November - Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club
November - Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club
NEWSLETTER Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club 5-6-7 Club Devoted To The Restoration/Preservation Of The 55 ‘ P. O. Box 40023 ‘56 ‘57 Spokane, Washington 99202 November 2014 Our annual Chinese Auction/Potluck Dinner @ The Opp’s = November 15th Club Officers President… Hello Classic Chevy members! Dennis Hall Vice President… Bill Shaffer Secretary… Carol Sorkness Treasurer… What a great banquet! Darcy’s did themselves a favor by providing us with a great meal that will no doubt result in repeat performances. They have evolved to our favorite monthly meeting place, as well as our annual banquet choice. Good job Annette and staff! Debby Hall During the banquet we listened to Fred Mason and Dave Sorkness about how they improved their rides during the year. The votes are in and counted. The trophy winner will be announced at the Chinese Auction. I will say that there were only two votes separating the two. Good job Fred and Dave! Earlene Lindley I have collected quite a few boxes of club history items from Archie and will peruse them before handing them over to Dick Epstein to decide how to present it on the website. Good job Archie! Other Contacts Newsletter… Webmaster… Dick Epstein Club merchandise… Dennis Hall Phone numbers Dennis H… (509) 290-6853 Bill S… (208) 772-7241 Carol S… (509) 796-3145 Debby H… (509) 590-3488 Earlene L… (509) 481-0721 Dick Epstein… (208) 772-4428 [email protected] We’re on Facebook! Our last event of the year, the Chinese Auction, is right around the corner. It’s actually a misnomer to label it only as the Chinese Auction, as it is so many things. A potluck, an ornament exchange, toys and food donations, and of course good company! And THEN the auction, which is the highlight of the evening. I sincerely hope all of you will consider making this year’s event. See details and direction in this newsletter. Good job Earlene! ~~ Dennis Hall, Prez SACCC FROM I-90 TAKE EXIT 12 (SANDPOINT/CANADA/MOSCOW) TURN LEFT ONTO US 95 3.3 MILES = TURN RIGHT ONTO W. PRAIRIE AVE (W. PRAIRIE WILL TURN TO E. PRAIRIE WHEN YOU CROSS GOVERNMENT WAY) Website: PRAIRIE AVE COLFAX AVE GOV’T WAY Chinese Auction/Potluck Happy Hour - 4 pm Dinner - 5 pm Auction - 6 pm 7680 N. Colfax Ave Dalton Gardens, Idaho US 95 The SACCC...Devoted to the preservation and restoration of the 1955, 1956, 1957 Chevrolet, including trucks and corvettes. The SACCC is a non-profit organization. General meetings are open to everyone. Places, dates, and times vary. Check the web for updates. Membership -- $15/yr. We are members of the INCCC (Inland Northwest Car Club Council). 0.4 MILES = TURN RIGHT ON N. COLFAX AVE. I-90 W E 2 SACCC MEETING ANNUAL CLUB BANQUET @ DARCY’S October 18, 2014 50/50 Winner No raffle Consolation prize November 2014 S.A.C.C.C. Membership Meeting CHINESE AUCTION Fund raiser! Plenty of laughs! Your belly will ache and laugh lines crinkle! 4 pm POTLUCK Good food! Good company! UPCOMING HOLIDAYS And EVENTS Tuesday, Nov. 4th Did you vote? Tuesday, Nov. 11th Veterans Day (take a Vet to lunch) Thursday, Nov. 27th Thanksgiving Day November is National Diabetes Month! Members present: 34 Call to order: 7:20 p.m. Announcements: 1. Dennis informed the membership that we received a thank you note from Meals on Wheels for our cash donation as well as all of the left-over food items from the car show that we gave them. In 2013, Meals on Wheels delivered 78,000 dinners, served 11,400 lunches at the senior center and delivered 37,595 meals to pets. We are pleased to support this organization. 2. Club rosters and dash plaques are available if you need or would like one. Secretary report - minutes of the previous meeting read and approved Treasury report - given and accepted Committee reports: no reports Old Business: none New Business: 1. We discussed the Most Improved Car Award. Two members, David Sorkness with a 57 Chevy Bel Air two door hard-top and Fred Mason with a 63 Impala Super Sport presented pictures of their cars and each gave a brief synopsis of the improvements that were made this year. Ballots were passed out and members were requested to vote for the car they felt was the most improved. The ballots were then given to Debby Hall. Dennis will tally the votes, get the plaque engraved for the trophy and present it at the next meeting. 2. Dick Epstein requested club history items be forwarded to him for inclusion on our website. Guest Tawnia Penick mentioned there are lots of items at Archie’s. Any members with older dash plaques, pictures, flyers, etc., are requested to let Dennis know what they have available. 3. Our 2015 club car show will be held at Millwood Park on the 13th of June as voted on previously. 4. The ANC car show was discussed. Skip Littell assured us that ANC wants us to put on another show in 2015. We will need to pick a weekend that is not in competition with other car shows in the area. Dennis suggested that more discussion be held on this item at the next meeting. We will have a board meeting in December after finding out what has been spoken for in the car show calendar of events to see what weekends in late August or early September look the best, and advise the membership at that time. Next Meeting: Our November meeting will the Chinese Auction and Potluck Dinner. It will be held at Stan and Diana Opp’s home on Saturday, November 15th. This get-together is set for 4 pm. From 4 - 5 pm will be a social hour, setting up the room, food, donations, and auction items. We will eat around 5 pm and then hold our auction. In addition to auction items, please remember to bring a dish to share, food items for the food bank, a new toy for Toys for Tots, and a Christmas ornament for our ornament exchange. The November newsletter will contain details and a map to the Opps’ residence. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Submitted by Carol Soreness, Recording Secretary ATTN: Advertisers THANK YOU for your continued support! We greatly appreciate it! Visit our website for club events and club updates. ATTN: S.A.C.C.C. Saturday, November 15th @ 4pm Chinese Auction & Potluck dinner at the Opp’s in Dalton Gardens. Remember to bring items to donate to the USMC’s Toys for Tots program, non-perishables for the Food Banks and lots of neat stuff to auction. All auction proceeds go to charity. Bring an ornament if you would like to participate in the ornament exchange. This game is so much fun -- it gets crazy! One ornament per person to play. OMG! Don’t forget the food and your checkbook, too!! GET WELL WISHES To those of you dealing with health issues. We care! FAMILY FUN It’s getting to be the end of harvest season...get up to Green Bluff and do some holiday shopping! Lots of novelty items, hand crafts, and homemade goodness to enjoy! Support your local growers! ANNOUNCMENTS: CLUB MEETING – Chinese Auction/Potluck Dinner - Saturday, November 15th @ The Opp’s in Dalton Gardens, ID - 4pm CLUB MEMBERSHIPS -- Membership forms can be downloaded off our site. Annual membership dues ($15.00) are payable by the end of March of each calendar year. Your vote on club issues is important! Keep your membership in good standing! ADVERTISERS -- Thank you for your continued support! Visit our site for important events and announcements. NEWSLETTERS -- Download your copy off our website! Print out a colored version today! Share with a buddy! CLUB MERCHANDISE -- Contact Dennis Hall to place an order for hats, jackets, shirts and other club merchandise! WE ARE ON FACEBOOK! Reports/Submissions to newsletter -- By the 1st of the month please! 3 A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MAIN SPONSOR Inland Northwest Car Club Council Meeting: Sept. 30, 2014 6:30 pm INCCC Rep: Archie Petersen Topic: Introductions Wendy, new owner of Chattee’s. Opening under new name - Wendy’s Hot Rod Café. Topic: INCCC Show-no-Shine 2015 Asking each club to donate a basket for the raffle. A Special Thanks to our Co-Sponsor Shakey’s Pizza Parlor 509-464-0200 9602 N. Newport Hwy Spokane, WA 99218 Topic: Committee Reports Sunshine Committee - a few Get Well cards sent out this month. Newsletter - Looking for articles. Send via email. Downtown show - Planning will begin April or May. 2015 Events Calendar - Going to press end of November 2014. Should be ready for distribution in February 2015. SEMA - Legislation isn’t doing much this time of year. Nominating committee - ready to go with ballots when all nominations in. Charitable Contributions - three requests have come in. Inland Scholarship fund, Spokane Guilds School, and a Children’s Cancer Organization. Membership approved $300 to the Guilds School and another $300 to the Children’s Cancer Organization. Topic: Car Club Events Most club’s winding down for the year, doing club elections and holiday party planning. The INCCC monthly meetings are held every last Tuesday of the month (Timber Creek Grill & Buffet, 9211 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley). All SACCC club members interested in attending these meetings are invited to do so. This is a good place to see old friends and to meet new ones. It’s a good way to be in touch with other car clubs in and around our area, too. A Special Thanks to our Co-Sponsor PERFORMANCE AUTO SALES, INC Buy Sell Trade Ray Oakley 509-892-9700 A Special Thanks to our Co-Sponsor A Special Thanks to our Co-Sponsor A-HOBBY 509-467-1957 Kellogg, Idaho 1-800-635-8000 4 Just-4-U --------------- Notable Tidbits of Information and Thought President Abraham Lincoln received the first transcontinental telegraph message in 1861. Sent via Western Union from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., the cutting-edge technology brought an end to the Pony Express. SATURDAY NIGHT, INC. Jackets, sportswear, hats, Thomas Edison lit the first long-lasting bulb in 1879. Previous bulbs stayed lit for only a few minutes. This one, made with thick cotton filament, gave light continuously for 13 1/2 hours. Within a decade, Edison was producing a bulb that glowed for more than 1500 hours! shirts, polo's & more! 509-928-5816 We embroider, too! 3520 N. Eden Road Spokane Valley, WA [email protected] Banquet Rooms - Catering 509-624-5226 Italian and Northwest Specialties Exquisite Wine Selection 245 W. Main Street Spokane, WA Q: How do you know that carrots are good for eyesight? A: Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses? IT’S PARTY TIME! Most Improved Vehicle trophy will be awarded at the Chinese Auction and Potluck dinner party at the Opp’s on the 15th. Who will it be? The candidates are: Fred Mason Dave Sorkness Come join us for this endof-the-year extravaganza! FREE parking for dinner guests SPOKANE METAL FINISHING Kim Degenstein - Owner 509-535-7116 1519 E. Trent Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Home Environments Hot Tubs, Gazebos, Custom Deck, Stoves, Fireplaces, Saunas, Pergolas, Swim Spas, Sun Rooms 509-466-9396 6909 N. Division Street Spokane, WA 99208 5 SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY TURTLE CHEESECAKE FUDGE 509-467-5235 6607 N. Havana Spokane, WA 20% off adoption fee with this ad! Feltman, Gebhardt, Greer & Zeimantz, P.S. ATTORNEYS Richard C. Feltman 1400 Paulsen Center Attorney at Law 509-838-6800 [email protected] 421 W. Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 Fax 509-744-3436 Spokane Coeur d’Alene LEGACY VEHICLE APPRAISAL, LLC Richard H Epstein Accredited Appraiser Shopping List 3 cups white chocolate chips 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 1 1/2 butter Tablespoons Pinch of salt 1 pkg (3.4 oz) instant cheesecake pudding mix 1 1/2 cups marshmallow cream of Fluff 1/4 cup caramel baking bits 1/4 cup chopped pecans Line 8” square baking pan with wax paper. Combine chocolate chips, condensed milk, butter and salt in medium pot. Heat over low heat until melted and smooth. Pour in pudding mix and stir until combined. Stir for another minute while pudding mix dissolves into mixture. Add in marshmallow cream and stir until melted and smooth. Pour fudge mixture into an. Refrigerate until set, a few hours or overnight. Remove from refrigerator and cut into small squares. Combine caramel baking bits and 4 tsp. water in small pot over low heat’ heat, stirring occasionally, until melted. Cool slightly and drizzle over fudge squares. Sprinkle with chopped pecans before caramel hardens. Makes about 49 pieces. 7224 N Valley Street Dalton Gardens, ID 83815 208-640-6482 “Hobbyists Helping Hobbyists” VanHouten Upholstery & Apparel 10125 N. Division (Behind Zip’s) 509-466-0893 Custom Upholstery ~~ Hot Rod Apparel Seat Repairs ~~ Jackets ~~ Motorcycle Seats Greeting Cards ~~ Boat Interiors Hot Wheels ~~ and More HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO OUR CLUB MEMBERS Norma Gavin Skip Littell Archie Petersen Dennis Hall Gayle Jaqueth What month is your birthday? Let’s get your name on my birthday list! Look Who’s Having An Anniversary this Month! Ain’t got nothing’ 6 Williams Automotive Complete Auto Repair Foreign & Domestic 1923 N. Hamilton Spokane, WA DAVE WILLIAMS Owner 509-487-0289 509-216-8778 American Way Auto Body Precision Frame & Unibody Repair Computerized Four Wheel Alignments Urethane Paints & Clearcoats 509-535-5008 6614 East Trent Spokane, WA 99212-1226 SPOKANE TOPPER & ACCESSORIES Ray Oakley - Owner 509-928-2900 7212 E. Sprague Spokane Valley, WA 99212 “Women are like tea bags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water” ~~Eleanor Roosevelt ~~ CHINESE AUCTION and POTLUCK dinner For all of you who have not attended this gala before, here is a quick breakdown of events. 1. Potluck dinner, so bring something to share. Hot/cold, main entrée, ‘finger-food’, salad or dessert (yum!) 2. A new toy for Toys for Tots and nonperishables for the food bank. 3. Auction items - can be crafted, bought, from under the bed, the closet or garage -anything goes! These gifts can be wrapped or unwrapped. There are some pranksters in the group, so you never know what you might get! We even have items that keep coming back! It’s all for fun, laughter, and a good cause! 4. We also do an Ornament exchange, so if you want to play, bring an ornament (one per person) and share in the fun! 5. Checkbook/cash! All proceeds from this auction will go to charity! Tori Dalebout Insurance and Financial Services Agent [email protected] 509-327-1515 AUTOHOMELIFEMUTUAL FUNDSIRA’s 401(k)s529Plans 4402 N. Wall St, Suite A Spokane, WA 99205 Imagine the Difference You Can Make! Heritage for the Blind - Donate Your Unwanted Car ***Free towing --- Tax Deductible*** 1-800-489-0305 Help fight Blindness by getting an annual vision screening Barber Joe’s Barber Shop Joe Hill Jennifer Hess 509-927-8368 321 Dishman-Mica Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99206 7 J.M. GARDEN RESTORATIONS Partial and complete off-frame restorations of fine motor cars Winner of National and Regional Honors Best in Show Awards - The Meguiar’s Award Best of Class “The Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance” JACK GARDEN Reasonable Hourly Rate For Appointment: AUTO PAINTING CLASSIFIED ADS...These ads are FREE for members! You can --1) catch me at the meetings; 2) call (509-481-0721); 3) mail to our club P.O. Box. Deadline for new ads - by the 5th of the month. Thanks! I’m always looking for TALES, TIPS, FACTS, TRIVIA, or “what-have-ya” for the newsletter. To find Swap Meets in the area, go to 509-257-2881 COLLISION REPAIR 2 Spokane Locations to serve you 422 E. Francis - Spokane, WA 99208 509.483.8528 16011 E Sprague Ave - Spokane Valley, WA 509.755.0404 For sale: Front bench seat, powered, from my Nomad. This seat is from a late 90’s Cadillac, and has a fold down center arm rest and adjustable head rests. Very comfortable! It just wasn’t buckets and that’s what I have now. $75 and you haul it away from my garage! Dennis (509)290-6853 Turning The Car You Drive Back Into The Car You Love TOBY’S BATTERY & AUTO ELECTRIC, LLC Complete Auto Electric Service Starter & Alternator rebuilding Shorts * Towing * Heating Starters * Batteries * Alternators Auto Lighting * Dual Batteries Mobile Service Power Windows In-Shop Repairs 3003 N. Crestline St Spokane, WA 99207 509-484-5114 509-484-4297 (Fax) Calling all SACCC Members...Be the “Classic Feature of the Month” ! Provide a picture of your classic so our Webmaster can post it on our webpage! Looking for a new ride each month. Honey! Did we miss the party at Stan and Diana’s? Oh, please, please tell me we didn’t! CORKY’S RADIATOR SHOP Repairs All Types of Radiators Sell New & Used Cores & Radiators Sandblast Small Parts --- Gas Tanks Cleaned/Lined Serving Spokane Since 1963 509-325-5130 Thieves are creatures of opportunity...stop them by removing temptation and opportunity! Michael Maycumber 1620 N. Ash Spokane, WA 99205 Open Mon - Fri (Sat. by appt. only) PM AUTO SALES Used Car Sales 3011 E. Sprague Ave 509-534-8850 8 PRO - AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Automotive & Custom Fabrication Ron Prior Troy Kannady Phone: (509) 489-5106 Fax: (509) 489-5458 S. 17 Fiske, Unit B Spokane, WA 99202 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Dennis Hall -- Framer Call or email for appointment 509-290-6853 or 509-590-3487 [email protected] Convenient Spokane south hill location 10% discount to SACCC members! Liberty Tire Pros 509-535-8008 3253 E. 1st Ave Spokane, WA 99202 The SEMA Action Network (SAN) announced July 13, 2012 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day.” Visit the SAN Facebook page to stay up-to-date on hobby-related legislation, announcements, upcoming events, links to hobby resources and photos. DON’T FORGET OUR TROOPS OVERSEAS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! Unused travel or full-sized toiletry kits containing toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving gel, shampoo or similar items - HOME, PO Box 1291, Virginia, MN 55792. If you have unopened drink mix singles, like Propel, Gatorade or Crystal Light powder - Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc., 483 Old Canton Road, Suite 100, Marietta, GA 30068. If you have bite-size or larger packs of unopened candy (no chocolate-it melts!), consider sending it to Operation Troop Care Packages, 2287 Burlington Drive, Amissville, VA 20106. Other items such as instant hot chocolate packs and instant coffee are always appreciated, too. OPERATION DOG TAG...Four-legged companions for our injured war vets and those struggling with PTSD and TBI. Find out more at Donations welcomed and much needed to help train and care for these companion dogs! Please help our military vets! Nationwide Warranty Everything We Do, Everything We Sell Darcy’s Restaurant & Spirits PhotoRodz Kevin & Annette Hayes, Owners 509-891-0773 Car Show Photography 10502 E. Sprague Spokane Valley Bill & Kathleen Bender 208-255-9779 P. O. Box 1184 Sandpoint, ID 83864 VETERAN’S DAY NOVEMBER 11 Flash’s Auto Body and Paint Collision & Restoration Specialists 509509-483483-6843 2417 N. Astor Spokane, WA [email protected] 9 RAMAX Engraving & Awards, Inc. Crime Check 456-2233 Stan Soash (509) 928-1222 Fax 928-5484 1-800-359-1986 North 3209 Argonne, Spokane, WA 99212 [email protected] HILLYARD TIRE CENTER New and Used Tires and Wheels JOHN LINDSAY -- Owner 509-489-2633 HOURS: M - F 8am - 6pm Sat -- 8am - 5pm 5404 N. Market St Spokane, WA 99218 ANSWERS: trivia 1. Scrabble 2. 75 3. “Taxi” 4. Sausages Serving Spokane Since 1958 ADVOCARE We Build Champions Trim/Tone Health/Wellness Energy/Focus Performance Bethany Roome (208) 818-0866 Nancy Embree (509) 953-1720 S.A.C.C.C. 2014 -- meeting locations discussed FEBRUARY Darcy’s on the 16th of February @ 3PM (confirmed) MARCH Pizza Factory, 503 West Appleway, CDA (confirmed) APRIL Darcy’s on the 13th of April @ 3PM (No Annual Chili Feed this year) MAY Millwood park in preparation for our June Open Show (Wed. May 14th) JUNE After our Open Car Show at Millwood Park JULY Darcy’s (July 20th @ 3 pm - confirmed) AUGUST Darcy’s (Sun. Aug. 24th @ 3pm -- confirmed) SEPTEMBER AutoNation Open Car Show (Sat. Sept. 13th - Set-up time @ 7am) OCTOBER Club Banquet (Sat. Oct. 18th @ Darcy’s. $10 per person. Pay in advance, please!) NOVEMBER Chinese Auction and Potluck (Sat. Nov. 15th @ 4pm - confirmed) DECEMBER To be determined.
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