Professor Giampiero Girolmoni


Professor Giampiero Girolmoni
Professor Giampiero Girolmoni
Professore Ordinario di Dermatologia, Università di Verona
Direttore della Sezione di Dermatologia, Università di Verona
Direttore Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia, Università di Verona
Direttore U.O. Dermatologia, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Inetgrata di Verona
Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e specializzato in Dermatologia e Venereologia
all’Università di Modena. E’ stato Assistente Medico presso la Clinica Dermatologica
dell’Univeristà di Modena, Research Fellow e Visiting Instructor prsso il Department of
Dermatology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, Texas,
USA, e Direttore del Laboratorio di Immunologia, Direttore della Seconda Divisone di
Dermatologia e Direttore del Dipartmento di Dermatologia Clinica presso l’Istituto
Dermopatico dell'Immacolata di Rome.
E’ il Presidente della Società Italiana di Dermatologia (SIDeMaST). E’ coautore di oltre 400
articoli scientifici, 70 capitoli di libri e 5 libri. Impact factor globale >1300; Citazioni totlai
>13,500; h-index 65. E’ Editor in Chief del Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e
Venereologia e di Clinical Dermatology.
13.10.2014 Curriculum Vitae
Informazioni personali
Nome / Cognome
Ornella De Pità
Via G.B. Pagano, 42 – 00167 Roma
Luogo e Data di nascita
Cell. 335/8382917
[email protected]
Roma, 29/07/1952
Occupazione professionale MEDICO CHIRURGO
Esperienza professionale
Lavoro o posizione attualmente
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro
Provincia Italiana Congregazione Figli Immacolata Concezione – IDI IRCCS
Via Monti di Creta 104 – 00167 Roma
Dal 1999 ad oggi
Istruzione e formazione
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata (1) Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’ Università La Sapienza di Roma, con votazione 110/110 e
(2) Specializzazione in Ematologia Clinica e di Laboratorio Università La Sapienza di Roma, con votazione 70/70 e Lode
(3) Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia - Università
La Sapienza di Roma, con votazione 70/70 e Lode
(4) Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, con
votazione 50/50 e Lode
Principali incarichi professionali
2002 – 2005 Nomina a Direttore del Dipartimento di Patologia clinica e molecolare dell’ Istituto
Dermopatico dell’Immacolata - IDI, IRCCS – Roma
1999-a oggi Primario del Laboratorio di Immunologia ed Allergologia dell’ Istituto Dermopatico
dell’Immacolata - IDI, IRCCS – Roma
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Principali incarichi accademici e
2009 a oggi
Presidente ADOI- Associazione Dermatologi Ospedalieri Italiani
2006 Nomina a componente del Comitato tecnico scientifico Olimpiadi Invernali Torino 2006
2005 a oggi Nomina del Ministero della Salute a referee per accreditamento eventi ECM – discipline
di Ematologia, Patologia clinica, Dermatologia e Venereologia
2003 a oggi Nomina ufficiale a Membro del board scientifico per la Dermatologia e Venereologia
2003 – a oggi Insegnamento di Patologia clinica della Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia e
Immunologia dell’ Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma
2002- a oggi Coordinatore scientifico dell’ IDI e responsabile scientifico di progetti di Ricerca
Corrente e Ricerca Finalizzata finanziati dal Ministero della Salute (vedi elenco)
Vice presidente della International Society of Plastic Dermatology – ISPLAD
1999-a oggi
Insegnamento di Immunopatologia della Scuola di
Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore di Roma
1999- 2006
Insegnamento di Farmacologia applicata della Scuola di Specializzazione in Scienza
e Tecnologia Cosmetiche presso la Facoltà di Farmacia dell’ Università degli Studi di
Insegnamento di Immunologia ed Allergologia della Scuola di Specializzazione in
Dermatologia e Venereologia dell’ Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Insegnamento di Immunologia del Master in Medicina Estetica e Correttiva dell’
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
1995 - a oggi Insegnamento di Immunoematologia ed Ematologia del Diploma in Scienze
infermieristiche dell’ Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Capacità e competenze
Altre lingue
Livello europeo (*)
Lingua inglese
Interazione orale
(*) Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue
Capacità e competenze Windows Office, Microsoft Outlook, internet
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In possesso di Patente “B” da oltre 20 anni
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Produzione orale
Pubblicazioni scientifiche 1. CD56(bright)CD16(-) NK cells accumulate in psoriatic skin in response to CXCL10 and CCL5 and
exacerbate skin inflammation. Ottaviani C, Nasorri F, Bedini C, de Pita O, Girolomoni G, Cavani A.
degli ultimi 5 anni
Eur J Immunol. 2006 Jan;36(1):118-28
2. Scarponi C, Nardelli B, Lafleur DW, Moore PA, Madonna S, De Pita O, Girolomoni G, Albanesi C.
Analysis of IFN-kappa expression in pathologic skin conditions: downregulation in psoriasis and
atopic dermatitis. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2006 Mar;26(3):133-40.
3. Cavani A, De Pita O. The role of T cells in drug reaction. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2006
4. Serum-induced basophil CD63 expression by means of a tricolour flow cytometric method for the in
vitro diagnosis of chronic urticaria. Frezzolini A, Provini A, Teofoli P, Pomponi D, De Pità O. Allergy.
2006 Sep;61(9):1071-7.
5. Codullo V, Morozzi G, Bardoni A, Salvini R, Deleonardi G, De Pita O, Riccieri V, Ruffatti A, Tincani
A, Tozzoli R, Valesini G, Montecucco C. Validation of a new immunoenzymatic method to detect
antibodies to RNA polymerase III in systemic sclerosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2007 MayJun;25(3):373-7. 2:
6. Albanesi C, Fairchild HR, Madonna S, Scarponi C, De Pita O, Leung DY, Howell MD. IL-4 and IL-13
negatively regulate TNF-{alpha and IFN-{gamma}- induced beta-Defensin expression through STAT6, Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS)-1, and SOCS-3. J Immunol. 2007 Jul 15;179(2):984992.
7. Cianchini G, Masini C, Lupi F, Corona R, De Pita O, Puddu P. Severe persistent pemphigoid
gestationis: long-term remission with rituximab. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jun 6; [Epub ahead of print]
8. Bedini C, Nasorri F, Girolomoni G, De Pita O, Cavani A. Antitumour necrosis factor-alpha chimeric
antibody (infliximab) inhibits activation of skin-homing CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and impairs
dendritic cell function. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Aug;157(2):249-58.
9. Cassano N, Galluccio A, De Simone C, Loconsole F, Massimino SD, Plumari A, Dattola S, Puglisi
Guerra A, Donato L, Cantoresi F, De Pita O, Fenizi G, Altamura V, Congedo M, Pellicano R, Vena
GA. Influence of body mass index, comorbidities and prior systemic therapies on the response of
psoriasis to adalimumab: an exploratory analysis from the APHRODITE data. J Biol Regul Homeost
Agents. 2008;22(4):233-7.
10. Sebastiani GD, Morozzi G, Bellisai F, Fineschi I, Bacarelli MR, Simpatico A, Font J, Cervera R,
Houssiau F, Fernandez-Nebro A, De Ramon Garrido E, De Pità O, Smolen J, Galeazzi M; ECAISLE.
Anti-cofactor autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus: prevalence, clinical and HLA class II
associations.Immunol Invest. 2008;37(4):375-85.
11. Madonna S, Scarponi C, De Pità O, Albanesi C. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 inhibits IFNgamma inflammatory signaling in human keratinocytes by sustaining ERK1/2 activation. FASEB J.
12. Frezzolini A, Cadoni S, De Pità O. Usefulness of the CD63 basophil activation test in detecting
Anisakis hypersensitivity in patients with chronic urticaria: diagnosis and follow-up. Clin Exp
Dermatol. 2009 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print]
13. Vena GA, Galluccio A, De Simone C, Mastrandrea V, Buquicchio R, La Greca S, Dattola S, Puglisi
Guerra A, Donato L, Cantoresi F, De Pità O, Pezza M, D Agostino M, Vernaci R, Miracapillo A,
Valenti G, Cassano N. A multicenter open-label experience on the response of psoriasis to
Adalimumab and effect of dose escalation in non-responders: the Aphrodite project. Int J
Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2009 Jan-Mar;22(1):227-33.
14. Albanesi C, Scarponi C, Pallotta S, Daniele R, Bosisio D, Madonna S, Fortugno P, Gonzalvo-Feo S,
Franssen JD, Parmentier M, De Pità O, Girolomoni G, Sozzani S. Chemerin expression marks early
psoriatic skin lesions and correlates with plasmacytoid dendritic cell recruitment. J Exp Med. 2009
Jan 16;206(1):249-58.
15. Nagel A, Lang A, Engel D, Podstawa E, Hunzelmann N, De Pita O, Borradori L, Uter W, Hertl M.
16. Clinical activity of pemphigus vulgaris relates to IgE autoantibodies against desmoglein 3.Clin
Immunol. 2010 Mar;134(3):320-30.
17. Frezzolini A, Cadoni S, De Pità O. Usefulness of the CD63 basophil activation test in detecting
Anisakis hypersensitivity in patients with chronic urticaria: diagnosis and follow-up. Clin Exp
Dermatol. 2010 Oct;35(7):765-70.
18. Lupi F, Masini C, Ruffelli M, Puddu P, Cianchini G. Dyshidrosiform palmoplantar pemphigoid in a
young man: response to dapsone. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010;90(1):80-1.
19. De Pita O, Nardis C, Lupi F, Luci CA, Frezzolini A, Pallotta S. Modulation of Toll-like receptors in
psoriatic patients during therapy with adalimumab. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2011 ;24(1):185-8
20. Rota C, Lupi F, De Pita O, Pallotta S, Puddu P, Cianchini G. Pemphigus foliaceous with thymoma
and multiple comorbidities: a fatal case. Eur J Dermatol. 2011 May-Jun;21(3):424-5
21. L'Erario I, Frezzolini A, Ruggiero B, De Pità O, Emma F, Gianviti A. Usefulness of skin
immunofluorescence for distinguishing SLE from SLE-like renal lesions: a pilot study. Pediatr
Nephrol. 2011;26(1):77-83
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Allegati Referenze disponibili su richiesta
Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196
"Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".
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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Mara Maccarone
Via Tacito 90 – 00193 Rome (Italy)
+39 06 3211545
+39 06 3211545
Date of birth
+39 335 474368
[email protected]
2 October 1946
Work experience
Dates 1989 - present
Occupation or position held President
Main activities and responsibilities President of ADIPSO (Association for the Defence of Psoriatic Patients) a no-profit Association I founded
in 1989, being myself a Psoriatic Patient.
My first goal with this organisation was to reach the public through different media (TV programmes,
articles on newspapers and magazines, etc.) and inform them about the problems related to Psoriasis
and Psoriatic Patients by promoting initiatives, meetings and congresses for creating awareness and
improving the patients’ quality of life.
Being myself affected by Psoriatic Arthritis, I have put a lot of effort as President of ADIPSO in the
research programme made by the Institute of Rheumatology of the University of Rome “La Sapienza“ on
the methods for evaluating the severity and functional deficits of those affected by psoriatic arthritis.
Collaboration with the Genetics Group of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on the study of the family
assortment of the psoriasis gene.
I have promoted and developed together with other European Countries a Survey on the quality of life of
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Patients. The results of these studies have been presented in many
Scientific Congresses both in Italy and abroad.
Name and address of employer ADIPSO - Via Tacito 90 – 00193 Rome
Type of business or sector Patients Association
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
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2006 – present
International communications on activities and research for psoriatic patients. Participated to the Phea
Call for Proposals of 2007 and 2008 with the Scipso project that foresaw a survey on the quality of life
of psoriatic and/or psoriatic arthritis patients, especially for Eastern European patients
PEpsoPOF - Via Tacito 90 – 00193 Rome
International Patients Association
Head of Agency
Insurance Agent. Head of Agency. Issuing of all kind of insurance policies. Works mainly in the foreign
branch and in the great investments dept.
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Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
INA- ASSITALIA Via Cicerone 82 -00193 Rome
PA. Sales Office Consultant
PA, management of meeting/agenda. Issuing of all kind of insurance policies: Car, life, etc. Works
mainly in the foreign branch and in the great investments dept; Supports foreign companies for
investments in Italy
Toro Assicurazioni – Via del Tritone 141 – 00187 Rome
Head of Foreign Branch
Relationships with foreign clients. Special risks, injuries and major risks policies.
Columbia-Centrale – Via Poli 1 – 00187 Rome
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Degree in modern languages
Principal subjects/occupational skills English, French and Spanish
Name and type of organisation University of Chieti “Gabriele D’Annunzio”
providing education and training
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
English; French; Spanish
Spoken interaction
European level (*)
Spoken production
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Organisational skills and Due to my current work experience, I have developed good skills in management, coordination and
analysis and a good level of independence, planning and decision making
Research and analysis skills; planning and evaluation, theoretical and empirical analysis of social
phenomena especially for what concerns immigration, social-health, training and labour sectors;
intercultural mediation skills organisational skills; management of IT data and documents
Computer skills and competences Windows 7, MS Office Suite and Windows Mail
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Other skills and competences Passed the Insurance Agent exam in 1988. This allowed me to manage major insurance agencies for 8
Member of EPF’s (European Patients’ Forum) Executive Board within the EU, Brussels - since 2004.
President of F.I.M.De. (Italian Federation of Dermatologic Diseases).
Enrolled as professional journalist in the Italian Journalists Federation – established by article 28 of law
n°69 of 3/2/1969.
Publisher and owner of ADIPSO NEWS, a quarterly magazine, official information body of the A.DI.PSO
Member of Psocare since 2004, a Psoriasis Workgroup operating within AIFA (Ministry of Health)
through decree 9/11/2004.
Member of the GISED Board (Bergamo)
Honorary member since June 7, 2005 of the Dermatology Scientific Societies SIDEMAST ADOI and
since April 2010 of the Dermatology Scientific Society of Czech Republic Member of GRAPPA since
January 2010
Member of the EULAR Task Force since January 2010
Driving licence
Italian B licence
Additional information Published many works on psoriasis in many Italian and foreign Scientific Journals, among which:
- Utility of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale
(AIMS) in evaluating disability in psoriatic arthritis - Reumatismo. 1998; 50.3.
- An Italian study on psoriasis and depression - Dermatology. 2006; 212(2):123-7.
- Analysis of Healthcare and actual needs of patients with psoriasis: A survey on the Italian population –
BMC Public Health 2007, 7, 59.
- Family history of psoriasis and age at disease onset in Italian patients with psoriasis- British Journal of
Dermatology 156, ppl 362- 14 02
- Psocare: Italy Shows the Way in Postmarketing Studies - Dermatology 2008;217:362–364
- Impact of Body Mass Index and Obesity on Clinical Response to Systemic Treatment for Psoriasis Evidence from the Psocare Project - Dermatology 2008; 217: 365–373
- Risk factors of hypertension, diabetes and obesity in Italian psoriasis patients: a survey on sociodemographic characteristics, smoking habits and alcohol consumption. Eur J Dermatol 2009; May-Jun
19 (3): 1-5
European S3 – Guidelines on the systemic treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris –
JEADV October 2009 – Volume 23, Supplement 2
- EULAR PsA Recommendations: draft of SLR for comments – Eular 2011
- Current psoriasis treatments in an Italian population and their association with socio-demographical
and clinical features – JEADV 2011 Aug 4; 21812833
EULAR PsA Recommendations: draft of SLR for comments – Eular 2011
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dr.ssa Mara Maccarone Presidente A.DI.PSO. (Associazione per la Difesa degli Psoriasici) e PE.Pso.POF(Pan Europen Psoriasis Patients Organization Forum) Via Tacito 90 00193 Roma Tel. e Fax 0039 / 06 32 11 545 Cell 0039 / 335 47 43 68 [email protected] ****************************************** Page 4/4 - Curriculum vitae of
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