复件 环保英文版
复件 环保英文版
Issue 7 WWF-Yangtze Focal Project CONTENTS newsletter Dongting Season: The past six months witness the great progress on Dongting Lake's management and problem public awareness. WWF's lever actions tap off a commencement of Dongting Lake's Governor Integrated Management. Dongting Lake Management Legislation, Small Paper Mill Time Limited closed --only these two actions can landmark Dongting Lake's management. Down-Lead: In October 3-6, WWF associate Hunan People's Congress initiated 4 days around Dongting private investigation. Photographs and videos record the shocking sight of Dongting Lake's pollution, drought and illegal fishing. Due to the growing construction of dams on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and its tributaries, along with a long-lasting drought, the amount of water flowing into Dongting Lake in the summer of 2006 was considerably lower than usual. As a result, the concentration of pollutants in the lake has intensified. The main source of the pollution is Lakeland Industry, especially paper mills. 234 papermaking factories are now in operation near the lake. Beside two large ones which can produce more than 50,000 tons paper pulp per year, others are very small factories. Every year, factories clandestinely discharge more than 100 million tons of wastewater into the lake without meeting environmental protection standards. The pollution directly leads to the unprecedented deterioration of the Dongting's ecosystem; the fish population is falling. However, the fall in fish stocks cannot be totally attributed to the pollution of Dongting, indeed over fishing is fast becoming the main culprit. Fishermen have invented a new device, whereby bamboo sticks are thrust into the mud at the bottom of the lake, with nets fastened to them leading to a "dead corner". Each device can catch more than 500 kilograms of fish a night. In this investigation, WWF witness an “Asian's largest Fish Dead Corner” spans thousands mile thrust into bare riverbed. 1 Media's Mobilize and Follow The shocking photographs and videos took in the investigation helped WWF to vivid describe the problems happening in Dongting. In Oct. 10 2006. Only two days after WWF's investigation, Hunan ETV the highest audience rating TV station in Hunanissued series reports on Dongting Lake's problems using our digitals. The report heavyladened lots of environmentalist's heart, over 1,000 calls connect into ETV inquire about the pollution. In Oct. 18 2006. Tan Jian--a journalist of Xihuan News Agencywho is also our longtime partner, submit an intestine report about Dongting Lake's threaten to the State Council contains WWF's pictures and comments. In Oct 20 2006, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jianbao paid great attention on the report and issued an “ immediate order” to Hunan Government; charge them to give a solution and progress in time. On Jan 9th 12th, 2007 WWF organized four national important medium to Dongting Lake for its problem of pollution and drought. The media trip has resulted in great media coverage and the problem of Dong Ting Lake has attached important to the government. Till Feb, 13 clips have been collected from Chinese media (including many of China's top media and news services, such as Xinhua News Agency, China Youth Daily, The Beijing news and so on). Http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2007-01-29/065812165187.shtml Http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-01/27/content_5659974.html Http://news.163.com/07/0131/11/365O14B00001125G.html Http://news.thebeijingnews.com/0568/2007/01-31/[email protected] Governor Focus and Punchy Actions 1.Dongting Paper Mills Time Limited Close In October last year, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao asked the government departments concerned to find solutions for the environmental degradation of Dongting. As a result, local government officials were pressured to act. Hunan Government worked out “Three Step Plan” to close Dongting small paper mills. At the beginning of the year the Hunan provincial government shut down eight paper mills, in an attempt to tackle the catalogue of problems that Dongting faces. In April 2, the second phase of paper mills closing is finished. This time, 146 paper factories were shut down completely. By the end of 2007, the provincial government plans to close all paper mills that have a capacity of less than 50,000 tons. On the closure of small paper mills, Dongting Lake's industry pollution can have an essential melioration and follows can solve the problem of planting in Dongting area. 2.Dongting Conservation Legislation February 2, World Wetland Day, Very exciting news came from the TenthSession of the Fifth Hunan Provincial People's Congress (HPPC), Proposal on Dongting Lake's conservation legislating is finally put into Register. The News excited WWF Changsha office and those who's concerned about Dongting Lake. In the proposal, the delegate raised points of integrated manage Dongting Lake and punishing system of Dongting's devastation on local government. Chen Zhigang, the chief proposer said: “It is with essential importance to integrated manage Dongting Lake and prioritize its conservation. The work is not only to save our biodiversity and water resources but also a long-term economic friendly policy.” The Register will accelerate the legislation progress of Dongting Lake Management. 2 Wetland Ambassador Awarding Ceremony 2007 at the World Wetland Day A total of 21 college students participating in WWF's Wetland Ambassador environmental action were awarded as a part of WWF's celebration of the 11th World Wetland Day themed as Fish for Tomorrow. The winning students were selected out of tens of thousands of young people who took part in the Wetland Ambassador Action in 2006. Vice chairman Zhang Siqing of Chinese Peoples' Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Jia Zhibang, Director General of SFA were participated in the event and making speeches to the publics. The celebration, jointly organized with the Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the Chinese Peoples' Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), State Forestry Administration (SFA), the Ministry of Water Resources, the fisheries bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ramsar Convention Secretariat, focused on the this year's theme with discussion of what the important functions wetland has for human fishery. After the ceremony, China Central TV 2 live broadcast a dialogue on wetland conservation, the special invited gests are one Wetland Ambassador, one Officer from State Forestry Administration. In the past six years, WAA has involved 80 university associations with over 1400 students directly participating in this campaign and their footsteps covered 20 sectors of the Heilong River, Yangtze, Yellow River, Lancang River and Zhu River. They have spread the knowledge of wetland protection, restoration and sustainable development to millions of people. WAA Brand has been forming during the six years' action. In the negotiations with Coca-cola and HSBC before the ceremony, they are both interested in the enlarging of the action. WAA has the chance to become an independent brand and spread from students' action to public action. Until now, WWF Yangtze Focal Project has created three big communication actions, that is: Dongting Bird Race, Hanshou Dragon Boat Race and Wetland Ambassador Action. Dongting Bird Race and Hanshou Dragon Boat have been transferred to Yueyang Government and Hanshou Government. They both developed and enlarged the actions. WWF aims at using communication actions to join wide range of public to promote environmental conservation cause. Preparation of 2nd Yangtze Forum Going on Smoothly The preparation of 2nd Yangtze Forum is step into the final phase. Everything is going on smoothly. The Second Yangtze Forum, hosted by the Hunan Provincial Government and co-organized by Changjiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) of the Ministry of Water Resources, is to be held on 15-17 April 2007 at Vaya International Hotel in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. The Second Yangtze Forum, themed with “The Yangtze and Lake Dongting”, focuses on flood safety, ecological safety, drinking water safety and sustainable development. It consists of a Summit Forum (Opening and Plenary Session) and five parallel Sub-forums, i.e. Integrated River Basin Management, Healthy River, Dongting Lake Management, Sino-Swiss Flood Control and Disaster Relief, and Corporate Engagement. Distinguished guests and participants from the governmental authorities in China have confirmed their participation, including the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA), State Forestry Administration (SFA), and eleven riparian Provinces/Municipalities/Autonomous Region, etc. Participants also include international guests from more than 20 countries representing governments, institutions,corporates and NGOs. James P Leape, Director General, WWF; Jamie Pittock, Director, Global Freshwater Programme, WWF; Derk Kuiper, Deputy Director, Global Freshwater Program, WWF ; Esther Blom, International Program Officer, WWF(The Netherlands); Dermot O'Gorman, Country Representative, WWF China; Chris Williams, Manager, Global Freshwater Program, WWF; Li Lifeng, Director, Freshwater Program, WWF China; Zhang Chen, Director, WWF China, Changsha Office and colleagues from WWF China, USA, Britain, Australia, Nepal and Papua New Guinea will attend the Yangtze Forum. 3 News in Brief Two New Nature Reserves Applying for national approval Jicheng P ol Nature Re der in North part o f Dongting serves in so l their plan ning proc uth part of Dongti ake and Hengling L ng Lake w esses on ake approve, Marc er e this increase it means the nature h and are ready fo finished rn s area and re more hab serve in Dongting ational itat for wi L ake will ntering bi rd. rve finished East Dongting Nature Rese on Feb its new management plan The new plan first time build the co-management and local sustainable livelihood into the Nature reserve management plan to deal with the managing problems always troubling all the wetland nature reserves. Most of the local communities and local governments were involved into the plan. Chishui River Progress From Jan to March, two meetings were organized by both Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau and WWF on Chishui river protection. The major partners was selected and strategic plan were discussed during the meeting. The People's Congress of Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces are all involved into the project. The plan is first to setup cooperation mechanism among the three provinces and governmental sectors through regulation of Guizhou People's Congress. Secondly to select demonstration site for sustainable development to deal with problems of over use of resources which are the major threats to the River basin. Thirdly, to have more enterprises involve into the conservation plan, such as wine manufacture, fourthly, to organize a symposium on communication and call for cooperation on Chishui River protection. All these works will be done by the end of Jun. Chishan Organic Island in Dongting Lake planning Committee was formed The committee, invited by Yuanjiang Governments, is ready to making organic agriculture plan in the 130 square km island in Dongting Lake region, this means WWF experiences will expanded to larger areas in Dongting Lake. Dongting Lake: International Wetland and Basin Management Research Center by WWF Chinese Academy of Sciences As discussed with Institute of Subtropical Agriculture research, CAS, the Dongting Lake International Wetland and Basin Management Research and Training Center is proposed by both WWF and CAS. The two units will jointly organize the Center and setup it as high level institute for research, training, consultation and supporting institutions for legislation and planning in Dongting lake region. (I will send you another file for detailed description on the Center). The agreement on developing the Center will be signed on April 14, 2007 during the Yangtze forum. The Yangtze Focal Project is funded by WWF Netherlands For more information please contact: Tan Lulu Programme Associate WWF China Changsha Field Office Room 1505, Hunan Bestride Hotel, #251 West Laodong Road, Changsha, 410007, Hunan Province, P.R.China E-mail: [email protected] (O)+86-731-5110087 (M)+86-13367312766 4