Endura wins big on the Las Vegas Strip


Endura wins big on the Las Vegas Strip
Endura wins
big on the
Las Vegas Strip
28 |
Treasure Island hotel and casino
is now home to the first virtual
matrix on the Las Vegas Strip.
Pelco Press Fall 2012 | www.pelco.com
Treasure Island selects
Pelco IP VMS based on
efficiency, reliability,
and quick ROI
s the only independently-owned hotel and casino
on the Las Vegas Strip, Treasure Island boasts
more than 90,000-square-feet of casino gaming
area, in addition to 2,665 impressive guestrooms and 220
luxurious suites.
With a host of restaurants, bars, shopping, and entertainment destinations also under its
roof, Treasure Island (TI) welcomes thousands of visitors each day, presenting its security
team with the arduous demands experienced only by casinos of its stature on the worldrenowned Las Vegas Strip.
Until recently, the security team used an analog VCR and matrix system, which required
hours of manpower to routinely conduct tape changes and maintenance, in addition
to a large amount of space to house the VCR racks. Several years ago, TI Director of
Surveillance Kim Smith and his team began researching and testing options for
upgrading their system.
The casino now uses the first virtual matrix on the Las Vegas Strip.
Endura IP VMS: The winning solution
In 2011, TI selected a Pelco™ by Schneider Electric™ virtual matrix made possible by
an Endura™ 2.0 system equipped with 1,400 channels of the industry’s leading digital
recording — plus the ability to quickly and easily expand to include thousands more.
Surveillance Systems Integration (SSI) of Roseville, Calif. deployed the Endura IP video
management system (VMS) during a 10-month, multiphase project.
We wanted Treasure
Island to stand above
the competition
and they have
made a significant
investment in the
Pelco system that
will meet their needs
for years to come,
including the switch
to high-definition
megapixel cameras.”
– Rick Phan, business
development manager for ssi
“With specific requests, restrictions, and needs in mind, SSI developed a digital system
solution to maximize the limited and existing space in Treasure Island,” said Todd Flowers,
president of SSI. “We were the only integrator that detailed a firm plan and strategy that
increased both the security and surveillance department’s workplace and placed them
on the cutting edge of the latest in security technology with a Pelco solution.”
A reliable, future-proof investment
Built around open standards, Endura allowed the casino to integrate its existing
third-party cameras, while the scalability of the system will allow for the addition of
IP-based, high-definition cameras in the future. The casino already plans to phase
out older analog cameras and upgrade to Pelco IP cameras, including Sarix™ with
SureVision™and Spectra™ HD.
www.pelco.com | Pelco Press Fall 2012
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Treasure Island now uses an
Endura 2.0 IP video management
system equipped with 1,400
channels of digital recording.
Treasure Island upgraded
to an Endura and virtual
matrix system in 2011,
maximize space and
efficiency in the casino’s
control room.
“Treasure Island has the first and only
fully-functional virtual matrix switch on
the Las Vegas Strip,” said Rick Phan,
business development manager for SSI.
“We wanted Treasure Island to stand
above the competition and they have
made a significant investment in the
Pelco system that will meet their needs
for years to come, including the switch
to high-definition megapixel cameras.”
SSI also installed new operator consoles
and video walls powered by the Endura
virtual matrix switch, which allow
surveillance operators to control cameras,
call up video, and perform live tracking of
people and events around the clock.
The virtual matrix allows for the instant
responsiveness that TI came to expect
with their traditional analog matrix system,
but the digital integration allows for larger
data storage and the ability to record
and retain all video for a minimum of
seven days.
“Treasure Island was faced with some
very unique challenges for system
upgrades, and Bill Young, SSI’s project
manager, was able to offer a detailed
plan of how they could combine existing
resources while still providing a worldclass system that would meet our needs
today and in the future,” Smith said.
Additionally, the innovative Endura solution
provides TI with unmatched fault tolerance
and system integrity, while enabling the
casino’s security team to operate much
more efficiently. According to Phan, the
installation resulted in immediate returnon-investment (ROI) in terms of efficiency
and manpower as they no longer have
to conduct tape changes and maintain
the VCR-based recording infrastructure.
Removing the VCR racks also resulted in
increased space in the surveillance rooms.
“We handed SSI a very difficult set
of circumstances as well as budget
requests, and to our surprise, they
not only met the challenge, but SSI
exceeded expectations in their design,
budget, and use of the latest Pelco
technology in our system, “ Smith said.
“We know this investment will last for
years to come.”
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