October 2015 Public Comments


October 2015 Public Comments
Please share comments on the draft ordinance that you would like
staff and the Board of Health to consider.
I’m a father of 2 daughters, one of which has smoked since she
was about 16. No one else in our home smokes and we don’t
allow her to smoke in the house. She has tried several times to
quit over the last 8 years without success. Last year she started
vaping and has been able to reduce the nicotine in the “juice”
down to the very lowest level. She has been doing well with this
and we’re all very proud of her. We understand that not vaping
would be the best option, but after reading many studies, know
that vaping is A LOT less harmful to her and less intrusive on
We agree that policies need to be in place like the smoking
policies for the community. EXCEPT, we don’t agree with the
policy that doesn’t allow vape stores to have a sitting area. This
was a huge part of how our daughter successfully switched. She
connected with other people that encouraged her, gave her
strategies to stop smoking cigarettes and applauded her success.
We don’t support “vaping lounges” that are independent of vape
stores, we just want to continue to allow customers in the stores
to socialize while vaping.
We also disagree with the possible policy making stores invest in
new venting systems that studies have shown are not needed.
Most stores small business owners that are renting the building
space and can’t afford a new venting system for a building they
don’t own.
Thank you for your time.
Please provide your
contact information
Steve G
Marysville WA 98270
EMAIL RESPONSES (Other than "Links Only")
provide your
M Daly
Tacoma, WA
Please share comments on the draft ordinance that you
would like staff and the Board of Health to consider.
I am writing in support of the proposed vaping ban by the Snohomish
Health District. This issue hits home as the restaurants I used to enjoy
now are beginning to be filled with people vaping. Often they vape with
young children nearby. Since it is legal, there is no recourse for
complaints, and no matter where you sit, the vapors are still around.
I am surprised there is no legal recourse. Smoking cigarettes was once
considered harmless. Non-smokers were forced to endure second
hand smoke in so-called non-smoking sections of restaurants, which I
foresee will be the solution if vaping in public places continues to be
legal. This option will be as ineffective as past non-smoking sections.
I choose not to smoke and feel quite strongly that in no way should I,
or the millions of other people like me, be forced to smell, inhale, and
be exposed to vaping. How is it that in an era that so stringently fights
cigarette smoking is being so lenient with vaping?
I realize it is trendy to vape and it is being touted as a healthy
alternative to cigarette smoking, and even that vaping is a great way to
lose weight. All of which sounds familiar to cigarette smoking. And
who am I hearing this argument from? The middle school students that
I work with. Many of their parents and friends have passed this
information on to them.
This is my second reason for opposing vaping in public places.
Allowing this behavior is a giant step backwards in the education of
our youth. This age group equates vaping with using a hookah. Hookah
vapor has been shown to contain chemicals including lead. But this is
what young students believe; any kind of vaping is healthier than
cigarette smoking.
Please help those of us who do not wish to be exposed to vaping, and
still want to enjoy sitting on the patio or sitting inside their favorite
restaurant smoke free. Please help the youth, who still need to be
educated to make heathy choices. We have rights as well. The right to
be healthy and smoke free.
1 10/11/15
I smoked cigarettes for 45 years and used to cough all the time.
Everything smelled ghastly from the smoke. I was terribly addicted and
tried the patch and the gum to no avail.
I took one puff of an electronic cigarette and immediately knew it
would work for me. I have been "vaping" for a couple of years and do
not cough anymore. There is no brown stain on my white walls and
there is no smell at all. Plus I am not spending anywhere near what
cigarettes cost.
I very much believe that young people have a chance to never start
smoking anything and should be coached incessantly not to start and
become addicted. But for someone such as myself the electronic form
of smoking is a vast improvement.
I was informed that, since there is nothing actually burning, there is
no tar entering my body - only nicotine. It is the tar that causes lung
cancer -not the nicotine.
Ever since my first puff of the electronic cigarette I stopped smoking
cigarettes...after 45 years of daily smoking.
You folks ought to be doing some kind of scientific studies to
determine what is really going on with these new devices. I realize that
they have not been around long enough to determine anything
conclusively but to write them off as being as dangerous as cigarettes
without scientific proof is doing me and those such as myself a gross
disservice. We should be congratulated for having gotten free of tar
and coughing and smell and even no tar in the second hand smoke. I
was told that there isn't even any nicotine in the second hand
vapors..that it goes entirely into the person vaping.
Ellen Enns
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
On a personal note, I was a cigarette
smoker for over 35 years. I have tried everything possible to quit
smoking, gum, patches, hypnosis, pills, etc. and nothing worked for
me, until I found vaping. I have been smoke free since January 8, 2015.
M Daly
Tacoma WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
Hello my name is Jamie Tripp, I live at 7007
S Montgomery St Tacaom WA which is in district 29. I hope that the
information in this email is helpful on making rules and legislation that
are fair and based in facts.
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
Please check these un bias articles, vaping
saved my mother’s life. She chain smoked multiple packs of cigarettes
for 45 years, has been diagnosed with COPD Emphysema, and was
unable to quit smoking until she purchased a e-cigarette. She had
previously given the gas station e-cigarettes a try but hated the flavor,
by going into a local vape shop she was able to try multiple flavors
before she purchased one, letting her find a flavor that actually worked
for her. The e-cigarette allowed her to slowly taper off lower and lower
nicotine strengths over the course of 6 months. She has now been
100% cigarette and vapor product free for 2 years. She no longer needs
to use the chair lift to get upstairs to her bedroom, and she needs her
oxygen only a fraction of the time from before she quit smoking
cigarettes. Vaping gave me many more happy years with my mother.
Please don’t kill this amazing industry!
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Branting Jr
Everett WA
My view of public vaping is: “no one wants to walk through a cloud of
unknown substance anywhere in public.”Thank you
2 business
owner in
Tim Crook
Lake Stevens
Hello my name is Jt. I am 27 years old and I used to smoke a pack to a
pack and a half a day. I'm a very active person so I made the decision
to switch to vaping about a year ago. I have done a lot of research for
myself to become educated on these life saving devices.
Putting these bans in place will damage local businesses. I prefer
going to my favorite Vape shop on Sundays to watch football which
gets the community together and lets us network.
Here are some facts that you might not have known about the topic.
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
These devices have the potential to save a
billion lives this century if they are embraced. 1 in 2 smokers will die of
smoking related issues. E-cigs have been proven to be 95-99% less
harmful than traditional cigarettes by Public Health England. The
choice is absolutely clear. Ecigs should be readily available to every
smoker, and be incentivized rather than demonized. To do otherwise is
a disservice to the community health, including children. How many
smokers have switched to vaping and now don't subject their other
household members to dangerous second- and third-hand smoke? I'm
in that category. Ecigs are saving my child.
John Conner
Olympia, WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
Hello, I do not wish to take up too much of
your time, but I would like you to hear me out. Electronic cigarettes
have changed my life and I have watched it change others as well. I
was a two pack a day smoker, wasting all my money and feeling
horrible every day for eight years. Three years ago I was introduced to
electronic cigarettes at first I really did not like the idea, I thought for
sure it would not work. If you told me three years ago that I would have
quit smoking cigarettes as of this date I would laugh at you and call
you crazy! It's true though, these things really work! I feel great, I can
breathe, I am not coughing up a bunch of phlegm, I can run, my voice
has greatly improved-which is fantastic because I am a singer, my
sense of smell/taste has completely changed (for the better), I don't
reek of cigarettes, and most importantly I am not harming the loved
ones that surround me.
Eight years is not a very long time to be addicted to cigarettes, I know
that is probably what you are thinking, so if that does not convince you
then take in to account my father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister in law,
several of my close friends, and the customers I serve every day at the
vape shop that I currently work at. Every day I see the good that these
products do for the community. I see the elderly who have smoked for
forty plus years successfully quit, I see their doctors being blown away
by their health improvements, I see people proud and happy.
Please take the time to educate yourself on these products before you
make any decisions. You do care about the people, right? Thank you
for your time, Please do not let the people down.
Mallori Gold
3 10/15/15
The outline of Vaping rules in public places is basically good, but
needs to consider Vape venders that are located in the open area of
malls where sampling is carried out. As a shopping center general
manager I field numerous complaints during the year of careless
testers blowing the vapor in the path of shoppers.
Manager Everett
Thanks you for your time.
At this point I'm beyond disgusted with the leadership at the local,
state and federal level that has been demonstrated in regards to Vapor
products. You as leaders have a responsibility to work towards the
health and welfare of the citizens you represent. Instead you look only
to tax dollars and restrictions in products that are PROVEN over and
over again to be SIGNIFICANTLY less harmful than cigarettes. This
isn't a question of "Should a non-smoker/non-vapor begin to use vapor
products?" Its a matter of getting smokers to start using Vapor
products INSTEAD of smoking. Every day more and more studies
continue to reveal the now proven FACT that using vapor products is
DRAMATICALLY safer than smoking.
To be perfectly blunt, we (former smokers and current vapors) are
uniformly disturbed by your complete and utter lack of concern for the
health and well being of the people you allegedly represent. You
willingly, and knowingly choose to push people who are addicted to
nicotine to use tobacco products. An act which will kill them. This is an
action that goes far beyond simple negligence, this is mass murder
and genocide. Intentionally ignoring actions that can and will improve
the health of tobacco consumers who reside in Washington State.
you continue to try and stop, prevent, or impair current smokers from
transitioning to using vapor products you are consigning 10,401
people in Washington State to death per year. From an ethical stand
point if you are comfortable with the blood of 10,401 Washington State
Citizens per year being on your hands than you have no business
holding an office or representing any portion of the population.From a
legal stand point, killing 10,401 people per year is Genocide also
known as a Crime Against Humanity, which puts you in the same
political house as Hitler. Courtesy of the United Nations: Legal
definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention
and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the
following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of
the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the
group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing
measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly
transferring children of the group to another group."
Quite simply, stop killing us (literally), or be prepared for the people
you allegedly represent to press charges against you for the attempted
murder of 10,401 people.
A disgusted and fed up Voter
4 Dave Buckley
Yelm, WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
I smoked cigarettes for 15 years.
Every morning I would wake up coughing, hacking up the most
disgusting matter. Within weeks of starting vaping the coughing and
mucus went away. With the information below I know vaping is a much
safer alternative to nicotine. Not only is it an alternative, but is is also a
great tool for cessation.
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
During my time in the Washington
Army National Guard I was stationed in the Lakewood area for 5 years
and the Kent area for two years. I have many friends that I still visit in
those areas. I also have a brother, sister and mother who live in
Tacoma. I beg of you to reconsider banning the use of e cigarettes in
vapor shops. By the way, my mother was recently diagnosed with
stage 3 lung cancer caused by smoking. Ive lost my father to smoking,
my wife lost both of her parents to smoking and Im going to lose my
mother because of smoking.
Think of it like this. Smoking is the worst disease in the history of
mankind and e-cigarettes and the support people get from local vapor
shops are the cure. Why would you want to keep the cure from dying
people? Its too late for my mom.
Gary Fletcher
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
I have been vaping for two years after
quitting a pack a day. the community of vapers is such a nice
community all focused for the better of our health. I would really
appreciate it if you followed the link I have provided. thank you and
have a great day.
Nathan burns
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
I'm 19 years old, almost 20.
I started smoking cigarettes at age 11. By the time I turned 16 I was
smoking nearly two packs of cigarettes per day. I would wake up every
morning and hack / cough up pieces of my lungs. It's disgusting. When
I turned 18 a good friend of mine introduced me to e cigarettes. I
haven't touched one of those cancer sticks since that day and my
lungs have never felt better! Honestly if I never started vaping, I would
be on the road to lung cancer and bankruptcy! Vaping truly does save
lives and personally, I will fight my hardest to save the lives of every
single person that wants to kick their tobacco addiction. I will NEVER
give up. I highly encourage you to read the link
Link #2)
Holly Skurk Fox
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
Why should we keep trying to put
down something that will help people? Is there not enough tax money
in saving lives?
5 Richland, WA
John Seery
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
I wanted to email you today saying
I oppose the ban of sample testing and vaping inside of vape shops.
This is a crucial part of getting people off smoking and being able to
keep people of it. There are flavors out there not everyone's pallet
agrees with and without being able to first sample them you would be
wasting money on juice that you don't like which would render this
whole thing useless of what we are doing here. Countless studies have
shown this is a healthier alternative and harm reduction program to
combustible tobacco.
John Ensell
PinkLungBrigade Link #2
My vaping story: I smoked cigarettes
since I was 14 years old. By the time I was 18 years old I never thought
I would ever be able to quit smoking. I knew I needed to stop but there
weren't many options that I hadn't already tried through high school
and miserably failed. That same year that I was 18, about the last week
of August, my boss who also smoked came into work with a ecig and
at first I laughed at him. I told him that it would never work. Well after a
week he hadn't smoked a single cigarette so I asked him where he got
it and went and got one for myself. I thought to myself it was worth a
shot even if it didn't work. I can tell you I've never been so glad that I
was wrong.I have not smoked a single cigarette since that day 5 years
ago. At the time I had severe asthma and had to use an inhaler daily. I
wasn't able to do much physical exercise without losing my breath
easily. I haven't used my inhaler in about 4 years. I've saved myself
thousands of dollars and my health has improved beyond belief.
Another unexpected result of my successful use of electronic
cigarettes is that many of my friends and family members followed and
had the same success and very similar results as far as their health
goes. Without electronic cigarettes I never would have been able to
quit smoking and I expect that my health only would have gotten
worse. Today 10/16/2015 I no longer use nicotine with my electronic
cigarettes, I only use it a few times a week, and like I said before I have
not had a cigarette in over 5 years! To make a long story short that's
sums up my journey. I fear taxation beyond the standard sales tax
will keep others from the attempt or opportunity to quit smoking via
electronic cigarettes, as I was able to.
I do not and will not support any further taxation or ban of electronic
cigarettes, electronic cigarette liquid, and associated accessories. I
hope you all do not support any bills related to taxation or bills that
lead to a ban of the use and or purchase of ecigs.
If you do, I will not vote for you or your counterparts in coming
If you do, it will leave many with no choice but to go back to smoking
If you do, it will leave many with out jobs or loss of their business.
If you do, it will take away a safe and very promising opportunity to
stop smoking cigarettes forever as I did.
So, I hope you don't. To me electronic cigarettes are one of the biggest
medical breakthroughs in the last 100 years! Don't take that away from
the public or make it harder for the public to access it.
With best regards, Raj A Rohila
Raj Arun
6 Lakewood,
Makin Some
Olympia, WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #1
I wanted to email you today saying
I OPPOSE the ban of sample testing and vaping inside of vape shops!!!
This is a crucial part of getting people off smoking and being able to
keep people of it. There are flavors out there not everyone's pallet
agrees with and without being able to first sample them you would be
wasting money on juice that you don't like which would render this
whole thing useless of what we are doing here. Countless studies have
shown this is a healthier alternative and harm reduction program to
combustible tobacco. It would end result in me having to let employees
go, and eventually close my doors.
PinkLungBrigade Link #3
Vaping saved my life. I have not had a
cigarette in almost 3 years. All thanks to vaping!
PinkLungBrigade Link #3
PinkLungBrigade Link #3 Please take notice that we are trying to show
the facts about how we quit smoking. I personally smoked for 20 years,
I tried everything I could to quit and always failed. 3 days after I started
vaping I quit smoking. I haven't had one cigarette since then. I feel
amazingly better. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I personally am and avid vaper and ex smoker and without vaping I
would struggle to quit smoking all together. I work at a vape shop and
it has become a hobby, community, family, and income for me. I need
this to stay alive to continue to do what I'm doing. This is me
respectfully asking to keep things the way that they are, there is no
need for change. Thank you
Hi my name is Jamie and I was wondering why on your website under
health materials isn't the study done by the Health dept of the UK on
there? I know the board was given copies and its a very in-depth study
proving that e-cigs are less harmful than smoking, it also shows that
people who vape are able to successfully quit smoking altogether. Is
there a reason that your board has chosen to only post anti vape
articles? Thank you for your time.
I OPPOSE all vaping and sampling bans in
7 John Ensell
Makin Some
Shores WA,
John Ensell
Makin Some
PinkLungBrigade Link #3 Good afternoon legislators, sometimes we
hear politicians talking about the dangers of nicotine and sometimes
even news articles talk about "dangerous" nicotine. Unfortunately,
nicotine is the main addictive ingredient in traditional cigarettes which
we all know are extremely bad for you. As a result, nicotine has gained
an unfair reputation for being overly harmful and I have even heard
some people say it causes disease.
Joshua Baba
This is simply not true. The harm from traditional cigarettes comes
from the combustible tobacco and tar. Oh and the 4000+ chemicals that
are added to them. Nicotine itself is very similar to caffeine regarding
it's effects on the human body and yet one cannot miss several coffee
shops walking down the street essentially anywhere in the state.
Labeling electronic cigarettes "drug delivery devices" is an attempt to
mis-characterize the harmfulness. It is akin to calling coffee mugs,
styrofoam cups, and tumblers "drug delivery devices which is not in
our common vernacular because we accept adults making personal
choices on what to put in their body.
Our thoughts on subject proposed Ordinance are as follows: 1. Vapor
product users exhale far greater amounts of "toxic" clouds of exhalant
than users of normal cigarettes. 2. There are stringent rules on
cigarette smokers (and rightly so) as far as where they can smoke
because second-hand cigarette smoke has been proven to be harmful
(and unpleasant) to passers-by.
3. Those strict rules should be applied to Vapor product users for the
very same reasons. As far as we know there haven't been any
definitive tests done concerning the toxicity of Vaping. However, we
firmly believe that once tests are done they will prove that Vaping is
equally harmful to users and passers-by who are forced to inhale the
clouds of exhalant of Vapor.
4. Also, Vaping is a huge temptation to adolescents because they
believe it is harmless, so any ordinance should highlight the dangers
of Vaping. Thank you for your efforts to develop an ordinance
concerning Vaping.
PinkLungBrigade Link #4 On a personal note...a little bit about my
journey towards quitting smoking:
I have not smoked a cigarette
since July 13, 2015. I had tried everything previous to vaping to quit. I
was then introduced to vaping and it was the easiest transition I have
ever experienced. I have slowly stepped down my nicotine levels over
the past few months with vaping and am at a 1.5 nic strength today. By
Christmas, I can confidently say that I will no longer be vaping any
nicotine. Vaping as a smoking cessation has improved my quality of
life and my over all health. My "smokers cough" is gone and I have so
much more energy. Please support vape! It's a life saver, literally!
8 Donald E.
Evie Jenner
Auburn, WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #4
Please read the following article and use it
when making your final decision on the e-cigarette vaping ban. My
name is Rose Andersen I'm a registered voter in the twenty ninth
District. I would like you to consider all the people that will be
negatively affected and unable to continue using a product that has
helped them escape from combustible tobacco cigarettes when casting
your vote. I will do the same when I cast my vote. I really appreciate
your time and consideration in reading the article as well as my email I
hope you find it informative.
PinkLungBrigade Link #5
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I appreciate you for doing so. I emailed you yesterday and mentioned
how vaping helped me quit smoking. Another part of the story is that I
also beat cancer this year. I struggled quitting smoking even after
having the diagnosis of cancer. That might sound crazy to someone
who has never been addicted to cigarettes but if you have been or
are...you know the struggle and mental torture it brings. I am now
cigarette free and cancer free. Please help me save vape! Raising
taxes on vape products will only hurt people who were like me and
wanted to quit smoking to save their own lives but struggled with it due
to addiction. Please help me fight to keep vaping an affordable way for
smokers to quit cigarettes! Please! Do the right thing and help our
communities kick the habit of cigarettes.
Auburn, WA
PinkLungBrigade Link #5
Thank you for taking a moment to review
the information below as it pertains to regulations that already exist in
the e-cigarette (vaping) market. I hope you will find this information
helpful as a number of the things we all care about are already covered.
As someone who has benefitted great deal from moving away from
tobacco cigarettes this issue is very important to me and many others
living in WA who, like me, have made a choice to move away from
tobacco cigarettes. At the same time, I too am concerned about making
sure that e-cigarettes are not sold to or used by minors and that
reasonable regulations keep them in the hands of adults. There is a
link at the bottom of the list that will provide further information.
Andrew Bales
Hi there,
M. Mckissick
I saw this story on a Facebook page and thought, why not, I'd write in.
First, let me just say that I was a heavy smoker for about 15 or so
years, and now I haven't touched a cigarette in almost a year. I am a
vaper, and proud of it. I'm going to try and make this short so excuse
the writing technique. I, as a vapor am tired of seeing all these so
called Dr.s and people in the medical field talking down on vaping. I
have not felt as good as I do now, since before I smoked back in high
school. Morning cough/smokers cough is gone, like all the way gone.
My clothes don't smell, my car doesn't smell, and neither does my
house anymore. These people are saying negative things about vaping
when they have no proof that vaping is harmful to your health. They
have no proof, because there is no proof to report on, because it isn't
bad. I live in Houston Texas and they are starting to do the same thing
here with vaping, and there is no reasoning behind it. If anything,
when I vape, people near me ask what is that smell, because it smells
like candy. Also, European health officials have tested vaping, and it
has come back clean. Maybe the US should try it, but then again, there
ain't no money in people being healthy, is there. Just my 2 cents from a
vape enthusiast.
9 Shelton WA
I am a 62 year old woman and had been a moderate smoker for 30
years. A year and half ago I had a cough that wouldn't go away so my
daughter gave me an electronic cigarette to try. It consisted of a small
battery and tank that could be filled with favored oils that contained
6mg or more of nicotine...all I had to do was press the button it heated
the oil and I could take a puff of steam...unlike cigarette smoke, the
steam left no lingering odor, the steam actually dissipated quite fast..
so by using this steam device I kicked the smoking habit.. When I was
a smoker I would light a cigarette and puff on it until it almost reached
the filter then put it out. I found myself repeating this two or three times
per hour. With the steam device it's a lot different, I take three puffs set
it down maybe pick it up an hour later etc.. since using the E cig I can
breath better have not had a cough and my energy levels have
increased.. So I guess the point I would like to make is that anything
that helps people quit the smoking habit shouldn't suddenly have to
come under rules, regulations, and exaggerated complaints, that may
or may not exist... Has there been a large enough number of
complaints to justify banning steam smoking in public at this time? I
personally have seen very few people even using the steam cigarettes,
so I have a difficult time understanding why this is even being
discussed. If there is a problem or if one should arise, the businesses
could just handle it themselves by posting No Vapeing signs or having
designated section for E cig
users.. this seems more sensible instead of turning steam puffing into
another something punishable by the law.. I just feel this issue is
ridiculous because the only concern I have heard, as a public health
issue is exposure to nicotine from the second steam.. But what if a
person is just puffing on steamed flavors like hazelnut, cappuccino,
menthol, or butterscotch etc... until there is substantial honest and
scientific evidence that there is indeed harm to the public from second
hand electronic cigarette steam, so until there is something to really
be concerned about leave us alone. Thank you for your consideration.
pemo mae
Sno County residents: 4
Emails NOT connected to Links: 11
Emails NOT connected to Links from Sno County residents: 2
10 LINK #1
Allan Kettle
Olympia WA
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Jan Parcel
Cupertino, CA
Andrea Dickerson
Tacoma WA
Jarron Janski
Lakewood, Wa
Tacoma Washington
Jason Campbell
Olympia WA
Bret Rogers
Yelm, Wa.
Jerad D. Benge
Gig Harbor, WA
Brandon Nevares
Ocean Shores, Wa
John Conner Olympia, WA
bret rogers
John Ensell
Lakewood, Wa
Makin Some Vapes
Christopher L Hendricks
Vapor Cafe/Stache Vape Owner
Tacoma, Wa
Cody Shepherd
Lakewood Wa
Joshua Baba
Renton, WA
Credence Bishop
Spanaway, WA
Julie Anderson
Normandy Park, WA
David Levin
Tacoma WA
Kaleigh Duncan
Monroe, WA
Deena Kettle
Olympia WA
Kathy Delgado
Lakebay, WA
Denise Pharris
Shelton WA
Snohomish, WA
Doran Hegge
Everett, WA
Kelsey Schilling
Bremerton, WA
Efren Felicitas
Lynnwood, WA
Kim Thompson
Tacoma, WA
Jamie Newell
Ellensburg, Wa
Co-owner Cloud 509
Korry Gilbert
Longview Wa
1 LINK #1
Lisa Sauve
Tacoma, WA
Shawn Salvador
Monroe, WA
Thao Nguyen
Kent, WA
Lori Crist
Travis Bain
Lynnwood, WA
M Daly
Vape D Lish
Marc Jarrett
Vice President
Pink Lung Brigade
Zach Miller
Graham Wa
Maria (Mia) Anne Lingenfelter
Tacoma, WA
Zachery Barber
Longview, WA
Michael Davis
Leo , Indiana
Mike Bain
Marysville, WA
Phil Tillman
Lakewood, WA
Rachel Cupples
Auburn, WA
Rachel Thomson
Robert Branting Jr,
Everett, WA
Sno County residents: 8
Business owner in Lynnwood, WA
Ronald Sather
Washougal, WA
Sabrina Helm
Puyallup, WA
Samuel Swarner
Richland, WA
Sean Davison
Tacoma, WA
2 50
Adam Firestone
Tacoma, WA
Credence Bishop
Spanaway, WA
Aaron Ajax
Manager, Vapor
Tacoma WA
Cyndi Helland
Tacoma Wa.
Adrian Urbina
Bonney Lake WA
Dave Buckley,
Yelm, WA
David Levin
Tacoma WA
Allan Kettle
Olympia WA
Debra Hansen-Kash
Chehalis, WA
Andrew Larson
Deborah Young
Des Moines, WA
Austin Brown
Kent WA
Deena Kettle
Olympia WA
Ben Beman
Tacoma, WA
Denise Pharris
Shelton WA
Brandon Beauchesne
Tacoma, WA
Brandon Nevares
Ocean Shores, Wa
Dennis Van Every
Lakewood, Wa
Charlene J Smith
Oak Harbor, WA
Dominique Etter
Tacoma, WA
Chris Stickles
Milton Wa
Dustin Hill
Olympia, WA
Chris Wagner
Tacoma, WA
Efren Felicitas
Lynnwood, WA
Christopher L Hendricks
Vapor Cafe/Stache Vape Owner
Tacoma, Wa
Gary Fletcher
Kennewick, WA
Gerald Manibusan II
Spanaway WA
Cody Shepherd
Lakewood Wa
Holly Skurk – Fox
Bremerton Wa
Conner Larson
Edmonds WA
1 LINK #2
James Kline
Arlington, WA
Justin Wilcox
Tacoma, WA
Kacey Shipley
Lakewood, Wa
Jamie Newell
Ellensburg, Wa
Co-owner Cloud 509
Kaleigh Duncan
Monroe, WA
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Kathleen Conrad
Puyallup WA
Jarron Janski
Lakewood, Wa
Keith Becker
Tacoma, WA
Jason Campbell
Olympia WA
Snohomish, WA
Jason Edenholm
Marysville, WA
Kelsey Schilling
Bremerton, WA
Jeffrey Gallup
Puyallup, WA
Kim Thompson
Tacoma, WA
Jennifer Green
Tacoma, WA
Korry Gilbert
Longview Wa
John Conner
Olympia, WA
Kyle Menard
Auburn Wa
John Seery
Joshua Kern
Lauralee Schilling
Bremerton, Wa
Joseph D Hansen
COO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Luis Pesantez
Madison Wilson
Lakewood, WA
Joseph Michael Rodriguez Jr.
Tacoma, WA
Madison Wilson
Tacoma WA,
Joshua C Victor
Kelso WA
Mallori Gold
Tacoma Wa
Justin Moore
Marc Jarrett
Vice President
Pink Lung Brigade
Justin O’Daniel
Renton, WA
2 LINK #2
Maria (Mia) Anne Lingenfelter
Tacoma, WA
Ronald Sather
Washougal, WA
Matthew Zukowski
Sabrina Helm
Puyallup, WA
Mike Bain
Marysville, WA
Mike Priebe
Samuel Swarner
Richland, WA
Nathan Burns
Snohomish Wa
Shawn Salvador
Monroe, WA
Nick Chappell
Tacoma, WA
Norma Woods
Talmage C Ferguson II
Longview, WA
Octavia Van Every
Lakewood, WA
Thao Nguyen
Kent, WA
P A Schreieck
Lakewood WA
Operations Manager
The Vaporium
Tim Nonnemaker
Longview Wa
Phil Tillman
Lakewood, WA
Tom Meyer
Seattle, WA
Rachel Cupples
Auburn, WA
Tony Mandarano
Seattle, WA
Rachel Thomson
Travis Bain
Lynnwood, WA
Rae Knecht
Enumclaw Wa
HR Manager
The Vaporium
Trekker Vapors
Longview Wa
Raj Arun Rohila
Olympia, WA
Vape D Lish
Richard Allie
Tacoma Wa
Victor reyes
William Spurr
Lakewood, WA
Robert Branting Jr,
Everett, WA
Business owner in Lynnwood, WA
3 LINK #2
Zach Miller
Graham Wa
Zachary Smith
Puyallup, WA
Sno County residents: 11
4 LINK #3
Adam Firestone
Tacoma, WA
Chris Wagner
Tacoma, WA
Adrian Urbina
Bonney Lake WA
Christoph Adams
Puyallup, Wa
Allan Kettle
Olympia WA 98503
businesses in
District 19 and District 20
Christopher L Hendricks
Vapor Cafe/Stache Vape Owner
Tacoma, Wa
Amber Rose Lavender
Cindy Speidel
Spanaway, WA
Ambrielle Ensell-Ansbro
University Place, WA
Clint Meeds
Tacoma, WA
Andrea Dickerson
Cody Shepherd
Lakwood Wa
Andrew Larson
Credence Bishop
Spanaway, WA
Anthony Halstead
Crystal Golden-Kelly
Spanaway WA
Anthony McMullen
Puyallup, WA
Cyndi Helland
Tacoma Wa
Austin Brown
Kent WA
David Levin
Tacoma WA
Tacoma Washington
Deborah Young
Des Moines, WA
Brandon Beauchesne
Tacoma, WA
Deena Kettle
Olympia WA
Brandon Nevares
Ocean Shores, Wa
Denise Pharris
Shelton WA
Bret Rogers
Yelm, Wa
Dennis Van Every
Lakewood, Wa
casey cole
Charlene J Smith
Oak Harbor, WA.
Charles Mace
Dominique Etter
Tacoma, WA
Chris LasPinas
Bellevue, WA
1 LINK #3
Efren Felicitas
Lynnwood, WA
Joseph D Hansen
COO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Elizabeth Quade
Ellensburg WA,
Josh Hartman
Gary Fletcher
Kennewick, WA
Joshua Baba
Gerald Charles Dunbar
CEO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Justin Moore
Justin O'Daniel
Renton, WA
Gerald Manibusan II
Spanaway WA
Justin Wilcox
Tacoma, WA
J.D. Lewis
Everett, WA
Kacey Shipley
Lakewood, Wa
Jacob Guinn
Seattle, WA
Kaila Casper
Bothell, WA
James Kline
Arlington, WA
Kaleigh Duncan
Monroe, WA
Jamie Newell
Ellensburg, Wa
Co-owner Cloud 509
Kathy Delgado
Lakebay, WA
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Keith Becker
Tacoma, WA
Jarron Janski
Lakewood, Wa
Kelley McKenzie
Everett, WA
Jason Campbell
Olympia WA
Snohomish, WA
Jayson Silva
University Place, WA
Kelsey Schilling
Bremerton, WA
Jennifer Green
Tacoma, WA
Kenneth Nuguid
Federal Way, WA
Jeramy Hudgens
Tacoma WA
John Ensell
Lakewood, Wa
Makin Some Vapes, Owner
2 LINK #3
Kim Thompson
Tacoma, WA
Michael Navarro
Everett, WA
Michael Walling
Bremerton, WA
Lisa Sauve
Tacoma, WA
Mike Bain
Marysville, WA
Luis A. Pesantez
Lakewood, WA
Nathan burns
Snohomish Wa
Lynne Bain
Marysville, WA
Norma Woods
Madison Wilson
Tacoma WA
P A Schreieck
Lakewood WA
Operations Manager
The Vaporium
Madison Wilson
Lakewood, WA
Rachel Cupples
Auburn, WA
Malka Abdullahi
Kent WA
Mallori Gold
Tacoma Wa
Rae Knecht
Enumclaw Wa
HR Manager, The Vaporium
Marc Jarrett
Vice President
Richard Allie
Tacoma Wa
Pink Lung Brigade
Robert Branting Jr,
Everett, WA
business owner in Lynnwood, WA
Marcus Ames
Tacoma WA.
Sabrina Helm
Puyallup, WA
Maria (Mia) Anne Lingenfelter
Tacoma, WA
Samuel Swarner
Richland, WA
Matthew Byrd
Shelton, Wa 98584
Matthew Zukowski
U.P., WA
Thao Nguyen
Kent, WA
Maxfield Hulker
Curator & Partner Relations
ZampleBox, LLC
Renton, WA
Thomas Lancaster
3 LINK #3
Tony Mandarano
Seattle, WA
Tom Meyer
Seattle, WA
Vape D Lish
William Spurr
Lakewood, WA
Zachery Barber
Longview, WA
Sno County residents: 12
4 LINK #4
Adrian Urbina
Bonney Lake WA
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Jarron Janski
Lakewood, Wa
Allan Kettle
Olympia WA, with businesses in
District 19, and District 20
Jason Campbell
Olympia WA
Amber Rose Lavender
Andrew Larson
Jason Edenholm
Marysville, WA
Brandon Nevares
Ocean Shores, Wa
John Conner
Olympia, WA
Brett Colley
Everett WA
John Ensell
Lakewood, Wa
Makin Some Vapes, Owner
Cody Shepherd
Lakewood Wa
Joseph D Hansen
COO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Credence Bishop
Spanaway, WA
Denise Pharris
Shelton WA
Justin Moore
Justin O'Daniel
Renton, WA
Dennis Van Every
Lakewood, Wa
Justin Wilcox
Tacoma, WA
Dustin Hill
Olympia, WA
Kacey Shipley
Lakewood, Wa
Efren Felicitas
Lynnwood, WA
Kathy Delgado
Lakebay, WA
Gary Fletcher
Kennewick, WA
Snohomish, WA
Gerald Charles Dunbar
CEO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Kelsey Schilling
Bremerton, WA
J.D. Lewis
Everett, WA
Kim Thompson
Tacoma, WA
James Kline
Arlington, WA 98223
Korry Gilbert
Longview Wa
Jamie Newell
Ellensburg, Wa
Co-owner Cloud 509
Libby Quade
Ellensburg WA
1 LINK #4
Lisa Sauve
Tacoma, WA
Travis Bain
Lynnwood, WA
Lynne Bain
Marysville, WA
Trekker Vapors
Longview Wa
Mallori Gold
Tacoma Wa
Marc Jarrett
Vice President
Pink Lung Brigade
Marcus Ames
Tacoma WA.
Sno County residents: 8
Maria (Mia) Anne Lingenfelter
Tacoma, WA
Michael Bain
Marysville, WA
P A Schreieck
Lakewood WA
Operations Manager
The Vaporium
Phil Tillman
Lakewood, WA
Rachel Cupples
Auburn, WA
Rose Andersen
Tacoma Washington
Sam Swarner
Richland, WA
Steven Stone
Tacoma Wa
Terry Bash
Shelton, Wa
Thao Nguyen
Kent, WA
2 51
Adam Firestone
Tacoma, WA
Erik Hunter
Sumner, WA
Allan Kettle
Olympia WA
businesses in
District 19 and District 20
Gerald Charles Dunbar
CEO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
James Kline
Arlington, WA
Andrew Bales
Shelton WA
Jamie Newell
Ellensburg, Wa
Co-owner Cloud 509
Andrew Larson
Austin Persons
Bothell, Washington
Jamie Tripp
Tacoma WA
Ben Beman
Jarron Janski
Lakewood, Wa
Tacoma Washington
Jason Campbell
Olympia WA
Brandon Beauchesne
Tacoma, WA
Brandon Nevares
Ocean Shores, Wa
Joseph D Hansen
COO and Founder
Source Code Vapor LLC
Tacoma, WA
Brett Colley
Everett, Wa
Justin Lewis
Everett, WA
Chris Wagner
Tacoma, WA
Justin Moore
Credence Bishop
Spanaway, WA
Justin O'Daniel
Renton, WA
David Levin
Tacoma WA
Justin Wilcox
Tacoma, WA
Keith Becker
Tacoma, WA
Dennis Van Every
Lakewood, WA
Snohomish, WA
Dominique Etter
Tacoma, WA
Efren Felicitas
Lynnwood, WA
Kelsey Schilling
Bremerton, WA
1 LINK #5
Korry Gilbert (SGT)
Longview Wa
Steven Stone
Kyle Menard
Auburn WA.
Thao Nguyen
Kent, WA
Lisa Sauve
Tacoma, WA
Tom Meyer
Seattle, WA
Luis A. Pesantez
Lakewood, WA
Travis Bain
Lynnwood, WA
Lynne Bain
Marysville, WA
Trekker Vapors
longview wa
Mallori Gold
Tacoma Wa.
William Spurr
Lakewood, WA
Maria (Mia) Anne Lingenfelter
Tacoma, WA
Matthew Zukowski
U.P., WA
Sno County residents: 9
Mike Bain
Marysville, WA
Nina Boss
Tacoma, WA
P A Schreieck
Lakewood WA
Operations Manager
The Vaporium
Rachel Cupples
Auburn, WA
Rae Knecht
Enumclaw Wa
HR Manager, The Vaporium
Sabrina Helm
Puyallup, WA
Sam Swarner
Richland, WA
2 52