May 1999 - Historical Society of Trappe
May 1999 - Historical Society of Trappe
The Ch ron icle May 1999 �. ..... . ..... .· : . . . . ·. A Publication of The Historical Society of Trappe and the Perkiomen Valley . _..·:.,... ����-:m ,, ;...... ...": Trappe-Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426 Volume XXVIlI, No. 2 ··· · · Flag Day Dinner- The American Revolution in Montgomery County The President' s Message The public is cordially invited to attend the Annual Flag Day Dinner of The Historical Society ofTrappe-Collegeville on June 14th The restoration of the Muhlenberg House is now com plete. The painting and the window and door maintenance at the Dewees Museum is also completed at 7:00pm at Moorehead's Catering Center, The cost of insurance, utilities, and maintenance is on going and we needyour help. The community mailingfor support will be accomplished in May. May I request a generous response as our needs continue. First Avenue, Trappe. The program will feature a slide lecture entitled, "From These Beginnings-The American Revolution in Montgomery County," by Charles Steitz of Harleysville. The Continental Army entered Mont gomery County on September 1 9, 1 777, when the army crossed the Schuylkill River at Parker Ford and camped from Trappe to Evansburg. Following the winter at Valley Forge, when the British abandoned Phila delphia, the army left the area for the city. Mr. Steitz is a native of the Perkiomen Valley and is retired after 3 8 years of teaching at public school and college levels. He has written for various historicaljournals and publications, including the following relating to Montgomery County: • We have in our possession portraits ofJohn Christopher Kunze and his wife Margaretta Henrietta Kunze, daughter and son-in-law ofHenry Melchoir Muhlenberg. These are being offeredfor our consideration. Anyfinancial help in purchasing them would be appreciated In the past several weeks we have taken 4 or 5 groups through the Muhlenberg House and we have 5 or 6 groups scheduled to visit us. It is, indeed, gratifying to have visitors who want to learn and see what we have done. Sincerely, f)Al(M �flj) Ivan W. Hess, MD. President Between Brandywine and Valley Forge. story of the Revolution in Montgomery County for "The Mili tary Collector and Historian." • Military History of Montgomery County. The Second Hundred Years. 1 8 80-1 980, for the County's B icen tennial. • Pennsylvania Country Antiques, by Albert Gamon-did the photography for the book, published by Prentice Hall, NY. • Dr. Ivan Hess, President, will preside at the dinner meeting and will appoint a Nominating Com mittee to report at the Armistice Day Dinner in November. The program will also include a discussion of Mr. 200 YearsTlze Perkiomen Bridge A Community Committee, chaired by Glen Richardson, Sr., of the Perkiomen Bridge Hotel, is planning for the Bicentennial of the Perki omen Bridge on Sunday, September 1 9th. Committee members are from Washington Hood. 500th Graduate of Collegeville, Trappe, Lower Provi dence, Upper Providence, Mont West Point published in the Spring gomery County, and Lower Provi 1 990 issue of "Pennsylvania Folk Life." dence Historical Association. The Revs. Thomas G. Young and Mr. Steitz has also worked for many John C. Shetler represent the Board years as a photo-journalist for Town and of Directors on the Committee. Country newspaper, Pennsburg, now pub lished in Red Hill. Watch the newspapers for further information. Visitors from Pfungstadt to Trappe From The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg 1777 Paid 10s. wages to June 14, Saturday. Maria Busch, who worked at our house for eight days. Item 7s. 6d for a brass cam. Toward evening yesterday, into the night, and again today heavy cannonading was heard from the direction of [New] Brunswic [HD: In Jersey], where the two armies are. June 15, Third Sunday after Trinity. Went to Augustus Church. The Lord God granted On Tuesday, April 27, three Pfungstadt residents visited Trappe, to which two Pfungstadt families, Kressman and Kleppinger, immigrated in the early seventeen hundreds. C. Theodore Kleppinger of Allentown brought Heinrich Kleppinger, daughter Renate, and granddaughter Lea (niece of Renate) to see the Kressman room where the genealogical and German items ofJohn Kressman are on exhibit in the Dewees House. Pfungstadt is in Hesse near Darmstadt in the Rhineland. Theodore Kleppinger presented a copy ofDer Regeboge (The Rainbow) magazine of the Pennsylvania German Society and also the reprint of it, us a very necessary gentle rain, for want of which tells the story of how the Kleppinger connection was made in 1 963 . which the earth has been parched. I preached These booklets will be in the Kressman Collection. [HD: in the morning] on the day's pericope, Luke 15. After the sermon I instructed the tender youth in the catechism; they delighted me with their good will, attentiveness, and simplicity. In the afternoon the English people came, and I preached to them on Community Support Mailing The B oard of Directors has approved a community support mailing to Matthew 5 :3, "Blessed are the poor in residents of the Collegeville-Trappe area to assist the Historical Society in June 1 7, Tuesday. Had a man cut the grass The gifts from the community mailing will help to continue the restoration spirit," etc. and paid him 3s. 9d [HD: The day's wages have already increased to 5s. , exclusive of meals]. Also paid 12s. 6d for meat for the household-three times as dear as a year its ongoing work. ofthe Dewees Tavern building which had been delayed while the restoration of the Muhlenberg House was in progress. The total estimated cost of D ewees work is $ 1 7, 500. Additional items include new storm doors and ago. Item 5s. for a quart of poor brandy painting of two second floor rooms so they can be opened for exhibit. who was driving by and asked him to deliver budget for 1 999 includes utilities (fuel oil, gas, water-sewer, electricity) for which used to cost 9d Gave a note to a man it to my son in Philadelphia. Wrote and read The community gifts will also support the regular upkeep costs. The the two museums at an amount of$6,000. Insurance is $3,600. Postage for between times. [HD: Received news that a The Chronicle and general mailings is $ 1 , 500. Printing for The Chronicle, part of the American army had reached the programs, and general mailings is $2,500. pass at Carrel's Ferry on the Delaware before the British and had occupied it; also that large number of courageous militiamen are moving in Jersey.] Toward evening Mr. David Schafer, Jr., All that the Society does serves to preserve the heritage of our nation, uphold the principles of the founders of our country, and provide teaching tools by way ofartifacts that educate people about the foundations of life we build on today. who was on his way from Philadelphia to his brother-in-law's, Friedrich Miihlenberg, in New Hannover, stopped in. The people who -C have some place to go to in the country are beginning to flee from Philadelphia again • A • L • B � N • D • cA,· • lt because [HD: it is reported that] the British army is marching on Philadelphia [HD: and that part of it is to cross the Delaware River June 6 at Correl's Ferry, some thirty miles from Providence]. Dr. Write t" the Editor at: 300 W. Jrd A vemie Tr"ppe, PA 19-126-2226 June 1 4 Flag Day Dinner September 1 9 Heritage Sunday Moorehead's Both Museums Open ·• (Refreshments) 1 :30 - 4:00pm Both Museums Open Dewees Museum and Muhlenberg House Sundays, June through August ¥yrt! 8- Knaide, Managing Et)Uor Printed bj Pro Copy 1 :3 0 - 4:00pm June 1 3 Joh.n C. Shetler, Editor fJ-K Computing- SerVices Dewees Museum Perkiomen Bridge Exhibit Borough of Trappe Exhibit Craft Exhibits 7:00pm · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · CE R TIFI C A TE O F G I F T F O R THE D E W E E S BUILDING SVeet _Sls in the name of: State/Zip Town _sso Clip and mail to: _s100 _ssoo Historical Society P.O. Box 260708 Tel _s1,ooo of Trappe Collegeville, PA _Other 19426-0708 L-------------------------� Report on Dewees Restoration All the comments indicate that everyone so far likes the new paint color on the Dewees building. - ------- repaired with epoxy, chimney flashing has been tightened, and holes between $ 10.00 = $2.00 = $ 1 5.00 = $100.00 = I I I I I I Address:: ------ Tel No. ------Mail to: Richard Holcombe P.O. Box 260806 Third floor window sills have been replaced or the stone walls and cornices have been closed. New crown molding has -----, WE INVITE YOU TO MEMBERSHIP I I No. Ponom 1 -Regular @ I Student @ Schrack @ Life @ __ To help repair the Dewees Building, Vwe enclose a check made payable t o the IDSTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRAPPE, , Collegeville, PA 1 9426-0806 L-------------� replaced rotted material. Two new storm doors have been installed in rear Tour Groups doorways. New glass is yet to be installed in the reconditioned storm doors in the front doorways. The work was under the charge ofrestoration builder The B oard of Directors has taken action Jon Costanza. to suggest a minimum contribution of The Chairperson of our Property Committee, Lloyd Ziegler, made the $2. 00 per person for tour groups that visit crown molding to match the antique molding on the building and made a either Dewees Museum or Muhlenberg contribution of his time and material. House. This will help to defray the cost Presently, a doorway is being completed between two second floor front rooms, with molding matching the 1 9th century molding already in place. Again, this is being done by Mr. Ziegler. of the ongoing work of the museums and the Society. All tour groups must make reservations well in advance by calling Dr. Hess, President (6 1 0-489-7622), or Dr. Shetler, Three Conservations Completed Mrs. Cynthia Ziegler of the Gallery at Greenwood has recently contributed Curator (6 1 0-4 8 9-2624). There are 10 groups registered for Spring and Summer. the conservation and framing of an 1 845 sampler and a Civil War Illuminated Record of Mr. Poley of Trappe. Mr. Eugene Bechtel ofGreenwood Studio has conserved and reframed the David Ellinger painting "Meadow at Graterford." We are grateful for the We Invite Volunteers generosity of this father and daughter relationship at Greenwood. These The ongoing everyday work of the items can be seen at Open House at the Dewees Museum on Sunday, June Society and the two museums is done by 6th. volunteers. No one gets paid. Every cent contributed goes to the care of the Next Leadership Event property, the artifacts, and the programs. Walter E. Daller, ChiefExecutive Officer ofHarleysville National B ank and All Trust Company, will lead the next Leadership Round Table in the Fall. contributions, and provide supplies out of George Meschter, President ofMeschter Insurance Group of Collegeville, is the new Chairperson of the Leadership Committee and has conducted his first meeting. The former Chair, Lucy Ivins, President of the Perkiomen our volunteers pay dues, give their own pockets. It is an honor and a privilege to pass on the heritage. We invite you to serve on a committee Valley Chamber of Commerce, has resigned to move with her family to the -Property, State of Nevada in June. A breakfast was held to express appreciation to Finance-or to be a Guide. Leadership, Museum, Mrs. Ivins. President, the Curator, or any Officer. Call the NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRAPPE P.O. Box 26708 COLLEGEVILLE, PA 1 9426-0708 U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLLEGEVILLE PA 19426 PERMIT NO. 9 MAY 1 999 NEWSLETTER Annual Flag Day Dinner l\fonday, June 14, 1999 Gifts and Remembrances Prints o(Dewees Tavern, Watercolor by Eugene Bechtel (J'hese are limited edition prints. Only 250 were made. When the supply is exhausted, there will not be another printing.) Signed Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40. 00 Matted Signed Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 Matted Artist 's Proof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65. 00 Framed Signed Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Framed Artist 's Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135.00 Prints ofMuhlenbergHouse. Watercolor by Eugene Bechtel Signed Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Signed Artist 's Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Please, Do Not Delay! � ,,,f. t� ... �- � FLAG DAY DI HHER June 1 4, 1 999 7 : 00 PM Charles Steitz Speaker: "From Tliese Beginnings- Tlze American Revolution in Montgomery County" •!• Moorehead's Catering Clip and mail to: 1 st Avenue, Trappe Richard Holcombe P.O. Box 260806 Trappe, PA Models byMarbie Foster: Augustus Lutheran Church, Dewees Tavern, Muhlenberg House . . . . . . . . . . $50. 00 each 1 9426-0806 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R e s e rv a t i o n F o r m MuhlenbergPlate. by Lester Breininger . . . . . . . . . . $100. 00 Tel: Notecards, by Julie Longacre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 Dewees Tavern, Muhlenberg House Address: ------- Street Sketched Map, 19th CenturyMain Street, Collegeville-Trappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Print: $15.00 Framed: $100.00 These are just afew ofthe items that may be obtained at the Muhlenberg. Visitor 's Center on the last Wednesday ofeach month, 7:00 lo 8:00pm, or during scheduled Sunday Openings. You may also call President Hess at (61 0) 4897622. _ _ _ _ _ _ Post Office Please reserve ____ places at $ 1 6.00 each for a total of $ ---- The cost covers the dinner, decorations, and incidental expenses. B ring a Friend!
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