IT report
IT report
Report No: 042L008E Test Report Product Name : MEGA BooK Model No. : MS1003xxxxxxx, M510Cxxxxxxx (x=0-9 or A-Z), M510A Applicant : MICRO-STAR INTL Co., LTD. Address : No. 69, Li-De St., Jung-He City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Date of Receipt : 2004/01/29 Date of Test : 2004/02/10 Report No. : 042L008E The test results relate only to the samples tested. The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation. Page: 1 of 111 Version:1.0 Declaration of Conformity The following products is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC). The listed standard as below were applied: The following Equipment: Product : MEGA BooK Trade Name : MSI Model Number : MS1003xxxxxxx, M510Cxxxxxxx (x=0-9 or A-Z), M510A This product is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC).For the evaluation regarding EMC, the following standards were applied: RFI Emission: EN 55022:1994+A1:1995+A2:1997 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 Class D : Product family standard EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001 : Limitation of voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply system : Limits for harmonic current emission Immunity : : Product family standard EN 55024:1998 The following importer/manufacturer is responsible for this declaration: Company Name : Company Address : Telephone : Facsimile : Person is responsible for marking this declaration: Name (Full Name) Position/ Title Date Legal Signature EMC/Safety Test Laboratory Accredited by DNV, TUV, Nemko and NVLAP Date: Feb. 10, 2004 QTK No.:042L008E Statement of Conformity The certifies that the following designated product Product : MEGA BooK Trade Name : MSI Model Number : MS1003xxxxxxx, M510Cxxxxxxx (x=0-9 or A-Z), M510A Company Name : MICRO-STAR INTL Co., LTD. This product is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336/EEC). For the evaluation regarding EMC, the following standards were applied: RFI Emission: EN 55022:1994+A1:1995+A2:1997 Class A : Product family standard EN 61000-3-2:2000 Class D : Limits for harmonic current emission EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001 : Limitation of voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply system Immunity: EN 55024:1998 : Product family standard TEST LABORATORY Gene Chang / Manager The verification is based on a single evaluation of one sample of above-mentioned products. It does not imply an assessment of the whole production and does not permit the use of the test lab. Logo. QuieTek Corporation / No.5-22, Ruei-Shu Valley, Ruei-Ping Tsuen Lin Kou Shiang, Taipei 244 Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-8601-3788, Fax: 886-2-8601-3789, E-mail: [email protected] Report No: 042L008E Test Report Certification Test Date : 2004/02/10 Report No. : 042L008E Product Name Applicant Address Manufacturer : : : : Model No. Rated Voltage Trade Name Measurement Standard : : : : Measurement Procedure : MEGA BooK MICRO-STAR INTL Co., LTD. No. 69, Li-De St., Jung-He City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. (1) MICRO-STAR INTL Co., LTD. (2) MSI COMPUTER (SHENZHEN) CO LTD (3) STAR ELECTRONICS (KUNSHAN) CO LTD MS1003xxxxxxx, M510Cxxxxxxx (x=0-9 or A-Z), M510A AC 230 V / 50 Hz MSI EN 55022:1994+A1:1995+A2:1997,EN 55024:1998, EN 61000-3-2:2000,EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001 EN 55022:1994+A1:1995+A2:1997, EN 61000-3-2:2000,EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001, IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998+A2:2000, IEC 61000-4-3:1995+A1:1998+A2:2000, IEC 61000-4-4:1995+A1:2000, IEC 61000-4-5:1995+A1:2000, IEC 61000-4-6:1996+A1:2000, IEC 61000-4-8:1993+A1:2000, IEC 61000-4-11:1994+A1:2002 B Complied : Classification : Test Result The test results relate only to the samples tested. The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation. Documented By : (Rebaca CHi) Tested By : (Gary Wu ) Approved By : (Gene Chang) Page: 2 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Description 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. Page General Information .................................................................................................................6 EUT Description ..........................................................................................................................6 Test Mode ....................................................................................................................................7 Tested System Details..............................................................................................................10 Configuration of tested System ..............................................................................................11 EUT Exercise Software............................................................................................................12 Test Facility ................................................................................................................................13 Conducted Emission .............................................................................................................14 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................14 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................14 Limits...........................................................................................................................................15 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................15 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................15 Test Result .................................................................................................................................16 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................22 Radiated Emission .................................................................................................................25 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................25 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................25 Limits...........................................................................................................................................26 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................26 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................26 Test Result .................................................................................................................................27 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................33 Power Harmonics ...................................................................................................................36 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................36 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................36 Limits...........................................................................................................................................37 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................38 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................38 Test Result .................................................................................................................................39 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................45 Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker ..........................................................................................47 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................47 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................47 Limits...........................................................................................................................................48 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................48 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................48 Test Result .................................................................................................................................49 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................52 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).............................................................................................54 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................54 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................54 Limits...........................................................................................................................................55 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................55 Page: 3 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7. 11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. Test Specification ......................................................................................................................55 Test Result .................................................................................................................................56 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................59 Radiated Susceptibility (RS)................................................................................................61 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................61 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................61 Limits...........................................................................................................................................62 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................62 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................62 Test Result .................................................................................................................................63 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................66 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst (EFT/B) ............................................................................68 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................68 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................68 Limits...........................................................................................................................................69 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................69 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................69 Test Result .................................................................................................................................70 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................73 Surge..........................................................................................................................................76 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................76 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................76 Limits...........................................................................................................................................77 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................77 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................77 Test Result .................................................................................................................................78 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................81 Conducted Susceptibility (CS)............................................................................................83 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................83 Test Setup ....................................................................................................................................83 Limits...........................................................................................................................................84 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................85 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................85 Test Result .................................................................................................................................86 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................89 Power Frequency Magnetic Field.......................................................................................92 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................92 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................92 Limits...........................................................................................................................................93 Test Procedure ..........................................................................................................................93 Test Specification ......................................................................................................................93 Test Result .................................................................................................................................94 Test Photo ..................................................................................................................................97 Voltage Dips and Interruption Measurement...................................................................99 Test Equipment List ..................................................................................................................99 Test Setup ..................................................................................................................................99 Limits.........................................................................................................................................100 Page: 4 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. Attachement Reference Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................100 Test Specification ....................................................................................................................100 Test Result ...............................................................................................................................101 Test Photo ................................................................................................................................104 …………………………………………………………………………………………………106 EUT Photograph .....................................................................................................................106 : Laboratory of License Page: 5 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1. General Information 1.1. EUT Description Product Name MEGA BooK Trade Name MSI Model No. MS1003xxxxxxx, M510Cxxxxxxx (x=0-9 or A-Z), M510A EUT Voltage AC 100-240 V , 50 / 60 Hz Component Power Adapter (1) Power Adapter (2) Power Adapter (3) DELTA,ADP-65DB Input:AC 100~240V/50~60Hz,1.5A Output:DC 19V,3.42A,Non-shielded,1.8m,with one ferrite core bonded. LITEON,PA-1650-02 Input:AC 100~240V/50~60Hz,1.6A Output:DC 18.5V,3.5A,Non-shielded,1.8m,with one ferrite core bonded. LI SHIN,0335A1965 Input:AC 100~240V/50~60Hz,1.7A Output:DC 19V,3.42A,Non-shielded,1.8m,with one ferrite core bonded. Note: 1. The EUT is including three models for different marketing requirement. Page: 6 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1.2. Test Mode QuieTek has verified the construction and function in typical operation. All the test modes were carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was shown in this test report and defined as: Pre-Test Mode EMI Mode 1: Mode 2: Mode 3: Mode 4: Mode 5: Mode 6: Mode 7: Mode 8: Mode 9: Final Test Mode EMI Mode 3: Mode 6: Mode 9: EMS Mode 3: Mode 6: Mode 9: Page: 7 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E EMC Project for MS1003 Mode CPU LCD Panel 1 2 3 4 Centrino 1.4GHz Centrino 1.5GHz Centrino 1.5GHz Centrino 1.6GHz (Banias) (Banias) (Dothan) (Banias) AU15" XGA TFT, AU14.1" XGA TFT, HANNSTAR AU15" XGA TFT, B150XG01 v2 B141XG05 B150XG01 v2 15"XGA TFT, HSD150PX17 HDD Module Device TOSHIBA FUJITSU FUJITSU FUJITSU MK3021GAS MHT2030AT MHT2060AT MHT2040AT QSI SCR-242 QSI SDR-083 TEAC QSI SBW-242U DW-224E-AA20 DDR Memory APACER 128MB APACER 256MB KINGSTON 1GB APACER 512MB MT46V16M16TG-6 A2S56D30ATbP-6 KVR266X64SC25/ HYB25D256800BC T+KINGSTON PP +KINGSTON 128MB 256MB 1G *2 512MB KVR333X64SC25/5 KVR333X64SC25/ KVR333X64SC25/ 128 MDC Modem Wireless Lan -6+KINGSTON 12 256 ActiontecMD560LM CastleNet8M41300 ActiontecMD560LM CastleNet8M41300 I-2 04681(MM320) I-2 04681(MM320) Intel 2200BG Intel 2200BG Intel 2200BG Intel 2200BG (MOW)IEEE802.11 (MOW)IEEE802.11 (MOW)IEEE802.11 (MOW)IEEE802.11 a+b+g a+b+g a+b+g a+b+g Battery SMP 6cell Li-ion SMP 8cell Li-ion SMP 6cell Li-ion SMP 8cell Li-ion Inverter SumidaTWS-400-9 DeltaDAC-08B048 SumidaTWS-400-9 DeltaDAC-08B048 152 Power Adapter Lite-on 152 DeltaADP-65DB Li-Shin 0335A1965 Li-Shin 0335A1965 PA-1650-02MS Page: 8 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Mode CPU LCD Panel 5 6 7 8 9 Centrino 1.6GHz Centrino 1.7GHz Centrino 1.7GHz Centrino Centrino (Dothan) 1.8GHz 1.7GHz (Dothan) (Banias) (Banias) (Dothan) AU14.1" XGA HANNSTAR AU15" SXGA+ AU15" SXGA+ HANNSTAR TFT, B141XG05 15"XGA TFT, TFT, B150PG01 TFT, B150PG01 15"XGA TFT, HSD150PX17 HSD150PX17 HDD TOSHIBA TOSHIBA HITACHI MK4025GAS MK6021GAS IC25N030ATMR04 MHT2060AT Module TEAC TEAC TEAC Device CD-224E-C92 DV-28E-CR2 DW-224E-AAM2 APACER 256MB TRANSCEND DDR Memory APACER 128MB FUJITSU TOSHIBA MK6021GAS MSI MS8524M QSI SDW-041 APACER 512MB APACER 256MB HYB25D256160BT- HYB25D256800BT- 256MTS32MSD64 AP-AM3A568AC HYB25D256800B 6 +TRANSCEND 6 +TRANSCEND V4F3(Mosel)+ 128M 512M TRANSCEND +TRANSCEND 256MTS32MSD64 512M V4F3(Samsung) TS64MSD64V3F TS16MSD64V3D5 TS64MSD64V3F G5A *2 T-6 MDC Modem ActiontecMD560L CastleNet8M4130 ActiontecMD560L CastleNet8M41 CastleNet8M41 MI-2 Wireless Lan Intel 2200BG (MOW) 004681(MM320) MI-2 30004681(MM3 30004681(MM3 20) 20) Intel 2100BG Intel 2200BG Intel 2200BG Intel 2100 (MOW) (MOW) IEEE802.11b+g (MOW)IEEE802. IEEE802.11a+b+g IEEE802.11a+b+g IEEE802.11a+b+g 11a+b+g (PD9WM3B200B G) Battery SMP 6cell Li-ion Inverter SumidaTWS-400- DeltaDAC-08B04 SumidaTWS-400- DeltaDAC-08B0 DeltaDAC-08B0 Power Adapter SMP 8cell Li-ion SMP 6cell Li-ion SMP 8cell Li-ion SMP 8cell Li-ion 9152 8 9152 48 48 DeltaADP-65DB Lite-on Lite-on Li-Shin Li-Shin PA-1650-02MS PA-1650-02MS 0335A1965 0335A1965 Page: 9 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1.3. Tested System Details The types for all equipments, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including inserted cards) are: Test Mode Product Mode 3: Mode 6: Mode 9: Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Power Cord 1 Monitor ADI CT1797NF 23500ET112A0021 Non-Shielded, 1.8m 2 Microphone & Earphone 3 USB 2.0 HDD N/A MIC-06 N/A N/A Topdisk ME-910 220952 Power by PC 4 USB 2.0 HDD Topdisk ME-910 235933 Power by PC 5 COMBO HDD TeraSys F12-UF A0100215-24p0037 Non-Shielded, 1.8m 6 USB Mouse Logitech M-BE58 LZE20852002 N/A 7 Monitor SONY PVM-14M2U 2111366 Non-Shielded, 1.8m 8 Printer EPSON StyLus C63 FAPY094246 Non-Shielded, 1.9m 9 Exchange Network Sun Moon Star PX-4 95170087 Non-Shielded, 1.8m 10 Notebook PC ASUS S1300 24NP035390 Non-Shielded, 1.8m 11 W/LAN Card LEMEL LM-WLC030 1231Q048877 N/A Page: 10 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1.4. Configuration of tested System Test Mode Mode 3: Mode 6: Mode 9: Connection Diagram A B C D E F G H I J K Signal Cable Type TELECOM Cable D-SUB Cable Earphone & Microphone Cable USB Cable USB Cable USB Cable USB MOUSE Cable S-VIDEO Cable Printer Cable LAN Cable TELECOM Cable Signal cable Description Non-Shielded, 7m Shielded, 1.5m, with one ferrite core bonded Non-Shielded, 1.8m Shielded, 1.2m Shielded, 1.2m Shielded, 1.8m Shielded, 1.8m Shielded, 1.2m Shielded, 1.2m Non-Shielded, 7m Non-Shielded, 3m Page: 11 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1.5. EUT Exercise Software Test Mode Mode 3: Mode 6: Mode 9: 1 Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on 1.3. 2 Turn on the power of all equipment. 3 Notebook reads data from disk. 4 Data will be transmitting and receiving through EUT. 5 The transmitting and received status will be shown on the monitor. 6 Repeat the above procedure (4 ) to (5). Page: 12 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 1.6. Test Facility Ambient conditions in the laboratory: Items Test Item Temperature (°C) Required (IEC 68-1) Actual IEC 61000-4-11 15-35 25 Humidity (%RH) 25-75 50 Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060 950-1000 15-35 25 Humidity (%RH) 30-60 50 Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060 950-1000 15-35 25 Humidity (%RH) 10-75 50 Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060 950-1000 15-35 25 Humidity (%RH) 25-75 50 Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060 950-1000 Temperature (°C) IEC 61000-4-2 Temperature (°C) IEC 61000-4-5 Temperature (°C) Site Description: IEC 61000-4-8 July 03, 2002 Accreditation on NVLAP NVLAP Lab Code: 200533-0 June 11, 2001 Accreditation on DNV Statement No. : 413-99-LAB11 May 03, 2001 Accreditation on TUV Rheinland Certificate No.: I9865712-9901 0914 ILAC MRA April 18, 2001 Accreditation on Nemko Site Name: Site Address: Certificate No.: ELA 165 Certificate No.: ELA 162 Certificate No.: ELA 191 Quietek Corporation No. 5, Ruei-Shu Valley, Ruei-Ping Tsuen, Lin-Kou Shiang, Taipei, Taiwa, R.O.C. TEL : 886-2-8601-3788 / FAX : 886-2-8601-3789 E-Mail : [email protected] Page: 13 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 2. Conducted Emission 2.1. Test Equipment List The following test equipment are used during the conducted emission test: Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No./Serial No Last Cal. 1 Test Receiver R&S ESCS 30/838251/001 Jan., 2004 2 L.I.S.N. R&S ESH3-Z5/836679/0023 May, 2003 3 L.I.S.N. R&S ENV 4200/833209/0023 May, 2003 4 Pulse Limiter R&S ESH3-Z2 5. CDN SCHAFFNER ISNT400/16596 6 No.2 Shielded Room Remark EUT Peripherals May, 2003 Feb., 2003 N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 2.2. Test Setup Page: 14 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 2.3. Limits EN 55022 AC Mains Limits (dBuV) Frequency MHz Class A Class B QP AV QP AV 0.15 - 0.50 79 66 66-56 56-46 0.50-5.0 73 60 56 46 5.0 - 30 73 60 60 50 Remarks: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges 2.4. Test Procedure The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization network (L.I.S.N.). This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that provides a 50ohm /50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refers to the block diagram of the test setup and photographs.) Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be changed according to EN 55022:1994 +A1: 1995+A2: 1997 on conducted measurement. Conducted emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a receiver bandwidth of 9kHz. . 2.5. Test Specification According to EN 55022:1994+A1: 1995+A2: 1997 Page: 15 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 2.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line1 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.209 0.279 0.482 1.517 9.107 19.662 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.33 0.34 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.20 0.44 53.11 42.33 42.39 34.64 30.38 29.61 53.42 42.64 42.70 34.92 30.90 30.40 63.26 60.85 56.30 56.00 60.00 60.00 Average 0.209 0.279 0.21 0.21 0.10 0.10 46.80 36.30 47.11 36.61 53.24 50.85 0.21 0.16 0.33 0.34 0.10 0.12 0.20 0.44 41.50 30.20 19.00 25.10 41.81 30.48 19.52 25.89 46.30 46.00 50.00 50.00 * 0.482 1.517 9.107 19.662 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 16 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line2 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.205 0.482 1.173 5.173 11.177 19.388 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.29 0.15 0.34 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.44 51.62 41.67 35.16 30.09 29.69 29.42 51.93 41.98 35.43 30.55 30.08 30.20 63.42 56.30 56.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Average 0.205 0.21 0.10 46.50 46.81 53.41 0.21 0.16 0.29 0.15 0.34 0.10 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.44 40.30 32.00 26.60 26.80 25.20 40.61 32.27 27.06 27.19 25.98 46.30 46.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 * 0.482 1.173 5.173 11.177 19.388 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 17 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line1 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.220 0.369 0.619 2.240 4.709 16.462 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.09 0.29 0.35 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.38 46.59 34.75 31.78 24.97 27.09 36.80 46.90 35.06 32.09 25.19 27.55 37.53 62.81 58.53 56.00 56.00 56.00 60.00 Average 0.220 0.369 0.619 2.240 4.709 * 16.462 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.09 0.29 0.35 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.17 0.38 30.40 23.20 27.30 16.70 19.30 31.70 30.71 23.51 27.61 16.92 19.76 32.43 52.82 48.52 46.00 46.00 46.00 50.00 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 18 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line2 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.228 0.353 0.611 1.841 4.420 17.029 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.09 0.17 0.41 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.39 46.03 38.91 30.68 28.54 27.35 35.30 46.34 39.22 30.99 28.75 27.69 36.11 62.52 58.89 56.00 56.00 56.00 60.00 Average 0.228 0.353 0.611 1.841 4.420 * 17.029 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.09 0.17 0.41 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.39 32.10 26.20 25.40 21.20 19.90 30.10 32.41 26.51 25.71 21.41 20.24 30.91 52.52 48.89 46.00 46.00 46.00 50.00 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 19 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line1 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.205 0.275 0.619 1.517 2.896 3.713 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.16 51.38 42.19 41.55 39.19 37.61 38.14 51.69 42.50 41.86 39.47 37.98 38.47 63.42 60.97 56.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 Average * 0.205 0.275 0.619 1.517 2.896 3.713 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.23 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.16 48.40 39.50 38.30 31.20 25.50 26.50 48.71 39.81 38.61 31.48 25.87 26.83 53.41 50.97 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 20 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.2 Shielded Room Test Condition Line2 Test Range 0.15~30MHz Frequency Cable LISN Reading Measurement Limits Loss Factor Level Level MHz dB dB dBuV dBuV dBuV ============================================================== Quasi-Peak * 0.209 0.271 0.619 1.099 1.943 3.713 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.09 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.16 51.70 43.07 41.89 40.36 36.76 38.16 52.01 43.38 42.20 40.63 36.97 38.49 63.26 61.08 56.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 Average * 0.209 0.271 0.619 1.099 1.943 3.713 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.09 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.16 48.00 38.50 38.20 33.30 22.40 28.10 48.31 38.81 38.51 33.57 22.61 28.43 53.24 51.09 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.00 Note: 1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value. 2. " * ", means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + LISN Factor + Cable loss. Page: 21 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 2.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Front View of Conducted Test - Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Back View of Conducted Test - Mode 3 Page: 22 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Front View of Conducted Test - Mode 6 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Back View of Conducted Test - Mode 6 Page: 23 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Front View of Conducted Test - Mode 9 Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Back View of Conducted Test - Mode 9 Page: 24 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 3. Radiated Emission 3.1. Test Equipment List The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test: Test Site Equipment Model No./Serial No. Last Cal. ESCS 30 / 836858 / 022 Jan., 2004 Spectrum Analyzer Advantest R3162 / 100803482 May, 2003 Pre-Amplifier Advantest BB525C/3307A01814 May, 2003 Bilog Antenna SCHAFFNER CBL6112B / 2705 Oct., 2003 Horn Antenna ETS 3115 / 0005-6160 Jul., 2003 Pre-Amplifier QTK QTK-AMP-01/ 0001 Jul., 2003 OATS 2 Test Receiver Note: 3.2. Manufacturer R&S 1. All equipments that need to be calibrate are with calibration period of 1 year. 2. Mark “X” test instruments are used to measure the final test results. Test Setup Page: 25 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 3.3. Limits EN 55022 Limits (dBuV/m) Frequency Class A Class B MHz Distance (m) dBuV/m Distance (m) dBuV/m 30 – 230 10 40 10 30 230 – 1000 10 47 10 37 Remarks: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges. 3.4. Test Procedure The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 10 meters. The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to EN 55022:1994+A1: 1995 +A2: 1997 on radiated measurement. Radiated emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 30MHz to1GHz using a receiver bandwidth of 120kHz. Radiated measurement was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 10 meters. 3.5. Test Specification According to EN 55022:1994+A1: 1995+A2: 1997 Page: 26 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 3.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Horizontal Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. Cable Loss MHz dB Probe PreAMP Factor dB/m dB Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level Level dBuV dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ============================================================= Horizontal: 115.900 150.621 194.920 200.200 240.392 355.700 480.042 1.31 1.49 1.72 1.74 1.96 2.55 3.19 11.77 10.32 8.05 8.40 10.42 13.42 16.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.08 8.80 11.76 9.09 10.58 10.70 4.95 17.16 20.62 21.53 19.23 22.96 26.68 24.84 12.84 9.38 8.47 10.77 14.04 10.32 12.16 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 * 4.13 18.42 0.00 6.93 29.48 7.52 37.00 662.684 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 27 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Vertical Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. MHz Cable Probe Loss Factor dB dB/m PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level dB dBuV Level dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ========================================================== Vertical: 116.760 120.499 159.760 194.902 250.001 375.000 480.052 584.714 1.32 1.33 1.53 1.72 2.01 2.65 3.19 3.73 10.43 10.66 8.68 8.11 11.86 14.90 16.40 19.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.80 11.18 8.89 13.70 8.78 9.57 4.81 4.00 19.55 23.17 19.10 23.53 22.65 27.11 24.40 27.30 10.45 6.83 10.90 6.47 14.35 9.89 12.60 9.70 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 * 4.13 17.70 0.00 8.71 30.54 6.46 37.00 662.685 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 28 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Horizontal Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. Cable Loss MHz dB Probe PreAMP Factor dB/m dB Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level Level dBuV dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ============================================================= Horizontal: 120.784 136.715 194.900 200.103 240.395 375.000 480.047 669.159 * 761.190 914.800 1.34 1.42 1.72 1.74 1.95 2.64 3.19 4.16 11.62 11.20 8.05 8.40 10.42 14.20 16.70 18.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.57 5.69 7.86 11.25 11.56 8.65 6.93 5.10 21.53 18.31 17.63 21.39 23.93 25.49 26.82 27.61 8.47 11.69 12.37 8.61 13.07 11.51 10.18 9.39 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 4.63 5.43 19.54 19.77 0.00 0.00 5.60 0.04 29.78 25.24 7.22 11.76 37.00 37.00 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 29 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Vertical Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. MHz Cable Probe Loss Factor dB dB/m PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level dB dBuV Level dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ========================================================== Vertical: 86.740 120.012 194.900 200.100 240.391 375.000 480.051 600.065 * 630.200 720.080 854.800 1.16 1.33 1.72 1.74 1.95 2.64 3.19 3.80 8.06 10.36 8.11 8.40 10.82 14.90 16.40 19.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.19 5.66 12.04 8.06 9.28 7.24 4.95 5.74 20.42 17.35 21.87 18.20 22.05 24.78 24.54 29.09 9.58 12.65 8.13 11.80 14.95 12.22 12.46 7.91 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 3.96 4.42 5.12 18.53 19.52 19.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.59 2.08 0.80 30.08 26.03 25.04 6.92 10.97 11.96 37.00 37.00 37.00 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 30 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Horizontal Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. Cable Loss MHz dB Probe PreAMP Factor dB/m dB Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level Level dBuV dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ============================================================= Horizontal: 120.784 200.100 229.083 375.000 480.052 * 630.200 720.082 840.091 914.600 1.34 1.74 1.89 2.64 3.19 11.62 8.40 9.52 14.20 16.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.91 11.52 10.66 8.35 8.94 20.87 21.66 22.08 25.19 28.83 9.13 8.34 7.92 11.81 8.17 30.00 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 3.96 4.42 5.04 5.43 18.63 18.32 19.33 19.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.27 3.44 2.28 2.43 29.85 26.19 26.65 27.63 7.15 10.81 10.35 9.37 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 31 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site OATS 2 Test Condition Vertical Test Range 30~1000MHz Freq. MHz Cable Probe Loss Factor dB dB/m PreAMP Reading Measurement Margin Limit Level dB dBuV Level dBuV/m dB dBuV/m ========================================================== Vertical: 120.015 194.900 240.396 375.000 480.057 600.066 * 630.200 720.083 915.600 1.33 1.72 1.95 2.64 3.19 3.80 10.36 8.11 10.82 14.90 16.40 19.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.24 12.38 8.32 6.54 9.48 6.22 16.93 22.21 21.09 24.08 29.07 29.57 13.07 7.79 15.91 12.92 7.93 7.43 30.00 30.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 3.96 4.42 5.43 18.53 19.52 21.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.12 4.48 0.98 30.61 28.43 27.78 6.39 8.57 9.22 37.00 37.00 37.00 Note: 1. All Readings below 1GHz are Quasi-Peak, above are performed with peak and/or average measurements as necessary. 2. “ * ”, means this data is the worst emission level. 3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Probe Factor + Cable Loss. Page: 32 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 3.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Front View of Radiated Test- Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Back View of Radiated Test- Mode 3 Page: 33 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Front View of Radiated Test- Mode 6 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Back View of Radiated Test- Mode 6 Page: 34 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Front View of Radiated Test- Mode 9 Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Back View of Radiated Test- Mode 9 Page: 35 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 4. Power Harmonics 4.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument 1 Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration Power Harmonics SCHAFFNER Profline 2105-400 Jun.,2003 Tester S/N: HK54148 2 Analyzer SCHAFFNER 3 No.3 Shielded Room CCN 1000-1/X71887 Jun.,2003 N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 4.2. Test Setup Page: 36 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 4.3. Limits Limits of Class A Harmonics Currents Harmonics Maximum Permissible Order harmonic current A n Harmonics Order n Odd harmonics Maximum Permissible harmonic current A Even harmonics 3 2.30 2 1.08 5 1.14 4 0.43 7 0.77 6 0.30 9 0.40 8 ≤ n ≤ 40 0.23 * 8/n 11 0.33 13 0.21 15 ≤ n ≤ 39 0.15 * 15/n Limits of Class B Harmonics Currents For Class B equipment, the harmonic of the input current shall not exceed the maximum permissible values given in table which is the limit of Class A multiplied by a factor of 1.5. Limits of Class C Harmonics Currents Harmonics Order n Maximum Permissible harmonic current Expressed as a percentage of the input current at the fundamental frequency % 2 2 3 30.λ 5 10 7 7 9 5 11 ≤ n ≤ 39 3 * (odd harmonics only) *λ is the circuit power factor Page: 37 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Limits of Class D Harmonics Currents Harmonics Order n Maximum Permissible harmonic current per watt mA/W Maximum Permissible harmonic current A 3 3.4 2.30 5 1.9 1.14 7 1.0 0.77 9 0.5 0.40 11 0.35 0.33 11 ≤ n ≤ 39 3.85/n See limit of Class A (odd harmonics only) 4.4. Test Procedure The EUT is supplied in series with power analyzer from a power source having the same normal voltage and frequency as the rated supply voltage and the equipment under test. And the rated voltage at the supply voltage of EUT of 0.94 times and 1.06 times shall be performed. 4.5. Test Specification According to EN 61000-3-2:2000 Page: 38 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 4.6. Test Result Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 3: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Power Harmonics Test Range Test Result: Pass Source qualification: Normal European Limits 6 300 4 200 2 100 0 0 -2 -100 -4 -200 -6 -300 Current & voltage waveforms Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Harmonics and Class D limit line It is 0.0% outside Class-D envelope Current RMS(Amps) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 4 Test result: Pass 8 12 16 20 24 Harmonic # 28 32 36 40 Worst harmonic was #0 with 0.00% of the limit. Page: 39 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Result: Pass Source qualification: Normal Highest parameter values during test: V_RMS (Volts): 229.91 I_Peak (Amps): 3.884 I_Fund (Amps): 0.304 Power (Watts): 71 Harm# Harmonics 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0.002 0.293 0.002 0.283 0.003 0.270 0.004 0.253 0.004 0.233 0.005 0.210 0.005 0.186 0.005 0.161 0.005 0.136 0.004 0.112 0.004 0.089 0.003 0.068 0.003 0.050 0.002 0.034 0.002 0.022 0.001 0.013 0.001 0.010 0.001 0.010 0.001 0.012 0.001 1.Dynamic limits were applied for this test. I_RMS (Amps): Crest Factor: Power Factor: 0.781 4.981 0.397 Limit % of Limit Status 0.255 0.00 Pass 0.143 0.00 Pass 0.075 0.00 Pass 0.038 0.00 Pass 0.026 0.00 Pass 0.023 0.00 Pass 0.020 0.00 Pass 0.017 0.00 Pass 0.015 0.00 Pass 0.014 0.00 Pass 0.013 0.00 Pass 0.012 0.00 Pass 0.011 0.00 Pass 0.010 0.00 Pass 0.009 0.00 Pass 0.009 0.00 Pass 0.008 0.00 Pass 0.008 0.00 Pass 0.007 0.00 Pass The highest harmonics values in the above table may not occur at the same window as the maximum harmonics/limit ratio. 2:According to EN61000-3-2 paragraph 7 the note 1 and 2 are valid for all applications having an active input power >75W. Others the result should be pass. Page: 40 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 6: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Power Harmonics Test Range Test Result: Fail Source qualification: Normal 3 300 2 200 1 100 0 0 -1 -100 -2 -200 -3 -300 Current RMS(Amps) Harmonics and Class D limit line Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Current & voltage waveforms European Limits 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 4 Test result: Fail Test Result: Fail 8 12 16 20 24 Harmonic # 28 32 36 40 Worst harmonic was #11 with 516.56% of the limit. Source qualification: Normal Page: 41 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E THC(A): 0.61 I-THD(pk%): 202.49 Highest parameter values during test: V_RMS (Volts): 229.90 I_Peak (Amps): 2.999 I_Fund (Amps): 0.303 Power (Watts): 71 Harm# Harms(avg) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0.000 0.283 0.000 0.267 0.000 0.245 0.000 0.217 0.000 0.187 0.000 0.154 0.000 0.123 0.000 0.094 0.000 0.068 0.000 0.049 0.000 0.036 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.008 0.000 POHC(A): 0.075 I_RMS (Amps): Crest Factor: Power Factor: POHC Limit(A): 0.028 0.683 4.398 0.455 100%Limit %of Limit Harms(max) 150%Limit %of Limit Status 0.241 117.4 0.290 0.362 80.14 Fail 0.135 198.3 0.274 0.202 135.45 Fail 0.071 345.2 0.251 0.106 236.15 Fail 0.035 613.1 0.223 0.053 420.07 Fail 0.025 752.0 0.192 0.037 516.56 Fail 0.021 725.9 0.160 0.031 506.99 Fail 0.018 666.1 0.127 0.027 466.93 Fail 0.016 573.6 0.098 0.024 404.85 Fail 0.014 475.2 0.072 0.022 333.05 Fail 0.013 377.3 0.052 0.020 264.52 Fail 0.012 307.2 0.038 0.018 214.53 Fail 0.011 278.8 0.032 0.016 192.60 Fail 0.010 279.0 0.029 0.015 191.51 Fail 0.009 283.8 0.027 0.014 194.58 Fail 0.009 275.2 0.025 0.013 188.82 Fail 0.008 247.5 0.021 0.012 170.06 Fail 0.008 201.7 0.016 0.012 140.71 Fail 0.007 150.4 0.012 0.011 106.14 Fail 0.007 107.4 0.008 0.010 75.93 Fail 1.Dynamic limits were applied for this test. The highest harmonics values in the above table may not occur at the same window as the maximum harmonics/limit ratio. 2:According to EN61000-3-2 paragraph 7 the note 1 and 2 are valid for all applications having an active input power >75W. Others the result should be pass. Page: 42 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 9: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Power Harmonics Test Range Test Result: Fail Source qualification: Normal 6 300 4 200 2 100 0 0 -2 -100 -4 -200 -6 -300 Current RMS(Amps) Harmonics and Class D limit line Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Current & voltage waveforms European Limits 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 4 Test result: Fail Test Result: Fail 8 12 16 20 24 Harmonic # 28 32 36 40 Worst harmonic was #15 with 660.15% of the limit. Source qualification: Normal Page: 43 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E THC(A): 0.72 I-THD(pk%): 233.97 Highest parameter values during test: V_RMS (Volts): 229.90 I_Peak (Amps): 3.847 I_Fund (Amps): 0.307 Power (Watts): 72 Harm# Harms(avg) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0.000 0.290 0.000 0.280 0.000 0.266 0.000 0.249 0.000 0.228 0.000 0.204 0.000 0.180 0.000 0.154 0.000 0.129 0.000 0.105 0.000 0.083 0.000 0.062 0.000 0.045 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.013 0.000 POHC(A): 0.125 I_RMS (Amps): Crest Factor: Power Factor: POHC Limit(A): 0.028 0.780 4.939 0.404 100%Limit %of Limit Harms(max) 150%Limit %of Limit Status 0.246 117.9 0.297 0.369 80.49 Fail 0.138 203.8 0.287 0.206 139.18 Fail 0.072 367.8 0.273 0.109 251.21 Fail 0.036 686.4 0.255 0.054 468.70 Fail 0.025 898.2 0.233 0.038 613.22 Fail 0.022 940.7 0.209 0.032 650.92 Fail 0.019 954.3 0.184 0.028 660.15 Fail 0.017 926.5 0.158 0.025 642.32 Fail 0.015 878.8 0.133 0.022 601.77 Fail 0.013 792.6 0.108 0.020 541.23 Fail 0.012 682.6 0.085 0.018 466.40 Fail 0.011 558.8 0.064 0.017 382.92 Fail 0.010 432.9 0.046 0.016 297.62 Fail 0.010 317.1 0.031 0.014 218.12 Fail 0.009 221.5 0.020 0.013 151.73 Fail 0.008 162.6 0.014 0.013 110.75 Fail 0.008 148.9 0.012 0.012 102.38 Fail 0.008 163.3 0.013 0.011 112.19 Fail 0.007 177.4 0.013 0.011 121.96 Fail 1.Dynamic limits were applied for this test. The highest harmonics values in the above table may not occur at the same window as the maximum harmonics/limit ratio. 2:According to EN61000-3-2 paragraph 7 the note 1 and 2 are valid for all applications having an active input power >75W. Others the result should be pass. Page: 44 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 4.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Power Harmonics Test Setup -Mode3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Power Harmonics Test Setup -Mode6 Page: 45 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Power Harmonics Test Setup -Mode9 Page: 46 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 5. Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker 5.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration 1 SCHAFFNER Profline 2105-400 Jun.,2003 Power Harmonics S/N: HK54148 Tester 2 Analyzer SCHAFFNER 3 No.3 Shielded Room CCN 1000-1/X71887 Jun.,2003 N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 5.2. Test Setup Page: 47 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 5.3. Limits Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker: The following limits apply: - the value of Pst shall not be greater than 1.0; - the value of P1t shall not be greater than 0.65; - the value of d(t) during a voltage change shall not exceed 3.3 % for more than 500 ms; - the relative steady-state voltage change, dc, shall not exceed 3.3 %; - the maximum relative voltage change, dmax, shall not exceed; a) 4 % without additional conditions; b) 6 % for equipment which is: - switched manually, or - switched automatically more frequently than twice per day, and also has either a delayed restart (the delay being not less than a few tens of seconds), or manual restart, after a power supply interruption. NOTE The cycling frequency will be further limited by the Pst and P1t limit. For example: a dmax of 6%producing a rectangular voltage change characteristic twice per hour will give a P1t of about 0.65. c) 7 % for equipment which is: - attended whilst in use (for example: hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, kitchen equipment such as mixers, garden equipment such as lawn mowers, portable tools such as electric drills), or - switched on automatically, or is intended to be switched on manually, no more than twice per day, and also has either a delayed restart (the delay being not less than a few tens of seconds) or manual restart, after a power supply interruption. Pst and P1t requirements shall not be applied to voltage changes caused by manual switching. 5.4. Test Procedure The EUT is supplied in series with power analyzer from a power source having the same normal voltage and frequency as the rated supply voltage and the equipment under test. And the rated voltage at the supply voltage of EUT of 0.94 times and 1.06 times shall be performed. 5.5. Test Specification According to EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001 Page: 48 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 5.6. Test Result Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 3: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Flicker Test Range Test Result: Pass Status: Test Completed Psti and limit line European Limits 1.00 Pst 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 17:31:48 Time is too short for Plt plot Parameter values recorded during the test: Vrms at the end of test (Volt): 229.74 Highest dt (%): 0.00 Time(mS) > dt: 0.0 Highest dc (%): 0.00 Highest dmax (%): 0.00 Highest Pst (10 min. period): Highest Plt (2 hr. period): Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass 500.0 Pass Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass Test limit (%): 4.00 Pass Test limit: 1.000 Pass 0.001 Test limit: 0.650 Pass Test limit (mS): 0.001 Page: 49 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 6: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Flicker Test Range Test Result: Pass Status: Test Completed Psti and limit line European Limits 1.00 Pst 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 21:26:16 Time is too short for Plt plot Parameter values recorded during the test: Vrms at the end of test (Volt): 229.69 Highest dt (%): 0.00 Time(mS) > dt: 0.0 Highest dc (%): 0.00 Highest dmax (%): 0.00 Highest Pst (10 min. period): Highest Plt (2 hr. period): Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass 500.0 Pass Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass Test limit (%): 4.00 Pass Test limit: 1.000 Pass 0.001 Test limit: 0.650 Pass Test limit (mS): 0.001 Page: 50 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site No.3 Shielded Room Test Mode Mode 9: Product MEGA BooK Test Condition Flicker Test Range Test Result: Pass Status: Test Completed Psti and limit line European Limits 1.00 Pst 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 21:42:38 Time is too short for Plt plot Parameter values recorded during the test: Vrms at the end of test (Volt): 229.80 Highest dt (%): 0.00 Time(mS) > dt: 0.0 Highest dc (%): 0.00 Highest dmax (%): 0.00 Highest Pst (10 min. period): Highest Plt (2 hr. period): Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass 500.0 Pass Test limit (%): 3.30 Pass Test limit (%): 4.00 Pass Test limit: 1.000 Pass 0.001 Test limit: 0.650 Pass Test limit (mS): 0.001 Page: 51 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 5.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Flicker Test Setup -Mode3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Flicker Test Setup -Mode6 Page: 52 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Flicker Test Setup -Mode9 Page: 53 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 6. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 6.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration 1 ESD Simulator System SCHAFFNER NSG 438,S/N:167 Dec.,2003 2 Horizontal Coupling Plane(HCP) QuieTek HCP AL50 N/A 3 Vertical Coupling Plane(VCP) QuieTek VCP AL50 N/A 4 No.3 Shielded Room N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 6.2. Test Setup Page: 54 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 6.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria Enclosure Port Electrostatic Discharge Kv (Charge Voltage) ±8 Air Discharge B ±4 Contact Discharge Remark: The Contact discharges were applied – at least total 200 discharges at a minimum of four test points. 6.4. Test Procedure Direct application of discharges to the EUT: Contact discharge was applied only to conductive surfaces of the EUT. Air discharges were applied only to non-conductive surfaces of the EUT. During the test, it was performed with single discharges. For the single discharge time between successive single discharges will be keep longer 1 second. It was at least ten single discharges with positive and negative at the same selected point. The selected point, which was performed with electrostatic discharge, was marked on the red label of the EUT. Indirect application of discharges to the EUT: Vertical Coupling Plane (VCP): The coupling plane, of dimensions 0.5m x 0.5m, is placed parallel to, and positioned at a distance 0.1m from, the EUT, with the Discharge Electrode touching the coupling plane. The four faces of the EUT will be performed with electrostatic discharge. It was at least ten single discharges with positive and negative at the same selected point. Horizontal Coupling Plane (HCP): The coupling plane is placed under to the EUT. The generator shall be positioned vertically at a distance of 0.1m from the EUT, with the Discharge Electrode touching the coupling plane. The four faces of the EUT will be performed with electrostatic discharge. It was at least ten single discharges with positive and negative at the same selected point. 6.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998+A2:2000 Page: 55 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 6.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition ESD Test Range Item Amount of Discharge Voltage No.3 Shielded Room Required Complied To Criteria Criteria (A,B,C) Results 10 +8kV B B Pass 10 -8kV B B Pass 10 +4kV B B Pass 10 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (HCP) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Front) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Left) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Back) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Right) 50 -4kV B B Pass Air Discharge Contact Discharge NR: No Requirement Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at kV. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Remark: The Contact discharges were applied at least total 200 discharges at a minimum of four test points. Page: 56 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition ESD Test Range Item Amount of Discharge Voltage No.3 Shielded Room Required Complied To Criteria Criteria (A,B,C) Results 10 +8kV B B Pass 10 -8kV B B Pass 10 +4kV B B Pass 10 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (HCP) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Front) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Left) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Back) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Right) 50 -4kV B B Pass Air Discharge Contact Discharge NR: No Requirement Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at kV. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Remark: The Contact discharges were applied at least total 200 discharges at a minimum of four test points. Page: 57 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition ESD Test Range Item Amount of Discharge Voltage No.3 Shielded Room Required Complied To Criteria Criteria (A,B,C) Results 10 +8kV B B Pass 10 -8kV B B Pass 10 +4kV B B Pass 10 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (HCP) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Front) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Left) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Back) 50 -4kV B B Pass Indirect Discharge 50 +4kV B B Pass (VCP Right) 50 -4kV B B Pass Air Discharge Contact Discharge NR: No Requirement Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at kV. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Remark: The Contact discharges were applied at least total 200 discharges at a minimum of four test points. Page: 58 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 6.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: ESD Test Setup -Mode3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: ESD Test Setup -Mode6 Page: 59 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: ESD Test Setup -Mode9 Page: 60 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 7. Radiated Susceptibility (RS) 7.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Signal Generator IFR 2023B / 202302/581 May,2003 2 Power Amplifier A&R 500A100AM3 /29369 Aug.,2003 3 Power Amplifier SCHAFFNER CBA9413B / 0006 Jun.,2003 1 4 Field Strength Sensor SCHAFFNER EMC 20 / Y-0028/ Z-0003 Last Calibration Jun.,2003 5 Power Antenna SCHWARZBECK VULB 9166 / 1073 Sep.,2003 6 Power Meter BOONTON May,2003 7 No.2 EMC Fully Chamber 4232A / 42201 Jul.,2003 Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 7.2. Test Setup Page: 61 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 7.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Enclosure Port Radio-Frequency MHz Electromagnetic Field V/m(Un-modulated, Amplitude Modulated rms) % AM (1kHz) 7.4. 80-1000 3 80 Performance Criteria A Test Procedure The EUT and load, which are placed on a table that is 0.8 meter above ground, are placed with one coincident with the calibration plane such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna and six sides of the EUT are set on measurement. In order to judge the EUT performance, a CCD camera is used to monitor EUT screen. All the scanning conditions are as follows: Condition of Test Remarks EN 55024:1998 1. Field Strength 3 V/M Level 2 2. Radiated Signal AM 80% Modulated with 1kHz 3. Scanning Frequency 80MHz - 1000MHz 4 Dwell Time 3 Seconds 5. Frequency step size ∆ f : 6. The rate of Swept of Frequency 7.5. 1% 1.5 x 10-3 decades/s Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-3:1995+A1:1998+A2:2000 Page: 62 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 7.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition RS Test Range 80-1000MHz Field Required Complied To Frequency Position Polarity (MHz) (Angle) (H or V) 80-1000 FRONT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 FRONT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM V 3 A A PASS Strength (V/m) Criteria Criteria Results (A,B,C) Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information There was no observable degradation in performance. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at at frequency MHz. V/m No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 63 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition RS Test Range 80-1000MHz Field Required Complied To Frequency Position Polarity (MHz) (Angle) (H or V) 80-1000 FRONT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 FRONT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM V 3 A A PASS Strength (V/m) Criteria Criteria Results (A,B,C) Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information There was no observable degradation in performance. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at at frequency MHz. V/m No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 64 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition RS Test Range 80-1000MHz Field Required Complied To Frequency Position Polarity (MHz) (Angle) (H or V) 80-1000 FRONT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 FRONT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 REAR V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 RIGHT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 LEFT V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 TOP V 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM H 3 A A PASS 80-1000 BOTTOM V 3 A A PASS Strength (V/m) Criteria Criteria Results (A,B,C) Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information There was no observable degradation in performance. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at at frequency MHz. V/m No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 65 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 7.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Radiated Susceptibility Test Setup -Mode 1 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Radiated Susceptibility Test Setup -Mode 6 Page: 66 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Radiated Susceptibility Test Setup Page: 67 of 111 -Mode 9 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 8. Electrical Fast Transient/Burst (EFT/B) 8.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument 1 2 Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration Fast Transient/Burst SCHAFFNER NSG 2050 Jun.,2003 Generator S/N: 200124-031AR N/A No.3 Shielded Room Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 8.2. Test Setup Page: 68 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 8.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria Signal Ports and Telecommunication Ports Fast Transients kV (Peak) Common Mode Tr/Ts ns Rep. Frequency kHz Input DC Power Ports Fast Transients Common Mode Input AC Power Ports Fast Transients Common Mode 8.4. ±0.5 5/50 5 B kV (Peak) Tr/Ts ns Rep. Frequency kHz ±0.5 5/50 5 B kV (Peak) Tr/Ts ns Rep. Frequency kHz ±1 5/50 5 B Test Procedure The EUT and load are placed on a table that is 0.8 meter above a metal ground plane measured 1m*1m min. and 0.65mm thick min. And projected beyond the EUT by at least 0.1m on all sides. For Signal Ports and Telecommunication Ports: The EFT interference signal is through a coupling clamp device couples to the signal and control lines of the EUT with burst noise for 1min. For Input DC and AC Power Ports: The EUT is connected to the power mains through a coupling device that directly couples the EFT interference signal. Each of the Line and Neutral conductors is impressed with burst noise for 1 min. The length of power cord between the coupling device and the EUT shall be 1m. 8.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-4:1995+A1:2000 Page: 69 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 8.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition EFT/B Test Range Inject Line Voltage Inject Time Polarity kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L+N+PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS LAN ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Telecom ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 70 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition EFT/B Test Range Inject Line Voltage Inject Time Polarity kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L+N+PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS LAN ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Telecom ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 71 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition EFT/B Test Range Inject Line Voltage Inject Time Polarity kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-N ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS N-PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS L+N+PE ± 1kV 60 CDN B B PASS LAN ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Telecom ± 0.5kV 90 CDN B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 72 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 8.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: EFT/B Test Setup -Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: EFT/B Test Setup Clamp-Mode 3 Page: 73 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: EFT/B Test Setup -Mode 6 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: EFT/B Test Setup Clamp-Mode 6 Page: 74 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: EFT/B Test Setup -Mode 9 Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: EFT/B Test Setup Clamp-Mode 9 Page: 75 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 9. Surge 9.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration 1 SCHAFFNER NSG 2050 Jun.,2003 Surge Generator 2 S/N: 200124-031AR No.3 Shielded Room N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 9.2. Test Setup Page: 76 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 9.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria Signal Ports and Telecommunication Ports (See 1) and 2)) Surges Tr/Ts uS 1.2/50 (8/20) Line to Ground kV ±1 B Input DC Power Ports Surges Line to Ground Tr/Ts uS kV 1.2/50 (8/20) ± 0.5 B AC Input and AC Output Power Ports Surges Tr/Ts uS Line to Line kV Line to Ground kV 1.2/50 (8/20) ±1 ±2 B Notes: 1) Applicable only to ports which according to the manufacturer’s may directly to outdoor cables. 2) Where normal functioning cannot be achieved because of the impact of the CDN on the EUT,no test shall be required. 9.4. Test Procedure The EUT and its load are placed on a table that is 0.8 meter above a metal ground plane measured 1m*1m min. and 0.65mm thick min. And projected beyond the EUT by at least 0.1m on all sides. The length of power cord between the coupling device and the EUT shall be 2m or less. For Input and Output AC Power or DC Input and DC Output Power Ports: The EUT is connected to the power mains through a coupling device that directly couples the Surge interference signal. The surge noise shall be applied synchronized to the voltage phase at 00, 900, 1800, 2700 and the peak value of the a.c. voltage wave. (Positive and negative) Each of Line-Earth and Line-Line is impressed with a sequence of five surge voltages with interval of 1 min. 9.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-5:1995+A1:2000 Page: 77 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 9.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Surge Test Range Inject Line Time Voltage Interval Polarity Angle kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L-N ± 0 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 90 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 180 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 270 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 78 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Surge Test Range Inject Line Time Voltage Interval Polarity Angle kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L-N ± 0 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 90 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 180 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 270 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 79 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Surge Test Range Inject Line Time Voltage Interval Polarity Angle kV (Second) No.3 Shielded Room Inject Required Complied to Method Criteria Criteria Result L-N ± 0 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 90 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 180 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-N ± 270 1kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS L-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 0 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 90 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 180 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS N-PE ± 270 2kV 60 Direct B A PASS Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. Page: 80 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 9.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: SURGE Test Setup-Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: SURGE Test Setup-Mode 6 Page: 81 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: SURGE Test Setup-Mode 9 Page: 82 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 10. Conducted Susceptibility (CS) 10.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration Signal Generator IFR 2023B / 202302/581 May,2003 2 Power Amplifier A&R 3 Power Amplifier SCHAFFNER 4 CDN 1 Schwarzbeck L801 M2/3 / 1549 Jun.,2003 5 CDN 2 Schwarzbeck L801 S1 / 1574 Jun.,2003 6 CDN 3 Schwarzbeck L801 AF4 / 1064 Jun.,2003 7 CDN 4 Schwarzbeck L801 AF8 / 1070 Jun.,2003 8 CDN 5 FCC FCC-801-S9 / 9837 Jun.,2003 9 CDN 6 FCC FCC-801-S15 / 9838 Jun.,2003 10 CDN 7 FCC FCC-801-S25 / 9839 Jun.,2003 11 50 ohm Terminator RES-NET RCX6BM Jun.,2003 12 6dB Attenuator BIRD 13 EM Clamp Schwarzbeck 1 14 500A100AM3 /29369 Aug.,2003 CBA9413B / 0006 Jun.,2003 No.2 EMC Fully RFA250NFF10 Jun.,2003 KEMZ 801 / 15928 Jun.,2003 N/N Chamber Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 10.2. Test Setup Page: 83 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 10.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria Signal Ports and Telecommunication Ports MHz Radio-Frequency V (rms, Continuous Conducted Un-modulated) % AM (1kHz) Input DC Power Ports MHz Radio-Frequency V (rms, Continuous Conducted Un-modulated) % AM (1kHz) Input AC Power Ports MHz Radio-Frequency V (rms, Continuous Conducted Un-modulated) % AM (1kHz) Page: 84 of 111 0.15-80 3 80 A 0.15-80 3 80 A 0.15-80 3 80 A Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 10.4. Test Procedure The EUT are placed on a table that is 0.8 meter height, and a ground reference plane on the table, EUT are placed upon table and use a 10cm insulation between the EUT and ground reference plane. For Signal Ports and Telecommunication Ports The disturbance signal is through a coupling and decoupling networks (CDN) or EM-clamp device couples to the signal and Telecommunication lines of the EUT. For Input DC and AC Power Ports The EUT is connected to the power mains through a coupling and decoupling networks for power supply lines. And directly couples the disturbances signal into EUT. Used CDN-M2 for two wires or CDN-M3 for three wires. All the scanning conditions are as follows: Condition of Test Remarks 1. Field Strength 130dBuV(3V) Level 2 2. Radiated Signal AM 80% Modulated with 1kHz 3. Scanning Frequency 0.15MHz – 80MHz 4 Dwell Time 3 Seconds 5. Frequency step size ∆ f : 6. The rate of Swept of Frequency 1% 1.5 x 10-3 decades/s . 10.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-6:1996+A1:2000 Page: 85 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 10.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition CS Test Range 0.15-80MHz Frequency Voltage Inject Tested Port of Required Performance Result Range Applied Method EUT Criteria Criteria Complied (MHz) dBuV(V) 0.15~80 130 (3V) CDN AC IN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp LAN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp Telecom A A PASS To Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at dBuV(V) at frequency MHz. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 86 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition CS Test Range 0.15-80MHz Frequency Voltage Inject Tested Port of Required Performance Result Range Applied Method EUT Criteria Criteria Complied (MHz) dBuV(V) 0.15~80 130 (3V) CDN AC IN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp LAN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp Telecom A A PASS To Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at dBuV(V) at frequency MHz. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 87 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Chamber2 Test Condition CS Test Range 0.15-80MHz Frequency Voltage Inject Tested Port of Required Performance Result Range Applied Method EUT Criteria Criteria Complied (MHz) dBuV(V) 0.15~80 130 (3V) CDN AC IN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp LAN A A PASS 0.15~80 130 (3V) Clamp Telecom A A PASS To Meet criteria A : Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B : Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C : Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at dBuV(V) at frequency MHz. No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 88 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 10.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup –Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup Clamp-Mode 3 Page: 89 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup -Mode 6 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup Clamp -Mode 6 Page: 90 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup -Mode 9 Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Conducted Susceptibility Test Setup Clamp-Mode 9 Page: 91 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 11. Power Frequency Magnetic Field 11.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration 1 SCHAFFNER INA 2141 Jun.,2003 Power Line Maganetics S/N: 6002 2 Gauss Meter F.W.BELL 4090 3 Magnetic Field Coil SCHAFFNER INA702 Jun.,2003 Jun.,2003 S/N: 199749-020 IN 4 No.3 Shielded Room N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 11.2. Test Setup Page: 92 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 11.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria Hz A/m (r.m.s.) 50 1 Enclosure Port Power-Frequency Magnetic Field 11.4. A Test Procedure The EUT and its load are placed on a table which is 0.8 meter above a metal ground plane measured at least 1m*1m min. The test magnetic field shall be placed at central of the induction coil. The test magnetic Field shall be applied 10 minutes by the immersion method to the EUT. And the induction coil shall be rotated by 90° in order to expose the EUT to the test field with different orientation (X, Y, Z Orientations). 11.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-8:1993+A1:2000 Page: 93 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 11.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition PMag Test Range Polarization No.3 Shielded Room Frequency Magnetic Required Performance (Hz) Strength Performance Criteria (A/m) Criteria Complied To Test Result X Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Y Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Z Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 94 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition PMag Test Range Polarization No.3 Shielded Room Frequency Magnetic Required Performance (Hz) Strength Performance Criteria (A/m) Criteria Complied To Test Result X Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Y Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Z Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 95 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition PMag Test Range Polarization No.3 Shielded Room Frequency Magnetic Required Performance (Hz) Strength Performance Criteria (A/m) Criteria Complied To Test Result X Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Y Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Z Orientation 50 1 A A PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line kV of . No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 96 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 11.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Power Frequency Magnetic Field Test Setup -Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Power Frequency Magnetic Field Test Setup -Mode 6 Page: 97 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Power Frequency Magnetic Field Test Setup -Mode 9 Page: 98 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 12. Voltage Dips and Interruption Measurement 12.1. Test Equipment List Item Instrument Manufacturer Type No/Serial No. Last Calibration 1 SCHAFFNER NSG 2050 Jun.,2003 Voltage Dips Generator 2 S/N: 200124-031AR No.3 Shielded Room N/A Note: All equipment upon which need to be calibrated are with calibration period of 1 year. 12.2. Test Setup Page: 99 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 12.3. Limits Item Environmental Phenomena Units Test Specification Performance Criteria >95 0.5 30 25 > 95 250 % Reduction Period % Reduction Periods % Reduction Periods Input AC Power Ports Voltage Dips Voltage Interruptions 12.4. B C C Test Procedure The EUT and its load are placed on a table which is 0.8 meter above a metal ground plane measured 1m*1m min. And 0.65mm thick min. And projected beyond the EUT by at least 0.1m on all sides. The power cord shall be used the shortest power cord as specified by the manufacturer. For Voltage Dips/ Interruptions test: The selection of test voltage is based on the rated power range. If the operation range is large than 20% of lower power range, both end of specified voltage shall be tested. Otherwise, the typical voltage specification is selected as test voltage. The EUT is connected to the power mains through a coupling device that directly couples to the Voltage Dips and Interruption Generator. The EUT shall be tested for 30% voltage dip of supplied voltage and duration 10ms, for 60% voltage dip of supplied voltage and duration 100ms with a sequence of three voltage dips with intervals of 10 seconds, and for 95% voltage interruption of supplied voltage and duration 5000ms with a sequence of three voltage interruptions with intervals of 10 seconds. Voltage phase shifting are shall occur at 0O, 45O, 90O, 135O, 180O, 225O, 270O, 315O of the voltage. 12.5. Test Specification According to IEC 61000-4-11:1994+A1:2002 Page: 100 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 12.6. Test Result Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 3: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Dip Test Range Voltage Dips and Interruption Reduction(%) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) 30(161V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) >95(0V) Angle 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Test Duration (Periods) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Required Performance Criteria B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Performance Criteria Complied To A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A No.3 Shielded Room Test Result PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information The nominal voltage of EUT is 230V. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line . kV of No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 101 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 6: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Dip Test Range Voltage Dips and Interruption Reduction(%) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) Angle 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Test Duration (Periods) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Required Performance Criteria B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Performance Criteria Complied To A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A No.3 Shielded Room Test Result PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information The nominal voltage of EUT is 230V. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line . kV of No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 102 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Product MEGA BooK Test Mode Mode 9: Date of Test 2004/02/10 Test Site Test Condition Dip Test Range Voltage Dips and Interruption Reduction(%) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) >35(149.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) 25(172.5V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) >100(0V) Angle 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Test Duration (Periods) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Required Performance Criteria B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Performance Criteria Complied To A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A No.3 Shielded Room Test Result PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Meet criteria A: Operate as intended during and after the test Meet criteria B: Operate as intended after the test Meet criteria C: Loss/Error of function Additional Information The nominal voltage of EUT is 230V. EUT stopped operation and could / could not be reset by operator at Line . kV of No false alarms or other malfunctions were observed during or after the test. The acceptance criteria were met, and the EUT passed the test. Page: 103 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E 12.7. Test Photo Test Mode : Mode 3: Description: Voltage Dips Test Setup -Mode 3 Test Mode : Mode 6: Description: Voltage Dips Test Setup -Mode 6 Page: 104 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Test Mode : Mode 9: Description: Voltage Dips Test Setup -Mode 9 Page: 105 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Attachement EUT Photograph (1) EUT Photo (2) EUT Photo Page: 106 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E (3) EUT Photo (4) EUT Photo Page: 107 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E (5) EUT Photo (6) EUT Photo Page: 108 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E (7) EUT Photo (8) EUT Photo Page: 109 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E (9) EUT Photo Page: 110 of 111 Version:1.0 Report No: 042L008E Reference : Laboratory of License Page: 111 of 111 Version:1.0
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