December 181214 - Pershore High School


December 181214 - Pershore High School
December 2014
Pershore Girls Excel in Engineering
Diary Dates
Monday 22nd December to
Monday 5th January 2015
Pictured, from le to right: Clive Corbe , Headteacher; Georgia Hook; Ka e
Biddle; Zoe Wood; Isabelle Taylor; Mrs Carol Ridings, Technology Assistant.
Please turn to page 25
at QinetiQ
Pershore High School
Year 9 students took part
in an ini a ve hosted by
Qine Q in Malvern which
allowed Year 9 students
from across the county
to take part in a series of
science based ac vi es.
Pictured with Tara
Francis from Qine Q,
Harrie Baldwin MP
and students James
Bower and Rebecca
Please turn to page 24 Change of Age Consultation
Please turn to pages 5 and 6 for further details 20th
Professional Development
Spring Term begins students return to school
Year 12/13 Parents’ Evening
Parent Panel 7.00pm
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Zambia Murder Mystery
9-13th Year 10 Work Experience
11th Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Monday 16th February to
Friday 20th February
23-27th Year 10 Work Experience
and a
Extension Numbers
PA to Headteacher Mrs. L. Dyer
Deputy Headteacher Mr. P. Hanson
Deputy Headteacher Mr. A. Nockton
Assistant Headteacher Mr. G. Booth
Head of Student Achievement
Mrs. Z. Budding
Head of Sixth Form Mr. J. Howell
Sixth Form Support Officer Mrs. J. McKenzie
Personnel Officer
Mrs. A. Davenport
Armstrong House Mrs. R. Kilmister
Mrs. E. Hall (Admin)
Kingsley House
Mr M. Lake
Mrs. J. Jenkins (Admin)
Magellan House
Mr. P. Watson
Mrs. J. Hyde (Admin)
Hampton Centre
Jan Stoney, Special Educa onal
Needs Co‐ordinator (SENCO)
Finance and Business Director Mr. R. Dalton
Behaviour Management Mr. R. Wood
Exams Office Mrs. N. Christopher
Recep on
Mrs. E. Pleciak
Main Office
Mrs. C. Clarke
Mrs. J. Meadows
271 253
General Consent Forms for School Trips
Please make sure you have returned the general consent form so
that your son/daughter can take part in any school trip arranged
during normal school hours.
Please remember to keep us informed of any changes to your con‐
tact details or changes to your child’s medical needs so that we can
keep our trip contact lists up to date.
You can inform us of any changes to personal informa on by email‐
ing [email protected] or phoning the school and dialling
extension 289.
Absence Reporting
If your child is unexpectedly absent from school due to
illness please call school to let them know as soon as it is
possible to do so. You can ring or email the House offices
and can leave a message outside of school hours on the
following telephone numbers:‐
PHS Newsletter
Due to increasing prin ng costs would you please sign up to receive your copy by email: Click on Newsle er link and then click on Sign up to Newsle er Email Reminders. Armstrong ‐ Ext 287 Emma Hall [email protected] Kingsley ‐ Ext 290 Jo Jenkins [email protected] CHANGE OF CONTACT DETAILS
Magellan ‐ Ext 288 Julie Hyde [email protected] It is impera ve that parents keep us informed of changes to
contact details and any medical issues affec ng their child.
Please contact the school in the event of any changes to
personal circumstances.
It is also helpful to confirm using the contact details
above if your child will be late into school due to a
medical appointment.
Please contact: [email protected] or by telephone 01386 552471 Ext 289. 2
Letter received from Mr Martin Smith
Corbett’s Column
For the past few years as an invigilator, I have always been impressed with good manners throughout the school. Today, three boys seemed to go far and beyond the call of duty. I was ea ng lunch in the canteen when the boys asked politely why I was on my own, and if they could join me. During lunch they happily cha ed to me about all sorts of subjects, including football, and shook my hand at the end saying; "Hope to see you again Sir." It all seemed to come quite naturally to them and an enjoyable me was spent. I had no idea if they were primed to chat up the visitors, but whatever the reason, it worked. Well done lads.
Worcestershire Funding
I need to make you all aware of the funding difficul es
that Worcestershire schools are currently facing, issues
that are very unlikely to improve in the immediate future.
Worcestershire schools are significantly underfunded (to
the tune of around £20 million) compared with the na onal
average, for the financial year 2015‐16. Future pressures
from pay rises, Na onal Insurance increases and pensions
payments will easily wipe out the extra £6.2 million that has
been promised to Worcestershire from the Department for
Educa on. The impact to Pershore High School alone is
a net loss of almost £400,000 for the year.
Information for parents
Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB) are
undertaking a survey to gain Children and Young People's
views regarding Safeguarding Priori es and our school is
suppor ng this. This informa on will be used at a WSCB
Development Day in January and will be presented by a group
of young people to Board members. The survey is aimed at
13‐17 year olds. If you require any further informa on please
contact Angela Eason ([email protected]).
Very early in the new year I am mee ng local MPs, along
with my counterparts in Evesham, Hanley and Malvern high
schools, in order to discuss these key issues. I would urge
you to write to your M.P. in order to further reinforce their
support on this key issue for Pershore High and all other
Worcestershire schools. Further details can be gained
from Russell Dalton [email protected]
Community Policing
Emergency Contact Details
Your daughter or son may have told you that a few days ago
some local police offers spent me in the school during the
lunch break. They were PC Sean Woods (new Pershore Town
Beat Manager) and Police CSO, Jamie Denning. For very
posi ve reasons this will become a more common sight, since
P.C. Woods wants to improve the rela onship between the
police and the local community in general. The other current
CSO is David James, whilst a third, Luke Bullock, will be joining
the school very soon.
Would parents/guardians please ensure that
contact details are up to date and accurate.
Could you also ensure, whenever possible, that
a phone is switched on in case of emergencies.
Letter sent to Mr Corbett from
Mr Andy Maginnis
I have been coaching Year 10 and 11 boys in rugby a er school on Wednesday evenings this year. I thought I should drop you a line to say how impressed I have been with their a tude, commitment and behaviour. Change of Age
I need to formally advise that the Governing Body of
Pershore High School has made the decision to proceed with
a consulta on on the idea of changing the age of transfer to
include Year 7 pupils from September 2016. They appreciate
the poten al impact upon partner schools within the
Pyramid, but believe that the issue needs to be discussed.
The 17 governors were asked to vote on the following
They seem to be enjoying themselves as I have to beg them to go home when it's too dark to see the ball. They are a pleasure to work with and a credit to the school. If there is some sort of award that I could recommend them for, I would be delighted to do so. Unfortunately, young men of this age are o en portrayed in a nega ve light and I think it's important that we put the other side of the story. Do you agree that the governors of PHS should begin a consulta on from 15th December 2014 on a proposed change of transfer to 11 years (Year 7 entry) for September 2016? Seat Belts on School Buses
Students MUST wear seat belts on school buses
at all mes. Wearing seat belts saves lives and
serious injuries.
The vote was in favour of proceeding with the consulta on.
The consulta on will be an extensive one that will run un l
13th February. There will be numerous opportuni es for
stakeholders to meet and only a er this will governors decide
on whether or not to apply to the Secretary of State.
Letter received from Mrs Ann Dobbins,
Pershore Town Clerk, to the Youth Council
Just to say thank you for all of your support to me for the Christmas Light switch‐on on Saturday. It went really well and you all worked very hard. Thank you too to the marshalls who did a splendid job, ably assisted by the police.
And finally
May I thank everyone connected with the school
for their support over a long term. May I wish
you a Happy Christmas a peaceful New Year.
Clive Corbe
Staff Farewells
▪ Jenny Ludlow and Lorraine Diggins‐Wallis are leaving our
Teaching Assistant team a er over 4 years and almost 2
years here to take up posts at the Aspire Academy and
Newbridge School in Worcester.
▪ We say farewell to Helen Forrester, who is moving on to
pursue a career in counselling. Helen has been here since
September 2008 and although replaced by Leanne Watkins
will be a great loss to the Psychology department.
▪ The conclusion of a Special Needs staff re‐structuring has
sadly concluded in two redundancies, namely Amanda
Gardner and Meg Sugrue. They leave a er 15 and 8 years
respec vely in the Hampton Centre and Mainstream Au sm
Base. I would like to thank them for their work with our
students over the years.
▪ Olivia Baker returns a er maternity leave, so at the end
of term we say goodbye to Jeremy Clayton and Jo Hunt.
Thank you so much to both their work in the Art
Planned Changes to Rail Services
town as the second largest on the Cotswold Line between Worcester and Oxford and the growing demand for rail travel locally. We would therefore strongly urge that the exis ng level of service from Pershore Sta on be maintained and improved with the addi on also of the three extra services planned for the route from May 2015 to serve the growing town of Pershore. Letter sent to Mr Hopwood,
Managing Director, First Great Western
from Clive Corbett, Headteacher
Many of our students and staff at the rapidly expanding pupil Pershore High School are regular users of train services from Pershore Sta on and we are therefore extremely concerned to hear of planned cutbacks in the level of service from Pershore in the forthcoming May 2015 metable. Please follow the link on the front page news cker of the Pershore High School website The sta on situated just a quarter of a mile from the HIgh School represents a convenient and quick method of travel both for daily commu ng journeys for students and for staff, for school ou ngs and for visitors to the High School travelling from further afield. Demand for travel from the sta on has clearly increased substan ally in recent mes and given the appropriate level of service is likely to increase s ll further with the massive increase in housing development with up to 500‐600 houses due to built as part of the South Worcs Development Plan within half a mile of the sta on and opposite the school over the next few years. It is vitally important that Pershore offers the level and quality of public transport infrastructure to cope with that poten al demand and to help alleviate the massive increase in traffic on local roads with the associated hazards involved which will otherwise be generated. With par cular regard to the May 2015 metable plans we understand that one of the Pershore trains at risk is the 1532 Great Malvern to Didcot Parkway service which departs from Pershore at 1554. We have a number of students returning daily from school to Evesham and Honeybourne sta ons who catch either this train or the following 1614 service. Withdrawal of the 1554 will make our young students totally dependent on the 1614 which is of par cular concern in the event of late running or cancella on of this service with the next train almost an hour and a half away due to the irregular nature of the current metable ‐ even at peak mes. Currently the sta on is served by all but one very early morning train which recognises both the status of the 4
Dear All
I am wri ng to confirm that governors have agreed to begin a consulta on on changing the age of transfer to include a
Year 7 at Pershore High School with effect from September 2016. I must stress that the decision is only to proceed with a
consulta on (running from 15th December 2014 to 13th February 2015) with a further extraordinary mee ng of the Governing
Body on 25th February (replacing SIC) being held to decide upon whether or not an applica on is submi ed. An ini al
overview will be given at a staff mee ng at 3.45 pm in the hall on Monday 15th December.
Consulta on events already scheduled are as follows:
5th January – further staff consulta on;
7th January ‐ Pershore High School parents consulta on 6 pm;
13th January – Stakeholders’ consulta on mee ng 6 pm;
22nd January – Partner pyramid school parents consulta on mee ng 6 pm;
27th January ‐ Pershore High School parents consulta on 6 pm;
4th February ‐ Partner pyramid school parents consulta on mee ng 6 pm;
9th February ‐ Stakeholders’ consulta on mee ng 6 pm.
Opportuni es to consult with all students will also be provided. If anyone wishes to see me to discuss issues I am very happy
to set up individual mee ngs.
Best wishes
Friends of PHS
100 CLUB
Friends of PHS 100+ Club
Join our successful 100+Club for just £2.00 per month and help the friends
with their fundraising. Money raised helps all departments within the school
including The Hampton Centre.
The winning numbers are announced via the School Newsle er and are also
published on the school website (
Thank you
Sara Stanton, 100+Club Promo ons Officer 1st ALLINSON
NO: 22
NO: 234
NO: 34
NO: 35
NO: 228
NO: 173
NO: 113
NO: 163
1st GOW
Christmas Chocolate Bingo
The fantas c total of £193.50 was raised
at the FoPHS Christmas Chocolate Bingo.
The Giving Machine - You Shop They Give
You can now generate free cash dona ons for Pershore High School every me you shop online via TheGivingMachine.
It will not cost you anything extra ‐ the online
shop pays the dona on on your behalf.
Just go to
• JOIN as a shopper/Giver
• CHOOSE to support Pershore High School • REMEMBER to shop via thegivingmachine every me you shop online. You can also download their tool bar at the top of your browser.
You’ll find more than 250 different shops at including all your favourite high street names. 7
NO: 53 £60
NO: 12 £40
NO: 159 £20
NO: 35 £10
Pershore High School Roll of Honour
Remembrance Day at Pershore Memorial
The annual Remembrance Service in memory of those
staff and students of Pershore High School who fell in World
War 2 and subsequent conflicts, took place on Monday 10th
Dignitaries, students and staff from Pershore schools
gathered at Pershore Memorial Garden to pay their
respects on Remembrance Day. PHS students included
Holly‐May Lawley, Chloe Gusco , Bethany Ireland, Susan
Forse, Lynda Forse
Interact Presentation
Members of Pershore Rotary Club met with members of
Pershore High School Interact Club at the school. It was a joint
mee ng and lunch at which president, Malcolm Hayden,
presented Interact President, Ma hew Bessant, with his regalia.
Letter received from Mr Russell Dalton,
Finance and Business Director
Please can I thank you for all of your help and support for yesterday’s poppy cross laying. The number of young people taking part was fantas c and hopefully the numbers will swell even further next year and beyond. If you have any contact with other youth groups that would be able to assist further please could you forward them to me? Please could you also pass on my thanks to the young people we took part, they are definitely outstanding role models and were true ambassadors for each of your organisa ons. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 8
Young wildlife photographers inspired by
On Remembrance Day the Eco Group made a special visit
to Nature in Art, at Twigworth in Gloucestershire, to see the
photographs which had made it to the final of the BBC Bri sh
Wildlife Photography exhibi on.
The students were genuinely inspired by the variety and
quality of the photographs they saw and the range of wildlife
they included from stags, seals, birds, insects, landscapes and
even jellyfish. The winning
photograph was of a Greylag
Goose pictured against a very
industrial background,
highligh ng how finely balanced
its existence is in this modern
age. Most students had a
favourite photograph ‐ James and
Kyle chose the majes c stag in
the snow, Adam liked the bird of
prey, Will enjoyed the colourful
photograph of a Spring me
landscape but some like Lucy
could not decide which they liked
the most, although she and Mrs Johnson thought the hungry
vole chewing on a blade of grass was very cute. We were all
very impressed by the age of the youngest photographer who
was only eight.
As it was November 11th, a er
looking around the grounds, we drove
to the local church, where a er much
searching we were able to find the
grave of the famous war poet Ivor
Gurney and pay our respects.
We managed to pack a lot into our
visit and I hope our students will be
suitably inspired to take their own
wildlife shots in the future. It was
lovely to hear the Educa on Officer at
Nature in Art compliment our students on “how polite they
were", which had been noted by several members of the
public. I would like to thank the students for being great
ambassadors for the school and for their genuine interest
and enthusiasm on the day and also to Jill Johnson for
accompanying us on our visit.
Kate Herbert,
Eco Co‐ordinator
As well as viewing the photographs we also looked around
the other galleries which all have a natural theme and we saw
several pain ngs and sculptures by such famous wildlife
ar sts such as Tunnicliffe who is famous for his bird pictures
and David Shepherd, who specialises in elephants.
Tree Planters “Graft” at PHS
A pleasant lull in the wet weather meant that all were able to
enjoy the sunshine and the so ground, ideal condi ons for
plan ng. Everyone pitched in to help, including the youngest
volunteers, Joseph and Benjamin Durrant, which meant that
the task was soon completed. The fresh air gave all the
volunteers a healthy appe te and so the refreshments,
kindly provided by Gabby Perry a erwards, were very
Kit Carson from the Rotary Club was generous in his
praise for the students and remarked on the way in which
everyone got on and did the job in a calm and relaxed way.
We hope that this will be one of many worthwhile projects
which brings together all ages from the local community.
Thanks to the generosity of the Woodland Trust, students
from Pershore High School’s Interact and Eco groups, staff
and members of the local Rotary Club got together recently
to plant 100 mixed saplings including oak, silver birch and
rowan on the school site.
Members of the Rotary Club, Kate Herbert and Eco Group,
Luke Ventura and Interact Group, prepare to plant trees in
the grounds of Pershore High School.
Business Studies
The ICAEW Base Business Game
Regional Winners
A great day was had by all at the ICAEW Base Business Game
held at Worcester Rugby Club on November 26th. The
Business Department took two teams of contestants from
Year 12 to take part in this pres gious na onal compe on.
The teams had to process informa on, weigh up choices
and decide on priori es in order to come up with a strategic
direc on for their fic onal business. At the end they were
ques oned by a fierce Board of Directors and were made to
jus fy and defend their decisions. The pictured team beat
off 14 other teams to win the heat and go through to the
na onal final in June.
Once again our Sixth Formers made us proud, and it was an
absolute pleasure and privilege to watch them do so well,
and to make the most of their opportuni es.
Both teams acqui ed themselves magnificently and the
professional mentors on the day remarked on not only their
analy cal skills, but their maturity, communica on skills and
teamwork. Special men on must go to the Pershore runners
up Will Goode, Anna Lampi , Toby Wilcox, Tia Bo erill,
Sophie Hodge s and Ellis Narburgh.
Front row: Becky Pouton, Jemma Loader Back row: Felix
Anderson, Tom Kenwright, James Coleman, Ka e Shrubb
Mrs Taylor
Gifted and
Gifted & Talented
The Year 8 Gi ed and Talented group
have been considering how to
understand visual instruc ons as well
as making, perhaps ironically, La n
Christmas cards.
The Woman in Black
At the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham, on Friday the 7th of November 2014 I watched a live performance of The Woman in Black. A er hearing a good deal about the premise of the play I was both intrigued and excited to experience it myself. It was offered to me, a spectrum of disembodied phantoms announcing themselves with blood curdling screams and ferocious proximity. If, before I had not known of the fact that the play would consist of only two actors, I would have expected many different actors, in favour of Stanislavski er‐teaching. This is due to my pre‐empted expecta on that the play would be constantly serious and each character would have to be as powerfully developed as the last. I did not expect comedy; I expected a horror‐fest at every twist and turn. So naturally I was feeling bu erflies for the performance. The play was constructed well and dealt with some tricky pieces of direc on. Comedy infused with nail‐bi ng tension as it successfully played with the audience and made use of mul ple, emo onal red hearings. I enjoyed the performance and became very immersed with it. Callum Hemming, Year 11
On Friday 7th November 2013, I watched a performance of The Woman in Black at the Everyman Theatre, in Cheltenham. The play was based on the book, wri en by Susan Hill. My first expecta ons of the performance were extremely high because of the outstanding reviews and commendable feedback... When I first sat down in the Victorian style theatre my expecta ons had already been exceeded. The beau ful proscenium arch towered above us opening the staging area and invi ng our eyes in to watch. Truly stunning, the arch gave an older impression and with warm yellow‐
nged ligh ng it gave a homely, warm comfort. Ul mately, the most favourable and iconic of scenes throughout the whole play was the rocking chair. The sudden blackout infused a wave of silence, echoing around the auditorium. I could feel my body ghtening and adrenaline rush, holding my breath the only thing visible was the tension in the room. Next the sound of heartbeat plays through the speakers and a dim lit light focusses on a rocking chair behind the gauze. As my eyes adjusted we realised that a woman was sat in the chair, my heartbeat quickens. Then a sound scape of the words “He is mine!” being chanted gets faster and faster, louder and louder. As expected she flings her body out of the chair at the young Mr Kipps that is stood staring in front of the gauze. It goes dark, and all you’re le with as comfort is a loud, piercing, deafening scream. Shivers go up your spine, through your neck. Then the lights go up and you're back to old Mr Kipps and the young actor reminiscing. The explora on of ligh ng helped dis nguish cross‐
cu ng from the now and past. Megan Sheppard, Year 11
On Friday the 7th of November 2014 I watched a performance of The Woman in Black at The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham. My expecta ons of the performance were very unclear although I did know I would be impressed when coming away from the performance. As I have seen the film, I had a slight understanding of the storyline and what the performance would entail. I knew that the Woman in Black was a horror story and that it was made to scare and give us a thrill. When I entered the auditorium I no ced that it was a Proscenium arch theatre: very tradi onal, decorated beau fully in detail, with many Grecian aspects. I felt a calming atmosphere in the theatre, so to be performing a very tense and spooky produc on created a contrast, making a challenge for the actors to change the atmosphere for the audience. The ligh ng was dimmed to set the scene and create tension. There was a buzz of excitement through the audience as the performance was about to begin, however as soon as it did start the atmosphere dropped and a tense vibe filtered through the audience. Alicia Jones, Year 11
During November the Year 13 Drama
and Theatre Studies A2 students
performed their devised pieces.
The students created their own
performances from scratch; crea ng
thought provoking and inspired
performance work that used the work
of recognised theatre prac oners .
The two pieces were based on the
science of dreaming and the social
issues surrounding Organ Dona on.
Both pieces had an excellent reac on
from the audiences. Well done
Year 13.
On December 11th the Year 10 GCSE
Drama group will take to the stage to
perform Cinderella and the Pantomime
Thief. This fun, exci ng and vibrant
panto, is set in the fic ous Panto Land
where characters from all fairy tales
and pantomimes come together to
ba le against evil. This performance
promises to be a huge success.
16th-17th January
(Year 10 -13)
Please make sure all payments and consents forms are given in to Mrs Cookson as soon as possible. 11
The Taylor Trophy
Debating Success
Erin Young and Eleanor Roberts
recently won their way through
to the final of the Taylor Trophy
Deba ng compe on with a win
at the Marling School in Stroud.
The final will be held on the 12th
January at Bromsgrove School.
A selec on of the Coat of Arms on
display in E4.
Year 8:
For one of their ELTs (Extended Learning
Tasks) Year 8 were asked to design a
Coat of Arms that revealed something
about themselves. It was great to see
that many pupils put a lot of effort into
the task and it that many of them have
unique and varied interests.
Two ‘Coat of Arms’ ELTs that
received Outstanding Achievement
awards. Jodie Young (le ) and
Jasmine Outler (right).
The Hampton Centre
Rising Stars at Pershore High
A group of Pershore High School students have been lucky
enough to be selected for an Arts Award Project, ‘Rising
Stars’. The students involved were: Isabel Cowley, Ka e
Biddle, Kyle Ellio , Tiffnay Maskell, Reed James, Melanie
Cave, Jordan Perry, Ty Warmington, Michael Godliman and
Lucy Gooderham.
The project involved working with, Nigel Clark, guitarist and
lead singer from the band, ‘Dodgy’. He said: “Jenny and Joy
Ludlow, TAs, worked with me on the project and provided
excellent support for the students throughout the sessions
and while the students were comple ng their Arts Award
por olios. This unique opportunity was funded by a grant
from the Na onal Lo ery. The students in ‘Rising Stars’
wrote lyrics, composed music, visited Tower Studios,
rehearsed and performed their composi ons to several
audiences. The audiences included the Mayor and
Mayoress of Pershore, feeder middle school students,
parents and our local senior ci zen’s care home.”
Trevor Lines, the Moderator from Arts Award, visited
school in December 2014 to confirm the assessment of the
por olios of evidence and commented that; “The young
people had worked very hard, as was clearly shown in their
por olios”.
All the students passed the Bronze
Award and will be presented with
their cer ficates in January 2015.
The students expressed their views
to Trevor about the project.
Jan Stoney
Head of the Hampton Centre
Simon Mayo Visit
Young Bond Experience
007 Returns… At the beginning of term, Year 8
students were invited to take part in a
compe on to create their own James
Bond style story. Many writers rose to
the challenge, crea ng villains such as
Cut‐throat Clive and heroes like Mike
A er much delibera on, fourteen
students were chosen to a end the
launch of the latest Young Bond novel
and meet the author, Steve Cole.
Here’s what a couple of them had to
On Wednesday 1st October, a group
of Year 9 students went to see Simon
Mayo, a Radio 2 presenter and writer,
at Nunnery Wood High School.
He was there to promote and tell us
about his new book, Itchcra and his
other books, Itch and Itch Rocks. We
came back with some of the Itch series
of books for our Library and we had
the chance to get them signed by
Simon himself.
At the event, we also saw some
experiments which involved ethanol
and oxygen because the main
character in Simon Mayo’s books is
a huge Science fan.
At the end, Simon gave us the chance
to ask him some ques ons about him
and his books. We all enjoyed the visit;
it was a fantas c event.
We watched a slide show about James Bond and we were shown gadgets that were turned into everyday objects, like binoculars that were turned into flasks. At the end of the slide show, we got into a queue for a book, offered to us at £10.00. We then got into a new queue for our books to be signed. Next, all of the Pershore students got back onto the coach and went back home. Thank you for an amazing me. Alex Carvill, MDP He showed some us some gadgets which were quite cool. Next he read an extract from the book about a car chase. A er that, he gave us some informa on about 1930s gangsters and guns and then we got to buy a signed copy of his book. Pictured: Josh Pearson having his book
signed by Steve Cole.
Thank you
On behalf of PHS Library and all the
students who enjoy using it, I would
like to thank the many anonymous
donors who have recently given books
to us. These generous dona ons have
found their way to the Reference
sec on as well as into book boxes,
from where they can enrich students’
private reading.
A huge thank you to all our kind
Miss N Flanagan (Librarian)
Josh Pearson, AJB William Rhodes and Charlie Benne
Elon Dann visit
PHS Library Club pupils were once again very lucky to be
visited by Worcester author, Elon Dann, here to talk about the
inspira on behind his second novel, Awe of Mercury. This is the
eagerly awaited sequel to his debut novel, Clockwise to Titan
and con nues the adventures of fearless protagonist, Mo.
Students were spellbound as they learned about many of the
ideas behind the book, which included elements of Dante’s Inferno as well as the mind‐bending works of M.C. Escher.
They were also introduced to the more sinister side of nutmeg.
ideas find themselves woven into a story, this me
involving a spiral shaped prison.
Elon’s enthusiasm and dynamism proved infec ous and
students were keen to ask ques ons following the
presenta on, largely to discover how ini al interests and
Awe of Mercury is not a read for the faint of heart, but
promises to be as clever and gripping as the author
Miss Flanagan
MATHS KIT - £1.50
▪ Clear Plas c Pencil Case
(suitable for examina ons)
▪ 15cm ruler ▪ 180o protractor
▪ Compass ▪ Pencil ▪ Eraser
▪ Pencil Sharpener
We expect students to a end Maths lessons fully equipped
with a calculator, pencil, ruler, protractor and compass.
Equipment is readily available to buy in school – students just
need to bring in the money. See the published list for prices.
Senior Maths Challenge
At the beginning of November, a small number of A level
Maths students took part in the UKMT Senior Maths
Challenge, where they had 90 minutes to answers a series
of problems. Congratula ons to Ma Smith and Albert
Courts, who both achieved Gold and qualified for the
‘Kangaroo Challenge’. In addi on, Aaron Robinson achieved
another impressive Gold, and Will Hornbrook and George
Potham were awarded Bronze. Well done to everyone who
was brave enough to take part.
We recommend the new version of the Casio Scien fic
Calculator (fx‐83GTPLUS).
Students who buy a calculator and a Maths Kit together
get a 50p discount on the individual costs.
Modern Foreign Languages
Willkommen in Pershore
This is Antonia Staab, our new Foreign
Language Assistant who arrived in
October. She’ll be working closely
with PHS students to develop their
confidence and competence in
speaking German over the next two
We got some of our Year 10 and
Year 12 students to interview her,
in German of course, and we have
printed their findings here.
Test your German......
Alles klar?!?!
Hier ist Pershore’s neue Deutschassisten n! Sie heißt Antonia Staab und sie kommt aus Nordwestdeutschland. Sie wohnt in einer kleinen Stadt, die Melle heißt – das liegt in der Nähe von Osnabrück, wo Antonia Englisch und Geographie studiert. Sie möchte später Lehrerin in einem deutschen Gymnasium (High School) werden. Sie hat einen jüngeren Bruder (Julian) und zwei ältere Schwestern (Carolin und Johanna). Sie hat keine Haus ere. Ihr Geburstag ist am 29. December. In ihrer Freizeit geht Antonia ab und zu schwimmen, sie liest gern und sie hört gern Musik. Ihre Lieblingmusik ist Rock und Popmusik. Sie hat ‘mal Saxophon gespielt, als sie jünger war. Ihr Lieblingsfach in der Schule war immer Englisch...natürlich! Sie arbeitet gern in der PHS – sie findet sowohl die Schüler als auch die Lehrer ganz ne und freundlich. Sie bleibt bis Mai bei uns in Pershore und während ihres Aufenthaltes hier möchte sie viele englische Sehenswürdigkeiten besich gen, viele Leute kennenlernen und ihr Englisch verbessern. Antonia – wir wünschen dir viel Spaß und viel Glück! Safeguarding
School Nurse Service
The school health service hours and appointments have changed.
Cath Eastwell, the school nurse, is now in on Mondays.
To make an appointment, see main recep on/tutor/HoH.
Appointments will run from 10am–1.20pm.
An addi onal service is a drop‐in session from 1.20‐2.10pm in the
Conference Room by the Library (no appointment necessary). This could
be for any health related reason and will be treated in confidence.
Time 4 U
Time 4 U offer a drop‐in service on Thursday lunch mes in the sports
pavilion to students from Year 9 and above and to Sixth Form students
only on Thursdays from 12.20‐1.20pm.
This service is confiden al and independent and offers advice on a range
of issues such as rela onship advice, stress, bullying and sexual health.
More informa on can be found on the Time4U website
h p:// me4u.html 16
I would be grateful if parents and
visitors could remember to always sign
in at recep on when visi ng school,
even when needing to meet a member
of a House team. It is par cularly
important that this is done even if you
may be bringing in a forgo en lunch
box or piece of equipment.
Extra help for students
Students who wish to access
independent, confiden al help with
personal and health issues can do so
through outside agencies visi ng the
Philosophy and Ethics
On Friday 17th of October, nine students from Year 10
Philosophy and Ethics went to Staffordshire University
with head of the RS Department, Mr Knight and the head
of ICT Mrs Beeton, to discuss why young people are
persuaded to go to Syria to provide aid to refugees there
but end up figh ng. The reali es of the situa on are
complex however as many young people with good
inten ons end up being forced into armed mili a and/or
taken hostage by different par san groups. The basic
message to all coming from the government, police and
aid agencies is simple: young people can do more good
raising money, resources and awareness in the UK
without needing to travel abroad.
Many members of the public in this country, I am sure,
are concerned about the situa on in the Middle East and
par cularly Syria and North West Iraq, and understand
the need for aid there. However, this study, held by the
Police, has been trying to find out what we think about
the resources put in place to persuade people from going
to the war torn areas and possibly ge ng dragged into
the terrible ac ons of IS.
The morning began when we arrived and were greeted
by several members of the police counter terrorist squad
and local authority, as well as a second breakfast of
Danish pastries and tea. A er that, there were a few
introductory ac vi es un l we really started to work
towards the aim of the day.
which we had to evaluate for their ability to reach different
target audiences. The eventual verdict was that more needed
to be done to target the root of the problem through social
networks such as Twi er, in order to be listened to by the
younger people that they are a emp ng to reach.
The group of us along with students from Birmingham
and Stafford were shown many resources, including some
websites as well as leaflets and magazine ar cles, all of
Overall, the day was very enjoyable, and would be something
I know that I would be happy to repeat.
Sixth Form Photography
Armed with tripods, props from
feathers to ‘phones and prepared
for stormy weather, the Sixth Form
photographers set off for
Woodchester Mansion on 22nd
October. This beau ful Gothic
house in Gloucestershire provided an
excellent (and surprisingly, even
occasionally sunny), backdrop for
photo shoots which are to form an
important part of ‘A’ level course
work. Abandoned in the 1870s, mid‐
construc on, the mansion’s warm
Cotswold stone, eerie passage ways
and interes ng architectural details,
fired the students’ imagina ons to
make interes ng and individual
photographs, inspired by Francesca
Woodman. The students worked with
purpose and were excellent company
on a hard working day and we look
forward to seeing the results of their
efforts in the darkroom and in their
Mrs Jones and Mrs Hunt
Portraiture Workshop
Four members of the Malvern Beacon
Camera Club came to PHS to help run a
Portraiture Workshop for the Year 12
Photography students.
The day was spent learning about
studio ligh ng, as well as responding
to a number of photographers the
students had studied, these included
Duane Michal’s, Francesca Woodman
and Philippe Halsman.
The workshop was fantas c and
our thanks goes to Nick Browne
and his team who shared their vast
experience and knowledge with the
group and inspired students to take
some wonderful images, (the two
below are taken by Connor Owen).
These photographs will form part of
their coursework por olio for their AS
grade. Since a ending the workshop
students have gone on the study the
work of Cornelia Hedigar building on
their knowledge gained from this very
successful day.
Well done to all who were involved for
their focus and hard work on the day.
Mrs Jones
Physical Education
Year 10 Secure Semi-Final
full back whenever they came in
contact with the ball.
Declan Juliff con nued his excellent
scoring form as he bagged himself
seven goals in Pershore’s quarter‐final
clash against Christopher Whitehead.
Led by the ever impressive Charlie
Cross, Pershore ran riot in the first half
scoring seven, including a 13 minute hat
‐trick from Juliff. Far from being a one
man show the two full back of Tim
Coleman and Lewis Webster were
ge ng forward at every opportunity.
Greg Phillips and Jordan Barnfield were
terrorising the Christopher Whitehead
Far from having it their own way, un l
Pershore’s first goal they were under
pressure from the Christopher
Whitehead a ack. As ever, James
Davidson looked assured in the
Pershore goal and Ben Tilbury
partnering Cross in central defence
was again excellent. However, once
Pershore got on top of the game there
was only one winner. With Will Bugg
solid in front of Cross and Tilbury, he
was giving Jack McCabe the freedom
to play in Juliff and Jack Davies who
also weighed in with a goal. The
half me score of 7‐0 highlighted
Pershore’s dominance however, they
now needed to make sure they didn’t
switch off.
In the second half, Jon Hall and
Brandon Spiers replaced Phillips and
Juliff and Pershore started playing
their now familiar possession football.
Whilst Pershore did not score the
goals of the first half, they s ll
remained in control of the game
scoring again late on. A late penalty
from Christopher Whitehead didn’t
take the gloss of the performance as
Pershore now prepare themselves for
the semi‐final.
Year 10 secure a final spot
with a hard fought victory
at Hanley Castle
Year 10 confirmed their final place with
a hard fought 1 – 0 victory away at
Hanley Castle. With fading light from
kick off, Pershore found themselves
up against a strong and powerful
Hanley Castle side. In the opening
exchanges, Hanley found themselves
on top and saw a shot come back off
the woodwork. A through ball from
the Hanley midfield found their striker
behind the Pershore defence however,
James Davidson made a fine one‐on‐
one save with his right foot.
A er this Hanley s ll had more of the
possession however, the centre half
partnership of Charlie Cross and Ben
Tilbury was superb and they did not
lose either a tackle or header all
a ernoon. As the half progressed,
Pershore became the be er side
and started to fashion chances for
themselves. Unfortunately for Pershore,
they found the home goalkeeper in
inspired form and he made three first
class saves from Declan Juliff and one
from Jack Davies. As the half was
coming to a close, Jack McCabe
created himself some space on the
edge of the area and he fired the ball
into the bo om right hand corner to
give Pershore the lead.
Half‐ me: 0 – 1 Year 10 County Cup Finalists 2014/15 Back Row: James Davidson, Charlie Cross (C), Declan Juliff, Ben Tilbury, Brandon
Spiers, Will Bugg, Paddy Barrow. Front Row: Jack McCabe, Jordan Barnfield, Jon
Hall, Greg Phillips, Lewis Webster, Jack Davies, Oliver Morgan
The second half kicked off and
Pershore found themselves under
constant pressure. The back four of
Cross, Tilbury, Tim Coleman and Lewis
Webster was excellent and kept the
Hanley a ack to long shots which
Davidson dealt with comfortably.
Between McCabe and Will Bugg, they
covered every blade of grass on the
pitch. Together with that they were
excellent on the ball and tried to play
at every opportunity. Nearing the end
of the match, Pershore were being
pressed further and further back into
their own half but they held firm.
Jordan Barnfield and Oliver Morgan
offered protec on to the full backs
and they kept forcing the Hanley
wingers wide.
With five minutes le , McCabe was
taken out and had to be replaced by
Greg Phillips. For these five minutes,
Pershore could not get out of their own
half. Hanley pressed and pressed but
the Pershore defence was resolute.
In the final seconds Hanley hit the bar
as Pershore had their hearts in their
mouths. As Davidson took the resul ng
goal kick, the final whistle was blown to
confirm Pershore’s place in the final.
Full‐ me: 0 – 1 Man of the Match: Notable men ons
for Charlie Cross, Tim Coleman, Jack
McCabe and Will Bugg however, Ben
Tilbury was fantas c all match. Also,
thank you to Jon Hall and Brandon
Spiers who, because of the ght game
didn’t make the pitch.
PHS Girls Cruise to Cross Country Success
Runners Results Girls Elise Blake ‐ 2nd
Helena Leach ‐ 3rd
Molly Salt ‐ 4th
Alice Pa erson ‐ 7th
Amara De Silver Morgan ‐ 15th
Ellie Duncan ‐ 18th
Megan Wright ‐ 19th
Emma Brown ‐ 27th
Boys PHS pupils performed extremely well
at the SWSSA Cross Country Cup held
at Prince Henry’s High School on 14th
November. Despite atrocious weather
condi ons, the PHS runners ba led
through the boggy course. There were
some excep onal performances from
Elise Blake (2nd), Helena Leach (3rd),
Moly Salt (4th), Alice Pa erson (7th)
and Kieran Benne (11th).
With the totals of each runner
calculated the Boys Team scored 66
points which saw them take 3rd place,
however with an astonishing 16 points
the girls team finished in 1st place.
Back row, le to right: Molly Salt,
Amara De Silva‐Morgan, Helena Leach
Front row, le to right: Alice
Pa erson, Elise Blake, Emma Brown,
Eleanor Duncan..
Kieran Benne ‐ 9th
Bradley Hodge s ‐ 11th
Henry Rowlings ‐ 22nd
Chris Vizard ‐ 24th
Josh Skerre ‐ 25th
Harry Boyle ‐ 30th
Louis Cartwright‐Walls ‐ 36th
The Real Deal
On the 22nd of October I was fortunate to see Liverpool vs
Real Madrid at Anfield. As a Liverpool fan this was a huge
game for myself, the supporters and the team. However,
I wasn’t going as a spectator, I was going to work.
I was asked to work for the Press Associa on as a wire
technician to support my dad who was photographing the
match. The main role of my job was to edit the pictures that
my dad had taken. This involved using ‘photoshop’ and
cropping techniques and cap oning selected photographs
of key players as well as ac on. These were then sent to the
main office to be distributed to the Bri sh and interna onal
press. Most of this is done in the wire room away from
the pitch, however, I saw most of the second half from pitch
side in front of the Kop and in touching distance of the
As a footballer myself I was excited to see such a lot of
World Class players such as Cris ano Ronaldo and Mario
Balotelli. I was itching to see Liverpool score and I was
tempted to run on and score myself, but a 3‐0 defeat
ended that thought. All in all I enjoyed the night even if it
was work. What an experience.
Jack Davies (KEW) Year 10
Aston Villa Scholarship for Jordan
Jordan as a 10 year old Jordan as a Year 11 student Year 11 student Jordan Cox is star ng to turn a dream into
reality a er landing a two year scholarship with Aston Villa
Football Club. Jordan started playing football at the age of
six for Pershore United with fellow classmates: Grant
Hiden, Sco Cory, Michael Butler, Alex Stayte, George Way,
Harry White and Ryan Allibone. Over a four year period
with United Jordan nurtured his talent un l he was spo ed
by Villa at the age of ten.
In 2008 as a ten year old, Jordan joined the Aston Villa
Academy where he a ended training twice a week and on
Sunday’s played games at Villa’s Bodymoor Heath Training
Ground. In games, Jordan found himself up against the
likes of Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City.
Together with this, he also played in interna onal
tournaments against Club Brugge and Borussia
Mönchengladbach to name but a few. A testament to
Jordan’s progress was as an U16 he regularly featured in
the U18 squad.
A er six years at Villa, Jordan was given the good news
that he had earned a scholarship to remain at Villa for a
further two years. Together with ability, this is due to
Jordan’s hard work, dedica on level headedness. He has
now given himself an excellent pla orm to progress and
everybody at Pershore High School wishes him the best of
Evesham Vale
Pershore High School students
joined Evesham Vale Triathletes’
juniors in the club’s duathlon.
PHS students included William
Parry, Bill Mitchell and Adam Palin.
Congratula ons to: David Shephard
who has been selected for
the County Hockey squad
for the New Year. David has
been selected based on
previous performance and
the two trials he completed
before fracturing his knee.
Congratula ons to: James
who will be involved
in the Worcestershire
Cricket CAG Winter
Training Programme.
Bredon Rugby Club Player Appeal
Year 8 Rugby Players
Fancy playing for a team outside school? Bredon U13’s are looking for players. Training 7‐8 @ Tewksbury School
Matches on Sunday from 10.00
@ Bredon Rugby Fields.
Interested, please contact John Oliver on 07813013338h p:// 21
PHS Triathlon Club
On a chilly night in December the Triathlon Club, put on
several layers of lycra to ba le the elements at Halesowen
Velodrome. Cycling on a banked track for the first me took
a while to get used to, however a er a few
warm up laps the pupils were pu ng in some
good lap mes.
On a chilly night in December the Triathlon Club put on
several layers of lycra to ba le the elements at Halesowen
Velodrome. Cycling on a banked track for the first me took
a while to get used to, however a er a few warm up laps the
pupils were pu ng in some good lap mes.
Pupils were put through their paces comple ng a 4km me
trial and the gruelling eliminator which was won convincingly
by James Davidson. Despite the cold condi ons the group
thoroughly enjoyed the experience, claiming it to be one of
the highlights of the term long programme.
The trip to the velodrome was a nice end to a busy half term
for the Triathlon team. November gave the pupils the chance
to put their training into a compe ve Duathlon run by
Evesham Vale Triathletes at Spring Hill House. Our pupils
performed extremely well. Will Parry completed the course
in a me of 24mins 56 sec, Bill Mitchel 27 mins 47 secs and
Adam Palin 28 mins 41 secs.
Due to the great response to the ini al programme, we
hope to con nue the Triathlon club through the Spring and
Summer Terms.
The PE department would like to say a huge thank you to Lou
Bugg, Richard Goode and Evesham Vale Triathletes Club for
their commitment throughout this term.
Anyone interested in taking up Triathlon can contact
Evesham Vale Triathletes, who will support them in all
aspects of the event.
Oli Morgan races to
PHS pupils performed extremely
well at the ESSA English Schools
Cross Country Cup held at
Bromsgrove School on 14th October.
The compe on was extremely fierce,
however Oliver Morgan was way to
strong for the other compe tors
running finishing a long way clear
of his opponents.
Will Parry, Will Bugg and Fabrice
Kemogne also performed very well
coming in 6th, 17th and 44th
respec vely.
The runners and the PE Department
would like to thank Louise Bugg for
taking the pupils to the event.
STEM Success at QinetiQ
On Friday 14th November Miss Troop,
Mrs Airdrie and the Year 9 STEM club
students went to the Science Research
Centre, Qine Q in Great Malvern.
We were up against four other
Worcestershire schools in a series of
compu ng and engineering challenges.
The first challenge involved looking at
crowd control and we used chick peas
to show how people would exit during
an emergency.
Pershore High School had the fasted
lap during the day. A er lunch the
STEM group split into two and used
Raspberry Pi computers to allow their
spaceman to travel through a series
of air locks.
Once again Pershore were the best
and both teams showed incredible
team work skills to liaise their
programming together. Our final
ac vity involved programming an
android mobile APP using Java Script.
We were then shown the Tarsier radar
and the bomb disposal robots. Megan
enjoyed running the half a million
pound robot into all of the cones.
Ethan managed to crash both robots
into each other. They were great fun.
The next challenge involved a series
of Lego robots all involving different
challenges which linked together.
They created a scribble pad with STEM
influenced images. At the end of the
challenges all the schools got together
to find out that we had won. We were
really pleased and all came away with
a goody bag and a £10.00 Amazon gi
card each.
The best part of the day was working
with professional Scien sts on real
projects and seeing working
laboratories. It was a great day.
'Station for the Future'
On Wednesday 22nd October Mr Peter
Dobbin, Network Rail manager, was
invited into school to hear the
presenta on by the Go4Set team on
their project. His colleague, David
Whitely, also travelled from Oxford
to a end.
The project has reached the Na onal
Science and Engineering Finals next
There was a ques on and answer
session and lots of discussion at the
end of the mee ng. Mr Dobbin and
Mr Whitely were both very impressed
with the students and their
presenta on and the mee ng was a
great success. They were able to give
feedback and comments which the
team will work with and be able to
further improve their project from now
un l next year, ready for the finals.
Peter Dobbins sent the following email:
“Thank you for the invita on, your students are a credit to you and the school.”
The winner of this
half term’s Golden
cket for fantas c
design work is
Pershore Girls Excel
in Engineering
A team of four Year 10 students
working in conjunc on with Yamazaki
Mazak UK Limited and member of
staff, Carol Ridings, have enjoyed
success in the na onal GO4SET EDT
(Engineering Development Trust)
compe on. The programme set a
challenge for the students, which they
worked on in school over a period of
10 weeks. The students worked
together with their industrial partners
Yamazaki Mazak to develop their
design and make a working model.
Georgia Hook, Ka e Biddle, Zoe Wood
and Isabelle Taylor impressed judges
so much with their ‘Sta ons for the
Future’ project that they have
qualified for the Na onal Science
and Engineering Finals at the ‘Big Bang’
Fayre in March next Year.
On Tuesday Mr Corbe presented
them all with their very well deserved
CREST Silver award received through
the Bri sh Science Associa on.
James Foster MLP Congratula ons to Georgia, Ka e,
Zoe and Isabella for their magnificent
achievements so far. They will be
working to develop their project ready
for the Na onal Finals in March next
year and hopefully going for CREST
Gold award.
James wins an itunes
Well done James!
Pershore Dog Treats
A busy team of pupils and staff
gathered in a Food Technology
classroom last week to produce dog
biscuits for their pets. The session
was so successful that we are now
going to produce dog biscuits to
sell as Christmas treats, with all
profits going to ‘Happy Staffie’ a
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue
Food Technology visit to the BBC Winter Good Food Show
Thirty Food Technology pupils visited
the BBC Good Food show on Schools
Day at the Birmingham NEC. The show
featured a cookery demonstra on by
the Hairy Bikers in the Supertheatre on
how to make a fantas c meal including
how to fry scallops as well as
Society, an organisa on close to the
heart of our caretaker Andy Pleciak
and his wife Emma, who works in
Recep on and Reprographics.
demonstra ng sumo wrestling (not
all at the same me). The show was
packed with stalls of all types,
including speciality Scotch eggs,
Chocolates and of course chocolates
of all sizes and shapes.
Please leave a contact name and telephone number with the relevant House office if your child is to be looked a er by someone else whilst you are away. Trips and Visits for 2014
may be accessed on the school
\Informa on\Trips and Visits
Work Experience
Year 10 (Bredon) 09‐13 February, 2015 Year 10 (Malvern) 23‐27 February, 2015 All current Year 9 students were given detailed informa on as to the workings of Industrial Placement (Work Experience) in a
recent assembly. All year 9 students have had the PowerPoint used at that assembly emailed to them.
I hope the le er overleaf will help you to help your child to gain the placement they would like. Please either complete the
ques onnaire, or it can be accessed via your child’s school email, as all students have received a copy in this way.
John Rees
Work Experience – Year 10 Reminder to Parents
Students in Year 10 will be taking part in Pershore High School’s Work Experience Programme from:
Year 10 (Bredon) Work Experience, 9-13 February 2015
Year 10 (Malvern) Work Experience, 23-27 February 2015
Work Experience is a vital part of the preparation of students towards adult life, and our programme has
been very successful in the past.
For students who will be undertaking Work Experience March there is a questionnaire on the reverse of
this letter for them to express preferences for their work placement.
All placements are required to return a statement confirming that they have a certificate of third party
liability of at least £3m and conform to safety standards laid down by the Education Business
We do our best to ensure that students are placed in areas of employment in which they are interested
and can travel to reasonably easily. There may be cases when students are unable to take up a
placement, or we are unable to provide a placement in a particular area of interest. I should like to point
out that although we make every effort to accommodate students, there will be times when they will have
to accept an alternative to their first choice.
We welcome suggestions of placement from students and parents. If you, as a parent, feel you are able
to offer a placement, or can contact an employer on your child’s behalf, please let me know. (There is a
section on the questionnaire for this.) This is not meant to suggest you must find a placement for your
child. As a matter of course we contact the employer while students are on placement so, where
possible, placements should be restricted to the local area.
The Education Business Partnership requires at least ten weeks notice of placement within the
County and twelve weeks if the placement is outside Worcestershire.
Our students have a well-deserved reputation of excellence on Work Experience. Employers have
a ‘Gold Form’ reference for students, which forms part of their end-of-year Progress Files, as does
their official certificate, received when they complete their placement satisfactorily.
If you have any queries regarding Work Experience, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours sincerely
Work Experience Co-ordinator
Our Ref: JR/JFG
July 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian
Students in Year 10 will be taking part in Pershore High School’s Work Experience
Programme from:
Year 10 (Bredon) Work Experience, 9-13 February 2015
Year 10 (Malvern) Work Experience, 23-27 February 2015
Work Experience is a vital part of the preparation of students towards adult life, and
our programme has been very successful in the past.
For students who will be undertaking Work Experience March there is a questionnaire
on the reverse of this letter for them to express preferences for their work placement.
All placements are required to return a statement confirming that they have a
certificate of third party liability of at least £3m and conform to safety standards laid
down by the Education Business Partnership.
We do our best to ensure that students are placed in areas of employment in which
they are interested and can travel to reasonably easily. There may be cases when
students are unable to take up a placement, or we are unable to provide a placement
in a particular area of interest. I should like to point out that although we make every
effort to accommodate students, there will be times when they will have to accept an
alternative to their first choice.
We welcome suggestions of placement from students and parents. If you, as a
parent, feel you are able to offer a placement, or can contact an employer on your
child’s behalf, please let me know. (There is a section on the questionnaire for this).
This is not meant to suggest you must find a placement for your child. As a matter of
course we contact the employer while students are on placement so, where possible,
placements should be restricted to the local area.
The Education Business Partnership requires at least ten weeks notice of
placement within the County and twelve weeks if the placement is outside
Our students have a well-deserved reputation of excellence on Work
Experience. Employers have a ‘Gold Form’ reference for students, which
forms part of their end-of-year Progress Files, as does their official certificate,
received when they complete their placement satisfactorily.
If you have any queries regarding Work Experience, please do not hesitate to contact
me at school.
Yours sincerely
Work Experience Co-ordinator
Student News
BBC Children in Need
Pershore High School kicked off BBC
Children in Need ac vi es locally on
Monday 3rd November when they
welcomed staff from both BBC Radio
Hereford and Worcester, and BBC
Midlands Today.
Youngsters met Pudsey Bear and
also donated pound coins that
were a ached to a car. This was
con nued over the next two weeks
at various sites across the two
coun es. Ac vi es culminated
at Pershore High School in a
Non‐Uniform Day on Friday 14th
November when a four figure sum was
handed over to the BBC charity.
Help for Heroes
To mark the forthcoming remembrance commemora ons
and our fund raising for Help for Heroes, representa ve, Ian
Baldry , conducted a number of assemblies at Pershore High
School this week, talking about the organisa on’s work. All
students listened to his presenta on and were inspired by
his message.
Duke of Edinburgh
Bronze Award Recipients
Congratulations to:
Charlotte Bradley
Megan Bradley
Jonathan Brett
Tessa Carr
Jemima Daniels
Daisy MacDonald
Megan Shephard
Owen Thompson
Briony Watkins 31
BBC Children In Need Cake Sale
Youth Leader Awards worthwhile
The Traveller's Crew organised and ran a cake sale for BBC
Children in Need.
Pershore High School’s RYLA (Rotary Youth Leader Award)
candidate from last summer, Lydia Stephens, accompanied
by her mother, joined us for lunch at a recent mee ng.
The students involved were Jodie Jones, Tiffany Smith, Carmen
Smith, Shannon Smith and Brandon Biddle. All students chose
the recipes, cooked and sold the cakes to raise money for the
Children In Need charity. Cakes were priced from 10p‐60p
and included delicious treats like; flapjack slices, brownies,
malteaser muffins, sugar cookie slices, cornflake cakes,
cherry cupcakes and custard and chocolate chip cookies.
The cake sale was very popular and many students and staff
even gave extra dona ons as well as buying mul ple cakes.
The support was very much appreciated and the total raised
was £60.65 which will be sent off to Children In Need.
She did of course have to earn her lunch by giving a
presenta on of her experiences on the course. All agreed
this was one of the best presenta ons we had received
from a High School student ‐ very confident and full of
Her descrip on of the ac vi es was punctuated with
“terrific”; “fun”; “brilliant”; “team work”; “worthwhile”
It is listening to young people that have experienced RYLA
that makes our support of it so worthwhile and rewarding
Laura Brown
First Class Degree for Harriett
Just Giving
A Year 10 student is keen to raise awareness of Myeloma. Having recently lost his dad to this incurable cancer
he is determined to support Myeloma uk in his
memory. Myeloma is a bone marrow cancer 97% of
people have never heard of it. It is rare to have
Myeloma under 50 years of age, so to lose someone
at 46 years is devasta ng. We want to highlight this
unrecognised cancer and support the research into
finding a cure.
A number of fundraisers are being planned by family
and friends next year. If you would like to help in
any way please view our Just giving page and please
search: Dave Sinne . Thank you.
Harrie Richardson (Rea), pictured above, was awarded her
Phd for Environmental Science at Glasgow University on the
5th December 2014. Harrie had achieved a first class
degree at Lancaster University, and then went onto to
working from the NERC at Lancaster University, and doing
field work at the Whitelles Wind Farm site.
Alterna vely if you have any ideas or sugges ons for
fundraising ideas please contact me:
[email protected]
Kidz Live
Kidz Live is Worcester’s biggest music event especially for
school kids and students of all ages. This year’s concert will
be opened by Pershore High School’s very own band Chase
the Deer. The five piece Indie rock band is made up of
students Briony Watkins as lead singer, Angus Evans on bass,
Michael Evans on drums with Owen Taylor and George
Frangoudes on guitar.
Also performing are Worcester trio Done by Sunrise, the cast
of Lion King, One Direc on tribute band Only 1D and there
will be a special appearance by one of the ‘X’ Factor finalists.
The event will be hosted by Radio DJ Liam Cash and Britain’s
got Talent’s Stavros Flatley.
This year’s concert is being held at the University of
Worcester Arena on Monday 22nd December from 4.00pm to
7.00pm. Tickets are only £7.00 and it would be great to see as
many Pershore students as possible. Students will need to be
accompanied by an adult.
Kidz Live is organised by the Worcester Community Trust
(WCT) which is a registered charity which runs seven local
community centres, organises youth clubs and summer play
schemes, as well as arranging events for the elderly. The
WCT also supports DAWN a project suppor ng vic ms of
domes c abuse.
Chase the Deer band members are pictured with Headteacher,
Clive Corbe .
Chess Club Tournament
Pershore High ed playing away at Hanley Castle. Rachel Day,
our number one ranked player said “Some of our opponents
were really good chess players and we all had to fight hard.”
The tournament is the first of a number of friendly matches
being arranged in South Worcestershire. Our team
enjoyed visi ng the 14th Century library at Hanley Castle.
“We were made to feel really welcome,” said Dan Herbert.
“The tea they gave us was top notch,” said Ed Foster.
The two teams played six compe on matches. Also playing
were Vanessa Kostadinous, Toby Vallely, Adam Goode and Ed
Pershore began strongly and we were two nil ahead. Hanley
began to catch up but with the final match yet to finish,
Pershore were s ll ahead 3‐2. Alas, we lost the last game
and the final score was three each ‐ an honourable draw.
We are now planning a return match to be played here at
Pershore High and this me we will be ruthless.
Mr Segar
Pershore Food Bank donation
Caring Pershore High School students are pictured with
some of the foodstuffs collected over recent days for the
Pershore Food bank.
Reverend Mark Jennings gratefully received the items today.
Shannon Aston, Josh Edwards, Elizabeth Green.
Special thanks go to Mary Felici at Happy Lands Day Nursery,
Worcester for dona ng items to help the appeal.
Book Presentation
What Democracy Means to Me’
How do you begin to describe what choice means to you?
How do you put into words the right to have a say in the
ac ons your country makes? It seems a complete
impossibility to do so, since it is our freedom in ac on and
voice. Yet democracy allows us to indulge in its product, a
society of co‐opera on and unity. To have the ability to be
part of a vote; whether it be to change the leaders of our
na on for the be er or to adapt our laws to suit our
ever‐changing world, is a luxury, and one that should be
held strongly by all patriots.
Parliament, in my opinion, is an opportunity to progress
as an alliance of people with thought in their minds and
bravery at heart. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote: ‘when a
long train of abuses and usurpa ons, pursuing invariably the
same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despo sm, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
security.’ I believe strongly in the moral this quote
encompasses, that when one leading party becomes a
wound to a na on, it is the right of the ci zens to choose
new government.
Democracy is extremely important to us in many different
ways. It gives us guidelines so we can each live a
harmonious life, it brings out the best in us as we all take a
role within our country and it brings us together. It is
something cherished by all, in very different contexts. What
does democracy means to me? It means that I can grow
throughout my life knowing that I am part of something
special, knowing that my thoughts ma er and knowing
that together our communi es can make a difference.
Trudy Burge of the Pershore and District Naval Associa on
presen ng books ‘Pershore Men of the Great War’ to
Headteacher Clive Corbe , Mayor of Pershore Councillor
Tony Rowley, and students Susan Forse and Beth Ireland.
It was in his dying breaths, a er crea ng the first
parliament, that Simon de Mon ort spoke these words:
‘Thank God.’ I believe through this he meant that
democracy is a gi , for without it we would remain in
darkness, never daring to light the spark our mighty words.
Ma hew Bessant
DofE Gold Award Presentation
Former Pershore High School students Mark Grimes,
Alexander Williams, and Emily Cooper picked up their Gold
awards at St James' Palace on Tuesday, 26th November.
HRH Prince Philip came in to the room for approximately
ten minutes, and spoke to a few students in each of the
four different groups in the room. He engaged Mark in a
discussion on Chemistry at Edinburgh, and whether they s ll
taught it in La n. HRH used to be the Rector at Edinburgh
University, and apparently lectures used to be given in La n
many moons ago.
The actor, Larry Lamb, then handed out the cer ficates to
each individual.
A lovely day was had by all concerned.
Pictured right: Alexander Williams, Emily Cooper and Mark
Grimes. Although not pictured, former students Lois Godwin
and Gemma Hiden were also presented with their awards.
Happy Christmas from members of the Pershore Town Youth Council
Fes ve cheer arrived in Pershore as
hundreds of people celebrated the
Christmas Lights Switch‐on event
which was led by Youth Mayor, Becky
Wallbank and the Youth Council.
Father Christmas and his reindeer
were special guests as the day ended
with a stunning firework display.
To mark the fes ve season and to
remember loved ones who were no
longer there to celebrate, there was a
candle lit procession through the town
and the ligh ng of the Tree of Light
Christmas Tree in Broad Street which
was organised by the Rotary Club.
Pictured above: Maisie Young, Charlie
Chippendale, Abi Jones and Polly
Natynczuk, who ran a tombola.
Pictured at the Lights of Love service:
Emily and Sam Broadbent, singer Paula
Evans, Rev David Knight and Alison
Pershore Rotary Club
Photography Competition
Pershore High School Photography
students recently took part in the RIBI
Young Photographer compe on.
There was a good entry and the judges
expressed their pleasure in the range of
work and the quality of the finished
The three top entries were:
1st Ma lda Maginnis
2nd Charlo e Hooper
3rd George Griffiths
In addi on, the Vale of Evesham
Camera Club have kindly donated a
box of photographic prin ng paper for
each of these winning entries. All the
entrants will receive a cer ficate of
par cipa on.
Thank you to all the students who
took part and congratula ons to the
Special thanks to Mr Kit Carson
Chairman of the Youth Opportuni es
Commi ee for organising the
compe on.
Pictured above: Ma lda Maginnis,
Charlo e Hooper and George Griffiths
House News
It has been a long term but
packed full with fantas c
achievements from our
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beau ful sight,
Is an ePraise delight.
Walking in an Armstrong wonderland.
Gone away are the mock exams,
Here to stay is cheer and clapping of
The choir sings a song,
As we go along,
Walking in an Armstrong wonderland.
Later on, it is me to rest,
Family fun, Christmas is the best
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in an Armstrong wonderland.
In the cinema we can watch a movie,
Rewarded for a endance and good
gra ,
Santa’s on his way,
Things are groovy,
For Armstrong boys and girls on the
right path.
New Year starts on the Tuesday
We’ll be back Armstrong’s here to
Trying new clubs, and doing your best
Means we’ll be walking in an
Armstrong wonderland…..
Over the last term I have issued 920
commenda ons to students for various
achievements in the classroom; issued
141commenda ons for fantas c effort
and progress in their current progress
check and 84% of Year 8, 9 and 10
students have qualified for the reward
trip to the cinema by not receiving
deten ons and having good a endance.
I would like to take this opportunity to
wish all Armstrong students and parents
a fantas c Christmas and a happy and
healthy new year.
Mrs Kilmister Mrs Taylor Kingsley
On the one hand it
seems like it was
only yesterday that
we started the new
school year and welcomed the new
Year 8 students, on the other hand we
are approaching the end of two long
half terms. We are all looking forward
to the well‐deserved Christmas holiday.
Christmas is always a me to be
thankful for what we have as well as
thinking about people who have
considerably less. Thank you to every‐
one who has contributed items to the
foodbank collec on. Low income and
welfare problems across the country
have seen foodbank numbers rise by
38% in the last year despite the
economic recovery. Mid‐year sta s cs
reveal in the UK 492,641 families have
been given three days emergency food
between April‐September 2014.
Keep going Kingsley – We can win! Tutor Group Points as of 1st December E‐Praise Points ‐ Well done to
everyone who is earning points to
spend in the reward shop. Ask your
child to show you the ePraise
website if you haven’t already had a
Congratula ons to our top point
scorers and check out where your
tutor group is in the graph.
There’s not much in it !!
Top 10 Kingsley students for Points
William Parry
1st December 2014
Alice Forson
Bryony Meek
Felix Minion
Reed James
Amy Cur s
Beth Harvey
Will Bugg
Natasha Meusz
Jennifer Cooper
1 2 00 0
1 0 00 0
8 0 00
6 0 00
4 0 00
2 0 00
Congratula ons to Jordan Cox who is
star ng to turn a dream into reality a er
landing a two year scholarship with
Aston Villa Football Club. Fantas c news
Jordan – well done from everyone in
Finally we hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mr Lake – Head of House Miss Brown – Deputy Head of House Mrs Jenkins – House Administrator Magellan
As always, the me has
flown by and here we
are almost at the
Christmas break.
It has been a busy
Autumn Term for
everyone and in par cular for
Year 11, 12 and 13 with their Mock
Examina ons. This will have allowed
the students to see just how well they
can organise themselves and cope with
the demands of revision and the stress
of examina ons. By taking the process
seriously they will have gained a clear
picture of what is required and learned
where they can make improvements
for the real thing when the me comes.
With first Progress Checks, Reports and
Mock examina ons behind everyone,
this is perhaps an ideal me for some
reflec on and personal target se ng
ahead of those the New Year
resolu ons.
A Combined Effort A massive thank
you to everyone
who has made a
contribu on to the House Point total
this term. We are now at the half way
point in this year’s compe on and it
is only by everyone doing their bit that
we can hope to challenge for that
number one spot. MLK are currently
leading the charge for Magellan with a
group contribu on of 9938 House
Points. Fantas c!
The current Top 5 Magellan Tutor
Groups are as follows:
With more performances like these
we can look forward to con nued
progress toward that first place in the
Summer term.
The current Top 10 Magellan students
leading the way are:
1 Charlo e Rushforth MRE 725 2 Elise Coleman MLK 719 3 Alexander Lowbridge MLK 681 4 Erin Young MPE 646 5 Kacper Boniecki MAW 615 6 Tommy Ross MLK 599 7 Louise Hird MNE 594 8 Megan Crossley MLK 593 9 Bethany Neal MLK 588 MBF 587 10 Oliver Morgan Finally I hope you enjoy the
fes ve break and I
wish each and every
one of you a very
happy Christmas and
successful New Year!
Mr Watson Miss McPherson Miss Jenny Ludlow played support to
Alvin Stardust
On Saturday 18th
October 2014, Miss
Jenny Ludlow, a
member of the
Mainstream Au sm
Base, was asked to
support glam rock
legend Alvin Stardust
at the Regal Cinema in
Evesham. This was the
second me she had
played at the Regal,
the first me she supported 10cc.
Jenny played to a packed audience and included her own
songs, Elephant and Stay, and also some covers. Alvin
Stardust sang some of his songs and also told stories about
his career in pop music and ac ng over the years. He
complimented Jenny on her performance, saying she had a
beau ful voice.
Sadly, five days later Alvin died following a short illness. Jenny
said she was saddened to hear of his death and that he was
very friendly towards her and said some very kind words.
Teddy and Mrs Griffin visit
Regency High School
Le er received from Ms Tina Reading, Key Stage 5 Manager, Regency High School Thank you so much for coming to school yesterday ‐ my group really enjoyed mee ng you and Teddy and learnt a lot about PAT dogs. The PMLD students also really enjoyed mee ng Teddy and it will be great if you can come back again next term. Please could you thank your Headteacher for allowing you to come over to us ‐ it is so good to make posi ve links with other schools. Mrs Jacqui Griffin, Diverse Curriculum
Co‐ordinator, was invited to give a talk
to Regency Sixth Form students on
voluntary work.
The students prepared ques ons to ask
Mrs Griffin about her Yorkshire Terrier
Cross, Teddy, and the work he does at
Pershore High School.
Teddy is a ‘Pets as Therapy’ dog and
spends one day a week at Pershore
High School working with students from
the Hampton Centre and the BASE.
Safeguarding Notice
There has been an increasing amount of
coverage of issues surrounding child
sexual exploita on in the press.
As a result of this, PACE (Parents
Against Child Exploita on) and The
Safeguarding Children E‐academy have
created a FREE online course
to raise awareness aimed at parents
and carers. This course will help
parents and carers to: *understand
child sexual exploita on; *find out how
to spot the signs; *know who to report
any concerns. The website link for this
course, if you wish to do it, is:
h p://
Further relevant informa on on who to
contact for help is available from
safeguarding‐children.aspx . 38
Participant Evaluation Form
Age (in years)……………………………..School year…………………………………………………..
Gender (M/F)………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ethnicity (Number and/or description - see below)..……………………………………………………
White British
White Scottish
White Welsh
White Irish
Any other white background (describe)
Mixed Ethnicity
White & Black Carribean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Any other mixed ethnicity (describe)
Asian/Asian British/Scottish/Welsh/Irish
Any other Asian background (describe)
Black/Black British/Scottish/Welsh/Irish
Any other Black/African/Carribean background (describe)
Other ethnic group (describe)
Belief (Religion or N/A)……..………………………………………………………………………………
Education (name of School/College/University)............................…………………………………….
Resident (nearest Town/City)……………………………………………………………………………...
Please put an ‘X’ in the box which applies & comment if necessary.
1. Have you had an opportunity to voice your opinion?
Don’t know
2. Have your opinions been listened to?
Don’t know
3. Has your contribution been valued?
Don’t know
4. Is there something you would want this group to develop as a result of today?
Don’t know
5. Would you like to be involved in a national conference?
Don’t know
6. What went well today?
7. What didn’t go well today?
8. How can it be improved if we were to run this event again next year?
More rewards from ePraise,
this time for Parents
We are now approaching the end of the first full term of our new rewards system. Since its implementa on, 383,050 points
have been awarded to students, who are now star ng to receive their rewards. Points are being redeemed in the ePraise
‘Shop’ for a range of items which include sta onary, food and other special privileges.
At the me of going to press, 244 students have achieved our first ‘Milestone’, having received 500 points. One benefit of the
new system is that it will strengthen the home‐school rela onship, as parents are able to share student successes as ePraise
emails parents when Milestones are achieved.
All parents can login to ePraise using the email address shared with school. Once logged in a wealth of informa on is
available (see diagram below for some key features). In addi on, ePraise has recently developed some new features which
are being trialled by a small number of staff and will be evaluated in the Summer Term. These features may provide further
useful informa on for parents in due course. Newsle er updates will keep parents informed as and when any such
developments are confirmed.
A Student (PHS) ‐ Pershore
Points A endance See what your child is being rewarded for, which subjects and where they rank in
the whole school. You can also see points available to spend and what Milestones
they have achieved (when Milestones are met you should receive an email) Monitor your son or
daughter’s a endance
for this academic year.
Privacy Notice - Data Protection Act 1998
We, Pershore High School, are a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protec on Act. We collect
informa on from you and may receive informa on about you from your previous school and the Learning Records
Service. We hold this personal data and use it to:
Support your teaching and learning;
Monitor and report on your progress;
Provide appropriate pastoral care,
Assess how well your school is doing.
Support a Young Person in their transi on to a Post‐16 Provider of Educa on or Training.
Informa on about you that we hold includes your contact details, na onal curriculum assessment results,
a endance informa on and personal characteris cs such as your ethnic group, any special educa onal needs you
may have and relevant medical informa on. If you are enrolling for post 14 qualifica ons the Learning Records Service will give us your unique learner number (ULN) and may also give us details about your learning or qualifica ons. In addi on for Secondary and Middle deemed Secondary Schools Once you are aged 13 or over, we are required by law to pass on certain informa on to providers of youth support services in your area. This is the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in England. We must provide the names and addresses of you and your parent(s), and any further informa on relevant to the support services’ role. We may also share data with post 16 providers to secure appropriate support on entry to Post 16 provision. However parent(s) can ask that no informa on beyond names, addresses and your date of birth be passed to the support service. This right transfers to you on your 16th birthday. Please tell Mrs Alison Nice, [email protected] , or 01386 552471 extension 289 if you wish to opt out of this arrangement. For more informa on about young people’s services, please go to the Na onal Careers Service page at h ps://
na We will not give informa on about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to. We are required by law to pass some informa on about you to the Department for Educa on (DfE) and, in turn, this will be available for the use(s) of the Local Authority. If you want to see a copy of the informa on about you that we hold and/or share, please contact Mrs Alison Nice,
[email protected] or 01386 552471 extension 289.
Your a en on is drawn to the full text version of this Privacy No ce on Worcestershire County Council's website.
h p://‐informa on‐for‐parents/policy‐and‐guidance.aspx
If you require more informa on about how the Local Authority (LA) and/or DfE store and use your informa on,
then please go to the following websites:
h p:// and use the search func on to look up privacy no ces.
h p://www.educa s cs/datatdatam/b00212337/datause
If you are unable to access these websites we can send
you a copy of this informa on. Please contact the LA
or DfE as follows:
Performance Development Team
Worcestershire County Council
Children's Services
County Hall
Worcestershire County Council
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01905 728848
Public Communica ons Unit
Department for Educa on
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
Website: www.educa
email: h p://www.educa
Telephone: 0370 000 2288
Senior Citizens’ Coffee Morning
Pershore High
School Alumni
Are you a past student of
Pershore High School ?
Do you know someone who is ?
We are hoping to set up an
Alumni for old pupils
Last Friday, Pershore High School
entertained around 150 local people
at its annual Senior Ci zen’s Coffee
Morning. Those a ending were
given food and drinks, Christmas gi s,
and entertained by choir, group and
individual student musical performances.
Carols were sung and a great me was
had by all. Head teacher, Clive
Corbe , who compered the event, said;
“This is a really important date in the
school’s calendar when we have the
opportunity to give something back
to our local community and give a
really happy start to their Christmas
celebra ons.”
Pictured above: Victoria Knapton and
Head Girl, Alice Bull with Rev Arthur
Williams at the coffee morning.
Keep an eye on our Facebook
and Twitter pages for
information on old pupils
We would love you to contact
us with your details at
[email protected]
Important information about term time absence
Changes have been made to
the guidelines provided by
Worcestershire County Council
rela ng to the authorisa on of term
me absence for holidays.
The na onal regula ons governing
student a endance make it clear
that parents do not have any right
or en tlement to take a child out of
school for the purposes of a term‐ me
holiday. Holidays during term me
should be seen as an excep on to the
norm and term me absence should
not be authorised unless there are
excep onal circumstances.
The Head teacher will be responsible for
deciding what cons tutes excep onal
circumstances and each request for term‐
me absence will be considered on an
individual basis.
An excep onal circumstance is likely to be: ● a one‐off, unique situa on such as,
a parent, grandparent or other close
rela ve is seriously ill and the holiday
proposed is likely to be the last such
● there may have been a significant
trauma in the family recently and the
ECL is an established retailer situated on the
outskirts of Worcester providing a wide range of
quality equestrian products for both horse and
rider at compe ve prices backed by
knowledgeable staff all of whom are dedicated
horse and pet owners.
Equestrian & Country Leisure Ltd Equestrian House Top Barn Business Centre Worcester Road Holt Heath Worcester WR6 6NH We provide a comprehensive range of animal
feeds and supplements for the horse owner and
the Smallholder – everything from horse and
pony nuts to potbellied pig food. If you need feed
or bedding delivered to your home or yard then
please call us on 01905 621300
begin_of_the_skype_highligh ng. Horse, Dog
and Cat Wormers and Frontline flea control are
no problem either – simply visit us and chat with
Flo our resident SQP “Worm Lady”.
Head teacher might consider that an
immediate holiday might enable the
child concerned to be er deal with
the situa on;
● the holiday might be a unique,
one‐off never‐to‐be‐repeated
occasion which can only take place at
the me requested.
The cheaper cost of holidays in term
me will not be accepted as an
excep onal circumstance.
Any queries rela ng to term me
absence requests should be directed
to the House Administrator
For the smallholder: Poultry, Pigs, Sheep and
Ca le are well catered for with a broad
spectrum of hardware and feed supplies.
Our pet department also carries a wide range
of products for cats, dogs and other small pets
as well as plenty to choose from to keep the
wild birds in your back garden well fed
and happy.
Our other departments include Toys and
Gi ware together with a choice of Country and
Casual Clothing.
December 2014 Newsletter Reply Slip
Please sign this reply slip and return to the House Office, or please email details to
Adminoffi[email protected] not later than Friday 9th January 2015. There is a prize for the first
drawn out.
Signed: ………………………………………………...…..…....………..….………..… Parent/Guardian
Student: ……………………………………….…………….……….. Tutor Group: ……………..
The winner of the October/November reply slip draw is: