Insecticides Cross-Reference Efficacy Chart
Insecticides Cross-Reference Efficacy Chart
Bayer Insecticide Products Bayer Insecticide Products Cross-Reference Chart Cross-Reference Efficacy Efficacy Chart Horn flies Face flies Stable flies For premise Lice Gnats Mosquitoes Darkling beetles Ants/Spiders Northern fowl mites Chicken mites Other listed pests Rabon™ 50 WP Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Beetle Shield® 6 Annihilator Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Ravap EC* Annihilator Vapona* Vapona* Rabon 50 WP Permectrin II Permectrin II Ravap EC* Annihilator™ Annihilator Permectrin II Annihilator Annihilator Ravap EC* Annihilator Polyzone Annihilator™ Polyzone® Annihilator Polyzone Annihilator Polyzone Annihilator Polyzone Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Permectrin™ II Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin™ Pour-On Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin™ S Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin CDS Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin Pour-On House flies Ticks Ravap™ EC* Vapona®* Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide ® Kennels Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin™ CDS Permectrin Pour-On Credo® SC Permectrin II Ravap EC Permectrin S Tempo SC Ultra Tempo® 20 WP Insecticide Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo® SC Ultra Tempo SC Ultra Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Non Lactating Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral® Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Corathon® Corathon Patriot™ Patriot Rabon™ 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 50 WP Rabon Oral Larvicide Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Corathon Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Permectrin II Patriot Permectrin CDS Ravap EC* Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Vapona* Vapona* Patriot Catron IV Catron IV Rabon 50 WP Clean-Up Clean-Up Catron IV Rabon 50 WP Clean-Up Ravap EC* Permectrin Pour-On CyLence Ultra Ravap EC* Catron IV Ravap EC* Vapona* Permectrin S Permectrin II Clean-Up Permectrin CDS Vapona* Catron IV CyLence Pour-On Catron® IV Clean-Up Permectrin Pour-On Clean-Up™ CyLence Pour-On Permectrin S CyLence® Pour-On CyLence Ultra Permectrin II Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin™ Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin II Permectrin S Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin CDS Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Vapona* Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Patriot Rabon Oral Larvicide Permectrin II CyLence Ultra® Catron IV Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Patriot Rabon Oral Larvicide Permectrin CDS Rabon™ Oral Larvicide Permectrin II Permectrin S QuickBayt® Spot Spray Co-Ral® 1% Livestock Dust Annihilator Polyzone Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide QuickBayt® Fly Bait On cattle Vapona* Annihilator Permectrin S Permectrin S On lactating dairy cows Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral Fly & Tick Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Spray *Restricted-use pesticide Rabon 3% Rabon 3% Rabon Oral Rabon Oral Co-Ral Fly & Tick Co-Ral 1% Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Catron IV Vapona* Livestock Spray Larvicide Larvicide n Organophosphates nDust Pyrethroids Catron IV Vapona* Vapona* Ravap EC* Catron IV Catron IV Catron IV Clean-Up Clean-Up Clean-Up Rabon 3% n Neonicotinoids Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Catron IV Permectrin SeeII product label for complete product information, indications and applicationPermectrin instructions. II Permectrin CDS Permectrin S On Forlactating premise dairy cows Dairy Cattle (Including Lactating) Kennels On cattle On horses Beef Cattle Equine Dairy Cattle Non Lactating On sheep Sheep Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Permectrin Horn flies S Face flies Stable flies House flies Ticks Lice Gnats Mosquitoes Darkling beetles Ants/Spiders Northern fowl mites Chicken mites Other listed pests Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Rabon Oral Larvicide Co-Ral 1% Ravap EC* Livestock Dust Annihilator Co-Ral Fly & Tick Permectrin Spray II Vapona* Ravap EC* Beetle Shield® 6 Annihilator Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Vapona* Catron IV Vapona* Rabon 50 WP Permectrin II Permectrin II Annihilator Permectrin AnnihilatorII Ravap EC* Annihilator Polyzone Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Clean-Up Co-Ral Fly50 & Tick Rabon™ WP Spray Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Annihilator Catron IV Annihilator Clean-Up Polyzone CatronEC* IV Ravap Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Rabon Oral Ravap™ EC* Larvicide Vapona®* Vapona* Annihilator™ Catron IV Annihilator™ Clean-Up® Polyzone Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Annihilator Polyzone Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Permectrin II Permectrin™ II CyLence Ultra Permectrin II Ravap EC* Permectrin CDS Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Vapona* Vapona* Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin™ Pour-On Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin S Clean-Up Clean-Up Permectrin II Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Permectrin CDS Tempo 20 WP Permectrin Insecticide Pour-On Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin S Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Permectrin CDS Annihilator Polyzone Permectrin Pour-On II Permectrin Rabon503% Rabon WP Livestock Dust Ravap EC* Catron IV Vapona* Permectrin II Annihilator Permectrin S Annihilator Polyzone Permectrin™ S Tempo® 1% Dust Insecticide Catron IV Clean-Up Tempo 20 WP Insecticide CyLence Pour-On Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin CDS Tempo 20 WP Insecticide CyLence Pour-On CyLence Ultra Tempo® SC Ultra Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin II Permectrin II QuickBayt® Fly Bait Permectrin Pour-On QuickBayt® Spot Spray Permectrin S Permectrin CDS Permectrin CDS Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin ® Co-Ral 1% Pour-On Livestock Dust Permectrin S Co-Ral® Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral Fly &®Tick Corathon Spray Patriot™ Buzz Off™ Rabon™ 3% Catron IV Livestock Dust Clean-Up Rabon 50 WP Permectrin Co-Ral 1% Pour-On Livestock Dust Permectrin S Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Buzz Off Corathon Permectrin II Rabon™ Oral LarvicideCDS Permectrin Ravap EC* Catron PatriotIV Clean-Up Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Permectrin II Rabon Oral Permectrin CDS Larvicide Ravap EC* Vapona* Vapona* Catron IV Catron® IV Permectrin Pour-On Clean-Up™ Catron IV IV Catron Clean-Up Permectrin Pour-On CyLence Pour-On Permectrin CyLence® II Pour-On S Permectrin Permectrin II CyLence Ultra Permectrin Permectrin SII Permectrin II Permectrin Catron IVCDS Permectrin™ Fly & Louse Dust *Restricted-use pesticide Permectrin Pour-On Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Corathon Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral Fly & Tick Patriot Spray Rabon 3% Buzz Off Livestock Dust Catron Rabon 50IVWP Patriot Patriot Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Vapona* Rabon Oral Larvicide Catron IV Vapona* Rabon Oral Larvicide Catron IV Patriot Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Rabon 50 WP Buzz Off Clean-Up Buzz Off Clean-Up Buzz Off Ravap EC* Catron IV II Permectrin Catron IV Catron IV Clean-UpCDS Permectrin Clean-Up Catron IV Clean-Up Permectrin II CyLence Ultra Permectrin PermectrinII Pour-On Permectrin CDS Permectrin S Permectrin PermectrinCDS II Permectrin CDS Catron IV Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Catron IV Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin II Permectrin S Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Permectrin CDS Permectrin Fly & Louse CatronDust IV Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S CyLence Ultra Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin S Permectrin™ CDS Permectrin II CyLence Pour-On CyLence Ultra Swine Vapona* Catron IV Tempo® 20 WP Insecticide ® On swine Cross-Reference Efficacy Chart Permectrin™ Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin II Ravap EC Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin CDS Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin Pour-On Credo® SC Permectrin II Permectrin S Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Catron IV Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Vapona* Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin II Buzz Off Buzz OffCDS Permectrin Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin II Permectrin S Permectrin II Catron IV Permectrin S Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Clean-Up Ravap EC* Permectrin Catron IV II Permectrin Clean-UpCDS CyLence Pour-On Catron IV II Permectrin Catron IV PermectrinCDS II Permectrin Permectrin CDS Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin Pour-On S Permectrin Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin CDS Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Permectrin S Permectrin S Catron IV Rabon Oral Catron IV Co-Ral 1% Catron IV Catron IV Larvicide Livestock n Organophosphates nDust Pyrethroids Permectrin II Permectrin II Catron IV Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Permectrin S Permectrin II See product label for complete product information, indications and application instructions. Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Permectrin S Catron IV n Neonicotinoids Rabon 50 WP On lactating dairy cows On poultry Dairy Cattle (Including Lactating) Poultry Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Vapona* Vapona* Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Vapona* Vapona* Ravap EC* Catron IV Catron IV Catron IV Clean-Up Clean-Up Clean-Up Permectrin II CyLence Ultra Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin II Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin CDS Permectrin Catron1% IV Co-Ral Livestock Dust Permectrin II Co-Ral Fly &Fly Tick Permectrin & Spray Louse Dust Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Beetle Shield 6 Ravap EC* Rabon 50 WP Catron IV Ravap EC* Clean-Up Catron IV Catron IV Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Vapona* Catron IV Catron IV Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Beetle Shield 6 Beetle Shield 6 Permectrin S Ravap EC* Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Permectrin II Ravap EC* Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin Pour-On Beetle Shield 6 Permectrin S Permectrin II Permectrin Pour-On Sheep Onpremise swine For Cross-Reference Efficacy Chart Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin S Permectrin S Horn flies Face flies Stable flies Catron IV Catron IV Catron IV Swine Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin CDS Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin CDS Permectrin S Permectrin Pour-On House flies Ticks Permectrin Lice S Gnats Rabon Oral Ravap™ EC* Larvicide Vapona®* Catron IV Annihilator™ Catron50 IV WP Rabon™ Annihilator Co-Ral 1% Ravap EC* Livestock Dust Annihilator Co-Ral Fly & Tick Permectrin Spray II Annihilator™ Polyzone® Annihilator Polyzone Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Permectrin™ II Permectrin II Rabon 50 WP Permectrin™ Pour-On Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Permectrin™ S Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin Ravap EC*II Kennels Tempo® 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra On poultry Tempo® 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin II Poultry On cattle Co-Ral Fly & *Restricted-use pesticides *Restricted-use pesticide Tick Spray ® Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Non Lactating Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Corathon® Corathon Patriot™ Patriot Rabon™ 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon 50 WP Rabon Oral Larvicide Annihilator Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Catron Rabon 50IVWP Vapona* Rabon 50 WP Permectrin II Permectrin II Permectrin Ravap EC*II Annihilator Annihilator Ravap EC* Annihilator Polyzone Annihilator Polyzone Annihilator Polyzone Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Permectrin II Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin CDS Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin™ CDS Permectrin Pour-On Credo® SC pests Vapona* Permectrin II Annihilator Ravap EC Annihilator Polyzone Permectrin II Permectrin S Permectrin S Rabon 50 WP Tempo SC Ultra Ravap EC* Catron IV Permectrin II Beetle Shield 6 Beetle Shield 6 Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Rabon 50 WP Ravap EC* Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Tempo 1%EC* Dust Ravap Insecticide Permectrin II Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin II Catron IV Vapona* Co-Ral 1%Pyrethroids Co-Ral Fly & Tick Patriot Patriot Organophosphates nnOrganophosphates nDust Pyrethroids Livestock Spray Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Corathon Vapona* Vapona* Patriot Catron IV Catron IV Rabon 50 WP Clean-Up Clean-Up Catron IV Patriot Permectrin Pour-On CyLence Ultra Catron IV Ravap EC* Vapona* Permectrin S Permectrin II Clean-Up Permectrin CDS Vapona* Catron IV CyLence Pour-On Catron® IV Clean-Up Permectrin Pour-On Clean-Up™ CyLence Pour-On Permectrin S CyLence® Pour-On CyLence Ultra nnNeonicotinoids Neonicotinoids Rabon 3% Livestock Dust IV product label complete product information, indicationsand andapplication applicationCatron instructions. Permectrin SeeII See product label for for complete product information, indications instructions. Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin S Permectrin Pour-On Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Ravap EC* Permectrin S Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Permectrin S Beetle Shield® 6 QuickBayt® Fly Bait Ravap EC* Permectrin Pour-On CatronEC* IV Ravap Permectrin Vapona* II Tempo® SC Ultra Rabon 50 WP Permectrin Pour-On CatronEC* IV Ravap Beetle Shield 6 Catron IV Permectrin™ Fly & Louse Dust Other listedS Permectrin Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Clean-Up Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Chicken mites Tempo SC Ultra Permectrin CDS Permectrin II Northern fowl mites Permectrin Fly & Louse Dust Ravap EC* Permectrin CDS Ants/Spiders Tempo 20 WP Insecticide Permectrin II CyLence Ultra® Darkling beetles Permectrin II Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Rabon™ Oral Larvicide Mosquitoes Beetle Shield 6 QuickBayt® Spot Spray Co-Ral® 1% Livestock Dust Catron IV Permectrin Pour-On Permectrin S Permectrin S Permectrin S On lactating dairy cows Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Rabon Oral Larvicide Rabon Oral Larvicide Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Vapona* Vapona* Ravap EC* Co-Ral Fly & Tick Spray Catron IV Catron IV Catron IV ©2014 Bayer HealthCare LLC,Rabon Animal Health Shawnee3% Mission, KS 66201 3% Division,Rabon Clean-Up Clean-Up Livestock DustBuzz Off™, Catron®, Livestock Dust Bayer (reg’d), the Bayer Cross (reg’d), Annihilator™, Beetle Shield®, Clean-Up™, Co-Ral®, Corathon®, Credo®,Clean-Up CyLence®, CyLence Ultra®, Patriot™, Permectrin™, Polyzone®, QuickBayt®, Rabon™, Ravap™, Tempo® IIand Vapona® are trademarks of Bayer. CyLence Ultra Permectrin Dairy Cattle Rabon Oral Rabon Oral (Including Lactating) Larvicide Larvicide Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Ravap EC* Ravap EC* Vapona* Vapona* Permectrin Pour-On Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Catron IV Vapona* Catron IV Permectrin II Permectrin CDS Ravap EC* Permectrin Pour-On Catron IV Permectrin S Permectrin CDS Clean-Up Permectrin CyLence Pour-On Rabon 3% Livestock Dust Catron IV Permectrin II Permectrin S I14106