November - Ninnescah Sailing Association


November - Ninnescah Sailing Association
The official Newsletter of the Ninnescah Sailing Association
Vol. 42 No. 11 • November 2013
Wetslips....................................... 2
Photo Contest/NSA Calendar. 3
Crane Work................................ 4
B.O.G. Minutes.......................6-7
Classifieds................................... 8
Calendar..................................... 9
Afterdeck Reservations
If you are interested in reserving
the Afterdeck for NSA activities or
renting the facility for a private function,
please contact Past Commodore Jack
Kramer via e-mail pastcommodore@ or 316-445-2296.
Message from the Commodore
The Board of Governors would like to recognize the contribution of all our members in what was a historically difficult time and let them know that the continued
support of each member family is greatly appreciated.
We realize this participation as a vote of confidence and optimism in the continued success of our club and its future.
We have members unselfishly providing their time and talents towards many projects and events making each and every one a success. The participation and support
of our membership during this time was remarkable and truly invaluable.
Be assured that your Board of Governors will strive to wisely marshal the Club’s
resources as frugally as possible while maintaining the facilities and assets that our
members have built and invested in over the past 47 years. It is worth noting that
the Ninnescah Yacht Club was organized and founded before water was impounded in 1965 and it is with the same future commitment we continue to meet and
plan for today.
As always, every member’s suggestions and contributions are important to insure
this future. You are our club’s most important asset.
On a personal note I wish to thank everyone for their support and words of encouragement over the past year. It was stressful at times but in the end I have truly
enjoyed my year as you r Commodore.
See you on the water
Crane Pressure Washer
Crane pressure washer will be
available all winter and will need
to be winterized with anti-freeze
after each use. Call Patrick at
316-540-3674 for instructions.
David Parrish
2012-2013 NSA Commodore
NSA Calendar
On Sale now, 2014 NSA Calendar.
Call Scott Fry at 316-706-7071 to get
your calendar before they are gone!
If you have a great sailing story,
adventure or photos please send them
to Sheryl at [email protected].
We would love to hear about your
winter sailing adventures.
From the Editor:
Please note the deadline schedule.
• Announcements of scheduled events (such as dinners and races) and ads,
must be received by the first Thursday of each month.
• Email will be accepted until 6:00 p.m. the first Sunday of each month.
• Any late material will be published the next month.
• Email your material to Sheryl Born at [email protected].
• Commercial advertising rates are listed on the Classified page.
Wetslip Use In the Winter
Sadly, another prime sailing season is coming to an end.
After a slow start getting the boats in the slips due to the low
water, this summer produced some fine sailing days. With winter approaching, I believe it is necessary to remind all sailors
with boats in the slips of the following:
Your slip rental ends on December 15. Boats cannot be
docked in the slips between December 15 and March 15 unless
approved by the harbormaster/board. Make your email or written request known to the Harbormaster. After December 15, all
boats are to be removed from C, D, and E docks and berthed
on either A dock or the odd numbered slips on B dock for the
winter unless otherwise approved by the Harbormaster. Failure
to relocate the boats will require the Harbormaster to do so
and there will be a fee charged for the activity. If there are any
questions, feel free to contact the Harbormaster ([email protected]) or Property Manager (propertymanager@
Winter Slip fees:
n Without bubbler – Slip lessee $74.00
n With bubbler – Slip Lessee $147.00
n With or without bubbler – Non-Slip Lessee $235.00
Slip plumbing has been disconnected and winterized. Do not
reconnect the plumbing as this may allow the water to freeze
and plumbing to burst. Remove all garden hoses from the
docks or they will be discarded.
The pressure washer by the crane will remain in service
through the winter, but the user should bring a gallon of
low-toxic engine antifreeze (not the pink kind) and know
how to winterize the sprayer. Call the Property Manager if
you plan to use the sprayer. Failure to winterize the sprayer
correctly may cause damage by freezing water internally.
The restrooms east of the Afterdeck will soon be locked
for the winter. The pit toilet toward the shelter house will
remain open.
Whether your boat is in the slip or the boat yard, do
not use unattended heaters, secure all halyards away from
masts, remove the sails, and clear the cockpit drains. If your
boat is left in the water, double your dock lines, check your
boat every two weeks, and notify the Harbormaster if you
are going to use a deicer. It will need to have an operating
thermostat and a fee will be charged to cover the cost of
electricity for the equipment.
Slip rental ends on December 15.
Boats cannot be docked in the slips
between December 15 and March 15
unless approved by the harbormaster/board.
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
NSA 2014 Annual Photo Competition
Picture of the Year by
Jaime Kissinger
This year’s winner of the NSA photo competition is Jaime Kissinger. The winning photo will be
framed and displayed in the Afterdeck with the past
winners. It will be used on the cover or the 2014
NSA Calendar as well as the NSA Yearbook. The top
twelve photo submitter for the photo contest make
up the 2014 NSA calendar. The calendars are for sale
for $15.00 each. Call Scott Fry at 316-706 7071 now
to purchase your calendar before they sell out. All
photos in the calendar were taken by NSA members within the Cheney State park in 2013. All NSA
members are encouraged to submit photos for next
years competition. The more entries the more fun.
This years competitors were Jaime Kissinger, Allen
Johnson, Donna Veith, and Sheryl Born.
Photo of the Year by Jaime Kissinger
NSA 2014 Photo Contest Entries
Jaime Kissinger
Jaime Kissinger
Allen Johnson
Allen Johnson
Donna Veith
Donna Veith
Donna Veith
Sheryl Born
Sheryl Born
Sheryl Born
Allen Johnson
Order Your 2014 NSA Calendar TODAY! Only $15.00.
Call Scott Fry at 316-706-7071.
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
New Flashing light on the Crane
The crane has new LED amber flashing light with a 6 second
flashing light or 10 flashes per minute, same as the old fixture.
The crane light is now 10’ higher thanks to Patrick.
Patrick installing the new light on the crane.
Photos taken by Justin P. Fremin
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
NSA Board of Governors Minutes–Nov. 7, 2013
Commodore: David Parrish called the meeting to order at 6:59
P.M. BOG members present were Parrish, Faber, Kramer, Janson,
Dodson, Veith, Cheatum and Born. Stump was absent.
Members & Guests: Property Manager Pat Adams, Administrative Secretary Allen Johnson, Webmaster Sheryl Born, Jr. Sailing
Chairperson Jaime Kissinger, Jim Carlisle, and Gregg Greenwood
were present.
Minutes: Bob Born, Secretary
The Board accepted and approved the October minutes as published. (Born/Faber)
Financial Report: James Janson, Treasurer
Janson presented the Statement of Financial Position for the month
ending October 31, 2013, which was approved by the Board
Property Manager’s Report: Patrick Adams
• Club Boats: The Committee boat is hauled and ready to go
to Wichita for service for a serious transmission problem. The
Zodiac is in need of flotation tube repairs before it can go to
winter service. The Lund is in the water in case anyone requires
emergency towing or assistance.
• Afterdeck: The exterior light fixtures use bulbs that are no
longer available and Patrick has re-lamped eight of the fixtures
with new compact fluorescent floodlight bulbs which have a
much longer life and use far less electricity. The board agreed for
Patrick to buy and change out the remaining six fixtures.
Replaced two handicap parking signs and posts. Replaced batteries in the fire alarm system.
• Slips: Receptacle covers have been replaced on A and B docks
but all the receptacle outlets on C and D are rusted and corroded
and needed replaced before the covers can be installed. At this
point the replacement of the outlet boxes on C and D docks is
near completion to meet Electrical Code requirements. Work was
done in-house and with hourly labor since the Electrical contractor
reneged on his bid to do the work.
• All of the plumbing on the slips have been winterized. Thanks to
the Harbormaster for his help. Thanks to Tom Olsen for providing
the anti-freeze.
• Crane pressure washer will be available all winter, will need to be
winterized with anti-freeze after each use. Call Patrick 316-5403674 for instructions.
• The crane has new LED amber flashing light with a 6 second
flashing light or 10 flashes per minute, same as the old fixture.
The crane light is now 10’ higher thanks to Patrick. A member
fouled the cable on the crane hoist. That was fixed, inspected
and no damage found.
Yards: Mowed Yard storage spaces, thanks to Tom Brown, Bruce
Rowe, and Kent Carter. Tom has helped with every mowing this
season. The contract mowers were out and mowed the facility for
the last time, the place looks good for the winter.
Both Kubota tractors were in for dealer servicing, no problems found.
Administrative Secretary Report: Allen Johnson – no report
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
Member/Guest Forum:
Gregg Greenwood provided an update from The Friends of
Cheney meeting and an update regarding the Jetty expansion.
KDWPT is planning on removing the existing pit toilet, placing
another public bathroom facility up by the shelterhouse, and are
planning on renovating and expanding the public boat ramp next
to the shelter house to double its current capacity during the Jetty
expansion project. Plan to see a lot of truck activity in and out of
the park between January and May related to the Jetty expansion.
A drawing for the Jetty expansion project will be presented at the
annual meeting and will remain on display at the Afterdeck.
Board Member Reports:
Secretary: Bob Born
No report
Treasurer: James Janson
James received three bids on the NSA accounting services. The
bids were close. The board agreed that we continue with our current accounting firm as the cost of a complete switch to another
accountant was expensive and not cost efficient.
Yardmaster: Ricky Stump
Absent – No Report
FYI on Yard Spaces
Yard Space fees
Member – 10’ (annual) $160.00
Member – 1’ (annual) $215.00
Member – 15’ (annual) $240.00
Yard space will be used for storage of sailboats and/or their
trailers. Members and/or non-members who have paid the appropriate fees may store their boats and/or trailers in the yards.
Any member storing, on a regular basis, a boat and/or trailer
owned by another member shall notify the Yardmaster in writing of this special arrangement.
Permanent side tie downs have been installed for small boats.
Each lessee is responsible for seeing that his or her boat is properly
secured and that the yard space is properly maintained.
NSA requires proof of liability insurance for any boat located on
NSA property.
All lessees shall have a signed lease agreement on file with the
Administrative Secretary.
Harbormaster: Doug Veith
Wetslip Use In the Winter
Sadly, another prime sailing season is coming to an end. After
a slow start getting the boats in the slips due to the low water, this
summer produced some fine sailing days. With winter approaching, I believe it is necessary to remind all sailors with boats in the
slips of the following:
Your slip rental ends on December 15. Boats cannot be docked
in the slips between December 15 and March 15 unless approved
by the harbormaster/board. Make your email or written request
known to the Harbormaster. After December 15, all boats are to be
removed from C, D, and E docks and berthed on either A dock or
the odd numbered slips on B dock for the winter unless otherwise
Continued: NSA Board of Governors Minutes–November 7, 2013
approved by the Harbormaster. Failure to relocate the boats will
require the Harbormaster to do so and there will be a fee charged
for the activity. If there are any questions, feel free to contact the
Harbormaster ([email protected]) or
Property Manager ([email protected])
Winter Slip fees:
Without bubbler – Slip lessee $74.00
Commodore Elect: Paul Faber
No Report.
Past Commodore: Jack Kramer
Kramer gave an update on the rental of the afterdeck.
n With bubbler – Slip Lessee $147.00
Vice Commodore: Gary Cheatum.
No report.
Kissinger reported the donation of a spar for a sunfish made by
Melissa Walker.
With or without bubbler – Non-Slip Lessee $235.00
Slip plumbing has been disconnected and winterized. Do not
reconnect the plumbing as this may allow the water to freeze and
plumbing to burst. Remove all garden hoses from the docks or
they will be discarded.
The pressure washer by the crane will remain in service through
the winter, but the user should bring a gallon of low-toxic engine
antifreeze (not the pink kind) and know how to winterize the
sprayer. Call the Property Manager if you plan to use the sprayer.
Failure to winterize the sprayer correctly may cause damage by
freezing water internally.
The restrooms east of the Afterdeck will soon be locked for the
winter. The pit toilet toward the shelter house will remain open.
Whether your boat is in the slip or the boat yard, do not use unattended heaters, secure all halyards away from masts, remove the
sails, and clear the cockpit drains. If your boat is left in the water,
double your dock lines, check your boat every two weeks, and notify the Harbormaster if you are going to use a deicer. It will need
to have an operating thermostat and a fee will be charged to cover
the cost of electricity for the equipment.
Operations Officer: Norman Dodson
Members interested in reserving the Shelter House, Afterdeck, or
holding a special group activity should contact David Parrish at
[email protected]
New Business:
New business was addressed in the individual reports.
Old Business:
2nd Slip: This is the second month the board has discussed allowing members with a second boat having a second slip. The discussion revolves around implementation of having a second slip, the
cost, and how a second slip has the possibility of being “bumped.”
Part of the discussion and suggestions was the harbormaster will
assign the second slip equal to or less than what your main slip is.
Harbormaster can reassign second boat at any time. Our current
Rules say you can have a slip and a nonpermanent mooring but
does not say you can have a second nonpermanent slip. Doug
would like it to say you can have a second slip. We plan on further
discussion and hopefully will vote and implement something at the
December meeting.
• BOG Breakfast – Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - 7:00 A.M., at
The Copper Oven Café, 2409 W. 13th St.
• BOG Meeting – Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the
DoubleTree by Hilton Wichita Airport Boardroom.
• 2014 NSA Calendars For Sale – Buy one for home and one for
the office.
Meeting Adjourned 8:53 P.M. (Born/Kramer)
Saturday, my husband told me he was going to the
lake to work on the boat and put it in the yard.
Does this look like men at work?
John Graves, Bob Born, Collin, and Allen
Johnson sailing Born 2 Wine on a beautiful
70 degree day, Saturday, October 16.
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
Well, it looks like it took quit a long
time to get that boat out of the water, but it is now in the yard for the
winter. Great job guys!!!
—Sheryl Born
Sell it in the Classifieds!
NEW LISTING - Newport 30, 1976.
Located at Perry Yacht Club, Ks
30 foot Sailboat, Beam 10.5 feet, Draft 4.75
feet, Displacement 8000 lbs.
Triple Axle Road trailer (needs tires and
new bearings for highway service) 2 year old
heavy winter cover
New battery (1 of 2), New bilge pump, Yanmar Diesel inboard with new impeller, Wheel
steering (back up tiller included), Good
cockpit and cabin cushions, Large cabin due
to wide beam, 5 headsails, Spinnaker, Sleeps
6, Bimini, Boat is ready to enjoy!
$15,300 or best offer. Cash only, no trades
Contact: Beth Whitson at whit4257@
NEW LISTING - 1984/1985 Starwind
223 Sailboat. Boat is ready to rig and
sail. Comes with good Mainsail, good
roller-furling Genoa, four-stroke outboard
engine and tandem axle RollCo trailer with
brakes and all other standard equipment. A
good solid sailboat that needs a new owner.
This boat was donated to NSA by previous
members. It will be sold to the highest bidder
(over the $1200.00 reserve price) based on
bids received by noon (12:00 PM) on October
25th (Saturday). All bids must be submitted in writing to Gary Cheatum at 5006
Harborside Drive, Wichita, KS 67204 or by
e-mail to [email protected]. (Telephone
conversations will not be considered “bids”.)
The winning bidder will be notified shortly
after the bid deadline. This boat is in the boat
storage yard at NSA and may be viewed/
inspected by contacting Patrick Adams.
This boat must be placed into a contracted
yardspace at NSA (available to members) or
removed from the NSA property area within
five (5) days of being sold.
Price Reduced - 1980 CATALINA 30
30 ft. TALL RIG SAILBOAT, $16,000
firm. Includes a 3-axle road trailer and a
slip transfer with NSA board approval. HAS
UNIVERSAL DIESEL 25hp, bottom painted
a month ago with vc17, bottom is nice and
slick. Very good boat for family cruising with
a nice big Bimini top or leave it at the dock
and go racing. Thousands of dollars on sails,
spinnaker with pole, folding prop, two big
harken winches that cost me $2,000 just for
them alone, upgraded with Harken center
main traveler. Inside the boat is clean, but has
original upholstery. Outside, it shines that
makes this boat a real beauty.
If you seriously desire a 30 ft. sailboat then
this one is truly worth a look. Call Marino
Garci at 239-699-6641 or can be seen at NSA
B-18 dock, look for a SHINNY 30ft. CATALINA , everyone knows my boat on B dock.
NEW LISTING - Sunfish. 1992 hull in
fair condition (one small repair needed on
bow); sail and rudder assembly purchased
in 2004 and are like new. Trailer is rough,
but usable. $500 OBO. John Graves 316250-7576 or [email protected]
NEW LISTING - Catalina 30 – 1981
“The Back Porch”: fin keel, Edson wheel
steering with compass on pedestal, selftailing winches, upgraded spreaders, roller
furling, headsail in great condition, main
is average. Also have several older sails.
Universal diesel (11 hp), bimini canvas
and frame are new, other canvas covers are
good to fair condition. Stern seats, cockpit
cushions, Magma propane grill, depth,
knot, VHF, stereo with Bose 151 speakers,
all cabin cushions recovered in a dark blue
and in perfect condition, Krusin Kool suitcase AC. Lots of extra stuff! Steel cradle
sits on heavy duty flatbed trailer with
nearly new rubber. $16,500 OBO John
Graves 316-250-7576 or johngraves@
Price Reduced. Cal 9.2 (30 ft.). New
mainsail, genoa (new in 2000), spinnaker,
stereo, VHF, bimini, cockpit cushions, and
BBQ grill. Very good Universal diesel engine.
Excellent trailer. Price reduced to $13,600.
Call 316-540-3674 to see this boat.
Catalina 25, 1981. Swing keel, trailer, slip
with board approval. VHF radio, radio/CD
player, microwave, air conditioner, head
with holding tank. Good main, rollerfurling, North genoa, spinnaker with ATK
sock, new Lewmar self-tailing winches,
bimini top, new cockpit and cabin cush-
AD Sizes and Prices
Business card size......$50 1/2 page................$200
1/4 page................$100 Full page.................$400
20% discount for ads with no changes running for
six consecutive months.
ions, 9.9 outboard, and more. $9,500. Call
Tony Scuka at 316-942-1990.
Cape Dory 19’ Typhoon weekender.
Liebchen. New bottom paint and teak refinishing Spring 2011. Main, jib and 150 genoa
(Nuclear Dacron–almost new.) Windex,
Danforth anchor, porta pottie, British seagull
engine. Galvanized “Dilly” trailer with new
lights. Asking $6000 OBO. Call Tom at
316-260-6820 or cell 316-259-7656. Also,
have 3-hp. to sell with or separate.
Columbia 26, 1978. Price $4,500.
Length: 26 ft.; Keel type: fixed; Draft: 3 ft.
2 in.; Weight: 6,600 lbs.; Average condition
mainsail, jib, and genoa; sound hull; good
interior; tiller steer; dodger, bimini, stack
pack; stand-up cabin, 6ft. 2 in. Call Bill Clark
at 316-681-0820.
Irwin 25 -1974. 25’ with an 8’ beam.
Mainsail, heavy duty hinged mast step,
cabin will sleep six. Foresail is on a roller
furling with lines to cockpit. She has a
table, sink, closet storage, head and tandem trailer. Sailboat and trailer together
are $3500. For more information contact
Gil Nye at 316-788-3454 or email at
[email protected].
J 24 with Trailer. Located at Cheney. Large
sail inventory of crisp and average sails
$3500.00. Contact Stan at 316-737-2753.
Phoenix Snipe 16'. 1982, boat # 25196,
completely renovated, and race competitive. It has minimum weight, flexible mast.
Can be capsized, re-righted and continue
sailing. Includes two suits of sails, large face
compass, pole launcher, and all sail controls. The trailer alone is worth the $1,500.
price. Contact Ken Rix at 316-684-6086,
or email at [email protected].
Ranger 26, 1970. Price $1,000. Length:
26 ft., draft 4 ft, 4 in., fixed keel, tiller,
mainsail, jib, and genoa, sound hull, needs
cosmetics, average condition, no trailer, no
engine. Call Bill Clark at 316-681-0820.
SNIPE. Fiberglass Balsa core, alum. mast
and boom, sails maroon hull clear natural
mahogany deck. $1,500.00. Call Dick at
Old Laser Parts. Good parts for sale.
Hobie 14 boat or parts for sale. Trailers.
Call Dan at 316-687-2471 or email at
[email protected].
Never worn new set of 3X West
Marine Third Reef foulies, classic
yellow coat and bibs probably 3 maybe 4
years old. They are nice for West Marine
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
branded gear. Price $50 donation to NSA
Youth Sailing.
Classified Advertising Policy:
Members are invited to advertise at no charge. Email your ad copy to the editor at [email protected]. Your item will appear in two consecutive issues unless you advise otherwise. Please let the editor know if the item is sold or if you want
your ad discontinued. Items advertised must be boat related.
Non-members wishing to advertise a boat related item may do so using paid advertising with the following per issue fees: $25 per ad, 50 word maximum. Payment in full and copy must be received prior to placing ad. Send your ad copy and a
check to Ninnescah Sailing Assn. PO Box 1587, Wichita, KS 67201. Members of any organized sailing association who offer us reciprocal free classified advertising in their publication will not be charged.
November Sailing at Cheney
2013 NSA Calendar
BOG Meeting
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Winter Party (2013) (Tentative)
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013
Ninnescah Sailing Association
P.O. Box 1587 • Wichita, Kansas 67201 • (316)-729-5757
Contact NSA ...................................................... [email protected]
Afterdeck Rental ................................................. [email protected]
Events & Merchandise ................................................. [email protected]
Regattas & Youth Sailing . .................................. [email protected]
Boat Storage . ................................................................ [email protected]
Wet Slips & Moorings
Newsletter............................................................................... [email protected]
Board of Governors
David Parrish
Gary Cheatum
Paul Faber
Jack Kramer
James Janson
Bob Born
Norm Dodson
Ricky Stump
Doug Veith
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Administrative Secretary
Allen Johnson, 729-5757; [email protected]
Property Manager
Patrick Adams, 540-3674; [email protected]
Mainsheet Editor
Sheryl Born, 708-1820; [email protected]
Ninnescah Sailing Association • November 2013