Museum Hits Record Income In January


Museum Hits Record Income In January
Aviation Heritage Museum
of Western Australia
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Volunteers & Friends Newsletter
Museum Hits Record
Income In January
March 2015
Inside This Issue
Record Month
& Grant
& Financials
The Museum had a gross income of $39,580 for the month of January. This is a massive increase over last year. This is due in no small
part to the hard work by volunteers to make the museum a safe, More News
clean and fun place to visit. Word is getting around. The recent upsurge in advertising and the huge amount of help that Shine Commu4
nications has been doing has really raised the public’s awareness of Shop Roster
the Museum. We are going to continue to keep the ball rolling by in- Guide Roster 5
creasing the spending on advertising and doing an even better job of
publishing our newsworthy events. One of the ways we have increased the awareness of the Museum in the last six years is to give Volunteer Info 6
away free entry tickets to groups having quiz nights and auctions at
their events. If you are aware of any community group having a special function please see the Museum Administrator to get some free
entry tickets. If the event is big enough we have been known to even
give a free Lancaster Tour.
Museum Receives $80,983
The Museum has received an $80,983 grant from
the Commonwealth to create a documentary on
the flyers of ANZAC called “Legacy of the
World War One Aviators”. This short movie
will explore the story of WW1 flyers who returned to start the first airlines in Australia, here
in Western Australia. Some of the flyers in the
film will be Sir Norman Brearley, his brother
Stanley and Sir Kingsford Smith. The short film
will be placed on our website, through YouTube
and shown in the WW1 section and in the new
theatrette in the Museum.
Gift Shop Volunteer Mark Stevens
Works Two Sundays A Month.
Volunteer Guides and Shop Attendants Needed
The Museum is in desperate need of more Guides
and Shop Attendants. Please contact the Museum
Administrator for more information on 93114471
Financials January 2015
January 2015
Gross Income
After Expenses
Visitor Numbers
This Financial Year
+ $10,480
+ $35,345
Our Sponsors
Goldstar Transport has again helped the Museum to move a large item.
The fuselage and cut off bits of the Beechcraft 200 were moved in two
trips from Jandakot Airport on the 22nd. This move was extended as the
fuselage was too wide for the truck and had to be cut on site before the
truck was road worthy. We would like to thank Sean Carren the owner of
Goldstar for all his support over the years.
LiftRite has again helped the Museum as a major
sponsor by supplying a lift to help build a better
Museum. We would like to thank LiftRite for their
continuing support as one of our group of valuable corporate sponsors.
Museum Committee News
The Museum Committee met on the 29th of January. If you are not
aware, the members are Clive Robartson (Chairman), John Park
(Secretary), Rob Willis (City of Melville), John Harris (Museum Branch
President), Ian MacLeod (WA Museum) and Allen Buzza (Museum Volunteer). The Committee brief is only to make recommendations to the Division Council and does not get involved with the day to day running of
the Museum. There were two recommendations at this meeting. One
was to recommend that Dr. Dennis Jensen be asked to join the Museum
Committee and the other was the tabling of a report by the Museum
Committee for the exploration of a three story extension to the Museum, on the west side of the South Wing. As of this writing the committee has not yet heard back from the Division Council concerning either
Museum Branch News
The Museum Branch met on the 12th of February at 7pm in the Meg Olive
room Bull Creek. The main topic of the meeting was the up coming Mini Mart
on the third of May.
If you are not aware of what happens at the Museum Branch meeting, it’s sole
function is to raise money for the Museum and as such often discusses either
better ways to raise money or things that need to be purchased for the Museum. The Museum Branch meeting is a perfect opportunity to keep informed of
what is happening in the Museum and to get more involved in helping to build
a better Museum. The atmosphere is very sociable
with sweets and coffee at the end. So if you want
to have a good time and take your interest in the
Museum to a higher level then come to the Branch
Meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 7
pm in the Meg Olive room.
Mini Mart is May 3rd
John Murray and Mike Mirkovic
at a Mini Mart
The Branch has announced that the next
Mini Mart will be held on Sunday the 3rd of
May at 9am as usual in the East Car Park
next to the South Wing of the Museum.
Please drop off your sellable items at the
front counter of the Museum.
Notice We Need Guides For
Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays
Notice We Need Shop Attendants For
Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays
AHM Newsletter Mar 2015
Mail Label Goes Here
Air Force Memorial Estate
2 Bull Creek Drive
Bull Creek
WA, 6149
Phone: (08) 9311 4470
Fax: (08) 9311 4472
E-mail: [email protected]
The Museum’s mission is to collect,
conserve, display and research Australian
aviation heritage with special emphasis on
Western Australia for the enjoyment and
education of the general public.
Museum Mission Statement
Follow Us On Twitter
Notes for Volunteers
Regular Events
Circulation 500+
Regular Events
Regular Events
Museum Team Leaders Meeting
Museum Branch Meeting
Museum Committee Meeting
Second Thursday of the Month
Second Thursday of the Month
Mar19th @ 5:30 pm
Mar 12th @ 2:30
Mar 12th @ 7:00 pm
Museum Donations
If You Would Like To Donate, Make Cheques Payable To...
RAAFA (WA division) Inc Museum Branch or direct deposit on...
BSB... 306-080
Account Number... 4184848
If You Have Any Questions Call The Museum Manager on 93114471
Our Museum Motto
Keep your nose up in the turns.
Urgent Help Needed!!
The Museum Branch is looking for people
who love the Museum and want to help raise
funds. Come to the Branch meeting, Thursday
night the 12th of March at 7pm
Museum Volunteer
Number Of Volunteers 254
New Volunteers This Month 1
Volunteers Hours For Jan 2015