Thundarr Struck
Thundarr Struck
Thundarr Struck Living Low Adventure 001ce by Thom Shartle Convention Edition The heap has an opportunity to mount an expedition into the Underwhere. The only problem is their potential patron is many yorts away in Bottom Saloo. Luckily the slog skooner “Thundarr Down Undarr” is getting ready to depart from Floom to Bottom Saloo and is hiring additional guards. The heap will help fend off a price-o-corn attack and then track down the missing First Bait’s Suit (so the Thundarr can be steered!) This adventure is meant as an introduction into Low Life Redredged and the Whole Hole Living Low Campaign and should take a standard four hour convention time slot for novice characters. The Gist With a prospective job in Bottom Saloo, the heap takes working passage on the Thundarr Down Undarr, a slog skooner headed there from Floom. On the third day of an eighteen day journey, while the Thundarr Down Undarr is dropping anchor for the night, they are attacked by a marauding band of Aerial Price-O-Corns. The heap handily beat back the raiders, but the Slog Skooner’s First Bait disappears in the ruckus. The heap has to get back the First Bait (well actually just her suit) or the Thundarr Down Undarr ain’t goin’ no where... A Tale of Two Beginnings… This adventure has two beginnings. This is the CE (Convention Edition), truncated for use in a four hour convention session slot and starts with the heap boarding the slog skooner. The other version (SE or Standard Edition) allows the Heap to wander around Floom before boarding the Slog Skooner. Slog Skooners Ho! Read Aloud: A new posting on the “Activities and Opportunities” board at the Mutha Oith Underwhere Explorer’s Societe’ Lodge in Floom had drawn your heap’s attention. Uster the Damp famed for pioneering dammit binding in Bottom Saloo, is hiring expeditions into the Underwhere to try and set up trade relations with “The Crusty Ones” a group of Underwhere dwelling croach artisans whose metal work is highly sought after. It seems to be a job well suited to you, your only problem was getting to Bottom Saloo. Lucky for you the Thundarr Down Undarr is currently docked in Floom and ready to launch for Bottom Saloo. The Thundarr’s Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp is known to have a soft spot for M.O.U.E.S. members, having befriended Phyllin MacKrakin and Zlozz Kirpanski its founders, rumored to have created the Societe’ on that very vessel! You followed the cobblestone road out of town, round a low lichen covered hill and caught your first glimpse of the Slog Docks… The side of a hill has been chiseled off and a series of plank platforms built along the top to accommodate Slog Skooners pulling up to load and off-load their cargos of goods and passengers. Two of the slips are currently occupied. One with a hundred yort single masted Giant Slog and another with a much larger Enormoslog sporting two masts, easily two-hundred and fifty yorts long. your right. It opens into the 27 x 36 yort bunkroom. Hammocks are slung one over the other around the walls and in the center of the room. You are each assigned a bunkroom and a box in one of the two cupboards for personal items. The porter bids you good luck and scurries away. Gang planks extend from the hill top to the plank platforms attached to the backs of the slogs. Blinders cover their eyes and great chains secure them to the cliff face. Cranes swing back and forth from the docks to the skooner cargo holds. Stevedores can be seen scurrying across the slogs, jockeying cargo into position, guiding passengers to their staterooms, grooming the slogs (and the passengers) or pitching bails of shredded fungus into the slog’s gaping maws. The heap should get their gear stored (ask them what You make your way up to the docks, the gang plank to the larger of the skooners bears a sign identifying it as the “Thundarr Down Undarr”, leaving for Bottom Saloo on the morrow. fore to the steering house they keep on their person) and then seek out the First Bait. To get to the wheel house, the heap needs to travel steering system. Read Out Loud: When you open the stout door to the wheel house, currently unlocked, you are assailed by the sounds of a large wrench being banged against the huge drums of the steering mechanism and a horc swearing colorfully in at least three different languages. She turns away from the machinery she was working on and throws the wrench up to her shoulder. A broad shouldered Fungal wearing a colorful outfit festooned with sashes and braids of metallic thread is standing on the deck at the other side yelling orders to various crew peeps through cupped hands, a sheaf of rolled up scrolls tucked under one arm. “What der you want?”, she grumbles at you I “can’t yer see I’m busy?” The players are greeted by Gr'fz'q'lomp the Fungal about their credentials and after some back and forth agrees to hire them: Room and Board plus 10 which houses all the gears and kontraptions used to maneuver the You cross the wide sturdy gang plank swaying gently fifty yorts above the packed ground below. Kaptin of the Thundarr, when they board. She asks Appendix 5.1 A Bigarm will settle down if told they were sent by the Kaptin and why. She becomes positively amiable (for a clams a day. horc), and points up with her wrench. Read Out Loud: Read Out Loud: The Kaptin waves down a harried looking steward and tells him to take your heap to the Crew’s billet and get you set up with bunk-age. She then turns to you and tells you to get settled in and then report to First Bait Croach in the wheelhouse for your ship board assignments. Looking up, you notice a set of worn metal rungs stapled into the mast that lead up to a reinforced hatch in the roof of the steering house. The wind whips around you as you climb up out of the steering house and ascend the mast. After climbing up a bunch of yorts worth of rungs, you find a hatch in the floor of the platform above. The hatch swings open easily (it is unlocked) and you are confronted by a croach with a clipboard. The porter scurries across a wide rope and plank bridge connecting two platforms on the slog’s back and then through a small square room with stout reinforced doors controlling travel between the fore and aft platforms, motioning absently for the heap to follow him. He darts through the propped open double doors on the aft superstructure. You follow him into the short hall and through the first door on Evidently Crandal is expecting them. Looking at his clip board, he assigns each peep in the heap a job. Roll once for each player on the assignments chart (Appendix 6) and read the passage to them. 2 Have the peeps report to their stations and give each rounds movement from the sterncastle. a run down on what the position does and use that as Read out loud for anyone with a raise: a way to tell them more about the day-to-day opera- One by one five great black apparitions bearing a striking resemblance to great, bloated, flying esophagators, touch down on the roof of the sterncastle just long enough for a Give them time to explore the Thundarr and ask small hunced figure to drop off. They then flap away into the them if there is anything specific they want to acnight. The figures are draped head to toe in black—their excomplish during the journey. The Heap has two days act nature is difficult to make out, but you think you see the of travel in which to explore the Slog Skooner, mingle glint of drawn weapons! tions of a Slog Skooner (See Appendix 8). with the crew and passengers and in general get stuff done. Screams and cries for help can be heard coming from By the Prickling of my Thumb… Something Wicked this Way Comes! are being attacked! Deal the cards at this point and go to combat rounds. As the second day’s travel comes to an end, the heap can see the awesome sight of the Speculum ahead where it spans the Bunn Skrak. The Hench Flew Sky Thugs will be on the top floor (Appendix 5.2) one each in rooms M, N, L and K shaking down the passengers for valuables under threat of loaded crossbows. They will fire immediately at any Read Out Loud: As the Thundarr Down Undarr eases to a stop on a wide plateau that looks like it has been used this way many times in the past. The crew begins scurrying to their appointed tasks; feeding, grooming and otherwise tending to the slog and in general preparing for the oncoming night. Ahead can be seen the mighty speculum. A mighty edifice of greenish stone and blue-grey ossified mushroom stalks that spans the Bunn Skrak at its widest point, built almost 200 years ago. To Holewence, the Bunn Skrak extends on into the growing gloom and Holeward it opens up to empty into the Keister itself. Give the heap some minor tasks to complete such as helping fasten down the great hawsers used to hold the slog skooner in place and then inform them they hear the dinner bell sound announcing evening slops is being served in the crew mess hall the second floor of the stern castle—the passengers Appendix 5.1Q armed peeps they see and then call for retreat. This is a smash and grab they do not intend to cross blades with armspeeps if at all possible. Upon the call to retreat, xXy'gnzZZakkK (Bravely covering them from up on the roof) will have his contanimatronic creations attack the defenders while the Hench Flew retreat up the ladder and through the hatch in the roof of small room Q on level 2. There are a wuss and a Feck shadowing each Hench Flew that will facilitate their escape to the roof. The Price-o-corn’s contanimatronic aerial mounts swoop down and scoop up the hench flew Minions and wing off up the length of the Thundarr. . Read out loud For anyone in position to see them fly away: As the flying contanimants and their passengers wing away, the lead figure on a slightly more imposing mount, circles back and dives across the front of the Thundarr and then swings back around to join the rest of the group as they flap away holewence along the Bunn Skrak to be lost in the shadows of the craggy landscape in the distance. Notice (-2 to anyone without a way to see in the dark): a success earns them a notion that something big (larger than peep size) is flying lazily through the air at the edge of their vision. A raise and they note five something's moving in formation in a spiral toward the Thundarr Down Undarr. The heap is two 3 moss encrusted mountains your heap comes across a narrow trail leading up to a thin ledge with a decent sized cave mouth. A faint luminescence can be seen within. Listen: Success means you hear Crandal’s plaintive plea for help slowly fading away to holewence After the dust settles, the Kaptin finds the heap and Climbing (-2): (See Climbing SWD: 24) orders them to track down Crandel and the suit back At the Cave Mouth, Read out loud: from the Aerial Price-o-Corns. Your heap makes the treacherous climb to the cave mouth above. You discover the faint light emanating from the cave is Read out loud: coming from clumps of glowing toadstool shaped fungus, Kaptin Gr’fz’q’lomp comes up to the heap, a worried expresgrowing on the floor and walls of the cave. sion on her face… The stench of putrescence wafts from deeper within the “They took Crandal! Seems he was ...well forgotten, hanging cave—no roll required! in position after we dropped anchor. No one bothered to reel Knowledge (Underwhere): A success provides the information him in. ‘Spose its not the first time, but this time those that these ’shrooms are Luminous Bluem, common in the Unbastages made off with him! Normally if something hapderwhere and the main source of light there in. pened to the First Bait, We’d promote someone who… err… fit in the suit and be off. Problem is Crandal was in the suit when they took him! If you don’t get the suit… err and Crandal.. Back, Thundar tain’t goin’ no where!” Frankly, xXy'gnzZZakkK’s lair is poorly guarded. He doesn’t expect anyone to find it so no great effort has been made to guard it. Clumps of Luminous Please sir… Have You Seen My Bluem (marked “A” on the map) light up 30 yort (5” / 5 Croach? squares) sections of the lair, so the heap probably won’t need to provide light. This last section is not a combat operation, though many heaps will try that—they should get SPANKED The reason xXy'gnzZZakkK grabbed Crandal was he by xXy'gnzZZakkK and his contanimants. Reference mistook him for an abused contanimant (and you the lair map in appendix 5.6. KNOW how he feels about that!) (He doesn’t like it— not one… little… bit!)! He was in fact “rescuing” the Fortunately xXy'gnzZZakkK isn’t particularly blood contanimant and now that he has a croach in a suit— thirsty nor particularly interested in harming the has no idea what so do with him. Heap. The heap’s first task will be to find Currently, Crandal (and his suit) are dangling from a xXy'gnzZZakkK’s lair. rope tied to a stalactite on the ceiling of chamber “J” over the refuse pile in its center. Tracking: a success allows the heap to find a trail of cast off offal leading in the direction the Sky Defilers flapped away in (Holewence along the near side of the Bunn Skrak). It will require five total successes (including raises) to track the droppings to xXy'gnzZZakkK’s lair. A check may be made once per hour of searching. Map 5.6 Detail a) Clumps of Luminous Bluem that illuminate 30 yort / 5” / 5 square sections of the lair. b) Normal Sky Defilers. They pretty much just lay After Five Tracking Successes, Read out loud: there. They will ignore the heap completely. If Your bumbling err… diligent efforts lead you across the lichen covered hills to the start of the Dimplestacks. Not far into the one is destroyed, xXy'gnzZZakkK will be alerted to their presence and show up in 5 rounds. 4 tack the group and shout loudly for the Wuss just c) Precious—xXy'gnzZZakkK’ special contanimant up the passage to go warn xXy'gnzZZakkK. minion. If any peep gets within 3 yorts of Precious, it will turn to face them and speak to them in Guttermouth. Knowledge (Language Guttermouth): With a success, read them the following. The putrescent mass quivering before you screams out in Guttermouth, “Hey Guido, Go tell the Boss Man We Got Visitors!”, and then it attacks. Knowledge (Language Guttermouth): With a success, read them the following. In a harsh guttural voice, The oversized Sky Defiler grumbles you in Guttermouth, “Why do you intrude in this place? You don’t belong here!” Draw Cards and throw down! f) This is a place for dialog. If the heap responds A Wanker (see appendix 2) —xXy'gnzZZakkK’s muscle, will act to keep xXy'gnzZZakkK safe. reasonably, and tells precious that they are here for Crandal, Precious will look thoughtful for a moment and then advise them they need to go and ask xXy'gnzZZakkK. Precious doesn’t think g) xXy'gnzZZakkK. j) The Stables, where the Sky Defilers are parked. k) Hench Flew Barracks. Any of the four Hench it will be a problem, but can’t really let them take Flews who survived the raid will be here. The Crandal (who is dangling there moaning— chests and casks in this chamber contain 50 clams obviously alive) without permission. per heap member. If no one in the heap speaks Guttermouth and l) they try and cut Crandal down, Precious will half xXy'gnzZZakkK’s Lab. If the heap some how manages to not allow xXy'gnzZZakkK’s to be no- heartedly try and prevent them by imposing it’s tified, they will find xXy'gnzZZakkK working at bulk (without attacking) between the heap and his lab. He will be non-plussed, probably ask one Crandal. If the heap attacks Precious it’s on! Pre- of the heap to hand him a vial. cious will attack and yell out in Guttermouth for someone to get the boss. In this case Description of xXy'gnzZZakkK to Read Aloud: xXy'gnzZZakkK will arrive in 6 rounds. Before you stands a hunched over flew, madness gleams in his eye (the left one if you have to know). Like the Hench Flews he wears a black jumpsuit, only the sign on his chest reads “The Boss”. He calmly sets down the amalgamation of bone and gristle he was working on and turns to face the heap, taking in each in turn. d) A Wuss (see appendix 2). There are 6 Wusses living through out the lair. If a peep gets within 3” of a Wuss, they will attack a random peep in the heap using Stink Smack. After the attack it will attempt to break away and go find xXy'gnzZZakkK With all four hands on his hips (well where his hips would be. Flews legs are so short they don’t really have any) and in a high pitched squeaky voice asks “Well?” to warn him. They will do the same (warn xXy'gnzZZakkK) if they make a notice roll while combat ensues near by. If attacked xXy'gnzZZakkK will come at them e) A Kanker (see appendix 2) set there by full bore as will his wanker. If the heap enters in- xXy'gnzZZakkK as a guard. The kanker will at- to a conversation with him, and just asks for 5 Crandel back, he will think about it a moment and have four days downtime while repairs are underway. She gives you each the 140 clams owed for the first seven days of work and suggests you check out Stan’s Belt—Best cannibalistic orgery in town and a great see food buffet! then offer to sell them Crandal for 10 clams. j) xXy'gnzZZakkK’s chambers. Searching the various casks, crates and chests will turn up 1,503 Each character will receive their bonus (20 clams) if clams applicable, a weeks pay of 140 clams and an additional Outro level of the skill associated with the task they rolled on chart 6.1. If they don’t already have the skill, they The heap has an opportunity to complete this adven- receive it at d4. ture with very little combat. Unless they spaz out and start trashing xXy'gnzZZakkK’s lair, xXy'gnzZZakkK Allow 10 minutes at the end of the session for players will be fairly reasonable. If there is a Contanimator to provide detail about their interlude activities to among the Heap or someone in the heap does or says be included in the Boss Report! something that indicates they have Underwhere knowledge in his presence, xXy'gnzZZakkK will invite them all to stay for tea. The Hench Flews clear a space and set up a table with chairs, prepare them tea and biscuits and serve them in xXy'gnzZZakkK’s quarters. After a rather pleasant interlude where they will discover xXy'gnzZZakkK is VERY knowledgeable asbout the Underwhere, he will bid them good evening (he has a busy schedule tomorrow) and tell them they are free to go. The Hench Flews will cut down Crandal for them who is VERY confused at this time and wave bye-bye from the cave mouth. Upon returning Crandal (and the suit) to the Thundarr Down Undarr, Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp will hail them as heros and give them each a 20 clam bonus! Read the following out loud as the transition to the next adventure. Read Aloud: After a week of travel, the Thundarr Down Undarr drops anchor outside the pink fields of Somewhat Unusual for badly needed repairs after a spar was snapped off in an unfortunate mishap involving a cliff, a hamster and too much skotch. Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp gathers the crew together and tells you all you 6 Appendix 1: NPP’s Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp d10, Shooting d6 (Wild Card) Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Tough: 8 seasoned female fungal Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Boating d10, Climbing d6, Driving d10, Fighting d8, Gambling d6, Intimidation d6. Repair d6, Riding d10, Shooting d10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Tough: 5 Hindrances: Arrogant (Maj.), Phobia (Giggities—Min.), Vow (Hunts (Wild Card) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Loyal Edges: Goodsporesmanship, Dan- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d12 Edges: Craftspeep, Spit, Loogey Hawker, Real Big Guy Skills: Contanimating d12, Fighting d4, Flying d8, Intimidation d8, Racial Abilities: Buttkicker, Gurgi- Knowledge (Language: Guttertation, Slimy, Tough Ass Mofo Background: Horc rigger who has served a long time onboard the Thundarr. Character Sheet Download thar Great White Snack Cake!, Min.) Flew Aerial Price-o-Corn mouth) d6, Knowledge (Underwhere) d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8, Tracking d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Tough: 8 PP: 20/40 Powers: Armor, Barrier, Blast, Krew Peeps Bolt, Conjure Contanimant, Darksight, Defile, Fear, Invisibility, ger Sense, Dead Shot, Kaptin novice various crew-peeps Krunch (MOUES Edge), Marks- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, man, Tubpuddler Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Racial Abilities: Gleaning the Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, ‘tinct, Unkeen Peepers, Spores: Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Repair Miasmic d4, Shooting d4 Gear: Shiny Spy-Eye, Scizz, Poo- Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 6 Finger of Love (Heal 12 Wounds Hindrances: Junkie (Min) per Day), Price-O-Corn Edges: Tubpuddler Racial Abilities: Four Arms, Wary ways around Keister Island. Racial Abilities: By Race Gear: Five Sky Defilers (Flying Con- Character Sheet Download Gear: Scizz, Poo-Flinger. Bigarm Bends-a-smelf Background: Stalwart krew plying Horc rigger (crewpeep) land. Flinger. Background: The Kaptin is an Old Salt AND Pepper plying the SLog- Skills: Boating d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Repair Hindrances: Arrogant (Maj.), Don’t Bother Me! , Righteous Indignation (Min: Regarding Flight) Edges: AB: Contanimator, Contanimaster, Contanimaniac, Glowy the SLogways around Keister Is- tanimatronic Minion Mounts), Four Hench Flews Background: Dove into Contanimating as a solution to the Flew racial desire to regain flight. He Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d12 Slumber raids travelers along the route be- xXy'gnzZZakkK, The Sky Defiler tween Floom and the Speculum to further fund his crusade to bring flight to Flews everywhere. He also 7 Appendix 1: NPP’s (cont.) is intolerant to the abuse of Con- Gear: Spear (STR+d6), Warmitten tanimants (they ARE peeps too— (STR + d8), Crossbow (15/30/60 2d6) right?). Background: xXy'gnzZZakkK’s He will generally conjure a Wuss loyal minions. Each is dressed in a and a Feck to accompany each black jumpsuit with white letters minion on a raid—They will facili- emblazoned on their chest denot- tate the Hench Flew’s escape, ing their position “Hench Flew #1”, when they are leaving. “Hench Flew #2”, etc xXy'gnzZZakkK prefers to use his Slumber power liberally to get what he wants—he isn’t particular- Precious ly interested in hurting peeps, but xXy'gnzZZakkK’s personal Sky De- he will be more forceful if neces- filer Flying Contanimatronic Min- sary to continue funding his cru- ion sade. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Note xXy'gnzZZakkK is also ex- Spirit d4, Strength d12, Vigor d12 tremely knowledgeable in the Un- Skills: Fighting d12, Contaminating derwhere and would make a valua- d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d10, ble ally! Tracking d6 Character Sheet Download Hench Flew Pace: 12 (Fly), Parry: 8, Tough: 8 Hindrances: Edges: Flight (12”/turn), Huge, Flew Aerial Price-o-Corn Doom Boom Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Racial Abilities: Contanimant, Im- Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 munities Skills: Fighting d8, Flying d8, Intimi- Gear: Armor +2 (All), Bite (STR + dation d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, d8) Survival d4, Tracking d4 Background: xXy'gnzZZakkK’s Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 6 Personal mount and the prototype Hindrances: Don’t Bother Me (-1 for the other Sky Defilers. A Charisma) Edges: Multi-Dexterous, Price-o- bloated construct made from the bloated carcass of a Esophagator. Corn Racial Abilities: Wary, Four Arms 8 Appendix 2: Beasts Feck Wild contanimant. Fecks are almost indefinably grotesque. Their small, blubbery bodies are ridged and rippled, bulging with unctuous vapors and undulating rolls of greasy sludge. They aren’t particularly large or imposing, just gross, sort of like flatulent crescent rolls. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d12 Skills: Knowledge (Dirty Jokes) d10, Notice d8 Pace: 2, Parry: 2, Tough: 8 Special Abilities Contanimant, Immunities, Jokes mounts for his Hench Flews. cre- tion, Slime, Splooge, Smash ated from decomposing esophaga- (STR+D6), Squirt (4”, If struck Vig- tor carcasses, stuffed with Oily or –2 or 3d6 damage and +2 to hit) Boid guts with a varied assortment of wings stapled on their sides) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Wuss Tracking d6 Wild contanimant. The least mighty of all contanimants, wusses are spirits of stink and flatulence. They appear as little wisps of gelatinous vapor with pudgy arms and eyeless faces. Pace: 10 (Fly), Parry: 7, Tough: 7 Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Skills: Fighting d10, Contaminating d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Special Abilities Flight (10”/turn), Huge, Doom Boom (4 x 48” cone as Fear Spell— Using Contanimating Skill), Contanimant, Immunities, Armor +2 (All), Bite (STR + d8) Kanker Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d4 Skills: Fighting d4+2, Notice d4 Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Tough: 4 Special Abilities Contanimant, Immunities, Fly (6”), Small (-2 to Hit), Smell Manipula- tion, Stink Smack Wild contanimant. Kankers look like giant Wanker lumpy tumors with spindly, gnarled limbs, Wild contanimant. Lewdness, indecency, and broad, many-eyed noggins. Their and humiliation are what wankers are all every crease, fold, and orifice drips with about. They’re basically just oozing greasy, faintly luminous, viridian pus. mounds of undefinable splooge with a Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, couple of squat legs and a single leering Spirit d12, Strength d10, Vigor d12 eye.They typically wear underpants just so they have something to rip off while Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, exposing themselves to unsuspecting Shooting d10 passersby. Wankers are vulgarity personified. Special Abilities Contanimant, Immunities, Disease, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d12 See-in-the-Dark-O-Vision, Smash, Squirt Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d10 Sky Defiler xXy'gnzZZakkK’s minions, created based on Precious as aerial Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Tough: 8 Special Abilities Contanimant, Immunities, Excava- 9 Appendix 3: Loots HENCH FLEW—Each Hench Flew will have 3d6 clams, a spear (STR+d6), warmitten (STR + d8), and a Crossbow (15/30/60 2d6) with 2d6 quarrels. Ransacking the Hench Flew Barracks (Appendix 5.6 K) will yield roughly 50 clams per peep in the heap. XXY'GNZZZAKKK—Has 47 clams in a small sack tucked into the waist band of his jump suit, a half dozen reaks of various types secreted about himself. Ransacking the Hench Flew Barracks (Appendix 5.6 M) will yield roughly 1,503 clams. 10 Appendix 5: Maps 5.1 Thundarr’s First Level A—Steering House—This structure holds the gears and pulleys used to manipulate the steering system including the boom the First Bait hangs from and the mouth bit yankers. B—Steering Gears (See above) C—Foredeck—This is a small platform in front of the Steering House. This is where the First Bait gets hooked up to the gear used to dangle her, and a winch system to pull her up and out and then later down and back. D—Climbing Handles—basically giant staples hammered in the Mast. E—Uber Flingers—Giant flingers used to hurl various forms of foulness. Used in defense of the Slog Skooner or in Skooner to Skooner combat F—Double Wooden doors G—Gangway—A long ramp used to board or leave the Slog Skooner. The main method of doing so (there are also two cranes that are used to move cargo and in a pinch passengers). While in motion, the gangway pivots up parallel to the deck, raised by a crane on top of the Postern. H—Short Stop—a small room, usually containing a couple of bored guardpeeps. It contains egress up to the Oily Boid’s Nest. K—Reinforced Single door L—Reinforced Double Door M—Kaboom Kannon—Shoots big holes in things wanting to eat the Skooner and her Krew. Relatively short range (80 yorts), but packs a heck of a wallop! N—Crew Common area—A bunch of hammocks the crew sleeps in. P—weapon racks Q—Crew Mess R—Secure Storage S—Pantry—Cooking supplies T—Kitchen U—Really, really Secure Storage V—Crew Head W—Stair way up to B on the second level. DOWNLOAD MAPS! 11 Appendix 5: Maps (cont.) 5.2 Thundarr’s Second Level A—Main Cargo Area—Two levels tall (I forgot to label it on the Level 1 Map… so it’s here alright??? Are we done now???? B—Stairway down (to W on the First Floor). C—Kaptin’s Day Room D—Kaptin’s Vault of Lewts E—Kaptin’s Bedchamber (Bow—Chikee– Bow-Wow) F—Passenger Suite Bed Chamber (For a Clammy guest) G—Passenger Suite Day Room H—Passenger Room J—Croach Class Common room—Each passenger gets a hammock and each pair of passengers shares a cupboard K—Passenger Room L—Passenger Room M—Passenger Mess N—Passenger Lounge P—Passenger Heads Q—Ladder up to the roof (Leads to Hatch D) R—Reinforced Door S—Double Wooden Door T—Wooden Door DOWNLOAD MAPS! 12 Appendix 5: Maps (cont.) 5.3 Thundarr’s Third Level A—Forward Lookout Platform B—Reinforced Door C—Wheel—(for steering)) D—Hatch opens up to the climbing handles leading down to Level 1 D E—Crane—Hand cranked by two burly krew peeps F—Climbing Handles up to the fourth level 5.4 Thundarr’s Fourth Level A—Oily Boid’s Nest B—Hatch opening up to Climbing Handles F on level 3 DOWNLOAD MAPS! 13 A Appendix 5: Maps (cont.) D M 5.6 xXy'gnzZZakkK’s Lair A—Phosphorescent Fungus (30 yort illumi- A K nation) D D A B—Sky Defiler D C—Precious A D—Wuss E—Kanker F F—Wanker G—xXy'gnzZZakkK A J—Stables A L A G K—Hench Flew Barracks L—xXy'gnzZZakkK’s Lab M—xXy'gnzZZakkK’s Chamber A D DOWNLOAD MAPS! A A A E A D A C J A B B B B 14 A Appendix 6: Charts 6.1 Shipboard Duties Roll Duty Description Read Aloud When Assigned Reward d8 1 2 Boomer’s Cleaning and maintaining Crandel looks you up and down, scratches where his chin would be + 1 Level Mate the ship’s weapons. You and evidently comes to a decision, “Boomer is short a mate, why of Shoot- even get to shoot the Uber don’t you see if he can git you squared away on one of the ship’s ing* Flinger and the Kaboom gunz. Look fer him ter be cleanin’ one of them and see if yer can Kannon! lends a hand.” Far Peeper You spend yer time in the “Yer seems ter have a fine set ‘o peepers. Reports ter Far Peeper +1 Level of Falls-a-lot up in the Oily Boid’s Nest.” Notice* You help the Rigger fix Crandal point’s back down the hatch you came up through, +1 Level of stuff! “Bigarm Bends-a-Smelf down below could use a strong arm with the Repair* Boid’s Nest watching fer trouble! 3 Rigger’s Mate rigging. Report to her down in the wheel room.” 4 Crandal raises an eye brow when you present yourself. “O you’ll +1 Level of the First Bait’s outfit span- do !, he says, “You’re MY bitch! After we finish here, follow me to Crafting* gly and up to snuff my cabin, my uniform needs mending.” First Bait’s You slavishly work to keep Bitch (washing, pressing and burnishing) 5 Assistant You work in the warehouse Crandal says to you, “Report to Twelve Finger Willie. You can help +1 Level of Stevedore helping the Stevedore out in the cargo hold. Look for him there.” Street- “keep track” of the invento- wise*, +50 ry (he deals you in for a Clams cut!) 6 Surgeon’s Assistant 7 3rd Assis- Help the Ship’s Surgeon “Crocadillo Octiturtle, the Thundarr’s surgeon can always use an +1 Level of deal with the whiney pas- extra hand managing the whiney passengers. Look for him in the Healing* senger’s imagined ills. loung, level twso of the postern.” Crandal tells you. You spend your days (and “Third Assistant to the Steward’s Assistant for you!” Crandal in- +1 Level of forms you, “Look for Steward Harold Happypants in the passen- Persuasion * If tant they to don’t the skill, they the gain paying it at d4. thehave nights) keeping Steward’s passenger’s happy! ger’s mess or the galley.” You get to help steer! Crandel pats the large wheel mounted on a post in the front left +1 Level of corner of the wheel house. “Your post will be here, helpin the Driving* Assistant 8 Steer’s Peep’s Assistant styerrer steer.” Steererer 6.2 Toughness Reference Feature Toughness Wooden Door 8 Reinforced Door 10 See Savage Worlds Deluxe (SWD) Pg 71 for “breaking objects” rules 15 Appendix 7: Edges, Hindrances and Racial Traits AB: Contanimator Arcane Background: Contanimator—(LLR: 143) Buttkicker price. Contanimant Contanimants can be summoned, controlled, and bound by the actions of contanimators. Horcs with this Edge add a +1 to all Fighting, Shooting, or Throwing rolls made with a particular individual weapon (one with which they have a special rela- Disease tionship). This works just like the TradeAnyone touched by a kanker must make a mark Weapon Edge, but without the skill Vigor roll at -2 or immediately break out requirements. (LLR: 126) in boils and gooey scabs. This causes no actual damage, but lowers the victims Charisma by 1 for 2d6 days. Contanimaniac quires an opposed Strength roll. A victim of an active wanker Excavation has his Pace reduced by half and a -2 penalty to all physical actions. Oofos are immune to Excavation and peeps with the Strumple Edge take no damage from such assaults, although they still suffer the penalties. Anyone subjected to a wanker’s Excavation must make a Vigor roll with a penalty equal to the number of consecutive rounds of contact. Failure means the victim has contracted a terrible rotting disease (-1 die of Agility, Strength, and Vigor every day until one goes below d4 and the victim croaks). The disease can be cured with a successful Contanimating roll and the distilled slime of a different wanker. You may share your bennies with any contanimatronic minions of your own creation. Also, your Power Point expendi- Don’t Bother Me! Four Arms ture is halved (round up) when creating Something about flews just sort of rubs peeps minions using the Contanimate power. the wrong way. It’s like a weird mix of pity and Flews have four arms. They can wield a weapContanimaster You may make a Persuasion roll to influence the reactions of contanimants as if they were regular NPCs. When dealing with contanimants, modifiers for Charisma work in reverse (-2 Charisma gives you +2 Persuasion). Craftspeep You gain a +2 bonus to all Crafting rolls made in your personal workshop, which this Edge gives you (you’re welcome). Yep, you have a personal workspace, complete with the tools and materials needed to create 2d8 of whatever it is you make (or more, according to the Boss). Additional raw materials for more can be nabbed for half the normal selling disgust. As a result, they begin with Charisma - on in each one, if they so choose, but normal 1. multi-action and off -hand penalties apply. They receive a +1 bonus to Climbing rolls and to Strength rolls when grappling, lifting, or pushing (assuming all four arms are being Doom Boom used). 4 x 48” cone as Fear Spell—Using Contanimating Skill Gleening the 'tinct: When within a realm infused with the gubertinct (The Soul Patch, The Phesterance, any other place the Boss decides) a funguy may Excavation attempt to gleen a secret from the hidden Wankers always knock at the back door, if colors, as described on TWH: KI page 197. you know what I mean. They attack by Since funguys don't have to inhale burrowing into a victim in the most obpottyspronge spores in order to perceive the scene manner imaginable, passing gubertinct, they can do so without suff ering any of the hallucinogenic or aphrodisiacal eff through clothing and armor as if such things were imaginary. Anyone penetrat- ects of such business. They may simply roll on the Epiphany Chart once per day. ed by such an assault takes Str+d8 dam- age initially and 2d6 damage each round until the wanker is removed, which re 16 Appendix 7: Edges, Hindrances and Racial Traits cont. Glowy Finger of Love Junkie (Min) Price-O-Corn An oofo with this Edge can use his glowing finger to heal anyone he touches (including himself). He can heal two wounds per day for each die of Spirit he possesses. You are totally addicted to something. It could be just about anything, from booze to lovin’ to Chopping Block chili, but if you don’t get your fix at least once a day you suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to all rolls for each day until you do. This penalty tops out at -2 for a minor Hindrance As one of the many the scourges of the Big Drink you may roll a d8 for your Wild Die instead of a d6 while onboard a boat of any type. You also have a +2 bonus to any Vigor rolls made to resist seasickness or drunkenness. Gurgitation A horc can store up to 2 yorts (pounds) of jazz in his gullet for each die of Vigor he possesses (12 yorts at d6, 16 yorts at d8, etc…) and regurgitate the material at will. Only half the weight of swallowed objects counts toward his encumbrance. Sharp objects must be sheathed or otherwise bundled to prevent injury to the horc. Living creatures can survive inside a horc’s gullet as long as they can hold their breath. Immunities Since they are literally made of such things, contanimants are immune to all poisons and diseases. Real Big Guy Kaptin Krunch Due to your large size, you begin with a This edge represents the knowing how to d6 Strength instead of a d4. You may adKaptin a Slog Schooner! With this edge, a vance your Strength up to d12+2. Edges might raise this as high as d12+4. On the peep can use their Driving skill as their downside, you are considered Large and Slog Schooner Piloting roll (If you don’t creatures smaller than you gain a +2 bohave this edge – it’s an untrained roll!).This edge also encompasses guiding nus when attacking you. the creation of a Slog Schooner – knowing how to put it together, distribute loads, feed and maintain it. Depending on Righteous Indignation (Min) the activity, different skill rolls will be You are always spouting the gab about how allowed. your religion is better than everyone else’s +10 modifier to correctly secure a captured Slog. Peeps who try and pilot a Slog Schooner without this edge make all skill rolls as unskilled. This Edge Comes with a Fancy Katpin’s Hat! Jokes Fecks are awesome joke tellers. Unfortunately, they don’t have mouths, so they “speak” by squirting out filthy bubbles of eructant vapor. When the bubble bursts, the resulting belch sounds like a joke or riddle. It would be cool if it wasn’t so gross. Anyway, anyone who hears such a joke must make a Spirit roll or be Shaken by laughter. Contanimators often summon Fecks to entertain at parties. Loogey Hawker and how they’re all going to suff er for eternity while you bask in the glow or suckle the teat of whichever gawd you worship. You can’t keep it in. As a result, you suff er a -2 to Charisma when interacting with anybody who follows a faith other than your own. Furthermore, you fi nd it distasteful to enter a temple or any other area sacred to another faith. You must pass a Spirit roll at -2 in order to do so or suff er a -2 penalty to all rolls made within. Spitting no longer counts as an action for you. You also gain a +2 bonus to your Shooting roll when spitting. See-in-the-Dark-O-Vision Multi-Dexterous Kankers can see in the dark like it ain’t no thang. You ignore the standard -2 penalties for using any of your off-hands, since all your Slime hands are equally adept and you don’t Any physical attack against a wanker has actually have any off-hands. a 50% chance of sliding ineffectually from 17 Appendix 7: Edges, Hindrances and Racial Traits cont. its gooey coat, leaving the wanker unharmed. Splooge: A wanker can squirt a stream of vile, glistening slop from its eye. Such a stream may strike a single target as far away as 6” using the wanker’s Shooting roll. Anyone hit must make an opposed Spirit roll (using the wanker’s Spirit) or be overcome with ecstasy and Shaken. If the wanker wins and gets a raise, the victim has a -3 penalty when Parrying Excavation attacks by a wanker until his lust is sated (usually by surviving the wanker’s excavation attack; normal lovin’ won’t do). Smell Manipulation Wusses can alter the scent of anything within their range of vision. They can’t create overpowering smells, but they can make one thing smell like something else. Miasmic: These spores create a misty cloud that fi lls the area, creating fog-like conditions and imposing a -2 penalty to all physical actions on anyone within (except the funguy, who can see normally). Such a cloud lingers for 2d4 rounds. Squirt Spit A kanker is able to squirt glowing acidic goo at one target within 4”. Anyone You’re especially good at expectorating. With one well placed gob you can tempo- struck must make a Vigor roll at -2 or take rarily blind or incapacitate a foe. Spitting 3d6 damage. Attacks against peeps struck by this attack gain a +2 bonus until it has a range equal to your Vigor in yorts wears off (2d4 hours). (d6 = 6”, etc…). Spitting causes no damage, counts as an action, lasts for one round, and uses your Shooting skill. If you hit your opponent he must make a Vigor Stink Smack Slimy roll (at -2 if you got a raise). If he fails, you Wusses attack by flying into the noses of You are one slick mutha! Your body, or at get the drop on him in the next round. If their opponents. Anyone thusly struck least a significant portion of it, is covered he rolls a 1 (on his ability die or his Wild must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken. in a glistening coat of mucus, ooze, or Die) you get the drop on him and he is some other slippery goo, giving you a +4 blinded for one round (-6 to physical acbonus to Strength rolls when opposing a tions). Tough Ass Mofo grapple, and a +2 bonus to Agility rolls made to escape bonds or fit through Because horcs are such bullies and tough small openings. guys, they begin with a d6 Vigor instead Spores of a d4, which could potentially be raised As an action, a funguy may emit a cloud of as high as d12+4 through advancement. spores from the gills under his cap. There are Small Wanna fight about it? Being tiny little wisps, wusses are hard to hit. Larger opponents have a -2 penalty when attacking them. Smash Kankers attack by ramming foes with their crusty bodies or punching with their dangly arms. Str+d6. several types of such spores, which fi ll a medium burst template centered on the funguy, and each funguy has access to a single type (decided at character creation). Opponents within a spore cloud may attempt an Agility roll at -2 to move to an adjacent square and possibly avoid the eff ects. Funguys are unaff ected by their own spores, but not those of other funguys. When blasting spores, a funguy makes a Vigor roll, with the spores lingering and retaining potency for a number of rounds equal to twice the result. Creatures caught within a cloud must make the relevant trait roll each round until they leave the area or it dissipates. 18 Tubpuddler Your seafaring lifestyle earns you a +2 to any Boating, Climbing, Knowledge, or Survival rolls made while on a boat. You’re also familiar with various ports and coastal towns, earning you a +1 bonus to Streetwise rolls made in such places. Unkeen Peepers Appendix 7: Edges, Hindrances and Racial Traits cont. Although they can perceive the gubertinct, a funguy's vision tends to get a bit blurry after a few yorts. As a result, they suff er a -2 penalty to attack or notice anything more than 4” away. Wary Flews are particularly adept at avoiding danger. They have the Danger Sense Edge (Notice at -2 to avoid surprise attacks) and a +1 bonus to Parry. 19 Appendix 8: Slog Skooners Slog Skooners are great land con- is set loose! Then it REALLY gets All Slog Skooner’s will have at veyances not unknown in even the exciting! The Slog heads out int0 least one Hold, a secure storage most remote corners of Mutha the wilds full speed ahead, smash- area to carry cargo. The vessel will Oith. Due to their great size and ing through all obstacles in its way! have as many cargo holds as the the durability of the slogs they are based upon, they are a (relatively) safe way to travel across the face of Mutha Oith. crew can find places to put them Eventually the slog gains enough fatigue that it stops (OR all the crew are shaken loose and fall to and since this is a growing critter, they might spring up all over the place. Many cargo holds feature some kind of crane or block and Steering a Slog Skooner involves their death) and the slog is consid- elements of boating, driving and ered broken. Now the team brings riding depending upon the situa- in all the rest of the construction tion and her Kaptin should be materials and builds up the rest of The Bunkroom is a very important competent with all three skills! the structures on its back. Building a Slog Skooner is an ad- Common to all Slog Skooners is a venture in its own right! First the Steering House which contains team needs to track down a suita- the mechanisms used to steer the ble slog. The size of the slog will slog. This is a combination of a dictate how big the superstruc- gigantic bit in the slog’s mouth and ture starts out. It may grow with a long yard arm stretched out in the Slog over time. Once a slog front of the Slog that the First has been tracked down, the team Bait is dangled from. The combina- needs to trap it and chain it down tion of yanking the slog’s head to in place. the side and a shiney morsel moved With the slog held in place, the first loads of construction materials need to be transported to the site and the superstructure built on its back. A series of interlock- in the direction travel is desired, usually (but not always) has the critter headed in the right direction. The Steering house is usually at the base of the forward mast. ing platforms, usually constructed The Wheel House is an enclosure of thick follicle planks, form the high up on the forward mast. From base that all the rest of the struc- this room, the Kaptin issues or- tures will be built on. Huge follicle ders—distributed throught the masts are driven into the beast’s vessel through a series of long back to later provide the riggings metal tubes. The wheel house has (this makes the slog cranky!) the wheel in it used through a Now comes da' FUN part! You clear out all yer kit, the crew boards her and lashes down and it whole crap ton of reducing gears to manipulate the steering mechanisms (often called “the steering wheel”). 20 tackle on the roof to facilitate loading and unloading cargo. feature of a Slog Skooner. Given the size of the Oith and the long distances traveled, the crew generally makes their home on the Slog Skooner. General crew share a common bunkroom filled with stacked hammocks. Small locked drawers or chests are provided for the crew to keep valuables in. The ships officers may have private or shared private quarters depending on the size of the Slog Skooner. In addition, a mess hall and kitchen to feed them. The Kaptin always has a private room, usually luxurious and ostentatious (in a good way). Larger Slog Skooners will include Passenger Facilities to supplement their income. Passenger facilities may include Croach Class (a common passenger sleeping area similar to the bunk house), private rooms or any combination of them. Usually a separate dining room is available for the passengers and ofton some kind of lounge or observato- Appendix 8: Slog Skooners cont. ry. The bunk house and passenger ryone else what to do. It takes maintain and fire the ship’s weap- compartments are usually in the more than one peep to steer and ons. As the weapons usually shoot sterncastle—the aftmost struc- maintain a Slog Skooner, the some kind of REALLY big missile, ture, this way they don’t have to Kaptin coordinates them all. they tend to be strapping sorts make accommodations for “waste Kaptin must have Boating, Driving that like big bangs! Shooting is the disposal”. The head consists of a AND Riding skills which will direct- main skill of a Boomer. platform suspended behind the ly impact how the Slog Skooner slog with a whole to poop in. On performs. In most cases, rolls for classier Slog Skooners the platform success in operating a Slog may be enclosed. This gives new Skooner will be made using the meaning to the term “Holewence”. Kaptin’s skill level, not the actual Believe it or not, there are critters out there big enough to take a crew member who performs the action. Each of the mast’s on a Slog Skooner are topped with a platform or small room—the Oily Boid’s Nest. The Far Peeper’s job is to sit up there while the slog is in motion and watch for obstacles, both geographic and hungry, that might be hunk out of a giant slog. On top of The First Bait, is another really im- in the Skooner’s way. They then that there are also bands of really inform the Kaptin who takes ap- portant role on the Skooner. With- brave (or stupid) Price-o-corns that out a competent First Bait, it propriate measures. A good Notice have been known to (attempt to) would eb a lot more difficult, nigh skill is paramount to be a Far Peep- weigh lay a Slog Skooner so many on impossible to steer the skooner er. Slog Skooners have Ship’s Weapons in the direction you actually in mounts scattered around the WANT it to go! The main require- superstructure. Generally they are ments for the First Bait is they fit open air affairs where the weapon in the suit! The first bait suit is is mounted on a pivot and can be covered with shiny streamers, se- brought to bear on an arc—usually quins and rhinestones. The First to the sides and rear. Slog Skooner Bait (wearing the suit) is dangled weapons very rarely point forwards. from a rope out on a long yard arm Generally weapons tend toward out in front of the Slog while it is Kannons like the Mega-Doom in motion. On que, the First bait Boomer or Kaboom Kannon or Flin- wiggles and cavorts to attract the hers like the Dammit Deliverer. Slog Skooner Crew The Kaptin is usually also the owner. The Big Cheese, the Grand Poobah, the Most Illustrious Potentate and any other really im- Slog’s attention and get it to “chase” them in a specific direction. When not on duty baiting the slog, the First Bait acts as the Kaptin’s assistant and rightappendage peep and or wopeep. The main criteria for selecting the The Rigger and Rigger’s Mates care for the structure of the slog Skooner. They maintain the cables, hawsers, planks, cogs and mabobs that make up the Slog Skooner and make it go. Repair skill is REAL important to a Rigger, Crafting also comes in useful! Cargo is the mainstay of the Slog Skooner’s economy. The Stevedore loads, unloads and generally takes care of the cargo whatever that might be. They also are in charge of the Skooner’s supplies—if you need something or need to acquire something—that’s the peep to see! Stevedore’s often have a fair portant titles you can think of that First Bait is they fit in the suit, but amount of Streetwise. implies the Kaptin is in charge. being able to make a decent PerThe guy turning the wheel in the Kaptin rules the Slog Skooner with form roll helps. wheel house the direction the an iron probe. The Kaptin tells eveKaptin tells him to go, is the The Boomer and Boomer’s Mates 21 Appendix 8: Slog Skooners cont. Steer’s Peep. Pretty much that’s what they do… but it’s really important so… well there you have it. Cook—a Slog Skooner travels on it’s stomach (literally) and so do the crew peeps aboard her (figuratively), Crafting (Cooking) is useful for making grub that the peeps can get down their throat holes. Most Slog Skooners that carry passengers in some capacity, have a Steward aboard. They generally manage and massage the passengers and convince them they are having a good time (Tell your friends!). A decent Persuasion skill can be really important to a Steward. Lastly Poop happens on a Slog Skooner. And when it does it often involves the loss or mangling of one or more limbs. To that end having a Surgeon on board can be quite advantageous. The (of course) find Healing skill to be quite helpful. 22
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