2 - Raia Drogasil
2 - Raia Drogasil
0 Major trends along 2009/2010 ¾Industrial Capacity Recovery ¾Actual Wage Growth ¾Lower unemployment rates. ¾Formal Employment increase ¾GDP with positive outlook ¾Credit Expansion. ¾Credit deliquency rates reduction rates reduction. ¾Increasing consumer confidence. Consumer Growth The New Brazilian Consumer ¾More informed. ¾A ¾Aware on self lf wealth. lh ¾Concerned about ecological impacts. ¾More urban; less rural ¾Convenience to buy: Stores to buy: Stores and products in less size Indulgence Sofistication Try new Products Experience p new ways to Buy. Drogasil Experience Last 12 months ( Base August‐ 2010X2009 criteria : R$ volume) ¾ Colourants‐ Growth of 15.3% ¾ Diapers Di – Growth G th off 16.1% 16 1% ¾ Baby Milk‐ Growth of 18.0% ¾ Skin Care‐ Growth of 25.1% ¾ Deodorants Deodorants‐ Growth of 38.4% ¾ Liquid Soap‐ Growth of 40.8% ¾ Sun Care‐ S C G Growth th off 41 4% 41.4% 3 Drug Retail Market Brasil ‐ Sales in R$(000) 35.000 25,0% R$ 30.231 21,3% 30.000 20,0% R$ 26.397 R$ 23.583 25.000 R$ 21.452 16,0% 20.000 R$ 19.231 15 0% 15,0% 14,5% R$ 16.981 11,9% 11,5% 15.000 R$ 13.995 9 9% 9,9% 10 0% 10,0% 10.000 5,0% , 5.000 0 0,0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: IMS Health New Flas h June2010 Value R$ Value R$ YTD YTD JUNE 09 JUNE 10 YoY Growth R$ YoY Growth R$ 4 Drug Retail Market Brasil ‐ Units, Sales in U$D(000) 18000 50,0% 47% $15.437 16000 45,0% $14.648 42% 40,0% 14000 $12.179 35,0% 12000 $ $9.868 10000 $9.455 24% $7.955 23% 30 0% 30,0% 25,0% 8000 20% $6 423 $6.423 20 0% 20,0% 18,2% 6000 15,0% 4000 7 6% 7,6% 4,5% 2000 1.374 5,3% 1.436 1.517 5,6% 1.632 8,3% 10,0% , 1.768 5% 829 980 0 5,0% 0,0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: IMS Health Flash June 2010 UNIT Value USD Value USD YoY Growth UNIT YoY Growth UNIT YTD YTD JUNE 09 JUNE 10 YoY Growth USD YoY Growth USD 5 Generic Drug Market in Brazil in Brazil (1/2) CAGR: 27.3%P.A. 39% R$(Millions) 15% % 14 4% 12% 11% 9% 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 DRUG MKT SHARE Source: IMS Health New Flash 6 Generic Drug Market in Brazil in Brazil (2/2) Drug Patent to expire in 2010 . S Source: IMS Health H lth New N FlashFl h June J 2010 Source: Anvisa 7 Brazil Pharma Retail Market 120% Abrafarma associates´s share in outlets and sales(2009) 100% 80% 64% 60% 95% 40% 20% 0% 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 56.266 R$ 263 R$ 263 4000 3500 R$ 3.521 3000 2500 2000 1500 R$ 1.348 R$ 1.431 1000 3.091 2.324 673 500 0 36% 5% 1 Abrafarma 2 Rest of Market 3 Store Number b Sales Per Store(R$000) Annual l ( $ ) l Tax Evasion Reduction Coupled with Pharma Retail Compliance Rules are reshaping are reshaping the segment Top 5 in the Top 5 in the Brazilian Market Top 5 Generic Manufacturers in Brazil Criteria: YTD Local Currency MEDLEY EMS PHARMA EUROFARMA ACHE GERMED PHARMA Source: IMS Flash June 2010 Top 5 Therapeutic Classes in Brazil Criteria: YTD Local Currency Analgesic Non Narcotic Analgesic Non Narcotic Hormonas Contraceptive Anti‐ Rheumatic non‐steroidal Anti‐Depressive Anti‐Ulcer Source: IMS Flash June 2010 jun‐10 33,2% , 24,9% 5,9% 5,6% 5,2% jun‐10 4,7% 4,1% 3,5% 3,3% 3,1% Top 5 Manufacturers in Brazil Criteria: YTD Local Currency EMS PHARMA EMS PHARMA SANOFI‐AVENTIS MEDLEY ACHE EUROFARMA Source: IMS Flash June 2010 Top 5 Drug Markets in Brazil Criteria: YTD Local Currency São Paulo São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Minas Gerais Rio Grande Sul Parana Source: IMS Flash June 2010 jun‐10 6,6% 6 6% 5,7% 5,6% 5,4% 4,0% jun‐10 30,4% 13,5% 9,4% 7,7% 5,7% 9 DROGASIL Evolution DROGASIL Evolution – Brazil Market Share and Ranking. Ranking Ranking- Drugstore Chain (ABRAFARMA) Empresa UF 2009 2008 Drogaria Pague Menos CE 1ª 1ª Drogasil SP 2ª 3ª Drogaria São Paulo SP 3ª 2ª Drogaria Pacheco RJ 4ª 4ª Drug Market Share Source: IMS Health - Relatório de Distribuição - RD Match Base Jun 2010 12,9% 12,4% 10,9% jun/09 jun/10 9,5% 9,3% 7,8% 4,2% 4,1% 6,5% 6,0%5,4% 0,3% BRASIL São Sã P Paulo l Mi Minas Gerais G iá Goiás Di t it Distrito Federal Espírito E í it Santo Brand Analytics ranks DROGASIL brand in 39th among top 50 most valuable brands in Brazil Source: www.brandanalystics.com.br 1 0 DROGASIL in Brazil Minas Gerais Brasilia(DF) Brasilia (DF) Stores 27 Stores 38 309 Stores distributed in five Brazilian States. Headquarter in S.Paulo , SP Brazil. One Central Distribution located in S.Paulo, SP. 309 Stores Goiás 5 Brazilian States. 82 cities in Brasil Stores 26 13 stores in Supermarkets 37 stores in Shoppings 33 stores open 24 hours. 258 street stores. São Paulo 1 Delivery Stores 206 1,010 1 010 Pharmacists (June, (June 2010) ‐ Metropolitan area130 6,821 Employees (June, 2010) ‐Inner cities 76 Store Sales Area: 136 sq.m² avg size. Legenda Distr. Center Espírito Santo Stores 12 11 DROGASIL Expansion DROGASIL Expansion(1/2) (1/2) • 2007‐ Acquistion of 10 store locations in Goiânia 2008‐ Drugstore chain company acquisition in Brasília (DF) with 24 stores. • Aguas Claras‐DF 2009‐ 12 store locations acquistion in Espírito Santo State. • 2007 Innauguration: 32 Stores • 2007 Net Addition: 32 stores. • 2008 Innaguarations: 46 Stores • 2008 Net Addition : 45 stores. • 2009 inaugurations: 28 stores. Campinas Norte Sul Jundiaí Ju da Campinas Centro Convivência‐SP Araraquara‐ SP In 4 Year Period: 130 New Stores . DROGASIL DrugStore chain expansion with CAGR Goiania- Setor Marista 17.2% p.a. • 2009 Net Addition‐ 27 stores 2009 Net Addition 27 stores • 2010 Net Addition: 26 Stores • L t d t ( S t 22 2010) Last update ( Sept 22 , 2010) Piracicaba 12 12 DROGASIL Expansion DROGASIL Expansion(2/2) (2/2) • On July 27 , Drogasil announced store location acquisitions : • 18 Stores in Brasilia(DF) Nova Odessa • 2 Stores in Goias. in Goias. Campinas Norte Sul • + 6 stores organic growth in Rio de in Rio de Janeiro. Drogasil´s Stores Distribution Before and After Acquisition Itatiba State Before After Stores %of Total Stores %of Total São Paulo Minas Gerais Goias Federal District Espirito Santo Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 204 27 24 36 12 0 67% 9% 8% 12% 4% 0% 204 27 26 54 12 6 62% 8% 8% 16% 4% 2% 303 100% 329 100% Goiania- Setor Marista total Roll Out New Stores 2 2 Piracicaba 13 DROGASIL REVAMPING THE DRUGSTORE CHAIN DROGASIL REVAMPING THE DRUGSTORE CHAIN.... Growth of 22.3% Growth of 10.3% 2010: Project to revamp 60 STORES. 2009: REFURBISHED 60 STORES. 2008: REFURBISHED 30 STORES. So far, 37 Stores were revamped. (last update Sept 10, 2010) 14 BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER ANVISA RDC 44: OTC DRUGS MOVING BEHIND THE COUNTER: So ANVISA RDC 44: OTC DRUGS MOVING BEHIND THE COUNTER: So Far 297 297 stores stores already revamped( revamped( Sep Sep 22, 2010) 15 SAME STORE SALES (1/2) 90% 82,5% 80% 70% 58,8% 55,9% 60% 52,0% 47,5% 44 4% 44,4% 50% 40% 27,4% 30% 22,7% 19,1% 19,0% 15,6% 20% 14,3% 10% 18,3% 18,0% 16,5% 15,5% 12,3% 11,6% 0% Total + 3 Years 80,1% 33,7% 28,2% 11 4% 11,4% 6,1% 17,9% ‐ 3 Years TICKET Avg Ticket: 2T10 = R$38,8 R$38 8 Avg Ticket : 2T09 = R$35,9 Growth : 8.0% TICKETS Growth: 7.7% 16 DROGASIL: SAME STORE SALES – INDEX ANALYSIS (2/2). Number of Stores eop Dec, 2009: 283 Stores STORES 4 Q0 7 1 Q0 8 2 Q0 8 3 Q0 8 4 Q0 8 1 Q0 9 2 Q0 9 3 Q0 9 4 Q0 9 1 Q1 0 2 Q1 0 3 Q1 0 4 Q1 0 1 Q1 1 2 Q1 1 3 Q1 1 4 Q1 1 1 Q1 2 2 Q1 2 3 Q1 2 4 Q1 2 (+) 3 YEARS. 149 154 159 159 163 167 171 175 179 182 190 205 212 237 245 249 257 260 274 278 286 (-) 3 YEARS 29 28 27 35 47 47 71 72 76 75 80 73 71 51 56 60 52 49 35 31 23 Not Included in the Index 33 33 57 54 46 44 28 31 28 31 31 31 26 21 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Organic Growth 211 215 243 248 256 258 270 278 283 288 301 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 4 Closed 5 1 5 8 2 13 1 8 5 5 13 8 Obs.: Obs - Vison Stores included as of April/ 2 0 0 8 . SAME STORE SALES - QUARTER ANALYSIS 15% 6% 26 25% % 21% 20% 20% 18% 20% 20% 19% 25% 20% % 30% 27% 29% 28% 2 24% 22% % 21% 17% 15% 14% 13% 16% 20% Qo… 11% • 10% 5% 0% QoQal 1 7 • DROGASIL‐ Drugstore Chain Expansion Vis à Vis EBTIDA MARGIN. Working Capital Investment (1/3) 256 211 6,6% 9,1% 7,9% 5,1% 5,3% 3,3% 3,5% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 EBITDA MARGIN‐% EBITDA MARGIN % Gross Gross Sales Revenues Sales Revenues 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Sq.m² e.o.p. 36.148 2Q 10 20.291 12.757 171.891 12.964 11,0% 28.055 13.359 216.788 10.999 12,2% 6M9 6M10 31.354 26.037 171.891 11.308 15,8% 42.706 31.919 216.788 47.580 17,2% 40.099 2Q09 2Q10 EBITDA MARGIN‐% Gross Sales Revenues NOPLAT CAPEX 2Q 09 2Q 10 1H09 47.580 11.308 1 12.964 1 10.999 31.919 12.757 42.706 7,9% 31.354 9,1% 28.055 37.963 34.537 29.741 24 807 24.807 20.772 22.382 6,6% 5,1% 5,3% 4,6% , 3 3% 3,5% 3,3% 20.291 Qty Stores Qty Stores 2Q09 2Q10 NOPLAT CAPEX W.I. Var W.I. ROIC 2Q 09 26.037 4,6% 270 13.359 179 151 164 301 283 Var W.I 1H10 18 WORKING CAPITAL(2/3) Gross Revenue Sales Gross Revenue Sales Net Sales 1H10 993.283 954.320 479.936 461.371 S/ Vd Bruta 4.249 94.277 7.252 (503) 51.142 5.119 244.846 0,4% 9,5% 0,7% -0,1% 5,1% 0,5% 24,7% 4.249 94.277 7.252 (503) 51.142 5.119 244.846 Suppliers Taxes Salaries Rentals Tenure Entitlement 137.466 137 466 19.195 29.377 3.396 158 13,8% 13 8% 1,9% 3,0% 0,3% 0,0% 137.466 137 466 19.195 29.377 3.396 158 Current Assets Current Liabilities 406.381 189.592 W.I.> Additional W.C> 216.788 47.580 19 1H09 820.785 790.159 1 Q1 0 513.348 492.949 S/ Vd Bruta C Current tA Assets t Checks Debit & Credit Cards Others (-) Provision for Bad Debt T Taxes to Recover R Difered Income Tax Inventories 2 Q1 0 0,8% 18,4% 1,4% -0,1% 10,0% 1,0% 47,7% S/ Vd Bruta 4.450 89.597 7.444 (527) 48.261 5.499 280.880 0,9% 18,7% 1,6% -0,1% 10,1% 1,1% 58,5% 2 Q0 9 1 Q0 9 441.377 425.228 379.408 364.931 S/ Vd Bruta 5.177 79.032 6.743 (906) 34.156 5.375 217.578 0,6% 9,6% 0,8% -0,1% 4,2% 0,7% 26,5% S/ Vd Bruta 5.177 79.032 6.743 (906) 34.156 5.375 217.578 1,4% 20,8% 1,8% -0,2% 9,0% 1,4% 57,3% S/ Vd Bruta 4.918 68.097 8.595 (847) 34.431 4.414 247.479 1,3% 17,9% 2,3% -0,2% 9,1% 1,2% 65,2% Current Liabilities D Days on R Receivables i bl 26 8% 26,8% 3,7% 5,7% 0,7% 0,0% 406.381 189.592 21,8% 4,8% 216.788 10.999 18 183.608 183 608 14.548 27.648 3.353 657 38 3% 38,3% 3,0% 5,8% 0,7% 0,1% 435.603 229.814 42,2% 2,1% 205.789 36.580 126.308 126 308 17.040 28.384 2.983 752 15 4% 15,4% 2,1% 3,5% 0,4% 0,1% 347.156 175.468 19 171.688 11.308 20 42,9% 7,6% 126.308 126 308 17.040 28.384 2.983 651 33 3% 33,3% 4,5% 7,5% 0,8% 0,2% 347.156 175.367 20,9% 1,4% 171.789 12.964 18 170.344 170 344 13.594 20.798 2.774 651 3,6% 5,5% 0,7% 0,2% 367.087 208.160 45,3% 3,4% 158.927 (1.656) 19 Inventories 61 60 71 30 61 79 Suppliers 34 34 46 17 35 55 Icms 13 12 12 9 9 8 58 57 56 42 53 52 Cash Cycle 44 9% 44,9% 41,9% -0,4% 19 WORKING CAPITAL : Inventory Days(3/3) 20 THE SECOND DISTRIBUTION CENTER: In operation by 4thQuarter 2010 Process and Separation area:6,200 sq.m² Total Plant area: 56,000 sq. m²² Employees: circa 77 employees. Number of items: 3,300 itens , representing 80% gross revenue. Located at: Contagem, Minas Gerais. Suppliers: 50 Working one shift for process and delivery. Capacity for 100 stores. 21 GROSS SALES BREAKDOWN 2009 DRUGS GENERIC OTC DRUGS 14 0% 14,0% 72,8% 17,8% BRANDED 68,2% Non DRUGS 0,0% 27,2% 20,0%2008 40,0% 60,0% 80,0% DRUGS GENERIC OTC DRUGS 2Q09 14,9% , 72 3% 72,3% 18,8% BRANDED Medicamentos DRUGS GENERIC OTC DRUGS 74,4% 18,3% BRANDED 0 0% 0,0% 27,7% 20 0% 20,0% 40 0% 40,0% 60 0% 60,0% 80 0% 80,0% 67,5% Non Drugs 0,0% Non DRUGS 74% 14,2% 66,3% 26% 20,0% 25,6% 40,0% 60,0% 80,0% 2 2 Método Recebimento 2009 3% 32% 38% 2% Método de Recebimento 2008 todo Recebimento 2008 3% 22% 5% Método Recebimento 2007 33% Cash Checks 36% 5% Debit Card P D d Ch k Pre Dated Check Credit Card 34% Others 2% 35% 3% 21% 2% 4% 20% 23 DROGASIL : Financial DROGASIL : Financial Highlights Highlights(1/3) (1/3) Gross Revenue Sales Gross Profit - R$ Millions Gross Margin % Gross Revenue R$ millions 34,8% 398,8 1.787,8 21,0% 24,0% 1006 22,9% 23,2% 1 326 6 1.326,6 820,8 2008 2009 CAGR: 33.3% a.a. 250,0 188,4 200,0 226,8 16,0% 2007 350,0 300,0 230,1 20,0% 18,0% 400,0 22,3% 294,2 22 0% 22,0% 993,3 1H09 1H10 22,5% 22,2% 150 0 150,0 14,0% 100,0 12,0% 50,0 10,0% - 1H09 1H10 2007 2008 2009 Amount 24 DROGASIL : Financial DROGASIL : Financial Highlights Highlights(2/3) (2/3) S.G.A. (with Board Fees) R$ millions 350,0 307,3 300,0 244,7 250,0 173 5 173,5 200,0 184 5 184,5 143,3 150,0 18,3%18,4% 17,2% 100,0 50,0 17,5%17,5% - 1H09 1H10 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60 0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20 0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% 2007 2008 2009 % Gross Revenue Sales FY09oFY08: -1.2 p.p 25 DROGASIL : Financial DROGASIL : Financial Highlights Highlights(3/3 (3/3) CAGR: 52% a.a. Net Profit R$ millions EBITDA 79,4% R$ milions 120,00 45,8% 100,00 74 6 74,6 80,00 60,00 32,8 40,00 , 4,2% 3,3% 3,9% 33,1% 15,0% 80,0 10,0% 60,0 25,0% 73,5 55,2 5,0% 20,0 6,7% 7,4% 2007 2008 2009 20,0% 15,0% 40,0 5,0% 0,0% 1H09 1H10 66,1 51,2 4,5% 0,00 30,0% 100,0 51,2 35,9 45,0 4,4% 20,00 120,0 20,0% 25,3% 118,6 25,0% 6,6% 10,0% 5,0% 5,1% - 0 0% 0,0% 1H091H10 200720082009 % Gross Revenue Sales Margin EBITDA 26 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(1/6) 27 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(2/6) Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 $ $98.729,0 $ $87.471,9 $ $76.329,5 12,9% 14,6% 74,2% Gross Profit $20.380,0 $18.290,4 $16.107,7 Gross margin 20,6% 20,9% 21,1% CVS Net Sales Sales Growth Net profit Return On SALES EBITDA EBITDA margin g $ 3.696,0 3,7% $ 7.815,0 7,9% , $ 3.212,0 $ 2.637,0 3,7% 3,5% $ 7.188,0 $ 5.889,0 8,2% , 7,7% , 28 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(3/6) Retail Pharmacy Segment CVS CVS Net Sales Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 1,720,548 1,260,147 833,069 36.5% 51.3% Dec‐07 DROGASIL Net sales $55.355,0 $48.989,9 $45.086,5 13,0% 8,7% 11,9% Gross Profit $16.593,0 $14.704,4 $13.110,6 Gross Profit 398,850 294,158 226,834 Gross margin g 30,0% , 30,0% , 29,1% , g Gross margin 23.2% 23.3% 27.2% S.G.A. $ 12.434,0 $ 10.988,0 $ 10.151,0 S.G.A. 307,328 244,706 184,538 SGA S.G.A 22 5% 22,5% 22 4% 22,4% 22 5% 22,5% SGA S.G.A 17 9% 17.9% 19 4% 19.4% 22 2% 22.2% Operating profit $ 4.159,0 $ 3.753,0 $ 2.960,0 Operating profit 105,220 69,770 47,701 EBITDA $ 4.159,0 $ 4 159 0 $ 3.753,0 $ 3 753 0 $ 2.960,0 $ 2 960 0 EBITDA 118 574 118,574 69 378 69,378 51 266 51,266 7,5% 7,7% 6,6% 6.9% 5.5% 6.2% Sales Growth EBITDA margin Sales Growth EBITDA margin Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values US$000) Comparative to Net Sales (All values R$000) Comparative to Net Sales 29 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(4/6) Aug‐09 Aug‐08 Aug‐07 Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 1,720,548 1,260,147 833,069 Sales Growth 36.5% 51.3% $ 15,244.0 Gross Profit 398,850 294,158 226,834 28.2% 28.4% Gross margin 23.2% 23.3% 27.2% $ 14,366.0 $ 13,202.0 $ 12,093.0 S.G.A. 307,328 244,706 184,538 22.7% 22.4% 22.5% S.G.A 17.9% 19.4% 22.2% Operating profit $ 3,164.0 $ 3,430.0 $ 3,189.0 Operating profit 105,220 69,770 47,701 EBITDA $ 4,222.0 $ 4 222 0 $ 4,281.0 $ 4 281 0 $ 3,827.0 $ 3 827 0 EBITDA 118 574 118,574 69 378 69,378 51 266 51,266 6.7% 7.3% 7.1% 6.9% 5.5% 6.2% WALGREENS Net sales $ 63,335.0 $ 59,034.0 $ 53,762.0 Sales Growth 7.3% 9.8% 13.4% Gross Profit $ 17,613.0 $ 16,643.0 Gross margin 27.8% S.G.A. S.G.A EBITDA margin DROGASIL Net sales EBITDA margin S Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. C t A lR t Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values US$000) Comparative to Net Sales (All values R$000) Comparative to Net Sales 30 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(5/6) Retail Pharmacy Segment Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 36.5% 51.2% 23.5% CVS Net Sales Growth l h 13,0% 8,7% 11,9% DROGASIL Net Sales Growth SSS 5,0% 4,5% 5,3% SSS 27.4% 19.0% 15.6% Pharmacy % of Net Revenue Pharmacy % of Net Revenue 67,5% 67,5% 67,8% DRUGS % of GROSS Revenu DRUGS % of GROSS Revenu 72 8% 72.8% 72 3% 72.3% 73 6% 73.6% Third Party % Pharmacy Revenue 96,9% 96,1% 95,3% Third Party % GROSS Revenue 4.0% 5.0% 5.0% Number of Stores 7.074 6.981 6.301 Number of Stores 283 256 211 Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values US$000) Comparative to Net Sales Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values R$000) Comparative to Net Sales’ 31 PERFORMANCE BENCHMARK(6/6) Aug‐09 Aug‐08 Aug‐07 Dec‐09 Dec‐08 Dec‐07 36.5% 51.2% 23.5% WALGREENS N S l G Net Sales Growth h 7 3% 7.3% 9 8% 9.8% 13 4% 13.4% DROGASIL Net Sales Growth SSS 2.0% 4.0% 8.1% SSS 27.4% 19.0% 15.6% Pharmacy % of Net Revenue Pharmacy % of Net Revenue 65.3% 64.9% 65.0% DRUGS % of GROSS Revenu DRUGS % of GROSS Revenu 72 8% 72.8% 72 3% 72.3% 73 6% 73.6% Third Party % Pharmacy Revenue 95.4% 95.3% 94.8% Third Party % GROSS Revenue 4.0% 5.0% 5.0% Number of Stores 7,496 6,934 5,997 Number of Stores 283 256 211 Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values US$000) Comparative to Net Sales Source: Company reports;Annual Reports. (All values R$000) Comparative to Net Sales’ 32 DROG3: SHAREHOLDERS STRUCTURE DROG3 : SHAREHOLDERS STRUCTURE Free Float 41,36% Tantra Participações P i i Ltda 10,3% Nota: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Members of BoardPires Family 6,78% Treasury 5,36% Tantra –Lafer Galvão Family (100%) 5 Oliveira Dias Family (100%) Stock Option total of 605,264 shares. ( June 2007) . Stocks Option Exercized: 346,200 shares. Share Price: R$39,0 (Sept 10, 2010)) Buy Back completed: total de 3,706,696 shares in October 08, 2008. Quantity as of March 10, 2010: 3,367,136 shares. Segment “Novo Mercado”. Fiscal Board. Tag Along. Carlos Pires Oliveira Dias 26,21% 1 Regimar Comercial S.A 2 9,40% 0 55% 0,55% Executive Directors 3 Number of Outstanding Shares: 59.406 M shares Market Cap: R$ 2,316.8M 4 33 DROG3: RESEARCH COVERAGE & ESTIMATIVES Values ( R$ 0 0 0 ) Gross Sales Net Profit EBITDA T.P. BRADESCO 2010 2.151 2011 2.659 2010 91.000 2011 114.000 2010 150.000 2011 196.000 2011 R$ 55,3 FATOR 2.177 2.847 92.000 109.000 147.000 181.000 R$ 37,5 ITAU ITAU 2.135 2.592 91.000 111.000 152.000 184.000 R$43,6 BTGPACTUAL 2.105 2.715 91.000 126.000 152.000 203.000 R$44,0 M. STANLEY 2.189 2.618 81.000 101.000 143.000 177.000 R$32,2 SAFRA 2.070 2.461 92.000 113.000 153.000 186.000 R$ 50,1 RAYMOND James 2.033 2.677 91.100 118.900 149.400 196.200 R$ 39,0 GOLDMAN Sachs 2.141 2.656 89.900 114.600 149.500 186.900 R$ 40,0 CREDIT Suisse 2.025 2.460 89.000 110.000 145.000 183.000 R$ 47,0 AVG 2 .1 1 4 2 .6 3 2 8 9 .7 7 8 1 1 3 .0 5 6 1 4 8 .9 8 9 1 8 8 .1 2 2 R$ 4 5 Last. update: p 9/22/2010 / / Phone E-Mail Reports In Ricardo Boiati/Rodrigo Santoro (5511) 2178‐5326 [email protected] English Juliana Rozenbaum /Marcio Osako (5511) 3073‐3040 juliana.rozenbaum@itau‐unibanco.com.br English Javier Martinez/ Clarissa Berman Javier Martinez/ Clarissa Berman (+1) (212)761‐4542 (+1) (212)761 4542 Javier Martinez Olcoz@morganstanley com [email protected] English Iago Whately/ Caio Monteiro Walter (5511) 3049‐9480 [email protected] English BTG PACTUAL Fabio Monteiro/Carlos Vasques (5511) 3383‐2006 [email protected] English SAFRA BANK Erick Guedes/ Felipe Rotenberg (5511) 3175‐7821 [email protected] English RAYMOND JAMES Guilherme Assis/Roberto Dib (+5511)3513‐8706 [email protected] English GOLDMAN SACHS Irma Sgarz/Rachel Rodrigues (+5511)3317‐0728 [email protected] English Marcel Moraes/Ricardo Scodro (+5511)3841‐6302 [email protected] English BANK/BROKER RESEARCH ANALYST BRADESCO ITAU MORGAN STANLEY MORGAN STANLEY FATOR CREDIT SUISSE 34 E.V. DROG3 35 Dividends & I.O.C. d d 38% 35% 36% 34% On Sept 16, 2010 R$6,200.0M 39.000,0 announced as IOC. 36.000,0 , 35% 33.000,0 33% 30.000,0 31% 29% 26% 27.000,0 25%24.000,0 23% 21.000,0 20% 35 412 35.412 18 000 0 18.000,0 17% 15.000,0 12.000,0 19.422 10.005 2.824 2.354 2.848 3.366 5.931 IOC & Dividends ( R$000) Título do Eixo 9 000 0 9.000,0 5.022 5.750 9.52211.200 6.000,0 3.000,0 00 0,0 % NET PROFIT 36 DROG3: ACCOMPLISHMENTS DROG3 : ACCOMPLISHMENTS 37 2010: A New 2010: A New Year of Accomplishments Accomplishments.... • • • • • • Drogasil joined the “Campanha Campanha do Agasalho Agasalho” – Solidarity Fund of S.Paulo State . Drogasil joined the campaign on May 31 for all Drogasil stores in S.Paulo metropolitan area. Drogasil in the Solidarity Exchange Campaign with AACD(children impaired association). Cash Exchange in the cashier can be donated automatically to AACD and a coupon is issued in the amount donated to Drogasil customer. customer According to “TOP 500 Companies”‐ Maiores & Melhores Exame , edition 2010 , Drogasil is ranked in 231 position (growth of 82 positions ). ) Drogasil is awarded by ABRASCA(Brazilian association of Listed Companies) with Shareholder Value Creation Prize‐ for the second time, time for retail segment. segment Drogasil has conquered IR Magazine Awards Brazil 2010,in the category Best Evolution in Investor Relations‐ Small & Mid Cap S Segment. t Brand Analytics institute ranks Drogasil brand in 39 position among top 50 most valuable brands in Brasil. 38 Thank You. D Drogasil S.A. il S A Avenida Corifeu Avenida Corifeu de Azevedo Marques, nº 3.097 Vila Butantã – Vila Butantã – São Paulo 05339‐‐900 05339 http://www.drogasil.com.br/ir Roberto Listik Roberto Roberto Listik IRO [email protected] Phone (+5511)3769 (+5511)3769‐‐5670 Claudio Roberto Ely CEO [email protected] l @d il b Add DROG3 IR site to your DROG3 IR site to your mobile: mobile: http://mobile.drog http://mobile.drogasil.com.br GOLDMAN SACHS– NON DEAL ROADSHOW –September 2010- DROG3 39