Membership Meetings for 2013 - AZPCA


Membership Meetings for 2013 - AZPCA
Denise Brasile
[email protected]
602.741.5339 phone
Charles Brasile
[email protected]
602.741.5338 phone
Mark Lindabury
[email protected]
602.663.1327 phone
480.283.2037 fax
Rook Younger
[email protected]
401 East Loyola Drive
Tempe, AZ 85282
480.517.1790 phone
Travis Tonzi, Membership Chair
[email protected]
480.299.6738 phone
Carolyn Berryman
Cliff Berryman
Donna Black
Randy Black
Chuck Brasile
May Chatila
Bruce Herrington
Mark LIndabury
Scott McIlvain
Greg Robertson
Bob Shelker
Ken Steele
Dwane Stewart
Travis Tonzi
Zone 8 2006, 2009 and 2011 "Region of the Year"
5................. President's Column
7................. From The Editor
13................ Porsches and Pancakes: Soul Cafe
16................ Passion, Pasta, and Porsches
18................ AZPCA Volunteers for Playworks
20................ Book Reviews for Porschephiles
21................ Me and My Porsche: First Timers
22................ 14th Tour to Alpine
25.................. Maintaining Your Porsche’s Paint
8................. 2013 Calendar of Events
8................. 2013 - 2014 At-A-Glance
9................. Region Events
9................. Casino Night at Talking Stick Resort
9................. Route 66 Days
9................. Southern California/San Diego Tour
9................. Flight 36
10................ 2013 Upcoming Membership Meetings
10................ Willcox Wine, Dine, and Drive Tour
11................ Autocross
11................ Driver’s Education
12................ Flight 36
28................ June 2013 Meeting Minutes
IBC............... PCA Escape 2013
BC................ Flight 36
4................. Arizona Region Board
4................. Executive Appointees
6................. Zone 8 Staff & Websites
24................ Arizona Region Membership Update
26................ Goodie Store
29................ Classified Ads
30................ Sponsor Index
30................ Sponsorship Program
alpine bound
Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published monthly.
Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the
Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®,
the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members
of the Porsche Club of America. The DEADLINE for articles and advertisements submitted for publication is the 15th of the month two months prior to the month of
publication. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication.
POSTMASTER: Address Changes to: Travis Tonzi, AZPCA Membership Chair, 16707 E Emerald
Dr, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268-5431
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013 | 3 |
Dwane Stewart
[email protected]
Hugh Starkey
[email protected]
S ecretar y
A dvertising
Mark Lindabury
[email protected]
602.663.1327 phone
480.283.2037 fax
A utocross
Rick Althouse
[email protected]
Kim Kemper
[email protected].
Denise Brasile
[email protected]
Mike Labowitch
[email protected]
C hie f D riving
T reasurer
Burkhard Franke, Flagstaff
Tom Hettinger, Sedona
[email protected]
Bob Frith, Prescott
[email protected]
Andy Schermuly
[email protected]
S a f et y
Dale Willis
[email protected]
P ast P resident
Mark Dreher
[email protected]
D irectors - at - L arge
Scott McIlvain
[email protected]
E q uipment
Dave Fisher
[email protected]
Richard Avellone
[email protected]
Susan Bookspan
[email protected]
Betsy Andrade
[email protected]
Loretta Aman
[email protected]
Kim Kemper
[email protected]
Rick Mukherjee
[email protected]
Rachel Carroll
[email protected]
Rook Younger
[email protected]
I nsurance
LaVonne Shelker
[email protected]
Leslie Richardson
[email protected]
M embership
Hugh Starkey
[email protected]
Kim Kemper
[email protected]
N . A R I Z O N A L iaisons
Jeff Carroll
[email protected] Jeff Carroll
[email protected]
G oodie S tore
H istorian
Frank Grimmelmann
[email protected]
Betsy Andrade
[email protected]
Mark Lindabury
[email protected]
Dennis Brookshire
[email protected]
| 4 |
N A M E B adges
Travis Tonzi
[email protected]
Susan Bookspan
[email protected]
president's column
Update from the AZPCA president
hope everyone has had a marvelous year thus far. There have
been many opportunities to get out and enjoy driving and
socializing in your Porsche(s). My hope is that you were able
to attend most of them. I would like to thank the volunteers
that planned and hosted these events. If you were not able to
attend any past events, we have many more coming. You can
find them in this issue of Going Places, with more information
on the website at AZ.PCA.ORG.
I have been fortunate to have been able to participate in most
of the weekend tours (all but one so far). Weekend tours began
with the Las Vegas Fun Run (led by Mark Lindabury), 50 Years
of Porsches at Autoclub Speedway (Dwane), Fiesta New Mexico
in Santa Fe (Dwane), Alpine Tour (Ken Steele), Chili Cook-Off in
Pinetop (Dwane) and Route 66 Days in Flagstaff (Mark Dreher).
Still to come are the Southern California Tour (the Axelsons) Oct
4-6, Escape to LA (Dwane), and the Wine Tour and DE at INDE
Motorsports Park (Cynthia Giachetti) Nov 16-17. Hope you
have been able to attend all or at least some of these very well
organized and fun events. I encourage you to participate in those
yet to come. And don’t forget our weekend CHARITY EVENT, FLIGHT
36, which will include a welcome party, concours, banquet, and
autocross. This event will be held in conjunction with the Horses
and Horsepower Polo Event at West World in Scottsdale, Nov 1-3.
The Nominating Committee is putting together the new officer
slate. If you have any interest in running for an office please
contact Mark Dreher who is the Chairman of this committee.
The 58th Annual Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan was
held in late June. I hope some of you were able to attend even
though it was some distance away. I didn’t make it either. But
good news! The Escape (mentioned above) is coming to the
west coast, California. And next year’s PCA Parade will be held
in Monterey, California, June 15-21. If you have never been
to a Parade, you really need to attend. It is one big party with
approximately 800 to 1000 Porsches in attendance. This event
is a full week of Porsche-related activities. It includes a concours,
rally, autocross, volunteer dinner, an awards banquet, and much
stewar t
66 pounds.
Whatever you do, have a fun, safe summer.
Porsche Motorsports News
Porsche wins both GT classes in Le Mans
“At the Le Mans 24 Hours, Porsche won the fiercely-competitive
GT classes. This is the class victories number 99 and 100 for
Porsche at the world’s most famous long distance race. The
new Porsche 911 RSR fielded by Porsche AG Team Manthey
with Porsche works drivers Romain Dumas (France), Marc Lieb
(Germany) and Richard Lietz (Austria) won the GTE-Pro class.
From three races this was the first victory for the race car from
Weissach. With the second 911 RSR, their works driver colleagues
Joerg Bergmeister (Germany), Timo Bernhard (Germany) and
Patrick Pilet (France) made the double victory for Porsche perfect.
In the GTE-Am class, the Porsche 911 GT3 RSR run by the IMSA
Performance Matmut squad with Frenchmen Raymond Narac,
Jean-Karl Vernay and Christophe Bourret scored victory.”
2014 should really be exciting with Porsche fielding a new LMP1
car. Red Bull Formula 1 driver Mark Webber confirmed that he’ll
retire from Formula 1 at the end of this year. He has signed a
multi-year contract to drive Porsche’s LMP1 car in the 2014 World
Endurance Championship and Le Mans 24 Hours. You can see
the Porsche press release here:
58fa-8d73-4ec6-a788-8f02c4d9e134&lang=en. Joining Mark
Webber will be Timo Bernhard, Romain Dumas and Neel Jani.
Remember, It’s not just the cars, but the people who make
this club great. Come out and join in the fun.
Porsche has really outdone itself with the new 2013 and 2014
cars. They make my mouth water. I have seen the new 2014
Cayman. It is a great looking “Croc.” It is wider and longer, has
a great new look with the larger air ducts behind the doors, more
masculine rear section and a better looking spoiler that tapers
into the taillights. The engine has a gain of 10 horsepower and
with all this the weight loss for the Cayman S is claimed to be
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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Z O N E 8 S T A FF
R epresentative
Tom Brown
[email protected]
C hie f D riving
Scott Mann
[email protected]
T reasurer
Linda Cobarrubias
[email protected]
A rizona
O range C o A S T
C al . C entral
R iverside
C al . I nland
S an D iego
G olden E mpire
S an G abriel
VA L L E Y C oncours
Vince Knauf
[email protected]
Joe Nedza
[email protected]
R all y
Ken Short
[email protected]
Revere Jones
[email protected]
T ime T rial & D E
Russell Shon
[email protected]
L os A ngeles
David Hockett
[email protected]
A utocross
David Witteried
[email protected]
| 6 |
G rand P rix
S anta B arbara
L as V egas Skip Carter
[email protected]
S o . A rizona
from the
ixty-eight. What’s significant about that number? It is the total
number of unique individuals, nearly all of them AZPCA members,
who have contributed their perspective in some way to this publication,
Going Places, in the past year (eleven issues). This includes some
regular columns and club information, photos, track results, and
articles of various types and sizes. Some of these are Porsche-related
but not PCA events that our members have participated in. You may
have noticed an increase in the interesting content we have been able
to share as a result of this.
Going Places exists for our membership, by our membership, and is
a forum for information about what we do and what a good time we
have doing it. New members, or even long-time members who haven’t
participated in certain events in the past, may read articles and see
photos of an event and be inspired to try it the next time it comes
around. So coverage of our club events after they have taken place is
really important.
Another important function of Going Places is more personal:
connection. A writer or photographer who submits items from an event
feels more involved, more invested, and closer to both the event and
the club members with whom they interact. When Chuck and I were
fairly new members, it took awhile to feel we were a part of things. I
have heard this expressed by others as well. Once we started writing
about and photographing some of the events we attended, we definitely
felt more connected. The friendships we have made in the years since
have been meaningful and fun.
So, what do you need to do to start contributing as a writer? Although
it certainly helps, you don’t need to already “be” a writer. If you can
remember back to school years, you might recall the basic who-whatwhen-where-how-and-why that we were taught when reporting on
something. Those are important and rather easy to do. But the key to
making it your own is to add something from your unique perspective.
What did you observe or feel during the event? Was there something
funny that happened, something unexpected, something everyone was
talking about? That personalizes it and hooks the reader. The one thing
that should NEVER keep you from contributing is concern over spelling,
punctuation, and grammar. Sure, spell-check your article before sending
it in, and read it over for obvious glitches. But we will edit for those
things plus some content cautions provided by the national PCA. Our
primary goal is for you and your ideas to come through loud and clear.
Photographers should send their email address to Chuck Brasile at
[email protected], and he will invite you to join our Dropbox, which
is a very easy way to share your photos after an event where you will
not need to worry about a file being too large to email. When you drop
your photos, please title the folder with the event and date. If you can
sift through your pictures and send us your best 6 or 8, and replace
the string of numbers identifying each picture with a couple of words
about what it is, that will make
your photos much more usable.
You can always call Chuck if you
have a question about taking or
submitting photos.
We all look forward to hearing
from YOU after your next PCA
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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2 0 1 3 AT- A - G L A N C E
Monthly Membership Meeting
4-6 SoCal/San Diego Driving Tour
15 Going Places Deadline (Dec.)
19 Autocross #2 Tempe Diablo
24-27 Porsche Escape/Pomona, CA
26 Driver’s Education AMP
29 Board Meeting
1-2 Flight 36 Concours and Banquet
Flight 36 Autocross #3
Bondurant Road Course
6 Monthly Membership Meeting
15 Going Places Deadline (Jan. ‘14)
15-17 Driver’s Ed Inde Motorsports (SAR)/
Wine, Dine and Drive event (AZPCA)
23 Autocross #4 Tempe Diablo
| 8 |
Monthly Membership Meeting
Autocross #5 Tempe Diablo
7 Holiday Party
10 Board Meeting
14 Driver’s Education AMP
15 Going Places Deadline (Feb. ‘14)
2 0 1 4 AT- A - G L A N C E
Monthly Membership Meeting
11 Autocross #6 Bondurant Road Course
15 Going Places Deadline (March)
Monthly Membership Meeting
15 Autocross #7 Bondurant Skidpad
15 Going Places Deadline (April)
Monthly Membership Meeting
15 Autocross #8 Bondurant Road Course
15 Going Places Deadline (May)
Monthly Membership Meeting
12 Autocross #9 Bondurant Skidpad
15 Going Places Deadline (June)
Editor’s Note: The dates, times, and details of AZPCA events
may change at any time. Always check the website for the latest event information.
m a r k
Casino Night at
Talking Stick Resort,
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Please join us for an evening of food
and fun! We’ll meet at the Orange Sky
Lounge on the 15th floor at 5 pm for a
no-host happy hour. Dinner will be at 6
pm in the Wandering Horse Buffet.
yo u r
c a l e n d a r s !
September 6 - 8, 2013
Friday: Drive to Flagstaff; Comfort Inn checkin
Saturday: Car Show downtown;
catered dinner at the Steele’s
Sunday: Return
Event Chairs Mark Dreher 480-345-0500 or Ken Steele 602-722-1772
Check website at for registration and reservation info.
For more info contact:
LaVonne Shelker 480-502-3260
Leslie Richardson 480-585-3053
Do You Have An Interesting Or
Unique Porsche?
Consider showcasing your special
car at Flight 36, our annual charity
concours and car show November 1 &
2, 2013, being held in conjunction with
the Scottsdale Ferrari Maserati Polo
Championships: Horses and Horsepower
at West World.
Visit for more information or call
Lyle Capstick, 612-991-9780
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AZPCA Membership Meetings
by susan bookspan
Dinner begins at 6 pm unless otherwise noted. Please RSVP on the website at
Meetings for 2013
1876 East Broadway Road
Tempe, AZ 85282
September 4- iAutohaus
October 2- TBD
November 6 - TBD
December 4 - Lucille’s
Join fellow PCA members at the September membership meeting at
iAutohaus in Tempe.
The staff at iAutohaus looks forward to the opportunity to show you their
amazing facility and to the possibly of assisting you with your next preowned luxury vehicle purchase. Cars are inspected and serviced at the
iAutohaus onsite Bosch Authorized service facility. All vehicles are also
Carfax-Certified and housed in a 25,000 square foot indoor showroom. The
company offers competitive financing, extended vehicle service contracts
and worldwide shipping!
We have fun at our monthly meetings! This photo was
taken at Daily Dose in Phoenix for our June meeting.
Family owned and operated and BBB A+ Accredited, iAUTOHAUS is centrally
located in Tempe, only minutes from all major Phoenix area cities. iAutohaus
serves the entire state of Arizona and invites you to browse its fine inventory.
NOTE: Please remember to RSVP on the website
so that our hosts will know how many to plan dinner for.
3rd Annual
Willcox Wine, Dine, and Drive Event
November 15-17, 2013
Willcox, Arizona
Friday Wine and Dine Tour planned by PCA Arizona Region
Saturday and Sunday Driver’s Education at Inde Motorsports
Ranch and Saturday dinner planned by PCA
Southern Arizona Region
Check the website at AZ.PCA.ORG
for more information on itinerary, reservations, and registration!
Event Chair Cynthia Giachetti [email protected]
| 10 |
2013/2014 SEASON
Saturday, September 28
Saturday, October 19
Sunday, November 3
Saturday, November 23
Saturday, December 7
TD = Tempe Diablo
BBS = Bob Bondurant Skidpad
Saturday, January 11
Saturday, February 15
Saturday, March 15
Saturday, April 12
Saturday, May 17
BBRC = Bob Bondurant Road Course
Check the website at for the latest information.
Saturday, September 21, 2013 at Bondurant West Track
Saturday, October 26, 2013 at Arizona Motorsports Park (AMP)
Saturday, December 14, 2013 at AMP
Come join us!
you will experience first hand the capabilities of
high-performance automobiles in a controlled environment and
acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all
driving situations. “Friends drive free” event if sharing a car!
Lunch provided by the Dave Fisher family.
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The 2013 Flight 36 Experience
The Arizona Region of the Porsche Club of America invites you to
participate in a new and exciting experience for Flight 36.
•Wednesday, October 9 – Molina Fine Jewelers hosted reception featuring Lyn St. James, a legendary figure
from the Automotive Racing World. Catering will be handled through “celebrity” chef Eddie Matney of Eddie’s
House in Scottsdale. Porsche North Scottsdale will provide two interesting vehicles for guests’ enjoyment.
Attendance to this event will be limited.
•Friday, November 1 – A Welcome Reception will held poolside at the Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell
Mountains Resort. Mix, mingle, and renew acquaintances.
•Saturday, November 2 – The Flight 36 Concours will take place at West World in conjunction with the
Scottsdale Ferrari Maserati Polo Championships: Horses and Horsepower. Flight 36 registrants will receive
complimentary passes to the Scottsdale Ferrari Maserati Polo Championships. This is a wonderful opportunity
to display your Porsche and enjoy some world class Polo at the same time. The Awards Banquet will follow
at the Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains Resort.
•Sunday, November 3 -- Flight 36 Autocross will offer the unique opportunity to turn a wheel on the Bob
Bondurant School Track. Plan to join us for this exciting conclusion to Flight 36!
•Funds raised from Flight 36 will be used to support the 100 Club of Arizona in their efforts to provide
immediate financial assistance to families of public safety officers and firefighters who are seriously injured
or killed in the line of duty
•Registration will open on Tuesday, September 4, 2013
•The Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains Resort will have a limited number of rooms available at
the special rate of $139.00 per night.
•Watch the Arizona Region website ( ) for additional details
We look forward to seeing you at Flight 36!
| 12 |
Porsches and
at Soul Cafe
by bob shelker
ur Porsches and Pancakes for May
was at the Soul Cafe at the corner
of Pinnacle Peak Road and Miller in
Scottsdale. We had good attendance
with 57 members and 3 canine visitors,
Abby, Coco, and Penny. Soul Cafe has
2 patios. One is shaded in the morning
and one is shaded in the afternoon. They
have “Doggy Dinner Night” on Fridays and
it is a lot of fun. Great people, great cars,
and great food, what else could one ask?
Right: Two tables of AZPCA members enjoy breakfast on the patio.
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Have you put
on your calendar yet?
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Passion, Pasta and Porsches
by cliff berryman
photos by carolyn berryman
n early May, Carolyn and I were part of a small group arranged by
Steve Austin’s Great Vacations to honor the 1970 Targa Florio in
Sicily. Half of our group consisted of three drivers, Brian Redman,
Richard Attwood, and Alain de Cadenet. Brian and Richard brought
their lovely wives to enjoy the festivities.
The Targa Florio started in 1906 in Sicily and ended in the early 1970s. It consisted of 11 laps, about 48 miles per lap, on public roads. There
are 4 museums along the route today with the original pits still standing
in Cerda. We were treated to a catered lunch here. The history seemed
to be oozing from the walls!
Above: Cliff and the three Targa Florio drivers in the tour group.
Brian won first place in a 908/03 for John Wyer Automotive
Engineering, Richard placed 5th, also in a 908/03 for Wyer, and Alain
placed 15th in a 911S for David Weir.
We had the delightful opportunity to meet and dine with Nino
Vaccarella. He placed 3rd in a Ferrari 512S for SEFAC. He won the
Targa three times and Le Mans in 1964.
Above: The original Targa Florio pits.
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Right: Cliff drives the 718 Spyder.
Above: Shoemaker Ciccio with Cliff and the drivers.
We were also accompanied by Francesco “Ciccio” Liberto, the famous
shoemaker for race drivers. We visited his shop in Cefalu, where
he presented Brian, Alain, and Richard with a pair. He was also
commissioned to make the shoes for Ron Howard’s movie, Rush, due
out in September.
Day 1 - We visited the museum in Termini Imerese. As we arrived, race
fans appeared from everywhere with various items to sign, some items
almost 50 years old. This was followed by a beautiful lunch in the town
square provided by La Lupa Ghiotta. The drivers were honored, given
awards and surrounded by fans. Carolyn was given a ride from the
museum to town in a 1924 Fiat: priceless.
Day 2 - We visited the museum in Cerda. This museum had the biggest
selection of memorabilia. Before the catered lunch in the pits, I was
given the opportunity to drive a 718 Spyder. The thrill of driving that
thru town was truly a rush!
Day 3 - We visited the museum in Collesano. Nino Vaccarella arrived
in a 1964 XKE. We were treated, once again, to a fantastic lunch at
the Lanteria. The meats, cheeses, pastas, and, of course, the wine were
amazing. Did I mention that it’s all about the food in Italy?
Day 4 - We visited the museum in Campofelice and were visited by
the Porsche Club of Sicily. The president, Francesco Piraino, arrived
in a997 Turbo S. Approximately 20 cars were on display from 912s to
a 997. Inside the museum, the drivers were honored and presented
with awards. Outside, I was given an honorary membership into the
Porsche Club of Sicily. What a great feeling to have such a connection
so far from home.
Above: Cliff receives an honorary membership in the PC of Sicily.
Day 5 - We decided to visit Caltinasetta. This is where Carolyn’s
grandmother was born. A sentimental side trip by train through the
vineyards and small towns of Sicily.
We stayed at the Acacia Resort in Campofelice. We would have dinner,
wine, and many laughs from the day’s events. The last night was spent
dining at a famous restaurant on the autostrada, Baglio Himera. Since
this is on the route of the race, everyone has dined here over the years. Above: Porsche Club of Sicily members. Below: The Club’s car display.
It is always a bit sentimental for me to spend time with Brian. I have
known him since 1972, when he was driving an F5000 at Riverside, CA
and his helmet was stolen. I lent him mine and he went on to win the
race and $75k.
This trip proves,
yet again, Porsche
drivers worldwide
have a lot of
fun. If you have
an oppor tunity
to vacation with
Steve Austin, go! Whether it’s the
Monaco Historics,
Le Mans, or
the Goodwood
Festival of Speed
and Revival, it’s
a pleasure from
beginning to end. True bucket list
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AZPCA Volunteers for Playworks
photos by chuck brasile
n Monday, May 20, 2013, members of the AZPCA
participated in a fun event at Larry C. Kennedy School
in Phoenix with children and volunteers of Playworks. This is
an organization whose goal is to increase problem-solving
with children in playground situations, and thus create more
teaching time in the classroom (see information box on the
next page.)
Eight shiny Porsches arrived at the school with their owners
mid-morning. They met about 150 enthusiastic students
who couldn’t wait to look at, ask questions about, and
sit in the cars. Plans were for the Club members to play
recess games with the kids also, but the cars were pretty
magnetic and conversations and interactions lasted
through recess. They talked about taking care of the cars’
interior and exterior, and how being able to buy a Porsche
took effort and work, and was often the result of having a
good education and a good job.
The car owners met and ate lunch with principal Andy
Gutierrez and learned more about the Playworks program.
The AZPCA members enjoyed interacting with the kids and
discussing their cars, and the smiles on the kids’ faces in
the pictures tell you it was mutual. A good time had by all!
Above: Playworks and school staff meet with the AZPCA members
who brought their cars to share with the students.
Right: Students examine and sit in the Porsches and discuss the
cars with their owners,
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About Playworks
“Principals tell us that just about all discipline-related
problems in school occur during lunch and recess.
Instead of going back to class energized and ready
to learn, the kids return to class upset and unable
to focus.
With Playworks, recess becomes a healthy part of
the school day. Kids carry that positive experience
with them into their classrooms, back to their
neighborhoods, out into the world.
On our playgrounds, everyone plays, everyone
belongs, everyone contributes to the game. Coaches
encourage kids to bring out the best in themselves
and each other, and kids learn the value of fair play,
compassion, and respect.
On our playgrounds, kids become leaders, they might
become junior coaches.
They run their own games and settle their disputes
quickly – (rock-paper-scissors is our secret problem
solver) – because getting along is more fun than
On our playgrounds, kids play hard, cheer loud and
high five until their hands sting, and it’s this feeling
of peace and belonging that they carry with them
into their classrooms, back to their neighborhoods,
out into the world.
Every year we survey the staff at our partner schools
around the country to see Playworks through their eyes.
Here’s what they reported this year:
• A decrease in bullying
• An improvement in overall school climate
• A reduction in disciplinary incidents
• More participation in academics
• An increase in students’ abilities to focus on class
Stanford University and Mathematica Policy Research
spent time on our playgrounds studying our program.
They found that our schools experienced less bullying
and exclusionary behavior, an increased perception of
safety, easier transitions to learning, better behavior
and more attention in class than schools without the
This year, Playworks will bring the power of play to more
than 380 schools in 23 cities, reaching more than
285,000 students directly and through training services
in additional schools and community organizations. In
Arizona, we will be in 10-14 schools this coming year
serving over 6000 students.”
For more information, go to
an Independent Porsche® Service Provider
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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Book Reviews for Porschephiles
by bruce herrington, orange coast region
PORSCHE 911 Story:
by Paul Frére & Tony Dron
edition, by Paul Frère & Tony Dron, published by Haynes Publishing
Sparkford, UK
he technical detail in this book is mind-blowingly comprehensive for
a “narrative” type book. It contains a tremendous amount of data
whose usefulness is enhanced by a
very thorough index -- five pages of
five columns! Very well illustrated
throughout, with photographs,
diagrams, schematics, cutaways,
and “ghosts” such as on the
cover. There are also three special
sections of high-quality color
plates, looking like illustrations
from Christophorus. With
reasonably large type and lots of
white space, it has the appearance
of something produced by the
graphics department of Porsche,
AG. Indeed, the factory is given
extensive acknowledgments for
their support to this book, and
clearly, many photos and most of
the graphics must have come from
factory sources.
Porsche 911 Story consists of five
parts. Parts 1-3 reprise the 8th edition of the book written by Paul
Frère before his death in 2008. These parts cover 911s from 1963
through the 997 Generation I. Parts 4-5, written by Tony Dron, cover
the 997 Generation II and the 991 through 2013 and are a seamless
extension of Frère’s work.
Both authors have been prominent race car drivers as well as
experienced journalists. Frère drove F1 cars for Ferrari and won Le
Mans in 1960. His 1963 book Competition Driving is a classic and
he was Road & Track’s European Editor for many years. Tony Dron
was runner-up in the British Saloon Car Championship, and won the
Porsche 924 Championship in 1978. He drove for Porsche at Le Mans
in the early ‘80s, writes regularly for Octane, Vintage Motorsport, and
was long-time editor of Classic Cars.
Each of the five parts, covering different 911 eras, include chapters
on General Description, Engine, Transmission, Running Gear and
Driving Aids, Body and Interior, and Racing Models. The appendices
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provide easy-to-read tables which cover the chronology of changes,
as well as specific data on bores and stroke, valve timing, tire/wheel
sizes, DIN Weights, Engine Model Numbers, Evolution of Brakes, etc.
Each chapter goes into great detail of how the design features were
developed. The narrative contains a wealth of information, such as
valve openings/closings, even graphs of
quantity of fuel delivered vs RPM, for
various degrees of throttle opening!
Horsepower, torque and associated
RPM are mentioned for each engine
type as they are discussed. Though
heavy with technical data, the text
is focused on telling the story of the
development, and is fascinating to
read despite the numbers which are
scattered liberally throughout the
Porsche 911 Story makes it clear
that the changes from model/year to
model/year did not just “happen” but
were carefully developed, sometimes
with with several years’ worth of test and
evaluation of developmental versions
before finalizing the component or
setting. True, the wealth of technical
data gets a bit overwhelming if you try
to read the entire book from cover to cover, but if you pick and choose
a particular year/model, or a component of particular interest, you
will find yourself really hooked on the story of the design challenges
considered and how the solutions evolved. The level of detail is
such that there is a discussion of why the Carrera RSR inner rear
suspension attachment was moved up by about 3/8 inch, and the
front attachment point of the front wishbone down by about 1/4 inch.
Printed on heavy duty, high gloss paper, Porsche 911 Story is truly
a book to revere for a lifetime. With 200 photographs and 200
outstanding graphics, and over 17,000 line items in the Index, it
presents an immense amount of information in a very readable
form. That it is all presented in an eminently readable fashion makes
this a must-buy for any 911 enthusiast. If you own a 911, or are
considering buying one, you will find the appropriate chapters to be
most informative. By the time you read this review, Porsche 911
Story should be available for $79.95 from your favorite bookseller
(ask for it), or from
Me and My Porsche:
First Timers
by may chatila
intention of never letting go. The allure became a phenomenon,
and the world as we know it is still falling for Porsches.....
I am no exception. I’ve always been intrigued by the quality
and craftsmanship of the design. Still though, there are many
that will try to tell of its design impracticalities. Which, if any,
are all offset by the Porsche driving experience. Both current
owners and tomorrow’s aspiring ones adamantly agree.
The majority of people tend to want transportation that would
simply take them from point A to point B. But for me, I yearned
for something a little more. Something with speed, maneuvering
me swiftly between the moon and the stars so that if and when
I have a fall, it will welcome me with the safety of its open arms.
It was time. Time to stop dreaming, get out of the cosmos and
get into that Porsche. I test drove the Boxster, but felt little
connection. Got into the Cayman and my heart went throbbing.
After that, I was hesitant to get into the 911. I knew it would
completely melt me.
A wise man once told me that the bond you experience with
your first Porsche is like the bond of your first-born child. I
wouldn’t know about first-borns but I love all kinds of bonds.
“The significance of man is not in what he attains, but rather in what
he longs to attain.” -- Kahlil Gibran
mooth, tight and powerful: Porsche handling. Narrow, long
and curvy: Its ideal road. Born strong in the 1930’s, this
European road affair circled the globe, witnessing and surviving
the defeats and eminence of histories and the rise and falls of
their economies.
Luring its admirers into the driver’s seat, with the conniving
Waited 4 1/2 months for my baby to arrive. Anxious all the way
to meeting day. Came in all glossed up in to the showroom. Was
in the speechless mode of awe. Finally, a car that identifies me
down to the detail of its crest. A Porsche.
Looking forward, after mastering the Driver’s Education courses,
Autocross sessions and high speed trip maneuverings, one
never knows, I just might tackle that 911.......
But for now, my Cayman rules, or at least until I am 65!
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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14th Tour to Alpine
by donna and randy black and ken steele
photos by chuck brasile and greg robertson
fter a two-year hiatus, the Arizona Region Porsche Club explored
the northeastern portion of the state on the 14th Annual Alpine
Tour the weekend of June 21, 2013. We have had to cancel the
last two years due to wildfires in the eastern portion of Arizona.
Ken and Fran Steele did a great job, once again, putting everything
together. This tour turned out to be the largest one to date, with 27
cars participating in the drive. We had quite a few new members
who joined us, which was really enjoyable.
The group began the day at Denny’s in Mesa to gather together and
go over the details of the drive. We headed east through Globe and
our first set of twisting roads and continued east to Thatcher and
Safford area where we gassed up for the second half of the drive. Up
to this point most of the cars were driving with the top down but as
the temperatures started to soar we moved indoors to air-conditioned
cars until we could find the cool weather again. We headed northeast
to Morenci and lunch at the Morenci Motel & Grill. We were able to
cool down and enjoy a nice lunch in the dining room set up just for
the Porsche club. New members sat with veteran members to talk
about other drives and events along with the weather and anything
else we could find to talk about.
Driving through the mine was interesting because of the expansion of
new housing and growth to support the mine operations. After lunch
we stopped at an overlook of the Morenci Mine where club members
were treated to interesting details about the mine by Porsche Club
members Jim & Nancy McKay (above). One interesting comment
was that the mine is the largest one of its kind in North America
and is one of only four.
Now here comes the fun part! Not that everything before wasn’t
fun, but now we were getting into the meat of the drive, with a road
(Arizona 191) known for its twisting and turning. I believe I heard
there were around 150 turns on this part of the road we were about
to enjoy. We were behind Gary and Pam Swanson and their new
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Boxster S. Randy and I enjoyed listening to the sound of the car while
it accelerated and decelerated through the curves. We drove through
areas that were recovering from the fires and beautiful areas with tall
pine trees. We made a quick stop at Hannagan Meadow (above) to
take a pit stop, stretch our legs and enjoy the cool weather for a few
minutes. We arrived at the Tal-Wi-Wi Lodge in Alpine around 4 PM
where the temperature was a cool 78 degrees. At 5 PM we gathered
to enjoy appetizers brought by all as well as a few adult beverages. The
variation of food was amazing and quite tasty. There were brownies
to die for and dips and finger food that provided a great way to wind
down after a day of driving.
The speed limit for the last six miles is only 15 MPH and the road is
only 15 feet wide. We arrived in Mogollon and took several photos of
the old buildings. There is a museum, curio shop and a little cafe where
we enjoyed home made pie and ice cream. We then headed back to
Glenwood, NM, to see the Catwalk. However, they had closed the area
due to a rockslide and we were unable to see it. We headed back to
Alpine about noon and had lunch at a quaint little restaurant. We arrived
back at Tal-Wi-Wi Lodge about 2 PM and everyone had a big smile on
their faces. It looked like a good time was had by all.
Also on Saturday there were a few individuals who chose not to do the
drive to Mogollon in New Mexico, but instead went to lunch at Los Dos
Molinos in Springerville, which is known for its spicy Mexican food. If
you don’t like spicy food, I would not suggest you go here. I asked for the
sauce on the side and was given a look that could make a person shrink.
Above: Happy Hour at Tal-Wi-Wi.
Below: The group in Mogollon.
Above: Group photo at Tal-Wi-Wi on Sunday morning.
Bright and early Saturday morning, sixteen Porsches met in Alpine,
Arizona for Day 2 of the Alpine Tour. We took Hwy 180 over into New
Mexico for about 66 miles. This is a beautiful curvy mountain road
and everyone had a chance to test the handling of their Porsche.
We turned off at Hwy 159 to get to a ghost town named Mogollon.
Actually it is not a ghost town, as fifteen people live there year-round.
This was a gold and silver mine and had 5000 residents in its heyday.
The road is quite narrow and full of curves and elevation changes.
Sunday we all got up and checked out of the lodge and then gathered
to take some pictures to commemorate our trip. The improvements
they have made to the Lodge are amazing and the atmosphere is even
better. We then gathered together to do one final drive together. The
drive to Greer is always a beautiful one, which takes us through low
rolling mountains and into the pines. We stopped at the Rendezvous
Inn in Greer for breakfast. Breakfast was enjoyed by all and then we
went our separate ways.
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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8 by travis tonzi, membership chair
The following people have recently joined our
region. Please welcome them to the club!
Michael Minges
Fremont, CA | 2004 Boxster
Christopher Wiley
Charles Moudry
Phoenix | 2004 911T Cab
Ron and Diane Collier
Castle Rock, CO | 2001 Boxster
Derek Ferguson
Scottsdale | 2006 Cayman S
Gary Ward
Phoenix | 2005 997 C2
James Hoyt
Flagstaff | Porsche 930
John Sykes
Phoenix | 2009 Boxster S
John Van Horne
Avondale | 1988 911
Chet Kolley
San Marcos, CA | 2007 Cayman S
Welcome to the Arizona Region!
We look forward to meeting each of you in person
at a future event.
Please notify the Membership
Chairman of address changes by the 5th
of that respective month. If your “Going
Places” is returned because of an
undeliverable address, you are removed
from the mailing list until we are advised
of the new address.
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Arizona Region PCA Members Celebrating
September 2013 Membership Anniversaries
44 Years
Fred & Karen Wright
28 Years
Richard and Sandy Rutschman
10 Years
Larry & Mary Agle
Brian & Orfe Kelly
Harry Thompson
9 Years
Dennis Bunsold
24 Years
Lindsay & Marilyn Miller
18 Years
William & Kathryn Kilpatrick
17 Years
James & Nancy Mackay
Brad & Tere Portillo
Ken & Fran Steele
Kevin & Sherri Waite
8 Years
Devin Dahn
Peo & Silke Hansson
Victor & Denise Trastek
7 Years
David Munsey
6 Years
Ed & Joann Bular
16 Years
Michael & Kathleen
5 Years
John & Barbara Roesch
4 Years
Timothy & Sara Campbell
Don & Susan Doba
William & Doreen Murray
14 Years
Jim Neidhart
Mike & Pam Pyska
13 Years
Bob Rickard
3 years
Frank & Phyllis Sallustio
12 Years
Cynthia Giachetti
& Michael Lucey
Pat & Susan O’Hern
Milton & Rosie Overmire
2 Years
Bob & Cheryl Woodwell
Ron Grove
1 Year
11 Years
Gregory & Marilyn Mannion
Don & Denise Peterson
Raymond & Adrienne Ramirez
t h e
n u m b e r s
National PCA members 793
Regional PCA members 391
Maintaining Your Porsche’s Paint
by scott mcilvain
our Porsche’s paint is a very important part of the car.
Not only does it keep the body protected from rust, it also
helps give the car its wonderful look. Automotive paint has
a life cycle and needs just as much care and maintenance
as the rest of the vehicle. I
am a Porsche technician, not
an automotive paint expert,
so I went to the guys that do
it best, The Stables in the
Scottsdale Airpark. At The
Stables, Mike Freeland and
his crew maintain some of
the highest-end automotive
paint work on the planet.
This includes classic cars
that have been presented at
Pebble Beach!
I started the interview with
the first step in paint maintenance, washing. With a few
simple steps you can protect your Porsche’s paint while you
wash. The first tip is to use a lot of water while washing
your car. It’s best to use two buckets, one for soap and a
separate one for rinsing. Mild soaps are best for washing.
Many dishwashing soaps, like Dawn, are safe enough for
the paint but can possibly remove any wax that is currently
protecting it. Be sure to use fresh microfiber cloths for the
application of soap. Problems can happen when too much
force is used when cleaning a car so make sure to have a
soft hand. If possible, it is best to wash and rinse the car
with deionized water to avoid water spots. Also it is better
that the car is dried in the shade. Summer heat increases
the risk of severe water-spotting.
Mike recommends clay bar to remove any impurities, like
sap or overspray, from the paint. Apply a quick detail spray
to lubricate the painted surface. Then rub the clay bar over
the area. You can often feel, and even hear the contaminants
being removed. Knead the clay bar after each pass, and wipe
clean with a microfiber cloth when finished. There are two
recommendations for which wax to use. For a car that sits
and is not driven often a 100% carnauba wax is the best to
keep the paint hydrated. This helps the long-term life of the
paint. But if your Porsche is driven many times a week, then
its better to use a polymer-based wax because the day-today protection will last much longer than the carnauba wax.
Just like paint, your microfiber cloths have a life cycle. As
the cloth ages with use it becomes drier and could
leave small scratches which dull the paint. For a black
or dark-color car, this is vitally important. The Stables
will only use new microfiber cloths on a black car. Then
those cloths are washed and air
dried, with minimal or no heat.
Their condition after each cycle
will determine if they can safely
be used on lighter-colored
paint, interior components,
glass, engine, undercarriage,
or sent to trash. So make sure
to take care of your cloths so
they can do their job keeping
your Porsche scratch-free.
I asked about the products I
have seen that claim to “fill”
scratches. Mike said that they
may work, but only until the car is washed again. “It’s
best to leave scratches to the professionals”.
One important paint maintenance detail that I am very
aware of is bird poop. My wife left some bird poop on
the top of a Cayenne that we owned. It only took a few
days for the paint to become permanently etched. It is
very important that you remove any bird poop off the
paint right away! A detail spray or glass cleaner and a
clean cloth will take care of it quickly.
The last topic we discussed is the best way to clean
glass. Most everyone has their own way of cleaning
windows and the windshield and there is no one way
that is best. I use old microfiber cloths when cleaning
the glass. The guys at the Stables clean the glass in the
sun to make sure there are no streaks. I know I have
cleaned my windshield inside, and as soon as I pulled
out into the sun, I noticed streaks from the product that
artificial light just won’t show.
Hopefully this will get you started on maintaining your
Porsche’s paint. If you have any questions feel free to
email me [email protected] or Mike from The
Stables at [email protected].
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
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8 by mark lindabur y
President Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM at the Daily
Dose Grill in Phoenix. President Stewart welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the restaurant and staff for hosting tonight’s meeting.
President Stewart reviewed sponsors and Going Places advertisers and
encouraged members to use their services and thanked them for their
President Stewart said that the Club was still looking for volunteers for
Flight 36 and the Buddy System. He then stated that we currently have
375 Regional Members and 777 National Members at this time.
President Stewart then asked for any new members or guests to introduce themselves to the group.
New member May Chatila introduced her guest, William Link, who stated
that he didn’t own a Porsche yet, but would like to. William owns a number of classic cars.
Bob & Jan Caccamo said that they are happy to be at the Club meeting
and that they own a 2009 Red Boxster.
Arthur “Hale” Curtis introduced himself and said that he has been a
member on and off for 47 years. He owns a 1981 911 Targa.
Carol Ward announced that she has a cream 1987 991 Cabriolet.
Dave Fisher announce that he sold his 930 Turbo and replaced it with a
1996 993 Targa.
TREASURER – Dennis Brookshire, Treasurer, reported that the club had
about $130,000 in assets of which $75,000 is now in a legacy account
and $25,000 is in an operating account. He said that it is mainly due to
the fact that the events are doing well and the driving events are having
a great turnout.
GOING PLACES – Denise Brasile, Going Places Editor, thanked everyone
who has submitted articles and photos for content in the magazine.
Denise reminded everyone that the deadline for the July/August Going
Places is May 15th and that the next deadline will be July 15th for the
September issue. Contact Denise at [email protected] to submit your article.
had a blast.
May 11th – Porsche & Pancakes. About 50 members enjoyed a delicious
breakfast at the Soul Café at 7615 Pinnacle Peak Road.
May 18th – A/X at Firebird, Kim Kemper. Bondurant has taken over the
skidpad at Firebird Raceway. Kim reported that it was a great turnout.
May 19th – New Member Welcome Day. President Stewart reported that
57 new and existing members met up at The Farm at South Mountain.
New members mingled with other members, had a fabulous lunch and a
scenic drive up South Mountain. Everyone had a great time.
May 23rd – 26th – Fiesta New Mexico in Santa Fe. Dwane Stewart reported that it was a good event with a Concours on Friday where there
were two entries from our region and both won trophies. This was the
39th edition of a classic multi-day, multi-venue Porsche-only event put
on by the Roadrunner Region.
June 15th & 16th – Kim Kemper reported that the Taylor A/X for Porsches
and Corvettes was cancelled.
Jun 21st – 23rd – Alpine Tour, tour chair Ken Steele was not present but
requested that President Stewart ask all who signed up to send him an
e-mail so that he may put together a participant list. His e-mail is on
the website.
July 12th - 14th – Chili Cookoff, Travis Tonzi – organizer. The event will be
held in the pines at Charlie Clark’s in Pinetop, AZ. There will be a bluegrass festival with live bands and an arts & crafts exhibit. The Porsche
Club will have a special parking area. The cost is $4 to taste the chili.
Proceeds go to Love’s Kitchen which feeds the homeless in the Pinetop
area. Please go to for more details.
August 10th - 2nd Annual Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game – Organizer Jan Mackulak. Rook Younger reported that the group had a lot
of fun last year. There will be an optional tour of the stadium prior to the
game. The Club has a special discounted ticket for $50/seat which is
normally $58 and a participating member will also receive a $10 stadium discount. Please RSVP Jan. Check the website for details.
September 6th – 8th –Route 66 Days Car Show
October 4th – 6th – Southern California Tour, Steve Axelson, tour chair.
This year the tour will be in Mission Bay area of San Diego. The host hotel
is the Bahia Resort and there will be a yacht cruise in the San Diego Bay
on Saturday the 5th but there are a limited number of rooms and seats
so book early. Look for more details on the website.
November 1st & 2nd – Flight 36/Horses & Horsepower – Lyle Capstick,
Event Chair. This year the Concours event will be at Monterra at Westworld and will be combined with the annual Polo Championships. Lyle
said he has some volunteers but really needs a co-chair to help with
organizing the event. In the past the event benefitted the 100 Club. This
year Lyle said that the board is considering other charity options.
PLEASE RSVP online for monthly meetings and events.
AUTOCROSS – Kim Kemper reported that there were 2 AX’s in May and
that both were excellent events with about 25 drivers attending each.
At the end of the meeting Al Ross gave a nice slide presentation of his
trip to Stuttgart, Germany and the new Porsche museum.
DRIVER’S EDUCATION – President Stewart said to check out the DE
events on line and sign up early.
President Stewart adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
Dwane and Alma Stewart, Jack and Loretta Aman, Chuck and Denise
Brasile, Dennis Brookshire and Gabrielle Mouasher, Mark Lindabury, Rook
and Debbie Younger, Cynthia Giacchetti and Michael Lucey, Don Tevini,
Jacque Booth, Lyle Capstick, Kim Kemper, Mark and Angela Manente,
David and Lucy Fisher, May Chatila, Hugh and Penni Brown, Al & Willie
Ross, Bob and Jan Caccamo, Earl and Nancy Gossard, Elizabeth Nesset,
Carol Ward, Greg Chapman, Scott and Christina McIlvain, Gary and Penny
Solem, Pam and Mike Pyska, Joseph and Christine Velez, Chas Wirken.
May 5th – Ladies Drive, Tour Chair Cynthia Giacchetti reported the event
was well received and that about 20 ladies drove to the Queen Creek Olive Mill where they enjoyed a tour of the olive groves and saw the blanching process of olive oil. The food for lunch was nicely prepared. Everyone
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Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lindabury, PCA Secretary
2006 Carrera S Cab (July 29)
Price $46,000
Location Scottsdale
Contact : JIm Santa
Phone: 480 335-6879
Email: [email protected]
Arctic Silver with Black Interior & Top 6 speed manual
Factory Options: Sport Seats, Sport Chrono Plus, Bose Sound
Package & Colored Crests. Upgrades: Borla Performance
Exhaust System (Standard Mufflers & Exhaust Tips are available
and can be reinstalled on car prior to sale), NAVTV Sirius XM
Satellite Radio (operates through PCM). 36,XXX miles. Very
Good condition. All maintenance is up to date. Additional photos
and service records are available upon request.
1999 Cabriolet (July 29)
Price: $29,000
Location: Scottsdale
Contact: John Douglas
Phone: 480-242-6640
Email: [email protected]
16k miles, pastel yellow, black interior and top, hardtop with
storage rack, AZ car, mint condition, long time PCA member, 6
speed manual, CD, 18 inch turbo twist with color crests, has had
preventative IMS upgrade, AC is top notch, tint on side windows.
2010 Cayenne Transsyberia (July 21)
Price: $54,995.00
Location: San Diego, CA
Contact : Tom Brown
Phone: 619-491-0150
Email: [email protected]
Rare Transsyberia Trim package Cayenne S. 36,000 miles.
Black/Black with orange trim (inside and out), a real head
turner. Certified Pre-owned warranty, all the off road goodies: air
suspension, PDCC, Off road Technology package, tow package,
A/C , Factory GPS system, removable light bar, back-up camera,
Satellite radio, Lojack. Lots of goodies, Looks & drives great,
Must see, No accidents, Title in hand, Well maintained. Can
email window sticker with full details and complete options list.
986 Boxster Oil and Air Filter (July 17)
Price: $30.00
Location: Phoenix
Contact: Lyn Islaub
Phone: 602-677-4424
Email: [email protected]
New (in the box) Porsche air and oil filter set. The pair list for
$49.00 on Suncoast prior to shipping and I’ll let them go for
$30.00 plus shipping if it is required.
Cayenne Luggage Compartment cover (June 19)
Location: Scottsdale
Contact: Bill Snearly
Email: [email protected]
Long story, but I have two of these. This is the Luggage
Compartment Cover from a 2013 Cayenne GTS. I believe it
should fit any 2011+ Cayenne, not sure of earlier models.The
extra one I have is about 3 months old and looks nearly new.
It’s the Espresso color. These are $380 from the dealer. Offered
at $250. Local sale only - I don’t want to pack & ship this!
2003 996 C2 Midnight Blue (June 14)
Price: $27,911.00
Location: Sedona AZ
Contact: Jim Gibson
Phone: 928-284-0068
Email [email protected]
Purchased in November 2003. Current mileage 78,700. All factory
maintenance at dealer with all receipts. Driven primarily on highway/
freeway. Always garaged and covered. Original sticker price $86,510.
Numerous extras. Carfax report available for serious buyer. Full
description and photos at, area code 86351.
Tools for centerlock wheels (June 10)
Contact: Bill Snearly
Location: Scottsdale
Email: [email protected]
I have some tools needed to change the Porsche centerlock wheels
found on the 2010+ GT3, GT3RS, Turbo, Turbo S, and Carrera GTS.
-Precision Instruments C4D600F 3/4” drive torque wrench. New,
never used. These are $330 + shipping. Asking $300.
-Titan tools 3/4” drive 30” breaker bar. One new, one used. These
are $69.99 + shipping. Asking $30 used, $50 new.
-Porsche CL socket - get a spare for the track or toolbox. New, never
used. These are $276 from Porsche. Asking $225.
-Porsche CL spline tool. Like new. I believe these are $200 new.
Asking $100.
-Castrol Optimol grease. One tube new, one used but with plenty
left. This is $32 a tube. Asking $25 for both.
-3R Racing CL guide. Like the $480 Porsche part. Protect your
PCCB’s! New, never used. These are $360 new. Asking $300.
-Brake pedal depressor. Like new. Asking $25.
Please e-mail for any questions. Offered for local sale only.
CD Storage / Boxster Script (May 13)
Price: $40.00
Contact: Robert Barrett
Phone: 602-524-3329
Email [email protected]
Various Porsche Boxster accessories:
- CD storage compartment
- Chrome Boxster script insignia
Buy all for $40 or make offer for separate items.
Boxster Front cover (Bra) and Mirror covers (May 13)
Price: $100.00
Contact: Robert Barrett
Location: Phoenix
Phone: 602-524-3329
Email: [email protected]
Protective front/hood bra for Porsche Boxster. Includes mirror
covers. Brand is Calgon and is 2 pieces. . . .hood cover and
bumper cover.
C la ssi f ied A d R ates :
All ads must be submitted by the 15th of the month two months
before publication. Ads run for one quarter (3 months) unless
extended by the advertiser. Photos to accompany ads are welcome,
but are printed at the editor’s discretion.
Arizona Region PCA Members - No charge
Non-Region Members - $30/quarter
All classified ads should be submitted via our online Classifieds system
G O I N G P L A C E S 809.2013
| 29 |
The sponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new
advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will
include internet exposure, print ads and sponsorship opportunities all for
one simple investment.
The sponsorship program has six tiers:
Starter - $250 Includes one small website banner on the Events and the
Going Places digital magazine page of our website, rotating with other
sponsors, and one black & white business card ad in the Going Places
Bronze - $500 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Events
and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, rotating with other
sponsors, and one quarter-page black & white ad in the Going Places
Silver - $1000 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page
of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one half-page black &
white ad in the Going Places publication.
Gold – $2000 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our
website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page black & white ad in
the Going Places publication.
Platinum - $5000 Includes one large static front-page ad on our website,
one full-color half-page ad in our Going Places publication, and other
promotional and sponsorship benefits.
20th Street Auto Parts................................ 27
Airpark Collision Center.............................. 13
Anderson, Steve; All West Brokerage............ 27
Andrade, Betsy; Andrade Promotions.......... 21
Beyer, Russ; Hagerty Porsche Insurance....... 11
Billy Boat Performance Exhaust................... 7
Bookspan, Richard; Attorney-at-Law............ 11
Brasile, Charles & Denise; Real Estate....... 27
Brighton Motorsports.................................. 6
Brookshire, Dennis; HG&P, P.C..................... 27
Communiform............................................ 30
Don Jackson Enterprises............................. 15
Exotic Motorwerks....................................... 27
Hobby Depot.............................................. 21
Hom, Don; Ameriprise Financial.................. 15
Diamond -$10,000 Includes one large static ad on the front page of
the website, an embedded video, one full-color, full-page inside cover ad
in our Going Places publication, prime sponsor position with banner for
Flight, and other promotional benefits and speaking opportunities.
iAutohaus................................................... 26
It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique
promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork electronically
for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. All website ads will be viewed only by Arizona
Porsche Club members and therefore will not be accessed until the
member logs into the website. The acceptance and display of advertising
in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or
product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves
the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Sponsorships
must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at
any time.
McIlvain Motors.......................................... IBC
Mark Lindabury -- Sponsorship Requests
and Tier Details
Sponsorships and Advertising Manager
Phone: 602-663-1327 E-mail: [email protected]
Denise Brasile – Going Places Print Ad
Requests and Deadlines
Going Places Editor
Phone: 602-741-5339
E-mail: [email protected]
| 30 |
Lewis, Steven K.; Wells Fargo....................... 21
Lindabury, Mark; Real Estate....................... 15
Patrick Motorsports.................................... 19
Porsche North Scottsdale........................... IFC
Protective Film Solutions............................ 14
Wilson, Wendell, Attorney-at-Law................. 21
Dennis Brookshire – Sponsorship Billing
AZPCA Treasurer
Phone: 480.991.9077
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]