Distance Presential» Learning
Distance Presential» Learning
« Distance Presential» Learning : Pedagogical Model Elaborated for the EISIS Master and Applied to other Curriculums - A focus on quality criteria Dr Jean-Charles DUFOUR – MD, PhD Pr Roch GIORGI – MD, PhD SESSTIM, UMR 912 (Inserm/IRD/Aix-Marseille Université) [email protected] “Tempus Project DL@Web” meeting – Tuesday, June 12th EISIS Master of Public Health: introduction Expertise and Engineering of Health Information Systems Main Objective : Increase skills and knowledge required to the engineering of HIS Technologies and methods used in the HIS Utilization of medical knowledge (data mining, biostatistics, network in medicine, decision support systems, …) Project management Target audience Health care professionals Managers Engineers … Jean-Charles DUFOUR Management/participation to the setting up of HIS 2 EISIS Master : content, teachers, IT skills Give a broad vision and overcome the partitioning of fields relevant to the implementation of HIS Medical and economic aspects Quality management Biostatistics methodologies Communication Informatics Teachers (and students) are not necessarily experts or even familiar with the IT used for teaching GUIDELINES AND TRAINING ARE REQUIRED Jean-Charles DUFOUR 3 Knowledge engineering EISIS ID Born in 2004 thanks to Pr M. Fieschi and his team More than 200 candidates a year Last year’s class 76 students 20 countries Supported by the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) Management of registration fees for distant students Study grants Organization of examinations in distant centers Organization and infrastructure facilities are major issues COORDINATION, PLANNING AND FOLLOW-UP ARE THE KEY POINTS 4 Jean-Charles DUFOUR 4 EISIS Master : the same model for each teaching unit 27 teaching units, each unit is composed of : Lecture Workshop, directed teaching Tutored home work 20 to 30 hours 30 to 40 hours Standalone home work 2 internships in a company/health structure (2 and 3 months) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 5 Pedagogical model Go beyond the usual gap between presential (face to face) and distance learning Provide the advantages of presential learning to distance students Distance learning which associates: 1. 2. Lessons (synchronous communication mode) Students connected to the webconference ‘virtual’ classroom +/- students physically present in the ‘real’ classroom Pedagogical activities (asynchronous mode) Jean-Charles DUFOUR Students connected to the eLearning platform (moodle) 6 Services/applications integration via the Digital Working Environment of the University email directory scientificEnvironment literature : Digital Working Online course : Web integration of several resources & pedagogical activities personnalized applications (course material, forums, quizzes, homework, …) Jean-Charles DUFOUR agenda WebConference (google) (adobe connect) 7 Synchronous communication mode : Webconference Bidirectional communication (students, teacher) Used for : Lessons Practical courses Tutoring Oral defence / examination Internship follow-up Jean-Charles DUFOUR 8 Synchronous communication mode : Webconference Technical aspects A basic Internet connexion is sufficient (>128kps) Works with a classic Internet browser No software installation nor plugin setup is required Organizational aspects No more problem with classroom booking No more problem with the geographical localisation of students/teachers (travel, visa, stay cost, …) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 9 Asynchronous communication mode : DWT Asynchronous pedagogical activities and resources One Teaching Unit = One online course (moodle) Each online course is structured according to the same model : One header 2 to 6 topics (sections with pedagogical contents) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 10 Header Identification of : teaching unit, curriculum, directors of studies Web link to the complete master planning Description of the pedagogical objectives of the unit Contact information about : unit coordinator, teachers, tutors Course forum Private forum for teachers Web link to the virtual classroom (webconf) Planning of the webconf Each topic is structured with 5 sub-sections Title of the topic and teacher’s name Course material Training pedagogical activities (not used for notation of the student) Self evaluation Pedagogical activities (used for notation of the student) Various resources for further information Teaching board for each unit Coordinator Elaboration of the detailed contents of the TU Selection and coordination of teachers and tutors Management of the online course (topics, tests, homework, schedule,…) Teacher Elaboration, management, updating of the course material Participation to the forum (initiates, replies) Tutor Supports and listens to students, follows forum, ... Preparation and correction of some homework, exercises Jean-Charles DUFOUR 13 Quality assessment : student surveys Continuous assessment of each teaching unit with a specific and anonymous questionnaire : COLLES (Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey) which measures 6 topics Relevance Reflection Interactivity Tutor support Peer support Interpretation Jean-Charles DUFOUR 14 Quality assessment : comments on alumni web directory and spontaneous feedback from students Despite some constraints Webconf scheduled at specific times (without recording authorization) Difficult local conditions (Africa bad quality of the Internet connexion, power cuts, political events,…) …Web Conferencing is widely approved by students Lessons are always adapted to the audience Quality and spontaneity of interactions Feeling of belonging to a group Teacher proximity (and for some : feel free to interact directly with the teacher) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 15 Since 2004 this model has been applied to other curriculums 4 University Degrees Information and Medical Informatics Evidence Based Medicine Management of the Medical Information Biostatistics and methodologies for biomedical research 2 Master in Public Health (2012) Econometrics and Quantitative Methods for Health Research Public Health, Society, Development Jean-Charles DUFOUR 16 What we knew before … … and has been borne out by the facts Motivation, training and institutional support for teachers (and students) is a prerequi (but is not enough) Technologies are required but not only. Above all an Information System is a necessary (but is not enough) A rigorous pedagogical and administrative organization is crucial (but is not enough) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 17 What we have done We have waited for an institutional platform and have built our curriculums on it (formation, technical support, political support,…) We have : Written and detailed a great number of procedures (conduct of examination, code for tutors, basic guidelines for Webconference, DWE email and forum, writing and uploading homework, …) Informed and reminded teachers and tutors about our pedagogical logics Elaborated, standardized and applied the same model to all teaching units Jean-Charles DUFOUR 18 Lessons learned Impose timings in order to boost the group Regularly appeal to students (during web conferences, using forum, homework,…) Tutoring is a good idea to support students and to relieve teachers from some constraints (only under teachers’ direction) Jean-Charles DUFOUR 19 Conclusion This pedagogical model is well adapted to : Modulate synchronous and asynchronous interventions depending on the context (technical constraints of participants, knowledge to be acquired, level of comprehension of the students,…) Provide students with specific curriculums previously unattainable (geographical constraints, cost constraints,…) Keep in mind Jean-Charles DUFOUR Institutional Support, Organization, Infrastructure, Coordination, Comprehensive Guidelines and Procedures are Keywords 20 Thank you for your attention Dr Jean-Charles DUFOUR – MD, PhD SESSTIM, UMR 912 (Inserm/IRD/Aix-Marseille Université) [email protected] Jean-Charles DUFOUR 21
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