DRAENERT Snips, Tongs, Hand Seamers and other Quality Tools Draenert TOOLS Tin Snips, PLUMBER ROOFER TOOLS and other Hand held Tools for any Trade Two production lines of high quality Hand Held Tools for Industry Trade and Do It Yourself, have a lot of advantages, because of the highest possible technical quality and 1 A materials. l Double hardened cutting edges - guaranteed long cutting hours l Drop forged heads polished l Paint or plastic coated handles l Ergonomically designed handles l Cutting heads inductive hardened l Heads sand blasted l Paint coated handles All quality tools can be delivered on special request with slip guards PVS coated. Seaming Pliers: In our Seaming Plier program, you will find different models with Staked – and Lap joints. Staked Joint: Characteristic: Simple parallel hinges, fitted together in a staked joint. Advantage: Pricewise, more favourable then lap joint tools. Lap Joint: Characteristic: Double movable hinges, lap joints. Advantage: Optimum movability (therefore long usage, no play and clearance between the hinges). Max Draenert Apparatebau GmbH & Co KG Machines & Tools Factory I: Administration: D-73777 Deizisau Manufacturing: D-73779 Deizisau Internet www.dracotools.com Factory I: Training Centre D-73779 Deizisau Germany P.O.Box 1120 Gutenbergstrasse 15-17 Seewiesenweg 1 All machines and tools in this catalogue, can be changed for improvement without prior notice. Copyright© by Max Draenert GmbH &Co. KG Germany 2 Phone Fax e-mail: ℡ 7 : +49-7153-8217-0 +49-7153-8217-66 [email protected] Draenert TOOLS Contents Item Page Item Page Index 3 Notchers 30°, 45°, 90°Slit 34 Soldering Bottles 3 Notcher 90° 35 Scribers 35 Hand - Snips Bering Scarper – File/Rasp Aviation Snips 4-5 5 6-7 Chalk Lines Scriber Tools, Ruler Tools 36 37-39 Safety Strip Steel Snips 7 Grip Pliers Carbide Tipped Snips 8 Drywall/Partition Tools 41-43 9 Threat Shaft Cutting – Profile Cutters 43-44 Styrofoam Cutters 44-45 Compound Steel Cutter Deck Tongs Seaming Pliers 10 Sanitary Tools 46-47 Mini Seaming Pliers 11 Tools for Airconditioning (Malco) 48-49 Seaming Pliers special 12 Metal Bending Tools 49-50 Flat Nose Pliers – Round Nose Pliers 12 Electric Seamers (Pittsburgh, Z-Seam) Roofing Seamers – Scraper Round 13 Power Seamers (Standing Seam) Clinch Iron - FLITZ 13 Gutter Tools 53-54 Soldering Tools 55-57 Stainless Steel Seaming Tools 11-12 40 14-15 51 52 Tool Sets 16 Beading & Flanging Machines, Perforation Rolls 58 Hammers for Zinc & Lead - Wood 17 Stretching & Crimping Pliers 59 Hammers for Zinc & Lead - Plastic Riviting Tools / Tackers 60 Grooving & Plumber Hammers 20 Installation Support 61 Chisels, Stakes, Sockets 21 Expanding Roller Conveyors 62 Anvils, Sledge Hammers 22 Decoilers 63 23 Chisels 18-19 Coil Trolleys 64 Slaters Tools – Roof Tile Tools 24-26 Mobile Segment Folding Brake K1-AGNU-3 65 Seaming Tools, Hand Seamers 27-31 Manual Folders, Manual Shear 66 Hole Punching 32-34 Segment Manual Folder 67 SOLDERING BOTTLES WITH SPILL STOP NO SMEARING ANYMORE When bottles are knocked down or over, with blue or yellow caps, the liquid stays in the bottle. HWS284201 Soldering solvent bottles yellow cap HWS284202 Soldering solvent bottles blue cap Bottles with blue or yellow caps are to identify different liquids 3 Draenert TOOLS Hand Snips S 2660 Lyon Pattern Snips Item Nº. HWS266001 HWS266002 S 2650 HWS265001 HWS265003 S 268001 HWS268001 S 2675/2676 HWS267501 HWS267502 HWS267601 HWS267602 Right 250 mm Right 300 mm Left 250 mm Left 300 mm ER D207 HWERD207R HWERD207L Right, Type D207 Left, Type D207 ER D208 HWERD208R HWERD208L Right, Type D208 Left, Type D208 300 530 5 5 240 300 9½" 11 ½ " mm inch 270 10 ½ " I 570 970 5 5 I 520 2 mm inch 250 300 250 300 9½" 11 ½ " 9½" 11 ½ " I 520 720 520 720 5 5 5 5 l Right or Left mm inch 275 275 11 " 11 " I 550 550 5 5 l Right or Left mm inch 275 275 11 " 11 " I 510 510 5 5 Punch Snips with cranked blade l Right or Left Item Nº. HWFR01226275 HWFR01227275 HWS271001 inch Round Punch Snips Item Nº. Item Nº. mm Punch Snips Item Nº. S 271001 8" 10 " Circle Snips (Stubai) l Right or Left Item Nº. HWS278901 210 250 I Tin Snip Item Nº. S 278901 Item Nº. inch Vienna Pattern Snips Item Nº. FR 0122 mm Right Left mm inch 275 275 10 ½ " 10 ½ " mm inch I 500 550 5 5 Zinc Scriber Standard 160 6“ I 165 1 Jeweller Snip mm inch 170 6 ½" I 100 4 5 Draenert TOOLS Hand Snips S 2700/2705 Combination Tin Snips l Right or left Item Nº. HWS270001 HWS270501 HWS270011 HWS270511 Right Left Right, PVC coated Handles Left, PVC coated handles I mm inch 280 280 280 11 " 11 " 11 " 600 600 620 5 5 5 280 11 " 620 5 • Hardness: HRc 60-62 ER D116/D216 Ideal Snips Item Nº. HWERD116260R HWERD116260L HWERD116280R HWERD116280L HWERD216260R HWERD216260L HWERD216280R HWERD216280L Type 116 right Type 116 left Type 116 right Type 116 left Type 216 right Type 216 left Type 216 right Type 216 left l Right or Left mm inch 260 260 280 280 260 260 280 280 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " 11 " 11 " 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " 11 " 11 " I 490 490 580 580 490 490 580 580 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 • Type 116 – Color green: - Hardness: HRc 56-58 • Type 216 – Color blue: - Hardness: HRc 58-60 ER D218/S 2690 Tin-/Pelican Snips Item Nº. HWERD218R HWERD218L HWS269001 HWS269011 mm Type 218 right Type 218 left Tin Snip Tin Snip with PVC handles 300 300 350 350 l Right or Left I inch 11 ½ " 730 11 ½ " 730 14 " 1050 14 " 1050 5 5 5 5 • Hardness: HRc 58-60 S 11610 Bearing Scarper Item Nº. HWS116101 HWS116102 HWS116103 FR 01350 Item Nº. 125 150 175 5" 6" 7" I 190 210 230 200 8" mm inch 220 250 8½" 11 " 165 1 1 1 I 1 File/ Rasp Item Nº. HWFR01382000 HWFR01380000 inch Bearing Scarper rounded form mm inch HWFR01350000 FR 0138 mm Standard For soft materials I 240 330 5 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Aviation Snips BO 21/RA Offset Ideal Snips Item Nº. HWBO21/RAR HWBO21/RAL WE 21/CRV Right/ blue Left/ blue l Right or Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " Ideal Snips Item Nº. HWWE21/CRV HWWE21/CRVL HWWE21/CRVSET Right/ green Left/ red Right+Left (green+red) I 540 540 5 5 l Right or Left mm inch 250 250 250 10 " 10 " 10 " I 470 470 940 5 5 1 • Softgrip Handles MI P6510 Ideal Snips (Midwest) Item Nº. HWMIP6510R HWMIP6510L ER D27A Right/ green Left/ red l Right of Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " Ideal Snips (Erdi) Best. Nº. HWERD27AR HWERD27AL Type 27 A Right Type 27 A Left I 450 450 5 5 l Right of Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " I 520 520 5 5 • Softgrip Handles The new Generation. Ideal Snips 29ASS-2 • Heavy duty snips with unrivalled characteristics, cutting edges are extremely hard, withstand extreme loads for up to 15 times longer life. ER D29ASS Ideal Snips (Erdi) Item Nº. HWERD29ASSR HWERD29ASSL Type 29 ASS Right Type 29 ASS Left l Right or Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " I 480 480 5 5 • Softgrip Handles ER D29SS Compound Actions Snips (Erdi)l Right or Left Item Nº. HWERD29SSR HWERD29SSL Type 29 SS Right Type 29 SS Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " I 480 480 5 5 • Softgrip Handles ER D29BSS Combination Snips (Erdi) Item Nº. mm HWERD29BSSR HWERD29BSSL Type 29 BSS Right Type 29 BSS Left 260 260 l Right or Left inch I 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " 480 480 • Softgrip Handles 6 5 5 Draenert TOOLS Aviation Snips Item Nº. HWWIM1R HWWIM2R HWWIM3R Left/ red Right/ green Combo/ yellow M2001T-M2007T inch 245 245 245 9½" 9½" 9½" I 450 450 450 6 6 6 MALCO Max 2000 Hand Snips Item Nº. HWM52617 HWM52618 HWM52619 HWM52620 HWM52621 HWM52622 mm WISS WISS Hand Snips Left/ red M2001T Right/ green M2002T Combo/ yellow M2003T Bulldog/ red M2005T Left Offset/ red M2006T Right Offset/ green M2007T mm inch 273 273 273 254 273 273 10 ¾ " 10 ¾ " 10 ¾ " 10 " 10 ¾ " 10 ¾ " I 391 391 391 360 439 439 6 6 6 6 6 6 MALCO WI M1R/M2R/M3R Universal Snips New Snips with Safety Gap – MULTISNIP • Cuts what ever you like. • Universal Snips with high ergonomic due to offset blades. • The MULTISNIP Tool is safe, holds hands off the dangerous material cutting zone. ER D22A - Item Nº. HWERD22A ER D51A Item Nº. HWERD51A ER D48A MULTISNIP Longstyle Aviation Compound Action Snip mm inch Type D22 A 280 11 " MULTISNIP Master Universal Compound Snip mm inch Type D51 A 9¼" mm inch 190 7½ " 420 5 I 180 5 MULTISNIP Universal Combi Snip Item Nº. HWERD48A 235 I Type D48 A I 110 5 Special Snips ER D123S Safety Strip Steel Snip Item Nº. HWERD123S Type 123S steel width up to 32 mm x 1 mm • mm inch 260 10 ¼ " I 550 Flat knife fits easy under the strip, and material is clamped down for safety. 7 1 Draenert TOOLS Carbide Tipped Snips HSS-Snips HSS-Snips – High – Performance - Snips • High Performance Snips with HSS-Blades, hardness 65 HRc • For cutting hard materials as: Stainless Steel, CV, Titanium etc. ER D407 Round Punch Snips HSS Item Nº. Type 407 Right Type 407 Left HWERD407R HWERD407L l Right or Left mm inch 275 275 11 " 11 " I 530 530 1 1 • Hardness: HRc 65 ER D414 Shape Cutting Punch Snips Item Nº. HWERD414R HWERD414L Type 414 Right Type 414 Left l Right or Left mm inch 275 275 11 " 11 " I 580 580 1 1 • Hardness: HRc 65 ER D416 Shape and Straight Snips HSS l Right or Left Item Nº. HWERD416R HWERD416L Type 416 Right Type 416 Left mm inch 280 280 11 " 11 " I 580 580 1 1 • Hardness: HRc 65 ER D418 Pelican Snips HSS Item Nº. HWERD418300R Type 418/300 HWERD418350R Type 418/350 l Right mm inch 300 350 12 " 14 " I 695 800 1 1 • Hardness: HRc 65 Aviation Snips ER D27AH Shape/Straight cutting Snips Item Nº. HWERD27AHR Type 27AH Right HWERD27AHL Type 27AH Left l Right or Left mm inch 260 260 10 ¼ " 10 ¼ " I 520 520 • Hardness: HRc 65 8 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Mechanic’s Nippers S 1133 Mechanic Nippers – Concrete Twist Pliers Item Nº HWS113301 HWS113312 mm Small head Wider head 280 280 max. Cutting-Ø 750 N/mm² max. Wire-Ø thickness 2,50 mm 3,25 mm 1,6 mm 2,2 mm Round head 440 450 • Reliable pliers with 4-times staked joints, a good function is garanteed. • Round head. All possible positions can be reached. • Strong lever arm due to joints in back position. 4-times joints S 1129/1130 Compound Action Steel Cutters Item Nº HWS112901 HWS112902 HWS112903 HWS112904 HWS112905 HWS113001 HWS113002 HWS113003 HWS113004 HWS113005 S 1131 Item Nº HWS113103 HWS113104 HWS113123 HWS113124 HWS113154 mm max. Diameter 750 N/mm² Steel Cutters max. Diameter Ø 1250 N/mm² 320 6 mm 470 8 mm 630 10 mm 780 12 mm 920 14 mm Accessory head for 112901 Accessory head for 112902 Accessory gead for 112903 Accessory head for 112904 Accessory head for 112905 4,5 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm 12 mm 800 1678 2730 4570 5150 242 477 813 1388 1498 Compound Action Steel Cutters with changeable three corner blade max. mm Diameter-Ø 1600 N/mm² 630 10 mm 780 12 mm Accessory head for S 13103 Accessory head for S113104 Accessory three corner blade max. Diameter-Ø 1800 N/mm² 6 mm 10 mm 2900 4750 1023 1492 17 • Concrete reinforced steel up to 12 mm ø (1600 N/ mm²) or spring steel up to 10 mm ø (1800 N/ mm²). S 1150 Item Nº HWS115004 HWS115024 S 1151 Compound Steel Cutter Compound Steel Cutter mm max. Diameter-Ø 750 N/mm² 800 12 mm Accessory head for 115004 max. Diameter-Ø 1250 N/mm² 10 mm 2997 657 Compound Steel Cutter with changeable three corner blade Best. Nº HWS115104 HWS115124 HWS115154 mm max. Diameter-Ø 1600 N/mm² 800 12 mm Accessory head for 115104 Accessory three corner blade max. Diameter-Ø 1800 N/mm² 10 mm • Maximum diameter 6 mm consistance 2100 N/mm². 9 3270 900 17 Draenert TOOLS Deck Tongs S 2823/FR 01140 Item Nº. HWS282310 HWFR01140120 HWFR01140140 HWFR01140160 HWFR01140180 HWFR01140200 Deck Tongs straight staked joint Width mm Depth mm L mm L inch 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 120 120 170 170 170 500 500 500 570 570 570 19 ½ " 19 ½ " 19 ½ " 22 " 22 " 22 " FR 01141 Item Nº. HWFR01141120 HWFR01141140 HWFR01141160 HWFR01141180 HWFR01141200 HWFR01160120 HWFR01160140 HWFR01160160 HWFR01160180 HWFR01160200 1800 2950 3000 3050 3020 3300 1 1 1 1 1 1 Deck Tongs straight lap joint Width mm Depth mm L mm L inch 120 140 160 180 200 125 125 175 175 185 500 500 570 570 570 19 ½ " 19 ½ " 22 " 22 " 22 " FR 01160 Item Nº. I I 1850 1950 3000 3400 3250 1 1 1 1 1 lap joint Deck Tongs cranked 30 degrees, staked joint Width mm Depth mm L mm L inch 120 140 160 180 200 110 110 160 160 160 450 450 530 530 530 17 ½ " 17 ½ " 20 ½ " 20 ½ " 20 ½ " I 1850 2000 2950 3050 3200 1 1 1 1 1 staked joint Special Deck Tongs S 282326 Item Nº. HWS282326 Deck Tong straight, beveled one side 45 degrees, staked joint Width Depth L L I mm mm mm inch 180 165 570 22 " 3000 10 1 For a larger bending radius one side in the front part is rounded 7 mm in diameter. Draenert TOOLS Seaming Pliers S 28200 Seaming Pliers, straight, staked joint Item Nº. HWS282001 HWS282004 HWS282002 HWS282003 S 28210 HWS282101 HWS282104 HWS282102 HWS282103 S 28220 HWS282204 HWS282201 FR 010800 HWFR01080040 HWFR01080060 HWFR01080080 FR 010900 HWFR01090040 HWFR01090060 HWFR01090080 S 2820-2821 HWS282054 HWS282154 Straight 45° FR 01090 480 550 580 960 5 5 5 5 Width mm L mm L inch 18 40 60 80 250 250 250 300 9½" 9½" 9½" 11 ½ " I 480 550 580 960 Width mm L mm L inch 40 60 230 230 9" 9" 5 5 5 5 I 500 660 staked joint staked joint 5 5 Width mm L mm L inch 40 60 80 270 270 320 10 ½ " 10 ½ " 12 ½ " I 550 700 900 5 5 5 lap joint Width mm L mm L inch 40 60 80 250 250 350 10 " 10 " 11 ½ " I 600 700 925 5 5 5 lap joint Width mm L mm 100 100 300 300 I L inch 11 ½ " 1100 11 ½ " 1100 lap joint 2 2 Seaming Pliers, 90°, lap joint Item Nº. HWFR01092040 HWFR01092060 HWFR01092080 HWS283001 10 ½ " 10 ½ " 10 ½ " 12 ½ " Seaming Pliers, 100 mm, lap joint Item Nº. Item Nº. 270 270 270 320 staked joint Seaming Pliers, 45°, lap joint Item Nº. HWS282901 18 40 60 80 I Seaming Pliers, straight, lap joint Item Nº. S 283001 L inch Seaming Pliers, 90°, staked joint Item Nº. Item Nº. L mm Seaming Pliers, 45°, staked joint Item Nº. S 282901 Width mm Width mm L mm 40 60 80 230 230 230 I L inch 9 " 600 9 " 750 9 " 1050 5 5 5 Mini Pliers, straight, PICCOLO 24 mm, lap joint Width mm L mm L inch 24 185 7" I 220 5 Mini Pliers, 45°, PICCOLO 20 mm, lap joint Width mm L mm L inch 20 185 7" I 220 11 5 lap joint Draenert TOOLS Seaming Pliers S 282501 Seaming Plier, 45°, for round seams Item Nº. Width mm L mm L inch 18 250 9½" HWS282501 S 282451 S 2828 Width mm L mm L inch 60 280 11 " 1 side straight S 281002 Width mm L mm L inch 80 80 325 325 12 ½ " 12 ½ " Staked joint Lap joint Serrated staked joint Staked joint Serrated lap joint 700 5 I 860 860 9" 9" 9" 5 5 I L inch 240 240 240 360 360 360 5 5 5 Nose 60 mm long L mm L inch 260 10 " I Nose 60 mm long 350 5 S 2810/2815 Round Nose Pliers, Nose 45 mm long Item Nº. HWS281001 HWS281011 HWS281501 S 279501 Serrated, staked joint Staked joint Serrated, lap joint S 279001 Opening standing – double seams S 279101 Polished head, forged material 9" 9" 9" L mm L inch 250 9½" I 320 320 320 5 5 5 I 450 5 350 I L inch 10 ½ " 1050 5 Bead Plier (without picture) HWS279101 L mm L inch 260 10 " I 530 5 Universal Plier asymmetrical Item Nº. HWS108051 240 240 240 L mm Item Nº. S 108051 L inch Tinsmith Plier, coated handles Item Nº. HWS279001 L mm Seam Opening Plier Item Nº. HWS279501 Depth 80 mm Round Nose Plier, staked joint Item Nº. HWS281002 I Depth 80 mm S 2800/2805 Flat Nose Pliers, staked joint Item Nº. L mm HWS280001 HWS280011 HWS280501 5 Clinching Pliers, staked- or lap joint Item Nº. HWS282801 HWS282851 500 Corner Clinching Plier, plastic coated handles Item Nº. HWS282451 I Special Plier, induction hardened nose L mm L inch 250 9½" I 520 12 5 Draenert TOOLS Roofing Seamers FR 01150/S 2780 Flat Scraper Iron Item Nº. HWFR01150100 HWS278001 HWFR01150000 S 278003 Prism height 15 mm Prism height 25 mm Prism height 25 mm 100 1650 120 2000 140 2500 140 1500 S 278102 Prism height 25 mm 120 2000 5-7° beveled 140 3200 Single Roofing Seamer 160 1700 110 1700 1 Seamer Hammer for Corner Seamer I mm 300 420 1 Adjustable Roofing Seamer Item Nº. I L mm HWMARSE 235 x 120 x 130 3600 1 Clinch Iron Item Nº. I mm Depth 140 mm 140 850 1 Folder FLIZ Item Nº. HWKI870FLIZ I mm HWKI890.1 KI 870 1 Corner Roofing Seamer Item Nº. HWFR01130000 I mm HWS278201 FR 01130 1 l 25 mm heigth Item Nº. MA RSE I mm HWS278102 KI 890.1 1 Double Roofing Seamer l 25 + 35 mm heigth Item Nº. S 278201 I mm Item Nº. HWS278101 1 Scraper Iron round Item Nº. S 278101 I mm HWS278003 HWS278004 1 1 1 Single Seamer Shovel Item Nº. S 278004 I mm I mm Stainless Steel 140 x 120 270 13 1 Draenert TOOLS Stainless Steel Seaming Tools Working with stainless steel panels on top of the roof or wall with normal seaming tools can create rust to the seam. STAINLESS STEEL SEAMING TOOLS avoid rusting. S 2820-2822 Seaming Pliers, Stainless Steel, straight and angle 45°/ 90° Item Nº. mm inch HWS282060 HWS282061 HWS282160 HWS282161 HWS282260 HWS282261 S 280560 Item Nº. HWS280560 S 281560 Item Nº. HWS281560 S 278601 Item Nº. HWS278601 KI 870FLIZ Item Nº. HWKI870FLIZ Straight Straight handles coated 45° 45° –handles coated 90° 90° –handles coated 60 60 60 60 60 60 10 ½ " 10 ½ " 10 " 10 " 9" 9" I 550 560 580 590 610 620 Flat Nose Plier, Stainless Steel mm inch serrated 240 9" I 360 Round Nose Plier, Stainless Steel mm inch serrated 240 9" 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 I 320 5 Marking Plate I L mm -Dimensions 5-100mm (Graduation 5 mm) -Stainless Steel hardened, 48 HRc, -Thickness 1,3 mm 140 x 100 60 1 Folder FLIZ I mm Stainless Steel 140 x 120 270 KI 810 V2A Flat Scraper Iron, Stainless Steel Item Nº. mm HWKI810V2A 1 I 140 2500 1 KI SET7 V2A 7-Piece Seaming Tools, Stainless Steel I Item Nº. HWKISET7V2A 1 Flat Nose Plier, 1 Round Nose Plier, 1 MINI-Plier, 1 Seaming Plier straight, 1 Seaming Plier 45°, 1 Seaming Plier 90°, 1 Hammer, incl. 1 Leather-Special case, 1 Stainless Steel Mug 1 Stainless steel mug KI SET8 V2A 8-Piece Seaming Tools, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWKISET8V2A 1 Flat Nose Plier, 1 Round Nose Plier, 1 MINI-Plier, 1 Seaming Plier straight, 1 Seaming Plier 45°, 1 Seaming Plier 90°, 1 Hammer, 1 Flat Scaper Iron, incl. 1 Leather-Special Case, 1 Stainless Steel Mug I 1 Stainless steel mug 14 Draenert TOOLS Hand Seamers, Stainless Steel RA 1119 VA Single Lock Hand Seamer, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1119VA I mm WFSCH-VA (1119) 220 1900 1 RA 1179 VA Double Lock Hand Seamer, Stainless Steel Item Nº. mm I HWRA1179VA WDF-VA (1179) 220 2400 RA 1319 VA Single-Double Lock Hand Seamer upright, Stainless Steel Item Nº. mm HWRA1319VA WDFST-VA (1319) 220 4000 1 I 1 Working with Stainless Steel Tools, closing stainless steel panels, avoids and prevents rust on the material. RA 1059 VA Drip Edge Bender, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1059VA I mm TK-VA (1059) 250 1700 1 RA 1069 VA Drip Edge Seamer, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1069VA I mm TSCH-VA (1069) 220 1900 1 RA 1029 VA Sheet Bending Tool, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1029VA I mm BG 500-VA (1029) 500 6900 1 RA 1159 VA Tile Edger large, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1159VA I mm PEK-VA (1159) 250 3100 1 RA 1379 VA Gutter Bending Tool, Stainless Steel Item Nº. HWRA1379VA I mm RHBG-VA (1379) 35x15 3500 15 1 Draenert TOOLS Sets 91555 Item Nº. 91555 SET-001 Item Nº. HWSET-001 SET-002 Item Nº. HWSET-002 SET-009 Item Nº. HWSET-009 S 283907 Item Nº. HWS283907 S 283940+ Item Nº. HWS283940+ HWS499410 Hand Seamer 4-Piece Set I Hand Seamer Set Consisting of: 1 Single Lock Hand Seamer K8, 1 Double Lock Hand Seamer K7, 1 Drip Edge Bender K11, 1 Drip Edge Seamer K12 10 kg 1 Seaming Pliers 3-Piece Set 001 + Pocket Bag I 1 Seaming Plier straight 60 mm, 1 Seaming Plier 45° 60 mm, 1 Seaming Plier 90° 60 mm 4 kg 1 Snips 3-Piece Set 002 + Pocket Bag I 1 Circular Punch Snip 275 mm Right, 1 Universal Snip 280 mm Right, 1 Tin Snip Pelican 300 mm Right 4 kg 1 Standard Snips 3-Piece Set-009 + Pocket Bag I 1 Punch IdealSnips 280 mm Right, 1 PunchSnips Ideal 280 mm Left, 1 Tin Snips Pelican 300 mm Right 4 kg 1 Tinsmith Tool Set 7- Piece Set + Backpack I Consisting of: 1 PunchSnip Ideal 280 mm Right, 1 Punch Snip Ideal 280 mm Left, 1 Seaming Plier 45° staked joint, 1 Tin Snips Pelican 350 mm, 1 Hammer Wedge Shape+square plain, 1 Marking Plate 4 kg 1 Tinsmith Tools, 40-pieces, + Metal Box I 40-Piece Set with Metal Box Metal Box without Tools 31 kg 10 kg 1 1 40-Piece Set Consisting of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Screw Driver 3,5/100 Screw Driver 4/100 Screw Driver 5/125 Hex. Shank Screw Driver 1/80 Hex. Shank Screw Driver 2/100 Chisel CV 10 mm Plumb Bob - Birnform Lead Cord 50 m Triangular Scaper 125 mm Wood Chisel 26 mm Pencil for Metal Compass 200 mm Angle Scriber, 250 mm Marking Plate 140x100 Ideal/Combi Snip Left Ideal/Combi Snip Right Pelican Snip 350 mm Hammer 500 g. Hammer 300 g. Hammer 200 g. 170003 170004 170005 171002 171004 103902 442002 443125 116101 354326 444104 250003 262001 278601 270501 270001 269001 100408 100406 100404 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Seaming Plier straight Seaming Plier 45°, 60 mm Seaming Plier 90°, 60 mm Corner Clinching Plier Seam Opening Plier Flat Nose Plier serrated Round Nose Plier serrated Tin Smith Plier Tin Smith Plier polished Wire Cutter Clinching Plier straight Clinching Plier 45° Hack-Saw 12 “ Hammer Wedge Shape Hammer Square Shape Clinch Iron 800 g. Corner Roofing Iron Double Seamer Iron Flat Scraper Iron Right Angle 282002 282102 282201 285451 279501 280001 281001 279101 107905 111202 282901 283001 272011 278501 278504 278401 278201 278101 278002 263105 16 *Special insert, detachable from the tool box. The insert has a device for hanging on to the slating batten. Therefore the necessary tools are always available. Draenert TOOLS Hammers for Zinc-& Lead FR 01940/-60 Lead Dresser symmetrical Shape Item Nº. HWFR01940000 HWFR01960000 I mm Wood 60x350 60x350 Hard Wood 490 730 1 1 FR 01944/-64 Bending Stick – round – bend Shape Item Nº. HWFR01944000 HWFR01964000 I mm Hard Wood 60x330 60x330 HDP-Plastic 295 345 1 1 FR 01941/-61 Lead Dresser asymmetrical Shape Item Nº. HWFR01941000 HWFR01941001 HWFR01961000 I mm Left – Hard Wood Right – Hard Wood Left – HDP-Plastic 60x360 60x360 55x360 320 435 525 1 1 1 FR 01942/01962 Bossing Stick for Lead slim round Shape Item Nº. HWFR01942000 HWFR01962000 I mm Hard Wood HDP-Plastic 30x330 30x330 310 320 1 1 FR 01943/-63 Setting Stick for Lead, slim, straight Shape Item Nº. HWFR01943000 HWFR01963000 FR 01950/-1 Hard Wood HDP-Plastic 40x330 40x330 FR 019300 1 1 I mm Small, hard wood Large, hard wood Ø 50x185 Ø 90x220 105 240 1 1 Wooden Bossing Mallet Item Nº. HWFR01930050 HWFR01930060 240 320 Chase Wedge Item Nº. HWFR01950000 HWFR01951000 I mm small middle Hammer Head mm Ø 50 Ø 60 110 135 I 180 305 1 1 FR 01673000 Tinman’s Hammer, Wedge Shaped Item Nº. HWFR01673000 I mm Hard Wood 90x50x165 580 1 FR 01672000 Tinman’s Hammer, Round, Wedge Shaped Item Nº. HWFR01672000 I mm Hard Wood Ø 80x160 550 17 1 left right Draenert TOOLS Seam Boards Plastic S 27870 Seam Board, PE-Plastic Ideal for working with stainless steel, no rust damage Item Nº. HWS278701 HWS278702 Plastic Plastic S 278801 mm I 500x65x25 950 500x65x35 1050 1 1 Roofing Seamer Block 25 + 35 mm, Plastic Ideal for working with stainless steel, no rust damage Item Nº. HWS278801 I mm Prism height 25+35 mm S 278850 130x95x50 500 1 Seam Board with Handle 25 + 35 mm, Plastic Ideal for working with stainless steel, no rust damage Item Nº. HWS278850 Double Welt Iron, Plastic mm I 290x140x35 1460 1 Seaming Hammer S 278501 Item Nº. HWS278501 Hammer Wedge Shaped and Square Hammer Head Plastic, handle wood S 27850 1 I Hammer Head White color White color Colored hammer head, doesn’t color the sheet metal FR 01674/01678 HWFR01674000 HWFR01678145 HWFR01678155 155x85x35 145x75x35 155x85x35 600 500 550 1 1 1 Seam Hammer (Freund) Item Nº. MA FH 550 Hammer Square Shaped Item Nº. HWS278502 HWS278503 HWS278504 155x85x35 I I Hammer Head Wedge Shaped, green Square Shaped, green Square Shaped, green 150x85x40 155x85x35 145x75x35 550 550 600 1 1 1 Seam Hammer- special, Square Shaped Item Nº. Hammer Head HWMAFH 155x85x35 I 550 1 • Seam hammer with an offset shaft. More clearance with the hand when working. Therefore no damage to the surface of the material. 18 Draenert TOOLS Seaming Hammers S 27850 Item Nº. Seaming Hammer, Cylindric Form Hammer Head HWS278505 HWS278506 Plastic Plastic S 27851 Item Nº. 250 410 1 1 Wooden Hammer with a Metal Sheath Hammer I Head HWS278515 HWS278516 HWS278517 HWS278518 Wood Wood Wood Wood KI 883 Item Nº. Ø 50 mm Ø 60 mm Ø 70 mm Ø 80 mm 250 410 560 810 Hammer Egg Shaped, Plastic mm HWKI883 Plastic S 10070 Item Nº. 120x Ø 50 1 1 1 1 I 400 1 Rubber Hammer I Ø mm HWS100705 HWS100706 HWS100707 HWS100708 S 10120 Ø 50 mm Ø 60 mm I Rubber Wooden Shaft Rubber Wooden Shaft Rubber Wooden Shaft Rubber Wooden Shaft 50 328 65 506 75 799 90 1292 1 1 1 1 Plastic Hammer, Loose Heads in all sizes available Item Nº. HWS101202 HWS101203 HWS101204 HWS101205 FR 016700 Item Nº. Hickory Shaft Hickory Shaft Hickory Shaft Hickory Shaft 30 40 50 60 184 325 632 938 Plastic Hammer, Non-rebound Hammer Ø mm HWFR01670032 HWFR01670040 HWFR01670050 Hickory Shaft Hickory Shaft Hickory Shaft S 2735/FR 00114 Item Nº. HWS273501 HWS273601 HWFR00114002 FR 01721400 Item Nº. HWFR01721400 I Ø mm 32 600 40 820 50 1180 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Roofing Hammer I Weight + Permanent Magnet Forged out of one piece, with permanent Magnet and annulated round rubber grip 600 600 500 731 735 630 1 1 1 Roofers – Combi - Hammer I Weight Rubber 500 g 700 • The rubber is vulcanized on to the hammer shaft. One side normal, the other side cylindric shape (50 Ø). 19 1 Draenert TOOLS Groofing Hammers FR 70650 Groofing Hammer Item Nº. HWFR70650200 HWFR70650300 FR 01691 Item Nº. HWFR01691400 I mm A= 9 mm / B=11 mm A=12 mm / B=14 mm 114 120 200 300 Special Groofing Hammer mm A=30 mm / B=10 mm 1 1 I 340 400 1 Plumber’sHammer FR 70610 Double Headed Plumber’s Hammer Item Nº. HWFR70610300 FR 70670 Item Nº. HWFR70670100 FR 70630 Item Nº. HWFR70630200 HWFR70630300 HWFR70630500 FR 70740 Item Nº. HWFR70740300 FR 70730 A=23 mm / B=22 mm Both sides different Radius, polished A=14 mm / B=11 mm Both sides different Radius, polished A=18 mm / B=21 mm A=19 mm / B=22 mm A=24 mm / B=26 mm One side rounded off, polished A=27 mm / B=27x7 mm Item Nº. HWFR70700500 I mm 105 100 1 I mm 135 144 165 200 300 500 1 1 1 I mm 105 300 1 One Sided Polishing Hammer A= 34 mm FR 70700 1 Cross Peen Hammer HWFR70730400 HWFR70720400 300 Embossing Hammer One side polished Item Nº. 134 Planishing and Groofing Hammer Item Nº. FR 70720 I mm I mm 82 400 1 Two Sided Polishing Hammer Double face, differently bent, polished finish A=32 mm / B=32 mm I mm 118 400 1 Polishing Hammer Double One side flat, one side slightly camber and round, polished A=30 mm / B=30 mm I mm 120 500 20 1 Draenert TOOLS Metal/ Chisel/ Anvils S 2783 Item Nº. HWS278306 HWS278308 HWS278310 HWS278312 FR 0103/7030 Bottom Swages with Tail I Gap: 6 mm Gap: 8 mm Gap: 10 mm Gap: 12 mm HWFR70340100 FR 7051/7052 FR 010300 Straight face with one bevel Straight face with one bevel Straight face with one bevel Face on both sides Face one side rounded off Face one side rounded off 1 side beveled and bowed 1 side beveled and bowed 1 side beveled, bowed & round 1 side beveled, oval & round FR 7040-7044 Item Nº. HWFR70400040 HWFR70400050 HWFR70410040 HWFR70410050 HWFR70420040 HWFR70420050 HWFR70430040 HWFR70430050 HWFR70440050 80 100 80 100 80 100 80 100 80 1000 1400 1000 1400 1000 1400 1000 1400 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1400 1 Sockets Tassos I Width mm Rectrangular face opposite rounded side polished Quadratical side socket polished next to the rounded side 75 x 80 80 x 90 80 x 80 90 x 90 4000 5000 4000 5000 1 1 1 1 Bording Sockets, polished Item Nº. HWFR01030030 HWFR01030040 HWFR01030050 I Width mm Item Nº. HWFR70510080 HWFR70510090 HWFR70520080 HWFR70520090 1 1 1 1 Hatchet Stakes, polished Item Nº. HWFR01031080 HWFR01031100 HWFR70300080 HWFR70300100 HWFR70320080 HWFR70320100 HWFR70330080 HWFR70330100 HWFR70340080 450 450 450 450 I Width mm Working face flat Face high bowed Face slightly bowed 30 640 40 870 50 1200 1 1 1 Tinsmith’s Sockets, polished I Width mm 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 50 1000 1600 1000 1600 1000 1600 1000 1600 1600 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Metal / Chisel / Anvils FR 7020-7023 Anvils for Tinkers, polished Item Nº. HWFR70200060 HWFR70200080 HWFR70200100 HWFR01032060 HWFR01032080 HWFR70210100 HWFR70220060 HWFR70220080 HWFR70220100 HWFR70230060 HWFR70230080 HWFR70230100 S 1004 I Width mm One side flat, 4 sharp corners Fine polished working face, 2 round and 2 sharp corners One side flat, 1 sharp and 2 round Corners Top slightly bowed, 4 round Corners 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 60 80 100 2000 4000 7500 2000 4000 7500 2000 4000 7500 2000 4000 7500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hammers Item Nº. Weight Hammer Head HWS100402 HWS100404 HWS100405 HWS100406 HWS100407 HWS100408 HWS100409 HWS100410 HWS100411 HWS100413 HWS100414 100 g. 200 g. 250 g. 300 g. 400 g. 500 g. 600 g. 800 g. 1000 g. 1500 g. 2000 g. I 146 257 321 382 498 629 732 938 1174 1724 2228 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 S 1022-1023 Embossing Hammers Item Nº. Weight Hammer Head HWS102301 HWS102302 HWS102303 HWS102304 HWS102201 HWS102203 1000 g. 1250 g. 1500 g. 2000 g. Spare Handles 102301/02 Spare Handles102303/04 S 102401 Item Nº. HWS102401 I 1100 1350 1610 2120 100 110 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mining Sledges with Metal Handle & Rubber Grip Weight Hammer Head I 1000 g. 1530 1 S 1021-1022 Sledge Hammers Item Nº. Weight Hammer Head HWS102152 HWS102154 HWS102155 HWS102156 HWS102205 3000 g. 4000 g. 5000 g. 6000 g. Spare Handle 850 mm I 3700 4670 5530 6320 700 22 1 1 1 1 1 Hammers Draenert TOOLS Chisels S 10380 Groove Chisels I Item Nº. HWS103800 HWS103801 200 x 26 mm 240 x 26 mm 235 254 10 10 • CV-self-hardened special steel, highly alloyed, red color S 10390 Flat Chisels (Electrician Chisels) I Item Nº. HWS103901 HWS103902 HWS103903 HWS103904 200 x 8 mm 250 x 10 mm 250 x 12 mm 250 x 15 mm 109 112 116 177 10 10 10 10 • CV-Steel, square handle, red color S 10410 Flat Chisels I Item Nº. HWS104101 HWS104102 HWS104103 HWS104104 HWS104105 HWS104106 HWS104107 150 x 17 x 11 mm 200 x 23 x 13 mm 250 x 23 x 13 mm 300 x 23 x 13 mm 350 x 26 x 13 mm 400 x 26 x 13 mm 500 x 26 x 13 mm 90 198 252 305 800 925 1200 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 • CV-self-hardened special steel, highly alloyed, red color S 10430 Item Nº. HWS104300 HWS104301 HWS104302 HWS104303 HWS104304 HWS104305 Pointed Chisels I 200 x SW13 250 x SW18 300 x SW18 350 x SW18 400 x SW18 500 x SW18 205 232 283 666 796 1192 5 5 5 1 1 1 • CV-self-hardened special steel, highly alloyed, red color, octagonal S 10341 Cross-Cut Chisels I Item Nº. HWS103412 HWS103414 HWS103415 150 mm 200 mm 250 mm 170 370 460 1 1 1 • CV-self-hardened special steel, highly alloyed, red color S 10376 Hand Guard for Chisels I Item Nº. HWS103765 HWS103766 HWS103767 HWS103768 18 mm 23 x 13 mm 26 x 7 mm 26 x 13 mm 138 104 99 93 • Safety guard, resistant plastic. • 103765: for pointed chisels • 103766-103768: for flat chisels 23 1 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Tile Axe Hammers S 27550 Tile Axe Hammers Item Nº. HWS275501 HWS275502 HWS2755012K HWS2755022K Right Version Left Version Right Version Ergonomic Anti Slip-Grip Left version Ergonomic Anti Slip-Grip S 27600 600 600 600 1 1 1 350 600 1 I mm 400 mm S 27610 320 400 500 600 1 1 Slater’s Anvil, top bent Item Nº. I mm HWS276101 320 S 27700 500 1 Slater’s Nail Puller Item Nº. I mm HWS277001 HWS277002 HWS277004 400 600 500 660 600 1000 FR 000106 1 1 1 Slater’s Hammer Rhenish Pattern Item Nº. HWFR00010600 HWFR00010650 350 350 350 Slater’s Anvil, straight Item Nº. HWS276001 HWS276002 I mm I mm Right,light Version Right, middle Version 340 340 600 650 1 1 • Three holes, handforged, leather handle, polished, point and hammer partly inductiv tempered. FR 000206 Slater’s Hammer, Rhenish Pattern Item Nº. HWFR00020600 HWFR00020650 I mm Right, light Version Right, middle Version 340 340 600 650 1 1 • with side nail puller, handforged, leather handle, polished, point and hammer partly inductiv tempered. FR 0032 Item Nº. HWFR00324400 HWFR00325400 Slater’s Anvil, straight, French Pattern mm I Left 400 mm Right 400 mm FR 00312/00313 400 400 725 725 1 1 Slater’s Anvil, heavy Version, straight or bent Item Nº. HWFR00312000 HWFR00313000 I mm Straight, heavy version, 30 x8 mm Bent, heavy version, 30 x8 mm 310 800 1 310 800 1 24 Draenert TOOLS Slate Cutters EM 0320/0325 MAT COUP Slate Cutter Snips Item Nº. HWEM0320 HWEM0325 I mm Cutting length: 35 mm Cutting lenght: 55 mm 300 320 645 665 1 1 FR 00920000 Ergo-Slate Cutter Snips + Hole Punching Item Nº. I mm HWFR00920000 300 630 1 EM 0310/0324 MAT Slate Cutter Snips + Hole Punching Item Nº. HWEM0310 HWEM0324 FR 0035 Cutting lenght: 35 mm Cutting lenght: 55 mm HWFR00352000 EM 0330 310 320 825 870 I mm Basic Version Adjustable guide from 30-300 mm, 0 - 90° Punching Device for the Standard Nail 3,4 x 40 mm 450 6900 430 1000 1 1 440 1 900 PRO MAT-COUP Slate Snips I Item Nº. HWEM0330 DI 061023 Cutting lenght 250 mm 2400 1 C.A.D. Slate Cutter Snips I Item Nº. HWDI061023 1 1 Slate Cutter - SCHIEFERMAX Item Nº. HWFR00350000 HWFR00351000 I mm Measurements: 80 x 42 cm 18000 1 • Slate Snips, with double guide, Knife ø 180 mm. • Complete with Guides for Staight and Mitre Cuts. • One-Hand-Operation EM 0335 MECA-MAT Double Hole Punching Tool I Item Nº. HWEM0335 3400 1 • Double Hole Punching for Slate up to 8 mm. • With Scale, exchangeable Punch, Dies and Guide. EM 0370 ALFA CUT - Snip I Item Nº. HWEM0370 Cutting length 180-190 mm 3400 1 • Fibre-Cement – Asbestos Cutting length up to 180-190 mm. • Ergonomic Snips for long and straight cuts. Material can be feeded into the tool. 25 Draenert TOOLS Roof Tile Tools FR 00211000 Slate and Tile- Cutting Pliers Item Nº. HWFR00211000 EM 0333/0850 Item Nº. HWEM0333 HWEM0715 HWEM0850 I mm 220 410 1 WOODYCUT Wood Cutter CAMELEONCUT wood + PVC Cutter mm I Woodycut 420 Knife 130 mm woodycut + cameleoncut Cameleoncut 420 2800 200 2800 1 1 1 • Batten Cutting Tool. Designed to work on top of the roof. Mounting system. • Long handle (380 mm) to cut fast and with minimal strength. • A perfect cut up to 28 mm height and 130 mm in length with an adjustable fence (45° - 90°) • 130 mm changeable knife. EM 0332 LIT’UP Batten Lifter Item Nº. I mm HWEM0332 500 1550 S 6720 1 Hatchet Item Nº. L mm HWS672001 HWS672002 HWS672003 HWS672005 380 380 380 420 Weight Head 800 900 1000 1200 I 1050 1120 1140 1500 1 1 1 1 • with nail puller S 6720 Hatchet for Hobby & Camping Item Nº. HWS672053 HWS672231 Hobby Version, 380 mm Camping Hatchet Weight Head 800 1050 275 335 I Weight Head 600 I 1 1 • 672053: 800 g. hatchet as item no. 672001 not polished. • 672231: Small hatchet (275 g.), for camping. S 274501 Shingle Hatchet Item Nº. HWS274501 S 3701 Item Nº. HWS370105 HWS370106 HWS370108 Steel handle with plastic grip 807 1 Tiler’s Nail Puller I Length 500x18 1200 600x18 1400 800x18 1850 26 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Hand Seamers 91520 Single Lock Hand Seamer K8 Ideal for starting seam, for short façades and areas with difficult access or an entire roof or wall n no damage to coated or painted material n easy to use n minimal force required n all parts are made of rust-free materials n ideal for canopy roofs and many other applications Material thickness: aluminum, copper, zinc mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 steel, coated or painted mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 stainless steel mm/ga. 0,5 / 24 Item.no.: closing length L mm width mm kg 91520 210 mm 255 270-570 2,3 91515-1 Double Lock Hand Seamer K7 This double lock hand tool is used after the single lock is closed. Ideal for starting and ending or continuous double lock seaming n no marks on painted or coated profiles due to special hook locators n quick, effortless folding n all parts are rust-free and interchangeable n easy to use Material thickness: aluminum, copper, zinc mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 steel, coated or painted mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 stainless steel mm/ga. 0,5 / 24 Item.no.: closing length L mm width mm 91515-1 210 mm 310 320-610 91551 Drip Edge Bender kg 3,3 K 11 (Eaves edger) n to make a clean bend at drip edges without leaving marks n bends over 90° because of its wide opening n it is also possible to bend a flat-seamed standing seam around and under the drip edge Item.no.: closing length L mm width mm kg 91551 250 mm 240 250 1,7 91552 Drip Edge Seamer K 12 (Eaves sheet jaws) n follow up tool to the drip edge bender n permits a clean and fast locking of the drip edge Item.no.: closing length L mm width mm 91552 200 mm 390 200 kg 2 27 Draenert TOOLS Hand Seamers 91530 Single Lock Hand Seamer K 8 N 91535 & K 8 NL A unique design for closing a single lock seam. This standard tool can be delivered in different lengths. n no scratch marks to coated or painted material n light in weight n ideal for starting or ending the seaming n easy to use n minimal force required n the tool can be used for closing vertical and horizontal seams n all parts are made of rust-free materials n anodized for hardness Material thickness: aluminum, copper, zinc mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 steel, coated or painted mm/ga. 0,8 / 21 stainless steel mm/ga. 0,5 / 24 Item.no.: closing length mm length width mm mm K8N : 91530 200 250 260-430 K8NL : 91535 350 400 310-530 91505 Single Lock Hand Seamer kg 2,1 3,1 Working with NON OXIDABLE TOOLS, closing stainless steel panels, these tools avoid and prevent rust on the material. K5 for arches, domes & barrel vaulted roofs The Hand Seamer K 5, fast closing of profiled panels for arches, domes, dormers and barrel vaulted roofs. n no scratch marks to coated or painted materials n light in weight n easy to use n minimal force required n cleat and panel closing for wind uplift n can be used for closing vertical and horizontal seams n all parts are made of rust-free materials n anodized for hardness Material thickness: Similar to K8N and K8NL Item.no.: closing length mm 91505 70 length mm 120 width mm 260-430 kg 1,0 91510 Batten Seamer K 6 Batten cap systems not only contribute to the architectural design of the roof but are highly functional and one of the oldest roofing systems still in use. Without any tools, the Hand Seamer K 6 is adjustable for batten T-caps from 45-65 mm and is suitable for materials up to 0,8 mm in thickness. Material thickness: Similar to K8N and K8NL Item.no.: closing length mm 91510 210 length mm 280 width mm 45-65 kg 3 Roll-Cap-System 28 Draenert TOOLS Sheet Metal Tools RA 101,102,103 Item Nº. Sheet Bending Jaws BG 300, BG 500, BG 1000 Typ HWRA103 BG 300 HWRA102 BG 500 HWRA101 BG 1000 RA 104 340 500 500 300 500 1000 1 1 1 I Depth Width mm mm HWRA104 Upright bents from 2060 mm adjustable in steps of 5 mm 60 500 7000 1 Single Lock Seamer WFSCH Item Nº. I Width mm HWRA111 Hand Seamer to close a Single Lock Standing Seam RA 128 5000 6900 1400 Tine Edge Jaw BKZ Item Nº. RA 111 I Depth Width mm mm 220 2500 1 Single Lock Seamer , Upright WFSCHST Item Nº. I Width mm HWRA128 3-step adjustable handles 220 3500 1 • Closing seam standing upright RA 117 Double Lock Seamer WDF Item Nº. HWRA117 Hand Seamer to close to a Double Lock Seam RA 131 I Width mm 220 2500 1 Double Lock Seamer, Upright WDFST Item Nº. I Width mm HWRA131 3-step adjustable handles 220 3600 1 • Closing seam standing upright RA 105 Drip Edge Bender TK or K11 Item Nº. HWRA105 Drip Edge bents over 90º at the eave, gutter, dormer, windows 250 RA 106 Drip Edge Seamer TSCH or K12 Item Nº. Width mm HWRA106 To close a drip edge over 180º RA 108 I Width mm 220 1700 1 I 2100 1 Single Hand Edger HK Item Nº. HWRA108 Edger, One-Hand-Operation I Width mm 65 700 29 1 Draenert TOOLS Metal Bending Tools RA 113 Two – Hand - Edger, ZHK Item Nº. Width mm HWRA113 Edger, 2- Hand Operation 120 RA 109 Upright Bending Tool SK Item Nº. Width mm HWRA109 Folds up to 250 mm in depth RA 110 250 4600 1 I 3000 1 Ledge Bending Tool 45° or 60° GEK Item Nº. I Width mm HWRA11045 HWRA11060 45° Version 60° Version RA 114 140 140 1000 1000 1 1 Snaker FD Item Nº. I L mm HWRA114 Reduction of pipes etc. up to 70 mm depth RA 115/116 70 800 I L mm HWRA115 Large Version Bends Tile Edges and Angles HWRA116 Small Version Bending upright, twin seam RA 119/RA 127 Item Nº. 1 Tile Edger PEK Item Nº. HWRA119 HWRA127 I 250 3000 1 70 750 1 Single Lock Hand Seamer small RGS I Width mm Large Small 65 65 1000 800 1 1 • Ideal for closing the Single Lock Seam, arches, domes, barrel vaulted roofs RA 133 Notching Tool AKW I Item Nº. HWRA133 Produces in sequence of 4operations, Cut-outs at the Wall, Ridge or Gutter incl. Pliers ZDZ 5000 • Incl. Pliers ZDZ 30 1 Draenert TOOLS Metal Bending Tools RA 107 Pleat Closer FSCH Item Nº. HWRA107 Closing simple lock seam or gusset plates RA 120 220 1 I L mm HWRA120 Adjust the desired length on the drip edge, with the guide and marks a line 120 200 1 Round Profile Bender RPS Item Nº. I L mm HWRA140 For closing round profiles as Bemo, Calzip, Euro RA 141 5000 Drip Edge Ruler TRL Item Nº. RA 140 I L mm 220 2600 1 Round Profile Bender, Upright RPS Item Nº. I L mm HWRA141 For closing round profiles as Bemo, Calzip, Euro 220 3800 1 • Working upright Aluminium Tools RA 102AL Sheet Bending Tool Aluminium BG 500 AL Item Nº. Type HWRA102AL BG 500 AL Depth mm Width mm 500 500 I 3700 1 • Material Aluminium light weight Version 3,7 kg. RA 111AL Single Lock Hand Seamer WFSCH AL Item Nº. Type HWRA111AL WFSCH AL I Width mm 220 1100 1 • Material Aluminium light weight Version 1,1 kg. RA 117AL Double Lock Hand Seamer WDF AL Item Nº. Type HWRA117AL WDF AL I Width mm 220 1200 • Material Aluminium light weight Version 1,2 kg. 31 1 Draenert TOOLS Hole Punching Tools MA TLZ Hole Punching Tool for Corrugated Materials Item Nº. HWMATLZ I mm lCompound Action Hole Puncher for fast and precise punching of two holes at one time in Corrugated Materials up to 1,20 mm in thickness lAdjustable width from 48 to 89 mm. 580 1900 1 PF 3/4/5/6/8 Aluminium Hole Punching Tool Ø Item Nº. mm L mm 3 4 5 6 8 220 220 220 220 220 HWPF3 HWPF4 HWPF5 HWPF6 HWPF8 I 350 350 350 350 350 1 1 1 1 1 • Metal up to 1 mm in thickness, depth 25 mm PF 200 Hole Punching Tool, max. thickness 2,0 mm Ø Item Nº. mm L mm 3 4 5 6 8 220 220 220 220 220 HWPF2003 HWPF2004 HWPF2005 HWPF2006 HWPF2008 I 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 1 1 1 1 1 • Metal up to 2,0 mm in thickness, depth 25 mm TM 21101 Hole Punching Tool Junior Item Nº. HWTM21101 I L mm Punch & dies available from 2 to 5 mm in gradation of 1/10 mm 260 800 1 • Metal up to 1,5 mm in thickness, depth 30 mm TM 11101 Hole Punching Tool Senior Item Nº. HWTM11101 I L mm Punch & dies available from 2 to 8 mm in gradation of 1/10 mm 340 1800 1 • Metal up to 1,5 mm in thickness, depth 40 mm TM 11102 Heavy Duty Punching Tool Item Nº. HWTM11102 I L mm Punch & dies available from 3 to 10 mm in gradation of 5/10 mm 590 2000 * Metal up to 3,0 mm in thickness, depth 40 mm 32 1 Draenert TOOLS Notchers – Cutters – Hole Cutters EM 0185 POLYPERFOR Hole Cutter With adjustable guide up to 43 mm Item Nº. I L mm HWEM0185 Incl. 3,3 – 4,1 - 4,9 and 6,2 punches 270 965 1 • Metal up to 1,5 mm in thickness, depth 30 mm TM 61202 Offset - & Hole Puncher Item Nº. I L mm HWTM61202 325 1200 1 • Ideal for Car Body Repair Shops TM 59203 Hole and Countersink Pliers Item Nº. I L mm HWTM59203 270 965 1 • Punching hole and countersink at one time M50406/M52477 Hole Cutters HC1 und HC2 (Attachment for Hand Drills) Item Nº. HWM50406 HWM52477 HWM50072 I Ø mm HC1 51 - 305 HC2 51 - 508 Milling Cutter Drill CB for HC1 & HC2 454 624 33 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Slot Hole Pliers EM 0341 Slot Hole Plier with adjustable guide 9 - 21 mm Item Nº. HWEM0341 Slot Hole TM 11101/5X12 mm L mm 3,5 x 15 310 825 1 Slot Hole Plier 5 x 12 mm Item Nº. mm HWTM1101/5x12 I Slot Hole 5 x 12 I L mm 340 1800 1 • Metal up to 1,5 mm in thickness. TM 11210/8X20 Slot Hole Plier 8 x 20 mm Item Nº. mm HWTM11210/8x20 Slot Hole 8 x 20 I L mm 340 1800 1 • Metal up to 1,5 mm in thickness. Notching MA BK1 Notching Plier BK1 I Item Nº. HWMABK1 BK1 1 • A handy tool to manufacture slots fast and accurate in zinc and copper. Punching holes in vertical edges is not neccessary anymore and belongs to the past. • Recommended by Company Rheinzink. M 50503 Notching Plier 30° Item Nº. HWM50503 RW 145065420 V- Cut 11x20 mm RW 145065410 V- Cut 20x25 mm 220 9" I 300 5 mm inch 220 9" I 300 5 Notching Plier 90° Item Nº. HWRW145065410 inch Notching Plier 45° Item Nº. HWRW145065420 mm V- Cut 25x25 mm mm inch 220 9" I 300 34 5 Draenert TOOLS Notching WE MN4 Notching Tool 90°, stationary Item Nº. HWWEMN4 • • • • • • I mm 152 9500 1 Capacity: 4 Tons Max. thickness in Metal 1,6 mm Measurement: 457 x 305 mm Packing wooden box Max. Notching 152 x 152 mm Weight: 95 kg Scriber Tools S 278601 Scriber Template Item Nº. HWS278601 RA 120 -Gradation in Steps of 5 mm to 100 mm -Stainless Steel hardened, 48 HRc -Thickness 1,3 mm 140 x 100 S 444106 S 44410 Adjust to the desired length on the drip edge with the ruler and marks a line 120 200 1 Graphite Marking Pencil for Metal I L mm Black 240 15 50 Marking Pencils (Metal/Glass/Plastic/Ceramics) Item Nº. HWS444104 HWS444105 1 I L mm Item Nº. HWS444106 60 Drip Edge Ruler TRL Item Nº. HWRA120 I L mm I L mm White, packed per 12 pieces Black, packed per 12 pieces 175 175 10 10 35 12 12 Draenert TOOLS Chalk Lines S 44470 Prof-Chalk Line, Aluminium Item Nº. HWS444701 HWS444702 I Lm Small, robust Chalk Line Tool for the professional Expert. Aluminium case with a surface structure for an optimum grip.The beveled side is needed as a supporting surface, when the chalk line is in tension. The line is 30 m long and can be easy exchanged Spare chalk line FR 03012 30 180 1 30 30 1 Chalk Line “TURBO SPEED” 3-times faster Item Nº. HWFR03012000 HWFR03012001 HWFR03074000 FR 03032000 Galvanized Case ABS- Plastic Case Spare chalk line with a hook 30 30 30 S 44480 275 145 35 I Lm 30 30 Spare chalk line 240 55 I color HWS444801 HWS444802 HWS444803 HWS444804 HWS444805 HWS444806 Red Blue Red Blue Red Blue 100 100 360 360 1000 1000 FR 0304/0305/0306 Cord Powder in Bucket Item Nº. color S 28340 2,5 kg Bucket 2,5 kg Bucket 2,5 kg Bucket 25 kg Bucket 25 kg Bucket 25 kg Bucket S 283501 Item Nº. HWS283501 1 1 1 1 1 1 I White 2500 Blue 2500 Red 2500 White 25000 Blue 25000 Red 25000 1 1 1 1 1 1 Special Gutter Cord Item Nº. HWS283401 HWS283402 1 1 Powder for Chalk Line Item Nº. HWFR03042500 HWFR03052500 HWFR03062500 HWFR03042501 HWFR03052501 HWFR03062501 1 1 1 Double Chalk Line with Handle Bar Item Nº. HWFR03032000 HWFR0307200 I Lm Orange Green Ø mm Lm 1,5 1,5 75 75 I 90 90 1 1 Metal Scrolling Tool I mm 220 x 100 500 36 1 Draenert TOOLS Scriber Tools S 261001 Scriber, hexagonal Item Nº. HWS261001 S 261601 Tip Chrome Vanadium Steel 180 S 262001 S 25000 Item Nº. Tip Carbide 180 Item Nº. Item Nº. Chrome Vanadium Steel Tempered steel, Tip hardened & polished S 347001 With bow and locking screw S 34800 Item Nº. Item Nº. HWS349001 HWS349002 L mm Ø mm 175 200 250 260 300 360 L mm Ø mm 175 200 250 240 280 300 L mm Ø mm 150 200 250 110 150 180 L mm L1 mm Ø mm 210 115 7 L mm L1 mm Ø mm 210 115 7 L mm L1 mm Ø mm 113 148 162 40 60 80 3 5 5,5 Quenched tempered steel, polished I 100 120 180 1 1 1 I 110 130 190 1 1 1 I 150 180 210 1 1 1 Round Awl Shatter proof I 80 1 Square Awl Plastic handle I 80 1 Smal Round Brad Awl Shatter proof transparent plastic handle HWS348001 HWS348002 HWS348003 S 34900 1 Devider with Spring and Locking Screw Item Nº. HWS347001 50 Divider with a Locking Screw Item Nº. HWS346001 250 Divider HWS254001 HWS254003 HWS254004 S 346001 1 I L mm HWS251001 HWS251002 HWS251003 S 25400 30 Curved Scriber Knurled Grip HWS250002 HWS250003 HWS250004 S 25100 1 I L mm Item Nº. HWS262001 50 Scriber, hexagonal, with Carbide Tip Item Nº. HWS261601 I L mm I 20 25 30 1 1 1 Smal Square Reaming Awl Shatter proof transparent L mm L1 mm Ø mm 148 162 60 80 5,5 6 I 25 30 37 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Steel Square Tools S 283701 Engineer’s Steel Square with Stock Support Item Nº. HWS283701 HWS283702 HWS283703 S 2630 Chrome plated exact angle accuracy precision 350 x 180 600 x 330 1050 x 500 S 2631 S 2632 Item Nº. HWS263201 HWS263202 S 2633 1 1 1 I mm All Squares Precision Exact Angle Accuracy +/- 0,057 125 x 80 x 20 150 x 100 x 20 200 x 130 x 20 250 x 160 x 20 300 x 175 x 25 400 x 230 x 30 500 x 275 x 30 600 x 330 x 30 800 x 415 x 30 1000 x 500 x 30 100 130 250 300 350 580 730 880 1300 1600 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Engineer’s Steel Square with Stock Support Item Nº. HWS263100 HWS263101 HWS263102 HWS263103 HWS263104 HWS263105 HWS263106 HWS263107 HWS263108 HWS263109 HWS263110 HWS263111 600 1000 2000 Engineer’s Steel Square without Stock Support Item Nº. HWS263001 HWS263002 HWS263003 HWS263004 HWS263005 HWS263006 HWS263007 HWS263008 HWS263009 HWS263010 I mm I mm Stock Support Precision Exact Angle Accuracy +/- 0,057 100 x 70 x 20 125 x 80 x 20 150 x 100 x 20 200 x 130 x 20 250 x 160 x 20 300 x 175 x 25 400 x 230 x 30 500 x 275 x 30 600 x 330 x 30 750 x 390 x 30 1000 x 495 x 30 1010 x 495 x 30 210 220 260 350 430 500 800 970 1330 1600 2150 2170 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Square Flange L mm L1 mm L2 mm 400 x 400 500 x 500 140 155 160 190 I 960 1160 1 1 Steel Rule without Graduation Item Nº. mm HWS263302 HWS263303 HWS263304 HWS263305 HWS263306 400 500 600 800 1000 I 550 700 850 1000 1250 38 1 1 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Square and Ruler Tools S 2634 Aluminium Rule, with Graduation Item Nº. HWS263403 HWS263404 HWS263405 HWS263406 HWS263408 HWS263410 HWS263415 HWS263420 I mm Anodized Scratch resistant Graduation 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 without graduation without graduation 210 220 260 350 430 500 800 970 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Scriber Tools UV 21360 Parallel Scriber Item Nº. HWUV213601 HWUV213602 S 283301 Single Double L mm B mm 145 145 45 45 S 4420 70 100 1 1 Automatic Center Punch AK Item Nº. HWS283301 I I mm Automatic center punch, no hammer needed 135 50 1 Plumb Bob Piryform Item Nº. I mm HWS442001 HWS442002 HWS442003 HWS442005 HWS442010 65 70 75 85 100 200 250 300 500 1000 1 1 1 1 1 • Steel, red powder coating, with detachable brass screw S 4431 Plumb Bob Line Item Nº. HWS443103 HWS443105 HWS443113 HWS443115 FR 0297 Item Nº. HWFR02970050 HWFR02972050 HWFR02972100 White Red Green Green Ø mm L m 1 1 1,7 1,7 30 50 30 50 Ø mm L m 1 2 2 50 50 100 I 23 29 36 50 24 12 12 12 Mason’s Cord I 35 85 165 39 12 12 6 Draenert TOOLS Grip Tools UB 600 Item Nº. Universal Grip Plier L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm HWUB600/180 HWUB600/250 HWUB600/300 UB 680 Item Nº. 180 250 300 HWUB610 UB 681 180 UB 682 Bottom edge flexibel UB 660 7" 45 250 10 " 45 1 1 1 I 460 1 I 630 1 Welder Grip Plier I L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm To clamp flat and corrugated material 280 11 " 55 860 1 Pipe Grip Plier Item Nº. HWUB682 380 580 930 Parallel Grip Plier L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm Item Nº. HWUB681 35 50 65 Wide Tinsmith Grip Plier L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm HWUB680 UB 610 Item Nº. 7" 10 " 12 " I I L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm To clamp pipes and round parts 280 11 " 10 - 90 860 1 C-Grip Plier to clamp difficult Profiles Item Nº. L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm HWUB660/280 HWUB660/460 HWUB660/600 UB 670 280 460 600 11 " 18 " 24 " 90 760 240 1180 320 1440 I 1 1 1 Parallel C-Grip Plier to clamp difficult Profiles Item Nº. HWUB670/280 HWUB670/460 HWUB670/600 HWUB670/000 L L Jaw Opening mm inch mm 280 11 " 460 18 " 600 24 " Plasic cover caps (set) 75 780 225 1200 300 1460 • with moveable pressure plates 40 I 1 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Drywall / Partition Tools EM 0600 Profil-Connection Plier I Item Nº. HWEM0600 900 1 • Thickness 0,8 x 0,8 mm • Ideal for clinching steel studs EM 0610 Profil Offset Connection Plier 2 RM I Item Nº. HWEM0610 665 1 • Thickness 0,8 x 0,8 mm • Ideal for steel studs EM 0620 Master Profil Connection Plier I Item Nº. HWEM0620 one hand operation 700 1 • Maximum thickness 0,8 x 0,8 mm • Ideal for clinching steel studs EM 1091/0692 RAP’PLAC – Gypsum Plane I Item Nº. HWEM1091 HWEM0692 Fixed angle 45° Variable angle 22 – 45° 675 740 1 1 • Plane to bevel plaster board • Chrome Vanadium Steel EM 0670/0672 Crocoplac – Compass Saw I Item Nº. HWEM0670 HWEM0672 150 mm Saw Blade 250 mm Saw Blade 355 455 1 1 • Ideal Saw for plaster board and wood • Large saw depth • Also drill holes for dovels EM 0700 Mitre Snips Multi Coup I Item Nº. HWEM0700 56 mm knife 355 1 To cut and mitre of: • Plastic Profiles, Plastic, Rubber seals, cover strips, Tile cover strips, PVC- cover • strips and much more EM 0710 Mitre Snips Multi Coup Extra I Item Nº. HWEM0710 Knife 61 mm can be resharpened 350 1 To cut and mitre of: • Plastic Profiles, Plastic, Rubber seals, all kinds of cover strips in plastic or wood EM 0860 Wood Batten Cutter TECHNICOUP I Item Nº. HWEM0860 350 To cut and mitre of: • MDF or Wood cover strips. Adjustable from 55 to 66 mm • Nice cut, the base is adapted to the form of the cover strips 41 1 Draenert TOOLS Drywall Tools EM 0930-0935 Carbide Abrasive Disc I Item Nº. HWEM0930 HWEM0931 HWEM0932 HWEM0933 HWEM0934 HWEM0935 coarse coarse middle middle fine fine flat bevel 10° flat bevel 10° flat bevel 10° 256 256 256 256 256 256 1 1 1 1 1 1 • polishing, deburring, surface finishing, sanding of wood, concrete, plaster, stone • mild stone and rust • For all angle grinders ø 115 – 125 mm EM 0944-0951 Tungsten Carbide Hole Saw I Item Nº. HWEM0944 HWEM0943 HWEM0942 HWEM0948 HWEM0941 HWEM0940 HWEM0947 HWEM0945 HWEM0946 HWEM0951 Ø 83 mm x 35 mm Ø 73 mm x 35 mm Ø 67 mm x 35 mm Ø 63 mm x 35 mm Ø 53 mm x 35 mm Ø 43 mm x 35 mm Ø 33 mm x 35 mm Universal shaft Ø 90 mm Center drill Set 33, 53, 67, 73, 83 mm + Shaft & center drill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Tungsten carbide – Chrome vanadium steel • Cuts out of all kind of materials: wood, concrete, plaster board, bricks, floor- wall tiles • Ideal for installing electrical sheathing, pipes, outlets, junction boxes, ducting, etc. EM 0110 Hand Snips Super Coup NR1 SC with waste curl cutter I Item Nº. HWEM0110 EM 0113 460 1 Hand Snips Super Coup NR3 TO with waste curl cutter I Item Nº. HWEM0113 475 1 • For flat and corrugated materials EM 0350 Downspout Crimper MAXI RET I Item Nº. HWEM0350 710 1 • 5 blades, depth up to 52 mm • Also useable for stainless steel up to 0,8 mm EM 0302 Offset Downspout Crimper ERGO RET I Item Nº. HWEM0302 710 • 5 blades, up to 40 mm depth • Also useable for stainless steel up to 0,8 mm 42 1 Draenert TOOLS Drywall Tools EM 0203 Expansion Tool ø 4 – 8 mm for Metal Anchors I Item Nº. HWEM0203 435 1 • Fitting metal anchors to drywalls EM 0780 Profil Cutter Perfect Cut 90 I Item Nº. HWEM0780 355 1 • Cutting rectangular or square profiles, corner profiles PVC without deformation • from 25 – 45 mm EM 0731 Pipe Cutter TRIOCOUP I Item Nº. HWEM0731 Ø 16, 20 en 25 mm 355 1 • Cutting tubes PVC or PER tubes ø 16, 20 and 25 mm • Three in one tool: by turning the die, automatic lock system KU M6/M8/M10 Thread Shaft Cutting manual cutting I Item Nº. HWKUM6/M8 HWKUM8/M10 Cutting thread shafts M6 / M8 & wire 4,0 mm Cutting thread shafts M8 / M10 & wire 4,0 mm 1 1 • Assembled to a wooden block • Simple handling KR OG-13AC Cordless Thread Shaft Cutting 12 Volt I Item Nº. HWKROG13AC Standard with M8 cutting blocks 4000 1 • Nearly no noseless, no dust no sparks while cutting • Consistant power due to 3 hydraulic pumps • Special developed to cut different threads up to (max. M12) Option: • Cutting Blocks M6, M8, M10 and M12 • Cutting Blocks in stainless steel M8 and M10 KU PROFIL Profile - Steel Stud Cutter incl. GWO 4 and 5 Adapter - manual Cutting I Item Nº. HWKUPROFIL • • • • • • • Cutting of steel studs, for wall ,Corner profiles, C-U–profiles for wall and ceiling systems Ideal for Van Geel wall profiles Stepless adjustment to different profiles U-Profile from 28 - 100 mm width and height up to 50 mm T-Profile up to a height of 40 mm Knife and die made out of chrome vanadium steel with a notch for T-profiles Cutter mounted on a wooden block Simple operation 43 1 Draenert TOOLS Isolation-/Styrofoam Tools EM 0680 K’STRIPLAC 2 Styrofoam Cutter with telescope handle for all Isolation materials as: Polystyrene, glass wool, Polyurethan, etc. Item Nº. HWEM0680 I length Incl. 80 mm knife max. 100 mm 1240 1 • Ideal to cut, to align and notching of insulation materials. • No bending down, due to handle adjustment from 650 – 900 mm. EM 0681-0685 Spare Knives for K’STRIPLAC 2 I Item Nº. HWEM0681 HWEM0682 HWEM0683 HWEM0684 HWEM0685 EM 0690 Knife set 40/ 60/ 80 and 100 mm Knife set 40 mm (4 pieces) Knife set 60 mm (4 pieces) Knife set 80 mm (4 pieces) Knife set 100 mm (4 pieces) 175 160 170 180 190 1 1 1 1 1 CANALCUT 690 – with fence For all insulation materials as: Polystyrene, stone wool, glass wool, Polyurethan, etc. Item Nº. HWEM0690 HWEM0695 I mm 35 x 30 mm 1240 Spare knife 35 x 30 mm 1 1 • Ideal to cut breakthroughs or notches in insulation materials • Inclusive adjustable guide • Changeable knives S 4867 Insulation Knife I Item Nº. HWS486720 HWS486728 610.. 200 mm 280 mm 140 175 1 1 Metal Stud Shears Best. Nº. 230 or 115 Volt 61010-1 61063 S1001N-1 up to 1,3 mm, 18 ga. 3515 up to 2,3 mm, 14 ga. I 1,6 1,8 1 1 30... / 35... Metal Stud Shears, cordless Best. Nº. cpl. cordless-sets 5-pcs., 2 battery-packs 30133 35203 AK3013 up to 1,3 mm, 18 ga. AK3520 up to 2,0 mm, 14 ga. l l l I 2 2 Burr-free cutting, non-sparking! Cutting without distortion or straightening of formed parts Save & injury free cutting system 44 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Styrofoam Cutters 7142/7149 Engel Cutter A handy tool to cut Styrofoam (Styropor) Item Nº. HW7142008000 HW7149570000 77180 Carton with knife C 70 Plastic box with knife C 100 70 mm 1210 100 mm 1930 HW7718010000 HW7718011000 2700130 1 1 Knives for Engel Cutter Item Nº. HW7718001000 HW7718002000 HW7718004000 HW7718005000 HW7718006000 HW7718008000 I Cutting length mm I mm Knife straight 70 mm C 70 Knife straight 100 mm C 100 Knife round 14 mm CN 14 Knife round 20 mm CN 20 Knife round 26 mm CN 26 Knife round 20 mm CR 20 with depth stop Knife rectangular CS 20 with depth stop Knife V- shaped CV 20 with depth stop 70 100 ø 14 ø 20 ø 26 ø 20 35 35 35 37 37 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 37 1 37 1 StyroCut 140 A hand tool to cut Styrofoam (Styropor) Polystirene Item Nº. HW2700130152 HW2700130153 2700700522 Carton with knife C 140 Plastic box with knife C 140 2700130155 max. 140 1220 max. 140 1940 1 1 Knife for Styro Cut 140 Item Nº. HW2700700522 I mm I mm Knife straight C 140 max. 140 26 1 Styro Cut 180 A handy tool to cut Polystyrene , Styrofoam (Styropor) Item Nº. HW2700130155 2700700 Plastic box with knife C 180 HW2700700497 HW2700700498 200 1450 1 Knives for Styro Cut 180 Item Nº. HW2700700491 HW2700700492 HW2700700522 HW2700700526 HW2700700530 HW2700700493 HW2700700494 HW2700700495 HW2700700496 I mm I mm Knife straight 70 mm C 70-B Knife straight 100 mm C 100-B Knife straight 140 mm C 140 Knife straight 180 mm C 180 Knife straight 200 mm C 200 Knife round 14 mm CN 14-B Knife round 20 mm CN 20-B Knife round 26 mm CN 26-B Knife round 20 mm CR 20-B with depth stop Knife rectangular CS 20-B with depth stop Knife V-shaped CV 20-B with depth stop 70 100 140 180 200 ø 14 ø 20 ø 26 ø 20 35 35 26 46 48 35 37 37 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 37 1 37 1 45 Draenert TOOLS Sanitary Tools BO 406 Bending Tool 90° for Copper Tubings Item Nº. ø mm HWBO406/10 HWBO406/12 HWBO406/14 HWBO406/15 HWBO406/16 HWBO406/17 HWBO406/18 HWBO406/20 HWBO406/22 BO 406/1 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 WICO Tube 6 8 10 12 15 18 Bending radius mm 30 35 45 45 60 60 74 75 75 10 12 14 300 300 300 I ø mm HWBO406/208 HWBO406/210 HWBO406/212 HWBO406/215 8 10 12 15 70 110 160 200 I HWBO407 450 I 3 – 40 mm 235 1 Syphon Plier I Item Nº. HWBO412 BO 408 1 Deburr Tool for In- & Outside Item Nº. BO 412 1 1 1 1 Stetching Tool for Lead Item Nº. HWBO414 1 1 1 Bending Spring Item Nº. BO 414 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ø mm HWBO406/108 HWBO406/110 HWBO406/112 BO 407 1300 1300 1300 2400 2400 2500 3000 3200 5600 Bending Tool 180° Copper Tubings Item Nº. BO 406/2 I 290 1 Faucet Wrench I Item Nº. HWBO408 500 • Adjustable, left and right. • For nuts up to SW 30 mm • Chrome-Vanadium Steel 46 1 Draenert TOOLS Sanitary Tools BO 403 Radiator Wrench I Item Nº. HWBO403 3/8 – 1 1/4 “ BO 1008 300 1 Radiator Wrench I Item Nº. HWBO1008 3/8 – 1 “ BO 1009 130 1 Ratchet 1/2 “ I Item Nº. HWBO1009 420 BO 790 1 Special Wrench (Flamco) I Item Nº. HWBO790 M6, M8, M10 und M12 530 1 BO 760/761 Pipe Wrench Pliers without damage for installing fittings ø 65 mm I Item Nº. HWBO760 HWBO761 500 Plastic protecting cap 1 1 • Parallel tongue and groofe joints • Adjustable • Chrome-Vanadium Steel BO 770/780 Quick Release Wrench without damage for installing fittings up to ø 75 mm I Item Nº. HWBO770 HWBO780 fine serrated coarse serrated 640 640 1 1 • Jaws are parallel • Adjustment stepless • Chrome-Vanadium Steel BO 1011 Plastic Tube Cutter Item Nº. HWBO1011/25 HWBO1011/42 HWBO1011/60 M 52955/52967 25 42 60 270 350 1100 1 1 1 Portable Mini Brake™ Item Nº. HWM52955 HWM52967 I ø mm I mm Mobile Brake up to 0,8 mm Option frame 1200 33000 • Portable brake for steel up to 0,8 mm in thickness • Working width 1200 mm • Maximum bending radius 135° 47 1 Draenert TOOLS Heating –Ventilation MALCO M 50406 Hole Cutter HC1 Item Nº. I Ø mm HWM50406 51 - 305 M 52477 450 1 Maxi Hole Cutter HC2 Item Nº. I Ø mm HWM52477 51 - 508 620 1 HC1 / HC2 M 50072/5040 Spare Parts for Hole Cutter HC1 & HC2 I Item Nº. HWM50072 HWM50407 HWM50408 Cutter Bit CB Adjustment Screw HC1B Drive Shaft HC1E 1 1 1 M 52612 Fiberglass Hole Cutter FG1 Item Nº. width width mm inch HWM52612 228 M 50607 width width mm inch Type S2 straight Type S3, Offset, handles M 50610/52612 Item Nº. HWM50610 HWM52612 M 50503 9" 76 76 M 50632 1 width width mm inch Type S6 Type S9 I 200 200 680 680 2 2 Hand Seamer S6 und S9 152 228 6" 9" I L mm 200 200 850 950 1 1 Hand Notcher N1 I Deep mm Cuts 30° V-shaped recess in lech 21 450 4 Snap Lock Punch SL1 Item Nº. HWM50632 950 L mm 3" 3" Item Nº. HWM50503 200 Hand Seamer S2 and S3 Item Nº. HWM50607 HWM50608 I L mm I L mm Plier for Snap Lock connections Depth 3/8 ", ca. 9 mm 200 450 48 4 Draenert TOOLS Heating - Ventilating MALCO M 50122/50124 Duct Stretcher DS1 und DS2 Item Nº. HWM50122 HWM50124 DS1 DS2, Offset handle M 52599 405 405 DS3, Offset handle 305 Light tool to connect C- and CW-Profiles. One hand operation Deep mm Deep inch 41 41 1 5/8" 1 5/8" C5, 5 blades C6, 5 blades M 52306/52793 2 x 0,85 FDC1, Knife and wire cutter FDC2, Knife and wire cutter FDC3, Knife and wire cutter and tighten nylon ties 91545S1 482 454 1 1 I 302 311 302 312 369 397 1 1 1 DRÄCO Roll-Bending Tool EcO-Bender 3 Best. Nº. l l l l l l I mm 91545 1 Flex Duct Knife Item Nº. EcO-Bender 3 (with handle) 450 Pipe Crimper C5 und C6 Item Nº. 91545 1 I mm M 52295/52629 HWM52306 HWM52793 HWM52929 851 Profil Punch Lock Stud Crimper PL1 Item Nº. HWM52295 HWM52629 1 1 I L mm M 50565 HWM50565 400 400 Duct Stretcher DS3 Item Nº. HWM52599 I L mm FDC2 I L mm Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 200 mm • Galv steel 0.7 mm, stainl. Steel 0.5 mm, Alum. 1.0 mm EcO-Bender 3 without handle FDC1/ FDC3 300 1,8 1 300 1,5 1 So-called Mini-Brake to bend up from sheet material Made from Aluminium and Stainless Steel, with mm-graduation Light weighted, ergonomic bending tool with 4 guide rollers Detacheable EcO-Grip Handle, 3 optimal Grip Positions offers good grip, even when the entire leverage is extended Eyelet to hang up to a tool holder WU 4000/4010 DISC-O-BENDER / Mini DISC-O-BENDER I Best. Nº. For bending sheet metal legs from 90° up to 180° (hem) HWWU4000 Technical Data: • length of the leg: max. 40 mm, min. 8 mm • Bending capacity: max. 0,8 mm • No adjustments 2500 1 • as Disc-O-Bender 4000 • length of the leg: max. 23 mm, min. 8 mm 600 1 Disc-O-Bender HWWU4010 Mini Bender 4000 49 4010 Draenert TOOLS Metal Bending Tools WU 2200 UNI Bender 2200 – Bending Tool I Item Nº. HWWU2200 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 200 mm • maximum material thickness 0,8 mm 1400 1 HWWU2200-1 Special for zinc 1,0 mm 1400 1 • So-called Mini-brake to bend up from sheet material • Stainless Steel, with graduation WU 2202 UNI Bender II 2202 – Bending Tool as UNI Bender 2200 but with 4 bending rolls I Item Nº. HWWU2202 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 200 mm • maximum thickness 0,8 mm 1600 1 HWWU2202-1 Special for zink 1,0 mm 1600 1 • A Mini-Brake to bend upwards from sheet material • Manufactured from stainless steel, with graduation WU 2350 UNI Bender 2350 – Bending Tool as UNI Bender 2200 max. height 350 mm I Item Nº. HWWU2350 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 350 mm • maximum material thickness 0,8 mm 1900 1 • A so-called Mini-Brake to bend upwards from sheet material • Made out of stainless steel, with graduation WU 2352 UNI Bender II 2352 – Bending Tool as UNI Bender II max. bending height 350 mm I Item Nº. HWWU2352 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 350 mm • maximum material thickness 0,8 mm 2100 1 HWWU2352-1 Special for zinc 1,0 mm 2100 1 • A Mini-Brake to bend up from sheet metal • Made from stainless steel, with graduation WU 3200 DUO Bender 3200 – Bending Tool I Item Nº. HWWU3200 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 200 mm • maximum material thickness 0,8 mm 2900 1 HWWU3200-1 Special for zinc 1,0 mm 2900 1 • Double Mini-Brake to bend upwards from sheet metal • Manufactured from stainless steel, graduation WU 3350 DUO Bender 3350 – Bending Tool as DUO Bender II but max. bending height 350 mm I Item Nº. HWWU3350 Technical Data: • Bending height 5 - 350 mm • maximum material thickness 0,8 mm 3900 1 HWWU3350-1 Special for zinc up to 1,0 mm 3900 1 • Double Mini-Brake to bend sheet material upwards 50 Draenert TOOLS Electric Seamers WU 1002B Seam Hammer 1002B I Item Nº. HWWU1002B Closing pre-fabricated standing seam Seam height 30 mm Material thickness maximum 1,5 mm 230 Volt/ 420 Watt, incl. transport case 3,5 kg 1 • Light weight • Robust design • High working speed WU 1004 Pittsburgh-Seam Closer 1004 I Item Nº. HWWU1004 • • • • • Closing of 5/16", 3/8" or 1/2" Pittburgh Seam, maximum thickness 1,2 mm 230 Volt/ 420 Watt 4,0 kg Light weight Robust design High working speed Outer and inner radius approx. 150 mm Special jaws for different seam height are available WU 1003-A Z- Seam Closer 1003-A I Item Nº. HWWU1003A Closing Z-form seams on straight and round work pieces Seam height 5 - 12 mm Maximum thickness 10 mm 230 Volt/ 420 Watt • • • • • 4,0 kg 1 Light weight Robust version High working speed For round work pieces up to a minimum radius of 80 mm Special jaws for a height of 3 - 6 mm are available WU 1003-B Z- Seam Closer 1003-B I Item Nº. HWWU1003B Closing Z-form seams on straight and round pieces Seam height 6 - 14 mm Maximum thickness: 1 - 1,5 mm Steel 400 N/ mm² 1 - 2 mm Aluminium 1 - 1,25 mm Stainless Steel 230 Volt/ 420 Watt • • • • • 1 5,8 kg Light weight Robust design High working speed for round and straight working pieces up to a minimum radius of 150 mm Special jaws for 3 - 6 mm seam height are available 51 1 Draenert TOOLS Electric Seaming Tools WU 1008 Roof Profiling Machine 1008 I Item Nº. HWWU1008 • • • • • • • Producing a profile for facade or double lock seam on bent up strips. Material thickness: l 0,75 mm galvanized steel 400 N/ mm² l 0,8 mm Aluminium, Copper, Zinc 230 Volt/ 420 Watt 3,5 kg 1 Light weight Robust design Standard tool for round roof panels to a minimum radius of 2 meter For smaller radius of 2 meter a round rail must be used to bent down to 800 mm Option round rail (item no.: HWWU1008-ZB) Adjustable for different heights For work- shops and site 91560-1 DRÄCO Power Seamer K9-1 incl. Transport Box Power Seamer is a new combination of DRÄCO patented functions all together. New is the variable speed control, as well as the Winter Set, to close panels in the Summer or Winter time, especially at low outside temperatures. The seamer can be used for forward and reverse operation, in combination with Dual Safety Switch, which stops at the end of the panel or against an obstruction. The Remote Control for forward and reverse is available as an option. Item no.: K9-1 K9-1-WAD Art. Nr.: 91560-1 91565-1 230 V / 1150 W For double lock seam *Complete Version Kg ± 21 22 * K9-1 WAD inclusive single & double lock forming rolls, cutting rolls, variable pressure adjustment, dual- safety switch, variable speed control 5,5 to 13 meter per minute, in forward and reverse operation. Multifunctional due to diverse options: n Set Single Lock Rolls K9-1-WR n Set Cutting Rolls K9-1-AR To cut seam for renovation n Dual-Safety Switch K9-1-DF (Stops automatically) n Variable Pessure Adjustment (for more or less pressure to the seam) n Remote Control 12 mtr. Cable n Winterset variable heat control 230V/3000W, 650°C, 550l/min. Item no.: 91620-1* BG91625-1* 91605-1* K9-1-ASS 91610-1* K9-1-KF K9-1-WS 91660-1 91640-1 * Enclosed in Complete Version l l l l l l Variable Pressure Adjustment K9-1-ASS. To close to a Single – double Lock Standing Seam. Metal, Aluminium, Zinc and Copper up to 0,8 mm. Stainless Steel up to 0,5 mm. No damage or scatches to painted or coated sheets. for Profile Heights from 25 –60 mm Nice clean seam on the clips, also when closing to a cross seam, due to disk springs assembled to the K9-1. The tension and pressure is always correct. 52 The patended DUAL-Safety Switch K9-1-DF, stops the K9-1 automatically at the end of the seam wall or any other obstructions. Draenert TOOLS Gutter Tools BO 440/445 Beading Machine For Bead Shafts 10-22 mm Item Nº. HWBO440 HWBO445 BO 442/443 1020 2050 BO 444 24,0 kg 50,0 kg I Working width mm for BO 440 for BO 445 1020 2050 15,0 kg 10,0 kg 2,0 kg I L mm HWBO650 l l l ca. 800 14,0 kg Sawblades for B 650 (without pic.) I Item Nº. HWBO651 HWBO652 KI 825 Standard SS 730 mm For Aluminium and Plastic 1 1 Pipe Anvil Both Ends 60º beveled and hardened Upper surface curved and polished Item Nº. HWKI8251500 HWKI8252000 HWKI8252250 KI 826 l l l l 1 Both Ends 60º beveled and hardened Miter Saw for Gutters and Down Spouts, material Zinc, Copper or Plastic up to ø 160 mm Fence can be adjusted accurate to the millimeter Inclusive Fence –Front part can be tilted. Fast entry of material Brilliant performance to guide, Saw and Saw Blade BO 651/652 l l 1 Miter Saw for Gutters Item Nº. Cross-section L mm 50x50 50x50 50x50 1500 2000 2250 I 27 kg 38 kg 42 kg 1 1 1 Pipe Anvil Holder Prepared for wall mounting Stabile and space-saving Holder can be lifted up including pipe anvil Safely locked in working or inoperative state Item Nº. Working height L mm HWKI826 880 mm 600 I 33 kg 53 BO 441 Bead Shafts No. BO441/10 BO441/12 BO441/14 BO441/16 BO441/18 BO441/20 BO441/22 1050 mm 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2080 mm I Ø mm 6,0 8,5 12,0 16,0 20,0 24,5 30,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 12,0* 17,0* 24,0* 32,0* 40,0* 49,0* 60,0* * 2080 mm version, delivery without handle I HWBO444 l l 1 1 Handle for Bead Shafts 2 Meter long Item Nº. BO 650 1 1 Frame for Beading Machine Item Nº. HWBO442 HWBO443 I Working width mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Draenert TOOLS Gutter Tools KM 907300 Pipe Expander, Standard Item Nº. Ø mm Measure mm 80 100 170x80 170x100 HWKM9073008 HWKM9073010 MA SC 060-150 I 1000 1200 1 1 Pipe Expander, professional Item Nº. Ø mm I Measure mm HWMASC060 60 170x60 800 1 HWMASC075 75 170x75 1000 1 HWMASC076 76 170x76 1200 1 HWMASC080 80 170x80 1400 1 HWMASC087 87 170x87 1500 1 HWMASC100 100 170x100 2100 1 HWMASC120 120 170x120 2800 1 HWMASC130 130 170x130 3000 1 HWMASC150 150 170x150 3500 1 l Professional version. l Expanding of pipes, material Zinc, Copper, Aluminium or stainless steel from 60 - 120 mm. l Patened System. l For Hand Drills (cordless drills) with left / right direction with standard juck or SDS. l Light weight, casing Aluminium. MA SC SETS Pipe Expander - Set, professional Item Nº. SC080/100 SC100/120 SC076/087/100 SC087/100/120 ER 396/S 282410 I Ø mm 80/100 100/120 76/87/100 87/100/120 in box in box in box in box I L mm HWER396 HWS282410 extra long l Bending of support brackets. 620 3900 800 5800 1 1 Gutter Support Pliers Item Nº. I L mm HWMAREL 2- pieces l Bending of assembled gutter supports. l 2- pieces, forged out of compact steel. l Gutter to bent up– and downwards. BO 409 1 1 1 1 Bowing Pliers for Gutter Holders, open version Item Nº. MA REL 3900 5900 5800 6400 680 4150 1 Gutter Adjusting Pliers, heavy version Item Nº. HWBO409 l To bend gutters straight. I L mm 720 1500 54 1 MA SF Lubricate Spray Bottel to service the tool Item Nº. HWMASF I 300 1 Draenert TOOLS Soldering Tools EX 367/8-6367/9 Roofer’s Soldering Iron with armored Piëzo system Item Nº. L mm I HWEX367/8 HWEX367/9 HWEX6367/8 with soldering iron 4678 280 1 with soldering iron 4679 280 1 with soldering iron 4678 in Plastic case, 1 4.75 mtr. pressure hose and regulator HWEX6367/9 with soldering iron 4679 in Plastic case, 1 4.75 mtr. pressure hose and regulator l Reduced gas consumption, enormous time safer. l A circular flame surrounds the soldering iron tipp, which causes a quick warm up. Soldering iron 360 degrees turnable, available in 4 models. l Turnable tube makes easy handling possible. l Delivery with armored Piëzo system. HWEX6367/8 HWEX6367/9 EX 60278-66279 Roofer’s Soldering Iron Item Nº. L mm I HWEX60278 HWEX60279 HWEX66278 280 280 1 1 1 with soldering iron 4678 with soldering iron 4679 with soldering iron 4678 in Plastic case, 4.75 mtr. pressure hose and regulator HWEX66279 with soldering iron 4679 in Plasic case, 4.75 mtr. pressure hose and regulator l as 367 Model, without armored Piëzo system. K1-AGb 1 EX 6364 Automatic - Roofer’s Soldering Iron with Gas-Cartridge Set in metal box Item Nº. L mm I HWEX6364 HWEX444 280 1 1 with soldering iron 678 Immediatly ready for use through special cartridge to be able to turn around. HWEX445 Reserve Methyl / Acetylen / Propadiene cartridge. Higher fuel value than EX 444 l as 367 model, with gas cartridge. l Burning duration 2 hours, with one gas-cartridge. l Funktion in any positions. l Delivery as a set in metal box, 1 extra cartridge, 1 Bottle 100 ml. Flux ,1 Ammonia stone 150 gram. EX 4675–4679 1 Soldering Heads Item Nº. mm Consumption at 1.8 bar I HWEX4675 For precision work 23 x 3 67 gr. / h 185 HWEX4678 35 x 3,5 67 gr. / h 235 HWEX4679 For large areas 45 x 5 67 gr. / h 315 l Soldering irons adjustable in any direction from 0 to 360° plus an adjustable fence for angles from +5° to -5°. l 2-Position adjustable spring bar. EX 675–679 Swiveling Iron Bits Item Nº. HWEX675 HWEX678 HWEX679 HWEX780 1 1 1 For precision work For large areas XXL mm Consumption at 1.8 bar 23 x 3 35 x 3,5 45 x 5 45 x 5 67 gr. / h 67 gr. / h 67 gr. / h 67 gr. / h I 185 235 315 660 1 1 1 1 Swiveling Iron bit XXL Also as long life version (LL) available! HWEX678LL, HWEX679LL, HWEX780LL 55 Draenert TOOLS Soldering Tools EX 600-615T Hand Grips Item Nº. I HWEX600 HWEX602 HWEX605 HWEX606 HWEX615 1 1 1 1 1 Hand grip with thumb turning knob Hand grip with thumb turning knob & pressure hose Hand grip with homologated flame Hand Grip with homologated flame & hose coupling as 605 but manufactured out of metal constant against heat and acid HWEX615T as 606 manufactured out of metal constant against heat and acid l All Hand grips are equipped with a connection of 8 mm for hoses l Thread connection of soldering iron M18 x 1.00 l Hose connection 3/8" left thread l Standard test to DIN 8543 and NF EN 731 EX 2690-2692L Item Nº. Power Roofing Burners Steel Tube Ø mm L mm Consum ption kg/ h Power kcal/ h I HWEX2690 47 225 1,95/ 3,1 21560/ 34430 HWEX2690L 47 425 1,95/ 3,1 21560/ 34430 HWEX2691 57 240 3,7/ 5,9 40700/ 65120 HWEX2691L 57 440 3,7/ 5,9 40700/ 65120 HWEX2692 67 255 5,4/ 8,7 59730/ 95590 HWEX2692L 67 455 5,4/ 8,7 59730/ 95590 l Round steel tubing made from nickel plated material l Flame temperature 1400° C EX 4636-4639L Burners for Lead Steel Tube L Consumption Item Nº. 33 37 37 47 47 57 57 EX 4726-4727 Item Nº. HWEX4726 HWEX4727 182 190 440 197 347 215 465 320 415 385 480 455 540 kg/ h Power kcal/ h 1,1/ 1,72 1,35/ 2,17 1,35/ 2,17 1,95/ 3,13 1,95/ 3,13 3,7/ 5,92 3,7/ 5,92 12100/ 19360 14860/ 23870 14860/ 23870 21560/ 34430 21560/ 34430 40700/ 65120 40700/ 65120 Ø mm mm HWEX4636 HWEX4637 HWEX4637L HWEX4638 HWEX4638L HWEX4639 HWEX4639L 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 240 280 410 320 450 390 520 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Extensions for Burners L mm Extension 42 cm for burners Extension 20 cm for burners I 420 1 200 1 EX 4641-4651 Hard- & Soft Burner Heads Steel Tubes Consumption Copper Tube Item Nº. HWEX4641 HWEX4642 HWEX4643 HWEX4651 1 Ø mm gr./ h 11,5 13 17 19 25/ 40 110/ 170 240/ 380 370/ 590 Cu Ph 24 mm 23 mm 32 mm I 6% Ag 1 16 mm 1 24 mm 1 38 mm 1 EX 4672-4674 Hard- & Soft Soldering Torches with Turbo Flame Steel Tubes Consumption Copper Tube Item Nº. I HWEX4672 HWEX4673 HWEX4674 Ø mm gr./ h 14 18 24 110/ 170 240/ 380 370/ 590 Cu Ph 22 mm 28 mm 40 mm 6% Ag 24 mm 1 28 mm 1 40 mm 1 56 Draenert TOOLS Soldering Tools MA LK Soldering Bits Standard Cu I Item Nº. HWMALKSS HWMALKHS Bit 325 gram Hammer bit 325 gram 1 1 l Takes up faster heat as standard bits MA LKS/LKH Special Soldering Bits I Item Nº. HWMALKS HWMALKH Special Bit 325 gram Special Bit 325 gram 1 1 l Quick warm up l Stores the heat twice as much l No damage to material surface l Reduced gas consumption l Reduction of brazing alloys l No filing neccesary l Creation of modern tools for the daily need of the roofer l Clean only with a wet cloth VA 1000501 The Little Torch I Item Nº. HWVA1000501 Micro Little Torch set complete with • 5 bits bent • 1.4-2-5-36-65 ltr. (Nº. 1–5) • Acetylene hose (red) 173 cm • Oxygen hose (green) 173 cm • 1 Adaptor 1/ 4” - 3/ 8” • Oxygen valve low pressure • Acetylene valvelow pressure S 28420 1 Bottel for Soldering Fluid with Drip Stop I Item Nº. HWS284202 HWS284201 S 28420 Blue (acid) Yellow (soldering fluid) 1 1 Bottel for Soldering Fluid with Drip Stop and brush in the cap I Item Nº. HWS284204 HWS284203 S 284205 Blue (acid) Yellow (soldering fluid) 1 1 Bottel for Soldering Fluid with Drip Stop I Item Nº. HWS284205 S 284240 Transparent 1 Brushes for Soldering Fluid, set of 25 pcs. Item Nº. I HWS284240 25 57 Draenert TOOLS Beading & Flanging Machines PR SM 50 Beading and Flanging machine, manual The light, transportable machine with manual drive and manual infeed of the upper roller, adjustable, hardened stop plate and a roller mounting, incl. 9 pairs of rollers. Item Nº. I Capacity mm HWPRSM50 HWPRSM50U Stand 200 Technical Data: : Distance of rollers Jaw capacity Roller mounting Sheet thickness* Weight 50 mm 200 mm Ø 20 mm 1,25 mm 26 kg / with stand 51 kg 26 kg 25 kg 1 1 PR SME 50 Beading and Flanging machine, 230 Volt The light, transportable machine with motorised drive (in two different speed ranges, infinitely variable), clockwise/anticlockwise, manual infeed of the upper roller, adjustable, hardened stop plate and a roller mounting, incl. 9 pairs of rollers. Item Nº. HWPRSME50 HWPRSME50U Stand Technical Data: Distance of rollers Jaw capacity Roller mounting Sheet thickness* Weight Capacity Voltage Working speed MA LSW I Capacity mm 200 38 kg 25 kg 50 mm 200 mm Ø 20 mm 1,25 mm 38 kg (with stand 63 kg) 0,37 kW 230 V 0-9 m/min and 1-18 m/min Perforation Rolls I Item Nº. HWMALSW 1 1 Perforation Rolls for ventilation- and drainage openings l can be used on different beading machines (when ordering please state shaft diameter) 0,4 kg 58 1 Draenert TOOLS Stretching & Crimping Tools DS SG 010 P Stretching & Crimping Tool I Item Nº. HWSG 010 P 25 mm working depth incl. Streching & Crimping Tools l Steel up to 1,2 mm l Aluminium up to 2,0 mm DS SG 900 P 5,7 kg 1 Stretching & Crimping Tool I Item Nº. 70 mm working depth incl. Stretching & Clinching tools l Steel up to 1,2 mm l Aluminium up to 2,0 mm HWSG900 P 6,4 kg 1 EC HZ 51 ECKOLD Hand Plier HZ 51 A hand plier for manual working with three different applications. Stretching and shrinking on profiles and nowadays also suitable for joining sheet metal flanges (Clinching technique) up to 2 x 1.0 mm. I Item Nº. HWHZ 51 HWFWA405 HWFWR407 Hand plier HZ 51 Clinching Tool FWA 405 Stretching Tool FWR 407 Throat depth horizontal Working stroke Drive Forming capacity: Steel 400 CSN/mm² Alu 250 N/mm Stainl. Steel 600 N/mm² 50 mm 5.0 mm manual 5,0 kg 1,1 kg 1,1 kg 1 1 1 Throat depth vertical 12 mm single stroke up to 1.0 mm up to 1.5 mm up to 0.8 mm EC HF 100 CH ECKOLD Hand Plier Type HF 100 CH The Eckold Handformer HF 100 CH replaces laborious hammer work when forming metal. It is suitable for shrinking and stretching metal sheets and profiles up to a thickness of 1,5 mm (for Aluminium 2.0mm). The single stroke of the Handformer machine makes it possible to operate tools for notching, punching and bending. I Item Nº. HWHF100CH Hand Plier HF 100 CH HWFWA405 Elastic Clinching tool Ø 40 mm SSP HWFWR407 Elastic Stretching tool Ø 40 mm SSP Throat depth horizontal Working stroke Forming capacity Steel 400 CSN/mm² Alu 250 N/mm Stainl.Steel 600 N/mm² Adjustable height Dimensions H*W*D 75 mm 8.0 mm 29 kg 1,1kg 1 1 1,1kg 1 Throat depth vertical 60 mm Single Stroke up to 1.5 mm up to 2.0 mm up to 1.0 mm 83-113 cm 113*42*70 cm 59 Draenert TOOLS Tackers GE72500 Cordless Riviting Tool “AccuBird” 12 Volt cordless. Up to 5 mmØ al kind of material. BULB-TITE® rivit 4;5,2 & 6,3 mm Item Nº. Riviting Tool HWGE 7250037 AccuBird in metal carrying case, with battery 12 V 1,7 Ah and quick battery charger AccuBird in card board box, with battery 12 V 1,7 Ah and quick battery charger AccuBird in card board box, with battery 12 V 1,7 Ah. Without charger. HWGE 7250029 HWGE 7250010 Spare Parts Item Nº. HWGE7251613 HWGE7251035 HWGE7251092 HWGE7251095 GE70 I mm 2200 1 2200 1 2200 1 I mm Cuck Jaws (3-pcs.) Quick Charger 12V Battery 12V 1,7 Ah Battery 12V 2,0 Ah 450 620 650 1 1 1 1 AkkuBird Hand tools for blind rivets Up to 5 mm Ø alum. and 4 mm Ø stainless steel Item Nº. HWGE7030010 HWGE7050011 HWGE7010001 HWGE7010002 NTS NTX Flipper Flipper in the Box with Blind Rivets 3,2; 4 and 4,8 mm in box PA 115160 Item Nº. HWPA115160 • • • • • • • I mm 275 260 212 212 220x20x40 480 575 750 750 900 1 1 1 1 NTS PASLODE Tacker IMPULSE IM 200/32 Clips mm I To fasten clips for panels in single and double lock system 400x245x70 3150 1 Electronic single shot device, therefore safe for the user and the environment. Quality high grade steel pin for a high life time. Ergonomic balance of weight and power, nearly no rebound. Adjustable depth length for a perfect result. Stainless steel (INOX)- Zinc- nails (2,8 x 25 mm), extraordinary to fasten wall mountings. No cable, compressor and no air hose, works safe, flexibel and energy efficient. The gas cartridge technology is very strong, handles all kinds of nails in wood. PA 47458 Paslode Nails for the PASLODE IM 200/32 Tacker Item Nº. HWPA141176 HWPA141177 • I mm Stainless steel incl. 2 fuel cells Thermically galvanized incl. 2 fuel cells 2,8 x 26 3000 2000 2,8 x 27 4000 2000 Packed in boxes of 2000 pieces incl. 2 Gas cartridges 60 NTX Flipper Draenert TOOLS Installation Supports MA FFB Seal Trolley Item Nº. I L mm HWMAFFB 400x245x70 3,8 kg 1 • Plainly simple and equal to apply the seal strip to the panels. WE 99210 Seal Strip Item Nº. HWWE99210 I L mm Seal Strip 10x10x10.000 122 10 • Seal Strip to seal the seam water tight. SU 40010 Runotex Tix Transparent Seam Gel Item Nº. I L mm HWSU40010 400x245x70 2,2 kg 1 • This product is able to seal watertight single and double lock seams for roof and wall. • Applicable with a spreader, or a putty knife. • RUNTOTEX Tix Transparent is a “thixotropic” Gel based on Butyl Rubber. No dripping, with a high and strong bond connection. As soon as the Gel is hardened, accrues a rubber like layer with a high aging resistance. • RUNTOTEX Tix Transparent is delivered in tubas of 0,3 Liter. GR FLEX Flexostep Flexible Ladder 160 x 40 cm I Item Nº. HWGRFLEX VE MOWI Flexostep, flexible Ladder 160 x 40 cm Rollable, prolongable steps, distance of Steps 25 cm, width 40 cm Step height: 73 mm 10 kg Fitting-Angle-Set for the Drywall Installation I Item Nº. HWVEMOWI MoWi-Set Tool – Set simple installation of drywall panels. • • • 1 1 kg 1 New Product! Recommended by the Company Knauf. Gold Medal at the Inventor Exhibition in Nuernberg received.. Delivery inclusive a practice Video Tape. 61 Draenert TOOLS Expanding Roller Conveyors Expanding Roller Conveyor K25-SBR Item Nº. K25-SBR K25-SBR 91480 91481 for K1 & Vario Profi for Profima & Profi Form Technical details: diameter of the rolls width heights, Art.No.91480 heights, Art.No.91481 length, Art.No.91480+81 K25-SBR n n n n mm mm mm mm mm 50 400 550-900 450-800 1400-5500 ergonomic working heights adjustable height from 550-900 mm expands up to 5500 mm storage length 1400 mm Expanding Run-out Roller Conveyor K25-SBW Item Nº. K25-SBW K25-SBW 91485 91486 Technical details: diameter of the rolls width heights, Art.No. 91485 length, Art.No. 91485 heights, Art.No. 91486 length, Art.No. 91486 K25-SBW Expanding Roller Conveyors are needed for loading and unloading or for storage. Due to light weight it can be moved to different locations and does not need a lot of space when folded together. The conveyor has a slight fall 2-5%, therefore all boxes or panels for roofs can be easy transported into the van or a truck. n n n n for K1 & Vario Profi for Profima & Profi Form mm mm mm mm mm mm 50 500 550-900 3000-7000 450-800 1650-4000 ergonomically working heights adjustable height expands up to 7000 mm storage length 3000 mm These conveyors are ideal if placed at the exit of all pan formers to take up profiled roofing-panels and are adjustable in height. The Expanding Roller conveyors are easy to install for length and height. Therefore the employee is able to work ergonomically, to load or unload panels or other goods from the truck. For the Arch Bending Machine a lower model in height of 450-600 mm is available and can also be used for the Pan former Profima 25. The Conveyors can be connected with hooks to each other. 62 Special versions: Support height from 450 mm up to max. 1450 mm. Special length from 1000 mm up to max. 8500 mm of conveyors are available. Prices and specifications by enquiry. Draenert TOOLS Decoilers Mobile Decoiler K1-CW Item Nº. 91201 91202 91205 width Coil-width Capac. K1-CW/100 800 mm 2t 1000 mm K1-CW/125 1,5 t 1250 mm 1000 mm K1-CW/150 1t 1500 mm 1250 mm ý decoiler K1-CW with core, two steering and two parking castors ý core has five adjustable arms, avoiding marks, dents or scratch marks, when the coil is clamped or decoiled ý core I.D. K1-CW/100: Ø 230-510 mm core I.D. K1-CW/125: Ø 250-515 mm core I.D. K1-CW/150: Ø 360-650 mm Decoiler K1-CW Mobile Decoiler K1-CW/AQ with Cross Cut Shear Item Nº. width coil-width 91241 K1-CW/100AQ 1000 mm 800 mm 91242 K1-CW/125AQ 1250 mm 1000 mm 91245 K1-CW/150AQ 1500 mm 1250 mm Technical details decoiler see K1-CW ñ Technical details cross cut attachment AQ see also next page [ Decoiler K1-CW/AQ Mobile Decoiler K1-CW/AQ/LSE/S (complete!) Incl. Cordless Metal Shear Set AK3514-2 for length wise slitting Ideal for mobile on site cutting & slitting Item Nº. width coil-width K1-CW/100AQ/LSE/S 91271 1000 mm 800 mm K1-CW/125AQ/LSE/S 91272 1250 mm 1000 mm K1-CW/150AQ/LSE/S 91275 1500 mm 1250 mm Easy to move, easy to transport, easy to decoil, easy to cut. Cross- and length wise cutting on site or in the workshop. Mechanical measuring device K1-LAQ K1-CW/AQ/LSE/S K1-LAQ Item Nº. 91260 max. length 999,99 m preciseness ½ cm Lifting Traverse K1-CWT Item Nº. 91230 capacity K1-CWT 2000 kg Certified VGB 9a UVV 18 DIN 18800 for coil width up to 1000 mm. K1-LAQ Decoilers and Cores are also available in special dimensions. Inform us about your requirements. Lifting Traverse K1-CWT 63 Draenert TOOLS Ideal accessories for Decoilers: Decoiling & Cross Cut Attachment K1 - AQ The Slitter Attachment K1-AQ can be fitted to any DRÄCO Decoiler or can be mounted on to a workbench. When ordering, please state item and type number on decoiler label. Item Nº. width advised coil-width 91251 K1-100AQ 1000 mm 800 mm K1-125AQ 91252 1250 mm 1000 mm K1-150AQ 91255 1500 mm 1250 mm Length wise slitter device K1-LSE Item Nº. without shear 91268 K1-LSE100 for K1-100AQ 91269 K1-LSE125 for K1-125AQ 91270 K1-LSE150 for K1-150AQ for all Shears Series 20.. and 35.. with mounting hole ý rubber transportation rolls for a better grip ý wheel for forward & reverse transportation of the coil-material with clamping device ý collars adjustable for coil width ý cutting rolls can be re-sharpened ý ball bearings are maintenance free Decoiling & Cross Cut Attachment K1-AQ (Pic. incl. opt. measuring device) Slitter attachment K1-LSE for decoiler or workbench Quick-Strap K1-CSg K1-CSg Item Nº. 91277 measurements mm ± 2500 x 48 Clamp for coil remainders V2A Item Nº. HWS284301 L mm 120 g 50 No more damaged coils. The 2500 x 48 mm wide strap eliminates damage caused by wire, string, rope or tape. Quick fastening and release using Velcro fastening and is ideal for work-shops and site- work, also for safe transporting of coils, to and from the site. K1-CSg Coil Trolley K1-AG ý easy transportation without danger of coils up to 1500 mm width ý simple & easy decoiling Item Nº. capacity kg 91280 K1-AG 250 kg 24 91281 K1-AG125 250 kg 26 K1-AGb K1-AGb Guide K1-AGb for Coil Trolley K1-AGb K1-AGb125 K1-AG mit K1-AGb Item Nº. 91285 91286 coil width mm 0 –1500 till 1150 mm kg 4,5 5,0 Coil Trolley for multiple Coils Item Nº. HWKI827.2 l l l l KI827.2 64 capacity 600 kg kg 112 easy transportation without danger of coils up to 1100 mm width chassis with 4 stabel steering wheels rolls separated in 3 sections for various coil width Transformable to decoilersystem with additional coil trolley K1-AG (optional) Draenert TOOLS Mobile Detail Folding Brake K1-AGNU-3 Item Nº. 91292-3 91295-3 K1-AGNU-3 K1-AGN-3 without frame working width 1130 mm / 44” 1130 mm / 44” kg 80 57 Lb 176 125 Accessories: 1. Cross- & Diagonal Cutting Device K1-QSSE 2. Roller Shear K1-AGNRS-3 incl. guide 91265-3 K1-QSSE45 90° - 45° 91266-3 K1-QSSE30 90° - 30° 91267-3 K1-AGNRS-3 Roller Shear 1 m/ 41” Detail Folding Brake K1-AGNU-3 Now with angle gauge and Cross & diagonal cutting device K1-QSSE up to 45° or up to 30° strengthened bending cheek opt. roller shear K1-AGNRS-3 Examples for bending metal to the top and down 180° To bend fold to the top or down 180°, cut marked parts out the female and male panel For connections at the gutter, ridge or wall, to the top or down 180° ý ideal for roof and wall cladding ý solves all technical bending problems ý clamping of sheet metal with eccentrics and hand lever ý gas-pressure spring counterbalances top clamping bar ý bending possible in all technical directions for roof and wall claddings, see examples 1-6 ý brake can also be screwed on to a working bench ý brake removable from frame, for easy transport to the roof ý all parts used on the brake are made of rustproof materials Technical data: Opening of top clamping bar 60 mm / 2,4” Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Zinc 0,8 mm / 20ga., Steel 0,6 mm / 22 ga., Stainless Steel 0,5 mm / 23ga. Standard-Equipment: ý segments for top clamping bar ý assortment for bottom bending bar ý frame with 4 castors (only K1-AGNU-3) ý allen wrenches ý straight fence ý angle fence ý metal box (only K1-AGNU-3) for safe storage of parts and tools 1 2 Examples for flaps Pos. 1-6: 1. for flaps, cut marked parts out of female and male panel (under cloak, over cloak) 2. female and male 25 mm cut out (under cloak, over cloak) 3. with brake, bend 30° to top and bend flaps with a pair of pliers to the outside 4. bend fold 90° to top and press flaps with a pair of pliers tight 5. with a pair of seaming pliers bend flap to the right and left 65 6. press flaps tight, with a pair of pliers 3 4 6 5 Draenert TOOLS Manual Folders / Shears SR AK Manual Folder type AK The classic model among manual folders. Already in our range for decades, it is applied by thousands of customers. The intelligent mechanics support the operator and facilitate stress-free working to the maximum possible extent. Thanks to the available options, the AK is also applicable for special tasks. It is offered in several length and power combinations from 1000 x 2 to 3000 x 1.0 mm. Item Nº. HWSR.... 140120 140215 140310 140315 140410 140510 SR AKV Item Nº. HWSR.... 150130 150225 150320 150415 150512 150612 150710 AK 1000 x 2,0 AK 1500 x 1,5 AK 2000 x 1,0 AK 2000 x 1,5 AK 2500 x 1,0 AK 3000 x 1,0 Working Capacity -width mm mm 1020 2,0 1520 1,5 2020 1,0 2020 1,5 2520 1,0 3020 1,0 Kg I 520 615 715 840 945 1060 1 1 1 1 1 1 kg I Manual Folder type AKV Working Capacity -width mm mm 1020 3,00 1520 2,50 2020 2,00 2520 1,50 3020 1,25 3220 1,25 4020 1,00 AKV 1000 x 3,0 1010 AKV 1500 x 2,5 1220 AKV 2000 x 2,0 1410 AKV 2500 x 1,5 1590 AKV 3000x1,25 1790 AKV 3200x1,25 2000 AKV 4000 x 1,0 2250 Basic equipment to AKV: ¾ Folding blade 10 (up to 2500 mm working length) ¾ Folding blade 15 (from 3000 mm working length) ¾ Folding blade 25 mm ¾ Sharp-nose tool 20° or optionally 45° ¾ Inclined clamping beam ¾ Central support for bottom beam SR HS AK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AKV Manual Shear type HS The basic machine even for the smallest sheet-metal-workshop. A solide and perfect machine used for decades in multiple workshops. Offered in following sizes: 1000 x 2,0mm; 1500 x 1,5mm; 2000 x 1,25mm; 2500 x 1,0mm und 3000 x 1,0mm. Item Nº. Working Capacity kg I -width mm HWSR.... mm 110120 HS 1000x2,00 1030 2,00 485 1 110215 HS 1500x1,50 1530 1,50 570 1 110312 HS 2000x1,25 2030 1,25 660 1 110410 HS 2500x1,00 2530 1,00 755 1 110510 HS 3000x1,00 3030 1,00 920 1 Basic equipment to HS: ¾ Hold down device with hard rubber rail to protect polished sheets ¾ Supporting table with extensions ¾ Manual back gauge 500 mm ¾ Grooves every 10 mm over the whole table, parallel to the lower blade ¾ All-steel blade, double-edged 66 HS Draenert TOOLS Segment Manual Folders SR ASK Universal Segment Manual Folder ASK The most universal model among manual folders. Thanks to segmented tools, even extremely difficult bending tasks can be carried out. The ASK range is offered with working lengths of 1000, 1500 and 2000 mm with various power ratings. The multi-stage drive of the upper beam offers to use sharp-nose blades and radius blades. NEW: Patented eccentric rapid clamping for tool change in the upper clamping bar and the bending cheek requiring only a flick of a wrist. Item Nº. ASK E = 1stage Working Capacity kg I ASK = 2stage -width mm HWSR.... mm 240115 ASK E 1000 x 1,5 1050 1,50 215 1 240215 ASK E 1500 x 1,5 1550 1,50 270 1 250115 ASK 1000 x 1,5 1050 1,50 215 1 250215 ASK 1500 x 1,5 1550 1,50 270 1 Basic equipment to ASK: ¾ Segmented clamping beam blade, 30°, 130 mm high, incl. corner tools, foot width 35 mm ¾ material strength 700 N/mm² ¾ Segmented folding tool 12 mm incl. corner tools ¾ Segmented bottom beam tool, bottom beam adapter tool ¾ Segmentation of tools for 1,000 mm: ¾ 30/50/70/75/75/100/150/200/300 mm plus segments for larger lengths ¾ Angle indicator ¾ Pedal for opening and closing of clamping beam ¾ Machine with castors: 2 fixed and 2 steering castors, lockable ¾ The multi-stage drive of the upper beam offers to use sharp-nose blades and radius blades. ASK SR ASKII Universal Segment Manual Folder ASK II The ASK II is the "big brother" of the ASK. Its stronger design allows for increased performance capacities. Item Nº. HWSR.... 260120 260217 260310 ASK II 1000 x 2,0 ASK II 1500 x 1,75 ASK II 2000 x 1,0 Working Capacity kg -width mm mm 1050 2,00 380 1550 1,75 485 2050 1,00 590 I 1 1 1 Basic equipment to ASK II ¾ segmented Goat`s foot 30°, 130 mm high, sharp, incl. corner tools, foot width 35 mm, material strength 700 N/mm² ¾ segmented folding tool 15 mm incl. corner tools ¾ segmented bottom beam tool, bottom beam adapter tool ¾ Segmentation of tools for 1,000 mm: ¾ 30/50/70/75/75/100/150/200/300 mm plus 500 mm segments for larger lengths ¾ angle gauge ¾ Pedal for opening and closing of clamping beam ¾ Two-stage clamping beam drive for two different tool 67 ASK II Draenert TOOLS More machines & tools for metal working and roofing can be found in the „red DRÄCO-catalogue“ or visit www.dracotools.com 68
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