Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatrnent of
Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatrnent of
Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatrnent of peripheral nerve lesions G. Penkert; W. Bini* andM. Samii Neurosurgical Dept., Nordstadt Hospital / Hannover-Germany; *Neurochirurgia, Ospedale Civico / Lugano-Switzerland diagnósticos y la sofisticación quirúrgica. Claros conceptos anatomo-clínicos y quirúrgicos deben de guiarnos a la hora de planear un tratamiento en este campo The treatment of peripheral nerve lesions still reel cual ha sido en parte «olvidado» por la neurocirugía presents a challenge in spite of today's diagnostic and clínica. Si bien los resultados pueden ser espectaculasurgical sophistication. Clear anatomo-clinical and Documento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m res, con mucha frecuencia tendremos la información surgical notions must guide the treatment planning in decisiva sólo después de haber expuesto el campo quithis field which has been somewhat «neglected» by clirúrgico, es decir, «in situ». El principio básico es obtenical neurosurgery. The results can be spectacular, nener o crear condiciones óptimas para la regeneración vertheless the decisive information will often be acquired only after surgical exposure that is in situ. The baaxonal. sic prerequisite or principIe is to be able to create optiPALABRAS CLAVE: Nervios periféricos. Cirugía de las mal conditions for axonal regrowth. lesiones de los nervios periféricos. KEY WüRDS: Peripheral nerves. Surgery of peripheral nerve lesions. Introduction Resumen As in other areas of neurosurgical practice, in peripheral nerve surgery treatment planning must begin with an El tratamiento de lesiones de los nervios periféricos accurate anatomical and neurological orientation in order sigue representando un desafío a pesar de los avances Summary lower extremity upper extremity axillary nerve - - - - - - - - - - - - obturator nerve musculocutaneous nerve femoral nerve with cut. antebrachii lat. nerve - - - - - with cutaneous branch (saph. nerve) median nerve medial plantar nerve ulnar nerve lateral plantar nerve < superficial branch radial nerve deep branch (post. inteross. nerve) superficial brauch > tibial nerve > \ .• ) sciatic uerve fíbular uerve I deep branch Scheme 1: Comparison of ramification of upper and lower extremity nerves 255 Review oí sorne surgical concepts in the treatment oí peripheral nerve lesions _S_ED_D_O_N_l_94_3_....;I SU_N_D_E_RL_A_N_D_l_9_51 Neurapraxia - - - - - grade I - - focal demyelinisation I Axonotmesis ~ : Neurocirugía grade TI - - continuity ofaxons interrupted grade III - - architecture of endoneurium destroyed grade IV - - architecture of perineurium destroyed I _ ~ WALLERian degeneration of the / nerve fiber Neurotmesis - - - - - grade V - - continuity of aH nerve structures interrupted Scheme 2: Nerve lesions according to Seddon and Sunderland to judge which nerve or combination of nerves have been 1. Anatomical Considerations injured 1•4 •5 • Por this prerequisite have found it helpful to el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m Documento descargado dewe compare the nerve ramifications of the upper and lower The smallest anatomical unit of a nerve is the axon. extremity. Each nerve of the arm will correspond to a speAround the axon membrane we find the myelin sheath and it' s Schwann cells. These components together form the cial nerve of the leg and important distinctions do not exist with exception of the level of ramification (see scheso-called nerve fiber. Each nerve fiber is enclosed in two me 1). or more layers; one with latticed and the other with longi- Fig. 1.- Severe acute tra!tmatic median nerve compression at the wrist. 256 Neurocirugía Review of sorne surgica! concepts in the treatrnent of periphera! nerve lesions Documento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m Fig. 2.- Interfascicular dissection (multifascicular arrangement). tudinal collagen· and elastic elements (the endoneurium). If we transect a nerve, its stumps will always retract due to these elastic elements. A bundle of nerve fibers together with their endoneurium is again surrounded by connective tissue and this is referred to as a fascicle. This truly represents the surgical unit. The numerous fascicles of each nerve are arranged into groups of fascicles, changing theif arrangement or distribution from centrallevels to the periphery. Nerve roots consist of fewer but thicker fascicles which can be divided into sorne sectors whereas more in the periphery the nerve has its typical group arrangement with 3-5 groups of fascieles. Between these groups only loose connective tissue with longitudinal oriented vessels is presento At the peripheral end these groups further subdivide into many small fascieles so that the nerve structure acquires a multifascicular nature. In summary, the nerve begins mono or oligofascicular containing a typical group arrangement and at the end this is lost in favour of multiple small no longer distinguishable fascicle groups. The surgeon has to be aware of this changing arrangement. An interfascicular microsurgical neurolysis is only possible in the segment with group arrangement, whereas at the root level a dissection of fascieles would damage their continuity. Following nerve transection all elements constituting the nerve fiber degenerate from the level of the lesion until the periphery. Only the Schwann cells remain viable and are able to build up a new myelin sheath when new axons find their way to sprout. Our surgical efforts presently aim at establishing as optimal conditions as possible lor the axon sprouting over the level of the lesion to achieve its distal target2• Depending on the amount of compressing and injuring forces, Seddon, in 1943 established the well known idea of neurapraxia, functional block of the- electrical conductivity due to myelin degeneration; axonotmesis, interruption of continuity of the axons and neurotmesis, complete interruption of nerve continuitt. In comparison, Sunderland7 distinguished five degrees of lesion in 1951. We consider this latter elassification to be much more useful in understanding the different disturbing events which occur within the nerves and is still valid today: 257 Review of sorne surgical eoncepts in the treatrnent of peripheral nerve lesions Neurocirugía Documento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m Fig. 3.- Transected median nerve with a neuroma at the proximal stump. Fig. 4.- Separation 01 the lascicle groups. 258 Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatrnent of peripheral nerve lesions Neurocirugía Documento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m 1~,,", ~."",.' ~ ~"...~- Fig. 5.- Site after neuroma resection. Fig. 6.- Coaptation ojthe sural graft (proximal suture Une). 259 Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatment of peripheral nerve lesions Neurocirugía Documento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m Fig. 7.- Median nerve reconstructed withfive grafts. Grade 1.- Sunderland's grade I lesions are identical with Seddon' s neurapraxia. The myelin sheath is the most sensitive part of the nerve fiber thus focal demyelination occurs at first. The rearrangement of the myelin sheath lasts 3-4 weeks. After this short period, the nerve regains it' s function. Grade II.- due to more compressing forces the axons undergo wallerian degeneration. Nevertheless, each axon remains enclosed by it's basal membrane and endoneurium so that durlng axon sprouting it will reach its former muscle end-plate. This process will last sorne months but the end results is nearby a restitutio ad integrum. Grade III.- in this degree of lesion we find the endoneural structures progressively destroyed so that motor axons may sprout into a sensitive pathway or vice a versa. This leads to a certain amount of miss-sprouting with the corresponding functional defects. Grade IV.- because of disarranged perineural structures the degree of miss-sprouting determines for example that antagonistic muscles will be innervated simultaneously. The compressing fibrosis causes that a certain amount ofaxons sprouts are blocked completely and a 260 neuroma in continuity without nerve function results. This is comparable to a nerve interruption. The quality of regeneration, the number ofaxon sprouts, the amount of miss-sprouting and the functional results at the end of regeneration depend on the degree of fibrosis and on the possible disintegration of the group arrangement of all the fascicles. Therefore the idea ofaxonotmesis contains a wide field of different types of nerve lesion and we are now able to explain the possible unexpected poor results after neurolysis. Grade V.- a grade V lesion is again identical with Seddon's neurotmesis, that means complete interruption of the whole nerve (see scheme 2). The time span between nerve lesion and possible regeneration will often last several months. During this period we can test the' beñáviour of the axon sprouts only by eliciting the «Tinelsign». The palpation of the nerve and where sprouting occurs triggers an electric pain which is experienced in the sensitive area previously belonging to the injured nerve. If the trigger point moves downward (distally) during the period of several months, outgrowth ofaxons is taking place. This is a positive prognostic factor. Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatment of peripheral nerve lesions Neurocirugía n. Operative Procedure of a grade IV lesion the post-traumatic tissue fibrosis compresses the axons to such a point that their outgrowth is partially or even totally hindered. In a very simplified way we have used to distinguish Without surgical intervention, regeneration wiU fail. between nerve lesions with and without continuity. In reaPrimary causes are: gun shot wounds, sharp injuries lity we often enough find a nerve which seems to be in and severe traction trauma due to fractures or joint distorcontinuity but by means of microsurgical dissection we tion. Especially after distortion injuries we must expect to discover a complete destruction of the nerve structure. have to bridge defects of 20-30 cm. The nerve stumps reOn the other hand we can find a markly thickened nertract due to their elastic elements. ve segment similar to a large neuroma but the dissection Additionally, we always have to resect long fibrotic shows only scar tissue between the fascicle groups (pseuand neuromatous segments to find viable stumps. In reladoneuroma). Thus the microsurgical findings often intion to nourishment and revascularization there doesn't fluence the therapeutical actions. exist any argument against the use of long free nerve grafts 3 • A. Lesions without loss of continuity The treatment of choice is to restore the nerve contiThese are lesions which can be overcome by axon nuity. If we would try an end-to-end suture, we would be sprouting without any surgical reconstruction. Typical enDocumento descargado de el 20/10/2016. Copiawith para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier m faced two desadvantages. On one hand we would trapment syndromes in anatomically narrowed regions ie. have to overcome strong tension forces which tend to pull carpal tunnel, supinator canal, median nerve under the at the nerve stumps due to the elastic nerve fibers and sepronator teres, interosseous anterior nerve entrapment, condly, after resection of fibrotic segments the nerve demeralgia paresthesica and the thoracic outlet syndrome are fect increases. Alternatively, since the last thirty years examples of this type of lesiono Furthermore numerous free autologous nerve grafts are used for interposition chronic nerve lesions due to repeated traction forces such between the nerve stumps. In case of nerve segments with as the ulnar tunnel syndrome existo the typical, previously mentíoned group arrangement The best condition for optimal regeneration is when each fascicle group can be coaptated to one nerve graft only a fibrosis of the epineurium is present. In more seve(Fig. 3-7). This method ensures control on the individual re cases also the epineurium between the fascicle groups (epifascicular perineurium) can be fibrotic perhaps even coaptation and avoids any disturbing tension which induces tíssue fibrosis in the ara of the junctíon. One suture the epifascicular endoneurium. In treatment the first step is to open the outer epineuthrough the epineurium of the sural nerve graft and through the epineurium of each fascicle group is sufficient rium in a longitudinal direction from proximal and distal to avoid foreign body granulomas. If the nerve is unifastowards the level of the lesiono If we observe a persisting cicular or multifascicular the grafts have to be coaptated compression we will have to peel and remove the surrounover the whole cross section of the nerve stump. Fibrin ding epineurium. In cases of an interfascicualr fibrosis we glue does hinder a timely revascularization in the suture will have to dissect between the fascicle groups (Fig. 1-2). area for sorne days. The question of increased scar tissue If the fascicles themselves remain fibrotic due to scarred formation by glueing or stitching is often discussed conendoneurium rather easily palpable between two finger troversially but not completely answered till now. The intips one must decide if resection of the neuromatous segtroductíon of laser techniques to seal the coaptatíon ment and nerve grafting should be performed. should always consider the excess costs of this method. Our goal is always to achieve a sufficient decompresImportant to remember is that the patient's own fibrin sion in order to enable the axon sprouts to overcome the lesion and reach again their target. In cases of pseudoneuwill maintain the coaptation naturally after 10-20 mino Post-operative immobilisation of the site is advisable for roma, microsurgical neurolysis will be the treatment of sorne days. choice but in case of a real neuroma, perhaps affecting only one fascicle group, resection and grafting for this Conclusion group has to be carried otu (see scheme 2). Intraoperative nerve stimulation is fundamental to conIf we tend to judge and treat peripheral nerve lesions firm fascicles which are still anatomofunctionally intacto we must have a clear idea of the anatomical ramification of the nerves of the upper and lower extrernities compleB. Lesions with loss of continuity ted by an assessment of the degree of the nerve lesiono These lesions which can not be bridged by axon Our surgical goal should be to create conditíons for resprouts, that is completely interrupted nerves but also cagrowth ofaxon sprouts. We have to decide between seveses with real neuromas, have a loss of functional contiral microsurgical techniques and this often remains an innuity. As mentioned prev~ously it can happen that in cases 261 Review of sorne surgical concepts in the treatrnent of peripheral nerve lesions traoperative decision rnaking. AH options rnust be discussed with the patients preoperatively. References 1. Goodrich, J.T.: Acute Repair of Penetrating Nerve Trauma. En: C.M. Loftus ed. Neurosurgical Emergencies Vol. 11 Park Ridge (Illinois), AANS Publications Committee, 1994; 299-312. 2. Millesi, H.: Microsurgery of periphera1 nerves. En: B. McKibbin ed. Recent Advances in Orthopaedics. Edinburg, Churchill Livingstone, 1983; 1-22. 3. 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