R--Sales-evapco brochures pdf-Asia-Current-CCC-280A
R--Sales-evapco brochures pdf-Asia-Current-CCC-280A
fi!WVj Drift Eliminators Located in Casing • Drift eliminator5 integrate with coU casing section for easy mounting of discharge hood and attenuation • Corrosion resistant PVC for long life • G-235 (Z-725) Heavy Mill-Dip Galvanized Steel Construdion ince its founding in 1976, EVAPCO, Incorporated has become an industry leader in the engineering and manufacturing of quality heat transfer products around the world. EVAPCO's mi~ion is to provide first dass service and quality products for the following marke15: S • • • • Industrial Refrigeration Commercial HVAC Industrial Process Power (Stainless st..l available as an affordable option) ···. EVAPCO's powerful combination of financial strength and technical expertise has established the company as a recognized manufacturer of marketleading products on a worldwide basis. EVAPCO is also recognized for the superior technology of their environmentally friendly product innovations in sound reduction and water management. EVAPCO is an employee owned company with a strong emphasis on research Bt development and modern manufacturing plants. EVAPCO has earned a reputation for technological innovation and superior product quality by featuring products that are designed to offer these operating advantages: • • • • Higher System Efficiency Environmentally Friendly Lower Annual Operating Costs Reliable, Simple Operation and Maintenance With an ongoing commitment to Research & Development programs. EVAPCO provides the most advanced products in the industry - adlnalogy for the Fufunl. Atnlil.,_ ~yl Exdusive Thermai-Pa~ C o i l - - - - - - - • Providing Maximum Effidenc:y Per Plan Area H• • [i!IDVJ Easy Field Assembly • Ensures e8'5'f a55embly and fewer fasuners • Incorporates seH-guiding dlannelsto guide the coil casing section into po5ition Improving the quality of the field seam • Eliminates up ta 66% of fasteners compared to old design En<-.! ~.,_, ll>tally Pump Motors • Help assure long, trouble-free operation EVAPCO products are manufactured in 19 locations in 9 countries around the world and supplied through a sales network consisting of over 170 offices. 02012 EVAPCO.Inc. Stainless Steel Strainer • Superior resistance to corrosion \ & LRW--H CONSTRUCTION FE The rm:IYiYj LSWA-H and LRW-H Closed Circuit Coolers are a result of EVAPCO's extensive experience in forcec increaSe't'ii'e' evaporative (latent) & dry (sensible) modes of cooling, the EVAPCO LSWA-H & LRW-H will save The LSWA-H & LRW-H uni1s utilize the NEW EVAPCO ARID Fln-Pak coil . The ARID Rn-Pak coil is located in to maximize the surface area available for heat transfer. Locating the ARID Fin-Pak dry cooling coil in the disci in the evaporative and dry modes of operation. The LSWA-H & LRW-H are the ideal solution for: Reducing Water Consumption, Higher Dry Bulb Switchover, P [i!J3ViV1 ~ JFtJw=JPr.IJ!k Dry Cooling Coil ------- '0 & DESIGN 0 • Featuring Copper 1\lblng with Aluminum Fin Construction • Double-Brake Flange Joints ~ . . .. ll;;p ·. . - ~ • Stronger than single-brake designs by others • Minimizes water leaks at field joints • Increased Cooling capacity • Higher Dry Swltchover Temperatures • Allows for PILime Reduction or Plume Abatement Operation • Greater structural integrity • Assures long life • All normal maintenance perfarmed quickly from outside the unit • If required, motor may be easily removed ) [i!J3ViV1 • Moton are now located outboard on \__ ~ Caan Pan Design • Sloped design allows water to drain completely from cold water basin • Easier Removal of dirt and debris multi-motor units for even easier drive system access • Inverter-ready motors are standard • 5 Year mater and drive warranty is standard j draft centrifugal fan designs. Specifically designed to dramatically water as well as achieving plume reduction or plume abatement the discharge hood and features copper tubes with aluminum fins 'large hood allows for increased capacity while the unit is operating fume Reduction or Plume Abatement all at Low Sound Levels! PVC Spray Distribution Header with Zero Maintananc:e ZM •n Nozzles • Nozzles are threaded into huder • Fixed position nozzles require zero maintenance • Large orifice nozzles prevent clogging • Threaded end caps for ease of cleaning - Efficient Drift Eliminators • Advanced design limits maxi· mum drift rate to 0.001% of circulated spray water rate • Corrosion resistant PVC for long life • Feab.Jring Thermai-Pa~ technology • 304 SST Construction for Superior Corrosion Resistance Standard Stainless Steel Cold Water Basin • Eliminates the need for unreliable epoxy coatings Easy to 5ervice Motor & Drive System • Belt tensioning and bearing lubrication can be performed from outside the unit • Locking mechanism can also be used as a wrench to adjust the belu (LRW..H only} • Motor is fully accessible by removing one inlet saeen • Split fan housings allow removal of all mechanical equipment through the end of the unit (L.RW-H only) Water Efficient Mode Hot Saturated Discharge Air (Latent and Sensible Heat Transfer} ARID Fin-l'ak Dry Cooling Coil Discharge Hood {:J Hot Fluid In Water J Distribution System !::)cold Fluid Out Fan & Fan Motors Water Efficient Mode ARID Fin-l'ak Dry Cooling Coil <? Hot Fluid In Discharge Hood Water J Distribution System c:::)cold Fluid Out Fan & Fen Motors •Off• Dry Mode In this combined mode of operation, the unit's fan and spray pump are energized {Fan on, Spray Pump on). The process fluid enters the ARID Fin-Pak coil through the top coil connection(s) located in the discharge hood. The ARID Fin-Pak coil rejects a portion of the heat load to the atmosphere through the tube and fin walls using sensible heat transfer. The process fluid then enters the evaporative coil where further cooling of the process fluid is achieved. Heat is dissipated through the coil tubes to the water cascading downward over the tubes. Simultaneously, air is forced upward over the coil opposite the water flow. A small portion of the water is evaporated which transfers the heat to the atmosphere. The process fluid is then returned to the heat source via the bottom coil connection in the evaporative section. The Water Efficient mode of operation reduces the water usage while maintaining set point temperature. Additionally, the LSWA-1-i & LRW-H units achieve plume reduction! Plume reduction is achieved as the hot saturated discharge air is heated and dried as it passes over the ARID fin-Pakcoillocated in the discharge hood. Dry Mode (Sensible Heat Transfer) In the dry mode, the fan motor is energized, while the spray pump is deenergized (Fan on, Spray Pump off). The process fluid enters the ARID Fin-Pak coil through the top coil connection(s) located in the discharge hood. The ARID Fln-Pak coil rejects a portion of the heat load to the atmosphere through the tube and fin walls using sensible heat transfer. The process fluid then enters the evaporative coil where the remaining heat load is rejected through the tube wall(s) to the air passing over the coil. The process fluid is then returned to the heat source via the bottom coil connection in the evaporative section. This mode of operation eliminates water consumption AND eliminates plume I - · EVAPCO PRODUCTS ARE MANUFACTURED WORLDWIDE. EVAPCO, Inc.- World Headquarters 8r Research/Development Center EVAPCO,Inc. • P.O. Box 1300 • Westminster, MD 21158 USA • FAX: 410-756-6450 • E-MAIL: marketingGevapco.com PHONE: 410-756-2600 EVAPCO North America EVAPCO, Inc. World Headquartars P.O. Box 1300 Westminster. MD 21158 USA Phone: 41G-756-2600 Fax: 410-756-6450 E-mail: marketingOevapco.com EVAPCOE..t 5151 Allendale Lane Taneytawn, MD 21787 U5A Phone: 41G-756-l&OO Fax: 410..756-6450 E-mail: markl!llngOevapc:o,com EVAPCOMI~ 1723 York Road Greenup, IL 62428 USA Phone: 217-923-3431 Fax: 217-923-3300 EofTiail: evapcomwOavapcomvv.com EVAPCOWMI: 1900 West Almond Avenue Madera. CA 93637 USA Phone: 559-673-2207 Fax: 559-673-2378 E-mail: contacteevapcowest.com EVAPCO Eu~ N.¥. Eun~p~~~~ n Halll uartars lndustrlllterreln ost 4010 3700 Ton~eren. Be~um Phone: (3 12-395 9 Fax: (32) 12-238527 EVAPCO Nawton 701 East Jourdan Street Newton. IL 62448 USA Phone: 61.783-3433 Fax: 61.783-3499 E-ITNiil: avapcomwOavapcgmw.com EVAPCO Europe. S.r:.l. Via oro Menotti 1o 1-20017 Pasdrana dl Rho Milan, Ita~ Phone: B 02-939-9041 FlOC (39} 02-935-00840 E-mail: evapcoeu ropectevapco.lt Refrlgenltlon v.~ves• s,.IIIIM Carpal'lltlan A wholly t1Wned aubsldliNy ofEVAI'CQ.Inc. 1520 crosswind Dr. Bryan, 1X 77808 USA Phone: 979-n8-0095 Fax: 979-778-0030 E-mail: rvsflrvscorp.com EVAPCO Europe. S.r:.l. ViaDosso2 23020 Piateda Sond rio. Italy EVAPCO EUrope, Gmblt Mc:CIIImu:k call Cllrnp~ Inc:. A wholly t1Wned aubsldliNy ofEVAI'CO,Inc. P.O. Box 1727 s.w. Lalcwlew BouiiiVard Lake Oswego, OR 97035 USA Phone: 503-639-2137 Fax: 503-639-1800 E-mail: mallltmmcmll.com 6333 A wholly t1Wned JUMidiMy ofEVAI'CO,Inc. EVAPCOivw• Silla & EnglnHrlng 215 1st Street, NE P.O. BoxB8 Medford, MN 55049 USA Phone: 507-446-8005 Fax: 507-446-8239 E-mail: evapcomnewapcomn,Q)m EVAPCO Asla/PacHic Headquarters 1159 Luonin\Rd. Baoshan Industrial Zone Shanghai. P. China, Portal Code: 200949 Phone: (86) 21-6687-7786 Fax; (86) 21-6687-7008 E-mail: marketlngOeYapmdllna.com E-mail: I!VIIIp«J.BuropaOevapco.be EV.AJ'CO..&CI' Dly CDolln• Inc. 981 U5 Highway 22 West Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807 USA Phone: 1-90&-379-2665 E-mail: lnfooevapco-blct.com Eftpt.ch.. Inc. EVAPCOiow• 925 Quality Drfve Lake View, lA 51450 USA Phone: 712-657-3223 Fax: 712-fi57-32Zfi EVAPCO Asia/Pacific EVAPCO Europe 8331 Nieman Road Lenexa,. KS 66214 USA Phone: 913-32.2.0165 Fax: 913-322-5166 E-mail: markl!tingOevaptech.com BoVI!rt22 D-40670 Meerbusch, Germany Phone: (49} 2159-69560 Fax: (49} 2159-695611 &mall: lnfoOevapco.de Fl. . c:oiiW. JlJbJJdlaryof EVAI'CD, IM. =owned rd~~ DK Aa bro Denmark 4 4999 Phone.iJ45) Fax: ( 9824 4990 E-mai 1: infoOflexcoi l.dk EVAPCO 5.A. ~.) L'ld. A lkemed """'~'f;lmt~ of EVAPCO,. k 18 Qu11lity Road lsando 1600 Republk of South Africa Phone: (27) 11-392-6630 fillC (27) 11-392-6615 E-mai 1: evafi(OCievl pco.co.za Tower Campauanlll, Inc. A wholly own8 sub!lidialy ofEVAI'CQ.Inc. 5960 US HWY li4E Ramseur. NC 27316 Phone: 336-1124-2102 Fex: 336--824-2190 EofTiail: IIVIiiO!Dwl:rmmponenbillC.caTI Enp E'lriPt EIIIIINwllllnclultrlet CO. A lit:emed """'uf;l.rnt~ of fVAI'CD, In(. 5 EI N11sr Road Nasr City. cairo. Egypt Phone: 2 02 24022866/2 02 24044997 Fax: 2 02 24044667/Z 02 24044668 E-m;,il: Prrnacoolllnlr.netl Sh~rn;l(l)lli.net EVAPCO (Shans~ hai) Rafrigarlllian Equ~m1nt CO~ l.lld. 115 Lounlng Rd,. Baoshan Industrial Zone Shanghat P.R. China, Postal Coda: 200949 Phone: (86) 21-'6117-7786 FiiiC (86) 21-6687-7008 E-m1ll: marke11ngOevapcochln1.com llleijing EVAI'CO Rmigerrion Equipment Co., Ltd. Yan Qi Industrial Development District Hual Rou County Beijing. P.R. Olina, Postal Code: 101407 PhOne: (86) 10 6166-7238 FiiiC (86) 10 6166-7395 E-mail: evapcob)Oevllpcochlna.com EVAI'CO Au.....l.. (Pty.) Ud. 34-42 Melboume Road P.O. Box 436 RIIII!IJtone, N.S.W. Australia Z765 Phone: (61)2 9627-3322 FiiiC 161) 2 9627-1715 E-mei : salesOevapco.com.au EVAPCO ~ Sdft.Bhd No. 70 (Lot 1 Jalan lndustri 213 Rlwang Integrated Industrial P1rk Rawling. Selangor. 48000 Malaysia Phone: 60 3 6092-2209 Fax: 60 3 6092-2210 =owned EviiPr.ch A.!• Ptlclflc Sdn. lhd A 101 a mb$/diatyof Ev.pTedt,lt'lc. ness Park, 2IF un tt 20 Parsiaran Puchong Jaya Selatan Bandar Puchong J:ra:· 47170 Pudlong, Se anger. Malaysia Phone: (&G-3} BO?G-7255 Fax: ~60-3) 807G--57l1 E·mai: martetin!t'ilpOsvapll!dl.mm http://www.evapco.com http://www.evapcoasia.com EVAPCO•••SPECIAUSIS IN HEAT TRANsFER PRoouc:rs AND SERVICES. Visit EVAPCO's Website at 7-12/DGD 02012 ~APCD.Inc. Bulletin 28QA.OBI12·1 K(1)