page table of contents - Buckeye Premier Youth Soccer League


page table of contents - Buckeye Premier Youth Soccer League
Buckeye Premier Soccer League
Inside This Edition
4, 5
11 ½ 11
20, 21
22, 23
Inside this Edition
Buckeye Premier Soccer League Rules RE: Tryouts, Transfers, Recruiting
Ohio South Zero Tolerance Policy Against Abuse
Ohio South Guidelines for Lightning and Hazardous Weather Conditions KIDS – Kids Inner‐City Developmental SL
Early Bird Spring Soccer Invitational
Capital City S C
Club X
Cincinnati Soccer Alliance
CUSA – Crew SC
Dayton Players Academy
Dublin – Club Ohio F.C.
FC 42
Freedom S C
GNA Revolution
Kings Hammer
NCA Blast FC
SP Academy
Star SC
Warren County SC
Dutch Soccer School
Starburst Soccer Spectacular
Big Tease T‐Shirt Co.
Ohio’s Return to Play Law
Dick's Sporting Goods
BPYSL Tryout Guide
Inside This Edition
This magazine has been published by:
Buckeye Premier Youth Soccer League
670 Lakeview Plaza Blvd. – Suite D Worthington, Ohio 43085
(614) 436 – 6775
[email protected]
Approximately 4,800 copies of this magazine have been printed and distributed by:
Net Results LLC
1101 Bourgogne Ave
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
The Buckeye Premier Soccer League and Net Results LLC have not verified the accuracy of the statements
contained within the paid advertisements printed in this magazine. The Buckeye Premier Soccer League and, Net
Results LLC individually and / or collectively, are not liable for any false, misleading, or inaccurate statements
contained within this magazine. The accuracy of any statement or statements contained herein is the sole
responsibility of the advertiser.
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Soccer League
Buckeye Premier League Constitution ‐ Tryouts
14.1 All teams, U-10 through U-19, (including coaches, players, parents and team supporters) that will be applying to
participate in the Buckeye Premier league and current Buckeye Premier teams may NOT contact a player from another
team for the purpose enticing the player to switch teams or to attend a tryout, except during the period of
May 15th through June 15th of each seasonal year.
In order to allow players and their families the ability to choose the best select team for their situation, the following
fair play guidelines must be observed:
Coaches shall not deter, by any means, players from attending whatever tryouts the player’s desire. This would
include the scheduling of mandatory team functions or imposing sanctions against those players.
b) A member league, coach, and / or club shall not place unreasonable demands on players to join a team after
tryouts. This would include requiring; an immediate response, large cash payments, immediate signing US Youth /
Ohio South or other USSF affiliate player registration form.
Tryouts after the Spring season to form teams for the following seasonal year shall not be held until the following dates.
Offers to participate on a team may be made immediately, (i.e. the day of tryouts), following any tryout.
EXCEPTION: A member team, coach, and / or club may offer a position on a team to any of its currently registered
players not more than 7 days prior to the start of the tryout period for that age group.
14.1.1 For teams and clubs that are based in OSYSA District 1, tryouts may not be held until on or after Monday, May
14.1.2 For teams and clubs that are based in OSYSA District 2, tryouts may not be held until on or after Tuesday, May
14.1.3 For teams and clubs that are based in OSYSA District 3, tryouts may not be held until on or after the following
Age of team to be formed for
the following year:
The earliest date/time that tryouts can be
held for this age group.
The earliest date/time that results of the
tryouts can be announced.
U-11 & U-12
Tuesday, May 27th @ 2:00PM
Sunday, May 31st @ 2:00 PM
U-13 and older
Monday, June 7th @ 2:00 PM
Sunday, June 7th @ 2:00 PM
The above restrictions, by district, on the timing of when tryouts can be held and when players may be offered positions on a
particular team applies to all teams that the club or league sponsors in an age group, regardless of the league, where one of the club’s
teams in that age group applies to participate in the Buckeye Premier league.
Failure to comply with this Section 14.0 before, during or after the formation of a team will result in penalties up to and including
suspension of the person or the team involved from Buckeye Premier. In addition, whether or not the team or club involved is a
current member of Buckeye Premier, failure to comply with any portion of this Section IX, may result in the rejection of the team or
club involved from participation in the Buckeye Premier league during the subsequent seasonal year.
The term “may make an offer to be a member of that team” is defined to mean making any communication with the player or his/her
family regarding their acceptance or rejection of their future participation with a team or club. This includes but is not limited to
posting of names, tryout numbers or other identifying information regarding particular players who did or did not make a team on
any website, Facebook, Twitter, via e-mail or any other form of media.
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Soccer League
Zero Tolerance
16.0 Zero Tolerance Policy Against Abuse
The Ohio South Youth Soccer Association is committed to providing a safe environment for
its members and participants, and to preventing abusive conduct in any form. Every
member of this organization is responsible for protecting our participants and ensuring
their safety and well being while involved in sponsored activities.
To this end, we have established the following guidelines of behavior and procedures for
our staff, volunteers and participants. All members of this organization, as well as parents,
spectators and other invitees are expected to observe and adhere to these guidelines.
1. Abuse of any kind is not permitted within our organization. This means we do not
tolerate physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct from our players,
coaches, officials, volunteers, parents or spectators.
2. Physical and sexual abuse, including, but not limited to, striking, hitting, kicking, biting,
indecent or wanton gesturing, lewd remarks, indecent exposure, unwanted physical
contact, any form of sexual contact or inappropriate touching, are strictly prohibited within
our organization.
3. Emotional abuse or verbal abuse is also prohibited. These include, but are not limited to
such forms of abuse as: yelling, insulting, threatening, mocking, demeaning behavior, or
making abusive statements in regard to a person's race, gender, religion,
nationality/ethnicity, sex or age.
4. We are committed to providing a safe environment for our players, participants and
staff. We do so by appointing all coaches, officials and volunteers and anyone else
affiliated with our organization as protection advocates. Every member of this organization
is responsible for reporting any cases of questionable conduct or alleged mistreatment
toward our members by any coach, official, volunteer, player, parent, sibling or spectator.
5. Buddy System: We recommend that every activity sponsored by our program put a
Buddy System in place. Each youth participant should be assigned a buddy during
sponsored activities. No child should go anywhere -to the bathrooms, locker rooms, or
other location without his or her buddy.
6. To further protect our youth participants, as well as our coaches, officials and
volunteers, we strongly advise that no adult person allow him/herself to be alone with a
child or with any group of children during sponsored activities. In particular, we
recommend that coaches or other adult members of this organization:
Do not drive alone with a child participant in the car.
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Soccer League
Zero Tolerance
Do not take a child alone to the locker room, bathrooms or any other any other private room.
Provide one-on-one training or individual coaching with the assistance of another adult or the
child's Buddy.
If you must have a private conversation with a youth participant, do it within view of others, in
the gym or on the field, instead of in a private office.
Coaches and other adult members of this organization should not socialize individually with
the participants outside of sponsored activities
6. Supervision/Chaperone ratio: We recommend that for any sponsored activity, the ratio of
adults to youth participants be 1:8, one (or more) adults for every eight children, with a
minimum of two adults for every activity.
7. When traveling overnight with youth participants, children should be paired up with other
children of same gender and similar age group, with chaperones in separate but nearby
8. We want to empower our children to trust their feelings and let them know that their
concerns, fears and hopes are important by listening to them. Open communication between
children and parents, or between children and other adults in the organization may help early
warning signs of abuse to surface.
9. We encourage parents to become as active as possible in sponsored activities, games,
practices and other events. The more the parents are involved, the less likely it is for abusive
situations to develop.
10. We will respond quickly to any and all allegations of abuse within this organization. This
information will be communicated to the authorities for investigation and will be reviewed by
the organization's directors. The alleged offender will be notified of such allegations promptly.
11. Any person accused of sexual or physical abuse may be asked to resign voluntarily or
may be suspended by the board until the matter is resolved. Regardless of criminal or civil
guilt in the alleged abuse, the continued presence of the person could be detrimental to the
reputation of the organization and could be harmful to the participants. A person who is
accused but later cleared of charges, may apply to be reinstated within the organization.
Reinstatement is not a right, and no guarantee is made that he or she will be reinstated to
his/her former position.
12. We promote good sportsmanship throughout the organization and encourage qualities of
mutual respect, courtesy and tolerance in all participants, coaches, officials and volunteers.
We advocate building strong self-images among the youth participants. Children with a strong
self-image may be less likely targets for abuse; similarly, they may be less likely to abuse or
bully others around them
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
Ohio South Hazardous Weather Condition Guidelines
Buckeye Premier Soccer League
The protection of Ohio South members and participants is of paramount importance. Every member should recognize the
danger presented by lightning, tornados and other hazardous weather. The following items represent generally accepted
principles regarding the dangers involved with lightning and tornados.
•All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous.
•Lightning often strikes as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. You are in danger from lightning if you can hear
thunder. You are in danger if you can see lightning.
•Lightning injuries can lead to permanent disabilities or death. Look for dark cloud bases and increasing wind.
•Lightning can travel sideways for up to 10 miles and strike when skies are blue.
•Soccer fields are a dangerous place to be during a lightning storm. When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, or
when dark threatening clouds are observed, quickly suspend the game and/or practice and move to a safe location.
•Avoid standing in an open area, near soccer goals, under a tent, near trees or in water. The safest place during a
thunderstorm with or without visible lightning is in a car, but not a convertible.
•Watch for rapidly darkening skies.
•The sound of an approaching tornado is often described as that of an approaching train.
•The funnel of a tornado does not have to touch down to cause extensive damage and injuries.
•Tornados can produce winds of 300 miles per hour or more.
•Most people who are hurt during a tornado are hurt when they are struck by flying debris.
•Seek safety in a solid structure, preferably in a basement or in an interior room. If no building is available, lay
down in a ditch.
In any of the circumstances outlined below occurs, the referee should immediately suspend the game.
1. If thunder is heard, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a
safe shelter.
2. If lightning is seen, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a
safe shelter.
3. If a thunderstorm is heard or seen coming or your hair stands on end, the game should be suspended and the fields
cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter. Do not wait until it rains.
4. If an audible tornado warning is heard, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should
immediately go to a safe shelter.
If the game official does not immediately suspend the game when any one of the points above have occurred, the
head coach from each team can agree that one of the four criteria listed above have occurred they are to withdraw
their teams from the field. If this action is taken, then both coaches must submit a written report to their league
outlining the circumstances, the facts concerning the weather conditions at that time, the fact that the two coaches
were in agreement and the name of the officials at the game.
If an official and one of the coaches do not reach the conclusion to suspend the game and any one of the four points
listed above are believed to have occurred, the coach that supported the suspension of the game is to send a written
report to their league outlining the facts and the names of the officials.
No one should retake the field or re-start the game until all of the lightning and thunder or other hazardous weather
has left the area. Specifically, no one should retake the filed for a minimum of 30 minutes after the last lightning is
seen or thunder is heard, or the dangerously high winds have passed.
Each league should establish their own procedures for replaying of any games suspended due to lightning or
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
The Kids Inner-City Developmental Soccer League was founded in 1994 with the
formation of one team of nine and ten year old children from the Godman Guild, a
Columbus central city settlement house. The team played at the Northern Columbus
Athletic Association as a courtesy of the association. Uniforms were donated by Soccer
Central and transportation was provided by The Godman Guild. The children and families
involved had a great time and did learn the fundamentals of the game.
After the first season it was determined that these children needed a league of their own
which would allow them to play with other children who had had limited soccer
experience. That was how the "developmental" concept of the league originated.
Discussions began with several other inner city organizations needing a soccer program and
surprisingly in the spring of 1995 all seven inner city Columbus settlement houses
participated in the newly formed league which played at Joyce Park near St. Stephens
Community Center, one of our early partners. Two years later, the City of Columbus
Recreation and Parks Department secured Saunders Park in Columbus for the exclusive use
of the KIDS league. In addition, several Columbus Recreation and Parks Department
Community Centers have joined the program throughout the past several years.
There have been as many as 700 children in the program during each season. There is
absolutely no cost to the children or the community partners to participate in the program.
All equipment, goals, referees, balls, field lining and maintenance are provided free of
charge. There is no restriction on race, creed, sex, religion or national origin to participate
in the program. The program has always strived to give empowerment for the operation of
the program in the hands of the participants. The program is now operated from within the
community. Dozens of KIDS' players have gone on to play soccer for their high school
teams. Many of the original players have been trained as referees and now give back to the
The Kids Inner-City Developmental Soccer League with donations of time by the
volunteers, grants and donations from M.O.S.S.L., continues to operate on a very tight
budget. The Early Bird Spring Soccer Invitational and Starburst Soccer Spectacular
tournaments, MOSSL Tryout Guide attempts to be a part of long term funding for the Kids
Inner-City Developmental Soccer League.
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Early Bird Spring Soccer Invitational
Charter member of the “Ohio Soccer Tournament Series”
April 1-3, 2016
Benefiting the KIDS league of Greater Columbus
Guaranteed three games
Awards for division champions and finalists
Age Brackets
Boys U9(U8), U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18 & U19
Girls U9(U8), U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18 & U19
$450 per team (U9 & U10) 6v6
Spindler Fields
$475 per team (U11 & U12) 8v8
(Hilliard, OH)
$495 per team (U13 – U19 ) 11v11
Application Deadline
February 23, 2016 or until FULL
Space Is Limited, So Register EARLY!
For more information visit our web-site
Or contact
Jim Cline/Jim Sturm – Tournament Directors
Phone: (614) 420-5637
Email: [email protected]
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
11 ½ 2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
The Kids Inner-City Developmental Soccer League was founded in 1994 with the
formation of one team of nine and ten year old children from the Godman Guild, a
Columbus central city settlement house. The team played at the Northern Columbus
Athletic Association as a courtesy of the association. Uniforms were donated by Soccer
Central and transportation was provided by The Godman Guild. The children and families
involved had a great time and did learn the fundamentals of the game.
After the first season it was determined that these children needed a league of their own
which would allow them to play with other children who had had limited soccer
experience. That was how the "developmental" concept of the league originated.
Discussions began with several other inner city organizations needing a soccer program and
surprisingly in the spring of 1995 all seven inner city Columbus settlement houses
participated in the newly formed league which played at Joyce Park near St. Stephens
Community Center, one of our early partners. Two years later, the City of Columbus
Recreation and Parks Department secured Saunders Park in Columbus for the exclusive use
of the KIDS league. In addition, several Columbus Recreation and Parks Department
Community Centers have joined the program throughout the past several years.
There have been as many as 700 children in the program during each season. There is
absolutely no cost to the children or the community partners to participate in the program.
All equipment, goals, referees, balls, field lining and maintenance are provided free of
charge. There is no restriction on race, creed, sex, religion or national origin to participate
in the program. The program has always strived to give empowerment for the operation of
the program in the hands of the participants. The program is now operated from within the
community. Dozens of KIDS' players have gone on to play soccer for their high school
teams. Many of the original players have been trained as referees and now give back to the
The Kids Inner-City Developmental Soccer League with donations of time by the
volunteers, grants and donations from M.O.S.S.L., continues to operate on a very tight
budget. The Early Bird Spring Soccer Invitational and Starburst Soccer Spectacular
tournaments, MOSSL Tryout Guide attempts to be a part of long term funding for the Kids
Inner-City Developmental Soccer League.
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
Starburst Soccer Spectacular
Charter member of the “Ohio Soccer Tournament Series”
May 27‐29, 2016
Benefiting the KIDS league of Greater Columbus
Guaranteed three games
Awards for division champions and finalists
Age Brackets
Boys U9(U8), U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18 & U19 Girls U9(U8), U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18 & U19 Cost Location
$475 per team (U9 & U10) Greater Columbus, OH
$495 per team (U11 & U12)
(Dublin, Hilliard)
$525 per team (U13 – U19)
Application Deadline
April 11, 2016 or until FULL
Space Is Limited, So Register EARLY!
For more information visit our web-site
Or contact
Jim Cline/Jim Sturm – Tournament Directors
Phone: (614) 420 - 5637 Email: [email protected]
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Big Tease T-Shirt
640 Lakeview Plaza Blvd. Suite D
Worthington, OH 43085
(614) 785 – 0063
Please Call for Hours
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
**Ohio’s return‐to‐play law went into effect on April 26th, 2013**
2015 • 2016
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
Buckeye Premier Tryouts
2015 • 2016
Ohio South Soccer Association
25 Whitney Drive, Suite 14
Milford, OH 45150
Cincinnati, OH
Permit # 120
Board of Directors
Jim Sturm
(O) 614-436 – 6775
(C) 614- 270-6062
Kevin Accuri
Trustee at
Tim Lesiak
Vice President
Willie Gage
Trustee at
George Sauer
General Manager
(O) 614-436-6775
Trustee at
Dave McIver
Trustee at