rector´s foreword


rector´s foreword
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Izhevsk State Technical University
Publishing House:
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
(The international scientific journal founded by two universities from Slovak Republic and Russian Federation)
This journal originated with kindly support of Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
Editorial Office
Študentská 1, 911 50 Trenčín, Tel.: 032/7 400 279, 032/7 400 277
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Honorary Editors
Miroslav Mečár, Assoc. prof., Ing., PhD.
rector, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic
Jakimovič Boris Anatoľjevič, Prof., DrSc.,
rector, Izhevsk State Technical University, Russian Federation
Miroslav Mečár, Assoc. prof., Ing., PhD., Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Science Editor
Dubovská Rozmarína, Prof. Ing., DrSc., Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Slovak Republic
Alexy Július, Prof. Ing., PhD.
Gulášová Ivica,, PhDr., PhD.
Jóna Eugen, Prof. Ing., DrSc.
Letko Ivan, Prof. Ing., PhD.
Maňas Pavel,, Ing., PhD.
Mečár Miroslav,, Ing., PhD.
Melník Milan, Prof. Ing., DrSc.
Obmaščík Michal, Prof. Ing., PhD.
Zgodavová Kristína, Prof. Ing., PhD.
Izhevsk State Technical University
Russian Federation
Jakimovič Boris Anatoľjevič, Prof., DrSc.
Alijev Ali Vejsovič, Prof., DrSc.
Turygin Jurij Vasiľjevič, Prof., DrSc.
Ščenjatskij Aleksej Valerjevič, Prof., DrSc.
Kuznecov Andrej Leonidovič, Prof., DrSc.
Fiľkin Nikolaj Michajlovič, Prof., DrSc.
Sivcev Nikolaj Sergejevič, Prof., DrSc.
Senilov Michail Andrejevič, Prof., DrSc.
Klekovkin Viktor Sergejevič, Prof., DrSc.
Trubačev Jevgenij Semenovič, Prof., DrSc.
Bodorová Janka, Mgr.
Publishing House
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčín
Graphic Design
3z SOLUTIONS - Zuzana Slezáková,
Technical Information
© 2008 All rights reserved.
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic
University Review Vol. 2, No. 2
Trenčín: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
2008, 59 p.
ISSN 1337-6047
Rectors´s Foreword
Dean´s Foreword
Effect of High Strength Cast Steels Modified by Titanium on Their Mechanical
Igor Barényi, Harold Mäsiar
Slovakia and Disassembling
Forces Influencing Missiles in Flight
Surface Assessment of High Strength Plates
Project Powder Bomb - Special Technology into the Environmental And Civilizational Aspect of Security Applications
Marián Goga, Peter Lipták
Milan Jozefek, Peter Lipták, Emília Prekopová
Jana Jurenová, Ondrej Híreš
Štefan Kemenyík, Peter Lipták, Anton Osvald, Karol Balog
155MM Self-Propelled Gun Howitzer Zuzana A1
Svetoslav Kollár
Expected Contribution to the Development of Special Technology by the Faculty
of Special Technology of Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Peter Lipták, Ali V. Aliev
Strain-Gage Measurement of Time-Dependent Stresses in Gun Barrel During Shooting Tests
Miroslav Pástor, Jozef Mihok
Brass Bullets of Improved Strength
Rudolf Pernis, Jana Jurenová
Igor Barényi, Harold Mäsiar
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
Marián Goga, Military revision plant Nováky, corp. Nováky, Slovak Republic
Peter Lipták, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Milan Jozefek, Peter Lipták, Emília Prekopová
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Jana Jurenová, Ondrej Híreš
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Štefan Kemenyík, Lučenec, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Peter Lipták, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Anton Osvald, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Karol Balog, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Svetoslav Kollár, Konštrukta-Defence, a. s., Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Peter Lipták, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Ali V. Aliev, Izhevsk State Technical University, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
Miroslav Pástor, The Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Jozef Mihok, Power-One, s.r.o., Dubnica n. Váhom, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Rudolf Pernis, Jana Jurenová,
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Assoc. prof. Ing. Ondrej Híreš, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Jiří Stodola, DrSc.
Assoc. prof. Ing. Oto Barborák, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Rozmarína Dubovská, DrSc.
Assoc. prof. Ing. Harold Masiar, PhD.
Ing. Roman Bohuš
Prof. Ing. Vladimír Bella, PhD.
Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Lipták, PhD.
Assoc. prof. Ing. Ivan Jurčo, PhD.
Rector´s foreword
Assoc. prof., Ing. Miroslav Mečár, PhD.
ear readers, the English version of the journal you are reading is a result of a collaboration between teachers and researchers at Alexander
Dubcek University of Trencin and the Izhevsk State University of Technology. This issue No 5 of the second volume is devoted to the results that have
been achieved by representatives of the Faculty of Special Technology in
Trencin and by their counterparts at the Izhevsk University.
New management at both universities supports the forms of cooperation and assists
publishing the research results. Both parties will attempt to publish their research results
on equal scale. We would like to inform the academic staff and the public about the activities that are done at both universities so that they can assist the people involved to find
the most effective forms of working on mutual projects and collaboration what can help
us concentrate on necessary capacity needed for large international projects. We believe
that we will succeed in these projects and we will be able to publish their results in the
English version of our journal.
I believe that you, our readers, enjoy reading the authors digest and their thoughts
shall encourage you in your further activities in the field of research and in our future collaboration.
Dean´s foreword
Assoc. prof. Ing. Oto Barborák, PhD.
ear readers, Faculty of Special Technology organized the Second International Scientific Conference Special Technology in April 2008. More
than 100 participants took part in the conference focused on field of special technology as important part in education regarding accredited study
programme Special Engineering Technology at Faculty of Special Technology. It is also the important target of research and publishing. Lectures and
papers were included to four sessions:
A. Design, production and operation of special technology
B. Electronical control, cybernetic and opto-electronical systems in special technology
C. Ammunition and explosives
D. Standardization, codification and government quality assurance of products and services for defence purposes.
Due to the positive impression on lectures given by both participants and public we made
a decision to include selected papers in this publication.
Igor Barényi, Harold Mäsiar
The paper describes experimental results of mechanical properties when high strength
cast steels were used after their modification by increased amount of titanium. The experimental specimens, both modified and unmodified, were treated by several ways of heat
and chemical-heat treatments and then their tensile strength, hardness and toughness
were measured. Finally, the effect of modification by titanium was evaluated according to
used treatment methods.
Key words
modification by titanium, heat treatment, cast steels, strength, toughness, hardness,
enerally, the steels consist of various alloying and additive elements that have
positive influence on their utility properties
as the following: mechanical characteristics, corrosion resistance, wearing resistance a. o. According to elements effect on
Fe-Fe3C binary system and consequently
on the final microstructure, elements supporting formation of ferrite or austenite are
known. Also the carbides and nitrides of alloying elements have important effect on
steels characteristics due to their significant
affinity to carbon or nitrogen. The titanium
is one of listed elements, which is added to
steel in very low amount, but the mechanical properties are affected significantly.
The titanium has a high affinity to carbon
and nitrogen and forms compounds significantly affecting final characteristics of steel.
Carbides and nitrides segregated at grain
boundaries prevent to dislocations in movement and that leads to precipitation hardening of steel. These phases affected grain
refinement too. They are stabile at high
temperatures when prevent to their grain
growth by segregation at their boundaries.
Moreover, as titanium binds nitrogen atoms
to eliminate negative nitrogen influence to
steel properties (decreasing of toughness).
Nitrogen forms unstable solid solutions
with iron and that results in ageing of steel.
[1, 2].
The titanium has the direct effect on the
binary system Fe-Fe3C along with indirect
effects mentioned above. Substitutional
solid solution with iron is formed that differs from that carbon. There is the section
of Fe-Ti equilibrium diagram on the Fig. 1.
It is obvious that titanium supports ferrite
formation that results in opening of α area.
Fully ferritic microstructure and therefore
unhardable one can be obtained by modification with 2% of titanium in the 0.5% carbon steel.
Fig. 1: Section of Fe-Ti equilibrium diagram
The titanium has advantageous effect on
steel properties mainly when to be dissolved
in solid solutions. If it is more segregated in
the form of intermetallic phases (like FeTi2)
then it has negative effect rather. Due to
selected reasons the titanium is used as alloy element for steels in very low amounts
that not exceeds level of its solubility in γ
iron (0.7%).
Others advantageous effects of steels
modification by titanium were detected
after their nitriding. Titanium nitrides in
the nitriding layer cause the increase of its
High strength cast steels 422855 and 422767
were used for experiment. Experimental
specimens were made of them by investment casting process in two melts. Chemical
composition of the batch was corresponded
with composition of base material. Titan
modification was made after second filling
of the cast pan by addition of needed FeTi
amount to the pan before casting. Chemical
composition of cast specimens was checked
by spectral analyzer SpectroLab JrCCD. Average values of elements concentrations
from five measurements on various specimens are in the Tab. 1. Noticeable increasing of titanium contents was reached due to
alloying process, as shown in Tab. 1.
Experimental specimens, both modified
and unmodified, were treated by selected
heat and chemical – heat treatments in the
following step. All specimens were normalizing and then separated to various groups
according to scheduled final heat or chemical heat treatments.
Used treatments and results of mechanical
properties measurements after their application are given in the Tab. 2. The values
are average of five measurements. Test of
particular mechanical characteristics was
realized according to present STN EN standards. Strength and plasticity characteristics
was evaluated by static tensile impact test
following STN EN 10002-1, toughness by
Charpy impact test following STN EN 100451 and hardness by Vickers method following
STN EN 10045-1.
Tab. 1: Chemical composition of experimental specimens according to particular melts
In case of material 422767 Ti content was
increased from 0.0027 % to 0.036%, that
means relative increase about 0.033 %. At
next material 422855 original level of titanium content (0.0017%) was increased to
0.028%. i.e. relative increase about 0.026%.
unmodified specimens after the same treat
by heat or chemical – heat treatments.
More detailed view to the mechanical
characteristics affected by Ti modification is
shown in Fig. 3. Resultant graph is presenting percentage changes of characteristics
(Rm. HV5 and KCU5) between values from
original and Ti modified specimens.
From particular experimental results is
obvious that the Ti modification caused the
changes in values of toughness KCU5, hardness HV and strength Rm, respectively. The
changes of the characteristics for both investigated materials. depended to Ti modification are summed up in Fig. 2. The graph
columns show comparison of mechanical
characteristic obtained from modified and
Tab. 2: Experimental results of mechanical properties
Fig. 2a: Effect of Ti modification on selected mechanical characteristics:
material 422767 (7 – original. 7.1 – modified)
Fig. 2b: Effect of Ti modification on selected mechanical characteristics:
material 422855 (2 – original. 2.1 – modified)
Fig. 3: Relative percentage changes of Rm. HV5 and KCU5 values according to Ti modification
The changes of investigated mechanical
properties after Ti modification were either positive or negative. related to heat
or chemical – heat treatment. Both investigated materials were affected by Ti modification in the same way, apart from a few
The most significant changes were occurred
in KCU5 values, specifically their decrease in
normalized state and increase in quenched
+ tempered ones and both nitriding states.
There was occurred soft decrease of KCU
typical for 422855 and on the contrary to
that soft increase of toughness for 422767
in the nitrocarburizing state.
In case of Rm strength was occurred its decrease after normalizing. more significant
for material 422767. There was occurred its
soft increase at 422855 in quenched + tempered and both nitriding states, the values
were rather stagnant for 422767. In the nitrocarburizing state Rm values decreased
for all investigated materials.
Hardness HV5 of all investigated materials decreased softly after Ti modification in
normalized state. In quenched + tempered
and nitriding (with q+t) states it increased
and mainly for 422855. The increase of HV5
for 422767 was lower than the increase of
HV5 for 422855. In the nitriding state without quenching + tempering were obtained
different results of HV5. They increased
for 422767 but decreased for 422855. On
the contrary in nitrocarburizing state, HV5
decreased for 422767 and increased for
The effect of modification by Ti can be
fully concluded in way. that it caused soft
increase of HV5 hardness and Rm tensile
strength in heat and chemical – heat states
important for use of real high strength casting. On the other hand it caused significant
decrease of KCU5 toughness. Consequently,
the modification by Ti was not only positive
and thus not too meaningful.
1. Pluhař, J., Koritta. J.: Strojírenské materiály. STNL Alfa. Praha. 1977.
2. Puškár, A., Micheľ, J., Pulc, V.: Náuka o materiáli I. Skriptum. VŠDS Žilina, ALFA. 1988
3. Ptáčel, L.: Náuka o materiálech II., CERM, Brno, 2002
Marián Goga, Peter Lipták
The ammunition disassembly became one of the major goals that required lots of new solutions related to technological, economical, environmental and mostly safety issues.
Key words
environmental disposal, disassembling, disassembly, dismantling, dismantlement, ammunition, ordnance, explosives
isposal of excessive and obsolete ammunition is still a problem for all developed countries and it is more significant
during transformation periods, in the aftermath of wars and release of tensions between countries. The major stimulus for the
worldwide reductions of ammunition stocks
was the end of the Cold War in the 1990s.
This process embraced not only the former
members of the Warsaw Pact but also the
NATO countries.
Disassembling of ammunition and its
elements is one of the greatest projects
in number and size related to ammunition
conducted on the territory of the Slovak Republic in the last years. It is related to the
ongoing process of the Slovak Armed Forces
transformation and also transformation of
the other countries of the formal Warsaw
Within the process of accession and also
after the accession, the countries of the
former “Eastern Block” were facing the
tasks of fairly large reduction or complete
write off of some types of ammunition and
its elements stored in their ammunition depots.
During last decade in Slovakia it was
gradually disassembled about 20 000 tons
of various types of ammunition from Slovak
Armed Forces’ stocks and similar amount of
ammunition from the other countries.
The ammunition disassembly became
one of the major goals that required lots of
new solutions related to technological, economical, environmental and mostly safety
issues. Companies, mainly dealing with production, revision, repairing and re-assembling of ammunition, were facing the task to
adapt their technical and manufacturing capacities to be able to carry out wide range
of ammunition disassembling.
The ammunition disassembling mentioned above, was and is provided chiefly by
VOP Nováky, as a company, that its manufacturing programme is the closest one to
it. It results from its previous orientation to
revision, repairing and re-assembling of ammunition as a primary manufacturing programme of the company.
Revision, repairing and re-assembling
activities have been performed in VOP
Nováky since 1957, which means more than
50 years tradition on the market. The scope
of the activities just includes initial, partial
and complete disassembling of ammunition
as a whole, eventually its elements and their
subsequent process of repairing or replacement finished with assembling to its previous systems. However, it does not proceed
to disposal of ordnance or disposal of malfunctioning or obsolete elements.
Proceeding in disassembling of so sizeable
amount of ammunition without essential
evaluation of the situation in this field naturally brought up lots of problems. They were
dealt throughout running process with different rate of success.
Those problems we can divide into following areas:
Difficulties associated with
ordnance disassembling
Despite of vast experience in the field of ammunition disassembling, the very process
of complete disassembling together with
subsequent disposal of exploited explosive
and also non-explosive materials was associated with fairly large difficulties. Those
difficulties were caused mainly by insufficient preparation of a so large-scale project
as it was reduction of ammunition stocks
of the Slovak Armed Forces. Hence technically and economically demanding project
required detailed evaluation of all capable
resources, previous experience and analysis
of currently valid law in this field.
insufficient information or complete lack
of information about a design of some
types of ordnance
lack of information about status of all
energetic materials within ordnance
with regard to technical status (stability,
selection of the right way of ammunition
problems connected with disassembling
and subsequent handling with smoke,
incendiary and other special substances
of ordnance
too complicated disassembling process
of some elements of ammunition
utilization of non-energetic materials exploited during disassembling process
utilization, processing of explosive elements with subsequent recycling or environmental disposal
1. Insufficient information or complete
lack of information about a design of some
types of ordinance
Detail information about design of ammunition and its elements is essential
prerequisite for developing correct procedures of disassembling. That kind of
information is insufficient or absent in
most cases. It is particularly notable with
ammunition coming from abroad for disassembling and also with ammunition
elements coming from stocks of the Slovak Armed Forces.
In case of inaccessibility of required in-
formation a disassembling plant conducts so-called trial disassembling with
the most experienced experts. Despite
of focusing on safety standards and high
experienced personnel involved, this
kind of disassembling is extremely dangerous and risky.
2. Lack of information about status of all
energetic materials within ordnance with
regard to technical status (stability, sensitivity)
The second essential prerequisite for
developing correct procedures of disassembling is the vital information about
technical status of ammunition elements, pyrotechnic compounds and explosives filled in ammunition. This piece
of information is unavailable within the
framework of current ordering system
for a disassembly plant. When ammunition is assigned for disassembling, it
is not declared by customer whether
the ammunition is going to be disassembled because of stock reduction or
has already finished its life-cycle period
including its components. The information is not only delivered by customers
from abroad, but also from the Armed
Forces of The Slovak Republic. By carrying out trial disassembling, it is possible
to find it out by means of performance
of laboratory and technical tests and its
evaluation with regard to stability, sensitivity to basic stimuli etc. This process
is not cheap, so disassembling companies tends to minimise scale of tests. It
could prove opposite of saving money,
because an incorrect disassembling procedure could lead to an accident.
3. Selection of the right way of ammunition disassembling
Essential prerequisite for safe dismantling of ammunition and its elements is
to choose a correct procedure for disassembling. The detail information about
its design and current information of its
technical status are absolutely necessary
as mentioned above.
After careful evaluation of all input
data, it is absolutely essential to select a
correct technological procedure, which
in most cases includes mix of more than
one method of ammunition disposal and
its elements. It is necessary to place individual operations into suitable premises
by observing constraints and at the same
time absolutely following safety regulations. It is also important to highlight
a need for chronological succession of
disassembling operations with the aim
to minimize handling and transportation
and eliminate safety hazards during pertinent operations.
It is crucially important to pay constant attention to the most hazardous
operations like dismounting of initiators, disassembling of sensitive parts of
ammunition etc. It is inevitable to use
automatic systems to performer those
operations without presence of personnel or to restrain it. Smooth removal of
dismantle components and its correct
storage belongs to important prerequisites of observing the safety regulations
during disassembling.
The way of making orders from customer side it seems to be the major
problem referring to the selection of a
suitable and safe disassembling procedure. Contracts for ammunition disassembling are closed for a certain amount
of ammunition and a customer does not
have a plan for possible disposal the very
same or similar ammunition in the future.
A contract with possible extensions to a
larger period for disposal of the same or
similar ordnance could facilitate the de-
cision making process for investing substantial amount of money for acquiring
new cost-effective technologies and at
the same time render higher quality of
service and safety.
4. Problems connected with disassembling
and subsequent handling with smoke, incendiary and other special substances of
Disposal of special ordnance is one of
the most technologically complex disassembling procedures. The process
requires special technologic procedures
with regard to avoid a leak of harm substances into air, water and soil and their
environmental disposal. It is not possible to dispose these chemical compounds by explosion or burning. Incendiary and smoke ammunition is burnt in
closed chambers with absorbability of
harm chemical agents and they are subsequently utilized in industry or environmentally disposed.
5. Too complicated disassembling process
of some elements of ammunition
There are some elements of ammunition
even if complex documentation and new
technologies are available that it is not
possible or it is too complicated with regard to safety and cost-effective issues
to disassemble them. The most suitable
way of disposal of those elements is to
burn or blast them in blast chambers
that are capable to absorb harm gas
agents and particles. Despite of the large
amount of disposed ammunition in the
last decade there is not organization in
Slovakia that possesses such a chamber.
It is another argument that supports my
statement about insufficient preparation
of disassembling projects as mentioned
6. Utilization of non-energetic materials
exploited during disassembling process
We can divide into two groups all nonenergetic materials exploited during disassembling process.
Materials easy to sell as scrap materials
(iron, copper, aluminium, brass, etc.) and
materials so-called problematic (phenol
formaldehyde resin plastics, laminated
plastics, polyvinyl chloride etc.), which
are problematic for disposal.
7. Utilization, processing of explosive elements with subsequent recycling or environmental disposal
During ammunition disposal by its gradual disassembling lots of energetic materials of various types and status are
The most common explosives that are
gained during disassembling process are:
TNT – is gained in the shape of a piece
material, subsequently adjusted by
grinding, flaking or graining into appropriate state for using it as a component
of industrial explosives
mixtures of TNT with PETN , pentolite, RDX and wax phlegmatizing agents
– except for mixture TNT/RDX the other
materials are obtained only in small
amounts. Mixture TNT/RDX is possible
to use in industrial explosives after its
black powder
smokeless powder – broken and chopped
material is utilized in some industrial explosives whereby there is also possibility
to use it as a component for production
of a new powder
This form of utilization of disassembling energetic materials seems to be the most gainful with respect to environmental and cost-
effective way of disposal. The important
factor influencing his recycle is his technical
status and stability.
At the conclusion, I would like to point out
that despite of considerable development
in the field of ammunition disposal in Slovakia, it is necessary thoroughly analyze this
area with aim to prevent similar tragedy like
it stroke our company in the last year. There
is a need for careful consideration because
either at the present time there is only one
price criterion for granting a contract of
ammunition disassembling. The other criterions such as technological equipment,
practise and qualification of personnel involved, environmental and safety legislative
and investments into new technologies are
not taken into account.
Milan Jozefek, Peter Lipták, Emília Prekopová
Forces influencing the missile in flight are divided into aerodynamics force, force by the instrumentality of missile engine and gravity force. This article analyses the individual forces
and deals with influences of these forces on motion of missiles in the resistance environment. In balance with influence of these forces main consideration is on the aerodynamic
force and its individual components.
Key words
aerodynamic force, interceptor, front resistance, reactive force, gravity force
o analyze forces which affect the antiaircraft air-launched missile in flight we
can apply primer law of outer ballistics.
Problem action of these forces - their exact
formulation - has conclusive affect on contact of the missile with the target, eventually to navigate this missile to the area in
which is assurance of destroying the target
by effects of fragments of military charge of
the missile.
Problem of the forces acting and their
precise formulation have conclusive effect on ensuring contact of the missile with
target or navigating the missile to an area
where the target can be destroyed by the
warhead. The following forces act on an
anti-aircraft air launched missile in flight:
aggregate aerodynamic force R
engine drag
G force
Aerodynamic force is a force which interacts between air and the body moving in it.
Aerodynamic force is formed as a result of
non-constant dilution and compression of
fair flows along different parts of the missile (moving body), and also due to surface
abrasion of the air with surface of the body.
Magnitude and direction of aerodynamic
force depends on dimensions, shape and
velocity of the body motion, its orientation
in the air flow and atmosphere parameters.
The resulting aerodynamic force acts outside of the centre of the gravity point. The
point where it acts is called “centre of aerodynamic forces“. Centre of aerodynamic
forces can be in front of centre of gravity or
behind of the centre of gravity, depending
on aerodynamic adjustment of the missile.
There are several adjustments to the missile. The main adjustments are normal aerodynamic adjustment and canards adjustment. Normal aerodynamic adjustment has
aerodynamic point of application behind
centre of the gravity of the missile. The Canards adjustment has a point of application
in front of the point of gravity. Each of these
adjustments has different advantages and
Overall impact of the airflow on the missile
can be expressed by the force „R“ called resulting (general) aerodynamic force. Resulting aerodynamic force has an impact on the
missile, generally at the point called point
of application of the aerodynamic force and
not in the centre of gravity of the missile.
Then is treating of cresulting aerodynamic
force reduce into treating of force „R“ in the
centre of gravity and into moments of forces treating above the centre of gravity.
The resulting aerodynamic force „R“
splits into three components – projections onto axes in the velocity coordinate
system:0,xv,y v,zv. Origin of coordinate system is in the centre of the gravity of the
missile. Others axes together with axis „xv“,
form a clockwise orthogonal coordinate
system. Position of the velocity coordinate
system is expressed by the leading angle
„“ and buckling angle „“.Leading angle
„“- is the angle between projection plane
of velocity vector „vr“ anti-aircraft missile in
the vertical projection plane and axis „0,xr“
(>0 if is the asis xr above projection plane
of velocity vector). Buckling angle „“- is
angle between velocity vector projection
plane „vr“ and plane „0,xr,yr“ of the missile
(>0 if velocity vector is turn into given
plane in right side).
Projection plane of resulting aerodynamic force onto axis „0,xv“ always has
direction opposite than the velocity vector. It is called frontal resistance. Projection
onto the axis „0,y v“ is buoyancy force and
onto axis „0,zv“ is aisle force. Normal forces, which represent control forces, change
direction of flight (SAM), curve its route,
which makes the missile move on pre- calculate route.
Magnitude of these forces by maximal
displacement of the steering system/missile
fins determinates the overcharge possible
in the plane of the wings, and resulting aerodynamic force composed of buoyancy and
aisle force, determines the possible overcharge of the missile. Possible overcharge
of the missile is critical for maximal possible
curvature missile route, minimal radius of
turning radius. If the trajectory desired has
larger radius, it is not possible to aim this
missile at the target. Conditions of creations
buoyancy and aisle force to missile flight are
2.1 Buoyancy force
Buoyancy force (SMA) is created on the
wings, less on the controllers and body of
the missile. For its assessment we use the
following equation [4]:
Y = Cy .
where: Cy- buoyancy force coefficient
- consistency o fair
Vr- missile flight velocity
S- Characteristic surface
Buoyancy force coefficient, by engaged actual construct parameters and aerodynamic
adjustment of missile depends on ratio between flight velocity and sound velocity in
given clauses. (Mach number „M“); leading angle „“ and elevator swing out angle
„ v; so:
Cy = f (M, α, δv)
SMA has sometimes aerodynamic shape,
where if the leading angle =0° than the
buoyancy force is zero too.
Cy = Cyα (M) α ± Cyδ (M) δv
Where: „Cy “ and „Cy “ are proportionality
coefficients, characterizing buoyancy force
Access, by synchronized change of leading
angle and elevator deviation angle to unit
which depends on number „M“ .
The plus mark in the equation, we consider to define the coefficient for SAM,
which are „canards“ type. In this type is
centre of the resulting aerodynamic force
before the centre of the gravity in the direction of missile flight. By this aerodynamic
scheme, the buoyancy forces of wings and
controllers add up.
By determination of buoyancy force
coefficient for (SAM) with „normal aerodynamic scheme“ (pict.2) the aerodynamic
point of application is behind the centre of
gravity and wind and controller forces subtract from each other. So in the equation 2.3
in the direction of flying missile we consider
minus sign.
Numeric account of coefficient „Cy“ and
„Cy“ is measured in the aerodynamic tunnel, or by the flight exams of SAM. By settled
account of number „M“ buoyancy force coefficient increases with leading angle „“.
With angle  increasing more than critical,
the air flow is separated and coefficient rapidly decrease.
If the coefficients „Cy“ and „Cy“ are
known together with velocity, flight altitude
and leading angle „“ the buoyancy force
can be computed:
Y = [Cyα (M) α ± Cyδ (M) δv]
Y = Cyα (M) pv2
Sα ± Cyδ (M)
S δv
That means that for the allocated type of
missile, we can compute the buoyancy force
using four parameters:
missile velocity
height of flight of the missile
leading angle of the missile „“
aberrance angle of controller of the missile „ v“
Possible values of the buoyancy force determinate manoeuvrability of the missile in the
vertical plane, that means its ability to follow a curves route/trajectory with certain
radius, which has influence on the military
ability of the weapon system.
2.2 The front resistance force
Front resistance is component of the air tangent to the trajectory and acts in the missile
centre of the gravity. It acts in direction opposite to the relative velocity force vector.
It can divided into three parts:
frictional resistance has origin in the
layer of atmosphere to the missile close
to the missile. Its magnitude is given by
brand of treatment of the missile surface
and shape adjustment in the front section
virulent resistance create behind the bottom of the missile, in the consequence of
the lower pressure, a vorticity develops
here that decelerates motion forward,
and represents 30% of the frontial resistance grass account depending on
the missile shape adjustment and its velocity.
wave resistance forms when speed of
sound is exceeded, it is caused by an
impact wave, what is in fact the compressed air layer, that the missile itself
pushes in front of it, if velocity of the
missile is equal to speed of sound or
greater, general amount is given by missile shape adjustment.
The largest part of the frontal resistance
force develops due body of the missile. The
frontal resistance force can be expressed
as the following formula [4]:
Q = Cx pv2 S
where: Cx- is frontal resistance coefficient
Coefficient Cx is determined experimentally in an aerodynamic tunnel. It depends
on the „M“ leading angle „“ and buckling
angle „ “.
Cx = Cx (M, α, δ)
Cx = Cx (M, Cy, Cz)
Coefficients Cy and Cz are determined experimentally too, depending on the magnitudes of the buoyance and aisle forces.
Given angles „“, „“ the coefficient
Cx, grows more rapidly when „M“ approaches one. This is explained by creation of intermediate and main concentration discontinuity on the missile, which is fundamental
of virulent resistance. When „M“ >1, then
coefficient Cx decrease so, how are discontinuities of concentration more acute and
offer lower resistance to missile movement.
So given specific construction and aerodynamic adjustment of the missile, the frontal
resistance force can be considered a function of the following four parameters:
missile velocity vr,
height of flight of the missile H,
leading angle of the missile „“,
buckling angle „“.
Q = f (vr, H, α, β)
The frontal resistance force increases with
leading angle and buckling angle and decreases with growing altitude. In calculations that require high accuracy we consider
the frontal resistance toocaused by controllers and wings stewing.
Reactive force „P“ is caused by reactive engine and points along the longitudinal axis
of the missile. Its magnitude is:
Gsec . U
+ (ps - pH) . Svýst
Gsec – fuel consumption pre second
U – gas outflow velocity out of the jet
g – gravity acceleration
ps – gas pressure in the outflow out of the
pH – atmospheric pressure in the height
svýst – jet cross-section surface
If atmospheric pressure on the ground is
denoted by p0, in formula (3.1) add subtract
the following sub-expression:
po . Svýst
+ ps . Svýst - pH . Svýst +
Gsec – fuel consumption per second
The first two members of the right side of
this equation characterize the missile engine traction on the ground „p0“ and the
third term characterizes growth of engine
traction with altitude:
P = P0 + (p0 - pH) . Svýst
+ (ps - p0) . Svýst
With fuel consumption fixed, the engine
traction growth with altitude does not exceed 10-12% p0. The missile engine generally
comprises a launching accelerant and flight
motor, or dual-mode motor. If a launching
accelerant is used, it detaches after fuel
burn out. The launch is realized by traction
force much greater.
The gravity force on the missile equals the
product of missile mass and gravity acceleration. During flight on the active part of the
route, the gravity force gradually decreases
because of fuel burn-out.
t – elapsed time of engine activity
Gravity force lies in the centre of gravity of
the missile, that moves due to fuel burnout.
+ (ps - p0) . Svýst +
+ (p0 - pH) . Svýst
Gsec . U
P0 =
G0 – initial weight force
+ p0 . Svýst - p0 . Svýst
G .U
P = secg
G = G0 - ∫0t Gsec (t) dt
where: We get:
G .U
P = secg
For any time instant the weight of the missile is expressed by the formula:
Forces acting on missiles in flight determines the flight security of the missile to
the target along the pre-calculated trajectory. These forces are the starting point for
calculating navigation commands for antiaircraft air-launched controlled missile to
the air target.
Neupokojev, F., K. : Streľba zenitnymi raketami. Vojenizdat Moskva 1984.
Jirsák,Č., Kodym, P.: Vnejší balistika a teorie střelby. Naše vojsko Praha 1985.
Spravočnik oficera protivozdušnoj oborony. Vojenizdat Moska 1987.
Jozefek, M. : Automatizované systémy špeciálnej techniky II. TnUAD Trenčín 2004 ISBN
80 – 8075 – 023 – 8.
5. Lipták, P., Jozefek, M.: Efektívnosť bojového pôsobenia prostriedkami PVO. In: Vedecké
práce a štúdie Fakulta špeciálnej techniky. - ISBN 80-8075-170-6. - ISSN 1336-9008. - č.5
(2006), s.96-103.
6. Lipták, P., Jozefek,, M.: Destroing of air targets under elektronic jaming. In: Proceedings
of the International conference on military technologies 2 – 4 May 2007. s 174 – 179.
University of defencce. Brno 2007.
Jana Jurenová, Ondrej Híreš
The paper is focused on evaluation of deformed surfaces of high strength plates type ARMOX 500T. The procedure of convex surface assessment after dynamic resistance testing
using high strength plates is described. 3D coordinate measuring machine was used in order to measure several elements of deformed surfaces. The aim of the measurement was
to determine peaks of convex deformed surfaces after dynamic impact resistance testing
when the material ARMOX 500T was used.
Key words
high strength plates, surface, dynamic resistance impact, 3D CMM, probing, coordinate
ny measuring machine that records information from the workpiece surface
point by point by optical or tactile means on
the basis of a coordinate system determined
by the equipment and further processes the
coordinate values with a computer can be
termed a coordinate measuring machine
(abbreviated CMM).
The principle of point-by-point probing
gives to the CMM its universal applicability. The only restriction that may apply is
in the applicability of the surface points
where probing is to be performed by tactile
or optical methods and in the case of tactile
probing, in the possible compliance of the
workpieces [1-3, 5-6]. In the paper coordi-
nate measurement was carried out to assess the peaks of deformed plate surfaces.
Surface Assessment of Deformed Plates
Nine plates of type ARMOX 500T of dimensions 300x500 mm with the values of nominal thickness 4; 6 a 10 mm were used for
the experiment. Experimental material was
prepared with the following surface modifications: the base material (ZM), nitrided
material (GN) when gas nitriding had been
employed and plasma nitrided material
(PN). 3D CMM of moving bridge type was
employed to measure camber of elements
numbered from 1 to 5 of all investigated
deformed plates that had been tested for
dynamic impact resistance.
CMMs by WENZEL provide high-precision
measurements. The LH series is characterised by user-friendly handling, high robustness and is suitable for almost all common
measuring tasks. The success principle of
the LH series is called accuracy without software compensation. The bridge machine
has air bearing guideway elements in all
axes that guarantee wear-free and smooth
operation. The CMM is equipped with the
PH 10 M probing head by Renishaw. Sensor
technology is the optimal solution for every
measuring challenge. The LH 108 is one of a
wide range of CMMs models by WENZEL as
shown in Fig. 1. This CMM can be characterised by CNC control of all axes, compact design and easy maintenance access features.
The Metrosoft CM software provides a large
spectrum of available probing systems [4,
7]. The profile of the deformed surface was
probed in order to detect the position of coordinates (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2: Surface probing using the PH 10 M probing head by
perpendicular impact point or the oblique
one, 0° and 30°, respectively. Function of a
surface point measurement enabled pointby-point probing coordinates of arbitrary
curved surfaces. The manual operating
mode was used to measure peaks thus Zmax
coordinates to avoid probe-to-plate collision due to different peak heights of particular measured surfaces. Before probing
different series of plates according to the
nominal thickness of ARMOX 500T plate in
each series, thickness compensation had
been realised.
Procedure of Coordinate
Fig. 1: The LH 108 3D CMM by WENZEL [4]
The main goal of the measurement was to
assess peaks of convex surfaces, i.e. maximum height limited by Z coordinate. The
ARMOX 500T plates had been subjected
to high strain rate conditions, i. e. after the
1. Determination of maximum height value
of an element by the digital height gauge
and stamping the peak on the plate surface.
2. Selection of four boundary points on the
plate surface, i.e. a reference plane as
the base for the probing sequence. The
points of the reference plane bound the
area of all probed points.
3. Coordinates of geometrical elements of
ARMOX 500T material were measured
in manual operating mode that means
point-by-point probing. Coordinates
were carried out both in direction of the
X-Z and the Y-Z axes as shown in Fig. 4.
The reference coordinate system (machine coordinate system) was clamped
in place by the three axes of the CMM.
4. Position information of particular plate
elements (1-5) given by the surface
treatment and the nominal thickness
were saved to database. The bar graphs
(Fig. 5 and Fig. 6) resulted from the series of measurements in the coordinate
systems X-Z and Y-Z axes using CMM (Fig.
7 and Fig. 8).
Fig. 3: Principle of the convex surface measurement
Fig. 4: The coordinate system of 3D CMM
The probing system had the task of detecting contact with the plate surface during
tactile probing or required distance of the
probing head from the plate surface during the coordinate measurement. Output
from values of coordinates resulted from
the tactile probing after detecting contact
points using the PH 10 M probing head by
Renishaw. In this way 45 elements in two
axes were probed. The Y-Z measurement
was considered to be the main representative due to reached higher values of Z coordinate. Outputs from coordinate measurements gave rise to draw the bar graphs (Fig.
5 and Fig. 6) according to Tab. 1.
Bar graphs given by Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 illustrate the average value of the maximum
coordinate ZmaxΦ particular elements and
given deflection of angle from the perpendicular (either for direct or oblique impact
of a bullet) in dependence on the average
value of kinetic energy for the ARMOX 500T
given by the nominal thickness. The maximum average height of elements in the case
of perpendicular impact point after ARMOX
500T plates were subjected to dynamic impact resistance tests is given in Fig. 5.
The average values of EkΦ, ZmaxΦ, shown
in Tab. 1, were calculated from measured
values of the muzzle velocity, their appertaining values of the kinetic energy and
maximum height values of investigated deformed surfaces.
Experimental Results
When taking into account two alternatives of chemical-heat treatment either
in gas or plasma mediums and their influence on the dynamic impact resistance the
parameters of nitriding processes could be
considered the most important. The higher
was the value of ZmaxΦ coordinate; the lower
was the dynamic impact resistance of in-
Tab. 1: Average maximum height values at average value of kinetic energy of a bullet in direct and oblique dynamic
impacts of a bullet on investigated series of the ARMOX 500T plates
ARMOX 500T direct impact of a bullet
ZmaxΦ /mm/
EkΦ = 1115 J
h = 4 mm
EkΦ = 2257 J
h = 6 mm
EkΦ = 3616 J
h = 10 mm
Fig. 5: Average values of maximum height particular elements at the average value of kinetic energy of a bullet, investigated nominal thickness values of ARMOX 500T and direct impact of a bullet
ARMOX 500T oblique impact of a bullet
ZmaxΦ /mm/
EkΦ = 1115 J
h = 4 mm
EkΦ = 2257 J
h = 6 mm
EkΦ = 3616 J
h = 10 mm
Fig. 6: Average values of maximum height particular elements at the average value of kinetic energy of a bullet, investigated nominal thickness values of ARMOX 500T and oblique impact of a bullet
vestigated plates. Plasma nitriding in comparison with gas nitriding seems to be the
more effective technology of chemical-heat
treatment due to a possible application of
lower nitriding temperatures not enabled
by gas nitriding. The PN series reached the
lower average values of ZmaxΦ coordinates,
so their higher dynamic impact resistance
was shown and compared to those the GN
ones of all the investigated values of nominal thickness.
The maximum average height of elements in the case of oblique bullet impact
(angle 30°) is given in Fig. 6. Value of the ki-
nominal thickness 6 mm
direct impact of a bullet
7.62x51(.308 WIN)
Z [mm]
Y [mm]
ZM 6
E = 2297 J
GN 6
E = 2328 J
PN 6
E = 2268 J
Fig. 7: Mean values of Z coordinate in analysis of deformed surfaces ARMOX 500T the series of nominal thickness 6 mm
after direct impact of 7.62x51 (.308 Winchester) bullet
netic energy was calculated from values of
the muzzle velocity v2.5 measured by ballistic analyser BA-04S in ballistic tests.
been used to verify the influence of chemical-heat treatment on dynamic impact resistance.
The improved dynamic impact resistance
resulted from the lower ZmaxΦ coordinates.
The plates nitrided in plasma atmosphere
were characteristic by their lower values of
ZmaxΦ coordinate in comparison with those
saturated in ammonia gas when conventional nitriding process had been employed.
The average values of convex contours
of the ARMOX 500T surface for the particular values of nominal thickness depending
upon an angle of deflection from a perpendicular are demonstrated in Fig. 7 (the case
of direct impact).
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show surface assessments of the ARMOX 500T plates after testing their dynamic impact resistance. Ammunition 7.62x51 (.308 Winchester) had
The case of oblique impact is shown in
Fig. 8. During the surface assessment some
evaluation criteria were determined. For
peaks in the case of a direct bullet impact it
is assumed that E1 < E2 < E3. The mean value
nominal thickness 6 mm
oblique impact of a bullet
7.62x51(.308 WIN)
Z [mm]
GN 6
PN 6
ZM 6
Y [mm]
ZM 6
E = 2293 J
GN 6
E = 2263 J
PN 6
E = 2266 J
Fig. 8 Mean values of Z coordinate in analysis of deformed surfaces ARMOX 500T the series of nominal thickness 6 mm
after oblique impact of 7.62x51 (.308 Winchester) bullet
of kinetic energy E2 was considered to be
the comparative indicator. More disadvantageous case, i.e. the higher value of Zmax
coordinate was the evaluation criterion at
the oblique bullet impact in the surface assessment of peaks numbered 4 and 5.
The main goal of the paper was to carry out
the surface assessment of ARMOX 500T
plates using CMM method. As the result of
its rigid structure, small measurement uncertainties can be achieved even for large
measuring ranges. The LH 108 CMM of the
bridge type was suitable for precise measurement and analysis of deformed surfaces
by single point-by-point recording. Pointby-point acquisition of the plate surface
was essentially comparable with extracting
a random sample from an infinitely large
population of all surface points. The main
contributors to the uncertainty of a measurement include measuring instrument, environment, surface and operator including
measurement strategy.
1. Humienny Z. (ed.): Geometrical Product Specifications – Course for Technical Universities. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2001
2. Schlemmer, H.: Grundlagen der Sensorik. Heidelberg: Wichmann, 1996
3. Weckenmann, A. – Gawande, B.: Koordinatenmesstechnik. Műnchen: Carl Hansen,
4. Wenzel: The LH Series.
5. Ratajczyk, E.: Współrzędnościowa Technika Pomiarowa - Maszyny I Roboty Pomiarowe.
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 1994
6. Brezina, I.: Súradnicové meracie stroje a ich skúšanie. Vydavatelství úřadu pro normalizaci a měření.
7. Jurenová, J., Obmaščík, M., Híreš, O.: Analysis of Deformed Surfaces of High Strength
Materials Using 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine. In: Coordinate Measuring Technique. VIIIth International Scientific Conference. Bielsko-Biala, Poland: 31st March – 2nd
April 2008
Štefan Kemenyík, Peter Lipták, Anton Osvald, Karol Balog
Special technology must not be a strictly army and weapons technology oriented sphere.
Its potential could be very significant into the environmental protection applications – wildfire extinguishing, or with other of important civilizational aspects of security – anti-terroristic applications, civil protection etc.
Key words
TSP – Transdisciplinary Synthesis Principle, special technology, wild-fire, extinguishing powder, non-destructive ammunition, POWdER BOMB, project, environmental, terrorism
Image of special technology generally
evoked the context of military engineering, or weapon technology. From historical
aspect is this conventional title connection
of image and object comprehensible. Evidently, that actual technical and technological level of Mankind is in a great measure
like implication of research and development results at ambit oriented to the defense and warfare too. Conflict seasons in
our history are coming in ordinary cycles. In
this periods was (almost ever) detect substantial progress at ambit of techniques
and technology, that is related with tactical
and technical domination and with results
of military conflict. Post-war quiet times in
history are marked like time, when results
of primary military research was applied in
common life and they are coupled with economic, and social development of society.
For example: existence and development
of computing technology has been directly
connected with “secret” technological war,
which determined WWII results. Military
aviation, cryptography and development of
nuclear bomb they were main marks of this.
Fact, that (today already) we could flying by
transoceanic airlines, that we have (today
already) at our tables personal computers
and our houses (today already) make use of
energy produced by nuclear electric power
plants is paradoxical implication of our past
Development of special technology is
depend especially by requirements of armies and warfare, but in final implication
is technological breakthrough applied in all
of sectors of industry, economics and social
connections. Proof, that special engineering
may not be all the time fixed at the killing
and destructive uses, is complex of today
“ordinary” technologies and currently also
project, that is prepared by technical universities at Zvolen (Technical University in
Zvolen), in Trenčín (Trenčín University of
Alexander Dubček in Trenčín) and in Bratislava (Slovak Technical University Bratislava)
in collaboration with organs of environmental department (Ministry of Environment of
Slovak republic and State Nature Protection
of Slovak republic in Banská Bystrica).
Wild-fires (forest fires) come under most
destructive native elements, which could
menace not only natural environment, but
also men, their homes, infrastructure and
industry. At forest fire menace especially
air, woodland vestures, animals, bugs, soil,
surface and underground water, considerable biotopes and all of the relative ecosystems. In past years we take registration of
substantial progress in extinguishing, but
actual techniques of extinguishing are at the
technological limits of their own possibilities
already, while wild-fires are take at the proportions and multitude in world-wide scale.
Extinguishing by fire-extinguishing bags is
for future like unwarrantable, concerning
of high technical difficult and low efficiency
from view of space distribution, quantity
and effectiveness of extinguishing effect of
used water. Water that as we today could
to apply for aerial wild-fires extinguishing
is deplorable ineffective. [1] (Fig. 1.) Large
mass of water (although low effective) bring
with its also unwanted effects connected
with material destruction of rock massif and erosion. Not under important they
are also negative impacts of operating of
heavy fire-fighting technology (ground and
aerial), that could to impair rare biotopes
many a time inside of unique and by law
protected ambits. Low effectiveness and
long time of extinguishing operations are
directly proportional related with increase
of range of affected area and with degree of
its destruction by consequences of fire, or
its extinguishing. Successful wild-fire downup need to increase of effectiveness effects
and distribution of extinguishing medium,
supported by qualitative corresponding organization and technical background - tactics.
Project POWdER BOMB is one of serious
candidate to solve of this problem. Tactical
models and technologies are results of TSP
principle (Trans-disciplinary Synthesis Principle; Kemenyik, Sopata; 2006) application,
what is ontological extension of standard
deterministic analysis in look of constructive synthesis of new IDEO-Technological [2]
entity, based on results of research in oftentimes directly not connected science and
technical disciplines. Actual research position indicate, that project POWDER BOMB
could be able to open new qualitative phase
in fight with one of most dangerous ecology
phenomenon of present time. It is indicated
by also high interests of academic workplaces as well as support from government
departments competent at questions of nature protection and fire protection.
Fig. 1: Efficiency of water extinguishing: a) - ordinary situation = minimal efficiency; b) - optimal example – hold back of
flames and minimization of thermal flow = water is applied for fuel cooling and not for cooling of a hot air a) between
helicopter and fuel
Project POWdER BOMB is pointed on research and development in area of wildfires extinguishing, protection of nature
and people. Project preparation is doing in
collaboration with conception author Ing.
Štefan KEMENYÍK, PhD. and obtain next
work places:
ŠOP SR at BB (State Nature Protection of
Slovak republic in Banská Bystrica)
KŠVT, FŠT, TN UNI AD in Trenčín (chair of
special and manufacturing technology,
faculty of special technology, University
of Alexander DUBČEK in Trenčín)
KPO, DF, TU ZVO (department of fire
protection, faculty of wood of Technical
University in Zvolen)
KOLP, LF, TU ZVO (department of forest
protection and hunting, faculty of wood
of Technical University in Zvolen)
ÚBEI MTF STU BA (institute of safety and
environmental engineering at material
and technology faculty of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, located in
Important is also ability of methodical assistance by HaZZ (Fire and Rescue Corps of
HO) and by VVZS Zvolen (headquarters of
Air Forces Of Armed Forces of Slovak republic in Zvolen), whose aerial technique
(helicopters) and army fire-fighting units are
working with units of HaZZ through wild-fire
Project POWdER BOMB present a world
unique tactical attitude to extinguishing,
whose integral component is also new technology for support of aerial extinguishing.
Authors are Ing. Štefan Kemenyík, PhD.
and Assoc. prof. Ing. Milan Sopata, PhD.
Following research also brought concept
of preventive space defense ahead of fire
extension and extension of after-effects of
eventual explosion, and related technology,
that was designed by Ing. Štefan Kemenyík,
PhD. Both of techniques and related technologies are in present time in patent process.
Fig. 2: Preparatory phase of extinguishing – application of extinguishing powder
Progressive extinguishing - is extinguishing
concept based on progressive application of
powder extinguishing medium (Fig. 2. and
3.a) and following application of water as
extinguishing medium with cooling effects
(Fig. 3.b). Difference against traditional
method is at those, that flame phase of fire
could be eliminated by massive effect of extinguishing powder, and following application of water could distribute extinguisher
directly at the cooling of fuel-wood. Actual
methods are ineffective because, most of
extinguishing ability of water is bound at
the transit by area of intensive thermal flow
over the fire. Extinguishing powder could
be at preliminary phase of extinguishing
transported by containers (“bombs”) for
transport and distribution of powder medium, that its external parameters answer
requirement of ballistics. Powder application is system action for increase of primary
extinguisher - water effects. This method
make possible to fast eliminate of flame
phase of fire and following fast and effective extinguish - cooling of fuel with using
much less capacity of water.
Fig. 3: Progressive extinguishing: a) Phase 1: application of powder extinguishing medium; b) Phase 2: put-out – effective
cooling of fuel by water
Application of new extinguishing method
bring next benefits:
Downgrade impact of conventional
extinguishing by water at the environment - e.g. destruction of rock massif
and erosion, cracking of hot rocks with
water extinguishing and their loosen and
downfall + downgrade of slope stability,
safety of fire-fighting technology and
lives of fire-fighters, abuse of underground water etc.
Ecologically and recyclable powder - extinguishing powder that will not be directly used in extinguishing could to be
after extraction of environment 100%
recyclable, or usable as source of nutriments for flora in regeneration after
wild-fire, or use its characteristic at the
recovery of pH of ash contaminated soil.
Recyclable “bomb” - container after exchange of damaged partitions could be
recharged and re-applied.
Safety of “bomb”- container is defined
just full mechanical system without application of any explosives (Fig. 4.); container will be above the ground initiate
and listed into vertical position in parachute-brake (get to dispersion of extinguishing medium - powder; Fig. 4.) and
will slowly falling to the ground.
Powder did not make any physically
damage of area - powder could be diffused and could make ideal fill of area
without necessity of barrier repression
- powder cloud will obviate barriers and
ideally “pack” - isolate them.
Significantly minimizing of wild-fire
effects to the nature, country and air
- quick termination of flame phase of
combustion minimize area of permanent - irreversible space damage of soil
and vesture (+ animals and bugs), and
minimize amount of products (carbon-
ized bits and pieces of woody material,
ash) and products of combustion (heat,
carbon black, gases: CO, CO2, nitrogen
oxides, sulphur oxides etc.), that could
escape into air, earth and water.
Significantly downgrade effects of extinguishing at the nature, country and
ground technology: minimize
amount of needs ground operations of fire-fighting technology =
down-grade of physically damages
of country by fire-fighting technology (mechanical damage, products
of fuel combustion, oils, lubricants,
fuel oils, extinguishing substances,
logistics - sanitary, food, accommodation of fire-fighters and rear personnel) and emission of engines of
ground fire-fighting and rear technologies,
aerial technology: minimize needs
amount of flight hours of aircraft
and helicopters = extreme amount
of emission (chemical emission
- products of engines, seismic
emission - vibrations and noise =
acoustic pressure) produced by
helicopters many a time in by law
protected country areas, i.e.: less of
flights = less of costs, less of engine
products, less of hazard,
extinguishing: actual fire-fighting
methods are against nature and
country extreme aggressive and
they leave permanent after-effects
= cut down of trees, creating of
firebreaks, creating of fire-fighting
paths for heavy fire-fighting vehicles, creating of conditions for longdistance and high-distance water
transportation etc. - new method
could eliminate these effects, or
minimize them to the smallest
possible size (its expected, that at
many of fire incidents could be possible to definitive extinguish wildfire from air (powder + water = lowest quantity = fast and effective hit)
without necessity of heavy ground
fire-fighting technology use).
Money: minimize amount of money for
fire extinguishing (people, technologies,
extinguishing substances, rear background) and also for clearance of fire after-effects (back-up of area and recovery
of ecosystems).
Powder no-burden atmosphere - powder is substance which is able to be at
float only by definite time, i.e. energy of
Earth gravity not-enable its permanent
diffusion into atmosphere = contamination (unlike gases etc.) and its character
unable its interaction with atmosphere.
Simply transportation and application
of powder - extinguishing powder could
be transported quickly, safely (unlike airstrike of helicopters with fire-fighting
bags which need to fly directly over the
fire) in needed amount and apply at the
exactly defined location with accuracy in
decimeters - powder “bomb” is by flight
like conventional ballistic ammunition,
i.e. its drop down of helicopter alternatively aircraft is possible execute in safe
altitude and distance (kilometers), and
sight of target by built in military sight
systems (installed in aircrafts and helicopters) ensure exact fall-down and application of extinguishing substance at
the required position.
Fig. 4: Principle scheme of container – powder “bomb” and application technique of powder extinguishing medium
Preventive area protection ahead of extension of fire or ahead of after-effects of
eventual explosion - is based on principle
of preventive before - application of extinguishing powder in potential fire, or explosion endangered space - area. Extinguishing
powder diffused in area take away from fire,
or thermal demonstration of explosion, en-
ergy at so called WALL effect. This inhibit fire
to create propagation conditions ourselves
(fire auto-propagation ability) or scale down
intensity of after-effects (pressure wave,
temperature) thermal demonstration of explosive reactions at case of explosion of gas,
ammunition, or explosive trap systems. Unlike aerial concept of transport could be this
Fig. 5: Preventive protection of area with disrupt operation of an explosive system
concept applied also at closing area (Fig. 5.),
what could be not inconsiderable effect especially into relation to problem of modern
terrorism in context of people and environment protection.
1. Ecological extinguishing powder medium
2. Tactics of extinguishing
3. Ecological aspects of extinguishing
4. POWdER BOMB technologies
Actually we could not exclude, that with
project POWdER BOMB will not be realized
some discrete parallel projects pointed on
related problems.
Project POWdER BOMB is actually in position of main research and development
lines definition. These corresponding with
professional orientation of coupled scientific workplaces. The lines are:
1. Kemenyík, Š.: „Are we extinguishing“ by water? , ALARM security magazín, 2/2007, Infodom s.r.o., Slovak republic 2007, ISSN 1335-504X
2. Kemenyík, Š. – Tokár, M.: New possibilities for realization of scientific-technical-technological research and development ideas, MOSATT 2007, Slovak Transportational Society
with Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak republic 2007, ISBN 978-80-969760-2-7
and 978-80-969760-3-4
Svetoslav Kollár
The objective of this paper is to provide the basic specification concerning the advanced
artillery system - 155mm Self-propelled Gun Howitzer (SpGH) ZUZANA A1.
Key words
cannon, turret, loading, chassis, fire control system, tests
he 155mm SpGH Zuzana A1 (Fig. 1) is
the last member of a family of wheeled
howitzers (Figs. 2-4) that has been developing in the Slovak company Konštrukta-Defence, a.s. for the last forty years. This howitzers feature the original configuration as
wheeled 8x8 chassis with a rear engine
split turret integrated in the middle of
the chassis,
externally integrated cannon between
the turrets,
fully automated loading system.
155mm / 52cals. ZUZANA A1 CANNON
The howitzer Zuzana A1 is equipped with
155mm cannon (Fig. 5) using the barrel with
52-caliber length and the chamber volume
of 23 liters. The barrel gives the muzzle velocity of 945 m/s to the reference projectile
L15A1/A2 firing 6-module charge. The cannon has been designed and proofed according to the STANAG 4110. A double baffle
muzzle break mounted at muzzle of the barrel sufficiently decreases the recoil force.
The cannon features an original cylindrical
breech, Slovak Patent No.: P285176, incorporated into a breech block (Fig. 6). The
breech is sealed by U-profile metal ring
and locked with two vertical moving segments. Charge ignition is provided by a special primer loaded into the breech chamber
from a 30-round primer magazine inserted
to a breech carrier.
Fig. 1: 155mm SpGH Zuzana XA1 at driving test
Fig. 2:
152mm SpGH
caliber :
- 152mm
barrel length:
- 37 calibers
chamber volume:
- 12,5 liters
muzzle velocity:
- 695m/s
max. firing range:
- 20km, HE ER
Fig. 3:
152mm SpGH ONDAVA:
caliber :
- 152mm
barrel length:
- 47 calibers
chamber volume:
- 19,7 liters
muzzle velocity:
- 880m/s
max. firing range:
- 32+ km, HE ER BB
Fig. 4:
155mm SpGH ZUZANA 2000:
caliber :
- 155mm
barrel length:
- 45 calibers
chamber volume:
- 23,0 liters
muzzle velocity:
- 910m/s
max. firing range:
- 39+ km, HE ERFB BB
Note to the projectile abbreviations:
HE - High Explosive, ER - Extended Range, FB - Full Bore, BB- Base Bleed
Fig. 5: 155mm /52cals. Zuzana XA1 Cannon at firing test
1- U-profile metal ring, 2- blast hole
3- breech chamber, 4- firing mechanism
Fig. 6: Zuzana A1 Cylindrical Breech incorporated into the Breech Block
2- barrel, 3- breech block,
4,23-locking segments, 8-breech carrier
Fig. 7: Zuzana A1 Turret - crew placing, projectile and charge conveyer
turret. The left turret carries the charge conveyer with 40 carriers for the charges. The
right turret carries the projectile conveyer
with 40 carriers for the projectiles.
Along with the conveyers mentioned
above, Zuzana A1 loading system consists
of charge and projectile feeders pivoted on
the trunions and the rammer fitted on the
top of the cradle (Fig. 8). The loading system
is powered hydraulically and controlled by
Fire Control System, and it is able to reach
the rate of fire of 6 rounds in the first minute
independently on elevation, traverse and
weight of charge and projectile. A feedback
to the FCS is provided by switch stops and
it gives information about the end positions
of the particular mechanisms.
Fig. 8: Loading system
The turret is independent having an auxiliary power unit at its rear supplying all turret mechanisms with required power. The
commander and the charge operator seat in
the front part of the left turret. The charge
operator seats in the front part of the right
An original design of Zuzana A1 8x8 chassis
is derived from the TATRA concept featuring
the middle support tube with swinging halfaxle, the engine in the rear part, the oneman armored driver’s cabin and the central
tire inflation or deflation. Its excellent driving characteristics can be documented by
parameters as: 600mm obstacle crossing,
Fig. 9: Zuzana XA1 Chassis
Fig. 10: Zuzana A1 Fire Control System - basic hardware configuration
2m trench crossing, 1.4m fording depth,
60% climbing ability and 90km/h speed
A core of the FCS, computer with its software, Navigation and Position System and
Automatic Loading Mechanism, enables the
crew to fire from an unprepared firing position under the armor all the mission time,
reaching very short in-to-action /out-of-action time.
The current status of Zuzana A1 Project
(March 2008) is realization of the company
tests to validate the System Performance
Specifications for Zuzana XA1 prototype
and consequently, there are planned Qualification Tests.
Fig. 11: Zuzana XA1 at firing test, Konštrukta-Defence Test Center, 25th Sep. 2007
Peter Lipták, Ali V. Aliev
The paper discusses the direction the Faculty of Special Technology at the Alexander
Dubček University is taking in terms of its scientific, technical and educational activities.
The aim of these activities is help Slovakia further the development, production and application of special technology through alliances and partnerships. Sections 2 and 3 of this
paper present the bases and examples of its application. Section 4 contains information
about the future direction of the faculty’s activities, their practical application, as well as
examples of current work.
Key words
Special technology, special technology user and operator, development and production,
crisis situation, state defense requisites, supply classes, standardization, codification and
state verification of the product quality and services for the defense purposes.
he expected development of special
technology results from the needs of
the special technology operation during the
employment of the equipment and from
the specific criteria based on the properties
and qualities of this equipment. In the Slovak Republic these needs and criteria are
based on specifications, presented by representatives of government departments
who are responsible for the employment of
this equipment. One of the main users and
operators of special technology are AF SR.
In the document “Militarization strategy“
[1] the Ministry of Defense SR presented
a real view about ambitions of SR in the
sphere of the militarization and about the
cooperation with industry branches in research and technologies and in designing
own operation ability. The approach of Slovakia to the designing strategic vision development of militarization sphere reflects
the trends in the NATO and the EU in connection with the planned reform and its realization in the militarization process in the
NATO. The Slovak Republic membership in
the Euroatlantic and European structures,
responsibilities and obligations arising from
this membership as well as obtained expe-
rience require to take new approaches of
Ministry of Defense SR to the defense ability development, and so to the militarization as one of the main parts of this process. The process of Militarization strategy
was concluded successfully and discussed
by the Minister of Defense advisory board
and thereafter approved by the Minister of
Defense of SR as a part of Program Proclamation of the Slovak Republic Government
for years 2007 till 2010 adjusted to the defense department (22.11.2007). Doc. Ing.
Stanislav Szabo, PhD.,the national director
for militarization of AF SR [2] characterizes
the main factors determining the military
sphere as followed:
The SR membership in the Euroatlantic
and European structures requires adequate participation of Slovak Republic
in the NATO and EU/EDA projects. It determines the main cooperation possibilities and the product process direction at
weaponry acquisition and military technology. It requires to design the compatible militarization system
The arming process of militarization
means public expenditure to provide fulfilling the armed forces mission. It has to
be realized transparently and purposefully, with the effort to obtain the backflow of finance through the domestic
innovation programs with international
project export support, offset programs
and other compensation .
The defense industry as a part of the
state defense system based on the defense research and defense technology
development is the requirement of minimal autonomy in the armaments and
military technology sphere.
The possibilities of the defense department which is the main subscriber for
the defense industry are limited. It is
necessary to complete international
projects to achieve the objective not
only according to the living cycle, quality
and time limit of delivery. It will bring the
adequate interoperability, the project
standardization stability and as well as
the verification of the solutions of the
identified viciousness in the preparatory phase.
The rational approach to the defense
ability development in the armaments
and military technology sphere assumes
to utilize the scientific information and
to involve scientific research institutions into this process.
The term “special technology”, defined in
bibliography and within the frame its terminology, for example [3], it is characterized in
present conception not only from the view
of possible users and operators , for example AF SR, Interior Department, etc., but
from the view of construction specification,
predetermination, operation in special, unconventional, for example extreme conditions, from the specification of the manufacturing systems and technology view. The
term does not relate only to the guns, explosives and ammunition, means of delivery
of weapons and gun equipments, ballistic
technology, dial sights, technology and material involved in material classes[4].
From the point of view of actual characteristics of the term special technology it is
evident , that it will be necessary to consider
more this issue in the future. We suppose
that within the frame of this term the special technology will be defined as followed:
Technology and material designed for
usage in so-called slough.
Technology and material for state defense requisites. It is necessary to say
that the term “material classes” is no
more actual in the conditions of the AF
SR . From the number of material classes
6 transforming into 27, later into 10, is
on these days actual the term „supplying classes“ and they are 5 (1.foodstuff
and feed, 2. weaponry and spare parts
including software, 3. fuelling, 4. constructive and universal material, 5. ammunition).
Products and services for purposes
specified by unified standardization and
codification of the alliance ingremio legis
about defense standardization, codification, and state quality verification of the
products and services for the defense
purposes. They are codified according to
the special code list „Delivery classification H2“, this is altered within the frame
of the NATO alliance [5].
Technology and material intended for
using in emergency.
Technology and material designed for
using in the nonstandard conditions, for
example in extreme conditions.
Technology and material intended for
specific, special production and production systems
Technology and material related to the
research of space industry.
We do not suppose and even it is not possible to identify completely in this paper
the term „Special technology“ to be actual
at the present time. The identification of
this term explains Doc. Ing. Stanislav Szabo,
PhD., the national director for the militarization AF SR: „Militarization sphere does not
relate only to the Armed Forces of SR, but
it outgrows its political, social-economic
and technological impact outside the defense department activity. It is necessary to
define and specify it in cooperation mainly
with the Department of Agriculture of SR,
Interior Department of SR, Military defense
industry association of SR and involve it in a
government department document “. From
the strategy point of view this document
will be elaborated: „Development and strategy of defense ability of SR in the weaponry
and military technological sphere“, with
the objective to identify the „national“
strategy of development and support not
only armed force abilities in the weaponry
and military technological sphere, but also
clearly and obligatorily determine the „national“ approach to the defense research,
defense industry and their development
within the frame of Euroatlantic and European structures. The harmonization of this
document with a long-time plan will determine priorities of the militarization and will
specify the long-time direction not only on
the research, developing and production
subjects[2]. An example of this approach
is the preparation of a system and a complete solution of automatization process of
the army command and control and troops
engaged within the frame of crisis management into operations and actions“.
Within the frame of the Alliance and its
strategic targets the emphasis is put on the
main programs [6]:
Alliance Ground Surveillance - AGS.
Active Layered Theatre Ballistic Missile
Defense – ALTBMD.
Air Command and Control System –
Airborne Warning and Control System
Deployable Communication and Information System – DCIS.
NATO General Communication System
To the main-stays of strategic vision related
to special technology belong [6]:
Development of own system of management as a part of militarization process.
Definition of national ambition in given
sphere with emphasis on ambition of the
SR in the NATO key projects.
The process of harmonization of SR approach to the building – up issues of the
defense abilities intended to the militarization, research and technologies within
the frame of NATO and EU.
Defying the form and extend of SR cooperation with the industry of allied partners.
in the long-time horizon, should concentrate first of all on the tasks originated from
the documents of NATO and the EU [7]:
To identify the development process of
special technology for the state defense
needs the findings which are characterized
as defense ability trends can be used [7]:
Development of new technologies and
their application.
Rise of effectiveness and destructive
force of asymmetric menace, especially
of active terrorist forces.
Solution of post – conflict situations
Increasing part of battle leading in the
settled regions and cities .
Usage of very accurate and efficient guns
for the targets in the regions with civil
Protecting of human resources as a priority by operation planning.
Gradual robotization of military ativities.
Defense research and technology development programs in the defense department
Exploration, searching and target identification systems within the frame of
the operations realized in the settled regions.
Biological and toxic chemical substances
detection and indication and protection
against them, their decontamination.
Battlefield digitalization and hardware
force integration into network- centric
Protection and safety of the information
Decreasing of observation and technical
camouflage of the military equipment.
Operations and defense system modeling and simulation, training technologies development
Supporting of common battlefield operating view.
Using of nanotechnologies for military
Micro – electromechanical systems
Army outfit advanced systems to obtain
the interoperability in the NATO
Living force protection and increasing of
ballistic protection.
Mobility in the settled regions.
Equipment and support of units sent
Faculty of Special Technology has obtained
the in-process and commented document :
„Conception intended for research support
and defense sphere development by year
2010“ and the faculty members have put
their comments on it. It is significant that
the Faculty of Special Technology has been
ranked among educational institutions of
the Slovak Republic. Some ministries and
central bodies of the state administration
will co-operate with us when preparing the
defense research and conception for a long
time period. It will be harmonized with the
complete security research.
The Faculty of Special Technology has
obtained the in-process and commented
document:„Development strategy of the
ZOP SR for the period 2008-2012“ The faculty members have written their comments.
It is important that according to this document FST ADUTn has been arranged among
domestic and foreign educational institutions preparing specialists for defense industry needs. It is assumed that ADUTn will
be delegated these responsibilities:
Systemic integrator of university study
program intended for experts in defense
Innovation of the university study program level 2 aimed at supporting sphere
of development defense industry of SR.
Within the frame of the innovating study
program is necessary to realize:
Expert preparation for the specialization
„weaponry systems“.
Expert preparation for the specialization
„Ammunition and explosives“
Expert preparation for the specialization
„Wheel and tracked military technology“
Expert preparation for the specialization „Mechatronic systems of the military technology“, (control units and
computers, sensory, regulating, power
electronic and combination electrofluid
components and systems, algorithmization components and system activity
programming, etc.)
Expert preparation for specialization
„Optic and optoelectronic military systems“.
The general extend of the program is in given document characterized as following:
To innovate current study programs
about production technologies specification, with CAD/CAM products support, introduce teaching courses of the
new materials for the military technology and nanomaterials for development
and military technology production including nanotechnologies for production realization. To extend teaching of
new laboratory methods and modern
methods relating to material properties
To delegate the ADUTn to prepare a
doctoral study program in the specialization, related to the special technology. Within the frame of the research
and defense technology development a
special task is written in the document:
Delegate ADUTn to organize and coordinate effective research for the defense
industry needs.
From the requirements given in the previous sections related to the Faculty of Special Technology activities we can assert that
the research, development and teaching
programs in the field of special technology have been included in the activities of
the faculty. With respect to the categorization of study programs and study subjects
the term „special technology“ is classified
within the frame of terminology „Special
machine technology“.
Present activities concern :
Education related to constructive problem, operation and special technology
Solution of grant projects and projects
for practice in these fields:
Interaction missile and material
with usage assumption for safety
Sappers and logistic operation provision.
Ways of machine set placing of the
armoured fighting vehicle (AFV).
Mobile repair and diagnostic equipment solutions
Reliability of certain parts of special
Dynamic properties of shot – firer
parts of the guns and possibilities
of their influences.
Simulation of activities and actions
with simulator construction.
Cybernetic systems of special technology.
The expected trends of FST activities will
refer to the requirements of special technology users as for proposal, development,
production, operation and logistic support.
It will be realized in accordance with ranking Slovakia within the alliance groups and
partners objective fulfilling. The direction
will corncern with these tasks:
Determination and actualization of the
term ”special technology”, special technology categorization, education programs solution within the frame of this
Access to the standardization, codification and state verification of quality of
the products and services for defense
purpose [5]
Solution of crisis, accidents and defense
situations from the onset view of the
special technology aimed at life and values saving, protection of environment
(harmfulness and contamination of terrain research, energy distribution and
production, supplying of drinking and
household water, providing field health
and sanitarian service), “cleaning up”
the hit area and terrain, ensuring command by crisis and accidental situations
etc. [8]
Nanotechnologies utilization for the
needs related to special technology,
their production and usage.
Mobile repair, diagnostic and service
equipments for using in the field conditions . [9]
Field containerization and concept of its
Characteristics and definition of so –
called extreme conditions, possibilities
of their simulation, impact on technical
parameters of special technology.
Some of present results illustrate that there
are assumptions for this activity. For example the tasks related to the technological
equipment for forest fire extinguishing [10],
intention to use field diagnostic and repair
devices, the parts of simulation equipment
which simulates special technology activities.
So we can state that the issues about
the development, construction, production
and operation of the special technology are
parts of activities of the Faculty of Special
Technology. It is necessary to emphasize
that the intentions and views of faculty
members should be presented so that it will
be enough time to put them into practice.
The international scientific conference
”SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY 2008”, organized
by the Faculty of Special Technology of A.
Dubček University of Trenčín in cooperation
with Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence Brno, is an opportunity to
exchange views about the best practices in
scientific research and applied work. The
organizer’s intention is to use the findings
of the conference to help shape the future
work of their organizations. Issues related
to the special technology are relatively wide
reaching. Our hope is that the Faculty of
Special Technology will be able to contribute meaningful to the field.
1. Merňák, G.: Vyzbrojovanie v NATO. In.: Obrana, október 2007. Ministerstvo obrany SR,
r.č. 758/93, str.: 18 – 19.
2. Szabo, S., Koblen, I.: Ako ďalej vo vyzbrojovaní. In.: Obrana, december 2007. Ministerstvo obrany SR, r.č. 758/93, str.: 30.
3. Urban, L. a kol.: Speciální technika. FMVS Praha, 1976. 59-154-75.
4. Klimecký, P.: katalóg výzbroje, munície, techniky a materiálu Armády Slovenskej republiky. ÚVTM MO SR, Bratislava 1996.
5. Zákon 11/2004 Z.z. o obrannej štandardizácii, kodifikácii a štátnom overovaní kvality,
výrobkov a služieb na účely obrany, z 3. decembra 2003.
6. Merňák, G.: Vyzbrojovanie v NATO. In.: Obrana, október 2007. Ministerstvo obrany SR,
r.č. 758/93, str.: 18-19, Obrana, november 2007. Ministerstvo obrany SR, r.č. 758/93,
str.: 18-19.
7. Baška, J.: Transfer technológií, výzvy pre obranu Slovenskej republiky. In.: TRANSFER
2007. Trenčín 2007. ISSN 1336-9695, ISBN 978-80-8075-236-1. Str.17-21.
8. Fišer, M., Lipták, P., Procházka, S., Macko, M., Jozefek, M: Automatické zbrane, konštrukcia
a skúšanie. Trenčín 2007. ISBN 80-8075-089-0.
9. Jozefek, M., Lipták, P.: Meranie a skúšanie špeciálnej techniky. Trenčín 2005. ISBN 808075-097-1.
10.Socha, L., Kiš, S.: Perspektívy leteckej dopravy. 7. Medzinárodná konferencia „Nové
trendy rozvoja letectva“, sekcia 2, 6. – 8. septembra 2006, Košice. ISBN 80-8073-520-4.
Miroslav Pástor, Jozef Mihok
The paper describes strain-gage measurements on the howitzer Zuzana. By the measurements were analyzed stresses in gun barrel under various conditions of shooting. The result will be used for improvement of howitzer properties.
Key words
strain-gage measurement, numerical modeling
ast decade was a period of development of several self-propelled artillery
systems assembled on undercarriages that
were meant for exploitation of firepower
and mobility combination under low costs.
Numbers of system are proliferated in order
to fulfill different demands given to their
Wheeled self-propelled artillery systems
combine the same firepower as caterpillar
vehicle with important tactical advantages
(higher velocity on roads and lower burnup
for the same distance). In comparison to the
trailed versions the self-propelled cannons
offer smaller times of arrival to operation
and departure from battlefield. Another attraction for many armies is a fact that the
procuration costs as well as costs needed
for operation during lifetime are substantially smaller than for caterpillar versions.
Dana developed by Slovak enterprise
ZŤS for Slovak army was recently upgraded
in order to be able to shoot standard 155
mm NATO ammo. It was necessary to realize tests of innovated gun barrel. Authors of
the paper performed these tests.
It was found by analytical and numerical
modeling of closure mechanism that the
highest stress increments are located on
outer surface of barrel at the moment of
shooting, especially in circumferential direction. During the shooting arise also axial
stresses in barrel as a consequence of friction of ammo as well as moving of ammo
in helical groove. This results to bending
of barrel due to its vibration as cantilever
Strain-gages were applied at the distance
610 mm from front surface of barrel back.
The strain-gages cannot be applied nearer
Fig. 2.1: Strain-gage No. 1 after insulation.
to closure mechanism because of lack of
free space. They were located almost symmetrically to vertical plane. The strain-gage
on the left side of barrel was labeled by No.
1, strain-gage on the right side of barrel was
labeled by No. 2. In Fig. 2.1 is applied straingage No. 1 after insulation. In Fig. 2.2 is applied strain-gage No. 2 before insulation.
Ground plan of insulated strain-gages No. 1
and No. 2 is given in Fig. 2.3.
Fig. 2.2: Strain-gage No. 2 before insulation.
Fig. 2.3: Ground plan of insulated strain-gages No. 1 and No. 2.
In Fig. 2.4 are shown wires from the location of measurement.
Fig. 2.4: Wires in the location of measurement.
Fig. 2.5: View to measurement for declination
angle 30 0 of barrel to vehicle axis.
Whole view to measurement for angle 300
of declination of barrel to vehicle axis is given in Fig. 2.5. Application of rosette straingages on barrel after their connection to
strain-gage apparatus and their balancing
of bridges allows measuring deformation increments during shooting tests. The measured deformation increments consist of deformations due to internal pressure as well
as vibration of barrel to its stabilization.
Suggested method of tests, and especially application of strain-gages in locations
where it was possible allows only partial
verification of computations by the finite
element method, but it allows to determine
relatively exact time-dependent chart not
only at the moment of shooting, but also
barrel stabilization after shot. Strains in vertical directions allow determining time periods between shots. They can be determined
from vibration, its frequency and damping.
For the experimental determination of
strain components by resistance strain-gages were used half-bridge circuits where active branch was realized by strain-gage applied on barrel in circumferential direction.
A rosette in location of the measurement
realized compensative strain-gage included
in the second branch of bridge. Scheme of
strain-gage circuit is in Fig. 3.1 – half-bridge
and connection to strain-gage apparatus
SPIDER 8 by 15-pin connector.
In Fig. 3.2 is given the chain for measurement and evaluation for determination of
stress components from measured strains.
Fig.3.1: Scheme of active and compensative strain-gage in half-bridge.
Fig. 3.2: Chain for measurement and evaluation.
σ1, σ2 - calculated components (increments) of stress.
Authors have provided strain-gage measurements during the tests of barrel prototype on 17.-18.12.2007. During the first day
of measurements were realized four shots
– the first one with filling of type 2A+B and
the last three with filling of type C, zone 10.
During the second day were accomplished
measurements with six shots. The first three
shots were provided with declination angle
30º of barrel to vehicle axis and there were
used the fillings of type C, zone 10. The last
theree shots were realized with declination
angle 450 of barrel to vehicle axis. Hereagain
were used fillings of type C, zone 10. During
the shooting were used projectiles 155 mm.
For ammo of this type has to be used longer
barrel and bigger ´box for ammo.
As was mentioned before, the straingages XY 91 had one grid oriented along
barrel axis and the second grid was oriented
perpendicullar to the first one – in circumferential direction.
The components of principal normal stresses in locations of strain-gages application
are evaluated with respect to Hooke’s law.
For the plane stress state and known directions of principal stresses determined from
measured strains or their time-dependent
charts – their increments, the increments
of principal stresses are
σ1 =
σ2 =
1 - μ2
1 - μ2
(ε1 + με2),
(ε2 + με1),
E - is Young’s modulus of material,
µ - Poisson ratio,
ξ1, ξ2 - measured principal strains,
With respect to length of filling and location of strain-gages there was plane stress
state in the barrel at the moment of shot (on
the outer surface of barrel was uniaxial tension). So the strain-gage in axial direction of
barrel can be used as compensative and the
stress was evaluated with respect to perpendicular deformation to circumferential
direction. The friction between projectile
and barrel and stress in axial direction can
be neglected. When the projectile leaves
the barrel, the measured charts show that
the barrel vibrates. At the first stage barrel moves upwards with pressure deformation in the locations of strain-gages. From
the charts is possible to determine period
(frequency) of vibration. It is approximately
4,33 ms.
Variable stresses have to be bound to
bending. Frequency of this loading as well as
time-dependent chart of strains concludes
that it is a bending registered by a grid along
barrel axis. Time-dependent chart with filling C zone 10 is given in diagram in Fig. 5.1
and time cutouts of this chart are in Figs.
5.2, 5.3, 5.4.
Fig. 5.1: Time-dependent chart with filling C zone
Fig. 5.2: Cutout time-dependent chart with filling C zone
Fig.5.3: Cutout time-dependent chart
Fig. 5.4: Cutout time-dependent chart
with filling C zone with filling C zone
All measurements conclude that the stresses in locations 1 and 2 for measurements
with barrel axis parallel to axis of vehicle
as well as for rotated barrel do not depend
on barrel position but they depend on level
of pressure at the moment of shooting and
this fact is clearly documented by stresses
measured in time-dependent charts.
strain-gages) and variations of test shootings clearly conclude that methodology of
strain-gage application as well as the measurements are especially suitable and they
allow to reach progress in further solution.
The strain-gage measurements executed
during shooting tests (though they were
realized in very limited extent concerning
number of measurements and location of
1. Trebuňa, F. a kol.: Spolupráca na vývoji tesniaceho a záverového mechanizmu prototypu
155 mm ShKH ZUZANA XA1. Záverečná správa. Košice, 2007
2. Kollár, S.: Nábojnicové a beznábojnicové zbrane a strelivo. Časť I. Záverové mechanizmy
delostreleckých zbraní. Konštrukta – Defence, Trenčín, 2007
3. Trebuňa, F., Šimčák, F.: Príručka experimentálnej mechaniky. Typopress, Košice, 2007.
Rudolf Pernis, Jana Jurenová
Special forces use ammunition that comprises bullets made of copper alloy – brass. In the
paper analysis of brass alloys suitable for brass bullets production was carried out. The
selected suitable brass alloy was subjected to the experimental verification of its strength.
Technological possibilities for improvement in mechanical properties and hence yield
strength and tensile strength were described and tested. Improved mechanical properties
resulted from cold forming and progressive hardening during cold drawing. From elaborated hardening diagram it is possible to determine needed deformation in cold forming
in order to achieve required tensile strength. Hardening curve was described mathematically and relevant material constants were determined from the measured values of brass
hardening using statistical methods for tensile strength. Significant recommendations for
the production plant were determined in order to launch production of brass semi-finished
product for brass bullets.
Key words
ammunition, brass bullet, mechanical properties, improved strength, hardening curve, deformation hardening, equation of hardening curve, material constants
he commonly used classic projectiles
consist of a bullet comprising a full metal jacket bullet and a lead core. In Fig. 1 an
example of the projectile is shown. Application FMJ: Absolutely precise and reliable
non-toxic round with Full Metal Tombak
Jacketed (FMJ) bullet. This cartridge has
been designed for duty or training applications for military police forces. Those nontoxic rounds are highly recommended for
indoor ranges.
Special forces use ammunition that comprises bullets made of copper alloy – brass.
In the paper analysis of brass alloys suitable
for brass bullets production was carried
The company Dynamit Nobel developed
the first projectile of the ACTION type bullet in 1977. After the series projectile with a
machined brass body of a bullet had been
tested, as shown in Fig. 2, it launched the
Fig. 1: Cartridge: Luger SINTOX® Ball 124 gr. 9 mm x 19
FMJ 8.0 g [1]
Fig. 3: Cartridge: Luger SINTOX® Green Range, 9 x 19
mm [1]
commercial market. In the cartridge lengthwise section U shaped inner cavity can be
seen as well as an axial channel right to the
bottom of diameter 1.6 mm. A nose covered
with a plastic cap that fills a cavity gives the
projectile its ogive shape. Application of the
ACTION1 projectile: The classical universal
duty round. 100 % energy transfer in soft
targets. Good penetration performance on
hard and combined targets like car doors
or glass and ballistic gelatine. No fragments
will occur on any target. Low endangerment
of bystanders due to the bullet design. Absolutely reliable SINTOX® - priming technology - “Green Ammo”. Official ammunition
of several Special Forces worldwide - like
the German GSG 9.
Fig. 2: Cartridge: Luger SINTOX® - ACTION 1, 9 x
19 mm [1]
Further types of projectiles including the
developed among the ACTION projectile
range. A projectile that is not drilled in its
axis of symmetry without a plastic nose is
shown in Fig. 3. Application Green Range:
The new 9mm x 19 SINTOX® Green Range
ammunition is ecofriendly and outstanding
suitable for indoor shooting ranges where a
low pollution of the environment is important. Approved functionality within all common 9 mm law enforcement weapon types.
Drastically reduction in regards of wefts and
woofs within protective materials of shooting range.
Fig. 4: Equilibrium diagram of the Cu–Zn system [2]
Projectiles shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are
made of brass that is suitable for chippy machining including turning and drilling. Equilibrium diagram of the Cu-Zn system is given
in Fig. 4. For a purpose of projectiles production brass with the copper content from
55 to 64% can be taken into account. The
majority includes α+ β brasses. The brass
is lead alloyed in order to reach chip quarrying when being processed. Lead brasses
can be considered the ternary brasses
(combined three compounds Cu + Zn + Pb).
Lead content ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 % for
those brasses that are suitable for machining. Chemical composition of lead brasses
is given by STN, DIN and EN standards. The
selection of lead brasses for projectiles production according to the mentioned standards is given in Tab. 1.
CuZn38Pb2 brass in Tab. 1 was selected for
projectiles production. There were not any
technological problems using the brass in
casting and hot pressing, as described in
[3]. CuZn38Pb2 brass was subjected to cold
drawing. It was evident, similarly given in
[4], that an unfavourable antimony effect
was detected using the brass as well. In a
similar way cold drawing was investigated in
order to gain knowledge and values of tensile strength as a result of hardening [5]. The
experience given in [6] was used in a drawing technology. The drawing started from a
soft condition resulted from recrystallization annealing. A hardening curve of tensile
strength, shown in Fig. 5, was plotted from
the reached values of tensile strength. The
corresponding value of tensile strength can
be matched to the value of deformation in
cold forming process using the curve. An
exponential model was used to describe
hardening curve of tensile strength mathematically.
R m = 403,427 + 7,9659 ⋅ ε 0,9107 [MPa], [%]
where Rm is a tensile strength value and ε
is a relative deformation. The production
technology of brass alloy type CuZn38Pb2
had been successfully realized and offered
to a potential customer.
Tab. 1: Lead Brass
Rm [MPa]
ε [%]
Fig. 5.: Hardening curve of tensile strength of CuZn38Pb2 alloy
Production of brass bars using CuZn38Pb2
material has been launched in a production
plant to produce full brass projectiles. The
brass is suitable for chippy machining by
turning and drilling as well. Obtained hard-
ening diagram enables the designer of brass
projectiles to define strength condition of
a material that can be provided by production companies.
1. : 10.03.2008
2. Maľcev, M. V., Barsukova, T. A., Borin, F. A. Metalografia neželezných kovov a zliatin.
Bratislava: SVTL, 1963, 366 s.
3. Pernis, R. Povrchové trhliny pri lisovaní mosadze CuZn30 za tepla. Metal 2007: 16. mezinárodní konference metalurgie a materiálů: Květen 2007. Hradec nad Moravicí, Česká
republika [CD-ROM]. Ostrava: Tanger: Květen, 2007
4. Špánik, J. Vplyv antimónu na spracovateľnosť mosadzných tyčí. In Funkčné povrchy v
strojárstve 2007 v krajinách V4: 27.-28.06.2007. Trenčín. Trenčín: DIGITAL GRAPHIC: Jún,
2007, s. 181–186. ISSN 1336-9199. ISBN 978-80-8075-217-0
5. Pernis, R. Technológia výroby mosadzných kalíškov pre nábojnice. In Special Technology
2006: 1. medzinárodná vedecko - technická konferencia: 4.5.2006. Bratislava, Slovenská
republika [CD-ROM]. Trenčín: FŠT TnU A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne: Máj, 2006, 8 s. ISBN 808075-128-5
6. Špánik, J. Parametre lisovania α-mosadze za tepla. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2007, roč.
13, č. 2, s. 236-243. ISSN-1335-1532