MT7000 Series Manual - Meiji Techno America
MT7000 Series Manual - Meiji Techno America
MT7000 and MT8000 series DK MEUIrEcHNo co.,LTD. JAPAN Tableof Contents 1.0 lntroduction 1.1 MicroscopeFeatures 1.21GeneralSafetyGuidelines 1.33 IntendedProductUse Statement 1.44 Handlingthe microscope 1.55 WarrantyNotes 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Microscopeand its Components Installation Site Unpacking MicroscopeSet Up AdjustingInterpupillary Distance 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 MicroscopeOperation Centering the Lamp- Incidentllluminator IncidentLightOperation- Brightfield TransmittedLightOperation- Brightfield Usingthe Polarizer/ Slide-lnAnalyzer Photomicrography with 35mm SLR and DigitalSLR Cameras Photomicrography with DigitalStillCameras Connectrng a Videoor other Camerathat usesa "C" type mount 4.0 Maintenance and Cleaning 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Troubleshooting Replacingthe mainsfuse on the microscope IncidentLightdoes not work Replacing the 6v 30w HalogenLamp- Incidentllluminator Replacingthe 6V 30W HalogenLamp- Transmittedllluminator 6.0 Storage 7.0 Packingand Transport 8.0 Accessories and Replacements Parts 9.0 TechnicalDescriptions 10.0 PhysicalDimensions MTTOOOIMTSOOOSeries Metallurgical Microscope 1.Introduction TheMeijiTechnoMT7000and MT8000SeriesMetallurgical Microscopes havea moderncompactdesign. placement Easyoperation is achievedthroughergonomic of controlsmakingthemidealfor usein production andqualitycontrol Meiji'sMT7000and MT8000Seriesarewellsuitedfor a widevarietyof metallurgical observational applications as wellas highresolution videomicroscopy. TheMT7000and MT8000SeriesMicroscopes highresolution imagesin delivercrisp,distortion{ree, Brighlfield mode. MeijiTechnosuppliesa varietyof accessories including filters,micrometers andcamera simplepolarizing adaDters. 1.1MicroscopeFeatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AidedDesignedFrameandOptics Computer All Newand lmprovedPlanEpiscopic Objectives SlimCompactFootprint InfinityCorrectedOpticalSystem Powerful 6V 30WVerticalKoehlerllluminator (MT8000series) Powerlul6V 30WTransmitted LightKoehlerllluminator LowPositioned Ergonomic Fine Focus CoaxialCoarseand Controls SmoothOperating ReverseFacingQuintuple Nosepiece CeramicCoatedFlatTopStagewithleftor right-handed controls Siedentop{-type Binocular andTrinocular ViewingHeads OptionalSiedentopf-type Ergonomic Binocular ViewingHeadavailable (SWH10X, SuperWidefield HighEyepointEyepieces F.N.22) AutomaticVoltageSensingPowerSupplywithdetachablepowercord Wide Rangeol FiltersandAccessories 1.2 GeneralSafetyGuidelines MeijiTechnoproductsaredesignedfor sateoperation undernormaloperating conditions. Theinslrument andaccessories described in thismanualhavebeenbuiltandtestedaccording to induslrysalety standards for electronic laboratory instruments. Incorrect usageor non-conformance to operating instructions cancausepersonaliniuryor damageto equipment or property.Keepthismanuarnearyour. instrument for easyreference. 1.3IntendedProductUse ProductDisclaimer:This productis designedand intended for useonlyas a metallurgical microscope system'Modifying thisinstrument in anywayfor usein anysituation otherthanthe originatand intended productdesignwillautomatically voidthe warranty. In no eventshallMeijiTechnobe liibrero anyperson or entityfor anyincidental, indirector consequential damages,arisingoutof or in connectron withthe use performance or of a modifiedor alteredoroduct. 1.4 ProductSafetyInformation-Handlingthe Microscope LA,waBNTNG DO NOTOPERATEUNLESSTHEUNITIS PROPERLY GROUNDED! Useonlythespecified powercordin a welrgroundedsocket.Do not usein an ungroundeo power receptacle or in caseswherethereis a breakin thegroundconductor or damageto theelectrical wirino. only fusesof the specified typeandratingareto be usedas repracements. switchoffthe powerano disconnect power the cordbeforereplacing fuses.Useof a non-compliant fusemayresultin electrical shockor severedamageyourequipment. Do not replacethe bulbfor at least1o minutesafterthe unithas beenturnedoffor injurymayresult. 1.5WarrantyStatement Modifying the instrument in anywayor unauthorized attemptsto disassemble or usethe Instrumenl for applications otherthanits intended designwiflautomaticaly voidthewarranty. MeijiTechnowarrants thisproductagainstdefectsin materialand/orworkmanship for the lifeof the instrumenl fromthe dateof the originalpurchase to the originalpurchaser. MeijiTechnowillrepairor replace,at itsoption,anyinstrument whichundernormalconditions of useandserviceprovesto be defective in materialor workmanship. No chargewitlbe madefor laboror malerials withrespectto defects coveredby thrswarranty, providedall repairworkis doneby MeiiiTechno. Thiswarrantydoesnotcoverexpensesincurredin the removalor reinstallation of anyinstrument or instruments, whetheror nol provendefective. Replacement repairs furnished under this warranty are or subjectto thesametermsandconditions of the originalwarranty. Thiswarrantysupersedes anyother warranty and is subject10thefollowing termsandconditions: WARRANTY productextendsto the originalpurchaser Warranty of the productandis nottransferable. of MeijiTechno's WABRANTY DURATION MeijiTechnowarrantsthisproductagainstdefectsin materialand/orworkmanship for the lifeof the instrument fromthe dateof originalpurchase to theoriginalpurchaser. Theelectrical warrantyis oneyear. OWNER'S REGISTRATION CARD withinten (10)daysafterthe original Returnof the owner'sregistration cardby the originalpurchaser purchaseis a condition precedent to coverageunderthiswarranty. MeijiTechnowillat its optionaccept writtenproofof purchase fromthe originalownerin lieuof a productregistration card. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS Specifically excludedfromthiswarrantyarefailurescausedby abuse,neglect,misuse,improper operation, normalwear,accident,impropermaintenance or modifications of ANYtype.Thiswanantydoes nol coverrepairor replacement All wherenormalusehasexhausted the lifeof a partor instrument. mechanical devicesneedperiodicpartsreplacement andserviceto performwell.Servicelifeol an instrument is dependent uponthe careit receivesandthe conditions underwhichit hasto operate.In no damages. eventshallMeijiTechnobe liablefor incidental or consequential SERVICE pleasecontactMeijiTechnodirectlyandasklor the ProductService Toobtainserviceunderthiswarranty, problem, Department. modelandserialnumberof the instrument, dateof purchase Statethe natureof the andlocationand nameof the distributor the instrument was purchased from.Afterverification of warranty registration, MeijiTechnowillissuea returnauthorization number.Customermaythenreturnthe product postageprepaidandinsuredto the authorized repairfacility. In mostinstances, requests in a promptand routinemannerand for warrantyservicewillbe performed periodof timeor at MeijiTechno's In some merchandise willbe returnedin a reasonable convenience. justifiedcases,requests for warrantyservicearereceivedwhicharenot In thesecases,MeiiiTechnowill providean explanation for non-warranty aclion. 4 TERMS WARRANTY to represent or act Thetermsof thiswarrantymaynotbe variedby anyperson,whetheror notpurporting The limitedlifetimewarranlyprovidedis in lieuol anyandallwarranties, on behalfof MeijiTechno. purposeor otherwise. Liability for merchantability or fitnesslor a particular implied, whether expressed or are for consequential damagesunderany,andallwanantiesareexcludedto the extentexclusions permitted by law.Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrightsandyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhich varyfromstateto state.Thiswanantysetsforththe customer'sexclusiveremedy,with respectto products. Thislimitedwarrantyshallbecomenullandvoidin the eventof a violationo{ the defective ol thislimitedwarrantv. orovisions 2.0The Microscopeand its Components Microscope. The imagebelowdesignatesthe maincomponentsof the MT8000SeriesBrightfield going ready for instrument is now use. to be installed,the are lf no otheraccessories IEHK - MT7000/MT8000 Series The Microscopeand its Components 7I - ---__ D. 9__ 10_ 11 16 Siedentopf TrinocularHead EyepieceSWH10X,F.N.22 Incidentllluminator Analizerin slidermount Ergonomicreversednosepiece \ 15 12. Focustensionadjustment, turnthe knurled ringcounter-clockwise to tightenthe tension 13. Adjustablesafetyknob,turn leverclockwise to lockthe stageheight 14. Condenserrack heightadjustmentknob Ceramiccoatedstage 15. Standalonepowersupplyfor incidentilluminator of MTB000series Substagecondenserwith built-in lrisdiaphragm(MT8000series) 1 6 . Powerswitch Fiftertray (MT8000series) Fieldiris (MT8000series) Integratedilluminator Dropdown coaxialstagecontrols 1 7 . Low positionedergonomiccoaxialcoarse and fine focusingcontrol 1 8 . Low positionedvariablebrightnesscontrol 1 9 . Trinocularheadwith integratedmale"C" mount 20. Beamsplitterfor cameraport !lnhti;iiii46$rij+slindifi4i\;Eni/4n+.H'*iiid.E&-49i;+.jf*$#n$Y.|.ta*.$ffiW -- 2.1 InstallationSite possible. The microscope shouldbe operatedin a roomwithas littledustas practically Keepyourinstrument awayfromsolvents, chemicalfumesandexcessive humidity. Alsotry to avoidbig swingsin ambienttemperature, directsunlightandvibration as theycanaffeclmeasurements and inslrument oerformance. OperatingAmbientConditions Temperature: 10 - 36"C(50- 96.8'F) RelativeHumidity: 0 - 80%up to 30'C (86"F) 2.2 Unpacking Pleasecheckyourpackingslipto insurethatall materials arepresent.Keepa copyfor yourrecordsso partsor thatyou havethe properinformation whenorderingmoreequipment, orderingreplacement accessories or whencallingfor technical support.Pleasemakesurethatno smallpiecesor partsareleft in the packingmaterial. Keepthe packingmaterials in a safeplacefor the purposeof storageand transporting the microscope and itsaccessories. T---',-r |IAATTErloN Avoidtouchingthe surfaceof opticalcomponents suchas lenses,filtersandglass Evenverysmalltracesof perspiration surfaces. or fingeroilscancorrodethe surfacesoJopticsin a short periodof time. 2.3 MicroscopeSet Up . As a firststep,removeall componentsfromthe shippingcontainerand removethe packingmaterials. o Placethe microscopeframeon a stablework surface. Verticalllluminator A n a l i z e ri n s l i d e r -:^t) t-;^ Aperturelris Clampscrew - J . Loosenthe clampscrewon the microscopelimb and installthe (MA927).Oncethe thumbscrewis tightened,place verticalilluminator onto the binocularhead(MA815or MAB16)or the optional(MAgs7) and re-tightenthe clampscrewwhilethe the top of the illuminator head is in the correctpositionas shownright. MA927Vertical llluminator . Installthe Siedentopfheadwith the 2mm allenwrenchsuppliedbeing carefulto alignthe notchin the headwith the set screw. the two eyepieces(MA817)bVslidingthem intothe head Next,lnstall and then installthe rubbereyeshieldson top of each eyepiece.The eyepiecesfor MT8000Seriesarea DIN standard30.0mmdiameter. . Screweachobjectiveintoa nosepieceopeningbeingcarefulnot to or in orderof power. touchthe optics.Installthem incrementally to the back . MT7000series:Connectcord fromthe incidentilluminator of the microscope. Powersupplyis built-inthe microscope.Plugthe powercord set to the microscopeand the otherend intoa grounded outlet. 9 Vertical llluminator Plug o MT7000 series 7l r \tr J | l f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l L JI I 1t t" I | ". Y-, ll I 1"..: il to the MT8000series:Connectthe cordfromthe incidentilluminator Plugthe powercordsetintothe standalonepowersupply(MA927105). microscopeand the otherend intoa groundedoutlet. Boththe MT700OSeriesMicroscopeand the externalstandalone powersupplyfor MT80O0haveautovoltagesensingso they can be usedwith any voltagefrom any countryin the worldfrom 100 voltsto 260 voltsAC with the propercordset. It | I '|""" I M E r Jrrr c H N o c o . L r D I | | ' I 4i\ lt- \\- \Y ll I I I f-A-)dfffi.b A rG ^\O\J/g\l " "llz 1-r r vv Plug Verticalllluminator MT8000series Power cordset plug CAUTION The mainspowercord shouldonly be pluggedinto a knowngroundedoutlet' circuit. of a grounded A simpleoutlettestercan be usedto verifycorrectoutletpolarityandthe presence is nowreadyfor use. the instrument aregoingto be installed, lf no otheraccessories 8 2.4 AdiustinglnterpupillaryDistance The Interpupillary Distanceis essentially the distancebetweenyourtwo pupilsexpressedin millimeters. When set correctly, one will see one uniformroundfieldof view or FOV.The adjustmentis made by simply pullingapartor pushingtogetherthe eyetubesuntila uniformroundfieldis achieved.Makenoteof the numbermarkedon the viewingheadso you can repeatthe settinglater. i nterpupillary distance ffi Whenyou placea specimenon the stage,get it intofocuswith the right eye whileyour lefteye is closed.Oncethe rightside is in focusby using the fine focusknobon the microscope, open your lefteye and use the diopteron the lefteyetubeto bringthe leftside in focus. Oncethis is done,the microscopeis adjustedto this user.Otheruserswill havedifferentlP's and differentfocusingabilities. 3.0 Operation Oncethe microscope hasbeensetupin itsworkinglocation withall of the components correctlv installed. it is readyfor use. YourMT7000/MT8000SeriesMicroscope is a precision instrument designed to lasta lifetime. Always handleyourmicroscope withcareandavoidabruptmotion,vibration andshock. Do notinstallany bulbin yourinstrument otherthanonesdesignated by Meijirechno: 6V 30W Halogen For both Verticaland IntegratedKoehlerllluminators ModelsMT7000. MT7100,MT8000& MTB100 Alwaysdisconnecl the powercordfromthe backof the microscope whennotbeingused,or when yourinstrument cleaning or whenmakingany repairs. A=A-rro-l Avoid Dismantling Neverattemptto dismantle the instrument. Thiswillvoidyourwarrantyandcouldpossiblyleadto the instrument no longerperforming accurately. r I r! !; airar;i:r;:.:: q 3.1 Centeringthe Lamp- Incidentllluminator Yourlightsourcemayneedto be "centered" if thefieldof viewseemsunevenlyilluminated. Thecentering controlsarelocatedon the sideof the lightsourcehousingat the backendof thevertical illuminator. Thedrawingbelowshowsthe locationof the controls. CenteringAdjustment to a comfortable levelwithno specimen on the stage. 1.Adjustthe brightness 2. Loosenthe screwon the verticaladjustmentand whilelookinginto the eyetubes,centerthe bulbverticallyin the fieldof view and then retightenthe screwwhilethe bulbfilamentis in the correctposition. to lookintothe eyetubes, centerthe bulbfilamentin 3. Whilecontinuing the fieldof view by usingthe knobto attaincenteringin the left-right position. VerticalAdjustment Horizontal A dj ustment This adjustmentwill also needto be donewheneverthe bulb is changed. series) 3.2 lncident Light Operation- Brightfield(MT7000/MT8000 1. First,set your interpupillary distanceon the microscopeeyetubesby pullingthem apartor pushingthem closertogetherto fit your eyes. Whenset correctly, one will see one uniformroundor "fused"fieldof view.Makenoteof the distancesettingwhen adjustedto your liking so you can laterrepeatthe setting. Field of view Fused 2. Adjustingthe brightnessdesiredis done withthe variablebrightness controlknobon microscopebase (MT7000), or controlknobon the frontof the standalonepowersupplyMT8000). is 3. Makesurethe fieldirisdiaphragmon the verticalilluminator openedall the way open (moveleverto the right)to start. 4. We recommendthat you initiallyuse a flat,easilyrecognizable specimento set up your microscope.Placethat specimenon the stage. r:: rit r r iilq ]Es#ffiffit sffi Incidentlightpowersupply MTB000Series 10 - 5. Selecta lowerpower"scanning" objectivelikethe 5X or the 10X to findthe areaof intereston the quickly.Be surethe obiective "clicks"intoplacewhenyouturntheobjectivenosepiece. specimen 6. By usingthe coarseandfinefocusknobsshownabove,adjustyourspecimenintofocuswithyour lefteyeclosed(lookingonlythroughthe righteyetube). Withthe specimenin focus,closethe right eyeyoujustusedandopenthe le{t.lf the specimenis outof focusfor the lefteye,adjustthe diopter on the eyetubeuntilthefocusin correct.The microscope is nowadjusted 1orthisuser.Focusing eyetubesallowsus to compensate for usersthatwearcorrective eye lenses.lf youwearglasses,you maywantto removethe rubbereyeguards. 7. Theapertureirisdiaphragm locatedon the verticalilluminator can be "stoppeddown"or closed give your power. somewhat to the observation of specimenmoreor lesscontrastor resolving downthe diaphragm resolution Stopping decreases andbrightness but increases imagecontrastand deothol focus. 3.3 TransmittedLight Operation- Brightfield(MT8000series) 1. First,set your interpupillary distanceon the microscopeeyetubesby pullingthem apartor pushingthem closertogetherto fit your eyes. When set correctly, one will see one uniformroundor "fused"fieldof view.Makenoteof the distancesettingwhen adjustedto your likingso you can laterrepeatthe setting. 2. Turnon the microscopepowerswitchwhichis locatedas shownat right.Adjustingthe transmittedlightbrightnessis done with the variablebrightnesscontrolknobon the bodyof the microscopeshown at right. 3. Makesurethe fieldirisdiaphragmon the integratedtransmitted illuminator is openedall the way open (turnoutsideknobto the right) to start. 4. We recommendthat you initiallyuse a flat,easilyrecognizable specimen.Placethat specimenon the stage. ll Field of view Fused 5. Selecta lowerpower"scanning" obiectivelikethe 5X or the 10X to findthe areaof intereston the quickly.Be surethe objective "clicks"intoplacewhenyouturntheobjectivenosepiece. specimen 6. By usingthe coarseandtineJocusknobsshownabove,adiustyourspecimenintofocuswithyour lefteyeclosed(lookingonlythroughthe righteyetube). Wilhthe specimenin focus,closethe right just eyeyou usedandopenthe left.lf the specimenis outof focusfor the lefteye,adjustthe diopter is nowadjusted for thisuser.Focusing on the eyetubeuntilthe focusin correct.The microscope eyetubesallowsus to compensate Jorusersthatwearcorrective eye lenses.l{ youwearglasses,you maywantto removethe rubbereyeguards. 7. Theirisdiaphragm locatedon thetransmitted illuminator can be "stoppeddown"or closedsomewhat power.Stoppingdownthe to givethe observation of yourspecimenmoreor lesscontrastor resolving resolution imagecontrastanddepthol focus. diaphragm decreases andbrightness but increases PossibleBrightfieldModeOperationalProblems lf normaladjustments are notgettingthe resultsyouexpect,checkto see if theseconditions exist: . Incorrect components inadvertently installed . Components frame,etc.) notmountedflush(Vertical llluminator to microscope . Dirtyor smudgedoptics . Aperturelrisor Fieldlrisarecompletely closed o Transmitted lightirisclosedcompletely . Darkfieldstop is inadvertently engaged MT7000/MT8000 Series Plan Epi Brightfield Objectives - F = 200mm - InfinityCorrected Brightfield Objectives - Strain Free Plan - PlanEpiscopic (inctuded) MA87O P l a n E p i 5 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 1 0 , w D - 2 0 . 0 m m MA871 (inctuded) P l a n E p i 1 0 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 2 5 , w D - 7 . 4 8 m m MA.872 (optionat) Plan Epi 20X, objective,NA: 0.40, wD = 5.20mm MA873 (inctuded) Plan Epi 50X objective,NA: 0.75, wD = 0.38mm MA874 (included) P l a n E p i 1 0 0 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 9 0 , w D = 0 . 3 7 m m 12 3.4 Usingthe Polarizer/ Slide-lnAnalyzer Polarizer Forcertainspecimens, the useof polarized lightwillenhancethe contrastandfacilitate viewingof difficult to see objectfeatures. Thepolarizing filteris engagedby droppingit intooneol thefilterslotslocatedalongthetop of the illuminator tubeas shownin the drawingbelow. Slide-lnAnalyzer Theanalyzeris mountedin a sliderwhichis locatedrightbelowtheviewingheadas shownin the drawing can be insertedor wilhdrawn fromthe opticalpathby grabbingthechromeknobandslidingit east-westin its slot.The leveron the side rotatesthe filterbetween0 and 90 degrees. Withthe analyzerengagedandthe leverset at 45 degrees,the polarizing elementsaresaidto be "crossed"and the fieldof viewwill becomedarkeror "extinguished". In thiscondition, thefieldof viewis darkexceptfor the opticallyactiveelementswithinthe fieldwhich becomevisibleagainstthe darkbackground. Verticalllluminator A n a l i z e ri n s l i d e r r:^,r ,-:^ Aperturelris Clampscrew r3 with 35mmSLR and DigitalSLR Cameras 3.5Photomicrography havea trinoculartube with ModelMT7100and MTB100microscopes integratedmale "C" mounton top of the headfor photomicroscopy. I i I tn orderto securea 35mm SLR camerabodyto thesemicroscopes, an optionalcameraattachmenttube (MA150/50or MA150/60)will needto be usedwith the corresponding T2 AdapterRingthat matchesthe camerato be used. The tablebelowshowsthe differentcamerasand adapterringsthat can be used: T2 CameraAdapter Rings T2-1 T2-2 T2-3 T2-4 T2-S T2-G T2-7 T2-B T2-g T2-10 Canon Minolta Pentax K PentaxS (threaded) Nikon Olympus Contax,Yashica Konica Canon EOS MinoltaAlpha/ Maxim2000 In addition, a photoeyepiecewillbe neededto makean imagefor thecamera.Thetablebelowshowsthe differentphotoeyepiecesthat are available: Photo eyepieces MA512 2.5XPholoeyepiece MA508 5X Photoeyepiece MA500 3.3XPhotoeyepiece 14 ': r*.. : ,r!:r:iiiir:i,. f.sf$l.nii.rris!iB$r{1rA;.it?i?,f3rJs:ti$ iu(c1+il*i1-a*F}*ist(iki;irai*;r$}}.f;:Tf$i4*N# 3.6 Photomicrographywith Digital Still Cameras gradedigitalcamerato a MT7100/MT8100 In orderto mounla consumer microscope, trinocular an optionalcameraadapterwillbe needed.Thetablebelowshowsthe ditferent camerasthatcan be used andtheircorresponding adapterpartnumber: ,rc,,Mount Eyetuhes TM Series Thread ML Series (25.4mm) (23.2mmlD, (attaches to male 27.2mmOD c-mount thread) Eyetubes) Digital Camera Model Canon Powershot 4610, 462 0 A630, 4640 MAl51/30/73 M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 7 3 M A 15 1/ 4 0 / 7 2 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 / 7 2 MA151/ 50/ 72 Canon Powershot A700, A700 ts MA151/30/75 M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 7 5 MA151/40/74 MA151/45/74 MA 151/ 50/ 74 Canon P ower s h o t G1,G2 M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 4 3 MA 1 51 /30/43 M A 15 1 / 4 0 / 4 2 MA151/45/42 MA 151/ 40/ 42 Canon Powershot G3, G5 M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 4 1 M A 15 1/ 3 0 / 4 1 M A 1 5 1/ 4 0 / 4 0 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 / 4 0 MA 151/ 50/ 40 Canon Powershot G6 MAl51 /30/31 MA151/30/31 M A 15 1 / 4 0 / 3 0 M A 15 1 / 4 5 / 3 0 MA 151/ 50/ 30 Canon Powershot G7 M A 15 1/ 3 0 1 2 1 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 2 1 M A 15 1 / 4 0 / 2 0 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 / 2 0 MA 151/ 50/ 20 F uji F inepi x M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 8 1 49002, 5602, 69002, S20Pro, 57000 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 8 1 M A 15 1 / 4 0 / 8 0 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 / 8 0 MA l51 / 50/ BO M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 5 0 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 5 1 M A 1 5 1/ 4 0 1 5 0 MA 1 51 /45/50 MA l51 / 55/ 50 Nik on Coolp i x 5000 M A 15 1 / 3 0 1 7 0 MA151/30/71 M A 1 5 1/ 4 0 / 7 0 M A 15 1/ 4 5 / 7 0 Nik on Coolp i x 5400 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 1 5 3 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 5 3 M A 15 1 / 4 0 / 5 2 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 1 5 2 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 6 1 M A 15 1/ 4 0 / 6 0 M A 1 s 1/ 4 5 / 6 0 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 6 3 M A 1 5 1/ 4 0 / 6 2 M A 15 1 / 4 5 1 6 2 M A 1 5 1/ 3 0 / 6 3 M A 1 5 1/ 4 0 / 6 4 M A 1 5 1/ 4 5 / 6 4 Nik on Coolp i x 800,900,950,990,995,4500 O ly m pus Cam e d i a c-3040, M A 1 5 1 / 3 0 / 6 1 c.2000, c-2020, c-3000, c.3030, c.4100. c.3100. c.4040. c.5050 O ly m pus Cam e d i a c-700, c-720, c-730, c-740, c-750, M A 1 5 1 / 3 0 / 6 3 c-755,C-760, C-765, C-770, SP500UZ Olympus Camedia c-5060 c-7070 15 Eyetubes EM Series (30.5mmlD, 34.0mmOD Eyetubes) Eyetubes RZ Series MT Series TC Series IM Series (30.0mm lD, 34.0mmOD Eyetubes) M A 15 1 / 3 0 / 6 5 MA 151/ 50/ 52 M A 1 5 1/ 5 0 1 6 2 VideoMicroscopy @ ffi DK3000 t-!2 CK3100N or CK3100P '113" CCDCamera DK3000 CK3900Nor CK3900P 112'CCD Camera "C"Mounts with Lens M A 1 5 1 / 3 5 / 0 30 . 3 X M A 1 5 1 / 3 5 / 0 40 . 4 5 X M A 1 5 11 3 5 1 5 00 . 5 x M A 1 5 11 3 5 1 1 51. 0X M A 1 5 11 3 5 1 2 00 . 7 X M A 1 5 11 3 5 1 2 52 . 5 X Slip the "C" mount with lens over the top of the photo tube C K 3 1 0 0 No r C K 3 1 0 0 P 1/3"CCD Camera f2-1 Canon f2-2 Minolta T2-3 PentaxK T2-4 PentaxS f2-5 Nikon f2-6 Olympus f2-7 Contax,Yashica T2-B Konica T2-9 CanonEOS f2-10 Minoltaa / Maxim2000 cK3900N or CK3900P 1/2"CCD Camera MA150/60 CameraAttachment w/findereyepieces NIKON,OLYMPUS, FUJI. DIGITALCamera DIGITAL Camera adapter Photo Eyepieces ( O-1 M A 5 1 2 2 . 5 X l." MA500 3.3X MASOBs.OX Connect directly to "C" mount type CCD Cameras Trinocular Head with IntegratedMale "C" mount Trinocular Head with Photo tube 16 3.7 Connectinga Videoor OtherCamerathat has a "C" type mount In orderto attacha camerathatemploysa standard"c" typecameramountto the MT710o/MTgi00 microscope, onecan usethe integrated male"c" mountby unscrewing and removing the chrometube. Tochangethe magnification seenby the camera,an optional"C-Mount" cameraattachment WITHLENS canbe usedon topof thetrinocular portof the microscope: Optional rrC' Mounts With Lenses - Forall MeijiTrinocular Microscopes MA151/35/03 "C" Mount Adapter with 0.3X lens (Stips photo overexisting tube) MA151135/04 "C" Mount Adapter with 0.45X lens (stips photo overexisting tube) MA151/35/50 "C" Mount Adapter with 0.5X lens (Stips photo overexisting tube) MA151t35t15 "C" Mount Adapter with 1.0X lens (Stips photo overexisting tube) MA151t35t20 "C" Mount Adapter with 0.7X lens (Stipsoverexisting phototube) MAl51/35/25 "C" Mount Adapter with 2.5X lens (Stips photo overexisting tube) 4.0 Maintenanceand Cleaning LArr4E!!!!E ' Disconnect the powercordon yourequipment priorto performing cleaning,maintenance or repair. . Keepelectrical components awayfrommoisture or humidity. ' In warmhumidclimates, takespecialcareto preventyourequipment fromexposure to fungalgrowth by usingdesiccant in an airtightstoragecontainer or by othermeans. ' Cleanthe microscopeaftereachuse.Keepingyour microscopecleanwill insureits properoperation overits lifetime. Dust Protection Be sureto use the supplieddustcoverwithyour microscopeaftereachworksession. Cleaning Dust,fibersandotherdebriscancauseyourfieldol viewto getobstructed so keepingyourmrcroscope cleanwillhelpthe overallqualityof yourwork. Cleaningof PaintedSurfaces Usea softbrushor lint-lreecottonclothto removeddustandlooseparticles. Toughdirtcan be removed withwateranda milddetergent. 17 Ac4gltclt NEVER usE AcEroNEoR orHERHARSH 6HEMTSALS. Paintedor plasticsurfacesshouldnotbe tarnished or etchedwithcleaningagentsthataretoo powerful. Tocleanpaintedsurfaces, usea moistened lint-free cottonclothwithmildsoapywater. Cleaningthe Stage Usea softbrushor lint-free cottonclothto removedustandlooseoarticles. DO NOTUSEACETONEOR OTHERHARSHCHEMICALS, usea moistened linftreecottonctothwitha solutionof mildsoapywater. Cleaningof Glass Surfaces Usea sott brushor lint-lreecottonclothto removedust and looseparticles. Fortoughdirt,use a soft lint-freecottonclothmoistenedwithdistilledwater. lf thatfails,try usingmedicalor reagentgradeisopropyl alcohol. Cleaningthe Objectives [$orxc=nI Objectives shouldNEVERbe disassembled for cleaningor for anyotherreasonlWe do notadvise cleaningthe insidesurlacesol objectivesor eyepieces. Usea softbrush,bellowsbrushor a softlint-free cottonclothto removeddustand looseDarticles. Fortoughdirt,usea sottlint-treecottonclothmoistened withdistilled water. lf thatfails,carefully try usingmedicalor reagentgradeisopropyl alcohol. Wipelensesimmediately. Overtime,waterandsolventscandissolveopticalcementsthatholdoptics togetherso NEVERsoakobjectives withANy typeof fluid. t8 5.0Troubleshooting standards. in JapanunderlSO9001manufacturing exclusively are manufactured MeiiiTechnoproducts withany Meijiproduct,leellreeto contactus at: it you everhaveanydifficulty However, MEIJITECHNOCO.,LTD. 322-1,Chikumazawa, Miyoshimachi,lruma-gun Saitama354-0043,Japan Phone Fax. E-mail Web: 049-259-0111 049-259-0113 meiji p MeijiTechnoAmerica 3010OlcottStreet SantaClara,CA 95054-3207 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web: 800.832.0060 FAX 408.970.5054 [email protected] issuesyou mayhave. or electrical staffis trainedto assistyouon mechanical Ourtechnical Operationallssues modethatyou are chapterswhichcoincidewiththe observation Pleasereferto the previous"Operations" problemsincludethe improperpositioning of contrastaccessories, using.The mostcommonoperational partsinstalled.lf you are unableto obtainthedesiredimage or the incorrect the improper adiustment pleaserejerto the corresponding chaptersof thismanualunderthe proper lromthe microscope, elc. mode:brightfield, operation ElectricalProblems problems can include: Electrical . The lampon the microscope is notworking. . No voltageis present. causes: Checkthefollowingprobable . Checkthatall powercordsareproperlyconnected to the rightspots. . Makesurepoweris actuallypresentat thewalloutlet. . Checkto seeif thereis a {useblown. 19 the mainsfuseon the microscope 5.1Replacing ficnunon ALWAYSDISCONNECT YOUR EQUIPMENTBEFOREDOINGANY REPAIR. Location of Mains Fuse is locatedon the back panel The mainsfuse of the MT SeriesMicroscopes of the microscopeas shown. Instructionsto replacethe mains fuse: . . . . . Turnthe powerswitchto the off position. Unplugthe microscopefromthe wall outlet. Loosenthe fuse cap from the fuse holder. Removethe blownfuse from the fuse cap. Replacethe fuse with the CORRECTtype and ratingwhichis: Back Panel 30W Halogen Systems MA327 3 Amp, 250V,5 X 20mm o Reinstallthe fuse holderwiththe new fuse in place. [@-!eE-!] NEVERUSE REPLACEMENT FUSESOF A DIFFERENTRATING. 5.2 lncidentLight does not work . . . . Makesureyour mainsoutletindeedhas power. Makesurethe plugfromthe illuminator is firmlypluggedintothe socketon the powersupply. Checkto see if the mainsfuse on the incidentlightpowersupplyhas blown. Checkto see if the lamp has blowninsidethe illuminator. 20 5.3 Replacingthe 6V 30W HalogenLamp - Incidentllluminator (MT7000/MT8000series) ALWAYSDISCONNECT YOUREQUIPMENT BEFOREDOINGANY REPAIR. Do nottouchthe glassenvelopeof the lampduringinstallation. Keepthe protective sleeveor bagof the lampduringinstallation andremoveit rightalterinstallation. 'gt!!oTI LAMP AND LAMP HOUSINGMAY BE HOT TO TOUCH. o Switchoff the microscope. . Disconnect the powercord. o Waituntilthe housingand bulb havecooledsufficiently. o Loosenthe clampscrewand directthe backingplateso it can be removedfromthe housing. o Removethe defectivelamp. o Placea new lampintothe socketwhileavoidingtouchingthe glass.Noticethe bulb is wrappedin plastic.Use the bag to avoid touchingthe glassenvelopeduringinstallation. o Be surethe bulb is pushedin as far as possibletherebyassuring the alignment of the filamentin the illuminator. o Reinstallthe lampcoverdoor. o Reconnectthe powercord and switchon the microscopeto align the filamentand to verifyproperilluminator operation. 21 5.4 Replacingthe 6V 30W HalogenLamp -- Transmitted(MT8000series) L&ou!q!l ALWAYSDISCONNECT YOUREQUIPMENT BEFOREDOINGANY REPAIR. Do nottouchtheglassenvelopeof the lampduringinstallation. Keepthe protective sleeveor bagof the lampduringinstallation and removeit rightafterinstallation. @OEl LAMn ANDLAMeHousrNG MAyBEHorro roucH. o Switchoff the microscope. o Disconnectthe powercord. o wait untilthe housingand bulb havecooledsufficiently. o Removethe illuminator coverscrewsand liftthe coverto remove. o Replacethe defectivelamp. o Placea new lamp intothe socketwhileavoiding touchingthe glass.Noticethe bulb is wrappedin plastic.Use it to avoidtouchingthe glassenvelopeduringinstallation. o Be surethe bulb is pushedin as far as possibletherebyaligning the filamentin the illuminator. o Reinstallthe lampcoverdoor. o Reconnectthe powercord and switchon the microscopeto verifyproperilluminator operation. 6.0Storage ' Proteclyour microscopefromdustafler eachuse by coveringyour instrumentwiththe protective dustcoverthat camewithyour microscope. . Storeyourmicroscope in a cabinetthathasa stabletemperature andlow humidity. ' lf you livein an areathat has highhumidity,considerstoringyour microscopein a sealedcontainer alongwitha desiccant suchas silicagel. ' lt is alsorecommended thattheobiective andeyepieces be storedin a separateairtightcontainer withdesiccanl. 22 7.0Packingand Transport . Whenever the microscope andthe the microscope is goingto be moved,shipor transport in itsoriginalpacking. accessories . lt is advisable information: to keepa copyof all necessary copyoi the originalinvoice,theoperations withthe microscope whenshipping. manual,etc.included 8.0Accessoriesand ReplacementsParts for accessories Partnumbersandproductdescriptions andpartsfor MT SeriesMicroscopes can be found partstor all MeijiTechnoproductsareavailable throughour listedbelow.Accessories andreplacement dealernetwork. Feelfreeto contactus a callso we maydirectyouto theclosestauthorized MeijiTechnoDealerin your gam SpmPST. area. Callus tollfree(800)832-0060MondaythroughFriday Viewing Heads PartNumber Description 30mm LD. eyetubes typebinocularhead,30' inclined, Siedentopf (includedwith MT7000,MT8000) head,30' inclined, typetrinocular 30mm l.D.eyetubes Siedentopf ( i n c l u d ew d i t hM T 7 1 0 0 M . T 8100) MA957 10-50'inclination, type Ergonomic binocularhead,adjustable Siedentopf 30mm l.D.eyetubes(optional) Eyepieces SWH10XSuperWidefieldHighEyepointeyepiece,F.N.22 (standard)(accepts25mm reticle) SWH15X SuperWidefieldHighEyepointeyepiece,F.N.16 (optional)(accepts19mm reticle) SWH2OXSuperWidefieldHighEyepointeyepiece,F.N.12 (o p ti o n a l(a ) c c e p ts1 9 mm reti cl e) SWH1OX-F SuperWidefieldHighEyepointfocusing,F.N.22 (optional)(accepts25mm reticle) 23 - F = P00mm Brighffield/trarkfieldObieetives - PIan:*piscopic BF/trF- Infinity ob,irected MA87O P l a n E p i 5 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 1 0 , W D= 2 0 m m( i n c l u d e d ) MA871 P l a n E p i 1 0 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 2 5 , w D = 7 . 4 l m m ( i n c l u d e d ) M4872 P l a n E p i 2 0 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 4 0 , w D = 5 . 2 m m( i n c l u d e d ) MA874 P l a n E p i 1 0 0 X o b j e c t i v e ,N A : 0 . 9 0 , w D = 0 . 3 7 m m( i n c l u d e d ) lllurninator M4927 VerticalKoehlerllluminator, 6V 30W Halogen(inctuded) MA927/O5 PowerSupplyfor VerticalKoehlerllluminator(inctuded) Filters MA497 M4475t05 Polarizing filter,20mmin-mount(included) Blueclearfilter,LB'|00,20mmin-mount(inctuded) MA476 Greenclearfilter,20mm in-mount(included) M4774 ND50Neutraldensityfilter,20mmin-mount(included) Miscellaneous Parts & Accessories MA941 withdropdown Ceramiccoatedflattop stage191mmx 126mmwith right-handed coaxialcontrols(100mmx 100mmx-y travel)(included) MA958 Photo/Video attachmentfor MA957Ergonomicheadonly MA809/10 Replacement 115VAC Powercordwithplug(USA) MA809/20 Replacement 220VAC Powercord with plug (Eurocord) MA809/30 Replacement 240VAC Powercord with plug (UK) MA523 Reticle.25mmdiameter Cross-Line MA5O6 1Ommdividedinto1OOparts,25mmdiameter MA5O9 5mm dividedinto100 parts,25mmdiameter MA524 1Ommsquaredividedinto400 parts,0.5mmsquare,25mmdiameter MA51O 1Ommsquaredividedinto100 parts,1.Ommsquare,25mmdiameter MA542 Reticlewith0.1mmgraduation, Cross-Line 25mmdiameter M4292 StageMicrometer, 1mm dividedinto100 parts,0.01mm MA9O6 Eyeshield for MA817SWH10XEyepiece(pairincluded) MA326 Replacement Lamp,6V 30W halogen M4327 Replacement Fuse,3A for Halogenmodels MA7O1 DustCoverfor MT8000& MT8100(included) 24 9.0TechnicalDescriptions Specifications PowerSource Bulb 100-230V50/60H2 oMA326Halogenbulb6V 30W (Philipscode:5761),3100'Kat max.intensity BulbLife o 100 hoursaveragefor halogenbulb LightControlMethod Voltagecontrol o Indooruse oAltitudeup to 2,000m oMAINSsupplyvoltagefluctuations up to +10"h of the nominalvoltage rTemperature: +10 to 36"C (50 to 96.8'F) o RelativeHumidity: 0 to 80% up to 30'C (86'F) oTransientovervoltages typicallypresenton the MAINSsupply. Note:The normallevelof transientovervoltages is impulsewithstand (overvoltage) categoryll of IEC 60364-4-443. oApplicableRATEDPOLLUTIONdegree Normal Environmental Conditions Filtersand Applications Filter I Application ND50 | NeutralFilteror ND Filter.Greyfiltersor neutraldensityfiltersare usedto allfrequencies of lightequallyresulting in preservation of color I attenuate temperature. The ND50 filter would indicate a reduction of light transmission I I by 50 percentor a passageof lightof 50 percent. I ClearBlueFilter ClearGreenFilter redwavelengths. Usedto achievedesiredcolor I CtearBlueFilter.Suppresses I balance.Addsalternative contrastto imaoes. II ClearGreenFilter.In thepast,usedfor addingcontrastfor usewithBlack& Whitefilm and stillcan be usedto achievedesiredcolorbalance.Adds alternativecontrastto images.A greenfilterusuallyimprovesresolutionby restricting the wavebandreachingthe objective. Polarizing Filter Filter-Usedin conjunction witha rotatableanalyzer, the polarizing I Polarizing filterchangesthe angleof lightseen in the fieldof view. 25 10.0PhysicalDimensions r rf'-":y, \/ __,:, 263 111 MT7000 111 MT8100 263 Weight & Dimension : Binocularheadtype 424.Smm(D) x 471mm(H) x 212mm(W),8.5k9for MT7000and 9.0k9for MT8000 Trinocularheadtype 424.Smm( D )x 5 2 6 m m( H )x 2 1 2 m m(W),9.2k9for MT7100and 9.7k9for MT8100 26 D< MEUIrEcHNo co.,LTD. MEIJITECHNOCO.,LTD. 322-1,Chikumazawa, Miyoshi-machi, lruma-gun Saitama354-0043 Japan Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web: 049-259-0111 049-259-0113 [email protected] http:/ M E I J IT E C H N OA M E R I C A 3010 OlcottStreet, SantaClara,CA 95054 U.S.A. Tollf ree: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web: (800)832-0060 (408)e70-4799 (408)e70-5054 [email protected] MEIJITECHNOUK, LTD. The Vineyard,Axbridge Somerset,8526 2AN U.K. Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web: 01934 733 655 01934 733 660 [email protected]. uk '08.04. 1,000V1 Printedin Japan