Expect to dominate the COMPETITION When the best of the best are on the line at full draw, BUTCH JOHNSON MARY ZORN DAVE COUSINS MAGNUS PETERSSON BRAEDEN GILLENTHIEN CLINT FREEMAN JANG, YONG-HO ERIC GRIGGS YUN, MI-JIM CHANCE BEAUBOUEF NATALIA VALEEVA REO WILDE DAVID BARNES TONY TAZZA CHRIS WHITE JEFF MCNAIL you can feel their concentration and poise hovering in the almost deafening silence. As the announcer shouts out “Ten – X Ten” the crowd goes wild, but the competitors, still focused, complete their routines. Finishing second isn’t the objective on anybody’s mind—dominating the competition is the goal. Virtually every world record, national title and gold medal has been won by an archer shooting Easton arrows. Providing the world’s best arrows is not a responsibility we take lightly. You expect perfection from Easton, and that is exactly what we deliver. Our arrows are consistent in weight and spine, and straight beyond our printed tolerances. We have set the bar for excellence, and we will continue to raise the level of expected performance with every arrow shaft and component we offer. Whether your venue is indoor, outdoor, field or 3D—whether you are competing for a world, national or local championship, take a close look at who is consistently on the winner’s podium, and what arrows are in their quivers. If you don’t expect to win, you won’t. If you do expect to win, you’re shooting Easton arrows. No excuses, only expectations. 30 MICHELE FRANGILLI Easton supports the national and international organizations that work tirelessly to promote archery. We will continue to work hand-in-hand with these committed groups of individuals whose collective passion is to enhance the quality of archery and develop young archers. 3D International — 3DI Archery Shooters Association — ASA Archery Trade Association — ATA International Archery Federation — FITA International Bowhunting Organization — IBO National Archery Association of the U.S. — NAA National Field Archery Association — NFAA 31 EXTREME PRECISION A/C TECHNOLOGY X10 and A/C/E are designed for outdoor target and Olympic-style competition. The small diameter reduces wind drift and aerodynamic drag. Easton’s exclusive barreled design produces a stiffer shaft with lighter ends that create a higher natural frequency of vibration for better clearance. Each dozen is perfectly matched, weight sorted to within ± 0.5 grains and straightened to ± .002” for the most consistent performance. X10 AND A/C/E The precision-drawn (0.006" wall), high-strength aluminum core tube provides circumferential strength, split and crush resistance, and durability Points and nock components are installed inside the strong, common size, aluminum core and are flush with the outside of the shaft Layers of bonded, unidirectional carbon fibers and epoxy resin matrix offer unmatched strength. Easton’s exclusive bonding process ensures an extremely strong bond of the carbon fiber to the aluminum core. A smooth 9-micron finish makes the X10 and A/C/E easier to pull over the rest, under the clicker and from target mats You might think with all the World titles and trophies X10 won by archers shooting Easton X10 and A/C/E X10 holds more current FITA world records than all other arrows combined. • High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a precision 7075 aluminum core tube • Weight tolerance: ± 0.5 grains • Straightness: ± .002" (.004" T.I.R.) • Polished black carbon • Sizes: 1000, 900, 830, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 410, 380 • X10 Pin and Pin Nock • Components - Sold separately X10 Ballistic Tungsten Point The ultimate hardware for the world’s most advanced arrow. X10 Stainless Steel Break-off Point Pin Nock X10 Pin Pin Nocks provide precise nock alignment and help prevent shaft damage or destruction from rear impact. X10 Size Shaft Weight1 Shaft Weight @ Spine @ 28" 29" Span 1000 900 830 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 410 380 Grains per Inch 5.27 5.75 6.16 6.35 6.70 6.79 7.02 7.47 7.80 8.10 8.48 8.87 Deflection in Inches 1.000 0.900 0.830 0.750 0.700 0.650 0.600 0.550 0.500 0.450 0.410 0.380 Grains 153 167 179 184 194 197 204 217 226 235 246 257 Stock Length Maximum Trim Amount2 Recommended Point Weight Range Inches 28 28 281⁄2 29 29 29 30 31 32 331⁄2 333⁄4 333⁄4 Inches No limit No limit No limit 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.0 5.5 5.5 6.5 Grains 90-100 90-100 90-100 90-100 90-100 90-100 100-110 100-110 100-110 100-110 100-120 100-120 X10 Points X10 Ballistic Tungsten X10 Stainless Steel Break-off Break-off Grains Grains 100/110/120 90/100/110 Screw-in Point A/C/E Insert One-piece Point A/C/E Stainless Steel Break-off Point 32 in stride. But, that couldn’t be farther from reality. Every victory gives us another reason to focus on ways to make our products and this great sport even better. A/C technology is our golden achievement, and we X10 Pin Nock System X10 Pin Pin Nock Grains Grains 8 2 are proud to share it with every competitor whose expectations and aspirations are to be the best. Pin Nock Colors: Translucent Green, Red, Blue, Orange and Opaque Yellow. 1 Due to the pronounced barrel design of the X10, the grain weight-per-inch shown is an average weight-perinch of a 29" shaft. Shaft weight is slightly heavier toward the larger diameter center and lighter toward the tapered ends. One inch of shaft cut from the point end typically weighs 6-7 grains. 2 Because of the pronounced barrel shape of the X10, Easton recommends that no more than these lengths be cut from the front of the shaft before point installation. Expect GOLD Pin Nocks provide precise nock alignment and help prevent shaft damage or destruction from rear impact. A/C/E Alum i n u m / C a r b o n / E x t re m e A/C/E—superb performance for 3D, field and target competitors. • High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a precision 7075 aluminum core tube • Weight tolerance: ± 0.5 grains • Straightness: ± .002" (.004" T.I.R.) • Polished black carbon • Sizes: 1400, 1250, 1100, 1000, 920, 850, 780, 720, 670, 620, 570, 520, 470, 430, 400, 370 • A/C/E Pin and Pin Nock or “G” Nock • Components - Sold separately arrows, we would take each championship moment A/C/E Pin Pin Nock “G” Nock A/C/E Size Shaft Weight1 Shaft Weight @ 29" 14002 12502 11002 1000 920 850 780 720 670 620 570 520 470 430 400 370 Grains per Inch 4.86 5.08 5.14 5.70 5.83 5.70 6.01 6.35 5.93 6.11 6.30 6.65 6.81 7.03 7.50 7.91 Grains 141 147 149 165 169 165 174 184 172 177 183 193 197 204 218 229 Maximum Recommended Spine @ 28" Stock Trim Point Weight Span Length Amount3 Range Deflection in Inches 1.400 1.250 1.100 1.000 0.920 0.850 0.780 0.720 0.670 0.620 0.570 0.520 0.470 0.430 0.400 0.370 Inches 265⁄8 265⁄8 285⁄8 285⁄8 285⁄8 285⁄8 295⁄8 295⁄8 305⁄8 305⁄8 315⁄8 315⁄8 325⁄8 325⁄8 325⁄8 325⁄8 Inches No limit No limit No limit No limit 9.5 No limit No limit 6.0 No limit No limit 10.0 4.5 6.5 5.5 4.0 4.0 Grains 50-60 60-70 70-80 70-80 70-80 70-80 80-90 80-90 80-90 90-100 90-100 90-100 90-100 100-110 100-110 110-120 Insert Weight H - 39gr. A/C/E Insert and Point System 5-44 Thread Screw-in Point Weight #2-31gr. #3-36gr. #4-41gr. #5-46gr. Total Weight (grains)—Insert and Point 70 75 80 85 #6-51gr. 90 J - 49gr. 80 85 90 95 100 L - 59gr. 90 95 100 105 110 A/C/E Points Steel One-piece Stainless Break-off Grains 50 Grains 60/70/80 80/90/100 100/110/120 A/C/E Pin Nock System A/C/E Pin Pin Nock Grains Grains 8 2 A/C/E Nock “G” Nock Grains 7 Pin Nock Colors: Translucent Green, Red, Blue, Orange and Opaque Yellow. “G” Nock Colors: Opaque Black, White and Translucent Green, Orange, Red. 1 Due to the barrel design of the A/C/E, the grain weight-per-inch shown is an average weight-per-inch of a 29” shaft. Shaft weight is slightly heavier toward the larger diameter center and lighter toward the tapered ends. One inch of shaft cut from the point end weighs 5-6 grains. 2 Available as a special order only. Replaced with -00 sizes in the A/C/C shaft series. 3 Because of the pronounced barrel shape of the A/C/E, Easton recommends that no more than these lengths be cut from the front of the shaft before point installation. 33 ������������������������ A/C NAVIGATOR AND A/C/C ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������� 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Now, a high-quality “fat” carbon shaft for target competitors. And the best news is—you won’t pay any more for Easton quality. You might want to check out FatBoy before your competition does. NEW LightSpeed—sizzling fast and light weight and in the arsenal of the top 3D competitors. They’re moving fast and getting top-ranking results. Just ask the Goza brothers, Derry Null, and others who are winning big money at ASA and IBO championship events. You can bet their expectations have been exceeded with Easton LightSpeed. WRAPPED CARBON Radial core Micro-smooth finish for reduced wear on the arrow-rest and easy removal from targets. Unidirectional overlays FatBoy A stronger, straighter and more accurate carbon line-cutter. FatBoy meets FITA’s arrow diameter maximum of 9.3mm. • Multi-layer wrapped carbon fibers • Weight tolerance: ± 2.0 grains • Straightness: ± .005" (.010" T.I.R.) • Black, smooth matte finish • Internal-fit Super UNI Bushing - Installed • Inserts, Points and Nocks - Sold separately Super UNI Bushing and Super Nock or 3D Super Nock FATBOY One-piece Bullet Point Size RPS Point 8-32 RPS Insert NEW FROM EASTON, THE TOUGHEST, MOST ACCURATE 3D LINE-CUTTER ON THE MARKET, FATBOY. 500 400 340 Shaft Super1 Shaft Weight Spine @ Stock Super UNI RPS2 Weight @ 29" 28" Span Length Nock1 Bushing Insert Grains per Deflection in Inch Grains Inches Inches Grains Grains Grains 7.10 7.75 8.30 206 225 241 0.500 0.400 0.340 323⁄4 33 331⁄4 13 13 13 9 9 9 Onepiece Point RPS Point3 Grains O.D. Inches 38 38 38 80/100 80/100 80/100 11⁄32 11⁄32 11⁄32 1 Super UNI factory installed. 2 RPS insert designed specifically for Fat Boy. Use ATA Standard 8-32 screw-in points. 3 Uses 11/32 ATA Standard Easton RPS, field or blunt points. Expect RE SULTS Super Nock or 3D Super Nock fits directly into the shaft for perfect alignment Take your pick. Choose our NEW FatBoy, large diameter, lightweight line-cutter that is more durable LightSpeed than any other “fat shaft” on the market, or the super-fast proven 3D performer, LightSpeed. Super-fast, lightweight LightSpeed is the perfect 3D performer. Either way, you’ll get the results you expect • Multi-layer wrapped carbon fibers • Weight tolerance: ± 2.0 grains • Straightness: ± .005" (.010" T.I.R.) • Black, smooth matte finish • Sizes: 500, 400, 340 • Internal-fit Super Nock - Installed • CB insert - Included • Points - Sold separately from Easton. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at who’s taking home the trophies. There are a lot of LIGHTSPEED CB Point Size RPS Point CB Insert 500 400 340 Shaft Weight Grains per Inch 6.53 7.41 8.16 Shaft Weight Spine @ 28" Stock @ 29" Span Length Deflection in Grains Inches Inches 189 0.500 323⁄4 215 0.400 33 237 0.340 331⁄4 arrow companies out there beating Super Nock1 CB Insert2 CB Point RPS Point3 Grains 13 13 13 Grains 21 21 21 Grains 80/100 80/100 80/100 O.D. Inches 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 1 Super Nock factory installed. 2 CB Inserts designed specifically for Epic, Excel and LightSpeed. Use ATA Standard 8-32 screw-in points. 3 Can use 9/32 ATA Standard Easton RPS points, field or blunt points. 36 their chests and making claims of superior performance, but when all is said and done—it’s the winning results that tell the real story. 37 CARBON ARROWS C2 All-carbon target arrows from Easton fill your quiver with extreme precision and accuracy. Our C2 technology produces Vector and Redline—lightweight, stiff, durable and consistently uniform with internal-fitting components. Super fast, super tough and super affordable. Easton’s C2 manufacturing process, perfected through remarkable advances in carbon arrow technology, promises extraordinary performance in a target arrow. VECTOR/REDLINE Unidirectional, high-strength carbon fibers Micro-smooth finish pulls easily from targets. High-strength C2 carbon composite wrapped fibers for exceptional durability and strength C2 Vector Vector Pin At Easton, we push ourselves past the standard limits Pin Nock of performance. Make it stronger; make it faster; make Pin Nocks provide precise nock alignment and help prevent shaft damage or destruction from rear impact. Small diameter construction makes Vector extremely effective in long-distance outdoor competition. • High-strength C2 carbon composite fibers • Weight tolerance: ± 1.0 grains • Straightness: ± .004" (.008" T.I.R.) • Black, micro-smooth finish • Sizes: 1050, 920, 840, 770, 700, 640, 580, 530, 480 • Components - Sold separately it better—make it distinctly an Easton product. We go all the way to the red line. Our C2 Vector and Redline arrows scream past acceptable, race beyond the norm, VECTOR Vector Stainless Steel Break-off Point Size 1050 920 840 770 700 640 580 530 480 Stainless Pin Nocks Shaft Recommended Steel Shaft Weight Spine @ Stock Point Weight Break-off Vector Pin Weight @ 29" 28" Span Length Range Point Pin Nock Grains per Deflection in Inch Grains Inches Inches Grains Grains Grains Grains 5.24 152 1.050 28 70-80 70/80/90 7 2 1 5.44 158 0.920 28 ⁄4 70-80 70/80/90 7 2 1 6.06 176 0.840 28 ⁄2 80-90 80/90/100 7 2 1 6.26 182 0.770 29 ⁄2 80-90 80/90/100 7 2 1 6.38 185 0.700 30 ⁄2 80-90 80/90/100 7 2 3 6.87 199 0.640 30 ⁄4 90-100 90/100/110 8 2 1 7.06 205 0.580 31 ⁄2 90-100 90/100/110 8 2 7.56 219 0.530 313⁄4 90-100 90/100/110 8 2 7.78 226 0.480 32 100-110 90/100/110 8 2 and finish in the winner’s circle. Expect DISTINCTION Pin Nock Colors: Translucent Green, Red, Blue, Orange and Opaque White. C2 Redline Redline UNI Bushing Redline is fast and precise for 3D and target archery. • High-strength C2 carbon composite fibers • Weight tolerance: ± 1.5 grains • Straightness: ± .004" (.008" T.I.R.) • Black, micro-smooth finish • Sizes: 1000, 900, 780, 690, 600, 520, 460, 410, 360 • Redline UNI Bushing - Installed • “G” Nock - Sold separately • Inserts and Points - Sold separately “G” Nock REDLINE A/C/C One-piece Parabolic Point Size A/C/C NIBB Point 8-32 RPS Insert - A/C/C RPS Point 8-32 Halfout Insert - A/C/C 1000 900 780 690 600 520 460 410 360 Shaft Shaft Weight Spine @ Weight @ 29” 28” Span Grains per Deflection in Inch Grains Inches 5.68 165 1.000 5.83 169 0.900 6.30 183 0.780 6.27 182 0.690 6.92 201 0.600 7.09 206 0.520 7.32 212 0.460 7.60 220 0.410 8.31 241 0.360 Stock Length Inches 291⁄2 291⁄2 30 301⁄2 31 311⁄2 311⁄2 32 32 Point/ Insert Sizes -04 -04 -18 -18 -28 -49 -49 -60 -60 UNI1 System Redline Bushing “G” Nock2 Heavy Wt. Grains 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 7 7 Grains 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Grains5 100 100 — — — — — — — —Indicates not available. 1 UNI–Universal Nock Installation System. 2 Easton “G” Nock is available in Opaque Black, White and Translucent Green, Orange, Red and comes in .088” and .098” string groove sizes. 38 One-Piece Parabolic Point Extra Light Hyper Light Med. Wt. Light Wt. Wt. Wt. NIBB Point RPS Inserts3 8-32 RPS Halfout 8-32 Alum. Point4 Grains5 80 80 100 100 100 — — — — Grains5 — — 70 70 70 80 80 90 90 Grains — — 16 16 18 — — — — Grains5 70 70 82 82 87 100 100 108 108 Grains5 60 60 70 70 70 80 80 90 90 Grains5 50 50 60 60 60 70 70 80 80 Grains — — — — — 9 9 11 11 O.D. Inches — — 17⁄64 17⁄64 17⁄64 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 9⁄32 3 RPS=Replaceable Point System with 8-32 ATA-Standard thread. 4 RPS Parabolic Target Points are available in 50-125 grains. 5 NIBB Point grain weights are ±0.5 grains; all other points are ±1 grain. 39 X7/XX75 TARGET Manufactured with tough 7178-T9 metal alloy, X7 is the premier aluminum arrow technology. Easton’s X7 Eclipse is famous for extreme straightness, superior strength and consistent spine—and that adds up to accuracy. X7 Cobalt, with our patented Super Swage technology, is following in its There is nothing more gratifying than to see the footsteps, rapidly making a name for itself with victory after victory at ASA and IBO competitions. XX75 Platinum Plus takes the prize for great all-around performance. Jazz is specifically designed for kids, beginners and archers looking for outstanding design at an economical price. smiles on the faces of children shooting a bow and arrow. At Easton, we understand that young shooters X7 Cobalt • 7178-T9 Alloy • Strength (psi): 105,000 • Weight tolerance: ± 3/4% • Straightness: ± .001" (.002" T.I.R.) • Hard-anodized polished cobalt blue • Sizes: 1914, 2014, 2112, 2114, 2212, 2213, 2312, 2314, New 2315, 2412, 2413, 2512 • Super Swage™ • Nocks and Points - Sold separately Expect FUN their smaller and lighter bows. We make the same Super Swage | (US patent no. 6,017,284) The ultimate nock attachment system. Super Swage is precision-formed to a parallel section that is then machined true to the shaft for perfect nock fit. This technology provides lighter weight, increased surface contact between the nock and the shaft, more streamlined flight, and undeniable accuracy. Super Nock or 3D Super Nock commitment of quality to youngsters that we make to every other archer. X7 Ec lipse • 7178-T9 Alloy • Strength (psi): 105,000 • Weight tolerance: ± 3/4% • Straightness: ± .001" (.002" T.I.R.) • Hard-anodized polished black • Sizes: 1512, 1514, 1612, 1614, 1712, 1714, 1812, 1814, 1912, 1914, 2012, 2014, 2112, 2114, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2312, 2314, New 2315, 2412, 2413, 2512, 2613 • UNI or Super UNI Bushing - Installed • Nocks and Points - Sold separately XX75 Plati n u m P l u s NIBB Point One-piece Bullet Point Super UNI Bushing and Super Nock or 3D Super Nock UNI Bushing and “G” Nock Eclipse sizes 1914 and smaller Platinum Plus sizes 1916 and smaller • 7075-T9 Alloy • Strength (psi): 96,000 • Weight tolerance: ± 1% • Straightness: ± .002" (.004" T.I.R.) • Hard-anodized platinum grey • Sizes: 1416, 1516, 1616, 1713, 1716, 1813, 1816, 1913, 1916, 2013, 2016, 2114, 2115, 2213, 2315, 2413 • UNI or Super UNI Bushing - Installed • Nocks and Points - Sold separately Jazz shafts have a precision-ground nock swage. The 1214 uses the “G” Nock, which fits directly into the shaft. Jazz • 7075 Alloy • Strength (psi): 85,000 • Weight tolerance: ±2% • Straightness: ±.006" (.012" T.I.R.) • Hard-anodized purple/silver • Sizes: 1214, 1413, 1416, 1516, 1616, 1716, 1813, 1816, 1913, 1916, 2013 • Full-diameter taper swage • Components - Sold separately 40 Conventional Nock NIBB Point One-piece Bullet Point RPS Point 8-32 RPS Insert See aluminum shaft and component specifications on page 42. 41 ALUMINUM TARGET SHAFT AND COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS VANES Expect DIRECTION You get honest and accurate shaft and component specifications only with Easton TruSpecs. Stock Length3 Shaft Weight Size XX751 X72 1214 1413 1416 1512 1514 1516 1612 1614 1616 1712 1713 1714 1716 1812 1813 1814 1816 1912 1913 1914 1916 2012 2013 2014 2016 2112 2114 2115 2212 2213 2214 2312 2314 2315 2412 2413 2512 2613 Grains per Inch 5.93 — 5.94 — 7.15 — — 5.84 — 6.83 7.34 — — 6.27 — 7.73 8.36 — — 6.70 7.42 — — 8.07 9.03 — — 7.30 7.86 — — 8.57 9.27 — — 7.60 8.34 — — 9.28 10.05 — — 8.00 9.01 — — 9.56 10.56 — — 8.42 9.86 9.94 10.75 — — 8.84 9.83 9.92 — 10.41 — 9.48 10.67 10.76 11.67 11.77 — 9.65 10.40 10.50 — 10.28 — 11.49 UNI System5 Super UNI System5 RPS7 Shaft Weight @ 29" Spine @ 28" Span 751 X72 Conventional Nock Size4/8 Bushing9 “G” Nock Bushing Super Nock 3D Super Nock NIBB Point One-piece Bullet Point Insert Alum. RPS Point Size Grains 172 172 207 169 198 213 182 224 242 194 215 234 262 212 228 249 269 220 242 269 291 232 261 277 306 244 286 312 256 285 302 275 309 338 280 302 298 333 Deflection in Inches 2.501 2.036 1.684 1.553 1.379 1.403 1.298 1.153 1.079 1.099 1.044 0.963 0.880 0.879 0.874 0.799 0.756 0.778 0.733 0.658 0.623 0.680 0.610 0.579 0.531 0.590 0.510 0.461 0.505 0.460 0.425 0.423 0.390 0.342 0.400 0.365 0.321 0.265 Inches 26 26 27 — — 271⁄2 — — 281⁄2 — 29 — 29 — 30 — 30 — 31 — 31 — 321⁄2 — 32 — 321⁄2 33 — 331⁄2 — — 331⁄2 34 — 34 341⁄2 — Inches — — — 27 26 — 28 28 — 281⁄2 — 29 — 291⁄2 — 291⁄2 — 30 — 301⁄2 — 311⁄2 — 311⁄2 — 311⁄2 321⁄2 — 321⁄2 331⁄2 33 33 331⁄2 34 34 34 341⁄2 341⁄2 Inches — 7⁄32 7⁄32 — — 1⁄4 — — 1⁄4 — 1⁄4 — 1⁄4 — 1⁄4 — 1⁄4 — 9⁄32 — 9⁄32 — 9⁄32 — 9⁄32 — 5⁄16 5⁄16 — 5⁄16 — — 11⁄32 11⁄32 11⁄32 11⁄32 — — Grains — — 2 5 5 3 6 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 (10) — (10) — (10) (11) (11) (13) (13) (13) (15) (14) — (17) (17) (20) (22) Grains 7 — 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 — 7 — 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 — 7 7 7 7 Grains — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5 5 5 4 7 7 7 9 9 9 11 10 11 12 12 15 17 Grains — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Grains — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Grains6 — — 46 4910 6110 48 5510 51 56 6210 54 56 60 6710 56 60 63 7010 64 64 72 8310 68 71 80 8810 78 83 10210 88 10310 9910 — — 110 110 10810 — Grains6 45 35 52 — — 54 — — 63 — — — 68 — — — 74 — — — 82 — — — 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 Grains6 — — — — — — — — — — — — 10 — 14 — 12 — 17 — 16 22 21 — 20 25 25 25 31 30 — 37 34 37 40 40 52 58 Grains — — — — — — — — — — — — 17/64 — 9/32 — 9/32 — 5/16 — 5/16 5/16 5/16 — 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 11/32 11/32 — 11/32 11/32 11/32 11/32 11/32 11/32 3/8 — Indicates not available 1 XX75 Jazz, Platinum Plus. 2 X7 Eclipse and Cobalt. 3 Length is approximate stock shaft length for each size. 4 Nock size for conventional swaged nock taper. 5 UNI—Universal Nock Installation System. 6 NIBB point grain weights are ±0.5 grain. All other components are ±1 grain. 7 RPS = Replaceable Point System with 8-32 ATA-Standard thread. 8 Jazz is produced without reduced diameter taper and can also use the next largest conventional nock size. 9 Parenthesis indicates smaller (A/C/E Nock) UNI Bushing size is available as an accessory. Except X7 Cobalt. 10 This NIBB point will provide approximately an 8% F.O.C. All other NIBB points are approximately 7% F.O.C. F.O.C. is Front-of-Center balance position on the arrow shaft. Easton Diamond The direction we give our children will guide them from Vanes ™ their young impressionable years to become responsible citizens. The time we spend hunting together creates cherished moments—opportunities to share our pride Size 175 235 280 380 1 All grain weights are within ±0.5 grain. Length Height Weight Inches Inches Grains1 13⁄4" 23⁄8" 27⁄8" 37⁄8" .375 .355 .500 .500 3 4 6 8 for archery and provide the kind of direction they need to become passionate and responsible bowhunters. Our experience, persistence and patience helps us deliver the Glue: Fastset or Fastset Gel. Easton’s Diamond Vanes with matte finish, durable material and parabolic design, offer optimum stabilization for carbon and aluminum arrows. Available in eight colors (bright green, chartreuse, sunset gold, hot pink, purple, fire orange, white and black) and four popular lengths from 13⁄4" to 37⁄8". positive messages these youngsters need. Spin Wing Vanes 13⁄4" vanes are available in black, blue, red, white and yellow. Lightweight Spin Wing Vanes, made of mylar material for long-distance outdoor shooting, are used by 95% of FITA target archers. The curved pocket design of the vane traps and compresses air for minimum drag in flight and high-spin accuracy. ALUMINUM AND WOOD PRACTICE ARROWS Economy alloy and wood arrows are also available from Easton. For shaft specifications and component information, please contact Easton. (See contact information on back cover.) Stalker s an d Wo o d • Fall Stalker Sizes: 1816, 1916, 2018, 2117, 2216, 2219 • Gold Stalker Sizes: 1816, 2018, 2117, 2216, 2219 • Red Stalker Sizes: 1516, 1616, 1716, 1816, 1916, 2216 • Wood Sizes: • Premium: 11/32 • Intermediate: 11/32, 5/16 • Beginner: 5/16 42 43 OUTDOOR & INDOOR TARGET • FIELD • 3D SHAFT SPECIFICATIONS AND SIZES ALUMINUM/CARBON CHOOSING THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT Archery—the “X” inside the bull’s eye is the symbol of perfection worldwide. And Easton is the symbol of accuracy to every archer striving to achieve perfection. When you choose an arrow from our vast selection of aluminum, carbon composite or aluminum/carbon, you are assured the highest level of quality. Consistent weight, straightness and spine are built into every Easton arrow. From our X10 for the Gold-medal contender to our NEW carbon FatBoy for the indoor competitor or 3D enthusiast, there is an Easton arrow to match your style and setup. Materials/Construction Nock System Nock Type Inserts Points Weight Tolerance3 Straightness1 Color/Finish Sizes X10® High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a 7075 aluminum core tube - barreled shaft. X10 Pin Pin Nock Not available X10 Ballistic Tungsten or X10 Stainless Steel Breakoff Point ±0.5 grains ±.002” (.004” T.I.R.) Polished Black Carbon 1000, 900, 830, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500, 450, 410, 380 A/C/E® High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a 7075 aluminum core tube - barreled shaft. A/C/E Pin or Insert Nock Pin Nock or “G” Nock A/C/E Insert Screw-in, One-piece or A/C/E Stainless Steel Break-off Point ±0.5 grains ±.002” (.004” T.I.R.) Polished Black Carbon (1400, 1250, 1100)4, 1000, 920, 850, 780, 720 ,670, 620, 570, 520, 470, 430, 400, 370 A/C Navigator™ High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a 7075 aluminum core tube A/C/E Pin or Insert Nock Pin Nock or “G” Nock A/C/E Insert Screw-in, One-piece , A/C/E Stainless Steel Break-off or Navigator Stainless Steel Break-off Point ±1 grains ±.0025” (.005” T.I.R.) Polished Black Carbon 1000, 880, 810, 710, 610, 540, 480, 430 A/C/C® High-strength carbon fiber bonded to a 7075 aluminum core tube UNI System “G” Nock 8-32 RPS Insert One-piece Parabolic Point, NIBB Point or RPS Point ±0.5 grains ±.003” (.006” T.I.R.) Low Gloss Black Carbon 2-00, 3L-00, 3-00, 2L-04, 2-04, 3X-04, 3L-04, 3-04, 3L-18, 3-18, 3-28, 3-39, 3-49, 3-60, 3-71 Materials/Construction Nock System Nock Type Inserts Points Weight Tolerance3 Straightness1 Color/Finish Sizes Multi-layer wrapped carbon fibers Super UNI System Internal-fit 3-D Super Nock or Super Nock 8-32 RPS Insert One-piece Bullet or RPS Point ±2.0 grains ±.005” (.010” T.I.R.) Black, Smooth Matte Finish 500, 400, 340 LightSpeed™ Multi-layer wrapped carbon fibers Direct Internal-fit 3-D Super Nock or Super Nock CB Insert CB or RPS Point ±2.0 grains ±.005” (.010” T.I.R.) Black, Smooth Matte Finish 500, 400, 340 C2 Vector™ High-strength C2 carbon composite fibers Vector Pin Pin Nock Not available Vector Stainless Steel Break-off Point ±1.0 grains ±.004” (.008” T.I.R.) Black, Micro-smooth Finish 1050, 920, 840, 770, 700, 640, 580, 530, 480 C2 Redline™ High-strength C2 carbon composite fibers UNI System Internal-fit “G” Nock 8-32 RPS Insert - A/C/C A/C/C One-piece Parabolic, A/C/C NIBB or RPS Point ±1.5 grains ±.004” (.008” T.I.R.) Black, Micro-smooth Finish 1000, 900, 780, 690, 600, 520, 460, 410, 360 CARBON FatBoy™ ALUMINUM NEW Alloy Strength2 (psi) Nock System Nock Type Inserts Points Weight Tolerance Straightness1 Color/Hard-anodized Finish Sizes X7® Cobalt™ 7178-T9 105,000 Direct Internal-fit Super Swage™ 3-D Super Nock or Super Nock Not available NIBB or One-piece Bullet Point ±3⁄4% ±.001” (.002” T.I.R.) Polished Cobalt Blue 1914, 2014, 2112, 2114, 2212, 2213, 2312, 2314, 2315, 2412, 2413, 2512 X7® Eclipse® 7178-T9 105,000 UNI or Super UNI System “G” Nock, Super Nock or 3-D Super Nock Not available NIBB or One-piece Bullet Point ±3⁄4% ±.001” (.002” T.I.R.) Polished Black 1512, 1514, 1612, 1614, 1712, 1714, 1812, 1814, 1912, 1914, 2012, 2014, 2112, 2114, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2312, 2314, 2315, 2412, 2413, 2512 ,2613 XX75® Platinum® Plus 7075-T9 96,000 UNI or Super UNI System “G” Nock, Super Nock or 3-D Super Nock 8-32 RPS Insert NIBB, One-piece Bullet or RPS Point ±1% ±.002” (.004” T.I.R.) Platinum Grey 1416, 1516, 1616, 1713, 1716, 1813, 1816, 1913, 1916, 2013, 2016, 2114, 2115, 2213, 2315, 2413 Jazz™ 7075 85,000 Full-Diameter Taper Swage Conventional or “G” Nock5 8-32 RPS Insert NIBB, One-piece Bullet or RPS Point ±2% ±.006” (.012” T.I.R.) Purple/Silver 12145, 1413, 1416, 1516, 1616, 1716, 1813, 1816, 1913, 1916, 2013 1 Straightness tolerance (T.I.R. = Total Indicator Reading as shaft is rotated 360˚ per ATA ASTM Standard). Easton straightness measurements comply with the ATA/ASTM industry standard. However, our shafts also meet a far more stringent straightness measurement of full length minus 2 inches (i.e. 34 inch shafts are measured at 32 inches). 44 2 3 4 5 Tensile strength value may vary ±3%. Grains per shafts in a dozen bundle. Special order only. 1214 size Jazz uses “G” Nock. New sizes and models are shown in red. Eclipse and Platinum Plus sizes in italics use A/C/E UNI Nock System. ®/™ Registered Trademark/Trademark of Easton. 45 SPINE AND WEIGHT COMPARISON CHART No other company offers such a comprehensive array of arrow sizes and spines to fit every setup. Our Comparison Chart illustrates the spine and weight relationship of all sizes using a 29" shaft length. This relationship is comparable for other shaft lengths, as well. The spine (stiffness) of the 29" shaft is defined as the measured deflection (in inches) that results from hanging a 1.94 lb. (880 gram) weight from 1.800 ARROW SIZE IDENTIFICATION the center of the shaft that is supported at two points 28" (71.12 cm) apart. Each different weight group is indicated graphically by a band of shading on the graph. Our Shaft Specifications and Sizes Chart show our complete line of outdoor and indoor target, field and 3-D arrows, and our Selection Charts on pages 48-49 will help you find the perfect arrow match for your type and style of shooting. 1214 2.501 1413 2.036 BOW-WEIGHT/SHAFT SPINE RELATIONSHIP 1.700 1.600 1512 1.500 1.400 2-00 1514 3L-00 1.300 — Spine (deflection inches 28-inch span with 1.94 pounds (880 grams) — 1516 1400 LEGEND It is easy to select another weight target arrow with similar spine that will shoot well from your bow simply by moving to the right or left horizontally. Our Comparison Chart illustrates the spine and weight relationship of all sizes using a 29" shaft length. This relationship is comparable for other shaft lengths, as well. The spine (stiffness) of the 29" shaft is defined as the measured deflection (in inches) that results from hanging a 1.94 lb. (880 gram) weight from the center of the shaft that is supported at two points 28" (71.12 cm) apart. Each different weight group is indicated graphically by a band of shading on the graph. 1416 X10 Diameter of aluminum core tube, e.g. 9=9⁄64"O.D. X10 A/C/E® A/C Navigator™ A/C/C® Vector Redline FatBoy LightSpeed X7® XX75® XX78 and XX75 Wall thickness of aluminum core tube, e.g. 06=0.006" wall. Spine (deflection measured in thousandths of an inch) at 28" span for all sizes. A/C/E Diameter of aluminum core tube, e.g. 12=12⁄64" O.D. Letter series of this model. Wall thickness of aluminum core tube, e.g. 06=0.006" wall. 1612 1250 Spine (deflection measured in thousandths of an inch) at 28" span for all sizes. Letter series of this 1206 model shaft. 1.200 A/C/C 1100 1.100 1712 1000 1713 1000 1000 2L-04 1000 1714 920 0.900 Dash number–last two digits of the core tube diameter in thousandths of an inch, e.g. 60=0.360". 1616 1050 1.000 Relative thickness of carbon (graphite) fiber on aluminum core. 1614 3-00 880 850 0.800 1812 840 830 810 780 0.700 670 1814 770 780 750 710 720 700 690 Navigator 1912 1816 3L-04 700 1913 2012 3-04 650 640 610 600 600 580 570 520 500 520 500 0.500 NOTE: The “carbon relative thickness” code followed by the letter “L” (e.g. 3L-04, 3L-18) indicates a lighter spine shaft (the letter “X” indicates the lightest spine) of that core tube size with that number of wraps. 1716 1813 3X-04 620 0.600 Spine (deflection measured in thousandths of an inch) at 28" span for all sizes. 2-04 920 900 900 470 430 0.400 3L-18 1916 2013 2112 540 Spine (deflection measured in thousandths of an inch) at 28" span for all sizes. 1914 550 530 Carbon 2014 3-18 2114 500 2212 3-28 480 480 460 450 430 3-39 410 410 400 400 400 3-49 380 370 360 340 340 2213 Spine (deflection measured in thousandths of an inch) at 28" span for all sizes. 2115 2214 2312 2412 2413 3-71 Aluminum Weight group bands–thicker bands indicate heavier weight groups, thinner multiple bands indicate lighter weight groups. Lite Aluminum 2314 3-60 0.300 2016 2315 2512 2613 UltraLite Aluminum, SuperLite A/C and Carbon UltraLite Carbon 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 — Weight (grains) 29-inch shaft only — 46 260 280 300 SuperLite Aluminum 320 340 Shaft model Shaft outside diameter in nearest sixty-fourth of an inch. Wall thickness in nearest thousandth of an inch. 47 EASTON OUTDOOR & INDOOR TARGET • FIELD • 3-D ARROW SELECTION CHART The Correct Arrow Length for any type bow (including bows with overdraws) is determined by drawing an extra-long arrow to full draw and having someone mark the arrow one inch in front of where the arrow contacts the most forward portion of the arrow rest. You may also use an arrow-length check arrow from Easton. 2. Determining Actual Peak Bow Weight for Compound Bows 201⁄2 211⁄2 221⁄2 231⁄2 (52.1 cm) (54.6 cm) (57.2 cm) (59.7 cm) 21" Y1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Correct Target Arrow Length 1” clearance (minimum) Place where arrow contacts most forward portion of the arrow rest. 22" COMPOUND BOW - Release Aid Calculated Peak Bow Weight - Lbs. 241⁄2 (62.2 cm) 251⁄2 (64.8 cm) 261⁄2 (67.3 cm) 25" 26" 27" 251⁄2 (64.8 cm) 261⁄2 (67.3 cm) 271⁄2 (69.9 cm) Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 24" Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Size 1214 Spine 2.501 Model 75 Weight Grs/Inch 5.93 RECURVE BOW Bow Weight - Lbs. 16-20 lbs. (7.3-9.1 kg) Size 1413 Spine 2.036 20-24 lbs. Single or Hard Cam AMO up to 210 FPS IBO up to 260 FPS AMO 211-230 FPS IBO 261-290 FPS AMO 231 FPS up IBO 291 FPS up 35-40 lbs. 24-28 lbs. (18.1-20.4 kg) (15.9-18.1 kg) (13.2-15.9 kg) (20.4-22.7 kg) (18.1-20.4 kg) (15.9-18.1 kg) 32-36 lbs. (22.7-24.9 kg) (20.4-22.7 kg) (18.1-20.4 kg) 36-40 lbs. (24.9-27.2 kg) (22.7-24.9 kg) (20.4-22.7 kg) (27.2-29.5 kg) (24.9-27.2 kg) (22.7-24.9 kg) (29.5-31.8 kg) (27.2-29.5 kg) (24.9-27.2 kg) (31.8-34.5 kg) (29.5-31.8 kg) (27.2-29.5 kg) (34.5-37.2 kg) (31.8-34.5 kg) (29.5-31.8 kg) (37.2-39.9 kg) (34.5-37.2 kg) (31.8-34.5 kg) 28-32 lbs. (12.7-14.5 kg) Weight Grs/Inch 5.94 40-45 lbs. 35-40 lbs. 45-50 lbs. 40-45 lbs. 50-55 lbs. 45-50 lbs. 55-60 lbs. 50-55 lbs. 60-65 lbs. 55-60 lbs. 65-70 lbs. Weight @29" 172 60-65 lbs. 70-76 lbs. 65-70 lbs. 76-82 lbs. 70-76 lbs. 82-88 lbs. Group Y3 Size 1413 1416 Note: Correct arrow length is measured from throat (string hole) of the nock to end of the shaft, not including point or insert. The suggested shaft sizes in the charts were determined using a “Standard” Setup which includes: • Use of a release aid. • Recommended or 75-100 grain arrow point weight. • Compound bow with brace height greater than 61⁄2”. If your setup differs from the “Standard” Setup, use the Variables (following) to make adjustments to determine the Calculated Peak Bow Weight so the correct arrow size can be selected on the Chart. Variables to the “Standard” Setup for Compound Bows: • Finger release - Add 5 lbs. • Point weight over 100 grains – Add 3 lbs. for each 25 grains heavier than 100 grains. • Bows with brace heights less than 61⁄2” – Add 5 lbs. Size 1250 1400 3L-00 1514 1612 1516 Size 1000 1100 1000 1000 3-00 1050 1000 1712 1614 1616 Length of Overdraw 2” 3” 4” 5” For 50#-70# Actual /Calculated Peak Bow Weight, add to bow weight— 1# 3# 6# 9# 12# 3. Determining Actual Peak Bow Weight for Recurve Bows Your local archery pro shop is the best place to determine the actual draw weight of your bow. Actual Peak Bow Weight for recurve bows should be measured at your draw length. Spine 1.250 1.400 1.300 1.379 1.298 1.403 Model A/C/E A/C/E A/C/C X7 X7 75 Weight Grs/Inch 5.08 4.86 5.14 6.83 6.27 7.34 Size 2-00 1512 1416 Spine 1.500 1.553 1.684 Spine 1.000 1.100 1.000 1.000 1.150 1.050 1.000 1.099 1.153 1.079 Model A/C/E A/C/E X10 Nav A/C/C Vector Rdln X7 X7 75 Weight Grs/Inch 5.70 5.14 5.27 5.13 5.47 5.24 5.68 6.70 7.73 8.36 Model A/C/C X7 75 Weight Grs/Inch 4.72 5.84 7.15 Weight @29" 165 149 153 149 159 152 165 194 224 242 Size 1250 3-00 1612 1516 1614 A/C/E X10 Nav A/C/C Vector Rdln X7 75 Spine 1.250 1.150 1.298 1.403 1.153 Model A/C/E A/C/C X7 75 X7 Weight Grs/Inch 5.08 5.47 6.27 7.34 7.73 Weight @29" 147 159 182 213 224 Aluminum/Carbon/Extreme X10 Shafts (Aluminum/Carbon) Navigator (Aluminum/Carbon) Aluminum/Carbon/Composite Vector Redline Carbon Composite X7 Eclipse and Cobalt (7178 alloy) XX75: Platinum Plus and Jazz (7075-T9 alloy) Note: Shaft Weight at 29" is shown on our Shaft Selection Charts. To determine weight at your shaft length, multiply the grains-per-inch (gpi) by your actual shaft length not including point, insert or UNI Bushing. USING THE TARGET ARROW SELECTION CHART 1. Bow Draw Length Draw length is measured at full draw from the “back” (far side-see drawing) of the bow to the bottom of the nock groove. Actual arrow length and draw length are only the same if the end of the arrow shaft is even with the back of the bow at full draw. 2. 241⁄2 (62.2 cm) 251⁄2 (64.8 cm) 261⁄2 (67.3 cm) 271⁄2 (69.9 cm) 281⁄2 (72.4 cm) 291⁄2 (75.0 cm) 301⁄2 (77.5 cm) 311⁄2 (80.0 cm) 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 28" 29" 30" 31" 32" 231⁄2 (59.7 cm) 241⁄2 (62.2 cm) 251⁄2 (64.8 cm) 261⁄2 (67.3 cm) 271⁄2 (69.9 cm) 281⁄2 (72.4 cm) 291⁄2 (75.0 cm) 301⁄2 (77.5 cm) 311⁄2 (80.0 cm) 321⁄2 (82.5 cm) 76-82 lbs. 29-35 lbs. 35-40 lbs. 40-45 lbs. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 45-50 lbs. 50-55 lbs. 55-60 lbs. 60-65 lbs. 65-70 lbs. 70-76 lbs. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 RECURVE BOW Bow Weight - Lbs. Finger Release 17-23 lbs. (7.7-10.4 kg) 24-29 lbs. T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T13 (10.9-13.2 kg) T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T13 T14 30-35 lbs. (13.6-15.9 kg) 36-40 lbs. T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T13 T14 (16.3-18.1 kg) 41-45 lbs. (18.6-20.4 kg) 46-50 lbs. (20.9-22.7 kg) 51-55 lbs. (23.1-24.9 kg) 56-60 lbs. (25.4-27.2 kg) 61-65 lbs. (27.7-29.5 kg) 66-70 lbs. (29.9-31.8 kg) 71-76 lbs. (32.2-34.5 kg) No X10 or A/C/E shafts suitable in shaded areas above. Weight @29" 137 169 207 Group Y6 Weight @29" 147 141 149 198 182 213 Group Y7 If you are using an overdraw, make the variable calculations (if any), and then modify the Calculated Peak Bow Weight of your bow using the following chart. 1” Model 75 75 Weight @29" 172 207 Group Y5 Overdraw Compound Bows Bow Weight Spine 2.036 1.684 Weight Grs/Inch 5.94 7.15 Group Y4 231⁄2 (59.7 cm) 29-35 lbs. (13.2-15.9 kg) (10.9-12.7 kg) 221⁄2 (57.2 cm) 29-35 lbs. (13.2-15.9 kg) (15.9-18.1 kg) (14.5-16.3 kg) Model 75 Medium Cam (9.1-10.9 kg) Group Y2 Weight @29" 172 Correct Arrow Length for Target • Field • 3D Soft Cam Finger Release (16.3-18.1 kg) Group Y1 Correct Target Arrow Length 48 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y1 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Bottom of nock groove. Belly of bow (face side) 23" 231⁄2 241⁄2 211⁄2 221⁄2 (54.6 cm) (57.2 cm) (59.7 cm) (62.2 cm) Compound bows must be measured at the peak bow weight as the bow is being drawn and not while letting the bow down. Back of bow (far side) Our Target arrow selection chart will help you find the perfect arrow match for your bow. Our published arrow specifications are real; what we say is what you get, and better—no matter what arrow you choose. Correct Arrow Length for Youth Target 1. Determining Correct Target Arrow Length Mark arrow here. SELECTING THE CORRECT TARGET ARROW Once you have determined your Correct Arrow Length and Calculated or Actual Peak Bow Weight, you are ready to select your correct shaft size: 1.1 Compound bows. In the “Calculated Peak Bow Weight” column (left-hand side of the CHART) select the column with the type cam on your bow. Then locate your Calculated Peak Bow Weight in that column. 1.2 Recurve bows. In the “Bow Weight” column (right-hand side of the CHART) locate your Actual Peak Bow Weight at your draw length. Move across that row horizontally to the column indicating your Correct Arrow Length. Note the letter in the box where your Calculated or Actual Peak Bow Weight row and Correct Arrow Length column intersect. The “Size” box below the CHART with the same letter and number contains your recommended arrow sizes. Select an arrow from the Chart depending on the shaft material, shaft weight and type of shooting you will be doing. Group T1 Group T2 Group T3 Weight Wt Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *920•1000R 0.920•1.000 A/C/E 5.83 169 *900•1000R 0.900•1.000 X10 5.75 167 *880•1000R 0.880•1.000 Nav 5.50 160 2L-04 1.020 A/C/C 6.05 175 2-04 0.920 A/C/C 6.48 188 *920•1050R 0.920•1.050 Vector 5.44 158 900 0.900 Rdln 5.83 169 1712 1.099 X7 6.70 194 1713 1.044 75 7.42 215 1714 0.963 X7 8.07 234 1616 1.079 75 8.36 242 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *780•850R 0.780•0.850 A/C/E 6.01 174 *750•830R 0.750•0.830 X10 6.35 184 *810•880R 0.810•0.880 Nav 5.80 168 2-04 0.920 A/C/C 6.48 188 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *720•780R 0.720•0.780 A/C/E 6.35 184 *700•750R 0.700•0.750 X10 6.70 194 *710•810R 0.710•0.810 Nav 6.29 182 3X-04 0.830 A/C/C 6.74 195 3L-04 0.750 A/C/C 6.95 202 *700•770R 0.700•0.770 Vector 6.38 185 780 0.780 Rdln 6.30 183 1912 0.778 X7 7.60 220 1813 0.874 75 7.86 228 1814 0.799 X7 8.57 248 1816 0.756 75 9.27 269 Group T5 Group T6 Group T7 Weight Wt Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *620•670R 0.620•0.670 A/C/E 6.11 177 *600•650R 0.600•0.650 X10 7.02 204 *540•610R 0.540•0.610 Nav 7.39 214 3-04 0.680 A/C/C 7.22 209 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *570•620R 0.570•0.620 A/C/E 6.30 183 *550•600R 0.550•0.600 X10 7.47 217 *540•610R 0.540•0.610 Nav 7.39 214 3L-18 0.620 A/C/C 7.47 217 *640•700R 0.640•0.700 Vector 690 0.690 Rdln *580•640R 0.580•0.640 Vector 600 0.600 Rdln 500 0.500 LSpd 500 0.500 FB 2112 0.590 X7 2013 0.610 75 2014 0.579 X7 1916 0.623 75 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *520•570R 0.520•0.570 A/C/E 6.65 193 *500•550R 0.500•0.550 X10 7.80 226 *540•610R 0.540•0.610 Nav 7.39 214 3-18 0.560 A/C/C 7.82 227 3-28 0.500 A/C/C 8.11 235 *530•580R 0.530•0.580 Vector 7.56 219 520 0.520 Rdln 7.09 206 500 0.500 LSpd 6.53 189 500 0.500 FB 7.10 206 2012 2013 1914 1916 0.680 0.610 0.658 0.623 X7 75 X7 75 6.26 6.27 182 182 8.00 9.01 9.28 10.05 232 261 269 291 *770•840R 0.770•0.840 Vector 780 0.780 Rdln 1812 1714 1716 0.879 0.963 0.880 X7 X7 75 6.26 6.30 182 183 7.30 8.07 9.03 212 234 262 7.06 6.92 6.53 7.10 8.42 9.01 9.56 10.05 205 201 189 206 244 261 277 291 2212 2114 2016 0.505 0.510 0.531 75 X7, 75 75 Group T4 8.84 9.94 10.56 256 288 306 Group T10 Group T11 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *430•470R 0.430•0.470 A/C/E 7.03 204 *410•450R 0.410•0.450 X10 8.48 246 *430•480R 0.430•0.480 Nav 8.42 244 3-39 0.440 A/C/C 8.58 249 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *400•430R 0.400•0.430 A/C/E 7.50 218 *380•410R 0.380•0.410 X10 8.87 257 *430•480R 0.430•0.480 Nav 8.42 244 3-39 0.440 A/C/C 8.58 249 3-49 0.390 A/C/C 8.83 256 480 0.480 Vector 7.78 226 410 0.410 Rdln 7.60 220 400 0.400 LSpd 7.41 215 400 0.400 FB 7.75 225 2412 0.400 X7 9.65 280 2413 0.365 X7, 75 10.50 304 2214 0.425 X7 10.41 302 2314 0.390 X7, 75 10.76 312 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" *370•400R 0.370•0.400 A/C/E 7.91 229 380R 0.380 X10 8.87 257 0.480 0.460 0.400 0.400 0.423 0.460 0.425 0.461 Vector Rdln LSpd FB X7 X7, 75 X7 75 7.78 7.32 7.41 7.75 9.48 9.92 10.41 10.75 226 212 215 225 275 288 302 312 Group T13 Weight Weight Size Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" Size/Spine 3-71 0.300 A/C/C 9.92 288 2512 0.321 X7 10.28 298 2613 0.265 X7 11.49 333 2613 * When two sizes are listed together, the weight listed is for the first shaft. Group T14 Weight Weight Model Grs/Inch @29” 0.265 X7 11.49 333 Weight Weight Spine Model Grs/Inch @29" 0.670•0.720 A/C/E 5.93 172 0.650•0.700 X10 6.79 197 0.610•0.710 Nav 6.87 199 0.750 A/C/C 6.95 202 0.680 A/C/C 7.22 209 0.700•0.770 Vector 6.38 185 0.690 Rdln 6.27 182 0.778 X7 7.60 220 0.680 X7 8.00 232 0.733 75 8.34 242 0.658 X7 9.28 269 Group T8 Group T9 480 460 400 400 2312 2213 2214 2115 Size *670•720R *650•700R *610•710R 3L-04 3-04 *700•770R 690 1912 2012 1913 1914 Size *470•520R *450•500R *480•540R 3-28 3-39 *480•530R 460 500 500 2212 2213 2114 2115 Spine 0.470•0.520 0.450•0.500 0.480•0.540 0.500 0.440 0.480•0.530 0.460 0.500 0.500 0.505 0.460 0.510 0.461 Weight Weight Model Grs/Inch @29" A/C/E 6.81 197 X10 8.10 235 Nav 7.98 231 A/C/C 8.11 235 A/C/C 8.58 249 Vector 7.78 226 Rdln 7.32 212 LSpd 6.53 189 FB 7.10 206 X7 8.84 256 X7, 75 9.92 288 X7, 75 9.94 288 75 10.75 312 Group T12 Size 370R Spine 0.370 Weight Weight Model Grs/Inch @29" A/C/E 7.91 229 3-49 3-60 0.390 0.340 A/C/C A/C/C 8.83 9.45 256 274 3-60 3-71 0.340 0.300 A/C/C A/C/C 9.45 9.92 274 288 360 400 400 0.360 0.400 0.400 Rdln LSpd FB 8.31 7.41 7.75 241 215 225 360 340 340 0.360 0.340 0.340 Rdln LSpd FB 8.31 8.16 8.30 241 237 241 2413 2314 2315 0.365 0.390 0.340 X7, 75 X7, 75 X7, 75 10.50 10.76 11.67 304 312 338 2512 2613 0.321 0.265 X7 X7 10.28 11.49 298 333 A/C/E X10 Nav A/C/C Vector Rdln LSpd FB X7 75 Aluminum/Carbon/Extreme X10 Shafts (Aluminum/Carbon) Navigator (Aluminum/Carbon) Aluminum/Carbon/Composite Vector Redline LightSpeed FatBoy X7 Eclipse and Cobalt (7178 alloy) XX75: Platinum Plus and Jazz (7075-T9 alloy) R Size Spine Model Weight The size recommendations for recurve bows are indicated with a letter “R” next to the size. Indicates suggested arrow size Spine of arrow size shown (static) Designates arrow model Listed in grains per inch 49 STABILIZERS TUNING COMPOUND & RECURVE BOWS Easton’s tough, hard-anodized aluminum stabilizers help steady your aim and absorb vibrations during and after the shot for a quieter, more stable and responsive feel. The following information will help you properly tune your bow. As our Arrow Selection Charts indicate, more than one arrow size may shoot well from your bow. You may decide to shoot a lighter arrow for speed, or a heavier arrow for greater durability and penetration. Also, large variations in shooting style, 1 90º The stabilizer choice of archery champions around the world—A/C/E Stabilizer with Vibration Reduction System. Use with A/C/E Stainless Vari-Weights to customize flex and bow balance. Stabilizers and weights are manufactured to ATA thread size standards (5⁄16"-24 base stud and 1⁄4"-20 weight stud). A/C/E Stabilizer Weights: • Base Weight Stainless 1.5 oz. (43 g) • Cap Weight 1.5 oz. (43 g) A/C/E V-Bar Extender: • Allow adjustment of V-Bar assembly position • 5⁄16"-24 standard thread • Available in 4", 5" (10 cm, 12.5 cm) lengths MORE BOWHUNTING AND TARGET EQUIPMENT RESOURCES EAS BRO TON B O CH UR WHU E 20 NT ING 04 Easton Target Archery Guide Includes our Indoor and Outdoor Target, Field and 3D arrows and accessories. Postage and handling $3 See back cover for order address. Easton Bowhunting Brochure 2004 A quick reference to Easton’s complete line of bowhunting arrows and components. FREE See back cover for order address. Easton Tuning and Maintenance Guide A comprehensive guide to tuning procedures for all bow and arrow setups, as well as detailed instructions for arrow maintenance and assembly. Postage and handling $3 See back cover for order address. Available online at www.easton.com or call Easton at 801-539-1400. 50 1/2" RF, CF 1/4" CR Paper Tuning Arrow Test A/C/E Side Stabilizer Rods: • Available in 9", 10", 11", (23 cm, 25 cm, 28 cm) lengths RF Arrow tip 1/16" -1/8" outside bowstring A/C/E VRS Stabilizer System A/C/E VRS Stabilizer system: • High-strength, black anodized 7075 aluminum ferrules • Available in 24", 29", 34" (61 cm, 74 cm, 86 cm) lengths 2 The Paper Tuning Arrow Test is a good basic bow tuning method for all three types of shooting styles—Recurve with finger release (RF), Compound with finger release (CF) and Compound with release aid (CR). • Firmly attach a sheet of paper to a frame type rack approximately 24” x 24” (60 x 60cm). • Position the center of the paper about shoulder height with a target mat about six feet (1.5m) behind the paper to stop the arrows. • Stand approximately four to six feet (1.2m - 1.8m) from the paper. • Shoot a fletched arrow through the center of the paper with the arrow at shoulder height (parallel to the floor). • Observe how the paper is torn. Tear A indicates good arrow flight. The point and fletching enter the same hole. Tear B indicates a low nocking point. To correct, raise the nocking point 1⁄16” (1.6mm) at a time and repeat the procedure until the low vertical tear is eliminated. Tear C indicates a high nocking point, Clearance problem or (for release aid) a mismatched arrow spine. To correct, lower the nocking point 1⁄16” (1.6mm) at a time until the high tear is eliminated. If the problem remains unchanged, the disturbance is probably caused by a lack of Clearance or (for release aid) a mismatched arrow spine. CR only—if no Clearance problem exists try: 1. A more flexible arrow rest blade or reducing downward spring tension on launcher rests. 2. Decreasing or increasing peak bow weight. 3. Reducing the amount the shaft overhangs the contact point on the arrow rest. 4. Using a stiffer arrow shaft. Nock Bowstring aligned with limb center CF Arrow tip 1/16" -1/8" outside bowstring Nock CR Fingers Arrow Rest–Overhead view Arrow tip in line with bowstring Arrow rest Arrow rest Nock Bowstring Correct aligned Incorrect position balanced position with Out too far limb center Finger Shooters NOTE: The following instructions are for right-handed archers. Reverse for left-handed archers. Tear D indicates a stiff arrow for RF, CF archers. To correct: 1. Increase peak bow weight. 2. Use a heavier arrow point and/or insert combination. 3. Use a lighter bow string. 4. Use a weaker spined arrow. 5. Decrease cushion plunger tension, or use a weaker spring on “shoot around” rests. 6. CF only—Move the arrow rest to the right in small increments. Tear E indicates a weak arrow or Clearance problem for RF, CF archers. To correct: 1. Check for Clearance. 2. Decrease peak bow weight. 3. Use a lighter arrow point and/or insert combination. 4. Use a heavier bow string. 5. Use a stiffer spined arrow. 6. Increase cushion plunger tension or use a stiffer spring on “shoot around” rests. 7. CF only—Move the arrow rest to the left in small increments. Release Aid Shooters Tear D is uncommon for right-handed, CR archers. It generally indicates that the arrow rest position is too far to the right or that there is possible vane contact on the inside of the launcher rest. To correct: 1. Move the arrow rest to the left in small increments. 2. Make sure the arrow has adequate Clearance past the cable guard and cables. 3. Make sure your bow hand is well relaxed to eliminate excessive bow hand torque. 3 Correct position Arrow rest Incorrect position Out too far BOW AVRS Weight System • 5⁄16" -24 standard thread • Weight 1.75 oz. • Cap Weight 1.5 oz. • Rubber End Cap 0.5 oz. Arrow Centering (Figure 2)—Adjust the horizontal (in/out) position of the cushion plunger or arrow rest assembly so that the tip (center) of the arrow point is correctly aligned for your type of equipment. Fishtailing occurs when the arrow leaves the bow with the nock end shifted to one side or the other and can usually be corrected by adjusting the spring tension on the cushion plunger, bow weight (if adjustable) or arrow point weight. Arrow Rest (Figure 3)—Adjust the arrow rest to provide good fletching clearance for your type of equipment. Good clearance is absolutely essential for optimum grouping, consistency and accuracy. The arrow and fletching should pass by the bow and arrow rest without making contact. BOW Black Max V-bar Extender • Available in 4" and 5" lengths V-Bar with bolt: (For Black Max and A/C/E VRS Stabilizer Systems) • Black anodized finish • Available in 35° Flat and 35° x 17° Down models • For attachment of V-Bar to stabilizer • 5⁄16"-24 steel thread The first phase of tuning is to make preliminary adjustments to your equipment, nocking point and in/out position of the arrow, to correct the three most common arrow flight problems: Porpoising—vertical wobble, Fishtailing—horizontal wobble, and Clearance. NOTE: Install all accessories on your bow before tuning. Change only one variable at a time when tuning. To begin, install a movable nocking point on the bowstring (Figure 1). (Clamp-on types are ideal.) Initially position the nocking point on the bowstring about 1⁄2" (1.3 cm) above square (fingers) or 1⁄4" (0.63 cm) (release). Porpoising is caused by incorrect nocking point location and should be corrected first. BOW Black Max, using the proven AVRS (Advanced Vibration Reduction System), is designed for today’s high-energy target compound bows. Two choices of main rod length and optional V-bar and side rod systems provide optimum balance and feel. AVRS weight modules can be used at either end to add mass or change balance. BOW Easton’s Black Max Stabilizer System bow efficiency, type of wheels or cams, and type of release may require special bow tuning or an arrow size change. Easton’s “Arrow Tuning and Maintenance Guide” provides additional information on tuning. Arrow rest Correct–Good Incorrect–Poor vane clearance vane clearance Release Arrow Rest–Back View Fingers Arrow Rest–Overhead view Tear E For CR archers, a left or high-left tear is common and indicates a weak arrow or Clearance problem. If a high-left tear exists, make sure you correct the nocking point first before proceeding further. To correct: 1. Move the arrow rest to the right. 2. Make sure your bow hand is well relaxed to eliminate excessive bow hand torque. 3. Decrease peak bow weight. 4. Choose a stiffer spined arrow. Finger and Release Aid Shooters Tear F shows a combination of more than one flight disturbance. Combine the recommended procedures, correcting the vertical pattern (nocking point) first, then the horizontal. If you can’t correct the arrow flight problem, have your local pro shop check the “timing” (roll-over) of your eccentric wheels or cams. For archers using release aids, it may, in some cases, be necessary to apply adjustments opposite from those described. The type of arrow rest and release aid combination used can alter the dynamic flex of the arrow to produce tear patterns contrary to those indicated (although it is uncommon) Once you have achieved a good tune at four to six feet (1.2 - 1.8m), move back six feet (1.8m) more and continue to shoot through the paper. This ensures that the tune is correct and that the arrow was not just in a recovery position when it passed through the paper at the first distance. TEARS A D B C E F 51
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Size – indicates suggested arrow size.
Spine – spine of arrow size shown (static). See page 9 for correct Epic spine.
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