Current Listing of American Association of Blood Banks Accredited
Current Listing of American Association of Blood Banks Accredited
Page 1 of3 Accredited Parentage Testing Facilities Sea rch the site 8, 0 ) j BB M:;J::T:tK.:!n:,(.\.I'ea . AABB Mission AABB Consulting Services NBDRC National Blood Foundation Organization Overview ~~he~ Pl"?gralJ,15.and ~.~rvices . ::.. :'i- ::: :::::::H:: .:wo i <!About th~AABB AI: i\bou :::f3k> D~>r':,,~:~>iH<;:{:~:;"(~~ Bbt)<J Mark:::.tpbt:t:: '::' ::',:i:"::(:, ;;.::,:::0::::":,":: j)~ ::: ;::::c: or:: r;'i'-,~b!i"i::::'I"i,~::i; N(,~'>'I:tk:t"~~:f'~ F'H~":>fD;:;.m ~":<'.~ H.",>, C.,.:.m.:,'''.U'; H::'~~":i: AABB Accredited Parentage Testing Facilities American Association of Blood Banks Updated August 17, 2004 ~:~~ountry) II CANADA IICity I IIVita-Med Laboratories IIMarkham, Ontario I I II II I I CANADA I I I I Company Inc. Genetrack Biolabs Inc.! Genex Diagnostics Vancouver, BC I I II II I IUK Ilcelimark Diagnostics IIAbingdon, Oxfordshire I I II II I D Laboratory Immunogenetics/DNA Diagnostic Universityof Alabamaat Birmingham L I II IAZ II Blood Systems I Laboratories II II ICA II LongBeachGeneticsEsoterix II I Tempe I II I ~~~ry Kern County Regional Criminalistics CA I II ICA I Birmingham I Genetic Profiles I II II II IIN IICentral Indiana Regional Blood Center II I II II Inc. ~~~~ I II RanchoDominguez I Technologies, I San Diego I' I I Indianapolis I I New Orleans ,ILA II ReliaGene II II II 'IMD IIBRT Laboratories, Inc. II IMD II Orchid IIGermantown I II II I I II II I Cellmark-Germantown II I I Baltimore I I 8/19/2004 Page 2 of 3 Accredited Parentage Testing Facilities IIlEast Lansing I II III I IMN IIMemorial Blood Centers of Minnesota IIIMinneapolis I I II III I IMO IIGenetic IIIGlencoe I IMO II Paternity IIIColumbia I I II III I IMS II I II III INC IILaboratory Corporation of America Holdings II I I II III I INJ Ilclinical Testing and Research, Inc. II Ridgewood I I II III I INM NewMexicoStateUniversity I'SWBIC Genetic Testing Laboratory I II INV II GenQuest I II IOH II DNA Diagnostics IOH IloNA IOH IIGenetica IOH IIOrchid I IMI II Orchid I GeneScreen East Lansing Technologies, Testing Inc. Corporation Legal Genetics, IIlocean Inc. Springs I I IBurlington I I - University of Nevada Testing kas Cruces II I I I II I IReno Center Laboratories I III Fairfield I III Cincinnati I I Ilcincinnati I I IIDayton I II III I IOK IIH. A. Chapman Institute of Medical Genetic I IITuisa I I II III I IRI II I II Iso II I II I II I ITN IIMolecUlar Pathology Laboratory III Maryville I ITN lIorchid Cellmark III Nashville I I II III I ITX II Center ]1 I Houston I ITX Illdentigene, Inc. IIHouston I I ITX II Orchid III Dallas I ITX II University II Ft. Worth I ITX IIBio Synthesis, II Lewisville I I II II I IUT IIDNAPaternityLabof Utah. JISalt Lake City I II 11 I I DNA Laboratories Inc GeneScreen Rhode Island Blood Center Identity Genetics, for Medical III Inc. Genetics-Dad TesFM GeneScreen of North Texas Inc. Providence I III I IIIBrookings I I I 8/19/2004 Accredited Parentage Testing Facilities Page 3 of3 IUT II I II IV A II Fairfax IVA IIcommonwealth I II IWA II Genelex I Sorenson Genomics II Salt Lake City II Identity Laboratories Biotechnologies, Inc I I II Fairfax I II Richmond I II I II Seattle I II II I IWI IIAmerican Red Cross Blood Services I II Madison I II II I Iwv I Corporation Center Marshall University Forensic Science I Huntington I Top Copyright @ 2004 AABB. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use I PrivacY Statement 8/19/2004 " . 01/28/02 MON 13:23 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH 'JAN-22-2002 09:47 INS COMMAND CENTER Office ofll1e Executive ++4 DAL ED 202 IaI U.s. Department of Justice Immigrationand NaturalizationService -~ HQADN 10/11 A55oI;iate COIIImiSIIoner 425 J Street NW Washington, DC ,20536 JAN 1 7 3J02 MEMORANDUM FOR REGIONAL DIRECTORS, DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. DIRECTOR, FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER, DIREC~TES~ FROM: f _A._~i&L SUBJECl': Executive Associate Commissioner Office ofField Operations Current List of American Assooiation o(BloOO Banks Accredited Parentage .TestinR Laboratories The attached memorandilm dated January 15, 2002. is effective immediatelyOn July 14, 2000, a memorandum entitled "Guidance on Parentage Testing for FamilyBased Immigrant Visa Petitions" was issued by the Office of Programs. Attached to 1hat memorandmn was a list of parentage testing laboratories that bad been accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) that was to be provided by Immigration and Naturalization Service (Service) offices to petitioners who Were required to undergo DNA testing to establish a claimed parental relationship. The AABB has recently updated the list of accredited parentage testing laboratories. This updated list (dated October 25, 2oot) is attached to this memorandum and should now be used by all Service offices. Attachments (3) 002 P.01/19 31115 4823 ~ 1/'";,.. . 01/28/02 MON 13:23 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH JAN-22-20I1I2 139:47 INS CClMMAND CENTER Offic:c ofthc 2xt:cuIlw DAL EDI +H 202305 4823 taJ003 P.02/1'3 U.S. Department ()fJustice Immigration and Naturalization Service HQADN AssocIate CoaImiuioaet 70/1.1 42' I Street NW Waahingtolt. DC 20536 JAN 15m MEMORANDUM FOR MICHAEL A. PEARSON EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF FlELD OPERATIONS FROM: . StuartAndersonlw-JL Executive Associate CommissionexOffice of Policy and Planning SUBJECT: Current list of American Association of Blood Banks Accredited Parentage Tcstina Labomtories The purpose of this memorandum. is to provide the Tmmigration and Naturalization SetVice (INS) field offices with the most cunent list of parentage testing labomrories that have been accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). On July 14, 2000, this offioe issued a memorandum entitled. "Guidance on Parentage Testing for Fami1y-Based Immigrant Visa Petitions" (attached. to this memorandum). The policy regarding DNA testing as a means of establishing a claimed parental relationship in immigration proceedings remains as delineated in that July 14,2000 memorandum. As was discussed in the July 14, 2000 memorandum, the AABB accredits parentagetesting laboratories fur a 2-year period. The AABB bas recently updated its list of accredited parentage laboratories. The current list of AABB accredited parentage testing laboratories. dated October 25,2001, is attaebed. This list ~sdjfferent fiom the list attached to the July 14,2000 memorandum (the list was dated October 7, 1999) and supercedes that list. The October 25) 2001 AAB8 list should now be provided by INS offices to petitioners whenever DNA testing is required. Questions regarding the appropriate parentage test to use to establish a claimed relationship or analysis of the test results may be directed to the parentage-testing laboratory selected by the petitioner. Service personnel with questions relating to this memorandum ~y contact Elizabeth N. Lee via cc:Mail. Attachments (2) n__.' 01/28/02 MON 13:23 FAX 214 767 7433 "-H RANDY NASH , DAL 2B2 '.' .. ;JRN-:-22-201212 EDI 31215 4823 IaI 004 P.03/19 INS COMMANDCENTER 09:48 I. i 88. =ON BB OF BLOOD BANKS . I Accredited I J?areut.ase Tes~tng Labcl3:a.toriea Oet:otaer 2S. 21101. AI. Rcaald T. l\I:CCm, P1ID niagLab. U of AI. HSC 22~ 1!I:ro:fessi.aaal ~G B\lll.din9" J.025 J.8a S1:2:cet, soueb Bi:nainghaOi, AL 35294-44:00 PhaDe: {20S).9S4-7~01 x; Pax: (305)-'34-4062 Terrazu::e a. Owen. fb1J Re1ix Biotech 635 Col1.1\1ibia Sb:eet ~ .es~minster. B.C. ~ V3K lA'l. Phope; (604}-$23-2945 X: ~: (604)-S2~-29'~ ~./ma i if I ! I ! j AZ RoberC BDd2:es, PbD Blood SyISt=eu19La:bo1:' 2~24 W. br. I J:nc . T~. AS 8S282 Pboue: (4~O)-C7S-5458 X: Fax. (480}-67S-102S CA Larl M. O~f:inger. Genescreeu, Db :rue: ~ (mL) - Sa.CZ'~ Pareat:aQe Test::izlg 7~7 ~t: Santbgat:e Dr. SUit:e E Saeramento. ell 951123 Phone: (916)-42~-4Z2S X: ~ax! (916}-428-3322 ". CA Joha A. 7.'addie;, Ph» LcmIJ Beach GeD8tias; Esof:eriK ::t384 B.. ~ac:i.f:i.c:a P1ac:e RanC1m ~,CA 90220 Pbaaee (~O)-'34-89DO X; OO~OQ pax: (310)-632-942' ~. CA Domas PbD G~d »xofll.ea <::I*Porat:i.on G122 ~ tidge $~ 20S San phgo, c1 92:L21 phgqe: (85,)-&23-Q840 X: ~: (858)-623-0842 Dr.. CA VexD.O)2,1.. KyJ.e, ctaief, xe= Oou=.y 1iI.eg1.aDa1. Cd.1UiDaUs~ LrIborato:z:y 1300 J.sth SQ'eet, noar Bakersfield. CA 9330:L-4519 Phaae: (661)-868-5676 X; hx: (661)-868-s>61S co Car~a M. wh:tz. tiLe co Dav:i.d. Lat:orra. phD 1U1al:ytica1 GeD.etie: TestingCet11:eX'.:me. 7808 c:he:rJ:y Creek Sout:.h. Drive i20J. :Denver , co 80231P.boDe : (303}-750-2023 X; Fax: (30]) -750-21.71 IN :DaD.a,.. \'laXJIIW:I..1m Ce:a.1:rCl~Tnr'l.:i~ aegi.ana1 .alacd. Center B1a./DNA ~t:m:y 3450 N- :tnM,.,..'WO"lis. IN 416208 Phoae: (317)-916-5237 X: Fax~ (317)-920-3284 ~ ellS at Bcmfils ~tiD:g ~ato:ry 117 Yosemi.1:e CircJ.e. 2nd :f1.aar ~ I CO 80230 X: PhOAQ: (303) -3'~-9000 Fax~ (303)-343-6666 8101 Glenbroak Road .. Bethesda, MD20814-2749 .. Phone: (301) 907-6977 Web site: .. EmaiI: [email protected] . Fax: (301)907-6895 -- - ------------- 01/28/02 MON 13:24 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH 1AN-22-2002 139:48 INS CXJ11AND CENTER ->-H DALEn 202 305 4823 ~005 P.04/19 :-.)' , kcred1~ ~tage 'l'estiDsr LA sudhir It. s:i.Dha., ~hD bliaGene, SS2S.~ , i Labc:n:atodes Xnc. St., SUite 101 )few Orleans. La. 70123 PbaDe: (800)-256-4106 X: PBx. (S~)-734-9787 I t t Oc::tabe%' 2S r 2001 ... Al.'9'in B. 1:Ja'ri.s:n::t. lID am Uahoraee»:'il!S, Ine. h~t:age 'J:esti.ala BOO!lun~ Ave. Boatau.. MA. 02:1.15-6399 phone: (617}-731.'&70X: 00310 ~: ($17)-278-3493 t I f 1 ! ~ . '! MD ~ R. WeDk. I!G) aT ~ratories, 3':nc. 400 tte&t Pr.mkJ::i.D. Street Baltitl\OX'e, 1m 2;1301 ~: (no) -225-9595 X: Fax: {410)-383-0938 HX :R. Scott:. Foeter Lif'ecode.s Co~- 9hD I HastLanSing Divisicm PCea.'tage 'l'est!.JIg 2947 ~ Pa¥'ktnly, S1d.te ;1.10 EaSt Lansinsr, 10: 48823 Phane: (511)-349-3890 X; FaX: (517)-349-6e'9 , . -, I t I \ ! - i NO Jan,ifer Ra)'DOlwa, PhD ce1:L1Da%kDi.aenOddca. IJ1c. 20273. Go1.dem:ad LaDeSUite120 Gerrl\Im~, MD, 2087~ P~E ~~ *' (30~)-42B-4S80X: (301)-.28-4877 01e4 1!. GQr1i!l.. lID Memor:l.a1 Jnaad ceuters of MiMeSota Uabpr:a~ Pat.m:mty 210" Pari: A-ve.. SOudl ~:l8. MR' 55404 Pboae: (612)~8'1-3300 X: ~: (512)-8'2-3689 I!IODi.udtax' X. Gavr1.1C1v, MD, JmD Testing C!An'poration Pat:e=ity 3501 Beft'yWDodDr. Columbiil., 1'10 65201 Phaae: (573)-4.~-994B X: ~: (S73)-6'2-9870 Me Jam.:!. E. mu:mcm., Genetic '.recbnologies, Inc. 1'0 Sox 242 Gleneoe. HO 63038 Pbcne: (636)-451-4363 X; ~: (636)-4S1-S~17 MS R..W. (BO) Scales, Me Wc:mBu:rkbardt:I Jr., Ph]) Saa1es tiologicaJ. Xoa:bar.J.tory, Dle. 220 Woodgate Dr1.v=, SoUth BJ:'8DdCl1'1,)IS 39042 Phone: (601)-B25-3211 X. Fax: (6'01) -825..1,4J:J. PhD MeJUcaJ. GeDeUc consu1tants Legal. GeDat:ias: 910 Wasbingto,a. Ave. Ocean Spxinga, ~QQe~ Pax: ItS 3$1564 (228)-872-3G80 X: (228) -872-1.833 01/28/02 MON 13:24 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH .JRN-22-2e02 1219:48 INS aM'1ANDCENTER +H DAL EDI IaJ 006 P.I2I5/19 2B2 3BS 4823 \'1 ;'1 Accredited Petten'Cage Testing LaboRt,odes ! j ! NY Stephen f j b. J , I.JbD 'le8t:.2..D&'azul ~GQrch, 30 WUsey ~ Clinical tidg'eWQQd, 31m' 074S0 Phm1e: (201)-6'52-2088 PBX: (800)-222-7&66X: (33G)-584~4894 St - i1ear, PbD GeDQaest: DID. AnaJ.ysis Laboratory 1tJ:d.".. of Nevada Sch,goJ, of Med.. ~664 IlL Vizginia St., Mailscop 320 Reno, 5V 89557-0046 Pbane;. (775)-784~4494 X! Fax: (775)-784-1620 I ! . X: (201)-652-2775 OK Elizabeth PasIke, MD, PhD GeDetic:a m1A LaJ:cm.taries, ];DC. a740 I6:mtg'CIIIIC'Y~d CinciJmad., Q1I 4.5236 PboDe; (800)-433-684B X: ~! (513).'85-9983 oit. Maxk A. M:icaJ.e, Ph.D., F.A.C.M_G. Jfedical Col).ege of 0hiCI Mo~ecu1.R.r Biola DID. ProfiliDs IIIiIboratary em: Dr. ox Baber'C R.:i.chard F. Lee, 3355 em. ~ 3LYe. W. Al1cm, l'J:I1) K.A. ~apnum 1Dstituteof ~cal Schuste3:1l\ilD. Health Scieuce CtJ:' 4502 E. 41st TU1sa, OK- 74135 Phaae: ('18)-..60-3838X~ :tax: (91B)-S64-0!l96 PJtI) Mehcl:izad.ehkll\Sbi, J?h.D. A.R..C. B:J.00d. $e2:V. Pacific-N.W. 3J.3~ North VaDc!oUver Ave. pgrt:.l.aad, em 97227 . Phaae; {5D~)-28Q-0210 X! Pax; {50J)-290-J.483 G1endale 'J!Ol.edc. 011 43614-2.89 ~! (4~9)-381-SG36 X: ~; (4~9)-3e3-74.'2 .." .~ i :me. OK Cbmyl C:OZl1ey, pbJ) GeneS~, Inc. 569B springboJ:O Pike Dayton. os. 45449 P.nQQe; ('31)-294-0973 X. FaX; (937)-294-0511 mtA Diagnost.ies center . 205 c:ozporate ~. Pai:n:!e1d, em 45014 Phane: (800)-362-2368X: ~: (S~3)~BB1-7803 i 2.001 1iJ Lealie. IlK:JameIs IllaliCID.,»bD ~~~ory ~tiCID. of Amer:ica Holc:U:ass J.440 y~ Caart BKt:eDs:icm Burliugb011.)tQ 21211$ P~e2 Pax; OctobeJ:' 25, Region RI Caroly,n. Te y~, MD Rbode Islzmd 910011 Center 1.JC@t:age 'rest;iDs' Latxlra.i:m:y 4.05 ~ Street ~c!I.ea.ce, RJ: 02908 Phaae: (401)-~53-B3'OX: FaXt (401) -4.53-8857 Gc:~ct 01/28/02 MON 13:25 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH ~AN-22-2002 09=48 CENTER I NS COMMAND +H DAL EJJI 202 30S 4823 ~007 P.06/19 1. A<x:red:I.~ed l'ax'Im~ ~t:ing Laborat:ories OCt.obeX' 25, TN ~ A. Rub""'mi. ~.D. HoleClUlax- Pat::balogy x,aboratary ~24 2. ~ A-venue SD Ar1.a. L. 'SUs}1, Ph.D. :t~ti1:y Geue~ics. :I:nc:. 801. 32Ud Avenue ~, SD 57006 Phone I (6QS)-6'7-5300 X: Fax; (1&05)-697-5306 Muy\r:U.le. TJI '37804 X: p~; (a6S)-~80-9746 BaX: (86&)-380-9191 TN ~ < pJ3l) Mid:'o Doli "9'I'OBt:ics , IDe. (t.;i,fecodes 1400 iJoae1san Pike. Su:i.1:e A1S ~TiUe, 'niT 3'721.7 Pbane, (615)-3'0-5000 X: 00106 Pax: (61S}-360-S0D3 T.X; J. Arth1tt Bis~, . Co:.:p ) I:C1:'. P't. 3500 ~ Bowie D2vd. Port. worth, TX 710:1.0'1 Pbane: (B1?}-73S-SQ1.5 X; Fax: (817)-135-2424 TX RoDa.l.d c. BaxWic:k, phD GetlesC%:een 2600 - JJa] 9t:e!'IIIDOZ1d FMY sw.~B 13~ Dalla.s, ':nC 75207 Phcae; (UOO)ft7S2-2774X: ~I (214)-634-3322 PbD un:i.V. of N. T:It81th. Sc:i.. DmAIdfmUt:y 200:1. Wrth '1'XLauXa. G. ~, ~ :t~1:ise:ne. DlC!. 14.00 1'aJmiD. $ui.r.e 1250 B'Dus1:aa.,'l'Z 77054 ~~s: (8QO)-362-8973X: :hX~ (713)-798-953.5 TX Joseph K- Wazreu, Pbt) Bio In.c. 1&12];I. MaiD $1:. Le.w:i..svi.J.1.e, TX 7S0S7 Phcne~ (BOQ)-~27-0S21 X: F~: (972)-420-0442 tIT lteDbet:h 1Iard., 1m DIm. Diaanosc.ic 1.ab, tJDi'V'e1:'81c.yof Uta CAM'l BuildUIg 729 ArapaeD. Drive RoOIa 190 Salt La1te c::i.ty, UT 84J.08 Bhane; (801)-$81-8334X; :Fax < (8.0J.) .58S..38'6 VA D=u:u.e1.B. Demers. VA Douglas O~iverit PbD, FACI'1G COIIIIIlanwealth IliQceetmo1og:ies, Ine. 60. BiQtech Dri:ve R.i"~d. VA 23235 X: PJ1onc~' (800) -735-9224 , : Pairiag ~iC8 302S ~ P'airtax. Pbane: Fax: Ph]) IdeAtibyIaaboS'II~IiIIS and. :tVF II1sti.tut:e C~. suite'203 VA 22031 (703)-698-3919 ~: (703)-204-91.25 Pax: (804)-64B-264~ +-H 01/28/02 MON 13:25 FAX 214 767 7433 RANDY NASH JRN-22-2002 09:48 INS aJ'I'IRND CENTER ["- DAL EXJI 202 305 4823 - .A~dited Parent:.age '.t'e8t:ing :Iaaboratories OC!~ober 25 I 2001 ~J:- A..J. B:Lbbard. Me Amer.Lcan Red ~ Badgar-~ 4B60 Sheboygan Ave. PO BOX 5905 IfadiSOl1. WZ- 53'705~090S ~: (EOOB)-227-J.23"9 X: Pax: (608)-233-1857 TOtaJ. == 43 ~. PbD Dyuac;:a:re JIro"btfeat, I'n.c:. Holec:u.1ar B:i;"""BY napt. :L329 lladisau. St.e 500 Seattl.e, 11IIA981Q4 ~Q: (206)-381-2824 X; ~1 (206)~386-269S TilADr. tia Aal"""""'I!I, PbD Genele:x: ~1:ia 32277 1.34tb Couxt NB sw.t:e 130 Ri.c:1mJtmd. NA ,SQS2 PhDnlu (425) -8~-:UnD X! ~: (4Z5)-825-1810 WA 1tI::i.Scetl &LA Lab ~008 P.07/19
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