H_04753_14_PC33_Former Peel Centre_Peel
H_04753_14_PC33_Former Peel Centre_Peel
Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 Introduction This note has been produced following a request by LBB for an outline feasibility study for the proposed Peel Link under the LUL line (in support of application reference: H/04753/14). It focuses on the following topics as requested by LBB: ■ The background to the link, including the CAAP aspirations; ■ Consultation completed to date and in the future; ■ Current available information on the bridge structure; ■ Specifications and standards for the Peel Link; ■ Land ownership and CPO matters; and ■ Timescales for delivery of the link. Background The proposals to redevelop the former Peel Centre site provide for the introduction of a new pedestrian and cycle connection (‘the Peel Link’) through to Colindeep Lane via the re-introduction of a historic track under the LUL railway bridge. The principle of the Peel Link is identified in the London Borough of Barnet Colindale Area Action Plan (CAAP) adopted in 2010 (see Figure 1). The ‘Peel Access Link’ formed part of Package 3 of the CAAP transport infrastructure to be provided during the third phase of development in Colindale (2017-2021). The CAAP identified: “The existing at-grade tunnel under the Northern Line railway bridge is currently blocked for security reasons but presents a feasible opportunity to improve local connections in the medium to long term. This would create a new alternative north-south link for walking, cycling and vehicular traffic through the eastern part of the study area and improve accessibility from within the local area to the strategic highway network.” Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 1 | 14 Figure 1 - Extract from CAAP - Figure 3.4 – Improving Connectivity in Colindale: proposed strategic highway elements for Colindale As demonstrated, the Peel Link is a policy aspiration in the CAAP in order to improve connectivity across the AAP area. As part of the initial analysis for a previous masterplan for the former Peel Centre in 2012 (prepared on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Service), the potential introduction of the vehicular link was examined for the to understand the feasibility of delivering a link which would accommodate general traffic. As a result of the MPS masterplan discussions with LBB in 2012, a series of assessments and investigations were undertaken to establish whether a vehicle link was feasible as this was not comprehensively assessed at the time of the CAAP. These investigations established that there were a number of engineering issues that would frustrate the delivery of a vehicular link, not least a lack of clearance for vehicles beneath the existing Northern Line and an existing culvert that created additional constraints. Traffic Modelling work was also undertaken using a refined CAAP model that showed that the Peel Link would not be needed and in fact there were some undesirable implications of creating a new vehicular link, especially on existing residential streets whilst only providing minor reductions on flow on major routes. As such it has been agreed with LBB that a vehicular Peel Link would not align with the policy objectives of the CAAP. As part of the current planning application for the redevelopment of the former Peel Centre site, Redrow have, however, agreed to work with LBB to help deliver a pedestrian and cycle route. A general design/scheme for the Peel Link as a pedestrian and cycle route has been proposed. The current proposals would provide a high quality pedestrian and cycle link to Colindeep Lane, enhancing access through the Colindale area for the wider benefit of the community. Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 2 | 14 Design The proposals for the Peel Link are indicated on WSP Drawing 70001368-GA-06 with the main points summarised as follows: ■ The route is designed as a shared cycle and pedestrian route at a lower level (with a minimum clearance of approximately 2.7m) together with ramps running parallel which would provide a new informal pedestrian only route on top of the existing Thames Water culvert (with a minimum clearance of approximately 2.25m); ■ The informal pedestrian-only link would cross the shared link and run down some steps to join Colindeep Lane. There would be short tiered surfaces along the section under the bridge structure between the pedestrian and the shared pedestrian/cycle route allowing a degree of children’s play as well as providing a physical connection between the two routes; ■ The main shared cycle/pedestrian route will connect with an extended refuge island where cyclists can cross to the footway opposite and connect with Rushgrove Avenue. Minor changes in road markings can provide a connection to this lightly trafficked route, to enable onward connections to the south with Crossway and Hillfield Avenue. ■ The provisional alignment for the Peel Link has been developed as part of the Transport Assessment and this is presented on WSP Drawing 70001368-GA-08 and re-provided for convenience with this technical note. Proposals include: The removal of the existing elevated Cottenham Drive to the north of the existing Northern line embankment, which enables a gently sloping approach from the former Peel Centre site to the underpass; To the west of this approach the level difference to the remainder of the site would be addressed with terraced landscaping which ties into the existing LUL Northern line embankment; and To the east of this approach would be a gabion type retaining wall at the interface with the proposed new school site. ■ Beneath the underpass it is proposed to raise the existing levels on the northern side to create a gently sloping shared cycleway route with 2.7m minimum headroom (in accordance with DMRB, draft London Cycle Standards and Sustrans Design Guide), as illustrated on the blue long section on drawing 70001368GA-08. ■ The design proposals include steps addressing the approximate 0.5m level difference between the shared cycleway and footway on Colindeep Lane. There is an existing narrow width between the existing culvert and the bridge abutment which serves no useful purpose, would collect rubbish and would need to be screened to avoid people falling into the area. To avoid this and provide a more coherent design it is proposed to create a new brick facade adjacent to the western bridge abutment to remove this space and resolve these issues. Refer to the cross section on drawing 70001368-GA-23 that illustrates the existing ground profile and Thames Water culvert beneath the bridge, together with the proposed shared cycleway and footway alignments. ■ On the southern approach to the underpass, the shared cycleway crosses above the line of the existing Thames Water culvert and abuts the existing dense vegetation area to the north - further survey information is required (which can be obtained once permission is gained from the third party landowners to clear enough vegetation to be able to survey the area) to determine the exact levels interface in this area. ■ On the eastern side of this southern approach, the elevated footway continues on top of the existing Thames Water culvert and it is proposed the footway rises up over the existing ground adjacent to a tree which requires steps leading to the connection with the Colindeep Lane footway - there is scope during the detailed design to reassess this area and possibly rationalise the layout and remove the proposed steps if the tree can be removed. ■ The footway also abuts existing earthworks slope adjacent to the gardens of the existing flats on Colindeep Lane, and the footway alignment in this area will also be confirmed during the detailed design. Initial analysis of the Peel Link has been prepared by the project Landscape Architects and are summarised in The Peel Link Design Landscape Sketchbook No 43 in Appendix A. Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 3 | 14 Consultation Consultation to Date The general principle for the Peel Link was put forward and subject to statutory public and stakeholder consultation as part of the Colindale Area Action Plan in 2010. As the CAAP is a Statutory Development Plan Document, extensive consultation would have taken place with the key stakeholders in its preparation. TfL were consulted as part of the preparation of the CAAP and would have been aware of the feasibility of the opportunity to create a new link. It is also likely that the London Borough of Brent were also consulted as part of the process. The development of the MPS masterplan for the former Peel Centre site in 2012 actively sought to provide the Peel Link as part of the scheme and LBB and TfL were consulted at an early stage. The pre-application discussions LBB and TfL included the Peel Link and a site visit at the LUL bridge was undertaken in August 2012 with LBB, TfL, and LUL infrastructure staff (Ian Jarrett LUL Infrastructure Outside Parties contact [email protected]). Representatives from the MPS and WSP technical staff attended the site visit to understand the general feasibility of a new link under the Northern Line. The pre-application workshops and discussions for the current application have included LBB and TfL and the development of the link has continued. The consultation relating to the Peel Link carried out to date is summarised in Table 1. Table 1 – Peel Link – Summary of Consultation Approximate Date Consultees 2009/2010 TfL and potentially Brent MPS Masterplan application discussions 2012 – 2013 LBB and TfL including LUL On site meeting at LUL bridge August 2012 LBB, TfL Borough Planning, LUL Infrastructure (Outside Parties) Redrow Planning application discussions 2014 LBB and TfL LBB’s CAAP (2010) Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 4 | 14 Future Consultation The process to deliver the Peel Link (which will be led by LBB) will require on-going discussion with officers from LBB. The key steps for future consultation are as follows: ■ TfL and Thames Water to agree the design details and the necessary approvals for the Peel Link to progress. The TfL design team would provide the appropriate agreement for the works relating to the route under the LUL structure and also works which may impact on the bridge structure where there may be changes to landscaping and associated earthworks as part of the new link. ■ LUL Asset Protection will be consulted as part of the development of the Peel Link technical design to agree the proposed changes to build up the levels beneath the underpass, to extend the brickwork adjacent to the western bridge abutment, and the interface with the earthworks for the realigned link with the existing railway embankment slopes; ■ Consultation will also be required with Thames Water, and with BT regarding local diversion of their apparatus beneath the underpass; ■ Following development of the Peel Link alignment design after receipt of more detailed topographical survey information, further consultation may – or may not, depending on the earthworks interface – be rd required with the management company for the flats on Colindeep Lane, the 3 party landowners adjacent to the Silk Stream and the Environment Agency; and ■ Consultation will be required with LBB. LUL and Thames Water to agree changes to the drainage systems beneath the underpass Bridge Structure – available information Historical Bridge Plans As outlined in earlier sections, the Peel Link will introduce a north-south pedestrian/cycle route under the existing LUL bridge structure. Historical information has been obtained from LUL, via the London Borough of Barnet that provides information on the bridge abutments supporting the railway. The drawings provided are as follows: ■ Harley H Dalrymple-Hay drawing - L.E.R Hendon to Edgware Extension Drawing – Plan and Cross-section (Sheet 11) no date provided but works took place in 1923/1924; ■ Harley H Dalrymple-Hay drawing No 558 – L.E.R Hendon to Edgware Extension Drawing – Bridge Sections; ■ LUL Bridge – Road Plan and Bridge/Road Sections dated March 1929; and ■ London Transport – Northern Line - Colindale – Hendon Central – Drainage Survey dated April 1983. The drawings show that the head clearance provided under the LUL railway bridge was originally in the order of 13ft (3.96m) – 13.71ft (4.18m) to the designed ground level. This compares with the provisional clear headroom for the new Peel Link being in the order of 2.3m for the informal pedestrian-only route along the culvert and approximately 2.7m for the shared cycle/pedestrian route. There will be a build-up of between 1.26m and 1.48m from the original roadway. It is anticipated that the proposal to slightly raise the existing levels beneath the underpass will not have any significant impact on the existing bridge structure. Similarly the removal the of the existing elevated Cottenham Drive embankment, which was constructed after the elevated Northern Line will not have any significant impact on the existing railway embankment, although the temporary effects of any localised ground heave may need to be assessed. Consequently it is anticipated that the proposed works to provide the Peel Link will not be contentious with LUL Asset Protection. Discussions would be required with LUL to establish whether any recent structural survey exists, and whether, given the nature of the works, an up to date survey would be required. Utility Information Thames Water have a culvert that passes under the LUL bridge as part of the drainage network that passes across the Peel Centre and links to the Silk Stream to the west of Colindeep Lane. The culvert and other surface and foul water drainage is illustrated in principle on their Asset Location Search Sewer Map and WSP Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 5 | 14 have also commissioned a survey of the culvert and foul sewer alignment which is illustrated on Survey Solutions drawing 11257/UG/02 and WSP drawing 50600199-SK-09. WSP have also undertaken a search of existing utility information which is illustrated on WSP drawing 50400197-XS-03. In addition to the Thames Water culvert and foul water sewer that pass beneath the underpass, there is also a water main and BT ducts which may require local diversion to facilitate the brickwork infill adjacent to the western bridge abutment. Appendix B includes further information on flood risk which demonstrates that the Peel Link is at low risk of flooding and that the drainage strategy will minimise unacceptable instances of standing water. Specifications/Standards The design of the proposed Peel Link has been prepared in response to design advice and guidance set out in the following documents: ■ Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (TD36/93) – Subways for Pedestrians and Pedal Cyclists; ■ London Cycle Design Standards consultation draft - June 2014; ■ Sustrans Handbook for cycle friendly design – April 2014; ■ Manual for Streets and Manual for Streets 2; ■ LBB Streetscape Design Guide; ■ LUL standard I-538-ASSURANCE; ■ LU 1-050 Civil Engineering – Common Requirements; ■ LU 1-051 Civil Engineering – Bridge Structures; ■ LU 1-052 Civil Engineering – Gravity Drainage Systems; ■ LU 1-054 Civil Engineering – Earth Structures; ■ LU 1-057 Civil Engineering – Miscellaneous Assets;Sewers for Adoption; ■ Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry; and ■ Thames Water Building Over or Close to an existing sewer. The documents provide guidance on proposed widths of the pedestrian routes and the shared space, as well as recommendations on clear headroom beneath the LUL structure. Shared Cycle/Pedestrian section of underpass (Formal Route) The shared cycle/pedestrian section will be of a generous width and headroom. The route will accommodate cyclists as well as pedestrians. The shared cycle and pedestrian route will be in the order of 7.3m wide and will offer a minimum headroom of 2.7m along the length of the underpass (9.8m). The design guidance provided in the DMRB publication recommends the minimum dimensions for a shared route (cyclists and pedestrians) which is less than 23m requires a subway height of 2.4m for a cycle track and 2.3m for the footway. The draft London Cycle Design Standards provides advice on cycle and pedestrian routes. Paragraph 7.5.6 relating to Structures recommends the minimum vertical headroom for cyclists is 2.3m. Pedestrian only section of underpass (Informal Route) The pedestrian section will be constructed on top of the existing Thames Water Culvert so there is limited scope to make changes to the width and available head clearance. In terms of provisional dimensions for the pedestrian section, it is proposed to be approximately 4.4m wide passing underneath the bridge for a distance of 9.8m. The available headroom is approximately between 2.25m and 2.4m under the LUL structure. Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 6 | 14 Pedestrian head clearance – the design guidance set out in DMRB TD 36/93 recommends the minimum dimensions for pedestrian only subways that are ‘normal’ width (less than 5m wide) with a subway length of less than 23m, the minimum height is recommended to be 2.3m The draft London Cycle Design Standards provides advice on cycle and pedestrian routes. Paragraph 7.5.6 relating to Structures recommends the minimum vertical headroom for pedestrians is 2.1m. Departure from Standards When considering the design recommendations, the pedestrian only section will be approximately 5mm below the design recommendations set out in DMRB but within the recommendations set out in the draft London Cycle Design Standards. The shared cycle/pedestrian route will be within the standards provided in both the DMRB and draft London Cycle Design Standards. Topographical Surveys The provisional design for the Peel Link has been based on topographical information prepared in 2012. The access to the site is however restricted and, due to the dense vegetation, parts of the land could not be surveyed. It is recommended a review of the available information is carried out at the detailed design stage. If additional ground levels are required for the bridge abutments and railway embankment a new comprehensive topographical survey will need to be commissioned. Additional Design required to understand the implications on Earthworks The provisional design has only considered the alignment of the route and the connections either end of the link. Further design is required to understand the extent of the earthworks that maybe required to enhance the immediate environment and the interface with the LUL embankment, the embankment adjacent to the gardens of the flats on Colindeep Lane and the area to the north east of the Silk Stream. This input may be limited if the local landscaping adjacent to the Peel Link is unchanged. If there are proposed changes to the existing earthworks, it is likely that geotechnical survey information will be required to determine soil parameters for the design. Land Ownership and CPO matters The Colindale AAP includes a principle for a new connection through the former Peel Centre site as a means of improving connectivity across the AAP area. As we have maintained throughout the pre-application process, the creation of this new connection (known as the Peel Link) is not necessary to facilitate the delivery of any part of the proposed development or to make it acceptable in planning terms. The Applicant acknowledges however that creating this new connection is desirable for the benefit of the wider community of Colindale and is willing to work with LBB to seek to bring it forward (as demonstrated by its inclusion within the planning application), with the process led by Barnet Council as project managers. The land required to deliver the Peel Link is in third party ownerships (neither in the ownership of the Applicant or Barnet Council), and as such land assembly will be required to deliver this off-site community infrastructure. It is possible that the land may be acquired by agreement, however it may be necessary for Barnet to utilise their CPO powers. As it is not required to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms, it is important there is no condition or obligation that directly links the new connection to the development consent. The land currently occupied by the proposed Peel Link Access is not under the control of the developer, the MPS, LUL/TfL. The registration plan and title register is provided in Appendix C. The document identifies that LUL has a legal right of access over the third party land for the purposes of maintenance for the bridge structure. To assist with understanding the process, below are the steps that we would envisage as being required for Barnet to acquire any land that is necessary to deliver the Peel Link. Assuming that there is a sufficiently robust planning policy position to provide the basis for the use of CPO, and the scheme benefits from a planning permission, we estimate that a CPO could be secured within 12 to 18 months. Should complex or controversial issues arise, or agreement not reached with TFL, this could be extended to say 18-24 months. Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 7 | 14 Indicative acquisition process ■ Identify any land and rights that need to be acquired to facilitate the delivery of the Peel Link; ■ Determine whether any historic rights exist (e.g. ancient public highway) - The existence of a former underpass suggests this is worth investigating; ■ Commence attempts to acquire the land by negotiation in parallel with CPO process (negotiations must continue through the inquiry progress); ■ Determine the appropriate compulsory purchase powers e.g.: Highways powers, planning powers or education powers; ■ Council make resolution to authorise the use of CPO powers; ■ CPO documentation prepared, e.g. land referencing and Statement of Reasons; ■ CPO made by Council, notified and objection period commences; ■ Negotiations with objectors; ■ Public inquiry held if objections remain; ■ When inquiry closes the inspector and Secretary of State will consider the case before issue a decision; and ■ If the CPO is confirmed a statutory process must be followed to take possession of the land taking approximately 3 months. Other considerations ■ Should agreements be reached in the shadow of CPO there is potential to acquire interests much quicker. Running both processes in parallel provides programme certainty and encourages landowners to reach agreement; ■ Land forming part of the railway line is given special protection from compulsory purchase. Unless the impact on the railway has been mitigated or protective provisions have been agreed CPO powers are unlikely to be confirmed for this land. It is advantageous to acquire land interests from TFL by agreement; and ■ If any of the site forms open space similar special legal provisions restrict the exercise of CPO powers. If there are any unknown land ownerships the CPO would allow the Council to acquire these interests and provide certainty of title. Timescales for delivery The draft programme below illustrates approximate timescales for further investigations, design and approvals and delivery of the works that are currently anticipated, however it should be noted that these need to be verified as the design s to be caveated as it does not include land assembly. Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 8 | 14 Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 9 | 14 Drawings 1 – Peel Link Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 10 | 14 DP UK 15h Oak 14h UK 8h Oak 15h 41.04 RL 52.25 42.67 RL 53.98 RL 53.93 RL 52.22 Mapl e 1h RL 54.85 RL 52.53 Maple 15h Asphalt RS Asphalt RS Asphalt 30mph Asphalt 30mph Asphalt 30mph Asphalt 30mph Asp t 30m hal ph c WSP Group Ltd e Veg .00 44 .87 43 .89 43 Veg 0 42.3 .9 3 43 6h ing Pav h 1.8 ees 44.10 C/L Tr all Sm s 6h tion ree eta lT mal .91 .65 42 40. 44 h .98 42 .3 5 .1 0 43.8 GG 5 41 .61 FH P M Cs U .06 42 .68 TC 41 .0 tion .98 41 geta Ve lt 09 41. ha Asp 15h .12 UK 41 le 1h 40 .63 .31 40 40 44 GG.8 6 43 .94 43 TC .08 41 Map C/L 2.5h .10 44 .89 CL 43 43 1.5 14h IC .8 4 .83 43 43 I/R Oak .01 .07 44 h .8 8 LP 40 15 .78 43 Oak 98 .03 41 LP C 7 .67 43 MH 43 .9 L ing Pav 98 41 .53 42 C 00 42. 5 MH 43 .9 L 44. .89 43 .7 8 Mesh 3h .05 44 .92 43 .97 43 .05 .05 9 43.8 44 40. 55 .56 41 .35 Asp ha lt .36 C/L .58 41 .26 2h 40 C/L 2h 40 .26 40 .4 8 .0 4 .20 40 41 .6 9 e fenc of Top 44 .6 3 42 2 .41 WM 41 1 41.6 41 .8 40 34 46. idge br of .32 41 .38 41 .09 41 8 40.1 Top 6h .6 7 42 .5 8 42 41 .55 ees .2 9 l Tr 42 42 .4 1 .28 42 41 al Sm .24 tion 64 44 41. .65 eta 41 Veg h 41 h 1.8 le 15 .19 C/L Map 6h .05 es 44 C/L 2h Tre all B US 4 .0 44 Sm 8 41 43. 19 TC e 44 .2 9 44 .02 2 41.8 2h 41 10 ST 41 .69 42. 48 Concrete 01 44. halt Asp RL22 52. .54 RL 3 .5 52 .53 50 .03 .9 6 .0 0 44 43 44 41 .8 .97 43 11 44. 5 .1 44 .17 .62 41 51 lt .78 41 ha Asp RL 5 .2 52 e fenc of .35 Top 45 50 TV .03 42 lway Rai Concrete .63 LP 2h I/R e fenc of 4 Top44 .9 /B C TC .68 41 .77 3 43 43 .9 44 94 08 .94 43 43. .92 43 42 .88 43 8h 41. 55 4. .0 7 4 .07 .13 44 UK .48 41 9 MH 41 .4 L C fenc of 0 Top 44.7 I/R 2h LP inet C ab DP .03 40 .28 41 C/B 2h .05 LP .11 44 nS 44 tatio 40 C/B 2h c WSP Group Ltd c WSP Group Ltd Drawings 2 – Historical Bridge Plans and Utility plans Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 11 | 14 UTILITIES & UNDERGROUND INVESTIGATIONS ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS 1D 5C Ø AR 1 D uct 5 Cables D iameter CPC C irc Plastic Chamber EOT CrL C rown Level IBD DCr Depth To Crown Assumed Route DI End Of Trace Internal Backdrop Invert Level IL Depth To Invert RBC R ectangular Brick C hamber DS Depth To Silt RCC R ectangular Conc Chamber CBC C ircular Brick Chamber DTB Depth To Base SL Silt Level CCC CL C ircular Conc C hamber C over Level DTW Depth To Water TFR Taken From Records BL CB Base Level C oncrete Benching EBD External Backdrop U TC U nable To CCTV BT CABLE(S) U TL U nable To Lift OVERHEAD BT CABLE(S) U TT U nable To Trace COMMU NICATIONS CABLE(S) CABLE TV CABLE(S) ELECTRIC CABLE(S) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC CABLE(S) FIBREOPTIC CABLE(S) GAS MAIN GAS SERVICE GROUND PENETRATING RADAR (GPR) TRACE HOT WATER PIPE LIGHTING CIRCUIT SECURITY C ABLING UTILITIES COMMENT BOX MH CL 48.93 UNIDEN TIFIED TRACE WATER MAIN WM 0.61 WATER SERVICE COMBINED SEWER FOUL SEWER RISIN G MAIN SURFACE WATER SEWER UTILITIES INVESTIGATION EXTENTS DEPTH TO SERVICE DRAWING NOTES All below ground details shown have been identified from above ground without excavation. Survey Solution use electro-magnetic and/or ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods to investigate for underground utilities, services and features. Results using these methods are not infallible and we recommend trial excavations are carried out to confirm any identifications, positions and depths. Any areas on the drawing where services or features have not been shown are not necessarily clear of services or features but are an indication that no items have been identified during our investigations. All reasonable care and normal good practice should still be employed during design and construction processes. Certain types of services such as plastic or concrete pipes, some conduit and ducting where direct access can not be achieved for tracing may not be shown and alternative locating methods should be used. Survey Solutions has used all reasonable care to research available service records but the completeness or use of the service records supplied to or by Survey Solutions cannot be guaranteed. Therefore Survey Solutions cannot be held responsible for any features annotated as 'taken from records' (TFR). Depths obtained using electro-magnetic or GPR are effected by ground conditions and should be treated as indicative only. Electro-magnetic depths to utilities and services are generally taken to the centre of a feature, GPR depths to the top of a feature and drainage depth shown to inverts, unless otherwise indicated. Drainage pipe sizes will be obtained without entering the camber and therefore should be treated as approximate. Pipe dimensions which have not been obtained visually will be taken from records when available. All services, drainage and utilities routes are assumed straight between access points, unless otherwise stated. The numbers of cables in runs will not be shown unless specifically requested. All services are below ground unless indicated. Services, utilities and features may not have been surveyed if obstructed or not reasonably visible or accessible at the time of survey. Survey Solutions accept no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of either the topographical survey or base mapping on this project. All critical dimensions and measurements should be checked and verified with any errors or discrepancies notified to Survey Solutions immediately. The accuracy of the digital data is the same as the plotting scale implies. All dimensions are in metres unless otherwise stated. The c ontractor must check and verify all site and building dimensions, levels, utilities and drainage details and connections prior to commencing work. © Land Survey Solutions Limited hold the copyright to all the information contained within this document and their written consent must be obtained before copying or using the data other than for the purpose it was originally supplied. Do not scale from this drawing. AVAILABILITY OF UTILITY RECORD DRAWINGS U TILITY AVAILABILITY UTILITY AVAILABILITY UTILITY AVAILABILITY SEWER PUBLIC BT N /A OIL PIPES N/A WATER MAIN N/A CABLE TV N /A OTHERS N/A GAS MAIN N/A ELECTRICITY N /A B C CTV DRAINAGE INFORMATION ADDED GB RG 30/10/2012 A INFOR MATION ADDED FROM RECORDS GB RG OCT 12 REV D ESCR IPTION D RAWN APPR DATE Ipswich Coventry Yeovil Norwich Perth Nottingham Brentwood Tel No: 0845 0405 969 www.survey-solutions.co.uk Fax No: 0845 0405 970 [email protected] LAND SURVEYING BUILDING SURVEYING UNDERGROUND SURVEYING PROJECT TITLE MET POLICE TRAINING COLLEGE, HENDON, BARNET, NW9 5JE. DRAWING DETAIL CCTV DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION Sheet 1 of 3 CLI ENT SCALE 1:200 WSP DEVELOPMENT ©Land Survey Solutions Limited 01/01/2010 Original Sheet Size A0H SURV EYOR SURVEY DATE CHECKED BY PI 12/09/2012 DR APPROVED BY DWG STATUS RG FINAL DRAWING NUMBER REVISION I SSUE DATE 11257UG-01 B SEPT 2012 7 2 45.2 45.1 7 0.9 Wa ll 45.75 Ho a rdi n g 2.5h alt Asph 9 Hoa 44. 92 Hoard 44. 97 rbed Pave d MH CL 45 .62 4 5.61 CL 45.39 4 4.78 G ra ss of lin e 4 5.64 6 5.83 45. 54 42. 70 Pa ved ies amp Var nil e ei g ht 1.6 h C/L line le nil e f ilne 0.2 h 1h Wall 0.2h I /R 0.2 h I/R 0.2 h 1h Wall 0.2h I /R 1h Wall 0.2 h I/R R 1h 1h 2.5h 46.62 C /L 1h 1h 1h l .Wa Wall 1h MH CL 47 .33 Wall 1h UC Wall 4 7.28 ER 48. 64 Ve ge ta G ra ss 47. 32 4 7.19 4 7.31 48. 61 48 1.8 h 1h 1. 8h Wall 4 7.40 LP 4 7.40 ge 1h Wall 1h Wall 4 8.36 4 7.23 47. 33 Ash 10 h 4 7.41 4 7.26 48. 6 C/L 1.5h Hed 1.6h Wall 4 8.81 Uk 8 h R et Co 0.2 h 46 . 32 47. 23 4 8.73 C/B 0.7h Wall h l 1.6 ncrete Ve ge tat io n 3 h C/L 1 .5h Wall 1h 4 7.29 C/L 1h 4 7.36 47. 12 A sph a lt 4 8.20 1h 1h 4 6.71 47. 23 47. 22 4 7.17 47. 22 U na b le to su rve y d ue n o a cce ss 1h 4 7.08 LP Priva te Ga rd en 4 7.07 A sph a lt 4 7.28 Re 1h 4 6.68 48. 18 1h 4 6.46 4 6.21 4 6.66 46. 14 47. 04 UC 4 6.65 4 7.19 47. 14 Wall 4 6.15 4 6.16 Wall 4 6.70 46. 50 46. 26 46. 15 46. 17 4 6.20 A sh 1 2h 1h 4 6.34 GG 46. 09 46. 13 ER Wall 4 6.32 4 6.35 Wall 46. 70 CL 46.12 MH CL 46 .12 4 6.34 Fla t Ro of 92. 30 4 8.82 U k 8h GG 4 7.21 4 7.36 Asp h alt GG 4 7.12 4 6.17 MH 4 6.20 46. 27 1.5h ye low 0.7h 4 6.22 TC FL 4 6.33 9 2.42 4 4.44 4 6.75 4 6.25 4 6.16 8 6.48 Fla t Roo f 4 4.40 44. 42 MH 46. 59 4 6.55 TC 4 6.34 Fla t Roo f Tower Block ER 4 4.11 Ro of Wa 46. 15 Tower Block 44. 32 ER P aving 47. 41 re te 4 6.09 49. 98 9 2.40 FRL Fla t Roo f Step 44. 12 44. 16 44. 06 4 8.65 4 7.35 47. 32 GG 47. 31 G ra ss 4 6.46 46. 72 4 4.11 4 3.95 4 6.48 4 6.45 4 6.17 ER Pave d R oo f ilne 4 6.80 4 6.77 DR 4 6.01 1 02.86 4 4.08 4 4.07 GG 43. 92 4 6.10 45. 86 FL 4 6.27 46. 35 8h 44. 06 46. 63 Flo we rb ed e1. L ime 1 0h 4 6.25 46. 13 H edg 42. 82 44.06 A cer 9h 46. 87 4 6.84 1h 4 4.01 Wall I/R FL 4 6.26 0.8h 46. 31 46. 69 4 6.57 GG 46. 12 4 6.25 4 6.16 4 5.81 MH CL 45 .80 46. 29 4 6.30 46. 91 46. 12 46. 26 45. 58 4 5.70 47. 37 A sh 8 h 47. 42 WM 4 6. 52 4 6.22 Wall 4 3.94 44. 15 RS 44. 10 4 4.03 So rbu s 4 h 42. 61 4 4.09 G ra ss 4 3.88 4 4.14 4 4.10 44. 10 44. 10 44. 08 A cer 7h Ace r 8 h 43. 93 4 4.00 LP h l 0.7 ER 46. 94 4 6.60 4 6.19 4 7.47 LP Wall 46. 24 46. 26 46. 75 Flo we rbe d 4 5.58 BO I/R G ra ss S orb u s 13 h 43. 96 44. 03 Asph alt Wa h .8 h 0.8h Wall 4 5.57 4 6.28 4 6.62 4 6.49 46. 31 4 6.10 45.54 4 6.20 4 5.60 ER 4 6.27 4 6.29 0.2h H/R 1h l 0. 8h Wa 46. 24 4 6.24 4 6.29 46. 96 4 6.46 Conc lin es CL 44.14 4 4.07 Con crete 43. 94 3h 44 . 11 ER MH 4 2.78 G ra ss A cer 8h ST10 44. 05 M esh Do ub 44. 14 4 4.14 G ra ss 43. 89 44. 05 44. 05 0.7h 46. 14 BO 4 6.26 5 0.13 4 6.35 46. 35 Wall ll 0 46. 26 4 6.28 Fla t Ro of 4 6.34 1 .5 h DR 45. 52 MH CL 45 .56 /IR 1h 46. 25 4 7.00 4 7.32 Wall V aries CL 46 .28 4 5.55 CL 45 .61 46. 28 1.5h BO 45. 60 IC 0.8h g i ht C on cre te 44.74 lin es 4 4.14 4 3.77 4 3.93 4 4.02 43. 92 4 4.05 2h 1h 0.8h Wall 1h IC CL 45.64 DR 4 6.07 Wall llHe 47. 02 4 6.79 46. 34 4 6.15 Wa I/R1h ie s I/R ei s Var 4 6.26 Wa 46. 13 4 7.41 4 7.49 47. 48 47. 42 46. 70 46 . 25 46.16 l 1h Wa 1h 4 6.26 47. 04 4 6.72 46. 24 46. 10 46. 15 ll0 .7h nes P aving ER 4 4.74 4 5.26 P/R t Var 45. 84 4 5.63 gi ht w lin es Wall 4 5.64 4 5.21 1h 46. 86 Flo we rbe d 46. 15 46. 34 Fla t Ro of el ye llow 42. 52 43. 92 FH MP UCs C/L 4 5.18 H/R IC 4 5.43 DR 46. 35 P /R 4 4.78 45. 24 FL 4 5.30 4 5.24 45. 24 CL 44.73 44. 93 4 5.30 4 4.13 A sph a lt IC CL 44.09 ub le 44. 10 4 4.02 45. 24 1.5h 4 5.24 45. 23 44. 87 GG 4 6.12 46. 34 4 5.54 G ra ss Do IC CL 44.10 4 1.61 4 4.13 P aving 4 4.25 s I/R ER 5 0.33 IC CL 45 .05 4 5.25 MH 4 5.29 44. 02 44. 15 MH CL 44.16 44. 86 45. 25 DC Fla t Roof 4 6.28 BO C on cre te DC 4 4.94 4 4.20 4 2.85 4 3.92 5 0.29 44. 72 4 4.77 44. 37 CL 44.29 4 4.26 42. 83 Pave d bles 44. 21 MH CL 45.27 4 4.86 4 4.89 Co nc rete ER 4 7.09 47. 06 46. 35 46. 15 46. 26 46. 38 4 6.37 46. 37 4 6.33 Wall 44. 18 4 3.19 Ca bin et GG 4 3.86 42. 06 102 .87 IC 4 4.02 4 2.29 MH CL 43 .95 4 4.00 4 3.89 43. 84 4 4.01 Cob 44. 28 Fla t Ro of CL 44.17 CL 45 .19 EC 4 4.98 44. 99 I /R H eig DC ht Varie 4 6.91 4 6.35 4 6.11 DR 4 6.10 1h 43. 97 4 4.30 I/R 1h 4 7.11 4 6.37 46. 36 CL 46.07 BO Willo w 16 h 4 6.15 H /Rail P aving 43. 89 44.10 44. 07 ye lo I /R 44. 16 MH G ra ss 4 2.41 4 2.72 LP 4 4.11 ER 4 4.33 44. 20 4 2.86 4 2.47 MH CL 43 .97 45.26 IC DR 0.3h C on cre te FR Heigh 4 7.53 ER 47. 40 .Wall 4 4.05 Fla t Roo f 98. 74 TC 43. 92 4 3.67 LP GG 4 3.85 Wall 4 4.76 4 4.66 Wall 46. 10 46. 10 IC 4 6.17 4 6.14 46. 11 Brick se tts 45. 61 45. 28 4 6.21 4 6.39 G ra ss IC CL 46.71 46. 07 U K 3h 45. 47 45. 25 C on cre te BO 45. 14 44.78 DC 44.78 Ston es SI I/R 1.5h 45. 21 C on cre te 4 4.78 44. 72 44. 76 44. 24 ER 44.70 43. 94 Asphalt 43. 89 4 4.17 4 4.73 Pa ved WM 4 4.05 44. 20 45. 22 MH CL 45 .21 45. 21 ER Asp h alt 4 6.97 Flo we rbe d 4 6.22 Ret 43. 83 4 4.08 UC 44. 24 RS 44. 10 4 5.19 BO 4 4.81 MH CL 46.23 4 7.12 0.7h 46. 09 G ra ss 4 7.47 FH G ra ss 46. 86 46. 82 CL 46 .73 Wall 4 6.08 46. 13 MP 47. 04 4 7.57 46. 32 46. 30 46. 38 4 6.08 0.7h 45. 52 DR CL 45.59 46. 92 4 6.72 4 6.41 4 6.25 4 6.28 IC Ho lly 4h B rick Wall MH CL 45.46 45. 49 IC 46. 70 46. 58 46. 32 46. 33 CL 46 .35 4 7.61 U k 4h 4 6.24 46. 31 4 6.36 IC ER 45. 66 4 6.03 LP 47 4 6.35 4 6.30 CL 46 .73 45. 64 45. 56 4 5.57 UK 6 h 45. 06 I/R 1 .5h 45. 07 CL 44 .82 G ra ss 4 4.20 4 4.17 44. 21 MH 4 4.59 44. 44 ble MH CL 44.17 44. 27 44. 28 G oa l 4 5.05 Pa ved 4 4.20 44. 27 4 2.39 4 2.53 43. 98 44.11 ye low ub le 44. 56 4 4.23 44. 18 44. 27 42. 76 4 3.78 44. 09 4 5.53 MH CL 45 .56 BO Ston es Pa vin g 42. 88 43. 93 4 4.04 ER h 4 5.48 45. 42 MH CL 45.10 4 4.94 44. 75 44 .7 1 43.87 4 3.94 43. 89 44. 29 IC Dou 4 4.00 4 4.10 44. 10 4 5.36 45. 41 CL 44 .21 ER 4 4.23 I/R1 1h WaCo nc rete ll 0. 4 6.00 7h I/R1 h LP 45. 53 45. 35 CL 46 .71 IC 4 5.27 SI 44. 94 45. 04 Co nc rete 4 4.62 BO 1h 42. 48 h I/R 7h 4 6.78 U K 6h IC CL 46 .29 MH CL 46 .27 BO 4 6.10 Wa 44.24 44. 28 4 2.35 4 5.49 45. 32 4 5.25 4 5.20 Pa ved 4 4.96 I/R 1h MH CL 44 .47 4 4.48 IC 45. 56 l 0. 45. 00 44. 89 45. 11 44. 48 lin es 4 4.23 4 4.04 4 5.47 45. 38 45. 32 4 4.87 GG 4 4.89 4 4.88 44. 86 G ra ss CL 44 .44 44. 37 4 4.22 Do CL 44.30 WMs CL 44.25 4 5.28 44. 86 4 5.02 4 5.05 IC IC 4 4.20 4 4.93 4 5.04 44. 45 MH 4 4.35 4 4.13 CL 44.26 44. 19 LP LP MP 4 4.33 44. 16 44. 20 44. 10 MH G ra ss 4 2.84 43. 93 TC 44. 34 4 4.29 43. 30 4 4.24 4 3.87 4 3.98 43. 89 Sto 44. 04 4 2.65 4 2.30 4 4.00 MH CL 44.07 4 4.12 44. 91 44. 39 ST08 FH A sph 4 2.49 4 3.77 LP Wa 0.7 47. 47. 50 4 7.09 46. 89 46. 44 46. 29 V eg eta tion 2h 4 6.12 4 6.17 46. 13 ll 0.7 44. 93 44. 20 4 3.31 4 3.09 UK 8 h Pa vin g h 3h alt 4 4.28 43. 13 4 2.55 44. 01 Mes He 4 2.91 4 3.98 44. 02 4 3.85 44. 09 46. 04 B rick s et ts MH CL 46 .17 WL Co nc rete Wall 45. 50 47. 66 47. 61 LP 46. 80 FL 46. 30 4 6.07 4 6.08 Pa lm 5 h 46. 35 45. 51 45. 16 GG 4 7.46 A sh 1 0h 4 7.13 46. 82 46 . 13 h CL 45.60 1h 44.30 44.27 43. 17 44. 06 4 3.91 DC 43. 98 43. 90 44.16 42. 64 4 3.96 4 4.04 Asp h alt 4 4.80 Pave d ll 0.3 Flo we rb ed S /Birch 8h IC MH CL 45.54 4 4.51 4 4.53 MH CL 45.58 4 5.58 DR 6 5.72 4 6.34 G ra ss 4 4.39 44. 27 GG 4 4.23 44. 19 1h PO Fla t Roo f 4 5.51 4 4.91 UC Wall 4 2.58 4 3.90 Wa 1h 45. 63 4 6.36 4 5.48 Wall 44.29 TC 4 2.65 LP 4 3.85 Wall 4 5.54 FL 45. 45 Sap ilng 4 5.23 Asp h alt 47. 68 47. 29 47. 03 46. 92 46. 66 46. 51 46. 89 46.08 Wall 4 6.03 ER MH CL 45 .48 45. 37 MH CL 45.19 46. 45 46. 43 DR 4 5.50 Flo we rbe d 44. 93 4 6.45 Flo we rb ed 6 1.88 4 5.57 45. 46 4 5.14 4 5.05 4 5.08 4 5.00 4 4.86 GG 44. 84 44. 50 4 4.33 47. 17 4 6.96 Flo we rbe d 46. 37 I /R 1h 45. 00 Co nc rete 44. 18 LP 4 3.02 4 6.94 4 6.94 4 6.45 ST0 4 46. 48 Fla t Roo f 45. 57 4 5.61 Wall C on cre te 44. 52 44. 41 A sph a lt 44. 30 4 4.01 4 4.05 4 3.93 46. 86 4 6.55 4 6.43 I C 4 6.53 CL 46 .57 Peel House 45. 64 ER MH CL 45.58 45. 67 MH CL 45.57 A sh 8 h 47. 22 Wa ll 0.5h 37 44. 4 4.26 UK 1 0h 43. 89 MH CL 43.84 Peel House MH CL 45 .57 U K 5h 4 5.23 4 5.20 0.8h 44 .3 4 42. 91 4 2.48 Pa vin g DC Pa ved 4 5.42 45. 13 4 4.96 Wall 44.33 4 3.88 4 5.57 46. 56 46. 56 45. 57 45. 62 4 5.55 4 5.55 45. 31 4 5.28 C on cre te FP ER FL 4 5.60 4 5.52 4 5.15 LP 45. 14 44. 90 h 4 5.26 C ob b le s 44. 78 ER 46. 72 46. 49 46. 43 C on cre te W all 0. 35 FP 44. 68 4 5.31 4 5.27 4 4.78 44. 38 WM 44. 39 4 4.25 4 4.30 UC 47. 47. 11 4 7.00 Pave d MH CL 45.58 4 5.28 FP CL 44.45 Co nc 4 4.23 4 4.38 GG 4 4.36 44. 22 4 4.32 PO 43. 26 43. 28 U k 5h 46. 88 U K 5h 4 5.29 FP IC 4 4.35 44. 23 GG 4 4.21 43. 10 UC 46. 73 4 6.51 Asp h alt 4 4.19 42. 83 42. 70 4 6.51 4 6.45 45. 88 BO 43. 25 42. 75 G 47. 01 Flo we rbe d GG 46. 43 46. 61 45. 96 46. 59 44. 35 MH CL 44.20 4 2.74 U K 10 h 42. 70 S/Birch 6 h 46. 03 FL 4 5.63 6 1.86 4 5.67 MH CL 45 .29 47. 41 47. 24 4 7.00 Fla t Roo f ER 47. 02 4 6.54 4 6.63 45. 65 6 1.93 45. 49 44. 40 4 2.45 43. 96 4 4.01 4 6.64 45. 89 4 5.52 4 5.39 4 5.18 4 4.26 4 6.91 4 6.62 45. 73 Pave d Wa 44. 39 4 4.46 4 4.28 46. 81 4 6.48 45. 74 4 5.63 Fla t Roo f GG 4 5.23 4 5.32 LP 44. 16 44. 12 43. 36 Pave d I/R Flo we rbe d G ra ss 4 3.38 4 3.09 4 6.92 S /Birch 6h ER DR 4 7.27 4 7.03 4 6.83 46. 67 4 5.63 47. 17 4 6.54 S/Birch 6 h 45. 65 4 5.57 4 5.23 47. 49 47. 30 Flo we rbe d 4 5.72 BO 4 5.63 1h 4 5.34 4 2.94 UK 9 h SB 1 8h 45. 55 45. 63 G ra ss 4 7.08 46. 61 45. 63 g 45. 92 Stu mp Un ma de G rou nd 4 5.59 0.2 h 45. 64 H/R lt A spha 47. 23 4 7.06 46. 96 46. 60 46. 63 avin Uk 5 h Pave d 45. 65 45. 68 45. 33 4 4.72 46. 97 46. 86 4 6.68 46. 71 4 5.53 45. 53 ER Pave d I/R lin e 4 5.40 44. 30 46. 75 4 6.57 4 6.69 45. 83 4 5.97 Bric kP FL 4 5.64 P aving 1h 4 5.49 4 5.46 1h 3 44.4 PO MH CL 45 .50 45. 49 4 3.01 42. 64 45. 50 H /R 48. 98 4 5.24 BO 45. 63 45. 64 of Fla t Roo f 45. 60 Co nife r 1 2h 4 5.95 Co nife r 1 2h Pave d 4 5.65 4 5.63 Ro 4 5.34 4 5.64 Peel House 45. 64 ER DR 45. 54 4 5.53 4 5.35 4 5.34 43. 30 45. 53 1h PO 54. 29 45. 25 45. 21 4 7.34 47. 12 Wall H/R Fla t Ro of 0.5h Sap ilng 4 6.88 1h /L GG 46. 54 46. 56 4 5.57 8h C 44. 45 47. 37 47. 15 4 5.66 4 5.64 4 5.51 4 5.45 CL 44.73 44. 51 44. 33 4 4.42 45. 76 4 5.62 4 5.64 Roo PO 4 5.48 A sph a lt IC 4 4.50 GG 4 4.31 4 4.33 4 4.43 43. 48 42. 67 47. 22 4 7.03 e1. MH CL 45.52 4 5.36 44. 78 WM 4 4.38 GG 44. 37 44. 78 43. 36 f line f ilne MH CL 45.42 PO UC 44. 47 44. 39 4 3.45 43. 22 42. 86 45. 60 4 5.66 47. 4 47. 13 4 6.62 Wall 51 45. 63 UC 4 4.49 43. 08 42. 85 4 2.75 MH CL 45 .63 FL 45. 64 47. 04 Flo we rbe d 4 6.77 4 6.67 S /Birch 10 h 4 5.63 C on ifer 12 h THL 45. 67 S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 47.13 47. 00 4 6.92 46. 61 46. 64 DR f line Fla t Ro of 4 9. 17 45. 61 Pave d 4 8.98 Roo 44.4 9 44. 58 4 4.38 4 5.50 Fla t Ro of 4 6.70 4 6.73 45. 87 4 5.69 45. 55 g Pavin 43. 63 bles 4 7.29 4 6.81 4 5.77 4 5.67 CL 45 .64 ER Brick 4 5.56 4 5.52 Cob LP 4 7.17 46. 66 Pa ved S /Birch 10h IC 4 5.64 46. 85 4 6.99 BO Pave d VP 45. 65 4 5.65 4 5.64 GG 46. 63 4 6.76 4 5.62 45. 98 Pave d Smoke O u tlet Bas emen t S mo ke O u tlet Bas emen t 45. 66 4 5.65 4 5.40 43. 29 42. 76 of lin e Ro 45. 65 6 5.79 S mo ke Ou tlet Bas emen t 4 5.65 44. 54 4 5.64 Fla t Ro of MH CL 45 .66 4 5.63 Flo we rbe d 4 5.33 45. 24 45. 34 PO bb e ls 4 7.20 46. 66 4 6.74 4 6.70 4 6.79 I/R 45. 25 P aving 44. Co f line f line 4 5.50 45. 37 45. 38 4 5.35 5 0.43 44. 42 Roo 45. 41 /L 0.5h 4 4.52 SI Roo 44 .5 3 C 44. 57 Roo GG 4 5.25 A sph a lt 44. 42 45. 23 4 4.41 MH CL 45.61 4 5.29 44. 47 4 3.77 1 .8 h 47. 26 4 6.87 Sapling 4 6.78 4 6.78 BO 46. 56 S /Birch 10 h 4 5.69 45. 59 44. 74 44. 69 4 3.59 43. 49 C /B 46. 72 4 6.78 4 5.68 4 5.73 45. 67 4 6.67 4 5.64 SI 43. 36 4 3.04 46. 69 BO 4 6.81 45. 68 45. 79 4 5.74 45. 62 IC CL 45 .64 H edg 8 44.4 44.59 43. 27 4 3.05 43. 05 43. 00 45. 67 49. 16 4 6.80 4 5.68 Pave d 4 5.66 4 5.66 45. 66 USB H/R G o al 42. 90 4 5.70 5 7.18 4 5.68 PO 55. 91 PO ER 4 5.87 4 5.63 4 5.71 4 5.64 Pa ved 45. 61 45. 57 45. 68 Fla t Ro of ER Top o f Bu liding Uk 1 2h DR 45. 64 45. 34 Su b sta tio n 46. 96 RS 46. 94 4 5.68 PO PO 45. 61 U nmad e Gro un d Sap ilng 4 5.64 45. 42 4 6.84 46. 86 4 6.74 4 5.67 fline C on ifer 12 h Pa v ing MH CL 45.61 4 5.63 G ra ss 44. 82 4 6.63 GG 4 6.61 4 5.71 BO 4 5.57 ER VP 45. 39 44. 63 44. 57 44. 71 4 2.83 4 5.65 45. 63 45. 65 4 5.27 44. 52 GG 4 4.50 44. 50 44 .5 7 45. 65 S mo ke O u tlet Bas emen t S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 45. 62 45. 64 45. 64 4 5.64 4 5.57 Flo we rbe d 45. 37 4 5.47 Roo 45. 63 f ilne Asp h alt Pa vin g 4 3.95 43. 56 4 5.59 45. 58 4 5.41 44. 71 GG 4 4.51 4 3.75 4 3.57 4 3.46 1.8h RS MH CL 46 .64 4 6.71 46. 79 45. 61 4 5.62 45. 66 45. 61 P aving 4 5.38 4 4.86 44. 64 Roo 44. 58 LP G oa l 43. 22 4 3.10 LP C/B 46. 65 4 5.65 FL 4 7.34 46. 94 RS 46. 96 DR ER 4 5.64 PO 4 5.63 G ra ss 46. 93 4 6.93 46. 76 RS Smoke Co py PO Pave d PO ER Ro 4 44.6 43. 59 43. 59 4 3.20 43. 08 IC A sph a lt 46.81 CL 45 .63 C on ifer 12 h 47. 00 CL 47 .01 46. 66 LP 4 6.75 4 5.60 IC 4 5.62 4 6.93 47. 00 46. 78 RS RS 4 6.74 Pave d 4 6.69 ER Pave d 4 5.64 45. 62 46. 81 4 6.74 46. 78 46. 78 46. 79 45. 68 PO 4 5.61 49. 16 45. 57 Asp h alt TC 4 6.82 4 5.59 PO Ro 44 .6 9 A sph alt 4 5.62 45. 53 45. 33 P aving 44. 59 4 4.68 4 3.01 Way 4 6.71 4 5.61 PO 4 5.64 Walk Flo we rb ed 4 5.40 4 5.45 4 6.38 Roo f ilne PO CL 45.64 Wall 44.7 3 4 5.62 45. 61 PO Way IC IC CL 45.63 46. 84 46. 62 46. 85 C op pe r b ee ch 10 h MH CL 45.64 Walk 6 5.80 FL 4 5.65 LP 4 4.53 44. 49 ST0 3 GG 46. 61 46. 81 46. 69 ER 45. 63 Fla t Ro of 45. 64 45. 63 46. 84 A sph a lt 46. 80 46. 79 MH CL 46 .57 46. 41 45. 60 ER 4 5.62 4 5.63 VP Pave d 4 4.77 TC 4 4.03 4 3.80 4 6.73 46. 78 MH CL 46.70 RS Pa ved 4 6.42 FL 45. 62 45. 61 S mo ke O u tlet Bas emen t 43. 70 43. 43 4 2.95 Pave d 46. 64 46. 71 45. 87 45. 57 45. 57 4 5.55 UK 4 h 4 5.45 CL 46.67 RS MH CL 45 .58 4 5.62 4 5.43 45. 41 44. 97 4 6. 4 6.70 MH 46. 68 45. 61 MH CL 45 .60 4 5.58 45. 57 44. 73 4 4.70 46. 63 46. 61 46. 60 46. 65 LP 4 5.53 4 5.55 BO MH CL 45.61 45. 47 44. 63 4 4.65 Pa ved 46. 59 4 6.47 4 6.44 4 5.64 Pa vin g 4 5.60 4 5.48 4 5.37 45. 48 4 4.58 4 4.67 4 4.66 46. 77 4 6.61 GG 46. 33 RS 1.4h 4 6.54 Pave d 45. 4 5.38 50 4 5.49 44. 83 4 4.58 MH CL 44 .71 G ra ss 43. 59 4 6.88 4 6.87 46. 89 46.76 46. 37 4 6.35 65. 80 4 5.64 45. 43 4 5.48 4 5.06 P aving GG 4 4.62 SI 44. 11 4 3.90 43. 36 4 6.8 A sph alt VPs 4 6.47 4 6.39 I/R 4 6.55 IC CL 45.54 MH CL 45.61 44. 75 44. 74 43. 98 43. 66 4 3.27 46. 70 4 6.35 4 6.33 Asp h alt 4 6.55 4 5.71 Peel House MH CL 45 .61 4 5.56 Pa vin g 4 3.54 4 3.40 4 3.11 46. 83 MH CL 46 .53 46. 82 45. 43 G ra ss CL 46.81 LP 46. 68 46. 79 4 5.63 4 5.93 MP 4 4.76 4 3.10 .00 4 6.42 VP 4 6.82 Step 46. 52 46. 40 4 5.56 4 5.60 4 5.54 45. 35 44. 89 FH 44. 66 IC 46. 80 Pa ved 45. 60 44. 78 GG 44. 61 4 4.62 LP 46. 88 Pave d ncrete 45. 48 4 5.50 4 5.55 44. 66 4 3.92 4 3.86 Co 4 6.80 46. 66 46. 49 46. 35 4 6.57 I /R.1h 45. 57 TC UC CL 45.61 4 5.50 ER 44. 20 4 3.52 ries 4 5.54 4 5.53 45. 61 IC 46. 38 46. 80 46. 80 t Va BO 4 5.48 4 5.57 45. 65 I/R 45. 46 45. 38 45. 13 5 0.28 Pave d THL nil e 45. 51 Heigh DR 4 5.59 P aving 45. 33 45. 33 45. 46 ER ST09 RS 46. 83 Sapling Asp h alt FLa t Ro of 46. 42 46. 60 1.8h T ac 78 6 5.81 4 5.58 MH CL 45.45 4 5.44 45. 07 SI 44. 81 44. 45.58 Fla t Roo f Pa vin g MH CL 45.53 45. 38 45. 58 45. 17 4 5.25 SI 44. 71 4 6.64 S tep s I/R P aving 4 4.99 4 5.54 LP 4 5.36 44. 91 4 4.76 MH CL 44.76 BO 4 4.91 GG 4 4.75 4 4.85 44. 82 Asp h alt 44. 67 4 4.05 IC CL 45 .89 4 5.82 .1h alt A sph 44. 74 44. 70 A sph a lt 44. 88 4 4.75 44 . 82 44. 83 44. 41 44. 15 4 3.90 Crick et p it ch 46. 81 4 6.37 46. 41 G ra ss ER Ro of Tac UK 5 h 44. 09 43. 79 4 4 6.82 4 6.76 46. 46 4 5.55 4 5.58 4 5.11 44. 82 U K 5h 43. 81 43. 74 4 3.56 43. 45 line PO Asph a lt 46. 62 46. 58 4 5.61 yellow Asp h alt 46. 57 4 6.58 Pa ved 4 5.59 4 5.53 45. 43 4 5.22 4 4.99 uble Asp h alt LP CL 46.41 46. 38 MH CL 46.39 46.35 4 5.59 44. 86 4 3.23 IC 46. 38 Pave d G ra ss ER 4 5.54 45. 57 4 4.97 44. 82 44. 76 R 46. 27 MH CL 45 .80 45. 62 G ra ss 45. 17 LP S/Birch 5 h G ra ss Do Ro of 45. 49 IC 45. 05 44. 77 Training Police Station W allH 45. 35 44. 88 4 5.17 44. 86 44. 85 P aving CL 44 .54 S /Birch 5h 4 6.65 46. 61 4 6.71 4 6.48 t.W all 44. 76 44. 76 44. 76 4 4.74 MH 4 4.16 43. 73 4 6.60 46. 60 4 6.57 TC 4 6.43 45. 78 CL 45 .52 4 7.15 47. 14 4 7.03 2.5h LP GG 45. 57 MH 4 5.03 45. 07 4 4.87 44. 88 G ra ss 4 3.58 MP Asp h alt 4 6.40 GG 46. 37 4 6.39 4 6.39 4 6.40 46. 71 GG 4 5.39 45. 36 Pave d 44. 87 C on cre te U k 5h 4 4.69 4 4.86 44. 50 45. 27 45. 07 44. 51 44. 35 43. 49 4 3.32 45. 48 4 5.04 Co nc rete 44. 80 ncrete 44. 88 GG 4 4.77 G ra ss Co G ra ss 44. 69 44. 41 44. 11 4 3.72 44. 80 44. 92 44. 87 44. 60 4 4.56 RS UC 4 6.43 46. 56 THL 4 6.43 46. 42 46. 51 .1 h 44. 84 4 4.64 Pave d 46 4 4.50 LP UC 46. 79 Asp h alt THL 4 6.46 Co nc rete 4 5.86 4 5.85 45. 50 45. 4 3.88 RS FL 4 6.86 4 6.41 4 5.89 RS 4 4.88 4 6.67 CL 46.54 PO 4 6.85 46. 53 Asp h alt 4 6.17 45. 93 4 5.60 4 5.25 4 5.08 MP MH nil e 4 6.86 er te 4 6.11 4 5.80 GG 4 4.74 44. 93 44. 91 4 3.45 4 6.53 Ro of Se rvice Tun ne l Conc 4 6.12 4 5.65 RS 4 5.53 4 4.90 44. 75 4 4.904 4.92 4 4.85 43. 66 4 5.69 d Pa ve d 45. 76 45. 79 4 5.78 SI 4 4.88 LP 4 4.83 44. 52 44. 51 4 6.70 gle Co ncrete ye l ow nil e 4 6.79 PO 46. 83 LP 45. 11 Pa vin g 44. 91 44. 87 44. 72 4 6.58 46. 10 45. 59 44. 92 44. 83 44. 85 44. 83 RS 44. 94 44. 91 CL 44 .90 44. 63 Sin PO 46. 71 46. 79 yellow MH CL 44.84 MH CL 44.82 4 4.87 4 4.98 44. 87 MH 4 4.61 4 4.40 4 4.23 I/R IC CL 44.84 44. 77 4 4.68 44. 50 43. 96 IC CL 46 .77 LP Sing 44. 89 4 4.84 4 4.69 4 4.68 44. 39 44. 50 44. 42 4 3.83 46. S er vice Tun ne l 46.73 46.61 46. 57 4 6.60 G ra ss ire s 44. 65 4 4.51 LP 46. 13 ncrete CL 44 .38 44.80 MH 4 4.27 43. 82 4 3.70 46. 73 46. 65 4 6.60 4 6.67 46. 56 4 6.43 GG 4 4.89 t Va 1 Hedg e 0.5h44.9 44. 59 4 3.66 4 3.44 45. 14 4 4.93 4 4.91 4 4.91 4 6.57 46. 52 Co 44. 93 CL 44.94 4 6.40 46.61 46 .4 9 CL 46.44 46. 63 Heigh 44. 89 MH 4 6.71 G ra ss 46. 54 PO MH 46. 47 A sph a lt 4 4.90 UC F lo BO C on cre te 4 6.54 4 6.40 GG 4 6.32 4 6.48 4 6.47 4 6.47 4 6.19 VP PO 46. 36 46. 50 ncrete 4 6.35 4 6.48 46. 06 4 5.95 of lin e 4 4.66 4 4.49 4 4.50 PO 46. 35 4 6.45 Se rvice Tu nn el LP Co 4 6.37 Paved 4 6.30 RS 46. 10 4 6.01 4 4.93 we LP 4 4.39 4 3.99 46. 48 4 6.34 4 6.40 45. 99 4 4.92 RS 46.29 46. 12 4 6.12 4 4.95 BO EC 46. 40 RS 45. 83 4 4.95 4 5.13 CL 44.73 4 6.48 4 6.34 G ra ss 45. 59 4 4.94 4 4.91 MH CL 44 .59 TL 4 6.41 4 4.89 44. 95 4 4.65 MH 46. 31 Co nc rete 4 6.23 4 4.99 4 4.94 44. 96 45. 13 44. 59 CL 44.54 ve d 46. 27 4 6.27 4 5.03 Tac 44. 97 4 4.97 4 4.98 MH 4 4.48 4 6.43 4 6.42 PO /L 45. 07 4 5.05 44. 96 CL 44.80 4 5.16 4 4.96 45. 04 RS MH CL 44.54 46. 46 4 6.43 C 44. 94 LP BO MH LP 44. 31 46 . 44 46. 46 Roo BO 4 4.65 4 4.49 44. 40 4 4.51 4 4.20 43. 93 46.35 RS CL 46.44 Paved 45. 11 2.5h 4 4.99 LP 4 3.88 4 6.42 MH 4 6.40 MH CL 46 .31 Wall RS 4 4.35 4 3.94 G oa l 4 3.84 G ra ss 4 6.34 TL 46. 41 4 6.29 TL Wall ni g 43. 96 43. 85 4 6.44 4 6.29 RS 4 6.41 IC CL 46.42 Co nc rete 4 6.29 Asp h alt Co nc rete 4 6.37 ve d 44. 51 43. 76 4 6.40 46. 42 46. 45 46. 37 IC CL 46 .38 C on cre te 4 6.25 46. 34 IC 46. 37 CL 46.38 4 6.39 4 6.29 4 5.84 45. 05 GG 46. 29 4 6.41 46. 21 ved IC CL 46.11 Pave d CL 46 .44 Paved 4 6.33 4 6.39 4 6.03 GG 44. 92 LP 4 4.96 MH 46. 44 46. 41 4 6.25 46. 24 TL BO 4 5.71 45. 90 45. 15 Pa GG 44. 93 46. 52 4 6.43 46. 30 RS GG 4 6.27 LP 45. 11 4 4.95 45. 07 4 4.95 4 3. 57 43. 35 2 .5h h alt 46. 00 4 6.22 Pave d 4 5.20 4 4.93 4 5.00 4 4.99 4 4.93 44. 64 4 6.43 46. 33 46. 41 Pave 2.5h rding 44. 95 GG 4 4.94 44. 95 BO 44. 57 4 4.48 4 6.40 46. 39 4 6.41 4 6.29 RS 4 6.35 4 5.65 4 5.30 RS 45. 11 4 4.93 BO LP 4 4.65 4 6.18 46. 03 45. 52 GG 45. 55 46. 40 4 6.31 4 6.28 46. 34 46. 38 45. 12 GG 4 4.95 CL 44.73 CL 44.57 4 4.38 4 6.42 4 6.32 46. 42 46. 42 Pa Asp h alt 45. 06 44. 94 4 4.97 MH MH 44. 49 4 4.16 Con cret e 4 5.09 5h Hoardin g 2. 44.81 4 6.42 Se rvice Tu nn el 4 5.01 4 4.66 4 4.51 4 4.41 GG 4 4.39 4 4.52 46. 25 RS 46. 29 46. 29 RS 4 6.03 4 6.04 Pave d 45. 74 SI e Con BO 4 5.35 4 4.93 44. 10 cret 46. 00 45. 75 44. 99 4 5.11 PO 46. 31 ve d GG 4 6.27 46. 43 46. 00 45. 54 GG 45. 45 44. 95 RS 4 5.98 4 5.51 4 5.40 Pa ved LP 4 6.29 IC CL 45.97 45. 35 4 5.11 4 5.00 45. 05 4 5.07 4 4.59 4 3.51 46. 27 RS 4 5.92 45. 88 2.5h 44. 94 Pa 44.9 Hedg e 1h g 44. 95 4 4.69 44. 35 IC CL 45.91 A sph a lt Ho ardin BO MH 43. 69 4 4.01 45. 92 45. 20 4 5.13 LP 4 4.55 4 4.59 4 6.42 4 6.28 46. 43 45. 08 BO 4 4.93 BO Paved 44. 92 CL 45.10 GG 44. 93 CL 44.79 BO 44. 65 Se rvice Tu nn el Pa BO I C 4 4.98 44. 93 MH Pa ved LP GG 44. 87 46. 40 45. 14 BO 44. 95 44. 93 44. 96 44. 11 44. 99 C on cre te C/B CL 45.07 GG 44. 93 4 6.41 4 6.40 G ra ss rete MH BO 45.10 CL 45 .02 44. 94 CL 44.91 4 4.70 44. 58 4 4.68 CL 44 .83 43. 15 C/L C/L 2.5h AV 0.2 h 45.04 e 0. 4h 44.9 2 Hedg erbe d Flow MH 4 4.65 44. 68 44. 57 44. 52 46. 19 CL 46 .39 G ra ss CL 45.02 4 4.91 4 4.82 4 4.78 44. 56 GG 44. 39 4 4.38 43. 73 46. 23 G ra ss 45. 75 UC 2.5h MP 4 4.85 4 4.73 44. 60 4 4.63 g 45. 06 4 4.87 CL 44.61 4 4.52 LP oa rd ni Pave d 44. 75 MH 4 4.49 44. 51 44. 28 CL 45 .11 4 6.18 H LP 4 4.98 44. 65 4 4.87 44. 40 44. 23 46. 14 46. 00 4 5.80 IC CL 45.82 IC CL 45 .84 IC MH 45. 09 MH 44. 93 44. 57 4 4.48 4 4.14 46. 29 4 6.36 UC 45. 91 45. 93 45. 10 Br 46 Brick 4 6.17 4 6.23 SI MP 44. 99 4 4.97 BO BO 4 4.94 43. 88 43. 92 4 6.16 45. 67 BO 4 4.95 45. 00 44. 91 RS 4 6.31 TC 4 5.03 44. 86 46. 55 46. 41 4 6.38 4 6.25 BO 4 5.06 4 5.04 4 6.40 4 6.4 46. 45 LP 4 6.18 4 6.01 46. 15 46. 07 4 5.60 45. 83 44. 97 Pave d BO 4 4.99 LP 44. 93 MH 43. 42 2h h I /R 45.1 BO 45. 06 44. 86 43. 74 Pave d SI UC LP 4 5.11 45. 10 BO 4 4.93 4 4.92 4 4.78 4 6.30 CL 46.29 46. 32 45. 07 BO 4 4.95 44. 86 4 4.71 44. 68 46. 41 46. 34 IC 4 5.99 Pave d 45. 48 WM 44. 96 BO 45. 06 GG 4 4.94 44. 83 44. 67 46.46 4 6.24 GG 45. 92 45. 87 4 5.32 45. 12 LP 44. 97 44. 92 CL 44.94 4 4.57 4 4.50 4 4.51 GG 46. 32 1h 5h SI BO LP BO MH 44. 66 44. 48 44. 39 LP 4 6.30 4 6.24 4 6.12 4 5.84 4 5.95 4 5.75 Co nc rete 45. 12 4 4.99 44. 63 4 4.47 44. 42 4 4.53 44. 24 DC h 4 6.29 46. 09 MH CL 45.86 UC 45. 09 S er vice Tun ne l Met Po lic e Tr ain ing c olle ge 44. 93 4 4.55 44.42 LP 4 4.32 4 4.11 4 6.30 45. 78 46. 06 45. 81 45. 85 4 5.45 4 4.97 BO 45. 11 .5 h I/R 1.8 Pa ved 45. 96 MH CL 45 .95 45. 78 4 5.70 45. 74 4 5.11 4 5.09 BO 4 6.12 45. 77 I /R 2. 4 4.93 Wa ll0 CL 46.04 4 5.83 C on cre te 4 5.66 4 5.46 4 5.58 45. 21 44. 99 Pave d 45. 09 BO UC CL 44.90 4 6.33 45. 63 45. 70 45. 50 45. 01 44. 99 BO 45.08 4 4.98 IC MH CL 44.83 43. 31 2.5h rding 4 4.64 44. 42 4 5.54 4 5.66 4 5.43 4 5.36 45. 20 44. 97 4 5.11 ST0 1 4 5.11 BO IC CL 45 .81 Pave d 45. 57 45. 08 4 5.10 45. 14 45. 12 4 5.09 BO G ra ss 46. 23 5h I /R 1.8h 45. 25 45. 10 Co nc rete 48. 58 BO W all 0. 46. 00 IC 4 5.52 4 5.43 Co nc rete 45. 13 4 5.11 4 5.13 Fla t Roo f 4 5.08 BO 4 5.07 GG 4 5.38 4 5.38 4 5.57 LP 4 5.59 2h 4 6.00 4 5.38 4 5.31 MH CL 45.09 4 4.95 45. 08 EC 45. 18 45. 37 BO 45. 68 45. 36 .8h W all 4 5.07 44. 94 Pa ved Co nc rete THL BO GG 4 4.94 4 4.94 4 4.33 4 4.28 I/R 1 Flo we rbe d LP 4 5.18 45. 05 Con cre te 4 3.88 4 4.09 45. 58 4 5.44 h LP C on c 45.11 GG 4 5. 02 BO 44. 98 46. 32 RS 46. 29 45. 28 1 .8h Wa ll2 45. 11 0 BO 45. 06 4 3.94 I/R 2h FH 45.1 7 .0 45 Pave d MH CL 44 .99 44. 48 W all 4 5. 90 45. 54 DC 4 5.71 45. 06 LP 44. 91 LP BO 46. 2 4 5.71 45. 83 I /R 1.8h MP 45. 08 BO 4 5.05 44. 93 4 4.97 4 4.64 44. 57 BO 44. 00 alt 2.5h Hoar ding Hoa 2.5h 4 4.90 4 4.65 4 4.47 Co nc rete 4 5.60 4 5.42 1.8h GG 4 5.04 7 ni g BO 44. 95 GG 4 4.90 44. 65 44. 46 LP 4 6.39 46. 29 45. 56 45. 42 45. 41 I /R h 45.0 BO 44. 54 44. 47 4 4.42 44. 52 I/ R1.5h 1 4 4.53 44. 35 4 6.41 RS 4 5.35 4 5.33 Wa ll2 W all 2h 45. 24 Pa ved 4 5.93 4 5.40 45. 26 CL 45.34 .8h Flo we rbe d BO BO LP 4 4.44 LP 44. 41 44. 29 4 4.13 Po rta -C ab in IC 45. 11 I/R 1 45. 50 Hoard 4 5.06 GG 44. 92 BO BO 44. 09 A sph a lt 45. 09 A sph a lt 45. 24 U K 15 H BO Map le 5 h 44. 07 G oa l 4 5.90 4 5.77 4 5.18 4 5.29 Co nc rete 45. 31 45. 31 2h LP 4 5.03 44. 92 4 4.93 44. 89 LP 45. 18 4 5.13 45. 37 UK 1 8h Flo we rb ed 4 5.42 MH CL 45.29 TC 4 5.00 4 5.04 GG 44. 90 44. 87 CL 44 .83 4 4.64 43. 93 Asph 45.1 4 4.92 4 4.89 IC 44. 48 IC CL 46 .29 LP 45. 93 C on cre te 45. 33 Wall Flo we rb ed Co nc rete 46. 17 4 5.91 45.82 45. 68 4 5.46 45. 16 4 5.48 45. 30 45. 15 45. 12 4 5.31 44. 89 LP BO 4 4.56 4 4.54 45. 43 45. 73 45. 42 4 5.27 IC CL 45 .28 45. 16 4 5.04 4 4.97 45. 04 44. 64 44. 43 EC 45. 27 45. 18 2.5h 44. 54 LP 44. 44 I/R 45. 12 h 4 5.07 Pave d 4 5.95 45. 07 0 .5 LP 44. 16 G ra ss 4 5.41 45. 28 45. 30 45. 27 RS 45. 40 4 4.91 4 5.59 45. 32 45. 26 4 5.18 MH CL 45 .14 g 45. 02 4 4.90 4 4.93 44. 06 45. 55 4 5.50 4 5.29 4 5.17 45. 13 ni Wall 4 4.95 A sph a lt 45. 28 Asp h alt 45. 26 UC 45. 27 Tac 45. 03 oard CL 44 .93 46. 00 45. 51 4 5.16 45. 28 RS RS MH 44. 88 BO 46. 01 45. 90 4 5.30 PO 4 5.30 4 5.29 4 5.23 4 5.32 45. 27 H 4 5.09 GG 44. 89 4 4.67 44. 27 A sp 45.28 Pa ved 4 4.89 44. 57 4 4.48 4 5.35 M etal 1h 45. 34 4 5.78 DC Sap ilng 1.8h 4 5.26 4 5.09 45. 05 4 4.41 4 5.53 45. 41 4 5.39 4 5.46 IC CL 45 .47 45. 16 45. 26 4 5.53 MH CL 45 .41 45. 52 LP I /R 45. 02 4 4.96 BO LP BO 44. 69 4 4.49 4 5.44 45. 36 GG 45. 34 4 5.40 LP 4 5.40 B ark 45. 30 I /R1.8h Asp h alt 44. 98 44. 21 4 4.48 LP 4 5.71 45. 27 45. 10 4 5.30 LP 4 5.44 45. 42 GG 45. 39 45. 30 C on cre te 45. 32 1.8h W all 2 h 44. 97 l 2.3h 0.5h 44. 92 44. 57 44. 48 44. 60 .3h 13 45. 44. 64 44. 57 LP Wall 45. 09 45. 50 DPDR 4 5.73 THL 4 5.32 4 5.11 4 5.29 1.8h I/R I/R1 Wal I/R1. 3h 45. 02 4 45. 66 45. 58 Wall 45.23 2 .3h 45. 06 S/Birch 1 0h Co nc rete 45. 33 Wall LP UC CL 44 .96 45.59 CL 45.44 4 5.27 I/R MH CL 45 .13 4 5.01 4 5.10 GG 4 4.90 MH FL PO IC I/R 4 5.32 1.8h 4 5.06 MH CL 45.01 S/Birch 1 0h 44. 91 4 4.95 44. 90 48. 43 45. 43 4 5.11 45. 23 B ark 45. 07 S /Birch 10 h S tora ge 44. 94 CL 44.98 CL 44 .81 Fla t Roo f CL 45 .53 45. 52 A sph a lt 45. 33 1.8h 4 6.07 4 5.85 45. 65 4 5.48 45. 49 45. 58 45. 44 4 5.51 45. 56 IC 4 5.48 45. 41 4 5.21 I/R 4 5.20 45. 03 MH MH A sph a lt UC 4 5.35 4 5.23 4 5.46 I /R 1.5h 45. 33 1.8h UK 7 h 4 4.97 4 4.92 44. 70 43. 61 GG 45. 04 4 5.24 MH CL 45 .10 I/R 4 5.08 4 4.92 BO LP BO 4 4.72 44. 59 44. 61 43. 78 F ol f line 45. 02 45. 23 FL 45. 24 45. 11 CL 44.91 4 4.65 44. 50 4 5.29 Pave d 45. 17 4 5.15 C on cre te MH 4 4.72 44. 59 LP 4 4.42 4 4.29 45.70 werbe Co bbles d F ol nil e Ro of ight He .3h 45. 85 MH CL 45.68 45. 65 45. 55 4 5.98 1.5h Wall I/R1 4 5.72 4 5.66 4 5.56 I/R I/R 1 .5h 45.49 CL 45.49 4 5.48 4 5.43 .3h P 4 5.97 4 5.50 45. 43 IC CL 45 .58 4 5.63 4 5.21 4 4.92 44. 92 44. 73 4 4.61 all2 8 45.2 2 45.1 44. 93 W 44. 52 4 4.62 44. 22 I/R 45. 31 1.8h 45. 09 4 5.31 I /R1.8h 4 5.45 A sph a lt 45. 51 PO LP IC 4 5.29 45. 06 4 5.59 4 5.56 GG 4 5.53 45. 57 4 5.59 MH CL 45.15 45. 08 .5h 4 5.57 45. 69 45. 59 4 5.58 Tu rn r ail2.5h 4 5.53 29 GG 4 4.94 4 4.67 44. 41 oard ing2 4 5.21 45. 02 45. 90 45. 71 45. 90 RS G ra ss 45. 24 46. 05 46. 11 45. 96 45. 73 45. 68 Ash 15 h 45. 42 45. 27 DP 45. 17 45. 91 LP 46. 01 4 6.02 45. 61 4 5.50 45. 18 4 5.06 45. 03 FL S tora ge 45. 95 45. 85 4 5.81 45. 60 45. 55 45. 66 4 5.60 4 5.17 45. 30 4 9.70 4 9.30 LP 45. 73 45. 7 45. 94 1h I/R 2.5h LP 4 5.90 C/L RL 4 5.13 45. 13 4 5.02 W all 4 5.90 4 5.90 DC 2 .5 h H GG 44. 96 .3h 4 5.90 GG 4 5.87 4 5.79 4 5.73 Pave d I/R1 4 5.10 45. 77 45. 92 46. 03 CL 45 .86 4 5.75 4 5.62 Box 3h 45. 86 4 5.92 TV MH 4 5.70 LP Pa v ed l 2. Pave d 4 5.74 Pa ved 45. 93 45. 81 4 5.73 4 5.68 4 5.60 4 5.57 45. 55 45. DC 4 4.25 bbles Co d werbe 2.5h oarding H 1h Wall 1h ll1 h Wall Wa UC 4 5.02 44. 93 4 5.59 4 5.44 Co nc rete LP I/R 4 5. 33 1.8 h 45. 08 4 5.97 4 5.79 4 5.70 4 5.66 45. 64 FP 4 5.57 45. 41 5h 45. 11 45. 03 BO LP BO 44. 52 4 4.63 45. 61 4 5.40 I /R1.8 45. 32 h 4 5.12 4 5.01 CL 45 .07 4 5.35 4 4 5.26 MH CL 45 .08 IC 4 5.80 LP CL 45.71 45. 89 RS 45. 58 2. 4 4.93 CL 45 .10 45. 93 45. 76 45. 66 Asp h alt 45. 61 Pa ved I /R1.8h 45. 30 45. 27 ER 45. 04 4 5.07 MH IC 45. 84 4 5.87 4 5.95 45. 65 4 5.29 45. 31 45. 11 Wa 45.1 DP 4 5.15 45. 18 4 5.21 4 4.99 4 4.77 LP RS Pa ved 45. 10 4 5.05 4 5.04 45. 04 DC 44. 96 44. 59 45. 08 4 5.07 4 5.05 45. 09 44. 69 4 4.26 4 5.13 45. 13 45. 00 45. 67 GG 4 5.71 4 5.74 4 5.95 4 5.95 FP 45. 76 45. 33 ding Hoar 44. 53 44. 64 4 5.01 4 5.03 45.01 45. 01 4 5.09 44. 43 CL 45 .12 4 5.06 RS DC 4 5.01 44. 99 4 4.99 44. 76 45. 97 MH CL 45 .80 BP FP 45. 61 Pave d U K 10 h 4 5.23 S/Birch 5 h 4 5.03 4 5.08 4 5.00 C on c 4 4.44 1h Wall S /Birch 5h 45. 14 Co nc 4 5.10 GG 4 4.98 BO LP BO 44. 33 Wall 19 45. 4 5.07 4 5.10 45. 19 LP 45. 15 4 5.04 4 5.03 44. 75 44. 67 44. 59 4 5.63 MH CL 45 .53 4 5.26 45. 11 MH Asp h alt 4 5.77 RS RS 45. 65 45. 87 4 5.80 MH CL 45 .75 45. 71 45. 74 4 5.75 RS 4 5.66 MH CL 45.75 45. 97 4 5.62 4 5.61 45. 61 4 5.51 4 5.68 45. 77 45. 83 45. 80 WM 45. 89 I/R 2.5 h 45. 69 4 5.74 45. 73 45. 66 4 5.77 LP 4 5.59 45. 61 45. 48 4 5.66 45. 60 45. 28 45. 26 Asp h alt 45. 07 4 5.13 TC GG 4 5.45 45. 81 1.8h 45.81 lis 4 5.79 G ra ss 45. 78 Pa vin g Wa ll 1h 45. 89 45. 77 PO 4 5.68 4 5.55 45. 59 45. 55 45. 64 4 5.96 TV 4 5.73 45. 76 45. 67 Tre LP LP GG 4 5.73 45. 91 LP 45. 88 GG 4 5.74 4 5.96 RS 4 5.59 45. 58 45. 47 4 5.80 TC C on c 45. 09 Pa ved 45. 04 45. 07 CL 45 .09 44. 62 LP CL 45 .65 4 5.70 45. 80 45. 91 45. 89 45. 79 CL 45.73 IC A sph a lt MH CL 45 .79 45. 82 4 5.81 45. 77 4 5.76 IC 4 5.66 50. 15 4 5.31 45. 26 4 5.09 4 5.88 GG 4 5.70 45. 84 A sph a lt 4 5.73 4 5.57 4 5.65 Fla t Roo f 4 5.68 4 5.29 TV 4 5.75 4 5.58 4 5.81 4 5.82 4 5.18 45. 11 GG 45. 10 2.5h GG 4 4.95 45.16 CL 45.08 MH 4 4.56 44. 67 g 4 5.25 4 5.03 MH GG 4 5.03 44. 78 4 4.57 Map le 6 h C on cre te He lip ad rdin 45. 13 4 5.07 45. 09 4 5.07 44. 71 4 4.69 FP Hoa 44. 98 45. 26 4 5.17 4 5.03 45. 25 BO LP BO 45. 09 IC CL 45.36 45. 30 4 5.34 45. 31 4 5.18 CL 45.09 45. 02 4 5.07 1h 44.89 4 5.24 CL 44.85 4 4.79 CL 44.83 4 4.53 U K 8h MH CL 44.74 45. 20 MH 4 5.04 4 4.99 4 5.08 4 5.18 Sap ilng 45. 18 GG 44. 99 4 5.12 4 6.09 4 5.81 45. 66 4 5.53 4 5.46 FL THL 45. 08 4 5.22 S /Birch 5h 45. 12 Pa ved 4 5.12 45. 86 45. 73 4 5.86 45. 81 G ra ss 4 5.67 4 5.64 45. 38 45.05 4 5.24 S/Birch 5 h LP 45. 23 45. 19 4 5.12 MH L ime 8 h CL 45 .22 45. 12 45. 02 4 4.67 44. 29 MH Co n ta in er 4 5.03 4 5.06 LP 4 5.24 4 4.60 C he rr y 8h 44. 65 45. 04 45. 02 4 5.28 45. 33 GG 45. 17 4 5.05 MH 44. 69 44. 81 44. 81 44. 66 4 5.34 P aving 45. 09 4 5.08 1h 45. 01 GG 45. 02 4 5.32 4 5.35 45. 34 Wall 45.17 4 4.71 44. 62 45. 38 45.25 45. 15 4 5.34 45. 40 4 5.34 4 5.22 45. 13 44. 82 I/R 1 h 45. 45 IC CL 45 .36 45. 33 4 5.35 CL 45 .39 45. 04 44. 77 44. 54 4 5.09 4 5.27 4 5.38 MH GG 45. 00 BO 44. 84 2.5h 45. 40 1h CL 45 .30 CL 45 .25 45. 06 LP 44. 82 44. 76 4 5.37 ing 4 5.14 LP 46. 19 Sapling 45. 69 LP 45. 68 IC CL 45.67 4 5.66 DR CL 45 .47 Roo 1.5h Wall 0.5h 45.35 MH MH 45. 08 BO h 4 4.77 44. 74 4 5.05 Main Reception IC Hoard 45. 27 4 5.06 I/R1 4 4.87 Concr ete Ra mp 4 5.40 G ra ss 45. 05 GG 4 4.98 CL 45.10 PO CL 45.31 45. 12 45. 09 LP 44. 88 44. 58 CL 45 .06 CL 45 .07 MH MH 45. 30 CL 45.69 4 5.62 4 5.61 MH MH 45. 11 4 5.24 4 5.28 4 5.06 44. 93 44. 79 44. 57 45. 09 45. 11 45. 19 45. 28 45. 31 45. 08 4 4.99 4 4.87 44. 71 h 4 5.56 45. 40 45. 68 45. 13 4 5.25 45. 28 45. 11 Co n ta in er Tac 45. 23 45. 01 4 4.70 GG 4 4.54 I/R 1 45. 24 4 5.20 45. 26 45. 17 45. 05 45.49 CL 45 .27 4 5.07 4 5.35 45. 41 45. 32 45. 35 4 5.36 4 5.39 45. 38 4 5.09 44. 54 4 5.51 4 5.25 MH 4 5.17 45. 39 Wall 4 5.07 IC CL 45 .69 45. 21 4 5.16 45. 25 LP 4 5.44 4 5.40 45.1 9 4 5.08 45. 41 45. 56 45. 21 4 5.21 4 5.25 EC 4 5.32 CL 45.31 FH 45. 39 d 4 5.45 45. 38 CL 45 .04 4 5.03 GG 4 5.04 ave B/P CL 45 .39 4 5.34 4 5.22 45. 10 45. 45. 06 19 MH LP 1.4h BO 4 4.66 Hed ge H/R MH 45. 16 PO 4 5.10 C onc CL 45.30 MH 45. 39 BO Sap ilng 4 5.39 BO BO 45. 12 4 5.11 H 45. 24 MH End 46. 12 CL 46 .00 Pave d BO RS BO 4 5.12 45. 01 Varies 46. 90 MH 4 5.42 45. 24 45. 11 45. 11 4 5.24 4 4.93 Wall 46. 00 46. 12 Sapling 4 5.35 4 5.31 1.5h Sap ilng 4 5.16 I/R 4 5.37 45. 39 4 5.02 c WSP Group plc 44 .56 45 .05 BO GG BO LP 45. 08 Co nc rete CL 44 .83 4 4.9 8 IC 4 4.42 45 .20 BO 4 5.13 4 4.9 8 ge Hoa rding BO 44 .93 4 4.65 MH 4 4.4 9 4 5.11 4 4.5 9 CL 44 .54 4 4.6 5 MH 44 .95 .5h n i g2 4 5.13 4 4.9 4 44 .91 44. 95 CL 44.73 4 4.95 4 4.9 2 RS 44. 93 rbed BO A sph a lt we LP BO 44 .89 44. 93 44. 93 4 4.91 MH 44.91 44. 89 ge CL 44.38 44.80 4 4.6 5 4 4.5 1 44 .98 4 4.85 S alt 44 .91 4 4.87 44 .63 44. 50 4 4.6 4 KE EP 44 .84 CLE AR 44. 60 43 .45 GG 44. 74 4 5.08 44 .88 4 4.80 44. 92 45. 07 C on cre te 4 4.8 0 4 4.87 Co nc rete Uk 5 h 44 .69 4 4.69 4 4.41 45 .03 4 4.87 4 5.07 4 4.5 1 4 4.3 5 4 4.8 8 44. 88 4 4.86 43 .49 4 4.50 G ra ss LP 44 .86 44 .85 4 5.05 4 4.77 4 4.76 Ma ple 5h P aving 4 4.76 MH Tac 43 .58 45 .04 44. 88 GG 4 4.77 44 .87 G ra ss 4 4.56 Pave d Ma ple 5h 44 .11 4 3.7 2 44. 90 4 4.75 Clot he s Ba nk 44 .92 44 .90 4 4.85 4 4.91 LP 44 .92 P aving LP 44 .83 CL 44 .82 SI C ab ine t 44 .88 4 4.72 4 4.5 2 4 4.5 1 43 .88 4 4.8 3 MH RS CL 44.90 44 .61 44. 40 44 .94 4 4.9 1 MH 44 .50 Map le 5 h 44 .42 43 .83 44 .23 4 4.87 CL 44 .84 4 4.87 4 4.5 0 4 3.7 0 43 .96 MH CL 44 .84 IC 44 .77 44. 68 Asp h alt 44. 39 4 4.8 4 44. 69 44. 68 LP 4 4.89 44. 91 Hed MH 44 .27 4 3.8 2 43 .44 GG CL 44.94 0.5h 4 4.5 9 4 4.9 0 UC F lo 44 .66 4 4.4 9 VP PO 4 3.3 2 bs 4 4.8 9 MH CL 44 .59 44. 39 44 .50 PO Ma ple 5h 43 .73 45. 16 44. 99 4 4.94 44. 96 dHu mp MH 4 4.4 8 LP 4 4.3 1 4 3.9 9 43 .31 4 5.1 1 45. 04 4 4.9 8 4 4.2 0 43 .93 43 .66 4 3.3 3 44. 97 4 4.9 6 BO S pee 4 4.5 1 43 .88 4 4.9 2 44. 93 BO h 45 .07 45 .05 Ta c 4 4.97 44. 97 CL 44.54 44. 40 4 3.8 4 45. 15 GG 4 4.92 Hoar BO d ni g 2. 5 RS RS 44 .96 CL 44.80 MH 4 5.0 0 BO 4 5.05 4 4.9 4 MH BO 44 .49 4 5.1 1 BO Pave d 44 .96 4 4.9 9 BO LP 4 4.6 5 4 3.9 4 Ma ple 5h 44. 94 BO GG 4 4.93 LP 43 .85 4 5.2 0 44. 93 4 4.95 BO LP 44. 95 44 .93 4 4.6 4 44 .48 44 .35 4 4.95 GG 4 4.95 44. 97 BO 45 .07 44 .57 44. 38 44 .51 44. 97 4 4.95 4 4.9 9 CL 44.57 Map le 5 h 4 4.1 6 Asp h alt BO MH CL 45 .11 4 3.7 6 G oa l 4 5.12 Pa vin g R ema in s o f p a vin g GG 4 4.95 44 .93 BO LP BO 45. 03 44. 94 44 .97 CL 44.73 4 4.1 0 45 .12 2. 5h 44. 41 GG 4 4.39 4 4.5 2 43 .57 43 .42 l ing 2.5h 45 .06 MH PO 43 .96 44 .95 4 5.0 1 45. 05 4 3.5 1 4 3.4 4 45 .00 44. 99 H oard 0 .8h 45 .02 45 .15 44 .93 4 4.6 6 44 .51 44 .35 LP 4 4.9 5 CL 44 .83 44 .67 4 4.5 9 SI 4 4.0 1 45. 07 MH 4 4.69 4 4.55 45 .14 P aving 4 5.0 0 4 4.9 3 BO LP BO Asp h alt 44 .65 4 4.5 9 4 5.1 0 Pa ved e Shru 4 4.70 4 4.58 44 .68 LP 45.09 45. 10 4 5.0 5 4 4.94 CL 44.79 Pa ved Map le 5 h o f wa 45 .01 2.5h GG 4 4.93 MH 44 .68 4 4.5 7 44 .52 44 .11 44 .00 a ins 45 .12 4 4.9 3 CL 44 .91 44.81 43 .92 43 .69 10 CL 45 .09 CL 45 .10 Hed MH 44 .65 4 4.99 IC BO IC 4 4.9 6 43 .61 Rem 4 5.14 BO BO 1h 44 .78 4 4.6 0 4 4.56 GG 4 5.02 4 5.0 5 CL 45.07 Wall CL 44.61 4 4.52 44 .63 IC CL 45.06 Ha rd co re 4 5.1 5 MH BO 44. 95 44.99 4 4.8 2 MH 4 4.4 9 45 .11 CL 45.07 4 5.0 6 4 5.1 6 2.5h LP GG 4 4.93 45 .06 GG 44. 39 4 4.38 Hoard IC Hoar d ing CL 45.02 CL 45.02 L arg erbe d Flow 4 4.40 LP 45. 13 A sph a lt 4 5.0 8 CL 45.09 4 5.09 MH MH 4 4.94 44. 91 4 4.97 IC BO BO 4 4.94 4 4.8 5 4 4.73 Pa vin g 45 .04 BO 44. 95 45 .00 4 4.91 4 4.9 8 4 4.5 1 Ma ple 5h 4 5.0 6 Asp h alt 45 .03 4 4.8 6 44. 93 4 4.2 8 45 .04 MH CL 45.13 BO 45 .04 Pave d 44. 75 4 4.8 7 4 4.2 3 45 .10 4 5.1 1 Pa ved BO 44 .99 LP 4 4.93 4 4.8 6 4 4.6 5 44 .87 43 .74 R ema in s o f p a vin g BO 45 .06 4 4.7 8 4 4.5 7 44 .48 4 5.1 6 45. 10 4 4.93 44. 92 4 4.71 44. 68 4 4.5 1 43 .88 4 5.07 S ub -Sta tion CL 45.10 44 .86 Asp h alt 4 4.8 3 4 4.6 7 44 .50 44. 39 LP Plan te r 45 .20 MH BO BO CL 44 .94 4 4.5 7 Map le 5 h BO 44. 95 4 4.1 4 45 .11 4 5.0 9 4 5. 0.4h Hed ge 44.92 MH 44 .66 44 .48 GG 4 4.94 l 1.8h 44 .53 44 .32 4 4.2 4 44 .09 4 5.0 6 4 4.9 7 4 4.92 BO 45 .11 4 5.21 P ane BO LP BO Asp h alt 45. 10 Co nc rete Pa ved 45. 11 45 .09 4 5.1 9 rding SI 44 .11 45 .09 LP 45.04 4 4.4 7 4 5.1 0 45 .14 ST0 1 45 .11 BO 45.08 BO 44. 93 44. 42 4 3.7 8 45 .24 45 .24 44 .63 LP 43 .94 4 5.11 4 5.1 3 45. 09 BO 44 .93 44 .55 4 5.0 8 45 .18 4 5.09 BO Map le 5 h 44. 42 Pave d LP 45 .18 EC C on cre te 45 .12 BO UC CL 44.90 4 4.3 3 4 4.2 8 43 .69 4 5.0 7 GG 4 4.94 4 4.94 MH 4 4.6 4 44 .48 45 .08 BO 4 4.9 8 BO 4 4.3 5 4 4.13 43 .88 0 45.1 C on c 7 45.0 1 45.1 4 5.27 BO CL 44 .99 44 .91 BO LP THL 45 .37 S ub sta tion Fla t Ro of 48 .58 BO MH 44 .57 45 .18 45 .30 45 .32 45 .05 4 5.0 6 7 45.1 43 .93 4 4.94 4 5.11 Pave d 4 5.02 4 4.4 7 2.5h 45. 06 LP 44 .64 44 .52 4 4.92 4 5.08 BO 45 .05 4 4.93 44 .97 4 4.6 5 44. 42 4 3.8 5 4 5.3 3 45. 31 BO 4 4.90 44 .90 4 4.2 9 4 5.3 6 4 5.0 3 rding Hoa BO 4 4.9 5 GG 44 .65 4 4.4 6 Map le 5 h 4 5.1 2 GG Hoa rd ni g 2.5h BO BO 4 4.5 4 4 4.4 7 4 5.4 3 Re ma ins of pa ving BO 4 4.8 9 BO LP 44. 44 44 .53 7 45.0 BO 4 4.92 44 .93 CL 44.83 4 4.6 4 Ma ple 5h LP 4 5.3 0 S /Birch 12 h 4 5.0 3 4 4.8 7 IC 44 .48 44 .96 45. 04 GG 4 4.90 44 .54 4 4.4 1 Hoa 4 4.43 44 .44 44 .09 10 44 .27 44 .16 44 .07 G oa l LP CL 44 .54 44 .16 S/Birch 5 h 4 5.17 44. 97 44 .82 4 4.8 6 45. 22 S/Birch 5 h 4 3.7 3 44 .99 4 4.76 45. 11 4 4.82 U K 5h 4 3.8 1 A spha lt UK 5 h G ra ss 44. 83 4 3.7 4 4 4.74 MH 0 .1 Ø 44. 41 CL 44.76 IL 4 4.36 44 .85 4 3.2 3 44 .76 45 .17 Pa vin g 44. 99 45. 07 4 5.33 45. 25 SI 44. 71 4 5.3 3 44 .81 44.7 8 43 .45 Asp h alt 44 .91 BO 4 4.9 1 GG SI C ricke t p itch 43 .56 4 4.75 44 .82 44. 70 44 .15 4 3.9 0 4 3.3 5 43 .15 44. 88 4 4.75 Tac 4 4.0 9 43 .79 44.8 2 4 3.1 3 45. 38 Asp h alt 4 5.46 ER ST09 4 5.1 3 4 4.78 45 .35 4 5.4 3 4 4.89 GG 45. 54 Plan te r 4 4.7 8 4 4.20 43 .52 4 5.5 0 P la n ter 44. 67 44 .05 4 2.9 8 44. 61 44. 05 44 .19 RL 53 .98 M esh 3h 4 4.1 8 Alde r 1 0h TC 44. 01 44 .09 4 4.14 4 4.1 4 P aving BO 4 4.2 5 4 4.2 4 Con crete 4 4.1 2 4 4.34 CL 44 .33 l wa 1.2h 4 4. 39 lin e line ye l ble ye l ow Dou il ne lin e P aving te Co ncre Pa ving 1.8h te Co ncre Pa ving Step 4 9.6 7 d 49 .45 Flo we rbe 1.6h P aving 4 9.4 0 W all 49 .33 49 2 . 9 Ste p Ste p 49 .00 4 8.8 1 Step 4 9.1 9 49 .14 4 9.02 49 .05 4 9.0 9 Step d Flo we rbe Step 4 8.9 6 4 8.93 48 .93 48 .92 d RS 4 9.16 4 9.4 0 49 .43 49. 65 49. 20 4 9.7 3 49. 43 RS A sph a lt Dr wa n Ro 49 .78 halt 49 .32 RS G rit LP 4 9.5 3 49. 15 4 9.2 4 49 .26 4 9.14 4 9.3 0 4 9.77 4 9.8 7 BO Co nc rete 4 8.88 V eg eta tion 2h C/B EL 53 .66 1 .8h 4 8.6 6 DR 48 .69 DP 4 8.3 3 46. 74 G ra ss 4 7.97 4 8.1 7 BO 4 9.1 8 4 9.18 MH 49 .25 49 .29 49 .17 C on cre te 4 8.7 9 49 .27 RS 4 9.2 6 GG 4 9.12 BO 4 8.7 8 48 .66 48. 62 48 .81 48 .77 49. 13 4 9.2 3 WM 49 .25 GG 4 9.13 4 9.2 7 48. 78 RS 4 9.20 4 8.8 7 4 9.16 BO 4 50. BO 50 .12 49. 99 BO GG RS 5 0.1 3 G ra ss BO 49. 19 As 49 .34 5 0.0 0 BO 50 .27 BO LP 50. 14 BO 50. 23 BO BO BO BO 4 9.3 6 5 0.0 0 4 9.91 BO CL 49.69 49 .24 BO BO G G 4 9.12 48.8 1 EL 5 3.6 8 BO 4 9.13 49 .21 4 9.11 GG 4 9.14 LP 49. 10 RL 56 .99 5 0.0 4 IC 4 9.2 3 BO BO 49 .21 4 9.10 48 .81 G ra ss Uk 1 2h CL 49.19 4 9.12 Dea d G ra ss RL 56 .99 THL 4 8.9 0 EL 53 .68 BO 4 9.2 2 CL 49 .05 CL 49 .04 rbe d 4 8.6 4 48. 28 BO 49 .81 GG 49. 39 A sph a lt 1 .5h 4 8.22 C onc rete 4 6.8 3 4 9.2 1 4 8.98 49. 04 4 9.06 C /L 47. 71 4 7.7 1 49 .93 49 .34 49. 24 4 9.27 G ra ss Ma ple 2h IC IC Un ab le to sur vey du e n o ac cess Priva te Ga rd en 4 7.6 4 4 7.7 1 46. 59 4 9.2 9 4 9.02 4 9.16 4 7.3 2 4 7.1 4 49 .85 BO WM 4 49 .43 Asp 49. 26 TC ph ive 49 .39 TP G ra ss 30m CL 49.13 WM 49. 06 4 9.12 4 8.87 49 .60 49. 58 A sph a tl 3 0 mp h ye GG 4 9.5 8 CL 49.53 4 9.60 4 9.26 Pine 10 h 4 6.78 MH 4 9.3 6 . 3W 0.5 h 4 9.0 2 C/L line l ow 4 8.87 47. 47 46. 95 4 6.9 6 GG 4 9.48 4 9.4 8 MP RS 4 9.33 4 9.4 7 G ra ss CL 48.94 48 .90 4 8.87 G ra ss 4 8.7 5 46 .86 4 6.8 7 4 9.47 49. 29 49 .33 G ra ss MH Flo we 4 8.8 7 rb ed 4 8.9 2 S tep s 2 .5 h 1.8h Hed oub LP 46. 89 46. 76 4 9.6 0 A sph a lt 4 9.43 48 .90 4 8.8 5 THL 47 .70 UC 46 .85 Fla t Ro of 52 .21 AB 46 .84 G ra ss Fla t Roo f 50 .93 48 .86 46 .88 46 .90 4 6.78 4 9.22 49. 47 DR RL 56 .94 h 4 8.61 48 .73 G ra ss 4 6.7 6 49 49 .51 4 9.5 6 MH A sph a lt 4 8.79 4 6.88 FH 4 9.47 4 9.43 4 9.4 4 49. 48 WM Flo we rbe EL 53 .87 RL 56 .90 C /B 1.8 48. 71 4 8.7 5 47. 43 ST0 5 46. 88 1.2h MP 49 .59 LP 4 9.4 8 G ra ss 4 8.9 8 49 .07 Step 48. 10 4 7.0 6 GG CL 46 .97 Co nc rete re d ble line yellow uble Do C/B t. Wall Re 2.5h C/L ilne re d ble Dou t. Wall Re 1.8h C/B 2.5h C/L t.Wa ll Re 2.5h C/L ll 1.8 h C/B h 1 .8 h 1 .8 Wall Wall 2.5h Un ab le to surve y d ue n o ac ce ss P riv ate Ga rd en 4 7.2 5 46. 91 4 6.84 RS I/R CL 47 .14 Map le 1 5h Ma ple 15 h WM 46. 91 MH Re Doub le red t.Wa l Re h 1.8 C/B h l 1.5 Wa 1h Wall ble Dou Wall yello Dou ble il ne red .Wa ble Dou et. R 2.5h C/L MH 46. 64 4 6.61 4 6.6 3 Dou gle Sin 1.8h 1h nil e w yello ble 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall 1.8h ge 1h Hed Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h G ra ss 4 7.0 7 1h 46 .62 ER 4 9.6 3 Ma ple 15 h 4 9.27 CL 49 .15 4 8.8 9 46. 92 ge 46.58 U na b le to su rve y d ue n o a cce ss Priva te Ga rd en EC D RS 4 7.0 4 MP UC 46. 88 Fla t Roo f 51 .26 4 4.40 MH CL 44 .40 Fla t Roo f 8 6.5 2 wline 1h Wall ll 1h Wa 1h 1.8h Wall edge H 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall e1. 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h 1h Wall 1h RL 54 .31 4 4.50 C/B 0.2h I/R 0.2h 0.2h I /R 0.2h IR / 0.2h 0.2h I/R 1h Wall 1h 1h Wall 1h Wall 1h Wall 8h line ye low le Doub Conc WM 4 4.50 44 .33 4 4.2 9 WM 49. 21 MH 4 9.23 C/L 4 7.09 46. 89 d GG 43. 68 Rail e ramp ncret ToW 44 .33 Ret. Rail0 4 6.7 5 Pave 43 .68 4 4.3 3 IC IC 44 .32 4 7.09 Re t .Wall G ra ss SI 43.69 DC 4 4.29 To W Co .6h 4 6.3 9 S tep s 44 .28 4 4.3 2 CL 48 .97 G ra ss 49 .05 48. 95 Rowan Drive THL 4 6.4 1 Ca bin 4 4.3 4 4 4.3 1 Ca bin LP 44 .18 LP G ra ss 46 .87 46. 70 4 6.8 0 G ra ss 4 9.2 3 MH 4 8.9 8 DR 4 8.9 2 4 8.9 3 48. 88 4 7.1 2 4 7.29 Flowe 4 4.3 2 44. 33 Co nc rete 4 4.1 0 0.2h I/R 2 46.6 0.2h I/R 4 6.32 h ll 1.6 Wa 5 16 46. re te Asp h alt 46. 99 47 .01 4 9.63 49. 22 47. 03 RE A sph a lt 49. 57 UC 4 9.30 4 7.00 UK 1 0h 4 9.6 6 4 9.6 2 4 9.26 Fla t Ro of 52 .14 EL 5 3.9 8 4 6.71 4 6.3 6 Ste p 46 .38 44 .25 GG 4 4.1 0 EL 5 3.8 7 4 7.28 4 7.1 4 48. 92 46 .98 4 9.6 6 4 9.63 4 7.1 5 TC GG G ra ss S tump 4 9.50 4 9.38 49 .08 4 8.9 8 Un ab le to sur vey du e n o ac cess 49. 65 WM Asp h alt 49 .41 49. 46 P riv ate G a rde n A sph a lt GG C on cre te 49 .77 4 9.63 G ra ss 4 9.3 7 4 9.1 3 Asp h alt 48 .98 47. 07 LP 4 7.1 4 G ra ss 4 3.96 47 .22 49 .81 49 .56 4 8.94 4 9.09 47 .23 G ra ss S /Che stn u t 15 h MH EL 54 .18 4 8.9 7 48 .94 49 .00 DR 4 7.22 47. 08 4 9. 4 9.82 WM CL 49 .44 RL 57 .25 FL 49. 32 DP 4 9.1 7 DR EL 53 .92 THL 49 .25 RL 56 .93 A sh 1 2h 49 49. 86 4 9.8 6 49 .82 4 9.78 Wa ll 1.5 h IC I C CL 44.31 4 4.2 9 4 4.31 f line of lin e ye llo ncrete Co e Co ncret 0.7h Wall 46.2 l 0. 8h Pave d 46.22 46.2 CL 44 .31 44 .30 Ro I /R w iln e 0.7h Wall ncrete Co 1.6h Wall 0.7h Wall 0.7h Wall 1.5h I /R H/Ra ltel II C C CL 44.35 4 4.36 44 .24 4 8.78 48. 20 4 9.8 9 A sph a lt 4 9.8 8 49 .80 49 .74 G ra ss 49 .72 48. 98 4 8.8 3 G ra ss 49 .43 4 9.3 9 49 .29 Ste p 49 .15 G ra ss 4 8.84 4 7.12 47 .17 4 9.3 7 L OH EL 54 .14 4 9.21 49 .08 4 8.8 9 48. 74 48. 69 te 47. 12 46. 85 Tower Block line Co ncret e ble ncret e Co h ll 0.7 Wa re te Conc S alt A sh 6 h 4 6.7 7 Co bb les 46. 94 46. 29 EL 5 3.6 3 WE 44.2 7 BO Salt f line Roo 1.5h 1h H/R Conc re t e 0.8h Wa ub le Bik li 0.6h Wall IC BO 43. 97 IC CL 44.12 4 6.8 0 46. 74 4 4.32 Ca bin BO ER 44 .06 CL 44 .09 44 .05 44 .12 44 .27 1h 4 6.7 5 4 6.77 46. 66 I L 41.66 44. 02 4 4.02 44 .19 4 4.0 8 MH 0 .3 Ø 44 .10 46 .61 Wall 46. 59 G ra ss 49 .25 4 9.0 3 49. 01 A sph a lt 4 9.29 CL 49.43 Co nc rete 4 8.8 7 48 .70 Co ncre DR 49 .53 52 .48 4 9.3 0 49 .29 4 9.2 7 4 9.0 2 Map le 1 0h 48. 67 C /L 1.5h WM MH U k M 10 h 4 8.61 4 8.7 3 V eg eta tion 3h C /L 1.5h 49 .87 4 9.8 0 48. 64 Ve ge tat io n 3 h G ra ss CL 49 .85 OHL 49 .77 4 9.3 0 4 9.2 7 RL 57 .27 4 9.01 48. 64 C /L 1.5h 47 .40 LP 4 7.4 1 THL 4 9.6 0 EL 5 4.2 0 EL 5 4.2 3 1.8 h rete G ra ss 4 7.4 0 4 7.36 4 7.19 4 7.04 le 4 3.98 BO G ra ss 4 6.5 8 PO IC 44.82 31 Ste ps 4 4.3 0 44 .30 44 .06 4 4.0 6 4 4.0 7 NB 4 4.0 6 S yca mo re 11 h 4 4.1 7 RL 52 .25 44 .10 4 4.0 7 43. 81 Alde r 7 h 4 4.1 3 4 4.04 4 6.49 Un ma de G rou nd C on cre te CL 46 .31 4 6.3 3 Co nc rete 4 4.0 8 44. 07 44 .10 44 .06 44 .08 4 6.32 4 6.4 0 U K 12 h 4+ 44. 06 4 3.96 46 .61 46 .43 46. 42 CL 46.33 IC CL 46.32 44 .82 44 .56 C onc PO IC O HL 49 .44 C /B 4 8.36 4 7.23 4 7.31 C on cre te 49 .36 DP 49 .43 FL 4 9.39 THL 49 .57 Ste p 49. 28 C on cre te 48 .72 4 9.6 5 49 .67 RL 57 .47 4 9.23 CL 47.33 4 7.19 CL 49.75 4 9.6 8 4 9.2 2 48 .85 4 7.2 9 GG CL 46.27 44 .32 4 9.3 3 DP 49 .29 4 9.16 Uk 7 h U k 8h MH 47 .33 46. 97 44. 4 4.2 8 4 4.05 S hru bs Do u ble ye llow lin es A sh 1 2h RS 4 6.6 6 4 6.6 3 IC Fla t Ro of 50 .14 44 .45 C ab in 4 4.0 6 Be ech 11 h Alde r 1 0h 44 .07 44. 03 4 4.1 5 46 .65 46 .45 46. 21 46 .33 ER SV 4 4.2 6 Alde r 1 3h 44 .15 RS 4 4.0 3 LP 43. 97 4 4.0 8 Alde r 1 1h TC G ra ss 4 4.1 0 4 4.03 4 4.1 5 4 4.1 9 EL 5 1.1 7 4 6.6 6 49. 32 4 9.27 rete U k 7h 4 8.88 4 8.8 1 48. 18 4 6.16 44 .34 4 4.2 8 4 4.1 1 l 0. 4 3.97 4 4.1 2 Asp h alt 45. 35 4 4.94 46 .68 46 .46 MH Fla t ro o f le ve l 50 .04 IC li 1 .2 h Ret. wa l 44 .12 44. 03 RS 4 4.0 9 rete Top o f fe nce I /R 2 h To p of fen ce C/B 2h 46 .70 46 .50 46 .2 6 En d UC 4 6.30 CL 44 .32 4 4.01 4 3.99 4 4.0 0 G ra ss 44 .16 4 4.1 2 4 4.03 4 4.2 0 Conc UK 8 h 44. 70 4 6.3 4 GG 4 6.14 4 6.16 CL 44 .31 44 .24 Asp h alt 44 .27 A sph a lt UC 47 .28 46. 09 4 6.1 5 4 6.15 ER Ra 44.05 4 4.0 2 4 4.0 8 42. 68 4 6.7 0 CL 46 .12 CL 46 .12 46. 13 4 6.17 96 .86 orm A sh 1 1h S/B 1 2h 4 4.00 4 4.1 7 4 0.20 4 4.3 9 46 .71 46 .17 MH MH Pa ved 46 .32 4 6.3 5 4 6.3 2 WE GG 4 7.21 GG G 49 . OHL 4 9.7 3 MH EL 54 .35 THL 49 .81 49 .20 G ra ss C onc 49. 08 4 8.94 1 .5h 4 8.8 2 U k 8h 4 6.20 46 .34 P ara p et le ve l Platf 42. 66 4 3.98 4 6.5 5 4 6.2 2 TC 4 9.16 48 .99 C /L THL 4 9.7 5 EL 54 .37 49. 32 .5h 4 9.1 2 4 8.9 5 PO 48 .94 4 8.94 4 8.91 Ve ge tat io n 2 h 4 8.70 GG 47. 23 47. 32 ER C /L 1 G ra ss Co nc rete 48. 78 4 7.4 1 A sh 1 0h 4 7.26 49 49 .79 49 .72 IC CL 49 .78 G ra ss 44 .11 4 4.0 4 41. 09 4 4.4 2 MH 4 4.1 5 4 4.00 44 .09 4 2.29 44 .09 46 .75 46 .25 46 .16 4 6.27 Co l. ER 44. 02 44 .03 4 4.0 4 44 .09 43. 93 42. 62 44 .17 TC 4 6.3 4 4 6.33 Fla t Roo f 92 .30 w ilne A ld er 13 h 46 .59 4 6.7 2 4 6.0 9 Tower Block ye lo 4 3.86 Alde r 1 3h 4 6.4 8 ER FRL l be 44. 01 44 .10 44 .07 43. 98 4 6.8 0 46 .46 Dou 4 4.1 3 40. 48 4 0.3 6 O ak 1 5h LP 44 .09 4 3.94 IC CL 44.03 AB 4 4.0 5 43. 96 4 6.8 7 46 .84 46 .45 4 6.1 7 ER 44 .37 Co nc rete 4 4.0 4 43 .97 G ra ss 4 3.89 43 .98 43. 99 DR 46 .01 4 6.17 Ste p 44 .09 4 3.93 TC 44 .07 Flo we rbe d 4 6.27 4 6.3 5 4 6.2 1 4 4.4 4 46 .69 46 .57 4 6.6 3 4 6.7 7 Fla t Roo f 8 6.5 3 43. 91 Ash 12 h Syca mor e 1 1h 4 2.69 G ra ss 46 .25 52 .69 EL 54 .41 4 9.4 5 PO Ve ge tat io n 2 h G ra ss 4 7.32 47. 36 4 9.5 5 DR 4 9.5 4 DP 49 .50 THL 49 .73 49. 24 .5h C on ifer 10 h 4 8.65 47. 35 4 7.4 2 4 7.31 G ra ss WM 46 .91 46 .60 4 6.12 Flo we rbe d 4 6.2 0 4 4.3 8 46 .94 4 6.5 2 GG 46 .13 46 .15 MH 4 6.49 4 6.7 5 Flo we rbe d 4 6.1 2 4 6.2 6 FL Co nc rete 4 6.6 2 46 .25 46 .10 45 .86 4 6.26 46 .96 46 .46 4 6.22 4 6.3 1 Sa lt 46 .19 4 6.20 Pave d 4 6.1 6 47. 37 Ash 8h C /L 1 U k 18 h 48 .92 46 .24 4 6.1 4 46.8 4 MP 4 4.1 0 4 3.91 4 4.0 1 44 .07 4 3.99 44 .12 44 .13 4 4.02 46. 15 4 6.1 0 CL 45.80 47 .48 47. 47 LP 47. 32 46 .34 4 42. 67 Syca mor e 1 1h Syca mor e 1 1h Syca mor e 1 1h 4 4.01 4 4.0 9 MH CL 44 .17 3h ncret e 45 .81 Flo we rb ed MH g 44 .00 A sh 1 3h L ime 9 h Stu mp Ash 10 h C on cre te LP Co 0.7h 45 .58 45 .58 4 5.7 0 47 .00 Wall H/R ER FL Fla t Ro of 86 .48 44 .38 46 .33 BO 45 .57 46 .26 46 .26 46 .30 FL sUp Wall Step 4 6.24 Wall 45 .54 Flo we rbe d 45. 60 1.5h l 0. 8h H/R 4 6.28 Wa 46 .27 Co l. Pave d 0.8h 46 .24 ER Fla t Ro of 9 2.4 2 CL 44 .38 42. 66 A sph a lt 1h Wall 0.8h H/R CL 45.56 1.5h 47 .02 4 6.7 9 46 .10 46 .13 4 9.08 47 .56 4 7.41 47 .49 4 7.42 46 .72 4 6.7 0 BO Flo we rb ed MH 4 6.2 4 H/R 4 6.2 9 0.2h 1h l 1h 4 6.35 46 .35 DR 45 .52 Wall Up Wa 1 .5 ps 46.3 1 Fla t Ro of 10 2.8 6 MH 44 .08 A sh 1 2h 44 .12 44. 02 44 .19 M esh I /R 2h 44 .02 4 3.82 442. 2.60 60 4 4.0 6 GG 44. 01 R ailwa y DP 1h 0.8h gi ht h Ste Pa ved 4 6.2 9 46 .10 4 6.1 5 BO Flo we rb ed 4 5.5 5 CL 45 .61 CL 45 .64 G la s s We l 47 .09 4 7.0 6 47.0 4 Flo we rbe d 46 .15 4 6.3 4 45 .54 Wall 4 5.6 0 IC Wall I/R1h ei s Var 1h IC He Wall nes Wa 44.11 w lin es Sto 1h 70 44. ie s I/R P la n ter 46. 26 4 6.2 8 /IR 1h 46 .25 4 4.4 0 44 .42 4 4.3 7 42. 63 A cer 10 h 44 .10 43. 98 4 4.0 4 4 3.99 44 .13 2h t Var DR C on cre te CL 44 .37 44 .04 GG 43. 93 re te 4 2.54 4 3.97 40 .26 C/L 2h 40. 03 4 4.63 Heigh 4 5.8 4 4 5.6 3 4 6.0 7 V aries 46 .29 Tower Block 44 .08 4 4.09 CL 43 .94 CL 43 .64 4 0.2 6 46 .34 To p of brid ge 40. 18 To p of fen ce g i ht CL 46 .28 46 .28 4 4.1 6 ER 44 .01 RE MH MH 4 3.96 4 1.6 5 Ve ge ta tion Sma l Tre es 6h 4 2.67 Up 46 .26 Wa llHe ER GG A sh 1 2h G ra ss GG 43. 98 4 4.1 1 44 .15 40. 31 4 2.5 5 ps 4 6.2 6 Fla t Roo f 50 .13 Ste p 4 4.3 2 44 .06 P aving 44 .07 44 .11 42. 76 A sh 1 4h 4 2.40 Ace r 1 0h A cer 7h 44 .08 4 4.0 2 A sph a lt U K 15 h Top o f fe nce Ste 45. 21 1h 4 4.1 2 44 .11 4 3.95 10 Conc 44 .10 4 3.98 crete V eg e tat o i n Small Tr ees 6h 41. 04 45. 64 45. 18 H/R 9 2.4 0 R oo f ilne 4 3.93 4 3.92 A cer 9h 4 3.98 4 4.13 Con O ak 1 4h 4 6.2 8 46. 34 Pave d 4 4.1 5 RS 44 .08 4 2.7 0 A cer 9h 44 .08 2h 41. 58 41. 98 4 5.24 1.5h 4 5.24 45. 23 44 .87 Pave d h e She L im e 10 h 44. 07 C/L 40 .98 4 0.6 8 Pa vin g I/R ER IC 1 5. h 4 7.1 1 46 .91 4 6.8 6 GG 4 6.12 46 .34 4 6.1 5 Fla t Roo f 49 .98 4 4.1 4 4 4.1 0 44 .06 42. 82 44.06 A cer 9h 4 4.1 0 44 .03 S orb u s 4h 4 2.6 1 G ra ss 43.94 44. 07 41. 78 4 1.6 4 41. 56 2.5h CL 45 .27 45. 25 DC Fla t Roo f 5 0.3 3 CL 45.05 1 .5 Wall MH 4 4.8 6 44 .89 IC P/R 45 .24 46 .37 46 .35 46 .15 4 6.26 46 .38 4 6.3 7 46 .37 Willo w 16 h G ra ss 4 9.3 5 49. 14 LP ER 47 .40 4 9.4 1 OHL 4 7.53 46 .82 46 .21 4 6.3 5 4 6.11 DR 4 6.1 4 4 6.1 1 B rick s et ts 45. 26 4 5.43 DR 46 .35 P/R 46 .07 4 9.6 3 4 9.5 0 49 .65 C/B 1 .8h 49.59 4 9.1 8 47 .56 Asp h alt 46 .97 46 .36 CL 46.07 BO e DR CL 45.59 45 .61 45 .28 45. 26 CL 45.19 C on cre te ER BO rie s 45 .24 IC Ste p s Up IC EC 44 .98 4 4.9 9 I/R Heig DC ht Va ER 4 4.7 4 FL 4 6.1 7 Co ncret UK 3 h G ra ss PO 49 .51 49 .59 G ra ss PO FH G ra ss 4 6.8 6 Flo we rb ed 46. 22 CL 46 .23 46 .39 4 6.1 0 46 .10 IC 0.7h 4 6.1 3 re t e 0.7h 45 .52 MP 47 .04 47 .12 G ra ss CL 46 .71 Wall 4 6.0 9 46 .08 4 6.0 8 Conc Wall MH 4 6.3 8 CL 46 .73 CL 46.73 H olly 4 h Brick BO 45 .57 46 .30 4 6.28 IC 4 5.6 6 CL 45.56 Pa v ed A cer 8h 44 .09 + Ra 44. 00 4 4.0 1 4 3.88 4 4.1 0 4 4.08 Ace r 7 h 43. 96 4 4.0 3 A sph a lt LP 44 .10 S orb u s 13 h crete 43 .94 3h USB 44 .04 C/L 44 .86 4 5.25 45. 30 IC 4 5.6 4 4 5.5 6 MH CL 45 .46 li 1h lin es G ra ss 4 4.07 Con ST1 0 4 4.05 Mesh 44.11 CL 44.14 G ra ss Ace r 8 h 44 .05 4 4.05 Do ER MH 42. 78 4 3.89 Sa lt ye low 4 4.1 4 4 4.14 44 .14 G ra ss 4 3.93 4 4.0 2 4 3.92 44 .05 2h lin es 43. 77 MP UCs Co nc rete Pave d ER 45 .53 h MH 44.74 el ye llow 42 .52 43 .92 44. 10 FH 41 .61 40 .63 I/R1 G ra ss GG CL 44 .10 4 2.06 C/L I/R 1h Co nc rete CL 44.09 4 3.86 IC 7h 4 5.4 9 4 5.4 7 45 .25 Co nc rete 4 5.21 45 .14 DR 0.3h Con cre te CL 44.73 44. 78 45 .24 45 .30 4 4.1 3 Asp h alt IC 44. 02 0. 4 44 .01 44. 07 Dou 4 4.1 5 4 4.1 3 Pa vin g 44 .25 Wall 4 4.78 MH 44 .93 SI I/R 1.5 h BO 44.78 4 4.7 6 DC 4 4.9 4 4 4.2 0 4 4.02 MH CL 44.16 4 3.92 45. 21 ER Co nc rete 44.7 8 I/R 4 2.85 42 .83 C ab ine t 4 4.8 1 DC FR 5 0.2 9 44. 77 45 .29 45. 22 MH CL 45.21 4 4.7 2 les 4 4.37 Flo we rbe d 4 5.19 BO 44 .72 44 .73 Pa ved 44 .66 Pave d Cobb CL 44.29 4 3.1 9 44 .00 43. 89 43. 84 l 0. h C on cre te Wa ll 0. 46 .00 7h I/R1 h 45 .48 Pave d LP UK 6 h 4 6.1 0 Pave d 4 6.9 2 rete G ra ss 4 9.15 49. 12 48. 86 4 7.5 7 46 .32 h 4 9.60 49 .60 C onc 49. 09 49. 10 46 .72 4 6.4 1 4 6.25 RL 5 7.4 1 49. 12 4 6.3 2 4 6.3 3 CL 46.35 EL 5 4.3 8 49 .42 Ve ge tat o i n 2h 4 7.48 46 .31 46 .36 IC ER THL 4 9.7 4 OHL 4 9.1 9 GG 4 7.53 47 .55 47. 47 10 Ret .Wall 4 3.97 44.10 44 .28 44 .21 IC 44 .26 45. 06 45. 07 CL 44 .82 44. 76 ER 4 4.3 3 CL 44 .17 MH 4 4.4 4 Ston es ER Fla t Ro of 10 2.8 7 MH 4 4.3 0 44 .18 CL 43.95 I/R1 IC 4 5.3 6 46 .03 CL 45.10 I/R 1.5 h 4 4.75 44. 59 WM 4 4.1 7 44. 24 4 4.20 G ra ss 4 4.02 42. 29 MH UC 44. 24 44. 05 4 4.2 0 Fla t Ro of 9 8.7 4 44 .16 42 .41 CL 43.97 P aving 43 .89 44. 11 RS 44. 10 42. 86 42 .47 MH 42 .72 LP G ra ss 44 .20 44 .17 44 .21 4 3.92 43. 67 LP TC GG 43. 85 43. 89 4 4.0 5 CL 44 .17 4 4.2 0 44 .27 4 4.2 8 G o al 4 3.94 A sph a lt BO ble MH 44. 18 44 .27 44 .27 42 .39 4 2.53 43 .98 4 3.83 4 4.08 4 4.2 3 ER 44 .23 P aving 4 2.8 8 4 2.7 6 43. 78 4 4.09 7h LP 4 5.5 3 45 .35 CL 46 .71 45. 42 MH 45. 05 Pave d ye lo 42 .48 4 3.93 4 3.87 43 .94 43. 89 44.0 4 Stone s 4 4.24 CL 44 .21 4 4.0 0 44. 10 44. 10 R ailwa y 44 .22 44 .56 IC 4 6.1 7 4 5.2 7 4 4.94 4 4.94 4 4.62 46 .30 4 9.6 0 4 9.36 4 9.34 h 49 .53 49 .49 G ra ss UK 1 0h C /B2 4 7.5 4 4 7.61 Uk 4 h 4 6.58 CL 46 .29 IC Fish Pon d 45 .41 lin es WMs 4 4.2 9 44 .28 45. 32 45. 25 45 .20 SI 45 .04 C on cre te 4 4.4 8 4 7.46 4 7.50 47 .09 4 6.8 9 46 .70 RL 57 .42 C /B 1.6 4 9.4 8 49. 48 49. 51 V eg eta tion 2h 49. 44 47. 66 4 7.6 1 46 .80 46 .78 IC CL 46 .27 BO THL 4 9.7 5 4 9.5 1 4 9.54 rete 4 8.82 GG Ash 10 h 47 .13 LP 46 .89 46 .44 4 6.24 U K 6h MH 4 6.1 2 4 6.1 3 WL 46 .35 45 .56 45 .00 Pa ved 44. 96 CL 44 .47 el ye llow CL 44.30 CL 44.25 4 4.20 44 .23 4 2.35 ll 0. 4 5.49 GG 44. 89 4 5.1 1 I /R 1 h MH 4 4.3 7 Do ub LP 43. 93 Pavin 4 3.87 4 3.98 4 3.89 44 .04 4 5.4 7 Wa 4 5.3 8 4 5.32 44. 87 44. 88 4 4.8 9 44. 48 Wa 45 .50 45. 28 44. 86 45 .02 4 5.05 CL 44 .44 Co nc rete 4 4.93 4 5.04 4 4.8 6 G ra ss MH 4 4.35 4 4.13 IC IC Do ub CL 44 .07 4 4.12 45 .16 4 4.80 44 .93 LP 44 .45 4 4.3 3 4 4.16 44. 24 4 4.20 4 4.10 CL 44.26 44. 19 4 2.8 4 TC MP 44 .29 4 3.30 MH G ra ss 4 4.0 0 MH CL 46 .17 CL 45.60 CL 45.54 45 .51 4 6.3 5 Flo we rbe d 46 .29 V eg eta tio n 2 h MH IC Wall 44.30 44.2 7 4 4.04 42 .65 42. 30 4 3.77 LP 44. 91 44. 39 ST08 FH 4 4.34 43. 31 4 3.0 9 42. 49 P aving 3h Pa ved 44. 20 A sph UK 8 h 4 3.85 44. 09 M esh alt 4 4.28 4 3.13 4 2.5 5 44. 01 43 .98 43. 90 44.1 42 .91 4 3.98 44.0 2 4 4.0 4 44. 53 4 3.17 4 3.91 DC 44. 09 G ra ss Plan te r A sph a lt 44 .51 44. 19 42 .64 4 4.0 6 CL 44 .08 44.09 6 4 3.9 0 43 .96 IC 44 .09 PO CCTV C/B 4 4.0 3 Box 4 5.5 1 46 .34 44. 39 44. 27 GG 4 4.23 DR MH 4 4.9 1 UC Wa 43. 88 44. 09 Co nc rete 4 4.3 3 TC 42. 58 Fla t Ro of 65 .72 FL 46. 30 46 .07 B rick s et ts PO 4 6.36 45 .48 4 7.0 3 4 6.9 2 46. 66 46 .51 4 6.8 2 0.3h 4 6.0 3 4 6.0 4 46 .08 4 5.6 3 FL 4 5.4 5 S ap lin g 45 .23 ps 4 2.6 5 LP CL 45 .19 4 7.6 8 4 7.2 9 Flo we rb ed 4 6.37 4 6.4 5 Flo we rbe d 4 6.13 Wall l 1h S /Birch 8h Pa lm 5 h l 0. 8h 4 3.0 2 4 3.93 4 3.8 5 ST0 4 46 .45 46.08 Wa 45 .58 CL 45.58 ER 45 .37 MH MH 1h 49. 49 4 9.4 8 49. 52 C onc Map le 9 h C/L 1.5 h 4 6.4 3 4 5.5 7 DR Wall 4 5.5 4 CL 45.48 4 4.93 C/L 1.5 h V eg eta tion 2h 4 9.4 9 49. 35 4 9.18 4 9.23 Ve ge tat io n 2 h 4 7.6 1 4 6.4 5 4 6.4 8 Fla t Roo f 61 .88 4 5.5 7 CL 45 .57 45 .50 MH 4 4.86 GG 44. 84 46 .55 CL 46.57 Peel House 4 5.6 4 ER CL 45.58 Pa ved 45 .61 MH 4 5.46 Flo we rbe d 4 4.5 0 LP 44.71 CL 43 .84 4 4.08 44. 18 4 4.01 4 5.6 7 45 .23 4 5.1 4 4 5.05 49 .49 U k 8h G ra ss 49 .11 4 9.10 47. 57 4 9.4 8 Co nc rete Ash 6h PO 49. 10 49. 12 49. 00 48. 78 Uk 1 0h Asp h alt 4 7.6 3 4 6.9 6 46. 43 IC 46 .53 45 .57 MH Peel House MH CL 45.57 UK 5 h Plan te r 45. 20 45. 08 4 9.4 7 4 9.41 4 9.34 4 9.48 47 .17 4 6.5 6 4 5.57 4 5.6 2 45 .55 45 .55 Pa ved 45 .42 45. 13 44 .96 44 .05 MH 4 5.6 0 4 5.52 45. 28 Co nc rete FP S tep 45. 00 Co nc rete 4 5.0 0 44.2 9 U K 10 h 4 3.8 9 DC 44. 08 4 5.2 9 45. 15 4 5.31 45 .14 4 4.9 0 h 45 .26 C ob b le s 44 .78 47 .74 LP 47 .74 4 7.59 46 .9 4 46 .94 49 .53 .6h DR DP 4 9.5 3 G ra ss cre te OHL 43. 89 4 3.9 6 W all 0. 35 FP 4 4.6 8 ER 4 4.52 4 4.41 A sph a lt 47. 61 4 7.7 1 Ash 8h 47 .00 4 6.8 6 4 6.72 C/B 1 4 9.46 4 9.4 2 Con 46 .88 LP Co nc rete 44 .38 WM 44.38 4 4.3 6 44. 39 4 4.26 44. 30 4 4.0 3 4 4.23 4 4.25 44. 30 UC Up GG 44. 22 44 .32 PO 43. 26 4 3.2 8 42 .91 4 5.31 45 .27 4 4.7 8 Con c GG 4 4.21 4 3.1 0 42 .70 4 2.7 0 4 2.48 P aving 49. 29 49 .13 4 9.0 7 49. 15 C /L 1.5h 4 7.73 47 .22 49. 48 49. 04 UC 47 .11 U K Mu lt i1 0h U k 18 h 47 .41 4 7.2 4 4 7.0 1 Uk 5 h G Ma ple 12 h Ve ge tat io n 2 h G ra ss 47. 66 46. 73 46 .59 46 .49 4 6.4 3 46. 56 ER FL Ste 44 .3 4 42 .83 U K 10 h 4 3.96 4 4.0 1 43. 88 47. 67 4 7.7 6 A sh 1 0h 4 7.0 2 Flo we rb ed 46 .51 46. 51 Pave d CL 45.58 Wall 44.3 9 FP CL 44 .45 4 4.23 4 2.45 LP 4 3.8 6 45 .28 IC 44 .35 44.3 3 43. 94 43. 85 43 .85 GG UTL ( Sunk en) 47. 77 Asp h alt 4 7.0 0 4 6.6 3 GG 4 6.43 4 6.4 5 7 44.3 FP 42 .75 43. 88 46 .91 4 6.54 4 6.61 45. 88 BO MH A sph a lt P aving 4 3.2 5 4 4.0 0 DC 46. 64 45. 89 S/Birch 6 h 4 6.03 45 .96 U K 5h CL 45 .29 46 .48 4 6.6 2 45. 73 45. 65 FL 45. 63 Fla t Roo f 6 1.8 6 45 .67 MH Pa vin g l 1h 44. 03 43 .88 45 .74 45 .63 Pa ved Fla t Ro of 6 1.9 3 4 5.52 45 .49 ER CL 47 .75 47. 67 4 7.7 6 Ve ge tat io n 2 h 49. 06 4 8.80 MH 47 .71 RS G ra ss I/R Flo we rb ed 45. 39 4 4.4 0 4 4.3 5 CL 44.20 Wa TC 43. 86 45. 23 GG 4 5.23 45 .18 44. 26 MH 44. 19 43 .97 ER DR 1h 4 5.3 4 4 5.32 4 4.46 4 4.28 LP 4 4.1 6 44 .12 43. 36 42 .74 49. 23 4 7.62 Co nc rete 4 7.8 2 47 .27 46 .92 46.81 I /R 45 .63 4 5.65 45 .57 45 .63 G ra ss H/R lt A spha 44 .72 G ra ss 43 .38 42 .64 47. 58 4 7.1 7 47 .03 4 6.83 4 6.6 7 Pa ved 4 9.2 7 4 7.69 UK M 1 0h LP Flo we rbe d 4 6.5 4 S /Birch 6h S /Birch 6h 49. 29 49. 07 4 7.7 8 47 .62 4 7.4 9 4 7.3 0 4 6.6 1 4 5.7 2 BO 45. 63 UK 8 h 4 8.9 9 47. 70 GG 47. 68 47 .08 4 6.7 1 4 5.5 5 V eg eta tion 2h 4 8.87 G ra ss 47. 81 4 7.65 46. 60 4 5.6 3 g Pa ved 4 5.46 45. 40 4 5.3 3 43 .30 4 3.0 9 4 2.44 .4 h PO 4 6.5 7 4 6.6 9 4 6.68 46. 63 avin Uk 5 h G ra ss 49. 15 UK 8 h C /L 1.5h ER RS C on c 4 7.51 45. 97 Bric kP 45 .92 Stu mp Un ma de G rou nd 45 .59 C on cre Co n fi er Multi 1 2h 48 .99 47. 62 47 .62 4 7.52 4 5.6 3 Pa ved 45 .64 45 .68 4 4.30 43 .01 42 .94 UK 9 h SB 18 h s I/R1 4 5.8 3 C on ifer 12 h 45 .95 C on ifer 12 h FL 4 5.64 4 5.6 5 4 5.53 ER 48. 87 She d 48. 79 4 7.6 4 PO 47 .51 47 .47 47 .34 47 .06 46 .96 47 .81 47 .89 47 .37 47 .15 4 7.1 2 46 .97 4 7.2 3 Dou 42 .67 4 2.39 eigh t varie 1.5h of lin e Ro Peel House 4 5.6 4 45 .63 Pa vin g 1h 45. 53 CL 45.50 G ra ss 4 8.9 6 PO 48. 87 4 8.94 4 7.2 2 47 .03 Flo we rbe d Sa pling 4 6.88 46 .75 Wa ll H/R MH 45. 49 A sh 1 2h 47 .13 46 .77 46 .67 GG 4 6.54 46 .56 0.2h 4 5.50 PO 45. 24 4 5.4 9 4 2.40 W allH 4 4.0 5 TCB .03 44 .02 ncrete Ro of 45 .64 Pa ved 4 5.6 5 e Fla t Roo f 48 .98 P aving 4 7.0 0 4 6.6 1 4 6.64 46. 62 BO C/B Ro ER DR 4 5.5 4 45. 53 1h of lin 45. 34 45 .34 P la n ter 45 .21 Sh ed 4 8.8 9 4 7.75 4 7.0 4 46. 92 4 6.70 46 .73 45. 87 4 5.7 6 45 .57 G ra ss 4 5.53 45 .35 45. 25 44.43 H/R Fla t Roo f PO 5 4.2 9 0 .5h 44 .45 4 7.8 8 LP G ra ss Dou C/L 4 4.51 44. 33 44 .42 4 7.76 4 7.77 47 .72 4 7.8 7 4 6.86 45 .64 45. 51 4 5.4 5 CL 44 .73 GG 4 4.31 4 4.33 44. 43 4 3.48 C on 12 GG 47 .46 47 .42 45 .77 S /Birch 10 h SI 4 5.62 45.60 4 7.8 4 47. 90 4 7.9 7 47 .17 4 7.2 9 S/Birch 1 0h DR 4 5.6 3 4 5.6 0 4 5.6 4 4 7.77 C/L 1.5 h 4 7.1 3 48. 9 GG 4 7.9 1 47. 79 48. 76 4 5.6 7 45. 69 4 5.5 5 4 5.6 6 4 8.8 5 48. 59 47. 80 47. 90 4 6.9 9 4 6.8 1 Wall IC 4 4.5 0 44 .78 4 3.3 6 42 .86 Ro 4 4.37 43 .22 42 .85 4 2.7 5 CL 45.64 MH C on ifer 12 h FL 45. 64 46 .85 46 .76 46. 67 4 5.6 6 Step C /L 1.5h 48. 81 BU 47. 94 4 7.71 Pa ved ncrete e of lin Asph a lt WM 44. 38 GG 4 4.39 4 3.4 5 4 2.5 8 IC ER Fla t Roo f 65 .83 THL 4 5.6 7 S mo ke O u tlet Bas emen t 4 5.6 4 of lin e CL 45.52 PO 45. 48 49 .17 45. 61 Pave d 45 .54 MH CL 45.42 4 5.36 4 4.78 45. 64 45 .65 CL 45 .63 45 .50 Fla t Ro of 4 8.9 8 MH Ro 44.4 9 45 .63 PO 47 .93 47. 96 h 47. 53 46. 63 46. 70 4 6.7 9 46. 56 ving e ls P la n ter Pa 44 .58 UC P aving Brick UC 4 4.4 7 VP S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 4 5.6 5 S mo ke O u tlet Bas emen t 4 5.6 4 45 .66 Smoke O utle t Ba se me nt 45 .65 45 .56 4 5.5 2 Co bb 4 4.38 4 4.49 47 .89 4 7.96 1 .8 47. 26 47 .20 GG 46.6 6 Co 44.5 CL 45.66 Flo we rbe d 45 .33 4 5.24 4 5.34 PO 4 5.6 5 4 5.40 4 3.63 4 7.84 G ra ss 4 7.92 Su b sta tio n C/B 46 .87 46. 66 S /Birch 10 h Pa ved MH 4 5.6 3 Pa vin g 1 bb e ls Ro 45. 25 4 5.3 8 4 5.35 Co 44 .54 LP 4 3.3 9 4 3.0 8 BO 4 5.67 BO Pa ved Plan ter 45 .37 P la n ter 45. 23 To p o f Ro be rt Pee l Sta tue 50 .43 4 4.42 43 .29 42 .76 45. 62 G ra ss 46 .69 S ap lin g IC 45 .69 4 7.85 UC 1.8h 4 7.9 5 BO 46 .80 46 .81 46. 72 4 6.7 8 4 5.62 45 .98 47 .84 LP Co nc rete 4 7.7 3 C/B 46 .74 45. 66 45 .66 45 .67 4 5.5 9 I/R 0 .5h P aving 4 4.5 2 SI 45 .64 f line 4 4.5 7 4 4.42 4 4.41 4 3.4 9 4 5.6 5 Fla t Roo f 65 .79 Roo 43. 77 4 3.0 5 4 3.0 4 4 5.5 0 S ub sta tion 46 .78 46 .78 4 5.7 3 4 5.79 45 .74 C/B 44.5 9 44 .4 8 Asp h alt 44.5 3 43 .05 45. 41 4 5.6 4 of lin e CL 45 .61 GG 45. 25 4 5.68 rete ER CL 45 .64 45 .64 MH 4 5.29 C/L I/R USB 4 9.1 6 4 5.5 7 P la n ter 44. 74 4 5.71 45 .64 Pave d 4 5.61 44 .71 44. 69 44. 47 C op pe r B 1 0h of lin e nil e 45 .64 45 .34 4 4.8 2 44 .57 SI 43 .59 45 .68 Co nc 4 8.62 4 7.47 UC 45 .68 4 5.6 8 Sa lt Pa ved 4 5.66 PO 4 7.4 4 47. 42 47. 50 46. 94 45 .68 PO To p o f Bu ild in g 5 5.9 1 crete 4 5.8 7 1 .8h 47. 88 46 .86 46. 74 45 .70 4 5.6 8 Fla t Ro of 57 .18 ER PO Con Uk 1 2h DR Sa pling 45. 42 44.57 4 3.5 6 4 3.3 6 4 3.0 0 PO 4 5.6 1 U nmad e Gro un d CL 45 .61 4 7.8 GG 4 7.84 48 .00 48. 01 4 7.45 46 .96 RS 4 6.61 4 5.71 4 5.6 7 fline BO C on ifer 12 h Pavin g MH 46.79 45 .61 4 5.6 5 FL 4 5.66 Roo 45 .57 ER VP 45. 63 4 3.2 7 G oa l 4 5.6 5 45. 63 4 5.6 4 4 6.84 GG 45. 63 4 5.6 4 45 .65 S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 45 .63 S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 4 5.6 5 4 5.6 2 4 5.3 9 G ra ss 46 .63 4 5.62 PO 45 .63 4 5.5 9 45 .64 45 .64 4 5.5 7 Flo we rb ed 4 5.4 7 C on ifer 12 h 45.6 1 Asp h alt 4 5.37 4 2.9 0 42 .83 ow 4 5.6 4 45. 62 45 .58 4 5.41 45. 27 44 .63 4 4.50 44. 50 GG 4 7.89 LP UC A sph a lt RS CL 46 .64 4 6.71 4 7.91 47 .83 47. 33 Pa ved 47.34 47. 18 4 6.9 6 I/R 45 .57 P aving 45 .38 44 .86 Pa vin g 44. 52 GG 4 5.6 4 ER Pave d 4 4.6 8 44. 71 4 4.51 43. 95 RS 4 6.65 MH ER 48. 06 UC 4 7.25 47 .37 CL 47.40 47 .47 4 7.18 LP 46. 76 RS Co py PO DR Pa ved 45 .62 4 4.59 44 .64 GG 4 3.7 5 43 .57 4 6.69 Smoke 47 .30 MH 47. 01 NB 4 7.3 4 C/B 45 .60 PO P aving LP 44. 53 44. 49 44. 58 LP G oa l 4 3.4 6 Pa ved ER 4 5.6 1 49 .16 Ro 44. 03 43 .80 4 3.5 9 43 .59 43 .22 4 3.1 0 PO CL 45 .63 45 .53 47 .10 Asp h alt G ra ss LP 46. 94 LP 4 6.7 5 H edg 44.6 4 43 .43 4 3.2 0 4 3.0 8 y IC Flo we rb ed 45. 40 45. 33 TC Wa CL 45.63 Roo 4 4.77 4 5.4 5 43 .01 Walk IC 46 .74 47 .13 CL 47 .01 4 6.93 46 .93 RS 4 5.68 sUp e f lin 45 .63 S mo ke O utle t Ba se me nt 4 5.6 2 4 7.0 4 IC NB 4 7.1 9 4 5.5 9 4 7.2 9 4 7.20 47 .00 4 7.00 Asp h alt 4 6.81 46. 71 45 .61 PO 45 .64 Pave d 4 5.6 1 46 .93 4 6.81 46 .74 46. 66 46 .79 Ro o f lin e PO Co 44.6 9 alt 4 3.7 0 46 .78 PO y 4 7.24 46. 99 4 6.78 RS CL 45.64 Wa CL 45.64 4 6.7 8 46. 82 PO MH Walk IC FL 4 5.65 RS 46 .88 46. 85 Asp h alt TC ER 45 .63 Fla t Ro of 6 5.8 0 45 .64 UK 4 h 4 5.45 43 .59 42 .95 45. 62 4 5.6 3 VP Roo 4 5.5 5 45 .41 4 4.9 7 44 .70 4 6.62 4 6.6 9 4 6.38 45 .61 FL 4 5.6 2 Step 44.7 3 45 .58 4 5.5 7 A sph 44. 65 4 6.7 9 G ra ss CL 46 .57 4 6.41 Co pp er be ec h 1 0h 45 .57 45. 57 45. 47 45. 43 44 .66 G ra ss 43 .36 4 5.6 1 G ra ss 45. 62 CL 45 .61 4 5.37 4 5.48 44 .73 4 6.6 1 4 6.8 1 MH CL 45 .54 45 .62 MH 45 .49 4 4.83 44. 63 44 .67 45 .60 ER CL 45.60 44. 58 MH CL 44.71 42 .88 4 6.42 IC GG 44. 62 SI 44. 58 4 3.9 0 MH 45 .60 45. 48 44. 11 43 .27 Pa ved 4 5.6 4 Pa vin g 4 5.0 6 43 .98 43 .66 43 .40 43 .11 4 5.64 CL 45 .61 4 5.4 3 45. 48 445.5 5.38 0 4 3.0 0 CL 45 .61 MH 4 4.7 6 Pa vin g ye llow 45. 56 P aving 4 4.66 44 .75 R et G ra ss MP 4 4.62 LP 44. 74 Wa ll 0.5h FH 4 4.66 43 .92 4 3.8 6 10 4 3.6 6 43 .54 4 3.1 0 49 .20 BO GG c WSP Group plc G ra ss 50 .35 50. 26 5 0.3 7 Appendix A – Peel Link Design – Landscape Sketch Book No 43 Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 12 | 14 Peel Centre, Colindale LANDSCAPE SKETCH BOOK No.43 PCC398-SB-043 Peel Link Design 12th Nov 2014 Appendix B – Flood Risk to the Peel Link Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 13 | 14 'HVLJQ1RWH 3URMHFW 3HHO&HQWUH 6XEMHFW 3HHO/LQN)ORRG5LVN 3URMHFWQR 'DWH 1RYHPEHU 5HYLVLRQ 'HVFULSWLRQ ,VVXHGE\ 'DWH $SSURYHGVLJQDWXUH )RU/%%WRDGGUHVVSODQQLQJDSSOLFDWLRQFRPPHQWV 6+ $* $VSDUWRIWKH3HHO&HQWUH3ODQQLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQUHYLHZSURFHVVWKLVGHVLJQQRWHKDVEHHQFUHDWHGWRGHVFULEHLQGHWDLO WKHIORRGULVNWRWKHSHGHVWULDQXQGHUSDVVORFDWHGWRWKHVRXWKRIWKH3HHO&HQWUHVLWHLQ&ROLQGDOHKHUHLQGHVFULEHGDV 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fluvial flooding in the Silk Stream $SSHQGL[%($)ORRG=RQH0DS 3DJHRI Flood map centred on Colindale, North London created 09/04/2014 Ref:NET041382 BC Scale 1:10,001 Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) (assuming no defences) Flood Zone 3 shows the area that could be affected by flooding: - from the sea with a 1 in 200 or greater chance of happening each year - or from a river with a 1 in 100 or greater chance of happening each year. Flood Zone 2 shows the extent of an extreme flood from rivers or the sea with up to a 1 in 1000 chance of occurring each year. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Contact Us: National Customer Contact Centre, PO Box 544, Rotherham, S60 1BY. Tel: 03708 506 506 (Mon-Fri 8-6). Email: [email protected] $SSHQGL[&+LVWRULFDO)ORRG0DSV 3DJHRI Detailed FRA centred on Colindale, North London created 09/04/2014 - Ref:NET041382 BC Environment Agency 2 Bishops Square Business Park St Albans Road West Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 9EX 0 62.5 125 250 Metres Legend Main Rivers Flood Event Outlines 2007 1992 The historic flood event outlines are based on a combination of anecdotal evidence, Environment Agency staff observations and survey. Our historic flood event outlines do not provide a definitive record of flooding. It is possible that there will be an absence of datain places where we have not been able to record the extent of flooding. It is also possible for errors occur in the digitisation of historic records of flooding. This map is based upon Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Environment Agency 100024198, 2014 Produced by: Partnerships & Strategic Overview, Hertfordshire & North London Appendix C - Peel Link – Land Registry documents Peel Centre, Colindale – Peel Link Feasibility Note – 5th December 2014 14 | 14 THIS IS A PRINT OF THE VIEW OF THE REGISTER OBTAINED FROM HM LAND REGISTRY SHOWING THE ENTRIES SUBSISTING IN THE REGISTER ON 3 MAY 2012 AT 13:48:56. BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS REGISTER VIEW IS NOT ADMISSIBLE IN A COURT IN THE SAME WAY AS AN OFFICIAL COPY WITHIN THE MEANING OF S.67 LAND REGISTRATION ACT 2002. UNLIKE AN OFFICIAL COPY, IT MAY NOT ENTITLE A PERSON TO BE INDEMNIFIED BY THE REGISTRAR IF HE SUFFERS A LOSS BY REASON OF A MISTAKE CONTAINED WITHIN IT. THE ENTRIES SHOWN DO NOT TAKE ACCOUNT OF ANY APPLICATIONS PENDING IN THE REGISTRY. FOR SEARCH PURPOSES THE ABOVE DATE SHOULD BE USED AS THE SEARCH FROM DATE. THIS TITLE IS DEALT WITH BY LAND REGISTRY, WALES OFFICE. TITLE NUMBER: NGL741913 There is no application or official search pending against this title. A: Property Register This register describes the land and estate comprised in the title. BARNET 1 (23.09.1996) The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and being Land on the North side of Colindeep Lane, Colindale. 2 (23.09.1996) The land has the benefit of the rights reserved by but is subject to the rights granted by a Deed dated 11 April 1931 made between (1) The London Electricity Railway Company and (2) The President of the Air Council. NOTE: Copy filed. 3 (23.09.1996) The land tinted yellow and blue on the filed plan was formerly copyhold of the Manor of Hendon and on the enfranchisement thereof there were excepted the mines and minerals and rights referred to in section 48 of the Copyhold Act 1852. Such mines and minerals and rights are not included in this registration. B: Proprietorship Register This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal. Title absolute 1 (30.09.2002) PROPRIETOR: KALYAN RAVJI PATEL of 314 Stag Lane, London, Greater London NW9 9AG and KANJI KHIMJI JESANI of 39 Uxendon Crescent, Wembley, Greater London HA9 9TW and DIPAK TRIBHOVANDAS THAKRAR care of Wembley Sports Centre, 7 Neeld Parade, Wembley, Greater London HA9 6QU and SHOBHNA HARISH THAKRAR care of Wembley Sports Centre, 7 Neeld Place, Wembley, Greater London HA9 6QU. 2 (23.09.1996) RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the land (not being a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered except under an order of the registrar or of the Court. C: Charges Register This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land. 1 (23.09.1996) By a Conveyance dated 25 January 1924 made between (1) Regents Canal and Dock Company and (2) London Electric Railway Company the land tinted pink on the filed plan and other land was conveyed 1 of 4 Title number NGL741913 C: Charges Register continued subject to a Lease dated 22 November 1916 to Frederick James Potts. No further particulars of the lease were produced on first registration of the land in this title. 2 (23.09.1996) An Agreement dated 5 September 1968 made between (1) The London Transport Board and (2) Barnet Corporation relates to the laying maintenance and use of a box culvert under the land tinted blue on the filed plan. NOTE: Copy filed. 3 (23.09.1996) The land tinted blue on the filed plan is subject to the rights granted a Deed dated 21 November 1978 made between (1) London Transport Executive and (2) The Colne Valley Water Company. NOTE: Copy filed. 4 (23.09.1996) A Transfer of the land in this title dated 9 September 1996 made between (1) London Underground Limited (2) Dipak Tribhovandas Thakrar and Shobhna Harish Thakrar and (3) K & K Builders Limited contains covenants details of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto. 5 (23.09.1996) The land is subject to the following rights reserved by the Transfer dated 9 September 1996 referred to above:"The following rights are reserved to the Railway Company for the benefit of the retained land:(a) The right from time to time and at all times hereafter to erect or cause to be erected and to maintain any buildings or structures whether permanent or otherwise adjoining or near to the whole or any part of the Property and for such purposes to erect any scaffoldings or gantries in front of the Property and to alter add to vary pull down or re-erect all or any part of such buildings or structures notwithstanding that such buildings structures alterations gantries scaffoldings additions or re-erections may impair injure or affect the free access of light and air to the Property (b) The right for the Railway Company and all persons authorised by it with or without workmen and equipment at all times upon prior notice (except in case of emergency) to enter upon the five metre strip or any part thereof for any of the purposes connected with its underking and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing for all or any of the following purposes that is to say constructing completing altering maintaining repairing and renewing any present or future building structure or railway property or fences walls banks abutments retaining walls bridges or other works of the Railway Company under adjoining or near to the Property (c) A right of way with or without vehicles and with or without workmen and equipment over the access area between Colindeep Lane and the retained land or for any of the purposes mentioned in Caluse 1(b) of this Schedule (d) The right for the Railway Company and all persons authorised by it with or without workmen and equipment at all times upon prior notice (except in case of emergency) to enter upon the Property or any part thereof for the purpose of constructing in or upon the Property and inspecting altering repairing maintaining renewing cleansing emptying removing or adding to any present or future sewers drains watercourses cisterns water pipes gas pipes gas meters electric wires electric meters cables ventilating pipes flues shafts chimneys or other conveniences used or intended to be used or which in the opinion of the Railway Company may be requisite for use with the adjoining or neighbouring land and works of the Railway Company either alone or in common with the Property the person so entering making good any damage occasioned to the Property by the exercise of the rights of entry but not being liable for compensation for damage loss or inconvenience to the owners or occupiers for the time being of the Property (e) The free and uninterrupted passage and running of water soil gas and electricity from all or any part of the retained land through the sewers drains watercourses channels pipes and wires which are now or 2 of 4 Title number NGL741913 C: Charges Register continued may hereafter be upon in or under the Property Thereis excepted from the transfer of the Property any right or easement of light air or support or any other right or easement over the retained land." Schedule of restrictive covenants 1 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Transfer dated 9 September 1996 referred to in the Charges Register:"For the benefit and protection of such part or parts of the retained land as is or are capable of being benefited or protected and with intent to bind so far as legally may be himself and his successors in title owners for the time being of the Property or any part thereof into whosoever hands the same may come the Transferee hereby covenants with the Railway Company as follows:(1) Not at any time to erect or cause to be erected within five metres of the boundary with the retained land ("the five metre strip") shown hatched red on the said plan annexed hereto any building retaining wall boundary or other structure and where there shall exist a retaining wall the said five metres shall be measured from the outer face of the retaining wall facing the Property (2) Not to erect or cause to be erected within the area ("the access area") shown cross hatched black on the said plan annexed hereto any building retaining wall boundary or other structure (3) Not at any time to stack or store or cause to be stacked or stored any materials of whatever nature within the five metre strip or the access area nor to plant with trees nor obstruct the five metre strip or the access area so as to prevent the right of access hereinafter excepted and reserved to the Railway Company (4) Not to excavate the subsoil of the Property within the five metre strip or the access area and not to construct any ponds pools ditches or pits thereon of any sort whatsoever (5) Not to install or use or permit to be installed or used on the Property any electrical or electronic apparatus or equipment other than of a domestic nature and not to interfere in any way with the electrical or electronic apparatus or equipment used by the Railway Company in connection with its railway undertaking (6) Not to raise any objection in respect of the construction working or carrying on by the Railway Company of its present or any future undertakings or works or any part thereof or anything arising therefrom (including any noise vibration dust or other nuisance) or in respect of any buildings erections or works which now are or may be built erected or constructed by the Railway Company under adjoining or near to the Property or the construction erection or use thereof respectively and the Transferee agrees that the Railway Company shall not be responsible to the Transferee either under these presents or under any public or private statute or at common law for any damage injury annoyance or inconvenience howsoever caused which may arise in consequence of or in relation to the said buildings erections or works or the working or carrying on by the Railway Company of its present or any future undertakings or works or any part thereof or for the acts neglects defaults or misfeasances of any servant or employee of the Railway Company or of any other person entering upon or using the said buildings erections or works or any of them or for any accidental damage or injury which may at any time be done to the Property or to any goods or Property for the time being thereon by reason of any act neglect default or misfeasance of any such servant employee or other person as aforesaid in breach neglect or non-performance of his duty or arising by reason of such buildings erections or other works as aforesaid or any of them or the construction maintenance repair alteration working or use thereof respectively or the defective working leakage accidental stoppage or breakage of any pipes wires appliances apparatus or machinery in or connected with or used for the purposes of the Property or such buildings erections or other works as aforesaid or 3 of 4 Title number NGL741913 Schedule of restrictive covenants continued any of them or any part thereof." NOTE: The land hatched red on the Transfer plan is hatched blue on the filed plan. End of register 4 of 4
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