July 2009 | Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch
July 2009 | Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch
July2009 | Enhancingthe Livesof ThoseWe Touch@ wwwmelaleuca.com/lia owadays, it seemslikethereare hundredsof companies trpng to markettheirlatest,magic"juice. These Julces-manyof whicharesourced from obscure locationsin thepacific, Asiaor theAmazon_often comewith ailuring talesof miraciecuresand healingprop.rd.r. *rh fewexceptions, thesejuic.s.laimio bethe most powerfirlantioxidants available. Someciaimto "antioxidant have, superpower.,, Sowedecided to put thesesorcalled.magic,, juicesto thetest.We askedBrunswickLabr reallythe worlds greatest super_antioxidants? . maybenot. Melaleuca isn,tin thejuice .Weil business. We,rein thewelinessbrrln.rr. W. don'tselta ,.magic,, juicewith d"i;;;; cureatl that ailsyou.Webelieve that to j" ," *"rfa violateprinciplesof ethics andgoodjudgement. In.trufh,there,sgenerally fittf.,jf .ny, science to backup manyof the ciaimsmadeaboutthe "magic"juices. But thereare*.tt-"..[t.d tests that measure ant power'usingthese tests,scientrrr,.,to*to"nt roducts sideby,il.::Tt;:',iJiliTi.",lp lab orarory,,,o#:;1#.,T,T,:*fl1."orjuices scientifictestson the ,rn1gi6,, juicesand p.*oCVr. Justforfun,wedecided to ir,.iua"purpd;;. juice in the test.The te fact some ^;:.;ilffi:ffi.J;1lf.f ",,n; are too revealinglBefore we get to the results... herearea few of fho ., ,.rblishedstatementsabout .1 rne antroxidantand free radicalpropertiesof some juices: beenlightening to seehow these7."gi.,,yri.., compareto eachotherand to oneof Meialeuca,s provenproducts:provexCV@. ProvexCV hasseveralkeyprovenbeneflts suchasreducingLDL cholest*t *iarion. supportinghealthyplatelet activityand supportingendothelial function(afancyword for the degreeof elasticity of artery*"11.).. ProvexCVis designed to support cardiovascular "1;;;u system.provexCV is alsoan exceptional anfioxidantlin fact,it,s oneof the bestantioxidants you canbuy. Thetestsinvoivedtwo wellknown antioxidantmeasur( MonaVieclaimsthat the acaiberryusedin theirjuiceis oneof the .,wortdb ,";;;;;foods,, andis "rich...in antioxidarrtr.,,, tt .r.i big difference, " however, in the ievelof antioxidants foundin the acaiberry andthe lesseramounr actuallyshownin a serving of theirjuice. Kyanirefersto theirjuice f,rrnnln Reducing "unmatched Antioxidantpower).The ", antioxidantrup"rp*r,:r""*r" ORAC test measures claimsits juiceproduct how wejl ,powerful an oxidativeagent contains (fluorescein) is antioxidants.,,3 destroyed when TahitianNoni claimsit, combinedwith iul.. i, FRApis similarin principle theworids grearsuper_antioxidants.,,a antioxidants. and _"r.-:f measures the Freelifeclaimsyou canprotect abiiity of a substance to redu.e yourselffrom .,the oxidation. ORACandFRAparethe constantattackof ,Free _ora *ra.in Radicals,,, by drinking accepted methodsof measuring GoChi@ juice.s antioxidant strengthandarecommonh, . So,whatis the truth? ,roIAfor ,^_-^^.,--used testingjuices Are these.,magic,, juices andjuice-lik. prodr.rlonly -H::ilnt,ffii;:,,.,. Radi cal Ab sorbance rnesestatements havenot beenevaluated by the Food& DrugAdmimstratron. this productis not intended to diagnose, treat,cure,or preveniany disease. Jury200g g Here are the results from the ORAC test: One serving of ProvexCV was shown to have almost 3 times the ORAC value of a serving of the highest scoring magic juice and over 6 times the averagescoreof all the magic juices. Many juice usersmay also be surprised to ,."1h"t grapejuice, in a similar serving size' has twice the ORACvalue of most of the magic juices. The FRAP analysis had similar results: lhe FRAP analysis showed that ProvexCV has over 6 times the antioxidant strength compared to the average scoreof the "magic"juices.In the FRAP analysls,grapejuice had more antioxidants per serving than all but two of the magicjuices. Now, why is this significant? 1. Thesetests confirm the indisputable antioxidant superiority of ProvexCV.No juice even came closeto its antioxidant strength. 2. "Magic" juices are not a very good antioxidant value for your dollar spent. A daily averageserving of MonaVie Acai an iuice,for example,costsabout $4.60 regularprice,while about $'50' costs Juice Grape eight-ounceserving of Welch's@ juice grape And, accordingto the ORAC and FRAP tests, provides more antioxidants to protect against free radicals than MonaVieAcaiJuice' 3. Any business opportunity is only as strong as the product and, more importantly, the valueof the product that business sells.Without proven and value-orientedproducts, all the miracle-cure advertising and folklore in the world may do little to help createa solid businessopportunity' Here are a Few Examples of Proven Value-Oriented Products You'll Find at Melaleuca: The Vitality Pack* With Oligofructose Complex"", the minerals in the Vitality Packare shown to be 10 times more availablefor absorption6and protect antioxidant vitamins 5 times better than some of the top-selling supplements'' 10 Radical 0RACVALUE*I(0xygen has Provex0V Capacity) Absorbance antioxidant more than6times more juice "magic" thantheaverage strength 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 ? s,\ )to,,,: .,1 .: .tru .s' ito *f ,J :S' €o! *\"^+'.sd oY" .s .i '5*$' i:$ *'. -t .+ a,* q g "$ b "r " t *$ *st ").* ,s$ $- use i:i! .onncvalues areinlmol/suggested tStudy Labs performed byBrunswick Renew* Renewlotion was shown to work faster,better and last longer than Eucerin@at relieving dry skin in a clinical study with people who suffer ftom eczema' MelaPower@ savesyou money and createslessimpact on the environment when compared wlth the leading grocety store iaundry detergent. EcoSenseo Melaleuca'sEcoSenseTub & Tile"" cleaner,for example,cleansbetter, costs1ess,and is safer for yout home than the leading grocerystore tile cleaner. Many other examples of great Melaleuca products include: . Sustain@ Sporthydrating drink mixes cost less and have twice the electroiytesas a serving of original Gatorade@ drinks. InAclionMagazine Leadership FRAPVALUE*t (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) ProvexCV hasover 6times more antioxidant strength than "magic" juice theaverage 8,000 7,000 . Envia shampoo protects and treats your hair with two patented formuias. And this is just a short list of the over 300 value-orientedproducts availableat Melaleuca. So the bottom line? There'sa lot lessjuice in the "magic,' juices and a lot more value at Meialeuca. Melaleucahas real products with real science.you can take great confidencein the fact that Melaleucasellsa broad portfolio of well-researchedproducts to help keep your customersshopping month after month. With Melaleuca,you are in the right placeat the right time. You can build your businesswith confidenceknowing that Melaleucabacksyou with real products, for real people who really want them! 6,000 TESTRESULTSU*nn/nyns 5,000 ffiramd Mnme Prcvox CV"'t 4,000 Welch's''' 1il09i firape Julcc' '' l,{onaVic '') g3'r{Pharmanrx Xanql{r"t Juice 0ochi,r eI ifc",,) {Fre 3,000 2,000 Kyani Sunrise,n .Ji;rr;e Flusr',"Orchafd Ble ndr' Seven {eXlure'"') Tahrlian Nari'' ,luice Piusii')0arde n |]lcnd'D 1,000 S$XAfi FRAP $,ilill $,10S 2,723 2 451 Z,2Z|] l,l/2 j ,6I& 2,fi4g 94/ ggg T$1 041 7fi* I .li l 606 4ilil 3,lJI j7,l 3gI ??J l*: S4l sThefoilowing product amounts were used for the ORAC and FRAp tests: Welch's@_1007o_Grape Juice,4 oz; MonaVie,3 oz; pharmanex@ 93@,4oz; Xango@_Juice, 2 oz;FreelifeGochi@, 2.5 oz; Kyani Sunrise@, 1 oi; Juice plus+@ Orchard_Blend, 2 capsules;eXfuze" Seven,1.5 oz; Tahitian Noni@, 1 oz; and Juice Plus+@ GardenBlend,2 capsules. lOne servingof ProvexCV for 175-poundmale. +ForWelch's@ 100% GrapeJuice,a four ounceservinqsizewas usedto be similar to other juice recommendeddaily use lRetrievedJune "-ouni.. 18, 2009, from http://wr.rw.monavre.com,AA/eblllS/en /acai hernr dhrml. 2RetrievedJune 18, 2009, from http | /v,rww.kyari.net/index.php?id=7. 'RetrievedJune 18, 2009, from http:/ /www.xango.comlscienceTantioxidant_ propertles. 'RetrievedJune 18, 2009, from http://wr,trnr.nonijuiceint.us/. sRetrievedJune 18, 2009, from http,//*r*.young ndhealthywa.comlgochi-juice,/ index.htrnl. solubility of copper,iron, manganese,and zinc at intestinalpH it**:: andLenrrumr. -l -T7h0e- 7 2 1 ,c o m p a " e dt o O n e A - D a y @ c o p p e ri n M e l a l e u c a o' si i g o f r u c t o sceo m p l e xf o " m g e n e r a t e5s r i r e : t e w e rt r e er a d i c a l tsh a n t h e r r n b o u n dm i n e r a l su s e di n O n eA D a y - a , - :. Centrum@. It.d,,Jd*s+3s** 'FRAP values areinumol/suqqested use ,Study performed byMelaleuca . FiberWise@ fiber drink mixes have more soluble fiber and fiber from psyllium husk per serving than the best-se1ling gtocery store brands. . Melaleuca@ Liquid Soapleavesyour hands moisturized and costslessper use than the best selling brand name liquid soaps. July2009 11