Small-scale CDM programme activity design document
Small-scale CDM programme activity design document
SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 1 starCLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAM ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (SSCVPA-DD) Version 01 CONTENTS A. General description of Voluntary programme activity (VPA) B. Eligibility of VPA and Estimation of Emission Reductions C. Environmental Analysis D. Stakeholder comments Annexes Annex 1: Contact information on entity/individual responsible for the VPA Annex 2: Information regarding public funding Annex 3: Baseline information Annex 4: Monitoring plan NOTE: (i) This form is for submission of VPAs that apply a small scale approved methodology using the provision of the proposed small scale Voluntary PoA. (ii) The coordinating/managing entity shall prepare a Voluntary Small Scale Programme Activity Design Document (SSC-VPA-DD) that is specified to the proposed PoA by using the provisions stated in the SSC PoA DD. At the time of requesting registration the SSC PoA DD must be accompanied by a SSC VPA-DD form that has been specified for the proposed SSC PoA, as well as by one completed -SSC VPA-DD (using a real case). After the first VPA, every VPA that is added over time to the SSC PoA must submit a completed -SSC VPA-DD. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 2 SECTION A. General description of small scale voluntary programme activity (VPoA) A.1. Title of the small-scale VPA: >> Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia – VPA 1 Version: 04 Date: 15/06/2012 A.2. Description of the small-scale VPA: >> The Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia – VPA I (hereafter “the VPA”), part of the Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA, will replace low-quality and carbon dioxide emitting kerosene lamps, which are currently the prevalent form of lighting in rural Ethiopia, with high quality solar PV lighting systems 1 . The introduction of these solar lighting systems shall be achieved by establishing Solar Centers in11 villages, Gumer, Awassa, Sodo, Borena, Bedele, Minjar, Humera, Woliso, Alicho-Woriro, Wolkite and Yirgalem from which the sale, distribution and maintenance of affordable solar systems will be managed. The Solar Energy Foundation (hereafter SEF), the Coordinating Management Entity (hereafter CME) of the VPoA is also the Project Implementing Partner (PIP) of this VPA. SEF will establish and coordinate the network of 11 Solar Centers with the aim of distributing around 100,000 solar lighting systems, leading to estimated annual emissions reductions of 16,901tCO2e The majority of the 11 Centers have been under trial from January 2009 to August 2010 relying heavily on NGO financing. However to scale-up and continue with the programme, SEF needs to make the programme self-sustaining, rather than relying on uncertain donor financing. All systems sold during the trial period are not included in this VPA as they will not be included in the VPoA database. The VPA will not only lead to emissions reductions, but also to substantial sustainable development benefits. The VPA contributes to sustainable development in Ethiopia in the following ways: Improved lighting conditions will allow children to study in the evenings. It also allows residents to work and run their businesses after dusk. Improvement of indoor air quality. Kerosene lamps cause respiratory problems so the introduction of lighting from clean energy sources will improve the health of residents. New job opportunities are created for the employees in the local Solar Centers. The proposed VPA is a purely voluntary action by SEF and is not required by law. A.3. Entity/individual responsible for the small-scale VPA: >> The Solar Energy Foundation is the Coordinating/Managing Entity of the VPoA. The Project Implementing Partner (PIP) responsible for this VPA is the Solar Energy Foundation. myclimate is the entity which communicates with the Gold Standard Foundation. 1 Also referred to as solar home systems, solar products, solar (lighting) systems or solar (lighting) systems. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 3 A.4. Technical description of the small-scale VPA: The VPA will introduce 11 Solar Centers in rural Ethiopia. The Centers will coordinate the sales, installation and maintenance of the solar products, as well as processing and collecting payments from customers. These services may be performed directly from the Solar Center location, or the Solar Center will coordinate Solar Technicians to travel to villages in the local area to market, sell, install, maintain, and manage the payments for the solar systems. SEF will be responsible for collecting sales records and data from the Solar Centers. They will also help the Solar Centers to source the lighting systems required for the project, and other logistics to ensure the Solar Centers can operate effectively. All lighting systems sold will all have the following attributes: - Photovoltaic panel Storage batteries Lights Solar Centers will sell households four different types of solar home systems (SHS), Suntransfer systems ST1, ST2, ST5 and ST10. Details of these products are listed below: SunTransfer 1 (ST1): ST1 is a portable solar lamp with: 1 high performance LED, 1.5Wp solar module, rechargeable 6V/2.8Ah battery and USB output including adapter set for mobile charging. SunTransfer 2 (ST2): ST2 is a portable solar lamp with: 1 high performance LED, 2Wp solar module, rechargeable 6V/4.5Ah battery, and USB output including adapters set for mobile charging. SunTransfer 5 (ST5): ST5 is composed of 3 ST1 portable solar lamps with high performance LEDs, 5Wp solar module, 3 rechargeable 6V/2.8Ah batteries and 3 and USB output including adapter set for mobile charging. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 4 SunTransfer 10 (ST10): The ST10 is composed of 4 high performance LEDs with lamp shade, 10Wp solar module, rechargeable 12V/18Ah battery and car charger output for mobile charging or radio use. Solar panel Battery charger LEDs A.4.1. Identification of the small-scale VPA: >> A.4.1.1. Host Party: >> Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia A.4.1.2. Geographic reference or other means of identification allowing the unique identification of the small-scale VPA (maximum one page): The VPA constitutes the establishment of 11 Solar Centers in Ethiopia in the following locations. The Solar Centers coordinates are listed here: Minjar Yirgalem Gumer Wolkite Awassa Sodo Woliso Borena Bedele Alicho-Woriro Humera N(08)˚(44.818)'/E(39)˚(08.755)' N(07)˚(10.401)'/E(37)˚(20.607)' N(07)°(56.410)'/E(38)°(04.086)' N(08)°(16.912)'/E(37)°(46.696)' N(07)°(02.816)’/E(38)°(28.726)’ N(06)°(50.878)'/E(37)°(45.707)' N(08)˚(44.925)'/E(39)˚(21.400)' N(05)°(29.469)'/E(38)˚(36.703)' N(08)°(19.094)'/E(36)°(18.568)’ N(08)°(58.114)'/E(38)°(43.308)' N(14)˚(17.248)'/E(36)˚(36.365)' The geographical boundary of the VPA is: The below mentioned coordinates are the extreme corner points of all the Solar Centers, except Humera. N(08)°(20.532)'/E(33)°(58.389)' N(03)°(36.500)'/E(38)°(36.175)' N(08)°(45.923)'/E(41)°(38.046)' N(12)°(32.187)'/E(38)°(55.578)' This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 5 As Humera is at the extreme north of the map, close to the frontier, Humera is considered separately. N(12)°(02.238)'/E(36)°(33.303)' N(14)°(18.478)'/E(38)°(55.123)' Figure 1 – Map of VPA 1 As can be seen in the map, the geographical boundary of the VPA is within the geographical boundary of the VPoA, Ethiopia. Systems will be sold within a 250km radius of each Solar Center, using the coordinates provided above. Future VPAs may overlap with this radius; however systems sold by future VPAs will be marked to show they do not belong to the current VPA. All systems to be implemented will also be labelled with a unique serial as well as a VPA identification number to prevent double counting and to show that system is a part of the VPA. All serial numbers will be recorded. SEF uses GPS equipment to identify the GPS coordinates. Thus, SEF is responsible for the same. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 6 A.4.2. Duration of the small-scale VPA: A.4.2.1. Starting date of the small-scale VPA: >> 13/08/2010 The basis for the starting date is the upload date of the VPA LSC report. A.4.2.2. Expected operational lifetime of the small-scale VPA: >> 10 years A.4.3. Choice of the crediting period and related information: Fixed Crediting period A.4.3.1. Starting date of the crediting period: >> 13/08/2010 A.4.3.2. Length of the crediting period, first crediting period if the choice is renewable CP: >>10 years A.4.4. Estimated amount of emission reductions over the chosen crediting period: >> Year Annual Estimation of emission reduction in tonnes of CO2E 13/08/2010 – 31/12/2010 172 2011 1,761 2012 4,312 2013 8,099 2014 12,275 2015 16,354 2016 20,342 2017 24,241 2018 28,055 2019 31,783 21,621 01/01/2020 - 12/08/2020 Total estimated reductions (tonnes of CO2e) Total number of crediting years Annual average over the crediting period of estimated reductions (tonnes of CO2e) 169,015 10 16,901 This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 7 A.4.5. Public funding of the VPA: There is currently no direct public funding from Annex 1 Parties for this VPA. In the future the VPA may receive some support from donors, which may occasionally come from Overseas Development Assistance (ODA). However, in line with GS rules, these donations will not be received on the condition that credits are transferred to the ODA provider. The project participants have signed the ODA Declaration Form, in line with Gold Standard guidelines. Please refer to the VPoA-PDD for further clarification on this issue. A.4.6. Information to confirm that the proposed small-scale VPA is not a de-bundled component >> In Accordance with EB 54, Annex 13, paragraph 10 “Guidelines on assessment of de-bundling for SSC project activities” if each of the independent subsystems/measures (e.g. SHS) included in the CPA of a PoA is no greater than 1% of the small scale thresholds defined by the methodology applied, than the CPA or PoA is exempted from performing de-bundling check i.e. considered as not being a de-bundled component of a large scale activity. The capacity of each solar home systems included in the VPA of the VPoA is no larger than 1% of the threshold of 5MW according to the Guidelines for micro-scale project activities. A.4.7. Confirmation that small-scale VPA is neither registered as an individual CDM/Voluntary project activity or is part of another Registered PoA/VPoA: >> The VPA has not been registered as an individual CDM or VER project activity or as part of another registered PoA or VPoA This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 8 SECTION B. Eligibility of small-scale VPA and Estimation of emissions reductions B.1. Title and reference of the Registered VPoA to which small-scale VPA is added: >> Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA B.2. Justification of the why the small-scale VPA is eligible to be included in the Registered VPoA : No Criteria 1. Only VPAs that install solar home (lighting) systems Confirmed. The VPA supplies solar that supply rural households with electricity are systems to rural households. eligible to be included in the programme. 2. The total capacity of the solar panels included in a VPA does not exceed 5 MW, according to EB 60, Annex 25, Guidelines for demonstrating additionality of micro-scale project activities. Confirmed. The VPA is projected to sell 0.6MWp of SHSs. Thus, it is unlikely that sales will exceed the 5MW threshold. Yet, if any SHSs that are to be sold exceed the 5MW limit, they are Retroactive activities applying under the scheme shall not included in this VPA but will be undergo a pre-feasibility assessment as per Gold count towards VPA2. Standard Requirements. Further, the additionality of The project activity is not a retroactive retroactive projects shall be proved using the activity. guidelines given in Attachment A to Appendix B and cannot be deemed additional. 3. Solar Technicians have undergone training in the Confirmed. All Solar Technicians have installation and maintenance of solar systems at SEF’s undergone theoretical and practical “International Solar Energy School”. training on how to plan, implement, operate and maintain solar projects and systems. Training courses take place at SEF’s “International Solar Energy School”. The duration of a typical training is six months. 4. The project takes place within Federal Democratic Yes. The VPA is located in Ethiopia Republic of Ethiopia, which represents the project and only households which have had no boundary. Only rural households that are not access to the local grid, as stated, were connected to the electricity grid can be included in a included in the VPA. VPA. 5. Measures are in place to recycle batteries. Solar Technicians will collect the batteries or verify the same once they were informed by a household that the battery is defect or is not working. The collected batteries will be recycled locally or returned to the Yes, as momentarily there are no local recycling facilities, the batteries would be collected and shipped back to the manufacturer for recycling. As of now, no batteries had to be displaced. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 9 manufacturer. 6. The project activity is a voluntary action and not Confirmed. required by law. 7. All sales are recorded by Solar Centers and the records sent periodically to the PIP. The sales record shall include: Household location (region, zone, Woreda/district/ and Kebele), household identification number (depending on system type), client’s name, system type and serial number, payment details, GPS data and Solar Centres. 8. Each VPA is uniquely identified and defined by way of the unique identification numbers (serial numbers) attached to each system`s component to ensure that all VPAs under its VPoA are not developed under a different VPA/CPA or different project. - Components are labeled with a SEF logo so that they are easily recognized to belong to the proposed programme. - The database clearly indicates for each system the Solar Centre as well the respective VPA to which each system belongs to. - The same information as in the database VPA number, Solar Center, system type, client name, household location, household identification number (depending on system) and component serial numbers - will be stated in a passport that will be given to each household participating in the programme. 9. All households joining the program cede the rights for carbon to the CME, SEF. All sales data has been collected and database. Yes, that is the case. All the data is recorded in the central database. Yes, that is a prerequisite for joining. All households have to sign a form agreeing to the same. 10. None of the SHSs included in the VPA of the VPoA is Confirmed. larger than 1% of the 5 MW (threshold of guidelines for micro-scale project activities) and thus debundling will not be an issue. 11. The VPA shall claim emission reductions for only one Confirmed. SHS distributed per household 12. To be included in the VPoA ,PIPs have to sign an Confirmed. agreement with the CME under which they acknowledge that they have signed up to the VPoA and are aware of all its duties and tasks within the programme and project level including its eligibility criteria The PIPs have signed the “Official This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 10 Development Assistance Declaration”. To conclude, the VPA meets all the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the VPoA. B.3. Assessment and demonstration of additionality of the small-scale VPA , as per eligibility criteria listed in the Registered VPoA: >> Additionality of the VPA is determined at the VPoA level. To meet the criteria, as defined in the “guidelines for demonstrating additionality of micro-scale projects2, a VPA is considered additional if the project is situated in a Least Developed Country utilise a renewable energy technology have a total capacity of under 5MW The proposed VPA meets the above criteria, as it is situated in Ethiopia and aims to sell 0.6MWp of solar systems. B.4. Description of the sources and gases included in the project boundary and proof that the small-scale VPA is located within the geographical boundary of the registered VPoA. The geographical boundary of the VPoA is the national boundary of the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and thus includes the project boundary of the SSC-VPA. The table below illustrates the GHG emissions sources included in the project boundary: Baseline Project Activity 2 Gas CO2 Included? Yes Justification/Explanation In the baseline scenario lighting would be derived from kerosene producing lamps CH4 No N2O No Greenfield CO2 installation of solar CH4 lighting systems N2O No As per AMS-I.A. Methane emissions are not accounted for. This is conservative As per AMS-I.A. nitrous oxide Emissions are not accounted for. This is conservative. The project activity does not emit any CO2 emissions. No methane generation is expected to be emitted. No nitrous oxide generation is expected Kerosene lamps No No This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 11 B.5. Emission reductions: B.5.1. Data and parameters that are available at validation: >> Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: LEi (ID 3) Lumen Nominal lumen output of solar lamps of system type i deployed as part of the project activity Cree LED Data Sheet: 93-100 lm 93 Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of 93 lm is chosen using the Cree specification is used for conservativeness measurement methods and procedures actually applied : Any comment: If lumen output is to increase in the future, ER calculation will be capped at 93 lm Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: LEker (ID 4) Lumen The specific light output of kerosene when burnt in a hurricane kerosene lamp Evan Mills - "Technical and Economic Performance Analysis of Kerosene Lamps and Alternative Approaches to Illumination in Developing Countries" June 28, 2003. 45 Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of 30-50 lumen is chosen in CDM-Project: "Rural Education for Development measurement methods Society", India (taken from study about suppressed demand in 2007) and procedures actually applied : Any comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures actually applied : h (ID 5) Hours Average number of hours solar lamps are used per day Methodology AMS I.A 3.5 According to AMS I.A, for the specific case of lighting devices a daily usage of 3.5 hours shall be assumed, unless it is demonstrated that the actual usage hours adjusted for seasonal variation of lighting is different based on representatives sample survey (90% confidence interval ±10% error) done for minimum of 90 days. Lighting Africa survey 2008 in Ethiopia shows also an average of 3-4 hours usage at evenings, not considering additional use of lamps in the morning before sun rise (page 54+55 of the survey). This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 12 Any comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures actually applied : Any comment: lker (ID 7) liter/hour Kerosene consumption each kerosene lamp per hour UNFCCC guidance/Recommendation Evan Mills 0.025 0.025 liter/hour in UNFCCC “Consideration of potential fossil fuel lighting replacement methodology” (page 4), 2010: “There is a wide-range of fuel-based lighting sources… Rates range from 0.01 to 0.10 liters per hour, with most products operating in the 0.02 to 0.04 range (i.e., the small/medium wick lamps and the kerosene lanterns). A value of 0.025 is a reasonable conservative approximation in lieu of superior local data” ( 0.005-0.042 liter/hour in Evan Mills - "Technical and Economic Performance Analysis of Kerosene Lamps and Alternative Approaches to Illumination in Developing Countries" - June 28, 2003. The recommendation of 0.025 l/h is based on small kerosene lamps, while hurricane kerosene lamps have usually an up to three times higher consumption (see 2003 study of Evan Mills). So the calculation is very conservative. Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures actually applied : Any comment: EFKer (ID 8) tCO2/GJ CO2 emission factor of kerosene 2006 IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas inventories 0.0719 Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures actually applied : Any comment: NCVker (ID 9) TJ/Gg Calorific value of kerosene 2006 IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas inventories 43.8 The default value of other kerosene in 2006 IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories is 71.900 tCO2/TJ. 2006 IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas inventories This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 13 Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of measurement methods and procedures actually applied : Any comment: denker (ID 10) Kg/l Density of kerosene & 0.81715 Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: z (ID 11) N/A Standard normal for a confidence level of 90% Doane, 2011; Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, Mcgraw-Hill Higher Education; Table 8.7 , p. 309 1.645 0.81715 at 60°F=15,5°C Ethiopia yearly avg. Temperature =61°F Value applied: Justification of the choice of data or description of This is the statistical standard value for standard normal for a confidence level measurement methods of 90% and procedures actually applied : Any comment: B.5.2. Ex-ante calculation of emission reductions: >> In accordance with the methodology AMS I.A (Version 14) the following approach is used to calculate the uniform baseline for this VPA. The energy baseline is the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been used in the absence of the project activity to generate the equivalent quantity of energy. Renewable energy lighting applications shall consider the equivalent level of lighting service instead of energy. The following methodological approach has been chosen to calculate the baseline emissions and emission reductions. Option 3 In the case of Option 3, the emissions baseline is the historic fuel consumption calculated in accordance with paragraph 8c of the applied methodology times the CO2 emission factor for the fuel displaced. IPCC default values for emission factors may be used. However, in this case, baseline emissions are not calculated by a trend-adjusted projection of historic fuel consumption, due to lack of data, but by using a default value of 0.025 kerosene consumption per hour indicated in the SSC WG paper “Consideration of potential fossil fuel lighting replacement methodology” (EB25, Annex 13). This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 14 According to the methodology, in 3, paragraph 10, the energy content of the fuel consumed in the baseline is taken times the emission factor of the fuel (IPCC default values for emission factors are used). (1) BECO2 , y FC j , y * NCV j * EFCO2 , j j Where: BE CO2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2 FC j, y Amount of fuel consumption of fuel type j; mass or volume unit in year y NCV j Net calorific value of fuel type j; gigajoule per mass or volume unit EF CO2, j CO2 emission factor of fuel type j; tCO2/GJ Fuel type used for combustion j However, in accordance with AMS I.A (version 14), “the equivalent level of lighting service is to be considered instead of energy” (footnote 3). Given the lumen output of one LED lamp is 2.07 times the lumen output of hurricane kerosene lamp, one LED lamp is assumed to be installed instead of slightly more than two hurricane kerosene lamp. Therefore, the below equation is derived from the equation above: (2) v BECO2 , y ( Ni ,a * di ,a ,v )* CFi ,v, LFR * LEi * a 1 1 * h * lker * EFker * NCVker * denker LEker The equation “FC * NCV*EF” represents the emissions in tCO2 equivalent from fuel consumed in the baseline. The equation (3) yields exact the same result. This is hence the emissions in tCO2 equivalent from kerosene that would have been consumed in the baseline instead of solar lighting. In addition, a following parameters and concepts have been incorporated 1. Aggregated emission reduction calculation for groups of lamps (all lamps of the same system type i sold in the same period form one group); Ni,a 2. An adjustment parameter for operational time of continuously sold lamps; di,a,y 3. For conservative approach, statistical correction factors for lamp failure rate need to be applied; CFi,v,LFR This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 15 Where: BE CO2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2 Ni,a ID 1 The total number of solar lamps in use of system type i deployed in period a di,a,y ID 2 Average number of days lamps of system type i that have been deployed in period a were operating in period v; days LEi ID 3 Nominal lumen output of solar lamps of system type i deployed as part of the project activity; lumen LEker ID 4 The specific light output of kerosene when burned in a kerosene lamp; lumen h ID 5 Average number of hours solar lamps are used per day; hours CFi,v,LFR ID 6 This factor corrects the total number of lamps of system type i by the share of these lamps that were found to be operational according to the sampling in period v. The statistical error is included in this parameter (confidence level 90%) lker ID 7 Kerosene consumption each kerosene lamp per hour; liter/hour EFker ID 8 CO2 emission factor of kerosene; tCO2/GJ NCVker ID 9 Calorific value of kerosene; TJ/Gg denker ID 10 Density of kerosene; Kg/l As mentioned above, for a conservative approach a correction factor needs to be applied: CFi,v,LFR ,represents the lamp failure rate of the whole population of lamps from lamp type i sold. This is achieved by random sampling and by selecting a sample group which reflects the age of the lamps in the population. The following formula describes the calculation of CF i,v,LFR , based on the application of a 90% confidence level. (4) CFi ,v , LFR 1 LFRi ,v z * LFRi ,v * (1 LFRi ,v ) ni ,v ,total Where: z ID 11 Standard normal for a confidence level of 90% LFR i.v ID 12 Lamp Failure Rate - Share of lamps of system type i in checked sample group not operational in period v ni,v,total ID 13 Total amount of lamps of system type i checked that were found to be operational This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 16 B.5.3. Summary of the ex-ante estimation of emission reductions: >> Estimation of project Estimation of Estimation of activity baseline leakage Year emissions emissions (tonnes of (tonnes of CO2 (tonnes of CO2 e) CO2 e) e) 13/08/20100 0 31/12/2010 172 2011 0 1,761 0 2012 0 4,312 0 2013 0 8,099 0 2014 0 12,275 0 2015 0 16,354 0 2016 0 20,342 0 2017 0 24,241 0 2018 0 28,055 0 2019 0 31,783 0 01/01/20200 0 12/08/2020 21,621 Total 0 169,015 0 (tonnes of CO2 e) B.6. Estimation of overall emission reductions (tonnes of CO2 e) 172 1,761 4,312 8,099 12,275 16,354 20,342 24,241 28,055 31,783 21,621 169,015 Application of the monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan: B.6.1. Description of the monitoring plan: Data and parameters to be monitored by each SSC-VPA: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data to be used: Value of data Description Ni,a (ID 1) N/A The total number of solar lamps of system type i deployed in period a Sales data Ex-ante applied value Type 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total ST1 620 1000 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11520 ST 2 960 1900 3850 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 41910 ST 5 120 1000 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 11020 ST 10 835 1200 3080 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 40315 of There are four solar products to be sold, which include different numbers of This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 17 measurement LEDs. The total number of solar lamps is calculated as the lamps included in the methods and different SHSs: procedures to be Sun Transfer 1: 1 LED lamp applied: Sun Transfer 2: 1 LED lamp Sun Transfer 5: 3 LED lamps Sun Transfer 10: 4 LED lamps QA/QC procedures Data will be collected using the standard procedures and will be stored for the to be applied: crediting period and an additional two years. Any comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: di,a,y (ID 2) days Average number of days lamps of system type i that have been deployed in period a were operating in period v Source of data to be Sales data used: Value of data Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2010 70 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 180 2011 0 180 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 2012 0 0 180 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 2013 0 0 0 180 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 2014 0 0 0 0 180 365 365 365 365 365 365 2015 0 0 0 0 0 180 365 365 365 365 365 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 365 365 365 365 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 365 365 365 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 365 365 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 365 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 As the systems are installed gradually, the average number of days in the first year is set as 180 days; meanwhile, with the same reason, the average number of days in the last year is set as 180 days. All the years in between are considered at 365 days. In order to ensure that lamps are in operation for at least 180 days in the first Description of and last year of the crediting period, the parameter is monitored by checking the measurement methods implementation date, which is recorded in the central database, and and procedures to be interviewing the households of the selected sample groups whether the lamps applied: have been operational since. 365 days in UNFCCC “Consideration of potential fossil fuel lighting replacement methodology”(page 4), 2010: “a default value of 365 days is reasonable” ( QA/QC procedures to Data will be collected using the standard procedures and will be stored for the be applied: crediting period and an additional two years. Any comment: For ST-1, ST-2, and ST-5, the sales date recorded is the same as the This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 18 implementation date as the HH immediately receives the portable system ready for use. No installation is required as such. For ST10, which is larger, the implementation date is recorded in the passport, sales report in the excel sheet as well as in the database. Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: CFi,v,LFR (ID 6) N/A This factor corrects the total number of lamps of system type i by the share of these lamps of the same system type i that were found to be operational according to the sampling in period v. The statistical error is included in this parameter (confidence lever 90%) Source of data to be Ex-ante based on LFR i. ; Ex-post from Monitoring Survey used: Value of data Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CFv, LFR1,2,5 CFv, LFR10 Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied: QA/QC procedures to be applied: 8 9 10 1 0.955 0.924 0.896 0.869 0.843 0.817 0.792 0.768 0.744 0.720 1 0.969 0.948 0.930 0.913 0.896 0.880 0.864 0.848 0.833 0.817 This factor corrects the total number of lamps of type i by the share of these lamps of the same system type i that were found to be operational according to the sampling in period v. The statistical error is included in this parameter (confidence level 90%) Data will be collected using the standard procedures (conduction of surveys) and will be stored for the crediting period and an additional two years. A detailed description of the procedures is given in section E.7.2 Any comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: LFR i.v (ID 12) N/A Lamp Failure Rate - Share of lamps of system type i in checked Sample Group not operational in period v Source of data to be Ex-ante as per AMS-II.J and Ex-post from Monitoring Survey used: Value of data Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LFR1,2,5 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21 LFR10 1 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.13 As AMS-I.A. does not contain calculations for the LFR,the value of data for all years of the crediting period is calculated based on the following approach for the ex-ante calculation of a lamp failure rate adopted from AMS II.J (version Description of 4.0), par 14: measurement methods The Lamp Failure Rate (LFRi,y) is the % of lamps that have failed during and procedures to be a year. The rated lifetime is used to calculate the ex-ante Lamp Failure Rate as applied: follows: If y*Xi<Li, LFRi,y=y*Xi *(100 - Ri) /(100*Li) If y*Xi>=Li, LFR=1 This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 19 Where: LFRi,y = Lamp Failure Rate for system type i in year y (fraction) Li = Rated average life for system type i (30,000 hours (ST1/2/5) and 50,000 hours (ST10)) Ri = % of lamps of system type i operating at the rated lifetime (use a value of 50) Xi = Number of operating hours per year for system type i ( 1,277.5 hours) y = Counter for year In the monitoring period v for each system type i a random sub-group of at least 150 households according to the Sample List is contacted and: 1. 2. For each of the households it will be verified if the lamp is still operational. The fraction of checked lamps which were not found to be operational is calculated by dividing the fraction of non-operational lamps by the total amount of lamps that were found to be operational. If the household is found to be located outside the states of the project boundary, the respective lamp shall count as non-operational. The details of a draft questionnaire are laid out in Annex 4. A detailed description of the sampling methodology is given in section E.7.2. QA/QC procedures to Data will be collected using the standard procedures and will be stored for the be applied: crediting period and an additional two years. A traceable “identity check” of the lamp at a visited household shall be performed and recorded (e.g. reading of the lamp’s security code, a picture of the lamp clearly showing its serial no., etc.). Any comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data to be used: Value of data Description of measurement methods and procedures to be applied: QA/QC procedures to be applied: Any comment: ni,v,total (ID 13) N/A Total amount of lamps of system type i checked that were found to be operational Sample List, ex-post from monitoring survey. 150 In the monitoring period v for each system type i a random sub-group of at least 150 households according to the Sample List is contacted. A detailed description of the sampling methodology is given in section E.7.2 Data will be collected using the standard procedures and will be stored for the crediting period and an additional two years. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 20 According to small scale methodology AMS I.A (version 14), monitoring shall consist of an annual check of all systems or a sample thereof to ensure that they are still operating. In this case, each VPA will be verified by testing a representative sample of SHSs. The CME has opted to implement a verification system for the DOE that will individually verify each VPA (instead of sampling) in order to determine the emission reductions from the VPA. The central database managed by the CME includes data that can be directly attributed to each VPA within the VPoA, thereby allowing unambiguous determination of the emission reductions attributable to each VPA: Solar systems deployed for each household under the individual VPA as per sales records. The record includes household location and household identification number depending on system type), client’s name, system type ( ST-1,ST-2, ST.-5 or ST-10) and serial number of panel, battery and charge controller for ST-10; panel and battery, for the remaining systems, payment details, GPS data and the corresponding Solar Center under which the household is listed. Sample database for VPAs, Data collected from the Project Sample Group households of each VPA relating to the ongoing usage of project systems and operational LEDs during each monitoring period In order to ensure accuracy and completeness of the information retrieved by Solar Centers, the criteria for selecting distributors of SEF solar systems will also take into account their access and ability to accurately provide updated records of sales and customers. Sampling Plan Sampling is carried out separately for each solar system type i. In the description below i is fixed. According to the methodology AMS I.A., monitoring shall consist of annual checks of all systems or a sample thereof to ensure that they are still operating. There are 4 SHSs types sold that include different numbers of LEDs: SHS Sun Transfer 1 – 1 LED lamp SHS Sun Transfer 2 – 1 LED lamp SHS Sun Transfer 5 – 3 LED lamp SHS Sun Transfer 10 – 4 LED lamp To ensure that all SHSs are fully operational, it has to be monitored whether the total numbers of lamps in each SHS of the different types are operational. During monitoring checks, system will be differentiated by type and therefore 4 Sampling Groups will be created to account for the different types of SHSs installed. Monitoring will be conducted over the crediting period, 10 years, and with a 90/10 confidence/precision. 1 Field Measurement Objectives and Data to be collected The field measurement to identify the total number of LEDs operational based on the This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 21 number of SHSs installed. Ni,a Number of solar lamps of system type i installed in period a The samples to be checked will have the same weighted age as the total number of deployed solar systems. For example, if an equal number of system type i in the first year of use (age0-1) and second year of use (age1-2) are credited, a usage parameter is required that is weighted to be equally representative of lamp failure rates for system type i age0-1 and age1-2. The minimum total sample size is 100, with at least 30 samples for project technologies of each age being credited. Thus, if systems type i of age 1-5 are credited, the usage survey must include 30 representative samples from each age for a total of 150 samples. The resulting usage parameter will be weighted based on the proportion of systems type i in the total sales record of each age. di,a,y As the systems are installed gradually, the average number of days in the first year is set as 180 days; meanwhile, with the same reason, the average number of days in the last year is set as 180 days. All the years in between are considered at 365 days. In order to ensure that lamps are in operation for at least 180 days in the first and last year of the crediting period, the parameter is monitored by checking the implementation date, which is recorded in the central database, and interviewing the households of the selected sample groups whether the lamps have been operational since then. CFi,v,LFR Once the number of solar lamps of system type i that are operational have been identified a correction factor is applied. This factor corrects the total number of lamps of system type i by the share of these lamps of the same system type i that were found to be operational according to the sampling in the monitoring period v. The statistical error is included in this parameter (confidence level 90%). The correction factor is based on the Lamp Failure Rate. LFRi,v The LFR is the share of lamps of system type i in the 4 Sample Groups that were found not to be operational for the monitoring period v. Even though all SHSs use the same lamp type, based on the different composition of the SHSs, the estimated lifetime of lamps varies between the ST 10 and the remainder of systems. LEDs of ST 10 are estimated to have an operational lifetime of 50,000 hrs whereas LEDs of ST1, 2 and 5 are estimated to be operational for 30,000 hrs. The fraction of checked lamps according to system type which were not found to be operational is calculated by dividing the fraction of non-operational lamps of the respective system type by the total number of lamps of the same system type Ideally, every 12 months from the start of the VPA, an on-site survey of sample households shall This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 22 be conducted to identify SHSs that are installed and LEDs operational. 2 Target Population and Sampling Frame The target population are households participating in the VPA that use SHSs for lighting purposes. The Sample frame is a listing of all Solar Centres (clusters) to which the households are linked to according to the sales records and database entries. 3 Sample Method A multi-stage-sampling method, with an element of stratification, is applied. Clusters: The population of households are to be sub-divided geographically, according to the Solar Center they belong to. Hence, each Solar Center is to represent a cluster. Clusters shall be randomly selected for the identification of Sample Groups. The number of clusters depends on when the required amount of households within a Sample Group is reached. For example, if after random sampling within two clusters the Sample Group for Sun Transfer 10 does not reach the required sampling number of 150 households, then a third cluster is being added to the Sample database. Sample Groups: For the monitoring period v Sample Groups for each type of SHS shall be identified by using random sampling. Thus, in total, there are to be 4 Sample Groups selected. Sample Lists: The data sets for each sample group are randomly ordered resulting in a numbered list of SHSs, and corresponding lamps, identified. The list provides a binding order in which the monitoring team shall interview households from the sample group until a minimum number of 100 households has been contacted. Thus, in total there will be four Sample Lists corresponding to the four Sample Groups. 4 Desired Precision/Expected Variance and Sample Size According to AMS II.J., which refers to an applicable sample size (unlike AMS-I.A)., the sampling size is determined by minimum 90% confidence interval and the 10% maximum error margin; the size of the sample shall be no less than 100 for each Sample Group. However, the Sample Groups selected for the project will have a size of 150 households to ensure that there are sufficient households on the list to reach the target of 100 interviews. The minimum sample size is computed using the following formula3 ni = 2 ( ) (sample size to estimate π) Where, z E = 1.645 for a confidence level of 90% = 0.1 for a 10% error margin = 0.5 for a conservative of sample size considering 50%. The proportion will be adjusted in subsequent monitoring periods based on the findings of the 1st monitoring period. 3 Doane, 2011; Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, p.329/330 This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 23 To identify those systems which are still operating, considering the methodological requirements, a minimum of 100 households will be sampled for each type of SHS. However, if within a Sample Group of 100 households, the 90/10 confidence/precision cannot be fulfilled; more households will be interviewed until the required confidence level has been achieved. As mentioned above, to guarantee the minimum sample size of 100 households, each Sample Group will consist of 150 households. The rationale is that at some households it might not be possible to contact a household at the time the monitoring team wants to interview the household. In this event the next household on the list “substitutes” the household that could not be duly contacted. As a Sample List is a random order of the Sample Group which has a size of at least 150 households it is guaranteed that there are sufficient households on the list to reach the target of 100 interviews. As mentioned above, the data sets for each sample group are randomly ordered resulting in a numbered list of SHSs. The list provides a binding order in which the monitoring team shall interview households from the sample group until a minimum number of 100 households has been contacted. 5 Procedures for Administering Data Collection and Minimizing Non-Sampling Errors. A dedicated monitoring team will interview the households of the Sample Groups one by one according to the order in the Sample Lists. The monitoring will consist of interviews. The interviews will result in filling in a questionnaire. The final design of the questionnaire will be similar to the one that can be found in Annex 5 During this check the following scenarios may apply: (a) If the specific solar system is found to be working at the specific household it will count as “operational”; if all of the provided LEDs of the specific solar system are not working it will count as “not operational”; (b) If a part of the provided LEDs of the specific solar system is not working (e.g. 1 LED out of the provided 4 LEDs in a ST10 solar system), the project will be classified as ‘partly operational’. Consequently, the number of “working” and non-working” LEDs have to be recorded. (c) If the household contact data has changed but the lamp can be found at another site the following procedure will apply: The name/address details in the data base will be updated and steps a) and b) are conducted. (d) If a household can (1) not be found according to the contact data from the Sample List, (2) could not be contacted due to temporary absence of all household members over age 12 or (3) it is found that the data was erroneous the household is skipped. In case (1), (2) or (3) the household is deleted from the Sample Database from which it originated. (e) If a household is found to be located outside the project boundary, the respective SHSs shall count as non-operational. Checks are conducted until at least the target number of 100 filled in questionnaires is achieved. All questionnaires and information gathered during the sampling by the monitoring team are handed over to the SEF who takes care of entering the information to the central database and updating the Sample Database where appropriate. Response rates will be maximized by the involvement of sampling team and its supervisor. Solar technicians are part of the sampling team. Through their frequent visits to the villages, as they are responsible installation, operation and maintenance, they have good relationships with project beneficiaries that should maximize response rates. In addition, response rates will be This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 24 maximized by use of a sufficiently large sample that allows room for non-response. Further, SEF will provide training, such as interview techniques, to parties involved in the monitoring plan to ensure accuracy and completeness of data recorded Thus, unbiased responses shall be received. In the exceptional case that the monitoring period would cover two or more years and not one year, to safeguard that the lamps that are checked during sampling are age representative, an age weighted sub-sample is generated. The number of sample lamps from the Sample Database that is included in the Sample Groups shall have the same weight as all lamps deployed in year a relative to the total of lamps sold under the project. E.g. if in the first year 10,000 lamps have been sold and in year two 20,000 lamps have been sold the number of sample lamps in the Sample Group from year two will be two times the number of lamps coming from year one2. This mechanism guarantees that the Sample Group’s average age is equal to the average age of the total population of lamps. 6 Implementation A supervisor from SEF is responsible for coordinating the sample activities has the responsibility to determine the annual sample schedule. The supervisor will receive all the information required on the number of systems installed from the Solar Center. The SEF supervisor will then randomly choose the households to be surveyed in each year and submit a list to the Solar Center level monitoring team. Sample Findings will be transferred to the SEF supervisor and his team for analysis. This will be done with reference to possible errors, non-response rates and verification that sampling is on track to deliver the 90/10 level of precision. Responsibilities Level CME Manages central database to record sales of solar systems. The central database holds the following information: Household location, household identification number (depending on system type), client’s name, system type ( ST-1,ST-2, ST.-5 or ST-10) and serial number of panel, battery and charge controller for ST-10; panel and battery, for the remaining systems, payment details, GPS data and the corresponding Solar Center under which the household is listed. Household location and household identification number, client’s name, system type and serial number, payment details, system component details, GPS data and the corresponding Solar Center under which the household is listed. The data will be collected by the Solar Technicians in an excel sheet, which will then be imported to the central database. • Archiving and analysis of monitoring data • Calculation of emission reductions • Preparation of the monitoring report This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 25 Solar Center • Data collection • Data transfer to SEF’s central database Records every sale and a copy of the agreement will be kept on file. These agreements will show how many systems have been sold and the unique system numbers will be recorded to further avoid double counting. This information will be sent at least once every 3 months to either the PIP who will check and transfer the data to the CME or directly to the CME who will consolidate the total number of systems sold in the central database PIP • Labelling and identification of systems and the VPA respectively as requested by the CME • Data collection from the Solar Centers • Data transfer to SEF’s central database SECTION C. Environmental Analysis C.1. Please indicate the level at which environmental analysis as per requirements of the CDM modalities and procedures is undertaken. Justify the choice of level at which the environmental analysis is undertaken: 1. Environmental Analysis is done at VPoA level 2. Environmental Analysis is done at SSC-VPA level According to the Gold Standard PoA Rules and Guidance coordinating entities shall conduct a ‘Do No Harm’ – and ‘Detailed Impact’ Assessment at the CPA/VPA equivalent level, unless convincing argumentation is provided as to why this can be conducted at VPoA/PoA level only. Hence, the assessments have been conducted at VPoA- and 1st VPA level. A passport discussing the environmental impacts has been submitted for the 1st VPA. C.2. Documentation on the analysis of the environmental impacts, including transboundary impacts: >> There are no significant anticipated negative impacts on the environment and/or on people through this programme. The project reduces the consumption of non-renewable natural resources, such as fossil fuels and further reduces the GHG emissions which cause air quality problems. The installations will take place in existing infrastructure. Hence, the environmental effects gained from the project implementation are of a positive nature. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 26 C.3. Please state whether an environmental impact assessment is required for a typical VPA, included in the voluntary programme of activities (VPoA), in accordance with the host Party laws/regulations: No Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required by the Ethiopian DNA on programme or project level for this kind of activities. Yet, project developers have to conduct an environmental impact analysis and have to submit an appropriate management plan addressing adverse impacts of the project and any unforeseen fact of serious implication that may arise during implementation. SEF submitted an appropriate management plan, including an environmental impact analysis to the DNA. The DNA approved the same and consequently issued a Host Country Approval for the programme. SECTION D. Stakeholders’ comments D.1. Please indicate the level at which local stakeholder comments are invited. Justify the choice: Please tick if this information is provided at the VPoA level. In this case sections D.2. to D.4. need not be completed in this form. Local Stakeholder Consultations (LSC) meetings are carried out at the VPA level. A LSC meeting was additionaly carried out at VPoA Level. Stakeholder comments were taken at Bokaso, one of the villages in the VPA and typical of the villages of the proposed VPA. The LSC was held on the 27th June 2010. The stakeholders in Bokaso are believed to be representative as regards the social, economic, life style, of the rural households that are covered by the other solar centers. The same has been ascertained during the validation site visit by the auditors during conduction of interviews with other beneficiaries at different Solar Centres such as Wolquite. According to the Gold Standard PoA Rules and Guidance, LSC meetings “must happen at both the PoA level and VPA/CPA level ...”Hence, the assessments have been conducted at VPoA- and 1st VPA level. D.2. Brief description how comments by local stakeholders have been invited and compiled: >> Even though the VPA takes place in various regions in Ethiopia, Bokaso was chosen for the LSC meeting due to the following reasons: It is the first place where SEF began its operation during the pilot. Hence, stakeholders in Bokaso, both users and non-users of SHSs, were believed to have a better knowledge of the system’s benefits and side effects and therefore could give more informed feedback. Since the period was a heavy rainy season in Ethiopia (June- August ,Bokaso was best accessible by vehicle, also for stakeholders from other regions. Even though Bokaso represents only the Southern part of the VPA, the life style & believe systems is similar to the other regions and therefore Bokaso was seen as appropriate for the LSC meeting. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 27 In Bokaso, 21 district (Woreda) administrators and village (Kebele) chairpersons were invited by letter. 35 beneficiaries of the SEF’s initial pilot phase were invited by letter, and 11 people who had no experience with the SEF and solar systems were invited directly by word of mouth - Woreda officials assigned one focal person and together with two Inspectors from SEF they disseminated the letter with explanation of content and intention to the invitees.Because of further word of mouth invitations, in total 88 external participants attended the consultation who all filled out the programme evaluation form, while 85 signed the participation list and 83 filled in the sustainable development matrix evaluation form. Stakeholders attending the consultation were asked to fill out an evaluation form to leave their comments. They also were able to raise their comments at the meeting, both on the overall programme and the Sustainable Development satrix. These comments were compiled at the meeting, and discussed by stakeholders at the consultation. The comments have also been recorded and assessed. These comments and assessments can be found in the Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report, which is published on the Gold Standard website. D.3. Summary of the comments received: >> A detailed list of all comments can be found in the Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report, available to the public on the Gold Standard website. All comments were received and then assessed, and an explanation to the comment has been provided. The vast majority of comments were neutral or positive. The only indicator that was considered neutral or positive by fewer than 95% of respondents was the ‘other pollutants’ indicator, where 92.2% of respondents still gave a positive or neutral rating. The reason the 8% of respondents did not give a neutral or positive response on the ‘other pollutants’ was due to a fear about the polluting effects of batteries. However the SEF responded that there are clear mitigation measures in place for used batteries. Firstly used batteries will be taken back for recycling to avoid any pollution to the soil. Due to the relative inaccessibility of GEL-batteries in the market, if a user wants to replace their battery, they will almost certainly need to go to the local Solar Center to replace such a battery. The Solar Center will only offer a new battery when it is exchanged for the old one. Secondly, the used GEL-batteries are completely sealed and are therefore leak-proof and maintenancefree. Only in the very seldom case of accidentally overcharging (when the battery is producing hydrogen and oxygen), special one way valves allow the gases to escape thus avoiding excessive development of pressure inside the battery. D.4. Report on how due account was taken of any comments received: >> All comments were received and recorded. An assessment of the comment was written and is available to the public. In addition all negative comments were discussed at the stakeholder meeting. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 28 Annex 1 CONTACT INFORMATION ON ENTITY/INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SMALLSCALE VPA Organization: Street/P.O.Box: Building: City: State/Region: Postfix/ZIP: Country: Telephone: FAX: E-Mail: URL: Represented by: Title: Salutation: Last Name: Middle Name: First Name: Department: Mobile: Direct FAX: Direct tel: Personal E-Mail: Organization: Street/P.O.Box: Building: City: State/Region: Postfix/ZIP: Country: Telephone: FAX: E-Mail: URL: Represented by: Title: Salutation: Last Name: Middle Name: First Name: Stiftung Solarenergie - Solar Energy Foundation Josefstrasse 92 Zurich 8005 Switzerland +41 43 366 8164 +41 44 272 34 51 [email protected] General Manager Mr. Ditfurth York +41 79 771 31 23 +41 44 277 57 22 +41 43 277 53 04 [email protected] myclimate Foundation (myclimate is the entity that communicates with the Gold Standard Foundation, not a PIP) Sternenstrasse 12 Zurich 8002 Switzerland +41 44 500 43 75 +41 44 500 43 51 [email protected] Ms Vierhaus Carolin This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 29 Department: Mobile: Direct FAX: Direct tel: Personal E-Mail: Carbon Offset Projects Organization: Street/P.O.Box: Building: City: State/Region: Postfix/ZIP: Country: Telephone: FAX: E-Mail: URL: Represented by: Title: Salutation: Last Name: Middle Name: First Name: Department: Mobile: Direct FAX: Direct tel: Personal E-Mail: Solar Energy Foundation P.O. Box 22734/1000 Bole Subcity Addis Ababa +41 44 500 43 51 +41 44 500 3765 [email protected] Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia +251 116 18 14 62 +251 116 18 14 63 [email protected] Country Representative Mr Tsegaye Samson +251 911 22 87 10 +251 116 18 14 63 +251 116 18 14 62 [email protected] This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 30 Annex 2 INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLIC FUNDING No public funding from Annex I Parties is involved in this project activity. This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 31 Annex 3 BASELINE INFORMATION A customer survey in Ethiopia was done by Lighting Africa (WorldBank) in 2008: “Lighting Africa Market Assessment Results – Quantitative Assessment Ethiopia“ Some key findings which are relevant for this VPoA: More than 1000 households from many different regions of the country were interviewed in a face to face interview using structured questionnaires. 79% of households were rural, so the results are representative for this VPoA. 91% of the households were not connected to the electricity grid. From the households connected to the grid, only 14% have a reliable power supply with power cuts of less than once a week (13% have almost daily power cuts). 26% of consumers state “better lighting” would be the main improvement they would make to their household if possible. Access to water is a major concern for 20%. An additional 14% state they would connect to the power grid or another power source like a generator… The majority of these 14% stated also, that main reason for power grid connection is the improved access for lighting. So there is a clear suppressed demand for lighting services. “72% of households rate their lighting at home as poor. To counter this displeasure, they would introduce or add more lights.” The main energy source is kerosene for 82% of the people (followed by 9% firewood/charcoal and 7% candles). Between 6 and 7 pm it gets dark indoors, while most of households use their lighting devices with a little bit of delay (6.30 to 7 pm), mainly to save fuel. “The average time lighting products are switched off is between 10 and 10.30 pm, therefore the average number of hours lights are on is approximately 3 – 4 hours. This does not take into account whether consumers use products in the morning before sun rise, however lighting devise manufacturers should ideally allow for products with a charge of around 6 hours at a time.” “52% of consumers state that their main problem faced when lighting their home is that they were unable to light certain areas at all, this may be due to lack of fuel as well as lack of lighting devices to light all areas of the house“ Paraffin lamp with simple wick and no cover is the mostly used type of lighting device amongst consumers (69%). This can be attributed to the fact that kerosene is the mostly used power source. Second mostly used type of lighting is the Paraffin lamp with glass cover (14%) This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font. SMALL-SCALE VOLUNTARY PROGRAMME ACTIVITY DESIGN DOCUMENT FORM (Voluntary-SSC-VPA-DD) - Version 01 NAME /TITLE OF THE VPoA: Solar Lighting in Rural Ethiopia VPoA page 32 Annex 4 MONITORING INFORMATION Questionnaire example for household interviews Number in sample list Date of sampling Date of Type of installation of solar system SHSs 180 days operational (yes/no) Name/ Adress of household Date of interview Household was found (yes/no) LEDs of specific serial number working all LEDs (mark "X") partly (# working # NOT work ing ) none (mark "X") This template shall not be altered. It shall be completed without modifying/adding headings or logo, format or font.