Why do thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii)
Why do thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii)
Why do thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii) aggregate? Bansi Shah School of Biological Sciences, The University of Sydney. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science (Adv.) with Honours. April, 2002. 3 In the wild (rock lifted) In captivity (shelter lifted) Thick-tailed gecko aggregations iv The University of Sydney School of Biological Sciences Honours and Graduate Diploma Studies Declaration The research described in this thesis, except where acknowledged, is the original work of the author and was a discrete project supervised by: Prof. Rick Shine & Dr. Simon Hudson __________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of student __________________________________ Signature of supervisor(s) __________________________________ __________________________________ v Table of Contents Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... 1 Abstract............................................................................................................................ 2 Chapter 1. General Introduction ................................................................................... 3 1.1 Benefits of aggregation ............................................................................................. 4 1.1.1 Biotic factors.................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 Abiotic factors.................................................................................................. 9 1.2 Aggregation behaviour in reptiles.............................................................................. 9 1.3 Significance of study................................................................................................12 1.4 Thesis outline...........................................................................................................12 Chapter 2. General Methods .........................................................................................14 2.1 Study species ...........................................................................................................14 2.2 Gecko collection ......................................................................................................16 2.3 Gecko husbandry .....................................................................................................18 Chapter 3. Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field ..................20 3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................20 3.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................21 3.3 Results .....................................................................................................................25 3.3.1 Gecko morphology ..........................................................................................25 3.3.2 Shelter-site use by geckos: rock dimensions.....................................................27 3.3.3 Shelter-site use by geckos: thermal regimes.....................................................31 3.3.4 Do thick-tailed geckos aggregate in the field? .................................................33 3.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................36 3.4.1 Gecko morphology ..........................................................................................36 3.4.2 Shelter-site use by geckos: rock dimensions.....................................................38 3.4.3 Shelter-site use by geckos: thermal regimes.....................................................40 3.4.4 Do thick-tailed geckos aggregate in the field? .................................................41 3.4.5 Conclusions.....................................................................................................42 Chapter 4. Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory ...............44 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................44 4.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................46 4.2.1 Crevice height .................................................................................................48 4.2.2 Thickness of overlying rock .............................................................................49 4.2.3 Crevice size .....................................................................................................49 4.2.4 Slope of crevice ...............................................................................................49 4.2.5 Crevice thermal regime ...................................................................................49 4.2.6 Predator scented crevice .................................................................................50 4.2.7 ‘Protected’ shelter...........................................................................................51 4.2.8 ‘New’ versus ‘old’ shelter................................................................................51 4.3 Results .....................................................................................................................52 4.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................55 4.4.1 Crevice height .................................................................................................55 4.4.2 Crevice thermal regime ...................................................................................56 vi Table of Contents 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 4.4.8 Predator scented crevice .................................................................................57 ‘Protected’ shelter...........................................................................................57 Thickness of overlying rock .............................................................................58 Crevice size .....................................................................................................58 Slope of crevice ...............................................................................................59 Conclusions.....................................................................................................59 Chapter 5. Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory ......................61 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................61 5.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................63 5.2.1 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ceramic tile shelters?......................64 5.2.2 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ‘new’ plastic shelters?....................67 5.2.3 Are geckos attracted to, or repelled by, restrained conspecific geckos? ...........69 5.3 Results .....................................................................................................................76 5.3.1 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ceramic tile shelters?......................76 5.3.2 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ‘new’ plastic shelters?....................79 5.3.3 Are geckos attracted to, or repelled by, restrained conspecific geckos? ...........82 5.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................82 Chapter 6. Environmental influences on aggregative behaviour.................................88 6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................88 6.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................89 6.2.1 Does predator scent induce aggregation?........................................................90 6.2.2 Does humidity influence the aggregative response?.........................................90 6.2.3 Does ambient temperature influence the aggregative response? ......................91 6.2.4 Do geckos heat and cool at different rates when with another gecko?..............91 6.2.5 Are more geckos in contact with each other when temperature changes? ........93 6.3 Results .....................................................................................................................94 6.3.1 Does predator scent induce aggregation?........................................................94 6.3.2 Does humidity influence the aggregative response?.........................................94 6.3.3 Does ambient temperature influence the aggregative response? ......................94 6.3.4 Do geckos heat and cool at different rates when with another gecko?..............96 6.3.5 Are more geckos in contact with each other when temperature changes? ........97 6.4 Discussion ...............................................................................................................97 Chapter 7. General Discussion ....................................................................................101 Chapter 8. Literature Cited.........................................................................................108 Appendix 1. Scat-piling in thick-tailed geckos............................................................118 A1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................118 A1.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................119 A1.3 Results ................................................................................................................122 A1.4 Discussion...........................................................................................................127 vii Acknowledgements Many thanks go to my supervisor Rick Shine and co-supervisor Simon Hudson for their advice and encouragement throughout the year. Rick always had time to sit, have a chat and throw ideas around any time I walked into his office, reminding me that “she’ll be right!” when things didn’t go quite to plan. Simon provided lots of feedback despite demanding teaching commitments and the misfortune of being hit by a car. I am grateful to both Rick and Simon for reading and making useful comments on the various drafts of this thesis, and helping bring it to fruition. This research project could not have happened without the incredible encouragement and enthusiasm shown by Mike Kearney, who helped initiate this study and pointed me in the direction of the ‘Magic Mountain’. Mike was always excited and ready to discuss various possibilities and make suggestions, even while in the States. Thanks, Mike! Thanks to those who helped collect geckos in the field; Mike and Nicole Kearney, Steve Comber, Danny Brown and Pritesh Shah. Tim E. braved the dangers of walking through very long grass containing all manner of highly venomous snakes (!) to help me retrieve thermochrons from under rocks that were no longer marked. Thanks go to everyone in the Shine lab, especially Melanie Elphick who was very helpful and always managed to find various bits and pieces of equipment for me (and made them work). George (Elizabeth) Barrott provided me with many quirky discussions about all things non-herpetological… and occasionally about baby geckos and skinks. Sara Broomhall shared (among other things) frustrating computing moments with me, and taught me the true meaning of the word ‘chocaholic’. Sam Ruggeri patiently and cheerfully helped me with construction of shelters, and Darren Townsend suggested methods for securing mesh partitions in them. Mike Kearney and Glenda Wardle provided some much appreciated statistical advice. Various people in the school kindly offered bits of equipment; Alfie Meats lent me his video camera for a field trip and the Thompson lab lent me thermocouples (Kylie Robert) and their refrigeration unit (Jacquie Herbert) for some allimportant experiments. Many thanks also to Malcolm Ricketts for teaching me about the wonders of Adobe Photoshop™, and to Nish Solanki for the colour printing. Towards the end of the study when stress levels were starting to rise, Matt Greenlees and Carla Avolio helped feed my animals. Matt G., Carla and John Llewelyn helped with some last minute experimental work. Many, many thanks to my proofreaders Mel, George and Jacquie Herbert. Thanks must go also to my fellow honours sufferer, Pru Harvey, for sharing traumatic experiences with me over coffee. And lastly, I am grateful to my family for their support throughout my university degree, especially to my mum who was very understanding and regularly made me delicious meals to take home (yum!). My sister Anjli did some essential shopping for me and even delivered hot dinners to me during thesis production… and dad kindly gave me a car during this time. This thesis is dedicated to my constant source of inspiration and probably the best study animals anyone could ever ask for… the incredibly cute, cuddly and well-behaved thicktailed geckos. 1 Abstract Thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii) are unusual among Australian lizards (and indeed, among lizards in general) in their tendency to aggregate in the wild. There are many anecdotal reports of several individuals found clustered together in a single rock crevice. My project was designed to quantify patterns of aggregation in the field, and to use controlled trials in the laboratory to identify physical and social cues for aggregation. My ultimate aim was to understand why the lizards display this unusual grouping behaviour. My field data showed that thick-tailed geckos do aggregate; the lizards were found in groups more frequently than expected under the null hypothesis of independent assortment. Retreatsites used in the field were a non-random subset in terms of several abiotic variables, and the lizards also displayed significant selectivity for such cues in the laboratory. Lizards aggregated in the laboratory even when suitable vacant shelter-sites were available, indicating that aggregation in the field is not simply a response to limited availability of appropriate shelter. The tendency to form aggregations was affected in only minor ways by a lizard’s sex or age group, or by its familiarity with the other individuals used in the trials. However, the aggregative response was eliminated when the opportunity for physical interaction was removed. Lizards in physical contact with conspecifics heated and cooled more slowly than did solitary animals, reflecting the greater effective mass (and thus, thermal inertia) of the aggregated group. Additionally, exposure to rapidly cooling conditions stimulated geckos to huddle together more closely. Based on my results, I propose that aggregation behaviour in thick-tailed geckos has evolved for biophysical advantages rather than ‘social’ interactions. More specifically aggregation may enhance fitness by permitting the lizards to control their rates of heat exchange behaviourally. Compared to related species, thick-tailed geckos are unusual in their large body size, cold-climate distribution and use of thermally fluctuating rock crevices as retreatsites. Because they are exposed to profound diel and seasonal cycles in temperature, the control of thermal exchange rates achieved via huddling may be of significant benefit in terms of maintaining suitable body temperatures. For example, geckos may be able to maintain relatively high temperatures late into the evening before leaving rocks to forage, and may avoid dangerously high day-time maxima and dangerously low night-time minima by retarding heating and cooling rates. 32 CHAPTER 1 General Introduction An aggregation is a group of two or more individuals of the same species that are gathered in the same place and may or may not be in close physical contact with each other (amended from Wilson 1975). Aggregations occur among ecologically and phylogenetically diverse arrays of organisms. A great deal of variation exists in the structure and organisation of animal societies, with the basic social unit ranging from solitary animals, to small groups of less than 10 individuals (Breed and Gamboa 1977), to groups containing many millions of individuals (Pereira and Gordon 2001). Aggregations may consist of either family groups or unrelated animals (Wilson 1975). Both types of assemblages have been well documented amongst birds and mammals (Wilson 1975). Importantly, aggregative behaviour may incur various costs, and many animals remain solitary throughout their lives, only coming together to mate (Wilson 1975). Some of the costs associated with group formation include competition for resources such as food and mates, increased transmission of parasites and diseases, and increased detectability of multiple versus solitary animals by predators (Côté and Poulin 1995; Hass and Valenzuela 2002). However, grouping behaviour between conspecifics may also benefit the individuals within an aggregation, a concept known as the Allee effect (Stephens and Sutherland 1999). Aggregations often occur whilst animals are inactive, in places such as dens, burrows, tree hollows and under rocks (Boersma 1982; Cowan 1989; Wilkinson et al. 1998; Rasa et al. 2000; Kearney et al. 2001). Some animals also aggregate whilst carrying out specific activities such as foraging for food, scouting for mates and migrating between habitats (Denny et al. 2001). 3 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field Some aggregations may occur without direct ‘social’ cues, for instance when individuals gather around a concentrated, high quality food source, or when individuals are attracted to habitats of particularly high quality (Honek and Martinkova 2001; Kearney et al. 2001). For example, ground beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera) feed on winter rape seeds, resulting in aggregations of beetles where the seeds occur (Honek and Martinkova 2001). Conversely, aggregations may occur because conspecifics actively seek each other out, for example, to mate (Wilson 1975). Amongst many territorial animals, naïve settlers prefer to settle near conspecifics (Muller et al. 1997) irrespective of whether an alternative, equally suitable patch of habitat is available (Stephens and Sutherland 1999). Thus, naïve settlers use the presence of conspecifics as a cue to habitat quality and as a result, may benefit from more effective territory defence, predator protection and attraction of prospective mates (Stamps 1988, 1991; Forbes and Kaiser 1994; Shennan et al. 1994; Muller et al. 1997). Below, I briefly review some of the factors that may be responsible for aggregative behaviour, with examples drawn from a variety of organisms. I then summarise published information and ideas about aggregations in reptiles. 1.1 Benefits of aggregation The benefits of conspecific presence may include anti-predator vigilance, predator dilution and thermoregulation as well as a reduction of inbreeding (Courchamp et al. 1999; Stephens and Sutherland 1999; Hass and Valenzuela 2002). In the discussion below, I have divided some of the putative benefits of aggregative behaviour into biotic versus non-biotic factors. Inevitably, any such classification is arbitrary; many of the benefits of aggregative behaviour are interwoven and cannot be separated from each other. 4 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field 1.1.1 Biotic factors I Group defence / predator vigilance Group-living species may be less vulnerable to predators because of increased vigilance (Wilson 1975). For example, adult coatis, Nasua narica (Mammalia: Procyonidae) suffer greater rates of predation when solitary than when in a group, and rates of predation are higher in smaller than in larger groups (Hass and Valenzuela 2002). Coatis share vigilance duties (Burger and Gochfeld 1992) and communicate with each other using a variety of alarm calls, and also physical contact (Russell 1982, 1983 in Hass and Valenzuela 2002). Members of the groups even mob and attack predators such as boa constrictors (Boa constrictor) (Janzen 1970; Russell 1981). Herds of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) consist of several generations of females, with a matriarch ruling over the family group (Wilson 1975). Bonds amongst the females in the group are extremely strong and the elephants defend their own and each other’s young from predators by forming a tight group when threatened (Wilson 1975). II Predator dilution Fish in schools may be at less risk from predation than solitary fish (Pitcher and Parrish 1993). Wild guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in Trinidad alter their schooling behaviour while inspecting predators, depending on the predation risk they incur (Magurran and Seghers 1994). When in a highly hazardous location, the guppies approached predators for inspection in large groups, diluting the risk of predation. However, when risk from predators was low, guppies approached predators for inspection individually (Magurran and Seghers 1994). Many species of mammals live in herds or family groups. Herding mammals include African wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) whose groups may contain thousands of 5 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field animals during mass migrations (Wilson 1975). At this time, the herds forage together and function as protection for individuals and young from predation via dilution of risk (Wilson 1975). Similarly, birds often forage in flocks, which also function to reduce the predation risk for individuals (Krebs 1974). III Foraging benefits and prey acquisition Many species of birds forage in flocks and this may increase the efficiency with which food is captured as well as enhancing intake of food per individual per unit of time (Wilson 1975; Clark and Mangel 1986). This greater harvest efficiency may occur as a result of group vigilance so that each animal needs to look out for predators less often (Vine 1971). In addition, insectivorous birds are more efficient at catching flying insects when in a group rather than on their own (Wilson 1975). Barracouta fish (Thyrsites atun) in New Zealand form schools facultatively; those that are in schools are more efficient foragers than those that are solitary (O’Driscoll 1998). Lions (Panthera leo) too may benefit from group living in terms of prey acquisition. African lions live in prides consisting of a group of related females and their young as well as one or more males (Wilson 1975). The females hunt cooperatively, stalking prey by fanning out around the prey animal and then rushing at it from all directions (Wilson 1975). Without this cooperation between females, individual lions may not be able to hunt successfully. IV Rearing offspring in habitats of high quality Some groupings of animals fulfil functions related to the rearing of offspring. Birds that nest in colonies include emperor penguins (Apentodytes forsteri) in Antarctica (Micol and Jouventin 2001) and lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) in Canada (Abraham et al. 1999). Many such colonies form as a result of attraction to patches of habitat that are of 6 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field exceptionally high quality in terms of low risk from predation and/or high availability of food (Wilson 1975). In addition, the availability of ice-free areas in Antarctica is limited, although emperor penguins actually nest on the ice (Croxall 1997). Thus, aggregations directly reflect habitat heterogeneity in these instances. V Division of labour Many insects live in large colonies, often consisting of one or more queens and thousands to millions of workers (Wilson 1975). Probably the best known examples are the highly organised societies of Hymenopteran and Isopteran insects, which include wasps, bees and ants, and termites respectively (Keller and Chapuisat 1999). Work is divided between individuals depending on various internal (e.g. polymorphic, temporal and genetic polyethism) and external (environmental) factors (Gordon 1996). In such cases, survival of individuals is enhanced by the colony’s ability to achieve tasks that a single individual may be unable to accomplish. These tasks include defence from predation and/or invasion (Sakata and Katayama 2001), foraging for food (Denny et al. 2001) and reproduction (Aron 2001), as well as colonisation of new territories (Mallon et al. 2001). VI Increased mating opportunities Aggregations may also arise as a result of mating activity. Leks are mating aggregations where males display and females attend to mate (Alatalo et al. 1992; Widemo and Owens 1995). Leks thus involve intense competition for mates between individuals (Tello 2001). Aggregation may enhance male reproductive success because a group of males is more likely to attract females than a solitary male (Wilson 1975). Examples of lekking species include round-tailed manakins (Pipra chloromeros) in south-east Peru, which form leks of between two and five territorial males (Tello 2001), and buff-breasted sandpipers (Tryngites subruficollis), which display both in leks and as solitary individuals (Lanctot et al. 1998). 7 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field Many insects also form leks; one of the more spectacular examples is that of male fireflies (Lampyridae) in south-east Asia (Wilson 1975). The fireflies sit in specific trees within the forest, flashing synchronously and rhythmically throughout the night in order to attract females (Wilson 1975). Similarly, the fruit flies (Drosophilidae) of Hawaii possess a lek system whereby males aggregate on the stems of tree ferns (Spieth 1968). VII Paternity assurance / mate-guarding As described above, many animals congregate for mating. However, for males to be assured of paternity, they must guard their mates. For example, Seychelles Warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) have only one egg and one clutch per breeding season (Komdeur 2001). Males can increase their fitness via extra-pair copulations, but thereby also run the risk of another male mating with their own mate. By guarding their mates during their receptive period, males reduce the risk of this occurrence (Komdeur 2001). The degree to which the females are guarded depends on the paternity risk, or number of rival males present (Komdeur 2001). By comparison, in the pipefish (Corythoichthys haematopterus), the mate-guarding role is reversed, and females guard males (Matsumoto and Yanagisawa 2001). This probably occurs because, unlike the conventional system where females have the greater parental investment, males of this species care for the brood (Dawson 1977). VIII Increased fitness through cooperative breeding Perhaps one of the best known cooperative breeders is the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), which lives in family groups of about six individuals, consisting of a breeding pair and several helpers (Legge 2000; Legge and Cockburn 2000). The related helpers, recruited from young hatched within the group, gain indirect fitness benefits by helping the breeding pair raise more young (Legge and Cockburn 2000). Helpers at the nest 8 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field benefit the breeding pair in terms of increased survivorship as well as higher quality fledglings (Legge 2000). 1.1.2 Abiotic factors I Moisture conservation Desert tenebrionid beetles (Parastizopus armaticeps) form facultative aggregations in burrows during summer droughts resulting in reduced rates of water loss (Rasa et al. 2000). Similarly, the tropical fungus beetle Stenotarsus rotundus (Endomychidae) forms aggregations that may increase humidity within the aggregated group, thereby reducing water loss (Tanaka 2000). The beetles then emerge from diapause as a result of an increase in photoperiod as well as increasing humidity (Tanaka 2000). II Thermoregulatory benefits Naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) form aggregations in which individuals huddle together occur all year round. This huddling behaviour saves both energy and water but also plays an important role in thermoregulation for the otherwise non-endothermic mammals (Yahav and Buffenstein 1991). Similarly, Leadbeater’s possums (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) sleep in tree hollows in groups of up to 12 animals and huddle to keep warm, thus reducing energy expenditure (Lindenmayer 2002). 1.2 Aggregation behaviour in reptiles In the brief review above, I have used examples of aggregative behaviour from animals other than reptiles. Indeed, aggregative behaviour in reptiles has attracted little scientific attention. Sociobiologists have generally treated reptiles as simple animals with limited behavioural and social repertoires (Brattstrom 1974, Wilson 1975). Recently, however, the phenomenon of reptile aggregation has gained increasing attention from researchers. The most obvious example of grouping behaviour in reptiles involves winter aggregations, as occur in many 9 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field species of snakes from highly seasonal habitats. Well-known examples include rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) (Graves and Duvall 1987) and red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) (Joy and Crews 1987), where aggregations may contain as many as 20,000 individuals (Shine et al. 2001). Some lizard species also form winter aggregations: for example tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) aggregate both in the field and under laboratory conditions, huddling together to form tight balls (Elfström and Zucker 1999). Several species of lizards from the scincid genus Eumeces also form winter aggregations, including E. fasciatus in hibernacula in rotting logs and under the ground (Hamilton 1948). Broadheaded skinks (Eumeces laticeps) also aggregate under laboratory conditions even when excess shelter-sites are available (Cooper and Garstka 1987). In Australia, the medium-sized skink Pseudemoia spenceri has been noted to occur in large winter aggregations of up to 50 individuals (Rawlinson 1974). Multi-species aggregations of skinks have also been found in Australia (Rawlinson 1975), and both the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) and the Oenpelli python (Morelia oenpelliensis) have each been reported in an aggregation of three animals (Fitzgerald 2000; Peck 2000). Some of these reptilian winter aggregations have been suggested to occur due to limited availability of suitable hibernacula (Rawlinson 1975). However, many of the aggregations are assumed to be of thermoregulatory significance (Hamilton 1948; Powell et al. 1977; Cooper and Garstka 1987), although there is little or no empirical support for this inference in these examples. There is, however, some evidence that aggregations may provide thermoregulatory benefits in large reptiles. Marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus; 0.5 – 10 kg) are diurnal and aggregate, or form ‘sleeping piles’ at night (Boersma 1982). Iguanas closest to the centre of a sleeping pile are warmer than those on the periphery, and those on the periphery are warmer than solitary iguanas (Boersma 1982). Furthermore, iguanas in the centre of the pile remain warmer throughout the night, to just before sunrise (Boersma 1982). 10 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field More recently, studies on reptiles have begun to reveal a previously unsuspected complexity in social behaviour. For example, individual recognition has been documented amongst lizards living in social aggregations. Several species of lizards are able to discriminate between conspecific individuals based on chemosensory cues (Cooper 1996; Main and Bull 1996; Bull et al. 2000; Bull et al. 2001), obtained via tongue-flicking (see Schwenk 1995 for a review). Broad-headed skinks (Eumeces laticeps) discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals, with adult males tongue-flicking more often to scent cues from unfamiliar females and males (Cooper 1996). The gregarious Australian gidgee skink (Egernia stokesii) is able to recognise and differentiate between group and non-group members (Bull et al. 2000). Female gidgee skinks and shingle-back lizards (Tiliqua rugosa) are also able to recognise their own offspring (Main and Bull 1996). Similarly, juvenile tree skinks (Egernia striolata) are able to recognise related from unrelated individuals among unfamiliar conspecifics (Bull et al. 2001). Furthermore, tree skinks (E. striolata) form scat (faeces) piles, which may function as individual signals and territory markers (Bull et al. 1999). This group of Australian skinks displays the most complex reptilian social systems known to date, with genetic evidence showing that gidgee skinks (E. stokesii) live in family groups consisting of a breeding pair and related adults, as well as young from two or more annual cohorts (Gardner et al. 2001). Most of the above examples of lizard aggregation, have involved species of a single lineage, the scincid lizards (Scincidae). Research on aggregative behaviour in geckos however, has been far more limited, although western banded geckos (Coleonyx variegatus) were noted to occur in large aggregations in the laboratory as early as 1943 (Greenberg 1943). The tendency of this species to aggregate was later demonstrated more rigorously via laboratory experiments, with limited burrow availability being implicated as a reason for such aggregation (Cooper et al. 1985). Based on chemosensory cues, male leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) can discriminate between pheromonal cues of themselves versus 11 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field other males, as well as between familiar and unfamiliar females (Steele and Cooper 1997). Western banded geckos also form scat-piles away from their diurnal shelter-sites, and are able to discriminate between their own scats and those of conspecifics (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). 1.3 Significance of study Within Australia, the vast majority of reports of ‘social’ aggregation have been based on members of the scincid lizard genus Egernia (see above references). However, one other lizard species has been documented to occur frequently in relatively large aggregations throughout the year (Wells and Wellington 1983; Kearney et al. 2001). This is the nocturnal, saxicolous thick-tailed gecko, Underwoodisaurus milii (Wells and Wellington 1983; Kearney et al. 2001). In the only quantitative study of this taxon to date, Kearney et al. (2001) documented non-random combinations of male, female and juvenile geckos, with 74 % of geckos found in aggregations of between two and nine individuals (Kearney et al. 2001). Thick-tailed geckos are phylogenetically very distant from other ‘social’ lizards, and there are no reports of aggregative behaviour in any other members of the Underwoodisaurus - Nephrurus lineage (Nephrurus species are closely related to Underwoodisaurus species; Bauer 1990). Thus, the aggregative behaviour of this species has presumably evolved independently of that in the other ‘social’ lizards. These geckos therefore offer an ideal opportunity to examine questions about the significance of sociality and aggregative behaviour. 1.4 Thesis outline I conducted a study to determine why thick-tailed geckos aggregate. Chapter 2 describes the study species and its collection and husbandry. Chapter 3 examines patterns of natural aggregation as well as characteristics of shelter-sites in the field. In Chapter 4, I describe experiments where I manipulated physical cues in the laboratory to identify retreat-site 12 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field preferences; the rationale for this component of the work was that aggregations in the field might result simply from spatial heterogeneity coupled with extreme selectivity of physical cues by the lizards. Chapter 5 attempts to discover whether aggregation is a social phenomenon: that is, do social cues per se drive aggregative behaviour. In Chapter 6, I look at the consequences of environmental manipulations on grouping behaviour. Finally, Chapter 7 proposes a novel hypothesis as to the functional significance of aggregation in thick-tailed geckos. An additional chapter is included in the appendix, and looks at whether thick-tailed geckos scat-pile (i.e., defecate in consistent places) because previous work has identified scat-piling as a cue for social aggregation in other species of lizards (Bull et al. 1999). 13 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field CHAPTER 2 General Methods 2.1 Study species Thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii; allocated to the genus Nephrurus by Bauer 1990), also known as ‘barking geckos’, are nocturnal terrestrial lizards with relatively large heads and prominent eyes (Fig. 2.1). They vocalise, emitting one to several barks when engaged in aggressive interactions with conspecifics, as well as in predator defence. They can hear relatively higher frequencies than several other species of geckos, and this may aid in communication with conspecifics (Johnstone and Werner 2001). These geckos eat mainly insects, spiders and scorpions but will also eat smaller lizards of other species (Cronin 2001). Adult snout-vent length (SVL) averages approximately 80 mm (Cogger 2000), although geckos from western New South Wales (NSW) and some offshore islands tend to be larger than those in the rest of their range (Bauer 1990). The colouring of the lizards is highly variable, and may range from orange to almost black dorsally, with a white to pale pink belly (Fig. 2.1). There are numerous yellow or white spots on the body, usually forming two to three bands on the head and four to six bands on the tail. The tail is ‘carrot-shaped’ (Swan 1990; Cogger 2000); broad and depressed, tapering towards the end. Original tails are longer than regenerated tails, which lack the elaborate patterning. Adult males are extremely aggressive and fight viciously with other males (pers. obs.). The specific timing of mating in the wild is unknown, but may occur from late winter through to early to mid summer (Greer 1989; pers. obs.). One to two eggs are laid (Henle 1991) approximately four to six weeks later (at least in captivity), although this timing appears to vary according to thermal conditions and food availability (pers. obs.). While there is no data on reproduction in the field, it is likely that one to two clutches of eggs may be laid per season (Greer 1989), whereas in captivity there may be up to four clutches. Hatchlings 14 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field emerge from the egg after approximately 60 days, depending on the temperature of incubation (see below). a) An orangish-pink adult male, snout-vent length 79 mm b) A purple to black adult male, snout-vent length 73 mm. Figure 2.1: Colour variation in thick-tailed geckos (Underwoodisaurus milii). Thick-tailed geckos occur from the east to the west coasts of southern Australia (Cogger 2000). The lizards can be found in a variety of habitats, from wet coastal heathlands and sclerophyll forests to arid scrublands and rocky hills (Swan 1990; Cogger 2000). Within these habitats, they are usually found under slabs of rock and beneath loose bark (Swan 1990; Johnstone and Werner 2001). These geckos may be active throughout the winter 15 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field months; one male was found active on a cold (9oC) rainy winter night in mid July (pers. obs.). 2.2 Gecko collection All geckos were collected from Mt Korong, in Victoria, Australia (36o 45′ S, 144 o 17′ E) from 12 – 14 July 2001 (Fig 2.2). A total of ten adult pairs (nine male-female pairs and one male-male pair), 19 solitary adult females, 24 solitary adult males and 30 pairs of juveniles were collected. I classified animals that were < 60 mm snout-vent length (SVL) as juveniles, and > 60 mm SVL, as adults. These criteria were based on two previous studies. Thicktailed geckos > 60 mm SVL were classed as adults by How et al. (1990) based on dissection, and by Kearney et al. (2001), based on the smallest individuals with observable sexual characteristics. In order to facilitate later experimental work, I needed pairs of lizards. This was straightforward when two animals were found together under a rock, but required some simple rules when groups consisted of more than two lizards. Where groups of four juveniles were found, all geckos were taken and later split into two groups of two. For groups of three or five juveniles, one gecko was randomly selected and replaced under the rock where it had been found. Where a pair of juveniles was found with one adult, the juvenile pair was taken, and the adult was taken and treated as a ‘solitary adult’. If a pair of juveniles was found with an adult male-female pair, each pair was taken. a) Mt Korong 16 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field b) Rock outcrop at Mt Korong Figure 2.2: Site from which geckos were collected at Mt Korong, Central Victoria. 2.3 Gecko husbandry 17 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field All geckos were housed in a room in the Native Animal House in the Heydon-Laurence Building at the University of Sydney. The room was maintained at 20oC. Cages were housed on racks with thermal film (‘flexwatt tape’, 75 mm wide, 33 watts/m, Flexwatt Corporation [U.S.A.]) running along the back of each rack. Thus, each cage contained a small area with a constant heat source, with temperatures in this area ranging from 26 to 30oC. The light regime followed natural cycles. From 1 November 2001 onwards, heating for juveniles was reduced from 24 hours a day to six hours a day (from 1000 to 1600 h), to reduce the lizards’ growth rates. All juveniles were kept in pairs, with each individual housed with a conspecific that had been found under the same rock (see above). In addition, adults found as male and female pairs were housed together, and one pair of adult males was also housed together. All other adults were caught as solitary lizards, and were housed individually. Juvenile lizards were housed in plastic cages (22 x 22 x 7 cm) with a sand substrate 2 cm deep. Two shelters made of white plastic half-pipes (diameter 5 cm, 12 cm long) were provided in each cage, with a water dish at the front of the cage. All lizards were fed crickets twice a week up to 19 November 2001, after which time the lizards were fed once weekly to reduce their growth rates. Vitamin and calcium supplements were dusted onto the crickets once a week throughout the study and water was provided ad libitum. Solitary adult lizards were housed in the same type of plastic cages (22 x 22 x 7 cm) as the juveniles, with a 2 cm deep sand substrate. One plastic half-pipe shelter was provided in each cage, plus a water dish. Paired adults were housed in larger plastic cages (29 x 21.5 x 6.5 cm) with a 2 cm sand substrate and two plastic half-pipe shelters. All adults were fed crickets twice a week, with vitamin and calcium supplements dusted onto the crickets once a week. Water was provided ad libitum. 18 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field Cages containing juveniles were placed on racks in the order in which the lizards had been caught. Adults’ cages were first numbered, and then placed randomly on racks, irrespective of whether they were paired or solitary. As thermal and light regimes were not identical for every position on every rack, all cages were rotated twice a week by translocating the first cage to the end and moving all others up one position. Adult and juvenile lizards were housed on separate racks. Females became gravid from early to mid September. Cages of gravid females were checked daily for eggs. Eggs laid were removed and placed in glass jars with a mixture of 60 g medium grade vermiculite: 55 ml water (= 91.7% H2O). The jars were covered with cling wrap and placed in an incubator at 28.5oC. Hatchlings emerged 53.56 + 0.39 (SE) days after the eggs were laid and averaged 41.10 + 0.67 (SE) mm SVL and 1.63 + 0.04 (SE) g. 19 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field CHAPTER 3 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field 3.1 Introduction Many animals remain inactive during various periods of the diel cycle: nocturnal animals are usually inactive during the daytime, whereas diurnal animals are inactive at night. Such animals need to find a suitable place in which to retreat to reduce their vulnerability to potential hazards such as predators and environmental extremes (Lima and Dill 1990; Eggleston and Lipcius 1992; Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Downes and Shine 1998a; Kearney 2002). Shelter-sites may vary from the tree hollows used by sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) (Traill and Lill 1997) to the rock crevices used by velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) (Schlesinger and Shine 1994) and broad-headed snakes (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) (Webb and Shine 1998). Ectotherms rely on external sources of heat for important physiological processes such as digestion, locomotion and growth (Huey 1982; Stevenson et al. 1985; Webb and Shine 1998). Because nocturnal ectotherms have optimal physiological performance at body temperatures higher than those they normally experience during their active period at night (Huey et al. 1989; Autumn and De Nardo 1995; Kearney 2002), they may be strongly advantaged by selecting retreat-sites that offer favourable thermal regimes (Kearney 2002). Finding an appropriate diurnal retreat-site is of particular importance to nocturnal ectotherms because thermal conditions are highly variable during the day (Webb and Shine 1998; Kearney 2002). The thermal regime under a rock depends upon the rock’s size as well as its degree of exposure to solar radiation (Webb and Shine 1998; Kearney 2002). Other attributes such as the rock’s aspect, slope and the underlying substrate may also affect temperature and 20 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field moisture conditions. Accordingly, we might expect that when selecting retreat-sites, nocturnal saxicolous reptiles would evaluate a range of characteristics of potential crevices. Indeed, studies on four such species have all concluded that the animals selected retreat-sites based on an array of specific physical cues (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Stow 1998; Webb and Shine 1998; Kearney 2002). In addition, different age and sex classes within the same species may select different retreat-sites (Webb and Shine 1998). Thus, in this study I aimed to establish whether or not thick-tailed geckos, another saxicolous squamate, are also selective with respect to the characteristics of their diurnal shelter-sites. If the geckos are selective of traits of diurnal retreat-sites, aggregations may occur simply as a result of limited availability of suitable shelter-sites. To obtain data on the attributes of crevices used by free-ranging geckos compared to the array of crevices available to the animals, I quantified these aspects during a field trip to Mt Korong in Central Victoria, Australia. This trip also provided an opportunity to examine patterns of aggregation of thick-tailed geckos during winter; the only previous study of this phenomenon was based on data gathered during spring and summer (Kearney et al. 2001). 3.2 Materials and Methods This study was designed to identify whether or not thick-tailed geckos use retreat-sites nonrandomly with respect to attributes such as the dimensions of the overlying rock, and/or the thermal regimes under that rock. If so, we would expect to see that rocks sheltering geckos will differ from other (unused) rocks in such characteristics. Further, I aimed to ascertain whether age and sex classes of geckos differed in terms of retreat-site use. In addition, I attempted to find out whether specific age and sex classes of geckos were found together more or less often than predicted by the null hypothesis of random distribution, as well as whether the size of rocks influenced the number of geckos sheltering beneath them. 21 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field Thirty-two pairs of miniature field-portable thermal data-loggers (thermochron ibuttons, Dallas Semiconductor Corporation, U.S.A.) were prepared by setting them to begin recording data at 1200 h on 12 July 2001, so as to obtain data on rock thermal regimes immediately upon placement. However, because all thermochrons were not set out at the same time, data obtained during the first two days of recording were not used for analyses. The thermochrons were set to record the temperature every 15 minutes for 22 days. To ensure that the maximum numbers of thermochrons were retrieved, each thermochron was put into a small brightly coloured balloon, which was then tied off with a long piece of orange flagging tape. The thermochrons were set out on 12 and 13 July 2001, at the same site from which my study animals were obtained (Mt Korong in Victoria, Australia; 36o 45′ S, 144 o 17′ E). Rock outcrops containing numerous loose surface rocks were located. All suitable rocks on each outcrop were then lifted to look for thick-tailed geckos beneath them. A ‘suitable’ rock was defined as one that could be lifted by two people (maximum rock length = 111 cm) and excluded rocks with widths of less than 12 cm. The lower size restriction ensured that rocks were large enough for an adult gecko to shelter beneath (an adult thick-tailed gecko’s total length is approximately 12 cm, thus making it unlikely to be found sheltering under rocks smaller than 12 cm in length). When a gecko was found under a rock, the gecko’s snout-vent length (SVL) was measured and its sex noted. Mature male thick-tailed geckos have a distinctive post-cloacal bulge (Greer 1989), and a ‘waxy’ patch on their belly, both of which are lacking in females (pers. obs.). The rock (‘gecko’ or used rock) was then measured for length, width and thickness. The length of the rock was its longest dimension and the width was the greatest dimension perpendicular to this major axis. Thickness was measured at the point at which the gecko was found. A ‘random’ rock was then chosen by spinning a pen on the ground and walking 22 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field a maximum of 10 m in the direction it pointed. The first suitable rock in that direction was chosen as the ‘random rock’. If there was no suitable rock in that direction the pen was spun again and the procedure repeated. The ‘random’ rock was then lifted to check for geckos, and measured as before, with thickness being measured at the centre of the rock. No geckos were found under these ‘random’ rocks. A thermochron was placed under each of these two rocks, at the point at which the gecko was found for the ‘gecko’ rock, and in the middle of the ‘random’ rock. The rocks were then marked with flagging tape and individual numbers and replaced in their original position. The substrate (rock or soil) and percentage shading by trees or other rocks and boulders (0/50/100%) were also noted for each rock. This was done for 16 rocks with one or more juvenile lizards underneath, and 16 rocks with one or more adult lizards under them. Due to the relative shortage of adults compared to juveniles, rocks with both juveniles and adults underneath were classed as ‘adult’ rocks. I returned three months later (12 – 14 October 2001) to retrieve the thermochrons. While most were recovered, six could not be found. These lost thermochrons resulted in data for four ‘adult’ rocks and one ‘juvenile’ rock (two thermochrons lost for a single pair of ‘gecko and ‘random’ rocks) being unavailable. Data from all thermochrons were downloaded into a computer for analysis. To compare rock dimensions and thermal conditions to the numbers and sizes of geckos found under those rocks, I made further morphological measurements. In addition to SVL, I measured head width, head length, axillar-groin length (AGL; distance between the arm-pits of the front limb and hind limb; measured on the right-hand side for all lizards) and masses of all the adult geckos captured. Due to the small size of the juvenile geckos, only mass and SVL were recorded. 23 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field To determine whether there was sexual dimorphism in thick-tailed geckos, I analysed SVL using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare the sexes in terms of traits that depend on absolute body size (mass, head length, head width and AGL), with SVL as the covariate. ANOVA was also used to test whether the rocks under which I found geckos of different age and sex classes differed with respect to specific rock characteristics (i.e. thickness, length, width and shading). ANOVA was also used as to determine whether the range of thermal regimes differed between ‘gecko’ and ‘random’ rocks. While the mean daily temperatures had similar variances, the ranges of temperatures had unequal variances between treatments, and were therefore log transformed. However, variances remained unequal. Thus, significance tests on mean daily minimum and maximum temperatures were based on nonparametric sign tests. I performed correlation analyses to see if thermal regimes and the dimensions of rocks were related to the body sizes and age and sex classes of geckos sheltering under them. To test whether the size of aggregations differed from those expected under the null hypothesis of random occurrence, I compared observed values to those predicted from the Poisson distribution, and used G-tests to detect any significant differences (Kearney et al. 2001). Two different analyses were used to determine whether different combinations of adult male, adult female and juvenile geckos occurred randomly. Initially, observed frequencies of aggregations consisting of pairs of geckos in any of the six possible combinations were compared, using G-tests, to expected frequencies calculated using the binomial expansion (Kearney et al. 2001). Sample sizes of aggregations with more than two geckos in them were too small to test as above. Therefore, as in Kearney et al. (2001), I tested whether the different age and sex classes of geckos combined randomly to form aggregations in the following categories: (1) > 1 adult male; (2) > 1 adult female; (3) > 1 24 Retreat-site selection and patterns of aggregation in the field juvenile; (4) > 1 adult male plus > 1 adult female; (5) > 1 adult male plus > 1 juvenile; (6) > 1 adult female plus > 1 juvenile; and (7) > 1 adult male plus > 1 adult female > 1 juvenile. A randomisation procedure was used to estimate the expected frequencies for each of the above categories (see Kearney et al. 2001 for explanation of randomisation procedure). As with many studies where repeated tests are carried out on the same data, there is an issue of artifactually ‘significant’ results arising due to type I errors. There are various techniques available to deal with this problem, however they are based on subjective judgements in deciding what constitutes a single set of tests (Hurlbert 1984; Kearney et al. 2001). Thus, I have reported uncorrected values here and throughout the thesis but have also used the sequential Bonferroni technique and have pointed out where P values move beyond significance as a result. In this chapter, Bonferroni corrections were applied to both retreatsite use and aggregation data collected. 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Gecko morphology Previous studies have classed thick-tailed geckos > 60 mm SVL as adults (How et al. 1987, 1990, based on dissection; Kearney et al. 2001, based on the smallest individuals with observable sexual characteristics). I adopted the same criteria. In my data set, adult males had an average SVL of 73.7 + 1.08 mm (SE), ranging from 64 to 85 mm. Adult females had an average SVL of 75.0 + 1.61 mm (SE), ranging from 63 to 88 mm. There was no significant difference in SVL, mass or head width (relative to SVL) between the adult males and adult females (Table 3.1). There was also no significant difference in SVL or mass between juvenile males and juvenile females (Table 3.1). ANCOVA tests showed that adult males had significantly greater head lengths than did adult females of the same SVL. Adult females had significantly greater axillary-groin lengths (AGL) than did adult males of the 25 2.1 45.9 Mean 1.08 0.09 0.58 + SE 24 38 30 30 n 14.7 19.5 75.0 2.1 45.5 Mean 0.98 0.28 0.38 1.61 0.11 0.65 + SE 19 19 19 19 19 28 28 n 0.001 5.31 3.40 192.47 0.44 0.01 0.18 F value 1, 40 1, 40 1, 40 1, 40 1, 55 1, 56 1, 56 Degrees of freedom 0.97 0.03 0.07 <0.0001 0.51 0.93 0.68 P value No significant difference Adult females have significantly longer bodies than adult males of the same SVL No significant difference Adult males have significantly longer heads than adult females of the same SVL No significant difference No significant difference No significant difference Result Head width Axillarygroin length Females Snout-vent length 73.7 0.31 24 37.6 0.55 Males Mass 19.8 0.23 24 8.5 Experiment Snout-vent length 15.1 0.70 24 Head length 36.2 0.44 Table 3.1: Results of ANOVA (for SVL) and ANCOVA (head length, head width, AGL and mass) testing for sexual dimorphism in morphological traits of thick-tailed geckos. All measurements were made in millimetres, although mass was measured in grams. Significant values (P < 0.05) prior to sequential Bonferroni corrections are in boldface font. Gecko age class Juvenile - male vs. female Adult - male vs. female 8.8 Mass Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory same SVL (Table 3.1). After sequential Bonferroni correction, the AGL result fell marginally beyond the conventional level of statistical significance (P = 0.05). However, difference in AGL between mature males and females is a widely reported phenomenon amongst lizards (e.g. Vitt and Cooper 1985; Hews 1990; Florentino 1996) and is likely to be a real difference between male and female thick-tailed geckos. In addition, if males have longer heads than females of the same SVL, then they necessarily must have shorter bodies. Thus, problems with the subjectivity of the methods used to apply Bonferroni correction factors cast doubt on indiscriminate acceptance of its results (Cabin and Mitchell 2000). The differences are therefore discussed below. 3.3.2 Shelter-site use by geckos: rock dimensions Thick-tailed geckos used rocks non-randomly, and different age/sex classes of geckos were found under different types of rocks. Every gecko found was sheltering beneath a rock that was on rock; no geckos were found under rocks with a soil substratum (6/32 ‘random’ rocks were on soil). Rocks that were used by geckos did not differ significantly in the percentage shading from rocks that were not used by geckos (F1,151 = 0.34, P = 0.56), and over 75% of rocks in both cases (used and unused) were unshaded. The thickness of rocks with geckos under them was not significantly different from the thickness of rocks that were not used by geckos (Table 3.2; Fig. 3.1). The range in thickness of unused rocks (2 – 13.5 cm) was contained within the range of used rocks (0.5 – 16 cm). In contrast, length and width of rocks used by geckos were significantly greater than rocks that were not used by geckos (Table 3.2; Fig. 3.1). However, there was considerable overlap in the ranges of lengths and widths of rocks that were both used (length, 26 – 120 cm; width, 18 – 89 cm) and not used (length, 17.5 – 62 cm; width, 12.5 – 51 cm) by geckos. Over 75% of unused rocks had lengths and widths that fell within the range of rocks that were used by the geckos, while 60% and 81.5% of the lengths and widths respectively of used rocks fell within the range of 27 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory unused rocks. Sequential Bonferroni corrections were carried out combining all three variables, but did not change significance values. Table 3.2: Results of ANOVA testing whether or not the rocks used by geckos differed from rocks that were not used by geckos in terms of dimensions. All measurements were made in centimetres. Significant results prior to application of sequential Bonferroni corrections (P < 0.05) are shown in boldface font. Dimension Thicknes s Used / unused Mean (cm) Standard Error (cm) Sample size Used 4.52 0.29 126 Unused 4.83 0.60 27 Used 59.38 1.84 126 Length Unused 37.20 2.77 27 Used 40.88 1.24 126 Width Unused 25.65 2.02 F value Degrees of Freedom P value 0.20 1, 151 0.65 28.00 1, 151 <0.0001 28.72 1, 151 <0.0001 27 Thickness / Length / Width (cm) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Used Unused Thickness Used Unused Length Used Unused Width Rock dimension Figure 3.1: Means and standard errors of dimensions of rocks (thickness, length and width) that were used and unused by geckos. All measurements are in centimetres. 28 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 3.3: Results of ANOVA testing whether or not the rocks sheltering different age and sex classes of geckos differed from each other in terms of dimensions and shading. All measurements were made in centimetres, although shading was scored as a percentage (0, 50 or 100%). Analyses are shown separately for adult male, adult female and juvenile lizards. Significant results (P < 0.05) prior to sequential Bonferroni corrections are shown in boldface font. Adult / juvenile Adult male Adult female Rock characteristic F value Degrees of Freedom P value Result Thickness 1.53 1, 127 0.22 No difference in used rocks Length 1.99 1, 127 0.16 No difference in used rocks Width 6.57 1, 127 0.01 Rocks with adult males significantly wider than other used rocks Shading 0.89 1, 127 0.35 No difference in used rocks Thickness 0.05 1, 127 0.83 No difference in used rocks Length 4.745 1, 127 0.03 Width 12.41 1, 127 0.0006 Shading 0.04 1, 127 0.85 No difference in used rocks Thickness 1.16 2, 126 0.32 No difference in used rocks Length 2.92 2, 126 0.06 No difference in used rocks Width 8.37 2, 126 0.0004 Rocks with juveniles significantly smaller width than other used rocks Shading 1.26 2, 126 0.29 No difference in used rocks Rocks with adult females significantly longer than other used rocks Rocks with adult females significantly wider than other used rocks Juveniles Of the four rock characteristics tested (thickness, length, width and shading; [excluding rock substrate]), adult males selected rocks with greater widths compared to other rocks that were used by geckos (Table 3.3; Fig. 3.2). Adult females selected rocks that were longer and wider than other ‘gecko’ rocks (Table 3.3; Fig. 3.2). By contrast, juveniles selected smaller rocks that were narrower (smaller width) than other ‘gecko’ rocks (Table 3.3; Fig. 3.2). 29 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory However, there was no significant difference in mean thickness of rocks used by any of the age/sex groups (Table 3.3; Fig. 3.2; combining data, ANOVA: F1,127 = 0.54, P = 0.46). Sequential Bonferroni corrections were applied to rock characteristics for each sex/age class of geckos, although shading was analysed separately. The corrections did not change significance values for either adult males or juveniles, but moved the preference of adult females for longer rocks beyond the conventional level of significance. b) Rock length 6 80 5.5 70 Rock Length (cm) Rock thickness (cm) a) Rock thickness 5 4.5 4 3.5 60 50 40 30 3 20 No gecko Adult male Adult female Juvenile Sex and age class of geckos No gecko Adult male Adult female Juvenile Sex and age class of geckos c) Rock width 60 Rck width (cm) 50 40 30 20 10 No gecko Adult male Adult female Juvenile Sex and age class of geckos Figure 3.2: Means and standard errors of dimensions of rocks (thickness, length and width) without any geckos, with > 1 adult male, with > 1 adult female and with > 1 juvenile. All variables are measured in centimetres. Note that vertical axes do not begin at zero. 30 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Larger rocks had more adult female and juvenile geckos under them (Table 3.4), and the total number of geckos under a rock also increased with the rock size (Table 3.4). Some rock dimensions were also inter-correlated; thickness was correlated with width (r = +0.28, Z = 2.08, P = 0.04) and width was strongly correlated with length (r = +0.88, Z = 9.91, P < 0.0001). However, length was not significantly correlated with thickness (r = +0.22, Z = 1.58, P = 0.11). As a result, it was not possible to pull out axes of the specific sizes and shapes of rocks for comparison. Table 3.4: Results of correlation analyses comparing rock dimensions (length and width) to the number of geckos under the rock (n = 54). There was no correlation between rock thickness and number of geckos under a rock. Statistically significant results prior to Bonferroni corrections (P < 0.05) are shown in boldface font. Rock dimension Length (cm) Width (cm) 3.3.3 Gecko characteristic r value Z value P value Number of adult males +0.13 0.94 0.35 Number of adult females +0.36 2.68 0.007 Number of juveniles +0.36 2.66 0.008 Total number of geckos +0.45 3.48 0.0005 Number of adult males +0.26 1.90 0.06 Number of adult females +0.29 2.16 0.03 Number of juveniles +0.28 2.07 0.04 Total number of geckos +0.41 3.14 0.002 Shelter-site use by geckos: thermal regimes Mean daily temperatures had similar variances between rocks and did not differ significantly between used (12.0 + 0.13oC) and unused (12.2 + 0.20oC) rocks (F1,52 = 0.76, P = 0.39). However, the range of temperatures could not be tested with ANOVA because the variance 31 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory of thermal ranges for unused rocks (6.75) was significantly greater than the variance of used rocks (1.65); (F27,27 = 0.24, P = 0.0006). Therefore, minimum and maximum temperatures were tested for significance using nonparametric sign tests. Rocks used by the geckos had significantly higher mean minimum temperatures and significantly lower mean maximum temperatures compared to unused rocks, for each of the 11 days (sign tests, both significant at P = 0.01; Fig. 3.3). All rock dimensions; thickness (r = +0.41; Z = 3.11; P = 0.002), length (r = +0.41, Z = 3.09, P = 0.002) and width (r = +0.49, Z = 3.79, P = 0.0002), were significantly correlated with mean daily minimum temperatures under the 54 rocks measured. Similarly, mean daily maximum temperatures under the same 54 rocks were significantly correlated with the three rock dimensions measured, width (r = -0.33, Z = -2.47, P = 0.01), length (r = -0.29; Z = 2.11, P = 0.03) and thickness (r = -0.33, Z = -2.46; P = 0.01), although the correlation was not as strong. Thus, larger rocks exhibited higher daily minimum temperatures and lower daily maxima. However, mean daily temperatures in retreat sites were not significantly affected by the dimensions of the rocks (thickness, r = -0.15, Z = -1.10, P = 0.27; length, r = -0.13, Z = -0.92, P = 0.36; width, r = -0.15, Z = -1.08, P = 0.28), probably because they simply averaged the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures. Mean daily minimum temperature was significantly correlated with numbers of adult males under rocks (r = +0.29, Z = 2.13, P = 0.03) but not with numbers of adult females, juveniles or total numbers of geckos under rocks. Mean daily minimum temperature was also significantly correlated with the SVL of the largest (r = +0.43, Z = 2.26, P = 0.02) and smallest (r = +0.38, Z = 1.94, P = 0.05) geckos under rocks, and also average SVL (r = +0.44, Z = 2.29, P = 0.02) of geckos under rocks. By contrast, mean daily maximum temperatures had no effect on either the numbers of difference age and sex classes of geckos, 32 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory or the SVLs of geckos under rocks (all P > 0.05). However, application of the Bonferroni technique moved all results beyond significance. 24 unused mean min 22 unused mean max used mean min 20 used mean max Temperature (oC) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Date in July 2001 Figure 3.3: Comparison between the means (+ standard deviation) of rocks that were either used or not used by thick-tailed geckos at Mt Korong, Victoria. 3.3.4 Do thick-tailed geckos aggregate in the field? Thick-tailed geckos formed aggregations that occurred more often than expected by chance (Table 3.5). Aggregation frequencies for the different group sizes departed significantly from the expected (Poisson) distribution (G = 62.12, 3 df, P < 0.001). Aggregations of three or more geckos occurred significantly more than expected by chance (χ2 tests, all P < 0.05) (Table 3.5). Bonferroni corrections did not alter the significance of results. The sex ratio of adult geckos deviated significantly from 50:50, with more males found than females (χ2 = 3.95, 1 df, P < 0.005). Significantly more juvenile geckos were found than adult geckos (χ2 = 31.69, 1 df, P < 0.005; Table 3.6). 33 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 3.5: Observed frequencies of thick-tailed gecko aggregations at Mt Korong, Victoria, of different size categories. The Table compares observed frequencies to expected (Poisson) frequencies (analysed as described in Kearney et al. 2001). An asterisk (*) shows results that are significant at P = 0.05 using χ2 tests, prior to Bonferroni corrections. Aggregation size Observed frequencies Expected frequencies Deviation from expectation 1 2 3 4 5 89 19 9 4 3 100.94 20.77 2.14 0.15 0.01 +* +* +* 124 124 Total Over half the geckos found were aggregated. Adult female geckos occurred in aggregations more often than did juveniles or males, but these differences did not attain statistical significance (Table 3.6; χ2 = 4.31, 2 df, P = 0.12). I also examined the composition of gecko aggregations. Observed frequencies diverged significantly from expected (binomial) frequencies for the six possible combinations of pairs of males, females and juveniles (χ2 = 55.65, 5 df, P < 0.001). Pairs of juveniles occurred more often than expected by chance and adult male – juvenile and adult female – juvenile pairs occurred less often than expected by chance (χ2 tests, all P < 0.05) (Table 3.7). Bonferroni corrections using three categories (adult-adult, adult-juvenile and juvenilejuvenile pairs) did not alter significance. The randomisation tests showed that adult males and juveniles occurred together less often than expected by chance (G = 6.66, 1 df, P = 0.009), and that groups including > 1 adult male and > 1 adult female occurred more often than expected by chance (G = 7.71, 1 df, P = 0.005; Table 3.8). However, application of the Bonferroni technique, across these tests leaves only the occurrence of groups including > 1 adult male and > 1 adult female as significantly different from the null expectation. 34 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 3.6: Observed frequencies of male, female and juvenile thick-tailed geckos found aggregated under rocks at Mt Korong, Victoria. The total numbers of geckos, numbers of solitary geckos and numbers of aggregated geckos are presented. Percentages of aggregated geckos are also shown. Solitary Aggregated Total Percent Aggregated Adult Male 22 14 36 38.9 Adult Female 8 13 21 61.9 Juvenile 59 78 137 56.9 89 105 194 54.1 Sex/Age Total Table 3.7: Comparison between observed and expected frequencies of pairs of various combinations of adult male, adult female and juvenile thick-tailed geckos from Mt Korong in Victoria. As in Kearney et al. (2001), expected frequencies are calculated by binomial expansion for comparison with all possible combinations of pairs of geckos. An asterisk (*) shows results that are significant at P = 0.05 prior to Bonferroni corrections using χ2 tests. Combination Adult male – adult male Adult female – adult female Juvenile – juvenile Adult male – adult female Adult male – juvenile Adult female – juvenile Observed frequencies 1 1 18 5 0 0 Expected frequencies 1.3 3.1 4.1 4.0 4.8 7.4 Deviation from expectation +* + -* -* I also examined the composition of gecko aggregations. Observed frequencies diverged significantly from expected (binomial) frequencies for the six possible combinations of pairs of males, females and juveniles (χ2 = 55.65, 5 df, P < 0.001). Pairs of juveniles occurred more often than expected by chance and adult male – juvenile and adult female – juvenile pairs occurred less often than expected by chance (χ2 tests, all P < 0.05; Table 3.7), and Bonferroni corrections using three categories (adult-adult, adult-juvenile and juvenilejuvenile pairs) did not alter significance. The randomisation tests showed that adult males and juveniles occurred together less often than expected by chance (G = 6.66, 1 df, P = 0.009), and that groups including > adult male and > one adult female occurred more often 35 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory than expected by chance (G = 7.71, 1 df, P = 0.005; Table 3.8). Application of the Bonferroni technique did not change significance levels. Table 3.8: Analyses comparing observed and expected frequencies of different combinations of thick-tailed geckos at Mt Korong, Victoria. Expected frequencies are calculated by a randomisation procedure (see Kearney et al. 2001) and compared to all aggregations of two or more geckos. An asterisk (*) shows results that are significant at P = 0.05 using G tests, prior to Bonferroni corrections. Observed frequencies Expected frequencies Deviation from expectation > 1 adult male 1 2.7 - > 1 adult female 1 1.0 = > 1 juvenile 31 24.6 + > 1 adult male and > 1 adult female 9 3.1 +* > 1 adult male and > 1 juvenile 6 13.9 -* > 1 adult female and > 1 juvenile 6 8.5 - > 1 adult male and > 1 adult female and > 1 juvenile 3 2.0 + Combination 3.4 Discussion 3.4.1 Gecko morphology Sexual size dimorphism occurs in many animals (Andersson 1994), and frequently in lizards (Doughty and Shine 1995; Sugg et al. 1995; Herrel et al. 1999). Thick-tailed geckos are sexually dimorphic for head length and axillar-groin length (AGL) relative to SVL as adults. Adult males have significantly longer heads than adult females at the same SVL, and adult females have longer bodies (AGLs) than adult males at the same SVL. It is not possible to determine the selective factors resulting in these differences; however, some of the possible benefits derived are discussed briefly below. Additionally, my data do not reveal whether there is an ontogenetic shift in sexual size dimorphism because juveniles were not measured for characteristics other than SVL and mass, which will change as juveniles attain maturity. 36 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Many lizards are sexually dimorphic for head length, with males having longer heads than females (Hews 1990; Andersson 1994). Increased head size may play an important role in a number of aspects, including intrasexual interactions such as male – male combat and territorial contests (Trivers 1976; Anderson and Vitt 1990; Bull and Pamula 1996), as well as intersexual interactions, such as copulatory bites (Hews 1990; Herrel et al. 1996). Dimorphism in head size may also aid in partitioning resources to reduce intersexual competition (Stamps 1977). Male thick-tailed geckos are extremely aggressive and inflict injuries upon each other, as well as on adult females, using their jaws as their major offensive weapon (pers. obs.). In addition, males grasp females behind the head by biting them during copulation, as in many other geckos (Greer 1989; pers. obs.). My data do not allow me to evaluate whether or not these aspects of sexual behaviour are involved as selective forces for the observed patterns of sexual dimorphism. Adult female thick-tailed geckos tended to have longer bodies (i.e. AGL) than adult males at the same SVL. This dimorphism is similar to that found in some lacertid lizards (Florentino 1996) and the girdled lizard Cordylus macropholis (Mouton et al. 2000). The Australian southern leaf-tailed gecko (Phyllurus platurus) also has a similar sexual dimorphism (Doughty and Shine 1995). This longer body size may provide a ‘fecundity advantage’ (Fitch 1978) in allowing the females to produce larger offspring. Unlike many other lizards, most Australian geckos, including thick-tailed geckos, produce only two eggs per clutch (Greer 1989) and therefore increased AGL cannot confer advantages in terms of greater clutch size (Doughty and Shine 1995). The eggs laid by thick-tailed geckos are extremely large, taking up a significant portion of the abdominal cavity (Greer 1989) so that a greater AGL probably provides more space for eggs (Shine and Doughty 1995). 37 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 3.4.2 Shelter-site use by geckos: rock dimensions Rock-use by thick-tailed geckos was highly non-random. All of the geckos that I found were sheltered in rock-on-rock crevices. Similarly, broad-headed snakes (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) avoided rocks on soil (Webb and Shine 1998). In contrast, degree of shading of rocks had no significant effect on shelter-use by thick-tailed geckos. This pattern differs from that found for marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) and broad-headed snakes. Marbled geckos selected unshaded rocks as retreat-sites in spring and shaded rocks in summer (Kearney 2002). Similarly, broad-headed snakes actively selected thin exposed rocks during spring, but avoided these during summer because they were too hot (> 40oC: Webb and Shine 1998). In my study, 75% of both used and unused rocks were unshaded, possibly reflecting a shortage of suitable shelter-sites that were shaded. Alternatively, it is possible that during winter (the time of my own sampling), shading is of less consequence as radiation from the sun is much reduced, and heating and cooling rates of rocks are less dependent on the degree of shade. Rock-use by thick-tailed geckos differed among age classes. Adult geckos generally were found under larger rocks than were juvenile geckos. The causal basis for such an ontogenetic shift is unclear. It is possible that the larger rocks are preferable to all geckos irrespective of age, but that adults aggressively displace juveniles. Alternatively, this ontogenetic difference in rock sizes used may be driven by other factors, such as thermal consequences of rock size or the increased availability of larger and wider crevices under larger rocks (Kearney 2002). A similar pattern of rock-use has been found with broadheaded snakes, in which juveniles used rocks that were significantly smaller than those used by adults (Webb and Shine 1998). Rocks that were used by thick-tailed geckos were larger (length and width) than rocks that were unused. In addition, larger rocks generally had more thick-tailed geckos sheltering beneath them. Aggregations of marbled geckos were also significantly more frequent under 38 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory larger rocks (Kearney 2002). This pattern may be due to an active preference for larger rocks, combined with a limited availability of such large rocks. Alternatively, the larger crevices under these rocks may simply allow more individuals to fit into them. In addition, large rocks may be more attractive to geckos because they are much more thermally stable, with lower maxima and higher minima (Huey et al. 1989). A very different organism, the marine spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) also displays this pattern of shelter-use, with smaller lobsters using smaller shelters and larger ones using larger shelters (Eggleston and Lipicus 1992). This pattern is interesting for comparison with that seen in thick-tailed geckos because lobsters also changed their shelter-site preferences according to the presence or absence of predators. In addition to this, lobsters selected larger shelters in the presence of conspecifics, and particularly so when predators were around (Eggleston and Lipicus 1992). Thus, lobsters selected shelter-sites not only according to availability but also according to the numbers of conspecifics present and the presence or absence of predators (Eggleston and Lipicus 1992). By analogy, thick-tailed geckos might also select larger rocks when they are able to shelter with conspecifics, and smaller rocks when solitary. There was no difference in thickness between ‘used’ and ‘unused’ rocks, and the range of thickness of used rocks encompassed that of unused rocks. Marbled geckos at the same site were also found to use rocks irrespective of thickness (Kearney 2002). However, this null result may partly reflect methodological problems. Only rocks that could be lifted by two people were examined, perhaps generating a bias in the results. In addition, rocks were not of uniform thickness along their length and breadth, and my measurements of thickness (made using arbitrary rules for both used and unused rocks) may have failed to capture subtle effects of this variation on thermal regime. 39 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 3.4.3 Shelter-site use by geckos: thermal regimes The thermal environment under a rock was related to its physical characteristics. As expected, rock size influenced daily minimum and maximum temperatures, with larger rocks having lower maxima and higher minima. Thick-tailed geckos, particularly larger lizards, occurred under rocks that had higher minima and lower maxima than did ‘random’ rocks (Fig. 3.3). Thus, the rocks used by thick-tailed geckos were more thermally stable, such that geckos were not exposed to very high or very low temperatures. Living in such a cold climate, with ambient temperatures falling below 4oC during winter nights (Anon. 1993 in Kearney 2002), selecting rocks that cool down at a slower rate may enable the lizards to maintain body temperatures high enough for the activity period during the early evening. Furthermore, maintaining a higher body temperature for a longer period of time may facilitate other physiological processes such as digestion and reproductive processes, including vitellogenesis and spermatogenesis (Huey 1982). Sheltering under rocks that have lower mean daily maximum temperatures may also be important in ensuring survival. Rocks at Mt Korong attain maximum temperatures above 30oC occasionally during spring and regularly during summer, with maxima up to 60oC (Kearney 2002). While there are no data available on the critical thermal maximum (CTMax) of thick-tailed geckos, the CTMaxs of six other Australian gecko species range from approximately 40 to 44oC (Greer 1989). In addition, thick-tailed geckos survived for three hours at temperatures of 37.5oC but suffered high mortality in the following 24-hour period (Licht et al. 1966). At temperatures of 40.3oC, geckos survived for approximately 25 minutes (Licht et al. 1966). Preferred body temperature (PBT) of thick-tailed geckos (in the laboratory) during the day ranged from approximately 23 to 28oC (Greer 1989). 40 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 3.4.4 Do thick-tailed geckos aggregate in the field? Large aggregations of thick-tailed geckos occurred more often than expected by chance, with more than half of all geckos found being in aggregations. Similarly, a previous study of thick-tailed geckos at the same locality showed that the animals formed large aggregations more often than expected by chance during autumn and spring, with groups of up to nine lizards (Kearney et al. 2001). The presence of aggregations at times other than winter therefore rules out the possibility that the geckos form groups only in winter, as occurs in many other squamate reptiles in Australia (Powell et al. 1977). There are many possible reasons why animals aggregate, including attraction to patches of habitat that are of exceptionally high quality with respect to food, predator avoidance and/or thermoregulatory opportunities. Another possibility is that individuals are actually attracted to conspecifics. Intuition argues against the latter phenomenon because many species of lizards may be territorial, resulting in aggressive interactions between individuals (Marcellini 1977; Henkel and Schmidt 1995), and this includes male thick-tailed geckos (pers. obs.). However, aggregations under rocks may provide increased mating opportunities, group defence, increased vigilance against predators, and also protection from the elements (Stamps 1988; Elfström and Zucker 1999; Kearney et al. 2001). Conversely, a large aggregation under a rock may result in a stronger scent trail attracting potential predators and also local depletion of resources such as food. Information on the age and sex composition of aggregations can also provide insights into the reasons why groups occur. My data show that the composition of aggregations was nonrandom. Pairs of juveniles occurred more often than expected by chance, but groups of three or more juveniles were not particularly common. The presence of large numbers of pairs of juvenile geckos suggests the possibility that they may be siblings; clutch size is two in this species (Greer 1989). Juvenile geckos were found less often than expected by chance with 41 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory either an adult male or an adult female, or in groups that included both an adult male and an adult female. The composition of groups during spring and autumn was also non-random, with juvenile geckos and adult females found together less often than expected by chance (Kearney et al 2001). However, that was the only significantly non-random pattern found by Kearney et al. (2001). I found no evidence of avoidance between juveniles and adult females. My data suggest that juveniles may, in fact, avoid adult males (or vice versa), as they were rarely found together, either in pairs or as parts of larger groups. This discrepancy in results between the two studies may be due to seasonal shifts in the tendency to aggregate. It is possible that aggression towards juveniles changes with season and mating periods, as occurs in at least one species of Australian skink, Egernia saxatilis (D. O’Connor, pers. comm.). Despite these significantly non-random patterns, it is also important to note that the aggregations of thick-tailed geckos were very variable in composition and generally, frequencies of each combination were close to those expected under the null hypothesis of random co-occurrence with respect to age and sex (Table 3.8). This diversity makes it highly unlikely that aggregations of thick-tailed geckos are ‘family groups’ of an adult male, an adult female and their offspring. 3.4.5 Conclusions Clearly, thick-tailed geckos used rocks in a non-random pattern. Adults occurred under larger rocks than juveniles, although both groups used larger rocks than available overall, and larger rocks tended to act as shelters for greater numbers of geckos. The geckos used rocks that were more thermally stable than were most other rocks sampled on the outcrops, with higher mean daily minima and lower mean daily maxima. These patterns of significantly non-random rock-use suggest that limited shelter-site availability may be responsible for, or contribute to, the aggregative behaviour seen; used rocks were longer and 42 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory wider than unused rocks (Fig. 3.1). However, it is important to note that the lengths and widths of over 75% of unused rocks fell within the range of used rocks, suggesting instead, that while geckos used rocks non-randomly, there were still plenty of suitable shelter-sites available. However, biases may exist within rock data arising from the methodology; ‘random’ rocks were located relative to ‘gecko’ rocks (within 10 m of each other). Sampling unused rocks without regard to used rocks, perhaps using quadrats, may provide a more accurate representation of the rocks available to the geckos. Thick-tailed geckos also formed large aggregations (of up to five individuals) under rocks, with juveniles pairing more often than expected by chance and rarely being found with adult males. These patterns are interesting, but cannot reveal causation. For example, it is not possible to separate the effect of rock size from that of the temperature profile under that rock: geckos may select large rocks for their temperature profiles rather than their size per se. Nonetheless, these data provide the framework for further laboratory work, which is required to clarify specific causal influences on shelter-site selection and aggregation. I will examine these questions in later chapters. 43 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory CHAPTER 4 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 4.1 Introduction Habitat requirements differ substantially among animal species and may constrain the geographic limits of species as well as abundance within their range (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Jones 2001; Thery 2001). Such habitat preferences are sometimes very specific. For example, echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in south-east Queensland prefer hollow logs and depressions under fallen tree roots as their daily shelter-sites (Wilkinson et al. 1998). Kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) in southern Africa nest on the ground and prefer horizontal areas, probably to avoid eggs and chicks rolling out of their nests, with suitable shelter such as 25 to 50% vegetation cover or protruding rocks (Burger and Gochfeld 1981). Similarly, common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand have specific habitat requirements, preferring to den above ground in trees (Cowan 1989). The gekkonid lizard Gehyra variegata spends a large part of its life in arboreal bark crevices less than one metre above the ground (Bustard 1970a). Thus, while a wide range of potential shelter-sites are typically available in any given habitat, any given animal species may only utilise specific components of it. The adaptive significance of specific habitat-selection ‘choices’ is sometimes clear. For example, predator avoidance is of the utmost importance in seeking out shelter-sites (Downes and Shine 1998a). In addition, animals require thermally suitable shelters to avoid becoming either too hot or too cold (Huey et al. 1989; Downes and Shine 1998a). This aspect is of particular importance for ectothermic animals, which utilise heat from their environment for their behavioural and physiological processes (Huey 1982). Some nocturnal ectotherms rely greatly on thermally suitable diurnal retreat-sites to achieve 44 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory optimal body temperatures (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Webb and Shine 1998; Kearney 2002). 45 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Selection of specific habitat attributes by various squamate reptiles, including lizards, has been demonstrated experimentally in several studies (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Downes and Shine 1998b; Stow 1998; Webb and Shine 1998). Although diurnal species have been the primary subjects of research, nocturnal, saxicolous taxa (including geckos) have also attracted study. For example, southern leaf-tailed geckos (Phyllurus platurus) showed consistent preferences with respect to crevice width, shape and height above substrate (Stow 1998). Similarly, velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) exhibited strong preferences with respect to crevice width, shape, temperature, height above substrate and size of overlying rock (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). Subsequent studies on the same species showed that social factors may also influence habitat selection (Downes and Shine 1998b). For example, dominant animals may drive subordinate animals out of high-quality retreat-sites (Downes and Shine 1998b). Before investigating social influences on shelter-site selection, we need to have a context for such studies. Natural habitats are highly complex and it is difficult to separate variables from one another to identify the specific cues influencing shelter-site selection. Thus, I conducted a series of experiments in the laboratory to determine the habitat preferences of thick-tailed geckos with respect to crevice height, size, slope and temperature, thickness of overlying rock and the degree of protection provided by the shelter. These preferences may restrict the habitat available to the geckos, resulting in increased social interactions and possibly aggregations. That is, thick-tailed geckos might frequently occur in groups not because they are ‘social’, but because they are highly selective with respect to (relatively scarce) physical attributes of retreat-sites. Conversely, habitat preferences or restrictions may not drive either social interactions or aggregations. I also used these initial studies to identify the type of shelters 45 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory preferred by the geckos. Knowledge of these preferences enabled me to design subsequent experiments to investigate social behaviour in the geckos. 4.2 Materials and Methods Each of 25 plastic nally bins (57 x 36 x 19.5 cm) was divided into two using pieces of Styrofoam covered with plastic and sealed with silicon. Thus, each bin provided two separate experimental units (36 x 28 x 19.5 cm; Fig. 4.1). Five nally bins (10 experimental units) were placed on each of five shelves in a room maintained at 20oC. Opaque covers with nine ventilation holes (5 mm in diameter) were placed over each bin to ensure that geckos could not escape, and to eliminate extraneous visual cues. The aim of the experiment was to clarify shelter-site preferences by providing two alternative cues and allowing each gecko to make a choice between them. The null hypothesis for each experiment was that adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos would show no preference for either of the two alternative cues provided. Thus, I used two shelters per experimental unit, differing with respect to a single cue. Ceramic tiles (11 cm x 11 cm; 11 mm thick) were used as substrates for the two shelters within each experimental unit. The tiles were placed at opposite ends of the unit for each experiment. Washed beach sand was added and built up to the same height as the tile (11 mm) (Fig. 4.1). Tiles were also used to form the upper part of each shelter, with their height above the lower tile determined by the size of plastic spacers forming three ‘legs’ to hold them up. Shelter height was 12 mm for all experiments, unless stated otherwise. Thus, each experimental unit contained two potential shelter-sites, both consisting of the gaps between two ceramic tiles. For each experiment, I used 50 geckos: 26 juveniles, 12 adult males and 12 adult females (unless stated otherwise). Only one gecko was placed in each experimental unit at a time. These animals were chosen randomly from the available 60 juveniles, 24 adult males and 19 46 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Figure 4.1: Experimental set-up used to investigate shelter-site selection by thick-tailed geckos. The plastic nally bin (57 x 36 x 19.5 cm) was divided by a foam partition to provide two experimental units (36 x 28 x 19.5 cm). Each unit had washed beach sand as a substrate, and contained two alternative shelter-sites (tiles separated by plastic spacers). Only the upper tiles are visible in this photograph. adult females. Where two different shelter types were used, the positions (left or right) of these were also randomised, as was the order in which the animals were put into the experimental units. Experiments were conducted between mid August and late November 2001. Each experiment was set-up in the afternoon and animals were placed in the experimental units between 1600 and 1930 h in the evening. They were left in the experimental units overnight, and removed between 0830 and 1100 h the following morning. In the morning, the shelter under which each gecko was resting was noted. If a gecko had not selected a shelter at this time, it was excluded from the results. Animals were given at least one nights’ rest between successive experiments. Each gecko was only used once per experiment. Following each experiment, all tiles were soaked in hot soapy water for a minimum of 30 minutes. They 47 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory were then vigorously scrubbed, soaked for another 30 minutes in hot water, rinsed and airdried. Data on shelter-site use by adults and juveniles were analysed separately using Pearson’s Chi-square tests. Adults and juveniles were considered separately as they may have different preferences, resulting from factors such as body size and sexual maturity. I used contingency table analyses to test if there was a significant difference between responses of adults versus juveniles. If no difference was found, the data were pooled and also tested against the null hypothesis of no overall shelter-site selection, using Chi-square tests. Sequential Bonferroni corrections were applied, using adult, juvenile and combined data as three separate data sets. However, due to their subjective nature as discussed in Chapter 3, uncorrected values are reported but any cases where a change in significance occurs are pointed out. I conducted several separate experiments to test the role of various shelter characteristics in retreat-site selection. These attributes were: crevice height, thickness of overlying rock, crevice size, crevice slope, predator scent, temperature, and degree of closure of crevice. 4.2.1 Crevice height This experiment was designed to test whether the lizards would select a crevice barely large enough for them to squeeze into versus one that provided additional height. Thus, the first step was to select crevices of appropriate heights relative to gecko body sizes. For juveniles, the narrow crevice was 8 mm high and the wide crevice was 12 mm high. The narrow crevice for adults was 12 mm high and the wide crevice was 18 mm high. In each case, all animals could squeeze into the narrow crevice and easily fitted into the wide crevice. The experiment was conducted over two days, with juveniles being tested on the first day and adults on the second day. 48 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 4.2.2 Thickness of overlying rock The aim was to test whether geckos chose to shelter in a crevice overlaid by a thicker or thinner upper rock (or in this case, tile). To simulate this situation, I set up shelters with either three tiles above the crevice (i.e. 33 mm thickness of overlying rock) or one tile above the crevice (11 mm thickness of overlying rock). The experiment was conducted over two days, with 25 geckos (both adults and juveniles) being tested on the first day, and 25 on the following day. 4.2.3 Crevice size I provided a choice of shelter-sites differing in the overall size (length x width) of the overlying rock. To create this difference, the large shelter was constructed of two substrate plus two shelter tiles placed side by side (22 x 11cm) while the small shelter remained the same as in previous experiments (11 x 11 cm). This experiment was also conducted over two days, with 20 geckos being tested on the first day and 30 geckos on the following day. 4.2.4 Slope of crevice The aim was to compare the lizards’ use of crevices that were either horizontal or steeply sloping (as frequently occurs in crevices under rocks in the field). Wedges made of Styrofoam were put under one substrate tile in each experimental unit, with sand built up around it, producing a slope of between 35o and 40o. The trials were conducted over two days, with the first 25 geckos (both adults and juveniles) being tested on the first day, and the remaining 25 the next day. 4.2.5 Crevice thermal regime The aim of this experiment was to determine if thick-tailed geckos use thermal cues in shelter-site selection. Thermal film (140 mm wide, 65 watts/m, Thermofilm Australia Pty. Ltd.) was laid along one edge of each of five wooden boards. Each board was connected to a 49 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory dimmer switch, allowing fine temperature control. One board was then placed on each of the five shelves on which experimental units were placed. The side on which the thermal film was placed was alternated to ensure that ‘hot’ shelters were closest to the wall in half the units and furthest from the wall in the other half. Nally bins were then placed sideways (longer side against the wall) on the shelves so that one shelter in each experimental unit was placed on top of the thermal film. The temperature of the room was reduced to 16 oC. The substrate tile, sand and shelters were then placed in each experimental unit as above. The temperature of the thermal film was adjusted until all substrate tiles on the thermal film were between 25 and 30oC (as measured by a Raytek infrared thermometer). All substrate tiles not on the thermal film were between 16 and 19 oC, generating a choice of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ shelter-sites for each gecko. Experiments were run over two days, with 30 animals (both adults and juveniles) being tested on the first day, and the remaining 20 on the following day. 4.2.6 Predator scented crevice To examine whether geckos actively avoid shelter-sites that contain the scent of a predatory snake, I used scent from a captive red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus, Elapidae). This species is broadly sympatric with thick-tailed geckos in southern Australia (Cogger 2000) and consumes a wide variety of lizards, including geckos (Shine 1977, 1999). Substrate tiles were exposed to snake scent by placing them inside the cage of the snake. However, the tiles used as the tops of the shelters were unscented, to mimic conditions likely to be encountered by lizards in the field. Because only 20 tiles could fit into the enclosure of the snake at any one time, the experiment was conducted on three different days. For each set of trials, the tiles were placed in the home cage of the snake for a week in order to pick up its scent. I then removed the tiles, wearing a pair of disposable gloves to prevent transfer 50 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory of human scent to the tile, and placed them in the experimental units. The next set of tiles was then placed in the snake’s cage for a week. 4.2.7 ‘Protected’ crevice I designed this experiment to clarify whether or not geckos would select shelter-sites that offered a higher degree of concealment (i.e. a small rather than a large degree of visual exposure of a lizard within a crevice). To achieve this effect, the gap beneath one shelter in each experimental unit was covered on three-and-a-half sides with strips of manila folder attached with Blu-Tack (Bostik, Australia), leaving an opening of 5.5 cm at the front of the shelter. The other shelter was left with all sides uncovered, as in previous experiments. Experiments were run over a period of two days, with 26 animals (both juveniles and adults) being tested on the first day and the remaining animals on the next day. 4.2.8 ‘New’ vs. ‘old’ shelter Based on results from the above trials (see below), it became apparent that changes in shelter design might substantially enhance my ability to detect other influences – especially social influences – on retreat-site selection. The rationale for this decision was that I needed to simulate the conditions within natural shelter-sites as closely as possible in order to evaluate social influences on retreat-site selection. Thus, the aim of this experiment was to improve the design of the experimental units and to incorporate the preferences shown by the geckos in previous experiments. Square, plastic pot plant trays (13 cm x 13 cm x 2.2 cm; Fig. 4.2) were used as the ‘new’ shelters. Each tray had a 4 cm-wide ‘door’ cut out 1 cm from a corner. ‘Old’ shelters were ceramic tiles (as used in the trials described above) with a crevice height of 18 mm. This experiment was also conducted over a period of two days with 26 animals (both juveniles and adults) being tested on one day and the remainder the following day. 51 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Figure 4.2: ‘New’ plastic shelter (13 x 13 x 2.2 cm) adapted from square plastic pot plant trays with a 4 cm wide ‘door’ cut in one side. 4.3 Results The thick-tailed geckos were highly selective for six out of the eight shelter item traits examined (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.3): 1) Both adult and juvenile geckos showed a highly significant preference for a narrow crevice rather than a wide crevice. 2) Both adult and juvenile geckos showed a significant preference for a horizontal shelter rather than one that sloped, with a gradient of 35 to 40o. 3) Both age classes of lizards also showed a highly significant preference for higher (26 to 30oC) rather than lower temperatures (16 to 19oC). 4) Adult geckos showed significant avoidance of predator scent, whereas the juveniles showed a similar but not statistically significant avoidance. When data for all geckos were combined, contingency table analysis revealed no significant difference (χ2 = 1.21, 1 df, P = 0.27) between adults and juveniles, and a strong overall avoidance of snake scent (χ2 = 9.0, 1 df, P < 0.005). 5) Both adults and juveniles showed highly significant preferences for ‘protected’ rather than ‘unprotected’ shelters. 6) Both age classes also showed a highly significant preference for the ‘new’ protected plastic shelters rather than the ‘old’ unprotected ceramic tile shelters (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.3). 52 Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 4.1: Results of shelter item trait preferences of adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos. (*χ2 crit (P = 0.05, df = 1) = 3.841, **χ2 crit (P = 0.005, df = 1) = 7.879, NS = not significant). All significant values (P < 0.05) prior to Bonferroni corrections are shown in boldface font. Note that in some cases the total sample size is < 50 because one or more geckos did not select a shelter, and were therefore excluded from the results. Shelter item trait Crevice height Alternate shelters available Preferred shelter - Narrow crevice - Wide crevice Narrow crevice Result χ2 Values and significance 23/26 juveniles 20/23 adults 43/49 total 15.39** 9.78** 26.47** 13/26 juveniles 15/24 adults 28/50 total 0.00 NS 1.50 NS 0.72 NS 9/26 juveniles 14/24 adults 25/50 total 1.96 NS 0.67 NS 0.00 NS - Thick ‘rock’ - Thin ‘rock’ No preference shown Crevice size - Large crevice - Small crevice No preference shown Slope of crevice - Sloping crevice - Horizontal crevice Horizontal crevice 20/24 juveniles 19/24 adults 39/48 total 10.67** 8.17** 18.75** Crevice thermal regime - High temperature - Low temperature Crevice at high temperature 23/26 juveniles 20/24 adults 43/50 total 15.39** 10.67** 25.92** Predator scented crevice - Scented crevice - Unscented crevice Unscented crevice 17/26 juveniles 18/23 adults 35/49 total 2.46 NS 7.35* 9.00** ‘Protected’ versus ‘unprotected’ crevice - Protected crevice - Unprotected crevice Protected crevice 25/26 juveniles 19/23 adults 44/49 total 22.15** 9.78** 31.04** ‘New’ versus ‘old’ shelter - New crevice - Old crevice New crevice 26/26 juveniles 21/23 adults 47/49 total 26.00** 15.08** 41.37** Thickness of overlying ‘rock’ (proportion of geckos in thick shelter shown) (proportion of geckos in large shelter shown) 53 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * * * Height Height (narrow) Thickness Thickness (none) (no preference) * * * * * * Slope Thermal sSize Slope (horizontal) Thermal regime (no preference) (horizontol) (warm) Shelter item trait * * Predator scent scent Predator (unscented) (unscented) * * * Protected Protected vs vs unprotected unprotected (protected) (protected) * * * 'New' vs 'old' 'old' New' vs (new) ('new') juveniles adults total Figure 4.3: Percentage of adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos that selected shelter items based on various traits (preferences shown in brackets: narrow, horizontal, high temperature, unscented, protected and ‘new’ shelters). The dotted line indicates the percentage of geckos expected per shelter under a null hypothesis of no retreat-site selection. An asterisk (*) shows cases that display a bias strong enough for statistical rejection of the null hypothesis prior to the application of Bonferroni corrections. Percentage of geckos showing preference Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory However, no preference was evident for the other two aspects of shelter-sites that I manipulated (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.3): 1) Neither adults nor juveniles showed any significant preference for thick shelters over thin shelters. 2) Neither adults nor juveniles showed any preference for large shelters over small shelters. Contingency table analyses revealed no significant differences between responses of adult and juvenile geckos (P > 0.05 for all tests). In addition, sequential Bonferroni corrections did not change any significance values. 4.4 Discussion Previous studies on two gecko species concluded that these lizards are highly selective with respect to the attributes of their diurnal retreat-sites (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Downes and Shine 1998b; Stow 1998). My study further supports the notion that saxicolous nocturnal gekkonid lizards are able to evaluate a range of physical characteristics of potential retreat-sites, including crevice height, presence of predator scent, gradient of crevice, temperature within shelter and degree of cover or protection around the shelter. The retreatsites selected by thick-tailed geckos probably function mostly to avoid predators and to allow for thermoregulation (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). Below, I will first discuss attributes important in retreat-site selection, and then consider aspects of the crevice that appear to be unimportant for the lizards. 4.4.1 Crevice height Thick-tailed geckos showed a strong preference for narrow shelters (just large enough for them to fit into) rather than wider crevices in which there was some space between their bodies and the overlying shelter. Other saxicolous gecko species (southern leaf-tailed geckos, Phyllurus platurus, and velvet geckos, Oedura lesueurii) also select narrow, rather 55 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory than wide crevices (Schlesinger and Shine 1994; Doughty and Shine 1995; Stow 1998). The narrower the crevice, the less likely it is that a predator will be able to gain access to the lizard. Protection against predators may well have been an important selective force for the geckos, resulting in a strong preference for these structural features. However, narrow crevices may also allow for better thermoregulatory opportunities, as the gecko is able to gain heat directly from the overlying rock by conduction (Bustard 1967; Kearney and Predavec 2000). 4.4.2 Crevice thermal regime My results suggest that thick-tailed geckos actively thermoregulate by selecting warm rather than cold retreat-sites. This behaviour allows the geckos to maintain higher body temperatures, thus enhancing their ability to avoid predators and allow physiological processes such as digestion to continue (Downes and Shine 1998b). However, the thermal regimes presented in my experiments may mimic natural conditions rather poorly. In the wild, rocks that heat up during the day would cool down throughout the night, approximating ambient temperature by dawn. In the field, small or thin rocks may heat up more quickly and attain higher temperatures, but would also lose heat faster throughout the night due to a larger surface area to volume ratio (Huey et al. 1989; Rock et al. 2002). Although large rocks would cool more slowly at night, they would also heat up more slowly during the day and thus, attain lower temperatures (Werner 1990). Therefore, by dawn few, if any, of the rocks would have temperatures as high as provided in my experiments (26 30oC; see Chapter 4 for data on rock temperatures in the field). Nonetheless, thermal cues may still be available in natural habitats. Many geckos have peak activity within the first three hours after dusk, after which they select their retreat-site for the following day. This pattern has been observed in nocturnal house geckos (Gehyra variegata), stone geckos (Diplodactylus vittatus) (Bustard 1967, 1968) and velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). During this time, rocks may retain a 56 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory significant amount of the heat gained during the day. Thus, significant thermal differentials may persist for long enough to influence rock selection. 4.4.3 Predator scented crevice Velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) and western banded geckos (Coleonyx variegatus) are both able to detect predators using chemical cues (Dial et al. 1989; Downes and Shine 1998a). Avoidance of predators was found to be a higher priority than thermoregulation or social cues for retreat-site selection by velvet geckos (Downes and Shine 1998a, b). Similarly, the presence of predator scent under a shelter resulted in avoidance of that shelter by adult thicktailed geckos in my own study. While juvenile geckos did not show statistically significant avoidance of predator scent, contingency table analyses revealed no significant difference between the shelter-site selection of adults versus juveniles. When the data were combined for juveniles and adults, they revealed a highly significant overall avoidance of predator scent. Avoiding areas used by predators confers obvious survival advantages to the geckos. 4.4.4 ‘Protected’ shelter Thick-tailed geckos showed a strong preference for retreat-sites where the lizards were more effectively concealed, either by strips of Manila paper around a ceramic tile, or by the sides of a plastic pot plant tray with a small opening cut in one side. Forty-four and 47 out of 49 individuals respectively chose these protected shelters over the unprotected ones. Such a choice may have survival advantages to the lizard. If the opening to the retreat-site is small, then a predator may be less likely to encounter it, or to be able to enter. Additionally, less light penetrates such a shelter and the lizard may therefore be less likely to be detected visually by diurnal predators. In addition, such a shelter may provide protection from the elements. For example, wind and rain (water) are less likely to penetrate a shelter with a small opening that a shelter with a large opening. 57 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 4.4.5 Thickness of overlying rock Neither the adults nor the juveniles showed any preference for a thick over a thin shelter. These results are similar to those in the field, where there was no difference in thickness of rocks that were used and unused by thick-tailed geckos (Chapter 3). In the field during winter, marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) are often found under relatively thin rocks (Kearney 2002), perhaps because such rocks warm up at a faster rate and thus allow the animals to attain high body temperatures. Thick-tailed geckos are also found under relatively thin rocks during winter (4.52 + 0.29 [SE] cm, Chapter 3). Larger rocks do not warm up as much at this time, and thus may not be as suitable for diurnal shelter-sites. During summer, however, thin rocks heat up very quickly, potentially resulting in lethally high temperatures beneath them (Kearney 2002). Under such conditions, the geckos shelter under thicker rocks with less extreme temperature swings (Kearney 2002). Because of this seasonal variation in the relationship between rock thickness and crevice temperature, lizards may benefit by selecting retreat-sites based on temperature per se rather than on the less reliable cue of rock thickness. 4.4.6 Crevice size Neither adult nor juvenile geckos showed any preference for large over small shelters. This result is contrary to the results of shelter-site usage by these geckos in the field where they selected the larger (width and length) of the rocks available (Chapter 3). Similarly, a previous study documented a significant preference for larger shelters in velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). However, considerably larger shelters were offered than in my experiment, with geckos selecting large rocks that were 363 cm2 over smaller ones that were 181 and 121 cm2 (large rocks in my experiment were 242 cm2 and small rocks were 121 cm2). Interestingly, once rocks reached a certain size, velvet geckos showed no preference for those that were larger still (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). These results suggest that there is a certain threshold of rock size that is preferred by geckos. 58 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory A similar study on marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) also showed a significant preference for larger shelters (M. Kearney, unpubl. data). Again, the large shelters used (1 m x 1 m) were five times the size of the small shelters (20 cm x 20 cm) (M. Kearney, pers. comm.). However, when both the large and small shelters had their sides covered with only small openings to allow access, the marbled geckos showed no preference for large rocks over small rocks (M. Kearney, pers. comm.). Thus, the reduced light levels under a large shelter item may have been the factor that induced a preference for these shelters in Kearney’s lizards, as well as the greater chance of a lizard encountering the large crevice simply due to its size. 4.4.7 Slope of crevice Both adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos showed a preference for horizontal shelters rather than shelters with a 35 – 40o slope. In the field, thick-tailed geckos are frequently found sheltering under rocks in areas that are sloping, often steeply. This slope may potentially provide benefits such as better drainage or better thermal properties due to increased or decreased exposure to direct sunlight, as well as convective heat exchange. However, these results suggest that the occurrence of the geckos under such rocks may be a secondary factor arising from the greater incidence of suitable rocks in sloping areas. By contrast, velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) are found in both horizontal and vertical crevices in the field and showed no preference for either in the laboratory (Schlesinger and Shine 1994). 4.4.8 Conclusions My results show that thick-tailed geckos are highly selective with respect to shelter-site selection. They showed a strong preference for narrow, horizontal, protected shelters that had high temperatures (26 - 30oC). The lizards also avoided shelters that contained the scent of a predator (red-bellied black snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus). However, the lizards did not select shelters on the basis of size or thickness of overlying rocks. Instead, lizards 59 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory appear to select shelter-sites based on physical conditions inside crevices. Thus, two important criteria that thick-tailed geckos used in selecting a diurnal retreat-site in my experiments were the degree of protection and the thermoregulatory opportunities provided by the shelter. This selectivity offers a potential explanation for the aggregations of thick-tailed geckos in the field. That is, optimal retreat-sites may be rare, concentrating most of the geckos within an area into a few sites. However, in the field, over 80% of used rocks had widths and lengths that fell within the range of unused rocks, suggesting that shelter-sites were not limited. Conversely, due to the large number of variables inter-correlated in the field, it is not possible to determine if, in fact, this is the case. To determine whether or not limited shelter-site availability is a sufficient explanation for aggregation in Underwoodisaurus milii, we need to not only examine field data (Chapter 3), but also to conduct laboratory experiments on the role of social cues in shelter-site selection (Chapter 5). 60 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory CHAPTER 5 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 5.1 Introduction Social behaviour is well documented for many animals. However, the scientific literature on this topic reveals strong taxonomic biases. For example, mammals and birds have received considerable study in this respect. By contrast, squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) have generally been considered as socially ‘primitive’ animals with a limited behavioural repertoire (Brattstrom 1974). Recent studies have forced a re-evaluation of the concept that squamate reptiles have ‘simple’ social systems. For example, aggregations of some lizard species occur throughout the year and may provide social advantages such as easier access to mates, protection against predation through increased vigilance, group defence, greater resource accessibility as well as protection from the elements (Stamps 1988). The South African armadillo lizard (Cordylus cataphractus), for example, occurs in aggregations all year round, with 85% of all lizards collected being in groups of two or more (Mouton et al. 1999). Long-term monogamy has been reported in shingleback lizards (Scincidae: Tiliqua rugosa) (Bull 1988; Bull et al. 1998). Many lizards are known to discriminate between conspecifics and recognise members of the opposite sex (Cooper and Trauth 1992) as well as individuals (Steele and Cooper 1997; Bull et al. 1999; Bull et al. 2000). However, probably the most remarkable social behaviour yet reported in reptiles is that found in the Australian scincid genus Egernia. Genetic evidence has shown that the gidgee skink (Egernia stokesii) lives in family groups consisting of a breeding pair, offspring from two or more cohorts, and also related adults (Gardner et al. 2001). Studies on gecko social behaviour have been more limited. In 1943, Greenberg recorded aggregation behaviour during summer (breeding season) in western banded geckos (Coleonyx variegatus) under laboratory conditions. Australian eyed geckos (Oedura 61 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory occelata) (now O. monilis) (Bustard 1971) and Bynoe’s geckos (Heteronotia binoei) (Bustard 1970b) were found to occur frequently as adult male – female pairs in the wild, and pairs of a single adult with a juvenile were also common in Bynoe’s geckos (Bustard 1970b). Western banded geckos aggregated under controlled laboratory conditions, perhaps because of limited burrow availability (Cooper et al. 1985). More recently, marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) and thick-tailed geckos were shown to aggregate in the wild more often than would be expected under a model of random assortment (Kearney et al. 2001). Aggregations of as many as nine thick-tailed geckos and 10 marbled geckos were found (Kearney et al. 2001), although there are anecdotal reports of as many as 20 thick-tailed geckos within an aggregation (M. Kearney, pers. comm.). Nonrandom combinations of male, female and juvenile thick-tailed geckos were found, with adult females rarely occurring with juveniles and juvenile pairs being found frequently (Kearney et al. 2001). While possible reasons for these aggregations were proposed, the determination of causal relationships was beyond the scope of Kearney et al.’s (2001) study. Thus, while several studies have shown that lizards aggregate, these reports have generally been based on only a small number of lizard taxa. In particular, large viviparous Australian skinks (genera: Egernia and Tiliqua) have attracted most study. Apart from over-winter aggregations of inactive animals (Rawlinson 1974, 1975), the only other Australian lizard taxon recorded quantitatively to aggregate frequently in large numbers is the thick-tailed gecko (Kearney et al. 2001). Few studies on reptile aggregation have determined whether or not this behaviour occurs as a result of limited shelter-sites, or identified whether individuals show specific attraction or avoidance behaviour to particular age and sex classes of conspecifics. The social behaviour of juvenile lizards has been largely ignored. Consequently, I conducted a series of 62 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory laboratory experiments based on shelter-site selection to determine whether aggregation still occurs when enough shelter-sites are provided for individual retreats, and to investigate attraction and/or avoidance behaviour between different age and sex classes of thick-tailed geckos. The presence of such behaviours between geckos may determine the size and composition of lizard aggregations in the wild, and may help explain their incidence. 5.2 Materials and Methods The aims of these experiments were to determine: 1) whether or not thick-tailed geckos aggregate even when surplus shelter-sites are available; 2) whether the tendency to form such aggregations differs among sex and age groups; 3) whether aggregation within this species is driven by specific attraction or avoidance behaviours between particular age and sex classes of geckos (juveniles, adult males and adult females); and 4) what kinds of cues stimulate aggregative behaviour. Experiments were set up as in Chapter 4, with 25 nally bins (57 x 36 x 19.5 cm) each divided into two to provide 50 (small) experimental units (36 x 28 x 19.5 cm). Several of the experiments using adult geckos were conducted in full nally bins (large experimental units) to provide more distance between shelters; my aim with this modification was to ensure that the geckos perceived them as separate shelters. Most experiments were conducted using square, plastic pot plant trays (13 cm x 13 cm x 2.2 cm) as shelters. Each tray had a 4 cm wide ‘door’ cut out 1 cm from a corner (see Fig. 4.2, Chapter 4). These plastic trays were used in preference to the ceramic tile shelters (see Chapter 4) employed previously because they better approximate natural conditions encountered by the lizards, and were actively selected by lizards offered a choice between the ‘old’ and ‘new’ types of shelter (see Chapter 63 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 4). To ensure comparability with previous experiments, I also conducted a few initial experiments using the ‘old’ ceramic tile shelters. Experiments were conducted between October 2001 and February 2002. As in Chapter 4, each experiment was set up in the afternoon and animals were left in experimental units overnight (from 1600 – 1930 h in the evening to 0830 – 1100 h in the morning). In the morning, I recorded the shelter under which each experimental gecko was resting. If a gecko had not selected a shelter at the time of checking, that lizard was excluded from the results. Lizards were given at least one nights’ rest between successive experiments and each gecko combination was only used once per experiment. The maximum possible sample sizes were used for each experiment. However, in some cases, the number of geckos used was limited by availability; any sick or injured animals were not used for experiments until completely recovered. Following each experiment, all shelters were soaked in hot soapy water for a minimum of 30 minutes. They were then vigorously scrubbed, soaked for another 30 minutes in hot water, rinsed and air-dried. Data collected for each experiment were tested against null hypotheses using Pearson’s Chisquare tests. I also conducted contingency table analyses to determine whether there was any difference in response between adult and juvenile geckos when subjected to the same experimental conditions. As mentioned in Chapters 3 and 4, Bonferroni corrections were applied to the three sets of data collected. Again, due to the arbitrary and subjective judgements required, uncorrected values are reported, although cases where the technique results in a shift in significance are pointed out. 5.2.1 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ceramic tile shelters? The following experiments were conducted using small experimental units (unless stated otherwise) with ceramic tile shelters (11 x 11 cm; tiles separated by plastic spacers) and 64 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory washed beach sand as a substrate. The null hypothesis for each experiment was that the geckos would neither aggregate nor avoid each other; Table 5.1 provides a brief summary of the experimental combinations and set-ups used. Table 5.1: Summary of experimental set-up and combinations for trials using ceramic tiles as shelters. Substrate and overlying tiles were separated by plastic spacers. Washed beach sand was used as a substrate. Experimental geckos Juveniles Adults Geckos tested Size of experimental unit Shelter size (cm) Shelter height (mm) Other alterations Sample size Familiar housed together Small 11 x 11 12 None 27 Unfamiliar housed apart Small 11 x 11 12 None 28 Small 11 x 11 12 None 10 Small 22 x 11 18 None 10 Large 22 x 11 18 Front of shelter covered with cardboard 10 18 3.5 sides covered with strips of manila folder, staggered ‘doors’ 9 Familiar housed together (9 male – female pairs and 1 male – male pair) Small 22 x 11 Juveniles I Do juveniles aggregate with familiar conspecific juveniles? The aim of this experiment was to ascertain whether juvenile geckos that were captured under the same rock and subsequently housed together (‘familiar’), would aggregate when offered a choice of identical shelter-sites. Small experimental units were used. Shelter height was 12 mm because all geckos could fit under these and my previous experiments showed that geckos preferred narrow crevices (Chapter 4). Twenty-seven pairs of juvenile 65 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory geckos were tested. Each pair of lizards was placed at the centre of each experimental unit simultaneously in the evening, and checked the following morning. II Do juveniles aggregate with unfamiliar conspecific juveniles? This experiment aimed to determine whether juvenile geckos that had been caught under different rocks and subsequently housed separately (‘unfamiliar’), would aggregate when offered a choice between identical shelter-sites. The experiment was set up as above, using 28 randomly assigned pairs of juvenile geckos. Each pair of geckos was placed in the experimental bins at the same time in the evening, and removed the following morning. Adults I Do adults aggregate with familiar conspecific adults? The aim of this experiment was to determine whether pairs of adults that had been caught and subsequently housed together (‘familiar’) would aggregate when offered a choice between identical shelter-sites. Ten pairs of adults were used, nine of which were male – female pairs, the other being a male – male pair (except for the fourth trial where one male – female pair was excluded due to illness). These were the combinations in which pairs of adults were caught, and the experiment aimed to clarify whether familiarity of geckos resulted in aggregation. I repeated the experiment using several different experimental setups for this part of the study to ensure that the geckos perceived each shelter as being separate from the other (field data showed that adults preferred larger rocks, which are probably also further away from each other). The first set-up was as for juveniles, in a small experimental unit with two separate ceramic tile (11 x 11 cm) shelters, with a height of 12 mm. The second was also in a small unit, but using two tiles side by side to create two large shelters (22 x 11 cm) and with a shelter height of 18 mm to ensure all gravid females could also fit comfortably. The third experimental 66 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory set-up involved using a large unit with two large shelters (two tiles side by side, 22 x 11 cm; 18 mm high) on either end. In addition, strips of cardboard were cut out (22 x 2 cm) and attached to the front of the shelter so that geckos could not see each other from opposite shelters. In the last set-up, I used small units with two large shelters (22 x 11 cm). Strips of manila cardboard (57.5 x 2 cm) were used to cover the sides of the shelter, leaving an 8.5 cm opening on either the left or the right side of the front of each shelter. This staggering of openings ensured that geckos in separate shelters were not able to see each other. 5.2.2 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ‘new’ plastic shelters? These experiments were conducted in a similar fashion to those in section, with a ceramic tile as the substrate within the shelter and washed beach sand as a substrate in the rest of the experimental unit. However, ‘new’ square plastic pot plant trays (13 cm x 13 cm x 2.2 cm) were used as shelters (see Fig. 4.2, Chapter 4). As stated above, these shelters were used because they more closely approximate natural conditions encountered by the thick-tailed geckos in the field, and were preferred by geckos in the laboratory (see Chapter 4). I used small experimental units for experiments with juvenile geckos, and large experimental units for all experiments with adult geckos and also for experiments with both adults and juveniles. Once again, the null hypothesis for each experiment was that the geckos would neither aggregate nor avoid each other when offered a choice between identical shelter-sites. Where I assigned pairs of geckos randomly, it was regardless of whether the lizard was housed in a pair or individually. See Table 5.2 for a brief summary of experimental combinations and set-ups used. Juveniles I Do juveniles aggregate with familiar conspecific juveniles? This experiment was used to determine whether familiar geckos aggregated with the more secure, ‘new’ shelters. Twenty-eight pairs of geckos were tested. 67 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 5.2: Summary of experimental set-ups used with ‘new’ plastic shelters (13 cm x 13 cm x 2.2 cm). Sand was used as a substrate in each experimental unit and a ceramic tile was used as a substrate within each shelter. Size of experimental unit Sample size Small 28 Small 28 Large 10 Unfamiliar Male – female Large 10 Unfamiliar Female – female Large 8 Unfamiliar Male – male Large 12 Unfamiliar Adult female – juvenile Large 16 Unfamiliar Adult male – juvenile Large 23 Experimental Combination of geckos tested geckos Juveniles Familiar (housed together) Unfamiliar (housed apart) Adults Adult – juvenile II Familiar (housed together; 9 male – female pairs and 1 male – male pair) Do juveniles aggregate with unfamiliar conspecific juveniles? I used this experiment to determine whether unfamiliar geckos aggregated when the ‘new’ shelter was provided. I tested 28 pairs of randomly assigned geckos. Adults I Do adults aggregate with familiar conspecific adults? This experiment aimed to ascertain whether familiar adults aggregated when provided with the ‘new’ shelter. As in previous experiments, ten pairs of adults were tested; nine male – female pairs and one male – male pair. 68 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory II Do unfamiliar male – female adult pairs aggregate? I designed this experiment to establish whether randomly assigned pairs of adult males and adult females would aggregate. Sixteen pairs of geckos were tested. III Do unfamiliar female – female adult pairs aggregate? I used this experiment to ascertain whether or not pairs of females would aggregate. No adult female – female pairs were caught together, and all pairs were assigned randomly. Eight pairs of geckos were tested in this experiment. IV Do unfamiliar male – male adult pairs aggregate? This experiment aimed to find out whether or not pairs of males would aggregate. One adult male – male pair was caught together, but all pairs used in the experiment were assigned randomly. Twelve pairs of male geckos were tested. Adults with juveniles I Do unfamiliar adult female – juvenile pairs aggregate? This experiment was designed to determine whether randomly assigned adult female – juvenile pairs would aggregate. Sixteen pairs of geckos were tested. II Do unfamiliar adult male – juvenile pairs aggregate? Using this experiment, I aimed to ascertain whether or not randomly assigned pairs of adult male – juvenile geckos would aggregate. Twenty-three pairs of geckos were tested. 5.2.3 Are geckos attracted to, or repelled by, restrained conspecific geckos? The preceding trials all involved two geckos, both of which were free to select their own retreat-site. Thus, any patterns of attraction or avoidance might be caused by the behaviour of either participant. To identify which gecko was responsible for such a result, I conducted 69 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory trials in which one lizard was restrained and only the other individual was free to select between the available retreat-sites. The following set of experiments was conducted to establish whether or not specific age and sex groups of geckos are attracted to or repelled by individuals of other specific age and sex groups (i.e. adult males – adult females, adult females – adult males, adult males – adult males, etc.). To conduct these trials, I needed to restrain a gecko inside one shelter to give the experimental gecko a choice between that gecko and the second shelter containing a ‘control’ object (a wooden clothes peg) similar in size to a gecko. A pilot study was conducted initially to find a simple and effective method to restrain a gecko. Previous studies have used string to tether geckos inside a shelter (Cooper et al. 1985). However, an animal restrained in such a manner is likely to become highly stressed or aggressive, offering an unnatural stimulus. Therefore, I first used small mesh bags made out of fine curtain material, with holes approximately 2 mm2. Geckos were placed inside bags, which were then stapled closed and kept in place within the shelter by tying the bag to the bottom tile (ceramic tile shelters were used with a height of 18 mm). However, this method also stressed the animals, with geckos trying to escape from their bags. A more complex system was then developed using the plastic pot plant tray shelters. Plastic mesh (holes 4 x 5 mm) dividers were inserted diagonally into each shelter and fastened using fishing wire tied to three sets of drilled holes (Fig. 5.1). Thus, each shelter was divided diagonally into two, with one half bounded by the two sides of the shelter and the mesh, and the other half the same but with an opening providing access into the shelter for the experimental gecko. Large experimental units were used for experiments unless stated otherwise. Each evening, the geckos to be restrained were placed behind the divider of one shelter and a wooden peg was placed behind the divider of the other shelter. A wooden peg was used (rather than plastic objects) as an object that was of an approximately similar size 70 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Figure 5.1: ‘New’ plastic shelter (13 x 13 x 2.2 cm) with a mesh partition (4 x 5 mm holes) used to determine whether specific age/sex classes of geckos were attracted to or repelled by each other. and shape (long) as a gecko because it was easily available. Each experimental gecko was placed in the centre of an experimental unit, with the other gecko remaining behind its divider throughout the trial. Using this system, there was no evidence of stress in the restrained geckos; after some initial digging in an attempt to escape, the lizards settled down and were resting when checked the following morning. The large mesh size allowed geckos to obtain scent cues via tongue-flicking. A ceramic tile was placed on top of each plastic shelter to weigh it down and ensure that geckos behind the divider were not able to escape. If a gecko did escape, the data from that trial were excluded from the analysis. Thirteen different experiments were conducted; see Table 5.3 for a brief summary of experimental combinations and set-ups used. Juveniles I How do juveniles respond to restrained conspecific juveniles? This experiment was designed to determine whether an experimental juvenile gecko was attracted to (i.e. selected a shelter-site containing) a restrained juvenile gecko. I assigned pairs of juveniles randomly, regardless of which geckos were housed together. Twenty-eight pairs of geckos were tested, with each gecko in each pair being both a restrained lizard and 71 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory an experimental lizard in successive experiments, resulting in a total sample size of 56. Small experimental units were used. Table 5.3: Summary of experimental combinations and set-ups for experiments using mesh partitions inside each shelter. The shelter containing a gecko was chosen randomly, and a peg was placed in the other shelter. Sand was used as a substrate. Experimental gecko Experimental stimulus Size of unit Sample size 1 juvenile Small 28 3 juveniles Small 28 10 familiar scats Small 28 Small 30 Adult male Large 20 Adult female Large 32 1 adult female and 2 juveniles Large 16 Adult female Large 16 Adult male Large 12 Juvenile Large 20 Adult female Large 8 Adult male Large 16 Juvenile Large 16 Juvenile (from own cage) Shed skin (equivalent to one gecko’s skin) Adult male Adult female 72 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory II How do juveniles respond to a group of three restrained juveniles? In this experiment, I aimed to find out whether individual juvenile geckos were attracted to a group of three juvenile geckos. Fourteen randomly assigned groups of geckos were tested initially, with another 14 groups assigned and tested later, to increase the sample size and therefore the power of the experiment. These data were analysed both separately for each day, and combined. Three geckos were placed behind the divider of one shelter and a single peg was placed behind the divider of the other shelter (this provided consistency for the purposes of comparing data with the previous experiment). I used small experimental units for this experiment. III How do juveniles respond to the presence of familiar scats? Previous experiments (Appendix 1) showed that thick-tailed geckos scat-pile. This result suggests that scat-piles may act as social signals to the lizards and provide information about conspecifics, as they do in at least one species of scincid (Bull et al. 1999) and one gekkonid lizard (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Therefore, I designed this experiment to test whether thick-tailed geckos would either preferentially select a shelter-site containing scats from their own cage, or avoid it. I placed 10 scats of varying age, from freshly deposited up to oneand-a-half months old, in the centre of one shelter. One gecko was randomly chosen from each cage (total 28 geckos) and these animals were used as the experimental lizards. Each gecko was placed overnight inside the (small) experimental unit. IV How do juveniles respond to the presence of shed skins of other juveniles? Several species of lizards are able to distinguish males from females and also familiar from unfamiliar individuals based on chemosensory cues, including scats (see Schwenk 1995 for a review; Steele and Cooper 1997; Bull et al. 1999). Plausibly then, the lizards may also use shed skins as a social signpost to detect the presence and/or sex or identity of other geckos. Thick-tailed geckos frequently tongue-flick (pers. obs.), presumably to obtain chemosensory 73 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory information from their surroundings. They shed entire skins and do not eat them (pers. obs.). These skins are frequently found lying under rocks in the field (pers. obs.). Therefore, I designed this experiment to determine whether juvenile thick-tailed geckos would select a shelter-site containing a shed skin from another (randomly selected) juvenile gecko. Skins were collected from home cages during routine husbandry and placed in a ziplock bag inside a fridge. Shed skins were removed from the fridge two hours before the experiment to bring them to room temperature. One random shed skin was placed inside one of the shelters in each experimental unit. Thirty juvenile geckos were chosen randomly and one was placed in each (small) experimental unit overnight. V How do juveniles respond to restrained adult males? In this experiment, I aimed to find out whether juvenile geckos were attracted to adult male geckos. Thus, I assigned and tested 20 adult male – juvenile pairs of geckos. The adult male was placed behind the divider of one shelter while the juvenile gecko was the experimental animal. VI How do juveniles respond to restrained adult females? This experiment aimed to ascertain whether juvenile geckos were attracted to adult female geckos. Sixteen pairs of juvenile plus adult female geckos were designated and tested. The adult female was placed behind the divider of one shelter while the juvenile was the experimental gecko. This experiment was repeated a week later with a new set of 16 random pairs. The purpose of this repetition was to increase sample sizes, and thus the power of the tests. These data were analysed both separately for each day, and combined. 74 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory VII How do juveniles respond to a restrained group of three geckos (one adult female, two juveniles)? In this experiment, the aim was to determine whether a juvenile gecko would be attracted to a group of geckos consisting of one adult female and two juveniles. Sixteen groups of one adult female plus three juvenile geckos were randomly assigned. The female gecko and two juvenile geckos were placed behind the divider of one shelter while the remaining juvenile served as the experimental lizard. One peg was used in the second shelter rather than three to provide consistency with previous experiments, allowing direct comparison of data. Adult males I How do adult males respond to restrained adult females? The aim of this experiment was to find out whether adult male thick-tailed geckos were attracted to adult female thick-tailed geckos. Sixteen male – female pairs of geckos were assigned randomly and tested, regardless of whether they had been housed in pairs or individually. Females were placed behind the divider of one shelter, with a peg in the other shelter. Experimental males were then placed in the centre of each experimental unit. II How do adult males respond to restrained conspecific adult males? The aim of this experiment was to determine whether male geckos were attracted to other male geckos. I randomly assigned and tested 12 pairs of adult male lizards. One male was placed behind the divider of one shelter and the second male was the experimental gecko. III How do adult males respond to restrained juveniles? The aim of this experiment was to determine whether adult male geckos were attracted to juvenile geckos. I assigned 20 adult male plus juvenile pairs of geckos randomly and tested them. A juvenile gecko was placed behind the divider of one shelter, with a peg behind the 75 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory divider of the second shelter. The adult male was the experimental lizard and was free to roam around within the experimental unit. Adult females I How do adult females respond to restrained conspecific adult females? This experiment was designed to ascertain whether female geckos were attracted to other female geckos. Eight pairs of females were assigned randomly and tested. One adult female was placed behind the mesh partition while the second adult female was the experimental lizard. II How do adult females respond to restrained adult males? This experiment aimed to determine whether adult female geckos were attracted to adult male geckos placed behind the divider. Again, 16 pairs of geckos were assigned randomly and tested. This experiment was repeated a second time approximately a week later, with a new set of 16 random pairs, none of which had been tested with each other in the previous trial. The purpose of repeating the experiment was to increase sample size and thus, the power of the test. Data from each day were analysed separately and also combined. III How do adult females respond to restrained juveniles? I designed this experiment to determine whether adult female geckos were attracted to juveniles. Sixteen pairs of adult female plus juvenile geckos were randomly assigned and tested. The juvenile lizard was placed behind the divider of one shelter and the female was the experimental lizard. 5.3 Results 5.3.1 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ceramic tile shelters? I first consider trials using crevices created with a single tile and a crevice height of 12 mm. Juvenile thick-tailed geckos showed a significant level of aggregation, with 81.5% of those 76 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory collected and housed together aggregating and 92.9% of those collected and housed apart aggregating (Table 5.4; Fig. 5.2). Table 5.4: Results of aggregative responses by juvenile and adult thick-tailed geckos with tiled shelters (*χ2 crit (P = 0.05, df = 1) = 3.841, **χ2 crit (P = 0.005, df = 1) = 7.879, NS = not significant). P values reported prior to sequential Bonferroni corrections. Note that in some cases the sample sizes are different from that stated in the methods, where one or more geckos within an experimental unit had not selected a shelter at the time of scoring. Experimental gecko Juvenile Adult Experiment Aggregation / Avoidance Result χ2 Values and significance Familiar (housed together), small unit, small shelter, 12 mm high Aggregation 22/27 pairs together 8.33** Familiar (housed apart), small unit, small shelter, 12 mm high Aggregation 26/28 pairs together 20.57** Familiar (housed together), small unit, small shelter, 12 mm high Avoidance 1/10 pairs together 6.40* Familiar (housed together), small unit, large shelter, 18 mm high None 6/10 pairs together 0.40NS Familiar (housed together), large unit & shelter, 18 mm high, cardboard strip on front None 8/10 pairs together 3.60 NS Familiar (housed together), small unit, large shelter, 3.5 sides covered Aggregation 8/9 pairs together 5.44* For adults, the first three trials listed in Table 5.4 revealed no significant aggregation in familiar geckos. In fact, in the first trial, the geckos showed a significant level of avoidance. However, in the last trial, there was a significant level of attraction between familiar adult geckos (see Table 5.4; Fig. 5.2). It is important to note that the proportion of familiar juvenile geckos that aggregated (81.5%) was similar to the proportion of familiar adults that aggregated in the third trial (80%), yet one is significant and the other is not. Thus, small sample sizes may have resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis in that case. Sequential Bonferroni corrections moved the last (adult) trial to non-significance also, although this too is likely to be due to the necessarily small sample size. 77 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 78 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * Familiar, small unit & shelter, 12 mm high Juveniles * Unfamiliar, small unit & shelter, 12 mm high * Familiar, small unit & shelter, 12 mm high Experimental treatment Familiar small unit, large shelter, 18 mm high, 3.5 sides covered * Non-social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Familiar, small unit, large shelter, 18 mm high Familiar, large unit & shelter, 18 mm high, front covered Adults Figure 5.2: Percentage of adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos that aggregated in trials using ceramic tile shelters. The percentages of gecko pairs showing a bias towards aggregation are shown. The dotted line indicates the percentage of pairs of geckos expected under a null hypothesis of equal distribution. An asterisk (*) shows cases that display a bias strong enough for statistical rejection of the null hypothesis, prior to the application of the sequential Bonferroni technique. Percent aggregated Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory These data suggest an ontogenetic difference in aggregative behaviour. The strongest comparison between juveniles and adults involves data on pairs of lizards that had been captured and housed together. Indeed, contingency table analysis revealed a significant difference in aggregation patterns (χ2 = 13.03, 1 df, P = 0.0003) between adult and juvenile gecko pairs in these trials using narrow (12 mm) crevices. 5.3.2 Do geckos aggregate when provided with ‘new’ plastic shelters? Juvenile thick-tailed geckos again showed a significant level of aggregation, both with familiar (caught and housed together) and unfamiliar (caught and housed separately) conspecifics (Table 5.5; Fig. 5.3). Adult geckos that were captured and housed together did not show statistically significant aggregation, although the proportion of aggregating individuals was actually higher than that in juveniles housed together. This bias did not gain statistical significance due to the unavoidably small sample size of eight pairs (Table 5.5; Fig. 5.3). Unfamiliar adult male - adult female gecko pairs showed significant aggregation as did the adult female pairs (Table 5.5; Fig. 5.3). Adult males showed neither attraction nor avoidance of each other (Table 5.5; Fig. 5.3), and in three (out of 12) of the male-male trials, one of the geckos had not selected a shelter-site when the lizards were checked in the morning. This behaviour (seen infrequently in other trials within my study) may be related to another unusual aspect of these trials: all males had been fighting, evidenced by the presence of new bite marks on their bodies and heads, as well as blood in several instances. Adult female and juvenile geckos showed significant aggregation, however adult male and juvenile geckos did not (Table 5.5; Fig. 5.3). There was no significant difference in the proportion of juvenile males versus females that selected shelters with (7/12 males, 6/11 females, χ2 tests, both P > 0.05) and without adult males inside. 79 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 5.5: Results of aggregation trials using juvenile and adult thick-tailed geckos with ‘new’ protected plastic shelters (*χ2 crit (P = 0.05, df = 1) = 3.841, **χ2 crit (P = 0.005, df = 1) = 7.879, NS = not significant). Significant results (P < 0.05) obtained before the application of the sequential Bonferroni technique are in boldface font. Experimental geckos Experiment Aggregation / Avoidance Result χ2 Values and significance Juvenile Familiar (housed together), small unit Aggregation 20/28 pairs together 5.14* Familiar (housed separately), small unit Aggregation 19/27 pairs together 4.48* Familiar (housed together), large unit None 7/8 pairs together 3.57 Unfamiliar Random male - female, large unit Aggregation 14/16 pairs together 9.00** Unfamiliar Random female – female, large unit Aggregation 8/8 pairs together 8.00** Unfamiliar Random male – male, large unit None 4/9 pairs together 0.11 NS Unfamiliar Adult female – juvenile, large unit Aggregation 12/16 pairs together 4.00* Unfamiliar Adult male – juvenile, large unit None 13/23 pairs together 0.52 NS Adult Adult juvenile Contingency table analysis showed that there was no significant difference in aggregation patterns between adult and juvenile gecko pairs that were either familiar (χ2 = 0.21, 1 df, P = 0.64) or unfamiliar (χ2 = 0.85, 1 df, P = 0.36) with each other. In summary, juvenile geckos aggregated strongly, and adults less strongly, in these laboratory tests. The sequential Bonferroni technique was applied to the three sets of experiments separately, and did not result in changes in significance for juveniles or adults. However, the technique moved the aggregative response of adult females with juveniles beyond the conventional level of significance. 80 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Housed together, small unit * Housed apart, small unit * Juveniles Housed together, large unit * Random male female, large unit * Random Random female male female, male, large large unit unit Adults Experimental treatment * Adult Adult male female - - juvenile, juvenile, large unit large unit Adults with juveniles Figure 5.3: Percentage of adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos that aggregated in trials using the ‘new’ plastic shelters. The percentages of gecko pairs showing a bias towards aggregation are shown. The dotted line indicates the percentage of pairs of geckos expected under a null hypothesis of equal distribution. An asterisk (*) shows cases that display a bias strong enough for statistical rejection of the null hypothesis, prior to the application of the Bonferroni technique. Percent aggregated Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory 5.3.3 Are geckos attracted to, or repelled by, restrained conspecific geckos? Juvenile geckos showed neither attraction to nor avoidance of individual conspecific geckos, other than adult females, that were constrained inside one of the shelters (Table 5.6; Fig. 5.4). However, this result too was no longer significant after application of the sequential Bonferroni technique (juvenile, adult male and adult female data sets considered separately). Similarly, the lizards showed neither significant attraction to, nor avoidance of groups of three restrained geckos, scat-piles, or shed skins (Table 5.6; Fig. 5.4). All combinations of adult geckos (male – female, female – male, female – female, male – male) displayed neither significant attraction, nor avoidance towards the restrained gecko (Table 5.6; Fig. 5.4). Similarly, adult male and adult female geckos showed neither attraction to, nor avoidance of, juvenile geckos (Table 5.6; Fig. 5.4). Contingency table analysis revealed no significant differences in the proportions of aggregative responses between juvenile – juvenile, adult male – male and adult female – female pairs (χ2 = 0.84, 2 df, P = 0.66). 5.4 Discussion Clearly, thick-tailed geckos aggregated in the laboratory as well as in the field (Chapter 3). Grouping occurred in the laboratory despite the provision of two identical shelter-sites within experimental units, suggesting a genuine attraction between conspecifics. Despite the selectivity displayed by the geckos with respect to the physical characteristics of their retreat-sites (Chapter 4), results of these trials indicate that aggregation in this species is not simply a result of the rarity of suitable shelter-sites in the field. Thus, it would appear that these geckos are indeed social animals. 82 Social influences on retreat-site selection in the laboratory Table 5.6: Results of trials testing aggregative responses by juvenile and adult thick-tailed geckos when one to three geckos were restrained (*χ2 crit (P = 0.05, df = 1) = 3.841, **χ2 crit (P = NS = not significant). Significant results (P < 0.05), obtained prior to 0.005, df = 1) = 7.879, application of the Bonferroni technique, are shown in boldface font. Experimental gecko χ2 Values and significance Experimental stimulus Attraction / Avoidance 1 juvenile None Scat-pile (10 scats) None Shed skin of another juvenile None Adult male None Adult female Avoidance 9/32 pairs together 6.13* 3 juveniles None 9/26 pairs together 2.46NS 1 adult female and 2 juveniles None 9/15 pairs together 0.60 NS Adult female None 6/16 pairs together 0.09 NS Adult male None 6/11 pairs together 1.00 NS Juvenile None 8/20 pairs together 0.80 NS Adult female None 3/8 pairs together 0.50 NS Adult male None 20/32 pairs together 2.00 NS Juvenile None 10/16 pairs together 1.0 NS Juvenile Adult male Adult female Result 29/53 pairs together 17/28 individuals with scats 18/30 individuals with shed skins 7/20 pairs together 0.47 NS 2.43 NS 1.20 NS 1.80 NS 83 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Juvenile Scat-pile Shed skin (10 of scats) another juvenile Adult male Juveniles * Adult female 3 1 adult juveniles female &2 juveniles Adult male Experimental design Adult female Juvenile Adult males Adult male Adult female Juvenile Adult females Figure 5.4: Percentage of juvenile and adult thick-tailed geckos that aggregated when the plastic shelters with mesh partitions were used. Percentages of geckos showing a bias towards attraction to conspecifics are shown. The dotted line indicates the percentage of attraction to conspecifics expected under a null hypothesis of neither attraction nor avoidance. An asterisk (*) shows cases that display a bias strong enough for statistical rejection of the null hypothesis, prior to the application of the sequential Bonferroni technique. Percent attracted Juvenile geckos aggregated when provided with two unprotected (‘old’) shelters, and continued to aggregate when two protected (‘new’) shelters were provided. Interestingly, the preference of marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) for a large over a small shelter was eradicated when only a small opening was left to allow entry (M. Kearney, pers. comm.). A plausible explanation for this response is that marbled geckos are primarily attracted to shelters with reduced amounts of light penetration under the shelter, and the level of security offered as a result of being further away from an opening. This further suggests that aggregation in thick-tailed geckos does not occur simply to reduce the amount of light penetrating under the shelter, or to give the gecko an opportunity to wedge itself into a tight, secure position. The aggregative response of adults when provided with unprotected shelters is somewhat more complicated. However, the avoidance behaviour seen when small shelters with a low crevice height (12 mm) are used may help explain why adults are found significantly more often under large rocks than under small rocks in the wild (Chapter 3). Large rocks permit the lizards to aggregate due to their size, allowing more animals to physically fit under the rocks. In addition, the results suggest that distance between shelters, or rocks, per se does not define a separate ‘rock’ (geckos aggregated when shelters were close together rather than further apart), and is less important in promoting aggregation than the inability of geckos to see each other from ‘separate’ rocks or shelters. While the Bonferroni technique moved this result beyond significance, it is likely to be due to the unavoidably small sample size rather than due to a lack of aggregation. Interestingly, thick-tailed geckos did not group preferentially with familiar rather than unfamiliar conspecifics. By contrast, in some species of lizards, juveniles and sub-adults in a group show no aggression towards each other but are aggressive towards unfamiliar intruders, as in the skink Egernia cunninghami (Banks 1986). Others, such as Egernia 85 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos stokesii actually live in family groups (Bull 1988; Bull et al. 1998). In addition, size and sex was not important in determining aggregations in my trials. Most combinations of geckos aggregated significantly when free to move. The exceptions were pairs of adult males, and adult males with juveniles. Both of these groups showed neither aggregation nor avoidance. The lack of avoidance between adult male geckos is intriguing because they are extremely aggressive and fight with one another, sometimes to the death (pers.obs.). In addition, bite marks were evident on the bodies and heads of all males at the end of the experiment. However, it is possible that in this experimental set-up, one male continually chased another male throughout the night from one shelter to the other, perhaps stopping only when the lights came on in the morning, and thus ending up in the same shelter despite active avoidance of one animal by the other. Alternatively, the males may have fought during their activity period at night and chosen their diurnal retreat-sites without regard for each other. In any case, this finding is similar to that found in the field, where adult males neither aggregate with, nor avoid each other (Chapter 4). Male – male combat and territoriality occurs in many species of geckos, such as Bynoe’s geckos (Heternotia binoei) (Bustard 1970b) and velvet geckos (Oedura leseuerii) (Downes and Shine 1998b). I observed combat between male thick-tailed geckos on numerous occasions, and territoriality probably also occurs. However, further observational studies are required to clarify the specific processes involved in interactions between adult male thick-tailed geckos. Juveniles did not aggregate with adult male geckos in trials where both lizards were free to select retreat-sites, although the reasons for this lack of aggregation are unclear. The sex of a juvenile had no effect on whether it selected a shelter with or without an adult male in it. Casual observation of interactions between adult males and juveniles revealed no overt aggression. Nonetheless, this lack of grouping may be related to the generally aggressive nature of adult males. 86 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos When mesh partitions were used to physically separate geckos, the aggregation response was eliminated. The only other pattern emerging was an avoidance of adult females by juveniles. However, the significance was eliminated by the application of sequential Bonferroni corrections and may have occurred spuriously due to a large number of tests being conducted. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the only major pattern found by Kearney et al. (2001) in the field was a lack of adult female – juvenile aggregations. Thus, the question remains, what attributes attract geckos to each other? The presence of shed skins and familiar scats did not elicit attraction, and placing geckos behind a divider eradicated the aggregation response. Thick-tailed geckos aggregated only when they were able to maintain close physical contact with one another. This tendency suggests that there may be some specific advantage gained by being in physical contact with conspecifics. Aggregation between animals may change rates of heating and cooling (Boersma 1982; Yahav and Buffenstein 1991), and evaporative water loss (Tanaka 2000), as well as providing benefits in terms of predator evasion (Hoogland 1983). One way to identify which (if any) of such factors is important, is to examine facultative shifts in the degree of aggregative behaviour in response to environmental cues. This approach is taken in Chapter 6. 87 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos CHAPTER 6 Environmental influences on aggregative behaviour 6.1 Introduction As discussed above, aggregative behaviour has been recorded for many animals, from mammals to invertebrates. Some of these aggregations occur for social reasons (e.g. Legge and Cockburn 2000; East and Hoffer 2001), but this is not always the case. Other plausible causes for such behaviour may be various environmental factors, which may promote or inhibit social or aggregative behaviour. Such factors may include changes in photoperiod, humidity, temperature, and presence of a predator (Hoogland 1983; Elfström and Zucker 1999; Tanaka 2000). Aggregation may reduce an individual’s risk of predation through increased vigilance and predator dilution (Wilson 1975; Hoogland 1983; Pitcher and Parrish 1993). For example, gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) in groups react more quickly to threats than do solitary skinks (Lanham 2001). Another cause for aggregation may be humidity; the tropical fungus beetle, Stenotarsus rotundus (Endomychidae), aggregates to reduce water loss when environmental humidity is low (Tanaka 2000). Changes in environmental temperature, such as the onset of winter, may also induce aggregative behaviour as in several species of snakes and lizards, discussed previously (Hamilton 1948; Graves and Duvall 1987; Elfström and Zucker 1999; Shine et al. 2001). Group living may also provide thermoregulatory benefits. Marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) aggregate, or form ‘sleeping piles’ at night, such that iguanas closest to the centre of a pile are warmer than those on the periphery, which in turn are warmer than solitary iguanas (Boersma 1982). Furthermore, iguanas in the centre of the pile remain warmer throughout the night to just before sunrise (Boersma 1982). Naked mole rats 88 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos (Heterocephalus glaber) aggregate all year round and huddling behaviour plays an important role in thermoregulation for the otherwise non-endothermic mammals (Yahav and Buffenstein 1991). Similarly, gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) that are in contact with other lizards remain warmer at night than those that are solitary (Lanham 2001). The phenomenon of aggregation in thick-tailed geckos occurs throughout the year, including winter (Kearney et al.2001; Chapter 3). My laboratory experiments confirmed that this phenomenon is due to the lizards’ tendency to select retreat-sites containing conspecifics (Chapter 5), as well as their active selection of multiple physical attributes of retreat-sites (Chapter 4). While thick-tailed gecko aggregations may occur for social reasons, it is not clear whether other environmental factors may affect this grouping behaviour. One potential approach to clarify the functional significance of aggregative behaviour is to manipulate cues and record whether the frequency of aggregation changes in response. This chapter presents the results of three experiments of this type, in which I changed variables (predator scent, humidity and temperature) that might plausibly be related to the advantages of aggregation. I also conducted additional experiments to see (1) whether aggregation modified the rate at which geckos heated and/or cooled, and (2) if geckos tended to cluster together as temperature changed. 6.2 Materials and Methods The aim of the following set of experiments was to investigate what kinds of cues may either stimulate or suppress aggregation in juvenile thick-tailed geckos. Each experiment was set up differently and the procedures are described below. Note that as in previous experiments, if geckos had either not made a selection or had escaped at the time of scoring, they were excluded from the data set. Data were analysed using Pearson’s Chi-square tests, unless 89 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos stated otherwise. The sequential Bonferroni technique was not applied in this section as each set of experiments tested for different factors. 6.2.1 Does predator scent induce aggregation? The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of predator scent modifies the degree to which juvenile geckos are attracted to a group of three juvenile geckos, with which no physical contact is possible. In previous experimental work, I examined such responses in the absence of predator scent, and found no attraction (see Chapter 5). Two plastic shelters with mesh partitions were used (see Chapter 5, Fig. 5.1). Fourteen groups of geckos were randomly assigned and tested. Pieces of cotton rope were placed inside the cage of a captive red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) for several weeks to pick up its scent. These pieces of rope were then cut into smaller pieces 15 cm and 10 cm long. Each experimental unit (large, rather than small as in Chapter 5 to allow for sufficient area for placement of scented rope) contained three pieces of rope: one 15 cm long piece in the centre between the two shelters and two more 10 cm long pieces perpendicular to the central piece, forming an ‘I’ pattern. A group of three juvenile geckos was placed behind the divider of one shelter while the other shelter contained a single peg (this allowed a direct comparison of results with previous experiments). Fourteen such groups were tested (although 28 groups were tested in the previous trial). The experimental lizard was then placed in the unit and allowed to roam freely overnight. In the morning, I scored its retreat-site selection. Note that my previous experiment on avoidance of predator scent (Chapter 4) involved scent inside one shelter but not the other. In contrast, the present set-up had predator scent generally through the enclosure but not in either shelter. 6.2.2 Does humidity influence the aggregative response? This experiment aimed to find out whether humidity affected the degree of aggregation in juvenile thick-tailed geckos. If low humidity causes aggregation, then high humidity should 90 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos reduce or eliminate the grouping response. I added two litres of water to the sand that was used as a substrate in the experimental units. The sand was mixed thoroughly with the water and then placed in the (small) experimental units as before, with two alternate plastic shelters available (see Chapter 4, Fig. 4.2) to the 29 randomly allocated pairs of geckos. One extra experimental unit was set up (without lizards inside it) using the damp sand. A relative humidity logger (Hobo RH, Onset Computer Corporation) was placed inside one shelter to measure humidity overnight in this extra unit. Similarly, to measure relative humidity (RH) for the ‘low humidity’ treatment, a data logger was placed inside one shelter in a unit containing dry sand during the previous experiment. 6.2.3 Does ambient temperature influence the aggregative response? Thick-tailed geckos aggregated significantly at 20oC, the temperature at which almost all my previous trials had been conducted. If aggregation is driven by ambient temperature, then warming or cooling may modify or eliminate the grouping behaviour. Thus, the aim of these experiments was to determine if the geckos continued to aggregate at high (28oC) and low (16oC) temperatures. The room in which the experiments were conducted was first set to 28oC. Twenty-seven pairs of familiar geckos (housed together) were tested. Each pair was placed in one (small) experimental unit, containing two plastic shelters, and allowed to roam freely. For the second experiment, I set the temperature in the experimental room to 16oC. I then placed each of the same 27 pairs of geckos into experimental units overnight. The resulting data could then be compared to those obtained in previous trials with identical setups, except that room temperature was kept at 20oC. 6.2.4 Do geckos heat and cool at different rates when with another gecko? I designed this experiment to determine whether a juvenile thick-tailed gecko cools and heats up more slowly when huddled with an adult lizard compared to when it is on its own. Adult geckos were used both because these groupings occurred frequently in the field, and also due to their larger body mass. Two randomly assigned experimental groups were used: an adult female with a juvenile, and a juvenile on its own. Fifteen replicates were tested for each experimental group and for each of the experiments below. 91 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Does presence of another gecko change the rate at which a lizard heats up? This experiment was used to measure the heating rate of a juvenile gecko when alone, versus when huddled with another gecko. Three incubators were set to 10oC. The geckos were placed in plastic half-pipe shelters (5 cm diameter, 12 cm long), which were then sealed on either side with paper to prevent the geckos from escaping. The bottom of each shelter was not sealed and rested on the clear bottom of the experimental container (22 cm x 13 cm x 7cm) for each pair or individual gecko. The containers were then covered with a plastic lid with wire mesh over one side (approximately 9 cm x 9 cm). Thirty randomly distributed containers were placed in each of the three incubators (ten per incubator). The geckos were then left for two hours to allow them to equilibrate at approximately 10oC. After two hours, I checked the core body temperature of one solitary juvenile gecko from each incubator by inserting a thermocouple wire (with Parafilm [American Can Company, U.S.A] wrapped around the naked wires to create a softer probe) approximately 5 to 8 mm into its cloaca. This temperature was taken to ensure that geckos had equilibrated thermally. I checked whether or not the paired geckos were in contact by looking through the clear bottom of the experimental container. I then turned each incubator up to 28oC. At the end of an hour, I again checked whether or not the geckos were in contact and then took core (cloacal) body temperatures of all juvenile geckos. Does presence of another gecko change the rate at which a lizard cools down? This experiment measured cooling rates of juvenile thick-tailed geckos when alone, versus when huddled with another gecko. The experiment was initially carried out as described above except that the (three) incubators were set to 28oC at the beginning of the trial and turned down to 10oC after two hours. However, the thermal stratification between the top and bottom shelves of the incubators while cooling was too great (approximately 10oC) to discern any differences. Thus, this experiment was repeated as above using (two) different 92 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos incubators with little thermal stratification within them. Core body temperature readings of one solitary juvenile gecko per incubator were taken before the temperatures in the incubators were turned down. An hour later, core body temperature readings were taken for all juvenile geckos, as described above. 6.2.5 Are more geckos in contact with each other when temperature changes? One of the above experiments (section 6.2.3) examined aggregative responses at three different ambient temperatures. Plausibly, however, aggregation might be a behavioural response to changing temperature rather than any particular mean temperature. In this experiment, I changed the temperatures the lizards were exposed to, and looked for any effect on clustering (i.e., whether or not the geckos were in contact with one another). A thermal gradient (208 x 98 cm) with a cooling system at one end and a heating system at the other end was used to create three sections with cool (10oC), moderate (18oC) and high (29oC) temperatures. Ambient temperature in the room was 18oC. For this experiment, I used pairs of juveniles in their home cages (22 x 22 x 7 cm; see Appendix 1, Fig. A1.1c for illustration). For normal husbandry, cages were placed on racks that had a heated section (temperatures ranging from approximately 28 to 30oC) at the back where the hides (plastic half-pipes; 5 cm diameter, 12 cm long) were placed (see Chapter 2). Each cage contained a sand substrate approximately 2 cm deep, some of which was removed for this experiment, to create a uniform depth of 1 cm for all cages. The hides normally used in the gecko cages were removed, and one plastic shelter (13 x 13 x 2.2 cm; see Chapter 4, Fig. 4.1) was placed inside each cage. Eight cages were then randomly placed on each section of the thermal gradient representing the three temperature treatments (cold, moderate and hot). The cages were left on the gradient for one hour. I then returned and scored whether or not geckos were in contact with each other. 93 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos 6.3 Results 6.3.1 Does predator scent induce aggregation? In the presence of predator scent, juvenile thick-tailed geckos showed neither significant attraction to, nor avoidance of, individual conspecific geckos that were constrained inside one of the shelters (Table 6.1; Fig. 6.1). The proportion of aggregating individuals was similar to that seen in earlier trials using the same set-up except for the presence of predator scent (χ2 = 0.0, 1 df, P > 0.99). Contingency table analysis showed that there was no difference in aggregative response between treatments (χ2 = 0.00, 1 df, P > 0.99). 6.3.2 Does humidity influence the aggregative response? The geckos showed significant aggregation at high humidity (99.5% RH, measured by data logger), with 72% of them being together (Table 6.1; Fig. 6.1). This result is very similar to that recorded at lower humidity (77.0% RH) (Chapter 5, 70.3% together; χ2 = 4.48, 1 df, P < 0.05), and contingency table analysis revealed no significant difference (χ2 = 0.00, 1 df, P > 0.99) between treatments. Note that while 77% relative humidity is not low per se, it provides a useful comparison for the purposes of this experiment, which aimed to determine whether high humidity reduced the aggregative response. 6.3.3 Does ambient temperature influence the aggregative response? Juvenile geckos did not aggregate significantly at ambient temperatures of 16oC or at 28oC (Table 6.1; Fig. 6.1). This result is in contrast to the aggregation displayed in previous experiments where the room temperature was 20oC (see Chapter 5). However, contingency table analysis revealed that there was no significant difference (χ2 = 1.27, 2 df, P = 0.53) in the aggregative response among these three thermal treatments. Table 6.1: Results of aggregation trials (between juvenile geckos) when environmental conditions are changed (*χ2 crit (P = 0.05, df = 1) = 3.841, **χ2 crit (P = 0.005, df = 1) = 7.879, NS = not 94 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos significant). Significant results are shown in boldface font. Note that data for some treatments (no predator scent; low humidity; medium temperature) are taken from trials described in Chapter 5. Environmental factor Predator scent Humidity Experimental Aggregative conditions Treatment response and choices Large unit, divided shelter; one with 3 juveniles, one with a peg Small unit, un-divided shelter; 2 juveniles free to move Present None 5/14 groups together 1.14 NS Absent None 9/26 groups together 2.46 NS High (99.5%) Aggregate 21/29 pairs together 5.83* Low (77.0%) Aggregate 20/28 pairs together 5.14* Low (16oC) None 17/27 pairs together 1.815 NS Medium (20oC) Aggregate 20/28 pairs together 5.14* High (28oC) None 15/27 pairs together 0.33 NS Temperature Small unit, un-divided shelter; 2 juveniles free to move 80 Percent aggregated 70 Result χ2 values and significance * * * 60 50 40 30 20 10 95 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Figure 6.1: Percentage of thick-tailed geckos that aggregated with changing environmental cues (predator scent, humidity and temperature). The percentages of pairs of geckos showing a bias towards aggregation are shown. The dotted line indicates the percentage of pairs of geckos expected under a null hypothesis of equal distribution. An asterisk (*) shows cases that display a bias strong enough for statistical rejection of the null hypothesis. 6.3.4 Do geckos heat and cool at different rates when with another gecko? After one hour’s heating in the incubator from a temperature of 10oC the core body temperatures of juvenile geckos that were in contact with an adult gecko (23.6 + 0.61oC [+SE]) were significantly lower than those of juvenile geckos that were not in contact with adult geckos (25.2 + 0.27oC [+SE]) (F1,28 = 7.43, P = 0.01; Fig. 6.2a). Similarly, when cooled down in the incubator from a temperature of 28oC to 10oC, juvenile geckos that were huddled up with an adult gecko had significantly higher core body temperatures (16.44 + 0.14oC [+SE]) than did juveniles that were not in contact with an adult gecko (15.37 + 0.21 o C [+SE]) (F1,7 = 19.30, P = 0.0001; Fig. 6.2b). b) Body temperature after one hour of cooling 26 17 25 16 24 23 Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC) a) Body temperature after one hour of heating 15 96 14 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Figure 6.2: Body temperatures (+ SE) of juvenile thick-tailed geckos after one hour in the incubator when being (a) heated and (b) cooled. Differences between geckos in contact and not in contact were statistically significant for both treatments. Note that vertical axes do not begin at zero. 6.3.5 Are more geckos in contact with each other when temperature changes? Significantly more geckos in the cool temperature (10oC; 6/7 pairs) treatment were in contact with each other after one hour than geckos that were in either the moderate (18oC; 2/7 pairs) or high (29oC; 2/7 pairs) temperature treatments (χ2 = 6.11, 2 df, P = 0.047). Note that in each treatment, one cage had a gecko that was not inside the shelter, and was therefore excluded. 6.4 Discussion Facultative changes in the aggregative response potentially offer valuable insights into the factors inducing this behaviour. However, none of the first three factors that I manipulated (predator scent, humidity and mean temperature) significantly affected the aggregative response of my geckos. Unfortunately, these null results are difficult to interpret, because it is not clear whether or not I mimicked the biology of the geckos accurately in these cases. For example, in the experiment where predator scent was used, a lack of lizard tracks in the sand suggested that the geckos did not move around much. Indeed, the test animal may have run immediately to one shelter and remained there to avoid predation risk. The scent of the predator may have been too strong and it would be worth repeating the experiment with less intense scent so as not to inhibit movement. 97 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Thick-tailed geckos continued to aggregate when the humidity was high (99.5%), indicating that aggregation is not a direct response to low humidity. However, although aggregation can occur even at high humidity, there may nonetheless be situations in which grouping reduces the rate of water loss through a reduction in the surface area to volume ratio. Fungus beetles, Stenotarsus rotundus (Tanaka 2000), and naked mole rats, Heterocephalus glaber (Yahav and Buffenstein 1991), both benefit from a reduced rate of evaporative water loss as a result of aggregation. It would be interesting to measure rates of evaporative water loss of aggregated and non-aggregated lizards under high and low humidity. While significant aggregation did not occur at either high or low ambient temperatures in the above trials, but did occur at 20oC in a previous trial (Chapter 5), contingency table analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the results. Thus, the geckos did not facultatively change their grouping behaviour in response to changes in temperature. By comparison, gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) aggregated and formed large groups more at low temperatures (16oC) than at higher temperatures (22 and 28oC) (Lanham 2001). Although temperature apparently did not influence aggregation in these trials, the incubator trials showed the reverse. That is, aggregation can affect a lizard’s temperature. Being in contact with another gecko reduced the rate at which the geckos heated and cooled. This reduction in heating and cooling rates may have important implications for thick-tailed geckos because they occur in parts of Australia which experience highly variable thermal regimes, with cold winters and hot summers. Mean daily minimum temperatures of 3.5oC can occur under surface rocks at Mt Korong during winter, with occasional frosts and nights where ambient temperature is below 0oC. Mean daily maximum temperatures average 28.9oC during summer, while some days may exceed 35oC (Anon. in Kearney 2002). 98 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Similarly, grouped gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) also cooled at a slower rate than solitary skinks (Lanham 2001). When checked an hour after the experiment commenced, geckos that were exposed to decreasing temperatures (from approximately 28oC down to 10oC) were in contact with one another significantly more often than those that were kept warmer. This result suggests that huddling occurs as temperature falls below a certain threshold. Thus, huddling appears to be initiated by a change in temperature rather than a constant high or low temperature. Thicktailed geckos encounter temperatures well below 10oC regularly in the wild (see Chapter 3), so this experiment used a biologically realistic range of thermal regimes. However, temperatures under natural rocks may rarely fall as rapidly as was the case in this laboratory trial. Physiological processes and locomotor performance of ectotherms often vary with temperature, and even a small difference of 1 or 2oC may have a significant impact on organismal performance (Lanham 2001). A modest reduction in cooling rate might therefore influence the geckos’ ability to forage in the evening, or to evade predators. Additionally, on occasions when the geckos are not warm enough to forage, they may still maintain higher body temperatures for longer; again enabling them to more effectively evade predators, digest food and increase growth rates. On severely cool nights, cooling more slowly may even reduce the likelihood of death through freezing. In summer, rocks exposed to full sun can heat up to very high levels (42.0 – 59.0 oC) (Kearney 2002). Thick-tailed geckos exposed to 37.5oC showed high mortality during the following 24-hour period, and at approximately 40oC the geckos survived less than 25 minutes (Licht et al. 1966). Thus, heating up more slowly may have substantial biological significance. 99 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos The relatively small (< 5 g) tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) aggregates in groups of two to seven lizards during winter, forming tight balls, and choosing south-facing rather than northfacing crevices (Elfström and Zucker 1999). South-facing crevices were, on average, 0.13oC warmer than north-facing crevices (Elfström and Zucker 1999). These results suggest that even a small temperature difference may be important in allowing occasional activity and increasing rates of physiological processes beyond some important threshold. Thus, even in these small lizards, aggregation and huddling may result in slightly higher body temperatures allowing some activity to occur and perhaps aiding in winter survival. The juvenile thicktailed geckos tested in the heating and cooling, and huddling experiments above, were approximately the same size and weight as adult Urosaurus ornatus. Thus, heating and cooling rates, and huddling of thick-tailed geckos in aggregations may play an important role in the phenomenon of grouping behaviour. This possibility will be explored further in Chapter 7. 100 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos CHAPTER 7 General Discussion My study was stimulated by the observation that thick-tailed geckos aggregate in the wild: a rare phenomenon among lizards. Besides thick-tailed geckos, only marbled geckos (Christinus marmoratus) have been quantitatively shown to group in the wild, although less than 28% of marbled geckos found were in aggregations (Kearney et al. 2001). Experimentally, a single species, the western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus), has been demonstrated to aggregate (Cooper et al. 1985). The only previous study with empirical data on this topic for Underwoodisaurus milii is that by Kearney et al. (2001), who reported that 74% of thick-tailed geckos found during spring and autumn at Mt Korong in Central Victoria were in aggregations ranging from two to nine individuals. In this study, I gathered an additional data set on field groupings at this site during winter. I also conducted controlled experiments in the laboratory to clarify the cues responsible for aggregation, with the ultimate aim of understanding reasons for the occurrence of this puzzling behaviour. Below, I review major results from my study, and then suggest a hypothesis for the functional significance of aggregative behaviour in thick-tailed geckos. My field data clearly showed that thick-tailed geckos do aggregate, and occur more frequently in large groups than expected under the null hypothesis of random occurrence. This phenomenon occurs during winter as well as in autumn and spring. The retreat-sites used in the field are a non-random subset of available retreat-sites in terms of several abiotic variables. In addition, the lizards displayed selectivity for such cues, and also exhibited aggregation behaviour, in the laboratory. In general, when a pair of geckos is presented with two identical shelters, most combinations of adult male, adult female and juvenile geckos are found together in the same shelter the next morning. This result indicates that aggregation in 101 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos the field is not simply a response to limited availability of suitable shelter-sites. Aggregation occurs regardless of whether conspecifics are familiar or unfamiliar. Adult male thick-tailed geckos are extremely aggressive and fight ferociously with other mature males. However, pairs of adult males did not occur less often than expected by chance in the field, and males did not actively avoid each other in the laboratory. Additionally, juveniles and adult males neither aggregated with, nor avoided each other. The reasons for this result remain unclear: while adult males are aggressive towards each other, casual observation and pilot studies suggest that they do not show hostility towards juveniles. However, it is possible that seasonal shifts occur, determining the levels of aggression displayed by adult males towards each other, and perhaps also to juveniles. A mesh partition that prevented physical interaction between geckos eradicated the aggregation response. The only other pattern evident in these trials was an avoidance of adult females by juveniles, although it was eliminated when the Bonferroni technique was applied. Lizards from these two groups aggregated when both geckos were free to move, and adult females did not show any aggression towards juveniles. Therefore, it is possible that this result occurred spuriously due to the large number of tests conducted. It is interesting to note, however, that the only previous study of field aggregations (also at Mt Korong) in thick-tailed geckos found that juveniles and adult females occurred together less often than expected by chance (Kearney et al. 2001). This behaviour remains a puzzle. The presence of familiar scats or shed skins did not attract or repel juvenile geckos. Studies on several other species of lizards have demonstrated an ability of the lizards to discriminate between conspecifics using scats (Carpenter and Duvall 1995; Bull et al. 1999), as well as bodily scent secretions of a conspecific (Cooper 1996; Bull et al. 2000). In this case, it is possible that scats and shed skins may play a role in providing information about a 102 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos conspecific that has been in the area, but are not themselves a cue for shelter-site selection. This lack of attraction to scats and skins fits with the notion that aggregation only occurs when geckos can maintain physical contact with one another, and thus the mere presence of a conspecific nearby is irrelevant. Experiments in which I manipulated the presence of predator scent, humidity or mean ambient temperature did not change aggregative behaviour in thick-tailed geckos. Various studies on both reptilian and non-reptilian organisms have shown that aggregations occur to dilute the risk of predation (Eggleston and Lipicus 1992), to reduce water loss when humidity is low (Rasa et al. 2000; Tanaka 2000) or when ambient temperature is low, as in winter aggregations (Elfström and Zucker 1999). However, my study suggests that grouping in thick-tailed geckos is not a facultative response to dry conditions, predator cues or high or low mean temperature. Juveniles in contact with another gecko heated and cooled more slowly than did juvenile geckos on their own. Similarly, gidgee skinks (Egernia stokesii) in contact with other skinks cooled more slowly than did solitary skinks (Lanham 2001). Marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) form ‘sleeping piles’ overnight, and aggregated iguanas cool more slowly than solitary ones, and those at the centre of piles cool more slowly than those on the outside (Boersma 1982). When the temperature inside a retreat-site fell rapidly, significantly more geckos were in contact with each other (huddling), than when temperature changed more slowly or remained constant. Thus, it appears that a rapid change in temperature rather than a high or low temperature per se causes an increase in the number of individuals in contact with one another. 103 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos In combination, these results suggest a novel hypothesis about the functional significance of aggregative behaviour in thick-tailed geckos. The hypothesis is as follows: that grouping behaviour allows the geckos to adpress closely to other individuals, thus increasing effective total mass and decreasing the surface area to volume ratio, and hence reducing rates of heating and cooling. The animals thus obtain significant behavioural control over rates of heat exchange, simply by minor postural adjustments that influence degree of contact with conspecifics. The major lines of evidence in support of this hypothesis are as follows: 1. Importantly, the lizards aggregated only when they were able to have physical contact with each other. When this opportunity was eliminated, they no longer grouped. The same pattern was evident in my trials of crevice height selection; in a narrow (12 mm) crevice, the only geckos to aggregate were those small enough to push closely against each other (see Chapter 5). 2. The geckos were extremely selective with respect to their diurnal shelter-sites; in the field, during winter they used rocks that were more thermally stable than ‘random’ rocks, with higher daily minima and lower daily maxima. 3. These lizards are unusual in their cold-climate distribution, large body size and use of thermally variable rocks. All of their congeners (Underwoodisaurus sphyrurus and Nephrurus species) occur in warmer climates, while sympatric geckos (Christinus marmoratus, Diplodactylus vittatus, D. intermedius and Heternotia binoei) are much smaller (Cogger 2000). Thus, they are the only large Australian geckos occurring in such cold climates and sheltering in rock crevices (which show strong diel fluctuations in temperature), rather than soil burrows (which are thermally more stable; Williams et al. 1999). Thus, they occur in situations where control over rates of heating and 104 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos cooling may enhance fitness, and are also large enough for aggregation to affect rates of heat exchange. 4. In an environment where mean daily minimum temperatures average 3.5oC during winter, with extremes sometimes below 0oC (Anon. 1993 in Kearney 2002), it may be particularly important for the geckos to cool down slowly in the evening to enable locomotion for foraging and to evade predation, and also to maintain physiological processes (digestion, growth, reproduction; Huey 1982; Stevenson et al. 1985). At extremely low temperatures, the lizards may need to maintain body temperatures higher than ambient simply to survive, and even small differences may be important. Maintenance of body temperature several degrees above ambient may be possible as a result of huddling with a group of geckos, in addition to sheltering under thermally stable rocks. 5. During summer, mean daily maximum temperatures average 29.8oC, with temperatures greater than 30oC occurring regularly (Anon. 1993 in Kearney 2002). At this time, temperatures under rocks frequently exceed 40oC (Kearney 2002); high enough to kill thick-tailed geckos (Licht et al. 1966). While there is a seasonal shift in rock-use from thin rocks in winter to large boulders and deep crevices in summer (Kearney 2002), geckos may nonetheless experience occasional days with excessively high temperatures at any time throughout the year. Therefore, huddling behaviour may enable thick-tailed geckos to remain a few degrees cooler during the hottest parts of the day when temperatures reach lethal levels. Once again, even small differences may be important in such cases. 6. In addition to this, thick-tailed geckos that are aggregated under a rock have the opportunity to modify their rate of heat exchange by changing the amount of physical 105 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos contact with other geckos under the rock. Huddling more closely will slow down the rate of heat exchange, while remaining isolated will increase the rate of heat exchange. 7. In my study, I used just two geckos to determine whether heating and cooling rates were affected by the presence of a conspecific. However, larger aggregations occurred often in the field, and geckos within such a group are likely to lose and gain heat at a rate that is still slower. That is, the hypothesis predicts that the geckos may benefit not only from sheltering with a conspecific, but even more by sheltering with several conspecifics. How can we test this hypothesis? Further studies are required to investigate the composition of thick-tailed gecko aggregations in the field and how they change through time. This may tell us whether there is a change in the degree of aggregation during the year, and also whether certain patterns of aggregation occur at certain times of year. Additional experiments and mathematical modelling are needed to examine the thermal advantages that may be gained through aggregation, as well as their effect on various physiological processes, activity times, predator evasion and survival rates of the geckos. It would also be interesting to conduct additional experiments using larger sample sizes to quantify the degree of intimate contact between geckos within an aggregation at still lower temperatures (approximately 5oC), and particularly the thermal consequences of differences in this aspect. Gidgee skinks are large (~200 g) and socially complex lizards (Lanham 2001) that live on thermally variable rocky outcrops and shelter in crevices (Cogger 2000). The presence of huddling behaviour, and its thermal consequences in this lizard further suggests that the aggregative behaviour seen may have arisen initially for thermal advantages. Aggregation may have forced individuals to interact with one another due to their close proximity, 106 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos providing an opportunity for the subsequent evolution of complex sociality in the Egernia lineage. Aggregation is a widespread phenomenon and is seen in animals from invertebrates such as beetles, to vertebrates including birds, mammals and reptiles (Yahav and Buffenstein 1991; Elfström and Zucker 1999; Legg and Cockburn 2000; Tanaka 2000; East and Hoffer 2001). The specific causes for aggregation may differ from species to species, although the most obvious reasons involve social interactions between conspecifics (Legge and Cockburn 2000; East and Hoffer 2001). However, other factors may also confer benefits to aggregation, ranging from predator evasion (Connell 2000) to physical aspects such as reduction in rates of heat (especially important for ectotherms; Huey 1982) and water loss (Yahav and Buffenstein 1991; Tanaka 2000). This diversity in phylogenetic and ecological (functional) aspects of aggregative behaviour means that there is immense potential for comparative studies. Research on non-traditional ‘model’ organisms, such as lizards, may provide a valuable perspective to elucidate the generality of conclusions from studies on aggregation in more ‘popular’ organisms such as endotherms, in which much aggregative behaviour is assumed to play a primarily social function (Wilson 1975). 107 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos CHAPTER 8 Literature cited Abraham K.F., Leafloor J.O. and Lumsden H.G. (1999). Establishment and growth of the lesser snow goose, Chen caerulescens caerulescens, nesting colony on Akimiski Island, James Bay, Northwest Territories. Canadian Field-Naturalist 113: 245 – 250. Alatalo R.V., Hoeglung J., Lundberg A. and Sutherland W.J. (1992). Evolution of black grouse leks: female preferences benefit males in larger leks. Behavioral Ecology 3: 53 – 59. Anderson R.A. and Vitt L.J. (1990). Sexual selection versus alternative causes of sexual dimorphism in teiid lizards. Oecologia 84: 145 – 157. Andersson M. (1994). Sexual Selection. 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Iberian wolves (Canis lupus) deposit faeces at conspicuous sites, such as near trails and at junctions, and on ashes, carrion and decaying bark, probably to display territory ownership (Vila et al. 1993). Similarly, badgers (Meles meles) deposit faeces at latrines at the boundaries of their territory and also close to the centre, probably as a form of mate-guarding by males and possibly also to defend the burrow system (Roper et al. 1993). The subterranean naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) lives in a series of tunnels with communal nest and toilet chambers (Jarvis 1985). Scat-piling in lizards has been investigated only recently. Currently, few lizards have been demonstrated to scat-pile, and these lizards are mainly from a single lineage: the Australian scincid genus Egernia (Bull et al. 1999). Six out of the 26 species of Egernia, including E. stokesii (White 1976; Swan 1990) and E. striolata (Bustard 1970c), scat-pile close to their basking sites (Greer 1989), while Egernia hosmeri has communal scat-piles (Stammer 1976). Bull et al. (1999) demonstrated that E. striolata could use chemosensory cues to discriminate between their own scats and those of conspecifics, suggesting that scat-piles may function to signal residency. 118 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos One species of gecko, the western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus), has also been shown to scat-pile (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Discrete scat-piles were observed for both males and females when housed individually, but communal defecation was not demonstrated experimentally. It was suggested that scat-piles might act as social signposts from which conspecifics can derive information about each other (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Few other lizards have been formally investigated with respect to scat-piling, although I have also observed captive eastern spiny-tailed geckos (Diplodactylus intermedius) and southern leaf-tailed geckos (Phyllurus platurus) depositing scats in specific locations. Similarly, early in my study I noticed that thick-tailed geckos appeared to be scat-piling in their home cages. Because studies on Egernia stokesii have suggested that scat-piling offers a significant cue for social aggregation (Bull et al. 1999), I investigated the phenomenon in thick-tailed geckos also. A1.2 Materials and Methods The aim of this experiment was to determine whether the lizards were scat-piling within their home cages (see Chapter 2 for details of set-up). All cages were cleaned out and all sand was removed. Fresh, washed ‘Sydney sand’ was added to each cage, to a depth of between two and three centimetres. The lizards were fed twice a week as usual and the scats were left in the cages where they were deposited. All paired juvenile geckos’ cages were checked after two weeks, while the cages containing paired adult geckos and solitary adult geckos were checked after five weeks, to allow enough time for scats to be deposited (adult geckos produce fewer and larger scats than do juvenile geckos). I divided each cage into several quadrats, using a template made out of bamboo sticks, and then counted the number of scats per quadrat in each cage. 119 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos The cages containing adult pairs, solitary adults and juvenile pairs were set-up differently. Adult pairs were housed in larger plastic cages (29 x 21.5 x 6.5 cm) than solitary adults and juvenile pairs (22 x 22 x 7 cm). As a result, paired adults’ cages were divided into 12 quadrats (7.25 x 7.15 cm each) (Fig A1.1a) and solitary adult and paired juveniles’ cages were divided into nine quadrats (7.3 x 7.3 cm each) (Figs A1.1b and A1.1c). All cages containing two geckos had two plastic half-pipe shelters, whereas solitary geckos had one. Shelters in each cage overlapped two to four quadrats and water bowls overlapped one to two quadrats. However, this overlap was the same for all three groups of geckos and cages being compared to each other. Data collected for scat-piling by adults (paired and solitary) and juveniles (paired) were analysed for each cage against a null hypothesis of equal frequencies of scat deposition in each quadrat, using a G-test. To compare data sets obtained for solitary adults and paired juveniles (housed in same sized cages), I conducted a one-factor repeated-measures ANOVA. a) Division of paired adult gecko cages into quadrats. 29 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21.5 cm 9 10 11 12 120 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos b) Division of solitary adult gecko cages into quadrats. 22 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 cm 9 c) Division of paired juvenile gecko cages into quadrats. 22 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 cm Figure A1.1: Diagrammatic representation of home cages of adult (paired and solitary) and juvenile (paired) thick-tailed geckos. In all cases, rectangles represent plastic shelters and circles show water bowls. 121 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos I conducted a second experiment to test whether juvenile thick-tailed geckos used the presence of a scat-pile containing some of their own scats as a cue to deposit more scats on the pile. Two plastic shelters (13 cm x 13 cm x 2.2 cm; see Chapter 4; Fig. 4.2) were placed in each of 28 experimental units (36 x 28 x 19.5 cm) with a sand substrate. Twenty-eight juvenile geckos were chosen randomly, and 10 scats of varying age (up to 1½ months old) from each gecko’s home cage were placed randomly inside one of the two shelters in each unit. Geckos were placed in experimental units at approximately 1700 h and removed at 0930 h the following morning. Of the 28 geckos, 16 had deposited one or more scats. The units were divided into two and the freshly deposited scats were scored as either in the same half of the cage as the scat-pile, or in the ‘empty’ half. Data collected for new scat deposition were analysed using a Pearson’s Chi-square test. A1.3 Results Every pair of juvenile geckos showed highly significant scat-piling after two weeks (Table A1.1, Fig. A1.2), against the null hypothesis of equal scat deposition per quadrat. Scatpiling by juvenile geckos tended to be concentrated in the corners of the cage, with 71% of the scats deposited in this area (Table A1.1). In the second experiment, juvenile thick-tailed geckos showed no significant tendency to deposit fresh scats next to or on scat-piles containing their own scats (χ2 = 0.25, 1 d.f., P > 0.05). All ten pairs of adult geckos also showed significant scat-piling when scored after five weeks (Table A1.2). Paired adult geckos deposited fewer scats (19%) at the back of the cage near the shelters and in the middle (29%), than at the front near the water bowl (52%). However, statistical analysis was not carried out due to the unavoidably small sample size. Twenty-two out of 23 solitary adult geckos showed significant levels of scat-piling after five weeks (Table A1.3). Like the paired adults, solitary adult geckos deposited scats primarily 122 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos at the front of the cage (55%) near the water bowl rather than at the back (23%) or in the middle (22%) of the cage (Fig. A1.3). Table A1.1: Scat-piling by paired juvenile thick-tailed geckos within their home cages after a period of two weeks (*χ crit(P = 0.05, d.f. = 8) = 15.51, **χ crit(P = 0.005, d.f. = 11) = 21.96). Cage no. 1 Back 2 3 4 Middle 5 6 7 Front 8 9 Sum G-test Statistic J1 J2 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 3 2 20 17 25 33.88** 78.11** J3 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 5 9 27 63.01** J4 0 0 31 0 0 10 0 0 1 42 129.56** J5 0 0 15 0 1 2 7 7 4 36 49.78** J6 1 2 2 0 1 2 7 7 4 26 23.79** J7 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 11 9 24 56.31** J8 0 5 0 0 0 0 12 7 0 24 55.90** J9 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 237.30** J10 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 16 23 63.24** J11 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 1 15 47.09** J12 0 0 0 1 0 0 18 0 0 19 75.66** J13 1 0 0 5 0 0 11 2 0 19 43.23** J14 1 0 1 0 0 5 10 5 1 23 35.08** J15 1 0 0 1 0 0 14 0 0 16 55.48** J16 0 5 1 0 1 1 2 6 1 17 18.74* J17 1 17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 19 67.94** J18 3 0 0 0 10 0 2 3 1 19 33.61** J19 0 0 10 0 0 7 0 0 5 22 50.06** J20 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 55 62 220.37** J21 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 83.50** J22 5 0 17 6 1 0 0 0 0 29 66.06** J23 2 0 1 5 1 1 17 3 1 31 45.11** J24 0 0 19 0 0 2 0 0 1 22 75.33** J25 10 0 0 3 5 1 2 1 0 22 32.18** J26 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 12 39.15** J27 0 0 0 2 0 0 25 7 2 36 93.92** J28 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 14 27 70.10** J29 15 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 27 57.96** 123 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos J30 0 0 12 0 1 1 0 2 6 22 44.58** Total 123 40 122 25 21 51 156 85 153 776 293.92** a) A juvenile gecko pair from cage J4 scat-piled in one shelter (shelters removed). b) A juvenile gecko pair from cage J5 scat-piled along the side of one shelter (shelters removed). 124 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos J5 125 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos c) A juvenile gecko pair from cage J17 scat-piled between the two shelters (shelters removed). Figure A1.2: Scat-piling by juvenile thick-tailed geckos in their home cages (22 x 22 x 7 cm) after a period of two weeks. Table A1.2: Scat-piling by paired adult thick-tailed geckos within their home cages after a period of five weeks (*χ crit(P = 0.05, d.f. = 11) = 19.68, **χ crit(P = 0.005, d.f. = 11) = 26.76). Cage no. & sex A1 (m + f) A2 (m + f) A3 (m + f) A4 (m + m) A5 (m + f) A6 (m + f) A7 (m + f) A8 (m + f) A9 (m + f) A10 (m + f) Total Back Middle Front Sum G-test statistic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 7 1 3 2 4 5 5 7 2 13 1 55 25.22** 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 1 16 17 43 89.15** 8 3 0 0 28 1 1 0 26 1 0 0 68 159.98** 5 1 2 0 2 10 2 6 10 8 11 5 62 36.50** 6 11 5 2 0 6 23 0 18 8 2 0 81 89.61** 2 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 3 10 13 25 58 106.88** 3 2 0 2 5 7 8 1 18 20 1 0 67 82.18** 11 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 15 12 1 1 48 78.23** 1 5 2 15 5 0 0 15 0 3 12 2 60 73.31** 3 1 0 5 2 1 6 10 9 5 8 8 58 32.44** 44 31 12 27 49 32 50 41 108 70 77 59 600 144.25** 125 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos Table A1.3: Scat-piling by solitary adult thick-tailed geckos within their home cages after a period of five weeks (*χ2 crit(P = 0.05, d.f. = 8) = 15.51, **χ2 crit(P = 0.005, d.f. = 11) = 21.96, NS = Not significant). Cage no. & sex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A11 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 12 0 0 8 1 0 0 5 1 3 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 (f) A12 (f) A13 (m) A14 (m) A15 (m) A16 (m) A17 (m) A18 (m) A19 (m) A20 (f) A21 (m) A22 (f) A23 (m) A24 (m) A25 (m) A26 (f) A27 (f) A28 (f) A29 (f) A30 (f) A31 (m) A32 (f) A33 (m) Total Back Middle Front Sum G=test Statistic 12 31 58.69** 8 2 24 38.33** 3 5 3 20 20.02* 5 1 0 3 11 18.27* 1 0 8 11 7 29 48.18** 0 0 4 2 4 4 24 35.02** 1 6 3 3 4 1 1 20 13.84NS 1 0 0 0 8 2 1 7 19 34.89** 0 0 12 0 1 7 0 0 3 23 50.31** 1 0 0 2 7 0 2 13 3 28 42.51** 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 18 24 59.75** 0 0 1 3 8 0 5 3 3 23 25.98** 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 3 0 23 41.67** 3 2 0 3 3 0 14 1 0 26 41.28** 0 0 4 1 0 3 3 1 5 17 18.74* 9 9 0 0 1 0 2 12 0 33 55.76** 0 1 0 2 8 0 6 6 0 23 35.89** 0 1 2 0 1 0 6 2 9 21 31.01** 4 1 2 3 3 2 11 0 0 26 27.41** 3 0 1 0 0 2 8 5 1 20 26.79** 18 1 1 8 2 0 1 5 0 36 56.38** 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 13 7 27 45.70** 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 3 6 18 23.59** 55 22 49 41 41 37 97 110 94 546 127.09** 126 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos 10 Solitary adults 9 Paired juveniles Mean number of scats 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 back 4 5 5 6 middle 6 7 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 front Quadrat Figure A1.3: Mean number of scats deposited (+ S.E.) per quadrat by solitary adult and paired juvenile geckos. Because paired juvenile and solitary adults were housed in the same sized cages with the same number of segments, I could directly compare these two data sets in terms of the locations of scats. For this purpose, I conducted a one-factor repeated-measures ANOVA with age class as the factor and segment as the repeated measure. The analysis confirmed that some segments received significantly more scats than others (see Fig A1.3; F8, 208 = 2.08, P < 0.006), but that adults and juveniles did not differ overall in the number of scats produced (F1, 26 = 0.87, P = 0.36), nor in the distribution of scats among segments (interaction F8, 208 = 0.89, P = 0.52). Both age groups deposited scats primarily in the cooler (front) parts of their cages (Fig A1.3). A1.4 Discussion Both adult and juvenile thick-tailed geckos scat-piled significantly within their cages. Juvenile geckos scat-piled when housed in pairs; adult geckos scat-piled both when housed individually and when housed in pairs. Scat-piling was non-random, with juvenile pairs 127 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos depositing 71 % of their scats in the corners of the cages, many of them being in one of the two shelters. Adult geckos, whether paired or solitary, scat-piled more at the front of the cage (near the water bowl) than at the back of the cage near their shelters. There was a general tendency to pile scats closer to the edges than to the centre of the cages. Amongst geckos, only the western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus) and Texas banded geckos (Coleonyx brevis) have been reported to scat-pile in the field (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Western banded geckos, when housed individually, formed scat-piles. They also scat-piled when introduced into an arena that had been previously marked via scat-piling by a member of the opposite sex (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). While communal defecation was not demonstrated via experimental evidence presented in their study, Carpenter and Duvall (1995) observed communal defecation when several geckos were housed together in a common terrarium. Western banded geckos (Coleonyx variegatus) scat-piled in shelters for 61% of the trials conducted, and these shelters were most often the ones not used as diurnal retreat-sites by the geckos (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Similarly, I observed qualitatively that thick-tailed geckos that scat-piled in shelters tended to do so in only one of the two available shelters. Furthermore, they did not use the shelter containing scats as their diurnal retreat-site. This behaviour may serve as an anti-predator mechanism if predators detect the presence of geckos by scent (Ford and Burghardt 1993), offering potential survival advantages to the lizard (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). The tree skink (Egernia striolata) (Bull et al 1999) and the western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus) (Carpenter and Duvall 1995) have been shown to differentiate between their own scats and those of other conspecifics, as well as from control substances. Western banded geckos (C. variegatus) deposited more scats in the end of the arena where an extract of their 128 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos own faecal scent (in a 1:1 chloroform: methanol mixture) was applied than the end where the chloroform/ methanol mixture alone was applied (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Thick-tailed geckos in my study, however, did not preferentially deposit scats on piles containing their own scats, perhaps because some of the scats were up to one and a half months old. Two-week-old scats elicited significantly fewer tongue-flicks by tree skinks (E. striolata) than did one-week-old scats (Bull et al. 1999). Thus, the presence of old scats may have weakened the signal to the geckos resulting in deposition of scats randomly relative to the piles that I placed in the experimental units. Alternatively, thick-tailed geckos may deposit scats in specific preferred locations, irrespective of the presence of scat-piles elsewhere. The chemical cues within scats that serve as signals to animals are likely to be chemicals of relatively low, transient volatility (Carpenter and Duvall 1995; Bull et al. 1999). Thus, if scats serve as social signals or indicators, they must be replenished regularly to retain the strength of the signal, resulting in scat-piles (Bull et al. 1999). The specific signal is not known, although it may be pheromonal. In several lizard species, pheromones are produced by the urodeal glands situated close to the cloaca (Cooper et al. 1986; Cooper and Trauth 1992; Bull et al. 1999). Such glands have been identified in the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps) (Cooper et al. 1986) and in the cordylid lizard Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus (Cooper and Trauth 1992). A lizard’s ability to discriminate its own scats from those of a conspecific (as shown by Bull et al. 1999) suggests a social function for scat-piling, rather than a simple coincidence resulting from the lizards spending most of their time in a specific area. Such a discriminatory ability may play an important role in marking territories, or searching for mates. For example, red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) use scats as territorial advertisements (Jaeger 1986; Jaeger et al. 1986). The salamanders are also able to 129 Scat-piling by thick-tailed geckos differentiate between scats of a familiar neighbour of an adjoining territory from those of a stranger, facilitating ‘dear enemy’ recognition (Jaeger 1981; Jaeger et al. 1986; Horne and Jaeger 1988). Nonetheless, the observation that animals defecate in consistent places does not necessarily mean that scat-piles play a significant role in social interactions. It is possible that geckos scat-piling in shelters do so because they only attain optimal body temperatures for digestion during the day while sequestered under rocks (Carpenter and Duvall 1995). Many Egernia species have also been noted to deposit scats close to their basking site where they attain optimal temperatures (Bull et al. 1999). These scats may then be co-opted by natural selection to act as social signals. However, this optimal temperature explanation is unlikely because most adult thick-tailed geckos deposited scats in the open rather than under shelters, while many juvenile geckos deposited scats along the outside of shelters. In both cases, these locations were the cooler parts of the cage, with the shelters being warmer. In summary, my data show that thick-tailed geckos form scat-piles under laboratory conditions. Studies on other lizards, including the Western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus; Carpenter and Duvall 1995), and several species of Egernia skinks (Bull et al. 2001) suggest that scat-piling can, and does occur in the field. Studies on both geckos and skinks have shown that several species of lizards are able to discriminate between their own scats and those of conspecifics, and hence such scat-piles may play a significant social role. Whether or not scats provide such cues for thick-tailed geckos is in interesting question and could be the focus of future studies. 130