, ~ 85 ~ c;: 4~~l ~ ~ lycee.< .(em.rz.< s ....Omecnmmc[ jc ivi ies; l ~ ~ l I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1978 ~ iVi: I 8870% ~i' n KENDRICK AND GENESEE, LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO Mts. James Holt Elected President Of Garden Club ttuL~~ St. % ' f'[ NO. 40 'I ~ ' '..'ig~ers '.u..I.esac ..'ric.acl t Mrs, James Bait waa Inst«Bed as of the HIH and VAIhy president Garden Club for 1978-74 Homocamlng is coming up October sent a Skit whkh wN help deter- proparaUona far the dance after the regular business meeting hst 5Ul and the week preceding wiH be mine the class with the mast spirit. game. Then at 7100.the Kendrick d«y «f ternoan, fNod with many'pitif-fIBed «ctivlThursday is "dress up day" at KHS TIgera wHI moot the. Clat~~~ -WolOther officets InstaHed were Mri; Uoa with Its cBtnsx being Friday whoro everyone wiH be wearing thob'es on the playing .fhM for:.-An exWayn Yenni, vice pre«Ident,;, Mra night with the faatb«H game, the beaL That tdght at 8;00, tits aorpoa- citetnont4iHed borneo ~t~~ i game. Eddie G«Iktw«y, secretaty4teaaurer pubHc dance and the crowning of tine wiB bogftt. 8, wiH proceed from Duting the h«lfUme.the KHS DtIH and Mrs, Agatha Perkins, reconHng tho KHS Homecoming Queen. to JuH«etta and back sg«In. Team wN perforNL Ca secret«ry, Mrs. Sob Watts was the Thh week wiB be Spgirit Week with the stop «t. Jullaetttt, awards to be phyed by the band, inataNng aNeer for the candl«light each ahsa competing for the 'Most wiH be given for Mss and Mr, Spirit TIton Marty certtmany.. Catttsgos weie pie- Spirited Class". The classes wN be of KHS. ~~~4 1 for thh honor Cleat.~enand Jatne¹8ouderawHl sente4 to .thft new officer«an4 .the abh to decorate the halls, lead yells, are: Setdor Eva WIHcen snd Nick have the ptivHege'of crow'ning. the .luncheon hottt4tsses by MrIA 1978 Homeaattdng Quetml make buttons and anything else ta Antdtsge; tutdors-Ruth«an Sptoul who made all of .them ftcttn ptove to the teachers that they are eaon and Don Benjamin; Sophotttcees The dance fctHowlng,the gaitte wNfresh garden flowers. the most spirited eh«a Katrina McQaty and Qhnn S«Hoy; be hold ftom 10:00.;.:4o1100, .'The The It«eon otL "Terrarltttns" mid, Vicki Jcihns and RLck theme thhl year Is ":Here Comi the Monday wN be "Grubby Day"— Frtathtttan ably demonstrated and supervised TIgem'I"'he 4«ttce h open to the . the four high school classes wiH have Steigw» With the pause at In» a couple of minutes to decor«to their the winner Weyen. She gave of the "Most Spirited pubHc and everyane hl «neourig«4 to farntaUclt ot types of containers to home roam door with a first prhe Chas" award wN be «nnounceL The the nlbcbag of p1anHag aolh and ribbon to bo given for the beet QIANA sorp- tlute wHI then move on to the how to phnt th» varkxN kinds of Say eeL, 0 Tuesday the varsity chcerlesdote school wheze the battflre, pzepctrod [email protected] pI«nts Into the cantMttartL wN be selling loHypops and p ~ng by the Fr ~~~.- wN be hokL'Here Tuesday, Oct 9 wNbe high school Club ~~hers gava a hearty- w¹I- out buttons for everyone ta wear for Stttdtmt Sady prosidaNC. Steve mch- CaHoge Oti~~«tt~ Day at come. to nine members attettdhtg Qw rest of the week. nor wiH announce the four fin«I cand- high schooL CoB«go« and UniveraNes ftttttt the Ttoy White Pine Q«rdtm the cheer- id«tea for Hattutcamfng Quean from a from across Ute state wIH Jtavtt xeprtt'Wednesday morning Club and to Mra Vent Wegn«r of leaders wiH be preparing a breakfast fIOM of 12 lovely- huB«a ~t«ttves pteaottt to 'dhctue the4r Cameton. fot'he foatbaH players and the coach- Friday Is Orange and Slack Day. InaUtuUans and.fts programL School Mra RoNn Arttdtttge snttounced «a. That «ftornaan a pop assembly The studcmt council wN have a busy will be dhtnhaed for the upper four flower show ot .wN be hold and each class wN pre- d«y decor«ting «nd n ~~~~ other grades that day. the chrysanthemum the CIO«rwater Dlsttfct of Id«ho State Garden Clubs to be hcdd oi, Wednesday, Oct. 8 at the MILsatdc Hall at QrangevIHO. Thh Ia open, lo the pubHc between 8 and 4 pJn,E Memhm are urged to attend:a«4, «lea ta enter «n anettgement or a:" horUculture entry In cut chryesn-! Th~ Dan - Robinson, Idaho State special Grange Wastes; Ãr«,-D«n Robinson present at a Te«kean Morton Pteusslar, mesUng At Tettkettn Grange HaH «nd Mottd«y:-,ev«ttlttg, October 1, IFrom Orange Master. .Veni Chaato PItotpi lett, to rlt'tht are Tod IL- Attdck, Asshtant to'the NAUotuLI Grange Mas- St«te «nd local Grange ter; N«Uon«1," le«dere: were tn~ p~ '4e ThiiH of a life6me... ~e t ~ WS I'Il' I Isa Msl I ~I .~ ~ I I ~P' F~~ ~, ~ ~m Also. mombors are «eked to take an Item ar Items for the "Oatmtry, Store" which lcd be ane of the high-. lights at, the shaw. Refreahmenta ot bars and coo@he served at the close of tha meet- . Ing by Jo Sea«cater, MHHe Corkia Rhine Qagowsy and AdoHO Lublaw who was flHIng In for Jeasle Erlewlnedue to an Injured foot «nd w«a tmable to attend.—ht.C. 4 'as tr~~ ill/I III ~ i, r, For Private Kiaderg'axten- Plaas Undemay Phns are being made to start a klndsrg«rtett for ates chiMren wha must be five years of age by October 15. Many p«tcmt¹'f k4«dergatt¹u agtt chHdran have expressed a desire ga Io khtdtuTI«rt thht Uma 17 OMIdtett ar«.Itn-,. ~ pretty and spirit«4] ptsesntno'~ wlrk «nd ccePlinsth% of, " 1«N«s,"-tho-vtLtttlty 'he -Ham .-.Weak~.tttcthdtlae;,"mor. l In the''praapecth~ wN be taught by Mra Attita ets of KH8, have done tnuch of the,-They ate, from ett to rfghtt Dolt«, Tt Sech«, wha graduated with a S. S. degree In element«ry educ«Uon this sununot ftctm the University of Idaho. %ra Boche dM her stttdont teaching In the second gr«de; has taken and pte-»chaOI development chHd courses and a«shied In k4ndorIIttrt¹n «cUvlUo«. Sho Caught Rttvintnmcattttl: Studies Ia tifth and eighth graders at the University this attmmor, dur» lng vhich Umo «be co«tetrad +' and princip«la superintendents IK the state to Imtram throughout prove sttd expand hor tattchlng akIBA The cl«aa wIH run for three mornings a week, at a cast. of 815 par month, plus a 85 foe for school auppHea, which Includes the cost of « math workbook, poncHa, cntyctna, sclNeta. otc. It h hoped that the kind' otg«rton wiH be in ««salon by the ;.'-"I'::—.'i . —:., " il JET k of October 8. TLL&vo ot the mothers of klndot garien «ge chHdnst mot «t the home of htes. Scabs 8«turday morning and discussed iho tent«Uve progntm. It I c tata docidod that when the le~thor ~I is tao bad for driving, class lrauld nat moog but would w«IC ta resume when the wvathor ia permissible. Any patents wha have nat been cant«ctcd or who have quoatlans ate urged Io call Anlta Soobo al, 280':-,¹tLTiak: II 4128. WH«d rI . — by't'ed Utat-theh'hHdtea M ~- them urn«. ea and at al 3t —~I:..captahts:.: 'Sage»t><'uring. — tta~ ~ were ning aatnmiacdan, . This wauM be Teakean . Qr«nge hosts at «n Invtt«Uan«I meeUng Non« thrctugh the resaluUons «nd learning day tdght honoring spechl guesh how mcotbers could become a part of 'Ted Atnlck, Washington, D. C„aa«4L- tlda, The rural planning commission, tant ta tha National Grange M«ster he s«M, «re being set up to h«lp and Idaho State Grange Raster Dan Intpiemsnt the rural development act Robinson and Mrs. Robinson of S«gle, at 1978, Grange works, he continued, at were the Stat «nd N«Uamd 1m~ Io r attic m Hugh Parks. Id«ho State Grange mete the well being ot the f«rmer. Deputy far CIo«rwatar and Nasperce The paHcles of the Grange begin with counUoe and Mts, Parks; both sre tho cst«bB«bmonts of local paBcio¹ member» of the Lapval Valley which h advanced ta the State and Qrange, and Wayne Pane«a, Id«ha eventu«Hy io the National loveh. This State Grange Deputy for idaho «nd h the ttnlque feature, he said, In Lewis« aaunUO¹,. Nos Pone County poHcy making which has helped the Pomona Master and a ntontbor of Ulo Grange nudntaln its gr«sa roots syaCtddes«a Grange. Eight Oranges In tom of yolky development." At, the claao of the moeUng a covaH wore represented, Including Te«koan, Kendrick, L«pwai Valley. Oto- oted 4I«h luncheon mu sorLM in the fino, Ouldos«c, Clayton Heights, Nning ntattt of the hall with 'the Kennedy Ford and Albion. IVttah. To«keen Qtettge hNoa serving. At the cBmax of Amhk's on+Jay Te«koln Qr«nge Master htarvfn Pru«H«r @resided at the mooUng with viaft In the northern p«rt of Idaho, htsstor of tjto, Interviotc&g members and t«king JLT«tm g On«lett, KendrNc Qr«nge «nd Mr. No«44 pictures of v«rlaua Qr«ngos and their M«ster of the Ototlno Grattipt «hla praJocta for the purpose of making «documentary fHm tar the N«Uan«I being.. present. MHowlng the InttctdueUan ol Mr, Qr«ngo ho took Ume aut «lang with Amlck by St«te Master D«n- Robin-I the St«to Master Wcdttetd«y montt«lk'aa Ing ta tour the Kendrick Grange hall «on a vocy inform«Uve gIVen by Mr. Attdck on Grange lead- and to goi pictures of their msgr project of romod«ling and tundng a Or«hip and tttembership prttgrtama biggest oppartttnity for lhe farmer grocery store Info a commeeting Qrange. Amick «add, h ta become toriable and convenient lnvolva4 ln Ule county rur«I p1«n- place. ee 'ng — Iististanl Ta National Grange Master Visited Tashaan Grange Monday Evening Idaho„'he p~t Q~ ~ck - c"--'.~ jttognim,'hich Jlltlle. Dtottt+. Janet'L'ahtnan'- ~~-- Veen iJcthne» jjsattt .And ---Jan«C Choate: Peti} wiUL,'cleal l4» < I'L i It wss the UtrIB ot a llfetlme for Glen Wagner, Camoran «ro« fan«or. when ho shat this moose ln the boch«a area 8opt. 19. Idaho moose por. mits «te issued by special dr«wings game rules eely, and ance m«ka the lmnier Ineligible for furth- au~ui, dratl~. er Taken an Wanderer Ridge In the Lachaa area, tbo huge animal'a weight w«tl a«Urn«lad at 1800 paunds. Tho horne tnosautod a spread of 40+ inchoa and 8 Inch«a «t the widest palm. Glen «nd his wife, Jean, had hunted the area for eleven days before locaUng and bagging tho moose. Annual Big Becxr Ridge Saraar October 6 $ 11 I 88'g ~ F: .i II lgll l~ The first at the community~nsorod b«s«ars >vHI be hold thh 8«t'tday evening, October 8, ai, the Blg Bear Ridge Community H«IL The ladles at the Happy Home Club wN and serving a h«m bo preparing supper, home-made Itioa and raH« and «H the extra trintmittga. FOBatclng Uto supper thoro wlH be an auction of homcm«da fancyttmrk. Prices for the supper, wldch begitts at 8:80 pJtt„wOI bo for «dulls; $ 1.75 for children up to grado and 8 OMIdten utidor the «ge at 8 wiH bo served free. l~ ~ foal IJJ Genesee Rainfall 1.'I6 I KIN h~l iiiglh '=- Surprise Party Honored Walt Sigham, 82 Ity MIBlo CarkHI "My good health Is «ttributcd ta my wite's gCtad cooking," wtts thc hearty response at W«ltot Blghttttt, former Amorlc«n Ridge t«nnot; wha Ia woH known In the Kendrick aro«, but sittce hh roUrcmant h«a mado his home In Cauor O'Ahtto, Sunday ho absorvcd bis 82nd birthday. The ace«sian was marked at an open house In his honor at the home Mrs. Ernest Andrews af of Mr Americ«n Ridge. 'Many ttlcatda «nd rolativos of the guest attended. Sigh«m, born itt 1891 the aon of Sam «nd Litt«SIgham at Kendrick, w«s r«Ised at the fartll honte now ~d September's rain totslel 1.78 Inchfar 1078, reported John I*uodko, ralnf«ll tlgutes for wha m«lntains Uta SCS. This amount ot moisture w«s greater than that tar Ule ««mo mottth in 1078, which cc~ 1.88 I«ches. The crap year raint«H for Gonetoe w«a 0,10 Inches less than half that which w«s rocatdod tar 1078; 18.58 i«chas. «a occupied by tha Andrawa Sigh«m t«rmei on Amorican Ridge tutUI hia retirement In 1058 «nd «ftot that moved ta Caout''Alone Lvhcto ha c«n put«us hla hobbles at hunting «nd fialdng, mast at hla ap«re for «am«B arch«td and =''--'; 3""-''t~ ~ ~ ~I,,P- Nl I I I Flintstones To Neet Thursduy,october 4 Members ot the Flint«tan« Rack Club cc& moot Thursday, October 4, at 7;00 p.m, at the Kendrick Ate HalL 8poakcr for the ovotdng wlH be Dan G«lbrlth, wha wiH dhcusa the Ido«UIIO«Uan at stone@ They'l t«co Culdoaac: Hate are the'econd ntwl Dennh Lukocart; KoBy Kendrick Tigers for 1078. They wiH; CIomotdt«gon, Ran tVhittum, Ran SHbe mooUng Culdoa«c HS Friday night flaw, httko 13ao, S'cvo Craig. Third faatb«H g«mo. 'ntw-. D«n Stolgont, Kon Stolm„John ln the hamoaandng The Tigers, left ta right, bogfntting Hedlor, Doug Craig, Doug Chtiatenaon, hI«tk htustoo. Fourth rom: John with the bottom raw are. Rd Andot san, M«rty Clomonh«gen, James Sau- M«y, Gene Kimbloy, Monte Prieo, dots, hGko Ctmtawaki «nd Vorn RoeL. Paul Hutchoaon, Glenn Bailey, Jeff Catttalc~ Dan Stacks, Fifth row: Ono wHI bo Queen. One at thee Ial'sly >vuttg girls ~ttt Kendrick High Settaal wHI be aoiactod ia reign «a Hamocaming Queen af 1978. Four tin«IIaia wHI bo aoloctod Thursd«y Suo ¹Gttry, Katrina NOGary. Janet Thomas, T«mi Huttan, Jayno Heath, «nd Tammy Cari«CIetnonhagcn KIrk Mayor, Rab htalmttrd, Ru«rk, Ran ht«ynaud, Rick Steigor«, Doug Lahman '«nd Leo Doab«lcL Standing on the lett Ia tuwist«nt coach BIH Lttl!tttnyan and on the right ls head coach Dick Ru«rk. Vetn Chattte Photo) Jason Itind PHlalv S«a«IC During «xcav«Uan by ra«d district clew« near their home, hatt, David a dhcavorod JuH«ott«, Sanqulat, reek form«tian. lacking strange Tldnklng possibly the atrattge tarmaUan might bo the remains at some animal, which h«d foasHI«ad, Mte, S«nqulat cant«ciel Art Johns «nd Dan Galbtlth wlta came aut and oxattdnod the abJoct. Atter careful axattdnaUan lt am decided the ab)oct 1L~ pHlaw basalt stone. caused by hat 1«va flowing aver wot sand, The ato«m escaping tram the sand or stream bod ghm the «ppc«r«neo of scales ta the rack, j'uliaetta Bridge Closed At mcoU«g 'IVodnosd«y, Sept, 88, bott~ attictLIs fram Jultaottlt and tL Nas Pates County Road Department poraanttoi, It w«s docidod in Ibo Interest, of pubBc atltoty that the old bridge tLt JuBscU«cauld tla Iallgol'e kept open, An cngfnoctlttg aiully doiorminei would be ImpatLdbio ta 1«rgo vegetable «nd tialvor gardens ropttir praporly «nd thor«tate sbauld with hta wite, tho tanner Lucy Pas- bc cattdcmnet, Until slick time as tho Cmmty camtel'. Ha «isa ralaoa qu«il «nil 11«a wough boos ta supply hfm «nd hla ttdasianont «mi J«H«rtt«officials h«ve made final dlspasIIIatt. the brlwfta wiU1 honey. wH1 ba claaod «nd the tr«voHng "Koopfng busy ho1ps ta keep your pubBc wIB hsro ta detour by way of Kendrick at Chonyl«ne. mind att of gotUttg alder,'1 ho said. Blghattt t spends Uma c«ring Uta bridge ~o tdgttt «nd the Queen wIH be crowned Frid«v night «t htdtUmo «cthhUos. They are. tram left ta tight: Debbie Chrhtonaott, Karen Ingle, Susan Soirara, Cindy Taylor, Socky Cawger,, Anttiltlgo, Vora Choate Phatal THE GAZhrfvm = ÃEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1973 Of Ge>csee h Consolidation of The Kendrick Gasette and ~,m Genesee Thuredayi and entered ss jjitritahed every lgedneaday:idared matter, et the post office fn .Kendrick, Idaho sssyt, and Gesesee. Winch Cpunur. under Aci of Congress of March, I'LL .The official Ner'eepaper of Genesee. Kendrtcn and Jutlaetca, ': Rate Adveruslnz —SS.5O per I) 34-0 Hue'skies Genesee's strong young Bulldog .'fcf'ptb«)] 'team kept up fts .vrinning wayct-'Friday evening, thumping the 'High)arid Huskies 34-0,to wind up -: the GHS'omecomirig week on a «jc'ces«ful-'.note, The "victory also kept t])i''-Bugdagfi "tfed for f)Zst .place fn " the-'%Vh)te-'. Pine Leajue„with the Kendrick on .the points'rom quarter, scoring 20 Iiofnts m-5jre" jrazd.'iiq -by: Lor'en Morscheck opened: tlie '.scar)fig:and. Aher fn's )attempted )))ck; for. the conversto fcm', failed.. -Hor]rf))]j'he'Husk)es ,dowjs ",Genesee "-moved 'rita scoring zarige «nd 'Jeff -Boyc]',«, pass. to" D«n T)gei3.'Grene'«ee'Pou'red thee"op'en]ng Stout covering 22'ards.'was'oo4 for another'ix points. Don- Smith ran the conversion. Jeff,Boyd, on .a pu't yarrf qiiarterbac]c''nre'ak 'dix'-pofrits on the;board and it 20-0'.after. the conversion kick an-',- wis —Strlctty $ In Advance &NS'ubscripifori Rates Given Upon Appiication Thump Bullfrogs - year GENESEE VALLEY Mrs. Leon Danie]son attended the open house at the Einmanuel church the Saturday honoring in iNoscavr 80th birthday annivc;rsary of Nrs. Pa)ma Hove, Mrs. De]os Odenborg visited Thursday in'moscow 'with Nzs. Harvey Sunday, ]gr. and Goo'dnaugh. Mrs. Odenborg and Kevin were in Moscow 'a]id helped their son, and fami]y.m'ave into theiz new home . Mr.-and ]grs. Allen Sather 'of Lewiston called at the Levi.Rossebo home 'n last Friday. of Emmett . visit- . Jeannie .Peterson ed last-;weekend with her .'parents, Mr. and,]grs. Vernofi Peterson and Debbie..:Linda Rerrick was a last Thursday. overnight guest. )ii.the Mf]ce anr) Becky Pet«nd ,erson wer«: Friday overnight S«tuzday;.guests of their grandpaz eats whi]« their parents were fishing. The, Petersons spent, Sunday in Op,)Iaztunfty with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Stacy who recently Hermann moved there from Boise. «nd Mrs. Mrs. Oscar':Danie]son Gene Woodruff entertained the.S. O. G. c]ub at. the former's home Monday. -Pet-'erson.rhome, fa)]ed. Neither te'am scored in the second period of -play,'ut'ay Roach'a)]fed foi.'the':Bul)dogs )n'tIie third ' period ' fram four-yards aut. out the scoring closed Morscheck fn;quarter - with.. a three-. COMMUNITY CHURCH NOTES yazcf,'r'un.; Smft]i'icked up the extra Sunday, .Octaber Vth pointL .,Guest speaker Rev'. Burton Brawn. ,;De«z'y„:At Genesee Deary,'resh--from a 14-Q win oyer: Caffe« -hour 1Q:00 a. m. 'Asatfn'ast, week;, invades the .Gene- October:,Vth: Sund«y:schoo]-'begins at 9:30 a. m. r)ee,.~dfron'riday night, children -.; Parents -urged to bring ,, ...,. .: .. ,r - —, ',.-,Alcm,-"Eric:k -Veins "Pont, and come) The C;-,C. W. F. sa]ad baz-will be October 10th .in Fe]]ctw'ship .Eall. A]) to ladies of the church aie urged Pc'is's,';Kick come and bring.. 4!he ia]ad of ttiefz choice. Time::.':1:00 p. m. AI«n: Kzfck,.:,f«on..'raf - Mr..and: -,.Kzlck',."af ";,Geneiee,, =won:.. first 'ednes'diy. nights —,C.Y. F. V:00 p)ace'.„1(i.';the;nine-year~id competition p. m. 'Sen)oj 'eh@jr 8:00 p. m. chair ta "stait. Tuesdiy, Oct. .of;, Leivfstan':-'yiuit;.-pass: and k)dr„ +auth after.-'iclioo],'.:No «ge restricfoal«I]""„'contest,-:Satuzc]ay, "morning. 9, right -. He jec«fv'e'4'«; trophy'1 a'nd.;this.cante«t tio Hsrvest..D)nner--= foat]i«I'';for.',. bfs,-',:.'«chfevementi.'=-='He I)auntifu] . The, Community church fis !)pc]nsaz ,aridtrthe q'other- age','group::winners 'a Bountiful Harvest ..dinner''.:on willi.: tz'ivel',ta,,P«iico,.-Oct;-'; 6„.tacozn- ing Sundiy,. Oct..28th'«t 1240 p.'m. in pete...agiiust',other „area winners. Hall'-. Those planning to T)i)«,contest fs «pansored 'natforially FeHaws]ffp att'end,aze encouraged.'o use" home )acilly.' and. ~zc].',;Motor the by 'grown 'r«ins r«nd',.produce for by, Hoof-.'«nd.,:De]trL. Fozrf dealezitnps. in.%e: harvest.:pot)uck -dinner w)nnez«'compete- for college Some'iII'be , Re an«1 ' bringing salads m«de - «ch 'it the Super'Bowl game with.'yeas and lentils; others will use )n J«nu«zy'.„ their'ome ground f]our in breads and rolls. ~ ' ~ Contest ':. -'. , Mz«.'«uf ': " , -: ., ...; .1 'or - their'hare: . '.. Happy Vcilley Club ]h. CARD. OF:THANKS Sincere thanks for the cards, gzuert'ngs,",food, .well w)shes,«nd.;)nquizfes extende'd to in«'while I'was .the, hospital,.ind "sirice. zetuzmng «nd kindnesses were zealIy I home.'auz"'haughtfu]ness and Mrs. Mike Eg]and M«k nnd Cori, former']y of Boise were Sat guests of his parents uzday night Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egland Sr. Mike has employment in Spokane and his wife and chidren will hve tempozar i)y in St. Johns. Mrs. Gladys 'I iberg and Mrs. Da]] Gehr]-e returned Thursday from Cal. i(arnis where they spent the past 8 weeks. Mrs Liberg visited hez son Jack and fami)y in Pino]e and ]gzs'. «ppzeciated.'-lgarie:-Zenner i!if!IIP a 'j I ss I I'e]]ow INITIATE'S BREAKFpgp On September 18, 1973, Gene«ac Girl's Club initiates were pic]cad up at 6:00 a. m. and brought to a breakand white gladioli «nd dais- Dich). The fnithites were presented fast the wedd)ng eczema«/ Fogowing Enter ies were used in church decorations a Genesee Bulldog T-shirt. rrrcept fair ress he)d «t St )fit«ry s tsi»ient w«s presented by the 21 for the wedding of Carol A. Herwere Mrs. M~]] F. A. chapter will be putting f S "k nz. cseetheF. North Idaho District, Soil and Mr and M F ed Mo~~~k ~~d-]7)'n This )s in Part Land judging contest and Ma. Robert ~y)or'of Spokane with the local Soil Conserv«Uon Dls'ccttended the W S U a d U of I e " held the same day. About 10 schools ~™~ ~ 'M scheck U. Of teams.'r. were Add,y I. &em and Mzs -Rab«zt T«y]oi - North ™~ A'the &em]- 4«B,m of tha,~md,s in Idaho «rc expe:ted to «tt parish mann LORRY HELBLING CROWNED HOMECOMING QUEEN Larry He]b]fnft, daughter of Mr. a"d Mrs; James rtelbHng, aud a senfor at Genesee high school, was Genesee high school Home «t . )ntenn)ss)on Queen during Ken«whoof Un) antawn to O)ym-coming the dance held Friday evening at the schoo], foQowfng the home oming tted ih the home of their son, FranShe was the semor class c«nd)date, Lily Ch,pter O. E. S. October 4th peda'rson accompanied Princesses were Chert Noser, Sharon Mzs Olive and Pat -]gr. and Mrs. Gcz«)d. Pedezs n and Mzs. June Reyna)ds ta 'Lake Pend a: F. F. A. DISTRICT CONTESTS ~]er Assisting Half. Clf(tan, Spokane; Mrs, Dloiic Sc}ieff, Boise; 5)rs. )))lazy And«r, Olym)l«y, W«., Mrs. Pat )ifa. Carol graduated from Go«csee high school in the c)ass of )960 «nd from Links School of Business in 197). Daie wne a 1966 gradu«te af W«shiacna high school ««d fram E«st4!rn '5'ashfngion State Ca)leg« in 1970, «t Following «short haneynioan the couple «re m«]dng Wa»htucna. tiieir horne fn Spok«ne where Carol with P«cNc Security )s em)!)eyed Norrfs COS arid Dale wfth the U. Ca, and Dale E. Br«man held Saturday, September )Mh. 1973 at Si. Mary's Catholic Church in Genesee. The Rev. Fz. Edward Cope of(icfaied at the double ring ceremony, Carol is the daughter o( Mr. nnd and the Mrs. Cfif ford )]ermann groom's parents «re i>fr. «nd Mrs. George L. Brainan of Rikzvifle, Wn, Mzs, Karol A .Wedin of Genesee. of honor and Mis» was matron Myrna 1'. Hermann svas her sister's brides m«id. Richard Schell of Boise was best man and Roger Johns]on also at Boise was usher. PlumMrs. James Montgoniery, «ccompanfwl mer, sang, by Jet!f 'initiates. They had to model the apThe fash. pare] they were wearing. 'ion was came as you are. The gfv]s modeled shortie pajamas and pretty bathrobes. In San Class Mult,Education '~ MI3. (208) 2244459.. Thuzsd«y ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE :Sponsored,-by the Catha)ic'augh:ters of Amezfc«, Friday„;Oct. 6th: 4-.9:p.m..Satuzday,:.Oct. 6th: 10 «. tnp m. to 2:00 p. m. ]gzaz HalI, Co]ton.. C]ath)ng, dishes be for sale and furn)tuze „ B~n, J. Civic Club Meets ~~] T)fe Civic Club met Thursday ev»)car]asr «eked her A S d« at the Gencsce Ca(c. )'ie and h. 1 yes )t they kn~ whe cof ce were served to those,< Larry Schoanniaker and Gary Hook [ '~ aHe ))v~ in I)~v 1 new faculty membr;rs nf Gcnesec bight schoo) were «mong those «ttcndfrig,[ was reported by Supt. Dich) that the needs Assessment ha» been «om. teacher asked «)ftt)» boy fn the bock pleted and on Oct. 2th the study pro- row. gram will begin. An open house will ibe later. President Cen«IVoodru(f lives fn the b«th +n at «nnaun«d that the Copse))dated Fund Drive would begin this week cr, fncredufous)y. Exy)«)ned aw'oy» Mr «nd Mrs. Woodruff are ca+ha)roucsfd« ther daar cmd men «nd a list of so)fc)tars has been 'my»d»nds yau s+) )n pubBshed in the Genesee News. Any- 'shout« "ly who h«s not, been contacted «nd w)she« to ghre may call Mr. ar Mrs. Ace)de«t I««ur«tsrsr fr««s Desi) Woodruff. n)nfl t)'d "„'t I Fourth Grade News We voted to join the Idaho Praspec. ta Butt«, . Mant«m E 8 TIN GH '> last week whey«,he ~ the Ik,d Phoenix ant«rat) Arizona the De Vey Technic«1-School of E)ectran)cs The 'Happy Valley C)ub was enter- a Vll61 M~. rs. Wlli n Es~r'."A'SW«l sser. s a "af a - 0U SE ly visited. the)r son Ra )n Quin Wash. «& t vel~ by way of Noh C~de Hf~hw«y t,th comt wb they vfsftd- Wth friends over the weekend before returning home. Mr. md Mr«L Nessersmkh «nd Mrs. Le]a Springer accompanied Mr, drA]ene Friday where the s ent the weekend with the Messer m)/h's son Harod «nd fam)]y. The Andezsans, Chris Cr«mpton aud Shawn were guests of Mr «nd Mrs. Jerry Carson of Nine Mi]es Fa]ls Friday «nd Sat. urday return)ng to Coeur d'A]cue an Sunday ta spend overnight with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rask«mmer returning home Mond«v. No Cleaning Between Loads Simpler to Service TOP LOADERS ALSO IH STOCK .:I. )',I. $ ',I'„Ii '%%ere The Service Is" Carl SimOI)S 285-3121 Ran H«xton, ian. We wil] receive n«ws letters, booklets and pictures from the His- ™ )heir«'ne c]~r )M~ Commun)ty Day fund w«s zepart4td A m«n's w)fcr h«d btteo p)ck)fig an The nct income w«« h)m all the w«y ta t)tcr zrtstazt hotel by %'m, Phar. where the]r w«re ta «pe«d thct)ir v«$769.23. cat)on, ™F)n«)]y, f«d up w)th )t, the Featured speaker Nfke W«ln ported, Jar adult area future pro- m«n h)t upon «w«y ta g«t crv«zt. As gram residents, htzaduced Mrs, Mike they entered the crows)«d «I«v«tar h)s Fitzpatriclc who will teach the class. ia ga ta the)r zaatn h« thz«w C]asses 'are offered in mathem«tice, «rm««raucid h«r, %fidel be wM)y English, socf«] «tudfes, including gov- than s«)d in «)aud vale«, "Wh«t d)d ernment science «nd ))tez«ture. 'Th« you s«y yauz name w««, ha««y7" Frid«y wa,sang Happy B)zthd«y ta cl«ss w4]) begin Thursd«y, Oct. 4th Atl««))a« tttt«t«z«I Bsty yo«r at the Ganesa« high school ])brarz «t Acc)de«t )««ur««ce hoist Dcto) V:00 p. m. and will meet, e«ch Resday and Thursday fram V )a 9 p. m, Peop)e wha dan't know']icr)herr Those completing the course wf)1 re)hay «re coming az ga)ng ¹rct ult«)]y estfng insects work, carry foad, «nd ceive a high school dip)orna. The next meeting of thc Civic Club in thc biggest hurry to get thcrzv. batch in the dirt. wf)] be be the 4th Thursday in OctoFourth Grade News ber. It w«s decided that dfnner %he«yact Thtnk af L(SURANCI meetings will not be held this year. (ar Inv~uie«t«) T)ir)csk a( Dctrs) .As A)l area residents are )nvfted ta room st tes, L ts Df~mm." R«pre««vit«t)vn af fourth giaders are a]] tzy)ng ta dis- join the organfz«)ion, dues are $ 5 per family, NURPHFF FAVREe INC. In so h] cia] studies «nd science. «ild studies we are studying mays md the Fr««kN«L)fe l«ri«r««c«Ca«sp««, We have leaned «haut our 7 globe. continents, our 4 ace«ns- «nd other useful insects). We «isa are expectwi)1 ing «student from the Unfvetsity of bodies of water ed ] soon discover how mcn found ou) Idaho to show us how to mount in- fu]'e . sects. We have made glue pictures nf in- SPringer I])lfranf3 AGEHCV P) AT f)-f))])I-Re AT sects showing their r)ffferent brx)y Of insects. (Where and how th y )f part (the hend, the thorax and the wh«t they eat,'and about harmful «nd abdomen). Last wce]1 a be]«M birthday party was given tucille Noser'y Nrs. E)e«nor Bieren «nd Margaret Scharbach of 'Moscow, Shorty Heitstuman of Ca)ton; Lena Broenneke «nd Tins, CO-OP Jacobs. Pre-game guests on S«turday of Nr. and Nrs. Dick Sch«rnhorst ware Mr. and Nrs. Ron Asker, Nr. and Nrs. Jim Odbcrg, Mr «nr) Nrs Iws Dich), Mr. «nd Nrs. Tom Boyd «nd N». and Nrs. Don Bennett .44~Agdg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schsznhorst !r.p of were Thursday evening callers Nrs, Dick Scharnhorst. Mr. and Bruce Sch«rnhazst and Fred Bfsckburn were Sunday dinner guests of his p«rents. Nrs Schnrnhozst called Mr. «ncl Nrs. Ray Tr«utman ze. Sunday fram a tvro week trip which took thcfm to Bend, Ore. where t]iey v)s)ted ]gz. «nd Mzs. Ervin C]e. meats «nd,Nz. «nd,Mrs; J«y Bettesworth (Lynd«Hermann) in Redmond In S«n Francisco they were guests af Nrs. Trautm«n's sister. and husband, Mr. «nd Mrs. Art X]ewena and Ga)e. In Redding, Ca]ifarnia they visited Gary Item«nn and f«mf]y and c«lied an Nyrna Hermann and on Mz. «nd Nrs. Louis Sch«rnhazst Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Tonnfng fn Hund«y afternoon. Boise. They report a good time and Mr. «nd Nrs. D«virl Kuehl raturnnice weather «11 the w«y. id Thursday fram the coast where of het Hauseguests fz'am Tuesday ta Man- they h«d been houseguests Nr. «nd Nrs. day of Mrs. Luc))]e Maser were N«r. brother, Wm. Rogers. garet Schazbach> Louise Wa]ton af B. Johnson of Walla W«]1a vfs)b.r) with Nt. Angel «ud Bill Walton of Tamp«, from Mond«y till Wednesd«y Florida. Wedpasr)av afternoon nrkt thr Kueh]s. evening she «nd her guests visited Mr. «nd Nrs. L«Ray H«rrirr «nd Nr, with the Oscar Heitstumans and Bud and Nrs. Russell Zenner attended the Sc'h«rbachs. On Thursday they and war)ding of Dehra L«rrater «nd Cra/g the Oscar Heitstumans were guests Johnson Saturday at the Ein«nue) church fvi Walla %«1)a. of the Bud Scharbachs. A no-host I.uthez«n dinner w«s giv'en foz Nrs Noser's Dehra is Nrs. Harris're«t niece, Present were housegucsts Sunday. Nrs. Fmma Shirrad .h«s returner) Louise W«]tan, Margaret Scharbach, home fo]]owing «stay in Grift«an Sill W«)tan, Kate Xinzcr, Union- hnspft«] where she was «mcrficrif patown; Mr. «nd Mrs. Tam Heitstuman tient, She vis)ter] « few days wffh « «nd John Scharbach of Spokane; Nr. crusin in I~)stan before returning «nd Nrs. Robert Barbee, D«rr)n and home, Debbie of Pu])tnan; Mr. «nd Nrs, Nr. «nrl Nrs. WaI)er Er)ckrron visBud Scharbach. Bill Tracey and Boh )ter) «meek ago Sunday with Nr. «nd Nrs. of Nascaw; Mr. «nd Nrs. Oscar Heft- Nrs, Robert Gr«y. Nr. and stuman, Co)ton; Mr. and Nrs. Cross Ixiuis M«yer «nd R. E, Nardby wei'c rrnr) P«t of Spa)rane; Nr. «nd Nrrr.'recent visitors «nd Hope NcNe)) af Narv'in Noser and Pau]a and Mr. and Kam)ah and Belle Ii«ksttn were TuesNrs. W'i)]is Noesz, Df«ne, Leann; day visitors. Imzry Hebling w«s « Greg and Julia. ]ate Tuesday «fteznoon caller. turned Front Loader Advcmtages Better Washing Action SPence, v)ce Presfdent; sec;tre«s.; and Becky Asker, libr«z- torica] Society fit Boise. a~ «P)de~ Our PiPe are hanging from a wire over aur, he«ds. We m«rte glue and chalk p)ctares foz the bulletin board and same are be«utlzettzrned ]«st are inter«sting have fearned,wh)eh aze he]p from Gritman hasp)t«I fo]- will THE CLEAI%EST %'ASH Genesee i P]e~nNn, Fresno, their son, Mark P le! nir.ui and San Le andro. Jose she called on Mr. and Mrs ~usse]] Ma]ine wha send-, greetings to their friends. igr.'nd Mrs. Henry F]erchingez in i : o missed'r. P"„'h '' I I Ie 'epted) I)br«zjr.'his ~ fr rrl I t next regular VT Wedding Sept. 15 'ame M '"and Mrs Jack Nebe]s)eck and meeting . of . '-the -Eappy.-V«])ey.-'4-H, club w)]] be hehf Adu]t Basic Education class for the S»day f tri i t , 1 d 'riday, Oct. 5 after «choo] at the Unfontawn-Ca]ton-Genesee area w)D ; Uriioa'":;Wjizahous« ''eetmg "zoom.'. AII begm Octob'er 4 at V:00 p. m. in the coma.where'they were guests af,t'ai« th'eir, zneznbezs'«asset).,'ta'",bring Genesee:high school Juttes.d.ught.r and f.m])y, D,. ~d 'comp]eted ''record:,:;.books. Prize .c)ass )s open to «ll persons ".' money.'will be:h«nded ait, age". 16 who deifre «dditfoti«] aver f "'«ztfri',«nd:- Japan"-Stout p school'evel educatfan. high i tu in h 'John «nd .]g«zy. ".Staht call information id')tional , 'For Andy'emiez .The into Girl's initiation son of Nr. Andy Zenner arrived home last week Theresa Ispn formally accepted 21 <n «30-day leave with family and Club, Each candidate He has been stationed In girls into Girl's friends Girl's Club ribbon and the received year, the past Germany U)m, initiates Sarensen ]orig-stemmed rose. The 21 ]fennctt„ Nr. «nd Mrs, Laivrence Diane A]der!nun, Sandy are: froni sauthrazi returned ]gonday Chery] ,Idaho where Mr, Sorensen attended a'racy Boyd, Robin Carroll, Flodin Sharan Fuller, clerks. and treasurers meeting at lgc„Easer, Linda Kani* stephan)e Call. They visited relatives and Kathleen Jenness, Leslie NcCon«Itd bits"h, Kathy Kinzer, friends in 'Downey, Pea«tel)o Debbie Peterson, Fairfield and with thefv son, Jim in ville, Diane Noser, Kim Randall, ReN«e Puree]], Tammy Kimberly Nr. «nd Mrs Ervin Claments from Row]ay, Tarnara Russell, Kelly Sanip and Bend, Oregon have maved their tr«g. Terri Teigen,, Roberta Heatn, and Debra Mary Phipps. er here and are located next to her Glenda a]so transferred membership brother, Clintan Hermann on ]ga)n Curtis here from Potlatch. The entertainment was a delightful Mrs. Fred Baumgartnez af Mt An depicting the 1940 Andrew pantomiue week last the home of in gel spent done by.Chery] Ma]rer, MeSisters Nr and Mrs, Glen Baumg«rtner and Kanikke. and Sharon Becker, llssa Susan Baumg«rtner left an finii]y were served, Refreshments Thursday for Seatt)e. ]g«ri]yn and berg. The~a, U. of L students spent the GIRL'8 CLUB .POWDER-PUFF weekend at home OCT. 7 Mr. and Floyd Tz«f] 'of Mas FOOTBALL GAME Powdez.Puff football annual The of Mr. aud cow mere Tuesday ca]]era ' Oct, 7 will be held on, Sunday, Mrs G]en Brazier: 2'!00 'P. m, This year the'eniors Mr., and ']gzs. Everett Rob) fresnmen AN Stand the juttfars were last weekend guests of ]g'r. «nd and 'dfififsqjon will be ]grs G]e'n K)mble of "C]azkstatz «t and'ophomores. adults, 2)ic-,foz'students (stutheir home on Coeur d'A]ene lake. 60c faractivity c«zc]s 'wf]] nat, be acOther guests ivere Mr, and ]gzs Wm'ent and pze-«choo] children will Haxton Sr ',free. Plan to. «ttend. admi]teel be Her'man Rev.'and Mrs. Cran~th af It's sometMng you'l. be sony you were ha„se. Cashmere, Washington .guests'f ]gr. and Mrs Fred Camnfck ¹f1 - formal The in the G. and Mrs, Club was held on Sept. 15 President I], S. niu)t)-purpose roon>. Ron Zenner, , Idaho Kendrick-Telephone SSS»SSSl Genoese-Telephone o sr~end-rinse Idaho «sass. Sane I Roih and %mann A. Roth, PubLsherra Mrs. Ray Lohman, News Mtae A. Roth, Editor winiarn * Nares Hexlnan-Bx(xm(m GHS Girls Club Formal hxitiation ILoccli Nwgs e4lt» I NABNOOSE OENESEEs ID A 90, HO 8SttSS — =-- CRAIII PRICES ; %'HEAT, pex busbe FKKD .....$ 4.80 ......$103.00 .....$ 85.00 BARL~, pex to~ OATS, pex ton . DISTRISLITPR f'QR SyAIfIgARI OI Ro FKRTILIZFRS 8, CHEMICALS THE GAEsus rm - NEWS, THUDS>AY, OCTOBER 4, 1N8 iraqi Qe~esee QggentS been able to contact, We know some John Hermannr Juanfta Bakken, Carl David Stout Freddie MorscheA> havo been omitted unintentionally, so please call us fg case of a correc- Bakken, Colleen Bakken, Dan Dfchl, Paulotto Johann, JHI Lfnehan, Craig tion or addition, Davis, Jfm Hermann, Karla Spence, A number of Genesee area students Ugversft Sill Schfueter Mark Busch, Cheryi have enrolled in unfverslucs caHeges L Kanfkkeberg, kick Eglan'd, Peggy and trade schools of their choice to Schwenne, Dale If fckmsn, Teresa further their education. Below fs a Baumgartner, Marilyn Baunlgartner, Egland, Fred DePell, Math DePelfr Alan Odenborg, Tim Magee. lfst of as many students as we have Bruce Scharnhorst, Martin Gffgei De Vey In»tltute, Phoenix, Arfsonat David Dubin, Mark Seeker Mfffsrd Prep School, Bsndon, Oro Doug Moser, Mike Koster N. Idaho Jr, College: Coeur O'Alone: Terry Green, Ron Herman, Lewis@lark State College; Jerry Slead, Paul Kraut, Craig Busch, Gaff Busch Laurie Anderson, Chrfs Wfshard, HoHfs Egfand, Mike Egfand, Marietta Grieser, Davfd Ros- Avrey To School „g S:~or) s ..'lIler3, MOKOVIJ', IbAHO .. w.1R 3t 8824534 PHONE sebas Georgia Tech: Tong Ferrers, State Colorado COHegea S. U, Hofben CorvalHs, ~sa>1 a% ~i% ~%M VASSAR - RAILS + 'y 'ours —I to 4 <+1 i Kendrfck Gssetto-sept, 29, 1988 Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Erlewine of Cedar ridge are the happy parents of a son, wha arrived an Sept. 26. Mrs, Erkwme and son are at the home of her mother, Mrs, Butler fn Juliaetta. — Cameran Ray Sif flow celebrated his 8th birthday Monday evening. Dinner guests were Mr. snd Mrs. F. W Silflow, Mrs( Ida Sffflaw, Mrs. Stoneburner, Emma Hartung and the Messrs Herman Silflow. Marvin SHflow, Emil Silf low, and Gera1d Cridlebaugh, little lda Marie Siff low, Harold Brammer, Marjorie Wendt, and Harold Silflow. II lii ass @ as ~ as 5 a. Leeiston, IdoIIo Frlclay ~ ! ~ s I mai 1 mis I Iu The annual Junfor ches play has been selected and the east announced as follows; Lcisa Riley. Bob Ziemann Helen Shrefffer, John Siesnann Bob Benscoter, Jane Peters, Arlene Ware, Dolores Thornton, Jordan Kanfkkeberg, Dick Benscoter, WHma Cuddy, Norman Fry, Velma Hecht, June Pemberton, Boseanna Cuddy and Jack Benscoter. Others helping behind the scenes wHf be Jean Marry, Walt McCau. Donna Lee Hoffman aud Junfor israel. Mrs Bram» mer is advisor and director, W RemiasslRN) Appointment 'ollclay through Hl 4aeeea4f Aaeee $ jl, Is si All ffstl4 Stephanie'8 Sheep Tops At Comxty Fair il' book contains points and unit stamps lf has 8 pages containing 884 stamps printed fn blue, red, green and black, ~~w MAMR OVERHAULS Nlesels gr, Gas) TUNE-UPS I',I„S tlat aN COHfns'rent ~~46m Iek 1„$ [fli lt ffrgllnli4 5k~ Sept. 80 1948 Oregon War ration book four which will David Bsumgartner, Lofs Jensen. last approximately 2 years wHl be LlnfieM, McMfnnvfffe, Oregon issued to more than 120 mflHon perKay Jensen. sons throughout schoolhouse distribution during the last 10 days in October, OPA has announced. The Q. FEY SROS. REPAIR KNc1l Fta f ( This sheep, owned and raised by Stephanie Kamhitsch, Genesee, wag judged Grand Champion 4-H Sheep at the last month's Latah County The bth and 6th e pupils of Fair in Moscow. Stephanie, 14~ is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Mrs, Deobald's room have elected the following afficers. Max Clemcnhag- Kambitsch, Genesee. en, pres.; Teddy Fey, vice-pres.; Don Miffanf, sec.; Buddy Cfcmenhagcn, Ieparter; Patty Brocke and Delmer BERNARD HERMANN for the operation of the alssocfatfon'I RP)ey, librarians; atty Long and JOINS SPOKANE FIRM part-time office in Colvfffe in addi Max Shrefffera eraser dusters. Bernanf N. Hermann, formerly of tion to his normal appnsfsiLf, 1oan «pLast minute plans for the livestock Qenesee, Idaho, has been transferr- plication and servidng .duties fo» show on safes day as aoaunced by ed to the Federal Lank Bank Asso-, the ter Dr, Cbristemen say the event prom- ciation of Spokane as a ffehhnan for the assodatfon ises to be bigger and better than the aSSOCfatfan begIataalttg September dtory.,Prior to.hfa move to Spoever. In addition io the prises there 'Iff,, according to O. Glen Bruce, kane, he was headquartesed at the wul be a special prise of $ 10 award- manager of the FLBA. FLBA iu Boise since April 88. 'Xyur ed to same junior exhibitor of hogs fng his training at the Boise Assosheep or cattle. became .q ~«M In hhs new capacity with the Land dation, Hensutrm Hermalln wfff be rellposlsfhfe as a farm and ranch appra'fser. Genoese News-40 YEAHS AGO thno~ . ffKNSKL'8 NKffT8 Dial SHerw'ood Phone 838-2341 Troy, Idaho Your money earns a lot .now .m.ore than aves '; 'x ail a 4 ii ~r I a 'Li~', + .~~~I ~ I ~ t. 'sg It e aa Sled lad ~ a W u....&~I. ~ ta la 0 1 ~ ~ 4 t. aa Sad ~ a t~ +~ J ) ~ I a%P ' )~ Q ~ ~ ii1 i EnnrBment at St. Josephs school this year is 66. Donald Baumgartaer, Genesee, a 4tH club member won 8 prises at the 4-8 showing fn Lewfston Wednesday. Eloise Herman and Elaine Simous enfe&afned the 8th grade girls at a slumber party Friday evening at the Walter ranch fonuerly the Prank Harris place Joe Schooler left Mondav for Fort Douglas for induction in the anny. Class oections were held sy, October L Senior class presidents Dan Pedenron; vice president: Anna ) Mae Busch", sec;twas.l Mary Emerson. Junior class: president: Don Baumgartner, vice president: Gene ) Eikum; sec;bess.: Lats1esce Isaksen Sophomore class: president: George t6ce president: Alton Ander-, son; sec.-tress.s Bob Lfberg. Freshman: Dick Springes; vice president and sec. and treas. to be announced. ssd grade nest+: In our science we are studying about wafer animah. Alice Jain brought a stink bug; Connie Densen, 1 big snail and five Httfe ones. John Wardrobe brought in a snapper turtle. Gessesee News 80 YEARS AGO Miss Mffdnsd Putnam of Gencsee and David Herbert. Sommes of Seat tfe. Washington were united in marriagis at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, E Putnam at h noon Monday, October l. rs. Ray Edwards gave a surprise birthday party't her home Tuesdav evening in honor af Mr. Edwanfrs birthday anniversary. Those n.parted to be attending Lewfston Normal from Lafah county are Susan Alber. Mrs, Clarence Bergen and Helen Gesellchcn. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Allen have moved ta Weipp». Farmers are very busy now preparing for the fal) seeding. P. W. Loncosts is just calllnlctfhp' new b room bungs)ow far Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron at their fanu southeast of tawn. BROWgt - WA5N MEMORIAL Kermit Malcom, President Marsh Bardwick, Manager 'fI Simple, Dignified I'unera1 Services lensanf Surroundings Nne Building —I ...~ llrstllCe. + FIRE + AUTO, + CASUALTY + LIFE + BONDS R. E. Magnuson — Phone 2894271 IDAHO 1) Aienev Kendrick, Idflho ELEPHANT BRA1fil Fertilizers I !4 I I for Spring Fer88xera — USE- ~ E First Security Be>it pPaeaai I EWISTON, PHONE 74W57S 'oHett," ii ' 34$4l SPECIAL TRUCK PRICES 0/ :(emric~.(oc M'.a..e Co. pot snaltm KENDRICK, IDAHO PHONE 2894981 ss I le auSSSe llpSS aar taers Qa AfrTENTION 0'1. 2/o, Lutheran Brotherhood, uue of the nat)on's leading fasuausse organfaatfons 1. Sound lifo fnsusstnes ings. (Check our low net eussy 2. Martgage cfeasanos mouser. 8, Money for education. 4. Retirelneat money 5. Cash to settle estate. for women. O. Insurance T. Rlnargency funds 8. Disability incomo pnttstotkss 0. ' Insurance for chudrea $ %.000 at only 89 per yaassi 10. Students, Agee 10 to 8I, 810,000 only 840,00 pass 8a. offers... ss S Sssslh aslNSaSS l CertiAcates of $500 or mora in multiples of 4100 for indivitluals. All rates are por 5mlfun Hach depositor 8 savings aro 11l ured to $20,000. First Security has something for every saver, Prom tho convenience of passbook savings to the security of certNcates, All earning the highest interest rate vie've ever petti. 0~ «asyssrsa ~r~a~m~~r~ al a aaaiaaaia taa 1 gee aa aasaisr ! f aiaSiaa 'iirst SeCliriiiv — ..18,11k T4 11, TA'X BREAK FOR Skk' sas, sssaoscss ovEN sl % wLUoa Nant af tiiaaa aaaiiaaaa AsseAflA M ~a jffhCPLOVl@. tsassa- tea) ROBERT E, KAU5%lkfaf i 88139 Ia affnd Spofcane, XVashhrfwfssiis thfa area ssost MOBILOAS 8IOSII HEAT Ioe DIEsEL htosa. x.msxcayfTs lVe 1Vfff Ordsr Any Special Items Desfred MOBIL TIRES IS ysssss SATXERIS — Effective Immediately %e %'ill Be NOTICE CLOSED EACH SATURDAY AFTERNOON %'e Give 8 4 8 Creen Stamps on All Burning if paid by the 15th of M. Oil- month follovring F. NEDLER Representing write: Siaa iaaaaa ! MOSILOIL Mosn. FtfxL The MOBIL OIL CORPORATION KENQRICK, IDAHO Residence 27841M Phone 289-4061 I THE Q~sxvrst - ItIEWS, TIXURSIMI.Y, OCTOBER 4, '. LOTS ent and making these splendid specThey have ial services available poppet Blue; Jr. Blue; Money'Ãanagexftent, spent untold hours with the.Admfxx~ ~ Leadership resctnu suectcttst serctces tt sttot- istratton working out the detaue for Loilnuut-.Child. Cari, Slue. ,R-Cl'LLb NOghbeW ents ftt the Elementary school at, such progranlo. -Ir, 'Doug Chrfstens~hotography ,'g@=-:gyg.; Pe@ye;t FCdj . Jutfaetta, Shc diagnosis the childs DOItr A BLAIc@~Y, strengths and weaknesses, reading Supt. 0f SchooIe Kettdrfok 'r.-Sr. Hfgh School fs develops skttis necessary for growth HWw, Blue Ba em Ch@i,'-lcm xnany ribbons for their BonnIe Lawrence Gun Safety, offering 80 courses this yeax; which fn, reading ability, develops conceptct Lamb, Blue; Fitting -and- Showing, to the Legislative Audi. necessary for growth in readfng Blue; Bicycle I, Blue; Handy-Band- according tore is comparable to' school with abftfty and extends experiences to Earl Lawrence Forestry IV, Blue; an extroflmint of'850 students background necessary, Blue; Heifer, Blue; Fitting.and Show» In 'acddftioh to--'regular class ofter. develop Gun Safety, Blue; self Determined I ing, slue'amb, Blue'axcaeaLamb A Therapist, Bessie KolSpeech SChcel: Dist, attire Jr. ., naa fngs, Automotive, Rect„ ''Jfgi-,Allen Forestry.,-.V, pglue; Jr. Slue; Breeding' Ewe, Red,".Breeding ', who fs in the field a specialist 'Max'k Mustde -:.. ',.oef of Roof < i ~ I Jr, Leadership, Learnfng'Dfsabfffty Classes at IRLxnrb, glue, . faetta Elementary and the, Jr,-Sr, at Speech and Auditory, Problems, Blue. Jeff CxcmewsM Weeds,'lue, .,":.",Zgdy;-'BaQthy-,Cookfngt I,- .Red. Elementary Joanne parks-3%cycle I, Slue, Cct, Hfgh. Schcel. Htghly qualfffed spe- .serves the Juliaetta 'pamb, Mfko ICsmowskf Carciii .,Cathy -:B9wex Bicycle .I, Blue; - ='-'.- . Deary, ton Cbarmers, Blue; Style, Review; cfaifsts ire serving better than M School along wfth-Qenesee, Reff+,'..'Reserve .Chamcpfon, 'Fitting Slue, Auto GINNED Studente thfac faII. intO the CategOry Troy, and Pctlatoh. The State payS Blue'. Blue; Blue. DOg, Safety, ROWena.DaVIS-Gun, . ROLe '@CL;-'",%QiCFPrfitg, cent, ot her salary and txtavef, of: handicapped, Physlcaujr per Debbie Sftftow~oods Blue;'-Gun II„BIua Ir; Glenn-Foods .',Lorle .= -'«"'Qaeaxt Bowers —.Foristxy Xt, Blue; schools pay. the impaired, 'auditory fmpafred; vfsuai- The partfcfpatfng Diane Sftflow-Jr. J~es, J7,"'-'Ispatlersmp,t Blue; Gun Safety, Safety, Bliie; Heifer, Blue; Fitting disturbed. other S0=:per cent. AII in «Ifc this, en ann m ly impaired, emotionally Review, .:. ReccL Style and-Showing, . Bnllle~ fm- District. pthys agaixoxfmately multiple handicapped, health Doug sufiow Qun.Safety, Blue. $700.00 Itfck Glenn-Gtm -safety,: Blue., Johns,Bxaxxtxnei Yeast Breads I, paired and,homebouude Jim SilflOW Gun Safety, glue, A; Fhycftol; for these eervfcitL :,.ClfffcOXCL..Hefmgartner —,FacXCNtry; m m All of these services are designed r Ch'armere,-' COttOn-:oglst supervises these 4iachers cqN JOan SflfIOW '";."',~'.ghrfetexnSen "PhOtOgraPhy I, Bluet'- QcIm Safety, Blue. works with the„A~stxatfon,and,,to really get. at Dfetxfct Student - Blue; Blue: Style Review, Iled; Child —.Gun 8afety, Harrfs .Qxeg. '-,Cotton: Charmijxt,,:Blue;ngtyle Bliie; * Probt~~e: Trustees fn;the Procgrarmi,,0Pthratfon. AII facffftfee snd'avafiII, Bitte„ -:~';:Bieyole II,:ugly;-'Health"- FOr'eetXy, Blue; EntomOlpgy,::.ISIue.. seff; able rooms axst being used to the limRaxiI+ sflffcwtv Qun safety;,. Blue.t These ciaisey, ara,'ojiOtetsiy Kevin,'raxrfs-.Gun safety,'. Iffue; tate'state refmbursse ft to help all.thct, etudente. It SChWarsi Lainb,'-Blu> 'Fit supportfiig'and Hand- lroXCNtry,, Blues..EntOmOlOgy,', TOiCfhsacrf-..CljjhtennienmHaXXdy , Alee,:,Ithey,; 'Xoaltbztsd ting" end .8hoWSng,: @LTCI s'Pbojpj,t the dtstrfct twice a yeax for aII-'ex- impossible to:do..cany.:Snore.wfth;plaxfti ifttWfng,'Igjjti;,:+gyole..I;.Blue; Sand- 'VlotOrla HOISIngton salsuch as teachers the and pendftures jtVOfhtfes the available. money Phoie SN4f@ gespaxfck Blue, Lamb, ReeerVte-QernauncdChainytan;;@t„'aphy; +@i;-~'+u'OI,-". aries, supplfess Phychologist salary;-'.The Trustoeacof't. School Dfstxf+ ' 'Chris -;WILIIace 'Bicycle-,. I, 'ijou; and zoom xssnodeffng. complimented llama are to be, 'highly 'Safety Blu The Title -I. yrctfqet fae a Federal foi" their deep'fnterest fn every studCynthia'%aflace,— Juriiox', Jffffecs', Blue; Stylish ISeparcatei, 'Brie Stylep h Rfg+ ~oggejg W 4;,ii-Cia N g4 Whl . Debbie chxfstensen — Foxeign Showing, Red; Ram„Grand I ting and Foodsjchampfonnf Horse, Bfu0. ,SS ODIOUS Offeretf a .~ s v ln KendrlCK.JX.r dx ic.f ., Slue'landa curt tucstcs ~otter ttutn tt,ttn,agio help defray the teachers salary, This Sf. Et': Schoof ~o~— — — Blue.: ..~;:; ! .: - " -,..., ii — — — - uslstslht '5 I ..: - epee'0 - — - Blue.''t ':-.'. — — '., ". —— - ~ — — Bljij...'usan , — I I eStltjlI CIA'IIG'LNI'- WRAIPIIG — %e Also: Make — C Sncotrrnus; snn Snocrtnj, Fttt,tutt HArlovtfARS svoesfl h~g Na'Nyour local hardware merchant with national chain power. huy for fess and pass our savings on to you. Ie Sitfsagi G'eiman Jirky '~I", Davfd. &olft Sheep, Blue; Fitting . & Showing, Blue. —. Summer Sanaage Salami I —4 p.m. to 8.p.m. Iiat Paoking: Plant OpEV.SUHOAYS Ianilal's 'immy Troy, Idaho P'.-,Phonet835-;2341 rervwmwaawwwawawwwwwwmamawmwwawwr awq Brooke 'Vicki Juleie — Dsobald —Jr. II, Leadership Oct; 8 to 'l8'here c ~ Loxf Gun Ssfetys Blue Msohfne Magic, Ferris Cuddy Blue; Meal Planning, . Blue;, Style c ln Moscow, Safety 11, Gun Rabbft- 1, Blue. Brock& — Brown —,Yeast, Breads, lee; '98 8" A|INSfNLE 5 %REACH S hiechanfcs'wrench forhome use, Heavyluty, drop forged steel, fuffs grounds chroma plated,8. Nine.amp burnout.protected mo tor defivefs 1hp. Sawdust bfow er system, Rugged foot. IN6 be-a:fre'e. diabetic education clinic the the ning I, Blue; Style Revue, BluaMeal Planning, co~e Gxusmoee — -Moscow Youth Center beginning Monday, Oct. 9 from 4 White; Machine Magic, Red; Style 7 to 9:30. Tliis progra'm isc foi persons with diabetes and, wevu,'reen. their families. In'terested diabetics MUST'-pre-register cfuaI-. before, October. 5. (Call::Moscow 882-4511) The Youth,'uth Hut'cheson — Center- is located at 1515 East D Street. Double.insulated drill, 2.7 amp motor, 1000RPM.Handle,acces. sorles and carry case, ff073 will - h --',- 8'i I;feel.thiS iS a.Very. WOrthWhile and VItal-CliniC;if-yautar. any member Of yOur family haS diabeteS and I urge yOu .tO take-adVanfage Of-it;-- — 4 4 4 Phone 289-5941 gfxgLI $Togf mug ' -4 Kendrick, Idaho jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj ii II v v v . v vpav 4 I 50ej Ss — Blue; ~e We ..~ It's true that the best things in life are free, but some where along the way you'e going to need same. right now we'e thinking about school expenses. If you are a young person heading back to college this fa11, why not think about putting some of your summer wages in a safe, convenient First Bank of Troy checking or savings account, You'l have some money when you need it. money... If you'e a parent, why not start adding a little extra to your present savings account so you'l be 'prepared for the expense of schpol clothing, books, shoes and all the "little" extras that add up so fast. First Bank of Troy —Always TROY Box) i: "psitt - - - - - M~igof' scretf'nhfvaf» pluacOffaetaeraWdrfVarandCSOSt .venfent wnffrach. Cbe:, -~ l -'LISSFSSNO't ~ nn TSGLETOP- BRUSH FRR FORGED Palmyra bristles for- thorough:Mfnf4umfdfffermaftis every day cleaning of concrete floors ln more comfortable. Walnutfoolt Oufet, Super Vefuaft 4017 garages, etc. 25-15S2.'::ffhfsh, lamps sci . Iffcluded Instant radiaC heatf 1320 Watt' thermostat, safelyswitch. 4505 8YU,3IIH0ffA.; tf~ver: Automatic ~ 1 /iI',I g~)l LIGHT IDAHO ann»wgca *~nlergQ -;i.~ C nccx I<IZ —, 88 chaining-or ceiling mounted. Assembledwfth3+fra ancf switch. 240WSC .. —. POWER OERTERcc OO FT. Coll o Puts three c1'gg ici 1 heavy4uty-outlets wherever you need them.3wlre plug, UL fisted. 00562 I.IGRT DIMMER +ptgg! 41 Dial anv mood from dim to brfaht.bsyto install,600watts, 15vofts, 1160322 j 's;Ic r c 1 Get 10"and 14"heavy.dtttypfpe wrenches In set Have replace able lower Jaws, 4243 'dtteeiaing Isotfca fot Ilotfl Oroflno, Idaho 4'FS-47%3 'jptt.litfER Sfx magnethed 8" ) 88'KATFR 'IINIIFlN,', TG" FLOOR WORKSROP, 3iF Sc'rcwilplpe'icÃ74 Your Friend Always As C1ose As Your Mail ( Management ac Cfrculatfon Title of pubffcatfon: The Gazette News Date of Ffifngc October 1, 1073. Frequency at,.Issue: Weekly Locatfoni Kendrick, Latah County, Idaho 83537 Location ot Headquarters or General Business Offices. of Publishers: Kendrick,, Latah County, Idaho 83537 Names and addresses ot Publisher, Editor snd Managing Editor: Publishers: Jane L. Rath and amm A. Roth, Genesee, Idaho Editor: Wfllfam A. Roth, Geneoce, Idaho. Manager Edftor, "William A. Roth, Genesce, Idaho. Owners: Jane L. Rotb, Genesec, Idaho; William A. Roth, Genoese. Known bondholders, mortgagecs, and other security holders: None. Total No, copies printed. '1450 PaM circulation, sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 25 Mail subscriptfons. 1375 Total paid circutatfon: 1400 Free distribution; 10 Total distribution: 1410 Office use, left over, etc". 35 Total: 1450 '' .; .: "case.'19.pp',sit.,i&IS,-- B.;aiIfa STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ) ~ IIr, Amelia Ware Funtfme Favorites, Red; Style Revue, Slue. williLaura Wffffams-8nacks and more, Blue; Handy Handsewfng, Red; Dog Care II, Blue. Bxfdget Wfnchar-Randy Handsewfng, Blue. Good Doers 4-H Club would like to thank Juffaetta and Kendrfck tMerchants for their support of the Latah County Jr. Fat Livestock Sale. Some Money... ~ .: .,'. SepaBlue; Potatoes. H, Blue; rates, Blue; Let's Bake, Blue; Jr. Leadership„- Slue; Style Revue, Blue. It's Going To Take . lief s:WIccehch Sht Each II5Ms 2023 'gL trash, Has Vo" and %" drIve socftahf leaVea, e' Streng,.fetfikyfeftffr „and Other pieCea ln:StOrage-. — —Horticulture Stylish -.:.- ae,-., Homcufture a, Polly T yior BIne; Yeast:Breads, Blue; Gun Sifety I, Blue; Potatoes I, Rsd; Sheep . Taylor -'....'SeckIit 50~$LCK Fitting: and Showing, Red; Style Re- Clndy ec* II .~~~~ ~„yI BI« BLue;.Meal Planning, swtw Ocos Jeff= Lolhxnax~tm Safety I Gun Safety Daron Mtutfufl Scot 't Hlotyfe, hf-impact plastic Wastebaskets lend a decorative touch to any room, pfcft up several at this fow prfco. 133 I 'ord THE GAFETTE eAM3 Or nfAN));8 Mp sh«sm I»soks lo Ivlcogs (cr + 8 got(<<I P0<uxt 7%un(stixqh Rxdcccv C aiul )n()U)rjes ex(pres(()ons were thoughtfu) slxl™shxl Blrthd(LYy Sur Urpir)se- greatly hlrs, Emma Shlvmd The Emlo Aodomx hOmo WSS llm scene af a very happy surpdse p((rty Sund((y in honor of Walter Bigham's I<(< ) i< I 82nd b)r)hday anniversary, The party wa(( arranged bv Rena Andrews and lier s)ster. Goldie Bramnier, kno<Ldxlg that Wa)t would enjoy meeong old p ol frlcoss. colo(Ives sod oslghbors ls IS(os homo whoso lw wm born ~d FIIEE IFM I vslms Sslocdsp sod soppsc so ovsmlgb( IIsvp lvvsllo ssg I bl p visit (v((s enjoyed by hfr, and Mrs A be((ut)fUHY decorated ca)Le wss 2894SQl, Pean Weyeil of Moscow in the )iome served to Sl gUcsts who collgratu)ste Walt and wi«h him weIl in the years FOR SALE Chev, '87 Imp«)a 2. of Mr an(i Mrs, Don Ho)s)ngtan T)ie «arwater River is again endoor hardtop. Runs good. Lliw )ir)ce ggg4ggb, (Iggc <oklog smog llshlog folks Mmvs meow scsvcs Ibis week. Scl Sovpvlso psclpSO ne)gb)xors and Approx()nu(tc)y bhccy T\mmss, lcc Isck next Sms', At. 3, Kendrick, Phone 298.L~), Visitors ln the He)ena Brown home friends p)essant)y surprised Mr. ahd 2tseo )ast week included Mrs, Lo)s Jo)m. Mzx(, George )EHsabeth) Havens on evening( SePt. 27, when and hfrs AHce hfaydre, Lenore Thursday w)') dr)ves Jeep ,stan )< ' on Wednesday Emzt<a. they arrived at the Havens home to afternoon; e)chhuin and Herman Senyers a)so w)sh the couple their congratulat)nns S)40c Tuesday were MNL )(tahe) Ste)gers', and best wishes for a long and happy mart)age R pRODU~ Culdesac, snd her mother, hfrs. Mys- with ioe them I ch er .M~)e Mg„UOH~~rt esp) M p} me. M)H), Coop«prepared Thursday dinner for and coffee, and E)t<xsbeth served hcr mother at P)nectee)t Mrs Dwa)n other snacks which were enjoyed by FOR, UNIO> OH Pzoduots in ths Space @Nore, and Mrs, Cato) Robin. a)L George and EI)««beth were pregexxdr)ck ax<<(<(L, ca)) S))I Bog~ sozi and daughters cof Ozof)no came srmted 8 gift frolzi the)x'r)ends as )«ter days, and on SLU)day all of Mrs a momento of the happy occasion. sN. 'n's ch))dren aga)x< visited her Family Rcuz()onFOR BALF 8-p)ece white bedrooin as is th<L)t Cuetazn. S Ãrs. Well Heimgartner joins'd her set. C«H even)ngs )Ltr, «nd hfrs, C)et)s Ho)s)hgtnn 2NOO spent V)pednos()ay afternoon at the father, Charlie Fey, «nd h)s other Cldldren for a fanLQy dinner Sund«y ewt Heat)L home. FOR BALF, Ant)c)ue sofa, built ln h)s home in Kendr)ck. Sunday was d~~ day at for Newt ahd htQdred Heath but one sion was in honor oi daughters, Mrs. * they were happy to live. lfr, snd hfrs Polly August)ne of Bhmt, South DaVerne Sta«y of Lew)eton vts)ted un- kata and 3(fra Sue W)cho)88, Terra DRY SEASOh)ED STOVE WOOD tO «)most noon bui, departed just Haute, Ind., who arrived at Lew)stan r and Pine„S28 r card 'efore Nr<L Heath cau)d serve them airport Fr)day. AH t,en of Ch<xrHC'8 phone gt)78-7280 the ()Inner she )Lad prepared As they chi)dtcn vrere present to enjoy d)nSt<(k scatled to eat, daughter 3}fxa, Flora ing aiid vts)t)ng together excep), I)oy )8 8. tate TO CifVF» A)VAY )n g(pad heine 4.n<a Gibbs and two friends froin SPokane who was Llxishk to attend. It this s)se of when a occ«s)nn famuy unexpected)y din« atr)ved and were old black and vrh)te m«)e fsms))) ner guests. Aftelr their depattuze the can be together and aH are thankful dag gezz)je. W)I) n(ske go<A<) pet Heath» lay down to rest but son'or the oppoztun)ty. Nba» Genesee Gordon and tvso of his boys, Wayne FOR SALE )9<2 Prcd)cts iiiobll 'nd ~«rk, srr)ved froni Patt«tc)i fot and Bet Y home. 808)>. c)ectxfc. cszl(et. « few bours'Mt. After their d - Vicky dr«pea. Never )Ived in. Call GA9- parture «gain the eWer Hea)jis re- 8 tended 4051 4LSSc to but ~ther we, meeung at Shoie Lodge in h ccd) ' ' l l l < ~)) '~ Mr Slid MCS, Glen SIOVccs, sccom. pan)ed by Mrs, Erm(L Stevens vis)tod Thursday, Sep)„27 with htr, and Stan)ey Siuinnon, in theft Spo. k((ne lioin('., ((nd Mrs. Evetctt Custet 289.4841 Clark«ion, spent Sunday vqth )ier k((gc slslsl soo bcsbsog, ogc, Mm - — Bslmgsruco.''"s„g "'he Sh~osls. ~e T~yM c~ ',— 2894S87., ~'u~ I+ — c))~ l(ssgllck p SGo. O I. S. PImbSI I» ~ call FIA4ssI oc, . Water ~ ~t "+s Ims m bsI s ~sh hol olhcc Esws «wcH~rncd night'8 zapase vm cn- 's(opcg ~27 „„54N)'ozncL ' ~ g, ~ day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brammer. Mr. and Mrs, Marion Souders had supper w)th MOes Souder» and Alvin Schm)dt at Lew)stan Wednesday. The Souders were Sunday aftcmwl< crs of Mr. «nd Mts. Arlie AHen in JUHaetta, Mr. Snd Mrs. Bill WHson and childx'en were Friday eve supper guests of Mrs. L)HY,&flson in L(h(rfston. SLmday the WQson hwNY enjoyed d)nnbr with Mr. «nd Conrad Swan and famHy ln Moscavr. Saturday eve supper guests of Mr. and Elmer Cuddy were Grandma Cuddy, and. Mt. and Mrs, BQ) Cuddy of Thmpson F«HS. Mr. «nd Mzs. Gary BaH of Cta))pnont vrere: ~!- hh ¹a caxnped 'zs. ¹8- Big Sear ¹8. gute „t Rid„c n L„ametan (QCWS By July Foster Mr. Snd Ãrs.- Dean Weyen were Sunday guests of his patents. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weyen. Dean and Deb are moving to PocateHO this vxeek. M)secs Dozothy and Hetm)na Meyer went to Spokane Monday to meet a missionazy friend of the)za who is. on her w«y back to S«<pan. Mrs. Thclma Meyer, Dozothy and Hermma were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and MzxL Ted Meyer and famQY. Mr<L Agatha Perkins was 8 Thursday evening i~tnt of Mr. «nd Foster and daughters. Lies, and Teresa Foster were Saturday overnight and Sund))y guests of Gr«ndma Schoeff)et whSe their parents weto mak)ng wood. Sunday d)nner guests of hQ'. and Mt<L Ted Meyer and famQY wet<0 Mr. and Mrs. Lany Uttke, Kenney ahd M3ndy of Spokane, Mrs. The)ma Meyer, Dorothy and Hennina, Stm Allen and Grandma Wllken. MrxL Ted hfeyer, ifxxx. Kenneth WOken and Mrs. Matt)L« WOken wexbe Satxtt()ay v)s)tots ot Mts. A)ma Bette to he)P her celebrate het birth-. day. Mr. «nd Mrs. Frank Yamanxnto and daughter Cindy of Homeda)e, Peggy Yam«moto and Tetzy Allen, U, of I. Students, were Satxxrday OLm ning vts)tars at the Ida Ne<L~ home. S(fta Amy Tay)ar Lated with Mr. and Mrs Stanley Heplet Sunday. Q/( <tsW '8E ~ WI IEW 8 D~ '~~9»S )xo)ke Iot 'RA)IK V. SARTO)II I L)Lw asses Orna<<,)8 roseSL 'those > %'::~tI e 14081 ~ )I S)ill<)DRMK, IDAHO 8. m. eo 8 y, za. SL F. "Blek SCsza R7LISWF )I NOSSys 'O1L PROiOUCSS - -ee(s)xise)-- )1 mli)~s S)8<ve, 8)eaol Fas) Thea Sattesios, A == Phs(<ie kf 54m st AT $4% sh<xraaoss —::: j ~ Park News By JU(Lv Foster I Hc)mer R)ngs<(gc, Kcndr)ck, visited his brother and sister-)n-)aw, Mr. and hfts. Stiner Rings<xge, Thursday. Nr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith werc Le(v)stan bus)ness iisitoz8 Thursday evening. hfr. and Nrs. Fred F<U<ke were in Lewiston on bus)ness Tuesday «nd AVcdnced(L3v and Nrs. Funke x(~ in Moscow Friday. Charles Jc)lebetg xMtckd the Sm) the ~ O FiX Ridte am the local zepzosent(Ltive &t hfemoz)8)8 G<LrHnghause fxf Out monument« and matkeze are of the f)nest gran)te, )nc)ud)ng the Bock of Agee StonL(hxr)stoa. Sa~on es. gust«ntee(L Joe Kalafus GENESEE Local Rep. Phone $64814 SET YOUR SIGHTS OH THESE 5'..j.5 Retrea)is from Les Sobweb , HIGH%AY COMMERCIAL RKTRKADS 700x15 700x\6 PI<a< "'" ', ]htl)g <hc I) 750xl6 ,700xl7 g), I . E, T. ZSC to 90c —Pt)c('vch Lr-Capp«bin Ttadn L)k~~ho SUPKR ALL-CRII RETREATS 700x15 700xl6 — „g SXEX~SLW'y (SLY'8 I Mxs.'zed << " Iglbp g X 1 '"'¹tut(lny '"'ma¹t at the'ShxLdowy St. Joe camp-- Cazk'russels ¹LL „„,I G~se and,Al Andersozz Grace to Moscow Monday to vts)t Mrs. Nancy Swanson and family, 0(ft. «nd Mrs." CCCH V)7))son of Lew)8 were SLLnday:d)xmet.guests of Mr. and NxxL Ed Greece)ose. Mr. «nd Mzs. Mzb Gustzcfscxxa went ¹ She~ — a week'8 stay w)th tkem. ~y ¹8 fggggg ]g{a~g v ¹s. ')th B~~G)~T I/aid)(h Mr. and Mts. John D)ck)neon (xf Lewmton were Sunday d)nner guests of Paula Lockhart and fsmuy at the Fred Lohman home. They brought gtsndson Ke))y home aftcL ¹. ¹. ¹. Benjam)xx. ¹s. zn-"'ns'lcky s™ ~ Mrs. Pete Jacobs and ahQdren and Rowena Davis drove ta Newburg; Ore., Saturday and returned home Sunday. Alice Jacobs renmined at 'Vewburg to attend George Fox( Co)lege. Sunday dinner .guests of Mr. and Mrs. VerHN Benjamin were Mr. and Mrs. Etn)e 'Wing and daughters of Anow, Eva Sandquist and Dan Wenstrem ef L(xw)eton. Susan Benjamin spent ths weekend wtt)L het patents. A week.ago Friday, Ãzs. Geztrude Pederson of SUB«etta was an overix)ght guest of Mz. and MriL VerHn n)ece.~ i I'e refreshment(t. played and deHC)ous were served by the 3(ostessea tone, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Van A)rsda)e left gz(o(U)ds ever the t«teekand with theWednesday fat the)t )xame at Sicza- CamPer Katavsn. *: .e3kw)ght Cozey and Gene EH)ot of* mcnto, Calif., after spending several Those wbo .vfs)ted Ar, and Mzs. weeks vp)th * 8nd Mrs Dat(xpm Desxy vts)ted w)t)L Mr. «nd MriL Nor-. man Lewis %ally Butler Sunday were Mt. and %any. Arta Grosec)nse and Bcibetta ~~~>i Mts.. BiH Chtpman and Mr. and Mrs. Mxxx. Qrerner gbimazxn ind het nepArHN Co)berg of Moscow. hew and Satxxtday w)th spexit t)xe wee)Mnd with Nancy Sw«LLson in Moscow. Lsst Wednesday Mw, Betty Kech- Mts. Darwin Tarry. ter spent the day with Mxa. Normen Sunday aftenxoon visitors of Mr. Nelson of Deaty. Nr. «nd Mrs, Roger and Mrs. DarV<p)n T<Lzzy vrere Mrs. ed w)th Nt. «nd MtxL Grant C)omen Kec)(ter and Mt. and Jim Stur- Vena, Dt)sco)'L MrxL Jane Wielson and bagen Beat B)dge Monday evezung «nd Nza. Bay Peny and SLL(xazx man were vts)tcpts of Mr. and Mts E)sixie HQ) of Lear)«ton. Dan Kechter for the day, Sunday. Ãr, and Mrs, D'Ixzw)n,T«ny v)sited Pezxy of- Deaxy and Dale Alex(«nder Mxs. Frank Mrs. Clem Lyons hsd a nice at-, Sunday W)H)am vts)ted with Ãt. and afternoon Gxosec)ose Sunday. tendance at her 1 tupperwate) party'auder. 8 week ago Tuesday eve. DCHC)ous Stet Geztje spent the weekend with Ray and Lura But)et enjoyed a refreshments were served after(Lvatd. Ms grandparents, and Boy Sunday drive and on the)t xetunx borne they stopped fax' v)sit with . Saturday eve supper guests were Ãr. Gertje, and S)H O)son and fsxnHYand Mr(L.Bruce Sherman of Su)faMr. «nd Mrs. Arnold Behrens of Lee Sw«xULan and Mrs etteI. Sunday C)enl ahd Flo went to Spokane arrived Sunday to spend 8 to gather pretty Locks tn fewdaysw)th Mr. «ndMrs Boy Get K)xnberHng of Mos(xxw. vts)ted Wft)t make steps snd a w«H at their front tje. Mz. «nd hfx<L. Arne)d Behtens Mt. 8nd NtxL Suddy Henson Mondajp door house. and Mts. Roy Gertje v)8)ted Mzs. even)ng Mr. «Nd Mza. PbH Bahr were from Ann)e Geztje at the nuts)ng home. a week ago Thursday tQI Tuesday Mrs. Ferd puetz of Lewiston vis- Friday. LM)tars in the home of Mr. and htxxL ited hfonday afternoon with Mrs. Roy Nr. and Mta ch<xr)es stt«ittoxx vtsSoHy MO)er of Nnhler, Wash. The Gcrtje. itod re)at)ves at Fernwood, SILtxxzday Bahts were Sunday luncheon and sup-, Mrs. Ne)HC D«nfaxlh visited Mox(- «fternnon. per guests of Mr. and Mts. L. Zenner day afternoon wtth Mza. Cora JenSince the t«)n hss Stopped fazmezxs of Gene«ac. Wedn<Nday the Bahrs vts- nlngs. are gott)ng Ln theix Hcks tn the. ited with Mrs. Dave Auer and new ')CM snd report)ng yrogxass. groat grandson at the hospitaL Samos, ~ '"- ~ Suxid((v v)(dtax75 ~ ~M.«ndh 9~) By AHce Hensen ShowerCheryl Hutton was a Friday over-'Wedd)ng of Nr. «Ad night guest of Gina Rae Wh)t)nger. Mrs, Frank Gtoseclose inee E)(L)ne hfrs, Bill Glean. Afternoon caller was Wednesday the 28th, VirgO Dygert„Perry) was guest of honoz't a br)Kent, Lamb, Weber and Alice Jacobs vere dal shower given by Mrs, Buddy and hfts. Nancy Swansoxx Sun(lay afternoon caHcrs of Mr. dinner guests of Nr, and Mrs. Henry~Hcnsen and Mrs. John Cuddy were Mr, and "Davis and Rowena. Monday even)ng at the Community I Mrs, Sack Bxown and Lnri, and FerSunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis Church basement. ris Cuddy, The recent br)de received many were dinner guests of Mr, and 3ifrs, Mrs .August Srammer vras 8 Sun- Jim Vantrease and family at Aha- lovely and useful gifts. Games wexv. Mr. and hfrs, Ray Butler of Julia- ct)a were ~ — ~juliactt«%ws By Julene Stammer the Dsvlo wclghco lo ol O lb«S<( os. itcd with her grandparents, Benscoters on Tuesday. screens" 8 daub)e 8)iozt snd sing)„Walter Zunxhnfe. «ccompan)ed by Frank Mfs. Erzile AzidteWS W«S in LOW)S Good Cond)(tu~ p) an ~F B<otty COWgex an Saturday OVen)ng, los Fclosp cvcolog lo moot Emlc Icc blmlxlsp cslw cmsm cms Gcsosm to ce)ebrate b)tihday of two of h)s who arrived from BurHnginn, Colo., FOE SAIgb-'-wlovp elder hosm Io gv«horns«Too soo Toms gomholo where ho hss ollssgwl the funeral Kendt)ek. Full bssen<ent, Car Port. )n the Levy«ton home ef the boys for his s)ster-)n-)aw, Mr(L The)ma the Happy Home C)ub Phone after 5. parents, htr. «nd Mrs. Arne Kumhofc. Andre<A'8 LIP(L')stan, 'Mr. Car)son, Ed and Mts. 4tSSC hfr. «nd «trs. Ezz<est Ste)gcm, with several other couples were weekend were 8<mday guests in the Andy Cox Club Supper and Sale The Happy Home Clubs ham supFOR SALK: )9 1, e ft. St bby Bell f an<Pets «)ee)P» 4. U<(ed very little. cH Thursday c«Hers were Mi. and 3@rs. per and sa)e w)11 be Satxxzday night. Oct 8, at the Community HSIL s oe(<r cond<) vvA s Jade« )OC)O()edc hf)ss Terry Westbetg and f)ance 'ruce G)ciulc Tray «nd Ser(bing vill start at 8:SO. Mike XV)«dani, I~(L~n, were Thur<(«Ad«his» hf»cow3(fr. Snd 3(fxa. Caz) Weber ef Kc)sos ~ WA((bTKD: F'm)j -,t)in(L vrsre)(ousen<sn.' i io inn Clark«ton from, tyash., (+@ted Tuesday afternoon y e Nicjio)s ,', % d A" )% The 3voung couple vsere united 'hee C)yde with Mr. «nd Mrs. Gzant Clemenon Ss)U l,matt)sge "An oquar (prottunity Rxap)oyer, Dan ahd Opic Ben«cater, S<<(~t- hagen. I L Ch h hfxix. AH)e Ktcnxm)n, h088 Alta oo« lo Ihs prcscscs ol s mobil go«op ««~, w«c guests in the Frank Benscoter home. hfnore, Mni. Esther)ne Lech «nd FOII SAIE OS 'EEET-'Twoolovck ol rvlshws ssg lclssos. Thuxvday ca)texv of the Schscoteza Mr<L Hanna Sc)LU)ts of JuHaetta «nd house ln Lc)ah(L T)Lr(he bedrooms 3(tr. «nd )(the Pete D«L~ and tv~ y, Mzs. Johanna Nelson «nd MtxL Emma )8)f . th» one ~)cr in Kc dow dade I hee u) MM wcm Sue) y and Mra, Ruth A@un«, Moscow. Sower visited with Mts. Anna Bower „Kend- Ste)gvtss horny. bssexhsnt. Call s$ Mr. «nd 3ifzs Lawzance Ho)mg(xrt Tuesday aftenioon. )Hoc .k.~ One goad turn dx(serves another< Bruce C)emenbsgen ahd chHdzv'h But that ls not the vsay it a)vs«ya net antezta)ned thc)t gra~dtcn, --Col on 8 Nrs turns out After granting three hunt- Kt)st)e, Karen, Clinton «nd Carl« Kim and L<Lur)e were weekend guests 8 Satxitd<LY of Bruce's parent, Mr. and Mes. Joe the perm)ss)on to hunt on h)8 Johnson over thc wccken<L Gtoseclose Dick and Jsnice even)ng, fn 10 tzx 0,. sponsored by catha- ers Ci erne nb«go(L Ed >zoperty as re<)nested by them Mrs. Eula GaHoway was a W'edI)c Daughters af America. strug. joined them and Jahiae u~ honored tI~ gHng to raH away one of h)s giant- with.a birthday dinner and cake. na«day d)nnsr guest of Mxxx. Norman San«cater wss in Lave)nn Nelson ln Deary. Mrs. Car) Weber Pumv"-'ns NOT)CE: f am no<v your hcgt Avon s)sed Thursday, where «he LN) tod with of Kebo, Wash., was 8)so a guest j)spresentat)L'e fcpt the Gene<(ck(b sz and h)s childx(en, in the Ne)son horn(L GaHOW«y 88. Pbr )<Out Avon ae<(da p)ease Can Kralg and Kat). hfts. Johanna Nelson and Mrs. 4(et Psu)et)e Johann, 28$."4s), Nrs, Ernie AndtoL6e mm a Moscow Anna Bower vts)ted Sunday after tf Oenese», visitor Monday. noon with AH)e Larson and Nell Hc)mgattner, Polly Aug- Homer. hfrs. BAZAAR-B)g )IAX SUPPN) Jc mune,'ue N)cho)s nnd'fat)e Fey Mrs, Gertz«xdo Hoffe) of Ozof)no Sear Ridge Community Hall. 8«twcn and Mss M«ra@et D«gofoorde of Fanthey uvre joined by their other 8)«- Spokane wore Saturday visitors of bo3'8 M~ V)v)an Wo) f and tots Lo)s Fr«set and V)v)an Bariett hfr. and Mrs. Eddie Ge<HOW«y and Sund«3 flshhlg w)th Ml and to enjoy Leonard tyo)ff an D<Lvatshsk Rufus Fa)tf)old v1$)ted Ftid«3v avezh)ght guests of Nr. and Mta afternoon with Mrs. AlHe Larson «nd FOR SAIP", g.e toom oil space heat. )mkrh Stamper and Allen tyaiff Hoard PUHm«xL. Thc)r mother, Homer. et s))gh)jy <Lse() vg)h n)nett)c he)~i Daymand Snyder haul Catoc Wayne D«L~ An)t<L W«s 8 S«turday n)ght gueet CO«t Lany KtLL)g ahd Karl Galloway and b)a((v<vt therma(ztat o'ct )'c weekend from also, AH returned home Sunday. and Stan Howorton were'Sunday dinf38714, 8 bargain how st $80.00, 8"dd)c Nr. «nd Nts. Frank Benscotcr were ner guests of Mr<L Eula Galloway )hat«lit() g«» futn<(ce. I~r. 88 f)(z(L and in <MOSCOW g'educ«day far Frankle'8 and Jcttv. Mt «hd hfr« )fa(O)d Zy hf(LttXOn, 229.SIS2, Un)anta<VN aftc<ooh vbith 8(L<g((n v)sited Sunday Mr. «hd Nrs. Gabriel Forest and ))LSZp hlr. And Mts, Frc(td)e 8))flaw, torQY fz(om )i)s recent surgery hft. ahd Nrs. A.dolph Forest. Werc 4th celebrated her Trina Thornton STRAYED from Cedar ltmgn--One SLUlday afternoon vts)tars at'&vin, hcr Joe and Sert)N« Forest Ys«L'Hng Hetefatd heifer. 1 Chai'o 'birthday Sunday. Those he)ping hfzs. AIHe Kremmin and Alta lola clew «Ilk mll, I block h vscg slgl«gi>csI ol blv. sog Mcs. Gsmll Moore were Friday afternoon L%)tats cow,W)th ref wearing bells and ))chm)dt, Hanna Schu)tx. Nts, Fml Sy Alma Bett« of Nrs. L)nn)c Ingle. )Ltande(j) >V-o(wr-S on t)ght hip," Ne)son. She))a And Shelly, Mr. «nd hfts, David LVII¹oh And her P<(teats, Would all the 1«dies Lvbo ham 8)¹a 1 b)ack c(Fv L«th cIL)f branded aild T)iorntoh Ida Wcwmsn and grandson J)nuhy items for the sa)e Saturday please DL ah rig)ii, zfb. Phoiie caHnct 7')S Mf'. «xid Mts, SQI 89)S or 2788MS" At 8:00 p.«i. tX3ec l«other Brl«n. w¹-'( 8«turday ovnt Allen wore 8«tut()ay afternoon x6s- bring them to iho hall Saturday 8 Mikc Bt(poke )tats af Aga)ha Perkins Nts >tQI)c attetnaon. W>< h - . 0 FOR SALEs h)g)ii guns af Mi Ahd Mts, Get(L)d Cork))1 spent Satutd«V Nrs. Olg7( Neman ftam Deary and <om" )sob<hall <i<id f«mily. h<ub) ic Ag((t).~ pc ins bedroom V)i<d(<)n Cunning Chai)cs Bent« of NOH«)a, Oregon. Sp'g"I Bits'U<d of GarHarder Mr¹.C«r) terr)., Mr. And R)ectr)c range. work)ng on thc Hi)i «ml Va)icy lv')s)ted Mand«y (Lftcrhaoh viol Nrsl Watet Mr, Oi) Futhacc. c)ua))ty v)))n, W(LAi., Ahdh)s brother, )term«n dnn Club scrap booic. Su)in Caapet Jerry Ingle. ahd a¹k H<<<'(Icr, <(p. nt last Tuesday Lvith Mr. «„d ch))dion >vore caj)nts )7<L))t lii O.iia w<<)hut ~ Exec)lMts, Paul Dagcfoetdo. H )hsu)At~I, Wack has bcc» a busy, enjoyable one pane()I g Homer John« And Helen lt)nr)chs fat A)»ia Bc)is ent cond)t)oh. Vcth 3Vcgnnr, )«hd. (urn Tun¹d¹y Afternoon v)s)tats of rc)at)vcs )inner)ng her b)t)hday ax(t)ck, ph. 289.582ps Mt<(. ).uc) llc l)of'fmsh. h)Lersary w)th cnkn¹. pics, gifts, calls By htt((. Adolph Dahn)(T Ml. AN(1 Mts. Doll Notg<(h w(LS <I «nd v)s)t¹ " po aftnthaah ahd c.rcnihg C«)l- Vaughh R"g s»amp~> ~ Ni. AN(I Nts. <IV(()tnr Dnnh)cr tcchscn «peat thn dav Nrs Rnasin cal)nd on Kbig shd htt(<. G)Advz< )Qhg v cn c«)I- cc)vcd IY0% 8<(tut(k(v that )hcy werc spreaders hand true)-c, ¹e(vet tnp, M<8, Liici))o ffatfmah v h)<w. 'G¹ty g(i)fiavv hfahday. )A(I()ot¹ <(N() n pipe thtna()nts ers; nii LVN)nn¹d¹y Mr. Ahd Mi¹, Tam givhdp«tch)s «gain. A sah, 7 lbs., et )Iqh;s r(t A)3))AM8 1)ARI3- Mt¹. Fl¹)c Hai'tm«ii him gone ta 3(t(<tck, Hc)ch Co(cger (Lhd h)i~. Cata 4 nt... vv(< bntn ta Mr. (Lhd hfts. Bur<"2c Bnht<kn, Lyn»)<., to bn with hnt dliiig)l Jnah)hgs Sstut()AV hfr ahd hfrs Nny Brimming, )<inc Judy Dean)nri WARE CO, Nnh"t)ck ugh MA)ann, far t) ict. Mts, Eiignhe Bett(< «ad JAY hfz. (uui hfrs, at Rndoiido Beach, Calif. Cindy Hc)h<g(Ltthcr and Diana DchL. )» Babcock of 600(It O'A)cnc, htt. h)cr (<)tcn()nd the p)ayday <(t Gcncscc h)r, (<nd M<>. Bo)> )mvcjay ahd And Mts Doh Cht)¹tnh¹ch «hd gtah DIVORCE PROCEEDS GS g)r)«at I~(v)stan werc Huh<)ay <Hnnar so» Dahn)n, Steve Cht)stcnscn and 8<iiid<ly; Cindv t(LI(lhg part iil it.. Mt. nnd h)rs. E. G. Wc rhct of Btcr Mi. A«I Mts. Homcj. P«iks Kat)LV THERI) WI)sL BE h)O morton (vere (venkcnd guests of Mr. Nrs George Fih)ca M rth an)l Nt¹. Bill Bc)t. AN) Mm. M¹rglc 8))f)a(v went ta W))koh, hfts. Kenneth <y))kcn, hti Mr. «nd htts. Adolph Dean)cr «nd )wIV)stan Ft)day fai 8 1)orna Demon Tc<) No3oet ahd Effie PaivcH. Than)( DEN)<fLRR SUPPI V hfts. Lcn Boot. Lds)tn<i Sund((y with <(tt<(tiah Club meet)ng, yoli Al). {Dave Don er Mt¹, 83'lvl« )'etc', hfark O)A<oh hfi Ahd 3<trs. Dav)(i lya)san ot Nr. «hd htiv. Randv Wall«cc in 8pokanc. r(hd h)¹ fiahccn Ciii(IV weto Wnelcnnd p)etce v)s)to<) hjs Nts, Bil) Bc)t, >46)nd Nt. And Mts. ' Gar()ah pc)em an<1 Nts. George F)nko Tuesd((y avagu Ps"1") Spec)a) oa f)etco T«ck VLP«3one %7)i)bt)he in Clatkstan SunHch. Sob «ad N~. Mt Rntue)AV Oil hing. )l Vnsr'¹ )e~) st tl<'ksoh AN(I fam))V jalhad all af them 3)t. Ah I Nts Heib GI)daw of I h- day t<nd their hauscgucsts Rcv. «nd. g ihS ah<1 b< )ey tyash, «rrlvod at Uic. Finke homt Nis. lya)ter VLphlt¹t)ha of Grangcvil)e. i(hd f«mOY jolilnd cvet3olie Fj)d¹y $ 190 00 )3us AWye Nt. Ahd Nrs. John Dcnhlcr of Gchc))rian. ca)le<1 ah Agatha Pctfot Jul)e Cooper < or 8 track chs)h ),)7<k; ee148<,00 Nt. An<) Mts. )~hard Wa)ft Ld¹)t kin¹ Thursday Ag«th<L 8)tnh()n() g«t- csca wctn Sunday dinner guests af S4 Nr. Ahd Ntx<. Tam Dennlcr. At Peter<< 8<Lt<itday after8)yv)<L hits, Thur((day den club )<chdtlck cd at (0170,00 qZ I,)hk; )<nnhn)3< Dcnh)et of law)stan >ms honte of Mr. Ahd N». Gordon S 70.00 tach the peter¹, Mt. «hd Mts. Allen Rclchohberg 8«tu<x)ay d)nant guest of Ni'. Mid Rol)cts htt(<, Got<)ah I'etc<a And Nts, Sy)- of )Tin(vc v)sltnd h)s hia)her, Laura hft(<, A()a)ph Dahn)ct. Sp)1(bs Rcic)<eh)ietg Ft)day„ )v S)II) 00 v)A petr<> visite I 8um)Ay morning w)th Ni'. «Nd Nzs. Hctnlah Jahhsah Ag¹iha Perk)h¹ Vl¹)tcd at, Fred win Tarry <9¹)tnd WNL K«udei'uhsh<L))s WHh )iueh)ng Dg t )) e)e,rp0 Ahd Mt, AN<) Nr¹, N(<tv)h Vincent Fast(ir'¹ Thut¹day even)hg And At- d<L) tchdn() Ex)eh«)oh caune)I at. I nwi¹Fxtehs)an Hohiomakcrs plan ta toh Fr)d(cy ahd vms 8 dthhnt guest of hinnt L(8th Nt¹, Albert Lawrence the hot Russell Ahd Nts, grandson, Mt, Chnck yaut hn¹t)ng system every 18th nf October instead of the lit)L t p ~)) t shag» w)th bu((h)hg I20,00 w)ntct. Tha hns)th Ahd w<)fate of Rahdnll )h thn craning. bec«U(<e of the State meaong bclhg Vena Drl¹cal) Ahd dsught<0t, EIA)ne At Na¹cow t)le 9th iuid 30)h-hope your entire f¹m))y )hay dePend oh.)t. qUALgy'mph)R phoae 2)O4)ee~KV«tch your system for danger s)gh«)s Hill of Lew)«ton, Nr. And Mrs. D«t* to sce 3'ou )h<(t(s. C(xneee'8 , THUI)SDAY, OCTOBER 4, 397S Sou)I)w)ck Hews I ~ Benscsatcr Mrs, lprnnl( Es((est Ste)gets vi<()t<( «3(TTEWS, Plus )It') (ov,) F. R. T. 90C II l 750xl6 700xl7 tk ta $ 1,0 Pt)nn Exch. (r-Capp<Lb)a Tr«dn s L)k~)za ) ' I i [), Tzas)( e Kq ips( s) Cs. Kendrick PHO)<«Eo ~)r)1 V&'WK&%&WTW'V&'%&V T%&'W'TW&xFWW'Wm'&V I 't 'f THE - NEWS> GAEsILL'& OCTOBER 4, 1078 'IQKURSDAYt ohtto ow wratodh s wish to dtvs Conway' IIefrlgeration Service gifts, cards flowers, 276-8041,my I JULKAETTA, sincsrs thanks to return home. and prayers —Mrs. Alex Larspn lt4~ KENDRICK DRIVE IN H —DINNER LUNCH WEEKDAY LUNCHEON IQU~MXKFAST — —FRIDAY EVENING SPECIALS- SPECIAL- Bread Pan Fried Chicken and Homemade Served From BISO to 8:80 FREAK HOAIE8XADE DONUTS ~7 -'Phone lt tt ta'. 0;00 p. m. tt BOB AND MAY . TSCIKAIttfTZ "kxxxrrzrzxzzrxzzzrzrzxzrrrzrrrzzzxxxrxzrrrrrzrrrrrxrh:i ." txxxxxzxxxxxzxzzzxxxzzxxzx r r xxzxzr zrr rzxzxzzxzx s, tt ht xrxxh", I R ~ Q R Ia h ] P Ia I )< )> E p '% & ~ .. I ~ I '~~ ~ Joh n dinner guests of Mr, andd d Mrs. Andy Dreps. of Lewfstott. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cfemeztbttgen and Emzna Brooke ctzmped outtwith rid wet'riday * . Mr. and Mrs. Mfffozd Osborn and home Thurs day evening from a ten-day trip to Phpenjx, Arizona. They took Mr. and Mrs. Osborn's son Ed to the Bell Howell Electronics School that, he Will be attending. Jerry Brown returned PIE EVERYDAYf < < "„theKendrickCRmyonmarasntnonthe "St, Jo " this weekend; - ~~ H ent Dick fi of ~s M and ~t rsandoff~'y ~ d Hugh paviw wss 451 Thaih Phone 743-8962 LeWjStan t'xrxrzxzxzrrxxxzzxzzzzzrxrzrrrzzzrrxzxxzzzxxxrxxxrxxit M~~eedlXlhe+te+~++ + Sizes 't il I.IL 0 —S, PANTS 8c COATS but Tough I, 'stmday spent 'gel!XlirrfVBIS k ——— ——————— Sizes 40 thru ------- — ------- c. h S es 32 thru Beginnerlrasforthe Kendrick, oo oooo%+sos~ af Kendrick time again ~~~ ~ 4 .. eaCh Armour's Franlm, 12 oz. pkg. tyler's 2 OZ. nion Soup Dry Oni pkgS 4~ 8Q ~>.~Ax, t n i~ ~~~ g,2Q Lux liquid Detergent, 32 oz. bottle, — SPECIAL OF THE MONTH- ),l'l"'Ii Phone 2$8%92i 2i'i "~ S y ~ ~ ni m dn if mf >io>it's I l~ 'lf I RStRZt I @;„„,p,i I ThrI SIhlrt!I+ TRReeclof ~ (~ akdnittyd tty deitot'Itddert Phone Phoae zre~~ Kendriclf, 280 8741 wsd 4 Idaho I ~~ Breakfast o Lunch o Dinner Noon Specials ~d Ted and PhyHis Fey' Jttbaetta Sdtppl f~< Sudsy a ski The First grade chudren welcome new bpy to their class on Monday. 'r. dcfnner. ~' "2 I(l Teachers and Students both can start the school term right with when they let txs fashion a new fall hair styling w hich will be right for any occasion. Call this weeifl's Beauty Kook For Appointment 8 ff Re CaH — KRNDSKCer, 28M'Xtsta 8 Dafrs a VpeNr, 'ohn "~ w~~y Sag ~'~y F~ w'he ~~~" Neer -lHd S~CHQOL cknstti ~ w'o'inally "- 3 ",flak e Elected officers at the Assembly of God Church for the coming year are as follows; Marie Onmt, trustee; Lydia Belt, secretary; Greta Smith, treasurer; Susan Petkins„super!ntendent .of the Sunday School; Maxof fne Fry; assistant superintendent Sunday School, and Grace Rhodes, secretary-treasurer pf Sunday Schoo1. —89c /twas'i&~ 'LOUSES Matte Sffffow fs Student of the pf Week, Hc doesn't Mrs. Dwight know what, to bring Ore., spent last week a yet. Beth's cuctunbers tasted great. her .sister, Mrs. Pearle fzope everyone had a good weekend Myrtle Davis of Portland becattse we dfd a g de have anew gtlest funny" reading workbook. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rukgsber of Fulleeton, A ff, left Thu~ay to re- was laaPFriday. The Junfors won turn to their home after having over the Sophomores, spent the past two weeks visiting here vrith her father, Emulus Brown'ast because we make it grow fast. Mrs, Don Brown was admitted to Beth 'brought some gifts to our teacher, Miss Stefonek. She brought Thursday evening and underwent gall a sm!fe face of squtuh and a smile bladder surgery Friday morning. M d and Mrs. Dean Brocke hasted Jamie's cousin L khart a birthday dinner honoring Jody Fey visited last week. Debbie Shs's a Fifth at their home Monday . evening. ~der from Cblffo~fa Guests included Jody and hfs family We have an invisible rabbit nam ~Ms and mm Harvey. and We are al]pwed to have ne M Mnl. gn Ufs got. to do ouz shadow Sue Nfchofz wh are g h~e experiment Thursday fn science Th sun decided to come out. At least wc Gladstone, oregon have spent the gg's s er, rs. psst week with Mrs, Pearls Long. I ~ Mrs. Myrtle Davis of Portland was a Wednesday and Thursday guest in the home of Mrs, Pearle Long. and Gladstone, guests of Long, Mrs; i graders. ~e ' Arrivals... ']I'Pd ~ tsf ( t Pd i II lro ~ ii E rA'I I i e ~ >~~~ dttl (d — STOP IN THIS WEEK AND I ET Us CHECK: 'I coottns syrtsxtr '485 INIINor and Tall PIp~ l ~ svii Uahts swl Signals Tires and Batterloa There is a Standard Product for every fueI and lubrication need Ask Uai Heating OII — — —Gasoline and Diesel Fuel —OHs and Greases —BoIvents and Cleaners ' I WI As tfhe temperature increases, so does the denxaK!fd on your car. You'l be doing more driving both for busmess and pleasures Naif;e Bare your car is prepared for the demands you vriB make, $ I i -.; ™ fifo 7IMl 4fffl'r GROCERY MARKET Hlbbard- .- II Imy LACININT was born to Mr. and Mrs. OUARANlssl Monte Hfbbard Thursday, September 20 at Gritman Memtyrfal Hospital fn HARDWARE Moscow. The ntnv member of the KENDRXCIK family has been named Hans Charles OIEO FINO SSM051 and Joins a sister. 476-4718 A. son Iellt I'IC( IgalBigg, IIC. -'But!MS Ken earlc4c l! 2SW371 ~te Elected Officers GOI,DEN GRAIN ICE CREAM 1!i)) Ii I q~r ......................................... 6Q : I Stan HowertoiI ~y Mo~ ~t Mop and Glo Floor Wax, 32 OZ, Can, Dapple" p.-.,! SI , Ilii'mii, m~. to Marty. ~. ~g Lysol Spray Disinfectant, —"Apple I Both teams scored touchdowns fn the third quarter vrlth Kendrick's .............................. 8/Sl 00 4 Gallon !tSeauty '" ttk ~ I ISr Spray ~ < High School, ........................ 4/$ 100 SnO.BOy Celery HeartS lblEZ 4Rhll T4GE DRYWALL ~ qua'ck KMy Cfem~gen hit Ron SOflow for 80 yards and 'hz Craig we«Mr. and Mnt- Jack Meyer wfff have a birthday Roy Cnt g of ew s o~ Mm. fp'n-.Thursday. Happy birthday to Terof ' and Jack. Friday af enon ciGerd Mr. and The soup labels are coming fn & w~ good. Nan~y Cook 2 labeKs, Mar Mrs H 8' Harris 8, Jay Hollingsworth 8, Ted Denner 48, Larry Snyder 2, Terry Mr. and Mrs. Ward Helton spent Johns 2 and Tony Roseborpugh 2 weekend in Wash., the Snoquabnfe, labels where they visited with her brother, The helpers foz this week are Jack Ed R ~M who ~cntfy b Meyer snd Brenda Hamilton. re eased f r the "ctzpf al They re The first grade wfff be taking on turned home ¹ndaira new look with the coming of Haf Brown 1oween: black cats, witches, ba ts Mr, and Mrs Kenneth oi the . Kendrick snd hand joinsd msmhws osnhwc Kacavsn for s weekend camping trip to the St. Joe, Ocsds i Nsws Mrs. Sue Craig visited in Lewfston Aff week we'e learned many things Monday with her brothers, Mark about Indians We heard stories, saw er s~er, Eeb Robeson 1 Jfm and filmstrips, and drew pictures. We learned some of their hand lanRon Craig family We each designed a headband guage. Miss cM«on Lowery of and on Friday we wore our headW~ 'p" y bands to Music Class and we did for a month's visit with Mr. snd Mrs more Zndfan activities there. Ond may We Say WelCOme 'SnO-BOy LettuCe hokw MnL 4 o4cocrssdiods baCk tO all gradS I yOung and old alike, and wish the undergraduates success and a good time during the week's activities. kkr J~er atlons fol KHS HOHleCOmlpg " lt'Is Homecoming ~ were their granddaughters, Cuddy of Coeur trAIene and 4 Phone 289-5791 Howard and Glenora ra Braden f en thos STAN'S at M hW 16 Dwortthak Mr and Mrs- W.'S MKuer and Saturday over ght md 4 % 8A 6 0 e+++ I + ++ ddssosssdsoh oosoc4ssdsdcooosssssssdssoof g+++++ ~ehse-4 46 $10 $2&$3.50 TeenyBopper, i'A > r I BODY BRIEFER By Exquisite Form Combination Bra-Panty Girdle - at ~BS~mRt~ a week camping in the Lochsa spent Sl oaiisr ~,,/gled'M —- ~the FOR LADIES AND TEENS Fu'zzy Lined and Stylish — ~y ~.~rs M, L, and XL I. Thmndnk Now 1st"s step into Soc, Studlesf In Soc. Studies we'e studying about Christopher Columbus snd peoplft that sailed and explored tfte world or at least tried to. Monday we an- — K~, Coated NYLON Lightweight, a J~ ÃIOIKT Lohman, David Trapp, m~ D St f li re o ut to have John Dam, so Hedler come on and do a good reWeumd g of Mr. and M Doc Little were her nephew and wffe, 1VQ Gene Hansen and two in yardage gained with 7B rushing had 68 R and of Spo kane. Kmd 87 P in; m~ 'unday af«nsxtn caffem were Mr and Mzs. 7tfotman Erbst of Orof!no, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glenn were eve'tWe expect them to be about tough.8 k as O. Monday night M. and M he re«wed the Culdesac Wolves,, Wayne Judy and d ughte Patty of who win be here Friday night for the homecoming'ame. The %'olves tie home Genesee and Troy good of gave both es 1 fore M"g 1~eat~ Seattle are with her mother, g ++0+++4 +~++1+++++ e~ee++e+~e+0+e++eee+t+ee++ eammoeam' Neoprene M 4.XK CLUIR MONDAY There will be a meeting of the Potlatch Ridge Workers 4-H Club at the Lefand Club House Monday evelrffth Ozatle ning, Oct, 8, at 7l00. This wfff be the annual election of officers and a good Guess what? We had one of those attendance is desired. old math tests again, and those who got A's wore Darren Clemenhagen, Larry Gffffspfe, Janey Jacobs, Danny swered questions and had a film about Columbus. Now about the football game! The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth gradetv got tion worth l5 yards and six ppfnta to go to the Powder Puff football ennis Lukecart ran the conversion game Friday, or the points, And w'e would like to thank Mr, Kelly fe enhagen Pass to Ron Manfuff for lettfng us go. Matv in the second quarter was Reporte~eryf Hutton and go~!~ r arty y Gina Whitinger SCOWL frpln pne yard Out pn a qttss» terback sneak and then Xtassetf for the conversion to Clemen- The extra poizlt try failed. In the ff al pe6od Kendrick saw ~ MsAly'n Efdmg tsmg with the Sweet a B0-yard drive sputter and faff down on the Trojan 2-yard fine ss the 1 Srrances Peters and Silvia Peters of " Spokane visited Sunday with Mr. and of the game, bu't Johnson The Johnsons R the f~t " were Sttturday evening callers of Mr * Cpa Ruark Md MM ys he Mght be able to see limited action tlds PARTS DON JOHNS H "e nfg «ta'» sparingly the ffrst four , games unleashed it fo» thfa contest wNte hez, WOIKIOrdKS MF~ Alny Holt ¹n- M' RIDGE — It was an upset to thc rest of the league, but Coach Dick Ruarlt Vincent was a and his Kentlrfck Tigers never had day inner gttest of Nz, and tw'heire r doubts pu as they th wentt to T t Troy Herman Johnson. Afternoon visitors the tough Trpjans 22-6 were Eva Vincent i Mrs, Efsfe Hoff- and defeated "Cprfng fn eVelsy ng nlan Snd Lpren Hpffnlan. In the eVe- aat - - y ning, Glen and Nellie Brasier of quazter but the final one, the Tigers were ne~er fn trouble and led all the Genesee, were supper guests. and Mtv Rpdger Courtt4ght tvay. While rolling up 22 points and cand family en1pyed a day of boating SS7 yards in offense, statistics showed that the strong Tiger defense on Dworshak Dam Sunday. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, Herman played an important part in the con» Johnson entertained Mr, and Mrs, test yielding only 106 yards to the . M ~ s;txxxxrrxxxrzzrzzrzzrzzrzrrrrrrzrrrzrrzzzrxrrirzrzzxri >, l dhZ ZI got our science finished, Have fun! Reporters Beth Harris and TttfeIS ESP Tlpj&tts 22 ft fpz Fffih 1!rfn Ideeaf Nettta VN DELIYER PHONE 289-57'l I