Establishment and characterization of a granulocyte
Establishment and characterization of a granulocyte
Establishment and Characterization o{ a (;ranulocyle-l\Iacrophage Colony-Stimulating l'actor-Dependent Human \lyeloid Cell Line By Sadik Oez, H.nne T tre ba.h m!nd Fahso d, S.h.elz, Chr stoph Bührer, Fa Jens Atzpöd e., and Joach m R. Ka den A n6w hum.n myeloid cell line has been established recently lrom ihe bone marrow c€ls of a patisnr wtrh chronic myologenous l€!k€mia in bläsr crisis. Th€ äctiv€ proliierat on and survivalof rhe c€lls in FPMll640medrum containing fetal calf serum are clearly dependenr on rh€ pr€ssnc€ of either natural or re6ombinanl humän granulocyte macrophage colony-stimularing läctor (rhGM CSF). bur nor cD3, cD7, CDl0, CD'I1b, CO14, CD2o, or CD42b. oespite permanenl culturing in rhcM CSF (100 U/nL), the cells do noi difi6r6ntiar6 and boar the myelomonocytic surrace markers CD34, CD13, CD36, as well as HLA DR, additional hybridizing€nts ora.6and 11.0 lr .l\lircru , s oj. ..1e boo.o pro\r '1.rbr .,. ro,, ,,d 9 e .r' t'.i io1 \!.i.u\ ceLL liies hale been rcporrcd from nouse or hum.n oriCiis ibr inrcrlcukin-2 llL-:). tunror ne.rosis lactof o l.r \- (TNFd).r lL 6,igm.ulocyle colonJ stinulalinB facto. (G CSI),r and gmnuloclrc-na.roph!ge CSF (GM-CSF) " GV-CSF is one of the trellchafucrcrizcd hendtopoler'c gro*Lh facloß Lhat acts on m)eloid progenitor cells al värious naLunLi.n sLaSes and induccsproliferation, ditreren rirrion..nd funclionrl stimularion."' The p..Liferarive ef- fccl ofCNl'CSF is nor absolurelt restricLed ro mreloid cclh, ,1. . j ' \. llo, rdc_o.. .'1or. d ':n.? l. rr' '. celL Liies.' and huhai e.dotheliaL cells' ah. havc bccn rcportcd 1o .cspond to G\f CSF ln rhß rcporr M dcscnbc rhc chamctcristicsofa CM-CSF deJrendeir n,lclold ccll llne. shich h!5 recentlr been de.,!ed ftom Lhe bone nrroE cells of a prtient trith chronlc ürtelog.rous leukenia (CN{L) in blasr c.isis Althoügh seveful!s|)ects rk stilL under ii!enigation, se rhink rlat this ne\l)_ $ublished cell line, desiemred GM/SO. $illconlribuLe Lo undeß Lhe biolo-qic acrion of GNI-CSF on the c.lls Bl usine rheeficct Df G\'I CSFon this cellline. ! 'ery ren\iri1e bioassr! has dLrcadr been delelol'ed fo. measurin8 rhc C\.1-CSF concenlfurions i. cell culLure supernarrnrs or in human scr. (Ocz S. Bührer C, Atzpodien J, Kalden JR. The predominanr karyotype, apart rrod tetraploidy several lder t[9;22]), der {13q1, wirh rhrss addiiional marker f.oh which one was observed in the pa tienfs l€ukemic cells. On A9lll disesred ONA, Southern blot anälysis with bcr 5 as the probe detected two chromosomes, a | 99O l!mphoctrcs)i $r.nelr d.cicrscd xLkaline leukoc!le phosphatse (3 score): as *ell as crlolo-qic aod hnblogic eriminr!io. ol the bone mano* specrnren oblaried lbrouCh rlir. crei tü..ttrre AllhoLgh HLA tJ-pinghrdbeen penormed, nokart.llte.nxllsn h!dbecn undenake. $ith r.rtccr tolhe Ph .hrono$nc. InniaLl!, Lhc taticnr had bccn üearöd wirh busLltun onlll until Vly 1937: bur busulfan srs inelleclive, a.d {as disconlhued lnd replaced br nldroxrurea. Th. pali.nfs famill doctor thcn tookover artendance in June 1987 bul acrinh3d to referhertolhe hosprtalrn December 1988 becxüseola blasl incrcascin periphüalblood Two dr'\ l!ter, she 9a! sert l. our clinic Cn rxrfrinalid.lhd pdtient appeared aculely ill and somnolenr, lcrnper.ture! g.eärer lhln J0'C, dJ_spnea, aDd lach!cardix an "lLh coünr was $BC A 50 rer" old Lmrl. p i.rt tC V.l srs rclci..d ro our crLnic t a bhn crGis ola CVL. Fhich had been t t Phenollpeeuminationof rh.teriFheral blood leukocyressaveclear eliden.e that rhe blas cells bor. nlcloid a.tilcos su.h !s 5fr CD3 (oKTr),1t cD7 {lAr). 2? CDt0 (Bt). l6q. cD?4 (BA r), t6% CDll (\1!7),and20'.CDr3 (M)9) Crrochcdicalnrinrneol bo.c* cells sho\red Ihat 25tf oirhc blans *ere po:irivc ior cncnsc but wüc nsgxhve rorperoxidase andPAS Despn. tf.armcnr sirl ai!ibiotics. the patieot nnaUy died ofan oveit pn.umonia.nd sspsis on the lhhd hospilalda) MATEN ALS 1 Jüuatt 2 l9qA;..t?ptttl 1tri1 I 1990 Addrrs rcprhi r.qr?esta Sddik 4... MD M.dizinß.h. Xliaik I1l. Unireßitbt Ldaaten Närnb.ry, Ktatk.nhaurt !2 852A Srbtrttted Erldrgen, FRG | tu r,bli.atiar.ais afthit atti.l.rti leii.)!d i" r)dn br tag. thrt!. . rtn.)t Thi! klue th.rafot. he nnrked ''rd!.{ßcJncia ,,..r./,,..\i1, It L S a tedt.n li la t.lel) ta i990 [) Th?.4hr?ti..h S.rilt | htr.i.!l!\ AND METHODS \\rrh tle paticifs Fridr infornre{j.onsent. maro* .ells {&c obili.ed br means ol iliac .resr puncture. \l.J.onucl*r cells 1rü. sctrrlrcd by d€nsnr .c.hfuea iion.n Frcoll lNlcomed Osl.. N..sar) 1nd culrured in RP\ll '\S, l6,10ncdiu6 \trlh 10'? retll caliscrum (fCS) and Bro$rb laDtors. refe presened br frc.znre in liquid nnro8cn si(h 10?dimelhrlsulln\ide (D\lSO) and RPI\'l l640mediuncontarn rie,10t FCS.rid lhese \rc.e üsed Uterlorkrtorypernabsn Clr,kr,.r Rc.onbnranr huna. G-CSF (rhC-CsF), rhcv CSF, nrlL-1. rhlL.,1, and rhlL-6 {ere Folid.d bJ- L Souza (AI\'!Ceo, Thousand Oaks, C^), \rh-e!s aid rhlL 2 {ere obid,ned lioD Boehri0ser\IanDhcim lFRG) ,.1,rtboltcr Rabbil ami GNI.CSF anliserun ras also a giir Part ol lha cells FrDh th. ltl.dt:intt.h. Klint]: llI tn.l tlatjtrl Jüt uhla\aü k, L:nt !^ r.t E rl r nge r-Nii rhbetg: dhd M?tlt 2 i nt.h? Hnt 1! . \itb i6? bla$s, l6rt, neutrophils. 5{!res, xid the pl.telet counr *as 46.000 16.1,000 Irnrphoc]'tes. and raa Bate trom aoorhü bospiraldu. dirai.5ed in Februx.Y 1986 by The American Society ol Hematology, lh. d,\ sc hrd been dirsno\ed trin rir no rhe basis of clinicrl ac !..: olair..s. *hnc blood.cLl (wtsc) coün1 l:3.000 ($irh 99 blrns.l9i troFlrloqies. I89 .rr-.1..rle\. 9'1 metrnr)el..j-r.s, lSL Lrdd, -10r'. .cutopliils, 6a .osinophils. ,1.; brsophiLs, zt ninuscripr sübn,irrdl CASE BEPORT in cells,is45,XX, 9, 17, 19, 22,7p ,9q+ .! Hü,üb|.si r.06 L Souza (AI\'Cen). MonocLondl dntibodies (l{oAbt aeainn CDr4 (HPCA l).CDi (Leu 9). CDl0 (CAl l-A).CDl6 (Lcu I tb), .D.'0. 1 o..l \DP mouse werc purchased 0 'o".1,. fton lecton-Dicki.son Lg r.d.o.. (Mountain Vies,' c^) cDl6 (oKM il. cDf b (oKM l). cDl] (oKNt t3), cDl4 (oKNl lll and CDr (OKT l) lrom Ofrho-Dirgdo{,c Sr-$enr i\eckrrt.dihd. FRG): and CD,1lb (AN jl) fron Dakopatß 0406 a9:)i90i76aJ 00 t 1s3 aaia srood vo 76 No 3lAusust I i990 pp 5r3 532 6M-CSF DEPENDENT HUMAN MYELOO CELL LINE Praliletulian aßa\. Afrc. washine tne cells ihree tincs in : phosphale-bü|löred saline (rBs), ihe celts { 1 I01 celh/sell) w*c incubated for 72 hoüa in flat bouon 96-we1l microriter plaFs in a nn,l voluhe o1200 /]L RPMI 1640 mediün containi.g lo% FCS and various cltokines. rH-rhlnidine (Aneshan, Brlunschweie, FRC) ras,dded at I aci (r7 kDq) Fer well for 4 houß before the end.rtlecullure Thecelhweretnenhanestedon6bergld$fiheß blolted onroa nt10. n.nbrane (cenescreen PlüsiNE\. duponrde Nemou$- lad Honbure, FRG). Thc b./-5' prcbe (proridcd by C.R. Barhao, Uln. FRC) was tabeled by .ick-translation and hybrid izedaccordinetonandardprotocols.L. Staiüi,slor Mat-Grtinwald and cytochenicat stain ings torPAS, nycloporoxidase, and d-naplryl acerarc esLerase were pertnrmed in our roütine iematoloct laboraroiy hi.ota and deasurcd by liqüid scintillation countin8. Al1 assays were perlorned in tdplicate and dala are expre$ed as tne nea. counß iH-thynidine ircorporarcd ter ninule ol Im,tunophenat]tihs Cell surlace aniigens sere detec&d by nandard i.direci innünofluorescence .say. ln briel thc cels were incubated al 4oC lor 30 ninuts üith nouse MoAbs, washed llrcc tif,es by cenlrifugltion witn PBS. followed bt .ddins FITCco.Juglted soat anl1-nouse antibody aor r0 ninutes at 4oc. shined cclLs sere üen evalüated with ! Uv-nicroscope The cells qere co.sidered positire for ücanligen in question shen tne nuorcscence i.lensny on inlact cells was clearly visible in comparison silh the cells treated only witn FITC-mnjügaLed eoar !iri-mouse airibody Chronasane analrtß. Krryotyping oaCM/SO c.lh and fyobt sandard techniqucs, pr€served bone narrow cells rvas perforned includin8 Ciensa fypsin bdnding. ' ahdlttü. High noleculd $eight DNAftoncells rnhrg.lll, elecrophoresed on a 0.8% agarosegel, and Southühblot *as djgested BESULTS .ellulü charucte^ti.s. Estdblishment and bone lnitially, maros nononuclear celh were cultured in the prcs ence of rhG'CSF. .hGM'CSF, and IL-3 (1,000 U/mL cach) $i1h the intertion ofstudyi!81!e ditre.entjarion capacity of the blasl cells. Asüsual.1lc cnlture nedium used rvas RPVI 1640. supplemefued $ilh L0% FCS. 02 frmol/L exposed to rhG\,I'CSF. In subsequent srcls, liree slable subclones sere establlshed bl usire liniling dilution tech- w ) g fr e F G & 0ä t.w rG "Q \h Fis 1. Morphol6sy,nd morphotosic difl6r6nti ation or GM/so ool|3r cM/So c6tts growins in m€dium containins loo U /bL rhcM-CSF .tono {A), dditionat PMA {1oO 24 hours {3), Th..d66r6nr cotls w6r€ cuiturod on st€rit. slid6s and .n-dri6d beror€ staining {May Grünw3ldl. ns/mllror s*# ! , -! t q" t B L- Slulamine, ard antibiotics. Wlthin ih€ fis1 2 weeks rle.e sere no d flerence ro be.erec..d. e .he in pro re% or '. .e or i! malu.dtion of lle cells in the presence of rhese lhree hemaropoietic gro*lh factoß. However. afte. several pa! sages an active prollfe.alion sas süstailed only by the celh -!k"' E Fig 2, Prolir.rativ6 r6 cponss of GM/SO c6lt3 io rhGM-CSF, rhc-csF, rhll 1a, rhlL 2, rhll-3, rhll-4, or rhll 6 €irhor alono ai conc€ntr.iions b6rw6.n 1 a.d 1,0OO U/mL or in combin.rion wirh 1 U/mL rhGM CSF| mo8lr.n6nt an€r 72 houra. Th. n6urrarizing 6nti bodY wls to3t€d in l:4o linal dirurion, and th€ curv€3 f.pf6, a rique. These subclones din'er in their norpholos] and generarion time, but thet, still retain their .equkement for external supplJ_ of rbGM CSF. The dependencr can be circumvented if the cells are cultnred by carefully reducing GM-CSF fo. 2 or mo.e wceks. As a conscqü€nce, celh tlat have once becone independent do no1 require GM'CSF for their survival and prolile.ation. whereas they süstain to .espold to GM-CSF ivitb increased proliferalion (data nol sho{n). To avoid overly complexda!a. onll thecloncrermed as GM/SO is discused in this reporr. ^ r{ Although tlc.c is a colsiderable variation in cell size, the tlpical mo.pholosy of GM/SO cells in May-Grü.Nald stainine is a large, rourd, of slighrLl jr.egular nuclcus, three to six proni.en! nucleoli. ard deep blue cytopLasn wjih a perinu.lear pale zone (Fis lA). There is no s.llnula present and the cytochemical stainiig tor PAS. m)eloperoxidase. ard a-napht_vl acetate esrerase r.e neeative. Moreorer. 1he cells grosing in 100 U/mL ibGM'CSF (unless othe.ivise ltinulated) rclain rhe; norpholoe] and display no olerr dillerentiation jn liquid cultlre. HoNever. a rapid change ,*{-d-}t- "-fi-!; tf " f{-l f i: $-lr 10 D 1l-f E h-r !-tt- t6 13 F _r !i 12 I s€ 17 1a 15 _-l.l G -r a-r- 20 21 ,17 Fig3. Sr.nrin. ka'yorypo of tin€ cM /SO: 4s, xX, - 9, ohromGom€s lM1, M2, and M3)rhat oould not b6 €x!cdv cla$ili6d, 22 ,9q- dor t{S:221 (q3ajq 1 1 l, dor (13q1, otusihr€6 mark6r GM.CSF DEPENDENT HUMAN MYELOO CELL LNE rnlo a monocyte-nacrophagc morphologl aid increascd adhe.encc!oplasLicsurla.ecanbcinducedb) theddditionof phorboln!rishrc acerale (P\,1A) (Siema, St Louis. MO) at concentratio.s bcrween 1.000 ng,lml- and I ne/ml (FiB I A B c D B). Inrmunophenor!I)e anllysis sho\led rhar rhe CM/SO ccUs bear surlace dntiecns of mlelononocllic cel15 CD3.1 (Sreater llan ?5%), CDlS (g.catü than 967.), and CD36 {gieaLer thrn 92:Z), bur iot rhe oller typical granuloc}re, nacrophage anlisens such as CDllb. CDl.1. or CDl6. Whilc HLA DR (greaiü than 98.:i) is slronel) exprcsed on Lhe cell\. luphoclric hukers such as CDl, CDr, CDl0. aD'i) "nd As shosn I olb., . i. n.d-l(r ( D-)b . e . .c.. Fig 2. the p.olifer.livc cfccl ol cNI CSF on r'(.( .ll . 'ndo'eorFde-."ndr e'' u' r's oo \re-. 11.O to be b\' 100 U/i1l-. Hoseve., b) nsing a pol,raalent rabbit anliscrxm a-qainst GN{-CSF at neutralizing titeß. the lrolifcrarion could be conpleteLr abolished in ihe\e assxys Tlis inhibilion rppareitl] is no1 due to anr lo\ic effecl in 8.6 7.2 sincc lhe neutralizine elTecr could in ruin be enrnel! supp.essed bl exces of rhGNI CSF in culture nedium In eddilion. $c simullaneously lested rhc CSF and rhlL-3, as qcll as rhIL-la. rhlL-2. rll]--.l. and rhll-6 to '.le | .n\ Do.' b. r-P. r .1 rL . .e l l.-e .\' rLc g \c exanples demonstratej there {as io deteclable prolileralive eflict of lhese cytokines a1 conccrtrations betseen I and 1,000 ll/nL, either aloie or in combinarion with 1 U/mL rhGl\f-csF. 5.5 t * qse 5.O C),tagereti. antl DNA andlr:sts To find ou1 xhellc. GN1/SO celis possess thc typical characrerislicr of .) CML ceLl, eg. PI' chrohosome or ,.F r/ rearangefreil. se anxl)zed the karyorype with a C-bandin-s rech.ique and cramined the Dr.\A hybridization will a ,..-5 probe on Southern blot\. Tle srcmline karyoL\pe rls determined as XX. 9. 17. 19, 22. 7p . 9q- (der t[9i22] tq34:ql ll), de. ( l.lq). and tlree additiondl ndrke. ch.omo- 45, somcs (Fis 3). Since v!rious numerical chronosona I anonalies $ereobserved in the bonenanox cells, ar leasr one oftnesc markeß (Ml), toCether sith the 9q+ chromosome, seenr\ to bccharacLe.isticforlhepalienfs leukemictransfor maüor because it was also presenr in all neraphases of the bone marol cells freshl! frozen during rhe btasl crisis. t! thc couße of establishneir. an incrcasing raLe oirelraploid karyotypes Na\ found in sübsequen1.nal!ses Soulhern blot analtsl! oft!/11dieested DNA wirh bcr 5' as h)bridization probesho{ed tso AglII reslriction fraemenrs ofE.6 and I1.0 kilobasepair (kbp) size, girineclcarcvidencctbr aicaffance' ment ltpical fo. CNfL (Fig 4. lane ÄddirionalL), tlc sisnalof tle 8.6 kbp fraghent. ifcompared ^). 10 1le 5.0 kbp, js m.n) tlme\ st.ongcr, and in rlis case indicares a. anplifica' tion proces. The occurence oftwo aberrani fragnents $as obse.ved rn scyüal blouing a.d h)bridiz.tion cxperinenrsl thus,.n artifact due to p.fiial dieesrions is ercluded. D SCUSSION Thecelllines Lhat eere cstabiished in.ecenl dccades have an c$ential pa.1 ol our conre porar) biomcdicat .csearch Their conlribulions ro d;coveri!8 laflous iew 4, Sourhsrn hybridizaiion of DNA from cM/so .s tin€ 5 pfob*. Each rans conlainod 5 ps ol ,g/ digoslod DNA from GM/so cs s (a), K562 c€ tino (a), bon€ marow csrrs of Fig u3ins bcr anorh€r pati€ni wirh cML lcl,.nd p.riphsrat btood mononuctdaf corls or a h€a thy p€13on lDl. diaenoslic and therapeuric a-qenrs can actxallt be exempli äed $i1h 11. developmelt of Mo^bs,,i plriltcarion ol c)tokines,tr! bioasays, :.r'and so fo.ll. ]n Lhis con!e:r, the Iictor deFndent cell lines, bcing an ideal sub.jecr ior srudy- '-8,'. fh\'oog. p e .n.c or 'he a or undoubtedh oi paniculai inleresr. I. this rcpon we descrjbc a nes lunan myeloid cell tine Gltl/SO. of xhictr sxrvival and p.oliferarion in vnro ß p.inarily dependent on the presence oi hGM-CSF. eiller natural or reconbinanl. exchding p.obable ^part eiTecls of rhl]- 1a. rhIL-2, rhIL-3. rhIL.1. .hIL,6, and rhG-CSF on C\1/SO b) lesljng thcm direclly, *e provid€d evide.ce bl using a neurralizing anribody rhar rhe laclor fof the detecred proliierarion is reslricred 10 G\'I-CSF. ln contast to 1le reporled synereistic efecl ol .espoisible rhc-CSF.rr IL-6,11xnd IL-II on leukefric blasrs or no.fral CD3,1- ceLlr. respectivel). {e tailed 10 observe such } lyncrgisnonCM/SOcells.rl\{ CSFand lL-5travenor!e1 In addition. $e conlirned rhrough inmunophenotrping OEZ ET AL and dilit.cntiatio. induclion lbat GM/SO cells posess exclusivelJ myelogcnous, bu1!o lymphoid, features. 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