Benedict John Annie Frank George Esther George H. 1881 Rees 1889 Rees Holland M. John 1878 1879 1876 1885 1885 1878 1888 1886 1888 1884 1888 1881 1879 1877 1882 1885 1880 1883 1877 1885 1882 1876 1877 1883 1878 1881 1877 1884 1887 1877 1885 1880 1880 1884 Charles H. George W. Jacob V. John John C. John F. Aaron V. Arthur Edwin D. George Gilbert H. Harry E. Charles Leonard Harry J. John H. John B. Leonard M'lle Fritz Henry C. Siegfried Charles Jacob Charles J. Christian John Joseph B. Richard N. Fred. Henry M. John F. William F. Wm. F. Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Refeld Refior Regan Regan Reger Reger Regnauld Regner Rehn Rehwald Reiber Reibstein Reich Reich Reich Reich Reichelt Reichenbach Reichenbach Reichenbach Reichenbach Reichenbach Month Day 8 6 13 8 10 Year Age Removed: 1877 1881 1885 29 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cleveland, Ohio to England to Brantford, Can. to Jerseyville, Canada 1 3 1889 to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Philadelphia 5 1875 to Buffalo to Buffalo 2 1 1878 2 28 1886 to Brighton 23 to Batavia to Brighton to Brighton to New York City to Macon, Ga. to Canada to Auburn to Denver, Col. 12 10 31 1879 19 1882 to Paris, France from city to Buffalo 1 1876 to Sandusky, Oh. from city 12 2 6 1877 5 1881 4 1876 to London, Can. from city to Canada to Baltimore, Md. 9 26 1879 to Buffalo to Detroit, Mich. Page 359 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1889 Reichert 1886 Reichert 1883 1884 1876 1888 1883 1878 1881 1882 1886 1886 1876 1876 1879 1885 1886 1886 1885 1882 1888 1884 1883 1877 1877 1877 1888 1883 1880 1881 1883 1881 1886 1888 1882 1880 1876 1882 1886 1876 1883 1888 1880 1888 Reichert Reichert Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reider Reif Reiland Reiland Reiland Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reilly Reimes Reimmiller Rein Rein Rein Rein Reinebold Reinek Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinfeld Reinhard Reinik Reinking Reinschmidt Reis Reisinger Reiter Given George Martha Mary Mary Alex. Elizabeth Ezra Thomas William M. Wm. W. E. Frank X. William J. Christian George George Charles E. Harriett M. Philip Robert Thomas F. Thomas P. Christian Henry Barbara George John Joseph Richard John Christian Jacob John C. Joseph Joseph A. Michael J. Philip Sebastian Peter Edward Ernst Anthony Sidney Anthony Nicholas Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 5 1888 69 5 4 1886 40 married Henry McCormick 2 1 1884 49 to Cincinnati, Oh. 8 30 1887 93 from city from city to Montreal, Canada to Omaha, Neb. from city 1 24 1886 1 1 1876 to Buffalo 5 26 1878 to Elmira 12 3 1885 78 to New York City 12 6 1884 83 to Auburn to Haverhill, Mass. 2 6 1884 52 5 5 1883 from city from city from city to Irondequoit to Auburn to Attica to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. to Cleveland, Oh. 1 2 1886 79 3 15 1888 23 3 6 1882 to St. Louis, Mo. to Greece 12 29 1881 to Buffalo to New York City from city to New York City from city 7 1 1887 Page 360 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1887 1877 1885 1889 1884 1886 1877 1884 1878 1889 1881 1883 1885 1887 1885 1881 1886 1885 1882 1884 1882 1881 1876 1881 1889 1885 1876 1884 1883 1889 1881 1885 1889 1879 1876 1889 1876 1884 1886 1880 1888 1886 Surname Relyea Relyea Relyea Relyea Relyea Remillard Remington Remington Remington Remington Remish Remmel Renaud Rendsland Renfrew Renn Renne Renne Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renner Renouard Rentschler Rentschler Rentschler Rentschler Reome Repp Requa Rerdan Resseguie Rett 1882 Reud Given John John John, Jr. Lodewick F. Thomas B. Jeremiah Charles E. Emma Fred. D. Silas H. Josephine Lawrence John George Robert William P. Emil Emil A. Elizabeth Adam Andrew Charles Charles A. Charles, Jr. Eugene J. Frank J. Fred. Herman Jacob Jacob A. Joseph Maximilian Augustus John Mary Ulrich Ulrich Louis Adam Benson H. Mary J. Addison J. Albert Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 5 1884 85 from city 6 24 1876 to Syracuse to Schenectady from city to Geneva to Caledonia to Caledonia to Buffalo married Matthias Gall 12 18 1880 8 1882 to Lima 11 23 1886 71 10 12 1884 30 to New York City to New York City 1 20 1885 58 to Oneida 9 23 1883 58 1 18 1882 to Bradford, Pa. to Clyde to Colorado to Syracuse from city from city 4 27 1883 4 26 1883 12 12 1888 34 to New York City to Kansas City, Mo. 3 3 1889 55 nd nd nd 4 1875 10 12 1888 25 4 1875 to Brighton to Batavia married Dell Leahy to Waukesha, Wis. 12 20 1885 23 Wm. R. to Grand Rapids, Mich. Page 361 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1883 1884 1888 1880 1883 1887 1882 1888 1878 1887 1879 1876 1882 1877 1888 1882 1876 1886 1887 1889 1881 1877 1877 1886 1887 1880 1883 1877 1878 1881 1885 1884 1888 1885 1884 1886 1887 1888 1887 1888 1889 1887 1880 1882 Surname Reulbach Reuter Reuter Reuter Revere Rew Rew Rew Reynell Reynell Reynell Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Rhine Rhines Rhoades Rhoades Rhoades Rhodes Rhodes Rhodes Rial Rice Given Joseph Christian Elizabeth William H. John D. Ferdinand H. Fred W. Parker H. Arthur B. Robert F. Wm. W. Abelard Arthur C. Frank Chas. E. Edward Ephriam W. Ezra J. F. Everett Frederick A. Gilbert H., Jr. Howard W. John Jonathan Jonathan Lydia S. Mary Mary C. Thomas Thomas G. Timothy A. Walter Walter S. Walter S. William Anna George W. Alfred Edward P. Wilson L. Henry E. Henry W. Thomas L. Jay Andrew Month Day Year 8 8 6 1882 1880 4 1887 Age Removed: to Chicago, Ill. 26 to New York City to Mt. Vernon to Buffalo to Syracuse from city 1 13 1878 from city 12 19 1878 to Providence, R. I. to Cleveland, Oh. to Toronto, Canada to Ontario 10 6 4 1881 1875 to Brockport to Meadville, Pa. to California to Idaho from city to Gates to Gates 8 1 3 22 1886 101 3 1880 26 1883 3 7 2 19 1878 25 1880 4 1885 to Buffalo 57 to Albion to Albion to Antwerp married J.Robins to Chicago, Ill. 3 24 1887 23 from city to Los Angeles, Cal. to East Buffalo to Wellsville 3 4 1887 47 from city from city Page 362 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1883 1880 1887 1885 1886 1882 1877 1886 1888 1884 1885 1885 1880 1883 1881 1880 1876 1877 1877 1880 1882 1882 1881 1884 1882 1880 1889 1885 1877 1876 1881 1885 1876 1883 1885 1887 1884 1876 1886 1882 1880 1880 1882 1883 Surname Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Rich Richard Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Richards Given Balzar Charles A. P. Charles S. Frances F. Frank H. Frederick George F. Harvey E. Harvey E. Israel James Job O. John A. Joseph Joseph Julia Lawrence Lewis M. Louise Margaret Mary Richard Smith Solomon H. Susie Wallace William H., Jr. Barbara S. Frank John S. Lafayette Mary Nellie Samuel Joseph Andrew W. Augustus H. Charles Charles H. John John W. Luke Paul Paul Samuel Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 22 1885 64 9 4 1882 from city from city to Spencerport from city 6 3 1882 to Churchville from city 5 20 1888 65 to Toronto, Can. 11 16 1884 82 to Spencerport from city 11 9 1882 11 20 1880 4 27 1880 4 7 1876 to Brooklyn 5 7 1877 5 14 1879 5 25 1881 from city to Cleveland, Oh. married Henry Smith 2 19 1882 to Covington 11 19 1888 66 to Avon to Washington to Putnam, Conn. 1 24 1881 to Penfield 7 1875 from city nd nd nd to Kinzua, Pa. to Canada to Syracuse to Toronto, Can. from city from city to Michigan to Buffalo from city Page 363 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1880 1877 1886 1886 1889 1878 1887 1878 1879 1888 1887 1880 1883 1883 1887 1887 1884 1882 1881 1881 1878 1885 1881 1886 1884 1882 1876 1878 1885 1876 1889 1883 1878 1888 1882 1883 1884 1889 1879 1876 1885 1878 1880 Surname Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richener Richer Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Given Turney W. William Albert Charles W. Harriet L. Jennie John A. Rowland Thomas A. William Willis Jacob William Charles L. Daniel Fremont C. Henry E. Ira James H. Richmond Richmond Richmond Richner Richter Richter Rickard Rickard Rickard Rickerson Rickert Rickett Riddel Rideout Rideout Rider Ridley Ridley Riedmann Riedmann Riegler Riehr Ries Ries Ries Llewellyn J. Miriam F. Samuel C. William Charles Minnie Benjamin Bernard Thomas Daniel W. John Thomas James Catharine A. Luke Edward A. Benj. F. Lorin E. Richard Richard George Christopher Eberhard George J. John Age Removed: to Brighton to Warren, Oh. to Elmira from city 27 1885 71 married George Horn from city 4 1886 36 to Montreal, Canada to Pittsford to Syracuse from city to Mt. Morris to St. Johns, Mich. 28 1883 to Churchville to Churchville to Lockport to Scranton, Pa. to Colorado Springs, Col. to Los Angeles, Cal. from city to Penfield 7 1881 married Geo. Broun from city to Buffalo to Buffalo 7 1878 8 1884 58 from city from city 12 1882 30 1877 to Racine, Wis. 5 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Irondequoit 12 1888 36 20 1879 1875 to Germany 5 1877 27 1879 Month Day Year 8 9 3 2 2 8 6 12 6 10 1 4 11 7 Page 364 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1878 Ries Given Peter 1883 1879 1888 1887 1883 1885 1883 1887 1889 1885 1877 Ries Riesenacker Riess Rigg Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Rigney Rigney Theresa John William J. Benjamin Alice Alice Charles J. Herman C. John B. John J. Matthew 1886 1883 1885 1889 1886 1880 1888 1888 Rigney Rigney Rigney Rigney Rignouar Riley Riley Riley Owen Thomas Thomas William J. Katharina Albert A. Ann E. Ashbel W. 1885 1884 1884 1880 1879 Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Charles Elizabeth Ellen H. Alvin James C., Jr. 1887 1884 1885 1889 1879 1889 1884 1879 1877 1878 1881 1886 1888 1887 1887 1879 Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Rimes Rimmells Ring Ring Ringelstein Ringelstein Ringelstein Ringer Ringland Ringland Jane Mary Mary William William H. William H. Lida E. Charles L. M. Bernard Peter E. Augustus G. Augustus G. Joseph Alonzo E. Ann Robert K. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Germany married Joseph Reger to New York City to Denver, Col. from city to Turin to Turin to Fredonia to Binghamton to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Cohocton 5 27 1876 to San Francisco, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. to Kansas City, Mo. to New York City to Pittsford to Chicago, Ill. 6 4 20 1887 3 1888 54 93 to San Francisco, Cal. 4 8 1884 44 to New York City nd nd nd to Minnesota married Patrick McCullen 11 12 1883 1885 40 to Chicago, Ill. to Minnesota to Medina to Canandaigua to Illinois from city to Parma to Attica 3 5 3 8 9 6 27 22 1886 1888 1887 1886 43 51 40 73 to Toronto Page 365 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1882 1879 1882 1883 1889 1879 1883 1884 1883 Surname Ringle Rinzland Riordan Ripka Ripley Ripley Ripley Ripley Rippey Rippin Given Jane Henry Hannah Adolphus Allen P., Jr. Frank R. Horatio M. Merrill W. John S. Francis F. 1888 1877 1888 1888 1886 1877 1879 1887 1886 1887 1887 1886 1884 1883 1887 1886 1885 1880 1888 1884 1888 Rippin Ripsom Ripsom Ripsom Ripsom Ripson Ripson Risdon Risdon Risley Risley Risley Risley Risley Risley Ristow Ritcher Ritter Ritter Ritter Ritz Mary Ann M. Augustus Edward B. George E. John John Charles W. William H. Amos E. Edward E. John Nathaniel Russel Russell Augusta James P. Ernest Peter Philip Adam 1888 1884 1882 1887 1881 1881 1889 1883 1881 1883 1889 1887 Ritz Ritz Ritz Ritz Ritz Ritzenthaler Rivard Rivenberg Rivers Roach Roach Roach Elizabeth Franklin Frederick George Joseph Joseph May A. Sidney W. Edward A. Patrick Thomas Thomas W. Month Day Year 3 3 Age Removed: to Buffalo 8 1882 18 1879 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Buffalo from city to Lima 2 24 1883 2 1883 from city married Nicholas A. Batz 5 11 3 1877 11 1887 46 from city 10 5 22 1885 29 1876 50 from city from city to Canada to California to California to Ontario to Lyons to Palmyra to California to Rockford, Ill. to Geneseo to Rush to Cincinnati, Oh. to Texas 9 5 1887 83 married Joseph Block nd nd nd 4 10 1882 6 22 1886 46 from city to Chili married from city 4 1880 7 15 1888 to Henrietta 22 from city Page 366 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1883 1888 1883 1884 1876 1877 1889 1876 1882 1884 1876 1881 1886 1879 1883 1883 1884 1883 1876 1889 1887 1879 1886 1886 1877 1879 1885 1884 1884 1885 1888 1886 1887 1888 1888 1886 1882 1878 1876 1886 1889 1884 1888 1881 Surname Roades Roark Roath Robb Robb Robb Robb Robb Robb Robbin Robbins Robbins Robbins Robbins Robbins Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Robertshaw Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robie Given Geo. H. Edward H. Clarence J. Amelia I. Charles A. James John John A. Joseph E. Frederick Cora I. De Garmo Geo. C. Harvey Sarah S. Benj. T Benjamin T., Jr. Benjamin W. Christopher F. Edwin P. Elizabeth A. G. Henry George L. Harry Henry C. John John C. Lorenzo J. Mary Mary L. Nettie M. Robert E. Royal B. Sarah J. William D. Clement Arthur B. Fred. James L. John John John John A. William F. Louis H. Month Day Year Age Removed: from city 1883 to St. Paul, Minn. 1 9 1883 to Toronto, Can. to Holley 5 1877 to Tacoma, W. T. 1876 to Corry, Pa. married John Niven to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo to Weedsport 4 8 1879 to North Chili to North Chili to Brooklyn to Irondequoit to Michigan 10 5 7 1888 1887 66 to Bradford, Pa. to Elmira 8 17 1885 44 to Waterloo to Colorado from city 6 14 1882 52 married E. P. Shaffer to North Bergen from city to Fairport to Fairport 5 1 1888 63 4 23 1886 28 to Elmira to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. from city to Cincinnati, Oh. 8 3 1888 68 2 17 1888 62 to Cleveland, Oh. to Walworth Page 367 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1887 1880 1882 1888 1876 1887 1879 1887 1882 1883 1882 1889 1882 1888 1876 1888 1882 1886 1883 1884 1879 1889 1877 1876 1882 1876 1881 1886 1886 1879 1889 1888 1888 1887 1882 1883 1885 1884 1879 1880 1889 1885 1889 1886 Surname Robins Robins Robins Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Roblee Roblin Robottom Robson Robson Given Deborah George H. Johnson I. Alanson D. Allan G. Benjamin P. Benjamin P. Charles Charles E. Cyrus B. David Evans F. F., Mrs. Frank F. Frank F. Franklin E. Frederick George E. George E. Helen A. Henry Henry F. Holton Homer G. J. Sanford J. Sanford James James James James John F. John T. Joseph C. Martha Mary Oliver Peter Peter A. Will C. William J. Charles Amy E. Thomas George B. George B. Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 10 1880 to Kansas City, Mo. 4 8 1880 1 27 1882 to Scranton, Pa. to Oakland, Cal. 3 15 1887 74 9 14 1878 from city 9 23 1881 from city 4 15 1882 to Michigan to Detroit, Mich. from city to Brooklyn, L. I. to Watertown to Batavia from city married M. C. Joiner to Ottawa, Can. from city to New York City 1 18 1877 from city to Conesus to Montreal, Can. to Toronto, Can. 11 28 1885 81 to New York City from city to Canada 3 20 1888 6 26 1887 82 6 7 1887 66 12 5 1881 10 29 1882 2 6 1885 52 to Syracuse from city to Syracuse married ___ Root to England from city to Canada Page 368 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1877 1887 1887 1885 1887 1884 1881 1888 1889 1885 1889 1889 1877 1884 1882 1877 1889 1889 1887 1887 1886 1885 1880 1880 1880 1879 Surname Roby Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Roche Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rock Rock Rockfellow Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell Rockwood Rockwood Rockwood Roda Given Sidney J. Charles A. Charles A. Daniel E. James J. John Louis A. Patrick T. Sarah Timothy William H. William T. Henry E. Nathaniel T. Nathaniel T. Paul A. Thomas M. James L. Michael T. Edwin L. Charles M. D. C. James George A. Martha L. Mary L. Adolph 1880 1880 1876 1882 1882 1882 1883 1885 1887 1879 1878 1877 1878 1882 1883 1889 1878 Roda Roda Roda Rodell Rodell Rodell Roden Roden Rodenbeck Rodenbeck Roderick Roderick Roderick Rodgers Rodgers Rodi Roe Ella John, Jr. William Charles W. Eugene F. Frank W. Charles A. Charles A. Adolph J. Elizabeth Clarence Emma James R. Andrew Jane, Mrs. James M. Dennis Month Day Year Age Removed: to New York City 10 2 1876 12 9 1886 35 11 4 6 14 1886 20 1884 17 1880 65 23 to Toronto, Can. to Wilkesbarre, Pa. married John Murray to Canada to Buffalo to New York City 6 3 1889 6 1883 83 to Baltimore to Quincy, Ill. to Caledonia from city 3 3 13 1889 22 1887 32 52 to Chicago, Ill. to Weedsport from city to Jeddo to Jeddo to Jeddo 3 3 1879 3 11 9 1880 1875 married John E. White to New York City to New York City to New York City to Salamanca to Buffalo to New York 12 12 1878 to New York City to Paris, France from city to Brockport to Kingston, Can. 5 6 1889 42 to Henrietta Page 369 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1878 1877 1889 1886 1878 1880 1886 1885 1889 1876 1882 1882 1887 1885 1882 1877 1889 1884 1882 1882 1878 1887 1888 1882 1876 1879 1880 1879 1883 1881 1887 1887 1880 1885 1879 1877 1881 1885 1889 1887 1882 1878 1888 Surname Roe Roe Roe Roe Roe Roe Roedel Roeder Roesch Roeser Roesser Roesser Rogan Rogan Rogan Rogers Rogers Given Frank P. Henrietta Israel John E. Joseph F. Richard M. Ernst John Charles B. Ferdinand John Joseph M. John B. Joseph William E. A. De Lamartine Ambrose Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Carolyn S. Catharine H. Charles Charles E. Charles L. Edwin A. Frank E. George B. Henry M. Henry T. Herbert S. Hosea James W. Jerome D. John A. John S. Joseph Lulu Mary Mary C. Myrtle I. Patrick Patrick J. Samuel D. Samuel, Jr. Simon W. Stephen Age Removed: from city to Henrietta to England from city 1885 86 1877 1879 1885 50 from city 1889 51 to Penfield from city from city from city to Chicago, Ill. to California 1877 married E. F. Van Hoesen 1883 54 to Orford, N. H. from city from city to New York to Buffalo nd to Springwater 1878 to Chicago, Ill. to Irondequoit 1882 to Penn Yan nd 1886 67 1879 from city 1878 1877 1881 from city to Buffalo 1886 57 from city 1877 1887 90 Month Day Year 8 7 6 6 16 21 23 28 1 15 2 11 5 8 nd nd Page 370 nd 9 24 2 5 nd 11 10 12 8 8 20 4 18 8 7 11 7 6 13 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1883 1888 1882 1887 1880 1889 1885 1881 1889 1877 1882 1884 1879 1881 1880 1887 1883 1887 1876 1889 1885 1886 1879 1884 1889 1885 1886 1881 1883 1888 1880 Surname Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogers Rogerson Rohde Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohr Rohrbacher Rohrbacher Rollins Rollins Rollins Romge Rommel Ronan Ronconé Roney Ronkie Rontsinszky Rood Roodenburg Given Vernon L. W. Jerome William B. William B., Jr. William B., Jr. William H. B. R. Fernando A. Eliza Frederick Henry Henry J. Rudolph Jerome John Mary Mary A. Susan Charles Henry Harry Wentworth William Henry Margaret Patrick Giovanni Herbert Julius R. Koloman Stephen Charles J. 1882 1884 1881 1889 1876 1884 1888 1881 1881 1882 1876 1884 Roodenburg Roodenburg Roodenburg Rooney Rooney Roos Root Root Root Root Roper Rorbach Charles J. Cornelius John C. Mary William Louis Chas. W. Elmer C. Francis J. William A. Frederic John Month Day Year 8 4 23 1882 3 1888 Age Removed: from city 53 from city to California 12 1879 from city from city married to Williamsport, Pa. 10 12 3 12 4 2 6 3 2 8 15 13 13 2 20 2 9 1876 1881 1884 1878 1881 1880 1886 1883 1887 62 63 62 to Buffalo to Canada from city to London, Eng. to Brockport 11 1 23 1883 6 1889 71 53 to Toronto, Can. to New York City to Penn Yan from city 7 31 1887 59 to LeHague, Holland to The Hague, Holland to Kankakee, Ill. to Holland to Fairport from city 1 nd 31 1884 nd nd 42 to Hamilton to Denver, Col. to Boston, Mass. from city to Geneseo Page 371 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1882 1889 1878 1882 1878 1878 1882 1888 1879 1876 1879 1880 1876 1882 1889 1884 1884 1889 1885 1886 1881 1886 1889 1886 Surname Roscoe Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Roseboom Rosecrants Rosecrants Rosen Rosenbauer Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenblatt Rosenblatt Rosenblatt Rosenbloom Rosenblum Given Charles Edwin Fred. Henry G. C. Herbert B. Louis Robert Samuel W. Wm. H. Jacob L. Edgar H. Harvey Samuel Charles Abraham Abraham Benjamin Henry Moses Theresa Moses Samuel Sigmund G. Isaac Joseph 1887 1879 1884 1889 Rosenfield Rosenfield Rosenthal Rosenthal Aaron J. Nimrod Benjamin F. Jacob 1888 1879 1879 1885 1880 1879 1884 1882 1888 1888 Rosenthal Rosenthal Roseroot Rosevelt Rosington Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Joseph W. Samuel Julius William H. Thomas Alexander Andrew J. E. Jennie John M. John W. 1888 Ross 1886 Ross 1883 Ross Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: from city to Chili to Poughkeepsie from city from city 5 1877 to Buffalo from city from city to Red Wing, Minn. to Greece 6 21 1878 to Muskegon, Mich. to Chicago, Ill. from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Buffalo 4 9 1884 59 to Ithaca to Buffalo to Beloit, Wis. 12 3 1880 from city to Toronto, Ont. 4 28 1886 68 to San Francisco, Cal. to LeSure, Minn. to Saginaw, Mich. from city to Grand Rapids, Mich. 12 31 1877 from city to Pittsburg, Pa. 11 1879 to Dansville from city 5 13 1881 12 31 1887 to Omaha, Neb. 52 married Geo. A. Saunders, Pavillion from city to Chicago, Ill. Mary M. Reuben R. Robert Page 372 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1888 1883 1878 1889 1882 1889 1881 1880 1888 1879 1885 1880 1884 1881 1881 1887 1886 1877 1881 1879 1887 1888 1880 1889 1881 1889 1888 1884 1889 1878 1886 1889 1880 1877 1886 1888 1882 1881 1881 1880 1885 1885 1878 Surname Ross Ross Ross Rossiter Rossiter Ross-Lewin Ross-Lewin Ross-Lewin Rossney Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Roth Rothamel Rothaug Rothaug Rothaug Rothfritz Rothfritz Rothgangal Rothgangal Rothholz Rothholz Rothholz Rothmund Rothschild Rothschild Rothschild Rothschild Rothwell Rothwell Rotmans Rouchel Rounds Roundtree Rourke Rouse Rouse Rouse Rousseau Routier Rowan Given Sarah William William J. Sarah C. Thomas L. Frances B. George E. William H. William E. Adolph Arthur J. George F. George F. Joseph Otto Rosa John H. Henry G. John William Sophia Theresa John F. Sophia M. Gustave Gustave Julius Albert Aaron Henry Meyer J. Samuel Jennie William H. Henry J. John Walter B. Nellie Patrick Beekman E. H. Warren Irving S. P. John James S. Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 15 1885 50 to New York City to Toronto, Can. 2 25 1883 to Scottsville to Chicago, Ill. to Denver, Col. to Chicago, Ill. to Bloomington, Ill. to Denver, Col. to New York City to Watkins, Col. to Dillon, Col. to Iowa 6 8 1884 23 5 17 1880 from city from city 12 9 1885 37 to Scottsville 4 3 1881 8 3 1878 1 27 1887 68 11 28 1887 68 to Cincinnati, Oh. to New York City to Baltimore, Md. to Jacksonville, Fla. to Kansas City, Mo. to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Medina to Fair Mount from city 2 12 1880 to France to Providence, R. I. married W. McNeil to Avon to Greece to Greece to Greece to Watkins to Chicago, Ill. to Manhattanville Page 373 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1884 1888 1889 1884 1884 1886 1884 1889 1876 1887 1888 1886 1883 1884 1879 1876 1886 1888 1887 1881 1889 1883 1886 1882 1885 1887 1887 1882 1889 1881 1884 1877 1885 1888 1886 1889 1884 1883 1880 1877 1887 1886 1880 Surname Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowell Rowlan Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Given Andrew Ann Charles E. Edmund C. Frederick T. George A. VanRensselaer Harry E. John Henry D. James James L. Anna B. Charles D. David Frank H. Jireh Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Rowley Roworth Rowse Roy Roy Royce Royce Royce Royce Roycraft Ruark Ruben Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruchte Ruchti John John John G. Manly D. Mary A. Olive William C. William C., 2nd William S. Edwin A. Joseph Frank L. James C. Arthur B. Arthur B. George S. M. Burt Frances H. Margaret C. Dina George P. John John H. Nicholas Peter H. Edward Nicholas Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 1 1885 80 9 20 1883 76 from city to Williamsport, Pa. from city to Naples to Newark, N. J. from city 4 13 1889 to Buffalo 12 8 1886 82 from city to Hartford, Conn. to Dakota Ter. 4 1884 to Titusville, Pa. 8 1875 to North Adams, Mass. 4 2 13 1888 28 1887 39 48 to Minneapolis, Minn. 8 6 7 13 1888 26 1882 27 1885 77 68 to Albion to Canandaigua to Elmira 9 2 1886 32 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Erie, Pa. to Boston, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Royalton, Vt. from city 7 5 1887 84 to Bradford, Pa. to Russia 9 25 1883 2 22 1880 23 from city to Louisville, Ky. to Munich, Germany to Olean 3 Page 374 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1889 1876 1877 1879 1882 1881 1888 1885 1882 1884 1880 1877 1884 1887 1885 1888 1882 1882 1880 1878 1879 1880 1881 1878 1881 1885 1886 1887 1884 1887 1879 1886 1879 1876 1887 1885 1885 1885 1889 1882 1887 1877 1889 1886 Surname Ruckdeschel Ruddick Rudolph Rudolph Rudolph Rudy Ruf Ruf Ruf Ruff Ruff Rugg Ruggles Rugraff Rugraff Rühling Ruland Rule Rule Rulifson Rulon Rumbacken Rumble Rummel Rummel Rummel Rummel Rumsey Rumsey Rund Rundel Rung Runyon Rupert Rupp Ruppanner Ruppert Rusch Ruscher Rushby Ruskell Russ Russ Russell Russell Given Frederick, Jr. Richard A. Gustavus John Susan Seraphin Conrad Herman Lawrence Christian Conrad Edwin A. Josiah H. Catherine Joseph Herman J. George Dennis John Isaac H. Jacob Victor George Alonzo J. Frank John John B. Ferris H. Mary C. Frederick Henry P. Frederick Walter C. Mary, Mrs. George F. James John John Julius Robert Thomas Frank William A. Imogene Andrew Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 28 1884 30 to Ingersoll, Can. 8 19 1875 from city 10 13 1878 to Kansas to Brockport 11 20 1887 39 to Irondequoit from city 11 5 1883 80 from city to Orleans, Co. married Morgan Friar 8 16 1886 63 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Buffalo to Detroit, Mich. to Detroit, Mich. 8 13 1879 to Syracuse from city 12 11 1879 to Buffalo 3 25 1878 to Buffalo to Geneva to Leslie, Mich. to Brockport to Aberdeen, Dakota 7 4 1886 42 9 27 1878 to Cleveland, Ohio to Mumford from city 12 5 1886 66 from city 3 31 1885 45 to Germany to Millbury, Mass. 2 16 1882 to Spencerport to Pennsylvania to Newark from city Page 375 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1886 1884 1882 1883 1881 1884 1880 1883 1886 1885 1883 1882 1877 1889 1885 1883 1878 1879 1885 1885 1883 1876 1878 1885 1883 1889 1880 1888 1883 1885 1877 1884 1888 1885 1887 1887 1879 1879 1882 1885 1888 1886 1884 1884 Surname Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Rutan Rutan Rutherford Ruthven Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Given Caroline Charles Chas. C. George George George T. George T. G. George, Jr. Henry Jennie Lewis John Joseph R. Osgood N. Robert Robert A. Sally Samuel Sarah William H. Wm. F. Harry R. Rynier S. Arthur J. Christian W. Catharine Edward Edward D. Edward M. Ellen James James James H. James S. Jerry D. John John John John C. John, Jr. Julia Julia Julia Margaret Mary Mary Month Day Year 11 4 Age Removed: to New York City to Oneida to Iowa 1 1881 8 1883 from city to Baltimore, Md. from city to Detroit, Mich. 8 26 1885 57 to Cincinnati, Oh. from city 11 30 1881 3 5 7 12 28 14 18 14 from city 1889 1885 1882 1877 45 81 to Brighton to New York City to Cleveland, Ohio to Utica to Geneva to Buffalo 11 9 6 1884 4 1882 50 to Albany to Colorado 7 1 7 11 1887 13 1883 2 1884 53 61 from city to Albany to Detroit, Mich. 9 15 nd 53 from city to Sodus to Greece to Walworth 5 6 1882 7 9 8 17 1887 19 1885 20 1883 to Fairport 73 65 79 from city Page 376 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1888 1888 1887 1882 1882 1876 1883 1878 1881 1886 1888 1885 1882 1884 1883 1881 1880 1884 1888 1884 1881 1885 1883 1881 1884 1878 1884 1877 1877 1882 1887 1879 1882 1880 1889 1883 1886 1885 1885 1889 1877 1886 1889 Surname Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryder Ryder Rykes Ryley Ryman Given Mary Mary Matthias B. Michael Patrick Ribold Thomas Thomas Timothy J. William William William William E. William J. Winnie Ella C. Thomas Wm. Rupert A. Fred. S. Rynd Rynd Saal Saalwaechter Sabey Sabey Sabin Sabin Sabin Sabin Sable Sable Sachs Sachs Sackett Sackett Sackett Sadden Safford Saftig Sage Sage Sage Sage Bridget Richard John E. John Carrie B. James Crittenden E. E. Horton Elroy F. Parmelia A. Henry Theodore Fred. C. Louis Richard B. William William N. Charles Ella A. John Albert K. Marilda Nelson Sylvenus C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 31 1886 82 2 2 1888 71 to Williamsport, Pa. 8 1886 10 1 1881 1 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Michigan 1 24 1878 12 8 1880 from city 2 1 1888 45 to Washington, D. C. to Irondequoit 6 24 1883 76 to Elmira to Toronto, Can. 7 22 1879 from city to Wilkesbarre, Pa. married Michael Soucie nd nd nd 2 21 1885 74 4 1883 1 17 1881 7 1883 to Iowa 10 1883 48 to Buffalo nd nd nd nd nd nd 12 30 1886 58 5 1878 to Chicago, Ill. to Bath 12 22 1888 73 from city 4 10 1886 31 to Topeka, Kansas to New York City to Sioux Falls, Dak. 1876 1 7 1886 73 to Oakland, Cal. Page 377 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1889 1884 1884 1876 1884 1885 1883 1882 1888 1888 1880 1878 1885 1879 1882 1884 1887 1876 1882 1880 1879 1878 1881 1885 1887 1879 1889 1877 1886 1876 1886 1877 1882 1884 1884 1884 1879 1879 1886 Surname Sage Sager Sager Sager Sahlberg Sahlberg Sahner Sahs Saile Saile Sailer Sailer Saint Saint Saint Cyr Saint John Saint Pierre Saint Pierre Salender Salender Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Sallbach Saller Salley Salmon Salmon Salter Salter Salyerds Salzer Salzer Salzer Sam Sam Sam Samaine Samaine Samenfink 1887 Sames 1888 Sammons 1876 Sample Given W. Lincoln Charles A. Daniel Jefferson Gustave Month Day Year Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. to Philadelphia, Pa. 1883 from city 7 1875 married George B. Gardner to Pittsburgh, Pa. to Batavia to Batavia Hannah Louis Charles F. Joseph Martin Charles Katie Ange Julius De John Hiram Joseph Z. George W. Edward Walter Andrew Lawrence J. Ambrose I. Gilbert H. Franklin Otto William Bridget Catharine Pomeroy L. John W. Josiah Isaac W. Anna M. Jacob Jacob Charles Samuel William Charity Emma R. Charles C. 5 1 4 1888 26 1888 76 62 married to France from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 26 1881 to Langdon, Minn. from city 1875 from city to Wayne Co. 10 20 1878 1 15 1881 to Auburn to West Webster to Elmira 4 12 1879 to Syracuse from city 10 20 1885 61 to Scottsville 1 14 1886 5 19 1881 71 to Grafton, Mass. to New York City to New York City to New York City to Mobile, Ala. to Mobile, Ala. to Boston, Mass. married Chas. H. Brown Anna L. Mary P. Esther 2 5 Page 378 14 1888 1875 60 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1884 1876 1881 1888 1878 1888 1878 1877 1887 1883 1887 Surname Sampson Sampson Sampson Samson Samson Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuelian Given Edward Edwin James Amos S. Henry J. Henry S. Isaac S. Marcus Samuel Samuel Sophia E. Hovaness 1887 1880 1888 1880 1883 1889 1885 1886 1887 1889 1884 1889 1884 1884 1876 1878 1878 1888 1880 1877 1886 1877 1888 1889 Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn Sanders Sanders Sanders Sandersky Sanderson Sanderson Sanderson Sandrey Sandry Sands Sands Sandway Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sang Cora E. Effie C. Frederick W. Wm. H. Charles Frederic W. John H. Joseph Edward C. Isaac H. Wm. N. John Joseph Bridget George M. Wm. F. Charles L. Elizabeth C. John W. Lamont H. Michael Truman B. William B. Chin 1885 1889 1889 1880 1882 1877 1881 Sanger Sargeant Sargeant Sargent Sargent Sargent Sargent Annie Clarence A. Sarah J. Albert H. Arabella Deborah Henry Month Day Year 11 Age Removed: from city from city from city 18 1880 to Chicago, Ill. to Auburn 5 6 1888 63 to Pennsylvania to Auburn to Syracuse to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. married Samuel H. Grey married to Orange, Cal. to Denver, Col. to New York City from city to Syracuse 4 7 1886 60 to Keyport, N. J. from city to Buffalo 3 4 1889 49 from city 3 9 1884 94 to Boston, Mass. to Ransom, Pa. to Auburn to Bergen from city to Buffalo 9 11 1885 61 to Ontario 9 10 1887 37 to Syracuse married Jacob Gerling, 2nd. to Dansville to Dansville to Akron, Oh. to Albany 4 7 Page 379 26 1877 28 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1880 1876 1885 1884 1884 1885 1883 1886 1881 1883 1889 1879 1883 1879 1882 1883 1887 1886 1879 1876 Surname Sargent Sargent Sargent Sargisson Sargisson Sarrett Sass Sass Sasseville Sasseville Satter Satterlee Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauer Sauerbier Given Henry W. John Mary W. Grace John N. Eliza Frederick W. John F. Alfred Ernst Frank A. LeRoy Dorothea M. Elizabeth Frank Frederick C. George Jacob Jacob C. John C. Frederick 1886 1882 1884 1887 1884 1876 1886 1888 1882 1878 1885 Sauerteig Sauerteig Saulsbury Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Catharine Robert Abigail Lewis A. Oliver W. Philip R. Richard Samuel R. Susan William William J. 1889 1879 1876 1887 1880 1876 1879 1879 1880 1878 1878 Sauter Sauter Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savary Savery Anna M. Michael Edgar Eleazer George Henry Henry Margaret Walter George George W. Month Day Year 9 7 5 1875 26 1884 23 1883 Age Removed: to Cincinnati, Oh. to Akron, Oh. 81 81 from city to Syracuse 5 1882 to Springfield, Mass. to Dansville from city 11 nd 4 1888 nd nd 6 29 1882 69 to Hartford, Conn. to Buffalo to New York City 8 12 1886 49 to Fairport 12 18 1878 to Elmira married William Trumpp 2 12 11 4 10 1882 8 1883 1886 11 1884 88 28 to Parma from city to Hamburg 3 1 27 1882 6 1878 to Penn Yan married Frank Lauterbohn 9 15 1878 to England 7 16 1886 86 from city 1876 from city 4 14 1879 from city from city to Des Moines, Iowa Page 380 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1885 1889 1878 1889 1885 1877 1885 1878 1879 1878 1876 1885 1883 1889 1877 1887 1878 1884 Surname Sawens Sawtelle Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sax Sax Saxelby Saxer Saxer Saxton Saxton Sayer Sayers Sbach Given Ann S. Edwin H. Altie S. Alvah Chauncey James M. James W. John S. William E. John M. Sigmund John Edward Joseph Edward James M. Joseph, Jr. William August 1885 1882 1883 1885 1881 1887 1877 1882 1886 1877 1882 1879 Scales Scammell Scanlan Scanlan Scanlan Scanlan Scanlan Scanlan Scanlan Scanlin Scanlin Schaad Jessie E. Samuel S. James Jeremiah John John J. Thomas F. William Wm. J. Daniel William Chas. P. 1889 1889 1883 1877 1886 1876 1882 1888 1888 1881 1889 1880 Schaaf Schaaf Schad Schad Schadlich Schaedeli Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Emma John Barbara Conrad Herman Emile Adam Andrew W. Frank J. Henry A. Joseph, Jr. Lawrence Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 1 1882 4 8 1885 51 married to Flint, Mich. from city to New York City 8 1876 to Lyons to Flint, Mich. from city to Germany to Canada to Dayton, Oh. to Dayton, Oh. to Washington, D. C. to Seneca Falls 1 1 1887 19 to Canada from city married William Kellett from city nd 2 nd nd 21 1885 53 to Toronto, Can. to Denver, Col. to Cleveland, Oh. 9 14 1881 to Buffalo to Charlotte 4 17 1882 to Leadville, Col. married Wm. Pfaudler 12 12 2 11 19 1888 31 1882 1877 18 1885 75 from city 3 8 7 2 1882 5 1887 24 1887 24 74 to New York City to Brooklyn to Buffalo Page 381 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1889 1888 1889 1886 1889 1884 1883 1882 1889 1882 1889 1879 1880 1878 1883 1879 1878 1886 1888 1881 1882 1877 1878 1878 1879 1876 1888 1888 1881 1882 1889 1886 1887 1882 1889 1881 1885 1887 1877 1884 1884 1886 1888 Surname Schaefer Schaefer Schaefer Schaeffer Schaeffer Schaeffer Schaeffer Schaeffer Schafer Schafer Schafer Schafer Schafer Schafer Schafer Given Margaret Valentine W. William Charles Christiana Gebhart John F. Margaret Adam Frederick George George J. John A. John A. John M. Schafer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffer Schaffner Schake Schanck Schanck Schanck Schante Schantz Schantz Schantz Schantz Schantz Schapert Scharf Scharpf Schattgen Schaub Schaubel Schauer Schauman Schauman Schaupp Schaupp Schautz Sophia Geo. V. Jacob Jacob C. Nellie R. Paul Albert John A. Hendrick V. B. John William W. Nicholas Albert J. Frederick Joseph Joseph A. Joseph A. John Louis Frederick Joseph O. Frank William John Christian Frederick Conrad Mary Charles Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 4 1887 64 4 1889 to Detroit, Mich. 9 17 1888 28 9 5 1885 73 3 30 1889 56 1 20 1884 38 10 21 1882 to Florida 5 5 1889 44 5 30 1881 to Chicago, Ill. nd nd nd from city 1 23 1878 married Rudolph Bloomer, Jr. 2 9 1879 to Palmyra 7 25 1885 34 married to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Brighton 11 17 1877 to Buffalo 1 25 1879 8 1875 from city to Buffalo 5 28 1881 to Annapolis, Md. to Toronto, Ont. to Ogdensburgh to St. Louis, Mo. to Germany to Germany to Weedsport to Philadelphia, Pa. 2 26 1887 73 1 26 1877 1 12 1884 3 16 1884 56 12 4 1885 8 6 1887 59 Page 382 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1879 1882 1887 1887 1883 1888 1882 1886 1881 1882 1876 1886 1876 1879 1889 1881 1877 1879 1887 1885 1887 1876 1878 1879 1884 1882 1879 1881 1883 1888 1889 1888 1880 1884 1879 1880 1878 1885 1879 1888 1888 1877 Surname Scheck Scheck Scheely Scheely Scheffel Scheib Scheibe Given John J. Mangus Charles L. Charles L. John, Jr. Elizabeth August Scheibe Scheiderich Scheidnagel Scheidnagel Scheidnagel Scheidnagel Scheidnagel Scheidnagel Schell Schell Schell Schelleman Schelleman Schelleman Schelter Schelter Schench Schenck Schenck Schenck Schenk Schenkel Scherer Scherer Scherer Scherer Scherer Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Schermerhorn Scherrieble Scheuch Scheuerman Scheurman Scheurrman Carrie Theodore Anton Augustin Barbara George John J. Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph J. Abram Abram Jacob George John C. Albert H. Emil Ludwig Ludwig Stephen Frank John John Martin Stephen Stephen J. Elizabeth Emmet P. John V. N. Lovinus R. Emma John Lena Christian Andrew Charles Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 7 1886 24 8 17 1886 47 to Erie, Pa. to New York City 8 27 1886 24 12 1 1886 67 from city married E. H. Vaughan from city 12 4 21 1885 19 1881 married Philip Mattle 12 6 2 1875 14 1885 1875 27 1879 3 21 1881 21 to Warsaw to Batavia to Orange, Ia. to New York 2 26 1885 65 to Buffalo to New York City to Dresden, Germany to Germany to New York City 10 5 5 1881 28 1878 to Buffalo to Buffalo 9 1887 to Buffalo to Buffalo from city 7 12 17 1883 3 1878 from city to Casadaga 8 4 10 1 25 1884 1879 18 1887 1 1888 46 48 79 to Cleveland, Oh. Page 383 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1884 1880 1882 1883 1887 1879 1888 1878 1880 1884 1884 1888 1889 1886 Surname Schible Schicker Schicker Schicker Schickling Schied Schieding Schievan Schiffner Schiffner Schiffner Schild Schiller Schilling Schilling Given H. Joseph Martin Martin George George Charles M. G. Henry Albert M. Albert M. Geo. W. Henry Louisa Frank A. George F. 1888 1885 1879 1882 1876 1877 1877 1880 1881 1887 1883 1883 1887 1883 Schilling Schilling Schillo Schimmel Schimmel Schinck Schirck Schirck Schirck Schire Schirieven Schirmer Schirmer Schjan John Peter John Dora Joseph A. Julius A. Edward Edward Louis Mary Garret H. Frank George William 1881 1879 1885 1887 1884 1886 1887 Schlaefer Schlaefer Schläfer Schlager Schlager Schlager Schleber Frederica William Wm. George E. Michael Michael Doratha 1880 Schlegel 1881 Schlegel 1884 Schlegel Caroline George John 1888 Schleiffarth 1887 Schleiss Rosy Charles H. Month Day Year 10 11 Age Removed: to Brighton to Germany to Germany 4 1881 28 1882 to New York from city 8 1 1887 3 9 11 1880 21 1883 to New York 26 to Honeoye Falls married 8 21 1888 26 to Chicago, Ill. to San Francisco, Cal. to Oswego from city to Greece from city to New York City to Buffalo from city to Minneapolis, Minn. 3 1887 4 2 20 1883 22 1887 66 from city 23 to Canada married Matthias Effinger 12 9 30 1878 21 1885 to Lima to Ogden to Ogden 6 4 1886 66 married Adam Eiseman to Bradford, Pa. 11 19 1883 62 married William A. J. Galliger 5 Page 384 10 1887 72 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1888 1879 1889 1876 1880 1887 1886 1882 1885 1878 1886 1883 1888 1886 1889 1876 1884 1889 1882 1883 1881 1876 1888 1876 1882 1885 1883 Surname Schlelo Schlenk Schlenker Schlereth Schlereth Schlereth Schlesing Schleyer Schleyer Schleyer Schleyer Schleyer Schleyer Schleyer Schlicht Schlicht Schlick Schlickman Schlienger Schlitzer Schlorb Schlosser Schlosser Schmalz Schmanke Schmeer Schmering Schmid Given Joseph George Thomas Charles Valentine Valentine Elizabeth Elizabeth John, Jr. Joseph Joseph, 2nd Martin Nicholas Peter John Wm. Paul J. George Benjamin Emil Leo August Catharine Michael Leopold Ferdinand John Frances Hugo 1883 1886 1888 1878 1888 1887 1878 1886 1883 1888 1884 1879 1883 1887 1888 1889 Schmid Schmid Schmiddiel Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt John Mary A. Andreas Annie Caroline Christian Conrad Edward Emil Frederick H. Peter John John John John John G., Jr. Age Removed: from city 2 1888 65 to New York City 20 1889 69 1875 1879 6 1887 80 to Albany from city 7 1885 58 28 1877 to Chicago, Ill. 12 1883 to Irondequoit from city to New York City to Canandaigua from city 4 1888 43 19 1881 to New York City 24 1880 to Ashley, Ill. 26 1887 52 to Kansas to Syracuse to Cohocton 31 1882 Month Day Year 2 2 4 5 4 10 4 9 6 7 7 5 to San Francisco, Cal. married John Damer 4 9 3 8 11 6 29 8 13 3 1888 1877 1888 1886 1877 29 1885 80 9 1887 nd nd 17 1879 15 1882 16 1866* 17 1887 14 1888 33 65 42 57 from city 10 nd 3 10 7 6 11 Page 385 84 63 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1884 1876 1883 Surname Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Given Joseph H. Michael Otto F. Rupert 1884 1886 1886 1886 1882 Schmidt Schmitt Schmitt Schmitt Schmitt Ursula George M. Jacob, Jr. Joseph M. Lorenzo 1881 1882 1880 1878 1876 1888 1883 1880 1889 1876 1884 1888 1877 1881 1885 1880 1889 1877 1885 1886 1888 1877 1881 1878 1881 1878 1877 1879 1888 1884 1888 1877 1887 1878 Schmitt Schmitt Schmitzer Schnarr Schneibel Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schnell Schnoble Schnorr Schnorr Schnüttgen Schoeffel Schoelz Schoelz Rosa Valentine Henry Emily Bernhard Annie Anthony August Charles G. Christian Christian Frank F. Frederick Frederick Frederick Frederick Wm. Henry John John Joseph Louis F. Michael Philip Rudolph Stephen Wm. Albert Joseph Joseph Rigena Frank X. John B. Albert F. Frederick Month Day Year 9 4 6 Age Removed: to Colorado 1883 1876 19 1882 married John Scherer nd nd nd to Brooklyn to Syracuse 4 3 1882 married Philip J. Bierbruer 8 27 1881 to Meadville, Oh. to Chicago, Ill. to Lyons 9 6 28 1887 18 1882 54 to New York City to Pennsylvania from city 3 2 1884 73 to California to Greece from city from city from city 11 9 1888 24 to Warsaw from city to Dayton, Oh. to New York City to Clinton, Iowa from city from city to New York City 8 4 8 1877 10 1877 to New York City 10 14 1887 70 married Joseph Lang to New York City to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. nd Page 386 nd nd City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1877 1879 1888 1881 1885 1883 1887 1881 1886 1879 1885 1876 1885 1877 1881 1884 Surname Schoen Schoen Schoen Schoen Schoen Schoenacker Given Albert August Emeram John Theodore Jacob Schoeneberg Schoenemann Schoenheit Schoenleber Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Schoenweitz Minnie Henry Henry F., Jr. Conrad Barbara, Miss Barto Christopher George John N. John N. Joseph 1882 Schoenweitz 1885 Schoepfel Theresa M. Charles 1886 1886 1885 1885 1889 1885 1886 1886 1886 1885 1889 1883 1880 1887 1880 1886 1887 1882 1876 1886 1884 1885 1883 Paulina Benjamin George Louisa Louisa Raymond John P. Michael Jacob Philip Anthony George Edward Thomas H. P. Martin J. Jacob William Sophia Wm. G. Otto Joseph F. Jacob John Schoepfel Schofield Schofield Schofield Schofield Schofield Scholfield Scholiers Scholl Scholl Schomann Schomann Schooley Schooley Schopp Schoulder Schrader Schrader Schraege Schragen Schraml Schrank Schrankler Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 8 1889 57 to Canada 4 29 1879 to Detroit, Mich. from city to Buffalo married John C.Brasser 11 8 1886 61 to Brockport to New Haven, Conn. to Baltimore, Md. to Arkansas 1 14 1876 to New Orleans, La. from city to Elmira 6 13 1884 60 married August Kress 3 15 1885 married Joseph Stump to Canada 9 6 1884 to Toronto, Ont. to Buffalo to Newark, N. J. to Philadelphia to Syracuse 12 1 3 13 1885 17 1885 14 1889 6 7 1880 7 8 1879 56 80 57 to Illinois to Philadelphia, Pa. from city to Reading, Pa. to Brighton to Titusville, Pa. to Germany from city to Detroit, Mich. to Toledo, Oh. Page 387 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1876 1887 1885 Surname Schraudenbach Schreiber Schreiner Schreiner Given William Fred George Joseph 1887 Schreiner 1889 Schrier Teresa Alfred 1880 1882 1883 1888 1888 1881 1876 1882 1879 1885 1883 1883 1878 1884 1888 1882 1886 Schrier Schrier Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroeder Schroth Schroth Schroth Schu Schubert Schubert Schubert Schubert Schubert Schubmehl George J. George J., 2nd Andrew Annie Augusta Christopher Frederick Henry Jacob John C. Frank N. Frederick Gustav Gustave Stephen John Frank 1888 1876 1885 1885 1876 1878 1883 1882 1885 1885 1879 1876 1877 1883 1885 1889 1882 1889 1882 Schuchart Schuchart Schuchart Schuchhart Schuebelin Schueler Schueler Schueler Schuey Schugert Schuhman Schuhmann Schuhmann Schuler Schuler Schulik Schult Schulteze Schultheis Bertha Christian Michael George Christoph Alphonzo N. Joseph Roman B. John George George Joseph Louis Charles F. John Cornelius Ludwig William Nicholas Age Removed: to Cincinnati, Oh. to Canandaigua 1886 64 to Wellsville married Frederich Ahrens to England to Kansas City, Missouri from city 1882 married Fred Schutt to Brighton to Albion 1875 1881 1879 to Corfu from city from city to Olean from city to Coburg, Germany to Buffalo to Dansville married Charles Fischer 1875 1884 59 to Aberdeen to New York City 1877 1882 to Utica from city from city to Syracuse 1875 to Albion to Lyons 1885 50 1888 53 to Greece to New York City 1881 Month Day Year 12 3 6 14 10 1 20 15 7 8 10 9 11 2 4 Page 388 2 9 21 21 9 10 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1889 1888 1887 1879 1882 1883 1887 1881 1878 1888 1885 1887 1886 1889 1883 1884 1876 1884 1881 1884 1888 1885 1884 1883 1877 1888 1877 1885 1885 1889 Surname Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schultz Schulz Schulze Schulze Schum Schumacher Schumacher Schumacher Schuman Schuman Schutt Schutt Schutte Schutte Schutte Schutte Schutter Schutter Schutter Schutter Schuyler Schuyler Schuyler Schwab Schwab Schwalb Given Andrew, 2nd. Caroline Charles A. Edward Joseph A. Otto L. Joseph Charles E. Guenther H. Joseph M. Charles A. Julius Otto Frank George Charles F. Louis Alphonso V. George Joseph William Anna Bron Harco H. Peter Frederick Henry D. John Ferdinatus Gottlieb Nicholas 1888 Schwalbach Annie 1889 1876 1886 1881 1885 1882 1886 1877 1884 1885 1887 Margareth Simon Paul George Ida August William Joseph D. Charles Louis F. Edward Schwalbach Schwalbach Schwan Schwartz Schwartz Schwartztrauber Schwarz Schweickhardt Schweigert Schweikert Schweitzer Age Removed: from city 1888 78 to Burlington, Ia. to Buffalo to Germany 1881 from city 1887 30 to Hamilton, Canada 1877 to Dolgeville to Charlotte to Boston, Mass. to Albion 1888 56 1883 to Chili to New York City from city 1881 from city married P. J. Kraus 1884 51 to St. Louis, Mo. to Quincy, Ill. to Geneva to Michigan from city 1885 59 from city 1888 63 married George R. Kalb Month Day Year 6 5 10 18 2 6 7 15 11 3 12 19 2 8 9 18 1 23 6 14 married Leonard Keller from city 6 12 3 28 1885 24 1880 21 1885 47 to Buffalo nd nd nd from city to New York City to Buffalo to Toledo, Oh. Page 389 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1884 1884 1888 1883 1877 1888 1885 1885 1888 1889 1889 1883 1885 1887 1885 1885 1879 1889 1878 1883 1882 1880 1889 1885 1886 1882 1889 1887 1887 1889 1880 1882 1883 1887 1889 1888 1881 1889 1881 1879 1881 1886 1888 1884 Surname Schweitzer Schweitzer Schweitzer Schweitzer Schwendener Schwendler Schwikert Schwind Schwind Schwind Schwind Schwind Schwind Schwing Schwing Schwing Schwonke Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scofield Scollard Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Given Jacob Jacob John John Henry Elizabeth George J. Ignatz Jacob Jacob H. Margaret Michael Peter August William Wm. Julius Anna M., Miss Arthur A. Edward S. Henry C. Jane, Mrs. John E. Michael Seward Shadrach Michael Arthur Lee Bridget Bridget Charles Edwin B. Emma A. Gardner George George S. George W. Henry Henry L. Hugh H. Isabell James James G. James H. James L. Age Removed: from city 6 1884 22 26 1884 75 9 1888 65 to Cleveland, Oh. 22 1877 to Chicago, Ill. 14 1884 32 1884 56 to Chicago, Ill. 16 1888 37 to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cincinnati, Oh. to Vicksburg, Miss. 31 1887 40 to Chicago to Port Byron to Pennsylvania to Churchville to Pennsylvania 12 1883 27 1882 to Palmyra 5 1888 72 to Scottsville 4 1885 73 6 1881 to Spencerport 23 1886 65 1887 to Spencerport from city to Syracuse from city to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. to Geneseo from city 25 1889 from city 26 1879 from city to Syracuse to Erie, Penn. from city Month Day Year 5 3 4 3 7 8 1 2 2 12 8 12 8 5 4 2 Page 390 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1880 1878 1876 1889 1887 1888 1886 1887 1879 1888 1876 1881 1877 1876 1889 1882 1877 1883 1878 1889 1885 1887 1885 1877 1885 1887 1880 1881 1881 1881 1888 1887 1882 1886 1878 1886 1877 1878 1885 1885 1877 1876 1882 1877 Surname Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scouten Scouten Scrantom Scrantom Scrantom Scrantom Scribner Scudder Sculley Sculley Sculley Seager Seaman Seaman Seaman Seaman Seamon Search Search Searing Searle Searle Searles Searles Sears Sebree Secord Sedgwick Seebald Seel Seel Seel Seeley Given James W. John John C. S. John G. Thomas Thomas R. Wallace B. Walter Walter Walter J. William A. William H. Chauncey Mary J., Mrs. Elizabeth W. Francis E. Hamlet D. Theodore E. Jessie Betsey A. Frank E. John F. Patrick Charles G. Alfred P. Charles M. Edward D. Mary A. Frank George William J. Delia, Mrs. Sarah Wm. C., Mrs. Mortimer Wm. H. Benjamin L. Leroy E. David Alfred P. Thomas Adam Charles P. Mary Charles Age Removed: to Dakota Ter. to Dugway to Greece from city to New York City from city to Warren, Penn. from city 1886 72 1879 to Vermillion, Dak. from city 1881 to Connecticut 1876 1888 44 1881 to California to Dakota Ter. 1878 from city 1885 26 from city to Brockport 1876 from city to Wilmington, Cal. to Pittsford from city to St. Louis, Mo. 1880 1888 85 1887 to Chicago, Ill. from city to New York City to Batavia to Louisville, Ky. from city to Churchville to San Antonia, Tex. 1876 to Fort Wayne, Ind. married Henry Ziegler to Phelps Month Day Year 1 3 23 17 2 27 3 12 1 4 17 10 1 13 5 25 10 8 7 4 3 7 17 15 9 Page 391 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1877 1885 1886 1887 1877 1880 1884 1883 1878 1883 1880 1886 1883 1880 1888 1889 1886 1887 1882 1888 1877 1886 1882 1880 1883 1883 1881 1880 1885 1886 1884 1884 1880 1889 1888 1882 1880 1886 1882 1884 1881 Surname Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seelman Seelman Seelman Seelman Seelos Seely Seely Seely Seelye Seelye Seger Seger Given Edward D. Frederick W. Samuel William William F. Agnes John Joseph Valentine Charles Frederick Frederick C. Lawrence J. Edwin John Caspar Casper Seger Seibel Seibel Seibert Seiboldt Seidel Seidel Seidel Seidler Seidler Seifert Seifried Seifried Seifried Seifried Seiler Seiler Seiler Seils Seip Seip Seiser Seith Seitz Seitz Seitz Margaret C. Adolph Louis Frances Philip Julius F. Otto F. William S. Irvin Irvin Catharine Edward V. Fred J. John W. Peter Charles W. Joseph Peter W. Frank H. George George, Jr. Augustus, Jr. Margaret Adam Charles W. Frank B. Age Removed: to East Bloomfield to Ovid to Newark, N. J. 25 1884 39 to LeRoy 25 1887 76 nd nd 25 1880 1884 9 1882 from city to Buffalo to Lockport from city 24 1883 from city 20 1888 33 Month Day Year 6 2 nd 3 4 2 4 2 married Joseph Tozer to New Orleans, La. 5 8 15 1887 1881 27 to Canandaigua to Poughkeepsie to Candor to Geneva to Penn Yan to New York City 10 14 1882 to New York City to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. 5 9 5 2 1886 6 1883 15 1884 48 24 78 from city from city 8 3 1887 75 to Canada to Canandaigua 4 10 6 1 1886 25 1881 6 1884 76 50 to Canandaigua Page 392 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1888 1877 1889 1884 1886 1877 1888 1878 1887 1888 1884 1882 1887 1886 1885 1887 1885 1881 1888 1885 Seitz Seitz Seitz Seitz Selden Selden Selden Seligman Seligman Sellinger Sellinger Sellinger Sellinger Sellinger Sellinger Sellmaier Sellmaier Sellmayer Sellnow Sellon Genofeva Lucas Lucas Margaret Henry R. Samuel L. Samuel L. Isaac M. Isaac M. Charles P. Geo. George M. George W. Mary Thos. J. Dora John John, Jr. William Jeremiah J. 1876 1882 1883 1880 1879 1889 1882 1886 1888 1881 1887 1879 1876 1886 1883 1888 1882 1887 1880 1889 1878 1878 1881 Selye Selye Selye Selzam Selzer Semlinger Semmer Semple Sengeli Senke Senn Senteff Senter Sercu Sercu Sercu Serth Serve Servis Servis Servoss Servoss Servoss DeVillo W. J. Ogden Lewis Adam Charles John John Andrew M. Kilian Henry F. Frederick John Wm. H. Frank B. Jacob Teresa Henry William E. J. Hillyard William S. Alfred W. Carl A. Carlos A. Age Removed: married Frederick Bauman to Greece to Irondequoit 9 1883 78 18 1885 79 20 1876 17 1887 28 to Penn Yan from city to Chicago, Ill. from city 1 1882 14 1887 22 20 1885 82 to Chicago, Ill. 12 1887 74 25 1884 80 to Louisiana 2 1887 20 to Boston, Mass. to Seatle, Washington Territory to Poughkeepsie 27 1883 to Canandaigua to France to Bath to Chicago, Ill. 6 1886 50 20 1887 37 to New York City to Europe from city from city to Brocton 27 1882 married to Brighton to Erie, Pa. to Colorado to Buffalo to Somerset, Texas to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. Month Day Year 10 9 9 12 2 2 11 4 7 9 1 2 10 10 Page 393 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1886 1878 1880 1880 1885 1886 1889 1887 1881 1882 1884 1886 1885 1877 1883 1881 1885 1877 1885 1884 1888 1882 1889 1881 1883 1885 1877 1876 1888 1882 1888 1884 1889 1889 1881 1881 1876 1880 1876 1884 1889 1876 1888 1884 Surname Servoss Severance Severence Severson Severson Seville Seward Sexsmith Sexsmith Sexsmith Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Seybold Seyler Seymour Seymour Seymour Seymour Seymour Shafer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffner Shakespear Shale Shales Shankland Shanly Shanly Shanly Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Sharkey Sharkey Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharpe Given Walter E. T. H. Sarah E. Edgar J. George R. Robert H. William C. Alice Eliza Simon Allan H. J. Loren Lawrence Lewis R. Renold Michael Charles Charles A. Chas. Otis C. Pliny B. Manley A. Freeman C. Herbert E. Jacob Benjamin Mary A. William Robert James H. John Mary David Hugh Jane Mary E. Noadiah Robert F. William S. James Thomas Emeline, Mrs. Emmett W. James H. Andrew T. Age Removed: to Tubac, Arizona 1886 46 1877 to Oswego to Oswego to Holly to Chicago, Ill. to Indianapolis, Ind. 1886 86 1880 from city to New York City to Charlotte 1884 from city from city 1881 to Buffalo to Detroit, Mich. 1884 69 from city to Utica to Fairport to Byron to New York City from city 1884 69 to St. Lawrence, Co. at City Hospital 1887 49 1881 1887 60 to Canandaigua from city to Canandaigua married to Romulus from city to New York City 1875 1884 22 1889 82 to Webster to Buffalo to Ausable Month Day Year Page 394 6 6 16 18 9 8 16 16 8 28 6 8 9 29 11 14 6 5 6 26 23 13 9 4 1 26 22 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1889 1886 1876 1881 1882 1884 1876 1885 1880 1883 1885 1877 Surname Sharpe Sharrod Shassel Shaver Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Given Daniel Edward, Jr. Frank Frank L. Alfred G. Andrew J. Arthur J. Augustus Charles Charles D. Edmund R. Edwin G. Eugene N. 1887 1885 1889 1885 1882 1882 1882 1882 1880 1878 1887 1881 1883 1881 1879 1878 1880 1883 1887 1884 1882 1884 Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shawhan Shay Shea Shea Sheahan Sheahan Sheahan Shean Sheanhart Fannie A. Henry Irving W. James N. James S. Jean John Joseph B. M. A. Sally Samuel R. Truman W. William P. Joseph H. Levi J. John C. Thomas Dennis James J. John Catharine John 1887 1878 1884 1878 1880 1889 1883 1878 Sheard Sheard Sheard Sheard Sheard Shearer Shearer Shears Hattie E. Thomas E. William William J. William J. Ella V. M. Etta George A. Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 29 1882 to Caledonia from city from city to Oneonta to Kingston, Canada to Idaho Territory from city to Wyoming to Cincinnati to Buffalo to Red Creek 1 31 1877 married Louis B. Fisher to Collingwood, Can. to Albany 5 26 1885 30 to Providence, R. I. 8 18 1881 to Syracuse to New York City to Boston, Mass. 1 4 1878 26 1887 35 to Brockport to New York City from city 5 6 1878 to New York City from city 8 25 1882 to Toronto, Can. 7 11 5 1883 20 1881 36 to Irondequoit married Thos. L. Ingmire to Georgia to Topeka, Kan. to England to Syracuse to Detroit, Mich. to Medina 4 Page 395 13 1878 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1876 1876 1885 1884 1884 1880 1885 1881 1882 1876 1884 1883 1876 1888 1876 1877 1878 1876 1887 1878 1878 1887 1887 1879 1878 1883 1886 1885 1887 1883 1886 1880 1885 1879 1882 1879 1889 1881 1881 1888 1883 1888 1888 1888 Surname Shears Shears Shears Shears Shears Shedd Sheedy Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehan Sheehy Sheehy Sheehy Sheeler Sheeler Sheffer Sheffer Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheley Shelley Shellington Shellington Shelmire Shelmire Shelp Shelp Shelters Shemanskie Shempp Shengulet Shepard Shepard Shepard Given Jacob D. John E. Leonard B. Maria Sarah A. Eugene H. John Cornelius Daniel Michael Patrick William F. John Patrick William M. John Martin Allen R. Thomas W. F. Burton L. David D. Loomis Minorris B., 2nd Nathaniel B. Paraclete Tura William J. William J. William L. William L. Sylvanus William B. Jane Wm. James D. James D. Jacob W. William F. Myers S. Philip Harry E. George A. Carl L. Delia L. Edgar T. Month Day Year 3 7 10 6 1876 18 1884 1 1883 1884 4 11 6 1884 1880 1881 nd 1884 1883 Age Removed: from city to Wisconsin 91 60 to Buffalo nd 9 13 25 nd 7 23 1 20 26 30 to Avon to Buffalo from city from city from city to Buffalo from city from city 4 20 1878 7 3 7 31 1886 27 1879 25 1877 to Buffalo 62 to Buffalo to New York City from city from city 8 31 1882 2 12 8 1880 28 1884 to Oak Orchard 30 to Brighton to Brighton 2 12 1879 to Sodus Point to Auburn from city to Boston, Mass. to LeRoy to Michigan to California to New York City Page 396 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1880 1882 1880 1887 1884 1887 Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Frank D. Frank E. Frank P. James John Major M. 1880 1884 1877 1884 1887 1878 1883 1878 Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepard Shepardson Shepherd Shepherd Martha Volney F. William H. William H. William W. Eugene A. Eda L. Jesse 1881 1876 1878 1885 1885 1884 1884 1876 1876 1876 1881 1880 1889 Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Sheppard Sherar Sherbert Sherburne Sherer Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Lottie E. William William A. George William W. William Charles T. Michael Brensley Edward C. Edward C. John A. Julia 1880 1877 1878 1882 1886 1880 1881 1884 1883 1876 1887 1884 1889 1879 Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sheridan Sherlock Sherlock Sherlock Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Patrick Peter E. Richard Richard B. James H. Robert E. Sarah A. Josephine Albert Albert C. Burr Cena E. Fannie E. Fanny Month Day Year 3 Age Removed: to Council Grove, Kansas from city from city to Brockport to New York City to Scottsburg to Council Grove, Kansas to Michigan to Qunicy, Ill. to New York City to Chicago, Ill. from city to Penn Yan 5 1878 married Robert M. Connal 5 14 1876 nd nd 6 16 1885 nd from city to Brighton to Webster to Buffalo from city to Bradford, Canada to Toronto, Can. 12 1 28 1879 23 1889 29 to New Brunswick, N. J. 7 3 1876 1878 to Chicago, Ill. 9 4 19 1885 7 1880 59 to Geneseo to North East, Pa. 6 16 1882 2 9 1887 to Syracuse 25 to Castile married ___ Puddie 6 Page 397 3 1878 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1889 1889 1889 1884 1877 1888 1887 1879 1878 Surname Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherry Sherwin Sherwin Given Frank George W. Humphrey B. James Norman S. Thomas M. William H. Frank E. Julius H. Wm. F. Age Removed: from city from city 28 1888 80 to Norwalk, Conn. to Honeoye Falls from city to Brockport to Boston, Mass. to Lima to Elmira Month Day Year 9 1887 Sherwood 1882 Sherwood 1880 Sherwood Adele M. Andrew T. Edgar H. married Sam'l Bradley to Wilmington, N. C. from city 1885 1879 1882 1884 1884 1883 1881 1881 1882 1881 1884 1877 1877 1883 1885 1883 1880 1885 1888 1878 1877 1885 1883 1886 1877 Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Shevlin Shiel Shield Shields Shiels Shiels Shimer Shing Shinnor Shipman Shipman Shipman Emma James H. Julia A. Lavina B. Levi F. Marcus E. Orman Orville Thomas William J. William J. Archie B. Helen M. Charles Ambrose Andrew A. Henry Charles Maggie L. Wm. I. Thomas Fred. Daniel M. Gena Henry Y. married Jas. J. Hogan from city to Auburn 1889 1881 1885 1882 Shipman Shipman Shipman Shirley Jane E. Parson G. Parson G. John R. 6 9 1883 49 to Kansas from city from city from city from city from city to Auburn from city to Syracuse 5 9 12 1882 12 1884 47 to Buffalo to Colorado to Auburn married to Pittsburgh, Pa. from city to Syracuse 9 30 1882 to Red Cloud, Neb. to Moline, Ill. married John J. Hammer from city to Warren, Ill. to Utica Page 398 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1885 1885 1884 1878 1887 1882 1884 1886 1888 Surname Shirley Shirmer Shloetzer Shoat Shoecraft Shoecraft Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Shoemaker Given John R. Adelle Babette Joseph Peter, Mrs. Robert W. James James William William R. 1888 1889 1888 1887 1889 Sholes Sholes Sholes Sholtus Short Charles Marion Fifield C. Rufus K. Barney W. 1882 1882 1876 1889 1882 1884 1877 1889 1883 1880 1887 1889 1886 1879 1881 1889 1878 1876 1881 1876 1876 1883 1881 1878 1882 1880 1888 1881 Short Shourds Shove Shrimpton Shuart Shuart Shulman Shults Shults Shults Shultz Shupe Shutt Siau Sibley Sibley Sichel Sickels Sicker Sickler Sickler Siddall Siddons Siddons Siddons Siebe Siebert Siebert Martha Harry A. Joseph A. Burnard H. Frank A. Wm. H. Levi Eugene D. L. R. Lewis R. Erskine Henry P. Erwin E. Alexander Charles M. Hiram Wm. Freeman E. George H. Hernando O. M. M. Henry John William H. Wm. H. George F. Adam August Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 1884 to St. Louis, Mo. 4 1885 8 22 1883 4 5 1878 from city to Missouri to Scio from city to Buffalo to Sugar Tree Ridge, Oh. from city from city 7 4 1886 37 from city married Thos. McAndrews to Geneseo 3 11 1876 from city to Wacousta, Mich. to Springfield, Mass. 2 10 1877 to Batavia to Buffalo from city from city to Cleveland to Springwater to Lima to Buffalo 7 12 1888 81 to Cincinnati, Oh. 1 1876 from city to Mill City, Pa. from city 3 19 1883 8 30 1880 to Lynn, Mass. to Haverhill, Mass. from city to U. S. Army 11 4 1880 Page 399 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1880 1877 1880 1880 1878 1886 1877 1881 1882 1881 1883 1886 1885 1884 1887 1883 1882 1882 1888 1880 1882 1889 1876 1881 1881 1886 1887 1881 1887 1888 1878 1885 1888 1884 1883 1887 1882 1888 1887 1880 1885 1886 1878 1882 Surname Siebert Siebert Siebert Siebert Siebert Siefert Siegel Siegeler Siegfried Siems Siems Siener Siener Sigl Sigler Signor Signor Sihler Sihler Sike Sike Sike Sill Sill Siller Siller Siller Silliman Silver Silverman Silverman Silvernail Silverstein Simcox Simmonds Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Given Frank John John M. John M. Leo Michael Julia A. Herman Emilie Fred. Joseph John A. John A. Joseph Charles W. Geo. B. George B. David George Gerard James B. James B. Kate L. Ebenezer E. Fred. Frederick, Jr. Hubbard C. Wyllis A. Elizabeth Charles Hyman John Jacob Raymond William Arthur Arthur H. Charles N. Duane L. Duane L., Jr. Edward Edward S. Frank E. Martin B. Martin B. Month Day Year Age Removed: 6 22 1888 43 to Toronto, Can. to New York City from city to Newark 5 1877 11 4 1885 77 5 25 1876 married to Webster 1 1881 4 4 1883 3 29 1886 26 5 21 1885 64 from city from city from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Cleveland, Oh. 8 27 1887 to Colorado 2 20 1882 married 8 20 1875 7 28 1880 2 25 1881 to Pullman, Ill. to Brockport 11 28 1880 to Wichita, Kan. to New York City to Utica to New York City to Jacksonville, Fla. from city to Syracuse to Hamilton to Knoxville, Tenn. 9 28 1887 62 to New York 4 18 1880 to Poughkeepsie to Florida to Pittsburgh, Pa. 12 27 1881 Page 400 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1888 1885 1876 1877 1885 1883 1885 1880 1878 1888 1886 1880 1882 1889 1886 1878 1888 1884 1884 1886 1877 1888 1886 1884 1888 1882 1886 1887 1884 1889 1888 1882 1879 1889 1885 1887 1883 1879 1879 1881 1879 1879 1876 1883 Surname Simmons Simmons Simon Simon Simon Simon Simonds Simonds Simonds Simonds Simons Simons Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Sinden Sinden Singer Singer Sinnwald Sintzenich Sintzenich Sixt Sizer Skarrow Skelly Skelly Skelly Skelly Skelly Skidmore Skillicorn Skillman Skinner Given William Zilphia Emil H. Ephraim Frank Morris Edwin L. Elbridge Henry Phordice B. Burt R. William J. Arthur B. Charles Elizabeth Eugene E. Geo. James John Joseph M. Joseph T. Mary A. Oscar F. Sarah A. William William H. Charles Samuel C. Elizabeth William Albert Augustus Esther Frank X. R. Allie George Delia Edward J. John Mary A. Mary A. Smith William Jacob T. Alice Age Removed: to Seneca Falls to Clyde from city to Phelps to Chicago, Ill. 1885 25 to Brockport to Toledo, Oh. to Waterloo 1877 1888 22 1885 65 to Fairport to Batavia 1888 to Watertown to Canada 1887 50 to Cleveland, Oh. 1884 43 1885 1877 to Holley to Worcester, Mass. 1883 82 to Fairport 1882 1885 21 1886 1884 68 to Henrietta 1888 62 1882 1879 married to England from city to Canada 1878 to Chicago, Ill. 1880 1879 to Michigan to Chicago, Ill. 1882 Month Day Year Page 401 3 2 10 2 12 28 7 11 9 4 27 5 5 4 19 31 2 10 20 1 7 8 2 9 12 9 4 5 4 21 10 9 10 20 10 3 7 9 11 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given Age Removed: married Charles E. Crouch to Erie, Penn. from city to Gates to Gates to Braddock's Bay to Newburgh 16 1884 86 to Chili 9 1881 to Chili from city to Chili to Lindsay, Canada to Lindsay, Can. to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse Month Day Year 1886 1888 1877 1888 1882 1880 1884 1884 1876 1881 1876 1885 1876 1885 1884 1887 1883 Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skipworth Skuse Skuse Skuse Skuse Skuse Skuse Slack Slack Slack Slaight Eva C. Frank W. Frederick H. Geo. W. George W. Wm. N. George Ann Charles Daniel James James Richard Isabella Mary A. Thomas S. Alonzo F. 1889 1888 1878 1889 Slattery Slattery Slattery Slattery Elizabeth James John John R. married Chas. Rhodes to Chicago, Ill. to Missouri to Buffalo 1886 1883 1880 1884 1878 1889 1879 1879 1882 1880 1888 1887 1883 1882 1887 1882 1879 1882 1876 1888 1883 Slattery Slattery Slattery Slattery Slattery Slattery Slattery Slauson Slauson Slaven Slaven Slaven Slawson Sleastor Slemmons Slmunski Sloan Sloane Slocum Slocum Slocum Mary A. Michael Michael D. Patrick Roda Thomas William William N. William N. Dennis Matthew Wm. H. Daniel A. Fred. J. Jesse M. Ephraim Wm. H. John A. A. Gaylord Albert G. Augustus F. married Fred. Listman from city to Fowlerville 5 2 9 5 1883 24 5 8 1 1889 5 1878 59 7 16 1881 1880 15 1888 to Nauagh, Ireland to Gates 4 51 to Indiana from city to Buffalo to Cadiz, Oh. to Milton, Pa. to Canandaigua 1 31 1882 to Wellsville to Los Angeles, Cal. from city Page 402 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1883 1881 1886 1889 1887 1885 1881 1887 1876 1877 1876 1889 1889 1876 1887 1881 1889 1883 1887 1878 1886 1878 1885 1884 1878 1878 1886 1881 1879 1877 1878 1878 1885 1878 1889 1881 1879 1882 1885 1882 1884 1884 1887 Surname Slocum Slocum Slocum Slocum Slocum Slocum Sloman Sloman Slowe Sly Sly Slyck Slyck Slye Small Smalley Smart Smeaton Smedes Smeed Smelt Smiley Smiley Smiley Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Given Charles A. Charles A. G. Fort George W. Phillip Reuben D. Marcus I. Selim Edward Charles M. George W. Joseph Joseph W. Harvey A. James John W. Mary Jacob V. James E. William William Archibald Samuel William H. Abner Alexander Alexander Alfred E. Alfred M. Alletta Andrew Appollos Arthur A. Asa U. Benjamin Benjamin F. Bernard Betsy Betsy Carlos Smith Smith Smith Smith Catharine Catharine Catherine Charles A. Age Removed: from city from city to Charlotte from city 1889 83 from city to Saginaw, Mich. to Geneva to Fall River, Mass. to Medina to Pennsylvania 1875 to Frankfort, Ky. 1888 to Auburn to Detroit, Mich. married Rudolph Neff to Tonawanda from city 1886 63 from city nd 1877 to Newton, Mass. to Buffalo 1877 to Palmyra to New York City from city 1878 1876 1877 1878 1884 62 1878 to Naples 1881 to Pittsford 1882 1885 71 Month Day Year 3 18 12 29 8 10 nd 28 nd 11 22 7 19 1 8 11 3 8 5 11 3 10 5 6 1 2 20 24 10 22 married Daniel Murphy 3 9 5 1884 8 1883 70 44 to Binghamton Page 403 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1888 1889 1883 1885 1877 1883 1880 1878 1888 1888 1881 1889 1889 1886 1884 1879 1883 1881 1881 1889 1884 1881 1883 1889 1879 1881 1880 1881 1884 1888 1889 1883 1888 1882 1888 1879 1883 1889 1886 1880 1877 1887 1883 Surname Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Given Charles E. Charles F. Charles F., Mrs. Charles H. Charles H. Charles L. Charles L. Chas. S. Christian Clarence S. Cynthia Daniel W. David L. Delevan C. E. D. E. Darwin E. Darwin, Jr. E. Peshine Edgar B. Edgar C. Edmund H. Edward M. Edward P. Edwin M. Edwin M. Elias Elijah F. Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Ellsworth Emery A. Emma F. Eugene E. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Fannie J. Franc L. Frank Frank B. Frank C. Frank H. Frank L. Frank L. Frank M. Month Day 4 5 31 10 25 Page 404 11 22 6 3 22 11 11 10 21 4 11 12 7 9 5 11 22 11 5 17 22 Year Age Removed: 1877 1888 1888 to Conesus from city to Fishkill from city to Detroit, Mich. 1877 to Syracuse 1887 56 1881 to Nelson, Ga. to New York City from city 1883 77 to Minnesota 1882 to St. Louis, Mo. from city to Albany 1884 to Cleveland, Oh. to Buffalo 1888 from city 1880 1879 from city 1883 85 1888 55 from city to Livonia to South Greece to Newark, Oh. married Stephen Forschler to New York City to Watertown to Clyde from city from city to Brooklyn, L. I. to Chester, Pa. 1882 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1879 1888 1876 1880 1881 1877 1883 1886 1880 1877 1885 1887 1879 1883 1880 1880 1882 1885 1884 1889 1879 1889 1887 1887 1887 1886 1879 1885 1887 1877 1882 1886 1888 1883 1884 1879 1889 1884 1883 1877 1880 1883 1886 1883 Surname Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Given Frank P. Frank R. Frank R. Frank S. Frank V., Miss Franklin George George George D. George N. George R. George W. George W. Harlan P. Harry Harvey Helena M. Henry Henry Henry C. Henry C. Henry E. Henry E. Henry L. Hinman E. Hobart P. Hubert D. Hugh A. Hugh A. Hugh A. Isaac O. Israel J. Byron J. Leslie Jacob James C. James E. James E. James R. Jane John John John John John Charles Month Day Year 1 5 5 Age Removed: from city from city from city from city married to Phelps from city to Mobile, Ala. to New York City from city to Brooklyn, L. I. from city to Phelps to Ithaca 21 1883 4 1880 26 1879 from city to New Mexico from city 11 6 1888 51 from city 6 1 4 14 1889 15 1887 24 1887 56 42 to Chicago, Ill. to Lyons to Spencerport to Cleveland, Ohio to Spencerport from city 7 30 1881 to Wolcott to Canajoharie nd nd nd from city to Penfield from city 6 20 1883 3 30 1876 31 from city from city 5 5 12 Page 405 22 1883 21 1886 25 1882 73 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1888 1887 1889 1879 1883 1877 1886 1887 1883 1877 1889 1886 1883 Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 30 1884 26 from city from city 11 7 1888 69 to Detroit, Mich. 8 1 1882 to Sandusky, Oh. from city 9 19 1886 31 to Elmira to Pittsburg to Fairport to Chicago, Ill. 9 16 1882 married Victor T. Schneider to Rush 6 3 1880 1 14 1881 from city 3 29 1886 72 7 3 1888 nd nd nd 6 4 1881 Surname Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Given John F. John H. John J. John P. John T. John T. John W. John W. John W. Joseph H. Joseph M. Joseph P. Karl H. Laurinda 1887 1879 1881 1881 1889 1886 1889 1880 1882 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Lena Louis Louisa P. Lucinda K. Lucius H. Margaret Margaretta Maria Martha 1881 1886 1888 1880 1879 1883 1883 1877 1881 1883 1884 1887 1887 1887 1881 1886 1887 1883 1877 1888 Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Mary Mary Mary Melissa Millard F. Milton Husbands Mowry S. Nelson A. Norton P. Orrin L. Patrick Patrick Philester Richard R. Robert A. Robert B. Rolla J. S. McKee Samuel Samuel C. married Philip J. Keyes 3 6 nd Page 406 7 1886 29 1887 nd nd 32 71 from city from city to New York City 10 2 21 1876 10 1881 from city 5 6 1884 68 from city to Ohio 5 9 1887 91 12 26 1885 70 to Groton from city to Aurora 1 7 1877 to Syracuse City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1883 1886 1888 1884 1876 1887 1880 1887 1878 1881 1889 1886 1878 1888 1889 1886 1878 1884 1881 1885 1887 1876 1882 1876 1878 1882 1883 1889 1888 1888 1882 1889 1877 1881 1884 1885 1882 1880 1885 1886 1882 1884 1885 Surname Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Given Samuel W. Sarah M. Sheldon G. Sheldon G. Siba H. Theodore G. Theophilus R. Thomas Thomas F. Thomas J. Thomas J. Thomas N. Vincent M. Walter S. Wilbur O. Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smithwaite Smy Smyles Smyth Snedeger Willard Willard H. William William William A. William A. William Adelbert William Bacon William G. William H. William H. William H. William H. William J. William M. William N. William W. Willis H. Winfield S. Winfred J. Wm. B. Wm. B. Wm. B. L. Wm. E. Abel John R. John Thomas Samuel E. Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 8 1888 68 6 26 1882 to Long Branch, N. J. to New York City 3 4 1884 89 to California 4 6 1887 97 from city from city to Boston, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Ballston 5 1886 to Lockport from city to Spokane Falls, Wash. Terr. to Chelsea, Mass. from city from city 12 12 1880 to Toronto, Can. from city to Kansas to Denver, Col. from city 7 26 1877 to Gunnison, Col. from city 11 9 1888 11 5 1887 50 from city from city to Dresden 11 25 1876 to Boston, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. 6 25 1884 to Spencerport 7 5 1879 12 11 1884 from city 3 19 1882 to Toronto, Can. from city Page 407 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1887 1886 1887 1877 1878 1884 1876 1886 1885 1882 1889 Surname Snelgrove Snell Snell Snell Snell Snell Snetzer Snider Snider Snook Snook Snow Snow Given Elizabeth Albert J. Edward P. Mary A. Nelson Wesley D. Philip Barbara John P. Charles E. Clarissa C. Charles Daniel 1883 1887 1887 1883 1878 1886 1877 1889 1880 1879 1878 1881 1887 1883 1881 1880 1886 1876 1876 1876 1881 1881 1883 1879 1888 1876 1880 1889 1888 1888 1887 Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snow Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Sodeman Soder Soeder Soeder Soeder Soeffing Soeller Irving M. Joseph H. Mina F. Robert F. Samuel Scott Andrew B. Arthur E. Bennett Chester W. Edward Edwin Frank J. J. Leonard James Joseph H. Kate Marinda Martin P. Richard P. Romaine H. Russell H. Willis L. Wm. A. Gustavus John Alphonso Frances John Bernard Louis Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 19 1886 74 to Cleveland, Oh. to St. Louis, Mo. 6 14 1886 to Canandaigua to Webster to Rush 3 14 1884 79 to Syracuse to New York City 8 18 1884 72 from city from city to Colorado Springs, Col. to Fairport from city to Detroit, Mich. 4 1878 from city to California to Oswego to Brockport to Clifton, Kan. from city to Syracuse 2 6 1887 to Seneca Falls 7 17 1880 7 11 1879 4 14 1886 to Buffalo from city 10 1875 1881 to Salamanca from city to Clyde from city to Utica to Webster 4 27 1888 6 30 1887 68 3 16 1888 49 to Pittsburgh, Pa. Page 408 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1888 1880 1882 1881 1879 1883 1885 1879 1886 1882 1880 1884 1881 1876 1880 1889 1883 1883 1883 1882 1882 1876 1881 1881 1883 1885 1880 1886 1877 1877 1884 1878 1880 1883 1889 1877 1881 1884 1877 1889 1877 1876 1878 Surname Solomon Solomon Solomon Solomon Somerville Sommer Sommer Sommer Sommer Sommers Sommerville Soper Sorg Sornborger Sornborger Sornborger Sornborger Soule Soule Soules Soulier Sours South South Southall Southgate Southwick Southwick Southwick Southwick Southwick Southworth Southworth Southworth Southworth Southworth Southworth Spacher Given Henry Simon Sol. Solomon L. P. Alexander Augustus Cornelius Frank John C. Herbert O. John Albert Henry, Jr. Aaron Caroline P. Edwin C. Henry K. Carrie Ella Arthur R. George W. William H. George George John Wm. Millard F. Sarah A. Wesley B. Clara, Miss Lucius Clarissa Eliza Geo. H. J. Allen John W. Sidney Gertrude Spacher Spafford Spafford Spafford Spahn Spahn Margaret Charles A. Fred. Wm. H. Andrew Henry Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 29 1886 22 4 12 1888 33 to Clyde to Lincoln, Neb. to Montreal, Canada to Virginia 11 22 1882 to New York City to Virginia to Cincinnati, Oh. from city from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to West Almond 11 1875 to Buffalo from city to Savannah to Savannah to Onondaga, Ont. to Auburn to Irondequoit from city to Batavia to Buffalo to Fisher's Landing to Kansas 11 1879 to Bath nd nd nd 9 1876 5 26 1883 83 1 4 1878 10 1879 to Brighton 3 17 1889 46 from city 3 16 1881 to San Francisco, Cal. to Hornellsville 1 25 1889 12 1 1875 32 to Hornellsville from city Page 409 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1884 1880 1883 Surname Spahn Spahn Spahn Spahn Given Henry John A. Louis Louis 1888 Spang 1888 Spangenberg John Edgar F. 1889 1887 1887 1884 1883 1876 1881 1888 1886 1883 1883 1877 1880 1883 1877 1883 1885 1889 1884 1889 1876 Sparks Sparks Sparks Sparr Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Spaulding Speare Speares Spears Spears Spears Spears Spears Specht Speed Mary E. Theodore W. Warren John Burns Chas. J. Chester W. Edward A. Fred. R. Fred. W. James M. Silas W. Merrill R. Joseph Isaac Isaac Lydia E. Nellie William Elizabeth James 1885 1876 1887 1876 1888 1885 1889 1881 1877 1889 1885 1877 1880 1881 1884 Speis Speis Speis Speis Speller Spelman Spence Spence Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Catharine Charles Jacob, Jr. Mary Harrison Margaret Joseph E. Wm. Augustus S. Charles D. David H. Frank Frank S. Frederick C. George H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 1883 4 11 1884 71 to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Luxenburg, Germany from city married Chas. DeForest to Newark, N. J. 2 1 1887 71 2 18 1884 86 to Toledo, Oh. to Philadelphia, Pa. to Kalamazoo, Mich. to Los Angeles, Cal. nd nd nd to Memphis to Syracuse to Havana 1879 to Auburn from city nd nd nd married R. H. Seville nd nd nd 7 20 1883 56 married Philip Huber to New York City married Wm. Walbourn to Le Roy 9 1886 12 1875 to Ontario 10 18 1884 30 to Albion, Mich. to Chicago, Ill. to Canada to New York City to Grand Crossing, Ill. to Geneseo to Milwaukee, Wis. from city 7 15 1883 22 Page 410 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1889 1886 1881 1880 1887 1879 1887 1887 1883 1879 1876 1881 1883 1889 1879 1884 1886 1889 1888 1881 1882 1884 Surname Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencley Spencley Spengler Spicer Spicer Spicer Spickerman Spiegel Spiegel Spiegel Spiekermann Given James E. John H. Luther C. Samuel M. Sarah Thomas D. W. Hart William William B. William E. William H. Wm. L. William William S. John Benj. George L. Jesse A. Theodore Catharine Christian Peter Edward J. 1880 1882 1885 1879 1889 1886 Spiekermann Spielmann Spies Spies Spies Spies Theodore Bernard Francis J. Henry Henry Jacob 1889 1877 1885 1886 1877 1886 1883 1881 1881 1886 1886 1886 1886 1884 Spies Spiesberger Spilberg Spillane Spillane Spillane Spillane Spillane Spindler Spindler Spindler Spining Spinks Spinning Mary Theresa Dena Dennis Henry P. Jeremiah John Mary Henry Julius Phillip H. Fred. John Benjamin Age Removed: to Arizona to Canada 29 1885 71 to Chicago, Ill. from city to Utica to Chicago, Ill. 24 1887 32 from city from city from city from city to Peterborough to Peterboro, Canada to Batavia to New York from city from city to Charlotte 26 1887 77 from city to Pa. to Irondequoit to Sea Breeze, Irondequoit 27 1881 10 1884 69 to Penfield 30 1889 59 4 1885 21 Month Day Year 11 2 7 12 11 5 7 married Joseph Drost 4 1876 to Palmyra to Philadelphia, Pa. to Saginaw, Mich. to Philadelphia, Pa. 1 16 1883 to Lincoln 11 13 1879 1 26 1886 39 6 12 1886 82 to New York City to Moscow to Albion Page 411 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1889 1880 1887 1882 1889 1883 1885 1889 1885 1878 1880 1884 1882 1878 1887 1880 1887 1885 1883 1888 1888 1883 1889 1886 Surname Spinning Spinning Spinning Spiro Spiro Spittal Spitz Spitznagel Spohrer Spooner Spooner Spoor Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Spratt Spratt Spring Spring Springer Given Fred. M. Fred. M. George E. Charles Isidor Robert Louis Andrew Wenzel Alfred Mary Ann, Mrs. Marion Catharine W. Elihu Eugene A. James Richard M. Walter William J. Wilson Robert Robert D. Edwin W. Gottfried Arthur W. 1885 Springer 1882 Springer 1880 Springer Clara Frederick Herman 1883 1880 1880 1886 1885 1882 1880 1880 1886 1883 1886 1886 1885 1888 1886 Rachel J. Rudolph G. Wells James John Edward A. John A. William A. William A. Ernest Henry Caroline M. Orin D. Charles B. Frank Springer Springer Springer Sproat Sproat Sprong Sprong Sprong Sproul Spuck Spurr Squier Squire Squires Squires Age Removed: to Creston, Iowa to Moscow from city 1887 72 to New York City to Erie, Pa. 1883 to Germany from city to Walworth 1877 1880 from city to Fairport to Dansville 1886 75 1879 to England to Beachhaven, Pa. to Indianapolis, Ind. 1887 46 1887 to Olean from city 1886 26 married Geo. A. Hetzler to St. Louis, Mo. 1879 married John Stellmacher to Colorado 1879 1886 52 1885 26 to Utah to Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania to Fairport to New York City to New York City 1886 80 from city from city from city Month Day Year Page 412 5 12 3 10 12 3 17 12 11 11 11 10 3 13 19 6 19 12 13 12 5 1 12 9 2 5 5 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1884 1887 1876 1888 1889 1889 1885 1878 1879 1889 1883 1885 1884 1886 1876 1886 1889 1884 1885 1885 1884 1881 1880 1876 1883 1877 1888 1885 1879 1881 1878 1885 1879 1885 1879 1886 1877 1879 1876 1883 1887 1876 1883 1879 Surname Squires St. Clair St. Clair St. John St. John St. Lawrence Stace Stace Stacey Stack Stadler Stadt Staebe Stafford Stafford Stafford Stageman Stahl Stahl Stahl Stahl Stahl Stahlbrodt Stahlbrodt Stahleker Stahley Stahlhut Stalker Stalker Stalker Stalknecht Stallman Standfast Standish Stanford Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stannard Stanton Stanton Stanton Given John J. Angus Frank H. Charles R. Nancy J. William Rebecca Stephen Rufus R. John Jacob Augusta Adolph Charles H. S. William Fred. Clinton Conrad Joseph E. Martin H. Matthias Edward Paul Philip Frederick A. Henry Alexander Isaac Robert August Jacob John Emma A. Thomas Amelia C. J. George W. Hoyt James B. Mary A. Smith Daniel Ellen George Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 14 1886 83 3 23 1884 to Cleveland, Oh. to Wolcott from city to Nebraska 12 28 1888 65 to Charlotte to Michigan 3 26 1879 to Chicago, Ill. 7 1882 to New York City to East Bloomfield to East Bloomfield to Clyde from city to Waterloo 6 2 1883 68 to Buffalo 7 8 1884 53 5 11 1884 32 to Caledonia to Buffalo 4 1876 to Greece 5 1877 6 28 1887 24 2 22 1885 71 to Walworth 6 19 1880 to Toronto, Ont. 1 28 1885 from city to London, Eng. from city to Batavia to Reading, Pa. from city from city married Jay Chaapel to Springfield, Mass. to Binghamton 8 10 1882 from city Page 413 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1887 1880 1885 1887 1883 1878 1882 1883 1888 1887 1883 1877 1884 1887 1889 1885 1885 1886 1889 1877 1879 1883 1881 1888 1881 1878 1888 1883 1877 1886 1882 1886 1886 1878 1887 1883 1881 1882 1889 1880 1882 1886 1883 1878 Surname Stanton Stanton Stanton Stanton Stanton Stanton Stanton Stape Stape Stape Staples Staples Staples Staples Stapleton Stapleton Stapleton Starbard Staring Staring Stark Stark Stark Starkweather Starkweather Starr Starr Starr Start State Staub Staub Staub Stauch Staudenmaier Staudinger Staunton Staunton Steada Steam Gauge Stearns Stearns Stearns Stebbins Stebbins Given George W. James H. John John John C., Jr. Moses L. Wm. P. Charles A. John Phoebe Elmina M. Hannah Harry A. Winfield S. John A. John A. Michael C. Lafayette M. E. Estella Fred. D. Herbert Herbert Mary E. Chauncey G. Louis P. Frederick Samuel A. William H. Hartwell Thomas Frank John John L. Adam John Charles Joseph F. Richard J. Frank & Lantern Co. Charles N. Henry Henry Albert Mary E. Month Day Year 11 4 14 1879 14 1885 1 1 2 1 12 24 22 17 17 14 Age Removed: to Newark from city 50 to Buffalo 1883 1878 1882 1882 1887 73 to Portland, Conn. 5 26 1883 to Lockport 1 11 1884 44 to Glens Falls to Buffalo 8 25 1884 21 to St. Louis, Mo. married __ Kerns to Ilion to Buffalo to Colorado 1 25 1883 to Henrietta to New Haven, Conn. to Auburn 6 8 1877 to Port Jervis to St. Louis, Mo. to Canada 2 2 1886 from city to Pittsburg, Pa. 5 6 1886 60 to Irondequoit 8 22 1886 to Syracuse to Ireland 4 15 1882 to Syracuse to Pennsylvania from city to Scottsville to Baldwinsville 3 Page 414 22 1878 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1877 1889 1879 1886 1886 1882 1884 1880 1881 1886 1877 1889 1885 1876 1882 1885 1886 1880 1883 Surname Stebbins Stecher Stedt Steefel Steefel Steefel Steefel Steeger Steel Steel Steele Steele Steele Steele Steen Steenburg Steencken Steffene Steffler Steffler Given Wm. Philip W. John T. Benjamin D. Bernard L. Joseph L. Lipman Ferdinand Joseph Sarah Henry Isaac H. Richard M. Robert J. A. Frederick Lena Hermann Charles Frederick Louis 1882 Steger 1880 Steger Catharine Christopher 1882 Steger 1885 Steger 1889 Steger Elizabeth Gustav John B. 1889 Steger Louisa 1887 1877 1885 1888 1877 1878 1883 1884 1888 1881 1878 1880 1888 1889 1889 Teresa M. Wolfgang John John John Abraham N. Abraham N. Andrew G. George John Julius Julius Louis C. Clara Edward Steger Steger Steigerwald Steigerwald Steimes Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Steinfeld Steinfeld Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 4 1881 to Texas to Penfield to Buffalo to Kansas City, Mo. to Albany 9 25 1881 to New York City 1 7 1880 9 2 1880 4 28 1886 44 to Buffalo to Romulus to Buffalo, N. Y. from city 1 17 1882 to St. Louis, Mo. to Gates from city 2 16 1883 married Anselm Stallknecht 2 15 1880 married Frank A. Ruby from city nd nd nd married Sebastian Zwick married Barney Williams 2 1877 to Charlotte to New York City to Canada to Chicago to Cleveland, Oh. 4 4 5 1884 9 1888 59 39 to New York City to New York City to New York City to Sacramento, Cal. to Chicago, Ill to Chicago, Ill Page 415 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1881 Steinfeld 1884 Steinfeld 1889 1889 1888 1877 1883 1881 1885 1877 1886 Steinfield Steinfield Steingreber Steinhauer Steinhauer Steinhauer Steinhauer Steinheiser Steinkamp Given Gottlieb Louis Josephine Louis Charles August George Henry John Conrad Louisa C. 1888 Steinkamp 1884 Steinkoll Mary A. John 1889 1881 1876 1883 Steinlein Steinmueller Steirwald Stelfox Lillie Magdalena Michael Arthur 1885 1877 1889 1886 1883 1885 Stellwagen Stengel Stenson Stenson Stenzel Stenzel Elizabeth Christian John Robert Ferdinand Gottlieb 1889 1889 1884 1882 1880 1879 1883 1885 1884 1876 1886 1876 1876 1883 1884 1878 1880 Stephan Stephan Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephens Stephenson Sterling Sterling Stern Stern Stern Sternberg Sternberg Stesel Stetson Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. to Buffalo married & removed from city to Chicago, Ill. 1888 47 to Cleveland, Oh. 1882 1881 to Oneida 1876 married Jacob Müller Month Day Year 2 11 11 1 19 10 6 13 4 13 1883 married Chas. Shelder married Richard Fetzsche 3 22 1881 to Greece to New York City married Louis Jesserer to Palmyra from city 5 7 8 10 1886 12 1882 17 1884 51 48 married James Martin & rem. to NYC married Edward King from city to Spencerport Lena Rose R. Frederick Henry Jacob John Mary A. John H. Charles W. Lewis T. Abram Max Nathan Albert E. Wm. L. George R. Thomas 5 11 9 14 1879 8 1878 8 1882 to Los Angeles, Cal. from city from city 2 11 1886 1 1876 64 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Boston, Mass. from city to Buffalo 5 Page 416 4 1880 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1876 1878 1881 1880 1883 1888 1876 1882 1879 1879 1881 1889 1885 1887 1888 1878 1879 1888 1879 1882 1889 1876 1881 1888 1885 1886 1886 1889 1888 1889 1878 1882 1881 1876 1883 1887 1888 1880 1880 1879 1881 1885 1888 1889 Surname Stetson Stettheimer Stettheimer Stettheimer Stetzelberger Stetzenmeyer Steudle Steul Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevinski Steward Given W. W. Abraham Joseph S. Sigmund Charles, Jr. Fred. Henry William Aaron Alfred Benjamin E. Charles Charles Charles E. Charles E. Clair H. Edward A. Edward Van E. Elizabeth Emery P. Emery P. Hattie B. Holmes B. James James H. John John C. Luman A. Samuel W. Sarah Sarah B., Mrs. Sidney A. Willard H. David Edward Harry T. Hugh A. James H. James R. Joseph H. Margaret Z. Norris Walter Valentine Frank Month Day Year 11 3 2 7 10 1882 30 1888 1876 12 1881 4 18 1879 Age Removed: from city to New York City from city to New York City to Cleveland, Oh. to Parma to Hoboken, N. J. to Mount Morris from city to Portland, Oregon to Lima to Toronto, Ont. to Suspension Bridge to Chicago, Ill. from city from city married to Clyde 1 22 1881 from city to Canandaigua 4 12 1886 87 to Tonawanda 10 9 9 8 1888 24 1887 8 1888 71 89 93 from city from city to Brighton to New York to Baltimore, Md. 4 25 1887 10 8 1879 3 1879 53 to Canada to New York City to Brooklyn to Louisville, Ky. 8 22 1887 40 from city Page 417 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1879 1888 1881 1885 1887 1883 1880 1885 1882 1881 1879 1879 1884 1885 1885 1884 1888 1887 1878 1880 1885 1887 1887 1884 1883 1888 1884 1886 1882 1886 1886 1880 1883 1877 1881 1877 1885 1882 1886 1884 1876 1878 1889 1886 Surname Steward Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewick Steyaart Steyaart Stickle Stickle Stickle Stickle Stickline Stickney Stiefel Stiefel Stiehler Stiehler Stiehler Stiek Stierly Stiles Given Rolland Alvin U. Bertha B. Caroline P. Claude A. David K. Della F. Elizabeth M. Frank Isaac James A. James T. Jane John John John P. Josiah P. M. Luie Mary E. Robert Robert Robert, Jr. Thomas Thos. A. William William G. William H. William J. Christopher Isaac Peter, Jr. Henry M. Jeremiah Mary A. William J. Louis Samuel C. Bernard David Carl E. Carl F. E. Mathilda Bartl Samuel David L.. Jr. Month Day Year 4 1 Age Removed: to Belleville from city to New York City 17 1881 1885 to Albany to Wolcott 1 14 1880 to Buffalo to Auburn from city 9 11 8 1878 19 1878 12 29 1884 to Toronto, Canada 44 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Montreal, Can. from city 10 10 1886 59 to Batavia to Nebraska to Spencerport 12 22 1886 35 from city to Toronto, Canada 6 9 1 1883 30 1887 36 from city 4 7 1886 67 to Brighton to Alton, Iowa to Buffalo 10 3 2 1879 31 1883 to New York City 11 6 1880 to Macedon to Kansas City, Mo. 3 5 19 1882 30 1885 5 5 3 1875 26 1877 1 1889 to Germany 62 to Richmond, Va. Page 418 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1884 1887 1882 1880 1885 1880 1886 1882 1887 1888 1885 1881 1889 1880 1885 1883 1876 1878 1883 1881 1880 1876 1883 1882 1877 1882 1880 1876 1881 1879 1877 1877 1886 1886 1882 1881 1879 1888 1885 1888 1880 1881 1882 1883 Surname Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Stiles Still Stillman Stillman Stillman Stillson Stillson Stillson Stillson Stilwell Stilwell Stilwell Stilwell Stilwell Stilwell Stoakes Stock Stock Stockbridge Stocker Stockhausen Stocking Stocking Stocking Stocking Stocking Stockmeister Stockton Stockwell Stockwell Stockwell Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Stoddard Given Esther, Miss George E. Harry N. Jennie A. John M. F. John M. F. Wm. J. Harry N. John Alfred H. Arthur B. William A. George D. George T. Jerome B. Una Charles H. Henry McA. Henry McA. Isaiah D. John B. Arthur E. James W., Jr. John William A. Henry D. Rudolph Anthony Alpha D. Clifford A. Daniel C. Mary Solomon Martin William K., Jr. Abigail Eliza J. Jerome N. B. D. Curtis James Josephine Joshua C. Minerva Oscar Truman B. Age Removed: to Chicago to Clyde 1887 28 to Chicago, Ill. to Denver, Col. to California 1880 to Aiken, S. C. from city 1886 30 to Chicago, Ill. to Michigan 1881 1889 42 from city from city 1882 to Pittsburgh to Albany to Hemlock Lake to Dansville to Virginia from city to Greece to Buffalo to Brockton, Mass. nd to Philadelphia, Pa. 1875 to Montreal, Can. to Illinois 1876 to Iowa 1885 27 to Oak Harbor, Ohio 1881 1880 1879 to Utica from city from city to Connecticut 1880 from city from city Month Day Year 2 15 2 10 8 2 5 19 6 12 6 nd nd 9 9 Page 419 10 22 10 11 1 15 29 21 10 9 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1884 1887 1879 1888 1881 1879 1884 1883 1889 1880 1882 1889 1888 1889 1887 1880 1880 1879 1885 1884 1880 1889 1881 1877 1881 1876 1883 1877 1882 1882 1887 1889 1884 1886 1883 1880 1885 1885 1886 1876 1887 1876 1886 1876 Surname Stoeckel Stoecker Stoecker Stoecklein Stoecklein Stoeffler Stoesser Stoesser Stoewsand Stoffel Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stoll Stoll Stoll Stoltz Stoltz Stoltz Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stoner Stoneville Given William Charles Charles Emily Valentine W. Michael Lucas Walburga Charles C. John Harriet A. John Samuel Samuel W. Sidney R. William Frank H. George, Jr. Isabella John Michael Theodore Alonzo A. Benjamin W. Charles J. Clarissa, Miss Edward S. Franklin Fred. B. Geoege W. George A. George W. Hanson C. Henry P. J. Leslie James James A. James S., Jr. Joseph Joseph L. Nathan C. Newell A. Thomas Elizabeth Joseph Age Removed: to Lyons to Europe 29 1886 41 to Humbolt, Kan. 23 1887 30 30 1880 14 1879 30 1883 73 to Batavia 28 1888 46 2 1879 17 1881 to Canisteo 4 1888 from city 24 1887 56 18 1879 to Denver, Col. 3 1879 3 1884 33 7 1884 65 from city 9 1888 30 to Reading, Pa. to Philadelphia, Pa. 30 1880 from city from city to Elmira from city 12 1882 to St. Paul, Minn. from city to Oakland, Cal. to Florida 22 1882 20 1879 to Greece 11 1885 11 1885 from city 31 1887 67 15 1875 23 1885 64 to Greece Month Day Year 9 8 8 4 12 8 12 8 4 2 8 1 11 4 11 6 5 5 10 4 4 3 11 6 Page 420 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1877 1888 1881 1880 1886 1881 1877 1885 1886 1883 1889 1888 Surname Stonewell Stops Stork Stormer Storms Storms Storms Storms Storms Storrin Stortz Story Story Given Joseph Daniel Harry M. Kate, Miss Annie Fred. W. George W. Hiram Ira Edward B. George Ella J. Francis W. 1876 1888 1882 1889 1884 1889 1876 1886 1888 1887 1886 1884 1876 1879 1877 Story Story Story Stott Stott Stott Stout Stout Stout Stover Stowell Stowell Strachan Strachan Strachan George Robert J. V., Mrs. George George F. Harry George Helen E. James S. Valentine Jay D. Newell W. Charles David William 1878 1888 1876 1886 1876 1885 1886 1880 1888 1887 1878 1887 1886 1887 1887 Strachan Stracke Strain Strang Strasburger Straszner Strathy Stratton Stratton Stratton Stratton Stratton Stratton Stratton Straub William Robert Murtagh J. John Samuel Jacob Charlton George L. Isaac J. Lillie D. Robert M. Robert M. Sumner W. William I. William Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 22 1886 67 to Toronto, Canada to Buffalo to Portville, Can. 1 26 1880 to Orange Pk., Fla. 8 20 1880 to Buffalo to Michigan from city 6 18 1882 married Edgar Earl to New York City to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Buffalo to Tonawanda to England 9 29 1883 8 9 8 1875 9 1885 50 to England 72 to Troy to Buffalo 5 2 1886 36 from city to New York City to Chicago, Ill. to Scotland to Georgetown, British Guiana, S. A. to Scranton, Pa. to Ireland to Cleveland, Ohio to Baltimore, Md. 10 4 1884 61 from city 11 28 1879 to Geneseo from city to Dansville from city 4 29 1886 35 to Geneseo to Syracuse Page 421 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 1883 1885 1885 1880 1886 1883 1888 1889 1887 1877 1888 1881 1885 1888 1879 1879 1884 1877 1883 1877 1876 1889 1886 1889 1881 1883 1885 1887 1878 1877 1882 1884 1876 1881 1885 1885 1886 1888 1883 1881 1885 1879 1883 Straubinger Strauch Strauch Strauchen Straus Straus Strauss Strauss Streb Streb Streb Streb Streb Streb Strebler Streck Street Street Streeter Streeter Streeter Streeter Strehle Strickland Strife Stringham Stritzel Strobel Strobel Strobel Strobel Strobl Stroh Stroh Stroh Strohm Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Given Month Day Year Anna Adam Henry John Daniel Henry Charles A. Maurice D. George Jonas Joseph Joseph Matthias Richard Michael Nicholas Charles H. Frank W. Henry G. Hubbard B. Lydia C. Wm. M. John Edward Jacob John P. Michael Amelia H. John Joseph A. Louis John Catherine John F. Peter Lena C. Alvah Charles Charles A. Edwin D. Emma Frances E. Maltby Nellie 6 Age Removed: married John Hasselwander 22 1882 to Irondequoit to Syracuse to Auburn to Buffalo to Clyde to St. Louis, Mo. 8 6 7 1888 1 1886 79 49 5 12 5 12 18 1888 1880 9 1885 4 1887 68 from city 41 54 to Germany to Gates from city from city 2 1883 to Port Byron to Buffalo 8 6 1 1 1888 15 1885 20 1889 10 21 1882 11 4 1886 79 22 58 to Illinois to Mt. Morris 40 from city 12 3 7 10 1876 25 1882 8 1883 1 1875 39 from city from city 4 20 1885 75 to Pennsylvania to Ithaca from city to California to Mendon 8 5 1878 to Chicago, Ill. Page 422 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1885 1881 1884 1887 1886 1886 1884 1889 1876 1882 1886 1879 1882 1883 1887 1885 1883 1884 1879 1879 1889 1879 1882 1885 1886 1876 1881 1884 1884 1882 1877 1881 1889 1882 1887 1889 1885 1877 1887 1877 1881 1886 1882 1877 Surname Strong Strong Stroup Strouss Strouss Strouss Strouss Strouss Strouss Strowger Stroyer Stroyer Struby Struck Struck Struck Struckmann Stryker Stryker Stuart Stuart Stubbe Stuchfield Studley Stuermer Stuhlmiller Stuldt Stull Stump Stump Stumps Stumps Stumps Stupp Sturges Sturges Sturges Sturges Stutson Stutson Stutte Stutterd Stutz Stuvenhaver Stuver Given Month Day Year Age Removed: Sylvester F. to Batavia William J. to Barrie, Canada John 4 1880 D. Edgar to Albany D. Edgar to Syracuse Elias 7 27 1885 50 Fannie 1 31 1886 78 Marcus to Xenia, Oh. Marcus E. to Chicago, Ill. Orville H. to Penfield Cornelia 11 30 1881 Leonard T. 12 23 1885 52 Louis H. to Owego George 2 2 1882 Louis to Chicago, Ill. Sophronia F., Mrs. to Irondequoit William to Missouri Albert H. to Syracuse William H. to Syracuse Jane nd nd nd John A. from city John 5 27 1888 Elizabeth 4 26 1879 Luther 2 28 1882 Caspar 5 1885 52 John to Detroit, Mich. Henry from city Gustavus J. to Rush Chester H. 11 30 1883 53 J. Anthony 10 16 1883 64 Anthony 2 4 1882 Joseph to Canandaigua Joseph to Cleveland, Oh. Charles J. to Orange, N. J. A. Burnside to New York City A. Burnside to Toledo, Oh. James F. from city William to Buffalo James H. to Charlotte Joseph H. to Chicago, Ill. Adolph to Detroit, Mich. J. Henry to Syracuse August 12 31 1885 Elizabeth 12 25 1881 Byron M. to Sodus Page 423 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1883 1886 1876 1889 1876 1878 1888 1889 1880 1882 1889 1884 1887 1889 1887 1880 1884 1885 1881 1885 1881 1884 1884 1889 1876 1889 1884 1886 1886 1881 1878 1882 1886 1889 1883 1883 1883 1880 1889 1885 1888 1881 1884 1878 Surname Sucher Sucro Suffinsky Sugru Sugru Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Given Marc George Louis Daniel Edward J. Amelia Annie Bridget Charles Cornelius C. Cornelius P. Daniel Daniel C. David T. Eugene Florence Frank G. Henry L. James James P. Jeremiah Jeremiah, Jr. John John John John E. John H. John P. John T. Julia T. Mary Michael Michael Michael Nora Patrick H. Phoebe Richard Timothy Timothy William William William F. William F. Wm. F. Age Removed: from city to Baltimore, Md. from city to Rauchville, Pa. to St. Louis, Mo. to Brooklyn, L. I. to Palmyra 11 1888 80 7 1888 57 from city 3 1882 from city 25 1883 90 to Iowa 5 1889 70 10 1886 75 to Philadelphia, Pa. 22 1883 70 18 1884 26 3 1880 to Spencerport 16 1880 to Boston, Mass. 16 1883 35 to Toronto 1875 to Charlotte to Providence, R. I. 1 1886 26 2 1885 30 married from city 27 1881 14 1886 76 19 1888 26 17 1882 25 1882 to Michigan 22 1880 1889 to Boston, Mass. 5 1888 54 from city 29 1883 70 to Cincinnati, Oh. Month Day Year 1 8 3 9 5 7 9 12 9 5 10 5 3 10 5 3 11 10 10 1 5 2 8 Page 424 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1888 1888 1884 1885 1881 1882 1882 1888 1886 1883 1882 1884 1886 1876 1886 1880 1886 1889 1889 1880 1883 1887 1882 1884 1883 1889 1888 1889 1888 1879 1889 1886 1884 1877 1879 1888 1884 Surname Sullivan Sully Sully Sumers Summerhays Summers Summers Summers Sumner Sumner Sumpke Sund Sunderlin Sundt Sunfield Sunney Sunney Sunney Suratt Suratt Surdam Surdam Surgenor Surie Suss Suter Suter Suter Suter Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutherland Sutter Sutter Sutton Sutton Sutton Given Wm. F. John J. Robert J. John Charles K. Cyrus J. Mary Peter Charles Edward A. John Charles Eli Reuben Francis Edward Patrick William Joseph Louisa Charles A. Charles A. Will P. John Christian Ambrose F. Caspar Frederick H. John J. Annie E. Kenneth W. M. W. M. Roderick Mary Samuel Asa Delay F. Peter J. 1882 Swager Mary 1888 1876 1887 1882 Minnie Simon William David T. Swager Swager Swagler Swain Month Day Year 6 Age Removed: to Columbus, Oh. from city from city from city to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. 1 1881 to Montreal, Can. 5 5 1888 67 to Minneapolis, Minn. 10 nd 19 1882 nd nd 5 8 1884 82 from city 1 7 3 1876 25 1885 5 1880 26 to New York City to Vermont to Vermont to Baldwinsville to Newark to Byron 8 21 1881 to Aberdeen, Dakota to New York City 10 27 1888 81 to Swain to Elmira to California from city to Canada 6 25 1885 25 to Geneseo to Canada from city to San Diego, Cal. from city married Andrew Burkhart married Chas. Schlegel 1 9 12 Page 425 14 1876 6 1886 1881 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1889 1886 1876 1881 1889 1879 1877 1885 1885 1887 1882 1887 1878 1877 1883 1884 1880 1882 1884 1889 1888 1880 1882 1887 1888 1883 1883 1884 1884 1889 1882 1883 1889 1888 1887 1883 1887 1884 1876 1885 1876 1876 1882 Surname Swain Swales Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swan Swanton Swanton Swanton Swanton Swarthout Swarthout Swartz Swartzweller Sweatman Sweatman Sweatman Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweeney Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweeting Sweeting Sweeting Sweeting Sweeting Sweeting Sweeting Sweetland Sweetman Swetland Swetland Swetland Swetland Given Frank R. Frederick G. Bernard J. Eugene A. Hiram C. John F. Josephine Milton G. Bobert G. Elias Elias Y. James R. James S. Sarah Franklin P. N. Clark Geo. C. George A. Samuel Charles Edward Holland P. Jeremiah John John Joseph A. Mary Charles F. Clarence H. Fred. E. Henry Henry F. Cornelius A. Freemont L. John B. Luther T. Maria Maurice B. William Louis Wm. H. Charles M. George Warren Norris Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 11 1886 37 to Syracuse to St. Louis, Mo. from city from city to New York City to Springfield, Mass. from city 6 1876 1 20 1885 87 to Mt. Morris 4 8 1887 25 to Batavia to Canandaigua to Amwell, Ohio to Newark, N. J. to Niagara Falls 6 1883 to Canada from city to Mt. Morris to St. Paul, Minn. 12 14 1887 32 to Troy from city from city 8 20 1887 25 from city 1 10 1883 to Brooklyn 5 2 1884 29 from city from city from city to Parma 6 26 1887 47 6 17 1886 84 from city to Buffalo 9 17 1883 73 to Palmer to Gates to Milwaukee, Wisc. to Milwaukee, Wisc. to Buffalo Page 426 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1881 1877 1878 1884 1877 1885 1886 1882 1889 1877 1877 Month Day Year Age Removed: to Ontario, Canada from city to New York City from city to Port Chester to Henrietta to Detroit, Mich. to Danbury, Conn. Surname Swetman Swezey Swick Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift Swift Given Samuel William H. Charles L. Alexander J. C. Clarence Celia, Miss Elmina Fred. R. George K. George W. Hannah, Mrs. Zenas M. 1881 1885 1881 1882 Swikehard Swikehard Swinburn Swinburne William H. William H. George, Jr. John W. to Palmerston, Canada to Hudson, Mich. to Goshen, Ind. to Minneapolis, Minn. 1878 1883 1883 1882 1882 1882 1885 1879 1876 1886 1883 1888 Swinburne Swindlehurst Swinerton Syers Sykes Sylla Sylvester Symonds Tabor Tabor Tabor Tabor Robert M. John Frances V. Thomas Charles S. Lux E. Joseph Andrew J. Edgar F. Edson Frank A. Seward L. to San Francisco, Cal. from city to Honeoye Falls 1889 1885 1885 1888 1880 1876 1886 1883 1885 1879 1878 1880 1878 1885 Taft Taft Taft Taft Tait Talbot Talbot Talbot Talbot Talbot Talling Talling Tallinger Tallinger Frank E. Frank S. Gilbert T. Joseph A. Thomas Almira Earl A. Frank H. George C. Rial W. John John George Gottfried 5 21 1881 to Charlotte to Medina to Buffalo 6 1881 8 10 10 10 1881 1 1884 30 1878 to Chicago, Ill. 73 to Irondequoit from city to Denver, Col. to Wichita, Kan. to Newburyport, Mass. to Newark 3 18 1885 58 to Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 3 2 13 1880 1876 28 1886 61 to Cleveland, Oh. to Buffalo from city to California to Chicago, Ill. 10 12 Page 427 1877 4 1884 78 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1876 1884 1889 1884 1876 1885 1883 1888 1885 1880 1877 1879 1887 1886 1879 1880 1882 1876 1883 1889 1887 1883 1883 1889 1884 1884 1889 1880 1885 1886 1888 1887 1877 1885 1882 1886 1879 1876 1877 1886 1884 1881 1886 1884 Surname Tallinger Tallinger Tallmadge Tallmadge Tallmadge Tallmage Tallman Tallman Tamblingson Tamblingson Tamblingson Tamblingson Tamblyn Tanck Tangneuy Tanner Tanner Tanner Tanner Tapfart Taplin Tapper Tassell Tassell Taunton Tayler Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Given Louis W. Mary A. Pamalia L. Samuel H. William Samuel H. Fred. John H. Elizabeth Jane Nicholas Thomas Frank Frederick W. Robert R. Catharine Edward W. Edward W., Jr. John Peter Ellen William H. George W. M. A. Bertha M. Elizabeth Abraham D. Chas. E. Daniel B. David H. Edward J. Edward J. Edward M. Edward W. Elias W. Elizabeth A. Ellen Emma J. Esau M. Francis L. Frank Frederick R. G. Elbert George M. H. Seymour Month Day 7 9 11 29 Page 428 9 23 10 10 5 2 3 2 29 4 10 8 15 4 1 8 7 23 4 24 2 16 5 17 Year Age Removed: 1878 1875 1883 78 to Elmira 1883 35 to Victor to Buffalo to Buffalo 1887 53 1884 65 1879 1877 from city 1886 51 from city 1878 to Albany to Buffalo 1876 1883 1888 49 to Hudson from city from city married to Charlotte to Geneva to New York City to St. Louis, Mo. to Boston, Mass. to Philadelphia, Pa. from city 1886 38 to Bellville, Canada to Elmira 1882 to Geneva 1878 to Buffalo 1877 from city from city to Jersey City, N. J. to Buffalo to Arizona City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1887 1885 1877 1885 1887 1885 1885 1876 1881 1879 1882 1887 1879 1880 1887 1882 1884 1877 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1883 1881 1876 1888 1884 1886 1887 1886 1888 1883 1889 1878 1887 1881 1885 1880 1876 Surname Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Teal Teal Teall Teall Teall Given Harrison H. Harry Henry C. Jane Jay John John A. John J. John N. Marblon K. Nancy Porter W. Porter W. Samuel William William C. William H. William H. William S. Albert Chas. F. Clarissa A. Fred. A. Henry A. John E. John L. Samuel R. Thomas William W. Albert S. Frank C. Augustus T. Augustus T., Jr. Charles S. Teall Teall Teare Teare Teare Teepell Tegg Tehan Telford Teller Isabella Philip James A. James A. John William R. Harriet John Robert S. Catharine Month Day Year 10 1876 11 1886 Age Removed: to Detroit, Mich. to England to New York City to New York City to Auburn to Wilmington, Del. from city to Chicago, Ill. 11 1 1878 from city to West Brighton to Kansas 9 5 1879 10 22 1881 to Buffalo to Irondequoit to Buffalo from city 2 6 1 19 1883 17 1882 29 1883 to New York City to Canada to Boston, Mass. from city from city 2 11 1881 from city to Detroit, Mich. 4 12 16 1884 15 1885 78 34 to Bloomfield, N. J. married George Bacon 7 7 1887 69 to Dakota from city from city from city 10 16 1880 to Auburn to Denver, Col. 9 Page 429 1875 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1882 1888 1882 1883 1882 1879 1882 1878 1878 1881 1889 1879 1885 1883 1887 1885 1888 1881 1876 1879 1876 1889 1877 1883 Surname Teller Teller Tempest Templeton Tenent Tensfeld Tepper Terrell Terrill Terrill Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Tesch Tesch Teschner Tessey Teubert Given Clarence D. Frederick T. Douglass M. James J. Hubbard A. John John William H. Edwin Erwin Everett O. Frank E. Henry Henry John John Seth H. Seth S. Seward A. Louis L. Henry John A. Rudolph H. George L. George 1884 1883 1883 1882 1878 1883 1889 1882 1886 1878 1880 1883 1886 Teupert Teuscher Teutsch Teutsch Teutsch Thatcher Thatcher Thayer Thayer Thein Theis Thele Theobald Marion Gottlieb Lawrence Lawrence, Jr. Michael Harry G. William K. Charles S. Daniel J. Jeremiah Wm. Robert P. Joseph A. 1876 1883 1888 1889 1878 Theurer Thiel Thiem Thies Thiese Christian Adam Herman G. Matthias Wilhelm Month Day Year 8 Age Removed: from city 6 1881 to Toronto, Can. to Syracuse to Texas to Chicago, Ill. 1 18 1879 to Albany to Suspension Bridge to Irondequoit to East Bloomfield to Brockport 10 27 1878 to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to Buffalo 7 29 1884 65 to New York City to East Bloomfield to Chicago, Ill. to Auburn 10 1875 to Miller's Corners from city 12 24 1882 married Chas. W. Pardee from city 9 4 1882 9 1877 8 3 1888 22 1 13 1886 70 6 21 1879 from city to Kansas City, Mo. to South Lima from city to Binghamton to Canada to Wirtemberg, Germany 5 12 2 26 1882 6 1887 23 1889 43 60 from city Page 430 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1884 1885 1889 1881 1887 1881 1884 1884 1883 1877 1882 1889 1883 1881 1888 1884 1876 1877 1885 1887 1885 1877 1882 1877 1881 1889 1887 1883 1881 1888 1885 1879 1882 1878 1881 1882 1876 1885 1878 1882 1878 1889 1884 1885 Surname Thiesson Thing Thistle Tholens Thom Thoma Thoma Thoma Thoma Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Given Paul Adelia P. William J. Henry William G. Aloise A. Gustav John John, Jr. Alanson A. Allen A. Allen A. Andrew A. Anthony S. Benjamin Charles Charles H. Charles W. Charles W. Charles W. David D. Frank George E. Henry M. Hiram Hiram John John C. John E. John J. John W. John, Jr. Mary Jane Mordecai Peleg B. Samuel O. Sylvester M. William C. William J. William O. Wm. Walter O. Albert A. Albert E. Arthur D. Age Removed: to Omaha, Neb. 8 1883 37 to Illinois to New York City from city 3 1887 21 to Germany 16 1883 74 to Socora N. M. to Kansas to Hornellsville to Buffalo from city 13 1883 4 1880 to Swain to Buffalo to Elmira from city 4 1885 29 to Bradford, Pa. from city to Pennsylvania from city to Albion to Albion from city 9 1887 30 to Buffalo from city 26 1887 72 to Minnesota 8 1879 to Syracuse to Syracuse from city to Union City, Pa. 1875 from city to Canandaigua to Rome to Syracuse 15 1888 68 10 1883 33 from city Month Day Year 12 4 6 2 12 4 3 9 4 10 10 6 Page 431 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1883 1888 1878 1887 1887 1878 1886 1876 1883 1886 1883 1878 1884 1876 1883 1882 1881 1884 1876 1889 1888 1879 1885 1888 1877 1888 1889 1886 1887 1883 1879 1888 1888 1878 1884 1883 1878 1887 1883 1882 1889 1882 1886 1888 Surname Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Given Arthur W. Benjamin M. Betsey G. Caroline M. Charles Charles D. Charles E. Charles J. Chas. W. Clarence Clarence L. Conrad G. Daniel David L. Edgar Frances M. Frank S. Frederick J. Geo. H. George F. George T. Henry Herbert James E. James H. James R. John John H. John W. John W. Julia Julia A. Laura M. Melinda Mirittee Norton W. Richard W. Robert Robert H. Sally Sarah Sarah A. Susie A. Thomas William Age Removed: to Pa. to Elmira 1887 75 1877 from city 1886 57 to England to Newark 1875 to Victor from city from city to Bergen from city to Brockport to Michigan to Charlotte, Mich. 1880 1884 to Troy from city 1888 60 to Watertown 1884 57 to New York City 1876 to Dansville 1888 47 1885 45 to Windsor Beach 1882 from city married 1887 87 1877 to Missouri from city 1877 1887 48 1883 to Port Hope, Canada 1889 49 to Webster 1886 81 1887 69 Month Day Year 11 12 6 28 8 11 7 25 11 6 11 28 5 17 8 31 10 Page 432 7 11 25 25 7 1 9 10 7 12 12 1 2 13 29 12 2 13 3 4 1 26 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1877 1887 1884 1881 1879 1888 1889 1878 1883 1885 1886 1877 1883 1885 1883 1883 1882 1887 1882 1889 1888 1885 1884 1882 1886 1876 1882 1876 1886 1887 1887 1876 1886 1888 1888 1882 1884 1879 1882 1879 1880 1885 1883 Surname Thompson Thompson Thompson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Given William E. William H. William S. David George John Kate M. Elgenah, Mrs. Robert Thon Thon Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorne Thornton Thorp Thrall Thrall Threadgoold Threehouse Threehouse Threehouse Throne Thuma Thursom Tibbils Tibbils Tibbils Tibbils Tibbils Tibbits Tibbitts Tibbitts Tice Tichenor Tierney Tierney Tierney Tierney Tietenberg Tietenberg Tietge Tiffany Charles Ernst George George, Jr. George, Jr. Frances E. Frank E. Theodore T. George W. Sarah E. John Peter Richard Theodore John J. Robert F. Mary Frederick George Henry F. Horace Wilbur Alfred P. Samuel C. Samuel C. James W. Bethia Martin A. Michael Myles W. Owen Charles Emil E. William Charles H. Age Removed: to Elmira to Brockport 18 1887 74 to Colorado 11 1880 to New York City married to Herkimer to Palmyra Month Day Year 3 10 to Aberdeen, Dak. Ter. 9 5 20 1884 31 1886 38 71 to Lockport from city to Newark from city to New York City to Corning 9 12 9 1886 1881 50 to Dayton Oh. 5 8 1888 53 to Albany to Gates to Peoria, Ill. to Irondequoit from city to Buffalo from city from city to Wayland Depot to Buffalo from city from city 11 10 23 1887 4 1887 27 to Minneapolis, Minn. to Victor to Buffalo to Miller's Corner 10 12 1878 to Syracuse nd nd nd to Detroit, Mich. Page 433 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1879 1882 1878 1882 1883 1882 1882 1886 1884 1883 1877 1887 1883 1880 1880 1882 1877 1885 1887 1888 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 1884 1882 1880 1885 1887 1889 1889 1884 1889 1886 1880 1886 1889 1876 1887 1884 1885 1879 Surname Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany Tilden Tillson Timens Timm Tindall Tines Tines Tinker Tinker Tinker Tipetts Tippetts Tippetts Tippetts Tischer Tischler Titsworth Titus Titus Titus Titus Toan Given Nelson O. Oscar F. Oscar F. Joseph Charles William John Anna John Mary L. Alfred Horace James Eliza, Mrs. Charles Elizabeth William H. John C. Peter Charles P. Austin John R. Norman Richard Charles A. Toaz Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tobin Tock Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Toebe Toeppe Toland Ann M. Alice Edward Eliza James John John J. Molly Patrick Patrick Lum Edward E. John L. Willard V. Wright Zoe, Mrs. Edward John Daniel L. Month Day Year 11 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Buffalo to Greece 26 1877 to Denver, Col. to New York City to Bay City, Mich. 10 7 17 1881 13 1885 55 to Detroit, Mich. from city to Meadville, Pa. from city to Ticonderoga 1879 to Buffalo to Ticonderoga to Texas 4 27 1885 46 from city to Patterson, N.J. to Los Angeles, Cal. to Hannibal to Patterson, N.J. to Castile married Geo. H. Nicholson 1 31 1884 28 to Lockport to Canandaigua from city to England 3 11 1889 37 6 12 1884 55 married to New York City to Toronto, Can. from city from city to Alabama 4 1875 from city from city 2 23 1885 77 to Castile Page 434 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1883 1886 1885 1880 1884 1887 1878 1882 1886 1880 1888 1882 1876 1885 1879 1880 1882 1885 1882 1876 1884 1879 1879 1885 1879 1886 1886 Surname Toll Toll Toll Tomlin Tomlin Tomlin Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Toms Toms Tone Tone Tone Tone Tone Tonkin Toogood Toogood Toohey Toohey Tooker Toole Toole Toole Given Caroline M. John D. John D. Jane Samuel William Charles R. Frank George C. Hannah G. Mary F. Silas E. Charles E. Richard Bernard W. Charles E. Joseph Theobald W. Theodore W. John K. John John Michael J. Wm. N. Allen A. Edward Frank George A. 1881 1880 1887 1884 1887 1888 1889 1888 1883 1888 Toole Tooley Toombs Toomey Toomey Topham Topham Topping Topping Torkinton Thomas Samuel George W. Thomas D. Timothy Catharine William James R. William R. Charles F. 1888 1878 1882 1886 1882 Torkinton Torrance Torrance Torre Torre Sarah R. Floyd R. William R. Antonio Rocco Month Day Year 9 1 1882 5 12 10 1885 22 1879 Age Removed: to Somerset from city 71 from city to Buffalo from city from city 6 2 1885 71 to Marshall, Mich. to Binghamton from city to Charlotte to New York City from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York City to New York City to Auburn to England to Highbridge, Eng. to St. Louis, Mo. to St. Louis, Mo. from city from city to Brooklyn from city to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Michigan to Medina to Dunkirk to Palmyra from city 3 23 1889 53 from city to Topeka, Kan. 12 18 1887 39 married George Wackerman to Avon to Ellicottville to Albion to New York City Page 435 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1888 1884 1876 1887 1888 1885 1887 1889 1881 1882 1879 1879 1881 1884 1886 1882 1886 1887 1878 1883 1883 1884 1889 1888 1885 1883 1887 1879 1883 1888 1886 1888 1883 1888 1886 1884 1889 1876 1886 1877 1876 1884 1882 1886 Surname Torrey Touhey Tourjee Towan Tower Tower Towner Townes Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Townsend Toy Tozer Tozier Trabert Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Trainor Trainor Trainor Trampe Trapp Traub Traub Traugott Traugott Traugott Traver Traver Traver Given Samuel H. James Alanson James H. A. Knibloe Margaret S. Frank D. Edward R. Andrew Calvin C. Frances M. Gilbert G. Herbert E. Jesse Mary Mary J. William K. James Elias M. Berk Adam Charles H. Charles H. Charles H. Clark D. Elmer C. Hartson B. James James E. James G. John L. John T. John John F. Robert Theodore V. Joseph Henry Louis H. Catharine M. Charles J. Christian Allen Charles L. Charles M. Age Removed: from city to New York City from city to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo 1888 68 to Colton, Cal. from city to Buffalo 1881 to Saginaw, Mich. 1878 to St. Louis, Mo. 1880 1883 69 1885 73 1882 from city from city to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to Brighton from city from city to New York City to New York City to Brighton to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse to Bradford, Pa. to Albany 1887 49 1883 1888 1886 45 1884 to Mainz, Germany to Syracuse 1885 73 1876 1876 to Junius 1882 from city Month Day Year Page 436 3 11 5 25 7 1 6 6 11 2 23 21 12 20 7 2 2 1 2 27 16 26 5 26 12 7 4 26 19 13 4 19 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1885 1888 1888 1888 1883 1887 1876 1886 Surname Traver Traver Traver Traver Travis Traw Trayhern Trefry Trentman Given Edward V. Henry C. John J. Mary A. David J. Maggie Eli M. David F. Charles 1887 1889 1876 1888 1882 1884 1882 1888 1884 1889 1880 1877 1881 1876 1880 1876 1888 1882 1886 1878 1878 1881 1885 1882 1886 1885 1883 1877 1877 1881 1882 1885 1883 1885 1884 Trentman Tresfon Trevor Trevor Trexlere Trexlere Treyer Treyer Trimble Trimble Trimby Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trimmer Trinkler Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripp Tritchel Troening Troening Troening Troening Troidl Tronson Trost Trost Trost Trost Josephine T. Joseph H. John Maurice J. Charles T. Charles T. Henry Wm. John W. Thomas A. Thomas W. D. Orville Edwin W. Elliott E. Elliott E. Sylvester Sylvester John F. Deckle E. W. Henry A. Ira Ira Jefferson J. John Amelia August Charles Henry Jacob Christie Charles Charles, 2nd. Charles, Jr. Frederick Age Removed: to Greece 29 1884 30 to West Greece 21 1887 55 from city 29 1883 to Scottsville from city from city Month Day Year 11 6 4 married John Schrank to Syracuse 7 5 1875 to Minnesota from city to Buffalo from city 3 1 1888 37 from city from city to Newark, N. J. to Parma Corners to East Bloomfield to Gates to Canada to Gates to Parma to Chicago, Ill. 5 13 1886 2 10 1878 29 to Bradford to Spencerport to Spencerport 7 19 1881 to Utica to New York to Brooklyn to Lockport 11 12 29 1876 8 1880 from city to Gates to Alleghany to Caneadea to Germany Page 437 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1885 Trost 1883 Trost Given Frederick Henry Month Day Year Age Removed: to Caneadea from city 1889 Trost 1879 Trost Henry Joseph 1888 Trost Robert to San Francisco, Cal. 1889 1888 1887 1881 1888 1884 1887 1882 1877 1877 1887 1884 1885 1889 1885 1882 1885 1877 1888 1889 1878 1881 1888 1878 1881 1883 1886 1888 1878 1884 1883 1880 1876 1882 1882 1880 1885 Maria A. Grosvenor Louis Charles H. Charles W. Daniel M. George E. Maria H. Maria T. Mary H. William F. Nancy Edwin G. Edwin G. Mary E. William G. Ernest F. Henry, Rev. Elizabeth Jacob Emily S. John Gustave Emily E. W. Edward E. J. L. John S. Joseph L. Charles Charles S. Frederick D. Peter F. Peter J. Wm. J. Nancy Francis married Michael Dillon to Buffalo to Canada from city to Irondequoit to Los Angeles, Cal. to Fulton to Lansing, Mich. to Orange, N. J. to Portland, Me. to Batavia Trousdell Trowbridge Trudaux True True True True True True True True Truesdale Truesdell Truesdell Truesdell Truesdell Trump Trump Trumpp Trust Tryon Trzeciak Tschernich Tschirch Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tuckett Tuell Tuell Tuety Tuety Tuffield Tullar Tulley to San Francisco, Cal. 8 11 15 1878 22 1883 52 to Bradford, Pa. to Warsaw to Olean from city to Columbus, Oh. to Albany 7 4 1887 78 to Webster 11 10 30 1877 12 1880 to California to Indianapolis to New York City to Albion from city to Rush to Jackson, Miss. to North Hamlin to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. 5 11 18 1876 28 1881 4 11 11 1880 12 1884 to Toronto, Can. Page 438 70 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1878 1885 1889 1884 1878 1886 1887 1888 1885 1884 1878 1888 1878 1877 1888 1883 1888 1889 1881 1878 1883 1880 1882 1883 1879 1881 1876 1889 1886 1878 1879 1889 1880 1882 1878 1877 1877 1884 1886 1883 1887 1889 1878 1888 Surname Tum Tumilty Tunbridge Tunbridge Tunbridge Tunbridge Tunbridge Tunbridge Tunna Tupfel Turell Turell Turk Turneaure Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turney Turpin Turpin Turpin Turver Turver Tuthill Tuton Tuton Tutt Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Tuttle Given Frank M. Mary Caleb J. John Mary William B. William E. William E. Thomas E. Herman Clara J. Joseph George R. Robert Alexander Bessie, Mrs. Charles Daniel H. Edward Eliza J., Mrs. George B. Jerome John John John Murray Price T. Richard S. Robert T. Daniel Charles H. Elizabeth George T. Charles H. William W. A. K. Sarah C. William William R. Charles F. Edward A. Eliza A. Margaret Melissa A. William G. Month Day Year 5 12 1877 10 5 15 1888 9 1884 Age Removed: from city to Utica 82 to Utica to Olean 3 11 1887 24 to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Moscow from city 11 2 1877 1877 to New York City to New York City from city from city to Chicago, Ill. 12 29 1877 from city 9 29 1879 to Denver, Col. 2 11 1883 to Canada 12 23 1880 from city to Toronto, Canada to St. Louis to Utica 8 12 1878 to Omaha, Neb. from city to Buffalo to Columbus, Oh. to Brighton to Brighton from city 7 2 11 5 9 24 26 4 11 1 1885 1883 1886 1889 1877 38 50 70 to Detroit, Mich. Page 439 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1881 1883 1886 1886 1889 1885 1886 1877 1884 1877 1887 1882 1879 1889 1884 1876 1884 1886 1889 1889 1885 1885 1879 1882 1880 1889 1881 1884 1886 1888 1881 1885 1885 1887 1887 1886 1882 1877 1886 1889 1888 1889 1889 Surname Tuttle Twaig Twamley Tweedle Twist Twist Twist Twist Twist Twitchell Twitchell Given Willis Jeremiah A. Patrick Libbie George George W. Oliver W. Tamar William Frank B. John E. Twomey Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyson Tytler Tytler Tytler Ude Uebel Uebel Uebel Uebel Uehlin Uehlin Uffendale Uhlig Ullrich Ulmstead Ulrech Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrop Umpleby Umpleby Underdown Patrick T. Charles M. Ellen D., Mrs. Henry John John S. William William B. Wm. B. John H. Alexander Alexander D. Sophia August Frank Julianna Oscar Rosanna Andrew Louis Geo. Herman Moritz Q. M. Frederick Alois Frederick John Maria Peter N. Fred. George W. John Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 4 1879 5 1881 to Augusta, Mich. to Hamilton, Canada 1 29 1886 80 from city to Brockport 6 11 1886 67 from city to Brighton to Boston, Mass. to Fenelon Falls, Can. 7 10 1881 to Alexandria Bay to Belleville, Can. from city 1875 to Brighton to Buffalo 4 5 1889 26 to Canada to Kansas City, Mo. 2 3 1885 2 7 19 1882 28 1879 36 to Webster married John Walser to New York City 11 12 1883 83 to Irondequoit from city from city to Brockport to Germany from city from city to Germany 6 4 1881 9 6 1885 from city 78 to Berlin, Can. nd nd nd to Buffalo to Belleville, Can. Page 440 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1878 1881 1879 1879 1881 1879 1888 1886 1883 1884 1886 1888 1886 1885 1888 1886 1887 1877 1881 1885 1881 1881 1884 1883 1888 1877 1885 1876 1878 1888 1888 1882 1882 1889 1882 1883 1876 1880 1882 1884 1880 1877 1885 1883 1883 Surname Underhill Underhill Underhill Underwood Unklin Updike Updike Upham Upson Upson Upton Upton Upton Upton Upton Urlaub Urlaub Ursprung Ursprung Ursprung Uslar Uslar Usselman Utich Utman Vaessler Vaessler Vaessler Vaeth Vahue Vahue Valentine Valentine Valentine Valiquet Van Aken Van Allen Van Alstine Van Alstine Van Alstine Van Anda Van Anden Van Anden Van Antwerp Van Antwerp Given David James D. Robert L. Louis Jacob S. William Scott W., Jr. Frances George L. Simeon A. Abbott Charles O'D. Charles S. David Louisa R. Charles Fredericka Charles Henry Jacob J. Edward E. Ernst John John James T. Anna Max J. Otto Richard Frank Frederick C. Frank P. Vincent Vincent Louis P. Baron G. W. Irving Clarence Conrad Melbourne Carmi A. Charles H. Stephen M. Elizabeth John Month Day Year 4 Age Removed: to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to Bath to Detroit, Mich. 30 1880 to Long Pond to Windsor Beach 3 21 1886 67 from city from city to Webster to New York City to Spencerport 2 12 1885 68 to Kansas City, Mo. 3 12 13 1886 12 1886 62 55 from city to New York City 1 12 1885 34 to Bloomington, Ill. from city 12 4 12 1883 7 1883 53 5 12 11 22 1876 31 1884 1875 28 11 8 28 1887 8 1887 56 33 to New York City to Dubuque, Iowa to New York City to New York City to New York City from city to Syracuse to Watkins to Fairport 8 24 1881 from city from city from city to Torrington, Conn. 9 20 1882 to Detroit, Mich. Page 441 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1876 1883 1880 1877 1880 1885 1883 1878 1880 1876 1880 1883 1881 1889 1883 1877 1877 1884 1882 1876 Surname Van Arnam Van Auken Van Auker Van Auker Van Benthuysen Van Bergh Van Clief Van Clief Van De Carr Van De Carr Van De Lende Given Albert Edwin E. Edwin L. John Mary A. Marcus H. Harry James Norman M. Norman M. James C. Van De Linde Van De Linde Van De Watter Van Delinde Van Der Veere Van Deren Van Deren Van Derhaven Van Derwall Van Dolah Dennis C., Jr. Dennis C., Jr. Charles Dennis C., Jr. Cornelius A. David David G. Jacob H. Jacob William T. Month Day Year 12 12 4 Age Removed: to Michigan to New York 5 1882 15 1879 30 1877 to Toronto, Can. to New York City from city to Hamilton, Ont. to Canada to Cincinnati, Oh. to Rifle Range, Irondequoit to Irondequoit from city to Irondequoit to Ithaca to Geneva to Geneva from city 9 12 5 1881 1875 1879 Van Doorn Adrian to Grand Rapids, Mich. 1879 1889 1876 1879 1877 1879 1879 1879 1885 1878 1878 1877 1876 1885 1885 1884 1885 1884 1880 1878 Jennie John Marienus Conrad Robert F. E. Millard Charles Horace G. John C. Mary E. Peter W. Caroline Stowe James F. Charles W. A. P. Harmon Adrian John Lawson M. Myron C. to Grand Rapids, Mich. to Newark to Holland, Mich. to Canada to Sanborn to New York City to Auburn Van Doorn Van Doorn Van Doorn Van Dusen Van Dusen Van Duzee Van Dyke Van Dyke Van Epps Van Est Van Est Van Etten Van Etten Van Every Van Fleet Van Hees Van Heyl Van Heyl Van Hoesen Van Hoosen 7 10 26 1878 31 1884 74 to Windsor, Ont. to Windsor, Ont. 5 1876 1875 to Canada to Ohio 12 8 13 1883 13 1884 77 to Henrietta nd nd nd to Brockton, Mass. Page 442 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1885 1882 1880 1876 1876 1877 1876 1878 1878 1888 1878 1885 1885 1880 1881 1883 1881 1883 1880 1879 1885 1880 1883 1878 1877 1884 1884 1884 1885 1884 1883 1878 1881 1882 1880 1885 1879 1882 1879 1879 1876 1876 1880 Surname Van Hoosen Van Hooser Van Hooser Van Houghton Van Houte Van Houten Van Houten Van Houton Van Ingen Van Ingen Given Willard T. George W. Lilly Adeline Sarah Hettie Orilla James S. Bernard S. John V. Van Ingen Van Jura Van Laer Van Lare Van Leeren Van Lennep Van Malder Van Male Van Meter Van Namee Van Namee Van Ness Van Normin Van Roosbroak Van Schuyver Van Schuyver Van Sickler Van Stone Van Tassel Van Tuyl Van Tyne Van Tyne Van Tyne Van Tyne Van Velson Van Vlake Van Vleet Van Vliet Van Vliet Van Vliet Van Voorhis Van Vorst Van Vranken Van Winkle Mary A. Frank Marie A. Josiah Peter Henry M. Thomas John Witham P. Robert M. Sydney M. John G. Alfred John Elmira F. George J. Ferdinand Edwin D. Albert Lillis P., Mrs. H. Frank Matthias J. Theodore Theodore John John Charles W. Chauncey Morris Wm. B. Elvira Martha Clinton J. W. Month Day Year 6 2 9 Age Removed: to Fair Haven to Dansville to Jordan from city 17 1875 1876 1876 to Chicago, Ill. 11 12 30 1877 1 1877 married George I. Hall from city to Auburn from city to Fairport to New York City to Canada 11 26 1880 from city to New York City to Lowville to Troy from city from city 7 10 1877 to Chamois, Mo. from city to Syracuse to Syracuse 4 12 1885 2 2 1883 to Canandaigua to Kansas to California 1 9 10 1882 4 1879 to Waterloo to Michigan to Elmira to Galesburgh, Ill. 2 1878 1875 to Schenectady from city Page 443 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1885 1877 1879 1885 1876 1887 1880 1889 1889 1889 1886 1887 1876 1887 1888 1881 1887 1882 1888 1886 1888 1881 1889 1878 1883 1888 Surname Van Zandt Van Zandt Van Zandt Van Zandt Van Zandt Van Zandt Van Zandt VanAlmkerk VanAuken VanBergan VanBuskirk VanBuskirk Vance Vance Vance Given Irving W. John P. M. Newell M. Newell Nelson L. Nelson L. Romeo Herbert Albert Sarah Albert M. Elizabeth A. Hamilton John C. Julia Vance Vande Vandebrook VanDelinde VanDenBerg Vandenberg Vandenburgh Vander Hart Vanderbeck Vanderbeck Vanderbeck Margaret Polly John Dennis C. Charles E. Henry Sebastian Evert Andrew A. George W. Susan 1884 1884 1881 1879 1887 Vanderhave Vanderhave Vanderkalk Vandermark VanDermark Jennie Maurice J. Cornelius Cora Edward 1889 1887 1889 1878 1883 1883 VanDermark VanDermark Vanderslice Vandervoort Vanderwerf Vanderwerf Eunice May Lillie V. Jacob William Anthony J. Martin 1885 1889 1887 1887 VanDoorn VanDyne VanHoorebeke VanHooser Libbie S. Fred. Leon M. Isaac Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. to Williamson to New York City to Buffalo to Colorado from city to S. Greece from city to Syracuse 18 1889 84 to Clyde 12 1886 48 6 1876 7 1887 66 to New York City Month Day Year 3 12 4 3 married Wm. Bingham to Ontario 1 4 5 1882 7 1888 80 from city to Buffalo to Paterson, N. J. 4 3 29 1889 12 1878 42 to Michigan 1 31 1888 64 married Wm. C. Nicholia 1882 from city to Elmira 9 2 1886 married Ernest C. Ocorr to Honesdale, Pa. to Philadelphia, Pa. 2 23 1878 to Newark, N. J. 7 3 1882 married P. Chamberlain, Jr. to Washington, D. C. from city to Scottsville Page 444 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1888 1887 1888 1889 1889 1889 1886 1889 1889 1889 1888 1887 1886 1888 1889 1888 1887 1887 1877 1883 1888 1887 1889 1881 1878 1876 1886 1882 1884 1884 1881 1889 1887 1886 1886 1888 1878 1877 1887 1884 1877 1881 Surname VanHouten VanIngen VanIngen VanKeuren VanKorff VanKuren VanLieu VanMarter VanMeer VanNamee VanNorman VanOrman VanRoe VanSlyck VanSlyke VanSteenberg Vant VanVelson VanWas Varley Varney Varney Varney Vass Vaugh Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vaughan Vay Vay Vayo Veazie Veazie Vedder Vedder Vedder Vedder Vedder Veeder Given Erastus L. Arie Elizabeth A. Benjamin John Charles Andrew J. Joseph H. William A. James H. Adelbert Month Day Year 5 1 3 14 1888 29 1887 6 1888 4 14 1889 Age Removed: to Brighton 59 69 84 to Buffalo to Cortland to Watertown, Dak. from city to Canada 46 to Lockport married Fred. Schaffer, Canandaigua to Brooksville, Fla. Belle Jacob Adrian W. Wm. Ira Wm. L. James Charles Patrick Frank B. Geo. A. Jefferson Clarence H. Charles E. Charles S. Evan D. John W. Mabel Miranda A. Robert Sarah Fred. J. Lena R. Edgar D. Arthur H. Arthur H. Anna Frank W. Frank W. George W. Henry C. Augustus 11 3 6 6 1885 14 1888 11 1888 72 23 71 to Ithaca 3 2 22 1887 3 1887 39 56 from city 9 26 1883 to Honeoye Falls to St. Louis, Mo. to San Antonio, Tex. 5 9 1881 from city 8 17 1875 from city to Spring Creek, Mo. to Chicago, Ill. 9 13 1883 46 to Mt. Morris from city 5 11 1887 27 to Monroeville, Oh. from city from city to Henrietta to Avon to Boston, Mass. to Hamilton, Ont. to New York City 1 Page 445 20 1881 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1881 1888 1889 1878 1883 1879 1882 1885 1883 1876 1886 1886 1876 1881 1887 1886 1884 Surname Vegiard Velte Velte Verhoeven Verian Verleger Vernam Vernoy Vero Verplanck Versprelle Versprelle Versprelle Vessey Vetter Vetter Vetter Vialls Given Antoine Philip Philip J. August Richard August Mary J. Charles W. Frederick Elmer Edwin Henry T. Peter Charles Joseph W. Josephine Valentine Joseph L. 1886 1876 1879 1885 1879 1881 1882 1887 1880 1879 1882 1880 1888 1889 1882 1879 1880 1887 1881 1880 1877 1888 1876 1883 1883 1879 Vianco Vianco Vick Vick Vick Vick Vick Vick Vickerman Vickers Vickers Vickery Vickery Vickery Vickroy Viehman Viehman Viehmann Viele Viele Viergever Viergever Viergiver Viergiver Villeer Vincent Louise William J. Charles H. Edward C. W. George George A. James William H. William H. Mary A. Stephen J. Abraham Mary L. Nina John P. John, Jr. Louisa M. M. George John Platt C. Jacob Peter Daniel John Albert S. Clarence E. Age Removed: to Utica to Waterloo 10 1888 36 30 1888 61 to Hamilton, Ont. from city 20 1878 from city to Chicago, Ill. from city 1875 10 1886 60 29 1885 21 to England 10 1881 29 1887 64 27 1885 72 to Brockport married Harry Resegue 1875 from city to Greenfield, Mass. 23 1879 to Hoboken, N. J. 16 1882 11 1886 43 from city 12 1878 to Auburn 10 1879 to St. Louis, Mo. married E. W. Best from city to New York City to New York City 9 1886 25 from city 4 1879 11 1876 21 1887 71 1876 to Kansas to Chicago, Ill. from city Month Day Year 3 4 6 6 6 7 4 4 6 10 1 5 12 8 10 11 11 11 10 1 Page 446 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1883 1884 1884 1878 1889 1888 1884 1886 1888 1889 1886 1879 Surname Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vining Virgo Vivian Voelker Vogel Vogel Vogel Given Emma J. Francis E. George K. George W. B. John Orlin N. Charles J. Sidney D. James P. Joseph Augustus A. Henry C. Louis 1883 1882 1889 1882 1886 1887 1878 Vogler Vogler Vogt Vogt Vogt Vogt Vogt Augusta Wendeline Balthazer Frederick Louis J. Mary Peter 1889 1877 1889 1888 1882 1877 1887 1888 1883 1883 1888 1878 1881 1888 1876 1880 1879 1879 1887 1882 1884 1884 1876 Vohs Vohs Voigt Volk Volkert Volkhausen Volkmuth Volkmuth Volkmuth Voll Vollmer Voltz Voltz Voltz Voltz Voltz Von Koenitz Vonarx VonSchultes Vorce Vorce Vorhees Vosburgh Carrie William Henry Thomas Henry August Joseph Peter Simon Felix Henry Frederick J. Frederick J. Louis C. H. Valentine Valentine Otto Joseph Hugo Thomas Thomas J., Mrs. Egbert B. Month Day Year 12 Age Removed: to Henrietta to Canada to Batavia to Batavia 11 1877 to Buffalo to Cleveland, Oh. to Indianapolis, Ind. from city to Germany 10 nd 26 1888 nd nd 46 to California to Grand Rapids, Mich. 8 11 12 13 1881 1 1888 29 1881 to Wisconsin from city to Honeoye Falls married Frank Gleason to Chicago, Ill. from city to Oneonta 4 4 1882 from city 5 5 22 1887 22 1887 21 to Utica from city 4 10 1888 67 from city to Buffalo 12 1887 to Buffalo to Albany from city to Cincinnati, Oh. to Toronto, Can. to Cincinnati, Oh. from city 4 24 1884 from city Page 447 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1883 1888 1880 1876 1887 1888 1884 1889 1883 1886 1884 1887 1886 1876 1882 1879 1882 1889 1889 1880 1880 1882 1886 1886 1877 1889 1878 1882 1887 1886 1886 1886 1889 1880 1886 1883 1883 1883 1880 1881 1882 1888 1889 Surname Vosburgh Vosburgh Vosburgh Vosburgh Vosburgh Vose Vose Voss Voss Vosseler Vrooman Vrooman Wackerle Wackerman Wackerman Waddell Waddell Waddell Given Fillimore John L. Louie E. Mary C. Reuben Edward J. Frederick John H. Otto H. W. Martin Abram Thomas Gustave Claria John George Joseph Mary Waddell Wade Wadick Wadick Wadick Wadick Wadick Wadick Wadsworth Wadsworth Wadsworth Wagar Wagener Wager Wagg Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Mary Wm. James James A. James M. Michael Patrick C. William H. Caroline E. Joseph Whiting James L. George W. Julia Alvin M. August G. Charles Charles Charles W. Clarence L. Daniel Edward G. Ferdinand Fred. Frederic W. Frederick Month Day Year Age Removed: 7 10 1883 36 to Buffalo to Buffalo 4 1880 from city to Saratoga 9 10 1887 69 from city to Denver, Col. to Buffalo to Carthage from city 4 1 1887 24 4 22 1886 82 9 8 1875 3 1882 8 10 1878 3 7 1882 married A. W. Carmichael 2 6 1889 49 12 3 1879 to Toronto, Can. 5 13 1882 10 31 1885 28 to Denver, Col. to California 3 27 1889 75 to Middletown to Brooklyn 3 3 1887 50 to Boston, Mass. married William Iles to Atlanta, Ga. 12 23 1888 60 8 1879 to Canada to Chicago, Ill. to Ithaca from city 3 20 1880 5 22 1880 4 21 1881 from city 3 17 1889 32 Page 448 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1881 Wagner 1887 Wagner Given George George J. 1878 1876 1879 1881 1883 1888 1884 1884 1880 1880 1889 1877 1883 1876 1884 Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner George, Jr. Henry Henry C. Henry C. Henry C. Henry C. J. George, Jr. Jacob M. Jacob M., Jr. John John John E. John J. Josiah Lena 1886 1883 1887 1885 1879 1888 1886 1888 1878 1880 1886 1888 1877 1886 1883 1886 1888 1879 1876 1882 Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagoner Wagstaff Wagstaff Wagstaff Wagstaff Wah Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl Wail Wait Wait Maggie Maria L. Michael J. Paul Peter Sebastian William Frank E. Alfred J. Alfred J. Denman S. Denman S. Hong Frank B. John Michael Valentine Vercilla George D. Robert H. 1883 1887 1885 1889 1877 Wait Wake Wake Wakefield Wakefield Theodore Charles William J. George W. Wm. R. Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 10 1880 12 4 1886 22 to Gayville City, Dakota Terr. 1 1876 to Albion to Albion to Albion 4 21 1888 31 from city 6 24 1883 29 to New York City to Buffalo nd nd nd from city to Gates to Dewitt from city married Wm. Sweeting from city 6 25 1886 6 13 1879 8 6 9 1885 9 1888 56 from city from city 45 23 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Washington, D. C. to Buffalo from city from city to Penn Yan 1 8 5 4 11 2 26 1 6 3 1882 1885 1888 1879 1875 54 53 to Suspension Bridge to North Madison, Oh. 7 24 1886 72 to Toronto, Can. from city to London, Eng. Page 449 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1883 1878 1886 1886 1887 1884 1877 1885 1877 1879 1887 1889 1883 1887 1889 1886 1887 1888 1884 1884 1883 1887 1887 1888 1877 1884 1877 1883 1885 1884 1889 1883 1879 1887 1886 1886 1888 1881 1881 1888 1878 1881 1888 Surname Wakelee Wakelee Walbridge Walc Wald Wald Wald Waldele Walden Walder Waldert Waldron Waldvogel Wales Wales Waleson Waleson Waleson Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Given Abner Dolly George W. Matthias Alfred D. Gustave D. Mary, Mrs. John E. Wm. E. Gottlieb Lawrence John Christian Albert W. Lutheran A. Alida H. Gerard A. Henrietta J. Albert E. Angeline B. C. C. Charles Daniel S. Eliza Fannie W., Mrs. Fidelia Frances Franklin C. Frederick G. Geo. George Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker George H. Godfrey Henry Henry Horatio James H. Jennie John Leonard J. Mary A. William William J. William R. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 1880 7 11 1882 2 18 1878 nd nd nd nd nd nd to Fostoria, Oh. 8 1883 7 1876 to England from city 4 17 1879 10 27 1886 66 2 19 1889 58 4 3 1883 to Union Springs 1 14 1889 63 10 21 1885 64 married Frank Glinkie 5 24 1888 79 6 7 1884 65 from city to Kansas City, Mo. to Perry 6 2 1886 79 4 18 1888 85 to Battle Creek, Mich. to Springfield, Mo. to Dansville to Chicago, Ill. from city from city to Tacoma, Wash. Ter. to St. Paul, Minn. from city to Denver, Col. to New York City to Milwaukee, Wis. to Nunda 2 17 1881 to Burlington, Vt. to Nunda 5 26 1878 to Albion, Mich. 4 Page 450 8 1888 48 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1886 1881 1884 1883 1882 1886 1879 1876 1887 1880 1876 1885 1884 1876 1882 1888 1888 1884 1888 1878 1883 1881 1884 1879 1889 1887 1889 1879 1883 1885 1879 1879 1889 1881 1888 1885 1888 1885 1888 1887 1884 1878 1884 Surname Walker Walker Walkinshaw Walkup Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Waller Walling Walling Wallis Given Wm. H. Wm. H. M. John H. John R. Bridget Edward Henry W. Hugh James John Margaret Michael William P. Betsy Edward J. George A. George A., Mrs. Henry W. Hutchinson H. James E. John John John D. Lucy M. Moses Rhoday C., Mrs. Robert Robert Samuel Thomas Thomas William William William William L. Henry Mary A. Sampson W. Frederick Wallis Wallis Wallon Walls Walrath Frederick William Augustus J. John E. Silas Month Day Year 12 8 Age Removed: to London, Eng. to Milwaukee, Wis. to Hamilton, Canada from city 1882 11 1881 to Fairport from city 12 19 1875 8 12 11 5 2 1879 1875 12 1884 1 1884 from city 21 to Oshawa, Ont. to Buffalo to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Utica to Buffalo 1 4 6 19 1878 9 1883 12 1880 to Newburg 9 8 1878 to Buffalo to Australia 10 21 1888 2 7 2 3 1883 6 1884 13 1879 40 to Kendall 37 to Kendall to Buffalo 2 11 13 1881 21 1887 51 to Dearborn, Mich. 11 7 1887 65 to Brockport to San Francisco, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse 7 1 Page 451 2 1877 13 1884 37 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1879 1889 1876 1881 1882 1883 1883 1888 1888 1885 1881 1883 1877 1887 1883 1881 Surname Walrod Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walsh Walshe Given Frank N. Andrew Andrew P. Edward Eugene Frank George E. John John D. John K. John W. Michael Michael A. Sarah J. William Wm. John C. 1888 1877 1882 1876 1887 1886 1882 1882 1883 1886 1889 1885 1882 1888 1889 1885 1885 1884 1888 1879 1886 1881 1889 1887 1879 1884 1883 Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walter Walters Walters Walthelm Walton Walton Walton Walz Walz Walzer Walzer Walzer Wamback Wamback Wamback Charles E. Christian Gottlieb Jacob Jacob Jesse S. John John J. Joseph Lewis M. Margaret Nicholas Peter Della C. Mary A. Charles Henry N. John John Frank Matthias Henry John D. Orlow E. Andrew Andrew George Month Day Year 1 3 5 1879 23 1889 Age Removed: to Oswego 47 to Fairport to Clyde from city from city to Utica 9 18 1887 63 to Syracuse nd nd nd to New York City 9 22 1882 9 24 1886 to Medina 56 to Chicago, Ill. to Washington, D. C. to San Francisco, Cal. 2 7 1877 from city to Morris, Wis. 2 6 1887 42 to Ashland, Oregon 8 7 1881 from city to Clifton Springs from city 12 12 8 3 1888 9 1884 10 1881 85 75 to Buffalo to Newark 1 7 1885 to New York City to West Greece to Lakeside to Irondequoit 1 11 31 1886 21 1880 to Mumford to Irondequoit from city to Irondequoit to Michigan Page 452 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1881 1876 1878 1878 1879 1879 1880 1877 1877 1881 1885 1880 1885 1882 1878 1876 1878 1889 1886 1877 1882 1887 1884 1883 1883 1881 1889 1882 1881 1882 1885 1884 1876 1887 1876 1888 1884 1887 1882 1885 1879 1882 1877 1881 Surname Wamback Wamback Wambeck Wamp Wamsley Wamsley Wamsley Wander Wandersee Wandersee Wandersee Wandtke Wandtke Wandtke Wangman Wanmaker Wanzer Wanzer Wanzer Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Given Mary Matthias Jacob Christopher John Thomas Wm. H. Joseph Ferdinand Henry A. Martin Charles Herman Herman Joseph Frank F. Hustid C. Hustid C., Mrs. William H. Anna Burnett Catharine Charles E. Charles H. David Edward R. Frank R. Henry L. John Joseph B. Levi A. Marion A. Martha Michael Michael Mortimer S. Olivia Peter C. Robert H. Tobias Westell W. William William H. Wm. J. Hiram H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 1 1884 60 4 1880 to Chicago, Ill. to Greece to Ogden to Chili to Chili from city from city from city 2 19 1881 8 30 1884 34 11 10 1879 2 3 1885 33 to Albany from city 5 11 1876 5 1878 to Denver, Col. from city nd nd nd to Fairport to Los Angeles, Cal. from city 8 15 1882 from city to Colorado to Tacubaya, Mexico to California 9 5 1880 8 6 1881 married __ Ruskell 7 16 1883 81 1 13 1876 3 26 1887 76 to Buffalo 8 25 1887 78 4 1 1884 73 to England to Erie, Penn. to Williamson to Denver, Col. 11 28 1881 3 9 1877 6 1881 Page 453 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1876 Ward Given Thomas 1888 1879 1883 1879 1889 1877 1881 1889 1881 1888 1884 1889 1886 1882 1883 Warder Ware Ware Ware Ware Ware Warfield Warfield Warfield Warford Wark Wark Warncke Warne Warner Frederick Clinton J. Harriet Job B. Mary J. Wm. M. A. N. C. C. Richard N. Walter S. Frederick John F. Julius Sarah Alton G. 1885 1883 1877 1889 1887 1886 1884 1887 1876 1879 1883 1885 1883 1876 1885 1880 1886 1878 1882 1885 1886 1885 1888 1888 1888 1882 1877 Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warnstadt Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Annie M. Charles J. Daniel J., Jr. David R. Electa Francis D. Frank E. Frank E. Horatio G. J. Foster Judson W. Lottie E. Martin Mary A. Matthew G. Matthew G., Jr. Thornton A. William William C. William E. Albert A. Charles F. Edward K. J. Frank John S. Leonard Lois M. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Morough, Ireland to San Francisco, Cal. 10 26 1878 from city from city 5 8 8 1889 3 1876 57 3 4 1889 62 from city to California to Detroit, Mich. 5 5 1 25 1884 6 1889 11 1886 64 76 20 married John Laird to New York City married John Nevergood to New Jersey to Amherst, Oh. to Charlotte 3 6 1887 76 to Canada to New York City from city 2 11 1876 to Detroit, Mich. to Oneida to Geneva to Buffalo 10 12 1876 30 1884 85 to Connecticut to Springfield, Ill. 7 1877 to Parsons, Kan. 9 14 1884 24 to New York City to Utica 1 5 1888 62 to Elmira to Canada from city 10 Page 454 1876 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1882 1884 1888 1889 1886 1888 1889 1878 1885 1880 1882 1877 1885 1888 1879 1888 1876 1882 1876 1884 1888 1879 1883 1879 1885 1884 1888 1887 1881 1880 1876 1879 1886 1881 1876 1878 1889 1882 1884 1886 1886 1880 1886 1883 Surname Warren Warren Warren Warriner Warriner Warters Warters Warters Warth Wartinger Wartman Wartz Warwick Washburn Washburn Washburn Washburn Washburne Wasmer Waterman Waters Waters Waters Waterstraat Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watley Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Given Marion F., Miss Michael Thomas Edward S. Francis Fred. D. Robert M. Thomas Tobias Anthony Charles Frederick H. Louis R. Benjamin F. Daniel Edward S. Harold D. Fred. S. Rudolph Daniel M. Daniel Gilbert C. Peter John Eugene W. Francis B. John W. John W. Simon C. V. Charles J. Edward S. Eliphalet Frank A. George L. John H. Leonard A. Marshall E. Mary Nelson C. Robert N. Wesley W. Winfield S. Winfield S. Wm. D. Age Removed: to Europe from city 9 1884 55 to Potsdam 31 1889 72 to Kansas City, Mo. to Richmond, Mo. to Boston, Mass. to Syracuse 1884 22 from city to Chicago, Ill. to St. Louis, Mo. to Pittsford to Sioux Falls, Da. to Boston, Mass. to Denver, Col. 1875 from city from city 30 1884 69 to Little Falls to St. Paul, Minn. 4 1882 to Charleston, S. C. 1884 to Batavia to New York City 15 1886 69 from city to Denver, Col. to Theresa 6 1878 from city nd nd to Canada to New York 8 1889 72 13 1882 from city to New York City from city to Fairport to Fairport to Irondequoit Month Day Year 6 3 12 3 6 11 6 nd 5 3 Page 455 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1885 1884 1887 1877 1887 1879 1882 1885 1883 1884 1880 1886 1880 1883 1879 1884 1879 1880 1884 1879 1889 1886 1889 1889 1887 1877 1876 1876 1876 1883 1886 1877 1886 1886 1877 1882 1889 1884 1882 1877 1884 1883 1882 Surname Watson Watt Watt Watt Wattel Watters Watters Watters Watters Watters Watters Watts Watts Waugh Waugh Waugh Waugh Waugh Waugh Waugh Waugh Wauters Wauters Wauters Wauters Way Way Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayne Wayne Wayte Wayte Wayte Wayte Weadick Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver Webb Webb Given Wm. R. Henry Melville C. William J. William J. Ann Charles Frank George George D. Mary David S. Robert David Ellen J. John T. John T. Samuel Samuel Thomas William A. Frank John Leonard Mary Albert C. Calvin R. Francis John H. Michael Alonzo E. Frances E. Alfred E. Alfred E. Delia E. Wm. Edwin James M. Charles Harvey John Sally Zachariah Caroline George W. Month Day Year 1 4 2 3 12 9 9 31 1877 1887 1879 1882 Age Removed: to Canada to Bradford, Canada from city to Buffalo 70 from city to Auburn 8 4 1883 59 to Williamsport, Pa. to Buffalo 12 1 25 1879 18 1883 to Syracuse to Ohio to Canada 10 12 28 1879 2 1883 54 from city to Irondequoit from city from city from city 6 3 13 1887 1877 86 to Parma to Parma to Parma from city to Boston, Mass. from city to Minneapolis, Minn. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Erie, Pa. 5 12 1882 to Batavia from city to Toronto, Can. 2 1877 to Syracuse 9 16 1882 to New York City Page 456 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1887 1888 1878 1886 Webb Webb Webb Webb Grace L. Helen L. Henry Hyatt E. 1889 1883 1883 1880 1889 1884 1884 1888 1886 1878 1881 1882 1889 1881 1882 1883 1888 1882 1881 1884 1881 1880 1877 1883 1877 1876 1879 1882 1887 1885 1888 1888 1889 1886 1881 1880 1877 1882 1884 Webb Webb Webb Webb Webber Webber Webber Webber Webber Webber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Ida L. James R. John D. Mary A. Byron C. Edward W. G. Clinton George C. James B. Julia A., Miss Albert J. Aloise Anthony Benedict Charles B. Christian Conrad Frederick Geo. A. George George F. Henry G. Jacob Jacob James John John John John John G. John G. John G. Joseph A. Kate Lawrence Lawrence, Jr. Martin Mary Nicholas Month Day Year 1 Age Removed: married Charles Naramore 1 1888 to Fitchburg, Mass. to El Paso, Texas married Edward D. Wesley to New York City to Lima 7 18 1879 to Canada to Chicago, Ill. from city to Buffalo 1 29 1886 25 to Sidney, Me. from city from city to Chicago, Ill. 4 14 1881 to Corning to Dundas, Can. to New York City 7 9 1881 2 9 1884 9 7 14 1879 19 1876 5 6 5 1877 11 1875 to New York City 39 from city to Prescott, Arizona to Chicago, Ill. to Toronto, Can. 1 9 1887 51 to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill to Chicago, Ill 11 9 1888 9 10 1880 32 from city to Auburn 1 2 6 Page 457 23 1877 22 1882 4 1883 50 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1880 1887 1881 1881 1883 1883 1883 1877 1888 1888 1886 1887 1885 1884 1888 Surname Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Webering Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Given Olivia Peter Peter Traugott F. William H. Charles H. Abraham H. Adarial E. Charles Charles E. Edward A. Edward P. Elizabeth Frank Frederick S. Harrison E. 1885 1888 1877 1888 1876 1876 1878 Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Hartwell C. Hugh B. Ludovico F. Rodney Susan E., Miss Theo. C. Theodore C., Mrs. 1877 1877 1886 1881 1883 1882 1882 1883 1885 1889 1883 1880 1877 1880 1878 1888 1886 1881 1887 1884 Webster Webster Webster Weckesser Wedd Wedge Weed Weed Weed Weed Weegar Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weese Wegman Wegman Wegman Wegman William William William H. Charles John Alfred H. Lewis E. Mary J. Mathew Thomas Frank C. Charles F. Luman C. Sylvester Willard A. Margaret Alphonso H. Andrew Andrew Ann Month Day Year Age Removed: 9 21 1882 to Oneida to Buffalo to New York City to Chicago, Ill. nd nd nd to Hamilton, Canada 4 20 1883 from city to Chicago, Ill 12 21 1887 33 to Wheaton, Ill. 7 14 1886 83 12 28 1884 25 to Washington, D. C. to Schenectady to Tarbell, Stutsman Co., Dak. Ter. to New York City to Buffalo to Buffalo to Albion, N.Y. to Rocklin, Cal. to California to San Francisco, Cal. to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Cleveland, Oh. to Texas from city to Syracuse 2 24 1883 from city to Michigan to Massena to Texas to Chicago to Aurora to Mt. Morris to Buffalo to Denver, Col. 7 19 1880 from city 10 Page 458 1883 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1888 1883 1887 1882 1886 1877 1877 1880 1886 1877 1882 1879 1877 1876 1886 1889 1888 Wegman Wegman Wegman Wegman Wegman Wehn Wehn Wehn Wehner Wehner Wehner Wehrle Weibans Weible Weible Weichbrodt Weicher Annie L. Emily Geo. J. Jacob Louis A. George George E. George L. Anthony S. Ignatz Polycarp Frederick W. August Jacob William August Frank B. 1879 1878 1880 1883 1883 1876 1877 1883 1882 1887 1888 1878 1886 1881 1887 1880 1879 1884 1884 1880 1879 1884 1885 1889 1886 1882 Weicher Weicher Weicher Weidel Weidemueller Weidemueller Weidemueller Weidenboerner Weidenboerner Weidenboerner Weidner Weidner Weier Weier Weigand Weigandt Weigel Weigel Weigel Weil Weiland Weiland Weilert Weilert Weilhamer Weinberg Jacob J. Nicholas G. Peter J. Herman Conrad Henry Rudolph August Joseph Leonard George John M. Frederick Herman F. Matthew Adolph Francis X. Henry S. Joseph Sampson Frank F. Joseph H. Fritz Otto John Abraham Age Removed: married Alexander Weber married F. Adelman 1886 35 1882 to Detroit, Mich. to Chicago, Ill to Chicago, Ill 1879 to Germany to Lockport 1882 to Jackson, Mich. from city 1875 to New York City 1888 31 1887 35 Month Day Year 10 1 20 4 12 10 3 13 8 7 12 15 13 to Carbonateville, Col. to Buffalo to Leadville, Col. to Milwaukee, Wis. 9 12 1882 to Henrietta to Buffalo to Cincinnati, Oh. to Cincinnati, Oh. 12 3 24 1886 22 1888 40 to New York City 11 24 1885 to Toronto, Canada 4 28 1887 73 to New York City 8 25 1878 from city 11 7 29 1883 20 1879 73 to Michigan from city 5 12 10 3 Page 459 23 1885 7 1888 1885 8 1882 25 63 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1889 1886 1876 1876 1884 1878 1889 1876 1883 1885 1879 1885 1884 1884 1888 1885 1882 1883 Surname Weinberg Weinberg Weingartner Weining Weinmann Weinsheimer Weinstein Weinstein Weinstein Weir Weir Weir Weir Weir Weir Weiriech Weis Weis Weis Given Jacob Marcus G. Catharine Frank Frank Theodore J. Edward Harris Rosa George John P. Maria Maria Samuel William J. Augusta Augustus Catharine Catharine 1879 1882 1879 1887 1887 1882 1886 1885 1882 1882 1878 1881 1889 Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Weis Charles Edward I. Elizabeth Frank H. George George W. George W. Kate E. Magdalena Margaret Nicholas Peter Peter 1879 1877 1888 1880 1879 1883 1879 1887 1881 Weis Weis Weiser Weishaar Weismon Weiss Weiss Weiss Weissmuller Rudolph R. William H. Julius Max Hugh Bennett Jules C. William H. Chas. 1886 Weissteiner Age Removed: to New York to Buffalo 1886 75 1876 1876 to Detroit, Mich. to Bement, Ill. to New York City to Cawley, Pa. 1882 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Chicago, Ill. to Washington, D. C. from city 1884 1887 43 1885 48 1882 1882 to Hughes, Arapatoe, Co., Col. from city 1879 1886 1887 31 from city to Gates 1885 61 1881 married Adam Klehr 1878 from city 1888 64 to Hughes, Arapatoe, Co., Col. to Watkins 1887 40 1879 to New York City to Westfield from city from city to New York City Month Day Year Alois 1 3 3 25 10 3 4 10 5 3 6 29 9 15 7 6 2 7 3 5 23 4 9 11 14 2 12 12 10 8 10 30 19 14 to Grand Rapids, Mich. Page 460 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1885 1888 1886 1884 1881 1882 1884 1876 1883 1885 1881 1877 1880 1884 1883 1884 1876 1885 1883 1889 1887 1880 1886 1880 1883 1883 1877 1888 1876 1876 1878 1877 1876 1879 1881 1889 1888 1887 1885 1878 1887 1878 1877 Surname Weitz Weitz Weitz Weitzel Weitzel Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Weld Weld Weldon Weldon Weldon Weldon Welker Welker Welker Welker Weller Weller Given Anthony Jacob Maggie Henry H., Jr. John N. Archelaus Charles F. Daniel Edward Edward E. Ellen Henry James James James John L. Martin Mary Michael Nellie Rose E. Thomas Thomas A. Thomas A. Timothy William J. Leon Roswell R. Albert George James Walter Andrew August Conrad Margaret Josephine H. Louis Weller Welles Wellington Wells Wells Wells William E. Frederick John R. A. Travis Delia H. Edward Month Day Year Age Removed: 8 7 1886 52 8 20 1884 58 married 9 7 1885 38 7 25 1884 58 5 9 1880 to Bellona 2 23 1884 68 from city to Cincinnati, Oh. married John Sullivan to Buffalo to Michigan 4 9 1880 5 17 1884 39 4 5 1883 to Detroit, Mich. from city from city from city married 11 1 1886 25 from city from city 11 15 1879 8 16 1882 to Lyndonville to Chicago, Ill to Chicago, Ill. to Greece to Greece 1 6 1878 11 1876 2 1876 9 18 1878 11 13 1880 from city from city to Burlington, Vermont from city to Toronto, Ont. to Ottawa, Kan. 5 28 1878 from city Page 461 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1887 1877 1880 1884 1886 1877 1884 1889 1882 1886 1887 1878 1886 1885 1888 1886 1888 1879 1888 1878 1882 1888 1876 1882 1886 1888 1884 1881 1877 1885 1879 1884 1884 1883 1887 1885 1880 1888 1886 1884 1889 1889 1889 1878 Surname Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Wells Welpe Welsh Welsh Welsh Welsher Welter Welter Welton Weltz Welzel Welzenbach Welzenback Wendelgass Wendell Wendfield Weniger Wenner Wenner Wentworth Wentworth Werden Werden Werder Werley Werndle Werndle Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Werner Given Henry James M. Jerome B. Mark Martha M. Oscar Wilbur E. Willard R. Ferdinand Johanna John Martin Edwin Jacob Nicholas Mary A. George George Joseph Rosina Constantine Lida Wm. F. Clara Daniel William H. Herbert D. James S. W. Walter S. John Stephen Frederick Otto Catherine Charles Frederich Frederick Gustav Herman John C. Julius Lena A. Louis Otto F. Month Day Year 9 Age Removed: to St. Louis, Mo. to Toledo, Oh. from city to Niagara Falls to Springfield, Mass. to Buffalo from city to Springfield, Mass. from city 6 1881 to Geneseo to Detroit, Mich. from city to Philadelphia, Pa. to Milwaukee, Wis. 10 24 1887 76 to Sheboygan, Mich. to Buffalo 3 7 6 1879 30 1888 from city 5 4 8 10 2 28 1 10 28 11 1881 1888 1875 1881 1886 26 27 1883 75 49 to Denver, Col. 6 from city to Canada from city to Buffalo to Hornellsville to Attica 7 2 4 3 4 6 20 14 1882 1887 1885 1880 70 74 to New York City from city to Detroit, Mich. 10 15 1888 42 10 9 1888 35 married Otto Betz to Syracuse Page 462 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1884 1879 1881 1887 1879 1889 1877 1879 1882 1881 1883 1888 1879 1887 1884 1878 1884 1883 1883 1888 1883 1883 1889 1883 1887 1887 1888 1887 1879 1878 1889 1886 1884 1878 1879 1880 1880 Surname Wernesfelder Werntle Werth Wescott Wescott Wesley Wesley Wesley Wesley Wessels West West West West West West West Westbury Westbury Westbury Westbury Westbury Westbury Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott Westcott Westerhold Westervelt Westervelt Westfall Westfall Westfall Westfall Westfall Given Atta Frederick Peter Benjamin R. Daniel P. Frank A. George B. William H. William H. Matthias Charles Fred. J. George George W. Robert W. William Wm. H. Charles T. David A. Edward J. James Mary William H. J. Hobart James Phebe B. Susan F. Warner Warner M. William W. Fred. Henry R. Ralph H. Arthur S. John R. Laura Lyman Wm. 1877 Westholmes 1881 Weston 1885 Weston Laurence Albert M. Geo. H. 1882 Weston 1889 Weth Nellie R. Charles J. Month Day Year 6 Age Removed: from city from city 30 1878 to Colorado 10 11 1886 78 from city 11 24 1888 30 to Black Hills to Rockford, Ill. 2 15 1882 to Chicago, Ill. to Syracuse from city to LeRoy to Lockport 6 27 1883 59 to Baldwinsville 7 13 1883 to Canada to Canada 1 12 23 1888 9 1882 66 to Toledo, Oh. to New York City 10 3 14 1882 18 1887 74 1 6 1888 55 to Rush to Boston to Irondequoit to Sandusky, Oh. to Taughannock Falls to New York City to Marion to Newark, N. J. to Waverly to Avon to Honeoye Falls to San Francisco, Cal. to Montreal, Can. to Guelph, Can. married Stephen Hondorf 6 Page 463 16 1888 30 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1885 1879 1880 1880 1887 1884 1877 1879 1878 1881 1886 1876 1883 1878 1882 1885 1876 1879 1877 1883 1880 1889 1883 1886 1888 1884 1889 1885 1883 1878 1877 1876 1889 1883 1881 1879 1877 1882 1886 1888 1885 1887 1882 1879 Surname Wetherbee Wetmore Wetmore Wetmore Wetmore Wettlin Wetzel Wevill Weyant Weyburn Weyburn Weyburn Weydeemiller Weyraugh Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whalen Whaley Whaling Whaples Whaples Wheat Wheat Wheater Wheaton Wheaton Wheaton Whedon Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Given Albert F. Curtis G. Eleanor R. Ethe J. Melancthon C. Frank D. Frances George S. Benjamin Lorenzo D. Venus Wm. M. N. Henry George J. Chas. Dennis George John Martin Mary Mary F. Patrick Thomas Thomas E. Thomas E. Timothy Timothy E. Anna A. James Calvin William M. Orin I. Solomon L. Della H. James P. Joseph Sanford Jane Albert Albert G. Amos Amsden E. Arthur M. Charles Cornelia M. Age Removed: to Boston, Mass. 1884 67 1879 from city 1879 to New York 1884 32 from city to Avon 1878 to Tiskilwa, Ill. 1885 40 from city to Cleveland, Oh. from city 1882 1884 20 from city 1879 1877 1883 1879 1888 69 from city from city 1888 56 1883 20 1888 to Albany 1883 from city from city from city to Denver, Col. from city 1881 to Niagara Falls 1877 from city 1885 58 1887 50 from city from city 1882 1879 Month Day Year 12 16 5 3 3 13 8 4 3 8 30 3 3 5 6 11 8 28 27 12 1 4 1 11 7 23 29 1 22 4 Page 464 4 21 1 7 14 21 4 3 4 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1885 1888 1886 1876 1884 1882 1885 1881 1889 1886 1877 1881 1879 1878 Surname Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheelock Whelan Whelan Whipple Given David L. Edward Frank A. Frank W. Helena M. Henry W. John J. John W. Louis A. Margaret William M. Russell A. James F. William B. Eleanor, Miss 1887 Whipple 1889 Whipple Isabella John B. 1876 1878 1879 1880 1878 1877 1888 1876 1884 1889 1888 1883 1887 1889 1889 1881 1886 1884 1887 1877 1881 1883 1881 1887 1882 1882 Marsh Phebe C. Phebe C. Sarah George E. Charles Charles L. Clark N. George V. H. George V. H. Harvey W. Helen C. Henry Joanna D. John E. John F. Julia A. Peter B. Peter B. Thomas H. Alonzo G. Elmer I. Emerson E. Harriet Solon A. Albert H. Whipple Whipple Whipple Whipple Whitaker Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb Whitcomb White Month Day 12 4 3 5 28 6 1 11 8 23 3 28 2 2 22 Year Age Removed: 1881 1885 41 1888 to Toronto, Can. to Rockford, Ill. to Canton 1881 1885 56 1880 1888 51 to Milwaukee, Wis. to Springfield, Mass. to Hillsdale, Mich. 1879 to California married Hiram H. Johnson to La Crosse, Wis. to San Francisco, Cal. to California 10 5 18 1878 29 1879 from city to Lexington, Ky. 4 2 1888 32 to Albany to Phelps to Phelps 7 13 1887 26 to Phelps nd 8 nd nd 10 1888 12 8 1880 85 from city to Greece to Great Valley 10 10 12 17 1886 1876 13 1880 47 to Springfield, Vt. to Springfield, Vt. 1 19 1887 67 to Detroit, Mich. to Canandaigua Page 465 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1884 1885 1878 1886 1884 1888 1876 1882 1884 1886 1879 1881 1883 1882 1887 1886 1878 1884 1877 1882 1882 1887 1882 1884 1878 1881 1878 1889 1889 1876 1886 1879 1889 1879 1879 1883 1887 1884 1876 1878 1888 1882 1877 1883 Surname White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Given Andrew C. Annie E. Augustus C. Franklin Charles C. Charles H. Charles J. Charles W. Clement A. David Edmund C. Elwood George E., Mrs. George F. Harlow B. Harry Henry E. Henry K. J. Charles James James C. Jane Jefferson H. John John A. John R. John W. Joseph Lettie Margaret Martha Mary Mary E., Mrs. Miranda C. Patrick Patrick Paul Peter W., Jr. Sanford D. Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas H. Thomas P. William C. Month Day Year Page 466 5 Age Removed: to Philadelphia married F. W. Cottrell 1885 from city to Syracuse to Uniontown, Pa. to Pultneyville 9 1875 from city from city to Pennsylvania 10 8 1878 to Chicago, Ill. to Detroit, Mich. to Newark, Oh. to Brighton 11 7 1885 63 to Cleveland, Oh. to Canada from city 8 11 28 1881 13 1881 to New York to Cincinnati, Oh. to Pittsford from city 12 3 29 1880 1878 10 12 1888 1876 19 1885 married George Wahl 9 55 83 to Montreal, Can. to California to Lyons from city 3 5 1882 to New York from city to Canandaigua to Chicago, Ill. to South Greece to Detroit, Mich. from city 8 1 1882 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname 1887 White Given William H. 1877 1879 1878 1882 1885 1883 White White White Whitehair Whitehair Whitehouse William M. Wm. Wm. W. Edward Wm. John 1888 1882 1885 1886 1877 1878 1880 1879 1883 1876 1884 1880 1888 1887 1884 1887 1883 1885 1889 1884 1877 1880 1882 1886 1881 1883 1877 1880 1880 1885 1887 1880 1887 1878 1879 1888 Whitehouse Whitelem Whitelock Whitelocke Whiteside Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whiting Whitlark Whitley Whitley Whitley Whitlock Whitman Whitman Whitmier Whitmore Whitmore Whitmore Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Mary B. Thomas N. Frederick C. William A. Albert L. Addison N. Albert David G. DuMont A. George Herbert E. John Samuel S. Sanford E. William S. William S. Willis P. Willis P. W. W. John P. Rachel Thomas J. Ira V. Mary, Mrs. Michael G. Charles M. Azel Charles E. Harriet A., Mrs. C. Clark Charles Cyrus H. David Elizabeth Frank Frank M. Month Day Year Age Removed: to Buffalo to Susquehannah, Pa. to Greece to Corning 7 4 29 1881 30 1885 59 to Brighton married Wallace A. Ocorr from city from city nd nd nd from city 6 15 1877 to Cohocton to Brooklyn to Buffalo to Illion to Buffalo to Cohocton 6 7 1 1888 3 1886 86 58 to Buffalo 10 22 1886 30 to Buffalo to Buffalo to Ann Arbor, Mich. to Montreal, Can. to Buffalo 11 9 1879 4 10 1885 from city 73 to Syracuse to Buffalo 1 8 1877 from city to Ithaca to Buffalo to Binghamton to Quincy, Ill. 5 4 1887 18 1878 76 to Chicago, Ill. to Penfield Page 467 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1876 1879 1885 1889 1887 1886 1884 1886 1886 1881 1876 1877 1884 1884 1884 1880 1886 1881 1879 1881 1889 1887 1882 1889 1888 1882 1888 1877 1880 1886 1888 1889 1876 1887 1889 1884 1888 1881 1887 1883 1888 1879 1882 1884 Surname Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whitney Whiton Whittemore Whittemore Whittemore Whittle Whittlesey Whittlesey Whittlesey Whittleton Whitworth Whitworth Whyland Whyland Whyte Whyte Whyte Wiborn Wiborn Wichmann Wick Wick Wick Wickes Wickham Wickham Wicks Widdowson Widemann Widemann Widgery Widgery Widman Widman Widman Widman Given George J. James H. Jane A. Julia Lois E. Oscar N. Samuel G. W. Wallace William Wm. P. George L. Charles S. Geo. H. George H. John Addie E. Franklin Henry C. Thomas Elizabeth Elizabeth Darius John L. George George Robert A. John John W. Theodore J. George Henry Tina, Mrs. Wm. Charles George W. Henry Thomas John B. John M. Annie James Christian George G. J. Charles John Month Day 12 31 9 4 7 28 2 3 8 Page 468 3 10 5 10 8 3 7 4 4 7 18 2 1 9 11 7 10 8 5 13 9 22 7 22 Year Age Removed: 1878 1875 1878 1885 1889 38 to Geneva from city to Wiscoy to Henrietta to Danbury, Conn. to Toronto, Can. to Boston, Mass. to Cambridge, Mass. to Boston, Mass. to Sayre, Pa. 1884 1879 to Greece to Ontario to Chicago, Ill. to Waterloo 1888 50 1886 75 to Irondequoit to Toronto, Canada from city 1882 to Chicago, Ill. 1876 to Michigan 1886 48 from city 1888 38 1875 from city to Cincinnati, Ohio 1883 72 from city 1880 to Galt, Canada to Hamilton, Canada 1887 79 from city to Detroit, Mich. 1883 61 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1877 1885 1883 1886 1881 1882 1888 1888 1881 1889 1882 1887 1882 1889 1885 1884 1884 1876 1887 1885 1879 1883 1878 1887 1884 1880 1878 1877 1883 1885 1886 1881 1885 1886 1887 1886 1886 1887 1885 Surname Widmer Widmer Widner Widner Widner Wiedeman Wiedeman Wiedemann Wiegand Wiegand Wieland Wielar Wielert Wiener Wier Wiesner Wiesseman Wietz Wigant Wiggins Wigney Wiland Wilber Wilber Wilbert Wilbert Wilberton Wilbor Wilbor Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur Wilckes Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox 1887 Wilcox 1876 Wilcox 1886 Wilcox Given Frederick Rudolph Hannah M. Jacob John George John, Jr. Michael George A. Julius Martin Joseph Frank Age Removed: from city 1885 64 to Philadelphia, Pa. 1885 1880 to Detroit, Mich. to Holyoke, Mass. 1888 79 to Chicago, Ill. 1889 to Pueblo, Col. to New York to New York City Month Day Year 2 28 10 4 17 2 20 3 28 married G. Gohmockel & rem. to NYC to Detroit, Mich. Ida Joseph H. Wolfgang Charles H. Charles William M. John William B. Darius Frank Frederick Joseph F. William Lawrence G. Albert D. George A. Esek P. Ezra D. Isaac E. Nathan P. Engelbert Cynthia Edwin L. Ernest D. Eugene W. Frank P. 5 31 1883 94 to Buffalo from city from city 5 25 1885 59 to Detroit, Mich. from city to Fairport 1 10 1887 70 from city to Cleveland, Oh. to Galesville, Wisc. to Batavia to Buffalo to San Jose, Cal. to Michigan 2 19 1881 to Trenton, N. J. from city 9 6 1886 88 to Wichita, Kan. to Erie, Pa. to Albion 12 Fred. P. Frederick H. Isaac A. 14 1884 21 to Grand Rapids, Mich. from city to Hamlin Page 469 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1882 1881 1884 1880 1885 1884 1884 1879 1888 1879 1876 1879 1885 1889 1888 1888 1878 1888 1878 1883 1888 Surname Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcoxen Wild Wild Wild Wild Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilder Wilding Given Jeremiah P. John Otis N. Seymour G. Wm. Frank Anthony John W. Rachel Thomas A. Carter Clarence Clarence H. Edwin M. Ellen Frances H. John LaFayette Louis De V. William A. Alice Month Day Year 4 7 6 1881 6 1883 Age Removed: to New York City 66 to Fairfield, Neb. to Chicago, Ill. to New York City 3 15 1884 26 to Toronto, Can. married 3 12 11 1879 1875 to Chicago, Ill. to Buffalo 6 2 8 5 1888 17 1887 5 1887 39 86 57 to East Newark to Greece to New York to Utica 5 14 1888 56 1889 Wilding John to Bowling Green, Ohio 1889 1882 1877 1878 1882 1883 1885 1886 1888 1887 1886 1883 1883 1878 1888 Wilding Wile Wile Wile Wile Wiles Wiles Wiley Wiley Wiley Wilferth Wilford Wilford Wilhelm Wilhelm Joseph Henry G. Isaac G. Louis G. Rosanna John Michael Frank Frank Frederick W. John A. Harriet L. John C. Christian Richard to Bowling Green, Ohio to Berlin, Germany 1889 1884 1884 1884 1881 Wilker Wilkes Wilkie Wilkie Wilkie Catherine George B. Frederick Mortimer Mortimer V. 7 2 9 1876 28 1878 10 1881 7 8 1884 to Chicago, Ill. 58 to Syracuse to Rome to Poughkeepsie 9 25 1885 71 to Wisconsin to Batavia from city to Brooklyn to San Francisco, California from city to New York City to New York City to New York City Page 470 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1882 1877 1879 1879 1876 1887 1883 1879 1886 1888 1880 1887 1878 1887 1881 1889 1876 1881 1886 1889 1886 1887 1883 1880 1889 1883 1880 1884 1883 1882 1887 1888 1878 1888 1885 1885 1876 1878 1883 1889 1876 1889 1888 1886 Surname Wilkin Wilkin Wilkin Wilkin Wilkin Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson Will Will Will Will Will Will Willard Willard Willard Willard Willard Willcox Willets Willett Willey Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Given Andrew J. Anna M. Elizabeth, Mrs. George A. Terrence D. Daniel Edward Fred. H. Richard P. Ann E. Carrie Hiram Joseph H. Richard J. William A. William C. William H. Albert Henry Henry Henry John H. Philip August Charlotte Clara A., Mrs. Daniel Mary A. John R. Manuel Phoebe L. V. Alice Annie M. Arthur L. Arthur R. Bennett Byron C. Charles A. Charles E. Charles F. Charles M. Clarke B. Daniel Edgerton R. Month Day Year Age Removed: 1 29 1881 10 25 1882 to Palmyra 2 27 1879 to Syracuse to Geneva 4 17 1887 52 to New York City to Buffalo to Chicago, Ill. to Denbigh, Can. 10 14 1879 to Palmyra 3 1878 to Michigan to Tarrytown to Greece from city to Titusville, Pa. to Germany 12 13 1888 34 to Erie, Pa. 2 16 1887 65 11 18 1882 from city 9 15 1888 43 to Buffalo to Hornellsville 7 29 1883 50 10 23 1882 5 1 1881 to Buffalo married to New York from city 12 20 1884 39 to Michigan to Newark to Warsaw to LeRoy to Brighton to Brooklyn to Corning from city to New York City Page 471 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1889 1887 1877 1883 1881 1883 1876 1883 1876 1878 1877 1877 1882 1884 1876 1882 1878 1882 1888 1881 1878 1884 1876 1889 1882 1883 1876 1877 1883 1876 1888 1887 1889 1885 1885 1889 1880 1884 1881 1885 1888 1877 1877 1877 Surname Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Given Elizabeth R. Francis C. Frank R. Frank W. George George D. George H. Grant Harriet Henry Henry E. I. Eugene James John John John C. John C. John E. John E. Justus N. Katie Lizzie J., Miss Margaret Marvin Marvin Michael Milan B. Otto G. Owen Richard, Jr. Samuel S. Simon Thomas F. Thomas H. W. A. Walter C. Wellington William William A. William D. William R. Wm D. Wm. Wm. Wm. H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 5 5 1883 to Corning from city to Lockport 8 16 1882 nd nd nd from city from city married Wm. Busby 11 1875 to Washington, D. C. from city from city from city 6 12 1883 36 to Dansville to Buffalo to Geneva to Medina to Vine Valley married Wm. Bauer to Seneca Falls 8 20 1883 32 from city 7 21 1888 22 5 14 1881 from city from city to Brockton, Mass. from city to Buffalo 8 10 1887 45 to Chicago, Ill. 12 28 1888 from city to New York City 4 7 1889 56 from city from city from city from city 3 29 1888 33 to Canandaigua from city from city Page 472 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1879 1878 1879 1879 1882 1882 1887 1883 1877 Surname Williams Williams Williams Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Given Abram G. John Laura M. Jane John Joseph D. Joseph S. Joseph S., Jr. Martin T. 1883 1876 1888 1886 1876 1888 1882 1882 1888 1884 1878 Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Williamson Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Mary Richard Richard Thomas W. Henry Walter Catharine Edmund P. Floyd James P. John 1886 1885 1887 1884 1886 1884 1880 1878 1876 1880 1886 1883 1884 1881 1887 1888 1885 1880 1886 1888 1888 1880 1888 Willis Willits Willits Willkens Willoby Willson Wilmot Wilmot Wilsey Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Rachael Hiram Samuel L. Louis Allen Julia C. Amos C. Sarah D. George Alfred C. Amanda B. Arabell Arthur Charles Charles Charles Charles A. Cornelius David Davis E. Eri F. Franklin E. T. Frederick J. Month Day Year Age Removed: 10 21 1878 to Canandaigua 3 9 1879 12 29 1878 from city to Williamsport, Pa. to Jersey City, N. J. to New York City to Pennsylvania married David Cooper from city 10 9 10 5 4 4 31 28 19 31 15 14 1887 1885 1875 1888 1882 1882 53 58 52 to Atlanta, Ga. 11 22 1883 from city married Fred. Kistenmacher 4 16 1885 74 from city from city from city to Iowa 4 3 2 1880 1878 to Syracuse from city 5 9 22 1885 14 1882 71 from city to Brockport 3 9 8 1887 24 1887 54 29 to Minneapolis, Minn. nd nd nd nd nd nd to Coal Creek, Col. to San Diego, Cal. to Greece 12 Page 473 21 1887 29 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1881 1880 1886 1883 1881 1885 1886 1881 1884 1883 1878 1883 1879 1884 1888 1877 1885 1877 1883 1876 1888 1882 1887 1888 1883 1881 1876 1880 1887 1881 1877 1886 1885 1885 1876 1886 1883 1889 1886 1884 1888 1879 1885 1882 Surname Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Given Frederick N. George W. Grace Harrison L. Henry Henry Henry Henry D. Henry P. Henry W. Herbert R. Howard L. James James James James A. James H. James T. James, Jr. John John John S. John S. Josepha Judson P. Nellie A. Samuel Month Day Year Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilton Wiltsie Wiltsie Wiltsie Winans Winans Winants Winchell Samuel Samuel Thomas Thomas J. Thomas, Jr. William William Wm. D. L., Rev. Wm. H. George Harvey S. Margaret Richard Hope John Frank C. Charles E. Page 474 11 8 1885 1 9 1886 9 7 1 1883 22 1887 12 13 1887 6 11 1880 Age Removed: to Troy, Mich. from city 64 to Fairport to Brockport to Washington Ter. 75 to LaCrosse, Wis. from city from city from city to Fairport to England 27 59 to Arkansas to Perry to Edinburgh, Pa. to Perry, Kansas from city to Buffalo to Washington, D. C. to Warsaw 37 to Chicago, Ill. from city to New Brunswick, N. J. 8 7 1886 70 from city to Arkansas from city to Yonkers 10 18 1884 44 from city to Wethersfield from city 2 18 1889 52 to Alexandria Bay from city to Buffalo to Avon to Kansas from city City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1883 1884 1884 1883 1886 1888 1885 1879 1887 1879 1879 1883 1880 1884 1884 1876 1885 1877 1877 1882 1881 1886 1884 1888 1885 1884 1876 1887 1883 1881 1887 1886 1887 1882 1883 1884 1887 1889 1888 1888 1888 1888 1887 Surname Winchester Winchester Winden Winden Wineridge Winfield Winfield Wing Wing Wing Wingate Winkelman Winkelman Winkelman Winkelman Winn Winn Winn Winnard Winser Winship Winslow Winslow Winslow Winstanley Winston Winter Winter Winter Winterkorn Winterkorn Wintermute Winterroth Winterroth Winters Winters Winters Wirley Wirsching Wirsching Wirt Wirtz Wirtz 1878 Wirtz Given Charles W. George D. Walter William Geo. Richard A. William J. Charlotte David Robert H. Wright George George, Jr. George, Jr. John Charlotte Harry A. Levi Alexander Edward C. Daniel W. John M. Lorenzo William N. James Sarah Henry Henry Simon John L. John L. Louis M. Alfred E. Sigmund John W. Silas Silas Benjamin, Jr. Frederick W. Gottlieb Maud Hannah, Mrs. Minnie Age Removed: to Buffalo from city 1884 24 to Pittsford to Kingston, Canada to Syracuse to Abilene, Kan. 1878 to Georgia to Mendon to Avon to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo 1884 1875 from city from city to Medina to Chicago, Ill. to W. Troy 1886 75 1884 82 to Brockport to Manchester, Eng. 1884 81 to Germany 1887 38 to Pittsford, Kansas to Chicago, Ill. to Chicago, Ill. to Michigan to Chicago, Ill. 1881 to Chicago, Ill. to Canada to Canada to Cleveland, Oh. to Knoxville, Tenn. to Knoxville, Tenn. to Minneapolis, Minn. to Charlotte married Jos. Visner Month Day Year William H. 1 13 9 19 1 12 15 3 6 23 2 6 7 1 13 12 23 to San Francisco, Cal. Page 475 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1880 1887 1886 1889 1887 1878 1889 1879 1883 1880 Surname Wischmeyer Wiseman Wiser Wisgickl Wisgickl Wishmeyer Wisner Wisner Wisser Wissman Given Bernard Isaac Edward B. Barbara Louis Edward Addison P. Minnie F. John Emma 1886 1881 1883 1883 1884 1876 1880 Wisson Witaschek Withall Withall Witham Witherell Witherspoon Ida M. Anton Lizzie M. William S. Fred. William Edward Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 26 1880 4 14 1887 70 to Wisconsin married H. Spahn to Dayton, Oh. to New Vienna, Ia. from city to Mt. Morris from city from city married Wm. Stevenson 8 1880 to Middletown, Conn. 5 21 1882 from city to Brockport to Waterbury, Conn. 1881 Witherspoon 1876 Withey 1884 Witmer Orlando Frank C. Jacob 1879 1885 1885 1888 1881 1883 1884 1877 Witter Witter Witter Witter Witter Witter Wittman Wittman Chas. F. Edwin N. Estelle M. George R. Mary, Miss William E. Albert William to Northumberland, Pa. to Parma to Parma to Middletown to Almond from city from city to Canada 1888 1881 1882 1883 1888 1876 Wittmann Witzel Witzel Witzel Witzigman Witzigman George Ambrose Henry William Caspar Matthias to Middlebury Cen. Pa. 1885 1879 1884 1876 1888 Wixsted Wixted Woelfel Woellert Woellert to Birmingham, Conn. 6 1875 to Oneida 3 3 29 1881 9 1882 8 8 1 1887 1875 to New York City 53 married Michael McHugh Mary Hugh Charles August Mary 11 20 1878 to Cleveland 3 10 Page 476 19 1876 2 1887 48 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year Surname Given 1880 Wohlgemuth 1885 Wohlrab 1878 Wohlrab Sarah A. John Max 1889 1881 1881 1881 1877 1878 1880 1879 1887 1887 1885 1888 1886 1880 1877 1879 1888 1887 1888 1887 Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolcott Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Calvin Orlando Clark George C. George P. Gertha Henry E. John John A. Wm. Andrew Anna Appalonia Charles J. Chas. G. Edward Frank, Jr. Godfrey B. Joseph Joseph A. Josephine 1886 1883 1885 1889 1889 1889 1884 1881 1883 1884 1882 1876 1876 1876 1876 1880 1889 1886 1876 Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolfe Wolferman Wolferman Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolff Wolford Wolford Wollenhaupt Wollf Wollf Wolters Wolters Wolven Wolz Margaret Peter Raimund Mary E. Casper John Adolph Jacob P. Minnie H. Wm. Andreas Joseph A. Wm. C. Elias Wm E. Charles F. Mary Henrietta E. Anthony Age Removed: married Daniel Leisenring 21 1885 46 2 1878 Month Day Year 2 5 to Seattle, Wash. Ter. 10 9 1880 from city 8 10 1880 to Penn Yan to Colorado from city to Ithaca 9 16 1886 31 from city 9 3 14 1844 28 1888 2 1880 70 66 to California from city from city to Buffalo 9 nd 16 1886 nd nd 5 6 1886 70 31 married John Waldner from city to California married 1 20 1889 51 to Toronto, Canada to New York City 10 1880 to Binghamton to Detroit, Mich. 3 6 1882 to New York City to Germany 10 8 2 1874 28 1875 27 1880 to Los Angeles, Cal. to Kingston to Chicago, Ill. Page 477 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1887 1877 1876 1883 1882 1884 1877 1886 1887 1883 1888 1880 1888 1884 1882 1879 1883 1880 1885 1886 1879 1877 1887 1882 1881 1882 1876 1881 1882 1888 1882 1884 1878 1884 1877 1883 1885 1883 1888 1880 1887 1878 1887 1883 Surname Wolz Wolz Wolz Wolz Wolz Wombwell Wooby Woock Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Given Anthony Anthony F. Frank Frank A. Sebastian Alfred Porter Louisa Albert J. Alvah Ambrose J. Andrew J. Caleb J. Carrie D. Charles M. Chas. S. Daniel David E. Edward A. Edwin J. Elijah L. Elizabeth Elizabeth F. Frank George F. George J. Hannah Henry J. Henry S. Hiram R. Isaac Isabella James S. James T. John John John Joseph Lovilla A. Luton Wood Wood Wood Wood Marion A. Mary Nathan Robert H. Month Day Year Age Removed: 4 21 1887 36 to San Francisco to Chicago, Ill. 3 31 1883 6 11 1882 1 1884 to Lyons to Lockport, Ill. to Omaha, Neb. to Henrietta from city to Milwaukee, Wis. 7 29 1887 68 to New York City from city 4 10 1879 10 27 1882 to Denver, Col. to New York City to Buffalo from city to Rush 8 22 1886 69 to Utica to St. Louis, Mo. from city 4 1 1876 2 24 1881 to Buffalo to Fairport to Bergen to Utica to Rhode Island to Irondequoit from city 1 11 1883 to England to Chicago, Ill. to Fairport 1 29 1880 married Fred. W. Smith to Providence, R. I. 6 19 1886 70 from city Page 478 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1876 1883 1881 1883 1884 1886 1884 1880 1887 1881 1880 1878 1889 1880 1884 1881 1881 1881 1884 1883 1876 1888 1884 1888 1886 1883 1882 1882 1886 1877 1886 1888 1880 1884 1876 1883 1876 1885 1879 1881 1882 1885 1888 1877 Surname Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodbeck Woodbridge Woodbury Woodbury Woodbury Woodbury Woodbury Woodcock Woodcock Woodcock Woodcock Wooddy Wooden Woodhall Woodhead Woodhouse Woodley Woodman Woodmansee Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woods Woods Woods Woods Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Given Samuel Silas Walter L. William A. William A. William C. William R. Wm. H. Maggie A. A. Anna Betsey Jonathan Marcus K. Willis E. Amos J. George A. Philip R. Sarah E. Claiborne A. Ransom William Joseph C. Geo. W. Alvin C. Henry Jos. P. Amelia Asa A. Charles E. Clark C. J. W. Mary J. Reuben Samuel R. Sarah R. Charles H. Elizabeth Franklin E. Thomas Alfred Charles E. Chester D. Edwin A. Eunice C. Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 5 1889 62 from city to Auburn from city to Charlotte to Chili from city 4 2 1884 62 8 1879 from city 12 4 1880 10 8 1879 7 5 1877 6 30 1888 61 to Pueblo, Col. 10 3 1883 63 9 5 1880 to Kendall married to Pendleton, Oregon 4 10 1883 8 4 1875 to England to Hull, Eng. to Buffalo to Boston, Mass. to Syracuse married O. M. Allen to Albion to Boston, Mass. to Buffalo from city 6 19 1888 64 9 1 1879 11 10 1883 67 to Michigan from city to Rush to Buffalo to Brighton to New York City from city to Mumford from city from city Page 479 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1881 1877 1877 1881 1889 1882 1886 1884 1881 1883 1876 1884 1878 1879 1881 1877 1880 1883 1888 1884 1884 1889 1879 1882 1888 1889 1876 1885 1882 1877 1888 1884 1887 1884 1881 1885 1880 1880 1881 1883 1889 1880 1882 Surname Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Given Eunice C. Herbert E. Ida F. Ira C. Ira C. Woodward Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woolf Woolworth Wooster Wootton Worcester Worcester Worcester Wordell Worden Worden Worden Workman Worrall Worrall Worsley Worthington Worthington Wortman Worts Wray Wray Wray Wrenn Wrenn Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Nellie E. Bell Charles A. Mary E. S. Samuel H. William A. William S. William S. Isaac Orin J. David John David F. Elwood Frances Frank Elmer D. Elmer D. Samuel C. Thomas George James L. Orville R. Philona Philona A. David Charles A. Henry Henry T. Louise S. John F. William P. Adeline Allison Anna Augustus Charles H. Edgar M. Edward Month Day Year Age Removed: 3 1886 72 from city to Washington, D. C. to Cleveland, Oh. from city married Herbert W. Brigham to Colorado to West Bath to Westfield, Mass. to Linden to Gates from city to Westfield, Mass. to Chicago, Ill. to Barnes' Corners 9 29 1880 to Iowa 1 17 1880 to New York City to New York City to Fairport from city from city from city to Peterboro', Can. 7 21 1887 to Elmira 7 15 1875 to Fowlerville, Mich. to Ogden from city to Boston, Mass. 4 22 1884 78 to Olean to Olean to Concordia, Kan. 10 11 1884 30 1 1879 11 2 1879 nd nd nd to Elmira to Albany from city from city Page 480 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1876 1889 1877 1877 1885 1877 1879 1883 1885 1887 1884 1881 1881 1889 1879 1879 1884 1889 Surname Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Given Eliza A. Elmer H. Frank S. Frederick Frederick Geo. W George George George W. George W. Harriet G. Henry Henry B. Henry B. James James D. John John C. 1887 1889 1877 1878 1884 1876 1886 1885 1881 1886 1882 1876 1888 1887 1882 1884 Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wrigley John J. John S. John W. Lucy Mary A. Philemon Thomas Thomas D. Thomas S. Van Ness T. W. Frederick William B. William H. Wm. H. Elizabeth Charles F. J. 1888 1889 1889 1885 1886 1884 1887 1877 1883 Wroth Wulle Wulle Wulle Wullschleger Wulschleger Wunder Wunder Wunder Jennie H. Caroline D. Fred Philip J. Jacob Jacob Henry W. J. John B. Matthias Month Day Year Age Removed: 2 16 1876 from city 5 9 1877 from city 10 22 1884 83 to Sodus Center nd nd nd 12 8 1882 to Delaware to N. Shrewsbury, Vt. 12 8 1883 51 2 20 1881 to Newark to Ithaca from city to Churchville from city 6 1889 to Burlington, Vermont 2 28 1889 85 to Brighton 3 12 13 1878 30 1883 11 9 1885 62 from city from city from city to New Jersey to Port Jervis to Buffalo to Buffalo to Buffalo 7 14 1881 to Buffalo married Nelson Burnap 3 23 1889 64 to Naples 11 28 1884 1885 58 from city 3 13 1887 21 to Cleveland, Oh. 7 Page 481 23 1882 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1889 1885 1883 1884 1883 1879 1885 1889 1885 1886 1885 1889 1876 1880 1877 1882 1888 1881 1877 1882 1879 1882 1879 1881 1879 1889 1881 1880 1882 1887 1889 1884 1886 1885 1889 1879 1880 1888 1884 1885 1889 1881 1882 1883 1887 Surname Wunderle Wundes Wundes Wunsch Wunsch Wunsch Wunsch Wurtz Wurtz Wyckhouse Wyckhouse Wyman Wyman Wyman Wyron Wyvell Yackle Yager Yager Yaggi Yaky Yaky Yale Yale Yancy Yantz Yarton Yates Yates Yauch Yauch Yauch Yauch Yauchzi Yauchzi Yauchzi Yauney Yawger Yawman Yawman Yawman Yawman Yawman Yeaman Yendes Given John August, Sr. Edward Charles Elizabeth John Theodore Charles Frederick James John Charles H. George W. George W. Charles Charles M. Maria Catherine Henry Jacob Charles W. Frederica Charles E. T. Smith E. L. Hannah Louis H. George Russell B. Agnes Arlington Jacob Martin Charles Charles John Lizzie, Miss Thomas H. John John Matthew Nicholas William William Candace A. Age Removed: to Canada to Zolling, Germany to Lockport 1883 30 1883 to Chicago, Ill. 1884 76 1888 1885 58 1886 to Irondequoit to Corinth to Geneva to Denver, Col. to Denmark, Europe to Wellsville to Honeoye Falls married to Buffalo 1881 1878 1882 to Fairport from city from city nd to Toledo, Ohio to England 1881 1887 80 from city 1883 1885 40 to Kansas City, Mo. to New York City 1878 from city to Savannah, Ga. 1884 36 to Cleveland, Ohio 1889 45 1881 from city from city to Cincinnati, Oh. Month Day Year 8 2 22 8 1 7 1 6 12 4 9 1 5 22 24 nd Page 482 5 nd 9 2 23 20 8 12 17 8 27 3 5 4 2 3 15 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1888 1878 1879 1882 1878 1885 1883 1879 1888 1876 1877 1880 1878 1882 1885 1882 1885 1887 1880 1885 1884 1882 1883 1885 1885 1886 Surname Yeoman Yeomans Yerkes Yestline Yocher Yockel York York York Yorkey Yorkey Yorkey Yorkey Yorkey Yorkey Yorkey Yotcy Youell Youle Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Given Jacob L. Edward M. Silas A. George Mary J. Charles, Jr. Catharine John H. Julia Charles David David David H. David H. Tryphena William A. Charles Henry DeWitt C. Adam Andrew A. Benjamin F. Catharine Catharine Charles E. Charles F. 1884 Young 1889 Young 1879 Young Clara L. Ebenezer Edward 1886 1887 1883 1878 1883 1876 1876 1887 1887 1888 1886 1888 1880 1886 Elizabeth Ella E. Emma Frank Frederick W. G. Wright Geo. M. George Isabella J. Austin Jacob Jacobine James James W. Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Month Day Year 8 12 1 1 3 9 6 1 1878 21 1881 1878 18 1885 1882 12 1879 24 1887 1875 Age Removed: to Cleveland, Oh. to Utica 23 52 to Syracuse 10 1879 to Buffalo to Auburn 1 25 1885 64 to Auburn to Kansas City, Mo. from city to Buffalo 7 13 1884 54 to Syracuse from city 5 9 29 1882 27 1884 50 to Geneva to Orlando, Fla. married T. W. Atkinson 1 15 1888 66 from city married Christian Speis to Buffalo 4 2 1883 from city to Riverside, Cal. to Chicago, Ill. to Philadelphia, Pa. to New York 4 1 1887 71 to Boston, Mass. from city 8 4 11 1887 30 1880 55 to New York City Page 483 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1886 1887 1884 1881 1878 1876 1884 1888 1885 1877 1884 1884 1881 1889 1887 1884 1878 1880 1878 1887 1882 1887 1879 1882 1889 1889 Surname Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Younger Youngman Youngman Youngs Youngs Youngs Youngs Yount Given John John John L. Joseph Joseph F. Lawrence Lewis P. Louis P. Maria Martin V. Robert Simon Stephen B. Willard F. William W. Wm. S. Frank P. J. Austin Charles F. George G. Gottleib Charles A. E. Fred Frank George B. Jacob 1885 1880 1887 1888 1888 Yung Zaches Zaches Zaches Zaches Carrie Dominick Frank L. John John B. 1888 1887 1889 1885 1889 1883 1881 1880 1881 1885 1878 1884 Zachmann Zahn Zahniser Zapf Zapf Zapf Zarges Zarp Zeeveld Zeeveld Zeiger Zeiner Ida W. Mary Charles M. Bertha Magdalena Valentine Otto John E. Jennie John Louis Jacob Month Day Year 7 Age Removed: to Burnside, Conn. to Kingston, Can. to Corning 1880 to Bath to Columbus, Oh. from city 6 1 9 3 6 10 18 4 3 9 21 20 1887 1885 1876 1884 1883 1880 24 64 71 28 to New York City to San Diego, Cal. from city to Sodus Centre to Syracuse to Chili to New York 2 16 1882 from city to Genesee to Sodus Point 1 5 15 1889 8 1889 24 married Gottlieb Dolbereiner to Sheldon Centre to Buffalo from city from city married Adam Sluchocka 9 5 1886 55 12 2 6 10 1884 15 1889 3 1881 52 76 from city to Brighton to Binghamton to Chicago, Ill. 2 4 1885 61 from city 9 Page 484 12 1883 68 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1878 1885 1881 1882 1888 1888 1886 1887 1880 1877 1876 1888 1883 1887 1888 1887 1881 1880 1889 1889 1883 1887 1880 1880 1883 1883 1887 1888 1886 1879 1887 1889 1885 1886 1888 1888 1888 1885 1886 1881 1880 1887 1884 1882 Surname Zeislein Zeislein Zeller Zeller Zeller Zeller Zeller Zeller Zellweger Zellweger Zendler Zern Zickgraf Zickgraf Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziegler Ziems Ziereis Zieres Zieres Zimbrich Zimmer Zimmer Zimmer Zimmer Zimmer Zimmer Zimmerman Zimmerman Given Caroline George Albert T. Alfred Jacob John Michael Paul J. Conrad J. Conrad, Jr. Christian Otto Ignatius John Bernard Catherine Clarence Frederick E. Henry Henry C. Henry L. Jacob Johanna John John John John E. Julius Louis, Jr. Magdalene Margaret Otto O. Frederick Francis Jacob Nettie Frederick Frederick George Henry John Peter Peter Frederick C. George Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 5 1883 63 5 22 1878 to Philadelphia, Pa. to Germany to Chicago, Ill. to Boston, Mass. 5 12 1887 to St. Louis, Mo. 9 24 1886 69 to Denver, Col. to New York City to Germany 3 1 1888 68 to Dakota to New York 4 13 1888 78 to New York 8 19 1880 from city 9 29 1888 39 1 20 1889 24 4 22 1883 9 5 1886 65 5 9 1879 12 4 1880 to Syracuse to Toronto 9 27 1886 29 10 2 1887 2 22 1886 86 2 13 1879 4 20 1887 22 7 23 1888 75 to England 9 29 1885 68 3 30 1888 70 to Buffalo 1 31 1888 78 from city 11 26 1885 22 12 31 1880 to Philadelphia, Pa. 2 1 1887 from city 5 19 1881 Page 485 City Directory Death Dates, Removed To, and Marriages 1876 - 1889 Dir. Year 1884 1882 1879 1885 1887 1882 1886 1881 1876 1882 1885 1877 1882 1886 1886 1876 1889 1884 1885 1884 1889 1882 1884 1887 1885 1877 1883 1879 1889 1880 1889 1881 1887 1883 1886 1887 1884 1878 1880 Surname Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman Zink Zink Zink Zoller Zoller Zoller Zoller Zoller Zonneville Zonneville Zonnevylle Zonneyville Zorn Zorn Zorn Zornow Zorsch Zoschke Zuber Zuber Zugelder Zugelder Zugelder Zühlke Given George John Lavina Louise Wm. H. Agatha Frances Frederick Abram Charles C. Daniel Jacob Joseph Edward Michael F. Isaac John H. Charles Charles George Mary August F. Charles John Joseph Fred. G. Josephine Leonard Gottlieb Zukoert Zurck Zwack Zweibel Zweifel Zweigle Zweigle Zweigle Zweisig Zweizig Barbara August Joseph Beatrice George George L., Jr. Josephine Wm. Joseph Catharine Month Day Year Age Removed: 12 22 1883 50 to Palmyra 3 7 1879 married J. G. Mears to Richmond, Va. 7 26 1881 12 10 1885 63 10 16 1880 to Hammond to Oshkosh, Wis. 6 17 1884 59 from city 3 3 1882 to Pittsford to California from city 5 2 1889 59 11 1883 2 14 1885 70 12 1 1883 29 married Fritz Breme 9 24 1881 1883 to Chili to Wellington, Kan. to Georgia to Denver, Col. to Denver, Col. 8 25 1888 52 married Joseph Glasser 3 27 1889 58 from city from city to South Bend, Ind to Penn Yan married Henry Frey 11 19 1883 34 6 29 1877 5 14 1879 Page 486
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