Note - MiBe
Note - MiBe
AS 2015/2016 III A with the help of prof. D. Romano and M.T. Olivo Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Queste sono alcune delle domande che i ragazzi della classe III A del Liceo Musicale MIBE hanno manifestato all’inizio di quest’anno scolastico. Questo lavoro è nato per necessità, per rispondere al bisogno impellente di colmare il gap esistente nella studio della lingua Inglese per i Liceo Musicali poiché, diversamente dagli altri indirizzi, non vi sono testi adeguati per l’apprendimento della micro lingua. La musica per gli studenti di questo liceo è parte integrante della loro vita, riempie le loro giornate, accompagna tutto ciò che fanno e assume un significato di profondità ineguagliabile. La musica è il linguaggio dell’anima e come tale anche l’insegnamento della lingua inglese non poteva passare se non attraverso di essa. Perché non tentare di conciliare l’utilità dello studio della lingua con l’emozione della musica? Le specificità del liceo musicale e dei suoi studenti sono la fantasia, creatività, flessibilità, capacità relazionali e comunicative non comuni. Il patrimonio musicale e lo studio della musica si impone quindi come obiettivo imprescindibile, da conciliare con quella cultura ad amplio spettro e con i saperi tipici di un percorso liceale e quindi anche dell’Inglese. Tutto il materiale elaborato, le slide preparate sono frutto di una ricerca condotta all’interno della classe terza del Liceo Musicale. Tutti gli alunni si sono impegnati e hanno lavorato in gruppo per la stesura di questo lavoro. Si tratta di un primo prodotto che ci auguriamo costituisca la base sulla quale costruire ulteriori apprendimenti in linea con i principi del lifelong learning e con le eight key competencies richieste da Europa 2020. Ringraziamo quanti vorranno contribuire con ulteriori materiali e suggerimenti. Maria Teresa Olivo Docente Lingua e Letteratura Inglese Liceo Musicale 1. Introduction 2. Basic and common musical terms 3. The key words of Music The Staff and the treble clef Other clefs C 4. Musical idioms 5. The Musical families 6. The Part of the instruments 7. How instruments developed 8. Music through the ages by and idea of Luca Colancecco and Francesco Cilli Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Hi I’m the most connected musical note but I’m not a simple one, but -I’m a truly talented student, who will led you across exciting fields! by an idea of Cecilia Scancella and Gaia Monopoli Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara what do I have to do with English? Why and in which way can this language be useful for my career? This work is a collection of lessons, words and moods precious for my musical path Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Basic and Common musical terms Music: (uncountable noun): pattern of sounds made by musical instruments or singing or a combination of both. Music is a general term. Note: a single sound at a particolar level especially in music, singing, etc., or a written symbol wich represents this sound. There are high and low notes. Melody: the main line of the music; succession of single tones or pitches perceived by the mind as a unity. Harmony: the notes that complement the melody; the simultaneous sounds or notes that result in a pleasing musical sound; more than one note played at a time. Rhythm: the controller movement of music in time. Beat: the regular pulsations of a piece of music. Symphony: a piece for a large orchestra, usually in four movements. Opera: a form of formal play in which all or most of the words are sung to music. Jingle: a short tune for an advert. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Song: (countable noun): a short piece of music with words which are sung. Tune: a series of musical notes, espacially one which is pleasant and easy to remember; also a synonym for song. Treble: the high sounds in a song. Bass: the low sounds in. Lyrics: the words of song. Vocals: the singing in a song; also the singers. Instrumental (adj): played on musical instruments other than the voice. Ballad: a song narrating a story. Arrangement: an adaptation of given composition so that it is suitable for particolar voices or instruments, or for a particolar performance. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Refrain/Chorus: short part of song that repente, especially between the verves (the separate parts) Concert: a live performance before an audience. Gig: a single performance by a musician or group of musicians, especially playing modern or pop music; also a small concert. Duet: a piece of music sung or played by two people. Album: a collection of songs. Track: one of the songs in an album. Single: one track for sale separately. Cover version: a recording of a song previously performed by another singer or group. Hit: a successful song or album. Soundtrack: the music for a film. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Are you good at memorizing all these words?....I’m not! But I have to know them! Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Staff Staff or stave: music is written on a set of five horizontal lines. You read the notes from left to right. As the notes go up towards the topo of the staff their pitch gets higher. Staff A short note added above or below the range of a staff Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara A --> la B --> si (H German) C --> do D--> re E --> mi F --> fa G --> sol Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara sharps the main elements of a musical score It tells you how to count. Breath mark: tells someone playing a wind instrument, such as flute or recorder, when to breathe. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara (Nota punteggiata) Dotted and tied notes: a dot after a note makes it longer. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Bar Line It divides music into small sections called bars It tells you the music is finished Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara The pitch of the notes on a staff depends on a sign called a clef. One type of a clef, the treble clef, curls around the second steff line up. A note on this line is G. The distance from a note to the next note is called an octave. Middle C: is the name of the note C which is written on a ledger line just below the staff in the treble clef. On the piano keyboard, Middle C is the note nearest to the middle of the keyboard. The bass clef has a dot on either side of the second staff line down. A note on this line is called F. Other Clefs The bass clef is used by instruments such as the cello, basson, tuba, and by bass singers. It is usually used for music to be played with the left hand on the piano. The alto clef is used by the viola. The tenor clef is sometimes used by the cello and basson for notes which would need a lot of ledger lines on the bass clef. This means the clef may change during a piece. The Alto clef is centred on the middle line of the staff. A note on this line is called Middle C. These notes have exactly the same pitch. Changing a clef Sometimes it is useful to rewrite music in another clef, perhaps so you can play it on a different instrument. To do this you need to know the names of the notes in each clef, and where the Middle C is. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Guess what…..? There are four families of musical instruments Each family is unique but has similar characterists There are four families of musical instruments. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara THE STRINGS The Strings, also called bowed instruments, are composed by different parts such as : - a soundboard; - two F holes; - a fingerboard; - a tailpiece; - a bridge; - a scroll; - the tuning pegs; - a bow; The sound come from the vibration of the strings. There are TWO TECHNIQUES to play them: - pizzicato, which consists of plucking the strings; -bowed, which consists of rubbing the horsehair of the bow on the strings; FOUR MAIN INSTRUMENTS belong to this family: Violin, Viola, Cello and Doublebass. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara THE VIOLIN Violin is made of four strings which are G,D,A and E. It is the smallest instrument in the family and it is the sharpest. Violin uses treble clef which suits commonly high notes. The most famous violinist was Niccolò Paganini, born in Genova in 1840 and the most important lutists were Stradivari, Guarneri and Guadagnini. Violin derives from the viola of XVI century, which was divided in 2 types: Alto and Tenor. The first modenr shaped violins were born in the Northern Italy in XVIII century with Andrea Amati and Gasparo Da Salò. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara THE CELLO Cello is composed of the same strings of the viola but an octave below. Cello use bass clef which is used for low notes. It derives from viola, which was played on the shoulder. Subsequently liutists experienced the creation of an instrument played between legs. In 1750 cello took the modern shape with Antonio Stradivari. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara THE DOUBLEBASS Doublebass is the bigger instrument in Strings and it is composed of four strings which are E,A,D and G but it can have a fifth string which is B which is low. It derives from viola, like all bowed instruments and, at the beginning, it had the role of doubling the bass, but subsequently it took his role: accompagnment. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara The Drums The drum is a percussion instrument composed by drums and cymbals. The standard drum in composed by a snare, two toms, a floor tom, a bass drum, and 3 cymbals: a charleston (or hi-hat), a ride and a crash. Usually the drummers enrich her with other pieces. She can be eriche A. Bonelli with other toms, other floor toms, an other bass drum, other types of cymbals (splash or china) or many types of percussions (as cowbell, woodblocks, tambourine, etc.). This instrument is played by the sticks, except the bass drum and the charleston, which are played by feet through the pedals. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara The sound of drums is produces by the skins, and it can be changed by the disposition of them: if the skins are more outstreched the sound will be more shrill, and if the skins are less outstreched the sound will be more deep. The sound can be also changed by the length of the drums' stem. The drum is a modern instrument: she was invented in the second half of XIX century in the United States. The drum was born when the bands who played in New Orleans merged the bass drum with the snare, and then they added the cymbals too. Her success grew around 1920 through jazz music and popular music. In the course of the XX century the Drum has been used in all musical generes, including rock, pop, blues, etc. She assumed much importance at the end of '60 years with the progressive rock and hard rock. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara In the passed years there was been many drummers who have marked all the music history: as Phil Collins (1951), Manu Katchè (1958), John Bonham (1948 – 1980), Jeff Porcaro (1954 – 1992) and Marco Minnemann (1970). By an A stardard drum set by TAMA Drums Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara HOW INSTRUMENTS DEVELOPED THE VIOLIN THE FIRST VIOLINS WERE MADE IN THE 16TH CENTURY. THE GREATEST VIOLIN MAKER,KNOWN AS STRADIVARIUS,MADE OVER A THOUSAND VIOLINS IN THE LATE 17TH AND EARLY 18TH CENTURIES MANY FAMOUS VIOLINISTS TODAY USE VIOLINS WHICH HE MADE THE PIANO THE MOST POPULAR KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT BEFORE THE PIANO WAS INVENTED WAS THE HARPSICHORD THE FIRST PIANOS,MADE IN THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY,WERE CALLED FORTEPIANOS HOWEVER,THE WERE MUCH QUITER THAN MODERN PIANOS,AND HAD FEWER KEYS WIND INSTRUMENTS THE STANDARD FLUTE USED TODAY HAS A SYSTEM OF KEYS AND LEVERS INVENTED BY A FLUTE PLAYERCALLED BOEHM IN THE 19TH CENTURY SIMILAR IMPROVEMENTS WERE MADE TO OBOES,CLARINETS AND BASSOONS IN THE 19TH CENTURY,VALVES TO OPEN AND CLOSE BITS OF TUBING WERE ADDED TO HORNS AND tRUMPETS,GIVING EXTRA NOTES Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara HISTORY OF CELTIC MUSIC by Ilaria Nallira Celtic music is defined as music that originates from the countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The people who live in these locations are known as Celts, which is how the music became known as Celtic music. Celtic music is best described as a type of folk music with a distinctive music and lyrics. And, today Celtic music is played and heard not only in Ireland, Scotland and Wales, but also on a worldwide stage. Celtic music can be defined also as music of the Celt people and has been around for several centuries. Some of the common instruments heard in Celtic music include violin, lute, flute, bagpipe, hard and several other commonly heard instruments. While Celtic music covers various types of music, it is popular for dancing as well as having music sung as a ballad. Celtic music tends to be as varied as a rousing dance tune or as tender as a song about a mother’s love. While Celtic music has been traced back to the 1600's, it is still one of the world's most popular musical genres. Musicians such as Clannad, Enya, The Chieftains and The Corrs are some of the more famous Celtic musicians of the day. Liceo Artistico Musicale Coreutico «Misticoni-Bellisario» Pescara