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Las relaciones personales*"@* spirit e aimagemelasoulmate,kindred - -,.;^.^l lr)fdu J d (.i^^d^hi^ trrctruJutp ei animo spirit enamorar$e {fie\sto fallin love(with) get enojarseto angry estar hart*fa to be fedup (with); to be sick (of) flevarsebien/mal/tatalto getatong well/badly/tenibly odiar to hate ponerseBesado/ato become annoying querer{e:ie} ta love;to want sentirae{e:ie} to feel sefrar{o:ue}csn to dreamabout el chismegosslp la cita{a ciegas}(blind) date cornmitment; responsibility el compromiso eldesesdeslre el divorciodivorce (un)faithfulness la {in}fidelidad el matrimo*ienarriage la pareiacouple el riesgorsk toshare compartir confiar{en} totrust(in) contar{c:ue}etn torelyon,tocounton coquetearto flirl dejara alguientoleave someone plantadala dejar tostand(sameone) up discutirtoargue :zt :-.flirt:to try to "pickup" -i'*:er todeserve ':-::' con) tobreakup (with) x " :,ini lc goout(with) casaf$ecaft to marry divorciarse{d*} togeta divorce(from) easadolanarried divoreiadoladivorced s*paredclaseparated saltero/asrngle viuds/awidowed tenercelcslde),tobejealous(of) (of) tenervergiienza {de} fobeashamed agabiado/a overwhelmed ansiossJa anxious celoso/ay'ealous deprimido/adepressed disgustado/aupsef *meeignadc/aexcded *nojadoJa angry,mad paxa3er*fafleeting preacupadoiatporl worried(about) : . careful csidadasc/a lal**la insincere genialwonderful pleasant gracia**ia funny, unforgettable inalvidahle insegurola insecure wzadwdamature /ying mentirosola orgullasa/*proud confident segurolasecure; sensiblesensitive stingy tacafrolacheap; tempestuosola sformy timido/asfy tranquilolacalm !9 ' n,crsrJ ,.rc*=i :;:- Leccion 1